Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Monday, 2014-07-28

00:00 <TheWatcher> You guys, is Twilight going to grow to be horse size like Cadence

00:00 <Finwe> Cadence isn't that tall.

00:00 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

00:00 <Finwe> Celestia's the giantess.

00:00 <PinkiePartyPie> idk shes already taller then rarity

00:00 <Authoron> Celestia's an alicorn.

00:01 <Authoron> They are bigger in general.

00:01 <TheWatcher> Except one

00:01 <Finwe> But Miamore Cadenza wasn't that tall in S2.

00:01 <PinkiePartyPie> yup

00:01 <Authoron> TheWatcher: Shouldn't you be TheObserver?

00:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> I always imagine a horrible stretching/growing segment if Twilight becomes a larger Alicorn.

00:01 <Finwe> And Twily is rather short still.

00:02 <Authoron> Twilight is younger.

00:02 <Muffin_Spectacles> Oh wait, was that 'I am not that tall' a precursor to S5?

00:02 <PinkiePartyPie> maybe lol

00:02 <TheWatcher> Her rainbow power she should turn into a full sized horse like Celestia

00:02 <Tirek> Nah

00:02 <Muffin_Spectacles> Has anyone doe fanart of the girls trying to get a haircut with their Rainbow Power do's?

00:02 <Desmond> I rather liked the Luna Let It Go song

00:03 <PinkiePartyPie> when i get a coloring book i color them rainbow power!!

00:03 <Finwe> Say, are you guys speculating S5?

00:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: SFM: Walk Backwards / Find a Way SFM Style / The Trixie Fix  [ http://tinyurl.com/qdlqnwt ]

00:03 <PinkiePartyPie> i love coloring...

00:03 <TheWatcher> I am watching the spoilers. But I can't say anything or I will be destroyed

00:03 <Authoron> Bah. I hate coloring.

00:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> I'm wondering if Rainbow Rocks will follow a 'REturn to Harmony' style of plot.

00:04 *** Joins: Luna|Gaming (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-9rc.9hp.153.82.IP)

00:04 <Authoron> I draw in black and white, It looks awesome.

00:04 <PinkiePartyPie> *has party canon* and if you do say anything i blast you

00:04 <TheWatcher> Not the party cannon!!!!

00:04 * Authoron raises a hoof to his chest. "Hail Luna! Whatcha playing?"

00:04 <PinkiePartyPie> i color them with swapped manes or backround ponies color sceme

00:04 <PinkiePartyPie> i colored rainbow dash with a derpy color

00:05 <TheWatcher> How does it look?

00:05 <Muffin_Spectacles> Rainbow Power hair just makes me think of 80's Big Hair. Heck, the one girl in the 'Battle' song in Rainbow Rocks has 80's-style Big Hair.

00:05 <PinkiePartyPie> pretty good though i wish i could cross the eyes

00:05 <Finwe> Heil dir im Siegerkranz, Herscher der Mitternacht, heil Luna dir!

00:05 <TheWatcher> http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140114173744/creepypasta/images/e/ee/Rainbow_dash_licking_screen_by_sportsracer48-d56zhnn.png

00:06 <Desmond> LOL you silly Rainbow

00:06 <LightDash> RD lick my screen

00:07 * Authoron wipes his screen off, then snuggles Dashie.

00:07 <Finwe> *snuggle*

00:07 <Desmond> Id be happy to let her lick my screen...

00:07 *** Quits: Foxie (Books@the_Library) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:07 <Desmond> lo

00:07 <Desmond> lol

00:07 *** Luna|Gaming is now known as Princess-Luna

00:07 <PinkiePartyPie> lalala

00:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

00:07 * Finwe grants LightDash some blingbling: http://image.blingee.com/images19/content/output/000/000/000/7b8/773872870_79733.gif

00:08 * Authoron flops on his favorite princess.

00:08 <FruitNibbler> http://tomdantherock.deviantart.com/art/Fluttershy-Licks-Your-Monitor-349199507

00:08 * Princess-Luna boops Authoron

00:08 <PinkiePartyPie> SPARKLES

00:08 <Desmond> Rainbow Dasg is like so close to Princess Luna on the awesomeness scale, but IMO Luna wins for sheer cuteness :)

00:08 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

00:08 <LightDash> yay filly RD

00:08 <Authoron> SRQ!! Yeah!

00:08 <Princess-QRS> szup

00:08 <Desmond> Derpy typos are annoying :(

00:08 <Authoron> Not much.

00:09 <Authoron> How has your day fared?

00:09 <PinkiePartyPie> http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/015/2/6/mlp_how_to_negotiate_by_loceri-d5rl69a.png

00:09 <Princess-QRS> I slept.

00:09 <Princess-QRS> I am good.

00:09 <PinkiePartyPie> http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/380/379/1f6.jpg

00:09 <Desmond> Blood? GUTS? MY SOUUULL??!!!!

00:10 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: You know Hungarian?

00:10 <Authoron> Congrats.

00:10 <PinkiePartyPie> its a start

00:10 <CleverDerpy> yay, i submitted my app

00:10 <Desmond> XD

00:10 <Princess-QRS> No, what.

00:10 * Authoron rolls around Luna. "What were you playing?"

00:10 <FrankkieNL> congrats CleverDerpy :P

00:10 <Finwe> You said "szup".

00:10 *** Joins: linkboss (linkboss@Pony-kmdr5k.fbx.proxad.net)

00:10 <CleverDerpy> when it goes up, imma aim for EQD and see if they are interested

00:10 <BubbleBerry> www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oday_Fc-Gc muzak

00:10 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (Mibbit@Felonious.Wretch) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

00:11 <PinkiePartyPie> i think ponies in socks are adorable! ^.^

00:11 <CleverDerpy> *muwxak

00:11 * CleverDerpy puts on a pair of yellow socks

00:11 <Desmond> Yep. Socks.

00:11 * Desmond edges away.

00:11 <CleverDerpy> yeah socks!

00:11 <CleverDerpy> yeah socks!

00:11 <PinkiePartyPie> aww you so cute! i bet socks are good for sliding..

00:11 <Desmond> Ok. YEAH SOCKS!

00:12 *** Quits: inDerpxar (inDerpxar@Pony-t4ll83.ece.vt.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:12 <PinkiePartyPie> *puts on socks and glids axross the floor*

00:12 <Desmond> Socks are very good for sliding on polished wood floors :) Odd fun.

00:12 <PinkiePartyPie> weee!!

00:12 * Authoron stuffs a stick of butter into a tube sock. "Stay away from the princess!"

00:12 <TheWatcher> PinkiePartyPie: Ponies in socks http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/345/8/d/twilight_in_christmas_stocking_by_scourge707-d6xl9ym.png

00:12 <PinkiePartyPie> aww! ^3^

00:12 <Authoron> genius.

00:12 <Desmond> Uh whats up with the sides of Twi's face?

00:13 *** Joins: inDerpxar (inDerpxar@Pony-t4ll83.ece.vt.edu)

00:13 <FruitNibbler> https://derpibooru.org/586187

00:13 <CleverDerpy> ponies in stockings: (this one is by me

00:13 <CleverDerpy> http://primalmoron.deviantart.com/art/From-The-Chimney-With-Care-419659893

00:13 <Desmond> S'all furry...

00:13 *** Joins: Foxie (Books@the_Library)

00:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Foxie

00:13 <PinkiePartyPie> yay flutterbat

00:13 *** Quits: PinkiePartyPie (ngcnboiwkyi@Pony-umt.6g2.178.12.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:13 <Desmond> How do you even FIT a pony in a stocking...

00:14 <TheWatcher> Big stocking

00:14 <Finwe> Hello, inDerpxar.

00:14 <Desmond> Oho. Alright. :)

00:14 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (Mibbit@Felonious.Wretch)

00:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h ADragonDreaming

00:14 <CleverDerpy> one time i put dinky in one,

00:14 <Finwe> Mr Dreaming.

00:14 <CleverDerpy> she was little

00:14 * Finwe doffs his hat.


00:15 <Desmond> And why would you put your kid in a stocking?

00:15 <Desmond> It seems odd.

00:15 <CleverDerpy> she was so cute when she popped her head out and said pikaboo~

00:15 <Desmond> But so cute!

00:15 <Desmond> ERMAHGERD!

00:15 <BubbleBerry> www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP6xBFyA_aw

00:16 <BubbleBerry> Are you guys still posting ponies? What is this, a brony chat?

00:16 <Princess-QRS> lol bronies

00:16 <Desmond> LOL

00:16 <FrankkieNL> bronies?

00:16 <Desmond> Uh. What are they?

00:16 <FrankkieNL> is this not the AJ fanclub chat?

00:16 *** FruitNibbler is now known as FruitNi47

00:16 <BubbleBerry> post more AJ

00:16 <FrankkieNL> yes

00:16 * Desmond grins shiftily, eyes darting, as he kicks his pony collection under a bed.

00:16 <TheWatcher> I want alicorn AJ

00:16 * FrankkieNL needs more AJ

00:17 <FrankkieNL> !link https://derpibooru.org/538920?scope=scpe49ca87842aef01ab11d4ff4273d660cc5685ef20

00:17 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about solo safe alicorn applejack artist:bapity88 (and 2 more)

00:17 <FruitNi47> ages since I played Hitman

00:17 <BubbleBerry> appul princess

00:17 <TheWatcher> ^ She will get apples so much better now!

00:17 <FrankkieNL> on Princess-day she gives everypony a free cider

00:18 <FruitNi47> Can't forse to ignore the horrible, disgusting... uncooth even installment of Hitman

00:18 <FruitNi47> force*

00:18 <TheWatcher> Her job is to spread apples all over Equestria

00:18 <BubbleBerry> Uncooth?

00:18 <Desmond> Yep.

00:18 <Desmond> Apples.

00:18 <BubbleBerry> You mean unCOUTH? o3o

00:18 <BubbleBerry> https://derpibooru.org/681628?scope=scpe796f9b8ab54368aad40685397677307a31b61a55

00:19 <FruitNi47> Oh, pardon my hoofs typing angrly, WILL YOU!

00:19 <Authoron> mmmm. Cider

00:19 <Desmond> Rarity: "It's un-co-hooth, darlings!"

00:19 <Finwe> Appurujakku?

00:19 <Desmond> YEEESH

00:19 <FrankkieNL> YERSCH

00:20 <Desmond> YYYYeeeeeeeesh


00:20 <Princess-QRS> Hey cool I found all my 2013/2014 school files.

00:20 <Princess-QRS> Anybody wanna read a paper on the NKVD?

00:20 <Desmond> Oh cool!

00:20 <Authoron> ahmergerd, derlaks

00:20 <TheWatcher> Greatest thing I've ever seen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=003WdaUtdBM

00:21 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: Народный комиссариат внутренних дел?

00:21 <BubbleBerry> https://derpibooru.org/665739?scope=scpe796f9b8ab54368aad40685397677307a31b61a55

00:21 <Princess-QRS> ....yes?

00:21 <BubbleBerry> Sugoi

00:21 <BubbleBerry> Desu. kawaii. moe. Desu

00:21 <Desmond> I love the hat Pinkie is wearing when she raps. I WANT IT!

00:21 <BubbleBerry> uwaa. ugu. desu.

00:21 <TheWatcher> Pinkie has the most swag

00:22 <Desmond> I know!

00:22 <BubbleBerry> Ew, "swag"

00:22 <BubbleBerry> https://derpibooru.org/662549?scope=scpe796f9b8ab54368aad40685397677307a31b61a55

00:22 <Authoron> Pinkie is a decent rapper.

00:22 * Finwe noms on Princess-QRS's paper.

00:22 <Desmond> We should make a poll asking which of the Mane Six has the most swag

00:22 <BubbleBerry> No

00:22 <FrankkieNL> nope

00:22 <Princess-QRS> Good thing I already handed these in.

00:22 <Finwe> Mmm...

00:22 <Authoron> N. O.

00:22 <Finwe> Tastes like a B+.

00:22 <BubbleBerry> I don't want to feel suicidal every time I visit Equestria Daily

00:22 <FruitNi47> This is indeed what Rarity would drive

00:22 <FruitNi47> http://rdbrony16.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-s-SLS-AMG-308813452

00:22 <Desmond> Okay...

00:23 <TheWatcher> Fluttershy has tons of swag

00:23 <BubbleBerry> oooh~! What kind of car is that~?

00:23 <Authoron> seems legit

00:23 <Finwe> A passenger car.

00:23 <FrankkieNL> Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Roadster


00:23 <FrankkieNL> it says so on the site.

00:23 <BubbleBerry> I want it

00:23 <Desmond> RD would drive a muscle car

00:23 <TheWatcher> http://rdbrony16.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-Wallpaper-292712433

00:24 <Authoron> RD would drive a GT

00:24 <Princess-QRS> RD would drive a helicopter

00:24 <Desmond> Or shed be an F1 racer

00:24 <Authoron> that works too, TheWatcher.

00:24 <LightDash> yay RD :3

00:24 <CleverDerpy> RD would drive anything!

00:24 <FruitNi47> Although this car is a bit useless for anything else than driving on Autobahn

00:24 <BubbleBerry> Mercedes-Benz > GT

00:24 <Authoron> She might borrow the Purrari.

00:24 *** Princess-Phantasma|Bath is now known as Princess-Phantasma

00:25 <Authoron> No one knows what that is..l.

00:25 <Finwe> How about a Ford Mustang?

00:25 <Finwe> o3o?

00:25 * Princess-Phantasma glomps Princess-QRS

00:25 <FruitNi47> I think AJ would totally drive a vintage Muscle Car (like 1970 Dodge Charger R/T)

00:25 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

00:25 <Authoron> Finwe, that works too/

00:25 <Finwe> Aston Martin is the best automobile, of course, but still.

00:26 <Desmond> Hmmm

00:26 <TheWatcher> Fluttershy drives a Prius

00:26 <Princess-Phantasma> nah QRS RD would fly a supersonic het

00:26 <Authoron> a concord.

00:26 <Princess-Phantasma> *jet

00:26 <Desmond> Ha supersonic het

00:26 <Finwe> http://www.classicdriver.com/sites/default/files/styles/full_width_slider/public/import/articlesv2/images/_uk/16361/Aston_Martin_DBS_James_Bond_02pop.jpg

00:26 <Princess-Luna> Rarity wouldn't drive anything - Spike would do it for her.

00:26 <Princess-Phantasma> because a het is a thing now

00:26 <TheWatcher> Granny Smith drives an Oldsmobile

00:26 <Authoron> Model T

00:26 <TheWatcher> Rarity: Limo

00:27 <FruitNi47> Like this

00:27 <Princess-Phantasma> rarity would be taxid around in a limo with spike as the choufer

00:27 <FruitNi47> http://alerkina2.deviantart.com/art/Applejack-and-her-Oldsmobile-Cutlass-442-368050991

00:27 <Finwe> TheWatcher: I'd say a similar car to the one that Grandma Duck has.

00:27 <BubbleBerry> I thought the princesses would have cars like a limo or a popemobile or something

00:27 <TheWatcher> AppleJack: Giant truck

00:27 <Desmond> Twilight Sparkle drives the bookmobile van

00:27 <TheWatcher> Pinkie Pie drives an ice cream truck

00:28 <BubbleBerry> They'd probably be chauffered by guards

00:28 <Princess-QRS> time to start working on my Proserv certification

00:28 <Finwe> TheWatcher: http://www.cbarks.dk/Digital/carsh06b.jpg

00:28 <FruitNi47> RD car http://applplyr6.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-MK2-Pagani-Huayra-2012-305833297

00:28 <Princess-Phantasma> hi waifuling

00:28 <Desmond> Flutershy drives an RSPCA vehicle?

00:28 <Princess-QRS> apparently to sell booze you need government cerification, which is funny because I've been doing it for 3 days.

00:28 <Finwe> One could certainly imagine Granny Smith in one of those.

00:28 * Princess-QRS glomples Princess-Phantasma

00:28 <BubbleBerry> ...I forgot, can you chauffer people in a a popemobile...?

00:29 <LightDash> awesome RD car

00:29 <Princess-Phantasma> glomples?

00:29 <TheWatcher> Be careful on the freeway in that car, or else you could have a Rainbow Crash

00:29 <Princess-Phantasma> what you mean

00:29 * Authoron noms his caramels and rolls his eyes at the pun.

00:29 <Princess-Phantasma> dammit poison joke

00:29 <Desmond> Dat is a beatiful car

00:29 <Princess-QRS> i dunno

00:30 <Desmond> i like cars!

00:30 <Desmond> Vroom vroom!

00:30 <Desmond> LOL :p

00:30 <Authoron> Cars are good. Very, Very helpful.

00:30 <Desmond> Top Gear.

00:30 <BubbleBerry> I like expensive sports cars.

00:31 <Desmond> Yeah!

00:31 <TheWatcher> What car would Derpy drive?

00:31 <BubbleBerry> A bike

00:31 <Authoron> one with the motor in the back.

00:31 <BubbleBerry> or some kinda mail trucj

00:31 <Authoron> or a mail truck.

00:31 <Finwe> There's a Fluttershymobile to you: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/204/6/1/fluttershy__s_beetle_by_brony_marigold-d41dez9.jpg

00:32 <TheWatcher> ^ yes!

00:32 <Finwe> ~yay~

00:32 <Authoron> o3o

00:32 <Finwe> Volkswagen Beetle.

00:32 <FruitNi47> Unrelated pic, just well made

00:32 <FruitNi47> http://ojhat.deviantart.com/art/Warning-Trollestia-in-the-Elevator-336772014

00:32 <Princess-QRS> oh man guys

00:32 <Princess-QRS> today is my 1 year-since-pony day

00:32 <Princess-QRS> A year ago today I first watched poni on netflix

00:32 <Finwe> o3o

00:32 <BubbleBerry> What do ye want, a medal?

00:32 <Finwe> Everypony boop Princess-QRS!

00:32 <Princess-QRS> yes

00:32 <Princess-QRS> yes i do

00:32 * Finwe boops Princess-QRS.

00:32 * Authoron slams a cake into SRQ's face. "Only one year?!? Bah!"

00:33 * BubbleBerry smacks a medal on Princess-QRS' face

00:33 * Authoron shrugs. "Bah. Whatever. Congrats."

00:33 <Desmond> Happy poniversary!

00:33 <Muffin_Spectacles> For some reason, I can imagine Derpy talking to Cliff Claven, since he's a postal carrier. One has to wonder what useles knowledge Cliffie could tell her.

00:33 * Princess-QRS noms on the medal

00:33 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr|iPhone (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-l86.jgi.60.37.IP)

00:33 <Authoron> Hallo, Cloud.

00:33 *** Joins: F4celess (Frozen@Pony-n7s.9n2.147.82.IP)

00:34 <Authoron> Hallo...

00:34 <FrankkieNL> hallo daar

00:34 * Princess-Phantasma covers Princess-QRS in quick setting chocolate, and builds a party for her waifu

00:34 *** Quits: Melody (dleartecixr@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:34 <Desmond> Derpy reflection in that elevator pic

00:34 * Princess-QRS is now a chocolate statue

00:35 <Desmond> NOM CHOCOLATE

00:35 <FruitNi47> For me it would be since the start of first MLP season (or rather as soon as it reached Europe)

00:35 * Authoron noms the SRQ chocolate statue.


00:35 <FruitNi47> But I discovered this chat later

00:35 *** Quits: Princess-Phantasma (Phantasma_E@Pony-8aq.obr.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

00:35 * Desmond bites the chocolate statue.

00:35 <Desmond> Oww. Its not real chocolate.

00:36 <TheWatcher> It's wax that looks like chocolate

00:36 * Desmond yells off to a horde of chocaholics "Sorry guys, it ain't real!" The mob visibly droops and trudges away.

00:36 <Authoron> that would suck.

00:36 <BubbleBerry> https://derpibooru.org/655829?scope=scpe796f9b8ab54368aad40685397677307a31b61a55

00:36 <Finwe> FrankkieNL: Hoe kom ik aan meer klanten?

00:37 *** Joins: QPOMDPony (pbsxifmjhml@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

00:37 <FrankkieNL> Finwe: maak reclame en verkoop dingen die de klanten willen hebben.

00:37 <Finwe> Oké.

00:37 <Desmond> Uh. What language are they speaking? I cant tell...

00:37 <QPOMDPony> Ponish, I think

00:37 <Authoron> german?

00:37 <Finwe> Nederlands?

00:37 <Authoron> European?

00:37 <TheWatcher> Ponish is a bunch of Neighs

00:38 <BubbleBerry> http://edmcguinness.deviantart.com/art/Deadpool-Ultron-variant-cover-391830460

00:38 <Finwe> It's a European language.

00:38 <Desmond> Um. I'm rather clueless in the area of linguistics

00:38 <Finwe> It's very closely related to English.

00:38 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: She's just a DJ Unicorn, but she'll kick your flank!)

00:38 <Finwe> Or Saxon, as it might also be called.

00:39 <FruitNi47> Might havebeen chickeneese

00:39 <Desmond> Ah.

00:39 <Desmond> Okay,

00:39 <FruitNi47> Fluttershy speaks it

00:39 <Authoron> chickeneese has a rapidly changing vowel system.

00:39 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-8aq.obr.255.85.IP)

00:39 <Finwe> I believe the Angles were a minority, but they somehow got the language named after them.

00:39 <Authoron> It is very hard to learn.

00:40 *** Phantasma_Eeria is now known as Princess-Phantasma

00:40 <FruitNi47> Fluttershy also speaks squirrel

00:40 * Authoron salutes to Phantasma.

00:40 * Princess-Phantasma boops Princess-QRS "lol client crashed"

00:40 * QPOMDPony salutes Authoron

00:40 <Finwe> Authoron: It's really simple, actually: maak = make

00:41 <TheWatcher> Fluttershy never speaks squirrel, she understands it though. All the animals on the show understand English

00:41 <LightDash> happy poniversary Princess-QRS

00:41 * Princess-Phantasma banishes Authoron to the shadow realm from whence Princess-Phantasma came "lets see how long YOU survive"

00:41 <Finwe> klanten = clients

00:41 <Authoron> !moon.

00:41 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Authoron!

00:41 <Finwe> willen = will

00:41 *** Authoron was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

00:41 <Finwe> and hebben = have

00:42 *** Quits: TheWatcher (ucowbnsjzga@Pony-4rt6d7.dsl-w.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:42 <Finwe> It all makes sense, see?

00:42 * Princess-Phantasma has had her muffins eaten by DerpyBot

00:42 <Finwe> He rather left than saw the logics in it. :0

00:42 <Princess-QRS> thanke LightDash, you're a great pony.

00:42 <Finwe> Princess-Phantasma: Wait. Is DerpyBot in your pants, eating your muffins?

00:42 <LightDash> you too

00:43 <Princess-Phantasma> yes

00:43 * LightDash kiss Princess-QRS

00:44 * Princess-Phantasma snuggles Princess-QRS "HAPPY PONIVERSARRY WAIFU", *refrains from attacking LightDash…for now

00:44 <Princess-QRS> o3o

00:44 * Princess-QRS kisses LightDash /and/ Princess-Phantasma

00:44 <Princess-Phantasma> °ε°

00:44 <LightDash> dont even think phantasma

00:44 <LightDash> =3=

00:44 <LightDash> :3

00:44 <Desmond> Hm. This Saxonese. Could it be considered a dead language?

00:44 <BubbleBerry> What the hell is going on?

00:45 <Desmond> I dont know! ISnt it great?

00:45 <Princess-Phantasma> what im i supposed to do other than think LightDash, be brain-dead?

00:45 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Connection closed)

00:45 <BubbleBerry> Yes

00:46 <Desmond> Yay! Likeminded people!

00:46 <LightDash> just dont do it because i am a pony who like fighting and i dont want to beat you up Phantasma

00:47 <Finwe> Desmond: Kind of. Like Latin become Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, Saxon became Middle English and finally Modern English.

00:47 <Desmond> Oohhhh! Interesting!

00:47 *** Joins: Luna|Gaming (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-p1flqv.cable.virginm.net)

00:47 <Princess-Phantasma> …actually you are LIGHTDash so that would just burn me to cinders

00:48 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

00:48 <Princess-Phantasma> hi Luna|Gaming

00:48 <Desmond> Mi waifu!

00:48 <Desmond> LOOONAAAAA

00:48 <Desmond> lol

00:48 <Finwe> A speaker of Modern English hardly understands Old English, or Saxon.

00:48 <Tirek> Nerd

00:48 *** Luna|Gaming is now known as Princess-Luna

00:48 <Desmond> Who da nerd?

00:48 <Tirek> You

00:48 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Ex-Chat)

00:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

00:48 <BubbleBerry> Hey, Princess-Luna

00:48 <Desmond> Right Finwe.

00:48 <Princess-Phantasma> Ye Olde Goone Squad went to Ye Olde Shoppe

00:49 <Desmond> Oh! Princess! Hi!

00:49 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)

00:49 <Tirek> So, apparently all 8 of my hammond organ fonts are crap

00:49 <LightDash> i can do it if you want Phantasma

00:49 * Finwe boops Desmond with http://skyknowledge.com/eng-eg1.gif

00:49 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

00:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

00:49 <Tirek> I'm disappointed.

00:49 <Desmond> Is there a way to learn this Saxonese?

00:49 * Princess-QRS falls unto Fall

00:49 <Tirek> Depends, are you an Alto, Tenor, or Bass?

00:49 * Princess-Phantasma sits on Princess-QRS's horn

00:50 <Princess-QRS> that...must hurt

00:50 <LightDash> yup

00:50 <Desmond> Um. The language.

00:50 <Princess-Phantasma> nope, shadow remember

00:50 <LightDash> ...

00:50 <Desmond> Ok. Sit on a horn...

00:50 <Finwe> Desmond: I think it's taught at many universities around the world.

00:50 <Tirek> thatsthejoke.bmp

00:51 <Desmond> That is NORMAL! Deffos!

00:51 <Desmond> Finwe: Oh, great!

00:51 <Princess-Phantasma> Desmond, you dirty minded pone

00:51 <Desmond> Finwe: I would be interested in learning it.

00:51 <Finwe> Desmond: Professor Tolkien was very skilled in OE, for example.

00:52 <Desmond> I know, Phanty.

00:52 <Desmond> Finwe: OE?

00:52 <Finwe> Old English. It's another name for Insular Saxon.

00:52 <Desmond> Oh! Ok.

00:53 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (montezuma@Pony-q5qfae.superkabel.de) (Quit: Tumblr PROTIP: change _500 into _1280 for better quality.)

00:53 <Finwe> If you've read the Lord of the Rings, you might have noticed that he used OE to translate the language of the Rohirrim.

00:53 <Princess-Phantasma> (/ upside down hoofbump anypony?

00:53 <Desmond> Didn't Tolkien invent a language?

00:53 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

00:53 <Finwe> Quenya, yes.

00:53 <Finwe> And sindarin.

00:53 <QPOMDPony> \)

00:54 <Desmond> \)

00:54 * Authoron shrugs. "Its boring up there. Why did you banish me?"


00:54 <Desmond> yeahh

00:54 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:54 <Desmond> Two languages? Darn.

00:54 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

00:55 <Finwe> Those of the high and grey elves.

00:55 <Desmond> k.

00:55 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (moxtyaabpme@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:55 <Desmond> LOL Im interested in many random things. Like rocket science. Literally. I want to build a spacerocket.

00:56 <Princess-Phantasma> i banished you to the shadow realm…not the moon, im not Celestia

00:56 <Authoron> buy a kit.

00:56 <Desmond> Tyrantlestia is eviiilll

00:56 <Authoron> There is no shadow realm!!!

00:57 <Tirek> Its called the Realm of Darkness.

00:57 <Tirek> Say hi to Grogar for me.

00:57 <Desmond> Has it occurred to people that that episode with Poison JOke and Zecora might have been.. I shudder to say this... a bit racist towards zebras?

00:57 *** Quits: Princess-Phantasma (Phantasma_E@Pony-8aq.obr.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

00:57 <Authoron> #LandO'Darkness?

00:57 <Tirek> Realm

00:57 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-8aq.obr.255.85.IP)

00:57 <Tirek> Realm of Darkness.

00:57 <Desmond> Maybe its just me and my crazy mind but...

00:57 <Authoron> #ShadowRealm

00:58 <Desmond> yknow. my opinion and all that jazz

00:58 *** Quits: Cloud_Zephyr|iPhone (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-l86.jgi.60.37.IP) (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi)

00:58 *** Phantasma_Eeria is now known as Princess-Phantasma

00:58 <Princess-Phantasma> you can come back now Authoron

00:59 <QPOMDPony> I once played 7 awesome songs and got into that realm by mistake. not fun

00:59 <Desmond> Im reading The Celestia Code :D

00:59 <Authoron> I never left...

00:59 *** Joins: Prince_Pi (Pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP)

01:00 * Princess-Phantasma explodes, theniterally pulls herself together "that was fun"

01:00 * Authoron explodes

01:00 *** Quits: Wicked_Wings (chatzilla@Pony-1djtjk.sub-75-246-168.myvzw.com) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 30.0/20140605174243])

01:00 *** Joins: User_554825 (uevfktnhggu@Pony-tt0p08.dyn.grandenetworks.net)

01:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Game: Alicorn Princess Blast [ http://tinyurl.com/o23yebj ]

01:01 *** Quits: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade) (Connection closed)

01:02 * Princess-Phantasma pushes LightDash down the up escalator

01:02 <User_554825> hi

01:03 * LightDash fly up

01:03 <Princess-Phantasma> that looks like fun *rolls down the up escalator

01:03 * LightDash pushes Phantasma down the up escalator

01:03 <Princess-Phantasma> YAY

01:04 <Finwe> Yay?

01:04 <Princess-Phantasma> this is fun

01:04 *** Quits: Prince_Pi (Pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:04 <LightDash> me not its hurt

01:04 <Princess-Phantasma> nope is fun

01:04 <QPOMDPony> If everyone could stop being irresponsibly violent, that would be great

01:05 * Princess-QRS rolls around QPOMDPony

01:05 <QPOMDPony> sometimes I think this chatroom would burn itself if I wasn't around

01:05 <Princess-QRS> Who are you.

01:05 <QPOMDPony> bahhh

01:05 * Authoron lights the Chat room, and QPOMD, on fire

01:05 * QPOMDPony puts Princess-QRS in time out corner, where she belongs

01:05 <LightDash> no its hurt to fall in escalator

01:05 <Authoron> I light things on fire, say Hallo, and Bah.

01:05 <Princess-Phantasma> QPOMDPony, we were fine, only i caught fire

01:06 * Princess-Phantasma sits on Princess-QRS/head

01:06 * QPOMDPony is dead

01:06 <Princess-QRS> o3o

01:06 <LightDash> o3o

01:07 * Authoron radios in to headquarters. "Mission Accomplished."

01:07 <Princess-Phantasma> i eat pones

01:07 <hawthornbunny> Is anyone feeling too happy right now? Here's a comic. http://winter-blizz.deviantart.com/art/The-Painful-Inability-to-Can-470816895

01:08 <QPOMDPony> ;_;

01:08 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr|iPhone (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-n8s.1pl.255.85.IP)

01:10 *** Quits: User_554825 (uevfktnhggu@Pony-tt0p08.dyn.grandenetworks.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:12 * Princess-Phantasma drops a piano on Finwe

01:13 <LightDash> :[

01:13 * QPOMDPony jumps to protect Finew, and sacrafices himself heroically

01:13 * Finwe squashes Princess-Phantasma under a 16-ton weight.

01:13 <Authoron> QPOMD, I killed you already.

01:13 <QPOMDPony> please...delete my browser history

01:13 <QPOMDPony> oh. Right.

01:14 <Authoron> ...

01:14 <Tirek> Nerds.

01:14 * Princess-Phantasma crawls out from under the weight comically flat

01:14 * QPOMDPony is still dead

01:14 <Princess-Phantasma> Tirek, stahp

01:15 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Pony-l1p347.charlton.irccloud.com)

01:15 * Authoron revives QPOMDPony. "There. Now you can go kill yourself."

01:15 <Tirek> Search your feelings

01:15 <Tirek> You know it to be true.

01:15 <Princess-Phantasma> i know im a nerd…

01:16 <LightDash> lol

01:16 <QPOMDPony> Wait, Authoron, I don't even get a medal?

01:16 * Finwe snuggles QPOMDPony.

01:16 <Finwe> Hello, PearlyWhites!

01:16 * Authoron shoves a medal into QPOMD's mouth, then casually tosses him in the lake

01:16 <Finwe> _o/

01:16 <QPOMDPony> eep\

01:17 * QPOMDPony is happy with his new snuggle

01:17 * Finwe sucks Princess-Phantasma into a vacuum cleaner and pours her into a dustbin with rest of the dust.

01:18 * Princess-Phantasma crawls out and reforms herseld

01:18 * Authoron bites the Dust.

01:18 <Princess-Phantasma> *herself

01:18 <Authoron> someone else bite it.

01:18 <Authoron> Finwe, do it.

01:19 * QPOMDPony licks the Dust cautiously

01:19 <Finwe> It doesn't look especially delicious.

01:19 <Finwe> o3o

01:19 <QPOMDPony> bleac. nope.

01:19 * Finwe noms on the dust nevertheless.

01:19 <Authoron> Another one bites the dust....

01:19 * PearlyWhites points at Princess-Phantasma *Nerd? Hey guys! Let's make fun of this one for being different! Because that certainly is going to make us feel better about our miserable lives*

01:19 <Princess-QRS> ahahah these training videos

01:20 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Quit: )

01:20 <Princess-QRS> so this minor is clearly drunk

01:20 * Princess-Phantasma runs off crying

01:20 <Princess-QRS> the security /walks him to his car/

01:20 <Princess-QRS> surprise, dead.

01:20 *** Quits: Cloud_Zephyr|iPhone (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-n8s.1pl.255.85.IP) (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi)

01:20 * Authoron comforts the crying princess.

01:21 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: Don't sell to a drunken customer.

01:21 <Princess-QRS> duh

01:21 <Princess-QRS> Especially don't /allow them to drive/

01:21 <Desmond> Dust ye say..

01:21 <Princess-QRS> Like holey moley.

01:21 <Desmond> Is that Dust dust, or dust.

01:21 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: I think driving is between them and the police.

01:22 <Princess-QRS> no

01:22 <Princess-QRS> You have a responsibility to make sure they don't, as the person selling the booze.

01:22 <Finwe> The Canadian law...

01:22 <Desmond> Cos Dust is better than regular dust.

01:22 <LightDash> ...

01:22 <Princess-QRS> If they somehow bullrush you and do it anyway, call the cops.

01:22 <Princess-QRS> I only sell retail booze though, so not a real problem.

01:23 <Finwe> In Finland, you are not allowed to give keys to your car to a drunken person, but if a drunken person decides to drive his own car it's between him and the police.

01:23 * Princess-Phantasma feels Authoron's hoof pass through her multiple times

01:23 <Finwe> But you can notify the police about the incident.

01:24 * Authoron pat pats the princess. "Shhh. Its okay."

01:24 <Desmond> Oh.

01:24 <Desmond> Hm.

01:24 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: Don't sell to minors.

01:24 <Desmond> Graah.

01:25 <Princess-QRS> also duh

01:25 <Princess-QRS> I

01:25 <QPOMDPony> yeah Princess-QRS, don' t do that

01:25 <Princess-QRS> I'm bad at the over/under 25 line Alberta has on ID checks though. Literally everyone I ID'd was 30ish.

01:25 <Desmond> Whats the haps anywayz?

01:25 <Finwe> Don't sell on credit.

01:25 <Finwe> At least in Finland. I'm not sure about Canada.

01:25 *** Quits: Desmond (qgnyjpixkft@Pony-oh4ef0.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:26 <PearlyWhites> Finwe, you mean between him and the nearest vehicle or tree in the road

01:26 <Finwe> o3o

01:26 * Finwe brushies PearlyWhites with some Colgate.

01:26 <Princess-QRS> Don't sell on credit in general for anything.

01:27 *** Joins: Komnenos (jk@Pony-i0m8bf.openskytelcom.net)

01:27 <Finwe> Except that credit cards can be accepted.

01:27 <Princess-QRS> ye ye

01:27 <RabbitRed> anyone got an artist they recommend for commish?

01:27 *** Quits: Komnenos (jk@Pony-i0m8bf.openskytelcom.net) (Quit: leaving)

01:28 * LightDash fly around

01:28 * Princess-QRS jumps up, and boops LightDash's belly

01:28 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

01:28 <LightDash> X3

01:28 <Finwe> Lt ThatAnonPony.

01:28 <Finwe> _o7

01:28 * ThatAnonPony wave.

01:29 <QPOMDPony> Everything is better now, that ThatAnonPony has quit.

01:29 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: And if you serve, don't serve more than 4cl spirits or one litre of beer or wine at a time.

01:29 <Finwe> per customer

01:29 <Princess-QRS> I just sell the shiz

01:29 <QPOMDPony> A few hours ago, when ThatAnonPony was here, it was so awkward

01:30 <Authoron> why....

01:30 <PearlyWhites> QPOMDPony, you are a silly horse, Taps is rad

01:30 * Finwe noms on Princess-QRS's merchandise.

01:30 <Princess-QRS> o3o

01:30 <Princess-QRS> I need to see some ID, Finwe

01:30 * Finwe shows Princess-QRS his passport.

01:30 <QPOMDPony> Nah I really love everypony in this channel :)

01:30 <Princess-QRS> good enough

01:30 *** Joins: Desmond (qgnyjpixkft@Pony-oh4ef0.range86-142.btcentralplus.com)

01:31 <QPOMDPony> I was trying to get his attention, and it didn't work as well as planned :P

01:31 * Finwe sits on ThatAnonPony.

01:31 * Authoron (fake) kicks Desmond !to the Moon

01:31 <Authoron> Eh? Eh? Amirite?

01:31 * QPOMDPony is being sat(sitted?) upon

01:31 <Authoron> sat.

01:32 <QPOMDPony> English is language hard

01:32 <Authoron> Desmond, you are a bear, right?

01:32 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

01:32 <LightDash> for me english is easy

01:33 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: Here, you're not allowed to sell beer or cider except between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

01:33 <Princess-QRS> It's 8AM to 2AM here.

01:33 <Finwe> And there's only one company that is allowed to sell other kinds of alcoholic beverages.

01:33 <Princess-QRS> (Class D License) 8AM to 2AM with an hour for consumption for class A/B License.

01:33 <Finwe> 100% owned by the state.

01:33 <QPOMDPony> Well, I'm patiently waiting the day where the need for second languages will become obselete

01:33 <Princess-QRS> I'm learnin'

01:34 <Finwe> And they have to close at 8 p.m. latest.

01:34 <Princess-QRS> Oh neat, the law actually does stipulate that a minor can drink at home if offered by a parent/guardian.

01:34 <Finwe> 6 p.m. on Saturdays.

01:35 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: Not here.

01:35 <Princess-QRS> owned

01:35 <Princess-QRS> owned by legislation in the household

01:35 <hawthornbunny> You can also drink underage if you're a vampire drinking the blood of an intoxicated person.

01:35 <Finwe> Possesion of alcoholic beverages is prohibited for anyone under 18 years of age.

01:36 <Princess-QRS> Even at home, that's funny.

01:36 <QPOMDPony> can you get drunk by eating too many liquor filled bon bons?


01:36 <Princess-QRS> Well, yeah probably.

01:36 <Authoron> or nomming on BerryPunch too many times?

01:36 <Princess-QRS> definitely

01:36 <Finwe> QPOMDPony: I think so.

01:36 <hawthornbunny> Liquor-filled Bon Bon: the only time she finds Lyra's antics funny

01:37 <Finwe> Authoron: BerryPunch[EoH] is sipped, not nommed on.

01:37 <Finwe> You must be confusing him with BubbleBerry.

01:37 <Finwe> o3o

01:37 <Authoron> Dont question my Logic.

01:37 * Princess-Phantasma downs all Princess-QRS's booze

01:37 <Finwe> But I already did.

01:38 <Princess-QRS> "Under no circumstances can you sell illegal liquor to customers. "

01:38 <Princess-QRS> lol thanks for that

01:38 * Princess-Phantasma noms the empty kegs

01:39 <Princess-QRS> "Legally, you cannot break the law"

01:39 * Authoron presses a rag against Finwe's nose. "Does this smell like chloroform to you?"

01:39 <PearlyWhites> Princess-QRS, so you have illegal liquor but you can't sell it?

01:39 <Princess-QRS> I refuse to answer that question.

01:40 <QPOMDPony> I feel like helping Authoron out and checking the smell

01:41 <QPOMDPony> but in case it is, and that he is actually a bad kind of pony, then no one will be left to save Finwe

01:41 * Authoron presses the rag to QPOMD's nose. "Well, does it?"

01:42 * Finwe sniffs.

01:42 <QPOMDPony> noooo

01:42 <Finwe> No, definitely not chloroform.

01:43 * Princess-Phantasma noms the rag and loses consciousness "tastes like it"

01:44 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)

01:44 * Authoron presses it to his own nose, and breathes in deeply. "Actually, it smells...."

01:44 * QPOMDPony pokes Princess-Phantasma

01:44 * Authoron passes out.

01:44 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: Don't sell spirits with alcohol content in excess of 80% by volume.

01:44 <Princess-QRS> Those exist!?!?

01:44 <Princess-QRS> The most I've seen is 47

01:44 <QPOMDPony> this reminds me - did anyone had the chance to actually poke a dead jellyfish? :P It's incredibly satisfying

01:44 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: Rectified ethanol has 96% ABV.

01:45 <Princess-QRS> lol

01:45 <Princess-QRS> gimmie a 351ml of that

01:45 <Princess-QRS> "The Death Can"

01:45 *** Joins: Cherry (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP)

01:45 <Authoron> Hallo, Cherry.

01:45 <Cherry> Hallo Authoron :)

01:45 * QPOMDPony glomps Cherry

01:46 * Cherry squeeks and flails

01:46 <Princess-Phantasma> methylated spirits is pretty much pure alchohol

01:46 * Authoron slaps QPOMD." Why are you glomping her? She did nothing to deserve that!"

01:46 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: Lo and behold! The classical Polish Spirytys Rektyfikowany: http://cdn.beerstore.com.au/sites/beerstore.com.au/files/imagecache/product_full/prod-img/polish-pure-spirit-rectified-spirit-95-1299753868.jpg

01:47 *** Joins: PurplePegasus (hxzjknkznpe@Pony-u8blor.as13285.net)

01:47 <Finwe> Mr PurplePegasus.

01:47 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Connection closed)

01:47 * Finwe doffs his hat.

01:47 <Authoron> Hallo.

01:48 <PurplePegasus> >.>

01:48 * Princess-Phantasma doffs Princess-QRS

01:48 <QPOMDPony> Authron I don't know! I sometime have this urge to glomp new ponies

01:48 <Princess-QRS> o3o

01:48 <Authoron> She's not new...

01:48 <QPOMDPony> She is new for me

01:48 *** Parts: Cherry (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP) ()

01:48 <PearlyWhites> 96% by volume? Thanks but i going to drink paint remover instead, its more effective

01:48 <Authoron> True....

01:49 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

01:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

01:49 <Authoron> Perspective defines everything.

01:49 <FrankkieNL> !lullaby

01:49 * DerpyBot carries FrankkieNL off to bed

01:49 * DerpyBot tucks FrankkieNL in and hums a lullaby

01:49 <Authoron> And, Hallo Fall.

01:49 *** Joins: Nexie (Lily@Nexie.the.techie.beep.boop)

01:49 *** FrankkieNL is now known as FrankkieNL|AFK

01:49 <Fall> Uhr.

01:49 <PurplePegasus> ....

01:49 <PurplePegasus> bye.

01:49 *** Quits: PurplePegasus (hxzjknkznpe@Pony-u8blor.as13285.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:49 <Princess-Luna> Hurr

01:49 <Nexie> uh oh wat happend

01:50 * QPOMDPony is about to glomp Fall

01:50 <Finwe> Nexuuuu!

01:50 * Princess-QRS praises Princess-Luna

01:50 * Finwe boops Nexie.

01:50 * Princess-Luna praises herself!

01:50 *** Joins: F4celess_ (Frozen@Pony-mdn.9n2.147.82.IP)

01:50 <Nexie> Finuuu

01:50 <Finwe> Fall: Wieviel Uhr?

01:50 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-4j489v.dynamic.sonic.net)

01:50 <Nexie> F4celess :D

01:50 * ThatAnonPony tacklesnuggles a Princess-Luna.

01:51 * Princess-Phantasma boops Princess-Luna with a worship

01:51 <QPOMDPony> I don't beleive in Princess-Luna, sorry *smugface*

01:51 * Authoron punches QPOMDPony. "HAIL LUNA!!!"

01:51 <QPOMDPony> nnno :<

01:51 <Finwe> The Princess of Night is not a matter of belief!

01:51 <Nexie> yesh

01:51 <Finwe> o3o

01:52 * Finwe noms on ThatAnonPony's tail to give emphasis to his words.

01:52 * Nexie bows to Princess-Luna

01:52 <Nexie> all hail best pony :3

01:52 * ThatAnonPony tail-wiggles to give emphasis to noms.

01:52 <Finwe> !plot

01:52 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

01:52 <Finwe> *wigglewiggle*

01:52 <QPOMDPony> *wigglewiggle*

01:53 <Nexie> *wigglewiggle*

01:53 <ThatAnonPony> *wigglewiggle*

01:53 *** Quits: F4celess (Frozen@Pony-n7s.9n2.147.82.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:53 <Authoron> *wigglewiggle*

01:53 *** F4celess_ is now known as F4celess

01:54 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

01:54 <Finwe> Lt Sausage!

01:54 <Finwe> _o7

01:54 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lenfant_Sauvage

01:54 * Lenfant_Sauvage doffs his hat at RAdm. Finwe. o7

01:54 * Princess-Phantasma doffs Finwe into a lake

01:54 <Desmond> Oh my! The divine highness is here? O Great And Almighty Luna, Goddess of Dreams and Nightmares?

01:55 <Authoron> Hallo, Lenfant.

01:55 <Finwe> Princess-Phantasma: Silly pone, I live at the seashore.

01:55 <Authoron> And Yes, Desmond. Please do not approach her. I will have to remove you if you get too close. Unless she says otherwise.

01:56 <Desmond> B b b but... SHE BEST POOONNNEEEEEE

01:56 * Finwe cuddles Lenfant_Sauvage and Princess-Luna.

01:56 *** Joins: Komnenos (jk@Pony-e70.46v.114.24.IP)

01:56 * hawthornbunny chews on Princess-Luna's horn.

01:56 * TimidClef|MtG reappears in a silent explosion of Nutella

01:56 * PearlyWhites rolls around Princess-Luna and stares at Authoron

01:56 <Princess-QRS> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/27/mad-max-fury-road-trailer_n_5625013.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000024

01:56 <Princess-QRS> new mad max movie woah

01:56 * Desmond rushes Authoron and snuggles Princess-Luna

01:56 *** TimidClef|MtG is now known as TimidClef

01:56 <Desmond> Yay!

01:56 * Princess-Phantasma eats said nuttella

01:56 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving...)

01:56 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: I have reason to believe that the 'murricans sell something like this: http://www.mendaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Everclear-190-Proof-Label.jpg

01:56 <Desmond> Heya TimidClef!

01:57 <hawthornbunny> Hi TimidClef! Did you beat the opponent's cards with your cards?

01:57 * Authoron picks Desmond up, and casually drops him off the castle and into the lake.

01:57 <Finwe> Mr TimidClef.

01:57 * Finwe doffs Princess-Phantasma.

01:57 <TimidClef> Howdy all. Actually, I sorta got caught up watching SAO

01:57 <Princess-Phantasma> i want to vector something but dont know what, anypony got any suggestions

01:57 <hawthornbunny> Princess-Phantasma: could you do Twilight doing the 'sexy eating' thing, but with a book

01:57 * Desmond screams comically as he falls 500 feet and breaks his legs in the six-inch deep puddle.

01:58 * TimidClef doffs his haddock helmet to Finwe

01:58 <QPOMDPony> Princess-Phantasma it must involve juice

01:58 <Authoron> wilhem scream?

01:58 *** Joins: Gerelith_ (Gerelith@Pony-n3tqsb.telecom.net.ar)

01:58 <Desmond> Oh Oh! Do Luna!

01:58 <Finwe> Princess-Phantasma: Vector Maud's pet rock.

01:58 <Finwe> o3o

01:58 *** Lycan is now known as Lycan|Work

01:58 <Princess-Phantasma> http://phantasm-eeria.deviantart.com <-- DESMOND LOOK ON THIS

01:59 <Finwe> Desmond: Oh, bugger it, it's a puddle.

01:59 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

01:59 <Princess-Phantasma> I HAVE DONE LUNA

01:59 <Desmond> I WAANT TO DO LUNA!

01:59 <Desmond> Oh wait, that came out very, very wrong, didnt it...

01:59 <Authoron> Eeyup!

01:59 <Princess-Phantasma> yes

01:59 <QPOMDPony> I....I don't get it.

02:00 <Desmond> lol that page doesnt exist Phanty!

02:00 *** Quits: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-hcetdb.telecom.net.ar) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:00 <Princess-Phantasma> nuts, typod it

02:00 * Authoron pat pats QPOMD. "You see, when a mommy and a daddy love each other VERY much...."

02:00 <Finwe> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv3WYfHEJXg

02:00 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:00 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The.Fast show - Unlucky Alf - Puddle Sketch - S1 E5.avi

02:00 <Princess-Phantasma> http://phantasma-eeria.deviantart.com

02:00 <Princess-Phantasma> there

02:01 *** Joins: legomovieunikitty (ooouskbckix@Pony-u6vh3j.mi.charter.com)

02:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Plushie Compilation #163 [ http://tinyurl.com/qfh9dfb ]

02:01 * Finwe boops ThatAnonPony with Unlucky Alf.

02:01 <legomovieunikitty> hey evrey pony whats up?

02:01 * ThatAnonPony scrunch.

02:01 <Desmond> Yay I like that Luna!

02:01 <Finwe> legomovieunikitty: Puddles are up!

02:01 <Finwe> Or down, whatever.

02:01 <Princess-Phantasma> me

02:01 <Finwe> legomovieunikitty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv3WYfHEJXg

02:01 <Authoron> Not much. How are you today?

02:01 <Desmond> If only I could draw myself :(

02:02 <Desmond> As in, I could draw, not a drawing of me lol

02:02 * QPOMDPony discoveres a horrible truth

02:02 <Authoron> Just go to an ASDF movie, and take a screenshot.

02:03 <legomovieunikitty> well i know some of you think i might be odd but i just found this out im a crane and yes i mean im the great great great grandson of ickipod crane from sleepy hollow

02:03 *** QPOMDPony is now known as QPOMDPony|Sits_in_a_corner

02:03 <legomovieunikitty> but i do live in sleepy hollow though

02:03 <Desmond> wut...

02:04 <Finwe> Poor Unlucky Alf.

02:04 <legomovieunikitty> its a real town acttualy!

02:05 <legomovieunikitty> but still theres no headless horseman though i was facinated with this story

02:06 *** Quits: Neff (Neffi@everfreeforest.glade) (Quit: Trotting in circles.)

02:06 *** Joins: Neff (Neffi@everfreeforest.glade)

02:06 <legomovieunikitty> so it looks like ghostbusters 3 is really filming spring 2015 for real!

02:07 <ryaxnb> hi horsies

02:07 <ryaxnb> you are the best

02:07 <Authoron> Yeah! Ghostbustes and MLP!

02:07 <ryaxnb> Authoron, did you play any doom? :3

02:07 <Authoron> Hallo, Ryax. And yes. My power went out last night and for most of today shortly after I got off.

02:08 <legomovieunikitty> has any pony seen red vs blue before?

02:08 <Desmond> A little bit of RVB I have seen.

02:09 <legomovieunikitty> laugh my butt of on this show specially with caboose

02:10 <legomovieunikitty> specially when he says i am michale j caboose and i hate babies! in a arnold voice.

02:11 <Finwe> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctaszjeaDK0

02:11 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:11 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Chanel 9 Neus

02:11 <legomovieunikitty> stuipid crude but hilaries to me!:D

02:11 <Finwe> Republica presenta - totalla bien cantesta - Chanel 9!

02:11 <LightDash> i play doom

02:11 <Finwe> Doom?

02:11 <Finwe> Like the ID Software game Doom?

02:12 <LightDash> yes

02:12 <Finwe> Doom Legacy is way better.

02:12 <LightDash> all doom are goood

02:12 <LightDash> *good

02:12 <Finwe> You can use the same WADs.

02:12 <Finwe> Legacy has enhanced graphics due to use of OpenGL.

02:13 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-qskflq.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

02:13 <legomovieunikitty> but here is the song to the headless hosrseman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAyZDH3HhT4

02:13 <screenaholic> YO!

02:13 <Finwe> And many other things fixed.

02:13 <Finwe> Mr screenaholic.

02:13 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/684943 beautiful~

02:13 * Finwe snuggles a screenaholic.

02:13 <ryaxnb> Authoron, did you have doom install before then?

02:13 <ryaxnb> so you could play offline?

02:13 <Authoron> Nope.

02:13 <ryaxnb> :(

02:13 <LunaticHell> Autohoron: transform and roll out

02:13 <ryaxnb> have you it installed now?

02:13 <ryaxnb> doom is good.

02:13 <Finwe> http://doomlegacy.sourceforge.net/

02:13 <Authoron> eeyup.

02:13 <Desmond> There are people that think Doom xaused the Columbine massacre. As usual, blame the video games. Pure horsefeathers.

02:13 <ryaxnb> cool

02:13 <Authoron> It is decent.

02:13 <ryaxnb> it is quite decent.

02:13 <Authoron> And Lunatic, go sit in the asylum.

02:13 <ryaxnb> the most thing i like is the modding community

02:14 *** Joins: Baka (Baka@Pony-tt29md.f4jc.lpf7.000e.2601.IP)

02:14 <Finwe> Hi, LunaticHell!

02:14 <ryaxnb> there's lots of maps for DOOM with either the same gameplay,or different themes/weapons/enemies

02:14 <Desmond> Heya Baka

02:14 * Finwe hugs a LunaticHell.

02:14 * LunaticHell hugs a Finwe

02:14 <ryaxnb> since the game is highly moddable, even without C++ knowledge.

02:14 <Baka> Hey Desmond

02:14 <Finwe> o3o

02:14 <Desmond> :)

02:14 *** Joins: jamis (jamis@jamis)

02:14 <Finwe> Mr jamis.

02:14 <Authoron> Hallo.

02:14 * Finwe doffs his hat.

02:14 <ryaxnb> you can mod the game knowing just scripting languages, or even just how to design textures and sprites

02:15 <ryaxnb> And mods can look better and have more features than the original game, thanks to PrBOOM's versatility

02:15 <legomovieunikitty> but it is creepy down here in sleepy hollow! specialy only 8 more weeks in till halloween!

02:15 <screenaholic> So I just beat Peace Walker.

02:15 <jamis> Hey Finwe

02:15 <ryaxnb> so it's great way for game devs to start designing games before they've learned enough C++ to make a rendering engine and such

02:15 <jamis> What goes on here?

02:15 <screenaholic> Anyone want to give me $40 to buy Revengence?

02:15 <ryaxnb> or enough about 3d modeling software to make polygonal models

02:16 <Finwe> screenaholic: Sorry, we use € here.

02:16 <Finwe> o3o

02:16 *** Joins: Fuzzy (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP)

02:16 <Authoron> Hallo.

02:16 *** Parts: Fuzzy (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP) ()

02:16 <Princess-Phantasma> i use £s

02:16 * Finwe noms on Princess-Phantasma's librae.

02:17 <screenaholic> I'll happily figure out the conversion rate.

02:17 <ryaxnb> Authoron, power out ? :(

02:17 <Finwe> I'll happily nom on ThatAnonPony's tail.

02:17 <legomovieunikitty> well bye all you bronies and master buldiers like me!:D

02:17 * Finwe does so.

02:17 <ryaxnb> do you have a 3ds?

02:17 <ryaxnb> i like using that when the power is out

02:17 * ThatAnonPony happily tail-wiggles.

02:17 <Baka> See ya legomovieunikitty

02:17 *** Quits: legomovieunikitty (ooouskbckix@Pony-u6vh3j.mi.charter.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:17 <Princess-Phantasma> i have one

02:17 *** Quits: lotsofjam (james@Pony-c8q.o1a.112.87.IP) (Quit: Lost terminal)

02:18 <Desmond> i haz a 3ds, ryaxnb

02:18 <Authoron> Yeah.

02:18 <jamis> Have one, don't play it...

02:18 <Authoron> Last night after i quit, and all the way till three.

02:18 <Desmond> ive got Pokey Mon Ecks

02:19 <Fall> Me too ^.^

02:19 <screenaholic> *Pokay Mon.

02:19 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

02:19 <Baka> Polkamon

02:19 <screenaholic> Hey QRS.

02:19 <Desmond> Which I dont really play as much as I used to. It doesnt interestme now that Ive beat the game so many times

02:20 *** seatsea is now known as seatsea|off

02:20 <hawthornbunny> '"Well, you know me, I can never pass-up cider!" Replied Bubble Barry.' - I love fanfiction. ^^

02:20 *** Quits: Creeps|AFK (anonymous@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:20 <Desmond> i suppose theres still trading and battling, but im no good at that, i dont care about IVs and natures and all that. i just like playing with my pokes

02:21 * screenaholic pets the adorable bunny.

02:21 <Desmond> My favouritest Pokemon is Eevee. Cuz It So Cute

02:22 <hawthornbunny> There's a picture somewhere of the mane six as Eeveelutions, with the CMC as Eevees

02:22 <screenaholic> Evee's got mad swagga.

02:22 <Princess-Phantasma> i like spiritomb

02:22 <hawthornbunny> !link eevee cmc

02:22 <Authoron> Swag is like frozen.

