Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Monday, 2016-10-24

00:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: StringStorm - Dominance! (feat. IMShadow007) [Symphonic Metal] [ http://tinyurl.com/j74c6nk ]

00:02 * Twilight_Shimmer boops the CleverDerpy

00:03 * Changeling_Nightmares wiggles and glomps CleverDerpy!

00:03 * CleverDerpy cuddles the Twilight_Shimmer and Changeling_Nightmares

00:03 * Twilight_Shimmer snugs the CleverDerpy back

00:05 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-ll5.19i.132.82.IP) (Quit: Bye)

00:08 <CleverDerpy> aww~

00:08 * CleverDerpy nuzzles her

00:11 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

00:11 <SaultSteMarie> I should switch to my laptop.

00:11 * Twilight_Shimmer noms pizza

00:11 <SaultSteMarie> ... I wish my lightbulb hadn't burn out :T It's dark in here.

00:11 * CleverDerpy pulls a lightbulb from her cutie mark and screws it into SaultSteMarie's lamp

00:12 * CleverDerpy claps and it turns on

00:12 <Twilight_Shimmer> giggles

00:14 * Schism ties 99 red balloons to CleverDerpy's tail.

00:17 <Schism> (This is it, pones, this is war.)

00:17 * Twilight_Shimmer turns foal sized and hops atop the CleverDerpy head

00:17 * CleverDerpy floats away

00:17 * Twilight_Shimmer is floating away atop the CleverDerpy head

00:17 <CleverDerpy> hang on Twilight_Shimmer

00:17 <CleverDerpy> the wind is taking us, to our destiny~

00:18 *** Quits: FreezeFrame (Darryl@Pony-ihjqun.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:18 *** Joins: Darryl` (Darryl@Pony-ihjqun.fios.verizon.net)

00:18 *** Darryl` is now known as FreezeFrame

00:20 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

00:20 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pejf50.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

00:21 <Twilight_Shimmer> im watching the mythbusters vacume up black powders with a standard vaccume

00:21 *** Gladiolus is now known as Bathiolus

00:21 <Twilight_Shimmer> there trying to make the vac go boom

00:23 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-vhl2bp.94tb.r381.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:25 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://derpibooru.org/1280194

00:25 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about twilight sparkle we bare bears panda (we bare bears) princess twilight artist:seab lordpalta (and 3 more)

00:26 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-jhn2n9.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP)

00:27 <Nicktendonick> http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1477266780957.gif

00:27 <Nicktendonick> "Vergil on TV"

00:27 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pejf50.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:30 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-h897fc.qaqv.r2ue.030a.2602.IP)

00:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

00:30 <Fn> Yeah, beware of Fluttershy, she can snap necks with ease

00:30 <Twilight_Shimmer> XD

00:36 * Schism drops a piano on Twilight_Shimmer's roof.

00:37 <Twilight_Shimmer> as a rsulet youd have to buy a new roof for an apt building XD

00:37 * CleverDerpy saves her and sets the paino down gently

00:37 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-lhs471.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

00:37 <CleverDerpy> you oki, muffin?

00:37 * CleverDerpy nuzzle sher cheek

00:37 <Twilight_Shimmer> uh huh!

00:38 <Schism> CleverDerpy: We're watching Mythbusters.  They're dropping pianos on roofs.

00:38 <Schism> Well, they were.

00:38 <Twilight_Shimmer> yeeah

00:38 <Twilight_Shimmer> it bounced right off lol

00:38 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms CleverDerpy.

00:39 * CleverDerpy giggles and wiggles

00:39 <CleverDerpy> hiya nossy~

00:39 *** CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob

00:40 *** Quits: Fall (FallSilent@silently) (Quit: )

00:40 <Twilight_Shimmer> now there getting ready to drop another piano

00:41 <Schism> And setting a pig on fire.

00:42 <Twilight_Shimmer> LMAO

00:42 <Twilight_Shimmer> the pianos stuck in the roof

00:43 <Twilight_Shimmer> well in/on

00:46 * Schism smiles at exploding vacuum cleaners.

00:48 *** Pony_78729 is now known as EndenDragon

00:50 <Schism> They do so love to blow up water heaters.

00:52 <Twilight_Shimmer> they loved to blow up anyting

00:54 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-fjs.2rj.204.112.IP)

00:56 *** Quits: Person (Tilde@Pony-v72r8a.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: ApostropheShy - Rainbow Falls [Melodic Dubstep] [ http://tinyurl.com/hpqpeoo ]

01:02 <Fn> Steam is an idiot sometimes

01:02 * LunaticHell drunkenly hugs SunsetShimmer

01:03 <Fn> Asks for a 3072x3072 pixel image for an avatar

01:03 *** Quits: Bathiolus (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you) (Quit: Leaving)

01:03 <Schism> I feel sorry for those poor pianos.

01:03 <Fn> Blow my pic into that size

01:03 <Fn> Too many MB

01:04 <Fn> Imbecile fi facile, can you decide what you want?

01:04 <LunaticHell> MB?

01:04 <Fn> Megabites

01:04 * LunaticHell hugs Fn

01:05 <Fn> "The file you tried to upload was too large. Please upload a file smaller than 1,024KB"

01:05 <Fn> How the hell do you want me to have 3072x3072px under 1024KB???

01:05 * LunaticHell hugs Fn

01:08 * LunaticHell hugs Fn

01:09 <Fn> LunaticHell, you keep hugging me

01:10 * Twilight_Shimmer boops the CleverDerpy

01:10 <Librarian> yay lunatic drunk

01:10 * Librarian hugs lunatichell

01:10 * Thelema5 hugs LunaticHell and Librarian

01:10 * CleverDerpy scrunchymuzzles

01:11 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-8ls.dei.44.96.IP)

01:11 * Thelema5 boops CleverDerpy

01:12 *** Joins: CocoPommel (Coco@kind.hearted.earth.pone)

01:12 * Ali boops Thelema5

01:13 * Thelema5 squees

01:13 *** CocoPommel is now known as CocoBed

01:14 <Librarian> ohhh

01:14 <Librarian> big boss ali

01:14 * Librarian salutes

01:14 * CleverDerpy scrunchymuzzles more

01:14 <Ali> FEAR MEH!

01:14 * Twilight_Shimmer snugs the CleverDerpy

01:15 * CleverDerpy purrs and snugs back

01:15 <Thelema5> Teh fear is real

01:15 <Librarian> i always confused about proper hierachy

01:15 <Fn> I found out the bug

01:15 * Ali demands tribute of a Twilight plsuhie.

01:15 * Librarian gives a twilight_shimmer

01:15 <Fn> Steam was somehow omitting part of the "Image must be between 100x100 and 3072x3072 pixels" message

01:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> giggels

01:16 * Ali puffycheeks, she needs a Twilight Pony Plushie, not a mixed of two ponies :P

01:16 <Fn> It had shown me ...10 3072x3072 pixels...

01:16 <Librarian> best i got

01:16 <Thelema5> !link twilight plushie

01:16 <Fn> How the hell did it fail at text display?

01:16 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/111362

01:16 <Librarian> you can have a lunatichell as well

01:17 <Librarian> its well conserved in alcohol

01:17 <Fn> I am now very angry at Steam

01:17 <Thelema5> Don't be angry at steam- it cooks broccoli well

01:17 * Ali facehooves

01:18 <Thelema5> XD

01:18 <Librarian> what is your job description ali

01:18 <Librarian> ultra mega yay mod?

01:18 * Ali headtilts, she's just top mod, nothing more or worse.

01:18 <Librarian> ohh

01:19 <Librarian> this makes fall the vicepresident?

01:19 * Schism applies cheddar cheese sauce to Thelema5's broccoli.

01:20 * Ali ponyshrugs, she tries to be friendly but strict when needed.

01:20 * Thelema5 applauds Schism's decisive actions

01:20 * Changeling_Nightmares hats on Ali.

01:20 * Changeling_Nightmares skreeeeeeees!

01:20 <Librarian> can i be a mini mod?

01:20 <Librarian> just enouh power to be annoying

01:21 <Librarian> owo

01:21 * Thelema5 modifies Librarian to be smol

01:22 <wobniaR> You can all be nerds free of charge

01:23 <wobniaR> I can find you many Twilight plushes Ali

01:23 <Ali> I have so many Twilight Plushies.

01:23 <wobniaR> Not enough i bet

01:24 <Ali> Never enough adorkable pony princess.

01:24 <Librarian> im adorkable

01:24 <Librarian> im a book

01:24 <Librarian> im the whole package

01:24 <Ali> But you're not Twilight :P

01:24 <Thelema5> Now work on being a hoers

01:24 <Librarian> nuuu

01:25 <Librarian> i dont wanna coroporate backing

01:25 <Librarian> im also a better librarian, my library is still in one piece

01:26 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pejf50.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

01:26 <Thelema5> :p

01:27 * Not-Renny looks at Ali

01:27 * Ali looks at Not-Renny

01:27 * Librarian looks at both

01:27 * Librarian plays western music

01:28 <Librarian> we have a stand off

01:28 * FreezeFrame plays catchup on ponies now that her DVR has recorded the full second half of season 6

01:28 * Ali rolls a tumbleweed around.

01:28 <Librarian> the tumblweed is looking at me

01:28 * Not-Renny looks back at Librarian

01:29 * Librarian draws and fires

01:29 * Librarian fires a banana at notrenny

01:30 <SaultSteMarie> Better go cook some laundry. It's getting late.

01:30 <Fn> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2p1d9esneU

01:30 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Prodigy - The Trick

01:30 <Ali> Cook some laundry?

01:30 * Not-Renny tubleweeds out of the way!

01:30 <Not-Renny> I have not seen you in a while, SaultSteMarie!

01:30 <Thelema5> !link https://youtu.be/h_iQX03g4oM

01:30 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

01:30 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Big Lebowski opening scene

01:31 <Not-Renny> You heat your laundry up in water, Ali

01:31 * Ali headtilts.

01:31 <Not-Renny> Think of what you do to your laundry ._.

01:31 <Verandure> Wear it?

01:31 <Librarian> juggle it

01:32 <Not-Renny> Well you pretty much put it through the same process as when you cook stuff :T

01:34 <Schism> Randomly: http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/pvponlinenew/img/comic/2008/11/pvp20081105.gif

01:34 <Fn> Ali, it was a way to clean the white sheets for ages

01:34 *** |LMTFA| is now known as |Sleep|

01:34 <Ali> Heh

01:34 <Fn> People literally cooked the stains out of their sheets

01:35 <Fn> Hence why olden clothes and sheets eventually became more and more yellow as time went by

01:35 <FreezeFrame> Buckball season: Dash actually showing some humility?

01:35 <FreezeFrame> I've gotta cook my laundry later, too.

01:36 * Not-Renny cooks Ali's laundry!

01:36 <Fn> My grandma didn't always had the luxury of the washing machine, so I did witness that weirdness as a kid: cooking your laundry

01:36 <FreezeFrame> Just waiting until about 2 AM or so, because then I'm the only one using the laundry room and can do it all at once.

01:36 * Ali gives Not-Renny about 5 baskets full. "Thanks!"

01:36 <Not-Renny> :b

01:36 <Fn> She even knew what herbs to add to the water to remove certain types of stains and add nice aroma

01:37 <Not-Renny> Heh.

01:37 <Not-Renny> That is pretty cool actually, Fn

01:38 <Fn> There is a flower growing throughout Europe and Asia (or several flowers) called "soap flower"

01:38 <Fn> If you dunk it in hot water and then start rubbing it produces a soapy compound that acts the same way as the real soap

01:38 * FreezeFrame wishes she had a house rather than an apartment because laundry would be much easier, but eh.

01:38 *** Quits: SaultSteMarie (SaultSteMar@Pony-4otjjn.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:39 <Thelema5> We have soaproot in the US- it's the sapoins in the rootstarch which produce bubbles

01:39 *** Joins: Hamtramck (sadfsdf@Pony-4otjjn.res.rr.com)

01:39 <Not-Renny> Oooo

01:39 <Not-Renny> Hamtramck, we are talking about cooking laundry

01:39 *** Joins: Mudwise (Mudwise@Pony-r77v7c.ut.comcast.net)

01:40 <Fn> Ok, I looked it up: those are several different plants that have soap property in their plant parts

01:40 <Mudwise> how's it goin everypony?

01:40 <Thelema5> It's going well enough, I suppose.  My car is broken, I have a gout flare-up, and I will be working the next 9 days straight... but otherwise things are okay

01:40 <Fn> Weirdly enough, the soap plant the we have in Europe grows best at cemeteries

01:41 <Schism> Thelema5: Owww... o.o;

01:41 <Thelema5> Spoopy

01:41 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-jhn2n9.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP) (Connection closed)

01:41 <Not-Renny> Thelema5, noooo gout D:

01:41 <Thelema5> It's just a minor flare up, I can actually limp on the affected food without too much bother

01:41 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-jhn2n9.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP)

01:42 <Thelema5> Provided I only use the other side of the foot, of course

01:42 <FreezeFrame> AJ and Dash make terrible coaches.

01:43 <Thelema5> Yes

01:43 <Mudwise> yes they do

01:43 <Thelema5> At least, not good for non-competitive ponies

01:44 <Librarian> gout is painful no?

01:44 <Thelema5> Different ponies have different styles of learning and motivation- AJ and Dash are both too full of themselves to be empathic enough to work with that

01:44 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-o5eplt.fs1l.fl7s.100e.2600.IP)

01:44 <Librarian> nuuu

01:44 <Schism> Thelema5: Ever run into this sort of thing?  https://www.tigerknight.com/99/2014-01-25

01:44 <Thelema5> Librarian, extremely so- yes.

01:44 * Librarian gives support hug

01:45 <FreezeFrame> I mean, AJ and Dash strike me as the sports naturals who are so good at it inherently that they can't coach because they never went through the same development as most would.

01:45 <Thelema5> Schism, imported?  No.  The focus here is locally sourced

01:45 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pejf50.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:45 <Schism> Nah, I meant seeing a price tag like that, or not being able to buy meat or something because they're fresh out.

01:46 <Thelema5> Librarian, it's fine as long as I don't move the affected area or let anything touch it, like a bedsheet

01:46 <FreezeFrame> (Although Dash did all right as a player-coach for the Equestria Games.

01:46 <FreezeFrame> )

01:46 <Librarian> dash is dashie

01:46 <Librarian> dashis is dash

01:46 <Librarian> easy

01:46 <Thelema5> Schism, fun fact:  A local rancher has opened a 24 hour meat-o-mat where patrons can purchase meat from automated vending machines anytime

01:47 <Librarian> weird concept

01:47 <Twilight_Shimmer> O_o

01:47 <Thelema5> https://applestonemeat.com/

01:47 <Librarian> OwO

01:47 <Twilight_Shimmer> hasnt he heard oof 24hr super markets

01:48 <Schism> Interesting stuff... o.o

01:48 <Thelema5> I live in the middle of nowhere- the nearest 24 hour grocery is a 25 minute drive away

01:49 <FreezeFrame> I'm inside the city, nearest 24-hour grocery isn't far.

01:49 <FreezeFrame> Except that I don't drive.

01:49 <Twilight_Shimmer> for me its basically just acorss the street

01:49 <Thelema5> It's good to have the option if I suddenly develop the urge for an aged steak at 2:00 AM

01:50 <Librarian> ohh

01:50 <Librarian> ill take 2

01:50 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:52 <Thelema5> !link sandwich

01:52 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/989962

01:53 *** Joins: Crimson_Fire (CrimsonFire@Pony-ugt6hc.ok.cox.net)

01:54 <Librarian> im gonna go read a bit

01:54 <Librarian> see ya tommorow

01:54 <Crimson_Fire> Wow, lots of people in the chatroom

01:56 <Mudwise> i know Crimson_Fire interesting

01:56 *** Quits: Summer_ (Summer_@Pony-8f4601.ga.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

01:56 <Thelema5> Hello, Crimson_Fire.

01:57 <Thelema5> Most folks are lurkers or chatting in other channels

01:57 <Ali> Lurk lurk lurk

01:57 <Mudwise> yup

01:58 <Thelema5> How are you doing, Crimson_Fire?

02:06 *** Joins: Unixkitty (uni@Pony-bbkp1e.com)

02:06 -discord.canternet.org- Replaying up to 5 lines of pre-join history spanning up to 900 seconds

02:06 * Thelema5 offers Crimson_Fire a cookie

02:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Nightly Discussion #874 [ http://tinyurl.com/zollkc7 ]

02:06 <FreezeFrame> And there's Sigfried and Roy and the Cirque du Soleil

02:06 <FreezeFrame> They really went all out for Las Pegasus.

02:06 <Crimson_Fire> *takes the cookie and noms on it*

02:06 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Unixkitty

02:06 *** Server sets mode: +BCFHPSTfjnt 10:5 5:900 15:5 5:30

02:07 *** Server sets mode: +BCFHPSTfjnt 10:5 5:900 15:5 5:30

02:07 <FreezeFrame> And I'm still bad at remembering to fast forward on DVR

02:07 <Schism> Snrk... https://www.tigerknight.com/99/99098.jpg

02:10 <FreezeFrame> AJ can't see the forest for the trees here.

02:25 <FreezeFrame> Just 6 more episodes until I'm finally caught up.

02:27 <Dash> wasssappp

02:29 *** Quits: LunaticHell (LunaticHell@Pony-kb26ni.versanet.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

02:31 *** Joins: Nightshine (Nightshine@Squeaky.Cuddly.Batpony)

02:31 <Thelema5> Hiya, Dash!

02:31 <Dash> heya Thelema5 , been a while

02:32 <Thelema5> Quite!  What's new?

02:32 <Dash> built a house on a field over the past year, so thats pretty neat

02:32 <Dash> and yourself?

02:34 <Thelema5> Pretty much status quo.  House on a field sounds neat, though.  Must have been a lot of work.

02:35 <Dash> i mean, ya, it was the will of my folks, but ya, it's actually pretty legit. I'll try to get a photo up if you'd like

02:35 <Thelema5> Sounds awesome

02:36 <Dash> lotta work, but we're moving in in a few weeks so yay ^.^

02:36 <Dash> only issue is the lack of cable internet...

02:36 <Thelema5> Yay!

02:36 * Thelema5 partycannons

02:37 <Thelema5> Is it far from where you are now?

02:38 <Dash> not at all. Bout a mile, however it's just beyond the urban area of town so no company wants to provide cable

02:38 <Thelema5> At least you'll still know the area

02:38 <Dash> so I'll have to go Tmobile hotspot for now, which isn't to much of abig deal. Most of my days are spent at the university anyways.

