Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Wednesday, 2022-03-30

00:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: (Music) - Inspiration - MathematicPony [ https://tinyurl.com/y7aza55n ]

00:19 *** Joins: nightwind (IceChat95@Pony-rb1ml7.iqf6.gkle.0191.2601.IP)

00:31 *** Quits: nightwind (IceChat95@Pony-rb1ml7.iqf6.gkle.0191.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:33 *** Joins: nightwind (IceChat95@Pony-rb1ml7.iqf6.gkle.0191.2601.IP)

00:37 *** Quits: nightwind (IceChat95@Pony-rb1ml7.iqf6.gkle.0191.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: EponaFest Announces Special Guests For Italian Convention [ https://tinyurl.com/yaglaxj2 ]

01:15 <Schism> Oh jeez, whales...

01:20 <Schism> okay whale is fine maybe not so much a gundam

01:58 *** Quits: somininin (mift@Pony-93lf2q.pool.telefonica.de) (Quit: Leaving)

02:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #2814 [ https://tinyurl.com/y8n8jawa ]

02:37 *** Joins: _jimm (horse@Pony-ma1d4l.res6.spectrum.com)

03:14 * Ali rolls around the Schism

03:15 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net)

03:28 * Schism flumps back in.

03:28 <Schism> HeheHEhehe.  That was SUCH a terribad film, we had WAY too much fun.

03:33 * Ali has been lonely all night!

03:42 <Schism> It was 8 hours ago, or abouts...

03:45 * Ali crawls onto Schism and sits on

03:49 * Schism squeaks, she is not a fox mount, like in David the Gnome.

04:08 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

04:39 * Finwe materialises in close vicinity of one of Schism's tails and noms on it.

04:39 <Finwe> Good morning, everypony!

04:39 * Schism wiggles her tails constantly, so Finwe will have a hard time finding it...

04:39 <Finwe> Mlles Ali and Schism; Messrs AppleDash, Cepheid, ember, Dranae, Lumindia, PinkieShy, and uni.

04:39 * Finwe doffs his hat.

04:43 <Schism> Ah good, my brother ate one of the hot cross buns I purchased.  :3

04:43 <Ali> Why is that good?  You usually get peaved when he does that.

04:44 <Schism> Because I bought four of them, they're day-olds, and I can typically nibble on one a day.  

04:44 <Schism> In _this_ case, I don't mind so much.  I get angry when he eats most of my ice cream.

04:47 <Schism> Or all the brownies I buy.  Or that sort of thing.

04:47 <Schism> It becomes especially troublesome when I go to my choklit stash during my cycle and it turns out that nothing remains.

04:49 <Schism> Brother: "I don't eat Cosmic Brownies."  Also brother: [eats entire box]

04:54 <Finwe> My sister just used to steal my savings from my money box.

04:55 <Finwe> She got caught when I noticed scratchmarks around the slot.

05:08 *** Quits: Shadowed (IceChat77@Pony-9gn4gl.ok.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:08 * Finwe hats on Ali.

05:10 *** Joins: LunaNightwind (Nightwind@Pony-9c1rqd.nh.comcast.net)

05:10 <Finwe> Mrs LunaNightwind.

05:10 * Finwe doffs himself.

05:11 <Schism> This is, I believe, a perfectly apt chain of logic.  https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1854927601709109329/D505BC2798651DFD75C687B53BE2603689E4AE42/

05:11 * Schism hats on LunaNightwind and noms upon her ears.

05:15 *** Joins: nightwind (IceChat95@Pony-utgnjt.iqf6.gkle.0191.2601.IP)

05:25 <Finwe> Mrs nightwind.

05:25 * Finwe doffs himself.

05:38 <Schism> Finwe - I just figured out a new way of saying my handle of the last few decades, and I love it and aaaa.

05:49 <Schism> Theogrin - also known as... https://vocaroo.com/12ALPzRXw42b

05:55 * Ali blehs at this dog, it pees on the floor in her room and SHE has to clean up after it. :T

05:55 <Schism> You should push to get rid of the dog and simply have your cats.