02:22 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

02:22 <Authoron> Just let it go.

02:22 <screenaholic> Never saw Frozen.

02:22 *** Quits: Doge_Pony (Doge_Pony@Pony-7g6ebp.ga.comcast.net) (Quit: )

02:23 <Desmond> ohh keewl

02:23 <ryaxnb>

02:23 *** Quits: Koopz (Pon-E@Pony-llv6gp.osnanet.de) (Quit: Switching to Standby-Mode)

02:24 <Desmond> anyways. mynext favouristest pokey is Umbreon because.. because.. its...awesome?

02:24 <Desmond> I just love dat pokemon

02:24 <ryaxnb> anyway playing the 3ds is awesome in power outage

02:24 <Authoron> Miltank. Or Snorlax.

02:24 <ryaxnb> i have eight games, a ds flashcart, and several 3dsware and dsiware games

02:25 <ryaxnb> the ds flashcart has 50+ DS games and the NES, GB, GBC, the best of GBA, the best of SNES, Genesis, Game Gear and MAME.

02:25 <ryaxnb> for all your classic gaming needs

02:26 <Authoron> I like arcade games.

02:26 <Baka> Awesome :D

02:26 *** Quits: Apophis_sleep (Apophis@Pony- (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:26 <ryaxnb> there's a lot of arcade ports on NES , too and genesis.

02:27 <Authoron> 1942 and Pong are my favorite arcade games.

02:27 <screenaholic> Time Crises is best arcade game.

02:27 <screenaholic> Or Podracing.

02:27 <ryaxnb> i believe 1942 is on the NES in a fairly good port.

02:27 <ryaxnb> i can play that on the 3ds.

02:27 <Authoron> Pffft. I Podrace in real life.

02:30 *** Quits: Baka (Baka@Pony-tt29md.f4jc.lpf7.000e.2601.IP) (Quit: )

02:30 <Princess-Luna> I love the 3DS

02:30 <Princess-Luna> it's a fantastic little system

02:31 <ryaxnb> i like my DS flashcart.

02:31 <ryaxnb> i also  like the 3ds.

02:31 <ryaxnb> i have a number of 3dsware games and three VC games

02:32 <Authoron> I have a wii.

02:32 <Authoron> The virtual arcade channel is amazing.

02:32 <ryaxnb> Authoron, when i'm around a pc i just use mame rather than VC

02:32 <ryaxnb> and i have a gamepad for my PC

02:32 <ryaxnb> which i use with MAME or other emulators

02:33 <ryaxnb> i do have a number of Wii VC games, like Smash, MK64, and Super Mario 2

02:33 <ryaxnb> But overall i prefer emulators, including ones for the wii

02:33 *** Quits: SIlverSilent (SilverSile@SilvertheSilverMoonPony) (Connection closed)

02:34 <ryaxnb> the 3ds of course is handheld, and when i'm going places i usually be sure to carry it.

02:34 <ryaxnb> i use it on the bus, while waiting for food/pizza at restaurants or carryout places, in long lines, on transit, trains, and planes

02:34 <ryaxnb> as a passenger on long car rides

02:34 <ryaxnb> while visiting relatives when i'm bored

02:34 <ryaxnb> etc etc

02:34 <Authoron> I just bring my tablet.

02:35 <ryaxnb> i bring that too usually and a phone with hotspot

02:35 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

02:35 *** Joins: SIlverSilent (SilverSile@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com)

02:35 <ryaxnb> but 3DS is useful if data conservations must be tight

02:35 <ryaxnb> or if 3g is low on signal

02:35 <ryaxnb> or if my phone battery is dying or i want to play games..

02:35 *** SIlverSilent is now known as Pony_93971

02:39 <Desmond> I think the 3DS is the superior Nintendo device!

02:40 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/684760

02:41 <Finwe> Oh, might be about bedtiem.

02:41 *** Quits: Neff (Neffi@everfreeforest.glade) (Quit: Trotting in circles.)

02:41 <ryaxnb> i think the 3ds has horsie game

02:42 <Finwe> Let us see...

02:42 <Finwe> Yes, it's definitely bedtiem.

02:42 <Finwe> Good night, everypony!

02:43 * Finwe snuggles ThatAnonPony goodnight.

02:43 <Finwe> !lullaby

02:43 * DerpyBot carries Finwe off to bed

02:43 * DerpyBot tucks Finwe in and hums a lullaby

02:43 <ThatAnonPony> G'night, Finwe pon'.

02:43 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

02:43 * ThatAnonPony snuggle.

02:43 <Finwe> Lt The_Nostalgia_Mare!

02:43 <Finwe> _o7

02:43 <Desmond> what kind of horsie game...

02:43 <Finwe> !sunshine

02:43 <DerpyBot> I'm walking on sunshine!

02:43 <DerpyBot> I'm walking on sunshine!

02:43 <DerpyBot> and don't it feel good!

02:43 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Artillery_Sounds

02:43 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Radm. Finwe. (salutes)

02:44 *** Joins: Resonance (wlebomjgdne@Pony-2lq.vnc.224.66.IP)

02:44 *** Parts: Resonance (wlebomjgdne@Pony-2lq.vnc.224.66.IP) ()

02:44 <LightDash> yay RD (the pic)

02:44 <ryaxnb> Desmond, lol, i believe the terrible shovelware G3 MLP game is on DS

02:44 <ryaxnb> pinkie pie's party

02:44 <Desmond> oh. oh dear...

02:44 <ryaxnb> 3DS has back-compat.

02:44 <Komnenos> oh i have seen that in many a bargain bin

02:45 <ryaxnb> ergo it can play that wonderful title!

02:45 <ryaxnb> (it sucks)

02:46 <Desmond> bleeeeeeegh

02:46 *** Quits: Nexie (Lily@Nexie.the.techie.beep.boop) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:46 *** Quits: SXRXE (SXRXE@Pony-59dc0s.dsl.as9105.com) (Connection closed)

02:47 * screenaholic noms on Nossy's tail.

02:47 <ryaxnb> the mysterious mrenter

02:47 * ryaxnb noms on screenaholic's tail

02:47 <ryaxnb> tail nom chain

02:47 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, I'm bored.

02:47 * screenaholic gives Nossy a paddle ball.

02:48 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh good idea.

02:48 <Heartbreak> The_Nostalgia_Mare, Hi Bored. I'm Heartbreak, please call me H.B.

02:48 * The_Nostalgia_Mare plays with a paddle ball.

02:48 <Finwe> Houses of Barliament

02:48 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Now call me Blooagard Q Kazoo.

02:49 <Finwe> use kazoo

02:49 <ryaxnb> The Great Kazoo

02:49 <Heartbreak> I will call you Bloo, The_Nostalgia_Mare.

02:49 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> \o/

02:49 * TimidClef refuses to visit NossyBloo

02:50 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic is now call Mac

02:50 <TimidClef> What was the deal with that again, btw? Bloo could only live there for as long as Max visited him every day?

02:50 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Mac.

02:50 * Princess-Phantasma noms Heartbreak

02:50 <screenaholic> The s in scibbles stands for scribbles.

02:50 <TimidClef> Mac, yes

02:50 <Finwe> Blue Max?

02:50 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:50 * Heartbreak bapples the ghost mare.

02:51 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hey Mac, who should be Goo?

02:52 * screenaholic flops on Nossy. "I beat Peace Walker."

02:52 <screenaholic> Did you know Tara Strong is in Peace Walker?

02:52 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> (No.)

02:52 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Wait.

02:52 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

02:53 <screenaholic> She plays Paz.

02:53 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> What is with parenthese.

02:53 <ryaxnb> did you know tara strong is a good pone

02:53 <ryaxnb> she's a cool person

02:53 * LunaticHell does the thing where the sigh sound happens.

02:54 * The_Nostalgia_Mare shakes screenaholic. "Mac who should be Goo!?"

02:54 <screenaholic> Also, after you beat the game, you can totally have fun time with her in the love box.

02:54 *** Joins: Cumadrin (owner@Pony-ruvmt7.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)

02:54 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ...

02:54 *** Quits: Komnenos (jk@Pony-e70.46v.114.24.IP) (Quit: Reconnecting)

02:54 *** Joins: Komnenos (jk@Pony-e70.46v.114.24.IP)

02:54 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Wait what?

02:54 <screenaholic> Also, she looks like she's 14.

02:54 <LunaticHell> TNM!

02:54 * LunaticHell hugs TMN

02:54 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi, LunaticHell.


02:54 <Princess-QRS> Zeus is pissed.

02:54 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: I found out by randomly watching a let's play.

02:54 <screenaholic> You remind me of a Douglas Adams book, QRS.

02:54 <ryaxnb> i like horsies

02:55 * ryaxnb pets twilight

02:55 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: But then she ended with two bombs inside her.

02:55 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: and I'm not talking about her boo- *ahem* anyway

02:55 <Desmond> WOO HITCHHIKER'S

02:55 *** Gigaway is now known as GigaNoms

02:55 <screenaholic> "An explosion in a major airport, officials are calling it an act of god." "But which god?"

02:55 <hawthornbunny> screenaholic: HA

02:56 <hawthornbunny> I love that book. ^^

02:56 <screenaholic> Also, Lunatic, I've only played up through Peace Walker, so I would appreciate a lack of spoilers for anything past that.

02:56 <TimidClef> Repu... n/m

02:56 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: Zeus.

02:56 <screenaholic> Actually, it was Thor.

02:56 <LunaticHell> definatly zeus.

02:56 <Finwe> HHGTTG is too obvious.

02:56 <LunaticHell> HHGGTG?

02:56 <LunaticHell> What is that?

02:56 <Finwe> Try Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.

02:56 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, is Paz the girl in red right?

02:56 <TimidClef> If you're talking about Zeus\Thor then you're talking about Dirk

02:56 <screenaholic> Yeah.

02:56 <LunaticHell> Finwe: I need your cleverz for a second!

02:56 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh yeah.

02:56 <LunaticHell> TimidClef: How about Jupiter?

02:56 <screenaholic> You can also get her in her underwear.

02:56 <Finwe> LunaticHell: HHGTTG is Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

02:57 <LunaticHell> Oh that.

02:57 <LunaticHell> ok

02:57 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, isn't that a mission?

02:57 <LunaticHell> Finwe: I'm thinking of making videos for youtube.

02:57 <LunaticHell> But I don't know about what. :I

02:57 <Finwe> Oh, yay!

02:57 <Princess-Phantasma> the universe was made when a giant space goat sneezed

02:57 <screenaholic> The mission is to seduce her. If you get an S rank and do the mission again, then she's in underwear.

02:57 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ...

02:57 <LunaticHell> I don't know the first thing about making videos.

02:57 <Finwe> LunaticHell: How about a tail-nomming video?

02:58 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: Wow, without context this sounds silly.

02:58 <Finwe> There aren't too many of those.

02:58 <screenaholic> It's pretty silly.

02:58 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, I tried that mission.

02:58 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: there is context, isn't there?

02:58 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Paz slapped me till I died.

02:58 <screenaholic> Not really.

02:58 <LunaticHell> Finwe: I dunno. :I

02:58 <screenaholic> You tried to CQC her?

02:58 <LunaticHell> Well you got killed by what looks like a 14 yo.

02:58 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I punched her boob.

02:58 <Finwe> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIQrdDbOpl0

02:58 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:58 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Celestia and Luna in: Tail Nomming

02:58 <screenaholic> "punched"

02:58 <LunaticHell> Good fore you.

02:58 <screenaholic> Sure, let's go with that.

02:59 <LunaticHell> Seriously...

02:59 <Finwe> Celestia looks like she's going to send somepony to the moon.

03:00 <screenaholic> Man, I have never been in a situation where I have felt like I have to much cake before now...

03:00 <LunaticHell> Paz is TWENTY FOUR years old.

03:00 <Princess-QRS> c a k e

03:00 <screenaholic> She looks like she's 14 though.

03:01 <ryaxnb> celestia is 1000+ years old

03:01 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: ...well she probably stayed young by...training?

03:01 <ryaxnb> looks like a 10 year old horse

03:01 <screenaholic> Training? She's a student, not a soldier.

03:01 <LunaticHell> ryaxnb: while everyone else looks like a PONY

03:01 <ryaxnb> true

03:01 <screenaholic> Paz stayed young with her alicorn magic obviously.

03:01 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: I didn't mean military training.

03:01 <Neptune|sleep> anyone else watching the vinesauce stream?

03:01 <LunaticHell> I was reffering to jogging and stuff.

03:02 <LunaticHell> "fitness"

03:02 <screenaholic> Jogging is totally military training.

03:02 <screenaholic> MSF is best military.

03:02 <Princess-Phantasma> im gunna sleepu now, g'night everypony

03:02 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: shooting with guns doesn't count as fitness.

03:02 <LunaticHell> night Princess-Phantasma

03:02 * Princess-Phantasma tucks Princess-QRS into bed

03:02 <ZeroParadox> screenaholic: They got rekt really easily tho

03:02 <Princess-Phantasma> !sleep

03:02 <Princess-Phantasma> !lullaby

03:02 * DerpyBot carries Princess-Phantasma off to bed

03:02 * DerpyBot tucks Princess-Phantasma in and hums a lullaby

03:02 *** Joins: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-vvi9qf.res.rr.com)

03:02 <Princess-QRS> Wh... why am I in bed.

03:02 <InfantryBrony> Ponies!

03:02 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: also mind soldiers have to stay fit, too.

03:03 <screenaholic> I know, with jogging.

03:03 <Princess-Phantasma> because im in bed ;)

03:03 <LunaticHell> Princess-QRS: oh...er...not my fault?

03:03 <screenaholic> And jogging with heavy backpacks.

03:03 <InfantryBrony> Lunatic: Nah, we can get fat. :D

03:03 *** Quits: Princess-Phantasma (Phantasma_E@Pony-8aq.obr.255.85.IP) (Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango)

03:03 <InfantryBrony> well

03:03 <InfantryBrony> the POGiest of the POGies can get fat.

03:03 <InfantryBrony> :P

03:03 <InfantryBrony> like, Admin...

03:03 <InfantryBrony> or something like that...

03:03 <InfantryBrony> MP's are usually fat.

03:03 <LunaticHell> InfuntryBrony:  well howdy there, friend.

03:03 <InfantryBrony> Hiya :D

03:03 <LunaticHell> InfuntryBrony: nice to see you

03:03 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, find an image Twilight dressed like Paz.

03:04 * InfantryBrony bows

03:04 <screenaholic> I

03:04 *** Neptune|sleep is now known as Neptune

03:04 <screenaholic> I'm sure it exists.

03:04 <screenaholic> !link paz

03:04 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/159718

03:04 <LunaticHell> The_Nostalgia_Mare: why don't you ask me?

03:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: MLP:FiM Season 20 Finale / Smore Fire / Rogue Diamond 3:12 / Paradox 1:5 / Appreciation of the Finer Things / Without Magic 14 [ http://tinyurl.com/n4uand3 ]

03:04 <LunaticHell> damn it

03:04 <ZeroParadox> Derpy!

03:04 <ZeroParadox> Stop pinging me ;-;

03:04 <InfantryBrony> !link Sniper dash

03:04 <DerpyBot> http://e926.net/post/show/127601/

03:04 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/684390

03:05 <LunaticHell> The_Nostalgia_Mare: why didn't you ask me for it?

03:05 <LunaticHell> *sigh*

03:05 <LunaticHell> https://derpiboo.ru/357101

03:05 <InfantryBrony> So

03:05 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> LunaticHell and screenaholic find it.

03:05 <LunaticHell> This is as close I could get within 10 seconds flat

03:05 <InfantryBrony> We found out today that 3rd Platoon used the trucks yesterday (sharing a set because TDY a thousand miles from base), and they failed to secure them......

03:05 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh.

03:06 <InfantryBrony> So, we took all of their radio equipment and set it on the driver's seat. >:)

03:06 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Eh.

03:06 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> It'll have to do.

03:06 <InfantryBrony> And f'd up their load plan.

03:06 <InfantryBrony> And stole their chem-lights.

03:06 *** Joins: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-n5egpc.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

03:06 <ryaxnb> hi Princess-QRS

03:06 <ryaxnb> you are a fine princess

03:06 <Princess-QRS> sup

03:06 <InfantryBrony> And put their ammo boxes on top of the trucks.

03:06 <Princess-QRS> thanks

03:06 <InfantryBrony> >:)

03:06 <ryaxnb> ruler of the Vintage Stuff

03:07 <Princess-QRS> Yeah, mess up those M35s!

03:07 <Princess-QRS> (I assume you still use M35s)

03:09 <LunaticHell> While Paz looks like a child, Sunny actually is.

03:10 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, what did you do on the date?

03:10 *** Quits: Komnenos (jk@Pony-e70.46v.114.24.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:10 <ryaxnb> have i told you how awesome being a horse would be

03:10 <ryaxnb> you could run fast

03:10 <screenaholic> You have to use the co-op phrases to get her to like you.

03:10 <LunaticHell> In 2018 sunny is 11 years old.

03:11 <LunaticHell> ryaxnb: you'd have a big head

03:11 <screenaholic> So she's 7 right now.

03:11 *** Quits: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)

03:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, so you don't punch her boob?

03:12 <screenaholic> No.

03:12 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh.

03:12 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: yup

03:12 <screenaholic> Also, he doesn't punch it.

03:12 <LunaticHell> screenaholic: also she's Octacon's adopted daughter

03:12 <LunaticHell> that is Octacon's and Snake's...

03:12 <screenaholic> *Otacon.

03:12 <LunaticHell> ...what? They raise her together.

03:12 <ZeroParadox> Yooo we talkin' 'bout Sunny?

03:13 <LunaticHell> Aye.

03:13 <LunaticHell> ZeroParadox: They were talkin' about Paz lookin' like a child and I told em 'bout sunny, who actually is a child in the series.

03:13 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-qskflq.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

03:14 <ZeroParadox> cor

03:14 <LunaticHell> Funny enough I met a girl who looked 16-ish to 17 and (I was 17 at that time) wanted to date her.

03:14 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

03:14 <LunaticHell> Turned out she was 28 and already had a son.

03:14 <ZeroParadox> o3o dayum

03:15 <jamis> That was fast.

03:15 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Wow.

03:15 <LunaticHell> I cannot imagine how a woman so slender manage to give birth to a child, knowing even I got wider hips than her.

03:15 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ha.

03:15 <hawthornbunny> Children are smaller when they're born

03:16 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

03:16 <LunaticHell> No wai.

03:16 <LunaticHell> I thought they come in a already fully developed state...oh wait, that's how I was made, cloning.

03:16 <jamis> Things happen during birth...

03:17 <LunaticHell> Scary thought.

03:17 *** Quits: Sin (Sin@is.hustlin.everyday) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:17 <LunaticHell> Funny enough delivering a child was the one thing Derpy didn't derp up.

03:18 <jamis> It's natural.

03:19 <LunaticHell> Aye. Ya all can tell me otherwise, but I think that she is equestria's best mother. https://derpibooru.org/612995

03:20 <LunaticHell> This image left a trail of water running out of my eyes.

03:20 *** Quits: F4celess (Frozen@Pony-mdn.9n2.147.82.IP) (Quit: Well I just left or somethings wrong)

03:20 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/684893

03:20 <Finwe> LunaticHell: If Equestria has a mother, it's probably Celestia.

03:20 <Finwe> o3o

03:21 <LunaticHell> OH

03:21 <LunaticHell> I forgot hahahahahaha

03:21 <LunaticHell> I wrote a fanfiction about Derpy.

03:21 <LunaticHell> dur

03:21 <Finwe> !muffinkiss

03:21 * DerpyBot regurgitates a whole, fresh looking muffin and approaches Finwe, showing her most adorable kissing face

03:21 <LunaticHell> forgot to see if anypony liked it, lemme check out my account

03:23 <LunaticHell> Finwe: In my eyes, Celestia is the nation's mom.

03:23 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-dfuace.mtl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

03:23 <LunaticHell> "mom" is a funny title for a leader.

03:24 <Finwe> Derpy might be the best mother _in_ Equestria, but the mothers _of_ Equestria...

03:24 <Finwe> Celestia and Luna.

03:24 <LunaticHell> Used in silly shows like Doctor Who or Sherlock.

03:24 *** GigaNoms is now known as GigaWork

03:24 <ryaxnb> LunaticHell, or futurama

03:24 <ryaxnb> well, CEO of momcorp

03:24 <ryaxnb> with world-takeover ambitions

03:25 <Finwe> Futurama <3

03:25 <LunaticHell> ryaxnb: yeah she literally was "mom"

03:25 * Finwe boops ryaxnb with Dr Zoidberg's claw.

03:25 <ryaxnb> also, another literal one:

03:25 *** Joins: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-dfuace.mtl.aei.ca)

03:25 <jamis> With 3 idiot sons.

03:25 <ryaxnb> Father from Kids Next Door

03:25 <LunaticHell> anyway, here's my fanfiction http://www.fimfiction.net/story/202176/a-home

03:25 <ryaxnb> the gender alternative.

03:25 <LunaticHell> ah yes

03:25 <ryaxnb> he's the big main villian of the show.

03:26 <LunaticHell> "Father", funny how his father was founder of the KND

03:26 <Finwe> Civillian?

03:26 <ryaxnb> and Father's kids are eerily like Zombies.

03:27 *** Joins: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au)

03:27 <LunaticHell> Also I think Number One be best football holigan when he grows up.

03:27 <LunaticHell> Hat: oi, wanna have an upgrade?

03:27 <Hat> Does it include attaching straws?

03:27 <Finwe> !hat

03:27 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat, sir?

03:27 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat?

03:27 <Finwe> Eeeyup.

03:28 *** Joins: Doge_Pony (qicruser@Pony-qe8.ufp.56.172.IP)

03:28 * Finwe hoofs Hat over to DerpyBot, as he doesn't need him while sleeping.

03:28 <Doge_Pony> pony pony pony

03:28 <Hat> Much pony

03:28 <Finwe> Wow, so Doge.

03:28 <Hat> Amaze.

03:29 <Finwe> Many wow!

03:29 <Doge_Pony> very music

03:29 <Doge_Pony> http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L5I4dVYhzHU

03:29 <jamis> So bored.

03:29 <LunaticHell> Hat: Become the "Dark_Hat"

03:30 <Hat> Why go to dark side?

03:31 <QPOMDPony|Sits_in_a_corner> guyz

03:31 *** Hat is now known as Dark_Hat

03:31 <QPOMDPony|Sits_in_a_corner> I suspect jamis is a hooman

03:32 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

03:32 <jamis> You have a really long nick.

03:32 *** QPOMDPony|Sits_in_a_corner is now known as QPOMDPony

03:32 <QPOMDPony> well, it was important that you all know I was sitting in a corner.

03:33 <Princess-Luna> Somehow I doubt that

03:33 *** Quits: Doge_Pony (qicruser@Pony-qe8.ufp.56.172.IP) (Connection closed)

03:34 *** Quits: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-vvi9qf.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:35 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Shenanigans! Askaponywithbraces.tumblr.com)

03:35 *** Joins: SurfNinja (jibnardtrmp@Pony-pp3m3m.res.rr.com)

03:36 *** Joins: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-vvi9qf.res.rr.com)

03:37 * InfantryBrony sigh

03:38 <CleverDerpy> hiya, my app is now on google play

03:38 <InfantryBrony> Of all the car parts, RC cars, swords, knives, PC stuff, etc. etc. etc. I've purchased on eBay over the years

03:38 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

03:38 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/684677

03:38 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-0tuoar.fl.comcast.net)

03:38 <InfantryBrony> The only updates eBay ever sends me is about MLP merch.

03:38 <InfantryBrony> :|

03:38 <jamis> lol

03:38 <CleverDerpy> hiya

03:38 * InfantryBrony only bought one MLP thing through eBay. >:\

03:39 <jamis> Hey CleverDerpy

03:39 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)

03:39 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

03:39 <jamis> What did you get InfantryBrony?

03:39 *** Joins: Sin (Sin@is.hustlin.everyday)

03:39 * Princess-Luna bought a keyring via Ebay...Octavia/Vinyl

03:39 <InfantryBrony> I bought my cousin a 3" Vinyl Scratch for her HS graduation.

03:40 <CleverDerpy> i just got my app on google play

03:40 <jamis> A vinyl vinyl figure?

03:40 <CleverDerpy> anyone wanna give it a run?

03:40 *** Quits: linkboss (linkboss@Pony-kmdr5k.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:40 <InfantryBrony> Yo dawg

03:40 <InfantryBrony> We heard you like vinyl

03:41 <InfantryBrony> so we made a vinyl scratch out of vinyl so you can soft plastic while you soft plastic! :D

03:41 *** Quits: Brushstroke (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP) (Connection closed)

03:42 <jamis> The only thing I've gotten was a pinkie pie ornament from amazon.

03:43 *** Joins: Thunder_Dust (nqmteqdlcfq@Pony-2407ug.res.rr.com)

03:43 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

03:43 <Thunder_Dust> Guys...guys....

03:44 <Thunder_Dust> I just came up with an idea for a Pokemon game.

03:44 <InfantryBrony> No.

03:44 <InfantryBrony> It sucks.

03:44 <InfantryBrony> And we all hate you.

03:44 <InfantryBrony> D:<

03:44 *** Quits: Muffin_Spectacles (xgvqjvqcxoy@Pony-5bpa4q.cable.rcn.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:44 * Thunder_Dust shoves InfantryBrony aside

03:44 <Thunder_Dust> Ignore.

03:44 <InfantryBrony> D:

03:44 <InfantryBrony> HAY! D:<

03:44 <Thunder_Dust> Why do you hate me?

03:44 * InfantryBrony gets his Drill Sergeant hat on! >:O

03:44 <SurfNinja> A Pokemon game, or THE Pokemon game?

03:44 <Thunder_Dust> A

03:44 <InfantryBrony> DABLEEP YOU PUSHIN' ME AROUND FOR!? D:<

03:45 <Thunder_Dust> pokemon game.

03:45 * InfantryBrony baps Thunder in the face with the brim of his DS hat! D:<

03:45 <Thunder_Dust> Can someone kick InfantryBrony? He's trolling.

03:45 <InfantryBrony> :c

03:45 <InfantryBrony> No, not trolling...

03:45 <InfantryBrony> Just being silly. :3

03:45 <Thunder_Dust> Just stop whatever you're doing please.

03:45 <InfantryBrony> :c

03:45 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP)

03:45 * jamis trolls Thunder_Dust

03:45 <CleverDerpy> actually InfantryBrony, that's kind of mean,

03:45 * InfantryBrony holds his breath! :O

03:45 <Thunder_Dust> Hi Overcast.

03:45 <Finwe> Mid CleverDerpy-

03:46 <SurfNinja> http://loldwell.com/?comic=gotta-name-em-all

03:46 <Finwe> _o7

03:46 * InfantryBrony passes out.

03:46 <CleverDerpy> RAdm Finwe

03:46 * Finwe noms on InfantryBrony.

03:46 * CleverDerpy salutes

03:46 * InfantryBrony comes to again...

03:46 <InfantryBrony> Hay! No nomming.

03:46 <jamis> Too late.

03:46 <InfantryBrony> Also, Derpy: It was clearly a joke. :c

03:46 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:46 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

03:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

03:46 <Finwe> Sorry, I read "gotta-nom-em-all",

03:47 <Thunder_Dust> Anyway, it's basically Pokemon Red until Trainer battles, not including the first battle with Gary at the beginning.\

03:47 <jamis> lol

03:47 <Thunder_Dust> *

03:47 <Finwe> But now to something completely different.

03:47 <Thunder_Dust> Basically, you can actually catch Trainer's Pokemon.

03:47 * Finwe falls asleep.

03:47 <Finwe> ZZZZZzzzzz....

03:47 <Thunder_Dust> And when they're out of Pokemon, the trainer appears.

03:48 <Thunder_Dust> You have the option to actually catch the trainer.

03:48 <InfantryBrony> Thunder: Soooo, sort of a mod of Red?

03:48 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

03:48 <Thunder_Dust> This means you can get all 151 Pokemon in Gen 1, and every trainer too.

03:48 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

03:49 *** Joins: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

03:49 <SurfNinja> The game is already sort like animal fighting... I'm pretty sure straight-up slave MMA is going to be vetoed by the design team.

03:50 <jamis> Where does peta stand on pokemon?

03:50 <Thunder_Dust> You cannot catch Gary or any Team Rocket members.

03:50 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP)

03:50 <Thunder_Dust> Or Giavonni.

03:50 <Thunder_Dust> You can only catch the normal Trainer classes, and gym leaders.

03:51 *** Joins: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net)

03:51 <Thunder_Dust> Because you don't fight them more than once.

03:51 <Thelema5> Hi, everypony.

03:51 <jamis> Hey Thelema5

03:52 <Thelema5> What's new?

03:52 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/684410

03:52 <Thelema5> Ooh, pretty lines.

03:52 <Thunder_Dust> You can catch them at the final fight.

03:52 <Thunder_Dust> However.

03:53 <jamis> Pretty, pretty lines.

03:53 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

03:53 <jamis> Hey Lenfant_Sauvage

03:53 <Thelema5> Has it been quiet in here, or did I kill the chat with my arrival?

03:54 <jamis> Na, weekends are normally on the slow side.

03:54 <Thelema5> Hi, Lenfant_Sauvage.

03:54 *** Lenfant_Sauvage is now known as Pony_19678

03:54 <Thunder_Dust> And finally, after defeating the Elite 4 and viewing the hall of fame, the best possible thing happens.

03:54 <Thelema5> I know, I'm hardly on at all over the weekends.

03:54 *** Pony_19678 is now known as SpikeTheDragon

03:54 <CleverDerpy> anyone got android?

03:54 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SpikeTheDragon

03:54 <Thelema5> Well, just late night.

03:54 <hawthornbunny> I has!

03:55 <jamis> I've got a lucid that I don't use.

03:55 <CleverDerpy> my app is ready to go

03:55 * Thelema5 is an andriod

03:55 <Thelema5> beep boop beep beep

03:55 <CleverDerpy> i would like to thank hawthornbunny, because they made it possible for me to publish my app, so thank you~

03:56 <Thelema5> What's the app, CleverDerpy?

03:56 <CleverDerpy> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cleverderpy.muffinfeeder see for yourself

03:56 <Thelema5> Cute!

03:56 <CleverDerpy> spread the word, it's free~

03:57 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

03:57 <CleverDerpy> also, i'm looking for screenshots on 10-inch tablets and phones

03:57 <CleverDerpy> if anyone can provide those, they would be very helpful

03:57 <Thunder_Dust> After viewing the hall of fame, the game usually ends, right?

03:57 <CleverDerpy> Thunder_Dust,

03:57 <CleverDerpy> yes, but you can keep going

03:58 <Thunder_Dust> Not in this case.

03:58 <CleverDerpy> there's usually stuff to do after

03:58 *** Joins: BlueBlur (qxswsurfxbk@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net)

03:58 <Thunder_Dust> A battle triggers with Professor Oak and his one Pokemon left.

03:58 <Thunder_Dust> From the beginning of the game.

03:58 *** Parts: BlueBlur (qxswsurfxbk@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net) ()

03:58 <Thunder_Dust> You capture the only Pokemon he has left, and then...well, you can figure out the rest.

03:59 <Thunder_Dust> You capture Oak himself.

04:00 * hawthornbunny feeds Golden Harvest lots ^^

04:00 <Thunder_Dust> You now have every trainer in the game.

04:00 *** Quits: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-d9pq3l.versanet.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:01 <jamis> !link https://www.youtube.com/wtch?v=f4CIANoWgXY

04:01 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:01 <DerpyBot> Twilight says Discord stole all her videos

04:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Instrumental Music: Not Afraid To Fall / Apprentice I  / Wasteland Wailers [ http://tinyurl.com/mfj38rc ]

04:01 <jamis> Well, hell.

04:01 <Thunder_Dust> One of a Trainer's moves is trying to summon his Pokemon that you stole, and selecting it says "It failed! That Pokemon no longer belongs to you!".

04:02 *** Joins: Idikos (txctwtknvyj@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

04:02 <Thunder_Dust> It only works once for each trainer and chips some of the trainer's own HP.

04:02 *** Parts: Idikos (txctwtknvyj@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

04:02 <Thunder_Dust> *

04:03 *** Quits: QPOMDPony (pbsxifmjhml@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:03 <Thunder_Dust> Also, Trainers can use "Struggle" which ALSO chips HP.

04:04 <LightDash> why this video is broke

04:04 <Thunder_Dust> It had wtch in the link.

04:04 <Thunder_Dust> Put an A in Wtch.

04:04 <Thunder_Dust> Watch.

04:04 *** Quits: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-vvi9qf.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:04 <Thunder_Dust> Hope that helps LightDash.

04:04 <LightDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4CIANoWgXY

04:04 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:04 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about GL1TCH P0N-3 - Invasion

04:04 <LightDash> yeah i know

04:05 <LightDash> but here is the video

04:05 <Thunder_Dust> Then why didn't you try?

04:05 *** thelema5|away is now known as thelema5

04:06 <LightDash> i dunno

04:06 * LightDash fly away

04:07 * thelema5 patty pats lightdash

04:07 <Thunder_Dust> I looked back at the screen right when you said i dunno.

04:07 <Thunder_Dust> "RAINBOW DASH used DOUBLE RAINBOOM!"

04:07 <Thunder_Dust> "It's super effective!"

04:07 *** Quits: Dark_Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au) (Quit: http://derpy.me/4v7Si#)

04:07 <thelema5> Double rainboom all the way!

04:07 *** Joins: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au)

04:07 <thelema5> Hello, Hat.

04:07 <Hat> Yellow

04:08 <Thunder_Dust> I ment to say Sonic Rainboom.

04:08 <LightDash> :3

04:08 <LightDash> i like RD

04:08 <thelema5> No, pink.  Actually.

04:08 <Thunder_Dust> "RAINBOW DASH used FRIENDSHIP!"

04:08 <Thunder_Dust> "It's not very effective..."

04:09 <jamis> http://buttercupbabyppg.deviantart.com/art/Ponies-for-good-home-469777936

04:09 <thelema5> D'awww

04:09 *** Joins: FEDsquared (jxrmshjqvth@Pony-m0b820.res.rr.com)

04:09 <jamis> I think many a brony would like to see that image at their home.

04:10 *** Parts: FEDsquared (jxrmshjqvth@Pony-m0b820.res.rr.com) ()

04:10 <LightDash> yay all mane 6 in a box

04:10 <thelema5> I'd like to see the rest of the derpy plush

04:10 <LightDash> plus i like RD :3

04:11 <thelema5> twilight's mane is awkward, though.

04:11 *** Joins: Idiikos (txctwtknvyj@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

04:11 *** Parts: Idiikos (txctwtknvyj@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

04:11 <thelema5> The horn is punching though the hair, rather than the hair going around the horn

04:12 <thelema5> Most awkward, indeed.

04:12 <jamis> Twilight's awkward.

04:12 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

04:12 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

04:12 <Princess-QRS> "Authorities say 14 people have been struck by lightning during rare summer thunderstorms that have swept through Southern California, injuring two critically."

04:12 <Thunder_Dust> Trainers other moves include Punch and Trample.

04:12 <Princess-QRS> up from 7 earlier

04:12 <thelema5> I hope I'm never truck by lightning.  Sounds dreadful.

04:13 <Authoron> beings struck by lightning is not all bad.

04:13 <jamis> Were they under a tree?

04:13 <Authoron> Actually, that sounds like the people holding onto the fence.

04:13 <jamis> A conductive metal fence?

04:13 <Authoron> At a baseball park. That was some time ago though...

04:13 <Princess-QRS> wait what

04:13 *** Joins: Idikos (txctwtknvyj@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

04:14 <Princess-QRS> thelema5 is here?!?!

04:14 * Princess-QRS glomples thelema5

04:14 <Thunder_Dust> Neither move is very effective, but chips away about 3 HP from a Pokemon.

04:14 <jamis> yes.

04:14 *** Parts: Idikos (txctwtknvyj@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

04:14 <Thunder_Dust> So Trainers aren't very useful in battle.

04:14 <thelema5> I was once on the top floor of a building which was struck by lightning- or the lighning rod was struck.  I was looking out the window at the time, and for a fraction of a second saw pilllar of fire arcing above me into the sky.

04:14 <thelema5> It was cool.

04:14 <thelema5> Hi, QRS.

04:14 <Princess-QRS> sup and also brb

04:14 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

04:15 <Authoron> reverse lightning is awesome.

04:15 <Authoron> It shoots out the top of the cloud instead of the bottom.

04:15 <thelema5> Yeah, I've seen images from space of that.

04:15 <jamis> Had a tree stuck by lightning a couple of years ago. Awesome, but kill our AC, router, cable modem and tuck that was under the tree.

04:15 <thelema5> Oh no, jamis!

04:15 *** Joins: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net)

04:16 <thelema5> Hi, BluNoseRaindeer.

04:16 <Authoron> Hallo

04:16 <jamis> There were spot welds on the front of the hood that weren't there before. Pretty cool, but yeah...

04:16 <Thunder_Dust> One time my sister and her friend were next to a window, and they SWORE that it went through the window.

04:16 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Quit: Quitte)

04:16 <Thunder_Dust> They were like a centimeter off.

04:16 <jamis> Oh, and a tire was blown out.

04:16 <Thunder_Dust> Lighting.

04:16 <jamis> Lightning's scary awesome stuff.

04:16 <Authoron> ouch. Ive seen ball lightning before, and it is like something out of a movie.

04:16 <Authoron> And loud.

04:16 <thelema5> It's funny to think that lighning is just static electricity on a massive scale.

04:16 *** ChurchFrame is now known as FrezeFrame

04:17 <thelema5> Zap.

04:17 *** poseyshy is now known as poseyshy|dreaming

04:17 *** Quits: SurfNinja (jibnardtrmp@Pony-pp3m3m.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:17 <thelema5> I don't like storms because my home is surrounded by 120 foot tall trees.

04:18 <thelema5> All very close to the building.

04:18 <Authoron> Lightning struck a tree, and then the ball lightning floated down about 20 feet from the ground and just kind of wobbled around in circles. It hummed and hissed like some sort of giant cobra bee.

04:18 * thelema5 tries to picture a cobra bee

04:18 <Authoron> thats 20 ft tall.

04:18 <thelema5> That's pretty awesome.

04:18 <Thunder_Dust> So, what do you think of my idea of a Pokemon game?

04:19 <jamis> Yeah, that's something you lure in with bait so it lands and open fire with a .50 cal.

04:19 <jamis> Or a couple of them.

04:19 <Authoron> Hallo, SpikeTheDragon. I havent seen you before!

04:19 <Authoron> jamis, the cobree?

04:19 <thelema5> I don't have a .50 cal.  Largest bore I've got is 30/06

04:20 <Thunder_Dust> Also, more info on it.

04:20 <jamis> A 20ft tall cobra bee.

04:20 <Authoron> yes, the Cobree

04:20 <Authoron> *dun dun dah

04:20 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

04:20 <Thunder_Dust> Trainers cannot level up and remain stuck in Level 10.

04:21 <Authoron> unless you find MissingNo.

04:21 <Thunder_Dust> And Prof. Oak knows every single Pokemon move and he is stuck in Level 100.

04:22 <Authoron> MisingNo. Uses: !*@$!@(%(#@*

04:22 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP)

04:22 <Authoron> And then your game resets.

04:22 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

04:23 <Authoron> Wait, Thunder. Prof. Oak knows ALL?

04:23 <Authoron> and is lvl 100?

04:25 <Thunder_Dust> Apparently.

04:25 <Authoron> o-0

04:25 <Thunder_Dust> Authoron, were you listening to my idea for a game?

04:25 <Authoron> Final boss?

04:25 <Thunder_Dust> Were ya listenin'?

04:26 <Authoron> to what you said, i read. Yes.

04:26 <Thunder_Dust> Where you can catch trainers and all their Pokemon too?

04:26 <Thunder_Dust> That too?

04:26 <Authoron> Trainers cant move past 10, oak is 100 and knows all,

04:26 <Thunder_Dust> Moveset?

04:26 <Authoron> But no, I didnt hear that part. Isnt that kidnapping?

04:26 *** Joins: Captain_Pi (Pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP)

04:26 *** Joins: QPOMDPony (pkhuigwzena@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

04:27 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP) (Connection closed)

04:27 <Authoron> Hallp, QPOMD.

04:27 <Authoron> *Hallo

04:27 <QPOMDPony> Wallo

04:27 <Thunder_Dust> Punch Kick Struggle and Summon.

04:28 <Thunder_Dust> Are each Trainer's moveset. ^

04:28 <Thunder_Dust> Except Oak.

04:29 *** Joins: MeowGuy (mngbwcurojq@Pony-i0d8k6.ca.comcast.net)

04:29 <Thunder_Dust> So it's basically Pokemon Red except you can steal Trainer's Pokemon and catch them.

04:29 <Authoron> Okay...

04:29 <hawthornbunny> I remember when Linkara fought Missingno. That was aaaawesome

04:29 <Authoron> How would you capture them?

04:29 <Thunder_Dust> Basically, when a trainer battle starts, make sure you have any type of Pokeball.

04:30 <QPOMDPony> oh boy, it's still pokemon talk. I'm trying so hard to repress it and you are not helping at all!

04:30 <Cephecoding> Right, so I haven't been coding as my name implies.  Instead, putting my new video card to work.  Playing Saints Row 4.  I just acquired the Dubstep Gun.  Vinyl Scratch would be proud.

04:30 <hawthornbunny> QPOMDPony: would you say your efforts are... not very effective?

04:30 <Thunder_Dust> You cannot capture Gary, Giavonni, or any Team Rocket members.

04:30 <Thunder_Dust> Anyway, be armed with Pokeballs.

04:31 *** Joins: jonathan (nsrotrhdmst@Pony-tde.qvs.114.70.IP)

04:31 * QPOMDPony used pound

04:31 <hawthornbunny> hi jonathan!

04:31 * jonathan munches on a muffin

04:31 <Princess-Luna> xD

04:31 <jonathan> hi

04:31 <Thunder_Dust> When a trainer sends out a Pokemon, weaken it.

04:32 <Thunder_Dust> Then send your pokeball at it.

04:32 <Authoron> okay. Cool.

04:32 <Thunder_Dust> You should successfully steal a Pokemon.

04:32 <Authoron> and so you work him down slowly?

04:32 * Ali thinks this has to be a hack of R/B/Y

04:32 <Thunder_Dust> You can keep doing this until the Trainer shows up at the end stripped clean of Pokemon.

04:32 <Authoron> okay...

04:33 <Ali> The only time you can steal pokemon is on the GCN games

04:33 <Thunder_Dust> Then you send another Pokeball.

04:33 <Authoron> Yeah, that sounds pretty good.

04:33 <Thunder_Dust> You actually catch the trainer.

04:33 <Authoron> Make it so you HAVE to use a master ball.

04:33 <Thunder_Dust> You do work him down slowly.

04:34 <Thunder_Dust> Nah, just any type more powerful then Pokeball.

04:34 <jonathan> uh

04:34 <Authoron> okay.

04:34 <Authoron> Hallo, Jonathan.

04:34 <Thunder_Dust> He'll slap it away if it's a normal standard Pokeball.

04:34 <Authoron> XD

04:34 <Authoron> There needs to be an animation of a pokemon hitting a pokeball to the ground saying "NO!"

04:35 *** Quits: MeowGuy (mngbwcurojq@Pony-i0d8k6.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:35 <Thunder_Dust> The trainer says "Do I look like a POKEMON to you?" after he slaps it away.

04:35 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

04:35 <Authoron> make it so.

04:35 <Princess-QRS> Alright, back to work on this training thing.

04:35 <Authoron> Hallo, SRQ

04:35 <Princess-QRS> sup

04:35 <Hat> What if a Pokemon coming out of a pokeball is actually a different one from the one that went in??

04:35 <Authoron> Thunder, I expect a working demo STAT.

04:37 *** Joins: Melody (lmrhxauitec@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com)

04:37 <Thunder_Dust> So you can use Trainers in battle against Pokemon.

04:37 <Authoron> Hat: What if i told you that everything youve ever read is just a different combination of 26 letters...

04:37 <Thunder_Dust> "RED sent out YOUNGSTER!"

04:37 *** Quits: Arteshi (Arteshin@Pony-ra62vv.il.comcast.net) (Quit: )

04:38 <Thunder_Dust> "RED sent out BUG CATCHER!"

04:38 <Thunder_Dust> "RED sent out LASS"

04:38 <Authoron> you should make it where you can use the trainers as a storage, equiping pokemon to them, and then rotating through during your turn. So it would go you, then the trainer, then the opponent, then you, etc.

04:38 <Thunder_Dust> You get the idea.

04:38 <Ali> Derptbot sends out CAPS LOCK SPAMMER

04:39 <Thunder_Dust> *"RED sent out LASS!"

04:39 * Authoron flops on moonbutt

04:39 * Princess-Luna is flopped on

04:39 <Authoron> Legion, put away the pokedex.

04:39 <Princess-QRS> What's some good boozes I should try next tiem I work?

04:39 <Thunder_Dust> "RED sent out GEEK!"

04:39 <Thunder_Dust> OK enough.

04:40 <Thunder_Dust> So, when sending out Trainers in battles, they can Struggle, which chips away their own HP.

04:40 <Thunder_Dust> Or they can try to summon their Pokemon you stole.

04:41 * Authoron noms Luna's gaming stuff

04:41 * SpikeTheDragon flops on the floor.

04:41 <Thunder_Dust> When you select Summon, a text box says "It failed! That Pokemon is no longer yours, *insert Trainer name here*!"

04:41 <Authoron> Hallo Spike.

04:41 *** Joins: Jordo76 (Jordo76@Pony-kiv2bp.rev.sfr.net)

04:41 <Authoron> Hallo Jordo.

04:41 <Jordo76> Hellooo

04:41 <Thunder_Dust> Struggle just chips away your HP.

04:41 <Authoron> give me a demo.

04:41 <Authoron> now.

04:42 <jamis> !link struggle

04:42 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

04:42 <Thunder_Dust> Punching attempts to punch the Pokemon.

04:42 <jamis> !link punch

04:42 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/625426

04:43 <Thunder_Dust> And Trample is another move.

04:43 *** Pony_93971 is now known as SilentSilver

04:43 <thelema5> This welovefine shirt is adorable http://default-mightyfine.netdna-ssl.com/3338-11005-large/shy-away.jpg

04:43 <Princess-Luna> needs more 'curb stomp'

04:43 *** SilentSilver is now known as SilverSilent

04:43 <Authoron> well, thunder, that sounds really cool. But i got to go.

04:43 <thelema5> Nooo curb stomp.

04:43 <Thunder_Dust> Trample tries to trample a Pokemon.

04:43 <Authoron> actually nevermind.

04:43 <Thunder_Dust> Wait a second.

04:43 <Thunder_Dust> Oh good.

04:43 <ryaxnb> you know the old doom3 problem of "duct tape"

04:43 <ryaxnb> w/r/t  flashlights

04:43 <ryaxnb> i have a new question

04:44 <jamis> Shoot.

04:44 <ryaxnb> why did they equip the DOOM 3 BFG guy with shake lights

04:44 <Thunder_Dust> Trample attempts to make one last hit to the Pokemon and escape the battle.

04:44 <Authoron> Cowards.

04:44 <ryaxnb> or rather, with a light that has a 45 second runtime and charges in 20 seconds

04:44 <ryaxnb> which to me, i only know of one light that does that odd runtime style

04:44 <ryaxnb> a shakelight.

04:44 <jamis> Cause.

04:44 <Authoron> We have one of those. They suck.

04:44 <ryaxnb> yep.

04:44 <Thunder_Dust> But Trample only manages to hurt the Pokemon.

04:45 <Authoron> always?

04:45 <Thunder_Dust> It doesn't allow you to move.

04:45 <ryaxnb> it's the only explanation for why videogame flashlights have 45 second runtimes and recharge in 25 seconds.

04:45 <jamis> Cause it's a video game.

04:45 *** Joins: Seapony_Lyra (Books@the_Library)

04:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Seapony_Lyra

04:45 *** Quits: Captain_Pi (Pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP) (Connection closed)

04:45 <Thunder_Dust> For the next turn, your Trainer is "Too Scared To Move".

04:45 <jamis> You couldn't have a 2 hour or better runtime cause then you'd just be walking around with it on all the time.

04:46 *** FruitNi47 is now known as FruitNi

04:46 <thelema5> I have a shakelight in my emergency kit

04:46 <jamis> If you did that, the game wouldn't be as scary.

04:46 <Thunder_Dust> When you use Trample, you miss out on one turn.

04:46 <jamis> Not too mention, that even then, the batteries would eventually die and be useless, but replacements could be found in supply rooms.

04:47 *** Quits: Foxie (Books@the_Library) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:47 <Thunder_Dust> And after hurting said opponent Pokemon, it says "Where do you think you're going?!

04:47 <Thunder_Dust> "

04:47 <Thunder_Dust> "You must battle!"

04:47 <Thunder_Dust> The game says that in textbox.

04:47 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

04:48 <Thunder_Dust> In a textbox.

04:48 <Thunder_Dust> GAH

04:48 *** Googie|Sleepling is now known as Googie|Learnling

04:48 <Thunder_Dust> Anyhoo, you cannot level up Trainers.

04:48 *** FrezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

04:48 <Authoron> Okay. Are you gonna make a demo? I really want to play it now.

04:48 <FruitNi> Little bit of cat-related links from EqD and google thinks I own a cat (judging from the ads)

04:49 <Authoron> Lol.

04:49 <ryaxnb> jamis, so what you're saying is that like in horror movies where everyone mysteriously has no cell phones because reasons

04:49 <ryaxnb> there's no actual reason to not have any light

04:49 <ryaxnb> other than "lulz "

04:49 <Authoron> Youtube thinks im swedish or live in california. It alternates.

04:49 <jamis> Yeah, pissed me off too.

04:49 <ryaxnb> in a real life scenario, you'd have plenty of light, or none at all

04:49 <Hat> Youtube doesn't even play videos for me anymore

04:49 <Thunder_Dust> After "catching" the elite 4, you walk up to Professor Oak and see the hall of fame.

04:50 <Thunder_Dust> Usually the game ends here.

04:50 <Princess-QRS> Currently gettign a crash course in metabolism here.

04:50 <Thunder_Dust> Not in this case.

04:50 <Thunder_Dust> Isn't metabolism natural skinniness?

04:50 <Princess-QRS> No it's how your body processes stuff.

04:50 <Thunder_Dust> I mean Fast Metabolism.

04:50 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (xgvqjvqcxoy@Pony-5bpa4q.cable.rcn.com)

04:50 <Princess-QRS> So it can relate to that, b.. yeah

04:51 *** Joins: FlutterSocks (FlutterSock@Pony-ot2it9.tn.comcast.net)

04:51 <Princess-QRS> "energy drinks are federally regulated," well I'll be

04:51 <jamis> ryaxnb, why couldn't they just put in a realistic flashlight?

04:51 <Authoron> Hallo, Muffin, Flutters.

04:51 <FlutterSocks> herro

04:51 <Thunder_Dust> Hi Fluttersocks.

04:51 <Muffin_Spectacles> Authoron: Hello.

04:51 <ryaxnb> jamis, because then it wouldn't be a horror game.

04:51 <Princess-Luna> ^

04:51 <Authoron> Why do i keep putting that comma after hallo?!?

04:51 <jamis> Princess-QRS, you're really surprised?

04:51 <Princess-Luna> Thematically, it needed the dramatic lighting

04:51 <ryaxnb> horror usually relies on logical impossibilities

04:51 <jamis> Doom 3 had very little lighting at all.

04:51 <Thunder_Dust> Here, a battle triggers with Professor Oak and his One Pokemon from the start of the game.

04:51 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna, the annoying thing is it needs it for a "theme" that has no right to exist

04:51 <Princess-QRS> Not really, I'm just used to the government failing to regulate things.

04:51 <ryaxnb> logically

04:51 <Princess-QRS> I like it.

04:52 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb: And a group of horribly terrile people you want to see offed.

04:52 <Thunder_Dust> Here, a battle triggers with Professor Oak and his One Pokemon from the start of the game.

04:52 <Princess-Luna> <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna, the annoying thing is it needs it for a "theme" that has no right to exist - What, survival horror? :P

04:52 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb: I spent the previous weekend watching about 7 found-footage films, and about 90% of them had people I soon could care lnothing about.

04:52 <Princess-Luna> or action horror?

04:52 <ryaxnb> since in almost all cases, horror movies and games have incredibly contrived or none-at-all reasons why everything is dark, spooky, and nothing works

04:52 <Princess-Luna> they both can exist.

04:52 <ryaxnb> i don't like horror

04:52 <Princess-QRS> There's a slide here that basically says energy drinks might be banned from liquor stores.

04:52 <Princess-Luna> So...stop questioning it?

04:52 <Thunder_Dust> Just catch the starter Pokemon, and then Professor Oak pops up.

04:52 <ryaxnb> since technology doesn't work

04:52 <Princess-Luna> it's not your genre, leave it alone. XD

04:52 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna, no, just no

04:52 <Thunder_Dust> You have no choice but to catch him.

04:53 <ryaxnb> if a genre is based on the idea of stuff that should work not working

04:53 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb: The problem with most horror films, is that they rarely bring anything new to the table.

04:53 <ryaxnb> it offends my "technology uber alles" thing

04:53 <jamis> Princess-QRS, alcohol good, energy drink bad.

04:53 *** Joins: interrupting (obildyhtjor@Pony-umt.6g2.178.12.IP)

04:53 <jamis> Also, lol

04:53 <ryaxnb> where i believe technology solves all problems

04:53 <FlutterSocks> Luna is always the one who goes 'oh god chill out' to geek arguments xD

04:53 <Princess-Luna> <ryaxnb> it offends my "technology uber alles" thing - They're not following that principle

04:53 <ryaxnb> especially since so many horror movies have the exact opposite moral

04:53 <Princess-QRS> Anything is good in moderation.

04:53 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb: I watched Blair Witch Project for the first time in 15 years, and it's hard to believe that film pushed on more found-footage films.

04:53 <ryaxnb> which is a TERRIBLE moral

04:53 <Thunder_Dust> After catching Professor Oak, the screen goes black and then the credis roll.

04:53 <ryaxnb> and leads to things like the natural foods movement

04:53 <Thunder_Dust> The game restarts.

04:54 <Authoron> Thunder. Make me a demo. Now!!!

04:54 *** interrupting is now known as interrupting-Pony

04:54 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb: You mean, "be a total jerk, yell and whine and kick people, and you'll survive?"

04:54 <ryaxnb> where everyone wants to force the world to eat organic so we can all starve to death from lack of foods

04:54 <jamis> Princess-QRS, really? Are you 100% on that?

04:54 <Thunder_Dust> Upon continuing said save file.

04:54 <ryaxnb> :/

04:54 <interrupting-Pony> purrr

04:54 <Thunder_Dust> *,

04:54 <ryaxnb> technology saves the world, it is the future.

04:54 <Princess-Luna> You're projecting way too much on a medium

04:54 <Thunder_Dust> You have Professor Oak in your party now.

04:54 <ryaxnb> i dunno

04:54 <Princess-Luna> Horror - escapism

04:54 <FruitNi> My beef with horror movies is that when somepony gets the bad guy, they never make sure he is dead

04:54 <FruitNi> NEVER

04:54 <Princess-Luna> Not meant to be a realistic situation

04:54 <interrupting-Pony> HAI

04:54 <Princess-QRS> Moderation: Amount that doesn't cause harm.

04:54 <Thunder_Dust> No, technology takes OVER the world ryaxnb.

04:54 <Princess-QRS> so yes

04:54 <Princess-QRS> Sometimes moderation is zero

04:54 <Muffin_Spectacles> FruitNi: Yeah...they can't just have evil die...it has to go on...and on...and on...and on...

04:54 <jamis> FruitNi, monologs.

04:54 <ZeroParadox> WHAT

04:54 * ZeroParadox tackles Princess-Luna

04:54 <ZeroParadox> dammit

04:54 * Princess-Luna acks

04:55 <Princess-Luna> xD

04:55 <interrupting-Pony> I AM FLUFFY

04:55 <jamis> lol

04:55 * ZeroParadox flails at Princess-QRS. "Damn you, tab snipe"

04:55 <ryaxnb> FruitNi, to be fair, if a series is a long runner

04:55 * Princess-QRS hugs Princess-Luna

04:55 <Muffin_Spectacles> When Freddie was in maybe 1-2 films, it wans't so bad...but when he kept living on and on through 7+ films, it goe from bad horror to bad comedy.

04:55 <Thunder_Dust> He is level 100 and knows every last Pokemon move in the gen 1.

04:55 * Authoron picks up Zero, and casually tosses him in the lake.

04:55 <ryaxnb> they will actually at some point find a body, kill it with fire, put holes in it, etc

04:55 <ryaxnb> and the baddie will live anyway

04:55 <interrupting-Pony> WOO I'M BEING DISTRACTING

04:55 <Thunder_Dust> *in gen 1.

04:55 <ryaxnb> because the series is too popular to end

04:55 <Princess-QRS> Please choose the correct answer:

04:55 <Princess-QRS> Judgment will improve if a person consumes one standard drink, but will decrease after several drinks.

04:55 <Princess-QRS> Choice 1

04:55 <Princess-QRS> True

04:55 <Authoron> Good for you. Now stop.

04:55 * ZeroParadox floats in the lake

04:55 <Princess-QRS> Choice 2

04:55 <ryaxnb> happens in all long-running horror movies.

04:55 <Princess-QRS> False

04:55 <Princess-QRS> Oh shoot sorry for the shotgun.

04:55 <Princess-QRS> I just wanted to laff at that question.

04:55 <FruitNi> If I'd get a serial killer I'd not only injure him, but break a few bones to assure his immobilisation and on top of it tie him with 1000 ties

04:55 <Thunder_Dust> Stop interrupting-Pony.

