Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Monday, 2015-06-29

00:00 <LunaticHell> I should go to bed since I really need to see the dentist, tomorrow.

00:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Do Not Disturb / Panderject / Everfree 12 / Websurfers 6 / Recall the Time 10 / To Love Alicorn 12 / Old Appleloosa 13 [ http://tinyurl.com/ptuefdx ]

00:01 <LunaticHell> Lost a tooth filling to a vibrating tooth brush.

00:01 * Schism happily cooks food for a few minutes.

00:01 * Schism then splashes OIL OVER HIS WRIST.

00:01 <LunaticHell> Last time I'm going to that dentist. o3o

00:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> rip in peppers

00:03 <LunaticHell> Ramen.

00:03 <LunaticHell> Anyhoof, see ya all on the other side.

00:04 *** Quits: LunaticHell (tpgvfggxrlj@Pony-ijkumk.versanet.de) (Quit: Time will tell, sooner or later, time will tell.)

00:05 *** Joins: locodash11[lagout] (locodash11@Pony-osmcfg.co.comcast.net)

00:06 *** Joins: Dustrunner|Zwei (Spaghetti@Pony-np8kdm.nb.bellaliant.net)

00:07 *** Madness is now known as DARK

00:08 *** Quits: locodashie11 (locodash11@Taco.eating.Anthro.Batpony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:08 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-93uh39.res.rr.com)

00:08 *** Joins: Barry_From_Mars (wxjybzcfxfg@Pony-edj4e8.ip.windstream.net)

00:08 *** Quits: Dustrunner (Spaghetti@Tips.Fedora) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:09 <Cepheid> Schism:  I did that with butter the other night.

00:09 *** Joins: Lonercs (Lonercs@TheAffectionateLoner)

00:10 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

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00:12 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-tk6.bga.28.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:12 <Lonercs> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ef6i9P7y3Y Pirate metal! PG-13 (alcohol and mild adult themes)

00:12 <Lonercs> hi Fall

00:12 <Fall> Hellew

00:13 <Lonercs> click my link! Good song

00:13 <Tirek> Is that Alestorm?

00:13 <Tirek> If not, then no.

00:14 <Lonercs> Tirek, it is

00:17 *** Nilak|Away is now known as Nilak

00:17 *** Quits: ColtonDRG (coltondrg@ColtonDRG.is.best.pony) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

00:23 *** Joins: DemonWolf (ilclctreial@Pony-3od.7q3.178.24.IP)

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00:23 *** Joins: Vibrance (nbhokposxwp@Pony-6t8hdr.bchsia.telus.net)

00:23 *** Parts: Vibrance (nbhokposxwp@AnActualChangeling) ()

00:24 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I remember when people first got wind of those guys

00:24 <DemonWolf> Streaming my a PMV Collab I am hosting with the one and only RainbowDashzx

00:24 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Everyone thought it was the craziest thing

00:24 <DemonWolf> twitch.tv/nddemonwolfiv is the link

00:24 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Then a month later people stopped caring

00:24 *** Gaming_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

00:25 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Sleeeeeeeeep)

00:25 <Lonercs> Lenfant_Sauvage, they made a mighty sacrilegious if the band is as good as that song

00:25 <Cepheid> <Red Faction:  Guerrilla>  "Distract the EDF, and don't destroy these panels at this place.  Also, kill the guys at said place."  <Player>  "HELLO~!"  *Shows up in a wrecking machine, destroys building, panels along with it.*

00:25 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Honestly I found their keyboardist to be incredibly obnoxious

00:25 <Lenfant_Sauvage> And everything else was pretty much middle of the road

00:27 *** Joins: Mongoosie|AFK (Goosie@Pony-hp5ja8.res.rr.com)

00:28 *** Joins: ColtonDRG (coltondrg@ColtonDRG.is.best.pony)

00:28 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-h5643p.198-29-63-net.sccoast.net)

00:29 *** Joins: TheOnlyWolf100 (TheOnlyWolf@Pony-mks.6rv.161.98.IP)

00:29 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Sleep (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:32 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-n335oi.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Leaving)

00:35 *** Quits: DemonWolf (ilclctreial@Pony-3od.7q3.178.24.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:38 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-88rk5f.bigpond.net.au)

00:40 <Vulpor> Hey all

00:40 *** Joins: User_4833 (kqddkkfysxy@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

00:40 *** Parts: User_4833 (kqddkkfysxy@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) ()

00:41 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ohi

00:42 <Vulpor> Wassup Lenfant

00:44 *** Joins: Dekko2 (none@Pony-9o8gk7.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)

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00:47 *** Quits: Lonercs (Lonercs@TheAffectionateLoner) (Quit: Good Bye)

00:48 *** Joins: Dekko (none@Pony-9o8gk7.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)

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00:54 <Schism> Well that was fun.

00:54 <ADragonDreaming> Hm?

00:54 <Schism> 10 cups of pad thai noodles, roughly - with 1 cup of thai chiles.

00:55 <ADragonDreaming> Sounds tasty.

00:55 <Schism> Oh, it is.

00:55 <ADragonDreaming> So, I spent a few hours making a thing.

00:56 <Schism> I do suggest against nomming down, however, unless you have an asbestos gullet... oh?

00:56 <ADragonDreaming> Specifically, a spreadsheet comparison of skyrim equipment. Between vanilla/DLC stuff, and mods.

00:56 <ADragonDreaming> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ObDe8bWaya56-W5TEueWg4e-CKEGV5d4VUWC66fGEWs/edit?usp=sharing

00:57 *** Fall is now known as Gilda

00:58 <ADragonDreaming> The armors were relatively easy, since the values were listed in the Immersive Armors Wiki.

00:58 <ADragonDreaming> The weapons required some inventiveness.

00:58 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (yqwwqomtrfy@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net)

00:58 <Schism> Looks... pretty comparable, honestly.  You get some slightly more efficient gear with the mod, but nothing increasingly overwhelming.  But did you count armor weights in the assessment?

00:58 <ADragonDreaming> I did not.

00:58 <SilverSpeed> hay, Schism!

00:59 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Honeysuckle

00:59 *** Parts: Honeysuckle (yqwwqomtrfy@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net) ()

00:59 *** Joins: Luke_Aura (squpptgtxbq@Pony-lkdv3i.sligo.eircom.net)

00:59 <ADragonDreaming> Nor have I done calculations by set.

00:59 <Schism> Adra: Weapon weight actually determines the DPS; lighter weapons draw and move faster.

00:59 <ADragonDreaming> I'm aware. There's reach, as well.

00:59 <ADragonDreaming> I'd want to put the weights and etc. into a separate sheet.

01:00 <Schism> It is an increasingly convoluted set of options.

01:00 <ADragonDreaming> It's worth noting that weight does not NECESSARILY translate to speed.

01:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1575 - SPACE Mare  [ http://tinyurl.com/pxz6g5o ]

01:01 <Schism> True.  Ranged weapons, though, seem to translate to some degree.

01:01 <ADragonDreaming> The two values are often related but do not have to be. The Longhammer demonstrates.

01:03 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:03 <ADragonDreaming> Speed strikes of melee weapons are, for vanilla weapons, denoted by weapon class. Swords all swing at speed 1 - daedric and dragonbone both swing at the same speed.

01:04 <Schism> Oh yeah, you're right.  I was thinking primarily of archery and draw weight.

01:04 <ADragonDreaming> Warhammers have a swing speed of .6. The Longhammer, on the other hand, has a swing speed of .8

01:04 <ADragonDreaming> But is a warhammer. So techincally, it is the BEST warhammer.

01:05 <ADragonDreaming> The bow draw speeds from Immersive Weapons have not been provided. I assume, given the stated goal of the mod to provide more weapons in an immersive fashion, that they are roughly equivalent to the vanilla bows with the same draw power.

01:06 <ADragonDreaming> Though I wouldn't be surprised if, for example, the dragonsteel bow were slightly faster than the ebony bow.

01:06 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

01:06 <Schism> That depends.  It nets you a nicer return of 1.25 over 1.66, so you're getting about 25% faster speed, but still...

01:06 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

01:06 <Schism> And yeah, that sounds about right.

01:07 *** Quits: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-h5643p.198-29-63-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:07 <ADragonDreaming> The scoped bows don't slow down draw speed, from my experience with them, so they are ultimately superior.

01:08 <ADragonDreaming> They are designed for playing with the crosshair disabled. Mod maker added physical crosshairs on the bow models - one lines up your shot while standing, the other lines it up while crouching.

01:08 <ADragonDreaming> Animation mods don't screw with this either, since all that is based on the first person view.

01:08 <Schism> Considering I've made a headshot on a Forsworn from 200 metres without mods, I might depart from you on the viability of those bows.  But if you're disabling the GUI crosshairs, that's fine.

01:09 <ADragonDreaming> You'll note that the scoped bows come with a damage increase.

01:09 <Schism> Ah, that's fair.

01:09 *** Mongoosie|AFK is now known as Mongoosie

01:09 <ADragonDreaming> The dragonbone bow is 20 with a draw speed of .75. The scoped Dragonbone bow is 25 with the same draw speed.

01:10 <Schism> Well, no further arguments then.

01:10 <ADragonDreaming> The expanded crossbows are, however, the single most damaging thing I've found without going into cheat items.

01:11 <ADragonDreaming> Dragonbone Crossbow is base 30 damage. Enhanced version ignores 50% of armor.

01:11 <Schism> Base 30 I'm fine with.  The 50% bypass is what we in the business call 'hax'.

01:12 <ADragonDreaming> Yeah, but that 50% armor bypass was in the base game, too.

01:12 <Schism> Hrmm.

01:12 <Schism> I'm going to have to look up what all this nonsense does.

01:12 <ADragonDreaming> Crossbows come with Dawnguard.

01:12 <Schism> Well, that much I know...

01:12 <ADragonDreaming> Vanilla you can only craft them at fort dawnguard.

01:13 <ADragonDreaming> To get the enhanced versions, you have to do a quest to get the old dwarven schematics.

01:14 <ADragonDreaming> I think the vanilla quests unlock the enhanced xbow, then the dwarven, then the dwarven enhanced xbow, which is the strongest single-shot ranged attack.

01:15 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-87r2kb.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

01:15 <ADragonDreaming> The expanded crossbows mod adds a crossbow for each material tier, ties construction of those to smithing perks instead, and transfers the quests to unlock the crossbows into the ability to construct the enhanced versions. Various mods allow the crossbows to show up outside of the dawnguard, but that's also optional.

01:16 <Schism> I guess I'll have to snag that soon!

01:16 <ADragonDreaming> It is worth noting that the crossbows are slow. They have a listed draw speed of 1, but they don't actually draw. They load the bolt, and then that bolt stays loaded until fired.

01:16 <Schism> I'm still getting used to the Epic Mods.

01:17 <ADragonDreaming> Once fired, the reload animation is significantly longer than a bow's draw. Even the daedric bow fires faster.

01:17 <ADragonDreaming> You can't match the punch, though.

01:17 <ADragonDreaming> Also not listed are costs.

01:18 <Schism> Gigantic punch, slow draw... I personally think an enchanted weapon would be better.

01:18 <ADragonDreaming> You can enchant the crossbow.

01:18 <Schism> If you can pull that... yeah, but the enchantments would be much less effective with a longer 'draw'.

01:19 <ADragonDreaming> True.

01:20 <Schism> All told, I love the tradeoff.  It's brilliant.

01:20 <ADragonDreaming> What winds up happening is that bows serve you better in hectic situations with multiple targets.

01:20 <Schism> Yupyup.  Whereas the crossbow nets you the option of sniping targets of opportunity.

01:20 <ADragonDreaming> Bandits, forsworn, regular falmer, civil war soldiers.

01:21 <ADragonDreaming> The crossbow is best against giants. Mammoths. Trolls. And dragons. Very much so the dragons.

01:21 <ADragonDreaming> ESPECIALLY if you've got Deadly Dragons and Dragon Combat Overhaul.

01:21 <Schism> May I say once again that I hate getting piledriven by three dragons?

01:21 <ADragonDreaming> Deadly Dragons adds a ton of armor to the dragons, and makes them immune to magic-based staggers.

01:22 <Schism> But of course they can STILL STAGGER YOU.

01:22 <ADragonDreaming> Dragon Combat Overhaul keeps them in the air and makes approaching to melee painful.

01:22 <Schism> Adra.  I don't care how deadly these dragons are meant to be.

01:22 <ADragonDreaming> Since they move so damn fast in the air, the faster draw speed of the bow doesn't matter as much - you're not likely to geet more than one shot off at a time.

01:22 <ADragonDreaming> So, the crossbow is the solution

01:22 <Schism> If you get stunlocked for 5 minutes in a row, that's it, it's no longer fun.  :<

01:23 <ADragonDreaming> Yes.

01:23 *** Joins: locodashie11 (locodash11@Pony-osmcfg.co.comcast.net)

01:23 <ADragonDreaming> It's not for everyone. But it is worth noting you can restrict things to one dragon at a time via MCM.

01:23 <Schism> Yeah, and I have now done so.  Kinda wish I could have three dragons in a row playing with me, but without that stunlock...

01:24 <Schism> Quite certain there's an option for that, but bleh.

01:24 <ADragonDreaming> I went and installed a "no ragdoll" mod.

01:24 <ADragonDreaming> Since I couldn't find that option in DCO.

01:24 <Schism> Think there's one...

01:25 <ADragonDreaming> It doesn't completely prevent ragdolls, but it does REDUCE them to only happening at very close range.

01:25 <ADragonDreaming> Those ones are apparently script-based

01:25 <Schism> Gotcha.

01:25 *** Joins: User_8915 (sglsmcmsvsa@Pony-b3nnj2.sndgca.sbcglobal.net)

01:25 <Schism> Anyway, I'm going to, I fear, need to nap for a little while.

01:25 <ADragonDreaming> sleep well

01:25 *** Quits: User_8915 (sglsmcmsvsa@Pony-b3nnj2.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:26 <Schism> Thanks, you too.

01:26 *** Quits: locodash11[lagout] (locodash11@Taco.eating.Anthro.Batpony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:28 *** Joins: Kalastrear (undbmwshbjr@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP)

01:33 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (dsrsuwmwdbc@Pony-oep34u.cable.rcn.com)

01:33 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

01:34 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@the.crazy.cat.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:34 <Kalastrear> hi

01:34 <Muffin_Spectacles> So, finally saw Party pooped.

01:35 <Muffin_Spectacles> I take it Yakistahn is in the vicinity of North Korean?

01:36 <Kalastrear> my parents think 00g  guages are too big for me

01:36 <Gilda> What the heck are 00g gauges?

01:37 <Kalastrear> guages at the size of 00g

01:37 <Gilda> Thanks. Gauges for what?

01:37 <Kalastrear> mine are at 10g at the moment, but i want to go to 00g

01:37 <Kalastrear> your ears

01:37 <Gilda> Okay, so earring stuff. Gotcha

01:38 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-o6c041.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

01:39 <Kalastrear> http://bodyartforms-gallery.bodyartforms.com/blackearskin_2.jpg

01:39 <Kalastrear> that big

01:39 * wobniaR applies piercings to Gilda's ea-oh wait

01:40 <Gilda> Yeah. Excuse me for not knowing. Not exactly something griffins worry about.

01:40 <Kalastrear> its fine gilda haha

01:41 <Barry_From_Mars> Did you ever want a googly eyes song?