05:59 <Ali> Its not my dog though

05:59 <Ali> Its got..piddling issues

05:59 <Ali> Where it gets excited and just pees all over the place

06:09 * Finwe noms on Schism's recording.

06:10 <Finwe> Ali: A puppy?

06:10 * Finwe hoofs a mop to Ali.

06:10 * Schism also messes with alternate ways to say 'theogrin', and pauses when she hits 'sharon'. "...um"

06:10 <Finwe> Cleaning patrol away!

06:15 *** Quits: uni (uni@Pony-vsu1ja.ucl.ac.uk) (Connection closed)

06:15 *** Joins: uni (uni@Pony-vsu1ja.ucl.ac.uk)

06:16 <Finwe> Mr uni.

06:16 * Finwe doffs his hat.

06:58 *** Quits: Pony|90687 (Pony|90687@Pony-taj8dp.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Connection closed)

07:01 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-0k7.srt.98.172.IP)

07:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

07:01 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

07:10 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift, Capt Koopz.

07:10 <Finwe> o7

07:11 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe.

07:11 * ConfusionRift salutes.

07:11 * Finwe balances a Schism atop ConfusionRift.

07:15 <Koopz> RAdm. Finwe o7

07:24 <Schism> The chipmunks have red eyes.  And I don't believe anyone will ever quite get what we did in the cottage... https://jenniferkayla.medium.com/way-back-when-we-had-a-cottage-d0f3297ea3cd

07:32 <ConfusionRift> I like how these fox creatures are at the amusement park in line... when there's no one around.

07:32 <ConfusionRift> "It's all part of the hoomans experience." | "Oh, how exciting."

07:39 <uni> good morning, RAdm. Finwe

07:40 <Finwe> o7

07:40 * uni hats Finwe on himself, then doffs

07:40 <ConfusionRift> Game... by .017 of a second...

07:41 <Finwe> Amazing ConfusionRifts done quick.

07:42 <Finwe> Then there's the European SpeedRift Association event.

07:43 <ConfusionRift> "Travel through the rifts as quick as you can to reach your destination. Confused flights are disqualified."

08:03 <Schism> ConfusionRift: My other handle, 'theogrin', is troublesome, so I've decided that it needs to be spoken in a different fashion.  'Sharon' is out of the question.

08:05 <ConfusionRift> Oh?

08:05 <Schism> Taysh-rin.  https://jenniferkayla.medium.com/way-back-when-we-had-a-cottage-d0f3297ea3cd

08:05 <Schism> Er..

08:05 <Schism> https://vocaroo.com/12ALPzRXw42b

08:06 <Schism> I am however mildly amused at the thought that 'theogrin' can, properly, be spoken as 'sharon'.

08:09 * ConfusionRift has been speaking more Spanish as of late, so it he kinda gave it the wrong flare at the start. :P

08:10 <Schism> It's a weird turn of phrase I picked for my handle two decades ago, AND also 'Schism' is kinda of weird too.

08:14 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-9eua88.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

08:14 <Finwe> You scared Ali away. o3o

08:16 <ConfusionRift> "It's ski-roh-coh, right?" | Actually, it's more che-roh-coh. | "But... there's an SC at the start!" | And an i next to it. | "..." | It's scy-ens, not ski-ens. | "Oh, right."

08:18 <ConfusionRift> "Wait, there's it's scih-roh-coh!" | ...huh.

08:18 * Schism drops a building on ConfusionRift with the magic of trigonometry.

08:19 <ConfusionRift> Trigono-meh-what? (gets squashed)

08:20 <Finwe> Muy bien.

08:22 <ConfusionRift> Can you say, "esto me va a doler"? (long pause) Muy bien! (gets smashed with a building)

08:35 <Schism> Oh, ConfusionRift, we watched a terribad movie tonight.

08:35 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

08:35 <ConfusionRift> Oh? A moooviiieeeeee?

