Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Wednesday, 2014-07-23

00:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> i have a 3DS

00:00 * Rainbow_Dashie smacks ZeroParadox

00:00 * ZeroParadox parries the hit

00:00 <ZeroParadox> Hmph.

00:00 <Rainbow_Dashie> O_O

00:00 <VinylScratch> <BubbleBerry> Now I can get all the games in THREE DEE - Not really, lol...there's no real refinements other than the HD graphic updates

00:00 <BubbleBerry> Oh

00:00 *** Joins: Excraylibur (Lars@Pony-omb.rot.139.120.IP)

00:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Tumblr Spotlight: A Very Ruffled Opening [ http://tinyurl.com/lo9wboh ]

00:00 <Finwe> Cepheghost: What was the problem? For what did you need me?

00:00 <BubbleBerry> Well, still, I can get all the games

00:00 * Rainbow_Dashie speeds off like the roadrunner

00:00 <Finwe> o3o?

00:00 <ZeroParadox> J'es

00:00 <ZeroParadox> Here, have a trailer!

00:00 <Excraylibur> god you guys

00:00 <jamis> LightDash, there was a doom 3 mod that recreated the first 9 levels of the original doom. This is it's music.

00:00 <BubbleBerry> Wait, does that include Apollo Justice?

00:00 <ZeroParadox> Wait... this isn't a trailer...

00:01 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: Nope.

00:01 <LightDash> ah okay

00:01 <VinylScratch> Trilogy =/= 4 games

00:01 <Excraylibur> like, Apollo Justice is pretty bad

00:01 <BubbleBerry> AWWWW

00:01 <VinylScratch> Excraylibur: It really isn't

00:01 <Rainbow_Dashie> No it's not :p

00:01 <LightDash> i still like DOOM series

00:01 *** Quits: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Excraylibur!Lars@Pony-omb.rot.139.120.IP)))

00:01 <BubbleBerry> Is Apollo Justice really old?

00:01 <jamis> If you've played the original doom, you would instantly recognize the music.

00:01 <ZeroParadox> But Apollo Justice takes place after those 3 games.

00:01 *** Excraylibur is now known as Insidious_lars

00:01 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: I JUST SAID IT TAKES PLACE AFTER THE 3

00:01 * ZeroParadox angers

00:01 <ZeroParadox> o3o

00:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Insidious_lars

00:01 * Finwe noms on ThatAnonPony's tail.

00:01 <VinylScratch> It's also partly relevent to 5

00:01 <VinylScratch> in some respects

00:01 * ThatAnonPony tail-wiggle.

00:01 <LightDash> i play the 1 and the 2 one (and the doom 3)

00:01 <Rainbow_Dashie> You mean 5 games. It also goes after the Investigations games

00:01 <LightDash> *doom

00:01 <jamis> VinylScratch, if you start from 0,

00:01 <BubbleBerry> OK, calm down

00:02 <VinylScratch> No, AA5

00:02 * Phantasma_Eeria baps Finwe

00:02 <VinylScratch> XD

00:02 <ZeroParadox> I'm sorry BubbleBerry

00:02 <ZeroParadox> This is one of my favorite seriz evur

00:02 <ZeroParadox> rite nxt 2 metul geur

00:02 *** Joins: loverlypie (xguhbxbkpfh@Pony-1dr.tub.137.41.IP)

00:02 <loverlypie> hiiyaaa

00:02 <ZeroParadox> HIYA

00:02 <BubbleBerry> Is it as gud az DOM or metul ger?

00:02 <Llybel> Heyo

00:02 <jamis> wat

00:02 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: iz betur

00:02 <ZeroParadox> dan both

00:02 <ZeroParadox> !

00:02 <Rainbow_Dashie> I thought the "worst" was Phoenix Wright 2 cause I dont remember ANYTHING from that game

00:02 <ZeroParadox> Talking like that is annoying.

00:02 <jamis> Very.

00:02 <loverlypie> *pony nl

00:03 <ZeroParadox> Rainbow_Dashie: Everyone remembers Case 2-4 ;-;

00:03 <loverlypie> #pony nl

00:03 <Rainbow_Dashie> Not that it's a bad game, to me it's just my least fav

00:03 <Cepheghost> >.>

00:03 <Cepheghost> What's going on here?

00:03 <Rainbow_Dashie> which was that then?

00:03 * ZeroParadox pets his Franziska von Karma plushie

00:03 <Ali> HOLD IT

00:03 <Cepheghost> I walk away for 5 minutes..

00:03 <ZeroParadox> Rainbow_Dashie: ...The... fourth case... of the second game...

00:03 <Rainbow_Dashie> EEEEuuuuuugggghhhhhhhhhhh

00:03 <ZeroParadox> ...Case 2-4

00:03 <loverlypie> ...

00:03 <Rainbow_Dashie> I hated Franziska!

00:03 <jamis> Ali speaks!

00:03 * Cepheghost holds a cheesecake for Ali.

00:03 <Rainbow_Dashie> Hate hate hate!!

00:03 <ZeroParadox> But she was a great character!

00:03 <loverlypie> who's dutch :))))

00:03 <Rainbow_Dashie> Grrrrrrr!!

00:03 * Thelema5 eats all the games

00:03 <Rainbow_Dashie> me loverlypie

00:04 * Ali tsk tsk tsks and waggles hoof at ZeroParadox

00:04 <jamis> Also, what is going on?

00:04 <ZeroParadox> ;-;

00:04 <loverlypie> :DD

00:04 <ZeroParadox> Why can't any of you appreciate JFA? ;-;

00:04 <ZeroParadox> It was amazing character development for Feenix ;-;

00:04 *** Cepheghost is now known as Cepheid

00:04 <Rainbow_Dashie> Nee echt he :p Maar er zijn niet zoveel die nederlands prate

00:04 * BubbleBerry boops Ace and Apollo together

00:04 <ZeroParadox> You couldn't even have the resolution at the end of 3 without JFA \ ;-; /

00:04 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: His name isn't Ace ;-;

00:04 <Cepheid> I really need to get back to my studies of Dutch.  Keep telling myself that, but I never get to it.

00:05 <VinylScratch> I just prefer 3.

00:05 <loverlypie> ja klopt zo jammer moet je allemaal engels praten

00:05 <BubbleBerry> I don't know nothing about no Ace Attorney

00:05 <Insidious_lars> all hail ace

00:05 <Insidious_lars> the best attorney

00:05 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR73chGfiXQ

00:05 <BubbleBerry> So, what's AA4 like?

00:05 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Drunken Robot Pornography: The Omicron Music Video

00:05 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: Main character is Phoenix Wright ;-;

00:05 <BubbleBerry> Duh

00:05 <VinylScratch> loverlypie: This is mostly an english chat. :P

00:05 * BubbleBerry is dumb :\

00:05 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: It's... a spoiler to tell you exactly what it is.

00:05 <VinylScratch> 4 is pretty okay.

00:05 <VinylScratch> despite lars.

00:05 <BubbleBerry> HMMMMM

00:05 <Rainbow_Dashie> Can you speak Dutch VinylScratch ? :p

00:05 <Insidious_lars> oh yeah

00:05 <Insidious_lars> having an opinion is bad

00:05 <ZeroParadox> I can't go into details on Apollo Justice without you playing 1-3

00:05 <VinylScratch> XD

00:05 <Insidious_lars> thx

00:05 <VinylScratch> ur welcom

00:05 <Rainbow_Dashie> XD XD

00:06 <loverlypie> ...

00:06 <ZeroParadox> An opinion and a blurt aren't the same...

00:06 <BubbleBerry> I'll be sure to play the trilogy

00:06 <Insidious_lars> BubbleBerry, again, you can get AA4 emulated.

00:06 <Insidious_lars> And play up to the first case

00:06 <BubbleBerry> But I wanna give the evil machine of Capcom money

00:06 * Phantasma_Eeria noms on TimidClef|Work's mouse "i can vectorpone like you, but not as good"

00:06 <VinylScratch> 4 is fine as a whole, and you really should play through it before playing 5

00:06 <TimidClef|Work> It takes practice. :) that's why I (usually) work on it every night

00:06 * BubbleBerry boops Pheonix and Apollo together

00:06 <VinylScratch> thats really the thing

00:06 <Insidious_lars> yes

00:06 <VinylScratch> you kinda need to get to know apollo

00:07 <BubbleBerry> Wait, is Apollo Justice his real name?

00:07 <Insidious_lars> yes

00:07 <BubbleBerry> Is his last name seriously justice?

00:07 <VinylScratch> Apollo is a new attorney

00:07 <ZeroParadox> Yup.

00:07 <Insidious_lars> yes

00:07 <VinylScratch> and yes.

00:07 <VinylScratch> Justice has been a last name IRL tho

00:07 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: Let me get you some pictures, so you don't forget

00:07 <BubbleBerry> I guess these AA games don't really shoot for realism or super seriousness

00:07 <VinylScratch> so it's really not that hard to believe

00:07 <jamis> What phoenix, ace, apollo?

00:07 <Thelema5> I know someone named Johnny Justice.

00:07 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: Blue dumb suit man is this guy

00:07 *** Quits: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike) (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3)

00:07 <ZeroParadox> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/d/d8/20131228102058!PhoenixWright.png

00:08 <VinylScratch> <BubbleBerry> I guess these AA games don't really shoot for realism or super seriousness - Oh I don't know about that...

00:08 <hawthornbunny> I really wanna play Ace Attorney too, but I don't wanna play on a tiny DS screen.

00:08 <VinylScratch> the games reaaaaally do hit you.

00:08 <Rainbow_Dashie> Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, MR Gumshoe ... what odd names really XD

00:08 <BubbleBerry> Johnny Justice is the best name

00:08 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ0xaPS1wLY Ah, one of the best tracks of DMC, in my opinion.

00:08 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

00:08 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Ultra Violet (Nelo Angelo Battle) - Devil May Cry Extended

00:08 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: Loud red guy is Apollo Justice

00:08 <ZeroParadox> http://www.court-records.net/arts/giantodo.png

00:08 <jamis> What AA games can I get for my 3ds?

00:08 <VinylScratch> 5, Vs Prof Layton...and the trilogy later this year

00:08 <VinylScratch> and the originals on DS carts

00:08 <LightDash> i like devil may cry

00:09 <BubbleBerry> The trilogy and 5. along with vs professor layton

00:09 <Rainbow_Dashie> I like trains

00:09 <BubbleBerry> And you can play the DS games on 3DS

00:09 <VinylScratch> so you can look on ebay for cheap carts

00:09 * Phantasma_Eeria tries to open the run.dmc file and fails, because she doesnt have the right software

00:09 <LightDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZUN89RaP60

00:09 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Devil May Cry 3 - Devils Never Cry - With Lyrics!!

00:09 <Phantasma_Eeria> hello mineturtle

00:09 <BubbleBerry> Hahahaha

00:09 <Rainbow_Dashie> well for free if you legally download it XD

00:09 <loverlypie> who's dutchh

00:09 * Cepheid really should finish DMC and DMC3.

00:09 <BubbleBerry> The Dutch

00:09 <VinylScratch> Not really many

00:09 <Insidious_lars> Cepheid, oh my god

00:09 <jamis> Fee? Legal? lol

00:09 <Cepheid> I actually have the entire trilogy for the PS2.  Though for playing it..

00:10 <Insidious_lars> you SHOULD

00:10 <Cepheid> I'd emulate it.

00:10 <LightDash> like this song of DMC ^

00:10 <Cepheid> I have a working PS2, sure.

00:10 <LightDash> *3

00:10 <Rainbow_Dashie> lol XD :D

00:10 <Cepheid> But at this point, it'd probably be better to just emulate it.

00:10 <Insidious_lars> Cepheid, just get the PC version

00:10 <BubbleBerry> I hear there were some AA games for the Game Boy Advanced

00:10 <Insidious_lars> and maybe emulate the first game

00:10 <Insidious_lars> BubbleBerry, they were never translated

00:10 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: The same games, but in Japanese only

00:10 <Cepheid> I hear the PC version of DMC3 is a disaster.

00:10 <Insidious_lars> same game

00:10 <Insidious_lars> Cepheid, not really

00:11 <Insidious_lars> you'll have to search for some fixes but it plays nice

00:11 <VinylScratch> <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: The same games, but in Japanese only - yup

00:11 <Insidious_lars> good enough to do SSS combos

00:11 <BubbleBerry> So they're in the original japanese langauge?

00:11 <VinylScratch> the games were originally GBA

00:11 <BubbleBerry> 10'/10 better than the english

00:11 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: It was text only you butt - 3 -

00:11 * ZeroParadox baps BubbleBerry

00:11 <Finwe> Guess who had parked their car nearby last week: https://www.dropbox.com/s/laynbrruokvv1u4/2014-07-17%2015.47.50.jpg

00:11 <VinylScratch> xD

00:11 <Finwe> o3o

00:11 <BubbleBerry> No japanese >english

00:11 <Rainbow_Dashie> VinylScratch: Is that why the touchscreen is just a giant menu thing? :p

00:12 <BubbleBerry> I need a subbed version ASAP

00:12 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: pls stop making me sad

00:12 <VinylScratch> Why? XD

00:12 <VinylScratch> The localisation is great

00:12 * BubbleBerry is kidding calm down

00:12 <ZeroParadox> I know you are

00:12 <ZeroParadox> That's why I am sad

00:12 <ZeroParadox> pls

00:12 <Cepheid> LightDash:  Devils Never Cry from DMC3 is pretty bad-*YAY*, admittedly.  It's one of the best tracks of that game.

00:12 * BubbleBerry pats ZeroParadox's head

00:12 <ZeroParadox> ;-;

00:12 <VinylScratch> Zero pair'o'ducks

00:12 <loverlypie> ...

00:12 <ZeroParadox> I can't beat DMC3.

00:12 <LightDash> great

00:12 <LightDash> :3 *

00:13 <ZeroParadox> I'm stuck on that one part in the tower and I don't know where to go. o3o b

00:13 <BubbleBerry> I keep trying to kill the Icon of Sin or whatever

00:13 <loverlypie> wjo have's moviestarplanet ???

00:13 <loverlypie> say that than :)

00:13 <BubbleBerry> No, wait, I'm on the Virgil fight

00:13 <loverlypie> who*

00:13 <VinylScratch> I don't think anyone.

00:13 <loverlypie> who*

00:13 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-f6r.htm.164.125.IP) (Client exited)

00:13 <VinylScratch> methinks you're in the wrong place entirely, loverlypie

00:13 *** Quits: Melody (kvmtfqobqkn@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:13 <BubbleBerry> MovieStarPlanet? That dumb looking flash game I keep seeing commercials for?

00:13 <ZeroParadox> o3o;

00:13 <loverlypie> ???

00:13 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry with the firey comments all day

00:14 <Insidious_lars> yes zero

00:14 <Insidious_lars> firey

00:14 * BubbleBerry will never stop making inflammatory comments! NEVER!

00:14 <loverlypie> ....

00:14 <ZeroParadox> o3o

00:14 <BubbleBerry> Anyways, I'll get the trilogy once it comes on 3DS

00:14 * ZeroParadox throws water at BubbleBerry

00:15 <BubbleBerry> And maybe get 4 and 5 and Apollo Justice

00:15 <Insidious_lars> >once it comes on 3ds

00:15 <Cepheid> I also want to go through Bayonetta again.

00:15 * BubbleBerry melts

00:15 <ZeroParadox> Yes!

00:15 *** Parts: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) ()

00:15 <Insidious_lars> good luck waiting for that

00:15 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: Bayonetta 2 comes with 1 so awesome c:

00:15 <Insidious_lars> for the next forever

00:15 <BubbleBerry> >implying

00:15 <Cepheid> Yeah.

00:15 <ZeroParadox> Now I don't have to play PS3 version ;-;

00:15 <BubbleBerry> >greentext

00:15 <BubbleBerry> >4chan

00:15 <LightDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v-9BBiC0VU

00:15 <Cepheid> I have the 360 release.

00:15 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

00:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Devil May Cry 3: Taste the Blood with lyrics and download link

00:15 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

00:15 <Insidious_lars> BubbleBerry, r u madz lmao XD

00:15 <Phantasma_Eeria> no idea what just happened

00:15 <Insidious_lars> le ebin troilsd

00:15 <Cepheid> Any idea when Bayonetta 2 is being released world-wide?

00:16 <BubbleBerry> XD XD XD ur jsut but hert lelelelelele

00:16 * Phantasma_Eeria freezes BubbleBerry's meltedness

00:16 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: I know we're getting over here in October

00:16 * Finwe freezes Phantasma_Eeria's assets.

00:16 <VinylScratch> <%Insidious_lars> >once it comes on 3ds - it's coming in winter.

00:16 <VinylScratch> as a trilogy grouped into a digital download

00:17 <LightDash> good song ^ (DMC 3)

00:17 <BubbleBerry> Insidious_lars: http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa186/rikku18_2007/Doctor%20Who/DWAUmmNo.gif no.gif lelelelelelelel

00:17 <Phantasma_Eeria> why you freeze my assets…now i cant use them

00:17 <Rainbow_Dashie> OOOOOOOOooooooo burn

00:17 <Rainbow_Dashie> I mean freeze :p

00:17 <ZeroParadox> Burn?

00:17 <BubbleBerry> So, when's the 3DS trilogy coming out?

00:17 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: DO YOU EVEN RE- winter

00:18 <VinylScratch> Sometime in winter

00:18 <BubbleBerry> Ah

00:18 <BubbleBerry> Well, i was too lazy to google

00:18 <BubbleBerry> Danke

00:18 <VinylScratch> I'm definitely getting it, lol....I don't have any physicals anymore of the series

00:18 <Rainbow_Dashie> Too lazy to google? That's pretty bad

00:18 *** Quits: loverlypie (xguhbxbkpfh@Pony-1dr.tub.137.41.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:18 <VinylScratch> and may as well get the digital

00:18 <BubbleBerry> Wait why are they making a remake of The Last of Us?

00:18 <ZeroParadox> I already bought the games physically and on Wii Ware

00:19 <ZeroParadox> I'm good with emulating. - 3 -

00:19 <BubbleBerry> Didn't The Last of Us just come out?

00:19 <VinylScratch> Zero: Oh I emualate too

00:19 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: Because a lot of people got a PS4 and didn't have a PS3.

00:19 <BubbleBerry> What's the point of remaking it in HD?

00:19 <Rainbow_Dashie> Cause it's sales werent very impressive

00:19 <ZeroParadox> And Last of Us is a good seller

00:19 <VinylScratch> Zero's reason.

00:19 <Rainbow_Dashie> And many didnt play it

00:19 <VinylScratch> pretty much entirely nails it

00:19 <BubbleBerry> Well, i mean, shouldn't you wait a while for the HD remake?

00:19 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: No, because PS4 has a lack of games at it's start

00:19 <BubbleBerry> Oh

00:19 <VinylScratch> nah, it'll likely sell now with ease

00:19 <VinylScratch> people are hungry for games

00:20 <ZeroParadox> I'm not.

00:20 <Rainbow_Dashie> Naughty Dog said they immediatly started working on the PS4 version after the PS3 version launched so ... yea

00:20 * ZeroParadox hugs his PS3

00:20 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

00:20 <VinylScratch> Shhhh, lol

00:20 <ZeroParadox> I still get Destiny and Xrd

00:20 <ZeroParadox> I win \ o3o /

00:20 * VinylScratch hugs her PS3 too

00:20 * Thelema5 flops

00:20 <BubbleBerry> I'mma get Metal Gear Solid C

00:20 <ZeroParadox> USFIV isn't even on next gen, step it up

00:20 <BubbleBerry> So I can be sad

00:20 <ZeroParadox> I get MGSV too

00:20 <ZeroParadox> PS4 isn't even trying to get me to buy it

00:20 * Rainbow_Dashie hugs PS3 as well. "So many great games"

00:20 *** Joins: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com)

00:20 <Llybel> The only games I buy nowdays are the occasional humble bundle - Can't afford anything else

00:20 <jamis> Naughty dog is working on what now?

00:21 <BubbleBerry> I'll also get DOOOOOOOOOM

00:21 <ZeroParadox> The only games I buy are the ones with "14.99" on it

00:21 <ZeroParadox> Thanks old PS3 games that are really good

00:21 <Rainbow_Dashie> The Last of Us for PS4 and Uncharted 4

00:21 <jamis> ah

00:21 <Llybel> I do want to get Divinity Original SIn though

00:21 <Cepheid> So, I have a new, crazy goal in life.

00:22 <ZeroParadox> Good, what is it so I can stop you

00:22 <Rainbow_Dashie> While I really like uncharted, I hope we get a new IP after Uncharted 4

00:22 <BubbleBerry> Is it true MGS4 is the worst thing to happen to the Metal gear franchise since Metal Gear NES?

00:22 <ZeroParadox> Uuuh... nah there was probably wor-

00:22 <BubbleBerry> Cause it's for little babbies?

00:22 <ZeroParadox> ...

00:22 * ZeroParadox thinks really hard.

00:22 <ZeroParadox> I'm furrowing my brow in deep thought here...

00:22 <Cepheid> Advance my skills and knowledge of game programming to rival that of the developers that work for Banpresto and Monolith Soft.

00:22 <Rainbow_Dashie> BubbleBerry: I heard it was a good movie

00:22 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: have fun with that

00:22 <VinylScratch> If you enjoy the game yourself, does it matter?

00:22 <ZeroParadox> VinylScratch: Listen

00:22 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-g72e32.sub-70-197-168.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:23 <ZeroParadox> I understand your stance on things

00:23 <BubbleBerry> because I haven't played the game

00:23 <ZeroParadox> But that's not how it works o3o

00:23 <Cepheid> ZeroParadox:  You should probably recognize both of those names. :P

00:23 <VinylScratch> Kinda is. :P

00:23 <Insidious_lars> Cepheid, if you made a game that is as fun as DMC3 then maybe I'll praise you

00:23 <ZeroParadox> This is about a general consensus

00:23 <Insidious_lars> and buy your game

00:23 <ZeroParadox> He's asking everyone, not for a blanket reason of "why you should stahp"

00:23 <Rainbow_Dashie> Seriously though, that game had so many cutscenes and they were so long! >_>

00:23 <BubbleBerry> All I know it that it's for dumb babies, and that it has a crapton of cutscenes

00:23 <VinylScratch> well...It's really not for dumb babies, lol

00:23 <Insidious_lars> why are you basing a game that you've never played

00:23 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: Well, the latter is definitely true.

00:23 <Rainbow_Dashie> It really does. So SO many cutscenes and SOOOOO long !

00:23 <ZeroParadox> 9 hours of cutscenes total.

00:23 <BubbleBerry> Insidious_lars: That's just what I've heard

00:24 <Insidious_lars> well maybe you should play the game yourself

00:24 <Insidious_lars> and stop listening to /v/

00:24 <BubbleBerry> The dumb babies allegation being based on that it has more shooting for the call of duty crowd

00:24 <Rainbow_Dashie> Only 9?! It has cutscenes that are like 45 min long! No joke!

00:24 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: People probably say it's "for babies" because of the inclusion of 3rd person shooter and cover mechanics.

00:24 <Insidious_lars> ffs

00:24 <VinylScratch> For all of it's cutscenes, the playable parts were fun.

00:24 <BubbleBerry> Also, I need a PS4

00:24 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Away

00:24 <ZeroParadox> It means that you don't really have to stealth, so it's definitely easymodo compared to the rest of the series, where stealth was always the way to go.

00:24 <Rainbow_Dashie> It goes beyond any game I've ever played. Heavy Rain had more gameplay

00:25 <BubbleBerry> I'll pick it up once I get a PS4

00:25 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (montezuma@Pony-jo28ma.superkabel.de) (Quit: Tumblr PROTIP: change _500 into _1280 for better quality.)

00:25 *** Quits: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:25 <ZeroParadox> Compared to the rest of the series, not that great, and I REALLY don't like Act 3, but it wasn't a bad game.

00:25 <BubbleBerry> Or wait for some super duper PS4 mega ultra legacy collection

00:25 <VinylScratch> 3 is generally a better game

00:25 <ZeroParadox> I don't think it's the worst thing to happen to the series... then again I can't remember anything worse than it right now.

00:25 <BubbleBerry> ZeroParadox: The NES games?

00:25 <Rainbow_Dashie> The game on the PSP was the worst IMO

00:25 <ZeroParadox> You said since those... and no, the NES games are fun.

00:25 <BubbleBerry> Peace Walker was a good game

00:25 <Rainbow_Dashie> those controls! Them controls were awefull!

00:26 <ZeroParadox> He means Portable Ops.

00:26 <BubbleBerry> Oh

00:26 <Rainbow_Dashie> jep

00:26 <BubbleBerry> Portable ops was meh

00:26 <ZeroParadox> I don't really count that one

00:26 <Rainbow_Dashie> I seriously hated that game. That's just me though

00:26 <BubbleBerry> Nothing really happens and the gameplay isn't anything to write home about

00:26 <ZeroParadox> Doesn't really seem like a groundbreaking entry in the series, and it got retconned to hell

00:26 <ZeroParadox> It doesn't get as much attention as something like Peace Walker, which is technically getting it's own console sequel in the form of MGSV.

00:26 <BubbleBerry> So, don't even bother with it?

00:27 <ZeroParadox> Portable Ops? Skip it

00:27 <Rainbow_Dashie> Still, it carries the MGS title

00:27 <ZeroParadox> Yeah but you can just read a summary on what the game is and pretty much have the same experience

00:27 <BubbleBerry> Big boss mets Kaz and then they form Militaires sans Frontiares

00:27 <ZeroParadox> Good job

00:27 <BubbleBerry> The end now go buy Peace Walker

00:27 <ZeroParadox> yeh

00:27 <Rainbow_Dashie> Lol :D

00:27 <Rainbow_Dashie> So ture

00:28 <Rainbow_Dashie> *true

00:28 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

00:28 *** Joins: Soul (~Soul@Pony-nc4kk7.hstntx.sbcglobal.net)

00:28 <Soul> okay this is much better

00:29 <VinylScratch> It is?

00:29 * BubbleBerry boops Boss and Kaz together

00:29 <BubbleBerry> Who's Soul? is s/he another user?

00:29 <Rainbow_Dashie> It is cause ponies

00:29 <ZeroParadox> Boss X Kaz

00:29 <ZeroParadox> Confirmed

00:29 <BubbleBerry> But wait Boss is ded

00:29 <BubbleBerry> I think

00:30 <ZeroParadox> Yeah, years later

00:30 <Soul> Lol

00:30 <ZeroParadox> Kaz is ded 2

00:30 <BubbleBerry> I heard her is Peace Walker in the beginning

00:30 <ZeroParadox> Do you even English

00:30 <BubbleBerry> But she wasn't talking about the basics of CQC

00:30 <Soul> BubbleBerry i been here before you lol, i had a bad reputation as well v_v

00:30 <Rainbow_Dashie> ZeroParadox: No he's not, he's right here : http://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/entry_photo_images/3680114/DSC00910_large_verge_medium_landscape.jpg

00:30 <BubbleBerry> As well?

00:30 <BubbleBerry> Ah.

00:31 <BubbleBerry> Well, uh, nice to meet you, Soul

00:31 <Soul> eh mostly on the lines of "Oh look he's rping"

00:31 <Insidious_lars> well

00:31 <Soul> oh my god its such a big huge shocker D:?

00:31 <Phantasma_Eeria> Soul, do you fimfic?

00:31 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Quit: )

00:31 <Rainbow_Dashie> o right! Welcome Soul ! Can I offer you a drink? :p

00:31 <Insidious_lars> RP'ing is against the rurrrs

00:31 <Insidious_lars> so read the damn rurrs

00:31 <Insidious_lars> god

00:31 <ZeroParadox> The rurus

00:31 <Soul> .....

00:31 <Rainbow_Dashie> O Lars! Rabble Rabble Rabble :D

00:31 <Soul> I just mention it.

00:31 <Cepheid> ...

00:31 <BubbleBerry> read the rurus

00:31 <Soul> chill your ass

00:31 * Cepheid pokes Insidious_lars.

00:32 <Soul> WOAH!!

00:32 <Soul> Cepheid!

00:32 <ZeroParadox> Let me join in on this "..."

00:32 <Insidious_lars> oh man

00:32 <Soul> lol i thought you left the network XD

00:32 <Cepheid> Yes?

00:32 <Cepheid> Hmm?

00:32 * Phantasma_Eeria steals Soul's Soul

00:32 <Insidious_lars> why even

00:32 * BubbleBerry slaps a FOX patch on ZeroParadox "So..."

00:32 <Soul> oh my god. I HAVE NO SOUL.

00:32 <VinylScratch> She's been here forever

00:32 <Soul> Noooooo~

00:32 <VinylScratch> x3

00:32 * Thelema5 pricks up his ears

00:32 <ZeroParadox> Soul: Shouldn't your name just be a giant blank o3o

00:32 <Soul> oh really? Huh, she's never on the afterdark area

00:32 <Cepheid> I'm just quiet when I'm coding or gaming.

00:32 * Phantasma_Eeria pricks Thelema5's pricked up ears

00:32 <Soul> well not anymore..

00:32 <Cepheid> That's cause people to pester me a lot.

00:32 <Rainbow_Dashie> So what you doing now then?

00:33 <Soul> I can understand that

00:33 <Cepheid> And right now..

00:33 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: But I'm in here and I do that all the time \ o3o /

00:33 <Soul> mind if i talk to you via pm?

00:33 <Cepheid> I'm very, very busy.

00:33 <Soul> oh okay never mind

00:33 * BubbleBerry pokes ZeroParadox intensley

00:33 <ZeroParadox> Soul: Swerved

00:33 <Soul> whenever you got time then :3

00:33 <Cepheid> ZeroParadox, you're not what I consider annoying.

00:33 <ZeroParadox> D:

00:33 <Cepheid> You don't even come close.

00:33 * ZeroParadox is shocked and insulted

00:33 <Soul> I think I am consider annoying XD

00:33 * ZeroParadox cries in a corner

00:33 <BubbleBerry> http://doubleleaf.deviantart.com/art/Godot-in-snow-345042667

00:33 * Phantasma_Eeria eats all if Cepheid's work "now you must start again"

00:33 <Soul> now that's annoying.

00:33 <BubbleBerry> Have some Godot, ZeroParadox

00:33 * Cepheid just does 'git pull'

00:33 <Rainbow_Dashie> You are to me ZeroParadox

00:34 <Cepheid> Problem solved.

00:34 <ZeroParadox> ;-;

00:34 <ZeroParadox> Rainbow_Dashie: Go away o3o

00:34 <BubbleBerry> ;~;

00:34 * ZeroParadox hugs BubbleBerry

00:34 * Phantasma_Eeria deletes all of Cepheid's work

00:34 <Rainbow_Dashie> You've been mean to me all evening!

00:34 * BubbleBerry hugs ZeroParadox

00:34 * Cepheid does 'git pull' again.

00:34 <ZeroParadox> Rainbow_Dashie: That just means we're cool. o3o

00:34 * Phantasma_Eeria muffin-kisses Rainbow_Dashie

00:34 <Cepheid> Stop that, it's getting annoying.

00:34 <Rainbow_Dashie> Eum, okay then?

00:35 <Soul> oh ouchies.

00:35 * Phantasma_Eeria prevents Cepheid from 'git pulling' and destroys his work

00:35 *** Joins: Dreamspire (Dreamspire@Pony-vcrtov.md.comcast.net)

00:35 <Soul> AH!

00:35 <Cepheid> ..

00:35 * Rainbow_Dashie offers a brohoof to ZeroParadox

00:35 <Cepheid> That's really getting on my nerves, having to keep look back every time you ping me.

00:35 <ZeroParadox> Nah.

00:35 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: /ignore or w/e

00:35 <Soul> Look stop bugging Cepheid

00:35 <Insidious_lars> Cepheid, you can always, you know

00:35 <Rainbow_Dashie> C'mon, don't leave me hanging here!

00:35 <Soul> there is that XD

00:35 <Cepheid> I know.

00:35 <Insidious_lars> leave the channel

00:36 <ZeroParadox> ...Ignore would be just as effective, but yeah. o3o

00:36 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP)

00:36 * Rainbow_Dashie sits in a corner with 'er head down.

00:37 <Soul> god..

00:37 <Soul> eh i can see why people leave this place though lol

00:37 * Phantasma_Eeria brohoofs Rainbow_Dashie

00:38 <Rainbow_Dashie> Thanks Phantasma_Eeria :D

00:39 <Rainbow_Dashie> Wow, it suddenly sure went quiet

00:39 <ZeroParadox> Cuz I'm starin' at you from the dark corner.

00:39 <Insidious_lars> even the loudest places are quiet

00:39 <Insidious_lars> during certain times

00:39 <Soul> okay

00:39 * Rainbow_Dashie can hear the crickets

00:39 <Soul> in other news, i found out that pinkiepony

00:40 *** Joins: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net)

00:40 * Thelema5 tumbles across the chat

00:40 <Soul> the woman who took donw Princess Molestia tumblr

00:40 <Soul> got the most major backlash of all time

00:40 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (fporinitjyv@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:40 <Soul> seriously. I did not think that would happen at all. I found it all out. Thanks Enclyopedia Dramatica.

00:40 <Rainbow_Dashie> gee, I wonder why?

00:40 <ZeroParadox> o3o ...

00:40 * ZeroParadox rolls away.

00:41 <Insidious_lars> I think we've talked about her enough

00:41 <Insidious_lars> during the past

00:41 * Heartbreak pokes at Soul.

00:41 <Insidious_lars> not sure why you're not over it already

00:41 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

00:41 <Rainbow_Dashie> Besides, a Molestia is not really .. eum for all ages?

00:41 <VinylScratch> We really don't talk about that here anyway

00:42 <Thelema5> Thank you.

00:42 <Insidious_lars> why do people like them anyway?

00:42 <VinylScratch> people are odd creatures

00:42 <Rainbow_Dashie> Ya dont say? :D

00:42 <Heartbreak> Hey Rainbow_Dashie.

00:42 <Rainbow_Dashie> Ey HB

00:42 * Heartbreak pies Rainbow_Dashie.

00:42 *** Quits: STATS (Administrat@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:43 <FruitNibbler> Eyyyyyyyyyyy

00:43 <Rainbow_Dashie> O_O

00:43 <Insidious_lars> this channel is full of odd creatures

00:43 <Insidious_lars> heyo

00:43 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

00:43 <Rainbow_Dashie> ........

00:43 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (qbkhicekchb@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

00:43 <Rainbow_Dashie> This is DELICIOUS!

00:43 <Finwe> LT The_Nostalgia_Mare.

00:43 <Finwe> _o7

00:43 <ZeroParadox> Rainbow_Dashie: Yes? Yes? YES?

00:43 <BubbleBerry> I was playing an art game and my PC shut off.

00:43 <BubbleBerry> THANKS, ART

00:43 <ZeroParadox> Art: No problem bruh

00:43 * The_Nostalgia_Mare marches up to Finwe and salutes. "Radm. Finwe."

00:43 <Finwe> o3o

00:43 *** Joins: STATS (Administrat@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net)

00:44 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> o3o

00:44 <Heartbreak> Rainbow_Dashie, It better be. It's cherry.

00:44 * Rainbow_Dashie likes own face with tongue

00:44 <Rainbow_Dashie> *lickes XD

00:44 * Phantasma_Eeria pies Heartbreak with a pecan pie

00:44 <Rainbow_Dashie> *licks!

00:44 * Heartbreak noms.

00:44 * BubbleBerry cakes Heartbreak

00:44 <BubbleBerry> o3o

00:45 <Rainbow_Dashie> I speeling veri goot totay

00:45 * Heartbreak cupcakes BubbleBerry.

00:45 <Heartbreak> Now we have a filly Pinkie Pie.

00:45 * BubbleBerry noms

00:45 * Phantasma_Eeria turns BubbleBerry into a cupkace

00:45 <BubbleBerry> o3o

00:45 <Rainbow_Dashie> Foodfight!

00:45 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (~Coco_Nut@Pony-lkagvh.dsl.as9105.com)

00:45 * hawthornbunny fights a sandwich!

00:45 <BubbleBerry> So am I a filly/girl or a food?

00:45 <ZeroParadox> I had a food fight once.

00:45 <Heartbreak> BubbleBerry, is now filly pinkie pie.

00:45 <ZeroParadox> It was awful.

00:46 <Thelema5> Sounds like it would be.

00:46 <Phantasma_Eeria> BubbleBerry, is a filly pinkie pie cupcake

00:46 <Rainbow_Dashie> BubbleBerry: You're fillyfood

00:46 <BubbleBerry> o3o

00:46 <Soul> To be honest I don't really care for Nostalgia Chick

00:46 *** BubbleBerry is now known as PinkiePie|Filly

00:46 <Soul> she's too stuck up she just shows it, i mean seriously.

00:46 <PinkiePie|Filly> o3o

00:46 <Rainbow_Dashie> Soul: Same here

00:46 <PinkiePie|Filly> Like this?

00:46 <PinkiePie|Filly> I'm confused

00:46 <PinkiePie|Filly> Soul: I prefer Redlettermedia over most of the TGWTG people

00:46 <Soul> Okay we get it, you are a woman who reviews movies....you're point?

00:46 * Heartbreak picks PinkiePie|Filly up!

00:46 <PinkiePie|Filly> eep!

00:47 <Heartbreak> Gah! SO CUTE!

00:47 <Heartbreak> Hey Soul. Guess what.

00:47 <Rainbow_Dashie> Although Nostalgia Critic really needs to stop mention the intro when doing the intro. It's becoming annoying -_-

00:47 <Heartbreak> Guess what.

00:47 <Soul> I mean doug he does it for a act

00:47 <hawthornbunny> Nostalgia Chick apparently had a big rant about bronies. Which, if I understand the context correctly, was understandable, but also kind of unfair.

00:47 <Heartbreak> Hey, hey, hey, Hey Soul.

00:47 <Heartbreak> Guess what.

00:47 <Soul> oh wow, another brony hater

00:47 <PinkiePie|Filly> Does anyone here watch RedLetterMedia?

00:47 <PinkiePie|Filly> Like, half in the bag and stuff?

00:47 <Thelema5> Who the heck is nostalgia chick?

00:47 <Phantasma_Eeria> penny, penny, penny, penny, penny

00:47 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> hawthornbunny, what did she say?

00:47 <Heartbreak> Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey Soul, Soul, Soul.

00:47 <Soul> what?

00:48 <Rainbow_Dashie> She what?!

00:48 <Heartbreak> No pony cares.

00:48 <ThatAnonPony> Hey. Hey Heartbreak. Hey.

00:48 <Thelema5> !link fat albert

00:48 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

00:48 <Heartbreak> Hey, Hey, Hey ThatAnonPony.

00:48 <Insidious_lars> !seen The-Nostalgia-Pony

00:48 <DerpyBot> Insidious_lars: Sorry, I haven't seen The-Nostalgia-Pony lately.

00:48 <Phantasma_Eeria> hey, hey Heartbreak, listen

00:48 * ThatAnonPony flops on Heartbreak.

00:48 <Thelema5> :|

00:48 <Insidious_lars> ded

00:48 <Thelema5> I am disappoint

00:48 <Rainbow_Dashie> Seriously? We are doing this?

00:48 <Insidious_lars> !seen NoPony-Special

00:48 <DerpyBot> Insidious_lars: The last time I saw NoPony-Special was 2014-07-18 22:59:24 UTC

00:48 <Insidious_lars> also ded

00:48 * PinkiePie|Filly flops on Soul

00:49 <ZeroParadox> Bac- what the hell

00:49 * Heartbreak gah!

00:49 <Insidious_lars> rip friends

00:49 *** Quits: STATS (Administrat@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:49 * Heartbreak mares ThatAnonPony.

00:49 <ZeroParadox> It was two minutes

00:49 <VinylScratch> lol

00:49 <Soul> Hey hey Heartbreak, don't be a dick :P

00:49 <Rainbow_Dashie> boo hoo hoo

00:49 <ZeroParadox> Two minutes, how did you devolve into this so fast-

00:49 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I'm still here, Insidious_lars.

00:49 <ZeroParadox> Soul: WHOA

00:49 <Rainbow_Dashie> Soul: language

00:49 * Phantasma_Eeria Navi-s Heartbreak

00:49 * ZeroParadox makes hand signals. "Whoa"

00:49 <VinylScratch> Soul: PG  pls

00:49 * ThatAnonPony snuggles Heartbreak.

00:49 * ZeroParadox gets the mouth soap. "woa"

00:49 <Sketchy_Sounds> Soul, she was merely stating a fact.

00:49 <PinkiePie|Filly> What are we talking about?

00:49 <Insidious_lars> !warn Soul

00:49 * DerpyBot shoots Soul a warning glance

00:49 <Rainbow_Dashie> huh

00:49 <Insidious_lars> still works

00:49 <Insidious_lars> first warning

00:49 <Heartbreak> About hugging you PinkiePie|Filly.

00:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> !warn

00:50 <Soul> Makes sense about the brony hating but to be honest, for what I seen towards other fandoms.....yeah...no body can say anything

00:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> daww :p

00:50 *** Joins: STATS (Administrat@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net)

00:50 <VinylScratch> Only a mod/op thing, Rainbow_Dashie


00:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> figured :p

00:50 <Soul> what?

00:50 <PinkiePie|Filly> o3o

00:50 <hawthornbunny> Rainbow_Dashie: quoted here http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/203-cartoons-and-animation/60606255

00:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> !muffin

00:50 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

00:50 <Soul> she was being rude.

00:50 <Thelema5> heh

00:50 <Insidious_lars> would you like me to warn you Rainbow_Dashie

00:50 <Sketchy_Sounds> Soul, we don't really care. If you're only here to talk about such things, you may find a more receptive audience elsewhere.

00:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> yes

00:50 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

00:50 * DerpyBot glomps Rainbow_Dashie

00:50 * PinkiePie|Filly pokes Heartbreak

00:50 <Rainbow_Dashie> :p

00:50 *** Quits: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net) (Connection closed)

00:50 <Insidious_lars> I woudn't mind

00:50 * Phantasma_Eeria looks down at the PinkiePie|Filly

00:50 <PinkiePie|Filly> o3o

00:50 <Heartbreak> What Sketchy_Sounds said.

00:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> Heartbreak, do you want a fruity drink?

00:51 <Heartbreak> Cause I happen to like Nostalgia Chick.

00:51 <Rainbow_Dashie> Eum no thank you

00:51 <Soul> i mean do i go around and stomp on everyone else's topics?

00:51 <Heartbreak> Phantasma_Eeria, does it have alcohol in it?

00:51 <Rainbow_Dashie> I dont wanna get closer to a bann

00:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> nope, i know you dont like alchohol

00:51 <PinkiePie|Filly> I'm pretty much apathetic towards the whole TGWTG crew. Save for the music guy. I really like the music guy

00:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> …somehow i remember useless facts

00:51 <Heartbreak> Phantasma_Eeria, Alright... Cause I can smell that stuff.

00:52 <Insidious_lars> Soul, read the rules

00:52 <Heartbreak> Mango-passion fruit.

00:52 <Sketchy_Sounds> Also, who is responsible for that stats bot?

00:52 <VinylScratch> Thats SRQ

00:52 <Heartbreak> I wubs mango-passion fruit.

00:52 <Insidious_lars> we have a stats bot?

00:52 <Soul> Do i say no body cares when someone gets hurt or if someone is talking about something that is important to them?

00:52 <Insidious_lars> I thought that was necessary?

00:52 <VinylScratch> I thought somebody allowed it

00:52 <Heartbreak> Soul. That's different.

00:52 <Insidious_lars> Soul, you broke the rules

00:52 <Rainbow_Dashie> Be carefull, we have at least 3 ops here :p

00:53 <Heartbreak> Very different.

00:53 <Sketchy_Sounds> Previously we had Owly. Looks like SRQ is running one now, but unfortunately it appears to be a tad unstable.

00:53 * Phantasma_Eeria slides Heartbreak a non-alchoholic mango & passionfruit coctail (probably not spelled right) accompanied with a lemon garnish and tiny umbrella

00:53 <Heartbreak> Ooooo.

00:53 <PinkiePie|Filly> Hey, is Prometheus any good?

00:53 * Heartbreak sniffs it.

00:53 <VinylScratch> Soul, it'd just be better to move on and leave it be

00:53 <VinylScratch> just my advice

00:53 <PinkiePie|Filly> I've been debating as to whether or not I should buy Prometheus on thee DVD

00:53 <Heartbreak> VinylScratch, gives the best advice.

00:53 <Rainbow_Dashie> Let's see VinylScratch , Insidious_lars and Sketchy_Sounds ? How are you all by the way ? :D

00:53 <ZeroParadox> I think SRQ's laptop is being repaired

00:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> yes

00:53 <Heartbreak> The Very Best.

00:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> prometheusbis awesome

00:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> *prometheus is

00:53 <PinkiePie|Filly> Is it as good as Alien or Aliens?

00:54 <Heartbreak> Hey PinkiePie|Filly want a taste of this?

00:54 <PinkiePie|Filly> Also, what was that black good?

00:54 <Heartbreak> It's mango-passion fruit.

00:54 <Thelema5> I read that as proomethus wubs awesome

00:54 <PinkiePie|Filly> Heartbreak: Yes please!

00:54 <FruitNibbler> prometheubis is nice too

00:54 <Sketchy_Sounds> From what I've heard, PinkiePie|Filly, no, it is nowhere near as good.

00:54 * Heartbreak gives PinkiePie|filly a taste.

00:54 <Thelema5> mango passion pit

00:54 <TimidClef|Work> It's not as good. It's an okay movie - I thought it was a decent sci-fi film - but it wasn't Alien\Aliens

00:54 <PinkiePie|Filly> mmm, that's good. Anyways, does it answer any questions?

00:54 <Sketchy_Sounds> Reviews I've heard have been mixed. Some folk really hated it, others thought it was kinda OK, but I've heard very few glowing reviews.

00:54 <FruitNibbler> promethubis is an evolved version od telethubbis

00:54 <Rainbow_Dashie> Well, I have to

00:54 <Sketchy_Sounds> One to rent, but not to buy, is the vibe I got.

00:54 <hawthornbunny> I thought it was icky.

00:55 <PinkiePie|Filly> Is it better than Alien cubed? or Alien: Resurrection? Or Alien vs Predator?

00:55 <Rainbow_Dashie> I have to go for now. Bye ! was fun talking to ya all!

00:55 <Heartbreak> Cube.

00:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> hmm, citation needed

00:55 <Thelema5> Bye!

00:55 <Sketchy_Sounds> PinkiePie|Filly, there's no such thing as Alien: Resurrection.

00:55 <hawthornbunny> Cube is an awesome and horrible film. ^_^

00:55 *** Quits: STATS (Administrat@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:55 <PinkiePie|Filly> Yuh huh

00:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> bye Rainbow_Dashie

00:55 <TimidClef|Work> Cube is amazing

00:55 <TimidClef|Work> Alien 3? not so much

00:55 <PinkiePie|Filly> It was the reaally really bad one

00:55 <Sketchy_Sounds> Alien 3 was pretty darn good.

00:55 * Rainbow_Dashie hugs Phantasma_Eeria

00:55 <PinkiePie|Filly> The one that ruined aliens for everyone

00:55 <Sketchy_Sounds> Though Aliens was better.

00:55 <Heartbreak> Hypercube was worse.

00:55 <Heartbreak> Oh Gawds... That was horrifying.

00:56 *** Joins: Soul_ (Soul@Pony-nc4kk7.hstntx.sbcglobal.net)

00:56 <hawthornbunny> I want a Cube roguelike.

00:56 *** Quits: Rainbow_Dashie (uiylljlromy@Pony-uu55or.access.telenet.be) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:56 <Sketchy_Sounds> "Get away from her you *****!"

00:56 <TimidClef|Work> Best line ever

00:56 * Heartbreak noogies TimidClef|Work.

00:56 * Heartbreak fuzzles the mare-fied ThatAnonPony.

00:56 * TimidClef|Work turns into a moogle

00:56 <Sketchy_Sounds> She delivers it with such raw passion and aggression

00:56 *** Quits: Soul (~Soul@Pony-nc4kk7.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:56 <Sketchy_Sounds> Helps of course that she's driving a mech at the time.

00:56 <Soul_> but fine. I will let this go. I will keep note of it.

00:56 * ThatAnonPony is now fuzzlymane'd

00:56 *** Joins: STATS (Administrat@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net)

00:56 <TimidClef|Work> I want one of those APCs

00:57 <hawthornbunny> Fluttershy: "Get away from her you big meanie!"

00:57 <Sketchy_Sounds> OK this is just getting annoying now

00:57 <PinkiePie|Filly> So, what was that black goo?

00:57 <Heartbreak> Soul_, Shhh... Do you want to build a snowmare?

00:57 <TimidClef|Work> Rush hour? What rush hour? >.<

00:57 <TimidClef|Work> PinkiePie|Filly: Wasn't it Bronies United? >.<

00:57 *** Sketchy_Sounds sets mode: +b STATS!*@*

00:57 <PinkiePie|Filly> o3o

00:57 <PinkiePie|Filly> Oh yeeeah

00:57 *** STATS was kicked by Sketchy_Sounds (Fix your derpy internet!)

00:57 <TimidClef|Work> Heh, sorry. Totally still giggling about that whole thing

00:57 <Thelema5> black gak

00:57 <TimidClef|Work> k, I suppose I should go back to my customer

00:58 <Phantasma_Eeria> TimidClef|Work, i dont believe it Inkscape wasnt being a total troll, it saved my WIP Moonbutt vector

00:58 <Heartbreak> Because Soul_ when you said "I'm letting it go." That's what popped into my head.

00:58 <Soul_> ,,,,

00:58 <Heartbreak> And now you've made a note here.

00:58 <Heartbreak> Huge Success.

00:58 <Soul_> ........Frozen sucked.

00:58 <Thelema5> hey guys!  They've opened a new walmart super-center in my town that sells nothing but pony merch!

00:58 <Heartbreak> And?

00:58 * Heartbreak boops Soul_'s nose.

00:58 <Thelema5> And it's all freeeeeeeee

00:58 <Soul_> all it was basically a incest flick on showing how sisterhood is the true love.

00:58 <ZeroParadox> Thelema5: Did they really? o3o;

00:58 <VinylScratch> Soul: Dude.

00:58 <Phantasma_Eeria> do you want to build a snowmare, c'mon lets go and play

00:58 <Thelema5> Well, no.

00:58 <ZeroParadox> Seriously.

00:58 <Heartbreak> Soul_, Dude... seriously.

00:59 <Soul_> my opinion.

00:59 <VinylScratch> are you for real? PG Chat.

00:59 <VinylScratch> keep it appropriate

00:59 <Dreamspire> wow

00:59 *** Sketchy_Sounds sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-nc4kk7.hstntx.sbcglobal.net

00:59 *** Soul_ was kicked by Sketchy_Sounds (Get out, and take your fail with you.)

00:59 <Thelema5> Soul, please.

00:59 <ZeroParadox> gg

00:59 <Heartbreak> I think that Soul_ should build snowmare.

00:59 <PinkiePie|Filly> What the hell?

00:59 *** DerpyBot sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-nc4kk7.hstntx.sbcglobal.net

00:59 <Thelema5> Thank you, Sketchy.

00:59 <VinylScratch> And now....you can say *shades* We got no soul!

00:59 <ZeroParadox> Building a snow mare sounds more difficult than building a snow man.

00:59 <Phantasma_Eeria> cmon HB lets go and play

00:59 <Sketchy_Sounds> ...

00:59 <Moonlightning> …wat.


00:59 <Sketchy_Sounds> !moon VinylScratch Really!?

00:59 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, VinylScratch Really!?!

00:59 *** VinylScratch was kicked by DerpyBot (Really!? To the moon!)

00:59 <Heartbreak> Phantasma_Eeria... Noooooooooooooo.

00:59 <Heartbreak> I don't sing.

00:59 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub)

00:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

00:59 <ZeroParadox> Mod fight?

01:00 <VinylScratch> lol

01:00 <PinkiePie|Filly> Ooooh, mod fight

01:00 <Sketchy_Sounds> That was bad and you should feel bad :p

01:00 <hawthornbunny> Oh no! Sketchy_Sounds's gone mad!

01:00 * ZeroParadox gets behind cover

01:00 <VinylScratch> I feel goood!

01:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> for celestia's sake PinkiePie|Filly i was gunna do that

01:00 <Moonlightning> That was mad and you should feel mad?

01:00 * Sketchy_Sounds swats VinylScratch with a rolled-up newspaper

01:00 <PinkiePie|Filly> Well too bad

01:00 <Heartbreak> VinylScratch, Like you knew that you would now?

01:00 <PinkiePie|Filly> I did it

01:00 <VinylScratch> xD

01:00 * PinkiePie|Filly sticks her tongue out at Phantasma_Eeria

01:00 * Heartbreak hugs on PinkiePie|Filly.

01:01 <FruitNibbler> hawthornbunny, Skеtchy_Sounds looks pretty much the same as usual

01:01 * Phantasma_Eeria turs on VinylScratch's bass cannon and aims it at PinkiePie|Filly "you might want to stop that"

01:01 <PinkiePie|Filly> p3p

01:01 <Dreamspire> Bass Cannon vs. Party Cannon

01:01 <ZeroParadox> It's q3q

01:01 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (~Coco_Nut@Pony-lkagvh.dsl.as9105.com) (Quit: Page closed)

01:01 <Dreamspire> this'll be good

01:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: 3D Print Ponies Making the Rounds on the Internet  [ http://tinyurl.com/ntto57l ]

01:01 <ZeroParadox> Pew pew is the other part

01:02 <VinylScratch> Pew Pew Wub Wub

01:02 * Phantasma_Eeria rolls a one attacking PinkiePie|Filly, naturally

01:02 <PinkiePie|Filly> So, I might rent Prometheus, assuming blockbusters still exist

01:02 *** Quits: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Kali_Graphia) (Quit: )

01:02 <PinkiePie|Filly> Or maybe I'll just go to hollywood video

01:02 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:02 *** Quits: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade) (Quit: Leaving)

01:02 *** Quits: Insidious_lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:02 <FruitNibbler> q3p

01:03 <Llybel> blockbusters closed their last store several months ago

01:03 <PinkiePie|Filly> O-oh

01:03 <PinkiePie|Filly> What about Hollywood Video?

01:03 * ZeroParadox throws Netflix at PinkiePie|Filly

01:03 <Thelema5> I haven't seen a movie rental store in... years.

01:03 <PinkiePie|Filly> Net... flix...?

01:03 <ZeroParadox> yeh boi

01:03 <Moonlightning> O-Oh shut down too!

01:04 <Thelema5> I honestly didn't think they still existed.

01:04 <Llybel> I would have no idea - we have neither of them in NZ but it was big news when Blockbusters cosed

01:04 <VinylScratch> I have a rental store just down the road from here, lol

01:04 <VinylScratch> an honest to god rental store, I laugh when I see it

01:04 <Llybel> Plenty of rental store here as we don't have netflicks or fast internet

01:04 <PinkiePie|Filly> I wanna go to a video rental store...

01:04 * PinkiePie|Filly feels old.

01:05 <Thelema5> When was the last time you saw a pay phone in real life?

01:05 <FruitNibbler> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOs5K5-NtXs ^o3o^

01:05 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

01:05 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Things You Can't Do When You're Not a Toddler

01:05 <PinkiePie|Filly> 2010, I think?

01:05 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-pol8p5.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

01:05 <Phantasma_Eeria> everytime i go to the shops

01:05 <screenaholic> Yo.

01:05 <Thelema5> I don't think I've seen one in a couple of years.

01:05 <Llybel> last week - they have then at my local mall

01:06 <Finwe> Hi, screenaholic!

01:06 <Thelema5> Really, Phantasma?  That's fun!

01:06 <Finwe> _o/

01:06 <screenaholic> Hey Finwe.

01:06 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic.

01:06 <PinkiePie|Filly> I remember being in texas and seeing one in like a walmart or a hospital or something

01:06 <Thelema5> Hi screeny

01:06 *** PinkiePie|Filly is now known as BubbleBerry

01:06 <Cepheid> I have a few rental stores around here.

01:06 <Cepheid> Not that uncommon VinylScratch .

01:07 <Thelema5> I guess it depends on where you live.

01:07 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic!

01:07 <BubbleBerry> So I guess I just buy prometheus?

01:07 <BubbleBerry> Cause I can't just rent it, all the hollywood videos and blockbusters are ded

01:07 <screenaholic> Yes Nossy?

01:07 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Helena said yes!!!!

01:08 <screenaholic> What? Who?

01:08 <Finwe> Helena.

01:08 <Finwe> o3o

01:08 <Thelema5> How about on-demand, bubbleberry?

01:08 <BubbleBerry> Thelema5: On demand...?

01:08 * Finwe o3o's at ThatAnonPony.

01:08 * ThatAnonPony o3o's back.

01:08 <BubbleBerry> I don't wanna get my phone

01:08 <Thelema5> Yeah, it's a pay movie service offered by some cable providers.

01:09 <screenaholic> What are you talking about Nossy?

01:09 *** Neptune is now known as [PE|OFFLINE]

01:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, DOAX2.

01:09 *** [PE|OFFLINE] is now known as [PrinceEclipse]

01:09 <screenaholic> Oh.

01:09 <BubbleBerry> Thelema5: Ooooh

01:09 <screenaholic> I thought you asked someone out or something.

01:09 * Heartbreak hugs on The_Nostalgia_Mare.

01:09 <ZeroParadox> Did someone say

01:09 <ZeroParadox> Dead or Alive o3o

01:10 <BubbleBerry> http://www.polygon.com/2014/7/22/5925781/your-first-look-at-agent-locke-in-ridley-scotts-halo-nightfall Ridley Scott is working on a Halo thing

01:10 * ZeroParadox sees The_Nostalgia_Mare. "O-Oh... Xtreme... nevermind."

01:10 <BubbleBerry> WOOOOAAAAAHHHHH

01:10 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ry@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

01:10 * screenaholic boops 0 with a volleyball./

01:10 <Thelema5> Hey, look at the time!  I'm heading home.   Bye, everypony!

01:10 *** [PrinceEclipse] is now known as Neptune

01:10 <BubbleBerry> I am very happy about the Ridley Scott halo thing

01:10 *** Quits: Thelema5 (brogjmdtgtb@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:11 <BubbleBerry> Ridley Scott's a very good director. he can't mess it up

01:11 <BubbleBerry> HE CAN'T

01:11 * Phantasma_Eeria rolls around nomming on her own tail

01:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> BubbleBerry, Robin Hood Movie.

01:11 <BubbleBerry> Wha?

01:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hannibal.

01:11 <BubbleBerry> What, he made a robin hood movie?

01:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yes.

01:11 <BubbleBerry> And hannibal? What's hannibal?

01:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> It sucked.

01:12 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hannibal lecter.

01:12 <BubbleBerry> But, The_Nostalgia_Mare, Alien. And Blade Runner. And Prometheus.

01:12 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Prometheus sucked.

01:12 <BubbleBerry> I hear it's alright

01:13 <BubbleBerry> Gladiator, Black hawk Down...

01:13 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi) (Quit: leaving)

01:13 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)

01:13 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> The guy can easily see the robot dip his finger in his drink.

01:13 <BubbleBerry> Thelma and Louis, that apple commercial

01:13 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi)

01:13 <ryaxnb> hi i really like horsies

01:13 <BubbleBerry> What was the black goo?

01:14 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> No one knows.

01:14 <BubbleBerry> Why would the engineers want to kill us? Didn't they create us?

01:15 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I don't know.

01:15 <BubbleBerry> Still, he's a good director

01:16 <TimidClef|Work> In the director's cut of Prometheus, it didn't appear that the engineers were necessarily trying to kill with the black goo

01:16 <BubbleBerry> He ain't no george lucas

01:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> BubbleBerry, guy who gets out navigation scanner gets lost.

01:16 <TimidClef|Work> It almost appeared that it was some evolutionary accelerator or powerful mutagen

01:17 <ryaxnb> pffffthhahahahahahaha

01:17 *** Joins: Insidious_lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars)

01:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Insidious_lars

01:17 <ryaxnb> ms pulled a sony and grouped xbone and xb360

01:17 <ryaxnb> http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=859945

01:17 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

01:17 <BubbleBerry> Why would they take off their helmets immediately after finding out that the atmosphere was breathable? What about alien diaseses? I would have kept my %^$#^& helmet on.

01:17 <ryaxnb> xbo sucks donkey balls

01:18 <ryaxnb> But ponies are the cutest thing since your mom

01:18 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> BubbleBerry, see?

01:18 <BubbleBerry> But what about Blade Runner?

01:18 <BubbleBerry> And Aliens? And Gladiator?

01:18 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> BubbleBerry, that is James cameron for Aliens.

01:18 <BubbleBerry> I meant Alien

01:19 <LightDash> i like alien movies

01:20 <Finwe> Mr TimidClef|Work.

01:20 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

01:20 * Finwe doffs his hat.

01:20 * TimidClef|Work doffs his hat to Finwe

01:20 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, how are ya?

01:21 <ryaxnb> <ryaxnb> dawww ponies are so cute

01:21 <screenaholic> Alright.

01:21 <ryaxnb>

01:21 <ryaxnb> * Loaded log from Mon Jul 21 22:08:50 2014

01:21 <ryaxnb> oops

01:21 <ryaxnb> hehe

01:21 <ryaxnb> :)

01:21 * The_Nostalgia_Mare lays on screenaholic. "Massage my shoulders."

01:21 * screenaholic rubs a vibrating PS1 controller on Nossy's soldiers.

01:21 <BubbleBerry> You know, is Aliens really the right envirnment to have this super philosophical sci-fi movie?

01:22 <Insidious_lars> no

01:22 <screenaholic> Of course, xenomorphs love philosophy!

