Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Wednesday, 2017-07-26

00:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #2331 [ http://tinyurl.com/y8k4u7dd ]

00:06 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

00:10 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:19 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi) (Connection closed)

00:20 <Schism> Back.

00:20 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi)

00:24 *** Joins: Vulpor (Vulpor@Pony-0km94i.64-150-142-net.sccoast.net)

00:28 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net)

00:43 *** Quits: Vulpor (Vulpor@Pony-0km94i.64-150-142-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

00:55 *** Joins: The_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-rd0.sil.181.195.IP)

00:55 *** Lord_Greener is now known as Pony_35751

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00:56 *** The_Greener is now known as Lord_Greener

00:57 *** Quits: Tempo (SamShmuck@Pony-ih6ng0.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)

01:00 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

01:01 *** Quits: Heartbreak (Heartbreak@Pony-mfbnbf.mn.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

01:03 *** Joins: totient (quassel@Pony-i6b3ro.fios.verizon.net)

01:03 * Golden yawns.

01:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Illustrious Q: Amazon Reveals the Covers for Books, Books, and More Books! [ http://tinyurl.com/ybmw42ow ]

01:13 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

01:29 *** Joins: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol)

01:32 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-tadf6a.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

01:38 * Thelema5|away tapdances across the channel

01:38 *** Thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

01:44 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-io3.5ti.38.47.IP)

01:44 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-t9mmj4.as43234.net)

01:45 <Thelema5> I bought a treasure-trove of 1970's educational records designed for elementary school classrooms at a garage sale, $.50 each

01:45 <Thelema5> I'm listening to them now- they're priceless and I NEED to record them all for youtube

01:45 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:46 <Thelema5> There are no copies of them online as far as I can tell

01:47 <Verandure> What subjects?

01:48 <Thelema5> Perceptual motor skills, rhythmn skills, etc

01:48 <Thelema5> One has 14 songs based upon the motion of 14 different animals with a narrator describing how the kids should move to imitate the animals

01:49 <Verandure> Ah, that type of thing.

01:50 <Verandure> That's pretty cool.

01:51 <Thelema5> Yeah

01:54 <Thelema5> Stuff like this: http://i.imgur.com/3flplCt.jpg

01:54 <Thelema5> I can't wait to get them all online

01:54 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-t9mmj4.as43234.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:57 *** Joins: Firestar (AndChat4389@You.Know.Who.It.Is)

01:59 <Verandure> I can't even find that disk in Fratturo's catalog.

02:03 <Thelema5> I was dumb and only bought a couple of them at first... after listening to those I went back and bought out their whole collection

02:03 * Firestar unleashes Corgis

02:03 <Thelema5> The old woman who was selling them was just happy to see them go to "someone who will appreciate them". lol

02:04 <Verandure> I assume she was a teacher circa 1960?

02:04 <Thelema5> Yes, a nice old woman in her 80's

02:04 <Thelema5> :p

02:04 <Verandure> Nice =P

02:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Extended Preview for Movie Prequel Comic #2  [ http://tinyurl.com/y84jbvac ]

02:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #1149 [ http://tinyurl.com/ybfawojg ]

02:06 *** Quits: Bubs (crap@Pony-b0hqft.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:09 <Thelema5> Here's one I picked up https://www.etsy.com/listing/385456784/mr-pickwick-the-fun-learn-company-sing

02:10 <FruitNibbler> Speaking of old people

02:10 <Thelema5> Actually, no- that's a rerelease

02:10 <FruitNibbler> Some senior citizen drove into a skate park yesterday, parked between ramps and yelled at kids "don't skate in a parking lot!"

02:10 <FruitNibbler> I laughed

02:11 <Thelema5> Hah!

02:11 <Thelema5> Is she okay?

02:12 <FruitNibbler> No idea. Could not wait to see it develop: had frozen pizzas melting in my backpack

02:13 <Thelema5> Gotta save teh pizza

02:14 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi) (Connection closed)

02:15 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi)

02:16 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-pk0.ljs.188.75.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

02:19 *** Joins: Bubs (crap@Pony-b0hqft.nl)

02:23 <Golden> Welp I managed to do something funny

02:25 <Verandure> What'd you do?

02:27 <Golden> (First some back ground.) I recently got hired as a body actor for minecraft youtubers. Today was my first day on set with others that were more professional in the body acting scene for some rp videos

02:28 <Golden> I couldn't get the head bobbing for the lines a bit. Then the Director started to quote "The Room"

02:30 <Verandure> I don't know what any of that means.

02:33 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com)

02:34 <Golden> Ah. Well The Room is a so bad it's good movie. Body acting is where people move the body/head to the lines the director says so that way the editors can put the lines from voice actors in without the voice actors being there for the scene

02:43 *** Joins: KooK (KooK_@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com)

02:44 <KooK> harble barble

02:44 <KooK> Fun Fact, Moana is on Netflix and it's not bad

02:45 <FruitNibbler> I didn't hit her I did not, I swear I did NOT hit her Oh hello Golden

02:45 <KooK> wat

02:46 <FruitNibbler> Golden> I couldn't get the head bobbing for the lines a bit. Then the Director started to quote "The Room"

02:48 *** Joins: Sombra (Jive@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

02:49 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> FruitNibbler, what is line?

02:50 <Schism> Badump, shoes on, store run...

02:50 <FruitNibbler> The_Nostalgia_Mare, you should ask Golden

02:50 <FruitNibbler> I have no idea

02:50 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Golden, what is line?

02:50 <Golden> Oh god

02:51 <Schism> Hmm, so...

02:51 <Schism> A line is a series of points defined by a function, which is by definition infinite in scope.

02:52 <Golden> FruitNibbler that was the exact line except the "Oh hello Golden" at the end

02:53 *** Quits: CocoPommel (androirc@Pony-ap8dnm.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:54 <FruitNibbler> The most famous line

02:54 <FruitNibbler> XD

02:54 <KooK> EQD Needs a discord channel these days.

02:56 <Sombra> No, germs

02:57 <Verandure> There is one.

02:59 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

03:03 *** Joins: CocoPommel (androirc@Pony-ap8dnm.res.rr.com)

03:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Rebecca Shoichet Takes Home People's Choice Award From BTVA Awards [ http://tinyurl.com/yd7orlcn ]

03:05 <FruitNibbler> https://imgur.com/gallery/guZVfJD?

03:05 <FruitNibbler> I have seen something similar last saturday at the pool

03:05 <FruitNibbler> There's always that one guy that flops from the highest one

03:11 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

03:12 *** Joins: The_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-rd0.sil.181.195.IP)

03:12 *** Lord_Greener is now known as Pony_13823

03:13 *** The_Greener is now known as Lord_Greener

03:13 *** Quits: Pony_13823 (The_Greene@Pony-rd0.sil.181.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:18 <Schism> Back...

03:19 <Verandure> Welcome back.

03:19 <Schism> Still don't have my chocobo yet, but that's okay, it can wait a bit longer.

03:19 <Schism> My chocobo is going to be a lovely forest green, a fine colour for a birb.  o3o

03:22 *** Quits: Firestar (AndChat4389@You.Know.Who.It.Is) (Quit: Bye)

03:29 *** Ali|BGN is now known as Ali

03:38 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story Updates - July 25th [ http://tinyurl.com/y92fp3ct ]

03:41 <Ali> Be wary of a wild Night_Blitz then, its a resident chocobo Schism

03:42 <Schism> Shall keep an eye out.

