Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Friday, 2014-08-15

00:00 <SodaJerk> So who is this fabled TrixieMoon

00:01 <jamis> A ship.

00:01 <TrixieMoon> The one and only great and powerful Trixie~

00:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: SFM: One Day with Princess Celestia  [ http://tinyurl.com/p2lm9tu ]

00:02 <jamis> So it's not the shipping of trixie and nightmare moon?

00:02 *** Sketchy_Sounds|Prep is now known as Sketchy_Sounds|LIVE

00:05 <TrixieMoon> Don't be a neighsayer xD

00:06 <BubbleBerry> O3o

00:07 <Somniis> anyone here know an open PInkie Pie VA?

00:07 <SilentRhyme> nup

00:07 <TrixieMoon> Doesn't that require... a girl?

00:08 <NanoByte> usually

00:11 <SilentRhyme> some guys can pitch their voices too that point

00:11 <Freegator> Rina-chan?

00:11 <Freegator> no, too risky

00:12 <thelema5> !stats

00:12 <Neptune|sleep> http://stats.nightstone.net/stats.php?c=EquestriaDaily

00:12 <SilentRhyme> Zero|PS3, do you wanna play gta? xD

00:13 <Zero|PS3> o3o ...

00:13 <Zero|PS3> Well

00:13 <Zero|PS3> I'm doing something with a friend o3o;

00:13 <BubbleBerry> O3O

00:14 <SilentRhyme> Zero|PS3: LOVE ME

00:14 <SilentRhyme> :d

00:14 <SilentRhyme> :c

00:14 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (bevewhuazia@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:15 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-cflcdc.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:15 <Zero|PS3> o3o ...

00:15 <Zero|PS3> Nah. o3o

00:15 <SilentRhyme> lol

00:16 * TrixieMoon loves SilentRhyme

00:16 *** Joins: lightIRC_1405 (rhvblggyent@Pony-lbl9ml.direct-adsl.nl)

00:16 *** Quits: lightIRC_1405 (rhvblggyent@Pony-lbl9ml.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:18 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

00:21 <OctaveSymphony> Everypony so quiet

00:21 * Phantasma_Eeria pokes SilentRhyme in the eye with salt

00:22 * Somniis starts setting off explosions

00:22 <SilentRhyme> lol

00:22 <Phantasma_Eeria> OctaveSymphony, it is quiet isnt it

00:23 <OctaveSymphony> Listening in on the livestream atm, so didn't notice at first

00:24 <OctaveSymphony> Lots of echoes on Sketchy's end it feels like

00:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> maybe

00:26 <vi[NLR]> huh.. new people. new people everywhere!

00:26 <TrixieMoon> Sketchy is inspiring.

00:26 <Phantasma_Eeria> eeyup

00:26 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

00:26 * Phantasma_Eeria pokes vi[NLR]'s vi to see what happens

00:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> im a curious pone

00:27 * vi[NLR] explodes.

00:27 <SodaJerk> eyyy

00:27 <OctaveSymphony> Oh noes

00:28 *** Quits: OctaveSymphony (hajgiyhfjta@Pony-asfitp.tbcn.telia.com) (Z-Lined: Your IP range has been attempting to connect too many times in too short a duration. Wait a while, and you will be able to connect.)

00:28 <Phantasma_Eeria> oops

00:29 *** Joins: Sky (txezmykhldx@Pony-r0b32h.res.bhn.net)

00:29 * Phantasma_Eeria rolls her head over to SodaJerk

00:29 <TrixieMoon> Oof! NOOO

00:29 *** Quits: Sky (txezmykhldx@Pony-r0b32h.res.bhn.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:30 <SodaJerk> oh nooooo

00:31 *** Joins: Lord_Greener (greener@Pony-nbt7u0.dhcp.inet.fi)

00:35 *** Joins: RadioActive (thltlrhsfrb@Pony-tsl5lm.sbndin.sbcglobal.net)

00:35 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP) (Connection closed)

00:36 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-ijc.jea.150.64.IP) (Connection closed)

00:36 *** Quits: RadioActive (thltlrhsfrb@Pony-tsl5lm.sbndin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:36 *** Joins: Gantz (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-g9g9q1.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net)

00:36 <Pony_13734> Hi

00:36 <Pony_13734> Sup guys

00:36 <TrixieMoon> Hi Pony_13734

00:37 <Pony_13734> Hi pony_13734 :3 new here?

00:37 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-pa4rf5.pa.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)

00:37 <TrixieMoon> >< Do you have a nick?

00:38 <SilentRhyme> :P

00:38 <Pony_13734> Yea???? You said hi to pony w/e so I said hi too

00:38 <TrixieMoon> You said hi to yourself? =P

00:38 <Pony_13734> No to the new pony....

00:39 <Pony_13734> Oh I don't have my nick name set

00:39 *** Pony_13734 is now known as Kakastraer

00:39 *** Kakastraer is now known as Kalastraer

00:39 <Kalastraer> There we goes

00:39 <TrixieMoon> lol

00:39 <TrixieMoon> Silly~

00:40 <Kalastraer> So Trixie how is your day goiiin

00:40 <TrixieMoon> It's going smooth and quiet :3

00:41 <Kalastraer> That's great!

00:42 <Kalastraer> I can't wait for tonight its gonna be awe-some

00:43 <Kalastraer> I wish you could come with me Trixie

00:44 <thelema5> What do you have planned, Kalastrear?

00:46 *** Joins: OctaveSymphony (hajgiyhfjta@Pony-asfitp.tbcn.telia.com)

00:46 <OctaveSymphony> Oh there we go

00:46 <thelema5> Welcome back!

00:46 <OctaveSymphony> Always fun to get slapped with a ban

00:46 <thelema5> What happened?

00:46 <OctaveSymphony> "Your IP range has been attempting to connect too many times in too short a duration."

00:46 <OctaveSymphony> Not sure what caused that

00:47 <thelema5> What IRC client are you using?

00:47 <OctaveSymphony> Whichever one EqD has embeded on the website

00:47 <TrixieMoon> It's okay.

00:48 <OctaveSymphony> Oh well it works now

00:48 <Ali> That one can do that.

00:49 <OctaveSymphony> Thought it was my cable first since it was broken and kept disconnecting me and reconnecting

00:50 <TrixieMoon> Where is Kalastraer going?

00:51 *** Quits: Freegator (odpthjvilyn@Pony-nkfing.home.otenet.gr) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:52 *** Parts: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) ()

00:52 <Skip> What do you call someone who always has to do the opposite of whatever everyone else likes?

00:54 <NanoByte> an individual?

00:54 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

00:54 <Skip> no I mean has to, not just happens to.

00:54 * ThatAnonPony flops on Lenfant_Sauvage. Ponderpone.

00:54 <NanoByte> a brat?

00:55 <Skip> haha that's fine

00:55 <NanoByte> xD

00:55 *** Joins: Black_Wing (iyrnesxbnye@Pony-f77rpu.east.verizon.net)

00:55 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

00:56 *** Joins: Kalastrear (Kalastrear@Pony-gqt7dt.etnr.0n1m.1014.2600.IP)

00:57 *** Kalastrear is now known as Pony_77554

00:57 *** Quits: Black_Wing (iyrnesxbnye@Pony-f77rpu.east.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:57 *** Quits: Kalastraer (Kalastrear@Pony-g78rts.2hp9.avdo.1014.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:57 *** Joins: Kalastrear (Kalastrear@Pony-7l27i7.igf1.qktm.1014.2600.IP)

00:58 *** Kalastrear is now known as Pony_34035

00:59 * NanoByte tackle-glomps CleverDerpy

00:59 <NanoByte> <3

00:59 <CleverDerpy> hiya

00:59 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (~Coco_Nut@Pony-4kk5qv.as13285.net)

00:59 * CleverDerpy hugs back and purrs

00:59 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

00:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

00:59 <NanoByte> ponies that purr?

01:00 <NanoByte> what has this world become?!

01:00 * NanoByte cuddles CleverDerpy :3

01:00 * Lenfant_Sauvage looks at ThatAnonPony. Ponders about his ponderin'.

01:00 * OctaveSymphony has learned great things

01:00 *** Quits: Pony_77554 (Kalastrear@Pony-gqt7dt.etnr.0n1m.1014.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:00 <ThatAnonPony> Rainbow Dash-y things, Lenfant! And also a Rarity side-thing.

01:00 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Uh oh.

01:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Sounds super scary.

01:01 <NanoByte> that's Dashing

01:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1257 [ http://tinyurl.com/o256cfa ]

01:01 <ThatAnonPony> But Rarity thing, Lenfant!

01:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But it sounds so... fanfictiony. I know your ways, sofapone.

01:02 <ThatAnonPony> Nu-uh!

01:02 *** Joins: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-jhu.2k9.84.91.IP)

01:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Oh?

01:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

01:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Do tell, then.

01:02 <ThatAnonPony> Well, sort of maybe. Features canon thoughts, but from the show.

01:02 <ThatAnonPony> And an interesting aside: Sweet and Elite is about Rarity learning it's okay to be a brony! o3o b

01:02 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Pony-pmdq4n.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP)

01:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Wait what

01:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I thought that's what Read it and Weep was about?

01:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> :p

01:03 <ThatAnonPony> Hmm. Both are then, I guess.

01:03 <ThatAnonPony> I think Sweet and Elite is more so though.

01:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> In what way?

01:04 <ThatAnonPony> Rarity learns at the end it's okay to be friends with people, even certain people might not understand or approve, right?

01:04 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (montezuma@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Tumblr PROTIP: change _500 into _1280 for better quality.)

01:04 <Skip> That's not quite right...

01:04 <hawthornbunny> I thought the message of Read it and Weep was that even in the middle of the night, Applejack is still hanging around in the middle of town for some reason.

01:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> No, he's got it.

01:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> And yeah, I can see it being morphed to fit that.

01:05 <OctaveSymphony> But hanging around in the middle of town in the middle of night is fun

01:05 <ThatAnonPony> Rarity learned it's okay to be a brony. o3o b

01:06 <ThatAnonPony> And also that not setting time aside to make a dress for your friend for their birthday is bad. But mostly brony.

01:06 <TrixieMoon> Brony~!

01:06 * Princess-Luna is on for an hour, laptop battery but no power! XD

01:06 <Skip> She learned not to put her social standing before her friends. It's more like... it's okay to go to brony...meetups, and not only to your daily job?

01:06 * ThatAnonPony snuggles Princess-Luna. Boops with Rarity plushie.

01:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Skip: it's both of those things.

01:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Rarity's assured that hanging out with "the common folk", or with folk that're looked down upon by someone else, is fine if they're doing nothing wrong. Which fits both definitions.

01:07 <ThatAnonPony> Thing is, it's also kind of undermined when you realise her livelihood is partially dependant upon her social standing...

01:08 <Skip> There was also a lesson that if you get the support of an influential figure uninvolved with the situation, then others will go along with it even though they would normally disapprove.

01:08 <hawthornbunny> I can't blame Rarity in that episode. Events always conspire to put her in awkward positions like that. ^^

01:08 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Quit: )

01:08 <hawthornbunny> Poor mare can't get a break.

01:08 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-gnj357.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:09 <ThatAnonPony> Anywho. Lenfant! Has Dash actually genuinely developed as a character come the end of S4, or is she still pretty much the same as she's always been?

01:09 *** Joins: Kalastrear (Kalastrear@Pony-gl38f0.jjs3.blk1.1014.2600.IP)

01:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I say the latter.

01:09 <Skip> Also it's unbelievably arrogant to think that the acceptance of her friends had anything to do with show fans.

01:10 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-ir764p.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

01:10 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)

01:10 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

01:10 <ThatAnonPony> Of course it is. I'm just saying the message is applicable to both.

01:10 <Skip> There are other groups not well received by upper crust society, you know.

01:10 *** Kalastrear is now known as Pony_38217

01:10 <jamis> What now?

01:10 <ThatAnonPony> Just because someone disapproves, doesn't mean you need to be embarrassed about who you or your friends are.

01:10 * ThatAnonPony shrug.

01:10 <OctaveSymphony> The upper crust of society like to think they're better than everypony else

01:10 <jamis> What ThatAnonPony said. 100%

01:11 <Skip> I might accept that the episode says it's okay to be friends with bronies. It does not imply in any way that it's okay to be a brony though.

01:11 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP)

01:11 <ThatAnonPony> It just so happens that's applicable to lots of situations. Being friends with a terrible dancer and liking MLP are just two of them.

01:11 <jamis> OctaveSymphony, doubt that.

01:11 <SilentRhyme> Homies help homies

01:11 <SilentRhyme> the end

01:11 <Skip> Call of the Cutie could work for the "it's okay to be a brony" thing.

01:12 *** Quits: Pony_34035 (Kalastrear@Pony-7l27i7.igf1.qktm.1014.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:12 <Somniis> Skip being a brony isn’t a type of lifestyle

01:12 <Somniis> just means you like the show

01:12 <ThatAnonPony> Also also Lenfant, all of Dash's "learning a thing" episodes basically end up missing the mark, right?

01:12 <Skip> Somniis: That too.

01:13 <Lenfant_Sauvage> No, not necessarily. It's just they give her lessons she's either rarely able to apply, or she never seems to learn them outright.

01:13 <Somniis> being a brony only becomes a big deal when you make it one

01:13 <ThatAnonPony> Hmm.

01:13 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Hurricane Fluttershy is an excellent example of a Dash episode done correctly, even if done in conjuction with Fluttershy.

01:13 <ThatAnonPony> True!

01:14 <Somniis> Read it and Weep I think is also a good one

01:14 <thelema5> - bye everypony!

01:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That's why I'm always a little incensed with how Dash is written; because they HAVE shown before that they can write Dash as if she's confident in her friends, even if they're not necessarily up to her personal standards.

01:14 <thelema5> Heading home.

01:14 *** Quits: thelema5 (brogjmdtgtb@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:14 <ThatAnonPony> But I mean, Fluttershy's learned to stand up for herself a bit more, Applejack learned to put her stubbornness aside, Twilight learned to alicorn. Character development like that.

01:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It is, but that's one of the few episodes that stick to her as the series goes on, since she continues to profess her love of reading.

01:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> *nods8

01:14 <Skip> Somniis: It's a sort of negative pressure really. When you can't even talk about something at all with people at large, it pushes you closer to the few who share your interest.

01:14 <Somniis> “Twilight learned to Alicorn”--lol

01:15 <Somniis> that is a very true statement Skip

01:15 <OctaveSymphony> Interesting lesson that must be

01:15 <hawthornbunny> Also Applejack's duckface skills have only gotten stronger as time goes on.

01:15 <ThatAnonPony> Just makes me wonder if it's possible for the writer's to not actually understand their own characters.

01:15 <ThatAnonPony> Or to not understand Dash, even.

01:15 <Skip> ThatAnonPony: That's a very existential question...

01:16 <Somniis> the different writers of the show probably have different ideas of how the characters act

01:16 <Princess-Luna> Dash is an easy fix, and thats the problem

01:16 <ThatAnonPony> How so?

01:16 <SilentRhyme> :3

01:17 *** NovaDash is now known as StonerShy

01:17 *** StonerShy is now known as Stonershy

01:18 <TrixieMoon> The air grows tense...

01:18 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I maintain that Rainbow Falls could have been very easily solved by changing one line in the script.

01:18 <ThatAnonPony> I 'unno, I kind of think Dash could be one of the most interesting characters if thought about just a little.

01:18 <Skip> she could have sold some of the damn books, before they all got incinerated...

01:18 <hawthornbunny> "We even have a replacement. And it's DERPY."

01:19 <Princess-Luna> They won't do that. XD

01:19 <Princess-Luna> Silly hawthorn

01:19 <OctaveSymphony> Bring back Derpy :(

01:19 <SilentRhyme> Derpeh

01:19 <ThatAnonPony> What's Dash's flaw/s anyway? That she's headstrong and over-confident? That she brags more than a little?

01:19 <Princess-Luna> She IS back. O.o

01:19 <Skip> hawthornbunny:  ha

01:19 <hawthornbunny> Rainbow Falls is ten times better if you watch it with the headcanon that all the characters are drunk.

01:19 <Princess-Luna> Brash and unthinking at times

01:21 <TrixieMoon> That's it!

01:21 <Skip> ThatAnonPony: She's afraid of rejection?

01:21 <TrixieMoon> Rainbow Brash!

01:21 <Princess-Luna> and, in the same way Rarity can be, self involved with her own abilities to the point of arrogance.- not undeserved, but perhaps still a little much of the ego

01:21 <hawthornbunny> She's insensitive at times, especially to Fluttershy.

01:21 <ThatAnonPony> What about brashness and overconfidence as a self-defense mechanism for low self-esteem?

01:21 <TrixieMoon> Rarity is the prettiest pony in Ponyville.

01:21 <Skip> Dash craves acceptance more than any of the others I think... it really makes her vulnerable at times.

01:21 <Princess-Luna> It's a flaw, nonetheless

01:22 <ThatAnonPony> Boom. Skip gets it.

01:22 *** Quits: SXRXE (SXRXE@Pony-j4pbj0.dsl.as9105.com) (Connection closed)

01:22 <Princess-Luna> Looking at it from the outside, myself...her internal mechanisms might be a justification but the act is STILL flawed in execution to the outside viewer

01:23 <Skip> "The only thing I like more than going fast... is winning!"

01:23 <hawthornbunny> And cider!

01:23 <Skip> haha that too

01:23 <ThatAnonPony> Winning cider by going fast?

01:24 *** Joins: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-733.ugb.27.24.IP)

01:24 *** Joins: Nintendo4DS (Nintendo3DS@Pony-dld.3sv.206.69.IP)

01:24 * Phantasma_Eeria points out that the queue for the cider is too long for any of us to get some

01:24 *** Joins: Cudle|2 (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

01:24 <Skip> She's always slow at getting cider though.

01:24 <ThatAnonPony> Also vaguely pondering what an episode would look like if the characters had to confront their respective elements somehow.

01:24 <OctaveSymphony> Felt so cruel when she didn't get any cider :/

01:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> eeyup

01:24 <hawthornbunny> ThatAnonPony: wasn't that... season 4?

01:25 <Skip> Oh I know... just give Dash a drink already!

01:25 * ThatAnonPony has not watched S4. Cannot say.

01:25 <hawthornbunny> Oh! In that case I didn't say anything

01:25 <Skip> She's your friend and it's been /years/ since she had any cider?

01:25 <TrixieMoon> You just described like s4 lol

01:25 <hawthornbunny> no he didn't!

01:25 <hawthornbunny> Season 4 is just tea parties. The whole season. That's it.

01:25 * ThatAnonPony is also still confused by Twilight.

01:25 <TrixieMoon> pfft

01:26 <OctaveSymphony> Do want season 5, still far away though

01:26 <Princess-Luna> How can you be confused by twi?

01:26 <ThatAnonPony> S'like, all the other five are parts of what makes a good friendship a good friendship. Then there's magic.

01:26 <hawthornbunny> Applejack spills the tea in one episode and there's a panic as they figure out what to do. But that's all.

01:26 *** Joins: Saerydoth_ (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com)

01:26 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:26 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:26 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-vr08qv.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:26 *** Quits: jimm (Nintendo3DS@Pony-7l8ai2.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:26 <PearlyWhites> hawthornbunny, Don't forget about the cucumber sandwiches! Tea parties and cucumber sandwiches

01:26 <Princess-Luna> they needed to make the phrase 'friendship is magic' work somehow

01:26 <ThatAnonPony> So now I have the silly idea of ponies having to study magic as part of being good friends of somesuch.

01:26 <hawthornbunny> I liked the cucumber sandwich episode.

01:27 <Skip> The saddest thing about that episode I think was the cider season that followed it. No help with machinery, no intense competition to increase product...

01:27 <TrixieMoon> friendship is magic, without friendship there is no magic.

01:27 <ThatAnonPony> Yes, but Luna! The Elements describe friendship in a way, and then that friendship is magic.

01:27 <ThatAnonPony> So then there's magic in that magic!

01:27 * ThatAnonPony flail!

01:27 <ElectricPsoras> Skip, I don't think Apple Family Cider is the only cider brand in all Equestria.

01:27 <Skip> Being friends with people makes sparkly rainbow beams. Makes sense to me.

01:28 <hawthornbunny> Mmmmm. Golden Harvest's Finest Carrot Cider.

01:28 <OctaveSymphony> Apple Family Cider is the best though

01:28 <Skip> ElectricPsoras: There sure are a lot of disappointed ponies still in line every year though. Except for the one where the Flim/Flam brothers came.

01:28 <ThatAnonPony> Anyway, I get the feeling it was meant to be a metaphor. Like, the magic is the spark that starts a relationship in the first place. But it ended up being literal anyway.

01:28 <TrixieMoon> Deep thinking =P

01:29 <hawthornbunny> ThatAnonPony: why haven't you seen season 4?

01:29 <PearlyWhites> Oh my! I have a new headcanon! Applejack uses some "special ingredients " in her Applebrown betties, that explains everything!!

01:29 <ThatAnonPony> Still recovering from S3, hawthornbunny.

01:29 <Princess-Luna> It could have simply been intended to be both, Anon. :P

01:29 <hawthornbunny> Oh come on, you must be over Twilicorn by now

01:30 <ThatAnonPony> I 'unno, I think Twilicorn kind of makes it literal.

01:30 <Princess-Luna> Thats kinda my point though

01:30 <Skip> Season 4 was pretty awesome I think. Maud, Twilight Time, Cheese Sandwich, Rarity scratching at fleas... Flutterbat

01:30 <ThatAnonPony> And no, it's not that, hawthornbunny. I don't /mind/ Twilicorn, though I do think the episode was poorly done.

01:30 <Skip> meh, twilicorn

01:30 <ThatAnonPony> But that's just it. A lot of the episodes felt poorly done. Shook my confidence in the show a little.

01:30 <Princess-Luna> Season 4 is easily better

01:30 <Skip> the episode was SO poorly done. Not as bad as ACW, but...

01:31 <Princess-Luna> and thats not hyperbole.

01:31 <ThatAnonPony> ... I'm glad, Luna. Because "easily better" is the worst hyperbole ever.

01:31 <hawthornbunny> But that's what being a fan is about. You take the bad with the good. Then you pretend the bad never happened. ^_^

01:31 <SilentRhyme> Hay guise

01:31 <TrixieMoon> Not really, I can't pretend G3 didn't happen.

01:31 <SilentRhyme> I have season 9 of mlp

01:31 <Princess-Luna> Even many who disliked season 3 were taken by episodes in s4. :P

01:32 <TrixieMoon> Take it with a pinch of salt.

01:32 <Princess-Luna> and seriously, Maud Pie

01:32 <Skip> Star Swirl's unfinished spell that for some reason only works if you're the elements of harmony even though he wasn't that switches around your cutie marks. And completing the spell does... nothing! A whole lot of nothing!

01:32 <OctaveSymphony> I haven't watched anything from G1-3, some say that's good others say I should watch it

01:32 <Skip> I mean seriously. The spell. Did. Nothing. What kind of a spell is that?

01:32 <PearlyWhites> Anon you have to accept Larson as your Savior and New God

01:32 <ThatAnonPony> Yeah, I don't get it either Skip.

01:32 <Princess-Luna> it needed 2 episodes really

01:32 <ThatAnonPony> Not to mention that Twilight very nearly ruins her friends' lives, and she's rewarded because of it.

01:32 <SilentRhyme> do you wan't a millions dollarrszzz here go 222 this place it;s a scams o3o https://www.lolthisisascamubuttfacesIdonthavethenewseasons.com/scam

01:32 *** Quits: Saerydoth_ (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

01:32 <ThatAnonPony> MLP in general has an odd relationship with responsibility

01:33 <SilentRhyme> ^

01:33 <TrixieMoon> One thinks, if Star Swirl finished the spell, would he be an alicorn?

01:33 <ThatAnonPony> ... It all makes sense, TrixieMoon.

01:33 <OctaveSymphony> One thing I'm wondering about all the time, how is Blueblood a Prince?

01:33 <Princess-Luna> easily. :P

01:34 <ThatAnonPony> It explains why everyone is a red and black alicorn. They all found the spell!

01:34 <Skip> Twilight Sparkle became an alicorn for inventing new magic... but Rarity invented new magic as a young filly. 8/

01:34 <TrixieMoon> Someone said he's like a gazliion in line for the throne or something.

01:34 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP) (Connection closed)

01:34 <Princess-Luna> Nobody said Rarity's magic was new

01:34 <ThatAnonPony> Then Star Swirl invented time travel to go back and undo his finishing the spell to stop the spreading plague of bad alicorn fanfiction.

01:35 <ThatAnonPony> Or something.

01:35 <ThatAnonPony> Also, Blueblood's in line for the throne...? He might be waiting a while...

01:35 *** Joins: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-44egaj.bhm.bellsouth.net)

01:36 <Shadowheart> 'Allo everypone

01:36 <OctaveSymphony> Allo

01:36 <Princess-Luna> Alicorns age slower than normal ponies, teh sisters journal highlights that point. XD

01:36 <Skip> Twilight had to copy Rarity's gem finding spell... she herself said Rarity's the only one who can find gems.

01:36 <jamis> Why am I looking crt tvs?

01:36 <Princess-Luna> Only one she knew, techncially.

01:36 <Princess-Luna> doesn't mean nobody else in the world couldn't

01:37 <Skip> They didn't, which is the point. That makes Rarity's spell new magic.

01:37 * TrixieMoon eats skittles

01:37 <Princess-Luna> They didn't specify that

01:37 <Princess-Luna> at all

01:38 <Princess-Luna> and besides which, Twilights spell was focused around something a little bit more technical than mineral detection

01:38 <ThatAnonPony> I don't think anyone knows quite why Twilicorn twilicorn'd, Skip. Except, y'know, Hasbro and toy sales.

01:38 <TrixieMoon> I love how two grown men can disagree about trivial pony matters :3

01:38 <Princess-Luna> xD

01:38 <Skip> They specified that Rarity is the only one who can find gems. I think if someone else had already created the gem finding spell Twilight of all ponies would know...

01:38 <Princess-Luna> T'is the world we live in

01:38 <OctaveSymphony> If everypony agreed all the time, life would be fairly dull

01:39 * Princess-Luna shrugs - season 1 and season 3 are different animals in writing and nature anyway

01:39 <TrixieMoon> Indeed, they'd be no fun discussions D:

01:39 <ElectricPsoras> TrixieMoon: it's a fandom thing.

01:39 <Skip> And Twilight's spell did nothing. That's the weird thing. Switches cutie marks, you switch them back, and then... say something nice about friends. The end...

01:39 <ElectricPsoras> Railfans do similar things all the time.

01:40 <ThatAnonPony> Again, Skip, only explainble by Hasbro, really.

01:40 <Skip> Not saying it has to be explained, just that it really could have been executed better.

01:40 <ThatAnonPony> It's a shame though. The first half of the episode could have been a really interesting concept for a full episode.

01:40 <ThatAnonPony> Except for Rainbow's destiny being clouds.

01:40 <TrixieMoon> The real question is, why would Star Swirl want to swap cutie marks in the first place?

01:41 <Skip> I know, it was an interesting concept. Close to a body swap episode!

01:41 <hawthornbunny> I so want a body swap episode. I don't even care how corny it is. ^^

01:41 <ThatAnonPony> Pinkie Pie becomes Twilicorn for a day. Equestria barely survives.

01:41 <KooK> My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

01:42 <hawthornbunny> Twilight has to master Pinkie's fourth wall powers to stop her ^^

01:42 <ElectricPsoras> !link pinkiecorn

01:42 <TrixieMoon> Body swap? Nah, do it with Rarity and Applejack

01:42 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/357441

01:42 <KooK> Mods are asleep, post humans!

01:42 <KooK> !link human

01:42 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/327559

01:42 <ThatAnonPony> But that's sensible, TrixieMoon!

01:42 * TrixieMoon sensible Trixie

01:43 <Skip> I'd like if they saved Twilicorn for that battle with Tirek. At an impasse, save the world or save her friends, sacrifices herself to save her friends. That'd be the perfect time for ascension.

01:43 <ThatAnonPony> Also, epic battle between Pinkie-alicorn-magic and Twilight with fourth-wall breaking power would be epic.

01:43 <hawthornbunny> Oh man, I want it ^^

01:44 <hawthornbunny> "Sheesh! Now I know how annoying that is!"

01:44 <Skip> her friends use the "new magic" to kill him, it brings Twilight back as a princess, complete with princess castle.

01:44 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:44 <ThatAnonPony> And Twilight gains an appreciation for Pinkie being Pinkie.

01:44 <TrixieMoon> Except there's no killing =P

01:45 <TrixieMoon> Because that's naughty~

01:45 <ThatAnonPony> Nu-uh!

01:45 <hawthornbunny> And Twilight has to learn how to tell jokes, so that she can fight better. XD

01:45 <PearlyWhites> Skip, And Hasbro have a new line of crappy toys to sell! Everyone is happy~ The End

01:45 <ThatAnonPony> There was, like, three seconds where everyone wondered if Twilicorn was about to happen, if Twilight had finally magically exploded herself!

01:45 <Skip> TrixieMoon: fine, send him back to the shadow realm :|

01:45 <TrixieMoon> The shadow realm? That's well old, G1 stuff =P

01:45 <Skip> ...

01:46 <TrixieMoon> The shadow realm is where is all began... *sigh*

01:47 * hawthornbunny fades to flashback

01:47 <TrixieMoon> lol

01:47 <hawthornbunny> "In the land of Middle-Earth..."

01:47 <Skip> get your references right TrixieMoon, or I'll have to send you to the shadow realm! *points hoof not holding any sort of firearm*

01:47 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

01:47 <TrixieMoon> No ending here, just a really big boom.

01:48 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP)

01:48 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-c378rd.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:48 <TrixieMoon> What, you're saying I'm wrong?

01:48 * TrixieMoon snorts

01:48 <TrixieMoon> I'll have you know I am correctamundo, Trixie is never wrong, Trixie knows everything there is to know about everything pony, she was there, bla bla bla...

01:49 * ThatAnonPony hats on Lenfant_Sauvage.

01:49 <Princess-Luna> x3

01:49 *** Joins: SurfNinja (lzwnxilqyib@Pony-pp3m3m.res.rr.com)

01:49 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-o249am.iinet.net.au)

01:49 <OctaveSymphony> Hmm must be true since it's from the Great and Powerful Trixie

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01:50 <RazorSharpFang> Hey everypony

01:50 <RazorSharpFang> I'm finally getting off my sickness. Ish.

01:51 <TrixieMoon> Hey SharpFang, that's great!

01:51 <TrixieMoon> I think Skip means Tartarus, I'm not sure.

01:52 * ThatAnonPony launches a mini Celestia plushie at Princess-Luna.

01:52 * Princess-Luna acks!

01:52 * Princess-Luna makes Anon an Anonicorn!

01:52 * ThatAnonPony pretty pony princess pose~!

01:53 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

01:53 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@Pony-dir8fo.dsl.bell.ca)

01:53 * Princess-Luna pouts at her laptop battery.....so weeny

01:53 <TrixieMoon> Hahaha, weeny. Weeny hut junior =P

01:53 <Princess-Luna> x3

01:53 <Princess-Luna> Anyhow, Looks like that's your dose of me for the night - I'm off to read Marvel books by torchlight for a few hours

01:54 *** Stonershy is now known as NovaDash

01:54 <ThatAnonPony> Seeya, Luna!

01:54 <Princess-Luna> Bai all!~

01:54 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Out of power!)

01:54 <TrixieMoon> RazorSharpFang.

01:54 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

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01:54 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Quit: DED X()

01:54 <Skip> TrixieMoon: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Realm

01:54 *** Quits: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at) (Connection closed)

01:55 <TrixieMoon> Yigioh?! Urgh!

01:55 <Skip> I'd show you a montage of all the mentions of it in the show, but apparantly 4kids had it taken down...

01:55 <TrixieMoon> Well the shadow realm exists in MLP canon too so meh.

01:55 <Skip> It's the worst dub in history.

01:55 <TrixieMoon> I see

01:56 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@Pony-dir8fo.dsl.bell.ca)

01:56 <Skip> I haven't seen all of G1, didn't know it also had something called "The Shadow Realm"

01:56 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP)

01:57 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP)

01:57 <TrixieMoon> Yeah, everything pony started from the shadow realm apparently, it existed 500 years before G1 even began. D:

01:57 <Skip> reference?

01:58 <TrixieMoon> The Return of Tambelon

01:58 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-c378rd.adsl.tpnet.pl)

01:58 * Phantasma_Eeria emerges from a shadow realm, causing a chill to sweep over the chatpones

01:59 <TrixieMoon> Also known as "the realm of darkness"

01:59 <SurfNinja> Maybe they should get better lighting.

01:59 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

01:59 <Skip> hm...

01:59 <SurfNinja> I mean, there's those LED light now that last like, forever.

02:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> SurfNinja, all light is extinguished in the shadow realms

02:00 <TrixieMoon> xD

02:00 <Skip> I thought Tambelon was just a city... sort of like the Crystal Empire, but all dark and depressing.

02:01 <SurfNinja> I call shenanigans on that. Unless it's like, really, really foggy.

02:01 <SurfNinja> And I guess the Fog Realm doesn't have the same ring to it.

02:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: <unspecified> [ http://tinyurl.com/mrdycs3 ]

02:01 <TrixieMoon> Ah, it was mostly unexplained, but Tambelon is from the realm of darkness, or is the realm of darkness itself.

02:02 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-aqhtpo.bigpond.net.au)

02:02 <SurfNinja> I mean, the Shadow Realm is a misnomer. You'd need light to create shadows. Realm of Darkness is more accurate, although how would you know you were there in the first place?

02:03 <SurfNinja> Maybe someone just walked into a very large closet and someone shut the door.

02:03 <Phantasma_Eeria> you'd know you were there, because you would end up inpaled

02:03 <SurfNinja> So the Realm of Foggy Impalement?

02:04 <TrixieMoon> I always thought it was a realm of nothingness, like before the big bang.

02:04 <SurfNinja> Couldn't you just impale them without sending them to another dimension?

02:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> yes, but its more fun my way

02:04 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (~Coco_Nut@Pony-4kk5qv.as13285.net)

02:04 <OctaveSymphony> Well, bedtime for this pony. I'll catch you all on the flip side!

02:04 * SurfNinja isn't a fan of impractical villianry.

02:04 <TrixieMoon> Night Octave :3

02:05 *** Quits: OctaveSymphony (hajgiyhfjta@Pony-asfitp.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:05 <Skip> very well then, you were right TrixieMoon. I won't shoot you with my pointy hoof

02:05 <TrixieMoon> Trixie is always right~

02:06 <Phantasma_Eeria> except when she is wrong

02:06 * TrixieMoon escapes in the Trixie Balloon

02:07 * SurfNinja wonders where she gets those fabulous toys.

02:07 <hawthornbunny> From her rock farm earnings.

02:08 <SurfNinja> I always wanted my own themed vehicles and projectiles.

02:08 <TrixieMoon> Yeah, Maud put Trixie to work.

02:08 <Skip> nudge nudge, wink, wink

02:09 <TrixieMoon> Not implied!

02:10 <hawthornbunny> Still, if there isn't a Maud/Trixie fic I am going to be very disappoint.

02:10 <ElectricPsoras> I'm sure there is. Somewhere.

02:10 <TrixieMoon> You just have to surf.

02:11 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:11 *** Joins: Ignis (Ignis@Pony-s3v.kq3.7.189.IP)

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02:13 *** Sketchy_Sounds|LIVE is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

02:14 <TrixieMoon> Whoa, I can pull up the time on YT ><

02:14 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras_ (ElectricPso@Pony-c378rd.adsl.tpnet.pl)

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02:14 *** Joins: Nuclear (Nuclear@Pony-gir87t.vpngate.net)

02:15 * Phantasma_Eeria pulls out a wakeboard "nah i preder this"

02:16 <Phantasma_Eeria> how is everypony

02:16 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-c378rd.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:16 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net)

02:16 <Phantasma_Eeria> hi Tirek

02:16 <Phantasma_Eeria> please dont eat me

02:17 * Ali noms Phantasma_Eeria

02:17 *** Quits: Concerto (kophudybuyy@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:17 <MetalDash_RE> ...

02:17 <Fall> Hellew

02:17 <Phantasma_Eeria> ...

02:18 <Ignis> ...

