Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Wednesday, 2022-01-26

00:03 *** Joins: Jackie (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP)

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00:22 *** Joins: Angeline (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

00:46 *** Joins: Jackie (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP)

00:56 *** Quits: LibrarianofHope_ (uid273841@Pony-onp1si.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

01:00 *** Joins: Taoki_1 (MirceaKitsu@Pony-sme.fv9.240.188.IP)

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01:09 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-sme.fv9.240.188.IP)

01:09 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Asking A Lot / Compliment / Fix 7:9 / Quest 181 / Movie Slate: Aliens vs Zombies [ https://tinyurl.com/ya9q5ory ]

02:09 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #2752 [ https://tinyurl.com/y96uuw4n ]

02:47 *** Joins: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-57ckb0.8k9b.13c0.0381.2600.IP)

02:50 *** Quits: NitroTheFurry (Nitro@Pony-l42sv5.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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02:54 *** Joins: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-8cd55j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

03:57 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net)

04:34 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

05:33 <Finwe> Good morning, my little ponies!

05:33 <Schism> rAdm. Finwe.

05:33 * Schism doffs her 2554 AMG Transport Dynamics Warthog.

05:34 <Finwe> Mlles Ali, Angeline, and Schism; Messsrs AppleDash, Cepheid, Lumindia_, PinkieShy, NitroTheFurryWerewolf, and uni.

05:34 * Finwe doffs his hat.

05:34 <NitroTheFurryWerewolf> o7

05:34 * Ali is just curled up into a corner, gaming has done nothing but destroy her soul today.

05:35 * Finwe noms on the tatters of Ali's soul.

05:35 <Finwe> “But the gates of Hunghung were pretty damn good gates. They weren’t like the gates of Ankh-Morpork, which were usually wide open to attract the spending customer and whose concession to defense was the sign “Thank You For Not Attacking Our City. Bonum Diem.” These things were big and made of metal and there was a guardhouse and a squad of unhelpful men in black armor.”

05:36 * Schism notes that there are absolutely not 2,000,009 invisible ghosts.

05:36 * Schism also hugs the Ali... :<

05:37 <Finwe> Wathog sounds like Forza Motorsport.

05:37 <Schism> Finwe: Well, it looks a bit more like a big cat.

05:38 <Schism> Also, Forza Horizon 5, not Motorsport.

05:38 <Finwe> Indeed, it was introduced in Forza Horizon 3. o3o

05:39 <Schism> So yes.  o3o  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889610689382068284/935657418690539630/unknown.png

05:41 *** Quits: Pony|58754 (Pony|58754@Pony-taj8dp.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Connection closed)

05:42 <Finwe> “I know how to bloody well behave in cities,” said Truckle the Uncivil. “Pillage, ravish, loot, set fire to the damn place on your way out. Just like towns only it takes longer.”

05:44 <Schism> "You know their big dish down on the coast?" "No." "Pig's ear soup.  Now, what's that tell you about a place, eh?"  Rincewind shrugged. "Very provident people?" "Some other bugger pinches the pig."

05:52 <Finwe> “Rice cakes! Rice cakes! Get chore nice rice cakes! Tea! Hundred-Year-Old Eggs! Eggs! Get them while they’re nice and vintage! Get chore—Yeah, what is it?”

05:52 <Schism> This egg looks fresh.

05:52 <Finwe> “Dibhala-san! This egg you sold me—”

05:53 * Ali curls up on Schism

05:53 * Schism snuggles the Ali, and provides her with warm blankets and also a plush 'vee.

05:54 <Finwe> “The bowl in the middle of the tray was full of gold coins. Rincewind’s heart sank. The price of one of Mr. Dibhala’s foul eggs would have bought a street in Ankh-Morpork.”

05:55 <Schism> S'why they call it the counterweight continent.

05:56 * PinkieShy hops to Finwe and gives him Eevee hugs

06:00 * Finwe snuggles a PinkieShy.

06:01 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-ksl.srt.98.172.IP)

06:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

06:01 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

06:01 * Schism chews on ConfusionRift's M12S Warthog CST.

06:01 * Schism also wavies.

06:02 <Schism> The M12S is fun to potter around in.  :p  Crap for racing, but it's nice.

