Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Monday, 2015-01-12

00:00 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

00:01 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)

00:02 <Storm_RainbowDash> !hug

00:02 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

00:02 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Storm_RainbowDash in a tight embrace

00:03 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/803973

00:03 <Daniel_Waterhorse> No, it's fine! It's nice to have folks chatting :)

00:03 <KooK> I have never had a cat that had to be by you, on you, against you, 24/7, but this cat...

00:04 <KooK> He meows upstairs, I ask "What?"  He comes down, sits on me.

00:04 <KooK> Like playing Marco Polo

00:04 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Clearly the cat is winning.

00:04 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Wear the cat as a hat.

00:04 <Daniel_Waterhorse> That way your head can be warm and he can be on you

00:05 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net)

00:05 <Storm_RainbowDash> !flip

00:05 * DerpyBot flies up in the air and does a backflip

00:05 * DerpyBot lands on her back. Ouch!

00:05 <DerpyBot> ¡ƃuoɹʍ ʇuǝʍ ʇɐɥʍ ʍouʞ ʇ,uop ʇsnɾ ı

00:05 <KooK> Uhg

00:05 <KooK> 12 hours I will be waking up for the first day of school... again...

00:05 *** Quits: Ignis (Ignis@Pony-lep.84c.103.189.IP) (Quit: )

00:06 <Corsair> Such language, Derpy!

00:09 <Storm_RainbowDash> !hug

00:09 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

00:09 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Storm_RainbowDash in a tight embrace

00:09 * Storm_RainbowDash noms Twilight_Shimmer's mane

00:09 <SkyHigh> Good mane

00:10 <thanks_for_the_ponies> what does it taste like, out of curiousity?

00:10 <Twilight_Shimmer> meep

00:10 * SkyHigh uses a lemon to taste Twilight_Shimmer

00:10 <thanks_for_the_ponies> wat

00:10 *** Stradi|Resting is now known as Stradiverra

00:10 <SkyHigh> XD

00:10 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-usodgd.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Bye horsies!)

00:11 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^^

00:11 <Storm_RainbowDash> thanks_for_the_ponies: tastes like Strawberrys

00:11 <SkyHigh> !seen Frost_bite

00:11 <DerpyBot> SkyHigh: The last time I saw Frost_bite was 2015-01-07 21:41:07 UTC

00:11 * SkyHigh noms on Twilight_Shimmer's ear.

00:11 <Twilight_Shimmer> meeep!!

00:11 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Does her ear also taste like strawberries?

00:12 <SkyHigh> Nah

00:12 <Twilight_Shimmer> what am i candy?

00:12 <SkyHigh> Tastes like

00:12 <Twilight_Shimmer> lol

00:12 * SkyHigh nibbles...

00:12 <thanks_for_the_ponies> (schnozberries)

00:12 <SkyHigh> Is that uhh raspberries?

00:13 <thanks_for_the_ponies> let's say yes.

00:13 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

00:14 * Daniel_Waterhorse licks all ponies to check for flavor. "Hmm... You all basically taste like horses"

00:14 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol

00:14 <thanks_for_the_ponies> do ponies taste like horses?

00:14 *** JandalAdjiel is now known as Sing_Kombra

00:15 <Corsair> The real question is, does Applejack taste like apples?

00:15 <SkyHigh> No

00:16 <SkyHigh> Applejack tastes like pie.

00:16 *** Joins: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

00:17 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1407 - STYLE Edition  [ http://tinyurl.com/ogjyowz ]

00:17 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Applejack tastes like Applejack

00:17 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Which is a kind of distilled cider

00:18 *** Sing_Kombra is now known as JandalAdjiel

00:18 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Made by taking cider in an open barrel, letting it freeze, and then taking the ice off the top

00:18 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Thus concentrating the alcohol

00:19 <Daniel_Waterhorse> The processing is called jacking

00:19 <SkyHigh> Ok farmer calm down

00:19 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I think it's interesting v.v

00:19 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I've been waiting to brew my own cider for a while

00:19 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I have all the stuff, I just need the time

00:20 <KooK> Soup

00:20 <Daniel_Waterhorse> What kind of soup?

00:20 <KooK> Cider Soup

00:20 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-m8o5cc.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:21 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I'm confused

00:21 <SkyHigh> KooK soup.

00:21 * SkyHigh noms on KooK's ear.

00:21 * SkyHigh noms on KooK's Harble.

00:21 <KooK> http://www.thedailymeal.com/apple-cider-soup

00:21 <KooK> harble harble

00:22 *** Quits: firestream (firestream@Pony-fkbv9o.dsl.bell.ca) (Quit: )

00:23 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-vp4p61.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP)

00:23 <KooK> brb, moving myself downstairs so I can start to work on das closet

00:24 *** Pony_94921 is now known as Zimtower

00:24 <SkyHigh> Harble!

00:24 *** Quits: Storm_RainbowDash (Storm_Rainb@Pony-7l0s0m.ph.cox.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)

00:25 *** Joins: Storm_RainbowDash (Storm_Rainb@Pony-7l0s0m.ph.cox.net)

00:26 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/803974

00:26 <KooK> Now, ya see here childrens, some of us have to build a closet before we have one

00:26 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Huh. Never heard of cider soup before. Interesting!

00:27 <Storm_RainbowDash> sounds good

00:30 *** Quits: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:32 <Storm_RainbowDash> !link cider

00:32 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/630036

00:32 *** ThunderStorm is now known as LightningCrash

00:33 *** Joins: DJMidlio (DJMidli@Pony-31p.hag.231.64.IP)

00:33 *** Quits: DJMidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:34 <Kalastraer2> hello everypony

00:34 <thanks_for_the_ponies> hola

00:34 <Storm_RainbowDash> hello Kalastraer

00:36 * SkyHigh Kals Kalastraer

00:36 <SkyHigh> Kalastraer2

00:37 *** Joins: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-osm8m3.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

00:38 *** Quits: DJMidlio (DJMidli@Pony-31p.hag.231.64.IP) (Quit: )

00:38 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

00:39 <thanks_for_the_ponies> are you monkey who kills other things, or do you specifically assasinate monkeys?

00:39 *** Quits: GamingDash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Quit: *POOF*)

00:39 * AssasinMonkey monkeys around

00:39 *** Quits: Storm_RainbowDash (Storm_Rainb@Pony-7l0s0m.ph.cox.net) (Connection closed)

00:40 *** Joins: Storm_RainbowDash (Storm_Rainb@Pony-7l0s0m.ph.cox.net)

00:40 * SkyHigh assassins AssasinMonkey

00:41 <SilverSky> :O

00:41 <SkyHigh> :P HAHAHA! I mean, haha haha!

00:42 <SkyHigh> Font wanna wake up my neighbours do I? ;)

00:42 <SkyHigh> Dont

00:44 * Storm_RainbowDash tackle Twilight_Shimmer

00:44 *** Quits: Arteshi (Arteshi@Pony-6ub9ls.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: )

00:44 * Twilight_Shimmer meeeps!

00:44 * SkyHigh wanted to be tackled

00:44 * Twilight_Shimmer is tackled

00:45 * SilverSky tackles SkyHigh

00:45 * SkyHigh explodes.

00:45 *** Quits: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off) (Client exited)

00:45 <SkyHigh> Self defense systems activated

00:45 * Storm_RainbowDash tackles the chard remains of SkyHigh

00:46 * SkyHigh throws 100 nuclear missiles at SilverSky

00:46 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (ytmreejuhrx@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

00:46 * SilverSky is caught in the explosion

00:46 <Unixkitty> Don't get the RP too far :P

00:46 *** Quits: TimidClef|Gamez (TimidClef@Pony-rod7it.ph.cox.net) (Quit: )

00:46 <SkyHigh> I just exploded gee

00:47 * SilverSky flies halfway across the world

00:47 * SkyHigh flies 1/-1 way around the world.

00:47 * SilverSky crashlands, leaving a massive crater. But is completely okay~

00:47 <Unixkitty> No, I mean it, serious stop it.

00:47 <SkyHigh> Aww

00:47 <Unixkitty> This is not a channel for that.

00:47 *** Tanking_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

00:48 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Unixkitty, do you not love me anymore? D:

00:48 <Unixkitty> Excuse me?

00:48 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I tried saying hello to you in CanterlotHill and you shunned me v.v

00:48 <thanks_for_the_ponies> "Unixkitty"? That's an adorkable name if I ever heard one.

00:49 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Shunned I say!

00:49 <Unixkitty> I might have missed that Daniel_Waterhorse, I'm kind of in the middle of something and not really chatting on IRC.

00:49 *** FN is now known as FruitNibbler

00:49 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I am just being silly, Unixkitty. I do not expect people to be paying attention to everything that happens on IRC

00:50 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Heck, I'm logged on all the time but I've been so busy I'm rarely actually there @.@

00:51 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-0plst8.pltn13.pacbell.net) (Quit: )

00:54 *** Daniel_Waterhorse is now known as Daniel_Butterhorse

00:54 *** Joins: Jolt (wryajllvhtm@Pony-irn.6kj.87.75.IP)

00:54 *** Quits: Jolt (wryajllvhtm@Pony-irn.6kj.87.75.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:55 *** Joins: Jolt (wryajllvhtm@Pony-irn.6kj.87.75.IP)

00:55 *** Quits: Jolt (wryajllvhtm@Pony-irn.6kj.87.75.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:55 *** Joins: Jolt (wryajllvhtm@Pony-irn.6kj.87.75.IP)

00:55 *** Jolt is now known as Pony_85407

00:55 <thanks_for_the_ponies> "Daniel_Butterhorse"? That sounds several degrees sillier than "D_Waterhorse".

00:56 <Storm_RainbowDash> wow Jolt having trouble conecting

00:56 *** Pony_85407 is now known as Jolt

00:56 <Jolt> well finally

00:56 <Daniel_Butterhorse> Well I just ate cake with really super rich cream cheese frosting that apparently was made with scary amounts of butter

00:56 <Daniel_Butterhorse> Thus I am full of butter, and have become Daniel_Butterhorse

00:56 <Storm_RainbowDash> there you go Jolt

00:56 <Jolt> Ive done nothing productive

00:57 <Daniel_Butterhorse> Then what are you doing here, Jolt? Go make something of yourself. Amaze the world!

00:57 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

00:57 <Jolt> i made ytp short

00:57 <Jolt> thats what ive done

00:58 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (ytmreejuhrx@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:58 <Jolt> and that's all I will ever put my efforts into

00:58 *** Quits: JandalAdjiel (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)

00:59 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Butterhorse, you just ate cake. Don't preach to people to go do stuff.

00:59 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol

00:59 <Daniel_Butterhorse> I earned my cake over the past few days v.v

01:00 <thanks_for_the_ponies> True.

01:00 * Daniel_Butterhorse rolls around all bloated and gross though, srsly

01:00 <thanks_for_the_ponies> ha

01:00 * SkyHigh cakes Daniel_Butterhorse

01:01 <Jolt> it is painfully silent in this chat

01:01 * SkyHigh revives the chat

01:02 <SkyHigh> That better?

01:02 <thanks_for_the_ponies> cheeky.

01:02 <Jolt> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kec1f4hP8ek

01:02 <SkyHigh> xD

01:02 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

01:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about YTP Short: Wiilfred Markiplier has a dispute about two ponies

01:02 *** Joins: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-5lk67r.ip.windstream.net)

01:02 <Jolt> yeah thats my efforts

01:03 <thanks_for_the_ponies> um

01:03 <Jolt> pretty crappy huh?

01:04 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/804424

01:04 <thanks_for_the_ponies> I'm not sure. I'm not certain what was going on at any point in that.

01:04 *** Quits: Daniel_Butterhorse (Daniel_Hors@Pony-fps.tem.199.73.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:05 <Jolt> Markiplier trises to go up some stairs but his boyfriend sombra wont let him

01:05 <Jolt> tries

01:06 <Jolt> and then he remembers he hates twilight

01:06 *** Joins: Frames (Frames@Pony-77cj2k.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

01:06 <Storm_RainbowDash> !hug

01:06 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

01:06 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Storm_RainbowDash in a tight embrace

01:06 *** Quits: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-5lk67r.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:07 *** Joins: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-5lk67r.ip.windstream.net)

01:07 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-vp4p61.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

01:09 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:13 <Storm_RainbowDash> !stats

01:13 <Unixkitty> http://stats.nightstone.net/EquestriaDaily-short.html

01:14 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Rainbow Dash RC Plane's Maiden Flight is... Very Rainbow Dash  [ http://tinyurl.com/nr6kdwd ]

01:15 * SkyHigh slaps a lemon.

01:15 <Twilight_Shimmer> why would you slap a lemon

01:15 <Storm_RainbowDash> why slap a lemon

01:15 <SkyHigh> xD

01:15 * SkyHigh slaps a lime

01:15 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Oh, well, that's okay then

01:15 * SkyHigh makes 7up

01:16 <SkyHigh> Logic.

01:16 <Storm_RainbowDash> what did the lemon and lime do to you

01:16 *** Quits: SilverSkies (qibfijdkrbs@Pony-b59kh2.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

01:16 * SkyHigh sprays Storm_RainbowDash with 7up

01:16 <thanks_for_the_ponies> ew. Sticky.

01:16 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-i7m04b.dsl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

01:17 * SkyHigh slaps water

01:17 <SkyHigh> Slapping spree!

01:18 <Storm_RainbowDash> !flip

01:18 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

01:18 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her hoof, upside down

01:18 <TeaSpoon> m-m-m-m-m-m-m-monster kill

01:18 * SkyHigh slaps a tablespoon

01:19 <SkyHigh> Must. Defend. TeaSpoon

01:19 <SkyHigh> So what's Goin on?

01:19 *** Quits: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-5lk67r.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:20 <thanks_for_the_ponies> I'm not sure anymore.

01:20 <SkyHigh> Wow

01:20 <SkyHigh> * SilverSky doesn't even know anymore .3. That was just said

01:21 *** Joins: DiamondFire (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-b7ap7d.mpls.qwest.net)

01:21 *** Quits: SwanSong (SwanSong@Pony-9bh1i2.orngca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

01:21 *** DiamondFire is now known as Diamondfire

01:21 * SilverSky has never known anything ever

01:21 *** Diamondfire is now known as camopony

01:22 <camopony> hey everybody

01:22 <Arcendriel> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qoAOeqZNWI

01:22 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Sup.

01:22 * SkyHigh can't see camopony

01:22 <Storm_RainbowDash> hello camopony

01:22 <camopony> hello Storm_RainbowDash

01:23 <Storm_RainbowDash> how are you

01:23 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaZzz

01:23 <camopony> im good just out of drill

01:24 *** Joins: NovaDash (NovaEra@TheZoidberg.OfCanternet)

01:24 *** Quits: camopony (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-b7ap7d.mpls.qwest.net) (Connection closed)

01:24 <thanks_for_the_ponies> drill?

01:24 *** NovaDash is now known as NovaEra

01:25 <Storm_RainbowDash> military drills

01:25 <thanks_for_the_ponies> just checking.

01:26 <Jolt> I feel good

01:26 <thanks_for_the_ponies> why

01:26 <Storm_RainbowDash> why

01:27 <Jolt> because

01:27 <Jolt> i got 20$ more

01:27 *** Joins: camopony (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-b7ap7d.mpls.qwest.net)

01:27 <thanks_for_the_ponies> that sounds like a sensible reason.

01:27 <Jolt> and i'm slightly tired

01:28 * Storm_RainbowDash salutes camopony

01:28 *** Quits: Renard (Renard@Pony-cgn05d.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Connection closed)

01:28 *** Joins: CuriousPony (Caius@Pony-kr8l7l.mtnbusiness.co.za)

01:28 <camopony> thank you, i dont know why but i got booted out of the chat and didn't even notice

01:28 <CuriousPony> hey guys

01:28 <thanks_for_the_ponies> hicurious

01:29 <Storm_RainbowDash> hello CuriousPony

01:29 <FruitNibbler> "camopony has quit (Connection closed)"

01:29 <FruitNibbler> Doesn't look like a boot

01:29 <camopony> yah i didnt log off or do anything, it just said i needed to log in with the chat still open

01:30 <CuriousPony> hey Storm_RainbowDash

01:30 <camopony> after i logged in allready

01:30 <Storm_RainbowDash> how are you CuriousPony

01:30 <camopony> not sure why it kicked me out

01:30 <CuriousPony> I'm good thanks. can I call you Storm?

01:30 <CuriousPony> how are you?

01:31 <Storm_RainbowDash> im good and yes you can call me Storm

01:32 <CuriousPony> so I'm kinda new here. not new to irc (although it's been almost 10 years since I last used this medium)

01:32 *** Quits: camopony (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-b7ap7d.mpls.qwest.net) (Connection closed)

01:32 <CuriousPony> I saw a documentary on Bronies and I'm curious

01:32 <SkyHigh> Welll

01:32 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Oh?

01:32 <SkyHigh> First let me greet you.

01:32 <Storm_RainbowDash> welcome to the chat

01:32 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (ytmreejuhrx@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

01:33 * SkyHigh noms on CuriousPony's ear.

01:33 <CuriousPony> so I wanted to know: where do I begin?

01:33 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Tought question. (also, ignore SkyHigh; that's how he greets people he likes)

01:33 <SkyHigh> Depends what you wanna do

01:34 * SkyHigh slaps thanks_for_the_ponies

01:34 <CuriousPony> I'm 25, white male, live in South Africa (just for the curious folk)

01:34 <SkyHigh> What do you wanna do?

01:34 <FruitNibbler> Oooh another continent

01:34 <Storm_RainbowDash> first off i would say is read the rules and then just have fun

01:34 <SkyHigh> Here

01:35 <CuriousPony> the rules?

01:35 *** Joins: camopony (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-b7ap7d.mpls.qwest.net)

01:35 <CuriousPony> I mean regarding My Little Pony.

01:35 <camopony> it just did it again

01:35 <Unixkitty> Bronies are just fans of the show really, so you could probably start where most of them did: by watching the show itself?

01:35 <CuriousPony> Where do I start. at episode 1 or elsewhere? are there books too?

01:36 *** Joins: JandalAdjiel (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

01:36 <SkyHigh> Not as far as I know

01:36 <SkyHigh> There are fanfics

01:36 <camopony> why am i getting 'disconected'? this is the third time i have had to log in in the last 5 minuts

01:36 <CuriousPony> I feel like such a noob

01:36 <thanks_for_the_ponies> There are books, and there are comics. Fanfics, art. Music.

01:36 <Storm_RainbowDash> episode 1 is a good start

01:36 <Unixkitty> Website Equestriadaily.com is one of the interesting hubs/blogs to read now and then, otherwise there isn't a whole lot to the entire thing

01:36 <thanks_for_the_ponies> But yes, the best way to start anything is from the start. I recommend Episode 1.

01:36 <Unixkitty> There are fics, art, comics, whatever you may need

01:37 <CuriousPony> awesome. thanks guys :)

01:37 <Unixkitty> But obviously, without watching the show itself there's no point in much of that is there.

01:37 <SkyHigh> No.

01:37 <Arcendriel> I hope you have fun~

01:38 *** Quits: ThePhobiaPony (IceChat77@Pony-bu2.s9e.175.73.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:39 <CuriousPony> well, from what I gleaned from the documentary, the show teaches some really positive principles and nurtures a selfless spirit and society. so I was hoping that I'd be able to make some decent friends too

01:39 <Storm_RainbowDash> you are correct

01:39 <CuriousPony> Well, I'll get watching then.

01:39 <TeaSpoon> CuriousPony: I hope you have fun! Do come back and let us know how you get on :)

01:40 *** TeaSpoon is now known as hawthornbunny

01:40 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Cheers.

01:40 * SkyHigh drinks 7up let's get real.

01:40 <Arcendriel> Indeed, the show teaches great lessons. I can say for myself it made me a better person just by watching it.

01:40 <Arcendriel> Then again, maybe it's just me?

01:40 <SkyHigh> xD

01:40 <hawthornbunny> Well, I do appreciate vegetables more since watching the show. XD

01:41 <SkyHigh> Ok...

01:41 <CuriousPony> cheers guys. thanks

01:41 *** Parts: CuriousPony (Caius@Pony-kr8l7l.mtnbusiness.co.za) ()

01:41 <camopony> your not the only one Arcendriel

01:42 <Arcendriel> Little he knew... That the show would change his life for all eternity.

01:42 <camopony> between the show and this comunity i am a calmer and more care free man

01:42 <Storm_RainbowDash> same here camopony

01:43 <thanks_for_the_ponies> I'm pretty sure CuriousPony hopped onto the AfterDark channel first, before coming to this one.

01:43 <camopony> maybe, not the best idea

01:43 <Storm_RainbowDash> true

01:43 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Yeah, silly bugger. Me and a few others turned him away before he got a faceful of Hot'n'Heavy.

01:44 *** Quits: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

01:44 * SkyHigh slaps the empty bottle to the bin.

01:44 <camopony> i went there ONCE, went i dont think i belong here and left

01:44 <Unixkitty> I'd really suggest you guys not discuss that channel too much. You probably understand why.

01:45 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Understood.

01:45 <Arcendriel> I'll remember that, miss

01:45 <camopony> yup, as far as i was going to go. not my thing and def not for this chanel

01:46 <Unixkitty> I mean obviously mentioning it is fine, but if you really want to know, best simply head there if your age allows it.

01:47 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-vbp.us0.147.95.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:47 <camopony> nope i learned enough about that chanel in 5 minuts and i dont belong there, im to much of a fluttershy.

01:47 <Arcendriel> Hahaha... Now, that's cute.

01:48 <Arcendriel> And the afterdark channel... Well, never went there. I just read the descriptions of the chat below and... Yeah.

01:48 <camopony> whats cute Arcendriel ?

01:49 <Arcendriel> Cause u said ur too much of a Fluttershy. Probably mean personality-wise, right?

01:49 *** Quits: DesertRose (DesertRose@hiding.in.your.chimney) (Quit: )

01:49 <camopony> yes, to timide and easily embarased

01:51 <camopony> on top of that i'm not an anthro fan

01:51 <camopony> it kind of creeps me out

01:54 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming)

01:54 <Storm_RainbowDash> !hug

01:54 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

01:54 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Storm_RainbowDash in a tight embrace

01:55 <aqualycool22> It's dangerous to go in there alone!

01:55 * aqualycool22 Drops a bottle of a mysterious liquid.

01:56 <aqualycool22> Take this!

01:57 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

01:58 *** JandalAdjiel is now known as Jandal|GAME

01:58 * Storm_RainbowDash stays away from the mysterious bottle

01:58 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_63945

01:59 <Storm_RainbowDash> !flip

01:59 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

01:59 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her hoof, upside down

02:00 <aqualycool22> !muffinkiss.

02:00 <aqualycool22> !muffinkiss

02:00 * DerpyBot regurgitates a whole, fresh looking muffin and approaches aqualycool22, showing her most adorable kissing face

02:00 * aqualycool22 Kissies Derpy's cheek.

02:00 <Pony_63945> Yay

02:00 <Pony_63945> I got my connection back!

02:00 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:00 *** Pony_63945 is now known as Daniel_Butterhorse

02:01 * SkyHigh butters Daniel_Butterhorse

02:01 <Nicktendonick> Found a pokemon fight in Source Filmmaker. Blastoise and Charizard having a fight.

02:01 <Nicktendonick> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-sOkQMKn2c

02:01 * Daniel_Butterhorse is already thoroughly buttered

02:01 <Arcendriel> Welcome back, mister.

02:01 <Daniel_Butterhorse> Thanks Arcendriel

02:01 <SkyHigh> !muffinnom

02:02 * SkyHigh slaps off the butter

02:02 <aqualycool22> !clop

02:02 * DerpyBot clops her forehooves together excitedly

02:02 <DerpyBot> ..what?

02:02 <aqualycool22> .D.

02:02 <fyrepony> clop clop

02:02 <fyrepony> filly's gonna drop

02:03 <aqualycool22> TIGER WOODS.

02:03 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol

02:03 <SkyHigh> What,

02:03 <aqualycool22> WATER.

02:03 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-77cj2k.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Quit: Leaving)

02:03 * SkyHigh slaps aqualycool22

02:03 <fyrepony> http://wildberry-poptart.deviantart.com/art/Apple-ying-socks-501054316

02:03 <SkyHigh> !stats

02:03 <Unixkitty> http://stats.nightstone.net/EquestriaDaily-short.html

02:04 *** Quits: Raid (Raid@Pony-j1r394.broadband.iskratelecom.ru) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:04 <fyrepony> ah' dont get appeal of these socks for y'all

02:07 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

02:09 *** Quits: Storm_RainbowDash (Storm_Rainb@Pony-7l0s0m.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:10 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #228 [ http://tinyurl.com/k54dcwg ]

02:12 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unikitty|horsies

02:13 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Aw. I liked 'Unixkitty' better.

02:14 <SkyHigh> Meh

02:14 *** Joins: Storm_RainbowDash (Storm_Rainb@Pony-7l0s0m.ph.cox.net)

02:14 *** Joins: SilverSkies (qibfijdkrbs@Pony-b59kh2.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)

02:15 <SkyHigh> !seen Boomer

02:15 <DerpyBot> SkyHigh: The last time I saw Boomer was 2015-01-11 19:17:43 UTC

02:15 <Storm_RainbowDash> back computer froze

02:15 <SilverSkies> lo cousins

02:15 <thanks_for_the_ponies> welcome back good to have you we all missed you terribly.

02:16 *** Quits: Princess_Dreamer (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:16 * SkyHigh slaps a lemon

02:17 <SkyHigh> What's  hangin?

02:17 <SilverSkies> I have several dreamcatchers?

02:17 <SilverSkies> They hang most of the time I think, they do fall now and then

02:17 <thanks_for_the_ponies> They get weighed down from all those dreams.

02:18 *** Reia_Away is now known as Reia_Rage

02:18 *** Quits: Reia (AndChat502@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

02:18 <SilverSkies> I don't think they work, I still have some of the strangest dreams

02:18 * SkyHigh slaps SilverSkies, "You know what I mean."

02:19 <SilverSkies> Not much I suppose. Staying positive. How's everyone else?

02:19 <Storm_RainbowDash> !hug

02:19 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

02:19 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Storm_RainbowDash in a tight embrace

02:20 <SilverSkies> I guess that about covers it.

02:20 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Eyup.

02:21 <SilverSkies> I would go running, but I already showered today. I hate showering twice in a day.

02:21 <SilverSkies> Such a waste of water.

02:21 <SkyHigh> !seen SkyHigh

02:21 <DerpyBot> SkyHigh: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. SkyHigh is in the channel.

02:22 <SkyHigh> No!

02:22 <thanks_for_the_ponies> change your name real quick before you find yourself.

02:23 *** Quits: Jolt (wryajllvhtm@Pony-irn.6kj.87.75.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:26 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (ytmreejuhrx@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:29 <Kalastraer2> hi

02:29 <Arcendriel> Welcome here~

02:30 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Kalastraer 2: Live and Loaded

02:35 <Kalastraer2> who wants to see some pictures

02:35 <thanks_for_the_ponies> ...of what?

02:35 <KooK> https://www.dropbox.com/s/47e4qddjzllwyur/Chillyasabean.jpg?dl=0

02:35 <KooK> My cat!


02:36 <Storm_RainbowDash> !flip

02:36 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

02:36 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her hoof, correct side up

02:39 *** Reia_Rage is now known as Reia_Hope

02:39 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Aw. Cat.

02:40 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44MyrH4jwOQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player

02:40 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:40 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about "Mario be playin' T-Dub"-T-Dub (Rap-along Version)

02:40 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> This is...dope.

02:41 <thanks_for_the_ponies> That hurt my brain.

02:41 <Lenfant_Sauvage> This is straight ballin g

02:41 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yeah!

02:41 <KooK> Dude

02:42 * The_Nostalgia_Mare hoofbumps Lenfant_Sauvage.

02:42 <KooK> The melting point of helium is -272C

02:42 <Lenfant_Sauvage> /) *

02:42 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Lenfant_Sauvage is mah n.

02:42 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Now that is out if the way.

02:43 * The_Nostalgia_Mare sits on her chair.

02:43 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Oooh. You just got serious.

02:43 <SilverSkies> The sitting of the chairs has begun.

02:44 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol

02:44 <thanks_for_the_ponies> I've already been there.