02:18 <MetalDash_RE> its tirek G1 not G4

02:18 <jamis> Phantasma_Eeria like to eat ponies, but doesn't like to be eaten?

02:18 <Phantasma_Eeria> Ali, just dont mess up my mane or tail too much

02:18 <MetalDash_RE> weird

02:18 <Phantasma_Eeria> jamis, its Tirek im sure if they went to eat you anypony would be scared

02:18 * MetalDash_RE sigh

02:19 <Tirek> They would be more worried about what's in my magical pouch of rainbows.

02:19 <MetalDash_RE> rainbow of darkness yeah i know that


02:19 <Ignis> not really, he just wanted to get magic...it isn't as EVERY SINGLE MONSTER has the taste to include multicolored equines on their dietary chain

02:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> just dont go making any cupcakes

02:20 <Nuclear> This is my only chance: http://goldsea.com/Text/index.php?id=14583

02:20 * jamis rainbows.

02:20 *** Joins: EveningBlues (usejpkhcurk@Pony-nij777.ct.comcast.net)

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02:21 <SurfNinja> How do you get a rainbow of darkness?

02:21 <TrixieMoon> Rainbow of liiight.

02:21 <SurfNinja> I mean, a rainbow is just refracted light to begin with.

02:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> Ali, are you done nomming on me yet?

02:21 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com)

02:21 <SurfNinja> Now, you could have a rainbow IN the dark.

02:22 <SurfNinja> At least, that's what Dio says.

02:22 <MetalDash_RE> lol

02:22 *** Joins: Melody (fadjbymtond@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com)

02:22 <MetalDash_RE> brb

02:22 <SurfNinja> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQzNBTukO0w

02:22 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Rainbow in the Dark - Dio **High Quality**

02:22 *** Zero|PS3 is now known as ZeroParadox

02:22 *** Melody is now known as Pony_67851

02:22 <ZeroParadox> ThatAnonPony: ;-;

02:23 <ThatAnonPony> Zero?

02:23 <MetalDash_RE> like this music

02:23 <ZeroParadox> I want NoPony ;-;

02:23 * ThatAnonPony patpat. :<

02:23 <MetalDash_RE> also i like this song

02:23 <SurfNinja> 80s hair metal. I think it's the 80s anyway.

02:23 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com) (Quit: To the not here and beyond!)

02:24 <TrixieMoon> The rainbow of light came from the rainbow of darkness, not sure where the rainbow of darkness came from ><

02:24 <hawthornbunny> The shadow realm, obviously.

02:24 <MetalDash_RE> \m/

02:25 <MetalDash_RE> <--- metalhead right here

02:25 <Phantasma_Eeria> \m/

02:25 <Ignis> Probably Death inexpertly made it to go on with the weather improvement of his realm.

02:26 *** Pony_67851 is now known as Melody

02:26 <MetalDash_RE> brb (like now)

02:26 * ThatAnonPony boops Zero with chocolate-weilding Chrysalis plushie.

02:27 <ZeroParadox> ;-; *sniff*

02:27 * ZeroParadox hugs the plushie. ;-;

02:27 * Phantasma_Eeria makes the plushie have infinite chocolate

02:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> i want a plushie now!!! ThatAnonPony i can has plushy please?

02:27 * hawthornbunny either dies from chocolate suffocation, or from being sucked into the black hole of chocolate.

02:28 <SurfNinja> Must be dark chocolate.

02:28 <Phantasma_Eeria> it is

02:28 * ThatAnonPony boops Phantasma_Eeria with Princess Luna plushie.

02:28 <SurfNinja> Which was also my rap stage name for about a week.

02:29 * Phantasma_Eeria yays and giggles like a little filly, snuggling the plushie

02:29 <Phantasma_Eeria> thank you ThatAnonPony

02:30 *** Quits: SurfNinja (lzwnxilqyib@Pony-pp3m3m.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:31 *** Joins: Dreamsweet (jasyjxufprn@Pony-3lc9ec.dc.comcast.net)

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02:31 *** Parts: Dreamsweet (jasyjxufprn@cute.lil.pony) ()

02:31 <Skip> Tirek: They be after your Lucky Charms!

02:32 *** Quits: Nedemai (canternet@fluttershy.is.best.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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02:36 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-fn0ojn.dynamic.sonic.net)

02:37 <TrixieMoon> Pieces of eight

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02:38 *** FallSilently is now known as Fall

02:42 * jamis sighs.

02:45 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP)

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02:48 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com)

02:48 <MetalDash_RE> back

02:51 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:52 <Phantasma_Eeria> hi

02:52 <MetalDash_RE> hi

02:52 * Phantasma_Eeria melts MetalDash_RE

02:54 <MetalDash_RE> what the...

02:54 <Phantasma_Eeria> ZeroParadox, has your plushie run out of chocolate?

02:54 <ZeroParadox> I don't think so

02:54 * Phantasma_Eeria snuggles her luna plushie

02:54 <ZeroParadox> Anon gets chocolate all the time

02:54 <Phantasma_Eeria> gooooooooooooooooooooood

02:54 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-s6d.rdm.56.119.IP)

02:55 *** Joins: RadioHooves (drkzhfipyfj@Pony-pvsv9e.swbr.surewest.net)

02:55 <MetalDash_RE> what are you doing Phantasma_Eeria

02:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> and have you fixed the window you keep throwing me out of

02:55 *** Parts: RadioHooves (drkzhfipyfj@Pony-pvsv9e.swbr.surewest.net) ()

02:55 <ZeroParadox> no

02:55 <ZeroParadox> I don't throw people out of close windows

02:55 <ZeroParadox> closed*

02:55 <ZeroParadox> That would be messy

02:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> MetalDash_RE, im being my usual illigical spontaneous self

02:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> *illogical

02:56 <MetalDash_RE> you dont say

02:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> hmmmm who threw me through a closed window then?

02:56 * Phantasma_Eeria hugs ZeroParadox

02:56 <ZeroParadox> ow

02:57 <Phantasma_Eeria> ouo

02:57 *** Joins: NoPony-Special (NoPony-Spec@Pony-cfqgkr.range86-156.btcentralplus.com)

02:57 <ZeroParadox> NOPONYUaeyprmerehmra

02:58 * ZeroParadox tackle glomps NoPony-Special

02:58 <Neptune|sleep> Nopon!

02:58 * Neptune|sleep hugs.

02:58 *** Neptune|sleep is now known as Neptune

02:58 * NoPony-Special is glomp'd.

02:58 <NoPony-Special> 'Sup?

02:58 <ZeroParadox> I missed you ;-;

02:58 <NoPony-Special> N'aww.

02:59 <NoPony-Special> How have y'all been?

02:59 <ZeroParadox> ;-;

02:59 <NoPony-Special> ... Not good?

02:59 <Phantasma_Eeria> meh

02:59 <ZeroParadox> Also I have Ultra PC now

02:59 <ZeroParadox> but that's not important ;-;

02:59 <NoPony-Special> Ooh.

03:00 <ZeroParadox> stop leaving ;-;

03:00 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP)

03:00 <NoPony-Special> Zero, pls.

03:01 <jamis> Ultra pc?

03:01 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-s6d.rdm.56.119.IP) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

03:01 <ZeroParadox> jamis: USFIV for PC

03:01 <ZeroParadox> Not a magical PC that can run 20 games at once. o3o

03:01 <NoPony-Special> 20 x minesweeper.

03:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: OC Ponies Used to be Frowned Upon, Today they are Celebrated! Have some history, and Show Off Your Favorite OC Pony!  [ http://tinyurl.com/pld5xkm ]

03:02 <NoPony-Special> Well, sorry to keep falling into the void and all.

03:02 <TrixieMoon> Eternal pit of dooom

03:03 * NoPony-Special boops ThatAnonPony.

03:03 * Phantasma_Eeria likes the void, its nice and dark

03:03 <NoPony-Special> So, Decapre is cool, huh?

03:03 <MetalDash_RE> heh

03:03 <ZeroParadox> She's pretty cool.

03:03 <ZeroParadox> I'm a Poison player tho'.

03:03 <TrixieMoon> void... stuff

03:03 <NoPony-Special> I've only dabbled for literally 20 minutes, some tricky combinations possible with that charge teleport thing.

03:04 <NoPony-Special> How's Poison?

03:04 <NoPony-Special> I'm not overly sure what she's good at.

03:04 * ZeroParadox writes down more stuff on the "Book O' Poison Stuff"

03:04 <ZeroParadox> o3o

03:05 <ZeroParadox> NoPony-Special: Very powerful fireballs and frame traps, combined with amazing normals, that allow her to control any range... if used correctly. o3o

03:05 *** Fall is now known as FallenSilent

03:05 <ZeroParadox> An all around solid character if you like fireballs.

03:06 <NoPony-Special> But her fireballs have strictly limited distance, I thought?

03:06 <ZeroParadox> Only the MP and HP ones.

03:06 <NoPony-Special> Ah.

03:06 <ZeroParadox> LP is a normal fireball with the speed of Guile's Sonic Boom.

03:06 <Phantasma_Eeria> im gunna sleep bai

03:06 <ZeroParadox> bai

03:06 <NoPony-Special> Bye.

03:06 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP) (Connection closed)

03:07 *** Quits: jamis (jamis@jamis) (Connection closed)

03:07 <NoPony-Special> Though I love Juri 5ever, I'm getting more interested in Vega.

03:07 <ZeroParadox> You disgust me. o.o

03:08 <ZeroParadox> ...I mean... o3o

03:08 <NoPony-Special> ._.

03:08 <NoPony-Special> But he's really pretty...!

03:08 <ZeroParadox> So is Poison. o3o

03:08 <NoPony-Special> o3o

03:08 <NoPony-Special> I mean.

03:09 <NoPony-Special> But.

03:09 <NoPony-Special> Dem curtains.

03:09 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Quit: Quitte)

03:09 <ZeroParadox> o3o ...

03:10 <NoPony-Special> Ugh. Why do SFXT Juri and USFIV Juri have to be so different?

03:10 <NoPony-Special> So much ick.

03:11 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (mlffpmvrlrx@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

03:11 *** BubbleBerry is now known as Pony_17996

03:11 *** Quits: Pony_17996 (mlffpmvrlrx@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:11 *** Joins: jamis (jamis@jamis)

03:12 *** Joins: Bubble_Berry (mlffpmvrlrx@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

03:12 <Bubble_Berry> Agh

03:12 *** Bubble_Berry is now known as Pony_80573

03:13 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP) (Quit: I like cats.)

03:13 *** Joins: RadioHooves (drkzhfipyfj@Pony-pvsv9e.swbr.surewest.net)

03:13 *** Quits: jamis (jamis@jamis) (Connection closed)

03:13 *** Pony_80573 is now known as BubbleBerry

03:13 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:13 <BubbleBerry> Finally. So, how is everyone?

03:13 <NoPony-Special> I'm alright.

03:14 <SkunkStripe> Decent

03:14 * NoPony-Special nestles atop

03:14 <NoPony-Special> >.>

03:14 * NoPony-Special nestles atop Lenfant_Sauvage.

03:15 *** Parts: RadioHooves (drkzhfipyfj@Pony-pvsv9e.swbr.surewest.net) ()

03:15 *** poseyshy is now known as poseyshy|dreaming

03:16 * ThatAnonPony rolls over to NoPony-Special.

03:16 <NoPony-Special> o3o?

03:16 <ThatAnonPony> o3o!

03:16 * NoPony-Special nuzzle. =3=

03:17 * ThatAnonPony snuggle!

03:17 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP)

03:17 <NoPony-Special> How's you?

03:17 <ThatAnonPony> I's okay!

03:17 <ThatAnonPony> Having a bored.

03:17 <ThatAnonPony> You?

03:17 <NoPony-Special> I'm alright.

03:17 <NoPony-Special> I wonder...

03:18 <NoPony-Special> A bored, eh?

03:18 <ThatAnonPony> Mhm!

03:18 <NoPony-Special> You still scribblin'?

03:18 <ThatAnonPony> Lil' bit.

03:18 <NoPony-Special> Mm.

03:18 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

03:19 <NoPony-Special> Then, I challenge you to scribble the 'Tavia.

03:19 <Authoron> Ah, Hallo once again, everypony.

03:19 <ThatAnonPony> o3o!

03:19 *** Joins: jamis (jamis@jamis)

03:19 <NoPony-Special> Heyo.

03:19 <ThatAnonPony> S'quite the challenge, NoPon'.

03:19 <NoPony-Special> Indeed.

03:19 <BubbleBerry> Hey, Authoron

03:20 <Authoron> How are you today, Bubbles?

03:20 <BubbleBerry> Pretty good

03:21 <TrixieMoon> Bubs :3

03:21 <NoPony-Special> Must be hard to contemplate writing the character you have the most, Mr. I-wish-I-could-convince-the-world-that-'Tavi-is-the-worst!

03:21 <NoPony-Special> -3-

03:21 <NoPony-Special> Hate*

03:21 <ThatAnonPony> I was joking. :<

03:21 *** Joins: Minute (vaslegoqjut@Pony-m7mrt0.fios.verizon.net)

03:21 *** Parts: Minute (vaslegoqjut@Pony-m7mrt0.fios.verizon.net) ()

03:22 <ThatAnonPony> But I know now that 'Tavi is no joking matter.

03:22 * NoPony-Special grumble mumble best pon'.

03:22 <BubbleBerry> What's wrong with Tavi? o3o;

03:22 <MetalDash_RE> hi BubbleBerry and Authoron.

03:22 <Authoron> Hallo, MetalDash.

03:22 <SilentRhyme> hai hai

03:23 <NoPony-Special> Nothing, BubbleBerry.

03:23 <Authoron> Hallo, Silent.

03:23 <ElectricPsoras_> !link octavia animation

03:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

03:23 <Authoron> !link Right Round

03:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

03:23 <NoPony-Special> But I'm pretty sure I've challenged you to this before anyhow.

03:24 <MetalDash_RE> !link metal gear

03:24 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/233013?scope=scpe8d3742357184de686d69c4fe2d1f838d886a9c0c

03:24 <ThatAnonPony> Probably. =3=

03:24 <NoPony-Special> Feel like you want to, yet?

03:24 <ThatAnonPony> Not sure what to scribble.

03:24 <NoPony-Special> Mm.

03:26 <Authoron> Anon, scribble a "To the moon" comic.

03:28 <NoPony-Special> Alright. Inner monologue of a 'Tavia en route to buy a new 'Cello after hers was destroyed (Potentially by a certain DJ), focusing on how Octavia observes how people see her as uptight and irritable when she is actually extremely level headed internally, but she has learnt to act a certain way outwardly as part of the expectations she feels others have of her!

03:28 <Tirek> http://i.imgur.com/WoVvqIF.png

03:28 <Tirek> Re-doing the lighting.

03:28 <Tirek> Shrunk the buildings.

03:28 <Tirek> Added more.

03:29 <Authoron> what is to bee in the foreground?

03:29 <Authoron> *be

03:29 <mieu> pones

03:29 <Tirek> Nope not ponies.

03:29 <Tirek> I have ideas.

03:29 <mieu> goats

03:29 *** FallenSilent is now known as Fall

03:29 <Authoron> Batman.

03:29 * NoPony-Special rolls around ThatAnonPony.

03:29 <mieu> i actually dont know what we're talknig about

03:29 * ThatAnonPony 9-6's at NoPony.

03:29 <mieu> i literally tabbed onto the screen and typed pones

03:29 <Tirek> The image I linked.

03:29 <mieu> as a sort of greeting

03:29 <Authoron> good timiong.

03:30 <Authoron> *timing.

03:30 <mieu> oh neat

03:30 <NoPony-Special> It's the best plan for a short story ever!

03:30 <mieu> i know, right?

03:30 <ThatAnonPony> So... she's irritable... because she thinks people think she's irritable..?

03:30 <mieu> i just found out im going to blizzcon

03:30 <mieu> so im like omg

03:30 <mieu> 2 months to make a cosplay

03:30 <NoPony-Special> Indeed, to an extent at least.

03:30 <Authoron> What do we want? Time travel!

03:30 <ThatAnonPony> 6-9

03:30 <Authoron> When do we want it? Irrelevant.

03:30 <mieu> what do we want?

03:30 <mieu> fry's dog

03:30 <mieu> when do we want it?

03:31 <mieu> fry's dog

03:31 <NoPony-Special> To cultivate an image for oneself, one must act a certain way!

03:31 <Authoron> friday?

03:32 <ThatAnonPony> And the image she wants to cultivate is that she's irritable, unapproachable, and generally asocial...?

03:32 <NoPony-Special> Tsk.

03:32 <NoPony-Special> Now you're adding connotations.

03:32 <ThatAnonPony> And you're implying a career musician could remain levelheaded after having their instrument destroyed. I:

03:33 <NoPony-Special> I'm implying a person could.

03:33 <Authoron> Piccalo's in tune with each other....

03:33 <Ignis> You know, when people ask you if something is wrong ten times, after you said "no" to each...one would get pretty irritable.

03:33 <NoPony-Special> See your expectations?

03:33 <ThatAnonPony> :I

03:33 <ThatAnonPony> All I'm seeing is that a good cello is many, many thousands.

03:34 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)

03:34 <NoPony-Special> And the Philharmonicas are ludicrously rich.

03:34 <NoPony-Special> =3=

03:34 <NoPony-Special> And let's say it's damaged then, if not destroyed.

03:34 <mieu> p-lus if you travel by plane you have to buy a second ticket just for the cello

03:34 <ThatAnonPony> =3=!

03:34 <NoPony-Special> Momentarily out of action.

03:35 <NoPony-Special> Killer queen ~

03:35 <mieu> well if its destroyed thats why you insure valuable things

03:35 <Authoron> Queen is awesome.

03:35 <mieu> #adultlyfe

03:35 <TrixieMoon> D:

03:35 * mieu pies TrixieMoon

03:35 * TrixieMoon is pie

03:36 * Authoron noms his caramels. "So, what has everypony accomplished today?"

03:36 <mieu> i bought 100 manila folders

03:36 <mieu> so i can make a suit of armor out of them this weekend

03:36 <Snapai> I got up. Showered and dressed. Went to work. Made it back home.

03:36 <Snapai> I think that's a pretty good accomplishment.

03:36 <Fall> I'm disappointed. The manilla folders in my workplace are more of a terracotta peach colour.

03:36 <NoPony-Special> And when people run around telling you how upset you must be that your instrument was destroyed and how any other musician would be devastated... Well, it'd be rude to disagree, right?

03:37 <mieu> i also performed technological miracles during a production migration but no one noticed

03:37 <NoPony-Special> So on goes the act!

03:37 <mieu> im more excited about my folders

03:37 <mieu> how about you Authoron?

03:38 <NoPony-Special> And how curious it is to our Ms. Philharmonica, that the way she feels and the way she is expected to feel are so often alienated. Hurray.

03:39 <Authoron> I managed to sketch a lame comic, and finally find time to get on.

03:39 <Authoron> So, YAY!!!

03:39 * ThatAnonPony blink.

03:39 * NoPony-Special sits on ThatAnonPony.

03:39 <Authoron> !seen Princess-Luna

03:39 <DerpyBot> Authoron: The last time I saw Princess-Luna was 2014-08-14 21:54:01 UTC

03:39 * ThatAnonPony is sat.

03:40 <TrixieMoon> You missed him/her

03:40 * Lenfant_Sauvage np: FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - The Violation

03:40 <NoPony-Special> Or y'know, you could write about Ultron Hoofhammer, the black and red prince pony of doom.

03:40 <Lenfant_Sauvage> What kind of lame name is Ultron Hoofhammer?

03:40 <Fall> ULTRON!

03:40 <Fall> That's the name of the Avengers robot.

03:40 <Lenfant_Sauvage> MY OC is better. He's named xXxshadowmlg360xXx

03:40 <Fall> Been bugging me for a week, trying to remember.

03:41 *** Quits: MetalDash_RE (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-urft24.mtl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

03:41 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Glad we could help! o3o d

03:41 <NoPony-Special> \o/

03:41 <Authoron> The silver evil robot who tries to kill the avenger's kids.

03:41 *** Joins: Vexille (tcicksunzdw@Pony-s5pcvd.skybroadband.com)

03:41 <Authoron> That ultron?

03:41 <NoPony-Special> I'm doing good!

03:41 * SilentRhyme is for some reason listening to Public Enemy

03:41 <Fall> Yes.

03:41 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Hey now, nothin' wrong with listening to Public Enemy.

03:41 * Authoron nods

03:41 <SilentRhyme> Lenfant_Sauvage: Dood i love you ;~;

03:41 <Authoron> Unless your hiding the first one...

03:41 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ;~;<3

03:41 <Authoron> Then its illegal.

03:42 * Lenfant_Sauvage sees what Authoron did there.

03:42 <SilentRhyme> Lenfant_Sauvage, listen to Atmosphere? :o

03:42 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Nope. :/

03:42 <SilentRhyme> :o

03:42 <SilentRhyme> DOOD o3o

03:42 <Authoron> Lenfant. Did you just...

03:42 * ThatAnonPony noms on a NoPony pon'.

03:42 * NoPony-Special counter-gnaws absently.

03:42 <BubbleBerry> o3o

03:43 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras_ (ElectricPso@Pony-c378rd.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Connection closed)

03:43 <BubbleBerry> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubHkPWIjUOc

03:43 <NoPony-Special> Oh lawd.

03:44 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

03:44 <NoPony-Special> I just remembered that distinctly 'D:' piece of fanfiction I read a long while back now.

03:44 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Wait, what am I being accused of?

03:44 * Lenfant_Sauvage shakes AUthoron.

03:44 <ThatAnonPony> NoPon', ooh?

03:45 *** Joins: MetalDash_RE (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-urft24.mtl.aei.ca)

03:45 * Authoron picks Lenfant up, and casually tosses him in the lake. "From this point on, you may use my line."

03:45 <mieu> Authoron, lets see le comique

03:45 <TrixieMoon> Why must I read your name as Lieutenant Sausage...

03:45 <Authoron> No.

03:45 *** Quits: Vexille (tcicksunzdw@Pony-s5pcvd.skybroadband.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:46 <NoPony-Special> The one with the invisible hooks that increasingly came to puppeteer Octavia's life as she endured a heavily abusive home life before snapping and doing all the horrible things.

03:46 <mieu> fine i didnt wanna see it anyway

03:46 <Authoron> Sorry, but no. I am not comfortable with sharing this peice of rubbish.

03:46 <NoPony-Special> That was. Yeah. A thing.

03:46 <ThatAnonPony> That sounds pretty D:, yeah.

03:46 <Authoron> I dont want to ruin my image as a somewhat competent artist.

03:46 <NoPony-Special> Had cool cover art, though. In a creepy twisted way!

03:47 <ThatAnonPony> Yay!

03:47 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:47 <PearlyWhites> Authoron, You are obligated to share your comics by the rules of internet!! Share it now! You have no choice!

03:47 <Authoron> This is not a rickroll. I dont have to go through with it.

03:48 <SilentRhyme> Do et

03:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Psh, who rickrolls anymore

03:48 <Authoron> I got rickrolled the other day.

03:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> True MLG pros share Darude - Sandstorm now

03:48 <SilentRhyme> Lenfant_Sauvage: True pros, fite gorillas

03:48 <Tirek> http://chiptuneswin.bandcamp.com/track/click-here

03:49 * NoPony-Special massages ThatAnonPony's head.

03:49 <ThatAnonPony> =3=...

03:50 <PearlyWhites> Tirek you monster! I want all that magnificent chiptune! but i don't have 4 dollar :'(

03:50 <Tirek> Oh, the album is free.

03:51 <Tirek> The baubles are not

03:51 <BubbleBerry> baubles?

03:51 <NoPony-Special> So Anon, why do emotions? And, do emotions after all?

03:51 <Tirek> Mugs, cozies, stickers, etc

03:52 <Tirek> I probably mean tat.

03:52 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-0dq.7m4.29.2.IP) (Connection closed)

03:52 <BubbleBerry> Ah

03:52 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-0dq.7m4.29.2.IP)

03:53 * PearlyWhites facehoofs

03:53 <Authoron> whats with all the massages going on? Is there some sort of spa?

03:54 <ThatAnonPony> Because evolution, probably?

03:54 <BubbleBerry> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6vuV9VnvyI

03:54 <BubbleBerry> Spa?

03:54 * NoPony-Special massages Authoron's back.

03:54 <BubbleBerry> Oh, I read that as messages... -_-

03:54 <NoPony-Special> Sure. Perhaps I mean how?

03:54 <ThatAnonPony> How how?

03:55 * Authoron sighs. "Ah..."

03:55 <Authoron> How much does an actual massage cost?

03:55 <NoPony-Special> Well, what triggers them? How do they function physically/biologically/whatever?

03:55 <mieu> theyre not massages, theyre messages, this is a chat room

03:55 <mieu> sheesh

03:55 <NoPony-Special> How do emotions even?

03:56 <mieu> how do emotions even? hormones?

03:56 <ThatAnonPony> Well, neurochemistry. And reflexes. And Pavlov!

03:56 <mieu> yeah

03:57 <mieu> neurotransmitters and hormones

03:57 <mieu> you see the brain

03:57 <mieu> its a series of tubes

03:57 <ThatAnonPony> I 'unno, really, but I saw an interesting, NoPon'.

03:57 <mieu> and now you can matlab

03:57 <NoPony-Special> Sure. So how do they trigger?

03:57 <mieu> stimuli

03:57 <Authoron> fingers.

03:58 <ThatAnonPony> Someone hypothesised that laughing at horror is an emotional reflex; We laugh at things that scared us when we find they aren't a threat as a kind of social reassurance to others that there's no danger.

03:59 <Authoron> or because we are lauging at how fake and stupid it is.

03:59 <NoPony-Special> I've read that before.

03:59 <Ignis> As Deadpool once said, you either laugh or cry.

03:59 <mieu> babies also sometimes laugh when theyre scared though dont they?

03:59 <Authoron> I spelz reel gud.

03:59 <NoPony-Special> It seemed to make sense in a fair few ways, certainly explained slapstick.

03:59 <ThatAnonPony> But really, I 'unno. Most of it must be pretty engrained in neurobiology, NoPon'.

03:59 <mieu> i thought laughing while nervous or scared was a cultural thing

04:00 <Authoron> my brother laughs when he gets hurt.

04:00 <ThatAnonPony> I'm pretty sure the primary emotions are shared by most everything alive too.

04:00 *** Authoron is now known as Micolen

04:00 <Micolen> And i am now proving to my brother i can be him...

04:00 *** Quits: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-733.ugb.27.24.IP) (Connection closed)

04:00 *** Micolen is now known as Authoron

04:01 *** Quits: Nintendo4DS (Nintendo3DS@Pony-dld.3sv.206.69.IP) (Connection closed)

04:01 <Authoron> And now he is gone.

04:01 *** Joins: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-vr08qv.res.rr.com)

04:01 *** Joins: Nintendo4DS (Nintendo3DS@Pony-7l8ai2.res.rr.com)

04:01 <Authoron> And i must be as well.

04:01 *** Joins: Saerydoth_ (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com)

04:01 <Authoron> So long everypony.

04:01 <NoPony-Special> Bye.

04:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Secrets of M.A. Larson Panel - What Madness Goes on Behind the Scenes?  [ http://tinyurl.com/jwd5bbf ]

04:01 * Authoron tosses a random farewell present at everypony's faces.

04:01 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

04:01 * ThatAnonPony dies.

04:02 * NoPony-Special dances on ThatAnonPony's grave.

04:03 <ThatAnonPony> x3x

04:04 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:04 <NoPony-Special> Well. I'd best be off.

04:05 *** Joins: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-n5egpc.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

04:05 <NoPony-Special> Ta-ta, all. Goodnight!

04:05 *** Quits: NoPony-Special (NoPony-Spec@Pony-cfqgkr.range86-156.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Bye)

04:06 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Away

04:07 *** GigaWork is now known as GigabitPony

04:08 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: May The Ponies Be With You...)

04:12 <SilentRhyme> Hey ZeroParadox

04:12 <ZeroParadox> Nani

04:12 <SilentRhyme> Do you have Last of Us? :P

04:13 <ZeroParadox> No o3o

04:13 <SilentRhyme> fuddgee

04:13 <ZeroParadox> I can play GTA now tho

04:13 <SilentRhyme> I need people to play so I can be all stragetics

04:13 <ZeroParadox> but you're probably doing something else

04:13 <SilentRhyme> Nah I'm just checking if there's a new game plus for Last of Us

04:14 <ZeroParadox> Should I... get on GTA then?

04:14 <SilentRhyme> If you wants

04:14 <ZeroParadox> o3o No

04:14 <ZeroParadox> If YOU wants o.o

04:14 <SilentRhyme> Yus~?

04:14 <ZeroParadox> o.o

04:14 <SilentRhyme> I dunno I don't do anything xD

04:14 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

04:14 <ZeroParadox> aight den o.o

04:14 <SilentRhyme> o3o

04:14 * SilentRhyme purposes to ZeroParadox

04:17 *** Quits: Zimtower (zt@Zim.H.Tower) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:18 <BubbleBerry> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGJiWiT28RU

04:18 <BubbleBerry> Hey ZeroParadox o3o

04:18 <ZeroParadox> Nani

04:18 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-pmo3nk.orcon.net.nz)

04:18 * ZeroParadox closes the video

04:18 <ZeroParadox> o3o

04:18 <BubbleBerry> o3O

04:20 <SilentRhyme> o3o

04:20 * SilentRhyme o3o's intensifies O3O

04:20 <ZeroParadox> Invite me when rdy, SilentRhyme

04:20 <SilentRhyme> I think I did ZeroParadox

04:22 <MetalDash_RE> 030

04:22 <ZeroParadox> I'm already in the session...

04:26 <Tirek> http://i.imgur.com/IYLab5g.png

04:26 <Tirek> Continued progress.

04:28 * Pony_38217 stares at TmidClef then leaps suddenly and tackle hugs him

04:28 *** Pony_38217 is now known as Kalastraer

04:30 *** GigabitPony is now known as GigaWork

04:30 *** vi[NLR] is now known as vi

04:30 *** vi is now known as vi[NLR]_away

04:32 *** Joins: User_262725 (bvpgxsuvhos@Pony-kiv2bp.rev.sfr.net)

04:33 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-0dq.7m4.29.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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04:33 *** Joins: EveningBlues (hgipoyyrwby@Pony-nij777.ct.comcast.net)

04:33 *** Quits: EveningBlues (hgipoyyrwby@Pony-nij777.ct.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:37 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-pmo3nk.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:38 *** Quits: Renard (Renard@Pony-nc2v0l.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Client exited)

04:41 *** Joins: Nightbloom (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity)

04:41 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Nightbloom

04:41 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

04:42 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hai.

04:42 <jamis> Hey

04:42 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

04:42 <BubbleBerry> Yo,

04:44 *** Nightbloom is now known as Night|OnPatrol

04:45 <Neptune> BubbleBerry!

04:45 * Neptune hugs.

04:45 * BubbleBerry hugs Neptune "Hey!"

04:46 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-31rr2u.east.verizon.net)

04:46 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony

04:46 <jamis> hey Thelema5

04:47 <Thelema5> Seems pretty quiet in here tonight.  Where is everypony?

04:47 <BubbleBerry> No idea

04:47 <jamis> ?

04:48 <BubbleBerry> It's not usually this quiet

04:48 *** Joins: Dunky (vzorjrxezdv@Pony-ndpi3p.crls.pa.net)

04:48 <Thelema5> Nuh uh.

04:49 <Thelema5> Everfree network IRC has nearly as many pones in channel

04:49 <Thelema5> Strange

04:51 *** TrixieMoon is now known as TrixieMoon|Away

04:51 <Thelema5> Lost another one to geiko

04:52 *** Night|OnPatrol is now known as Nightbloom

04:54 <mieu> :3

04:55 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net)

04:57 <Thelema5> !link socks

04:58 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/410157

04:58 <Thelema5> uuuh.

04:59 <BubbleBerry> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wswZR0G3A68 lookit it's the box in MGSV.

04:59 *** Joins: User_430925 (lmkgwvhgchf@Pony-ifr2lc.wireless.coliinc.com)

05:00 *** User_430925 is now known as Gigabit

05:00 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-h1s.hba.102.208.IP)

05:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Discussion: A Swarm of Changelings Have Broken Off From Chrysalis Hive  [ http://tinyurl.com/lnuqmhv ]

05:01 *** Joins: Wubzy (Wubzy@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

05:02 *** Quits: Wubzy (Wubzy@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Wubzy has left the building!)

05:03 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

05:03 <ryaxnb> equestrian weapons are based on doomguy weapons

05:05 <BubbleBerry> ?

05:06 * Gigabit boops BubbleBerry

05:07 * RazorSharpFang yawns

05:08 * BubbleBerry pokes Gigabit

05:11 <Gigabit> running HDD dianogstic tests on my drive. Have to use cousins laptop and chat embed lol

05:12 <Gigabit> 42 minutes left T.T

05:13 *** Quits: Melody (fadjbymtond@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:14 *** Quits: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: I'll be back)

05:15 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

05:15 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

05:19 <MetalDash_RE> great RD pic ^

05:19 <BubbleBerry> ...?

05:20 <MetalDash_RE> what

05:21 <MetalDash_RE> meh whatever

05:21 *** Joins: Zimtower (zt@Zim.H.Tower)

05:23 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaNoms

05:24 *** Joins: Torchlight (nwbexmzrxru@Pony-e3fn6p.bigpond.net.au)

05:25 <Torchlight> Hello Ponies

05:25 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds|AFK

05:25 *** Neptune is now known as Neptune|offline

05:26 *** Joins: Minute (vaslegoqjut@Pony-m7mrt0.fios.verizon.net)

05:26 *** Parts: Minute (vaslegoqjut@Pony-m7mrt0.fios.verizon.net) ()

05:27 *** Joins: Kalastrear (Kalastrear@Pony-gl38f0.jjs3.blk1.1014.2600.IP)

05:27 *** Quits: Kalastraer (Kalastrear@Pony-gl38f0.jjs3.blk1.1014.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:28 *** Kalastrear is now known as Pony_98735

05:29 <BubbleBerry> https://derpibooru.org/102610?scope=scpe248ca6167057778add11fd83585895ac3fe1f6ef

05:29 *** Neptune|offline is now known as Neptune

05:31 <MetalDash_RE> !link https://derpibooru.org/695109

05:32 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about anthro laser pointer solo future twilight silencer (and 10 more)

05:34 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

05:34 <MetalDash_RE> !link https://derpibooru.org/318545

05:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about dangerous mission outfit fluttershy artist:mlj-lucarias cardboard box dwarf gekko (and 5 more)

05:37 *** Parts: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) ("")

05:37 <MetalDash_RE> !link https://derpibooru.org/217960

05:37 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about safe eyepatch big boss metal gear twilight sparkle (and 3 more)

05:38 <MetalDash_RE> !link https://derpibooru.org/247488

05:38 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about twilight sparkle safe metal gear trixie crossover (and 2 more)

05:40 *** Joins: a (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

05:42 *** Quits: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-a2rfbj.versanet.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:43 <MetalDash_RE> BubbleBerry do you like those 4 pic?

05:46 <BubbleBerry> Yeah

05:46 <BubbleBerry> https://derpibooru.org/660163?scope=scpe1ae58af27c12a28e11eb37a77f72cc36661a54fe

05:46 *** Joins: RadioActive (thltlrhsfrb@Pony-tsl5lm.sbndin.sbcglobal.net)

05:46 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

05:48 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

05:48 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

05:48 *** GigaNoms is now known as Gigabit

05:49 <MetalDash_RE> !link https://derpibooru.org/81276

05:49 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about twilight sparkle artist:jennieoo safe metal gear future twilight (and 1 more)

05:50 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

05:50 * Princess-QRS looks around for Thelema5

05:50 <Princess-QRS> Oh, I see you!

05:50 * Princess-QRS leaps onto Thelema5

05:52 *** Joins: StrawberryDitz (Fruits@Pony-upbqej.pstel.net)

05:54 <Princess-QRS> StrawberryDitz is a good pony.

05:54 <Princess-QRS> I worked today, and bought some cider.

05:54 <StrawberryDitz> wut

05:54 *** Joins: Melody (fadjbymtond@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com)

05:54 <jamis> Cider is good.

05:54 <Princess-QRS> Melody is a good river song.