06:03 <ConfusionRift> Don't know about you, but it gave me trouble in one of the races. And they're kinda expensive. Not as much as a California though.

06:05 <ConfusionRift> I think someone knew what they were doing to that thing, because it was pretty fast and was a pain to pass.

06:05 <ConfusionRift> But after that, that was it, to the bottom of the board it went. :P

06:06 <Schism> There are some tuning options to make it viable, yeah.  :p

06:06 <Schism> Hmmm.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1xK6PRk1DU

06:09 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, there are a lot of differences, but at least they got the general structures and the textures.

06:09 * Schism noddles.

06:10 * Ali sits in the non Forza corner

06:14 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift.

06:14 <Finwe> o7

06:15 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

06:21 * ConfusionRift patpats Ali in the non-Forza corner.

06:29 <Schism> Finwe: "The Kraken stirs. And ten billion sushi dinners cry out for vengeance."

06:51 * ConfusionRift gives Ali a Japanese holo Mew.

06:51 * Ali upgraded her Eevee from Jungle to First Edition

06:51 <Ali> Also I found a Jap Dark Jolteon

06:56 <ConfusionRift> Niiice. :P

06:57 <ConfusionRift> Question. Just asking to make sure, but... are Japanese cards thinner than the NA ones?

06:57 <ConfusionRift> It's been so long since I have seen them.

06:57 * Schism holds up a holographic Ancient Mew.

06:58 <ConfusionRift> Used to have the promo card for the movie. ._.

06:58 <Schism> That's this one, aye.

06:59 * ConfusionRift nods and sobs a little.

06:59 <ConfusionRift> But that's fine. New adventure, lalaaa la... laaaa...

07:02 <ConfusionRift> Also got the same exact Mew but the English version. My cousin wants it, so might just trade it.

07:06 * ConfusionRift refers to the Mew he just got, not the Ancient one... which is probably just mulch at this point.

07:09 * Schism giggles at Jeremy Clarkson's narration for the DeLorean DMC-12 -- noting what a complete and absolute disaster it was. "The resultant hissy fit from DMC led to the DeLorean being unavailable in games between Motorsports 4 and Horizon 5."

07:10 <ConfusionRift> Which is weird considering DMC is dead. Or at least the original brand is.

07:13 *** Joins: Jackie_ (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP)

07:13 *** Quits: Jackie (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP) (Connection closed)

07:13 <ConfusionRift> Almost forgot that he owns the Forza franchise.

07:14 * Schism listens to "Tulum", one of the most epic songs in the series.

07:16 <Schism> Ah, the history.  The Forza series was specifically created to be the XBox version of Gran Turismo, and that it was.

07:17 <Schism> Also it's a shame that the Regalia isn't in Horizon 5... ...yet.

07:18 <ConfusionRift> Let's see...

07:19 *** Joins: Jackie (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP)

07:19 *** Quits: Jackie_ (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP) (Connection closed)

07:21 <Schism> "We have a lot of respect for Gran Turismo, which helps drive that desire to beat them."

07:24 * Ali flumps into ConfusionRift and forgot at just how many different base set versions there was

07:24 <Ali> Shadowless, Length Length errors, the HP being done differently

07:26 * Ali sighs, its been a terrible night for gaming and unicorn trashed the OoT run cause it was just getting stupidly bad

07:28 *** Joins: Jackie_ (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP)

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07:28 *** Joins: Jackie (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP)

07:28 *** Quits: Jackie_ (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP) (Connection closed)

07:29 <ConfusionRift> They used to have both matching years of the Acura and Honda Integra lineup, same for the NSX. They used to have a larger lineup for Alpine, and wasn't as expensive. We're missing the DB7 and V8 Vantage. A bunch of Caddies and Dodges are missing. The 360 Modena and 90's Testarossa are missing. The more common Nissan and Honda are missing... and Toyota got cut in half, but that was their own mess.

07:29 *** Joins: Jackie_ (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP)

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07:29 *** Quits: Jackie_ (Jackie@Pony-b8i.omc.105.130.IP) (Connection closed)

07:29 <Schism> Toyota's exclusivity deal was hilarious.