01:41 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

01:44 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

01:45 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-yGRH_E2KA

01:45 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

01:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Legend of Stoop Kid (Live Action)

01:46 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-e4b.lgb.206.112.IP)

01:48 *** Quits: SilverSpeed (Pegasus@Pony-e34.qfn.134.187.IP) (Connection closed)

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01:56 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Quit: I reject your reality and substitute my own)

02:00 *** Joins: Flashy (IceChat9@Pony-dthhqo.bchsia.telus.net)

02:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Plushie Compilation #196 [ http://tinyurl.com/p3758lp ]

02:05 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

02:08 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Pinkie@Pony-u4ne5h.162-221-109-net.sccoast.net)

02:13 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

02:14 <Kalastrear> hey guys question

02:15 <Kalastrear> should i get http://tinyurl.com/oe9goqd or http://tinyurl.com/ngmp95q

02:15 *** Joins: ThunderPie (Pinkie@Pony-u4ne5h.162-221-109-net.sccoast.net)

02:16 <SgtPinkie> "When we tried to sleep, a large man dressed like Porkchop from Doug would bark in our faces"

02:18 <ADragonDreaming> I would personally recommend against ear expanders. That just sounds like a bad time. But that's me.

02:18 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Pinkie@Pony-u4ne5h.162-221-109-net.sccoast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:20 <Kalastrear> a dragon dreaming i want to tape rmy ears to 00g

02:20 <Kalastrear> i can't go all the way to 00g until i'm 18, because of my parents, so i can go to 6g but i'm looking for nice ones i can wear until i can go up

02:21 *** Joins: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP)

02:23 <Pi> What are those for?

02:23 <Pi> Just cosmetics?

02:25 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

02:25 <Kalastrear> yea rpetty much

02:26 *** Joins: Gigabit (Gigabit@the.girly.colt)

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02:31 *** Joins: ponyman (crmiindhtnp@Pony-rfmq0j.ks.cox.net)

02:31 <ponyman> hi

02:31 <Gilda> Hey.

02:31 *** Joins: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP)

02:32 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

02:32 <ponyman> how are you

02:32 <Gilda> Eh. Not too bad, you?

02:32 <ponyman> great

02:33 <ponyman> have you seen the new ep. of mlp

02:33 <Gilda> Actually, no, I haven't. I'm a bit behind.

02:34 <ponyman> you can see any ep. of mlp on youtube

02:34 <Gilda> Yeah but I haven't been in the mood.

02:35 <ponyman> ow ok

02:38 *** Joins: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP)

02:38 <ponyman> gtg goodbya

02:38 *** Quits: ponyman (crmiindhtnp@Pony-rfmq0j.ks.cox.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:40 *** Princess-QRS is now known as Flash_Sentry

02:40 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

02:44 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-iv7.tfd.33.75.IP)

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02:45 *** ThunderPie is now known as PinkieShy

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02:50 *** Quits: SilverSpeed (Pegasus@Pony-e34.qfn.134.187.IP) (Quit: TO THE MOON!!!)

02:51 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

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02:55 *** Joins: init3 (Jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni)

02:56 *** Gilda is now known as Fall

02:57 <Lenfant_Sauvage> So how about that local sports team

02:57 <RightHoofGone> *crickets*

02:58 *** Quits: Caerdwyn (midnight@always.broken.sometimes.patched.never.fixed) (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)

02:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ... wait, Caerdwyn?

02:59 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Bluepon@Pony-mfh7oq.md.comcast.net) (Quit: Ping timeout: -1 second)

03:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #395 [ http://tinyurl.com/qeeakkm ]

03:03 *** FN_away is now known as FN_ziz

03:03 <SgtPinkie> Lenfant_Sauvage: The thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in

03:03 *** Quits: Luke_Aura (squpptgtxbq@Pony-lkdv3i.sligo.eircom.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Nick Confalone @nickconfalone

03:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Use your imagination. Early draft got S&P note: "Caution the ancient PP statue is clearly NOT their God and they are NOT worshipping it."

03:08 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Oh man, what this episode could have been

03:09 *** Joins: Luke_Aura (squpptgtxbq@Pony-rncid8.sligo.eircom.net)

03:11 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Bluepon@Pony-6v7hst.s0tm.sdub.0151.2601.IP)

03:12 <StormDashNLR> !flip

03:12 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

03:12 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her hoof, upside down

03:12 <StormDashNLR> !twilighttime

03:12 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight_Shimmer

03:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

03:13 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

03:13 * Twilight_Shimmer boops StormDashNLR

03:13 *** Lenfant_Sauvage changes topic to 'Welcome to EquestriaDaily! This is an ALL-AGES channel. | GUIDE: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Type !list to download episodes | Lyra and Bon-Bon: Now Best Friends in All 50 States | Caution the Ancient Pinkie Pie Statue is Clearly NOT Their God'

03:13 * StormDashNLR boops Twilight_Shimmer back

03:13 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

03:16 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-vk7fl7.east.verizon.net)

03:16 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

03:16 * Lenfant_Sauvage waves at Thelema5!

03:16 <RightHoofGone> hello

03:17 <Thelema5> What's new?

03:18 <Twilight_Shimmer> wokring on bound by flame

03:18 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

03:18 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

03:18 <RightHoofGone> my code thing almost works, the last episode was awesome; the usual

03:19 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-q4u40m.dfgs.um2e.0342.2601.IP)

03:20 <Thelema5> The last episode was pretty good; I think it's great that they confirmed in-show that Pinkie's command of cartoon physics is far superior to other ponies... specifically when she slides UP the slade from the party cave, prompting fluttershy to ask awkwardly, "So, I guess we try to walk up the slide"?

03:20 <Thelema5> *slide

03:20 *** Quits: RightHoofGone (rhg135@the.incredible.pony) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in - making IRC 20% cooler)

03:21 <Lenfant_Sauvage> hehe

03:21 *** Joins: RightHoofGone (rhg135@the.incredible.pony)

03:21 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Pinkie just does what she wants and the universe conforms to fit that need

03:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Always considered it an extension of her magic as an earth pony tbh

03:22 <Thelema5> I do, too.

03:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Kind of like Red Ork magic in Warhammer

03:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> They make something and they believe it will do a certain thing... and it does, just because they believe it will

03:22 *** Gigabit is now known as Gigawork

03:23 *** Joins: ian (user@Pony-etscbr.dynamic.tds.net)

03:23 <ian> Hello everypony

03:23 <Thelema5> Hello, ian.

03:24 <ian> My family is watching Top Gun and didn't think to ask if I wanted to watch. I've never seen it. Now they're a third in.

03:24 <Thelema5> It's probably not worth your time.

03:24 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com)

03:24 <ian> Balls.

03:24 <ian> I've heard it's worth watching

03:25 <PinkieShy> :(

03:25 <PinkieShy> I think my black lab is sick..

03:26 <Thelema5> It has a 54% critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes

03:26 <PinkieShy> He keeps messing in his kennel tonight.. Its like the 4th time...  

03:26 <ian> mmk

03:26 <PinkieShy> Is there any thing you can do to help a dog doing that

03:26 <Thelema5> :( Poor doggie

03:26 <SgtPinkie> The sequel, which /may/ happen but hasn't been confirmed yet has already been confirmed to /maybe/ have Tom Cruise reprise his role

03:27 <Lenfant_Sauvage> confirmed to maybe

03:27 *** Joins: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP)

03:29 <ian> 10,000 B.C. has 8% or Rotten Tomatoes but I liked it

03:29 <ian> on*

03:30 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

03:32 *** Quits: DJMidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:34 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

03:34 <Thelema5> 8%??  Wow.

03:35 <Thelema5> Harshest of the Harsh, man.

03:36 *** Joins: iandroid (iandalton@Pony-etscbr.dynamic.tds.net)

03:38 <Thelema5> There are apparently a lot of films on Rotten Tomatoes with a 0% rating: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_with_a_0%25_rating_on_Rotten_Tomatoes

03:39 <Thelema5> I'm going to make it a goal to watch at least one of them for a comparison baseline.

03:40 *** Joins: DJMidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony)

03:40 <ADragonDreaming> iandroid: Top Gun is considered a classic 80's movie.

03:40 <ADragonDreaming> But it is EXTREMELY 80's.

03:41 <ADragonDreaming> Don't trust the rotten tomatoes rating, just watch it and have fun doing so.

03:42 * Ali only knew one Top Gun

03:42 <Ali> and that was the NES Top Gun

03:43 <ian> ADragonDreaming: I wanted to but my family decided to watch it without me

03:43 <Thelema5> I haven't seen it since it's initial release, but I recall thinking that it played like a testosterone fueled military recruitment propaganda film with heavy doses of 'MERCA thrown in for good measure.

03:44 <Thelema5> My memory may be faulty.

03:45 <ian> Homoerotic patriotic movie? What could be more appropriate to watch now, so recently after the ruling, and right around July 4?

03:45 <Thelema5> XD

03:49 <PinkieShy> Hmm i wonder what my next phone should be when i move off a flip phone next year.. Windows phone, android based phone, or iPhone.

03:49 <Thelema5> Rotary dial landline phone.

03:49 <PinkieShy> lol

03:50 <RightHoofGone> not windows phone I would think

03:50 <RightHoofGone> I don't trust nokia anymore

03:50 *** Pi is now known as Pi_Away

03:50 <RightHoofGone> not after the one that just died

03:50 <Thelema5> I actually have an old rotary dial phone.  Bought it last year at a yard sale.  It even has an analog ringer composed of a metal bell with a striker.

03:51 <RightHoofGone> that's cool

03:51 <Thelema5> I installed it in my bedroom, and it's the only phone I have which actually wakes me up.  It's LOUD.

03:52 *** Gigawork is now known as Gigabit

03:53 <PinkieShy> RightHoofgone my first cell phone was a Nokia and i liked it. it was a feature phone by tracefone. it looked just like this http://prntscr.com/7mk7gt

03:53 <RightHoofGone> i'd also thought so

03:53 <RightHoofGone> then the radio on that one

03:54 <RightHoofGone> or m$ is horrible at this. it entered airplane mode and nothing would re-enable the phone radio

03:57 <ian> We have a rotary phone, but it doesn't work with our digital line

03:57 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

03:57 *** Joins: SuppliedRelic_ (SuppliedRel@Pony-npu.vnb.183.107.IP)

04:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Story: Just Stories [ http://tinyurl.com/nlq59oz ]

04:04 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Jon_the_VGN@Pony-k87.ema.45.70.IP)

04:04 *** Joins: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP)

04:04 <One-Trick> this was my first cell https://ioneglobalgrind.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/motorola_startac.jpeg

04:07 <Thelema5> One-Trick, such tech

04:07 <Thelema5> :p

04:09 <PinkieShy> one-trick phone used to look liket that?

04:09 <One-Trick> that was hightech at the time

04:10 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 and one-trick you know those old cell phones that you have to plug into your car? I think it wsa the first cell phones/

04:10 <PinkieShy> I found a bag of my dad's that has one of the old car phones in it xD

04:10 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

04:11 <Thelema5> I remember making a call as a teen from a friend's father's car phone.  It was about the size of a printer.

04:11 <Thelema5> Or, like a small briefcase.

04:11 <Thelema5> :p

04:12 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb)

04:13 <PinkieShy> Nice quit message xD

04:15 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha

04:15 <One-Trick> yep, my stepdad had one of those phones. the biggest part was the battery and antenna but it could make a call from miles upon miles away from a tower. not like these gsm phones that flip out youre less than a mile away

04:21 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

04:22 <SuppliedRelic_> Hello!

04:22 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

04:23 <Thelema5> Hello!

04:24 *** Quits: SuppliedRelic_ (SuppliedRel@Pony-npu.vnb.183.107.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

04:25 <Kalastrear> hi

04:25 <Kalastrear> i can't stan the keyboard on an iphone

04:26 <ian> I can tell when someone's typing from a phone/tablet by the type of typos they make, but I can't tell whether they're on iOS or Android, so far

04:26 <Thelema5> Heh

04:26 <Thelema5> That's quite a keen talent, ian.

04:27 <Kalastrear> thats impressive really, i'm on my computer atm but my iphone typing pisses me off

04:27 *** Quits: Jouva (jouva@Pony-535ork.fios.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

04:27 *** pony_123 is now known as texasboykc09

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04:27 *** Dustrunner|Zwei is now known as Dustrunner

04:28 *** Joins: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP)

04:28 <Kalastrear> when i'm typing lowercase letters the keyboard letters stay capitol and its annoying

04:28 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

04:28 *** Joins: Santi_dLeon (slhnejqpujz@Pony-8f2.hnc.72.190.IP)

04:28 <ian> It's not that hard, keyboard typos are usually hitting an adjacent letter, but mobile typos usually have a completely different word because several words have the same swipe pattern.

04:29 *** Quits: Luke_Aura (squpptgtxbq@Pony-rncid8.sligo.eircom.net) (Connection closed)

04:32 <Thelema5> Wat abot typso leik tihs?

04:32 <ian> you're probably tired

04:32 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha

04:35 <ian> I make typos like that when I'm so tired I don't even care to correct them

04:36 <ian> Drinking has pretty much the same effect but I almost never drink at a computer

04:36 *** Joins: Apple_Bloom (sid52418@Pony-obrprk.ealing.irccloud.com)

04:36 <Kalastrear> why?

04:36 <Kalastrear> i always have water or coffee with me when i'm at the computer

04:36 <Kalastrear> somtimes soda

04:38 <ian> drink, v. 1. (transitive, intransitive) To consume (a liquid) through the mouth.

04:38 <ian> 2. (intransitive) To consume alcoholic beverages.

04:38 <Thelema5> I'm going to call out a company on their "lifetime warantee".  I have a lighter which was given to me for free by a sales rep about 10 years ago (which retails for about $39.99) and was told that they'd be happy to replace it free of charge at any time, for any malfunction...

04:38 *** Quits: Nilak (uid93310@Pony-4brm0v.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: )

04:39 *** Joins: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP)

04:39 <Thelema5> It's no longer lighting reliably, so I'm sending it them.  We'll see if there's any integrity left in manufacturing.

04:40 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-evg.p3g.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

04:43 <PinkieShy> Any Wii owners here?

04:43 <PinkieShy> If yes, do you think the 480p component cables are worth getting for the system or should i just stick with the 480i composite video cables that came with the system?

04:43 *** Quits: Santi_dLeon (slhnejqpujz@Pony-8f2.hnc.72.190.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:45 *** Joins: KandiGhostcat (yrbjggqpdin@Pony-t5a.qnk.18.184.IP)

04:45 <KandiGhostcat> hi

04:47 <Lenfant_Sauvage> o3o

04:49 <ian> I'm trying to make conversation online with a former teacher of mine who is also a piano teacher, but I don't know anything about music.

04:51 <Thelema5> Hello, KandiGhostcat.

04:51 <KandiGhostcat> hi thelema

04:51 <Thelema5> ian, maybe share a musiscian or song you enjoy?

04:51 <Thelema5> *musician

04:52 *** Joins: User_9472 (futojkompmy@Pony-5g8u8l.fl.comcast.net)

04:53 <User_9472> Hello

04:53 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ohi

04:53 <User_9472> how r u

04:53 <Lenfant_Sauvage> purty good

04:54 <User_9472> thats good

04:54 <User_9472> do u play any video games

04:55 <Thelema5> I met a 14 year old aspie kid today who "loves my little pony" but isn't a hardcore fan.  It was cute.  He said that he loves rainbow dash the most, and then drew me a picture of Eren as a Titan from Attack on Titan

04:55 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I'm currently waiting for a good pug to open up for TF2

04:55 <Thelema5> User_9472, I think most folks here do.

04:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I don't play too much else though, haven't got the computer for it tbh

04:56 <Thelema5> I, however, do not.

04:56 <User_9472> does any one play cansole games

04:57 <Thelema5> What's your favorite game, User_9472?

04:58 <User_9472> either forza horizon 2 or idk

04:59 <User_9472> i really cant think of any others

04:59 <Thelema5> Cool beans!

05:00 <User_9472> im not really a pc gamer becuase i dont have a good computer but one game i do play on pc is Town of Salem

05:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #517 [ http://tinyurl.com/nu2fhta ]

05:00 <Thelema5> User_9472, do you like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

05:01 <ian> Thelema5: I did what you suggested, asked if she knew of Yiruma, whose music is simple, but very relaxing

05:01 <User_9472> of corse

05:02 <Thelema5> Ian, great!  I'm not familiar with the artist, and will definately have to check it out myself.

05:02 <Thelema5> User_9472, who is your favorite pony?

05:02 *** Quits: FN_ziz (FruitNi@Pony-rsrv99.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Connection closed)

05:02 <User_9472> Pinkie or flutters

05:03 <Thelema5> Both great choices, for sure!  Some of the very best!

05:03 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

05:03 <Thelema5> Pinkie is my current favorite, but Flutters has been my top pick for a long time.

05:03 <User_9472> AJ is my third fav

05:03 <ian> Thelema5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laE-M29C9vM

05:04 <Thelema5> Ian: Thanks!

05:04 * Thelema5 goes to listen

05:04 *** Quits: SwanSong (SwanSong@Pony-9bh1i2.orngca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

05:05 *** Quits: init3 (Jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (Connection closed)

05:05 <User_9472> where u guys from

05:06 <ian> California, Utah

05:06 <Thelema5> I'm in the US, User_9472... upstate New York.

05:06 <Thelema5> You?

05:07 <User_9472> im from florida

05:07 <User_9472> i hate it here

05:08 <Thelema5> Ian, this work reminds me a bit of the score for Haibane Renmei, which is some of most beautiful music I've ever heard.

05:09 <Thelema5> I'm not sure who scored it, though.

05:09 <ian> From what I read on his Wikipedia page, his music resembles movie scores more than classical piano

05:09 <ian> google says this guy composed it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kow_Otani

05:10 <Snapai> Glib Mane

05:10 <ian> Ah, he did Shakugan no Shana

05:11 *** Joins: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni)

05:12 <User_9472> somebody talk about something

05:13 <Thelema5> Ian, this is the song I was thinking of: https://youtu.be/36DgAT5jWMY

05:13 <Thelema5> User_9472, the conversation here ebbs and flows.  No need for a constant stream.

05:13 <User_9472> okie dokie lokie

05:15 <Thelema5> User_9472, what do you dislike about florida?  The heat?

05:15 <ian> I remember wanting to like this anime more than I actually did

05:16 <Thelema5> Did you watch the whole thing?

05:16 <Thelema5> Because it gets deadly serious after about the 7th episode.  Terrible, terrible.

05:16 <Thelema5> Maybe the 8th.

05:17 <Thelema5> Damn, I need to go back and rewatch this.

05:17 <User_9472> yeah and that it doesnt snow and that i live far away from all the really big conventions

05:17 <ian> I did watch it all

05:17 <ian> I've mostly forgotten it now though

05:18 <ian> forgotten? forgot? I never feel sure about that one

05:18 <Thelema5> Forgotten.

05:18 <Thelema5> I have forgotten /  I forgot

05:18 *** Joins: lazy90 (memlpdcderc@Pony-vqjgqt.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net)

05:18 <Thelema5> Well, it struck a chord with me.  I can't watch it without breaking down in tears.

05:19 <ian> But it's "I've mostly got it," not "I've mostly gotten it," right?

05:19 <lazy90> Hello

05:19 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)

05:19 <User_9472> hi

05:19 <Thelema5> Hello, lazy90

05:20 <Thelema5> User_9472, why not choose a nickname which is more distinctive so we'll know who we are talking to?  You can change yout nick by typing: /nick NewNicknameHere

05:21 <Thelema5> Ian, that once seems to work either way O.o

05:21 <Thelema5> Not sure which is correct.

05:21 <SgtPinkie> Maybe User_9472 is his regular nickname

05:21 * Thelema5 boops SgtPinkie with a pinkie pie plushie

05:22 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:22 *** User_9472 is now known as Gummy

05:22 <SgtPinkie> Or not

05:22 *** Gummy is now known as Pony_96219

05:23 <Thelema5> Gummy is probably already registered to another pony.

05:23 <SgtPinkie> Try Gummy_______

05:23 <Thelema5> Same goes for most of the obvious nicks.

05:23 *** Pony_96219 is now known as Gummy

05:23 <Thelema5> Try Gummy123

05:24 *** Gummy is now known as Pony_78449

05:24 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Pinkie@Pony-u4ne5h.162-221-109-net.sccoast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:25 *** Joins: Pony_3350 (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net)

05:25 *** Pony_78449 is now known as PinkieDash

05:25 *** Quits: Twilight_Shimmer (cvqfbnfevfu@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:25 <PinkieDash> im user 9472

05:26 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (cvqfbnfevfu@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP)

05:28 <PinkieDash> or pony 78449

05:33 <Snapai> http://snapai.weanimatethings.com/twily_nightmare.jpg - idea :v

05:34 <Finwe> o3o

05:34 <Finwe> Good morning, my little ponies!

05:34 <Thelema5> Hello, Finwe!

05:34 * Thelema5 doffs socks

05:35 * Thelema5 isn't wearing a hat

05:35 <ian> Hello Finwe

05:35 <PinkieDash> hello

05:35 <SgtPinkie> Gah

05:35 <SgtPinkie> I'm running out of things to watch

05:36 * Finwe snuggles the PinkieDash and an ian and a Thelema5.

05:37 <Thelema5> I'm currently rewatching Haibane Renmei... you could try watching that, SgtPinkie.

05:38 <Thelema5> Be forewarned, it's sad.

05:38 *** Quits: Flash_Sentry (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

05:39 <lazy90> top gear final episode finally aired if your into that^

05:40 <Thelema5> Naaah

05:40 <Schism> Huh, final episode in the UK...

05:40 <Thelema5> Too much draaama

05:40 <Finwe> Mr Schism.

05:40 <PinkieDash> so what did u guys thing of the new episode of mlp

05:40 * Finwe doffs hat.

05:41 <Schism> rAdm. Finwe.

05:41 * Schism doffs bowl of pad thai.

05:41 <Finwe> o3o

05:41 * Schism serves to Finwe.

05:41 *** Parts: ian (user@Pony-etscbr.dynamic.tds.net) ("rcirc on GNU Emacs 24.5.1")

05:43 <Thelema5> PinkieDash, I loved it.  It cemented Pinkie Pie's magical abilities in manipulating cartoon physics.

05:44 <Thelema5> It was great fun.

05:45 <PinkieDash> its funny how we learn that twilight is scared of quesadillas that cracked me up

05:45 <Thelema5> I could have done with a scene or two fewer of Yaks smashing stuff, but whatever.

05:45 <PinkieDash> yeah

05:45 <Thelema5> They're just sooo cheeeesy

05:45 *** Parts: Gigabit (Gigabit@the.girly.colt) ("dont feel good..")

05:46 <PinkieDash> but with the yaks it got kinda repedative

05:47 <KandiGhostcat> im going to go take my allergy pill.

05:47 <Thelema5> Yeah, they were a bit overdone.

05:48 <Thelema5> But, everything else was great, I'll just assume that yaks are actually boring and one-sided.

05:48 <PinkieDash> it was cool how pinkie got all the way to yak yakastan then the sled brought her all the way back to ponyville

05:49 <PinkieDash> that was funny

05:49 <PinkieDash> and the kid yak was sooooo cute

05:51 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-h5643p.198-29-63-net.sccoast.net)

05:51 * Vulpor walks in and picks up a rose

05:51 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The yaks were definitely a bit annoying, but Pinkie did save the episode

05:52 <Flashy> what wrong with yaks?

05:52 *** Quits: RightHoofGone (rhg135@the.incredible.pony) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in - making IRC 20% cooler)

05:52 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The same one joke five times in a row

05:52 <SgtPinkie> Has Pinkie ever ruined an episode?

05:52 *** Joins: RarelyHoningGenius (rhg135@the.incredible.pony)

05:52 <Vulpor> Yaks are call of duty players

05:52 <Thelema5> I wonder if pinkie's journey was really all in her head... to be sure, the time frame was insane (as referenced in the show) and the events were unlikely.  She started and ended her "trip" in exactly the same place, so I have to wonder if she was just holed up in her room the whole time, daydreaming.

05:52 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Ask Roxor. He used to come into this chat, stopped watching MLP after Lesson Zero, but still came in here through Season 4.

05:53 <RarelyHoningGenius> nice theory

05:53 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Thelema5, she references the sheep afterwards and it turns out they were still stuck there

05:53 <Thelema5> True.

05:53 <SgtPinkie> I get the feeling I'd probably regret doing so

05:53 <RarelyHoningGenius> lucky guess?

05:53 <Vulpor> Thelema5 there is a phenomina in Equestria called Pinkie Time

05:53 <Thelema5> But, the sled seems to be gone immediately after it deposits her on the bed.

05:54 *** Joins: bms2993 (WebChat@Pony-e2bfrm.ripleycable.net)

05:54 <Thelema5> Could be like a pinkie sense?

05:54 <RarelyHoningGenius> it's pinkie pie; don't question it

05:54 <bms2993> Hiya :)

05:54 <Vulpor> She has the ability to make an afternoon feel like much longer

05:54 <KooK> I have an entire tree branch stuck in my arm

05:54 <RarelyHoningGenius> hello bms2993

05:55 <Vulpor> Pinkie is Spacetime

05:55 <Thelema5> Pinkie Pie is just the best, hooves down.

05:55 <bms2993> How're all of you doing?

05:55 <KooK> well, my paml

05:55 <KooK> palm

05:55 <Thelema5> KooK, how'd you manage that?

05:55 <RarelyHoningGenius> that episode settled the favorite pony thing for me

05:55 <Thelema5> Me too, RarelyHoningGenius

05:55 <Vulpor> I am doing well Bms29993

05:56 <RarelyHoningGenius> I was undecided between RD, Twilight and Pinkie

05:56 <Vulpor> Are you new here Bms29993?

05:56 <KooK> I was moving lumber around and wasn't wearing gloves (I normally always do) and I slid a 6x2 down my hands and caught a knot.

05:56 <bms2993> nah

05:56 <Thelema5> Nope.

05:56 <bms2993> i come here sometimes

05:56 <Thelema5> Kook, that's awful.

05:56 <KooK> Ended up getting a huge splinter like, 1/4 inch below the skin on my palm

05:56 <Thelema5> Yikes!

05:56 <KooK> well, no, 1/8th inch

05:57 <Thelema5> Well, that's not nearly as bad...

05:57 <PinkieDash> ouch

05:57 <Thelema5> But still painful.

05:57 <bms2993> watching tom and jerry at 11:57 PM

05:57 <bms2993> lol

05:57 <KooK> It's weird because I can hardly see it, but I can feel the bump, and the skin is angry red

05:58 <Thelema5> I hope if doesn't get infected.

05:58 <KooK> That makes two of us

05:58 <Thelema5> Puncture wounds are notorious for infection

05:59 <Thelema5> Clean it out well, with soap and then with hydrogen peroxide...

05:59 <Thelema5> Should be okay.

06:00 <Snapai> Thelema5, did you see my sketch?

06:00 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7gecvg.fl.comcast.net)

06:00 <Thelema5> Which one, Snapai?

06:00 <Thelema5> I don't think so.

06:01 <Snapai> http://snapai.weanimatethings.com/twily_nightmare.jpg

06:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Roundup #1210 [ http://tinyurl.com/nws9d5g ]

06:01 <Snapai> Just an idea thus far

06:01 <bms2993> ha ha ha i love it

06:01 <Thelema5> Looks scrary

06:01 <Thelema5> *scary

06:02 <bms2993> casadia?

06:02 <RarelyHoningGenius> I'm gonna go to bed; good night ponies

06:02 <Thelema5> Night!

06:02 <Snapai> She's being chased by a giant quesadilla

06:02 <bms2993> ponies? you folk are ponies?

06:02 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha ha

06:02 * RarelyHoningGenius yawns and dons his pjs

06:02 * bms2993 looks at hand and finds it to be a hoof

06:02 <Thelema5> They're so... cheesy

06:03 <Thelema5> Snapai, I think it needs some oozing cheese dripping from the maw

06:03 <PinkieDash> hey guys what ever happend to owlicious

06:03 <Thelema5> He flew away when the library was destroyed.

06:04 <PinkieDash> he needs to come back

06:04 <Thelema5> Maybe.  I'm a bit upset that we've not seen the tree-castle library yet.

06:04 * Lenfant_Sauvage looks at his hoof and finds it to be marshmallow.

06:04 * Lenfant_Sauvage flailyhoofs.

06:05 <Thelema5> I mean, this should be a pretty important thing for twilight.

06:05 <PinkieDash> or a hole castle tour

06:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Haven't we? I swear a couple shots in Castle Sweet Castle had a library

06:05 *** Quits: KooK (KooK___@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

06:06 <Thelema5> I'm not so sure.  I know Rainbow /mentioned/ it, saying that she hung a few posters in it...

06:06 *** Lenfant_Sauvage changes topic to 'Welcome to EquestriaDaily! This is an ALL-AGES channel. | GUIDE: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Type !list to download episodes | Lyra and Bon-Bon: Now Best Friends in All 50 States | Caution the Ancient Pinkie Pie Statue is Clearly NOT Their God - Hub S&P'

06:06 <Thelema5> But I don't think we've seen in yet.

06:06 <Thelema5> What the heck is the ancient statue reference?

06:07 <Snapai> Apparently there was some library involved in Rainbow Rocks, but I didn't see that

06:07 * Thelema5 huggles Snapai! Thanks for being a good friend!

06:08 <Thelema5> Random, I know.  Sorry, but I love my chatpones

06:08 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Thelema5, the first draft of Party Pooped was a bit sadder

06:08 <Thelema5> Oh?

06:08 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

06:09 *** Reia_Work is now known as Reia_Hope

06:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Something along the lines of the yaks (or whatever it was gonna be) were going to prove too much for her and she was going to go on a vision quest to get her groove back - existential crisis and everything

06:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> At some point I guess a Pinkie Pie statue was going to show up somewhere, and Hasbro wanted to make DARN SURE that no ponies were seen worshipping it for reasons

06:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> an ANCIENT Pinkie Pie statue I should say

06:09 <Thelema5> Huh.  I'll have to research this a bit more I thnk.

06:10 * Snapai squeaks? Huh?

06:10 <Lenfant_Sauvage> http://twitter.com/nickconfalone  Research away.

06:10 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I'm Slatefield by the way.

06:11 <Thelema5> ANCIENT, as in a certain tentacled great old one statue?