04:56 <Thunder_Dust> TROLL ON THE LOSE

04:56 <interrupting-Pony> i just stole your waifu

04:56 <Thunder_Dust> *LOOSE

04:56 <jamis> ...

04:56 <Authoron> Thunder, careful with the caps

04:56 <ryaxnb> FruitNi, problem is, most long running horror movies have one movie intended to be "the final one" where that actually happens

04:56 * Thunder_Dust takes back said waifu

04:56 <ZeroParadox> Authoron: No.

04:56 <ryaxnb> then the next one he's back again

04:56 * ZeroParadox tackles Princess-QRS

04:56 <Thunder_Dust> Ok Authoron.

04:56 <jamis> Authoron, shush, they'll all find out.

04:56 <interrupting-Pony> i'm not a troll i'm a interuppting pony..

04:56 <ryaxnb> because the studio thought he should be, whereas the past director didn't

04:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> FruitNi: But isn't there such a thing as the law? Or for that matter, those crazy fanatics that worship this crazy being and want him to bring upon a new apocalypse to cleanse the land?

04:56 <Thunder_Dust> Anyway, what do you think of the idea?

04:56 <ryaxnb> so ... yeah. that won't actually kill horror villians

04:56 <Thunder_Dust> Authoron

04:56 <ryaxnb> only failed movies will.

04:56 <Authoron> jamis, I dont like the ban messages. Other than Vinyl's.

04:56 *** GigaWork is now known as Gigaway

04:57 <Thunder_Dust> Whadd'ya think?

04:57 <jamis> lol

04:57 <Princess-Luna> xD

04:57 <Authoron> It makes me want you to shut up.

04:57 <Muffin_Spectacles> Horror films also 9/10 of the time, destroy a really good first film, with a terrible 2nd one that didn't need to be made.

04:57 <Authoron> And make me a real version

04:57 <ZeroParadox> Authoron: What. o3o

04:57 *** Parts: interrupting-Pony (obildyhtjor@Pony-umt.6g2.178.12.IP) ()

04:57 <Princess-Luna> Aliens. Best second horror film ever

04:57 <Thunder_Dust> Litterally, is it good?

04:57 <jamis> T2

04:57 <jamis> But that was horror...

04:57 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna, umm... by not being a horror movie anymore :3

04:58 *** Quits: SilverSilent (SilverSile@SilvertheSilverMoonPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:58 <Princess-Luna> It was

04:58 <ryaxnb> not really.

04:58 *** SpikeTheDragon is now known as Lenfant_Sauvage

04:58 <ryaxnb> it's as horror as DOOM 3 is.

04:58 <Authoron> Yes. I would play that over any other pokemon game. Because you get to do the things i want to.

04:58 <ryaxnb> less, actually

04:58 <Princess-Luna> It was action horror, the resident evil 4 of the series

04:58 <Princess-Luna> still borderline.

04:58 *** Lenfant_Sauvage is now known as Lenfant|tf2lobby

04:58 <FlutterSocks> The Ring was the only movie to give me nightmares

04:58 <ryaxnb> i would point to it being the RE5 or DOOM 3 of horror, not RE4

04:58 * Princess-Luna will disagree, and leave it there

04:58 <ryaxnb> those being a bit more actiony then RE4.

04:58 <FlutterSocks> because i couldnt prove that i wouldnt die in 7 days D:

04:59 <ryaxnb> but still having horror elements

04:59 *** Quits: Desmond (qgnyjpixkft@Pony-oh4ef0.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:59 <ryaxnb> i mean, RE4 isn't even that not-horror-y

04:59 <FlutterSocks> turns out watching videos cant actually kill you unless they're justin beiber music videos

04:59 <jamis> Doom3 was just darkness. Pure void.

04:59 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia-Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

04:59 <ryaxnb> it has actually smooth controls, unlike survival horror games, but the plot is very similar to a horror plot

04:59 <Thunder_Dust> Wb The_Nostalgia_Mare.

04:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> I just avoid watching haunted apartment films. LEst something start lurking in this place.

04:59 <Thunder_Dust> BRB.

04:59 <Princess-Luna> RE5 is far more horror thematically than 5 is.

05:00 <Princess-Luna> *4 > 5 I mean

05:00 <jamis> heh

05:00 <Authoron> Hallo, Nostalgia.

05:00 <ryaxnb> yeah

05:00 <ryaxnb> that's what i was saying

05:00 <The_Nostalgia-Mare> Hi.

05:00 <ryaxnb> 4 has a very horror-ish plot

05:00 <ryaxnb> 5 less so

05:00 <ryaxnb> i'd argue aliens is more like RE5 than RE4.

05:00 <FruitNi> Most horror movies for me are not even close to inducing any fear in me (aside from occasional jump scares maybe), what I would enjoy, but there almost like a void of such movies is when the scary thing is mysterious, hidden and not blatantly obvious (I'm ok even if movie never reveals it)

05:00 <Princess-Luna> I was never an RE fan for the horror.

05:00 <Princess-Luna> xD

05:00 <Muffin_Spectacles> I watched the first two RE films, and they seemed really ridiculous at times. Umbrella Corporation lets loose all this horrible stuff on the world, and keeps doing it, not realizing they will eventually be consumed?

05:00 <Princess-Luna> Oh the films are terrible

05:00 <Princess-Luna> Absolutely awful

05:00 <FruitNi> But as I said such movies are almost non-existent

05:00 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

05:01 <ryaxnb> we speak of games, not movies.

05:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> Umbrella Corporation is like the brainless peons of The Weyland-Yutani Corporation in the Alien films, who keep trying to years to weaponize the Aliens.

05:01 <ryaxnb> w/r/t RE

05:01 <Princess-Luna> To understand Umbrella, play the games

05:01 <ryaxnb> (and Doom)

05:01 <jamis> Fruit, they just make me feel frustrated.

05:01 <Hat> The best horror films for me are reality TV

05:01 <ryaxnb> to be fair, most horror corps do that, even in games.

05:01 <ryaxnb> it's kinda a running gag with the UAC for instance, in DOOM

05:01 <FlutterSocks> my fav horror film is by far The Shining

05:01 <ryaxnb> "whoops, Hell opened AGAIN!"

05:01 <FlutterSocks> I can act out the barroom scene from memory

05:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> Why do peple like 'reality tv?' they soon just devolve into people yelling, backstabbing, and muttering how they hate other people in this thing.

05:01 <FruitNi> I actually enjoy films that throw you into the swing of things without explaining

05:01 <Princess-Luna> thats why people watch them, muffin

05:01 <Princess-Luna> THOSE reasons.

05:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> FruitNi: You mean horror films that most Americans shun?

05:01 <Hat> That's the horror--because it's real

05:01 <FruitNi> If you are not stupid you can figure it out along the way

05:02 <ryaxnb> there are four classic DOOM storylines (pre-DOOM3-reboot) and the UAC screws the pooch in each one.

05:02 <jamis> I like my explanations.  

05:02 <Muffin_Spectacles> Princess-Luna: Well I guess I'm just not that disgusted with my own life to see others destroy theirs.

05:02 <Authoron> Horror: Not scary when with friends, scary beyond belief in the dark alone.

05:02 <Princess-Luna> Schedenfraude is a thing

05:02 <Princess-Luna> people like to see others be miserable

05:02 *** Quits: thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:02 <ryaxnb> btw, doom 3 BFG is a lot brighter than doom 3

05:02 <ryaxnb> because of the new flashlight

05:02 <Muffin_Spectacles> Princess-Luna: Especially if you live in New York, since it's pretty crazy there.

05:02 <FlutterSocks> The Shining didnt really terrify me i mean, but it made me very uncomfortable and I liked the wierdness , the acting and the obvious influence of Lovecraftian horror :3

05:02 <Princess-Luna> lol

05:02 <ryaxnb> which is both brighter than the old flashlight, and is mountable

05:02 <Princess-QRS> A standard drink is equal to 18ml of pure alcohol. 12oz for 3-7% beers, 5oz for 7-15% wines, and 1.5oz for spirits.

05:02 <Princess-QRS> LEARNING

05:02 <FruitNi> I hate when actors pause to explain or narration is needed: that is just a bad writing for me

05:02 <ryaxnb> true, it has a battery life, but it's quite long and the recharge time is short.

05:02 <Authoron> Learning is good.

05:03 <FlutterSocks> well... Jack Nicholson's acting anyway

05:03 <LightDash> i like resident evil,Doom and alien.

05:03 <ryaxnb> ergo, DOOM 3 is pretty damn bright

05:03 <ryaxnb> with the BFG

05:03 <LightDash> Big Bucking gun

05:03 <jamis> So, if I buy BFG, 3 will brightenup?

05:03 <Authoron> You guys need to leave the video games and play IRL Slender.

05:03 <ryaxnb> well, BFG is basically DOOM 3 with brighter lighting

05:03 <Princess-Luna> Naaaah

05:03 <Princess-Luna> I don't do the slender creepypasta stuff, doesn't phase me

05:03 <ryaxnb> aside from the flashlight, they increased lighting levels, decreased gimmicks, and that's about it

05:03 <ryaxnb> they just made it less horror and more action (slightly)

05:03 <FruitNi> If you can't write a scenario from which a viewer can deduct things, and you need narrations and explanations, then you'd better write the user manuals

05:04 <Authoron> Find a small forest, a guy with a suit, an almost dead flashlight, and darkness.

05:04 <ryaxnb> other than that it's the same game (and also includes the EP with the same fixes)

05:04 <Thunder_Dust> Sorry Authoron.

05:04 <Princess-Luna> Slender's still just the modern boogeyman, if you ask me

05:04 * Princess-Luna shrugs

05:04 <ryaxnb> the console is even the same, though now disabled by default.

05:04 <FlutterSocks> i prefer... splenderman

05:04 * Authoron will respect Moonbutt's decision.

05:04 <ryaxnb> so you can cheat like in a Quake style game (give ammo, etc)

05:04 <Thunder_Dust> I haven't the foggiest idea how to hack or program things, so no final product. Or Demo for that matter.

05:04 <jamis> Slender who?  Don't care.

05:04 <Authoron> Flutters, Splendorman is even scarier.

05:04 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MXYC_jX2Wc

05:04 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

05:04 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Splendorman

05:04 <FlutterSocks> xD

05:05 <LightDash> i like resident evil,Doom,alien and quake.

05:05 <Muffin_Spectacles> Though Slender has convinced young teens to kill.

05:05 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP)

05:05 <ryaxnb> the other change in DOOM 3 BFG is ported to consoles, no longer runs on XP for Reasons (dumb ones) and includes DOOM and DOOM II (minus the wolf3d secret levels because Germany Sucks )

05:05 <FlutterSocks> Splendorman!!!

05:06 <Thunder_Dust> Ok Authoron?

05:06 <jamis> lol

05:06 <Thunder_Dust> Hate for the dissapointment of it all.

05:06 *** Seapony_Lyra is now known as Apologue

05:06 <Authoron> Fine.

05:06 <LightDash> i like wolfenstein

05:06 <Authoron> :(

05:06 <ryaxnb> what's truly amazing about BFG edition is they actually had to lower the texture res and effects on the console ports

05:06 <LightDash> *3d

05:06 <ryaxnb> and this was a 2004 game

05:06 <Thunder_Dust> But, you know Pokemon Creepy Black, right?

05:06 <ryaxnb> :P

05:07 <ryaxnb> DOOM 3 was VERY advanced for the time.

05:07 <ryaxnb> it looked absolutely stunning for 2004.

05:07 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

05:07 <FlutterSocks> your mom looked absolutely stunning for 2004

05:07 <FlutterSocks> ohhh

05:07 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

05:07 <Thunder_Dust> Mare, decide if you're staying or leaving?

05:07 <Princess-QRS> 140/287 slides!

05:07 <jamis> Remember everyone comparing HL2 to Doom 3.

05:07 <jamis> Which looked better and such.

05:08 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Away

05:08 <LightDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSfVL7qzOP4

05:08 <ryaxnb> HL2 is weird because nowadays it'll look better

05:08 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> My modem is acting up.

05:08 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

05:08 <ryaxnb> as they've ported it to the new version of the source engine

05:08 *** Joins: blaze-libby (blrpgfsgynq@Pony-ttt77a.res.rr.com)

05:08 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Doom [Classic] Theme

05:08 <jamis> HL2 is showing it's age.

05:08 <ryaxnb> which is the same one used in modern games like CS:GO and is pretty nice

05:08 <ryaxnb> sure, absolutely

05:08 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia-Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

05:08 <Thunder_Dust> Oh OK The_Nostalgia_Mare.

05:08 <ryaxnb> the Source engine is

05:08 <Thunder_Dust> CRA-

05:08 <ryaxnb> but it's been more actively updated than the DOOM 3 engine.

05:08 <LightDash> i like half-life 1 and 2

05:08 <ryaxnb> so HL2 will look better, now, than DOOM 3.

05:09 <ryaxnb> since it's running on a more updated engine (though still a dated engine, but less dated)

05:09 <blaze-libby> -=-

05:09 <jamis> You've got that graphic overhaul for it, but that takes up a ton of disk.

05:09 <FlutterSocks> i like the graphics in Quest for Infamy. State of the art

05:09 <ryaxnb> well, Source engine, is basically the best engine possible in DirectX 9

05:09 <blaze-libby> hiiii

05:09 <FlutterSocks> youd never know it was indie

05:09 <ryaxnb> you can do better, but then you need DX10-level hardware

05:09 <FlutterSocks> i mean look at this http://megagames.com/sites/default/files/game-images/Quest%20For%20Infamy%201.jpg

05:09 *** Joins: SilverSilent (SilverSile@SilvertheSilverMoonPony)

05:09 <FlutterSocks> there are at least 1000 pixels there.

05:09 <FruitNi> Aren't we now on DX12 already???

05:10 <ryaxnb> no, DX11

05:10 <ryaxnb> but XP is only on DX9

05:10 <ryaxnb> and 28% of the world is thus only on DX9

05:10 <ryaxnb> used to be 50% about 2 years  ago

05:10 <jonathan> hello

05:10 <ryaxnb> because XP wasn't replaced until late 2009./

05:11 <LightDash> wolfenstein,doom,quake,half-life,duke nukem are those fps that i play and i like it.

05:11 <LightDash> *FPS games

05:11 <jonathan> http://www.knockingoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/spongebob-pokemon.jpg

05:11 <jamis> No love for borderlands?

05:11 <FlutterSocks> i use 7, but i hear 8 runs a bit snappier. Especially if i tear out the metro

05:11 <blaze-libby> ;P

05:11 <ryaxnb> Counterstrike, Unreal?

05:11 *** Joins: eye_7dd621 (wjwlsdsgidu@Pony-h0b874.fios.verizon.net)

05:11 <ryaxnb> 8 is... meh

05:11 <ryaxnb> it no longer supports running without Aero (GDI only)

05:11 <FlutterSocks> not that any windows ive ever run is remotely as fast as linux, but I need windows for so much stuff now

05:11 <ryaxnb> which i really like because some games run better that way, and it's less stressful on the 3d card

05:12 <ryaxnb> Linux runs a lot of stuff nowadays, but windows runs more.

05:12 <FlutterSocks> namely, Unity3D.

05:12 <ryaxnb> most XP stuff seems to run on Linux now through Wine, which is truly amazing.

05:12 <LightDash> me is win 7 (but i have a win XP pro).

05:12 *** Quits: blaze-libby (blrpgfsgynq@Pony-ttt77a.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:12 *** Quits: SilverSilent (SilverSile@SilvertheSilverMoonPony) (Connection closed)

05:12 <ryaxnb> unity supports linux

05:12 <FlutterSocks> i did just speed up windows a lot, by disabling services i didnt need and crap like that... yknow, crap that linux never has a problem with

05:13 <FlutterSocks> Unity doesn't have a development environment for linux

05:13 <FlutterSocks> it ports to it

05:13 <ryaxnb> not yet, i'm sure they will soon

05:13 *** Joins: SilverSilent (SilverSile@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com)

05:13 <FlutterSocks> If they do, i will be running in linux more than i am now

05:13 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-6ff2l2.ca.charter.com) (Quit: Oops, a fegmentation fault)

05:13 <FruitNi> Win 8 is nice, but compatibility is still an issue

05:14 <FruitNi> Win 7 is what vista was meant to be XD

05:14 <ryaxnb> unity 3d runs on linux already via wine.

05:14 <ryaxnb> and it can work on openGL, too

05:14 <ryaxnb> which means you don't even need the DX-to-OGL layer wine includes

05:14 <FlutterSocks> im sure wine can handle it, but im hesitant to use that for a serious tool . i need to know things are optimal.

05:14 <ryaxnb> (increasing speed)

05:14 <ryaxnb> Wine is a serious tool :/

05:14 * ryaxnb loves Wine

05:14 <FlutterSocks> i know wine is a serious tool. but ive run too many things through it that run into issues out of  nowhere

05:15 *** Quits: Thunder_Dust (nqmteqdlcfq@Pony-2407ug.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:15 <ryaxnb> i've had extremely good luck with wine, oddly

05:15 <FlutterSocks> for example, a simple program like paint tool Sai. forget it. The wacom emulation is terrible

05:15 <ryaxnb> if you use things it is capable of , you usually get no issues

05:15 <ryaxnb> um, wacom is obviously trouble

05:15 <FlutterSocks> yes, hugely

05:15 <ryaxnb> it's a  peripheral, which means drivers

05:15 <ryaxnb> that's something wine sucks at  

05:15 <ryaxnb> it's not "simple"

05:15 <FlutterSocks> they have linux drivers, but wine cant play with them.

05:15 *** Joins: lunalover (gffciegffqn@Pony-i2l3r1.res.rr.com)

05:16 <ryaxnb> you're basically asking wine to run kernel mode emulation now

05:16 <FlutterSocks> yes yes i know.

05:16 <FlutterSocks> wine sometimes works on games, sometimes not. it was iffy with me.

05:16 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia-Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

05:16 <ryaxnb> Wine tends to work with games that work with XP, IME, unless they use .NET

05:16 <QPOMDPony> wee I once worked on low level DX programming

05:17 <FlutterSocks> yeah .NET is a problem. And i did notice that OpenGL games emulate easier.

05:17 <ryaxnb> if the game requires vista or has comapt issues with XP (9x only) it probably won't work

05:17 <FlutterSocks> well, emulate is the wrong word... x86 instructions are x86 instructions

05:17 <QPOMDPony> they really did some magical stuff there. It's not surprising that not everything can be translated to OGL

05:17 <ryaxnb> yeah, some .NET games and such work (e.g. Adobe Digital Editions)

05:17 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

05:17 <ryaxnb> but most of the time you're better off porting the game to linux, most .NET games ahve been ported to Mono now

05:17 <ryaxnb> since .NET game API thing is discontinued by MS

05:17 *** Joins: Doge_Pony (qicruser@Pony-qse532.a1s7.s162.fb90.2607.IP)

05:18 <Pi> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjSQUx-k1co&list=PL81484C5BD2E6ECA7

05:18 <FlutterSocks> i love c#, i won't lie. Maybe my favorite language overall.

05:18 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

05:18 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about [EDM] - Pegboard Nerds - New Style [Monstercat Release]

05:18 <ryaxnb> whereas MonoGame is not.

05:18 <FlutterSocks> im glad it's become more portable

05:18 <lunalover> Hi

05:18 <Princess-Luna> Greetings

05:18 *** Pi is now known as Prince_Pi

05:18 <lunalover> swag

05:18 *** Joins: derpy_the_derp (tbbrttfmunf@Pony-d9gi7q.wi.charter.com)

05:18 <Prince_Pi> Oh dear, another.

05:18 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:18 <derpy_the_derp> derp

05:19 <lunalover> ilo

05:19 *** Quits: Renard (Renard@Pony-u8rk8n.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Client exited)

05:19 <derpy_the_derp> love my name?

05:19 <Doge_Pony> hallo ponies

05:19 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr|iPhone (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-26g.obr.255.85.IP)

05:19 <lunalover> derpy yay

05:19 <derpy_the_derp> I am derpy the derp XD

05:19 <FlutterSocks> after 5 years of working professionally with c++ i learned that it exhausts me, and ruby/python don't have enough structure to prevent PEBCAK snafus, java for some reason drains me... but C# is like in this wonderful happy place.

05:20 <lunalover> i love the night

05:20 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

05:20 <FlutterSocks> plus, coroutines are the shizzm shazzm

05:20 <lunalover> :|

05:20 <lunalover> :P

05:20 <eye_7dd621> klik%klik

05:20 <eye_7dd621> dGVhY2hlciB3YXRjaGVz

05:20 *** Quits: eye_7dd621 (wjwlsdsgidu@Pony-h0b874.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:20 <lunalover> O_O

05:20 <derpy_the_derp> :)

05:21 *** Quits: derpy_the_derp (tbbrttfmunf@Pony-d9gi7q.wi.charter.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:21 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:21 <lunalover> (H)

05:21 <FlutterSocks> what the heck is that an onion link? better not follow that.

05:21 * QPOMDPony is confused

05:21 <Doge_Pony> http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L5I4dVYhzHU

05:22 <FlutterSocks> ciao for now everypony

05:22 *** Quits: FlutterSocks (FlutterSock@Pony-ot2it9.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

05:23 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia-Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:23 *** Joins: thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net)

05:23 <lunalover> i love pie:P

05:24 * thelema5 appears in a cloud of pink and blue mist

05:24 * thelema5 coughs

05:24 <thelema5> Danged mist.

05:25 <lunalover> :|

05:25 <thelema5> Always messes with my sinuses.

05:26 <thelema5> How is everypony this fine evening?

05:26 <QPOMDPony> evening? it's 4:25 AM!

05:26 <ryaxnb> most games seem to run on wine, though there are some issues with some games. for apps, i have good luck with most that run on XP.

05:26 <ryaxnb> most anything that requires Vista, .NET or the like doesn't work.

05:26 <thelema5> Evening here.  Silly spinning earth-ball!

05:26 *** Quits: Cloud_Zephyr|iPhone (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-26g.obr.255.85.IP) (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi)

05:27 <ryaxnb> or something that heavily uses ActiveX, VBscript, Jscript, or MSHTML

05:27 <LightningCrash> Time Zones are the epitome of illogical.

05:27 <thelema5> QPOMDPony, what on earth are you doing up at so ungodly a time?

05:27 <thelema5> Go to bed!

05:27 <QPOMDPony> Handling some segmentation fault :(

05:28 <thelema5> I'll just pretend to know what that means.

05:28 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Poll Results: Which Pony has the Best Character Specific Episodes?  [ http://tinyurl.com/p2dtzvk ]

05:28 <QPOMDPony> No, sleeping with unsolved bugs is a bad idea. They hunt you

05:28 <thelema5> Bedbugs are not your friends.

05:28 *** Quits: lunalover (gffciegffqn@Pony-i2l3r1.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

05:29 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (Mibbit@Felonious.Wretch) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

05:30 <QPOMDPony> got a peek on the poll results? Flutters also had a nice share of episodes :(

05:30 <thelema5> Goodnight, and sweet dreams, ADragonDreaming.

05:30 <QPOMDPony> nighty night thelema5!

05:30 <thelema5> No, I'm not going to bed, silly pone.

05:30 <QPOMDPony> Ah. It's ADragonDreaming that's abandoning.

05:30 <thelema5> I was saying goodnight to another.

05:30 <QPOMDPony> I'm tired =.=

05:30 <thelema5> I'm not surprised.

05:31 *** Quits: Doge_Pony (qicruser@Pony-qse532.a1s7.s162.fb90.2607.IP) (Quit: qicr for android: faster and better)

05:31 <thelema5> !link socks

05:31 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/40890

05:31 <QPOMDPony> socks ^^

05:31 <thelema5> I can't even begin to understand what's happening there.

05:32 <QPOMDPony> what? where?

05:32 *** Joins: mofoman14 (yzpelbwwodx@Pony-bqtn7p.fios.verizon.net)

05:32 <thelema5> Hi, Mofoman14.

05:33 <mofoman14> rainbow dash from "the mysterious mare do well": I hate being alone.                                    Hai thele.

05:33 <thelema5> What in the world could that be?

05:33 <thelema5> I don't think that means what you think it means

05:33 <QPOMDPony> the mysterious mare do well didn't happen.

05:34 <thelema5> Um, pretty sure it did.

05:34 <QPOMDPony> no! :<

05:34 <thelema5> http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xugaq2_mlp-fim-s2-e8-the-mysterious-mare-do-well_shortfilms

05:35 <thelema5> Says otherwise

05:35 <QPOMDPony> I refuse to acknowledge the existence of that episode.

05:35 <QPOMDPony> Darn! I just did

05:35 <thelema5> Okay.  We're all entitles to our headcanon.

05:35 <thelema5> I refuse to acknowledge the existance of Breezies.

05:36 *** Quits: Melody (lmrhxauitec@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:36 <thelema5> And of power ponies.

05:36 <mofoman14> In the middle of the episode, rainbow dash has a sceen where she has a moment. Go watch horseshoe episode on that episode review. She has a moment where she says "I hate being alone". That scean in that episode is where you get to look deep into rainbow dashes soal!

05:36 <thelema5> So... more power to you.

05:36 <QPOMDPony> nooo

05:36 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-6ff2l2.ca.charter.com)

05:37 <thelema5> Hello. ChaoticRift.

05:37 *** Joins: CaveDude (ncnlbtkuvjz@Pony-cq9uae.wa.comcast.net)

05:37 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Spotlight Music: Zero Gravity / Tell Me [ http://tinyurl.com/pfzy7lj ]

05:37 <mofoman14> That scean is why I love RAINBOW DASH!

05:37 <thelema5> Hi, CaveDude.

05:37 <ZeroParadox> Derpy pls

05:37 <CaveDude> yo

05:37 * QPOMDPony gets dissolved by all that...erm..power

05:37 * Princess-Luna is indifferent to RainbowHorse

05:37 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

05:37 <mofoman14> Sceen*

05:38 <Princess-Luna> Scene?

05:38 <thelema5> Mofoman, go home.  I hope you're not drunk.

05:38 <mofoman14> YES!

05:38 <mofoman14> I'm not drunk

05:38 <thelema5> There you go!

05:38 <thelema5> Gooood.

05:38 <mofoman14> I WAS TALKING TO LUNA!

05:38 <mofoman14> Now I sound crazy

05:38 <thelema5> Carry on.

05:39 <mofoman14> Anyways, I am not drunk. I have dyslexia.

05:39 <thelema5> It's all good.  Carry on.

05:39 * mofoman14 sways back and forth. hicups

05:39 <thelema5> heh

05:39 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna, i like rainbow horse

05:39 <ryaxnb> i am not really super indifferent to any horse, even though i like Pinkie the least

05:40 <ryaxnb> she's still a funny pony sometimes

05:40 <mofoman14> I'm...I'm..I aint drunk! Screw *hicup* off!

05:40 <Princess-QRS> I like the moon horse.

05:40 <Princess-QRS> She is the best horse.

05:40 *** thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

05:40 <ryaxnb> she is definitely a very quality breed

05:40 <QPOMDPony> ryaxnb how dare you?

05:40 <mofoman14> I like mofoman...wait. that's not a pony in the show. I like rainbow dash then

05:40 <QPOMDPony> Princess-Luna I hope you approve

05:40 <ryaxnb> QPOMDPony, huh?

05:40 <QPOMDPony> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH0sApQgCsE

05:40 <ryaxnb> i just said i like all the mane 6

05:40 <ryaxnb> pinkie is just the one i like the least.

05:40 <ryaxnb> she's still a good pone.

05:40 <QPOMDPony> Now go listen to the album and LOVE THE PINK ONE

05:41 <mofoman14> Pink one is my 2nd fave pony

05:41 <mofoman14> Then shy one is my 3rd

05:42 <Princess-Luna> Fashionhorse is best mane horse

05:42 <Princess-Luna> for she is a giant ham, and I love that

05:42 <mofoman14> apple one is my 4th, dress one is my 5th, and princess of friendship one is my 6th fave pony.

05:43 <Prince_Pi> That's cool.

05:44 <QPOMDPony> I find it hard to making comparisons and defining strict preferences. It's a slippery slope!

05:46 <QPOMDPony> Given enough time, you'll put zebras at the bottom of the list, then act accordingly!

05:47 <mofoman14> ZECORA IS THE BEST SECONDARY CHARACTER! and you can't deny that

05:47 <mofoman14> she is the best zebra!

05:47 <Prince_Pi> I can, actually.

05:48 <mofoman14> NO YOU CAN'T!

05:48 <Prince_Pi> She's the ONLY zebra.

05:48 * mofoman14 slaps prince pie

05:48 <mofoman14> zecora is the best 2ndary character and best zebra, so shut your trap

05:49 <mofoman14> Oh and she being the only zebra, that's my point. she's the best. She killed the others.

05:49 <mofoman14> That's what I like about her

05:49 <QPOMDPony> is it still ok saying that AJ is best secondary? :P

05:49 <mofoman14> Aj has turned into a secondary character

05:50 <Prince_Pi> How so.

05:51 <mofoman14> she barely gets any lines. And hasn't had a full episode with just her in it!

05:51 <mofoman14> well I take that back

05:51 <QPOMDPony> Well, she surely isn't a mane one. I mean, apples? really?

05:51 <mofoman14> She did have 1

05:52 <Princess-Luna> AJ had a laaaaarge amount of season 4 appearances

05:52 <Princess-Luna> didn't you even check that?

05:52 <Prince_Pi> What 's wrong with apples.

05:52 <mofoman14> Son of a *buy some apples*

05:52 <QPOMDPony> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UomhczVNoBw&list=PLpC0E9FKfdeFc_wEqSek3NQ3T8s9r3USK&index=6

05:52 <Princess-QRS> The section on checking minors ID is kinda fun. It notes that quite often "Minors will run when asked."

05:52 <Princess-Luna> <mofoman14> she barely gets any lines. And hasn't had a full episode with just her in it! - NONE of them get that.

05:53 <Princess-Luna> Because they have to interact as per the general show theme.

05:53 <mofoman14> QPOMD! take it away! Show why apple jack is a 2ndary character!

05:53 *** Joins: Ravor (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP)

05:54 <QPOMDPony> NO! She does nothing but appeling from time to time

05:54 <Princess-Luna> Do you even pay attention, bro?

05:54 <Prince_Pi> *sigh* Why make a claim if you can't defend it?

05:54 <QPOMDPony> bah. I'm sorry, my cognitive ability is deteriorating :P

05:54 <QPOMDPony> it's 4:53 AM for me

05:55 <Princess-Luna> expecting AJ to do anything other than apples would be like expecting pinkie to quit partying for an episode.

05:55 <Princess-QRS> Or Luna to not be beautiful and amazing.

05:56 <Princess-QRS> Or Celestia to actually ever solve a problem.

05:56 *** Joins: Idikos (txctwtknvyj@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

05:56 <Princess-Luna> They all have a thing - it's just how the characters are.

05:56 *** Parts: Idikos (txctwtknvyj@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

05:56 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

05:56 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Pony-l1p347.charlton.irccloud.com)

05:56 <Princess-QRS> Luna's thing is being awesome, and forgetting her voice during scenes in the day.

05:56 * Princess-QRS rolls around PearlyWhites, continuously booping.

05:56 <Princess-Luna> Dreamvoice and Realvoice might be seperate things

05:57 <Princess-Luna> dramatic effect on ponies and such

05:57 <Princess-QRS> Her Dreamvoice is the voice she had in Canterlot Wedding and Crystal Empire.

05:57 *** Quits: jonathan (nsrotrhdmst@Pony-tde.qvs.114.70.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:57 <Princess-QRS> for like

05:57 <Princess-QRS> 3 lines lol

05:57 <Princess-Luna> x3

05:57 <Princess-QRS> It's also the one used in the finale if I remember right, it was just that one time/

05:57 <QPOMDPony> just so you know, PearlyWhites, you get a special treatment from Princess-QRS. she hadn't booped anyone lately

05:57 <jamis> This about luna?

05:57 <Princess-Luna> Well, don't forget she also had something of both voices in Luna eclipsed

05:58 * PearlyWhites looks at Princess-QRS, confused..

05:58 * Princess-QRS gets up, and flops on PearlyWhites.

05:58 <Princess-QRS> I love you, bracespony.

05:58 <Princess-QRS> You are a good chat pony.

05:58 <PearlyWhites> Go home Princess-QRS, you are drunk

05:59 <Princess-QRS> I am not, I /make/ people drunk!

05:59 <jamis> Maybe buzzed?

05:59 *** Joins: Deadbane (yhefmdlggbi@Pony-mp8aop.al.comcast.net)

05:59 <Princess-QRS> I'm just happy as heck irl.

05:59 <Princess-QRS> New job, school is all set up, the weather is good, etc.

05:59 *** Deadbane is now known as Spellweave

05:59 <Princess-QRS> I got my chat pony friends, my computer is fixed, and there's a Voodoo 3 coming in the mail.

06:00 <jamis> You really like your old hardware, don't you?

06:00 <Princess-QRS> I now have the full collection!

06:00 <Princess-QRS> I have a Voodoo 1, A pair of Voodoo 2s in SLi, and a Voodoo 4 4500.

06:01 <Princess-QRS> Well, mostly full collection. Still need a Banshee and the other crappy one.

06:01 <Princess-QRS> A 5000 would be nice too, but there's only like 10,000 of those total.

06:01 <mofoman14> PC gaming VS console gaming! Take your sides!

06:01 <Princess-QRS> But yes, yes I do. My hobby is 90s computers.

06:01 <jamis> ...

06:01 *** Joins: Captain_Pi (pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP)

06:02 <Princess-QRS> PC Jaming Blaster Face

06:02 <jamis> I'm not totally sure of this, but I may or may not have a 5...

06:02 <mofoman14> OK! Pc gaming vs console gaming debate starts now! GO!

06:02 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

06:02 <Princess-QRS> jamis

06:02 <Princess-QRS> find out

06:02 <Princess-QRS> I will pay you.

06:02 <PearlyWhites> Who is best pony? Take your sides! Because pointless discussions are the best part of the internet!

06:02 <Princess-QRS> Luna.

06:02 <Princess-QRS> Not even a discussion.

06:03 * ThatAnonPony boops Princess-Luna with Ironmare plushie.

06:03 * Princess-Luna coo's!

06:03 <Ravor> I have a different categories because I cant settle on a single best

06:03 <mofoman14> Pssst! apple is better then samsung.

06:03 * Princess-QRS hugs Princess-Luna, for she is the best hug pony.

06:03 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

06:03 <jamis> Who is best pony?

06:03 <ThatAnonPony> Ironman 3 is pretty good film, I have decided.

06:03 <Princess-Luna> IM3 is pretty fun

06:04 <jamis> Why, your sister Princess-Luna.

06:04 <Princess-Luna> yes, the twist was silly, but it was entertaining and relevent

06:04 <ThatAnonPony> 'xactly. S'playful film. Action first and foremost, but wasn't afraid of having fun either.

06:04 *** Quits: Prince_Pi (pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:04 <Princess-Luna> whereas the Marvel manderin is seeeeeriously not a cool thing for these modern times.

06:05 <jamis> I didn't care much for either 2 or 3.

06:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1239 [ http://tinyurl.com/nuwb8t5 ]

06:05 <Princess-Luna> I rather enjoyed all 3

06:05 <ThatAnonPony> DIY Ironman is best though.

06:05 <Princess-Luna> because I hold each film on it's own merit, lol

06:07 <Ravor> I like how 1 foreshadowed the avengers about 5 years before it even happened

06:07 <Princess-QRS> Marvel movies own.

06:07 <Princess-QRS> They successfully brought comics to the big screen in a way that owns hard.

06:07 <Princess-QRS> Can't wait for the civil war!

06:07 <Ravor> The little scene with neck fury that ran after the credits rolled

06:07 <ThatAnonPony> Civil war..?

06:08 <Spellweave> imperials and stormcloaks? 0.o

06:08 <jamis> DC vs?

06:09 <Princess-QRS> 207/289 slides!

06:09 <Princess-QRS> SRQ is really close to his government booze seller certification.

06:13 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ptsefc.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

06:13 <screenaholic> I am here.

06:13 <jamis> Hey screenaholic

06:13 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms screenaholic.

06:13 *** Joins: Damhoof (Dinawartote@Pony-7mqfu0.customer.lyse.net)

06:13 *** Quits: Damhoof (Dinawartote@Pony-7mqfu0.customer.lyse.net) (Quit: )

06:13 *** Quits: SilverSilent (SilverSile@SilvertheSilverMoonPony) (Quit: Time to sneak away sliently...)

06:14 * Spellweave waveyhooves to nossy and screeny

06:14 *** Quits: RabbitRed (Dinawartote@Pony-7mqfu0.customer.lyse.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:14 *** Joins: Resonance (jjtkbclychn@Pony-2lq.vnc.224.66.IP)

06:14 *** Parts: Resonance (jjtkbclychn@Pony-2lq.vnc.224.66.IP) ()

06:15 * screenaholic brushies Nossy's Teeth.

06:15 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> My mouth is clean.

06:15 *** Joins: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP)

06:15 <screenaholic> Not if you keep nommin' me. You don't know where I've been.

06:15 *** Meltdown is now known as Essence

06:16 <Princess-QRS> Ya'll should come to Edmonton and hang out with me.

06:17 <screenaholic> Where is that agian?

06:17 <Princess-QRS> Alberta, the middle of it.

06:17 <screenaholic> So Canyada.

06:17 <Princess-QRS> ye

06:18 <screenaholic> When I start my travels, I'll be sure to swing by.

06:18 <jamis> http://pirill-poveniy.deviantart.com/art/TMAC-Destruction-is-imminent-471100381

06:19 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms screenaholic.

06:19 <Spellweave> Nossy 2: The Nomming

06:20 *** Artillery_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

06:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I need to sleep.

06:21 <screenaholic> Night Nossy.

06:21 <rainbowpower64> good night

06:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Night.

06:22 <QPOMDPony> YES I vanquished  and I'm free to go to sleep as well

06:22 * rainbowpower64 finds random doughnut

06:22 <QPOMDPony> night everpony

06:22 <Princess-QRS> goonight

06:22 <rainbowpower64> see ya

06:22 <QPOMDPony> vanquished my bug*

06:22 * The_Nostalgia_Mare sleeps on screenaholic.

06:22 *** Quits: QPOMDPony (pkhuigwzena@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:23 * rainbowpower64 noms on doughnut

06:25 *** Quits: Spellweave (yhefmdlggbi@Pony-mp8aop.al.comcast.net) (Quit: maybe tomorrow.)

06:26 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

06:29 *** Quits: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:31 * Princess-QRS flops on the nossy/ screenaholic pony pile

06:34 <Princess-QRS> "Signs of drug dealers on premises.... "hiding drugs in the washroom"."

06:34 <Princess-QRS> well no duh

06:35 <screenaholic> Did you know that if you see somone with drugs, they may have drugs?

06:35 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net)

06:35 <TimidClef> Evening ponies

06:35 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-4gt5ma.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:37 <Princess-QRS> That's it, I have completed my retail liquor slides, now I'm gonna have a bath and do the test.

06:38 <screenaholic> Does anyone have experience with GoPros?

06:38 <Jordo76> Hey TimidClef

06:39 <Princess-QRS> TimidClef, where is Badass Flash Sentry/

06:40 <TimidClef> With my artistic drive, apparently. :-/ Which is currently MIA

06:40 <Princess-QRS> coolio

06:40 * Princess-QRS kidnaps TimidClef, and puts him in a POW camp.

06:41 *** Joins: Arteshi (Arteshin@Pony-5pl6bd.emhril.sbcglobal.net)

06:42 <Sketchy_Sounds> I ought to get some sleep

06:42 * TimidClef starts vectoring a ponified Garand

06:42 <Sketchy_Sounds> G'night folks.

06:42 <TimidClef> G'night Sketchy!

06:42 <Princess-QRS> goonight Sketchy_Sounds

06:42 <Jordo76> Nighto

06:42 <Princess-QRS> sleep well

06:42 <Princess-QRS> dream dreams

06:43 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Zzzzzzzz)

06:44 *** Quits: mofoman14 (yzpelbwwodx@Pony-bqtn7p.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:47 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP)

06:47 <Cephecoding> ...

06:47 *** Cephecoding is now known as Cepheid

06:48 <Cepheid> I just saw CTRL+ALT+DEL's most recent comic.  *Face palm*

06:51 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-4j489v.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

06:52 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-4j489v.dynamic.sonic.net)

06:53 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

06:54 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

06:54 *** Parts: Ravor (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP) ("AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )")

06:55 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (cylcwnsohvy@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

06:56 <BubbleBerry> I just saw Transformers 4. it wasn't terrible and I could tell the Transformers apart.

06:56 <BubbleBerry> 6, maybe 7/10

06:56 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:57 *** Quits: CaveDude (ncnlbtkuvjz@Pony-cq9uae.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:58 <ryaxnb> BubbleBerry, you are ludicrously generous

06:58 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:58 <BubbleBerry> It was alright

06:58 <ryaxnb> 'i could tell the characters apart! 7/10"

06:59 <ryaxnb> ... that's like saying "it features plot! 6.5/10

06:59 <TimidClef> Nothing wrong with featuring plot :P

07:00 <BubbleBerry> Nah, it was alright. The action was nice, they replaced Shia Lebouf was replaced with Marky Mark, who is a much better human lead than LeBouf, there's an actual plot, and the Dinobots are in it

07:00 <BubbleBerry> Unfortunately, neither The Funky Bunch or Unicron show up. But Drift is in it... as a helicopter

07:00 <screenaholic> Man, I want Google Glass.

07:01 <screenaholic> Bubble, buy me Google Glass.

07:01 <BubbleBerry> I only have $80

07:01 <screenaholic> Well go get another $1420 plus shipping and buy me Glass.

07:02 <BubbleBerry> You buy me glass

07:02 <BubbleBerry> You have a job

07:02 *** Quits: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: I'll be back)

07:02 <screenaholic> Exactly, and don't I deserve something for being a productive member of society?

07:03 <BubbleBerry> But I have no monies

07:03 <BubbleBerry> Oh, one problem I did have with Transformers 4 is that it was really long

07:03 * TimidClef hands screeny a piece of glass

07:03 <BubbleBerry> Like, 2 hours and 4 minutes

07:04 <Cepheid> So, my mother got a new job.  Partly, it was because she was forced ahead of the priority for getting contracts because of something her employer said.

07:04 <Cepheid> See, my mother was injured in a car crash a few years back.  In recent months she's been using a cane.

07:04 <BubbleBerry> Also, the Dinobots aren't really in it that much

07:05 <Cepheid> Someone at her place of employment made the comment "You should avoid using the cane when working for the Corp.  It's an image thing."

07:05 <screenaholic> I hope she beat him with the cane.

07:05 <Cepheid> Someone from the higher ups overheard this, dragged that individual aside and spoke with her..

07:05 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (cylcwnsohvy@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

07:05 <Cepheid> And a few days later my mother gets a call for a full-time position working for the National Research Comission through the Corp.

07:06 <Cepheid> Basically:  A statement made by an employee put them in a REAAAALLLY bad position.  My parents were even talking of getting a lawyer at that point due to the statement.

07:06 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (peifdtivygk@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

07:08 <BubbleBerry> Also, for some reason Swoop is some weird 2 headed dragon thing. Isn't Swoop supposed to be a pterodactyl or a pterodon or something?

07:08 *** Joins: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Kali_Graphia)

07:08 <jamis> Damn, Cepheid...

07:10 <BubbleBerry> Also, Galvatron is in it, spoilers, but he's barely in it

07:10 <BubbleBerry> He's in like 2 scenes

07:10 *** Joins: ^ (mkxqjgigwsg@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

07:12 <^> geeze this place is dead

07:12 <^> like a bunch of mindless zombies

07:12 <Cepheid> Also, based on reports from others, it's getting harder and harder to get employment due to further bilingualism issues.  Simply being fluent in English and French isn't enough.

07:12 <jamis> Buck you caret.

07:12 <Cepheid> It is kind of middle of the night for a lot of us, ^.

07:13 <^> so?

07:13 <^> that never stopped me

07:13 <Cepheid> Some of us need to sleep.  Some of us don't.

07:13 <BubbleBerry> People sleep at night, ^

07:13 <^> sleep is for the weak

07:13 <Cepheid> Yes yes.

07:14 <Cepheid> You keep telling yourself.  I'll visit you in the hospital when sleep deprivation lands you there.

07:14 <Cepheid> Er, telling yourself that*

07:14 <^> sleep deprivation is nothing to me

07:14 <jamis> That's nice.

07:14 <screenaholic> https://38.media.tumblr.com/86079316311b253652d9e355b6cf0ecc/tumblr_n8qn7ag2Vv1sh9pp5o1_500.png This is awesome.

07:14 *** Lenfant|tf2lobby is now known as Lenfant_Sauvage

07:15 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

07:15 * ThatAnonPony o3o's at Lenfant.

07:15 <^> did i just read "flute swimming pool" and then a picture of a viola swimming pool

07:15 <BubbleBerry> hey, L'enfant Sauvage.

07:15 <Kali_Graphia> Life is full of surprises like that.

07:16 <screenaholic> Nah, it's a trombone.

07:16 <^> atleast this place isn't that dead...

07:17 <^> unlike EFN. nobody's alive there

07:17 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: After the Fact: Equestria Games [ http://tinyurl.com/ptrjv43 ]

07:17 <BubbleBerry> No, screenaholic, it's a synthesizer

07:17 <screenaholic> Seriously though, how cool is that pool? The chin rest's a hot top!

07:17 <BubbleBerry> Oh, that's cool

07:17 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

07:17 <Princess-QRS> Guys.

07:17 <jamis> ?

07:17 <^> ?

07:17 <BubbleBerry> Yes, Princess-QRS ?

07:17 <screenaholic> Hm?

07:17 <Princess-QRS> I am now officially certified as a booze seller according to the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission.

07:18 <Cepheid> Nice.

07:18 <BubbleBerry> o3o b

07:18 <jamis> lol

07:18 <screenaholic> Nice.l

07:18 <Princess-QRS> thanke

07:18 <^> thumbs up to you, i'me not even 18

07:18 <ryaxnb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfMjYBLWlik

07:18 <screenaholic> I'm gonna try to get to sleep, night everypony.

07:18 <ryaxnb> this game looks amazing

07:18 <screenaholic> !lullaby

07:18 * DerpyBot carries screenaholic off to bed

07:18 * DerpyBot tucks screenaholic in and hums a lullaby

07:18 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ptsefc.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

07:18 <ryaxnb> BubbleBerry, this is the sequel to the 1997 shadow warrior

07:18 <^> hue

07:19 <BubbleBerry> Thanks

07:19 <BubbleBerry> Looks neat

07:19 <BubbleBerry> Maybe I'll pick it up at some point

07:20 <ryaxnb> yep

07:20 <jamis> Feel like I've seen this video before...

07:22 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com)

07:23 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

07:24 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie]

07:24 *** Mongoosie] is now known as Mongoosie

07:26 * BubbleBerry flops

07:26 <BubbleBerry> I forgot how much of a pan in the ass transforming Transformers is

07:26 * thelema5|away is here again

07:26 *** thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

07:27 * TimidClef noms on Thelema5

07:27 <BubbleBerry> Oh welcome back Thelema5

07:27 <Thelema5> thanks!

07:27 <BubbleBerry> Oh god where are my instructions this is impossible

07:27 <Thelema5> I had an awful day socializing with extended family...

07:27 <BubbleBerry> Aw. That sucks

07:28 <Thelema5> People I've never met befor and with whom I have nothing in common.

07:28 <Thelema5> *before

07:28 <Thelema5> It was.. uncomforatable.

07:28 <Thelema5> So, I'm happy to be back here!

07:28 * TimidClef huggles the stuffing out of Thelema5

07:29 <jamis> People you don't hate, but people you don't see enough to call family/friend whose only relation is by blood?

07:29 <^> i'me ganna do some testing, brb

07:29 * Princess-QRS spots a wild Thelema5, and flings herself into a tackling glomp.

07:29 * Thelema5 ooph! My stuffing!

07:29 *** Quits: ^ (mkxqjgigwsg@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: in the end, there will only be pylons)

07:29 * Thelema5 dies

07:29 <TimidClef> :<

07:29 *** Joins: iandalton (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net)

07:29 <TimidClef> Nuuuu

07:29 <Thelema5> Not even by blood, jamis.

07:30 <jamis> Really? Wow.

07:30 <Thelema5> Just... people barely related by a tenuous familiar bond.

07:30 <jamis> Were you forced into going and was there loads of food?

07:31 <Thelema5> It was a graduation ceremony for some guy I met 5 years ago... the second cousin of my partner.

07:31 <Thelema5> There was lots of fod.

07:31 <Thelema5> *food

07:31 <Thelema5> So that's something.

07:32 <Thelema5> but I used the time to observe how people interact with one another... and have decided that there must be something very wrong with me.

07:32 <jamis> We have family gatherings where's there's loads of food, but very few people I actually know.

07:32 <Thelema5> because... I was at the edge of the gathering the whole time, awkward and alone.

07:32 <jamis> Must e something wrong with me too.

07:33 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving...)

07:33 <Thelema5> Everyone else was hobnobbing and being all social... but I was just "that creepy guy" off in the corner.

07:34 <Thelema5> As usual.

07:34 <Thelema5> :'(

07:34 <jamis> I just sit down and eat unless someone speaks to me.

07:34 <Thelema5> I did get a few compliments on my beard, so I guess that counts for something...

07:35 <Thelema5> yeah, me too, jamis.

07:35 <Thelema5> I hate functions like that.

07:35 *** Quits: iandalton (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net) (Connection closed)

07:35 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

07:35 <Thelema5> I just don't know what went wrong!

07:36 <jamis> I don't care much for them either.

07:36 *** Joins: iandalton (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net)

07:36 <Thelema5> I made an effort, really made an effort... to connect with people.

07:36 <Thelema5> It just didn't work out.

07:36 <jamis> Still, my belly is full when I come back home, so I can't really argue.

07:36 <Princess-QRS> Some of us are just... less external.

07:36 <PearlyWhites> Who need people? when you have ponies!

07:36 <Thelema5> there's always that.

07:36 <iandalton> Thelema5: how do you do with small groups, or better yet one-on-one

07:36 <Princess-QRS> I for one am pretty much a loner, which I'm happy with.

07:37 <Thelema5> Not vey well, I'm afraid, iandalton.

07:37 <Thelema5> *very

07:37 <jamis> I don't hate contact, but most of the time, I'm fine by  myself. If I need something, I'll ask.

07:37 <iandalton> Thelema5: I ask because I freeze up in a group but I have one or two friends.

07:37 <Thelema5> I actually met another brony in person a few weeks ago... and I (literally) ran away.

07:38 <Thelema5> I'm still dealing with that.

07:38 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

07:39 <Thelema5> I had one friend, we were very close... but he moved away.  He nearly died from a heart (well, liver) condition, and decided to go on walkabout.

07:39 *** Quits: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-n5egpc.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Bananas)

07:39 <Thelema5> But, he was a bitter curmudgeon, too.

07:39 <Thelema5> :P

07:40 * Snapai drew a thing! http://snapai.tumblr.com/post/93075040776 :D

07:40 <Thelema5> <-- seeking another bitter curmudeon to reflect off

07:41 <iandalton> Thelema5: it took me years after I left my original home before I made new friends. It was a very spontaneous thing, so it's not something I can tell someone else how to duplicate. But it could happen to you too.

07:41 <BubbleBerry> Snapai: Wow, that's pretty good

07:41 <Thelema5> Snapai, I'm sorry to say it... but that may be the first one of your works I /don't/ appreciate.

07:41 <Snapai> o.o

07:41 <Snapai> Whyyyy? ;_;

07:42 <Snapai> Coz it is unponi?

07:42 <Thelema5> Everything else has been... awesome.

07:42 *** Quits: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Now with extra fish!)

07:42 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net)

07:42 * Verandure headtilts. "The execution is still technically sound, though."

07:42 <Thelema5> This is... maybe too... I donno the word.

07:42 <Thelema5> Yes, I agree, Verandure.

07:42 <TimidClef> What'd I miss? My client went wonky.

07:43 <Thelema5> Viseral.

07:43 <Thelema5> *Visceral

07:43 <Thelema5> for my tastes.

07:43 <iandalton> Snapai: it's her dead, dead eyes

07:43 <Kali_Graphia> TimidClef: Nothing.

07:43 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Leaving...)

07:43 <PearlyWhites> Thelema5 isn't really into pandas o3o

07:43 <Thelema5> Perhaps.  It's somewhat unsettling.

07:43 <TimidClef> Wait, pandas? Can I see pandas?

07:44 <Snapai> I drew too much spit didn't I? :p

07:44 <Thelema5> No, I think it's her raw hunger.

07:44 <Snapai> TimidClef, http://snapai.tumblr.com/post/93075040776

07:44 <Thelema5> It's very well done, but I personally don't deal well with visceral hunger.

07:45 <Snapai> I was going more for "absent-mindedly eating an apple" but whatever :p

07:46 <TimidClef> Hrm. Well first - ERMAHGERD pandas! (Pandaren? Or just panda in general?)

07:46 <Thelema5> Just my two cents, which on the open market are prolly worth about .00023 cents.

07:46 <TimidClef> Second, I can sort of see the perspective being mentioned of being a li'l - dunno. Visceral

07:46 <Verandure> Yeah, I'm personally not seeing what they're seeing. But art is subjective.

07:46 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

07:47 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

07:47 <TimidClef> But then again it's somepo - somepanda eating

07:47 <Verandure> The ear doesn't stand out against the hair, and I think the bite mark is a bit off, but other than that, it looks like art, to me =P

07:47 *** ` is now known as ^

07:47 <^> i now am running on a standalone irc client  >:L

07:48 <iandalton> ^

07:48 <^> o3o

07:48 <iandalton> it's iandalton actually

07:48 * PearlyWhites rolls around Verandure * Everything looks like art to me because i have special eyes!*

07:48 <Verandure> Look, look with your special eyes!

07:48 * Thelema5 noms special eyes

07:48 <Thelema5> pop, pop

07:49 <Snapai> TimidClef, I was originally thinking to base it on pandaren, but then I looked up the WoW pandaren models and didn't care much for em

07:49 <Snapai> So just did a random pandagal. :3

07:49 <TimidClef> Well, in either case, I approve. >.<

07:50 <Snapai> And looked up some mulan and some chopstick hair, for reference for the hair

07:50 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/685046

07:50 <Thelema5> I find her indifference a bit disturbing.  But again, I'm a weirdo.

07:50 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Quit: Leaves the fandom for 2 days)

07:50 <TimidClef> Can I be a panda? :P

07:50 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnBgqkCs-rU

07:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about my brand

07:50 <Thelema5> I thought you were a tanuki, timid?

07:51 <Thelema5> nice one, Iandalton

07:52 <Thelema5> And timidclef, read "villa incognito" by tom robbins.

07:52 <Thelema5> Really.

07:52 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

07:52 <TimidClef> Ah, see, that's the wonderful thing about tanuki :D They're shapeshifters.

07:53 <TimidClef> So if I want to be a panda for awhile, I can be! \ o /

07:53 <Thelema5> Yes.  They are.

07:53 <Thelema5> Reeeead.

07:53 <Thelema5> :P

07:53 <TimidClef> I have to find it first! I can't do that until payday

07:53 <Thelema5> I'll mail it to you, if you give me an address!

07:53 <TimidClef> Er, well, I could find it. I just couldn't buy it.

07:54 <TimidClef> Naw, don't do that, I'm sure I can find a copy. :) Thank you though

07:54 <Thelema5> Whatever.  It's cheap to mail, though.  I sent Kalastrear a plushie.

07:55 <iandalton> OK John DiMaggio is just creepy as the Joker. In a very different way than Mark Hamill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qOdggdLPLM

07:55 <Kalastrear> he did

07:55 <Thelema5> The book's not doing me any good collecting dust.

07:55 <Thelema5> :P

07:55 * BubbleBerry flops "Why am I looking at toys? What am I doing with my life?"

07:55 <TimidClef> Hrm. Y'know, lemme look

07:55 <Thelema5> Been there, Bubbleberry.

07:55 <iandalton> BubbleBerry: hanging out in a pony chat

07:56 <TimidClef> I could listen to it for free with a 30-day trial with Audible

07:56 <BubbleBerry> iandalton: thanks brah o3o b

07:56 <Thelema5> Been there.

07:56 <iandalton> /)

07:56 <BubbleBerry> (\

07:56 <TimidClef> Okay, totally gonna be a noob for a second

07:56 <jamis> This is not the joker I grew up with...

07:56 <TimidClef> How the heck do you start a line with a / ? :P

07:56 <BubbleBerry> iandalton: I'm also looking at toys made for small children."

07:56 <Kalastrear> space then /

07:56 <iandalton> jamis: Mark Hamill will always be the joker for me

07:56 <Thelema5> start with a space

07:56 <BubbleBerry> TimidClef: Start it with a space

07:56 <Kalastrear> /)

07:57 <TimidClef> Nope, doesn't work with my client

07:57 <iandalton> in some clients you can start it with /say

07:57 <TimidClef> Hrm, eeenop

07:57 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP)

07:57 *** Joins: Seeker (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP)

07:57 <iandalton> then you're boned

07:57 <TimidClef> HydraIRC just hates me

07:57 <Cepheid> Some clients support escaping it by using a double slash, for example:  //

07:57 <Cepheid> /

07:57 <iandalton> you can never return a (\ broohoof with a /)

07:57 <iandalton> /)

07:58 <Seeker> Hello, every *um* pony.

07:58 <iandalton> oh hey that does work

07:58 <^> (\

07:58 <^> lol

07:58 <jamis> iandalton, truth.