03:42 <Ali> Though it nly likes to wark and floof I think :P

03:49 *** Quits: KooK (KooK_@Pony-t2bvrf.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

03:54 *** Joins: sagenight54321 (sagenight@Pony-c6643g.fidnet.com)

03:58 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- IRC with a difference)

04:02 <sagenight54321> hi

04:03 *** Quits: sagenight54321 (sagenight@Pony-c6643g.fidnet.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

04:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Rock Music: Quicksilver - Set Sail / MathematicPony - Just Waiting (Francis Vace Cover) [ http://tinyurl.com/ybrtqdj2 ]

04:10 *** Joins: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain)

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04:10 *** Joins: Reia_Sleep (chatzilla@Pony-sm9hhb.ipv6.telus.net)

04:11 <Schism> Myrum.  Sleeeeep...

04:11 <Schism> And when I awaken, my chocobo will be a lovely forest green.

04:11 <Schism> Cepheid: You should colour your chocobo before you sleep.

04:17 <Schism> It would, of course, be helpful if Cepheid were here.

04:26 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)

04:26 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

04:36 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

04:37 <Thelema5> Hiyo

04:39 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

04:43 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi) (Connection closed)

04:44 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)

04:44 <Schism> Darnit.  Too awake to sleep...

04:46 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi)

04:46 <Schism> Heee!  http://freefall.purrsia.com/ - I like Sam's worldview.

04:57 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles) (Quit: Ping timeout: -1 second)

04:59 <Schism> ...

05:00 <Schism> A recent document which has come to light in the shooting of a civilian by law enforcement officers, a civilian who herself called the police, states that the woman 'became deceased' following police action.

05:03 <Schism> Language should not be abused in such a manner.

05:04 *** Joins: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-qa9.khr.109.50.IP)

05:09 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Compilation Album: Lycan Dese Beats - Beats Me 3 Released! [ http://tinyurl.com/yapomr7c ]

05:13 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi) (Connection closed)

05:15 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi)

05:18 *** Joins: AndChat|508 (AndChat508@Pony-h17.2n0.38.50.IP)

05:21 *** Quits: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-qa9.khr.109.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:21 <Golden> Good night everyone

05:22 *** Quits: AndChat|508 (AndChat508@Pony-h17.2n0.38.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:27 *** Joins: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-ae4.u94.38.50.IP)

05:38 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-sed.4af.146.49.IP)

05:45 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

05:58 *** Quits: Sombra (Jive@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

06:06 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-i02.i66.222.203.IP)

06:13 *** Joins: The_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-rd0.sil.181.195.IP)

06:13 *** Lord_Greener is now known as Pony_41805

06:14 *** The_Greener is now known as Lord_Greener

06:14 *** Quits: Pony_41805 (The_Greene@Pony-rd0.sil.181.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:36 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-ipa9up.res.rr.com)

06:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

06:37 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

06:42 *** Joins: Firestar (AndChat4389@You.Know.Who.It.Is)

06:46 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

06:47 <RazorSharpFang> I'm excited for the new rick and morty season

06:48 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (Pony95075@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

06:54 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-io3.5ti.38.47.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

06:55 *** Joins: patrick (patrick@Pony-vjtdko.cg.shawcable.net)

06:55 *** patrick is now known as Starwatcher

06:56 <Starwatcher> <poof>

06:56 <Starwatcher> hi everypony

06:59 <Finwe> Greetings, Starwatcher.

06:59 <Starwatcher> hai

06:59 <Finwe> Anything new amongst the celestial bodies?

06:59 <Starwatcher> alas, not tonight ^_^

06:59 <Starwatcher> how are you?

07:00 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-5tk6g9.nhc3.ssum.0701.2601.IP)

07:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h CleverDerpy

07:00 <CleverDerpy> derpy was lonely...

07:00 * CleverDerpy sits and derps

07:00 <ConfusionRift> RazorSharpFang: That's one I have to catch up to.

07:01 <Starwatcher> hey Derpy ^_^

07:01 <RazorSharpFang> I'm thinking of watching Pinocchio (1940, Disney)

07:01 <RazorSharpFang> Will its copyright have expired by now?

07:02 <ConfusionRift> Eeerm... huh?

07:02 <CleverDerpy> RazorSharpFang, that question is complicated

07:02 <RazorSharpFang> As is anything involving copyright law.

07:02 <CleverDerpy> Disney messed with copyright laws for their own stuff

07:03 * ConfusionRift pets CleverDerpy, pats Starwatcher, and salutes RAdm. Finwe.

07:03 * CleverDerpy purrs

07:03 <Finwe> Lt Cdrs CleverDerpy and ConfusionRift.

07:03 <ConfusionRift> Copyright or not, I don't think it changes anything.

07:03 <Finwe> o7

07:03 <CleverDerpy> RAdm. Finwe

07:03 * CleverDerpy salutes

07:03 * Finwe hugs the CleverDerpy.

07:03 <CleverDerpy> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift

07:03 * CleverDerpy salutes as well

07:03 <Finwe> Nopony shall be lonely here.

07:04 <CleverDerpy> I am happy now

07:04 <Finwe> :3

07:04 <CleverDerpy> happy derpy~

07:04 <ConfusionRift> Also, to my understanding, Pinocchio was created by someone else, not Walt Disney.

07:05 <ConfusionRift> Or a division of Disney.

07:05 <Starwatcher> derpy you are much loved.

07:05 *** Quits: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-1haq45.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:05 <CleverDerpy> ConfusionRift, it's fair to note that Disney has messed with and frozen copyright on certain films and animation for a certain time period beyond hisdeath, I don't agree with it, i'm just reporting it

07:05 * CleverDerpy huggles ConfusionRift and Starwatcher too

07:06 <ConfusionRift> Uuurgh, have seen some versions of it that are... wow.

07:08 <CleverDerpy> derpy needs Starwatcher

07:08 <CleverDerpy> to give them a cookie~

07:08 * CleverDerpy places a cookie on their head

07:10 <Starwatcher> =D

07:10 * Starwatcher noms happily

07:11 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: Pinocchio was written by Carlo Collodi.

07:12 * ConfusionRift nods.

07:12 <Finwe> 1883, long before Walt Disney and cartoons.

07:13 <CleverDerpy> Finwe, I has cookie for you too

07:15 *** Quits: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-ae4.u94.38.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:15 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Illustrious Q: My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel #2 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion! [ http://tinyurl.com/yadwvaq5 ]

07:15 <Starwatcher> mmm... darn it

07:15 <Starwatcher> cloverpony is a really good friend of mine

07:15 <Starwatcher> been a while since we talked

07:17 *** Joins: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-e6s0td.mobile.att.net)

07:17 <ConfusionRift> Found it!

07:17 *** Quits: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-e6s0td.mobile.att.net) (Quit: Bye)

07:17 *** Joins: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-vft.00e.38.50.IP)

07:17 <ConfusionRift> I meant the Pinocchio version. It was interesting, and creepy at times.