06:11 <Snapai> I'm pancake

06:11 *** Quits: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-h5643p.198-29-63-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Nah, just super old. Like she was foretold in legend or something eons ago or whatever lol

06:13 *** Quits: bms2993 (WebChat@Pony-e2bfrm.ripleycable.net) (Quit: Page closed)

06:14 <KandiGhostcat> i might be sleeping most of the day

06:15 <Thelema5> I wish I could do that, KandiGhostcat.

06:15 <Thelema5> It's been like... 8 years since I have.

06:15 <Thelema5> enjoy it.

06:15 <KandiGhostcat> until the medicine wears off then i probably wont be sleeping anymore.

06:15 <KandiGhostcat> lol

06:15 <Thelema5> Sleeeeeeeeep

06:16 <KandiGhostcat> i need to wait until the pill makes me feel sleepy

06:17 <KandiGhostcat> then ill go to bed

06:17 <Thelema5> What do they have you taking?

06:17 <KandiGhostcat> an allergy pill

06:17 <Thelema5> Ooh.  That'll do it.

06:18 <Thelema5> I hope you feel better soon, KandiGhostcat!

06:18 <KandiGhostcat> i only take it when i dont have summer p.e.

06:20 <KandiGhostcat> cause its hard for me to get up in the morning to get ready since the pill is still active.

06:21 <KandiGhostcat> but i have  a few days off since the 1st semester is done

06:22 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

06:23 <KandiGhostcat> im getting creeped out by the night. im going upstairs. bye bye

06:24 <PinkieDash> luna will protect u

06:25 <KandiGhostcat> unless i watch anime. thatll distract me.

06:26 <KandiGhostcat> or maybe it wont

06:27 <KandiGhostcat> i think i better get upstairs

06:27 *** Quits: KandiGhostcat (yrbjggqpdin@Pony-t5a.qnk.18.184.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:32 <Kalastrear> http://www.amazon.com/Pieces-Gauges-Tapers-8G-00G-14G-0G/dp/B0087G654Y/ref=sr_1_28?ie=UTF8&qid=1435555714&sr=8-28&keywords=8g+plugs

06:32 <Kalastrear> boom

06:33 * CleverDerpy explodes into confetti

06:33 <CleverDerpy> boom~

06:33 *** Quits: PinkieDash (futojkompmy@Pony-5g8u8l.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:34 <Kalastrear> i just ordered a 40 set of plugs to plug my ears.

06:35 <Kalastrear> i'm going to slowly and secretly stretch then past what my dad and i agreed on

06:36 *** Quits: ColtonDRG (coltondrg@ColtonDRG.is.best.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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06:38 *** Quits: ivi (ivi@free.tibet) (Connection closed)

06:42 *** Joins: KooK (KooK___@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

06:47 <Schism> Cepheid: http://thecodelesscode.com/case/194

06:48 <Schism> Aw, Cephy's not here.  Oh well, that link serves as a useful story to all here anyway.

06:55 <Starthunder> Anypony know these songs? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/djpymgxwpz8hxxi/unknown.MP3

07:00 *** Pi_Away is now known as Pi

07:01 <CleverDerpy> Starthunder

07:02 <CleverDerpy> my guess is deadmau5

07:02 <CleverDerpy> just based on the way it sounds

07:02 *** Joins: VIZK (plfrcfmiswd@Pony-nlo.mh5.139.189.IP)

07:02 <CleverDerpy> you might wanna do further research on that, but it's a place to start

07:02 <VIZK> Dear chatroom!! I'm back!!

07:04 <VIZK> How everypony doing?

07:07 <VIZK> Tirek !! miss me? I bet you don't even remmember me

07:09 *** Quits: VIZK (plfrcfmiswd@Pony-nlo.mh5.139.189.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:11 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-7mn.rrd.70.92.IP)

07:12 * Kalastrear hugs alll

07:13 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I guess not

07:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Second time I've been looking elsewhere when someone pops up going "I'm back!"

07:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Always feel bad :<

07:18 *** Quits: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-bsc.bre.136.40.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:20 <Schism> This might be the finest magical girl weapon ever devised.  http://www.magicalgirlneil.com/

07:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> "He'll be Back."

07:21 <Ali> I'm back baby!

07:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> "She'll be back."

07:21 <Ali> *quits*

07:22 * Muffin_Spectacles is getting ready to see Genisys on Tuesday, and rip into it.

07:24 <Schism> It's probably a bad sign that when you said 'Genisys', I instead thought 'GENETOS'.

07:25 <Schism> Or maybe it's for the best.

07:28 <Muffin_Spectacles> Schism: I don't have much faith in the film. I figure it'll be like Jurassic World: A top 10 'best of playlist,'

07:29 <Muffin_Spectacles> Schism: Though I'm just getting tired of them showing that bus flip over and over and over again! I want to retire NuketheFridge, and replace it with FliptheBus.

07:29 <Schism> Yeah, but it looks like it'll be at least a fun popcorn flick?

07:29 <Muffin_Spectacles> Schism: I can't just let my mind go autopilot. Explains why Michael Bay films don;'t work on me.

07:30 <Muffin_Spectacles> Schism: I finally saw Pain and Gain last night, and all I could think was, 'he probably wanted to do this because he could get away with an R rating.'

07:31 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-87r2kb.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

07:31 <Schism> Yeah, that's why I want to see 'The Martian' when it comes out instead of something more bombastic.

07:32 <Schism> That scene where Tony Stark is testing out his new suit and it goes wrong in about 60 different ways?  That's the WHOLE THING.

07:32 <Muffin_Spectacles> Schism: But at least in Iron Man, that suit-testing, is proof to show that when the thing works, you believe it!

07:33 <Muffin_Spectacles> Schism: Plus, I believe Tony is more of a mechanical genius than say, Chris Nolan's Bruce Wayne.

07:33 <Schism> The Martian is about a guy trapped on Mars who has to use his ginormous brains to survive in a habitat rated for far, far less time than he's been given.

07:34 <Muffin_Spectacles> Schism: So it's also like 'Cast Away.'

07:35 <Muffin_Spectacles> Well, I'm out. Need sleep. Long week, before the 3-day-weekend.

07:35 <Schism> With a little less insanity and a bit more sanity... for a given degree of sanity.  One of the biggest 'oh CRAP' moments is when he realizes that the hydrologic processes he just figured out how to work have /filled the hab with hydrogen/.

07:36 *** Quits: Muffin_Spectacles (dsrsuwmwdbc@Pony-oep34u.cable.rcn.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:36 <Schism> The author, Andy Weir, has a thing for mad science, and a lot of the stuff our hero does is barracks-room mad sci--aww.

07:36 *** Quits: Kalastrear (undbmwshbjr@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:38 *** Joins: bluestreak (jhudgujgakr@Pony-nn3.lud.229.177.IP)

07:39 <bluestreak> hi

07:44 *** Quits: bluestreak (jhudgujgakr@Pony-nn3.lud.229.177.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:45 *** Joins: SurfNinja (jigcsujveap@Pony-smu5mc.res.rr.com)

07:46 <|-e|> good morning pones

07:46 *** Joins: blue (jhudgujgakr@Pony-nn3.lud.229.177.IP)

07:47 *** Octave|Bed is now known as OctaveSymphony

07:47 *** Parts: blue (jhudgujgakr@Pony-nn3.lud.229.177.IP) ()

07:51 <SurfNinja> Hey everyone!

07:51 <SurfNinja> It's officially summertime!

07:51 <SurfNinja> And, as Sublime puts it, the living is easy.

07:53 <Pony_3350> Been so for about a week now, mate.

07:53 *** Pony_3350 is now known as ADragonDreaming

07:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

07:53 <ADragonDreaming> Hey Schism, guess what?

07:54 <Starthunder> It's been officially summertime for a wee—

07:54 <Starthunder> …oh, Adra already pointed that out.

07:54 <SurfNinja> It takes about a week to get settled in.

07:55 * Flashy explodes twice

07:57 <Schism> Bluuuh, what, Scootaloo Butt?

07:57 <ADragonDreaming> Nope. Stealth 100 :D

07:57 * Schism is about to collapse for about 4 hours... "Nice!"

07:57 <Schism> Sneak 100 is a wonderful thing.

07:57 <ADragonDreaming> First time I've actually maxed it.

07:58 <Schism> It does take way too long.

07:58 <Starthunder> Just cleaned out ~/Downloads

07:58 <Starthunder> Still 520 things in it

07:58 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Sleep

07:58 <Starthunder> I really need a single service that has all the music that I listen too :(

07:58 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

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08:06 <SurfNinja> Pandora isn't working out?

08:17 <Starthunder> Don't have Pandora.

08:17 <Starthunder> I listen to a lot of non-manestream stuff. :P

08:17 <Starthunder> Whatever service would need to have Monstercat stuff and pony stuff

08:17 <SurfNinja> I usually just set a channel to Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies.

08:17 <Starthunder> wish me luck finding one

08:20 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Bluepon@Pony-6v7hst.s0tm.sdub.0151.2601.IP) (Quit: Ping timeout: -1 second)

08:21 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Jon_the_VGN@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: Leaving)

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08:24 *** CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob

08:25 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

08:31 *** Joins: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-bsc.bre.136.40.IP)

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08:43 *** Joins: Flashy_ (IceChat9@Pony-dthhqo.bchsia.telus.net)

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08:51 *** Flashy_ is now known as Flashy

09:02 *** Joins: Rainbowdash (xfwrsacxbgl@Pony-lj3jtk.il.comcast.net)

09:03 <Rainbowdash> hey guys

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09:03 <Rainbowdash> im new to this website

09:03 *** Rainbowdash is now known as Pony_5374

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09:28 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com)

09:28 <screenaholic> I am here.

09:32 <screenaholic> I need to start playing airsoft again.

09:33 <screenaholic> Anyone alive in here?

09:41 *** Quits: fyrepony (kvirc@Pony-7q1fjl.ssp.fi) (Connection closed)

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09:44 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-e4b.lgb.206.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:44 *** Saxopi is now known as Pi

09:46 * |-e| hovers around

09:50 *** Awaykitty is now known as Unixkitty

09:50 *** init3 is now known as Init3-away

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10:12 *** Joins: Diamondwhooves (leqdreoxpmo@Pony-39q.f9f.28.120.IP)

10:12 <Diamondwhooves> eehhhhhhhh

10:13 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Work

10:15 <Diamondwhooves> uhhh

10:15 <Diamondwhooves> everypony can talk?

10:15 <Diamondwhooves> or cant?

10:16 <Diamondwhooves> -3- so cant

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11:00 <DARK> hello =)

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11:08 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

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11:52 *** Joins: LunaticHell (tpgvfggxrlj@Pony-q5jcth.versanet.de)

11:53 <LunaticHell> Greetings, grand galopping gang of gettysburg.

12:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Early Morning Discussion #231 [ http://tinyurl.com/oefj2tn ]

12:03 *** Joins: Pony_4 (WebChat@Pony-cm3aba.adsl.tpnet.pl)

12:07 <LunaticHell> Wait a second, I just had a realisation!

12:08 <LunaticHell> But noone's here to listen to it, right?

12:09 <Pony_4> I'm hearing ;)

12:09 *** SleepFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

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12:11 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@the.crazy.cat.pony)

12:12 <Cepheid> Morning.

12:13 <LunaticHell> cephy ^^

12:13 <LunaticHell> Pony_4: neat

12:13 <LunaticHell> So in the most recent episode we find out that Pinkie Pie keeps huge amounts of data on everypony...

12:14 <LunaticHell> ...to make a personalized party for each of them...so...

12:14 <Cepheid> How goes it?

12:14 <LunaticHell> ...basically Pinkie Pie is google.

12:15 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: meh

12:15 <LunaticHell> and you?

12:16 <Cepheid> Good.  Really need to stop slacking on stuffs.

12:21 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-o6c041.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

12:26 <Cepheid> Oh right, Canada Day is Wednesday.

12:35 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-orq1tr.singnet.com.sg)

12:36 <Cepheid> Hum.  Parents recorded a movie.

12:36 <Cepheid> Godzilla vs. Monster Zero.

12:45 *** Joins: User_3381 (kqddkkfysxy@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

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12:53 <Pi> Sounds like fun

12:53 *** Joins: iFurril (wat1@Pony-qc2be4.wi.charter.com)

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12:59 <Thelema5> !stats

12:59 <Unixkitty> https://unixkitty.com/stats/EquestriaDaily/

13:00 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-vk7fl7.east.verizon.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Go on, try it!)

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13:36 * LunaticHell streches his limbs

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13:50 * Cepheid sicks King Ghidorah on LunaticHell.

13:51 <|-e|> :I

13:53 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

13:54 <Cepheid> Okay, cool as the most recent Godzilla movie was, the older ones are pretty awesome too, just for the hilarious nature of the monsters.

13:55 <Cepheid> I mean seriously, Godzilla doing a victory dance? XD

13:56 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGNhLZuD6a8

13:56 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

13:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Godzilla victory dance

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14:09 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

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14:12 <|-e|> I don't want to watch it

14:20 <Cepheid> Parents also seemed to have recorded King of the Monsters, the Americanized version of the original Godzilla.

14:20 <KooK> I just got woken up by a phone call asking if I was Zacks dad.  I wonder what would have happened if I said "What did he do..?"

14:22 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-orq1tr.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

14:24 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-sus.stn.97.24.IP)

14:24 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

14:25 <KooK> Thelema5 - I just got a phone call at 8am asking if I was Zachs dad.

14:25 <Thelema5> Are you?

14:25 <KooK> I should have been like "What did that little **** do this time?"

14:25 <KooK> No

14:25 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Adventures in Equica: Unicorn Training Officially Releases [ http://tinyurl.com/ngca9j5 ]

14:26 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha... Zach is always causing trouble.

14:26 <KooK> Dammit Zach

14:29 *** Joins: Erdjan (Ercantin@Pony-d80.tk8.122.94.IP)

14:32 <Thelema5> Hello, Erdjan.

14:32 <Thelema5> Welcome to a chat!

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14:34 <Cepheid> .. This is... What.

14:35 <Cepheid> My phone's autocorrect has "Godzilla" in it.  XD

14:36 *** Quits: Erdjan (Ercantin@Pony-d80.tk8.122.94.IP) (Quit: 0,4 0,1 © 0,4 Www.Kelebek.Org 0,12 Mutlaka Download Edin! 0,4 Kelebek Final 0,12 irc.kelebek.org 0,4 ßy wToprak 0,1 ® 0,4 )

14:36 <Cepheid> Huh.

14:37 <Cepheid> First time I've seen colour in here from someone who wasn't a mod.

14:38 <Unixkitty> Quit messages don't count it looks like

14:38 <Cepheid> Looks that way.

14:38 <Thelema5> Woah.

14:39 <Cepheid> I am surprised there is no Tunnel Snakes jacket mod for Skyrim.

14:39 <Cepheid> And upset.

14:43 <Unixkitty> I know right?

14:44 <KooK> I'm surprised that you're surprised

14:48 <Unixkitty> Considering there are tens of thousands if not more mods for the game and the item in question falls under the same developer's game? I don't see what there isn't to be surprised about.

14:49 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-3ep.869.99.217.IP)

14:50 <Cepheid> I guarantee for Fallout 4, if the Tunnel Snakes jacket doesn't make an appearance, someone WILL mod it in.