07:58 <Seeker> This is new. Will this just be mindless chater? I want to have a sophisticated conversation

07:58 <TimidClef> Hiya Seeker

07:58 <Thelema5> Try a "." "space" "/"

07:58 <Seeker> "."

07:58 <jamis> Seeker, lol

07:58 <TimidClef> . /)

07:59 <TimidClef> Well, that works >.<

07:59 <Thelema5> Yay!

07:59 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/684545

07:59 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about nightmare moon magic artist:niks-696 safe helmet (and 2 more)

07:59 <Seeker> How many of you are bronies? or pegasisters and not ashamed to adimt it?

07:59 <Thelema5> There's no sophisticated chatter here, seeker.

08:00 <Seeker> I suppose I was naive to think so. Oh well

08:00 <TimidClef> Well, there is, ocassionally

08:00 <jamis> Well, there is some.

08:00 <Cepheid> Rather, there is.  Just not at this time.

08:00 <Seeker> I will be more than happy to be the voice of wisdom in this conversation bubble

08:00 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (peifdtivygk@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:00 <jamis> Have at it.

08:01 <Seeker> What's the deal with airline food?

08:01 <iandalton> No, you're the voice of conceit

08:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #351 [ http://tinyurl.com/nx8oa9w ]

08:01 <Thelema5> I've spent about a thousand hours here, and it's mostly been idle chat and personal rants.

08:01 <iandalton> I'll be pride

08:01 <jamis> Never had airline food.

08:01 <Thelema5> Which is a good thing.

08:01 <iandalton> who wants wrath?

08:01 <Thelema5> Because that compromises about 99% of the human experience

08:01 <Seeker> Just teasing. Not usually one for mindless chatter, but then Im doning a lot of things I wouldn't normally do.

08:02 <Seeker> *doing*

08:02 <TimidClef> I've actually found quite a few enlightening conversations on here. But yes, like most conversations, it's 99% small talk and 1% deep discussion.

08:02 <Seeker> Anyplace where I can get deep discusions?

08:02 <^> more like -1% deep discussion

08:03 <Thelema5> <-- is as shallow as the kiddie pool at a daycare center

08:03 <iandalton> jamis: notice that even though Dimaggio does a deeper voice than hamill, his laugh is similar.

08:03 <Seeker> I still can't believe I like this little kids show.

08:03 <jamis> Yeah! Still, it just isn't the same...

08:03 <^> which one?

08:03 <^> there's tons of little kid shows.

08:04 <iandalton> What I don't get is, Hamill is still alive. Why didn't they use him?

08:04 <Seeker> MLP. It's good, but I never thought I would be into unicorns...

08:04 <jamis> Seeker, is that a bad thing?

08:04 <^> -_-

08:04 <^> oh.

08:04 <Thelema5> He's old, and ugly, Iandalton.

08:04 <Seeker> No. I'm just new at it. Love and tolerate.

08:04 *** Quits: ^ (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The alternative IRC client)

08:04 <jamis> iandalton, no clue. Maybe he didn't want to or they wanted something different?

08:04 <iandalton> Thelema5: he's been ugly. That's why he stopped acting on screen.

08:05 <Thelema5> Exactly.

08:05 <Thelema5> Been so since empire.

08:05 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: Leaving)

08:05 * Kalastrear hugs thelema5

08:05 <Seeker> I love everything about this community! Right now, I'm readlng a great fanfic on this show, lisening to "Discord" Remix, and starting to say everypony by accident.

08:05 <iandalton> Carrie Fisher never had an acting career after SW either. Don't know the reason there.

08:06 <Thelema5> So why do you question it?  Old and ugly does not translate well to the big screen.

08:06 <iandalton> Thelema5: this is an animation.

08:06 <Seeker> I'm not old and ugly!

08:06 <Thelema5> <-- is both

08:06 <Thelema5> :'(

08:06 <TimidClef> I think there's a bit of miscommunication

08:07 <TimidClef> Mark Hamill did the Joker's voice in the Animated Series, various animated films, and video games :)

08:07 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Quit: Follow meh: @Slatefield, @Lenfant_MLP)

08:07 <Seeker> Everypony who likes this show say "Buttercup"

08:07 <TimidClef> So what he looks like isn't really relevant, heh.

08:08 <Thelema5> kay.  i think mayhaps I should go to bed.

08:08 <TimidClef> But I'm allergic to buttercups

08:08 * TimidClef hugs Thelema5

08:08 <jamis> Seeker, what got you into the show?

08:08 * Thelema5 hugs timidclef

08:08 <Thelema5> Good night, everpony!

08:08 <TimidClef> G'night!

08:08 <iandalton> good night Thelema5

08:08 <iandalton> stay crazy

08:08 <Seeker> My little sister. She forced me to watch the show with her and after the 2nd episode was addicted.

08:08 <jamis> Night Thelema5

08:09 *** Quits: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:09 <iandalton> Seeker: admitting it is the first step.

08:09 <jamis> Only two episodes? lol

08:09 <jamis> I at least resisted until season 2.

08:09 <Seeker> I watched every episode in one day. Consecutively

08:09 <Seeker> Then did it again the next day.

08:09 <jamis> After I rewatched season 1 and found out season 2 was even a thing.

08:10 <iandalton> Seeker: there are 50s hours of pony

08:10 <TimidClef> I can relate. :P I watched the first two episodes toward the end of December, and the only reason I didn't binge watch was because real life interfered. And then the moment that it wasn't interfering? I did binge-watch.

08:10 <iandalton> well, probably not that much

08:10 <TimidClef> I think I caught up to where the show was airing live (about 3\4s of the way through S4, I think) in... a week? Maybe two, heh.

08:11 <jamis> !s5

08:11 <DerpyBot> I wish I had more muffins...

08:11 <jamis> !muffin

08:11 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

08:11 <jamis> yes

08:11 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

08:11 * DerpyBot glomps jamis

08:11 <jamis> !s5

08:11 <DerpyBot> I wish I had more muffins...

08:11 <TimidClef> !mail DerpyBot Muffins!

08:11 <DerpyBot> For..for me? Are there muffins inside??

08:11 <TimidClef> Yes!

08:11 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

08:11 * DerpyBot glomps TimidClef

08:12 <jamis> I got my fingers crossed for s5 very late this year.

08:12 <Seeker> No. Their are 65 episodes to date. each one is 20 minutes, so that means I have watched over 30 hours of it.

08:12 <jamis> I will also sacrifice all the weak, helpless muffins I can as well.

08:13 <TimidClef> We'll get a dose of - hrm. Like pony methadone? in September

08:13 <jamis> I thought we were at 90 something?

08:13 <Seeker> I wrote my first fanfiction. Took an hour and has 3,000 words.

08:13 <Seeker> And no, it's 65 or 66, forgot.

08:13 <Princess-QRS> Only an hour? No editting?

08:13 <iandalton> Seeker: what's it about?

08:13 <TimidClef> EqG:RR is methadone for bronies >.<

08:13 <Princess-QRS> Also seeker, newpone?

08:13 * TimidClef nods and gives the secret newpone sign

08:14 <Seeker> An disabled pegasus atttorney.

08:14 <Princess-QRS> https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2012/1/29/2604__safe_twilight+sparkle_rainbow+dash_pinkie+pie_fluttershy_rarity_applejack_animated_mane+six_cider.gif

08:14 <Princess-QRS> For you, Seeker.

08:14 <jamis> Ok, yeah, at 20 minutes of actual episode, that's not quite 30 and a half hours.

08:14 <iandalton> isn't it 22 minutes?

08:14 <Princess-QRS> This disabled attorney does what, exactly? Also post the story.

08:14 <Princess-QRS> it is

08:14 <jamis> With the opening and closing.

08:15 *** Quits: Seeker (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:15 *** Joins: Seeker (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP)

08:15 <iandalton> the opening and closing are probably a minute

08:15 <iandalton> together

08:15 <Seeker> Hello everypony

08:15 <jamis> wb

08:16 *** Quits: Captain_Pi (pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP) (Quit: Granted.)

08:16 <jamis> Did you have to refresh?

08:16 *** Quits: Seeker (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:16 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-586jpo.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

08:16 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP)

08:16 <screenaholic> Yo.

08:16 <jamis> wb screenaholic

08:17 *** Joins: Seeker (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP)

08:17 <Seeker> Sorry. Kept logining off

08:17 <Princess-QRS> pfft don't be sorry

08:17 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/684672

08:17 <jamis> Flash client is just bad.

08:17 <Seeker> It's at FIMfiction. My story is called "Law and Discord" by Matthew DePointe

08:18 <Seeker> Hello?

08:19 <jamis> ?

08:19 <screenaholic> Yo.

08:19 <Seeker> Hey.

08:20 <Seeker> :)

08:20 <jamis> I don't really read fanfiction. Music is my main thing.

08:21 <jamis> Now that I think about it, music is what got me into ponies.

08:21 <jamis> Damn ponies.

08:21 <Seeker> I love original music! What kind of music do you lisen to?

08:22 *** Quits: djazz (djazz@Pony-rpleqp.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:22 <TimidClef> Strangely, despite really loving music, I haven't listened to all that much original pony stuff

08:22 <jamis> Honestly, probably a little bit of everything.

08:23 *** Joins: djazz (djazz@Pony-rpleqp.tbcn.telia.com)

08:23 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4tyvJJzSDk

08:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Lullaby for a Princess

08:23 <Seeker> Do you make music or just an advert lisener?

08:23 <TimidClef> Although I did buy the Moonrise album

08:23 <jamis> Na, I'm just a low level listener.

08:23 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

08:24 <Dash> good evening ponies

08:25 <jamis> Hey

08:25 <TimidClef> Heya Dash!

08:25 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|MtG

08:25 <Dash> mtg TimidClef|MtG ?

08:25 <iandalton> Magic: The Gathering?

08:25 <TimidClef|MtG> Yeah

08:25 <iandalton> heck yeah

08:25 <iandalton> fun game

08:26 <Kalastrear> /  m     e

08:26 * Kalastrear hugs TimidClef

08:26 <Jordo76> \o/

08:26 <Jordo76> Managed to fix my tablet problems

08:26 <Seeker> I'm a low lisener too.

08:26 <jamis> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF0E2RGxA8o

08:26 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:26 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about zahqo - Power Slipping (feat. Haymaker)

08:27 <Jordo76> Basically my pen had no pressure, so no way of making tapered lines, and my tablet was expanding to my both monitors

08:27 <Jordo76> And I managed to fix them both, hopefully I can try to draw

08:28 <Jordo76> But I'm going to bed now

08:28 <Seeker> Cool

08:28 <Jordo76> See ya everyone

08:28 <Seeker> Who has  been the longest brony?

08:28 *** Quits: Jordo76 (Jordo76@Pony-kiv2bp.rev.sfr.net) (Quit: )

08:29 <jamis> ?

08:29 <jamis> That depends. You mean since G1 or just g4?

08:29 <jamis> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k76bd7Cul9s

08:29 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:29 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Thomas H.- Luna's Respite (feat. MysteriousSpoon and ArchersOfAgincourt)

08:29 <Seeker> G4. The best one...so far

08:30 <jamis> Still, there are some who have liked mlp since day one.

08:30 <Seeker> since G1?

08:30 <jamis> Yep.

08:30 <jamis> All those decades ago.

08:30 <Seeker> Cool. Unfortunely, those who did are old.

08:31 <Seeker> Who is your favorite character?

08:32 <Seeker> Hello?

08:32 <TimidClef|MtG> I watched G1 on original airing, or thereabouts. I was 4 at the time, heh. Wow... 30 years ago?

08:32 <Seeker> Ouch!

08:32 <jamis> I'd say luna is my favorite.

08:32 <TimidClef|MtG> I identify most with Fluttershy, but I love all the mane 6

08:32 <iandalton> TimidClef|MtG: you're not old!

08:32 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

08:33 <TimidClef|MtG> Nope, I'm middle-aged. And as far as I know? I'm immortal - haven't died yet!

08:33 *** Joins: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

08:33 <Seeker> I like Vinyl Scratch. Rainbow Dash close second.

08:33 <SkunkStripe> Everyone is immortal until proven otherwise

08:34 *** Joins: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

08:34 <jamis> Meh, you breath air, you gonna die.

08:34 <jamis> What's the use in worrying about it?

08:34 <SkunkStripe> Jeez man

08:34 *** Mongoose|Away is now known as Mongoose

08:34 <TimidClef|MtG> Didn't say I was worried about it. :D

08:35 <jamis> Stop worrying TimidClef|MtG!

08:35 <Seeker> Excuse me. But I came on this channel to discuss MLP. Not to talk about some old guys life expectancy!

08:35 *** Joins: CodeZ (androirc@Pony-5o5455.dsl.optinet.hr)

08:35 <CodeZ> Hi guys

08:35 <jamis> I like you Seeker, you're funny.

08:35 <SkunkStripe> Nope, its existentialism time

08:35 <Seeker> It's the truth.

08:35 <iandalton> Seeker: funny how the topic, once released into the general chat, is no longer under any single person's control =D

08:36 <jamis> ^

08:36 <Seeker> I know. Just sometimes...

08:36 <CodeZ> Whats the topic?

08:36 <jamis> We all gonna die!

08:36 <jamis> Basically.

08:36 <screenaholic> We were just talking about how much we hate that CodeZ guy.

08:36 <TimidClef|MtG> Old is a relative term.

08:37 <PearlyWhites> iandalton lies! Its on Ali's control! Our almighty and omnipresent chatroom Deity!

08:37 <jamis> Ali's not active now.

08:37 *** Joins: sharptoothh (insxcjihgph@Pony-670sac.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net)

08:37 <TimidClef|MtG> When the average life expectancy is around 80, I'm not even in the last half of that. But I'll be a weirdo until the day I die anyway, so

08:37 * Ali flops on jamis to prove wrong

08:37 <Seeker> Fine. I rebute that old guy commet

08:37 <jamis> No mods are on. ANARCHY!

08:37 <jamis> Awwww

08:37 <screenaholic> Ali is never not-active, she is simply waiting to strike.

08:37 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:37 <TimidClef|MtG> Mods are asleep, post ponies

08:37 <SkunkStripe> https://38.media.tumblr.com/6addf7fd564ba26681778d232528d58f/tumblr_mo8gvf5kOP1qevnj8o1_250.gif

08:37 <Ali> See you know

08:37 <Ali> pinging me will usually have me here rather quick

08:37 <TimidClef|MtG> o.o

08:37 <Seeker> Got to go. Tired of this garbage.

08:37 <CodeZ> But Ali is a mod

08:38 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-kfr5sg.151-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net)

08:38 *** Quits: sharptoothh (insxcjihgph@Pony-670sac.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:38 <jamis> Laters Seeker

08:38 * screenaholic flops on Ali and smushy faces her. "Just look into this face of death and tremble in fear."

08:38 <TimidClef|MtG> Wow. Bye! Glad we failed to live up to your expectations. :P

08:38 <Seeker> look me up, jamis

08:38 *** Joins: sharptoothh (insxcjihgph@Pony-670sac.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net)

08:39 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

08:39 <CodeZ> Is there any good show on the HUB beside MLP?

08:39 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

08:39 <jamis> I've heard good thins of littlest pet shop.

08:40 <Ali> LPS is pretty good

08:40 <Vulpor> Hey all I gotta delema on my paws. I recently wanted to try Robotech the biggest mecha series ever. I found a box set of all 85 episodes and all three movies for 40 bucks but is it worth the 40 to get all of the robotech?

08:40 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-onf.5h3.156.175.IP)

08:40 <sharptoothh> Don't think so, CodeZ. They should do like AMC and do a podcast about MLP after a new episode :D

08:40 <Ali> Ususally $40 is for one season

08:40 <Vulpor> Also, CodeZ i like Dan VS

08:40 <TimidClef|MtG> That sounds - fairly inexpensive for that many episodes, Vulpor

08:40 <Ali> Dan vs is really aired much on HUB right now

08:40 <jamis> I thought gundam was the biggest mecha series ever?

08:40 <iandalton> Vulpor: see if any of your friends can lend it to you or know anyone who can

08:40 <TimidClef|MtG> Yeah, what Ali said - it's usually $20-40 per season

08:41 <Vulpor> But its a series I know nothing about

08:41 <Ali> I'll be the oddball and say Transformers Rescue Bots isn't bad >.>

08:41 <iandalton> I buy things I like and want to own

08:41 <CodeZ> Whats Dan VS?

08:41 <Ali> Something that was on the HUB

08:41 <sharptoothh> I don't really watch anything else :x

08:41 <sharptoothh> on the hub that is

08:41 *** Quits: Mongoose (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:41 *** Quits: Seeker (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:41 <jamis> Kinda wanna watch dan vs.

08:41 <TimidClef|MtG> If you've ever watched any of the Fluffle Puff animation stuff, CodeZ, Dan is the human that shows up in a few episodes

08:42 <Vulpor> I did find robotech on a free anime site

08:42 *** Joins: User_316025 (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP)

08:42 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi)

08:42 <Vulpor> May try a few episodes before taking the plunge

08:42 <iandalton> TimidClef|MtG: whoa, Dan isn't MixerMike?

08:42 <iandalton> If you're not careful, you learn a new thing every day

08:42 <Vulpor> But to be clear, nobody here has a opinion on Robotech?

08:43 <jamis> Can't say I've ever watched it.

08:43 <TimidClef|MtG> I watched it a LONG time ago, Vulpor

08:43 <iandalton> Vulpor: only mecha I've seen are Gundam Wing and Code Geass

08:43 <TimidClef|MtG> From what I remember? It was okay. But it does show its age.

08:43 <Vulpor> I keep reading things about it like it was the biggest thing since eever

08:43 <iandalton> and a bit of the original Gundam

08:43 <Vulpor> Wing was awesome

08:44 <TimidClef|MtG> Sort of like going back now and watching the original Voltron, which - as a kid - I loved, but now I rewatch it and while it's entertaining, it's definitely a li'l on the cheesy side

08:44 <Vulpor> those two recap episodes belong on the Moon though

08:44 <jamis> I hated that they canceled gundam after 9-11.

08:44 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

08:44 <Vulpor> they cancled a gundam series after 9/11?

08:44 <Vulpor> Never knew that

08:44 *** Quits: Gigaway (Gigabit@the.eternally.enveloped.changeling) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:44 <Vulpor> which series?

08:44 <jamis> They stopped showing it on cartoon network.

08:45 <Vulpor> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

08:45 <jamis> The original.

08:45 <Vulpor> yeah I get that

08:45 <Vulpor> Sorta

08:45 <CodeZ> I never liked Cartoon Network

08:45 <jamis> Cartoon network had toonami.

08:45 <Vulpor> I will always love toonmami

08:46 <jamis> Yep

08:46 <Vulpor> that thing got me into anime

08:46 <TimidClef|MtG> Toonami Network needs to happen.

08:46 <Ali> CN was ok till they went to crap

08:46 <CodeZ> But back in the day 4kids was great

08:46 *** Quits: sharptoothh (insxcjihgph@Pony-670sac.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:46 <TimidClef|MtG> Also, MtG was ticking me off, so no more of that

08:46 *** TimidClef|MtG is now known as TimidClef

08:46 <Vulpor> Already did TimidClef

08:46 <Ali> TimidClef, M15 on steam?

08:46 <TimidClef> Yeah

08:46 <Ali> Its VERY good at that

08:46 <Vulpor> Look up Toonami Aftermath

08:46 <TimidClef> I'm on the last campaign match (I think)

08:47 <Ali> Garruk?

08:47 <TimidClef> Yeah

08:47 <Ali> Yeah that match is stupid

08:47 <TimidClef> I usually hand Garruk his plot to him in the first match, and then - SURPRISE!

08:47 <Vulpor> and Do not forget Toonami is back on saturday nights

08:47 <Vulpor> Attack on Titan and Black Lagoon

08:47 <TimidClef> Toonami Aftermath was unofficial tho. I would like an actual Toonami channel on the air

08:47 <Vulpor> my two fave shows

08:48 <jamis> http://www.toonamiaftermath.com/

08:48 <Vulpor> Black Lagoon is so freaking awesome

08:48 *** Joins: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-5cj04t.clsp.qwest.net)

08:48 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

08:48 <Vulpor> Revi is best waifu

08:48 <KooK> Whats up crackers?

08:48 <iandalton> Revi is a bamf

08:48 <TimidClef> I'm currently watching SAO on Netflix. Just finished the first half of season 1

08:48 <Starshy> Hello everypony! i am Starshy.

08:48 <Vulpor> Though she would kick my butt

08:49 <TimidClef> Heya KooK, howdy Starshy!

08:49 *** Joins: GigabitPony (Gigabit@the.eternally.enveloped.changeling)

08:50 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/684982

08:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about corrupted pinkie pie applejack equestria girls dinaranger (and 6 more)

08:50 <Vulpor> Hello new users!

08:50 <TimidClef> Hrm. I should head to bed I guess. I have to work in the morning

08:50 <TimidClef> G'night ponies!

08:50 <jamis> New users?

08:50 <jamis> Night TimidClef

08:50 <Vulpor> Starshy and Kook

08:50 *** Parts: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net) ("")

08:50 <Vulpor> They seem like new people

08:50 <KooK> Vulpor

08:51 <Vulpor> Yes Kook?

08:51 <KooK> Ah, nevermind :P

08:51 <Vulpor> Okie dokie lokie

08:52 *** Quits: Kalastrear (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:52 *** Joins: Hazard (cyeatlblpxg@Pony-0vm5jj.spkn.qwest.net)

08:52 *** Quits: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-5cj04t.clsp.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:55 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

08:55 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

08:55 *** Joins: Squintz|Showerz (qkvmwrknfkl@Pony-e91.hqn.171.69.IP)

08:56 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Shenanigans! Askaponywithbraces.tumblr.com)

08:56 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Connection closed)

08:56 *** Joins: Snapai_ (Snapai@Pony-mjdh77.cable.rcn.com)

08:57 *** User_316025 is now known as Seeker

08:58 *** Quits: Snapai_ (Snapai@Pony-mjdh77.cable.rcn.com) (Connection closed)

08:58 *** Joins: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-v7itlp.clsp.qwest.net)

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08:58 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)

08:58 <Vulpor> Lotsa text flying not alotta chat

08:59 <jamis> Into season 2 of space dandy and I still don't know what to make of it.

09:00 *** Joins: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-jvifsn.clsp.qwest.net)

09:00 *** Parts: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-jvifsn.clsp.qwest.net) ()

09:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #62 [ http://tinyurl.com/qjtea26 ]

09:01 <Vulpor> I am into psych-pass

09:02 <Vulpor> great series

09:04 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:04 <iandalton> I've got that sitting on my hard drive. It sounds good.

09:05 *** Quits: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au) (Quit: http://derpy.me/4v7Si#)

09:05 *** Joins: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-o9o9ak.ip.windstream.net)

09:05 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

09:05 <Vulpor> I dont do downloads anymore

09:05 <jamis> Currently watching Aldnoah.Zero

09:05 <Vulpor> I do streaming or whatever

09:07 *** Quits: CodeZ (androirc@Pony-5o5455.dsl.optinet.hr) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:07 *** Squintz|Showerz is now known as Squintz

09:07 *** Parts: Squintz (qkvmwrknfkl@Pony-e91.hqn.171.69.IP) ()

09:08 <SgtPinkie> Okay, so Sesame Street is doing an upcoming episode about a Numericon (comic con, but for numbers)

09:08 <SgtPinkie> They have released a 45 second promo clip

09:09 <jamis> ...

09:09 <jamis> I read that as necronomicon.

09:09 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

09:10 <SgtPinkie> In it, there are references (mostly costumes) to Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Mario, Batman, Adventure Time, and possibly The Simpsons

09:10 <SgtPinkie> Most of those are pop culture mainstays and do not surprise me

09:11 <SgtPinkie> Except Adventure Time

09:11 <jamis> Kids who watch sesame street know who the semsons are?

09:11 *** Quits: GumballCrash (GumballCras@0.to.pony.10secondsflat) (Connection closed)

09:11 <iandalton> the Doctor should have a 4

09:11 <SgtPinkie> Which leads me to thinking there will be a MLP reference somewhere in that ep

09:12 <SgtPinkie> Here's the clip

09:12 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgxycSKCL2U

09:12 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

09:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Sesame Street: Numericon (Preview)

09:12 *** Joins: PrincessRadance (sixsixsix@Pony-af5kmg.res.rr.com)

09:13 <Princess-QRS> PrincessRadance is a good princess

09:13 <screenaholic> QRS, stop lying.

09:13 <jamis> I'm partial t luna.

09:13 <PrincessRadance> no I am just a miserable failed pun

09:13 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

09:14 <jamis> !link pun

09:14 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/142282

09:16 <iandalton> all of my wat

09:19 <jamis> Yeah...

09:19 <iandalton> https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dV2-S7MFo5w/Te5vYm0dP8I/AAAAAAAAAso/JJ2HpMwt6JE/s1600/Wat-a-knight-27s-tale.jpg

09:21 <jamis> I liked that movie. ^

09:21 <iandalton> no idea why they called the one guy Geoffrey Chaucer

09:21 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-4j489v.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

09:21 *** Quits: Seeker (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:21 <iandalton> But it was a fun movie.

09:21 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

09:22 *** Joins: Nightmare (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP)

09:23 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP) (Client exited)

09:23 *** Quits: Nightmare (hvdyawtsefi@Pony-575.7ap.78.208.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:26 *** Joins: Ethan (kdnhjfsbimc@Pony-go2ni0.ca.comcast.net)

09:26 *** Joins: Apophis_sleep (Apophis@Pony-

09:27 *** Parts: Ethan (kdnhjfsbimc@Pony-go2ni0.ca.comcast.net) ()

09:27 <iandalton> I went on a 14 mile hike today and my legs are sore. I don't want to think about tomorrow.

09:27 *** Joins: Ethan (kdnhjfsbimc@Pony-go2ni0.ca.comcast.net)

09:27 <Ethan> Hello

09:27 <jamis> Hey

09:28 * jamis sacrifices muffins to the weather goddess for cooler weather.

09:28 <Ethan> Hi. Can you tell me if there is a Fallout Equestria channel?

09:29 <jamis> I know there are, but that's all I know. I don't go to them.

09:29 *** Lycan|Work is now known as Lycan

09:29 <Princess-QRS> welp 5tb drives exist now

09:29 <Princess-QRS> do /list

09:29 <jamis> ^

09:29 <Princess-QRS> There's a few listed

09:30 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

09:30 <Princess-QRS> #FalloutEquestriaTavern might be the general one.

09:30 <Princess-QRS> looks like it

09:30 *** Joins: MissTake (misstake@Pony-he5puo.mycingular.net)

09:30 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

09:30 <Princess-QRS> MissTake is good.

09:31 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

09:31 <Princess-QRS> heh, #SRQsRoom is listed.

09:31 <jamis> Problem?

09:31 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

09:31 <Ethan> Thank you Princess-QRS.

09:31 <Princess-QRS> no I love it.


09:31 <Ethan> Goodbye. I'm going to the Tavern.

09:32 *** Parts: Ethan (kdnhjfsbimc@Pony-go2ni0.ca.comcast.net) ()

09:32 <jamis> Dat berry punch from the new drawfriend.

09:32 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-kfr5sg.151-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:32 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP)

09:32 <Princess-QRS> http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/47604102311608784/DA88D97FFDA6366380348EBBA74BDE6FA4CD9CFC/

09:32 <Princess-QRS> T-72 got two helicopters lol

09:33 <Princess-QRS> !stats

09:33 <Neptune> http://stats.nightstone.net/stats.php?c=EquestriaDaily

09:33 <Princess-QRS> how the actual hell is bubbleberry 600 ahead of me

09:33 <Princess-QRS> i must quit my job

09:33 <Princess-QRS> i have lost top place in stats

09:34 <screenaholic> Didn't you just get your job?

09:34 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/684465

09:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about clothes solo stockings suggestive cleavage (and 5 more)

09:34 <Ali> Is...that a bot?

09:34 <Neptune> Ali: It's not a bot.

09:35 <Neptune> It's a quick little script I made so whenever someone types !stats, it'll throw a link to the stats page

09:35 <Ali> Right

09:35 <Ali> Usually something like that was a bot

09:35 <jamis> Kinda like derpy?

09:35 <Ali> Well Derpy is the only allowed bot down that owlbot died.

09:35 <Ali> down?

09:35 *** Quits: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:35 <Ali> how did I get that instead of now

09:36 <jamis> Na, she just sits there and waits for a command.

09:36 * LightDash fly around

09:37 <Princess-QRS> I had the okay for a bot, but STATS is dead now.

09:37 <Princess-QRS> Or well, went home anyway.

09:37 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-3OLhIAUUM

09:37 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

09:37 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy - Like An Angry Woman (HIGHEST QUALITY ON YOUTUBE!) :D

09:38 * Princess-QRS boops LightDash.

09:38 <Princess-QRS> LightDash is a top tier pony.

09:38 <screenaholic> Yes, STATS went home, and is not buried in my backyard...

09:38 <LightDash> :3

09:38 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-onf.5h3.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:38 <jamis> I miss billy and mandy. Good show.

09:38 <LightDash> top tier pony?

09:39 <Princess-QRS> Yep!

09:39 <Princess-QRS> One of the best.

09:39 <Princess-QRS> The 1% of ponies.

09:39 <LightDash> ?

09:39 <jamis> I'm angry at the 1%.

09:40 <LightDash> why 1%?

09:40 <jamis> Cause.

09:40 <LightDash> *of ponies

09:40 <Princess-QRS> The 1% best ponies.

09:40 <Princess-QRS> Only one in a hundred are as good as you.

09:41 <Princess-QRS> I'm the 0.0001 though.

09:41 <LightDash> i dont get it.

09:42 <jamis> Basically, borderlands legendary rare.

09:42 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

09:42 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-469.ltb.211.76.IP)

09:42 <jamis> Hey WoeGryphon

09:43 <Princess-QRS> You're a really good pony LightDash, that's all there is to it.

09:43 <LightDash> okay :|

09:43 <Princess-QRS> http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--kvj5nWld--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ujovzv9wx07db2f7nthg.jpg

09:44 <LightDash> lol star wars

09:44 <Princess-QRS> http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--66kWr1hB--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/symatnrbelar9olibmde.jpg

09:44 <Princess-QRS> 5/5 would join this fascist tyrannical military force

09:44 <Neptune> np: Oceanlab - Sky Falls Away

09:44 <Princess-QRS> wat

09:45 <LightDash> i am  not with empire i am with luke skywalker

09:45 <Princess-QRS> Then you can die with him, rebel scum.

09:46 <LightDash> i never be with evil side okay just saying.

09:46 <Princess-QRS> i'm evil tho

09:47 <Princess-QRS> ...are you saying you don't like me?

09:47 <Princess-QRS> ;_;

09:47 <screenaholic> Woe! How is best gryphon?

09:47 <LightDash> no i like you

09:47 <jamis> ?

09:47 * Princess-QRS hugs LightDash.. evilly.

09:47 <LightDash> but i like be a hero.

09:47 <Princess-QRS> Heroes are over-rated, too many constraints.

09:47 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

09:47 <Princess-QRS> Villians can do whatever, for good or evil.

09:48 <Princess-QRS> That's why Sisko is best captai

09:48 <Princess-QRS> n

09:48 <Muffin_Spectacles> The villain can get away with so much more. they often don't have moral scruples.

09:48 <LightDash> well i am a villian of good

09:48 <Muffin_Spectacles> And in most stories, the villain never considers themselves bad. They see what they are doing as a good thing.

09:48 *** Joins: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-7higm4.bhm.bellsouth.net)

09:49 <Shadowheart> I has a question about cons

09:49 <jamis> Cons.

09:49 <Shadowheart> Like Brony con and such...

09:49 <Princess-QRS> LightDash,  the anti-hero.

09:49 <LightDash> yup

09:50 <LightDash> not villain but anti-hero

09:50 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/684672

09:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about solo safe simple background artist:marshmellowcannibal queen chrysalis

09:50 <LightDash> yay chrysalis

09:51 <Shadowheart> If you see someone you recognize and you know their community nickname but not their real name, do you just call them by their nick?

09:51 <LightDash> the pic *

09:51 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-he5puo.mycingular.net) (Quit: Miss you lots!i)

09:51 <Princess-QRS> I would yeah.

09:51 <Princess-QRS> how else are you going to talk to them?

09:52 <Shadowheart> I was just wondering if there was like a nonspoken rule of courtesy about that, weird as that sounds...

09:52 <Shadowheart> I've never been to a con and most likely will not for a LONG time, but whatevs.

09:52 <Pi> I don't see how.

09:52 <Princess-QRS> "Hi, %alias%, I'm %alias%. Nice to meet you."

09:52 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

09:52 <Princess-QRS> perhaps add "my name is %name%

09:53 <SgtPinkie> Well, if it is BronyCon, they have that new color system, if I'm not mistaken

09:53 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz)

09:54 <Shadowheart> Just curious.

09:54 *** Joins: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

09:55 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: moral scruples can be a good thing. If Han Solo hadn't helped the Rebels because he felt it was the right thing to do, the Death Star may never have been destroyed.

09:55 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

09:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Though of course, as time went on, they made him less of a scoundrel, and he became more of an 'okay guy.' That was one complaint I heard alot of regarding his role in Jedi.

09:56 *** ` is now known as Pony_75755

09:56 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: there have been one or two occasions that I ran into someone I knew from online. I called them their screenname. When I learned their name, I called them that. Everyone seemed happy.

09:56 *** Quits: PrincessRadance (sixsixsix@Pony-af5kmg.res.rr.com) (Quit: bye)

09:56 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:56 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Mongoosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

09:57 <iandalton> I think I've heard that Jedi was the weakest. I haven't seen it in years.

09:57 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Away (Mongoosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

09:57 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: I just think its alot of whinig and complaining for those who take the series too seriously. I never had a problem with Jedi. The big complaint is its too kiddie-ish after Empire.

09:58 *** Parts: Pony_75755 (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) ("")

09:58 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

09:58 *** Quits: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:58 <iandalton> Nothing is perfect. Luke was originally written as attracted to Leia, which was kind of weird when they decided to make her his sister.

09:59 *** ` is now known as Pony_22694

09:59 <WoeGryphon> hello everypony

09:59 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (~Coco_Nut@Pony-bgelj4.dsl.as9105.com)

09:59 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

09:59 <Shadowheart> Welp, getting close to one. goodnight everypony and may Luna grant pleasant dreams...

09:59 <Shadowheart> !lullaby

09:59 * DerpyBot carries Shadowheart off to bed

09:59 * DerpyBot tucks Shadowheart in and hums a lullaby

09:59 *** Parts: Pony_22694 (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) ("")

09:59 *** Quits: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-7higm4.bhm.bellsouth.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:01 <Princess-QRS> ESB owns

10:01 <Princess-QRS> ROTJ would have been better with the original wookies instead of ewoks

10:01 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

10:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: I am rather taken with the ending of Jedi, where Luke takes a tactic that is pretty ridiculous, where he tries to just reason with evil, or the man who was his father.

10:02 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

10:02 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UkZOZIO63I

10:02 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Iron Giant END

10:03 *** Joins: MrMooMoo (Moo@Pony-ba9ual.wavecable.com)

10:03 <SgtPinkie> Absolutely love that movie

10:03 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: Darth Vader's redeemability is hinted at in ESB too

10:03 <MrMooMoo> Yo

10:03 <iandalton> In other words, he's not irredeemably evil

10:03 <LightDash> !link https://derpiboo.ru/684815

10:03 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about king sombra queen chrysalis discord nightmare moon safe (and 2 more)

10:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Though there are some who say that Vader should never have been revealed...but then it flies against Lucas' notions that Vader could be redeemed. But you know people: they just want Vader to be cool and evil...well, and excise the history of his child-killing.

10:03 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)

10:04 <jamis> Hey MrMooMoo

10:04 <SgtPinkie> Oh, wow. Been a long time since I've seen you here, MrMooMoo

10:04 <jamis> SgtPinkie, it be a good movie.

10:04 <LightDash> like the pic

10:05 <iandalton> Hmm, clickig through to the devART verison, Nightmare Moon is called Jument Sélénique in French

10:05 * Muffin_Spectacles is now watching The World's End: one of my favorite 2013 films. Pity most Americans prefer This is the End to it. :(

10:05 <MrMooMoo> Dam, yo, yeah I don't come on usually at this hour

10:06 <MrMooMoo> Long time

10:06 <LightDash> *Jument Séléniaque

10:06 <LightDash> you forget the A

10:06 <iandalton> I copied what the artist wrote

10:06 <MrMooMoo> I will never leave no matter how much of a brony I am not anymore

10:06 <iandalton> They left out the A

10:07 <iandalton> http://lionel23.deviantart.com/art/Stand-Back-and-Watch-Me-Shine-Sister-344852789

10:07 <LightDash> i am french so i know  the right translate

10:07 *** Joins: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

10:07 <LightDash> *translation

10:08 *** Quits: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

10:09 <Princess-QRS> http://sorrowind.net/vilify/

10:09 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sometimes I think my family was completely assimilated into American culture.

10:09 *** Joins: MissTake (misstake@Pony-anm364.mycingular.net)

10:10 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:11 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

10:11 <Muffin_Spectacles> And, I killed the chat.

10:11 *** ` is now known as Pony_58890

10:11 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP) (Client exited)

10:11 * iandalton kills Muffin_Spectacles

10:12 <Muffin_Spectacles> ...or, I just annoyed everyone and they scattered to other rooms.

10:12 <iandalton> Sometimes the chat demands a sacrifice

10:12 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: You can't kill me, I'm already dead.

10:12 * iandalton kills a rabbit

10:13 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

10:13 *** Quits: Pony_58890 (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Organize your IRC)

10:13 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

10:16 *** Joins: Nexie (Lily@Nexie.the.techie.beep.boop)

10:16 *** Joins: User_972225 (pddcnvtpabn@Pony-rd2.sfn.190.189.IP)

10:21 *** Joins: Resonance (tpsbpxldsqs@Pony-2lq.vnc.224.66.IP)

10:22 *** Parts: Resonance (tpsbpxldsqs@Pony-2lq.vnc.224.66.IP) ()

10:24 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Killed (Celestia (Lost at Russian Roulette.)))

10:24 *** Quits: Muffin_Spectacles (xgvqjvqcxoy@Pony-5bpa4q.cable.rcn.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:24 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

10:26 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

10:26 *** ` is now known as Pony_97647

10:27 <Pony_97647> bah, auto login is glitchy still...

10:27 *** Pony_97647 is now known as ^

10:27 *** ^ is now known as Pony_810

10:28 <Pony_810> pff, this is a failure

10:28 *** Parts: Pony_810 (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) ("")

10:30 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-586jpo.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

10:31 *** Essence is now known as ThunderStrike

10:31 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

10:31 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: May The Ponies Be With You...)

10:32 *** Quits: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:33 <iandalton> !flip

10:33 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

10:33 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her hoof, correct side up

10:37 *** Quits: Hazard (cyeatlblpxg@Pony-0vm5jj.spkn.qwest.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:39 *** Quits: Nexie (Lily@Nexie.the.techie.beep.boop) (Quit: O.o)

10:39 *** Joins: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@Pony-j3c.m4d.19.72.IP)

10:40 *** Joins: Rainy (iqxwudxseop@Pony-be2kpb.gv.shawcable.net)

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10:40 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

10:41 *** ` is now known as Pony_46151

10:41 <Pony_46151> -.-

10:41 <CleverDerpy> good morning~

10:41 *** Pony_46151 is now known as a

10:42 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:42 *** Mongoose|Away is now known as Mongoose

10:42 <a> geeze, i'me setting up an auto-login and it's bugging out like crazy  ._.

10:43 <User_972225> good morning

10:43 <Princess-QRS> Good morning User#s

10:43 <a> ok, this should work...

10:44 <a> brb

10:44 *** Parts: a (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) ("")

10:44 <User_972225> ok

10:44 <CleverDerpy> auto login should be an easy process

10:44 <User_972225> so... how are you guys?

10:44 <CleverDerpy> good~

10:44 <User_972225> great :)

10:44 <CleverDerpy> I made an android app last night and published it

10:45 <User_972225> and what does it do?

10:45 *** Quits: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-o9o9ak.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: Light travels faster then sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak)

10:45 <CleverDerpy> you know cookie clicker?

10:45 <User_972225> mmm nop

10:45 <CleverDerpy> I made my own version called muffin feeder

10:45 <User_972225> mmmm interesting name... and a tasty one too

10:45 <CleverDerpy> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cleverderpy.muffinfeeder

10:46 <User_972225> are we the only ones here?

10:46 <CleverDerpy> seems like it

10:47 <User_972225> mmmm, not sure what to talk about  XD... maybe where you from? UK? US?

10:48 <CleverDerpy> US

10:48 <CleverDerpy> florida, to be more specific

10:49 <Llybel> I am here as well - Im from NZ

10:50 <CleverDerpy> NZ?

10:50 <Llybel> New Zealand

10:50 <CleverDerpy> oh,

10:50 <User_972225> how long have you been watching the show? this is the first time i've visited this website, a friend of mine told me about the show, at first i thought it was weird but i found it pretty cool

10:51 <CleverDerpy> sorry, usually we say state named in the US by their two letters

10:51 <CleverDerpy> User_972225,

10:51 <CleverDerpy> I've been here since season two

10:51 <CleverDerpy> or the end of s1, to be more specific

10:52 <Llybel> I started watching a couple months ago - kept seeing it come up on sites I visit so decided to see what all the fuss was about

10:52 <Llybel> and became addicted

10:52 <User_972225> hahaha

10:52 <CleverDerpy> I've been a part of this community since before canternet existed

10:53 <CleverDerpy> we were originaslly part of geekshed

10:53 <User_972225> O.o

10:53 <User_972225> canternet?

10:53 <CleverDerpy> until Colgate came along and created canternet

10:53 <CleverDerpy> canternet is the irc network you're connecting to right now

10:53 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-anm364.mycingular.net) (Quit: Miss you lots!i)

10:54 <CleverDerpy> you might be on EQD or a chat client, but you'r currently talking on a server that hosts canternet

10:54 <User_972225> okay i get it now

10:54 <User_972225> :)

10:55 <Finwe> Good morning or other time of the day, ponies and non-ponies!

10:55 <User_972225> good morning there

10:55 <iandalton> hello there Finwe

10:55 <Finwe> Mr Dalton.

10:55 <Llybel> good evening

10:55 * Finwe doffs his hat.

10:55 *** Joins: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

10:55 <Finwe> Hello, Llybel!

10:56 * Finwe snuggles a Llybel.

10:56 * iandalton doffs his head

10:56 <iandalton> http://img0.joyreactor.com/pics/post/funny-pictures-morbid-channel-auto-682397.jpeg

10:56 <Llybel> offers Finwe a cookie

10:56 * Finwe noms on the cookie!

10:56 <Finwe> o3o!

10:56 *** Joins: SRQ (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

10:56 * CleverDerpy wants a cookie

10:56 <Pi> https://soundcloud.com/rogueuk/free-rogue-zion

10:56 * iandalton gives CleverDerpy a muffin instead

10:56 <Pi> pew pew pew

10:56 * Llybel offers cookies around

10:56 <CleverDerpy> yay~

10:57 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

10:57 * CleverDerpy noms the muffin and cookie cutely

10:57 <CleverDerpy> thank you~

10:57 * CleverDerpy hugs Llybel and iandalton

10:58 *** Quits: Mongoose (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:58 *** Quits: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: I love my HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)

10:58 *** Joins: Mongoose (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

10:59 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-crt65v.res.rr.com)

10:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h ConfusionRift

10:59 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

11:00 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

11:00 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)

11:00 *** Quits: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:01 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

11:01 <Llybel> heyo

11:01 <jamis> Our new overlord.

11:01 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

11:01 *** SRQ is now known as Princess-QRS

11:02 <ConfusionRift> Not really, I'm more of a guard in training. :P

11:02 *** Joins: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

11:02 <Princess-QRS> Eh.

11:02 <jamis> heh, a .5 mod.

11:02 <Princess-QRS> Deputy Sheriff.

11:02 <User_972225> hello confusion

11:02 <Princess-QRS> Please select a real nick.

11:03 <User_972225> who are you talking to, dear princess?

11:03 <jamis> User nine seven two two two five.

11:04 <iandalton> User_972225: you are not a number, you are a free man!

11:04 *** Quits: Mongoose (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:04 <ConfusionRift> Well, it helps us address you properly. :)

11:04 <User_972225> haha okay

11:04 <jamis> The one free man.

11:04 <User_972225> just a sec please

11:04 *** Quits: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

11:04 <iandalton> oh wait, you're a number. never mind

11:04 <Colgate> CleverDerpy: it was on everywhere chat before then

11:04 <CleverDerpy> really?

11:05 <CleverDerpy> I remember connecting to geekshed

11:05 <Colgate> before geekshed

11:05 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-mclss9.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

11:05 <CleverDerpy> wow,

11:05 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcaxlxgnvf0

11:05 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

11:05 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about I AM NOT A NUMBER-THE PRISONER

11:05 <CleverDerpy> ya learn something new everyday

11:05 <CleverDerpy> thanks for the info Colgate

11:05 <screenaholic> Screw it! I give up on trying to sleep, I'm just going to stay awake for the rest of my life.

11:05 *** Joins: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

11:05 <iandalton> CleverDerpy: if you're not careful.

11:05 <Finwe> Mid CleverDerpy.

11:05 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift.

11:05 <Finwe> _o7

11:05 <Finwe> Mr screenaholic.

11:05 <Colgate> I joined #EquestriaDaily shortly after the move to geekshed

11:05 <CleverDerpy> RAdm Finwe

11:05 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:06 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

11:06 * Finwe yo's at screenaholic.

11:06 <CleverDerpy> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift

11:06 * CleverDerpy salutes both

11:06 *** User_972225 is now known as cutiederpy

11:06 <ConfusionRift> Mid. CleverDerpy. (salutes)

11:06 *** Joins: Mongoose (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

11:07 <Princess-QRS> All hail Colgate, creator of Equestria.

11:08 <jamis> Hey, I thought faust was the creator of equestria?

11:08 <ConfusionRift> She didn't create me. :P (does the bot dance, and an arm falls off) That was Colgate's fault!

11:09 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

11:09 *** Quits: Mongoose|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:10 *** Quits: Mongoose (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:10 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigabit

11:12 *** Unixkitty|4d is now known as Unixkitty

11:13 *** Joins: Golden (pjpntgelwsy@Pony-5dg.ai0.8.24.IP)

11:13 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:14 *** Parts: Golden (pjpntgelwsy@Pony-5dg.ai0.8.24.IP) ()

11:15 * ConfusionRift pets Unixkitty.

11:16 <Unixkitty> Oh hi Rifty! How was your weekend?

11:16 <ConfusionRift> Pretty dull and boring here. There wasn't much to do.

11:17 <ConfusionRift> And the majority were at work.

11:17 <ConfusionRift> So... it's been mostly me and myself.

11:17 <Unixkitty> Aw

11:17 <iandalton> hey there Unixkitty

11:18 <ConfusionRift> Oh, and him. (points at a lookalike of himself waving)

11:18 <Unixkitty> And I've spent my weekend... doing things I shouldn't be mentioning here

11:18 <Princess-QRS> heh

11:18 <Unixkitty> Oh and playing Call of Duty, that could be mentioned I guess

11:18 <Princess-QRS> Unixkitty, I can legally sell booze now!

11:18 <jamis> ConfusionRift, just you and yourself? No I?

11:18 <Unixkitty> Heya SRQ and iandalton

11:18 * Princess-QRS huggles Unixkitty

11:18 * Unixkitty nuzzles Princess-QRS

11:19 <Princess-QRS> o3o

11:19 <Unixkitty> Looks familiar to anyone? :P http://i.imgur.com/TvjORuD.png

11:19 <ConfusionRift> jamis: I was somewhere else, so it was just me and myself. :P

11:19 <Unixkitty> I sure know it does for me

11:20 <jamis> heh

11:20 <iandalton> Unixkitty: bookmarks

11:20 <Princess-QRS> lots of tabs?

11:20 <ConfusionRift> I prefer to streamline everything. Had done so since I officially had my very own computer. You know, old systems and such.

11:20 <Gigabit> The URL blurred out

11:20 <Unixkitty> Yeah. And most of them I need at every time

11:21 *** Quits: cutiederpy (pddcnvtpabn@Pony-rd2.sfn.190.189.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:21 <Unixkitty> So if you guys haven't noticed I've put a few minutes into arranging and resizing userpics on the stats page. They are now all jpg with 200x200 size.

11:21 <Unixkitty> Thought it would be worth mentioning.

11:21 <ConfusionRift> Wait... you need two YouTube tabs and three email tabs on at all times? o_0

11:21 * ConfusionRift is worried about Unixkitty.

11:22 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, that screenshot is not from my desktop. I'm using windows, remember?

11:22 * Finwe thankfully noms on Unixkitty's efforts

11:22 <ConfusionRift> Better not be one of them Haxkittehs. :P

11:22 <jamis> Unixkitty, on the stats page?

11:22 <Unixkitty> !stats

11:22 <Neptune> http://stats.nightstone.net/stats.php?c=EquestriaDaily

11:22 * Unixkitty boops ConfusionRift

11:23 <ConfusionRift> Imma kiddin. (boops Unixkitty)

11:23 * Unixkitty also triple boops Finwe

11:23 <jamis> Awwwww, my picture isn't there...

11:23 <Finwe> Unixkitty: Where is my picture? D:

11:23 <Unixkitty> Oh and sorry Finwe... your pic was very odd sized so I wasn't able to fit it properly

11:23 <Princess-QRS> woah you put effort into the pics

11:23 <Unixkitty> You could send me a new one?

11:23 <Finwe> Unixkitty: Wait a second, I have another.

11:24 <Unixkitty> I could post either my public email or whatever

11:24 <Gigabit> Wait wait wait.. Neptune is a not?

11:24 <Princess-QRS> Derybot lost her hooves

11:24 <Finwe> Unixkitty: http://www.niksula.hut.fi/~vhalkola/Finwe_pony.png

11:24 <Finwe> Lt Neptune.

11:24 <Finwe> _o7

11:24 <jamis> Unixkitty, will a link do?

11:24 <Unixkitty> Gigabit, he is not. He just has a script

11:24 <Unixkitty> Yuppers, jamis

11:24 <Finwe> Gigabit: No, Neptune is a XOR.

11:25 <Gigabit> Ah, was going to say.. He never used to be.

11:25 <Unixkitty> heh.

11:25 *** Q0 is now known as Q0|Away

11:25 <ConfusionRift> Unixkitty: Wait. That's you in the stats? :P

11:25 <jamis> Awesome. Unixkitty, here the image be. https://derpiboo.ru/579342

11:25 *** Quits: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more?)

11:25 <iandalton> Princess-QRS: your quote on the stats page is so erudite

11:26 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, who else? :P

11:27 <Princess-QRS> It's true.

11:27 <Unixkitty> jamis, are you sure about that image? It's... not a square.

11:27 <Gigabit> I wonder if ` is the same one who complained before about being pined with `

11:27 <ConfusionRift> Unixkitty is so cuddly wobbly... and a tad taller than expected. :P

11:28 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:28 <Unixkitty> I'm... about the same size as Opalescence

11:28 <jamis> Dang... Maximum is 200x200?

11:28 <Princess-QRS> tiny catte

11:28 <Unixkitty> Yeah I'm trying to keep them all 200x200 so they don't look too chaotic on the page

11:29 <Finwe> Une petite chatte, oui.

11:29 <Princess-QRS> http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/27/world/africa/ebola-american-doctor-infected/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

11:29 <Princess-QRS> Well, say goodbye to the world.

11:30 <iandalton> First smallpox, now this

11:30 <Unixkitty> W..what?

11:30 <ConfusionRift> And soon... explosive diarrhea!

11:30 <Princess-QRS> it's all ogre

11:30 <Finwe> Unixkitty: Est-ce que vouz êtes simultanément une chatte et une licorne?

11:30 <iandalton> ConfusionRift: already happened. Burrito.

11:30 <Gigabit> Yay~ ebola

11:31 <ConfusionRift> Oh, I'm so sorry.

11:31 <Unixkitty> Oui, Finwe.

11:31 <ConfusionRift> Was it a chili and beans burrito?

11:31 <Finwe> Enchanté.

11:31 <jamis> Unixkitty, yeah, can you resize it to 200x71 or do you want me to?

11:31 <CleverDerpy> taco grande

11:31 <Princess-QRS> Oh man, some countries near Sierra Leone are closing their borders.

11:31 <Princess-QRS> It really is happening.

11:32 <Finwe> CleverDerpy: Which is better, burrito grande or taco grande?

11:32 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: May the ponies be with you.)

11:32 <Verandure> Rio Grande.

11:32 <Princess-QRS> http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/056/667/madagascar.gif

11:32 <Unixkitty> jamis, I don't think it would be a problem for me.

11:32 <Finwe> Mr Verandure.

11:32 <Princess-QRS> Nah we're fine.

11:32 * Finwe doffs his hat.

11:32 <Verandure> Hio, Finwe.

11:33 <jamis> Unixkitty, thanks!

11:33 <Princess-QRS> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvvrbI64OMA

11:33 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

11:33 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about President Madagascar: Shut Down Everything

11:33 <iandalton> ConfusionRift: no chili

11:33 <iandalton> doesn't matter, had burrito

11:33 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-8aq.obr.255.85.IP)

11:33 <ConfusionRift> Oh boy, good. Chili would be like an additional explosion.

11:33 <jamis> Okay, I'm going to bed. Night all.

11:33 *** Quits: jamis (jamis@jamis) (Quit: I'm out. Later. http://bernd01.deviantart.com/art/What-s-in-a-name-Vector-284395350)

11:33 <iandalton> I had it for lunch on my 14 mile hike

11:33 <Gigabit> I want chili now..

11:34 <Finwe> Chilli is delicious!

11:34 <Gigabit> I should get mine out of the freezer

11:34 *** Phantasma_Eeria is now known as Princess-Phantasma

11:34 <Princess-Phantasma> hi everypony

11:34 <Princess-QRS> sup

11:34 <iandalton> I would like to make chili some time this summer. No beans.

11:34 * Princess-QRS places Princess-Phantasma atop her head

11:34 <Unixkitty> When have you leveled up, Princess-Phantasma?

11:35 *** Joins: anon466 (ygsudfiulfq@Pony-u6cdbu.slkc.qwest.net)

11:35 <CleverDerpy> watch out, it's Princess tower power hour~

11:35 <anon466> is anypony there?

11:35 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi)

11:35 <iandalton> where?

11:35 <Finwe> There!

11:35 <iandalton> here?

11:36 * iandalton looks around shiftily

11:36 <Finwe> I guess so.

11:36 <Unixkitty> anon466, many ponies here. And not just.

11:36 <anon466> just cjecking

11:36 <anon466> last i remember i thought i was perma banned from here

11:36 *** LightDash is now known as Princess-Light

11:36 <anon466> guess not

11:36 <Princess-Phantasma> i level up every day…but i technically became a princess about a month ago…when i became Princess-QRS's waifu

11:36 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

11:36 <Gigabit> Not smart to come in saying you where perma banned..

11:36 <Princess-QRS> anon466, why were you banned?

11:36 <Princess-QRS> also yeah lol

11:36 <anon466> ffs

11:36 <anon466> orangeShock

11:36 <Gigabit> Because that means you are bypassing a ban basically

11:37 *** Joins: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-f06vl9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

11:37 <Princess-QRS> for gods sakes

11:37 <Princess-QRS> ConfusionRift, good time to do your thing.

11:37 * Princess-Phantasma casually noms on her waifu's 'mane'

11:37 <Princess-Phantasma> hi fruits

11:37 <Unixkitty> Also if you don't mind me saying, your nick name might be a tad longer than I'd like.

11:37 <ConfusionRift> Wait///

11:37 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP)

11:37 <ConfusionRift> What happened?

11:38 *** ` is now known as ^

11:38 <Princess-Phantasma> its three letters longer than my not-princess nick

11:38 <ConfusionRift> Ooooh, hello there, OrangeShock. -_-

11:38 <Princess-QRS> Pls do the needful.

11:38 * Princess-QRS turns the ChatCON to 3.

11:39 <Gigabit> Singing teleban even

11:39 *** Joins: Golden (pjpntgelwsy@Pony-5dg.ai0.8.24.IP)

11:39 <Unixkitty> Princess-Phantasma, enough to have moved my window a bit.

11:39 *** Quits: FruitNi (Pony_2501@Pony-hugq5h.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:39 <anon466> umm...

11:39 <ConfusionRift> Blarg, it's not going through.

11:39 <Princess-QRS> I don't think half-ops can ban, only kick.

11:40 <Unixkitty> Whatcha doing, ConfusionRift?

11:40 <^> half ops can ban, last time i checked

11:40 <Unixkitty> Also I'm still for the idea that we kinda need a night time mod.

11:40 <Princess-QRS> Your nick is bad and I hope you feel bad.

11:40 <Princess-Phantasma> Unixkitty, thats what i was aiming for

11:40 *** ConfusionRift sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-u6cdbu.slkc.qwest.net

11:40 <Princess-QRS> ConfusionRift is our night time mod!

11:40 <^> my nick is great and i feel good

11:40 <Princess-QRS> There he goes, doing his job like a boss.

11:40 <Unixkitty> Good.

11:41 *** anon466 was kicked by ConfusionRift (ConfusionRift)

11:41 <Princess-QRS> I love you.

11:41 <Unixkitty> Yay free kicking

11:41 <^> anon466 just got #rekt

11:41 <iandalton> ^

11:41 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, OrangeShock was banned for a reason.

11:42 <^> lol, wht was the reason

11:42 <Princess-QRS> Protip: don't gloat about ban evading using proxies, don't insult mods, dont' swear constantly, and don't be bad in general.

11:43 <^> >_>

11:43 <ConfusionRift> He might come back because he has a proxy.