07:25 <Finwe> CleverDerpy: Thank you, I'll nom on it after lunch. o3o

07:29 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:36 *** Quits: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-vft.00e.38.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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07:42 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

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07:43 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-h897fc.qaqv.r2ue.030a.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

07:48 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Nini ponies. Love you all)

07:55 *** Quits: Starwatcher (patrick@off) (Quit: sleeping)

07:56 *** Joins: Sombra (Jive@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

07:57 *** Quits: CloverPhone (AndChat508@Pony-nfd.8ok.109.50.IP) (Quit: Bye)

08:10 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-tadf6a.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

08:31 * Finwe returns from lunch.

08:38 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:38 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

09:18 *** Joins: FedoraMane (Ponies@Nopony.Important)

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09:31 * ConfusionRift flops.

09:35 * Finwe flips.

09:39 *** Joins: Arteshi (Arteshi@Pony-vhb68m.il.comcast.net)

09:49 *** Quits: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-sed.4af.146.49.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

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10:27 *** Joins: Darki (DK@Pony-94c7k2.com)

10:33 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-ipa9up.res.rr.com) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

10:35 *** Quits: Sombra (Jive@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

10:40 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-iurnlq.as43234.net)

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10:47 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi)

10:58 *** Joins: Nedemai (Nedemai@fluttershy.is.best.pony)

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11:04 *** Joins: DerpingAimlessly (DerpingAiml@Pony-jv3.jjn.225.60.IP)

11:11 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #927 [ http://tinyurl.com/ybg6g3ay ]

11:19 *** Quits: Firestar (AndChat4389@You.Know.Who.It.Is) (Quit: Bye)

11:25 *** Quits: DerpingAimlessly (DerpingAiml@Pony-jv3.jjn.225.60.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

11:31 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

11:32 <Finwe> o3o

11:47 <Schism> "If you can't be a shining example, at least be a hideous object lesson."

11:47 <Schism> rAdm. Finwe.

11:47 * Schism doffs his broccoli in cheese sauce.

11:48 <Tirek> I gotta setup the double boiler, I've yet to have broccoli with cheese.

11:48 <Tirek> I've had buttered broccoli, it was the worst thing I've ever consumed.

11:48 <Tirek> (I ate it anyway, though, because I need to eat healthier.)

11:50 <Schism> Tirek: In this case, the cheese sauce is a can of cheddar cheese condensed soup.  While certainly not healthy, and indeed likely to counteract all those vitamins and minerals in the broccoli, it is nonetheless tasty.

11:54 <Tirek> I'd probably just get a couple of cubes of cheddar, set up the double boiler, and make some fondue.

11:54 <Tirek> Which is probably worse.

11:54 <Schism> Oh, I dunno, I think it balances out.

11:54 <Schism> But fondue is good for more than just broccoli, of course.

11:54 <Tirek> Indeed.

11:54 <Schism> Kinda want celery with fondue, now.

11:55 <Tirek> Celery is probably one of those things I can tolerate eating plain. Since it has very little taste to begin with.

11:55 <Schism> But why eat it plain when you can put peanut butter on it?

11:55 <Tirek> You speak to my inner child.

11:55 <Schism> I take it this is a good thing.

11:55 <Tirek> Indeed.

11:56 <Tirek> Except when its not.

11:56 <Schism> Peanut butter and - possibly - raisins.

11:56 <Tirek> Man, dried fruit in general is so good.

11:56 <Tirek> All the flavor of real fruit, without the benefits.

11:56 <Schism> Yuss.  Forget chocolate, the best part of trail mix is the candied pineapple and mango.

11:57 <Tirek> I just buy those in little half pound bags by themselves.

11:57 <Schism> Hee.  We've got a Bulk Barn nearby; I should stop in and pick up some of that.

11:58 <Tirek> My taste buds are all screwed up. I hate sour things, and most fruit tastes sour to me.

11:58 <Tirek> Sweet cherries. Grapes. Apples.

11:58 <Schism> Well, apples can sometimes be quite tart, s'true.  Even sour cherries.

11:58 <Schism> Er, sweet cherries.

11:59 <Tirek> Only fruit I've had that has always tasted sweet are bananas. I eat a lot of bananas as a result.

11:59 <Tirek> Gotta fuel the banana republics.

11:59 <Schism> I maintain that banana sandwiches with peanut butter and miracle whip are of the good.

12:00 <Tirek> I've never had a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Something in the back of my mind is telling me the sandwich is less than the sum of its parts.

12:01 <Finwe> Mr Schism.

12:01 * Finwe doffs his hat.

12:01 <Schism> Well, I do admittedly prefer some peanut butter and honey on toast, with a banana and a glass of milk to the side.

12:01 <Finwe> Oh, and Mr Tirek.

12:01 * Finwe redoffs his hat.

12:02 <Tirek> I find I like jams with no additional sugar added, and I'm tempted to get light peanut butter as well.

12:02 <Tirek> I'm trying to cut back on the sugar in general, since that's a pretty big catalyst in weight gain.

12:03 <Tirek> But cutting back is difficult, seeing as, as an American, I'm addicted to sweet things.

12:04 <Schism> Noooo, avoid the light peanut butter.  Trust me.

12:04 <Schism> Jams without additional sugar, though, are great.

12:04 <Schism> 'Light' or 'low-fat' foods, while ostensibly 'healthier', make up for the lack of long-chain carbohydrates and fats with simple sugars.

12:05 <Tirek> Hm.

12:05 <Tirek> I'll brb, I need to acquire breakfast.

12:09 <Schism> "What's that computer doing?" "It is trying to make tea." "Good, I approve of that."

12:11 <Tirek> Back.

12:11 <Tirek> I sure do love hackers in TF2. Our whole team gets whiped by this one huntsman sniper.

12:18 <Schism> Blech.

12:25 <Braixen> yo

12:37 * Finwe hats on Braixen.

12:37 * Braixen squeaks

12:39 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

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14:05 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

14:05 <Thelema5> Hello everypony

14:06 <Finwe> Hello, Thelema5!

14:07 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

14:11 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: New Zealand Company "Deadly Ponies" Scoops Up the MLP License for Super Limited Handbags   [ http://tinyurl.com/ycp2ld3j ]

14:14 <Thelema5> "After a long process of elimination, [Deadly Pony] chose three key ponies- Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Apple Jack- as the nucleus of the collection"

14:15 <Thelema5> A line of designer handbags and AJ gets featured?  Rarity must be furious

14:16 <Finwe> Indeed.

14:17 <Finwe> "However can they think that Applejack is more stylish than I am?"

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14:27 <SunsetShimmer> Probably more about how they are seen most on merch

14:27 <SunsetShimmer> Rarity gets some occasionally, but those three have serious facetime on knicknacks and doodads.

14:28 * Finwe noms on SunsetShimmer's tail.

14:28 <Thelema5> But AJ is routinely left out of that sort of thing (mostly because her hat is hard to manufacture)

14:30 <Finwe> o3o!

14:30 * Finwe noms on his hat.

14:46 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com)

14:48 <SunsetShimmer> <Thelema5> But AJ is routinely left out of that sort of thing (mostly because her hat is hard to manufacture) - Toys, sure...but not clothing or printed stuff. ;3

14:51 <Thelema5> She is a cutie

14:58 <Starlight_Glimmer> Are you talking about best background pony? :3

14:58 <Thelema5> Yes, the one who smells of sweat and musty hay

14:59 <Starlight_Glimmer> RD isn't exactly a fashion queen either. Considering U.S. culture I'd have expected they do a lot with AJ to be honest. I was quite surprised when I found out they do not.