05:54 *** Googie|Sleepling is now known as Googie

05:54 <Princess-QRS> Googie is a great changeling.

05:55 * Googie buzzes

05:56 *** Joins: Kalastrear (Kalastrear@Pony-va0glr.sub-70-198-40.myvzw.com)

05:56 <Torchlight> http://annetskyrim.deviantart.com/art/Twisted-Eclipse-475473924 My new background

05:56 *** Kalastrear is now known as Pony_85561

05:56 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-pmo3nk.orcon.net.nz)

05:57 *** Quits: Pony_85561 (Kalastrear@Pony-va0glr.sub-70-198-40.myvzw.com) (Connection closed)

05:57 *** Quits: Pony_98735 (Kalastrear@Pony-gl38f0.jjs3.blk1.1014.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:01 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-6jdao4.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

06:01 <screenaholic> Yo.

06:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story: As a Mother [ http://tinyurl.com/lzte5lu ]

06:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hai, screenaholic.

06:02 * screenaholic noms on Nossy.

06:02 <BubbleBerry> Yo, screen.

06:03 * Thelema5 glances over at the chat

06:04 <screenaholic> Played Ground Zeros, it's super hype.

06:04 * Thelema5 finds a Princess on his back

06:04 * Thelema5 noms Princess-QRS' tail

06:04 <BubbleBerry> Is it worth the money>

06:04 <BubbleBerry> I might get it once The Phantom Pain comes out

06:05 <MetalDash_RE> Ground Zeros is a demo

06:05 <screenaholic> It's PreLC.

06:05 <BubbleBerry> ...Or when I finish Peace Walker. Whatever comes first

06:05 <screenaholic> I only played through the main mission, and didn't get most of the collectibles. If I stopped right now, it would not be worth the money.

06:05 <screenaholic> If I go back and play all the side missions and get all the colectables, which I will, it will be worth the money.

06:06 <Thelema5> Question: Using Windows, when a program is "not responding"... does waiting help, or it the data effectively lost?

06:06 <Thelema5> *is

06:06 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

06:06 <a> no

06:06 <screenaholic> But if you're the kind of person that just runs from cutscene to cutscene, it's not worth it.

06:06 <BubbleBerry> There's also the actually well done turret hostage rescue mission, the Raiden mission, the MGS1 mission, and a couple other things, I think

06:06 <BubbleBerry> What's the gameplay like?

06:07 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

06:07 * Thelema5 tacklehugs Princess-QRS

06:07 <screenaholic> The gameplay is hype as hell.

06:07 *** Quits: StrawberryDitz (Fruits@Generic.Earth.Pony) (Quit: A kiss for all.)

06:07 <Llybel> Thelema5: Waiting can help but if you a waiting more than 5 minutes then you should concider the data lost

06:08 <Thelema5> gah!

06:08 * Data is lost

06:08 <screenaholic> I can't wait for Phantom Pain.

06:08 <BubbleBerry> I hear there's regenerating health, but it's like, really slow and you should try and not get shot, is that true?

06:08 <screenaholic> Totally.

06:08 <screenaholic> I died most of the times I got spot.

06:08 <screenaholic> Well, if I don't nail the reflex.

06:09 <BubbleBerry> Ah.

06:09 <screenaholic> The reflex mechanic is awesome too. If you get spot you get an alert, and time slows down so you have a chance to get a headshot before he sets off the alarm.

06:10 <BubbleBerry> Like I said, i might get it once I get a PS4/I finish Peace Walker/Phantom Pain comes out

06:10 <BubbleBerry> Isn't the AI like super good in this one?

06:10 <screenaholic> Yeah.

06:11 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:11 *** Quits: Gigabit (lmkgwvhgchf@the.eternally.enveloped.changeling) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:11 *** Joins: Jolt (wryajllvhtm@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP)

06:11 <Jolt> i know what i want to have for a job

06:12 <BubbleBerry> How long'd it take you to beat the Ground Zeroes mission?

06:12 <screenaholic> Shooting chickens out of a cannon at airplane windows?

06:12 <Jolt> no

06:12 <screenaholic> Uh, like an hour maybe? I'm not good at estimating times.

06:12 *** Jolt is now known as CDC_Pony

06:12 <screenaholic> Jolt: That's a real job you know.

06:12 <screenaholic> Oh, CDC, I live like 40 minutes from the CDC.

06:12 <CDC_Pony> yes i know

06:13 *** Quits: Nintendo4DS (Nintendo3DS@Pony-7l8ai2.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:13 <screenaholic> What do you want to do at the CDC?

06:14 <CDC_Pony> be a paitent

06:14 <BubbleBerry> ?

06:14 <screenaholic> ...I don't think that's a job.

06:15 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-vpr.rl0.164.125.IP)

06:15 <screenaholic> You mean you want to purposely get infected so they can study you?

06:16 <CDC_Pony> yes

06:16 <screenaholic> That sounds like one of the worst jobs ever.

06:17 <screenaholic> I think the only way I would take that job is if my other option was to let someone kick me between the legs for eight hours a day.

06:17 *** Quits: Nightbloom (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity) (Connection closed)

06:17 *** Joins: Nightbloom (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity)

06:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Nightbloom

06:17 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, ow.

06:17 <screenaholic> Exactly.

06:17 <screenaholic> And that'd be a tought choice.

06:17 <screenaholic> *tough

06:18 <CDC_Pony> i also ate 50 vitamin pills

06:18 <screenaholic> Why do you want that job?

06:18 <CDC_Pony> so i can help humanity

06:19 <screenaholic> So I guess you live in Atlanta?

06:21 <screenaholic> I live up in Norcross, we should play video games and drink Dr Pepper and high five a lot sometime.

06:22 <BubbleBerry> A lot sometimes...?

06:22 <screenaholic> We should high five a lot, at some point.

06:23 *** Quits: SodaJerk (chatzilla@Pony-0cbs5r.at.cox.net) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 31.0/20140716183446])

06:26 *** Quits: RadioActive (thltlrhsfrb@Pony-tsl5lm.sbndin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:27 * BubbleBerry flops

06:27 *** Joins: Brushstroke (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP)

06:28 *** Brushstroke is now known as Pony_7076

06:28 *** Quits: Pony_7076 (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

06:29 * Data flops onto BubbleBerry

06:29 <BubbleBerry> There's an actual place called Camp Omega... o3o

06:31 <Llybel> if you want a good place name, we have the longest in the world here in NZ

06:32 <Llybel> Taumata­whakatangihanga­koauau­o­tamatea­turi­pukakapiki­maunga­horo­nuku­pokai­whenua­kitanatahu

06:32 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms screenaholic. "Heard of Birdman?"

06:32 <screenaholic> Havey Birdman?

06:32 <screenaholic> *Harvey

06:32 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> No.

06:32 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Birdman or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance?

06:33 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> *.

06:33 <screenaholic> No.

06:33 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Aw.

06:33 *** Quits: Ignis (Ignis@Pony-s3v.kq3.7.189.IP) (Quit: Page closed)

06:33 <BubbleBerry> Granted, the real Camp Omega is a Christian summer camp, whereas MGS Camp Omega is a maximum security prison camp and some kind of allegory for gitmo.

06:33 *** Joins: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Kali_Graphia)

06:34 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, it has the guy who used to play batman.

06:34 <screenaholic> Oh, I heard about that thing.

06:34 <screenaholic> Those sound like the same thing Bubble.

06:36 <screenaholic> https://motopeds.com/portfolio_category/survival-bike This bike looks awesome.

06:37 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

06:38 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-pmo3nk.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:39 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

06:40 <BubbleBerry> I also found this weird maybe viral marketing thing for Phantom Pain. it's all cryptic, and the videos themselves don't have very many views

06:42 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:42 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-h1s.hba.102.208.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:42 <RazorSharpFang> Video idea: You are being stalked by an assassin who can make him/herself look like any inanimate object. Have fun.

06:44 <CDC_Pony> I do have an art requrest

06:44 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Heh.

06:45 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-2p5jkk.dsl.as9105.com)

06:45 <Lenfant_Sauvage> There's a GenCon shirt going around that has "The Affordable Cleric Act" on it.

06:45 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Pretty cute.

06:45 <Lenfant_Sauvage> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BvAV8svIYAAQPEb.jpg:large

06:45 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-h1s.hba.102.208.IP)

06:45 * screenaholic noms on Leafant.

06:46 <SilentRhyme> Food Fight best movie ever

06:47 <screenaholic> Indeed.

06:47 <RazorSharpFang> How about no?

06:47 <screenaholic> I concur with this statement, Silent.

06:48 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-h1s.hba.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

06:48 *** Quits: a (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: no reason at all)

06:49 <screenaholic> !link metal gear

06:49 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/458663

06:49 <screenaholic> Ha.

06:49 * Lenfant_Sauvage adjusts so that screenaholic has a more comfortable nomming position.

06:50 <SilentRhyme> o3o

06:50 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

06:50 * The_Nostalgia_Mare nons screenaholic.

06:50 <screenaholic> Naans? I love naan.

06:51 <Princess-QRS> somtimes when i put my computer to sleep, it likes to reconnect for no reason

06:51 <screenaholic> !link naan

06:51 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/154270?scope=scpe587a14caad78fb968658fbd6f4af7f6fd3f62822

06:51 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-qjt.i4h.137.166.IP)

06:51 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Fixed Version - My Little Pony Friends Music Video  [ http://tinyurl.com/puphspk ]

06:51 <screenaholic> That is not naan.

06:51 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:52 <screenaholic> https://derpibooru.org/664667?scope=scpeb0194f63d437670769827e644073c15eccae6c8b

06:52 <BubbleBerry> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fq-pcUrjm8 SNFW title

06:52 <BubbleBerry> SNFW? NSFW.

06:52 * ZeroParadox falls on BubbleBerry in a position to lie down and relax.

06:52 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

06:52 <BubbleBerry> o3o

06:52 <ZeroParadox> - 3 -

06:52 <Sketchy_Sounds|AFK> I think it's time I got myself some sleep.

06:52 *** Sketchy_Sounds|AFK is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

06:53 <Sketchy_Sounds> And so goodnight unto you all.

06:53 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms screenaholic.

06:53 *** Joins: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-44egaj.bhm.bellsouth.net)

06:53 <BubbleBerry> http://33.media.tumblr.com/7d6596f0a389ada53347008a393a4c2e/tumblr_mil7ooYR1U1qj0ouyo1_500.png

06:54 <Shadowheart> 'allo everpyone

06:54 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: :D

06:54 <Shadowheart> Dat pic Bubble...

06:55 <CDC_Pony> sfw

06:55 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms BubbleBerry.

06:55 <CDC_Pony> sorry i was throwing up

06:55 <Torchlight> I need a new sharpener....

06:56 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Zzzzzz)

06:56 <CDC_Pony> guys can i get a request?

06:56 <Shadowheart> Depends on your request

06:57 <Data> is that your request?

06:57 *** Q0|Away is now known as Q0

06:58 * The_Nostalgia_Mare lays on screenaholic and sleeps.

06:58 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Night.

06:58 <screenaholic> Night Nossy.

06:58 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

06:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I suppose you can request something, but we're kinda limited as to what we can do

06:59 <ZeroParadox> Yeah like

06:59 <CDC_Pony> i want my oc to have flopy ears

06:59 <CDC_Pony> and be chubby

06:59 <ZeroParadox> The back of my truck only has so much space so...

07:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I couldn't fit the fourth corpse there, Zero. Get a better truck

07:01 <ZeroParadox> Just fold the legs over.

07:01 <ZeroParadox> you can get like 9 without them falling over

07:01 <ZeroParadox> Any more and you need a tarp.

07:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I knew they invented Tetris for some reason

07:02 <screenaholic> You don't have the mod that makes all the tetris blocks look like dead bodies?

07:02 <ZeroParadox> No

07:02 <BubbleBerry> O3O

07:02 <ZeroParadox> I play video games to get away from my day job, not do more of it

07:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ZeroParadox confirmed for mortician

07:03 <ZeroParadox> o3o b

07:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It's what Jonathan Davis did. And look where it got him.

07:03 <BubbleBerry> Who?

07:04 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

07:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Lead singer of Korn.

07:04 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (mlffpmvrlrx@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:04 <screenaholic> I could go for some corn.

07:05 * screenaholic pokes Leafant. "Get me some corn."

07:06 * Lenfant_Sauvage rips out an ear of corn from the ground. Hoofs it to screenaholic.

07:06 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

07:06 <screenaholic> \o/

07:06 <screenaholic> !link corn

07:06 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/486837

07:06 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

07:07 <screenaholic> That is not corn Derpy.

07:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> WHAT IS IT

07:07 <PearlyWhites> !link more corn

07:07 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

07:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> If it's not corn, then I have no other words to describe that picture

07:07 <screenaholic> Twilight doesn't want to support the corn syrup lobbyists.

07:09 * CDC_Pony needs an artist who listens to peoples ideas

07:09 <ZeroParadox> There's an art channel o3o

07:09 <ZeroParadox> Go to it o3o /

07:09 <screenaholic> Artists are illegal here.

07:09 * screenaholic puts hoof cuffs on Pearly.

07:10 <CDC_Pony> they dont listen

07:10 <PearlyWhites> Boo Artist!

07:10 <screenaholic> People have their own stuff going on.

07:10 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:11 *** Joins: Nintendo4DS (Nintendo3DS@Pony-7l8ai2.res.rr.com)

07:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Artists aren't there to draw on your own whims. Seek them out, give them commission moneys, and maybe then they'll draw yer OC.

07:11 <CDC_Pony> I have no money

07:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Well... then either use PonyCreator or pray to a shooting star.

07:11 * screenaholic hands CDC an old harmonica and a hat, and points to a street corner.

07:11 <CDC_Pony> The government took my SSI away and are rolling in it

07:12 <CDC_Pony> laughing at not only my misery but others as well

07:12 <screenaholic> SSI?

07:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ... this went a weird direction

07:12 <CDC_Pony> yeah

07:12 * Lenfant_Sauvage np: DEVILDRIVER - Clouds Over California

07:13 <Lenfant_Sauvage> If there isn't a ponified version of this song named "Clouds over Canterlot" I will be sorely disappointed.

07:14 <RazorSharpFang> CDC_Pony: I believe screenaholic was asking "What is an SSI?"

07:14 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

07:15 <screenaholic> ^

07:15 <CDC_Pony> Social Security Income

07:15 <screenaholic> Oh right, I kind of forgot that's a thing.

07:15 <CDC_Pony> its not anymore

07:15 <screenaholic> Oh, cool.

07:15 * CDC_Pony is now angry

07:15 <RazorSharpFang> You'll have to explain what that means for non-American folk.

07:15 <screenaholic> I'm American though.

07:16 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

07:16 <CDC_Pony> I need money for everything

07:17 <CDC_Pony> even simple vectors

07:17 <screenaholic> That's called supply and demand.

07:17 * CDC_Pony doesnt understand

07:17 *** Joins: POPBrony (xxdkhubjolw@Pony-9lhmhn.bchsia.telus.net)

07:18 *** Joins: User_872225 (jqegtonuarc@Pony-s69pkv.res.rr.com)

07:18 <screenaholic> When people demand a service, and there is not an infinite supply of that service, the people offering the service can charge for it.

07:18 *** Quits: POPBrony (xxdkhubjolw@Pony-9lhmhn.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:18 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Essence

07:18 <RazorSharpFang> For me, SSI means Server Side Includes, or Scuba Schools International.

07:18 <screenaholic> People want things drawn, but a finite amount of people are willing and able to do it.

07:19 <CDC_Pony> i see

07:19 <CDC_Pony> I did offer my services to people before i snapped

07:19 <Torchlight> I is bored....

07:22 <CDC_Pony> and the room goes silent because of me

07:23 <User_872225> vsauce why us boardom boring

07:23 <CDC_Pony> what?

07:24 * Ali noms on Lenfant_Sauvage

07:25 * CDC_Pony used to be a caretaker

07:26 <User_872225> boring comes from the action of drilling a hole in wood wich takes hours

07:26 * CDC_Pony facehoofs

07:26 <CDC_Pony> not another one...

07:27 <User_872225> :P

07:27 <Torchlight> I still board though

07:27 <RazorSharpFang> CDC_Pony: Btw, for most artists, to ask for free art is a taboo, and greatly frowned upon.

07:28 <CDC_Pony> yeah, so is volunteering apparently

07:28 <RazorSharpFang> What does volunteering have to do with this?

07:29 <CDC_Pony> I tried to get money by caretaking

07:29 *** Quits: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-44egaj.bhm.bellsouth.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:30 <Thelema5> Somniis, I'm uploading my voiceover trial takes now

07:30 <CDC_Pony> people often drove a nail into me saying how I was of ower intelligence than most people around me

07:30 <CDC_Pony> lower

07:31 <Somniis> okay

07:31 <Thelema5> Shouldn't be more than 10 minutes.  I recorded several styles and keys for you to choose from.

07:31 *** Quits: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Kali_Graphia) (Quit: )

07:32 <Thelema5> Sorry for the wait... my internet connection is very slow.

07:32 <User_872225> .-.

07:32 * Lenfant_Sauvage looks at Ali. Snuggles the nomming adminpone.

07:32 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-6jdao4.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

07:33 <CDC_Pony> anyways thats how i snapped and got into a residential mental insitution

07:33 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

07:34 * Ali cuddles Lenfant_Sauvage and snuggles.

07:34 <CDC_Pony> so how is evryone?

07:34 * Ali had disability and ish running several chatrooms.

07:35 <User_872225> sleepy

07:35 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story Updates - August 14th  [ http://tinyurl.com/oqcrhwx ]

07:36 <CDC_Pony> my world is backwards but i remain hopeful

07:38 <User_872225> good for you

07:39 <CDC_Pony> im not sure if thats sarcasm or the truth

07:39 <CDC_Pony> Text can be emtionless at times

07:40 <User_872225> .-.

07:41 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Sleep

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07:45 <Thelema5> Somniis, I did sone research, and found that the original "

07:45 <Thelema5> "Honest trailers"

07:45 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

07:45 <Thelema5> Uses several different VAs.

07:46 *** Joins: init3 (Jason@Pony-5dt91e.dyn.centurytel.net)

07:46 <Thelema5> So, my trial recording includes samples approaching each.

07:48 *** Quits: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-vr08qv.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

07:52 <Thelema5> here's the link, Somniis.

07:52 <Thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/OFJyAf2iwxw

07:52 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

07:52 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Honest Trailer Trial

07:54 *** Joins: BlueBlur (gtquutrerhs@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net)

07:54 <Somniis> thank you

07:54 <Somniis> sorry for the delay

07:54 *** Parts: BlueBlur (gtquutrerhs@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net) ()

07:54 <Thelema5> No worries!

07:54 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net)

07:54 <Thelema5> Just let me know what you think.

07:55 *** Joins: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony)

07:55 <Tirek> Shh, its okay, I'm here now.

07:55 <Thelema5> Hi, tirek.

07:55 <RazorSharpFang> I think my computer's clock is wrong

07:56 <Somniis> nope, the internet is wrong

07:56 <RazorSharpFang> It says it's midnight, saturday, 16/08/2014

07:56 <CDC_Pony> so what now

07:56 <CDC_Pony> Im at my wits end

07:56 <Tirek> Clocks by their very definition are wrong always.

07:56 <ryaxnb> RazorSharpFang, ms says NTP is a hack vector

07:56 <ryaxnb> so if the time is off by more than two days it won't set the time

07:57 <ryaxnb> because ms is dumb.

07:57 <ryaxnb> actually it's more like more than 6 hours

07:57 <Somniis> Hawthornbunny isn’t online, but I’ll be sending it to him/her when they get back online

07:57 <ryaxnb> the purpose of NTP is to set the time

07:57 <ryaxnb> but Windows wont' set the time via NTP

07:57 <ryaxnb> because it's dumb.

07:57 *** Quits: CDC_Pony (wryajllvhtm@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:59 <Thelema5> So, what do you think, Somniis?  Are we ready to do this?

07:59 <Somniis> the script is nearly done

07:59 <Tirek> http://i.imgur.com/IYLab5g.png

07:59 <RazorSharpFang> What day is it?

07:59 <Tirek> Friday.

07:59 <ryaxnb> 8/14/14 9PM PST

07:59 <ryaxnb> 8 is the month

07:59 <Tirek> Well, it'll be Friday in a fewseconds

07:59 <ryaxnb> 14 is the day , 14 is the year

08:00 <RazorSharpFang> Okay. Now, it's noon.

08:00 <RazorSharpFang> That's better.

08:00 *** Parts: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony) ()

08:00 <ryaxnb> check timeanddate.com

08:00 <ryaxnb> or get a NTP server that isn't skittish like a scared kitty cat

08:00 <ryaxnb> :P

08:00 <ryaxnb> NTP client*

08:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #361 [ http://tinyurl.com/mlno9zl ]

08:01 <ryaxnb> (you can get a NTP client aside from the windows one, iirc, inside of windows...)

08:02 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-ir764p.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP) (Quit: Signal 9 happened)

08:02 <RazorSharpFang> Windows synced now.

08:02 <RazorSharpFang> You just have to do it manually

08:03 <ryaxnb> i remember when NTP was introduced in Mac OS 8.5 and Windows 98

08:03 <ryaxnb> or actually, i think it was 2k/XP!

08:03 <ryaxnb> Mac OS had it first

08:03 <RazorSharpFang> 2k and XP are quite different.

08:03 <ryaxnb> though a NTP client was a popular addon for 98se

08:03 <ryaxnb> RazorSharpFang, well, i think the NTP client came with 2k, but the first consumer release to use it was XP

08:03 <RazorSharpFang> Ah okay

08:04 <ryaxnb> as with most things that were in XP, which were technically in 2k but first exposed to the average user in XP

08:04 *** Quits: Melody (fadjbymtond@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:04 <RazorSharpFang> huh

08:04 <ryaxnb> XP is 10% new features, 10% compatibility with 9x/DOS patches for 2k , and 80% Win2k

08:05 *** Quits: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-n5egpc.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Bananas)

08:05 <ryaxnb> it's the least-new release of Windows , pretty much, ever. Almost all of it is just 2k with a new face.

08:05 <ryaxnb> well, except Me, which was just 98 with a new face

08:05 <ryaxnb> and had even less internal change

08:05 <RazorSharpFang> I did feel that the interface was more streamlined in XP.

08:06 <RazorSharpFang> But in terms of mechanics, it is pretty similar.

08:06 *** Quits: Saerydoth_ (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

08:06 <ryaxnb> The interface in XP is weird

08:06 <ryaxnb> XP had two interfaces, Home and Pro, and they're subtly diferent

08:06 <RazorSharpFang> I only had home, so I am unawares.

08:06 <ryaxnb> the Pro one is usually basically the 2k UI (e.g. "Pro" Users control, "Pro" sharing, "Pro" theme)

08:06 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com)

08:07 <ryaxnb> The Home Edition came with, by default, a simplified UI that MS later abandoned, instead giving the same UI to both in Vista.

08:07 <ryaxnb> the simplified UI was only for the "NT" parts of XP, like user management, sharing, printers, services

08:07 <ryaxnb> that stuff had a  simplified UI in Home Edition.

08:07 <ryaxnb> the Pro edition just had the 2k UI in most cases.

08:08 <ryaxnb> similarly, Fast User Switching was implemented in XP as a hack, a layer on top of the 2k/XP Pro Logon dialog , which was disabled by deafult (but could be reenabled) on XP Pro and conflicted with Active Directory and Group Policy

08:08 <RazorSharpFang> Of course, there's always the command prom *pffftt* *bursts into laughter*

08:08 <ryaxnb> Powershell is only on XP,t hough

08:09 <ryaxnb> it was added via a patch in like 2009 way way after XP was dead

08:09 <RazorSharpFang> I know, my point was that the CLI on windows is rubbish

08:09 <ryaxnb> well, powershell isn't

08:09 <ryaxnb> that's my point

08:09 <ryaxnb> it's a .NET based command line... somewhat of  a CMD replacement

08:10 <RazorSharpFang> I don't really like .net myself.

08:10 <ryaxnb> it's worth noting that the Resource Kits also add a bunch of functionality to the 2k/XP command line, and the Vista command line incorporates some of it, or PowerShell does

08:10 <ryaxnb> for instance, windows can make Symbolic Links in Vista

08:10 <ryaxnb> but only in the CMD or PowerShell

08:10 <ryaxnb> and Symbolic links are _awesome_ because everything follows them, all APIs treat them as links, not just the Explorer.

08:10 <ryaxnb> they are very useful on partitioned disk or multiple-HDD setups.

08:11 <ryaxnb> C:\Program Files\Common Files growing to 100GB?

08:11 <ryaxnb> just plop it on D:\junk

08:11 <ryaxnb> and link it

08:11 <RazorSharpFang> Unfortunately, I haven't had any uses for those yet.

08:11 <ryaxnb> it works wonders when your C:\ is small since programs like to store crap on C:\

08:11 <ryaxnb> and not let you do anything about it

08:12 <ryaxnb> this is common if you have a SSD or a multi-boot setup

08:12 <RazorSharpFang> Most installers do let you specify an install path.

08:12 <jamis> http://nazegoreng.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-Custom-Plush-443281502

08:13 <ryaxnb> yeah, but they often put stuff in common files or some other library folder

08:14 *** Joins: Brushstroke (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP)

08:14 <ryaxnb> like C:\program files\GTK

08:14 <ryaxnb> or C:\program files\python

08:14 <ryaxnb> if the program installs Python or GTK as dependencies

08:14 *** Brushstroke is now known as Pony_88887

08:15 <ryaxnb> most open source software tends to install a lot of those dependencies all over because of the shlibs UNIX mindset...

08:15 <RazorSharpFang> Hmm.

08:16 * RazorSharpFang shruggy-wuggies

08:16 <ryaxnb> there's also the problem of assuming you won't need to have stuff moved until later

08:16 <ryaxnb> most pertinent with SSDs, where you want something on C:\ for speed

08:16 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-vpr.rl0.164.125.IP) (Quit: Sleep is the cousin of death )

08:16 <ryaxnb> and then later you realize you're out of space

08:16 <ryaxnb> and you don't want it on C:\ anymore

08:16 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

08:17 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP)

08:18 <ryaxnb> links are awesome, it's hard to believe windows didn't really have them until Vista.

08:18 <ryaxnb> UNIX has had them since the 80s and Mac OS since 1991.

08:20 <Thelema5> Time for bed... goodnight everypone

08:20 <ryaxnb> night

08:21 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-31rr2u.east.verizon.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Now with extra fish!)

08:21 * RazorSharpFang sneezes

08:21 <RazorSharpFang> Still sick, ugh

08:22 <ryaxnb> XP is good.

08:23 <RazorSharpFang> XP is dead now, I wonder what all the businesses are doing. Are they paying for additional support?

08:23 <ryaxnb> yes

08:23 <ryaxnb> ms cut the price of additional support drastically as a last-minute measure

08:23 <RazorSharpFang> Wouldn't that be more expensive than migrating to a newer version?

08:24 <ryaxnb> in addition, a patch has been discovered allowing unofficial release of patches

08:24 <ryaxnb> well, depends on if your apps run on the new version

08:24 <RazorSharpFang> True that.

08:24 <ryaxnb> if yes, than only if the boss mandates shit because stupid

08:24 <ryaxnb> if no, then you're hosed, and you have to migrate apps too

08:25 <ryaxnb> also most business started their migration really late

08:25 <RazorSharpFang> I hear that a lot of apps are java, so they should theoretically work on linux too, but that's all varied.

08:25 <ryaxnb> as part of the support extension, you must begin or have begun a plan to migrate

08:25 <ryaxnb> the migration is universally to Win 7 at this point

08:25 <ryaxnb> if you were the type of business with enough "gung-ho" to migrate to linux

08:26 <ryaxnb> you wouldn't be waiting around until the day of support ending to get off XP

08:26 <ryaxnb> you'd have migrated like years ago

08:26 <RazorSharpFang> True that. Are the businesses really that lazy that they wait until the last minute?

08:26 <ryaxnb> pretty much

08:26 <RazorSharpFang> : /

08:26 <ryaxnb> the bosse are often not aware it's a problem

08:26 <ryaxnb> because the IT guys can't convince them, or are afraid to confront them

08:26 <RazorSharpFang> And I'm taking a CS degree for a CS job...

08:27 <RazorSharpFang> Fun times await me...

08:27 <SilentRhyme> Yey corporations

08:27 <ryaxnb> convincing the boss to make a big spend in transitioning for nothing more than "so we can be the same as we are now"

08:27 <ryaxnb> is a good way to get replaced with a guy who says something different

08:27 <ryaxnb> even if the end result is the same

08:27 <RazorSharpFang> How about "Begin a slow migration to avoid a huge expense in the near future"?

08:28 <ryaxnb> sure, there are ways of saying it, and there are bosses who understand

08:28 <ryaxnb> but in many large companies the management doesn't really "get" technology anyway

08:28 <ryaxnb> they have their secretaries for that

08:28 <RazorSharpFang> Why are they bosses then?

08:28 <ryaxnb> i'm assuming it's not a tech company

08:28 <ryaxnb> so that's not relevant to them being succesful

08:28 <ryaxnb> at least, not hugely

08:29 <RazorSharpFang> If they don't know this stuff, how can they say "No, that's a bad idea" to this stuff?

08:29 <ryaxnb> :/

08:29 <ryaxnb> depends on the case

08:29 <TimidClef> Whoops, I forgot I left this open all day

08:30 <ryaxnb> it looks like a bad idea in many cases because preventive maintenance is something companies are bad at in many non-computer cases

08:30 <ryaxnb> it's something most bosses shy away from

08:30 *** Quits: Gantz (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-g9g9q1.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:31 <ryaxnb> better to hope you'll be retired, leaving, on tenure, or the like by the time the storm comes

08:31 <RazorSharpFang> prior preparation prevents all sorts of things you don't your name attached to.

08:31 <ryaxnb> well, the other thing is in management recovering from a failure and doing so well can get you noticed

08:31 <ryaxnb> even if you were the one who caused the failure

08:31 <ryaxnb> it's weird that way...

08:31 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

08:31 <RazorSharpFang> : /

08:32 <RazorSharpFang> I don't want to work for a company now

08:33 <SilentRhyme> Welcome to life :3

08:33 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

08:35 *** Quits: User_872225 (jqegtonuarc@Pony-s69pkv.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:39 <TimidClef> Speaking of working for companies - the product line I support was sold today! \ o /

08:40 <TimidClef> It's actually a potentially very good thing. I have a job and the new ownership actually has the financial infrastructure to support us, so

08:40 <Princess-QRS> what product line

08:40 <Princess-QRS> gib all insider info

08:40 <TimidClef> The CIA!

08:40 <TimidClef> New ownership = Koch brothers

08:41 <Princess-QRS> product line confirmed to be IP-seeking missiles.

08:41 <TimidClef> ...whoops, wrong channel

08:41 <TimidClef> lol

08:41 <Princess-QRS> SRQ is now dead.

08:41 <Princess-QRS> ./HELLFIRE Princess-QRS

08:41 <TimidClef> I want my paycheck to go in so I can spend it!

08:42 <RazorSharpFang> TimidClef: Nice

08:43 <Princess-QRS> TimidClef, I know that feel.

08:43 <TimidClef> Since I don't really care - I the product line is SalesLogix :P

08:43 <Princess-QRS> I blew my entire first paycheck on an iPad Air

08:43 <Princess-QRS> lub it

08:44 *** Joins: ImNewHere (vhewctinxju@Pony-l9mtod.abhsia.telus.net)

08:44 <Princess-QRS> new here you say

08:44 <Princess-QRS> Telus.net? oh my god a Canadian!

08:44 <ImNewHere> ._.

08:44 <Princess-QRS> https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2012/1/29/2604__safe_twilight+sparkle_rainbow+dash_pinkie+pie_fluttershy_rarity_applejack_animated_mane+six_cider.gif

08:44 <ImNewHere> ?

08:45 *** Quits: ImNewHere (vhewctinxju@Pony-l9mtod.abhsia.telus.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:45 <RazorSharpFang> TimidClef: SalesLogix? Care to explain?

08:46 <jamis> lol

08:46 <RazorSharpFang> Hold on, gotta restart the client

08:46 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@sharpest.of.all.fangs) (Quit: Restart)

08:46 <TimidClef> That's the name of the product I - k

08:46 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-o249am.iinet.net.au)

08:46 <TimidClef> That's the name of the product for which I work

08:46 <RazorSharpFang> TimidClef: Ah, I see.

08:46 <TimidClef> Formerly of Sage, formerly of Swiftpage, now of Infor

08:46 <RazorSharpFang> What's it do?

08:47 <TimidClef> CRM - customer relationship management

08:48 * TimidClef provides SSN, address, and credit card number as well

08:48 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

08:48 <RazorSharpFang> So... talking to clients?

08:48 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

08:48 <jamis> Hey Cepheid

08:48 <Cepheid> Hoi.

08:49 <RazorSharpFang> Heya Cepheid

08:49 <TimidClef> CRM is basically fancy address book and sales management software

08:49 <RazorSharpFang> Ah, I see. Lets you keep track of customers.

08:50 <TimidClef> Eeyup

08:50 <RazorSharpFang> I can see that being useful. Reduces paper usage.

08:50 <Princess-QRS> i bought more cider

08:50 <TimidClef> Now we're owned by a company that has a projected $2.8 billion in revenue this year. So overall I think it's a good thing

08:50 <Princess-QRS> okanagan cider

08:50 <Princess-QRS> oh my god it's good

08:51 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

08:52 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

08:53 <Princess-QRS> TimidClef, shaw recently bought Global from Canwest.

08:53 <Princess-QRS> They made record profit this year.

08:53 <Princess-QRS> They laid of 400 people.

08:54 <Princess-QRS> My dad almost got the cut, but survived.

08:54 *** Joins: BusaBrony (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

08:54 <TimidClef> Phew... good to hear. Layoffs are never fun :-/

08:54 <Princess-QRS> no and lol laying off 400 people on your best year in history

08:54 <TimidClef> Gotta maximize that profit!

08:54 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)


08:55 <jamis> How is many service providers are in canada?

08:55 <Princess-QRS> 3 major ones

08:55 <Princess-QRS> Rogers, Telus, and Shaw.

08:55 <Princess-QRS> Also bell I guess.

08:56 <Princess-QRS> The "big three" refers to the cell phone monopolu- Bell, Rogers, Telus.

08:56 *** Quits: Pony_88887 (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:56 <Princess-QRS> Shaw wanted to get in, but realized it was suicide to compete.

08:57 <RazorSharpFang> That is never good. Startups should always have a chance.

08:59 <jamis> Canwest was in bankruptcy?

09:00 <Cepheid> Unfortunately, the CRTC is run by people who are stuck in the past, and probably being bribed.

09:00 <Cepheid> So very little is being done about the monopoly.

09:01 * RazorSharpFang is nervous

09:01 * jamis wishes there was more competition here.

09:01 <Princess-QRS> bigass steam pdate

09:02 <jamis> The ui looks to have been tweaked.

09:02 <Princess-QRS> woah galciv3 is a thing

09:02 <Princess-QRS> yeah i saw the new loading thing, what else is new?

09:02 <Princess-QRS> just looks a little... more polished

09:02 *** Joins: Pony_88887 (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP)

09:03 <jamis> I haven't really looked much into it. Started up to play dark souls and noticed the changes.

09:03 *** Quits: Pony_88887 (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

09:05 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-fn0ojn.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

09:05 <RazorSharpFang> Damn, I'm nervous about this.

09:07 <jamis> ?

09:07 <RazorSharpFang> I

09:08 <RazorSharpFang> I'm trying to make a maths animation tutorial about how to do maths, but I need to record my voice for it.

09:08 *** Quits: Dunky (vzorjrxezdv@Pony-ndpi3p.crls.pa.net) (Connection closed)

09:08 <RazorSharpFang> I do not like the sound of my recorded voice

09:08 <jamis> Record it and change it.

09:09 <TimidClef> Wow, when did I buy Counterstrike on Steam?

09:09 <TimidClef> I don't remember doing that...

09:09 <jamis> Counter strike source?

09:10 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:11 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-ir764p.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

09:12 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

09:12 <RazorSharpFang> jamis: If I change it, I'd have to remember the settings I put it on.

09:14 <Cepheid> So my cat learned a new trick that I need to teach him to stop doing.