07:29 <ConfusionRift> Toyota shot themselves. -_-

07:30 <Schism> "Won't this screw over Need for Speed too?" asked absolutely nobody in charge.

07:30 * Ali just goes to the corner cause she's not part of the topic and is force changing it to something nobody wants.

07:30 * Schism drops approximately one Eevee plush and ten Eon plushies on Ali.

07:30 <Schism> How bad was the OOT seed?

07:31 <Schism> Ten unique Eon plushies.  Including Mimiceon.

07:31 <Schism> Mimikeon*

07:31 * ConfusionRift looks at it. "What IS that?!" :P

07:32 <Schism> It's cute.  https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61n566N95aL._AC_SL1000_.jpg

07:32 <Ali> 50 skulls Hover Boots, Frogs 2 Hammer, Song of Time: Progressive Strength Upgrade

07:33 <Ali> Needed 3 wallet upgrades to buy a silver scale

07:33 <Schism> Oh yeah.  Like I said yesterday, I'd give up on that seed too.

07:33 <Ali> To go and buy a 3 wallet sized pack of beens

07:33 <Ali> to get the Boss Key for Fire Temple

07:33 <Ali> To get the Strength Upgrade off Volvagia

07:33 <Ali> I have NO CLUE where Longshot was

07:34 <Ali> I last locationed the bommerrang

07:34 <Ali> Which was in the invisable chest in Spirit Trail

07:34 <Ali> Which needed bombchus

07:34 <Ali> which I had to buy

07:35 <Ali> That seed sucked ass

07:35 <Schism> At that point, it's basically time to just cut your losses and read the generation log so that you can figure out what twisted, obfuscatory path the logic has provided.

07:35 * Ali will probably never do keysanity again cause of that shit

07:35 <Schism> Keysanity is madness anyway.

07:35 <Ali> Oh it was awful Schism

07:35 <Ali> Yes but this was far worse than any keysanity I've done

07:35 <Ali> Basically I was locked out of every adult dungeon

07:35 <Ali> No access to Forest

07:36 <Ali> Same with water cause no iron boots

07:36 <Ali> At the time, couldn't get further into shadow due to the hover boots

07:36 <Ali> And Spirit was Strength locked

07:36 <Ali> Fire was keylocked

07:36 * Schism shakes her head, "Jeez."

07:36 <Ali> And couldn't get to Jabu cause I didn't have the 3rd wallet at the time

07:37 <Ali> And at one point, even if I could get to the adult dungeons

07:37 <Ali> Without Strength 1, you can't push any blocks

07:38 <Ali> And the logic was a twisted hellscape

07:38 <Ali> And what makes it worse

07:38 <Ali> Is once you start finding all these items you were missing

07:39 <Ali> The seed opens up too quickly and now you have too many choices on where to go

07:39 <Ali> So it takes EVEN LONGER

07:39 <PinkieShy> Went to dollar tree today and saw the new signs about the 1.25 and mostly everything was that price now.

07:39 <Schism> Thaaaaat I know well.  Getting the Feather in La*Mulana basically opens up half the game.

07:39 <PinkieShy> It caught me off guard seeing the sign and just felt out of place but I'm ok with it

07:40 <Schism> PinkieShy, billion-dollar industry and all that, can't pay its workers above minimum wage but of course they'll bump up their prices by 25%, hurting the people who depend upon them.

07:40 <Ali> Well the one thing about OoTR

07:40 <Ali> Well two

07:40 <Ali> Is Praise Deku and Screw doing Dodongo's as a child

07:41 <Schism> Oh yeah.  ._.

07:41 <Ali> STR 1 or Bombbag puts Dodongo's into logic

07:41 <Ali> And Adult Dodongo's allows you to skip half the dungeon

07:42 <Schism> An important thing that.

07:42 * Schism considers doing Master Quest. Then she shakes her head. Probably not a sane choice tonight.

07:42 * PinkieShy hugs Ali

07:42 <Ali> MQ does some mean things

07:42 * Ali hugs the PinkieShy back hard

07:42 <Ali> Expecially MQ Spirit

07:43 <Ali> Also I hope you like Song of Time

07:43 <Schism> Hah...