15:04 *** Starlight_Glimmer is now known as Sour_Sweet

15:05 <Thelema5> I think AJ is considered too masculine for general consumption; RD's gender expression is generally accepted as a rough-and-tumble tom-boy, but AJ is just received as a hard living, rough talking, tough-as-nails farmhand- not exactly the ideal toy companies try selling to little girls

15:06 <Thelema5> RD is boyish; AJ is manly.

15:06 <Thelema5> XD

15:06 <Sour_Sweet> But cowgirls ;(

15:06 <SunsetShimmer> AJ needs to release a mixtape of Country horsesongs

15:06 <Thelema5> Yes.  Yes she does.

15:12 <RazorSharpFang> I dunno, it sounds like you're just reinforcing gender norms and roles, which are problematic.

15:17 <SunsetShimmer> The show doesn't always steer from them

15:20 <Thelema5> We're speaking specifically about toys Hasbro pushes on little kids, though. I don't think anyone is going to disagree that giant toy companies have a history of promoting gender stereotypes to help bolster sales

15:23 <Thelema5> Rainbow Dash is always going to sell better than AJ if for no other reason than having a rainbow colored mane and tail.  Kids tend to gravitate towards shiny colorful toys; AJ is rather plain in comparison

15:28 <SunsetShimmer> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaOgZwk9rN8

15:28 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

15:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about BUT SHE'S GOT A NEW HAT

15:28 <SunsetShimmer> always relevant

15:29 <Thelema5> XD

15:45 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

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16:02 <Finwe> Alrighty-o, there's a craft beer fair in the city.

16:02 * Finwe boops Thelema5 with a pint of craft beer.

16:03 <Finwe> Although I’m going to spend today and tomorrow evenings working there.

16:04 <Finwe> I might have a chance to taste the beers on Friday or on Saturday.

16:11 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Spellbinding Orchestral Music: Protocat & Natus - Worthy [ http://tinyurl.com/y9gu8pw7 ]

16:17 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-h897fc.qaqv.r2ue.030a.2602.IP)

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16:18 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

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16:41 <RazorSharpFang> uwu

16:41 <Finwe> o3o

16:41 <Finwe> Messrsr RazorSharpFang, Lumi and Cepheid; Miss Ali.

16:42 * Finwe doffs his hat.

16:42 * Ali flops on Finwe

16:42 <Finwe> Oof!

16:42 * Finwe gathers his breath.

16:43 <Finwe> Semivoluntary work calls.

16:43 <Finwe> See you later, everypony!

16:43 * Finwe zooms to the horizon.

16:44 <Cepheid> I'm gonna go to the clinic tomorrow.

16:44 <Cepheid> I'd go today but by the time I get there it'll be too late.

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16:48 <Cepheid> Actually before I decide that, let's check the closing time.

16:48 <Thelema5> What are you going for?

16:49 <Cepheid> ...

16:49 <Cepheid> "Appointments only as of July 26th until Dr. Fahim gets back from holidays."

16:49 <Cepheid> Thelema5:  My chest infection isn't getting much better.

16:50 <Thelema5> Still?  dang

16:51 * Ali brushies the Cepheid

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16:53 * Librarian brushies the ali

16:53 <Cepheid> Yeah, it's in there pretty deep.

16:53 * Ali yays, brushies!

16:53 <Cepheid> I don't think it's pneumonia, though.

16:54 <Cepheid> Pneumonia usually comes with several other symptoms, such as high fever and exhaustion.  I have none of that.

16:54 <Librarian> maybe its asyntomatic?

16:55 <Cepheid> It's what?

16:55 <Librarian> shows no symmptoms

16:56 <Cepheid> It's possible.

16:57 <Cepheid> It's frustrating, though.  It feels like my wind pipe is dry and itchy as all hell.  With a bit of wetness near the top.

16:58 <Cepheid> Truth told, I may have accidentally induced it.  Literally the last thing I did before this symptom started was try to get something "caught" in my throat out.  I coughed so much I may have injured my throat and gave an infection a path in.

16:58 <Librarian> i know the fell

16:58 <Librarian> i vomited soi much i have esophagithis

16:58 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:00 <Cepheid> I eventually got it out of my throat, at the cost of developing some sort of infection.  The trade-off wasn't worth it.

17:01 <Librarian> we have the worst medical luck no?

17:01 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:02 <Cepheid> Yup.

17:02 <Cepheid> Ah well, could be worse.  Could feel exhausted, and have a high fever.

17:02 * Cepheid goes to check though just to make sure he still doesn't have a fever.

17:03 <Cepheid> Yup, still 98.9.  I'm fine.

17:04 <Librarian> i at least have the ilustration contest to look forward too

17:04 <Librarian> might win the new assasins creed

17:08 *** Joins: Reia_Sleep (chatzilla@Pony-82i4eq.ipv6.telus.net)

17:09 *** Reia_Sleep is now known as Reia_Hope

17:10 <Cepheid> Nothing like water down the wrong hole to aggravate a chest problem.

17:12 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Hasbro Opens a Portal to Equestrian Wish Fullfilment with Hallmark Personalized Self-Insert Books  [ http://tinyurl.com/ybohg2n2 ]

17:21 <Librarian> try to entertsin yourslef

17:21 <Librarian> might as well have fun whie being miserable

17:21 <Cepheid> http://i.imgur.com/SAbocCb.jpg Cotton-Eye Joe.

17:21 <Thelema5> I was going to say that they're going to sell a million of those personalized books, but wow- they're expensive

17:22 *** Quits: Lumi (IceChat9@Pony-lcup4h.pbg.ptd.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:22 <Librarian> books?

17:22 <Librarian> i wants

17:22 <Thelema5> $45 US for a 20 page illustrated book

17:22 <Thelema5> Yeah, see depybot's link

17:23 <Cepheid> Hello Spitfire.  Have you come to make me feel better?

17:24 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-iurnlq.as43234.net)

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17:27 <Sour_Sweet> A bit pricey, huh?

17:27 <Sour_Sweet> Then again I approve of versions for both genders

17:27 <RazorSharpFang> Does China count as a planned economy?

17:28 <Thelema5> Same here.  I'm also glad that they let "boy" characters select the "girl" outfit

17:28 <Thelema5> And vice-versa

17:28 <Sour_Sweet> I'm listening to the Harry Potter series at work and I've recently come across the scene where they say unicorns don't like males. Such heresy.

17:32 <Cepheid> My right arm is getting sore.

17:33 <Cepheid> Ow ow ow.  I had to remove the cat from my arm.

17:38 <Cepheid> Ye know, I said I didn't have any other symptoms, but I'm starting to think today is changing that.

17:38 <Thelema5> Sour_Sweet, if memory serves unicorns as described by ancient lore are antagonistic towards all people except virgin girls

17:39 <Thelema5> Or at least, they flee from humans as a rule unless a virgin offers her breast for the beast to suckle on ( ._.)

17:40 <Cepheid> That is the mythology, yes.

17:41 <Cepheid> So unicorns are *YAY*s.

17:41 <Thelema5> XD

17:42 <Cepheid> Probably also why they went extinct.