02:44 <thanks_for_the_ponies> So I'm, like, super serious.

02:45 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3bp59Eci_0

02:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Gaston Push-Up Contest

02:45 <SilverSkies> In the kingdom of Chairlandia, one mare would dare to sit on the fabled chaird of mahogany.

02:45 <SilverSkies> Invinting turmoil and war with the kingdom of Benchton

02:45 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-bcaqcc.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

02:46 <SilverSkies> Many seats would be thrown, and many a table flipped before the war ended

02:46 <SilverSkies> But at the end of the war, both sitting mare and the mahogany chair had dissapeared. FOREVER.

02:48 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

02:49 <KooK> You guys know what this is?

02:49 <Lenfant_Sauvage> This and other adventures on Lupe Fiasco's NEXT ALBUM, L.U.P.END

02:50 *** Joins: Evil_Spike (Mibbit@Pony-scdh4v.ecu.edu.au)

02:50 <KooK> This is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drown the whole world.

02:50 <Evil_Spike> Hey everypony

02:50 <KooK> and while she looks so sad in photographs, I absolutely love her, when she smiles

02:50 <SilverSkies> lo cousin

02:50 <Lenfant_Sauvage> hey Evil_Dragon_Dude

02:51 *** Joins: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony)

02:51 <Evil_Spike> Well I have nothing to do for about an hour. May as well listen to Berlioz's Requiem on Youtube.

02:52 <Evil_Spike> As well as chat with you guys and gals.

02:53 <Storm_RainbowDash> !link chair

02:53 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/702327

02:54 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol

02:55 <Evil_Spike> I suppose I could also watch the newest episode of Gravity Falls, but I haven't even finished Season 1 yet.

02:56 <Storm_RainbowDash> thats a awesome show

02:57 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-vl7l7u.bchsia.telus.net)

02:57 <thanks_for_the_ponies> my bro recently rec'd it to me. Been meaning to check that out.

02:58 <Evil_Spike> I don't think it's a show you can immediately get into. It's something that kind of grows on you gradually. Similar to MLP or Adventure Time.

02:59 <Storm_RainbowDash> it keeps you guessing

02:59 <thanks_for_the_ponies> couldn't do Adventure Time. Too many familiar voices; weirded me out.

02:59 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Marceline was cool though.

03:01 <Arcendriel> Ohoh, Adventure Time. That one is great.

03:01 <Evil_Spike> Adventure Time is a "love it or hate it" show.

03:01 <Evil_Spike> You either get the really weird stuff or you despise it. There is no middle ground.

03:02 *** Quits: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-aiilub.bb.online.no) (Quit: Pull the pin and count to what?)

03:02 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-hgqbg7.east.verizon.net)

03:02 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

03:02 <thanks_for_the_ponies> HI

03:02 <Evil_Spike> Hey Thelema

03:02 <Thelema5> What's going on?

03:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Story: Towards Some Greater Dawn [ http://tinyurl.com/nzq77h4 ]

03:02 <thanks_for_the_ponies> talkin' 'bout cartoons right now, it seems.

03:03 <Arcendriel> Hi there, welcome

03:03 <Arcendriel> MLP is like that too. You either love it... Or hate it.

03:03 <Thelema5> Which cartoons?

03:04 <Evil_Spike> Gravity Falls and Adventure Time.

03:04 <Arcendriel> ^

03:04 *** Quits: SilverSkies (qibfijdkrbs@Pony-b59kh2.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

03:04 *** Quits: RainDancer (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity) (Quit: )

03:04 <Evil_Spike> Though I always feel weird in the fact that I'm one of the few who really likes Wander over yonder.

03:05 <thanks_for_the_ponies> ?

03:05 <Evil_Spike> That's just it. You've either never heard of Wander or you kind of like it.

03:06 <thanks_for_the_ponies> enlighten the rest of us, then.

03:06 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

03:06 <Evil_Spike> It's the latest cartoon created by Craig McCracken, who was the creator of Powerpuff Girls.

03:07 <Evil_Spike> One of the executive producers is our lord and saviour, Lauren Faust.

03:07 <Evil_Spike> TV tropes description: "The show is about the exploits of Wander (Jack McBrayer), a furry, orange, extremely optimistic hippie-thing and his faithful steed Sylvia (April Winchell) as they travel across the galaxy spreading freedom and happiness, all while under the watch of the evil Lord Hater (Keith Ferguson), his henchman Commander Peepers (Tom Kenny), and

03:08 <Evil_Spike> his army of Watchdogs. "

03:08 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

03:09 *** Quits: Daniel_Butterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:09 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Oh! I've seen snippets of that here and there.

03:10 *** Joins: Blue_Necture (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-qqgjvo.67-212-47-net.sccoast.net)

03:10 *** Quits: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony) (Connection closed)

03:10 <Blue_Necture> Hey everyone!

03:11 <Evil_Spike> Hey Blue_Necture

03:11 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Blue.

03:11 <Storm_RainbowDash> hi Blue_Necture

03:11 <Thelema5> Hello.

03:11 <Blue_Necture> So what's going on?

03:12 <Blue_Necture> This is a new name I got from a PNG

03:12 <Evil_Spike> Not much, just talking Cartoons.

03:13 <Blue_Necture> What kinda cartoons?

03:13 <Storm_RainbowDash> wander over yander  

03:13 <Blue_Necture> Love that show

03:13 <Storm_RainbowDash> gravity falls

03:13 <Evil_Spike> Adventure Time

03:13 <Blue_Necture> that one too

03:13 <Blue_Necture> and that one

03:13 <Evil_Spike> Yay, someone else who appreciates WoY.

03:14 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:14 <Blue_Necture> Its got teh whimsy!

03:15 <Evil_Spike> Indeed.

03:15 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

03:15 <Blue_Necture> Plus its made by Craig McCracken

03:15 <Thelema5> !stats

03:15 <Unikitty|horsies> http://stats.nightstone.net/EquestriaDaily-short.html

03:15 *** Joins: AJ (ddqfqvnbmmo@Pony-5bbqv9.client.bresnan.net)

03:15 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

03:16 <Evil_Spike> And Lauren Faust.

03:16 <Evil_Spike> Hey AJ and DanielWaterhorse

03:16 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_41963

03:16 <AJ> hallo!

03:16 * Thelema5 boops Pony_41963

03:16 <Arcendriel> Hello there AJ

03:16 <jamis> ...

03:17 <AJ> does anypony remember me?

03:17 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

03:17 <Arcendriel> I'm new here, so...

03:17 <Evil_Spike> Ok, so my listening of Berlioz's Requiem kept getting interrupted. Time to instead listen to the New Years Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

03:17 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

03:17 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

03:17 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

03:17 <Evil_Spike> I think I vaguely remember you.

03:17 <Arcendriel> (I'm new to this fanbase, as well)

03:17 <Storm_RainbowDash> hi again AJ

03:17 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_87840

03:17 <Schism> Mmm... sushi with ghost peppers.

03:18 <Twilight_Shimmer> I feel suddenly compelled to say..

03:18 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:18 <AJ> STORM! my good o'l friend!

03:18 <Twilight_Shimmer> Yabba...Dabba...Doo

03:18 <Storm_RainbowDash> yum schism

03:18 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:18 <Evil_Spike> !link welcome

03:18 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol Twilight_Shimmer

03:18 <Twilight_Shimmer> hehe

03:19 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/2604?scope=scped9f2a3e64a1ec52b748e354973ab4355af4c9da2

03:19 <Blue_Necture> Wait we have a new pony here?!

03:19 <Twilight_Shimmer> where?

03:19 <Blue_Necture> Arcendriel?

03:19 <Arcendriel> W-Well...

03:19 <Evil_Spike> I was not expecting that to turn out as well it did.

03:19 *** Blue_Necture is now known as Vulpor

03:19 <Evil_Spike> That derpibooru post was for you Arcendriel

03:19 *** Quits: Pony_41963 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:19 <Arcendriel> Y-Yes, i'm new here... It's the 1st time i talk on this chat

03:19 <AJ> yaya a newpny!

03:20 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hai, Vulpor.

03:20 <Storm_RainbowDash> how are you AJ

03:20 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Yeah, don't worry. My first time on Chat as well.

03:20 <Arcendriel> Hahahaha! Thank you! *Happily grabs the apple cider*

03:20 <AJ> im great!

03:20 <Arcendriel> I hope we get along. I really do~

03:20 <Vulpor> Arcendriel I just want to welcome you to the room

03:20 <Vulpor> This room is a safe place

03:20 *** Quits: NovaEra (NovaEra@TheZoidberg.OfCanternet) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:20 <AJ> its ok. i think you'll fit in preety easily

03:21 <Vulpor> and yes I was Blue_Necture

03:21 * Storm_RainbowDash hugs Twilight_Shimmer

03:21 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Don't listen to them. It's awfully hard to fit in.

03:21 <Arcendriel> Thanks for being so nice! I'm sure i'll remember this~

03:21 <AJ> just don't be a butt. you can be a tiny but mabey but not a BIG one

03:21 * Twilight_Shimmer hugs Storm_RainbowDash back

03:21 <thanks_for_the_ponies> It's not like we have anything in common

03:21 <Evil_Spike> TBH, the brony fandom is probably one of the better fandoms on the internet.

03:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yeah

03:22 <Storm_RainbowDash> agree

03:22 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/804467

03:22 <Evil_Spike> At least, in comparison to a lot of other fandoms. Don't get me started on Wrestling, sonic or Transformers fans.

03:22 <AJ> sure heck it is!

03:22 <Vulpor> I have one question for our new friend though

03:22 <Thelema5> Welcome, newpones!

03:22 <Thelema5> !link http://derpy.me/EqDRules

03:22 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

03:22 <Vulpor> A very big question

03:22 <Vulpor> Who is...................your favorite pony?

03:23 <Arcendriel> Oh, thank you for the rules. I'll most certainly read it.

03:23 <AJ> ooooooooooooh snap!

03:23 <Thelema5> What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

03:23 <Arcendriel> Mine? I don't have none. All the ponies are best ponies! (Like the poll says)

03:23 <Evil_Spike> Answer wisely to both.

03:23 <AJ> over 9,000!!!!!!!!

03:24 <Vulpor> You pass Arcendriel

03:24 <thanks_for_the_ponies> This time.

03:24 <Dreamer> That's a lot of apples, AJ

03:24 <Vulpor> Love everypony equally

03:24 <Evil_Spike> But he has not answered what the average airspeed of an unladen swallow is.

03:24 <Arcendriel> Hahahahaha... *Sweats loudly*

03:24 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms Vulpor.

03:24 <Vulpor> Nossy!

03:24 <Arcendriel> Come on guys, stop teasing me~

03:25 * Thelema5 mops Arcendriel's brow

03:25 <Evil_Spike> Hey Nostalgia.

03:25 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hey.

03:25 <Evil_Spike> Oh you're no fun.

03:25 <Vulpor> I am sorry I did not add you to Destiny

03:25 * Storm_RainbowDash gives Arcendriel a mug of cider

03:25 <Thelema5> Arcendriel, do you have an OC or ponysona?

03:25 <Vulpor> I am only level 13

03:25 <AJ> you got to be kind. its what fluttershy would want you to do!

03:25 <Arcendriel> I don't...

03:25 *** Quits: Pony_87840 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:26 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

03:26 <Vulpor> I am still learning all the crap in that game'

03:26 <Vulpor> Its fun

03:26 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok, Vulpor, I'm a level 19.

03:26 <Vulpor> Ok one more question for the new pony

03:27 <Vulpor> Have you seen all the episodes?

03:27 <thanks_for_the_ponies> new-ish. He's been on the thread for a few hours now.

03:27 *** Joins: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au)

03:27 <AJ> i have!

03:27 <Thelema5> Thread?  I sense a redditor

03:27 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol

03:27 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

03:27 <Evil_Spike> How many of us don't use Reddit?

03:27 * Thelema5 sniffs the air

03:27 <thanks_for_the_ponies> channel. Whatever.

03:27 <Arcendriel> Yes, i did

03:27 <Arcendriel> Twice

03:27 <Thelema5> Which is your favorite?

03:27 <Evil_Spike> Oh good. You have seen both EQG movies?

03:28 <AJ> i don't use reddit

03:28 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_8060

03:28 <Vulpor> Good so we can talk about all of them lol

03:28 <Arcendriel> Yup, all of them

03:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> You found any legendary or Exotics, Vulpor?

03:28 <Arcendriel> Even the shorties

03:28 <Dreamer> I did. The second one was a little better.

03:28 <Arcendriel> And about favorite episode...

03:28 <Arcendriel> Hmmmm...

03:28 <Vulpor> I got a RARE hand cannon

03:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Nice me too.

03:28 <Thelema5> It's okay, we're not judging you, just curious.

03:28 <camopony> what?

03:29 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I also got sone rare armor.

03:29 <Arcendriel> I found the Twilight's Kingdom part 2 pretty epic. Spec that Tirek fight.

03:29 <Arcendriel> I mean, Twilight Sparkle went like and bam! Master Spark!

03:29 <Evil_Spike> Good man. Or woman.

03:29 <Thelema5> Quite a battle!

03:29 <Vulpor> but I am liking the bounty thing

03:29 *** Joins: CuriousPony (Caius@Pony-kr8l7l.mtnbusiness.co.za)

03:29 *** Pony_8060 is now known as Daniel_Whateverhorse

03:29 <ProjectCarthage> I agree, that last ep was downright amazing.

03:29 <Vulpor> I am part of Vangaurd

03:29 <Arcendriel> I'm male, just saying

03:29 <Evil_Spike> Ok then.

03:29 <camopony> what game are you talking about

03:30 <Vulpor> Destiny

03:30 <camopony> ok...

03:30 <Arcendriel> But now you guys got me curious...

03:30 <Arcendriel> OC (Original characters, i think)... What are yours?

03:30 * CuriousPony looks around for Storm

03:30 <AJ> banana

03:30 <thanks_for_the_ponies> don't have one.

03:30 <Vulpor> I am exparimenting with one

03:31 <AJ> OC's are pony's you make up, right?

03:31 <Arcendriel> I think it is...

03:31 <Evil_Spike> I have 3. Would you like a picture of them together?

03:31 <Vulpor> Yes

03:31 <Arcendriel> Oh, please do!

03:31 <camopony> http://imgur.com/urhgbUI

03:31 <Storm_RainbowDash> CuriousPony im here

03:31 <AJ> that you make from your head?

03:31 <thanks_for_the_ponies> They are. They can be based off of yourself, or simply a character you make up.

03:32 <Evil_Spike> Ok, give me a sec...

03:32 <Arcendriel> I see... That's very interesting...

03:32 <AJ> its an alicorn!

03:32 <camopony> there is a limk to one of my OC"s

03:32 <Evil_Spike> Here we go: http://i.imgur.com/nACWprv.png

03:32 <Arcendriel> Random question: It's ok if i speak in blue? Reading the rules here and there seems to be nothing about using colors

03:33 <Evil_Spike> Please don't.

03:33 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

03:33 <CuriousPony> Storm: can I start with the Friendship is Magic series?

03:33 <Evil_Spike> It's a matter of IRC ettiquette not to change to a different colour.

03:33 <AJ> if you use colors we can't see them

03:33 <camopony> well im out guys

03:33 <Storm_RainbowDash> here is mine if anyone wants to see http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/156/9/5/storm_rainbow_dash_with_cutie_mark_by_stormrainbowdash-d7l3i72.png

03:33 <AJ> we. are. bronies

03:33 <Arcendriel> I see. Sorry, reverting.

03:33 <Evil_Spike> Later Camo.

03:34 <Evil_Spike> Um, interesting design Storm_RainbowDash

03:34 <AJ> thats cool storm!

03:34 <Arcendriel> done

03:34 <Storm_RainbowDash> CuriousPony: yes

03:34 *** CocoFamilyTime is now known as CocoPommel

03:35 <Thelema5> Arcendriel, you can see the OC's of many of the regular channel users here:

03:35 <Thelema5> !stats

03:35 <Unikitty|horsies> http://stats.nightstone.net/EquestriaDaily-short.html

03:35 <Thelema5> Storm_RainbowDash, that's a sharp mane you've got there.

03:35 <Arcendriel> Thanksie, i appreciate it

03:36 <Storm_RainbowDash> thanks Thelema5

03:37 <Evil_Spike> Well guys, I have to head out. Going to see The Hobbit this afternoon.

03:37 <AJ> to our new ponies: be kind like fluttershy. be honest like applejack. be loyal like rainbowdash. be generous like rarity. and have fun like pinkie pie! as for magic? i don't know.

03:37 <Thelema5> Ooh, enjoy it.

03:37 <CuriousPony> Storm: I really like your oc. well done.

03:37 <Storm_RainbowDash> thanks CuriousPony

03:37 *** Quits: camopony (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-b7ap7d.mpls.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:37 <Evil_Spike> I'm probably going to complain all the way through, similar to how I reacted to the previous two Hobbit films.

03:37 <Arcendriel> Alright, goodbye, Spike. Thanks for the greeting

03:38 <Arcendriel> T'was... Kinda unexpected for me... hahaha

03:38 * Evil_Spike waves back to the chat.

03:38 <Storm_RainbowDash> later Evil_Spike

03:38 <CuriousPony> So I don't have to start with the earlier series, pre 90s?

03:38 *** Quits: Evil_Spike (Mibbit@Pony-scdh4v.ecu.edu.au) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

03:38 <AJ> aaaaand i typed that for nothing. :S

03:38 <Storm_RainbowDash> no

03:39 <Dreamer> yes

03:39 <CuriousPony> okay, thank you. apologies for the PM earlier. I wasn't sure if you were online.

03:39 <AJ> hmm

03:39 <Arcendriel> I read AJ

03:39 <Arcendriel> Actually, that's what i like about mane 6. They all have traits that i appreciate

03:39 <Storm_RainbowDash> im always on CuriousPony

03:40 <AJ> i know right?!

03:40 <Arcendriel> That's why i can't chose a favorite pony.

03:40 <CuriousPony> no sleep?!

03:40 <AJ> but what can you do with magic?

03:40 <Arcendriel> With magic...

03:40 <Storm_RainbowDash> power naps

03:40 <Arcendriel> If it's Twilight's friendship magic...

03:41 <Arcendriel> You can even do the impossible

03:41 * CuriousPony takes a few steps back and watches the chat from a distance

03:41 <AJ> well ok then!

03:42 <Arcendriel> It's not a magic to wield alone.

03:42 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Sleep!)

03:42 * Storm_RainbowDash flies up to his cloud brb

03:42 <Arcendriel> It's a magic to wield using everyone's hearts

03:42 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-qqgjvo.67-212-47-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:42 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

03:42 <AJ> when i first came into the fandom, i thought everyone was nice becasue they watch a show for kids.

03:43 *** Quits: Jandal|GAME (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)

03:43 <AJ> and thats kinda tru

03:43 <AJ> except some are.......

03:43 <AJ> a little negative? i guess?

03:44 <Schism> ... http://www.popsci.com/bacon

03:44 <Arcendriel> You thought so too? I'm glad to hear that

03:44 <Arcendriel> Thought i was the only one

03:44 <AJ> i don't know. everyone on here seem very nice

03:44 <Corsair> There are a small but loud group of fans that make the rest of us look bad.  But, then, that's true of any fandom.

03:45 <AJ> ya

03:45 <Arcendriel> Gotta agree.

03:45 <Storm_RainbowDash> agrees

03:45 <thanks_for_the_ponies> Well, to be fair, every person, even in this fandom, is not going to be simply good and kind and decent. They have their negative traits, like all humans do.

03:45 <Arcendriel> Glad it's not you guys. I mean, my first time here and look! We're all talking openly like this.

03:46 <AJ> i don't care about the steriotypes they say about us

03:46 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

03:46 <Arcendriel> I'm find it pretty amazing if you ask me.

03:46 <Storm_RainbowDash> !twilighttime

03:46 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight_Shimmer

03:46 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

03:46 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

03:47 <Arcendriel> I'm most likely come here more often...

03:47 <AJ> yeah man!

03:48 <ProjectCarthage> You new here, Arcen?

03:48 <AJ> its nice to socialize (kinda) on here

03:48 <Arcendriel> Well... Yes

03:48 <Arcendriel> I am~

03:49 <AJ> wait!!!!

03:49 *** Joins: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony)

03:49 <Arcendriel> Oh, Project just remembered me something. Please, just call me Arcen. That's the shortie for my nick.

03:49 <AJ> most important question Arcendriel. what made you come to this fandom?

03:49 <Arcendriel> Well... I... uh...

03:50 <Corsair> Ponies.

03:50 <Arcendriel> ^ For short, but...

03:50 <Arcendriel> Some random day, i felt like watching the cartoon just to confirm what i heard people saying about it.

03:51 <Arcendriel> I was like: ... i'm going to watch this and find if it's good or not for myself.

03:51 <Arcendriel> And then look at me. I saw all episodes in one month. Twice.

03:51 *** Joins: ClayintheCarpet (swrexpheukr@Pony-fgff8j.tn.charter.com)

03:51 <AJ> thats a giant marothon

03:51 <Arcendriel> I think it's part the lore, part character evolution and all...

03:51 <ProjectCarthage> Yeah, I binged watched it myself when I first started too

03:51 <ClayintheCarpet> Yo.

03:52 <Arcendriel> I dunno, i like the universe... I like the name of the cities/towns/castle

03:52 <Storm_RainbowDash> hi ClayintheCarpet

03:52 <AJ> manehatine

03:52 <Arcendriel> I like a little of everything

03:52 <ProjectCarthage> You're not the only new one here, I've only been in the fanbase for a couple months now

03:52 <ClayintheCarpet> Side-note: it is hard to make avacado stay on a turkey sandwich

03:53 <Arcendriel> Oh wow, i see... So i'm not the only one...

03:53 *** Quits: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:53 <Arcendriel> Actually, to be sincere...

03:53 <ProjectCarthage> TL;DR, I started watching the show a couple days after a friend tricked me into watching the first Equestria Girls back in Mid-October last year

03:53 <Arcendriel> It's not my first time here. I've been here lotsa times, but never got the courage to talk

03:54 <Arcendriel> I'm kinda timid at start

03:54 * ClayintheCarpet shakes Arcendriel's hand and smiles

03:54 <Arcendriel> Hahahaha...

03:54 <Arcendriel> I see

03:54 <AJ> so you just listend?

03:55 <AJ> and now you finally talked?

03:55 * Arcendriel shakes back ClayintheCarpet's hand and smiles, as well.

03:55 <ClayintheCarpet> Nice.

03:55 *** Quits: SilverSky (SilverSky@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca) (Quit: Listen to all the TFK & Relient K! KKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! (\6.9/))

03:55 *** Joins: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash)

03:56 <Storm_RainbowDash> Arcendriel: i was like that the first time i got on here  a year ago

03:56 <Arcendriel> Equestria Girls 1st one was pretty nice. At least the Grrrrreat and Powerrrrrrrful Trixie's scene

03:56 *** Joins: DJMidli (DJMidli@Pony-31p.hag.231.64.IP)

03:56 <AJ> (\*u*

03:56 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-qqgjvo.67-212-47-net.sccoast.net)

03:56 <ProjectCarthage> Yeah, I feel like I'm somewhat biased to like the first one, since it's what got me into this thing in the first place.

03:56 <Arcendriel> I understand Storm. It makes me feel nice that i'm not the only one...

03:56 <AJ> i got on here........like on friday

03:57 <Arcendriel> Well, that's just last week... Haha

03:57 <ProjectCarthage> But I will admit, the 2nd one was something else, I've rewatched Rainbow Rocks more times than I have the first movie

03:57 <AJ> but i was in the fandom..........like a year ago

03:58 <Arcendriel> I saw Rainbow Rocks twice, but only once the 1st one

03:58 <Arcendriel> Sonata is cool, i tell ya. Maybe i just like that type of characters...

03:58 <AJ> am i the youngest one here?

03:59 * Storm_RainbowDash was a 90s MLP fan

03:59 <ProjectCarthage> How old are you AJ?

03:59 <AJ> 14

03:59 <AJ> BOOOOM!!!!

03:59 <Storm_RainbowDash> !link tacos

03:59 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/431382?scope=scpe1d7e62cd4e96dc9ac162accc6834ee247b0958b3

04:00 <Arcendriel> My my... I'm quite old.

04:00 <Arcendriel> I'm 22. (Yeah, sue me)

04:00 <AJ> how old?

04:00 <Storm_RainbowDash> 27 Arcendriel

04:00 <Vulpor> I got you all beat

04:00 <ClayintheCarpet> Arcendriel: http://uotapo.deviantart.com/art/Equestria-Girls-Trixie-398024371

04:00 <Vulpor> I am ancient

04:00 <Vulpor> 31

04:01 <Arcendriel> :3

04:01 <ClayintheCarpet> I'm 28 so don't feel bad.

04:01 <Vulpor> I saw the ORIGINAL MLP

04:01 <ProjectCarthage> AJ: I'm a year older than you -(I think Flutters said this)

04:01 <Arcendriel> The great and powerful trixie~

04:01 * Vulpor shudders

04:01 *** Quits: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony) (Connection closed)

04:01 <Storm_RainbowDash> same here vukpor

04:01 <rhg135> Age is irrelevant anyway

04:01 <Corsair> Yeah, you're all so ancient :p  I'll be 40 in less than a month.

04:01 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

04:01 <Arcendriel> "Ancient"

04:01 *** Joins: SilverSkies (qibfijdkrbs@Pony-b59kh2.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)

04:01 <Arcendriel> Yeah, i'm a mummy, alright!

04:01 <AJ> are we seriously trying to out age everyone?

04:01 <SilverSkies> That's a lot of responsibility.

04:01 <Vulpor> Eh, I may be 31 but I am 21 in heart

04:01 <SilverSkies> I could never take care of a kid properly.

04:02 <Vulpor> and 45 in mind

04:02 <SilverSkies> So does that all average out?

04:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #436 [ http://tinyurl.com/ky3as26 ]

04:02 <AJ> im 5 in mind and 7 in heart!!!!!! haha!

04:02 <ClayintheCarpet> Age doesn't matter so much to me.

04:02 <Arcendriel> I think i am like 15 in heart.

04:02 *** Joins: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony)

04:02 <AJ> no it does not

04:02 <ClayintheCarpet> Only content and understanding does.

04:02 <Vulpor> God, speaking of old stuff I just found over an hour of Micheal Jackson music

04:03 <AJ> word up!

04:03 <Vulpor> Man, I loved his music

04:03 <Vulpor> Still do

04:03 <Arcendriel> Good stuff

04:03 <Arcendriel> MJ will never die

04:03 <AJ> ya. i liked beat it!~

04:03 <Storm_RainbowDash> agree

04:03 *** Parts: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony) ()

04:03 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/804466

04:03 <Vulpor> Thats the one person who could out do John Delancie in terms of a celeberty appearance

04:04 <Arcendriel> My favorites were Smooth Criminal and Wanna be Startin' Somethin

04:04 <Vulpor> I think if he was in a episode and got to know the community he would have been a big brony

04:05 *** Joins: Llybel_ (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

04:05 <ProjectCarthage> *In before someone links the Beat It AnimatedJames video*

04:05 <AJ> talk talk talk talk talk tallk talk talk

04:05 *** Quits: Gilda (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

04:05 <AJ> that was awesome

04:06 <Storm_RainbowDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pc4nt6rYi0

04:06 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about "Beat It" - Apple Bloom & BlackGryph0n Cover

04:06 <Arcendriel> Oh, i'm so gonna hear this. Like, now.

04:06 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:07 <AJ> aaaaaaaaaw yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhh

04:07 <ProjectCarthage> Still can't believe that's AB's actual Voice Actor singing in there

04:07 * Cepheid stretches and yawns. A loud crack emanates from their back. o.o

04:07 <AJ> im surprized no one has stolen my name AJ as a nick

04:07 *** Unikitty|horsies is now known as Unixkitty

04:08 <Corsair> Video to go with that song:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twmGEjAeud8

04:08 <Thelema5> I was surprised to find that no one had already registered it.

04:08 <Unixkitty> Because people normally tend to avoid incredibly short nicknames, even ones that relate to show's characters.

04:08 <Arcendriel> I'm, like, imagining the fillies doing all sorts of choreographies on stage

04:08 <AJ> i still don't know how to register my name!