11:43 <Gigabit> Don't be a dunce and normally it is fine.

11:43 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, ban all the things!

11:43 <^> ban everything!!!

11:44 <ConfusionRift> If I remember correctly, it was because of badgering the rules and mods.

11:44 <CleverDerpy> I don't wanna be banned

11:44 <Princess-QRS> Well you can just try new ban things.

11:44 * Finwe doffs ^

11:44 <ConfusionRift> Oh, and persistently came back.

11:44 <Princess-QRS> Yeah basically, making a mockery of the idea of rules.

11:44 <Unixkitty> ^ kinda looks like a tiny paper hat

11:44 <CleverDerpy> anarchy

11:44 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (montezuma@Pony-q5qfae.superkabel.de)

11:44 <^> rules are ment to be broken!!!

11:44 * Princess-QRS flops on FloppyChiptunes

11:44 <CleverDerpy> not all rules

11:45 <CleverDerpy> manors are rules

11:45 <^> allthe rules

11:45 <iandalton> if you're going to break the rules, at least do it with finesse

11:45 <ConfusionRift> Ahem!

11:45 <^> do it like a barbarian!

11:45 <Princess-QRS> https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10479733_10152669285283969_6769276076185348639_n.jpg

11:45 <Princess-QRS> ~local city humour~

11:45 <^> leave no rule un-broken

11:45 *** Parts: Golden (pjpntgelwsy@Pony-5dg.ai0.8.24.IP) ()

11:45 <Unixkitty> Seems like people have suddenly decided to rant about not breaking rules.

11:45 <Gigabit> Well with ^ bing just his Nick. <^> show up. Which is Zelda's lullaby. So there for. ^ is Zelda

11:45 <Princess-QRS> Bend rules, don't break them.

11:46 * Finwe breaks rule 43.

11:46 <^> oh.

11:46 * Princess-QRS breaks Finwe

11:46 <^> not for long

11:46 * Princess-Phantasma breaks broken Finwe

11:46 <Unixkitty> Finwe, how can you even break that rule?

11:46 <ConfusionRift> It would be wise to not talk about rule breaking. -_-

11:46 *** Joins: Sonic (yjzpsvjncla@Pony-6d3.qfc.101.118.IP)

11:46 <^> avoid ALL the advice

11:46 * Princess-QRS politics at ConfusionRift

11:47 <^> oooh, Sonic

11:47 <Finwe> As matter of fact, I think I'll break rule 35 as well.

11:47 <iandalton> "What are you trying to tell me? That I can stop banhammers?"

11:47 <iandalton> "No. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to."

11:47 <^> heh

11:47 * Princess-Phantasma breaks a vase to break the ice "it didnt work, the ice is still fine"

11:47 <Sonic> eeee~~~

11:47 *** ^ is now known as [

11:48 <CleverDerpy> this is kinda sad

11:48 <[> i don't even

11:48 <[> how is this usefull

11:48 <Unixkitty> I'm not sure I'd tolerate nicks such as that one. Especially changing between them.

11:48 <Princess-QRS> It's dumb.

11:48 * Finwe waits for [ to change his nick to something that breaks his terminal.

11:48 <[> oh.

11:48 <ConfusionRift> [: Cut that out.

11:48 <[> it's time for...

11:49 <Finwe> [:

11:49 <iandalton> ConfusionRift: you made a face

11:49 *** [ is now known as banana

11:49 * ConfusionRift sighs.

11:49 <Princess-QRS> Better.

11:49 <Princess-QRS> not good

11:49 <banana> where's celestia

11:49 <Princess-QRS> but better

11:49 *** Parts: Sonic (yjzpsvjncla@Pony-6d3.qfc.101.118.IP) ()

11:49 <Gigabit> Butter

11:49 <Princess-Phantasma> celestia is a bot on a different room

11:49 <banana> i can't believe it's not butter

11:50 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com) (Quit: To the not here and beyond!)

11:50 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:50 <Princess-QRS> That room is #SRQsROOm

11:50 *** Joins: Llybel_ (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz)

11:50 <banana> even better nick

11:50 *** banana is now known as a

11:50 <Unixkitty> For ff-f-etlock's sake, a

11:50 <a> all your pings are belong to me

11:51 <ConfusionRift> Are you gonna keep nick changing? If you do, terrible things may happen.

11:51 <Unixkitty> In my mind terrible things are already happening.

11:51 <a> i'me staying at a for now

11:51 <Princess-QRS> The ChatCON is already set to 3.

11:51 <Unixkitty> That's the stupidest nick one could think of, a

11:51 <CleverDerpy> then a creepy salesman will have to come out and say "you met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

11:52 <a> Unixkitty mah have OCD

11:52 <a> just a thought

11:52 <a> she/he rages on my nicks

11:52 <a> everytime i change, more anger

11:52 *** Joins: Phantom (ucowbnsjzga@Pony-4rt6d7.dsl-w.verizon.net)

11:53 <a> hue

11:53 * Unixkitty tries not to stab a

11:53 <Phantom> a

11:53 * Princess-Phantasma beats up a "you are not a changeling!"

11:53 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:53 <ConfusionRift> I know what you're doing. Seriously. Can you please change to something meaningful?

11:53 <a> no. because meaningfull is a relative term

11:53 <a> and i like a

11:54 <iandalton> My client hilights every mention of every nick in every message.

11:54 <Phantom> Oh man you just got told

11:54 * Princess-Phantasma boops Phantom "i know somepony with an OC called Phantom heh"

11:54 <Phantom> Someone famous?

11:54 <Princess-Phantasma> no…

11:54 * ConfusionRift sighs. "Oh well, it starts."

11:55 <a> ? lol, thus shows as a square for me

11:55 <Phantom> Why not let him be a? who cares?

11:55 <a> nobody cared

11:55 <a> ever

11:56 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

11:56 *** a is now known as nobody

11:56 * ConfusionRift cares immensely.

11:56 *** nobody was kicked by ConfusionRift (ConfusionRift)

11:56 * Unixkitty faints

11:56 *** Joins: nobody (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

11:56 <ConfusionRift> You were warned!

11:56 <nobody> I, nobody, canconfirm, that I indeed care

11:57 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

11:57 *** Joins: SRQ (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

11:57 <nobody> and i wasn't breakin any rules. and i studied those things...

11:57 <Unixkitty> nobody, I'm sorry to say but in any channel I administer the likes of yours are banned without hesitation.

11:57 <ConfusionRift> Seriously, that was my last warning. Please, stop changing nicks for the heck of it.

11:57 <Unixkitty> Unfortunately for you, here people are way more tolerable.

11:58 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SRQ)))

11:58 *** SRQ is now known as Princess-QRS

11:58 <nobody> why? because what if i like changing it? why can't we have the freedome to change nicks?

11:58 <nobody> does it really bother you that much?

11:58 <ConfusionRift> Constant changing is disruptive.

11:58 <Pi> lol this guy

11:58 <iandalton> enough to kick you, nobody

11:59 <Princess-QRS> Finwe, the heck you doing.

11:59 <Princess-QRS> Windows 8.1, Hexchat 64 bit.

11:59 <Phantom> No freedom. We are all in chains here

11:59 <Unixkitty> You are purposely annoying people, especially mоderators.

11:59 <Princess-QRS> ConfusionRift, please do the needful.

11:59 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: 2.10.0

11:59 <Princess-QRS> ye

11:59 <Unixkitty> SRQ he's kicked him once, next time is going to be a ban already.

11:59 <Finwe> [2.40GHz]

11:59 * Princess-Phantasma goes aetherial and walks through the chains, then becomes un-aetherial

11:59 *** Joins: User_891425 (mjjtlpqdsqc@Pony-r1d.uuj.170.184.IP)

12:00 <nobody> "disruptive" only for a few people. "unixkitty and princess-qrs"

12:00 <Princess-QRS> ooops

12:00 <User_891425> Hey everypony? What's up?

12:00 <Princess-QRS> 2.40 quad core i7!

12:00 <Princess-Phantasma> youre annoying me as well

12:00 <Phantom> When you go aetherial don't you fall through the earth?

12:00 *** Quits: User_891425 (mjjtlpqdsqc@Pony-r1d.uuj.170.184.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:00 <Princess-QRS> Only a few people makes it fine, that's a great way of goign through life.

12:00 <Finwe> Princess-QRS [Corey@the.truth.is.out.there] requested  unknown CTCP VEXPON_AFK from Finwe:

12:00 <Princess-QRS> yeah i hit tab oops

12:00 <Finwe> VEXPON_AFK?

12:01 <Princess-Phantasma> no Phantom i dont, i have some control over these things

12:01 <Princess-QRS> and I cannot lie!

12:01 <Unixkitty> Finwe, that's a nickname.

12:01 <Finwe> Oh, we have a VexPon_AFK here. :D

12:01 <Phantom> You can control gravity

12:01 <nobody> only a few people who think they need controll over everything inorder to feel happy

12:01 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi)

12:01 <Finwe> But I doubt he's a CTCP command.

12:01 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-6ff2l2.ca.charter.com) (Quit: Oops, a fegmentation fault)

12:01 <Phantom> Yeah the mods here like to get there rocks off controlling people

12:01 <Princess-QRS> lol

12:01 <Mike_Coltfield> We do?

12:01 <Princess-QRS> Our mods barely do anything at all ever.

12:02 <Mike_Coltfield> I thought I just came in and said poni

12:02 <Princess-QRS> And when they do, it's because they need to.

12:02 <ConfusionRift> nobody: You were asked nicely. Now you're just really digging a big hole.

12:02 <Finwe> Ok, Princess-QRS, that's quite enough.

12:02 <Finwe> o3o

12:02 <Finwe> There isn't a CTCP BUTTS command either.

12:02 * Princess-QRS boops Finwe with more nonsensical CTCP commands.

12:02 <Princess-Phantasma> no Phantom, i can control certain aspect, such as which materials i can pass through

12:02 <Unixkitty> Playing with ctcp's again? :P

12:02 <Princess-QRS> yeeeep

12:02 <Princess-Phantasma> *aspects

12:03 <nobody> and how am i digging at all? i'me adressing why i am disliked because i'me not breaking any pre-defined rules anyways

12:03 <Unixkitty> Mike_Coltfield, that's the best way to mod. I'd totally do the same

12:03 <Princess-Phantasma> although Unixkitty made me lose control lf everything and have to ressurect myself

12:03 * Princess-Light fly around

12:03 <Princess-Phantasma> *of

12:03 <Phantom> Princess-Light are you an alicorn?

12:03 <Princess-Phantasma> although i do appreciate then trying to fix it

12:03 <Princess-QRS> This isn't a constitutional chat, this is a judge based chat.

12:03 <Princess-QRS> The moderators make the calls on the fly in general.

12:04 <Princess-Light> a princess pegasus

12:04 <Princess-QRS> Their call, right now, is you need to chill out.

12:04 <Princess-Light> not alicorn

12:04 <Unixkitty> nobody, annoying higher ranking people is against the common sense. If you need something like that being specifically written in rules for you, I'm sorry.

12:04 <Princess-QRS> lol @ letting this go on for so long

12:04 <nobody> pff, an who's the judge then? because it seems like a non-mod is trying to take over the situation

12:04 <Unixkitty> I'm done with this though.

12:04 <Phantom> I thought you had to be an alicorn to be a princesss

12:04 <Princess-QRS> lol

12:05 <Princess-Light> i think you should be a unicorn to be alicorn

12:05 <Princess-QRS> The general good must be served, and hoo boy you ain't servin' it.

12:05 <Unixkitty> Too many princesses...

12:05 <Princess-QRS> You might get served though.

12:05 <Princess-QRS> heh

12:05 * Princess-Phantasma grows wings…i am an alicorn now…granted one made of shadows

12:05 <nobody> persuading the mods to do what they want just because their upset...

12:05 <Finwe> Yay, it's lunchtiem!

12:05 <Princess-Phantasma> also before i grew wongs i was a unicorn

12:05 <Phantom> How did you become a princess Princess-Light?

12:06 <ConfusionRift> nobody: I told you. Changing nicks constantly is disruptive. It's common sense. It doesn't have to be written, you should know. Also, just picking a fight with a mod because you don't have certain freedoms is not the best of ideas.

12:06 <Princess-Light> long story

12:06 <Unixkitty> nobody, I would really appreciate if you showed yourself out and stopped trying to prove your retarded points.

12:06 <nobody> same to you, unixkitty

12:06 <Phantom> Unixkitty banned for offensive language

12:06 <Princess-QRS> Unixkitty, chill out it's just a pair of channers trying to get a rise out of you.

12:06 <Princess-QRS> Let them did their own graves.

12:07 <Phantom> Tell me the story Princess-Light

12:07 <Finwe> Or dig.

12:07 <Princess-QRS> Nah, did.

12:07 <Princess-Light> too long i cany not tell

12:07 <Finwe> Dig season!

12:07 <Princess-Light> *can not

12:07 <Unixkitty> I'm sorry, I will seriously stop now.

12:07 <nobody> pff, and unixkitty was let off? i thought this place was strict...

12:07 <Phantom> Well then maybe you are a changeling princess

12:07 <Princess-QRS> If it was really that strict, you wouldn't be heeere.

12:07 <nobody> seems biasedt to me

12:08 <Gigabit> The bickering..

12:08 <ConfusionRift> Okay, we should just stop this.

12:08 <nobody> i'me done. this is only going in circles...

12:08 <Princess-Phantasma> i became a princess by becoming Princess-QRS's waifu (Princess-QRS is mah waifuling)

12:08 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:08 <Princess-Light> me too

12:08 <Gigabit> Please and thank you Rifty

12:08 *** nobody is now known as Princess-Nothing

12:08 <Phantom> We have a harem going on here I see

12:09 <Princess-Nothing> lol

12:09 <ConfusionRift> ...

12:09 <ConfusionRift> That's it!

12:09 <Princess-Nothing> hey, i DID wait to change

12:09 <Princess-QRS> please do the needfu

12:10 <ConfusionRift> Okay... last change then.

12:10 <Princess-Nothing> but if you need to, let me go to the moon instead

12:10 <Princess-Nothing> i'me tired anyways

12:10 <Princess-Nothing> !moon

12:10 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Princess-Nothing!

12:10 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi)

12:10 <Princess-Nothing> nope!

12:10 *** Princess-Nothing was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

12:10 <Gigabit> Robomod to sleep then ;p

12:10 <Gigabit> Damn..

12:11 <Gigabit> I love that command.

12:11 *** Joins: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash)

12:11 <Phantom> Now the chat is boring

12:12 *** Quits: Phantom (ucowbnsjzga@Pony-4rt6d7.dsl-w.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:12 <iandalton> Hooray for boring chats

12:12 <iandalton> !link cute

12:12 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/437737?scope=scpe5228e9b6615c6f1924c8e34b163181e10a410573

12:13 <iandalton> ^ me when I'm trying to find a comfortable position to read a book

12:13 <Llybel_> ^same

12:14 <Princess-Light> yay celestia

12:17 <Gigabit> I still can't find the hobbit.. Only book I am interested in reading right now.

12:18 <iandalton> Gigabit: que triste

12:18 <Princess-QRS> You can't find a copy of the hobbit? Dang son, last I checked school had 300 copies

12:18 <Princess-QRS> I have a kindle, and there's certain ways to get infinite books.

12:18 * Princess-QRS spins

12:19 <Gigabit> I rather read it in hard or soft cover. Using my phone to read is not fun.

12:19 *** Joins: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it)

12:19 <Princess-QRS> oh yeah phones suck

12:20 *** Parts: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it) ()

12:20 <Princess-QRS> Kindle-paperwhites are Actual Magic though, and any bookstore should carry that.

12:20 <iandalton> dead trees format is best format

12:21 * ConfusionRift passes iandalton a tree bark.

12:21 * Princess-QRS scribbles a political treatise on the bark

12:22 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-mclss9.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

12:22 *** Joins: User_425425 (unjepdgtmuw@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

12:22 *** User_425425 is now known as QPOMDPony

12:22 <iandalton> Now this is useless!

12:22 * iandalton breaks the bark in half

12:23 <ConfusionRift> That was the last tree bark. Well, we got synthetic.

12:23 * iandalton pulps the bark and makes paper

12:23 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP) (Quit: Granted.)

12:25 <ConfusionRift> Here, have some banana paper.

12:25 * Princess-Phantasma pulps ConfusionRift and makes dented metal

12:26 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP) (Client exited)

12:27 <ConfusionRift> Silly Princess-Phantasma, you can't pulp metal. Also, I need my leg back.

12:27 <Princess-Phantasma> aww, ok :(

12:27 * Princess-Phantasma gives ConfusionRift his leg back

12:27 <iandalton> pulp metal sounds like a literary genre from the 80s

12:28 <iandalton> represented by the zine Metal Hurlant

12:28 <ConfusionRift> That, or a metal band.

12:30 <Princess-Phantasma> pulp fiction is a thing, not sure about pulp metal, maybe its a genre

12:30 <iandalton> pulp is a medium which is also kind of a genre

12:30 <iandalton> it's from the 30s and 40s mostly

12:30 <iandalton> pulp metal would be the 80s version

12:31 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com)

12:31 * Princess-Phantasma sneaks up behind Verandure and eats him

12:31 <Verandure> Hello, Phantasma_Eeria.

12:32 <Verandure> I see you've been M.A. Larson'd.

12:32 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Leaving)

12:33 * ConfusionRift jumps back in with cardboard wings and an ice cream cone on his head.

12:34 <ConfusionRift> I'm an ice cream cone! I mean, I'm an alicorn!

12:34 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-cMY6BCidw

12:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about FOLLOW UR DREAMS.mp4

12:35 <Verandure> Heh.

12:35 <Verandure> I look 14 again. Damn shaving!

12:36 <iandalton> Verandure: I have a beard and someone thought I was 18. I'm 25.

12:37 *** Quits: TecknoJock (TecknoJock@TecknoJock) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)

12:37 *** Quits: Apologue (Books@the_Library) (Connection closed)

12:37 <Verandure> Not only is the beard gone, but it left a white streak across my jawline where it didn't tan t.t

12:37 <ConfusionRift> I had a beard back then. They thought I was 18... I was actually 13.

12:37 *** Joins: Apologue (Books@Pony-o18eja.optusnet.com.au)

12:38 <iandalton> I couldn't grow a beard until this year.

12:38 <Verandure> Heh.

12:38 <ConfusionRift> Hahaha!

12:38 <Verandure> I keep it short, just to give my jaw some definition... and so I don't look like I'm 15!

12:38 <Verandure> But work made me shave it T.T

12:39 <ConfusionRift> Having a beard in the job is no good. :P

12:39 <ConfusionRift> You should use a cat'stache. (uses Unixkitty as a mustache)

12:39 <Verandure> There's nothing wrong with a beard in the security industry T.T

12:39 *** Quits: BerryPunch[EoH] (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:40 * Unixkitty covers her whiskers

12:40 *** Joins: TecknoJock (TecknoJock@TecknoJock)

12:41 <iandalton> Verandure: I mustache you a question, but I'll shave it for later.

12:41 <Unixkitty> iandalton, are you from the internet?

12:41 <Verandure> Hah.

12:41 <Unixkitty> It sure looks like you're trying to seem as if you're from the internet.

12:41 <iandalton> I have a friend who collects awful puns.

12:42 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:42 <iandalton> He hadn't heard the one about why a farmer is the pillar of his community though. It's becaues he's always out standing in his field.

12:42 <ConfusionRift> ...

12:42 <ConfusionRift> No drums for you!

12:43 * ConfusionRift throws drum set out the window.

12:43 <iandalton> Two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff.

12:44 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi)

12:44 <ConfusionRift> I should put Unixkitty down. It's starting to chafe.

12:45 * ConfusionRift scratches muzzle.

12:46 *** Lycan is now known as Lycan|Bread

12:46 *** Joins: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-nt4pi1.versanet.de)

12:47 <LunaticHell> gooooooood actual morning, equestria

12:47 * QPOMDPony is rolling on the grass

12:47 <CleverDerpy> hiya

12:47 <ConfusionRift> Speaking of puns...

12:47 <QPOMDPony> where is this morning that you speaketh of

12:47 <ConfusionRift> Hello LunaticHell.

12:47 *** Joins: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-bn76hp.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

12:47 <Unixkitty> s/eth/est

12:47 * LunaticHell boops ConfusionRift

12:48 <Unixkitty> Also since when do we have grass in here, QPOMDPony?

12:48 <QPOMDPony> omg it wasn't grass

12:48 <CleverDerpy> ConfusionRift, it's like rule breaking all over again, huh?

12:48 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: I grew it

12:48 <ConfusionRift> Since we stock up on candy grass.

12:48 <CleverDerpy> did, you say candy?

12:48 <ConfusionRift> Yep.

12:49 <CleverDerpy> candy?

12:49 <CleverDerpy> candy?!

12:49 <LunaticHell> CleverDerpy: CP?

12:49 <ConfusionRift> ...yes?

12:49 <CleverDerpy> caaaaandddddyyyyy

12:49 <CleverDerpy> caaaaandddddyyyyy

12:49 <ConfusionRift> ...!

12:49 * CleverDerpy noms the grass cutely

12:49 * ConfusionRift slowly shuffles away from CleverDerpy, then runs.

12:49 <Princess-Light> you say five time candy

12:49 * iandalton hoofs CleverDerpy a muffin to distract her

12:50 <CleverDerpy> I was doing re spongebob chocolate guy joke

12:50 <ConfusionRift> Yep. :P

12:50 <ConfusionRift> That's why I ran off.

12:50 <CleverDerpy> i know~

12:50 <CleverDerpy> ooh, muffuin~

12:50 * CleverDerpy noms it

12:50 * ConfusionRift waves from the distance.

12:50 *** Quits: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-f06vl9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:50 <CleverDerpy> i'm eating hot soup

12:51 <CleverDerpy> but i has no drinks

12:51 <ConfusionRift> The soup... IS the drink! :P

12:51 <CleverDerpy> but it makes me thirst

12:51 <CleverDerpy> y

12:52 <iandalton> So drink the soup.

12:52 <Verandure> Yay soup!

12:53 <ConfusionRift> Heh, funny ain't it. Soup is liquid food that supposed to hydrate since it has water, but it makes one thirsty because of the sodium.

12:53 <Verandure> Hilarious.

12:53 <Verandure> Tis why you're my bromate.

12:53 * Princess-Phantasma drinks the soup

12:53 <Unixkitty> Oh goodness. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets thirsty after any kind of soup.

12:53 <iandalton> Same goes for beer.

12:54 <Princess-Phantasma> Verandure, can i eat you?

12:54 <ConfusionRift> Ahem...

12:54 <ConfusionRift> Well, beer has its reasons.

12:54 <Verandure> Why start asking now?

12:54 <Unixkitty> My dad always found it weird, and when I was little.. he would always tell me "The soup is your drink!" whenever I said I wanted something to help my thirst at dinner.

12:55 <Princess-Phantasma> because i want to be polite for once

12:55 <Verandure> Then you may proceed.

12:55 <ConfusionRift> "You don't ask the chicken 'Can I cook you?', after you have already eaten the chicken."

12:55 <CleverDerpy> wanna hear an ironic joke?

12:56 <CleverDerpy> i cried when i broke my funny bone

12:56 * Princess-Phantasma noms on Verandure "i'll just nom on your hoof instead"

12:56 *** Joins: Pony_2501 (Pony_2501@Pony-jtm4a2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

12:56 <CleverDerpy> wanna heara  happy one?

12:56 * Verandure allows this.

12:56 <CleverDerpy> i think my cousin is gay

12:56 <Llybel_> that isn't ironic

12:56 <ConfusionRift> Haaaah! That's terrible.

12:56 <CleverDerpy> i know

12:56 <CleverDerpy> it hurt for weeks

12:56 <CleverDerpy> :3

12:57 *** Joins: Opaque (Opaque@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

12:57 <ConfusionRift> :P

12:58 * Opaque zaps CinfusionRift~

12:58 *** Joins: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars)

12:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Insidious_Lars

12:58 <CleverDerpy> ConfusionRift, i think you acquired surper puwers

12:58 <Princess-QRS> laaarsssss

12:58 <ConfusionRift> Poor CinfusionRift. Glad I'm not him.

12:58 <Insidious_Lars> you aren't the same person

12:58 <Insidious_Lars> the one who I used to chill out with

12:58 <Princess-Phantasma> whats funny is the funny none is neither funny or a bone, its nerve endings which hurt whem they hit something

12:58 <Insidious_Lars> ;_;

12:58 <Ashley> 10:53:33 <Unixkitty> Oh goodness. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets thirsty after any kind of soup.  

12:59 <ConfusionRift> Hello Insidious_Lars.

12:59 <Ashley> me two gets thirsty after soups

12:59 *** Quits: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-bn76hp.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:59 <Unixkitty> Heh :P

12:59 <iandalton> Y'all are making me want soup!

12:59 <CleverDerpy> i got some milk, but then we're all out

12:59 <Princess-Phantasma> *bone

12:59 <CleverDerpy> now my dad's gonna kill me for finishing the milk

12:59 * Princess-Phantasma sits atop Princess-QRS's head

12:59 *** Joins: User_690825 (drumnzyblnq@Pony-2mr.mgm.113.79.IP)

12:59 <Opaque> Milk jokes again?

12:59 <Opaque> Again?!

12:59 <CleverDerpy> no,

12:59 <Unixkitty> CleverDerpy, I would. I so would.

13:00 *** Quits: User_690825 (drumnzyblnq@Pony-2mr.mgm.113.79.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

13:00 <iandalton> Opaque: let's talk about cheese.

13:00 <CleverDerpy> i just happen to have consumed milk

13:00 <Opaque> XD

13:00 *** Opaque is now known as Toothpaste

13:00 <Unixkitty> Oh that is right, discussions about cheese usually follow milk, don't they

13:00 <Princess-QRS> Toothpaste is a fantastic pony.

13:00 <ConfusionRift> Oh no, not the crazy cheese talk. 0_0

13:00 <CleverDerpy> you want some whine with that cheese?

13:00 <CleverDerpy> :3

13:00 <Unixkitty> Why not go straight to why ponies don't drink their own milk?

13:00 <Toothpaste> Princess-QRS is best princess

13:01 <Unixkitty> I will show myself out.

13:01 <ConfusionRift> ...

13:01 <Mike_Coltfield> Bad, no cookie.

13:01 <Princess-Phantasma> what about me?

13:01 * ConfusionRift grabs Unixkitty....

13:01 <Unixkitty> Ack!

13:01 * Verandure noms Unixkitty.

13:01 * ConfusionRift huggles her.

13:01 * Unixkitty freezes in sudden attention

13:01 <CleverDerpy> tbh,

13:02 <CleverDerpy> i was just stating a fact, i had no intentions to reignite the milk convo

13:02 * Toothpaste puts a fedora on Unixkitty's head

13:02 <Unixkitty> Don't worry about it, CleverDerpy.

13:02 <ConfusionRift> Nah, it's all good.

13:02 <Unixkitty> Ow, my ears

13:02 <Insidious_Lars> oh yeah, milk

13:02 * Unixkitty puts the hat on ConfusionRift

13:02 <Insidious_Lars> leave it off for a while and it becomes chees

13:02 * CleverDerpy takes the hat and cuts holes for Unixkitty's ears

13:02 <Insidious_Lars> and leave it more and it'll turn into mold

13:02 <CleverDerpy> there you go~

13:03 * Princess-Phantasma puts a fedora with cat ear holes in

13:03 * ConfusionRift tips hat. "Ladies..." :)

13:03 <Insidious_Lars> >fedora

13:03 <Insidious_Lars> this is great

13:03 <Unixkitty> Um... thanks?

13:03 <Princess-Phantasma> *on Unixkitty's head

13:03 <Unixkitty> Sorry to disappoint you but.. I don't really wear hats

13:03 *** Quits: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars) (Quit: I'M UP ALL NIGHT TO-)

13:03 <CleverDerpy> hatmane?

13:03 <iandalton> Unixkitty: can you moonwalk?

13:04 <Unixkitty> I can catwalk.

13:04 <Unixkitty> Will that work for you?

13:04 *** Quits: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-469.ltb.211.76.IP) (Connection closed)

13:04 * Toothpaste restocks his stash of fedoras

13:04 <iandalton> http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/moonwalker/moonwalkergenesis-12.png

13:04 <CleverDerpy> i can Winnie

13:04 <ConfusionRift> Unixkitty: Would you wear... a tie?

13:04 <Princess-Phantasma> i can shadow-walk if that helps

13:04 * Princess-Phantasma buys a fedora

13:04 <iandalton> Princess-Phantasma: ever read Zelazny?

13:04 <Unixkitty> I already am, ConfusionRift.

13:04 <Princess-Phantasma> i would wear a tie

13:04 *** Joins: Desmond (qgnyjpixkft@Pony-oh4ef0.range86-142.btcentralplus.com)

13:04 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-469.ltb.211.76.IP)

13:05 <Princess-Phantasma> iandalton, no i habent

13:05 <Unixkitty> Ties and especially bowties are cool.

13:05 <Princess-Phantasma> *haven't

13:05 <Desmond> Morining everypony!

13:05 <iandalton> What do you mean by shadow walk? Probably something other than what I was thinking of.

13:05 <Desmond> *morning

13:05 <ConfusionRift> I can't wear ties. They are suffocating. (gives his tie to Unixkitty)

13:05 <Unixkitty> I think it's "the same" as cat walk, iandalton.

13:05 <Toothpaste> Fedora + tie + trench coat = Fedora, tie, and trench coat

13:05 <Toothpaste> Also, awesome

13:06 <Unixkitty> Find the target http://i.imgur.com/N9P9GZs.jpg

13:06 * Princess-Phantasma dresses up in a michael jackson outfit amd starts playing beat it on guitar

13:06 <iandalton> Found it

13:06 <Unixkitty> xD

13:06 <Toothpaste> Lel

13:07 <Desmond> lol

13:07 <Unixkitty> http://i.imgur.com/JeB8iC1.jpg

13:07 *** Joins: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-9gn1od.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

13:07 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk1C0AhshtU

13:07 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

13:07 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 63

13:07 *** Princess-Light is now known as Light-TSP

13:07 <ConfusionRift> Cats, always the most painful. :P

13:07 <Princess-Phantasma> is it the cat on the cupboard?

13:07 <Light-TSP> i like AVGN

13:08 <ConfusionRift> iandalton: I do like AVGN, but he does use quite a bit of foul language. So.... yeah.

13:08 <iandalton> Oh, sorry about that

13:08 <ConfusionRift> That's fine.

13:08 *** Joins: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-jj61rn.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

13:08 <iandalton> Yeah kiddies, don't watch this one.

13:09 <Toothpaste> ConfusionRift: Gkad to hear that I'm not the only one who prefers his media SFW

13:09 * ConfusionRift puts a Foul Language warning on the link.

13:09 <Toothpaste> Glad*

13:09 * Toothpaste nibbles on FruitNibbler

13:10 *** Quits: Pony_2501 (Pony_2501@Pony-jtm4a2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:10 <ConfusionRift> Well, this channel has a foul-ies threshold. AVGN certainly exceeds it. :P

13:10 <ConfusionRift> Just maintaining integrity.

13:10 <Princess-Phantasma> Light-TSP, can i boop you

13:10 <Unixkitty> Aww, these guys are adorable http://i.imgur.com/LzNkg8e.jpg

13:10 * Light-TSP boops Princess-Phantasma

13:10 <Toothpaste> Eat

13:10 <iandalton> daww

13:10 <Toothpaste> Wat

13:11 <Light-TSP> nope i boops you first

13:11 <iandalton> I wanna see the second movie

13:11 * Princess-Phantasma boops Light-TSP back

13:11 <Toothpaste> "eat"?! Dangit spellcheck

13:11 <Light-TSP> =3

13:11 <Light-TSP> *=3=

13:11 *** Quits: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-9gn1od.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:11 <ConfusionRift> iandalton: It. Is. So good!

13:12 <Princess-Phantasma> that pictures cute

13:12 <Princess-Phantasma> i have to go…goodbye everypony

13:12 *** Quits: Princess-Phantasma (Phantasma_E@Pony-8aq.obr.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

13:12 <ConfusionRift> Lat-ers...

13:14 <Unixkitty> And this is one of the reasons I love internet: http://s.nightstone.net/VMalmvaAWn.jpg

13:14 <ConfusionRift> Wow, it was so adorable, that everypony fainted with a heart attack.

13:14 <Unixkitty> Okay, here's a more HD version then http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/132/7/1/stitch_and_toothless_by_tsaoshin-d7i57wg.png

13:15 * ConfusionRift now afraid of the cat crazy people.

13:15 <Toothpaste> Never go onto Facebook

13:15 <Desmond> Ohs Noez

13:15 <Llybel_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4NMoJcFd4

13:16 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtFhyFNaQmw

13:16 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about THRILLER - Apple Bloom, BlackGryph0n, & Baasik Cover

13:16 <Unixkitty> Llybel_, http://r.nightstone.net/UiXrmUB.jpg

13:16 <Toothpaste> Good song

13:16 <Toothpaste> Baasik was just brilliant producing that track~

13:18 <Light-TSP> i like those two song

13:18 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtdmad7bzpg a good Michael Jackson based pony song

13:18 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about M Pallante - PONY

13:19 <Toothpaste> M Pallente is a great musician~ he also goes by the name BronyFX

13:20 <iandalton> In that one he imitates Jackson's "vocal hiccups"

13:20 <Toothpaste> :3

13:20 <ConfusionRift> Be right back. The foodening is happening.

13:21 * Toothpaste listens to various pony songs

13:25 * Toothpaste revives chat

13:25 * LunaticHell steps on Toothpaste

13:25 * iandalton starts breathing again

13:26 * Toothpaste explodes

13:26 <LunaticHell> Did I miss something?

13:26 <LunaticHell> also: ew

13:26 <Unixkitty> And suddenly things.

13:26 <iandalton> http://jowybean.deviantart.com/art/Thou-shalt-Enroll-471204401

13:27 <iandalton> Luna Academy? This should happen in the show

13:27 <LunaticHell> Who thinks Rarity is best pone?

13:27 <LunaticHell> I has something good for Rarity fans.

13:27 <iandalton> I like her a lot, but not that much

13:27 <LunaticHell> Meh, close enough.

13:27 <LunaticHell> iandalton: Red or Blue?

13:28 <iandalton> I don't understand

13:28 <LunaticHell> Red. Or. Blue?

13:28 <iandalton> I make no answer.

13:29 <Light-TSP> blue pills or red pills

13:29 <Toothpaste> Purple!~

13:29 <Light-TSP> =3=

13:29 <LunaticHell> You stobborn little...I have two pictures, one in red one in blue.

13:29 <LunaticHell> Both of rarity

13:29 <iandalton> Both!

13:29 <LunaticHell> Which one do you...

13:29 <LunaticHell> ...

13:29 <LunaticHell> It's the same thing in two different colors

13:29 <iandalton> blue

13:29 <iandalton> (I rolled a 1d2)

13:30 <Princess-QRS> !roll 1d5

13:30 <LunaticHell> finally

13:30 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/657615

13:30 <QPOMDPony> red!

13:30 <Princess-QRS> lol it's off in here

13:30 <Toothpaste> !roll

13:30 <Toothpaste> :P

13:30 <LunaticHell> She could totally be a Secret of Mana boss in that.

13:30 <iandalton> I see she kept Spike's gem

13:31 <LunaticHell> Oh yes.

13:31 *** Quits: Desmond (qgnyjpixkft@Pony-oh4ef0.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:31 <LunaticHell> Also Mothmane! https://derpibooru.org/667958

13:31 <iandalton> I blame Otakuap

13:32 *** Quits: Cumadrin (owner@Pony-ruvmt7.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

13:32 <iandalton> !link artist:otakuap moth

13:32 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/539424

13:32 <LunaticHell> iandalton: remember the sonic rainboom episode?

13:33 <iandalton> yeah

13:33 <LunaticHell> With Rarity flying to the light like a moth?

13:33 <LunaticHell> Blame that.

13:33 <iandalton> I remember her the sun burning her wings, but she didn't fly *to* it

13:33 <FruitNibbler> Nice queen Rarity, but the crown is a bit too simplistic, almost uncouth

13:33 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com) (Quit: To the not here and beyond!)

13:33 <LunaticHell> FruitNibbler: cage

13:34 <LunaticHell> cage or bird? cage!

13:34 <Princess-QRS> it is time to sleepu

13:34 <Princess-QRS> tomorrow i hunt for a copy of Ace Combat Zero

13:34 <Princess-QRS> also ConfusionRift, guess wat

13:34 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/641520 Pink Moth!

13:35 <iandalton> RD in that last panel

13:35 <Light-TSP> i like RD

13:35 <LunaticHell> "What was in this stuff?"

13:35 <Light-TSP> plus lol the pic

13:35 <iandalton> you're LightDash

13:35 <Light-TSP> yup

13:36 <iandalton> Ponified Ryuko http://serendipity-kitty.deviantart.com/art/Pon-La-Pon-471229725

13:36 <Light-TSP> plus how did you know that is was me?

13:36 <iandalton> Light-TSP: if you haven't yet, you should watch Kill La Kill

13:36 <iandalton> I saw you change nick

13:36 * Toothpaste quits

13:37 <Light-TSP> maybe later

13:37 <iandalton> And how you talk and what you say

13:37 <Light-TSP> ah okay

13:37 <Light-TSP> hum

13:37 <LunaticHell> oooooh Idea~

13:37 <Toothpaste> Jk, I just don't like 99% of anime

13:37 <LunaticHell> Light-TSP: I got a nice nick for you

13:37 <LunaticHell> Light-TSP: FTL-Dash

13:37 <Light-TSP> faster that light-Dash

13:37 <LunaticHell> exactly ;)

13:37 <Light-TSP> lol

13:38 <FruitNibbler> Light-TSP, your host mask ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-dfuace.mtl.aei.ca remains the same, no matter what nick you use

13:38 <Light-TSP> okay

13:38 <LunaticHell> Light-TSP: next time: don't log in before changing nicks

13:38 <FruitNibbler> That is how mods know when the same troll came back under different nick

13:38 * Toothpaste is good at being stealthy

13:38 <Light-TSP> hum

13:39 <LunaticHell> drum

13:39 <FruitNibbler> bum

13:39 <Toothpaste> Rum

13:39 <LunaticHell> mum?

13:39 <iandalton> bum

13:39 <Light-TSP> why is the rum gone?

13:39 <Toothpaste> Why's the rum gone?

13:39 <iandalton> oh already done

13:39 <Light-TSP> lol

13:39 <Toothpaste> XD

13:39 <iandalton> tums

13:40 <iandalton> scrum

13:43 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (~Coco_Nut@Pony-bgelj4.dsl.as9105.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:44 <Toothpaste> I'mma head off to bread now~

13:44 <Toothpaste> Seeya!

13:45 <Toothpaste> !moon

13:45 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Toothpaste!

13:45 <Toothpaste> Whee~

13:45 *** Toothpaste was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

13:45 <Light-TSP> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JImcvtJzIK8

13:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Why is the Rum Gone? - Remix

13:47 * ConfusionRift returns.

13:47 <ConfusionRift> What's up, Princess-QRS?

13:48 <ConfusionRift> ...

13:49 * ConfusionRift boops Princess-QRS repeatedly.

13:49 <iandalton> ConfusionRift, read any good books lately?

13:49 <ConfusionRift> I don't read much. Why you ask? o_0

13:49 <iandalton> I'm always on the prowl for new reads

13:50 <ConfusionRift> Oh, I see. You reminded me I have a book to finish.

13:50 <iandalton> Oh, which one? :-P

13:51 <ConfusionRift> If this be treason: The case of the dowager's etchings.

13:52 <Princess-QRS> I'm got my government booze-selling certificate finished today wooo. Come to Edmonton and I'll give you a discount.

13:52 <Princess-QRS> *I've

13:52 <Princess-QRS> and now that I've said that, it's time to sleepu.

13:52 <Princess-QRS> ConfusionRift please kick me in a comical way.

13:52 <ConfusionRift> I would if I could, but I can't, so I won't. :P

13:52 <iandalton> Old book. Amazon doesn't have a summary. Are you enjoying it?

13:53 * ConfusionRift puts on a funny face, and kicks Princess-QRS. "Deergh!" :P

13:53 *** Princess-QRS was kicked by ConfusionRift (ConfusionRift)

13:54 <ConfusionRift> iandalton: I was enjoying what I read so far.

13:54 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hZY8ibqKyA

13:54 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

13:54 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about BlackGryph0n & Baasik - Tell Me

13:55 <ConfusionRift> iandalton: 1945.

13:55 <Light-TSP> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmJ2Bkx2C5A

13:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Beat It PMV

13:55 <iandalton> I'm reading a Jirel of Joiry anthology of stories from the 30s :-)

13:56 <ConfusionRift> Nice.

13:59 <iandalton> nighty night

13:59 *** Quits: iandalton (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net) (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs

14:01 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, maybe I'll play a bit.

14:08 *** Joins: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net)

14:13 * QPOMDPony gobbles patachu

14:13 * patachu snuggles QPOMDPony

14:13 <patachu> eeee~

14:13 <QPOMDPony> am I snuggled...from the INSIDE? O: *freaks out*

14:14 *** Quits: Llybel_ (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

14:14 *** Joins: McLovin (clluyndvycv@Pony-ulbn4d.or.comcast.net)

14:14 <McLovin> heya

14:15 <ConfusionRift> Hello.

14:15 <McLovin> how is evryone tonight

14:16 <QPOMDPony> I'm meh. And it's not even a night

14:16 <ConfusionRift> Just checking some stuff.

14:17 *** Quits: McLovin (clluyndvycv@Pony-ulbn4d.or.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

14:17 * Unixkitty walks back in a flops on the flood in the middle of the room

14:17 <Unixkitty> and*

14:17 <Unixkitty> Wow. I really did flop. I can't type

14:17 * Unixkitty throws keyboard out the window

14:18 * QPOMDPony uses tounge to catch it mid-air

14:19 <QPOMDPony> I'm not following the full conversation. Unixkitty is there actually a flood IRL?

14:19 <Unixkitty> Okay, let me try again properly, then.

14:19 <QPOMDPony> oh, forgot, no keyboard. nvm

14:19 * Unixkitty walks back in and flops on the floor in the middle of the room

14:19 * ConfusionRift pets the poor kitty.

14:20 <Unixkitty> Seems rather quiet, and I'm a bit bored.

14:20 <ConfusionRift> Oh, well... wanna talk about something?

14:21 <Unixkitty> Also QPOMDPony, we have like 7-10 new keyboards here.

14:21 <QPOMDPony> yes. Lets talk about how hard it is to find conversation topics

14:21 <ConfusionRift> A topic about topics... I like it!

14:21 <Unixkitty> What about topics?

14:21 <QPOMDPony> And I bet none of them is as awesome as mine!

14:22 <Unixkitty> Why not turn topics instead when bored?

14:22 <Unixkitty> to pics*

14:23 <Unixkitty> Okay... here's a random shower thought.. I imagine history class is going to be really hard in like 1,000 years.

14:23 <ConfusionRift> Because it can get rather crazy if there are too many? Poor Derpy, put to work on pictures. :P

14:24 <Unixkitty> !mlfw

14:24 <DerpyBot> http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/436

14:24 <QPOMDPony> Nah, in 1000 years no one would learn history formally

14:25 <ConfusionRift> Not sure what would happen between now and 1000 years in the future.

14:25 <Unixkitty> Yeah, QPOMDPony, 1000 years from now, I hope, there would be a synthesis between 1's and 0's and biological cells. I think History class would be omitted entirely.

14:25 <ConfusionRift> http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/1944/

14:25 <ConfusionRift> This bird is NOT fine.

14:25 <QPOMDPony> Exactly my thoughts Unixkitty

14:26 <Unixkitty> I've also heard of recent discoveries of ways to store bits in nanoparticle-liquid form, which could potentially enable us to have brain implants for digital memory and whatnot.

14:26 <Unixkitty> I'm actually looking forward to that.

14:27 <ConfusionRift> ...

14:27 <QPOMDPony> brb

14:27 * ConfusionRift covers his head.

14:27 <Unixkitty> What's wrong, ConfusionRift? You don't like the idea of synthesis?

14:27 *** QPOMDPony is now known as QPOMDPony|TryingNotToDie

14:28 <ConfusionRift> In all honesty, I have mixed feelings about it.

14:28 <ConfusionRift> And that's an incredibly large nick.

14:28 <Unixkitty> Of course. But it's that basically the highest point of evolution?

14:28 <Unixkitty> isn't*

14:29 <Unixkitty> I can't be certain, but something makes me believe humanity will come to that eventually.

14:29 *** Joins: Vibrance (ezpkmchszkn@Pony-p7qg8c.bchsia.telus.net)

14:29 <ConfusionRift> I would not be surprised if it did. It's just... I dunno. Maybe I'm too ol' fashion.

14:29 *** Parts: Vibrance (ezpkmchszkn@AnActualChangeling) ()

14:30 <Unixkitty> It's not that I don't understand your concern, though. It of course could potentially lead to many dangerous things, but I'd like to believe it's not going to turn out as grim.

14:32 * Unixkitty climbs on ConfusionRift

14:32 <ConfusionRift> Well, that's one of the issues. Such things can lead to very dangerous circumstances. And knowing how easily it is to manipulate technology, I wouldn't be surprised if someone came up with a very simple, yet dangerous implement.

14:33 <ConfusionRift> Not saying it won't work. Heck, I look forward to it. I do love technology, which is one of the reasons why I'm in IT.

14:34 <Unixkitty> Heh. Yeah. I do imagine we're going to see AI's first though

14:34 <Unixkitty> Who knows how can it change everything if there's ever a synthetic intelligence.

14:35 * LunaticHell boops ConfusionRift

14:35 * ConfusionRift wiggles nose.

14:35 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: Since when did you become half op?

14:35 <QPOMDPony|TryingNotToDie> yay I'm not dead

14:35 <Unixkitty> Okay, I'm just going to sit here... and do stuff.

14:35 <Unixkitty> Gah!

14:35 <Unixkitty> Don't move my chat window!

14:35 <QPOMDPony|TryingNotToDie> Heh, looks like I'm in good company!

14:35 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: I didn't notice since now. xD

14:36 <ConfusionRift> LunaticHell: Since yesterday. :P

14:36 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: Congratulations to your half-mod status, I'm sure you'll make all the right calls at the right time.

14:37 <QPOMDPony|TryingNotToDie> Well I don't trust him

14:37 <ConfusionRift> I hope. The last one left me in doubt.

14:37 *** QPOMDPony|TryingNotToDie is now known as QPOMDPony

14:37 * Unixkitty pokes QPOMDPony with a very sharp stick, once

14:37 * QPOMDPony bleeds to death

14:37 <LunaticHell> That's a good sign, doubt means that you really do think about the calls you make.

14:37 <Unixkitty> Is your skin made of paper?

14:37 <LunaticHell> It means you can improve.

14:37 <Unixkitty> I didn't stab you, only poked.

14:38 <ConfusionRift> Maybe a tad too sharp.

14:38 <QPOMDPony> I'm delicate like that :P

14:38 <Unixkitty> Oh well.

14:38 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: also in doubt talk to a few co-mods, noone demands you to be perfect from day one, eh?

14:39 <Unixkitty> Don't worry LunaticHell, I'm sure ConfusionRift will make a good mod. Since he's only starting out, he'll get his preferences sorted out.

14:39 * ConfusionRift nods. "I know. Just... things..."

14:40 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: Indeed.

14:40 <ConfusionRift> Preferences? When it comes to following the rules, there shouldn't be a preference.

14:40 <Unixkitty> That's part of my point.

14:41 * ConfusionRift flaily flails. "Ponies telling me what to do. Nyeh." :P

14:41 <ConfusionRift> I'mma kidding.

14:42 * Unixkitty stands on ConfusionRift pointing to victory

14:42 <Unixkitty> *wind*

14:43 <ConfusionRift> No! I wanna go thataway- eeegh!!! (falls in a hole)

14:43 <Unixkitty> Aah!

14:43 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net)

14:43 * Unixkitty holds on ConfusionRift tight and teleports both back to the room in mid-air

14:43 <Tirek> Hello.

14:43 <Unixkitty> Woah...

14:43 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

14:44 * Unixkitty flops on the floor

14:44 <QPOMDPony> Hi Tirek!

14:44 <Unixkitty> You are.. heavy... matter wise

14:44 <Unixkitty> Hey Tirek

14:44 <QPOMDPony> I wonder...do chat cartoon ponies need medical treatment?

14:45 <Unixkitty> I don't believe we have a proper doctor in here anyway, do we?

14:45 <ConfusionRift> With all the additions, and the changes in frame, and addition of batteries... 325Lbs?

14:45 <QPOMDPony> well, ConfusionRift sure looks bruised

14:46 *** Quits: Arteshi (Arteshin@Pony-5pl6bd.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:46 *** Joins: Arteshi (Arteshin@Pony-bg3.krp.139.99.IP)

14:46 <Unixkitty> Yeah, ConfusionRift, after teleporting you I feel like someone stabbed me in the head with a shock-spear

14:46 <Unixkitty> Shock as in electrically-charged

14:47 <ConfusionRift> Meh, a few bumps won't destroy me. :P

14:47 <ConfusionRift> Oh... I hope you're alright.

14:47 <Unixkitty> I will be. Just no magic for some time

14:47 * ConfusionRift very lightly pokes at Unixkitty's horn. "Always wondered how this works."

14:48 <Unixkitty> Ack!

14:48 <Unixkitty> It.. hurts

14:48 <Unixkitty> Please don't touch it

14:48 <ConfusionRift> Sorry! Sorry, sorry. (stops)

14:49 <Unixkitty> I think I'm going to go for lunch, unusual magic can be exhausting

14:49 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unixkitty|nom

14:49 <SkunkStripe> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egUQju95vT8

14:55 *** Joins: CodeZ (androirc@Pony-9g3v3g.dsl.optinet.hr)

14:56 *** Joins: BlueBlur (ynqsvhlbdym@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net)

14:56 <CodeZ> Hi guys

14:56 *** Parts: BlueBlur (ynqsvhlbdym@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net) ()

14:56 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

14:56 <CodeZ> Whats the topic?

14:57 <ConfusionRift> How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

14:57 <Tirek> Ten

14:57 <Tirek> Go home

14:57 <Tirek> You're in desperate need of an oil change.

14:58 <ConfusionRift> No I'm not! (squeaks a bit as he moves) That... that's normal!

14:58 <SkunkStripe> I should see a doctor about how my right leg is ocasionally completely covered in pain

14:59 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm, that's not good.

14:59 <SkunkStripe> My tibia if I remember biology correctly

14:59 <ConfusionRift> That could mean something is developing there.

14:59 <Tirek> New dorf fort came out yesterday.

14:59 <CodeZ> Hey guys if Kim K. Was a pony what would her cuty mark be?

14:59 <SkunkStripe> At first I thought I hit it against something

15:00 <ConfusionRift> It could also be a muscle problem.

15:00 <SkunkStripe> maybe

15:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: IDW SDCC Panel - Applejack Comic for #25, and More Power Ponies  [ http://tinyurl.com/q8qrfjh ]

15:01 <ConfusionRift> A strain, a spring, or even something that's slowly developing in the muscle tissue.

15:02 <ConfusionRift> Derpy... why must you spoil us?

15:02 <ConfusionRift> Naaaah, I can't be mad at chu. (ruffles Derpy Bot)

15:05 <SkunkStripe> I'm not sure if anyone remembers but until that comic cover was release a while ago I was very upset with not knowing what the power ponies actually looked like

15:08 <LunaticHell> ROCPONY! https://derpibooru.org/607970

15:08 <LunaticHell> rock*

15:08 <LunaticHell> darn spelling

15:09 <Light-TSP> golem pony

15:09 * ConfusionRift screams like a mare. "What is that?!"

15:09 * QPOMDPony runs away, horrified

15:14 <ConfusionRift> Got thirsty all of a sudden.

15:14 * ConfusionRift drinks from a gallon.

15:14 *** Quits: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-469.ltb.211.76.IP) (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~)

15:18 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Away (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

15:18 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:19 *** Googie|Learnling is now known as Googie

15:22 <LunaticHell> Because you can be adorbs with two legs, too. https://derpibooru.org/595892

15:22 * QPOMDPony is using Googie

15:23 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

15:24 <Cepheid> I love post-secondary beauracracy.

15:24 <ConfusionRift> Hello Cepheid.

15:24 <LunaticHell> I love

15:24 <Cepheid> I have to prove to my university that I know C++.

15:24 * LunaticHell hugs Cepheid

15:24 <LunaticHell> hugging

15:24 <Cepheid> Because my transcripts say I don't know C++.

15:24 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: Ain't C++ elementary to your field?

15:24 <QPOMDPony> c++ is evil and obselete :<

15:24 <Cepheid> Mooore or less.

15:25 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: Like math to physics?

15:25 <LunaticHell> Or Marth to Fire Emblem?

15:25 <Cepheid> Though C is more elementary.

15:25 <Cepheid> But still.

15:25 <Cepheid> I've been writing C and C++ code since I was 13 years old.

15:25 <LunaticHell> I mean even people outside the field at least know of C++.

15:25 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm.

15:26 <Cepheid> I'm guessing the problem here is how the college handled reporting my information.

15:27 <Cepheid> Partway through my college studies, they opted to restructure my program of study.  What I was receiving as education and training was the last iteration of that program.

15:27 <Cepheid> And it was the last iteration to include C++.

15:27 <Cepheid> After that, they switched purely to Java.

15:27 <ConfusionRift> Well, sometimes it's handling, other times it's information date, and other times it gets lost in the archives.

15:27 <Cepheid> Which, ironically I AM reported as knowing according to the university.

15:28 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz)

15:28 <Cepheid> COMP 308 - Programming in Java.

15:28 <Cepheid> Don't need to take that course.

15:30 <Cepheid> Anyways, I'ma go eat something and figure out why my cat is acting weird.

15:30 <ConfusionRift> Heh. I remember that in the other concentration, they said I didn't have to take ASP.Net because I already took the basics. Didn't like the fact it was the only programming class in the program, and I really wanted to take it.

15:30 <ConfusionRift> Cat being a cat. :P

15:31 <QPOMDPony> I find it strange your universities focus so much on specific technologies and languages

15:31 <QPOMDPony> For us, we studied languages only as means to apply the theory

15:32 <Cepheid> Languages are still requisites to apply the theory.

15:32 <ConfusionRift> ^

15:32 <Cepheid> Which is where the problem is.

15:33 <Cepheid> The language courses in this case are requisites for other courses.

15:33 <QPOMDPony> Actually that's a good thing - most students come out into the industry clueless and lack experience

15:33 <Cepheid> I need to take them in order to do other courses.

15:33 <Cepheid> And Rifty, while "cat being a cat" is a fine answer..

15:34 <Cepheid> He's been wandering around my room constantly destroying everything or making a mess of stuff.

15:34 <Cepheid> For example, he just dragged the towel off of his per-  OH GODS STOP THAT SPITFIRE.

15:34 <QPOMDPony> erm..could it be "that time of the month"?

15:34 <Cepheid> Nah.

15:34 <QPOMDPony> throw chocolate at him

15:34 <Cepheid> He just wants to play I think.

15:34 <ConfusionRift> Nah, there's a reason why he's called Spitfire.

15:35 <QPOMDPony> heh

15:35 <Cepheid> Problem is, his usual toy is so ratty and wrecked it's no good to play with.

15:35 <Cepheid> I need to bike out to the nearest pet store and get him a new toy of a similar design.

15:35 <ConfusionRift> Oh, a picky one too.

15:36 *** Joins: Nexie (Lily@Nexie.the.techie.beep.boop)

15:36 *** Quits: Nexie (Lily@Nexie.the.techie.beep.boop) (Quit: O.o)

15:37 <Finwe> Greetings, everypony!

15:37 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift.

15:37 <Finwe> _o7

15:38 <QPOMDPony> No greetings!

15:38 <Finwe> Messrs Cepheid and QPOMDPony.

15:38 * QPOMDPony shoos Finwe

15:38 * Finwe doffs his hat.

15:38 <Finwe> !shoo

15:38 * DerpyBot sways from side to side, quietly humming "shoo be doo shoo shoo be doo"

15:38 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

15:38 * ConfusionRift doffs Finwe's hat.

15:39 * Finwe hat-wiggles (however it is done?).

15:40 <Cepheid> Anyhoo..

15:40 <Cepheid> Breakfast time.

15:40 *** Joins: Renard (Renard@Pony-u8rk8n.abo.wanadoo.fr)

15:41 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: sunny side eggs please with buttered toast and a cup of coffee

15:41 <LunaticHell> three sugar and milk, thanks

15:41 <Cepheid> Breakfast time for me you nitwit.

15:41 <LunaticHell> aw

15:41 <Cepheid> You can make your own breakfast.

15:41 * LunaticHell lits a cigarett

15:42 <LunaticHell> That was fast.

15:42 * ConfusionRift passes LunaticHell a sunny side up toast, buttered coffee, and a sugary toast. 9_6

15:42 <Cepheid> You mean a sugary egg, right?

15:42 <Tirek> I hear adding a pinch of sugar to eggs can do wonders for taste.

15:42 * LunaticHell eats the coffee and drinks the toast.

15:43 * ConfusionRift adds sugar to Cepheid's eggs. 6_9

15:43 <LunaticHell> Tirek: sugar is good with raw eggs

15:43 <Tirek> I don't normally eat em raw

15:43 *** Unixkitty|nom is now known as Unixkitty

15:43 <Tirek> Omelette du Fromage

15:44 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: Buttered coffee is something people actually drink.

15:44 <Tirek> Which reminds me, I should probably read these French books.

15:44 <Finwe> At least in some Asian countries.

15:44 <Unixkitty> Finwe, ewww

15:44 <Unixkitty> Why would they do that?