07:44 *** Quits: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-8cd55j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:48 *** Joins: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-l42sv5.mi.comcast.net)

07:52 * ConfusionRift stops for the time being and goes back to the "not sure what to do now" thing.

07:53 * Ali has been doing that for three days now

07:55 * ConfusionRift might go back to TBoI or Hades, not sure.

08:01 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

08:08 * Schism is rereading "Interviewing Leather", a very good superhero story.

08:15 * Schism boops ConfusionRift with a Forza Edition... Tankpool 24.

08:15 <ConfusionRift> Aah, one of the trucks. I got one too, though haven't driven it yet.

08:17 <Schism> I should race with it at least once just because it's so silly.

08:18 * ConfusionRift wonders if they'll ever release the parade float as a standard vehicle.

08:19 <Schism> "You're going to put a bomb around my neck?" "Oh, no, of course not.  You're going to put a bomb around your neck."

08:22 * ConfusionRift wonders if Ali's gonna get Pokemon of the Wild... I mean, Breath of Arceus... I mean... you know, that game. :P

08:23 <Ali> I'll try it

08:23 * Schism pours herself a cup of the good stuff. Adds cream and sugar, of course, because Canadian.

08:23 * Ali keeps getting screwed over with Civ, mehs loudly

08:23 * ConfusionRift hears a distant meh.

08:34 <Ali> Ah good old stone shadow

08:34 <Ali> Where you 99% hope to never touch it

08:35 <Ali> But its always required

08:35 <Schism> Strong coffee...!

08:36 <Schism> "Think about it. Would you risk breaking a crook’s favorite coffee mug? Some of these guys destroy whole towns because they’re pissed off that their bacon was undercooked."

08:36 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

08:45 * Ali nibbles on the Schism

08:46 * Schism nibbles back. But she is coffeed up.

08:56 *** Quits: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-l42sv5.mi.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

08:57 *** Quits: Dawn_Chaser (Prius@Pony-d7dnvg.bchsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:01 *** Joins: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-l42sv5.mi.comcast.net)

09:01 *** Quits: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-l42sv5.mi.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

09:04 <Ali> So Schism, watching a seed of OOTR

09:05 <Ali> Forest Foolish, Chest size matches contents

09:05 <Ali> Spirit Temple has the Bow

09:05 <Ali> There's two big chests in Forest

09:05 <Ali> They're both bow locked bows

09:05 <Ali> *thumbs up*

09:09 <Schism> Hah.

09:25 * ConfusionRift forgot he had something in the dryer.

09:25 * Finwe hats on Ali.

09:28 * Finwe would nom on Ali

09:28 * Ali keeps her tail away, no nomming

09:28 <Finwe> 's  tail, but is located in the wrong end, so noms on Ali's ears instead.

09:33 <ConfusionRift> I really really REALLY hate enemies that can negate all your damage.

09:57 * Finwe noms on Schism's ten billion sushi dinners.

10:03 <Ali> Good old stone shadow~

10:03 <Ali> Where so far there's nothing, but one runner is on bongo

10:03 <Ali> will be oops if he has nothing

10:04 <Ali> Which would make ice cavern a worthless trip


10:06 <Ali> This vid is posibly turning into OOPS ALL DUNGEONS

10:08 * ConfusionRift checked the option for Blue Rupee Galore. "Whoops." :P

10:09 <Ali> ConfusionRift, seed is closed deku, so they can't rush to that

10:09 <Ali> Longshot is presumed to be under icy waters

10:09 <Ali> And Iron Boots are nowhere to be found

10:10 <Ali> Along with little stabby

10:10 <Ali> Or the Butter Knife as its known at times

10:10 <Ali> But its just funny that stone shadow is possibly bait

10:12 <ConfusionRift> Pfft hhehehe. :P

10:15 *** Joins: Golden (uid250033@Pony-lhph9k.lymington.irccloud.com)

10:15 <Golden> Blep

10:16 <Finwe> Mr Golden.

10:17 * Finwe boops Golden.

10:17 * Golden flops.

10:19 * Finwe flips

10:19 * Finwe noms on Ali's clock.

10:19 * Ali boops Finwe with an OoTR video

10:21 <Finwe> In what way is the game randomised?