02:39 *** Joins: Rainb (Rainb@Pony-e42.5l4.89.200.IP)

02:41 <Thelema5> I feel your pain, Dash- I live in a rural area and the best option for me is DSL at 2.8 Mbps down

02:41 *** Joins: Nedemai (Nedemai@fluttershy.is.best.pony)

02:41 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Nedemai

02:41 *** Quits: hiig (hiigaran@Pony-5b9.c27.51.2.IP) (Client exited)

02:42 <Dash> geez. dude that's pretty brutal. My hope is that since we're less than a mile away from an area that has coverage, it won't be long till someone runs lines

02:42 <Thelema5> Shouldn't be too long

02:42 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com)

02:42 <Dash> why don't you find a carrier that has unlimited data and hotspot yourself?

02:45 <Thelema5> Mountains

02:45 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-o5eplt.fs1l.fl7s.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:45 *** Nightshine is now known as |Sleep|

02:45 <Dash> oh wow, youre really far out then arn't ya?

02:46 <Thelema5> Yeah

02:46 <Dash> How do you like it? I'm personally more of a city kinda guy, but for the time being I'm following my folks around

02:48 <Thelema5> I love it.  I don't like cities, and prefer the solitude

02:49 <Thelema5> I have only 2 neighbors, they are also reclusive.  I speak with them maybe once a year

02:49 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:49 <Thelema5> There is a town within a few miles, but there's only a small grocery store and a gas station there.

02:49 <wobniaR> I like having short commute times

02:50 <Dash> Interesting. Have you always lived this way?

02:50 <Thelema5> Dash, this is where I live: https://www.google.com/maps/@41.9386782,-74.5053185,516m/data=!3m1!1e3

02:50 <Thelema5> Zoom out for perspective

02:51 <Dash> oh man, you're all the way accross the continent. I'm from good old Cali

02:51 <Thelema5> I've lived all over, from the US South (Charlotte) to the outliying areas of NYC

02:51 <Thelema5> I definately prefer living on the country

02:52 <Thelema5> *in

02:52 <Dash> I know that life is way more laid back in the country, but I'm not sure how i'd far in the social aspect. Not that I'm the kind of guy whos super social, but I have quite a few friends I hang out with on a regular basis.

02:52 <Thelema5> Yeah, I don't have any friends offline

02:53 <Dash> I have a select few amount of people that I consider to be really close, like family level close.

02:53 <Thelema5> People are confusing meat bags with illogical ideas which they use to define themselves

02:53 <wobniaR> Sounds like you need to move to ponyville

02:54 <Thelema5> Ponyville, especially Sweet Apple Acres, would be ideal

02:55 <Dash> Sure, but then there are the few confusing meat bags with illogical ideas that I like to relate with and can share a crazy idea or two with..

02:55 <wobniaR> Yes you can kick back in the barn with a nice haystack for your bed

02:56 <wobniaR> Only downside is pony cuisine doesn't have steak

02:56 <Thelema5> I actually have two apple orchards within easy walking distance of me, as well as many corn farms, three hoers farms, an alpaca ranch, and a couple of cattle ranches

02:57 <Thelema5> Dash, treasure those people

02:57 <Thelema5> They are few and far between

02:57 <Dash> yep. Don't get me wrong, there are those I'll talk to on a regular basis that I won't say I'm close to or anything, but in terms of CLOSE, I have to many fingers on one hand to count them.

03:00 <Thelema5> Most local people that I talk with just want to know how much time I'll take and Whether it's required by law

03:01 <Dash> Sounds more like a business relationship.

03:01 *** Joins: Mudwise (Mudwise@Pony-r77v7c.ut.comcast.net)

03:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: Suskii - Take Flight [Melodic Dubstep] [ http://tinyurl.com/zb6oh78 ]

03:02 <Thelema5> "Hi. Jim... I see you're moving in here.  Nice to meet you- I live just up the road a".... "Is this gonna take long?  Do I have to answer?"

03:02 * wobniaR unlurks Ali with a http://plushwaifus.deviantart.com/art/Life-Size-53-inch-laying-down-Twilight-Sparkle-638367642

03:02 <wobniaR> No time for small talk

03:03 <Dash> thats odd. Most neighbors of mine just LOVEEEE smalltalk and being sweet

03:03 <Schism> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTLGxBMo6tQ ... Okay.

03:03 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Fluffle Puff Tales: "My Little Foody"

03:03 * Thelema5 moves wherever Dash is

03:03 <wobniaR> Us new yorkers have no time for anything

03:03 <RazorSharpFang> Hey guys, quick question. Which is more important, freedom or safety?

03:04 *** Quits: Arteshin (Arteshi@Pony-ljg.ucs.73.192.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:04 <wobniaR> That is a question that is not so easily answered and is leading to something else

03:04 <Thelema5> RazorSharpFang, freedom

03:04 <Dash> the other day i'm digging and a dude shows up with a bottle of wine. "Hey, I personally handcrafted this for you guys since you're moving into the neighborhood. Hey, I'm X and I make wine."

03:04 <FreezeFrame> I mean, New Yorkers will make small talk with people they know.

03:04 <Schism> Freedom, of course.

03:04 <Dash> conversation went on for an hour lol

03:05 <FreezeFrame> The thing is, New Yorkers show their respct for strangers by not demanding emotional labor of them by way of small talk.

03:05 <Thelema5> Dash, do you really make wine?

03:05 <Thelema5> Ciders are very similar to make

03:05 <wobniaR> That's one way of putting it heh

03:05 <Thelema5> XD

03:05 <Dash> no no, the dude that gave it to me makes it

03:05 <Thelema5> OOOoooh

03:06 <Thelema5> I often give gifts of my homecrafted ciders

03:06 <Dash> i personally don't drink. But I do enjoy the taste now and then.

03:06 <Dash> oooooooo

03:06 <wobniaR> I've struggled with small talk, it's still a skill I'm improving on because of that

03:06 <Dash> feel free to send one over to cali ;P

03:06 <Thelema5> It's very personal gift which took months to make

03:06 <Dash> Ahh well in that case I won't ask.

03:07 <FreezeFrame> Eh, I find small talk exhausting a lot of the time.

03:07 <Thelema5> Same

03:07 <Dash> Forced small talk is crap and I hate it

03:07 <Dash> but some people that you click with, the chatting comes naturally

03:07 <Thelema5> Introverts unite

03:07 <FreezeFrame> Bingo.

03:07 * SunsetShimmer can small talk pretty well

03:07 <wobniaR> You are silly

03:08 <SunsetShimmer> Yus

03:08 * Dash smalltalks SunsetShimmer

03:08 <wobniaR> It's easy to small talk wheb you're sikly

03:08 * SunsetShimmer boops

03:08 <Dash> o.o

03:08 <SunsetShimmer> o.o

03:08 <FreezeFrame> I mean, I'll give a quick "Hey, how ya doin'?" "Have a great day!" to people I walk by, but that's courtesy, not emotional labor.

03:08 * Thelema5 smalltalks by giving cider

03:08 * Changeling_Nightmares hats on Thelema5.

03:08 <Changeling_Nightmares> Yus.

03:08 <wobniaR> Small tall is a precursor to building relationships

03:08 * SunsetShimmer highnoons at wobniaR

03:08 <wobniaR> Talk*

03:08 <Thelema5> "Oh... hey, you.  I made this with you in mind!"

03:09 * wobniaR baps SunsetShimmer with a roadhog hook

03:09 <SunsetShimmer> x3

03:09 <wobniaR> It's 12:01

03:09 <Thelema5> Lies

03:09 <Thelema5> It's only 11:08

03:10 <wobniaR> That's not McCree time

03:10 <LogicMatrix> 8:10

03:10 <Thelema5> True

03:10 <wobniaR> It's always high noon somewhere

03:10 <Dash> Dunno. It's something i've been working on. I used to be a total introvert then I started making myself chat with people and I've gotten good at it

03:10 <Thelema5> But you are EST, scoundrel

03:10 * CleverDerpy rolls around the chat cutely

03:11 <wobniaR> I'm also an introvert and social situations exhaust me both physically and mentally

03:11 <FreezeFrame> I'll make small talk in a situation where I'm kinda expected to talk, like a party or at work, etc. But I'm not going to bother with someone at BK unless we happen to click.

03:11 <Thelema5> Dash, that's great.  A bit of cider helps lubricate things a bit, though

03:11 <wobniaR> That doesn't mean i want to limit myself by completely avoiding social interaction

03:11 * LogicMatrix has social anxiety

03:11 <Heartbreak> I like turtles.

03:11 * Heartbreak boops LogicMatrix.

03:11 <FreezeFrame> And yeah, cider is an astounding social lubricant.

03:11 * CleverDerpy puts a turtle on LogicMatrix's head

03:11 <wobniaR> You are silly too Heartbreak

03:11 <Dash> heh, I would imagine.

03:11 * LogicMatrix becomes a turtle

03:11 * Heartbreak boops FreezeFrame.

03:12 <CleverDerpy> hiya Heartbreak~

03:12 * Heartbreak boops Dash.

03:12 <Heartbreak> Hey CleverDerpy.

03:12 <Thelema5> !link https://www.google.com/maps/@41.9386782,-74.5053185,516m/data=!3m1!1e3

03:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

03:12 * FreezeFrame boops Heartbreak in return.

03:12 <Thelema5> Wat, no.   ignore that

03:12 <CleverDerpy> can Derpy noogie you this time?

03:12 * Dash boops Heartbreak back o.o

03:12 <CleverDerpy> just this once?

03:12 <Thelema5> !link https://youtu.be/CMNry4PE93Y

03:12 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

03:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Zombie Kid Likes Turtles

03:12 * Heartbreak boop boop boops Dash back.

03:12 <Thelema5> There we go

03:12 *** Parts: Mudwise (Mudwise@Pony-r77v7c.ut.comcast.net) ()

03:12 <Dash> uh oh, dunno about a boop war Heartbreak

03:13 * Heartbreak noogies Dash!

03:13 * Schism boops Heartbreak with a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich, alongside a bowl of vanilla ice cream topped with fried banana slices and drizzled with maple syrup.

03:13 <Dash> eep!

03:13 * LogicMatrix hides in shell

03:13 * Heartbreak noms!

03:13 <Heartbreak> Mmmmm Food.

03:13 <Schism> Careful that peanut butter doesn't stick to the roof of your mouth, tho.

03:13 <Heartbreak> Thank you Schism. How are you doing?

03:13 <Heartbreak> That's dogs.

03:13 <Schism> Ehn.  Tiiired.  Probably going to sleep because I've a doctor's appointment in the morn.

03:14 <Schism> Horses too.  <.<  That's how they got Mr. Ed to 'talk'.

03:14 * CleverDerpy can't get the peanut butter

03:14 <Heartbreak> Well.. I -know- how to eat peanut butter...

03:14 <CleverDerpy> awww, get it offff...

03:14 <FreezeFrame> Happens to people, too. It's just that we're clever with our tongues.

03:14 <Heartbreak> Mr. Ed didn't.

03:14 <CleverDerpy> mr ed was a female zebra

03:14 <wobniaR> Why would you grill a peanut butter sandwich

03:14 <wobniaR> Or add all that junk to it

03:14 <FreezeFrame> It's sooooo good

03:14 <CleverDerpy> think i'm kidding?

03:14 <CleverDerpy> look it up

03:15 <FreezeFrame> Just ask the King of Musical Thieves, I mean Presley

03:15 <LogicMatrix> Because food imagination

03:15 <Schism> wobniaR: Hey, a grilled peanut butter sandwich is good stuff.  Very gooey.

03:15 <Thelema5> Peanut butter and banana on white is the best grilled sandwich

03:15 <Thelema5> No one can seriously dispute this charge

03:16 <Thelema5> Just you try

03:16 <Schism> Thelema5: For ungrilled, though, I like peanut butter, banana and miracle whip.

03:16 <Thelema5> I've never tried that

03:16 <FreezeFrame> Peanut butter, banana and bacon?

03:16 <Thelema5> o.o

03:16 <wobniaR> Stop

03:16 <Schism> That's also tasty, FreezeFrame.

03:16 <LogicMatrix> I raise homemade tacos

03:16 <wobniaR> You people are giving me a stomach ache

03:17 <CleverDerpy> wobniaR,

03:17 <Schism> Actually, there is one sandwich which I believe beats that grilled one, Thelema5.

03:17 <wobniaR> U

03:17 <CleverDerpy> you are the stomach ache

03:17 <Thelema5> LogicMatrix, what does the husbandry entail?

03:17 <wobniaR> Wow

03:17 *** Joins: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain)

03:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mike_Coltfield

03:17 <wobniaR> I just got rekt

03:17 <Schism> Thelema5: Try a grilled (or pressed!) cheese and apple sandwich with a little bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar inside it.

03:17 <FreezeFrame> ooooh

03:17 <LogicMatrix> Much care and lots of sad feels when it's their time

03:17 <Thelema5> Schism, I will be sure to try that

03:18 <wobniaR> 10/10 sick burn

03:18 <Thelema5> What kind of cheese?

03:18 <FreezeFrame> What kind of cheese? Cheddar? Brie?

03:18 <Thelema5> Cheddar?

03:18 <Thelema5> It makes a huge difference

03:18 <CleverDerpy> rekt em, darn near killed em

03:19 <wobniaR> 🔥🔥💯👍🐎

03:19 <FreezeFrame> Also, what sort of apple?

03:19 * Thelema5 puts his salsa back in the fridge

03:19 <Thelema5> FreezeFrame, yes.  So many varieties.  I prefer honeycrisp

03:19 <Schism> Oh, well, actually, American cheese, with a Granny Smith apple, is the preference, believe it or not.

03:19 *** TimidTanuki|Work is now known as TimidTanuki|Gamez

03:20 <FreezeFrame> Nope, Granny Smith is too strong for American

03:20 <Thelema5> Schism- I will try that

03:20 <Schism> FreezeFrame, depends, really...

03:20 <CleverDerpy> gala can be good~

03:20 <Schism> Another good sandwich, of course, is the croque monsieur.

03:21 <FreezeFrame> Anyway, my preferred is the Empire

03:21 <FreezeFrame> Crisp, tart, and the perfect size.

03:21 <FreezeFrame> Granny Smith is good, but too large sometimes.

03:22 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com)

03:22 <KooK> Harble harble harble

03:23 <KooK> HARBLE harble harble harble harble harble

03:23 <KooK> I shot my Sig for the first time finally

03:23 <FreezeFrame> Fun!

03:23 *** Joins: Jet_Cirrus (Jet_Cirrus@Pony-498lpv.dsl.bell.ca)

03:23 <KooK> Really a nice little gun

03:24 <Jet_Cirrus> Hello..?

03:24 <KooK> I went through 150 rounds way too quick

03:24 <Thelema5> At a range, KooK?

03:24 <KooK> Hola

03:24 <Thelema5> Wow, that's an expensive session

03:24 <CleverDerpy> Jet_Cirrus, you have been derp connected, please hang up and derp again...

03:24 <KooK> My buddy has 20 acres of land out in the country that we went to

03:24 <LogicMatrix> Greetings

03:24 <Dash> heya!

03:24 <Jet_Cirrus> oh ok.. :(

03:24 <KooK> Thelema5: 150 rounds of .45acp

03:24 <Thelema5> Ah, that makes sense, kook

03:24 * Jet_Cirrus Reconnecting...

03:25 <Jet_Cirrus> Hello!

03:25 <KooK> Holds

03:25 <KooK> Como estas?

03:25 <Jet_Cirrus> are you guys talking about the gun range?

03:25 * FreezeFrame isn't terribly a fan of guns herself, but that's due to a whole mess o' things.

03:25 <KooK> Mostly just guns

03:25 <Jet_Cirrus> idk what that means :( im frighted

03:25 <Jet_Cirrus> oh ok

03:26 * LogicMatrix picks up his bongo phone 'Hello!'

03:26 <Jet_Cirrus> i went to the gun range 3 weeks ago.. im in CANADA HAHAHAHHA

03:26 <KooK> Oh dude, and I took a 63 year old 12ga shotgun with

03:26 <KooK> Let me tell you, it was brutal

03:26 <Jet_Cirrus> i bet ur arm still hurts

03:26 <Thelema5> KooK, so you spend about $50 in ammo for the session?

03:26 <KooK> More like $80 with the shotgun ammo

03:26 <Thelema5> Shooting is expensive

03:27 <KooK> Correct

03:27 <FreezeFrame> My brother got a Mozen I'd be interested in firing on the range, but that's about it.

03:27 <Jet_Cirrus> *Canadian joke incoming* we need to learn how to hunt incase of them mooses come and get our maple syrup

03:27 <Jet_Cirrus> eh

03:28 *** Quits: Crimson_Fire (CrimsonFire@Pony-ugt6hc.ok.cox.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

03:28 <Thelema5> I have a side-by-side 20 ga. shotgun which I've only fired a few dozen times due to cost, and a 30x.06 which I've barely broken in because of ammo costs

03:28 <Jet_Cirrus> :0

03:28 <KooK> A box of 12ga here is like, $6-10

03:28 <FreezeFrame> See, the real problem is, I couldn't even use one for self-defense reasons on my walk to work, for, among other reasons, the fact that carrying weaponry into my workplace is an insta-firable offense.

03:28 <KooK> That's 25 shells

03:29 <Thelema5> My .22 rimfire is my go-to rifle because it only costs pennies to shoot

03:29 *** Quits: WuBzY (wubzy@wubz.that.is.all) (Connection closed)

03:29 *** Joins: WuBzY (wubzy@wubz.that.is.all)

03:29 <FreezeFrame> (Also, I couldn't make the decision to shoot to kill, so me carrying a gun is just giving a potential attacker an extra weapon.)

03:29 <Jet_Cirrus> im in canada soo no guns for me

03:30 <Thelema5> FreezeFrame, that's a good choice if you're not willing to defend yourself with lethal force

03:30 <KooK> I literally sleep with a loaded gun next to me

03:30 <KooK> With hollow points

03:30 <KooK> Because shooting twice is just silly

03:31 <FreezeFrame> I took martial arts as a youth, and there was a lot of important self-defense lessons imparted on me there.

03:31 <KooK> So, can you still do any of that martial arts?

03:31 <FreezeFrame> Yup.

03:31 <LogicMatrix> I grew up in a strict no guns house

03:31 <Thelema5> KooK, I personally sleep with a loaded shotgun next to my bed

03:31 <LogicMatrix> Picked up fishing instead

03:32 <FreezeFrame> I grew up in a hunting house, and my baby brother's a big collector.

03:32 <KooK> The shotgun would be great, I would tear my arm out of the socket in close quarters though :P

03:32 <Schism> Mmm.  Earl blue tea, and blueberry scones.  A good mixture.

03:32 <LogicMatrix> That and bows

03:32 <Thelema5> It's just an 18" barrel though

03:32 <KooK> My point still stands

03:32 <KooK> OH!