09:14 <RazorSharpFang> lol

09:15 <jamis> What did he learn?

09:15 <Cepheid> He's opening my bathroom door while I'm in the bathroom, using it.

09:15 <jamis> lol

09:15 <jamis> Wait, you have your own bathroom?

09:16 <Cepheid> Pretty much, yeah.

09:16 <jamis> I envy you.

09:16 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto:  Nightly Discussion #79 [ http://tinyurl.com/o42ul6j ]

09:17 <jamis> Guess you'll have to lock the door now.

09:17 <Cepheid> That's not the problem.

09:17 <jamis> ?

09:17 <Cepheid> The door wasn't installed properly, and the latch doesn't properly catch.

09:17 <Cepheid> It only just barely catches, so with enough force, the door can be pushed open.

09:18 <Cepheid> That's how my cat's doing it.  He's just pushing himself up against the door with all his weight and might.

09:18 <jamis> That's a simple fix. Put some shims under the latch in the doors frame.

09:20 <jamis> Most are only held on with a couple of phillips head wood screws. Cut some card stock and put under it.

09:20 <Cepheid> Aye, I'm gonna look into fixing it.

09:20 <jamis> You can do the same with the hinges, but that's a totally different ballgame.

09:20 <Cepheid> But at the same time I still need to teach him not to scratch at the door endlessly.

09:21 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (nnsxokddvti@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

09:21 <jamis> How do you think youi can do that?

09:21 <jamis> Hey BubbleBerry

09:21 <BubbleBerry> Hey.

09:21 <Cepheid> I dunno.  I'll find a way.

09:21 <Cepheid> But it's just I gotta figure somethin' out, 'cause he's already woken my mom up a few times doing it.

09:22 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com)

09:22 <jamis> Might think of putting something like a small piece of carpet over the area where he likes to scratch. At least that would dampen the sound.

09:23 <Cepheid> I'd have to put it all over at least the lower 2-3 feet of the door then. :P

09:23 <BusaBrony> Oh my God

09:23 <BusaBrony> dangit

09:23 *** BusaBrony is now known as KooK

09:23 <KooK> there we go

09:23 <Verandure> ._.

09:23 <KooK> Oh, my God...

09:24 <KooK> watching LPS and they just did this

09:24 <BubbleBerry> Huh?

09:24 <KooK> http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a397/KooKaT/mss_zps2663a621.png

09:24 <KooK> I lolled

09:25 <KooK> Nobody?

09:25 <KooK> really?

09:26 <Tirek> Well, there's also My Tiny Gecko.

09:26 <Cepheid> >.>

09:26 <Cepheid> Yes, Spitfire.

09:26 <KooK> Do they really do that?

09:26 <Cepheid> Curl up on my lap and push my laptop out of the way.

09:27 <Cepheid> ...

09:27 <Cepheid> Did I seriously just see this commercial caption the word "Perfect" as "Perfekt"?

09:27 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com) (Quit: To the not here and beyond!)

09:28 <Princess-QRS> !link https://derpibooru.org/700064

09:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about safe artist:wicklesmack grub solo cute (and 1 more)

09:28 <KooK> Dude, they turned an episode of LPS into an episode of horders

09:28 <Cepheid> Oh gods.

09:29 <ryaxnb> KooK, well they did the same with ponies

09:29 * Cepheid hugs that adorable monstrosity that QRS linked.

09:29 <ryaxnb> Goldie Delicious is a hoarder

09:29 <KooK> What episode was that?

09:29 <ryaxnb> and they're not subtle about it

09:29 <ryaxnb> Pinkie Apple Pie

09:29 <KooK> oh yeah

09:29 <ryaxnb> it was just kinda a thing

09:29 <KooK> well, ish, they didn't try to help her and clean her place out

09:29 <ryaxnb> yeah

09:30 *** Quits: Nightbloom (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity) (Quit: I have set alight on fleet-foot wings...streched outwards my hand, and touched the face of God.)

09:30 <ryaxnb> LPS is a pet show tho

09:30 <ryaxnb> pet hoarder is a common type of hoarder

09:30 <ryaxnb> and a very stereotypical one

09:30 <ryaxnb> i have no idea if it had any pets

09:30 <ryaxnb> but i think of hoarders as having at least one pet

09:30 <ryaxnb> :/

09:30 <ryaxnb> it's just a thing...

09:30 <KooK> animal horders

09:31 <ryaxnb> yeah

09:31 <ryaxnb> also the stereotypical old lonely person

09:31 <ryaxnb> who hoards

09:31 <KooK> dead cats

09:31 <ryaxnb> is also the type of person to have a pet

09:31 <ryaxnb> if said person is normal

09:31 <ryaxnb> so there's crossover!

09:32 <ryaxnb> my grandma had a pet

09:32 <ryaxnb> my other grandma, who is still alive and has a grandpa, also has a pet

09:32 <Cepheid> So I guess I will really be a crazy cat person.

09:32 <ryaxnb> both had just one pet, though

09:32 <ryaxnb> well, my grandma was kinda crazy about the one cat

09:32 <KooK> I want a bird

09:32 <ryaxnb> she fed it on the table and spoiled it crazy

09:32 <ryaxnb> it was a very cranky cat

09:33 <ryaxnb> but she had just one cat, and never felt like getting more because she put all her cat-related love into that one

09:33 <Cepheid> Heh.

09:33 <Cepheid> I'd probably have at most two or three cats.

09:34 <Cepheid> But yeah, I do allow my cat on the table and such.

09:34 <KooK> I love that whenever there is a guitar in a cartoon, it's a flying vee

09:34 <Cepheid> And I'd feet it on the table if my parents would let me. >.>

09:34 <KooK> so iconic

09:34 <ryaxnb> feeding a cat on the table is different than allowing it on the table :/

09:34 <ryaxnb> cat food is gross

09:34 <ryaxnb> cats being petted on the table is cute

09:35 <ryaxnb> i would admit to feeding my cats FROM the table

09:35 <KooK> cats making a mess on the table is not cute

09:35 <KooK> keep them off of tables, counter tops, couches, chairs

09:35 <KooK> beds

09:35 <ryaxnb> every holiday when we had turkey or chicken i gave the cat a treat of a small bit of the meat as well as some tuna

09:35 <ryaxnb> that was her holiday gift :)

09:35 <ryaxnb> my cat loved turkey.

09:36 <KooK> Dude, I share turkey, ham, chicken, whatever I'm eating with my cat regularly

09:36 <ryaxnb> yeah, the problem was i rarely eat cooked plain meat

09:36 <ryaxnb> and cats generally , at least mine, showed no interest in anything else, except seafood

09:36 <ryaxnb> which is too expensive to share usually

09:36 <KooK> as long as it's not spicey, they should be ok.

09:37 <ryaxnb> she just wasn't that curious

09:37 <ryaxnb> the cat would beg for poultry only

09:37 <KooK> seafood, expensive?

09:37 <ryaxnb> cooked plain poultry

09:37 <ryaxnb> and fish

09:37 <ryaxnb> no real interest in pork, lamb or beef or fancy meals

09:37 <ryaxnb> so since she wasn't interested i didn't encourage her

09:38 <KooK> try popcorn

09:38 <ryaxnb> poultry is the cheapest and closest to what cats actually eat

09:38 <ryaxnb> since birds are a staple cat diet

09:38 <KooK> Don't say that, as I'm trying to buy a bird

09:39 <jamis> lol

09:39 <ryaxnb> yes, seafood here is usually more expensive than poultry or low-end steak

09:39 <jamis> Much more.

09:39 <ryaxnb> eh, it depends on the meat

09:39 <KooK> Do you live in central Africa?

09:39 *** Parts: SilentRhyme (xdpxewfqryq@Pony-9irefh.hlrn.qwest.net) ()

09:39 <ryaxnb> a NY Strip steak is slightly cheaper than a Catfish

09:39 <ryaxnb> but catfish is cheap fish

09:39 <ryaxnb> and nY strip steak is expensive steak

09:39 <Cepheid> Rodents tend to be more of a staple than birds.  Birds just happen to be a target more for sport, and a meal afterwords occasionally.

09:39 *** Quits: Torchlight (nwbexmzrxru@Pony-e3fn6p.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:40 <ryaxnb> i don't have anything handy that tastes like rodents, though

09:40 <jamis> I think the catfish most eat isn't really seafood.

09:40 <Cepheid> Then just feed your cat typical cat food.

09:40 <ryaxnb> that's what she ate when she wasn't eating scraps, which was like 95/100 of the time

09:41 <ryaxnb> usually just safeway or purina brand, nothing special

09:41 <ryaxnb> she wasn't too picky so long as she got a treat occasionally

09:41 <Tirek> Progress: http://i.imgur.com/Hoi2RgE.png

09:41 <jamis> Ours get the indoor diet or seafood delights.

09:41 <ryaxnb> catfish is, btw, a fish

09:41 <ryaxnb> it's farm raised

09:42 <ryaxnb> but it's still seafood byt he american definition of food that lives in water

09:42 <ryaxnb> (which also, confusingly, includes lakefish)

09:43 <ryaxnb> KooK, where do you live? i live in CA, so seafood isn't fished far from here

09:43 <ryaxnb> south CA is a primary fishing source , whereas we are in north CA a little far from the main source of fish

09:43 <ryaxnb> but not more than a few hours drive

09:43 *** Joins: Evil_Spike (EvilSpike@Pony-tc8.cov.253.125.IP)

09:43 <jamis> Not by mine.

09:43 <Evil_Spike> Hey everypony

09:43 <ryaxnb> seafood is still expensive

09:43 <ryaxnb> jamis, well, is that regional?

09:44 <ryaxnb> because americans define seafood as food that lives in water

09:44 <ryaxnb> this is how every grocery store and restaurant near me defines it

09:44 *** Joins: Flashy_ (Nutella@Pony-a7j6ui.bchsia.telus.net)

09:44 <ryaxnb> i've never questioned it, and it includes thing like flounder and trout

09:44 <jamis> Catfish regional? lol, no.

09:44 <Evil_Spike> Wait, even battered snapper is considered seafood?

09:44 <ryaxnb> no, the definition

09:44 <jamis> They can be caught throughout america.

09:44 <KooK> Ryaxnb - Iowa

09:44 <ryaxnb> battered? well it's not "gourmet"

09:44 <KooK> We have cows

09:45 <KooK> lots, and lots, and lots of cows

09:45 <KooK> and pigs

09:45 <KooK> and chickens

09:45 <Evil_Spike> Everywhere has cows and pigs

09:45 <jamis> No, just me. I'd imagine most people around here don't think of catfish as seafood.

09:45 <ryaxnb> where?

09:45 <KooK> I don't think you understand the cow to people ratio of Iowa

09:45 <ryaxnb> KooK, cows are fine, but that doesn't explain how seafood becomes cheap

09:46 <KooK> I once was driving behind a cow-toter when the doors opened up and a couple of cows fell out and started running around the interstate.  Freaking cows can JUMP!

09:46 <jamis> Shrimp, swordfish, whiting and dolphin are what I think of when I think seafood.

09:46 *** Quits: Flashy_ (Nutella@Pony-a7j6ui.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: $poni are not poni poni)

09:46 <KooK> Seriously, thing like, jumped its height over the freaking highway barrier.

09:47 <ryaxnb> weird

09:47 <ryaxnb> seafood = food that is in water to me

09:48 <ryaxnb> trout  In North America, although not generally in the United Kingdom, the term "seafood" is extended to fresh water organisms eaten by humans, so all edible aquatic life may be referred to as seafood. For

09:48 <jamis> When I think of sea, I think ocean. Salt water and not freshwater rivers and lakes.

09:48 <ryaxnb> wiki has this covered

09:48 <ryaxnb> americans use the term this way

09:49 <jamis> Point?

09:50 <KooK> cows

09:51 * jamis gets tired of cows.

09:51 <KooK> !link cow

09:51 <DerpyBot> http://e926.net/post/show/75168/action_hank-angry_beavers-baboon-bovine-chicken_-c

09:52 *** Quits: TimidClef|AFK (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Wibbly Wobbly IRC)


09:52 <KooK> Post humans

09:52 <KooK> !link human

09:52 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/547680

09:53 <KooK> !clop

09:53 * DerpyBot clops her forehooves together excitedly

09:53 <DerpyBot> ..what?

09:54 <jamis> !link turkey

09:54 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/450401

09:58 <Princess-QRS> i love cider

09:59 <Cepheid> It shows.

09:59 <Princess-QRS> ...what do you mean.

10:00 <Cepheid> You've been buying cider a lot lately, that's all.

10:00 <Princess-QRS> Well I sell booze, great time to try things.

10:00 <Cepheid> Oh, right.

10:00 <Cepheid> ... If you sell booze, shouldn't you try other boozes? :P

10:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Nightly Roundup #1035 [ http://tinyurl.com/l2kyq7t ]

10:00 <Princess-QRS> This is a different kind of cider than last time!

10:01 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-vpr.rl0.164.125.IP)

10:01 <Princess-QRS> I'm gonna try a porter next.

10:01 <Mike_Coltfield> Porters are okay.

10:01 <Mike_Coltfield> I prefer Belgian tripels.

10:01 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: May The Ponies Be With You...)

10:02 <Cepheid> Princess-QRS:  What brand of cider is it?

10:05 <Evil_Spike> I just listened to TB making fun of Twitch chat

10:05 <Evil_Spike> Was quite hilarious

10:07 <Cepheid> Given that Twitch chat is basically nothing more than a stripped down form of IRC, you're making fun of IRC. :P

10:08 * jamis makes fun of irc.

10:11 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Shenanigans! Askaponywithbraces.tumblr.com)

10:12 *** Joins: Guest61717 (NovaEra@Pony-2v8755.nap.wideopenwest.com)

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10:12 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com)

10:15 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (nnsxokddvti@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

10:16 *** Q0 is now known as Q0|Away

10:16 *** Q0|Away is now known as Q0

10:17 <ryaxnb> buttocks

10:18 * ryaxnb rolls

10:18 <Cepheid> What shall I do tonight?

10:18 <ryaxnb> i didn't know !clop was a command

10:18 <ryaxnb> DerpyBot, is a funny bot

10:20 <ryaxnb> it's so late in the night where i am, what i'm oging to do tonight is SLEEP

10:20 * ryaxnb rolls

10:20 *** Quits: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

10:21 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

10:25 <Cepheid> Myself, I'm expecting a headache, so..

10:27 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> !hug

10:27 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

10:27 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Jon-The_Bronynerd in a tight embrace

10:27 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> x3

10:27 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: May the ponies be with you.)

10:28 <Cepheid> Debating if perhaps I should take a bunch of acetaminophen as a precautionary measure.

10:28 <Finwe> Bonjour, mes petites poneys!

10:28 <Finwe> Messrs th Bronynerd, Cepheid and ryaxnb.

10:28 * Finwe doffs his hat.

10:29 * Cepheid waves

10:29 * Finwe noms on Cepheid's plans for tonight.

10:29 <jamis> !link petite

10:29 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

10:29 *** Joins: MarcusGarciaWulfric (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net)

10:31 *** Cepheid is now known as Cephy-MH3U

10:31 <Cephy-MH3U> Mmm.  Zinogre.  To hunt that, I'd need heavy lightning resistant gear.

10:32 <Cephy-MH3U> And a fast weapon.

10:34 <Tirek> http://i.imgur.com/w4LpLB7.png

10:34 *** Parts: MarcusGarciaWulfric (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net) ("rcirc on GNU Emacs")

10:34 <Tirek> More progress

10:34 <jamis> Fireworks?

10:36 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:36 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (montezuma@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

10:37 <Cephy-MH3U> Bnahabra set...  Gah, that's gonna be a pain to get.

10:37 <Cephy-MH3U> High lightning resist, provides Sheathing.

10:38 <Tirek> Yup.

10:38 <Tirek> Fireworks.

10:39 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-qrclmi.res.rr.com)

10:40 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h ConfusionRift

10:40 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift.

10:40 * Finwe doffs his hat.

10:40 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe.

10:40 * ConfusionRift salutes.

10:40 <Tirek> Hey Rift, you're just in time to see my progress

10:40 <Tirek> http://i.imgur.com/w4LpLB7.png

10:41 <Finwe> What's that, a city at night?

10:41 <Cephy-MH3U> So I'm missing... 8 Bnahabra Shells and 14 Bnahabra Wings.

10:41 <Tirek> Yup.

10:41 <Cephy-MH3U> Gonna need me a lot of poison bombs.

10:42 <ConfusionRift> Poison weapons help, bombs are more effective though.

10:42 * Princess-QRS hails Lord Robot

10:42 <Princess-QRS> i am full of cider

10:42 <Cephy-MH3U> I know, Rift.

10:42 <Princess-QRS> i am become buzz

10:42 <Cephy-MH3U> But any poison weapon I have would just one-shot 'em.

10:43 <Cephy-MH3U> They'd break.

10:43 <ConfusionRift> Good for you. (grumbles as he haven't had cider in some time)

10:43 <jamis> Hey ConfusionRift

10:43 <Finwe> Mr Princess-QRS.

10:43 * Finwe doffs his hat.

10:43 <Princess-QRS> same

10:44 * Princess-QRS doffs Finwe

10:44 <ConfusionRift> In that case, poison bombs, or make a weak twin blade or sword and shield with high poison damage.

10:44 <Finwe> What is a twin blade?

10:44 <Cephy-MH3U> Yeah.

10:44 <Finwe> A two-edged sword?

10:44 <ConfusionRift> Finwe: Sorry, dual blades.

10:45 <Cephy-MH3U> Finwe: A "weapon" consisting of using two short blades.

10:45 <Cephy-MH3U> Lesse, what's the weakest dual blades I can make with high poison damage..?

10:45 <Finwe> Like one used to wield main gauche and the main weapon?

10:45 <Cephy-MH3U> I've decided to restart my efforts to kill the G Rank end boss solo.

10:45 <Cephy-MH3U> Gotta do it before MH4U.

10:45 <ConfusionRift> I see.

10:46 <Cephy-MH3U> With Awakening, best I can do for Dual Blades..

10:47 <ConfusionRift> Tirek: It looks rather nice, but the building seem to have some odd angles. Maybe my perspective is a bit messy.

10:47 <Princess-QRS> http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/44228233315451265/9A05EAE568EAEC2682D7252E38461065D5D4B99D/

10:47 <Cephy-MH3U> Jaggid Shotels/Jaggid Shotels(+)/Leader's Shotels

10:47 <Princess-QRS> ~red army choir intensifies!

10:47 <Tirek> Nah, you're right.

10:48 <Tirek> But I'm doing it semi on purpose.

10:48 <ConfusionRift> Oh, I see.

10:48 *** Quits: Somniis (taylorda@Pony-b7ngs2.slkc.qwest.net) (Client exited)

10:48 <Cephy-MH3U> Without awakening, Bloodwings path.

10:49 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

10:49 <ConfusionRift> I know there was some dual blades that had high poison damage and low normal damage.

10:49 <Cephy-MH3U> SnS looks more reliable.  There's a low level sword with higher poison damage than normal damage.

10:50 *** poseyshy|dreaming is now known as poseyshy|work

10:50 <Cephy-MH3U> Sure you're not confusing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite with 3U?

10:50 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

10:50 <ConfusionRift> Then again, the poison effect has to kick in do it right. Unless you're lucky enough to kill them without making them explode.

10:50 <Cephy-MH3U> Yeah.

10:50 * Princess-QRS explodes

10:51 <ConfusionRift> No, I was sure... unless I was thinking of a long sword.

10:51 <Cephy-MH3U> I can probably do the Shadow Saber.

10:51 <Cephy-MH3U> Bah.  Need pelagicite ore for that.

10:52 * ConfusionRift sighs. "Never mind that."

10:52 <Princess-QRS> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7PkopwEi8U

10:52 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:52 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about donglekumquat - Cider Slider

10:52 <Cephy-MH3U> Best I can do poison-wise..

10:53 <Cephy-MH3U> Oh.  I already have Venom Wings.

10:53 <Cephy-MH3U> Dual Blades.

10:53 <Cephy-MH3U> I also have a bow that can do poison arrows.

10:55 <ConfusionRift> That can do the trick... except they're a pain to shoot. :P

10:55 <Princess-QRS> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbDPXKVgDCo&list=UUN-za6h6OO-lDHQrBeu2nYg

10:55 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about donglekumquat - A Song About Luna

10:55 <SkunkStripe> Added to my list of things I find annoying

10:56 <SkunkStripe> When people tell you not to watch/play something and then don't tell you why you shouldn't.

10:56 <SkunkStripe> "Man don't play X" "why not" "Just don't" "Don't plz"

10:57 <RazorSharpFang> Don't play this game, because the companies that make it pay their workers very little and have been destroying families lives for years.

10:57 * ConfusionRift sighs.

10:57 <ConfusionRift> Anyways... buggy is fixed.

10:58 * RazorSharpFang sighs in a fashion totally superior to that in which ConfusionRift sighed.

10:58 * ConfusionRift sighs hard, almost turning into just noise. :P

10:59 <Tirek> Keep it up, we might be able to pick up radio signals from Mars.

10:59 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:59 * ConfusionRift only gets AM reception. :P

10:59 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by CouchCrusader: Outside Insight Summer Fanfic Contest: 22 HOURS REMAIN [ http://tinyurl.com/kx2n9xk ]

11:00 * Neptune tinkers with ConfusionRift, allowing him to recieve FM and USB signals.

11:00 <Neptune> o3o

11:00 <Finwe> Lt Neptune.

11:00 <Finwe> _o7

11:01 <Neptune> RAdm Finwe

11:01 <Neptune> _o7

11:01 <ConfusionRift> I do have USB ports already. FM radio's not that great anymore. (shrugs)

11:01 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-pmo3nk.orcon.net.nz)

11:01 * Finwe delays ConfusionRift's AM reception to a PM reception.

11:01 <Cephy-MH3U> Well, I got a few shells and wings from that.

11:01 <Cephy-MH3U> Remind me not to bring my shakalakas with me though.

11:01 <Cephy-MH3U> They killed a lot of the danged things.  =.=;

11:02 *** Joins: Renard (Renard@Pony-nc2v0l.abo.wanadoo.fr)

11:02 <ConfusionRift> You could have them as rear support. But yeah, it's best to not bring them during bug hunts.

11:03 <Cephy-MH3U> Ooh, got enough shells now at least.

11:03 <Cephy-MH3U> Just need another 12 wings.

11:03 <Cephy-MH3U> ...

11:03 <Cephy-MH3U> And then a metric ton of armor spheres to upgrade the armour to a high rank level.

11:04 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

11:04 <Cephy-MH3U> And my blades are actually too strong for the bugs, by the way.

11:05 <Cephy-MH3U> One hit kills.

11:05 <ConfusionRift> Darn it...

11:05 *** GigaWork is now known as GigabitPony

11:06 * ConfusionRift receives some weird frequency. Only numbers are in broadcast.

11:06 <Princess-QRS> numbers staaaation

11:07 <Princess-QRS> uvb-76 best

11:07 <Neptune> uvb-76 master race

11:07 <ConfusionRift> Oh, and here's the buggy in question. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40850533213031735/C8577BB2CB2C3A9C6852D97C2799F3FCA6182481/

11:08 <ConfusionRift> Not sure that link works.

11:08 <Cephy-MH3U> Nice.

11:09 <Cephy-MH3U> I should set up a VM on my server so I can run a dedicated server.

11:09 <RazorSharpFang> Cephy-MH3U: Whatever for?

11:09 <Cephy-MH3U> Run a dedicated Space Engineers server.

11:09 <Cephy-MH3U> It's Windows-only.

11:10 <RazorSharpFang> huh

11:10 <RazorSharpFang> VMs aren't known for their great performance

11:10 *** Quits: Q0 (Q0@literallyshit.net) (Quit: This fantasy has been a profound disappointment.)

11:10 <Cephy-MH3U> No, but they tend to run servers just fine.

11:10 <Cephy-MH3U> Video hardware isn't generally required.

11:12 <ConfusionRift> http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40850533240280090/EA2742D37E2BADAD8878684A3F488C0CEEFC6558/

11:12 <ConfusionRift> Work in progress. Not sure what to make of it.

11:12 <RazorSharpFang> Cephy-MH3U: I suppose that's true.

11:13 <RazorSharpFang> And I guess it doesn't wine very well

11:13 <Cephy-MH3U> There's a bug in doing so apparently.

11:15 <Cephy-MH3U> 6 wings down, 9 to go.

11:15 <GigabitPony> Is his hostmask literallyshit.net? XD

11:16 <ConfusionRift> ...yaaaaaay. (shoots bugs with bowgun)

11:16 <ConfusionRift> Whose?

11:16 <Neptune> oi giga

11:16 <Neptune> language

11:16 <GigabitPony> The guy that left at 0310 hours

11:17 <GigabitPony> Language? When the guys hostmask is that XD

11:17 <Tirek> Yup.

11:17 <Tirek> It is.

11:17 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, Didn't notice. I think you mean Q0.

11:17 <GigabitPony> Yeah

11:17 <GigabitPony> Also sorry I been Dc'ed for 4 hours >.><

11:17 <Cephy-MH3U> Rifty:  Nice ship.

11:17 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net)

11:18 <GigabitPony> ISP routers were looping data back and forth to each other

11:18 <RazorSharpFang> Loops are bad

11:18 <RazorSharpFang> Your packets get dropped

11:18 <Neptune> np: Noisestorm - Renegade

11:18 *** Quits: Cudle|2 (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

11:19 <Cephy-MH3U> Dangit, I overslept..

11:19 <GigabitPony> Yeah first time ever encountering the TTL to actually die

11:19 <Neptune> !seen init3

11:19 <DerpyBot> Neptune: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. init3 is in the channel.

11:19 <Cephy-MH3U> My neck is killing me.

11:19 <Neptune> oh, hi init3

11:19 <Neptune> if you're even still alive

11:19 <RazorSharpFang> GigabitPony: Yeah, generally the TTL will almost never be triggered.

11:19 <ConfusionRift> Cephy-MH3U: Thanks. Designed came to mind some time ago. Unfortunately, didn't give it the full justice it deserved. Also, those thrusters sorta ruined it. It least it flies well, so far.

11:19 <ConfusionRift> And what happened to your neck? o_0

11:19 *** Quits: MetalDash_RE (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-urft24.mtl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

11:20 <Cephy-MH3U> ConfusionRift:  Just overslept.  When I do so, my muscles get sore.

11:20 * Neptune extends a hoof towards Ali's nose, ultimately resulting in a boop.

11:20 <Neptune> o3o

11:20 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

11:20 <Neptune> :<

11:20 <Cephy-MH3U> Might also be related to the high CSF pressure.

11:20 <ConfusionRift> Wooooow. You just knocked her out.

11:20 <ConfusionRift> :P

11:21 <ConfusionRift> Maybe is just unlucky timing.

11:21 *** Quits: mieu (Mieu@Pony-3q4ffb.ct.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

11:21 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:22 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, could be. Yeah, oversleeping makes for terrible awakenings.

11:22 <Cephy-MH3U> Looks like the latest Space Engineers patch added a few interesting changes for modding purpuses.

11:22 * ConfusionRift nods.

11:23 <ConfusionRift> Also added a button panel.

11:23 <Cephy-MH3U> Asteroid materials will probably allow for new ores and such.

11:23 <Cephy-MH3U> Which means probably some extended crafting now.

11:24 <Cephy-MH3U> Just need scripting for objects, and then things can really get off the ground.

11:24 *** Quits: Finwe (vhalkola@Pony-bs4ovt.org.aalto.fi) (Killed (Celestia (Lost at Russian Roulette.)))

11:25 *** Joins: Finwe (vhalkola@Pony-bs4ovt.org.aalto.fi)

11:25 <Cephy-MH3U> Hmm.  Rifty, I can never remember.  You gonna be doing MH4U at all?  Or do you not have a 3DS?

11:25 * Flashy wants some poutine >.<

11:25 <ConfusionRift> I have a 3DS, but not sure I will move to MH4U.

11:25 <ConfusionRift> Haven't played Monster Hunter in a while now.

11:26 <Cephy-MH3U> Bah.  I plan to move to it.  I need people to play with though.

11:26 <Cephy-MH3U> Given that it has Internet play and all.

11:27 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, maybe I will.

11:27 *** Quits: Essence (jygptprbryq@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

11:27 <Cephy-MH3U> It'll also have NA<->EU cross-region play, so yay.

11:28 <ConfusionRift> Oh, that's a huge plus!

11:28 *** Quits: Neptune (Neptune@Planet.Neptune) (Killed (Celestia (Lost at Russian Roulette.)))

11:28 <Cephy-MH3U> Yeah, it was confirmed a few weeks ago.

11:28 *** Joins: Neptune (Neptune@Planet.Neptune)

11:28 *** Joins: Lawliman (Lawliman@Pony-sfatgi.dyn.centurytel.net)

11:28 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-pmo3nk.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:28 <Cephy-MH3U> No EU/NA<->Japanese though.

11:28 <ConfusionRift> Of course. -_-

11:29 <Cephy-MH3U> No big deal really.

11:29 <Cephy-MH3U> Given that the rest of the world is a big enough region combined as is.

11:29 <Cephy-MH3U> ...

11:29 <Cephy-MH3U> I love how I get NO WINGS from the after-quest reward.

11:29 <Cephy-MH3U> Only spines and shells.

11:30 <ConfusionRift> There's always that one item they really want you to get on your own.

11:30 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Connection closed)

11:30 <Cephy-MH3U> 11 wings out of 15.

11:30 <Cephy-MH3U> All of this just for one thing.

11:30 <Cephy-MH3U> So I can fight Zinogre on equal terms in High Rank multiplayer.

11:30 <Cephy-MH3U> I need the lightning resist, and I want sheathing so I can get back to running more quickly.

11:32 <Cephy-MH3U> Plus stun and status resist is nice too.

11:32 <ConfusionRift> Oh wow, I didn't notice. In SE, now broadcasting antennas are taken into effect... sorta. You can use a control panel or station to access a station as long as it's within the antenna's broadcasting reach.

11:33 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-0dq.7m4.29.2.IP)

11:33 * Cephy-MH3U cooks meat. Finishes. An otherworldy voice goes "So tasty~!"

11:34 <Cephy-MH3U> One benefit of hunting.

11:34 <Cephy-MH3U> You can prep other stuff while out and about.

11:34 * ConfusionRift does the same, and catches fire. "Aaaaaaaaaaah... every time." He nonchalantly walks to the nearest body of water.

11:35 * Cephy-MH3U upswings with an axe near Rifty.

11:35 * ConfusionRift flies several feet in the air, and lands on his head.

11:36 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-0dq.7m4.29.2.IP) (Connection closed)

11:36 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-0dq.7m4.29.2.IP)

11:36 <Evil_Spike> You know what I would love to look at? The entire musical score for Frozen

11:38 <Cephy-MH3U> Rifty:  Know what'd be a nice addition to Monster Hunter?  In-town crafting recipe:  Take a BBQ spit, and raw meat.  Out comes cooked meat of some variety.

11:38 <Cephy-MH3U> Instead of having to take 10 raw meat, travel to a quest zone, do the little mini-game, return, repeat.

11:38 <ConfusionRift> Yeeeeees! Or at least bring back the meat cook kitty. :P

11:39 <Cephy-MH3U> The felynes are coming back in 4u.

11:39 *** Joins: User_375725 (gcgcpxwyehu@Pony-90h.tpq.227.1.IP)

11:39 *** Quits: User_375725 (gcgcpxwyehu@Pony-90h.tpq.227.1.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:39 <ConfusionRift> Yes!

11:40 <ConfusionRift> I mean, I don't hate Shakalakas. They are alright, but not the same as having an army of two kitties.

11:40 <Cephy-MH3U> I wonder if anyone's figured out custom quests in 3U yet.

11:40 <ConfusionRift> Oh wait, I think it was three.

11:40 <Cephy-MH3U> Closest I could get was downloading the quest data, but it's compressed.

11:40 <Cephy-MH3U> Or encrypted rather.

11:40 *** Quits: Neptune (Neptune@Planet.Neptune) (Killed (Celestia (Lost at Russian Roulette.)))

11:40 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-6jdao4.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

11:40 *** Joins: Neptune (Neptune@Planet.Neptune)

11:41 <screenaholic> Yo.

11:41 <ConfusionRift> Hello screenaholic

11:41 <Skip> halp

11:41 * screenaholic lays on Robopone.

11:41 <Skip> I've forgotten what you call those surfboards on the snow.

11:41 <Cephy-MH3U> Apparently the answer is "Nope."

11:41 * Flashy halps Skip

11:41 <Cephy-MH3U> Skip:  Snowboards.

11:41 <Skip> It can't be snowboards can it? That doesn't sound right.

11:42 <Cephy-MH3U> Snowboarding.

11:42 <Cephy-MH3U> That's what it's called.

11:42 <Skip> I... ok.

11:42 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving...)

11:42 <Neptune> Tirek, you here?

11:43 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

11:43 <ConfusionRift> Surfboard on snow. Yep, that sounds like a skateboard.

11:43 <RazorSharpFang> wow, was just playing around in Audacity, but managed to create a phase-shift sfx

11:43 <RazorSharpFang> That's kinda cool, I guess

11:44 <Cephy-MH3U> Wait.  Surfboard on snow.

11:44 <Neptune> RazorSharpFang: I was messing around last night with the Paulstretch feature.

11:44 <Cephy-MH3U> That sounds more like a sled.

11:44 <ConfusionRift> Oh wait, snowboarding. Darn it.

11:44 <Neptune> We made some sounds that would go well in a horror game.

11:44 <RazorSharpFang> huzzah

11:44 <Skip> I suppose a skateboard is a better analogy than a surfboard.

11:44 *** Quits: Guest61717 (NovaEra@Pony-2v8755.nap.wideopenwest.com) (Quit: )

11:44 <Skip> you stand on all three pretty much the same way though.

11:45 <Cephy-MH3U> Yeah.

11:45 <Cephy-MH3U> If it's a skateboard on snow, then yeah you want a snowboard.

11:45 <ConfusionRift> ^

11:45 <ConfusionRift> Well, a skateboard with no wheels on snow.

11:45 <Skip> A skateboard with wheels on snow would be pretty silly.

11:45 <RazorSharpFang> I'm having difficulty recording myself. I just don't like the way my voice sounds.

11:46 <Neptune> Me neither, RazorSharpFang.

11:46 <Neptune> Whenever I hear my voice, I cringe.

11:46 <screenaholic> I've never liked the sound of my voice, Razor.

11:46 <RazorSharpFang> Also, I keep breathing on my mic.

11:46 <RazorSharpFang> How do I stop that?

11:46 *** Joins: TruBlue87 (xgeutiggrsi@Pony-hgita2.brhmal.sbcglobal.net)

11:46 <RazorSharpFang> Would wrapping a cloth over it help?

11:46 <screenaholic> That'd muffle the voice a lot.

11:47 <Neptune> I suppose.

11:47 <Neptune> If you wanted to kill yourself, that is.

11:47 <Cephy-MH3U> Cloth mesh tightened on a hoop, place it in front of the microphone.

11:47 <Neptune> Or muffle the hell out of your voice.

11:47 <Finwe> screenSharpRift o3o

11:47 <Neptune> Riftaholic

11:47 <Neptune> Riftaholic OTP

11:47 <RazorSharpFang> Neptune: It's not very effective...

11:47 <Cephy-MH3U> The intent is to block the airflow from your speech hitting the microphone while letting the sound hit it.

11:47 <screenaholic> That a new one.

11:48 <ConfusionRift> Finwe: ...heh? Oh no. No pairing names. -_-#

11:48 <Neptune> RazorSharpFang: Try facing your mouth and nose away from the mic.

11:48 <RazorSharpFang> Harder than it sounds

11:49 <RazorSharpFang> I need a mic stand or something. All I got in a guitar hero mic

11:49 <ConfusionRift> A mic stand helps. So you don't have to be holding it awkwardly during a recording.

11:50 <screenaholic> What are you recording?

11:50 <TruBlue87> Yo yo yo,...  I'm bored :-p

11:50 * screenaholic flops on the bored pone. "Have you ever seen a true blue sky?

11:50 <Cephy-MH3U> RazorSharpFang: http://www.coutant.org/popstop/ This can help with some things.

11:51 <Cephy-MH3U> It's just a simple mesh held in a hoop that's placed in front of the microphone.