14:51 * LunaticHell hugs Unixkitty, because for soft reasons.

14:52 * Unixkitty squeaks

14:52 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: I realiszed something, today.

14:53 <LunaticHell> So the most recent episode shows us how Pinkie had gathered all the personal info about all the ponies so she can make personalized parties, right? Meaning Pinkie Pie is the Google of Ponyville.

14:54 <Cepheid> More like the NSA of Ponyville.

14:54 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: replace "party" with "ads" and you have literally google.

14:55 <LunaticHell> Idea is to store data on your search terms to find the perfect thing to advertise to you.

14:56 <Thelema5> That's pretty accurate.

14:57 <Unixkitty> I haven't watched it yet, LunaticHell

14:58 *** Joins: SkyHighAway (Tom@Pony-qjpkjn.threembb.co.uk)

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14:58 <Thelema5> I think google does a pretty good job of serving ads which are relevent and well targeted, but I wish there was a way to tell google when you have already made a purchase desicion.  I often see ads for items I had researched weeks earlier, and which I have already bought.

14:59 <Cepheid> You can actually clear the ad data.

15:00 <Thelema5> I don't want to do that, though, because then I'll just be served ads with /no/ relevence.

15:00 <Cepheid> Hum.

15:02 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-88rk5f.bigpond.net.au) (Connection closed)

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15:03 <Cepheid> You should see my cat right now.

15:03 <Cepheid> Got my laptop on my lap.  He's trying to climb stealthily onto my lap.

15:05 *** Quits: KooK (KooK___@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

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15:07 <LunaticHell> hey Thelema5, I was about to tell Twilight Sparkle a joke, but it was too cheezy for her.

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15:13 <Thelema5> I blame Cepheid's cat.

15:13 *** Octave|Work is now known as OctaveSymphony

15:14 <Cepheid> You do that.

15:14 <Thelema5> !link quesadilla

15:14 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

15:15 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-pgt.tul.95.119.IP)

15:15 <Cepheid> !link godzilla

15:16 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/375125?scope=scpe5a4aaca895a1037bb17f8de5861c581ec60285c6

15:16 *** Quits: iFurril (wat1@Pony-qc2be4.wi.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:19 *** Pi is now known as Pi_Away

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15:22 <Kalastrear> hi\

15:22 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: I scrapped my knee, you're cat's at fault. :<

15:22 <LunaticHell> oh hi Kala

15:22 *** Quits: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:22 <Kalastrear> my ears sting a little

15:23 *** Joins: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol)

15:23 <Thelema5> Are you surprised?

15:24 <Kalastrear> no i just upped my size, so i expected it to sting

15:24 <Kalastrear> i am mad though i can't find the ones i wanted

15:25 <Kalastrear> how are youthelema5?

15:27 <Thelema5> Doing well, all things considered.

15:28 <Kalastrear> all things considered? want to talk?

15:29 <Thelema5> I'm just dealing with some job instability.

15:29 <Kalastrear> oh...

15:29 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:29 <Kalastrear> i'm sorry....

15:30 * Thelema5 shrugs

15:30 *** Joins: KooK (KooK___@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

15:30 * Kalastrear hugs thelema5

15:30 <Thelema5> yay!

15:31 <Kalastrear> hugs not shrugs :)

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15:31 <Thelema5> :p

15:32 <Thelema5> !link yak

15:32 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/394006

15:32 <Kalastrear> i can't wait to up my ears again

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15:37 <KooK> https://www.dropbox.com/s/id40kdvzg04sah0/10603809_1103975059629770_5338521407409311938_n.jpg?dl=0

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15:44 * Kalastrear snuggles thelema5

15:45 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:47 *** Pi_Away is now known as Pi

15:48 *** Quits: KooK (KooK___@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

15:49 *** Pony_76614 is now known as Mongoosie

15:49 <SilverSpeed> Morning ponies :D0

15:51 * Lenfant_Sauvage waves at Silverspeed

15:53 *** Quits: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-pgt.tul.95.119.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

15:54 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-pgt.tul.95.119.IP)

15:55 <Thelema5> Hello, SilverSpeed.

15:55 <SilverSpeed> Thelema5!

15:55 * SilverSpeed smiles to Lenfant_Sauvage

15:55 * SilverSpeed hugs Thelema5

15:57 *** Quits: j0hnsey (johnsey@into.the.nethers) (Quit: leaving)

15:58 * Kalastrear hugs SilverSpeed

15:59 * SilverSpeed hugs back

16:00 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@the.crazy.cat.pony)

16:02 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

16:07 *** Joins: Wirinel (idontcsysid@Pony-t5p.b23.145.176.IP)

16:18 <Cepheid> Hum..

16:18 <Schism> Heh.  Winsor McCay may have waxed poetic about the dangers of Welsh rarebit upon dreams, but pad thai really takes it to another level.

16:18 <Cepheid> You know what would be an awesome fight in the form of Shadow of the Colossus?

16:18 <Cepheid> Lernaean Hydra.

16:18 <Kalastrear> no because my parents never le tme play that game even though i really wanted to and now i can't and i'm sad ugh

16:19 <Cepheid> Can't get the remake for the PS3?

16:19 <Kalastrear> idk where to get it i've looked everywhere

16:19 <Kalastrear> at gamers, gamestop, games r us, and the other gamers

16:19 <Cepheid> https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/shadow-of-the-colossus/cid=UP9000-NPUA80677_00-SOTC000000000001?emcid=ps-ga-944&utm_medium=Paid_Search&utm_campaign=Network&utm_source=Google&utm_term=ps-ga-944&utm_content=Brand

16:19 <Cepheid> Sorry for the long link.

16:20 <Cepheid> Put simply:  It's on the PSN store.

16:21 <Cepheid> Anyhow...

16:21 <SilverSpeed> anyhay*

16:21 <Kalastrear> i can't get on the psn store

16:21 <Cepheid> Lernaean Hydra.  The reason it'd be an interesting battle?  If you don't use a cauterizing weapon, for every head of the hydra you remove will result in two heads growing in it's place.

16:22 <Kalastrear> idk the account info

16:23 <Cepheid> It also applies for any head that is simply killed or destroyed via any other means.

16:23 <Cepheid> Essentially, any head destroyed via means other than severing and cauterizing immediately comes back, with an extra head.  With no upper limit.

16:26 <Cepheid> Only problem is, if you did something like that in a modern game, you'd have performance issues after a while.  Plus collission issues, probably.

16:26 *** Quits: Wirinel (idontcsysid@Pony-t5p.b23.145.176.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:26 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Sleep (Goosie@Pony-oqp.7db.79.71.IP)

16:26 <Cepheid> Thus, for a game that did it, you'd have to find a way to pull off an interesting appearance while remaining low-polygon and easy on the collission detection code.

16:28 *** MissingData is now known as DataByte

16:28 * Lenfant_Sauvage np: LAMB OF GOD - 512

16:29 <DataByte> very frustrating when your boss asks you a question, and then starts telling you to stop talking halfway through explaining it

16:29 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:29 <DataByte> and then yelling at me about something about not making it simple?

16:29 <DataByte> i don't know

16:29 <Thelema5> Stop talking?  Was he confused by your answer?

16:29 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

16:30 <DataByte> i was trying to simplify it to use common words

16:30 <Thelema5> That's a bit obnoxious of him.

16:30 <DataByte> my problem was trying to twist the real question out of him

16:31 <Thelema5> Ooh, I know what that is like.

16:31 <DataByte> he asked who created a folder, but what he wanted to know was why one user could see it but not write to it

16:31 <DataByte> two very different questions

16:32 <Thelema5> Quite!

16:32 * Kalastrear flies around the room

16:32 <Kalastrear> vroom vroom!

16:32 * DataByte throws a water balloon at Kalastrear

16:33 * SilverSpeed lols

16:33 <Pi> https://soundcloud.com/haywyre/chrome-sparks-marijuana

16:34 <Pi> Sexy~

16:34 * Kalastrear is wet and mad

16:34 * DataByte glomps Kalastrear and applies noogies :3

16:34 <Kalastrear> oh

16:34 <LunaticHell> Phrasing?

16:34 * Kalastrear smiles

16:35 <DataByte> y'know... computers /really/ dislike it when you put a million files into one directory

16:36 <Schism> You mean all those customers who put 10,000 pictures into one single folder are Doing It Wrong?

16:36 <Schism> Who knew?

16:36 <Kalastrear> thats what i do

16:36 <LunaticHell> DataByte: In other words: computers don't like one direction, good to know.

16:36 <Cepheid> DataByte:  It's not so much the computer, it's the filesystem.  But yeah.

16:37 <DataByte> using recuva to try to get my data back, and it had no idea what folders the files went into - so they're all in one directory

16:37 <LunaticHell> Now we know how to beat skynet, too.

16:37 <DataByte> it's still loading the directory...

16:37 <Cepheid> What's the filesystem?

16:37 <DataByte> ntfs

16:37 <Cepheid> Yeah.

16:37 <Cepheid> It only supports 4 billion or so files per folder.

16:37 <Cepheid> Er, wait.

16:37 <Cepheid> That's the maximum number of files period.

16:37 <DataByte> and the one that windows destroyed to cause me this heartache? also ntfs

16:39 <Cepheid> Yeah, I'm seeing reports that exceeding 5000 or so files is a bad idea.

16:39 <DataByte> there! done!

16:39 <Cepheid> Maximum number of files in a folder is 4 billion or so, but it's not recommended to go above a few thousand.

16:39 <Cepheid> Otherwise performance begins to degrade.

16:39 <DataByte> that only took it.... 4 minutes to load the directory listing of 1.2M files

16:40 <Cepheid> Hum.  Guess performance improved since then.

16:40 <Cepheid> SSD or platter drive?

16:40 <DataByte> wait.. i have a pdf document that's 1.5GB?? where'd THIS come from??

16:40 <DataByte> HDD

16:41 <Cepheid> So standard platter drive then.  Yeah, performance appears to have improved, heh.

16:41 * Cepheid is debating what to do for Canada Day now..

16:42 <DataByte> heh - tried to open "format error: not a pdf or file corrupted" well, then

16:42 <Cepheid> Yeah, that's the issue with recovery software.

16:42 <Cepheid> If the filesystem data is corrupted or damaged, the extents/blocks of a file may not be correct.

16:43 <DataByte> ponyfeathers.. i clicked to follow a zip, went back, and now it has to re-load the listing again

16:43 <DataByte> great.

16:46 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

16:47 <Cepheid> Still find the final boss theme for Mario and Luigi:  Bowser's Inside Story strangely creepy and out of place for the series, but... It's pretty epic.

16:47 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6M2xt_Ks4Y

16:47 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

16:47 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about In The Final - Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Music Extended

16:48 *** Mongoosie|Sleep is now known as Mongoosie

16:48 *** Joins: Aceriale (lmbgeuqgmhc@Pony-5e1.omq.221.80.IP)

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16:55 *** Joins: Luke_Aura (squpptgtxbq@Pony-rncid8.sligo.eircom.net)

16:55 <CleverDerpy> in the final may be the single most popular Mario and luigi track ever

16:56 <CleverDerpy> which is amazing, that it held up past even adventure's end in dream team, which is the sequel

16:57 <CleverDerpy> I mean, we're also talking an upgrade in systems too

16:59 <Cepheid> Aye.

16:59 <Cepheid> It was one of the most epic tracks I've ever heard in the Mario and Luigi series.

16:59 <Cepheid> It fit the situation so perfectly, especially considering the bloody difficulty.

16:59 <CleverDerpy> the mostpopular doesn't mean the best

16:59 <Cepheid> Aye.

16:59 <CleverDerpy> I loved elder shroob's theme

16:59 <Cepheid> Ah yeah.

16:59 <CleverDerpy> it was so bold and dramatic

17:00 *** Quits: SwanSong (SwanSong@Pony-77l.hc3.21.99.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:00 <Cepheid> Which one was that from again?  I forget the name of the game.

17:00 <CleverDerpy> but I was comparing popularity

17:00 <CleverDerpy> partners in time

17:00 <Cepheid> Ah yeah.

17:00 <CleverDerpy> #2

17:00 * Cepheid checks it out.

17:00 <CleverDerpy> for the DS

17:00 <Cepheid> Ah yeah, that was also a pretty good one.

17:00 <CleverDerpy> the amazing part

17:00 <Cepheid> It's kinda strange.  The final battle music of the earlier Mario and Luigi games really seems to... differ from the rest of the music of the games.

17:01 <CleverDerpy> this creature was so vile, it would destroy it's own shps to hurt you

17:01 <Cepheid> The rest of the games are particularly upbeat and friendly.

17:01 <CleverDerpy> you know why?

17:01 <CleverDerpy> different composer

17:01 <Cepheid> Heh.

17:01 <Cepheid> I meant even in the games the songs are a part of.

17:01 <CleverDerpy> the composer who did Bowser's inside story and beyond also did super Mario rpg for snes

17:01 <Cepheid> Everything is upbeat and friendly.

17:02 <Cepheid> Then you get to the final battle, and it's just dark and foreboding.

17:02 <Double> Hey CleverDerpy!

17:02 <SilverSpeed> you all shal realize that the best game for nintendo DS is metal slug 7

17:02 <Double> Ohoo?

17:02 <CleverDerpy> hiya Double

17:02 <Cepheid> I wonder..

17:02 <Cepheid> I wonder if the composer is the one who did the music for some of the Kirby games, especially Kirby Superstar.

17:03 <CleverDerpy> I like to compare some of the Mario and luigi tones to super smash bros 4

17:03 <CleverDerpy> they start out as a fighting game

17:03 <Cepheid> It shares a style similar to some of the final battle songs in that game.  The Partners in Time final battle theme has a similar sound to the Marx battle theme.

17:03 <CleverDerpy> still intense, but not like master hand when you expose master core, then it gets dead serious

17:03 <CleverDerpy> the first time I saw master core, I freaked

17:04 <CleverDerpy> then I saw master fortress...

17:04 <Cepheid> Nope.  Different composer.

17:04 <Cepheid> Let's see..

17:04 <CleverDerpy> i'm talking about the chilling feeling you get from the final boss themes

17:04 <Cepheid> Master Hand, Master Core..

17:04 <CleverDerpy> master hand is upbeat

17:04 <CleverDerpy> ccompare it with master core

17:05 <CleverDerpy> and you will see why it gets so serious

17:05 *** Joins: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-bsc.bre.136.40.IP)

17:05 <CleverDerpy> then compare master fortress to master core

17:05 <CleverDerpy> it gets intense, then as you get to second wave, you feel a triumphant "i can do this!" song come along

17:06 <CleverDerpy> I have played 9.0 all the way to master core

17:06 <CleverDerpy> but it will cream you on 9

17:07 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-68k.5r5.97.2.IP)

17:07 <CleverDerpy> it's not easy to ven get there, let alone beat it

17:07 <CleverDerpy> you got 2 lives, and they don't recover between phases

17:08 <CleverDerpy> the only break you get is if you're playing 8.0 or higher and beat master shadows, then it will form master fortress and a single heart container, also resetting the timer

17:08 <CleverDerpy> but think about that, it's got 5-6 phases

17:09 *** Joins: F4celess (Norse@Pony-9k9tjb.eidsiva.net)

17:09 <CleverDerpy> and you only got 2 lives, with a very limited chance of recovery for damage

17:09 *** Reia_Sleep is now known as Reia_Hope

17:09 <CleverDerpy> and to top it all off, you cannot even see how much health master core has

17:09 <CleverDerpy> so it's really a crapshoot on 9...