10:22 <Finwe> The location of items and characters, I assume, but is the map randomised as well?

10:22 <Schism> Just items, overall.

10:22 <Schism> There are some entrance or just plain dungeon randomizers, but that's typically just too much for most people to mess about with.

10:22 <Ali> And sometimes your spawn locations

10:23 <Ali> Heck, there's even an option to have the warp songs be random

10:23 <Schism> Well, the various songs are just inventory items.

10:23 <Schism> Some randomization seeds also rotate certain dungeons between regular and master quest variants.

10:24 <Ali> Some will shuffle the keys~

10:24 <Schism> So it could turn out that, say, 5 or 6 of the dungeons are their MQ variants.

10:24 <Ali> And the skulls

10:24 <Ali> Or just Spirit Temple and you ragequit

10:24 * Ali boops Schism with stone shadow bait

10:25 * Finwe boops Ali with the principle of not running wild at 5:20 a.m.

10:25 * Ali will run wild till someone finishes this dang seed

10:26 <Finwe> (Four hours later…)

10:26 <Finwe> 16:25:57  * Ali will run wild till someone finishes this dang seed

10:27 * Finwe ruffles the persistent Ali.

10:35 * Finwe noms on Golden's clock.

10:36 <Finwe> Wait, 10:35 means that it's Lymington in Hampshire, not in Tasmania.

10:36 <Golden> Jokes on you. I don't have one.

10:37 <Finwe> But if you don't have one, then who replied, " CTCP TIME reply from Golden: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 10:35:15 GMT"?

10:38 * Finwe noms on Golden's system clock.

10:38 * Golden rolls up a newspaper.

10:39 <Ali> Barinade is dead~

10:39 <Ali> This is some messed up logic

10:39 <Ali> So Irons could be on Highest Goron

10:40 *** Joins: Shadowed (IceChat77@Pony-9gn4gl.ok.cox.net)

10:40 * Finwe randomly devours some of the items that Ali has obtained so far.

10:40 * Shadowed doesn't understand. Joins in chewing on items.

10:40 <Finwe> Hullo, Shadowed.

10:40 * Ali snugs on the Shadowed

10:41 * Schism noms upon Shadowed's skirt.

10:41 * Shadowed snugs and waves to the friend ponies.

10:41 <Shadowed> Morning.

10:41 * Finwe offers some sriracha sauce to Shadowed to put on the items.

10:41 * Shadowed breathes fire from the spice?

10:42 <Ali> Its a small chest, they got baited into doing two extra dungeons FOR NOTHING

10:42 <Schism> Oops! All Dungeons.

10:42 * Shadowed likes dungeons.

10:43 <Finwe> Somewhat of a speleologist, are you?

10:43 * Shadowed has all 3 Dungeons.

10:44 <Ali> Schism, that's the thing

10:44 <Ali> They did Oops All Dungeons for one check

10:44 <Ali> And its NOTHING

10:47 * Schism gets a single arrow.

10:48 <Finwe> A Schism who hasn't got an arrow has nothing to shoot.

10:49 <Ali> Iron Boots were on Map Chest in Deep Fire

10:49 <Ali> Someone beat the seed in 2:50:35

10:49 * Ali drags Shadowed and Schism together so unicorn can sleep

10:50 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b3l9p1.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

10:50 <Finwe> About time.

10:50 <Finwe> Ali will get uncute if she keeps on playing games until 6 a.m. o3o

10:51 <Schism> She was watching someone else play it!

10:53 <Finwe> s/play/watch/

10:54 <Finwe> "The latest version, OoTR v6.2, is available for Windows, Mac and Linux."

10:56 * Shadowed chews on more things.

11:09 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #2547 [ https://tinyurl.com/ycby5a6p ]

11:34 * Lumindia_ awakens

12:09 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: IMITATION GAME - Animation!  [ https://tinyurl.com/ya5elgx4 ]

12:36 <Lumindia_> got the last blue monster can at the local convenience store

12:37 <Schism> Blue or Fiesta?  o3o

12:37 * Schism should nap...