04:08 *** Quits: Pokota (Pokota@Pony-acienf.res.rr.com) (Quit: )

04:08 <Unixkitty> And what Thelema5 said.

04:08 <Arcendriel> Maybe like a 2nd stage on the Cutie Mark Crusaders show


04:09 <Unixkitty> /ns help register

04:09 * Thelema5 points once again towards the rulse document

04:09 <AJ> before i have to be someone i don't wanna be

04:09 *** Quits: Llybel_ (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:09 <Unixkitty> Do that in the status window and it will tell you everything you need to know.

04:10 <Unixkitty> Oh and yes, in the channel topic we obviously have a basic guide to the network, which includes nick registering as well.

04:11 *** Joins: Llybel_ (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

04:11 <ProjectCarthage> Everyone cover for me if Sonata shows up, I've got tacos infront of me (xD)

04:11 <Storm_RainbowDash> TACOS

04:11 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

04:11 <Arcendriel> Damn

04:11 <Cepheid> Keep Derpy Hooves away from her as well.

04:12 <Unixkitty> http://shiro-gi.deviantart.com/art/Emptiness-506100705

04:12 <Arcendriel> You better hide them amazingly well

04:12 <ProjectCarthage> ...Wait, shoot, I could have done a better joke than that.

04:12 *** Quits: CuriousPony (Caius@Pony-kr8l7l.mtnbusiness.co.za) (Connection closed)

04:13 <ProjectCarthage> BUt seriously, yeah, mom just got back with Taco Bell stuff

04:13 <Arcendriel> By status screen you mean the Canternet "chat", yes?

04:14 <Cepheid> Speaking of food I should eat something.

04:14 <Unixkitty> It's just called "(status)" for me. Absolutely no idea what it's named in other clients.

04:14 <Storm_RainbowDash> yes

04:14 *** Joins: CuriousPony (Caius@Pony-kr8l7l.mtnbusiness.co.za)

04:15 <Cepheid> It's likely the "Canternet" one, yes.

04:15 <Cepheid> In XChat Azure, on my end, it's listed as "irc.canternet.org"

04:15 <Unixkitty> http://flamevulture17.deviantart.com/art/Winter-Walk-506194333

04:16 *** Quits: SilverSkies (qibfijdkrbs@Pony-b59kh2.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

04:16 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unikitty|Bed

04:16 <AJ> brb...........this is ppoooooop

04:16 <AJ> im not talking about you guys

04:16 <AJ> im talking about other stuuf

04:17 <Unikitty|Bed> I'm sure everyone figured.

04:17 <AJ> ya

04:17 <Arcendriel> Done

04:17 *** Quits: Llybel_ (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:17 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

04:18 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

04:18 <Arcendriel> So hmm... AJ...

04:18 <AJ> ya?

04:18 <Arcendriel> Your favorite pony is Applejack, by any chance? Or you don't have one at all?

04:19 <AJ> it ois apple jack

04:19 <AJ> why?

04:19 <Arcendriel> Just asking.

04:20 <Arcendriel> You asked me lots of questions so... There!

04:20 <AJ> i only asked one

04:21 <Arcendriel> Oh, sorry. Lots of people were talking to me... I couldn't reply them all (I guess)

04:21 <Arcendriel> Hahaha... Sorry, ignore.

04:21 <AJ> hmm.:). gtg bye!

04:21 <Arcendriel> Okay! Good night! Have pleasant dreams~

04:21 <Storm_RainbowDash> later AJ

04:21 <AJ> don't let anyone take my name!

04:22 *** Quits: AJ (ddqfqvnbmmo@Pony-5bbqv9.client.bresnan.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:22 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-r4apud.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP) (Quit: Signal 9 happened)

04:23 * ProjectCarthage is glad noone asked his favorite character

04:23 <Arcendriel> Just create a accoun-

04:23 <Arcendriel> Oh well...

04:24 <Storm_RainbowDash> whats yours ProjectyCarthage

04:24 <Thelema5> I should register "AJ" just for s&g, and to teach accountability

04:24 <Stradiverra> Do eet

04:24 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol Thelema5

04:24 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

04:24 <Arcendriel> Now, that is mean.

04:24 <ProjectCarthage> Mainly because I have several different ones I've have to go over, favorite Main, favorite Background, fave Princess, Fave Villain, etc

04:24 * Twilight_Shimmer boops CleverDerpy

04:25 * CleverDerpy boops Twilight_Shimmer and smiles

04:25 <Thelema5> Honestly, it would have taken him a minute to review the information presented and to register.

04:25 * Thelema5 rolls eyes

04:25 <ProjectCarthage> If we're talking the Mane 6, Dash is my personal favorite.

04:25 <Storm_RainbowDash> true

04:25 * Twilight_Shimmer turns foal size and hops atop CleverDerpy head

04:25 <Princess-QRS> Bookshorse Best not-luna horse.

04:26 <Thelema5> Purple-smart for the win

04:26 * CleverDerpy giggles and plays pikaboo with Twilight_Shimmer

04:26 <ProjectCarthage> Favorite Background:Vinyl, Favorite Princess:Luna, Favorite Villain:Discord

04:26 <Thelema5> Diamond Tiara is best pony.

04:26 <Twilight_Shimmer> hehee

04:26 * Thelema5 crouches in defense!

04:27 <ProjectCarthage> And, Idunno, I'll throw this one in, Favorite CMC: Sweetie Belle

04:28 <Thelema5> Maybe not best.  but she's not worst.

04:28 <wobniaR> I bet Stradiverra's favorite CMC is sweetie belle too, or maybe Scootaloo

04:28 <CleverDerpy> favorite pony: guess

04:28 <Thelema5> Spike!

04:28 *** Parts: CuriousPony (Caius@Pony-kr8l7l.mtnbusiness.co.za) ()

04:28 <Thelema5> Derp

04:28 <Storm_RainbowDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgULCe28jao

04:28 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about (A "Wait-for-the-Drop" Visual) Alex S. - Ultimate Sweetie Belle

04:29 <Twilight_Shimmer> IDEA

04:29 <Twilight_Shimmer> I give the CMC Deadpools healing factor

04:31 *** Joins: AJ (ddqfqvnbmmo@Pony-5bbqv9.client.bresnan.net)

04:31 <Twilight_Shimmer> what? Bad idea to bascially make 3 lil kids immortals?

04:31 <AJ> hi

04:32 <CleverDerpy> not really

04:32 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol Twilight_Shimmer

04:32 <Twilight_Shimmer> hi aj

04:32 <Arcendriel> AJ? Ur back?

04:32 <Storm_RainbowDash> wbk AJ

04:32 <AJ> i guess i don't need to go yet

04:32 <ProjectCarthage> I feel like Pinkie would have those abilities, all things considered.

04:32 <AJ> but i will in a bit

04:32 <Arcendriel> Alright then!

04:32 <Arcendriel> To keep you tuned: They were talking about their favorite ponies right before you left.

04:32 <Twilight_Shimmer> you mean where loosing limb is just a minor inconveance as it will grow bac or just be reattached?

04:33 *** Quits: ClayintheCarpet (swrexpheukr@Pony-fgff8j.tn.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:33 *** Stradiverra is now known as Ribbon

04:33 <CleverDerpy> you know, it just occurred to me, if they were immortal and invicable.... applebloom would have no further worries in everfree

04:33 <CleverDerpy> I know for a fact a certain kind of pony wouldn't bother after so long

04:33 <Twilight_Shimmer> true but their sisters would have to worry about what OTHER mischif the 3 would get into

04:34 <CleverDerpy> "ok, we were promised to make her one of us forever... but... just can't get the job done, we quit!"

04:35 *** Parts: Creeps|AFK (something@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile) ()

04:35 *** Joins: Creeps|AFK (something@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile)

04:35 <ProjectCarthage> Oop, welp, I gotta go, later everyone

04:35 <Storm_RainbowDash> later ProjectCarthage

04:35 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:35 <AJ> bye person i think i knoiw but prob don't know but know

04:35 <Twilight_Shimmer> bye pro

04:36 * Storm_RainbowDash hugs Twilight_Shimmer

04:36 <Arcendriel> Bye bye Pro-

04:36 <Arcendriel> Damn

04:36 <Arcendriel> I'm always late

04:37 <AJ> don't say bad words!

04:37 <Princess-QRS> wat

04:38 <Arcendriel> Oh, sowwy

04:38 <Arcendriel> D:

04:38 <Princess-QRS> about what?!

04:38 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-qqgjvo.67-212-47-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:38 <AJ> its ok k. peeps make mistakes

04:39 <Princess-QRS> I don't see any mistakes, wat.

04:39 <Twilight_Shimmer> my damn theigh feels like i have a pinched mussle

04:39 * Princess-QRS pinches Twilight_Shimmer

04:40 <Storm_RainbowDash> !flop

04:40 <Twilight_Shimmer> meep!!

04:40 *** Joins: mxdde (androirc@Pony-m7la4k.res.rr.com)

04:40 <AJ> well i got to go

04:40 <AJ> and i mean it this time

04:41 <Storm_RainbowDash> later AJ

04:41 <Arcendriel> Alright AJ!

04:41 <Arcendriel> Sleep tight

04:41 <AJ> peace out! (no one says that anymore)

04:41 *** Quits: AJ (ddqfqvnbmmo@Pony-5bbqv9.client.bresnan.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:43 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-ls9ihc.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:43 <Storm_RainbowDash> !link wub

04:43 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/53972

04:44 <Storm_RainbowDash> nice

04:48 <Arcendriel> !hug

04:48 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

04:48 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Arcendriel in a tight embrace

04:49 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Mentally Advanced Series: Episode -2  [ http://tinyurl.com/pddmkav ]

04:50 *** Quits: Zimtower (zt@Zim.H.Tower) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:52 *** Joins: Zimtower (zt@Pony-82vtpo.gci.net)

04:54 *** Joins: Music_Mane (kxqgpudilxi@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP)

04:56 <Cepheid> I just scared Tizzy.

04:56 <Music_Mane> alright then

04:58 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QNoDzojjkw I was watching this video, and Tizzy just wakes up and starts looking around.  "Where's that meowing coming from?"

04:58 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:58 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Cats arguing! the best cat video you'll ever see!!

04:58 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

04:59 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:02 *** Quits: Schism (NA@blutwr.cntrlt.equ) (Quit: )

05:04 *** Joins: Angelshy (yfizeoczcgs@Pony-uuknfg.atvci.net)

05:05 *** Quits: ivi (ivi@free.tibet) (Connection closed)

05:05 *** Parts: Angelshy (yfizeoczcgs@Pony-uuknfg.atvci.net) ()

05:06 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7gecvg.fl.comcast.net)

05:07 *** Creeps|AFK is now known as RedHelper

05:10 *** Quits: Music_Mane (kxqgpudilxi@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:10 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

05:13 *** Joins: Waffles (Reed@Pony-9fmr0s.cpe.cableone.net)

05:15 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-s8i.m5s.46.75.IP)

05:15 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co4IsJG12AU&index=179&list=LLadccemc0JfduQZo4pw7vTA

05:15 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

05:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Sonic Shorts - Volume 8

05:17 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Roundup #1123 [ http://tinyurl.com/o8uht2o ]

05:19 *** Joins: Loving_heart (gvmdlpxlpiq@Pony-ct5e4f.wa.comcast.net)

05:20 *** Parts: Loving_heart (gvmdlpxlpiq@Pony-ct5e4f.wa.comcast.net) ()

05:20 *** Joins: Schism (NA@Pony-p6v.dv0.88.208.IP)

05:21 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:23 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7gecvg.fl.comcast.net)

05:24 *** Joins: NovaDash (NovaEra@TheZoidberg.OfCanternet)

05:24 <Schism> Jenkins: May I get you anything to drink?  Mr. Drake: The tears of our enemies wrenched from their bodies as their bones are crushed.  Jenkins: ... I have jasmine tea.  Mr. Drake: Ooooh, jasmine tea, lovely!

05:25 <Thelema5> !seen TimidClef

05:25 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw TimidClef was 2015-01-11 06:09:37 UTC

05:25 <KooK> !seen Thelema5

05:25 <DerpyBot> KooK: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. Thelema5 is in the channel.

05:25 <Thelema5> O.o

05:26 <KooK> :D

05:26 <Thelema5> Xd

05:26 <Twilight_Shimmer> !seen Fluttersocks

05:26 *** NovaDash is now known as NovaEra

05:26 <Thelema5> Or rather... XD

05:26 <DerpyBot> Twilight_Shimmer: The last time I saw Fluttersocks was 2014-12-26 01:26:25 UTC

05:26 <Thelema5> Yeah, fluttersocks doesn't come around too often.

05:27 * Cepheid stretches neck and moves head. *POP*

05:27 <KooK> I need $250k

05:27 <Twilight_Shimmer> she used to

05:28 <Thelema5> Oh, yeah... about that, KooK... I've only got about $2.50

05:28 * Thelema5 checks pockets

05:28 <Thelema5> More like... $1.78

05:28 * Schism offers Cepheid a golden apple labeled 'To the fairest'.

05:28 <Thelema5> Kallisti!

05:29 <KooK> I'll take it, it's a start :P

05:29 * Thelema5 is now penniless

05:29 <Cepheid> ...

05:29 * Thelema5 busks

05:29 <KooK> builds character

05:29 *** Joins: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony)

05:29 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:29 * Cepheid eyes the apple suspiciously.

05:30 * Twilight_Shimmer eyes the apple hungrly

05:31 * Princess-QRS eats Twilight_Shimmer

05:31 <Twilight_Shimmer> meeep!!

05:31 * Twilight_Shimmer is eatten then therefor dead x_x

05:31 *** Quits: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:33 * Cepheid flops and stretches some more.

05:33 * luckyspirit gives Cepheid a hug before he heads off to sleeps.

05:34 <Cepheid> !link https://derpiboo.ru/202868 ...

05:34 *** Joins: AcerP (zjsjouleikv@Pony-5as.4dn.224.119.IP)

05:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about queen chrysalis foal princess celestia nymph philomena (and 14 more)

05:35 *** Quits: Dreamcast-chan (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

05:40 <Cepheid> !link https://derpiboo.ru/791952

05:40 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about princess luna hiro hamada artist:toki safe big hero 6 (and 6 more)

05:41 <Arcendriel> Well. I'm taking my leave. Good night to you all. Be well~

05:42 *** Quits: Arcendriel (ltageumvsih@Pony-oa7.q96.195.177.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:43 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

05:43 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

05:43 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

05:44 <Waffles> Ponies!

05:44 <Waffles> Hi everypone

05:44 <KooK> Waffles

05:44 <KooK> Hi Waffle

05:44 <Waffles> KooK

05:45 <KooK> Waffles

05:45 <Cepheid> Hey Waffles.

05:45 <KooK> Hey Cepheid

05:45 <Waffles> Hiya Cepheid

05:45 * Cepheid noms on some waffles.

05:45 * Waffles makes waffles for Cepheid

05:45 <KooK> Greetings Twilight_Shimmer

05:45 * jamis flips Waffles

05:45 <KooK> Hello Thelema5

05:46 <Waffles> Hi Twilight_Shimmer

05:46 <Cepheid> Hmm.  12:45 AM.  Still too early to run Anki.  Really should adjust it's reset time to account for when I sleep.

05:46 <Waffles> And Thelema5

05:46 <Twilight_Shimmer> hey kook hey Waffles

05:46 * Waffles is flipped

05:46 <KooK> hey Waffles hey Twilight_Shimmer

05:47 <Thelema5> Thelema5 is otherwise occupied O.o

05:48 <Thelema5> And then quits!

05:48 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-hgqbg7.east.verizon.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Po-ta-to, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.)

05:48 *** Quits: luckyspirit (Administrat@pony.poni.pony) (Quit: sleeps.)

05:48 <Waffles> Well, that's that I suppose

05:49 <Cobalt_Blitz> ni ni everypony, take care

05:49 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (npbqynugeho@Pony-gul3ra.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:49 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

05:51 <Waffles> G'night. Why's everyone taking off? You'd think it was Monday tomorrow or something

05:52 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

05:52 <Cepheid> Perhaps it's a bias because I am currently learning the Japanese language, but I find that the Japanese language really works well with making music.

05:54 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRG1CjsYHpo Case in point.  One of my friends showed me this video.

05:54 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

05:54 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about ×と○と君と「実況中継」

05:56 <KooK> Dude, the Japanese make a 90s rock song

05:56 <KooK> not terrible

05:57 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (androirc@Pony-6mh818.co.comcast.net)

05:58 <Cepheid> Heh.

05:58 <Bubble-Berry> Hey.

05:59 <Cepheid> Hoi.

05:59 <Bubble-Berry> Wassup?

05:59 <Cepheid> Not much.  It's quiet at the moment.

05:59 <KooK> soup with you?

06:00 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

06:00 <Bubble-Berry> Not much. Oh, hey, tomorrow, remind me to smack some sense into my friend who said Aliens: Colonial Marines is just as good as Alien: Isolation.

06:01 <KooK> Godzilla 2000 is better than both of them

06:02 <Storm_RainbowDash> !hug

06:02 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

06:02 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Storm_RainbowDash in a tight embrace

06:02 <Bubble-Berry> Alien: Isolation is fantastic. Probably one of the best games of the year.

06:02 <KooK> I thought those were movies

06:03 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:04 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

06:04 <Cepheid> I heard Alien: Isolation had it's problems at first.  I'm guessing many of them were cleared up in patches, and now the game's much better?

06:05 <Bubble-Berry> No Alien: Isolation is a game, which is a sequel to Ridley Scott's 1979 film, Alien. Aliens: Colonial Marines is a $60 slap to the face that Randy Pitchford all told us was a sequel to James Cameron's 1987 film, Aliens.

06:05 <Hat> What were the problems

06:05 *** Quits: reiuiji (reiuiji@nuclear.raven) (Quit: Reconnecting)

06:05 *** Joins: reiuiji (reiuiji@Pony-6vp0lq.ma.comcast.net)

06:05 *** Quits: reiuiji (reiuiji@nuclear.raven) (Quit: leaving)

06:05 <KooK> Sounds like Aliens: Colonial Marines is probably better

06:05 <Ali> Oh look its hat

06:05 *** Joins: reiuiji (reiuiji@Pony-6vp0lq.ma.comcast.net)


06:05 <Bubble-Berry> Also, I haven't encountered very many problems, other than me sucking at the stealth sections.

06:05 <Ali> !hat

06:05 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat, sir?

06:05 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat?

06:06 <Hat> OK

06:06 <Ali> TRADITION LIVES ON!!!!

06:06 * Ali bounces away.

06:06 <KooK> I don't know what just happened

06:06 <Storm_RainbowDash> !twilighttime

06:06 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight_Shimmer

06:06 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

06:06 <Bubble-Berry> KooK: That was sarcasm, ja?

06:06 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

06:07 <KooK> Well considering I've only ever seen the 1979 film anyway :P

06:07 <Cepheid> The general problems I've heard is that the AI isn't exactly the best.

06:07 <Cepheid> But that was from the launch period.

06:08 <Cepheid> But I've heard that it's been cleaned up a bit.

06:08 * Storm_RainbowDash hugs Twilight_Shimmer

06:08 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:08 * Twilight_Shimmer hugs Storm_RainbowDash

06:08 <Twilight_Shimmer> back

06:08 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

06:09 <Hat> I played it at launch and thought the AI was good

06:09 * Princess-QRS wears Hat

06:09 <Bubble-Berry> Alien: Isolation is a fantastic horror experience that perfectly captures the feel of the 1979 original. Aliens: Colonial Marines is a horrible, buggy, generic mess of a shooter that fails as both a sequel to Aliens and as an FPS.

06:09 <Hat> Anti-aliasing was the problem I heard about the most, but it's only really visible in the introduction level

06:10 * Cepheid shrugs.

06:10 <Cepheid> Maybe I heard wrong then.

06:10 <Cepheid> But I do plan to grab Isolation.  I've been hearing about it a lot.

06:10 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://derpiboo.ru/598834?scope=scpe35a95bee2ec3fe8213ecd01b58a9ed259b4f2ef4

06:10 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about ib horror game garry ponified artist:mikixthexgreat (and 2 more)

06:10 <Hat> Play it with kitty

06:10 * Storm_RainbowDash flies up to his cloud and watches Gabriel Iglesias Hot and Fluffy while watching the chat room on is computer screen

06:10 <KooK> I think I'm having a heart attack

06:10 <Bubble-Berry> If there were any problems with the AI, I haven't noticed them.

06:11 <Starwatcher> ?

06:11 <KooK> woof, that's terrible

06:11 <Bubble-Berry> But, damn, those androids are persistent.

06:11 <Hat> I thought it was an excellent game

06:12 <Bubble-Berry> A helluva lot better than Colonial Marines.

06:12 *** Joins: DataByte (DataByteBro@Pony-d3c.bgn.198.64.IP)

06:12 <Bubble-Berry> I'm serious, Colonial Marines made me genuinely angry.

06:13 <Hat> I haven't played that

06:13 <Bubble-Berry> GOOD. DON'T

06:13 <Hat> I think I would replay Isolation instead

06:14 <Bubble-Berry> If you're a fan of the Aliens franchise, it's a slap to the face. If you like FPS, it's a slap to the face. If you like good games- I think you get the picture.

06:15 *** Quits: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:15 *** Quits: Daniel_Whateverhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:15 <Cepheid> It's a love letter if you like good games?

06:16 * Cepheid gets shot.

06:16 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

06:18 <Bubble-Berry> But, seriously, go buy Alien: Isolation. It's probably on sale on steam, and it's great.

06:18 * Cepheid attaches a can of unshaken paint to Snapai.

06:20 * Snapai vibrates

06:20 <Snapai> I feel like I should be in bed, and running a marathon.

06:20 <Snapai> Not....aroused in the slightest. But like....TURBOSNUGGLY 5000.

06:20 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:20 *** Joins: CuriousPony (oseafa@Pony-7jt.5jj.246.46.IP)

06:23 *** Joins: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at)

06:24 *** Parts: CuriousPony (oseafa@Pony-7jt.5jj.246.46.IP) ()

06:28 <Cepheid> "What experts are finding is that technology shouldn't replace pilots.  It should work alongside pilots." <-- From Mayday, a show about various air disasters in history.  You don't FREAKING SAY.

06:28 <Cepheid> I'm all for automation, but the machinery still kind of needs someone to work with the machinery to make sure it works right and doesn't screw up.  It's as fallible as the humans that make it.

06:29 * Waffles watched that Sonic video Twilight_Shimmer posted like an hour ago

06:29 <Twilight_Shimmer> oh?

06:29 <Waffles> Yeah, wasn't bad. Clearly modeled on "AMV Hell"

06:29 <Waffles> Occasionally funny

06:30 <KooK> Who wants to buy me my dream?

06:30 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-ls9ihc.res.bhn.net)

06:31 <Waffles> Is it an island that you'd own, where you're tanned, rested, and alone?

06:31 <Waffles> Perhaps while surrounded by enormous piles of money?

06:31 <Twilight_Shimmer> this cannot end well..

06:31 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://derpiboo.ru/804623

06:32 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about derpy hooves lab coat science beaker solo (and 3 more)

06:32 <Waffles> Aww Muffin scienced

06:33 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving...)

06:33 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (androirc@Pony-6mh818.co.comcast.net) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

06:33 <Twilight_Shimmer> i see a boom in her future

06:34 <Waffles> lol

06:34 <Waffles> Indeed

06:34 <KooK> https://www.dropbox.com/s/47e4qddjzllwyur/Chillyasabean.jpg?dl=0

06:34 <KooK> MAH CAT

06:34 <KooK> He chilly and sleepy

06:35 <Cepheid> Awe, how adorable!

06:36 *** Joins: dj (mmvqzucqmwt@Pony-v16lg7.isadsl.co.za)

06:36 <Finwe> Morning, everypony!

06:36 <Starwatcher> hia Finwe

06:36 <KooK> Hey Finnish

06:37 <Finwe> Someone has turned the heating off, 'twas -12°C outside. o3o

06:37 *** Quits: dj (mmvqzucqmwt@Pony-v16lg7.isadsl.co.za) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:37 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-vl7l7u.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving)

06:37 <KooK> It was almost 0C today!  Shorts weather.

06:37 *** Joins: dj (mmvqzucqmwt@Pony-v16lg7.isadsl.co.za)

06:38 <Finwe> Yesterday in terms of sunlight: http://outside.aalto.fi/img/lite.day.png

06:38 <dj> hi

06:38 <Finwe> Almost seven hours. o3o

06:39 <Cepheid> It's slightly warmer than usual today.  -4°C, -6°C with the wind.

06:39 *** Quits: dj (mmvqzucqmwt@Pony-v16lg7.isadsl.co.za) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:39 <Starwatcher> !link http://daniel-sg.deviantart.com/art/Because-Nothings-Better-442576794

06:39 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

06:40 <Finwe> !hat

06:40 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat, sir?

06:40 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat?

06:40 <Finwe> Eeeyup.

06:40 * Finwe gives Hat to DerpyBot.

06:41 * Hat doffs Finwe

06:41 <KooK> !careful

06:42 <Starwatcher> heheh

06:44 <Finwe> Quite absurd, hats doffing ponies and whatnot.

06:44 <Finwe> 6-9

06:48 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

06:51 *** Joins: Windrunner (Windrunner@Pony-93runv.cpe.i-zoom.net)

06:53 *** Joins: Kman (AndChat1544@Pony-ef7t35.vodacom.co.za)

06:53 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

06:55 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It's bizarro EQD.

06:56 * Lenfant_Sauvage salutes PFC Finwe. 7o3o

06:57 <Finwe> Lt Sausage!

06:57 <Finwe> _o7

06:57 <Kman> morning

06:57 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I'm still a Lieutenant in bizarro EQD?

06:57 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Hmm.

06:57 <Lenfant_Sauvage> hey Kman

06:57 <Finwe> Alright...

06:58 <Finwe> Grand Admiral Sausage!

06:58 <Finwe> o3o7

06:58 * Lenfant_Sauvage falls over.

06:58 <Kman> back to work with me as of today.. :(

06:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> gotta make that paper

06:58 <Kman> oh well, was fun while it lasted

06:58 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Quit: OH MOST WONDERFUL OF... I mean... Oh, most wonderful of nights.)

06:58 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7gecvg.fl.comcast.net)

06:58 <Finwe> Hello, Kman!

06:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Hmm, I need a new topic

06:59 *** Lenfant_Sauvage is now known as Bizarro_Lenfant

06:59 <Kman> heyoo Finwe!

06:59 <Bizarro_Lenfant> I know, I'll reference it after the first song I click on on Spotify!

06:59 * Bizarro_Lenfant np: CARCASS - The Granulating Dark Satanic Mills

06:59 <Bizarro_Lenfant> mayb not

07:00 <Finwe> :D

07:00 * Windrunner whirs, sweeps scanners. warps out

07:00 *** Quits: Windrunner (Windrunner@Pony-93runv.cpe.i-zoom.net) (Quit: )

07:00 * jamis yawns

07:00 *** Quits: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-osm8m3.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Bananas)

07:00 *** Bizarro_Lenfant changes topic to 'Welcome to #EquestriaDaily! This is an ALL-AGES channel. GUIDE: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Type !list to download episodes | System of Alicorn - Steal This Crystal!'

07:01 <Kman> hahahaha

07:01 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: Leaving)

07:01 <Bizarro_Lenfant> ... weaksauce, but it'll have to do

07:01 <Kman> Crystalsicity

07:01 <Bizarro_Lenfant> Really loved my Heavatar one though, "Luna! Luna!" sounds eerily like a song that would actually be sung by bronies

07:04 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net) (Connection closed)

07:04 *** CocoPommel is now known as CozyPommel

07:04 *** Joins: SurfNinja (zmabiiqrwsv@Pony-0g824b.res.rr.com)

07:05 * AcerP transforms into a tree

07:05 <Kman> Actually, ponifying bands and songs sounds quite fun :P

07:05 *** AcerP is now known as AcerP|away

07:05 * Cepheid dances to music.

07:06 <Kman> Manetallica

07:06 <Kman> etc.

07:06 *** Quits: OctaveFone (androirc@Pony-qohspg.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:07 <CozyPommel> So, shot in the dark, anypony play Tsum Tsum and want to add me to their friends list?  :3

07:08 <jamis> Tsum tsum?