17:10 <CleverDerpy> you don't know when it's gonna change forms

17:12 *** Quits: GreasyBluegrass (John@Pony-k3h41s.upc-a.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:14 <Cepheid> Yeah, I just saw that.

17:14 <SilverSpeed> lol

17:16 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (ahzaousndfs@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP)

17:16 <aqualycool22> Dang...

17:16 <aqualycool22> Fall isn't here...

17:16 <aqualycool22> I guess I'm just gonna play Skyrim then... :/

17:16 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (ahzaousndfs@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:19 *** Joins: Nintendo4DS (Nintendo3DS@Pony-2l6.3vt.206.69.IP)

17:19 <Tirek> Greetings.

17:20 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-tu9ci3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

17:21 *** Joins: SkyHighAway (Tom@Pony-qjpkjn.threembb.co.uk)

17:22 <Thelema5> !seen Ethera

17:22 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw Ethera was 2015-06-28 04:30:28 UTC

17:22 <wobniaR> !seen thewall

17:22 <DerpyBot> wobniaR: The last time I saw thewall was 2014-05-19 07:11:35 UTC

17:22 *** Quits: SkyHighAway (Tom@Pony-qjpkjn.threembb.co.uk) (Connection closed)

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17:25 * wobniaR steals one of Tirek's sweetrolls

17:29 * Cepheid runs up to wobniaR. "Stop right there criminal scum!"

17:29 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net)

17:29 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

17:29 <wobniaR> I blame Unixkitty

17:29 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-n3j.fdn.153.82.IP)

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17:30 * LunaticHell hugs VinylScratch, his favorite british pone.

17:32 <SilverSpeed> heh

17:32 <SilverSpeed> no1 likes mexican pones lol

17:33 <VinylScratch> Pffft, we do!

17:33 <Thelema5> I do!

17:33 <wobniaR> Yeah we like everyone, even twist

17:34 <Cepheid> Aye.

17:34 <Cepheid> If anything, we hate 'dem Canadians.

17:35 <Thelema5> Nah

17:36 * Cepheid is Canadian, by the way. :P

17:37 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

17:38 *** Joins: The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings (Scherza@Pony-gfmq39.mycingular.net)

17:38 *** The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings is now known as Scherza

17:39 <SilverSpeed> :D

17:40 <SilverSpeed> i have a canadian fwend from a site where i was banned

17:40 <SilverSpeed> (for being dramatic)

17:40 *** Quits: SkyHighAway (Tom@Pony-qjpkjn.threembb.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:40 <Scherza> Protip: never state where or by what you were banned. It is irrelevant to most everything.

17:41 * SilverSpeed facehoofs

17:41 <SilverSpeed> i'm such a noob

17:42 * Scherza chuckles at SilverSpeed.

17:42 * Cepheid shrugs.

17:42 <Cepheid> It only becomes a big deal if you start asking us to help you get unbanned. :P

17:42 <Cepheid> Or complain about it relentlessly.

17:42 <Cepheid> Which we have had people do in the past.

17:43 *** Joins: Sally (igevfdkuhfv@Pony-oj1ouo.dsl-w.verizon.net)

17:43 <SilverSpeed> nope

17:43 <SgtPinkie> i wuz bannd frm deviantart

17:43 <Sally> Hellu

17:43 <SgtPinkie> wah wah wah

17:43 <SilverSpeed> i dun ask for help

17:43 <Sally> 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286

17:43 <Thelema5> !link https://youtu.be/2VSlTFfPsHM

17:43 <SgtPinkie> complain complain

17:43 <SilverSpeed> i rarely do tho

17:43 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

17:43 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Rarity - What a drama queen

17:44 <SgtPinkie> hlp me get unband plzzzzzz

17:44 <Cepheid> Sally, why did you just recite pi? :P

17:44 <Thelema5> Hello, Sally.

17:44 <SilverSpeed> Rarity isn't the drama queen

17:44 <Sally> becuz, doing it in parts is the only way to say it without my client crashing

17:44 <SilverSpeed> I AM D:

17:44 <Sally> 208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481

17:45 <Thelema5> Sally, that's a little annoying.

17:45 <Thelema5> Why not join the conversation?

17:45 <Sally> then just ask me to stop

17:45 <SilverSpeed> like this'

17:45 * SilverSpeed hugs Thelema5

17:45 <Thelema5> I don't have that authority.

17:46 <Sally> yes u do :P

17:46 <Sally> 117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233

17:47 <Thelema5> I wouldn't demand that someone alter their behavior to suit my preferences.  I'm not that presumptuous.

17:48 * Sally punched SilverSpeed

17:48 <Unixkitty> Is an exclusive invitation truly necessary to stop idiocy?

17:48 <SilverSpeed> D:

17:49 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Connection closed)

17:49 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

17:49 <VinylScratch> In that case, stop.

17:50 <Sally> k

17:50 <Thelema5> !stats

17:50 <Unixkitty> https://unixkitty.com/stats/EquestriaDaily/

17:50 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

17:50 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SomeFrenchBrony

17:50 <RarelyHoningGenius> Howdy ponies

17:50 <SilverSpeed> Thelema5, i was going to do that!

17:50 <SilverSpeed> you can read minds? :O

17:50 <SilverSpeed> hay, RarelyHoningGenius

17:51 <Thelema5> !seen librarian

17:51 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw librarian was 2015-05-31 17:38:46 UTC

17:51 <RarelyHoningGenius> Sup SilverSpeed

17:52 <Thelema5> Ooh, it's been nearly a month.  I wonder how things are going with his telenovela?

17:53 <Sally> !seen Pi

17:53 <DerpyBot> Sally: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. Pi is in the channel.

17:53 <Sally> oh

17:53 <Sally> well then

17:53 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

17:53 <SilverSpeed> !seen DerpyBot

17:53 <DerpyBot> Look into my eyes.. 6_9

17:53 * DerpyBot puts her front hooves on SilverSpeed's shoulders.

17:53 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Work

17:55 * Thelema5 offers everypony a slice of pi

17:55 * DataByte noms a 4

17:55 <Sally> !seen Pie

17:55 <DerpyBot> Sally: The last time I saw Pie was 2014-10-08 16:42:19 UTC

17:56 <Sally> jesus

17:56 <Sally> !link 3.14

17:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

17:56 <Sally> yey

17:57 <VinylScratch> ...Don't abuse the bot, please.

17:58 *** Joins: GreasyBluegrass (John@Pony-k3h41s.upc-a.chello.nl)

17:58 <Sally> y?

17:58 <Sally> overload or annoyance?

17:59 <Seoson> Probably both :P

18:00 <SilverSpeed> both

18:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Spotlight Music:  Twilight (Eventide) /  I'm a Pony In Canterlot  [ http://tinyurl.com/oef8e7c ]

18:02 <Sally> just one more?

18:03 <wobniaR> No fun allowed

18:03 * wobniaR slaps Sally with noscopes

18:03 <SilverSpeed> i thought Tirek was the no-fun police

18:03 <Sally> no

18:03 <Sally> fluttershy is

18:05 <Thelema5> Did anypony else find it odd that the Yaks in this last episode were fully prepared to smash Fluttershy's woodland friends?

18:06 <SilverSpeed> Thelema5 D:

18:06 <Sally> nes

18:06 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:06 * SilverSpeed flies away at full speed cuz of spoilers

18:07 <Thelema5> Seems a bit extreme for the show.  If Flutters hadn't swooped in and rescued them, they's be critter goo right now.

18:09 <Sally> no, they'd be ground meat

18:11 <Cepheid> ... Great.  I'm seeing things.

18:11 <Thelema5> Spots?  Flashes of light?

18:11 <Cepheid> Moving shapes, actually.

18:11 <Sally> for me its creatures

18:12 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Jon_the_VGN@Pony-k87.ema.45.70.IP)

18:15 *** Joins: KooK (KooK___@Pony-ca4.71l.81.50.IP)

18:18 <Thelema5> !flip

18:18 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

18:18 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her hoof, correct side up

18:19 <Tirek> I am the no fun police.

18:22 <Thelema5> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Yak_racing.jpg

18:23 *** Joins: Biggyzoom (xiiixffkwwh@Pony-in4gol.cable.virginm.net)

18:23 <SilverSpeed> yes you are

18:25 *** Quits: Biggyzoom (xiiixffkwwh@Pony-in4gol.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:25 <Thelema5> Fun fact: Yaks secrete a special sticky substance from their skin which causes their fur to mat and clump together for additional insulation

18:25 <Cepheid> Wouldn't that be glue?

18:26 <Thelema5> Similar, I think.

18:27 <Pi> Who pingin

18:28 *** Joins: PinkieDash (futojkompmy@Pony-5g8u8l.fl.comcast.net)

18:29 <PinkieDash> hello everypony

18:29 <Thelema5> Hello, PinkieDash.

18:29 <PinkieDash> how u doing

18:30 <Thelema5> Okay. You?

18:30 <PinkieDash> im doing good

18:31 <SilverSpeed> hay, PinkieDash

18:31 <PinkieDash> hello

18:31 <Cepheid> ... Okay, my mother is clearly losing her hearing.

18:31 <RarelyHoningGenius> Hello PinkieDash

18:31 <PinkieDash> hi

18:33 *** Quits: KooK (KooK___@Pony-ca4.71l.81.50.IP) (Connection closed)

18:34 <ADragonDreaming> "Your levels of irony are getting to the point where all my shirts are pressed."

18:36 <Cepheid> I wonder how long my mother's been burning that stuff.

18:36 <Thelema5> Does anypony here read Korean?

18:36 <ADragonDreaming> No, but I know a guy who works in Korea.

18:37 <ADragonDreaming> It's 2:37 am over there right now, though, so...

18:38 <Thelema5> Yeah, thanks anyway.

18:38 <Thelema5> :p

18:38 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@Pony-cki.rma.36.82.IP)

18:38 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

18:38 <ADragonDreaming> You can always try google.

18:38 <RarelyHoningGenius> That's not too late

18:38 <SilverSpeed> no the translator is bad

18:38 <ADragonDreaming> The translator is a machine translator.

18:38 <SilverSpeed> a bad machine translator

18:39 <ADragonDreaming> You will get an idea of the general gist of it, and then you logic it from there.

18:39 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-3ep.869.99.217.IP) (Connection closed)

18:39 <Thelema5> Yeah, I tried google and bing; I can sorta get the gist of it.

18:39 <ADragonDreaming> The google translator is actually fairly good, as machine translators go. Notably, it actually gives you synonyms.

18:41 <Thelema5> Someone posted a snippet of Korean text to my company facebook page, google translated it as: Jeongyoin summer camp begins . All that time the precious grace Please intercede in prayer. Caution must pray that the Holy Spirit 's presence retreat .

18:41 <Thelema5> We do have a Korean religious group staying at the hotel, so this is likely an attendee hoping it goes well.

18:42 <ADragonDreaming> So basically, "Summer camp at Jeongyoin is starting, please pray."

18:46 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-h5643p.198-29-63-net.sccoast.net)

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18:46 <Cepheid> I think I found the source of my pained chest.

18:46 <ADragonDreaming> Oh?

18:47 <Cepheid> My mother's been burning sage as of late for some deranged reason.

18:47 <Cepheid> I didn't notice it until today when she told me about it because I noticed the smell of something burning and how it was making my chest hurt when I was breathing.

18:48 <Thelema5> She must be "smudging" the house to rid it of "negative spiritual energy"

18:49 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

18:49 <Cepheid> Nah.

18:49 <Cepheid> She's not that kind of person.

18:49 <Thelema5> Good.

18:49 <Cepheid> But she's under the impression that the house has an odour to it, but in my opinion..

18:50 <Cepheid> There is no odour.  And what she's doing is actually just making things worse for the people living in the house.

18:51 <Thelema5> I think scented candles, an air freshener, or a good cleaning should each do a better job than burning a smelly plant.

18:51 <Cepheid> Problem is, there is no odour as far as I can tell.

18:52 <Cepheid> Any odour that exists in this house comes from any of the fragrant stuff she uses.

18:52 <Cepheid> Which all smells like rotten fruit or burning to me.  And actually aggravates my breathing or allergies, one or the other.

18:52 <SgtPinkie> Is it really shipping if the two characters in question are already canonically shipping?

18:52 <SgtPinkie> *canonically married?

18:52 *** Parts: RarelyHoningGenius (rhg135@the.incredible.pony) ("life yields wounds")

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18:59 <PinkieDash> who here has an xbox one

19:00 <Cepheid> I don't feel so well now.

19:00 <SilverSpeed> i'm not that rich

19:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Tons of Random Pony Stuff in Ted 2  [ http://tinyurl.com/ofowl73 ]

19:02 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:03 * VinylScratch has PS4

19:03 <SilverSpeed> gtg bye ponies

19:03 *** Quits: SilverSpeed (Pegasus@Pony-lnf.i6d.134.187.IP) (Quit: TO THE MOON!!!)

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19:20 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:22 *** Joins: Flower (vyyuwfynztl@Pony-dck.8d7.244.78.IP)

19:23 <Flower> hi everypony

19:23 <Snapai> !link https://derpiboo.ru/926292

19:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about safe party pooped they're just so cheesy nightmare spoiler:s05e11 (and 4 more)

19:24 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (ahzaousndfs@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP)

19:25 <Thelema5> Hello, Flower.

19:25 <Biggyzoom> Hi there

19:25 <Thelema5> I like your nick.  What kind of flower are you?

19:25 * TimidClef|Work flops around the chat

19:25 * Thelema5 pies TimidClef|Work

19:26 <TimidClef|Work> Mmmm, pie

19:29 <Thelema5> Snapai, ah ha ha- I love that

19:29 <Snapai> :D

19:31 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-ca5.stb.77.173.IP)

19:31 <ZeroParadox> Sup nerds - 3 -

19:33 <Biggyzoom> Sup

19:37 <Thelema5> Hello, ZeroParadox.

19:37 <ZeroParadox> \ - 3 - /

19:38 *** Quits: GreasyBluegrass (John@Pony-k3h41s.upc-a.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:42 <Snapai> !link https://derpiboo.ru/926151 O_o

19:42 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about muscle fetish chest hair buff wat solo (and 6 more)

19:43 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

19:43 <Flower> hello @Thelema5

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19:47 <Cepheid> I'm not one-hundred percent certain, but I think that guy outside is just wasting time to get more hours, and to annoy people.

19:47 <Cepheid> He's using a leaf blower to dry the driveways.

19:47 <Thelema5> Is he a union worker?

19:47 <Cepheid> No idea.

19:47 <Cepheid> But the landlord, Minto, hires a gardening company every Summer to do weekly yardwork.

19:48 <Cepheid> And it normally doesn't go well into the afternoon like it is.

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19:49 <Cepheid> And given there are no leaves on any of the driveways this guy is wandering about on(I've been watching him) I can only assume he's using it to dry the driveways.

19:49 <Cepheid> Since it rained recently.

19:49 *** Joins: ian (user@Pony-r6j.1d7.60.96.IP)

19:51 <VinylScratch> If he's paid hourly, chances are he's padding out the hours

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19:51 *** Parts: Flower (vyyuwfynztl@Pony-dck.8d7.244.78.IP) ()

19:52 <Cepheid> Yes, well, he's doing it in the most annoying way possible.