01:22 *** Joins: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-bbp5p1.bhm.bellsouth.net)

01:22 <Shadowheart> 'Allo everypony

01:22 <ryaxnb> ponies are so cute

01:22 <BubbleBerry> It's like having awkward 9/11-esque imagery in a Superman movie. it don't make no sense

01:23 <ryaxnb> twilight: stop petting me and explain how you got into equestria

01:23 * ryaxnb nuzzles twilight

01:23 <ryaxnb> :)

01:23 * Phantasma_Eeria vectors TimidClef|Work

01:23 <BubbleBerry> Who's Ryan talking to?

01:23 <ryaxnb> imaginary horses

01:23 <ryaxnb> :)

01:23 <BubbleBerry> k

01:23 <ryaxnb> Just your normal tuesday ;)

01:23 <screenaholic> !link petting

01:23 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/646860

01:24 * Phantasma_Eeria makes ryaxnb's imaginary ponies real

01:24 <ryaxnb> is that maud pie

01:24 <screenaholic> Yes.

01:24 <BubbleBerry> No

01:24 <ryaxnb> dawww

01:24 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms screenaholic

01:24 <BubbleBerry> It's Big mac

01:24 <screenaholic> Most overrated pony.

01:24 * The_Nostalgia_Mare bites screenaholic.

01:24 <screenaholic> I stand by my statement!

01:25 <LightDash> !link https://derpibooru.org/567079

01:25 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about solo artist needed changeling safe aliens (and 2 more)

01:25 * Phantasma_Eeria noms on screenaholic's screen

01:25 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Chryssi x Fluffle Puff is overrated

01:26 <screenaholic> You're just trying to annoy me, I'm serious about Maud.

01:26 <LightDash> like the pic ^

01:26 <BubbleBerry> Isn't Chryssi x Fluffle caaaanoooon?

01:26 <Insidious_lars> yes

01:26 <LightDash> !link https://derpiboo.ru/585457

01:26 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about rock candy necklace rock candy safe pixiv diapinkes (and 5 more)

01:26 <Insidious_lars> they are cannon

01:26 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-qitqmi.sub-70-197-173.myvzw.com)

01:26 <BubbleBerry> Oh

01:26 <LightDash> maud and pinkie pie ^ (the pic)

01:26 * Llybel agrees with screenaholic

01:27 <screenaholic> She had two good moments, the rest of the time she was just boring.

01:27 <Insidious_lars> wait, who?

01:27 <screenaholic> Maud.

01:27 <Insidious_lars> oh

01:27 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, that was the point.

01:27 <BubbleBerry> Wasn't she supposed to be boring

01:27 <Insidious_lars> well thats an opinion and people hate opinion

01:27 <Insidious_lars> so yeah

01:28 <screenaholic> She was good, I liked her fine, but she's over rated.

01:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh well.

01:28 *** Quits: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:28 <BubbleBerry> I'm gonna go play vidya jaems

01:28 <BubbleBerry> I;ll be back later

01:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Underrated pony ever, screenaholic, Go!

01:28 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (qbkhicekchb@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:29 <Insidious_lars> The_Nostalgia_Mare, the ones in the background

01:29 * Insidious_lars snicker

01:29 <LightDash> !link https://derpibooru.org/257985

01:29 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Doodles.

01:29 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about crossover queen chrysalis alien dark artist:mirapony (and 3 more)

01:29 <Shadowheart> http://ifunny.mobi/f/gOCz2ZY92

01:29 <ryaxnb> the amazing thing is that wii u is still 1M ahead of xbone in userbase

01:29 <ryaxnb> despite all third parties pulling support

01:29 <ryaxnb> the xbone is dead long live the wii u

01:30 <ryaxnb> which is also dead

01:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Cheese Sandwich for Underrated Pone?

01:30 <ryaxnb> i prefer maud pie

01:30 <screenaholic> Nah, Cheese is awesome.

01:30 <ryaxnb> i also like gilda.

01:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, seen Weird Al's parody of Royals?

01:30 <screenaholic> No.

01:30 <screenaholic> I haven't listned to Weird Al in a long time.

01:31 <Insidious_lars> Weird Al updated

01:31 <Insidious_lars> with a new album, mandatory fun

01:31 <Insidious_lars> there's like 6 music videos on yt

01:31 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Still looks weird without his glasses.

01:31 <Insidious_lars> 3 of them on his channel, 2 on nerdist and college humor

01:31 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

01:32 <ryaxnb> he uses LASIK

01:32 <ryaxnb> i think Weird al is awesome.

01:32 *** Cepheid is now known as Cephy-SAO

01:33 * Cephy-SAO goes off to watch Sword Art Online.

01:34 * Shadowheart starts randomly singing the bass line in "Find the music in you"

01:34 <LightDash> weird al is great

01:35 * screenaholic sits on Cephy's head, dressed as Kirito.

01:35 * Finwe curls up on ThatAnonPony and snoozes.

01:35 <screenaholic> Wait, has the new season started yet?

01:35 * ThatAnonPony is pillow.

01:36 <LightDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsWo8apgLys

01:36 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about YouTube

01:36 <LightDash> ...

01:36 <LightDash> weird al tacky song ^

01:37 <Insidious_lars> tacky was lackluster

01:37 <Finwe> Might be better to get to the bed, actually.

01:37 <Finwe> !lullaby

01:37 * DerpyBot carries Finwe off to bed

01:37 * DerpyBot tucks Finwe in and hums a lullaby

01:37 <Finwe> !shoo

01:37 * DerpyBot sways from side to side, quietly humming "shoo be doo shoo shoo be doo"

01:37 <Insidious_lars> I liked FWP and Foil

01:37 <Finwe> Good night, everypony!

01:37 <Insidious_lars> and word crimes

01:37 <Finwe> o3o!

01:37 <Shadowheart> Whatever suit that is that Werid al is wearing in Tacky... I want... even if I'll look gay as a peacock I want that suit,...

01:37 <Finwe> !twilight time

01:37 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Princess_Twilight

01:37 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

01:38 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (dnoqejpwvuc@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

01:38 <Finwe> *bouncebounce*

01:38 *** Dreamspire is now known as Dream|Costumes

01:39 * Shadowheart notices that there actually is someone in the chat nicked "Princess_Twilight"

01:39 <LightDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-0TEJMJOhk

01:39 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Exclusive "Weird Al" Yankovic Music Video: FOIL (Parody of "Royals" by Lorde)

01:40 <Insidious_lars> I loved Foil

01:42 <hawthornbunny> There's a pony version of Happy. ^^

01:42 <Shadowheart> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KoAQmECEO4

01:42 <Shadowheart> pause at exactly 2:02

01:42 <Insidious_lars> what if I don't want to

01:42 <Shadowheart> Alright.

01:43 <LightDash> where?

01:43 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

01:43 <Shadowheart> Then I'll go ahead and tell you. animation error, Rarity's wearing fluttershy's ear

01:43 <Phantasma_Eeria> where

01:44 <Shadowheart> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KoAQmECEO4'

01:44 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

01:44 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Find the Music in You (Main Parts) - MLP FiM - Pony Tones (song+mp3)[HD]

01:44 <Shadowheart> 2:03

01:46 *** Quits: EightyHD (EightyHD@Pony-srd.3g0.6.146.IP) (Quit: Leaving...)

01:49 * Phantasma_Eeria eats the ponytones

01:49 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (Mibbit@Felonious.Wretch)

01:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h ADragonDreaming

01:50 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (PearlyWhite@Aponywithbraces)

01:50 * screenaholic noms on braces pony.

01:50 <Shadowheart> Pearly! been a while.

01:50 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigaway

01:51 * PearlyWhites rolls around Shadowheart!

01:51 <PearlyWhites> Hey Mr.screenpone!

01:52 * TimidClef|Work sings Find the Music In You

01:52 <Shadowheart> Hey timid, what part do you sing?

01:53 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi, PearlyWhites.

01:53 *** Joins: CherryCake (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP)

01:53 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

01:53 *** Parts: CherryCake (wcmarwkprxb@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP) ()

01:53 <PearlyWhites> Hey Nossy, how are you?

01:53 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I'm good.

01:53 <Shadowheart> I was gone for a few days about a week ago and I haven't seen you since Pearly, where have you been?

01:54 <TimidClef|Work> Depends on the day. In high school I was a countertenor. Nowadays hitting those high notes is a stretch, I'm more of a tenor. Although my range goes low enough that I can do most baritone parts as well

01:55 <Shadowheart> Since I sing big mac's part, that works out. now all we need is a soprano...

01:55 <TimidClef|Work> SATB!

01:56 <TimidClef|Work> Or Bass Alto Tenor Soprano, but then you're singing BATS, and that's a different pony song.

01:56 <Shadowheart> So there was an alto part... sort of sounded like there were 2 tenors...

01:56 <TimidClef|Work> Well, I'm assuming - there were two males and two females

01:57 <TimidClef|Work> at least in the animation

01:57 <Shadowheart> True

01:57 <Shadowheart> although I know some rocking female tenors, weird as that may seem...

01:58 <Shadowheart> And then we need someone with an increadibly adorable voice, which is a bit harder to find...

01:59 <TimidClef|Work> Alto\tenor has some range overlap anyway I believe >.<

02:00 <Shadowheart> It does have a little.

02:00 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-oc8plk.tx.charter.com)

02:00 <Shadowheart> Hey Verandure, you a singy pony?

02:00 <hawthornbunny> Who's a singy pony?

02:01 <Verandure> My range is kinda bad for most music.

02:01 <Shadowheart> Ah, alright then. Understandable

02:01 <Phantasma_Eeria> mentlegen, a pie

02:01 <TimidClef|Work> I was going to re-record the intro to the recording of Your Song I did last night but my voice wasn't cooperating

02:02 <Phantasma_Eeria> Verandure, we are of like vocal ranges

02:02 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras1 (Thunderbird@Pony-uvte1g.adsl.tpnet.pl)

02:02 <Verandure> I'm a bass >.>

02:02 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-rghm4n.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:02 <Phantasma_Eeria> also im about to upload my luna drawing to deviantart if anyone wants to have a look at it

02:02 <TimidClef|Work> Me!

02:03 <TimidClef|Work> Although I'm following you on DA anyway so

02:03 *** ElectricPsoras1 is now known as ElectricPsoras

02:04 <Shadowheart> Verandure: Yeah, being bass sometimes sucks. While I've been doing Vocal training by myself to increase my range, it keeps me from doing a lot of songs in my choir and being in my church choir

02:04 <Llybel> link please

02:04 <screenaholic> I'm a salmon.

02:04 <Verandure> Heh.

02:05 * screenaholic goes to swim upstream.

02:06 * Verandure throws a bear.

02:06 <Phantasma_Eeria> my vocal range goes from bass to high pitched, after skipping an entire octave

02:06 <screenaholic> D=

02:06 <Shadowheart> So you have an extreme falsetto

02:06 * Phantasma_Eeria fights the bear, john west style

02:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> Shadowheart, i have absolutely no idea what that is

02:07 <Shadowheart> You know when you force yourself to sing in your high voice, your throat tightens a bit and your voice gets a big squeekier?

02:08 <Verandure> It's a "fake female" voice.

02:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> yes Shadowheart

02:09 *** Quits: Apophis_sleep (Apophis@Pony- (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:09 <Shadowheart> That's falsetto

02:09 <Shadowheart> Like Verandure said, "Fake femal"

02:09 <Shadowheart> *female

02:10 <Phantasma_Eeria> femal is best mal

02:10 <Verandure> Indeed.

02:10 <Shadowheart> typos are magic

02:10 *** Lycan is now known as Lycan|Work

02:10 <screenaholic> Captain Mal is best Mal.

02:10 <Verandure> Captain Malik?!

02:11 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Mystic_Nocturne

02:11 <Shadowheart> tipos are magyc

02:11 <screenaholic> No, Captain Malcom Reynolds.

02:11 <Verandure> Darn.

02:11 * Phantasma_Eeria turns from a mare to a mar

02:11 * Llybel puts on brown coat

02:11 <screenaholic> Remember when Mal dressed in a pretty floral bonnet?

02:11 <Llybel> remember when Castle dressed up as Mal

02:12 <screenaholic> Yes.

02:12 * TimidClef|Work falsettos all over the place

02:12 <Shadowheart> Are there any pegasisters in here? they're surprisingly hard to find...

02:12 <Llybel> pegasister?

02:12 <screenaholic> Female brony.

02:12 <Llybel> I am

02:12 <Phantasma_Eeria> im a unicorn sorry :P

02:12 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story Updates - July 22nd  [ http://tinyurl.com/oox3b39 ]

02:12 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1234 [ http://tinyurl.com/oolak7x ]

02:12 <Shadowheart> ooh! drawfriend stuff...

02:13 <TimidClef|Work> Earth pony! Unicorn! Pegasus!

02:13 <TimidClef|Work> E! U! P!

02:13 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

02:13 <Shadowheart> ALICORN!

02:14 <TimidClef|Work> Heh. Maybe that's what Big Mac's been trying to say the whole time

02:14 <TimidClef|Work> It wasn't "Eeeyup". It was EUP.

02:14 * Shadowheart holds up a pair of wings, then wonders where in equestria I summoned them from

02:14 <TimidClef|Work> You got 'em from MA Larson's crimson minotaur character

02:15 * Phantasma_Eeria giggles "you didnt, i made them out of shadows"

02:15 <Shadowheart> Oh, I was starting to get a bit worried

02:16 * Phantasma_Eeria dematerialises the wings, then herself

02:16 <Shadowheart> Cool! a phantom pony.

02:16 *** ^_^ is now known as o_O

02:16 <Phantasma_Eeria> oh yeah Shadowheart, i may or may not be made from and have the ability to control shadows

02:16 *** o_O is now known as O_o

02:16 * Shadowheart licks o_O

02:16 * Shadowheart licks O_o

02:16 <jamis> ...

02:16 <jamis> Too many faces.

02:17 * Phantasma_Eeria turns into a giant shadowy tongue and licks Shadowheart

02:17 <screenaholic> Nossy.

02:17 * Shadowheart scrunches up face

02:17 <Phantasma_Eeria> TimidClef|Work, the arts am be upload

02:17 <TimidClef|Work> \ O /

02:17 <Shadowheart> Are you by any chance one of the children of the night?

02:17 <Shadowheart> Linkity links?

02:17 <ZeroParadox> I am o3o

02:17 * ZeroParadox floats around in the darkness

02:18 * Shadowheart brohoofs ZeroParadox

02:18 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Sketching_Sounds

02:18 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yes, screenaholic?

02:18 *** O_o is now known as ^_^

02:18 <screenaholic> RIP New Zack Island.

02:18 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yeah.

02:18 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> And Zack.

02:18 <Phantasma_Eeria> Shadowheart, i have no idea, my memory is fuxxy

02:18 * Shadowheart licks ^_^

02:18 <screenaholic> Meh.

02:18 *** Gigaway is now known as GigabitPony

02:18 <Shadowheart> Interesting...

02:18 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> But, screenaholic.

02:18 <Phantasma_Eeria> anyway general link for my arts: http://phantasma-eeria.deviantart.com/

02:19 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> HELENA SAID YESS!!!

02:19 <screenaholic> Yep.

02:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> *fuzzy  lel :P

02:19 * Verandure rolls around.

02:19 <^_^> Shadowheart: ^_^

02:19 <^_^> sorry 'bout the nickchanges, they weren't showing in the main weechat buffer :P

02:19 <Shadowheart> u leik beign licked?

02:20 <Phantasma_Eeria> ive drawn a changeling, luna, chrysalis, my OC, am some other stuff and im vectoring the Luna art now


02:20 * Shadowheart throws a taco at ^_^

02:20 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (dnoqejpwvuc@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

02:20 *** Joins: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net)

02:20 * Ali licks Shadowheart

02:21 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-pol8p5.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

02:21 * Shadowheart throws tacos at ThatAnonPony and MissTake

02:21 * Phantasma_Eeria turns back into a dark red unicorn mare and eats Shadowheart

02:21 * ThatAnonPony is hit by a taco. Blink.

02:21 * Shadowheart doesn't know how to feel about being eaten by shadows

02:22 * Verandure noms on Ali.

02:22 * Lenfant_Sauvage noms on zee tacos.

02:22 * Verandure feels like tacos would have been a more delicious alternative.

02:23 *** NovaDash is now known as Metal_Luna

02:23 * Shadowheart starts chanting

02:23 *** Metal_Luna is now known as NovaDash

02:23 <Phantasma_Eeria> Shadowheart, its all good, ive eaten Verandure more times than anypony else

02:23 * Phantasma_Eeria eats Verandure…again

02:23 <Shadowheart> Ick shi thra cu te fa uk pa she throk ke sa...

02:24 * Shadowheart it starts to rain tacos

02:24 <Verandure> Yup. And it's a long list of ponies that have eaten Verandure.

02:24 *** Mongoosie is now known as Badger

02:24 <Shadowheart> Well if you would be so kind...

02:24 * Shadowheart tries to climb out of Phantasma_Eeria

02:25 * Phantasma_Eeria just grows larger

02:25 * Shadowheart attempt to escape through her mouth

02:25 <TimidClef|Work> Verandure, did you get eaten again?

02:25 <Verandure> Yup.

02:25 * TimidClef|Work sighs

02:26 <Shadowheart> I got eaten to...

02:26 * Phantasma_Eeria dematerialises the opening of her mouth

02:26 <Shadowheart> *too

02:26 <Shadowheart> wat

02:26 <Phantasma_Eeria> TimidClef|Work, have you seen my Luna arts

02:26 * Verandure rolls down the highway to hfil. Wheee!

02:26 <TimidClef|Work> It didn't show up in my notifications for some reason. But I went to your page and saw it - lurvely luna!

02:26 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net) (Connection closed)

02:26 <Shadowheart> Phantasma, if you don't let me out, I'll start summoning things and give you the worst indigestion you've ever had...

02:27 * Phantasma_Eeria flailyhoobes with joy

02:27 <Shadowheart> wat

02:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> Shadowheart, please ive had worse done to me

02:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> *flailyhooves

02:27 *** Quits: Dream|Costumes (Dreamspire@Pony-vcrtov.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:27 <Shadowheart> if you insist...

02:27 * Shadowheart Summons a tank

02:28 * Phantasma_Eeria digests the tank with ease "that all you got?"

02:28 * Shadowheart eye twitches

02:29 * Verandure does not appreciate all this debris clogging up his digestive water-slide.

02:29 * ZeroParadox sets a QRS plushie on fire.

02:29 <ZeroParadox> I win.

02:29 *** Joins: Dream|Costumes (Dreamspire@Pony-vcrtov.md.comcast.net)

02:29 * Shadowheart pulls an odd crystal out of my mane and eats it

02:29 * Phantasma_Eeria douses the QRS plushie and eats ZeroParadox

02:29 <Cephy-SAO> So, apparently, in the construction of the new East-West LRT tunnel in Ottawa..

02:29 <ZeroParadox> Nope.

02:29 <Cephy-SAO> The digging vehicle dug into a building.

02:29 <Verandure> How does that happen, Cephy?

02:29 * Llybel runs and hides from Phantasma_Eeria

02:29 * Shadowheart everpony who is a unicorn notices an enourmous influx of power

02:29 <Phantasma_Eeria> at least the plushie isnt on fire

02:29 <TimidClef|Work> ...wat?

02:30 <ZeroParadox> Cephy-SAO: Heheheheh

02:30 * ZeroParadox eats the QRS plushie

02:30 <TimidClef|Work> H-how do you dig into a fetting building?

02:30 <Cephy-SAO> Apparently they were slightly off on their digging.

02:30 <Verandure> "Slightly"?

02:30 * Shadowheart all the others are just confuzed by the strange wind

02:30 <Cephy-SAO> They struck the side of it and damaged one of the walls while digging.

02:30 * Phantasma_Eeria slices open ZeroParadox and retrieves the plushie before it is difested

02:30 *** Parts: Dream|Costumes (Dreamspire@Pony-vcrtov.md.comcast.net) ()

02:30 <ZeroParadox> Nope.

02:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> *digested

02:30 <Cephy-SAO> So now they have to pay for damages and repair it.

02:30 <ZeroParadox> I don't even know what difesting is.

02:30 <ZeroParadox> Cephy-SAO: HEH

02:30 * Shadowheart destrudo...

02:30 * TimidClef|Work boops the Phantasma_Eeria and the Shadowheart. "Prolly may be a li'l much RP folks. Maybe not but >.<"

02:31 <TimidClef|Work> Did they dig into a bank?

02:31 <Phantasma_Eeria> yes

02:31 <ZeroParadox> TimidClef|Work: GTA D:

02:31 * Shadowheart summons myself out of Phantasma

02:31 <TimidClef|Work> If so, I bet it was actually a plot by some villainous organization

02:31 * Shadowheart leaving in my place my weight in c5

02:31 <Cephy-SAO> Dunno.

02:31 <Cephy-SAO> They didn't say what building it was.

02:31 <Cephy-SAO> Just that they hit the basement levels of a building.

02:32 <Shadowheart> :)

02:32 * Phantasma_Eeria dematerialises, dropping the c5 onto Shadowheart, the second before it detonates

02:32 * Verandure defenestrates Phantasma_Eeria, somehow.

02:32 <Shadowheart> I forgot I could do that...

02:32 <Phantasma_Eeria> defenestrates?

02:32 <Verandure> I have thrown you out of a window =P

02:32 <VinylScratch> Yeah, the RP levels are getting silly, find another home for it, folks

02:33 * VinylScratch reminds that you can has your own channel

02:33 <jamis> #RPChannel.

02:33 <Shadowheart> Otay

02:33 *** Neptune is now known as [PE|OFFLINE]

02:33 <Shadowheart> apologies Vinyl

02:33 <VinylScratch> s'cool

02:33 <Phantasma_Eeria> ouch Verandure…lel not really

02:33 <VinylScratch> Man, defenestration is such a cool word. XD

02:33 <TimidClef|Work> Go to #HFIL

02:33 * ZeroParadox is already in HFIL

02:33 <Verandure> Ain't it, though?

02:33 <VinylScratch> really.

02:33 <VinylScratch> xD

02:33 <Phantasma_Eeria> you can has wubpony shaped muffin

02:34 <Verandure> HFIL has the best workout regiment.

02:34 <TimidClef|Work> Hey, why are there no blood lakes or effeminate demons in HFIL?!

02:34 *** Quits: SXRXE (SXRXE@Pony-sn65ff.dsl.as9105.com) (Connection closed)

02:34 <Shadowheart> Can I still thro tacos at random people?

02:34 <Shadowheart> *throw

02:34 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (qwksesqpfno@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

02:34 <BubbleBerry> Hullo!

02:35 * TimidClef|Work throws Bubbleberry into #HFIL

02:35 <jamis> Shadowheart, only if you throw pizzas.

02:35 <TimidClef|Work> Burrrrrn!

02:35 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms BubbleBerry.

02:35 <Shadowheart> otay... what about pizza tacos?

02:35 * BubbleBerry pokes The_Nostalgia_Mare "Hi."

02:35 <Verandure> Bacon tacos where?

02:35 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi.

02:35 <ZeroParadox> Did someone say bacon tacos?!

02:35 <jamis> Taco pizzas? I'll allow it.

02:36 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-uvte1g.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: See you.)

02:36 * Phantasma_Eeria eats hay and oats

02:37 <TimidClef|Work> ...I bet there's a food out there just called Aco. And I bet it's AMAZING

02:37 *** Joins: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net)

02:37 *** Joins: rainbow (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP)

02:37 <TimidClef|Work> Because you can't spell taco OR bacon without aco.

02:37 * Heartbreak boops TimidClef|Work's nose.

02:37 <Thelema5> hi ponies

02:37 <rainbow> hello

02:37 <jamis> Hey

02:37 <TimidClef|Work> Hiya Thelema5!

02:37 * Thelema5 tastes the rainbow

02:37 <Shadowheart> Hello Thelema5

02:37 * TimidClef|Work licks Heartbreak's hoof before she can pull it back

02:37 *** Quits: rainbow (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:37 * Shadowheart throws a pizza taco at Thelema5

02:38 <Thelema5> So I just figured out that it's really hard to play elliot smith songs.

02:38 * Phantasma_Eeria licks TimidClef|Work

02:38 <Thelema5> The chord changes are too quick.  Like, four per measure.

02:38 *** Joins: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP)

02:38 <Thelema5> I'm not quite there yet.

02:38 <hawthornbunny> hi rainbowpower64!

02:38 <TimidClef|Work> Urg, back to work

02:39 <Shadowheart> boss about to walk by? :)

02:39 <Thelema5> Buck work.

02:40 <rainbowpower64> hi

02:40 <Verandure> Except don't do that.

02:40 <Verandure> Hio, rainbowpower64.

02:40 <Thelema5> Ooh, it's going to be apple bucking season soon.  Another month.

02:40 <rainbowpower64> how is everyone doing

02:40 <Thelema5> <-- lives next to an orchard

02:40 <Shadowheart> I am FABULOUS!!!

02:40 <Thelema5> Well, like a 1/4 mile away

02:40 * Shadowheart busts a move

02:41 <jamis> Thelema5, that's spitting distance.

02:41 <Thelema5> Sure is.

02:41 <Verandure> I spit 1/4 mile every morning.

02:41 <Thelema5> I also live within a 1/4 mile of a corn farm, an alpaca ranch, and a cattle ranch.

02:42 <Thelema5> I (heart) New York.

02:42 <rainbowpower64> what is with spitting 1/4 mile

02:42 <Shadowheart> 3>

02:42 <jamis> Sounds like you live outside of the big city.

02:42 <Shadowheart> <3

02:42 <Shadowheart> interesting...

02:42 <Thelema5> Yep.  I'm no city pony.

02:42 <rainbowpower64> i live in the country but i never spat in a can outdoors

02:42 <Thelema5> But I went to the city this past weekend.  Didn't care for it one bit.

02:43 <Thelema5> I think I probably have at some point, rainbowpower64.

02:43 <Shadowheart> I live in the suburbs, love it here.

02:44 <Thelema5> I'm thinking of raising chickens next year.

02:44 <Phantasma_Eeria> TimidClef|Work, i now have the most complex jigsaw puzzle ever to do, to finish my first vector

02:44 <rainbowpower64> i can say i am part country and part city

02:44 <jamis> Chicken and eggs!

02:44 <Thelema5> Yep.  but my partner would prefer that I not slaugher the chickens.

02:44 <Insidious_lars> male chickens and eggs

02:44 <Insidious_lars> woo

02:44 <rainbowpower64> brb

02:44 <Thelema5> So, just hens.

02:45 <jamis> Then you have little chickens.

02:45 <ryaxnb> i know a pony on #ponygoons who owns a horse

02:45 <ryaxnb> well, he might be a human

02:45 <ryaxnb> but anyway, he owns two horses.

02:45 <Thelema5> heh

02:45 <ryaxnb> they are old

02:45 <Shadowheart> Would that be considered slavery?

02:45 <ryaxnb> no

02:45 <TimidClef|Work> Look at my pone, my pone is amazing

02:45 <Shadowheart> a pony owning horses...

02:46 <ryaxnb> http://www.amoils.com/health-blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/American_quarter_horse.jpg my pone is fat

02:46 <ryaxnb> and likes to graze.

02:46 <ryaxnb> still the best horse pic i've seen

02:46 <Thelema5> Where is your pone, timid?

02:46 <Phantasma_Eeria> give it a lick it tastes just like raisins

02:46 <ryaxnb> looks like such a happy horse

02:47 <rainbowpower64> has anyone heard of butterball

02:47 <Insidious_lars> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3vBvlT1i_k

02:47 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:47 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about "Weird Al" Yankovic - Lame Claim to Fame

02:47 <ryaxnb> http://www.animalpictures123.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Pony.jpg

02:47 <Thelema5> When I was a kid I worked at a stable that housed a horse for sylvester stalone

02:47 <ryaxnb> a pony dressed up in MLP style

02:47 <ryaxnb> (rainbow pone)

02:48 <Thelema5> That's pretty awsome, ryaxnb.

02:48 <ryaxnb> hehe

02:48 <ryaxnb> i wonder what the pony thought of it

02:48 <ryaxnb> :(

02:48 <ryaxnb> Pony: Rude, i am a dignified creature!

02:48 <ryaxnb> Pony: *neighs*

02:49 <jamis> I get a carrot, right?

02:49 * Thelema5 offers a carrot

02:49 <rainbowpower64> any apples

02:49 *** Quits: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Connection closed)

02:50 *** Joins: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

02:50 <ryaxnb> perhaps a saltcube

02:50 <rainbowpower64> a saltcube?

02:50 <ryaxnb> ponies eat saltcubes.

02:50 <jamis> I'm guessing that's what the horse was thinking.

02:50 <Thelema5> Heck, I'd dress like that for nothing.

02:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> TimidClef|Work, you would not believe the amount of peices that need putting together to complete my Luna Vector

02:51 <rainbowpower64> anyone seen hot topic

02:51 <Thelema5> ... would prolly pay for the privledge, actually

02:51 <Thelema5> !seen hot topic

02:51 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw hot was 2014-04-11 03:20:52 UTC

02:51 <Thelema5> :P

02:51 <rainbowpower64> they acually have pony stuff there

02:52 *** Joins: SugarRush (isainmdom@Pony-rrd.fb6.97.79.IP)

02:52 <Thelema5> Yes.  And FYE, and walmart, and target

02:52 <Shadowheart> So many popular ponies that haven't been here since a couple months before I joined the herd...

02:52 <Phantasma_Eeria> has QRS been on at all today?

02:52 <Thelema5> Not that I've seen.

02:53 <Thelema5> When does he start his/her new job?

02:53 <rainbowpower64> this is my first day here

02:53 <Thelema5> We hope you'll stick around, rainbowpower64.

02:53 <SugarRush> Hello new person

02:53 <Thelema5> The more, the mare-ier

02:53 <BubbleBerry> ...

02:53 <rainbowpower64> lol

02:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link welcome to the herd

02:53 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/2604?scope=scped9f2a3e64a1ec52b748e354973ab4355af4c9da2

02:54 <Thelema5> Well placed, Phantasma_Eeria.

02:54 <Thelema5> ooh, I gotta go do chores.

02:54 <Phantasma_Eeria> thanks

02:54 <rainbowpower64> i am trying to make a pony blog but i can't seem to find the area

02:54 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5_choring

02:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> fimfiction?

02:55 <rainbowpower64> i could try that

02:55 *** Quits: Insidious_lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> im on fimfiction…my only piece of work is terrible

02:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> !seen Princess-QRS

02:56 <DerpyBot> Phantasma_Eeria: The last time I saw Princess-QRS was 2014-07-22 08:46:06 UTC

02:56 <rainbowpower64> hey keep trying you'll get it

02:56 <Shadowheart> I've been here for about a month I think?

02:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> Shadowheart, i hve been on for about a month as well

02:57 * Phantasma_Eeria eats Shadowheart again

02:57 <Shadowheart> Also, I'm too young to drink, so only non-alchoholic cider for me...

02:57 * Shadowheart teleports self out of Phantasma

02:57 <Shadowheart> enought of that...

02:57 * Phantasma_Eeria slides Shadowheart a fruity coctail, non alchoholic

02:57 <Shadowheart> Thank you.

02:57 <Phantasma_Eeria> Shadowheart, theres no 't' in enough

02:58 <rainbowpower64> : takes a bird's eye view

02:58 <Shadowheart> ugh, so many typos today...

02:58 * Shadowheart starts sipping coctail

02:59 <rainbowpower64> what do you think?

02:59 <Phantasma_Eeria> the word coctail doesnt look as if its spelled right to me but it is

02:59 <VinylScratch> it's not.

02:59 <VinylScratch> cocktail.

02:59 <Phantasma_Eeria> i have no idea what you are talking about rainbowpower64

03:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> ok now im confused

03:00 <VinylScratch> Look it up. :P

03:00 <Shadowheart> !link https://derpibooru.org/679641?scope=scpea122a93c417a536ee8f8f7397033b1f57bf33f01 seizure warning if you have them...

03:00 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about solo oc only oc:fluffle puff animated oc (and 2 more)

03:00 <rainbowpower64> i was wondering what Shadow thought of the cocktail

03:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> ok maybe you are right wubpone

03:01 <Phantasma_Eeria> i like cocktails, and i am made of shadow does that count?

03:01 <Phantasma_Eeria> also rainbowpower64 im very partial to eating pones so…

03:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ...

03:01 <rainbowpower64> :0

03:01 <Phantasma_Eeria> also i do random commissions for the IRC pones

03:02 <rainbowpower64> how do you italisize

03:02 <Phantasma_Eeria> me and TimidClef|Work are artpones, TimidClef|Work vectors, i hand draw, and vector a bit

03:02 * ZeroParadox doesn't know what is goin' on

03:03 * Phantasma_Eeria is beginning to confuse herself

03:03 <Heartbreak> http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj2/sabertooth1980/HBandMaud_zpsf227564d.jpg

03:03 <Phantasma_Eeria> type "/me " then what you want after to act as your nick in 3rd person

03:04 <rainbowpower64> ok

03:04 * rainbowpower64 runs around in circles

03:04 *** Joins: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-n5egpc.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

03:04 *** Joins: BerryPunch[EoH] (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

03:04 <rainbowpower64> thanks

03:04 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

03:04 *** Quits: BerryPunch[EoH] (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Connection closed)

03:04 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

03:04 *** Joins: BerryPunch[EoH] (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

03:04 *** Quits: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Connection closed)

03:05 *** Joins: Jordo76 (Jordo76@Pony-kiv2bp.rev.sfr.net)

03:05 <Jordo76> My pinkie is on the drawfriend \o/

03:05 <Phantasma_Eeria> im being very absent minded today

03:05 * Phantasma_Eeria noms on Heartbreak's ear

03:05 <Jordo76> So happy

03:05 <Shadowheart> !link 4th wall break

03:05 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/590420

03:06 * rainbowpower64 stares at a wall for an odd reaso n

03:06 *** Quits: Gerelith_ (Gerelith@Pony-1mb4c5.telecom.net.ar) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Gothic With Socks Ponymania Set Pops up at Toys R' Us  [ http://tinyurl.com/mfbj85q ]

03:07 <BubbleBerry> Why are they gothpones? o3o

03:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> rainbowpower64, thats the 1st wall

03:07 <BubbleBerry> And why do they have socks?

03:07 <rainbowpower64> to nake sick puppets

03:07 <VinylScratch> Because cute!

03:07 <BubbleBerry> K

03:07 <rainbowpower64> i mean to make sock puppets

03:07 <rainbowpower64> sorry typo

03:08 *** Vexpon is now known as VexPon_AFK

03:08 <Heartbreak> Phantasma_Eeria, Why are you eating those cookies again?

03:08 <Shadowheart> !wololololo

03:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> is pinkie the only pony who knows how to break the fourth wall?

03:09 <rainbowpower64> discord ocasionally does

03:09 <Phantasma_Eeria> Heartbreak, you are a very tasty cookie flavour, here try one

03:09 <Heartbreak> ...

03:09 * Phantasma_Eeria gives Heartbreak a Heartbreak cookie

03:09 <Heartbreak> I feel weird eating a cookie shaped like me...

03:09 <Llybel> Time to go to Course - See ya everypony

03:09 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-op5182.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:09 <Phantasma_Eeria> would you prefer an effigy?

03:10 *** Joins: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

03:10 <Shadowheart> WOLOLOLOLO!!! HOYOHOYO!!!

03:10 * rainbowpower64 bleats like a goat

03:10 *** Quits: djazz (djazz@Pony-o7c.mme.78.80.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:10 * Shadowheart converts everyone who gets the referance

03:10 <BubbleBerry> What reference?

03:10 <Shadowheart> AOE2

03:11 * Phantasma_Eeria takes BerryPunch's alchohol away "go home BerryPunch, youre drunk"

03:11 <rainbowpower64> lol

03:11 <BerryPunch> No

03:11 <Shadowheart> AOE2 Taunt and AOE priest chant

03:11 <rainbowpower64> sorry

03:11 <Phantasma_Eeria> AOE?

03:11 <Shadowheart> Age of Empires

03:11 <Phantasma_Eeria> oh

03:11 <rainbowpower64> i was aiming for homestuck

03:11 <Shadowheart> https://derpibooru.org/665332?scope=scpea122a93c417a536ee8f8f7397033b1f57bf33f01

03:12 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms BubbleBerry

03:12 <Phantasma_Eeria> !facehoof

03:12 * DerpyBot puts her hoof in Phantasma_Eeria's face

03:12 <DerpyBot> Now lick it.

03:12 <Phantasma_Eeria> yes mistress

03:12 <Shadowheart> Interesting...

03:12 * Phantasma_Eeria licks

03:13 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-90c4ul.east.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)

03:13 *** Quits: BerryPunch[EoH] (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:13 * Phantasma_Eeria praises the moonbutt

03:13 * rainbowpower64 plays ocarina like a boss

03:13 <Phantasma_Eeria> BerryPunch, why you so drunk

03:13 <rainbowpower64> what's a moonbutt

03:14 <jamis> Luna's butt.

03:14 <VinylScratch> ^

03:14 * Phantasma_Eeria plays the ocarina of time

03:14 <jamis> She has a moon on her butt.

03:14 <VinylScratch> !link moonbutt

03:14 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/631477?scope=scpe93ab43b7e2b0eca14f0f523a0fa4ccd2ba6e60c8 -  (questionable)

03:14 <jamis> Likewise, sunbutt is her sister.

03:14 <Phantasma_Eeria> the moonbutt is princess luna

03:14 * rainbowpower64 double facehoof combo

03:15 * Phantasma_Eeria facehoofs rainbowpower64

03:15 <jamis> lol

03:15 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link sunbutt

03:15 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/584490

03:16 * rainbowpower64 says omg while muffled by Phantasma

03:16 <jamis> Sunbutt. ^

03:17 <rainbowpower64> oh bats

03:17 * Phantasma_Eeria sings the cafeteria song from EqG

03:17 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link flutterbat

03:17 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/508279

03:18 <rainbowpower64> of course

03:18 *** Joins: FlutterSocks (FlutterSock@Pony-ot2it9.tn.comcast.net)

03:18 <Phantasma_Eeria> spike's reaction though

03:18 * FlutterSocks giggles and hasnt been around much

03:19 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

03:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> (•_(\

03:19 * BubbleBerry flops on FlutterSocks "Yo."

03:19 * Shadowheart clears voice and busts out singing

03:19 <hawthornbunny> Wow, I just watched the auctioning of that quilt at Everfree Northwest. That's pretty amazing ^^


03:19 * Phantasma_Eeria makes FlutterSocks some shadoe socks

03:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> *shadow

03:20 * FlutterSocks gasps and produces a keyblade out of her pink tail, holding it against the shadow

03:20 <Shadowheart> y u abuse me phantasma? :c

03:20 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link flutterguy

03:20 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/50368

03:20 <rainbowpower64> i don't want to talk about it

03:20 <Phantasma_Eeria> whats with the knife?

03:21 <rainbowpower64> what knife

03:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> i was going to type "!link cupcakes" but decided against it

03:21 * FlutterSocks has a socked keyblade.

03:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> rainbowpower64, FlutterSocks pulled out a keyblade - a knife

03:21 <Shadowheart> !link cupcakes

03:21 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/652819

03:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link fluttersocks

03:21 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

03:21 <FlutterSocks> !link keyblade

03:21 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

03:21 <FlutterSocks> what?

03:22 <FlutterSocks> how is that possible

03:22 * rainbowpower64 flys away just in time

03:22 <FlutterSocks> :D http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/051/1/e/mlp_fim_keyblade__blooming_kindness_by_xelim-d4qdh08.jpg

03:22 <Shadowheart> Here fluttersocks...

03:22 <FlutterSocks> I can unlock ALL your hearts wif that

03:22 * Shadowheart gives FlutterSocks the omega keyblad keychain

03:22 * FlutterSocks does incredible combos with it

03:23 <Shadowheart> *keyblade

03:23 <Shadowheart> SO MANY TYPOS TODAY

03:23 *** Quits: ^_^ (Maple@Pony-v4njk7.4qgt.pang.0470.2001.IP) (Quit: pancakes and waffles, bbl)

03:23 * Phantasma_Eeria has secretly used a typo curse on Shadowheart

03:23 <Shadowheart> >:(

03:23 * rainbowpower64 throws fireball at typo king

03:23 <Shadowheart> >:C

03:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link lel

03:24 <FlutterSocks> Hahaha http://x2.fjcdn.com/comments/I+m+not+sure+what+a+keyblade+is+But+it+has+_61604d77f0a799620e328973a17bb558.jpg

03:24 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/645284

03:24 <FlutterSocks> Luna is silly pone

03:24 * rainbowpower64 noms on apple

03:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> luna is best pone

03:24 <Georgisaur> Hey guise

03:24 <Shadowheart> Someone needs to design a sword design that would work for earth ponies and pegasi...

03:25 <FlutterSocks> wow there are a lot of pony keyblade designs

03:25 <Shadowheart> Pegasi can have blades attached to their front hooves since they fly, but what about earth ponies?

03:26 <FlutterSocks> and... Sora x RD

03:26 *** Quits: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

03:26 <Shadowheart> Spiked hooves due to their bucking skills?

03:27 *** Joins: User_922025 (xwfjnudctou@Pony-rvv26b.cpe.cableone.net)

03:27 *** Quits: User_922025 (xwfjnudctou@Pony-rvv26b.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:27 <rainbowpower64> cleethooves

03:28 <FlutterSocks> I found a ladybug! https://derpiboo.ru/676572

03:28 <FlutterSocks> :D

03:28 *** Quits: SugarRush (isainmdom@Pony-rrd.fb6.97.79.IP) (Quit: )

03:28 <BubbleBerry> https://derpiboo.ru/677623?scope=scpec474a587d66f4e09ac6b35541f967e796e161fa3

03:28 <Shadowheart> yay!

03:28 <Shadowheart> !link yay

03:28 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/4294

03:28 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link non

03:28 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/234772

03:28 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link nom

03:28 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/299882

03:28 <FlutterSocks> YES!!!!! someone did it!

03:28 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/601355

03:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about snow ponified simple background bigby cute (and 9 more)

03:28 <Shadowheart> !link spam

03:28 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/618901

03:28 <FlutterSocks> look its Bigby and Snow White as pones

03:29 <rainbowpower64> link turtles

03:29 <Shadowheart> !link spam

03:29 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/618901

03:29 * TimidClef|Work turns the Mane 6 into Keyblade Masters, granting them keyblades shaped like their cutie marks

03:29 <Shadowheart> !link spamming

03:29 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

03:29 <Phantasma_Eeria> its "!link"

03:29 <FlutterSocks> epic.

03:29 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/640890?scope=scpef69548bf01ebd8a39fc31d23b0cad51e608f78aa

03:29 *** Joins: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net)

03:29 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about meme animated fables telltale games car (and 6 more)

03:29 <FlutterSocks> just epic

03:30 <FlutterSocks> Bloody Mary looks ten times more wicked

03:30 <Shadowheart> If I ever make a game, there will be a mage weapon that is the twilight scepter...

03:30 <VinylScratch> Love that scepter

03:30 <TimidClef|Work> I'd be surprised if it doesn't wind up in WoW at some point

03:31 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP)

03:31 <ryaxnb> http://i.imgur.com/ob4oa3Z.jpg

03:31 <ryaxnb> see what's wrong with this image

03:31 <FlutterSocks> welp, im in love. https://derpiboo.ru/677405

03:31 <FlutterSocks> Asian AJ is a good thing

03:31 <ryaxnb> CoD: Not exclusve, Sunset: exclusive, AC:U: not exclusive, Halo: All titles playable on 360 or Xbox or both. Forza Horizon 2: Not exclusive. Evolve: not exclusive

03:31 <ryaxnb> Some "exclusives"

03:31 * FlutterSocks nods and stares at asian apple jack

03:31 *** Joins: ^_^ (Maple@Pony-v4njk7.4qgt.pang.0470.2001.IP)

03:32 <TimidClef|Work> Now you need . . . Asian AJ in SOCKS

03:32 * Shadowheart throws a pizza taco at ^_^

03:32 <FlutterSocks> saquee

03:32 <FlutterSocks> squee even

03:32 <BubbleBerry> Halo and Sunset are the only exclusives

03:32 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/673677

03:32 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about sweetie belle adorable as fuck adorable diasweetes butterfly (and 5 more)

03:33 * FlutterSocks bangs head into wall at how cute this image is

03:33 <FlutterSocks> omg the butterfland landed and she doesnt even have nose

03:33 * rainbowpower64 facepalms tothe f bomb

03:33 <VinylScratch> FlutterSocks: Those tags...

03:33 <BubbleBerry> Ohmygosh that's so adorable~!

03:33 <FlutterSocks> Hmm?

03:33 <FlutterSocks> Oh... the 'adorable as ' tag.

03:33 <BubbleBerry> oh.

03:33 <VinylScratch> yush. :P

03:33 <FlutterSocks> its still marked safe.

03:34 <VinylScratch> The word is more the issue, lol

03:34 <VinylScratch> silly mare

03:34 *** Quits: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

03:34 <FlutterSocks> oh internets, y u so complicated

03:34 * FlutterSocks kicks people who tag like that

03:34 <rainbowpower64> ?

03:34 <Phantasma_Eeria> you drop f bomb on irc why you no drop a bo.......

03:35 <Shadowheart> I just realized something...

03:35 <rainbowpower64> what

03:35 <FlutterSocks> drop da bombshell

03:35 <FlutterSocks> get up get up

03:35 <Shadowheart> I am yet to see anything that ships cheese and pinkie...

03:35 <FlutterSocks> seriously? there's a lot

03:35 <rainbowpower64> yep i remember that somewhere

03:35 <TimidClef|Work> I should vector myself in socks... >.<

03:35 <Shadowheart> Interesting...

03:35 <FlutterSocks> !link cheesepie

03:35 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/626841

03:36 <ryaxnb> BubbleBerry, yep

03:36 <ryaxnb> what a weird list

03:36 <Shadowheart> Ah... that's better... I was starting to get a bit worried about you guys...

03:36 <FlutterSocks> anyway its called cheesepie. there's 266 images of it on derpibooru so

03:36 <ryaxnb> especially since halo is just a rehash

03:36 <Phantasma_Eeria> cheese pie and pinkie sandwich

03:36 <Shadowheart> And timid, you vectored in socks would be extremely amusing.....

03:37 <Phantasma_Eeria> TimidClef|Work, just yes

03:37 <rainbowpower64> link ocarinaplaya

03:37 <TimidClef|Work> I should actually try and do a vector of me looking, er, actually timid.

03:37 <Jordo76> New drawing ! http://fav.me/d7ru6t2

03:37 <TimidClef|Work> Verandure did a wonderful drawing of me looking like I do IRL in large social gatherings :P

03:37 <Verandure> Heh.

03:37 <TimidClef|Work> Nice, Jordo76 :D

03:37 <rainbowpower64> spiders

03:37 *** Joins: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net)

03:38 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/665752

03:38 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about scootaloo adoption scootalove safe lineart (and 4 more)

03:38 <Shadowheart> Well as I mentioned, your fabulous side is often brought out by the fandom...

03:38 <FlutterSocks> heartsplosion

03:38 <BubbleBerry> What?

03:38 <TimidClef|Work> I am fabulous. I was fabulous before I was a brony. >.<

03:38 <rainbowpower64> aww

03:38 <Phantasma_Eeria> rainbowpower64, you need a '!' before the word link

03:38 * FlutterSocks has a guest, needs to stop squeeeing out loud in a high pitch voice

03:38 <rainbowpower64> thanks

03:38 <FlutterSocks> he's gotta think im wierd

03:39 <BubbleBerry> Yeah, FlutterSocks. o.o

03:39 <Shadowheart> Depends on whether or not you're a mare...

03:39 <TimidClef|Work> I could do one of me in socks, staring at my rear hooves looking panicked and saying "OMG Where'd my hooves go!"

03:39 <FlutterSocks> FAILED

03:39 <Jordo76> I'm so excited to post the Trixie drawing :X

03:39 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/662036

03:39 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about artist:vertiliago solo woona filly simple background (and 4 more)

03:39 <FlutterSocks> Woona!

03:40 <TimidClef|Work> Dat Woona o3o

03:40 <FlutterSocks> She's got Cewestia's tail :3

03:40 <FlutterSocks> silly filly!

03:40 <Shadowheart> Well everypony, I must leaf for now, I shall return soon though, so worry not.

03:41 <FlutterSocks> oh good he left, now i can squeal like a little girl on a playground

03:41 <VinylScratch> lol

03:41 <FlutterSocks> my cats dont judge

03:41 <Shadowheart> (Ugh, I now say everypony without thinking about it...)

03:41 *** Quits: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-bbp5p1.bhm.bellsouth.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:41 <FlutterSocks> though they sometimes fold their ears back

03:41 <VinylScratch> they do silently, FlutterSocks

03:41 <FlutterSocks> xD

03:41 <VinylScratch> You'll never know!

03:41 * TimidClef|Work giggles at the departed Shadowheart

03:41 *** Joins: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-rmiru4.telecom.net.ar)

03:41 <FlutterSocks> im sure they think im insane

03:42 <FlutterSocks> but they're derps so

03:42 <TimidClef|Work> How  to tell you're part of the herd: You start using 'everypony' unless you think about it

03:42 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/662923

03:42 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about petting hand artist:madacon disembodied hands safe (and 2 more)

03:42 <FlutterSocks> i lost my cool again

03:42 *** Quits: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:42 <FlutterSocks> oh how i want to pet pinkie :3

03:43 <TimidClef|Work> P cubed

03:43 <TimidClef|Work> Pink Party Pony

03:43 <FlutterSocks> so. cute.

03:44 *** Quits: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:44 <FlutterSocks> im gonna crai D:

03:44 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/663528

03:44 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about fluttershy hug artist:blackfreya flutterbat safe (and 1 more)

03:44 *** Joins: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

03:45 <BubbleBerry> You're gonna "crai"?

03:45 <FlutterSocks> yus

03:45 <BubbleBerry> What's crai?

03:45 <FlutterSocks> cute threshold reached.

03:45 <FlutterSocks> its intentionally mispelled cry siwwy

03:46 <BubbleBerry> oooooh

03:46 * FlutterSocks takes a deep breath

03:47 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

03:47 *** Quits: linkboss (linkboss@Pony-kmdr5k.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:48 * TimidClef|Work crais havvick and wets flip the dawgs of wor

03:49 <hawthornbunny> Man, this is two android roguelikes now where the Warrior class turns out to be less resilient and less effective in combat than the other classes. I'm calling that a trope!

03:49 <FlutterSocks> What is the reason why David Bowie and Elton John got deeper voices as they got older, doesnt that stop after puberty is done?

03:50 <Verandure> I'd assume singing can strain the vocal cords enough to lower pitch over time.

03:50 <FlutterSocks> or did they always have that deeper range and its just too hard to go up as high

03:50 <FlutterSocks> hmm that might be true

03:51 <FlutterSocks> they also put a really large amount of substances in their bodies

03:51 *** Joins: Brushstroke (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP)

03:51 <FlutterSocks> i bet Freddie Mercury would still sound glamorous :3

03:51 <TimidClef|Work> Not 100% certain but I believe it has to do with the fact that as you age, the elasticity of your body - including your vocal chords - decreases

03:51 <FlutterSocks> hmm

03:52 <TimidClef|Work> I know that my voice has deepened as I've gotten older, beyond puberty

03:52 <FlutterSocks> oh wait

03:52 <FlutterSocks> For Elton: The Biography Channel Special detailed the loss of John's voice in 1986 while on tour in Australia. Shortly thereafter he underwent throat surgery, which permanently altered his voice. Several non-cancerous polyps were removed from his vocal cords, resulting in a change in his singing voice.[57]

03:52 <TimidClef|Work> That'll do it too

03:52 <FlutterSocks> so, that happened

03:53 <TimidClef|Work> Singing does cause scar tissue to develop, especially if you push your vocal range or volume too much, and once that happens, it's fairly permanent

03:53 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

03:53 <FlutterSocks> well that explains that

03:54 <Authoron> Hallo again everypony. Bussiness trips suck.

03:54 <TimidClef|Work> Time for me to close up shop and head home, back later everypony!

03:54 *** Quits: TimidClef|Work (TimidClef|W@Pony-kou3df.static.qwest.net) (Quit: Page closed)

03:55 <FlutterSocks> As for Bowie, it probably was mostly age. Though I saw him do ziggy live in his old pitch. Took him a lot more effort though. They even slowed the melody a tad i think.

03:55 <FlutterSocks> higher pitch ought to take more lung power.

03:56 * Phantasma_Eeria eats a pair of socks

03:56 <FlutterSocks> NO!

03:56 <FlutterSocks> dont eat socks

03:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> just did

03:56 <FlutterSocks> :(

03:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> :)

03:56 <FlutterSocks> well uneat them

03:56 * Authoron noms Phantasma_Eeria.

03:56 * BubbleBerry noms on FlutterSocks

03:56 <BubbleBerry> o3o

03:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> nope

03:56 * FlutterSocks is delishus

03:57 * VinylScratch decides now is time for Singapore Noodles. o3o *trots off to the kitchen*

03:57 * Phantasma_Eeria noms Authoron

03:57 *** Quits: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Leaving)

03:57 * Authoron is nommed

03:57 <FlutterSocks> so like. ive been playing a game.

03:57 <Authoron> What game?

03:57 <FlutterSocks> its called quest for infamy

03:57 <Phantasma_Eeria> mwahahahaha

03:57 <BubbleBerry> It doesn't sound like a classic game

03:57 <BubbleBerry> 0/10

03:58 * Authoron boops Phantasma_Eeria. "Evil laughs are awesome."

03:58 <FlutterSocks> well. it came out like last week. but it is done in the style of sierra adventure games. so thats interesting of you to say

03:58 <Authoron> BubbleBerry: Do you like arcade games?

03:58 <FlutterSocks> Brand new game: http://megagames.com/sites/default/files/game-images/Quest%20For%20Infamy%201.jpg

03:58 <FlutterSocks> see how glorious it is

03:58 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-pol8p5.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

03:58 <Authoron> Hallo screenaholic.

03:58 <screenaholic> Yo.

03:59 <Authoron> And flutters: "My eyes have seen the glory of the 8-bit rpg..."

03:59 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms screenaholic.

03:59 * screenaholic boops BubbleBerry with a Big Boss plushie.

03:59 <FlutterSocks> its very polarizing in its reviews based on how politically correct the reviewer is

03:59 <FlutterSocks> they figured every female in the game should be a babe in showy armor.

03:59 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Playing Peacewalker?

04:00 <screenaholic> Did for a bit.

04:00 <screenaholic> Watching Let's Build now.

04:00 *** Quits: Skip (Skybrook@Pony-tlu.2jo.35.185.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)

04:01 * BubbleBerry snuggles the Big Boss plushie "Yaaay"

04:01 *** Joins: Overcast__ (Overcast@Pony-mct7gq.mycingular.net)

04:01 <FlutterSocks> some people went on a tirade. Others just called it childish. And others liked the babes and juvenile humor and said it rocks

04:01 * BubbleBerry boops screenaholic with nothing~

04:01 *** Joins: iandroid (iandalton@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net)

04:01 <FlutterSocks> i watch a show about pastel ponies, so im in the latter camp

04:01 * screenaholic pulls a string on the plushie, making it say. "Metal Geeaaarrrr."

04:01 * FlutterSocks gets an exclamation mark above her head

04:01 <FlutterSocks> What was that noise?

04:02 *** Quits: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

04:02 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, already saw Go.

04:02 <screenaholic> I have not.

04:02 <Authoron> should i watch metal gear?

04:02 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok.

04:02 <screenaholic> It's a game series.

04:02 <Authoron> thats what i meant.

04:02 <screenaholic> It's not a movie.

04:02 <screenaholic> Yes, you should.

04:02 <FlutterSocks> My favorite scene from Metal Gear Awesome was when he blew up a wall and hid nearby. Guard is like "What was THAT noise" and comes looking for two seconds, ignoring the blown out wall

04:02 <screenaholic> Fantastic series, probably my favorite game series.

04:02 <FlutterSocks> the AI in that game was fun

04:02 <Authoron> sorry. Im talking to my brother about movies and series.

04:03 <screenaholic> Although I would love to see a Metal Gear movie.

04:03 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Risinger is on the couch, screenaholic.

04:03 <screenaholic> I honestly just want a Metal Gear movie because I know my grandpa would love the series, but he doesn't play games.

04:03 * Phantasma_Eeria eats the couch

04:03 <FlutterSocks> gotta love how a guard can spot you in the top secret base,but if you hide long enough he'll just let it slide. not like he should report anything.

04:03 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:03 *** Overcast__ is now known as Overcast_

04:03 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-hklpsh.251-net.sccoast.net)

04:04 <Authoron> Hallo, Vulpor.

04:04 <screenaholic> Well what else are they supposed to do? Look into things?

04:04 <Vulpor> Hey Authoron

04:04 <FlutterSocks> nah you're right. guards dont actually guard.

04:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Ponies Around the World 2014 - Day 3 [ http://tinyurl.com/nz5r6k7 ]

04:04 <Phantasma_Eeria> that would be too much like assassins creed

04:04 <Authoron> Yes we do!

04:05 <screenaholic> It's because they're genome sodliers, they aren't real people.

04:05 *** VinylScratch is now known as `Princess-Luna

04:05 <FlutterSocks> Yeah AC they're frustrating

04:05 <Vulpor> How is everyone tonight

04:05 * FlutterSocks princess-pounces

04:05 <screenaholic> Doing alright Vulpix.

04:05 * `Princess-Luna can vouch for Authoron's guarding capability!

04:05 * `Princess-Luna also snuggles FlutterSocks

04:05 * Authoron raises a hoof to his chest. "Hail Luna!"

04:05 *** poseyshy is now known as poseyshy|dreaming

04:05 <Phantasma_Eeria> in AC4 i just beat the guards up, no weapons just fists

04:05 * FlutterSocks flails happily in the snuggle

04:05 <Vulpor> I just got done watching Sailor Moon Crystal

04:06 <Vulpor> Episode 2

04:06 * Phantasma_Eeria snuggles `Princess-Luna "Hail the Moonbutt"

04:06 <Vulpor> Ami is now introduced <3

04:06 * screenaholic boops FlutterSocks with a Psycho Mantis plushie. "~You like men.~"

04:06 <Vulpor> Sailor Mercury

04:06 <`Princess-Luna> The only anime I care to watch is P4G

04:06 <FlutterSocks> you can READ MY MIND?!

04:06 <screenaholic> No.

04:06 <`Princess-Luna> xD

04:06 <FlutterSocks> crap.

04:06 <FlutterSocks> (censored it a bit)

04:07 <Vulpor> Princess Luna why not play the game

04:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> FlutterSocks, are you a mare or stallion IRL

04:07 <FlutterSocks> yes.

04:07 <screenaholic> ^

04:07 <`Princess-Luna> Because the anime adds things to it

04:07 <screenaholic> Good answer.

04:07 <Vulpor> But the games are fun

04:07 <`Princess-Luna> they are

04:07 <Vulpor> its like pokemon for grown ups

04:07 <`Princess-Luna> HOWEVER...I can't obtain Golden at this time

04:07 <FlutterSocks> I appear to be a stallion but im not sure ive totally figured that out yet.

04:07 <Authoron> Thats like saying yes to "Do you like pokemon or mlp?"

04:08 <FlutterSocks> because i also squeal about kittens and like fashion and point and click adventure games.

04:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> i like both

04:08 <FlutterSocks> well some fashion

04:08 <Authoron> Your ki8lling me, smalls!

04:08 <Vulpor> I like everything

04:08 <screenaholic> Bubble, who's your favorite Metal Gear boss?

04:08 *** Joins: iandalton (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net)

04:08 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, you noticed all the Jack shots in the recent gos lately?

04:08 <Vulpor> THE FAT MAN

04:08 <Authoron> Hallo!

04:08 <screenaholic> No.

04:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> …are you a mare or stallion IRL shouldnt be too hard to answer…

04:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> No?

04:09 <BubbleBerry> www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1lcZM0MNek

04:09 *** Joins: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net)

04:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I am a mare.

04:09 <screenaholic> I haven't really noticed.

04:09 *** Quits: iandroid (iandalton@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net) (Quit: Bye)

04:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok.

04:09 <Authoron> Hallo, and Phantasma....

04:09 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms screenaholic.

04:09 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: As a battle? The End. As a Character? The Boss

04:09 <Authoron> You should try to get info from Vinyl.

04:09 <BubbleBerry> I mean the Joy

04:09 <FlutterSocks> i dont know if im cis or not. i cant figure it out.

04:09 * screenaholic looks at Nossy with a raised eyebrow.

04:09 <Phantasma_Eeria> IRL im a stallion…on IRC and almosy everything else I use my OC…a mare

04:09 <screenaholic> Also, good answers Bubble, but the correct answer is Ocelot.

04:10 <Phantasma_Eeria> *almost

04:10 <FlutterSocks> on one hand i dont care what people call me and i dont try to dress up like anything. actually i wear the laziest outfits like a typical dudebro

04:10 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, what?

04:10 <BubbleBerry> Oh god how could I forget Ocelot

04:10 <BubbleBerry> Am i stupid?

04:10 <screenaholic> Mare?

04:10 <screenaholic> Yes.

04:10 <FlutterSocks> but then i squee over cute things and japanes rock and everything else that is 90% female audiences

04:10 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Why dat Applejack Brow?

04:10 <BubbleBerry> OH GOD I FORGOT TO PUNCTUATE MY "I"!

04:10 <iandalton> BubbleBerry: is this track from the end of 2001?