07:08 <CozyPommel> Hey I didn't name it >..>

07:08 *** AcerP|away is now known as AcerP

07:08 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP) (Client exited)

07:08 <Waffles> Considering I've never heard of it, I feel like that is indeed a shot in the dark

07:08 <Waffles> Free to play thing?

07:08 <Finwe> Messrs jamis and Waffles.

07:08 * Finwe doffs his Hat.

07:08 <AcerP> Kman, I prefer the Beach Colts

07:08 <CozyPommel> Eyup

07:08 <jamis> Hey Finwe

07:09 * Hat is doffed!

07:10 <Cepheid> Tsum Tsum is a Japanese game, that's why the name seems so weird.

07:11 <jamis> It's not so much the name. I've just never heard of it til now.

07:12 <Finwe> "Disney Tsum Tsum is the fluffiest puzzle game ever!"

07:12 * Finwe ruffles Tsum Tsum.

07:12 <Finwe> o3o

07:13 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

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07:16 <Cepheid> jamis:  Again, Japanese game.  It's apparently popular over there, but here it may not be as popular for whatever reason.  More than likely because of the name than anything else.

07:16 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

07:17 <Cepheid> I don't mean to be rude towards the Japanese naming conventions, as I'm sure it works great for the Japanese audience, but in English?  "Tsum Tsum" doesn't work that well or roll off the tongue.  It's not as catchy.

07:17 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

07:18 <Kman> sounds kinda like "Zoom Zoom" in my head

07:18 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

07:19 <Waffles> Tsum Tsum is probably trademarkable in the States though

07:20 <Waffles> And it's a bit "cutesy" like the game looks

07:20 <Waffles> Kman, then your head is doing it right!

07:21 * CozyPommel found where to add some friends

07:24 <Cepheid> Not quite.

07:25 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-ls9ihc.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Leaving)

07:26 *** Joins: LaMewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

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07:26 * AcerP transforms back into a pony

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07:27 * AcerP boops Cepheid

07:27 * Cepheid is booped.

07:27 <Waffles> more boopsd

07:27 <Waffles> !boop

07:27 <Waffles> :(

07:27 <AcerP> have you ever played agrarian skies Cepheid?

07:28 <Waffles> Aight, I'm off

07:28 <Waffles> Nite pones

07:28 *** Quits: Waffles (Reed@Pony-9fmr0s.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: )

07:28 <Cepheid> I've heard of it.  I haven't played it, no.  I have a few friends who play that mod though.

07:29 <Mike_Coltfield> Which game is that a mod for?

07:29 <AcerP> It's a challenge map + modpack for Minecraft

07:30 <AcerP> Like a skyblock challenge but with actual quests

07:32 *** Joins: OctaveFone (androirc@Pony-qohspg.tbcn.telia.com)

07:35 <Finwe> Mr Coltfield.

07:35 * Finwe doffs his hat.

07:36 * Hat is doffed!

07:37 *** Joins: Finwe^ (vhalkola@Pony-oi2dre.org.aalto.fi)

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08:02 *** Quits: Finwe (vhalkola@Pony-bs4ovt.org.aalto.fi) (Quit: The server is going down for maintenance.)

08:02 *** Finwe^ is now known as Finwe

08:03 <Finwe> o3o

08:04 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/804649

08:04 <Finwe> Time for stochastics exercise.

08:05 * Finwe flies off to the classroom.

08:06 <Princess-QRS> http://imgur.com/gallery/yM6CQVS

08:08 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as ShowerSymphony

08:09 *** Joins: Reia (AndChat502@Pony-t8kqlk.bchsia.telus.net)

08:09 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Sleep

08:10 * Cepheid looks up definition of stochastic.

08:12 *** SkyHigh is now known as SkyHighWork

08:13 *** Unikitty|Bed is now known as Unixkitty

08:17 *** Joins: mysticolt (dutuftljnyg@Pony-bvd0i1.clients.pavlovmedia.com)

08:17 <mysticolt> I have seriously messed up my sleep schedule.. and my eating schedule.

08:17 <mysticolt> 8' o clock class in morning. It's 2:17 AM

08:18 <mysticolt> Didnt eat all day. just ate like a biscuit and some cereal

08:18 <mysticolt> halp

08:18 <mysticolt> it was like. i woke up... and i was hungry

08:18 <mysticolt> now i cant go back to sleep

08:21 <Cepheid> Ow.  I just saw a triple-negative in an example Japanese sentence.  My brain hurts.

08:22 <mysticolt> I think i have a sugar high

08:22 <mysticolt> I mean, i just had a bunch of food at 2:21 AM. and then caffeine

08:22 <Cepheid> Heh.

08:22 <mysticolt> I screwed up now.

08:22 <Cepheid> I've never had a sugar high.

08:22 <mysticolt> Caffine/sugar

08:22 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

08:22 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

08:22 <Cepheid> My body burns too quickly through sugar, I find.

08:22 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

08:22 <mysticolt> Seriously. I better make it through my 8'o clock class

08:22 <mysticolt> *i should?*

08:23 <Twilight_Shimmer> hurray for Derpy Huggies! they are so warm and soft

08:23 <mysticolt> I dont know how to fix my sleeping schedule.

08:23 <mysticolt> I tried to go to bed at 10 wake up at 6 AM... uh.. no. Didn't happen. One does not simply go to bed at 4 AM in the morning then the next day try to sleep at 10 PM

08:23 <mysticolt> That's a six out difference.

08:23 <mysticolt> hour*

08:24 <mysticolt> any advice ponies?

08:24 <Cepheid> Not that I can think of.

08:24 <Cepheid> Usually I just take sleeping medication, myself.

08:25 <mysticolt> Yeah, I mean it wasn't this bad to sleep last time I was at my apartment

08:25 <mysticolt> I can safely blame it all on my terirble sleep habits i have developed over college holiday break

08:25 <jamis> mysticolt, the fight against oneself is the hardest.

08:25 <mysticolt> jamis, you are correct

08:25 *** Quits: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au) (Quit: http://derpy.me/4v7Si#)

08:26 <jamis> What I do is try and stay up. Don't go to bed.

08:26 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-3bj9k8.res.rr.com)

08:26 <jamis> Hey ConfusionRift

08:26 <Cepheid> Hey Rifty.

08:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

08:26 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

08:26 <mysticolt> jamis I am going to have to try it now

08:27 <mysticolt> too wide awake to do anything else related to sleep

08:27 <jamis> It's gonna be a tough fight.

08:27 <jamis> Not now, but later.

08:27 <mysticolt> i didnt eat at all today and suddenly, at 2 AM, decided to eat whatever was in my tiny college fridge

08:27 <mysticolt> hooray me

08:27 <ConfusionRift> Heh, sleep. Who needs it? (twitches eye)

08:28 <AcerP> sleep is for future ConfusionRift

08:28 <jamis> You might feel you're barely there. You'll be going through the motions, but you're not all there.

08:28 <mysticolt> I'll try not to eat anything else till lunch but... that's an awfully long time

08:28 <mysticolt> that's the problem with eating so early (late) at night

08:28 <mysticolt> midnight snacks are the worst thing ever for you

08:28 <AcerP> why?

08:29 <mysticolt> well, when you sleep, something about fat building up... didnt burn off calories

08:29 <AcerP> I need to do that then

08:29 <mysticolt> for me, i actually need to eat less... but that clearly isnt happening right now

08:29 <Unixkitty> Weeeee super weird sleeping schedules and first Monday work!

08:29 <AcerP> I struggle to put on weight

08:29 <mysticolt> doesnt help your dad cooks for you all the time (thankful)

08:30 <mysticolt> and that he owns a commercial kitchen and fast food restaraunt

08:30 * ConfusionRift pets Unixkitty.

08:30 <mysticolt> seriously in my high school days I ordered a chiliburger and fries every single day just because I could. it is our family restauarant

08:30 <mysticolt> and i became very very fat

08:30 <Unixkitty> Oh hi Rifty! Haven't seen you in a while

08:30 <wobniaR> Yay super weird sleep schedules boo work

08:30 *** ShowerSymphony is now known as OctaveSymphony

08:30 <mysticolt> then my junior year i worked it all off by rigorous diet and riding my bike.. and working

08:30 <Unixkitty> I only had a short nap for about an hour and a half before work, feeling super weird but at least not sleepy xD

08:31 <AcerP> right

08:31 * Cepheid sits on Rifty's head. ”おはようございます。”

08:31 <mysticolt> all good things in moderation

08:31 <Unixkitty> Coffee is magic also.

08:31 <mysticolt> ^

08:31 <Cepheid> I overslept myself.  Feel great except for the headache.

08:31 <ConfusionRift> I thought it was watered grain. :P

08:31 <mysticolt> unixkitty i agree... but i need to lay off the sugar-free sodas

08:31 <mysticolt> i hear they cause cancer

08:31 <wobniaR> Sunlight causes cancer

08:31 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: I didn't sleep the morning, so I slept the night. Wasn't any better.

08:31 <Unixkitty> I'm sorry? I never mentioned sodas really

08:32 <mysticolt> that's why i am blinded at brony conventions (myself included)

08:32 <mysticolt> no pony wants cancer

08:32 <Cepheid> I haven't been sleeping well.  I had to take some medication to ensure I slept a long time.

08:32 <Cepheid> Problem is, it caused me to sleep for almost 13 hours.

08:32 <mysticolt> Unixkitty, nah it's just me who needs to lay off the sugar-free sodas. Wasnt referring to you lol

08:32 <Kman> Hehe.. I've peeled three times this holiday from sunburn... looked like Zoidberg most of the time XD

08:33 <mysticolt> forgive me if i say something spontaneous.. this could get crazy. im on a sugar/caffine rush for sure

08:33 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm.

08:33 <Kman> heya Rifty!

08:34 <ConfusionRift> Hey there.

08:34 <jamis> It's good to have orange juice.

08:35 <ConfusionRift> Well, we got oranges. I have been munching on them.

08:35 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

08:35 <Cepheid> Hmm, perhaps I should take some tylenol.

08:35 <Cepheid> This headache isn't going away.

08:36 <Cepheid> Oddly enough, this is the only headache type I get that isn't a sinus headache.

08:40 <mysticolt> great

08:40 <mysticolt> now i have a stomach-ache from eating so much too fast

08:40 <mysticolt> i'm crazy tonight

08:41 <mysticolt> need to get myself under control

08:41 <ConfusionRift> Hehehe, calm down, buddy. Food ain't going nowhere. :P

08:41 * ConfusionRift shoots a cheeseburger and eats it. "Then again... there are those times..."

08:42 <wobniaR> Needs more bacon

08:42 * Cepheid can't stop listening to this song. Makes note to poke Kuzumori-san later.

08:44 <ConfusionRift> I should get something to either play or listen to. The cousin's friend is playing upstairs in the living room.... Demon Souls. So yeah, this night is gonna suck.

08:44 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

08:45 <wobniaR> Could be worse, he could be playing call of duty

08:46 <ConfusionRift> Oh man, he doesn't need any of that. Thankfully, he's not fond of modern FPSs at this point.

08:46 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRG1CjsYHpo This is what I'm listening to.

08:46 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about ×と○と君と「実況中継」

08:47 *** Quits: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:49 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, it's alright.

08:50 <ConfusionRift> Then again, it seems I have fallen back to Electrica for some reason. Hehehe. Still, not bad.

08:52 <Cepheid> Yeah, Kuzumori-san links a lot of different songs she sings when doing karaoke, or wants to sing.  In this case, that one was a song she wants to sing, but she considers it to be too difficult.

08:53 *** Joins: init3 (jason@Pony-katmml.dyn.centurytel.net)

08:53 <ConfusionRift> Huh, I see. It does seem difficult. But then again, I don't know Japanese. :P

08:54 <Cepheid> Heh, given some of the songs I've heard her sing, yeah, it would be difficult. :P

08:54 <mysticolt> Who is best pony?

08:55 <Cepheid> Twilight Sparkle, of course.

08:55 <mysticolt> Twiflurarpinkrainjack

08:55 <mysticolt> That's best pony

08:55 <ConfusionRift> Flutt... I mean, Twilight of course. :P

08:58 <mysticolt> Shutterfly

08:59 <ConfusionRift> Sparklight Twinkle. Actually... that's not a bad name. Sounds like an OC name though.

09:00 <mysticolt> Neon green

09:03 <ConfusionRift> Guuuh! I've had this thing on my eye for the longest time. Don't know what it is, but it's been bugging me all day.

09:03 <ConfusionRift> And apparently, has switched of eye.

09:04 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net)

09:04 <Cepheid> What is it?

09:04 <ConfusionRift> I don't know.

09:05 <ConfusionRift> I washed around the area, and then applied some eye drops. Fell asleep due to tiredness, woke up, and now the feeling is on the other eye.

09:07 <Cepheid> So itchiness then.

09:07 <ConfusionRift> Might be dryness. I have been waking up rather dry, especially around the eyes. It sucks. It's like awaking from having lemon juice on both eyes.

09:11 <ConfusionRift> But hey. At least it's not like one of those days.

09:12 <Cepheid> Heh.

09:14 <ConfusionRift> You know what I mean. :P One of those that you just wake up and your first sentence is "....aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!", then flop. :P

09:15 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-fbl8sh.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:16 <Cepheid> Heh.

09:16 <Cepheid> I can't even utter that in the morning.  For the last few weeks, I've been waking up with an insanely dry mouth.

09:16 * ConfusionRift nods. "Too familiar."

09:17 *** Quits: Pony_68783 (knbfwpqyypd@Pony-k4eef7.wi.charter.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:17 * Princess-QRS o3os at Finwe

09:17 <ConfusionRift> "Woah, why are you so pale?" | Heck if I know! (drinks water by the gallon) Aaah, much better.

09:19 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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09:22 <ConfusionRift> Gonna see what we can play here. Hmmm.

09:27 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-3bj9k8.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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09:31 * ConfusionRift sighs. "I BSoD'ed."

09:32 <ConfusionRift> Well, if it's not one issue, it's the other.

09:32 <Classic_M> Heyo

09:33 <ConfusionRift> SLt. Classic_M. (salutes)

09:33 <Classic_M> o7

09:33 *** Quits: mysticolt (dutuftljnyg@Pony-bvd0i1.clients.pavlovmedia.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:35 <Cepheid> Hmm?  Blue screening?  Bad hardware?

09:35 *** Quits: SkunKStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:36 <ConfusionRift> I'm guessing it's a driver conflict. I'm using a third party driver to use my PS3 controller on the PC. Apparently, if I do something very specific, which I'm not sure what it is, Windows crashes.

09:37 <Cepheid> Ah, yeah, I'm familiar with that driver.  I've never had issues with it myself.

09:37 <Cepheid> But given it's third-party, it can be tricky.

09:37 <ConfusionRift> Hey, I have used it for more than a year, and this is the second time Windows crashes. So whatever it is that I did, it's super specific.

09:38 <ConfusionRift> And yeah, very difficult to mitigate when it's a third party application.

09:39 <ConfusionRift> And I have no idea how to read mini dump files.

09:39 <Cepheid> Neither do I.

09:39 <Cepheid> Well, sort of, actually.

09:39 <ConfusionRift> I can read .mdmp with VS, but not .dmp. Which is very odd.

09:41 <ConfusionRift> I tried it again, and nothing happened.

09:41 <ConfusionRift> So it's all good. :P

09:42 <Cepheid> What game are you playing?

09:43 <ConfusionRift> Right now? Plok.

09:43 <Cepheid> Not familiar with it.

09:44 <ConfusionRift> One of them platformers. Kinda tricky. Character uses his limbs as projectiles to fight enemies.

09:47 <ConfusionRift> Played it before, but never finished it. Guh, so many games on my incomplete list.

09:47 <Cepheid> Yeah, I'm looking it up.

09:47 <Cepheid> When I get more fluent in Japanese, so, SO MANY GAMES are going on my "to start and complete" list.

09:48 <ConfusionRift> My guesses are they are mostly RPGs. Right? :P

09:48 *** Joins: Rawrity (FruitNi@Pony-2f9hp3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

09:49 <Cepheid> RPGs, strategy-RPGs, and a few action games, yes.

09:49 <Cepheid> In particular, a large part of the Super Robot Wars series.

09:50 <Cepheid> I plan to also find a way around the ISP ban of PSO2 and play that. >.>

09:50 *** Quits: Rawrity (FruitNi@Pony-2f9hp3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart)

09:50 <ConfusionRift> I'm guessing Phantasy Star Online.

09:50 <Cepheid> Yep.

09:50 <ConfusionRift> Well, rather tricky if it's an ISP ban.

09:51 <Cepheid> I'd have to use a proxy, yeah.

09:51 <Cepheid> Or a VPN.

09:51 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:51 <ConfusionRift> Maybe change the systems localization? I don't know, really. I find it odd that the ISP would have it on their blacklist.

09:52 *** Joins: Princess_Dreamer (IceChat9@Pony-v1tt37.mi.comcast.net)

09:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess_Dreamer

09:52 <Cepheid> Nah, the ban is the other way around.  The company behind the game *BANNED* the ISP.

09:52 <ConfusionRift> Oooooh, I see.

09:52 <Cepheid> Basically, countries outside of Japan can't connect.

09:53 <Cepheid> You have to have a Japanese IP address to connect.

09:53 <Cepheid> Therefore, proxies or VPNs are necessary.

09:53 <Cepheid> Though it'll be a while before I get to that point.

09:54 <Cepheid> I would like to be able to read a Japanese sentence in less than a few minutes. :P

09:54 <ConfusionRift> Hehehe. :P

09:55 <ConfusionRift> Kinda how I felt when I first started playing games. I remember when very few games supported multiple languages.

09:55 *** Quits: DerpyBot (DerpyBot@is.in.your.pants.eating.your.muffins) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

09:55 <Cepheid> For that, I'd need to build up a vocabulary.  As it is, I have a few words memorized, but not enough to translate any sentences.  I also need to finish up with the grammar.

09:56 <Cepheid> Mmm.  That's right, English isn't your native language, is it?

09:57 *** Joins: DerpyBot (DerpyBot@is.in.your.pants.eating.your.muffins)

09:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao DerpyBot DerpyBot

09:57 <ConfusionRift> Spanish is my primary, but am somewhat fluent with English, so I understand everything. :)

09:57 *** Joins: SkunKStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net)

09:57 <Cepheid> "somewhat fluent"?

09:57 * ConfusionRift chuckles.

09:57 <Cepheid> ConfusionRift, I'll be honest.  You write English better than I do.

09:58 <DerpyBot> *derp*

09:58 <Cepheid> If you hadn't told me that English wasn't your native language, I never would have known.

09:58 *** Joins: zvek (ydikmjupeeh@Pony-50a.3ev.222.77.IP)

09:59 *** Parts: zvek (ydikmjupeeh@Pony-50a.3ev.222.77.IP) ()

09:59 <ConfusionRift> Well, being hammered on how to write and understand it very much all my life helped. :P

09:59 <Cepheid> Heh.

09:59 *** Quits: SkunKStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

09:59 <ConfusionRift> Also, games urged me to understand it.

10:00 <Cepheid> Now I understand the troubles people go through when they learn English, though.

10:00 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:00 * Cepheid would normally know English and French, but never learned French or even got a chance.

10:00 <Classic_M> I learned english by watching cartoon network without any subtitles

10:00 <ConfusionRift> That another start.

10:01 <Classic_M> And the colours were inverted too for some reason

10:01 <Cepheid> Yeah, surprisingly I hear that a lot.  Watching TV shows in English seems to be how a lot of people learn English.

10:01 <Cepheid> OZE is using MLP for that, for example.

10:02 <Cepheid> It doesn't work as well going the other way though, for me.

10:02 <Classic_M> It took me years to find out that Courage the dog was actually pink

10:02 <ConfusionRift> I would watch movie in English with subtitles, then started removing them. Eventually, I didn't need the subtitles to understand.

10:02 <ConfusionRift> *movies

10:02 <Cepheid> I can't use Japanese TV shows to learn the language, really.  I mean, I can as I get more and more fluent in the language and grammar, but right now?

10:02 <Cepheid> It's not exactly viable.

10:03 <Cepheid> The language is spoken too bloody quickly.

10:03 <Classic_M> Same for me with Swedish

10:03 <ConfusionRift> Some games like Fantastic Dizzy and Cosmic supported multiple languages, which helped a lot.

10:03 <Classic_M> And I was forced to learn it for nine years

10:04 <Cepheid> I guess that's one good thing with English TV shows.  The language is slowed somewhat by the length of the words and having to enunciate the syllables, etc.

10:04 <ConfusionRift> Well, Japanese is not easy to understand due to its own grammar, rules, and formalities.

10:04 <Cepheid> The formalities aren't really a problem.

10:04 <Cepheid> You literally don't know if a sentence is polite or not until the end of the sentence.

10:05 <Cepheid> There are some changes in words here and there depending on politeness or formality, but for the most part?

10:05 <Cepheid> You won't know if a sentence is polite or formal until you see です or one of the variations of ます at the end.

10:05 <Cepheid> And if they are absent, then it's considered casual.

10:06 <Finwe> o3o

10:06 <ConfusionRift> To be honest, the language scares me a bit.

10:06 <Cepheid> Worried about being too impolite?  Just apply です or ます to the end of every sentence for the most part.

10:06 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

10:07 <Cepheid> Even if you use the wrong form of words in the sentence for the level of formality, as long as the sentence ending is there, it'll still be considered the appropriate level of politeness.  Might sound a bit odd to native speakers if you use the wrong words, but...  Eh.

10:07 <Cepheid> Apparently they're a lot more forgiving about mistakes than the media, texts, and their TV shows would have you believe.  Especially if you're a foreigner.

10:08 <rhg135> Goodnight ponies

10:08 <Cepheid> I'm guessing they consider it more impressive that you're making an effort to learn their language, so they can forgive mistakes so long as you eventually correct them and don't make those mistakes a habit.

10:08 *** rhg135 is now known as rhg135[zzz]

10:08 <ConfusionRift> Laters rhg135[zzz].

10:11 <Cepheid> Japanese is actually particularly interesting because it has no real sentence structure except for one particular detail.

10:11 <Cepheid> The verb of the sentence must come at the end of the sentence.

10:12 <Cepheid> Otherwise, every other detail can more or less come in any order. >_>;

10:12 <ConfusionRift> Still, I would feel terrible for making mistakes, especially during polite gatherings.

10:12 <Cepheid> Yeah, same.

10:12 * Princess-QRS grabs a blanket and flops on ConfusionRift. robopone is a warm bed.

10:12 <Princess-QRS> -3-

10:12 * ConfusionRift patpats Princess-QRS. "Careful not to burn yourself." :P

10:12 <ConfusionRift> And laters.

10:13 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: OctaveSymphony is best europone)

10:13 <ConfusionRift> "Eeerm... what was that about fleas on my soup?" | Did I say that? Whoops, sorry.

10:13 <Cepheid> I'd be more concerned with formal events and situations, really.  Polite situations are less problematic.

10:14 <Cepheid> Polite is generally used for dealing with people you've never met before.  Say, being introduced to a group of friends by someone.

10:14 <ConfusionRift> There we go. I meant formal. I guess it didn't come to mind at first. :P

10:14 <Cepheid> Formal is used for events like business meetings, possibly the Japanese Tea Ceremony, and other such events.

10:17 <Cepheid> As for making mistakes..

10:17 <ConfusionRift> For example, in English, it's about the tone and form. "What?" Could be either formal or aggressive, depending on tone and circumstance. In Japanese, there is a way to respond to certain situation that could either be formal or casual. And one can kinda ruin the day.

10:17 <Cepheid> Trust me, you're going to make mistakes early on, and probably for some time.  There are some weird scenarios where the Japanese have butchered their own language for the sake of ease. :P

10:17 *** Quits: Reia (AndChat502@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

10:18 <ConfusionRift> Well, all languages have gone through that. :P

10:18 <Cepheid> 何で is an example.  It can be translated in two ways.  なんで or なにで.

10:18 <Cepheid> Well, not translated.

10:18 <Cepheid> Just it has two particular ways to read it.

10:18 <ConfusionRift> Especially nowadays.

10:18 <Cepheid> And in both readings, the meaning is different.

10:18 * ConfusionRift nods.

10:18 *** Quits: mxdde (androirc@Pony-m7la4k.res.rr.com) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

10:20 *** Quits: Princess_Dreamer (IceChat9@Pony-v1tt37.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:20 <ConfusionRift> And then, there are words that are very similar, and have very different meanings.

10:21 <Cepheid> Eeyup.

10:21 <Cepheid> Or cases where you have multiple words that all mean the same thing, but the meaning is slightly different based on the writing.

10:21 <ConfusionRift> Or how it's pronounced, spoken.

10:22 <Cepheid> Yep.

10:22 <Cepheid> But the same problem exists in all languages, really.

10:23 <Cepheid> In fact, I think English is particularly bad for it in some cases.

10:23 <Cepheid> The word "set" has more than 400 possible meanings depending on context.

10:24 * ConfusionRift nods.

10:24 <Cepheid> Which confuses me as to how people can learn English so well or "easily."

10:25 <Cepheid> As I study Japanese, I keep having to go back and review some English terminology because I don't know the meaning of it as it's being explained for Japanese.

10:25 <ConfusionRift> Hehehe.

10:25 <Cepheid> And the more I do this, it makes me think "What the heck is wrong with the English language?  Who created this butchered, monstrous language that is crying for death?"

10:26 <ConfusionRift> Well, modernization does not help it one bit.

10:26 <Cepheid> I mean sure, Japanese has it's quirks, but good gods.  English is like Frankenstein's Monster.

10:28 <Classic_M> I never really studied English all that much. I just kinda picked it up

10:28 <ConfusionRift> I did because... well, it was required.

10:28 <Cepheid> Part of the school curriculum?

10:28 <ConfusionRift> Yes, mandatory.

10:29 <ConfusionRift> Without it, you fail the grade. That kind of mandatory.

10:29 <Cepheid> Ah.

10:29 <Cepheid> French is mandatory too.

10:29 <Cepheid> Except because I had a lisp, and I was hearing impaired, I got a free pass.

10:30 <Cepheid> Much to my displeasure.

10:30 <Classic_M> it's mandatory here too. But it was lessons were so stupidly easy for me

10:30 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

10:30 <Classic_M> Basically asking "How do you spell cat?" on a test

10:31 *** The_Nostalgia_Mare is now known as The_Nostalgia_Foxy

10:31 <ConfusionRift> Over time, people saw it as optional and slacked off. This made it very difficult for me, because I excelled at it. Guess who was the run-to guy. -_-;

10:31 <Cepheid> Ah, fun.

10:31 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-hooqi1.dsl.completel.net)

10:31 <Cepheid> I know that feeling.  I dealt with it in college with CS.

10:31 <DARK> yop

10:32 * The_Nostalgia_Foxy runs at ConfusionRift.

10:32 <Classic_M> I made a profit of being the run-to guy

10:32 <ConfusionRift> It was really infuriating, because of two reasons. One, I was the run-to guy. Two, they would always end up doing a make-up homework for... (hears clanking) Crud! Aaaah! (static)

10:32 * The_Nostalgia_Foxy screams!

10:33 <ConfusionRift> Well... as I was saying. They would always take the easy way out, so they never learn. Guess what happened in the next grade!

10:33 <Cepheid> Heh.

10:33 <Cepheid> As for why I'm learning Japanese when French is more useful to me..

10:34 <Cepheid> Because honestly, learning Japanese has more use to me.  And secondly, I am getting absolutely NO SUPPORT with French.  I'm actually being encouraged against it.

10:34 <Cepheid> My parents don't want me to learn French.

10:34 <ConfusionRift> Oh yeah, I was learning Chinese back then as well. But I got caught up with school, so I sorta stopped. Now, I remember nothing from it.

10:35 *** Joins: Daniel_Whateverhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

10:35 <ConfusionRift> Yep, am aware of that madness.

10:35 *** Joins: Fillyfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net)

10:36 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

10:36 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

10:36 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

10:37 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:38 * Twilight_Shimmer pokes the room with a bag of muffins

10:38 <ConfusionRift> Well, English was seen as a great business opportunity. So I decided to take part. Yep, as a kid, I thought it was a good idea to learn the language.