08:35 <Schism> Not the worst, but MST-worthy.

08:36 <Schism> Tonight's stinker: Dungeons & Dragons [2000].

08:36 <ConfusionRift> Oooh, that one. :P

08:37 <Schism> nightwind and I had some fun joking about how it was this giant 3rd-level THING.

08:37 <Schism> And making fun of the lot.

08:38 <ConfusionRift> But hey, there's a sequel coming... ... ...HAAAAHAHAhaaaa, naah, not a chance.

08:38 <Schism> There were, in fact, two sequels.

08:38 <Schism> With a third in the making.

08:38 * ConfusionRift pukes oil. He didn't know.

08:40 <ConfusionRift> It tried... somewhat, and just flopped hard. But yeah, mostly see it as riffing material, not much else.

08:42 <ConfusionRift> It's stuck in my subconscious. I never mention it, because I forget it exists. But then, someone mentions it, and I'm all "oh... ooooh, right, that movie".

08:47 * ConfusionRift can't really think of a bad movie that's just enough to make fun of at the moment.

08:52 * ConfusionRift glares at the Poppy Jr. who destroyed his time attack. "Hah! Get dunked on!"

08:56 <ConfusionRift> He threw a bomb right at me while a spike wall was up, costing me time.

08:56 *** Joins: coolm_ (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

08:59 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:12 *** coolm_ is now known as PinkieShy

09:23 *** Joins: Golden (uid250033@Pony-lhph9k.lymington.irccloud.com)

09:27 <Finwe> Mr Golden.

09:27 * Finwe doffs his hat.

09:30 <Golden> Heya

10:08 <Cepheid> https://twitter.com/RikuNoma/status/1509097481841569793 This person has too much free time on their hands.

10:10 <ConfusionRift> The roasting nuts... (almost woke everyone up)

10:11 <ConfusionRift> Pretty 1:1 I must say. :P

10:11 <Cepheid> Yeah, the roasting nuts was amazing.

10:17 <ConfusionRift> It took me a while to get it, but yeah, just the best thing there. And the getting tired after a rush.

10:19 <Golden> Honestly with the iffy state of the world everyone has a good amount of free time.

10:20 <ConfusionRift> Some do, some don't. (sighs at retail)

10:20 <ConfusionRift> Actually, I take it back. Have been off for a while.

10:21 <Golden> Yeah

10:23 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

11:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #2609 [ https://tinyurl.com/y7ay2xo2 ]

11:07 * ConfusionRift returns squeaky clean.

11:24 *** Quits: Kamui (Gulping@Gulping) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Mare Spreading / Lullaby 196 / Movie Slate: La Bete / Fix 8:1 / Quest 207 [ https://tinyurl.com/yam2vgdg ]

12:33 *** Quits: Golden (uid250033@Pony-lhph9k.lymington.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

12:42 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-0k7.srt.98.172.IP) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

14:18 *** Joins: somininin (mift@Pony-mh4s6j.pool.telefonica.de)

15:29 *** Quits: somininin (mift@Pony-mh4s6j.pool.telefonica.de) (Quit: Leaving)

15:47 *** Quits: TheAstrallyForged (elemanim@sugar-belle.blackl.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:08 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-sme.fv9.240.188.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

16:10 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-sme.fv9.240.188.IP)

16:15 *** Joins: Guest71 (Guest71@Pony-nj4.but.137.201.IP)

16:15 *** Guest71 is now known as Librarian

16:15 <Librarian> back hurts

16:24 <Librarian> now i can work

16:24 <Librarian> cbd cream its a beauty

16:46 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest71@Pony-nj4.but.137.201.IP) (Quit: Connection closed)

16:50 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-n3j093.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

16:50 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

17:05 * Dranae tackles Ali and covered her in fluff and smooch.

17:05 * Ali squeaks and wiggles under the Dranae

17:12 <Schism> I'm pancake...

17:18 * Dranae snatches Schism for fussing.