04:10 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> !link brow raise

04:10 *** Joins: Skip (Skybrook@Pony-tlu.2jo.35.185.IP)

04:10 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/463386

04:10 <screenaholic> *Capatalise

04:10 <BubbleBerry> iandalton: yep

04:10 <BubbleBerry> OH GOD

04:11 <FlutterSocks> and I tend to write women better in stories, too, my men always end up bland and two dimensional. takes so much work to treat them like people o_o

04:11 * BubbleBerry can't spell or right

04:11 <BubbleBerry> *write

04:11 <screenaholic> Remember when Ocelot spun his guns to kill the wasps?

04:11 <BubbleBerry> YES

04:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> !link Applejack brow raise

04:11 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/514563

04:11 <screenaholic> I made a RWBY OC based on Ocelot.

04:11 <screenaholic> Speaking of, RWBY in two days!

04:11 <Phantasma_Eeria> FlutterSocks, you are overcomplicatin this…it all comes down to whether you are male or female IRL

04:12 <screenaholic> You may have an easier time if you ask "Genetically" instead of "IRL" because of the whole self-identification thing.

04:12 <iandalton> People should not be allowed to write 40k work chapters

04:12 * `Princess-Luna believes FlutterSocks is trying to preserve the anonymous answer. XD

04:12 <FlutterSocks> Nah xD there's biology and identity. I'm male. im just remarking how funny it is that I dont really have a gender identity of sorts

04:12 <BubbleBerry> I always thought flutters was a girl.

04:12 <BubbleBerry> I feel dumb now.

04:12 <screenaholic> I find the whole concept of gender to be stupid, to be honest.

04:13 <Authoron> What, we just build new people?

04:13 <screenaholic> What?

04:13 <BubbleBerry> What?

04:13 <FlutterSocks> i do.

04:13 <FlutterSocks> mwahahaha

04:13 <Authoron> without genders, how would we create new beings?

04:13 <`Princess-Luna> Easily?

04:13 <`Princess-Luna> Gender isnt the same as sex

04:14 <BubbleBerry> Well, you see, when a mommy and a daddy love eachother very much...

04:14 <screenaholic> No. "Gender" has lately been seperated from the idea of "sex." Sex is your biology, gender is what you identify as.

04:14 <FlutterSocks> although even that is a temporary limitation, perhaps.

04:14 * Schism reads a bit more of 'Movie Magic', the sequel to 'Earth & Sky'. "Bugly, Dashie? /Bugly/?"

04:14 * Authoron facehoof.

04:14 *** Mike_Coltfield is now known as Mike_Coltfield[EoH]

04:14 <Phantasma_Eeria> FlutterSocks, im male, i just RP and manage to get 'into' the feel of a character if theyre female, no idea why…hence why my OC is female, like 99% of everything indoneith a custom character

04:14 <Authoron> Okay. Nevermind.

04:14 <iandalton> Schism: I liked Earth & Sky. Is the sequel about Chrysalis?

04:14 <screenaholic> Like I said, the whole thing is stupid.

04:14 *** Quits: Georgisaur (Georgisaur@Pony-dbpbeg.range81-152.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)

04:15 *** Mike_Coltfield[EoH] is now known as Larscis[EoH]

04:15 <FlutterSocks> Yeah I often do too Phantasma_Eeria.

04:15 * BubbleBerry is 100% all american masculine man

04:15 <Phantasma_Eeria> brohoof FlutterSocks /)

04:15 <FlutterSocks> (\ xD brosisterhoof

04:15 * screenaholic patpats Bubble. "Sure you are."

04:15 * `Princess-Luna is male, sure, but that doesn't matter much! XD

04:15 <BubbleBerry> But it's true~! I can acessorise properly and everything!

04:15 * Phantasma_Eeria makes BubbleBerry question their identity

04:16 <Authoron> Wait.....

04:16 * Lenfant_Sauvage climbs on `Princess-Luna and nuzzles, regardless.

04:16 <`Princess-Luna> xD

04:16 * `Princess-Luna boops Authoron

04:16 <Authoron> Luna, if you are vinyl, why did you give away personal info?!?

04:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, are you seeing the Go?

04:16 <`Princess-Luna> Because the gender thing isn't important

04:16 <screenaholic> No, still on Let's Build.

04:16 * Phantasma_Eeria has read worse fanon than luna being male…never aain

04:16 <Phantasma_Eeria> *again

04:16 <FlutterSocks> it isnt much of a big deal in my personal life except when other people make it such. I was just commenting because 'cis' is a buzz word now and im not sure how I classify.

04:16 <iandalton> screenaholic: when you 'identiy as' something other than your genetics, what does that entail? Obviously you're not denying that your genetics *are* a certain thing. Is it the cultural trappings that accompany those genetics that you're denying?

04:16 <FlutterSocks> Could be worse, luna could be a muuuuuule

04:16 <screenaholic> I believe male Luna is named "Artemis," Phantasma.

04:17 <Authoron> Okay, mules arnt all bad.

04:17 <Authoron> aren't

04:17 <BubbleBerry> Oh god are we gonna have some huge argument about gender?

04:17 <BubbleBerry> Lemme make my popcorn, first.

04:17 <FlutterSocks> Not as long as I can make light of the situation :D

04:17 <screenaholic> Basically, yes ian. It's a cultural idea.

04:17 <Phantasma_Eeria> screenaholic, you wouldnt believe what ive seen

04:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Knowing this is going to be a touchy subject, let me just put my foot in the door, as someone with a trans father and a trans friend.

04:18 <FlutterSocks> My girlfriend is trans :3

04:18 <BubbleBerry> I agree with L'enfant.

04:18 <Phantasma_Eeria> WHAAAA

04:18 <Lenfant_Sauvage> There is a subset of people out there that feel they were born as something they don't recognize as "them".

04:18 <iandalton> Phantasma_Eeria: Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion?

04:18 <FlutterSocks> she's so kawaii. all asian and stuff

04:18 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Most don't realize this until past puberty, sometimes later.

04:18 <Phantasma_Eeria> erm sure

04:18 * BubbleBerry flops on FlutterSocks "Did you just saw "kawaii?""

04:18 <FlutterSocks> yus

04:19 <BubbleBerry> Is she desu and sugoi~~~~~ too?

04:19 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoAzpa1x7jU Phantasma_Eeria

04:19 <FlutterSocks> kawaii, and better still... uguu

04:19 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:19 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Blade Runner - Final scene, "Tears in Rain" Soliloquy (HD)

04:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> what does kawaii mean

04:19 <FlutterSocks> she cant be desu silly.

04:19 <FlutterSocks> kawaii means cute.

04:19 <BubbleBerry> Of course she can desu

04:19 <FlutterSocks> you can desu, but you cant BE desu.

04:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> desu means is

04:19 <screenaholic> I've got no problem with trans people. I just think people should be who they are. The concept of gender just further denotes personalities into either masculine and feminine, but there is an infinite amount of personalities, so trying to divide them on a bipartisan basis seems useless.

04:19 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It's a psychological thing, and for most, lifelong. They will identify as the opposite gender, or even genderless. It's something that's not been studied to a satisfactory extent, but it does exist, and it's not "denial of genetics" or anything. It's embracing what they consider themselves to be most oriented towards, psychologically.

04:19 <FlutterSocks> yeah but you cant be the state of being xD

04:20 <FlutterSocks> or CAN you

04:20 * BubbleBerry pokes FlutterSocks "Ok. But is she sugoi?"

04:20 * FlutterSocks quickly flips through buddhist literature

04:20 <FlutterSocks> yus

04:20 <Authoron> what is sugoi?

04:20 <Phantasma_Eeria> kon'nichiwa watashi nom namewa Eeria Phantasma desuka

04:20 <FlutterSocks> its like cool or good

04:20 *** Joins: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-i375cl.32t1.m4jc.a000.2606.IP)

04:21 <Authoron> Hiho, Silver!

04:21 <BubbleBerry> I'm just throwing around random japanese words

04:21 <Authoron> How goes your day?

04:21 <BubbleBerry> What about keikaku?

04:21 <FlutterSocks> and uguu doesnt mean anything.

04:21 <iandalton> Phantasma_Eeria: iie

04:21 <screenaholic> All according to it, Bubble.

04:21 * Phantasma_Eeria drops metal on Silent_Silver so he becomes sonorous

04:21 <BubbleBerry> - 3 - goooood

04:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> what iandalton

04:21 <FlutterSocks> but `Princess-Luna is still kawai desu uguu

04:21 <iandalton> You asked a question

04:21 <`Princess-Luna> xD

04:21 <iandalton> I said no

04:21 <BubbleBerry> https://derpiboo.ru/565633?scope=scpee6be75e828a81c266439467189c592933ad68e21

04:22 <Phantasma_Eeria> my knowledge of the japanese language i incredibly limited

04:22 <BubbleBerry> Twilight be in da hood, dawg

04:22 <FlutterSocks> they remain cute as gangstas

04:22 <iandalton> BubbleBerry: cash rules everything around me

04:22 <Phantasma_Eeria> oh right…didnt know how it was spelled…knew the pronuciation

04:22 <Phantasma_Eeria> hai

04:22 <BubbleBerry> FlutterSocks: They kill you with cute heart attacks.

04:22 <FlutterSocks> its spelled ie, actually.

04:23 <FlutterSocks> BubbleBerry: yus

04:23 <iandalton> FlutterSocks: ie = house, iie = no

04:23 <FlutterSocks> hmm? they put two 'i's?

04:23 <BubbleBerry> Um...

04:23 <BubbleBerry> Desu. *sagenod*

04:23 <FlutterSocks> oh shoot they do. i totally forgot.

04:23 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #57 [ http://tinyurl.com/oznadb7 ]

04:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> anatawa baka des

04:24 <FlutterSocks> Watashi no Chiisana Poni.

04:24 <iandalton> anto no ahou ya

04:24 <iandalton> anta*

04:24 <BubbleBerry> www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFhpRprMDLw This anime is too gangster

04:24 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (xgvqjvqcxoy@Pony-5bpa4q.cable.rcn.com)

04:24 <Authoron> Bwahahaha!. Trixie stole the page!!!

04:24 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-qitqmi.sub-70-197-173.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:24 <FlutterSocks> fu-reeeenshippu isu majiku.

04:24 <FlutterSocks> XD

04:24 <Phantasma_Eeria> dame

04:24 <screenaholic> Nossy: "First one to kiss John Risenger."

04:25 <FlutterSocks> all of the pony names take forever to say in japanese

04:25 * Muffin_Spectacles likes to think of himself as well-adjusted, but even he is susceptible to fits of jealousy that part of his conscience hates him for.

04:25 <Phantasma_Eeria> nyan nyan, nyan nyan, ni hao nyan, gorujasu, derishasu, dekarucha

04:25 <FlutterSocks> tuwairaito supaakaru

04:25 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: Twiiiilllllltooooo-ssssparkooooo-avaaashooooooteeeeehhhh!! *ding*

04:25 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Gavin runs to Ragemonger with open mouth.

04:25 <Authoron> Hallo, Muffin.

04:25 <FlutterSocks> Appurujaku.

04:26 <Muffin_Spectacles> Authoron: Hello.

04:26 <FlutterSocks> Pinky is easy. Pinki pai

04:26 <screenaholic> Next week on Go: Geoff is sued for sexual harrasment for forcing employees to kiss.

04:26 <BubbleBerry> o3o

04:26 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hush.

04:26 <Phantasma_Eeria> farutarushiyo

04:26 <BubbleBerry> Wh-waht?

04:26 <screenaholic> First person to win their trail wins Go!

04:26 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Ragemonger had it coming.

04:26 <Muffin_Spectacles> I have to wonder if there are Japanese fans who once they found out the episodes are edited, immediately just went, 'we're only watching the American episodes and nothing else.'

04:26 <FlutterSocks> yeah it would be, or furatashai

04:26 * Phantasma_Eeria wins trial

04:26 <iandalton> trixie y u steal page?

04:26 <Authoron> cause the mob wants them.

04:27 <FlutterSocks> re-re-ti

04:27 <Authoron> She needs the protection from all the addorring fans.

04:27 * Authoron spelz wel.

04:27 <iandalton> You steal the page? Maud steals your outfit! http://foudubulbe.deviantart.com/art/Behold-The-Great-and-Powerful-Maud-469908133

04:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> rayinobu dashu

04:27 <FlutterSocks> i wonder if they call luna Runa-Hime

04:27 <`Princess-Luna> xD

04:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> purinasesu runa

04:28 <FlutterSocks> im sure they use hime

04:28 <iandalton> Phantasma_Eeria: you keep adding extra vowels

04:28 <Phantasma_Eeria> puinasesu saresutiya

04:28 <iandalton> *twitch*

04:28 *** Joins: SurfNinja (chuqmjmxdyl@Pony-pp3m3m.res.rr.com)

04:28 <Authoron> Hallo, ninja.

04:29 <Phantasma_Eeria> maybe

04:29 <SurfNinja> Howdy!

04:29 <FlutterSocks> japanese does generally take more syllables to say things

04:29 <screenaholic> Nossy: This week on Hunting with Gavin, just drive your car across a mountain as fast as you can until you find a cougar!

04:29 <FlutterSocks> one of their fixes in Sailor Moon was just to make them cram more dialogue into the scenes lol

04:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, eeeyup.

04:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> mainly because they lack several letters and only a e i o u and n can be used individually

04:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, can I call you Kuopo?

04:30 <FlutterSocks> but they do everything the long way. Like writing kanji as shorthand that takes more strokes than writing it out

04:30 <iandalton> FlutterSocks: I've seen the opposite. Watching anime with a friend who prefers dubs, I've seen where they added stuff in English to make it fit

04:30 <screenaholic> And then apparently you just run over the cougar.

04:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> yep

04:30 <screenaholic> Koupo?

04:31 <iandalton> Oh wait, that is what you're talking about

04:31 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: I did that with a translation project 15 years ago. We added some American puns.

04:31 <FlutterSocks> iandalton: thats what i meant, we add english dialogue to fit it in

04:31 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: coolness

04:31 <FlutterSocks> despite which, they end up talking fast

04:31 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: for an anime?

04:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Guest List qand Question Gathering for SDCC Pony Panel  [ http://tinyurl.com/qzczosc ]

04:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Ponies Around the World 2014 - Day 3 [ http://tinyurl.com/nz5r6k7 ]

04:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Gothic With Socks Ponymania Set Pops up at Toys R' Us  [ http://tinyurl.com/mfbj85q ]

04:31 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Kupo.

04:32 <FlutterSocks> i still always enjoyed Serena's English actor, she had a funny way of talking

04:32 <iandalton> Phantasma_Eeria: but you were saying purinasesu. That 'na' should be an 'n'

04:32 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: One example was a female character who would add 'tcha' to the end of her sentences, which is usually the thing a cute girl says, only this is a comedic effect that would be lost on Amerca...so, we had her use words like 'dontcha,' ain'tcha,' 'won'tcha,' etc.

04:32 <screenaholic> Oh, right! Moogles!

04:32 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: got it

04:32 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> That is right Kupo.

04:32 <Phantasma_Eeria> i know a japanese person…and so far the ony japanese i have retained is basic alphabet, the curses and kagamin which means mirror

04:32 * screenaholic tapes bat wings onto Nossy.

04:33 <FlutterSocks> In Final Fantasy Advent Children, they had to work with Reno a lot because he did this thing where he constantly says Zutto at the end of his sentence to act tough and carefree

04:33 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: I've often been bothered by the result in English. Kenshin saying "that it is" isn't so bad, but Naruto saying "believe it!" is.

04:33 * screenaholic puts on a brown robe and holds a lantern and a kitchen knife.

04:33 <BubbleBerry> o3o

04:33 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ...

04:33 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> What are you doing Kupo?

04:33 * Authoron baps screenaholic with his sword.

04:33 <FlutterSocks> it was probably in the game too, and we cut it out

04:33 <screenaholic> Tonberry!

04:33 <Phantasma_Eeria> any language translated to english is weird and bice versa

04:33 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: I largely hate dubs, and will mainly only see original dialogue.

04:34 *** Joins: Frames (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net)

04:34 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: I have started watching dubs recently because my mom can't keep up with subs. But I like subs.

04:34 <Phantasma_Eeria> take LightDash for example she is french mare so some of her sentences dont make that much sense and annoy the hay out of proofpones

04:35 <FlutterSocks> i have this sense that i would prefer the dubbed version of Kingdom Hearts over the japanese.

04:35 * Phantasma_Eeria has a sense of proof

04:35 <FlutterSocks> I mean we actually got pretty good people for that.

04:35 * `Princess-Luna watches dubs usually if she ever watches anything....subs dont really allow for distractions, as you have to pay attention to whats being said.

04:36 <Authoron> dubs are good.

04:36 <Authoron> as are wubs.

04:36 <Phantasma_Eeria> im going to sleepu now so sayonara

04:36 <FlutterSocks> We had most of the modern voices of many of the characters, like Bill Farmer. And Haley Joel Osmond as the lead

04:36 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) (Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango)

04:36 <Authoron> Gnight, Phantasma

04:36 <Authoron> split second too late. I hate it when that happens.

04:36 <FlutterSocks> but that game was largely Disney's work, so its not really a pure 'japanese' game i guess

04:37 * screenaholic wubwubs Moon Butt.

04:37 <FlutterSocks> or at least, disney slapped way more copyrights on it

04:37 <iandalton> Lately I've been rewatching Scrapped Princess, but dubbed. They did a pretty good job.

04:37 <Muffin_Spectacles> Kingdom Hearts was back in the day when Japan seemed to do Disney better than Disney itself.

04:37 * Authoron flops on moonbutt.

04:37 <`Princess-Luna> the only sub I'm really even watching now is Persona 4 golden

04:37 <`Princess-Luna> and I'll rewatch the dub when released, lol

04:37 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: as if Disney has ever not had good stuff

04:37 <FlutterSocks> i do prefer the original voices for some things, such as Ranma 1/2

04:38 *** Joins: Wicked_Wings (chatzilla@Pony-i8g0o5.sub-75-216-70.myvzw.com)

04:38 <BubbleBerry> I dunno, subs are a situational thing for me

04:38 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: But in the early 2000's, the company had very few good things to crow about.

04:38 <FlutterSocks> I dont think we found loveable american voices to beat those guys. Happosai for example was hysterical in japanese

04:38 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: I will admit I couldn't relieve Cathy W did the dub voice for Shampoo.

04:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> ...That didn't come out right...neither did that. :$

04:39 <BubbleBerry> For instance, K-on!! or Fist of the North Star or Lucky Star are better in Japanese (technically) But (again, technically) Anime like Fullmetal Alchemist or Hellsing or Cowboy bebop are better in english

04:39 <FlutterSocks> I loved that series as a kid ... terrible thing for a kid to watch maybe but i still loved it

04:39 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis, Monsters Inc, Lilo & Stitch, Treasure Planet (kind of a flop I know), Finding Nemo, and that's just the animated stuff

04:40 <BubbleBerry> Wiat are we talking about Japanese animes or american animation?

04:40 <FlutterSocks> lol Lucky Star... i watched the pilot of that and i concluded that nothing happens in that show

04:40 <screenaholic> There are American anime.

04:40 <SurfNinja> Emperor's New Groove. Loved that movie.

04:40 <FlutterSocks> they spent 15 minutes discussing how to eat things

04:40 <iandalton> BubbleBerry: what do you mean by technically? I admit FMA's English dub was decent but I wouldn't say better

04:40 <BubbleBerry> I mean, it's a matter of preference

04:40 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWACr5W3lko

04:40 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:40 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Lucky Star~ Technuiqes In Food Consumption

04:40 <FlutterSocks> here it is

04:41 <iandalton> 'technically' doens't mean 'in my opinion'

04:41 <BubbleBerry> Granted, hellsing and FMA are a lot better in english

04:41 <FlutterSocks> it seems like 15 minutes, at least. 6:13 minutes of talking about how to eat food properly

04:41 <FlutterSocks> look how much thought they put into their discussion

04:41 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Yeah, but the early 2000's also had the flop known as Dinosaur, and then the dark ages where hand drawn was kicked out, and we got that horrible film Chicken Little, not to mention the direct to video sequels were going full tilt, and Calfornia Adventure in Anaheim was a money pit with little reddeming value.

04:41 <BubbleBerry> iandalton: Ok, I made a poor choose of words"

04:41 <Muffin_Spectacles> in case anyone can tell, I am rather a fan of Disney.

04:41 *** Sketching_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

04:42 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: Have you seen TRON?

04:42 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: yeah Treasure Planet being a flop killed 2D for a while. Shame.

04:42 <FlutterSocks> this scene.

04:42 <BubbleBerry> If so, how'd you feel about TRON: Legacy? Also, I liked Treasure Planet

04:42 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

04:42 <jamis> !hug

04:42 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

04:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: A few times on DVD. My friend loves it.

04:42 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around jamis in a tight embrace

04:42 <FlutterSocks> Lucky Star fans, is the entire series like this?

04:42 <BubbleBerry> FlutterSocks: What scene

04:42 <FlutterSocks> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWACr5W3lko

04:43 <BubbleBerry> Not alll of them

04:43 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: TronLegacy isn't bad, but it's also got a rather intriguing sub story about the creator's creation wanting to usurp him but being unable to change.

04:43 <iandalton> I was disappointed that the success of Avatar didn't make 2D more of a thing in America

04:43 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: I hated that Treasure Planet got the blacklist that 2D was bad. It had one of Glen Keane's last great hand-drawn cahracters with John Silver.

04:43 <FlutterSocks> Avatar: TLA that is

04:43 <jamis> 2D? You mean animation in general?

04:43 <BubbleBerry> Albiet it never really gets any legit plots. It doesn't have all the twists and turns of Death Note, I'll tell you that

04:44 <Muffin_Spectacles> jamis: After Treasure Planet tanked, suddenly Hollywood got this idea that noone wanted to see 2D animated features, that 3D was where all the money was.

04:44 *** Googie|Sleepling is now known as Googie

04:45 <iandalton> jamis: no, because 3D animation is popular

04:45 <Authoron> i do 3d modeling.

04:45 * jamis sighs.

04:45 <Authoron> Animating takes too long.

04:45 <FlutterSocks> I tried to do 3d modeling and almost threw a brick through the screen :3

04:46 <Muffin_Spectacles> I have a BFA in animation. Wanted to bring things to life, moreso than build them.

04:46 <FlutterSocks> i was like HOW DO YOU... bone painting? What!? AUGHHHHHHH polygons everywhere

04:46 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sadly, I've been too lazy to start a new project. Would love to help anyone do storyboarding.

04:46 * screenaholic flops on Nossy. "They don't realize that a cougar and a mountain lion are the same thing."

04:46 <iandalton> FlutterSocks: I am liking this video =D

04:46 <FlutterSocks> iandalton: xD it goes on and on like this.

04:47 <iandalton> yeah

04:47 <Authoron> Here in bloomington, we have the cougars and the panthers.

04:47 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, eh.

04:47 <jamis> Think I'll got check out Treasure Planet. I seem to remember watching it, but I can't remember.

04:47 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Gavin broke something.

04:47 <Authoron> Same. Thing. More or less.

04:47 <Muffin_Spectacles> jamis: It's at least a little better than Hunchback and Hercules.

04:47 <screenaholic> Indeed.

04:47 <FlutterSocks> I like hand drawn animation better from a visual perspective, at least until we can imitate it nicely in cg

04:47 <FlutterSocks> flash stuff comes close, like MLP

04:47 <Muffin_Spectacles> I finally saw Hunchbacjk a year ago, but it just felt too much of a mess.

04:47 <jamis> I've only watched both of those once.

04:47 <iandalton> FlutterSocks: so G1 > G4?

04:47 <jamis> I guess I didn't care much for them.

04:48 <FlutterSocks> G1 was so badly animated id say no xD

04:48 <Muffin_Spectacles> Flash is rather buggy, as one can see in the episodes that have errors in them.

04:48 <FlutterSocks> this is true

04:48 <FlutterSocks> im thinking Don Bluth style animation. Nothing beats that for me yet. American Tail, Dragons Lair, Nihm

04:48 <FlutterSocks> it just looks great.

04:49 <jamis> Flight of dragons. I want to watch that again.

04:49 <iandalton> FlutterSocks: Bluth is pretty great

04:49 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: Bluth is almost like PEter Jackson's WETA people, given that it's a little dingier, and the colors don't pop out as much...let alone all the electrical arcs in BLuth's work look the same.

04:50 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sadly, Bluth pretty much nose-dived in the 90's.

04:50 <FlutterSocks> So far we have no cel shading or flash work that quite reaches the way those look. That isn't to say we wont, but at this time I miss it

04:50 <iandalton> nah, I liked Titan A.E.

04:50 <Muffin_Spectacles> The man had noble intentions, in that he wanted to make the stuff that he grew up watching from the olden days...but the companies he worked for just couldn't do anything with him.

04:51 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: I talked to an animator who had a friend who worked at Fox's hand-drawn studio. Word was within hours of getting the first weekend grosses for Titan AE, the staff was given 3 hours to clean out their desks.

04:51 <FlutterSocks> It's also hard with CG to do really stylized anmation like Triplets of Beville, where the shapes and perspectives can morph around with movements

04:51 <FlutterSocks> due to the time for making deformations

04:52 <Muffin_Spectacles> One of the most amazing animators is Richard Williams. If you find bootleg animation of his unfinished magnum opus the thief and the cobbler, you'd swear some of that stuff was computer, but it's all incredibly smooth handdrawn.

04:52 <FlutterSocks> AH yes, I love that one

04:52 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: that can't have been spontaenous. Fox must have already had it in for 2D by that point.

04:52 <FlutterSocks> It was astonishing but way too ambitious, which is why it didnt get completed correctly. took too long doing those frames.

04:53 <Muffin_Spectacles> http://youtu.be/fsxCIkN7Zy8 - A clip from The Thief and the Cobbler. All those cards are individually painted/drawn.

04:53 <FlutterSocks> The number of frames per second was ridiculous

04:53 <Yeppoh> 30 fps it seems

04:53 <Frames> Oh whoops.

04:53 <Authoron> Explain red without using its name. Go

04:53 <Frames> x3

04:54 <Frames> There is me

04:54 <Frames> The color of human blod.

04:54 <Frames> blood*

04:54 <FlutterSocks> heh, perhaps the video is.

04:54 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: Williams was a perfectionist, but as it was moreso a pet project, he definitely didn't seem to have a set deadline in place.

04:54 <SurfNinja> Heat, fire, passion, rage.

04:54 <FlutterSocks> ah yes, actually its 24 fps... i didnt know it could be that low and looks smooth. but apparently most animation is 12 fps

04:55 <Authoron> Okay. Have guys ever realised how weird sleeping is?

04:55 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: He definitely demanded all animation on 1's, instead of the slower, 2's, that one normally sees in the likes of Japan.

04:55 <FlutterSocks> i always liked the chase scene

04:55 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HR4Junqmzg

04:55 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Thief and the Cobbler - The Chase

04:55 <Authoron> We put on special clothes, lay on special sleeping mats, then spend the next 8 hours hallucinating crazily.

04:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: Oh yes, with the Escher and black/white stuff. It's so crazy.

04:56 <FlutterSocks> i also like how the movie originally had almost no dialogue

04:56 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0QEYurBuks As for most impressive computer-assisted 2D animation, Nerawareta Gakuen is pretty amazing

04:56 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Nerawareta Gakuen Trailer (English subbed)

04:56 <FlutterSocks> and Tack only spoke right at the end... by sean connery

04:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: Please, don't remind me of the horrid chop job. :(

04:57 <FlutterSocks> yeah the release was garbage

04:57 <FlutterSocks> i cant believe they gave the thief inner monologue

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04:58 *** Parts: CherryCake (vbfstjwrnam@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP) ()

04:58 <SurfNinja> Well, it's animated real well, but it's not that entertaining.

04:58 <Vulpor> Bad news guys and gals

04:58 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: Hollywood 9/10 of the time doesn't get animation. The Weinsteins are a prime example./

04:58 <Vulpor> Dragon Age got delayed

04:58 <Vulpor> till November

04:58 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

04:59 <FlutterSocks> the movie was itself pretty amusing, especially watching the thief get himself beat up constantly, but it got eclipsed by aladdin

04:59 <SurfNinja> Especially when you compare it to what came out around the same time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VdZewCFyfg

04:59 <FlutterSocks> ironically, people thought it was an aladdin ripoff

04:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> FlutterSocks: No different than people thinking John Carter was some sort of Avatar ripoff.

04:59 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: they what?!

04:59 <Vulpor> November 18th

04:59 <SurfNinja> Sort of like how Antz and A Bug's Life came out around the same time?

04:59 <iandalton> that's some kind of bulls***

04:59 <FlutterSocks> Aladdin was a pretty good movie though.

04:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Hezza-whuh?

04:59 <FlutterSocks> actually really good, i liked it

04:59 <SurfNinja> Or two Hercules movies this year.

04:59 <Authoron> Every book you've ever read is just a different combination of 26 letters.

05:00 <iandalton> People actually think John Carter is a rip off?

05:00 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Well, there were some that didn't realize that Avatar is definitely based on Burrough's 'Princess of Mars,' but you know people: they just know what's out now.

05:00 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (Mibbit@Felonious.Wretch) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

05:00 <iandalton> I admit I didn't realize that Muffin_Spectacles. I thought it was Dances with Wolves in space.

05:00 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Just like those who don't realize how much Star WArs owes itself to serials from the 30's.

05:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Well there is the flora/fauna bits, but both have an Earthling going to another world to save a Princess and her world from danger.

05:01 *** Quits: Skip (Skybrook@Pony-tlu.2jo.35.185.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

05:01 <iandalton> I can't even get my sister to watch Star Wars :-( Maybe I should have her watch John Carter of Mars instead

05:01 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: that's a pretty thin connection though

05:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Gavin broke his xbox.

05:02 <screenaholic> He fixed it.

05:02 <iandalton> The difference is the lack of ignorant fellow earthlings that the hero has to save the natives from

05:02 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Still, people will find crazier and thinner connections to things.

05:02 <`Princess-Luna> HALF LIFE 3 Confirm-....*ahem*

05:02 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Though I at least got behind Carter than I did Jake Sulley in AVatar.

05:02 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, the moral of the story is not to pull the tray of the xbox.

05:02 <FlutterSocks> >_>

05:02 <BubbleBerry> Who was Jake Sully again?

05:02 <jamis> `Princess-Luna, please don't troll us like that.

05:02 <`Princess-Luna> =P

05:03 <`Princess-Luna> <3~

05:03 <BubbleBerry> He was the crazy guy from Call of Duty: Black ops, right?

05:03 <SurfNinja> I always thought Avatar was just the live action version of Fern Gully.

05:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: The human guy who got to walk again, then destroyed tradition by having the princess characer fall for him, and then betrayed everyone.

05:03 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

05:03 <SurfNinja> But, you know, space marines instead of Tim Curry as a pollution monster.

05:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> It's interesting when we hate something enough, we immediately claim it rips off something else.

05:04 <iandalton> I was thinking of ordering the Barsoom series. It's been a good few years since I read them.

05:04 <FlutterSocks> i like tim curry as a pollution monster

05:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> There's very little teeth-knashing that Incredibles seems liek Fantastic Four, but John Lasseter wants to make a movie about TAlking Cars!? 'He's ripping off Doc Hollywood! It's horrible!!"

05:04 <SurfNinja> I've just already seen the Last Samurai/Dances with Wolves before.

05:04 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-pol8p5.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

05:04 <SurfNinja> Albiet not IN SPACE.

05:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> SurfNinja: Yep, the foreign girls love the exchange students from overseas. The dark and mysterious types.

05:04 <FlutterSocks> and twilight is a ripoff of mlp because they sparkle

05:04 <FlutterSocks> gasp

05:04 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/681224

05:04 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about loose hair bed mane artist:silverrainclouds solo morning ponies (and 4 more)

05:04 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: So... the Crazy Guy from Black ops? And the cyborg guy from that crappy Terminator movie?

05:05 <FlutterSocks> mmf... AJ is ... lovely

05:05 *** Joins: Encore (erekrpcbisj@Pony-i5rkr5.bois.qwest.net)

05:05 <BubbleBerry> Big mac > applejack

05:05 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: No Idea about Black Ops, but yeah, that one guy in T4...Moon Bloodgood barely knows him for a few hours, and suddenly she just is all over him.

05:05 <SurfNinja> I'm slightly tanned and outgoing. Think the foreign girls will be okay with that?

05:06 <Muffin_Spectacles> SurfNinja: You'd probably need to go to them - the prospect taht you could leave for your home country might make you more appealing.

05:06 <BubbleBerry> And Batman only knows him for like 5 minutes and when he sees he;s a cyborg he;s like "OI SCREW U M*"

05:06 <BubbleBerry> *M8

05:06 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I thought he went 'WHO ARE YOU!?' And the guy goes: "...not Batman?'

05:07 *** Quits: `Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Connection closed)

05:07 <SurfNinja> The Incredibles aren't as blatantly like the Fantastic Four (no super science, greater emphasis on family connection than on whatever Reed Richards can invent, etc.)

05:07 <BubbleBerry> I just remember Batman and Call of Duty Black ops man running around and screaming at robots

05:07 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: T4 makes me want to hit things.

05:07 <BubbleBerry> Same

05:07 <SurfNinja> Whereas Cars is Doc Hollywood in the same way that Fast and the Furious is Point Break.

05:07 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-hklpsh.251-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:07 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: And it takes alot to make me want to get violent.

05:07 <Muffin_Spectacles> SurfNinja: Wait...are you one of the 10% on this planet who doesn't have a beef with talking cars?

05:08 <SurfNinja> I wasn't a fan.

05:08 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/681173

05:08 <BubbleBerry> You know what Terminator 4 is like?

05:08 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about safe bulk biceps idw artist:tonyfleecs goops for stuff (and 6 more)

05:08 <FlutterSocks> i need that

05:08 <BubbleBerry> The Star Wars Prequels

05:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: T4 always bugged me that Skynet actually sanctions killing times. I always figured they'd never stop.

05:08 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-9rc.9hp.153.82.IP)

05:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

05:08 <SurfNinja> It is literally Own Wilson pretending to be Michael J. Fox.

05:08 <BubbleBerry> Yeah, that made no sense

05:08 <SurfNinja> Owen*

05:08 <FlutterSocks> Welcome back scratchy XD

05:09 <Muffin_Spectacles> I reall;y need to do my snooty review about Cars. Every other person who talks about that film sounds like they are Jet Set or Upper Crust.

05:09 <Muffin_Spectacles> *in jet set voice* :"

05:09 <BubbleBerry> Like, I thought killing machines that don't get tired and were made for killing would just endlessly kill forever, never stopping

05:09 <SurfNinja> And if you're going to pretend to be Michael J. Fox, at least remake Secret to my Success or The Frighteners.

05:09 <BubbleBerry> Just killing 24/7

05:09 * FlutterSocks isnt jamming to MCR.

05:09 * FlutterSocks promises

05:09 <BubbleBerry> FlutterSocks: Which album

05:09 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles: if you like 30s pulp and space opera, have you seen The Whole Wide World? It's a biopic about Robert A. Howard.

05:09 <Muffin_Spectacles> "Well I say, Talking toys and talking fish, are fine old bean but...talking cahrs!? I believe you've lost me there, you clearly have no idea what animation can do.'

05:09 <SurfNinja> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116365/

05:10 <BubbleBerry> It better not be Dange- actually that album was alright

05:10 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Haven't really seen that. I'm not that far into the oldies regarding stuff.

05:10 <SurfNinja> It's a funnier movie that the poster would have you believe. Although it is definitely a horror movie as well.

05:10 <BubbleBerry> Still, I hated cara

05:10 <BubbleBerry> Cars was just booooring

05:10 <FlutterSocks> Definitely not Danger Days, BubbleBerry

05:10 <SurfNinja> Like how House 2 is a comedy/horror.

05:10 <BubbleBerry> FlutterSocks: The Black Parade? That other album that came bedore Black Parade?

05:11 <FlutterSocks> nah, Danger Days.

05:11 <BubbleBerry> I KNEW IT

05:11 <iandalton> welp, I'm off.

05:11 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: *puts on monocle* - And that is just the ticket, or not. A film about talking cahhrz has no place in animation, other than to sell toys. If you ask me, Mr John LAsseter was strong-armed into making this film, as he obviously cannot be that mentally insane."

05:11 *** Quits: iandalton (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net) (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs

05:11 <jamis> I thought the first was a horror/comedy?

05:11 <BubbleBerry> Yeah. Cars 2 was even worse

05:11 <SurfNinja> For space operas I usually turn to anime. They've got a ton.

05:11 <BubbleBerry> It was boring, AND dumb

05:11 <SurfNinja> House? I don't think the first one was a comedy at all.

05:11 * Muffin_Spectacles is really wanting to do smarmy reviews about the ridiculous things that are wrong with animation.

05:11 <FlutterSocks> i swear im not cryinhg mascara as i listen

05:11 * BubbleBerry is more of a layman than Muffin_Spectacles

05:12 <SurfNinja> Haven't seen it in a while though.

05:12 <jamis> Which one was it with the Nam vet trying tor write his book?

05:12 <BubbleBerry> FlutterSocks: How can you cry during Danger Days? That's a more fun album. Also, you're wearing mascara?

05:12 <SurfNinja> The first one.

05:12 <SurfNinja> The second has an undead cowboy and a search for gold I think.

05:12 *** Joins: Skip (Skybrook@Pony-tlu.2jo.35.185.IP)

05:12 <VinylScratch> Sarcasm, BubbleBerry

05:12 <VinylScratch> xD

05:12 <BubbleBerry> oooooooob

05:12 <FlutterSocks> xD no, its just a common thought that they're for depressed people.

05:12 <SurfNinja> Needless to say, House 2 is WAY better.

05:12 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-4j489v.dynamic.sonic.net)

05:12 <jamis> I think both were horror/comedy, but the second more so then.

05:12 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I really want to tear apart Rankin-Bass specials. As non-sensical as Cars is, there are some of those holiday specials that have gigantic plot holes.

05:12 * VinylScratch prefers Dr House...:P

05:13 <BubbleBerry> I like them. And I'm not depressed. Nor am I an annoying 13 year old

05:13 <jamis> Well, the second one has more comedy than the first.

05:13 <BubbleBerry> Cars feels really cynical in that it was made soley for the toys

05:13 *** Joins: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP)

05:13 <BubbleBerry> And Cars 2 takes that cynicism up to 11

05:13 <FlutterSocks> i dont think they're that much different than modern green day. It's definitely poppy punk rock sorta stuff.

05:13 <jamis> Haven't seen cars 2 and really don't have the urge.

05:13 <rainbowpower64> sorry guys i had a driver's lesson

05:13 <BubbleBerry> Oh god

05:14 <BubbleBerry> Remember the Planes movie?

05:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Well, I guess I drank from the blue cup. The fact that CArs moved merch was not expected. Though I was surprised that people were going, 'boys like cars?' I was thinking, 'YEAH!? I loved cars when I was a kid! And I collectd about 280 diecast from the first Cars film.

05:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I had no interest in planes.

05:14 <BubbleBerry> It's crap

05:14 <jamis> BubbleBerry, yes and I haven't seen it.

05:14 <BubbleBerry> The sequel is crap

05:14 <BubbleBerry> Everything is crap

05:14 <jamis> Don't really feel the need.

05:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I remember people going, 'So, you're gonna collect planes diecast, right?' And I just went, '...no. Planes don't interest me as much as cars.

05:14 <Moonlightning> Somepony ping me.

05:14 <BubbleBerry> Except for Guardians of the Galaxy and Big Hero 6

05:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I also drew the line at CArs 2 merch.

05:14 * jamis pings Moonlightning

05:15 <Muffin_Spectacles> I'm one of about 7% that doesn't want an Incredibles or Finding Nemo sequel.

05:15 <Moonlightning> Thanks.

05:15 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: They had a minigun car. The Sequel to cars doesn't deserve a minigun car

05:15 <VinylScratch> already happening, anyway, Muffin_Spectacles

05:15 <VinylScratch> x3

05:15 * BubbleBerry sobs in a corner

05:15 <SurfNinja> Yeah... I don't want an Incredibles sequel either.

05:15 <Muffin_Spectacles> VinylScratch: Yeah, and every other person is cheering, while Ijust make a long heavy siiiggghhhh.

05:15 <rainbowpower64> a friend of mine told me that the first movies are usually better than sequals

05:16 <VinylScratch> I liked finding nemo

05:16 <SurfNinja> Usually.

05:16 <VinylScratch> so I'll be interested in the sequal

05:16 <BubbleBerry> It'll be Predator 2 all over again

05:16 <BubbleBerry> Except with less gore

05:16 <Muffin_Spectacles> VinylScratch: But to me, it was over, there was nothing more to do: Nemo was found, the end. I don't really want to 'find Dory's parents.'

05:16 <SurfNinja> But there are exceptions. Sometimes the sequels are the same/better. It's just rare.

05:16 <jamis> Hollywood, if it made money the first go around, lets do it again with a sequel.

05:16 <BubbleBerry> SurfNinja: Like Aliens?

05:16 <rainbowpower64> i was more of a mulan type

05:16 <VinylScratch> :P That's life

05:16 <BubbleBerry> Aliens is the perfect sequel, in my opinion

05:16 * FlutterSocks smiles as a HIM track comes on next on the playlist. Totally not an emo here.

05:16 <jamis> What ever happened to just telling a story?

05:16 <Muffin_Spectacles> I really want to love Mulan, but the music and Mushu just keep me from watching it over and over.

05:16 <jamis> Jeeze

05:17 <FlutterSocks> Mushu is the biggest problem in that film

05:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> jamis: It's been going downhill ever since the lake caught fire.

05:17 <SurfNinja> Mostly they're superhero movies. Like the Dark Knight and Spider-Man 2 (Sam Raimi)

05:17 <SurfNinja> And yeah BubbleBerry. Like Aliens.

05:17 <BubbleBerry> FlutterSocks: It's OK. I have no idea who HIM is! Who's HIM?

05:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> SurfNinja: Yeah, Dock Ock was one of the fw saving graces of Spidey 2...unlike that stupid car of perfectly angelic New Yorkers.

05:17 <SurfNinja> Althought that was also a shift in genre from horror/suspense to action/horror.

05:17 <FlutterSocks> His Infernal Majesty.

05:18 <BubbleBerry> Spider man 2, Captain America 2, Aliens, Dark knight....

05:18 <Muffin_Spectacles> Though this weekend, J Jonah Jameson is my spirit animal, as I stew about not going to Comic-Con.

05:18 <FlutterSocks> Great cover of Dont Fear The Reaper and Wicked Games, and some cool songs of their own like 'Join Me In Death' and oh my god its an emo band

05:18 <BubbleBerry> SurfNinja: I feel like the action horror hybrid worked in aliens

05:18 <BubbleBerry> It's a shame action-horror isn't used more in hollywood

05:18 <SurfNinja> And then they ruined it in Alien 3 and Resurrection.

05:18 <Muffin_Spectacles> This weekend, I watched about 6 hand-held horror films, and can't find the reason for them.

05:18 <Muffin_Spectacles> SurfNinja: To me, Aliens is like T2: THAT should have been the last one.

05:18 <SurfNinja> True that.

05:19 <Muffin_Spectacles> SurfNinja: Both Aliens and T2 have a nice fitting conclusion...that is then messed up by the third one.

05:19 <BubbleBerry> It's all just people who can't hold a camera straight running around while they're haunted by a spoooooooooky ghost

05:19 <jamis> Silly Muffin_Spectacles, the money must flow.

05:19 <VinylScratch> Hollywood never wants a succesful formula to 'end'

05:19 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: What are your thoughts on Prometheus?

05:19 <FlutterSocks> this is my HIM jam

05:19 <SurfNinja> Honestly though? If they stop doing 'found footage' and 'awful parody' movies I'd be okay with bad sequels.

05:19 <VinylScratch> money is to be made, thus films to be conjured out of nothingness

05:19 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMD1k16baVE

05:19 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

05:19 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about HIM - The Funeral Of Hearts

05:19 <BubbleBerry> What was that black gooooooo?

05:19 <Muffin_Spectacles> VinylScratch: No, they'll beat it like a street hooker, then leave her corpse on Mulholland, and go trolling for another young thing to exploit.

05:19 <jamis> Which reminds me, I kinda want to watch dune again.

05:19 <jamis> Oh well.

05:19 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

05:19 <VinylScratch> Muffin_Spectacles: A little un PG there

05:19 <BubbleBerry> Was that thingy at the end a xenomorph, or was it just a weird thing?

05:20 <VinylScratch> Oh thats totally a xeno

05:20 <SurfNinja> Didn't see Prometheus. Didn't want to.

05:20 <Muffin_Spectacles> VinylScratch: I've had that visual metaphor in my head for a few months. It's the only way I could think to explain it.

05:20 <BubbleBerry> But they said it wasn't a xeno

05:20 <BubbleBerry> but it looks like a xeno

05:20 <VinylScratch> it's a stepping stone TOWARDS xenos

05:20 *** Quits: Renard (Renard@Pony-faekra.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Connection closed)

05:20 *** Quits: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:20 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: The problem is, Prometheus becomes like a teen horror movie in space. It's Jason X with science and religion.

05:20 <VinylScratch> thats probably what they'll make it

05:20 <FlutterSocks> All I can say is Ninja Turtles.

05:20 <FlutterSocks> Teenage Mutant Ninja Shreks

05:20 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: I wouldn't say that. Prometheus is kinda good, but confusing

05:21 <BubbleBerry> Jason X is just a horrible dumb mess

05:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I just hated that lead scientist guy. He was doing all the dumb jock stuff.

05:21 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/680855

05:21 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about solo rainbow dash taste the rainbow Skittles relaxing (and 4 more)

05:21 <SurfNinja> Most of the Friday the 13th movies are horrible dumb messes though.

05:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: He was basically going to David like, 'Oh, you're the nerd! Well, NERD, you can't understand what I'm going through and why I'm just drinking alot of alcohol, even though we found life, but they're all dead!.

05:21 <FlutterSocks> you always knew it was true.

05:21 <BubbleBerry> Also, if the Deacon is a protegenor of the Xenomorph, why would they have a mural of the Xenomorph drone in that one place

05:22 <SurfNinja> It's sort of what slasher movies are.

05:22 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-pol8p5.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

05:22 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: Oh, god, I hated the lead scientist

05:22 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I came to the conclusion that the humans found the frat house Engineers.

05:22 <screenaholic> !seen megazoid

05:22 <DerpyBot> screenaholic: The last time I saw megazoid was 2014-07-08 00:24:03 UTC

05:22 <BubbleBerry> But how would they have a mural of the xenomorph drone if the deacon is the protegenator of the xenomorph

05:22 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I'm just glad they cut out the angry beating his girlfriend that leads into you-know-what scene. It definitely made him even more unlikable.

05:23 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi, screenaholic.

05:23 <BubbleBerry> Also, if the engineers have DNA that is exactly like a human's DNA, why does the deacon not look like and have a life cycle like a Xeno?

05:23 <screenaholic> Hey Nossy.

05:23 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: They had a beating scene? Are they trying to make us hate this character?

05:23 <VinylScratch> Probably

05:23 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: As well, the lead female was almost like the horror movie virgin. And Theron's character was pretty much the ice queen, and Weyland was 'the old man in the haunted amusement park.'

05:23 <BubbleBerry> Ah

05:24 <BubbleBerry> So it's basically a super philosphical teen slasher set in the aliens universe with a ton of religious undertones?

05:24 <BubbleBerry> And the characters are slightly more developed

05:24 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: That's my conclusion, yes.

05:25 <BubbleBerry> I dunno, it didn't have all the cliched elements of a slasher flick

05:25 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: seriously, I didn't care about anyone pretty soon. It was moreso just watching them and wondering how soon before they died.

05:25 <BubbleBerry> Though, the original aliens was supposed to be a slasher flick in space. But, you know, with good characters

05:25 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Even Noomi's character seems relatively non-chalant after seeing her boyfriend roasted alive.

05:25 *** Joins: BerryPunch[EoH] (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

05:25 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Alien at least had the good fortune of 'character development.'

05:25 <BubbleBerry> Now that I think of it, you're right

05:26 *** Quits: thelema5_choring (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

05:26 *** Joins: FEDsquared (jxrmshjqvth@Pony-m0b820.res.rr.com)

05:26 <BubbleBerry> Also, why are none of my questions about Alien answered in Prometheus?

05:26 *** Parts: FEDsquared (jxrmshjqvth@Pony-m0b820.res.rr.com) ()

05:26 <VinylScratch> because lolanswers

05:26 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Because...it depends on what you believe...or, what you choose to believe.

05:26 <VinylScratch> Sequel bait

05:26 <BubbleBerry> In fact, I left prometheus with more questions than I did answeres

05:26 *** BerryPunch[EoH] is now known as StarlightIronhoof[EoH]

05:26 <BubbleBerry> Like what was the black good?

05:26 <BubbleBerry> *goo

05:26 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: *holds up hands* It is...what you believe it to be.

05:27 <BubbleBerry> Is it different from the shiny green goo?

05:27 <FlutterSocks> If you could have Sweetie Belle for a day where would you take her for fun :3 I dont recommend the zoo, so I think Id take her to a malt shop, then to see a movie.

05:27 <FlutterSocks> Id be the best babysitter ever

05:27 <FlutterSocks> or id spoil her rotten.

05:27 <BubbleBerry> Why are the Engineers trying to kill all the humans? Didn't they create us?

05:27 *** Joins: ButtcheeksMcGee (svjykpacwqk@Pony-67oltb.ga.comcast.net)

05:27 <ButtcheeksMcGee> hello people

05:27 <BubbleBerry> Did they create us on accidnet?

05:27 <ButtcheeksMcGee> hello MLP chatroom

05:27 <FlutterSocks> Isnt that the story of Final Fantasy 13?

05:27 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I could tell you my theory that they are the fratboy Engineers, and the true engineers are on the other side of the planet.

05:28 <BubbleBerry> If they did create us on accident, why would they let us live for a long time

05:28 <ButtcheeksMcGee> <---- look at my name pl0x0rz

05:28 <VinylScratch> ....change it please

05:28 <SurfNinja> I'd wonder why there was a talking horse in my room.

05:28 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: I'd love to hear your theory in depth

05:28 <ButtcheeksMcGee> guess what

05:28 <ButtcheeksMcGee> NIGGERS

05:28 <FlutterSocks> well.

05:28 <BubbleBerry> mods

05:28 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Well, most likely, they stole the jars as part of a fraternity prank, and dared one guy to take some...and that explains the holograms running.

05:28 <ButtcheeksMcGee> ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...

05:28 *** ButtcheeksMcGee was kicked by VinylScratch ([BASSCANNON 3.0 - Eject mode: ACTIVATED!] !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaokv2fST0Q)

05:28 *** Joins: ButtcheeksMcGee (svjykpacwqk@Pony-67oltb.ga.comcast.net)

05:29 <BubbleBerry> What about that one guy who died?

05:29 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: As well, the one that they woke up was suffering a massive hangover, and he just wanted some aspirin, leading him to angrily start killing people.

05:29 <ButtcheeksMcGee> FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK Y

05:29 <ButtcheeksMcGee> FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK YOU         FUCK Y

05:29 *** DerpyBot sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-67oltb.ga.comcast.net

05:29 *** ButtcheeksMcGee was kicked by DerpyBot (I only like spam when it comes with my muffins.)

05:29 <FlutterSocks> lol spam with muffins

05:29 <VinylScratch> and that'll do

05:29 <SurfNinja> DerpyBot must love Hawaii.

05:29 <VinylScratch> I'll just replace it once the ban expires

05:29 <Yeppoh> What just happened?

05:29 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: You mean the decapitated engineer?

05:29 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: yeah

05:29 <FlutterSocks> thats called a trol.

05:29 <FlutterSocks> troll*

05:29 <VinylScratch> stupidity, Yeppoh

05:29 <screenaholic> I really don't get the amusement in that. It's not even like he's a big bother, just an inconvience.

05:30 <VinylScratch> he's probably laughing like a hyena

05:30 *** Joins: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net)

05:30 <VinylScratch> because idiot

05:30 <FlutterSocks> he feels like he has power.

05:30 <SurfNinja> Some people crave attention in dumb ways?

05:30 *** Joins: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net)

05:30 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: He was the one who was part of the fraternity prank, and they decapitated him, whiel the others were all, 'Ok man, it was an accident. If anyone asks, it was a freakin accident! We swear!!'

05:31 *** Joins: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Kali_Graphia)

05:31 <BubbleBerry> But the guy who got the not xenomorph in his chest was called the "last engineer". So wouldn't that imply he's the last engineer?

05:31 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Plus, the one engineer who woke up, he was still suffering a hangover, so he was taking the ship to get some aspirin...but when they wrecked his ship, in his inebriated and mentally drunken state, all he could think was, 'They wrecked my brother's ride! I'll kill them!!'

05:31 <BubbleBerry> Or is that name like, "he 's the last engineer on this part of the thing?"

05:31 <Thelema5> Engineer?  Are ya'll talking about a game?

05:31 <VinylScratch> Prometheus the film

05:31 <Yeppoh> I thought they were talking about "alien"

05:32 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I just joke that he's the last one in this side of the planet. The real smart ones are somewhere else, on the other side. EVery civilization needs a group of dunderheads.

05:32 <Yeppoh> Clse enough.

05:32 <Thelema5> Oh.  I haven't seen it.

05:32 <BubbleBerry> I suppose

05:32 <Muffin_Spectacles> I just like to think in Prometheus, they just found the idiots of the giant albino civilization.

05:32 <BubbleBerry> It explains why nothing makes any sense

05:32 <BubbleBerry> or, at least, anything involving the Engies

05:33 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: exactly! They're asking him all these questions and he's just like, 'I don't know, man...Ijust woke up my head hurts I don't know now shut this guy and this stupid girl up!!'

05:33 <BubbleBerry> I feel like rewatching the movie now, but keeping your Engineer fraternity theory in mind

05:34 <BubbleBerry> I just need to find a blockbuster

05:34 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: To me, it's the only thing that makes sense. A teen slasher flick in space with a frat house of inept supreme beings.

05:34 <FlutterSocks> Ohhhhhhhhhh yesssssss

05:34 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/680656

05:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about artist:darkflame75 safe mouth hold socks solo (and 1 more)

05:34 * FlutterSocks doki dokis like mad!

05:34 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-aqhtpo.bigpond.net.au)

05:35 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: A PHILISOPHICAL teen slasher with RELIGIOUS UNDERTONES with a frat house of inept supreme being directed by RIDLEY SCOTT

05:35 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I wonder if I should make that a blog post, because I've never seen anyone else think of this film in those terms.

05:35 <BubbleBerry> I think you're the only one

05:35 <BubbleBerry> Everyone else is trying to figure out what the hell is going on

05:36 <VinylScratch> lol

05:37 * screenaholic noms on Vinyl's delicous blueberry mane.

05:37 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-9d26gn.ph.cox.net)

05:37 <BubbleBerry> So, seriously was the Deacon supposed to be the protegenor of the Xenomorph? is so, why did Engineer frathouse beta sigma alpha have a mural of a normal xeno drone?

05:37 *** Joins: PaintedHarmony (tvdkqyltsth@Pony-kd9bdl.ca.comcast.net)

05:37 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I think we've mostly written it off, and are in agreement that prequels to films over 10-20+ years old are just poison and stupid.

05:37 <BubbleBerry> Like the Star Wars Prequels!

05:38 <PaintedHarmony> Hi!

05:38 *** Joins: Deadbane (yhefmdlggbi@Pony-mp8aop.al.comcast.net)

05:38 <BubbleBerry> Ohai, PaintedHarmony

05:38 * TimidClef dumps black goo on BubbleBerry

05:38 *** Parts: FlutterSocks (FlutterSock@Pony-ot2it9.tn.comcast.net) ()

05:38 <PaintedHarmony> :)

05:38 <BubbleBerry> What's this black goo? is it different from the shiny green goo?

05:38 <BubbleBerry> Was it always intended as a biological weapon, or is it just some weird alien crap?

05:38 <VinylScratch> it's alien alcohol

05:38 <TimidClef> It's literally alien crap

05:39 <PaintedHarmony> lol

05:39 *** DerpyBot sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-67oltb.ga.comcast.net

05:39 <BubbleBerry> Well, i can't say the word I had in mind

05:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> VinylScratch: I'd buy that for a dollar! It's like a liquor-suicide with life-concoctions.

05:39 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: How'd you feel about RoboCop 2014?

05:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I was joking that in the opening, the cup the engineer on Earth drinks, looks like a reese's peanut butter cup.

05:39 <PearlyWhites> Oh My! Vinyl is right! now the frathouse theory has even more sense!

05:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Had no want to see it.

05:39 <VinylScratch> LMAO

05:40 <PaintedHarmony> ..

05:40 <BubbleBerry> I might see it

05:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: If it comes on Netflix streaming, I might watch it.

05:40 <BubbleBerry> You know, if I wanna torture myself

05:40 <BubbleBerry> I'll stick with the 1980's one

05:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> PearlyWhites: Yeah, all those vhemicals are just their stockpile of universal alcoholic beverages.

05:40 * TimidClef thinks about arting

05:40 <Deadbane> dovahkiin, dovahkiin, nahl ok zin los vahriin, wah dein vokul, mahfaeraak ahst vaal! ahrk fin norok paal graan, fod nust hon zindro zan, dovahkiin, fah hiin, kogaan mu draal!

05:40 <BubbleBerry> Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna make a sammich

05:40 *** Quits: PaintedHarmony (tvdkqyltsth@Pony-kd9bdl.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:41 <VinylScratch> Timidclef: My Little alien: Chestbursting is magic

05:41 <VinylScratch> draw it! XD

05:41 <Thelema5> LOL

05:41 *** Joins: TinyLuna (klgxrxrfeqy@Pony-hre1h3.co.comcast.net)

05:41 <PearlyWhites> Yeah! lets draw alien pones!

05:41 * Thelema5 sits on tinyLuna

05:41 <Thelema5> Oh, sorry!

05:41 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)

05:41 * TinyLuna flails

05:42 <TimidClef> (My little xeno) I always wondered what face hugs could (my little xeno) until you clamped on and chest-egged me!

05:42 * Snapai howdy

05:42 * Lenfant_Sauvage rescues TinyLuna from being squished.

05:42 <Thelema5> Didn't see you there.

05:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Puts some goo on it, and let us know how it works out.

05:42 * Lenfant_Sauvage then places her on Snapai's head.

05:42 <TimidClef> So I kinda want to sing tonight - but my roommates are going to bed early :-/

05:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> "Cutie Mark Crusader Alien Incubators! YAY!!"

05:42 * screenaholic huggles best tiny princess!

05:42 <TimidClef> rofl Muffin_Spectacles

05:43 <Thelema5> Sing outside?

05:43 <TimidClef> No way to record it then

05:43 <Thelema5> No, but it's good practice.

05:44 <TimidClef> It's also - 114 outside >.<

05:44 * Snapai has a woonahat!

05:44 * TinyLuna hides in the corner http://tinyurl.com/md5jnsm

05:44 <Muffin_Spectacles> TimidClef: Now I just had an image of the three of the CM's each with a hoof raised, and a facehugger on their faces, and mumbling that cry.

05:44 <Thelema5> I just tried singing a bunch of of montreal songs, and failed mirserably.  I ow respect Kevin barnes even more.

05:44 <Yeppoh> Did you fold it yourself Snapai? =P

05:45 <TimidClef> Dat blanket woona

05:45 <Thelema5> That boys got some pipes!

05:45 * TinyLuna shutters

05:45 *** Joins: bsellers267 (satmvechhrj@Pony-bvd0i1.clients.pavlovmedia.com)

05:45 <Snapai> Yeppoh, no, Lenfant_Sauvage put her on mah hed

05:45 <bsellers267> OH YEAH LOOK WHAT I HAVE COMING: http://s15.postimg.org/4eh6etm1n/squee.png

05:45 <bsellers267> Boom

05:45 *** WorkFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

05:46 <Yeppoh> Oh yeah.

05:46 * Yeppoh can't keep up the channel's pace. =P

05:46 <bsellers267> The hot topic rainbow/daring do shirt and then a luna/nightmare moon shirt

05:46 <bsellers267> Will be in Thursday

05:46 * bsellers267 squees

05:47 <TimidClef> Awesome :D

05:47 <TinyLuna> I want that too http://www.amazon.com/Little-Pony-Adventure-Collection-Three-Book/dp/0316406120

05:47 <bsellers267> Don't we all?

05:48 *** Badger is now known as Badger|Away

05:48 * VinylScratch is getting the daring doo set in october

05:48 * Yeppoh hasn't got enough time to read. =C

05:48 <VinylScratch> already have the princess journal - great book, btw

05:48 <VinylScratch> fun stuff

05:49 * TinyLuna jumps on Vinyl's mane

05:49 <Muffin_Spectacles> brb - going to relax a bit.

05:50 *** Deadbane is now known as Spellweave

05:50 <bsellers267> okay time to play more Minish cap on my GBA

05:50 <Thelema5> Wow.  Blown away by Kevin Barnes' live acoustic cover of Bowie's Star Man.  Better than the original

05:50 * bsellers267 pulls out his GBA SP

05:50 <Thelema5> !linmhttp://youtu.be/673u4J6nVfA

05:50 <Thelema5> Er,

05:51 <Thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/673u4J6nVfA

05:51 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Of Montreal, Starman (acoustic)

05:51 * Thelema5 wonders how he can learn to do that

05:52 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|MtG

05:52 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (Mibbit@Felonious.Wretch)

05:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h ADragonDreaming

05:52 *** Spellweave is now known as Solo_Act

05:52 *** Joins: FuzzBall (vbfstjwrnam@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP)

05:55 * Thelema5 goes to practice more music

05:55 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

05:56 <TinyLuna> Nooo my cookies! http://tinyurl.com/pyffzyv

05:57 <jamis> TinyLuna's been outcuted.