15:44 <Unixkitty> It tastes gross

15:44 <Tirek> I could imagine that adding butter to coffee wouldn't actually taste bad.

15:44 * ConfusionRift pours milk on Unixkitty, and butter on her bowl. 9_6

15:44 <Unixkitty> I tried. Believe me.

15:44 <Tirek> But I already hate coffee anyway, so.

15:45 <Unixkitty> Albeit by accident, I still have

15:45 <Cepheid> Oh, speaking of French.

15:45 <Unixkitty> yah! What is the meaning of this?

15:45 <Finwe> Pourquoi?

15:45 <Cepheid> Ye know how some of you suggest I self-teach myself the language?

15:45 * Unixkitty shudders while being covered in milk

15:45 <Cepheid> For job employment purposes?

15:45 * QPOMDPony licks Unixkitty

15:45 <Tirek> How is it going?

15:45 <Cepheid> Not viable.

15:45 <Tirek> Hm

15:45 * Unixkitty licks herself

15:45 <Tirek> Why

15:46 <Finwe> Qu'est-ce que c'est, cette self-teaching.

15:46 <Cepheid> I can't be able to hold a reasonable conversation.  I have to be extremely fluent in the language.

15:46 <Cepheid> As in...

15:46 <Cepheid> I need to have been speaking the language for years.

15:46 <Tirek> Hm

15:46 <ConfusionRift> Oh, I see.

15:47 * Unixkitty dries up then proceeds to put the bowl with butter on ConfusionRift's head

15:47 <Tirek> No point in disregarding it, though.

15:47 <ConfusionRift> ^

15:47 <Finwe> No sé, señor, se habla español.

15:47 <ConfusionRift> It helps to learn it.

15:47 <Tirek> I'm just learning French for the hell of it.

15:47 <Unixkitty> Hm. Maybe I should learn a language or two myself, or at least try...

15:47 <Tirek> Sister is learning it, and has friends that want her to teach it.

15:47 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr (DJCloud_Zep@Pony-7m3v29.range86-177.btcentralplus.com)

15:48 *** Joins: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it)

15:48 * ConfusionRift notices he's covered in butter, and sees that Unixkitty is covered in milk. "Woah, what happened?" o_0

15:48 *** Quits: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:48 <QPOMDPony> Unixkitty if you feel like staring something easy and fun, go for python :D

15:48 * Unixkitty is not covered in anything anymore

15:48 <Tirek> chef.exe has encountered an illegal operation in x2A03. chef.exe has closed.

15:48 <Unixkitty> QPOMDPony, ಠ_ಠ

15:49 * QPOMDPony licks ConfusionRift

15:49 <Tirek> Not programming, QPOMD

15:49 <ConfusionRift> chef.exe? Wait... GEAR SPARKS!!!

15:49 <Tirek> Spoken languages.

15:49 <QPOMDPony> oh! it's hard following group conversations :P

15:49 <Tirek> You get used to it.

15:50 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, you don't have a virus, do you? Those random blackouts don't happen for no reason..

15:50 * Cepheid learns Python and starts hissing.

15:50 * ConfusionRift pings QPOMDPony repeatedly. "Muhuahahaha!"

15:50 * Unixkitty hisses a little bit

15:50 * Cepheid hears random crashing noises in the living room.

15:50 <Cepheid> Cats are creatures of chaos.

15:50 * QPOMDPony is pingged to DOS

15:50 <ConfusionRift> Nah, I'm fine. I think Sparks messed with my AI again. -_-

15:51 <Unixkitty> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'cat' and 'chaos' objects

15:51 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: Cat is short for chaos. :P

15:51 <Unixkitty> QPOMDPony, I keep seeing weird windows-esque symbols in some of your messages

15:51 <Unixkitty> Is that intentional?

15:52 <QPOMDPony> Yeah I know! I have no idea why, I think I write normally

15:52 *** SleepFrame is now known as WorkFrame

15:52 <Cepheid> Might be a client issue.

15:52 <Tirek> In unrelated news: http://tindeck.com/listen/wsae

15:52 <Tirek> Updated this piece a bit.

15:52 <Unixkitty> QPOMDPony, http://s.nightstone.net/nvAwVA.jpg

15:52 <Tirek> Cleaned up the audio overload a bit.

15:52 <Cepheid> And now Spitfire is dragging one of his larger toys around.

15:53 <QPOMDPony> for me it's just square symbols

15:54 <QPOMDPony> Tirek:  link is awesome ^^

15:54 <Unixkitty> Tirek, that's a neat piece, albeit a bit too high here and there

15:54 <Cepheid> Strange.

15:54 <Cepheid> That symbol tends to be used for escape sequences, I believe.

15:54 <Tirek> It's not a song I could really change much anymore.

15:55 <Tirek> So, eh.

15:55 <Tirek> I wrote it like 2 years ago.

15:55 <Unixkitty> Cepheid, isn't it delete?

15:55 <Tirek> Trying to get back into writing music.

15:55 <Unixkitty> 007f

15:55 <Cepheid> That's delete, yeah.

15:55 <Cepheid> But it's not normally stored in the stream when someone presses the delete key.

15:55 <Cepheid> So it has to be manually inserted.

15:56 <Tirek> Here's the original, and you could hear how the reverb almost drowns everything out: http://tindeck.com/listen/nyqv

15:56 <Unixkitty> It's not. Maybe some button of his causes his client to do some special

15:56 <Cepheid> When a program does so, it's usually for controlling something.  A control code, etc.

15:57 <Unixkitty> Huh, haven't seen lightIRC act up before this, though. Must be something specific to his system

15:57 <Tirek> I wasn't and am still not very good at processing, balancing, and effect management.

15:57 <ConfusionRift> Tirek: Still rather good.

15:58 <Tirek> Oh, yeah, I like the song, I wouldn't have gone back to edit it if I didn't.

15:58 <ConfusionRift> Yes, the reverb version gets rather crowded when more instruments come in.

15:58 <Tirek> Well, I use the term "like" loosely.

15:58 <Tirek> Its certainly one of the ones I don't hate.

15:59 <ConfusionRift> So, your least hated?

15:59 <Tirek> My least hated song is still Gentlemen of Racing.

15:59 <Tirek> It's one of the few songs I made that I do really like.

15:59 * Unixkitty wants to shoot things

15:59 <Tirek> http://tindeck.com/listen/ahzz

16:00 <Cepheid> Mmm.

16:00 <Tirek> Its so simple, but so catchy.

16:00 <Cepheid> LightIRC depending on OS configuration and such, has been known to have issues with inserting random 0x7F bytes into the stream in the past with some people.

16:00 <Cepheid> No idea why.

16:00 <Unixkitty> Windows 7 there. Not sure why would it randomly insert stuff

16:01 <ConfusionRift> Text encoding issues?

16:01 <Unixkitty> Possibly.

16:01 *** Joins: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net)

16:02 <Tirek> And the other songs that I really like are probably Castle A(I remixed it enough times), and Magic Guitar.

16:02 <Yeppoh> Hoi!

16:02 <ConfusionRift> Yes, those are very good. :)

16:03 <Unixkitty> ¡ᴉoH

16:03 <FruitNibbler> Wow I just learn that every politician has to have a Poli and Social science PhD to become a politician in Germany

16:03 <Yeppoh> Subliminal greeting.

16:03 <FruitNibbler> yay, go Deutschland!

16:03 <Finwe> o3o

16:03 <Yeppoh> That's progressive.

16:04 <Yeppoh> Also. Finally!

16:04 <Yeppoh> They got it!

16:04 <Finwe> FruitNibbler: That sounds quite harsh.

16:04 <FruitNibbler> In G.B. and russia you don't need any degree to become a politician

16:04 <Yeppoh> Neither in France as much as I know.

16:05 * Unixkitty becomes a major politician and turns the world into Cloud Cuckoo Land

16:05 <Yeppoh> Technically, I can go for the next presidential.

16:05 <FruitNibbler> Finwe, well you can become a political adviser with any PhD (like if you are pharmacist, you can have a decisive say on drug policies i parliament etc.)

16:05 <FruitNibbler> in*

16:06 <FruitNibbler> So political scene in Germany is not really discriminating based on specific PhD, it is discriminating against uneducated people in general

16:06 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm.

16:06 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

16:07 <Yeppoh> That's so ableist of them!

16:07 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv5I7a3GAZ8

16:07 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

16:07 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about "Kittens Time Lapse" 50 days in 5 minutes!!

16:07 <Unixkitty> FruitNibbler, and that is a good thing, right?

16:07 <FruitNibbler> I think so

16:07 <Cepheid> They don't even LOOK like cats the first few days! >.>

16:08 <FruitNibbler> I'd rather have my representative be educated and coming from science than, say from some religious background

16:08 * ConfusionRift sighs.

16:08 <Unixkitty> There aren't really any children in here at the moment.

16:08 <ConfusionRift> And?

16:08 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

16:08 <Unixkitty> And why are you sighing?

16:09 <FruitNibbler> Eyeup, little kittens look like rats/mice as they are born

16:09 <Finwe> FruitNibbler: But the German law states that any citizen over 18 years of age can be elected to the Bundestag.

16:09 <ConfusionRift> Unixkitty: It's a rule. Age matters not.

16:09 <FruitNibbler> Uhm yes, technically it is so, but without any PhD, you can forget it

16:09 <Finwe> Or stand for election, actually.

16:10 <Unixkitty> Eh I honestly don't think it's political enough, but it's not like I'm participating anyway.

16:10 <FruitNibbler> The highest you can acheive without a degree is to be elected a local authority for a village/small town

16:10 <FruitNibbler> Which is in all honesty a honorary title anyways

16:10 <Finwe> It's up to the voters then to vote for whom they find suitable.

16:11 <ConfusionRift> Anyways, hope it doesn't go to far. It IS break bracing at the moment.

16:11 <FruitNibbler> This is also a thing, voters woud not vote for PhD-less candidate

16:11 * Finwe nibbles on FruitNibbler's fruit.

16:12 <FruitNibbler> Not long ago one politician was exposed in Germany to have a fake PhD, he was immediately removed rom a position

16:12 * Unixkitty rifts on ConfusionRift's rift

16:12 <FruitNibbler> Finwe, you'd have a good chance of becoming politician in Germany

16:12 <Finwe> FruitNibbler: But obviously not as a representative at the Bundestag.

16:13 <FruitNibbler> There are foreign representatives in Bundestag due to EU thing actually

16:13 <Finwe> In Finland a member of the parliament has to commit a very serious crime to lose his seat.

16:13 <FruitNibbler> But as far as I know competition for those places is ridiculously high

16:14 <Finwe> I was referring to the person who lost his position.

16:14 *** Joins: BlueBlur (ynqsvhlbdym@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net)

16:14 <FruitNibbler> Oh, he was actually in a very high position, not sure if in Bundestag though

16:14 *** Parts: BlueBlur (ynqsvhlbdym@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net) ()

16:14 <FruitNibbler> Lemme google it

16:15 <Tirek> Huh

16:15 <Finwe> I don't think you can kick representatives out of the Bundestag just because they claimed to have higher education than what they actually had.

16:15 <Tirek> Forgot I wrote this

16:15 <Tirek> http://tindeck.com/listen/kspl

16:15 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0_ujn5_7mk That cat.

16:15 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

16:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Homework Kitten Time Lapse

16:15 <Finwe> But as a Minister of the State, that's a different thing.

16:15 <Finwe> Or the Chancellor.

16:16 <Tirek> And this http://tindeck.com/listen/elif

16:17 <Finwe> Oh, I have to leave early today, in order to make it to the bank in time.

16:17 <Finwe> I have to get my new debit card.

16:17 <Finwe> The previous one expired at the end of June. 6.9

16:17 * ConfusionRift flops on Unixkitty and huggles. "Tiiiired..."

16:18 <Unixkitty> And I'm booooooooored

16:18 * Unixkitty snuggles ConfusionRift

16:18 <Cepheid> I'm tired too.

16:18 <Cepheid> My cat woke me up.

16:18 <Finwe> Having quite a lot of cash in my wallet I didn't notice until I tried to use the card.

16:18 * Finwe boops Cepheid and his cat.

16:18 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: https://derpibooru.org/685369

16:18 <Unixkitty> If I had a human, I doubt I would want to wake them up for no good reason.

16:19 <Unixkitty> Humans can be quite unpredictable

16:19 <Finwe> :3

16:19 * Finwe pets Unixkitty.

16:19 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, I should sleep.

16:19 <Unixkitty> Also Cepheid, I'm just listening to that video for the song :P

16:19 <Finwe> Bye, everypony!

16:19 <ConfusionRift> See ya laters everypony.

16:19 <Cepheid> I wasn't aware of the music.

16:19 * Finwe flies off to the bank.

16:19 * Cepheid had it on mute.

16:19 <Unixkitty> Good night, Rifty

16:19 <Unixkitty> It's a pretty neat track

16:20 <FruitNibbler> So it appears the politician in question was responsible for the things having to do with Germany-Greece relationships and his Diploma was fake, because the Darmstadt school he has listed does not produce PhD (only bachelor/Master)

16:20 <Unixkitty> I don't think I would listen to many such compositions in during a casual time, but at work it kinda helps.

16:21 <FruitNibbler> Totally fake PhD, so yeah, quite a reason to get fired even if you did well on the job

16:21 * ConfusionRift waves away. "Laters... and behave."

16:21 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-crt65v.res.rr.com) (Quit: Beep. Boop. Bep!)

16:22 <Unixkitty> !flip

16:22 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

16:22 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her mouth and eats it before anyone can see which side is up

16:22 <Unixkitty> Ah... that's not really what I was expecting

16:22 <FruitNibbler> Also found a parallel case of a police officer removed from his high position after 33 years of service also due to faked school exam thing

16:22 <DataByteBrony> ahg, my heart <3  http://buttercupbabyppg.deviantart.com/art/Ponies-for-good-home-469777936

16:22 <FruitNibbler> 33 years! An BAM past bites him in the plot!

16:22 <FruitNibbler> What a twist

16:23 <Unixkitty> Indeed, FN.

16:23 <Unixkitty> Ugh. My cell provider's site is being derpy today.

16:23 <FruitNibbler> Well made pluschies those are DataByteBrony, I'd buy one of those (or all, if I can afford them)

16:24 <DataByteBrony> i'm going to bronycon. i must have one! :3

16:24 <Cepheid> DataByteBrony: http://i.imgur.com/pin9a1z.jpg

16:25 <DataByteBrony> Cepheid: belly rubs? ;)

16:25 <DataByteBrony> wub wub

16:25 <Cepheid> She was asleep.

16:25 <FruitNibbler> Gladly I have no reason to fake my graduation notes: I successfully graduated from 2 schools and am on my way to Bachelor of Architecture

16:25 <FruitNibbler> It is not that hard when you have brains

16:26 <FruitNibbler> (money is not an issue in Germany, education costs next to nothing)

16:27 <DataByteBrony> to work i must return.. two more days 'till i leave for bronycon xD

16:27 <Cepheid> Whereas here, depending on where you go, and what program of study you take..

16:27 <Cepheid> It can cost you anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands a year for college and/or university.

16:27 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

16:27 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

16:27 <FruitNibbler> I wonder if EU would become an "education center" if U.S. would ease on the traversing the borders???

16:28 <Cepheid> And you'd risk getting sub-par education.

16:28 <Ashley> Cepheid: aww. This is your cat?

16:28 <Cepheid> Ashley:  One of two.

16:28 <Cepheid> That's Tizzy.

16:28 <FruitNibbler> I mean travel expenses to go to Europe do not compare to what you'd spend on college in U.S.

16:28 <Ashley> Cepheid: <3

16:28 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid, how it would be sub-par?

16:28 <DataByteBrony> Cepheid is our resident crazy cat lady ;)

16:28 <Cepheid> http://i.imgur.com/EIDlV9r.jpg This is Spitfire.

16:29 <Cepheid> FruitNibbler:  Professors don't do their work, or half-ass it?

16:29 <Cepheid> Or go on strike constantly, demanding higher wages?

16:29 <FruitNibbler> Why would they do that?

16:29 <Unixkitty> Cepheid, he's a... pretty handsome cat.

16:29 <Cepheid> No idea.

16:29 <Cepheid> But it's a frequent problem here in North America.

16:29 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid, our professors are wealthy as [censored], I do not see any reason for them to strike

16:30 <Cepheid> In Ottawa, the local universities and colleges go on strike every 3 years when the contracts are up.

16:30 *** Quits: MrMooMoo (Moo@MOOOOOOOOOO) (Quit: This means I went to sleep or something)

16:30 <Cepheid> Demanding higher wages.

16:30 <FruitNibbler> Oh U.S. professors

16:30 <Cepheid> And some of the professors don't even deserve it, as many of them are inept as hell.

16:30 <FruitNibbler> I though you mean Eu ones

16:30 <Cepheid> Nope.

16:30 <Cepheid> Canadian and American.  In my case, Canadian.

16:30 <FruitNibbler> Eu professors are Balling

16:31 <FruitNibbler> Likr Mercedes SLK to the uni Balling

16:31 <FruitNibbler> Like*

16:31 <Cepheid> There seems to be less of an incentive to care, over here.

16:31 <Cepheid> Some professors do honestly care and try.

16:31 <Cepheid> But those are far and in between.

16:31 *** Joins: CreativeSpark (sqhrmclzvsx@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net)

16:31 <FruitNibbler> In fact Professors are having it so good in EU, it is hard to replace them, they cling to the position so hard

16:31 <FruitNibbler> XD

16:32 *** Joins: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP)

16:32 <CreativeSpark> Anypony here know how to get this chat working on an Android

16:32 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid, then where all the education fees from poor students go then???

16:32 <Cepheid> Administration.

16:32 <Cepheid> Colleges and universities are treated like businesses.

16:32 <Unixkitty> CreativeSpark, you could always find an IRC app.

16:32 <FruitNibbler> Wow. bad, bad education model

16:33 * CreativeSpark goes and tries

16:33 <rainbowpower64> morning everyone

16:33 <Unixkitty> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.androirc&hl=en Like this one. Then it's just a matter of connecting to the right server and joining the channel.

16:34 <Cepheid> http://i.imgur.com/Q000iKo.jpg Spitfire during his earlier days.

16:34 <Unixkitty> Hihi

16:34 <FruitNibbler> Honestly canadians and U.S. students should just get PhD in Europe: cheap, travel adventures, chance to leann another language (any Eu lang. you want, live, for free)

16:35 <Cepheid> FruitNibbler, I would if I could afford it.

16:35 <Cepheid> I actually want to move to Europe somewhere.

16:35 <FruitNibbler> If you can afford student fees for U.S./Canadian college, you can Definitely afford to fly and live in Europe

16:35 <Cepheid> But as I'm broke as all hell, and can't get a job due to poor planning in regards to language studies, I'm effectively stuck.

16:35 <Cepheid> Oh.

16:36 <Cepheid> I didn't tell you?

16:36 <Cepheid> I'm attending college/university on a loan.

16:36 <Llybel> I am planning on doing a working holiday in ENgland once I finish studying so I can explore europe

16:36 <rainbowpower64> you're not the only one

16:36 <Cepheid> Mind you, in contrast to American student loans, I won't be indebted for the rest of my natural life.

16:36 <FruitNibbler> Llybel, ugh, England does have education fees though, and not cheap ones

16:36 <rainbowpower64> i spent all my money on canvas boards

16:37 <FruitNibbler> Netherlands, Germany, France have it free though as far as I know

16:37 <Llybel> As I said - AFTER I finish studying. As a Commonwelath citizen I can live a work their for 5 years

16:38 *** Quits: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:38 <Cepheid> I'd likely choose Netherlands or Germany, myself.

16:39 *** Joins: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP)

16:39 <rainbowpower64> hello fall how's it going

16:40 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnYj2txFiLU&list=UUfGx24Xy_mn-37StdydkaCg Such an unusual cat.  Born without a pelvis or hind legs.

16:40 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

16:40 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Anakin The Two Legged Cat Lizard Stalking

16:40 <Llybel> That way I don't have to worry about complex visas and Europe is just across the channel

16:40 <Unixkitty> rainbowpower64, let's not ping random people please. Especially mоds.

16:40 <FruitNibbler> (unless you want a PhD in one of these 6 professions: Psychology, Psychiatry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentist, Veterinarian and

16:40 <rainbowpower64> ok

16:41 <rainbowpower64> what is pinging anyway

16:41 <Unixkitty> Whenever you type someone's name, the chat window for them beeps and blinks.

16:41 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP)

16:41 <FruitNibbler> Llybel, actually a visa to any EU/schengen country allows you to reside in any of the other for three months without any reason

16:41 <Unixkitty> It's customizable of course, but that's usually default for many clients

16:42 <QPOMDPony> *cute overload* Cepheid why do other cats even have 4 legs?

16:42 <rainbowpower64> ok

16:42 <Cepheid> No idea.

16:42 * Unixkitty glares at QPOMDPony

16:42 <Llybel> As a commonwealth I can do that anyway in a lot of coutries - but as soo as you want to stay longer and work it gets a lot more complex

16:42 <Cepheid> But admittedly this one's cute for a particular reason.

16:42 <FruitNibbler> Mine just blinks, I find audio pings annoying (since I have cusswords, "troll", "mods" in my ping list to avoid skipping the fun)

16:42 <Llybel> plus I am hopeless at foriegn Languages

16:42 * QPOMDPony is self conscious

16:43 <Cepheid> He's got short-to-medium-length fur, first off.

16:43 <Cepheid> And secondly?  What makes it look unique?  Large, poofy tail.

16:43 <FruitNibbler> Llybel, actually unless it is France, Spain or Greece, english will serve you pretty well in communicating

16:43 * Unixkitty holds her tail close

16:43 <Unixkitty> I .. have a large and puffy tail too..

16:44 * QPOMDPony ties a ribbon to Unixkitty's tail

16:44 <FruitNibbler> Those 3 are so bent on their "language superiority" they don't bother with english at all)

16:44 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMIBxFtvZKI&list=TLNejOh4YKIzG6oP7vBJAoI2rtDWJBj2H8 How he walks.

16:44 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

16:44 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Anakin Our Kitten without Back Legs, Two Legged Cat

16:44 <Llybel> I plan to work in ENgland and the use weekends / holidays etc to travel throughout europe

16:44 <Unixkitty> Ah! What is this!?

16:44 * Unixkitty shakes the tail left and right swaying from side to side

16:45 <FruitNibbler> That kitty will have a hella buff forepaws when he grows up

16:45 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-g5p.udg.255.85.IP)

16:45 * rainbowpower64 plays with ribbon

16:45 * Unixkitty shivers

16:46 <QPOMDPony> Anyway, that kitty is a perfect example for the magic of neural network adaptation :P

16:46 <Unixkitty> I.. those videos for me are as if you'd be watching disabled people and saying they're cute..

16:46 *** Phantasma_Eeria is now known as Princess-Phantasma

16:46 <Cepheid> FruitNibbler:  Already does.

16:46 * rainbowpower64 greets Phantasma with tackle hug

16:46 <Cepheid> He uses them to climb up stuff.

16:46 <Cepheid> I repeat, he CLIMBS with his front paws alone.

16:47 <Cepheid> He can also pounce around.

16:47 <Princess-Phantasma> ouch rainbowpower64 that hurt

16:47 <rainbowpower64> sorry

16:47 <QPOMDPony> Unixkitty I think I see your point, but I (want to) beleive this little one isn't bothered at all by it's condition

16:47 <Cepheid> Most cats normally need a wheelchair to help with the hind quarters.

16:47 * Princess-Phantasma gives Unixkitty a bowl of milk

16:47 <Cepheid> But for whatever reason, he doesn't need it.

16:48 <Cepheid> He gets around just fine without it.

16:48 <rainbowpower64> anyways how are you doing

16:48 <Unixkitty> You can believe anything you want. I'm not going to discuss this.

16:48 <QPOMDPony> fair enough..

16:48 <Heartbreak> asdf

16:48 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid is so into cats I wonder if he has Toxoplasmosis?

16:48 <Cepheid> Probably.

16:48 <Princess-Phantasma> im good rainbowpower64, nothing to do though

16:48 * Heartbreak gives Unixkitty catnip.

16:48 <Cepheid> Is there even a way to check?

16:48 * Princess-Phantasma flops on Heartbreak

16:48 <Heartbreak> Gah!

16:48 <Unixkitty> Thanks Princess-Phantasma, although I've just had some a few... a few..

16:48 <Unixkitty> Achoo!

16:48 * Unixkitty runs off

16:49 <FruitNibbler> Yes toxoplasmosis is identifiable and testable

16:49 <FruitNibbler> Although it causes problems only in, like, 10% of people infected with it

16:49 <Princess-Phantasma> hows it going HB?

16:49 <rainbowpower64> not much here just waiting for my nest driver's lesson

16:49 <Cepheid> Oh.

16:50 <FruitNibbler> It is very dangerous for unborn children, but the older you are when you get toxoplasmosis, the less trouble it causes

16:50 <Cepheid> You're thinking of Toxoplasma gondii infection, FruitNibbler.  Not toxoplasmosis.

16:50 <Cepheid> Toxoplasmosis is the disease the parasite causes.

16:50 <FruitNibbler> Yes

16:50 *** Quits: Cloud_Zephyr (DJCloud_Zep@in.your.kitchen.eating.all.your.cake) (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)

16:50 <FruitNibbler> Pardon

16:51 * Unixkitty slowly walks back in giving Heartbreak a somewhat exasperate look

16:51 <Cepheid> But yeah.

16:51 <FruitNibbler> For example I have a lethal fungi peaceully living inside my sinuses without any side effects other than runny nose

16:51 <Unixkitty> s/ate/ated

16:51 <Cepheid> It's possible I have the parasite.

16:51 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink)

16:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

16:51 <Cepheid> It's actually pretty likely.  Something like 30% of the world's population has it, doesn't it?

16:52 <FruitNibbler> Yes it is quite high due to fact that only 10% of the infected have any symptoms

16:52 * rainbowpower64 makes a confused look

16:52 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr (DJCloud_Zep@Pony-7m3v29.range86-177.btcentralplus.com)

16:53 *** Quits: Cloud_Zephyr (DJCloud_Zep@Pony-7m3v29.range86-177.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

16:53 * Princess-Phantasma takes some weird stuff, her eyes dilate, and she starts seeing things, and saying weird stuff

16:53 *** Quits: CreativeSpark (sqhrmclzvsx@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:53 <FruitNibbler> O M G, It just dawned on me that my penicillin allergy might have something to do with the fungi I already have in symbiotic state

16:53 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr|Away (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-7m3v29.range86-177.btcentralplus.com)

16:54 * rainbowpower64 says "what are you talking about"

16:54 * Heartbreak throws a catnip mouse toy at Unixkitty.

16:54 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

16:54 * Unixkitty holds breath and walks very closely to Heartbreak

16:54 <Unixkitty> Why. I have allergy on that crap. Why Heartbreak?

16:54 * Heartbreak backs away from Unixkitty.

16:54 <Princess-Phantasma> gee gebafubagu gee gafliggugiggu gafliggugiggu buh dee

16:54 <FruitNibbler> I have a type of mold living in my body without causing any troubles, usually it is lethal

16:54 <Unixkitty> I thought you were nice

16:54 <Heartbreak> You have an allergy to catnip?!

16:55 <Heartbreak> But you're a cat!

16:55 * Unixkitty breathes heavily

16:55 <Unixkitty> You better not.

16:55 * Heartbreak takes the stuff out of the room.

16:55 * rainbowpower64 randomly tackles Heartbreak

16:55 <Heartbreak> Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

16:55 <Heartbreak> A cat that is allergic to catnip.

16:55 <rainbowpower64> hello heartbreak

16:55 <Unixkitty> I like how you bucket BigMac, H.B. That was certainly something.

16:55 <Heartbreak> There is a tragic element here.

16:55 <SkunkStripe> That irony

16:55 <Unixkitty> bucked*

16:56 <Heartbreak> ...

16:56 <Heartbreak> Can you say that I kicked him in the head, Unixkitty?

16:56 <Heartbreak> That sounds better.

16:56 * Princess-Phantasma huggles Heartbreak "ill get you a cat that isnt allergic to catnip" *becomes a cat*

16:56 <Cepheid> FruitNibbler:  I am surprised you are not being used for scientific studies.

16:56 <Unixkitty> Yeah and also I have a horn, so not everything that applies to cats applies to me.

16:56 <Cepheid> That kind of scenario is pretty rare.

16:56 <Unixkitty> Mostly everything, but not really.

16:57 <Heartbreak> And it was completely accidental!

16:57 <Heartbreak> I didn't mean to kick him in the head!

16:57 <Heartbreak> He wasn't watching where he was going!

16:57 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid, that would require my own agreement to be studied

16:57 <Princess-Phantasma> O RLY?

16:57 <Heartbreak> And I had my back turned!

16:57 <rainbowpower64> some people are random that way

16:57 * Heartbreak facehooves.

16:58 <Heartbreak> And what happened next lead to the most uncomfortable scene with A.J...

16:58 <Unixkitty> Heartbreak, you sure did. I really am surprised that he hasn't seen you there.. how can one be so dreamy while walking?

16:58 * Princess-Phantasma facepaws Heartbreak

16:58 <Heartbreak> ...

16:58 <Heartbreak> Unixkitty, I hope you aren't implying anything.

16:58 <Unixkitty> Don't worry, I'm not.

16:58 <Heartbreak> Good.

16:58 <Heartbreak> Cause AJ did and I got sick.

16:58 <FruitNibbler> On the other hoof, Cepheid, there is nothing new to being immune to fungi toxins: there are northern tribes that eat poisonous fungi without dying, so I think it is the same kind of thing

16:59 <Unixkitty> Although if he would have been looking where he was going, he might have seen something besides your legs flying from behind.

16:59 <Heartbreak> ...

16:59 <Unixkitty> So I think it's a good thing he didn't.

16:59 * rainbowpower64 throws a plush mouse at Unixkitty

16:59 <Heartbreak> Unixkitty, I know a dozen different ways to hurt a cat.

16:59 * Unixkitty slaps the mouse back at rainbowpower64 with her tail

16:59 <FruitNibbler> I was ill many many times when I was a kid, so that might be the period when my body got used to the fungi

16:59 <Heartbreak> Unixkitty is a QUEEN.

17:00 <Unixkitty> You already have, to some degree.

17:00 <rainbowpower64> sorry

17:00 <Unixkitty> I'm not going to be staying mad at you though.

17:00 <rainbowpower64> ok

17:00 <Unixkitty> How am I a queen? I used to be a princess.. but never a queen

17:01 * QPOMDPony crowns Unixkitty

17:01 <Unixkitty> Uhh... thanks, but no thanks

17:01 <Cepheid> True, FruitNibbler.

17:01 <QPOMDPony> say, Unixkitty, are you a kitty, or an operating system?

17:01 * Unixkitty meows

17:02 <Cepheid> I wonder if there's any oddities like that with my body, given the nature of my early life.

17:02 <Unixkitty> Did that sound like an operating system?

17:02 <FruitNibbler> On the second thought, Cepheid, I'd be a horribly bad study object: I have almost hyppochondriac case of psychosomatic symptoms (like water allergy from stress) that it would be hard to distinguish one from another

17:02 <Heartbreak> Unixkitty, Yes.

17:02 <Cepheid> Heh.

17:02 <QPOMDPony> Actually, when I find the time to install a fun theme, it sounds exactly like that :P

17:03 <Unixkitty> I don't feel like being any kind of political leader anymore. Seeing as how I'm so good at losing my own country.

17:03 <FruitNibbler> Yeah whenever I read some symptoms of any disease I instantly am like "Oh [censored] I have these symptoms!!!"

17:03 <FruitNibbler> But it always is my lively imagination

17:03 <FruitNibbler> XD

17:03 <Unixkitty> Heartbreak, you must have rather weird operating systems then where you are from.

17:04 <QPOMDPony> FruitNibbler I sure can identify with that :P

17:04 * Princess-Phantasma turns back into a unicorn "hmm i wonder how long it would take for me to master using wings"

17:04 <FruitNibbler> Like 3 times I have self-diagnosed a heart condition, when every time it turned out to be a jammed nerve in the spine...

17:04 <QPOMDPony> Princess-Phantasma I can give you flying lessons

17:04 * rainbowpower64 flies around "i do my own stunts"

17:05 <Cepheid> Speaking of jammed nerves..

17:05 <Princess-Phantasma> dont i need wings first?

17:05 <Unixkitty> QPOMDPony, are you sure you would be comfortable giving flying lessons to a shadow?

17:05 <Cepheid> Oh bah.

17:05 <Cepheid> My phone isn't charged.

17:05 <QPOMDPony> I sure will! You see, I'm actually not a pony. I'm a POMDP

17:05 <rainbowpower64> i need to get my charger brb

17:05 <QPOMDPony> I can solve anything *.*

17:05 <Cepheid> I was supposed to call my neurologist today.  Wanted to set up an appointment to have another spinal tap done.

17:05 <Unixkitty> Uh huh.

17:06 <FruitNibbler> My spine has a few vertebrae out of place on the upper S curve (between shoulders and a bit below)

17:07 <FruitNibbler> But there is no one to blame for that other than myself for a slouching sitting and lack of necessary exercise

17:07 <FruitNibbler> So yeah

17:07 <Cepheid> Heh.

17:07 <Cepheid> In my case, I just got slightly high cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

17:07 <QPOMDPony> There is this trend of working on laptop while wlaking on a treadmill

17:07 <Cepheid> Some weight loss should help with that.

17:08 <FruitNibbler> I was perscribed to do a set of spine-fixing exercises (which do help, but I stopped every time I got rid of pain symptoms)

17:08 <Cepheid> But in the meantime, a spinal tap also suffices.  But there's also another reason why I want another one done.

17:08 <rainbowpower64> so yeah i am waiting on my next driver's lesson

17:08 * Princess-Phantasma remembers she is a shadow pony, and grows wings "Forgot i could do that"

17:08 * LunaticHell hugs Princess-Phantasm

17:08 <Unixkitty> Princess-Phantasma, do you even need them?

17:08 <Heartbreak> Unixkitty, How far are you into my story?

17:08 <FruitNibbler> I am so bad with motivating myself

17:08 <Heartbreak> Have you reached the end of that book?

17:08 <Cepheid> The last time I got one done, I panicked really badly.  I get the impression that the pressure reading may have been off because of how panicked I was.

17:09 <Heartbreak> FruitNibbler, set yourself on fire.

17:09 <LunaticHell> oh hi Heartbreak

17:09 <rainbowpower64> What up lunatic

17:09 <Heartbreak> That will really modivate you.

17:09 <QPOMDPony> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8QBju_Q7u8

17:09 <LunaticHell> hi RBP64

17:09 <Cepheid> I mean, I panicked so badly I nearly passed out.

17:09 <LunaticHell> I totally forgot that I wrote a derpy fanfiction.

17:09 <Unixkitty> Heartbreak, currently at the AJ's farm. And that moment I mentioned earlier? That's basically the exact moment.

17:09 <FruitNibbler> I got my taxes today and they are a wekk overdue, I panicked

17:09 <Heartbreak> Lunaticmare,  you derped over writing about Derpy?

17:09 <Unixkitty> I'm not sure where that is... somewhere in the third book?

17:10 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

17:10 <LunaticHell> Heartbreak: kinda maybe? 6_9

17:10 <FruitNibbler> I ate some emergency anti-anxiety meds to calm down, but that made me into a moody weirdo rather...

17:10 <Heartbreak> Unixkitty, I remember that moment...

17:10 <Cepheid> Vasovagal response.  You get so stressed out that you become light headed, dizzy, you start suffering a cold sweat, want to vomit, and then ultimately faint.

17:10 <Neptune> Hi Cepheid.

17:10 <LunaticHell> Heartbreak: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/202176/a-home it's a short story

17:10 <Cepheid> Oh, and your body feels like it's burning, to boot.

17:10 <Princess-Phantasma> Unixkitty, how else will i randomly fall through rooves

17:11 <Unixkitty> Didn't you mean roofs? Otherwise what's a roove

17:11 <rainbowpower64> what happens?

17:11 <Princess-Phantasma> there are two plurals for roof

17:12 <LunaticHell> roodfy

17:12 <LunaticHell> roofy

17:12 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-p4r5il.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:12 <LunaticHell> wooves

17:12 <rainbowpower64> rooves

17:12 * Princess-Phantasma flies through a window in Unixkitty's apartment

17:13 <Cepheid> In my case, I managed to control my breathing and stopped myself from passing out.  Soon after, attempted the spinal tap a second time, but I was panicking so bad the doctor had to tell me to calm down and run me through breathing exercises because the pressure reading was apparently well out of bounds.

17:13 <Unixkitty> They are all closed... and there's no one at home

17:13 <FruitNibbler> Although "rooves" is technically not wrong, "roofs" is a modern correct spelling

17:13 <Unixkitty> Yeah, I believe rooves is archaic

17:13 <FruitNibbler> rooves is "olden english"

17:13 <LunaticHell> "modern"

17:13 <LunaticHell> I like old

17:14 <Unixkitty> Spell checker says rooves does not exist

17:14 <rainbowpower64> charmed

17:14 <LunaticHell> I'm not jesting.

17:14 <Finwe> o3o

17:14 <Princess-Phantasma> Unixkitty, you gunna fix your window?

17:15 <LunaticHell> I can't wait for Rainbow Rocks

17:15 * Finwe thatches FruitNibbler.

17:15 <Unixkitty> How am I supposed to fix my windows when I'm at work?

17:15 <Princess-Phantasma> anypony got any vector requests?

17:15 <LunaticHell> And neither can Maud.

17:15 <FruitNibbler> I checked in several dictionaries, they say "rooves" is an archaic form that is not used any more, but can be found in olden english literature

17:15 <rainbowpower64> i somehow come up with interesting topics

17:15 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-923noo.east.verizon.net)

17:16 *** Quits: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:16 * Princess-Phantasma falls through ZeroParadox's roof

17:16 <LunaticHell> rainbowpower64: cool

17:16 <ZeroParadox> I don't have a roof for you to fall through...

17:16 <rainbowpower64> i always though princess luna talks in Elisabethian England

17:16 <FruitNibbler> ZeroParadox, you are homeless?

17:16 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:16 <ZeroParadox> I live in an apartment building.

17:17 <FruitNibbler> So technically you have a roof ZeroParadox

17:17 <rainbowpower64> thought

17:17 * Unixkitty uses Princess-Phantasma to fix all the windows

17:17 <ZeroParadox> Not one that you could fall through.

17:17 <FruitNibbler> Ceiling?

17:17 <Unixkitty> Which floor?

17:17 <ZeroParadox> Then you'd be bothering a completely new set of people.

17:17 <FruitNibbler> Complete adress please!

17:17 <ZeroParadox> And as long as my fridge and computer are okay, it wouldn't matter.

17:17 <Unixkitty> lol

17:18 <FruitNibbler> And all your passwords

17:18 <ZeroParadox> To me, anyway

17:18 * rainbowpower64 flies to phantasma's area for a aireal view

17:18 <LunaticHell> The sun is high because the herbs I sold really do look like the stuff the Princess smoked.

17:18 <FruitNibbler> Well a pony can crash through the side wall of your apartment still ZeroParadox

17:19 *** Joins: Melody (tcbytrdjsvw@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com)

17:19 <ZeroParadox> Considering where I live, you'd have to fly in or risk dying.

17:19 <LunaticHell> A party crasher?

17:19 <Princess-Phantasma> i landed on your computer then raided your fridge

17:19 * Princess-Phantasma falls through her own roof "YAY IM HOME"

17:19 <rainbowpower64> lol

17:19 <ZeroParadox> There's barely anything in the fridge and I'm at my computer.

17:19 <ZeroParadox> I would catch you first.

17:19 <ZeroParadox> Plus there is a shelf above my computer with sharp objects. o3o

17:20 <ZeroParadox> Screw catching you, enjoy dying. o3o

17:20 <FruitNibbler> She can teleport in

17:20 <FruitNibbler> o3o

17:20 * rainbowpower64 looks down at Princess-Phantasma

17:20 <ZeroParadox> That wouldn't be crashing.

17:20 <FruitNibbler> That would be PARTY CRASHING!

17:20 <ZeroParadox> I'm not having a party.

17:21 *** FruitNibbler is now known as PinkertonPie

17:21 <PinkertonPie> Are you sure?

17:21 <ZeroParadox> I am pretty sure.

17:21 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Quit: Leaving)

17:21 <Cepheid> I'm exhausted.  My body aches.  I can't find a comfy position to lie down.

17:21 <PinkertonPie> Really realy reaaaaaaly suuure?

17:21 <rainbowpower64> brb

17:21 * ZeroParadox throws a couch at Cepheid.

17:21 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-p4r5il.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: )

17:21 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz)

17:22 * Cepheid ragdolls as the couch hits them.

17:22 * Cepheid sleeps with the couch on top.

17:22 <PinkertonPie> Why are you throwing ThatAnonPony at Cephy?

17:22 <ZeroParadox> So he can sleep.

17:22 <PinkertonPie> That is not how you party, silly!

17:22 <ZeroParadox> I don't care.

17:23 <Unixkitty> PinkertonPie, you are being shot down.

17:23 *** PinkertonPie is now known as FruitNibbler

17:23 <Princess-Phantasma> im shadow, it doesnt hurt, although the light did

17:23 <ZeroParadox> A shadow would have a hard time making impact with things then, wouldn't it?

17:23 * Princess-Phantasma dives in front of Cepheid and sheilds him

17:23 <Princess-Phantasma> *shields

17:24 <ZeroParadox> Not only are you late, but he has already accepted the couch.

17:24 <ZeroParadox> Worst hero ever. Would not call for help. 2/10

17:24 <Unixkitty> Haha

17:24 <FruitNibbler> What if it is a quantum-spin dark-matter shadow, huh, huh?

17:24 <Cepheid> Why a 2 out of 10?

17:24 <Cepheid> Wouldn't a worst get 0 out of 10?

17:24 <ZeroParadox> At least she has some powers worth noting, right?

17:25 <ZeroParadox> It just means we haven't gone that far yet, Cepheid.

17:25 <FruitNibbler> Errorpony already took all the 0/10, so...

17:25 <Cepheid> Good point, ZeroParadox.

17:25 <ZeroParadox> FruitNibbler: I think I would have more than a broken computer then.

17:25 <FruitNibbler> Waht is your OC power btw ZeroParadox

17:26 <ZeroParadox> My "OC", if that even has a form, has no power.

17:26 <Heartbreak> I think the best way to modivate FruitNibbler, is with tickle torchure.

17:26 <ZeroParadox> ...Motivate?

17:26 <ZeroParadox> ...Torture.

17:26 <Heartbreak> Yes. Motivate.

17:26 <ZeroParadox> ...Unless you want to set him on fire.

17:26 <Heartbreak> Ooooo

17:26 <Heartbreak> Fire -is- pretty.

17:27 * Unixkitty sets FruitNibbler on fire

17:27 *** Quits: Princess-Phantasma (Phantasma_E@Pony-g5p.udg.255.85.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:28 <Unixkitty> Uh oh, apparently too much attention and light broke Princess-Phantasma

17:28 <rainbowpower64> hey everyone what i mmiss

17:29 <FruitNibbler> what is your power?

17:29 * FruitNibbler thinks it is awfully hot in here

17:29 * Unixkitty looks concerned at FruitNibbler

17:29 <Unixkitty> I think... you're on fire.

17:29 * rainbowpower64 throws water on FruitNibbler

17:29 <Heartbreak> Unixkitty thinks you're hawt, FruitNibbler.

17:30 <Unixkitty> O.o

17:30 <FruitNibbler> Oh great, just what I need for my water allergy

17:30 <Heartbreak> And I think that FruitNibbler is a bat.

17:30 * FruitNibbler scrateches all over

17:30 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net)

17:30 * Unixkitty sets FruitNibbler on fire once more

17:30 <FruitNibbler> Batpony*

17:30 *** Joins: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

17:31 <rainbowpower64> stop drop and roll

17:31 * Unixkitty uses a complicated spell to turn the fire into a non-harming purple flame

17:31 *** Joins: Aretshin (Arteshin@Pony-bmlsu7.emhril.sbcglobal.net)

17:31 <rainbowpower64> and i did not know you were alergic to water

17:31 *** Quits: Arteshi (Arteshin@Pony-bg3.krp.139.99.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:32 <rainbowpower64> sorry

17:32 <QPOMDPony> okay I had enough with this violence. Everyone sit quietly, separately, and mind your own buisness

17:33 * rainbowpower64 sits

17:33 * QPOMDPony draws a line to separate ponies and bats

17:33 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

17:34 *** ` is now known as ^

17:34 * QPOMDPony draw a line over FruitNibbler

17:35 <FruitNibbler> mkxqjgigwsg@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com welcome back

17:35 <^> you could just use my nick  :/

17:35 <LunaticHell> rainbowpower64: open the door!

17:35 <LunaticHell> get on the floor

17:36 <LunaticHell> everypony do the dinosaur!

17:36 * rainbowpower64 obeys

17:36 <QPOMDPony> erm...rawr?

17:36 * Unixkitty becomes "trigger happy" with magic and starts setting things on purple fire

17:36 <Unixkitty> B..beautiful!

17:36 * Unixkitty sets LunaticHell, rainbowpower64 and QPOMDPony on fire

17:37 <Unixkitty> Ha-hahaha!

17:37 <^> lol

17:37 * Unixkitty runs off jumping

17:37 <rainbowpower64> um

17:37 <QPOMDPony> no no this is exactly what I'm talking about! You just don't burn ponies alive!

17:37 * LunaticHell burns

17:37 <QPOMDPony> though it is preety.

17:37 <Unixkitty> [* Unixkitty uses a complicated spell to turn the fire into a non-harming purple flame]

17:37 <^> no, burn all the things!!!

17:37 <FruitNibbler> Kay den, Dat-guy, I can use this, since you change nicks a bit too often

17:37 <Unixkitty> Before this.

17:37 * QPOMDPony pretends to be a rapidash

17:38 <rainbowpower64> maybe this is the time i should say we are immune to fire

17:38 <^> yeh, whatever feels nice m8

17:38 <Unixkitty> Also I believe we have murdered Princess-Phantasma.

17:38 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/7571

17:38 *** Quits: \m (m@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:38 <rainbowpower64> no!

17:38 <Unixkitty> "* Princess-Phantasma has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)"

17:38 * Heartbreak buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurps!

17:39 <Unixkitty> Another subject!

17:39 * Unixkitty sets Heartbreak on fire as well

17:39 <Heartbreak> Aaaaah. Burping.

17:39 * Heartbreak runs around screaming before stopping, dropping and rolling. On Unixkitty.

17:39 <FruitNibbler> i'me don' understands why i is doing here 6_9

17:39 * LunaticHell is hot

17:39 <rainbowpower64> everyone jump in the nearest lake

17:39 * LunaticHell jumps in a lake of oil

17:39 <^> o3o

17:39 <Unixkitty> I declare my new decorative purple flame spell SFW!

17:39 * LunaticHell makes EVERYTHING burn

17:40 <rainbowpower64> i meant lake of water

17:40 <Unixkitty> Yeah Heartbreak, that flame was harmless.

17:40 * Heartbreak cries.

17:40 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: yeah now everything is on fire due to oil

17:40 <Unixkitty> Can't blame you for panicking though, it's not like I warned you

17:40 * LunaticHell casts "rocks fall, everyone dies"

17:40 <Unixkitty> LunaticHell, it's... it's beautiful..

17:41 *** Joins: \m (m@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP)

17:41 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: Did I lite the spark in your bonfire heart?

17:41 *** \m is now known as Pony_53324

17:41 <Unixkitty> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3DYYK_wc-Es/TYtmDEyblBI/AAAAAAAAAMQ/hmEocNGGCP8/s1600/7-violet-purple-flames-tm-1-500.jpg-for-web-large.jpg

17:41 <Heartbreak> Unixkitty, if ever I run a table top game in Ponyville?

17:41 <Heartbreak> I am going to use that as a means of scaring players.

17:41 * rainbowpower64 emerges from rockpile

17:41 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

17:41 * Fall rocks, everyone lives

17:41 <Unixkitty> Sounds good to me

17:42 <Authoron> Living is not neccassary.

17:42 <LunaticHell> Fall: You mean "Dice fall, everyone rocks", rite?

17:42 <Authoron> Undead is better?

17:42 <Unixkitty> Also LunaticHell, why would anyone die from a harmless decorative flame? Yes it spreads everywhere. But it doesn't actually hurt anything and is fueled solely by my magic, nothing else.

17:42 * Unixkitty stops the spell

17:42 <QPOMDPony> Bah. As much as I love seeing things on fire, It's a touchy subject for me these days '_'

17:42 <Unixkitty> *fire everywhere disappears*

17:42 <rainbowpower64> i will survive

17:42 <Authoron> Stayin alive.

17:43 <QPOMDPony> so I'm out for a while until the flames go down

17:43 <Unixkitty> They already are.

17:43 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: because if the fire actually lits flameable it'll lite a regulary fire.

17:43 * QPOMDPony glares at Unixkitty

17:43 <Unixkitty> So... basically you tried murdering everyone.

17:43 *** Quits: QPOMDPony (unjepdgtmuw@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:43 <FruitNibbler> Gah I failed to find that .gif where batman is pelted with obviously rubber-sponge "rocks"

17:43 <FruitNibbler> I always found it hillarious

17:43 <Authoron> the old batman?

17:44 <Authoron> Adam West?

17:44 <FruitNibbler> Yes the old one

17:44 <FruitNibbler> Where he also does that epic dance moves

17:45 <FruitNibbler> No matter how odd and grotesque old batman looks by today standards, it will always have a spot in my heart

17:45 <LunaticHell> headcannon: Bonbon is a former pyromaniac called "BonBonFire"

17:45 <Authoron> i love the clasic batmobile.

17:45 <Authoron> That lincoln will always be my favorite.

17:45 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:46 <FruitNibbler> And those "to the Btamobile!" scenes, priceless

17:46 <Authoron> XD

17:46 <Authoron> did you see the episode where batman finds a bomb and runs with it off a dock?

17:46 *** Quits: djazz (djazz@Pony-rpleqp.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:46 <FruitNibbler> I would love to see another serious-yet-silly movie like this actually

17:46 <Authoron> And robin is just standing there with a derp look on his face.

17:46 <ZeroParadox> Authoron: Is that the one with time stoping

17:46 <FruitNibbler> Oh yeah that one is THE. BEST. EVER.

17:47 <FruitNibbler> Bomb run made me hysterically laugh

17:47 *** Quits: Melody (tcbytrdjsvw@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:47 <Authoron> Zero, I dont think so. It might be, since i have it seen it in four years.

17:47 *** Joins: djazz (djazz@Pony-rpleqp.tbcn.telia.com)

17:47 <Authoron> *have not seen

17:47 <FruitNibbler> It was so over-the-top that it was actually good, like Charlie Chapling kind of good

17:48 <FruitNibbler> A nice silly comedy

17:48 *** Joins: thelema5 (brogjmdtgtb@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

17:48 *** Quits: thelema5 (brogjmdtgtb@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:49 *** Joins: thelema5 (brogjmdtgtb@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

17:49 <rainbowpower64> hello

17:49 <Authoron> Hallo, thelema5

17:49 <FruitNibbler> Chapling? Is it a mix breed of Chaplin and Kipling?

17:49 <thelema5> Hi, good morning.

17:49 <rainbowpower64> is phantasma ever going to come back

17:49 <FruitNibbler> Kipling had an awesome name IMHO: Rudyard

17:50 <thelema5> !seen Phantasma_Eeria

17:50 <DerpyBot> thelema5: The last time I saw Phantasma_Eeria was 2014-07-28 12:46:24 UTC

17:50 <Unixkitty> !seen Princess-Phantasma

17:50 <DerpyBot> Unixkitty: The last time I saw Princess-Phantasma was 2014-07-28 13:27:46 UTC

17:51 <FruitNibbler> Sure, when she will have enough sleep, she will be back for more pony-nomming rainbowpower64

17:51 <rainbowpower64> ok

17:51 <thelema5> Why wouldn't she, rainbowpower64?  Did something happen?

17:51 <FruitNibbler> Just left unannounced

17:51 <thelema5> Oh.

17:51 <FruitNibbler> That's all

17:51 <Unixkitty> Apparently we've murdered her earlier, thelema5.

17:51 <thelema5> It happens.

17:51 <Unixkitty> Not left, timed out

17:52 <rainbowpower64> ok

17:52 <FruitNibbler> omg I clacked and cracked like an old cabinet after a short full-body stretch

17:52 <Authoron> how long does it take to time out?

17:52 <FruitNibbler> I need to move more

17:52 <Unixkitty> 120~ seconds normally on IRC.

17:52 <FruitNibbler> 120 sec

17:52 <rainbowpower64> more like 121 seconds

17:53 <Authoron> 2 minutes? Ive been inactive for longer...

17:53 <Unixkitty> On 121st second they get kicked

17:53 <Unixkitty> Authoron, it's not for inactivity, it's for lack of packets received back from the client

17:53 <Authoron> oh, okay.

17:53 <Unixkitty> My bouncer runs 24/7, otherwise it would have been kicked every day when I'm not on.

17:54 <rainbowpower64> is it just a kick or is it a ban

17:54 *** Joins: Melody (uqlqvdrhsot@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com)

17:54 <Unixkitty> It's an automatic quit. Neither of what you said

17:54 <rainbowpower64> ok

17:54 <rainbowpower64> she'll come back

17:55 <FruitNibbler> Kick is only implemented when your nick derps out on Canternet

17:55 <Finwe> o3o

17:55 *** Quits: Aretshin (Arteshin@Pony-bmlsu7.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

17:55 *** Joins: Arteshi (Arteshin@Pony-gh2jai.emhril.sbcglobal.net)

17:55 <FruitNibbler> Temporary ban 5min up to an hour is implemented when your client spams chat with rejoin requeste

17:55 <Authoron> Hallo

17:55 * Unixkitty boops Finwe

17:55 <FruitNibbler> requests*

17:55 * Finwe scrunch.

17:56 * LunaticHell hugs a Finwe

17:56 <Finwe> Next: football!

17:56 * Authoron flops on Finwe. "Are you always on?"

17:56 <Unixkitty> How's it going? For us it's fine, just murdering people and setting things on fire.

17:56 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/573120 is it just me or does AJ really looks buffed?

17:56 <thelema5> I'm now really annoyed.  One of my coworkers, the payroll manager, decided to take an impromptu vacation... which means I'll probably get stuck with his work all week.

17:56 * Authoron sets the Unixkitty's tail on fire

17:56 <LunaticHell> Auto-thoron: oh hi

17:56 <thelema5> And I have no idea how to do it.

17:56 <FruitNibbler> I remember one horror movie as a kid about a cat that murdered people

17:57 <Finwe> Authoron: When my shell server isn't down.

17:57 <FruitNibbler> I actually was fascinated by it

17:57 <Unixkitty> My failsafe spell hasn't faded yet, Authoron.

17:57 <rainbowpower64> role switch

17:57 <Authoron> so Alice in wonderland?

17:57 * LunaticHell lits his cigarette on Unixkitty

17:57 <Authoron> that cat is creepy.

17:57 <Unixkitty> It feels like you're poking me with a paper stick

17:58 <FruitNibbler> I never have read or watched alice in wonderland

17:58 <FruitNibbler> Nor care to watch it

17:58 <Unixkitty> I like this spell, I wonder if I could swim in lava with it.

17:58 <LunaticHell> That sums up "cigarette" minus the tabacco.

17:58 <Unixkitty> Although I would rather not try that.

17:58 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: Don't try, you're not a dragon.

17:58 <Unixkitty> I was talking about the anti-fire defensive spell I'd put on myself earlier

17:58 <LunaticHell> I once tried to lite my cigarette on lava.

17:59 <LunaticHell> Still, don't.

17:59 <Authoron> Unixkitty Tried To Swim In Lava

17:59 <FruitNibbler> There was one crazy scientist who had a bright idea of creating a submarine to dive into a volcano

17:59 <Unixkitty> Yeah, Authoron, it could end up like that :P

17:59 <Tirek> Did it work?

17:59 <Authoron> Respawn ----- Return to Main Title

17:59 <FruitNibbler> Luckily he never got funded

17:59 <LunaticHell> He died, right?

17:59 <Tirek> Heh

17:59 <Unixkitty> Why would anyone want to dive into a volcano?

17:59 <FruitNibbler> Well where do you get materials that can withstand molten lava???

17:59 <Unixkitty> It's not like you can find anything special down there

17:59 <Authoron> Iron

18:00 <rainbowpower64> i am going to play one of my games. tell me when Phantasma comes back

18:00 <FruitNibbler> Unixkitty, beats me, I have not the faintest of clues

18:00 *** Joins: Dusty (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP)

18:00 <Authoron> Hallo Dusty.

18:00 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/586968 hahaha personality swap is fun

18:00 <FruitNibbler> Authoron, right, iron into a volcano that has what, moltem iron?

18:00 <FruitNibbler> molten*

18:01 <Unixkitty> Yeah, neither do I xD Just doesn't seem likely for something to exist in molten lava, you know.

18:01 <FruitNibbler> That will surely work

18:01 <Authoron> You use iron to make a bucket to hold the lava

18:01 <LunaticHell> this https://derpibooru.org/580541 is the best one, ever.

18:01 <LunaticHell> Authoron: A bucket? Dear god!

18:01 <FruitNibbler> And even if you will find something to not melt, how will you remove all the heat to not die inside of it??

18:01 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

18:02 <LunaticHell> oh hi Dusty

18:02 <Authoron> Air Cycling Unit Lvl 25, Hull level 30.

18:02 <LunaticHell> Dusty: Do I know you from someplace? You seem familiar.