17:18 * Dranae preens Schism and snuggles!

17:18 * Schism is already fuzzled! And she squeaks, is captured by griffon.

17:19 * Lumindia boops Ali's snoot

17:21 *** Joins: Pony|10319 (Pony|10319@Pony-taj8dp.cable.virginm.net)

17:26 * Schism wants pizza today. She doesn't know why. "Just the classic types, though: I'm not going to go with the weird ones. The butter chicken last week was _okay_, but not great."

17:32 <Schism> I like how the devs of Vampire Survivors are like, "No, no.  We _want_ power creep."

17:33 <Schism> The idea being that if you make it to 30 minutes, then yeah, you're probably an unstoppable one-person army anyway.

17:36 *** Joins: somininin (mift@Pony-ihta3s.pool.telefonica.de)

17:47 <Lumindia> I mean, if you WANT power creep, more power to you

17:47 <Lumindia> *shrug*

17:47 * Lumindia boops SChism's snoot

17:47 * Schism squeak.

17:48 *** Joins: Guest71 (Guest71@Pony-nj4.but.137.201.IP)

17:48 *** Guest71 is now known as Librarian

17:48 <Librarian> found a nice podcast

17:48 * Lumindia loafs at Schism

17:48 <Schism> Vampire Survivors is a game where you fight off giant hordes of monsters for a half hour (before Death comes and _eats you_), all the while amassing a selection of six weapons (like the whip, the knife, and the axe) and various other powerups.

17:49 <Librarian> i used to listen to a pen jillete podcast in highschool, he has another one now

17:49 * Schism foxloaf.

17:49 <Lumindia> *loafs next to them o wo*

17:49 <Librarian> but what is a man

17:49 <Lumindia> A miserable little pile of WILD... FREAKS...

17:50 * nightwind waves

17:50 <Lumindia> https://i.imgur.com/GrmEMIy.png

17:50 <Lumindia> tell me this doesn't look like Dracula

17:50 * Schism rolls over and provides nightwind with a big snuggle and a bigger kiss.

17:50 * nightwind Smiles and snuggles back returning the kiss

17:51 <Schism> Hesperus, the evening star.

17:51 <Lumindia> you're both adorable when you do that :peepoHappy:

17:51 <nightwind> whos adorable when who does what?

17:51 * Schism supposes that she might be slightly cute. And she nibbles upon nightwind's shoulder. <3

17:52 * nightwind blushes at the nibbles and strokes Schism's ears

17:53 * Schism rumbles, as foxen do, and snuggles in for some warmth, as it's -1C. And snowing.

17:55 * Dranae is incredibly warm. And also snow, rain, and minor avalanche-proof.

17:55 <Ali> Its 70F today

17:55 <Ali> And then it goes back to 40 tomorrow T.T

17:56 <nightwind> its 7 here today schism

17:57 <Librarian> you know how you get around the weakness of monsters if you run a hunter organization?

17:57 <Librarian> you make an anti everything mcguffin owo

17:57 <Schism> Pizzas today...

17:57 <Librarian> Also

17:58 * Schism considers her options. "A teriyaki chicken, a hawaiian, and a fully loaded." She nods to herself.

17:58 <Librarian> do you know why vampire can be killed if you stake them on the heart?

17:58 <Lumindia> wjem ypi twkefk

17:58 <Lumindia> ...

17:58 <Lumindia> wh en you two dote on each other

17:58 <Lumindia> o vo

17:59 <Schism> Cute girls generate new passwords, it's true...

17:59 <Librarian> cause you can kill anything if you stake it in the heart

17:59 <Librarian> got that out of my sytem

17:59 * Librarian noms schism

17:59 <Schism> Librarian: Some vampires differ, of course.  Sometimes you've gotta stuff a lemon in their mouth before you cut off their head...

17:59 <Librarian> why?

18:00 <Dranae> Schism, a pepperoni and cheese with stuffed crust, extra cheese, and extra extra pepperoni

18:00 <Schism> Who knows?  And of course, there's the tradition of vampire watermelons.

