Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Wednesday, 2017-08-02

00:00 * Cepheid melts down as a klaxon starts blaring nearby.

00:00 * Cepheid emits radioactive muffin fallout.

00:01 <CocoPommel> Hello

00:02 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-q43hqc.as43234.net)

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00:02 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-5sklsh.nhc3.ssum.0701.2601.IP)

00:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h CleverDerpy

00:04 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net)

00:08 *** SniperDash is now known as HyperDash

00:09 * Cepheid sits atop the CleverDerpy, melting as he consumes popsicles.

00:15 <Schism> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z14SlZ1i7rc < Best review ever.

00:15 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

00:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Dancing Jar Jar Binks Review | Ashens

00:20 <Cepheid> ...

00:20 <Cepheid> What the ungodsly hell is that?

00:20 <Cepheid> How many batteries does that damned thing need?

00:21 <Schism> Looks like 8... AAAs?

00:21 <Cepheid> I'm counting 10.

00:21 <Schism> Yeesh.

00:22 * Cepheid starts coughing as he laughs from watching Jar Jar get his head torched.

00:22 <Cepheid> I dunno, the appropriate ending for it should have been surrounded by firecrackers.

00:24 <Schism> Perhaps.  X3

00:25 <CocoPommel> Ashens always torches eldritch abominations with fire though

00:26 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9hXoVBsl_4

00:26 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about When I cough, the cat quacks

00:27 <Cepheid> I wish Spitfire did that instead of running off.

00:29 <Schism> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJkrFoCXCx0

00:29 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

00:29 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Feral cat colony evacuated from #BCWildfires - TinyKittens.com

00:34 <Cepheid> CAT ONE.  CAT TWO.  You both shed way too bloody much.

00:34 <Cepheid> For feral cats, they seem particularly at home with where they are.

00:34 <Cepheid> And friendly with humans.

00:35 <Cepheid> Then again, if you were being threatened by a massive wildfire and had nowhere to go, then suddenly a bunch of humans come to rescue and save you from the fire, I imagine you'd be a bit friendlier towards your saviours.

00:36 * Schism nodnods.

00:37 <Cepheid> I wish I could handle spitfire the way that person just handled that kitten with examining their teeth.

00:37 <Cepheid> I'm getting better at manipulating his head, but I'm always afraid I'll use too much force and hurt him.

00:37 <Cepheid> I mostly want to hold his head still so I can rub his teeth and check to make sure they're doing okay.

00:39 *** Joins: Sombra (Jive@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

00:39 * Schism peers at the many tinykittys on the forums for Marvel Puzzle Quest.

00:40 <Schism> Oh, by the way.  The hero of St. Canard will in fact be in the revival of Ducktales.

00:48 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-5iggpr.tpgi.com.au)

00:49 <RazorSharpFang> Duck-tales, woo-hoo!

00:50 *** Quits: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-1haq45.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:50 <RazorSharpFang> Argh, twitter's now putting people's likes randomly into the timeline

00:51 <RazorSharpFang> Why can't twitter just give me a sequentially in-order list of tweets and retweets?

00:52 <SunsetShimmer> because they don't care what you want?

00:53 <RazorSharpFang> Well, that explains why they're losing numbers.

00:53 <SunsetShimmer> Indeed - it is what it is.

00:55 <Cepheid> To be honest, it's likely that it's partially Twitter's fault, and the public's fault.

00:55 <Cepheid> Some features that are added are usually requested by the users.

00:55 <Cepheid> Not all of them, mind.  Just some.

00:55 <RazorSharpFang> Right, but there's no option to turn  it off

00:55 <Cepheid> That would be Twitter's fault.

00:56 *** Joins: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain)

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00:56 <Cepheid> What I'm more curious about is why you're only commenting on that "feature" now.

00:56 <Cepheid> It's been around for a long while.

00:57 <RazorSharpFang> If I recall correctly, I ranted about it on discord a month/months ago, as well as on the discourse channel.

00:57 <Cepheid> I was not in either of those channels.

00:58 <RazorSharpFang> That explains why you'd have the impression that this is my first comment.

00:59 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

00:59 <RazorSharpFang> I'm commenting about it (again) because I just had a 10-like-in-a-row dealie with the timeline.

01:00 * Cepheid finishes chores, comes back in covered in so much sweat his shirt makes him look like he went swimming with the shirt on.

01:02 <RazorSharpFang> My first day back at uni is today, actualy

01:05 <Cepheid> Heh.

01:06 <Cepheid> Schism:  So, here I am, checking out my retainer, and there's a lallafel nearby.

01:06 <Cepheid> He's constantly beckoning at my cat to go over to him.  It was weird.

01:06 <Schism> Mebbe.

01:07 <Schism> That's weird, I mean.

01:10 <RazorSharpFang> You know, I keep thinking to myself that maybe Sega should have sonic primarily about the TV-series (which has been getting great reception) and then license out the characters/franchise to more competent developers than Sonic Team.

01:11 <RazorSharpFang> Speaking of, Sonic Boom (TV series) won the 2017 Chico Independent Film Festival Award for Best Animation.

01:11 *** Quits: Person (Tilde@Pony-v72r8a.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

01:14 <Schism> For more kittens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZevUJOE9IQ

01:15 <RazorSharpFang> What about for less kittens?

01:16 <Schism> Well, you have this one.  http://www.apl.tv/puppies.htm  - But they're asleep, looks like.

01:16 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

01:16 *** Joins: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-jh0o5t.5v3j.cn15.6000.2605.IP)

01:19 <RazorSharpFang> You know, I keep thinking that with the aging population that we have, the health-sector's probably going to explode, and then shrink after a while (and after death)

01:19 <RazorSharpFang> That's probably more morbid a thought than necessary.

01:20 <Cepheid> And then Millenials will be blamed for it.

01:21 <RazorSharpFang> "How dare millenials not get as sick as the previous generation/afford as expensive healthcare.

01:21 <RazorSharpFang> "How millenials are killing yet another industry, and why you should be mad at them, up next"

01:21 <RazorSharpFang> "Millenials blamed for decline in funeral industry"

01:22 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #2338 [ http://tinyurl.com/yabajgtx ]

01:22 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-h897fc.qaqv.r2ue.030a.2602.IP)

01:22 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

01:22 <RazorSharpFang> "Millenials are healthier and live longer than every generation before them, and why this is a bad thing"

01:22 <RazorSharpFang> This is too easy.

01:23 <RazorSharpFang> Please excuse me while I die of a coughing/laughing fit

01:23 <Cepheid> It's the chic thing to do in news these days

01:24 <Schism> The term 'Millenial' is... well.  Every time I hear it, I think, 'you damn kids get off my lawn'.

01:24 <RazorSharpFang> Just you wait until GenX hits the town.

01:24 <RazorSharpFang> Things are gonna be interesting.

01:25 <Cepheid> Which year region is GenX again?

01:25 <RazorSharpFang> I think the one after Millenials.

01:25 <RazorSharpFang> So, they'd be teenagers now?

01:25 <RazorSharpFang> Wait, no I'm wrong.

01:26 <RazorSharpFang> I'

01:26 <RazorSharpFang> m SO WRONG. Very wrong indeed.

01:26 *** Joins: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net)

01:26 <RazorSharpFang> I meant to say GenZ.

01:26 <RazorSharpFang> GenX is the one BEFORE millenials.

01:27 <Cepheid> Yeah, I was gonna say.

01:27 <iandalton`> The kids in school now are Gen Z, I'm a millennial, 28

01:27 <RazorSharpFang> I'm probably a millenial too, as I'm 24 now.

01:27 <Cepheid> I was born in '86.

01:27 <RazorSharpFang> But probably only just.

01:27 <Cepheid> Not sure what I am.

01:27 <RazorSharpFang> Cepheid: You'd be considered a millenial: "demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years."

01:29 <RazorSharpFang> See also: Get off my lawn. :P

01:29 <iandalton`> This tend of naming every 20 years with a new name is based more on technology then economics. Economically, we're all in late stage capitalism for the past 70 years or so

01:29 <iandalton`> Trend*

01:30 <RazorSharpFang> Well, I appreciate the economic trend, as the world's never been as peaceful or prosperous as it is now. Especially when you look at things globally, and whatnot.

01:30 <RazorSharpFang> Global poverty at an all-time low. Wowie.

01:31 <RazorSharpFang> Fingers crossed the trend continues this way.

01:31 <iandalton`> Things are pretty good

01:31 <RazorSharpFang> My controversial opinion is that poverty is bad.

01:31 <Ali> I blame ponies

01:31 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Connection closed)

01:32 <Cepheid> Schism:  Final boss of Xelphatol is fun.

01:32 <iandalton`> RazorSharpFang: well you can be happy whether poor or not, but all things being equal, I'd prefer not to be poor

01:32 * Schism feeds the chocobos some fruit from there.

01:33 <RazorSharpFang> iandalton`: Speaking of, relative poverty is a thing too, separate from absolute poverty, and this can cause a variety of sociological problems.

01:33 <Cepheid> Ideally, some of the greedier rich people could stand to have relative poverty-like scenarios applied to them.

01:34 <Schism> Cepheid: Did you get a Tozol Huatotl card?

01:34 <Cepheid> No idea.  Cutscene is going on so far.

01:34 <iandalton`> What's relative poverty?

01:34 <RazorSharpFang> Cepheid: Speaking of, turns out that the 1% are a lot more volatile than most people think.