03:33 <KooK> We cut down a few trees with bullets today too

03:33 <KooK> Little trees

03:33 <Jet_Cirrus> use big bullets to get the bigger trees

03:33 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-gvq8nc.ip20.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:34 <KooK> It took about 12 hollow points to cut down 1 with a .45

03:34 <Thelema5> My bedside http://imgur.com/a/5aGT7

03:34 <KooK> It took 1 bird shot 12ga to cut down another :P

03:34 <Schism> This still makes me giggle.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnA9yyE2ma8

03:34 <KooK> Pony pony pony shotgun pony

03:35 <Thelema5> Yus

03:35 <Thelema5> XD

03:35 <Jet_Cirrus> LUCKY!! i wish i had a plushie

03:35 <Thelema5> I have a lot more that are not on my bed

03:36 <Thelema5> They're mostly cheap chinese knockoffs, though

03:36 <Thelema5> Nothing custom

03:36 <Jet_Cirrus> sweet

03:36 <FreezeFrame> I need to get some Rarity figs

03:36 <KooK> http://i.imgur.com/sLodq4y.jpg

03:37 <Jet_Cirrus> p250 csgo confirmed jk nice gun

03:37 <KooK> Hah, I do play that game sometimes

03:38 <FreezeFrame> Where the Apple Lies: "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we learn to deceive"

03:38 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

03:38 <Thelema5> KooK, that's nice.  Does it catch on clothing when concealed?

03:38 <FreezeFrame> I would play CS:GO if the community weren't, like most shooters, trash

03:38 <Jet_Cirrus> lol yeah

03:39 <KooK> It really doesn't, there's basically nothing to catch other than the sights, which I've never had an issue with

03:39 <Thelema5> Sweet

03:39 <Jet_Cirrus> guys..

03:39 <Jet_Cirrus> battlefield or call of duty

03:39 <KooK> Gross

03:40 <Jet_Cirrus> how come?

03:40 <Thelema5> Rocky road or Peanut Butter Cup?

03:40 <wobniaR> I considered commissioning teenage Applejack, dunno if that will go through

03:40 <KooK> Eh, not really, I'm just not a video game kind of person

03:40 <Jet_Cirrus> peanut butter

03:40 <KooK> Rocky Road

03:40 <Thelema5> wobniaR, totally worth it

03:41 <Thelema5> Just don't commission teenage Snails

03:41 <wobniaR> The person i commissioned though does it lottery style so no guarantee

03:41 <Thelema5> Good luck

03:41 <FreezeFrame> Argh, this is not good.

03:41 <FreezeFrame> I can't find my glasses, which I should be using while I'm on my computer because that's mostly what they're for.

03:41 <wobniaR> She gets a lot of commission requests, there are a lot of people out there who want pony plushes lol

03:42 <Schism> KooK: Peanut butter cup.

03:42 <Schism> Er, Thelema5*

03:42 <KooK> http://i.imgur.com/7CsTgFp.jpg

03:42 <Jet_Cirrus> i wanna buy a plushie

03:42 <Thelema5> I can't decide myself.  I love them equally

03:42 <wobniaR> Get some monies and do iy

03:42 <KooK> Those bullets exploded the tree trunk

03:42 <Jet_Cirrus> any recommendations

03:42 <FreezeFrame> Never mind, they were hiding on my night stand.

03:42 <wobniaR> All of them Jet_Cirrus

03:42 <Thelema5> KooK, hollowpoints do that

03:42 <Jet_Cirrus> :D you passed

03:42 <FreezeFrame> You may proceed to sing the silly pony song at me.

03:42 <KooK> Peanut Butter Cup is good but it's overeaten

03:43 <Jet_Cirrus> ok wobniaR

03:43 <KooK> Rocky Road is almost an occasion when you eat it

03:43 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

03:43 <Thelema5> I almost never have Ice Cream... last time was about 3 months ago, I had soft serve banana

03:43 * FreezeFrame needs to get some pints

03:44 <Thelema5> I should buy some Rocky Road

03:44 <Night_Blitz> Thelema5: There's always money in the banana stand!

03:44 *** Joins: Gladiolus (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you)

03:44 <KooK> Ben and Jerry, Phish Food

03:44 * Schism decides to slice a banana over Thelema5's rocky road ice cream.

03:44 <KooK> Best ice cream

03:44 <FreezeFrame> My favorite is Ben & Jerry Cherry Garcia

03:44 <Schism> Jeni's salty caramel is my favourite, but you can't get it outside Ohio.

03:44 <Thelema5> !link https://youtu.be/dW9liiGyP_g

03:44 <Jet_Cirrus> mine is vanilla

03:44 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

03:44 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Goonies - Rocky Road

03:45 <LogicMatrix> Cookies n cream for me

03:45 <KooK> http://i.imgur.com/H8z4Stq.jpg

03:45 <Jet_Cirrus> awh

03:45 <Jet_Cirrus> sooo cute

03:45 <Jet_Cirrus> :3

03:46 <Jet_Cirrus> boop its nose

03:46 <KooK> He did nothing

03:46 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

03:46 <Jet_Cirrus> i have a teacup yorkie

03:47 <Jet_Cirrus> :( it runs away when i boop it

03:47 <LogicMatrix> Boops ineffective, come up with new plan of action

03:47 <wobniaR> They have sensitive noses

03:47 <Heartbreak> Monkeys.

03:47 <Heartbreak> Send in the monkeys and clowns.

03:47 <wobniaR> Boops will make them feel uncomfortable

03:48 <Jet_Cirrus> How about we send a 10 second pet?? WE NEED options PEOPLE

03:48 <KooK> I have a German Shepherd, he likes to rough house

03:49 <Jet_Cirrus> he is cute KooK

03:49 * Gladiolus hugs Electron and protects from boops.

03:49 <KooK> He's still there, just laying on my leg

03:49 <Jet_Cirrus> *boop incoming*

03:49 <Jet_Cirrus> awwwh

03:49 <Jet_Cirrus> :3

03:50 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: 🆒🆒🆒)

03:51 * Twilight_Shimmer snugs the CleverDerpy

03:52 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-ctql37.044o.qq38.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

03:53 <Jet_Cirrus> .

03:53 <Thelema5> Holy crap- The Goonies "Data" was played by the same actor as Indiana Jones' "Short Round"????

03:54 <Twilight_Shimmer> yup

03:54 <Thelema5> I'm terrible with faces / names, so this is a huge revelation for me

03:54 <Twilight_Shimmer> one of the guys from the mythbusters was on startrek

03:55 <Jet_Cirrus> witch one

03:55 <Thelema5> Probably Grant

03:55 <Twilight_Shimmer> yup

03:55 <Twilight_Shimmer> grant

03:55 <Thelema5> He's a total nerd

03:56 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

03:56 <Twilight_Shimmer> who else could rig a car to run via remote lol

03:56 <Jet_Cirrus> ha

03:57 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

03:57 <Jet_Cirrus> how is everyones night so far?

03:58 <Twilight_Shimmer> slow kinda bored

03:58 <Jet_Cirrus> same :(

03:58 <Twilight_Shimmer> been playing borderlands 2 on ps4

03:58 <Thelema5> Jet_Cirrus, fine.  I'm dealing with a gout flare up, but otherwise ok

03:58 <Jet_Cirrus> ah nice

03:58 <Jet_Cirrus> oh that sucks Thelema5

03:58 <Thelema5> Gout is the devils curse, pray that you never get to know it

03:59 <Jet_Cirrus> what is Gout :/ im not to good with thoughs things

04:00 <Thelema5> Imagine a million tiny needles growing inside the tissues of a joint which stab your nerves every time you move

04:00 <Jet_Cirrus> :o

04:00 <Jet_Cirrus> omg

04:00 <RazorSharpFang> Is that a fungal infection?

04:00 <Jet_Cirrus> ^ i wana know too

04:01 <Thelema5> No, it's not

04:01 <KooK> Who is ready for santa?

04:01 <Schism> It's actually uric acid, which crystalizes.

04:01 <Jet_Cirrus> :o i feel bad now Schism hope it goes away soon

04:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: 2018 MLP Annual Listed on Amazon With Movie Tie-In [ http://tinyurl.com/hfjv3br ]

04:03 <Thelema5> KooK, its too early for santa

04:03 <Jet_Cirrus> its not even christmas yet

04:04 <Thelema5> Its not even halloween yet

04:04 <Schism> Thanksgiving's already passed, though.

04:04 <Thelema5> Maybe for you folks in the north

04:04 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

04:05 <Jet_Cirrus> yeah eh

04:05 <Jet_Cirrus> EH lol

04:05 <Jet_Cirrus> anyone plays csgo im giving away a free csgo ak skin (elite build bs)

04:05 <Thelema5> Ours isn't for a few more weeks

04:06 <Jet_Cirrus> it passed for me

04:07 <Thelema5> Sadly, I doubt that I'll be able to hike out tot the best cranberry field I've ever seen andoned

04:07 <Schism> Alas... cranberries are good for freezing, though!

04:08 <Schism> Hopefully you'll be able to get out there before the frost kills it all.

04:09 *** Joins: Starwatcher (patrick@off)

04:10 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

04:10 <KooK> Thelema5: It's never too early for Santa

04:10 <Ali> Jeebus this SNF game is terrible

04:12 <Nicktendonick> Silly Nazi Farting game?

04:12 <Nicktendonick> (what's the game?)

04:12 <Ali> NFL

04:12 <Ali> Football Americano

04:12 <Ali> 6-6 tie

04:14 <Nicktendonick> ah.

04:15 *** Quits: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:15 <Jet_Cirrus> KooK you still here

04:15 <KooK> Si

04:16 <Jet_Cirrus> where did u buy ur plushies

04:16 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-bjehej.iinet.net.au) (Quit: Zzzzz)

04:16 <KooK> Some at Toys R Us, a lot of them at Build A Bear

04:16 <Ali> Spaghetti manes

04:16 <Ali> Build A Bear are best poni

04:17 <KooK> I need to get a new crown for Cadence, my dog got ahold of the last one

04:17 <Jet_Cirrus> if i do go to toys r us i will buy a birthday card so they think its not for me :3

04:17 <KooK> They don't ask

04:17 <KooK> They don't care

04:17 <Jet_Cirrus> lol true

04:17 <Ali> Only thing I needed KooK as the hat for AJ

04:18 <FreezeFrame> I love Spitfire admitting she loves drill sarging.

04:18 * Jet_Cirrus walks out with 200$ worth of mlp merch

04:19 <Jet_Cirrus> lol FreezeFrame

04:19 <KooK> I have the AJ hat :D

04:19 <Jet_Cirrus> same :3

04:19 <KooK> And a spare AJ

04:19 <FreezeFrame> Oh, Dash.

04:20 <Dash> sup

04:20 <FreezeFrame> Sorry, not you,

04:20 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

04:20 <FreezeFrame> Just finishing up with Top Bolt.

04:20 <KooK> Wow FreezeFrame, way to not be a jerk :P

04:20 <KooK> I haven't seen that one yet

04:20 <Jet_Cirrus> Watch The next one FreezeFrame

04:21 <FreezeFrame> Yeah, it's about to start from my DVR.

04:21 <Jet_Cirrus> not the 26th episode that comes out next week unless you cheat!

04:21 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

04:21 *** Parts: Gladiolus (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you) ("Leaving")

04:21 <FreezeFrame> Um, it aired Saturday

04:21 <FreezeFrame> My DVR recorded it.

04:21 <Jet_Cirrus> where are you

04:21 <FreezeFrame> US

04:22 <Jet_Cirrus> for you yeah lol im above you

04:23 <FreezeFrame> Take comfort in your national anthem being easier to sing and, well, just better.

04:23 <Jet_Cirrus> lol thanks :3

04:23 <Jet_Cirrus> Be sure to visit sometime!

04:24 <FreezeFrame> I should, it's a short trip from NY

04:24 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

04:24 <Jet_Cirrus> i think there was a con there at some point but im not sure what happed to it

04:25 <Jet_Cirrus> i never been to a con before soon i will though

04:25 *** Quits: Starwatcher (patrick@off) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:26 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-gvq8nc.ip20.netikka.fi)

04:26 <Jet_Cirrus> have you before FreezeFrame

04:27 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

04:27 *** Joins: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-4e5.uet.156.175.IP)

04:27 <Jet_Cirrus> hi

04:28 <Jet_Cirrus> hello

04:28 * Twilight_Shimmer boops teh SunsetShimmer and CleverDerpy

04:29 <KooK> Cop fight!

04:29 <Jet_Cirrus> WHere!

04:29 <KooK> ^^

04:30 <FreezeFrame> Nope, only foreign country I've gone to is the UK, actually.

04:30 <FreezeFrame> It was a fun 2 weeks.

04:30 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

04:30 <Jet_Cirrus> FreezeFrame:

04:31 <KooK> USA, Canada, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Japan

04:31 <Jet_Cirrus> USA, Canada, Jamaica, Cuba x3

04:31 <Jet_Cirrus> how was japan

04:32 <KooK> Amazing

04:32 <Jet_Cirrus> do people talk with subtitles

04:32 <Jet_Cirrus> jk

04:37 <Jet_Cirrus> :| no one is here

04:38 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Mutter: http://www.mutterirc.com)

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04:39 *** Quits: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Quit: The only things I need are books, friends and IRC. And books.)

04:40 <FreezeFrame> Actually, they aired both parts back to back for the US, thankfully.

04:40 <Jet_Cirrus> lol

04:41 <Jet_Cirrus> i wanna wait make some suspence

04:42 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

04:49 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-8ls.dei.44.96.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:53 *** Quits: Jet_Cirrus (Jet_Cirrus@Pony-498lpv.dsl.bell.ca) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

04:56 <Golden> Good night everyone

04:58 *** Joins: Local (LocalPony@Pony-o5je1o.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)

04:58 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-i99ejs.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP)

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04:59 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles) (Quit: Ping timeout: -1 second)

05:02 *** Quits: RainShadow (RainShadow@Pony-8b5.res.201.109.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

05:03 *** Quits: Hamtramck (sadfsdf@Pony-4otjjn.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:03 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-0bbtn5.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

05:04 *** Joins: RainShadow (RainShadow@Pony-e9n.dqp.166.46.IP)

05:07 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Connection closed)

05:09 *** Quits: Heartbreak (Heartbreak@Pony-vo1600.mn.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

05:11 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-gvq8nc.ip20.netikka.fi) (Connection closed)

05:11 *** Joins: Heartbreak (Heartbreak@Pony-vo1600.mn.comcast.net)

05:13 <FreezeFrame> There we go, 100% caught up on pony

05:14 *** Joins: iandroid (ian@Pony-otnsk6.dynamic.tds.net)

05:14 <iandroid> Hello everypony

05:15 <iandroid> Sunset Shimmer is best human, Starlight Glimmer is best pony

05:15 <iandroid> Their names are too similar though

05:16 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-gvq8nc.ip20.netikka.fi)

05:17 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-i99ejs.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP) (Connection closed)

05:18 <FreezeFrame> They really aren't

05:19 <FreezeFrame> I mean, if we can have two players name Brandon Marshall in the NFL

05:19 <iandroid> If you say so

05:20 <FreezeFrame> Also, two Alex Smiths and two Adrian Petersons

05:20 <FreezeFrame> (The two APs even play the same position, unlike the first two sets)

05:21 <FreezeFrame> (The Marshalls are a WR and LB, and the Smiths are a QB and TE)

05:21 <iandroid> Anyway, what did you think of the finale?

05:22 <Schism> !link sunlight

05:22 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/1

05:22 <Schism> ... I guess that works.

05:23 <FreezeFrame> It was pretty good, Trixie and Discord played exceedingly well off each other, and it felt like a Pony finale

05:24 <FreezeFrame> I like that they didn't subvert the "secret phrase", and it actually worked the whole way.

05:24 <iandroid> I think it was a good idea making it two episodes. The last finale was too short.

05:24 <FreezeFrame> Every finale except S3 was a two-parter

05:25 <FreezeFrame> and S1

05:25 <iandroid> Oh, hmm

05:25 <iandroid> The last one definitely seemed compressed

05:27 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-4e5.uet.156.175.IP) (Connection closed)

05:27 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-jhn2n9.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

05:28 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on FreezeFrame

05:31 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-bc75a7.res.rr.com)

05:31 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

05:32 <ConfusionRift> FreezeFrame: The S1 Finale was a two parter as well.

05:32 <FreezeFrame> S1 finale was the Gala

05:32 <ConfusionRift> Oh wait...

05:32 <ConfusionRift> You're right.

05:32 <ConfusionRift> I was thinking of the debut episodes.

05:33 <ConfusionRift> Tells you how baked my head is.

05:33 <ConfusionRift> And by that, I meant I'm worn out.

05:34 * Surreal_Nightmares cuddles ConfusionRift's head.

05:34 <iandroid> I thought you were a frakking toaster, turns out you're a toaster oven

05:35 <ConfusionRift> Hehehe... (flop)

05:37 * ConfusionRift is top heavy.

05:38 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pejf50.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

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05:40 *** Joins: BlueVelvet90 (Mibbit@Pony-8b2kuj.sth2.ptd.net)

05:43 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-s3c1rd.dbl7.080g.100e.2600.IP)

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05:46 *** Joins: Nedemai (Nedemai@fluttershy.is.best.pony)

05:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Nedemai

05:47 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-u4ne5h.162-221-109-net.sccoast.net)

05:47 * FreezeFrame decides to have herself some minestrone soup

05:47 <PinkieShy> hii

05:47 *** PinkieShy is now known as Pony_40748

05:48 <Pony_40748> Do you guys think the american express serve prepaid card that only charges $1 a month and up to $4 reload fee and it can't go negative balance would be better than walmart money card that charges $3 reload $5 monlty and it can go to negative $10

05:49 *** Joins: Starwatcher (patrick@off)

05:49 * Pony_40748 boops Confusionrift and says hiii :D

05:49 <ConfusionRift> Hellooooo.

05:50 <Starwatcher> hai

05:50 *** Quits: MisterRogers (MisterRoger@Pony-mtbb9h.static.versatel.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:50 <Schism> I'd honestly go with the Amex, Pony_40748.

05:52 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

05:52 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

05:52 <FreezeFrame> Honestly, that monthly fee alone makes me think the AmEx is the better deal

05:52 <FreezeFrame> (I'm presuming you're not capable of getting a bank account for some reason since you're asking about that)

05:53 <ConfusionRift> Yeah. You can always get a savings account.]

05:53 <iandroid> Pony_40748: what are you getting the card for?

05:54 <iandroid> Seems like cash would be better than a card like that

05:54 <Pony_40748> iandroid i have a bank account but

05:54 <Pony_40748> I am scared to use that for like the nintendo shop, xbox store, and such like that.