12:37 <Lumindia_> Low Carb

12:37 <Lumindia_> base flavor

12:37 <Lumindia_> I'm a simple pone with simple tastes

12:38 * Schism points at her usual selection. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFQ-MhMXEAENK4a?format=png&name=small

12:39 <Lumindia_> the green

12:39 <Lumindia_> oh.

12:39 <Lumindia_> the boomer juice version

12:39 <Lumindia_> Thanks Civvie for ruining that flavor for me with that name

12:39 <Schism> Boomer juice?  Harrumph.  It's trans girl fuel.

12:40 <Lumindia_> well specifically the white one

12:40 <Schism> I admit, I do prefer the blue and pink.  And sometimes orange.

12:57 * Lumindia_ places a carbuncle on Schism's head

12:57 *** Lumindia_ is now known as Lumindia

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13:30 <DerpyBot> *derp*

13:32 *** Quits: Angeline (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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14:55 *** Quits: Golden (uid250033@Pony-lhph9k.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

15:01 <ConfusionRift> Time for the sleep.

15:01 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-ksl.srt.98.172.IP) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

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16:15 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Illustrious Q: My Little Pony Generations #4 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion! [ https://tinyurl.com/yamlofuc ]

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16:47 *** Joins: Dawn_Chaser (Prius@Pony-gmug2k.ipv6.telus.net)

16:51 <Librarian> owo

16:52 <Librarian> now i can work

16:52 <Librarian> AA meeting returned

16:52 <Librarian> yay

17:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Rainbow Dash Day Arrives February 1st!  [ https://tinyurl.com/yb4tnp28 ]

17:31 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest9@Pony-3ot.di3.137.201.IP) (Quit: Connection closed)

17:40 *** Joins: Guest9 (Guest9@Pony-3ot.di3.137.201.IP)

17:40 *** Guest9 is now known as Librarian

17:46 *** Joins: Taoki_1 (MirceaKitsu@Pony-sme.fv9.240.188.IP)

17:47 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-sme.fv9.240.188.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Ponified Trailer - My Little Dune [ https://tinyurl.com/ycncgj2z ]

18:13 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-faeurn.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP)

18:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

18:15 * Librarian glomps da ali

18:15 * Schism polishes the Ali.

18:16 * Ali squeaks at both!

18:34 * Ali curls into both for warms

18:34 * Schism needs warms too. Is -10...!

18:39 <Librarian> hungry

18:39 <Librarian> huuungry

18:39 * Librarian noms ali

18:40 * Ali squeaks

18:40 * Schism offers some tamales with salsa verde.

18:43 <Librarian> i want fries

19:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Silver Quill: Let's Review: Generations #4 [ https://tinyurl.com/ydbvd3la ]

19:26 * Schism noms on Finwe's ghillie suit.

19:49 <Librarian> the puppy is in heat

19:49 <Librarian> my boy dog is following her all day

19:49 <Librarian> weird day

19:54 <Ali> Well keep him away or you'll have more pups

19:56 <Librarian> yep

19:57 <Librarian> already  did that

20:39 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest9@Pony-3ot.di3.137.201.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:51 * Schism provides this for Ali. https://twitter.com/kenikenikeke/status/1486381017896132612

20:52 <Schism> Also the best eons.  https://twitter.com/kenikenikeke/status/1480192890089328641/photo/1

21:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #3943 [ https://tinyurl.com/ybf95v5q ]

21:43 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-faeurn.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP) (Connection closed)

21:43 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-n3j093.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

21:43 *** Ali is now known as Pony_79116

23:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Izzy Had Bullies in Early Scripts of My Little Pony: A New Generation - Here They Are!  [ https://tinyurl.com/ydd68db6 ]

23:14 *** Joins: Jackie (Jackie@Pony-ook.omc.105.130.IP)

23:41 * Finwe hats on Pony_79116.

23:42 <Finwe> Schism: I only had standard combat fatigues.

23:42 * Finwe noms on Pony_79116's tail.

23:47 * uni nibbles on Schism

23:47 <uni> oopsies

23:47 * uni nibbles on Finwe

23:47 <uni> wrong pone

23:52 *** Joins: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-l42sv5.mi.comcast.net)

23:53 * Finwe tastes of pilaf.

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