19:52 <Cepheid> As the leaf blower is insanely loud.

19:52 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:52 <Cepheid> And he's just constantly revving it.

19:52 <Cepheid> So we've got an idiot outside going *VRRRM* *VRRM* *VRRM VRRRM VRRRRRRMMMMM* *VRRM VRM* *VRRRRRRM*

19:53 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-r4t.ja9.133.50.IP)

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19:53 <Cepheid> I have my window closed too and I can still hear it.

19:53 *** Joins: RarelyHoningGenius (rhg135@the.incredible.pony)

19:53 <RarelyHoningGenius> you're not you when you're hungry

19:54 <Cepheid> That's the idea. :P

19:54 * Scherza noms on RarelyHoningGenius. Nom.

19:54 <Thelema5> You should ask him to come blow the sage smoke out of your house.  :p

19:54 * RarelyHoningGenius has been nommed

19:54 <Cepheid> It's tempting.  Especially since my mother decided to relight the sage after I went upstairs.

19:55 <RarelyHoningGenius> I actually do like incense, but I can't recall ever using sage

19:55 <Cepheid> I despise anything with a particularly strong scent.  It either smells rotten, or aggravates my asthma or allergies, so yeah.

19:56 <RarelyHoningGenius> Although never in my room; keep the fire away!

19:56 <RarelyHoningGenius> I have an electric wax heater

19:56 <RarelyHoningGenius> I need to replace the wax though: it smells not

19:57 *** Joins: SwanSong (SwanSong@Pony-77l.hc3.21.99.IP)

19:57 <Schism> By the way.  In case some folks claim that the name 'Ponyville' is unrealistic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humansville,_Missouri

19:58 <Cepheid> XD

19:58 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

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19:58 <RarelyHoningGenius> lol

19:58 <wobniaR> There's a place named footville too

19:58 <Cepheid> Hum.

19:58 <Schism> Founded in 1834... by, well, James Human.  :S

19:58 <Cepheid> I need a place to host a wiki.

19:58 <Snapai> Wikia?

19:59 <Cepheid> Mmm.  Nah, not wikia.  Way too much advertising among other things for my liking.  I'll look around.

19:59 <RarelyHoningGenius> way, way too much

20:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Party Pooped - Background Music Spotlight  [ http://tinyurl.com/onpouxw ]

20:01 <Cepheid> I really should get around to playing God Eater 2:  Rage Burst.

20:03 *** Quits: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-pgt.tul.95.119.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

20:03 *** Joins: Ethera (Ether@Pony-s7r46u.dyn.optonline.net)

20:05 <Thelema5> Deiphagus?

20:06 *** Joins: iandroid (iandalton@Pony-bppm7q.dynamic.tds.net)

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20:07 <Thelema5> Or would it more properly conjugate as deiphago?

20:07 <RarelyHoningGenius> think the former, but not sure

20:14 <Thelema5> Ugh, my daughter's plane just took off.  I feel sick with worry.

20:14 <RarelyHoningGenius> don't worry mate; she'll be fine

20:15 <Thelema5> Thanks

20:15 <RarelyHoningGenius> it's only natural to feel like that; I worry a bit when my sister goes to university

20:15 <Thelema5> I'll feel better when the plane lands in 14 hours.

20:15 <RarelyHoningGenius> oh

20:16 <RarelyHoningGenius> well remember, it's the safest form of travel yet

20:16 <Thelema5> True!

20:17 * Schism|Alt boops Thelema5 with some pad thai.

20:17 <Thelema5> XD

20:18 <Cepheid> 14 hours?  Where the heck are they going?

20:19 <RarelyHoningGenius> india iirc

20:20 <Cepheid> That explains it.

20:26 <Cepheid> Hum.

20:26 <Thelema5> Yes, nonstop flight from NYC to Bangalore

20:27 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

20:31 *** Joins: KooK (KooK___@Pony-ca4.71l.81.50.IP)

20:31 * Cepheid brainstorms some ideas for another game. Something simpler, and pretty straightforward.

20:33 <RarelyHoningGenius> writing games gets annoying for me

20:33 <RarelyHoningGenius> 60fps is quite fast

20:33 <Cepheid> Yep.

20:34 <RarelyHoningGenius> too much optimization for my tastes

20:34 <Cepheid> I'm looking for a particularly simple graphical style with this game.  I'll need it, given the nature of it.

20:36 *** init3 is now known as Init3-away

20:36 <RarelyHoningGenius> maybe I shouldn't be writing a network protocol though

20:36 <RarelyHoningGenius> people don't appreciate wasting their bandwidth

20:36 *** Quits: PinkieDash (futojkompmy@Pony-5g8u8l.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:37 *** Parts: Ethera (Ether@Pony-s7r46u.dyn.optonline.net) ("Leaving")

20:38 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (ahzaousndfs@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:39 <LunaticHell> [random ramble] dang you, marvel, you're actually making me buy a comic [/random ramble]

20:41 <LunaticHell> Thelema5: 14 hours later...

20:41 <LunaticHell> [random UFP reference]

20:48 <Schism|Alt> Tirek: https://derpiboo.ru/640985

20:48 <Schism|Alt> Tea-rek, I should say.

20:49 <Cepheid> ADragonDreaming.

20:49 <Cepheid> http://gfycat.com/LinedUnequaledCurassow

20:50 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: what the hay?

20:50 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: we really should play that game, again. xD

20:51 <Cepheid> It's from an unstable update, apparently.

20:51 <Cepheid> It's a joke that they were combining the two most dangerous monsters.

20:51 <Cepheid> Or DNA from them, rather.

20:51 <LunaticHell> 6_9

20:51 <Schism|Alt> Crossbreeding monsters to populate a world?  That would be interesting.

20:52 <Cepheid> I don't think it's a real thing.  Like I said, a joke. :P

20:53 <LunaticHell> Come to think of it, has anypony already thought of using the 100th episode song of teen hunger force coupled with the 100th episode of MLP?

20:53 <LunaticHell> Just asking.

20:54 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: still, we should play together, again, just for fun.

20:56 <Cepheid> Aye.

21:01 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming_ (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net)

21:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Felicia Day Celebrates Her Bday With Pinkie Pie! [ http://tinyurl.com/nlle6fq ]

21:01 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-r4t.ja9.133.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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21:13 <misiek200m> !link

21:13 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/710200

21:14 *** Joins: Nilak (uid93310@Pony-pbt.esq.184.192.IP)

21:14 <Princess-QRS> [trigger warning] http://www.airgunsofarizona.com/CustomParts/NCT.gif

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21:25 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-tu9ci3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

21:25 * Cepheid flops onto a bed.

21:25 <Cepheid> I feel feverish and pained now.

21:25 *** Joins: Unknown (ivuifdkunvf@Pony-f9r6o1.dyn.grandenetworks.net)

21:26 <RarelyHoningGenius> eventually you get used to it supposedly

21:26 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-n57.90f.32.178.IP) (Quit: )

21:27 * RarelyHoningGenius hasn't yet, but eventually

21:27 <Cepheid> I'm surprised I haven't yet.

21:28 <Cepheid> I've been feeling like this consistently for the last 13 years now.

21:28 <RarelyHoningGenius> feeling death adjacent gets tiring

21:29 <RarelyHoningGenius> mainly the morning after dialysis, and it makes sensebeing that dehydration is awful

21:29 <Cepheid> Oh gods.

21:29 <Cepheid> Dehydration sucks.

21:30 <Cepheid> Especially when it cripples you to ending up in a hospital.

21:30 <RarelyHoningGenius> it is a horrible thing nobody should endure

21:30 <Cepheid> Indeed.

21:30 <Saerydoth> the only time I've seeen people get dehydrated that bad are like, people that are working outside in hot weather, or marathon runners

21:31 <RarelyHoningGenius> it's NE Texas: home of 100F+ heat and 80%+ humidity

21:31 <Cepheid> In my case, it was when I was working a night job at a tall building.  They shut down the air conditioning, and I was working in an enclosed room.

21:31 <Saerydoth> although marathon runners sometimes go the other way and end up with hyponatremia instead

21:31 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming_ (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:31 <Cepheid> The room had several computers, and high speed scanners.  Both of which generated a lot of heat.

21:32 <Cepheid> At the same time, the ENTIRE TIME I was required to wear a multi-layered suit to look professional for no one in particular as it was a night job, 12 AM to 8 AM.

21:32 <RarelyHoningGenius> and sadly the van I take use has no AC :(

21:32 <Cepheid> We also weren't allowed to have drinks in the room.

21:32 <Cepheid> Nor a fan, to boot.

21:32 <RarelyHoningGenius> wearing suits is annoying

21:33 <Cepheid> Add in the mix of a severe heatwave going on, the whole setup just reeked of trouble.

21:33 <RarelyHoningGenius> they're way too hot

21:33 <Cepheid> By the time I left, I wasn't feeling well.  I also had to walk a good distance in the sun in this setup to my dad's workplace to get a ride.

21:33 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming_ (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net)

21:33 <RarelyHoningGenius> how hot is it getting up there?

21:33 <Cepheid> At the moment, not too bad.  This incident was a few years back.

21:34 <RarelyHoningGenius> oh

21:34 <Cepheid> But it can get up to 35C without humidity.

21:34 <Cepheid> 45C with.

21:34 <RarelyHoningGenius> ouch

21:34 <Cepheid> It gets pretty humid around here.

21:34 <RarelyHoningGenius> that isn't just uncofortable; it burns

21:34 <Cepheid> Anyways, by the time I got to my workplace, I was dizzy, and nausea had set in.

21:34 <RarelyHoningGenius> like the metal can leave burns

21:35 <Cepheid> I went home, jumped in bed, slept for a few hours.  Got up to go to the washroom, dizziness was much worse.  Collapsed at the top of the stairs.  Parents started to take me to a nearby clinic, but had to pull over as the nausea had peaked for me.

21:35 <RarelyHoningGenius> then you can'e even drink water since you only feel worse

21:35 <Cepheid> Next thing I know, I have a ton of people at my side telling me to lay down, giving me a bottle of water, a wet cloth, etc.  And an ambulance on the way.

21:36 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

21:36 <RarelyHoningGenius> well I should get going. I have to leave soon.

21:36 <Cepheid> For the next four hours, I was struggling to keep my stomach down in a hospital.  Even after a intravenous injection of dimenhydrinate, an anti-nauseant, I was still having issues.  Headache was insane, to boot.

21:36 <RarelyHoningGenius> later ponies.

21:36 *** Unknown is now known as Starflare

21:37 <Cepheid> Long story short, worst experience of my life.  Wouldn't wish it even on my most hated nemesis.

21:37 *** Starflare is now known as Pony_82721

21:37 <RarelyHoningGenius> it truly is horrible

21:38 <RarelyHoningGenius> takes the joy from living

21:38 <Sketchy_Sounds> Pretty sure if the a/c ever cut out in my workplace, they'd evacuate after a while.

21:38 <Cepheid> Heh.

21:39 <Sketchy_Sounds> Primarily because my workplace is basically a big glass and metal box, and also it's a government dept and the government does not want to be sued for H&S violations.

21:39 <Cepheid> Yeah, the only time I was told to go home early was when the building cut the power to the floor I worked on accidentally and wouldn't turn it back on.

21:39 <Cepheid> Otherwise..

21:39 <Cepheid> "Deal with it."

21:39 <Cepheid> Which is pretty scummy and risky of them.

21:40 <Cepheid> Given that the whole job was a contract for a law firm that dealt with medical cases.

21:40 *** Pony_82721 is now known as Starflare

21:40 <wobniaR> My workplace has centralized air conditioning, probably cause these systems are essential

21:40 <Cepheid> Yeah.

21:40 <Sketchy_Sounds> This is also why I'm looking forward to actually being sent to join my team, because once I'm out where I'm meant to be on the floor then I should have a permanently-assigned desk, which will in turn mean they'll adjust that to fit my height and also provide a chair to fit my larger-than-average stature.

21:40 <Cepheid> They shut down the air conditioning because it was night time.

21:40 <Cepheid> Energy conservation and all that.

21:40 *** Starflare is now known as Pony_83428

21:41 <Thelema5> This conversation is making me feel thirsty.

21:42 <Cepheid> Anyways, yeah.

21:42 <Cepheid> The best part?

21:42 <Cepheid> "You coming in to work tomorrow?"

21:42 * wobniaR applies black briar mead to Thelema5

21:42 <Cepheid> I was explicitly told by the doctor not to go in to work, or do any strenuous work for a good week.

21:43 <Sketchy_Sounds> Sure yeah! I'll come back again and risk death a second time! :D

21:44 <Cepheid> "Yeah sure, I'll go back to work for an employer who put my health at risk, and also in the past failed to pay me not once, but twice!"

21:44 *** Starthunder is now known as Moonlightning

21:44 <Sketchy_Sounds> I think my response woulda been like "That depends, were you planning to actually make my workplace habitable by humans?"

21:44 <Cepheid> Ethical Solutions my butt.

21:44 <Cepheid> Given the employer's track record, I can't see it happening.

21:44 <Cepheid> They seemed pretty intent on screwing over the employees.

21:45 <Cepheid> Given that I was never contacted by the law firm, I can only assume they never told the law firm what happened.

21:46 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: .)

21:46 <Cepheid> Because I imagined had the law firm found out what happened to me after a night of work, they'd have been out to help me.

21:46 <Sketchy_Sounds> Oh btw Cephy you should really work on getting up to G-Rank in MH4. We're pretty sure July will see us getting DLC that will grant access to the Star Knight armour, which is widely viewed as one of the best armour sets in the game.

21:46 <Cepheid> Especially as, again, they're medical law practictioners.

21:46 *** Pony_83428 is now known as Emerald

21:46 <Cepheid> Heh.

21:47 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming_ (IceChat9@Pony-o6d2k2.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:48 <Sketchy_Sounds> Seriously, it has positive res to EVERYTHING, a whole load of slots, and some awesome built-in skills.

21:48 <Sketchy_Sounds> You get Rodeo God, Challenger +2, and Steady Hand right off the bat. That last one is a special 2-in-1 skill that prevents your attacks from bouncing and also halves your Sharpness loss rate.

21:49 <Sketchy_Sounds> It also has 4 points in Handicraft, which is enough to grant Sharpness+1 if you make a coupla Artisan Jewels, and the armour has enough 3-slot pieces to let you equip that many as well.

21:49 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming_ (IceChat9@Pony-r4t.ja9.133.50.IP)

21:50 <Sketchy_Sounds> So yeah, you can get extra-sharp weapons that don't bounce and that go blunt slower, along with an attack and defense boost when your prey gets mad.

21:50 <Sketchy_Sounds> Along with resistance to everything. It's insane.

21:52 <Cepheid> I see.

21:53 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

21:53 <Cepheid> I'll write up a list of the quests I need to do then, and get to work.

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21:58 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming_ (IceChat9@Pony-r4t.ja9.133.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:58 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Reviews: Princess Spike [ http://tinyurl.com/nwsph4t ]

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22:01 *** Quits: Angelion (vxrsemwgmou@Pony-0hc.hsc.36.92.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: PMV: Changing / Fair Play / Robot Love  [ http://tinyurl.com/pd4wh3w ]

22:01 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

22:04 *** Joins: Optiprism (hjbxhjzldpr@Pony-jtmr1u.dyn.telefonica.de)

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22:06 <Optiprism> "What matters is how hard you try." -Fluttershy

22:06 <Optiprism> Isn't this a really bad lesson in today's world?