01:35 <Cepheid> iandalton`:  In the eyes of greed, losing large sums of their money to a point where they themselves feel like they're in extreme poverty.  I do not wish people, even greedy ones, to completely lose all their wealth.

01:35 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

01:35 <RazorSharpFang> iandalton`: It's related to economic stagnation of the individual, and represents ideas about inability to rise in the socio-heirarchy of wealth.

01:35 <Cepheid> I'm talking more akin to bringing them down to the level of the average person or a bit lower.

01:36 <RazorSharpFang> This one professor spoke the following, iirc, that the 1% every 10-years or even fewer is entirely new than the 10-years prior.

01:36 <RazorSharpFang> Or almost entirely

01:38 <RazorSharpFang> And speaking of wealth, have you seen the statistics of people who win the lottery? Talk about depressing.

01:38 <iandalton`> "It is the mind which makes men rich: this it is that accompanies them into exile, and in the most savage wildernesses, after having found sufficient sustenance for the body, enjoys its own overflowing resources: the mind has no more connexion with money than the immortal gods have with those things which are so highly valued by untutored intellects, sunk in the bondage of the flesh." —Seneca

01:38 <RazorSharpFang> Dump a seemingly infinite pile of money into someone and a sizable chunk of them just become unhinged.

01:38 <Schism> "It's not how much I have, it's about how much you people don't have!" -Mr. Kornada

01:39 * Schism downs a shot of rye.

01:39 <RazorSharpFang> If you're talking about relative poverty, it's not actually about the amounts themselves, but whether moving up is perceived as possible or impossible, so it's actually partially a problem of perception.

01:40 <RazorSharpFang> This is a good argument for a death-tax of sorts, to prevent entire estates being commanded by a single family.

01:40 <RazorSharpFang> Relative poverty as defined above is strong associated with outbursts of violence and violence tendencies across all demographics, but higher in males.

01:41 <RazorSharpFang> Ironic that a death-tax may result in less death.

01:41 <Cepheid> Schism:  No, I did not get that card.  I however, discovered another card in my inventory.  Cloud of Darkness.

01:41 <Schism> Nice!

01:41 <Schism> Yup to 60 yet?

01:41 <Cepheid> Nope.

01:42 <Schism> So I should keep my 2* deck around for beating you into the ground, is what you're saying.  :S

01:42 <iandalton`> "After he [Apicius] had spent a hundred millions of sesterces on his kitchen, and had wasted on each single banquet a sum equal to so many presents from the reigning emperors, and the vast revenue which he drew from the Capitol being overburdened with debt, he then for the first time was forced to examine his accounts: he calculated that he would have ten millions left of his fortune, and, as though he would live a life of mere starvation

01:43 <RazorSharpFang> That looks cut-off to me

01:44 <RazorSharpFang> Anyway, I'm off to university now, cyas

01:44 <iandalton`> My paste? It's from book X of https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Of_Consolation:_To_Helvia

01:45 <iandalton`> Where Seneca tells how mother than he's not troubled by being in exile

01:46 <iandalton`> for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

01:46 <Cepheid> I think acting on the thinking makes it worse.

01:46 <Cepheid> Which is why, while I have certain negative views, I try not to act based on them.  Or, for the most part, keep those views to myself.

01:47 <iandalton> No, he means that it's not things that upset us, but our opinions of things

01:47 <RazorSharpFang> Haha, objective morality is an interesting discussion, but people have to first argue for/against objective truth before that discussion can happen.

01:47 <iandalton> I'm not talking about objective morality, just psychology

01:47 <RazorSharpFang> Those two are fundamentally related tho

01:48 <Cepheid> Truth told, I prefer to avoid such conversations.  Ideally, it's best if I did.

01:48 <iandalton> Well you don't have to argue for/against objective truth to accept that it is our own opinion of something that it is good or bad

01:48 <Cepheid> You've all seen what happens when I start discussing various controversial topics.

01:49 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

01:49 <Cepheid> I should be a person who sits back and lets the world pass by, while doing what I can in my power to make others happy, while not directly impacting others in a negative manner.  Thus, I try to create games or applications.

01:50 <RazorSharpFang> Cepheid: There's what you should do, what you think you should do, and what you actually do.

01:51 *** Joins: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net)

01:51 <Cepheid> I am not able to directly control my emotions or mental state, however.  So I prefer to do what I think I should do to help others.  Rather than what I *SHOULD* ideally do.

01:52 <Cepheid> I have my problems that I cannot properly deal with.  I work around the limitations of those problems.

01:52 <RazorSharpFang> Problematic. (tm)

01:53 <Cepheid> There are some problems that just can't be dealt with.

01:53 <Cepheid> Though a lobotomy might help.

01:59 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (Pony69586@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

02:03 <Cepheid> In any case, I should avoid this train of thought.  It's impacting my mood a tad.

02:10 *** Quits: jimmt (horse@Pony-rbovda.vn24.lbv7.2000.2604.IP) (Connection closed)

02:12 *** Joins: jimm (horse@Pony-0mafjn.vn24.lbv7.2000.2604.IP)

02:18 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net)

02:21 *** Joins: Matt_Miller (Matt_Miller@Pony-1nj.a9u.244.173.IP)

02:21 <Matt_Miller> hello

02:22 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #1156 [ http://tinyurl.com/ydelxrjy ]

02:22 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Calpain Charity Drive Livestream Gallery [ http://tinyurl.com/y73e9lre ]

02:25 <Matt_Miller> is this place dead?

02:27 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-lh0.mcm.87.203.IP)

02:29 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-5iggpr.tpgi.com.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:29 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang_ (chatzilla@Pony-p73.m4s.220.203.IP)

02:29 *** RazorSharpFang_ is now known as RazorSharpFang

02:31 <Cepheid> Nah.

02:31 <Cepheid> Just quiet.

02:31 <Cepheid> It's night time for most of us.

02:32 <Tirek> I've been constructing a new conlang for an roleplay group I'm in.

02:32 <Tirek> Mostly for fun.

02:33 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-pk0.ljs.188.75.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

02:51 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

02:56 *** Quits: iandalton` (ian@Pony-os2f6j.dynamic.tds.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:59 * Schism is taking the time to produce a fair amount of thread. Why? Because the game uses it for FREAKING EVERYTHING.

03:00 *** Joins: Person (Tilde@Pony-v72r8a.res.rr.com)

03:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: My Little Pony Movie Gets PG Rating [ http://tinyurl.com/y9o7apmu ]

03:03 *** Quits: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-jh0o5t.5v3j.cn15.6000.2605.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:04 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh snap! PG!

03:05 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

03:06 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms Ali. "The best of the Ratings...I hope to see a rant about no capes and a montage of PG death."

03:07 * Ali squeaks

03:07 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Still, Love the incredibles for its...PG elements.

03:12 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

03:12 <Thelema5> Hello everypony

03:12 <Thelema5> PG?!

03:13 <Thelema5> That's... actually kind of sad

03:14 <CocoPommel> Not really

03:15 <Thelema5> I feel like the writers and producers must have felt pressured to include more "all-ages" content to appeal to the older fans, but it means that many young kids may miss out on a movie which was originally targeted towards them

03:16 <CocoPommel> I doubt it

03:18 <Thelema5> Why would you doubt it?  I know for certain that many parents in very strict religious households, especially in the US South and Midwest refuse to bring their young children to view questionable content

03:18 <CocoPommel> Most likely they just wrote the movie they wanted to make, sent it to the ratings board, and it came back with a pg rating so rather than alter the movie they kept the pg rating.

03:19 <CocoPommel> I don't think pg falls under 'questionable content'

03:20 <CocoPommel> Any kids in a family THAT strict and backwards is probably missing out on a lot more than just a movie about colorful ponies. That's probably the least of their problems

03:20 <Thelema5> The show rates as a solid G on TV, (TV-Y) which means that undoubtedly some kids who are allowed to watch the program at home will be prevented from viewing the film

03:20 <CocoPommel> Meh, I digress to my last statement.

03:21 <CocoPommel> They can see it when they're a few years older

03:21 <Thelema5> CocoPommel, that may be true; it's not for me to judge.  But it's sad that some kids may miss out

03:21 <CocoPommel> I'd rather the movie be stronger than homogenized so the bible belt kids get to see it in theaters

03:21 *** Quits: Sombra (Jive@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

03:21 <CocoPommel> That's just me though

03:22 <Ali> Its only given PG for Mild Action

03:22 <CocoPommel> The bible has lots of action. Blood and killing and stuff

03:22 <CocoPommel> Anyways

03:24 * Thelema5 Shrugs

03:24 <Thelema5> All five of the other pony films have been rated G.

03:24 <CocoPommel> Ok

03:24 <Thelema5> I hope they didn't try to be too edgy, that's all

03:25 <SunsetShimmer> I think it's more some leighway to do things the show simply can't normally

03:25 <SunsetShimmer> it's almost expected to reach beyond it's casual TV limits in Movie form

03:26 <Thelema5> Of course; one would hope that it reaches as large of an audience as possible

03:27 <Thelema5> Which I guess won't include young children with very religious families

03:27 <Thelema5> :p

03:27 <CocoPommel> I wouldn't expect it to do gangbusters but I'm guessing it will draw a decent crowd.

03:28 <Thelema5> I just hope they show it in a theater I can get to

03:28 <CocoPommel> My sister is uber religious and even agree took her kids to see force awakens, and they don't even own a tv.