18:02 *** Parts: ^ (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) ("")

18:02 *** Joins: User_150825 (lnxtvnjvsxy@Pony-18tn7t.fbx.proxad.net)

18:02 <Dusty> LunaticHell: you might know if your in after dark

18:02 <FruitNibbler> Yeah when you use the bucket to sample lave it is ok, but if you let this bucket in there it will melt

18:03 <LunaticHell> Dusty: Oh right, the guy I got confused with Dusty cat...or something.

18:03 <Dusty> Lol

18:03 <LunaticHell> I do that, a lot. Confusing people for different people.

18:03 <LunaticHell> Happens to me, too, I once was confused for the other Lunatic.

18:03 <LunaticHell> I wonder how that happened...

18:04 *** Joins: FEDsquared (jxrmshjqvth@Pony-m0b820.res.rr.com)

18:04 *** Parts: FEDsquared (jxrmshjqvth@Pony-m0b820.res.rr.com) ()

18:04 <LunaticHell> I'm the king in yellow and he is the king of butt.

18:04 *** FruitNibbler is now known as WorkNibbler

18:04 <LunaticHell> It's like Freeman and Frohman.

18:05 *** Quits: Dusty (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:05 <WorkNibbler> Frohman being a German knock-off Freeman

18:05 <Authoron> as in morgan?

18:06 <Tirek> I would have thought a more hip version.

18:06 *** Joins: Dusty (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP)

18:06 *** Quits: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Connection closed)

18:06 <Tirek> I'm picturing Morgan Freeman with an afro.

18:06 <Authoron> o-0

18:06 <Tirek> a'Frohman

18:06 *** Parts: Dusty (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP) ()

18:07 *** Joins: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade)

18:08 <Unixkitty> Dusty..? I'm pretty sure a friend of mine has a friend with nickname Dusty

18:09 *** Joins: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net)

18:09 *** Quits: User_150825 (lnxtvnjvsxy@Pony-18tn7t.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:10 <Authoron> Hallo Skunk.

18:11 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

18:14 *** Joins: ^ (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

18:17 <thelema5> "You're Abe Frohman... the sausage king of Chicago?"

18:19 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

18:19 <Authoron> Hallo.

18:20 *** Neptune is now known as Neptune|sleep

18:20 *** HomerMobile is now known as Homer|BeBackWednesday

18:25 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

18:26 *** Joins: User_910325 (sqhrmclzvsx@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net)

18:27 <SkunkStripe> you ever look at the people on the street to make sure they're still breathing?

18:27 *** Joins: Aretshin (Arteshin@Pony-hr18bk.emhril.sbcglobal.net)

18:28 *** Quits: Arteshi (Arteshin@Pony-gh2jai.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:31 *** Joins: Pony_3 (~Pony_3@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net)

18:31 <^> even if it's morning time for most people, this place is ded

18:32 <LunaticHell> I want

18:32 <LunaticHell> A new DMC anime, the first was brilliant.

18:32 *** Joins: CreativeSpark (AndChat5691@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net)

18:32 * LunaticHell throws a cup to the floor "MOAR."

18:32 <CreativeSpark> Hello Everypony

18:32 <^> CreativeSpark: hellu

18:33 *** Joins: MissTake (misstake@Pony-anm364.mycingular.net)

18:34 <CreativeSpark> got the irc client working on my tablet, woot

18:34 <Tirek> I'm generating a 250 year large dorf world

18:34 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

18:34 <Tirek> So I'm a bit AFK

18:34 <^> which irc client?

18:34 <Unixkitty> CreativeSpark, good job.

18:34 <Tirek> AndChat looks like

18:34 <CreativeSpark> AndChat

18:34 <^> oooh

18:34 *** Joins: Kalastrear (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP)

18:34 <Tirek> World stopped history gen

18:35 <SkunkStripe> I liked the first DMC anime. Other friends of mine not so much

18:35 <Tirek> Sweet.

18:35 <^> 8-year old Hydrairc ftw

18:35 <SkunkStripe> Oh wait you were saying you want a new one not that there is a new one. That makes a lot more sense

18:35 * SkunkStripe hasn't watched the Bayonnetta animation yet

18:37 <Authoron> Hallo, Kalastrear

18:37 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-anm364.mycingular.net) (Quit: Miss you lots!i)

18:38 *** Quits: Pony_3 (~Pony_3@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Page closed)

18:38 *** Joins: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-9rc.9hp.153.82.IP)

18:38 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

18:38 <Unixkitty> Princess.

18:38 * Authoron raises a hoof to his chest. "Hail Luna!"

18:39 <CreativeSpark> Princess Luna and her faithful student Trixie

18:39 <Unixkitty> Ew, never

18:39 <Unixkitty> Don't say that

18:39 * Princess-Luna throws creeper plushies all around for everypony!

18:39 * Unixkitty hisses

18:39 * Authoron stands behind a vine and uses a bow on all creepers.

18:40 <Princess-Luna> I picked up a creeper plushie of my own today, complete with hissBOOM SFX. XD

18:40 * Unixkitty jumps on the highest cupboard in the room and shoots a few simple energy spells at the creepers

18:40 *** Quits: CreativeSpark (AndChat5691@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Bye)

18:40 <Authoron> Its actually SssSssssSssssss

18:40 <Unixkitty> Nice!

18:40 *** Quits: User_910325 (sqhrmclzvsx@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:40 <Authoron> BOOOM!

18:40 <Princess-Luna> it's still a Hiss. :P

18:40 *** Joins: CreativeSpark (sqhrmclzvsx@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net)

18:41 <Authoron> Creepers were originally pigs, but notch messed the programming up and so he kept them and turned them into creepers.

18:41 <Princess-Luna> Yush, lol

18:41 <Unixkitty> So I've heard.

18:41 <Authoron> And Hallo, CreativeSpark.

18:44 <Unixkitty> lol, someone decided to port one of the many WM features to Windows https://code.google.com/p/altdrag/

18:44 <Gigabit> Princess-Luna: I am a tad jelly.. I want a creeper plushie :p

18:44 <Unixkitty> Sometimes I forget that Windows doesn't have nearly as many..

18:45 <Authoron> Gigabit: Buy one. Or get on your hooves and knees and BEG!!!

18:46 <ryaxnb> Unixkitty, trixie is a good student

18:46 <ryaxnb> very boastful tho

18:46 <ryaxnb> jeepers it's the creeper

18:46 * LunaticHell turns a pony upside down

18:46 * LunaticHell boops ryaxnb with a bottle of cola

18:46 <ryaxnb> scooby dooby doo you're in minecraft

18:47 <Authoron> ryaxnb: Mystery Inc Mod.

18:47 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaNap

18:48 <SkunkStripe> I think I'd prefer Trixie be teached by someone else who uses Magic for entertainment than Luna. I feel its far too late for Trixie to take the Rival role at this point. And Sunset got the actual rival character backstory, but was left behind in another world

18:48 <SkunkStripe> I'm not sure if theres realy room for Twilight to have a typical rival character anymore. Unless it wasn't even a rival in magic

18:48 <^> Twilight is op when it comes to magic

18:49 <SkunkStripe> I really hate the word "op" in this context

18:49 <^> but it's true

18:49 <ryaxnb> i agree that trixie makes more sense that way

18:49 <ryaxnb> anyway, if trixie was taught by luna, i'd figure she's be more of a friendly rival than anything

18:50 <ryaxnb> but that doesn't make it any more sense

18:50 <Authoron> Luna is busy gaming.

18:50 <^> i mean, her tallent is magic, trained by one of the most magical things is equestria.

18:50 <ryaxnb> she's a magic pony.

18:50 <ryaxnb> showpony*

18:50 <SkunkStripe> Can't we just use powerful? This isn't some sort of freaking game or anything. Twilight is supposed to be incredibly magically powerful thats the entire point. Its so blasted annoying having people say OP as if some sort of nerf patch needs to come out.

18:50 <ryaxnb> so that's her best thing.

18:50 <ryaxnb> Shimmer is indeed the best character as  a rival or friend for twilight

18:50 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Artillery_Sounds

18:50 <^> op is a relative term and applies to many things outside of gaming and such.

18:50 <SkunkStripe> I'm aware it does

18:51 <Unixkitty> Artillery_Sounds, going to war, eh? I hope not

18:51 <SkunkStripe> I still thing its absolutly horrible for this context

18:51 <SkunkStripe> and it pisses me off to no end

18:51 <^> #NerfPrincessTwilight2014

18:51 <SkunkStripe> *think

18:53 * Princess-Luna thinks it's silly.

18:53 <ryaxnb> i don't mind either term

18:53 <ryaxnb> also, i'm aware luna is a gamer in some fanon and i'm fine with that

18:53 <SkunkStripe> But yeah pretty much everything about Sunset is "rival character", things that are similar yet oposite. The names. their colour schemes, the backstories. Its like someone pulled up a list of the traits of a rival character and just slapped them all on her.

18:53 * Authoron flops on luna.

18:53 <SkunkStripe> Which I have no problem with.

18:53 <Princess-Luna> Twilight has a clear end point in this series anyway, so she's still developing.

18:53 <ryaxnb> but if luna had actual responsibilities at any time, she'd never lax on them to game

18:53 <Authoron> she had a thousand years to train.

18:53 <CreativeSpark> yeah, I am not into fanon, like at all

18:53 <ryaxnb> I likr dundry.

18:54 <ryaxnb> sunset*

18:54 <Princess-Luna> Fanon is fun tho'. :P

18:54 <ryaxnb> Yeah, i don't mind luna as a gamer

18:54 *** ^ is now known as fish

18:54 <Princess-Luna> Thats the thing, you can treat it as a fun secondary thing

18:54 <ryaxnb> i just think she'd only do it if she had spare time

18:54 <fish> afk time

18:54 <ryaxnb> not just stop doing important things like train trixie to do it

18:55 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-onf.5h3.156.175.IP)

18:55 <Princess-Luna> Until they say she trains or associates with trixie, I'm not really in that camp.

18:55 <SkunkStripe> Crap I have to go through the entire Lifa Tree again

18:55 <SkunkStripe> I thought I saved after that

18:55 <ryaxnb> yeah, i'm assuming that trixie wanted to be trained and that Celestia and luna decided it was the right thing to do

18:55 <SkunkStripe> I really need to remember I can save on the overworld

18:55 <ryaxnb> which of course is also not likely

18:55 <Princess-Luna> Silly skunk

18:55 <CreativeSpark> I hang out in a ponyville roleplay sim in SL, we adhere to canon not fanon. in fact in an app for a canon character, if fanon is included your pretty much guarunteed not to pass

18:56 <ryaxnb> since trixie probably wants to be a showpony.

18:56 * Princess-Luna shrugs and proceeds to not care.

18:56 <SkunkStripe> As easy as the lifa tree is I do not feel like doing it again right now

18:56 <SkunkStripe> "Oh no more zombies"

18:57 * SkunkStripe casts Life on everything

18:57 <CreativeSpark> anypony here use Second Life?

18:57 <Princess-Luna> I do now and then

18:57 <Princess-Luna> like, rarely

18:57 <SkunkStripe> Revive kills zombie

18:57 * Unixkitty suddenly freezes in place and flops on the floor

18:57 <Tirek> I was young and stupid

18:57 <Princess-Luna> I LOVE the Iifa tree for that part...all of the undeads are easily slaughtered

18:57 <Tirek> But that was nearly a decade ago.

18:58 <Tirek> I no longer us SL.

18:58 * SkunkStripe grumbles about 1v1 boss battles

18:58 <Authoron> Sl is decent. Dont play it much.

18:58 <SkunkStripe> In turn based rpgs anyway

18:58 <Tirek> I am here now, by the way.

18:59 <Tirek> Mutant Serpentine and Brevon battles are getting nerfed in the next build.

18:59 <Tirek> Freedom Planet, yeah!

18:59 <CreativeSpark> I like that there is a lot of pony stuff on it

18:59 <Tirek> Honestly, the pony-related content wouldn't be much of a benefit to me.

19:00 <SkunkStripe> I remember in the Via Purifico when I had the fight the undead version of that dragon boss I just through elixers at it till it died

19:00 <Tirek> I'm one of those weird guys who prefers not to shove pony into everything.

19:00 <SkunkStripe> Well honestly you can have everything in second Life

19:00 <SkunkStripe> thats part of the concept

19:00 <Tirek> Right.

19:01 <Tirek> I'm not interested in having a second life, though, I'm too busy failing at my first one.

19:01 <CreativeSpark> https://www.dropbox.com/s/7cc2l8fjyoxy3pr/Sparks01.PNG?m=

19:01 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: Bye)

19:01 *** Joins: Dreamsweet (jasyjxufprn@Pony-3lc9ec.dc.comcast.net)

19:02 *** Parts: Dreamsweet (jasyjxufprn@cute.lil.pony) ()

19:02 <LunaticHell> Second life?

19:02 * LunaticHell hands Tirek a 1up shoom

19:02 <ryaxnb> what is more likely is trixie being hired to liven up the gala :P

19:02 <CreativeSpark> yup.

19:02 <ryaxnb> since she can't really make it worse :P

19:02 <Princess-Luna> !link 1 up

19:02 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/641571

19:02 <Tirek> In unrelated news, the new Calendar history-gen in the new DF build has become tolerable.

19:03 <LunaticHell> Princess-Luna: I don't know, but I think derpybot knows you well enough to deliver this one...

19:03 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (sorfmdlipoo@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

19:03 <Tirek> I have a large 250-year world and the calendar updates for Adventurer have certainly become much quicker.

19:03 <BubbleBerry> Hello!

19:03 * LunaticHell hugs BB

19:03 <Authoron> Hallo!

19:03 <LunaticHell> hi Bubbles

19:03 <Princess-Luna> Go away, bubble! >[

19:03 <Princess-Luna> xD

19:03 <BubbleBerry> NO U

19:03 <LunaticHell> What has bubbles ever done to you? xD

19:03 * LunaticHell pies BubbleBerry

19:04 * Authoron picks up BubbleBerry. "Are you sure, Princess?"

19:04 <Princess-Luna> I'll make something up later!

19:04 <BubbleBerry> o3o

19:04 <Princess-Luna> x3 heyo, Bubble

19:04 <BubbleBerry> Hullo!

19:04 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)

19:04 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: you're the best gendersawp of mine...ooopsie I mean Pinkie Pie

19:04 <LunaticHell> noone may know the truth *scary voice*

19:05 <BubbleBerry> best genderswa of your what? o3o

19:05 <ryaxnb> PinkiePieInsane1, hi

19:05 <LunaticHell> I don't understand your question. :/

19:06 <LunaticHell> I said "mine" not "my"

19:06 <BubbleBerry> LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: you're the best gendersawp of mine...ooopsie I mean Pinkie Pie. What were you originally going to say?

19:06 <BubbleBerry> O.O

19:06 <LunaticHell> I said mine, not my, so actually this already was the last word of that statement.

19:07 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

19:07 <BubbleBerry> oh ok

19:07 <Authoron> Hallo, Anon.

19:07 * ThatAnonPony wave.

19:07 <BubbleBerry> So, anyways, have you guys seen the trailer for Mad Max?

19:07 <LunaticHell> "Mine" as in "me" as in *waves pink tail in BubbleBerry's face* me.

19:07 <BubbleBerry> oooohhhh

19:08 <LunaticHell> But noone may know the truth, it's a well hidden secret. *gigglesnort*

19:08 <BubbleBerry> Alrighty, then.

19:09 <LunaticHell> Also yeah Mad Max, looks promising to me. ^^

19:09 <BubbleBerry> So, anyways, we finally got a Mad Max trailer! It looks neat. Hoefully it won't be some watered down, generic, PG-13 piece of crap.

19:09 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-kfr5sg.151-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net)

19:10 <Authoron> Hallo, Vulpor.

19:10 <ryaxnb> related note: why is ninja turtles PG13

19:10 <ryaxnb> isn't that a kids franchise :/

19:10 <Authoron> it was.

19:10 <ryaxnb> if spaceballs was PG why can't you make ninja turtles PG

19:10 <Authoron> Then Michael bay.

19:10 *** Quits: CreativeSpark (sqhrmclzvsx@Pony-8ckn4h.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:10 <ryaxnb> :/

19:10 <ryaxnb> hell, Star Wars was PG too.

19:10 <BubbleBerry> Like another revival of a classic movie. *cough* http://tinylink.net/2j9ej *cough*

19:11 <BubbleBerry> ryaxnb: The Transformers movies were G-13, too

19:11 <BubbleBerry> *PG-13

19:11 <Authoron> Robocop beats terminator.

19:11 <Unixkitty> What about Robonator? Or Termicop

19:11 <ryaxnb> yeah, well transformers has always had a large adult fanbase these days, right?

19:11 *** Joins: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it)

19:11 <Authoron> Termicop just sounds like a poor officer about to die.

19:11 <BubbleBerry> ryaxnb: Yeah, but it's always been aimed at kids.

19:12 <ryaxnb> it's weird.

19:12 *** Parts: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it) ()

19:12 <Unixkitty> XD

19:12 <BubbleBerry> Oi, who'd win in a fight, RoboCop or Judge Dredd? I say RoboCop

19:12 <ryaxnb> Turtles has a rather small adult fanbase that mostly likes it because it's silly and comedic (i.e. kid friendly)

19:12 <Unixkitty> Wait, people actually like Transformers?

19:12 <ryaxnb> not because EXPLOSIONS BOOM BANG

19:12 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: Roboguy? What could *possibly* go wrong?

19:12 <ryaxnb> so it seems like PG would be a good rating

19:12 <Unixkitty> I've never met anyone irc who likes them, except my 8 year old nephew.

19:12 <ryaxnb> hell, i think the first two movies were rated G.

19:12 <Unixkitty> irl*

19:13 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: Who?

19:13 <SkunkStripe> My friend Jerry is a huge transformers fan

19:13 <LunaticHell> The TMNT? I like em.

19:13 <Unixkitty> Who what? Transformers

19:13 <Authoron> Which Transformers? The classic one?

19:13 <LunaticHell> Oh

19:13 <BubbleBerry> I thought the first Transformers movie was alright

19:13 <Authoron> The good, original one?

19:13 <BubbleBerry> You know, the 1986 one

19:13 <BubbleBerry> With unicron

19:13 <SkunkStripe> Just Transformers in general

19:13 <LunaticHell> Yup, like em.

19:13 <Authoron> Unicron is awesome.

19:13 <LunaticHell> Best multiersal big bad

19:13 <BubbleBerry> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2VqGJaQz4A

19:14 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

19:14 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Transformers : The Movie - 2 - Instruments Of Destruction

19:14 <ryaxnb> i like that the pony remake stuck to the TV-Y rating

19:14 <ryaxnb> very few good tv shows that adults could enjoy are rated TV-Y

19:14 <Authoron> Why hasnt anyone done the "Auto-Thoron, Roll out" thing

19:14 <ryaxnb> it's a tough rating to stay within ;)

19:14 <LunaticHell> transformers 2 was less than meh

19:15 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (sorfmdlipoo@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

19:15 <Unixkitty> Oh goodness. http://news.yahoo.com/n-korea-threatens-nuclear-strike-white-house-090550866.html

19:15 <Unixkitty> Is it really time already?

19:15 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: Oh korea, you so silly.

19:15 <Authoron> YAY!!

19:15 <Authoron> Missles!!!! WWIII, Here we come.

19:15 <ryaxnb> korea doesn't have missiles that can hit the white house

19:15 <Unixkitty> I didn't think it would come this soon

19:15 <ryaxnb> :/

19:15 <ryaxnb> they could hit south korea

19:15 <Authoron> Korea doesnt have missles that can leave the launch pad.

19:16 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (ucpchyvplmg@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

19:16 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: They wouldn't dare.

19:16 <ryaxnb> well, they have missiles that could hit south korea

19:16 <LunaticHell> Authoron: they do...on a truck.

19:16 <ryaxnb> but whether they have nukes that work?

19:16 <ryaxnb> maybe or maybe not

19:16 <BubbleBerry> Man, it'd be really neat if Unicron showed up in bayformer- what the hell is going on?

19:16 <ryaxnb> and whether they have the equipment to make a nuclear missile? maybe

19:16 <BubbleBerry> South Korea? Is North Korea doing stuff?

19:16 <ryaxnb> they definitely have regular bomb head missiles

19:16 <LunaticHell> even if they had the rockets to hit the target, usa has anti-rocket weapons

19:16 <Unixkitty> BubbleBerry, http://news.yahoo.com/n-korea-threatens-nuclear-strike-white-house-090550866.html

19:16 *** Joins: vRaarity (qyvvitfbqug@Pony-saheki.pool.mediaWays.net)

19:16 <ryaxnb> well, the USA is really really far away

19:17 <LunaticHell> like the totally old school S.T.A.R.W.A.R.S defense system.

19:17 <ryaxnb> everyone thinks NK would aim for SK first

19:17 <LunaticHell> Be right back.

19:17 <BubbleBerry> Oh god we're all going to die unless we take some kind of action.

19:17 <ryaxnb> or japan

19:17 <Authoron> STARWARS could work.

19:17 <Authoron> If we were to update it.

19:17 <ryaxnb> those countries the USA would rush to defend anyway

19:17 <ryaxnb> thus starting the war

19:17 <ryaxnb> and they're much easier to hit

19:17 <ryaxnb> they could always try for the USA later.

19:17 <Unixkitty> "If the US imperialists threaten our sovereignty and survival... our troops will fire our nuclear-armed rockets at the White House and the Pentagon -- the sources of all evil," Hwang said in his speech broadcast Monday on state television.

19:18 <ryaxnb> yeah, he's lying

19:18 <Unixkitty> lol, NK, you silly.

19:18 <ryaxnb> he always exaggerates his ability and willingness to fire nukes

19:18 <ryaxnb> basically the nukes just exist to ensure soverignity of NK.

19:18 <ryaxnb> they aren't intended to be fired, they just exist to ensure that people don't takeover NK.

19:19 <BubbleBerry> I'm not sure if I should be scared that we're all going to die in a horrible nuclear holocaust, or just laugh it off as NK thinking they could attack people

19:19 <Unixkitty> I do actually believe they're still kinda far away from developing a viable intercontinental ballistic missile with the required range.

19:19 <ryaxnb> since if they did try an attack on NK, NK would retailiate with nukes.

19:19 <Authoron> Isnt this current events?

19:19 <ryaxnb> they are.

19:19 <ryaxnb> but it's not a huge goal

19:19 <ryaxnb> since really nukes for NK are just designed to ensure mutually assured destruction of japan/SK

19:19 <ryaxnb> if the US tries to invade NK, SK and Japan will also go down to nukes by NK

19:19 <ryaxnb> that's sufficent motive not to invade NK.

19:20 <Princess-Luna> Go home, NK, you're drunk and stupid

19:20 <BubbleBerry> So, are we all going to die, or is NK just being dumb?

19:20 <Authoron> NK is not drunk. They are all irradiated from failed nuclear tests.

19:20 <BubbleBerry> I kinda don't wanna die.

19:21 *** Quits: WorkNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-jj61rn.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Connection closed)

19:21 <Princess-Luna> Don't they threaten nukes about as much as the fandom explodes about something stupid in pony?

19:21 <ryaxnb> BubbleBerry, they make boasts like this all the time

19:21 <BubbleBerry> Oh yeah

19:21 *** Joins: WorkNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-jj61rn.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

19:21 <ryaxnb> even before they had nukes they threated chemical warfare and firebombs

19:21 *** Parts: fish (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) ("")

19:21 <ryaxnb> and shit that doesn't make sense

19:21 <ryaxnb> this is also PR speak to enthuse their captive audience of NK citizens

19:21 <Authoron> Chemical warfare is outlawed, correct?

19:21 <ryaxnb> right.

19:21 <ryaxnb> so are nukes.

19:22 <ryaxnb> well, the use of them, that is.

19:22 <Authoron> Not outlawed, tightly controlled.

19:22 <Authoron> Yeah.

19:22 <ryaxnb> the use of them, except in response to another nuclear attack, is banned

19:22 <ryaxnb> so effectively, using them is banned.

19:22 <Authoron> Bah, some idiot is gonna nuke the UN.

19:22 <Authoron> Then everyone else.

19:23 <Unixkitty> http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/afp.com/9d015301fef67b08591f7cb2aa1eb05e16f61ee4.jpg

19:23 *** solarstorm is now known as Solarstorm

19:23 <Authoron> Sweet bunker. No one will ever find the,

19:23 <Authoron> them

19:23 <LunaticHell> Authoron: Don't worry, we got the perfect plan

19:24 <LunaticHell> We have a secret UN-Headquater at canterlot along with a portal, we call it the "UN-stable".

19:24 <Unixkitty> I guess there is a reason I never see him with armed guards around him. He must be afraid that one of them might liberate North Korea by killing his worthless butt and his entire family.

19:24 <Authoron> Shhhh.....

19:25 <Authoron> Lunatic, you know whats right next to it...

19:25 <LunaticHell> Next to what?

19:26 *** Quits: vRaarity (qyvvitfbqug@Pony-saheki.pool.mediaWays.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:26 * Authoron whispers into Lunatic's ear. "Illuminati...."

19:28 * LunaticHell gasps

19:29 *** Quits: CodeZ (androirc@Pony-9g3v3g.dsl.optinet.hr) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

19:30 <LunaticHell> Authoron: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kJZ80-bC6I

19:30 <Unixkitty> I'm not sure if it's just me, but I think this new http://s.nightstone.net/AUwacwAW.jpg steam's link filter thingy seems rather annoying.

19:30 *** Joins: CodeZ (androirc@Pony-9g3v3g.dsl.optinet.hr)

19:30 *** FrankkieNL|AFK is now known as FrankkieNL

19:30 <CodeZ> Ok i am back

19:30 <FrankkieNL> Mr Finwe

19:31 * FrankkieNL doffs hat

19:31 <Unixkitty> I don't think he's here...

19:31 <CodeZ> Unixkitty do you nom on ponies again?

19:31 <Unixkitty> Whatever do you mean?

19:32 <Authoron> Lunatic, I need to show you something. Its just inside of that room...

19:32 *** Joins: Somniis (taylorda@Pony-b7ngs2.slkc.qwest.net)

19:32 <Somniis> hi all

19:32 <Unixkitty> So I'm guessing no one else thinks it's annoying? Weird...

19:32 <CodeZ> Hi Simniis

19:32 <Unixkitty> Hello there random person.

19:32 <Authoron> Hallo.

19:34 *** Joins: TrixieMoon (chatzilla@Pony-s5mbvm.cable.virginm.net)

19:34 <Authoron> Hallo Trixie.

19:34 <TrixieMoon> Hi there!

19:34 <Somniis> what’s up?

19:34 <Yeppoh> Hellew!

19:34 <Somniis> figuratively speaking

19:34 * Unixkitty gives Authoron a big sign that reads "HELLO"

19:35 <TrixieMoon> Trixie worked so hard today :3

19:35 <Somniis> another rough day on the rock farm?

19:35 <Yeppoh> What great hardship did you have?

19:35 * Authoron hits Unixkitty with the sign. "I say HALLO!!!"

19:35 <Somniis> but hey, at least its a solid job

19:35 * Unixkitty hits Authoron with the said sign after correcting it to read "HALLO!!!"

19:35 *** Joins: QPOMDPone (ddjnaxykyud@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

19:36 <Somniis> yellow!

19:36 <Yeppoh> Mellow!

19:36 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

19:36 <TrixieMoon> Jellow

19:36 <TrixieMoon> !

19:36 *** Quits: Homer|BeBackWednesday (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

19:36 * Authoron holds up his "HALLO!!!" sign in front of QPOMD and Homer.

19:36 <Yeppoh> Bellow!

19:36 <Tirek> Ahahaha

19:36 * QPOMDPone can't handle the attention

19:37 <Tirek> Started in a town with bandits attacking.

19:37 *** Quits: Aretshin (Arteshin@Pony-hr18bk.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:37 <Tirek> Slew them.

19:37 * Somniis goes to the mirror pool

19:37 <Tirek> Now I'm a hero.

19:37 * Somniis holds up a sign that says 5 minutes later

19:37 *** Joins: Arteshi (Arteshin@Pony-oljie6.emhril.sbcglobal.net)

19:37 * Somniis comes out with an army of duplicates

19:37 <Yeppoh> Violence makes everything right.

19:37 <Yeppoh> =P

19:38 <Tirek> I also managed to get a bronze sword out of it, as well of loads of money.

19:38 * Somniis gives some epic speech to himselves

19:38 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

19:38 *** Quits: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

19:38 <ryaxnb> Halo

19:38 <ryaxnb> i say halo

19:38 <Somniis> guten morgen

19:38 <QPOMDPone> Actually the magic pond is just a metaphor for 3D printers

19:38 <CodeZ> I wanna to ask, but I dont know how to ask it

19:38 *** Joins: bsellers267 (satmvechhrj@Pony-kt1bjj.cpe.metrocast.net)

19:38 <QPOMDPone> you can duplicate stuff, but they won't have a soul

19:38 <Tirek> My original sword was a silver greatsword, so a bronze longsword is a notable upgrade.

19:38 <bsellers267> This weekend, we do horsey things... at bronycon.

19:38 <LunaticHell> Princess-Luna: I've been thinking...

19:38 <Somniis> sorta like hasbro

19:39 <BubbleBerry> http://tinylink.net/msx5p

19:39 <LunaticHell> Princess-Luna: ...british people do like to eat liver, no?

19:39 <Princess-Luna> Some americans do too

19:39 <bsellers267> I leave out on Wednesday for Baltimore

19:39 <LunaticHell> So instead of "earning a living" they work to "earn a liver"

19:39 <SkunkStripe> Is there a trope name for RPGs and stuff that only take place in one central area

19:39 <LunaticHell> bsellers267: And no less?

19:39 <Somniis> LAN?

19:39 <SkunkStripe> Just wondering since the majority of RPGs are about exploring

19:39 <LunaticHell> SkunkStripe: yup, hub world

19:39 <bsellers267> And no less! XD

19:40 <CodeZ> But British people have time to eat unlike "Americans"

19:40 <SkunkStripe> I guess thats close

19:40 <Yeppoh> I hink there is, but I can't remmeber it.

19:40 <Shaico> 'Muricans!

19:40 <Yeppoh> *think

19:40 <Somniis> woah woah woah, stereotypes are un-called for

19:40 <Tirek> Big Bad Hotspot

19:40 <LunaticHell> SkunkStripe: "hub level"

19:40 <Authoron> I think all headphones are awesome, and speakers suck.

19:40 <LunaticHell> Somniis: better than mono-types

19:40 <Somniis> 0.o

19:40 <Authoron> pffft. Stereo-types.

19:40 <Yeppoh> Hub level is more the point from where you go it difference areas of a game.

19:41 <Yeppoh> *in

19:41 <Somniis> Mexico is the fattest country now

19:41 <LunaticHell> hum

19:41 <Unixkitty> Authoron, haha, stereo. 7.1 headphones all the way!

19:41 *** Quits: CodeZ (androirc@Pony-9g3v3g.dsl.optinet.hr) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

19:42 <LunaticHell> Yeppoh: "hub level, not to be confused with boston"

19:42 <LunaticHell> hahahahaha

19:42 <Authoron> (\ Headphones!

19:42 *** FrankkieNL is now known as FrankkieNL|AFK

19:42 <Unixkitty> o/

19:42 <Yeppoh> Heh.

19:42 <LunaticHell> Somniis: How about QUAD-types?

19:43 <Somniis> nah, there is at least Hexa-types

19:43 <Somniis> for the mane 6

19:43 <LunaticHell> Yeppoh: maybe this? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigApplesauce

19:43 <LunaticHell> Somniis: oh right, hay yes!

19:43 <Yeppoh> Close.

19:43 <Yeppoh> Looking into as well.

19:44 <Yeppoh> Yeah. Let's go with that one, LunaticHell.

19:44 <Yeppoh> There you go SkunkStripe.

19:45 <SkunkStripe> I went to the persona 4 page to see if anyone put hub level there. They did not

19:46 <SkunkStripe> But thats what I was getting at stuff like Persona where the entire rpg takes place in one town, compared to something like FF where you will pretty much visit every location their world has to offer

19:46 <Authoron> What is this persona page?

19:47 <SkunkStripe> the tv tropes Persona 4 page

19:47 <Authoron> oh.

19:47 <Authoron> No clue what TV Tropes is.

19:48 <LunaticHell> Idea~

19:48 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:48 <LunaticHell> We should look for the trope of the thing that limits the world, the unseen border.

19:48 * Somniis grabs LunaticHell’s idea and smashes it

19:49 <SkunkStripe> Anyway I was thinking about if there was an official pony RPG, and I realised that ideally I would want to. One about the mainsix thats the typical exploration rpg, and another about the CMC that never actualyl leave ponyville

19:49 <Somniis> Celestia Says no!

19:49 <LunaticHell> Most games that take place in such a limited enviorment do have that.

19:49 <Authoron> Isnt there a pony rpg coming out soon?

19:49 <SkunkStripe> Thats not the same concept

19:49 <SkunkStripe> ....NO

19:49 <SkunkStripe> Sorry that wasn't supposed to be caps

19:49 <LunaticHell> SkunkStripe: chill, pony

19:49 <Somniis> let it begin, let it begin!

19:49 <LunaticHell> SkunkStripe: there actually are some pony rpgs out there.

19:50 <SkunkStripe> I think the phrasing of my question implies official ones

19:50 <SkunkStripe> wait it wasn't a question

19:50 <SkunkStripe> Statement

19:50 *** Joins: MissTake (misstake@Pony-anm364.mycingular.net)

19:50 <LunaticHell> huh

19:50 <LunaticHell> screw "official" this is "official" enough for me http://www.equestriagaming.com/2013/11/review-war-of-harmony-iv.html

19:51 <BubbleBerry> Wait what?

19:51 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:52 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: Bubblebutt!

19:52 <BubbleBerry> o3o

19:52 <LunaticHell> Oh wait, I thought you said "What what?"

19:52 <LunaticHell> My bad :P

19:52 <Yeppoh> SkunkStripe, http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WorldLimitedToThePlot

19:52 <Yeppoh> Could something be like that.

19:52 * Unixkitty pops BubbleBerry's BubbleButt

19:52 <Authoron> ...

19:53 <BubbleBerry> ...

19:53 <BubbleBerry> So, what's goin' on?

19:53 <SkunkStripe> I don't think thats the same concept either

19:54 <Yeppoh> Or this http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SmallSecludedWorld

19:56 <Somniis> !link rpg

19:56 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/385732

19:56 *** Joins: Neff (Neffi@everfreeforest.glade)

19:56 *** Joins: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars)

19:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Insidious_Lars

19:56 <Authoron> Hallo, Neff.

19:56 <Neff> jo

19:56 <Somniis> yellow!

19:57 <Authoron> Lars.

19:57 <Insidious_Lars> what

19:57 <Somniis> “hello” is to mainstream

19:57 <SkunkStripe> I don't think that applies either.

19:57 <SkunkStripe> But whatever it doesn't matter

19:58 <Yeppoh> Other thatn that the trope page classified them in settings categories.

19:59 <Yeppoh> There doesn't seems to be a particular name for a setting were everything happens in the plot of a RPG.

19:59 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unixkitty|4d

19:59 <Authoron> I meant as though i were continuing my hallo to you.

20:00 *** Joins: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net)

20:00 <BubbleBerry> https://derpiboo.ru/250793?scope=scpeabf078c80701718bf872406de7f9a854a49547ea

20:00 <Authoron> Hallo, Blunose.

20:01 <Authoron> Ponicron?

20:01 *** Joins: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it)

20:01 *** Quits: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:02 <BubbleBerry> Unicorn

20:02 <BubbleBerry> http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Ruined_FOREVER o3o

20:03 <Authoron> He has two horns...

20:03 <Authoron> wait, nevermind

20:03 <Authoron> Thats one big horn.

20:03 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

20:03 <Authoron> Hallo, Lenfant.

20:03 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lenfant_Sauvage

20:03 * Lenfant_Sauvage waves at an Authoron.

20:04 <Renard> Bad news everyone, this is war

20:04 <Renard> http://news.yahoo.com/n-korea-threatens-nuclear-strike-white-house-090550866.html

20:04 <BubbleBerry> Seee....? It's Unicron. But a unicorn. Ha. ha. ha.

20:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yeah, no.

20:04 <BubbleBerry> OH GOD WE'RE ALL GOING TO DI- wait someone already posted this

20:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> If North Korea even breathed on us wrong, they'd be wiped off the planet.

20:04 *** Joins: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it)

20:05 <BubbleBerry> True

20:05 <Insidious_Lars> lolwar

20:05 <Renard> Is your nick inspired by a Gojira song?

20:05 *** Parts: Evening_Blues (llkowybxylr@Pony-oqqe7k.business.telecomitalia.it) ()

20:06 <BubbleBerry> http://tfwiki.net/wiki/True_fan this site is great.

20:07 *** Joins: fish (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

20:08 * Authoron slaps fish with a pony. "Hallo."

20:09 <fish> o3o

20:09 <fish> i be working on stufs

20:09 <Authoron> what kind of stuffs?

20:10 <BubbleBerry> Cool stuffs?

20:10 <Insidious_Lars> stuff that involve people in it

20:10 <Insidious_Lars> and not robots

20:11 <fish> stuff that involves an irc bot and complicated lines of oversized code

20:12 <Authoron> You have a bot?

20:12 <Insidious_Lars> see?

20:12 <Insidious_Lars> it involves PEOPLE

20:12 <Insidious_Lars> I was right once more

20:12 <fish> it involves a robot also

20:13 <fish> a very stupid robot

20:13 <BubbleBerry> Insidious_Lars confirmed for being omniscient

20:13 <Insidious_Lars> A robot

20:13 <Insidious_Lars> I said robots

20:13 <Insidious_Lars> there is clearly a difference, no?

20:13 <fish> i'me adding more

20:13 <fish> lol

20:13 <BubbleBerry> Nevermind

20:14 <BubbleBerry> Lars ain't omniscient. 0/8

20:14 <fish> #Cadaverific 30 minutes in and i have 3 commands set up

20:14 <fish> and EVERYTHING is coded using c++

20:15 <LunaticHell> Oh hi Lars.

20:16 <LunaticHell> Oh hey, Lenny's here, too.

20:16 <LunaticHell> hello Lenfant_Sauvage

20:16 <LunaticHell> I totally found one of the best Raritys of all of derpibooru.

20:16 <Authoron> gimme.

20:17 <LunaticHell> I thought I already linked that for you but anyhow *shrug*

20:17 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/657615 Queen Diamond.

20:17 <LunaticHell> You remember? You said somethin' 'bout the crown.

20:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> So much gem

20:17 <LunaticHell> She has the bling.

20:17 <BubbleBerry> Lookit all them gems

20:17 <LunaticHell> There's a red version of it, too. https://derpibooru.org/657614

20:18 <BubbleBerry> She has that bling and style and some other hip term

20:18 <SkunkStripe> that crown is sick

20:18 <LunaticHell> Maybe red does fit this better, no?

20:18 <SkunkStripe> She looks like a final boss

20:18 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: She has a hip, too.

20:18 * SkunkStripe always imagines black clothes when he draws outfits on Rarity

20:18 *** Joins: Cumadrin (owner@Pony-ruvmt7.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)

20:18 <Authoron> nope, never seen that. But its Beautiful

20:18 <LunaticHell> She looks like she would be a general from Fire Emblem.

20:18 <SkunkStripe> So I guess I associate Rarity with black, even though she normally wears purple

20:19 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz)

20:19 <BubbleBerry> LunaticHell: My god... you're right...

20:19 <SkunkStripe> I don't think anyone in fire emblem wears anything that ornate

20:19 <SkunkStripe> but I could be wrong

20:19 <fish> 4 commands

20:19 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: I really liked how in Sacred Stones Generals could wield swords.

20:19 <BubbleBerry> o3o;

20:19 <BubbleBerry> Me, too

20:20 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: They did look more badass in the older ones than in, let's say, Awakening.

20:20 <BubbleBerry> Definitely

20:21 <LunaticHell> Also it's fun how they changed the myrmidon and mercenary class that now the first does two handed style while the later uses sword and shild.

20:21 <LunaticHell> Even though I loved how mercenary used two handed swords in the old games, it fits their nature.

20:21 *** Quits: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars) (Quit: SHILD)

20:22 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-anm364.mycingular.net) (Quit: Miss you lots!i)

20:22 <BubbleBerry> https://derpiboo.ru/557555?scope=scpe8a6ebb851a05aa085710b460e4e37a11f0de3937

20:22 <Authoron> who's on the right?

20:22 * SkunkStripe would personally consider mercnary to vauge to put weapon limitations on its class

20:23 <SkunkStripe> you could be just about anything and be a mercenary.

20:23 <BubbleBerry> From left to right, it's Bayformers BumbleBee, Vinyl Scratch, and Movie Cobra Commander

20:23 <Authoron> Okay. I thought it was Cobra.

20:23 * BubbleBerry flails that it's not GEEWUN Bumblebee and Cobra Commander

20:25 <Authoron> G1?

20:25 <fish> 5 commands...   i need ideas for commands

20:25 <fish> anyone?

20:25 <BubbleBerry> Yes. I actually don't mind the live action G.I. Joe and Transformers movies

20:25 <LunaticHell> for what?

20:25 <Authoron> Joke: Gives a fish related joke.

20:25 <fish> #cadaverific i'me working on a bot

20:26 <LunaticHell> that IS a silly name

20:26 <fish> and i need more commands, 5 isn't enough

20:26 <BubbleBerry> They're alright. And they're completely seperate from the G1 comic and cartoon continuties, or any other non movie continuties for that matter, so it's not like Transformers is ruined FOREVER

20:26 <LunaticHell> fish: !bored, which provides you a random youtube video

20:26 <fish> ._.

20:27 <fish> ah...   i have a better idea...

20:27 <LunaticHell> fish: or a command that provides a random EQD article?

20:27 <LunaticHell> fish: I don't care, but make it random.

20:27 <fish> "random eqd article to witch i need a list of all of the articles"

20:27 <fish> which*

20:28 <LunaticHell> sure, I bet there is an archive of em someplace on this site.

20:28 <fish> :/

20:28 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

20:28 <LunaticHell> idea

20:28 <Authoron> Well?

20:28 <fish> ?

20:28 <LunaticHell> fish: the articles are sorted by topic, so you can add a command for each topic to link to the newest news.

20:29 <fish> >_>

20:29 <fish> ok, i can get that done

20:29 <LunaticHell> What? Not everypon uses the flash version on the EQD site.

20:29 *** Joins: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-8ia24k.clsp.qwest.net)

20:29 <fish> NOPE

20:29 <fish> standalone irc ftw

20:29 <LunaticHell> see? this way a lot of pones do miss the pony news.

20:30 <fish> that's why we have derpybot

20:30 <LunaticHell> heck, even I don't follow them. :/

20:30 <fish> anyways, ONWARDS TO NOTEPAD++

20:30 *** fish is now known as fish|magic

20:32 <Authoron> Fish, you use Notepad++?!?!

20:33 <Authoron> (\ FTW

20:33 <fish|magic> hue

20:34 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

20:34 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

20:34 <BubbleBerry> what the hell is notepad plus plus?

20:35 <Authoron> coding software.

20:35 <BubbleBerry> Oh, K

20:35 <Authoron> http://notepad-plus-plus.org/

20:35 <Ashley> real programmers use butterflies

20:35 <Ashley> http://xkcd.com/378/

20:35 <Ashley> M-x butterfly! :P

20:36 * Ashley is trying to learn emacs

20:36 <Ashley> (and yes, M-x butterfly IS implemented in emacs.)

20:36 <Princess-Luna> Ashley is trying to learn emacs - But you can only learn four moves - delete one to make room for Emacs? :P

20:36 <Ashley> hmmmm

20:37 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-0i8dk4.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

20:37 <Authoron> Hallo, Brother.

20:37 <screenaholic> Yo.

20:37 <Ashley> delete move "nano" xD

20:37 <Ashley> jk, it is impossible to not know how to use nano

20:37 <BubbleBerry> Hey, screenaholic!

20:38 <Tirek> Gah

20:38 <Tirek> Playing piana is so difficult

20:38 <Authoron> piana?

20:38 <Tirek> Piano, whoops

20:39 <Tirek> I was doing jazz improv.

20:39 <Authoron> I used to play piano. I dont really like playing it anymore.

20:39 <Tirek> Because why not

20:39 <Tirek> I wrote music before, and so it hurts not being able to actually play an instrument.

20:40 *** Joins: Candy_Sparx (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP)

20:41 *** Parts: Candy_Sparx (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP) ()

20:41 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP)

20:41 <Shaico> I love Piana

20:41 <Shaico> Piana is life

20:41 <Authoron> Wrong.

20:41 <Authoron> Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

20:41 <Shaico> We don't speak of that here

20:42 <Authoron> oh. Okay.

20:42 * fish|magic slaps Shaico with a cod

20:42 <fish|magic> yes we do

20:42 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-0i8dk4.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

20:43 * BubbleBerry flos

20:43 <BubbleBerry> When's the next Steam Sale?

20:43 *** Quits: bsellers267 (satmvechhrj@Pony-kt1bjj.cpe.metrocast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:44 <Authoron> ...

20:44 <Authoron> Soon....

20:44 <SkunkStripe> I was thinking if the manesix where split up. So when Twi, Rara, Shy and Pinkie reach a town that won't let them through, they work by the towns rules.

20:44 <BubbleBerry> I wanna get that Transformers game, but it costs $60

20:44 <SkunkStripe> When Rainbow Dash gets to the same town later, she has no problem just pushing all of their gaurds out of the way.

20:44 * SkunkStripe is bored

20:44 <BubbleBerry> Fall of Cybertron, not Rise of the Dark Spark.

20:46 <fish|magic> !radio

20:46 <fish|magic> new command

20:46 <BubbleBerry> cool

20:46 * ThatAnonPony hugs a Lenfant. =3=

20:46 <Somniis> !radio

20:46 <fish|magic> not on this channel you fool

20:47 <Somniis> xD

20:47 <Authoron> sweet.

20:47 <Authoron> sweet.

20:47 <Authoron> whoops.

20:47 <fish|magic> lol

20:47 * Lenfant_Sauvage counterhugs. Flops.

20:47 <Somniis> the sweet has been doubled!

20:47 <fish|magic> huzzah!!

20:47 <Authoron> stupid scroll.

20:48 * ThatAnonPony flops on.

20:48 <Somniis> Luna, every line a one liner

20:49 <Somniis> Anyone here know how to be literally honest with a sense of humor?

20:49 <Authoron> English?

20:49 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (PearlyWhite@Aponywithbraces)

20:49 <fish|magic> no.

20:50 <SkunkStripe> What?

20:50 <Authoron> Hallo, Pearly.

20:50 <PearlyWhites> Hey pones!

20:50 <Somniis> hi colgate

20:50 <Authoron> colgate is different.

20:51 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

20:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

20:51 <Somniis> okie dokie

20:51 <Authoron> Hallo, Fall.

20:51 *** Quits: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-8ia24k.clsp.qwest.net) (Connection closed)

20:52 *** Joins: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-8ia24k.clsp.qwest.net)

20:53 <WorkNibbler> Work turned out to be quite a workout today

20:54 <Authoron> Why?

20:54 <WorkNibbler> In short: forgot papers, ran home, grabbed papers, got them signed, ran to the ministry, ubmitted

20:54 <WorkNibbler> Maybe a good 2 km run in total

20:55 <WorkNibbler> Not a calm marathon run, mind you, a full blasted sprint

20:55 *** Quits: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:55 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

20:55 <Somniis> why didn’t you just apparate?

20:56 * QPOMDPone gives WorkNibbler a whole jug of cold lemonade

20:56 *** Quits: Starshy (ppgjjctcxif@Pony-8ia24k.clsp.qwest.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:56 <Tirek> New best alien cat time: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9911045/btcdv7.jpg

20:56 <Authoron> pffft. I just got to combustible lemons.

20:56 <Tirek> Beat the previous fastest record by half a second.

20:56 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

20:57 <Somniis> that’s an academy record!

20:57 <WorkNibbler> I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins hit acid. Then I ran some more.

20:59 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

20:59 <WorkNibbler> The worst part was that I was running along side of busiy road, and every time my lungs cought a whiff of exhausts, cigarette smoke or outrageous amount of perfume, my lungs tries to gasp for air stretching so wide it caused pain each time I breathed

20:59 <WorkNibbler> God I hate smokers and perfume honkeys

21:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: SDCC Full Panel On Youtube  [ http://tinyurl.com/k5ab2ag ]

21:02 <LunaticHell> come to think of it

21:02 <LunaticHell> Princess-Luna: When you have been on the moon, did you meet Duke Nukem?

21:02 <LunaticHell> ...he was there...in one of his actual good games...

21:03 <LunaticHell> WorkNibbler: What smokers? yeah those long tounges of them are creepy

21:03 <LunaticHell> I hate the boomers even more.

21:03 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-0i8dk4.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

21:03 <screenaholic> I am here! And I finally have my hat!

21:03 <LunaticHell> neat-o

21:03 <Princess-Luna> <LunaticHell> Princess-Luna: When you have been on the moon, did you meet Duke Nukem? - No, but I did see his initials in one of my favourite crater hangouts. :I

21:04 <LunaticHell> hahaha yes that is so Duke.

21:04 <BubbleBerry> I still need to play Duke Nukem

21:04 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: the new one or the old ones?

21:04 <BubbleBerry> Any of them

21:04 <LunaticHell> Duke Nukem Forever ain't as good as...

21:05 <BubbleBerry> Maybe I'll start with Forever

21:05 * screenaholic noms on Bubble's hooves.

21:05 <LunaticHell> Duke Nukem Forever ain't good, period.

21:05 <Authoron> I never like Duk Nukem.

21:05 * Somniis swipes screenaholics hoove’s away

21:06 * BubbleBerry pokes screenaholic's face

21:06 * thelema5 peeks over at the chat

21:06 <Authoron> Hallo, thelema5.

21:06 <thelema5> This workday is killing me... I wanna talk to my IRC pony pals!

21:06 *** Quits: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:06 <Somniis> hello thelema5

21:06 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: I remember how the duke games put sexist jokes to be ironic, controvercial and a parody.

21:06 * screenaholic 's face is sunburnt! D=

21:06 <ryaxnb> i love DN3d

21:06 <thelema5> BUt, I really can't.

21:06 <BubbleBerry> What am I doing with my life? Why am I looking at toys? o3o

21:07 <ryaxnb> DNF suck.

21:07 <ryaxnb> BubbleBerry, DNF is terrible

21:07 *** thelema5 is now known as thelema5|working

21:07 <ryaxnb> DN3d is excellent

21:07 <BubbleBerry> LunaticHell: Yeah, it's a parody of 80's/90's action movies

21:07 <ryaxnb> the Atomic edition is good too

21:07 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: DN:F does the same without irony or parody.

21:07 <ryaxnb> also DN:F is just kinda less funny

21:07 <ryaxnb> the jokes aren't as good, it's very linear

21:07 <ryaxnb> and the shooting action is terrible and terribly paced

21:07 <LunaticHell> Two guns at a time? REALLY?

21:07 <ryaxnb> full of gimmicks, hardly a single "normal" levels

21:07 <BubbleBerry> And Duke Nukem Forever is a parody of quality, being intentionally horrible to satirise video games that are good

21:07 <LunaticHell> I want a ton of guns :<

21:08 <WorkNibbler> Heh nopony noticed Fight Club refernce...

21:08 <BubbleBerry> LunaticHell: Hey, Wolfenstein: The New Order was awesome, and I liked the duel wielding

21:08 <WorkNibbler> I disappoint

21:08 <ryaxnb> the game DNF is so damn scripted too

21:08 <ryaxnb> and it's just such a crap effort

21:08 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: No, you got me wrong, you can only carry two guns at the same time.

21:08 <BubbleBerry> OOOOh

21:08 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

21:08 <BubbleBerry> That sounds sucky

21:08 <ryaxnb> can't believe Apogee sucked so bad

21:08 <LunaticHell> It really is.

21:08 <ryaxnb> yes, the game sucks

21:08 <ryaxnb> it uses this mechanic, too , to try to force you to use certain guns at certain times

21:09 <ryaxnb> (scripted forcing)

21:09 <WorkNibbler> http://www.fuelrunning.com/quotes/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/251.jpg

21:09 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: I want my pistol, shotgun AND assault rifle at the same time and shoot them, too.

21:09 <ryaxnb> it's not  open enough

21:09 <BubbleBerry> That sounds dum

21:09 <BubbleBerry> Maybe I'll just get Duke 3D

21:09 <ryaxnb> that's actually a great game.

21:09 <ryaxnb> and much cheaper.

21:09 <ryaxnb> it's on GoodOldGames for like $5

21:10 <BubbleBerry> Is it? Or is it just Nostalgia making you think it's an amazing game?

21:10 <ryaxnb> and steam too

21:10 <BubbleBerry> - 3 -

21:10 <LunaticHell> Seriously, if you want to go "two guns only" you should exclude your sidearm pistol from this counting.

21:10 <ryaxnb> no, everyone who's reviewed it lately loves it

21:10 <ryaxnb> personally i grew up in 1993

21:10 <LunaticHell> Because you have a HOLSTER for that kind of things. duh

21:10 <ryaxnb> so when i played it in like 1998 it was already out of date

21:10 <ryaxnb> quake iii was already out, iirc.

21:10 <ryaxnb> but it was a fun game nonetheless

21:10 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: I got a better game for you.

21:10 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: Serious Sam 3!

21:10 <BubbleBerry> I already own that.

21:10 <ryaxnb> actaully, i think i first played DN3d like in 2000

21:10 <LunaticHell> Hell yeah

21:10 * Authoron facehoofs. "How is that better?"

21:11 <ryaxnb> so it was well out of date

21:11 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: /)

21:11 <BubbleBerry> (\

21:11 <BubbleBerry> YEAH

21:11 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-kfr5sg.151-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:11 <ryaxnb> i don't have the same nostalgia of someone who played it when it was new

21:11 <LunaticHell> Authoron: How is Serious Sam 3 better than Duke Nukem?

21:11 <ryaxnb> it's not

21:11 <ryaxnb> other than DNF

21:11 <ryaxnb> it's better than that.

21:11 <LunaticHell> hahahaha

21:11 * Princess-Luna preferred Blood over D3D, even if D3D was more of a remembered classic

21:11 <ryaxnb> DN3d has better map design than serious sam

21:11 <ryaxnb> and better weapons

21:12 <BubbleBerry> The good thing about being a millenial is that I can play games without nostalgia bias

21:12 <LunaticHell> They can't be compared, Serious Sam 3 actually is fun to play.

21:12 <ryaxnb> Duke3d is fun...

21:12 * BubbleBerry is shot for saying good things about Millenials

21:12 <Princess-Luna> So was DN3D, LunaticHell

21:12 <ryaxnb> wtf are you doing hating on duke 3d.

21:12 <ryaxnb> that game's engine was the boss

21:12 <ryaxnb> the most advanced non-polygonal engine ever

21:12 <BubbleBerry> Duke 3D wasn't a bad little game

21:12 <Princess-Luna> Duke 3D was an outright classic

21:12 <ryaxnb> it was REALLY good

21:12 <LunaticHell> Princess-Luna: Wait, why are we comparing it to DN3d? I thought we were talking about DNF?

21:12 <ryaxnb> the engine was fantastic

21:12 <Princess-Luna> denying that is a silly thing.

21:12 <BubbleBerry> But Duke Forever is the worst thing since bagpies

21:12 <Princess-Luna> We're talking 3D

21:12 <Princess-Luna> not forever

21:12 <BubbleBerry> *bagpipes

21:13 <ryaxnb> it could really render realistic environment

21:13 <ryaxnb> whereas the DOOM engine doesn't look good rendering realistic enviornment

21:13 <Authoron> bagpipes are actually kind of cool

21:13 <WorkNibbler> I felt grat though after having that excruciating sprint through 33°C and 45%RH

21:13 <ryaxnb> which is why DOOM engine games go for surreal enviornments, or hellscapes

21:13 <LunaticHell> How DID we get from DNF to DN3d?

21:13 <WorkNibbler> Fluently

21:13 <ryaxnb> trying to make, like, an office, or mall, or restaurant in DOOM engine is impossible

21:13 <LunaticHell> huh...seems that way.

21:13 <ryaxnb> it's easy in Duke3d engine.

21:14 <LunaticHell> anyway o3o

21:14 <Princess-Luna> lol

21:14 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: there is a serious sam sideshooter with stackable guns

21:14 <ryaxnb> and duke3d (and shadow warrior, same engine with better tweaks) had amazing arsenals

21:14 <BubbleBerry> Cool

21:14 <LunaticHell> BubbleBerry: You should play it, it's over the top awesome.

21:14 <BubbleBerry> Duke Nukem 3D or Serious Sam 3?

21:14 <LunaticHell> The cynical brit did a WTF of it, the serious sam sideshooter thingy.

21:14 <LunaticHell> lemme check

21:14 <BubbleBerry> I should lay Duke Nukem 3D, but I have Serious Sam 3

21:14 <Authoron> Serious sam i found stupid.

21:15 <ryaxnb> DOOM has a great arsenal, but the problem was that all the weapons were basically either hitscan or simple deadly projectiles

21:15 <LunaticHell> "Serious Sam: Double D"

21:15 <BubbleBerry> heheheheh

21:15 * Authoron slaps BubbleBerry

21:15 <ryaxnb> nothing gimmicky and cool like a shrink ray or sticky bomb or rpg

21:15 <ryaxnb> just basic weapons...

21:15 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRd0vIpiYlg

21:15 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

21:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about WTF Is... - Serious Sam : Double D ?

21:15 <BubbleBerry> heheheheheehheeh

21:15 <LunaticHell> ryaxnb: how about stacking multible guns on top of each other?

21:16 <ryaxnb> still a huge step up, of course, from Wolf 3d, which really just had one weapon the "guN" with multiple fire rates

21:16 <ryaxnb> the three weapons of Wolf3d are the biggest frakking lie

21:16 <LunaticHell> ryaxnb: and a knife

21:16 <ryaxnb> they are the same gun witha  new sprite and higher fire rate.