17:42 <Cepheid> All of them only ever wanted virgins..  So... >_>

17:43 <Sour_Sweet> This is going questionable quite fast ^.^

17:43 <Thelema5> :p

17:43 <Cepheid> Yeah I'll stop.

17:44 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/9RDIi

17:45 <Cepheid> The drawings in between the pictures work so well, especially as the last picture has cracked tile around the cat.

17:48 <Cepheid> http://i.imgur.com/0A5AS7v.jpg Purple cat.

17:49 *** Joins: Thelema5_ (Thelema5@Pony-pr5gur.res.rr.com)

17:51 * Cepheid flops onto Thelema5_, pawing helplessly. "Scar! Brother, help me!"

17:51 <Thelema5> Purple cat needs a horn and a pair of wings

17:51 *** Joins: Firestar (AndChat4389@You.Know.Who.It.Is)

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17:55 <FruitNibbler> https://youtu.be/6KEGT6S4V3M?t=385

17:55 <FruitNibbler> So true

17:55 <FruitNibbler> I despise sound editing in movies today

17:55 *** Quits: Thelema5_ (Thelema5@Pony-pr5gur.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

17:56 <FruitNibbler> Special effects will blow your eardrums out, all while dialogue is at whisper level

17:56 *** Quits: Firestar (AndChat4389@You.Know.Who.It.Is) (Quit: Bye)

18:00 *** Joins: Apple_Bloom (uid52418@the.canon.pony)

18:00 <Cepheid> That is a gripe of mine, yse.

18:00 <Cepheid> Er, yes*

18:00 * Librarian throws cepheid and thelema

18:00 <Cepheid> It's particularly problematic for me because I have enough trouble picking out a voice in loud environments in the first place.

18:01 <Librarian> i killed mufasa, scar, and an ant they fell down on

18:01 <Cepheid> There are a lot of important scenes in movies that I've missed the dialogue for just because they can't use proper audio volumes.

18:01 * Cepheid dies.

18:05 * Schism still misses Tony Jay.

18:06 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/E23mA1z *Lick*  *Lick Lick*

18:07 <Cepheid> Hum.  Usual clinic is closed to walk-ins until August 5th.  I'll have to go downtown with my dad.

18:09 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:12 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Equestria Girls: A Friendship to Remember Gets a Cover and Descrption  [ http://tinyurl.com/yb9j36pm ]

18:13 * Cepheid sits atop Schism. "I dun think I'll be on FF14 today. I seem to be feeling like *YAY* today alongside the chest problems."

18:13 <Schism> A good day to nap and rest, then, for sure.

18:13 * Schism suddenly finds a card lodged in his skull.

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18:13 <Cepheid> Oh.

18:13 <Cepheid> That's where I left my ace of spaces.

18:14 <Cepheid> ER, spades*

18:14 * Cepheid takes the card.

18:14 <Schism> It appears to be signed by the villain who took the Treaty-Blade.

18:15 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-i02.i66.222.203.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:18 <Cepheid> Right, it's not signed to me, so I'll just leave it with someone more qualified to investigate it.

18:19 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)

18:19 <Cepheid> ... Heh, Deltascape's boss theme is a remix of FF5's boss theme.

18:34 *** Joins: Firestar (AndChat4389@You.Know.Who.It.Is)

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18:41 *** Joins: DiamondBlossoms005 (DiamondBlos@Pony-4rg.34d.131.109.IP)

18:45 <Thelema5> Hello DiamondBlossoms005.  Welcome!

18:46 <DiamondBlossoms005> hello :D thank you :)

18:47 <Thelema5> Are you looking forward to the Movie?

18:47 <DiamondBlossoms005> yea I really am :D

18:48 <DiamondBlossoms005> I'm going to be at the first line of the cinema when he comes out ;D

18:48 <Thelema5> I think it looks pretty good so far.  I really like the new animtion style

18:48 <DiamondBlossoms005> in cosplay :D xD

18:48 <Thelema5> Awesome!  I'll certainly be going opening night, but just wearing my usual pony tee shirt

18:48 <DiamondBlossoms005> hihi nice :D

18:48 <Thelema5> Who do you cosplay as?  An OC?

18:48 <DiamondBlossoms005> who is ur favouite of the mane 6?

18:49 <DiamondBlossoms005> I have a Rainbowdash cosplay :) my OC is pretty new so...

18:49 <DiamondBlossoms005> I haven't had the time to make one from her :)

18:49 <Thelema5> It's hard to say.  I relate to Fluttershy the most, but I enjoy watching Pinkie

18:49 <DiamondBlossoms005> hehe yea pinkie is funny ;D

18:49 <DiamondBlossoms005> Fluttershy is so adorable! I have a huge pluchee of her xD

18:49 <Thelema5> Pinkie is just so much fun, but I'm pretty sure she would annoy me in real life

18:50 <DiamondBlossoms005> haha yea me too :D

18:50 <Thelema5> I have a tiny fluttershy plush on my desk right now

18:50 <DiamondBlossoms005> cute ;D

18:51 <Thelema5> http://imgur.com/WO8zoL4

18:52 <Thelema5> !link thelema5

18:52 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/729470

18:52 <Thelema5> ^ my ocs

18:52 <Thelema5> :p

18:53 * SunsetShimmer chuckles

18:54 <Thelema5> Do you have a pic of your OC DiamondBlossoms005?

18:55 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

18:57 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/uGmF1 The last picture about cats is accurate.

18:57 <DiamondBlossoms005> aww cute :D

18:57 <Cepheid> To this day, we continue to worship cats.

18:57 <DiamondBlossoms005> yea I have one, wait... :)

18:58 *** Joins: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net)

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19:00 <DiamondBlossoms005> I dont have a pic of her as a pony yet xD but here is she as a human...

19:01 *** Joins: Thelema5_ (Thelema5@Pony-pr5gur.res.rr.com)

19:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Silver Quill: Let's Review: MLP The Movie Prequel #2 [ http://tinyurl.com/yb4fjxug ]

19:02 <DiamondBlossoms005> aww there are alot of troubles with the picture xD

19:02 <Thelema5> Such is life

19:03 <DiamondBlossoms005> haha yea...

19:03 <DiamondBlossoms005> but wait a sec, wow do u have your oc as a pluchee? :O

19:03 <Thelema5> No, that would cost too much oney to commission

19:04 <Thelema5> *money

19:04 <Cepheid> It takes practice, drawing.

19:04 <DiamondBlossoms005> indeed

19:04 <DiamondBlossoms005> and yeah, can you draw good?

19:04 <Thelema5> I already have too many plushies anyway

19:05 <Thelema5> No, I can't really draw at all- any time I try it looks like a 2 year old drew it

19:05 <Cepheid> I'm less of a drawing type artist and more a coding type artist.

19:06 * Schism watches Rainbow Dash fly around, clinging to a giant pop tart.

19:06 <DiamondBlossoms005> oh nice :) people say I can draw well... I think it's true :) but I'm really bad at digital drawing xD

19:06 <Thelema5> This is what happens when I try to draw: http://imgur.com/3QfF1J2

19:07 <Thelema5> XD

19:07 <DiamondBlossoms005> hahaha, awww its really cute! but... you are kinda right... im sorry xDµ

19:07 <Thelema5> No worries, it's not my strong point

19:07 * Cepheid plays FF14's versions of Exdeath's battle theme for Schism.