05:54 <ConfusionRift> If it's privacy, it's the same.

05:55 <iandroid> What is the reason, Pony_40748 ?

05:56 <Pony_40748> I just worry about my like debit card info getting hacked if i use it for xbox or whateve.r

05:56 <iandroid> Same can't you buy store credit with cash?

05:56 <BlueVelvet90> yeah

05:56 <BlueVelvet90> You'll only get your info hacked if you're stupid with your security

05:56 <BlueVelvet90> For example

05:57 <BlueVelvet90> if it's an option, make it so you have to put the PIN in every time you do a transaction

06:00 <iandroid> Ah, there's no fun like Star Trek fun

06:02 <ConfusionRift> Please, tell me there's space dogfighting.

06:04 * ConfusionRift now imagines dogs in spaceships dogfighting each other.

06:04 * Heartbreak makes coffee..

06:05 *** Joins: Arteshin (Arteshi@Pony-ljg.ucs.73.192.IP)

06:08 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@Pony-1fp.k4l.220.104.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

06:09 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:10 * Starwatcher nudges Heartbreak - can has some coffee?

06:10 <Heartbreak> Starwatcher: You read my story, right?

06:12 <Starwatcher> no, sorry

06:12 <Starwatcher> unless I have

06:12 <Starwatcher> ... what was it, again?

06:12 * Starwatcher tilts his head

06:15 <Heartbreak> My LIttle Heartbreak

06:16 <ConfusionRift> "Their Big Breakup."

06:18 *** Quits: Nedemai (Nedemai@fluttershy.is.best.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:19 <Starwatcher> on fimfiction?

06:19 <ConfusionRift> Yeah... that's a terribly similar title.

06:20 *** Quits: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-fjs.2rj.204.112.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

06:21 <ConfusionRift> And yes, it's on fimfiction.

06:24 * Twilight_Shimmer randomly boops ConfusionRift

06:26 * ConfusionRift is booped. 0_0;

06:30 <Starwatcher> cool

06:31 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-7mn.rrd.70.92.IP)

06:35 <Twilight_Shimmer> :)

06:38 <FreezeFrame> Oh, man. Just watched that Japanese Pokemon Sun/Mooon trailer featuring Mimikyu. My heart exploded.

06:40 *** Quits: Rainb (Rainb@Pony-e42.5l4.89.200.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:41 <iandroid> ConfusionRift: space dogfighting is more Star Wars's thing

06:42 <ConfusionRift> You're right. It's gonna be as exciting as shooting balloons with a laser pointer.

06:42 <iandroid> Instead we got Doctor Basher on a malfunctioning holodeck while playing James Bond

06:43 <iandroid> We got symphonic jazz arrangements of the Star Trek soundtrack

06:46 <Heartbreak> Starwatcher: Yes.

06:47 <ConfusionRift> It's strange to listen to a song you swear was faster.

06:51 *** Quits: BlueVelvet90 (Mibbit@Pony-8b2kuj.sth2.ptd.net) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

06:55 * ConfusionRift boops Heartbreak.

06:57 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life)

07:09 * Heartbreak starts booping Starwatcher.

07:09 *** Joins: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Pony-iq7.j5b.4.216.IP)

07:12 * Starwatcher hugs Heartbreak

07:13 <ConfusionRift> Darn it! Why do I snort so randomly?!

07:14 <Pony_40748> Dat boi for president? https://i.reddituploads.com/3c7b5c573c0249e8b2dd1d69dca95959?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=ab0d89dfcb45a2e6a1ab39080adf6ce9

07:15 <Pony_40748> lol

07:17 *** Pony_40748 is now known as PinkieShy

07:18 *** Quits: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Pony-iq7.j5b.4.216.IP) (Connection closed)

07:19 *** Joins: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Pony-614.j5b.4.216.IP)

07:19 *** Quits: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Pony-614.j5b.4.216.IP) (Connection closed)

07:22 * Schism sips a vanilla porter, which has flavours of chocolate and coffee as well.

07:24 * Ali flops on Schism and yawns!

07:25 * PinkieShy hugs da Ali

07:27 *** Joins: Fluffy_Pillow (Fluffy_Pill@Pony-dof4l5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

07:28 <Fluffy_Pillow> I have to admit, even though people say sometimes the fandom got a bit annoying over the years

07:28 <Fluffy_Pillow> its a freakin dream if you compare it to fandoms like rwby

07:31 *** Surreal_Nightmares is now known as Sleeping_Nightmares

07:32 * Schism offers the Ali a small glass of pumpkin ale!

07:32 <iandroid> Schism: you sure it isn't a porter float?

07:32 * Heartbreak gackles at Starwatcher!

07:32 <Heartbreak> Are you a mare?

07:33 <Schism> iandroid: It's a porter draught.  http://millstreetbrewery.com/seasonal-brands/vanilla-porter/  And it's okay, no great shakes, but it works out alright.

07:33 <Verandure> Good night, everypony.

07:33 <ConfusionRift> Laters.

07:33 <iandroid> Fluffy_Pillow: I haven't been in any other fandoms, what's it like out there?

07:33 <Heartbreak> Night Verandure.

07:33 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-2e6ket.tx.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)

07:33 *** Quits: Starwatcher (patrick@off) (Quit: sleeping)

07:38 *** Joins: Kingbadpony (Kingbadpony@Pony-bpjl0m.ph.cox.net)

07:39 <Kingbadpony> Hi!

07:39 <Kingbadpony> First time here...

07:39 <iandroid> Heartbreak: how's life?

07:39 <iandroid> Hi Kingbadpony

07:39 <Kingbadpony> Hi

07:41 <Kingbadpony> I was just looking for some nice pony-chat with people. :D

07:41 <Ali> Well it is 3:41AM in the US, so it might be quiet.

07:41 <Kingbadpony> Well, the east coast, yes.

07:42 <Kingbadpony> I know...

07:43 <Kingbadpony> I just wanted to chat. :/

07:43 <Kingbadpony> I may be back later though.

07:44 <Fluffy_Pillow> its

07:45 <Fluffy_Pillow> 9:45 a.m. for mid europe so

07:45 <Fluffy_Pillow> yeah, kinda bad timing = D

07:45 <Kingbadpony> I know.

07:45 <Kingbadpony> I'm sorry...

07:46 <Kingbadpony> Am I keeping you guys up from being here?

07:46 <Fluffy_Pillow> what?

07:47 <Fluffy_Pillow> no?

07:47 <Kingbadpony> Okay.

07:47 <Kingbadpony> IDK how this all works...

07:47 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh its easy

07:48 <Fluffy_Pillow> you wait until somebody talks about a ship you dont like

07:48 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Nini ponies. Love you all)

07:48 <Fluffy_Pillow> and then you go bat**** crazy on them

07:48 <Heartbreak> iandroid: Oh! Hey! yeah, life's good...

07:49 <Heartbreak> I don't ship.

07:49 <Kingbadpony> A ship?

07:49 <Heartbreak> Nor will I be shipped.

07:49 <ConfusionRift> She sails, but doesn't ship.

07:49 <Heartbreak> Exactly.

07:49 <Kingbadpony> Like, navy ship?

07:49 * ConfusionRift chuckles.

07:49 <Fluffy_Pillow> doesnt have to be navy

07:49 <Heartbreak> You want shipping? ConfusionRift is your pony.

07:50 <Fluffy_Pillow> naval, space, air, we love all kind of ships

07:50 <Kingbadpony> Is this a spam room?

07:50 <ConfusionRift> Nah. I'm with the Anti-Ship Ordnance.

07:50 <Schism> "A single voice can't sing in Harmony." -old pony proverb

07:50 <Heartbreak> You're the spam room, Kingbadpony.

07:50 <Kingbadpony> What is a ship?

07:50 <ConfusionRift> Kingbadpony: Noooo. No spamming, please.

07:50 <Heartbreak> Schism: How are you feeling?

07:50 <Fluffy_Pillow> like... not spamming?

07:50 <Heartbreak> No loss of limb, right?

07:50 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh

07:50 <Schism> Oh, alright.  Nah, no loss of limb or anything like that.

07:50 <Kingbadpony> I'm confused....

07:50 <Fluffy_Pillow> we are back to rwby again?

07:50 <Kingbadpony> :(

07:51 <Fluffy_Pillow> kingbadpony thats a good thing

07:51 <Schism> Just yawning, probably going to have a shower, not sure if I want a nap before my doctor's appointment this morning.

07:51 <ConfusionRift> Ship. You know. Like, sorta romantically pairing two characters?

07:51 <Fluffy_Pillow> the utmost goal of everybody here is to spread as much confusion as possible

07:51 <Kingbadpony> Oh? That's a ship?

07:51 <Fluffy_Pillow> a relationSHIP, yes

07:51 <Kingbadpony> Ah!

07:51 <ConfusionRift> ^

07:51 <Heartbreak> That's something I don't do.

07:51 <Kingbadpony> #gotit

07:52 <ConfusionRift> There you have it. Never thought of it that way.

07:52 <Heartbreak> Unless you're OCs.

07:52 <Heartbreak> Then Fluffy_Pillow and Kingbadpony are now a pair.

07:52 <Kingbadpony> ??

07:52 <Heartbreak> However, I stay out of the ships.

07:52 <Heartbreak> -Forever-...

07:52 <Fluffy_Pillow> i dont know, people seem to love shipping ponies which are kinda only visible for one episode

07:53 <Fluffy_Pillow> what? Even teh good ones?

07:53 <ConfusionRift> Oh, and don't expect timely and coinciding responses. Especially when everyone types at their own speed, connection differences, etc. etc. etc.

07:53 <Kingbadpony> I live on a ship irl, but not the ED ship. lol

07:53 <Kingbadpony> I've been in chat rooms before, but they all have their own vernacular.

07:53 <Heartbreak> When fans over ship, it just kinda tells me that they are very, very, very, very lonely.

07:53 <Kingbadpony> Oh

07:53 <Heartbreak> They are the princesses of the Friend-Zone.

07:54 <Kingbadpony> Like they like place two ponies in a "ship"?

07:54 <Fluffy_Pillow> whats

07:54 <Heartbreak> Ponies that might have only met like once.

07:54 <Fluffy_Pillow> overshipping?

07:54 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh I see

07:54 <Heartbreak> You ship any character with any character, even if it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

07:55 <Fluffy_Pillow> like discord x fluttershy, that definitley doesnt make any sense

07:55 <Kingbadpony> Oh I don't like that at all.

07:55 <Heartbreak> Characters with clashing traits, or characters-...

07:55 <Kingbadpony> I've seen that one.

07:55 <Heartbreak> Why you do that?

07:55 <Fluffy_Pillow> yeah, weird, right?

07:55 <Heartbreak> No, not what I mean.

07:55 <Heartbreak> And if you don't get it, then I'm not in the mood to explain it.

07:55 <Kingbadpony> I understand it, but I don't see why people would be passionate about it.

07:55 <Fluffy_Pillow> while trixie x glimmer is like the best ship in the world

07:55 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh

07:56 <Fluffy_Pillow> it has different reasons

07:56 <Fluffy_Pillow> for example, people feel comfortable about it, its cute, it has a certain appeal to them

07:56 <Fluffy_Pillow> they can write stories about em, draw pictures

07:56 <Kingbadpony> Sure. It does with me too, to a point. But it's an IDEA, therefore take it with a grain of salt, right?

07:57 <Heartbreak> Fluffy_Pillow: Think of the song "I'd Ship It" only if it were about not caring about shipping.

07:57 <Heartbreak> "You can ship it, but I just don't care."

07:57 <Fluffy_Pillow> well yeah

07:57 <Fluffy_Pillow> but at least its something

07:57 <Fluffy_Pillow> not caring about other people shipping stuff is great

07:57 <Heartbreak> "It doesn't do anything for me. Cause I just don't care."

07:57 <Kingbadpony> That makes me sad.

07:57 <Fluffy_Pillow> when youre in the rwby fandom and ship somebody someone else is not comfortable with

07:57 <Fluffy_Pillow> you get a lot of hate for it

07:58 <Heartbreak> I'm not a fan of RWBY either...

07:58 <Fluffy_Pillow> so what are you a fan of?

07:58 <Kingbadpony> Oh this is very disheartening.

07:58 <Heartbreak> ...

07:58 <Kingbadpony> Whats RWBY?

07:58 <Heartbreak> I don't know which of you to address first...

07:58 <Heartbreak> Fluffy_Pillow: Ponies.

07:58 <Fluffy_Pillow> RWBY is an animation about girls fighting

07:58 <Kingbadpony> Me too!

07:59 <Kingbadpony> Oh no.

07:59 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-mbeoo9.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

07:59 <Heartbreak> And spiders. Bats, cats, strange fruits and foods... Cheese...

07:59 <Kingbadpony> I don't like that.

07:59 <Heartbreak> I like cheese...

07:59 *** zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob

07:59 <Heartbreak> And tea.

07:59 <Heartbreak> I love tea.

07:59 <Kingbadpony> TEA is awesome!

07:59 <Fluffy_Pillow> rwby is awesome, its very heartening and warm, until the last season it is

07:59 <Double> And I am an Double

07:59 <Heartbreak> Fluffy_Pillow: is it true that the creator died due to an extreme allergic reaction?

07:59 <Kingbadpony> Omg, I am so new to this.....

08:00 <Fluffy_Pillow> i know he is dead, and the animation went downhill afterwards, but i dont know what caused his rather sudden end

08:00 <iandroid> Who's sensitive about shipping? It's all for fun, relax

08:00 <Fluffy_Pillow> believe me, rwby fandom is... "special" when it comes to shipping

08:01 <Fluffy_Pillow> I dont know why

08:01 <iandroid> I am not much of a shipper, at least not for this show, but it doesn't bother me

08:01 <Kingbadpony> Is it because Lauren has an interest in us, at least slightly?

08:01 <Fluffy_Pillow> but thats why i think that "just not caring about other people shipping something" in mlp fandom is very nice

08:01 <iandroid> Well I ship the canonical pairings in FoE

08:01 <Heartbreak> I like turtles.

08:01 <Kingbadpony> "okay well, you're a great zombie"

08:02 <Heartbreak> Readers of my story have tried to ship me with characters that have appeared in my story.

08:02 <FreezeFrame> I think for the most part, pony shippers don't attack conflicting ships.

08:02 <Fluffy_Pillow> FoE?

08:02 <Heartbreak> The first was with Starchaser.

08:02 <Heartbreak> And I was like nooooooooooooooooo.

08:02 <Heartbreak> Seriously, why?

08:02 <Kingbadpony> I shouldn't have come here.....

08:02 <Heartbreak> And then it was with Luna.

08:02 <FreezeFrame> Which is a serious problem in other ships.

08:02 <Heartbreak> And I was like Noooooooooooooooo.

08:02 <FreezeFrame> er, other fandoms

08:03 <Fluffy_Pillow> its fine kingbadpony

08:03 <Heartbreak> And then with Fluttershy and I was like Nooooooooooo!

08:03 <Fluffy_Pillow> some people cant handle the weirdness

08:03 <Fluffy_Pillow> yeah

08:03 <FreezeFrame> For example, do not mention the canon pairings to Hermione/Harry or Harry/Draco shippers

08:03 <Fluffy_Pillow> Applejack, Fluttershy and Applejack are like the three ponies which are a bit unshippable

08:03 <Heartbreak> Fetting fet fet, just let me be in my grumpy, unshipped, non-horrified state.

08:03 <iandroid> FoE is Fallout: Equestria

08:03 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh I see

08:04 <FreezeFrame> Rarijack makes perfect sense, though!

08:04 <Fluffy_Pillow> well yeah its fine

08:04 <Kingbadpony> Fallout Equestria?

08:04 <Fluffy_Pillow> you know, ponies living in a postapocalyptic scenario

08:04 <iandroid> Fluffy_Pillow: applejack,fluttershy, and applejack?

08:04 <Fluffy_Pillow> striving for survival

08:04 <Fluffy_Pillow> ops

08:04 <Fluffy_Pillow> Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie*

08:05 <iandroid> Striving for survival, and discovering the magic of friendship

08:05 <FreezeFrame> I thought you were just repeating yourself for emphasis.

08:05 <Fluffy_Pillow> they are all 3 too emersed in their own world and make it troublesome to take them out of it

08:05 <FreezeFrame> Yeah, they definitely do. And most of the best ship writers of them make that a decent part of the conflict in their stories.

08:06 <iandroid> The thing I like about FoE is that the values from the show work in even a very harsh environment pretty convincingly

08:06 <iandroid> Which is good, since we're supposed to take them to heart for our world

08:07 <Kingbadpony> This is all way too new to me. :(

08:07 <Fluffy_Pillow> well

08:07 <Fluffy_Pillow> if this is all new to you

08:07 <Fluffy_Pillow> definitley came to the right spot before you go to anywhere weird oô

08:08 <Double> Quite so

08:08 * Heartbreak pies Fluffy_Pillow.

08:08 <Fluffy_Pillow> *best reaper voice* Pie! Pie! Pie! *throws pies in all directions*

08:08 <Kingbadpony> I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk about MLP but this is WAY too in depth and I feel out of the loop....

08:08 <iandroid> Kingbadpony: FoE is pretty big, you might check it out

08:08 <Fluffy_Pillow> Oh Kingbadpony, whats your favorite pony?

08:09 <Kingbadpony> Fluttershy, but I relate to Luna.

08:09 <iandroid> But to talk about the show, have you seen the finale?

08:09 <Kingbadpony> No, it wasn't on netflix....

08:09 <Fluffy_Pillow> Fluttershy, what a classic

08:09 <FreezeFrame> It won't be on Netflix for about a month, I believe

08:09 <Fluffy_Pillow> you know about the gaming Luna?

08:09 <Kingbadpony> Oh, I can wait.

08:10 <Kingbadpony> Gaming Luna?

08:10 <FreezeFrame> Also, my fave pony is Rarity

08:10 <Kingbadpony> Wut?

08:10 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh yeah, people love to add certain characteristics to a character, and for Luna... they like imagining her playing videogames for some reason

08:10 <Kingbadpony> I can see that!

08:11 <Fluffy_Pillow> but yeah, Luna is one of the few ponies which is like impossible to not-like, at least i have yet to meet somebody to dislikes Luna

08:11 <Kingbadpony> When I sleep, I wake up with hands in position of holding a N64 controller, and Luna is the princess of the night, and stay up at night easier than at day. :P

08:12 <Fluffy_Pillow> see? Usually people would take this as a challenge and scream "I hate Lunaaa!", but no, just doesnt happen

08:12 <Kingbadpony> Orly?