05:57 <TinyLuna> I just want my cookies ;_;

05:57 <BubbleBerry> Hey Muffin_Spectacles!

05:58 <jamis> If you want, I'll give you some of my lima beans.

05:58 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Hello.

05:58 <BubbleBerry> hullo!

05:58 <BubbleBerry> So, have you seen Transformers 4?

05:58 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Yeah. Third time yesterday evening.

05:59 <jamis> Third time!?

05:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Better than ROTF, but not the greatest.

05:59 <BubbleBerry> Is it good? is it better than the other 3? Does Optimus Prime act like Optimus Prime?

05:59 <TinyLuna> Octopus Prime!

05:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I still prefer the 1st and 3rd ones. This one did leave me feeling hollow, like when I saw Armageddon in 1998.,

05:59 <jamis> !link octopus

05:59 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/109418?scope=scpe2f88e0e548632f30a76cf0936c6bdf78d7d06158

06:00 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Though the film does manage to do some surprising things...but by the time its over, you just want to take a nap.

06:00 * The_Nostalgia_Mare sleeps on screenaholic and BubbleBerry.

06:00 <screenaholic> Night Nossy.

06:00 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Night.

06:00 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Optimus is almost like a brain-damaged war veteran at times. You haven't seen a Transformers movie until you hear Peter Cullen yell, "I'LL KILL YOU!!"

06:00 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net) (Quit: Miss you lots!)

06:00 <BubbleBerry> Night, nossy

06:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Plus, my fears that Stanley Tucci would be as annoying asTurturro were luckily put to rest.

06:01 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

06:01 <BubbleBerry> One odd thing I found with the Tranformers movies, particularly the 2nd and 3rd ones is how optimus, who's been characterised in the same exact way he's been for the past 30 years; the kind, peaceful, benevolent leader of the autobots, but the he runs around punching holes in people and brutally tearing their faces off

06:02 <BubbleBerry> And even when his enemies beg for mercy, he still tears their faces off and punches holes in them

06:02 <Yeppoh> Time to sleep.

06:02 <BubbleBerry> G'night

06:02 <Yeppoh> G'dnight, y'all!

06:02 *** Quits: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: I'll be back)

06:02 <jamis> Night awwwww

06:03 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: Did you ever find that odd? Did you ever see the older g1 transformers stuff?

06:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: And you can be sure you'll get a verbal coda once you're dead.

06:03 <jamis> Jetfire was my favorite.

06:03 <BubbleBerry> verbal coda?

06:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I was of the young age when G1 was out, though in truth, I prefer Transformers Animated more than G1. Animated is almost like G1, but with a little more substance.

06:03 *** Quits: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Kali_Graphia) (Quit: )

06:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Like he'd look over your body and go, "Dead, and berried."

06:04 <BubbleBerry> Oh, god

06:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: If you've seen the first 3, you should recall he gave each of the bad guys a parting line before killing them.

06:04 <BubbleBerry> oh, yeah

06:04 *** VinylScratch is now known as Vinyl|MCraft

06:05 <BubbleBerry> http://www.hdwallpapers.in/walls/dreads_dark_of_the_moon-wide.jpg Also, this is my favourite bayformer

06:05 <BubbleBerry> He looks like a Predator

06:05 *** Joins: Dust (ipwlvosgsmp@Pony-7n5gbl.ok.cox.net)

06:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Spotlight Music: Anthropology By Bloo / Love Is Magic - Third Movement / Button's Adventure Time  [ http://tinyurl.com/m8fc2pm ]

06:06 *** Parts: FuzzBall (vbfstjwrnam@Pony-enn.h5c.218.2.IP) ()

06:06 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I tolerate the Transformer films, but the way people are saying it is the worst thing ever, proves they haven't seen enough horrible movies.

06:06 <Dust> Can I assume a lot has changed since I've been gone?

06:06 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: I think they make me mad, because I'm a big fan of the Transformers as a franchise, but they're not the worst movies I've ever seen

06:07 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I just try to tell myself how illogical the cartoon could be at times...and that softens the blow a bit.

06:07 <BubbleBerry> I guess

06:07 *** Quits: Dust (ipwlvosgsmp@Pony-7n5gbl.ok.cox.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I used the same mental yoga with the Star WArs prequels, reminding myself that Lucas was mainly digging into myth, legend, and serials. The rampant fanboy rage just makes me less of a SW fan than I was ages ago.

06:08 <BubbleBerry> Speaking of movies that make people mad and have a lot of death and destruction, have you seen man of steel?

06:08 * LightDash fly around

06:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Yeah, saw it twice in theaters, and didn't really care much for it.

06:08 *** Quits: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

06:08 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: I can kinda tolerate the Prequels, mostly due to Expanded Universe

06:08 <BubbleBerry> Expanded Universe makes the prequels a lot lest stupid

06:08 <BubbleBerry> *less

06:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Yep, the EU, the equivalent of MLP fanfic, where background characters become the most awesome, and powerful beings ever.

06:09 <BubbleBerry> Pretty much

06:09 <BubbleBerry> And then disney made EU not canon. So now the prequels are dumb again. But that blind rage I had when I first saw them has kinda worn off

06:09 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: My feeling is that people tend to latch on too much to something that's 'cool,' and it blinds them to a lot of other potential stuff in series.

06:10 <BubbleBerry> Like Boba Fett and Vinyl Scratch and Daryl Dixon?

06:10 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I practiced Obi'Wan's 'Don't give in to hate' a long time ago, so I've controlled my emotions.

06:10 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: And Trixie.

06:10 <BubbleBerry> Well, when I first saw the star wars prequels, I was like 5

06:10 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Ah. I was just finishing my first year of college. So that shows my age.

06:11 * Muffin_Spectacles was 17 when they released the SW Special Editions in theaters.

06:11 <BubbleBerry> My mom got me the Star Wars special editions and Dead Space 3 for christmas. I don't mind the Special Editions that much, just because I get to have the OT, and there's no other way to watch them

06:12 <jamis> OT?

06:12 <BubbleBerry> Original Trilogy

06:12 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I like to joke that people who claim there are 'only 3 star wars movies' are living in a state of denial.

06:12 <jamis> You mean 4-6? On what?

06:13 <Muffin_Spectacles> The Prequels are like that crazy Uncle you have that everyone tries to deny ever existed.

06:13 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-jojapo.mtl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

06:13 <BubbleBerry> jamis: I got the original trilogy as a DVD/Blu Ray combo thing, and they're the special edition

06:13 <jamis> I got them on vhs...

06:13 <Muffin_Spectacles> People really need to stop asking for sequels 15-20 years after something ended. Really people, we don't need Ghostbusters 3, or Goonies 2!

06:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> Ghostbusters 3 is a fool's errand, since the only one who'd probably come back would be Dan Akroyd.

06:14 <BubbleBerry> I don't mind some of the edits, you know making the quality of the picture and the audio better, making the lightsabers and lasers look better, stuff like that.

06:14 <jamis> As much as I'd like another ghostbusters movie... I gotta agree.

06:14 <jamis> The game was the third movie.

06:14 <BubbleBerry> Also, isn't an akroyd a creepy weirdo?

06:14 <BubbleBerry> *Dan Akroyd

06:14 *** Solo_Act is now known as Spellweave

06:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> jamis: But people keep saying it'll be cool and great...that's the kind of denial 40-year-old men wanting to reclaim their high school glory days go through.

06:15 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: He's pretty much doing nothing but promoting his crystalhead vodka I think.

06:15 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: Remember Rambo IV?

06:15 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Never really cared for the RAmbo films. Wasn't a big Stallone fan.

06:15 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: Ah. I thought he was some weird conspiracy weirdo

06:15 <jamis> Not only that, but we only have three ghostbusters now...

06:15 <BubbleBerry> Who kept talking about aliens and the new world order and some crap like that

06:15 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: But Murray has pretty much said he doesn't want to do it, and Ernie Hudson seemed to say he wouldn't really think of going back.

06:16 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: After all, when Murray was the bright light in the film, and says he's not in, there's really no reson to make it.

06:16 <BubbleBerry> Yeah. besides, just like aliens and terminator, it should have ended with 2

06:16 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Ever seen Blues Brothers 2000?

06:16 <BubbleBerry> I've heard of it

06:16 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: The Nostalgia Critic reviewed it, and its a prime example of a sequel that didn't need to be made.

06:16 <BubbleBerry> Yeah, definitley

06:17 <jamis> BubbleBerry, T2 was a great movie that should've been the end. There was no need for a third and forth. None.

06:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: It's like Indy 4: it's taking place in a very low late point in someone's life, and it's depressing.

06:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: To me, T2 is the end, and just like Aliens. I don't have any movies beyond those for those franchises.

06:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> Aliens has a beautiful ending, like the nightmares are finally over.

06:18 *** Quits: Cloud_Runner_ (_Cloud_Runn@Pony-mjcak6.highway.telekom.at) (Client exited)

06:18 <BubbleBerry> The Comics and some of the video games do a way better job of carrying on the story and universe of movies like Ghostbusters and Aliens and Terminator much better than the movies

06:18 *** Quits: Encore (erekrpcbisj@Pony-i5rkr5.bois.qwest.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:18 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I just get a little tired of Skynet just keeps sending back more and more terminators. It soon gets to be comedy instead of tragedy.

06:18 *** Quits: Spellweave (yhefmdlggbi@Pony-mp8aop.al.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:19 <BubbleBerry> Yeah, like, they already did it 3 times! Why not just do something logical?

06:19 *** Quits: SurfNinja (chuqmjmxdyl@Pony-pp3m3m.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

06:19 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: http://youtu.be/qd0Trz7O5YI - here's the Nostalgia Critic's review of Blues Brothers 2000...this is a prime reason why I have little faith that a Ghostbusters 3 can be any good.

06:19 <BubbleBerry> Like send some kinda nuke thing to Los Angeles and blow up everyone. I doubt Skynet Cares about collateral damage, either human or property

06:20 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: You need to send back living tissue, so you'd need to coat that bomb in living tissue.

06:20 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: I saw the review

06:20 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Ah, ok. I love the pills scene.

06:20 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: "Maybe, midi-chlorians, do make sense!"

06:21 <BubbleBerry> I haven't seen the review in a while

06:21 *** Joins: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-jojapo.mtl.aei.ca)

06:21 <BubbleBerry> I've been watching a lt of RedLetterMedia.

06:21 <BubbleBerry> Mostly Half in the Bag

06:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Like the scene where we find that Jake is dead, and the orphanage is no more, is pretty much like Indy 4: Indy's friends are pretty much all dead, and his life is rather sad.

06:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: But the Critic's review has a cameo by 'Ghost Rider Pony.' :P

06:21 <BubbleBerry> True.

06:21 <TinyLuna> I don't wanna work tomorrow!

06:22 <TinyLuna> ><

06:22 <jamis> https://derpibooru.org/681274

06:22 <BubbleBerry> I feel like the only way to bring back an old movie, as much as I hate them , is to just reboot them

06:22 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: My one hope is I'll be dead before anyone says, 'We're remaking Back to the Future.'

06:22 <jamis> TinyLuna, work = cookies.

06:22 * TinyLuna sighs

06:23 <jamis> yeah...

06:23 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mct7gq.mycingular.net) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

06:23 <BubbleBerry> As much as people would complain about a remake of an old movie, I feel like reboots do more justice than making a really sad sequel like Blues Bros 2K or The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

06:23 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: That's another series that makes me want to hit anyone that says, 'We need a Back to the Future 4.' I just want to smack them and go, 'No we don't! It's a perfect trilogy! Don't mess with it!!"

06:23 <BubbleBerry> What the hell would they do with a back to the future 4?

06:23 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I agree with Spielberg in one interview, that Last Crusade had a pretty decent ending that meant, move on.

06:23 <jamis> BubbleBerry, true that.

06:23 <BubbleBerry> Just have marty and co $^$# around with the past?

06:23 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-pol8p5.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

06:24 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Oh, maybe some kids find the damaged flux capacitor, and get it working, and go on their own time travel adventure.

06:24 <Muffin_Spectacles> There was back tothe future the game which was rather convoluted, but as its not in movie form, I consider it like BTTF EU.

06:24 <BubbleBerry> You know what would be the worst sequel?

06:24 <BubbleBerry> ET 2

06:25 <jamis> lol

06:25 <BubbleBerry> You think I'm playin'?

06:25 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Luckily, Spielberg has final say in yes or no on that.

06:25 <BubbleBerry> Thank god

06:26 <BubbleBerry> So, moving right along from picturing your childhoods getting destroyed, do you think Batman vs Superman will be good?

06:26 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net)

06:26 *** Joins: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net)

06:27 <BubbleBerry> I think DC's current problem in movies is that they think making everything overly dark and brooding and having hundreds of thousands of people die is being serious

06:27 <BubbleBerry> Captain America is a great example of being a serious superhero movie, but not being a sullen joyless mess with no fun

06:27 <BubbleBerry> The Winter Soldier, I mean

06:27 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: I have lttle hope for BvS. Warners just doesn't strike me that they know what they're doing. They're like other studios with animation: Soimething hits it big, and they immediately go, "Do that again! and again! and again!!"

06:27 <DiscordsDestiny> I have just finished my Friday video, even though I know I'm two and a half days early. I won't upload it, but trust me when I say I think this one's gonna be my best one yet. :D

06:28 <DiscordsDestiny> Well, I won't upload it until then.

06:28 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Man of Steel didn't really endear me to the film. Then again, Zach Snyder is like Roland Emmerich: aka 'Michael Bay-lite.'

06:28 *** Q0|Away is now known as Q0

06:29 <DiscordsDestiny> I liked Watchmen. :)

06:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by CouchCrusader: Outside Insight Summer Fanfic Contest: Now with FimFiction Group! [ http://tinyurl.com/oj4r89f ]

06:31 <Muffin_Spectacles> DiscordsDestiny: Watchmen to me got the visual nuances, but emotionally, it just felt hollow. Snyder lined up the visuals with the novel's images...but it didn't really feel there was a heart behind it.

06:31 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (qwksesqpfno@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

06:31 <Bubble-Berry> It's like Infinity Ward and the Modern Warfare series. Modern Warfare 1 was a huge success, so they kept trying to make the same thing in the hopes everyone would love it the same way they loved CoD4

06:31 <Bubble-Berry> Also, back

06:31 <TinyLuna> Guardians of the Galaxy looks good

06:31 * TinyLuna wants to see that

06:31 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (qwksesqpfno@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:31 <Bubble-Berry> I wanna see Guardians of the Galaxy

06:32 <Bubble-Berry> Marvel knows how to make SuperHero movies

06:32 <TinyLuna> Guardians has hilarious comics

06:32 <Bubble-Berry> I've never read the Guardians comics

06:32 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

06:33 <jamis> The only comics I've read in the past 10 years were mlp and even then only recently.

06:33 <Bubble-Berry> Muffin_Spectacles: So, do you think Warner Bros is gonna try and take a chance with Batman vs Superman?

06:33 <Muffin_Spectacles> I've been avoiding almost all Guardians stuff for the last 8 months, because I want to be surprised.

06:33 <Bubble-Berry> Or do you think it's gonna be more dark depressing unfun crap filled with death?

06:34 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: I'll just wait to see what others say about B vs S. I was just upset that there really wasn't much emotion in Man of Steel.

06:34 <Bubble-Berry> I felt emotion in man of steel

06:34 <Bubble-Berry> mostly anger and confusion

06:34 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: If I would have seen people running away from the danger or pulverized into dust, I might have taken it more seriously. But come on...you have people standing in the shadow of a giant building falling down, and noone runs away!?

06:34 <TinyLuna> it's like a funny Star Wars

06:35 <Muffin_Spectacles> I sometimes find it funny that people still love Darth Vader, even though it's mentioned that he killed children.

06:36 <Muffin_Spectacles> It's not often one can find people that still love fictional child-killers, and still find them to be heroes.

06:37 <Bubble-Berry> I would have taken man of Steel more seriously if people reacted realisitically, but I have a bunch f Problems with man of Steel, including the overly dark tone, the weird way they presented the story, the "twist" at the end (wink wink), The amount of death and destruction in a superman movie, the creepy out of place 9/11 esque imagery, and more

06:37 <TinyLuna> Vader is a badguy he remembers who he was before Vader at the end and saves his son

06:38 <Muffin_Spectacles> TinyLuna: Sol many rag on ROTJ, but it's rather commendable that Luke does not give in to Obi wan and Yoda's deception that he kill his Father...he decides to do something totally out of left field.

06:38 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-pol8p5.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

06:38 <screenaholic> Yo.

06:38 <Bubble-Berry> I liked ROTJ

06:38 <Muffin_Spectacles> Btw, that's true: noone seems to think that Obi-Wan and Yoda were filling Luke's head with lies just so he would kill his father.

06:38 <Bubble-Berry> Ohai screenaholic

06:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: I watched it more than Empire when I was a kid. Empire Strikes Back and Raiders were the two films I rarely watched from the Lucasfilm releases.

06:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> I know Hamill said that he felt the end of JEdi didn't go the way he envisioned, but it's moreso about trying to save your family, and struggling to do so in the face of ultimate evil.

06:39 <Bubble-Berry> You know, I hate to rag on the prequels, considering how much people hate on them, but I hate how the prequels make Anikin seem like space jesus

06:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> Pretty much once Luke knows what he plans to do, he never calls Vader 'Vader' anymore, but 'Father.'

06:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: I think that i part of the downfall of the prequels, in that we can't really put ourselves in Anakin's shoes like we could Luke's.

06:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> Luke was like many of us: the kid who wanted to escape home and find adventure...and we were discovering this new universe along with him.

06:40 <Bubble-Berry> Like, Vader always seemed like just some weirdo SS officer who goes down with the troops and messes up crap with the Stormtroopers

06:41 <Bubble-Berry> But the prequels treat him like some giant pieces of a puzzle who's basically jesus

06:41 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Well, he's basically that one guy who is there for the amusement of the Emperor to act tough, but he really does very little of substance...but he became the icon of evil moreso than Lucas intended.

06:41 <Bubble-Berry> Yeah

06:41 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Btw, 'Chosen One' storylines are my most hated plotline. That's why I despise 'Avatar,' '2010's Alice in Wonderland,' and to an extent, 'The MAtrix.'

06:42 <TinyLuna> Star Wars in the Guardians style trailer lol... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYMJdhbitXQ

06:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> It's just those stupid things like, 'Well can't I do this?' "...no, it's not in the prophecy. Just sit there and do nothing.'

06:42 <Bubble-Berry> It can be executed well, but most of the time it's crap

06:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: The LEGO movie is one of the few places where it works, because it's not hammered into our skulls.

06:43 <Bubble-Berry> it's sad The LEGO Movie has abetter plot than Avatar...

06:43 <TimidClef|MtG> To an extent, The LEGO movie works with it because it lampshades the trope

06:43 <TimidClef|MtG> It recognizes that it's a "chosen one" storyline, and points a big spotlight on it and laughs at itself

06:43 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP)

06:43 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: But what works is how layered the LEGO movie is, and yet, it's not too complex, and not too dumb.

06:43 <TinyLuna> OMG I love that trailer hahah

06:44 * TimidClef|MtG poofs back into playing MtG

06:44 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: I was prepared to dislike the LEGO movie, but then it turned out to make me care...to me, I want a movie to make me care...rip my heart out, which seldom few do.

06:44 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

06:45 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Btw, have you heard the nostalgia critic's Superman, not Batman song?

06:45 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: http://youtu.be/LwleKgkc8Ys

06:46 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: At least Twilight had her friends get the Ponyville citizens to seek shelter. :P

06:47 <Bubble-Berry> I just realised something

06:47 <jamis> ?

06:47 <Bubble-Berry> DC actually has made a fun movie recently!

06:47 <jamis> ?

06:48 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Green Lantern?

06:48 <Bubble-Berry> A "fun" movie! Remember! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6b/Green_Lantern_poster.jpg

06:48 <Bubble-Berry> O-oh yeah

06:48 <jamis> Haven't seen it.

06:49 <Bubble-Berry> I think they saw how much people hated Green lantern and how much people liked The Dark Knight and assumed people hate humour and fun by making their movies progressivley darker

06:49 <DiscordsDestiny> So much lost potential...

06:50 <DiscordsDestiny> With Green Lantern, that is.

06:50 <Bubble-Berry> By my estimate, by the time they get to the Justice League movie, everyone will mope, all 7 billion people on earth will be dead, and the entire earth will be destroyed

06:50 <TinyLuna> I enjoyed Teen Titans

06:50 <jamis> Go

06:50 <TinyLuna> that was DC right?

06:50 <Bubble-Berry> TinyLuna: Yeah, but that was a TV show from like 10 years ago

06:50 <Bubble-Berry> I'm talking about DC's recent movies

06:51 <DiscordsDestiny> TinyLuna: That was~ Teen Titans Go is an unfunny travesty, though~

06:51 <Bubble-Berry> Oh god, Teen Titans Go

06:51 <jamis> I like it.

06:51 <TinyLuna> The Flash is comming out soon.

06:51 <Bubble-Berry> Why would you mention that

06:51 <Muffin_Spectacles> In the case of darkness, someone needs to get Wes Anderson - 3/4 of his movies are depressively suicidal...or at least make me feel that way.

06:51 <TinyLuna> that's a TV show though

06:51 <jamis> I didn't care for the dark seriousness of the other.

06:51 <Bubble-Berry> Wes Anderson and Christopher Nolan direct/produce the flash

06:52 <Bubble-Berry> he mopes while running into orphanages

06:52 <TinyLuna> DC is good at TV shows, Smallville, The Arrow, Flash...

06:52 <DiscordsDestiny> Bubble-Berry: Because I have been hating on it all day and it does not deserve a slight chance for a break~

06:52 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Of course, you'll get Nolan's brother towrite it...and the Flash will have a tragic childhood, and keep flashing back and forth.

06:52 <Bubble-Berry> DiscordsDestiny: I think I hate Teen Titans go as much, even a bit more than I hate Man of Steel

06:53 <TinyLuna> Gothem is going to be pretty cool too

06:53 <DiscordsDestiny> Bubble-Berry: That's a lotta hate~

06:53 <Bubble-Berry> So much hate

06:53 <DiscordsDestiny> I'm excited for Constantine. :)

06:53 <jamis> Constantine?

06:53 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Titans Go has that habit of just resetting with each episode, and anything goes...so no character continuity.

06:54 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: I will admit I do kind of like the Girls Night Out episode.

06:54 *** Joins: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net)

06:54 <DiscordsDestiny> Bubble-Berry: Like the fact that BB and Cyborg fought over the last slice of pepperoni pizza.

06:54 *** Quits: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:54 <jamis> Teen titans go is wonderfully stupid.

06:54 <DiscordsDestiny> jamis: Constantine is about a bad-ass demon hunter. :P

06:54 *** Joins: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net)

06:55 <jamis> Didn't they already make that into a movie?

06:55 <Thelema5> Whaa?

06:55 <Bubble-Berry> I remember, my brother was watching Teen Titans go, and I walked out to get a soda, and when I came back, it was the dream episode, so when I came back, it was Robin's dream, and it was in the style of the original show, so I thought they were airing original episodes, So I sat down, watched it, and realised... oh god, It's GO!, not the original

06:55 <Thelema5> Invalid password/

06:55 *** Thelema5 is now known as Pony_79550

06:55 *** Quits: Pony_79550 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:55 <Bubble-Berry> DiscordsDestiny: I hated that episode so much

06:55 <Bubble-Berry> I hate it more than Man of Steel

06:55 <jamis> The guy from the matrix was in it.

06:56 <DiscordsDestiny> jamis: They did, yes, but this one's more in tune with the comic.

06:56 <jamis> How was it different?

06:56 <Bubble-Berry> I feel bad for all the original TT voice actors

06:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> The one thing rather irking is how Raven just gives in to everything people ask her to do.

06:56 <DiscordsDestiny> Just see~

06:56 <jamis> Not fair.

06:56 <DiscordsDestiny> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPE2oBnzROY

06:56 *** Joins: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net)

06:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Why feel sorry for them? They're just making a living.

06:56 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

06:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Constantine NBC Official Trailer [HD] | CONSTANTINE

06:56 <Bubble-Berry> Except for Tara Stronhg

06:57 <Thelema5> about time.

06:57 <Bubble-Berry> Muffin_Spectacles: Because, they do VA work in this trite

06:57 <Muffin_Spectacles> I sometimes think people assume that voice actors have some semblance of storytelling power.

06:57 <Bubble-Berry> Except for Tara Strong. SHe's still in MLP and Metal gear

06:57 <DiscordsDestiny> The guys who are behind it haven't even seen an episode of the originals...

06:57 <Bubble-Berry> Muffin_Spectacles: I'm not saying they do. I'm just saying I hate Teen itans Go more than Man of Steel

06:57 <Thelema5> sorry for bouncing in and out.  Was having some login difficulty.

06:57 <Muffin_Spectacles> I also like the woman who voies Starfire.

06:57 <DiscordsDestiny> Muffin_Spectacles: Hynden Welch?

06:58 <Muffin_Spectacles> DiscordsDestiny: Yeah. She seems seriously under-known in the VA world.

06:58 <DiscordsDestiny> She's pretty good in Adventure Time. (I can barely believe I just said that. :P)

06:58 <Thelema5> What's the topic?

06:59 <Bubble-Berry> Oh, yeah, she's Princess Bubblegum

06:59 <Thelema5> I've not been aroud tonight, because music

06:59 <Thelema5> *around

06:59 <DiscordsDestiny> FYI: The entire VA crew behind the Teen Titans also voiced the Royal Flush gang in the Justice League episode "Wild Cards."

06:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> DiscordsDestiny: Yeah, like when she has her freakout moments in the Duke of Nuts episode.

06:59 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:59 <Bubble-Berry> Can we talk about something good? I feel really cynical and mad for some reason

06:59 <jamis> lol

06:59 * Bubble-Berry mutters, "Thanks, M.A. Larson"

06:59 <Thelema5> Cynical isn't good.

07:00 <DiscordsDestiny> Muffin_Spectacles: I haven't seen many AT episodes, sadly. I don't quite understand it. XD

07:00 <Tirek> Teen Titans GO! will do that to you, bubbleberry.

07:00 <DiscordsDestiny> No, it's GREAT! XD

07:00 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-f6r.htm.164.125.IP)

07:00 <Bubble-Berry> Tirek: I just said something good

07:00 <Muffin_Spectacles> DiscordsDestiny: Think of the episode like a game of Calvinball.

07:00 <Bubble-Berry> I used to love the original show

07:00 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com)

07:00 <Tirek> I was commenting on your anger and cynicism

07:00 <Bubble-Berry> Oh, yeah

07:00 <DiscordsDestiny> Muffin_Spectacles: Either I'm too old or too young (aka, I'm sorry, but) what's Calvinball? :P

07:00 <Tirek> Because, yeah, I heard all about Teen Titans: GO! and

07:00 <Tirek> Well

07:01 <Bubble-Berry> For some reason I read "to" as "for".

07:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> DiscordsDestiny: It's the madeup sport in Calvin and Hobbes.

07:01 <TinyLuna> Ponies of the Galaxy

07:01 <DiscordsDestiny> Oh! XD

07:01 <TinyLuna> get on that

07:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> DiscordsDestiny: The main rule is there are no rules.

07:01 <Thelema5> ^

07:01 <Tirek> So yeah

07:01 <Bubble-Berry> As in, "Talking about TT:G! would make me not extremely angry"

07:01 <jamis> Surprised we haven't had a live action calvin and hobbes movie...

07:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> jamis: Which is just fine with many of us.

07:02 <jamis> Same.

07:02 <DiscordsDestiny> Muffin_Spectacles: That was the main rule in Dragonball Evolution, and anyone who has seen it would know how that turned out.

07:02 <Bubble-Berry> jamis: Oh god no

07:02 <Bubble-Berry> Why would you do tha

07:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Fallout Equestria Books Shipping [ http://tinyurl.com/k8gpxu7 ]

07:02 <Thelema5> Has anypony else watched "the Last unicorn"?

07:02 <DiscordsDestiny> jamis: Guess what...

07:02 <jamis> lol

07:02 <jamis> ?

07:02 <DiscordsDestiny> jamis: They're working on it, last I heard.

07:02 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-pol8p5.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

07:02 <jamis> Oh hell

07:02 <Vinyl|MCraft> you knew it was coming

07:02 <Vinyl|MCraft> nothing is sacred

07:03 <Bubble-Berry> That would be worse than Man of Steel, The Last Airbender, Teen Titans GO!, and man of Steel, combined

07:03 *** Vinyl|MCraft is now known as VinylScratch

07:03 <Bubble-Berry> Why would you even say that, jamis!?

07:03 <Thelema5> Thank you, Hagbard Celine.

07:03 <DiscordsDestiny> Paddington Bear, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sly Cooper, Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers...all getting live-action movies. Save for Sly, because they're smart people. :P

07:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> DiscordsDestiny: Chip and Dale are mainly in development. Maybe they'll pull the plug.

07:04 <Bubble-Berry> Oh god

07:04 <Bubble-Berry> Please kill me

07:04 <jamis> Just !kill

07:04 <Bubble-Berry> Just someone come to colorado and kill me

07:04 <DiscordsDestiny> Muffin_Spectacles: Don't count on it...^^;

07:04 <Bubble-Berry> !kill

07:04 * DerpyBot grabs Bubble-Berry and flies off in the general direction of Sugarcube Corner

07:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: But don't you want to speculate on them making My Little Pony in live action?

07:04 <Bubble-Berry> OH LAWD

07:04 <Bubble-Berry> NO

07:04 * DerpyBot returns with a cupcake with Bubble-Berry's name etched into the frosting

07:04 <TinyLuna> Flutters encounters Rocket... oh man... lol http://tinyurl.com/kjgavll

07:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Just think: they'll get zapped to New York City, where they'll make the Empire State of Mind become the Friendship state of Mind.

07:04 * Bubble-Berry grabs Muffin_Spectacles "NO

07:04 <Bubble-Berry> YOU SHUT UP! NO!

07:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: And, we'll get all sorts of big name stars to voice the ponies.

07:04 <Bubble-Berry> BAD!

07:05 <Bubble-Berry> NO

07:05 * DerpyBot covers her ears with her hooves to block out Bubble-Berry's shouting

07:05 *** Quits: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-n5egpc.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Bananas)

07:05 * DiscordsDestiny is dying. He's dying...of laughter. XD

07:05 <Bubble-Berry> So, wait, basically The Smurfs? But with ponies? And a billion times worse?

07:05 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: And just think of the pseudo-rap cover of the theme song they'll put out, let alone how they'll get all of Central Park to sing.

07:05 <Bubble-Berry> NO

07:05 * DerpyBot stands behind Bubble-Berry, glowering

07:05 <Bubble-Berry> ...

07:06 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: And pretty soon, theyll have to stop the evil business people who want to go through the portal to Equestria, and exploit its rare minerals and make lots of money off of them.

07:06 <Bubble-Berry> No

07:06 <Bubble-Berry> Please stop

07:06 <Bubble-Berry> I'm dying inside

07:06 <Bubble-Berry> Also, I imagine a live action MLP movie would be a Transformers knockoff

07:06 <Bubble-Berry> Like Battleship

07:07 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: But it's expanding the Hasbro brand. It'll eventually introduce the ponies to China...oh, and did I mention that they'll end up detouring to China, where the only reactor to get them back to Equestria is? And teh Shanghai government will gladly give of their services.

07:07 *** Joins: Vibrance (ezpkmchszkn@Pony-p7qg8c.bchsia.telus.net)

07:07 <Bubble-Berry> And at the end Twilight Sparkle brutally tears off Discord's face after he begs for mercy after destroying Milawkee

07:08 <Bubble-Berry> And then they all pose in front of the american flag to the tune of a Linkin park song

07:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Naw, nobody knows where Milwaukee is. Probably have Discord destroy one of the Koreas, and then the world is planning to destroy Equestria.

07:08 *** Parts: Vibrance (ezpkmchszkn@AnActualChangeling) ()

07:08 <jamis> I have a milwaukee drill.

07:08 <Bubble-Berry> No, they try and bring equestria to earth with some random macguffin

07:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: And at the end, Discord stays in our world, and assumes the identity of Kim-Jong-Un.

07:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> See? I can think like a madman.

07:08 <Bubble-Berry> No, he kidnaps the president and assumes his identity

07:09 <Bubble-Berry> Then the ponies have to go and tear his face off brutally

07:09 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: But seriously, given how insane North Korea is, it's the perfect place for Discord to spread chaos.

07:09 <Bubble-Berry> And then go tear apart sombra's face

07:09 <Bubble-Berry> Muffin_Spectacles: Oh, definitly

07:09 <Bubble-Berry> BRB

07:09 *** Bubble-Berry was kicked by DerpyBot (DERP!! Stop the CAPS!)

07:09 <jamis> lol

07:09 <jamis> !muffin

07:09 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

07:09 <jamis> yes

07:09 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

07:09 * DerpyBot glomps jamis

07:09 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (qwksesqpfno@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

07:09 <jamis> wb

07:09 <Bubble-Berry> Bleh

07:09 <Bubble-Berry> Danke

07:10 <Bubble-Berry> Anyways, a Live action My Little Pony film would be a freaking train wreck

07:10 *** Quits: atgiermann (atgiermann@Pony-i0onqf.fios.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

07:11 <TinyLuna> Live action?

07:11 <TinyLuna> Liiike this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXoYK4b_q24

07:11 <Bubble-Berry> Oh god

07:11 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

07:12 <Bubble-Berry> Also, all the ponies would look like generic barnyard wrecks

07:12 <Tirek> In drag

07:12 <jamis> Hey Princess-QRS

07:12 <Princess-QRS> sup

07:12 <Bubble-Berry> The only way you could tell them apart by what colour they are

07:12 <Tirek> To appeal to the men

07:12 <Princess-QRS> susuzzzzup in this chat

07:12 <jamis> Anger!

07:12 <Bubble-Berry> And Twilight Sparkle would be the only one with her original voice

07:12 <Bubble-Berry> Fluttershy wouldn't even have a voice

07:13 <Bubble-Berry> She just makes weird buzzing and clicking noises

07:13 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: They'd probably cast Angelina Jolie as the voice of Celestia.

07:13 <Bubble-Berry> oh god

07:13 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Or, try to make them more like the girls in Bridesmaid.

07:14 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

07:14 *** Joins: Ravor (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP)

07:14 *** Parts: Ravor (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP) ("AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )")

07:14 <Bubble-Berry> No man. They have to look like a junkyard explosion

07:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> My biggest peeve with animated characters in live-action, is 9/10 of the time they alays cast big-names for voice actors.

07:14 <Bubble-Berry> But with fur and cutiemarks that look nothing like the original

07:14 <Princess-QRS> and they suck

07:15 <Princess-QRS> Becaus a live actor does not automatically make a good voice actor.

07:15 <Princess-QRS> Exception: Mark Hamil

07:15 <Bubble-Berry> Muffin_Spectacles: Even though Optimus Prime turned into a crazed murderer in the second movie, I like that they used Peter Cullen in the Bayformers movies

07:16 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: I just think worst case scenario with a MLP movie, because they always try to make it work beyond the fans.

07:16 <Bubble-Berry> By fans, do you mean people older than six who aren't girls, or like 4-9 year old girls?

07:16 <Bubble-Berry> Or both?

07:17 <DiscordsDestiny> Anyone hear about how Fox Kids (ah, nostalgia~) tried to make a US version of Sailor Moon?

07:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: They'd probably tihnk mainly of the kids.

07:18 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: After all, Bronies and adult fans are that weird microcosm that Hasbro just fleetingly acts like it exists.

07:18 *** Joins: FEDsquared (jxrmshjqvth@Pony-m0b820.res.rr.com)

07:18 *** Parts: FEDsquared (jxrmshjqvth@Pony-m0b820.res.rr.com) ()

07:19 *** Joins: Harmonica (nrvchnuzgsv@Pony-65u3n1.dyn.suddenlink.net)

07:19 *** Joins: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Kali_Graphia)

07:20 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

07:20 *** Quits: Harmonica (nrvchnuzgsv@Pony-65u3n1.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:20 <Princess-QRS> Kali_Graphia is a good pony.

07:20 <jamis> Hey Ceph

07:20 <jamis> ...

07:20 <Cepheid> Hey.

07:20 <TinyLuna> Anyone remember Howard the Duck by george lucas?

07:20 <jamis> Barely.

07:20 <Kali_Graphia> Hail the Princess.

07:20 <TinyLuna> well I heard something about him being in Guardians lol

07:21 * TinyLuna tap dances

07:21 <DiscordsDestiny> How could we not? It sticks out like a Crystal Skull. :P

07:21 <Cepheid> Finished watching Sword Art Online for the evening.

07:21 <DiscordsDestiny> TinyLuna: I was trying to avoid hearing about that. XD

07:21 <Cepheid> My binge got me up to episode 18.

07:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> Well, I better go, or else I'll be on for another few hours, but this chat definitely helped quell my jealousy of not being at comic-con again.

07:21 <Bubble-Berry> Muffin_Spectacles: I dunno, they tried making Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Battleship, freaking BATTLESHIP for adults

07:21 <Bubble-Berry> Which just means having explosions

07:21 <Princess-QRS> lol that movie

07:22 * Princess-QRS boops TinyLuna's nose.

07:22 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: All I remember from the trailers were peg-bombs, and metal alien yoyo's.

07:22 * TinyLuna sneezes

07:22 <jamis> 25 years ago, transformers, gi joe, mlp, tmnt. Today, transformers, gi joe, mlp, tmnt.

07:22 <Muffin_Spectacles> jamis: Proof that there's nothing left to mine except making shows stupider, lie Titans Go.

07:22 *** Quits: Cephy-SAO (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:22 <jamis> But that was made to be stupid.

07:23 <DiscordsDestiny> And making stupider shows like Breadwinners.

07:23 <Bubble-Berry> Why can't they make something good based on something from like 25 years ago?

07:23 <Muffin_Spectacles> One has to wonder what will happen when 'the day' comes for MLP...the day when S4, will end...what will become of the community?

07:23 <Princess-QRS> I went to the carnival today. They had an inert RPG-7 round and a LAV-III on display with some other sutff.

07:23 <Princess-QRS> It was neat.

07:23 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-d71ilv.res.rr.com)

07:23 <Sketchy_Sounds> I think it's about time I went to bed

07:23 * Bubble-Berry buries Princess-QRS in RPKs

07:23 <Sketchy_Sounds> G'night folks.

07:23 <Princess-QRS> The C7 is really heavy.

07:23 <Kali_Graphia> Good night, Sketchy_Sounds.

07:23 <DiscordsDestiny> Muffin_Spectacles: We'll probably move on to the next best thing.

07:23 <Princess-QRS> goonight

07:23 <TinyLuna> It won't be here I've made actual friends

07:23 <DiscordsDestiny> Night! :D

07:23 *** Quits: StarlightIronhoof[EoH] (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Quit: Leaving)

07:23 <Kali_Graphia> Sounds like an interesting carnival.

07:24 <Muffin_Spectacles> ...move...on? Those words sound strange.

07:24 <Princess-QRS> Well they had rides and stuff but pfft whatever.

07:24 <Princess-QRS> Long lines and crap.

07:24 <Kali_Graphia> TinyLuna: Actual friends?

07:24 <Bubble-Berry> Is it bad I keep seeing all these Transformers movies despite hating them?

07:24 <TinyLuna> When the Series ends

07:24 <Bubble-Berry> I keep going to them, hoping they're good

07:24 <Princess-QRS> I had a free ticket so I basically just went on one ride and left, the lines are too long.

07:24 <Kali_Graphia> Oh, I see.

07:24 <TinyLuna> our little community will still be around, at least where I live

07:24 <Princess-QRS> The military display was great though.

07:24 <TinyLuna> we watch other things though

07:24 <jamis> Bubble-Berry, I just wait until they're on demand or dvd. I'm not in a hurry to watch them.

07:24 <Bubble-Berry> Ad so far the only good thing was this: http://www.hdwallpapers.in/walls/dreads_dark_of_the_moon-wide.jpg

07:25 <Cepheid> Sun is out and about, stays moderately cool and isn't all that warm or hot.

07:25 <Cepheid> Sun goes down, gets nice and dark.

07:25 <Cepheid> Suddenly my bedroom is a freakin' furnace.

07:25 <Muffin_Spectacles> TinyLuna: And most likely, the amount of Bronycons will dwindle to probably about 3 a year.

07:25 <Bubble-Berry> Actually, Transformers 1 wasn't that bad

07:25 <jamis> Princess-QRS, just what kind of carnival is this that you went to?

07:25 <Bubble-Berry> It tried to be a movie

07:25 <Princess-QRS> I told you, it's like a midway/carnival thing.

07:25 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: TF1 was the summer film that would have made me believe cars could transform if I was 6 again.

07:25 <Princess-QRS> Called K-Days, which is what everyoen in town calls it.

07:25 <jamis> ???

07:26 <Bubble-Berry> I saw it when I was like 8

07:26 <Bubble-Berry> And I liked it

07:26 <Bubble-Berry> But as I got older, I hated them more and more and more

07:26 <TinyLuna> I've never been to one

07:26 <Princess-QRS> The website calls it a fair, so whatev.

07:26 <Bubble-Berry> By transformers 6, I will hate Transformers more than anything

07:26 <jamis> Why do we need 6 transformers movies?

07:27 <TinyLuna> Because there is no God

07:27 <Bubble-Berry> jamis: Because money

07:28 <Muffin_Spectacles> jamis: Because the Chinese market will demand it. Just like they demand more Pirates of the Caribbean and Ice Age movies.

07:28 <Bubble-Berry> Why not just give china this crap? They're the only ones who don't hate it

07:28 <jamis> First one was pretty good. Didn't care for ice age.

07:29 <TinyLuna> You know... I actually enjoyed the Madigascar Movies

07:29 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Because theres our American market that demands the idiotic masses get them too.

07:29 <Bubble-Berry> Oh

07:29 <jamis> Another series of movies I have little love for.

07:29 <Bubble-Berry> Thanks China, and America!

07:29 <DiscordsDestiny> Well, it's lights out for this psycho! :D

07:29 <Muffin_Spectacles> I still remember the craziest thing, when I saw one mom take 10 of her kids to see Watchmen.

07:29 <Bubble-Berry> Thanks, Obama and Junping!

07:29 * TimidClef|MtG reappears from the magic of stuff

07:29 <Bubble-Berry> *Jinping

07:30 *** TimidClef|MtG is now known as TimidClef

07:30 <Bubble-Berry> Muffin_Spectacles: Did they complain about all the dailogue being boring?

07:30 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: Most of them were rowdy and noisy, but she didn't mind the violence...until the Comedian assault Silk Spectre and began to 'impose.' That was when she just got up and dragged the kids out.

07:31 <Bubble-Berry> I actually remember seeing the Watchmen Trailer when I was like, 10, and wanting to see it really bad

07:31 <Muffin_Spectacles> Bubble-Berry: I did a trailer mashup using clips from Episode II, asnd the Watchmen Trailer, and it was even more exciting.

07:31 <Bubble-Berry> maybe it's just because I thought rorschach was a cool guy and it had Smashing Pumpkins

07:32 <Bubble-Berry> And I really liked Smashing Pumpkins when I was like 10

07:32 <Bubble-Berry> But the trailer was really intriguing to me, and I still wanna see the movie/read the comic

07:33 *** Joins: Ravor (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP)

07:33 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-j37.2ih.208.112.IP)

07:33 *** Joins: CodeZ (androirc@Pony-6scvui.dsl.optinet.hr)

07:33 <CodeZ> Hi guys

07:34 <Pi> Hi

07:34 <CodeZ> Anything new in here

07:34 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Sleeeeeeeeeep)

07:34 <jamis> Depends.

07:34 <jamis> What is new?

07:34 <Bubble-Berry> CodeZ: http://www.cnn.com/

07:34 <Bubble-Berry> This is new

07:34 *** Quits: Ravor (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP) (Connection closed)

07:34 <TimidClef> No, that's news. :P

07:34 <jamis> I'm fairly sure that's old.

07:34 *** Joins: BugintheMoon (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP)

07:35 <TimidClef> Sorry - I mean, that's what is advertised as news. >.<

07:35 <CodeZ> Whats new CNN is new?

07:35 <Bubble-Berry> G-get it?

07:35 <Bubble-Berry> New? And it's CNN?

07:35 <Bubble-Berry> And CNN is news?

07:35 <CodeZ> Well thats...lame

07:35 * TimidClef patpats Bubble-Berry on the head

07:35 *** Joins: Somniis (tmfhqvbscav@Pony-b7ngs2.slkc.qwest.net)

07:36 <CodeZ> I really like the name maneiac

07:36 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-f6r.htm.164.125.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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07:37 <Cepheid> Ye know, given the whole eSports craze as of late, and MOBAs being a big thing, watching Sword Art Online kind of makes me wonder.

07:38 <CodeZ> Well MOBA games are popural just because they are free

07:38 <CodeZ> I watch EVO, and figting games deserve more respect

07:39 <Bubble-Berry> I like First Person Shooters and Fightin' Games

07:39 <Cepheid> Well, here's the idea:  Create an MMO, but with two distinct setups.  Typical setup for most players.  And an eSports setup.  eSports setup uses the same underlying server and mechanics, but has a different world layout and boss configuration.  Anyhoo..

07:40 *** Joins: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-7v2hsf.md.comcast.net)

07:40 <CodeZ> The problem with MOBAs is, you dont really need that much skills to play it

07:40 <jamis> Regular and gold?

07:40 <SkunkStripe> Some would argue otherwise

07:40 <Cepheid> The gist of the game?  Take N players, throw 'em at the bottom of a tower.  Put 'em all in "hardcore" mode(Die: You're out of the game).  Goal is to reach the top of the tower.  If no one makes it, no one wins.  If even one player makes it, everyone wins.

07:40 <jamis> Or normal and advanced?

07:40 <Cepheid> Nah.

07:41 <Cepheid> The eSports variant is to keep players from getting an idea of what to expect by looking at the other version, which is non-hardcore mode.

07:41 <Cepheid> Same game, different world layouts, one's a competition, the other isn't.

07:41 <SkunkStripe> What game are we talking about?

07:41 <Cepheid> So people can play at their own pace on one.

07:41 <Cepheid> SkunkStripe:  Just an idea, actually.

07:41 <SkunkStripe> Oh

07:42 <CodeZ> For me its just more fun to watch paint dry than watch a moba match

07:42 <Cepheid> While those who like to compete for a prize can play on the other server.

07:42 <TimidClef> The difficulty comes in with maintaining two separate code bases, I think

07:42 <Cepheid> That is true.

07:42 <TimidClef> But it would be a very novel way to solve one of the major problems that old-school WoW players developed

07:43 <SkunkStripe> https://41.media.tumblr.com/802adfb863d09e1dc8a0ab47e80f02c6/tumblr_n6xk0dYpSL1tdfjp3o1_500.jpg

07:43 <TimidClef> which is that you make more money by making the game approachable - but then you tick off the people who liked the challenge

07:43 <Cepheid> The idea is incomplete, really.

07:44 <Thelema5> Ouch, my fingers hurt so much.  I'm tired of learing to music

07:44 <CodeZ> But if they do that how you know that the esports people will not make an acc on the "casual" servers and troll people

07:44 <TimidClef> I feel ya, Thelema5. The past 2 days I've sort of been artistically bleh.

07:44 <Thelema5> I think I'm gonna stop learning guitar.

07:45 <Cepheid> I'm just trying to think of how a game like Sword Art Online could be made into more of a reality in the structure that it's depicted, and with the threat and danger of loss.  But not to the extent depicted in the show, of course.

07:45 <Thelema5> It't not worth physical pain.

07:45 <TinyLuna> I'm going to have to get to sleep here soon :(

07:45 <TinyLuna> night night

07:45 <TimidClef> I don't think you should stop. But maybe just take a brief break

07:45 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (qwksesqpfno@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:45 <TimidClef> G'night TinyLuna!

07:45 *** Quits: TinyLuna (klgxrxrfeqy@Pony-hre1h3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:46 <Thelema5> I've been artistally bleh for 12 years... if I stop now, that's pretty much it.

07:46 <CodeZ> Luna but you are a pony of the night

07:46 <Cepheid> In other words, create small-scale to medium-scale game where you have a small set of players that create characters, and give them all the same goal, and reward them all if any single individual succeeds in meeting the goal.

07:46 <Cepheid> But if every single character is wiped out, no one wins.

07:47 <Cepheid> It'd be an interesting experiment in a multiple number of ways.

07:47 <Thelema5> Maybe you're right, TimidClef.  A short break to allow my body to catch up.

07:47 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-2ao.8aq.246.180.IP)

07:47 <TimidClef> Yup. Not talking forever - just like a couple days.

07:47 <SkunkStripe> Isn't that known as co-op

07:47 <Cepheid> SkunkStripe:  Yeah, but try on a much larger scale.

07:47 *** Joins: Bpendragon (chatzilla@A.Soldier.of.Halla)

07:47 <TimidClef> If you feel like that you might lose your drive by stopping completely? Maybe study some other aspect of the craft

07:47 <Cepheid> 10,000 or more players.  ANd make it extremely difficult to achieve the goal.

07:48 *** Joins: Cloudberry (TenNeon@Pony-df6eht.jcvlfl.sbcglobal.net)

07:48 <SkunkStripe> I think no matter how difficult out of 10k people someone has to do it.

07:48 <Cepheid> Part of it for me is psychological.

07:48 <TimidClef> Like - earlier you mentioned learning how to play like a particular artist? Maybe do research online, see if anyone else has tried it and put together tutorials or something.

07:48 <Cepheid> SkunkStripe:  There's a risk though.

07:48 <Thelema5> My new goal is to sing the great aria from my favorite childhood movie, The Last Unicorn.

07:48 <Cepheid> If your character dies, you're out of the game.  You can't get back in.

07:48 <Cepheid> One less player to try for the goal.

07:49 <SkunkStripe> I stand by my previous statement

07:49 <Cepheid> Even if the final challenge would require 40+ people to do, and only one player remained?

07:49 <Thelema5> But my fingers just won't stand for it anymore... I can barely type.

07:50 <TimidClef> o.o Yikes, yeah. Then time for a break, at least for a couple days probably

07:50 <SkunkStripe> Well that just sounds likes it goes against the original logic of if one person wins they all win

07:50 <Cepheid> True..

07:50 <Thelema5> Thanks, timid.  maybe you'e right.

07:50 <Cepheid> But it's more along the lines of..

07:50 <TimidClef> Cepheid: You'd need to implement some flexible logic as to the scale of the challenges

07:50 <Cepheid> But there's a certain kind of case where even one person can survive.

07:51 <Cepheid> 40 people go into a battle.

07:51 <Cepheid> 39 die. Last player lands the killing blow.

07:51 <TimidClef> If you started with 10k, then the challenges faced would need to be tough for 10k. Once it drops to, say, 40, the challenges would have to scale themselves back

07:51 <Cepheid> That's still one player left alive.

07:51 <Cepheid> As long as that last player is still alive, the goal is met.

07:51 <Cepheid> That's what I meant.

07:51 <Cepheid> I don't mean that every single challenge can be soloed.

07:51 *** Joins: CaveBoyM (caveboym@Pony-k0eca6.atgi.net)

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07:52 <Cepheid> I mean that, as long as even one player is alive by the end, they win.

07:52 <Cepheid> It doesn't matter if the player has 1 HP left.

07:52 <TimidClef> The problem though is what happens if feasibly you'd need X number of people to defeat the final boss, and by the time you get to the final boss, you have some number less than X

07:52 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:52 <Cepheid> I've seen people pull some amazing *YAY* out of their *BUY-SOME-APPLES*.

07:53 <TimidClef> I have too, but it requires dynamic adjustment.

07:53 <VinylScratch> left 4 dead is like that

07:53 <TimidClef> A fight that would challenge 1 person would be a laugh for 40 people

07:53 <Cepheid> When it's geared for a 40-man case, that's a bare minimum "everyone has no idea what's going on" scenario.

07:53 <TimidClef> A fight that would challegen 40 people would be impossible for 1

07:53 <Cepheid> In which case, too bad.

07:53 <VinylScratch> Gotta be fair, ceph/

07:53 <Cepheid> The challenge would start over.

07:54 <Cepheid> Fairness would be the challenge starting over from scratch.

07:54 <TimidClef> Ah, but then are you robbing the players of a win?

07:54 <TimidClef> Let's say that you designed it so that it required 40

07:54 <TimidClef> But the players are good enough that a certain 30 could pull it off

07:54 <TimidClef> Do you restart the challenge as soon as they drop to 39 people?

07:54 <Cepheid> No.

07:54 <TimidClef> Or at what point do you chop it off?

07:54 <Cepheid> The challenge restarts when everyone dies.

07:55 <Cepheid> If they don't succeed at beating the challenge and die, that's when the whole thing restarts.

07:55 <Cepheid> When every player in the competition is gone, that's it.  It starts over.

07:55 <Cepheid> If all 10,000 of those players couldn't somehow work together to win, that's not my fault.

07:57 <SkunkStripe> No he was saying if 30 out of 10k couldn't becuase the last bit required at least that many people

07:57 <Cepheid> ...

07:57 <Cepheid> When I say a challenge, I speak of combat challenges.

07:57 <Cepheid> Not puzzles.

07:57 <SkunkStripe> Wait. I screwed up the last part of the sentence

07:58 <TimidClef> So am I. In games - MMOs especially - challenges are balanced around the number of players participating

07:58 <Cepheid> If it's a 40-man challenge, it's a combat challenge geared for 40 people.  It doesn't matter if you have 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 80 or 1000 players.

07:58 <Verandure> Imgur is being a butt since it's update.

07:58 <Cepheid> You could waste the freakin enemy with all 10000 players if you wanted.

07:58 <SkunkStripe> I think we're having comunication issues

07:59 <TimidClef> Take a smaller number - say more like 100 people in the starting group.

07:59 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

07:59 <Cepheid> I'm just using examples.

07:59 <Cepheid> I'm not using concrete scenarios.

08:00 *** Quits: Skip (Skybrook@Pony-tlu.2jo.35.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:00 <CodeZ> What you guys think of Luigi Death Stare?

08:00 <TimidClef> You assume that you're going to have roughly 85% attrition if the players are all of average skill. That means for your final challenge to actually BE a challenge, it would need to be balanced around the idea of 15 people reaching it.

08:00 <Cepheid> When it comes down to it, I'd examine MMOs to see what number of players would come to defeat such-and-such type bosses in world-boss scenarios.

08:00 <Cepheid> On the other hand..

08:00 <Cepheid> I am also considering something else.

08:00 <Cepheid> As it is a competition..

08:01 <TimidClef> If you have 45 people reach it - then there's no challenge

08:01 <Cepheid> A good chunk of the players are probably going to be particularly "pro" and a few of them are likely going to be tight-knit groups with extremely good team dynamics.

08:01 <SkunkStripe> So... level scaling except with the amount of people

08:01 <Cepheid> That..

08:01 <KooK> I'm at the Pizza Hut!  I'm at the Taco Bell!  I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell!

08:01 <KooK> They should write a song about the combination pizza hut and taco bell

08:02 <Cepheid> Right now, the best thing I can think of that'd help the players in cases where bosses are clearly scaled against them..

08:02 <KooK> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIt2CdbBo_w

08:02 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Das Racist - Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell (With Lyrics)

08:02 <Cepheid> Wildstar's telegraph system.

08:02 <SkunkStripe> telegraph system?

08:02 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

08:03 <Cepheid> Basically, anything stronger than an auto attack is telegraphed in one of two ways.

08:03 <SkunkStripe> Thats hardly Wildestar's

08:03 <Cepheid> No.

08:03 <Cepheid> I'm well aware.

08:03 <Cepheid> But it's the first game I've seen it in.

08:03 <SkunkStripe> ....

08:03 <SkunkStripe> Really?

08:03 <Cepheid> ...

08:04 <Cepheid> The first game I have experienced it in myself.

08:04 <Cepheid> ..

08:04 <SkunkStripe> What games have you been playing?

08:04 <Cepheid> I really really don't want to bucking do this.

08:04 <Cepheid> Just shut up and listen.

08:04 <Princess-QRS> what

08:04 <SkunkStripe> Sorry, I just found it hard to believe

08:04 <Cepheid> Yeah, well tough.

08:04 <VinylScratch> Okay, let's just chill

08:04 <SkunkStripe> Okay.

08:04 <VinylScratch> before this gets outtahoof

08:04 *** Quits: CaveBoyM (caveboym@Pony-k0eca6.atgi.net) (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi)

08:05 <Cepheid> I'm sorry I don't bloody play WoW Whatever-the-bloody-freakin-expansion it's up to now.

08:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #349 [ http://tinyurl.com/pakxm5o ]

08:05 <Princess-QRS> the heck did i even walk in on

08:05 <TimidClef> This

08:05 <Cepheid> I was trying to explain something and it got derailed.

08:05 <VinylScratch> Madness. :P

08:05 * TimidClef throws a pie at Princess-QRS

08:05 <Princess-QRS> o4o

08:05 <Cepheid> But a bit of arrogant rudeness which peeved me off.

08:05 <SkunkStripe> I wasn't really thinking about WoW. Its just that its something thats been in almost any properly designed games with bosses since like the NES. The idea of not encountering it till now caught me off gaurd.

08:05 <Cepheid> Er, by*

08:05 <VinylScratch> Oh, and QRS....fix yer Stats connection

08:06 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:06 <VinylScratch> for the love of all things, lol

08:06 <Cepheid> SkunkStripe:  Okay, let me rephrase.

08:06 <SkunkStripe> So I wondered what games could someone be playing where some one doesn't encounter it till now.

08:06 <Cepheid> The first time I've experienced it in an MMO.

08:06 <SkunkStripe> aHHH

08:06 <Cepheid> There, are you happy?  Is that a bit more clarified for your liking?

08:06 <SkunkStripe> Thats a lot different.

08:06 <Cepheid> Geeze.

08:06 <SkunkStripe> Well I was never unhappy.

08:06 <Cepheid> Your tone seemed otherwise.

08:07 <Princess-QRS> If it gets out of hand just ban stats, our connection is really terrible right now.

08:07 <Cepheid> Seemed like you were unimpressed or looking down on me from my perspective.

08:07 <Princess-QRS> Shaw suuuuucks

08:07 <SkunkStripe> The awnser my mind came to was "racing games"

08:07 <VinylScratch> Princess-QRS: Was done earlier, lol

08:07 <TimidClef> Heh, it got banned earlier. Not sure if it's still banned

08:07 <Princess-QRS> Well it ain't here

08:07 <Princess-QRS> So whatever.

08:07 <Cepheid> In any case...

08:07 <Princess-QRS> I'll fire it back up tomorrow and hope for better luck.

08:08 <Princess-QRS> protip: shaw is a bad isp

08:08 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-fs62ga.ip11.netikka.fi)

08:08 <Cepheid> Using a telegraph system would allow players to see non-typical and possibly powerful attacks coming before they land.  It'd give them a chance to dodge.  For more powerful bosses, especially ones that outrank the players by a longshot, it'd give an edge for the players.

08:10 *** Parts: Somniis (taylorda@Pony-b7ngs2.slkc.qwest.net) ()

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08:13 <Cepheid> Aaand now I want to vomit for no apparent reason.

08:13 <Kali_Graphia> Aww. D:

08:13 <Saerydoth> like nausea?

08:13 <Cepheid> Yeah.

08:13 <Saerydoth> believe it or not

08:13 <Cepheid> My stomach feels like it just did a 180.

08:13 <Saerydoth> benadryl

08:13 <Saerydoth> it works

08:13 <Cepheid> I'd rather avoid taking any more drugs tonight.

08:14 <Cepheid> I've taken enough of 'em.

08:14 <Saerydoth> just fyi: dramamine is benadryl with a stimulant added to help ward off drowsiness

08:14 <TimidClef> Ginger ale or lemon-lime soda?

08:14 <Saerydoth> ginger ale is a good idea too

08:14 <Cepheid> Anti-depressant, anti-epileptic, some weird painkiller/anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine..

08:14 *** Quits: Wicked_Wings (chatzilla@Pony-i8g0o5.sub-75-216-70.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:14 *** Wicked_Wings_ is now known as Wicked_Wings

08:14 <Saerydoth> benadryl is an antihistamine

08:14 <Cepheid> And a stimulant would be a bad idea.

08:15 <Cepheid> I already had an energy drink today.

08:15 <TimidClef> Or even - and it's gross - baknig soda mixed in with water

08:15 <Saerydoth> antihistimate = antiemetic.  Same thing

08:15 *** Joins: Hazard (cyeatlblpxg@Pony-gua23v.spkn.qwest.net)

08:15 <Saerydoth> actually, baking soda + water has no taste, provided it is pure baking soda, and not baking soda with "scent" added

08:16 <TimidClef> Oh, I know there's no flavor. For me it's more the texture, if you don't get the right ratio of baking soda to water

08:16 <Saerydoth> it's a weak base, and good for heartburn/upset stomach

08:17 <Cepheid> If anything, given my outburst earlier, my stomach churning and twisting is likely due to adrenaline.

08:18 <Saerydoth> outburst?

08:18 <Cepheid> Chewed out SkunkStripe.

08:18 <SkunkStripe> and I'm chewing food

08:19 <Saerydoth> ah

08:19 <Cepheid> And when my temper flares for any reason, it flares and burns hotter than the freakin' sun.

08:19 <Cepheid> No idea why.

08:19 * Saerydoth nods

08:19 <Cepheid> I blame genetics.

08:19 <Saerydoth> I'm the same way

08:19 <Saerydoth> it takes a LOT to get me angry, but when I do it's like the Hulk

08:20 *** Joins: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net)

08:20 <Cepheid> On the other hand, it tends to be shortlived, and I suffer for it as well.