19:07 <Thelema5> :p

19:08 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Leaving)

19:09 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

19:09 <Cepheid> I don't know why my laptop does that.

19:10 <DiamondBlossoms005> https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/gBZ5xNX3TrGbb2jEkc4I?signature=677c2875e896570e2e762536e30dde62d04e909de3b93685d24ba2eb51cdd32d&policy=eyJleHBpcnkiOjE1MDEwOTg5MzR9

19:10 <DiamondBlossoms005> hehe this is my oc :)

19:10 <DiamondBlossoms005> it's nothing :)

19:10 <Thelema5> Oooh, that's really pretty

19:10 <Thelema5> Did you draw it?

19:10 <Firestar> Tis very pretty

19:10 <DiamondBlossoms005> yeah :D

19:10 <Thelema5> I love the colors

19:10 <Thelema5> XD

19:10 <DiamondBlossoms005> thank you :D

19:11 <DiamondBlossoms005> my current hair color is that kind of pink too, that's why she has that xD ^^

19:11 <Thelema5> Awesome

19:11 <Firestar> Very nice

19:12 <DiamondBlossoms005> thanks :D

19:14 <DiamondBlossoms005> im leaving for now... the game i wanted to playy all day has just finished installing! :D xD

19:14 <DiamondBlossoms005> better late than never...

19:14 <Thelema5> Okay, well come back and visit again some time

19:14 <Thelema5> :)

19:15 <DiamondBlossoms005> i'll do :) i'm glad i came out to this site while searching on the web, it looks fun to meet other fans :)

19:15 <Thelema5> Yay!

19:15 <DiamondBlossoms005> byebye! :D x

19:16 <Firestar> Byeeeeee

19:16 <Thelema5> G'bye

19:16 *** Quits: DiamondBlossoms005 (DiamondBlos@Pony-4rg.34d.131.109.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

19:19 *** Quits: Thelema5_ (Thelema5@Pony-pr5gur.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:31 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH_YPkZvDbs Oh my gods.

19:31 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

19:31 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Battlefield 1: Dawn of the Horsepocalypse

19:33 *** Quits: Firestar (AndChat4389@You.Know.Who.It.Is) (Quit: Bye)

19:39 *** Quits: CocoPommel (androirc@Pony-ap8dnm.res.rr.com) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

19:39 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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19:45 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-iurnlq.as43234.net)

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19:47 * Cepheid sits atop SunsetShimmer and curls up, coughing a bit.

19:52 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:01 *** Joins: Hat (Hat@Pony-oh0q1f.exetel.com.au)

20:05 *** Joins: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net)

20:07 * Cepheid climbs onto Schism's head and back-seat plays FF14 for him.

20:08 * Schism is not currently logged in anyway - and is about to go for a store run.

20:08 <Golden> Odd. My desktop shortcuts on my laptop are suddenly huge

20:10 <Schism> Right click, view, medium/small icons.

20:10 <Cepheid> That, or check your resolution to ensure it's correct.  If that doesn't help, check to make sure DPI scaling hasn't been changed by the OS through some stupid update.

20:13 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

20:13 <Golden> How do I check the dpi stuff

20:16 <Golden> Note I am doing this on a windows 10 laptop

20:18 *** Quits: Hat (Hat@Pony-oh0q1f.exetel.com.au) (Quit: Leaving)

20:18 <Thelema5> Then say "Hey cortana, how do I check my DPI scaling?"

20:19 <Thelema5> :P

20:19 <Golden> I think I got it. Brb gotta restart laptop

20:20 <Cepheid> DPI scaling is wonky in Windows 10.

20:20 <Cepheid> FOr example, every time I've installed it on my laptop or PC, it automatically sets the scaling to some insane value, like 150% or 200%.

20:21 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:21 <Cepheid> https://scontent.fxds1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20258330_1870691932970802_109245941913549001_n.jpg?oh=29395d1de0dc07c3cd1498c5c022c9f1&oe=59EC87D8 Thanks Facebook, I needed some sads.

20:22 *** Joins: Thelema5_ (Thelema5@Pony-pr5gur.res.rr.com)

20:22 <Thelema5> That's terrible

20:23 <Thelema5> "I was excited, we were going to go on an adventure"

20:23 * Thelema5 lip tremble

20:23 <Cepheid> And yet, it happens.  I don't understand why people would do that.

20:23 <Cepheid> WHat kind of monster are those people?

20:24 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:24 <Thelema5> I can't even imagine

20:25 <Cepheid> I would never leave my kitty behind.  If that happened, I'd be so heartbroken for months and months.

20:25 <Cepheid> It'd likely drive me to a breaking point.

20:25 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

20:27 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-3lk.h3k.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:29 *** Quits: Thelema5_ (Thelema5@Pony-pr5gur.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

20:38 <Thelema5> Hmm.  I just received word that my father-in-law has died

20:39 <Thelema5> This isn't a surprise, he's been fighting Leukemia for more than a year and was released into hospice care last Thursday.

20:52 <Schism> "What's the most unusual thing you did to get an un-Awake Twilight to go a bit neurotic?" "I solved all her friendship problems before she could get to them.  Without a way to send Princess Celestia letters, within two years Philomena was on the throne and she'd tried to release Discord to stir up trouble, but he refused and turned himself back into a statue."

20:52 *** Joins: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net)

20:54 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/2MATOpl

20:55 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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21:00 <Golden> I tried to fix the DPI. It did not help

21:02 <Cepheid> Dang.

21:11 *** Joins: Gilda (FallSilent@Pony-ihj.ots.7.46.IP)

21:12 <Cepheid> Mmm, tomato soup.

21:16 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-pk0.ljs.188.75.IP)

21:16 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story: WHAT is love? [ http://tinyurl.com/ycn8qba5 ]

21:16 * Cepheid sics Twintania on Schism.

21:22 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-fke.s3a.114.201.IP)

21:24 *** SleepFrame is now known as ErrandFrame

21:30 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Nine out of ten l33t h4x0rz prefer it)

21:33 *** Joins: CocoPommel (androirc@Pony-ap8dnm.res.rr.com)

21:34 * Ali sits Night_Blitz on Schism and watches the fun unfold.

21:34 * Schism obliterates Twintania with a thrust of a fist. "Blasted drgn. Took so many tries to take down..."

21:38 <Lumindia> has the fun been doubled?

21:39 <Schism> Twintania is a Final Fantasy boss which shows up, in FF14, at the final turn of the Binding Coil of Bahamut.

21:41 * Sour_Sweet boops Lumindia

21:41 <Schism> "We've destroyed Equestrian racing, is what we've done." -the CMC, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon put together Top Gear

21:41 <Schism> s/racing/motoring*

21:45 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

21:48 <Cepheid> Lumindia:  Me, Schism, and another player tried to take on Twintania with just the three of us.  We were "unsynced" which meant we were at our base levels, not limited to the dungeon's level restriction.  Normally Twintania is meant to be killed with a party of 8 people, all level 50.

21:49 <Schism> While we were capable of getting Twintania down to a reasonable chunk of health, his tornado attack murdalized the three of us repeatedly.

21:51 <Lumindia> ?

21:51 <Lumindia> okay?

21:51 <Lumindia> I don't know what that means

21:51 <Lumindia> but it sounds difficult

21:52 <Schism> It's a high-level boss.  We lost several times to it.