18:01 <Librarian> pizzaaaa

18:01 <Schism> Dranae, mmmnhg.  Tasty as that sounds, I'm going after the daily specials.  Howeeeeeever... the all-dressed pizza has ham, pepperoni, _and_ salami.

18:02 <Dranae> Ham and salami do not belong on pizza

18:02 <Schism> Next you're going to tell me that neither does pineapple.

18:02 <Dranae> Nor do vegetables, or fruit

18:02 <Ali> Dey do, just like wiff pineapple

18:02 <Dranae> Of course not.

18:02 <Librarian> let people eat

18:02 <Librarian> you pay you eat whatcha want

18:02 <Schism> What about _avocado_, mmmmmmm?

18:02 * Dranae doesn't eat that anyway.

18:02 <Librarian> we have taco piza here owo

18:03 * Dranae eats pepperoni on pizza, and pretty much just that. Sometimes sausage.

18:03 <Librarian> al pastor pork and beans instead of tomato sauce

18:03 <Schism> Dranae: What about shrimp?

18:03 <nightwind> i see pizza and pineapple within a few messages of each other now i want a hawaiian pixxa

18:03 <Librarian> had shrimp, great with with the right saucw

18:03 * Schism is torn between the choice of a teriyaki chicken pizza and a lemon shrimp pizza.

18:04 <nightwind> teriyaki chicken pizza sounds bomb as hell

18:04 <Librarian> my go to pizza is pepperoni, jalapeƱo, olives and extra sauce

18:04 <Librarian> from dominos

18:04 <Librarian> its my comfort food

18:04 <nightwind> i dont do pizza that often

18:05 <nightwind> pizza in NYC ruined pizza anywheree else for me

18:06 <nightwind> Hey Schism...you are adorable

18:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Short Animations: Past Sins / New Voice / Sweetie Belle Middle / Moonlight Meme / Working Out [ https://tinyurl.com/y9f2xhzh ]

18:06 * Schism squeaks and blushes. "wozxcnv8y*sdhnlbn"

18:07 <nightwind> thank you needed a new password

18:07 <Librarian> i had pizza in a tratorria in rome

18:07 <Librarian> best dinner of my life

18:08 <Librarian> we found a taxi driver that spoke spanish, took us on a mini tour

18:08 <Schism> Remember that Jon Stewart skit about when Sarah Palin went out for 'real New York pizza' with Donald Trump?

18:08 <Librarian> then to his son in laws restaurant

18:08 <Librarian> they just keep sending food and it was amazing

18:08 <Librarian> i just keep eating

18:08 <Librarian> so fun

18:08 <nightwind> i dont remember that schism, i just know that new york city pizza from privately owned places ruined pizza for me

18:09 <Schism> "Are you eating it with a FORK?!"

18:09 <Schism> nightwind, https://streamable.com/tvxvq0

18:09 <Librarian> if im paying the bill i can eat it with an umbrella

18:11 <Schism> There.  <.<  I decided to avoid the all-dressed pizza - and instead got a teriyaki chicken, a lemon shrimp, and a Hawaiian.

18:11 * Schism points at Dranae. "All THREE of which contain pineapple!"

18:12 <Librarian> 3 pizas?

18:12 <Schism> There's a $10/pizza special.

18:13 <Schism> They're mediums, but that still equates to a lot of food for the next three days.

18:14 <Schism> nightwind, oh, how'd the roast turn out?  <3

18:16 <nightwind> Yummy

18:16 <nightwind> i added a little extra honey mustard and MMMMMM

18:16 <Schism> Hee!

18:16 * Schism nibbles upon a honey mustard potato chip.

18:16 <nightwind> i may have also put hot sauce on it

18:17 <Schism> A little capsaicin hardly hurts a roast.

18:18 <nightwind> i would sell my soul for a bag of flaming hot cheetos right now

18:18 <Schism> Oh gods, now I want one too.