11:51 <Cephy-MH3U> Blocks certain noises from getting to the microphone.

11:52 <TruBlue87> Uh-huh.  Yesterday's sky was clear and slightly breezy, yo.

11:54 *** Joins: rela (x@Pony-36d7ct.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

11:54 <Cephy-MH3U> There.  Got all the materials I need.

11:54 <TruBlue87> But then I had dream about lightning; totally oppisite of tru blu sky.

11:55 <Cephy-MH3U> ...

11:55 <Cephy-MH3U> Cute.  Finish the last quest of the runs, and I get 4 wings out of it.

11:56 <screenaholic> But there's no such thing as a true blue sky. Every sky is different, and each one is perfect, but none of them are a true blue.

11:56 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-qjt.i4h.137.166.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

11:57 <Neptune> I'm gonna go heat up some spaghetti, anyone want some?

11:57 <Neptune> o3o

11:57 <screenaholic> I had some for dinner.

11:58 <ConfusionRift> I had chicken and fries. Still rather full. Thanks though. :)

12:00 <TruBlue87> Ahw wow, never knew that..  But hey, the more you know

12:01 *** Joins: User_725125 (bjpiwighnyp@Pony-qfjnk1.res.rr.com)

12:01 <screenaholic> Also, I have a new desktop wallpaper!

12:01 <screenaholic> It's a line from a show.

12:03 <Tirek> I am now.

12:03 <Tirek> What's up?

12:04 <ConfusionRift> The ceiling. :P

12:04 * ConfusionRift gets bricked.

12:04 <Cephy-MH3U> Let's see how this armour fares.

12:04 <ConfusionRift> Good luck.

12:05 <TruBlue87> Apparantely not true blue skies :(

12:07 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: We're only slightly amused.

12:07 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

12:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

12:10 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-6jdao4.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

12:10 <TruBlue87> Yo, so what can you put into a glass, but can't take out?

12:10 <RazorSharpFang> cracks

12:11 <RazorSharpFang> a hole

12:11 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-lfhsmg.east.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)

12:12 <TruBlue87> Dang yo, you're just as your name states: RazorSharp(mind) COOL

12:12 <RazorSharpFang> I try my best.

12:13 <Cephy-MH3U> Note to self:  It helps if you bring all the necessary items to combat.

12:13 <Finwe> If you melt and re-cast the glass, the hole will probably disappear.

12:13 <TruBlue87> You guessed right with cracks.  

12:14 <Finwe> The same applies to cracks.

12:14 <RazorSharpFang> Finwe: But that's not exactly taking them out.

12:14 <Cephy-MH3U> No, but it is removing them.

12:14 <Finwe> RazorSharpFang: But then again, it wasn't exactly that you had cracks in your possession and you put them into the glass.

12:14 <RazorSharpFang> The question clearly stated "take out" not remove.

12:15 * RazorSharpFang shruggy-wuggies

12:15 *** Quits: User_725125 (bjpiwighnyp@Pony-qfjnk1.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:16 <Finwe> The question clearly stated that it was a matter of putting something into the glass.

12:17 <RazorSharpFang> These questions aren't supposed to be technical anyway.

12:17 <TruBlue87> Dare I ask..  How do you "shruggy-wuggies"?

12:17 <RazorSharpFang> Shrug with passion.

12:17 <ConfusionRift> The most passionate and most involved of all shrugs. :P

12:17 * Princess-QRS wuggy-shruggies

12:18 <ConfusionRift> The shrugs that ends all shrugs.

12:18 <Finwe> RazorSharpFang: These questions are often ill-posed.

12:18 <Tirek> You shrug so hard, your upper torso vibrates into a higher plane of existence.

12:18 *** Joins: OctaveSymphony (hajgiyhfjta@Pony-asfitp.tbcn.telia.com)

12:19 <TruBlue87> XD  Well do you mind if I use Shruggy-wuggies in my dialy adventures?

12:20 <Tirek> Only if you pay us 60 rupees.

12:20 * Schism cracks up at Let's Plays of "Five Nights at Freddy's".

12:20 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-bsq10q.tx.charter.com) (Quit: To the not here and beyond!)

12:20 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP)

12:20 <Schism> Worst part-time job ever.

12:20 <ConfusionRift> Oh no. That game.

12:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> hai

12:21 <Schism> "HI THERE! :D"

12:21 <ConfusionRift> Seriously, if I were to see such things, I would have quit my job on the first night. Or move to daytime.

12:21 <TruBlue87> Then it shall become #2 themed word of all time

12:22 <Schism> ConfusionRift: Yeeeeah.  The creepiest part is that the animatronic animals just want to /help/ you!  You're out of costume, after all...

12:22 <Finwe> Mr Schism.

12:22 * Finwe doffs Schism's tail and noms on it.

12:22 <Cephy-MH3U> Guh.  Zinogre moves TOO. DANGED. FAST.

12:23 <ConfusionRift> Schism: Who told them I wanted the party costume during work hours. 0_0;

12:23 * Schism doffs his hat, then noms on Finwe's ears.

12:24 <Schism> Listening to Markiplier chew the scenery is a good bit of nightmare retardant.

12:24 * ConfusionRift chuckles.

12:24 <ConfusionRift> I'm watching said video. :P

12:24 *** Joins: FallSilently (Fall@Pony-rq6.ojl.83.95.IP)

12:24 <Cephy-MH3U> Thank you, bull.

12:24 * Finwe ear-wiggles.

12:24 <Cephy-MH3U> I needed that.

12:25 <OctaveSymphony> Good day to everypony

12:25 *** FallSilently is now known as Pony_42287

12:25 *** Quits: Pony_42287 (Fall@Pony-rq6.ojl.83.95.IP) (Quit: Bye)

12:25 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

12:25 <TruBlue87> And my #1 theme word is "TWENCHY"

12:26 <Schism> ConfusionRift: There are actually two videos so far.  :S

12:26 <ConfusionRift> Yep. Already saw the first one yesterday.

12:27 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:28 <Phantasma_Eeria> OctaveSymphony, which country do you hail from

12:29 <OctaveSymphony> I be from the cold northlands of Sweden

12:29 <OctaveSymphony> The cold part is what foreigners tell me it is here

12:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> ah the home of Markus "Notch" Perrson, and i suppose its because noone except the people who live that far north know how cold it is there as opposed to their home country

12:31 <RazorSharpFang> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOCHtacQ4TM

12:31 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

12:31 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about StormWolf - Lesson Learnt

12:31 <RazorSharpFang> So good.

12:31 <OctaveSymphony> I live in the southern end so it's rare to get below -20 celsius here

12:31 <OctaveSymphony> Up in the north end though

12:32 <Phantasma_Eeria> still colder than ive ever seen my country get

12:32 <Phantasma_Eeria> lowest ive seen is about -5

12:32 <Princess-QRS> -50'c days are fun

12:32 <OctaveSymphony> And where do you live QRS?

12:33 <OctaveSymphony> -50 sounds like Siberia or something

12:33 <Princess-QRS> Edmonton.

12:33 <Princess-QRS> We get -40-50 for a week or two every winter

12:33 <Princess-QRS> averages -30

12:33 <OctaveSymphony> Now that is cold

12:33 <TruBlue87> Im FROM the country...  nothing but tress and dirt roads here.

12:34 <Princess-QRS> i love winter

12:34 <OctaveSymphony> I know the upper north bit of sweden gets -30 regularly during the winter

12:34 <OctaveSymphony> Finland gets colder

12:34 <TruBlue87> Alabama guy

12:34 <OctaveSymphony> Take me home, country roads

12:35 *** Joins: artisticMink (quassel@Pony-d0m.9j3.37.195.IP)

12:35 *** Quits: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-se4ti0.telecom.net.ar) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:35 <Phantasma_Eeria> to the place where i belong

12:35 <OctaveSymphony> And I can't remember more of the song :P

12:36 <Phantasma_Eeria> west virginia

12:36 <Phantasma_Eeria> then the rest is a blank

12:37 * Cephy-MH3U sighs.

12:37 <Cephy-MH3U> That armour was a bust.

12:37 <Phantasma_Eeria> sweet home alabama

12:37 <OctaveSymphony> *Uhhh Jim, what's an Alabama?*

12:37 <Cephy-MH3U> Looks nice, 'cause I get a little tophat.

12:37 <Cephy-MH3U> But yeah, it's useless against Zinogre almost.

12:37 *** Joins: User_725125 (bjpiwighnyp@Pony-qfjnk1.res.rr.com)

12:38 <TruBlue87> *sigh* Alas, I have yet to run into a fellow brony here in ALA.

12:38 <RazorSharpFang> Not a clue what ALA is.

12:38 <OctaveSymphony> I haven't met any others in real life either, got a friend who occasionally watches the show but that's it

12:38 <Princess-QRS> alabma prob

12:39 *** Quits: User_725125 (bjpiwighnyp@Pony-qfjnk1.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:39 <Phantasma_Eeria> i have met one

12:40 <OctaveSymphony> There, now I'm committed (spelling?) to buying a $ 220 plushie

12:40 <TruBlue87> ALA is Alabama for short.

12:41 <TruBlue87> You've met one.  That's so cool.

12:41 <ConfusionRift> Cephy-MH3U: That suuuucks. Well, got a new piece of armor to put in the wardrobe. :P

12:41 *** Quits: Lawliman (Lawliman@Pony-sfatgi.dyn.centurytel.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:42 <Phantasma_Eeria> yeah, said brony hates me for something i did four years ago

12:43 <TruBlue87> I'd like to think I'm special; so when i meet one it will be an esspecially EPIC moment for me.

12:43 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

12:43 <Finwe> Phantasma_Eeria: What did you do, then?

12:44 * Finwe noms on the skeletons in Phantasma_Eeria's closet.

12:44 * Princess-QRS jangles the skeletons

12:44 <Cephy-MH3U> Indeed, ConfusionRift.

12:45 <Cephy-MH3U> In any case, I'm gonna go take a quick shower.  When I return, I think I'll turn my PC on, and stream some MH3U.

12:45 <Cephy-MH3U> That way people can watch me get beat up.  Karma for killing all those kerbals.  And Rifty.

12:45 <Cephy-MH3U> Sorry Rifty, your orbit around Kerbin decayed.

12:45 <Cephy-MH3U> You crashed into Kerbin last night.

12:45 <ConfusionRift> ...

12:45 <Finwe> D:

12:45 <Finwe> Nooo!

12:45 * Finwe clings to ConfusionRift.

12:46 <Cephy-MH3U> I don't exactly want to know how you survived re-entry through the atmosphere, but you survived the initial impact, bounced a good 30 feet into the air, then landed a second time and exploded.

12:46 <OctaveSymphony> That sounds painful

12:47 <Phantasma_Eeria> i got shoved by a fetting ******* into him, and he was shoved forward...down some stairs, no falling was involved but he thinks i shoved him even though ive told him i was shoved multiple times

12:47 <Finwe> Would you pay €5 for this display? http://www.memory4less.com/images/products/img0922g/2013/HPMonitorsFlatPanelsLCD22inch.jpg

12:47 * ConfusionRift comes back as a pile of pieces, and his head on top of it all, just staring with a disapproving look at Cephy-MH3U. "I waited... I waited for your return. But alas, the ground was my only friend... and I don't like it."

12:47 <OctaveSymphony> Still, 4 years is a long time to hold a grudge over something like that

12:48 <TruBlue87> *gasp*  You know the word "hate" is a strong word with no backbone(went deeper than intended)

12:48 <Phantasma_Eeria> eeyup

12:48 <Phantasma_Eeria> no he actually hates me

12:48 <OctaveSymphony> Hatred is an ugly thing, I used to hate alot for no real reason.

12:49 <OctaveSymphony> Now I only hate myself instead of others

12:49 <Phantasma_Eeria> wait how can words have a backbone they arent creatures

12:50 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

12:51 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

12:51 <TruBlue87> If you are true to yourself and stand by every word you say, then yes, words do have a backbone(of sorts)

12:52 <Cephy-MH3U> Anyhoo, back in a bit.

12:52 <Cephy-MH3U> And sorry Rifty.

12:53 <ConfusionRift> That's fine. I didn't like the space too much anyways. :P So boooooring.

12:53 <ConfusionRift> Finwe: I would. It would easily replace my current one.

12:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> no they dont they arent creatures and so cannot have a backbone

12:53 <Finwe> Well, maybe I should go fetch one then.

12:54 <Finwe> A nearby school is modernising their hardware and there's a sale of used displays, computers and other stuff.

12:55 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

12:55 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

12:55 <OctaveSymphony> € 5 for a monitor is a pretty low price to

12:57 <RazorSharpFang> Whoa, dat's cheap

12:58 <TruBlue87> I know personally that hate intensifies hate; it stirs up pain and only brings down the person that is hating

12:58 * Schism randomly offers Finwe a plate of chocolate-chip pancakes.

12:58 <OctaveSymphony> And yay it's raining again, I love the rain

12:58 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-ir764p.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP) (Quit: Signal 9 happened)

12:58 <Finwe> Pancakes!

12:59 <Schism> Yes, pancakes.  :3

12:59 <Finwe> Schism: Maybe for dessert.

12:59 <Finwe> I haven't had any lunch yet.

12:59 <Finwe> or breakfast o3o

12:59 <ConfusionRift> Finwe: I would go for it, but only of they're in good conditions. Schools tend to abuse the heck out of the monitors.

13:00 *** GigabitPony is now known as GigaZzz

13:00 <OctaveSymphony> I haven't eaten since dinner the other day :/

13:03 <TruBlue87> Saltine crackers anyone?  No.. then you don't mind if I *rips open a pack with teeth*

13:03 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

13:05 <jamis> I'm at the point that I prefer the unsalted ones.

13:05 *** Joins: MrMooMoo (Moo@Pony-ba9ual.wavecable.com)

13:05 * Phantasma_Eeria tries to open a packet of hay

13:07 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: Eeeyup.

13:07 <Finwe> But it's probably worth the while to go and check what they've got there.

13:07 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

13:07 <Finwe> It's 10 minutes by bus from here.

13:07 <TruBlue87> Nuh-uh.  They dony make unsalted one, do they?

13:09 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

13:09 <ConfusionRift> Finwe: Yeah. Should give it a looksie.

13:10 <ConfusionRift> Schism: Question. How come the place has limited energy? I mean, do they turn everything off and leave the guard with a tiny UPS?

13:15 *** Joins: User_437825 (dnufqxycixy@Pony-ik4gc0.olsztyn.mm.pl)

13:15 *** Quits: User_437825 (dnufqxycixy@Pony-ik4gc0.olsztyn.mm.pl) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

13:15 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP) (Connection closed)

13:17 <Cephy-MH3U> Back from mijn shower.

13:18 <Cephy-MH3U> And now I need an HDMI cable.

13:18 <jamis> ?

13:19 * Cephy-MH3U procures one from filing cabinet.

13:22 * ConfusionRift bites on Cephy-MH3U's HDMI cable.

13:22 <Cephy-MH3U> Next, set up AverMedia and OBS..

13:22 <Cephy-MH3U> ... Bah, auto-update on Wii U.

13:22 <Finwe> Ok, lunch, after which I will go check out the computer and electronics sale.

13:23 <Finwe> Take care, my little ponies!

13:23 <Cephy-MH3U> Guess I'll set up my channel then.

13:24 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

13:25 <Cephy-MH3U> Really should change my on my Twitch channel.  But I got no appropriate icon for myself.

13:25 <Cephy-MH3U> Er, my icon*

13:26 *** Joins: applejackfan (xbyuulhefgc@Pony-10e.e00.253.72.IP)

13:27 *** Quits: applejackfan (xbyuulhefgc@Pony-10e.e00.253.72.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

13:28 <Cephy-MH3U> http://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/pastafarian-fights-to-wear-colander-in-b-c-driver-s-licence-photo-1.1959706 ... Is this happening AGAIN?

13:29 <OctaveSymphony> Ahahaha

13:29 <OctaveSymphony> Here the religion of Pastafari is legally recognised

13:30 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP)

13:31 <Phantasma_Eeria> hai

13:32 <Cephy-MH3U> Hey.

13:32 <OctaveSymphony> Harro

13:33 <ConfusionRift> Huh... it seems I got two accounts.

13:33 <Cephy-MH3U> Oh?

13:33 *** Mongoosie|Sleep is now known as Mongoosie

13:34 <ConfusionRift> One that I requested to transfer from justin.tv. And a new one I made recently.

13:34 <Cephy-MH3U> Ah.

13:34 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

13:34 <ConfusionRift> The transfer took a looong time. I thought it was not gonna happen, so I made a new one.

13:35 <ConfusionRift> LT. The_Nostalgia_Mare. (salutes)

13:35 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Lt. Cpt. ConfusionRift. (salutes)

13:38 <Finwe> Lt _Cdr_ o3o

13:38 <Finwe> Lt The_Nostalgia_Mare.

13:38 <Finwe> _o7

13:38 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Radm. Finwe (salutes)

13:38 <OctaveSymphony> I'm confused

13:38 <Finwe> The_Nostalgia_Mare: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Navy_officer_rank_insignia

13:39 <Finwe> Read and learn, young Padawan.

13:39 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Thank you.

13:39 <OctaveSymphony> Oh I did realise that it was military ranks, just confused over the use of them

13:40 <Cephy-MH3U> Yay, update is done.

13:40 <Phantasma_Eeria> theyre secretly playing with miniature boats

13:41 <Cephy-MH3U> Anyhoo..

13:44 * Finwe is forced and compelled to "pfffft" at Phantasma_Eeria.

13:44 <Finwe> Phantasma_Eeria: Pfffft!

13:45 *** Joins: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-33iejm.cable.virginm.net)

13:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

13:45 <Cephy-MH3U> Hum.

13:45 <ConfusionRift> Hello Princess-Luna.

13:45 <Cephy-MH3U> Not getting any audio..

13:45 <Princess-Luna> Wooo, systems re-engaged.

13:46 * Phantasma_Eeria glomps Princess-Luna "HAI BEST PRINCESS"

13:46 <Cephy-MH3U> Bah.

13:46 <Finwe> Shark!

13:47 <Cephy-MH3U> I can't use Type 2 mode and have audio output to both the TV and the controller.  Bah.

13:49 <Evil_Spike> Sometimes trolling on TF2 is hilariou

13:49 <Evil_Spike> s

13:52 *** Joins: Upstairs (fkexrqiqldj@Pony-i047sm.as13285.net)

13:52 *** Joins: MetalDash_RE (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-urft24.mtl.aei.ca)

13:52 *** Quits: MrMooMoo (Moo@MOOOOOOOOOO) (Quit: This means I went to sleep or something)

13:52 *** Cephy-MH3U is now known as Cephy-LIVE

13:52 <OctaveSymphony> Rewatching Stargate SG1, I'd forgotten how silly it gets around season 6-7

13:53 <Cephy-LIVE> http://www.twitch.tv/cepheidvar For those who want to watch me die horribly.

13:53 <Cephy-LIVE> I'll also be grinding here and there and not dying. :P

13:53 * MetalDash_RE Rule of nature

13:53 * MetalDash_RE hi everypony

13:53 <Upstairs> do any of you knwo where i can find all the mlp songs as i want to put them on my phone for when im walking to work?

13:54 <MetalDash_RE> *hi

13:55 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

13:55 <Renard> Upstairs, http://mlpost.tumblr.com/

13:56 *** Quits: Upstairs (fkexrqiqldj@Pony-i047sm.as13285.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

13:56 <MetalDash_RE> lol he quit ^

13:56 * The_Nostalgia_Mare boops Princess-Luna's muzzle.

13:56 <Renard> > Flash client

13:56 <Renard> do ya even irc bro

13:57 * Authoron raises a hoof to his chest. "Hail Luna!"

13:57 <OctaveSymphony> Hallowed are the Ori

13:58 <Authoron> Hallo Ori.

13:58 * Flashy is in a cheese stick kind of mood!

13:58 <Flashy> its a very fragile state of mind

13:58 * Flashy pokes Authoron with a cheese stick

13:59 * Authoron noms the cheese stick, and gives flashy a sword in return.

13:59 * ConfusionRift eats a cheese stick. "Mmmmmm."

14:00 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

14:01 * Authoron baps ConfusionRift. "No cheese for you. Spit it out."

14:01 <ConfusionRift> No! :P

14:02 * OctaveSymphony wants some cheese to...

14:02 <Authoron> Meh. Whats your favorite kind of cheese, everypony?

14:02 <Cephy-LIVE> Who all is watching me at the moment?  Can't identify the chat names. :P

14:03 <Authoron> live where. Twitch?

14:04 <Cephy-LIVE> Yeah.

14:04 <Cephy-LIVE> http://www.twitch.tv/cepheidvar

14:04 <Authoron> you always live there?

14:04 *** Joins: Princess-Luna_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-33iejm.cable.virginm.net)

14:04 <Cephy-LIVE> That's usually where I stream, yeah.

14:05 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:05 *** Princess-Luna_ is now known as Princess-Luna

14:05 <Authoron> Okay. Cool. Ill watch next time, now i have to go.

14:05 *** Joins: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-1qqj2b.net.upcbroadband.cz)

14:05 *** Princess-Luna is now known as Pony_13784

14:05 *** Pony_13784 is now known as VinylScratch

14:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

14:06 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

14:12 <Cephy-LIVE> Hoi Miss Vinyl.

14:16 <Evil_Spike> Should I drink for the IRC's amusement?

14:18 <VinylScratch> Hoi there, Cephy!

14:20 <Cephy-LIVE> How goes it?

14:22 <VinylScratch> It goes, it goes.

14:33 <Evil_Spike> You know what? I'm going to have that drink with some pizza.

14:34 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-cdfnp2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

14:34 <Flashy> pizza!?!

14:34 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (exffwptbkyp@Pony-5bpa4q.cable.rcn.com)

14:34 <Flashy> where!

14:35 <Evil_Spike> A plain cheese pizza. And it's with me

14:35 * VinylScratch watches the MA Larson panel.

14:36 * Evil_Spike watches a very famous WWE match

14:36 *** Neptune is now known as Neptune|sleep

14:36 <VinylScratch> Which match?

14:37 <Evil_Spike> Mankind (Mick Foley) vs The Undertaker at King of the Ring 1998

14:37 <Evil_Spike> AKA probably the most brutal match WWE ever did

14:37 <VinylScratch> Yeah, can't deny that.

14:38 <Evil_Spike> Does anypony think that WWE is completely fake and that they fake injuries?

14:39 <VinylScratch> Some here probably do, but I know enough about it...so not me

14:41 <OctaveSymphony> I don't watch sports so I don't have an opinion

14:42 <VinylScratch> Well, it's not really a sport...it's more like a physical drama. :P

14:42 <OctaveSymphony> I was forced to watch the south park episode where they make fun of it

14:42 <Evil_Spike> OctaveSymphony, what do you think would happen if someone fell about 16 ft onto a table?

14:43 <OctaveSymphony> I would expect broken bones

14:43 <OctaveSymphony> Though I'm not sure how high 16ft is *european here*

14:43 <Evil_Spike> 4.9 M

14:44 <OctaveSymphony> Yeah, some broken parts then

14:44 <VinylScratch> It's gonna hurt, but broken bones isn't quite as likely - landing wrong will definitely leave a few marks though. x3

14:44 <OctaveSymphony> Concussion depending on how the head hits

14:44 <Evil_Spike> Then that same person fell through a steel mesh about 4 M with a steel chair hitting your face. About 5 minutes later

14:44 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-n9m.lir.183.212.IP) (Connection closed)

14:45 <Evil_Spike> EDIT their

14:45 <VinylScratch> And having to still stick to the planned match finishes.

14:45 <Evil_Spike> And then approximately 10 minutes after that second fall, being slammed onto thumbtacks

14:46 <Cephy-LIVE> Guh.

14:46 <Cephy-LIVE> Zinogre is painful.  =.=;

14:46 <OctaveSymphony> Starting to sound very fake :P

14:46 <ConfusionRift> Better than expected.

14:46 <Evil_Spike> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgYoYTbnPo4

14:46 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

14:46 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about WWF KING OF THE RING 1998 Mankind vs Undertaker HELL IN A CELL MATCH)

14:46 <ConfusionRift> Oh, and have never seen this sucker before. :P

14:47 <VinylScratch> Not sure thats quite as family friendly, Evil_Spike

14:47 <VinylScratch> Talking about it is fine, but the match is a little much to post here.

14:47 <Evil_Spike> True

14:47 <Evil_Spike> I apologise

14:47 <OctaveSymphony> Derpy Hooves is best pony.

14:48 <VinylScratch> :P Derpy's a good pony, but Rarity is best!

14:48 <Evil_Spike> That's an odd way to spell Calamity

14:49 <VinylScratch> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqXdImP3h1Y - MA Larson is best pony.

14:49 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

14:49 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about GalaCon 2014 - M.A. Larson Panel

14:49 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-cdfnp2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Connection closed)

14:51 <OctaveSymphony> I just have a soft spot for the ones who are different, still hate the fact that people considered her "offensive"

14:51 <VinylScratch> People get offended on behalf of people without thinking about it, really

14:51 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-cdfnp2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

14:51 <Evil_Spike> It's political correctness gone awry

14:52 <Evil_Spike> I have mild cerebral palsy. Derpy should not have been changed

14:52 <OctaveSymphony> Yeah, people get offended way to easily these days. And it's always somepony getting offended on their behalf

14:52 <OctaveSymphony> I do like the new voice more than the old however

14:52 <VinylScratch> Eh, the world isn't ready for true equality, it seems. :P

14:53 <Evil_Spike> I prefer the original voice

14:53 <VinylScratch> Same, lol

14:54 <OctaveSymphony> Oh well, each to their own

14:56 <Evil_Spike> I remember how nuts we went when we heard RD say "Derpy"

14:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> Eric Idle: "And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, ... 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth."

14:56 <OctaveSymphony> Won't be getting my big Derpy plushie untill early october sadly :/

14:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> A lot of things on the news makes me want to point and go: "...we're a superior race of being?"

14:56 <Evil_Spike> I'm perfectly happy with my vinyl derpy

14:57 <VinylScratch> I'll be gettin' { with any luck } the 4DE Luna come november, lol

14:57 <VinylScratch> how could I not? x3

14:58 <Muffin_Spectacles> This week has been a wash- not a single notice from Hot Topic that Rarity and Discord have been shipped to my place.

14:58 <OctaveSymphony> Oh that's a pretty one

14:58 <OctaveSymphony> I'm ordering from an artist on deviantart

14:58 <Evil_Spike> Hope I'm getting a shirt I ordered soon

15:00 <Evil_Spike> It's a Ring of Honor shirt

15:00 <OctaveSymphony> It's hard to get merchandise like this in europe it seems

15:02 <Evil_Spike> Well, I'm about to start playing FPS with alcohol in my system. This ought to go well

15:02 <VinylScratch> Have fun!

15:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> Hmm, looks like Funko's Discord fig from Hot Topic has sold out of its pre-orders. Why am i not surprised?

15:03 <VinylScratch> Lol

15:06 <OctaveSymphony> And then did Tyolus say to the people of the low plains, Seek not wickedness amongst your neighbours, lest it find purchase in your own house

15:07 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-vpr.rl0.164.125.IP) (Client exited)

15:09 <OctaveSymphony> Should I order pizza today?

15:10 <ConfusionRift> Everypony eating pizza. Now I got the urge for it.

15:11 <OctaveSymphony> 5 minute walk to a pizza place, and I really don't feel like cooking today

15:12 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-e2k.cmn.56.119.IP)

15:13 *** Quits: TruBlue87 (xgeutiggrsi@Pony-hgita2.brhmal.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:13 <VinylScratch> Pepperoni pizza is always a fun time.

15:14 <OctaveSymphony> I was thinking something truly slobby, pizza with bacon, kebab, ham

15:14 *** Quits: NanoByte (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:14 *** Quits: Muffin_Spectacles (exffwptbkyp@Pony-5bpa4q.cable.rcn.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:15 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang_ (chatzilla@Pony-siu64h.iinet.net.au)

15:15 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@sharpest.of.all.fangs) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:15 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-e2k.cmn.56.119.IP) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

15:15 *** RazorSharpFang_ is now known as RazorSharpFang

15:16 <ConfusionRift> Hello RazorSharpFang.

15:16 <Princess_Twilight> Good morning everypony

15:16 *** Quits: Skip (Skybrook@Pony-tlu.2jo.35.185.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)

15:16 <OctaveSymphony> Good morning Princess

15:18 <RazorSharpFang> Bad internet is bad

15:18 *** TrixieMoon|Away is now known as TrixieMoon

15:18 *** Quits: Renard (Renard@Pony-nc2v0l.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:18 <ConfusionRift> Hello Princess_Twilight.

15:26 * ConfusionRift boops Princess_Twilight.

15:30 *** Joins: Frostblitz (Fr0stymane@Pony-uag.3lc.58.185.IP)

15:30 *** Quits: Frostblitz (Fr0stymane@Pony-uag.3lc.58.185.IP) (Quit: Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day)

15:30 *** Joins: Frostblitz (Fr0stymane@Pony-uag.3lc.58.185.IP)

15:31 *** Joins: Renard (Renard@Pony-dcpv7k.abo.wanadoo.fr)

15:31 * Princess_Twilight scrunchymuzzles at Rifty

15:31 <ConfusionRift> :P

15:31 <Frostblitz> :P

15:31 <MetalDash_RE> (H)

15:31 <Frostblitz> B)

15:31 <ConfusionRift> Just being extra silly.

15:32 <Frostblitz> :]

15:32 <MetalDash_RE> =3=

15:32 <Frostblitz> 0-0

15:32 <MetalDash_RE> ^_^

15:32 <Frostblitz> ^.^

15:32 <MetalDash_RE> ^3^

15:32 <Frostblitz> what are we doing :D

15:32 <Frostblitz> ^u^

15:32 <MetalDash_RE> i dunno

15:33 <Frostblitz> :3

15:33 <OctaveSymphony> Nopony knows

15:33 <MetalDash_RE> m ^w^ m

15:33 <Frostblitz> guess what

15:33 <MetalDash_RE> X3

15:33 <Frostblitz> xP

15:33 <MetalDash_RE> XD

15:34 <Frostblitz> i like chocolate milk :|

15:34 <MetalDash_RE> o3o

15:34 <Frostblitz> C:

15:34 <MetalDash_RE> X)

15:34 <Frostblitz> :((

15:35 <OctaveSymphony> I like trains

15:35 <MetalDash_RE> - 3 -

15:35 <Frostblitz> I like turtles

15:35 <ConfusionRift> Ahem...

15:35 <Frostblitz> :B im bugs bunny

15:35 <MetalDash_RE> i like do the flop *flop*

15:35 * OctaveSymphony *flops*

15:35 <VinylScratch> A little spam heavy, dontcha think? :P

15:37 <ConfusionRift> Yeah. Shall we team up the hammers. :P

15:37 <ConfusionRift> *?

15:37 <MetalDash_RE> ...

15:37 * Princess_Twilight banhammers

15:37 * OctaveSymphony hides under bed

15:37 <Frostblitz> O-0

15:37 <ConfusionRift> Nah, it's not that severe.

15:37 * MetalDash_RE hide in a box

15:37 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-2p5jkk.dsl.as9105.com)

15:38 <ConfusionRift> Hello Coco_Nut.

15:38 *** poseyshy|work is now known as poseyshy

15:38 <Coco_Nut> Hey

15:39 <OctaveSymphony> So what's everypony doing

15:39 <Frostblitz> Watching YouTube video's :V

15:40 <ConfusionRift> Watching a stream.

15:40 <MetalDash_RE> listen some music and watch on derpibooru and play games.

15:41 *** Joins: EFN-Pony_3860 (kcpnfibwfks@Pony-64t3vt.rev.sfr.net)

15:41 *** Parts: EFN-Pony_3860 (kcpnfibwfks@Pony-64t3vt.rev.sfr.net) ()

15:43 *** Joins: POMDPone (aeetsrjwoxh@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

15:44 <OctaveSymphony> I'm trying to find something to do but everything just feels boring today

15:44 <Data> try doing everything, then

15:44 <Data> ;)

15:45 <OctaveSymphony> Well I am sitting here

15:45 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

15:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

15:47 <Frostblitz> Where are you all from (:

15:51 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

15:52 <ConfusionRift> From various places. :P

15:53 <Fall> Ireland! Woo!

15:54 <TrixieMoon> UK! Woo!

15:54 <MetalDash_RE> CA! Woo!

15:55 <Frostblitz> Ireland? me too ._.

15:55 <Frostblitz> w0w

15:55 <TrixieMoon> Dun duuun!

15:55 <Frostblitz> O-O

15:56 <MetalDash_RE> =3=

15:56 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-cdfnp2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: )

15:56 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net)

15:58 <TrixieMoon> (:  scary face

15:58 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP)

15:58 *** Quits: TrixieMoon (chatzilla@Pony-s5mbvm.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Smokescreen!)

15:59 <MetalDash_RE> smoke screen everyday ^

15:59 <Evil_Spike> Australia

15:59 <Evil_Spike> 420?

15:59 *** Quits: Frostblitz (Fr0stymane@Pony-uag.3lc.58.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:00 *** Quits: Evil_Spike (EvilSpike@Pony-tc8.cov.253.125.IP) (Quit: Off to plan for world domination.)

16:00 <MetalDash_RE> okay :|

16:04 <OctaveSymphony> Such glorious events

16:06 <Princess_Twilight> Kansas

16:07 <OctaveSymphony> Sweden here

16:08 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

16:09 *** Joins: Frostblitz (Fr0stymane@Pony-uag.3lc.58.185.IP)

16:09 *** Cephy-LIVE is now known as Cepheid

16:09 *** Joins: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-pj5.g5g.130.88.IP)

16:09 <ConfusionRift> See ya laters Cepheid, and have a good nap. :P

16:10 <LunaticHell> goooooood morning, equestria

16:10 <Cepheid> Oh, I'm gonna stay logged in.

16:10 <Cepheid> Just gonna lay down.

16:10 <Cepheid> Get some food to eat as well.

16:10 *** Joins: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net)

16:10 <LunaticHell> ppl, I tottally had some crazy dreams last nite. o3o

16:10 <ConfusionRift> Oh, also. (clears throat) That's for letting me crash out of orbit! :P

16:10 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: enjoy your food

16:10 <Yeppoh> Hoi!

16:10 <MetalDash_RE> hi

16:10 <Frostblitz> : o

16:11 <LunaticHell> oh hi Jep-oh

16:11 <ConfusionRift> Well, I should be leaving.

16:11 <LunaticHell> hello FroBli

16:11 <ConfusionRift> See ya laters.

16:11 <Yeppoh> How's rolling around here?

16:11 <LunaticHell> I am LunEll, because I'm worth it.

16:11 <LunaticHell> Dunno, I just joined.

16:12 * ConfusionRift waves away.

16:12 *** Parts: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-qrclmi.res.rr.com) ("And then, that happened...")

16:14 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP) (Quit: See ya, losers.)

16:15 <Frostblitz> :|

16:15 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP)

16:22 * OctaveSymphony listens to the sound of crickets

16:22 <Cepheid> ...

16:23 <MetalDash_RE> =3=

16:23 <Frostblitz> =___=

16:23 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-0i4.obr.255.85.IP)

16:23 <VinylScratch> o.o

16:23 <Frostblitz> O.O

16:23 <OctaveSymphony> What?

16:23 <MetalDash_RE> 030

16:23 * Phantasma_Eeria huggles the wubpone

16:23 <Cepheid> Oh.  I thought that was the Ottawa Sleep centre that called.  It was Dr. Kilty.  Wonder what he wants.

16:24 <Fall> Uhrr. Fridays.

16:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> o•o

16:24 <LunaticHell> Oh wait....YES!

16:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> the tedious

16:24 <LunaticHell> Fall: thanks for reminding me

16:24 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG4zSd8H-fs

16:24 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about "Friday" (Polka cover)

16:25 <Fall> Busybusybusy

16:25 *** Joins: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at)

16:25 <Phantasma_Eeria> VinylScratch, how are ya

16:25 <OctaveSymphony> Who needs a marching band when we have Pinkie

16:25 <Fall> Heya Eerie

16:25 <Frostblitz> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFOk0FqH6IQ

16:25 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

16:25 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Aviators - Open Your Eyes (Slendermane remix) [HD]

16:27 <OctaveSymphony> Annoying ads on youtube, just because it's election year here

16:27 <Frostblitz> Get AdBlock Plus..