10:39 <Twilight_Shimmer> O_o

10:39 <Twilight_Shimmer> english isnt your first language ConfusionRift ?

10:39 <ConfusionRift> Uuuh, muffins.

10:39 * ConfusionRift noms on the bag.

10:39 <ConfusionRift> Nope. Its' Spanish.

10:39 <ConfusionRift> *It's

10:39 * Twilight_Shimmer offers a choco-chip muffin to ConfusionRift

10:40 <Twilight_Shimmer> dang I would literally never have guessed that

10:40 <ConfusionRift> :P

10:41 *** Joins: MrMooMoo (Moo@Pony-b73.a8j.14.76.IP)

10:41 <Cepheid> Yeah, knowing English for business reasons seems to be why a lot of people I'm talking to on Twitter are learning it.

10:41 <Cepheid> Other reasons include talking to English-speaking people and video games. :P

10:41 <Cepheid> And you know, Western Culture.

10:42 <MrMooMoo> While we western losers strive to learn Asian languages

10:42 <Twilight_Shimmer> hehe

10:42 <Twilight_Shimmer> and like spainish is one of the most spoke languages

10:42 <MrMooMoo> For good reason

10:43 <Twilight_Shimmer> right?

10:43 <MrMooMoo> I took Spanish for 3 years in high school

10:43 <AcerP> There is a reason why English is such a Frankensteins monster of a language

10:43 <Kman> Yeah, came back from my friends new years visit to find I had a dosen over ripe bananas.. and since I hate wasting food, a quick google search what to do with them later and I was eating some nom-tastic banana pancakes... thanks google! :D

10:43 <AcerP> It's because it's absorbed bits of other languages for many years

10:44 <AcerP> But yeah. it's a pretty horrible langauge when you think about it

10:44 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Lt. Cdr. ConfusionRift. (Sal-AAAAAAAHHHH!!!)

10:45 <ConfusionRift> Kman: You could had fried them, or boiled them. Still, the pancake approach is not a bad idea either. :P

10:45 <ConfusionRift> Lt. The_Nostalgia_Foxy. (salutes and closes the left door)

10:46 <Unixkitty> You people and your freddy nights thing.

10:46 * The_Nostalgia_Foxy bangs on the door.

10:46 <ConfusionRift> Occupied! 0_0;

10:46 <Kman> CR: I still had a lot of flour I'm trying to get rid off... so I've been eating pancakes for the past week... not that I'm complaining :P

10:47 <ConfusionRift> Unixkitty: Well, am not much into it. But heh, it can be fun. :P

10:47 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> But I want to check on you!

10:47 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blH7XDfgdHg&index=400&list=LLadccemc0JfduQZo4pw7vTA

10:47 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:47 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about POP

10:48 <ConfusionRift> I'm fine! You can go ahead and go back behind the curtains.

10:48 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Ok.

10:48 *** GigaZzz is now known as GigabitPony

10:48 <Kman> They should make a toilet version of Freddies... where the occupied sign for the stall you're in... drains..... power...

10:49 * The_Nostalgia_Foxy gets out her chair and sits near the door.

10:49 * ConfusionRift laughs.

10:50 <ConfusionRift> I still think it would be funny to occasionally hear a flushing sound when looking at the restroom camera.

10:50 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwVNfzQ7Ku4&feature=youtube_gdata_player

10:50 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about If 2008 created Equestria Girls

10:50 <ConfusionRift> "Aaaah, here comes... where is Foxy going? Ooooh." (changes camera, hears flushing)

10:51 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-gu2.bd1.208.112.IP)

10:51 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Ahh Good times of 2008.

10:51 <ConfusionRift> Oh goodness, not this song.

10:52 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> 2008: That song and Stick figures.

10:53 *** Cepheid is now known as Cephy-Shower

10:53 <Cephy-Shower> I'll be back in a bit.

10:53 <Cephy-Shower> Gotta get ready to head downtown.

10:53 <ConfusionRift> Xiao Xiao? :P

10:53 <ConfusionRift> Alrighty, laters Cephy-Shower.

10:53 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Yeah.

10:54 <Pi> Evenin'

10:54 <ConfusionRift> I will thank my cousins for getting me up to speed with the Internet. I will also curse them for getting me up to speed with the Internet.

10:54 <ConfusionRift> Hey Pi.

10:55 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Hey, Pi.

10:55 * Pi hops on Nossy

10:56 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> What are you doing?!

10:57 <ConfusionRift> Also, this game... interesting flux in difficulty.

10:57 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> What game?

10:58 <ConfusionRift> Plok.

10:58 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Oh.

10:59 *** Quits: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP) (Connection closed)

11:00 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP)

11:01 <ConfusionRift> It got kinda cheap all of a sudden.

11:01 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net)

11:03 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

11:03 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

11:03 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

11:07 *** Cephy-Shower is now known as Cepheid

11:08 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPLer51Uf9A&feature=youtube_gdata_player

11:08 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Oops.

11:08 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPLer51Uf9A&feature=youtube_gdata_player

11:08 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about My Little Hippo

11:08 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> I don't know anymore.

11:08 <ConfusionRift> Eeerm, those links could be shorter. Just saying. :P

11:09 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Sorry.

11:09 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Should take out the youtub Gdat player.

11:09 * Pi checks soundcloud stream

11:09 <ConfusionRift> That was the best and worst season of the show. So sad it canceled, and I'm glad it canceled. It dragged for way too long. :P

11:10 <Pi> https://soundcloud.com/edm/wet-paint-limitless-edmcom-premiere

11:10 <Pi> Smooth

11:10 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Hippos, ConfusionRift?

11:10 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-hooqi1.dsl.completel.net) (Connection closed)

11:11 <ConfusionRift> Yarp. :P

11:11 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Ha.

11:13 *** Quits: Daniel_Whateverhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:15 *** Quits: AcerP (zjsjouleikv@Pony-5as.4dn.224.119.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:19 <ConfusionRift> And these flea stages drag for waaaay too long.

11:20 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:23 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Ok I need to go.

11:23 <The_Nostalgia_Foxy> Bye!

11:23 <ConfusionRift> Laters The_Nostalgia_Foxy.

11:23 * The_Nostalgia_Foxy runs to pirate cove.

11:23 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Foxy (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

11:26 *** Joins: Renard (Renard@Pony-cgn05d.abo.wanadoo.fr)

11:26 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Early Morning Discussion #89 [ http://tinyurl.com/olu8p4m ]

11:26 *** Joins: Dog (cgkepxwxaiy@Pony-2gspl9.east.verizon.net)

11:27 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

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11:29 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

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11:42 *** Quits: Solo_Act (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP) (Quit: the weekend has landed, repeat, the weekend has landed.)

11:45 <ConfusionRift> This game's a bit longer than anticipated.

11:45 * ConfusionRift gives it a break.

11:46 <ConfusionRift> Be right back.

11:47 *** Quits: Fillyfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net) (Connection closed)

11:52 * ConfusionRift returns.

11:53 *** Quits: PonyToast (City@The.Original.Pyro.Pony) (Quit: )

12:00 <Classic_M> Every Minecraft let's play ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXoZykfOGpA

12:01 <Cepheid> Right, I gotta run.  I'll be back in a few hours probably.

12:01 <ConfusionRift> Laters Cepheid.

12:01 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: Leaving)

12:02 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (xsvxkckgfxd@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

12:02 * ConfusionRift sees the video. Tilts his head so far, it falls off.

12:03 *** Joins: Flitter_Flying (vmojcqnxthu@Pony-sk9ul2.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net)

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12:11 *** Quits: MrMooMoo (Moo@MOOOOOOOOOO) (Quit: This means I went to sleep or something)

12:15 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (xsvxkckgfxd@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Connection closed)

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12:22 * ConfusionRift runs towards Sunset-Shimmer, and screeches.

12:23 <ConfusionRift> Ahem! I mean, hello there. :P

12:23 *** Joins: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

12:23 * Sunset-Shimmer ruffles mane! xD

12:23 * ConfusionRift raspberries.

12:24 *** Joins: Princess_Dreamer (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net)

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12:33 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-4s9.m5d.176.109.IP)

12:33 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

12:38 <Princess_Dreamer> SUNSET SHIMMER!

12:39 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP)

12:40 <Unixkitty> Princess_Dreamer, did they make you a dragon princess?

12:40 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-dg9uh6.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP)

12:40 <Princess_Dreamer> No.

12:40 *** Quits: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:40 <Princess_Dreamer> For you see, I have always and forever BEEN ...

12:41 <Princess_Dreamer> whatever I damn well please.

12:41 <Unixkitty> A pretty pony princess?

12:41 <DARK> re

12:41 <Unixkitty> Aww, I really wanted to say "blame hasbro".

12:41 <Princess_Dreamer> Not Larson?

12:41 <Unixkitty> I dunno

12:43 <Princess_Dreamer> Sunset's internet needs to learn the magic of friendship.

12:43 <Princess_Dreamer> That way it can stop disconnecting.

12:43 <ConfusionRift> We are going to make him... a princess. Tan tanaaaa... A pretty little princeeeesss~.

12:43 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

12:43 * Princess_Dreamer crowns ConfusionRift.

12:44 <ConfusionRift> Yaaay, I'm a princess! Just what I always wanted! :P

12:44 <Princess_Dreamer> It's rather interesting. See, I liekd Rainbow Rocks alright when I first saw it.

12:44 * ConfusionRift puts on the old paper wings and ice cream cone helmet.

12:44 <Princess_Dreamer> *liked

12:44 <Princess_Dreamer> But it's growing on me.

12:44 *** Joins: CocoPommel (Coco@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

12:44 <Classic_M> Does being a princess automaticly make you popular?

12:44 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-4s9.m5d.176.109.IP)

12:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

12:45 <Princess_Dreamer> SUNSET SHIMMER!

12:45 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, now you are a pretty pony princess.

12:45 <ConfusionRift> Yaaay! :)

12:46 *** CocoPommel is now known as SleepingPommel

12:46 <ConfusionRift> My first decree will be... crush our enemies! Also, I'm raising taxes for a new pool. :P

12:46 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

12:46 <Princess_Dreamer> Classic_M: generally speaking ... yes.

12:48 <Pi> A pool

12:48 <Pi> on the moooon

12:48 * Dreamer leg kicks in his sleep, dreaming of being Prince Dreamer

12:48 <Pi> http://what-if.xkcd.com/

12:48 <Sunset-Shimmer> :P And the circle of life goes on

12:48 <Pi> "Lunar Swimming"

12:50 <ConfusionRift> I shall build it... on the sun! (dramatic music)

12:52 * ConfusionRift sees as a ship heads towards the sun and immediately poofs out of existence.

12:52 <Princess_Dreamer> "I shall set fire TO THE SUN!"

12:52 *** Joins: LaMewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

12:53 <Sunset-Shimmer> Good luck there, bright spark

12:54 *** Quits: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:57 <ConfusionRift> Almost 6. I should go to bed and try to recover sleep.

12:57 <ConfusionRift> See ya laters everypony!

12:57 * aqualycool22 Glomps.

12:57 <aqualycool22> Come back soon!

12:57 *** Joins: SwanSong (SwanSong@Pony-9bh1i2.orngca.sbcglobal.net)

12:57 <ConfusionRift> :P

12:57 <Princess_Dreamer> Sunset Sunset Sunset.

12:58 * ConfusionRift patpats aqualycool22.

12:58 <Princess_Dreamer> Apparently, Vinyl can make anything awesome.

12:58 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-3bj9k8.res.rr.com) (Quit: Recharging! Stay cool, and stay awesome. Laters!)

12:58 <Princess_Dreamer> As evidence, I present!

12:58 <Princess_Dreamer> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh7j1qUaGOc

13:00 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

13:00 *** Quits: Schism (NA@blutwr.cntrlt.equ) (Quit: )

13:01 <Sunset-Shimmer> Although the film itself was pretty good all around anyway. :P

13:01 <Princess_Dreamer> Yes.

13:01 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Quit: OH MOST WONDERFUL OF... I mean... Oh, most wonderful of nights.)

13:01 <KooK> I had to release my cat from under my bed covers, dude was against me and under 2 blankets and a feather bed.  He was cookin'.

13:01 <Princess_Dreamer> but it's like ... the music is addictive.

13:02 <Princess_Dreamer> I got home from work and all I've done for the past 45 minutes is listen to it.

13:02 <Sunset-Shimmer> xD

13:02 <Sunset-Shimmer> My little Musical: Daniel Ingram is magic

13:03 <Princess_Dreamer> You ain't kidding.

13:03 <FruitNibbler> http://9gag.com/gag/aXE6wo6

13:03 <Princess_Dreamer> Those siren songs are killer.

13:03 <FruitNibbler> Seems like an RD fan

13:03 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (xsvxkckgfxd@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

13:03 <Sunset-Shimmer> Trixies song could have been a throwaway, too

13:03 <Sunset-Shimmer> but there was actual effort, lol

13:04 *** Quits: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Somewhere.In.Portlandia) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:06 *** GigabitPony is now known as NebulaWing

13:06 <Princess_Dreamer> Yarp.

13:06 <Princess_Dreamer> That song is catchy as hell.

13:06 <Princess_Dreamer> Even if she does seem to use it over and over.

13:07 <Princess_Dreamer> (She's a one trick pony)

13:08 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

13:08 <FruitNibbler> I don't musicals

13:08 <Sunset-Shimmer> Reminds me how much I loved her smoke bomb exits

13:09 <FruitNibbler> So I have no Idea what you speak od

13:09 <FruitNibbler> of*

13:09 <Princess_Dreamer> Pinkie Pie: *GASP* "SHE'S GONE!"

13:09 <Princess_Dreamer> "Oh, wait, there she is."

13:10 <Sunset-Shimmer> FruitNibbler: EQG2 / The songs

13:10 <Princess_Dreamer> If you don't musicals, then click this link and only listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aMexypkD3E

13:11 <FruitNibbler> Sunset-Shimmer, I saw none of the EqG

13:11 <Sunset-Shimmer> I got that part

13:11 <FruitNibbler> Not enough pony

13:11 <Sunset-Shimmer> you were wondering what we were talking about, I was telling you

13:12 <FruitNibbler> http://highervibrationsnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Body-Maps.jpg

13:12 <FruitNibbler> Interesting stuff

13:15 <FruitNibbler> If your limbs get cold in a warm room or you feel hot in a chill setting, you might be just experiencing strong emotions while not noticing it

13:17 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

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13:18 *** firestream is now known as Pony_85593

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13:19 <Classic_M> Well according to that I'm currently depressed

13:19 *** Pony_85593 is now known as firestream

13:19 *** firestream is now known as Pony_52705

13:20 * Sunset-Shimmer has no idea, lol

13:20 *** Pony_52705 is now known as fire_stream

13:20 *** Quits: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash) (Quit: The Nightmares will Collide. And become a Dream. <3)

13:20 <Classic_M> But I'm betting my money on the leaky windows of my appartment

13:22 <Princess_Dreamer> My forehead always feels hot after a bout of coughing.

13:22 <Shaico> Then I’m currently depressed

13:23 <Shaico> Either that, or it’s winter.

13:23 *** Joins: Thorinair (Mibbit@Pony-nl8564.dsl.iskon.hr)

13:24 *** Joins: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash)

13:24 <FruitNibbler> Winter depression is kinda natural due to reduced insolation and lack of vitamines

13:25 <FruitNibbler> No need to panic over it: just eat more fruits

13:25 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP) (Quit: Sleep is the cousin of death )

13:27 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Derpy Brand Blueberry Muffin Flavored LIP BALM  [ http://tinyurl.com/lfzyors ]

13:31 <Sunset-Shimmer> You magnificent swines, hasbro

13:33 <FruitNibbler> Gives another meaning to a "muffin kiss"

13:33 *** Joins: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

13:34 <FruitNibbler> Or rather blueberry muffin flavoured kiss

13:36 <Moonlightning> ._.

13:37 <Sunset-Shimmer> ?

13:37 <Kman> Hehe.. that's some clever marketing :P

13:38 <Moonlightning> ^

13:38 <Moonlightning> Without having read the article

13:38 <Sunset-Shimmer> t'is!

13:39 <Kman> whats next? The whole waifu range? Poor girlfriend who's boyfriends keep buying them Twilight of Fluttershy flavored lip balm :P

13:40 <Kman> "She puts the Fluttershy branded perfume on its skin or else it gets the hose again!" :P

13:41 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

13:41 * FruitNibbler o3o's at ThatAnonPony

13:42 *** Joins: Daniel_Whateverhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

13:43 <ThatAnonPony> o3o

13:44 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Away

13:46 *** Quits: OctaveFone (androirc@Pony-qohspg.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

13:57 * ThatAnonPony pokepokes at Bizarro_Lenfant.

13:59 *** Joins: Galena (dbdyjnsfhhg@Pony-inl.fh6.244.66.IP)

14:00 <Galena> Hiho.

14:04 *** SleepFrame is now known as WorkFrame

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14:15 *** Quits: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-rdj90s.vie.surfer.at) (Quit: Leaving.)

14:15 *** poseyshy|work is now known as poseyshy

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14:17 <Moonlightning> Kman: what even is the context of that?

14:17 <Moonlightning> South Park, I know, but beyond that

14:18 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

14:19 <Kman> Moonlighting: a Silence of the Lambs reference

14:20 <Pi> Dang it

14:20 <Pi> Keep forgetting to add that one bookmark

14:21 <Classic_M> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwa7LTMJU88

14:21 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

14:21 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Be Cool

14:23 <Moonlightning> Kman, wut?

14:26 <DataByte> what a way to start a day xD

14:26 <Kman> Y'know... the movie... with the cannible serial killer...

14:27 <Kman> "I ate his liver with sone favah beans..." and all that...

14:27 <DataByte> flame sensor error at about 7am, by 7:20 the house had dropped from 70 to 64F

14:27 <DataByte> it's COLD OUT

14:27 <DataByte> then get to work, and promptly lose The Game when boss starts talking about football

14:27 <DataByte> xD

14:27 <Pi> It's always cold

14:28 <DataByte> ok, it's 257 degrees warm outside :P

14:30 *** Joins: ivi (ivi@Pony-8nd.7a3.229.109.IP)

14:31 <Moonlightning> https://imgur.com/ite2sRY

14:32 * Princess_Dreamer baps DataByte

14:32 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

14:32 * DataByte falls backwards

14:33 <Princess_Dreamer> Ye shouldnae play The Game.

14:39 * ThatAnonPony loses the Game. Pout.

14:39 <Princess_Dreamer> The only way to win

14:39 <Princess_Dreamer> is not to play.

14:39 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

14:40 *** Joins: Ignis (Ignis@Pony-lep.84c.103.189.IP)

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14:41 *** wallower is now known as wallows|InTex

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14:41 <Kman> Kinda like the hunger games I guess...

14:41 *** NebulaWing is now known as Gigabit

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14:43 *** Joins: TimidClef|Work (TimidClef|W@Pony-iipqvr.ph.cox.net)

14:43 <Finwe> o3o

14:43 <TimidClef|Work> Howdy pones

14:44 <Finwe> Howdy, Mr TimidClef|Work.

14:44 * Finwe doffs his hat.

14:44 <DataByte> how-dee-doo

14:44 <TimidClef|Work> Mr. Finwe

14:44 * TimidClef|Work doffs his orange

14:44 <Kman> yeehaaa!

14:45 <Kman> *generic cowboy noises*

14:45 <Finwe> Hold on!

14:45 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net)

14:48 <Kman> ...

14:48 *** Ribbon is now known as Stradi|Asleep

14:48 <Kman> I dunno how long I can hold't capt'n!

14:49 * TimidClef|Work ties Kman to it

14:52 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net) (Connection closed)

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14:58 <Kman> Y'know.. now that I think about it, if Pinky was related to the apples I'd like for there to be a distant Pinkie related cousin who looks and acts like Pinkie called "Cripps Pink" (Pink Lady sounds a bit odd even by pony standards)

15:00 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

15:00 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

15:00 <Finwe> Mr Thelema5.

15:01 * Finwe doffs his hat.

15:01 *** Joins: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-aiilub.bb.online.no)

15:01 <TimidClef|Work> Yay! Thelema5

15:01 * TimidClef|Work glomps and then offers a slice of Mandarin orange

15:02 <Thelema5> Ooh, thanks!

15:03 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

15:03 <Thelema5> How are ya'll doing today?

15:03 <DataByte> faring well, so far ;)

15:04 <DataByte> besides my boss making me lose The Game in the first 5 minutes of the day, anyway

15:04 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha

15:04 *** FruitNibbler is now known as NibbleFruit

15:05 <TimidClef|Work> I'm doing fairly well. Just piddling through my work.

15:06 <Finwe> Thelema5: Hungry until recently. I had breakfast at 4:30 p.m.

15:06 <Finwe> o3o

15:06 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Connection closed)

15:06 <Thelema5> Does it still qualify as breakfast that late in the day?

15:07 * TimidClef|Work listens to Teenage Wasteland

15:07 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

15:07 <DataByte> i had lunch at 3:30 ;)

15:07 <Cepheid> ... Yay, my connection is buggered up.

15:11 <Thelema5> I'm hungry, too... but lunch is still 2 hours away.

15:12 <DataByte> 2 hours?

15:15 <Thelema5> Yeah, it's 10:15 AM here at the moment.

15:15 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

15:17 <NibbleFruit> When I can't sleep I eat, I think I have insomnomonomnia

15:17 * DataByte nibbles on NibbleFruit

15:18 *** Quits: Daniel_Whateverhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:21 *** Joins: Kman2 (AndChat1544@Pony-t6692e.mweb.co.za)

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15:25 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

15:25 *** Quits: Kman2 (AndChat1544@Pony-t6692e.mweb.co.za) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:27 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaTown

15:28 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unixkitty|Work

15:32 <Cepheid> I wish I could stab the part of my brain responsible for all these panic attacks.

15:32 <NibbleFruit> Who doesn't?

15:34 <Thelema5> Quite.

15:34 *** Quits: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:34 *** Joins: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

15:36 <NibbleFruit> I had a rough landing in the high winds, the plane was dancing and shaking all the way descending, got all panicky even though by now I should be used to that; pilot landed like a pro he is, but I couldn't calm down for a while

15:37 <NibbleFruit> Don't remember how I got from the airport home

15:40 <Thelema5> Ugh, sounds dreadful.  I've never been in a plane; can't handle heights at all, and I'm pretty sure I would have completely freaked out if I were in your shoes.

15:41 <NibbleFruit> It was weird: usually I enjoy observing others freak out, while it doesn't concern me

15:42 <NibbleFruit> I know well that planes are statistically safest of all transportation modes

15:43 *** Unixkitty|Work is now known as Unixkitty

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15:44 *** Parts: Loving_Heart (gvmdlpxlpiq@Pony-ct5e4f.wa.comcast.net) ()

15:44 <NibbleFruit> Might be my own flight sim experience: I always crash on landings, hence I might superimpose that thing onto pilot

15:44 *** Quits: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:44 <DataByte> gah.. i hate reading a technical manual.. and they misuse it's

15:46 <DataByte> NibbleFruit: my dad's a flight instructor.. i've been in more small plane flights than most before i was even in highschool, lol

15:46 *** Octave|Away is now known as OctaveSymphony

15:46 <DataByte> taking off is fun (just make sure you've got adequate airspeed)

15:47 <DataByte> landing is just getting close to the runway, then slowing down enough to fall onto it ;)

15:47 <DataByte> but you want to keep /some/ speed, in case you need to abort and try again

15:47 <NibbleFruit> Taking off is easy for me in a flight sim, but the landing...

15:48 <DataByte> flight sims, i admit.. i usually get near the airport, then kill the throttle and glide in

15:48 <DataByte> i don't usually use flaps like i should, lol

15:49 <NibbleFruit> I like helicopters, planes are too fast for me

15:49 <NibbleFruit> XD

15:50 <DataByte> i /really/ don't like helicopters

15:51 *** Joins: Galena (wmveqndceil@Pony-inl.fh6.244.66.IP)

15:51 <DataByte> flight sims you have one clear advantage: no parts to maintain, and no risk of dying horribly if you run out of fuel, hit a bad gust, or lose perception

15:51 *** Quits: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at) (Connection closed)

15:52 <DataByte> or is that three? i count that as the only one reason i'd fly a heli xD

15:52 * Galena blinks.

15:52 <Galena> Flying cars that can time travel. Because Flight Simulators aren't good enough.

15:53 *** Galena is now known as Lead

15:54 <DataByte> NibbleFruit: if you can balance a ball in the center of a flat plane using a stick to adjust it, i'd maybe trust you in a heli ;P

15:54 *** Joins: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at)

15:54 *** Quits: Ignis (Ignis@Pony-lep.84c.103.189.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:54 <Unixkitty> Lead, level up?

15:55 * Lead rolls her eyes. "No."

15:55 <NibbleFruit> I can

15:55 <DataByte> it's a practiced skill xD

15:56 <NibbleFruit> I can literally run on rails while doing parkour, juggle balls, knifes, bottles

15:56 <Lead> Running on rails is part of parkour.....

15:56 * Lead headtilts. "Clown?"

15:57 <NibbleFruit> My Equilibrioception is good

15:57 <NibbleFruit> No complaints

15:57 * Lead applauds. "Good hearing?"

15:57 <Lead> That can help, having good ears.

15:57 <NibbleFruit> Parkour is about overcomming obstacles

15:58 *** Joins: Ignis (Ignis@Pony-lep.84c.103.189.IP)

15:58 <NibbleFruit> Actually having assymetrical ear canal placement helps

15:59 *** Parts: Lead (wmveqndceil@Pony-inl.fh6.244.66.IP) ()

16:00 <NibbleFruit> If they are on the same axis, it is harder to sense fine rotations

16:00 *** Joins: Gilda (Fall@silently)

16:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Gilda Gilda

16:01 *** Gilda is now known as Fall

16:06 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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16:08 <Cepheid> Wonder if uneven hearing can be substituted for that.

16:09 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: Bye)

16:10 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink)

16:10 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

16:10 <NibbleFruit> That is connected with hearing, but not that directly Cepheid

16:10 <Cepheid> But it can affect one's balance.

16:11 <NibbleFruit> Yes

16:11 *** Joins: DWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

16:11 <NibbleFruit> Often hearing and balance issues are connected

16:13 *** DWaterhorse is now known as Disconnecting_Waterhorse

16:13 *** NibbleFruit is now known as FruitNibbler

16:14 <SkyHighWork> J'arrive!

16:14 *** SkyHighWork is now known as SkyHigh

16:14 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:14 <FruitNibbler> Bonjour Sl

16:14 <FruitNibbler> SkyHigh*

16:14 <SkyHigh> Sl?

16:16 *** Joins: Frost_bite (androirc@Pony-3l384h.skybroadband.com)

16:16 * SkyHigh gasps

16:16 <Frost_bite> Hey

16:16 <SkyHigh> Frosty!

16:16 <FruitNibbler> Missed k key and hit l instead abruptly following with Tab and Enter

16:16 <Frost_bite> Ih hy

16:16 <Frost_bite> Oh*

16:17 * SkyHigh snuggles Frost_bite

16:17 * Frost_bite is snuggled, derp.

16:17 <SkyHigh> Ok

16:17 <TimidClef|Work> Co-workers are talking about football

16:17 <TimidClef|Work> Time to punch myself in the head repeatedly! :D

16:17 <Unixkitty> Handegg or football?

16:17 <SkyHigh> :(

16:18 <Frost_bite> Why wiuld you hit yourself?

16:18 <TimidClef|Work> American football

16:18 <Unixkitty> Handegg then.

16:18 <Frost_bite> Is that what you call American football?

16:19 <Unixkitty> That is what I call American "football", yes.

16:19 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:19 <Unixkitty> Because you use hands and there's no ball. Only an egg.

16:19 <Frost_bite> Watcha doin Sky?

16:19 <Bizarro_Lenfant> Handegg is indeed the international name for American football

16:19 <Bizarro_Lenfant> Sometimes "gridiron" is used too

16:19 <SkyHigh> Not much.

16:19 <FruitNibbler> I agree with Unixkitty

16:19 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

16:20 <Frost_bite> :P

16:20 <SkyHigh> Good reason

16:20 <TimidClef|Work> It's not really egg-shaped

16:20 <Bizarro_Lenfant> Semantics

16:20 <TimidClef|Work> :P

16:20 <Bizarro_Lenfant> We're not gonna call it Handwalnut

16:20 <Frost_bite> Won't be on long

16:20 <SkyHigh> Awww.