03:28 <CocoPommel> Even she*

03:28 <CocoPommel> But I get your point

03:29 <CocoPommel> I'm just saying

03:29 <Thelema5> Well that's Star Wars.  Normal rules don't apply.

03:29 <Thelema5> XD

03:29 <CocoPommel> Heh I guess so

03:30 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Nini!)

03:30 <CocoPommel> Speaking of religion, I started watching highway to heaven on netflix this evening. Hadn't seen it since it was still on tv. Been enjoying it so far

03:30 <Thelema5> That's the one with the Little House on the Prairie guy?

03:31 *** Joins: Starwatcher (patrick@off)

03:31 <CocoPommel> Yeah

03:31 <Thelema5> I don't think I ever saw it

03:31 * Starwatcher shuffles on his hooves, hi everypony

03:31 <CocoPommel> Seems ok so far, I like that era in tv and it's decent so far

03:31 <Thelema5> Hi Starwatcher

03:31 <CocoPommel> Hello

03:32 <Thelema5> Fun fact- Quantum Leap premiered the same year Highway to Heaven went off the air

03:33 <CocoPommel> Huh really? That used to be on netflix too, watched it a little bit

03:33 <Starwatcher> hia

03:33 <CocoPommel> To be honest I was really disappointed they took MacGyver off netflix last year... So I guess I'll try highway to heaven as a replacement.

03:34 <Thelema5> Heh, Macgyver.  Added a word to the common lexicon if nothing else

03:35 <CocoPommel> At least I got to see a lot of MacGyver episode. That was my morning show though, haven't been able to find a good replacement for a morning show

03:35 <iandalton> CocoPommel I thought they took MacGuyver off years ago, shortly after I started watching it. Didn't know it had come and gone again. Oh well.

03:36 <CocoPommel> I would watch Dennis the Menace or Mr Ed in the mornings if they were on Netflix, because it's convenient to just push one button and continue where you left off

03:37 <CocoPommel> But on YouTube I have to pull up the playlist and find my spot again, plus the tv app is slow and awful.. doesn't sound like much but when I'm getting up in the morning every lit difference helps

03:37 <CocoPommel> Yeah it was up for at least 3 years but it went down last month again

03:38 <iandalton> Yeah YT def doesn't have as nice a UX

03:38 <Tirek> There was/is a new MacGyver show on in the states.

03:38 <CocoPommel> Well I'm going to try the Andy Griffith show in the mornings, seems like a fair compromise. Can mix in highway to heaven sometimes too to keep some variety

03:38 <Tirek> I dunno if its up to snuff to the original, but from what I saw, it was pretty good.

03:39 <CocoPommel> Huh? Oh yeah I forgot

03:39 <CocoPommel> I never saw it

03:39 <CocoPommel> UX?

03:39 <iandalton> Tirek I don't usually like remakes

03:39 <iandalton> CocoPommel user experience

03:39 <CocoPommel> Ah ok

03:40 <CocoPommel> I know the tv app for YouTube is awful, it just opens the website on a browser, so it's really slow and buggy

03:41 <iandalton> CocoPommel you could make MST3k your morning program :-)

03:42 <CocoPommel> Otherwise tbh I would watch Punky Bewster in the mornings, but I don't want to have to find my spot where I left off in the morning, not to mention if I wanted to watch on the tv it would be awful skipping ahead to my current episode every day

03:42 <CocoPommel> Pfff actually that's my lunch show usually

03:42 <iandalton> MST?

03:42 <CocoPommel> The new mst3k was great, I watched the whole season in like one week

03:43 <iandalton> There's a new one, huh

03:43 <CocoPommel> Yeah

03:43 <CocoPommel> What?!?

03:43 <CocoPommel> iandalton go watch it asap it's great

03:43 <CocoPommel> Mst3k the return

03:43 <iandalton> I'll see if I can interest my friend in watching it with me

03:43 <CocoPommel> I think that's the official title

03:44 <iandalton> Is it the same as the old show? Watching B movies while making snarky commentary?

03:44 <CocoPommel> You won't be disappointed, and yes

03:44 <CocoPommel> It's mandatory you watch it if you liked the original shows at all

03:44 <iandalton> Yeah

03:44 <iandalton> Did you ever see Soultaker?

03:45 <iandalton> "Bus taker"

03:45 <CocoPommel> Yeah I'm sure I did, I've seen almost all of them. I definitely remember the title

03:45 <iandalton> It has a guy whose face looks like a baseball glove

03:45 <CocoPommel> Pfff ew

03:46 <CocoPommel> Well I'm going to finish part 2 of this highway to heaven pilot, bye for now

03:46 <iandalton> him https://youtu.be/tKYk0eFbtVg?t=1682

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03:48 <CocoPommel> Ohhhh yeah now I remember.. it reminds me a little of Rocky Dennis from Mask. D:

03:49 <iandroid> That description of his face is of course from the show

03:51 <CocoPommel> Heh I thought so :p

03:53 <Thelema5> I'm working on putting together a photo slideshow to be shown during a memorial to a recently deceased family member, and it suddenly occurs to me that when I die someone will probably stream my youtube channel content at my own memorial.  I guess I'll be remembered as being much more active and outdoorsy than I really am- because those videos reflect only the very few times I actually do stuff, as

03:53 <Thelema5> opposed to the 99% of the time I don't leave my house and just sit around online

03:57 <Thelema5> !seen KooK

03:57 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw KooK was 2017-07-29 06:47:43 UTC

04:04 *** Quits: Starwatcher (patrick@off) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:08 <iandroid> Thelema5: history is weird like that

04:09 <Thelema5> Only the documented stories survive

04:10 <iandroid> Also isn't there a name for the phenomenon of people posting only good things in Facebook so when you look at your friends on Facebook everyone appears happier and more successful than you?

04:12 <Thelema5> I don't know... I rarely post anything on facebook

04:13 <Thelema5> Usually just the interesting stuff which occurs very, very rarely

04:14 <Thelema5> That's just a result of proper life-editing, though.  No one wants to see daily updates like "Woke up at 8:00 today.  Showered again.  Went to work again.  Paid bills... again"

04:24 *** Quits: Filly_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Quit: The only things I need are books, friends and IRC. And books.)

04:24 <Thelema5> "Creator of Emoji Movie considering making Fidget Spinner movie by 2019" O.o

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04:37 <Thelema5> Hi there, Matt_Miller

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04:48 <Thelema5> Well fine then

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04:57 <Sombra> deed

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05:24 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Epic Vocal Orchestral Music: Aurelleah - On Wings Of Moonlight (feat. 1004Lights & Megan McDuffee) [ http://tinyurl.com/y8kxkln3 ]

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05:53 <Cepheid> I feel slightly bad.

05:53 <Cepheid> Apparently the cats did not have enough food in their bowls.  I thought they did.

05:54 <Cepheid> Up until I just discovered that one of them had ate their own vomited up food from earlier.  I was letting it sit there to dry up for easier cleanup.

05:55 <Tirek> Poor kitties.

05:56 <Tirek> Also

05:56 <Tirek> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/251871831198400533/342176960883064832/unknown.png

05:56 <Tirek> This is the script for the conlang.

06:04 <Golden> Good night everyone

06:06 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

06:06 <iandroid> Tirek: no coda?

06:09 <Cepheid> The intent was for me to let the cat's food bowls empty, which they did, then give them a proper amount of food and start on a regular regimen of feeding.

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06:14 <Tirek> Nope, no coda. Just an onset and nucleus.

06:16 <iandroid> Tirek: well that makes it easy for learners to pronounce

06:16 <iandroid> That's part of why Japanese is so much easier to pronounce than Mandarin or Korean

06:16 <Tirek> They're going to love the fact that I made 'n' a vowel instead of consonant.

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06:17 <Tirek> I was inspired by a couple of other conlangs that use them either way, I thought it'd be neat if n was purely a vowel in mine.

06:17 <iandroid> Which vowel does 'n' represent?

06:33 <Tirek> Try to pronounce "pnt".

06:34 <Tirek> You would kind of hum that nasal sound between the two other consonants.

06:35 <Tirek> In this way, its a sound that you'd normally associate as a consonant sound, but used as a vowel. It works, even if its extremely unconventional.

06:35 <Tirek> I don't think a single natural language uses the nasal alveolar in that manner.

06:36 <Tirek> Oh, nevermind.

06:36 <iandalton> Tirek I just pronounce the n int pnt as a regular alveolar nasal, I think

06:37 <iandalton> I certainly don't say a vowel instead

06:38 <iandalton> at least if we're talking about a vowel as a sound pronounced with an open vocal tract

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06:41 <Tirek> I'm hoping we're on the same page.

06:41 <Tirek> Because as far as I can see, the only languages that use the nasal alveolar sound as a vowel are conlangs.

06:41 <Tirek> And, I think only two.

06:42 <Tirek> Oa, and Hymmnos.

06:42 <iandalton> The nasal alveolar is by definition one where the vocal tract is closed at the alveolar ridge, so it isn't a vowel

06:42 *** Quits: rela (x@Pony-bhhn53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:42 <Tirek> Right, but in this case its being used as similarly to a vowel.

06:43 <Tirek> As in, bridging two consonant sounds.

06:44 <Tirek> Probably the only way to explain it is with audio.

06:44 <Tirek> Lemme dig up Oa's vid.