21:52 <Cepheid> High-level boss, faced with less than half of the required number of people, and it murdered us repeatedly.

21:53 <Schism> We did then take it down with only /half/ the number of people - that is to say, another player joined us to obliterate it.

21:53 *** The_Nostalgia_Mare is now known as Nossy|RE5

21:57 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-5tk6g9.nhc3.ssum.0701.2601.IP)

21:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h CleverDerpy

21:57 <CleverDerpy> hey, I just found out my current client has been discontinued

21:57 <CleverDerpy> does anyone know of a really good free irc client

21:58 *** Joins: Tempo (SamShmuck@Pony-ih6ng0.fios.verizon.net)

21:58 <Schism> I do quite like HexChat.

21:59 * Schism greets CleverDerpy with a banana nut muffin with maple icing!

21:59 <CleverDerpy> no thanks Schism

21:59 <CleverDerpy> derpy doesn't feel up to it today

22:00 * Schism gasps, "Who are you and what have you done with Derpy?" o.o

22:00 * CleverDerpy flops on her side and whimpers

22:01 * Schism offers a hug and a plush snek.

22:01 <CleverDerpy> thanks, but I got some bad news

22:05 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com)

22:06 <CleverDerpy> derpy's friend might be dying

22:06 <Schism> Mrrrp...

22:06 <CleverDerpy> he's in da hospital right now

22:06 * CleverDerpy pets the snek plush

22:07 <CleverDerpy> derpy is just sad,

22:07 <Schism> I hope he gets better...

22:07 <CleverDerpy> derpy hopes so too

22:10 * Ali curls up with CleverDerpy

22:10 * CleverDerpy sighs

22:11 <CleverDerpy> ruff times

22:11 * CleverDerpy lays on her back and looks at the stars

22:14 <CleverDerpy> ...I think I need to be in my box

22:14 * CleverDerpy droopily walks over to her box and crawls under it

22:16 * Ali follows CleverDerpy and puts a blankie over her and curls up next to her side.

22:17 <Librarian> im overworked!

22:17 <Librarian> ahhh

22:17 * Librarian goes besides the derpster in da box

22:17 <Librarian> big box owo

22:18 <CleverDerpy> make yourself at home.

22:18 *** Quits: Nossy|RE5 (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

22:19 * CleverDerpy smiles softly

22:19 <CleverDerpy> you guys are the best.

22:19 * CleverDerpy hugs Librarian and Ali

22:19 <CleverDerpy> you make derpy feel special

22:19 * Schism hugs the CleverDerpy again, and fills the box partway with muffin-scented balls.

22:20 <Librarian> were you in mexico i would reccomend all the doctors

22:20 <CleverDerpy> this is a big box, it fits 4 comfortably

22:20 <Librarian> alas, i can only help with wub

22:20 * Librarian apllies wub to derpy

22:20 * CleverDerpy hugs Librarian and Schism and Ali and purrs

22:22 * HyperDash waves

22:23 <Schism> "I might have been mimicking the element of Honesty a bit much when I was dealing with her." "How'd you manage to annoy Applejack that much?" "Trixie did not specify which Honesty." "Who was it?" "Awake Gilda.  She galestormed me across half the country."

22:29 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: Budzy - The Time's Come [Dubstep] [ http://tinyurl.com/yatf7cj3 ]

22:39 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

22:40 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Away

22:41 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

22:41 <Thelema5> Hello everypony

22:45 <Schism> ... of course, in the Infinite Loops, sometimes a certain tortoise loops in as the fifth brother of the TMNT.  X3

22:48 <Cepheid> Well, that's an example of mad science.  Heart surgery on a child that's not even born yet.

22:48 <Schism> Huh.  Not actually that surprising.

22:48 <Schism> Neonatal care has progressed a long way.

22:48 <Cepheid> True.

22:49 <Schism> If it were brain surgery, that would be mad science.

22:49 <Cepheid> Still impressive as hell.

22:49 <Cepheid> Kid was born five days later, perfectly healthy, other than a scar on the chest.

22:49 * Schism nodnods.

22:50 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid, in other heart-felt news: scientists 3D printed a pneumatically actuated heart that contracts exactly like the real one

22:51 <Cepheid> Interesting.

22:51 <Cepheid> Wonder how long before such a thing is tested in a patient.

22:51 <FruitNibbler> 2-4 years usually

22:51 <FruitNibbler> It needs to pass trials and then animal testing

22:52 <Schism> I think it'll be a bit lengthier than that.

22:52 * Schism also boops FruitNibbler with a chocolate caramel apple.

22:53 <FruitNibbler> I just realised that electrolites taste like blood (minus the iron taste)

22:53 <FruitNibbler> Maybe why it's so uncanny and borderline disgusting

22:54 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:55 <Thelema5> Well to be fair, blood tastes like electrolytes

22:56 <Cepheid> I've been tasting something incredibly disgusting for the last three or four days now thanks to my chest infection.  HUZZAH!

22:56 <Cepheid> It basically ruins the taste of anything else.

22:56 <Thelema5> Ugh, I had that once with a sinus infection- everything tasted like rot

22:56 <Thelema5> ( ._.)

22:56 <Cepheid> Got it coming from my chest and sinuses.

22:56 <Schism> Yeah, those /seriously/ suck.

22:57 <Thelema5> I hope they can get you something for that at the clinic tomorrow

22:57 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

22:57 <Cepheid> I'd actually prefer not going to the clinic tomorrow, and ye know, letting this kind of knock me out so the doctors might take a bit better look at me than just applying a stethoscope and going "Breath in deeply." and so on.

22:57 <FruitNibbler> Thelema5, sinus infection also makes everything smell like feces or rot (depending on the stage)

22:59 <Cepheid> Right now I have a trifecta of problems.

22:59 <Cepheid> A chest infection that's causing constant coughing.  A sinus infection that's become considerably worse due to the chest infection.  And an inner-ear infection in both ears, causing drastic loss of hearing.

22:59 <Cepheid> Amazingly no pain, for that last one.  Just massive hearing loss.

23:00 <FruitNibbler> !stats

23:00 <Unixkitty> https://unixkitty.com/stats/EquestriaDaily/

23:04 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:05 <Thelema5> What the...?  How am I at the top of the stats again?  I hardly even chat anymore

23:06 <Schism> Who can say?  But the chat's been comparatively quiet.

23:06 <Thelema5> I guess that speak volumes for how empty this channel has lately, yeah

23:06 <Thelema5> *has been

23:06 <Schism> You also remain at the top of the long list, with Cepheid in a close second place - only 4,400 lines or so behind you!

23:06 <Cepheid> Ow.

23:06 <Thelema5> Heh

23:07 <Thelema5> In unrelated news, I'm really sad to see how poorly Valerian and the City of a Thousands Planets has been received.  I was really looking forward to watching it, but now I'm not so sure

23:08 <Finwe> o3o

23:08 <Finwe> Good evening, my small perissodactyls.

23:08 <Thelema5> One reviewer said "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is the cinematic equivalent of eating candy until you throw up, then eating the candy vomit."

23:08 * Finwe returns from the craft beer fair.

23:08 <Thelema5> ... uh

23:08 <Thelema5> Welcome back, Finwe

23:08 <Schism> It really did look like an excellent film at first, and you'd think that the director of The Fifth Element would be able to pull it off...