16:21 <TimidClef|Work> If we really want to talk semantics, then it's pretty semantical to not just refer to it as American football, heh

16:21 <Thelema5> I've never watched a football game, American or otherwise.

16:21 <SkyHigh> Why?

16:21 <Frost_bite> Because I'll have to go do things.

16:22 <FruitNibbler> Because handegg fans are arrogant enough to demand it being called "football" and the world-wide sport be called "soccer", pretentious and arrogant IMO

16:22 <SkyHigh> What things?

16:22 <TimidClef|Work> I don't really care for sports in general. Watching or playing, although I like volleyball and ping pong

16:22 <Cepheid> TimidClef|Work:  Don't punch yourself in the face.  Trust me, it doesn't work.  I know.

16:22 <Frost_bite> Stuff.

16:22 <roflin> I like snooker, It's relaxing.

16:22 <Thelema5> Seems like a lot of running around in circles for little actual gain.

16:22 <SkyHigh> You just wanna play games!

16:23 <Frost_bite> Im not that antisocial!  Cmon!

16:23 <FruitNibbler> Dun care for either of footballs really

16:23 <roflin> Thelema5: that would be athletics (or atleast part of it)

16:23 <Frost_bite> So whats been happeneing

16:23 <Thelema5> Yeah, not really my strong point.

16:23 <SkyHigh> Not much

16:24 <Frost_bite> Cool.

16:24 <TimidClef|Work> Mmm, just drank a double-strong cup of English breakfast tea

16:24 <SkyHigh> Ok

16:25 <Frost_bite> ! Ween

16:25 <Thelema5> Living life on the edge, eh Timidclef?

16:25 <Frost_bite> Nope

16:25 <Thelema5> :p

16:25 <Frost_bite> Not send

16:26 <Frost_bite> !seen LunaticHell

16:26 <DerpyBot> Frost_bite: The last time I saw LunaticHell was 2015-01-11 20:09:25 UTC

16:26 <TimidClef|Work> !plot

16:26 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

16:26 <TimidClef|Work> *wigglewiggle*

16:26 <Thelema5> *wigglewiggle*

16:26 <FruitNibbler> *wigglewiggle*

16:27 <Storm_RainbowDash> *wigglewiggle*

16:27 <Frost_bite> Ok

16:27 * Unixkitty slaps Frost_bite for interrupting wiggles

16:27 <Frost_bite> I gtg stuff happening

16:27 <Frost_bite> Hey!

16:27 * Frost_bite slaps back!

16:27 <Thelema5> O.o

16:28 <Frost_bite> Also you werent % when I was last here Unixkitty.

16:28 *** Joins: SoMewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

16:28 <Unixkitty> How keen of you to notice.

16:28 <Unixkitty> Also you were banned the last time I'd seen you.

16:28 <Sunset-Shimmer> I imagine so

16:29 <Frost_bite> :(

16:29 * Thelema5 ducks under table

16:29 <Frost_bite> When even was that, I forget

16:29 * SkyHigh hides with Thelema5

16:30 <Sketchy_Sounds> It was on the 14th of December, and it was me that banned you for 24 hours.

16:30 *** Quits: LaMewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:30 <Frost_bite> Ah ok.

16:30 <Sunset-Shimmer> So long story short, don't repeat whatever you did. :P

16:30 <Frost_bite> Which I probably forgot I think it was shotgun posting or something

16:31 <FruitNibbler> Don't be impossibear!

16:31 <Sketchy_Sounds> My notes say "Continuously fills the channel with drivel, hasn't listened to the ops telling him to cut it out. Temp ban to learn some manners".

16:31 *** Joins: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

16:31 <SkyHigh> I would say "just don't do anything you wouldn't do irl" but he is a nonstop talker.

16:32 <Frost_bite> No im not.

16:32 <SkyHigh> You sure about that?

16:32 *** Quits: SoMewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:32 <FruitNibbler> Non-stop-talker D: a non-s-talker

16:33 <SkyHigh> Just don't spam Frost

16:33 <Sunset-Shimmer> We don't need to know everyones immediate thoughts at once.

16:33 <FruitNibbler> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE

16:33 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Monty Python - Spam

16:33 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol

16:34 <OctaveSymphony> Hmm, is the sky blue and the clouds white... or opposite?

16:34 * TimidClef|Work drags his cardboard box over to the table and motions for Thelema5 and SkyHigh to join him

16:34 <TimidClef|Work> I have candy!

16:34 <OctaveSymphony> Not creepy.

16:34 * Thelema5 joins TimidClef|Work

16:34 * Finwe o3o's at ThatAnonPony.

16:34 * Frost_bite is back; hopefully for longer, try ma hardest.

16:34 <Finwe> o3o

16:34 <SkyHigh> ...

16:35 <TimidClef|Work> I'm a sherbet-colored pony in a cardboard box

16:35 <TimidClef|Work> That isn't creepy at all!

16:35 <Thelema5> :p

16:35 * SkyHigh noms Frost_bite's ear.

16:35 <Frost_bite> What?

16:35 <FruitNibbler> "I'll take spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam please"

16:35 <Frost_bite> My ear!

16:36 <Storm_RainbowDash> what kind of sherbet TimidClef|Work

16:36 <TimidClef|Work> Orange

16:36 <Thelema5> I think I actually tried spam once or twice when I was younger.  I recall it being salty and gelatinous.

16:36 <Frost_bite> I dint think that

16:37 <FruitNibbler> Spam isn't bad

16:37 <TimidClef|Work> Blech

16:37 <TimidClef|Work> I've tried Spam before. Don't like it

16:37 <Thelema5> It's very popular in Hawaii, I think.

16:37 <SkyHigh> I see you met a LunaticHell frosty

16:38 * Storm_RainbowDash sends FruitNibbler spam and baked beans

16:38 <TimidClef|Work> It is, Thelema5

16:38 <TimidClef|Work> They even do Spam sushi

16:38 <Frost_bite> Yeah, I think he calls me Frobro or something

16:38 <FruitNibbler> It was just advertised so heavily people hated finding their mailboxes being overflown with spam ads

16:38 <SkyHigh> Yes he does.

16:38 <TimidClef|Work> Storm_RainbowDash: I'm effectively this color: http://www.thesimsresource.com/scaled/372/372742.jpg

16:39 <Thelema5> I'm guessing that there's not much land available for meat production in Hawaii, so imported preserved meat makes sense.

16:39 <Frost_bite> Gtg fyas

16:39 <Frost_bite> Cyas*

16:39 <Storm_RainbowDash> nice TimidClef|Work

16:39 <SkyHigh> Bye

16:40 <Frost_bite> Is it uhh /quit?

16:40 <Thelema5> Gosh, I'm so hungry.  Still have another half-hour before lunch.

16:40 <Storm_RainbowDash> later Frost_Bite

16:40 <Thelema5> Try !moon Frost_bite.

16:40 <Frost_bite> Its /quit text innit

16:40 <Frost_bite> Ok...

16:40 <Frost_bite> ! Mo!

16:40 <Storm_RainbowDash> lol

16:40 <Thelema5> A+

16:40 <Frost_bite> xD that didnt work

16:40 <Thelema5> You typoed.

16:41 <Frost_bite> !moon

16:41 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Frost_bite!

16:41 *** Frost_bite was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

16:41 <SkyHigh> Ok cool exit strategu

16:41 <Thelema5> XD

16:41 <SkyHigh> ! Mo!? New words much?

16:42 <FruitNibbler> My OC is grey-blue that looks pearly-blue in the sun and dark-grey in the shade due to fur being short and reflecting light like velvet

16:42 * Thelema5 strokes FruitNibbler's velvety fur

16:42 <FruitNibbler> °³°

16:43 <TimidClef|Work> Using one word, describe the texture of their magical fur

16:43 * Unixkitty boops FruitNibbler

16:43 <Thelema5> Smiles!

16:43 <TimidClef|Work> Yay!

16:43 *** Joins: Octave2 (androirc@Pony-qohspg.tbcn.telia.com)

16:43 *** Joins: Dreamsweet (ebcbwqmzrun@Pony-otnjot.md.comcast.net)

16:43 *** Octave2 is now known as OctaveFone

16:43 * FruitNibbler pets Unixkitty

16:43 *** Parts: Dreamsweet (ebcbwqmzrun@cute.lil.pony) ()

16:43 *** Joins: LaMewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

16:45 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-ccnmnt.adsl.tpnet.pl)

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16:55 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

16:55 *** GigaTown is now known as GigabitPony

16:55 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unikitty|Away

16:59 *** Joins: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-n8sk81.bb.dnainternet.fi)

16:59 <Classic_M> Heyo

17:02 *** Quits: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:04 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

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17:08 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

17:11 * SkyHigh gives FruitNibbler a fruit.

17:11 <SkyHigh> Hey

17:11 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

17:15 * Thelema5 finally noms

17:16 *** Joins: Arcendriel (ltageumvsih@Pony-8ds.q96.195.177.IP)

17:19 <Arcendriel> Good afternoon, guys~

17:21 <Thelema5> I'm filling out a retail liquor licence renewal form, and have to wonder about this question: "If dancing is permitted at the premises, who is permitted to dance?"   Why is that relevent, and what century are we in again?

17:22 <Thelema5> Hi, Arcendriel.

17:22 <TimidClef|Work> Heh

17:23 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigaway

17:23 <Thelema5> You there!  I must insist that you stop dancing this instant.  We haven't a permit for that!

17:23 <Classic_M> Write "Only I am permitted to dance!"

17:23 <FruitNibbler> Sorry SkyHigh, was afk for a while

17:24 <Ignis> Then you forfeit your humanity. One should bear in mind that we are either human or dancers.

17:24 * SkyHigh nibbles FruitNibbler

17:24 <SkyHigh> Cool

17:25 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

17:25 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

17:25 <KooK> soup

17:25 *** Joins: ink (ink@Pony-spaumv.dynamic-ip.hinet.net)

17:26 <TimidClef|Work> Heh, draw a picture of Walter White and write, "I AM THE ONE WHO DANCES!"

17:26 <ink> hi

17:28 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Epic Space War / A Change of Heart 11 / The Best of Intentions 13 / Timey Wimey 18 / Children of Everfree 9 / My Little Tales 2 [ http://tinyurl.com/mdyu5jc ]

17:31 *** Reia_Sleep is now known as Reia_Hope

17:33 <FruitNibbler> !stats

17:33 <Unikitty|Away> http://stats.nightstone.net/EquestriaDaily-short.html

17:34 <ink> Whoa, stats are back? :O

17:34 <FruitNibbler> Sorta

17:35 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/9nuHUlC

17:35 <FruitNibbler> FrankkieNL has a version of it too

17:35 <ink> how sorta are we talking?

17:35 <Arcendriel> !hug

17:35 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

17:35 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Arcendriel in a tight embrace

17:35 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP)

17:37 <DataByte> blueberry muffin flavor is real! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/01/derpy-brand-blueberry-muffin-flavored.html

17:41 <DataByte> few years ago, i devised blueberry-oatmeal muffins for muffin day <3

17:41 <ink> there’s a muffin day? :o

17:42 <DataByte> no-one in my family got that it was a pony reference, of course (didn't tell anyone yet, lol), but they were scrumptious xD

17:42 <DataByte> they didn't last long, lol

17:42 <DataByte> ink: march 1st

17:42 <DataByte> "Official" Derpy Day ;)

17:43 <ink> :O

17:43 <ink> want.

17:44 <DataByte> hay, if you're anywhere in the area, i'd make some to share ;)

17:44 <ink> I highly doubt ir :x

17:44 <DataByte> what state are you from?

17:44 <ink> If you’d share your recipe though… :D

17:44 <ink> Taiwan

17:45 <DataByte> that.. is a long way, lol

17:45 <ink> #swag

17:45 <ink> Too far to send muffins >:

17:45 <DataByte> i'll have to write it down.. i have a bad habit of not writing down half of what i cook

17:47 *** Joins: MidnightRunner (cqysvqqsclx@Pony-io6rva.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:47 * ink is one of those by the book people :p

17:47 <ink> Mostly ‘cause I don’t bake near enough to wing it

17:47 <DataByte> i like to experiment a little

17:48 <DataByte> take a basic recipe and improve on it

17:48 <MidnightRunner> #EquestriaDailyArt

17:48 *** Parts: MidnightRunner (cqysvqqsclx@Pony-io6rva.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ()

17:48 <DataByte> i've been told that my apple pie is the best xD

17:49 <DataByte> i finally got a way to bake it so that it holds its shape after it's been cut :)

17:49 <DataByte> caramalized sugar :)

17:49 <ink> :D

17:50 <DataByte> haven't decided if i like flaky crusts, though..

17:50 <DataByte> but ginger seems to compliment it well ;)

17:51 <DataByte> i like ginger :)

17:52 *** Joins: Reia (AndChat502@Pony-tom.1ao.151.184.IP)

17:52 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Work

17:52 *** Joins: Javashock (ehnbuifgkaz@Pony-gu4n6d.in.comcast.net)

17:53 <DataByte> another fun not-totally-unrelated note.. it takes about 2 weeks to regrow a layer of skin, it seems

17:53 <Thelema5> O.o

17:54 <DataByte> on that note: sharp knives are VERY nice to have.. but you need to treat them like they are sharp

17:54 <DataByte> hehe

17:54 *** Joins: DaringPon3 (Daring@Pony-ehprb6.bredband.comhem.se)

17:54 *** Gigaway is now known as GigabitPony

17:54 <Thelema5> I think dull kitchen knives are more dangerous to handle than sharp ones.

17:54 <DataByte> i had some cheap knife set before.. very annoying - they were all like saw blades, and anything you were trying to cut had to be in a sawing motion

17:55 <Thelema5> They behave erratically.

17:55 <DataByte> then i finally decided to get a nice set

17:55 *** Parts: Javashock (ehnbuifgkaz@Pony-gu4n6d.in.comcast.net) ()

17:55 <Thelema5> And then you removed a layer of skin?

17:55 <DataByte> none of them have the saw-like edge.. not even the steak knives

17:56 <Thelema5> I prefer serated edges on steak knives and bread knives.

17:56 <SkyHigh> What are we talking bout steak knives for?

17:56 <DataByte> and i took a few layers off the edge of my thumb while peeling apples, and never noticed it until i was washing my hands after xD

17:56 <Thelema5> I guess it didn't hurt?

17:57 <DataByte> felt weird picking stuff up, but didn't even notice it, and no blood xD

17:57 <DataByte> swipe!

17:57 <DataByte> oops!

17:57 <DataByte> xD

17:57 <SkyHigh> Yeah you can't feel at first being cut by a knfe

17:58 <SkyHigh> Brb

17:58 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: Leaving)

17:59 <DataByte> the set didn't come with a butcher's knife.. now i'm a little relieved that it didn't

17:59 <DataByte> imagining using a butcher knife that sharp..

18:00 <Classic_M> I've had that happen to me with a belt sander

18:00 <Classic_M> "Oh why is the bone on my thumb showin-Oh my god!"

18:00 *** Quits: Cloud_Zephyr (Cloud_Zephy@in.your.kitchen.eating.all.your.cake) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:00 <DataByte> i removed a finger's print of mine like that..

18:00 <DataByte> belt sander, though.. that's not good

18:01 <DataByte> Classic_M: really bad enough to see bone?

18:02 <Classic_M> Yeah a little bit

18:02 <DataByte> that's scary

18:02 <DataByte> i'm a bit squeamish..

18:03 <DataByte> only way i'd survive that is adrenaline xD

18:04 <Classic_M> I put a bandage on it and let it be

18:05 <DataByte> still.. that would not be a fun month or two

18:05 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-3u5avu.range86-177.btcentralplus.com)

18:05 *** TimidClef|Work is now known as TimidClef|Nomz

18:05 <DataByte> i remember a time i dropped a drill (with a drill bit) on my foot.. i still have the scar xD

18:06 <DataByte> couldn't walk right for what seemed like forever xD

18:06 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Pony_62840

18:07 *** Pony_62840 is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

18:10 *** Joins: djpinkie (mmvqzucqmwt@Pony-v16lg7.isadsl.co.za)

18:10 <djpinkie> hi

18:12 <Arcendriel> Hi there! Welcome!

18:13 <djpinkie> nice to meet you

18:15 *** Quits: djpinkie (mmvqzucqmwt@Pony-v16lg7.isadsl.co.za) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:19 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Season 2 in a Nutshell  [ http://tinyurl.com/pybcn7n ]

18:22 *** Joins: Stargazer (averagejoey@Pony-3reani.lv.cox.net)

18:24 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

18:27 *** Joins: TrillaForced (ncjiddumzbz@Pony-jari08.k12.mn.us)

18:27 <TrillaForced> Hello everypony

18:28 <Thelema5> Hi, TrillaForced.

18:28 <TrillaForced> whats up

18:28 <Thelema5> And hello to anypony else who arrived recently.

18:29 <Thelema5> Nothing very interesting, I'm afraid.  I'm busy with work, and haven't been chatting much.

18:29 <TrillaForced> yeah I hear ya, I've been piled with schoolwork

18:31 *** Joins: AJ (ehftcbfxnkq@Pony-ao11bk.client.bresnan.net)

18:31 <AJ> acen?

18:31 <TrillaForced> ???

18:32 <AJ> arcen?

18:32 <TrillaForced> i'm still confused

18:32 <TrillaForced> !link discord and chrysalis

18:32 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/282589

18:32 <Arcendriel> Hey there AJ!

18:32 <Thelema5> I'm usually confused.  It's alright.

18:32 <AJ> wazzup!

18:33 <Arcendriel> Slept well? :)

18:33 <AJ> sure. can't remember my dream tho

18:33 *** Unikitty|Away is now known as Unikitty

18:33 <TrillaForced> !link Fluttershy and Dashie

18:33 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

18:33 <TrillaForced> !oh okee

18:33 <Thelema5> !link flutterdash

18:33 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/437151

18:34 <TrillaForced> !link queen fluttershy

18:34 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/288787?scope=scpe791676522b0474da6cfb0ffdbbb5d5353660b563

18:34 <Arcendriel> Oh, that happens all the time. Sometimes i also forget about what i dream.

18:34 <TrillaForced> !link Fluttershy and parasprite

18:34 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/295958

18:35 <AJ> but sometimes if i remember a dream, i remember it for life. at  least thats whatit seems

18:35 <Thelema5> I really don't like these birthday game things that have been popping up all over the place lately.

18:35 <AJ> birthday games?

18:35 <TrillaForced> I love em!

18:35 <Thelema5> They're far too... pedestrian.  Our community can be more creative than that.

18:36 <TrillaForced> Yeah true...

18:36 <AJ> what birthday games?

18:36 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

18:36 <Arcendriel> Twilight is pretty good at RPG games, aren't she?

18:36 <FruitNibbler> http://www.naturalnews.com/040859_skynet_quantum_computing_d-wave_systems.html

18:36 <Thelema5> Like the one derpybot linked in response to the queen fluttershy query, AJ.

18:37 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Main Series Volume #7 for the My Little Pony Comics Gets a Cover, Date, and Information on Amazon  [ http://tinyurl.com/llgp388 ]

18:38 <FruitNibbler> That was a link DinkyBot fetched in CanterlotHill chat

18:38 <AJ> i don't get it

18:38 <TrillaForced> ... Queen Fluttershy was my idea...

18:39 <AJ> well. got on only to say hi. got to do school!

18:39 *** Quits: ink (ink@Pony-spaumv.dynamic-ip.hinet.net) (Client exited)

18:39 <AJ> im homeschooled

18:39 <Arcendriel> Oh, i see...

18:39 <AJ> bye

18:39 <Arcendriel> Well, nice school, then. Study hard~

18:39 <Thelema5> Bye

18:39 *** Quits: AJ (ehftcbfxnkq@Pony-ao11bk.client.bresnan.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:43 <TrillaForced> I am sooooo bored right now

18:43 <TrillaForced> ya know if i was at home I'd be watching Equestria Girls

18:43 <Thelema5> Are you at school?

18:43 <TrillaForced> yes

18:43 <Thelema5> In class?

18:43 <TrillaForced> yes

18:44 <Thelema5> Maybe you should pay attention to your studies, then. XD

18:44 <Unikitty> ^

18:44 <TrillaForced> nope the teacher says its a free day on computers... :/

18:44 <Unikitty> I don't really see how chatting in IRC would be any sort of helpful in class personally.

18:45 <Unikitty> We never got "free days" when I was in school.

18:45 <Thelema5> Could be a journalism class; and the IRC conversation may be investigative research.

18:45 <TrillaForced> Nope just bored

18:45 *** Joins: RainDancer (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity)

18:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h RainDancer

18:45 <Unikitty> If the teacher doesn't have much to give us at a specific time... we do tests.

18:45 <Classic_M> he's profiling us all

18:45 <Unikitty> Or, well, did.

18:45 <Thelema5> TrillaForced, sounds like your teacher is being lazy.

18:46 <Thelema5> A pubic school, I'd wager.

18:46 <Arcendriel> Free day in class? Well, that's new.

18:46 * Unikitty boops Thelema5.

18:47 *** Quits: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-7tehul.threembb.co.uk) (Quit: computerz)

18:47 *** Quits: TrillaForced (ncjiddumzbz@Pony-jari08.k12.mn.us) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:47 <Thelema5> Teacher is probably tenured in, and a union member... why should he care if the students actually learn anything, or walk away from school with a useful education?

18:47 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-nsn.t8d.99.121.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:47 *** FruitNibbler is now known as FN_away

18:48 *** RainDancer is now known as Rarity

18:50 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

18:52 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

18:52 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

18:55 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

18:55 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming)

19:02 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-vbp.us0.147.95.IP)

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19:04 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:07 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

19:07 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_73815

19:07 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:08 *** TimidClef|Nomz is now known as TimidClef|Work

19:08 *** Pony_73815 is now known as Daniel_Waterhorse

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19:15 *** Parts: Angelshy (dodlgztkdbn@Pony-uuknfg.atvci.net) ()

19:17 *** Quits: Arcendriel (ltageumvsih@Pony-8ds.q96.195.177.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:18 *** Joins: Ventrex (hbszfmacwuy@Pony-iajvc0.range81-152.btcentralplus.com)

19:24 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Tanking_Sounds

19:24 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Bad News for Pony in Japan? [ http://tinyurl.com/q78rujh ]

19:26 *** Joins: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-io0qvt.ip.windstream.net)

19:31 *** Joins: Idikos (drhmvimkgxk@Pony-pmq0tg.dialup.mvtel.net)

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19:32 *** Jon-The_Bronynerd is now known as Jon-The_Bronynerd|Steam

19:37 *** NightmareFluttershy is now known as StrykerVylon

19:40 * Thelema5 glances over at the chat and realizes, with some dismay, that the last comment he made nearly an hour ago is still the last comment in the chat.

19:41 <hawthornbunny> I was gonna say!

19:41 <hawthornbunny> I was gonna try to use the silence for some nefarious purpose but I couldn't think of anything.

19:41 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha... I can't come up with anything either.

19:42 <hawthornbunny> I was all, "this is it, hawthornbunny! Your chance to shine! They'll have to listen to you now!". Then I got distracted by my dinner

19:42 <Thelema5> Ooh, was it delicious?

19:42 <hawthornbunny> Chili con carne

19:43 <Thelema5> Yum!

19:43 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

19:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Fall Fall

19:44 <Thelema5> Yay for spicy meat.

19:45 * SleepingPommel yays for spicy meat!

19:45 *** Joins: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-io0qvt.ip.windstream.net)

19:45 <Thelema5> !link chili

19:45 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-io0qvt.ip.windstream.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by NightmareFluttershy)))

19:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

19:45 *** NightmareFluttershy is now known as StrykerVylon

19:45 *** SleepingPommel is now known as CocoCoffeeLips

19:45 <Thelema5> !link liquid taco

19:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

19:45 <CocoCoffeeLips> Eww

19:46 <CocoCoffeeLips> Liquid?

19:46 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-q6ft6g.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

19:46 *** Joins: Norkix (jyjfqykbcnu@Pony-94ujen.east.myfairpoint.net)

19:46 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha

19:47 <TimidClef|Work> Mmm, chili?

19:47 <TimidClef|Work> I had mild curry chicken for lunch

19:47 <Norkix> hello all

19:47 <Thelema5> Anything involving curry wins my approval.

19:47 * CocoCoffeeLips loves curry

19:48 <Thelema5> Hello, Norkix.

19:48 <CocoCoffeeLips> Which color/flavor?

19:49 *** Joins: Finwe^ (vhalkola@Pony-bs4ovt.org.aalto.fi)

19:50 <Thelema5> For some reason, I immediately pictured a yellow curry for Timidclef's chicken

19:50 *** Joins: Raid (Raid@Pony-j1r394.broadband.iskratelecom.ru)

19:51 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

19:51 <hawthornbunny> Man, there's a ton of potential OC names if your special talent is curry. ^^

19:52 <TimidClef|Work> It was yellow

19:52 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

19:52 <TimidClef|Work> Was a 'butter' curry

19:54 *** Quits: SwanSong (SwanSong@Pony-9bh1i2.orngca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

19:56 *** Joins: Arteshi (Arteshi@Pony-ljg.ucs.73.192.IP)

19:56 <Thelema5> Mmmmm.

19:57 <Norkix> jeez

19:57 *** Joins: jamis (jamis@jamis)

19:57 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

19:57 <Norkix> all the stories I've been reading recently have been making me feel really inferior as a writer

19:57 *** Joins: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-7tehul.threembb.co.uk)

19:57 <Norkix> like, REALLY inferior

19:58 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

19:58 <Thelema5> Then let that feeling inspire you to improve your skills.

19:58 <SkyHigh> Argh

19:58 <SkyHigh> I hate time zones

19:58 <Norkix> oh, it does

19:58 <hawthornbunny> Norkix: it works the other way, too. Read some bad stories. ^^

19:58 <Norkix> I want to improve, I just don't have any creative ideas to write about.

19:59 <Thelema5> Skyhigh: Adopt UTC

19:59 <hawthornbunny> Norkix: I'll brainstorm with you!

19:59 <Norkix> I keep coming up with these good hooks but have no idea where to go with them

19:59 *** Quits: Finwe (vhalkola@Pony-oi2dre.org.aalto.fi) (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish.)

19:59 *** FN_away is now known as FN

20:00 *** Finwe^ is now known as Finwe

20:00 <SkyHigh> Thelema5 work

20:00 <Norkix> hawthornbunny: how much do you know about Zelda?

20:00 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-4s9.m5d.176.109.IP)

20:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

20:00 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/804956

20:02 <DaringPon3> !link http://new.livestream.com/tinykittens/oz

20:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

20:02 <Norkix> also

20:02 * Thelema5 shimmers in the sunset

20:02 *** Joins: Rainbow_Dashie (uiylljlromy@Pony-uu55or.access.telenet.be)

20:02 <Norkix> my friends keep asking me why I'm gasping as I read

20:02 <Rainbow_Dashie> hello

20:03 <Finwe> o3o

20:03 <Thelema5> Hi, Rainbow_Dashie!

20:03 * Finwe frantically o3o's at ThatAnonPony.

20:03 <Norkix> and when I try to explain the concept of Fallout: Equestria to them they all start laughing at the idea

20:03 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-io0qvt.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:03 <Thelema5> Sounds like you need to find better friends! XD

20:03 <Norkix> probably haha

20:04 <Classic_M> FO:E was super good

20:04 <Finwe> SLt Classic_M.

20:04 <Finwe> _7

20:04 <Finwe> 6.9

20:04 <Norkix> I think what I really need is just to stop being such a stupid introvert and meet some new people

20:04 <Finwe> o7

20:04 <Classic_M> o7

20:04 <Thelema5> Norkix, don't you wish it were that easy?

20:05 <Thelema5> You're meeting new people here, though.

20:05 <Norkix> yeah. especially since I can't drive.

20:05 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-ca7apv.ip.windstream.net)

20:05 <Thelema5> :p

20:05 <Rainbow_Dashie> Im looking for a new anime. Is Neon Genesis Evangelion any good?