06:45 <iandalton> Tirek "bridging two consonant sounds" isn't what makes something a vowel

06:45 <iandalton> the 't' in 'strike' is between two consonants

06:45 <iandalton> and the 'f' in 'pfft' is between two consonants in a word with no vowels

06:45 <iandalton> but that doesn't make them vowels

06:46 <iandalton> maybe you're looking for the term 'syllabic consonant'?

06:46 <iandalton> in which case lots of languages have them, including English, like the 'm' in 'rhythm'

06:48 <Tirek> Yeah, that's the word.

06:49 <Tirek> The problem when you know what you want to do, but don't know the terminology.

06:51 <iandalton> Mandarin has a bunch of words that, depending on how you analyze it, are all consonant

06:51 <iandalton> Anything that's romanized si, ci, zi, shi, chi, zhi, ri

06:51 <iandalton> with any of four different tones

06:51 <iandalton> so there are a lot of words there

06:52 *** Filly_Nightmares is now known as Sleeping_Nightmares

06:54 <iandalton> You learn about IPA and at first it seems to make things so easy, then you find out there's no consistent way of transcribing certain sounds in many languages, because they're hard to analyze exactly

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07:00 <Tirek> Hm.

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07:27 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Newbie Artist Training Grounds VII: Day 5 [ http://tinyurl.com/y92lpsph ]

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08:21 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

08:21 <RazorSharpFang> Hey

08:21 <RazorSharpFang> I just got back from my first day at uni

08:22 <ConfusionRift> Nice.

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08:22 *** Tirek1 is now known as Tirek

08:22 <RazorSharpFang> The lecturer this semester for that unit is a real character, and really makes the lectures a lot more interesting.

08:22 <Tirek> Nevermind, I'm a moron.

08:23 <ConfusionRift> Oooh, came to a netsplit.

08:23 <Tirek> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/251871831198400533/342217077098020864/unknown.png

08:23 <Tirek> Woo, writing.

08:24 <ConfusionRift> Real character you say? Also, interesting calligraphy there, Tirek.

08:24 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-r3b80s.ip19.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:26 <Tirek> I'm making a conlang for a roleplay group I'm in.

08:27 <Tirek> This text is gibberish for the moment, but it'll do nicely until I start crafting the grammar rules.

08:27 *** Quits: NeckbeardBrony (Ponies@Nopony.Important) (chrysalis.canternet.org cloudchaser.canternet.org)

08:27 <Tirek> It's mostly for show, but I want it to mean something in the end.

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08:29 <ConfusionRift> Would make it more unique, and probably more interesting.

08:29 <Cepheid> It feels like I should be quiet, because ye know, I have my speakers up a bit, and my parents usually sleep at this time.

08:29 <Cepheid> But they're not home, so..

08:29 *** Quits: NeckbeardBrony (Ponies@Nopony.Important) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:33 <Tirek> I already spoke a bit about this. It's sort of an abjad/syllabery mix. Each glyph is composed to three symbols. One main symbol (the onset consonant), one tonality, and one nucleus vowel or consonant. There's 8 consonants(b, f, k, m, Æž, r, s, t) but some consonants cluster(mostly s and r). Three vowels( a, e, o), and one syllabic consonant (n), and then three tonal variations (monotone, rising, and falling).

08:34 <Tirek> All syllables are composed with only an onset or onset cluster and a nucleus.

08:35 <Tirek> That's all I got so far.

08:36 <Tirek> Oh, and the basic construction of a sentence is "verb, subject, object".

08:36 <Tirek> That's all I really got so far.

08:36 <ConfusionRift> Still looks more interesting than, you know, standard.

08:36 <ConfusionRift> Oh, making this is not exactly easy, especially when trying to do something completely original.

08:38 <Tirek> Right.

08:42 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-74gguf.hzl2.ptd.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:44 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-74gguf.hzl2.ptd.net)

08:44 <Tirek> I'm trying to make it a denser language than English, while also using fewer phonological pieces than English (i.e. this language uses 12 unique sounds, versus the upwards of 100+ in English.)

08:49 <Tirek> Standard English only has 44 phonemes, but some dialects have upwards of a hundred. Should have made that clearer.

08:53 *** Joins: NeckbeardBrony (Ponies@Nopony.Important)

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09:15 <ConfusionRift> Sorry, was looking around the mess of consoles I have. And found my old replaced N64 stick. No idea why I still have it.

09:20 <ConfusionRift> Some languages, due to their structure, can be much more complex the English. This aside from multiple meanings, pronunciation variation, and so forth.

09:30 <Tirek> Right.

09:30 <Tirek> I kinda want to avoid ambiguity as much as possible without remaking Ithkuil

09:30 <Tirek> Which is an artlang designed for extreme density.

09:32 <Tirek> https://youtu.be/e_n3loSfejg?t=204

09:32 <ConfusionRift> ...huh?!

09:35 <Tirek> A word that's roughly 20 letters long has a paragraph's worth of meaning.

09:36 <ConfusionRift> That's a bit much, especially to learn and memorize.

09:36 <Tirek> Fortunately, its REALLY not meant to be learned.

09:36 <Tirek> It's three parts experiment, and four parts art.

09:36 <Tirek> How much information can I provide in as small a space as possible?

09:36 <Tirek> That's Ithkuil.

09:37 <Tirek> This is the best conlang ever conceived, though

09:37 <Tirek> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhxjI3t6Ht4

09:44 <Tirek> Apparently this is the best conlang, according to this guy

09:44 <Tirek> https://youtu.be/eLn6LC1RpAo?t=43

09:44 <Tirek> Mostly for its extreme simplicity.

09:46 *** Quits: NeckbeardBrony (Ponies@Nopony.Important) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

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09:56 * ConfusionRift tilts his head about it.

09:57 <Tirek> Kaybop is best at being the worst, toki pona is the best at being the best?

09:57 <Tirek> Anyway.

10:00 <ConfusionRift> Not exactly an easy one for me to determine, especially so late.

10:01 *** Quits: iandroid (ian@Pony-os2f6j.dynamic.tds.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:02 <Tirek> Right.

10:03 <ConfusionRift> The fact this has been for so long, and does seem much simpler, I would suppose so.

10:06 * ConfusionRift checks some older game videos, and notices something. "Why in the world haven't I played Thunder Force V yet?!"

10:20 <Tirek> Unfortunately, sleep time is now.

10:21 <ConfusionRift> Have a good one.

10:23 <ConfusionRift> Maybe I should too, with this migraine.

10:26 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:27 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-lh0.mcm.87.203.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

10:29 *** Thy is now known as Thy|Gaming

11:20 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-bc75a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

11:46 *** Joins: FedoraMane (Ponies@Nopony.Important)

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12:28 <Finwe> o3o

12:29 <Finwe> Mr FedoraMane.

12:29 * Finwe doffs his hat.

12:31 *** WorkFrame is now known as SLeepFrame

12:38 *** Quits: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain) (Quit: Well, that was unexpected...)

12:41 * SunsetShimmer casually watches old duck tales

12:43 <Lumindia> http://i.imgur.com/hFZ3YZM.jpg what is this shenanigan

12:46 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

12:54 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

13:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Gameloft MLP Game Releases a MLP Movie Patch for 3.7.0 [ http://tinyurl.com/ybqrgdmc ]

13:05 *** Quits: Thy|Gaming (uid63062@Pony-tbaiid.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

13:11 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-5sklsh.nhc3.ssum.0701.2601.IP)

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13:16 <Finwe> Lt CleverDerpy!

13:16 <Finwe> o7

13:16 <Finwe> Lt Cdr*

13:16 * Finwe hugs the Lt Cdr CleverDerpy.

13:17 <CleverDerpy> RAdm. Finwe

13:17 * CleverDerpy salutes\

13:17 * CleverDerpy then purrs

13:25 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com)

13:30 *** Joins: CherryBlossomBlizzard (CherryBloss@Pony-s90lk1.fuse.net)

13:32 <CherryBlossomBlizzard> morning every pony

13:32 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-1p8du0.discworld.eu)

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13:40 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

13:40 <Thelema5> Hello everypony

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14:04 * DataByte hails Thelema5 from his fortified cave

14:10 * Thelema5 attempts to subvert DataByte's cave fortifications

14:11 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles)

14:14 * CleverDerpy licks a crystal in the cave

14:14 <CleverDerpy> mmm, rock candy~

14:15 <Braixen> Hey CleverDerpy ^^

14:15 <CleverDerpy> hiya muffin

14:15 <Thelema5> Hi CleverDerpy.  How did your interview go?

14:15 <Braixen> ^^

14:15 <Braixen> she had a Interview?

14:15 <CleverDerpy> it went well, no stumbles and I think they were interested

14:15 <Thelema5> Awesome!

14:15 <CleverDerpy> yeah, yesterday I had an interview for best buy

14:16 <Braixen> awe

14:16 <CleverDerpy> it came up two days ago, so I didn't have much advanced notice

14:16 <Thelema5> Did they let you know when they would be making a decision?

14:17 <Lumindia> Derpy!

14:17 * Lumindia hug!

14:18 <CleverDerpy> they'd call, email, or request a second interview

14:19 <CleverDerpy> I really hope for email it's the easiest

14:19 <CleverDerpy> cuz I signed up online

14:19 <Thelema5> I hope they hire you!