08:20 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

08:20 * Saerydoth nods

08:20 <TimidClef> I should go to bed. Instead, I'm going to start up MtG

08:20 *** Badger|Away is now known as Mongoosie

08:21 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/681317

08:23 *** Joins: User_149225 (pwctuqmlbfa@Pony-s9esn0.ip.windstream.net)

08:23 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> /join #JoinForGGRefs

08:23 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Bleh...

08:23 <jamis> lol

08:23 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Stupid laptop of mine...

08:23 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Sorry guys

08:23 <FruitNibbler> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur3xLuAExrc

08:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Pony Simulator Trailer (Parody)

08:23 <FruitNibbler> Should be a thing

08:23 <jamis> The keyboard is to blame.

08:24 *** Joins: Color_Colt (hscyozkrdgu@Pony-ahk1dl.wi.charter.com)

08:24 <jamis> IGN really ave mlp a 9/10 and called it just ok?

08:25 *** Parts: Color_Colt (hscyozkrdgu@Pony-ahk1dl.wi.charter.com) ()

08:25 <jamis> lol

08:25 *** Joins: Vokuros (kpridhpkmum@Pony-9c3qm8.pa.comcast.net)

08:26 <Vokuros> Wazzup everypony?

08:26 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Sounds like IGN to me. ;p

08:26 <Lenfant_Sauvage> "10/10 Eh, it's OK"

08:29 *** Quits: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Kali_Graphia) (Quit: )

08:33 <Jordo76> Guyyyys

08:33 <Jordo76> I need a pony to draw

08:33 <Cepheid> When I conquer the world, I'll poke you last.

08:33 <jamis> Then draw one. Cepheid?

08:33 <Cepheid> I don't have a pony.

08:33 <Jordo76> Do you guys have any pony suggestion ? I already did Pinkie, RD & Trixie

08:33 <jamis> Luna.

08:33 <VinylScratch> Woona

08:33 <Jordo76> That was quick

08:33 <Jordo76> MMmmm

08:34 <jamis> Draw a slightly saucy luna.

08:34 <VinylScratch> We don't fool around when it comes to the royal moonbutt

08:34 *** Quits: CodeZ (androirc@Pony-6scvui.dsl.optinet.hr) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

08:34 <Jordo76> I think I'll go with Luna & maybe Woona later

08:34 <jamis> Nope. lol

08:34 <Jordo76> It'll train me with different body shapes

08:34 <VinylScratch> x3

08:34 <jamis> Fine. Pinkie Pie. No! AJ!

08:34 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:34 <jamis> Draw apple jack.

08:34 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net)

08:34 <Jordo76> Now I just need to talk to someone about my lack of idea and one will pop up one minute later

08:34 <Jordo76> (That's really what happened to all my other drawings)

08:35 *** Princess-QRS is now known as Pony_37180

08:35 <jamis> The creative mind can't be predicted.

08:36 <Cepheid> I'll never understand the heat dynamics of this room.

08:36 <jamis> Burning up?

08:37 <Cepheid> Room was nice and cool all day.

08:37 <Cepheid> Then the sun goes down, and it's boiling hot.

08:38 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Quit: I quit the fandom. Bye!)

08:39 *** Quits: Thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:40 <Arteshi> I conveniently slept during all the hot hours of the day today. woo.

08:40 <jamis> I will be glade with the dry cool days of winter return.

08:41 <Arteshi> I also prefer winter. I hate heat.

08:41 <Arteshi> always*

08:42 <Jordo76> Welp, I'm off to bed guys, goodbye

08:42 <Jordo76> Thanks for the Luna suggestion too

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08:42 <Jordo76> Talking about Luna...

08:42 <Jordo76> moon

08:43 *** Quits: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-7v2hsf.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:43 <Jordo76> Ah, my ! key wouldn't work

08:43 <Jordo76> !moon

08:43 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Jordo76!

08:43 *** Jordo76 was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

08:43 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (Mibbit@Felonious.Wretch) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

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08:45 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-j37.2ih.208.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:46 *** Parts: Cloudberry (TenNeon@Pony-df6eht.jcvlfl.sbcglobal.net) ()

08:46 <jamis> Ponies around the world is pretty cool.

08:47 *** Joins: Skip (Skybrook@Pony-tlu.2jo.35.185.IP)

08:48 *** Quits: Sin (Sin@is.hustlin.everyday) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:51 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)

08:52 *** Joins: BOBy (yvdmkpyovfm@Pony-7ptca2.elpstx.sbcglobal.net)

08:52 *** Quits: Pony_37180 (Corey@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:53 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net)

08:53 <Princess-QRS> i give up

08:53 <Princess-QRS> connection worstr

08:53 *** Quits: BOBy (yvdmkpyovfm@Pony-7ptca2.elpstx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:53 *** Princess-QRS is now known as Pony_48414

08:53 <jamis> What are you trying to do?

08:53 *** Quits: Hazard (cyeatlblpxg@Pony-gua23v.spkn.qwest.net) (Quit: Don't trust the pink one.)

08:53 *** Quits: Pony_48414 (Corey@Pony-it29bt.ed.shawcable.net) (Quit: leaving)

08:54 <VinylScratch> I take it he was trying to fix his internet

08:54 <VinylScratch> and failed

08:54 <jamis> ...

08:55 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

08:55 *** Joins: thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net)

08:55 *** Joins: Sin (Sin@is.hustlin.everyday)

08:55 *** Joins: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-bbp5p1.bhm.bellsouth.net)

08:56 <Shadowheart> 'Allo everypony, back.

08:56 <jamis> wb

08:56 <KooK> caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

08:57 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/681320

08:57 <thelema5> Wow. So my partner thinks I should stop trying to music because reasons...

08:58 <jamis> Making music or listening to music?

08:58 <thelema5> That's pretty discouraging, actually.

08:58 *** Quits: User_149225 (pwctuqmlbfa@Pony-s9esn0.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:58 <thelema5> Making.

08:58 <jamis> Why?

08:59 <thelema5> I... don't really know.  Because I am terrible?

08:59 <thelema5> Or because she's trying to sleep.

08:59 <KooK> Beach Boys is only good music ever made.

09:00 <jamis> Her trying to sleep is a pretty strong reason...

09:00 <thelema5> yeah

09:00 <jamis> Do it when she's not around.

09:00 <thelema5> I agree, jamiss

09:01 <Shadowheart> !boo

09:01 <jamis> Nope

09:01 <KooK> TURN IT UP

09:01 <Shadowheart> Derpyboo.ru is down :(

09:01 <KooK> Your face is down

09:01 <KooK> !link cat

09:01 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/176671

09:01 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/681329

09:01 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about grande odalisque safe solo artist:silfoe lunadoodle (and 2 more)

09:02 <Shadowheart> Oh, not down... odd...

09:02 <Shadowheart> So much Luna cosplay... I like it.

09:03 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-dp1q6g.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

09:03 <jamis> Hey screenaholic

09:03 * screenaholic flops in. "Can't sleep."

09:05 <KooK> !clop

09:05 * DerpyBot clops her forehooves together excitedly

09:05 <DerpyBot> ..what?

09:06 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)

09:07 * jamis yawns.

09:10 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #57 [ http://tinyurl.com/oznadb7 ]

09:14 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (dnoqejpwvuc@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

09:14 *** ArchdukeFerdinand is now known as HomerMobile

09:16 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-hklpsh.251-net.sccoast.net)

09:17 <Vulpor> Everybody...................

09:17 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-6ff2l2.ca.charter.com) (Quit: Oops, a fegmentation fault)

09:17 <KooK> rock your body

09:17 <Vulpor> A Network is going to show all 522 episodes of THE SIMPSONS

09:17 <KooK> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M6samPEMpM

09:17 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Backstreet Boys - Everybody (Backstreet's Back)

09:17 <Vulpor> FX

09:18 <Vulpor> FXX^

09:18 <Vulpor> All of the Simpsons

09:18 <Vulpor> dear sweet celestia

09:19 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Quit: Follow meh: @Slatefield, @Lenfant_MLP)

09:22 <KooK> I forgot if I told you guys this but...

09:22 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

09:22 *** Joins: iandalton (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net)

09:22 <KooK> As payment for doing some car work for a friend, he was to buy me a couple of ponies from Build A Bear and give me cash on top.

09:23 <KooK> I got one of the ponies so far, he friggin spent $75 on a single one from Build-A-Bear

09:23 <jamis> That's cool

09:23 <iandalton> Ponies cost that much?

09:23 <jamis> What'd you do for him?

09:23 <KooK> It's a dressed A.J. that talks

09:23 <KooK> You push on its hoof and it says something

09:23 <jamis> They having talking ponies there?

09:23 <KooK> came with a birth certificate too

09:23 <KooK> yeah, they do.

09:24 <jamis> That's pretty neat

09:24 *** Quits: Bpendragon (chatzilla@A.Soldier.of.Halla) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:24 <KooK> I took his transmission out so he can get it rebuilt, then I'm putting in a new rear main seal, reinstalling the new transmission and torque converter, and finishing up a little engine work.

09:26 <KooK> http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa318/KooKFlash/5680_678347843490_3884320_n.jpg

09:26 <KooK> That's his car.

09:26 <jamis> No offense, but 75 seems pretty cheap for all that.

09:26 <jamis> Even as a buddy.

09:26 <KooK> Well, a $75 pony, and another $35 pony, and $200 on top of that.

09:26 <iandalton> and 75 seems pretty expensive for a stuffed animal

09:27 <KooK> It literally took me 2 hours to remove the transmission though.

09:27 <thelema5> Woah, it's super late.  Going to bed... goodnight everyony!

09:27 <KooK> I'm not rebuilding it, just dropping it, putting a new seal in, and putting it back in.

09:27 <KooK> Later Lema

09:27 <jamis> Night thelema5

09:27 *** Quits: thelema5 (kwaemkjvdnb@Pony-tbkk29.east.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:28 *** Joins: BlueBlur (gihdnrtsiwf@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net)

09:28 *** Parts: BlueBlur (gihdnrtsiwf@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net) ()

09:28 <KooK> (Putting it back in after he gets a new torque converter and the transmission rebuilt)

09:28 <Shadowheart> Who's that guy (may be a girl) who makes the really high quality plushies? Dustykatt has a couple

09:28 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigaway

09:29 *** Joins: The_Dark_Pony (gmqxvpcvpwz@Pony-6misa4.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)

09:29 <KooK> *Shrug*

09:29 <iandalton> as long as both sides are happy the exchange is fair

09:30 <iandalton> As Princess Twilight knows

09:30 <jamis> Shadowheart, do a quick search on esty and deviant art.

09:30 <Shadowheart> esty?

09:30 <jamis> Never heard of etsy?

09:30 <KooK> I miss my motorcycle

09:31 <Shadowheart> nope...

09:31 <jamis> https://www.etsy.com/search?q=mlp&ship_to=US

09:31 <iandalton> etsy is where arts and crafts are sold

09:31 <jamis> That'll get you started.

09:31 <iandalton> online

09:31 <The_Dark_Pony> I got my masquerade mask from a vendor on Etsy!

09:32 <jamis> Eying a couple of bronze pendant hard. https://www.etsy.com/shop/SlenderPonysWoods?ref=exp_listing

09:33 *** Joins: Bpendragon (chatzilla@A.Soldier.of.Halla)

09:34 <The_Dark_Pony> He does good work. I've always liked the color of bronze, too <3

09:34 <LightDash> hi iandalton

09:34 <iandalton> hi LightDash

09:35 <Shadowheart> 'Allo Lightdash, didn't notice you there.

09:35 <The_Dark_Pony> It's a shame you have to buy the cord separate...

09:36 <LightDash> i watch 18 ep of AOT

09:38 *** Quits: Bpendragon (chatzilla@A.Soldier.of.Halla) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:39 *** Joins: Klonoa (oapeukjjbqf@Pony-heffti.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)

09:39 *** Joins: Bpendragon (chatzilla@A.Soldier.of.Halla)

09:40 <FruitNibbler> https://mlpforums.com/uploads/monthly_12_2013/post-16340-0-68896800-1386190187.jpg

09:40 <iandalton> Do you guys think most creative types are tortured or misfits, or do the ones who are just stand out?

09:41 <iandalton> I just watched The Whole Wide World, about Robert E. Howard, an author. His emotions ruled him, and he ended his life prematurely.

09:41 <The_Dark_Pony> Speaking of experience, even the not-famous ones are tortured by something.

09:41 <The_Dark_Pony> Speaking from*

09:42 <iandalton> Vincent D'Onofrio plays misfits well

09:42 <The_Dark_Pony> It's why we write. It's called catharsis. We do it to release our own personal anxieties about whatever may be worrying us, whether that be government, religion, sex, or just your terrible neighbors.

09:43 <iandalton> I suppose so. Although in the movie he said he wrote because he couldn't stand the idea of a 9-5 job.

09:43 <The_Dark_Pony> Which movie is this?

09:43 <iandalton> The Whole Wide World

09:44 <iandalton> He was the self-styled "greatest pulp author in the whole wide world."

09:45 <FruitNibbler> I think the creative people are borderline in the crazy territory

09:46 <FruitNibbler> Just not crazy enough to be disfunctional

09:46 <The_Dark_Pony> Oh yes. The Robert E. Howard film. Um... Reading his letters to H.P. Lovecraft, and the subsequent responses, it is clear that he had something of an inflated ego. His emotions did rule him, and he had this idea that "real men" are the ones portrayed in his stories. Vicer versa for women.

09:47 <iandalton> Aldous Huxley said that many normal people "are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society."

09:47 <iandalton> The_Dark_Pony: Yeah, I got that impression, at least about men, from the movie

09:48 <The_Dark_Pony> This was mostly coming from the fact that he lived in Texas his whole life, and he had this hyperinflated sense of what a man and woman should be. He mourned the loss of those "ideals" he assumed existed in times gone past. It's why he used Hyperboria and Stygia, creations of Clark Ashton Smith, to set his stories. They were old, before recorded time.

09:48 <iandalton> The most important woman in his life had as strong a personality as him, and the movie didn't imply he thought she should be otherwise

09:49 <iandalton> He didn't seem to think much of modern civilization.

09:49 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

09:49 *** Quits: lulu (lu@Pony-pm62gl.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: Lost terminal)

09:49 <The_Dark_Pony> Most of the Weird authors of the Pulp Era didn't think much of modern civilization. This is detailed most thoroughly in Lovecraft's essay "The Decline of the West."

09:50 <iandalton> Hyperborea is a myth from the ancient Greeks

09:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> hi

09:51 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net) (Quit: Miss you lots!)

09:52 <Phantasma_Eeria> what is hyperborea?

09:52 <iandalton> A place "beyond the north wind (Borea)"

09:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> oh

09:53 *** Captain_Pi is now known as Pi

09:53 <iandalton> "This land was supposed to be perfect, with the sun shining twenty-four hours a day"

09:53 <iandalton> This is the Greek version, dunno about Howard's

09:53 <The_Dark_Pony> An ancient land used by Clark Ashton Smith and Robert E. Howard in their Weird tales. Miskatonic River Books published an anthology of modern tales set in Hyperborea called Deepest Darkest Eden.

09:53 <The_Dark_Pony> Heh. That Hyperborea is nothing like CAS'

09:53 <Pi> What?

09:54 <The_Dark_Pony> I don't think REH ever actually used Hyperborea in his Conan tales. But he definitely referred to it.

09:55 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-0c33ni.iinet.net.au)

09:55 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

09:55 <The_Dark_Pony> It was located in the same region as Stygia and the other realms.

09:55 *** Joins: Double_ (double_@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

09:56 <iandalton> The_Dark_Pony: I can't find information about an essay by Lovecraft called "The Decline of the West," only the book by S. T. Joshi of that title, on Lovecraft's philosophical views.

09:56 <The_Dark_Pony> Hold on. I'm pulling out my handy dandy Mythos Encyclopedia. Written by Daniel Harms and published in 3 editions so far by Elder Signs Press.

09:56 * The_Dark_Pony shamelessly plugs FTW! lol

09:57 <The_Dark_Pony> I'll look it up shortly. I know I've seen it.

09:58 <The_Dark_Pony> Okay! There are 2 different Hyperborea's in the Mythos. Quote:

09:59 *** Joins: CaveBro (ncnlbtkuvjz@Pony-cq9uae.wa.comcast.net)

10:00 *** Quits: Double_ (double_@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi)

10:00 <The_Dark_Pony> (1) Fabled northern civilization that came to power during the Miocene Period between nineteen and twenty-five million years ago. A long-eared, fair-haired people from the south originally populated Hyperborea. These settlers first traded with, and then exterminated, the sub-human voormis who inhabited the area before them.

10:00 *** Quits: Mystic_Nocturne (jygptprbryq@Pony-bd6drh.nh.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:00 *** Lycan|Work is now known as Lycan

10:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> and the second one?

10:01 <iandalton> I'm sure he's typing it up

10:01 <Phantasma_Eeria> actually that is highly probable

10:02 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

10:02 <Princess-QRS> Post atmospheric music I can write to.

10:02 * Princess-QRS boops PearlyWhites

10:02 * Phantasma_Eeria instaglomps Princess-QRS

10:02 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1lcZM0MNek Princess-QRS

10:02 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Gyorgy Ligeti - Requiem

10:02 <iandalton> Fulfills one of those two requirements

10:03 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg75nFifO90 but seriously

10:03 <Phantasma_Eeria> atmospheric and music?

10:03 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:03 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Camel - The Snow Goose (Full Album - Single Track)

10:03 <The_Dark_Pony> At this time in history, the northern lands were warm and fertile. Vast jungles, filled with exotic life, covered much of the continent. Their capital was a marvel to behold. The people worshipped the god Tsathoggua, as the voormis had before them. But the religion fell out of practice. Near the end of the Miocene Period, glaciers rolled over north Hyperborea, driving the settlers south to warmer climes.

10:03 <Princess-QRS> what

10:03 <iandalton> Phantasma_Eeria: Ligeti is atmospheric, but probably not something you'd want to write to

10:03 <Princess-QRS> also yes

10:03 * PearlyWhites counter-boops Princess-QRS

10:03 <screenaholic> ^ I haven't been paying attention, what is this wall of text?

10:03 <Princess-QRS> "Sunshine" by Max Richter is kinda sorta what I'm looking for.

10:04 * Phantasma_Eeria vibrates with proofponyness

10:05 <The_Dark_Pony> (2) Two thousand years after Atlantis sunk, another kingdom called Hyperborea occupied the area around the present-day Gulf of Finland. A group of nomadic Hyborian tribesmen, who settled there to build the new civilization.

10:06 *** [PE|OFFLINE] is now known as [PrinceEclipse]

10:06 <The_Dark_Pony> And Harms does point out that Hyperborea is the name of a mild-climed land in Greek myth where the people worship Apollo. Madame Blavatsky later placed Hyperborea in an earlier age before Atlantis, and many Mythos writers, including Lovecraft and CAS, picked up on this.

10:07 <The_Dark_Pony> So Hyperborea has been around for a while.

10:07 *** [PrinceEclipse] is now known as Neptune

10:07 * Princess-QRS reverse-boops PearlyWhites

10:07 <iandalton> Ah, theosophy. Weird Victorian thing.

10:08 <The_Dark_Pony> For anypony just joining us, iandalton and I have been talking about Weird fiction and Hyperborea ^^

10:08 <iandalton> Today I read The Nameless City with my 10-year-old sister :-D

10:08 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-dp1q6g.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

10:09 <iandalton> But she still refuses to watch Star Wars with me :-|

10:09 <Princess-QRS> :(

10:09 <iandalton> I guess we'll have to watch John Carter of Mars instead for now

10:09 *** Quits: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Connection closed)

10:09 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-cir.pqs.56.119.IP)

10:09 <The_Dark_Pony> I need to get back onto the classic Mythos soon. I'm woefully behind on my Howard and Smith and Bloch

10:09 * Phantasma_Eeria becomes best waifucrown

10:10 <Phantasma_Eeria> it feels good to be back where i belong…on Princess-QRS's head

10:10 <The_Dark_Pony> I've been reading The Grimscribe's Puppets and Forever, In Pieces lately

10:11 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-bd6drh.nh.comcast.net)

10:12 <PearlyWhites> SRQ-ssecnirP spoob em/

10:12 <The_Dark_Pony> Princess-QRS: I just need to find out, because I'm about to come out of the Pony Closet to my family and friends: What is the official definition of a Brony?

10:13 <iandalton> A fan of MLP

10:13 <iandalton> Some would be more specific and say an adult fan, but my little sis calls herself one.

10:14 <Finwe> Morning, everypony!

10:14 * Shadowheart throws a taco at Finwe

10:14 * Finwe stretches his wings and legs.

10:14 <Phantasma_Eeria> PearlyWhites, you did the / the wrong way round

10:15 <Finwe> A taco for breakfast?

10:15 <The_Dark_Pony> so you just need to like the show? Don't have to "clop" or contribute art/music/fimfiction?

10:15 <iandalton> not at all

10:16 <Neptune> ...

10:16 <Neptune> The_Dark_Pony: Please don't talk about that kind of stuff here

10:16 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-cir.pqs.56.119.IP) (Connection closed)

10:16 <iandalton> I think the most important thing is being connected with the community, which you are by being here

10:16 <Finwe> Lt Neptune.

10:16 <Finwe> o7

10:16 <Neptune> RAdm Finwe

10:16 <Neptune> _o7

10:16 <Shadowheart> Actually that taco was a pizza taco, although I can summon a breakfast taco if you'd like.

10:17 <The_Dark_Pony> Okay. Because I did a trial run with one of my FB friends I met in Providence, and she was like, "Well, if you don't 'clop' then you're not a Brony." And I was like, "I don't think that's really the case..." So that's reassuring to know. And I'm not going to refer to it anymore.

10:17 <Finwe> I think I'll settle for bread and yoghurt.

10:17 <Finwe> !clop

10:17 * DerpyBot clops her forehooves together excitedly

10:17 <DerpyBot> ..what?

10:17 <jamis> DerpyBot, you crazy

10:17 <Shadowheart> Alright then. Would you like a quart of milk to go with it?

10:18 <iandalton> http://vimeo.com/90127834

10:18 <Finwe> I usually have orange juice to breakfast.

10:18 *** Joins: djazz (djazz@Pony-o7c.mme.78.80.IP)

10:18 * Phantasma_Eeria milks Shadowheart

10:18 <Shadowheart> GAH!

10:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> :P

10:19 <iandalton> Pizza? Now that's what I call a taco!

10:19 <Shadowheart> I'M A COLT!

10:19 <The_Dark_Pony> G'night, everypony!

10:19 *** Quits: The_Dark_Pony (gmqxvpcvpwz@Pony-6misa4.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> …wait what am i milking then?

10:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> eeeeewww

10:20 <jamis> iandalton,wtb

10:20 <Finwe> MrMooMoo?

10:20 <Shadowheart> (Or I suppose I would still be considered an older colt...)

10:20 <jamis> !seen MrMooMoo

10:20 <DerpyBot> jamis: The last time I saw MrMooMoo was 2014-07-22 08:29:20 UTC

10:20 <iandalton> jamis: you should be directing that at Phantasma_Eeria

10:20 <Finwe> He's a bit controversial, a Mr with udder.

10:20 <Shadowheart> Also Phantasma, this is supposed to be an all ages channel...

10:21 <Finwe> And HB refused to carry out her idea of koumis or airag further.

10:21 <jamis> !link rarity cow

10:21 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/520036

10:21 <Verandure> Wat?

10:22 * Phantasma_Eeria sees Verandure and proceeds to eat him

10:22 * Verandure is ingested, again.

10:22 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: leaving)

10:22 <Finwe> Verandure: Central and East Asian drinks made of fermented mare's milk.

10:22 <Finwe> o3o

10:22 <Verandure> I know.

10:23 <Verandure> I'm asking why it's being brought back up >.<

10:23 <Shadowheart> Whoah, so that's why derpyboo.ru was so glitchy... it got an update...

10:23 <Phantasma_Eeria> how many times have i eaten you its definitely OVER 9000

10:23 <Finwe> :0

10:23 <Finwe> Quite a few times.

10:24 * Phantasma_Eeria eats Finwe

10:24 * Finwe is delicious.

10:24 *** Klonoa is now known as Silhouette

10:24 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:24 *** FrankkieNL|AFK is now known as FrankkieNL

10:24 <FrankkieNL> Mr Finwe

10:24 * FrankkieNL doffs hat

10:24 *** Quits: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-i375cl.32t1.m4jc.a000.2606.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:25 <Finwe> Mr FrankkieNL.

10:25 <jamis> Two dapper ponies in the same space time channel?!def

10:25 * Finwe doffs Phantasma_Eeria.

10:25 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com)

10:25 <Phantasma_Eeria> how did you just doff me?

10:26 <Phantasma_Eeria> you are in my stomach

10:26 * Finwe doffs Phantasma_Eeria's spleen.

10:26 <Phantasma_Eeria> ow my spleen

10:27 <jamis> !link spleen

10:27 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

10:27 <Finwe> How surprising.

10:27 <jamis> !link surprise

10:27 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/128897?scope=scpe4f7dab6295da3534f41683d6a6cccca2343fa72f

10:27 <FrankkieNL> http://s.mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-1274749-1-205899__UNOPT__safe_twilight-sparkle_meme_advice-ponyjpg.jpg

10:27 <jamis> lol

10:28 <Finwe> Ponies and endocrinology, a seldom discussed combination.

10:28 <LightDash> !link https://derpibooru.org/585273

10:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about text edit troll pinkie pie ninja crossover (and 8 more)

10:28 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/681333

10:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about artist:artisticdoe safe irl human princess luna photo (and 3 more)

10:29 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Roundup #1023 [ http://tinyurl.com/psf9aro ]

10:29 <jamis> So many links

10:29 <Finwe> Wasn't it a golf game?

10:29 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

10:29 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-4j489v.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

10:29 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@sharpest.of.all.fangs) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 30.0/20140605174243])

10:30 <LightDash> like the pic i put ^

10:30 * Finwe hugs LightDash.

10:30 <LightDash> :3

10:30 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

10:30 * LightDash hugs Finwe

10:31 *** Joins: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-op5182.orcon.net.nz)

10:32 <iandalton> Llybel: ever thought of having someone sue someone on your behalf?

10:32 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-3r6.v9h.156.175.IP)

10:32 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

10:32 * iandalton sues Finwe for Llybel

10:32 *** Quits: Wicked_Wings (chatzilla@Pony-i8g0o5.sub-75-216-70.myvzw.com) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 30.0/20140605174243])

10:33 <Llybel> What did he do to me may I ask?

10:33 <iandalton> I dunno, but I hope to make some money from it

10:33 * Finwe pleads innocent.

10:33 <Finwe> I have an alibi.

10:34 <iandalton> Llybel laws don't work that way

10:34 <Finwe> And no motive.

10:34 <Shadowheart> I wonder if Cheerilee had an identity chrisis when she found out is was flutters singing...

10:34 <iandalton> That's what makes you a psychopath

10:34 <Llybel> Just let me move to USA first as we can't sue people in NZ

10:34 <iandalton> UK would be preferable, their Llybel laws are ridiculous

10:34 <Finwe> I live in Europe.

10:35 <jamis> wat

10:35 <Llybel> I am actually planning on doing a working holiday there next year.... maybe this could help pay it

10:35 * FrankkieNL should visit Finwe somday, maybe.

10:35 <iandalton> http://www.badscience.net/2009/12/libel-reform/

10:36 <LightDash> !link https://derpibooru.org/563155

10:36 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about sunny smiles anime apple stars safe animated (and 7 more)

10:36 * Finwe hides in his sailing yacht.

10:36 <jamis> How would a jet engine work on a yacht?

10:36 * jamis looks this up.

10:37 *** Quits: Vokuros (kpridhpkmum@Pony-9c3qm8.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:37 <Finwe> jamis: I've been on a ferry that had turbines instead od engines.

10:37 <LightDash> i going to watch AOT 19 see ya

10:37 <LightDash> *ep 19

10:38 <Finwe> It could reach 50 knots.

10:38 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-hklpsh.251-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:39 <Finwe> It could also propel all water from under it and hit the bottom in shallow water.

10:41 <jamis> Are those the kind that use water to propel themselves?

10:42 <Finwe> Propellers in water.

10:42 *** poseyshy|dreaming is now known as poseyshy|work

10:43 <Shadowheart> !gasp

10:43 <Finwe> I think.

10:43 <Finwe> The ferry was called M/S Finjet.

10:46 <jamis> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTS_Finnjet?

10:48 <Finwe> Yup.

10:48 <Finwe> It was 50 kph, not 50 knots.

10:49 *** Quits: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

10:49 <Finwe> And Finnjet. o3o

10:49 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

10:50 *** Joins: Jolt (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP)

10:51 * Shadowheart randomly screams

10:51 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

10:51 <Shadowheart> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:51 *** Jolt is now known as Pony_57487

10:51 <jamis> That's what, ?

10:51 * iandalton refuses to acknowledges random events, and so ignores it

10:52 *** Quits: Pony_57487 (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP) (Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango)

10:52 * Shadowheart licks iandalton

10:52 <iandalton> did I feel that?

10:53 <Llybel> earthquake?

10:53 <FrankkieNL> nah

10:53 <jamis> Think I'll go lay in bed until I finally succumb to the sleep thing. Night all.

10:53 *** Quits: jamis (jamis@jamis) (Quit: I'm out. Later. http://bernd01.deviantart.com/art/What-s-in-a-name-Vector-284395350)

10:54 <FruitNibbler> ni ni

10:54 <FrankkieNL> hi FruitNibbler

10:55 *** Joins: Jolt (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP)

10:55 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

10:55 * FrankkieNL waves at Princess-QRS

10:56 *** Jolt is now known as Pony_4690

10:56 *** Quits: Pony_4690 (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP) (Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango)

10:56 *** Quits: Pony_25767 (Langly@Pony-7oqh2o.ptld.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:56 *** Joins: Pony_4690 (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP)

10:57 <Pony_4690> i hate this iphone app

10:57 * FrankkieNL recommends Android apps

10:58 * Finwe does that, too.

10:58 <Princess-QRS> News: Parts of Chinese city closed after an outbreak of Bubonic Plague.

10:58 <Finwe> o3o

10:58 <Pony_4690> i want to kill the workd

10:58 * iandalton prefers Andchat, specifically

10:58 <Pony_4690> world

10:58 <Princess-QRS> Plague is back everybody!

10:58 <Princess-QRS> So uh, don't use it then?

10:58 <FrankkieNL> Pony_4690: damn you autocorrect

10:58 <Princess-QRS> Step 1 to a happy life: Don't use things you don't like.

10:58 <Pony_4690> thats how much it makes me upset

10:58 * Shadowheart throws a taco at Princess-QRS

10:58 * Princess-QRS noms

10:58 * Finwe uses Irssi.

10:59 <FrankkieNL> Pony_4690:  there are more IRC apps, get another,

10:59 <Finwe> Irssi ConnectBot, to be exact.

10:59 <Pony_4690> re establishing connections

10:59 *** Quits: Pony_4690 (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP) (Connection closed)

10:59 *** Joins: Pony_4690 (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP)

10:59 <Finwe> I don't run an IRC client on my phone.

10:59 <Princess-QRS> I'm using irssi too.

11:00 <Princess-QRS> And yeah IRC is bad on phones universally.

11:00 <Princess-QRS> ugh phone keyboards

11:00 <Pony_4690> well im effed

11:00 <Princess-QRS> owned

11:01 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: I connect to the server running my client using SSH, if need be.

11:01 <Princess-QRS> kay

11:01 *** Quits: Pony_4690 (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP) (Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango)

11:01 <FruitNibbler> just discovered I have a wild hair in my moustache

11:01 <Finwe> So it's like having Irssi for Amdroid.

11:02 <Finwe> o3o

11:02 <FruitNibbler> was like 10cm long (4inches in the silly units)

11:02 <Finwe> A wild hare in your moustache?

11:02 <FruitNibbler> (it was kinda flded on itself so it avoided detection for a while)

11:03 <FruitNibbler> that is one wrong hair follicule with a broken code

11:03 *** Joins: Jolt (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP)

11:03 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: May the ponies be with you.)

11:03 <Jolt> finally

11:03 <iandalton> at least it wasn't a subcutaneous follicle

11:03 <Jolt> it finally works

11:04 <iandalton> Jolt: IT'S ALIVE!

11:04 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

11:04 <Jolt> okay on a very unrelated note

11:04 <Jolt> i found a ytpmv masterpiece

11:05 <iandalton> I know all those words, I just didn't know they could be used in that order.

11:05 <Shadowheart> will you be posting a link Jolt?

11:06 <Jolt> yes

11:06 <Jolt> hold on

11:06 <Phantasma_Eeria> no

11:07 *** Neptune is now known as Neptune|sleep

11:07 <FruitNibbler> toothpaste has a horrible property of making food taste horrible

11:07 <Finwe> Well, well.

11:07 <FruitNibbler> Yuck

11:07 <Finwe> Time to go.

11:08 <Jolt> https://youtube.com/watch?v=ettaeKZHAwA

11:08 <Jolt> i think thats it

11:08 <Finwe> See you later, everypony!

11:08 <Shadowheart> https://soundcloud.com/pdubs123/preparing-the-trabpy-pattymp3

11:08 <Shadowheart> thank me later.

11:09 <Phantasma_Eeria> bai Finwe

11:09 <Shadowheart> Cya later.

11:09 <iandalton> gnight Finwe

11:09 <Shadowheart> May Luna give you pleasant dreams>

11:09 <FrankkieNL> bye Finwe

11:10 * Phantasma_Eeria praises the moonbutt

11:10 *** Quits: Silhouette (oapeukjjbqf@Pony-heffti.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:10 * Jolt charges up with a relic

11:11 * Phantasma_Eeria levitates and brohoofs Jolt

11:11 <Phantasma_Eeria> lol all your charge are gonr

11:11 <Phantasma_Eeria> *gone

11:12 <iandalton> Jolt: give me back those 3m26s

11:12 * Jolt brohoofs Phantasma_Eeria as he is reaching levels beyond pinkie pie's

11:13 <Phantasma_Eeria> who is reaching levels beyond pinkie pie's and level of what? cannot brain to day i has the dumb

11:13 <Princess-QRS> So tomorrow is my last day of being a parasite. Thursday, I work.

11:13 <iandalton> Phantasma_Eeria: precisely

11:13 * Jolt jumps up and breaks 7 ponies 4th wall

11:13 * Shadowheart does the district 12 salute to Princess-QRS

11:14 <Phantasma_Eeria> may the odds be ever in your favour

11:14 <Jolt> i live all of you

11:14 <Jolt> love

11:14 <FruitNibbler> http://img.addfunny.com/funnypictures/derpyhoovesgli/4/tomrule34.jpg

11:15 <FruitNibbler> If you don't get it... did you even pony?

11:15 <Phantasma_Eeria> i love everypony on IRC

11:15 * Jolt may be related to lyra

11:15 <Phantasma_Eeria> HERE COMES TOM

11:15 <Princess-QRS> i'm tom

11:16 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:16 <FrankkieNL> no you're not xD

11:16 <Phantasma_Eeria> wait so my waifu is a princess, changeling, and now a rock that made rarity delusional?

11:16 <Jolt> here comes seu madurga

11:16 <Princess-QRS> well i can shapeshift into it

11:16 <Princess-QRS> u see

11:17 <Jolt> Madruga

11:17 <Phantasma_Eeria> oh yeah

11:17 * Phantasma_Eeria sits on Princess-QRS and flaily-hooves

11:17 <Princess-QRS> I really wish I had my macbook back, this pentium 3 is wearing thin.

11:17 * Princess-QRS shapeshifts into Phantasma_Eeria

11:17 <FruitNibbler> Phantasma_Eeria, that is not only rock of Rarity, but also a stack of rocks that is Pinkamena's "friend"

11:17 <iandalton> Princess-QRS: sick of the 90s already?

11:17 <Jolt> i have cloudsdale app

11:18 <FrankkieNL> Jolt orly?

11:18 <FrankkieNL> give me

11:18 <Princess-QRS> I wanna get back to writing and I'm jonesing hard for some Wargame.

11:18 <Jolt> tes

11:18 <FrankkieNL> i need apps

11:18 <Jolt> find it

11:18 * Phantasma_Eeria shapeshifts into a giant tongue and licks the Phantasma_Eeria

11:18 <Princess-QRS> Phantasma_Eeria is a changeling!?

11:18 <iandalton> Why can't you write on your PC?

11:18 <Jolt> lick me

11:18 <FruitNibbler> http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/234/4/9/derpy_hooves_is_best_buffalo__day_20_by_frostmusic-d5c3qbl.jpg

11:18 <Princess-QRS> I can, but it's a pain in the butt since I have to boot into XP- which crashes a lot on this hardware.

11:19 <Princess-QRS> So I don't, for fear of losing data.

11:19 <Phantasma_Eeria> no im made of shadow so i can change shape into stuff just not change appearance

11:19 <iandalton> why can't you use 98?

11:19 <Princess-QRS> Because editing use notepad is stupid and a pain

11:19 * Phantasma_Eeria licks Jolt

11:19 <LightDash> AOT ep 19 finish

11:19 <iandalton> wordpad

11:19 <iandalton> emacs

11:19 <Jolt> awww

11:19 <Princess-QRS> I could, but I /don't want to/.

11:19 <Princess-QRS> I suppose that's the key here.

11:19 <iandalton> ok

11:19 <Jolt> i want licks

11:19 <Princess-QRS> SRQ is a baby and wants his computer back.

11:19 * Phantasma_Eeria licks Jolt

11:19 <Princess-QRS> I also want a copy of Ace Combat Zero

11:19 <Princess-QRS> I beat Ace Combat 5 and now I WANT MORE

11:20 * Phantasma_Eeria makes Princess-QRS's computer

11:20 <iandalton> it makes total sense. Last summer I was in another state and had to ride a crappy bicycle instead of my Surly Long Haul Trucker. I was so happy when I got home to ride old faithful.

11:20 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (PearlyWhite@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: *Self-advertising intensifies!!* http://askaponywithbraces.tumblr.com/)

11:20 <Jolt> im a lv 50 siren

11:20 <FruitNibbler> http://goo.gl/rg5JVB

11:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> bl2

11:21 <LightDash> now is ep 20 of AOT see ya

11:21 <FruitNibbler> Derpy is doing it right

11:21 <Phantasma_Eeria> are you talk about bl2 Jolt ?

11:22 <Princess-QRS> !link chasing tail

11:22 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/400707

11:22 * Phantasma_Eeria eats some eridium

11:22 <Princess-QRS> Iridium.

11:22 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

11:23 <iandalton> Who's a silly pony? Spitfire!

11:23 <Princess-QRS> BlackSentinel is a good pont.

11:23 <BlackSentinel> ?

11:23 <Princess-QRS> YOU'RE A GOOD PONY

11:23 <iandalton> http://ponyspin.com/

11:23 <BlackSentinel> you too :p

11:23 <LightDash> cute spitfire ^ (the pic)

11:23 <Phantasma_Eeria> no Eridium, im referencing Borderlands 2, the game of references

11:23 <Jolt> i wish i was a cookie dough pony

11:24 * Phantasma_Eeria turns into a lamp

11:24 * Princess-QRS turns Phantasma_Eeria on

11:24 <Princess-QRS> ;)

11:25 <Phantasma_Eeria> that is weird…also i was talking about a magic lamp as in genie lamps

11:25 * Jolt nibbles on himself

11:25 <Jolt> mmm... :(

11:25 <FrankkieNL> !link silly pony

11:25 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/169789?scope=scpea335e305120449e294554fa2bcfc946939474004

11:27 * Phantasma_Eeria gets rubbed by Jolt's tail, pops out and turns Jolt into cookie dough pone, then shapeshifts into her usual self

11:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> i cant say normal self because im not normal

11:27 <Jolt> yay

11:27 * Jolt eats hus hoof

11:27 <FrankkieNL> normal is overrated

11:27 <Jolt> his

11:27 * Shadowheart is delving back into the crazy apecrap insane stuff I adored back in '07

11:28 <Phantasma_Eeria> i love being weird, theres so much more stuff to do

11:28 * Llybel is proudly insane

11:28 *** Quits: CaveBro (ncnlbtkuvjz@Pony-cq9uae.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:28 *** Joins: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net)

11:29 <Jolt> /me already went insane

11:29 <Jolt> damn this app

11:29 <Jolt> damn it to hell

11:29 <iandalton> Phantasma_Eeria: if everyone became like you, it would be the new normal

11:29 * Phantasma_Eeria sends it to the moon

11:30 <Llybel> it would be the only normal as no two people are the same

11:31 <Phantasma_Eeria> !link woona send it to the moon

11:31 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

11:31 <Phantasma_Eeria> aww no fair

11:32 <Verandure> !link kill it with fire

11:32 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/679149

11:32 <Verandure> And now I need to burn my eyes! =D

11:32 <Jolt> Seu Madruga

11:32 *** Joins: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net)

11:33 <SkunkStripe> Let it be known that I hate skills that have descriptions like "Decreases defence on enemies who's levels are multiples of three"

11:34 <Jolt> i have insane healing abilaties

11:34 <Verandure> Let it be known that I hate tooltips that do not have exact numbers for every effect.

11:34 <SkunkStripe> Like, why? Why something so selective? How many random encounters have that? Let alone bosses. Why I even bother to check the level of every enemy.

11:34 <iandalton> SkunkStripe: roughly one third, right?

11:34 <SkunkStripe> I dunno.

11:34 *** Fallfeathers is now known as StitchesandSeams

11:34 <SkunkStripe> I'm not a mathmatician.

11:35 <iandalton> one third of numbers are divisible by 3

11:35 <Jolt> right going to cloudsdale

11:35 *** Quits: Kalastrear (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:35 <SkunkStripe> Thanks for the info. That'll probably be useful to remember somewhere down the line

11:35 <Jolt> if you wanna join me feel free too

11:35 <iandalton> 1 2 *3* 4 5 *6* 7 8 *9* ...

11:36 *** Quits: Jolt (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP) (Connection closed)

11:36 * SkunkStripe is playing FF9

11:36 <Llybel> Goodnight everypony

11:36 *** Quits: Llybel (yhwwzhqlxvs@Pony-op5182.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:36 <iandalton> I assume in most games you will face monsters of roughly the same level as you.

11:37 <Princess-QRS> the heck is cloudsdale

11:37 <Princess-QRS> is that a room

11:37 <SkunkStripe> I think that applies more to western style rpgs or rpgs with level scaling

11:37 <Princess-QRS> http://www.theverge.com/2014/7/22/5927601/china-seals-off-30000-people-after-bubonic-plague-death

11:37 <iandalton> I didnt know FFs had monster levels

11:38 <Phantasma_Eeria> jolt is a pegasus, cloudsdale is only inhabited by pegasi

11:39 <SkunkStripe> they do, but for the most part it doesn't matter. Except 7 and 8 which had scaling. And abilities like the one I just mentioned

11:39 * Shadowheart my tongue glitches and starts spazzing out without me noticing

11:40 <iandalton> what is level scaling?

11:42 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-crt65v.res.rr.com)

11:42 * Shadowheart random pie splats ConfusionRift

11:42 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

11:42 * ConfusionRift is now covered in pie.

11:43 * iandalton licks the pie off of ConfusionRift

11:43 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:43 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com)

11:43 * Shadowheart fluffle puff pomfs the room then dissapears

11:47 <SkunkStripe> Its exactly what it sounds like. Making the monster's levels scaled to whatever yours is

11:48 * Princess_Twilight jumps on Rifty

11:48 <SkunkStripe> Its apperantly kinda easy to screw up making though

11:48 <ConfusionRift> 0_0!

11:48 <iandalton> so if you go back to where you started, the 6hp monsters are now 6000hp?

11:49 * ConfusionRift pats Princess_Twilight. "What's up?" :P

11:49 <SkunkStripe> theoreticly yes. I havn't actually played 7 or 8 I just know they have it. Though 8's is a bigger deal as leveling up actually is a bad idea and makes the game harder

11:50 <SkunkStripe> Instead in 8 you do a completely different kind of grinding I don't completely understand so you get stronger, without actually gaining levels. So that the game doesn't destroy you.

11:50 *** Joins: MrMooMoo (Moo@Pony-ba9ual.wavecable.com)

11:50 * Shadowheart realizes a princess is in the room and bows respectfully

11:51 <ConfusionRift> Hey MrMooMoo.

11:51 <iandalton> that's junctioning or something?

11:51 <Shadowheart> Ohai MrMooMoo

11:52 <SkunkStripe> yeah

11:52 <MrMooMoo> Yo

11:54 *** ConfusionRift is now known as ConfusionRift|16b

11:55 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift|16b.

11:55 <Finwe> _o7

11:55 <Finwe> MrMooMoo.

11:55 * Finwe doffs his hat.

11:55 <ConfusionRift|16b> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

11:55 <Finwe> Your Highness!

11:56 * Finwe bows to Princess_Twilight.

11:56 <FrankkieNL> !twilighttime

11:56 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Princess_Twilight

11:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

11:56 * MrMooMoo doffs udders

11:56 * Princess_Twilight bows

11:56 * Finwe noms on Princess_Twilight's right wing.

11:56 <Finwe> o3o

11:58 * Shadowheart throws my finest taco at Princess_Twilight

11:59 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

12:01 <Shadowheart> Can someone explain the twilight scepter to me?

12:02 <iandalton> http://snapai.deviantart.com/art/The-princess-will-see-you-now-450149726

12:03 <Shadowheart> Is that the original?

12:03 <iandalton> No, it's from the show

12:03 *** Joins: SilverSky (SilverSky@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

12:03 <SkunkStripe> Its a powerful catalyst that Twilight made to enhance the power of her spells

12:03 <SkunkStripe> http://amasawaisako.tumblr.com/post/92613157106/reveillertm-macabrelolita-i-was-supposed-to

12:03 * ConfusionRift|16b coughs.

12:04 <Shadowheart> I don't remember that ever actually happening...

12:04 <iandalton> I want to believe

12:04 <ConfusionRift|16b> Shadowheart: https://derpiboo.ru/479439

12:04 <Shadowheart> ... what episode was this?

12:04 *** Quits: Neptune|sleep (Eclipse@Planet.Neptune) (Connection closed)

12:04 *** Gigaway is now known as Gigabit

12:05 <ConfusionRift|16b> Season 4 debut.

12:05 <iandalton> Princess Twilight Sparkle

12:05 <Shadowheart> Odd...

12:05 <Finwe> Princess Ian Dalton.

12:05 <Finwe> o3o

12:05 * iandalton is a pretty princess

12:05 <iandalton> wow, so soon after getting my cutie mark!

12:06 <SkunkStripe> I like my version. It sounds cool.

12:07 <MrMooMoo> Anime acids

12:07 *** FrankkieNL is now known as FrankkieNL|Work


12:07 <ConfusionRift|16b> Shadowheart: It is indeed (sighs) canon. Discord starts messing with Twilight's princess status by giving her a cape, her crown, and that scepter.

12:08 <Shadowheart> ...after I defeat alduin...

12:08 * Shadowheart is rewatching the episode

12:10 <iandalton> MrMooMoo: makes me think of Welcome to the NHK, where he's tripping on hallucinogens in the opening scene

12:10 <SilverSky> "that scepter" is a disrespectful way to refer to Princess Twilicane, ConfusionRift|16b

12:10 <iandalton> Although it's never directly mentioned in the anime, only the book

12:11 <SilverSky> All hail Princess Twilicane!

12:11 <Princess-QRS> Hail!

12:11 <ConfusionRift|16b> I will not bow to now cane. -_-

12:11 <ConfusionRift|16b> *no

12:12 <SilverSky> Fool! You shall be cast into the fiery furnace!

12:12 <ConfusionRift|16b> Heh, alright then.

12:12 * Shadowheart sneeks away to the gaming channel, trying not to be noticed

12:12 <ConfusionRift|16b> !

12:12 * ConfusionRift|16b spots Shadowheart.

12:13 <SilverSky> XD

12:13 <Shadowheart> Crap!

12:13 * Shadowheart hides under a cardboard box

12:13 <SilverSky> Reference received and processed properly

12:13 * Phantasma_Eeria materialises in Shadowheart's cardboard box

12:13 * Shadowheart whispers

12:13 <Shadowheart> Erm, how did you get in this small box again?

12:14 <SkunkStripe> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kw43QES7yA

12:15 <Shadowheart> furries

12:15 * SilverSky makes the assumption that Phantasma_Eeria is British by the way "materializes" was spelled

12:15 <Phantasma_Eeria> its dark in there and im made of shadows, shadows are darkess, i made myself in there

12:15 <SilverSky> *bricked*

12:15 <Shadowheart> Interesting...

12:15 <Phantasma_Eeria> i am however until today i spelled materializes as such

12:15 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:15 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-2ao.8aq.246.180.IP) (Client exited)

12:16 <SkunkStripe> anyway I should go to sleep now. I'm really tired.

12:16 <ConfusionRift|16b> Alright, laters SkunkStripe.

12:16 <SkunkStripe> I tried to go to sleep 3 hours ago, but I heard gunshots the second I put my head on the pillow.

12:16 <SkunkStripe> Then had to deal with police helicopters for 30 minutes

12:16 <SkunkStripe> anyway night.

12:17 <Shadowheart> So you being made of shadows, what did you first think when you saw my name?

12:17 <MrMooMoo> iandalton: that was one of my favorite anime

12:17 <MrMooMoo> I really want to read the novel sometime

12:17 <iandalton> MrMooMoo: Same; I just recently read the book. It's a major bummer, you will probably feel depressed. But I recommend it.

12:18 <MrMooMoo> Just what I need

12:18 <iandalton> In the first forward the author says he based it off his own hikkikomori life. In the second forward he says the sales of the book have allowed hi to sink even further into his hikkikomori life.

12:18 <MrMooMoo> I would like a physical copy

12:18 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-p6h0il.as13285.net)

12:19 <Shadowheart> Have any of you ever gotten the odd feeling that you where a human from another universe in your past life and that human is controlling everything you do?

12:20 <MrMooMoo> Ha, I remember when I finished nhk, I started k-on right after to get happy again

12:20 <iandalton> wow, not cheap http://www.amazon.com/Welcome-NHK-Novel-Tatsuhiko-Takimoto/dp/1427802564/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1406103589&sr=8-2&keywords=welcome+to+the+nhk

12:20 <MrMooMoo> Right after as in a week later as I had to digest it all

12:20 <iandalton> MrMooMoo: after the most recent time watching NHK, introducing it to a friend, we watched Clannad. That gave him whiplash :-)

12:20 <ConfusionRift|16b> Shadowheart: Had an odd dream about that some time ago

12:21 <Shadowheart> o.o

12:21 <MrMooMoo> The OG moeblobs

12:21 <Shadowheart> MrMooMoo, have you ever gotten that feeling?

12:22 <MrMooMoo> Still havent watched clannad tho

12:22 <MrMooMoo> The whiplash?

12:23 <Shadowheart> That in your past life you where a human from another dimension and that human is now controlling all of your actions...

12:23 <MrMooMoo> All of my actions maybe not, random decisions yes

12:23 <iandalton> MrMooMoo: Clannad is my favorite of all time. Of all time.

12:24 <Shadowheart> Perhaps... that makes a but more sense...

12:24 * Princess_Twilight noms on somepony

12:24 <iandalton> Shadowheart: sometimes I wonder who's driving this thing

12:24 <Finwe> !plot

12:24 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

12:24 <MrMooMoo> Also little quirks could be passed on

12:24 <Finwe> *wigglewiggle*

12:24 <FrankkieNL|Work> *wigglewiggle*

12:24 <FruitNibbler> *wigglewiggle*

12:24 <MrMooMoo> I'm a big fan of Kyoto animation so of course its on my backlog,

12:24 <Finwe> I'm not sure whether that somepony was me, but I wiggle nevertheless.

12:24 <Shadowheart> Must be where I get my insane side from... everything I've heard about them says their crazy...

12:25 <Shadowheart> Hey Princess_Twilight, can you tell us some details from that time you went to the human world?

12:25 <Finwe> This is sad.

12:25 <MrMooMoo> I got spoiled of the ending so I put it further on the backlog

12:25 <iandalton> MrMooMoo: I watched it because I was a big fan of VisualArt's/Key, after watching Air TV and Kanon

12:25 <MrMooMoo> Dem eyes

12:25 * ConfusionRift|16b hugs Princess_Twilight and goes back to playing. :P

12:26 <Finwe> The lunch alternatives are greatly cud down because of almost every cafeteria being closed for summer holidays.

12:26 <Princess_Twilight> I smuggled a Kindle back to Equestria

12:26 <Princess-QRS> Kindles own

12:26 <MrMooMoo> Am I kawaii uguu

12:26 * Finwe noms on Princess_Twilight's Kindle.

12:26 * Princess_Twilight shrieks and sends Finwe to the moon

12:26 <Finwe> MrMooMoo: No, you're Hawaii.

12:26 <Finwe> o3o

12:26 <MrMooMoo> The big island

12:26 <FruitNibbler> Did... you just call her... fat?

12:27 <FruitNibbler> him*

12:27 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s4iip7.east.verizon.net)

12:27 <Shadowheart> How does a kindle connect to the canternet when their designed to connected to the internet?.... and how in the world do I know that?!?

12:27 <iandalton> magic

12:27 <Tirek> Stop roleplaying

12:27 <Finwe> Looks like it's a choice between pizza and Thai chicken with noodles.

12:27 *** Quits: Cumadrin (owner@Pony-ruvmt7.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

12:28 <ConfusionRift|16b> Hello... Tirek.

12:28 <Tirek> Greetings

12:28 <FruitNibbler> Said Tirec character...

12:28 * Phantasma_Eeria sends Tirek to tartarus

12:28 <MrMooMoo> I'm almost done watching most of kyoanis recent work

12:28 <Tirek> So

12:28 <Finwe> DerpyBot: What shall I have?

12:28 <Finwe> !flip

12:28 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

12:28 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her hoof, upside down

12:28 <MrMooMoo> Besides Free! Screw that swimming anime

12:28 <Finwe> I interpret that as the latter alternative.

12:28 <Shadowheart> ugh, I need to go to sleep... my mind of madness is kicking in... night everpony, and may luna give you good dreams...

12:28 *** FruitNibbler is now known as `Rarity

12:28 * Shadowheart licks Tirek

12:28 <Shadowheart> !lullaby

12:28 * DerpyBot carries Shadowheart off to bed

12:28 * DerpyBot tucks Shadowheart in and hums a lullaby

12:28 *** Quits: Shadowheart (eqyutkbyfpx@Pony-bbp5p1.bhm.bellsouth.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:28 <Princess-QRS> eww

12:28 <Finwe> So chicken and noodles.

12:29 <`Rarity> Then I shall "not roeplay" too, honey

12:29 <Tirek> What a dork

12:29 <Finwe> See you later, everypony!

12:29 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (montezuma@Pony-jo28ma.superkabel.de)

12:29 * Finwe trots to one of the two cafeterias that are open today.

12:29 <MrMooMoo> Imma go sleep too

12:29 <MrMooMoo> Nighties

12:29 <Princess-QRS> FloppyChiptunes is a good floppy.

12:29 <Finwe> The one serving Thai chicken.

12:29 <Tirek> My thumb still hurts

12:29 <iandalton> MrMooMoo: Free is good

12:29 *** Quits: MrMooMoo (Moo@MOOOOOOOOOO) (Quit: qwerty)

12:29 <`Rarity> Have a nice beauty sleep MrMooMoo

12:29 * Finwe noms `Rarity's tail as starter.

12:30 * Phantasma_Eeria throws `Rarity into a hot tub

12:30 <`Rarity> It's ok, dear, short tails are in this season

12:31 <FrankkieNL|Work> Moustache :P

12:31 <Phantasma_Eeria> `can i have your tail to replace half of my moustache

12:31 <FrankkieNL|Work> called it

12:31 <FloppyChiptunes> :3

12:31 <Phantasma_Eeria> lol the s1 ep2 references

12:31 <`Rarity> Let's not go to a super-short tail though, shall we?

12:32 * ConfusionRift|16b puts on the 'stache. "Ladies..." :{P

12:32 <`Rarity> That is simply uncooth no matter how you look at it

12:32 * Phantasma_Eeria cuts off her own tail to replace her moustache

12:32 <FrankkieNL|Work> totally

12:33 <Phantasma_Eeria> Mentlegen a pie

12:33 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (ongnopcvggk@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

12:33 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

12:33 <`Rarity> Bonjour SomeFrenchBrony

12:33 *** Parts: SomeFrenchBrony (ongnopcvggk@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) ()

12:33 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

12:33 <Princess-QRS> ConfusionRift|16b, this model is known to have improved armour and ATGM capilities over the 16a model.

12:34 <ConfusionRift|16b> I should conserve the 'Stache Powers for a later occasion. (puts away mustache)

12:34 * Phantasma_Eeria puts a mortar-topped mortarboard on CleverDerpy and gives her a diploma in pyrotechnics

12:34 <SilverSky> *yawn* Well I have work tomorrow, it would be best if I got myself some shut-eye

12:34 <SilverSky> Seeya!

12:34 *** `Rarity is now known as BattleFruit

12:34 <ConfusionRift|16b> Laters Silver_Silent.

12:34 <Princess-QRS> goonight

12:34 <SilverSky> XD

12:34 * CleverDerpy takes the hat and puts it on, and it catches on fire

12:35 <SilverSky> !moon

12:35 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, SilverSky!

12:35 <SilverSky> Whee~

12:35 <Phantasma_Eeria> Princess-QRS, i moustache you a question but i'll shave it for later

12:35 <CleverDerpy> I know exactly what went wrong

12:35 <Princess-QRS> heh

12:35 <Phantasma_Eeria> good bye

12:36 <CleverDerpy> SilverSky didn't get mooned?

12:36 <SilverSky> ... I've lost count now... DerpyBot has done this to me at least thirty times

12:36 <SilverSky> XD

12:36 <BattleFruit> !moon

12:36 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, BattleFruit!

12:36 *** BattleFruit was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

12:36 <SilverSky> Lemme try that again XD

12:36 <Tirek> Ahahahaha

12:36 <Tirek> A+

12:36 <Phantasma_Eeria> DerpyBot, likes you in the channel SilverSky

12:36 <SilverSky> !moon

12:36 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, SilverSky!

12:36 *** SilverSky was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

12:36 <CleverDerpy> selective mooning, that's new

12:36 <Tirek> Burn

12:36 <CleverDerpy> nvm

12:36 *** Joins: SilverSky (SilverSky@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

12:37 <Tirek> Welp, I'm off to play Freedom Planet again

12:37 <SilverSky> If she likes me in the channel, then why not?

12:37 <ConfusionRift|16b> Sure thing. (sniffs)

12:37 <CleverDerpy> Tirek, there's no such thing

12:37 <CleverDerpy> freedom planet would be anarchy

12:37 <SilverSky> I don't actually have to get to sleep for another half hour

12:37 * Phantasma_Eeria rolls around

12:37 <SilverSky> XP

12:37 * ConfusionRift|16b sighs.

12:37 * CleverDerpy rolls with Phantasma_Eeria

12:37 <Phantasma_Eeria> !hug

12:37 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

12:38 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Phantasma_Eeria in a tight embrace

12:38 <CleverDerpy> !twilighttime

12:38 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Princess_Twilight

12:38 *** Joins: BattleFruit (Pony_2501@Pony-b6lu9t.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

12:38 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

12:38 <SilverSky> !muffin

12:38 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

12:38 * Phantasma_Eeria flaily-hooves

12:38 <SilverSky> Yes

12:38 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

12:38 * DerpyBot glomps SilverSky

12:38 <CleverDerpy> how about a new command

12:38 <Phantasma_Eeria> !brohoof should be a thing

12:38 <Princess-QRS> try !faceplot

12:38 <Phantasma_Eeria> !faceplot

12:38 *** DerpyBot sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP

12:38 *** Phantasma_Eeria was kicked by DerpyBot (Oh I thought you said !plothoof...)

12:39 <SilverSky> You're terrible SRQ XD

12:39 <Finwe> o3o

12:39 <LightDash> =3

12:39 <Princess-QRS> I am indeed.

12:39 <LightDash> * =3=

12:39 *** SilverSky is now known as Toothpaste

12:39 <CleverDerpy> note to self

12:40 <CleverDerpy> avoid derpbot's hooves

12:40 * CleverDerpy bkacs away slowly

12:40 <Toothpaste> XD

12:40 <iandalton> !flip

12:40 * DerpyBot flips a muffin

12:40 * DerpyBot catches the muffin with her hoof, correct side up

12:40 <CleverDerpy> !kiss

12:40 * Toothpaste pushes CleverDerpy toward DerpyBot

12:40 <BattleFruit> !facеplot

12:41 <CleverDerpy> I guess she's catching up

12:41 <Toothpaste> :P

12:41 <BattleFruit> !seen strаight

12:41 <DerpyBot> BattleFruit: Sorry, I haven't seen strаight lately.

12:41 <Finwe> :0

12:41 <Princess-QRS> nice unicode

12:41 <Toothpaste> That's a new response on me XD

12:41 <CleverDerpy> !mail DerpyBot muffins

12:41 <DerpyBot> For..for me? Are there muffins inside??

12:41 <CleverDerpy> yes

12:41 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

12:41 <Finwe> !seen straight

12:41 * DerpyBot glomps CleverDerpy

12:41 <DerpyBot> Finwe: The last time I saw....will you cut that out already?!

12:42 <Princess-QRS> Finwe he used crazy unicode crap.

12:42 <BattleFruit> shhhh

12:42 <Princess-QRS> u0430 for the straight and u0435 for the plot.

12:42 <ConfusionRift|16b> Oh my, this is definitely not good for those who are photosensitive.