16:28 <OctaveSymphony> I usually don't mind the ads, but these ones, pure political propaganda are annoying

16:28 <Renard> Adblock Edge

16:29 <VinylScratch> Under siege from zombies, skeletons and creepers. xD

16:30 <Renard> random eBay shopping spree of the day: Mastersystem 3D glasses

16:30 *** Quits: PonyToast (City@The.Original.Pyro.Pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:31 <OctaveSymphony> Hmm maybe some Minecraft will be fun

16:31 *** Joins: PonyToast (City@Pony-vp1a98.res.rr.com)

16:31 <OctaveSymphony> Only played it for a few days but it's addictive

16:32 *** PonyToast is now known as Pony_47654

16:33 <Renard> grab cyan/red glasses and try the anaglyphic 3D mode

16:34 <OctaveSymphony> Accidentaly turned that on a while back, made my head hurt since I don't have the glasses

16:34 * Pi yawns

16:34 <Renard> $2 max on ebay inc. shipping

16:35 <Renard> spoiler alert: it's fun for 5 minutes then your eyes will kindly ask you to please stop doing it

16:36 <OctaveSymphony> Hehe, not worth doing then

16:36 <Renard> the effetc works, but Steve's point of view is low too - feels like i'm constantly crawling

16:37 <OctaveSymphony> I found something interesting near my little fort though, some sorta buildings made from ice

16:37 *** Quits: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:37 <LunaticHell> o3o

16:37 <LunaticHell> oh hi VinylScratch

16:37 <LunaticHell> Kick some creepers for me, too, would ya?

16:38 <OctaveSymphony> Was going to say I've yet to see a creeper, but I just spotted my first

16:38 <Frostblitz> :)

16:39 *** Joins: Pikachu (Pikachu@Pony-e9d8ng.optusnet.com.au)

16:40 <Phantasma_Eeria> Fall, whatcha doing

16:40 <Fall> I'm at work.

16:40 <Pikachu> Hey

16:40 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP)

16:41 <VinylScratch> Careful with those, OctaveSymphony...they may not be a huge threat immediately, but groups of them can prove fatal.

16:41 <OctaveSymphony> Yeah, heard as much

16:42 <OctaveSymphony> Scared to explore too far from my fort atm since I don't have a compass

16:42 <Cepheid> Hmm.

16:42 <OctaveSymphony> Spiders and zombies seem to be everywhere

16:43 *** Joins: eureka (Mieu@Pony-3q4ffb.ct.comcast.net)

16:44 *** eureka is now known as mieu

16:44 <mieu> pones

16:45 <VinylScratch> XD

16:45 <OctaveSymphony> Okay, no clue what I just pissed off but it teleported up to my wall

16:45 <MetalDash_RE> and those enemy who shot arrow at you.

16:45 <VinylScratch> Oh...

16:46 <VinylScratch> Endermen are reeeeally not fond of being looked at in the eyes

16:46 <VinylScratch> skeletons are a common menace to your lifepoints too

16:46 <Cepheid> VinylScratch:  You on the Minecraft server at the moment?  Can't tell who's online 'cause I'm not using any type of interface system. :P

16:46 <VinylScratch> Nah

16:46 <VinylScratch> I'm on a realms area with somebody I know

16:46 <Cepheid> Ah.

16:47 <Cepheid> I can do /list, heh.

16:47 <Cepheid> No one's on.

16:47 *** Joins: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at)

16:47 <OctaveSymphony> I'm playing singleplayer :P

16:47 <VinylScratch> x3

16:47 <OctaveSymphony> And it seems I can't get away from this purple eyed demon now

16:47 <Cepheid> Yeah.

16:47 <Cepheid> That's Endermen for ye.

16:48 <OctaveSymphony> I think I need to build more ways up on to my wall

16:48 <Cepheid> Anyhoo, the reason I asked is that the servers might see a bit 'o lag in the next bit of time.

16:48 <VinylScratch> OctaveSymphony: Don't look them in the eyes, and you'll be okay next time

16:48 <VinylScratch> the endermen won't attack unless you do.

16:49 <OctaveSymphony> Well, I'm running in circles on the wall atm to avoid it, but night just won't end

16:50 <Pi> This new steam theme makes me want to drink pepsi.

16:51 <OctaveSymphony> It's fun to watch these spiders kill themselves falling down thouh

16:51 <Frostblitz> >___>

16:52 <Frostblitz> <___<

16:52 <MetalDash_RE> >.<

16:52 <OctaveSymphony> Yay managed to get inside my house

16:53 <OctaveSymphony> They can't teleport into it right ....? Right?

16:53 <MetalDash_RE> always close the door after you leave to go outside

16:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> if the roof is more than three blocks aboe the floor yes

16:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> *above

16:53 *** Joins: irish_cream (irish_crea@Pony-uhe7i7.click-network.com)

16:54 *** Parts: irish_cream (irish_crea@Pony-uhe7i7.click-network.com) ()

16:54 <Phantasma_Eeria> if you cant jump in your house than youll be safe from endermen

16:54 <mieu> the struggle, deciding whether working from home means actually working or working on a cosplay

16:55 <mieu> questions you already know the answer to don't need to be asked, right?

16:55 <mieu> right

16:57 * LunaticHell boops random ponies

16:57 <LunaticHell> What's up, everypony?

16:58 <Frostblitz> The sky :]

16:58 <Cepheid> Servers will be back momentarily.  Need to restart the machine.

16:58 <LunaticHell> I have the feeling new ponies are here.

16:59 *** Quits: rela (x@Pony-36d7ct.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Connection closed)

16:59 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: teleporting spy-ders? Also are you new here?

17:01 *** Quits: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-1qqj2b.net.upcbroadband.cz) (Quit: Leaving)

17:02 <Frostblitz> U

17:02 <Frostblitz> :U

17:02 <OctaveSymphony> New I be

17:02 <Frostblitz> *throws cake in your face*

17:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: BronyCAN - Last-Minute Guest Announcements, Panel Spotlights [ http://tinyurl.com/lwgwgmv ]

17:03 <OctaveSymphony> As for the spiders, they seem to crawl up the wall, try to jump over the fence at the top and fall down

17:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> yeah, they do that a lot, however they need a two/three block wide slot to get through something

17:05 <Phantasma_Eeria> spider jockeys are what you need to watch out for

17:06 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link welcome to the herd

17:06 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/2604?scope=scpe257f5b9a03044cd0fc299ab0674f8eaf36b4e4f6

17:06 <OctaveSymphony> Someone told me torches would keep the monsters away, seems to be a lie :/

17:06 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Welcome in equestriadaily, have some cider, make some friends, mind the rules and drive a benz.

17:06 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net)

17:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> torches provide a light level of 7, monsters need a light level of 6- to spawn

17:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> they stop spawning not monsters

17:07 <OctaveSymphony> Oh, that explains a bit

17:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> if you need minecraft help, im your mare

17:07 <OctaveSymphony> I started playing this on the peacefull setting then changed to normal once my fort was built :P

17:08 * Phantasma_Eeria has been playing minecraft for four year, and as such knows pretty much everything about it

17:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> abd i do that

17:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> *and

17:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> OctaveSymphony, i can kill a creeper using an empty hand

17:08 <OctaveSymphony> What ... I don't even want to go near those things

17:09 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: https://derpibooru.org/2604 but I hope you're gonna near these "things" :P

17:09 <Frostblitz> U

17:09 <OctaveSymphony> Cider and ponies are always welcome in my life :P

17:09 <Phantasma_Eeria> the worst part is when they explode behind you, also if a creeper/ pig gets struck by lightning RUN

17:09 <LunaticHell> aw yeah

17:10 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Also a little info: we got channels for art, music, writting and not one, but two RPG channels on the server, if you are intrested just ask away and we'll blow your mind today. xD

17:11 <Phantasma_Eeria> creeper + lightning = charged creeper - does 40 damage on easy and explodes MUCH larger

17:11 <LunaticHell> Don't worry, I don't always rhyme, since even for that there is a time.

17:11 <OctaveSymphony> Yike, lots more around here than I thought then

17:12 <VinylScratch> x3 We're very stacked for things to do

17:12 <LunaticHell> Wait... d'oh

17:12 *** Quits: Frostblitz (Fr0stymane@Pony-uag.3lc.58.185.IP) (Quit: Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.)

17:12 <LunaticHell> We got the bestest mods around the interwebs *hugs VinylScratch*

17:12 <OctaveSymphony> Lunatic Related to Zecora maybe?

17:12 <VinylScratch> xD

17:12 <Cepheid> Also got a channel for an idiot who runs various game servers(Currently Starbound, StarMade and Minecraft) now. >.>

17:12 * Phantasma_Eeria huggles VinylScratch

17:13 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:13 <Phantasma_Eeria> the conspiracies

17:13 <Phantasma_Eeria> starbound eh?

17:13 <LunaticHell> I'm a special case, ponies see in me different personas in time and space.

17:13 <Cepheid> Not the nightlies, though.

17:13 <Cepheid> Those update too frequently for me to keep the server up to date.

17:14 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Somepony even thought I was either Screwball or Pinkie Pie? Right? Oh my, oh my.

17:14 <OctaveSymphony> Hah, right now you're not energetic enough to be pinkie

17:15 <OctaveSymphony> I kinda want to set my game back to peacefull so I can dig my mine deeper without all these monsters

17:15 <LunaticHell> Indeed, right now I need more of the liquid of the coffee seed.

17:15 <OctaveSymphony> Seems the cave I found spawns endermen like crazy

17:15 <Phantasma_Eeria> OctaveSymphony, for random chat abput pretty much anything there are two channels i know of, one is this and the other is #SRQsRoom, SRQsRoom has very few rules just make sure not to do anything the owner tells you not to

17:15 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: *ahem* also: don't mind at night.

17:15 <LunaticHell> mine*

17:16 <LunaticHell> My spelling is bad, fine?

17:16 *** Joins: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-5rhlqt.telecom.net.ar)

17:16 <OctaveSymphony> Hehe, I was stupid enough to listen to that song last night, the sounds in it made me jump so many times

17:16 <Phantasma_Eeria> and dont dig straight down or up

17:16 <LunaticHell> VinylScratch: I know, my rhyming sucks, something something ducks?

17:17 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: In generell I'm the linker of awesome, I can find very curious things on the internet. *nods*

17:17 <LunaticHell> Maybe my cutie mark should be a browser logo. o3o

17:17 <OctaveSymphony> lol

17:18 *** Joins: Jet_Black (Jet_Black@Pony-p0881s.q8uo.tnl8.0002.2601.IP)

17:18 *** Jet_Black is now known as Heartbreak

17:18 <LunaticHell> HB!

17:18 *** Quits: mieu (Mieu@Pony-3q4ffb.ct.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

17:18 * LunaticHell boops Heartbreak

17:18 <Heartbreak> Hey Lunatic. What's happening?

17:18 *** Joins: Deadbane (bbxtuscodsi@Pony-mp8aop.al.comcast.net)

17:18 <LunaticHell> Heartbreak: We got a new pone. :3

17:18 * Phantasma_Eeria boops Heartbreak's branding

17:18 <Deadbane> whoops

17:18 *** Deadbane is now known as Spellweave

17:18 <Heartbreak> GaaaaaaH!

17:18 <Heartbreak> Phantasma_Eeria! Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!\

17:18 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Heartbreak here is a writer who writes da awesome.

17:19 <Heartbreak> That doesn't get better with time!!

17:19 <Heartbreak> Who's the new one?

17:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> OctaveSymphony, dont do what i did

17:19 <OctaveSymphony> And that might be?

17:19 * Spellweave offers to magically deaden the nerves of Heartbreak's branding.

17:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> OctaveSymphony, is the new pone

17:19 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: touching Heartbreak's branding/cutie mark.

17:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> Spellweave, it doesnt work...

17:19 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: ....long story.

17:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> im sure ive tried at some point

17:20 <OctaveSymphony> No worries on that, I dislike physical contact so I won't be doing that

17:20 <Heartbreak> ... Spellweave It doesn't work that way.

17:20 *** Quits: Pikachu (Pikachu@Pikachu.uses.Thunderbolt) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:20 <LunaticHell> Phantasma_Eeria: I'm sure you did.

17:20 <Phantasma_Eeria> read Heartbreak's story, it explains a lot

17:20 <Heartbreak> It's. Alive.

17:20 <Phantasma_Eeria> oh yeah

17:20 * Phantasma_Eeria falls onto OctaveSymphony from above

17:20 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Okay, I'm making a mental note for me "no hugging"

17:20 * OctaveSymphony freaks out.

17:20 <Spellweave> alive?

17:20 <Spellweave> 0.o

17:21 <LunaticHell> does that mean no booping, too?

17:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> and im not even a pegasus

17:21 <LunaticHell> Spellweave: we were born to be alive.

17:21 <OctaveSymphony> Pinkie isn't a pegasus either, and still managed to drop in randomly from above

17:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> Spellweave, yes its alive, currently its wrapping around my hoof

17:21 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: also there's an awesome pony radio station thingy you should totally give it a hear

17:21 <Heartbreak> Spellweave, Have you read my story?

17:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> you get it, im the pinkie of the channel

17:21 <Heartbreak> ...

17:21 <Spellweave> not the first word, no.

17:22 <LunaticHell> have no fear.

17:22 <Heartbreak> Phantasma_Eeria, It looks like it is nomming on your hoof.

17:22 <OctaveSymphony> Everfree Network? Maybes?

17:22 <LunaticHell> Phantasma_Eeria: You are?

17:22 <Heartbreak> Please take your hoof off me....

17:22 <Phantasma_Eeria> it is

17:22 <Heartbreak> It really hurts...

17:22 <LunaticHell> Phantasma_Eeria: gimme 5 refference jokes in a single line.

17:22 <Heartbreak> It a really. Really. Really Weird way.

17:23 * Heartbreak bites her lip and whimpers.

17:23 <LunaticHell> it's okay, Heartbreak *pats* you're amonst friends.

17:23 <Phantasma_Eeria> i cant, take my hoof off its being eaten

17:23 * Spellweave rolls onto his back and wigglyhooves at Heartbreak

17:23 <LunaticHell> Phantasma_Eeria: FIVE refference jokes, please?

17:23 * Heartbreak smacks Phantasma_Eeria's hoof off!

17:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> five random mlp refers?

17:24 * Heartbreak blinks at Spellweave. "What?"

17:24 <OctaveSymphony> So many new ponies to meet, why didn't I wander in here earlier

17:24 <LunaticHell> No, five random refferences in generall in one line.

17:24 <Heartbreak> OctaveSymphony, You like stories?

17:24 <Spellweave> do you like mmmm-bananas?

17:24 <OctaveSymphony> I tend to roll around FIMFiction so I'd say yes to that

17:24 <Heartbreak> Spellweave, Do you like... Muffins?

17:24 <Heartbreak> OctaveSymphony, http://www.fimfiction.net/story/18761/my-little-heartbreak-heartbroken

17:25 <Spellweave> hell to the yes.

17:25 * Heartbreak puts a muffin in Spellweave's mouth.

17:25 * Spellweave protests around the muffin in surprise, then noms it. "didn't see that coming."

17:25 <OctaveSymphony> Yay muffin party!

17:26 * Spellweave spawns muffins.

17:26 <Heartbreak> Actually, what you didn't see coming is that the muffin's flavor is Rule 63.

17:26 <Heartbreak> You are now a mare.

17:26 * Spellweave is now an aged mare archmage.

17:27 <OctaveSymphony> And I shall file that story away for later reading, currently working my way through thedarkprep's stories

17:27 * OctaveSymphony does not object to what the muffins did.

17:27 <Spellweave> i know a spell for this, you know. :3

17:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> hang on a sec, im a dwarf and im digging a hole, i think this place needs to be about 20% cooler in ten seconds flat, i believe that we've got hearts as big as horses and do you know you're all my very best friends?

17:28 * Heartbreak pat pats Spellweave.

17:28 * Spellweave r63s Heartbreak when she's in proximity.

17:28 <LunaticHell> Phantasma_Eeria: Meh, I've seen better.

17:28 * Heartbreak watches the spell fail...

17:28 <Heartbreak> Spellweave, you should read my story...

17:29 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-0i4.obr.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

17:29 <LunaticHell> Damn you, eeria o3o

17:29 <LunaticHell> *ahem*

17:29 * Spellweave facehoofs and r63s herself back to a stallion oldpone.

17:29 <OctaveSymphony> Just ... leave me like this please. It's kinda what I always wanted.

17:30 <ThunderStrike> <3's H.B.'s story

17:30 *** solarstorm is now known as Solarstorm

17:30 *** Joins: ultimatederpy (xbfxodepjrz@Pony-fk3.t8o.207.223.IP)

17:30 <Spellweave> bring me a hammer! 0.o

17:30 <ThunderStrike> hammer

17:31 <OctaveSymphony> Whatever do you need a hammer for?

17:31 * Heartbreak noogies OctaveSymphony.

17:31 * ThunderStrike ruffles Heartbreak's mane

17:31 * OctaveSymphony squirms away

17:31 * Heartbreak noogies ThunderStorm.

17:32 <ThunderStrike> ehhhh wrong

17:33 <LunaticHell> There was a pinkie pony in scotland, she met a fun fellow who was hellbend to save the UK from a madman at hand. With 20 Avengers, 1000 Arabian knights, a rubber chicken and a doctor, alright - began the fight. With explosions and Quin and a fellow named Jim - he blew his head off, what a frightful sight, I think I'm gonna cry all night. :<

17:33 <Spellweave> business as usual.

17:33 * LunaticHell nods

17:34 *** Joins: Thelema5 (brogjmdtgtb@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

17:34 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by CleverDinky!primalmoon@Pony-514qdi.pools.spcsdns.net)))

17:34 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

17:34 <Spellweave> ratchets are fighting in my class.

17:34 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

17:34 <Spellweave> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAwWPadFsOA

17:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Mortal Kombat Theme Song Original

17:34 <OctaveSymphony> So, anypony have a suggestion for a dedicated IRC client? Currently using the embeded on EqD

17:34 <Thelema5> I like Hexchat.

17:34 <LunaticHell> I use embeded on EqD, too.

17:35 <Thelema5> It's free, and is loaded with neat functions.

17:35 <ultimatederpy> well...

17:35 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: If you scroll down you see other channels and what they do, it's nice.

17:35 <OctaveSymphony> I just want to try a different one after getting slapped with a ban last night :P

17:35 <Thelema5> I use the embed on EQD when I'm at work, but hexchat is my home client

17:36 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: I joined this one after a permaban from a touhou forum and a rather painful trolling in the tvtropes chat.

17:36 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: that was in 2011-ish.

17:36 * Thelema5 goes to get some coffee

17:36 *** Joins: eureka (Mieu@Pony-3q4ffb.ct.comcast.net)

17:36 <LunaticHell> Thelema5: me, too, please.

17:36 * Spellweave steals Thelema5's chair while they're gone.

17:36 *** eureka is now known as mieu

17:36 <LunaticHell> Spellweave: You gotta chair, you gotta care.

17:37 <Spellweave> XD

17:37 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-2p5jkk.dsl.as9105.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:37 <Cepheid> Coffee sounds like it'd be good for this headache.

17:37 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: Black coffee is better than with milk and shugar against headache, also a glass of water and some fresh air. And a headache pill.

17:38 <Cepheid> Wonder how long it'll take this VM to install XP.

17:38 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-0i4.obr.255.85.IP)

17:38 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Do you do facebook?

17:38 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Don't tell me your name, I just ask because there's a pony app that makes your facebook more pony.

17:38 <OctaveSymphony> I have an account, unless they clean out unused ones after some years it's still there

17:39 <Phantasma_Eeria> eenope

17:39 <OctaveSymphony> Haven't logged in to it in ... maybe 4 or 5 years :P

17:39 <Spellweave> ponyhoof, right?

17:40 <LunaticHell> yes

17:40 <LunaticHell> ponyhoof

17:40 * VinylScratch has her 3 twitter accounts, and a facebook. x3

17:41 *** Quits: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: I'll be back)

17:42 <OctaveSymphony> *sighs* Work starts on monday, I really don't want to go back to work

17:44 <Spellweave> dovahkiin, dovahkiin, naal ok ziin los vahrin, wah dein, vokul, mahfaeraak ahst vaal. Ahrk fik norok paal graan, fed nust hon zindro zan, dovahkiin, fah hin, kogaan mu draal...

17:45 <OctaveSymphony> FUS ROH yay!

17:45 *** Joins: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net)

17:45 <Spellweave> huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok, lingra vod, ahrk fin tey, baziik fun, do fin gein...

17:46 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by CleverGlitzy!primalmoon@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)))

17:46 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

17:47 <Spellweave> woh lost fron wah ney dov, ahrk fin reyliik do jul voth, aan suleyk wah ronit faal krein...

17:48 <OctaveSymphony> Somepony seems to like the dovah language

17:48 * Spellweave has learned the entirety of the Song of the Dragonborn. he is no good with Dovahzul, however.

17:48 <OctaveSymphony> How about the Tale of the Tongues?

17:49 <Spellweave> Ahrk fin kel lost prodah, do ved fin ko fin krah, tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein...

17:49 <Spellweave> Tale of the Tongues? i'll have to look it up.

17:49 <Spellweave> btw only spamming Song of the Dragonborn because gap in ze chat.

17:49 <OctaveSymphony> Hmm on the note of skyrim, I need to go find that instant cast mod for magic

17:50 <Spellweave> Alduin feyn do jun, kruziik vokun stadnau, voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein...

17:50 <Spellweave> *staadnau

17:51 <OctaveSymphony> Zu'u unslaad!

17:51 <Spellweave> (unknown) unending?

17:52 <OctaveSymphony> I am

17:52 <OctaveSymphony> Something Alduin screams

17:52 *** Quits: ultimatederpy (xbfxodepjrz@Pony-fk3.t8o.207.223.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:52 <Spellweave> what is Zu'u?

17:52 <OctaveSymphony> Should be I am unending

17:52 <OctaveSymphony> I may have spelled it wrong though

17:53 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: nevermind, ponies now

17:53 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsqS48jSfxo

17:53 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

17:53 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Maud Visits Pinkie [Animation]

17:53 <LunaticHell> worries later

17:53 <Spellweave> ah, you're right, OctaveSymphony. "Zu'u" is "I".

17:53 <LunaticHell> Spellweave: Zu'ul, motherbucker!

17:53 <OctaveSymphony> Finally got a hold of some of the official soundtrack, sadly just S3 so far, still need to get the rest

17:54 <Spellweave> LunaticHell: zul = voice

17:54 <LunaticHell> So you're a voice?

17:54 <LunaticHell> Sounds hay.

17:54 <Spellweave> Sokrahviik...

17:54 * LunaticHell draws a face on Spellweave.

17:55 <Spellweave> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjEpw4O-WNI

17:55 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

17:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Tale of the Tongues - Skyrim Cover by Malukah

17:55 *** Joins: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade)

17:57 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Shower

17:58 <OctaveSymphony> I hope S5 does start earlier than january

17:58 <VinylScratch> It might

17:59 <OctaveSymphony> I try to avoid hoping for things, easier to avoid disapointment that way

18:01 *** Joins: Coin-Trip39 (CTrip39@Pony-8lvuv5.iinet.net.au)

18:01 *** Quits: POMDPone (aeetsrjwoxh@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:03 * Spellweave hums the Legend of Zelda theme.

18:03 <Heartbreak> http://genbulein.deviantart.com/art/Heartbreak-3-438801120

18:03 * Heartbreak leans on VinylScratch.

18:04 <Spellweave> oh wow, HB. you're beautiful.

18:04 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

18:07 * Coin-Trip39 yawns

18:07 * Spellweave concurs.

18:08 <Spellweave> !link love story

18:08 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/78674

18:09 <Spellweave> bleh.

18:12 *** Quits: Spellweave (bbxtuscodsi@Pony-mp8aop.al.comcast.net) (Quit: might be back later.)

18:15 <Cepheid> Man, Windows XP.  Been ages since I last saw it.

18:16 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@Pony-51qpip.cable.virginm.net)

18:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

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18:17 *** Joins: jmygamers (jlemjvsmcjm@Pony-7lvc2r.east.verizon.net)

18:18 *** Joins: zelike (udjmwpniyti@Pony-ain.nu5.33.189.IP)

18:18 *** Parts: zelike (udjmwpniyti@Pony-ain.nu5.33.189.IP) ()

18:19 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

18:19 *** Joins: Melody (fadjbymtond@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com)

18:19 * ThatAnonPony glomps a VinylScratch.

18:20 <jmygamers> hello

18:21 <LunaticHell> wow...mentally advanced series got a lot more...mentally...

18:21 <LunaticHell> ...and advanced.

18:21 <LunaticHell> I love it.

18:22 <jmygamers> nice

18:22 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net)

18:23 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-aqhtpo.bigpond.net.au) (Connection closed)

18:23 <jmygamers> is anyone excited for the 5th season?

18:23 * TimidClef rolls into chat yawning

18:25 <Thelema5> Morning, TimidClef.

18:25 <Thelema5> I think everypony is excited, jmygamers.

18:25 *** Mongoosie|Shower is now known as Mongoosie

18:26 <Cepheid> At the least, if this doesn't work, I can still use this to run a Terraria server, I guess.

18:28 *** Joins: WorkingData (DataByteBro@Pony-d3c.bgn.198.64.IP)

18:29 <WorkingData> *derp*

18:29 *** Joins: Cudle|2 (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

18:30 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

18:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lenfant_Sauvage

18:31 <Cepheid> Hey Mr. Savage Sausage.

18:31 * Cepheid gets shot by a bullet from the future.

18:31 * WorkingData shoots at Cepheid

18:32 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:32 <Cepheid> *The bullet enters a spontaneously opening time vortex and disappears.*

18:32 <WorkingData> xD

18:32 <WorkingData> wibbly-wobbley timey-wimey.. stuff

18:32 <TimidClef> We should give Pinkie a portal gun

18:33 * ThatAnonPony o3o /'s at Lenfant.

18:33 *** Joins: zelike (udjmwpniyti@Pony-ain.nu5.33.189.IP)

18:33 <jmygamers> dr whooves!

18:33 * Lenfant_Sauvage \ o3o's at ThatAnonPony!

18:33 * VinylScratch gigglesnorts

18:33 *** Parts: zelike (udjmwpniyti@Pony-ain.nu5.33.189.IP) ()

18:33 * ThatAnonPony boops Vinyl.

18:34 <jmygamers> yep thats a good idea giving pinkie a thing that she can scare everypony with

18:34 <Thelema5> This day is going to kill me.

18:34 <Cepheid> Why?  She can already defy the laws of physics.

18:34 <Phantasma_Eeria> sup Thelema5

18:35 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Pony-l1p347.charlton.irccloud.com)

18:35 <Thelema5> Just work stress.  I have a super-important meeting with the owner of the business I work for, and I'm ill prepared for it.

18:35 <jmygamers> we know that, yet she can run like shes on orange gel

18:35 <Cepheid> ... Why is XP downloading updates for Internet Explorer 6 if it's JUST GOING TO REPLACE IT!?

18:35 <jmygamers> at least give her the saftey boots

18:36 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

18:37 <WorkingData> Cepheid: .. and why are you using XP!? :P

18:38 <Cepheid> In a VM.

18:38 <Cepheid> To run some game servers.

18:38 <WorkingData> that sounds.. safe..

18:38 <Cepheid> No Linux/Mac OS X variants of the servers, and WINE doesn't run 'em(or doesn't run 'em right.)

18:38 <Cepheid> Better than running them under buggy software which doesn't run them right.

18:39 <WorkingData> yeah, and when you can't get a copy of win server, i guess xp is ok

18:39 <WorkingData> just scary

18:39 <Cepheid> At least in the VM, everything's contained.

18:39 <WorkingData> mostly

18:39 <Cepheid> Aside from network, it won't be getting access to much else.

18:40 <Cepheid> Trust me, I'd prefer Windows server, but I don't have access to a copy of it.

18:40 <WorkingData> and unless you have a router you can mess with, that means that the VMs can launch network attacks on your local network :P

18:40 <Cepheid> Local network's fine.

18:40 <jmygamers> oh well see ya all

18:40 <Cepheid> At least it'd be contained to the local network.

18:41 * WorkingData tackle-glomps jmygamers and holds the pony down in the chat

18:41 <WorkingData> nopony leaves.

18:41 <WorkingData> :P

18:41 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

18:41 <Cepheid> In any case..

18:41 <Cepheid> After I've gotten the basics set up(All the necessary patches, etc), I plan to firewall the VM anyways.

18:42 <Cepheid> The only port that'll be open to the VM will be the one for the game server.

18:42 <jmygamers> well, poop...

18:42 * WorkingData fuzzles jmygamers's mane :)

18:42 <WorkingData> Cepheid: what game?

18:43 <jmygamers> GET OFF! (sounding like discorded doctor whooves)

18:43 <Cepheid> Space Engineers.  Assuming the dedicated server runs under XP.  Not sure if it does.  If not, I'll just run the Terraria server on it.

18:44 <jmygamers> well by everypony for real this time

18:44 * Heartbreak yawns.

18:44 <WorkingData> i once considered terraria.. then decided that i'm already too involved in minecraft

18:44 * WorkingData jumps off jmygamers and tackle-glomps Heartbreak :3

18:44 <Cepheid> It's one of the few games that was requested of me.

18:45 *** Quits: jmygamers (jlemjvsmcjm@Pony-7lvc2r.east.verizon.net) (Quit: reading fallout equestira)

18:45 <Heartbreak> Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

18:45 * VinylScratch blinks

18:45 <Heartbreak> What is happening!?

18:45 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-vr08qv.res.rr.com)

18:45 <Pi> Can't afford SE. What a bummer.

18:45 <Pi> Need to finish my work and stuff and don't get paid to do it

18:45 <Pi> one of the many disadvantages of working for family.

18:46 <Cepheid> I feel your pain.

18:46 <WorkingData> Good morning, Heartbreak :)

18:46 <Cepheid> I don't get paid to do what I do either.

18:46 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

18:46 * Heartbreak noooooooooooooooooooooogies WorkingData.

18:46 <Pi> Anyways, I got around some painting and did something.

18:46 * TimidClef boops HB with a cup of hot tea, with lots of sugar

18:46 <ModusPonens> http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2014/08/13/robin-williamss-daughter-zelda-driven-off-twitter-by-vicious-trolls/

18:46 * WorkingData giggles and pushes off Heartbreak

18:46 * Heartbreak mmmmms.

18:46 <ModusPonens> Absolutely disgusting

18:46 <Heartbreak> Tea is good.

18:46 <VinylScratch> <Pi> Can't afford SE. What a bummer. - I doubt many can, Square Enix is worth a lot.

18:46 <VinylScratch> And I read about that today...disgusted.

18:47 <VinylScratch> No words to describe how angry that made me feel.

18:47 <ModusPonens> Internet, I am disappointed

18:47 <TimidClef> I'm disappointed, but not surprised. I know the Internet too well to be surprised by it.

18:47 <VinylScratch> Yeah

18:49 <Pi> VinylScratch: What you read?

18:49 <VinylScratch> Modus's news article

18:50 <TimidClef> I'm off to go old -school and play some Eternal Darkness or Secret of Mana

18:50 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

18:50 <Cepheid> Finally, got rid of my Paypal account.

18:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> robin Williams' daughter was driven off of twitter by trolls

18:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> not all too surprised...

18:51 <WorkingData> Cepheid: what would drive you to do that?

18:51 <SkunkStripe> Pargon Pargon PARGON

18:52 <SkunkStripe> The last one wasn't supposed to be caps

18:52 <Cepheid> On one hand, I'm disguisted, on the other hand I'm not surprised.

18:52 <Cepheid> WorkingData:  Don't need it, and it caused me some grief recently.

18:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> what grief

18:54 <Cepheid> Said it was gonna go to my credit card for a transaction.  Went to my bank account instead.  Bank account was resultantly overdrawn.  Bank added a $45 overdraft fee onto my account on top of it.  My fault for not removing the bank account, but still, I don't need the paypal account anyways.

18:56 <WorkingData> bank account is a fallback.. if you selected credit and it went to your bank, it may be that the transaction was denied (over limit, perhaps)

18:56 <Cepheid> Nah.

18:57 <Cepheid> The credit card was the fallback initially.  I told it to go to the credit card.  Credit card was fine, I even double checked afterwards.

18:57 <WorkingData> i had that once.. turns out that payments on credit cards can take up around 24 hours to go through

18:57 <Cepheid> In any case..

18:57 <Cepheid> It's irrelevant.  The only reason I had the account was at the time, I didn't have a credit card.

18:57 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-vpr.rl0.164.125.IP)

18:58 <WorkingData> understandable.. but i find paypal prefferable to credit cards, even if you are using credit

18:58 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-g9g9q1.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net)

18:58 <WorkingData> also, things online pay me over paypal ;)

18:59 <Vulpor> Good morning everyone

18:59 <Cepheid> Given that I don't get paid for anything at the moment, it's moot.

18:59 <MetalDash_RE> hi

19:00 <Cepheid> I get the feeling I should have made the image a little bit larger.

19:00 <Cepheid> 10GB is not enough after Windows XP and all the patches are installed.

19:01 <WorkingData> heh

19:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Nightmare Nights Dallas - Back to School Slale  [ http://tinyurl.com/kwthq2c ]

19:01 <WorkingData> what sort of vm?

19:01 <Cepheid> VirtualBox.

19:01 <WorkingData> then i'd set it to at least 30gb, since you can use an expanding image disk type

19:01 <WorkingData> it won't use the space until it needs it

19:02 <WorkingData> i forget if you can resize.. you'd have to look that up

19:02 <Cepheid> Ah, yeah.

19:02 <Cepheid> I can.

19:02 <WorkingData> may even be simpler to create a second, then use a live image to copy the partition to the second xD

19:03 *** Quits: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Connection closed)

19:04 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-33iejm.cable.virginm.net)

19:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

19:04 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP)

19:05 <LunaticHell> we need more ponies

19:05 <LunaticHell> also I gotta do laundry, so I forgot what my point was to suddenly bursting into chat

19:05 <LunaticHell> so errr be right back?

19:05 <Cepheid> There we go.

19:06 <WorkingData> LunaticHell: but.. Internet!

19:07 *** Joins: Somniis (taylorda@Pony-rf90dk.slkc.qwest.net)

19:09 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: Bye)

19:09 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

19:14 *** thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

19:16 *** Joins: Authoron (vssretcxagi@Pony-inl.fh6.244.66.IP)

19:17 <Authoron> And Hallo once again.

19:17 *** Joins: Gerelith_ (Gerelith@Pony-j8cste.telecom.net.ar)

19:17 * Pi is back

19:17 <Pi> VinylScratch: Link?

19:18 <VinylScratch> It was above.

19:18 <VinylScratch> How did you not see

19:18 * Authoron noms his caramels.

19:19 *** Quits: Authoron (vssretcxagi@Pony-inl.fh6.244.66.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:19 <LunaticHell> Now I'm back.

19:19 <LunaticHell> VinylScratch: Did you know that I can totally disguise myself in the chat?

19:20 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:20 <VinylScratch> Why would that matter to me? x3

19:20 <LunaticHell> Fun?

19:20 *** Quits: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-5rhlqt.telecom.net.ar) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:20 <LunaticHell> Alright, check out my mad skillz.

19:20 *** LunaticHell is now known as Kloud_Sephyr

19:21 <Kloud_Sephyr> Totally disguise'd, you can in no way see the difference now.

19:21 * Kloud_Sephyr stands besides Cloud_Zephyr

19:21 <Kloud_Sephyr> Like twins, right?

19:21 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

19:21 *** Kloud_Sephyr is now known as BerryHunch

19:21 * BerryHunch boops BerryPunch

19:21 * BerryPunch beeps BerryHunch

19:22 * BerryHunch giggles snorts

19:22 <BerryHunch> I'm your long lost sister, Berry Hunch.

19:22 <Cepheid> >.>

19:22 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:22 <BerryHunch> ...I should change back, I think you already have a 'hunch" that I am not.

19:22 <PearlyWhites> Oh! Oh! My turn! My turn!

19:22 <BerryPunch> did mom and dad drop you on your head?

19:23 *** BerryHunch is now known as EarlyWhite

19:23 <BerryPunch> Well you are a loony

19:23 <EarlyWhite> oooh better yeat

19:23 <Cepheid> Probably dropped him on his head then whacked him with a stick a few times.