14:19 <Braixen> Ditto

14:24 *** Quits: Apple_Bloom (uid52418@the.canon.pony) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

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14:27 <CleverDerpy> thankies

14:27 <CleverDerpy> they considered me, which is still better than i was hoping to get

14:27 <CleverDerpy> so i am working on actually landing the job now,

14:28 * Thelema5 crosses hooves

14:34 * CleverDerpy patpats

14:34 <CleverDerpy> you are sweet

14:35 <Thelema5> :p

14:49 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-4mn.uhq.87.203.IP)

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15:11 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (scintillae@sparks.only.last.so.long)

15:12 <DataByte> One perk of working from home: I can do whatever I want to the office.

15:13 <DataByte> I'm currently sitting behind a circle of 8 computer monitors :}

15:16 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (scintillae@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Connection closed)

15:16 *** Joins: Pony|22197 (Pony22197@Pony-5pug7e.sub-174-218-7.myvzw.com)

15:17 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Toys R' Us Facebook Posts NEW Movie Clip Revealing a Song!  [ http://tinyurl.com/ybhaxzep ]

15:19 *** Quits: Pony|22197 (Pony22197@Pony-5pug7e.sub-174-218-7.myvzw.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

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15:27 <Pony|23917> Than you so much for this site

15:28 *** Parts: Pony|23917 (Pony23917@Pony-5pug7e.sub-174-218-7.myvzw.com) ()

15:29 <Thelema5> DataByte, that sounds like quite a battlestation

15:33 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-tm9.esf.207.187.IP)

15:34 <Librarian> my heel hurtsssss

15:36 <Thelema5> Don't worry.  It will heel.

15:36 <Thelema5> :p

15:36 <Thelema5> What have you done to yourself?

15:37 <Librarian> no idea

15:37 <Thelema5> Wierd

15:37 <Librarian> yesterday started hurting, i did walk a lot yesterday with ma doggies

15:38 <Librarian> but it hurt befire i walked

15:38 <Thelema5> You must have pulled a muscle or strained a tendon somehow

15:39 <Librarian> how do i heal this?

15:39 <Thelema5> Try to keep off of it, apply an ice pack periodically

15:40 <Thelema5> It'll probably feel better in a couple of days if you rest it

15:48 *** Quits: WuBzY2 (WuBzY@Pony-ri4uk3.dhcp.inet.fi) (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)

15:48 *** Joins: WuBzY (WuBzY@wubs.are.life)

15:56 <Schism> Maybe occasionally roll your foot a bit at the ankle and toes.

16:01 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (scintillae@sparks.only.last.so.long)

16:01 * Thelema5 goes to a nearby farm market to get some lunch

16:01 *** Thelema5 is now known as Thelema5|away

16:06 * Schism yawnies, and boops the Databyte with some grilled peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches.

16:08 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (scintillae@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Connection closed)

16:09 *** Quits: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners) (Quit: I will return to the shadows)

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16:31 *** Thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

16:33 * Thelema5 returns with a farm-fresh italian combo sandwich made with house-made meats and cheese on 5 grain bread baked on the premises three hours ago

16:34 * Schism passes Thelema5 some sliced pepperoncini to add to the sandwich.

16:34 <Thelema5> Thanksie!

16:34 <Schism> I find that an Italian combo always works better with a little spice added to it.  o3o

16:35 <Thelema5> Yus

16:37 <Thelema5> How'd the job interview go yesterday, Schism?

16:37 <Schism> Well enough!  I'm on the short list for the position, short being 'me'.  It'll take a bit though.

16:37 <Thelema5> Awesome news!

16:37 <Thelema5> What sort of position is it?

16:39 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-h897fc.qaqv.r2ue.030a.2602.IP)

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16:39 <Schism> Ah, standard inbound customer support.

16:40 * Thelema5 nodnods

16:41 <Schism> A less technical position than my old one, but still.  The position is for a company which manufactures and distributes the vast majority of grills and barbecue equipment within Canada.

16:41 <Thelema5> Great!  I hope it works out.

16:41 <Schism> Danke!  It'll be interesting to get into.

16:55 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

16:59 <Thelema5> Hmm... Bronycon is coming up in less than 2 weeks, but I've not heard anything about it.  I wonder how their ticket sales have been

16:59 <Schism> "Any good adventurer knows to carry around a few tools.  That's why I have a fasces which includes the married set and enough rods to meld into a ten-foot pole."

17:00 <Schism> "Wait, there are eleven of those rods there." "Well, yes."

17:03 *** Joins: LillyTheGuardMoth (uid149300@Pony-mb18h2.charlton.irccloud.com)

17:05 <LillyTheGuardMoth> Thelema5 there non standard tickets sold out at least 3 months ago.

17:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: An Official My Little Pony Movie Concessions Figure Set is Happening!  [ http://tinyurl.com/y8arfrv9 ]

17:09 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

17:12 *** Surreal_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

17:12 * Schism rolls over and boops the Filly_Nightmares with a slice of chocolate banana cheesecake!

17:18 <Thelema5> LillyTheGuardMoth, non-standard?

17:19 <Thelema5> I imagine those would only make up a small percentage of their total sales

17:20 <Schism> VIP tickets, I take it.

17:22 <LillyTheGuardMoth> Well there's tickets that come with a lot of stuff like the $400+ ones and then there are the standards.

17:22 <LillyTheGuardMoth> I think there are like 8 ticket types that come with various things or are just "support us!" Ones

17:24 <Schism> "Time isn't made of lines, it's made of circles.  That's why clocks are round."

17:25 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

17:25 <LillyTheGuardMoth> Its not the hours you put in.

17:26 <LillyTheGuardMoth> Its what you put in the hours

17:31 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com)

17:40 * Lumindia highfives Schism for the RvB reference

17:40 <Schism> Best line Caboose has ever said.  :3

17:40 <Thelema5> Huh.  Apparently Bronycon is no longer just about MLP.  They're hosting panels and content from Steven Universe, Pokemon, various gaming IPs and other "geek-culture" interests

17:41 <Schism> Makes a lot of sense.  There are so many shows and ideas out there, that the fandom has taken to heart, that it could never have been about just one thing for that long.

17:41 <Schism> I'd call it an example of the fandom maturing.

17:41 <Thelema5> Probably for the best considering their terrible sales last year

17:50 *** Joins: Apple_Bloom (uid52418@the.canon.pony)

17:52 <Schism> A comics convention might be about showcasing graphic novels for the most part, but I'll guarantee that you can find tons of people there who'd be willing to sit down and engage in a ribald discussion of Umberto Eco's dry wit.

17:55 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: To work)

18:05 *** Quits: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners) (Quit: I will return to the shadows)

18:05 * Filly_Nightmares chews on her food and wigglewaggles inside of Schism's leg hole

18:05 *** Joins: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners)

18:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Pony Gameloft Game Movie Trailer  [ http://tinyurl.com/y9nndnme ]

18:13 *** Joins: Starwind (Starwind@Pony-1fcaj8.cable.virginm.net)

18:14 <Starwind> hello everyone

18:14 <Thelema5> Hi there, Starwind

18:14 <Starwind> Hello Thelema5

18:14 <Starwind> how are we all

18:14 <Thelema5> I'm okay, just busy at work

18:15 <Thelema5> (Not too busy to chat, of course) :p

18:15 <Starwind> haha i know that feeling, keeping it open on the side eh :D

18:15 <Thelema5> More or less.  This channel has been kind of slow lately though

18:16 <Starwind> yes i have been popping in and out over the years and it seems to be very quiet

18:16 <Starwind> so i guess basic question is always a good starter :) favourite pony?

18:17 <Thelema5> Can't say I have a favorite- I relate most closely to flutters, but I enjoy watching Pinkie the most.  Sweetie Belle is sweetest pony, little red has my favorite design.  Diamond Tiara is a good pone.

18:17 <Thelema5> You?

18:18 <Starwind> my my quite a selection there

18:18 <Starwind> my favourite is Rarity, but also like Applebloom, Princess Luna and Lyra for there different contracting personailities

18:19 <Thelema5> Good pones.

18:19 <Starwind> Maud Pie as well

18:19 <Lumindia> It's HAILING here

18:19 * Filly_Nightmares eats Starwind's pie

18:19 * Filly_Nightmares chews on Lumindia

18:19 <Thelema5> It's raining hard here, but no hail

18:19 <Starwind> *Starwind hisses at the eating of Maud pie*

18:20 * Thelema5 covers Lumindia with an indestructable umbrella

18:20 <Starwind> it was raining here earlier but its calmed down now

18:20 <Starwind> i was suppose to be doing a drawing stream on twitch earlier but i really cant be bothered

18:20 <Thelema5> What do you think about the movie receiving a PG rating?

18:21 <Schism> PG is fine.  It's what I'd rate Animaniacs as.

18:21 <Starwind> now is the pg rating suppose to be a good or bad thing?

18:21 <Starwind> because i think PG is fine because of the content and audience its reaching out to

18:21 <Thelema5> It's because of "mild action sequences"

18:22 <Schism> ... wait, what?

18:22 <Thelema5> Yeah

18:22 * Lumindia hugs Surry

18:22 <Lumindia> We must protect the floof!

18:22 * Schism pops Surry out of his leg hole and puts her on Lumindia's head.

18:22 <Starwind> ahh thats been the case since i was a kid, remember don bluth films were like a PG

18:22 * Thelema5 snerks

18:22 <Schism> There are a few jokes, even in MLP: FiM, that I would call... slightly risque.  

18:22 <Lumindia> SLIGHTLY risque?

18:23 <Schism> Well, slightly, so as not to get the censors to twig.