12:42 <Finwe> Princess-QRS: I'm using crazy Micro$oft crap at the moment, so I wasn't able to see that.

12:42 * BattleFruit flailyhooves into Princess-QRS' muzzle to silence her

12:42 <Princess-QRS> I can't either, I can just see the actual unicode code

12:43 <Princess-QRS> Thanks irssi

12:43 <Toothpaste> !seen myself

12:43 <DerpyBot> Toothpaste: The last time I saw myself was 2014-02-01 17:11:54 UTC

12:43 <Toothpaste> That was quite a while ago .3.

12:43 <BattleFruit> !seen mysеlf

12:43 <DerpyBot> BattleFruit: Sorry, I haven't seen mysеlf lately.

12:43 <Toothpaste> Pfft~

12:43 *** DerpyBot sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP

12:44 <BattleFruit> :P

12:44 <Toothpaste> lell

12:44 *** ConfusionRift|16b is now known as Gear_Sparks

12:44 <Toothpaste> lel

12:44 <BattleFruit> Even if you will use "straight" as a nick, DerpyBot will neve see you still

12:44 <BattleFruit> Ultimate ninja nick

12:44 * Princess-QRS sparks Gear_Sparks' sparks

12:45 <Toothpaste> Haha! I dodged the dumbest censor ever!! I said "lel"! XD

12:45 * Toothpaste hides

12:45 <Gear_Sparks> Ouch, hey!

12:46 <BattleFruit> kеk is also censored

12:46 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

12:46 <Princess-QRS> Hilariously, yeah it is.

12:46 <Princess-QRS> The censor system doesn't recognize works within words too it's so bad.

12:46 <BattleFruit> atgiermann went a tad overboard with kеk

12:46 * Finwe noms on Phantasma_Eeria's tail.

12:46 <Princess-QRS> YEah but... ban it channel wide?

12:46 <Phantasma_Eeria> …you are a devious waifu Princess-QRS…

12:46 <Princess-QRS> All that does is give him a sort of power.

12:46 * Phantasma_Eeria baps Finwe "no

12:47 <Phantasma_Eeria> "

12:47 * Gear_Sparks deadly stares at Princess-QRS and takes out her industrial wrench.

12:47 <BattleFruit> personally I am totally ok with lеl and kеk being censored

12:47 <Toothpaste> Why so?

12:48 * Phantasma_Eeria eats Gear_Sparks's idustrial wrench

12:48 <BattleFruit> Dunno, just don't like them somehow

12:48 * iandalton transforms the wrench into a spanner

12:48 <Gear_Sparks> I really despise them, especially when overused.

12:48 <Phantasma_Eeria> i have a spanner in me

12:48 <Toothpaste> It's restricting my natural way of typing. I always say "lel", it is a word I often use to describe how I feel about something :,(

12:48 <BattleFruit> Probably because it associates with squeaky teens who try to be annoying for the sake of being annoying

12:48 <BattleFruit> I guess...

12:48 * Princess_Twilight is everypony's waifu

12:48 <Toothpaste> XD

12:49 <Phantasma_Eeria> nope

12:49 <Gear_Sparks> Eeeergh, no. No thank you.

12:49 <Toothpaste> lel

12:49 <Phantasma_Eeria> Princess-QRS, is my only waifu

12:49 <Princess-QRS> I luv u waifu

12:49 <Toothpaste> BattleFruit: I hope you don't mind if I keep saying "lel", I'm not doing it to bug you :P

12:50 * Phantasma_Eeria turns into a filly Phantasma_Eeria

12:50 * Princess_Twilight looks cute

12:50 <Princess-QRS> Adorkable.

12:50 <Toothpaste> XD

12:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> i am cutest waifufilly

12:50 <BattleFruit> Toothpaste, just don't do it when Skеtchy_Sounds is around

12:50 * Gear_Sparks sighs as C.R., and decides to continue her work.

12:50 <Toothpaste> Gotcha~

12:50 <Gear_Sparks> No, go ahead. Do it when he is around.

12:50 <Princess-QRS> Please.

12:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> do it

12:51 <Toothpaste> XD

12:51 <BattleFruit> Gear_Sparks is ban-happy, don't make him a mod!

12:51 <Princess-QRS> Gear_Sparks, do it and ban him for mod abuse!

12:52 <Toothpaste> Duly noted

12:52 <Princess_Twilight> Do I need to step in?

12:52 * Gear_Sparks stares at them. "But how? I could, of course, as for the guidance of a moderator."

12:52 <BattleFruit> I have to check something (which might ban me for a week, but YODOyllot)

12:52 * Toothpaste slaps Princess_Twilight with a trout

12:52 *** BattleFruit is now known as e

12:52 *** e is now known as FN

12:53 <FN> @_@ taken

12:53 * Princess_Twilight glares

12:53 <FN> e is taken

12:53 <Princess-QRS> You're not a mod, what would stepping in mean?

12:53 <Toothpaste> Princess_Twilight: I know of your crimes against the great FluffyMixer! XD

12:53 <Phantasma_Eeria> Toothpaste, when did you get a Holy Mackrel?

12:53 <iandalton> it would mean setting upon FN with the twilicane

12:53 * FN gets on his knees in a dramatic pose stretching forehooves into the sky

12:53 *** Joins: Pony_25767 (Langly@Pony-8f1ehj.ptld.qwest.net)


12:54 <Toothpaste> Phantasma_Eeria: Ever since I last played Nef Leaf~ *shot*

12:54 <Toothpaste> New*

12:55 *** FN is now known as BattleFruit

12:56 <Gear_Sparks> Hmm, it seems what C.R. keeps saying is true. Sometimes, the best way to deal with a problem is by ignoring it. In other words, back to what I was doing. (takes out another wrench and continues)

12:56 <iandalton> Gear_Sparks: that's certainly the way to deal with a revolution. Which Ukraine should have known.

12:56 <Toothpaste> Well, my bed is calling out my name. I dare not disobey XD

12:57 <Gear_Sparks> Let us not talk about that.

12:57 <BattleFruit> Pfffff DICE/EA please

12:57 <Toothpaste> Night y'all!

12:57 <Toothpaste> Seeya!

12:57 <BattleFruit> Joined a game: scored an insta loss

12:57 <Toothpaste> !moon

12:57 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Toothpaste!

12:57 <Toothpaste> Whee~

12:57 <BattleFruit> ni ni Toothpaste

12:57 *** DerpyBot sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca

12:57 *** Toothpaste was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon! http://derpiboo.ru/41246 )

12:58 *** Q0 is now known as Q0|Away

13:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> hello

13:01 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) (Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango)

13:02 *** DerpyBot sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca

13:02 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

13:02 * Princess-QRS spins around

13:02 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: leaving)

13:03 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

13:03 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

13:05 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

13:05 <Phantasma_Eeria> hi

13:09 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP)

13:10 *** Gear_Sparks is now known as ConfusionRift

13:11 *** Larscis[EoH] is now known as Mike_Coltfield

13:13 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Pony Friends Forever #7 Pinkie Pie and Luna - Variants, Discussion, Downloads [ http://tinyurl.com/nwexlsk ]

13:15 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-oc8plk.tx.charter.com) (Quit: To the not here and beyond!)

13:16 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

13:19 *** Joins: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net)

13:20 *** Joins: Captain_Pi (pi@Pony-j37.2ih.208.112.IP)

13:20 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

13:20 <ConfusionRift> Hello Captain_Pi.

13:21 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-j37.2ih.208.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:22 <ConfusionRift> Actually, I'm looking for a song. Odds are this song is not out there, but would be awesome if it did.

13:22 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-3r6.v9h.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:23 <ConfusionRift> I'm looking for something that starts off slow, probably instrumental or chiptune at the start. Then it progressively becomes more complex and faster. To a final point, where it's high beat and heavy. It probably simmers at the end or continues till it fades.

13:23 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

13:26 <StitchesandSeams> Guh.

13:26 <iandalton> sounds like a lot of trance

13:26 <StitchesandSeams> This plushie is turning out like nothing I had expected.

13:26 <StitchesandSeams> i.e. crap.

13:27 <Princess-QRS> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anq8KFb1AGQ

13:27 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

13:27 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Ace Combat 5-Journey Home (Radio Song)

13:27 <ConfusionRift> iandalton: I think I do have a trance song in one of the CDs that's like that. But I honestly don't remember.

13:28 <ConfusionRift> Not that one. It's for Beat Hazard, that one's too good. :P

13:29 <Princess-QRS> Listening to this song while I blew up like 40 naval ships was weird.

13:29 <iandalton> the only thing is that trance, while it does build up, often over an hour mix, doesn't usually get too heavy

13:29 <Princess-QRS> I probably killed like 8000 people while this pretty music was playing, lol Ace Combat

13:29 <Princess-QRS> I got S-ranks on half the missions, I am a good pilot.

13:29 <iandalton> ConfusionRift: oh, I know! Beethoven's 9th

13:30 <ConfusionRift> Not going for classics, really. Otherwise, Peer Gynt Suite's In the Hall of the Mountain King.

13:31 <ConfusionRift> :P

13:32 <Princess-QRS> Windows 9x came with a midi of that.

13:32 <iandalton> MLP had a pastiche of it. I forget in which episode.

13:34 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, should be more specific. It's around the Electrica genre. Many classics have this sort of pattern. Not saying it's bad, just that it's not what I'm looking for.

13:34 *** Quits: Fenix (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

13:35 <Tirek> On second thought

13:35 <Tirek> I'm back.

13:35 <Princess-QRS> HE'S BACK

13:35 <ConfusionRift> Welcome back!

13:35 <Princess-QRS> THE McRIB IS BACK

13:36 <Tirek> Playing Milla is difficult

13:36 <ConfusionRift> The Tirek has returned! :P

13:36 <Princess-QRS> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xtUyn9M9mE

13:36 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War- Razgriz Theme

13:36 <ConfusionRift> Somepony is in an Ace Combat mood. :P

13:36 <Tirek> Also, my thumb still hurts

13:36 *** Joins: Fenix (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com)

13:37 <Tirek> So it'd probably be a bad idea for me to try and play anyway.

13:37 <Tirek> I did get a few more achievements at least.

13:37 <Princess-QRS> I finished Ace 5 last night and it's still with me.

13:37 *** Fenix is now known as Pony_32674

13:37 <Tirek> Got 14 out of 56, so

13:37 <Princess-QRS> F/A 18 can't stop, won't stop.

13:37 <Princess-QRS> I actually scored some air kills with the A-10 too lol

13:38 <ConfusionRift> Pffft, the A10 was my goto plane.

13:39 <Princess-QRS> A-10 is a horrible plane for the longer air to air battles, I had the Mig 31 for that.

13:40 <Princess-QRS> Fighting the Arkbird spaceship with a Mig-31M must be what it's like to be an X-Com pilot

13:40 <ConfusionRift> Not... sure.

13:41 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-p6h0il.as13285.net) (Quit: Page closed)

13:42 <ConfusionRift> Oh, the arkbird! Yeah, you want something nimble, but superb in cargo.

13:43 <ConfusionRift> Then again, I think I did take it down with the A-10.

13:44 <Princess-QRS> That would be pretty hilarious, it doesn't even have long range AA missiles.

13:44 <Princess-QRS> That gun tho

13:45 <Princess-QRS> I was legit sad I never got to fly an Su-27, best plane.

13:46 <Princess-QRS> Mig-31 flies like a bat out of hell though. Can't turn worth a damn, but it's so fast you can just fly at the enemy, fire off some missles, and get off before they even see you.

13:47 <ConfusionRift> The Arkbird is not that fast. So the A-10 can catch up, till the pilot freaks out. Got plenty of missiles to deal with it. Got a lock-on? Use the jammer.

13:47 <Princess-QRS> the what

13:47 <Tirek> In unrelated news, I can't wait for the next update of Dwarf Fortress. The calendar screen event gen seems to have been streamlined and optimized in Tarn's current testing build

13:47 <Princess-QRS> also yeah it's oddly slow, half my deaths were from hitting it when it slows down at a few sptos

13:48 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-p6h0il.as13285.net)

13:49 <ConfusionRift> Forgot the name of the thing. It pretty much renders you invisible to the missiles. You can use the long range missile, but good lock dummy tracking to the plane.

13:49 <Princess-QRS> I'm pretty sure Ace Combat 5 didn't have anything like that, or else I missed it.

13:50 <Princess-QRS> also what long range missile, the A-10 just has those Maverick AGMs

13:51 <ConfusionRift> I was talking against, not that the A-10 carried such missiles.

13:51 <Princess-QRS> alriight

13:51 <Princess-QRS> yyy

13:55 <ConfusionRift> ECMP: Electronic Countermeasures Pod

13:55 <ConfusionRift> No, the Thuderbolt never had it.

13:56 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, might be confusing it with another large air-to-ground plane.

13:57 <Princess_Twilight> Seen the Textron/Cessna attempt at replacing the A-10?

13:57 <Princess_Twilight> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textron_AirLand_Scorpion

13:58 *** Quits: Pony_32674 (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:58 <Princess_Twilight> I saw this thing take off on the way to work and definitely had a "What the hell is that?" moment

13:58 <ConfusionRift> Not really. I know someone was attempting to bring back one of the older propeller planes as a recon and striker.

13:59 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:59 <Princess_Twilight> Its a low and slow two engine jet with large maneuvering surfaces

14:00 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com)

14:00 *** Joins: [PE|OFFLINE] (Eclipse@Pony-6p51f8.elitebnc.org)

14:01 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, looks... interesting. When they means low consumption, they were not joking.

14:03 <Princess_Twilight> Welp, I just found the perfect picture for me.

14:03 <Princess_Twilight> http://hieronymuswhite.deviantart.com/art/Hey-469765716

14:03 <Princess_Twilight> Hooves off my booze

14:03 *** Quits: iandalton (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:04 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:04 <ConfusionRift> Of course, it would be a shame of one of the ciders... (poof) ...disappeared.

14:06 <LightDash> i am going to finish the last ep of AOT right now.

14:07 *** Quits: [PE|OFFLINE] (Eclipse@Pony-6p51f8.elitebnc.org) (Connection closed)

14:07 *** Unixkitty|4d is now known as Unixkitty

14:07 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

14:08 <Princess_Twilight> Rifty has rescheduled his format, I see

14:08 * ConfusionRift slowly walks away from Princess_Twilight, and hides.

14:09 <ConfusionRift> To next week? Oh goody goody. :P

14:09 <FrankkieNL|Work> Today, day of national mourning in the Netherlands (because of the plane-crash) https://translate.google.nl/translate?sl=nl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rijnmond.nl%2Fnieuws%2F22-07-2014%2F%25E2%2580%258Bwoensdag-dag-van-nationale-rouw-nederland&edit-text=&act=url

14:11 <LightDash> go to 2:20

14:11 <LightDash> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMQeGubna3E

14:11 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

14:11 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Shingeki no kyojin Ost - Attack ON Titan

14:14 *** Joins: [PE|OFFLINE] (Eclipse@Pony-6p51f8.elitebnc.org)

14:14 *** FrankkieNL|Work is now known as FrankkieNL|Lunch

14:14 <Cloud_Zephyr> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM8DmavGMwc

14:14 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

14:14 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about It's Official, Kim Jong-un Is A Crybaby. This Viral Video Is Hilarious!

14:17 *** Joins: Fenix (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com)

14:18 *** Fenix is now known as Pony_24866

14:18 * ConfusionRift fills the bottle of cider with water and colorant, and puts it back in the shelf without Princess_Twilight noticing.

14:18 <ConfusionRift> Ssssssh.:P

14:20 *** Joins: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-kcfj70.sub-70-199-243.myvzw.com)

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14:21 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:25 * FrankkieNL|Lunch grabs a bottle.

14:25 * FrankkieNL|Lunch gets back to lunch

14:27 <StitchesandSeams> http://puu.sh/anxln/e4a17bdcab.jpg http://puu.sh/anxmy/b7a43be4a0.jpg

14:27 <StitchesandSeams> ugh

14:28 <FrankkieNL|Lunch> There is a part missing.

14:28 <StitchesandSeams> There are many parts missing

14:28 <Princess_Twilight> Yeah, some important parts

14:28 <ConfusionRift> And it was blocked. Hmmmm....

14:29 * ConfusionRift starts taking a couple of bottles, and disappears.

14:31 *** FrankkieNL|Lunch is now known as FrankkieNL|AFK

14:32 <CleverDerpy> hiya

14:33 <CleverDerpy> good morning~

14:33 <ConfusionRift> Hello.

14:38 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-2ao.8aq.246.180.IP)

14:38 <ConfusionRift> And everypony left. (looks around, then pops a bottle open) She won't even know, hehe.

14:39 <Unixkitty> Hey ConfusionRift. What do you have there?

14:39 <ConfusionRift> Pffffft! (hides it) No-nothing. 0_0;

14:40 <Unixkitty> Oh, are you sure? It totally looks like you've just hid something...

14:40 <Unixkitty> I'm not sure why would you be afraid of me~

14:40 * Unixkitty climbs on top of ConfusionRift

14:41 <ConfusionRift> You are seeing things. (pets) Uuuh, but what is this? (takes out a mouse toy) Does kitty want mousy toy? :P

14:41 <Unixkitty> Sophisticated cats like myself learned not to care about mice... why?

14:42 * Unixkitty pets C?nfusionRift

14:42 <Unixkitty> If you don't want to tell me, that is fine.. I'm not going to disturb you.

14:43 <ConfusionRift> Oh... okay then. (looks around, then shows a bottle of cider)

14:43 <ConfusionRift> She wont miss it anyways. :P (drinks from it)

14:43 <Unixkitty> On a side note though, I have a small fever today and generally don't feel well so I'd decided to stay home for a day.

14:44 <Unixkitty> Since when do robutts drink cider? Do you mind sharing?

14:44 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-mtv.7lo.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

14:46 <ConfusionRift> Oh, poor Unixkitty. (puts a blanket over her) I drink cider because: 1. It's gooooooood! 2. Water for the cooling, sugars for fuel. 3. It's soooo gooooooood!!! 4. Did I mention that I like cider?

14:48 * Unixkitty shivers a little bit

14:48 <Unixkitty> Who would have guessed?

14:48 *** Joins: Fenix (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com)

14:49 *** Fenix is now known as Pony_52052

14:49 <ConfusionRift> Oh, and I got the bottle from a specific cellar. (Ssssh, don't tell her)

14:49 <Unixkitty> So is it just you here today? I haven't really seen anyone else around

14:49 <ConfusionRift> It seems, at least at the moment.

14:50 <Unixkitty> And who's 'she'? Sounds like you're stealing someone's cider now.

14:50 <ConfusionRift> I'm not stealing! I am borrowing. :P

14:50 *** Quits: Captain_Pi (pi@Pony-j37.2ih.208.112.IP) (Quit: Granted.)

14:50 <Unixkitty> Ooookay

14:50 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-j37.2ih.208.112.IP)

14:50 <ConfusionRift> Besides, she won't miss one bottle out of a thousand.

14:51 <Unixkitty> It's almost 3pm and I haven't eaten a thing yet. And stiiill not hungry

14:51 <Unixkitty> I wonder if I should have some cereal just because

14:52 <Pi> Do you feast on the souls of the damned?

14:52 * Unixkitty slaps pants on Pi

14:53 <ConfusionRift> Pi: I do sometimes. It makes for great source of fuel.

14:53 <ConfusionRift> I mean, you so silly.

14:56 <Unixkitty> Nah, not feeling like ingesting anything atm.

14:58 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-9rc.9hp.153.82.IP)

14:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

14:58 *** Joins: Gilda (Fall@silently)

14:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Gilda

14:59 <ConfusionRift> Hello VinylScratch and Gilda.

14:59 <Gilda> Yo.

15:00 *** Quits: Pony_52052 (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:01 *** Joins: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-5djttr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

15:02 *** Quits: BattleFruit (Pony_2501@Pony-b6lu9t.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:02 *** Joins: Towerjason (Hello@Pony-sfr.c3r.209.112.IP)

15:03 <VinylScratch> Aloha

15:08 <FruitNibbler> Aloha

15:09 <ConfusionRift> Hola!

15:09 *** VexPon_AFK is now known as Vexpon

15:11 *** SleepFrame is now known as WorkFrame

15:14 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Sleep

15:16 * ConfusionRift grabs a plush and hugs it.

15:25 *** Joins: Fenix (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com)

15:25 *** Fenix is now known as Pony_7877

15:30 *** Quits: Pony_7877 (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:31 * ConfusionRift pokes the chat.

15:33 <Unixkitty> Wow it sure is quiet today, isn't it

15:34 <Unixkitty> Almost http://r.nightstone.net/CIubsq7.gif

15:34 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

15:34 <ConfusionRift> This room is officially empty. (looks around)

15:34 <ConfusionRift> Hehehehe... hahahaha... HAHAHAHA!

15:34 <Unixkitty> Looks like it. *echo*

15:35 <FruitNibbler> Nice I was carrying a potential mini bomb with me for roughly half a year (that's the point when the back cover of my smartphone started to not fit rights and bulged)

15:35 <ConfusionRift> It's so quiet that the echo loops and causes a feedback loop.

15:35 <Unixkitty> Oh look another person

15:35 <FruitNibbler> Only now I have noticed that my battery has swollen

15:35 <FruitNibbler> Not sure if I should replace it

15:35 *** FrankkieNL|AFK is now known as FrankkieNL|Work

15:35 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: yes

15:36 <Unixkitty> And it still worked like that?

15:36 <Unixkitty> Of course you should replace it

15:36 <FruitNibbler> If it swells 1mm more my cover will not be able to fit at all XD

15:36 <FruitNibbler> It is pretty noticeable

15:37 <FruitNibbler> Oh btw FrankkieNL|Work how do you root a phone/tablet without malware/hassle?

15:37 *** poseyshy|work is now known as poseyshy

15:37 <ConfusionRift> Eeerm, a swollen battery is a bad sign. So yeah, might want to replace it like... ASAP.

15:37 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: CF-Autoroot by Chainfire.

15:37 <ConfusionRift> By not downloading malware.

15:38 * ConfusionRift shrugs. "Why would I want to download malware to do... whatever that is?"

15:38 <FruitNibbler> Well many rootkits have malware: I tried downloading some and my AV picked something in each of it

15:38 <FrankkieNL|Work> The AV will pick up everything that does rooting.

15:38 <FrankkieNL|Work> Thats its job.

15:39 <FrankkieNL|Work> And you can also try Towelroot. Thats easier.

15:39 <DataByteBrony> well, try to, at least

15:39 <FruitNibbler> "rooting" is an act of untying a phone from a carrier and making a user have all the permissions

15:39 <FrankkieNL|Work> Thats correct.

15:39 <ConfusionRift> Sometimes, anti-viruses find something unrecognized and it instantly assumes it's malware, which is not always the case.

15:39 <FruitNibbler> My samsung for example is limited by samsung itself in what I can delete from it

15:39 * FrankkieNL|Work did /not/ decompile antivirus software /today/, /yet/

15:40 <DataByteBrony> avast sometimes mistakes a program i'm writing for malware

15:40 <FruitNibbler> So all samsung apps are undeletably, yet they nag me into paying all the time

15:40 <ConfusionRift> Oh, okay. I see what you mean. It's like unlocking god mode in the system.

15:40 <DataByteBrony> unlock root ability for the user

15:40 <DataByteBrony> i made the update folder to be only root-accessible, and my phone complained for a long time about that, lol

15:41 <DataByteBrony> i also disabled the stupid samsung keyboard

15:41 <FruitNibbler> My tablet for example plain does not see any other SIM card than the one network I purchased it from

15:41 <FruitNibbler> Rooting it will alow me to stick any SIM in it

15:41 <DataByteBrony> it would automatically switch to that one if i turned on my bluetooth keyboard, and the mappings were wrong, too

15:41 <FrankkieNL|Work> I have noticed that some anti-virus apps just check the packagename of an application. :P So I made an empty app, with the packagename of known malware. And yes. It got picked up xD

15:42 <DataByteBrony> lol

15:42 <FruitNibbler> Cheap cop-out for AV software devs XD

15:42 <DataByteBrony> hey, FrankkieNL|Work.. could i bother you for some changes to your keyboard?

15:42 * Princess_Twilight yawns and flops on the ground, because her SofaPone throne is not here

15:42 * ConfusionRift sighs.

15:42 <FrankkieNL|Work> DataByteBrony: maybe, depends.

15:43 <FrankkieNL|Work> DataByteBrony: yeah sure, go ahead.

15:43 *** Quits: djazz (djazz@Pony-o7c.mme.78.80.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:43 <ConfusionRift> I guess I'll be a sofa and just lay in place.

15:43 <FruitNibbler> I wonder if they have a match for passwordstealer.exe keyboardlistener.bat and ihaxurcomputerzz.cats

15:43 <FruitNibbler> ?

15:43 <DataByteBrony> two things: the preview text bar opacity (transparent makes hard to read the text sometimes), and add a short vibrate buzz if a key is pressed (configurable, mayhaps)

15:44 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: nope.

15:44 <Princess_Twilight> I'm in a weird mood :p

15:44 *** Joins: Renard (Renard@Pony-faekra.abo.wanadoo.fr)

15:45 <DataByteBrony> i still need to add my graffiti text to play with, but i'm missing my vibrate buzz xD

15:45 <FrankkieNL|Work> DataByteBrony: i'll add it to my TODO-list.

15:45 <DataByteBrony> :)

15:45 <ConfusionRift> I'm slowly descending to a state where I start arguing with myself.

15:45 <DataByteBrony> ConfusionRift: Confusion

15:45 * Unixkitty notices ConfusionRift trying to be a sofa, climbs on him and lies down

15:45 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: I have the virus defs here :P Its a giant list of packagenames, md5's and filenames.

15:45 <DataByteBrony> ConfusionSofa

15:45 <Princess_Twilight> Yes, pin the rifty

15:46 <FruitNibbler> I feel the urge to replace my smartphone battery (because apparently explosion is an option from what I read), but then it means I need to take a shower, but my "water allergy" is still there...

15:46 <Unixkitty> And I'm just... *zzZzzZzz*

15:46 * FrankkieNL|Work was not supposed to have that list.

15:46 <Princess_Twilight> Rifty is pinned and can't move!  Happy!

15:46 <Princess_Twilight> http://iambrony.dget.cc/mlp/gif/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-this-is-clopping.gif

15:46 * FrankkieNL|Work should shut up now

15:46 <DataByteBrony> lol

15:46 <FruitNibbler> I am seriously afraid to bump my phone right now with this puffy battery

15:46 <Princess_Twilight> Yes its a safe gif

15:47 <ConfusionRift> It is indeed a safe .gif.

15:47 <DataByteBrony> FrankkieNL|Work: where'd you get something like that?

15:47 <FruitNibbler> Princess_Twilight, that is pretty much what I imagine when I see that word

15:48 <ConfusionRift> Reason why you should replace the battery.

15:48 <FrankkieNL|Work> DataByteBrony: I decompiled an Anti-virus app, rerun the code that downloads the defs, and run the decryption code :P

15:48 <DataByteBrony> hahaha xD

15:48 *** Joins: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-2ss1bf.bb.dnainternet.fi)

15:48 *** Gilda is now known as Fall

15:48 <ConfusionRift> In other words, he just figured out how to bypass an antivirus... fun.

15:49 <FrankkieNL|Work> But that particular anti-virus app is now switched to 'cloud scanning'. So instead of sending all defs to the phone, the phone sends all the packagenames to the cloud.

15:49 <DataByteBrony> md5 is a relatively rudimentary method for finding a virus - md5 should be considered broken for high-security with modern computing speeds

15:49 <FrankkieNL|Work> I found out how to bypass that particular antivirus app.

15:49 <ConfusionRift> And now I trust the anti-virus even less.

15:49 <Vexpon> FruitNibbler, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMy2_qNO2Y0

15:49 <FrankkieNL|Work> ConfusionRift: you should indeed.

15:49 <FrankkieNL|Work> I dont trust them at all. They are just a waste of money.

15:50 <FrankkieNL|Work> I know how easy it is to bypasss.

15:50 <ConfusionRift> Then again, I do nothing with my phone. Just calls and text.

15:50 <DataByteBrony> ConfusionRift: a good av will run the program in a virtual environment and make the program think it's in a real computer - if it tries anything funny, it can't get anywhere, and now it's exposed itself

15:50 <FruitNibbler> Vexpon, I saw a "demonstration" of what happens when you hit a puffed RC-quad 4-pack battery with a hammer IRL

15:51 <FruitNibbler> I know what fireshow it creates

15:51 <Vexpon> good.

15:51 <ConfusionRift> Guuuh... what's with the initials? (rubs his head) Never mind...

15:51 <FruitNibbler> FrankkieNL|Work, I can lockpick doors, it is also not-that hard

15:52 *** Joins: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP)

15:52 <FruitNibbler> All the security systems are really there only against punks

15:52 <FrankkieNL|Work> eyup

15:52 *** Quits: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:52 <Renard> Reminder that http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/03/fundraiser-for-archie.html

15:52 <FrankkieNL|Work> All security systems have problems

15:52 <FruitNibbler> The true professional intruders will have absolutely no troubles bypassing security measures

15:52 <DataByteBrony> i've tried learning lockpicking.. i probably need something better than paperclips

15:53 * ConfusionRift coughs.

15:53 <FruitNibbler> DataByteBrony, In Germany and G.B. you can buy lockpick sets

15:53 <DataByteBrony> hehe :)

15:53 <FruitNibbler> They are not illegal to buy in here

15:53 *** Quits: Towerjason (Hello@Pony-sfr.c3r.209.112.IP) (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - http://www.yaaic.org)

15:54 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: Germany is weird! Lockpicking kit: legal; Having 'Wireshark' on your pc: Illegal

15:54 *** Joins: Fenix (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com)

15:54 <FruitNibbler> It is illegal to use then to break in, but if you provide a service for people who lcked thamselves out, it is legit

15:54 <DataByteBrony> we have what i'd consider 'medium' security locks for our highly-sensitive rooms.. i thought it'd be neat to demonstrate how easy they can be to pick, but i can't pick a normal lock xD

15:54 <FruitNibbler> FrankkieNL|Work, really?

15:55 *** Fenix is now known as Pony_77168

15:55 <FrankkieNL|Work> yes

15:55 <FruitNibbler> Truly weird

15:55 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP)

15:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> what background colour would make s1 luna stand out

15:56 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

15:56 <FrankkieNL|Work> white

15:56 <Tirek> Bright and yellow

15:56 <DataByteBrony> light purple

15:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> besides white

15:56 *** Lycan is now known as Lycan|Bread

15:57 <Tirek> A bright, subdued yellow. Fluttershy's coat color.

15:57 *** Joins: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-5djttr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

15:57 <ConfusionRift> Do you want her to stick out like a sore thumb, or that she remains visible without blending in too much?

15:57 <Tirek> For one, Blue and Yellow are opposite colors on the color wheel.

15:58 <ConfusionRift> But... isn't the opposite red?

15:58 <Phantasma_Eeria> and im going with DataByteBrony's suggestion, just tried it and it looks magnificent

15:58 <Tirek> For two, yellow is also often used as the color of the moon

15:58 <Tirek> Nah

15:58 <Tirek> Teal is red.

15:58 <Tirek> Teal to red.

15:58 <Rawrity> I learned lock-picking out of curiocity: the only 2 times I used it was to help my uni-mates to free her bicycle (lost a key) and open a safety cubbord (forgot the key home)

15:58 *** Rawrity is now known as FruitNi

15:58 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-2ao.8aq.246.180.IP) (Quit: Sleep is the cousin of death )

15:59 <ConfusionRift> I suppose negative doesn't really mean opposite.

15:59 <FruitNi> Not always

15:59 <FruitNi> Not in english

15:59 <Tirek> I mean opposite in a geometric sense, relating to the wheel.

15:59 <ConfusionRift> I was talking about colors.

15:59 <Tirek> Maybe I mean orange for blue

15:59 <FruitNi> I know

15:59 <Tirek> Either way, yellow is a better choice.

16:00 *** Quits: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-5djttr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:00 <Tirek> Again, because of its attributed as a moon color.

16:00 <FruitNi> yay I quit

16:00 * ConfusionRift stands there confused. And decides to just move on.

16:00 *** FruitNi is now known as FruitNibbler

16:00 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com)

16:00 <FruitNibbler> (net derp)

16:00 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: !derp

16:01 <DataByteBrony> i was using a tetrad-shift (1/4) - luna would go well with a dark lavender or lightish purple, dark gold, or mustard yellow ;)

16:01 <FruitNibbler> To shower and then use anti-allergy creme or go as I am and hope nopony will notice???

16:02 <DataByteBrony> i like how purple looks, plus is goes with the color of night (mlp night is a purple color)

16:02 *** Quits: Pony_77168 (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:02 *** Quits: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-kcfj70.sub-70-199-243.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:02 <DataByteBrony> FruitNibbler: anti-allergy creme for water?

16:02 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: how is 'as I am'. Are you smelly?

16:02 <ConfusionRift> Huh, it's true. Those are the opposite colors.

16:03 <FruitNibbler> FrankkieNL|Work, since it is hot I am sweaty as of now

16:03 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: you'll be fine, everybody is sweaty. Go as you are.

16:03 <ConfusionRift> Red to teal, blue to yellow.

16:03 <FruitNibbler> No clue how smelly I am since you can't really smell your own smell

16:04 <DataByteBrony> smellovision

16:04 <FruitNibbler> DataByteBrony, yeah I have an allrgic reaction to water (or rather something it contains), even my own sweat sometimes

16:04 *** Joins: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net)

16:05 <FrankkieNL|Work> Use condensed water

16:05 <Yeppoh> Hi!

16:05 <ConfusionRift> Sounds like an irritant or dry skin.

16:05 <FruitNibbler> Hmmm that might be a good idea FrankkieNL|Work

16:05 <FruitNibbler> Not cheap, but might work

16:05 <DataByteBrony> sounds like you need a reverse-osmosis filter for your house xD

16:06 *** Joins: VinylScratch_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-9rc.9hp.153.82.IP)

16:06 <Phantasma_Eeria> DataByteBrony, why you so good with colour

16:06 <FruitNibbler> Those filters can be obtained in Germany easily

16:06 *** Joins: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP)

16:06 <DataByteBrony> Phantasma_Eeria: my sister's artistic - i get it from her xD

16:06 <DataByteBrony> i need to convince her to draw ponies, lol

16:07 <rainbowpower64> morning everyone

16:07 <DataByteBrony> morning!

16:07 <FruitNibbler> morning

16:07 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

16:07 <DataByteBrony> praise the sun!

16:07 *** Quits: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> i had to read that twice, i read it as "my sister's autistic..."the first time

16:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> hi rainbowpower64

16:07 * Phantasma_Eeria praises the moln

16:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> *moon

16:07 <rainbowpower64> morning Phantasma

16:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> good afternoon

16:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> lol britain ftw

16:08 <FruitNibbler> There are plenty of artists who are in fact borderline autistic

16:08 <Tirek> Don't make fun of me

16:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> i am

16:08 <ConfusionRift> o_0

16:08 <rainbowpower64> my brother and i are both autistic

16:08 <DataByteBrony> autism is not a weakness - it is a great strength in one specific area

16:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> actually does aspergers count as autism?

16:09 <DataByteBrony> yep - mild autism

16:09 <FruitNibbler> It is not necessaily a life crippling condition, as with all other psychological conditions, it only matters how extremely manifested it is

16:09 <rainbowpower64> sort of i have auspergers

16:09 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm, I smell something happening... soon.

16:09 <FruitNibbler> necessarily*

16:09 <rainbowpower64> what

16:09 <Classic_M> The happenings

16:10 <Tirek> The apocalypse comes, prepare thy loins

16:10 <rainbowpower64> what's happening

16:10 <Phantasma_Eeria> uno momento im going to upload my first vector ever (coincidentally the luna vector)

16:10 <FrankkieNL|Work> ITS HAPPENING

16:10 <FruitNibbler> I dare you [censored], I double dare you [censored] to say "what" once more

16:10 <DataByteBrony> aspergers is a higher-functioning level - i have it, and i'm really good with computers and other technical details

16:10 <DataByteBrony> not so good with talking with others xD

16:11 <rainbowpower64> i am good at math and music

16:11 <FrankkieNL|Work> DataByteBrony: good

16:11 <FruitNibbler> I am bad at "getting used to people" and trusing them

16:11 <DataByteBrony> math is a common strength

16:11 <rainbowpower64> somewhat good at poetry

16:11 <Yeppoh> I'm a reverse aspies. I make people believe I'm not good at anything so they don't ask me to fix they issue of the day..

16:11 <Tirek> I'm pretty awful at trust and what not myself.

16:11 <FruitNibbler> I am good at learning and comprehending any new information, no matter how boring or unrelated

16:11 <FruitNibbler> It'S just fun for me

16:11 <Tirek> Aaahahahaha

16:12 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler:  thats useful

16:12 <Tirek> That's me too.

16:12 <FruitNibbler> On the other hoof I can't stand gossips and social ba bla bla

16:12 <Tirek> The problem is that I need to have the drive to learn it.

16:12 <Tirek> If I do, I usually pick it up super quick.

16:12 <DataByteBrony> i know a few like that - it can be a very useful skill, but can make it difficult to focus on one thing if you're trying to learn everything xD

16:12 <Tirek> My sister in a nutshell

16:13 <Tirek> She's learning 13 different languages simultaneously.

16:13 <DataByteBrony> wow xD

16:13 <Tirek> Apparently she speaks a little bit of them all when she's drunk

16:13 <FruitNibbler> DataByteBrony, yes concentrating on one thing is sometimes my weakest point

16:13 *** Quits: Pony_25767 (Langly@Pony-8f1ehj.ptld.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:13 <rainbowpower64> my driver's lesson yesterday went pretty well

16:13 <DataByteBrony> yo se muy poco espanol.. never really got into spanish too much xD

16:13 <FruitNibbler> I love your sister already Tirek

16:13 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-3m2.0cb.16.46.IP)

16:14 * FrankkieNL|Work ships FruitNibbler with Tirek's Sister.

16:14 <ConfusionRift> Well, at least that syntax is correct.

16:14 <DataByteBrony> hehe - that would be fun to listen to

16:14 <FruitNibbler> I speak 8 to different degrees and "trying to learn" another 2

16:14 <Tirek> I've made the commitment to at least learn one language because it'd annoy the hell out of my dad if we spoke in French or something all the time.

16:14 <rainbowpower64> i know little german

16:14 <FruitNibbler> Frankly greek is boring, so it does not go well

16:14 <DataByteBrony> Tirek: that's funny xD

16:14 <DataByteBrony> i think spanish is nicer than french, myself

16:15 <Classic_M> I was forced to learn Swedish for 9 years and I still don't understand or speak it

16:15 <Tirek> I've preferred French since I was very young.

16:15 <FruitNibbler> J'adore how french sounds

16:15 <DataByteBrony> hehe

16:15 <FruitNibbler> The least favourite: chinese

16:15 <FrankkieNL|Work> i dare you to read this Dutch news-article http://www.rijnmond.nl/nieuws/22-07-2014/%E2%80%8Bwoensdag-dag-van-nationale-rouw-nederland

16:15 <DataByteBrony> well, same language root, so they

16:15 <DataByteBrony> 're not so different

16:15 <Tirek> My sister's learning Mandarin, I believe.

16:15 <Tirek> Man, I forget all of them

16:15 <rainbowpower64> a friend of mine can do a decent dutch acent

16:16 <Tirek> Finnish is her favorite language apparently.

16:16 <Classic_M> Ha

16:16 <DataByteBrony> now /that/ is a fascinating one to listen to someone speak

16:16 <ConfusionRift> FrankkieNL|Work: Finwe posted that earlier translated. :P

16:16 <FrankkieNL|Work> ConfusionRift: no that was me

16:16 <DataByteBrony> polish and mandarin are fun :)

16:16 <rainbowpower64> did you know Zecora is the only character that speaks in poems

16:16 <FruitNibbler> FrankkieNL|Work, something about national mourning, ukraine people being flown and a match?

16:16 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-p6h0il.as13285.net) (Quit: Page closed)

16:17 <ConfusionRift> Whoops, my bad.

16:17 <Tirek> I think she's also learning Spanish, French(as I said earlier), German, Russian, Japanese, and more that I forget.

16:17 <ConfusionRift> rainbowpower64: In rhymes you mean?

16:17 <rainbowpower64> yes

16:17 <FrankkieNL|Work> National mourning, the bodies are transported to here, the king an prime minister will be there. 1 minut of silence.

16:17 <Tirek> But since she's already learning two forms of Chinese, she's technically also learning a bit of Korean.

16:17 <FruitNibbler> DataByteBrony, it is, in fact, pretty easy to learn french/spanish if you already know the other

16:18 <rainbowpower64> also, did you know that dora the expllorer is being cancelled 2015

16:18 <FruitNibbler> yay and sorry about that

16:18 <DataByteBrony> rainbowpower64: "Art of the dress" contained elements in the song that foreshadowed/referenced future episodes as far as season 4 ;)

16:18 <FrankkieNL|Work> And there is a soccer match, it will not be canceled.

16:18 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-3m2.0cb.16.46.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:18 <ConfusionRift> Some languages somewhat tie together or are similar in a way. So learning one makes it easier to learn the other.

16:18 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-2ao.8aq.246.180.IP)

16:18 <Tirek> Indeed.

16:18 <FruitNibbler> 10/10 would tap after that description

16:19 <Tirek> I figure French would be a better start, since it shares a lot with English already.

16:19 <Tirek> And we can go from there to another.

16:19 <FruitNibbler> https://derpibooru.org/463386

16:20 <ConfusionRift> For example: I know Spanish, but I don't know either Portuguese or Italian. But there are words and meanings that I understand since I know Spanish. I recognize part of it.

16:20 <rainbowpower64> i know a german word but it is more of an insult

16:20 <FruitNibbler> You'd learn french in no time ConfusionRift, it shares many many common words, they are just pronounced "weirdly"

16:21 <rainbowpower64> though i do know that verruct means insane in geman

16:21 <ConfusionRift> My cousins know French, and I honestly don't understand it... at all.

16:21 <FruitNibbler> verrueckt*

16:21 * DataByteBrony starts to head off to work, but stops to look for Heartbreak for a hug

16:22 <FruitNibbler> It means literally "backwarded"

16:22 <FruitNibbler> Or backwards if you want more sense

16:22 <rainbowpower64> there is a waterslide named that in kansas city

16:22 * ConfusionRift grabs a paper bag, and puts it over Heartbreak's head. "She's not here." :P

16:23 <rainbowpower64> when is heartbreak foing to be herre anyway?

16:23 *** Joins: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-72h62o.sub-70-197-181.myvzw.com)

16:23 * ConfusionRift shrugs.

16:23 <FruitNibbler> H.B. foe 4 eva

16:23 <FruitNibbler> (bad un I know)

16:23 <rainbowpower64> did you know that foe means enemy

16:23 <FrankkieNL|Work> yes

16:24 <ConfusionRift> Hmmmmm...

16:24 <FruitNibbler> I would not make that pun without knowing what foe means

16:24 <rainbowpower64> i'm looking foe a friend

16:24 <Tirek> "I cannot believe my eyes! Are you friend? Or foe-real?!"

16:24 <FruitNibbler> Good one

16:24 <FrankkieNL|Work> A frienemy?

16:25 *** Joins: User_176725 (lylovljnzmj@Pony-3hc48k.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)

16:25 <rainbowpower64> it might have been a bad pun

16:25 <ConfusionRift> Are you looking for a... yeah, that. Or an eniend.

16:26 <FrankkieNL|Work> ConfusionRift:  not cool bro

16:26 <FrankkieNL|Work> Joke thief

16:26 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:26 <rainbowpower64> sorry i guess that was a bad pun

16:26 <ConfusionRift> An arch frienemy. How does that work?

16:26 * rainbowpower64 shrugs

16:26 <FrankkieNL|Work> Math.arc(360) // circle

16:27 <FruitNibbler> Like a friend in an FPS shooter that is always on the opposite team

16:27 <FruitNibbler> I have those

16:27 <ConfusionRift> Is that like a very best of friends whom you truly hate his guts? (scratches head)

16:27 <FruitNibbler> Dem penguins

16:27 <FruitNibbler> >:l

16:27 <rainbowpower64> squids

16:27 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: *buy some apples*

16:27 * Phantasma_Eeria has no internets

16:27 <ConfusionRift> Or an enemy whom you like a lot? I dunno.

16:27 * FrankkieNL|Work likes penguins

16:27 <FruitNibbler> I think of it more like a friend with whom you compete in everything

16:27 <rainbowpower64> i'm a sky fan to tell you the truth

16:28 <FrankkieNL|Work> rainbowpower64: you are not allowed to share personal information.

16:28 *** Quits: User_176725 (lylovljnzmj@Pony-3hc48k.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:28 * FrankkieNL|Work is totally kidding

16:28 *** Joins: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-bp7cna.versanet.de)

16:28 * Phantasma_Eeria eats a penguib

16:28 <rainbowpower64> wait, that's personal information

16:28 <LunaticHell> goooooood morning, equestria

16:29 <rainbowpower64> morning

16:29 <LunaticHell> Is me, da Lunatic.

16:29 * FrankkieNL|Work baps Phantasma_Eeria

16:29 <Phantasma_Eeria> good afternoon

16:29 * Phantasma_Eeria eats another penguin

16:29 <FruitNibbler> I had such a nice dream tonight: that my limbs and skin were replaced by the artificial bionic limbs that retained all the sensory feedback

16:29 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: please make that a reality

16:29 <rainbowpower64> why do you eat everything

16:29 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-3r6.v9h.156.175.IP)

16:30 <ConfusionRift> FruitNibbler: But that would fall on rival territory. We are talking about not just a circumstance, but rather an all-the-time thing. A person you hate with the flaming power of a 1000 suns, but somehow you consider your best of friends.

16:30 <FruitNibbler> And right after I thought to myself: no more hassle with shedding dead skin layers I woke up in my fleshy body...

16:30 <Phantasma_Eeria> im a comfort eater

16:30 <LunaticHell> I found out how a pony can have multible marks.

16:30 <rainbowpower64> cutie pox

16:30 <FrankkieNL|Work> Cutie pox

16:30 *** Joins: Fenix (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com)

16:30 <ConfusionRift> Hello LunaticHell.

16:30 <ConfusionRift> Stickers... I mean, cutie pox.

16:30 *** Joins: Gerelith_ (Gerelith@Pony-pcnpc3.telecom.net.ar)

16:30 <LunaticHell> Having a talent in assassination means you'd have one mark for your talent and many marks to hunt down.

16:30 <rainbowpower64> so how are you doing today Lunatic

16:30 *** Fenix is now known as Pony_7263

16:30 <ConfusionRift> That... makes no sense.

16:31 <LunaticHell> oh well a bit tired, since my neighbor is loud.

16:31 <FrankkieNL|Work> LunaticHell: wow.. that soo.. wow

16:31 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: mark is another word for "target"

16:31 * FrankkieNL|Work gives LunaticHell the Punny-Award

16:31 <ConfusionRift> But it breaks specific. It's a mark, not a cutie mark. o_0

16:31 <FruitNibbler> LunaticHell, having a cutie mark as "sahdy salesman", "Spy" and just plain "compulsive liar" would not work out at all in Equestria

16:32 <FruitNibbler> shady*

16:32 <LunaticHell> *sigh*

16:32 <rainbowpower64> what would my mark be to you guys

16:32 <FrankkieNL|Work> *buy some apples*

16:32 <LunaticHell> rainbowpower64: A rainbow colored N64 symbol?

16:32 <FruitNibbler> 64 bit rainbow image

16:32 <rainbowpower64> ok

16:32 *** Quits: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-rmiru4.telecom.net.ar) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:32 * ConfusionRift unravels pun, and gives it the mark of DIS-approval. :P

16:33 <FrankkieNL|Work> I would say, you have not discovered your talent yet. Blankflank.

16:33 <Classic_M> LunaticHell: Yo

16:33 * LunaticHell bawps ConfusionRift

16:33 <LunaticHell> oh hi Classic_M

16:33 <ConfusionRift> Hahaha.

16:33 <LunaticHell> Classic_M: I found something of your liking.

16:33 <Heartbreak> A Flutterhutt.

16:33 <FruitNibbler> YOu mean Flutterbutt?

16:33 <rainbowpower64> you've benn watching friendship is withcraft havn't you

16:33 <Heartbreak> FruitNibbler, Nope.

16:33 <LunaticHell> Classic_M: did you already watch "Mario Warfare"?

16:33 <FruitNibbler> !link Flutterbutt

16:33 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/565069 -  (questionable)

16:33 <Heartbreak> Flutterhutt Pizza.

16:33 <Classic_M> Nope

16:33 <rainbowpower64> why the butts

16:34 <LunaticHell> What what?

16:34 <ConfusionRift> Thank you Derpy, for finding questionable content. -_-

16:34 <FruitNibbler> MMM dat bee butt

16:34 <Heartbreak> Flutterhutt Pizzal.

16:34 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: next time do it like this

16:34 <LunaticHell> !link Flutterbutt safe

16:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

16:34 <rainbowpower64> oh hello heartbreak

16:34 <LunaticHell> hahahahahaha

16:34 <FruitNibbler> Fluttershy is the best bee dancer ever

16:34 <FruitNibbler> Mesmerising

16:34 <ConfusionRift> LunaticHell: I was not the one searching it.

16:34 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: my bad

16:35 <Heartbreak> Hey rainbowpower64.

16:35 <ConfusionRift> I never use Derpy Bot for that.

16:35 <LunaticHell> !link fluttershy safe

16:35 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/16916?scope=scpeeb6cd51a332bf6478b78e63d7584cf02129bf196

16:35 <ConfusionRift> I hate lazy searching.

16:35 <Heartbreak> http://d.facdn.net/art/tehfizzle/1406078132.tehfizzle_heartbreak.png

16:35 <FruitNibbler> LunaticHell, you silly filly, your eyesa re derpy 6_9

16:35 <Heartbreak> This is how I feel about you right now FruitNibbler.

16:35 * LunaticHell derps at FruitNibbler

16:35 <LunaticHell> I hadn't had coffee, ok?

16:36 * LunaticHell scrunchies intensefy

16:36 <Classic_M> https://derpiboo.ru/197686

16:36 <rainbowpower64> i kind of just got up

16:36 <ConfusionRift> LunaticHell: Careful, your face might stick that way.

16:36 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: I had no glue that could happen.

16:37 <FruitNibbler> http://twilight.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/137837725290.gif

16:37 <FruitNibbler> http://applejack.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/137839288564.gif

16:37 <rainbowpower64> anyone heard of face freeze?

16:37 <ConfusionRift> (ba-tum-tish)

16:37 <FruitNibbler> http://pinkie.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/138127144495.gif

16:37 <rainbowpower64> !link face freeze

16:37 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

16:37 <ConfusionRift> Commence the jigglin'!

16:38 <LunaticHell> I found a silly another tag

16:38 <rainbowpower64> lobster: he's on to us! commence the punching

16:38 <LunaticHell> "this will end in tears and/or death and/or covered in tree sap"

16:38 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-mqv.udg.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

16:38 <FruitNibbler> I was never covered in tree sap, can't tell if it holds any merit to it

16:39 *** Joins: User_898725 (fewivwyilby@Pony-om4.3e4.69.200.IP)

16:39 *** Quits: User_898725 (fewivwyilby@Pony-om4.3e4.69.200.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:39 <rainbowpower64> i meant pinching

16:39 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/661877 hahahahahaha the perfect anti-waifu

16:39 <ConfusionRift> It unlocks an achievement.

16:40 * rainbowpower64 switches to godtier

16:40 <FruitNibbler> I still think Maud would be the best waifu

16:40 <Tirek> I wouldn't.

16:41 <FrankkieNL|Work> i agree with Tirek

16:41 <Tirek> I don't like her tone

16:41 <Tirek> And I find her lack of enthusiasm disturbing.

16:42 <rainbowpower64> anyone read homestuck

16:42 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm, I like her... but not to that level. (sees a poster of him and her, then rips it) Not funny, Sparks!!!

16:42 <Tirek> I used to read that

16:43 <rainbowpower64> would you happen to know what a godtier is

16:43 <Tirek> I got tired of it

16:43 <FrankkieNL|Work> Like a normal tier, but godlike

16:43 <rainbowpower64> oh, what act di you stop on

16:43 <Tirek> The comic is just dragging on now, and by the end of act five I was like "when will this end"

16:43 <Tirek> I'm up to date.

16:43 <Tirek> It's become a tedius read, though

16:44 <Tirek> And I still prefer Problem Sleuth.

16:44 <rainbowpower64> they have an act 6, but i heard it is longer than act 5

16:44 <Tirek> And It Don't Stop was also really cool

16:44 <rainbowpower64> they are now at a gigapause

16:44 <Tirek> I know, and I'm not really interested in hamsteak anymore.

16:45 * rainbowpower64 achievemet sorcery

16:46 <LunaticHell> be right back, having a shower and making coffee

16:46 <rainbowpower64> ok

16:47 <rainbowpower64> fire power

16:47 <ConfusionRift> Make sure you don't confuse both like last time!

16:48 <rainbowpower64> i also like picturing myself with flint hooves

16:49 <Tirek> Someone stop me, I'm about to gush over Freedom Planet again.

16:49 * FrankkieNL|Work stops Tirek

16:49 <Tirek> I've been listening to the soundtrack nonstop since yesterday

16:49 <FruitNibbler> http://pinkie.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/138127144495.gif

16:49 <ConfusionRift> Heh, go for it. You bought it anyways.

16:49 <FruitNibbler> http://iambrony.steeph.tp-radio.de/mlp/gif/255633__UNOPT__safe_rarity_animated_scrunchy-face_vibrating.gif.gif

16:49 <FruitNibbler> http://iambrony.dget.cc/mlp/gif/198879__safe_rarity_animated_scrunchy-face_seizure-warning_vibrating.gif.gif

16:50 <FruitNibbler> https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2013/8/20/404932__safe_solo_applejack_animated_meme_image+macro_vibrating_descriptive+noise_x+intensifies.gif

16:50 <FruitNibbler> Story in pictures

16:50 <Tirek> Nah, it was a gift

16:50 <Tirek> I would gladly pay for it twice over though if I could.

16:50 <Tirek> I love this game

16:50 <Tirek> Even the super cheap final boss

16:50 *** Quits: johnsey[fserve] (johnsey[fse@into.the.nethers) (discord.canternet.org derpy.canternet.org)

16:50 *** Quits: poseyshy (poseyshy@there.be.snuggles) (discord.canternet.org derpy.canternet.org)

16:50 *** Quits: DerpyBot (DerpyBot@is.in.your.pants.eating.your.muffins) (discord.canternet.org derpy.canternet.org)

16:50 *** Quits: johnsey (johnsey@into.the.nethers) (discord.canternet.org derpy.canternet.org)

16:51 * rainbowpower64 creates campfire

16:51 <rainbowpower64> tabu from ssbb

16:51 <ConfusionRift> Well, time for sleeps.

16:51 *** Joins: johnsey (johnsey@into.the.nethers)

16:51 *** Joins: poseyshy (poseyshy@there.be.snuggles)

16:51 *** Joins: johnsey[fserve] (johnsey[fse@into.the.nethers)

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16:51 *** derpy.canternet.org sets mode: +ohao johnsey poseyshy DerpyBot DerpyBot

16:51 <Tirek> Nah, he's not cheap, you can dodge his attack

16:51 <ConfusionRift> See ya laters.

16:51 <rainbowpower64> see ya

16:51 <Tirek> Brevon is a huge jerk though

16:51 <rainbowpower64> teah but it is really hard to

16:52 <Tirek> Not really.

16:52 *** Quits: Shorttail (quassel@Pony-vsjg1s.rev.dansknet.dk) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:52 <rainbowpower64> one jerk thing bowser did was eat the last grand star in the final boss battle

16:53 <rainbowpower64> but it was epic. they had rome total war going on there

16:53 * ConfusionRift waves away.

16:53 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-crt65v.res.rr.com) (Quit: Beep. Boop. Bep!)

16:55 <rainbowpower64> you guy's still there?

16:55 *** Quits: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-bd6drh.nh.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

16:55 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-bd6drh.nh.comcast.net)

16:55 <FrankkieNL|Work> nah, im not still here.

16:56 <rainbowpower64> then why did you respond?

16:56 <FrankkieNL|Work> Cuz im trollin'

16:56 <rainbowpower64> lol

16:56 *** VinylScratch_ is now known as `Princess-Luna

16:56 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-4em.obr.255.85.IP)

16:56 <rainbowpower64> hello phantasma

16:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o `Princess-Luna

16:57 <rainbowpower64> how's it going

16:58 <FruitNibbler> Hm just have a very interesting read on "most famous hacker breaches", it seems most of them weren't even true break-in hacking, it was just an employee stupidly giving away some information to a convincing con man

16:59 *** Phantasma_Eeria is now known as Pony_71993

16:59 <FruitNibbler> Like G+ accounts weren't "hacked", a guy who obtained an old, outdated system password called service and pertended to be somepony who does the server maintenance and the operator gave away the new password assuming he is just not u to date

17:00 <FruitNibbler> That is just a scam

17:00 *** F4celess is now known as F4celess_away

17:00 * F4celess_away is now away - Reason : sneaking

17:00 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler:  I read that. i lolled.

17:00 *** Quits: Pony_71993 (Phantasma_E@Pony-4em.obr.255.85.IP) (Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X, http://mediaware.sk/mango)

17:00 <rainbowpower64> scams, they're bad

17:00 <FrankkieNL|Work> brb

17:00 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-4em.obr.255.85.IP)

17:00 <FruitNibbler> Like the weakest link in the system is still an operator

17:01 <rainbowpower64> did you know that internet explorer is being hacked

17:01 <FruitNibbler> I don't use it

17:02 <FruitNibbler> I have it disabled in any way shape or form I could on my machine

17:02 <`Princess-Luna> IE is ALWAYS being hacked

17:02 <rainbowpower64> sorry DerpyBot

17:02 <`Princess-Luna> it's not exactly new news. :P

17:02 <LunaticHell> I'm back

17:02 <LunaticHell> and I forgot my coffee, damnit

17:02 <`Princess-Luna> Wait, derpybot? XD

17:02 <LunaticHell> oh hi best princess *hug*

17:02 <FruitNibbler> (even as far as deleting registrys and severing the .exe via DOS window to never be able to execute, even if prompted

17:03 <LunaticHell> !mbox list

17:03 *** Joins: Shorttail (quassel@Pony-vsjg1s.rev.dansknet.dk)

17:03 <FruitNibbler> I mean IE.exe, not the extension

17:03 <FruitNibbler> Damn I fail to be coherent today

17:04 <rainbowpower64> one of the automatic speakers

17:04 <rainbowpower64> we are supposed to keep this chat appropriate, right?

17:04 * Phantasma_Eeria vectored s1 `Princess-Luna

17:04 <FruitNibbler> I use chrome and firefox portable for all my needs

17:04 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

17:04 <LunaticHell> Why not use chromium?

17:05 <rainbowpower64> i used to use internet explorer but i switched to chrome

17:05 <FruitNibbler> (chrome for the convenient inte-device connectivity and accessibility from everywhare)

17:05 <LunaticHell> anyway brb, need to make coffee for realz dis time

17:05 <FruitNibbler> (firefox portable for the minimal load on the system)

17:05 <rainbowpower64> it is bad lick to say good luck right?

17:06 <Cepheid> Firefox for minimal load?  You're kidding, right?

17:06 <FruitNibbler> firefox PORTABLE

17:06 * rainbowpower64 looks at fourth wall

17:06 <FruitNibbler> withut any extensions and add-ons it has almos no noticeable influence on my system

17:07 * LunaticHell looks at the fifth wall

17:07 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid, what would you use for minimal load browser then?

17:07 <rainbowpower64> i did not know about a fifth wall

17:07 <Cepheid> I misunderstood what you meant by minimal load.

17:08 <Cepheid> When I hear "load" in a computing sense, I'm thinking CPU and memory usage.

17:08 <FruitNibbler> I mean chrome even in portable mode treats each tab as a separate process, which is just bad idea

17:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> rainbowpower64, ever heard of the pentagon, that has 5 walls

17:08 <Cepheid> You do realize that Firefox runs with multiple threads, right?

17:08 <rainbowpower64> yes it is in washington D.C.

17:09 <FruitNibbler> Well that is exactly what I've meant Cepheid : minimal load on CPU and RAM memory

17:09 <Cepheid> Yeah.

17:09 <Cepheid> Uhm, Firefox consumes a massive ton of CPU and memory resources on all of my systems.

17:09 <FruitNibbler> I come from a simple try-and-see experience

17:10 <FruitNibbler> firefox portable has the least of troubles for me

17:10 <Cepheid> Even Chrome is problematic for me.

17:10 <Cepheid> I don't like any of the browsers, really.

17:10 <Cepheid> They're all resource hogs.

17:10 <rainbowpower64> i usually have good luck with chrome

17:10 <FruitNibbler> btw I don't even have a full version of firefox

17:10 *** Joins: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade)

17:11 <FruitNibbler> portables are very nifty (with minor inconvenience that they don't save history, passwords and cash)

17:11 <rainbowpower64> you know that rainbow guy that was here for a brief time yesterdsy

17:12 <FruitNibbler> You mean the creator of "Friendship is manly"?

17:12 <rainbowpower64> no in the chat room last night

17:12 <FruitNibbler> I have no clue who rainbowguy is

17:12 <Cepheid> So it's basically just a pre-configured version of FIrefox with a specialized Add-on enabled.

17:12 <rainbowpower64> that was me, i had a typo

17:13 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-4em.obr.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

17:13 <Cepheid> That can be copied over to a USB key and moved around with ease.