08:12 <Fluffy_Pillow> everybody loves Luna

08:12 <Kingbadpony> hehe

08:12 <Kingbadpony> Insomnia reigns I guess.

08:12 <Fluffy_Pillow> why fluttershy?

08:12 <ConfusionRift> For example... (thinks about it) ... ... ...abandon ship! (jumps in the water)

08:13 <iandroid> People who really love Tia sometimes dislike Luna

08:13 <ConfusionRift> Had no idea the scrollbar was stuck... again.

08:13 <Kingbadpony> I can see that.

08:13 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh, but people who really love Tia are just as rare

08:13 <FreezeFrame> Eh, I'm a 3rd shift worker. I sleep between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM or so. No insomnia here.

08:13 <Kingbadpony> Fluttershy because she kinda breaks my heart.

08:14 <Fluffy_Pillow> she does?

08:14 <Kingbadpony> Yeah.

08:14 <Fluffy_Pillow> why? oo

08:14 <Kingbadpony> She does these small things which just tears me up.

08:14 <Fluffy_Pillow> like telling huge monsters to go away and dont bother collecting their rightful money from them?

08:15 <Kingbadpony> Like I bawled when she was under the willow crying with her woodland friends about not being confident about flying.

08:15 <ConfusionRift> Because she's a... heartbreaker? (nudges Heartbreak) Heh? Heh?! :P

08:15 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh

08:15 <Fluffy_Pillow> hurricane fluttershy episode? Yeah that episode was gold

08:15 <Kingbadpony> Yeah.

08:15 * Heartbreak hits ConfusionRift with a rolled up newspaper.

08:15 <Kingbadpony> I loved it, but that one scene always makes me cry, it's just so sad.

08:15 <Heartbreak> Ha. Ha. Ha.

08:16 <ConfusionRift> Ack! Yeah, sorry. :P

08:16 <Kingbadpony> I see her and want to run up and hold her. I hate seeing someone so sweet cry.

08:17 <Fluffy_Pillow> would be kinda interesting knowing all the episodes fluttershy teared up

08:17 <Kingbadpony> Also in EG (Idk how this site feels about it) but when she was petitioning to save animals, passing out fliers and no one took one and she started crying again...

08:17 <Kingbadpony> Idk...

08:17 <iandroid> Kingbadpony: that's called the woobie

08:17 <Fluffy_Pillow> woobie?

08:18 <Kingbadpony> ??

08:18 <iandroid> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWoobie

08:18 <FreezeFrame> I'll spare you the TV Tropes link, but the woobie is a character archetype designed primarily to elicit sympathy

08:18 <Kingbadpony> :(

08:19 <Kingbadpony> Well, I first was drawn to her because she loves animals.

08:19 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh i see

08:19 <Kingbadpony> If she's a woobie then fine, idk, it works on me.

08:19 <Fluffy_Pillow> woobie is a weird name for it though

08:19 <Fluffy_Pillow> you would expect a cuter one

08:19 <FreezeFrame> Most of the names from TVTropes are weird ones

08:20 <iandroid> Probably named after some character in some show

08:20 <iandroid> Basically the woobie is someone you wanna hug and comfort

08:20 <Fluffy_Pillow> ye

08:20 <Fluffy_Pillow> even though fluttershys best moments were when she broke out of her woobieness

08:21 *** Parts: CocoBed (Coco@kind.hearted.earth.pone) ("back later")

08:21 <Kingbadpony> Oh yes

08:22 <Kingbadpony> But they seem to do that a bit too much, looses it's effect.

08:22 <iandroid> Especially in some recent episodes

08:22 <iandroid> She is a new her

08:22 <Fluffy_Pillow> ye

08:22 <Kingbadpony> Yeah, so she's loosing her appeal to me.

08:22 <Fluffy_Pillow> every character except applejack had a major development over the seasons

08:22 <Kingbadpony> So I like Luna more now.

08:22 <Kingbadpony> True.

08:23 * ConfusionRift snugs his Fluttershy plush.

08:23 <Fluffy_Pillow> for example, by now i can even watch rarity episodes without having to cringe everytime they make her purposely a princessy type

08:23 <Fluffy_Pillow> now shes awesome

08:23 <iandroid> No, rarity is worse than ever

08:24 <Kingbadpony> hehe

08:24 <iandroid> Or how is she better?

08:24 <Kingbadpony> Shows go through that.

08:24 <Kingbadpony> Rarity used to be a small town princess, now she's a national capitalist.

08:24 <ConfusionRift> I miss Rarity's screaming of panic.

08:25 <Fluffy_Pillow> you think so? I mean the episode with applejack n pinkie pie was horrible, but by now she is up for jokes, gets work done, and actually, and thats the most intruging

08:25 <Fluffy_Pillow> actually represents her element of friendship

08:25 <Fluffy_Pillow> the first 3 seasons were like "why does she even have that"

08:26 <Kingbadpony> That's a good point.

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08:26 <Kingbadpony> She did grow on me, where Fluttershy dwindled.

08:27 <Kingbadpony> Applejack has been constant, you're right.... whoever said that.

08:27 <Fluffy_Pillow> ye

08:27 <iandroid> Pinkie Pie would make a better element of Generosity by far

08:28 <FreezeFrame> Eh...

08:28 <Kingbadpony> It was strange that Rarity's was generosity, huh?

08:28 <Fluffy_Pillow> Mhhh.... yeah, maybe, generosity is a rather difficult element to begin with

08:29 <Fluffy_Pillow> generousity*

08:29 <FreezeFrame> It seems like Rarity's generosity is shown as being more subtle than Pinkie's

08:29 <iandroid> She's worse at her element than anypony else

08:29 <iandroid> Diamond Tiara could probably do it better

08:29 <Kingbadpony> lol

08:29 <Kingbadpony> I wouldn't say that iandroid

08:30 <Fluffy_Pillow> this actually made me laugh

08:30 <FreezeFrame> I'm sorry, are we watching the same show here?

08:30 <FreezeFrame> Rarity is certainly a diva (she has a fainting couch after all) but she is nothing if not generous.

08:30 <Kingbadpony> Elaborate, freezeframe

08:31 <Fluffy_Pillow> could it be you confuse generous with gorgeous? because that seemed her element for the first 3 seasons

08:31 <FreezeFrame> Pinkie's generosity, with the throwing parties for everypony and every event imaginable, is extremely showy. And it's all still related back to her element of laughter.

08:32 <FreezeFrame> Rarity's generosity is "I can't fit it in my schedule, but it'd be downright rude to say no, so I'll make myself a ball of stress to let others be happy without a hitch"

08:32 <iandroid> Approach is way more honest than anypony else, Fluttershy is more kind, etc. Can you honestly say that Rarity is more generous?

08:32 <iandroid> Applejack*

08:33 * Heartbreak pies iandroid and FreezeFrame.

08:33 <FreezeFrame> Look at Rarity's approach to her friends asking her to make something for them compared with literally any artisan in real life.

08:33 <Kingbadpony> Well, it depends if you see appearance in Rarity's eyes as generosity.

08:33 <iandroid> I've had artisan friends make things for me

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08:34 <iandroid> My mom is an artisan and she will make stuff for people she's close to

08:34 <Fluffy_Pillow> ye, it was until later episodes where she stood up for rainbow dash when she got framed and she tolerated all her whining through the entire episode to prove she is innocent, that are episodes that did put rarity in the light she deserves

08:34 <Kingbadpony> (idk if I saw that one)

08:34 <FreezeFrame> I think you're overexaggerating here.

08:34 <iandroid> Remind me what she got framed for, it's been a while

08:35 <FreezeFrame> Getting Spitfire to not be able to perform at the show.

08:35 <Fluffy_Pillow> ye

08:35 <Fluffy_Pillow> i forgot the name spitfire so i had to search first xD

08:35 <FreezeFrame> It was way earlier than Detective Rarity that the show was working better with her.

08:35 <iandroid> I did enjoy that episode

08:36 <Fluffy_Pillow> that episode was awesome

08:36 <FreezeFrame> And I think if you're going to hold Season 1 against Rarity, you're going to see everypony being terrible at their element.

08:36 <iandroid> But I don't see how it displays generosity

08:36 <FreezeFrame> I mean, AJ cheating is a MUCH worse betrayal of her element than anything Rarity's done.

08:36 <iandroid> Twilight would have worked as well as Rarity

08:36 <Fluffy_Pillow> what?

08:36 <Fluffy_Pillow> AJ betraying her element in season 1?

08:36 <FreezeFrame> Fall Weather Friends.

08:37 <Kingbadpony> Yup

08:37 <Kingbadpony> Iremember that.

08:37 <FreezeFrame> Cheating is dishonesty during competition.

08:37 <Fluffy_Pillow> Rainbow dash cheated the first time all the time! She even tried to ignore it until it got too much

08:37 <FreezeFrame> Doesn't matter.

08:37 <Kingbadpony> But Rainbow wasn't loyal in regard to her trust of AJ during the run.

08:37 <iandroid> Applejack had also broken a Pinkie Promise

08:37 <FreezeFrame> And that's just Dash betraying her loyalty

08:37 <Kingbadpony> She did!

08:38 <Kingbadpony> I forgot the pinkie promise!

08:38 <FreezeFrame> I think people hold Rarity to a ludicrously higher standard than the rest of the Mane 6

08:38 <Kingbadpony> She weaseled her way out of it, but she still broke it.

08:38 <iandroid> I thought it was strange when Apple bloom said AJ had never lied

08:38 <Fluffy_Pillow> well

08:38 <Fluffy_Pillow> yeah okay

08:39 <iandroid> She obviously has

08:39 <Fluffy_Pillow> but we compare a pony that has her moments of not regarding her elements with a pony that has her moments of actually representing her element

08:39 <Fluffy_Pillow> you cant compary those two

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08:39 <Kingbadpony> Well, not to be rude to Rarity fans, but it seems she's the weak link.

08:39 <iandroid> She is

08:39 <Fluffy_Pillow> really? I always thought its fluttershy

08:40 <Fluffy_Pillow> shes the less dependable

08:40 <Fluffy_Pillow> least*

08:40 <iandroid> She has her moments as a good character, but I don't think she's a good element

08:40 <iandroid> Fluttershy is a good element

08:40 <Kingbadpony> Fluttershy needs a revamp.

08:40 <iandroid> She's revamping herself

08:40 <Kingbadpony> She started off solid, where rarity started off shaky.

08:40 <Fluffy_Pillow> i mean she represents her element n stuff, but with the dragon episode and hurricane fluttershy, most of the time her friends were not able to count on her

08:40 <Kingbadpony> Rarity has grown, fluttershy has fallen.

08:40 <Fluffy_Pillow> xD

08:41 <Fluffy_Pillow> theyre all awesome ponies though

08:41 <Kingbadpony> It's a kindness thing, though.

08:41 <Double> Yush

08:41 <iandroid> How had Rarity grown? Grown her business?

08:41 <Kingbadpony> She's kind. Not reliable.

08:41 <Fluffy_Pillow> well applejack is honest, and yet shes known for as most reliable pony

08:42 <Kingbadpony> Since the episode where she shrugged off making Twilight's dress, she's gotten less snobby. More capitalistic, but less snobby.

08:42 <Fluffy_Pillow> the did poisened ponyfille in the process though

08:42 <Fluffy_Pillow> ponyville*

08:42 <Kingbadpony> On accident!

08:42 <Kingbadpony> She was delusional.

08:42 <iandroid> You say more capitalistic, but I'd actually like her better if she was more like Quark

08:43 <Kingbadpony> *disorientated

08:43 <Fluffy_Pillow> yeah, since raritys focus all the time is fashion and her business, they put very little time into her element

08:43 <Fluffy_Pillow> i think its more a problem of her episode writing

08:43 <Fluffy_Pillow> not her as a pony

08:43 <Kingbadpony> I agree iandroid

08:43 <Kingbadpony> I agree as well Fluffy_Pillow

08:43 <iandroid> Fluttershy also had bad episodes, also Spike, but they're better characters and Fluttershy is a better element

08:43 <FreezeFrame> I mean, if she were the element of Sass, that'd fit her, too. :P

08:44 <Kingbadpony> That's not something to promote though. A lot of people don't like sass.

08:44 <Kingbadpony> Oh she does.

08:44 <Fluffy_Pillow> oh yeah, i dont think you can name a pony that has only good episodes

08:44 <Fluffy_Pillow> expect trixie maybe

08:44 <iandroid> Well other little girls shows have no problem with plenty of sass

08:44 <Kingbadpony> lol

08:45 <Kingbadpony> Sass has it's place.

08:45 <iandroid> My sister watched one tonight carried Project MC squared

08:45 <FreezeFrame> Sass and sarcasm are my two native languages :P

08:45 <FreezeFrame> But I like Rarity on a meta level.

08:45 <iandroid> That's the only place left to like her

08:45 <Kingbadpony> It is hard to write for Rarity I believe.

08:45 <FreezeFrame> She would never have been one of the heroes in most other shows.

08:46 <Kingbadpony> How can you make a diva generous while remaining a diva?

08:46 <FreezeFrame> And that's the great thing, despite her diva-ness, she doesn't FLAUNT her generosity.

08:46 <iandroid> Who says having a diva on the show was needed?

08:47 <Kingbadpony> Well, she does flaunt it, but not in a way to gain envy.

08:47 <Kingbadpony> It wasn't, but they established it early on, so they have to live with it.

08:48 <Kingbadpony> Rarity flaunts her talents, but also offers her same talents to help others.

08:48 <iandroid> Speaking of early on,

08:48 <FreezeFrame> Because it's an amusing trope, and beyond the femininity she's showcasing that you can still be the girliest girl ever and still be a hero, be a badass, and be good.

08:48 <FreezeFrame> er, beyond the divaness

08:48 <iandroid> We'll never know what Lauren Faust would have done with the show,

08:48 <iandroid> But whoever is responsible for season seven, gets all of my yes

08:49 <Kingbadpony> I haven't seen all of it yet!

08:49 <Fluffy_Pillow> wait wasnt the last season seven 6

08:49 <FreezeFrame> Nope, last was season 6

08:49 <iandroid> FreezeFrame: well she's kinda failed that goal

08:49 <Fluffy_Pillow> season 6*

08:49 <iandroid> Oops, i mean season six

08:49 <Kingbadpony> Netflix ended with the Patton Oswalt episode.

08:49 <iandroid> Who?

08:49 <Fluffy_Pillow> yeah, i thought of more of a... weaker season, actually

08:50 <Fluffy_Pillow> with D n D, buckball and a zombie episode it become so obvious who theyre targeting now

08:50 <Kingbadpony> The one where Rainbow goes to the Daring Do convention with that guy.

08:50 <Fluffy_Pillow> Oh i didnt watch that episode so far actually

08:50 <iandroid> My twelve year old sister started a club for D&D at her school

08:50 <Kingbadpony> haha

08:50 <Kingbadpony> cute!

08:51 <PostNinja> well, with the sheer amount of episodes MLP has, it is amazing there are as many good episodes as there are

08:51 <Fluffy_Pillow> it doesnt mean girls/women cant / dont play D n D, but to have suddenly very generic male episodes

08:51 <iandroid> If you think D&D is for adults, walk into a middle school campus

08:52 <FreezeFrame> (Note: we do not recommend this course of action in actuality)

08:52 <iandroid> Fluffy_Pillow: are they throwing pandas at us?

08:52 <iandroid> FreezeFrame: why not?

08:52 <Fluffy_Pillow> I am throwing cute lil baby pandas everywhere

08:53 <iandroid> That's how I overheard some kids taking about always carrying their dice in case a game came up

08:53 <Fluffy_Pillow> no better day to start off teh day

08:53 <FreezeFrame> An adult randomly showing up at a grade school is not exactly a good idea.

08:53 <Fluffy_Pillow> way*

08:53 <iandroid> I arranged it, it wasn't random

08:53 <iandroid> I had to do an observation for one of my education classes

08:53 <FreezeFrame> Yeah, but the way you initially phrased it was implying just walking there.

08:54 <iandroid> Not what I intended

08:55 <iandroid> I just meant the evidence is not hard to find

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08:57 <Kingbadpony> Thank you, Fluffy_Pillow for making me feel at home.

08:57 <Fluffy_Pillow> youre welcome :3

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08:58 <iandroid> Kingbadpony: all my bad-mouthing of Rarity, while deserved, was offered without malice, I hope it was received in that spirit

08:58 <Kingbadpony> Haha.

08:59 <Kingbadpony> iandroid: I'm not a rarity fan, but I appreciate the disclaimer.

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09:02 <Kingbadpony> :)

09:03 <iandroid> Oh, it must have been somepony else who brought her up then

09:03 <Kingbadpony> Just a quick question, did anyone else watch the original MLP back when they where kids?

09:03 <iandroid> I didn't know about it until 2012 or so

09:03 <Kingbadpony> I was a fan since 1994.

09:04 <Kingbadpony> Took a haitus during puberty, then came back during MLP:FIM.

09:04 <iandroid> My first "girly" show was Cardcaptor Sakura

09:04 <Double> I watched a mlp movie on tv...yeeaaars ago

09:04 <Kingbadpony> I remember that.

09:05 <Kingbadpony> The movie was so.... "good".

09:05 <iandroid> Which also had a sizeable male fandom

09:05 <Double> Hehe

09:05 <Double> It was G1 even

09:05 <Kingbadpony> It was!

09:05 <Kingbadpony> With Megan and the other humans.

09:05 <iandroid> The G1 movie has the most blatant product placement I have ever seen

09:06 <Double> Well actually, it had Spike the dragon in it

09:06 <iandroid> It had fairy ponies

09:06 <Kingbadpony> Well the MLP series is owned by Hasbro.

09:06 <Kingbadpony> And the Seaponies!

09:06 <iandroid> No the seaponiess weren't in the movie were they?

09:06 <Kingbadpony> It DID have spike. And G1 also had Twilight, Applejack and Rarity too.

09:06 <Kingbadpony> They were.

09:07 <iandroid> They were on the pilot

09:07 <iandroid> In

09:07 <Double> Dayum

09:07 <Double> Rarity looks younger then she is ;P

09:07 <Kingbadpony> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ru0JmD5brM

09:07 <iandroid> Seaponies rule!

09:07 <Kingbadpony> She does!

09:08 <Kingbadpony> Back in the day, Fizzy was my favorite.

09:09 <iandroid> Aww sweet, I forgot about the seaponies in that intro

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09:10 <Kingbadpony> That may be their only bit, but still. :P

09:10 <iandroid> Wind Whistler is probably my favorite from G1

09:10 <Kingbadpony> Awe.

09:10 <Kingbadpony> Was she the older pegasus?

09:12 <ConfusionRift> Sleep time! Laters.

09:12 <Kingbadpony> Good night!