23:08 <Cepheid> Finwe's drunk, I bet.

23:08 <Finwe> Cepheid: I was working there.

23:08 <Finwe> So no, I'm not.

23:08 <Thelema5> How'd it go, Finwe?

23:09 <Finwe> Quite alright.

23:09 <Finwe> One foreign-looking gentleman tried to scam deposit money from us, though.

23:09 <Cepheid> Fun.

23:10 <Finwe> He had obviously stolen other people's glasses and tried to earn some money with them.

23:10 <Thelema5> O.o

23:11 <Finwe> There was a €2 deposit on the glasses, to be recollected by way out if you left an intact glass there.

23:11 <Finwe> He came there with about 10 glasses.

23:12 <Finwe> And, after we had refused to return deposit on all of them, he tried the same trick again in a while.

23:12 <Thelema5> Quite the entrepreneur

23:12 <Finwe> Eeeyup.

23:14 <Thelema5> Drinks fairs / festivals I've been to have always included a commemorative glass in the admission price to bring home as a souvenir

23:15 <Thelema5> Usually embossed with the name, date and logo of the event

23:15 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)

23:17 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net)

23:17 <Cepheid> Yeah, you uh, you don't go to a beer fair with 10 glasses like that.  That's a little suspicious.

23:17 <Thelema5> :p

23:18 <FruitNibbler> German... is sometimes silly

23:19 <FruitNibbler> Zimmer (room), Zimmerman (carpenter), jemandem eine zimmern (to slap smb)

23:19 <FruitNibbler> How?

23:21 *** Joins: Moonlightning (blackl@sugar-belle.blackl.net)

23:21 <Thelema5> I can understand Zimmerman (Guy who builds rooms)

23:25 <Finwe> Thelema5: This one as well. The entrance fee is €3, you get one pint glass, but if you do not want to keep the glass, you can return it and get a refund of €2.

23:25 * Librarian gives finwe all the glasses

23:26 <Thelema5> I'm shocked that some people don't want to keep the glass

23:27 <Finwe> Thelema5: Well, if you've just popped in for a pint and really don't have anything in which to carry the glass, it might be more convenient to return it.

23:28 * Thelema5 nods

23:29 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Some Toys R' Us Stores Have MLP Movie Merch For Buy 1 Get 1 40% Off  [ http://tinyurl.com/y8lwhkk9 ]

23:30 <Finwe> Sounds more like, "Buy two, get the other one 40% off."

23:32 <Cepheid> More or less.

23:32 <Cepheid> Unless you specifically want two, you're not actually saving money.

23:33 * Librarian gets all the things

23:33 * Finwe noms on his supper, a köttpirog with two Cracowian sausages, onion and Russian-style garlic picles.

23:33 <Cepheid> And almost nobody needs more than one, really.

23:33 * Schism contemplates making up some popcorn. o3o With extra cheddar seasoning, and just a bit of sriracha.

23:34 <Finwe> o3o

23:34 <Finwe> Must be a good combination.

23:35 <Thelema5> I should probably get some food, come to think of it.  It'll be a turkey and swiss sandwich on white with mayo, lettuce, and cracked pepper

23:35 <Schism> It is.

23:35 <Schism> Thelema5: Of course, there's no point using pepper if you just apply the flavourless pre-ground stuff.

23:35 <Thelema5> I may make some Kaft Dinner to go along with the sandwich

23:35 <Librarian> im hungry owo

23:35 * Schism chops up some hot dogs for Thelema5 to put in his Kraft Dinner.

23:36 <Librarian> everyone except me is going to sams club for supplies

23:36 * Finwe offers his other köttpirog to Librarian.

23:36 <Thelema5> Thanks for the thought, but I'm trying to avoid hotdogs and other sausages due to their high Purine content

23:36 <Schism> Ah, fair enough.  Perhaps some canned tuna instead?

23:38 * Schism also offers Thelema5 some 307 Ale.

23:42 <Finwe> Thelema5: Purines as a group of chemicals or just purine (1)?

23:42 <Thelema5> �\_(?)_/�

23:43 <Finwe> Many purines are necessary for humans.

23:44 <Finwe> And some people have made others to be necessary.

23:44 <Finwe> Mostly caffeine.

23:44 <Thelema5> I guess the group of chemicals?  Whatever it is which elevates my uric acid levels to dehabilitating levels

23:44 <Finwe> Uric acid itself is a purine.

23:45 <Schism> Makes sense in any event, as that means that your gout flares.

23:45 <Schism> Cepheid: So, have you fed Luna enough fruit to turn her black yet?

23:46 <Finwe> Purine (1) is kind of self-regulatory. If you don't get it in your diet, it will be synthesised in your body, and if you do, the synthesis will be inhibited.

23:49 <Thelema5> Finwe, all I know is that the uric acid level in my blood has been high enough to induce SIX gout flares in 2 months which have now caused permanent joint damage; my medical professional said that I need to limit my intake of foods rich in purines, which for the time being seems to help

23:49 <Thelema5> My body is obviously ot self-regulating

23:49 <Thelema5> :(

23:50 <Thelema5> *not

23:50 <Finwe> D:

23:50 <Finwe> The crystallisation of uric acid in joints can be quite painful.

23:52 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-io3.5ti.38.47.IP)

23:52 <Finwe> Drinking enough water and avoiding certain meat products is a good way to inhibit the gout, your physician is right about that.

23:52 <Thelema5> For the record, I've needed a cane to walk (with considerable pain) for 8 weeks now- I'm only now just starting to get back to my regular walking habits.  I've added Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM to my daily diet through suppliments and it really seems to help

23:53 <Thelema5> So to be on the safe side, I'll stick with my turkey sandwich for dinner.

23:53 <Thelema5> :p

23:53 <Schism> I used to stock that stuff on a regular basis, right next to the valerian root, the melatonin and the 600mg vitamin C tablets.  I hope it certainly works better than those others.

23:55 <Thelema5> Schism, I again have to offer my testamony to how effective Valerian root has been for me.  Melatonin- not so much

23:55 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

23:55 <Schism> I've often heard it discussed that it's a placebo, but what works, works.

23:55 <Schism> I find a good cup of tea works for me.

23:55 <Thelema5> Actually, using Valerian root on a regular basis has elimated my dependence on alcohol to fall asleep, which nothing else managed to do

23:56 * Verandure explodes.

23:56 <Schism> I should keep that in mind.  It's certainly an option then!

23:58 <Thelema5> If it were a placebo effect, I imagine that the melatonin, Doxylamine, Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, Chamomile extract, Passion flower extract, Lemon balm extract, Hops extract, et. al would have worked the same

23:58 <Verandure> Placebo effects aren't consistent, like that.

23:58 <Schism> True enough!

23:58 <Librarian> owo

23:59 <Schism> I'm surprised that diphenhydramine HCl didn't do a thing, though.  It's a powerful disassociative.

23:59 <Librarian> you cpuld always try flouxetine

23:59 <Librarian> makes me sllepy

23:59 <Thelema5> It made me feel dizzy and caused me to sweat alot, Schism

23:59 <Verandure> According to a recent study (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0015591) knowing you're on a placebo still produces the placebo effect =3

23:59 <Thelema5> Oddly, it works well to counteract anxiety for me when I travel

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