17:13 <FruitNibbler> Cepheid, portable version does not support add-ons

17:13 <rainbowpower64> has anyone heard of barney errors

17:13 <FruitNibbler> I mean you can install them, but they will disappear as soon as you restart the browser

17:14 <LunaticHell> `Princess-Luna: You want coffee, too?

17:14 *** mniip is now known as \m

17:14 <`Princess-Luna> Yes please, dear Lunatic

17:14 <LunaticHell> Milk 'n sugar, baby? *rimshot*

17:14 <LunaticHell> Alright, just a second.

17:14 <Cepheid> "Firefox Portable retains all of Mozilla Firefox's abilities such as extensions and automatic updating."

17:15 <FruitNibbler> Not my version then

17:15 <FruitNibbler> I downloaded the super-small one on purpose

17:16 <FruitNibbler> It is intended to fit into a certain MB (or KB even?) size, so it is extremely trimmed down

17:16 <Cepheid> Ah, it's based on Firefox 2.

17:16 <Cepheid> That'd explain the lower load.

17:16 <rainbowpower64> has anyone watched goanimate videos

17:16 <FruitNibbler> Maybe, I don't know the intricacies

17:17 <rainbowpower64> you heard of barney errors

17:18 * LunaticHell hands `Princess-Luna a cup of the hot caffainated goodess.

17:18 <FruitNibbler> Main point it does not hog on ressources and takes up almost no space, and I like ti for that (although maual log-ins are a bit annoying)

17:18 <`Princess-Luna> !link Coffee Luna

17:18 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/76783

17:18 <Cepheid> Firefox 2 is much less of a resource hog than Firefox 3 is.

17:18 <`Princess-Luna> Ha!

17:18 <LunaticHell> That's some mug shot.

17:18 <`Princess-Luna> Godot on my first try, lol

17:18 <Cepheid> !link godot

17:18 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/334877

17:18 <LunaticHell> lemme try

17:19 <Cepheid> That's better.

17:19 <LunaticHell> !link Celestia Coffee

17:19 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/339616

17:19 <`Princess-Luna> XD

17:19 <FruitNibbler> I wonder though if there is a browser specifically crafted to take almost no ressources at all???

17:19 <`Princess-Luna> Godot tag also has a spoiler image for the game, best not use it too much. XD

17:19 <rainbowpower64> she has an impish side

17:19 <LunaticHell> VinylGodot?

17:19 <`Princess-Luna> No, there's one of the fluttercry meme

17:19 <Cepheid> ... Why is "OP is a duck" a hidden tag?

17:19 <LunaticHell> GodotScratch!

17:20 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: duckery

17:20 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: aka trolling

17:20 <LunaticHell> aka sh*tposting

17:20 <Cepheid> Ah.

17:21 <LunaticHell> "op is a duck" as well as "op is trying start sh!t" are two of multible "troll bait" (which itself is a tag, too) tags.

17:21 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-gm082i.east.verizon.net)

17:21 <rainbowpower64> i guess you were trying to get Cepheid's attention

17:21 <Cepheid> Oh.

17:21 * ZeroParadox throws something at Cepheid

17:21 <LunaticHell> Who are you reffering to?

17:21 * Cepheid catches the something.

17:21 * rainbowpower64 facehoof

17:21 <ZeroParadox> T'was a bomb

17:21 * Cepheid examines it and wonders what it is.

17:22 <ZeroParadox> gg

17:22 * Cepheid explodes.

17:22 <rainbowpower64> it's a bomb

17:22 *** Quits: Pony_7263 (Fenix@Pony-lou862.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:22 *** Cepheid is now known as Cephepieces

17:22 <FruitNibbler> Speaking of explosions, I better go replace my puffed smartphone battery

17:22 * LunaticHell shrugs

17:22 <Cephepieces> ...

17:22 <Cephepieces> That might be a good idea, FruitNibbler.  That doesn't sound good.

17:22 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

17:23 <FruitNibbler> It doesn't look good either, the back cover is extremely bulged

17:23 <LunaticHell> Speaking of smartphones, I need to actually buy me one.

17:23 <Cephepieces> I'd like to upgrade mine.

17:23 <rainbowpower64> i wished i had a cell phone

17:23 <LunaticHell> Speaking of smartpones: twilight sparkle.

17:23 <Cephepieces> But in doing so, I'd have to upgrade to a new $80/mo minimum plan.

17:24 <Cephepieces> Given that I pay $30/mo right now, that's a bit of a jump.

17:24 <LunaticHell> Cephepieces: wow...that's some hefty plan o3o

17:24 <FruitNibbler> Mine coste 34Eur/month together with internet :3

17:24 <Cephepieces> LunaticHell:  Canadian plans are expensive.

17:24 <LunaticHell> Oh Canada.

17:24 <`Princess-Luna> I have me a Sony Xperia Play

17:24 <Cephepieces> http://www.rogers.com/web/content/share-everything Here's the smartphone plans.

17:25 <Classic_M> I like my Xcover 2 because I can do stuff like this with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgeR4vYTsys

17:25 <LunaticHell> `Princess-Luna: You're quite the playful princess, eh?

17:25 <rainbowpower64> can i haz cheezburger

17:25 <Cephepieces> The minimum plan is a 500mb/mo data plan at $80/mo CAD.

17:25 <`Princess-Luna> xD Sadly the gamepad doesn't work with the MLP game

17:25 <`Princess-Luna> would have been neat

17:25 <LunaticHell> aw

17:25 <LunaticHell> I can't even play the mlp game, period.

17:26 <`Princess-Luna> It's on win 8.1

17:26 <`Princess-Luna> so if you have that, you can

17:26 <LunaticHell> Why ain't there a normal faceboo...well buck.

17:26 <rainbowpower64> hey i have an 8.1 computer

17:26 <`Princess-Luna> Apps store.

17:26 <`Princess-Luna> Go thar!

17:26 <LunaticHell> `Princess-Luna: also evil genius is available dere

17:27 <rainbowpower64> last time i checked my apps store wasn't working

17:27 <`Princess-Luna> xD LOVE that game

17:27 <`Princess-Luna> You have to link it with a MSN account

17:27 <LunaticHell> `Princess-Luna: I found out while playing evil genius online.

17:27 <`Princess-Luna> if you haven't already, do that

17:27 *** Joins: Thelema5 (brogjmdtgtb@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

17:27 <Thelema5> Good morning, everypony.

17:27 <rainbowpower64> morning

17:28 <Heartbreak> `Princess-Luna!

17:28 <Heartbreak> http://d.facdn.net/art/tehfizzle/1406078132.tehfizzle_heartbreak.png

17:28 <`Princess-Luna> lol

17:28 <Thelema5> How are you all doing today?

17:28 * Cephepieces steals that hat.

17:28 * Cephepieces puts it on one of the various body parts laying about the room.

17:28 <Cephepieces> Can someone put me back together.  Or at least slap ZeroParadox for me?

17:28 <rainbowpower64> nice hat

17:29 <Thelema5> It's unusualy to see you here at this time of the day, Heartbreak.  A nice surprise.

17:29 <`Princess-Luna> cepheid: Oh dear, you have met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

17:29 * rainbowpower64 rebuilds cephepieces

17:29 *** Joins: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars)

17:29 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Insidious_Lars

17:29 <rainbowpower64> i like the happy mask salesman

17:29 *** Joins: User_261925 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com)

17:29 *** Parts: User_261925 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com) ()

17:30 *** Cephepieces is now known as Cepheid

17:30 <Cepheid> Thank you Rainbow14.

17:30 <Cepheid> Er..

17:30 <rainbowpower64> no prob

17:30 <Cepheid> rainbowpower64.

17:30 <Cepheid> Stupid autocomplete.

17:30 <Thelema5> I think that part is on on backwards

17:30 *** Joins: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-n6tvma.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:30 * Thelema5 points

17:30 <Cepheid> We have too many lurkers in this channel.

17:30 <Thelema5> fix it, rainbowpower64

17:31 * Cepheid removes the part and puts it on properly.

17:31 <Thelema5> yay!

17:31 * Thelema5 eyes lurking government agents suspiciously

17:31 * rainbowpower64 fixes the thing Thelema5 was talking about

17:31 <Cepheid> ...

17:32 <Cepheid> I already fixed it.

17:32 * `Princess-Luna talks into an earpiece covertly. :P

17:32 <rainbowpower64> thanks

17:32 <Thelema5> :P

17:32 <rainbowpower64> what are lurkers?

17:32 <Classic_M> I'm already on a goverment watch list, I don't need to be on another!

17:32 <Cepheid> `Princess-Luna, why are you a secret service agent?  Doesn't the secret service work for you?

17:32 <Cepheid> rainbowpower64:  See the user list?  See how there's a lot more users in this channel than actually talking?

17:32 <`Princess-Luna> He knows too much, abort! *Smokebomb, escapes chat*

17:32 <`Princess-Luna> xD

17:33 <Cepheid> A good majority of them are just sitting around not doing anything or saying anything.

17:33 <Cepheid> Those are lurkers.

17:33 <Thelema5> Lurkers are chatpones who remain logged in to a channel without actually chatting

17:33 * Heartbreak boops Thelema5.

17:33 * Thelema5 collapses

17:33 <Cepheid> They just sit there, logged in, doing nothing or contributing nothing.

17:33 <`Princess-Luna> Watching us, silently judging your every word

17:33 <Cepheid> They're useless wastes of bits and bandwidth.

17:33 *** Quits: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-5djttr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:33 <Thelema5> Maybe they're shy.  I don't mind them.  They're being social by proxy.

17:33 <`Princess-Luna> or whispering/being in other chats

17:33 <Cepheid> No.

17:33 <Cepheid> They're not shy.

17:33 * Thelema5 waves at lurkers

17:34 <Cepheid> They're just useless.

17:34 <Insidious_Lars> oh hey

17:34 <Cepheid> USELESSSS.

17:34 <Insidious_Lars> our hourly discussion of lurkers

17:34 <rainbowpower64> hello

17:34 <Insidious_Lars> cool

17:34 <Thelema5> That's not nice, Cepheid.

17:34 <Thelema5> No pony is useless.

17:34 <Cepheid> 'Bout time someone realized I wasn't a nice pony. :P

17:34 <`Princess-Luna> Flashchat can tend to disconnect you if you close the original chat window connection - mayhaps they join via EQD's flash embed and join other chats.

17:34 <Thelema5> Propery dried, they'd make excellent cordwood.

17:35 <Cepheid> Good point, Thelema5.

17:35 <Thelema5> I need coffee.

17:35 * Thelema5 goes to find coffee

17:35 <`Princess-Luna> I need scissors....61

17:35 <Cepheid> Same.

17:35 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5_away

17:35 <rainbowpower64> i wouldn't say useless, more like people that like listening to conversations

17:35 <Cepheid> I need to stop drinking energy drinks.

17:35 <rainbowpower64> hyper?

17:35 <Cepheid> They're making me moody again.

17:35 <Cepheid> Nah.  Not hyper.  Moody.

17:35 <ZeroParadox> `Princess-Luna: Really now. You've been playing this game for a loooong time.

17:36 <Cepheid> What game, ZeroParadox?

17:36 <`Princess-Luna> I do.

17:36 <ZeroParadox> It's a Metal Gear joke.

17:36 *** Joins: Pony_2501 (Pony_2501@Pony-ut1f7g.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:36 <Cepheid> Ah.

17:36 <Insidious_Lars> TIME PARADOX

17:36 <`Princess-Luna> Fission Mailed!

17:36 <rainbowpower64> SNAKE!

17:36 <Cepheid> `Princess-Luna, NO!

17:36 <Cepheid> Don't mail fission!

17:36 <`Princess-Luna> xD

17:36 <Cepheid> You'll destroy the post office!

17:37 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-p4r5il.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:37 <Tirek> The post office imploded.

17:37 <rainbowpower64> snake what happened? snake? meryl

17:37 *** Joins: Kalastrear (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP)

17:37 *** Quits: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars) (Quit: has left the building)

17:37 <ZeroParadox> Snake! You need a PSG-1!

17:37 * Kalastrear hugs ZeroParadox

17:38 <Cepheid> ZeroParadox, question.

17:38 <ZeroParadox> Answer!

17:38 <Cepheid> Where'd you get your nickname from?

17:38 <ZeroParadox> Where...?

17:38 <Cepheid> Yeah.  I'm curious.

17:38 <ZeroParadox> From the English language of course!

17:39 <Cepheid> ...

17:39 *** Quits: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-n6tvma.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:39 * Cepheid sighs.

17:39 <ZeroParadox> ^ _ ^

17:39 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: Made it myself o3o

17:39 <Cepheid> `Princess-Luna, could you help me devise a better question?

17:39 <Cepheid> Or, nevermind.

17:39 <ZeroParadox> Luna would only make it worse o.o

17:39 <Cepheid> I guess that answers my question.

17:39 <`Princess-Luna> lol

17:39 <Tirek> What inspired you to choose that name.

17:39 <Tirek> There

17:39 <Tirek> I win

17:39 <Cepheid> I thought it might be inspired by something.

17:40 <Cepheid> But I guess choosing one or more words and mashing 'em together is a valid answer.

17:40 <ZeroParadox> Tirek wins! ...But I don't feel like answering.

17:40 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-2ss1bf.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:40 <ZeroParadox> Answering the particulars anyway.

17:40 <`Princess-Luna> lol

17:40 <Cepheid> Thanks, Tirek.

17:40 <Cepheid> Now..

17:41 <Cepheid> How might I convince ZeroParadox to answer?

17:41 <Tirek> With copious amounts of truth serum

17:41 <`Princess-Luna> Indeed

17:41 <Cepheid> Don't have any truth serum.

17:41 <rainbowpower64> very carefully

17:41 <Tirek> What a shame, what a shame.

17:41 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-4em.obr.255.85.IP)

17:42 <Kalastrear> zero paradox u never hugged me back

17:42 <ZeroParadox> I know. o.o

17:42 * Cepheid throws Spitfire at ZeroParadox.

17:42 * ZeroParadox grabs it and runs away

17:42 * Cepheid then throws some Catnip all over ZeroParadox.

17:42 <ZeroParadox> >dragon ball xenoverse

17:42 <ZeroParadox> nani

17:42 *** Joins: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-4bl5oh.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:42 <rainbowpower64> Spitfire: flys away angrily

17:42 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: That would just make me not tell you

17:42 * Phantasma_Eeria ingests the catnip

17:42 <Tirek> So next version of DF will have calendar sim optimized.

17:42 * Unixkitty sniffs ZeroParadox

17:43 <Cepheid> Yeah.

17:43 <Unixkitty> What is...

17:43 * Unixkitty freaks out and runs away

17:43 <Phantasma_Eeria> well da isnt working so no vector uploads

17:43 <Cepheid> I hear it's particularly slow.

17:43 <Tirek> The tedium of the calendar sim has put me off from playing lately.

17:43 <ZeroParadox> DF?

17:43 * Phantasma_Eeria rolls around with dilated pupils

17:43 <Tirek> I think I had two weeks of simulation take 45 minutes once.

17:43 * FrankkieNL|Work notices Cepheid

17:43 <FrankkieNL|Work> hi Cepheid

17:43 <Tirek> Dwarf Fortress

17:44 <Cepheid> Hey FrankkieNL|Work.  What's up?

17:44 <FrankkieNL|Work> Work is up. Damn new wizard I have to make.

17:44 <Tirek> Also, I'm still playing Freedom Planet anyway.

17:44 <Cepheid> Heh.

17:44 <Tirek> That final boss is some kind of awful and cheap.

17:44 *** Joins: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-ro6l0b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:45 *** Joins: CarrotTop (gtwmfydfcsp@Element.Of.Optimistic)

17:45 <Cepheid> It's the final boss.

17:45 <Cepheid> And the bad guy.

17:45 <Tirek> Right

17:45 <Cepheid> Bad guys should never play by the rules.

17:45 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Quit: Leaving)

17:45 *** Quits: Pony_2501 (Pony_2501@Pony-ut1f7g.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:45 <Tirek> Its a three phase battle, and the first two phases, while difficult, definitely feel fair, and I feel like its my fault if I die on those phases

17:46 <Tirek> I usually win by the merit of luck and Carol's invincibility frames alone on the third phase.

17:46 <rainbowpower64> anyone seen red asphault

17:46 <Tirek> Lilac doesn't have invincibility frames to save her butt

17:47 *** Quits: Rawrity (Pony_2501@Pony-4bl5oh.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:47 <FruitNibbler> http://goo.gl/Ig5o12

17:47 <FruitNibbler> good question

17:47 <rainbowpower64> idk what would go wrong

17:47 <FrankkieNL|Work> stuff

17:47 <Tirek> Everything

17:48 *** thelema5_away is now known as thelema5

17:48 <Cepheid> God + God = ?

17:48 <rainbowpower64> two gods?

17:48 <FrankkieNL|Work> Infinity + Infinity = Infinity

17:49 <FrankkieNL|Work> God + God = God

17:49 <FruitNibbler> Bad news for me, everyone

17:49 <Unixkitty> You mean nothing + nothing = nothing? Good point

17:49 <Phantasma_Eeria> god + reality = non-existant

17:49 <FrankkieNL|Work> Gullable Overrated Dumbasses

17:49 <FruitNibbler> BA700 batteries aren't sold in stores any more, only vie innennetz

17:49 <rainbowpower64> what's the bad news

17:50 <Cepheid> So, no replacement battery FruitNibbler?

17:50 <FruitNibbler> (making my smartphone an outdated piece of crap [?])

17:50 <thelema5> What's the battery for?

17:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> yeah whats the bad news

17:50 <thelema5> Oh.

17:50 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-hklpsh.251-net.sccoast.net)

17:50 <Unixkitty> Anyone played Amnesia: Machine for Pigs? I was wondering if it was worth playing. (Played first Amnesia and liked it)

17:50 <FrankkieNL|Work> FruitNibbler: get a new phone :P

17:50 * thelema5 smashes fruitnibblers phone on the floor

17:50 <FruitNibbler> thelema5, I recently discovered the reasony why the back cover was not fitting right: the battery puffed

17:50 <FrankkieNL|Work> with apps i have made :P

17:51 * FrankkieNL|Work thows apps at FruitNibbler

17:51 <thelema5> I'm nibbling fruit

17:51 <Unixkitty> I guess not.

17:51 <rainbowpower64> Navi

17:51 <FruitNibbler> I have another phone, but the SIM card from old one is a wrong format (it needs a smaller one)

17:51 <ZeroParadox> YES!

17:51 <thelema5> I don't play games, unixkitty

17:51 <ZeroParadox> THEY ACTUALLY DID IT

17:52 <thelema5> yay?

17:52 <CarrotTop> Eh?

17:52 <Unixkitty> Well... I haven't asked you specifically, thelema5 without capital t.

17:52 <Cepheid> What are you talking about ZeroParadox?

17:52 <ZeroParadox> Raging Blast with the graphics from Ultimate Tenkaicihi!

17:52 <Cepheid> PXZ?

17:52 <ZeroParadox> And it probably has a new, better Hero mode and online verse!

17:52 * thelema5 walks away, tail down

17:52 *** thelema5 is now known as thelema5_away

17:52 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: No you fool! Dragonball: Xenoverse!

17:53 <rainbowpower64> might as well get my chores done ill be back later

17:53 *** Quits: rainbowpower64 (mfirpptopku@Pony-i62.8au.10.204.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:53 <ZeroParadox> I don't care if it's the same story everytime! I wanna punch stuff at high speeds!

17:53 <Cepheid> Still no clue.

17:53 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-p4r5il.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: )

17:53 * Vulpor runs in happily

17:54 <ZeroParadox> See, NOW I want a PS4.

17:54 <ZeroParadox> ...I won't buy one tho'.

17:54 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net)

17:54 <Vulpor> Hey all just saw episode 2 of Sailor Moon Crystal

17:54 <ZeroParadox> It's made by DIMPS!

17:54 * ZeroParadox grabs Cepheid and shakes him around

17:54 <Vulpor> DIMPS!?

17:55 <Vulpor> who is DIMPS?!

17:55 <FruitNibbler> PIMPS

17:55 <ZeroParadox> A developement studio o3o;

17:55 <`Princess-Luna> DIMPS made the sonic 4 titles

17:55 <`Princess-Luna> if I remember correctly

17:55 <ZeroParadox> And co-developed some fightans

17:55 * Cepheid is shaken.

17:56 * Cepheid is not stirred.

17:56 <ZeroParadox> Including Budokai 3 D<

17:56 <ZeroParadox> I can trust them D<

17:56 <FrankkieNL|Work> His name is heid, Cepheid

17:56 <Cepheid> Why are you shaking me?

17:56 <ZeroParadox> A 3D DBZ game by DIMPS erhmahgerd

17:56 * ZeroParadox shakes Cepheid for reason above

17:56 <Vulpor> and what did PIMPS make

17:56 <FrankkieNL|Work> Bond, James Bond :P

17:56 <Cepheid> What reasons are you shaking me fooooor!?

17:56 <Vulpor> lol

17:56 <FruitNibbler> http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/022/7/a/all_your_heart_are_belong_to_us_by_kp_shadowsquirrel-d5scuul.jpg

17:57 <Vulpor> So, yeah Sailor Moon Crystal is awesome

17:57 <FruitNibbler> http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/022/0/0/totoro_and_some_apples_by_tyruas-d5sepv1.png

18:03 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

18:04 * ZeroParadox turns on BT3 ;-;

18:04 <ZeroParadox> gud tiems

18:05 *** Quits: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:07 * LunaticHell boops ZeroParadox

18:07 <LightDash> cute chrysalis ^ (the pic )

18:07 *** Quits: Apophis_work (apophis@Pony-12b.mga.190.194.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:08 *** Joins: QPOMDPony (vvjgurugejq@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

18:08 <LightDash> and applejack with totoro ^ (the pic)

18:08 *** thelema5_away is now known as thelema5

18:10 *** Joins: Pony_25767 (Langly@Pony-e8b9kb.ptld.qwest.net)

18:10 <thelema5> Hi, pony_25767

18:11 * Phantasma_Eeria eats thelema5

18:11 <thelema5> ouch!

18:11 *** Joins: SoulCode657 (tvdijdcoang@Pony-8rbepi.cdrr.qwest.net)

18:11 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/681516 pfffft that was kinda bad

18:12 <thelema5> really bad.

18:13 <QPOMDPony> well I, for one, think it is rather fancy

18:13 <thelema5> fancy shmancy

18:13 <Cepheid> XD

18:13 <thelema5> !link pants

18:13 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/368925

18:14 <thelema5> D'aw

18:14 <thelema5> Twilidoll is best pony

18:16 * Heartbreak boops thelema5.

18:16 <thelema5> someone gave me a can of unicorn meat.  It's a novelty item which looks like a real tin of meat, but when it's opened you'll discover that it's filled with plushie unicorn parts

18:16 <QPOMDPony> I'm afraid thelema5 is broken :<

18:16 *** Joins: Agent_B-7 (smuxi@Pony-e2e.e14.135.31.IP)

18:16 *** Joins: Cursed_Apple (rvfkudcsuub@Pony-ch12f9.cust.tele2.se)

18:16 <Heartbreak> Jets says that he's finally figured out the plot path for the next book.

18:17 <thelema5> I'm afraid so, QPOMDpony

18:17 * Heartbreak continues to boop thelema5 then.

18:17 * thelema5 collapses

18:17 <Cursed_Apple> haven't had this much of a sore throat in weeks X_X I tried to do a voice acting for a serie I am doing.

18:18 <thelema5> Sorry to hear it, Cursed_Apple

18:18 <thelema5> What's the series?

18:18 <QPOMDPony> Cursed_Apple go for hot milk+honey!

18:18 * Heartbreak gives Cursed_Apple a soothing cup of tea.

18:19 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:19 <Cursed_Apple> A serie I am doing with My oc's in a pony-verse environment. I am writing the chapters as I am going to need to voice the main 5 characters in the serie myself. Yeah thanks /mheartbreak

18:19 *** Joins: User_491125 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com)

18:19 *** Parts: User_491125 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com) ()

18:19 <thelema5> Need any other VAs?

18:20 * Phantasma_Eeria gives Heartbreak a non alchoholic mango and passion fruit cocktail

18:20 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com)

18:20 <Cursed_Apple> Might need to but I haven't found any that I like. The main character is the only one I know I might need someone else to do VA for.

18:20 <thelema5> Mare or stallion?

18:21 <Cursed_Apple> Stallion, Filly for the first few chapters.

18:21 <Cursed_Apple> depending on how long I am making each part.

18:21 *** Quits: SoulCode657 (tvdijdcoang@Pony-8rbepi.cdrr.qwest.net) (Connection closed)

18:21 * Heartbreak ooooos.

18:21 <thelema5> eeeeees

18:21 <Heartbreak> Cursed_Apple, Ooooo. You're writing?

18:22 <Phantasma_Eeria> wait so your character changes gender after the firstbfew chapters!?

18:22 <Cepheid> Guh.

18:22 <Cursed_Apple> This is actually my first time writing. No they just age :P

18:22 <Phantasma_Eeria> *first few

18:22 <Cepheid> I crave sparkling cider or sparkling apple juice.

18:22 <Phantasma_Eeria> then theyre a colt for the first few chapters

18:22 <Cursed_Apple> It's like the tarzan movie. Start as kid the first few minutes of the movie and then grow older.

18:23 <Cursed_Apple> oh sorry for the confusion, yes they are colt not fillies, I misunderstood the English Word "filly" as I thought it was the term for "young-pony" for both genders.

18:23 *** Joins: Cloud_Runner (_Cloud_Runn@Pony-mjcak6.highway.telekom.at)

18:23 <FrankkieNL|Work> http://www.npo.nl/live/nederland-1 Live TV broadcast, because of the MH-17 crash.

18:24 <Cursed_Apple> Did the chat crash?

18:24 <FrankkieNL|Work> nope

18:25 <Cursed_Apple> Okay god worried since it said down below "might be down at the moment".

18:25 * Heartbreak noogies Cursed_Apple

18:26 <Cursed_Apple> I haven't read your fanfiction yet.

18:26 *** Quits: Brushstroke (BrushStroke@Pony-6ru.tvu.126.70.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

18:26 <FruitNibbler> Eating all the fruits for breakfast was almost a bad idea

18:26 <Phantasma_Eeria> nope

18:26 *** Cursed_Apple is now known as cursedapple

18:26 <FruitNibbler> It is too acidic for my stomach

18:27 <FruitNibbler> (well belated breakfas anyways)

18:27 <LunaticHell> `Princess-Luna: I think you got out luna'd https://derpibooru.org/681413

18:27 *** cursedapple is now known as CursedApple

18:27 * Phantasma_Eeria drinks the worlds strongest cider, and passes out instantly after finishing it

18:27 <thelema5> heh... pinkie using the royal canterlot voice

18:27 <thelema5> priceless.

18:28 * thelema5 revives Phantasma_Eeria

18:28 <LunaticHell> I bet Pinkie speaks 13 lenguages fluently, just for the sake of making linguistic based puns

18:28 <FruitNibbler> PinkiePie is a Goddess of the Equestrian world

18:28 <thelema5> We know she can sing in spanish.

18:28 <CursedApple> Probably. :P

18:29 <FruitNibbler> She is just oblivious to the fact

18:29 <thelema5> I wonder how they handled The Goof Off song in the spanish translation?

18:29 <CursedApple> Wonder if she can speak Squirl.

18:29 <LunaticHell> CursedApple: fluttershy can

18:29 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

18:29 <FruitNibbler> PinkiePie is Ergo Proxy, only not gruesome and positive

18:29 <thelema5> <twilight> do I look like I speak squirrel? </twilight>

18:30 *** Quits: StitchesandSeams (Fallfeather@Pony-aqhtpo.bigpond.net.au) (Connection closed)

18:30 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK4FywtE89g

18:30 <FrankkieNL|Work> gotta go

18:30 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

18:30 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Twilight Sparkle - Do I look like I speak squirrel?

18:30 <LunaticHell> thelema5: you're welcome

18:30 *** FrankkieNL|Work is now known as FrankkieNL|AFK

18:31 <thelema5> yay

18:31 <CursedApple> lol. I remember that episode. It's the Pet's contest right?

18:31 <Cepheid> Mmm.  I'll finish watching this show.  Then I'ma head off to take a shower, and then head out to the local grocery store.  I needs me some juice.

18:31 <LunaticHell> gotta go work

18:31 <LunaticHell> bye

18:31 *** Quits: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-bp7cna.versanet.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:32 <thelema5> No, hurricane fluttershy.

18:32 <thelema5> one of my favorite episodes ever.

18:32 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-aqhtpo.bigpond.net.au)

18:32 <thelema5> Flutters is bravest pony

18:33 * Phantasma_Eeria turns into an alicorn

18:33 <Cepheid> http://www.lifewithcats.tv/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/black-cat-rescue.jpg Man, how could anyone ever dislike or distrust black cats?

18:33 <thelema5> The training montage in that episode may be my favorite scene ever, from any franchise.

18:34 <CursedApple> yeah. I am going to re-watch the full serie to get a real opinion on the mane six. So far I am conflicted to how I liked each character.

18:34 <thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/sBsOrNSXqgw

18:35 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about MLP:FiM BGM: Fluttershy's Training Montage

18:35 <thelema5> Gods I love mlp

18:36 <Phantasma_Eeria> yep is best tv show ever, cant wait until s5

18:38 *** thelema5 is now known as thelema5_away

18:38 <CursedApple> And hopefully it will be the last one of MLPFIM. Serious how many seasons this this show need to have before they go for the next MLP thing., Gen5 needs to be confirmed.

18:39 <CarrotTop> Uh no

18:39 <CarrotTop> I like this gen

18:39 <Tirek> I think Hasbro has plans for 5 more years of FiM or something

18:39 <CarrotTop> As long as it brings profit wh change too much

18:39 <CarrotTop> why

18:40 <Tirek> Well, there's only so much they can do before it gets stale

18:40 <Tirek> And I think they're kind of at that point, finale/premiere-wise.

18:40 <Tirek> They brought Tirek back.

18:41 <CursedApple> Aren't they stale? We see the characters sticking to each other like glued-together in each episode with barely any theme to their presence for the "Character's Episode"?

18:41 <CarrotTop> Hmm what else is left for them to work with the greek mytholgy aspect of Villans

18:41 <Tirek> They have a lot to work with

18:41 <Tirek> But they resorted to rebooting G1 villains instead

18:41 <Tirek> Admittedly, G1 villains are really good things to bring back, I was just disappointed with Tirek.

18:41 <CursedApple> Still 2 villains left, We could have the witches and the catlady back :D

18:42 <Tirek> No, there are more

18:42 <Tirek> Grogar, Arabus, Lavan, Squirk, Smooze

18:42 <Tirek> Lets not bring back Katrina or the witches, specifically.

18:42 <Tirek> Same goes for Somnambula, who was also human.

18:43 <Tirek> Lets also not bring Grogar back either

18:43 <CarrotTop> Going to be tough to explain humans in this gen and how they got there

18:43 <Tirek> Because I can only see that ending with me in tears.

18:43 <CarrotTop> oh wait nevermind

18:43 * Phantasma_Eeria puts a lettuce on CarrotTop's head

18:44 <Tirek> Twilight Time also set up for the possibility for Applebloom to accidentally Smooze.

18:44 <Tirek> Arabus, Lavan, and Squirk could be changed for the better, no matter what

18:44 <CursedApple> Exactly. We have a possible plot for how the Smooze could get to this Gen

18:44 <Tirek> But Grogar? He was probably the second most developed G1 villain

18:45 <Tirek> Necromancer whom was banished to the void for eternity for having a stranglehold on the entirety of Dream Valley.

18:45 <Tirek> Even magic itself bowed to his whim.

18:46 <Tirek> You can't make that fit right, I feel.

18:46 <CarrotTop> It could be done

18:46 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (dnoqejpwvuc@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

18:46 <Tirek> That's the kind of thing Twilight has to figure out on her own, and that goes against the thematic of the show.

18:46 * QPOMDPony eating CarrotTop's head-lettuce

18:47 <Tirek> And Grogar's dominion over all magic being solved with the brute force of a macguffin goes against HIS thematic.

18:47 *** Joins: TimidClef|Work (~TimidClef|W@Pony-kou3df.static.qwest.net)

18:47 <CursedApple> Make sense, Well we just have to wait and see.

18:47 <Tirek> So, either way, there's a problem here.

18:47 <TimidClef|Work> Every problem is just an opportunity.

18:47 <Tirek> To ruin a better story.

18:47 <TimidClef|Work> Well, duh.

18:48 <TimidClef|Work> Rule of Bay: Add explosions, ruin story?

18:48 <Tirek> Arabus was basically G1 Discord, so he can be changed and recycled.

18:48 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)

18:48 <Tirek> He wasn't that great at it anyway.

18:48 <Tirek> I still have an Arabus G4 concept around.

18:49 *** thelema5_away is now known as Thelema5

18:49 <Tirek> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9911045/RI/erebus.jpg

18:49 <Tirek> There

18:49 <Tirek> G1 Arabus looked nothing like this, mind

18:50 <Thelema5> I'm not familiar with Arabus.

18:50 <CursedApple> http://villains.wikia.com/wiki/Arabus

18:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> hi TimidClef|Work

18:50 <CursedApple> This much better

18:50 <Thelema5> Thanks!

18:50 <Tirek> But Sunshine decided to make him fit more to a Greek thematic.

18:50 <Tirek> Erebus is a primordial spirit of darkness

18:50 <TimidClef|Work> G'morning Phantasma_Eeria

18:50 <Thelema5> Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake

18:50 <TimidClef|Work> Clap your hooves and do a little shake~~

18:50 <Phantasma_Eeria> its 10 to 4 in the afternoon…

18:50 <TimidClef|Work> *wigglewiggle*

18:50 <Thelema5> !plot

18:50 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

18:50 <Tirek> And Arabus from G1 stole and consumed the shadows of ponies, which left them something like what Discord did to the mane 6 in Return of Harmony.

18:51 <Thelema5> *wigglewiggle*

18:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> *wigglewiggle*

18:51 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-hklpsh.251-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:51 * Princess_Twilight shakes her plot

18:51 <Tirek> Also, while we're on the subject

18:51 <Tirek> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9911045/RI/grogar.jpg

18:51 <Tirek> Good goat, best necromancer.

18:51 * CarrotTop shakes her rump as welll

18:51 <Phantasma_Eeria> TimidClef|Work, i finished the vector puzzle

18:51 <TimidClef|Work> Oh? *goes to look*

18:51 <Thelema5> All 200 pieces?

18:52 <CursedApple> Precisely. Also it could have a huge plot for two episode long villain arc to be darn good in the animation and story aspect depending on how they go with it.

18:52 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-j37.2ih.208.112.IP) (Quit: Granted.)

18:52 <Tirek> Also

18:52 <Tirek> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9911045/RI/Tirek2.jpg

18:52 <Tirek> I like this Tirek better

18:52 <Tirek> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9911045/RI/tirek3.jpg

18:52 <TimidClef|Work> Hrm. Possibly have Arabus invade Luna's domain?

18:53 <Tirek> See, the thing was

18:53 <Tirek> Arabus could have been used for Tartarus instead

18:53 <Tirek> Since Tartarus is often described as Erebus, anyway.

18:54 <CursedApple> Okay O.O

18:54 <Phantasma_Eeria> yeah dA doesnt want to load so no beans there

18:54 <Thelema5> Has hasbro released any information about season 5 yet?  Other than it being slated for early 2015 and consisting of 26 episodes, I mean.

18:54 <Tirek> Not sure

18:54 <TimidClef|Work> Not of which I'm aware, Thelema5

18:54 <Thelema5> Because this time last year we had an animatic and a few hints

18:54 <Tirek> I do think we'll get either Smooze or Squirk in Season 5 though.

18:54 <Tirek> As far as villains go

18:54 <Thelema5> Their relative silence is unbearable.

18:55 <Thelema5> I'm hoping for smooze, but I don't think they'll reuse the song.

18:55 <Tirek> Which will make me sad

18:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> no ide

18:55 <Phantasma_Eeria> *idea

18:55 <Tirek> But it won't be a deal breaker for me either.

18:55 <Thelema5> Unless Daniel ingram reworks it.

18:55 <Tirek> I really REALLY hated G4 Tirek.

18:56 <Princess_Twilight> Whine whine whine

18:56 <Thelema5> We know.

18:56 <Tirek> Get over it

18:56 <Tirek> I'll whine all I want

18:56 <Tirek> Because you bathe in it

18:56 <CursedApple> Re-make of the song would be priceless.

18:56 <TimidClef|Work> :P Then we can whine about you whining

18:56 <Princess_Twilight> Smooze will be renamed Gak

18:56 * Thelema5 whines and dines

18:56 <Tirek> I'd be okay with that

18:56 * TimidClef|Work prepares to summon the Element of Whining

18:56 <Princess_Twilight> Oh god, not Rarity

18:56 <Phantasma_Eeria> probably gunna do a woona vector now

18:56 <Thelema5> Tirek, it's okay.  I don't mind you whining.

18:57 <CursedApple> With today's tech the song could be way better than it's original tech

18:57 * Phantasma_Eeria is already here

18:57 <Thelema5> As long as it's like Rarity whining.

18:57 * ThatAnonPony boops Princess_Twilight.

18:57 <Tirek> I don't think tech has anything to do with it

18:57 * Princess_Twilight sits on ThatAnonPony

18:57 * Thelema5 boops all the pones

18:57 * ThatAnonPony is sat. Wiggle.

18:57 <Phantasma_Eeria> out of all the worst possible things, this i the worst possible thing

18:57 * Thelema5 prepares the fainting couch

18:58 <TimidClef|Work> >.< One of my friends from high school is a brony. He and his wife had their first child awhile ago

18:58 * Phantasma_Eeria faints on the fainting couch

18:58 <TimidClef|Work> The kid apparently just looked at his dad the other day, smiled real big, and said, "Rarity!"

18:59 <Thelema5> That's adorable.

18:59 <CursedApple> phhh, haha adorable!

18:59 <TimidClef|Work> Which of course led to all his Facebook friends saying stuff like, "That's not how you say Pinkie Pie!" or, in my case, "That is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! he could have said."

18:59 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (~Mibbit@Felonious.Wretch)

18:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h ADragonDreaming

18:59 <CursedApple> Anyone know any VA in the fandom?

18:59 <Thelema5> <--

18:59 <Phantasma_Eeria> am i the only one wondering what happened to the carousel boutique after Rarity pulled the fainting, ice cream couch through it

19:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> well played TimidClef|Work

19:00 <TimidClef|Work> Eh, it got fixed. Just like when Cheerilee crashed through the wall

19:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> oh

19:00 *** Parts: CarrotTop (gtwmfydfcsp@Element.Of.Optimistic) ()

19:00 *** Joins: User_215225 (vtejmaybvys@Pony-60e.0e0.192.14.IP)

19:00 <Thelema5> Much of ponyville infrastructure is self-healing

19:00 <Phantasma_Eeria> Thelema5, why are you pointing at yourself

19:00 <Princess_Twilight> I wonder what the insurance costs for Ponyville are

19:01 <Phantasma_Eeria> until Rarity goes mad in inspiration manifestation

19:01 <Thelema5> Because I'm trying to get into voice acting, and cursed_apple was asking.

19:02 *** Quits: User_215225 (vtejmaybvys@Pony-60e.0e0.192.14.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:02 <Phantasma_Eeria> oh thats what va is

19:02 <FruitNibbler> German (or to be specific Schwabbisch) old folks are hard to understand

19:02 <CursedApple> Voice Act - VA

19:02 <FruitNibbler> They slur and chew on words so hard

19:03 <CursedApple> Oh yeah I didn't even notice thelema5 pointing at henself

19:03 <FruitNibbler> It was nice talking to a radom old gentleman, but I was understanding like 50% of it, even though, presumably we both speak german...

19:03 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP)

19:03 <Phantasma_Eeria> these are tasty words

19:03 *** Quits: CursedApple (rvfkudcsuub@Pony-ch12f9.cust.tele2.se) (Connection closed)

19:04 <Twilight_Shimmer> good morning

19:04 *** Joins: CursedApple (rvfkudcsuub@Pony-ch12f9.cust.tele2.se)

19:04 <Thelema5> Morning.

19:04 <CursedApple> Sorry i got disconnected

19:04 <Thelema5> Nothing to be sorry about.

19:05 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

19:05 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

19:05 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

19:05 <Thelema5> I should probably focus on work.

19:05 * TimidClef|Work runs over to his box fort and comes back out, dragging an inflatable foal pool filled with plastic balls

19:05 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5_working

19:06 <thelema5_working> Well, maybe just an hour in the ball pit.

19:06 <Twilight_Shimmer> is that a story refernce

19:06 <Twilight_Shimmer> to where Dash spends an hur in teh ballpit

19:06 * Phantasma_Eeria turns into an alicorn filly and falls into the pool

19:06 <ZeroParadox> RIP

19:06 <Twilight_Shimmer> stupid typos lol

19:07 <Phantasma_Eeria> im an alicorn now

19:07 *** Joins: Cursed_Apple (rvfkudcsuub@Pony-ch12f9.cust.tele2.se)

19:07 *** Quits: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-72h62o.sub-70-197-181.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:08 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (dnoqejpwvuc@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:08 <Cursed_Apple> Now that I think about it. I do not actually think I know that many Brony-voice actors beside the "Analyses" and musicians.

19:08 * Phantasma_Eeria dematerializes, then rematerializes in a random box that is making up the box system

19:08 <Phantasma_Eeria> *box fort

19:08 <Tirek> I can't into voice acting

19:09 <Tirek> I have a lisp and an offensive manner of speaking

19:09 <Tirek> I hate my voice and I sound awful

19:09 <ZeroParadox> :c

19:09 *** Quits: CursedApple (rvfkudcsuub@Pony-ch12f9.cust.tele2.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:09 <Phantasma_Eeria> i have the latter

19:09 *** Joins: EightyHD (EightyHD@Pony-srd.3g0.6.146.IP)

19:09 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-j217t7.sub-174-254-113.myvzw.com)

19:09 * Phantasma_Eeria eats a ZeroParadox effigy

19:10 <Cursed_Apple> I am getting used to my voice as I have done recordings for the past two years now so I do not think it's all that bad.

19:10 <Tirek> Haven't music'd in a year

19:10 <Tirek> Keep saying I should change that but I feel so uninspired.

19:10 *** thelema5_working is now known as Thelema5

19:11 <DiscordsDestiny> Good morning, everypony!

19:11 <Thelema5> I took a 20 year hiatus from music and lost everything I had learned.

19:11 <Thelema5> If you don't use it, you lose it.

19:11 <Cursed_Apple> Precisely.

19:12 <Thelema5> So now, I'm starting pretty much from scratch.

19:12 <Thelema5> Well, maybe more like a 15 year hiatus.

19:12 <Tirek> Yeah

19:12 <Tirek> I wasn't that good to begin with, mind

19:12 <DiscordsDestiny> I've finished my MMC video, but I won't upload it until Friday. Schedules are a b!tch.

19:13 <Tirek> But its still sad that I just can't get anything music-related done anymore

19:13 <Cursed_Apple> Yeah I know the feels. I am using a lot of my current money on voice acting lessons and bought equipment that is of a slightly above "cheap-crap".

19:13 <Tirek> So, now I shifted gears

19:13 <Thelema5> I know the feeling.  But at least you're arting now!

19:13 <Tirek> Eh

19:13 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (Phantasma_E@Pony-4em.obr.255.85.IP) (Connection closed)

19:13 <Tirek> Freedom Planet is eating my time

19:14 <Thelema5> Is that a game?

19:14 <Tirek> Yep

19:14 <Tirek> Best game(in my opinion)

19:14 <DiscordsDestiny> Cursed_Apple: I know the feeling with equipment. If I get another job (or start a patreon account,) first thing I'm doing is getting a higher-quality microphone and a pop-filter. XD

19:14 <Thelema5> That's one of the reasons I don't game.  I just don't have to time to invest.

19:14 <EightyHD> It looks so good... I can't wait for the paycheck at the end of the month. I'd have bought FP at the kickstarter if I'd heard about it sooner...

19:14 <Tirek> I haven't been as excited for a game since Majora's Mask.

19:15 <Tirek> Well, the game is actually pretty short, but its hard as hell

19:15 <Tirek> I didn't think I'd get over 99 deaths in a sanic game

19:15 <Tirek> But the final boss is some bull

19:15 <Tirek> As in cheap and stupidly difficult

19:15 <Cursed_Apple> Which game?

19:15 <DiscordsDestiny> Sanic?

19:16 <EightyHD> That's what I heard, too much 'this isn't even my final form'

19:16 <Tirek> Freedom Planet.

19:16 <Cursed_Apple> Okay. I do recall hearing about it but I can't remember where.

19:16 <Tirek> Well, no, the first two stages of the fight are actually fair

19:16 <Tirek> I just suck at them

19:16 <Tirek> But that last one

19:16 <Tirek> Ugh

19:16 <Tirek> If Carol didn't have invincibility frames that I could abuse, I would not have won.

19:17 <Frames> Frames :3

19:17 <Tirek> Here, Cursed_Apple, the launch trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMEmcVRNZvI

19:17 <SkunkStripe> EX Lightning Legs

19:17 <Tirek> Basically

19:17 <TimidClef|Work> I think the Mythbusters launched a trailer once.

19:17 <Tirek> I won by luck and invincibility frames.

19:18 <SkunkStripe> ♪ 3 low shorts into EX Legs♪

19:18 <Tirek> I was not prepared for a hard sanic game

19:18 <Cursed_Apple> going to watch the trailer

19:20 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

19:20 <Cepheid> Screw anti-depressants, what I need is an anti-aggravant.

19:21 <SkunkStripe> I don't think the levels are too hard

19:21 <SkunkStripe> but the bosses sure freaking are.

19:21 <Cursed_Apple> Sonic-fan nostalgia :P also I might get it since I like anthro-themed characters.

19:22 <Cepheid> Heh.

19:22 <SkunkStripe> The robot bosses? Okay. Not too much of achallenge. The character bosses? Christ!

19:22 <Cepheid> To be honest, Ziyo Ling's art isn't half-bad either.

19:22 <Cepheid> Little bit on the super-skinny side, but the sketchy nature of it is nice.

19:23 <Tirek> Yeah, tough as nails

19:23 <Tirek> I had a lot of trouble with the final stages.

19:24 <Tirek> Though I think part of the issue was I was playing as Carol first.

19:24 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid: TELL ME ABOUT IT ARRRRRGH

19:24 <Cursed_Apple> 15 Euro isn't to much for a decent looking game.

19:24 <Tirek> It's a good game

19:24 <Tirek> And all DLC for the game will be free.

19:25 <Tirek> There's two more playable characters coming.

19:25 <SkunkStripe> 15 dollars is about the average price of a game like this.

19:25 <Tirek> And I think Milla will get a full story mode installment?

19:26 *** Quits: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:26 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (dnoqejpwvuc@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

19:26 <ZeroParadox> What are y'all talkin' bout

19:26 <Cepheid> Freedom Planet, I'm guessing.

19:26 <Tirek> Either way, more stuff for the game is coming.

19:26 <ZeroParadox> o3o

19:27 <Tirek> Just don't go in expecting it to be easy.

19:27 <SkunkStripe> Also I hightly recomend playing the game on pad

19:27 <SkunkStripe> the first time I played after I got off my arm felt absolutly terrible

19:27 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-aqhtpo.bigpond.net.au) (Connection closed)

19:28 <Cepheid> ...

19:28 <Cepheid> Yay, I think our TV just finally broke down.

19:28 <Tirek> I have no clue how you're supposed to get the "no death" achievement.

19:29 <SkunkStripe> "Get Good"

19:29 <Cepheid> Mmm.  Nope....  Dangit.  I think that cat of mine chewed through a critical cable.

19:30 <Saerydoth> like I said, rub hot sauce on the cables.  He won't go near htem

19:30 <Saerydoth> it won't harm the cat at all.  In fact, he'll smell it before he even gets close, and will stay away

19:31 <Cepheid> No.  It's just our surround sound acting up.

19:31 <Cepheid> I just reset it.

19:31 <Saerydoth> ah

19:31 <Saerydoth> there is always Bitter Yuck too.  However, I will say, that stuff doesn't work for my cat, he ignores it

19:31 <Cepheid> I'd rather bitter green apple.

19:32 <Cepheid> Hot sauce has a risk of causing breathing issues.

19:32 <Saerydoth> that doesn't stop my cat, it might as well not be there

19:32 <SkunkStripe> https://31.media.tumblr.com/308f7c9bc3cb265444c6206a46514700/tumblr_n94v4sc7p51tgcfi0o1_500.jpg

19:32 <Cursed_Apple> Bye guys, I am going to get a ticket for the new TMNT movie.

19:32 <SkunkStripe> Tails is suprisingly avengey.

19:33 *** Quits: Cursed_Apple (rvfkudcsuub@Pony-ch12f9.cust.tele2.se) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:34 <Cepheid> I'm not sure I want to go to the grocery store now.

19:34 <Cepheid> It's gotten particularly dark outside.

19:34 <Cepheid> And I ride a bike.

19:34 *** Joins: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net)

19:35 <Saerydoth> if Michael Bay has anything to do with the TMNT movie it will look like this

19:35 <Saerydoth> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw4e6vrSAcU

19:35 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about PONIES: Directed by Michael Bay - Rejected Ponies The Anthology 2 Short

19:36 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Connection closed)

19:36 *** Joins: Cepheid_ (Cepheid@Pony-sgf3fu.cable.rogers.com)

19:36 <Cepheid_> Rogers, since when does wiggling my toe disconnect my Internet!?

19:36 *** Cepheid_ is now known as Cepheid

19:38 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:40 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: Bye)

19:41 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Sleep (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

19:42 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Sleep (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

19:44 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)

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19:46 *** Joins: loverlypie (xguhbxbkpfh@Pony-1tg.tub.137.41.IP)

19:46 <loverlypie> hiiyaa

19:46 <Thelema5> Hi.

19:47 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:47 <loverlypie> who's dutch ???

19:47 * TimidClef|Work crawls onto Thelema5's head and noms an ear

19:47 <loverlypie> who played derp till dwan ???

19:48 <Thelema5> That tickles!

19:48 <loverlypie> dawn*

19:48 <loverlypie> ?

19:48 <loverlypie> ...

19:48 <Unixkitty> Hah Cepheid, last night by simply "wiggling my toe" I've almost thrown my router flying.

19:48 <Thelema5> Not me.

19:48 <loverlypie> okey than...

19:48 <Unixkitty> Fortunately I only had to reach out to catch it

19:48 * Thelema5 wiggles a hoof. nothing happens

19:48 <loverlypie> brb

19:48 <Cepheid> Heh.

19:50 <Unixkitty> Now I have my ethernet cable under the skirting board.

19:50 * TimidClef|Work stares upside down from atop Thelema5's head

19:50 <TimidClef|Work> What tickles? Ear-nomming? :D

19:50 <Thelema5> yah

19:50 <Cepheid> Yeah, I need an alternative setup for my CAT6 cabling.

19:50 <Cepheid> Spitfire ripped mine from the wall and chewed it up.

19:50 <Thelema5> Silly kitty.

19:50 <Unixkitty> Oh haha

19:50 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:51 <Cepheid> I had it nailed down to the wall cat.  How did you even-

19:51 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net) (Quit: Miss you lots!)

19:51 <TimidClef|Work> Why is this JS being stupid and not executing? :P

19:51 * Thelema5 executes the JS

19:51 <SkunkStripe> https://38.media.tumblr.com/05183a8837e0d19fc328e6eee03a5c9a/tumblr_muwsikrHoU1r5hw3fo1_500.png

19:51 <TimidClef|Work> It's the same one I have on my test box... and it works here, not elsewhere

19:51 <SkunkStripe> A clue!

19:53 * Unixkitty executes all the scripts

19:53 <TimidClef|Work> \ O / Problem solved!

19:53 <Unixkitty> :D

19:53 <TimidClef|Work> No more scripts = scripts can't execute improperly!

19:53 *** Joins: Frames_ (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net)

19:54 <Cepheid> For those wondering why wiggling my toe is a big deal:  Few days ago, it suddenly swelled up and became incredibly painful to touch and/or move around.

19:54 <Cepheid> Saw a doctor over the weekend, he prescribed some meds.  Swelling went down, I'm fine now.  Yay.

19:55 <Thelema5> yay

19:55 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Frames_)))

19:55 *** Frames_ is now known as Frames

19:55 <Cepheid> And by incredibly painful, I mean "It felt like I broke a bone."

19:56 *** Joins: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars)

19:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Insidious_Lars

19:56 <Insidious_Lars> !seen Schism

19:56 <DerpyBot> Insidious_Lars: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. Schism is in the channel.

19:56 <Unixkitty> Ouch :(


19:56 *** Quits: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars) (Quit: WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY)

19:56 <Unixkitty> What.. was that all about?

19:56 <Cepheid> ...

19:56 <Cepheid> That was random.

19:56 <Unixkitty> Indeed

19:57 <SkunkStripe> https://38.media.tumblr.com/006df5926c3a10db22f2cb0e303571bf/tumblr_n8zgznQ71E1r3rdh2o1_500.gif

19:57 <SkunkStripe> Puberty

19:57 <Cepheid> XD

19:58 <Cepheid> That is disturbing.

19:58 <Unixkitty> For some reason I'm reminded of Tyrion Lannister looking at that picture.

19:59 <Frames> heh

19:59 *** Joins: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-a7i004.sub-70-199-229.myvzw.com)

19:59 *** Quits: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-bd6drh.nh.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:59 <SkunkStripe> "I need to go downstairs and fix the internet

19:59 <Unixkitty> Ugh, now I'm getting a headache for some reason.

20:00 *** Q0|Away is now known as Q0

20:00 * SkunkStripe walks all the way into the kitchen

20:00 <SkunkStripe> "Why am I in the Kitchen?"

20:00 <Unixkitty> I wonder if I should play some video game

20:00 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-bd6drh.nh.comcast.net)

20:00 <Unixkitty> SkunkStripe, you must be hungry.

20:00 <Unixkitty> Or simply attracted to food

20:01 <Thelema5> Yay, the wall street journal felt they needed to qualify my little pony as a toy "traditionally considered for girls" in their analysis of Hasbro's market share

20:01 <Cepheid> I wonder what PETA thinks of Grumpy Cat.

20:01 <SkunkStripe> "Why am I in the kitchen" is a phrase I say a lot actually

20:01 <Thelema5> http://online.wsj.com/articles/hasbro-sales-climb-but-profit-slips-1405941050?tesla=y&mg=reno64-wsj&url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304058404580042921588647244.html

20:01 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

20:01 <Thelema5> I'm sure they consider him a slave to human brutality

20:01 <TimidClef|Work> That - sort of represents progress I guess? :P

20:02 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-j217t7.sub-174-254-113.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:02 <Unixkitty> Thelema5, "Get The Full Story,

20:02 <Unixkitty> Subscribe   or   Log In"

20:02 <TimidClef|Work> My guess is previously they would have just said that it was a 'girl's toy line'

20:02 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Mystic_Nocturne

20:02 <Unixkitty> ?_?

20:02 <Thelema5> indeed.  They did say that Transformers is for boys.

20:02 <Thelema5> So, not too much progress.

20:03 <Cepheid> Apparently, PETA is wary, but apparently not spazzing about it.

20:03 <SkunkStripe> Well its marketing so I guess its a bit more justified to say things like that

20:03 <Unixkitty> Then they are doing transformers right, since I never liked it.

20:03 <Thelema5> Sorry, uniKitty.  Didn't realize it was behind a paywall

20:03 *** solarstorm is now known as Solarstorm

20:04 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

20:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lenfant_Sauvage

20:04 <Cepheid> As the cat isn't photographed continuously, and on top of that, much of the proceeds of the money the foundation gets goes towards no-kill shelters and such.

20:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You guys can stop panicking now. I /am/ here.

20:04 <Thelema5> yay!

20:04 * Thelema5 goes in search of lunch

20:04 <Cepheid> And on top of that, even when the cat shows up at conventions, the cat only appears for two hours a day and is NOT allowed to be handled by anyone but the owners.

20:04 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-5qpng3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)

20:05 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

20:05 * Princess_Twilight steals Lenfant's lifesized Rarity plushie

20:05 * TimidClef|Work cheers. "Hooray, the baby sausage is here!!"

20:05 <TimidClef|Work> :D

20:05 * Lenfant_Sauvage tears up. ;-;

20:05 <TimidClef|Work> Heh, sorry - every time I see your nick I see "Infant Sausage"

20:05 * Princess_Twilight takes one look at the pathetic googly eyed pone and relents, giving back the plush

20:06 <Cepheid> I just think of "Crazy person" myself.

20:06 *** TimidClef|Work is now known as Crazybaby_Sausage

20:06 *** Joins: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net)

20:06 *** Crazybaby_Sausage is now known as TimidClef|Work

20:06 <Princess_Twilight> Ponies have been banned for less than that

20:08 <TimidClef|Work> For less than being Crazybaby_Sausage temporarily?

20:09 <Princess_Twilight> For even mistaking that particular word on our illustrious, glorious, Rarity lover

20:09 <Unixkitty> Yaaay I'm going shopping in about an hour~

20:09 <TimidClef|Work> :P Wait, somepony calls him Lt. Sausage all the time

20:10 <Unixkitty> Feels like I haven't done that in ages

20:10 <Frames> heh

20:10 *** Quits: loverlypie (xguhbxbkpfh@Pony-1tg.tub.137.41.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:11 <Princess_Twilight> I just finished going shopping.  I hate shopping.

20:11 <Princess_Twilight> Being out in public, ugh

20:11 * Princess_Twilight feels like everypony is staring at her.... judging her...

20:11 <Unixkitty> Being out in public alone? Yes ugh, with friend/'s/? Why not

20:12 <Vexpon> IS everypony staring at you? O_O

20:12 *** Quits: MissTake (misstake@Pony-0f3nhe.mycingular.net) (Quit: Miss you lots!)

20:12 <Princess_Twilight> Well... purple alicorns tend to stand out in a crowd

20:12 <Unixkitty> I think I need to buy so many things... like shoes, a couple summer dresses and other stuff..

20:12 <Vexpon> This is true

20:12 <Unixkitty> Well, Mr Wallet, brace yourself.

20:13 * Unixkitty baps Princess_Twilight

20:13 * Princess_Twilight finds a moth flying out of her wallet

20:14 <ryaxnb> Princess_Twilight, is a crazy pony

20:14 <ryaxnb> the real princess twi

20:14 <ryaxnb> not you

20:15 <ryaxnb> Do you look suspiciously like Princess Twilight?

20:15 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-q06b5t.adsl.tpnet.pl)

20:15 * Princess_Twilight crosses her eyes trying to follow the train of thought

20:15 <ryaxnb> hehe

20:15 <Frames> :P

20:15 <ElectricPsoras> Hello.

20:15 <Frames> Hello~

20:15 <Unixkitty> !twilight time

20:15 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight_Shimmer

20:15 <Princess_Twilight> Are you Pinkie?

20:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

20:16 <Unixkitty> Ha!

20:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

20:16 <Unixkitty> Guess where DerpyBot's priorities are.

20:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> with me!

20:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> hehe

20:17 <Princess_Twilight> !muffin

20:17 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

20:17 <Princess_Twilight> yes

20:17 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

20:17 * DerpyBot glomps Princess_Twilight

20:17 <Twilight_Shimmer> yu[p

20:17 <ElectricPsoras> !link twilight adorable

20:17 <Unixkitty> I'm not sure if Princess_Twilight should be happy about that or not though.

20:17 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/559957

20:18 *** Quits: QPOMDPony (vvjgurugejq@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:18 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link cookie ninja

20:18 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

20:19 <ryaxnb> i'm not pinkie no

20:19 *** Joins: Frames_ (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net)

20:19 <Unixkitty> !link https://derpibooru.org/588661 cookie ninja

20:19 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about artist:spectralpony cookie cutter ninja oc only cookie safe (and 4 more)

20:19 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Frames_)))

20:19 *** Frames_ is now known as Frames

20:22 *** thelema5|away is now known as thelema5

20:22 <ryaxnb> Princess_Twilight,  is adorable

20:22 <thelema5> Well that was a disappointing lunch.

20:22 <ryaxnb> we all know this.

20:23 *** Joins: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade)

20:23 <TimidClef|Work> !link woona cookie

20:23 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/436667

20:24 <thelema5> Curried vegetables should not be served as a main dish, imo

20:24 <thelema5> Dis pony needs his meat!

20:24 <ryaxnb> you're not much of a pony then

20:24 <ryaxnb> since ponies are herbivores

20:24 <TimidClef|Work> Wow I've seen it as a main vegetarian dish - but usually you'll see a protein dish as well

20:24 <Unixkitty> Wh... what

20:24 <ryaxnb> Unixkitty, it's a joke

20:24 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink)

20:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

20:25 <thelema5> Ponies are omnivores.

20:25 * Unixkitty gives thelema5 a very concerned look

20:25 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

20:25 <ryaxnb> i thought ponies were herbivores.

20:25 <thelema5> Nature doesn't make such clear distinctions.  

20:25 <TimidClef|Work> Eeyup. Ponies\horses will eat meat. It's not their common diet.

20:25 <ryaxnb> but yeah, most vegetarians eat lots of protein dishes.

20:25 <ElectricPsoras> Horses won't hunt, but they can eat meat.

20:25 <ryaxnb> it's not very healthy for them either

20:25 <ryaxnb> and they won't seek out scavenged food

20:26 <thelema5> They'll no doubt eat plenty of insects while noming grasses

20:26 <ryaxnb> ergo, they are basically herbivores 95% of the time

20:26 <Princess_Twilight> Have a barbecue near a horse, they'll steal the meat right off the grill

20:26 <Unixkitty> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_herbivorous_animals

20:26 *** Joins: Color_Colt (nmwwvehxqbn@Pony-ahk1dl.wi.charter.com)

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20:27 <thelema5> try reloading that article, unixkitty.