09:12 <iandroid> https://youtu.be/MeWST3atz88

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09:14 <Kingbadpony> Oh yeah.

09:14 <Kingbadpony> The pegasus right?>

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09:18 <iandroid> http://undead-niklos.deviantart.com/art/Pinkie-Says-Goodnight-Wise-Wind-Whistler-445157961

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09:36 <El> Hi.

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09:40 <Kingbadpony> Hi

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09:44 <Kingbadpony> Okay, bye guys.

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09:55 <El> Hi-bye.

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10:31 <FreezeFrame> Justice League: War's version of Wonder Woman is everything.

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11:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Morning Discussion #656 [ http://tinyurl.com/hx2dmbq ]

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11:52 <Fluffy_Pillow> the partey never ends!

12:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Principal Celestia Classroom Equestria Girls Mini Set on Amazon  [ http://tinyurl.com/zpzxxr3 ]

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12:42 <FruitNibbler> I know why Greece thrived in the times

12:43 <FruitNibbler> They were acctually the first to have " one letter = one sound " system

12:44 <FruitNibbler> Latin did it even better (it did away with all the unnecessary and redundant letters)

12:44 <FruitNibbler> Funny that I didn't realise that it was not a thing before their cultures

12:45 * Sleeping_Nightmares hats on FruitNibbler

12:50 <Fluffy_Pillow> yeah

12:50 <Fluffy_Pillow> funny

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13:16 * Schism returns from the hospital. "Yay, follow appointments. ... which turn out to be on other days."

13:17 <Schism> At least I got a Tim Hortons coffee while I was there, so that's always nice.

13:19 <Electron> Nice.

13:19 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

13:19 <SleepFrame> I disagree with Tim Hortons coffee being "nice"

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13:23 <Schism> I rather like it.

13:23 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-7mn.rrd.70.92.IP)

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13:40 * Schism offers Electron some scones and a coffee.

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13:44 <Bastion_1800> for shizzle ma nizzle

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13:56 * Electron accepts Schism's offer

13:57 <Schism> "But what flavour of scone?" "Boop to the nose."  (No, not really.)

14:00 *** Quits: ChaosMageX (CMXHTPC@Pony-pasg5q.tx.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:01 <Schism> Hah, Brits might like this one.  "Coverage in the third world is always a bit dodgy..." "Really?  Where did you go, Luton?" "Luton, Hull and Glasgow.  A package hole-iday." "You didn't drink the water, did you?" "Hell no, my interpreter warned me about that."

14:02 <Asoka> humm

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14:07 <DataByte> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQXBytrHdmE

14:07 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

14:07 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about [MLP FiM] Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep (Gene Gadget Mix)

14:07 *** Quits: Nossy|School (Nossy@Pony-q8soeg.8ino.f8og.1006.2600.IP) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

14:08 <DataByte> sweep sweep

14:08 <LisaSquarePants> hii :P

14:08 <DataByte> hiii

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14:08 <Asoka> germany has the biggest export surplus on the world humm i think this year says like all over the last years from the US germany need more to import and they destroys the world wide economy

14:09 <LisaSquarePants> i minecraft i made a diamond suit with all those magick booka on it but i cant take it off

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14:10 <LisaSquarePants> does anyone know why?

14:10 <LisaSquarePants> booka :P

14:11 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-gvq8nc.ip20.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:13 <wobniaR> Sweep!

14:13 <Fluffy_Pillow> sweep sweep sweep

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14:14 <LisaSquarePants> oh that's from tha one episode right :P

14:15 <wobniaR> Yes Rarity's new boutique in Manehattan

14:16 <wobniaR> And Miss Pommel guest appearance

14:16 <LisaSquarePants> yeah that one!

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14:34 <LisaSquarePants> it is boring here now :(

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14:53 <Electron> What do you call that emotion when you see a heated argument is about to begin?

14:53 <LisaSquarePants> ehmm

14:54 <LisaSquarePants> a warned feeling?

14:54 <LisaSquarePants> i dont know :P

14:54 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-7f5g6m.sub-174-208-18.myvzw.com)

14:55 <wobniaR> It's called /popcorn Electron

14:55 <wobniaR> Or oh boy here we go again

14:55 <Electron> Okay.

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15:08 <DARK> hello =)

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15:24 <wobniaR> There is no one word for that emotion at any rate Electron i was just being silly

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15:32 <wobniaR> Tfw you realize no new pony this weekend

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15:34 <SunsetShimmer> Tfw there won't be pony 'til {about} april'ish or so

15:35 <wobniaR> Nooo

15:35 <wobniaR> I'm gonna cry

15:35 <MisterRogers> We have a community..

15:36 <SunsetShimmer> he wants the show tho'

15:36 <MisterRogers> That animates as well//

15:36 <SunsetShimmer> He's not into that as much. :P

15:36 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-7aa.4oo.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:36 <wobniaR> I like the show more than fandom content yeah

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15:36 <wobniaR> I do keep in touch with fandom projects and such of course

15:36 <MisterRogers> I like the fandom content more...

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15:37 <SunsetShimmer> Well thats you. :P Not eeeveryone else

15:37 <MisterRogers> >.>

15:37 <MisterRogers> I'm tired.

15:37 <wobniaR> I don't like how some of the more popular fandom content goes toward violence, spoopy and romance stuff

15:38 <MisterRogers> spoopy pffff

15:38 <wobniaR> It's not all of it but it does get a lot of views

15:38 <MisterRogers> wobniaR: I don't get why either.

15:38 <wobniaR> Well yeah people really like animated gore

15:38 <MisterRogers> But not all.

15:39 <wobniaR> God the months after smile hd was released people were coming in here constantly asking "WHO HAS SEEN Smile hd" and getting shooed away

15:39 <wobniaR> And i broke a rule even mentioning that

15:40 <SunsetShimmer> Naaah, talking about it in depth isn't the same as mentioning the title

15:40 <wobniaR> Except someone's gonna google it now lol

15:40 <SunsetShimmer> lol

15:40 <MisterRogers> The internet police is coming for you..

15:41 <wobniaR> They won't take me alive!

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15:41 <MisterRogers> You never had one.

15:41 <wobniaR> Anyway yes i do enjoy fandom content a lot

15:41 * SunsetShimmer enjoys it plenty also

15:41 * MisterRogers *nods*

15:41 <wobniaR> I put more effort into keeping up with fandom content when i was still in college and had the time

15:42 <wobniaR> Nowadays I'm exhausted by the time i get home

15:42 <SunsetShimmer> Its all he can do to make it to overwatch, lol

15:42 *** Quits: LisaSquarePants (LisaSquareP@Pony-uqoufl.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:42 <wobniaR> A few dank memes and some video games is all i have energy for

15:42 <MisterRogers> Wait wobniaR you've a job or something?

15:42 <wobniaR> Yes believe it or not I'm employed

15:42 <wobniaR> Surprising, isn't it?

15:43 <MisterRogers> Why would it be?

15:43 <wobniaR> I'm a total slacker who procrastinated through college

15:43 <MisterRogers> The thing hard to believe is that I'm also dead set tired on doing nothing for the coming hours..

15:43 <wobniaR> I'm also a nerd

15:43 <wobniaR> Etc etc

15:44 <wobniaR> Like right now I'm supposed to be testing a website

15:45 <MisterRogers> I got rid of procrastination in highschool.

15:46 <wobniaR> Yes yes good for you

15:46 <MisterRogers> Well, until so far I kinda resolved it.

15:47 <MisterRogers> Giving a near 100% is kinda spine wrecking though.

15:48 <MisterRogers> Also I'm still in highschool.

15:49 <wobniaR> Ah yes high school i remember that

15:49 <Schism> As far as spoopy fandom stuff goes, I still like 'Story of the Blanks'.

15:49 <wobniaR> I was so innocent back then

15:49 <wobniaR> Yeah that's a classic creepypasta basically

15:49 <wobniaR> I don't care for that stuff but i know about it

15:51 <SunsetShimmer> I've never been into the creepypastas m'self

15:51 <Schism> Yeah, that's pretty much all I really care for as far as the fandom's creepypasta goes.  I mean, Luna Game is there too, but... meh.

15:52 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-a42.t5t.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:52 <wobniaR> But you're into FNAF

15:52 <wobniaR> That's literally a creepypasta game

15:52 <Schism> You talking to me, or Sunset?

15:52 <wobniaR> Sunset ofc

15:53 <wobniaR> That nerd and fnaf

15:53 <wobniaR> Silliness

15:53 <MisterRogers> wobniaR: May I ask what county you studied in?

15:53 <wobniaR> Muric

15:53 <wobniaR> A

15:53 <MisterRogers> country*

15:53 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-3f7.t1b.207.187.IP)

15:53 <Schism> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb1VvUf21L4 < Have a cute little animation from a few years back.

15:53 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

15:53 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Animator vs. Animation (HD)

15:54 <wobniaR> I am 100% american

15:54 <SunsetShimmer> <wobniaR> But you're into FNAF<wobniaR> That's literally a creepypasta game - Yeah but I enjoy the game! :P

15:54 <SunsetShimmer> plus we were talking pony

15:55 <wobniaR> Tru

15:55 <wobniaR> Pony creepypasta is different

15:55 <wobniaR> Then again there's also a pony parody of FNAF

15:56 <SunsetShimmer> Crossing the streams is basically cheating tho'

15:56 <wobniaR> It worked for ace attorney

15:56 <wobniaR> That was a fantastic crossover

15:56 <SunsetShimmer> I meant with our discussion of creepypastas, lol

15:56 <wobniaR> Even if ace attorney is all about murder snd criminal law

15:57 <MisterRogers> Wow I was just looking at education systems  https://www.epnuffic.nl/en/publications/find-a-publication/education-system-the-netherlands.pdf

15:57 <MisterRogers> https://www.epnuffic.nl/en/publications/find-a-publication/education-system-united-states.pdf

15:57 <wobniaR> Tru tru

15:57 <MisterRogers> Dutch education system is a bit more complex.

15:57 <SunsetShimmer> Turnabout storm and, sadly enough, FOE are crossovers that struck a variety of chords and struck audiences.

15:58 <wobniaR> I don't like FOE but it got me to try fallout

15:58 <Schism> Despite all the hate for it, I quite liked FoE.

15:58 <wobniaR> Which i do like

15:58 <wobniaR> Haha hate for foe

15:58 <wobniaR> I'm the hater here

15:58 <SunsetShimmer> lol

15:58 <wobniaR> There's practically a sub fandom of it

15:58 <wobniaR> It's very popular for what it is

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15:59 <SunsetShimmer> Surprisingly theres not as much crossover for overwatch ficwise, but theres a good bunch of arts at least

15:59 <SunsetShimmer> so thats okay

15:59 <wobniaR> Yeah i bought a friend that sunset mercy art at bronycon

15:59 <wobniaR> From dennybutts/vixen

16:00 <SunsetShimmer> Dennyvixen arts are gud arts

16:00 <wobniaR> Agreed

16:00 <SunsetShimmer> !link Denny

16:00 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/497854

16:00 <wobniaR> Inb4 Denny's diner meme

16:00 <wobniaR> Nevermind yes i like that piece

16:00 <SunsetShimmer> fuzzy scootaloo!

16:00 <wobniaR> I also bought it too

16:00 <SunsetShimmer> Of course you did. xD

16:01 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-4l2.8r2.98.73.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:01 <wobniaR> You know me well

16:01 <Schism> Well, this is kind of terrifying.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VufDd-QL1c0

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16:11 <Librarianalt> hoi

16:13 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

16:13 * Cepheid flops.

16:13 * Librarianalt juggles cepheid

16:14 * Cepheid is juggled.

16:14 * Cepheid ends up in the back of the party lineup.

16:16 * Schism randomly offers Cepheid a pun. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvUeX_cUEAAH9Lb.jpg

16:16 <Cepheid> Heh.

16:17 <Librarianalt> make hallowen great again

16:17 <Librarianalt> owo

16:17 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by [1]Thelema5!Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)))

16:18 <Schism> Trumpkin.

16:18 *** Joins: [1]Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-t91g4k.east.verizon.net)

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16:19 <Cepheid> Ye know, the idea of salt being a major currency in Salt and Sanctuary sounds silly at first, but...

16:19 <Schism> What do you mean?  Salt has historically been a very major currency.

16:19 <Cepheid> When you consider that salt can be used as a spiritual protector of sorts(Throwing salt onto spirits, demons, etc is supposed to be harmful to them), and given the nature of the game..

16:20 <Cepheid> Schism:  Hmm, true.  But I don't think it was used in this manner.

16:20 <Cepheid> In this game, salt takes the place of souls.

16:20 <Schism> Salt has long since also been a protective force - it purifies, nurtures, protects, and yes, it makes popcorn taste even better.

16:20 <Schism> Aha.

16:20 <Cepheid> So I think it's more the protective kind of salt.

16:22 <Cepheid> Which, given the island is overrun by undead monstrosities EVERYWHERE, seems even more likely.

16:23 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-s98.4rc.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

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16:23 *** Quits: Librarianalt (Librarian@Pony-s98.4rc.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:23 <Cepheid> Now then, level 12 now..  Let's see if I can beat up the Queen of Smiles.

16:24 <Cepheid> Nope..

16:25 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-sst.ro0.207.187.IP)

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16:28 *** Joins: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-sst.ro0.207.187.IP)

16:29 * Cepheid gets hit with a mace and sent flying away! o.o

16:31 <Cepheid> I really should also finish Dark Souls III.  Never got around to it, and lost my save.

16:31 *** Joins: Golden (Golden@Pony-0bbtn5.co.comcast.net)

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16:36 <Cepheid> And it seems that the paths I can take to continue on are both blocked by painfully hard bosses.

16:37 <Cepheid> Thus, there's only one real solution.  "Git gud."

16:38 *** Quits: RainShadow (RainShadow@Pony-e9n.dqp.166.46.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

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16:39 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-sst.ro0.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:39 <wobniaR> NaCl

16:39 <Cepheid> Dying should give you salt in this game.

16:39 <Cepheid> Because the more you die, the saltier you, as a player, get.

16:39 <wobniaR> Nothing more purifying than the salty tears of losers when you beat them in Overwatch

16:40 <wobniaR> Gg ez

16:40 <Cepheid> Doesn't that game change "gg" to something else now?

16:40 <wobniaR> Yes that's the joke i was makinh

16:40 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-el9.fog.207.187.IP)

16:40 <wobniaR> Gg ez gets changed to predetermined strings

16:40 <Cepheid> Heh.

16:41 <wobniaR> Many of which are great

16:41 <wobniaR> In fact Blizzard got even more people to type gg ez than ever with this

16:41 <Cepheid> Leave it to Blizzard to add further salt into the wound by making it impossible to type the usual insulting phrases. :P

16:41 <wobniaR> People love it tho

16:42 <Cepheid> Heh.

16:42 <wobniaR> And we all know what they're actually typing

16:42 <wobniaR> It has changed nothing except make people type it more

16:42 <Cepheid> True.

16:42 <wobniaR> Like if i was in a game with SunsetShimmer I'd type gg ez after every kill for sure

16:43 <wobniaR> And spam left ctrl for good measure

16:43 <Cepheid> Hum, "Git Gud" is a viable strategy against the Queen of Smiles.

16:43 <Cepheid> Turns out if you get in range of attacking her, which leaves you dangerously close to her own attack range, you have juuuust enough time to attack and roll out of the way.

16:44 <Cepheid> And I have a charm that increases attack speed, to give me an even larger window.  Alas, after half of her health is gone, she picks up a new attack I dunno how to dodge.

16:45 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-fbadr8.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:47 <Cepheid> Gotcha, you rotted queen.

16:48 <Cepheid> Only took me 5 tries.

16:51 *** Joins: Bastion_1800 (Bastion_180@Pony-rnko0o.dynamic.surfer.at)

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16:54 *** Joins: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-el9.fog.207.187.IP)

16:55 <Librarianalt> im still not getting much views on deviant

16:55 <Librarianalt> or tumblr

16:56 <Librarianalt> meed more exposure

16:56 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: 🆒🆒🆒)

16:56 <Cepheid> Exposure isn't everything.  It's a mixture of quality, exposure and quantity.  Make more works, improve your skills.

16:56 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

16:56 <Thelema5> Yeah, people aren't going to just go looking for you.  It takes a lot of work to build your personal "brand".

16:57 <Librarianalt> ok

16:57 * Librarianalt was about to rent a plane

16:57 <Librarianalt> owo

16:57 <Thelema5> :p

16:58 <Cepheid> Bleh, almost beat that boss.  But I got it's pattern down, so meh.

16:59 <Librarianalt> imma gonna get pokemon to play with ma bro

17:06 <Librarianalt> i have this automatic reaction

17:06 <Librarianalt> whenever my dad is mad i get nervous

17:07 <Librarianalt> even at 26 years of age

17:07 <Cepheid> I'm the same way when my parents get irritated at something.

17:08 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@Pony-1fp.k4l.220.104.IP) (Connection closed)

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17:10 <Cepheid> That's literally the 4th time that's happened.  I die due to being just a sliver too slow.

17:10 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-54t.76l.200.112.IP) (Quit: rip)

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17:12 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Ive realised the pony on the login turna into a long haired human girl

17:14 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-gkhgp2.n2v5.rg43.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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17:17 <Thelema5> The login to what, SkippeZ_ShadoW?

17:19 <Cepheid> Nothing like finding a key, and no door to put it in.

17:20 *** Joins: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-emq.ep9.207.187.IP)

17:20 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-54t.76l.200.112.IP) (Quit: Bye)

17:21 <Librarianalt> finally got an good connection

17:22 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-e6kstr.sub-97-43-194.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:26 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: 3D Videos: / Fallout: Equestria Trailer SFM  [ http://tinyurl.com/zovo7kv ]

17:26 *** Joins: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-859.jgj.101.129.IP)

17:30 <Cepheid> Ye know, I think I may have killed those bosses out of order.  I noticed a candelabra sitting outside each boss arena, with a set number of candles lit.  In order, what I slayed:  1 candle, 4 candles, 3 candles, 2 candles.

17:31 <Cepheid> Especially as I just found a way to the three-candle boss that's safer than the path I was taking.

17:32 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Nvm

17:32 <Cepheid> I assume our friend SkippeZ_ShadoW is talking about the ASCII pony that one sees upon logging into a Canternet server.

17:35 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Yeah, due to  my font it looks like and equestria girl I guess

17:35 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Wirh her left arm on the right side of her neck and her other arm down

17:36 *** Coco is now known as Coco_Nut

17:39 *** Quits: WuBzY2 (wubzy@Pony-4hsm2c.dhcp.inet.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:41 <Cepheid> By logic of number of candles...  This is the sixth boss.  I don't think I'm ready for that yet.