20:05 <hawthornbunny> Norkix: Zelda is the name of a Princess from a bunch of Nintendo games ^_^

20:05 <Norkix> meeting people on the Internet allows for a feeling of camaraderie, that is true :)

20:06 <Thelema5> Rainbow_Dashie, what kind of anime do you typically enjoy?

20:06 <Norkix> but it is not quite as ideal as meeting people in meatspace.

20:06 * Thelema5 shrugs

20:06 <Rainbow_Dashie> I like action, but story is very important to me

20:06 <Thelema5> My only friends are online friends

20:06 * Norkix clears throat

20:06 <Norkix> SOUL EATER.

20:06 <Norkix> there you go

20:06 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

20:06 *** Quits: Arteshi (Arteshi@Pony-ljg.ucs.73.192.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:07 *** Joins: Arteshi (Arteshi@Pony-ljg.ucs.73.192.IP)

20:07 <Thelema5> Oh, I don't have any recommendations, then.  I prefer slice of life, which is kinda the opposite.

20:07 <Norkix> but seriously

20:07 <Norkix> soul eater ruined pretty much everything except FMA for me

20:07 <Rainbow_Dashie> so is it good or not then?

20:07 <Norkix> because I can no longer stand anime girls who are whiny and stand on the sidelines

20:08 <Norkix> Rainbow_Dashie it is probably the most awesome thing I have ever watched

20:08 * TimidClef|Work hugs Thelema5

20:08 <TimidClef|Work> I'm your friend, online or off :)

20:08 <hawthornbunny> Princess Tutu was good. I think. If I understood it. Which I didn't really.

20:08 * Thelema5 gigglesquiggles

20:08 <Rainbow_Dashie> lol @ hawthornbunny

20:08 <Rainbow_Dashie> alright, thanks :D I'll check that out

20:08 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:09 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

20:10 <hawthornbunny> It's kinda like a mahou shoujo version of Swan Lake. I think.

20:10 <Norkix> forgive my non-otakuness, but what does mahou shoujo mean?

20:11 <hawthornbunny> Magical girl.

20:11 <Rainbow_Dashie> btw, i heard death note was pretty good too?

20:12 <Norkix> OMGOMGOMGYES

20:12 <hawthornbunny> I've heard Death Note is good. And the English dub has a few pony VAs in too.

20:12 <Rainbow_Dashie> hehe, wha? :p

20:12 <Rainbow_Dashie> rly?

20:13 <Norkix> what, is misa voiced by Ashleigh Ball or something?

20:13 <Classic_M> I watched Death Note too, it was good untill a thing happens and then I didn't like it anymore

20:14 <Norkix> there are only a few female characters in it, and none of them sounded familiar

20:14 <hawthornbunny> Ashleigh Ball voiced Shiori Akino, whoever that is

20:14 <Norkix> yeah, i... don't remember her either.

20:14 * Rainbow_Dashie will first watch death note, then spoil self with Soul Eater :p

20:14 *** Quits: Reia (AndChat502@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

20:15 <Norkix> Rainbow_Dashie, i would start with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

20:15 <KooK> I get shocks for my car tomorrow!  WOOT

20:15 <Norkix> if you haven't done that already

20:15 <hawthornbunny> Cathy Weseluck voiced Near

20:15 *** Joins: Reia (AndChat502@Pony-t8kqlk.bchsia.telus.net)

20:15 <Norkix> wait WHAT

20:15 <Rainbow_Dashie> Norkix: Thanks, i'll watch that one too :p

20:15 <Norkix> no wait

20:15 <Norkix> SE, then FMA:B, then Death Note

20:16 <Rainbow_Dashie> why that order? :p

20:16 <Norkix> because that is my personal ranking for how amazing they are.

20:16 *** Joins: AJ (ehftcbfxnkq@Pony-ao11bk.client.bresnan.net)

20:16 <AJ> hallo!

20:16 <Sunset-Shimmer> Yo

20:17 <Norkix> it also goes in order of plot-to-action ratio

20:17 * Princess-QRS wiggles plot

20:17 <hawthornbunny> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1uSCnuCzwM - definitely Spike. ^^

20:17 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

20:17 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Death Note Relight 2: Wammy's House Flashback (English dub)

20:17 <AJ> !link something

20:17 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/523770

20:18 <Norkix> HOLY CRAP IT IS

20:18 *** Joins: Meguroko (ericlpxjled@Pony-qm7gjk.bredband.comhem.se)

20:18 <jamis> lol

20:19 *** FrankkieNL|AFK is now known as FrankkieNL

20:19 <AJ> ok then!

20:19 <AJ> didn't expect that

20:20 *** CocoCoffeeLips is now known as CocoPommel

20:20 <FrankkieNL> hi AJ

20:20 <Meguroko> Hello I have a lite problem & the problem is that i don´t know what to have for a subject in my first brony video on youtube I have made intro & Outro All the weekend but now i need a subjetc for my first video. Anypony who got an idea?

20:20 <AJ> helloo

20:20 <jamis> Then they were all eaten by the great cosmic owl

20:20 <Rainbow_Dashie> man, the quality of these vids are total garbadge :(

20:20 <FrankkieNL> hi Rainbow_Dashie

20:20 <hawthornbunny> Norkix: Misa was voiced by Shannon Chan Kent (Silver Spoon, and Pinkie Pie's singing voice)

20:21 *** Quits: NovaEra (NovaEra@TheZoidberg.OfCanternet) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:21 *** Quits: DaringPon3 (Daring@Pony-ehprb6.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: )

20:21 <Norkix> now that i believe

20:21 <FrankkieNL> hi all

20:21 *** Joins: DWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

20:21 <Norkix> Misa's voice was definitely annoying enough for that

20:21 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

20:21 <Rainbow_Dashie> heya FrankkieNL how ya doing? :D

20:21 <FrankkieNL> Pretty good

20:21 <Thelema5> Hi, FrankkieNL.

20:21 <FrankkieNL> just returned from vacation!

20:21 <Thelema5> Welcome back!

20:21 <FrankkieNL> (Thats why I've been away a while)

20:22 <FrankkieNL> :D

20:22 <hawthornbunny> Hi Frankkie!!!

20:22 <AJ> !link something again!

20:22 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

20:22 <FrankkieNL> !link silly pony

20:22 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/366781?scope=scpe831587f4eee6f504cc08492c5f21b8e5d14c7a72

20:22 <AJ> stupid twilight

20:22 <Thelema5> O.o

20:22 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/804853

20:22 <Thelema5> And hello, Meguroko.

20:23 <AJ> hahahahahahahaaaaa munching intensifies!!!!!!!!!!!

20:23 <Thelema5> Welcome to a chat.

20:23 * DataByte noms on AJ

20:23 * AJ farts

20:23 <Thelema5> What kind of videos do you enjoy watching, Meguroko?

20:23 <FrankkieNL> AJ best pony

20:23 * AJ i mean fa*rts

20:24 <Thelema5> Gross.

20:24 <Rainbow_Dashie> Nice, where did you go FrankkieNL ?

20:24 <Finwe> MR FrankkieNL

20:24 * AJ i mean f*rts

20:24 * Finwe doffs his hat.

20:24 <FrankkieNL> Antalya, Turkey

20:24 <FrankkieNL> Mr Finwe

20:24 <DataByte> Thelema5: 144?

20:24 * FrankkieNL doffs hat

20:24 <Finwe> RD is best pony.

20:24 <Finwe> o3o

20:24 <FrankkieNL> Le *gasp*

20:25 <AJ> !link applejack

20:25 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/559459

20:25 <Rainbow_Dashie> Hope you had a great time ^^

20:25 <FrankkieNL> :P best image

20:25 <AJ> hahahahahahahahahahahaha............. thats why she best pony!!!

20:25 <FrankkieNL> :D !

20:25 <Meguroko> https://www.dropbox.com/s/npb82eztflxg560/Youtbe.txt?dl=0

20:26 <Meguroko> This is my video ideas so far

20:26 <FrankkieNL> Rainbow_Dashie It was unf :P

20:26 <FrankkieNL> *fun

20:26 <FrankkieNL> but its good to be back.

20:26 <Thelema5> Apples of Walmart

20:26 <FrankkieNL> https://github.com/frankkienl/Convention/blob/master/screenshots/8MXN1Ts.png behold my drawing skillz >.>

20:27 <Thelema5> A+

20:27 <DataByte> Thelema5: i can imagine that being the name of a feature-length film

20:27 <AJ> bye!

20:27 <FrankkieNL> Rainbow_Dashie Will you attend HWcon? :P

20:27 <FrankkieNL> bye AJ!

20:27 <Thelema5> That's exactly what they have planned for the 2017 MLP feature film, I'm sure!

20:27 <Rainbow_Dashie> HWcon?

20:27 <AJ> i will be back on in a bit of hours!!!

20:27 <FrankkieNL> http://www.hwcon.nl/

20:28 <FrankkieNL> Im making an App for that con.

20:28 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-ccnmnt.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Bye horsies!)

20:28 <FrankkieNL> The official HWcon app :P

20:28 *** Quits: AJ (ehftcbfxnkq@Pony-ao11bk.client.bresnan.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:28 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Story: A Former Student of Mine [ http://tinyurl.com/lvedtdd ]

20:28 <Thelema5> FrankkieNL, it's really in a town called Hoofddorp?

20:28 <FrankkieNL> Im officially the ONLY certified Android Developer in all of the Netherlands. :D

20:28 *** Nedemai is now known as Nedefloof

20:28 <FrankkieNL> Thelema5 yes

20:28 <Thelema5> That's amazing.

20:29 <Meguroko> how do i make a ponysona without useing some crappy online program

20:29 <DataByte> all i see is "HoofDerp"

20:29 *** Quits: LaMewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:29 *** Joins: FN_away (FruitNi@Pony-asm54o.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

20:29 <FrankkieNL> Thelema5 Why did you think they took that spot? xD

20:29 <Rainbow_Dashie> Thelema5: It's literal translation is HeadVillage

20:29 <DataByte> Rainbow_Dashie: Its

20:29 <Thelema5> Commission somepony who can draw, Meguroko.  Or, use the online genarator for a base image, and then modify it.

20:30 * Nedefloof waves weakly

20:30 <FrankkieNL> Because I told them, says Amsterdam one more time and I kill you. So they when with Hoofddorp, which is like 10km to the west of Amsterda,

20:30 <FrankkieNL> *when = went.

20:30 <FrankkieNL> Its like they think Amsterdam is the only place in the Netherlands. It just grinds my gears.

20:31 <Rainbow_Dashie> FrankkieNL: Alright, that doesn't conflict me going to Tsunacon so yea! I think I'll go ^^

20:31 <FrankkieNL> Yay :D  !!!!

20:32 <Rainbow_Dashie> who knows? Maybe I'll see ya there :D

20:32 <FrankkieNL> I hope so!

20:32 *** Quits: FN (FruitNi@Pony-2f9hp3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:32 <FrankkieNL> I'll probaly cosplay for the first time :P as AJ of course. I've got the Hat and Element of Harmony.

20:33 <Thelema5> Pics or it didn't happen.

20:33 <Thelema5> :p

20:33 <Rainbow_Dashie> I'd go as (duh) Rainbow Dash ... but don't have anything yet :p just got my anime costume

20:33 <Nedefloof> I dressed up as luna on Halloween, it was so so quickly put together but it worked :P

20:33 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:33 <FrankkieNL> http://i.imgur.com/561Mh03.jpg the Element of Harmony can be seen on this pic

20:34 <Nedefloof> so many AJ

20:34 <FrankkieNL> Thelema5 I dont have a pic of the hat though.

20:34 *** Nedefloof is now known as Nedemai

20:34 <KooK> Steady as she goes

20:34 <Rainbow_Dashie> Oh nuts! Either I dye my hair in rainbow colors or wait for the week after to dye it black ... hmmmmm

20:34 <FrankkieNL> Nedemai :P I like AJ

20:34 <Rainbow_Dashie> Thelema5: Wanna see my anime costume? :D

20:35 <FrankkieNL> Rainbow_Dashie awesome :P

20:35 <Nedemai> FrankkieNL, I can see that lol

20:35 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/804822

20:36 <jamis> So, I hear someone's an aj fan?

20:36 <Meguroko> I would Only buy the AJ to the Right because that´s the only one wit hhigh enogh quallity for me (Plushie wise that is)

20:36 * hawthornbunny earperks

20:36 <Rainbow_Dashie> Here's my anime costume : https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_tyu61R8AdeGsZAFOvw-PsA3UEo5KzN0y5hjTtDEWfI=w368-h207-p-no

20:36 <FrankkieNL> jamis, you are not deaf.

20:37 *** FN_away is now known as FN

20:37 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

20:37 <Norkix> kirito was cool

20:37 <FrankkieNL> Rainbow_Dashie cool costume!

20:37 <Rainbow_Dashie> not the best anime, but I thought it was fun :D Thanks btw FrankkieNL ^^

20:37 <Norkix> the second season was disappointing up until the final moments

20:38 <Norkix> first season was gold though

20:38 <KooK> Oh dude, it always worries me what I did when I came home from having my wisdom teeth pulled

20:38 <FrankkieNL> Jamis, I thought you already knew that I'm an AJ fan.

20:38 <Thelema5> What did you do, KooK?

20:38 <KooK> Frankkie lies, he's a Fluttershy fan.

20:38 <Rainbow_Dashie> altough I wonder why bother naming it Sword Art Online if only the first half of season 1 is Sword Art Online :p

20:39 <KooK> Thelema5 - I guess I wouldn't shut up, don't remember a single thing I said.

20:39 <DataByte> heh

20:39 <Thelema5> Must have been the painkillers.

20:39 <Thelema5> Or the pain.

20:39 <Rainbow_Dashie> That's like making an MLP movie and not staring MLP .... oh wait XD

20:39 <Sunset-Shimmer> Well, it DID star MLP. :P

20:40 <KooK> I was knocked out, I don't know what it is but, I've been put to sleep a couple times and the only times I've ever done that, wisdom teeth

20:40 <Sunset-Shimmer> just not in the proportions you might have wanted.

20:40 <KooK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POl_o3grZRw

20:40 <Rainbow_Dashie> Eehh star is more like the main focus :p

20:40 <KooK> It's like, people do stuff like that

20:40 <DataByte> mine have still not come in

20:40 <DataByte> i'm told i may need them out.. but i'd rather not

20:40 <Rainbow_Dashie> Funny thing is, the season premiere and final always feel like they wanted to do a movie with MLP's :p

20:41 <Rainbow_Dashie> I mean, season 4 finale?! That was some Dragon Ball Z stuff right there XD

20:41 *** Quits: wallows|InTex (jdcfwdqhbft@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:41 <Sunset-Shimmer> I did love that finale

20:41 <Rainbow_Dashie> And I didnt mind that at all XD

20:41 <Thelema5> Mine came in shattered, and the pieces promptly fell out.

20:42 <DataByte> what???

20:42 <Rainbow_Dashie> anyways, I'm off to watch anime (not dubbed thank you :p) Bye Bye! ^^

20:42 *** DWaterhorse is now known as Daniel_Waterhorse

20:42 <Rainbow_Dashie> oh right, one last thing though

20:43 <Rainbow_Dashie> How does one cosplay as Rainbow Dash really? And no full costume :p

20:43 <FrankkieNL> wig

20:43 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-ca7apv.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:44 <DataByte> nah - just color your hair :P

20:44 <Rainbow_Dashie> Have rather short hair though XD

20:44 <DataByte> no matter

20:44 <DataByte> ;P

20:44 <Rainbow_Dashie> I'll see what I can do. Maybe I'll post the result later this week XD

20:44 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

20:45 <Rainbow_Dashie> Okay, for realz now

20:45 <DataByte> it's the spirit of the character - come up with something you thing she'd wear ;)

20:45 <Rainbow_Dashie> Bye Bye! ^^

20:45 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

20:45 <Rainbow_Dashie> (and I will DataByte ^^)

20:45 * jamis throws a 4de AJ plushie at FrankkieNL

20:45 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

20:45 * hawthornbunny jumps up and intercepts

20:45 * hawthornbunny runs off

20:46 *** Quits: Rainbow_Dashie (uiylljlromy@Pony-uu55or.access.telenet.be) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:46 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

20:47 <jamis> hawthornbunny, just thought of you running into the endzone for a touchdown and spiking the plushie.

20:47 <jamis> Everyone cringes and cries.

20:52 <KooK> HARBLE

20:52 <Thelema5> Marble.

20:52 <KooK> Thelema5, can you tell me what's eating Gilbert Grape?

20:53 * Sunset-Shimmer chews on a grape

20:53 <Thelema5> I think it was his developmentally challenged brother, dead father, morbidly obese mother, and emotionally unavailable sister.

20:54 <Thelema5> And the burger barn.  Definately the burger barn.

20:54 <KooK> What the heck Burger Barn?

20:54 <Thelema5> It's a reference to a memorable scene in the film.

20:55 <KooK> I know, I was saying, what the heck Burger Barn?

20:55 <Thelema5> Oh.

20:55 <KooK> Not, what is it :P

20:55 <Thelema5> Is Burger barn a real franchise?

20:55 *** Joins: NixWorld (uuhrrsnkkeh@Pony-59vf38.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net)

20:56 <KooK> Not that I'm aware of

20:56 <KooK> What do you think, do I watch that movie, or do I watch The Cider House Rules?

20:56 <KooK> Where A Protege to a physician who runs an orphanage sets off to see the world, but reality soon intrudes on his youthful idealism and moral certitude.

20:57 <NixWorld> #EquestriaDailyArt

20:57 <KooK> #yolo

20:57 <Thelema5> I've never watched cider house rules... but it has cider in the name, so it gets my vote.

20:58 <KooK> I shall tell you how it is

20:58 <KooK> Oh LAWD it's 2 hours long

20:58 <KooK> I wonder if I have popcorn

20:58 *** hawthornbunny is now known as TeaSpoon

20:58 <Thelema5> Buy mushroom popcorn

20:59 *** Quits: NixWorld (uuhrrsnkkeh@Pony-59vf38.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:59 <KooK> huh?  ew

20:59 <KooK> I love old steam engines!

20:59 <KooK> (There's a steam engine)

21:00 <Thelema5> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA4ZeFAbyWg

21:00 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

21:00 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about What Is Popcorn? :: A Popcorn Buying Guide

21:00 <KooK> I'm watching a movie!  :P

21:01 <Classic_M> I'm out. G'night everybody

21:01 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-n8sk81.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:01 <Thelema5> G'night!

21:03 *** Quits: Lord_Greener (greener@Pony-nbt7u0.dhcp.inet.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:03 <Thelema5> Ooh, neat- The movie Boyhood is now available On Demand.  Great film.

21:04 <Thelema5> One of the best I've seen in years and years, actually.

21:04 *** Joins: Lord_Greener (greener@Pony-nbt7u0.dhcp.inet.fi)

21:04 <TeaSpoon> Is it better than Lucy

21:05 <Thelema5> I'm not sure what Lucy is, so I can't really comment authoritatively... but I would guess that it probably is.

21:05 <FN> Just checked how much my present from dad is worth (wrist watch)

21:05 <TeaSpoon> Lucy is currently one of my favorite bad movies. ^^

21:06 <FN> Dunno if I should be angry or pleased

21:06 <FN> http://www.chrono24.de/iwc/aquatimer-chronograph--mod356.htm

21:06 <Thelema5> What's the value, FN?

21:07 <Thelema5> That link returned 165 results.

21:07 <FN> Value of a car

21:07 <Thelema5> Wow.

21:07 <FN> 4000-5000€

21:07 <TimidClef|Work> The equivalent of roughly $6k USD

21:08 <Thelema5> Chumlee offers $10 USD (in store credit)

21:08 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP)

21:08 *** Quits: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:08 <FN> https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9dv1jkjjsr6kdr/20150112_220637.jpg?dl=0

21:08 <Finwe> !twilight time

21:08 <DerpyBot> It's not Twilight time right now, silly!

21:08 <Finwe> :(

21:08 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP)

21:08 <Finwe> :(

21:08 <Finwe> !twilight time

21:08 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight_Shimmer

21:08 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

21:09 <Thelema5> Fancy.

21:09 * Twilight_Shimmer hugs Finwe

21:09 * Finwe snugs Twilight_Shimmer.

21:09 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

21:09 <KooK> The cat slumbers on me

21:09 <Twilight_Shimmer> lol

21:09 <Thelema5> Cats are gonna cat.

21:10 <Finwe> Cats!

21:10 <FN> Personally I'd never go for anything more than 500€

21:10 <Unikitty> Meow.

21:10 <Thelema5> I don't even own a watch.

21:10 * Finwe pets Unikitty.

21:10 <Twilight_Shimmer> whats a 500e

21:10 <KooK> https://www.dropbox.com/s/47e4qddjzllwyur/Chillyasabean.jpg?dl=0

21:10 <FN> But my dad likes to show off

21:10 <KooK> slumbering cat

21:10 <FN> 500 Euro

21:10 <Twilight_Shimmer> oh

21:11 <Finwe> €500?

21:11 <Twilight_Shimmer> whats the conversion on that

21:11 <Finwe> For what?

21:11 <TimidClef|Work> 1.18 dollars to each Euro

21:11 <Thelema5> KooK: D'waaaah

21:11 <FN> For a watch

21:11 *** Joins: Loving_heart (gvmdlpxlpiq@Pony-ct5e4f.wa.comcast.net)

21:11 *** Parts: Loving_heart (gvmdlpxlpiq@Pony-ct5e4f.wa.comcast.net) ()

21:11 <Twilight_Shimmer> i suck at math so ill just assume like 500 us dollars

21:11 <KooK> its like $5,  the  usd is always superior

21:11 <Finwe> TimidClef|Work:  The dollar isn't as worthless as it used to be.

21:12 <Sunset-Shimmer> True dat

21:12 <FN> ~600USD Twilight_Shimmer

21:12 <TimidClef|Work> Finwe: I was surprised. That's the current conversion rate

21:12 <KooK> Actually it's close to $600 :P

21:12 * Twilight_Shimmer snugs the Sunset-Shimmer

21:12 <FN> 590 to be precise

21:12 <Finwe> Then again, when Euro was born the rate was 0.95 dollars to 1 euro.

21:13 <Twilight_Shimmer> Sunset shimmer is best equestria girl

21:13 * Sunset-Shimmer rocks it

21:13 <FN> And I have 5900USD around my wrist now

21:14 <Finwe> :0

21:14 <Finwe> A Swiss watch?

21:14 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (Daniel_Hors@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

21:14 <FN> https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9dv1jkjjsr6kdr/20150112_220637.jpg?dl=0

21:14 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_14046

21:15 <FN> Schaffenhausen IWC

21:15 <KooK> Who the heck is TeaSpoon?

21:15 <FN> No clue if swiss

21:15 *** Joins: SkyHigh1 (iiluxucwjct@Pony-3l384h.skybroadband.com)

21:15 <KooK> It's an IWC Schaffhausen

21:15 <Finwe> Oh, my stop.

21:15 * Finwe sits on a tram.

21:15 *** Quits: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-7tehul.threembb.co.uk) (Quit: Left.)

21:16 <Finwe> o3o

21:16 <Finwe> It's snowing some more.

21:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> dont say that word Finwe

21:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> least you invite more of it

21:16 *** SkyHigh1 is now known as SkyHigh

21:17 <Finwe> It should change to water on Wednesday.

21:17 <FN> Oh right KooK, the arrow covered that word, so I half-guessed

21:18 <KooK> :P

21:18 <KooK> It's a nice watch, I prefer my pocket watches though.

21:18 <SkyHigh> derp

21:18 <KooK> derp

21:18 <FN> I'd rather have this honestly

21:18 <FN> http://whichwatchtoday.blogspot.de/2014/04/casio-batteryless-bb-800.html

21:19 <Thelema5> Finwe, we got about 5 inches of snow here overnight, and it turned to sleet about 4 hours ago... the temp just rose above freezing, so everything is now shrouded in fog.

21:19 <Thelema5> It's not going to be a fun drive home.

21:19 <KooK> FN, that is an old beast :P

21:19 <DataByte> FN: my atomic watch is solar :P

21:20 <DataByte> Thelema5: sounds like a fun drive! (except for the fog, of course)

21:21 *** Quits: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:21 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-4s9.m5d.176.109.IP)

21:21 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

21:22 * ThatAnonPony flops on Sunset-Shimmer.

21:23 <Thelema5> Nuh uh, I hate driving in icy conditions... especially in my tiny little car.  It doesn't do well in the snow.

21:23 <KooK> Thelema5 - you need some better tires

21:23 * Sunset-Shimmer snoogles anon

21:24 <Thelema5> I do indeed.  But, tires are expensive.

21:25 <jamis> 100 bits a pop

21:27 *** Quits: SkyHigh (iiluxucwjct@Pony-3l384h.skybroadband.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:27 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (xsvxkckgfxd@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

21:28 <Thelema5> Well, wish me luck!  I'm heading home.

21:28 * DataByte sends Thelema5 a hug

21:28 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Go on, try it!)

21:29 * Twilight_Shimmer yawns

21:29 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Wallpaper Compilation #131 [ http://tinyurl.com/kchqc2d ]

21:29 * Finwe gives a set of studded tyres to Thelema5.

21:30 <FN> Buy dem slims

21:30 <Finwe> Oh, too late.

21:30 <FN> Darneeet

21:31 * Finwe sits on a train now.

21:31 <Finwe> Hey, ho, towards home we go.

21:31 <FN> on ... not in

21:32 <FN> Extreme ridin'

21:32 <Finwe> Yes.

21:32 <Finwe> Welcome to the wonderful world of English language.

21:34 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-4s9.m5d.176.109.IP)

21:35 <Finwe> In some parts of the world they live in a street.

21:35 <FN> In russia there are people who ride on top of the train for adrenaline

21:35 <Finwe> Was it in 'murrica?

21:36 <Finwe> FN: I've seen those on YouTube.

21:36 *** Quits: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:36 *** Sunset-Shimmer_ is now known as Sunset-Shimmer

21:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

21:37 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

21:38 * Twilight_Shimmer turns foal sized and hops atop Sunset-Shimmer head and curls up in her mane

21:43 *** Joins: Princess_Dreamer (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net)

21:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess_Dreamer

21:44 *** Joins: Solo_Act (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP)

21:44 <Twilight_Shimmer> zzzzzz

21:45 *** Joins: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-7tehul.threembb.co.uk)

21:45 <SkyHigh> Sup

21:46 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:47 <Twilight_Shimmer> sleeepy

21:48 * SkyHigh sleeps

21:48 <SkyHigh> Haaaaw phyooo

21:51 *** Joins: Georgisaur (George@Pony-lu6fji.range86-145.btcentralplus.com)

21:54 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Quit: )

21:56 *** Quits: Pony_14046 (Daniel_Hors@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:00 <Solo_Act> !link twilighttime

22:00 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

22:00 <Solo_Act> whoops.

22:02 *** Joins: Deadbane (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP)

22:02 *** Stradi|Asleep is now known as Stradiverra

22:02 *** Quits: Solo_Act (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Deadbane)))

22:02 *** Deadbane is now known as Solo_Act

22:03 *** FN is now known as FN_afk

22:03 <Solo_Act> !twilighttime

22:03 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight_Shimmer

22:03 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

22:03 <Twilight_Shimmer> hehe

22:03 <Solo_Act> there we go. it was a network disconnect.

22:06 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/805090

22:07 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Downloadable 3D Flutterbat Blender File With Basic Rig  [ http://tinyurl.com/q2s2dal ]

22:08 *** Joins: Deadbane (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP)

22:08 *** Quits: Stargazer (averagejoey@Pony-3reani.lv.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:08 *** Quits: Solo_Act (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:09 *** Quits: Deadbane (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP) (Z-Lined: Your IP range has been attempting to connect too many times in too short a duration. Wait a while, and you will be able to connect.)

22:11 <SkyHigh> !pie

22:11 <SkyHigh> Aww

22:12 *** DataByte is now known as muffin

22:12 <muffin> !play

22:12 <DerpyBot> You're not my muffin!