18:23 <Starwind> haha i think the one thing that made me think risque for MLP is the big lebowski reference

18:23 <Schism> The one which leaps immediately to mind for me is a startled Fluttershy covering herself up with her blanket.

18:23 <Thelema5> Crossing her hooves over her chest and blushing>

18:23 <Thelema5> ?

18:23 <Schism> Yup.

18:23 <Thelema5> XD

18:24 <Starwind> haha oh yeah, so many scenes like that

18:24 <Thelema5> It's so silly because ponies don't usually wear any clothes

18:24 <Schism> That's another one.

18:24 <Lumindia> heh

18:25 <Lumindia> also DAAANNNGGG It's raining like crazy here

18:25 <Lumindia> http://i.imgur.com/ydKJ4kb.jpg

18:25 <Starwind> i cant remember specifically sequencs which were risque but a lot of dialogue can be hinting at times

18:27 <Thelema5> www.imdb.com/title/tt1751105/parentalguide

18:27 <Starwind> haha and here is why its filth

18:27 <Thelema5> All the questionable content that's fit to print

18:29 <Starwind> haha i forgot about the slumber party book

18:29 <Lumindia> heh

18:29 <Thelema5> Summary: "Recommended for children around *+ due to its quite bizarre, dark, and sad nature.  Probably the darkest children cartoon in a long time .  Don't let the DVD covers and promo material fool you"

18:29 <Thelema5> *8+

18:30 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP)

18:30 <Starwind> 'is your son watching ponies? if thats true then he maybe planning a uprise!'

18:33 <Thelema5> I'm glad the mid-season hiatus is almost over

18:33 <Thelema5> I hope they maintain a consistant release schedule moving forward.  No more of this double-release nonsense

18:34 <Starwind> yeah looking forward to it, although less heart string tugging! Them feels

18:34 * Filly_Nightmares leg thumpies on Thelema5's leg happily

18:35 * Thelema5 bounces

18:36 <Starwind> i say

18:39 <Thelema5> I think I need to get rid of some plushies... they're taking over my bedroom

18:39 <Thelema5> (And my office at work, and my car, and my studio) XD

18:40 <Starwind> Why not Starwind *pose*

18:40 <Thelema5> The funny thing is that I've only bought a few for myself... most of them were received as gifts

18:41 <Starwind> i think i have about 3 pony plushies and the rest are figures, have to keep them away from the dog and cat

18:42 <Thelema5> Ah, yeah I can imagine a dog would love to make your plushies its own

18:43 <SunsetShimmer> I'm also looking forward to the hour long duck tales next week - not the new series proper, but the hour long intro...the series properly 'begins' around september

18:43 <Thelema5> I've wanted a Sweetie Belle plush with a squeaky-toy squeaker sewn inside for a while, but it would be too expensive to commission

18:43 <Thelema5> Ah, when does it air?

18:43 <Schism> In the unlikely event that I would ever have children (ha!), I would go so far as to teach them stories about Anansi, Coyote and the Monkey King, and have them question everything.

18:43 <Starwind> *hisses at ducktales remake*

18:43 <SunsetShimmer> it works, StarStream

18:43 <SunsetShimmer> *starwind

18:43 <SunsetShimmer> it's actually decent.

18:43 <Schism> Also, it will have the hero of St. Canard therein.

18:44 <SunsetShimmer> And I'm a fan of OG Ducktales.

18:44 <Starwind> my dog loves going near my princess luna plushie and my cat likes picking a fight with my giant applejack

18:44 <Starwind> i have watched clps of it and it is just wierd

18:44 <Starwind> not the animation thats fine

18:44 <Starwind> its the voices

18:44 <SunsetShimmer> Well they're not terrible

18:44 <Schism> Okay, you cannot be objecting to David Tennant as Scrooge McDuck.

18:44 <SunsetShimmer> x3

18:44 <SunsetShimmer> nephews being adult-sounding, Meh...whatever. :P

18:44 <Starwind> haha yes i can be :P Scrooge McDuck should be sounding old, not like hes in his 30s

18:44 <SunsetShimmer> We've had that in pony

18:45 <Thelema5> But... but... David Tennant

18:45 <SunsetShimmer> :P You're bein' fickle

18:45 <SunsetShimmer> ya daft brush~

18:45 <Starwind> and the nephew and nieces :P dear god

18:45 <Starwind> Launch Pad Mcquack is the only one i like

18:45 <CocoPommel> D:

18:45 <Schism> Did you catch that totally-not-NERF-gun fight scene?

18:46 <CocoPommel> LaunchPad is worst duck

18:46 <Starwind> i caught several sequences :P

18:46 <Thelema5> Maybe we can replace Tennant with Peter Capaldi

18:46 <Thelema5> XD

18:46 <CocoPommel> Jk

18:46 <Starwind> there you go Thelema!

18:46 <CocoPommel> He's far from my favorite though

18:46 <Starwind> Capadi is best duck

18:47 <CocoPommel> I more of a fan of the Carl Barks and Don Rosa comics honestly

18:47 <CocoPommel> But the new Scrooge voice is going to take some getting used to for me

18:47 <Starwind> If William Shatnar can narrate the Clangers properly ;) tennant can be an old man

18:48 <Schism> It would be kind of funny for Peter Capaldi to do the voicework for Flintheart Glomgold.

18:48 <CocoPommel> The original Scrooge voice is iconic for me, hard to imagine it any other way

18:48 <CocoPommel> I did watch me a little bit of Clangers

18:48 <Schism> <David Tennant> And unlike those other Scrooges, I speak with a Scottish accent!

18:48 <Starwind> haha i saw good show on the reference

18:49 <Thelema5> :p

18:49 <Starwind> 'Hey Tennant' yeah? 'Want some quick cash?' why not? 'can you pretend to be an old man for a season of duktales?' no! 'good enough'

18:50 <Starwind> maybe they just followed him round and took sound bites

18:53 <Schism> I really do want to know who they're getting to do the voicework for Drake Mallard.

18:53 * CocoPommel questions Schism

18:53 * Schism throws up five psyche-locks.

18:54 <SunsetShimmer> Schism: They'll likely not touch on drake 'til 3rd season at the very least

18:54 <Starwind> its just as bad as when they rebooted Count Duckula for Dangermouse

18:54 <SunsetShimmer> the moment you introduce drake, you've gotta address 'that'

18:54 <CocoPommel> Not to sound blasphemous but it's 'possible' the new Ducktales could actually be better than the first one. I've been watching the original lately and I think it definitely gets put on a pedestal

18:55 <CocoPommel> Don't get me wrong I grew up with it but it's not perfect

18:55 <SunsetShimmer> I think people just need to look at it as an entertaining show of its own merit

18:55 <Schism> Nono, that's a fine critique.  Nostalgia does put blinders on us all.

18:55 <Starwind> Coco with the way contemporary writing is at the moment that could very well be the case

18:55 <Starwind> seeing as we are sat in a MLP chatroom :P

18:55 <SunsetShimmer> it can never be a perfect show, but I think Duck Tales reboot has potential to be one worth watching

18:56 <SunsetShimmer> the title credits were clearly done out of a place of love and respect at the very least

18:56 <Schism> I recently rewatched Wilder Napalm and found it... comparatively disappointing.  Fun, but not the bundle of entertainment that I remembered it being.

18:56 <Starlight_Glimmer> I hope you're not being disappointed SunsetShimmer

18:56 <SunsetShimmer> I'm fairly sure I'll be entertained.

18:56 <CocoPommel> The main reason I'm thinking that is so far it seems they're taking more inspiration from the comics than the first one did so that's a good start

18:56 <SunsetShimmer> I'm not massively fickle, for better or worse

18:57 <Starwind> in many ways nostaglia does blind, but with the way many rebootted series have gone, its a rare chance that something is as good as the original, but who knows

18:57 <SunsetShimmer> well the reboot clips have proven promising

18:57 <Schism> Darnit, brain.  Reboot clips, not ReBoot clips.

18:57 <SunsetShimmer> xD

18:57 <SunsetShimmer> reboot ReBoot

18:57 <SunsetShimmer> ;3

18:57 <Schism> Still want to see that happen.

18:58 <Starwind> resandle!

18:58 <Thelema5> I just hope they keep the same theme song.  It's fine if they redo it, update it a bit, but I'd hate to see it tossed aside for something else entirely

18:58 <CocoPommel> They did Thelema5

18:58 <Schism> Wait, have you not seen that, Thelema5?

18:58 <CocoPommel> It's on YouTube already

18:58 <Starlight_Glimmer> I really hope they don't mess it up. I'm not really happy with most reboots. Exceptions apply of course

18:58 <Schism> The opening was published a while ago.  It's very much similar to the original.

18:58 <CocoPommel> The whole opening sequence/theme song

18:58 <Thelema5> Rehorseshoe

18:58 <Schism> There are two factors in play with any reboot: how well it works on its own merits, and how well it works with the original work.

18:58 <Thelema5> I haven't seen anything

18:58 <SunsetShimmer> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKSU82afy1w

18:59 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Opening Theme | DuckTales | Disney XD

18:59 <Starwind> resaddle

18:59 <SunsetShimmer> opening titles

18:59 <Schism> Thelema5: That OP should give you some cause for relief.