22:07 <Optiprism> In the real world, it doesn't matter how hard you try, only how much you achieve.

22:07 <LunaticHell> VinylScratch: hey, chap, I have a neat explaination how derpy is mentioned as "Muffin" in the credits of that episode.

22:07 <LunaticHell> ...is it chap or champ?...anyway~

22:08 *** Emerald is now known as TinyKitten

22:08 <Optiprism> Any thoughts you guys?

22:08 <LunaticHell> Instead of going "this character's name is muffin" they probably went "the character who's first word in the episode was Muffins", probably.

22:09 <LunaticHell> Optiprism: hum

22:09 <Scherza> How much you achieve?

22:09 <LunaticHell> Optiprism: Better to try and fail than to have never tried, then?

22:09 <Scherza> Such a pessimistic view.

22:10 <Nilak> The real word sucks! *flies to Equestria*

22:10 <Optiprism> Not nessesary pessimistics, lots of people do achieve great things even though they're not born rich/successful

22:10 <Saerydoth> if someone opened a portal to Equestria

22:10 <Saerydoth> I'd go

22:10 <LunaticHell> lemme say something in that regard

22:11 <Saerydoth> I just wonder if it would be possible to run a fiber optic cable through the portal for internet

22:11 <LunaticHell> the thing yoda says is a bad lesson

22:11 <Saerydoth> fiber optic cable through the portal for internet, have a unicorn build a magic powered generator to power the computer

22:11 <Saerydoth> I'd so be there

22:11 <LunaticHell> "do or don't, there is no try" is nonsense, the try comes before the "done"

22:12 *** Joins: Unknown (ivuifdkunvf@Pony-f9r6o1.dyn.grandenetworks.net)

22:12 <Saerydoth> the point is, by saying "I'll try", you aren't confident that you can do it, and thus you fail

22:12 <Optiprism> There's a subtler meaning to that: Sometimes people only try to have an excuse to themselves to give up.

22:12 <Saerydoth> he was basically telling Luke that if he had ANY doubt, he would fail

22:12 <LunaticHell> You can't succeed, if you don't try.

22:12 <Optiprism> Or rather, they don't really try, but set themselves up for failure

22:13 <LunaticHell> best example is the judicial system *ahem*

22:13 <Optiprism> I think those are different meanings of try

22:14 <LunaticHell> before the committed crime comes the attempted crime.

22:14 <LunaticHell> It's like two different stages.

22:14 *** Parts: Unknown (ivuifdkunvf@Pony-f9r6o1.dyn.grandenetworks.net) ()

22:14 <LunaticHell> As long as you have not succeeded, it's an attempt.

22:15 <Optiprism> Here's a good, but long blog post about yoda's quote: http://lesswrong.com/lw/uh/trying_to_try/

22:15 *** Quits: TinyKitten (ivuifdkunvf@Pony-f9r6o1.dyn.grandenetworks.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:18 *** Joins: Unknown (ivuifdkunvf@Pony-f9r6o1.dyn.grandenetworks.net)

22:18 <Unknown> What where am I

22:18 <LunaticHell> Optiprism: my counter argument http://www.cracked.com/article_18443_6-famous-movie-wisemen-who-were-totally-full-shit.html

22:19 <LunaticHell> Unknown: equestriadaily, hello.

22:19 <Unknown> LuntinicHell dude i missed you

22:19 *** Unknown is now known as HandyPen

22:20 <LunaticHell> huh thanks

22:20 <LunaticHell> Optiprism: "You cannot do without trying first. It is impossible. If he'd said "get drunk, or do not, there is no drinking" it would have made as much sense."

22:20 <Optiprism> Yeah I feel like this doesn't engange with the intended meaning but picks the trivial definition

22:20 <HandyPen> Nevermind I met you here one time and you proberly forgot

22:21 <LunaticHell> gomen na sai, my memory only works with memes, tropes and dank memes. ^^'

22:21 <LunaticHell> and parts of languages I don't speak or understand

22:21 *** HandyPen is now known as Emerald

22:22 <Seoson> Oh and also puns LunaticHell

22:22 <LunaticHell> oh yes, puns

22:22 <LunaticHell> Lemme try to warm up my memory... Emerald...green gems, chaos Emeralds, sonic...hum...Rouge?

22:22 <Emerald> NO

22:23 <LunaticHell> Sorry, after I read a Deadpool comic, I found myself back in my old, bad, behaviours.

22:23 <Emerald> I accidently RP here and fought a dragon

22:23 <LunaticHell> I used to be known as "Deadpie Pinkiepool" ooooooh right.

22:24 *** Joins: SwanSong (SwanSong@Pony-77l.hc3.21.99.IP)

22:24 <LunaticHell> I told you to ask at equestriadailyooc, right?

22:24 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

22:24 <Emerald> IDK

22:24 <LunaticHell> Come to think about it, there isn't much dragon fighting going on there, either...

22:24 <Emerald> I think so

22:24 <Seoson> Stick with LunaticHell. It includes Luna which increases sympathie at my end.

22:25 <LunaticHell> alrighty

22:25 <LunaticHell> I have my own lil connection to the moon~

22:26 <LunaticHell> Long story short: "Lunatic Eyes of the Moon" is the nickname of the touhou character Inaba Reisen, a moon rabbit. My chinese sign is: rabbit. Also I love to gaze at the full moon, everytime I get the chance.

22:28 <Emerald> oh I alwayeds used Caps lock then DerpyBot finally caught me

22:29 <Emerald> Jail was fun.

22:29 *** Pony_524 is now known as zz_Pony_524

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22:34 <Cepheid> Dangit, another nose bleed.

22:35 <Cepheid> What the hay is going on with my head all of a sudden?

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22:37 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Bed

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22:45 <Schism|Alt> Have I ever mentioned that, while it can result in some interesting effects viz. film design and artistic trickery, I absolutely despise the psychological phenomenon of pareidolia?

22:45 <Schism|Alt> When you see a face popping out of a popcorn ceiling, it always causes a bit of a start.

22:46 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-vk7fl7.east.verizon.net)

22:46 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

22:46 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Bluepon@Pony-cdc.v68.128.73.IP)

22:48 * Cepheid pops out of some popcorn nearby Schism|Alt.

22:48 <Schism|Alt> Mm, Cepheid-flavoured popcorn.

22:48 * Schism|Alt noms.

22:50 <SgtPinkie> "psychological phenonmenon of pareidolia" YAY ALLITERATION

22:50 <SgtPinkie> Kind of

22:50 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-bg8.nu9.238.82.IP)

22:51 *** RarelyHoningGenius is now known as RightHoofGone

22:51 <DARK> hello =)

22:51 <LunaticHell> time for a stealth pun

22:51 <RightHoofGone> I think I mispelled genious

22:51 <Nintendo4DS> me beseeched thee the psychopathological hand-you-down

22:52 <LunaticHell> how deadicated have the writers of the "Walking Dead" comics been so far? Well you could say they added in extra "a".

22:52 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-g8ahnu.res.rr.com)

22:52 <LunaticHell> whoops freudian slip

22:52 <LunaticHell> dedicated

22:52 *** Joins: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-ec6eib.irccloud.com)

22:52 <LunaticHell> gosh darn, I ruined my own joke

22:52 <SgtPinkie> ........Oh

22:52 <SgtPinkie> That's the joke

22:53 <RightHoofGone> puns, puns everywhere

22:53 <LunaticHell> I was supposed to use "dedicated" and let you figure out the placement of the extra "a"

22:53 <Nintendo4DS> I don't think anyone would have connected that

22:54 <SgtPinkie> I kept trying to figure out what 'a' had to do with TWD and figured deadicated was an oddly appropriate typo

22:54 <LunaticHell> ^^

22:54 <LunaticHell> I guess it does work better with typo

22:54 <LunaticHell> lemme try it in another chat, let's see how it goes

23:00 <LunaticHell> ...alright....moving on

23:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Isolation 70 / Recall The Time 11 / Find Yourself 118 / Seeds of Darkness 104 [ http://tinyurl.com/pkvr4sn ]

23:01 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-27f.27n.53.73.IP)

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23:04 <StormDashNLR> !hug

23:04 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

23:04 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around StormDashNLR in a tight embrace

23:07 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

23:09 *** Joins: SilverSpeed (Pegasus@Pony-crv.atu.134.187.IP)

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23:13 *** Quits: SilverSpeed (Pegasus@Pony-crv.atu.134.187.IP) (Quit: TO THE MOON!!!)

23:17 <Schism|Alt> I see 'Calpain Comic' and I can't help but think, 'Captain Comic'...

23:22 <Thelema5> Thant makes me think of Captain Caveman, a early 80's Hanna-Barbera cartoon featuring a over-enthusiastic and super hairy troglodyte crime-fighter with an inspector gaget-style club.

23:22 <Nilak> Hah, Captain Caveman

23:22 <Tirek> Captain Comic is more likely to be something along the lines of an early DC superhero, though.

23:23 <Tirek> A prototypical superman, maybe.

23:23 <Thelema5> !link https://youtu.be/SGd8ZzZ56AU

23:23 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Captain Caveman - short compilation

23:23 <Nilak> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A85xpFFxd9Y

23:24 <Nilak> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A85xpFFxd9Y

23:24 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Captain Cave Man.

23:24 <Nilak> I love his 'battle cry'

23:24 * Cepheid sets two alarms on phone. One for 7:30 PM. The time to get into bed and try to sleep. And one for 8 AM. The time to wake up.

23:24 *** Joins: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony)

23:25 <Tirek> I remember Captain Caveman from a sort of subtitle for a Flintstones cartoon, though.

23:26 <Tirek> And he had a son that sounded like a nasaly Scrappy Doo.

23:26 <Cepheid> I really, really need to get a stable sleeping pattern going.  >.<;  I also need to start getting off my butt and working.  No more slacking.  Gotta put a few hours each day into coding.

23:26 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

23:26 <Thelema5> Huh, I guess Captain Caveman only aired for 2 seasons.  Funny that I should remember it so clearly from my youth.

23:27 <Tirek> Most of Hannah Barbera's stuff from the 70s were bad.

23:27 <Tirek> I'm pretty sure, anyway.

23:27 <Thelema5> That's accurate.

23:27 <Nilak> Razzafrazzafrickafrack!

23:27 <Tirek> I think people were so vehemously opposed to violence during that time that you couldn't make even a hint to violence in a cartoon series, because "cartoons are for kids."

23:28 <Thelema5> I did enjoy Josie and the Pussycats, though.

23:28 *** Joins: Sunset (futojkompmy@Pony-5g8u8l.fl.comcast.net)

23:28 <Tirek> I didn't like a good portion of Hannah Barbera's early work.

23:28 <Tirek> I don't like Scoobie Doo.

23:28 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

23:28 <Tirek> The only series of Scoobie Doo I did like was 13 Ghosts.

23:28 <Nilak> I loved watching the 60s Scooby Doo. It's soooo campy.

23:29 <Tirek> But, apparently no one else did, because the series never finished.

23:29 <Nilak> Ah, with Vincent Price!

23:29 <Tirek> Yeah.

23:29 <Thelema5> Vincent price, that's right!

23:29 <Nilak> That was good

23:29 *** Joins: Idiikos (noebclgvvqw@Pony-rc147r.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

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23:30 <Tirek> I can't believe it got negative reception.

23:30 <Tirek> Then again, it went against the Scooby formula.

23:30 <Tirek> Every villain -was- a ghost.

23:30 * Thelema5 is suddenly reminded that The Gary Coleman Show was a cartoon produced by Hanna Barbera

23:30 <Thelema5> B'wahahaha

23:31 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

23:31 *** Sunset is now known as Pony_59982

23:31 <Cepheid> *Jon is investigating a crime scene in L.A. Noire.  Notices a hat.*  "Ooh, evidence!"  *Picks it up.*  "That is a hat.  The question is do I like it... more than I like my hat?"

23:32 <Tirek> HATS?!

23:32 *** Pony_59982 is now known as twilight

23:32 <Nilak> Jontron?

23:32 <Scherza> This world needs more hats.

23:33 *** twilight is now known as Pony_93937

23:33 <Nilak> Lololol, I'm watching a Jontron compilation video right now haha

23:33 <Cepheid> Not Jontron, no.

23:35 *** Pony_93937 is now known as SunsetSparkle

23:35 <Nilak> Oh

23:35 <SunsetSparkle> hi

23:35 <Cepheid> *Examines the corpse.*  "Let's check his hands, let's check his hand.  Is he holding anything, good sir?  No.  It's just holding a lot of blood.  Question is, was that blood caused by the accident or was he already holding a significant amount of blood?"

23:35 <VinylScratch> Hello there, SunsetSparkle

23:36 <SunsetSparkle> how u doing

23:39 * Thelema5 waves at SunsetSparkle

23:39 *** Joins: Lonercs (Lonercs@TheAffectionateLoner)

23:40 <SunsetSparkle> hi im PinkieDash

23:40 <Thelema5> Oh :p

23:40 <SunsetSparkle> i just changed my name

23:40 <Nilak> Lol, that commentary, Cepheid. Whose is it?

23:41 <Thelema5> !link https://youtu.be/O2QJvc_SxFQ

23:41 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:41 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about "Meaning of Life" - "People are not wearing enough hats"

23:42 <Cepheid> Jon from Many A True Nerd.  He does playthroughs of games.  His most famous ones being the Kill Everything runs of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.

23:43 <Cepheid> The worst part was in an earlier case of L.A. Noire, he was making jokes about a possible cause of all the blood inside a car.  It turned out he was EXACTLY SPOT ON.

23:43 <Thelema5> And then he cooked them up... and ate them.

23:43 <Nilak> I know that case, heh

23:43 <Nilak> Right near the beginning of the game

23:44 <Cepheid> Yeah.

23:45 *** Joins: SilverSpeed (Pegasus@Pony-crv.atu.134.187.IP)

23:46 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIbkG_afKv0

23:46 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:46 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Rick and Morty - Flu Hatin' Rap (Full Song)

23:47 *** Joins: User_9381 (kqddkkfysxy@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

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23:48 <Nilak> Cepheid, I don't see LA Noire on the channel

23:48 <Nilak> nvm

23:48 <Cepheid> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwH1xJhcXG0e3jUP7mSVwKkW4TI4G4FeI

23:48 <Nilak> Found it

23:49 <Nilak> Lol, I just had to look deeper, derp

23:49 <SunsetSparkle> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/247385/1/tell-me-that-you-love-me/just-do-it

23:50 *** Quits: LunaticHell (tpgvfggxrlj@Pony-q5jcth.versanet.de) (Quit: "But in your dreams - whatever they be - dream a little dream of me.")

23:50 *** Quits: SilverSpeed (Pegasus@Pony-crv.atu.134.187.IP) (Quit: TO THE MOON!!!)

23:50 <Lonercs> Lenfant_Sauvage, you said that you find one of the people in Alestrom obnoxious. Why?

23:53 <VinylScratch> I don't think it should matter.

23:54 <Lonercs> VinylScratch, doesn't but just curious

23:55 <Cepheid> "Oh blimey <Quietly>I murdered someone again...</Quietly>"

23:56 *** Quits: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Offski to bedski)

23:58 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

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