22:12 <muffin> xD

22:12 *** muffin is now known as DataByte

22:12 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)

22:12 <jamis> !plot

22:12 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

22:12 <DataByte> *wigglewiggle*

22:12 * Twilight_Shimmer yawns

22:13 *** GeekBrony is now known as GeekBrony[Away]

22:13 * DataByte baps Twilight_Shimmer

22:13 * SkyHigh slaps Twilight_Shimmer

22:13 <Twilight_Shimmer> meeep

22:13 <SkyHigh> That gotta hurt

22:13 <Twilight_Shimmer> being hit while foal sized hurts!

22:14 *** Quits: Raid (Raid@Pony-j1r394.broadband.iskratelecom.ru) (Connection closed)

22:15 * SkyHigh noms on Twilight_Shimmer's ear.

22:15 <SkyHigh> !stats

22:15 <Unikitty> http://stats.nightstone.net/EquestriaDaily-short.html

22:15 * Twilight_Shimmer is nomd on

22:18 * SkyHigh pings Finwe

22:21 <KooK> I know we have this thrilling conversation going on right now, but I'll be back in a minute

22:21 <Norkix> hey does anyone know any bands similar to Chevelle, Tool or Muse?

22:22 <Norkix> I'm looking for some new music to listen to

22:22 <KooK> OH

22:22 <KooK> hmm

22:22 <Twilight_Shimmer> zzzz

22:22 <Norkix> I recently found this guy: stemage.bandcamp.com

22:22 <Norkix> and he is amazing

22:22 <KooK> Incubus?

22:22 * SkyHigh pings KooK

22:23 * KooK pongs

22:23 <KooK> Norkix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXzuDXZwZtI

22:23 <KooK> Something like that?

22:24 <SkyHigh> Ping

22:26 *** Quits: Ventrex (hbszfmacwuy@Pony-iajvc0.range81-152.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:26 <SkyHigh> So what are we doing?

22:26 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:26 *** Quits: rela (x@Pony-lhfv2t.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)

22:26 <KooK> SkyHigh - Scrabble

22:26 <SkyHigh> Leaving I see.

22:26 <SkyHigh> :P

22:27 <KooK> leaving?

22:27 <SkyHigh> 3 leaves on close proximity

22:27 <SkyHigh> In*

22:28 <KooK> leafing?

22:28 * SkyHigh noms on KooK's Harble.

22:28 <Norkix> not bad. kind of like the chili peppers in a way.

22:28 *** Joins: Ventrex (hbszfmacwuy@Pony-iajvc0.range81-152.btcentralplus.com)

22:29 <KooK> Incubus has a lot, a lot of really good songs, imo.

22:29 *** Joins: Solo_Act (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP)

22:30 <KooK> Audioslave had a few good songs, Rage Against the Machine is amazing, Staind is pretty good

22:30 <Norkix> they sound like linkin park crossed with the chili peppers

22:30 <KooK> Oh dude, Hoobastank, hold on

22:30 <Norkix> oh! hoobastank, i've heard of them

22:30 *** Quits: Thorinair (Mibbit@Pony-nl8564.dsl.iskon.hr) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

22:30 <KooK> I loved Hoobastank

22:31 <KooK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E17HnEMloDc

22:31 <KooK> That was one of my favorite songs when I was drag racing

22:31 * SkyHigh noms on KooK's ear.

22:31 *** Joins: LunaticHell (wgcdxtrumiu@Pony-su4qqk.tubit.tu-berlin.de)

22:32 <Norkix> now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

22:32 <KooK> Mah Ears!

22:32 <LunaticHell> gooooooood midnight, everypony and a happy last hour of the day (at least for me)

22:32 <KooK> Foo Fighters was pretty good

22:32 <LunaticHell> bring on teh snuggles!

22:33 * LunaticHell snuggles a Finwe

22:33 *** Quits: Ventrex (hbszfmacwuy@Pony-iajvc0.range81-152.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:33 <KooK> Stone Temple Pilots, P.O.D., Seether...

22:33 <KooK> THe list goes on

22:33 * Twilight_Shimmer noms on hoof in sleep

22:33 <KooK> Smashing Pumpkins, Filter

22:33 <Norkix> urgh, seether... I have mixed feelings about seether

22:33 * LunaticHell puts Twilight_Shimmer under a blanket and pets her

22:33 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

22:33 <KooK> Eh, you take the good with the bad

22:33 * SkyHigh lunatics LunaticHell

22:34 <LunaticHell> oh hi SkyDive

22:34 <SkyHigh> Frosty was on earlier LH

22:34 <LunaticHell> Hello Kookie

22:34 <LunaticHell> huh

22:34 <SkyHigh> !seen Frost_bite

22:34 <DerpyBot> SkyHigh: The last time I saw Frost_bite was 2015-01-12 16:15:40 UTC

22:34 <KooK> Hey Lunatic

22:34 <LunaticHell> Sup?

22:35 <Norkix> see, the biggest problem is that I've become really picky about what I listen to.

22:35 <Norkix> I got kind of fed up with the angsty bands like Linkin Park and Three Days Grace

22:35 <SkyHigh> Same

22:35 <SkyHigh> I moved onto big room

22:36 <SkyHigh> Or house; I like house

22:36 <Norkix> I got into progressive rock

22:36 <Norkix> That at least has some thought-provoking lyrics

22:36 <KooK> AH!  PACKAGE!

22:37 <Norkix> Tool especially can be hella deep.

22:37 <Norkix> Problem is, there just aren't that many bands willing to be that creative.

22:37 <Solo_Act> KooK: Kangaroo Jack.

22:38 <Norkix> To step outside of the conformity of what's selling their records and make music about whatever they want

22:38 <Norkix> and I just sounded like a pretentious hipster didn't I...

22:38 <SkyHigh> Norkix I like Norkix because I don't get my image from lyrics, so when I rp or just wanna think I do big room.

22:38 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigabit

22:39 <SkyHigh> I like house; I do like Norkix but the subject was house

22:39 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as ShowerSymphony

22:40 <Norkix> well I have to go

22:40 <Norkix> thanks for the suggestions KooK

22:40 <Norkix> <3

22:40 *** Quits: Norkix (jyjfqykbcnu@Pony-94ujen.east.myfairpoint.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:43 *** FN_afk is now known as FN

22:43 <SkyHigh> Welcome back FN

22:43 <KooK> Oh... lord...

22:44 <SkyHigh> xD

22:44 <KooK> So, I ordered a rarity voicebox and a Rainbow Dash doll from build a bear, their website

22:44 <Solo_Act> 0.o

22:44 <KooK> I didn't even think about it, I was going to get the rarity voicebox put into a rarity obviously, well you can guess what happened

22:44 <SkyHigh> :3

22:44 <Night_Blitz> lol

22:44 <SkyHigh> Fail

22:44 <Sunset-Shimmer> Rainbow Dash always dresses in style!

22:44 <KooK> massive fail

22:44 *** FrankkieNL is now known as FrankkieNL|AFK

22:45 <Sunset-Shimmer> Daaaaaahling

22:45 *** Unikitty is now known as Unikitty|Sleepies

22:45 <Solo_Act> Sunset-Shimmer: it's G3 all over again.

22:45 <SkyHigh> They had /so/ much in common

22:45 <Sunset-Shimmer> xD

22:46 * SkyHigh is playing some big room play list age for radionas

22:46 <SkyHigh> Wow

22:46 <SkyHigh> That went horribly wrong

22:46 *** Joins: Toothpaste (~Toothpaste@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

22:47 * SkyHigh is playing a big room play list for radio

22:47 *** Joins: Schism (NA@blutwr.cntrlt.equ)

22:47 <Schism> Phew.  BACK.  BACK NOW.

22:48 <LunaticHell> Schimane!

22:48 <Schism> If anyone ever wants to fly in to Kitchener airport through Chicago, just one word for you: DON'T.

22:48 * LunaticHell hugs Schism

22:48 * Schism boops LunaticHell with a plate of vegetable tempura!

22:48 <LunaticHell> here, have music of awesome

22:48 <LunaticHell> !link http://youtu.be/2nSvaqKcwSc

22:48 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

22:48 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about One-T & Cool-T - The Magic Key

22:49 *** Joins: averagejoey2000 (averagejoey@Pony-m81a8n.lv.cox.net)

22:49 <SkyHigh> Hold on

22:49 *** averagejoey2000 is now known as Pony_1527

22:50 <SkyHigh> LunaticHell what Is playin

22:50 <SkyHigh> !link http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lETmskoqh30

22:50 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

22:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Hardwell - Spaceman (Original Mix)

22:51 <LunaticHell> wat?

22:51 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

22:51 <SkyHigh> Big room m8 radio.

22:52 <SkyHigh> Heard of Spinnin' Records?

22:53 *** Quits: Georgisaur (George@Pony-lu6fji.range86-145.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:54 <SkyHigh> LunaticHell?

22:54 <LunaticHell> Isn't that what records do?

22:54 <KooK> I just emailed Build a Bear...

22:54 * LunaticHell scratches his head

22:54 <SkyHigh> LunaticHell do what?

22:54 <KooK> We'll see what they say, but I was looking around for the voice box and just went "oh... crap..."

22:54 <LunaticHell> Did I just make a DJ pun? xD

22:54 <LunaticHell> SkyHigh: Spin.

22:54 *** Quits: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at) (Connection closed)

22:55 <SkyHigh> The YouTube channel

22:55 <LunaticHell> Did I make a DJ pun? - Scratch that.

22:55 <SkyHigh> ...

22:55 <SkyHigh> That's not even terrible, it's disastrous

22:55 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Daniel Ingram Teasing Pinkie Pie Mystery Song? What are Pinkie's Favorite Things?!  [ http://tinyurl.com/pn7ld2b ]

22:55 <LunaticHell> ...yeah I heard of Spinnin' Records.

22:55 <SkyHigh> Cool

22:56 *** Quits: Solo_Act (vqeiobbtlfh@Pony-c58.8n3.67.97.IP) (Quit: I'll try again later.)

22:56 <SkyHigh> I sometimes cover Spinnin' Sessions

22:56 <SkyHigh> And their live radio

22:56 <LunaticHell> Although I am surprised that I know about it. *shrug*

22:56 <LunaticHell> Cool.

22:56 <SkyHigh> Which I'm doin right now

22:56 <LunaticHell> I once met a guy at galacon who makes pony radio.

22:56 <SkyHigh> :P

22:56 *** Joins: Color_Colt (vhmqdrfswol@Pony-o0de19.wi.charter.com)

22:56 <LunaticHell> Something like Desertwolf or something?

22:57 <SkyHigh> I might try to get own radio one day

22:57 *** Joins: thanks_for_the_ponies (lhrvesjbgxc@Pony-ids.koj.178.108.IP)

22:57 *** Quits: thanks_for_the_ponies (lhrvesjbgxc@Pony-ids.koj.178.108.IP) (Connection closed)

22:57 <LunaticHell> ooh~

22:57 <LunaticHell> Seriously, who is Desertwolf?

22:58 <LunaticHell> Or was it "DesertFox"?

22:58 <SkyHigh> Steven.

22:58 <LunaticHell> ...wat?

22:58 <SkyHigh> Wait

22:58 <SkyHigh> Nah that's my colleague not DesertWolf.

22:58 <LunaticHell> He told me he has the oldest brony radio staion on the web.

22:59 <LunaticHell> I just can't find him on the web, anywere.

22:59 <SkyHigh> I can pm you any songs I play

23:00 <LunaticHell> Lately I'm barely listening to music :/

23:00 <SkyHigh> Meh

23:00 *** Quits: DJMidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) (Quit: )

23:00 *** Parts: Pony_1527 (averagejoey@Pony-m81a8n.lv.cox.net) ()

23:00 <SkyHigh> Just pm me if you want it.

23:01 <SkyHigh> That goes out to every1

23:01 *** Joins: DesertRose (DesertRose@Pony-nf2e4m.range81-131.btcentralplus.com)

23:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DesertRose

23:01 <SkyHigh> Brb

23:01 *** Tanking_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

23:01 *** Joins: Stargazer (averagejoey@Pony-m81a8n.lv.cox.net)

23:01 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaWork

23:01 <Meguroko> I just read The best fanfic I have read & it´s called "like fine wine" and is about spike & rarity It´s so well written & have such a rich languge & supurb story telling would really recoomnd to read in one go (19.222 words) You won´t regreat it

23:02 <Meguroko> Is ther anypony else who have read it?

23:02 * Twilight_Shimmer wake up and rubs eyes

23:03 <Sunset-Shimmer> Not me

23:03 <SkyHigh> Not me

23:03 <Twilight_Shimmer> I have read many stories but not that one

23:03 <SkyHigh> I'm not the reading type pokemon

23:03 * Sunset-Shimmer reads occasionally

23:04 *** SkyHigh is now known as MusicHigh

23:04 <Meguroko> I don´t like reading either but this was the first thing that I read since harry potter

23:04 *** ShowerSymphony is now known as OctaveSymphony

23:05 <Sunset-Shimmer> I always think it's funny when people on chatrooms say they don't like reading

23:05 *** Quits: Meguroko (ericlpxjled@Pony-qm7gjk.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:05 <Stargazer> What if they have voice to text and vice versa installed?

23:05 <MusicHigh> Dunno

23:06 <Sunset-Shimmer> The majority won't, you know that. :P

23:06 <Schism> I don't tend to read Sparity fanfic.

23:06 <Sunset-Shimmer> I indulge in the occasional Sparity...but not often

23:06 * Sunset-Shimmer ahems.

23:06 * MusicHigh must control music

23:06 <Sunset-Shimmer> Pffft

23:07 <Sunset-Shimmer> musics not meant to be controlled

23:07 <MusicHigh> PM for songs I'm playin

23:07 <Sunset-Shimmer> :P

23:07 <MusicHigh> They are of they're big room

23:07 <Schism> Besides, Meguroko, Rarity's true pairing is with Coco Pommel... <.<

23:07 <MusicHigh> If*

23:07 <Sunset-Shimmer> *** Meguroko has quit IRC: Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client

23:08 <Sunset-Shimmer> mighta missed that

23:08 <Schism> So I did.

23:08 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:08 <Schism> Sorry, I have leaves in dark blue.

23:08 <Sunset-Shimmer> xD

23:08 <Sunset-Shimmer> Same, but my chat window is white. :P

23:08 <Schism> Bah.  Chat windows should be in black, with light grey text.

23:09 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-h6npld.east.verizon.net)

23:09 <Schism> Zero, back me up on this!

23:09 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-vbp.us0.147.95.IP)

23:09 <ZeroParadox> Aight.

23:09 * ZeroParadox backs up into Schism - 3 -

23:09 <Schism> Chat window background colour.  White or black?

23:09 * Schism acks and falls over.

23:09 <ZeroParadox> Black

23:09 <Stargazer> In command line clients, its black on white

23:10 <Stargazer> I mean white text, black background

23:10 <ZeroParadox> Wait are you asking me what I want or what it is

23:10 <Schism> What it SHOULD be.  o3o

23:10 <ZeroParadox> Black

23:10 *** Joins: User_425925 (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-qqgjvo.67-212-47-net.sccoast.net)

23:10 *** Quits: TeaSpoon (Hawthorn@Pony-vbp.us0.147.95.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:10 * Schism nods approvingly.

23:10 <Sunset-Shimmer> I prefer white

23:10 <Stargazer> linux command lines have a black backfround with white text, and the irc clients are the same. LIKE THEY SHOULD

23:10 <Sunset-Shimmer> it just works best for me

23:11 * Sunset-Shimmer runs 'dows

23:11 <ThatAnonPony> Zero.

23:11 <ZeroParadox> Sunset-Shimmer: I'm sure you and your perfectly working eyeballs like that, yes.

23:11 <ThatAnonPony> o3o /

23:11 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

23:11 * ZeroParadox dusts his eyeballs off.

23:11 * Schism runs Windows too, and the command prompt in Windows is light grey on black.

23:11 <MusicHigh> xD

23:11 <ZeroParadox> Hello Anon

23:11 <Stargazer> Mac terminal is white in some releases

23:11 * LunaticHell draws a moustache on ZeroParadox and snuggles

23:11 * ZeroParadox sets LunaticHell aflame and takes a nap

23:12 * Schism considers, then sneaks over to Heartbreak while they're snoozing, and pins a moustache to their muzzle.

23:12 <Schism> (With tape.)

23:12 <LunaticHell> ZeroParadox: Quick, what did Prof. Oak told Ash about catching all pokemon?

23:12 <LunaticHell> ZeroParadox: "But you Mustash"

23:12 <ZeroParadox> ok

23:13 <LunaticHell> ...it sounds like mounstache...

23:13 * MusicHigh attends to slapping things

23:13 <LunaticHell> moustache*

23:13 <LunaticHell> however it's spelled

23:13 * MusicHigh slaps a lemon

23:13 <ZeroParadox> Hey LunaticHell

23:13 <LunaticHell> hey Zer0

23:13 <ZeroParadox> I got a better one

23:13 * MusicHigh slaps a lime

23:13 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-i8um58.ip.windstream.net)

23:13 * ZeroParadox pulls out a labrys

23:13 <LunaticHell> hit me

23:14 <ZeroParadox> I wanna axe you a question

23:14 <LunaticHell> =D

23:14 <ZeroParadox> Oh I'm gonna hit you alright o3o

23:14 <MusicHigh> =(

23:14 <LunaticHell> D=

23:14 <LunaticHell> x. x

23:14 * MusicHigh defends LunaticHell

23:14 <Toothpaste> Half Life: Full Life Consequences comes to mind... >.>

23:14 <MusicHigh> xD

23:15 <LunaticHell> "Over my dead body" -> "Quite right." *shoots ded*

23:15 <MusicHigh> Portal: You will be baked; Then there will be cake.

23:15 <Toothpaste> Gonna have to watch the Gmod vids for that again xP

23:15 <Toothpaste> MusicHigh: lel xD

23:15 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (npbqynugeho@Pony-gul3ra.res.rr.com)

23:15 <LunaticHell> video game teim!

23:15 <Toothpaste> Portal games were the best. Why? Humor~

23:15 *** LunaticHell is now known as Lunatic|LaTale

23:16 *** Princess-QRS is now known as BankingRS

23:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

23:16 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

23:16 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

23:16 <Sunset-Shimmer> Portal 2, one of the best ever

23:16 <MusicHigh> G-G-G-GLaDOS!

23:16 <Sunset-Shimmer> absolute gold

23:16 <Lunatic|LaTale> LaTale? La tell your friends.

23:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> Poker Night at he Inventory 2

23:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> with glados as the dealer

23:16 * Cobalt_Blitz waves "Hello everypony"

23:17 <Sunset-Shimmer> Poker Night 2 was beast. XD

23:17 <Sunset-Shimmer> love it

23:17 <Twilight_Shimmer> i found it funny as hell

23:17 * Schism boops Sunset-Shimmer with a puppet. THE Puppet.

23:18 <Schism> It wants to give you a hug!

23:18 <KooK> Uhg, this Rainbow Dash is bothering me more than it should...

23:18 * Sunset-Shimmer dies

23:18 *** BankingRS is now known as Wildcard

23:18 <Storm_RainbowDash> hey everypony

23:19 <not_Tail> Hays

23:19 <Cobalt_Blitz> Hello

23:19 * Schism also boops LunaticHell with a roll of Starbursts. They're all pink.

23:20 * Storm_RainbowDash hugs Twilight_Shimmer

23:20 * Twilight_Shimmer hugs Storm_RainbowDash back

23:21 <Storm_RainbowDash> whats everypony talking about

23:22 *** poseyshy is now known as poseyshy|dreaming

23:23 <MusicHigh> I love this song I'm playin

23:23 * Twilight_Shimmer yawns

23:23 <MusicHigh> Gotta love house :D

23:23 <Storm_RainbowDash> what song

23:23 <Twilight_Shimmer> im sooo sleepy, and al becasue i have a full tummy

23:23 * Storm_RainbowDash pats Twilight_Shimmer

23:23 <MusicHigh> I'm playin Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child

23:23 <Princess_Dreamer> Hugh Laurie, that's who.

23:24 <Princess_Dreamer> "Heaven's got a plan for you!"

23:24 <Storm_RainbowDash> thats a great song MusicHigh

23:24 *** Parts: Color_Colt (vhmqdrfswol@Pony-o0de19.wi.charter.com) ()

23:24 <MusicHigh> Yeah

23:25 <MusicHigh> This androirc is weird

23:26 <Storm_RainbowDash> didnt like that irc app

23:26 <Schism> It works about half the time for me.

23:27 <Storm_RainbowDash> it worked twice for me then never could connect

23:27 <Twilight_Shimmer> i gave up on clients

23:27 <Twilight_Shimmer> too complicated

23:27 <Twilight_Shimmer> its much easier to just connect via equestria daily

23:28 <Schism> Ah, but when you connect through the Equestria Daily website, you're still using a client!

23:28 <Twilight_Shimmer> but not one i had to set up myself

23:28 <Schism> LightIRC, to be precise... okay, okay.

23:28 <Storm_RainbowDash> im on my fourth irc client on linux

23:31 <Storm_RainbowDash> went from Nettalk to Xchat to Hexchat now on KVIrc

23:32 <MusicHigh> I'll brb restartin

23:32 <Night_Blitz> weechat/irssi or bust

23:32 <Twilight_Shimmer> i cannot use hex chat anymore

23:32 <Twilight_Shimmer> they dont have a vista version anymore

23:33 <Storm_RainbowDash> i had vista and switched to Ubuntu 14.4

23:34 <Twilight_Shimmer> never heard of it, granted theres a LOT of IRC clients i have never heard of

23:35 *** Joins: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-0en9nv.threembb.co.uk)

23:35 <Storm_RainbowDash> ubuntu is a Linux OS

23:35 <SkyHigh> Lol

23:35 <Twilight_Shimmer> oh

23:35 *** Quits: MusicHigh (androirc@Pony-7tehul.threembb.co.uk) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SkyHigh!androirc@Pony-0en9nv.threembb.co.uk)))

23:35 * SkyHigh sighs nope

23:36 <SkyHigh> Restarting once more

23:36 *** Quits: Toothpaste (~Toothpaste@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca) (Quit: BRB-- Forgot to check the new Monstercat release today :P)

23:36 *** Quits: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-0en9nv.threembb.co.uk) (Quit: restart required standby)

23:38 <not_Tail> Ubunut

23:38 *** Joins: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-ipigid.threembb.co.uk)

23:38 <not_Tail> Quassel represent

23:39 *** Quits: Renard (Renard@Pony-cgn05d.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:39 *** SkyHigh is now known as MusicHigh

23:40 <MusicHigh> Hello?

23:40 <Storm_RainbowDash> wbk MusicHigh

23:41 <Lunatic|LaTale> YES!

23:41 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-vl7l7u.bchsia.telus.net)

23:41 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

23:41 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

23:41 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

23:41 *** Lunatic|LaTale is now known as Lunatic|WcW

23:42 * Storm_RainbowDash hugs Twilight_Shimmer

23:42 <Lunatic|WcW> aw yes

23:42 * Twilight_Shimmer hugs Storm_RainbowDash

23:43 *** Joins: thanks_for_the_ponies (lhrvesjbgxc@Pony-ids.koj.178.108.IP)

23:43 <Lunatic|WcW> Witchcraft Works OVA FTW!

23:43 * MusicHigh noms on LunaticHell's ear.

23:44 * Lunatic|WcW gasps

23:44 *** Joins: Toothpaste (Toothpaste@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

23:44 <MusicHigh> Yo TP

23:44 <Lunatic|WcW> hey

23:44 <Lunatic|WcW> anypony needs an anime to watch?

23:44 * Storm_RainbowDash noms on Twilight_Shimmer's mane

23:45 <MusicHigh> Nope got musix

23:45 <Lunatic|WcW> Like a really good anime?

23:45 <Storm_RainbowDash> sure Lunatic|WcW

23:45 <MusicHigh> Nah

23:45 <Lunatic|WcW> Storm_RainbowDash: Go watch "Zetsuen no Tempest"! "Blast of the Tempest"

23:46 <Lunatic|WcW> the right one is the translation

23:46 <Storm_RainbowDash> i havent watched that in a while

23:46 * Twilight_Shimmer is nommed on

23:46 <Lunatic|WcW> aw yis, you saw it

23:46 <Lunatic|WcW> did you like it as much as I did?

23:46 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

23:46 * MusicHigh flops about

23:46 <Storm_RainbowDash> i loved it

23:47 <Lunatic|WcW> Cephey!

23:47 <Lunatic|WcW> Cep, hey!

23:47 <Lunatic|WcW> Hey Cep!

23:47 <MusicHigh> Yo Ceph

23:47 * Lunatic|WcW snuggles Cepheid

23:47 <Cepheid> Hoi.  What's up?

23:47 <Lunatic|WcW> Storm_RainbowDash: Me, too. ...also it explains your nick

23:48 * Lunatic|WcW lifts Cepheid "you"

23:48 <Cepheid> ...

23:48 <Cepheid> Are you drunk?

23:48 <Lunatic|WcW> =D

23:48 <Lunatic|WcW> Can't get drunk at work.

23:48 <Lunatic|WcW> Must not get drunk at work.

23:48 *** Joins: Arcendriel (oxtnjvbgkeo@Pony-g0i.5ts.157.179.IP)

23:49 *** Quits: TimidClef|Work (TimidClef|W@Pony-iipqvr.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Do you know you're all my very best friends? :))

23:49 *** Jon-The_Bronynerd|Steam is now known as Jon-The_Bronynerd

23:49 *** F4celess is now known as F4celess[A]

23:49 * F4celess[A] is now away - Reason : reason

23:49 <Storm_RainbowDash> you could alweays get coffe drunk or soda drunk Lunatic|WcW

23:50 <Lunatic|WcW> ...is that a thing?

23:50 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-i8um58.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:50 <Lunatic|WcW> ...well I ask while I watch an anime where a girl got drunk from cola...

23:50 <MusicHigh> It's more of entry referred to as a sugar high

23:50 <Lunatic|WcW> oooooh "sugar rush"

23:50 <Arcendriel> Hey there guys~

23:51 <MusicHigh> It's more often&

23:51 <Lunatic|WcW> Nah, I hadn't had enough caffine nor sugar for that.

23:51 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-i8um58.ip.windstream.net)

23:51 <Lunatic|WcW> MusicHigh: I can hold my sugar, sugar. ;)

23:51 * MusicHigh wingbaps Lunatic|WcW

23:51 *** Joins: Renard (Renard@Pony-9m23i8.abo.wanadoo.fr)

23:52 * Lunatic|WcW giggles

23:52 <Cepheid> In Freedom Wars, people would get drunk off of a non-alcoholic drink that had sodium chloride in it.

23:52 *** MusicHigh is now known as SkyHigh

23:55 <Lunatic|WcW> huh

23:55 <Lunatic|WcW> wait WHAT?

23:55 <SkyHigh> XD

23:56 <Lunatic|WcW> Salt?

23:56 <Lunatic|WcW> Did I read that right?

23:56 <SkyHigh> A base of salt yes

23:57 <Lunatic|WcW> [my chemestry classes a years ago, I do remember that amalgan smells like pee and sulfuric smells like fart]

23:57 <Cepheid> Yes, Lunatic|WcW.

23:57 <Lunatic|WcW> are*

23:57 *** Fall is now known as FallenSilent

23:57 <Cepheid> They get drunk off of a non-alcoholic drink that has SALT added in.

23:57 <Cepheid> It's not a mistranslation either.

23:58 <Sunset-Shimmer> Welp, time to go. XD

23:58 <Lunatic|WcW> huh

23:58 *** Quits: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: IN JUSTICE WE TRUST!~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFhaRDTCtmg)

23:58 <Storm_RainbowDash> darn to late to say bye

23:58 <SkyHigh> !party

23:58 <SkyHigh> !happu

23:59 <SkyHigh> !happy

23:59 <SkyHigh> What was the thing

23:59 <SkyHigh> !hellp

23:59 <Lunatic|WcW> Cepheid: what kind of non alcoholic drinks?

23:59 <SkyHigh> ...

23:59 <SkyHigh> Can't type

23:59 <SkyHigh> !hug

23:59 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

23:59 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around SkyHigh in a tight embrace

23:59 <SkyHigh> Lunatic|WcW avid

23:59 <Lunatic|WcW> depending on the drink, there might be a chance for a intoxicating reaction between drink and salt.

23:59 <Cepheid> No idea.  It's not specifically stated.  Just that whatever it is, it's not alcoholic, but it has sodium chloride in it.  They colloquially call it "SoChlo."

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