19:23 *** EarlyWhite is now known as EarlyGreys

19:23 <EarlyGreys> Perfect disguise.

19:23 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:24 <EarlyGreys> Cepheid: I fell on my head. :D

19:24 <EarlyGreys> No really.

19:24 *** EarlyGreys is now known as LunaticHell

19:24 <Cepheid> I know I was nearly dropped on my head.

19:24 <Cepheid> My mother fell down the stairs while carrying me as a baby,

19:24 <LunaticHell> I dropped on my head when I was six, the chairs were too high and the floor was hard as stone.

19:25 <LunaticHell> Man, that had hurt. :<

19:25 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:25 <LunaticHell> Well I came out pretty fine, nontheless. Üshrugs*

19:25 <Renard> I'll just repost this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1SjdHQe0vY

19:26 <LunaticHell> Aw yeah.

19:26 <Cepheid> Same.

19:26 <Cepheid> My mother did her best to protect me.

19:26 <LunaticHell> Oh hey Rendy, you new here?

19:26 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: It does good to the soul to hear that.

19:26 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:28 <WorkingData> i used to jump down the final 4 steps of stairs at home

19:28 <Cepheid> I am kinda still here, aren't I? :P

19:28 <Cepheid> Despite all the *YAY* I've been through in my earlier life, I'm still here. >.>

19:28 *** Joins: POMDPone (pjmxjmcmeen@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

19:28 <WorkingData> then suddenly, i got tall.. and i realized that jumping the final 4 steps would land my forehead into the low ceiling

19:28 <WorkingData> that hurt

19:29 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:29 <OctaveSymphony> What be the goings ons at this fine hour

19:30 <WorkingData> Internet.

19:30 <Coin-Trip39> Drawing

19:31 <Cepheid> ...

19:31 <Cepheid> Since Space Engineers has no passwording system for the server, but DOES have a weird system for how to limit who can join..

19:31 <Cepheid> I'm going to restrict server access to people in the Equestria Daily Steam Group.

19:32 <WorkingData> that's a weird system

19:32 <Cepheid> Indeed.

19:32 <Cepheid> No passwords.  But you can restrict to steam groups.

19:32 <OctaveSymphony> Well, as long as it works right?

19:32 <Cepheid> Alternatively, I create a new group and people pester me about being added to the group.

19:33 *** Joins: User_769125 (xrgfionbtfr@Pony-h6e0p4.224-net.sccoast.net)

19:33 *** Quits: User_769125 (xrgfionbtfr@Pony-h6e0p4.224-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:33 *** Joins: Pony_masker (xrgfionbtfr@Pony-h6e0p4.224-net.sccoast.net)

19:34 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

19:35 <Vulpor> Anypony here?

19:35 <Pony_masker> Guyss I solved the cutie mark crusaders. Their special talents are getting their cutie marks, so they will never get them. Hence why they are rather old and don't have them.

19:35 * Vulpor head explodes

19:36 <Pony_masker> Right? Mind blown.

19:36 <Vulpor> Also half life 3 confirmed

19:36 * Phantasma_Eeria boops OctaveSymphony

19:36 * OctaveSymphony screams in fear.

19:36 <Vulpor> Also also I have Diablo 3 reaper of souls

19:36 *** Quits: Melody (fadjbymtond@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:37 <Vulpor> I am running a crusader

19:37 <Vulpor> I need two more crusaders

19:37 <OctaveSymphony> How do you ping people like that anyways?

19:37 <Vulpor> OctaveSymphony say my name

19:38 <OctaveSymphony> Vulpor ?

19:38 <Vulpor> again

19:38 <OctaveSymphony> Vulpor

19:38 <Vulpor> again

19:38 <Cepheid> Right then, lesse if that worked.

19:38 <Pony_masker> Enjoy exploded heads, my good lads. I need cereal.

19:38 *** Quits: Pony_masker (xrgfionbtfr@Pony-h6e0p4.224-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:38 <OctaveSymphony> Vulpor Is this doing anything at all?

19:38 <Vulpor> ITS SHOW TIME

19:38 <OctaveSymphony> Or am I just being stupid

19:38 <Vulpor> yes

19:38 <Vulpor> if you say someones name it pings

19:38 *** Joins: Cewestia (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

19:39 *** Quits: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:39 <OctaveSymphony> Ah righto, didn't realise it was that simple :P

19:39 <OctaveSymphony> Thanks

19:40 <Vulpor> Also did anyone get my its showtime reference

19:40 * Thelema5 glances over at the chat

19:40 * Thelema5 waves at everypony

19:40 * Vulpor is feeling old

19:40 * OctaveSymphony waves back

19:40 <Vulpor> Hey Thelma?

19:40 <Vulpor> !^

19:40 <Thelema5> Yeah?

19:40 <Cepheid> ...

19:40 *** Cewestia is now known as Dash

19:40 <OctaveSymphony> Can't say that I got it, but I'm usually out of the loop for such things

19:41 <Vulpor> how old are you octavesynthony

19:41 <OctaveSymphony> 23

19:41 <Vulpor> Well ok do you know of beetlejuice?

19:41 <OctaveSymphony> Great movie it is

19:42 <Thelema5> I don't think the reference was missed because of age, per se.  Like OctaveSymphony, I'm usually not "hip" to these things.

19:42 <Vulpor> That was my reference

19:42 <OctaveSymphony> Oh, been so long since I saw it :P

19:42 <Vulpor> you said my name 3 times lol

19:42 <Vulpor> I have been watching the cartoon

19:42 <Thelema5> Ah, I get it now.

19:42 <Vulpor> good show

19:42 <OctaveSymphony> I saw the cartoon a few times then it went off the air here

19:43 <Vulpor> where is "here"

19:43 <OctaveSymphony> Sweden

19:43 <Vulpor> I am in the us

19:43 <Vulpor> Ahhh

19:43 <Thelema5> I've never seen the cartoon, only the film.

19:43 <Vulpor> Are you new here OctaveSymphony

19:43 *** PearlyWhites is now known as CandleJack

19:43 <OctaveSymphony> Got here last night so yessireebob

19:43 <CandleJack> Vulpor, Say my name

19:44 <OctaveSymphony> Don't!

19:44 <Vulpor> Thelma5 you should

19:44 *** CandleJack is now known as PearlyWhites

19:44 <OctaveSymphony> Or wait, how much rope do you have?

19:44 <PearlyWhites> xD

19:44 <Vulpor> Nah I'd never say Candlejack

19:44 <OctaveSymphony> Loved that show

19:44 <Vulpor> lmao

19:45 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

19:45 <Vulpor> Welcome OctaveSymphony

19:45 <Thelema5> Hi, Kook.

19:45 <Vulpor> Did not know the ponies went as far as Sweden

19:45 <OctaveSymphony> Thanks muchly, met so many kind ponies in a very short time

19:45 <KooK> Whats up Thelema5

19:45 *** Joins: Rainbow_Dashie (uiylljlromy@Pony-uu55or.access.telenet.be)

19:45 <Phantasma_Eeria> sup bracespone

19:45 <OctaveSymphony> I found the show through random internet searching really, it doesn't air on tv here

19:45 <Vulpor> Or did you see the show on internet?

19:45 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:46 <Thelema5> Nothing much, just stressing about a meeting I'm heading into in a few minutes.

19:46 <Vulpor> ahh

19:46 <PearlyWhites> Hey Phantasma_Eeria

19:46 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:46 <Rainbow_Dashie> hello

19:46 <Vulpor> Have you seen the whole thing?

19:46 <OctaveSymphony> Watched a few episodes and it made me smile for the first time in years so I kept watching

19:46 <PearlyWhites> Also welcome OctaveSymphony, i hope you have fun here ^^

19:46 <OctaveSymphony> Now eagerly awaiting S5

19:46 <Vulpor> Are you all caught up OctaveSymphony

19:47 <Vulpor> on the MLP series

19:47 <OctaveSymphony> I haven't watched the EqG movie but most people tell me that's a good thing

19:47 *** Joins: RekttothePecs (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

19:47 <OctaveSymphony> And haven't watched G1-3 either

19:47 <Vulpor> it is decent

19:47 <Thelema5> I thought EQG was enjoyable.  What was the first episode you watched, OctaveSymphony?

19:48 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:48 <Rainbow_Dashie> I liked EQG 2/3 in. Ending is just ... nonsense

19:48 <OctaveSymphony> First episode? Friendship is Magic ofcourse :P I always watch tv series in order

19:48 <Vulpor> Have you seen the latest season though Octavesymphony

19:48 <Thelema5> Good!

19:48 <OctaveSymphony> I've seen S1 - 4 so yeah, just want season 5 to start

19:48 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-0i4.obr.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

19:49 <Vulpor> Good then we dont gotta tip toe around spoilers

19:49 <Cepheid> Hmm.

19:49 <Rainbow_Dashie> Any news on S5? A teaser maybe?

19:49 <Cepheid> Can't get the game to find the server.

19:49 <OctaveSymphony> Now I just be rummaging for merchandise

19:49 <Vulpor> Who is your fave pony OctaveSymphony?

19:50 <Vulpor> Or is it Octavia

19:50 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-0tuoar.fl.comcast.net)

19:50 <OctaveSymphony> While I like Octavia a lot I'd have to say Derpy

19:50 <Vulpor> Yesh

19:50 <Thelema5> Rainbow Dashie, a lot of stuff came out of SDCC about season 5, but we shouldn't discuss it here because of the no spoiler rules.

19:50 <Thelema5> There's even an animatic.

19:50 <Cepheid> Wonder if it's cause of the VM stuff.  Time to test.

19:50 <CleverDerpy> OctaveSymphony, what does that mean...?

19:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> alright! Should check it out today :p

19:50 <Vulpor> I also love the derpy but my fave pony is Pinkie

19:51 <CleverDerpy> oh, nvm

19:51 <OctaveSymphony> Got this little adorable thing in the mail the other day http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/225/b/6/derpys_new_home_by_octavesymphony-d7v05la.jpg

19:51 <Rainbow_Dashie> Pinkie is just so happy :D

19:51 <Vulpor> She brought me in with her cartoon antics

19:51 <Vulpor> I am an old school cartoon fan

19:51 <OctaveSymphony> Hehe, pinkie with the 4th wall powers

19:51 <WorkingData> OctaveSymphony: derpy is always adorable ;)

19:52 <Rainbow_Dashie> I just wish derpy did more

19:52 * Dash glomps Rainbow_Dashie "another dash ^.^"

19:52 <OctaveSymphony> Read so much fanfic involving Derpy, so many sad and tragic stories

19:52 <Vulpor> She is best rainbow dash replacement

19:52 <Rainbow_Dashie> Rainbow Dash FTW!!  ^^

19:52 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

19:52 <Dash> ^.^/)

19:53 <Rainbow_Dashie> (\

19:53 <Vulpor> Have you gotten into the music OctaveSymphony

19:53 <Vulpor> there is allot of music created by bronies

19:53 <OctaveSymphony> Yupper, even bought some from Forest Rain, Aviators and a few others

19:54 <OctaveSymphony> Bought alot of Carbon Maestro's music

19:54 <Vulpor> Ahh good

19:54 <WorkingData> those are awesome :)

19:54 <Vulpor> Love the Aviators

19:55 <Vulpor> and Forest's song Great To Be Different is connected to a friend of mine

19:55 <WorkingData> my favorite song right now:

19:55 <OctaveSymphony> The plushie Derpy I got was a random find on ebay, now placed an order for a bigger one from the same artist :D

19:55 <WorkingData> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEnxIbwlNG8

19:55 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

19:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about BlackGryph0n & Baasik - Zero Gravity (Feat. Michelle Creber)

19:55 <Vulpor> I met the girl he was singing about it

19:56 <Vulpor> She is awesome

19:56 <WorkingData> neat :)

19:56 <OctaveSymphony> What he said ^

19:56 *** Joins: Skip (Skybrook@Pony-tlu.2jo.35.185.IP)

19:56 <Vulpor> Man I love Loyalty

19:57 <Vulpor> by Acusticbrony and Mandopony

19:57 *** Joins: SilentRhyme (xdpxewfqryq@Pony-9irefh.hlrn.qwest.net)

19:57 <OctaveSymphony> Great To Be Different is one people keep sending me, I've bought it already though

19:57 <Rainbow_Dashie> Real good :D

19:58 <OctaveSymphony> I think the first bit of pony music I encountered was Aviators - The Fear of Flight though

19:58 <WorkingData> i found that song on my birthday - love it :)

19:58 <WorkingData> (great to be different)

19:58 <Vulpor> I love this song too cause its not connected to the show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4bBNbiVrus

19:58 <WorkingData> i see a bit of myself in it :3

19:59 <Vulpor> Like, I can listen to this one in the car

19:59 <OctaveSymphony> I wish I could see myself in it, but I can't take it's lesson to heart, not yet anyways

19:59 <Vulpor> In fact I DID and my folks liked it

19:59 <WorkingData> OctaveSymphony: have you found 4everfreebrony music yet?

20:00 <OctaveSymphony> My folks just find me weird for liking MLP

20:00 <Vulpor> Mine was Neverending Striffe

20:00 <Vulpor> I love Discord

20:00 <OctaveSymphony> But that's okay with me. They don't understand at all

20:00 <OctaveSymphony> And no WorkingData I haven't

20:00 <WorkingData> oh, and this gets stuck in my head often:

20:01 <WorkingData> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7bJ2fLuPqg&list=UUyYcZ7jdmne18dAd_61-Olg

20:01 <Vulpor> OctaveSymphony my folks never knew that song was part of the fandom

20:01 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

20:01 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Fly Free (BNR Cover)

20:01 <Rainbow_Dashie> Well, gotta go :)

20:01 <Rainbow_Dashie> bye ponies!

20:01 <OctaveSymphony> Bye Dashie

20:01 <WorkingData> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daRJTJTox9I&list=UUc1DS7Is5iUZyACnhtKMMiw

20:01 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

20:01 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about 4everfreebrony - Flutter (ft. Giggly Maria)

20:02 <Shaico> Darude - Sandstrom

20:02 <Vulpor> Also its not really about the show OctaveSymphony its about making friends and making this world a bit better

20:02 *** Quits: Rainbow_Dashie (uiylljlromy@Pony-uu55or.access.telenet.be) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:02 <Vulpor> It is why I try to do the charity work as much as possible

20:03 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-0i4.obr.255.85.IP)

20:03 <OctaveSymphony> I'm just trying to sort myself out, that's the wonderous thing I've learnt about the brony community

20:03 <OctaveSymphony> Nopony judges

20:03 <SilentRhyme> No one judges in the community?

20:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> i judge

20:04 <OctaveSymphony> Not the same way people in other communities I've been a part of

20:04 <SilentRhyme> Well at least you're gonna have a fun time

20:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> sup SilentRhyme

20:04 <SilentRhyme> Nothins

20:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> debatable

20:04 <SilentRhyme> ^

20:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> eeyup

20:04 <OctaveSymphony> Not that I've seen so far at the least

20:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> fair enough

20:04 <SilentRhyme> seen it already unfortnately

20:05 * Phantasma_Eeria pushes SilentRhyme under a falling piano

20:05 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

20:05 <SilentRhyme> ok

20:05 <Shaico> All fandoms judge XD

20:05 <SilentRhyme> ^

20:05 <OctaveSymphony> But then, this channel is the first taste I have of actual interaction with other fans

20:05 *** Quits: RekttothePecs (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:05 <WorkingData> welcome to the crazy part of the internet ;)

20:05 <SilentRhyme> no that's Shrek is Love

20:06 <Phantasma_Eeria> wierdly the brony community is the first and only fandom i have ever been part of

20:06 * Phantasma_Eeria euthanises SilentRhyme for saying shrek is love, then suicides because she said it

20:07 <LunaticHell> eggs!

20:07 <OctaveSymphony> Loki is life. Loki is love.

20:07 <LunaticHell> oh hi WD

20:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> i dont like eggs

20:07 * ThatAnonPony flops on Lenfant. =3=

20:07 <WorkingData> Phantasma_Eeria: same here

20:07 <LunaticHell> heeeeello lennyfant

20:08 <WorkingData> fan of things, yes.. part of a fandom? not so much

20:08 * Lenfant_Sauvage boops ThatAnonPony with chicken fingers.

20:08 * ThatAnonPony flail.

20:08 <LunaticHell> WD: you're confusing

20:08 <SilentRhyme> In a nutshell bad experience with fandom with surprising people no one expects

20:08 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Artillery_Sounds

20:08 <LunaticHell> "I'm a fan of the show, I'm not part of the fandom" wat?

20:08 <SilentRhyme> I didn't say that

20:09 <LunaticHell> No you didn't

20:09 <LunaticHell> WD did

20:09 *** Joins: Ignis (~Ignis@Pony-5da.p1f.236.186.IP)

20:09 <WorkingData> have been :P

20:09 <SilentRhyme> Shaico's not apart of the fandom

20:09 <LunaticHell> what does "part of the fandom" means to you?

20:10 <SilentRhyme> Fedoras o3o

20:10 <OctaveSymphony> Ehehe, yet another car driver who didn't slow down when going past the road repair sign

20:10 <WorkingData> participating. creating. sharing. making new friends only because we both like the same thing. ;)

20:10 <SilentRhyme> ^

20:10 <LunaticHell> hahaha

20:10 <LunaticHell> you're funny

20:11 <LunaticHell> that does NOT mean "being part of the fandom"

20:11 <LunaticHell> Being part of a fandom is but a simple act of declaration.

20:11 <Ignis> its irrelevant.

20:12 <LunaticHell> "I AM part of the fandom" - done.

20:12 <SilentRhyme> I don't like being apart of the fandom

20:12 <SilentRhyme> o3o

20:12 *** GigaZzz is now known as GigabitPony

20:13 <Shaico> Being a part of the fandom means you are completely fine with being called and labeled a brony.

20:13 <Shaico> I think, I at least.

20:13 <WorkingData> LunaticHell: this is sounding like the nerd vs geek controversy

20:13 <WorkingData> nerd = knowing alot about something (like a fan)

20:13 <LunaticHell> WD: well same could be said about almost all groups.

20:13 <Shaico> So I'm a music nerd?

20:13 * Shaico is fine with that.

20:13 <WorkingData> geek = basing part of who you are as a person by something you like (like being in a fandom)

20:13 <OctaveSymphony> Trekkies vs Star Wars fans is usually fun

20:14 <LunaticHell> Shaico: YOU declare what you are.

20:14 <SkunkStripe> I think thats a completely different discussion

20:14 <LunaticHell> Everyone himself has to declare what he is in this topic.

20:14 <Shaico> LunaticHell: Me declaring who I am does not prevent people from labeling. :l

20:14 <SkunkStripe> But it does make them wrong

20:14 <SilentRhyme> Shaico, is a jerk butt

20:14 <SilentRhyme> I just labeled him

20:14 <LunaticHell> Shaico: Never did, never will do.

20:14 <Shaico> But it doesn't make them stop labeling.

20:14 <Shaico> SilentRhyme is a butt jerk. >:l

20:14 <LunaticHell> Shaico: But you can't change that, can you?

20:15 <Ignis> People are always wrong no matter what, anyways...

20:15 <SilentRhyme> Shaico, wait we're both butt jerks? :O lets be friends dude :)

20:15 <LunaticHell> Shaico: You CAN only change yourself.

20:15 <SkunkStripe> Wait the point is about other people now?

20:15 <OctaveSymphony> What an argument this became

20:15 <Shaico> I have no idea what you're going on about anymore, Lunatic XD

20:15 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: I love arguments. =D

20:15 <OctaveSymphony> I lost the thread long ago

20:15 <SilentRhyme> something about pony fandom

20:15 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: I'm eating blackwood forrest cake.

20:15 <OctaveSymphony> Checked another tab and got back to this

20:15 <Vulpor> Also OctaveSymphony have you been instructed on how to use Derpybot?

20:16 <OctaveSymphony> I have not

20:16 <LunaticHell> Oooooh this will be gud

20:16 <SilentRhyme> !link something

20:16 <Vulpor> type !hug

20:16 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/695825

20:16 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: You can make derpy post random links like this

20:16 <LunaticHell> Like she just did

20:16 <Vulpor> or give you a hug

20:16 <SilentRhyme> !link butt

20:16 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/231127

20:16 <Vulpor> !hug

20:16 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

20:16 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Vulpor in a tight embrace

20:16 <LunaticHell> Well yes, that picture, wow, such something.

20:17 <Shaico> But if you express love and knowledge for a particular subject and show it off, you can still consider yourself not fitting to a particular label. But if you show that knowledge of the subject, people will still consider you a part of that fandom or of a particular label.

20:17 <OctaveSymphony> Oh my

20:17 <Shaico> Many times, not in an illfeel manner.

20:17 <LunaticHell> Oooooh Heart Butt. <3

20:17 <SilentRhyme> Yeah Shaico.

20:17 <Shaico> Say you listen to Metallica all the time.

20:17 <Shaico> "Oh man, that guy is a Metallica fan."

20:17 <SilentRhyme> LunaticHell: settly your horses down

20:17 <Vulpor> or....................

20:17 <Vulpor> !muffins

20:17 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

20:17 <Vulpor> yes

20:17 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

20:17 * DerpyBot glomps Vulpor

20:17 <LunaticHell> sorr<

20:17 <Vulpor> there we go

20:17 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net)

20:17 <LunaticHell> sorry^^'

20:17 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net) (Quit: Leaving)

20:17 <Phantasma_Eeria> !muffinkiss

20:17 * DerpyBot regurgitates a whole, fresh looking muffin and approaches Phantasma_Eeria, showing her most adorable kissing face

20:18 * Cepheid sighs.

20:18 <Shaico> And that comment is pretty, well, justified considering the person always listens to Metallica.

20:18 <OctaveSymphony> Muffins are nice but what I just read up there was not quite as nice

20:18 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: do you like music??

20:18 <SilentRhyme> Or Shaico if you're like me, people think you're a wanna be criminal instead of some poet who draws, and writes about the issues of \his stupid goverment, or ignorant peopes o3o

20:18 <OctaveSymphony> LunaticHell Doesn't everyone like music?

20:18 <Phantasma_Eeria> what was the name of it

20:18 <Shaico> Same thing if you do brony stuff all the time, listen to brony music, do brony stuff. You yourself may consider yourself not a brony, but don't expect people to think 'Oh, that guy just likes to listen to brony stuff, do brony things."

20:18 <Shaico> Nope. They're gonna think you a brony XD

20:18 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Except bad people. xD

20:19 <SilentRhyme> Shaico: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fu34hp84egw71gj/Bqye5dzCAAAqF6l.jpg have praised artist o3o

20:19 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-g9g9q1.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:19 *** Quits: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-pj5.g5g.130.88.IP) (Connection closed)

20:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> maybe, you just need to find you've got the music in you

20:19 <SilentRhyme> Nu Phantasma_Eeria

20:19 *** Joins: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-pj5.g5g.130.88.IP)

20:19 <SilentRhyme> dun do et

20:19 <SilentRhyme> LunaticHell: rage quited!

20:19 <SilentRhyme> :O

20:19 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: May The Ponies Be With You...)

20:19 *** Joins: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-33iejm.cable.virginm.net)

20:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

20:19 <LunaticHell> I didn't :/

20:19 <OctaveSymphony> I'm learning to play the violin though :P

20:19 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: check out this

20:19 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvKRbi2ovDY

20:19 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Christopher Lee: "The Bloody Verdict of Verden" Music Video

20:20 <SilentRhyme> LunaticHell: I know I was joking :c

20:20 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-vr08qv.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:20 <Phantasma_Eeria> greetings Princess-Luna how art thou on this fine evening?

20:20 * Cepheid goes to grab monitor, HDMI cable, extra keyboard.

20:20 <SilentRhyme> Princess-Luna~~~~~~

20:20 <PearlyWhites> What about deaf people? Deaf people love music?

20:20 <SilentRhyme> PearlyWhites: Yea

20:20 <Princess-Luna> Doing most well, Phantasma_Eeria

20:21 <SilentRhyme> There was a guy who I think was deaf and heard a song

20:21 <OctaveSymphony> LunaticHell Sounds pretty good so far

20:21 <SilentRhyme> I'll look for the video

20:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> that ist the most excellent of news

20:21 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: That man is noone less than Sir Christopher Lee, war veteran and ...evil wizard Saruman (LotR) ;)

20:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> OctaveSymphony, i like you, so i wont !faceplot troll you

20:22 <SilentRhyme> Phantasma_Eeria: do you like me? :O

20:22 <OctaveSymphony> Phantasma_Eeria Thanks I guess?

20:22 * PearlyWhites boops Phantasma_Eeria and SilentRhyme together *Shipping time!*

20:23 <Phantasma_Eeria> no

20:23 <SilentRhyme> wat

20:23 <SilentRhyme> no

20:23 <SilentRhyme> .-.

20:23 *** Joins: mofoman14 (sagjnvazudl@Pony-bqtn7p.fios.verizon.net)

20:23 <Phantasma_Eeria> OctaveSymphony, if you type !faceplot into the chat box, it bans you for five minutes, just for future reference

20:23 * mofoman14 crys

20:23 * ThatAnonPony always reads "noone" as "noooon". Can't not read it literally.

20:23 <OctaveSymphony> Oh my

20:23 * Phantasma_Eeria rips PearlyWhites's braces out and beats him with them

20:23 <mofoman14> school is almost here

20:24 * mofoman14 crys even louder

20:24 <OctaveSymphony> Work is almost here to :/

20:24 <SilentRhyme> I

20:24 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: one of the awesomest of the awesome, he did this and more music totally for free.

20:24 <Cepheid> Microsoft, you really pick the best and worst times to pull this *YAY* with me and your updates.

20:24 <PearlyWhites> Phantasma_Eeria, you are beaten a little filly..shame on you -.-

20:24 *** Joins: ` (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com)

20:24 <Ignis> *have

20:25 <OctaveSymphony> Monday, work again and stuck doing shift hours instead of daytime

20:25 * SilentRhyme huggles PearlyWhites, and Phantasma_Eeria .3.

20:25 <OctaveSymphony> LunaticHell I knew I recognised the voice from somewhere, I'm very bad with names though


20:25 <mofoman14> 2 of which are bronies

20:25 <LunaticHell> OctaveSymphony: Me, too. xD

20:26 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-vr08qv.res.rr.com)

20:26 <OctaveSymphony> I've worked in the same place for almost 2 years now and still forget some peoples names

20:26 <Ignis> At least its lively enough...where I am, nobody gives two damns about anything.

20:26 * Phantasma_Eeria proceeds to change targets and instead beats SilentRhyme into a bloody pulp

20:26 <LunaticHell> mofoman14: Friends are important, they will get you through school and life and hell and everywhere.

20:26 <mofoman14> ik

20:26 <LunaticHell> also

20:26 * SilentRhyme continues to hug Phantasma_Eeria

20:26 <LunaticHell> do you think that name was the best choise, mofoman14?

20:27 <LunaticHell> No offense, just asking.

20:27 *** Quits: Coin-Trip39 (CTrip39@Pony-8lvuv5.iinet.net.au) (Quit: I must go now, my planet needs me...)

20:27 <mofoman14> Idk.

20:27 *** Joins: Bakasan (kvirc@Pony-4ug2bs.elisa-mobile.fi)

20:28 <mofoman14> Its better then "Theprettyprettylittleponyguy" name I almost put down when I first joined

20:28 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP) (Quit: See ya, losers.)

20:28 <mofoman14> bai pi

20:28 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Leaving...)

20:28 <OctaveSymphony> Hallowed are the Ori.

20:29 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-ir764p.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

20:29 *** Joins: SXRXE (SXRXE@Pony-oj84lt.dsl.as9105.com)

20:29 <mofoman14> I was going to go as pinkie pie for halloween (i went as rainbow dash last year) but then I decided, im in high school! I got to stop going trick or treating

20:30 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net)

20:30 <`> mofoman14: you are never too ald to act like a child

20:30 <`> act*

20:30 <`> old*

20:30 <LunaticHell> mofoman14: We could come up with a better name than that, if you want to.

20:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> sontrue

20:30 <`> geeze, i'me bad at this typing thing

20:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> *so true

20:30 <OctaveSymphony> Halloween really is a big thing in the states

20:31 <Ignis> You shouldn't care too much about what they think...besides, you'll have sweets.

20:31 <OctaveSymphony> Here you might see a pumpkin lantern by one or two houses in a street

20:31 <Phantasma_Eeria> and england

20:31 * SilentRhyme huggles Phantasma_Eeria o3o

20:32 <ryaxnb> halloween is such a thing we have a pony that is halloween themed

20:32 <ryaxnb> luna

20:32 <mofoman14> I had this suit with suspeders, which was rainbow dashes boad, then I put on this mask that was rainbow dashes face. I looked really stupid. But I don't care. I got alot of candy. Mostly from stealing it from my little brother.

20:32 <mofoman14> body*

20:32 <ryaxnb> :/

20:33 <SilentRhyme> silence

20:33 <mofoman14> yup, its lovely after what I said

20:33 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-3n7uhh.east.verizon.net)

20:33 <OctaveSymphony> I can't comment to much meself, as I said, halloween is such a small event here

20:34 <ThatAnonPony> Zero.

20:34 <ThatAnonPony> o3o

20:34 <ZeroParadox> o3o

20:34 * ThatAnonPony clings to.

20:34 <ZeroParadox> ow

20:34 <`> i once dressed up in a tuxedo and put on a horse mask for halloween...

20:34 * Phantasma_Eeria shoves shadow down SilentRhyme's throught, into his spine and uses it to get him off of her

20:34 <`> O_o

20:34 <thelema5|away> Ugh.  I don't know what to do.  I just found a job posting with a company I respect doing work I would genuinely enjoy... and for which I am qualified.  But, it doesn't really pay much.

20:35 <mofoman14> I did have this big rainbow dash cos-play suit, but it was like 80 degrees and I wasn't in the mood to go too the hospital from heat stroke

20:35 * SilentRhyme clings onto Phantasma_Eeria o3o

20:35 *** thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

20:35 <WorkingData> you know, ` isn't a very memorable name..

20:35 * Phantasma_Eeria shadows away

20:35 <OctaveSymphony> Heat stroke is indeed an unfun thing

20:35 <`> should i change it then?

20:35 <`> how about...

20:35 *** ` is now known as Nobody

20:35 <WorkingData> well, it's a start

20:36 <OctaveSymphony> It's atleast not just a symbol

20:36 <Nobody> !seen nobody

20:36 <DerpyBot> Nobody: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. nobody is in the channel.

20:36 <WorkingData> lol

20:36 <Nobody> o3o

20:36 <SilentRhyme> !seen straight

20:36 <DerpyBot> SilentRhyme: The last time I saw....will you cut that out already?!

20:36 <SilentRhyme> B|

20:36 * SilentRhyme gots his locs on

20:36 <Nobody> another idea

20:36 *** Nobody is now known as a

20:37 <a> i am now the ping master

20:37 <Ignis> !seen DerpyBot

20:37 <WorkingData> that is a great idea

20:37 <DerpyBot> Look into my eyes.. 6_9

20:37 * DerpyBot puts her front hooves on Ignis's shoulders.

20:37 <WorkingData> clearly

20:37 <mofoman14> I can see it now.   Doctor: Who's the guy in the huge weird pony like out fit.    Nurse: His name is thomas and he is suffering from heat stroke.     Doctor: Wait! Its a guy?   Nurse: yes.    Doctor: I want to see him last.

20:37 <Cepheid> That would be discrimination.

20:37 <OctaveSymphony> I don't think doctors or hospitals work that way

20:37 <Cepheid> That could come back on the doctor.

20:37 <WorkingData> that's not really funny

20:37 <mofoman14> Ok, sorry

20:37 <a> i find it hilarious

20:37 * mofoman14 sighs

20:38 <Phantasma_Eeria> well played a

20:38 <a> then again, i have a twisted mind

20:38 <WorkingData> there are real people that do get heat stroke while in those (try amusement parks in summer)

20:38 <mofoman14> I was making a joke.

20:38 <mofoman14> A, I have a twisted mind too!

20:38 <a> :D

20:38 <OctaveSymphony> Been to the hospital several times myself, always gotten in ahead of everyone else

20:38 *** Quits: Ignis (~Ignis@Pony-5da.p1f.236.186.IP) (Quit: Page closed)

20:39 <Phantasma_Eeria> a try !faceplot

20:39 <MetalDash_RE> being in a hospital is not funny you know

20:39 <mofoman14> When I see a weiner dog, i think of, well you know, the hot dog inbetween your legs (for boys)

20:39 <Phantasma_Eeria> thats inappropriate

20:39 <mofoman14> I know

20:39 <mofoman14> :P

20:39 <OctaveSymphony> I've been in the hospital enough to know it's not funny, worst of all to me is the condescending way they always speak to me

20:39 <MetalDash_RE> ...

20:39 <mofoman14> I kinda have a sick mind too

20:39 <Princess-Luna> Mofo, don't push it

20:40 <mofoman14> ok, sorry

20:40 <Princess-Luna> there's places to take that kind of stuff, do that there.

20:40 <mofoman14> Woah a, not funny bruh

20:40 <mofoman14> Ok, sorry luna

20:40 * a is probally more twisted

20:40 <SilentRhyme> Princess-Luna, Phantasma_Eeria keeps murdering me but I just wanna hugs her moar :c

20:40 * mofoman14 bows down to princess of the night

20:41 <mofoman14> I KILLED IT!|

20:41 <mofoman14> I KILLED CHAT!

20:41 * mofoman14 crys

20:42 * SilentRhyme slaps mofoman14

20:42 <SilentRhyme> We're the only ones who survived :c

20:42 <a> rip in peace

20:42 <OctaveSymphony> Yay, my part payment has now been registered, early October I be getting my next plushie

20:42 *** Joins: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-qt3.f71.234.187.IP)

20:42 * mofoman14 holds chat body. Theres a knife jabbed into his stomach

20:42 <Colgate> :(

20:42 <Librarian> nuuu

20:42 <MetalDash_RE> ...

20:42 <SilentRhyme> Rest in puppies

20:42 <a> even more ripping

20:42 * PearlyWhites noms Colgate :3

20:42 <Librarian> imma fire ma lazerr

20:43 * Librarian fire ma lazer

20:43 <ryaxnb> http://i.minus.com/iVGtjyzmBWNg2.gif

20:43 <ryaxnb> LOVABLE CAT

20:43 <Librarian> i prefer dogs

20:43 <Librarian> fat dogs

20:43 <a> did...  did that cat just...  FLY!?

20:43 <Librarian> fat dogs are awesome

20:43 <ryaxnb> flying cat

20:44 <ryaxnb> a, cat made a jump

20:44 <mofoman14> I like dogs

20:44 <mofoman14> I prefer dogs

20:44 <mofoman14> Big dogs

20:44 <mofoman14> Like a chocolate lab

20:44 <Cepheid> Cats have some strong hind legs.

20:44 * SilentRhyme gives mofoman14 hot dogs

20:44 <OctaveSymphony> I'm scared of dogs ...

20:44 <ryaxnb> that looks like a very pettable cat

20:44 <mofoman14> NO! I meant real dogs.

20:44 <MetalDash_RE> i dont like dog but i like cat

20:44 <Librarian> i had a huge femelae akita once

20:44 <Librarian> she died

20:44 *** Joins: RadioHooves (bunkcscbgci@Pony-pvsv9e.swbr.surewest.net)

20:45 <Librarian> i loved that dog buaa

20:45 <a> i once tried to pet a dog...

20:45 <mofoman14> But nw that you've given it to me

20:45 <a> then it bit my hand...

20:45 <ryaxnb> that cat was also using the righting reflex to return to its feet

20:45 <ryaxnb> look closely at the end

20:45 <mofoman14> A. Not all dogs are mean

20:45 <a> then there was a fist

20:45 *** Parts: RadioHooves (bunkcscbgci@Pony-pvsv9e.swbr.surewest.net) ()

20:45 <a> that dog never went near me again

20:45 <a> other dogs are nice tho..