17:41 <Finwe> Good evening, everypony!

17:41 <Finwe> Messrs SkippeZ_ShadoW and Cepheid.

17:41 * Finwe doffs his hat.

17:41 *** Quits: Nedemai (Nedemai@fluttershy.is.best.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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17:47 *** Quits: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-emq.ep9.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

17:48 <Thelema5> Hi there, Finwe

17:49 <Thelema5> !link Starlight

17:49 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/1271409

17:50 <wobniaR> We always need more glimglam

17:51 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-aol.8r2.98.73.IP)

17:52 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com)

17:53 <KooK> http://i.imgur.com/poB6Cok.jpg

17:53 <KooK> Om nom nom nom nom nom

17:54 <Not-Renny> Lucky dohg

17:55 * Cepheid enters the Castle of Storms, now that he can access it. He walks into it for about 30 feet before coming across a giant, armoured soldier with a gleaming, single eye. Stops, looks at it for a few moments. "Nope." He turns around and walks away.

17:55 <Thelema5> It's nice to see a dog learning to play the didgeridoo

17:55 *** Joins: WuBzY2 (wubzy@Pony-4hsm2c.dhcp.inet.fi)

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17:57 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

17:58 <MisterRogers> I'm doing 300% the amount work I'm usually doing

17:59 <MisterRogers> I'm not even a quarter done with the total work that has to be done... T_T

17:59 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life)

18:02 <Thelema5> And you still have time to chat.  Amazing!

18:02 <wobniaR> So much for being over procrastination huh?

18:03 <MisterRogers> Oh I'm over that.

18:03 <MisterRogers> That's why I'm fixing EVERYTHING right now.

18:04 <wobniaR> Well back to work for you or suffer my baps

18:04 <MisterRogers> Fine...

18:05 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-77jca1.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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18:07 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com)

18:08 <Finwe> Mr KooK.

18:08 * Finwe doffs his hat.

18:08 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-8l9acu.n2v5.rg43.100e.2600.IP)

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18:09 <KooK> Finnish

18:09 <Finwe> o3o

18:13 *** Quits: RainShadow (RainShadow@Pony-e9n.dqp.166.46.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

18:14 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-aol.8r2.98.73.IP)

18:15 <KooK> Fish fish fish

18:15 <MisterRogers> !hat

18:15 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat, sir?

18:15 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat?

18:15 <MisterRogers> Thou may.

18:15 <KooK> !makeout

18:15 * DerpyBot gives KooK a searching look and then flies off to #EquestriaAfterDark

18:16 <MisterRogers> <.<

18:16 <MisterRogers> -.-

18:16 <MisterRogers> >.>

18:16 * MisterRogers *internal wut*

18:16 <KooK> Don't be Percy MisterRogers

18:16 <KooK> Prevy

18:16 <KooK> Friggin ipad auto correct

18:16 <KooK> Pervy

18:17 <KooK> I quit

18:17 <Thelema5> Percy the small engine?

18:17 <MisterRogers> KooK: I literally just seared Percy on Google..

18:17 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-8l9acu.n2v5.rg43.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:17 <Thelema5> As did I

18:17 <Thelema5> XD

18:17 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-gt9.fog.207.187.IP)

18:17 <MisterRogers> lol

18:18 <KooK> Haha

18:19 <MisterRogers> I always assume everyone that I don't understand, utilizes ancient words to mess with me.

18:19 <KooK> "Who is Percy??"

18:19 <MisterRogers> "What verb is that?"

18:19 <KooK> You no Englishman?

18:20 <MisterRogers> No, I'm your friendly neighbour.

18:20 <MisterRogers> You know, over the water...

18:20 <MisterRogers> We make our own land.

18:20 <KooK> Over which water?

18:22 <Thelema5> The rat the cat the dog chased killed ate the cheese

18:22 <MisterRogers> Between the northsea and the keltisch-sea..

18:22 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

18:22 <KooK> What's between those two seas?

18:22 <MisterRogers> Ye

18:23 <MisterRogers> ..

18:23 <MisterRogers> Darn it Dyslexia.

18:23 <MisterRogers> Over the river that's between those seas.

18:23 <MisterRogers> "River"

18:23 <Thelema5> KooK: " and the keltisch-"

18:23 <MisterRogers> It's not a river.

18:23 <KooK> Where do you live?

18:24 <MisterRogers> In the land of flat-ness.

18:24 <MisterRogers> We have windmills.

18:24 *** Joins: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-859.jgj.101.129.IP)

18:24 <MisterRogers> And it's below sea-level.

18:25 <Thelema5> It cannot be both flat and below sea level.

18:25 <wobniaR> Alternatively you can do a whois and see his .nl address

18:25 <KooK> Dutch land?

18:25 <MisterRogers> T_T

18:25 <MisterRogers> Close enough.

18:25 <KooK> Wait

18:25 <KooK> They have the wooden shoes

18:26 <KooK> I can't think of it

18:26 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story: Princessence [ http://tinyurl.com/zlp5sbf ]

18:26 <MisterRogers> Actually the most stereotypic thing is bikes,

18:26 <MisterRogers> they're everywhere.

18:26 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-gt9.fog.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

18:26 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-gt9.fog.207.187.IP)

18:27 * Thelema5 slathers KooK with an emulsion of egg yolk and liquid butter seasoned with lemon juice, salt, and a little white pepper

18:27 *** Quits: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-859.jgj.101.129.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

18:28 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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18:30 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com)

18:30 <KooK> Lovely

18:30 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/j6i2Z XD

18:31 <Cepheid> Anyhow, back in a bit.  Showerin' time.

18:35 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-gt9.fog.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

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18:37 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com)

18:37 <KooK> I'm trying to talk this woman through how to sign up for college

18:37 <KooK> Even though she is a semester away from finishing her masters

18:38 <Thelema5> She must be odd.  Because I can't even.

18:41 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

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18:49 <Librarian> thelemaaa

18:49 <Librarian> hoiii

18:50 <Thelema5> Yo

18:51 <Librarian> im hungriss

18:51 <Librarian> foodiess are of the requires

18:51 <Cepheid> Huuh...Uh...  I must have forgotten to take my meds yesterday.  I just took them now today, but I'm seeing symptoms of discontinuation. =.=

18:52 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> So, my ps2 controller works it turns on but it has gone unresponsive

18:53 <Thelema5> Sorry to hear that, Cepheid

18:53 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Discontinuation?

18:53 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> As in for themeds?

18:53 <Cepheid> Yeah.

18:54 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh.... would itbe bad if I asked what said symptoms were or

18:54 <Cepheid> My antidepressant causes withdrawal-like symptoms.  It's among the worst of it's kind for it, and can be felt as soon as 24 to 30 hours later.

18:54 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh

18:54 <Cepheid> Basically just "brain zaps" as many call them.  It's akin to something jolting your head repeatedly, fortunately with no pain.  But it's disruptive to thought, focus, and movement.

18:54 <Thelema5> Librarian, eat something

18:54 <Thelema5> picante

18:55 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh lovely

18:55 <Thelema5> Sounds awful, Cepheid

18:55 <Cepheid> It also tends to last for weeks to a month if left "untreated"

18:55 <Thelema5> Gross

18:56 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Damn

18:56 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-8g61d8.ogoh.d8eq.100e.2600.IP)

18:56 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> These here ponies need jeshush

18:58 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-aol.8r2.98.73.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:04 <Thelema5> Cheeses make everything taste better

19:05 *** Joins: ChaosMageX (CMXHTPC@Pony-pasg5q.tx.comcast.net)

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19:05 <Cepheid> Right, I gotta run.  Got some bueracracy to deal with.

19:06 <Cepheid> Be back in three-hundred and thirty-two days.

19:07 *** Quits: CMX|HTPC (CMXHTPC@Pony-pasg5q.tx.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:07 * Renny poner ost på Finwe

19:07 <Thelema5> O.o

19:07 <Renny> That sounds about right, Cepheid. :\

19:08 <wobniaR> I am bureaucracy

19:08 *** Joins: Pony|49578 (Pony49578@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net)

19:09 <wobniaR> Which is odd cause i hate paperwork

19:09 <wobniaR> Yet it's my job to ask for it

19:09 *** Pony|49578 is now known as ThatAnonPony

19:10 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:10 <Renny> Read the online article, "on the pholenomenon of (bs) jobs", wobniaR

19:10 <Renny> Phenomenon*

19:11 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: To Where and Back Again - Episode Followup (Part 1) [ http://tinyurl.com/hxnkuhg ]

19:12 <wobniaR> Haha

19:12 <wobniaR> Also SunsetShimmer https://twitter.com/stealerofmuffin/status/790444469023670272

19:12 <wobniaR> I was waiting someone to make that edit

19:13 <SunsetShimmer> xD

19:13 * Sour_Sweet floods wobniaR's office with rainbow colored paperwork.

19:15 * Renny covers literally every square inch of wobniaR's office space in yellow sticky notes

19:15 <Renny> Not the original yellow, but like, fluorescent yellow.

19:16 *** Joins: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

19:16 *** Quits: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:16 <Sour_Sweet> Fluttershy much?

19:16 <Sour_Sweet> :P

19:18 * Sour_Sweet searches for new pictures to fill Electron's inbox

19:18 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:18 <Scootaloo> Pls

19:18 <Scootaloo> I like Flutters and all but i don't need that much yellow

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19:34 <Sour_Sweet> There is a lack of new nice Glim Glam drawings. How dare they don't draw her every single day.

19:36 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

19:36 <Cepheid> Or not.  Too much traffic among other issues.  I'll go by early Friday morning to Services Canada.

19:37 <Scootaloo> There's plenty of glimglam

19:37 <Scootaloo> You're just going through it way too fast

19:37 <Cepheid> I also gotta go by the university anyways, as well as my bank.  My debit card is falling apart.

19:38 <Cepheid> Back to collecting salt!

19:41 * Cepheid throws a bag of salt on Divide|Tech.

19:42 *** Joins: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-pveddk.wa.comcast.net)

19:45 *** Joins: CocoPommel (Coco@kind.hearted.earth.pone)

19:47 * Surreal_Nightmares huggles Cepheid

19:49 * Cepheid hugs back.

19:49 <Surreal_Nightmares> c:

19:56 <Cepheid> That's... mildly unique.  As you travel through this area, you see corpses hanging and such, not that big a deal, right?  Exceeeepppt..

19:56 <Cepheid> They're corpses of other players who have died recently in the area.

19:57 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lol

19:57 <Cepheid> Hanging corpses.  Heads on spikes..

19:58 *** Quits: WuBzY2 (wubzy@Pony-4hsm2c.dhcp.inet.fi) (Connection closed)

19:59 *** Joins: WuBzY2 (wubzy@Pony-4hsm2c.dhcp.inet.fi)

19:59 <Cepheid> And now I wander.  I am lost in this game.

20:02 <Thelema5> What game is this?

20:06 <Cepheid> Salt and Sanctuary.  2D variant of Dark Souls, more or less.

20:11 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Illustrious Q: Hasbro and Fanjoy Team up to Spread "My Little Pony" Holiday Cheer! [ http://tinyurl.com/jgvnkxe ]

20:11 *** Quits: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:13 *** Quits: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-859.jgj.101.129.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:13 <Cepheid> It's the only game where getting salty from dying over and over is beneficial.  Because you use salt as a currency.

20:14 *** Joins: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

20:19 <Scootaloo> Yay holiday cheer

20:19 <Scootaloo> Hey kids who wants some cider

20:19 <Cepheid> I appear to be wrong about the purpose of the candelabras.

20:20 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-b4btfc.ogoh.d8eq.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:21 <Thelema5> I do, I do

20:21 * Scootaloo passes Thelema5 a barrel of flowing cider

20:22 * Thelema5 dives in

20:22 *** TimidTanuki|Gamez is now known as TimidTanuki|Work

20:26 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-pm2.q4n.211.95.IP) (Connection closed)

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20:39 <Scootaloo> Today has been nonstop work I'm ready to go home

20:40 *** Quits: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Connection closed)

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20:40 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life)

20:41 <Cepheid> In light of the fact that stores are now stocking both Halloween and Christmas stuff at the same time, I propose a new holiday somewhere between Halloween and Christmas, called Hallowed Christmas Ween

20:41 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Mentally Advanced Series: Season -2 Ep -1 [ http://tinyurl.com/z5hq69a ]

20:41 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: To Where and Back Again - Episode Followup (Part 1) [ http://tinyurl.com/hxnkuhg ]

20:42 <Cepheid> Basically, instead of gifts of toys and such, you give gifts of candy and junk food.

20:43 <Cepheid> And the gifts are wrapped in spooky wrapping paper, then stored under the Hallowed Christmas Ween Skeletal Santa Clause.

20:44 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay freeeeeeeesh!~)

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20:45 *** Quits: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:47 <Thelema5> I propose that stores stop being silly

20:49 *** Joins: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-a0b.r35.207.187.IP)

20:51 <Scootaloo> I agree

20:52 * Librarianalt proposes

20:52 <Librarianalt> yo opino aja joe pino

20:52 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-ph5j2o.as43234.net)

20:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SunsetShimmer

20:53 <FruitNibbler> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdO3IP0Pro8

20:53 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Thoth's Pill - an Animated History of Writing

21:01 * Finwe hats on Librarianalt.

21:03 <Thelema5> This is the loneliest craigslist ad I've ever seen http://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/zip/5843935520.html

21:03 *** Quits: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-a0b.r35.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

21:04 * Scootaloo baps SunsetShimmer before running home

21:04 <Thelema5> Not only is the poster functionally illiterate, but he lives alone and has obviously given up hope of ever finding a mate (or his mate has died); now he just wants a free dog to keep him company

21:04 <Thelema5> Free, obviously, because he has no money

21:05 <Cepheid> So, cat, you like to chew cables, huh?  Go nuts.  *Douses a common cable Spitfire chews in green apple bitter spray.

21:07 <Cepheid> Okay cat, you have no sense of taste.

21:08 *** Quits: init3 (quassel@lyra.init3.tech) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:10 *** Joins: RainShadow (RainShadow@Pony-8oeai1.dyn.nltelcom.net)

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21:11 * Surreal_Nightmares sits on Cepheid and licks.

21:11 <Thelema5> I'm heading home.  Bye, everypony!

21:11 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The alternative IRC client)

21:11 *** [1]Thelema5 is now known as Thelema5

21:11 <Cepheid> Dear gods this spray is terrible.

21:11 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Community Soapbox #4 - Don't Fear the Hiatus, LGBT And Lyra and Bonbon, Respect for Scootaloo, And More!  [ http://tinyurl.com/zvdl65t ]

21:11 <Cepheid> It's like having accidentally sprayed your tongue with hairspray.

21:11 *** Thelema5 is now known as Pony_26405

21:11 <Sour_Sweet> Life as worst pony is hard:  https://derpibooru.org/1280744 xD

21:12 <Scootaloo> Wow i got pinged by that derpybot post

21:12 <Sour_Sweet> Cuz chicken

21:14 <Sour_Sweet> This is why you don't use popular show names with little alternations.

21:14 <Sour_Sweet> Eh without*

21:15 <Scootaloo> What, is big jim really closing his Twitter for good?

21:15 <Scootaloo> That's a real shame

21:15 <Sour_Sweet> Oh? That's news to me. Due to hate and spam?

21:17 <Scootaloo> According to that post

21:17 <Scootaloo> Lemme go confirm for myself

21:20 <Scootaloo> Seems he's still on despite another harrasser

21:21 *** Quits: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Connection closed)

21:22 *** Joins: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

21:23 * Cepheid starts Dark Souls III again, with the intent to finish it this time. Using a build similar to Salt and Sanctuary. Light armour, spear.

21:25 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> You picked the wrong house foooo

21:26 *** Quits: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-859.jgj.101.129.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

21:28 <FruitNibbler> Your house is in another castle

21:28 *** Joins: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-859.jgj.101.129.IP)

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21:37 * Librarianalt demolshes house

21:37 <Sombra> So... when do you think s7 will come out?

21:37 <Cepheid> Huh.  I didn't expect to kill the first boss on my first try.

21:41 *** Quits: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:41 *** SunsetShimmer_ is now known as SunsetShimmer

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21:43 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (Twilight_Sh@Pony-c17.mvv.100.24.IP)

21:44 <Cepheid> Hum, so spears rely on dexterity more than strength.  Good to know.  Also, I need to find a light armour set.  Because I chose to start off with a spear, I start off with plate armour out the door.

21:44 <Librarianalt> i have overall a 10 views

21:45 <Librarianalt> i mean a 100

21:45 <Librarianalt> better than most i guess

21:46 *** Joins: Reia_Sleep (chatzilla@Pony-9ms1k5.ipv6.telus.net)

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21:50 *** Joins: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

21:54 *** Joins: Hamtramck (sadfsdf@Pony-4otjjn.res.rr.com)

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21:55 *** Joins: Jet_Cirrus (Jet_Cirrus@Pony-498lpv.dsl.bell.ca)

21:55 <Jet_Cirrus> hi

21:55 <RazorSharpFang> Hey everypony

21:56 <RazorSharpFang> Cepheid: Is this for a game? Which?

21:56 *** Quits: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:56 <Jet_Cirrus> hey RazorSharpFang

22:00 <Cepheid> Dark Souls III.

22:01 <RazorSharpFang> Ooh. I do love me some dark souls.

22:02 <Pony_36538> lol

22:02 *** Parts: Pony_36538 (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-ta39jq.as43234.net) ()

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22:02 *** Joins: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

22:02 <RazorSharpFang> Cepheid: While I may not like how punishing it is to new players, I do really love the way they do their skills/builds/armor/equipment stuffs.

22:03 *** Quits: Pony_36538 (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-ta39jq.as43234.net) (Connection closed)

22:03 <Cepheid> Aye.

22:06 *** Quits: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-a0b.r35.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

22:09 * Heartbreak peeks.

22:10 <Cepheid> And that's for killing me!  *Backstabs enemy twice, then slaughters.*

22:10 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

22:10 <Cepheid> Hum.  He gave me his Halberd.  Winged Knight Halberd.  Can't use it though.

22:11 <RazorSharpFang> getting a ping of 400ms. Yes.

22:13 <Cepheid> Now if I can just find me a light armour set.  49% weight ratio hurts my rolling more than I'd like.  Plus I'm playing a variant build I'd normally never try.  Shieldless, spear.

22:14 *** SleepFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

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22:19 *** Joins: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal_Nig@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

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22:26 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-o4o8gs.dab.02.net)

22:27 * Cepheid locks onto a dog, goes to attack. Misses the dog, hits a random, non-aggressive NPC instead.