18:21 <nightwind> like i want one sooooo bad but like they dont have them at the grocery store so i would have to go to walmart

18:21 * Schism grumbles at nightwind's grocery store. Also grumbles at food deserts.

18:22 <nightwind> i kinda wanna make some apple turnovers

18:22 * Ali gives nightwind an upsidedown apple

18:23 <nightwind> lol

18:23 <nightwind> hi Ali

18:31 <Librarian> apple fritters

18:33 <Schism> Apple turnovers...

18:33 <Schism> nightwind, when you visit, we're going to have to take the bus up to the farmers' market, because they have the BEST APPLE FRITTERS up there.

18:34 * Lumindia snugs on the Ali

18:34 <Schism> (The LRT rolls almost all the way to St. Jacobs, and then it's just a quick bus transfer the rest of the way.)

18:47 <Schism> Pizza, when will you arrive...

18:47 * Schism hungies.

19:05 <nightwind> lol

19:05 <Schism> bizzaaaaa

19:06 <Schism> The kind of overloaded pizzas with TONS of melted cheese.

19:06 <Schism> With the mozzarella sliding off the edge of the slice.

19:18 <Lumindia> Our neighbor just sent us some spanish chicken and rice

19:18 <Lumindia> It's super heckin' delicious

19:19 <Schism> That sounds like it...!

19:21 <nightwind> the idea of that pizza has me drooling

19:21 * Schism noddles, noms.

19:22 <Schism> I'd share some slices if you were closer...!

19:52 <nightwind> lol

19:53 <nightwind> pack them in dry ice and post them

19:58 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: sparks only last so long)

20:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #4005 [ https://tinyurl.com/y7hxcoa8 ]

20:20 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest71@Pony-nj4.but.137.201.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:44 * Schism makes some Jello for later.

21:10 *** Joins: Guest71 (Guest71@Pony-nj4.but.137.201.IP)

21:10 *** Guest71 is now known as Librarian

21:20 * Ali flops in after making a beef stroggi~

21:22 <Lumindia> *steals a bit of it*

21:22 <Lumindia> nom

21:22 <Ali> I see discord is blowing up

21:23 <Schism> Seems to happen a lot on Wednesdays.

21:23 <Ali> This is why I like IRC

21:23 <Ali> Stable

21:23 * Ali huggles the Colgate for that

21:27 * Ali also noms Schism tails

21:27 * Lumindia noms ali tails

21:27 <Lumindia> o wo

21:27 <Lumindia> nom

21:28 * Ali baps Lumindia as she only has one tail

21:28 <Lumindia> *noms tail, then*

21:28 * Schism squeak atta tailnom.

21:28 * Dranae flails.

21:28 <Dranae> But I wanted to talk to people on discord

21:29 * Dranae flails more frantically.

21:29 <Colgate> Ali: not always :P

21:29 <Ali> Maybe, bit its more stable than Discord right now :P

21:29 <Lumindia> this is where Colgate purposely reboots the server to mess with Ali

21:29 <Lumindia> :P

21:29 <Dranae> I'm pretty sure toothpaste pony and the others work really hard to keep IRC stable

21:31 * Ali boops the Lumindia and noms their tail now

21:32 <Librarian> anticaries boss is great

21:32 <Librarian> im finally seing the light at the end of the woek tunnel, as it were

21:33 <Dranae> What game Librarian

21:33 <Librarian> no

21:33 <Librarian> work

21:33 <Librarian> my actual job

21:33 <Librarian> been work my butt off for a month

21:34 <Librarian> insurance

21:34 <Librarian> my butt legitmaly hurts

21:34 *** Joins: Kamui (Gulping@Gulping)

21:35 <Dranae> I thought insurance was an easy job

21:35 <Dranae> 'No' to everything

21:35 <Librarian> its relativly easy

21:35 <Librarian> its like a seasonal work thing, this couple months the workload is obscene

21:35 <Librarian> then its calm for most of the year

21:55 <Librarian> back hurts

21:55 <Librarian> cramped to all hell

22:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Poll Results: It Has Been 2 years Since G4 Ended. Who Was the Best Mane 6 Mare? [ https://tinyurl.com/ycusmppx ]

22:16 <Schism> Cepheid: Would you suggest TerraTech?  (She asks, seeing it on for $17 and immediately grabbing it.)