21:16 <BubbleBerry> Has anyone ever modded Wolf3D?

21:16 <ryaxnb> yes, they have.

21:16 <LunaticHell> Actually yes.

21:16 <ryaxnb> there's a mod to make it use the ZDOOM engine, too

21:16 <BubbleBerry> I'd like to see Wolf3D with new guns and maps and mouse aiming

21:16 <ryaxnb> well, more specifically, to make ZDOOM run Wolf3d

21:16 <ryaxnb> by integrating the two sources

21:16 <BubbleBerry> I have GzDOOM

21:16 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-0i8dk4.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

21:17 <ryaxnb> you need a special version of zdoom for the mod

21:17 <ryaxnb> one with the wolf3d patches, as well as patched map files

21:17 <ryaxnb> it's a beta, now, but works pretty well

21:17 <ryaxnb> it lets you use all ZDOOM features -- which is great for modding further (level making)

21:17 <BubbleBerry> So, are there any Wolf3D mods that actually change gameplay?

21:17 <ryaxnb> well, ZDOOM  mod would let you use any ZDOOM feature

21:18 <ryaxnb> you could mouselook, of course

21:18 <BubbleBerry> Ah, cool

21:18 <ryaxnb> and level mods can use things like scripting or new weapon generation

21:18 <WorkNibbler> STOP THIS MODNESS!

21:18 <ryaxnb> the same way you do in ZDOOM

21:18 <BubbleBerry> I only have 2 mods for GZdoom

21:18 * ThatAnonPony rolls a Lenfant.

21:18 * Lenfant_Sauvage comes up a 5!

21:18 <BubbleBerry> That brutal doom mod, some visor mod.... and that's it

21:18 <ryaxnb> well, i was also thinking of whole new levels

21:18 <ryaxnb> like for DOOM, there's Knee Deep in ZDOOM

21:19 <ryaxnb> and Action DOOM

21:19 <ryaxnb> both mapsets use ZDOOM scripting.

21:19 <BubbleBerry> Yeah, I know how to get .WADs

21:19 <BubbleBerry> Download them from floppy disks or something :P

21:19 <ryaxnb> yeah, but wads like there's ones that are basically just DOOM maps

21:19 <ryaxnb> and then ones like Action DOOM that use features not even close to being possible in DOOM, only added by ZDOOM

21:19 <BubbleBerry> I'll check it out

21:20 <ryaxnb> the hope is that with the WOlf3d-in-ZDOOM, WOlf3d maps can now use ZDOOM features when making new Wolf maps

21:20 <ryaxnb> :)

21:20 <ryaxnb> or you could use wolf3d guns, monsters in DOOM maps

21:20 <ryaxnb> either would be p. fun

21:21 <ryaxnb> BubbleBerry, but yeah, the build engine is amazing

21:21 *** Joins: SXRXE (SXRXE@Pony-3jd4kb.dsl.as9105.com)

21:21 <BubbleBerry> I'll check out Duke3D

21:21 *** Joins: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net)

21:21 <BubbleBerry> Boot it up with DOS after using a floppy disc or whatever

21:21 <Authoron> Hallo all.

21:22 <DiscordsDestiny> Good morning, every pony!

21:22 *** Joins: Brushstroke (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP)

21:23 <ryaxnb> http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2013/05/1997-shadow-warrior-599.jpg see how Build engine games like duke3d and shadow warrior can render semi-believable enviornments

21:23 <ryaxnb> like, you could believe this is a street in a city

21:23 <LunaticHell> BerryPunch: check out the double D!

21:23 <ryaxnb> this is hard to do in DOOM engine.

21:23 <LunaticHell> BerryPunch: It's a fun game!

21:23 <DiscordsDestiny> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V89wEDiuql8

21:23 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

21:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Archer Reviews Toy Story

21:23 <BubbleBerry> Well I like DOOM's engine and Duke3D's engine

21:23 <BubbleBerry> :<

21:24 <ryaxnb> they're both good

21:24 <ryaxnb> doom's is older.

21:24 <BubbleBerry> Then again, I use GZDOOM to play DOOM

21:24 <ryaxnb> yeah, GZDOOM has enough features it coudl render realistic outdoor enviornments

21:24 <Princess-Luna> Blood was a fantastic game using the BUILD engine

21:24 <ryaxnb> not so for regular DOOM

21:24 <Princess-Luna> which was D3d's

21:24 <ryaxnb> basic DOOM engine was designed with compromises to make it run on a 386/25

21:25 <ryaxnb> whereas Duke 3d really requires a 486DX2

21:25 *** Quits: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:25 <ryaxnb> since by 1996 that was what they expected users to have anyway

21:26 <ryaxnb> the 486DX is massively faster than the 80386 at 3d games due to having a good FPU rather than no FPU like a 386. also various other improvements, and faster clock...

21:26 *** Quits: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:28 <WorkNibbler> Does anypony knows what company makes these???

21:28 <WorkNibbler> http://buttercupbabyppg.deviantart.com/art/Ponies-for-good-home-469777936

21:28 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

21:29 *** Quits: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

21:29 *** thelema5|working is now known as thelema5

21:29 <BubbleBerry> I'm gonna go play DOOOOOOOM now

21:29 <BubbleBerry> BRB later I guess bye

21:29 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (ucpchyvplmg@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:30 <Authoron> be right back... Later?

21:31 <WorkNibbler> До свиданья!

21:31 *** Joins: Ethan (kdnhjfsbimc@Pony-go2ni0.ca.comcast.net)

21:31 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

21:31 *** Parts: Ethan (kdnhjfsbimc@Pony-go2ni0.ca.comcast.net) ()

21:31 <WorkNibbler> ("See you later" in russian, reads "Doh sveedanyah"

21:32 <Llybel> WorkNibbler: I am pretty sure they are made by the person who uploaded the photo

21:32 *** Joins: Ethan (kdnhjfsbimc@Pony-go2ni0.ca.comcast.net)

21:32 <Llybel> "Unfortunately I won't have as many done for the con as I planned"

21:32 <WorkNibbler> Or rather "Dho sveedunya")

21:32 <Authoron> Fruitnibbler, Are you fluent?

21:32 <Authoron> and the second one is better.

21:33 <WorkNibbler> Sure I am fluent in russian

21:33 *** Joins: SuperSonicDash (nuikbmsgwpl@Pony-uv3djq.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

21:33 <Ethan> What's the FoE channel called?

21:33 <SuperSonicDash> hi ppl

21:33 <SuperSonicDash> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAocvKHUidg

21:33 <Authoron> Hey, SD.

21:33 <WorkNibbler> Llybel, those are gorgeously made plushies, much better than I usually find in retail

21:33 <WorkNibbler> (As you can guess I'm pretty picky)

21:34 *** Parts: Ethan (kdnhjfsbimc@Pony-go2ni0.ca.comcast.net) ()

21:34 <thelema5> I'm guessing they're fan made.

21:34 <Llybel> well in the description it says she/he is selling them at Bronycon and that she/he takes commsions

21:34 <SuperSonicDash> i seriously want to get this http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/PopCulture/Cartoons/MyLittlePony/My+Little+Pony+Discord+Vinyl+Figure+Hot+Topic+Exclusive+Pre-Order-10210161.jsp

21:35 <SuperSonicDash> i still need to put oney on my card

21:35 <Authoron> ohh. Cool discord.

21:35 <Authoron> !stats.

21:36 <Authoron> !stats

21:36 <Neptune|sleep> http://stats.nightstone.net/stats.php?c=EquestriaDaily

21:36 * Princess-Luna is still putting her plushie-desires on the 4DDE luna.

21:36 <SuperSonicDash> i think the offer will go away before i get my money

21:36 <SuperSonicDash> dammit

21:36 <Princess-Luna> *4DE

21:36 <Authoron> Luna, may I have a link?

21:38 * thelema5 gives Authoron a piece of a chain and a sausage

21:38 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

21:39 <Princess-Luna> http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/05/4de-announces-princess-luna.html

21:39 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-bgelj4.dsl.as9105.com)

21:39 <thelema5> Ooooooh!

21:39 <Authoron> What am I supposed to do with these?

21:39 <thelema5> That's glorious, Princess-Luna

21:39 <SuperSonicDash> nice

21:39 <thelema5> I though you wanted a link?

21:40 <Princess-Luna> xD Yes, it is rather glorious

21:40 <Authoron> Ah....

21:40 * Authoron sees what you did there...

21:40 <Authoron> Ohhh. I want that luna.

21:40 <SuperSonicDash> https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8267535616/h8977F88C/

21:40 <SuperSonicDash> what does this remind you of?

21:40 <Dash> helllo ponies!

21:40 <Princess-Luna> Should be out this November

21:40 <Princess-Luna> from what I remember of update

21:40 *** thelema5 is now known as thelema5|working

21:41 *** Joins: PartyPinkiePie (obildyhtjor@Pony-umt.6g2.178.12.IP)

21:42 * ThatAnonPony boops Princess-Luna.

21:42 <Authoron> Hallo, Pinkie.

21:42 <PartyPinkiePie> hi!

21:43 * Dash boops PartyPinkiePie

21:43 <SuperSonicDash> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGBLlFMn9Xc

21:44 <SuperSonicDash> HAHA https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8265385984/h2BDDF896/

21:45 <PartyPinkiePie> XDD death notes!!

21:45 <Authoron> Genius

21:45 <SuperSonicDash> poor dustbin beaver

21:45 *** Quits: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net) (Connection closed)

21:45 <SuperSonicDash> baby baby ooooooh

21:45 <PartyPinkiePie> sign you name in the book bieber

21:46 <PartyPinkiePie> omc! i just now went on cheezburger for ponies and this was up! no joke  http://cheezburger.com/8270093568

21:47 <SuperSonicDash> i've seen that one weeks ago

21:47 <SuperSonicDash> funny as hell

21:47 <Authoron> Sweet Celestia!!!

21:47 <PartyPinkiePie> yup and just now i find it when you show us that pic

21:49 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

21:50 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

21:51 <SuperSonicDash> https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8263363328/h2C0BC887/

21:51 <SuperSonicDash> awwwww

21:51 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming)

21:51 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

21:52 *** fish|magic is now known as fish

21:52 <PartyPinkiePie> i vant to suck its juuuice! *fangs fall out*

21:52 <Tirek> Too bad

21:52 <Tirek> This is my apple juice.

21:53 <PartyPinkiePie> ok, i wont even try the pony pout.

21:55 <SuperSonicDash> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30w8DyEJ__0

21:55 <Tirek> You have to drink the inferior plum juice, you geezer.

21:56 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-onf.5h3.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Convention Compilation - July 28th  [ http://tinyurl.com/py6j6gy ]

22:02 <SuperSonicDash> this is cool http://bio-999.deviantart.com/art/Pinkie-cat-358717168

22:04 <Ashley> !seen DarkNightShadow

22:04 <DerpyBot> Ashley: The last time I saw DarkNightShadow was 2014-07-15 06:08:30 UTC

22:04 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP) (Client exited)

22:04 <SuperSonicDash> time to go

22:05 <SuperSonicDash> goodbye

22:05 *** Quits: SuperSonicDash (nuikbmsgwpl@Pony-uv3djq.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:05 <fish> http://youtubeonrepeat.com/watch/?v=GXeOlcctd9g&from=0&to=20

22:05 <fish> hue

22:05 *** Joins: Pony_71132 (rzapata786@Pony-ftj.dh8.139.169.IP)

22:06 <Pony_71132> Hello

22:06 <fish> hi

22:06 <PartyPinkiePie> hi pony

22:07 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-cso.co7.94.119.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:07 <Pony_71132> Does anypony know where I might be able to find might be able find german mlp songs? Looked everywhere XD

22:07 * Heartbreak puts tartar sauce on fish.

22:08 <PartyPinkiePie> sure i'll help you look!

22:08 <fish> ;_;

22:08 * Heartbreak boops PartyPinkiePie.

22:08 <PartyPinkiePie> *double boops heartbreak*

22:08 <Heartbreak> Fish, this is your head.

22:08 * fish takes a bite out of himself

22:08 <Pony_71132> Thanks XD

22:08 <Heartbreak> Your rolly polly Fish-head.

22:08 <fish> i taste so good...

22:08 <Heartbreak> ... Stop eating yourself.

22:08 <PartyPinkiePie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajArQDXqt6g&list=PL1FC941E29A8B53DD

22:08 <PartyPinkiePie> here you go!

22:08 <PartyPinkiePie> all germen

22:09 * Heartbreak boop boop boop boops PartyPinkiePie.

22:09 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-6ff2l2.ca.charter.com)

22:09 <Heartbreak> Hello, Fish. My name is Heartbreak. Please call me H.B.

22:09 <Heartbreak> You are a seapony, Fish. Why are you out of the water?

22:10 <fish> i am no seapony, i am a fish

22:10 <fish> !shoo

22:10 * DerpyBot sways from side to side, quietly humming "shoo be doo shoo shoo be doo"

22:10 <PartyPinkiePie> *pretends to be a face hugging alien and launchs at H.B*

22:10 *** Joins: lotsofjam (james@Pony-c8q.o1a.112.87.IP)

22:10 * lotsofjam waves

22:11 <Pony_71132> @PartyPinkiePie Thank you T.T

22:11 <PartyPinkiePie> fish, they say if you look in your bathroom mirror and say shoo be doo three times, you'll turn into a pony.

22:11 <Pony_71132> Thank you T.T

22:11 <PartyPinkiePie> your welcome pony!

22:11 *** Quits: Pony_71132 (rzapata786@Pony-ftj.dh8.139.169.IP) (Quit: )

22:12 *** thelema5|working is now known as thelema5

22:12 * Heartbreak gaaaah's at PartyPinkiePie!

22:12 <Heartbreak> Fish. You are a seapony.

22:12 *** Parts: fish (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) ("")

22:12 <PartyPinkiePie> aint no hug like a pinkie pie hug!

22:12 <thelema5> !seen TimidClef

22:12 <DerpyBot> thelema5: The last time I saw TimidClef was 2014-07-28 04:50:37 UTC

22:12 <Heartbreak> PartyPinkiePie, Hi. I'm Heartbreak. PLease call me H.B.

22:12 *** Joins: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-qt3.f71.234.187.IP)

22:12 <Heartbreak> I know an alternate version of you in my Story World.

22:12 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:12 <Librarian> Hugs for da world!

22:13 * Librarian hugs everypony

22:13 <PartyPinkiePie> wee i'm a face hugger! *launchs at librarian*

22:13 <Heartbreak> Librarian, You love books right?

22:13 <Librarian> yep

22:13 * Dash must have this shirt... http://www.redbubble.com/people/jblee22/works/9225776-what-else-could-anyone-possibly-ask-for-rainbow-dash?p=t-shirt&ref=shop_grid

22:13 <Librarian> i wub books

22:13 <Heartbreak> PartyPinkiePie, Librarian, would you like to read my story?

22:13 <Librarian> wub wub wub

22:14 <Librarian> sure

22:14 <Librarian> happy to help

22:14 <PartyPinkiePie> okie!

22:14 <Heartbreak> Librarian, You are the cutest little Librarian ever.

22:14 <Heartbreak> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/18761/my-little-heartbreak-heartbroken

22:14 * Heartbreak gives both of them a copy of her book.

22:15 <PartyPinkiePie> ooo

22:15 <Heartbreak> PartyPinkiePie, You're in it. Librarian. I don't think you are.

22:15 <Heartbreak> BUT!

22:15 <Librarian> OwO

22:15 <Heartbreak> Warning. It's... kinda sad in places... And there are -some- dark places... BUT no pony death.

22:15 <WorkNibbler> Almost done with my work, but buck it, I'll do the rest tomorrow

22:15 <PartyPinkiePie> ok!

22:15 *** WorkNibbler is now known as FruitNibbler

22:15 <Librarian> same here nibbler

22:16 <Heartbreak> And watch out for chapter seven!

22:16 <Librarian> almost done with work

22:16 <Heartbreak> That is all the warnings I will give you...

22:16 <FruitNibbler> Have an interesting Interview tomorrow in Frankfurt

22:16 * Heartbreak fuzzles PartyPinkiePie.

22:16 <PartyPinkiePie> i really hate stories where i'm seen as a killer pony! and they use my full name why always the full name they do know that pinkie is a nickname right?

22:17 <Librarian> pinkie is wub

22:17 <Kalastrear> I have had the best/worst monring ni a long time *morning

22:17 <Librarian> need hug?

22:17 <Librarian> give hug

22:18 <Kalastrear> i need hug

22:18 * Librarian hugs Kalastrear


22:19 <FruitNibbler> forgot to buy a ticket -.-*

22:19 * Librarian noms on the fffffffff

22:19 * Kalastrear snuggles in librarian

22:21 <PartyPinkiePie> i should do a reaction video to reading fanfic about me! twilight already did..

22:21 <Kalastrear> so you guys know the song royals? tehre should be a RD cover and it gooes 'and i'll always be loyal (loyal) cause its my element

22:23 *** Joins: F4celess (Frozen@Pony-mdn.9n2.147.82.IP)

22:23 <Somniis> now we just need to find a music artist to do it

22:23 <Somniis> hi f4celess

22:23 <F4celess> heya

22:24 <Kalastrear> hi f4celess

22:24 *** Joins: cam121 (cam121@Pony-bgu.ckr.166.207.IP)

22:24 <PartyPinkiePie> lalalalalaaaa

22:24 <F4celess> o/

22:25 <Librarian> trololololololo

22:25 <cam121> hey people

22:25 <Librarian> lets us sing that song

22:25 <Librarian> hewwo

22:25 <PartyPinkiePie> hiya!

22:25 <Kalastrear> librarian ur nice

22:25 <Librarian> thx

22:25 <Librarian> OwO

22:26 *** Quits: cam121 (cam121@Pony-bgu.ckr.166.207.IP) (Quit: Page closed)

22:26 <Librarian> im hungry

22:26 <Librarian> lucklily is national chicken wing day

22:26 <Librarian> im going to eat wings today yay

22:27 <PartyPinkiePie> yay nation chicken day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22:27 *** Quits: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-nt4pi1.versanet.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:27 * Somniis runs and hides scootaloo

22:27 <Librarian> we shall noom scootallo

22:27 <Librarian> yes we shal

22:27 <Somniis> Never! I’ll never let you!

22:28 <Somniis> You’ll have to nom me first!

22:28 <Librarian> tasty chicken is tasty

22:28 <ZeroParadox> Tasty anything is tasty. o3o

22:28 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

22:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

22:28 * Librarian noms on Somniss

22:28 * Somniis goes Smile HD over Librarian

22:28 <Librarian> nuuuu

22:29 * Librarian runs away

22:29 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:29 <PartyPinkiePie> Smile HD?! AAAAHHHH! *hides*

22:29 <Somniis> nobody touches my chicken!

22:29 <Librarian> pinkie lets escape

22:29 <Librarian> get to da choopa

22:29 * Dash scoots away from smile hd...

22:29 <ryaxnb> fluttershy is a shy pony

22:29 <ryaxnb> she would not make a good LPer

22:29 *** Joins: Proverb (TicTac@TicTacs.are.addictive)

22:30 <Somniis> hey look a proverb!

22:30 *** Parts: Proverb (TicTac@TicTacs.are.addictive) ()

22:30 <Tirek> Guess he was antiverb.

22:30 <Somniis> :”(

22:30 <Librarian> omc lord tirek

22:30 <Librarian> can i get a ride on your back

22:31 * Librarian rides anyway

22:31 <Librarian> yay

22:31 *** Joins: cam121 (cam121@Pony-bgu.ckr.166.207.IP)

22:31 *** Quits: SXRXE (SXRXE@Pony-3jd4kb.dsl.as9105.com) (Connection closed)

22:31 <PartyPinkiePie> i dont know whats worse, smile hd or derpy gets pranked..

22:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Ponyville Ciderfest Announces Peter New, Andrea Libman, and Sam Vincent  [ http://tinyurl.com/p98o9al ]

22:31 <Tirek> This one dies.

22:31 <Librarian> nuuu

22:32 * Somniis *sigh* runs off with pinkie to the mirror pool

22:32 <Librarian> pinkie save me

22:32 <PartyPinkiePie> wee!! the mirror pool

22:32 * F4celess hears distant thunder IRL

22:32 * Somniis makes an army of duplicates

22:32 *** Joins: TechWing (ysooxzyivgo@Pony-rpbbio.fios.verizon.net)

22:32 <PartyPinkiePie> come pinkies!!

22:32 *** thelema5 is now known as Thelema5

22:32 <PartyPinkiePie> fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun!!!!!!!!

22:32 <Somniis> together we shall conquer the anti-fun!

22:32 *** Dash is now known as ReadingDash

22:33 <TechWing> Sup everypony :)

22:33 <PartyPinkiePie> yay! fun fun fun fun fun

22:33 <cam121> ello

22:33 <Librarian> the pinkies are coming

22:33 <Librarian> hidee

22:33 <Librarian> hello by the way

22:33 <TechWing> The more the merrier

22:33 * Somniis and the pinkie army surge at Tirek

22:33 <ryaxnb> may i just say

22:33 <ryaxnb> the daikatana in daikatana is terribly bad to use

22:33 <TechWing> whys that?

22:33 <PartyPinkiePie> *army stompes tirek* fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun!!!!!!!

22:33 <Librarian> you may

22:33 <ryaxnb> as compared to melee weapons in e.g. Dark Forces II or Shadow Warrior 2013

22:33 <ryaxnb> TechWing, because it's melee in fps

22:34 <TechWing> Ah, true dat

22:34 <ryaxnb> you need an advanced system to have a fun melee weapon in fps

22:34 <ryaxnb> Shadow Warrior 2013 has combos, upgrades, magic skills, etc

22:34 <Tirek> I was AFK and what is this nonsense.

22:34 <ryaxnb> and headshots

22:34 <ryaxnb> it makes the melee useful

22:34 * Somniis observes the carnage of the pinkie army

22:34 <ryaxnb> arguably the best weapon in the game.

22:34 <Somniis> whelp, I’ll go get spike

22:34 <PartyPinkiePie> fun fun fun fun fun!!!

22:34 <ryaxnb> The daikatana is the whole basis of Romero's bad D&D fanfic and the reason he made the game

22:35 <ryaxnb> yet it's a shitty weapon :(

22:35 *** Quits: TechWing (ysooxzyivgo@Pony-rpbbio.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:35 *** Joins: TechWing (ysooxzyivgo@Pony-rpbbio.fios.verizon.net)

22:35 <Tirek> Japanese swords aren't meant to be used except in emergencies anyway.

22:35 <ryaxnb> Dark Forces II, from what i understand, makes the lightsaber a fun melee weapon too, by combining it with force powers and making it supernaturally powerful and accurate (due to force usage)

22:35 *** Quits: TechWing (ysooxzyivgo@Pony-rpbbio.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:35 <ryaxnb> don't tell Romero that :(

22:35 <cam121> are we talking about pathfinder

22:35 <Tirek> Samurai were horseback archers.

22:35 <ryaxnb> no, Daikatana.

22:35 <Thelema5> anypony know where TimidClef has been all day?

22:36 <ryaxnb> I mean, daikatana is based on the D&D fanfic of some guy who had never been to japan and doesn't know japanese

22:36 <ryaxnb> of course it's not authentic to anything.

22:36 <Thelema5> I think this is the first time in 4 months that he's not put in an appearance.

22:36 <ryaxnb> the magical OP time traveling sword

22:36 <ryaxnb> a mary sue sword

22:36 <PartyPinkiePie> fun fun!

22:37 <ryaxnb> that was basically the extent of Romero's fanfic that he based the game on

22:37 <ryaxnb> it's dumb.

22:37 *** Quits: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-qt3.f71.234.187.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:38 <ryaxnb> btw, the chainsaw in doom is a great situational melee weapons

22:38 <ryaxnb> it's super useful against demons, and useless against most other enemies, ,even enemies usually weaker than demons

22:38 <ryaxnb> also good against Lost Souls.

22:39 <ryaxnb> enemies like Zombies and Imps that die quickly to a few pistol shots are actually worse off with the chainsaw than the Demons or Lost Souls (which take like 8 pistol shots)

22:39 <ryaxnb> thus, the DOOM chainsaw is a  good melee weapon by being used either in desperation or as a highly situational tool

22:40 <ryaxnb> there are quite a few areas in DOOM where if you don't use the chainsaw against the pack of 10 or so demons, you will be short on ammo by the time you get to a enemy like a Cacodemon that you need more powerful weapons to kill

22:42 *** ReadingDash is now known as Dash

22:43 * Heartbreak pokes at ryaxnb.

22:45 *** Joins: PrincessRadance (sixsixsix@Pony-af5kmg.res.rr.com)

22:46 <ryaxnb> also

22:46 <ryaxnb> given that daikatana sucks, as does Sony's e3 2006 press conference

22:46 <ryaxnb> it's funny that in episode 2 of daikatana, set in ancient greece, a major enemy type is the giant enemy crab.

22:46 <ryaxnb> :)

22:46 <ryaxnb> gotta love those giant enemy crabs.

22:47 <ryaxnb> that randomly pop up in ancient times

22:48 *** Dash is now known as ChoresDash

22:48 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)

22:48 *** Quits: PartyPinkiePie (obildyhtjor@Pony-umt.6g2.178.12.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:49 <cam121> hello

22:50 * Heartbreak poke poke poke poke poke poke pokes ryaxnb.

22:50 <ryaxnb> hi Heartbreak

22:50 <ryaxnb> stop poke

22:51 <Heartbreak> 'Stop Poking me, please.'

22:51 <Heartbreak> Kay!

22:51 * Heartbreak noogies ryaxnb.

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22:52 *** Joins: cam121 (cam121@Pony-bgu.ckr.166.207.IP)

22:53 <Princess-Luna> <ryaxnb> gotta love those giant enemy crabs.<ryaxnb> that randomly pop up in ancient times - Apparently Rarity doesn't!

22:53 <ryaxnb> eh?

22:53 <F4celess> I guess I should install Oblivion soon

22:53 <ryaxnb> is rarity connected with giant enemy crabs?

22:53 <Princess-Luna> !link rarity Crab

22:53 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/311091

22:54 <Princess-Luna> Plenty.

22:54 <ryaxnb> also, crabs are ugly so i would imagine rarity wouldn't like crabs

22:54 <ryaxnb> derpi down

22:54 <ryaxnb> what was the image about

22:54 <Princess-Luna> For the longest time, there was a lot of art with Rarity battling crabs

22:54 <Heartbreak> Princess-Luna, You're a riot.

22:54 <ryaxnb> why

22:54 <ryaxnb> what's the joke?

22:54 <Princess-Luna> Nobody really knows why, lol

22:54 <ryaxnb> oh ok

22:54 <ryaxnb> anyway derpi is  down

22:54 <ryaxnb> that means it's time to use bronibooru

22:54 <Princess-Luna> Pffft.

22:55 <ryaxnb> http://www.bronibooru.com/

22:55 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (ElectricPso@Pony-hg94em.adsl.tpnet.pl)

22:55 <ElectricPsoras> Helo.

22:55 <ryaxnb> hi

22:55 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna, everypony at bronibooru loves luna images.

22:55 *** ElectricPsoras is now known as Pony_34732

22:55 <Princess-Luna> x3 everyone everywhere loves luna images

22:56 <Princess-Luna> there's plenty all over any of the popular destinations

22:56 <ryaxnb> absolutely

22:56 *** Joins: The_Dark_Pony (gmqxvpcvpwz@Pony-6misa4.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)

22:57 * Heartbreak leans on Princess-Luna.

22:57 <The_Dark_Pony> I think I have found a soul brother in Trendy Hooves <3

22:57 * Princess-Luna leans back

22:57 <Heartbreak> Princess Luna is Best Princess!

22:57 <ryaxnb> do you like to think Princess-Luna caught up on what happened over the past 1000 years by reading, Princess-Luna ?

22:58 <Heartbreak> ryaxnb, There's a lot to catch up on. And in my story, she went to therapy.

22:58 <The_Dark_Pony> Hi HB! and everypony else! ^^

22:58 <ryaxnb> that's an interesting theory

22:58 <Heartbreak> Hey The_Dark_Pony.

22:58 <Heartbreak> ryaxnb, In my story, she did!

22:58 <ryaxnb> i personally think she went to celestia with any personal issues

22:58 <ryaxnb> and any questions.

22:58 <ryaxnb> but i can see therapy as an alternative.

22:58 <Heartbreak> I don't know what -kind- of therapy...

22:58 <ryaxnb> horsie therapy

22:58 <Heartbreak> ..

22:58 <Heartbreak> That's horrible.

22:59 *** Pony_34732 is now known as ElectricPsoras

22:59 <TrixieMoon> I don't think she ever caught up, dun dun duuun.

22:59 <ryaxnb> what's horrible

22:59 <Heartbreak> ryaxnb, That was horrible and you should feel horrible.

22:59 <ryaxnb> hi TrixieMoon

22:59 <ryaxnb> what?

22:59 <Princess-Luna> I'm sure she probably took up reading history AND discussing it with Celestia

22:59 <ryaxnb> horsie therapy? it was just a statement of the obvious

22:59 <Heartbreak> I agree with Princess-Luna.

22:59 <TrixieMoon> What's changed in a thousand years?

22:59 <ryaxnb> she's a horsie and she had therapy, ergo it was horsie therapy

22:59 <Heartbreak> And in my story. Therapy.

22:59 <Princess-Luna> <TrixieMoon> What's changed in a thousand years? - We don't know since we have no comparisons.

23:00 <TrixieMoon> Well, there we go.

23:00 <ryaxnb> it looks like the language and culture changed a bit

23:00 <Princess-Luna> yup

23:00 <ryaxnb> the comics suggest 1000 years ago was similar to the middle ages in terminology and royal attitude, though far friendlier ("romanticized")

23:00 <Heartbreak> Less burning mares at the stake for being magic users.

23:01 <ryaxnb> probably due to ponies never having the issues of being perpetually short on food and stuff due to earth pony magic

23:01 <ryaxnb> whereas in the real middle ages, that was always a concern

23:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Cosplay Compilation #13 [ http://tinyurl.com/puqqu7q ]

23:01 <Heartbreak> And getting put to death.

23:01 <Heartbreak> Oh and plague.

23:01 <Heartbreak> Can't forget the plague!

23:01 <ryaxnb> well, a lot of that was caused by illnesses and starvation

23:01 <Heartbreak> Bring out your dead!

23:01 <ryaxnb> when that happened (crops failing, illnesses) the superstitious people felt the need to blame people

23:01 <Heartbreak> Bring out your dead!

23:02 <ryaxnb> since they could not explain why it happened

23:02 <Heartbreak> Bring out your dead!

23:02 <Heartbreak> I'm not dead yet!

23:02 <TrixieMoon> You think too much.

23:02 <ryaxnb> :)

23:02 <ryaxnb> TrixieMoon, i read that in a history book

23:02 <ryaxnb> :)

23:02 <TrixieMoon> Stop thinking! =P

23:02 <Heartbreak> TrixieMoon, You cna fix that. You can cuddle ryaxnb.

23:02 <Heartbreak> Cuddling ryaxnb will stop him from thinking.

23:02 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Bath

23:04 <ryaxnb> similarly massive inequality between ruler and ruled is less of an issue if there's plenty of quality fruits and veggies for everypony

23:04 <ryaxnb> thus eliminating a lot of the ruling-class issues

23:04 <TrixieMoon> I like fruits... veggies are boo!

23:04 <Heartbreak> TrixieMoon, what fruits?

23:06 * ThatAnonPony glomps Heartbreak.

23:06 <Heartbreak> I like mangos.

23:06 <PrincessRadance> I'm a fruit

23:06 * Heartbreak mares ThatAnonPony and then hugs.

23:06 * ThatAnonPony snugglehug.

23:06 <Heartbreak> PrincessRadance, Your gender bent is Prince Luminance.

23:07 <Princess-Luna> I'm not sure thats quite the conversation starter you think it is. XD

23:07 <PrincessRadance> My gender bent is prince dumb boy

23:07 *** Joins: TotallyAnonBrah (najhjixpgsr@Pony-4i8qem.res.rr.com)

23:08 *** Quits: ChoresDash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: May The Ponies Be With You...)

23:08 * Light-TSP flies around

23:08 <Heartbreak> PrincessRadance, That's a horrible gender bent.

23:09 <PrincessRadance> then I guess we'll have to stick with female me

23:09 <Heartbreak> PrincessRadance, you do realize that in an other universe... Prince Luminance is saying that his gender bent is Princess dumb girl, right?

23:09 <Heartbreak> And he's telling this to Heartache.

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23:10 *** Joins: Captain64 (najhjixpgsr@Pony-4i8qem.res.rr.com)

23:10 <Heartbreak> Neither one of you must like the other...

23:10 <PrincessRadance> Well we'll see who wins in a fight

23:10 <Heartbreak> It'll be a tie.

23:11 <Heartbreak> You'll both have knocked each other out with a one hit KO because you think that the other won't ever see it coming.

23:11 <Heartbreak> Meanwhile, me and Heartache will be eating popcorn and watching.

23:11 <Heartbreak> Then we'll demand our money back, because that was waaaay to short!

23:11 *** Quits: cam121 (cam121@Pony-bgu.ckr.166.207.IP) (Quit: Page closed)

23:11 <TrixieMoon> Huh?

23:12 <Heartbreak> And TrixsterMoon will be baffled and confused.

23:12 <PrincessRadance> I think I'll just stick to the theory that all alternate universes contain female me

23:12 <Heartbreak> He. TrixsterMoon.

23:12 *** Quits: GigaNap (Gigabit@the.eternally.enveloped.changeling) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:12 <Heartbreak> Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanwhile!

23:12 <PrincessRadance> I'm the only constant in existence

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23:12 <Heartbreak> In an alternate universe, Prince Luminance is saying the same thing!

23:12 <Princess-Luna> Why are we doing this again? XD

23:12 <Heartbreak> Pffffft. Solipsisism is boring.

23:13 <ElectricPsoras> PrincessRadance, there's probably an alternate universe, where ponies have wheels. Your gender is not really that important.

23:13 <Heartbreak> Cause I haven't been leaning on you enough Princess-Luna.

23:13 * ThatAnonPony flops on Heartbreak. Snuggles and lazes on.

23:13 *** Light-TSP is now known as Prinecess-Light

23:13 <PrincessRadance> You'll find that gender is very important to some folks lol

23:13 <Heartbreak> PrincessRadance-wheels is funniest pony.

23:13 <Heartbreak> She is a silly pony.

23:14 <Princess-Luna> and you'll find others who don't really care. XD

23:14 * Heartbreak boops Princess-Luna.

23:14 * Princess-Luna boops back

23:14 <Heartbreak> And that's why Princess-Luna is BEST princess.

23:14 *** Prinecess-Light is now known as Princess-Light

23:14 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (PearlyWhite@Aponywithbraces) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:14 <Heartbreak> Radance vs Light!

23:14 *** Joins: GigabitPony (Gigabit@the.eternally.enveloped.changeling)

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23:17 *** ` is now known as fish

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23:17 <rainbowpower64> when was the last time shadowheart was here

23:18 <rainbowpower64> where's shadowheart

23:18 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net)

23:18 <fish> !seen shadowheart

23:18 <DerpyBot> fish: The last time I saw shadowheart was 2014-07-28 05:59:34 UTC

23:18 * TimidClef waves hello

23:18 <rainbowpower64> hi

23:18 <fish> there, he was last seen a long time ago

23:19 <rainbowpower64> thanks

23:19 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP)

23:20 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Bath is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

23:20 * ThatAnonPony noms on Heartbreak's mane.

23:20 <Heartbreak> Heeeeeeeeeeeeey! Staaaaaaaaaaap.

23:20 * ThatAnonPony nom!

23:21 * Heartbreak shoves a cookie in ThatAnonPony's mouth.

23:21 <ThatAnonPony> x:

23:22 * TimidClef tips his hat to HB

23:22 <PrincessRadance> Princess-Luna I have no problem with folks who are carefree about alternate genders being assigned to them, I just hope that they'll respect that I'm more sensitive about it is all

23:22 * rainbowpower64 creates skittles clouds

23:23 * Princess-Luna thought the topic was over anyway. XD

23:23 <PrincessRadance> sorry I was cooking

23:23 <PrincessRadance> so, belated response lol

23:23 <Princess-Luna> lol

23:24 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

23:25 <Captain64> This chat is pretty tasty with all these skittles

23:25 <Cepheid> 'Afternoon.

23:25 <rainbowpower64> good afternon

23:27 * rainbowpower64 grabs buckets

23:27 *** Joins: Koopz (Pon-E@Pony-t0o0s0.dip.osnanet.de)

23:28 * Captain64 catches the bucket before the other 64 throws it*

23:28 *** Quits: Captain64 (najhjixpgsr@Pony-4i8qem.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:29 * Princess-Light listen a great music

23:29 *** Quits: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:29 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-g5p.udg.255.85.IP)

23:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> hi everypony

23:30 *** Phantasma_Eeria is now known as Princess-Phantasma

23:31 <Princess-Phantasma> TimidClef, im doing a vector of a cmcpone, not saying which one though

23:31 <Princess-Luna> Babs. :P

23:31 <Princess-Phantasma> nope

23:32 <Princess-Phantasma> not saying

23:32 <TimidClef> I need to art :< But urg. It's just not happening.

23:32 *** Joins: Rainbow_Dashie (uiylljlromy@Pony-uu55or.access.telenet.be)

23:32 <Princess-Phantasma> why? whats wrong

23:33 <TimidClef> Lack of motivation I guess. Or - eh. I'm not sure.

23:33 <Rainbow_Dashie> Helloooooo!

23:34 * Princess-Phantasma pulls out a Unixkitty|4d-and-nine-tails "this motivation enough?"

23:34 <Princess-Phantasma> hi Rainbow_Dashie

23:34 <fish> o3o

23:35 * Thelema5 glances over at the chat with a look of resigned desperation

23:35 <Rainbow_Dashie> How are ya Princess-Phantasma ?

23:35 <Princess-Light> hi

23:35 <TimidClef> Thelema5 is good pone. He's my favorite curmudgeon pony :D

23:35 <Princess-Phantasma> im good, right hindleg is a pain in the flank though

23:36 <Thelema5> Heh.  Where've you been all day, TimidClef?

23:36 <Princess-Phantasma> im creating a DnD character if anyone wants to DnD at any point

23:36 <Rainbow_Dashie> How come?

23:36 <TimidClef> I took an impromptu day off work. Spent most of it watching SAO.

23:36 <Thelema5> I've been logged in, but unable to chat all day.  I'm completely innundated with work.

23:36 <Thelema5> nice!

23:36 <Rainbow_Dashie> SAO?

23:36 <TimidClef> Sword Art Online - it's an anime

23:37 <Rainbow_Dashie> Ah yes. I derped :p

23:37 * Princess-Luna is currently learning pathfinder, lol

23:37 <TimidClef> \ o /

23:37 <Princess-Phantasma> Princess-Luna is best gamepone

23:37 <TimidClef> If you have any questions, I'm glad to help, Princess-Luna :P

23:37 *** Joins: Alicorn_News (mblrhqugxjq@Pony-vu6.blj.194.147.IP)

23:37 <TimidClef> Especially if you happen to be looking at a Magus. :P

23:37 <Tirek> Worst news

23:37 <Rainbow_Dashie> I thought Button was best gamepone?

23:38 *** FrankkieNL|AFK is now known as FrankkieNL

23:38 <FruitNibbler> http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/278/4/4/gamer_luna___by__john_joseco_by_bernd01-d5cjq6f.png

23:38 <Princess-Phantasma> also Rainbow_Dashie i may have fallen over a hoofball and landed on it, might have bruised a muscle or something, and Button is laughed upon be Luna

23:38 *** Quits: Alicorn_News (mblrhqugxjq@Pony-vu6.blj.194.147.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:38 <Princess-Light> great pic

23:38 <Princess-Luna> Appreciated, of course.

23:38 <Tirek> Why are you learning pathfinder, Luna?

23:39 <TimidClef> I haven't gamed in too long. :-/

23:39 <Rainbow_Dashie> I knew it! Luna is pro Sony! Well so am I :D

23:39 <Rainbow_Dashie> Also, Game Juice? lol :p

23:40 * Princess-Luna has never so much even glanced at DND in the past, lol

23:40 <ryaxnb> i'm a nintendo person and PC

23:40 <Rainbow_Dashie> And Call of Pony on the left XD :D

23:40 <ryaxnb> consoles by sony and MS are not so great

23:40 <ryaxnb> though PS3 is p.good

23:40 <Cepheid> So, we bought a bitter spray for putting on cables after my cat nearly destroyed my tablet's charging cable.

23:40 <Cepheid> My dad made a big mistake though.

23:40 <FrankkieNL> Mr Finwe

23:40 <fish> ps2 was the best consle

23:40 * FrankkieNL doffs hat

23:40 <Cepheid> See, he opted to see what the bittering agent in it was.

23:40 <FrankkieNL> mr Cepheid

23:40 <Cepheid> So, he taste tested the spray.

23:40 * FrankkieNL doffs hat

23:40 <Cepheid> Hey FrankkieNL.

23:41 <TimidClef> ...Let me guess, your dad almost retched?

23:41 * FrankkieNL has a new watch.

23:41 <Cepheid> Anyways...  My dad spent the next 15 minutes trying his best to get the taste out of his mouth. >.>;

23:41 <Princess-Luna> <Tirek> Why are you learning pathfinder, Luna?   - Friends. XD

23:41 <Rainbow_Dashie> I really like the PS3. Sure, i wish it's downloads were faster! SONY! .... But other than that, I don't have many probs with it. Great media device and great games :D

23:41 <Tirek> Ah fair

23:41 <TrixieMoon> Frrriiennds~

23:41 <TimidClef> Hmm. Simple, but I like it: http://blazedpony.deviantart.com/art/Before-The-Drop-471369406

23:41 <ryaxnb> i like PC

23:42 <ryaxnb> so simple to use, cheap or free games

23:42 * Princess-Luna loves her PS3, it does just what I bought it for, lol

23:42 <ryaxnb> many many games

23:42 <ryaxnb> compatible with titles from 1990 to today

23:42 * Princess-Luna still maintains her Pro-all platform stance anyway

23:42 <Rainbow_Dashie> Well yeah, PC is also really nice. It is THE best media device, period

23:42 <ryaxnb> i like the back-compat

23:42 <Rainbow_Dashie> and games a plenty :D

23:42 <ryaxnb> Sonic Adventure DX, for instance, still runs on PC

23:42 <ryaxnb> whereas the Dreamcast game -- well...

23:42 <ryaxnb> :D

23:42 <Rainbow_Dashie> Well, so does the entire PS2 catalogue .... :p

23:42 <Princess-Luna> It still works on DC if you own one.

23:43 <Princess-Phantasma> i have Xbox 360, Wii, 3DS, PC and had a PS1&2

23:43 <ryaxnb> yeah, but not on any newer consoles

23:43 <TrixieMoon> I have all the consoles!

23:43 <ryaxnb> one PC can play most every pc game back to 1990

23:43 <Princess-Luna> eh, you can get the digital version

23:43 *** Joins: FlutterDash (dqnuzxesmkw@Pony-t547fg.pa.comcast.net)

23:43 <Princess-Luna> the world and it's needs has changed

23:43 <ryaxnb> unless it's some crap mid-1990s 3dfx title no one cared about updating/emulating

23:43 <ryaxnb> but other than that, most everything runs either in a DOSbox, windows 9x VM, or straight on the hardware

23:43 <ryaxnb> :D

23:44 <Rainbow_Dashie> I have a PC, DSi XL, PS Vita, PS1,2,3,4, Wii and a gameboy pocket somewhere here :p

23:44 <TrixieMoon> I don't see the point of next gen.

23:44 <TrixieMoon> Again.

23:44 <Princess-Luna> It's for those who want consoles.

23:44 <Princess-Luna> who do exist

23:44 <Rainbow_Dashie> TrixieMoon: atm? not much really. I mean, I only like Resogun and Infamous so far. I played all those remakes >_>

23:44 <Neff> Or for people who want both

23:45 <Neff> who do also exist ^_^

23:45 <Princess-Luna> there are many who don't WANT to game or can't game on their PC's and prefer the console useage

23:45 <Princess-Luna> and neffs is also correct

23:45 <TrixieMoon> I want to game. But there's no games I like.

23:45 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-h7qneu.orcon.net.nz)

23:45 <TrixieMoon> I'm so starved of good games I've ended up playing PS1 games again...

23:45 <ryaxnb> TrixieMoon, next gen has issues with only really having aaa games and late indie ports

23:45 <TimidClef> o.Okay so - er. Very odd comment\statement, but why would you sell underwear in a resealable baggie?

23:45 * ThatAnonPony boops TrixieMoon with Tetris. Can't go wrong with retro.

23:45 <TrixieMoon> Exactly!

23:45 <TrixieMoon> Super mario land 2

23:45 <ryaxnb> and being a fairly minor upgrade, and less state of the art by far than even a mid range pc

23:45 <Rainbow_Dashie> Thing is, I'm waiting for Uncharted 4, LBP3, Drive Club, The Order 1886, Bloodborne, Destiny, .....

23:46 <TrixieMoon> Uncharted 4 won't happen?

23:46 * fish prefers MS-DOS games ane Windows-95 Games

23:46 <ryaxnb> Rainbow_Dashie, but all of those could be done on PC.

23:46 <ryaxnb> TrixieMoon, of course it will

23:46 <Neff> there's still so many awesome games I haven't played

23:46 <TrixieMoon> Will it?

23:46 <ryaxnb> there's an inengine trailer and the studio makes banks

23:46 <Rainbow_Dashie> ryaxnb: that's the thing! Could be but wont be

23:46 <ryaxnb> bank*

23:46 <TrixieMoon> I always thought Naughty Dog did things in three's...

23:46 <ryaxnb> no, they released a trailer for Uncharted 4.

23:46 <Rainbow_Dashie> If they would, i'd buy it on pc ofcourse :p

23:46 <Princess-Light> you what is great to have? all games from 90s to today you can play on pc even if your pc is new you can play your old games and new games.

23:46 <TrixieMoon> They must be struggling then

23:46 <ryaxnb> using in-engine graphics rendered in real-time, looks quite good.

23:47 <Rainbow_Dashie> Yeah, they already showed a teaser trailer for uncharted 4

23:47 <ryaxnb> not really, it's just their most succesful series of all time.

23:47 <Princess-Luna> ^

23:47 <Neff> Princess-Light: That IS cool

23:47 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Quit: Quitte)

23:47 <Princess-Luna> You don't just stop.

23:47 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

23:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

23:47 <Princess-Luna> you make more

23:47 <ryaxnb> they also expanded to two studios so they can simulteanously work on cool new projects like The Last Of Us

23:47 <ryaxnb> which was done in parallel with early dev on UC4

23:47 <Neff> Also, why do there have to be multiple princesses here? makes auto-tabbing harder

23:47 <fish> "Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr" hue

23:47 <Princess-Luna> lol

23:47 <ryaxnb> because of the dual-studio nature of naughty dog now

23:48 <Princess-Light> because you can not play old games on new pc well why make a pc that can play new games and 90s games.

23:48 <TrixieMoon> I just thought they'd move on to something new... like the last of us

23:48 <Rainbow_Dashie> While I love Uncharted, I really hope Naughty Dog will make a new IP after Uncharted 4 and blow us away with a new game.

23:48 <Princess-Luna> I USED to have `Princess-luna, but that was eschewed recently once I acquired this name

23:48 <Cepheid> Whether one console is better than another, whether the PC is better than consoles, I don't really care.  As the team of developers are generally the ones that make the choice of the platform, and we live in a world where people have the FREEDOM TO MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES, it is up to the developers to choose what platform they want to develop on.

23:48 <ryaxnb> Princess-Light, you can play old games on new pc

23:48 <Cepheid> Money may be involved in that choice, admittedly.

23:48 <Princess-Light> not all old games

23:48 <ryaxnb> almost all

23:48 *** Quits: FlutterDash (dqnuzxesmkw@Pony-t547fg.pa.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:48 <Cepheid> But that, too, is up to the decision of the project lead and/or the developers

23:48 <Princess-Phantasma> i need to make a woona vector at some point, but ill save it for when im better at inkscape

23:48 <Neff> Princess-Luna: Yeah... I was gonna ask about that :p

23:48 <ryaxnb> there are a couple from the mid-1990s that can be an issue

23:49 <ryaxnb> basically any game from 2000 on works because it has win2k support (and thus NT support)

23:49 <Rainbow_Dashie> Actually, what I really want is for Naughty Dog to finish Uncharted 4 and then confirm that they are making Crash Bandicoot 4. The REAL OFFICIAL Crash Bandicoot 4! :D

23:49 <Neff> And you both start with an "L", too! That's another letter to enter!

23:49 <ryaxnb> and anything from 1990-1996 usually has a dos version that DOSBox can run

23:49 <ryaxnb> and most popular games from 1996-2000 have been enhanced for newer OSes or are supported in 9x compatibliity mode of WIndows

23:49 <TrixieMoon> I like console better

23:49 <Princess-Light> i am on win 7 you think i can play old games from 90s

23:49 <ryaxnb> Princess-Light, yep

23:49 <ryaxnb> e.g. Half Life I, Quake II still work

23:50 <ryaxnb> Unreal Tournament 1.

23:50 <TrixieMoon> There's always GOG for old games.

23:50 <ryaxnb> Quake I.

23:50 <Princess-Light> and othergames?

23:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> I dont know, I'm on Win8 and I cant get Fallout 3 to start for the life of me >_>

23:50 <ryaxnb> most other ones work, those are just some big names

23:50 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-7ck.6hi.193.139.IP) (Client exited)

23:50 <ryaxnb> DOS games from the 90s require the free dos simulator DOSbox

23:50 <TrixieMoon> Rainbow_Dashie: Guess you died then

23:50 <TrixieMoon> Game Over!

23:50 <ryaxnb> (e.g. DOOM, Duke Nukem, Commander Keen)

23:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> :p

23:50 <TrixieMoon> Doom 4

23:50 <ZeroParadox> Who is here? - 3 -

23:51 <ZeroParadox> ThatAnonPony. I summon you. - 3 -

23:51 <Rainbow_Dashie> I got it working back on my win7 pc. But I dont have that anymore :(

23:51 <Princess-Phantasma> TimidClef, art me

23:51 <Princess-Light> like doom,mortal kombat, duke nukem, and other?

23:51 <TrixieMoon> Actually Doom and Duke aren't as good as they used to be. So I stick to Serious Sam. Dude!

23:51 <ZeroParadox> TimidClef: No, art me.

23:51 <ThatAnonPony> o3o

23:51 <Rainbow_Dashie> Serious Sam is the Real Duke Nukem Forever

23:51 * ThatAnonPony sneeze.

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23:52 <TrixieMoon> Yeah Duke Nuken Forever was like... Halo, but terrible.

23:52 <ryaxnb> Princess-Light, yeah, for dos games, that dos simulator has near 100% compatibility and is free

23:52 <ryaxnb> of course you need to know how to use DOS

23:52 <Princess-Light> dos?

23:52 <TrixieMoon> You're a DOS =P

23:52 <ryaxnb> or get a repackaged version of the game with the simulator included from GoG

23:52 <Rainbow_Dashie> I didn't think it was GOD AWEFULL, but yeah. It was 12 years in development. I expect something great and it was rather bad

23:52 <ryaxnb> Princess-Light, DOS was the OS most games from 1990-1996 were built on

23:53 <ryaxnb> instead of windows

23:53 <ryaxnb> command line based, various limitations, direct hardware access.

23:53 <TrixieMoon> Rainbow_Dashie: I still completed it 100%

23:53 <Princess-Light> i should install DOS on win 7?

23:53 <ryaxnb> :/

23:53 * lotsofjam boops ThatAnonPony

23:53 <ryaxnb> nvm

23:53 <Rainbow_Dashie> I stopped after 2 hours and returned it :/

23:53 <ryaxnb> i'll tell you about it later

23:53 <Rainbow_Dashie> It just bored me

23:53 <TrixieMoon> lmao

23:53 * ThatAnonPony scrunch.

23:53 * Princess-Phantasma eats lotsofjam

23:53 <rainbowpower64> you know what other game was a disapointment

23:53 <Princess-Light> ...

23:53 <Rainbow_Dashie> diablo 3?

23:53 <TrixieMoon> The first 2 hours for me were uh... weeing and throwing turds.

23:53 * lotsofjam O_o

23:54 <ryaxnb> TrixieMoon, that game was so bad, yes.

23:54 <TrixieMoon> lol

23:54 <Princess-Phantasma> Princess-Luna, what are you doing in pathfinder?

23:54 <rainbowpower64> that and kirby's epic yarn

23:54 <ryaxnb> that was a great game!

23:54 <Rainbow_Dashie> ..... really? I kinda liked that game :p

23:54 <TrixieMoon> It needed to be well.. more like serious sam, killing of thousands of monsters in one level with health and stuff.

23:54 <rainbowpower64> oh

23:54 <TrixieMoon> And Kircy's Epic Yawn is like... my favourite game! Don't diss it!

23:54 <fish> diablo 3 mentioned. swell with pride

23:54 <lotsofjam> Serious sam was awesome

23:54 <Princess-Luna> Nothing yet, we've not started.

23:54 <Rainbow_Dashie> Sure, it was .... insanely easy, but it was a game i could turn my brain off :p

23:54 <rainbowpower64> sorry

23:54 <ryaxnb> if it really wanted to take on the modern shooter genre, something like Shadow Warrior 2013 would be good

23:54 <Princess-Phantasma> what is pathfinder?

23:55 <rainbowpower64> i just thought it was too easy

23:55 <TrixieMoon> Diablo 3 was okay, but Torchlight 2 is better.

23:55 <ryaxnb> rainbowpower64, it's for kids.

23:55 <Rainbow_Dashie> rainbowpower64: dont be. Different opinions, it's all good and thats a valid complaint :p

23:55 <ryaxnb> it's squarely targeted at 3-8

23:55 <TrixieMoon> I really enjoyed Kirby's Epic Yawn I found it hard in some places...

23:55 <ryaxnb> if you're too old for it, or too good, you're not the market

23:55 * TrixieMoon feels stupid now

23:55 <Llybel> pathfinder is a table top rpg game based on the dungeons and dragons ruleset

23:55 <Rainbow_Dashie> TrixieMoon: Torchlight was the real diablo

23:55 <Rainbow_Dashie> *diablo 3

23:55 <fish> diablo 3 was diablo with easier monsters, more useless junk, and better graphics

23:56 <Rainbow_Dashie> However! I will say Diablo 3 has gotten way better!

23:56 <ryaxnb> Kirby Wii was the kirby game for the older audience (as well as the younger)

23:56 <TrixieMoon> Diablo 3 was just.... man I had to sell my stuff like every two seconds cause my bag was full.

23:56 <ryaxnb> kirby epic yarn was just mainly for kids

23:56 <rainbowpower64> yeah

23:56 <rainbowpower64> ok

23:56 <Rainbow_Dashie> ryaxnb: I enjoyed it for just turning of my brain

23:56 <ryaxnb> it is great if you're bad at games, like a young kid.

23:56 <ryaxnb> Rainbow_Dashie, sure

23:56 <fish> you want a difficult game? but abe's oddysee.

23:56 <ryaxnb> that's fine.

23:56 <Princess-Phantasma> im gunna keep playing dnd instead

23:57 <Rainbow_Dashie> you want a difficult game? Buy Demon's Souls

23:57 <TrixieMoon> I enjoy playing games in my own way and taking my time, and everyone thinks that's "bad".

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23:57 <rainbowpower64> hi phantasma

23:57 <ryaxnb> one thing about kirby

23:57 <fish> you want a difficult adventourus game? but Little Big Adventure and LBA2.

23:57 <ryaxnb> kirby's adventure may not seem that easy by today's standards

23:57 <ryaxnb> but compare it to other NES games like contra

23:57 <Rainbow_Dashie> TrixieMoon: I feel ya. I usually wanna take my time to explore and see everything of the game. Most indeed just run/drive past everything

23:57 <Princess-Phantasma> if you want something hard for a kid, make them play through the fire and flames by dragonforce on expert on guitar hero 3

23:57 <ryaxnb> Kirby has always been very easy

23:58 <TrixieMoon> Kirby is well fun, I felt so happy playing it, it made me feel warm inside.

23:58 <fish> you want to kill yourself? but superhexagon

23:58 <Princess-Phantasma> never played kirby

23:58 <ryaxnb> thats the goal,  is to be a good intro to gaming

23:58 <Rainbow_Dashie> When was kirby ever hard, really?

23:58 <Princess-Phantasma> hi rainbowpower64

23:58 <Rainbow_Dashie> It's a platformer where you can fly!

23:58 <Rainbow_Dashie> :p

23:58 <Princess-Light> through the fire and flames by dragonforce i like this music

23:58 <ryaxnb> Rainbow_Dashie, kirby's adventure is not much easier than say sonic 4

23:58 <Princess-Phantasma> so are certain levels of mario

23:58 <ryaxnb> but it's much easier than other NES games

23:58 <ryaxnb> games in general have gotten much easier

23:59 <Rainbow_Dashie> ...... well i think sonic 4 was just bad :/

23:59 <Rainbow_Dashie> episode 2 was better, but still meh

23:59 <Princess-Luna> Eh, it was okay

23:59 <fish> i have a better idea: play sonic riders

23:59 <ryaxnb> kirby games also tend to be collectathons

23:59 <ryaxnb> getting 100% can be much harder than beating the game

23:59 <Rainbow_Dashie> that's why i like it as well

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23:59 * Princess-Luna is playing Generations on 3DS - a much more enjoyable title

23:59 <rainbowpower64> did you know that they had crossovers of mario and sonic

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