22:29 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (uid70061@Pony-hjmm97.highgate.irccloud.com)

22:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> Quick question, have there been any episodes of ponies with both starlight glimmer and trixie in aside from the s6 finale

22:32 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-7u5.lh3.24.65.IP)

22:36 *** Joins: VinylScratch (WebChat@Pony-ta39jq.as43234.net)

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22:36 <VinylScratch> Having an odd trillian derp, lol

22:36 <Phantasma_Eeria> I'm confused

22:37 <VinylScratch> Hmm?

22:37 <Phantasma_Eeria> What's an "odd trillian derp" as you put it

22:37 <Phantasma_Eeria> Also how are you VinylScratch

22:38 <VinylScratch> I mean my client is being silly, not logging in normally...using canternets site to login right now

22:38 <VinylScratch> its not even connecting to canternet, but its fine elsewhere

22:38 <Hamtramck> Phantasma: The one where they become best friends from early in the season?

22:38 *** Joins: Asoka_White (Asoka@Pony-j42rhi.net-htp.de)

22:39 <Cepheid> I... what.

22:39 <Cepheid> I got the Symbol of Avarice on my first mimic kill.

22:39 <Cepheid> This is madness.

22:39 <Phantasma_Eeria> That's unfortunate Vinyl I now have the sudden urge to draw a metamorphosed changeling OC, also Hamtramck yeah, I asked some other ponies as well and found the episode that's missing from my repertoire

22:40 <Phantasma_Eeria> Cepheid: what game

22:40 <Finwe> Mr Phantasma_Eeria.

22:40 * Finwe doffs his hat.

22:40 <Cepheid> Dark Souls III.

22:40 * Cepheid equips it. It's better than what he has, and it makes his head look like a mimic chest!

22:40 <Phantasma_Eeria> Heya Finwe

22:40 <Finwe> o3o

22:41 <Phantasma_Eeria> Cepheid: how many times you been slaughteratonated

22:41 <Finwe> I just watched the season finale.

22:41 <Phantasma_Eeria> Awesome

22:41 <Cepheid> Nevermind.  This thing drains my health as I just painfully found out.

22:41 <Finwe> That kind of wraps it all up.

22:41 <Phantasma_Eeria> The irony wins again

22:41 <Cepheid> Phantasma_Eeria:  So far, about 5 or 6 times.

22:41 <Finwe> Time for S6 Ponytron soon.

22:41 <Phantasma_Eeria> Ponytron?

22:41 *** Quits: Asoka (Asoka@Pony-jm0pu7.net-htp.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:42 <Phantasma_Eeria> Cepheid: are you still doing the tutorial or something, if not you're doing it wrong

22:42 <Cepheid> Oh, heavens no.

22:42 <Cepheid> I'm at the second boss.  Just clearing out the first area of everything I can claim first.

22:43 <Phantasma_Eeria> You're doing it wrong if you haven't died at least 900 times before the end of the first quest

22:43 <Cepheid> I'm reasonably decent at Souls games.

22:43 <Cepheid> It's not unexpected.

22:43 <Hamtramck> I've only ever played the first Dark Souls :I

22:43 <Phantasma_Eeria> That still only cuts it down to 899 times

22:43 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com)

22:44 <Cepheid> I'm shieldless and using a spear, which makes it all the more... interesting.

22:44 <Phantasma_Eeria> I need to get one of the games...I enjoy a challenge...which for this game is an understatement...also how the hell have you been doing so well with just a spear

22:44 <Cepheid> *Shrugs*

22:44 <Cepheid> I dunno.

22:44 <Hamtramck> I need to play more Shadow Tower Abyss

22:45 <Hamtramck> Especially since I have a PC that can emulate PS2 games decently

22:45 <Phantasma_Eeria> Jeez you're making us all look bad...which we probably are...but that's beside the point

22:45 *** Joins: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-e4h.1nr.207.187.IP)

22:45 * Changeling_Nightmares hats on Phantasma_Eeria

22:45 <Librarianalt> owo

22:45 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-o4o8gs.dab.02.net) (Quit: Bye)

22:45 * Phantasma_Eeria forces Changeling_Nightmares to share love with her

22:46 * Changeling_Nightmares nomfs Eeria's ears.

22:46 <Cepheid> I am not *THAT* good.

22:46 <Cepheid> There are people who've finished the game with just hand-to-hand.

22:46 <Cepheid> No weapons at all.

22:46 <Phantasma_Eeria> You're still making us look bad

22:47 * Phantasma_Eeria snugs Changeling_Nightmares

22:47 * Changeling_Nightmares purr.

22:48 <FruitNibbler> What game Cepheid ?

22:48 * Phantasma_Eeria turns into an alicorn baby and destroys the chat room...and the crystal heart

22:48 <Phantasma_Eeria> FruitNibbler: dark souls III

22:48 <FruitNibbler> AH that one

22:48 <FruitNibbler> For those who like struggles

22:49 <Phantasma_Eeria> Or in Cepheid's case "For those who like making others look bad"

22:49 <FruitNibbler> I prefer hard games that have less "cheap death" mechanics though

22:49 <Hamtramck> * Soul's dificulty seemed kind of overstated

22:50 <FruitNibbler> Hamtramck, it is not even that for me

22:50 <FruitNibbler> I dislike "random sudden death" mechanics in games

22:50 <Hamtramck> Yeah DS1 definitely had some of those

22:50 <RazorSharpFang> Dark souls is less about mechanical difficulty than strength of spirit.

22:50 <Hamtramck> Also the curse mechanic with the basilisks

22:50 <RazorSharpFang> Dark souls more a test of patience and endurance.

22:51 <FruitNibbler> I prefer something that you can predict, avoid, fight or overcome with certain set of skills and knowledge

22:51 <Cepheid> And that's death #7 or so.

22:51 <RazorSharpFang> FruitNibbler: That sounds exactly like dark souls

22:51 <FruitNibbler> I had flawless runs in first hitman

22:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> RazorSharpFang: you should try playing Dungeons and Dragons with my group...then tell me what's a test of patience and endurance

22:52 <FruitNibbler> I know what patience and endurance is

22:52 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (Pony49578@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

22:52 <FruitNibbler> What I loved in Hitman, btw, is that it has persistency and consistency

22:52 <Phantasma_Eeria> As do I, otherwise I'd probably have been arrested for GBH and assault by now

22:52 <FruitNibbler> Your enemies are numbered, and never poof into existence or teleport around the corner

22:53 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@thanks.gun.god) (Quit: Leaving)

22:53 <FruitNibbler> It all is predictable from the real world mechanics point of view

22:53 <Jet_Cirrus> back

22:54 <FruitNibbler> I hate games with bullet sponge, endless spawn and random spawn mechanics

22:54 <Jet_Cirrus> D&D?

22:54 <Phantasma_Eeria> What about D&D

22:54 <Jet_Cirrus> you play

22:54 <Phantasma_Eeria> I do indeed

22:54 <Jet_Cirrus> lucky

22:54 <Hamtramck> Yeah hitsponges annoy me a lot

22:54 <FruitNibbler> When I visited this room, and then a crowd runs out of it, you failed as a developer in my opinion

22:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> Jet_Cirrus: why am I lucky

22:55 <FruitNibbler> Or when I can see an enemy poof right before my eyes

22:55 <Jet_Cirrus> i wish i knew how to play and have people to play with

22:55 <FruitNibbler> That is lazy and untalented

22:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> You can view online copies of the hand books and there's a site called Roll20 that lets you play with people online Jet_Cirrus

22:56 <FruitNibbler> Dumb & Dumber?

22:56 <Jet_Cirrus> :D

22:57 <Jet_Cirrus> so www.roll20.com

22:57 <Phantasma_Eeria> FruitNibbler: when my groups involved that's somewhat accurate

22:57 <Phantasma_Eeria> Yeah

22:57 *** Quits: Librarianalt (Librarianal@Pony-e4h.1nr.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

22:58 <Cepheid> Whelp, that's the last room I know of explored.  Few bits I gotta do, then I can move onto the boss.

22:58 *** Joins: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-5qp7nf.res.rr.com)

22:58 <Phantasma_Eeria> That's the right one, also I'm sure if you ask about the rules every so often the group you're in should help you a little, just don't go mental, PM me if you need a rule check Jet

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22:59 *** Quits: VinylScratch (WebChat@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Page closed)

22:59 *** Quits: Sombra (Iceman@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

23:00 * Heartbreak boops Phantasma_Eeria with a gloved hoof.

23:00 * Phantasma_Eeria boops Heartbreak with a pecan pie and wonders why she's doing a Michael Jackson impression

23:00 <Heartbreak> Cause changelings.

23:01 <Hamtramck> Oh so I'm trying to translation hack some other game -- Lunatic Dawn 2 (the steam version) -- and it has a... it's just the .exe and a .pac file and the .pac file contains all the data but I have no idea what's compressed and what isn't. There's definitely uncompressed text in there,

23:01 <Phantasma_Eeria> Any new chapters, or has jet had things going on? Also I approve of your raisins Heartbreak

23:01 <Heartbreak> raisins?

23:02 <Heartbreak> Jet has had things going on. He's also working on an art project.

23:02 <Phantasma_Eeria> Oh I heard about that, apparently it's going well so far

23:02 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-7d4e2d.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP)

23:03 <Heartbreak> He did let me answer a facebook question though, that being "If the doctor could take me anywhere, where would it be?"

23:03 <Phantasma_Eeria> Also raisins are for when somepony's reasons stretch the boundaries a little

23:03 <Heartbreak> I had a simple answer for that.

23:03 <Heartbreak> "Home."

23:03 <Phantasma_Eeria> Court

23:03 * Cepheid checks a bloodstain. "Always fun to watch players get hit by stuff they couldn't see."

23:03 <Phantasma_Eeria> Dammit

23:03 <Phantasma_Eeria> I was close

23:04 * Heartbreak rolls her eyes.

23:04 <Heartbreak> I need a shower.

23:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> Cepheid: that's how wargaming must feel watching me play world of tanks

23:04 * Phantasma_Eeria pours water over Heartbreak "that help?"

23:05 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: To work)

23:05 * Phantasma_Eeria yawns "night ponies!"

23:05 <RazorSharpFang> FruitNibbler: Enemies in Dark Souls are numbered, what you're suggesting falls when in line with DS

23:06 <FruitNibbler> Not unless you die and have to return your souls and items

23:06 <FruitNibbler> Enemies you killed are then back where they were

23:06 <Cepheid> Yeah, but in that case you know what's along the path.

23:06 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (uid70061@Pony-hjmm97.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: )

23:07 <Cepheid> You use that knowledge to plan retrievals.

23:07 <RazorSharpFang> They're still numbered.

23:07 <FruitNibbler> Still not "persistent"

23:07 <RazorSharpFang> You know exactly how many enemies exist between you and the boss.

23:07 <RazorSharpFang> In Dark Souls 2, enemies slaughtered enough stop spawning.

23:07 <Hamtramck> That's a mechanc I approve of tbh

23:08 <Hamtramck> DS1's respawning enemies in and of itself wasn't that bad but you got some like

23:08 <RazorSharpFang> It does put a cork on grinding though.

23:08 <Hamtramck> dumb hitspongey ones that respawned

23:08 <FruitNibbler> Not that simple, since some enmies roam

23:08 <RazorSharpFang> Very few do, I thought.

23:08 <RazorSharpFang> They mostly just stand there.

23:08 <FruitNibbler> So you do risk getting jumped by more than one type of enemy if not a small crowd

23:08 <Hamtramck> So i was playing Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete earlier this year and the flow of the dungeons felt off to me.

23:08 <Cepheid> Now you're just being extremely picky.

23:08 <FruitNibbler> You can get "unlicky" in DS with that

23:09 * RazorSharpFang is struggling to think of a SINGLE roaming monster...

23:09 <Cepheid> And trying to pick apart a game that's similar to that of another game.

23:09 <Hamtramck> After playing the original Eternal Blue, I realized that part of that is because EBC gets rid of random encounters.

23:09 <Hamtramck> And since you can See the enemies on the map, you spend more time running from them than just dealing with them

23:09 <Hamtramck> And it kind of interupts the flow

23:09 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid, that is still a "roll of a dice" type mechanic, which I don't like

23:09 <Cepheid> Hitman is similar.  Sure, enemies stay persistently dead, but I would imagine they respawn if you die or fail a mission.

23:09 <Cepheid> ...

23:09 <Cepheid> If you don't like roll of a dice, then don't play games.

23:09 <Cepheid> Because all of them are going to have that.

23:09 <RazorSharpFang> Not all games.

23:09 <FruitNibbler> Ha, but you see, Hitman has a very consistent logic to enemy movement

23:10 <RazorSharpFang> Some games are purely deterministic.

23:10 <Cepheid> Yeah, but very rarely, RazorSharpFang.

23:10 <Hamtramck> fwiw I sort of prefered the old King's Field games for their exploration aspect and like, bleak, low-poly worlds

23:10 <FruitNibbler> A server moves between kitchen and the restaurant, aside for smoke breaks at the exit

23:10 <Cepheid> FruitNibbler:  So far, almost every enemy I've seen in this game has followed a distinct pattern.

23:10 <Hamtramck> Also the original Shadow Tower is terrifying

23:10 <FruitNibbler> A guard moves along the guarding path

23:10 <Cepheid> For movement.  It's easy to predict what enemy will be where, and timing is a thing.

23:10 <RazorSharpFang> FruitNibbler: I can NOT think of a SINGLE roaming entity.

23:10 <Hamtramck> Dark Souls 1 was pretty deterministic in terms of enemy placement

23:11 <Hamtramck> The only enemies that sort of got off track were like, ones that could float through walls

23:11 <FruitNibbler> The only randomised elements are the general public, but they are a non-issue since they don't walk in restricted areas where you are not allowed to be

23:11 <Cepheid> I stand by my statement.  You're picking apart a game that is similar to another game that you play.

23:11 <RazorSharpFang> There were the mushrooms, but they didn't even ATTACK you

23:11 <Cepheid> RazorSharpFang:  In Dark Souls III, there's a lot more roaming enemies.

23:11 <FruitNibbler> Hitman is easy to grasp by these ques

23:11 <Cepheid> But like Hitman, they followed a distinct pattern.

23:11 <RazorSharpFang> Cepheid: That might make the game more interesting.

23:12 <FruitNibbler> I am not sure which DS that was, but I was ganked by tree people and a crystal monster at the same time

23:12 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by We Are Borg: Hasbro Promises More Guardians of Harmony Fan Series Figures [ http://tinyurl.com/hpl8ocg ]

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23:12 <RazorSharpFang> crystal monster? AND tree people?

23:12 <FruitNibbler> Trees stay in place, while the crystal one does wander

23:13 <Hamtramck> OH! Shadow Tower Abyss had dismemberment mechanics. That'd be cool in Dark Souls.

23:13 <RazorSharpFang> Were you near the hydra?

23:13 <Hamtramck> Might make it too easy but i mean it was cool

23:13 <FruitNibbler> RazorSharpFang, no idea, it was long ago, and I don't know the lore/locations to identify it

23:14 <Cepheid> Dark Souls, definitely.

23:14 <Cepheid> I know which area you're talking about.

23:14 <FruitNibbler> To me that was a bit where you run with a lantern in the darkness and there is a forest/swamp around you

23:14 <FruitNibbler> Some trees come to life and attack you

23:14 <RazorSharpFang> Lots of water?

23:15 <RazorSharpFang> Sand?

23:15 <Cepheid> They don't just "spawn" though.  The tree monsters and crystal monsters in specific are static to their location.  If you figure out where they are, it's easy to murder one at a time.

23:15 <Hamtramck> https://kayin.moe/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/img_573d20dc8b12e.png oh huh I didn't know the mushroom guys went that far back

23:15 <FruitNibbler> Can't say for sure, it was too long ago to remember vividly and with details

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23:16 <Goatroth> Sounds like Darkroot Basin.

23:16 <RazorSharpFang> Yeah, they're very fixed and static. And all this information is available online too.

23:16 <RazorSharpFang> Goatroth: That's what I'm thinking of.

23:17 <Hamtramck> So what I actually really dislike about DS is that it autosaves after everything

23:17 <FruitNibbler> I remember that I "solved" that bit by luring enemies one-by-one towards the bit that I already cleared

23:17 <Hamtramck> Which made me not want to experiment

23:17 <FruitNibbler> Oh, there were also giant knights that would wake up

23:17 <Hamtramck> Because I could potentially run out of items that i'd hve to like grind to get back or just COULDN'T rebuy

23:17 <FruitNibbler> Some would not attack me tho

23:17 <Goatroth> Darkroot Basin. Definitely.

23:17 <RazorSharpFang> Hamtramck: Yeah, that's true I suppose. If you're on PC you might be able to go into offline mode and save-scum.

23:18 <Hamtramck> Razor you'd have to like alt+F4 when you die

23:18 <Hamtramck> I mean I guess you can backup saves tho

23:18 <RazorSharpFang> Hamtramck: Back up save, try, replace save.

23:18 <RazorSharpFang> Bind to macro F5 -> F9

23:18 <RazorSharpFang> quicksave \o/

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23:19 <RazorSharpFang> OR, you could run dark souls in a VM and use snapshots. : P

23:19 <RazorSharpFang> *virtualbox has stopped responding*

23:19 <Goatroth> Or you could just git gud.

23:19 <RazorSharpFang> gud is relative and open to interpretation.

23:19 <RazorSharpFang> If someone learns how to manipulate save files, they've "gitten gud".

23:20 <Cepheid> Dark Souls thrives on "Dealing with the consequences of your actions."

23:20 <Goatroth> Or inactions.

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23:20 <RazorSharpFang> I like to equip the chest on my head and afk. : P

23:21 <Cepheid> That is a bad idea.

23:21 <Cepheid> As I found out rather quickly just walking around with it.

23:22 *** SunsetShimmer is now known as Tracer

23:22 <Cepheid> Got lucky with that thing on my first mimic kill.

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23:22 <RazorSharpFang> I didn't realise you still took damage with it at the bonfire.

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23:22 <RazorSharpFang> So I died and then died again

23:22 <RazorSharpFang> goodbye souls

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23:23 <Cepheid> Heh.

23:24 <Goatroth> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDyspWT1lU0

23:24 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:24 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Dark Souls - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder Meets Metal

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23:30 *** Changeling_Nightmares is now known as Surreal_Nightmares

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23:40 <Lumindia> (x) Shaun!

23:41 *** Quits: Fall (FallSilent@silently) (Quit: )

23:44 <Cepheid> Now there's a mechanic we can all agree was stupid and ridiculous.

23:47 <Lumindia> (X) Shaun!

23:49 <Cepheid> (X) Shaun!

23:49 *** Quits: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-5qp7nf.res.rr.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

23:49 <Cepheid> (X)  Tracer!

23:49 <Tracer> o.o

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