22:17 <Cepheid> I'd  ask ConfusionRift about that.  He played it a lot more than I have.

22:19 * Schism noddles.

22:19 <Schism> Kitsune Tails will perhaps be coming soon... well, we hope!  Super Mario 3, but with lesbian foxgirls.

22:20 * Lumindia flops

22:23 <Librarian> foxgirls owo

22:24 <Schism> Yes.  o3o  https://twitter.com/Enichan/status/1509281002467774464

22:27 * Ali might FINALLY get her final 5 achievo's for Factorio

22:27 <Ali> You'd thing, that with almost 2000 hours into the game, I'd been run over by a train by now

22:27 <Ali> think*

22:28 <Schism> Or at least wind up getting hit by one in a spidermech.

22:28 <Ali> spidertron walks over trains Schism

22:28 <Librarian> gay fox girls on a quest to become super mario

22:28 <Librarian> sounds like a delightful time

22:28 <nightwind> pack them in dry ice and post them

22:29 <nightwind> */me flumps

22:29 * Schism flumps on nightwind.

22:29 * Librarian packs luna and sends her to peru

22:29 <Librarian> i need a llama

22:29 <Schism> The classic destination for misbehaving cats is Abu Dhabi, I thought.

22:30 <Librarian> but i need a llama

22:30 <Librarian> its a fetch quest not a punishment

22:30 <Schism> Would an alpaca do?  I know they herd alpacas at the Unicorn Ranch.

22:30 <Librarian> in a pinch yeah

22:31 <Librarian> might get a bit unstable, but ill deal with that if it happens

22:31 * Ali boops Schism, Abu Dhabi is for Nermals only

22:31 * Librarian sends ali to abu dhabi

22:31 <Schism> https://www.tenaciousunicornranch.com/

22:32 <Librarian> i also need a nermal

22:32 <Librarian> anyone wanna go to italy, need authethic lasgana

22:32 <Librarian> the garfield reversal ritual is hard

22:33 * Librarian pokes schism

22:33 <Librarian> foxgirl question schism

22:33 * Schism answer foxgirl?

22:33 <Librarian> do you think foxgirl should have big fangs or no fangs?

22:34 <Schism> Tiny fangs.  o3o

22:34 <Librarian> i saw a cosplay with big fangs

22:34 <nightwind> for a place called tenacious unicorn ranch there is a large lack of unicorns on that webpage

22:34 <Librarian> sells it better i thought

22:35 <Librarian> we ran out

22:35 <Schism> nightwind: the unicorns would undoubtedly be the cute folks who run the place.

22:36 <Librarian> ali has a ranch?

22:45 <nightwind> lol

23:01 * Schism has a ranch dressing. She dips her pizza crusts in it.

23:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Pony Plushie Compilation #566 [ https://tinyurl.com/yarg3499 ]

23:07 <nightwind> lol

23:07 <Librarian> i think i saw a ranch dress

23:08 <Librarian> as in a dress decorated a a ranch dressing bottle

23:30 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest71@Pony-nj4.but.137.201.IP) (Quit: Connection closed)

23:40 <Schism> nightwind: ... evil Wordle today.

23:43 <Schism> 4/6 here.  I COULD probably have gotten it in 2.

23:46 * Ali noms on the Schism tails again cause unicorn wants to

23:54 * Schism boops Ali with a golf ball. Also, yawnles, gets herself some strong tea.

23:55 * Ali nuu's wiff golf balls, it might storm here soon T.T

23:55 <nightwind> i did get it in two

23:56 *** Joins: TheAstrallyForged (elemanim@sugar-belle.blackl.net)

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