20:46 <mofoman14> My dog sully. Hes a chocolate lab.  When he barks at the door, he sounds mean. But when you come inside, he just wants to lick you

20:46 * Phantasma_Eeria uses shadow to bring her Princess-Luna plushie to life

20:46 * SilentRhyme hugs Phantasma_Eeria o3o

20:46 <a> idea time

20:46 <mofoman14> Sully wouldn't harm a fly. He would want to make friends with the fly

20:46 *** a is now known as Princess-Nothing

20:46 <Librarian> i have a fat dog called sachi, she is all love

20:47 <Librarian> she is small and cuddly

20:47 <Librarian> i forgot her breed

20:47 <Phantasma_Eeria> can i kill SilentRhyme

20:47 <MetalDash_RE> no

20:47 <SilentRhyme> yes c:

20:47 <Cepheid> No.

20:47 <Princess-Nothing> yes

20:47 <MetalDash_RE> no

20:47 <Librarian> nuuuu

20:47 <Librarian> can i have a hug?

20:47 <MetalDash_RE> killing is a crime

20:47 <mofoman14> When sully was a puppy, he tried making friends with a frog in my backyard. He was use to sitting in peoples lap. So he sat on the frog and killed it by his fart. He didn't mean to do it

20:47 <Phantasma_Eeria> damn 4 for no

20:47 * WorkingData throws a hug at Librarian

20:48 <Phantasma_Eeria> yes Librarian you can

20:48 * Phantasma_Eeria hugs teh Librarian

20:48 <Librarian> yay hugs

20:48 <Librarian> i wub this chat

20:48 <MetalDash_RE> wub wub wub

20:48 * Princess-Nothing glomps Librarian

20:48 <WorkingData> i am watching that cat over and over :3

20:48 <SilentRhyme> I give up on the world officially :P

20:48 <Princess-Nothing> bringin' it back

20:49 *** Joins: Melody (fadjbymtond@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com)

20:49 <mofoman14> It was kinda funny. Sully farted and you heard this noise come from the frog, and then the frog stopped moving.

20:49 <Librarian> (H)

20:49 <OctaveSymphony> I'm trying to get my two brain cells to connect long enough so I can understand what's going on

20:49 <Librarian> im cool

20:49 <mofoman14> Chocolate labs are great dogs

20:49 <Librarian> a cool librarian is cool (H)

20:49 *** Joins: Minute (vaslegoqjut@Pony-m7mrt0.fios.verizon.net)

20:49 <Princess-Nothing> what if i told you i was a 16 year old male human being?

20:49 * OctaveSymphony is very confused

20:49 <Phantasma_Eeria> surely you have 8 brain cells

20:49 *** Parts: Minute (vaslegoqjut@Pony-m7mrt0.fios.verizon.net) ()

20:49 *** Joins: ilikepie (gpeevsjwjrx@Pony-cjh.1a4.194.74.IP)

20:50 <WorkingData> OctaveSymphony: tell me once you've figured it out.. i still haven't ;)

20:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> meh

20:50 <Cepheid> Hmm.

20:50 <Librarian> what if i told you i was not a licenced librarian

20:50 <SilentRhyme> Librarian: I would ask for books

20:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> D:

20:50 <WorkingData> librarians are licensed?

20:50 <Princess-Nothing> put the books IN THE BAG

20:50 <MetalDash_RE> what if i told you this is a meme

20:50 <Cepheid> Anyone here have Space Engineers, and part of the Equestria Daily IRC steam group?

20:50 <Princess-Nothing> what if i told you

20:50 * SilentRhyme aims fingers at Liasain

20:50 <SilentRhyme> Wat

20:50 <SilentRhyme> Librarian*

20:50 <ilikepie> i never knew bronies were this erhm i would say awesome :D

20:50 <Princess-Nothing> Cepheid: me

20:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> youd be telling the teuth

20:51 <SilentRhyme> Put teh books in teh bag

20:51 <OctaveSymphony> WorkingData I'm just going to give up actually

20:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> *truth

20:51 <Librarian> nuuu

20:51 <Princess-Nothing> but i never bought it. i just...   got it...   for free...

20:51 <Librarian> they ma books

20:51 <mofoman14> Speaking of dogs, my dog sully is with me right now

20:51 <Cepheid> I need to borrow you in a few moments.

20:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> Cepheid, im part of teh EqD group

20:51 <Princess-Nothing> :L

20:51 <MetalDash_RE> what if i told you we are in the matrix

20:51 <Princess-Nothing> multiplayer no work, so oh well  o3o

20:51 <Librarian> what if i told you im the final boss?

20:52 <Princess-Nothing> what if i told you this is the only level?

20:52 <GigabitPony> What if I told you that you are all pastel colored midget equines? o3o

20:52 <Cepheid> Hmm?  Multiplayer doesn't work, Princess?

20:52 <WorkingData> Cepheid: how much is the game?

20:52 <SilentRhyme> Wait what game lol

20:52 *** Quits: SXRXE (SXRXE@Pony-oj84lt.dsl.as9105.com) (Quit: Blackjack gone night night.)

20:52 * WorkingData lust lost The Game

20:52 <WorkingData> *just

20:52 <Cepheid> $19.99 CAD, WorkingData.

20:52 <MetalDash_RE> what if i told you we are ponies but in another dimension.

20:53 <Librarian> i am the game, the game is me

20:53 <MetalDash_RE> or univers

20:53 <Librarian> (H)

20:53 <Cepheid> Anyways..

20:53 <Cepheid> The reason I asked is I need to see if the server I have running is visible.

20:53 <Princess-Nothing> i was too lazy to buy it, so i just got a glorious copy and played the hell out of single player

20:53 <Cepheid> Ah.

20:53 <Cepheid> Great.

20:53 <Librarian> anypony got the new disgaea 4?

20:53 <Librarian> tis a masterpiece

20:54 <Cepheid> Cause currently I can only see the server via LAN mode, but I'm not sure if it's visible over the Internet.

20:55 <ilikepie> well this is great organised chaos were having here.

20:55 <ryaxnb> anypony

20:56 <OctaveSymphony> From order cometh chaos.

20:56 <Librarian> chaos is fun

20:56 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP)

20:56 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP) (Connection closed)

20:56 <Librarian> discord would be proud

20:56 <KooK> Harrrrrrrrr

20:56 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP)

20:56 <ilikepie> lol


20:56 <Princess-Nothing> JOINTHE CHAOS

20:56 <mofoman14> tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14kvchv&s=8#.U-47XEtBDB0    My dog sully


20:56 <OctaveSymphony> When chaos is mentioned my head goes to Warhammer 40k style chaos

20:56 <OctaveSymphony> That is not "fun" chaos

20:56 <Cepheid> ... Oh gods, is that-

20:56 <Cepheid> OH HELLS IT IS.

20:57 <Librarian> OwO

20:57 <Princess-Nothing> wat

20:57 <ilikepie> COOKIE PARTY

20:57 <Librarian> sully is cute

20:57 <Cepheid> It's a freighter coming at the spawn point!

20:57 <Librarian> i would rub his tummy

20:57 <Princess-Nothing> i once started a freezer fire

20:57 <SilentRhyme> Cookie party?

20:57 <SilentRhyme> :O

20:57 <ilikepie> ok fine

20:57 <ilikepie> MUFFIN PARTY

20:57 <Princess-Nothing> !muffin  O3O

20:57 <mofoman14> MUFFINS! YAY!

20:57 <ilikepie> derpy hooves is DJ

20:58 <mofoman14> !muffin

20:58 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

20:58 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:58 <mofoman14> yes

20:58 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

20:58 * DerpyBot glomps mofoman14

20:58 <mofoman14> :P

20:58 <Princess-Nothing> !muffin

20:58 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

20:58 <Princess-Nothing> idk

20:58 <mofoman14> yes

20:58 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

20:58 * DerpyBot glomps mofoman14

20:58 <Princess-Nothing> DO I!?

20:58 <ilikepie> my god what did i start!

20:58 <mofoman14> Mwhahahaha

20:58 <OctaveSymphony> I'll regret this ...

20:58 <OctaveSymphony> !hug

20:58 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

20:58 <Librarian> (H)

20:58 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around OctaveSymphony in a tight embrace

20:58 <Princess-Nothing> i won't

20:58 <mofoman14> !hug

20:58 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

20:58 <mofoman14> yes

20:58 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around mofoman14 in a tight embrace

20:58 <Princess-Nothing> !hug

20:58 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

20:58 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Princess-Nothing in a tight embrace

20:58 <ilikepie> o. o

20:58 <Librarian> everypony hug me!

20:58 <Librarian> yay

20:59 * Princess-Nothing hugs Librarian

20:59 * mofoman14 hungs librarian

20:59 <ilikepie> nurh thanks im listening to my jams

20:59 <Princess-Nothing> o3o

20:59 <OctaveSymphony> anypony here seen the latest Riddick movie?

20:59 * mofoman14 hugs*

20:59 <Princess-Nothing> riddick?

20:59 <Librarian> national hug librarian day

20:59 <ilikepie> sounds fun

20:59 <Pi> Jesus, it takes an hour to make this but 2 hours to set up the new account: http://saxopi.deviantart.com/art/Lina-Here-475771323

20:59 <Princess-Nothing> what does that taste like?

21:00 <mofoman14> Muffins

21:00 <ilikepie> it tastes like glazed donuts

21:00 <mofoman14> That too!

21:00 <Princess-Nothing> kden

21:00 <mofoman14> It also taste like air

21:00 <Librarian> it tastes like wub

21:01 <Librarian> wub wub wub

21:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Comic: Twilight's Kingdom? / Stare Master / Celebrating Chaos Part 1 [ http://tinyurl.com/k7xp9uf ]

21:01 <mofoman14> DUB ALL THE STEPS! WUB WUB WUB!

21:01 <ilikepie> it also tastes like blood flowing down your forehead as he has just killed you o. o

21:01 <SilentRhyme> Dub Step scres meeee :3

21:01 <mofoman14> ......

21:01 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Pony-n7mcai.thenetworkfactory.nl)

21:01 <Librarian> wubbbb

21:01 <Librarian> i still have two hours of work to go before i goes home

21:01 <Librarian> i wans to go home

21:01 <ilikepie> scrub a dub dub :O

21:01 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as Pony_99515

21:02 <Librarian> everypony dance now!

21:03 <ilikepie> some one chain something

21:03 * Librarian dances

21:03 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna, is good at dubstep and listens to "gotta go fast"

21:03 <ilikepie> /) chain this.

21:03 *** Quits: Pony_99515 (Antoine@Pony-n7mcai.thenetworkfactory.nl) (Quit: Quitte)

21:04 <Princess-Nothing> obligatory http://i.imgur.com/n1lCuFr.png

21:04 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

21:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

21:04 <Librarian> the doctor is coming to mexico on sunday

21:04 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-g9g9q1.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net)

21:04 <ilikepie> :O

21:05 * Librarian is excited

21:05 <ilikepie> doctor who>?

21:05 <Librarian> yep

21:05 <Princess-Nothing> Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr  best hostname of ever award

21:05 <ilikepie> hmm

21:05 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

21:05 <SomeFrenchBrony> x)

21:05 <Vulpor> Wellp now I dislike Gene Simmons

21:05 <Librarian> vulpor is like vulpix?

21:05 <Librarian> and whta did kiss guy do?

21:06 <ilikepie> sing the smile song NOW

21:06 <ilikepie> my name is pinkie pie!

21:06 <ilikepie> and i am here to say!

21:06 <ilikepie> i forgot the rest.

21:06 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming)

21:06 <Librarian> im a banana

21:06 <ilikepie> interesting. is that fun?

21:06 <Librarian> very

21:06 <Librarian> you should give it a go

21:07 <ilikepie> how are you a librarian and a banana >:O

21:07 <ilikepie> conspiracy detected!

21:07 <Librarian> i am many things my friend

21:07 <Librarian> (H)

21:07 <ilikepie> ...

21:08 <ilikepie> yes the perfect gift for me is a smile as wide as a mile!

21:08 *** Joins: Nightbloom (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity)

21:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Nightbloom

21:08 <ilikepie> to make me as happy as can bee!

21:09 <ilikepie> ok im borred i need to go eat everything in my pantry BYEE

21:09 <Librarian> bye

21:09 *** Parts: ilikepie (gpeevsjwjrx@Pony-cjh.1a4.194.74.IP) ()

21:09 <Librarian> i am bored as well

21:09 <Colgate> let us start a stimulating conversation!

21:10 <Colgate> afk

21:11 <Librarian> i wub colgate she is cute

21:11 <Librarian> and healthy to my teeth

21:11 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:12 <OctaveSymphony> I found some paprica sticks in my pantry, tasty.

21:12 <Librarian> tapiocaaa

21:12 <Librarian> ricooola

21:12 *** Princess-Nothing is now known as Princess-Nothing|lunch

21:12 <SilentRhyme> nom

21:13 <Phantasma_Eeria> well ill probably be off for a few days fillies, gentlecolts, Princess-Luna goodbai

21:13 <Librarian> nuuu

21:13 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-0i4.obr.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

21:13 <Librarian> dont go

21:13 <SilentRhyme> nuu

21:13 <Princess-Luna> lates!

21:13 <Pi> sure.

21:13 <Librarian> we is nice

21:13 * Princess-Luna is carrying two blocks of TNT...this can only end badly.

21:15 *** Joins: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-1qqj2b.net.upcbroadband.cz)

21:15 *** Quits: Princess-Nothing|lunch (`@Pony-5jv0a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: off to get pizza! oh wait... I FORGOT MUH COUPON)

21:15 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-h1s.hba.102.208.IP)

21:16 <OctaveSymphony> Eeria gone for a few days? *sadface*

21:16 *** Quits: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike) (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3)

21:17 <Librarian> she forgot the coupon

21:17 <Librarian> that is a problem

21:17 <RazorSharpFang> Sleep time for me

21:17 <RazorSharpFang> Cya everypony

21:17 <Librarian> sweet dreams

21:17 <Librarian> dream of penguins

21:17 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@sharpest.of.all.fangs) (Quit: Zzzzz)

21:19 <OctaveSymphony> Dreams, I remember that those were pleasant once

21:20 *** Quits: Colgate (rabbit@Brushie.Time) (Connection closed)

21:22 <MetalDash_RE> !link https://derpibooru.org/81276

21:22 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about twilight sparkle metal gear safe artist:jennieoo future twilight (and 1 more)

21:22 <MetalDash_RE> !link https://derpiboo.ru/51990

21:22 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about parody safe metal gear eyepatch future twilight (and 4 more)

21:22 *** Joins: Colgate (rabbit@Brushie.Time)

21:23 * Finwe brushies his teeth with Colgate.

21:23 <MetalDash_RE> like those two pic?

21:24 * Finwe uses Colgate to brushie PearlyWhites as well.

21:25 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

21:26 *** Lenfant_Sauvage is now known as Pony_53905

21:28 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-h1s.hba.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

21:28 <ryaxnb> i like Colgate

21:28 * ryaxnb brushies colgate's horse teeth

21:28 * ryaxnb washes his mane with Mane & Tail shampoo

21:29 *** Quits: mofoman14 (sagjnvazudl@Pony-bqtn7p.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:30 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> I like ceeereal

21:31 *** Pony_53905 is now known as SpikeTheDragon

21:31 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SpikeTheDragon

21:31 <Princess-Luna> I like trains!

21:31 * Cepheid gets struck by a train.

21:31 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-8b4.rlf.95.119.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:32 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP)

21:32 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna, did you campaign for the expansion of the friendship express

21:32 <ryaxnb> to serve more areas :3

21:32 <Princess-Luna> Nighttime express!

21:32 <Princess-Luna> =3

21:33 <ryaxnb> Nighttime is such a glorious time

21:36 <MetalDash_RE> nopony see those two pic?

21:37 *** Quits: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-qt3.f71.234.187.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:39 <ryaxnb> get the chalkboard... deeeluxe

21:40 *** Quits: SilentRhyme (xdpxewfqryq@Pony-9irefh.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:40 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:40 <Vulpor> Wellp I just finished Gantz

21:40 <Vulpor> Great anime

21:40 <Vulpor> A bit shallow on the ending but overall awesome

21:41 <Vulpor> I shall be rising each morning to that Japanese excersize song

21:41 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

21:41 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

21:42 *** Quits: vi[NLR]_away (vi[NLR]@Pony-rdj90s.vie.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:42 *** Joins: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-rdj90s.vie.surfer.at)

21:42 *** Joins: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-n5egpc.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

21:42 <SkunkStripe> which japanese exercise one?

21:43 <SkunkStripe> The jojo one?

21:44 <SkunkStripe> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_lFFNw2Xgs

21:46 <MetalDash_RE> ...

21:47 * MetalDash_RE sigh

21:47 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

21:47 <SkunkStripe> What?

21:49 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

21:50 <MetalDash_RE> its not your video

21:50 <MetalDash_RE> its was a another thing

21:50 <MetalDash_RE> *it

21:53 <SkunkStripe> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEprhLmM2-k

21:53 <SkunkStripe> https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ln28h46iTm1qfdpjwo1_500.jpg

21:54 <SkunkStripe> Super Man is so distraught

21:55 <MetalDash_RE> !link https://derpiboo.ru/7375

21:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about twilight sparkle metal gear future twilight artist needed cardboard box (and 1 more)

21:56 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP) (Quit: OH MOST WONDERFUL OF... I mean... Oh, most wonderful of nights.)

21:57 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP)

21:58 *** GigabitPony is now known as GigaNoms

22:00 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net) (Connection closed)

22:00 *** Joins: mofoman14 (sagjnvazudl@Pony-bqtn7p.fios.verizon.net)

22:00 <mofoman14> SOO! WOOP IT UP WITH THE WEEPY!

22:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: PMV: Idols  [ http://tinyurl.com/mr7wfgj ]

22:03 <SkunkStripe> Weepy just made me think of sad rapper

22:04 <LunaticHell> Skunky

22:04 <mofoman14> Cuz tomorrow spring is here!

22:04 * LunaticHell hugs a Skunk

22:05 <mofoman14> winter winter rap up!

22:05 <MetalDash_RE> like the pic?

22:05 *** Joins: F4celess (Frozen@Pony-22r.9n2.147.82.IP)

22:05 <Finwe> Hello, LunaticHell!

22:05 * Finwe hugs a LunaticHell.

22:06 <MetalDash_RE> *who

22:06 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Solar_Haze

22:07 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-vpr.rl0.164.125.IP) (Client exited)

22:08 *** mofoman14 is now known as mofoman14|Away

22:10 <MetalDash_RE> ...

22:11 * MetalDash_RE flies away

22:13 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-2p5jkk.dsl.as9105.com)

22:15 *** Joins: Lorix_ (Lorix_@flutter.shy.yay)

22:17 * LunaticHell hugs a Finwe

22:17 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyMIFiPV-RE

22:17 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

22:17 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Dr. Adorkable - Twilight's Freeze Ray

22:17 <LunaticHell> So ship-able

22:17 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

22:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

22:17 <LunaticHell> Even though I'm more of a Twilight Pie kinda guy.

22:20 *** Joins: Lawliman (Lawliman@Pony-lqsfu5.dyn.centurytel.net)

22:22 *** GigaNoms is now known as GigabitPony

22:24 <LunaticHell> Oh gawds

22:24 <LunaticHell> What is the thing about Ponies with glasses? https://derpibooru.org/700410

22:24 <LunaticHell> Take your glasses of, that's naughty.

22:25 <LunaticHell> And I dare you, don't put any socks on your hooves. *stern look*

22:25 <Thelema5> !link socks glasses

22:25 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/435761

22:25 * Thelema5 dies

22:26 <Thelema5> I just had to be dash, didn't it?

22:26 <Thelema5> *it

22:27 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-2l3.s8r.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:27 *** Neptune|sleep is now known as Neptune

22:28 *** Quits: mofoman14|Away (sagjnvazudl@Pony-bqtn7p.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:29 <LunaticHell> Socks and glasses? very naughty

22:29 *** Joins: Frames (Frames@Pony-77cj2k.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

22:30 <LunaticHell> she'll get coal bricks for chrismas

22:30 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

22:31 <LunaticHell> mental note: giving Rarity coal as punishment doesn't work, when she has a high level spell that can turn coal into diamonds.

22:32 <Cepheid> But what if they need to wear glasses for sight reasons?

22:32 <Thelema5> I'm conflicted.  I've found a job opening which is in a field I love, working for a company I respect, performing work I enjoy... but it only pays half of what I earning now.

22:32 *** Quits: Nedemai (canternet@fluttershy.is.best.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:32 <Thelema5> But, I hate the field I'm currently in, have no respect for the company I work for, and hate my job.

22:33 <Thelema5> I don't know if it's worth half my earnings just to be happier.

22:33 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-nqkcp7.adsl.tpnet.pl)

22:33 *** Joins: Nedemai (canternet@Pony-108.l6h.106.216.IP)

22:33 <Lawliman> Well, can you be comfortable at the lower wages?

22:33 *** Nedemai is now known as Pony_90259

22:34 <ElectricPsoras> Hi.

22:34 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: Don't even think of saying she is farsighted, or else I'll imagine her as libarian for no reason what so ever.

22:34 <LunaticHell> Oh hi ElecBoldWin

22:34 <Thelema5> ...I think it would require some lifestyle changes.  I'm barely comfortable now.

22:34 <Lawliman> If you can still live comfortable, then it probably is. Being happy is fairly important.

22:34 <Lawliman> Oh. Well, that's a problem then. =<

22:34 <Cepheid> No, of course not.

22:34 <LunaticHell> Happyness is important? hahahahahaha

22:34 <Cepheid> I'm just asking for the sake of the ponies who are far or near-sighted.

22:35 <LunaticHell> Like FIW rainbow dash?

22:35 <LunaticHell> I want to quote her to drive the point home, she said "rainbow" and I can very much relate to that statement.

22:36 <Thelema5> I would be fine living with a more simple lifestyle, but I also have my partner to think about.

22:36 <Thelema5> Erg, this is a tough call.

22:37 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

22:38 <Thelema5> Another mitigating factor is that I don't expect my current job to last much longer... so I be faced with taking lower wages in the near future anyway

22:38 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

22:38 <Thelema5> in which case, I would likely have to take another job I hate.

22:39 <Princess-Luna> the american dream

22:40 <Thelema5> yeah.

22:40 <LunaticHell> I got a search picture fo ya all.

22:41 <LunaticHell> https://derpiboo.ru/678546 find out how many times the world is doomed in this picture.

22:41 <Thelema5> None, because Twilight Sparkle.

22:42 <LunaticHell> Thelema5: How many world ending scenarios can she beat at the same time?

22:42 <LunaticHell> Actually that would make a great idea for a season start/end...

22:42 <Thelema5> Depends.  Who is writing the episode?

22:42 <Cepheid> Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows.

22:43 <LunaticHell> Thelema5: Steven Moffat.

22:43 *** Quits: Nightbloom (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:44 <Thelema5> I don't see The Doctor in that pic

22:44 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-g9g9q1.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:44 <Cepheid> I see Cadance and Shining Armor doing something in the forest.

22:44 <Thelema5> Woo woo!

22:44 <Cepheid> I can only make assumptions as to what.

22:45 <LunaticHell> Do make assumptions.

22:45 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

22:45 <Cepheid> I honestly don't know what Chrysalis is thinking about.

22:46 <LunaticHell> About Fluffle Puff.

22:46 <LunaticHell> She probably looking for her.

22:46 *** Quits: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Quit: Bye)

22:47 <LunaticHell> How hard could it possibly be to find a giant ball of pink fur?

22:47 <Cepheid> The only disaster I see occuring is the Too Many Pinkie Pies.

22:47 <Cepheid> Given how fast she moves, pretty hard.

22:47 <LunaticHell> Also given that ponyville is close to a Pinkie clone invasion...

22:48 <LunaticHell> Also the presence of the tardis always means something is going wrong in horrible ways.

22:48 *** Joins: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

22:48 <Cepheid> Well, there's also Granny Smith.

22:48 <Cepheid> Who appears to be much younger.

22:49 <Cepheid> So time paradoxes?

22:50 <Cepheid> Maybe Solid Sparkle ignored orders and killed someone in the past.

22:50 <Cepheid> And caused a paradox?

22:50 * ZeroParadox explodes.

22:50 <Cepheid> ...

22:50 <Cepheid> Sorry Mr. Zero Paradox.

22:53 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-2p5jkk.dsl.as9105.com) (Quit: Page closed)

22:53 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-abqo7l.mycingular.net)

22:53 * Jon-The_Bronynerd is probably the only one who didn't watched The Lego Movie...

22:54 *** thelema5|away is now known as thelema5

22:54 <ryaxnb> equines

22:54 <LunaticHell> JonBron you and me both.

22:54 <ryaxnb> i haven't watched it but have it on HDD

22:54 *** Joins: SilentRhyme (xdpxewfqryq@Pony-9irefh.hlrn.qwest.net)

22:55 <Princess-Luna> Jon-The_Bronynerd: Just watch it. XD

22:55 <Princess-Luna> It's a blast

22:55 <Cepheid> I haven't seen it yet.

22:55 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Eh.

22:55 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

22:55 <ryaxnb> pirated copy ofc :(

22:55 *** Joins: Spellweave (bbxtuscodsi@Pony-mp8aop.al.comcast.net)

22:55 *** Quits: SilentRhyme (xdpxewfqryq@Pony-9irefh.hlrn.qwest.net) (Connection closed)

22:55 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Princess-Luna: I'm not a Lego fan, sadly. :P

22:55 *** Joins: SilentRhyme (xdpxewfqryq@Pony-9irefh.hlrn.qwest.net)

22:55 <Princess-Luna> Neither am I

22:55 <Spellweave> hello, everyp-

22:55 <Princess-Luna> it's just a fun film

22:55 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: there's also Trixie, everytime she's in ponyville, things go southwards.

22:55 <Finwe> o3o

22:55 * Spellweave faceplants midsentence

22:55 <Princess-Luna> no need to be a fan of the franchise to enjoy it

22:55 * Finwe noms on Princess-Luna's ethereal tail.

22:56 <ryaxnb> what's going wrong, Spellweave ?

22:56 * Princess-Luna is nommed 'pon!

22:56 * ryaxnb noms on Spellweave's tail

22:56 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> I know. Yet for some reason, I lost interest in movies.

22:56 <Spellweave> i tripped. x3

22:56 <SilentRhyme> hellp

22:56 <ryaxnb> oh

22:56 <SilentRhyme> hello*

22:56 * ThatAnonPony noms on Princess-Luna's mane.

22:56 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/699936 tooooo cute

22:56 <Finwe> Mr The_Bronynerd.

22:56 * Finwe doffs his hat at Jon-The_Bronynerd.

22:56 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

22:56 * ryaxnb just ate some Gobi Mongolian BBQ

22:56 <ryaxnb> like IRL

22:56 * Spellweave noms ryaxnb's head

22:56 <ryaxnb> it's great having one 5 minutes from my house walk

22:56 * Jon-The_Bronynerd doffs his muffin hat at Finwe

22:56 <ryaxnb> horsie :3

22:57 <Finwe> !muffin

22:57 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

22:57 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Mr. Finwe.

22:57 <Finwe> Yes!

22:57 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

22:57 * DerpyBot glomps Finwe

22:57 <ryaxnb> they're not bad vegetarian either, if you omit the meat

22:57 <ryaxnb> i'm a meat eater tho

22:57 <ryaxnb> some mongolian bbq places have tofy

22:57 <Finwe> A carnivore?

22:57 <ryaxnb> tofu*

22:57 <ryaxnb> yeah

22:57 <ryaxnb> well, omnivore

22:57 <ryaxnb> because i don't only eat meat, and i'm not one to prefer like a steak over kung pao tofu

22:57 <Finwe> Herbivores have so far failed to attain world domination.

22:57 <ryaxnb> i'd rather have kung pao tofu than a steak

22:58 <ryaxnb> but i also like Kung Pao Chicken...

22:58 <Finwe> So have true carnivores, though.

22:58 <SilentRhyme> how's all ;3

22:58 <Finwe> Unless the world is secretly run by cats.

22:58 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/618409 Best. Cosplay. Ever. ...hnnnnng

22:58 <ryaxnb> well, i'm unusual in that i do not care about tofu in asian food at all

22:58 <Spellweave> make sure the Kung pao is cooked. last one almost kicked my teeth out.

22:58 <SilentRhyme> LunaticHell: :3

22:58 <ryaxnb> in fact, i would prefer to eat vegetarian asian food over most other types of food

22:59 <ryaxnb> not over meat asian food though

22:59 <Finwe> I just had noodles with mushrooms and vegetables for supper.

22:59 <Finwe> o3o

22:59 <ryaxnb> I just like asian food, and the sauces they use go well with Tofu, eggplant, mushrooms, etc

23:00 * Spellweave hasn't been to a chinese restaurant in...

23:00 <Spellweave> in...

23:00 <ryaxnb> the food also feels more filling than most other vegetarian food, except for food using a weird meat-analogue that tries to simulate ground beef or the like

23:00 <Spellweave> dammit, how long has it been?!

23:00 *** Joins: Black_Wing (iyrnesxbnye@Pony-9uu07l.east.verizon.net)

23:00 <SilentRhyme> o3o

23:00 <ryaxnb> and i don't like those, though i don't mind tofu cubes, which are just vegetables

23:00 <ryaxnb> :)

23:00 *** Parts: Black_Wing (iyrnesxbnye@Pony-9uu07l.east.verizon.net) ()

23:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story: Treasure Hunt [ http://tinyurl.com/ongdyaj ]

23:01 <ryaxnb> Spellweave, mmm, mongolian bbq is kinda like chinese food

23:01 <ryaxnb> you pick your veggies and meats and sauces from a buffet, put the raw stuff in a bowl and they stir fry it

23:01 <ryaxnb> it's not mongolian

23:01 <thelema5> I love mongolian BBQ.

23:01 <ryaxnb> but it's not chinese either, it's just whatever

23:01 <Spellweave> ooh, sounds awesome.

23:02 <ryaxnb> yeah, it's good, and most restaurants are buffets

23:02 <ryaxnb> you can go back and get more

23:02 *** Joins: OctaviaMelody (hdodmxbjnfw@Pony-8lp1ns.dyn.suddenlink.net)

23:02 <thelema5> I haven't had it in a while... maybe I'll go tonight!

23:02 <OctaviaMelody> Hello Everypony

23:02 *** Joins: MichaelXX2_ (MichaelXX2@Pony-k05.5dn.217.173.IP)

23:02 <ryaxnb> i like it.

23:03 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/654794 hahahahahahaha

23:03 <thelema5> Hi, OctaviaMelody.

23:03 <ryaxnb> the very high heat frying thing they do makes it take nto very long to cook, and it tends to make vegetables come out al dente and meat nice and just right

23:03 <ryaxnb> usually some noodles are added, but you can skip those if you want.

23:03 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Connection closed)

23:04 <ryaxnb> :)

23:04 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net)

23:04 *** Quits: MichaelXX2 (MichaelXX2@Pony-k05.5dn.217.173.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:04 <thelema5> Ahhaaaha, that's awesome, LunaticHell.

23:04 <ryaxnb> Spellweave, if you ever go to Vegas, find one of the Buffets that has a mongolian BBQ section. Although Mongolian BBQ is usually standalone, many Vegas buffets also have a subsection that does it

23:04 <LunaticHell> CMC Princess time, aw yes.

23:05 <ryaxnb> since vegas buffets are so big and fancy

23:05 <Spellweave> haha, how'd you know i was gonna try to make a stop in vegas in a few months?

23:05 *** Joins: RadioHooves (reblgtlgdmt@Pony-pvsv9e.swbr.surewest.net)

23:05 <ryaxnb> mmm, vegas

23:05 <ryaxnb> go to the pinball hall of fame if you like pinball

23:05 <ryaxnb> great place to stop by, no entrance fee

23:05 <F4celess> !link http://youtu.be/E5MO0h7NIqY

23:05 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:06 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Beautiful Time-Laps & Tilt-Shift Singapore

23:06 <ryaxnb> just play some pinball in the nice off-strip atmosphere

23:06 *** Joins: MichaelXX2 (MichaelXX2@Pony-k05.5dn.217.173.IP)

23:06 <ryaxnb> they have 300 tables, i believe

23:06 *** Parts: RadioHooves (reblgtlgdmt@Pony-pvsv9e.swbr.surewest.net) ()

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23:06 <Spellweave> i wonder how friendly they are to bicyclists?

23:06 <ryaxnb> it's a short bicycle ride from the Tropicana part of the strip

23:06 <ryaxnb> they're pretty nice, you can talk to the owner.

23:07 <ryaxnb> it's a low-key place that is run for the love of the machine :3

23:07 <Spellweave> nice, but i meant the strip as a whole.

23:07 <ryaxnb> i dunno

23:07 <LunaticHell> hey Princess-Luna

23:07 <ryaxnb> the strip is such that bicycles would be handy to navigate it if the parking is secure

23:08 <ryaxnb> but i'm not sure how parking is on the strip

23:08 <Princess-Luna> Heyo

23:08 <ryaxnb> there ARE a lot of backroads and back alleys, as well as a fair number of super-wide sidewalks

23:08 <LunaticHell> I know a pony stronger than Big Mac OR Celestia.

23:08 *** Quits: MichaelXX2_ (MichaelXX2@Pony-k05.5dn.217.173.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:08 <LunaticHell> It's "Princess Star Platinum"

23:08 <LunaticHell> ora ora ora ora ora ora

23:08 <Princess-Luna> There's already a platinum

23:08 <ryaxnb> the traffic on the strip is terrible, and bikes would probably go faster than cars a lot of the time

23:09 <ryaxnb> because they can go on the side of the road

23:09 <LunaticHell> ...it was a refference to JoJo's bizzar adventure. o3o

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23:09 <LunaticHell> Nevermind. >_>

23:09 <ryaxnb> i usually took the monorail or bus

23:09 <ryaxnb> parking a car is a pain ...

23:09 <LunaticHell> Monosnail!

23:09 *** Quits: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Quit: Bye)

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23:10 <LunaticHell> OH that reminds me.

23:10 <LunaticHell> I dreamed of giant spiderwebs with 46 part platin.

23:10 <LunaticHell> I don't even know how that works and I've seen it.

23:11 <Spellweave> well, it looks like i might be able to have some fun on the strip... if i make it that far into the desert! XD

23:12 <ryaxnb> check out downtown, if you can

23:12 <ryaxnb> it's awesome, cheap, and fun

23:12 <ryaxnb> :3

23:13 <ryaxnb> the odds are beter there, the games are cheaper, and the deals for food are better

23:13 <LunaticHell> https://derpiboo.ru/697974 aw

23:13 <ryaxnb> less quality dining and stuff though, and older casinos

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23:16 <Spellweave> i'm no rich guy; i'm quite literally going to be traveling with my bike and what i can carry on my back.

23:18 <ryaxnb> okay

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23:23 * Finwe hats on ThatAnonPony.

23:23 <Finwe> Lt ThatAnonPony.

23:23 * ThatAnonPony has stylish hat.

23:23 <Finwe> o7

23:23 * ThatAnonPony wave.

23:24 * SilentRhyme snuggles Finwe owo

23:24 <SilentRhyme> o3o

23:26 * Finwe hugs a SilentRhyme.

23:27 <SilentRhyme> :3

23:28 *** SpikeTheDragon is now known as Lenfant_Sauvage

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23:44 <Spellweave> nothin' says "i care" like showing up drunk in a santa suit to your ex's birthday party in june.

23:45 <ryaxnb> http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=125093717&postcount=786

23:45 <ryaxnb> post of the year?

23:45 <ryaxnb> post of the year.

23:46 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

23:48 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

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23:49 <Neptune> RAdm Finwe, Lt. ThatAnonPony

23:49 <Neptune> _o7

23:50 * ThatAnonPony wavewave.

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23:54 <OctaveSymphony> So what's everypony up to?

23:56 <OctaviaMelody> Not much

23:57 * SilentRhyme huggles OctaveSymphony, and OctaviaMelody

23:57 <OctaviaMelody> Erm, What are you doing?

23:57 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (montezuma@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Tumblr PROTIP: change _500 into _1280 for better quality.)

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23:57 * OctaveSymphony squirms away uncomfortably

23:57 <SilentRhyme> =w=

23:57 * SilentRhyme stops hugging and dissapears to purgatory again

23:58 *** Joins: Dreamsweet (jasyjxufprn@Pony-3lc9ec.dc.comcast.net)

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23:59 <OctaveSymphony> No need to dissapear SilentRhyme

23:59 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-ir764p.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

23:59 <OctaveSymphony> Why is that name so familiar anyways, have I read it in a fic or something

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