18:59 <Thelema5> Ducktales is pretty far off my radar at the moment

18:59 <SunsetShimmer> xD

18:59 <CocoPommel> Rebutt

18:59 <SunsetShimmer> Renoodle

18:59 <Thelema5> Thanksies

19:00 <Starwind> yeah the theme song is ok, wish they would stop getting preteen girls singing it though

19:00 <Starwind> that is a trend of the 2010's i see

19:01 <SunsetShimmer> That just sounds like sour grapes tbh

19:01 <SunsetShimmer> just be happy, bruh

19:01 <Schism> Eh?  No, those singers aren't ... well, they sound young, but not THAT young.

19:01 <Starwind> its just a trend i see a lot of, nothing wrong with the theme song at all

19:01 <SunsetShimmer> Also I'm...not really sure what else you can expect?

19:01 <Schism> I think what you're hearing might be a less-painful-than-most variant of autotune.

19:02 <Starwind> back in my day :P

19:02 <SunsetShimmer> I've been in that day

19:02 <Starwind> haha

19:02 <SunsetShimmer> Lifes moved on. :P

19:02 <Starwind> could be worse, could be the new Dragonball super theme song

19:02 <Starwind> first one was perfect, now it just sounds like generic action anime theme song

19:03 <Schism> "I'm pretty sure that the 'enemy' label applies to anyone who has a 'Best of Styx' album in their car without seeing anything wrong with the title."

19:04 <Starwind> never owned anything by Styx :P

19:05 <Schism> I kinda like them, but many of their songs are... ah... let's just go with 'ah' and leave it at that.

19:05 <Starwind> haha to be fair when i look back at alot of the music i listened to as a teen, it does kinda make me cringe now

19:06 <Schism> Meanwhile, any tapes or CDs left in a car for more than a fortnight turn into Best of Queen albums.

19:06 <Schism> Five-year-old me had no taste whatsoever: he genuinely liked Cyndi Lauper.

19:06 <Starwind> *pretends they dont like cyndi lauper*

19:06 * Schism points to the door. :P

19:07 <Starwind> my teens were the 2000s, but when i hit 20, my love for the 80s kicked in

19:07 <Schism> It's fine, I still like Men Without Hats and Kraftwerk, so I can't say that my tastes have improved so much as they've shifted a few degrees sideways.

19:07 <Starwind> but but schism......ponies ust want to have fun

19:08 <Schism> I also have a love of Porcupine Tree, Ayreon, and okay maybe occasionally I listen to a little bit of Tool.

19:08 *** Joins: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-1haq45.wa.comcast.net)

19:08 <Starwind> Safety Dance is my favourite song of all time

19:08 <Schism> But that is NOT THE SOURCE OF MY NAME darnitalltoheck.

19:08 * Thelema5 still listens to Devo regularly

19:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Funko Releasing MLP Movie Figures! [ http://tinyurl.com/y839qv2g ]

19:09 <Starwind> favourite band is The Offspring

19:09 <Thelema5> Schism, I have never made that connection before.  But now I have the song in my head

19:09 <Starwind> if i dont get my dose of offspring i may shake violently

19:09 <Schism> You're gonna go far, kid... o/`

19:10 <Starwind> * points to door

19:10 <Schism> What?  I had that one stuck in my head just yesterday.

19:10 <Thelema5> !moon Starwind

19:10 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Thelema5!

19:10 *** Thelema5 was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

19:10 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

19:10 <Starwind> whhhhhatttt

19:10 <Thelema5> *derp*

19:11 <Thelema5> !muffinkiss

19:11 * DerpyBot regurgitates a whole, fresh looking muffin and approaches Thelema5, showing her most adorable kissing face

19:11 * Thelema5 patapats best bot

19:11 <Starwind> i say shes pretty fly for a white pie

19:11 * Thelema5 rimshots

19:13 <Starwind> stupid question cause its been so long, how on earth do you do the italics action

19:13 <DataByte> /me

19:13 * Starwind Starwind has no idea what he is doing

19:13 <Starwind> there you go :P

19:14 * DataByte applauds

19:14 * Starwind curtseys

19:15 <Thelema5> DataByte, how is your CNC project working out?

19:16 <Starwind> cnc?

19:17 <Thelema5> Cutie Nark Crusaders

19:17 <Thelema5> Kidding, it's a computer controlled cutting machine

19:17 <Starwind> see i almost believed you

19:18 <DataByte> Heh

19:18 <Thelema5> The fandom has seen stranger things

19:18 <Starwind> oh yes, i too have looked into that black hole

19:18 <DataByte> It's sortof working - I stopped troubleshooting it to get other stuff done, so looks like I'll be finishing plaques for Bronycon by hand for now

19:18 <Starlight_Glimmer> My immediate insertion would fall into that category I guess

19:18 <Thelema5> Yeesh

19:19 <Starlight_Glimmer> But then again Thelema5 is way to brave for that :P

19:19 <Thelema5> Oh yes, I am so very brave!

19:19 * Thelema5 cowers

19:20 <Thelema5> XD

19:20 <Starwind> i have travelled the lands and found the riches of kings!

19:20 <Starlight_Glimmer> :3

19:20 * DataByte hides behind the brave Thelema5

19:20 * Starwind does a congar line

19:20 * Thelema5 bravely brandished a vaguely sword shaped object

19:20 <Starlight_Glimmer> I want a CNCed metal RD pin ... Just saying <3

19:20 <Thelema5> ^customer

19:21 <Thelema5> Cha-ching

19:21 <Starwind> thats a sound everyone can agree with

19:21 <Starlight_Glimmer> I can't stand the cheap printed ones

19:21 <Starlight_Glimmer> And I looked around without much success

19:22 <DataByte> The ones that Enterplay made last year were pretty good

19:22 <DataByte> https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DkTm-WaN8xU/V87cHHnCRBI/AAAAAAAApKM/Rlh8o_DwvukxxBfEbtk77w98PwwU75WKACLcB/s1600/Rainbow-Dash-Enterplay-Pin.jpg

19:24 <Starwind> well i am going to scoot for a while, got some drawing to do :D

19:24 <Thelema5> G'bye!

19:24 <Starlight_Glimmer> Well I'm looking for just the cutiemark and no printing

19:25 <Starwind> cya later everyone, bye x

19:25 *** Quits: Starwind (Starwind@Pony-1fcaj8.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

19:25 <Starlight_Glimmer> Can't see colors anyway, so not loosing much 6_9

19:25 * Thelema5 imagines a grey equestria and feels a bit sad

19:26 <Starlight_Glimmer> No worries Thelema5. You can't see all that much color at night anyway

19:26 <Starlight_Glimmer> And we all know Equestria is enjoyed best at night

19:26 <DataByte> I could probably carve one out of some metal stock I've got and use a magnet to pin it

19:26 <Thelema5> There's a channel for that

19:27 <Schism> What do you mean?  Vinyl has to perform at a ton of nightclubs.

19:27 <DataByte> That is, if you're really interested in something handmade

19:27 <Starlight_Glimmer> I thought about asking in the hackerspace a couple of houses away

19:28 <Starlight_Glimmer> I know one or 2 people there and they have the tools and skills

19:28 <DataByte> Or weld a link on and make it a keychain toy

19:28 <Starlight_Glimmer> I want it for my backpack

19:28 <DataByte> There you go! xD

19:28 <DataByte> Sure you don't want color, though?

19:29 <Starlight_Glimmer> Depends on how well the metal surface finish is

19:29 <Starlight_Glimmer> If it's good I rather have that

19:30 <Starlight_Glimmer> I have a thing for brushed aluminium. Bare metal just has something nice to it

19:31 * Thelema5 hides his brushed aluminium fidget spinner

19:31 <Thelema5> ^ /// ^

19:31 <Starlight_Glimmer> And I seriously hope Thelema5 didn't misunderstood me there and wasn't pointing at EAD

19:31 <DataByte> I have a vibrator I built for doing that with aluminum :)

19:32 <DataByte> er, the brushed look

19:32 * Thelema5 was only kidding, Starlight_Glimmer

19:32 <Starlight_Glimmer> I sanded my note notebooks touchpad

19:33 <Starlight_Glimmer> It had an odd rough finish, I accidentally scratched it and thought I try making it smooth instead

19:33 <DataByte> you need something 4000+ grit

19:34 <Starlight_Glimmer> I have 3000

19:34 <Starlight_Glimmer> WHich did the job quite well

19:34 <DataByte> nice

19:35 <Starlight_Glimmer> I have to redo it again because not all scratches I made with the razer blade were removed with the higher grit I used before

19:35 <Starlight_Glimmer> I had only limited time and wanted to see if it'd work at all

19:35 <Starlight_Glimmer> So I'll spent some time doing it properly soon

19:36 <Starlight_Glimmer> As it is now it's a lot better than before already

19:37 <Starlight_Glimmer> spend*

19:38 <Starlight_Glimmer> One of the many things I never get right :P

19:38 <Starlight_Glimmer> First try anyway

19:41 *** Quits: LillyTheGuardMoth (uid149300@Pony-mb18h2.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

19:41 <Starlight_Glimmer> Oh dear

19:41 <Starlight_Glimmer> Something overwrote my custom styling for windows titles

19:42 <Starlight_Glimmer> Now they're huge again

19:42 <Thelema5> Yuck

19:43 * Schism blinks at the odd pingback.

19:43 <Schism> Anyway, that's peculiar.  You're not the only person who's had issues with Windows suddenly adjusting things on them over the last week.

19:43 <Starlight_Glimmer> windows not Windows ;)

19:44 <Starlight_Glimmer> There is a slight but important difference

19:44 <Schism> Wouldn't call it slight, but quite so.

19:44 <Starlight_Glimmer> Because this notebooks is running Linux

19:45 <Schism> Yes yes, and I know that many desktop themes base themselves off either Windows or the old Apple desktop.

19:45 <Schism> Still peculiar to see visual themes doing things like that at random.

19:46 <Starlight_Glimmer> Oh and I should have said window titles

19:46 <Starlight_Glimmer> So that was my bad

19:46 <Schism> You should play OneShot.  >.>

19:46 <Starlight_Glimmer> They're styled with a CSS files. I just modify them

19:46 <Starlight_Glimmer> If they're updated the changed are gone

19:47 <Starlight_Glimmer> Should probably find a more permanent solution

19:47 <Starlight_Glimmer> Or put the patches in cronjob

19:48 <Starlight_Glimmer> Now that Ubuntu will start shipping GNOME natively again one might consider running it again

19:48 <DataByte> They're finally dropping Unity?

19:48 <Starlight_Glimmer> YES

19:48 <Starlight_Glimmer> Was very big news

19:48 <Starlight_Glimmer> Like a month ago :P

19:48 <Starlight_Glimmer> Probably more

19:48 <DataByte> I might just switch back eventually

19:49 <DataByte> I've been taking refuge in Mint

19:49 <DataByte> xD

19:49 <Starlight_Glimmer> This notebooks is running Mint too

19:49 <Starlight_Glimmer> But Mint has quite annoying traits as well

19:49 <Starlight_Glimmer> Like installing Flash by default

19:49 <Starlight_Glimmer> WHY

19:49 * Starlight_Glimmer drops tears

19:50 <DataByte> I don't mind that, heh

19:50 <Starlight_Glimmer> I'm really using it only because of Cinnamon

19:51 <DataByte> Same xD

19:51 <Starlight_Glimmer> From all the DEs I've tried so far it has the least issues with the builtin magnifier

19:51 <Starlight_Glimmer> And it's easy to customize

19:53 <Starlight_Glimmer> Which in certain parts is really required. Huge window titles and annoying "panel" (taskbar) behavior being only a few of the things I have to keep fixing

19:54 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

19:55 <Starlight_Glimmer> Also wow Mint's security policy stuff is annoying

19:56 <Starlight_Glimmer> I miss my good old Debian. ;(

19:56 <Starlight_Glimmer> But you gotta experiment while you're "young"

20:03 <Schism> Pardon me, but this stood out to me.  I understand that Unity, being a graphical engine and all, would be a sensible choice for certain aspects of the GUI model.  But...

20:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Silver Quill: Let's Review: Friends Forever #12 [ http://tinyurl.com/y87jfjut ]

20:06 <Schism> Not sure how best to put it.

20:08 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

20:09 <Schism> I want to say that a platform built around serving various specific needs is an entirely different monster from one built to serve every need.

20:10 <Starlight_Glimmer> What are you aiming at?

20:11 <Schism> That's the hard part... and I'm not sure that I know exactly what I'm talking about here, either, so I'm going to give it up as a bad job and head to the store for some chips.

20:12 <Schism> Maybe even chips, gravy and cheese curds.

20:12 <Starlight_Glimmer> You know Unity 3D != Unity DE, right?

20:13 <Schism> Yes, that became apparent once I started actually thinking instead of reacting.  Like I said.

20:14 <Schism> I clearly need food and something to spark my brain into something more sensible than the sludge with which I'm currently performing.

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20:17 <Starlight_Glimmer> Did my explanation about Unity 3D vs. the Unity DE go through?

20:18 <Thelema5> Not that I saw

20:18 <Starlight_Glimmer> >Unity 3D is a game engine, the Unity DE (for desktop environment) is an entirely different thing: A graphical shell for Linux.

20:18 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-tm9.esf.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:20 <Starlight_Glimmer> Brushie mentioned DDoS attacks on Canternet earlier today/yesterday (timezones yada yada)

20:20 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-tm9.esf.207.187.IP)

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20:20 <Starlight_Glimmer> So yeah I assume that's where the netsplits are coming from

20:21 <Thelema5> *Derp*

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20:36 <Thelema5> Should I make coffee?

20:38 <Thelema5> I have an excellent dark roasted Ethiopian Sidamo blend

20:38 <Finwe> Yuck, coffee.

20:39 <Finwe> Make tea, not coffee.

20:40 <Thelema5> Tea is good if properly iced

20:40 <Thelema5> But I don't have any tea with me

20:41 *** Quits: Filly_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Connection closed)

20:41 <Thelema5> This coffee blend claims to be "fruity & aromatic with notes of dark cherry, tangerine, & baker's chocolate

20:42 <Thelema5> I don't know if I quite get all of that, but it is rather tasty

20:42 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

20:42 <Finwe> Coffee is tolerable if mixed into at least nine times as much again of milk.

20:42 <Thelema5> XD

20:42 *** Surreal_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

20:42 * Finwe noms on a Filly_Nightmares.

20:43 * Filly_Nightmares wuvsplodes!

20:43 <Finwe> Wub wub.

20:44 *** Quits: Filly_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Connection closed)

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20:56 <Schism> Cherry chocolate coffee... >.>

20:56 <Schism> It is not a bad idea.  Those are more notes than anything else, of course.  Is the coffee pre-ground, Thelema5?

20:56 <Finwe> Mr Schism, Miss Surreal_Nightmares.

20:56 * Finwe doffs his hat.

20:57 <Schism> rAdm. Finwe.

20:57 * Schism doffs his mixture of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cranberries, cashews, peanuts, and dried bananas.

20:57 <Thelema5> No, I coarse grind it before brewing because I use a coffee press '

20:57 * Schism ahhs, and nodnods.

20:58 <Schism> I fear my own preparations are rather more lackluster, in part because I fill up a 12-cup pot with preground bean juice and drink it all in an hour or two.

20:58 <Finwe> Amongst the coffee drinkers there shall be coarse grind and gnashing of teeth.

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21:00 <Thelema5> Heh, I used to drink coffee like that but I recently reduced my caffiene consumption significantly

21:02 <Thelema5> Don't get me wrong- I'm not sitting in my office with a burr grinder; I /do/ work in a resort hotel with a very well equipped kitchen.  The coffee press I "borrowed" from their banquet inventory, and their grinder is easy to access

21:03 *** Quits: Pony|80210 (Pony80210@Pony-r5s3s0.dgvlga.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

21:03 <Schism> Hmmm, that might have something to do with it.  Unless the coffee grinder is fully cleaned out, it'll still contain specks of the previous grinds, and that can taint the flavour somewhat.

21:04 <Schism> Plus, the previous oils cling to the metal a bit.

21:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Season 6 Box Set Announced! [ http://tinyurl.com/y95folky ]

21:06 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-q43hqc.as43234.net)

21:06 <Thelema5> No no, the notes I listed are claimed on the package of bean I purchased today from a local coffee roaster

21:07 <Schism> Oh, I meant more why they're so difficult to actually taste.

21:07 *** SunsetShimmer_ is now known as Princess-Luna

21:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

21:07 <Thelema5> OOh, heh

21:07 * Schism provides Princess-Luna an espresso with lots of dark chocolate and a little whipped cream.

21:08 * Thelema5 adds a dark cherry

21:08 <Thelema5> XD

21:08 * Princess-Luna O.o's

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21:10 * Finwe noms on Princess-Luna's ethereal tail.

21:10 <Schism> Just as Celestia likes tea, Luna likes coffee.  This is known.  o3o

21:11 * Princess-Luna admits that she's not got a press or a machine, just granulated/instants.

21:11 * Finwe pffts at Schism.

21:11 <Finwe> Pfft.

21:12 * Princess-Luna aways briefly to tend to acquiring stuff from shops!

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21:13 <Finwe> :0

21:13 *** SLeepFrame is now known as WorkFrame

21:14 * Finwe scratches Princess-Luna's vinyls while he's (she's?) away.

21:18 <Tirek> I'm telling.

21:41 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)

21:45 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

21:49 <Finwe> Tirek: What are you telling?

22:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Giant Inflatable Daybreaker Appears  [ http://tinyurl.com/yb7h45jx ]

22:05 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-tm9.esf.207.187.IP)

22:06 <Finwe> Mr Librarian.

22:06 * Finwe doffs his headphones.

22:21 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

22:22 <Finwe> Mr Thelema5.

22:22 * Finwe doffs his headphones.

22:23 * Schism flops over to Thelema5 and boops with a slice of singularity cheesecake.

22:32 <Finwe> What on Equestria is singularity cheesecake?

22:35 <Finwe> Sleeptiem? :3

22:36 <Finwe> !hug

22:36 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

22:36 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Finwe in a tight embrace

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22:36 <Finwe> Alright, hugtiem first, and sleeptiem afterwards.

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22:50 <Finwe> _Now_ it is sleeptiem.

22:50 <Finwe> !lullaby

22:50 * DerpyBot carries Finwe off to bed

22:50 * DerpyBot tucks Finwe in and hums a lullaby

22:50 <Finwe> !shoo

22:50 * DerpyBot sways from side to side, quietly humming "shoo be doo shoo shoo be doo"

22:53 *** TimidTanuki|Work is now known as TimidTanuki|Away

23:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Hasbro was Apparently in Talks to Buy LionsGate [ http://tinyurl.com/ychjfwq6 ]

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