20:27 <TimidClef|Work> http://www.lrgaf.org/deadly_equines.htm

20:27 <Unixkitty> Reloading?

20:27 *** Quits: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-ro6l0b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Connection closed)

20:27 <thelema5> yeah, reload and read the Mamals entry.

20:28 <thelema5> *mammals

20:28 *** Joins: FruitNibbler (Pony_2501@Pony-ro6l0b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

20:28 <Unixkitty> I'm not entirely sure I see your point

20:28 <TimidClef|Work> Heh

20:28 <Unixkitty> "Horses are herbivores with a digestive system adapted to a forage diet of grasses and other plant material, consumed steadily throughout the day."

20:28 <TimidClef|Work> :P I see it

20:29 <thelema5> :P

20:29 <Unixkitty> "Horses and other herbivores have wide flat teeth that are adapted to grinding grass, tree bark, and other tough plant material."

20:29 <ryaxnb> that twilight  http://www.bronibooru.com/posts/77680?tags=kyodashiro image is also on bronibooru

20:30 <Unixkitty> Also there is no such word as 'herbavores'.

20:30 <thelema5> Aww, got removed already

20:30 <Princess_Twilight> Horses will eat meat.  Been there, done that

20:30 <Unixkitty> :P

20:30 <ryaxnb> are we having edit wars...

20:30 <ryaxnb> over MLP IRL

20:31 <thelema5> I'll fix the article later.

20:31 <Unixkitty> I think I'm going to go have a shower war

20:31 <Unixkitty> With myself.

20:31 <Unixkitty> And start getting ready for shopping

20:31 *** F4celess_away is now known as F4celess

20:31 * F4celess is no longer away : Gone for 3 hours 31 minutes 34 seconds

20:32 <Unixkitty> So see you guys... later?

20:32 * ThatAnonPony o3o's at Lenfant.

20:32 <ryaxnb> so the conclusion is horses are herbivores?

20:32 * Lenfant_Sauvage d'awws.

20:32 <TimidClef|Work> Bye, Unixkitty

20:32 <Twilight_Shimmer> !hug

20:32 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

20:32 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Twilight_Shimmer in a tight embrace

20:32 * ThatAnonPony boops Lenfant with a rap.

20:32 <TimidClef|Work> They are classified as herbivores in the same manner that most creatures are - in that their diet consists primarily of plants

20:33 <ryaxnb> right

20:33 * Lenfant_Sauvage ear-wiggle?

20:33 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unixkitty|4d

20:33 <ryaxnb> it's not that they won't eat meat, but it is not a super healthy horsefood

20:33 <Lenfant_Sauvage> heh, right as you say that, "Renegade" by Jay-Z and Eminem pops up on my playlist

20:33 <TimidClef|Work> They aren't 'complete' herbivores in that, while not good for them, they can ingest and digest meat

20:36 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:37 * TimidClef|Work chews on a stick of beef jerky :P

20:37 *** Quits: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:38 *** Joins: SugarRush (isainmdom@Pony-rrd.fb6.97.79.IP)

20:38 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming)

20:38 *** Quits: Princess_Twilight (Princess_Tw@Canterlot.Castle.eq) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:38 <thelema5> Heres a horse hunting and eating baby birds

20:38 <thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/DnWso-2YA-E

20:38 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

20:38 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Horse Killing & Eating Baby Birds - Discussing Horse's Diet Do Horses Eat Meat

20:39 * TimidClef|Work gasps

20:39 <TimidClef|Work> That's why Fluttershy raises chickens :P

20:39 <ryaxnb> healthy horsefoods are the best

20:40 <ryaxnb> no fluttershy eats eggs

20:40 <ryaxnb> MLP ponies are ovo-lacto-vegetarians

20:40 <ryaxnb> because not just health reasons (they are magical ponies they have exemptions to those)

20:41 <ryaxnb> but because some animals seem rather more sentinent

20:41 <thelema5> I prefer to eat sentient animals.

20:41 * TimidClef|Work snerks

20:41 * thelema5 noms timidclef

20:41 <TimidClef|Work> \ o / Hooray, I'm part of the Circle of Life!

20:41 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

20:41 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

20:43 * thelema5 gets back to work

20:43 <ryaxnb> this is why twilight eats hayburgers

20:43 *** thelema5 is now known as thelema5|work

20:45 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

20:46 <Authoron> Alright everypony, take a seat. I got this.

20:46 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (PearlyWhite@Aponywithbraces)

20:46 * TimidClef|Work takes a seat - on PearlyWhites

20:47 * PearlyWhites is best chair!

20:47 * Lenfant_Sauvage braces for impact.

20:48 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-3r6.v9h.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:49 * Yeppoh is out of seats.

20:49 * ThatAnonPony rolls.

20:49 * Authoron uses Vinyl's Bass Cannon to blast the only other pony standing up: Yeppoh.

20:50 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Artillery_Sounds

20:50 *** Joins: ChaosDragoness (ChaosDrago@Pony-2q64th.hstntx.sbcglobal.net)

20:50 * ChaosDragoness cometh

20:50 *** Joins: User_382625 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com)

20:50 <Authoron> Hallo.

20:51 *** User_382625 is now known as CarrotTop

20:51 *** Joins: Cumadrin (owner@Pony-ruvmt7.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)

20:52 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

20:52 <Cepheid> Dangit, Rogers.

20:52 <Cepheid> Ah well, not like I was around.

20:52 <Cepheid> Ran off to the grocery store to pick up some more food, now that I found some stuff that satiates my hunger for long periods of time.

20:53 <CarrotTop> Good right?

20:54 <Cepheid> Aye.

20:54 <Cepheid> And given I'm losing weight on top of it, it's good.

20:55 <Cepheid> Even better, I've been estimating my current spending on food.  At this rate, I'm looking at about $60-$70 a week.  For one person, that's... actually not bad.

20:56 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://derpibooru.org/681422

20:56 <Cepheid> And that's only if I need the food, too.

20:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about angry vector gritted teeth nutlestia princess celestia (and 6 more)

20:56 <Cepheid> Since I bike, and don't really plan ahead for eating, I tend not to buy food days ahead in advance.

20:57 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com)

20:57 <Cepheid> So if I buy something that will spoil, I usually buy it because I'm going to eat it in the next day or two, and it'll be in an amount small enough that it's not going to spoil before I eat it all.

20:58 <Cepheid> So one week, I could end up spending $60.  Next, I could spend $40, etc.

20:58 <Authoron> I shop for my family a lot, and it costs about 120 a week for 5 people.

20:59 *** Joins: User_507325 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com)

20:59 *** Parts: User_507325 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com) ()

20:59 <Cepheid> Food up here tends to cost a bit more.

21:00 <Authoron> Sams club is cheap.

21:00 <Cepheid> Markups in Canada range anywhere from neglible 0%-1%(Pretty rare) to upwards of %500(Rare as well).  More commonly it's about 70% to 100%

21:00 <Authoron> Geez. Still, Im going to move to canada someday.

21:01 *** Joins: Hanley209 (androirc@Pony-dg2.d3p.125.194.IP)

21:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Through the Mirror Celestia and Luna Equestria Girls Pop Up on Walmart's Website  [ http://tinyurl.com/l7gceoc ]

21:01 <Authoron> Hallo

21:01 <Cepheid> It's actually so bad for some products..

21:01 <Tirek> I remember a story a while back about a guy who made an artificial island out of stringing together nets full of plastic bottles.

21:01 <Tirek> He intends to sail the world on that island.

21:02 <Authoron> Eeyup. Isnt it still floating?

21:02 <TimidClef|Work> Weight loss is good. I'm still losing weight, although it's been tapering off a bit.

21:02 <Cepheid> That you can drive to the US, buy gas in the US for your vehicle, travel around a city, find the product you want, return to Canada and pay the import dues, and it'd STILL be cheaper.

21:02 <Tirek> I haven't a clue, I haven't heard an update on it in years.

21:02 <Cepheid> TimidClef|Work:  The goal is to get to 220lbs by the end of the year.

21:02 <Cepheid> I'm currently at 230lbs.

21:03 <Cepheid> I was at 236lbs last week.  About 4-5 of that being water, I think.  Too much sodium.

21:03 <Cepheid> But I've since dropped another 1-2 lbs.

21:03 *** Parts: CarrotTop (gtwmfydfcsp@Element.Of.Optimistic) ()

21:03 <Cepheid> Mostly because ever since I started my diet, I haven't been snacking as much.

21:04 <TimidClef|Work> I started my diet back in March, at 285 o.o I'm down to 253. I'd like to be at 230 by EOY. I think the reason my loss has dropped off is that I was walking regularly, but it's gotten too hot outside to do that really. I need to start using the treadmill here at work.

21:04 *** Joins: Cloud_Runner_ (_Cloud_Runn@Pony-uv8d49.highway.telekom.at)

21:04 <thelema5|work> ... this guy is too much.  I just received a job application which reads "I have unlimited abilitys (sic) to perform any job" under working skills.

21:04 <Cepheid> I've been constraining myself to complex carb foods.  Mostly pastas, low or no fat foods like cottage cheese and pastas, and cutting down on sugary foods.

21:04 <TimidClef|Work> Hah

21:04 <Tirek> Ahahahaha

21:05 <Cepheid> TimidClef|Work:  Not bad.

21:05 <Cepheid> Myself..

21:05 <Cepheid> I need to lose weight for health reasons.

21:05 <Cepheid> Not because of appearance concerns.

21:05 <Cepheid> Remember when I got those MRIs done, and had a lumbar puncture done?

21:05 <TimidClef|Work> Yah

21:06 <Cepheid> Yeah, well, my cerebrospinal fluid pressure is borderline high.

21:06 <Cepheid> And they suspect that might be affecting my headaches a tad.  Making them worse.

21:06 <Cepheid> And apparently one way to bring it down?  Lose some weight.

21:06 *** Quits: Cloud_Runner (_Cloud_Runn@Pony-mjcak6.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:06 <Authoron> I hate headaches.

21:07 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Same

21:07 <Cepheid> So, if I can get my weight down, the headaches might get better.

21:07 <TimidClef|Work> I'm losing for both health and appearance reasons. I'm 34 and I've had two cardiac issues - caused primarily by a genetic narrowing of an artery, but bad health doesn't help.

21:07 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> The dog from my neighbor won't even shut up.

21:07 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Like, ever.

21:07 <Cepheid> So, for end of year, 220lbs.  If I can get lower, that'd be nice.

21:07 *** Joins: Doctor_Whooves (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

21:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Doctor_Whooves

21:07 *** Quits: Doctor_Whooves (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Quit: Quitte)

21:07 <Cepheid> I'd like to get down to 200-210 absolute minimum, but I think 220 is a more respectable goal for now.

21:07 <Cepheid> If I hit 220 before the end of year, I'll lower it to 210.

21:09 <Cepheid> TimidClef|Work:  Well, still, 285 to 253?  That's 32lbs.  That's pretty impressive for 4-5 months.

21:09 <Cepheid> Kinda gives me hope that I could easily reach 220 before the end of year.

21:09 <TimidClef|Work> The biggest part of it? It's just been tracking what I eat.

21:10 <Cepheid> Aye.

21:10 <TimidClef|Work> Turns out, I *was* consuming something stupidly insane like 3k calories a day.

21:10 <TimidClef|Work> With a sedentary lifestyle and job.

21:10 <Cepheid> Yeah.  It's how much calories you take.  And the type of food.

21:10 <Cepheid> And your lifestyle, yes.

21:10 * ThatAnonPony rolls towards Lenfant.

21:10 * Lenfant_Sauvage stands, arched, poised to catch the rolling sofapone.

21:10 <TimidClef|Work> Now, I'm consuming on average 1500-1700 calories per day (less at times)

21:10 <Cepheid> I live a sedentary lifestyle, as well.  So I need to reduce the calories, and maybe get active.

21:10 <Cepheid> Thus, the biking.  Aaaand...

21:10 * ThatAnonPony rolls into Lenfant. Snuggle!

21:11 <Cepheid> I've also been taking in foods that have complex carbs, so I snack less.

21:11 <Cepheid> I mean hell.

21:11 <Cepheid> It's 1:10 PM.

21:11 <Cepheid> All I had today was a bowl of cereal and some cottage cheese.

21:11 <Cepheid> I'm STILL not hungry.

21:11 <Cepheid> And that's even after biking, something which in the past has been known to leave me feeling so hungry that I could eat a pony.

21:11 <TimidClef|Work> k, that seals it - I'm going to try and do the stair climber in the gym here at work for 15-30 minutes at lunch.

21:12 * Lenfant_Sauvage countersnuggle!

21:12 <Cepheid> So, change your eating habits to make sure you're getting the right type of carbohydrates and various vitamins and minerals, and exercise, and you're good to go.

21:13 <Cepheid> 'Course, it does nothing for my energy levels I find.  I still feel exhausted as all hell 'cause of the fever protocol my body has going on.

21:13 <thelema5|work> My hats off to you both.  I should lose some weight, but just can't get motivated.  I'll be the first to admit that I'm a lazy pony.

21:13 *** Joins: jamis (jamis@jamis)

21:14 <TimidClef|Work> I do need to start watching WHAT I eat. For the most part I've just been watching the calorie intake, not necessarily what the calories stem from

21:14 <jamis> !hug

21:14 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

21:14 <Cepheid> Well, if it wasn't for my headaches, I wouldn't have much motivation either.

21:14 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around jamis in a tight embrace

21:14 <Cepheid> TimidClef|Work:  Either approach works, really.

21:14 <Cepheid> As long as your caloric intake is lower than what your body expends per day based on your activity, you'll continue to lose weight.

21:15 <Cepheid> I'm just using an alternative approach.

21:15 <ChaosDragoness> So, whats going on in here?

21:15 *** Joins: Frames_ (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net)

21:15 <Cepheid> ChaosDragoness: Not much.  Just discussing weight loss approaches.

21:15 <thelema5|work> Ponies be chattin

21:15 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Frames_)))

21:15 <TimidClef|Work> Ponies be boopin!

21:15 *** Frames_ is now known as Frames

21:16 * ThatAnonPony boop.

21:16 *** Joins: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars)

21:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Insidious_Lars

21:16 * TimidClef|Work boops Cepheid

21:16 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/681618

21:16 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about dislestia discord straight artist:snowyhooves shipping (and 5 more)

21:16 <ChaosDragoness> bleck

21:16 <KooK> ponies be hanging out in bed with a thrown out back.

21:16 <TimidClef|Work> Aw :(

21:16 * TimidClef|Work hands KooK an ice pack and some pain medication

21:16 <jamis> Back problems suck.

21:16 <Cepheid> TimidClef|Work:  Your approach works by limiting caloric intake.  If anything, yours works on willpower, which you appear to have a lot more of than I do.

21:16 <Cepheid> As I can't do that approach.

21:16 <KooK> Why is it that all of my medication is expired...

21:16 <Cepheid> I've tried it in the past.

21:17 <Insidious_Lars> medication never expires

21:17 <Insidious_Lars> its just lies from the doctors

21:17 <jamis> Hurt my back once and I shan't do it again.

21:17 <Insidious_Lars> to get them more cash

21:17 <Cepheid> When I do it, and start exercising, I end up feeling so empty afterwards I can't help but gorge myself on food.

21:17 <Insidious_Lars> thats why medicine expire after a day

21:17 <KooK> Insidious_Lars - How many chem classes have you taken? :P

21:17 <TimidClef|Work> Well, that's partially true. It won't expire - i.e., it won't go bad. But depending on the drug, it can lose potency

21:17 <Cepheid> No.  Medicine does expire, Insidious_Lars.

21:17 <Cepheid> Well, in a sense.

21:18 <Insidious_Lars> lies and slander

21:18 <Cepheid> It's effectiveness just decreases.

21:18 <Authoron> "Eat medicine, thats out of date..."

21:18 <jamis> Insidious_Lars, gravity is the repulsive force.

21:18 <Cepheid> But in some cases..

21:18 <Insidious_Lars> jamis, you don't say

21:18 <Cepheid> It's better safe than sorry.

21:18 <jamis> lol

21:18 <TimidClef|Work> Insulin can go very bad. >.<

21:18 <Cepheid> Some drugs could potentially become toxic.

21:18 <Cepheid> I wouldn't want to use an epipen that expired.

21:18 <Insidious_Lars> the perfect murder weapon

21:18 <Insidious_Lars> an expired epipen

21:19 <Cepheid> Well, I don't think it becomes toxic.

21:19 <Authoron> What do you do in your spare time?!?

21:19 <jamis> Doctor prescribes medicine, but it's actually slowly turning to poison?

21:19 <Cepheid> But I do think it becomes useless.

21:19 <TimidClef|Work> But if you're talking about ibuprofen or acetaminophen?

21:19 <Cepheid> jamis:  Some of them probably can, yeah.

21:19 <jamis> Scary.

21:19 <TimidClef|Work> Expiration probably just means that it will have lost potency

21:19 <Cepheid> jamis:  That food you eat?

21:19 <Cepheid> It turns into mold after a while.

21:19 <jamis> Not my food!

21:19 <Cepheid> And it becomes toxic after an even longer period of time.

21:19 <TimidClef|Work> Mold? In MY hayburger? It's more likely than you think.

21:19 <Insidious_Lars> wow I did not know that Cepheid

21:20 <Insidious_Lars> that is super cool

21:20 <jamis> Knowledge!

21:20 <Kalastrear> i'm eating baconf or the first time

21:20 <Cepheid> Insidious_Lars:  I'm being sarcastic.

21:20 <Insidious_Lars> you were?

21:20 <jamis> We knows.

21:20 <TimidClef|Work> ...b-bacon for the *first time*?

21:20 <Insidious_Lars> wowwwwwwwwwwww

21:20 <Authoron> Okay, if dentists make their money off of bad teeth, why should i trust a product that 9 out of 10 of the reccomend?

21:20 <KooK> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmkn59N5SDg

21:20 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

21:20 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Butts

21:20 <Authoron> *them.

21:20 <Kalastrear> yes, 17 first time eating bacon. my parents are manies for not letting me eat this

21:20 * jamis gives Insidious_Lars a snickers.

21:20 <Cepheid> Authoron:  Because that 9 out of 10 dentists agree that 10% of dentists are A-holes.

21:20 <TimidClef|Work> Bacon is the candy of the meat world. I'm so sorry you had to wait that long. :P

21:21 <Insidious_Lars> jamis, sneakers*

21:21 <KooK> Cepheid - more then that

21:21 <ChaosDragoness> Like a vegan~ Eatin bacon for the very first time!~ Like a veeeeEeeeegaaaaan~

21:21 <Authoron> It all makes sense now...

21:21 <Kalastrear> i'm vegatarian tho

21:21 <Cepheid> KooK:  You're missing the joke.

21:21 <ChaosDragoness> close enough

21:21 <TimidClef|Work> Oh. Well - then, that sort of explains it.

21:21 <jamis> Oh, so you're eating it for the first time in your life?

21:21 <Cepheid> KooK:  1 out of 10 = 10%

21:21 <jamis> Wait until yo taste the greatness that is sausage.

21:21 <Kalastrear> so tis tofu bacon

21:21 <TimidClef|Work> 15 minutes of a stair climber at standard height\resistance is worth 260 calories burned

21:21 <Kalastrear> i think

21:22 <KooK> Cepheid - Prove your math

21:22 <Insidious_Lars> yeah Cepheid

21:22 <Insidious_Lars> your a smart guy

21:22 <jamis> Tofu bacon? That's not bacon. That's tofu.

21:22 <Insidious_Lars> /prove/ it

21:22 <Cepheid> 1 / 10 = 0.1

21:22 <jamis> Or 10%

21:22 <Cepheid> 10% = 100% / 10

21:22 <KooK> .1 = 23%

21:22 <Kalastrear> well i stopped beging vegan like a month ago

21:22 <Cepheid> Insidious_Lars:  Also, you're

21:22 <Authoron> tofu bacon: The biggest lie ever. Either that or 100 % beef hotdogs.

21:22 <Insidious_Lars> wow Cepheid

21:23 <Insidious_Lars> way to nitpick all I say

21:23 <KooK> Yer

21:23 <KooK> yur

21:23 <Cepheid> Insidious_Lars, did you fall off the wrong side of bed today?

21:23 <Insidious_Lars> no

21:23 <jamis> Like yesterday?

21:23 <Insidious_Lars> I'm sick and tired, thats what

21:23 <KooK> Actually, that's how I pronounce you're, yer...

21:23 <Insidious_Lars> KooK, clearly your a pirate.

21:23 <TimidClef|Work> So yer a relative of Applejack then?

21:23 <KooK> yer a queen

21:23 <Insidious_Lars> I mean, you're

21:24 <jamis> lol

21:24 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-6ff2l2.ca.charter.com)

21:24 <KooK> My pirate!

21:24 <Cepheid> Because you're being rude and belligerent.

21:24 <Kalastrear> hey KooK that butts video is funny

21:24 <Cepheid> But whatever.

21:24 <KooK> I enjoyed it!

21:24 <KooK> :P

21:24 <TimidClef|Work> I think I'm going to go to the ATM machine and enter my PIN number and take out some cash money to go buy some SCUBA apparatus.

21:24 * TimidClef|Work cringes, then punches himself in the head thrice

21:24 <Authoron> Hallo, Rift?

21:25 <Authoron> And Timid, Scuba already has apparatus in it.

21:25 <KooK> TimidClef - Nah, I'm just from the Iowa/Missouri region!

21:25 <Authoron> Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

21:25 <TimidClef|Work> Authoron: The point - it's over there. ;)

21:25 <TimidClef|Work> I was using intentional redundancies

21:25 <KooK> With a cat that is just chillin, curled up on me.

21:25 <Authoron> oh.

21:25 <TimidClef|Work> People who say "ATM machine" make me want to kick babies. Because what does ATM stand for?

21:25 <TimidClef|Work> Same with PIN number

21:26 <bicyclerepairman> AuTomatic Money Machine

21:26 <KooK> "Put in your pie number"

21:26 <Authoron> Automated teller machine and personal identification number, for those who dont know

21:26 <KooK> Automated Teller Machine?

21:26 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/681580

21:26 <Authoron> like a bank teller.

21:26 <KooK> Atmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

21:26 <Cepheid> Yes, yes, I'm familiar with that bit of trouble with the English Language.

21:26 <Cepheid> Best just leave it be.

21:26 * TimidClef|Work flails

21:26 <TimidClef|Work> No! :P

21:26 <KooK> Booty shorts

21:27 <jamis> Booty shorts?

21:27 <Authoron> !plot

21:27 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

21:27 <TimidClef|Work> Eh. English is stupid anyway. And it's my native language.

21:27 <Authoron> *wigglewiggle*

21:27 <TimidClef|Work> *wigglewiggle*

21:27 <Cepheid> You know.

21:27 <KooK> Das booty

21:27 <Insidious_Lars> ^^^ why is that a thing again

21:27 <KooK> at the combination pizza hut and taco bell

21:27 <Cepheid> There are a lot of oddities about the English language.

21:27 <KooK> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ8ViYIeH04

21:27 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Das Racist - Combination Pizza Hut And Taco Bell

21:27 <Cepheid> I wonder if such problems like "ATM Machine" occur in say, Japanese.  Or Dutch.  Or Russian.  Or German.

21:28 * ChaosDragoness wiggle wiggles

21:28 <jamis> Cepheid, ALOT.

21:28 <bicyclerepairman> sure do

21:28 <Cepheid> So then why make a big deal out of it?

21:28 <jamis> Oh, caps was on...

21:28 <Authoron> in russia, you can buy a train ticket be squatting.

21:28 <Authoron> by.

21:28 <bicyclerepairman> because it's stupid no matter the language?

21:28 *** Quits: Hanley209 (androirc@Pony-dg2.d3p.125.194.IP) (Client exited)

21:28 <TimidClef|Work> ^

21:28 <Cepheid> Let me rephrase the question.

21:28 <Cepheid> Why make a big deal out of it in English specifically?

21:29 <Cepheid> If every language has it's own oddities, why pick on one particular language?

21:29 <TimidClef|Work> Because I was unaware they existed in other languages. Now I will learn those languages, so I can bizitch about those too.

21:29 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> And in Russia, parking's completely disorganized

21:29 <KooK> Bicyclerepairman - Why do people like single speed bikes?

21:29 <Insidious_Lars> because people are more familiar with english

21:29 <bicyclerepairman> because it's the one you're most familiar with on here

21:30 <Insidious_Lars> if you talked about how weird German is in an English talking country then you're gonna get some weird glances for peopls

21:30 <Insidious_Lars> from

21:30 <bicyclerepairman> KooK: they're easier to get up hills with

21:30 <KooK> Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

21:30 <KooK> How do you figure?

21:30 <ElectricPsoras> In Polish there are also lots of shortcuts in common use, but such things as "ATM machine" is more of improper use of English insertions.

21:30 <Cepheid> What happens if an Englishman speaks of the oddities of German in Germany?

21:30 <bicyclerepairman> because they only have a single speed, so you travel uphill the same speed as on a flat surface. Science!

21:31 <ElectricPsoras> Like "kucyki pony". "Kucyki" means "ponies".

21:31 <Insidious_Lars> Cepheid, depends

21:31 <Cepheid> Give me the most common response.

21:31 <Insidious_Lars> its just the matter of if the people are familiar with english

21:31 <bicyclerepairman> (I'm kidding, I have no idea. They're probably lighter)

21:31 <ElectricPsoras> "Kucyki pony" is the common name of MLP toys.

21:31 <Cepheid> Okay then.

21:31 <Cepheid> Assume familiarity with English, most common response.

21:31 <Insidious_Lars> oh yeah

21:31 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/681489

21:31 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about prone princess celestia solo cloud artist:aestheticequestrian (and 2 more)

21:31 <Insidious_Lars> I guess

21:32 <jamis> I don't know why, but I think that celestia is pretty cute.

21:32 * TimidClef|Work ships jamis with Celestia

21:33 <jamis> I can be a prince now?

21:33 <Authoron> Sure.

21:33 <TimidClef|Work> Yes. You'll need to be Larsonified though

21:33 * ElectricPsoras ships Celestia to jamis. In a box

21:33 <Cepheid> I guess what I'm trying to determine at this point, is do people get defensive about their languages when people point out deficiencies in them?

21:33 <Cepheid> Or do they simply take jokes about it akin to how English does?

21:33 <TimidClef|Work> I wasn't being defensive. I was being offensive. :D

21:33 <Cepheid> Nah.

21:34 <TimidClef|Work> I'd like to attack the fact that English has those redundancies

21:34 <Cepheid> I'm not saying you are.

21:34 <Insidious_Lars> guys

21:34 <Insidious_Lars> http://qntm.org/work

21:34 <TimidClef|Work> and destroy them utterly

21:34 <Cepheid> I'm just asking a legitimate question here.

21:34 <Insidious_Lars> I'm mentioned in this!

21:34 <ElectricPsoras> Cepheid: Poles simply don't care.

21:34 <jamis> I want to see a celestia episode in season 5. Show us a normal celestia.

21:34 <Insidious_Lars> don't you think its pretty cool?

21:34 <ElectricPsoras> They'd say "yes, so what?"

21:34 <Cepheid> ElectricPsoras:  Fair enough.

21:35 <FruitNibbler> Stepdad just called on Skype

21:35 <FruitNibbler> The feels

21:35 <TimidClef|Work> On another topic... and I apologize if this isn't appropriate for the chat, because I don't honestly know :P

21:35 <Cepheid> If you don't think it's appropriate..

21:35 <Insidious_Lars> don't know what?

21:35 <Cepheid> Then don't mention it. :P

21:36 <Insidious_Lars> you can pm me

21:36 <TimidClef|Work> In the Dragonball Z Kai Abridged episode 2, they use the phrase (that sounds like), "Freezer-domo, no yamate!"

21:36 <Insidious_Lars> what about it

21:36 <TimidClef|Work> I'd assume that's some Japanese\anime trope. Anyone know what it means? :P

21:36 <FruitNibbler> We kinda hated each other's guts when I was a (stupid) teenager, but now we kinda adore each other

21:36 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-pov15a.sub-70-197-180.myvzw.com)

21:36 <Cepheid> ... Coffee and an energy drink in the same day.  This is going to hurt.

21:36 <Authoron> Hallo!

21:37 <Kalastrear> all the bacon is gone :(

21:37 <Kalastrear> and i'm out of anime to watch

21:37 <Cepheid> Kalastrear:  Was that seriously your first time eating bacon?

21:37 <Authoron> Doctor who

21:37 *** Joins: Jolt (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP)

21:37 <ElectricPsoras> Kalastrear: So read some fanfiction.

21:37 <ChaosDragoness> All my frames and hangers finally came in, so now I just have to figure out how I want to hang 30 different art prints in my room

21:37 <ChaosDragoness> .... I need an interior decorator /)_(\

21:37 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

21:37 <Kalastrear> i dont read fan fictin

21:37 <Kalastrear> and yes cepheid it was

21:37 <jamis> Poor Kalastrear

21:38 <jamis> No anime and no bacon.

21:38 *** Quits: Jolt (Jolt@Pony-094.pke.87.75.IP) (Connection closed)

21:38 <jamis> But you have the internet I assume?

21:38 <ChaosDragoness> you could read /my/ fanfiction Kalastrear :3

21:38 <Cepheid> Kalastrear:  ...  How old are you?  And how did you go this long without bacon?  And why?

21:38 <FruitNibbler> Maybe "yamete" which would mean "stop!"

21:38 <Insidious_Lars> oh man

21:38 <Kalastrear> i'm 17

21:38 <Kalastrear> and my parents wanted me to be vegetarian but i always got meat, but never bacon

21:38 *** Joins: reokie (psthkdtckvn@Pony-03d.ojp.92.75.IP)

21:39 <Cepheid> ...

21:39 <ElectricPsoras> Bacon is not mandatory

21:39 <Cepheid> Forcing ideals on children.  Wow.  =.=;

21:39 *** Quits: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-a7i004.sub-70-199-229.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:39 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:39 <ElectricPsoras> I ate my first piece od bacon when I was 22, but I'm foreign.

21:39 <Kalastrear> dont worry they're dead now

21:39 <Kalastrear> er i mean....dotn worry they dont care nw

21:39 <SugarRush> I thought that;s what parents are for

21:39 <jamis> ...

21:39 <TimidClef|Work> FruitNibbler: That's probably it. It's in scenes where Freeza is grabbing Vegeta\Goku in bear-hugs\choke holds

21:39 <Insidious_Lars> "dead"?

21:39 <jamis> Dude.

21:39 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

21:39 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

21:39 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

21:39 <Insidious_Lars> are we joking about dead people?

21:39 <FruitNibbler> TimidClef|Work, I can not tell without the japanese scribbles which word that would be, so I can't thell which one of 3 possible translations it could approach

21:40 * Kalastrear hugs TimidClef

21:40 <Insidious_Lars> that's rude

21:40 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-hvmnep.res.rr.com)

21:40 <Authoron> !Hug

21:40 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

21:40 <Cepheid> I presume by "dead" I think you mean "They're 'dead to me'" in the sense that you don't listen to them or acknowledge them.

21:40 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Authoron in a tight embrace

21:40 <Authoron> yes

21:40 <TimidClef|Work> It's in animation, FruitNibbler - no language, heh.

21:40 <TimidClef|Work> Er, no written langugae

21:40 <Insidious_Lars> Cepheid, still

21:40 <Insidious_Lars> you don't joke about dead people

21:40 <Kalastrear> they're not dead to me i just reallly reallllly wish they sould stop talking to me

21:40 <FruitNibbler> domo is just like -san, a referral to a person

21:41 <Kalastrear> thats a lie insidious_lars, i still see michael jackson jokes....and hitler jokes...

21:41 <FruitNibbler> In case of domo means of more honorable, higher status

21:41 <TimidClef|Work> Oh. OH. k, with the correct spelling? I found it.

21:41 <TimidClef|Work> And it's not appropriate for this chat :| :P

21:41 <Cepheid> I know that feeling, Kalastrear.  There's at least two people I'm familiar with in my life that I am at odds with to that level.  My mother's father, and my dad's stepmother.

21:41 *** Quits: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:41 <jamis> Hitler got what was coming to him and he deserved it.

21:42 <ryaxnb> hugtime is a hug

21:42 <FruitNibbler> no is a pointer which usually shows a posession or belonging to (which makes this sentence odd), so more likely it would be "mo yamette", which is "stop immediately"

21:42 <Authoron> Why did hitler lose his soldiers to the russian winter?

21:42 <Kalastrear> actually hitler was a great leader and an amazing iconic figure. if it weren't for his outragous goals and ideal he coulda been the best leader like...ever

21:42 *** Parts: reokie (psthkdtckvn@Pony-03d.ojp.92.75.IP) ()

21:42 <Authoron> Because he did nazi it coming!

21:42 <FruitNibbler> mo in this case means literally "more", but acts simply as an "amplifier" to a word it stands next to

21:43 <jamis> FruitNibbler, one of the few words in the japanese dictionary in my head.

21:43 <Kalastrear> i dotn get it authoron

21:43 <TimidClef|Work> FruitNibbler, I can PM you with what I found, heh

21:43 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

21:44 <Authoron> What dont you get Kalastrear?

21:45 <Kalastrear> the joke

21:45 <FruitNibbler> Kalastrear, yeah hitler was very good in motivating the crowd, shame he had a baggage of crazy in addition to that talent

21:45 *** Joins: Melody (kvmtfqobqkn@Pony-i8e779.res.rr.com)

21:45 <Authoron> He did nazi it coming: Not see....

21:45 <Authoron> And hallo, Melody!

21:45 <Kalastrear> but i have to say, he did pursue his dreams and suceeded. i respect him for that. ntot what his dreams were but that he actually persued them

21:45 <Cloud_Zephyr> ha there is now a courier simulator

21:46 <Authoron> He originally wanted to be a artist.

21:46 * Melody waves to Authoron

21:46 <Tirek> At the time, people weren't interested in landscape art

21:46 <Tirek> And Hitler could not paint portraits.

21:47 <jamis> Hilter had a sad?

21:47 <Authoron> he was depressed.

21:47 <Authoron> No one wanted his art, he was regected from the college he wanted, and then he ended up in the military.

21:48 *** Gigabit is now known as GigabitPony

21:48 <Kalastrear> i still dont get it

21:48 <KooK> Illinois Nazis... I hate Illinois Nazis...

21:48 <Insidious_Lars> Guys.

21:48 <Insidious_Lars> I think we should just.

21:48 <KooK> Brah

21:48 <Insidious_Lars> Not talk about those anymore.

21:49 <TimidClef|Work> Eeyeah. Probably not the place for it given the channel rating.

21:50 <Insidious_Lars> Man the rules are so lax you can basically cover yourself in oil and get past them.

21:50 <FruitNibbler> What if we could go back in time and reform hitler with the power of brony?

21:50 <Insidious_Lars> And nobody will care.

21:50 <jamis> Insidious_Lars, LOL

21:50 <Authoron> or buy his art

21:50 <FruitNibbler> That would be just awesome!

21:50 <Insidious_Lars> FruitNibbler, something worser might happen.

21:50 <Insidious_Lars> Consequences.

21:51 <Tirek> Yeah, Stalin would probably do something

21:51 <Kalastrear> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2WTRqCu_DY

21:51 <Tirek> I don't know history

21:51 <jamis> FruitNibbler, as much as I like the idea, I think it better to live history alone.

21:51 <FruitNibbler> I have a theory that time machine that can go back in time is simply imposssible, because by going back in time it will inevitably change events and prevent this time machine to be created

21:52 <Insidious_Lars> not really

21:52 <Authoron> there is a paradox there.

21:52 <Tirek> There are two ways of looking at time

21:52 <TimidClef|Work> I've always prescribed to the theory that if you could travel backwards in time, then you already did so - meaning that the time in which you live exists factoring in the fact that you were there in the past

21:52 <Tirek> A linear string, or a tree of possible events.

21:53 <FruitNibbler> So time machine that can go into the past will simply self-destruct if being used

21:53 <Authoron> Or a big ball of wibbily wobbily, timey wimey... Stuff.

21:53 <KooK> Sup honkies

21:53 <TimidClef|Work> In other words, you can't alter your future, because anything you do in the past, you already did.

21:53 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/276474

21:54 * FruitNibbler cough cough

21:54 <KooK> !clop

21:54 * DerpyBot clops her forehooves together excitedly

21:54 <DerpyBot> ..what?

21:54 <FruitNibbler> That picture, young colt, is outrageously suggestive

21:54 <KooK> Pinkie Pie giving rarity a back massage is suggestive?

21:54 <KooK> I did that for a buddy after a long motorcycle ride.

21:55 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras_ (ElectricPso@Pony-q06b5t.adsl.tpnet.pl)

21:55 <jamis> !link massage

21:55 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/467513

21:55 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: So long, everypony. Seeya later.)

21:55 <KooK> !link jamis

21:55 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/106260

21:55 <jamis> Don't look at it!

21:55 <KooK> Terrrrrrrrrrible

21:55 <jamis> I know...

21:56 <jamis> I should make another.

21:57 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-q06b5t.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:58 <KooK> !link https://derpiboo.ru/106260

21:58 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about MSPaint jamis safe

21:58 <FruitNibbler> Was that last one from LunaticHell?

21:58 <FruitNibbler> jamis... you what?

21:58 <jamis> I what?

21:59 *** ElectricPsoras_ is now known as ElectricPsoras

21:59 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (qmctnxoovlo@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

21:59 <KooK> Banana-rama

21:59 <BubbleBerry> YOOOOO

21:59 <jamis> Hey

21:59 <FruitNibbler> MS paint, duuuuuuuuuuude

21:59 <FruitNibbler> .___________.

21:59 <BubbleBerry> MS paint? o3o

21:59 <FruitNibbler> blasphemy

22:00 *** Cepheid is now known as Cephecoding

22:00 <Cephecoding> Time to finish this annoying section of code.

22:00 <BubbleBerry> Groovy

22:00 <FruitNibbler> Is it a redundant secion?

22:00 <Cephecoding> Nah.

22:01 <Cephecoding> It's a section that loads the generated world data.

22:01 <KooK> I want an Oscilloscope

22:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Giant "The Pink Side of The Moon" Music Celebration!  [ http://tinyurl.com/qezjup6 ]

22:01 <Cephecoding> Dynamically.

22:01 <Cephecoding> ... For a large open world concept.

22:01 <FruitNibbler> Oh a lot of references then

22:01 * Cephecoding face desks.

22:01 <Cephecoding> I skipped SO many steps to this.

22:01 <FruitNibbler> KooK our Uni has one, costs 380 000Eur

22:01 <Cephecoding> Most developers would start at a room-based game.

22:01 <Insidious_Lars> you could say that you skipped the whole thing

22:01 <FruitNibbler> I kid you not

22:02 <BubbleBerry> !link

22:02 *** Quits: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:02 <KooK> Uni?  You from Europe or something?

22:02 <DerpyBot> http://tinyurl.com/cnvkt2e

22:02 <Cephecoding> Then go to a more slightly stage-based thing.

22:02 <KooK> Oh, wait, Euro

22:02 <Cephecoding> Then scale it up.

22:02 <KooK> yeah...

22:02 <BubbleBerry> o3o

22:02 <FruitNibbler> Yes KooK, Germany

22:02 <BubbleBerry> Why would they link that?

22:02 <Cephecoding> I skipped all of that and jumped straight to open world.

22:02 <KooK> So, that's a mighty scope, that's a little more than I need :P

22:02 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (ElectricPso@Pony-q06b5t.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Narazicho!)

22:02 <FruitNibbler> 380 000Eur for a box that shows you a wavy waves...

22:03 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-q06b5t.adsl.tpnet.pl)

22:03 <Cephecoding> ... Why would you assume university because of Europe, KooK?

22:03 <Cephecoding> Universities exist in North America. :P

22:03 <FruitNibbler> Americans rarely call them Uni though

22:03 <KooK> Because people from Europe call them Uni's, where as most people from the states call them College's

22:03 <Cephecoding> ... Really?

22:03 <Cephecoding> What do they call them?

22:03 <Cephecoding> ...

22:03 <Cephecoding> Are you serious?

22:03 <KooK> Uni

22:04 <jamis> ...

22:04 <KooK> "I'm going to Uni"

22:04 <Cephecoding> The school system in the US is screwed up and confusing.

22:04 <Cephecoding> It's no wonder my diploma was so well received down there.

22:04 <FruitNibbler> Weirdly enough all americans I have encountered used either "College" or "Unive'sity", while germans always shortened it to "Uni"

22:04 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-pov15a.sub-70-197-180.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:04 <jamis> http://www.scsu.edu/

22:05 <jamis> A college in my state.

22:05 <KooK> Even the British and Australians call it Uni

22:05 <ElectricPsoras> Just ignore me for a moment, please...

22:05 <ElectricPsoras> !link flashlight

22:05 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/540409

22:05 <Cephecoding> I tend to interchange between Uni and University.

22:05 <FruitNibbler> Brits are not exacly americans, even though they behave like they are sometimes

22:06 <KooK> Tea and crumpets

22:07 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-pov15a.sub-70-197-180.myvzw.com)

22:07 <Insidious_Lars> ohhh the queeeen

22:07 <Insidious_Lars> tea and crumpets oohhhh

22:07 <KooK> God save the queen!

22:07 <Insidious_Lars> ohhhhhhh the weatherrrrrrrrrrrrr

22:07 <KooK> It's sooooooooo rainy

22:08 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Sleep (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Connection closed)

22:09 *** Joins: Mongoosie|Sleep (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

22:09 <KooK> !link germany

22:09 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/577667?scope=scpeb066429c91735ac5b9a97bbdc62322191062e8a4

22:09 <ElectricPsoras> Derpy, y u so slow

22:09 *** Joins: User_116125 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com)

22:09 *** Parts: User_116125 (gtwmfydfcsp@Pony-13csle.res.rr.com) ()

22:09 <KooK> She a Nazi!

22:09 <ElectricPsoras> By the way, I like this pic.

22:09 <Insidious_Lars> KooK.

22:10 <Insidious_Lars> I already said that we shouldn't talk about that topic, yeah?

22:10 <ElectricPsoras> And she's not a Nazi, she's more like WW1 soldier.

22:10 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

22:10 <KooK> Did you?

22:10 <KooK> I did not see this.

22:11 <KooK> Lets try again

22:11 <KooK> !link Germany

22:11 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/577667

22:11 <KooK> This is, the only picture...

22:12 <KooK> hmm

22:12 <SkunkStripe> It clearly says thers 138 pictures tagged germany

22:12 <KooK> Yet derpy picks this one twice

22:12 <ElectricPsoras> !link http://derpiboo.ru/144246

22:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about germany safe artist:kaizenwerx rainbow dash nation ponies (and 1 more)

22:13 <LightDash> german dash ^

22:13 <ElectricPsoras> For some reason I always liked the idea of German Dash.

22:13 <FruitNibbler> Meh

22:14 <ElectricPsoras> As fast as ICE, as awesome as autobahn.

22:15 <FruitNibbler> I'd prefer to see Dämmerung-Funk

22:15 <LightDash> !link https://derpiboo.ru/581252

22:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about russia dash russia german dash safe artist needed (and 5 more)

22:15 <FruitNibbler> (it's Twilight-Sprkle in german :P )

22:15 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/681600

22:15 <ElectricPsoras> Not Zwielicht Funkel? ;)

22:16 <ZeroParadox> ...

22:16 * ZeroParadox managed to split an Oreo cookie in half perfectly

22:16 <ZeroParadox> D:

22:16 <SkunkStripe> I think when I was doing a MLP civilization thing I gave Twilight Korea. As Civ4 Korea has a lot of bonuses to science and schools if I recall correctly

22:16 <FruitNibbler> Ach ja, zwielicht is also twilight

22:16 <FruitNibbler> Well can also do

22:17 <ElectricPsoras> I just remember that I came across Zwielicht Funkel once on some German forum, when I was googling names of Mane6 in German.

22:18 <FruitNibbler> Why in the world I wrote "Oh yeah" in german? My lang.exe is totally glitching out

22:18 <ElectricPsoras> Becayse why not. ;)

22:18 <ElectricPsoras> *because

22:18 <ElectricPsoras> Anyway, German version of Smile Song is my favourite.

22:18 <Cephecoding> Hmm.  Ate breakfast at ~8:30 AM.  It's now 2:18 PM.  I am just now starting to feel hungry.

22:18 <FruitNibbler> Yeah Zwielicht makes more sense, since it is closer sounding to Twilight (it's just an olden german word I'd never use)

22:19 <Cephecoding> So apparently a bowl of cereal and some cottage cheese lasts about six hours, combined with some biking which burned through some of the energy I got from the food.

22:19 <Cephecoding> .... That's pretty good, actually.

22:20 * jamis had an egg sandwich.

22:22 <FruitNibbler> Oberführer Zwielicht von Funkel

22:22 <FruitNibbler> http://forcemation.deviantart.com/art/Frau-Oberst-Twilight-Sparkle-406046273

22:22 <BubbleBerry> http://www.figures.com/gallery/data/13912/medium/DSCN19793.JPG

22:23 <EightyHD> That's awesome!

22:23 <FruitNibbler> I had a croissant with cheese and turkey

22:24 <FruitNibbler> And AJ apparently isn't even worthy of higher rank than private

22:24 <FruitNibbler> http://forcemation.deviantart.com/art/Field-Marshall-Applejack-377773631

22:25 <BubbleBerry> I'd picture Applejack as some super hard working all american trooper

22:25 *** Quits: BugintheMoon (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP) (Connection closed)

22:25 <FruitNibbler> Why am I not surprised that RD is drawn with Luftwaffe uniform (german air force)

22:25 <BubbleBerry> Who's all boy scout-ish (Girl scout-ish?)

22:25 <FruitNibbler> http://forcemation.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-Luft-405862868

22:25 <BubbleBerry> Because she likes flying

22:26 *** Quits: Insidious_Lars (Lars@Derp.Insidious.Lars) (Quit: has left the building)

22:26 <FruitNibbler> And Pinkamena is the General :3

22:26 <FruitNibbler> http://forcemation.deviantart.com/art/Pinkie-pie-Italian-SS-384465708

22:26 <FruitNibbler> Somehow I do agree with those ranks

22:27 <Tirek> http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/797/957/edc.png

22:27 <BubbleBerry> I still think AJ would be better suited as an American.

22:27 * Cephecoding noms on strawberry yoghurt.

22:27 <BubbleBerry> Maybe it's just the accent

22:28 <FruitNibbler> For me all ponies are simply Equestrian, I don't assign any other nationality to them

22:28 <Cephecoding> Perhaps, BubbleBerry.  But nothing says she couldn't have emmigrated.

22:28 <Cephecoding> I mean..

22:28 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

22:28 <ElectricPsoras> FruitNibbler: one of Polish writers is now making a fanfic (in English) about a siege of Crystal Empire, which happens about ten years after MLP and where Equestria uses German WW2 planes and tanks (no Nazi ideology involved). Really looking forward to it.

22:29 <Cephecoding> My best friend, who grew up in the South, has a Southern accent, lives in the Netherlands now. :P

22:29 <BubbleBerry> Well, these are all WWII thingsm right? I mean I'd associate AJ with a WWII american trooper, rather than a german... what rank is she?

22:29 <FruitNibbler> Nothing sais that you have to remain a hillbilly if yu were born in such family

22:30 <FruitNibbler> The author felt like drawing AJ as a private BubbleBerry

22:31 <FruitNibbler> (Octavia is in a Kaiser uniform though, so I think he did not go for nazi uniforms only)

22:31 <BubbleBerry> It says she's a Field Marshall

22:31 <FruitNibbler> Oh really?

22:31 <BubbleBerry> Here is a fan art of Applejack cosplaying as a Heer Wehrmacht Generalsfieldmarshall

22:32 * TimidClef|Work militarizes all the ponies, while panting from his walk

22:32 <FruitNibbler> Looked like private uniform to me (haven't looked at the chevrons though)

22:32 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

22:33 *** Joins: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-qt3.f71.234.187.IP)

22:33 <Librarian> hii

22:33 <SugarRush> Hello

22:33 <Librarian> im boreddd

22:33 <jamis> The ghost?

22:33 *** Quits: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:33 <Librarian> i have a falf hour to kill at the moment

22:34 <Cephecoding> Hmm.  Implement my own hashing function, or take the lazy route and write a wrapper around an instance of a Java-provided hashing class to provide a static method?

22:34 <Librarian> half hour

22:34 * TimidClef|Work checks out a book

22:34 <FruitNibbler> Conan is that you?

22:34 <Librarian> no books

22:34 <FruitNibbler> Conan the Librarian?

22:34 <Librarian> they are all mine jajaja

22:34 <Librarian> nope

22:34 <TimidClef|Work> \ :< /

22:34 <Librarian> im like the doctor

22:34 <Cephecoding> Well, first.  Lesse if Android SDK has the classes.  If not, it might just be better to implement one.

22:35 <Librarian> the librarian

22:35 <Librarian> the doctor is coming here to mexico

22:35 <Librarian> im very excitedd

22:35 <Librarian> yay

22:36 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/681413

22:36 <Librarian> mlp got me into dr who, im very gratefull for it

22:36 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (PearlyWhite@Aponywithbraces) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:36 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-pov15a.sub-70-197-180.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:37 <FruitNibbler> I am not going to watch dr.who, just too much

22:38 <Librarian> its good

22:38 <Librarian> if you have the time

22:38 <hawthornbunny> Librarian: it sometimes happens the other way round, people get into MLP through Dr Who ^^

22:38 <Librarian> yup

22:38 <Cephecoding> It's not a good idea to pressure people into watching something they aren't interested in watching.

22:38 <jamis> Dr who?

22:38 <Librarian> no pressure

22:38 <Librarian> OwO

22:39 <Librarian> i havent come in here for a while

22:39 <jamis> wb

22:39 <Librarian> anything intersting happen?

22:40 <jamis> Trolls, kicks, banns, trolls, spammers, normal talk.

22:40 <jamis> The usual.

22:40 <TimidClef|Work> Oh - and some ponies in there, too

22:40 <hawthornbunny> I generally don't like Steven Moffat's style, but he introduced my absolute favorite thing about Doctor Who, so I forgive him ^^

22:41 <Librarian> i wonder if making a dr whooves pastel painting to get signed is a good idea

22:41 <Librarian> whtacha think

22:41 <SugarRush> We had trolls?

22:41 <Tirek> We always have trolls

22:42 <hawthornbunny> Librarian: who would you get to sign it :)

22:42 <ryaxnb> i'm not a troll

22:42 <Librarian> peter capaldi

22:42 <Librarian> if he is signing anything on the world tour

22:42 <FruitNibbler> troll? where, what, who?

22:43 * TimidClef|Work crawls back under his bridge. "Nowhere, never, not me."

22:43 <FruitNibbler> (troll pings me, I like the show, can't miss it)

22:43 <TimidClef|Work> !link troll

22:43 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/197318

22:43 <ryaxnb> FruitNibbler, i always leave this chan (just let my client idle) when trolling occurs

22:44 <ryaxnb> i try to go elsewhere, if possible

22:45 <Librarian> dont go

22:45 <Librarian> we have cookies

22:46 *** Joins: Vokuros (kpridhpkmum@Pony-9c3qm8.pa.comcast.net)

22:47 <TimidClef|Work> Heh, so maybe pushing for an 18-minute mile, while being out of shape and having not walked for the past 3 weeks, wasn't such a good idea.

22:47 <TimidClef|Work> Head hurts now. :P

22:47 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (~Coco_Nut@Pony-p6h0il.as13285.net)

22:48 <Librarian> i had a headache in the morning

22:48 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-nt42h3.sub-174-224-137.myvzw.com)

22:48 <Librarian> try some red headahce thingie

22:48 <Librarian> forgot the name

22:48 * jamis yawns.

22:49 * Librarian yawns harder

22:49 <ZeroParadox> YAWN

22:49 * ZeroParadox blows a house away

22:49 * BubbleBerry flops on ZeroParadox

22:49 <FruitNibbler> It seems you have a case of explosive yawn

22:49 <ZeroParadox> - 3 - ...

22:50 <TimidClef|Work> Hnnnnnng! http://sir-teutonic-knight.deviantart.com/art/Filly-Derpy-470135129

22:50 <jamis> !link https://derpiboo.ru/681377

22:50 *** Joins: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-0fogdm.sub-70-197-181.myvzw.com)

22:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about solo latex adorasexy octavia melody pfhapfb (and 9 more)

22:51 <BubbleBerry> o3o

22:51 <Librarian> OwO

22:51 <FruitNibbler> la.. tex?

22:51 <Librarian> im still bored

22:51 <Librarian> and hungry

22:51 <jamis> Read a book.

22:51 <FruitNibbler> I thought those were ... socks...

22:51 <Librarian> and my eye kinda hurts

22:52 * TimidClef|Work eats a book

22:52 <Librarian> nuuu

22:52 <Librarian> book are sacred

22:52 <TimidClef|Work> And delicious

22:52 <Librarian> nuuu

22:52 <Librarian> ma bookie

22:52 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-nt42h3.sub-174-224-137.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:52 *** Quits: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-dnbkb7.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

22:52 <BubbleBerry> FruitNibbler: Yes, Latex. Latex is the stable dispersion (emulsion) of polymer microparticles in an aqueous medium

22:52 <BubbleBerry> o3o

22:53 <TimidClef|Work> FruitNibbler: Maybe they're latex socks? >.<

22:53 <ZeroParadox> ew

22:53 <Librarian> souns impractical

22:53 <BubbleBerry> Latex Socks?

22:53 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-j5007o.sub-70-197-177.myvzw.com)

22:53 <jamis> So your feet don't get wet. They keep your toes dry.

22:54 <ZeroParadox> Ew tho

22:54 <ryaxnb> what about latex pants

22:54 <BubbleBerry> What's wrong with latex? o3o

22:54 <ZeroParadox> eeeew

22:54 * TimidClef|Work dumps a vat of liquid latex on ZeroParadox

22:54 <Librarian> latex is squeaky

22:54 * ZeroParadox stops breathing

22:54 *** Quits: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-0fogdm.sub-70-197-181.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:54 <BubbleBerry> So?

22:54 *** Quits: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:55 *** Mongoosie|Sleep is now known as Mongoosie

22:55 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry: Things shouldn't bend that way ;-;

22:55 <BubbleBerry> Bend what way?

22:55 <ZeroParadox> The latex way

22:55 <Librarian> that sounds like a band name

22:56 <BubbleBerry> What are we talking aboot? Who are you people? What was the black goo in Prometheus?

22:56 <TimidClef|Work> BRONIES UNITED!

22:56 * TimidClef|Work giggles

22:56 <Librarian> that sounds likea soccer teams

22:56 * BubbleBerry covers ZeroParadox in latex clothing

22:56 <BubbleBerry> o3o

22:56 * ZeroParadox headbutts BubbleBerry and jumps into a volcano

22:56 *** Quits: `Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: She's just a DJ Unicorn, but she'll kick your flank!)

22:56 <BubbleBerry> o3o

22:57 <TimidClef|Work> This chat . . . needs a ball pit!

22:57 <jamis> lol

22:58 * ZeroParadox transforms the volcano into a ball pit

22:58 <TimidClef|Work> \o_o_O__0_o_/

22:58 <ElectricPsoras> !link ball pit

22:58 * ZeroParadox rises to the top "o3o"

22:58 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/675311

22:58 <Librarian> yay

22:58 <Librarian> ok

22:58 <Librarian> time to go home

22:58 <Librarian> see ya

22:58 <ElectricPsoras> Yay, Maud!

22:58 <TimidClef|Work> Byeeee!

22:58 <BubbleBerry> For $17,000, you get an extra hour

22:58 *** Quits: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-qt3.f71.234.187.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:58 <ElectricPsoras> Bye, Librarian.

22:58 <ElectricPsoras> Damn.

22:58 <ZeroParadox> This is my ball pit D<

22:58 * BubbleBerry gives ZeroParadox $17,000

22:58 <ZeroParadox> BubbleBerry is banned! D<

22:58 <FruitNibbler> That pit rocks

22:58 * ZeroParadox keeps the money

22:58 <BubbleBerry> Ur banned.

22:59 <ryaxnb> ballpit is new meme

22:59 <BubbleBerry> Nerd

22:59 <TimidClef|Work> ^ /)

22:59 <ZeroParadox> Everyone else can use it.

22:59 <ryaxnb> you have no choice dashcon

22:59 <hawthornbunny> $17,000 won't even pay for a pony quilt

22:59 <ryaxnb> you will be assimilated into the ballpit

22:59 <TimidClef|Work> You have no chance to survive make your ballpit time

22:59 <ryaxnb> dashcon fail :(

22:59 <BubbleBerry> http://www.figures.com/gallery/data/13912/medium/DSCN19793.JPG Best Pyro

22:59 <ryaxnb> for once a con that isn't brony related fails and it has "dash" in the name

22:59 <ryaxnb> :/

23:00 <BubbleBerry> DashCon is the best convention, what are you talking about?

23:00 <TimidClef|Work> Unicon is best con. ;-;

23:00 * FruitNibbler sets ban on *!b*@Pony-gm082i.east.verizon.net

23:00 <BubbleBerry> o3o

23:00 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-j5007o.sub-70-197-177.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:00 *** Joins: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-nt42h3.sub-174-224-137.myvzw.com)

23:01 <TimidClef|Work> I'm making potato salad. Give me $60,000.

23:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Plot Twists and Great Music Confirmed for Season 5 [ http://tinyurl.com/la85dyg ]

23:01 <ZeroParadox> TimidClef|Work: Only if you give me an invite to the potato salad party

23:01 <ZeroParadox> and I get to be on stream

23:01 <TimidClef|Work> Of course!

23:01 <ChaosDragoness> Anyone here going to BronyCon?

23:01 <BubbleBerry> Did you guys hear about that Half Life 3 kickstarter?

23:01 * ZeroParadox gives TimidClef|Work the money.

23:01 <TimidClef|Work> \ O /

23:02 <BubbleBerry> :D What could possibly go wrong?!

23:02 <ZeroParadox> Potato salad is best kickstarter

23:02 *** Joins: Ravor (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP)

23:02 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-0jl4bm.sub-174-228-195.myvzw.com)

23:02 <BubbleBerry> Half Life 3 was the best kickstarter

23:02 <ZeroParadox> Screw Half Life

23:02 <BubbleBerry> Eyy, screw you, buddy

23:02 *** Quits: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-0jl4bm.sub-174-228-195.myvzw.com) (Connection closed)

23:03 *** Joins: Silver_83 (Silver@Pony-0jl4bm.sub-174-228-195.myvzw.com)

23:03 *** Parts: Ravor (Ravor@Pony-2ql.6fv.93.50.IP) ("AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )")

23:03 * Kalastrear hugs TimidClef|Work

23:03 <TimidClef|Work> Is it just me or, uh, should they have referred to the unexpected directions of the story as something other than 'plot twists', given the brony context? :P

23:03 * TimidClef|Work glomps Kalastrear and gives him a muffin hat

23:03 * BubbleBerry splashes some coffee on ZeroParadox

23:03 * Kalastrear noms on the muffin hat. he realizes hats are not for eating.

23:03 * ZeroParadox absrobs it into his skin

23:03 <TimidClef|Work> Free hat!

23:04 <BubbleBerry> aaaaayyyyyyyy. Screw you, pal.

23:04 <TimidClef|Work> I'm not your pal, guy!

23:04 *** FrankkieNL|AFK is now known as FrankkieNL

23:04 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (qmctnxoovlo@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

23:04 <FrankkieNL> !seen DataByteBrony

23:04 <DerpyBot> FrankkieNL: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. DataByteBrony is in the channel.

23:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> What're you talking about, TimidClef|Work? She's obviously alluding to some awesome dance numbers.

23:04 <Kalastrear> i'm not your guy, friend!

23:04 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (gdfcyhdkmnn@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

23:04 <BubbleBerry> :I

23:04 <TimidClef|Work> Lenfant_Sauvage: Oh. Well then, that's all good. :D

23:05 <BubbleBerry> Firefox crashed.

23:05 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

23:05 *** Quits: Silent_Silver (Silver@Pony-nt42h3.sub-174-224-137.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:05 <TimidClef|Work> ~Shake that plot for me, shake that plot for me - mare, shake that plot for me, shake that plot for me...~

23:05 <FrankkieNL> !plot

23:05 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

23:05 * BubbleBerry flops on ZeroParadox "yo, sup, NEEERRRD"

23:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> *wigglewiggle*

23:05 <TimidClef|Work> *wigglewiggle*

23:05 <CleverDerpy> FrankkieNL

23:05 <FrankkieNL> *wigglewiggle*

23:05 <FrankkieNL> CleverDerpy

23:05 <CleverDerpy> *wigglewiggle*

23:05 <jamis> !hug https://derpiboo.ru/681435

23:05 *** Joins: Silver_Silent (Silver@Pony-j5007o.sub-70-197-177.myvzw.com)

23:05 <BubbleBerry> *wigglewiggle*

23:06 <TimidClef|Work> Maud would totally be an earthbender

23:06 *** Joins: DiscordsDestiny (cyfocrydqqk@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net)

23:06 <jamis> With spiky fists?

23:06 <TimidClef|Work> Sure!

23:06 <DiscordsDestiny> Got a big question for yew guys~

23:06 <jamis> Works for me.

23:06 <BubbleBerry> Ja?

23:06 <TimidClef|Work> 42!

23:07 <DiscordsDestiny> I have finished my latest video last night. Two days early. Should I upload it today instead of waiting until Friday?

23:07 <BubbleBerry> https://derpiboo.ru/499774?scope=scpe6756de4e73f7b4a0e0c30d81161b2afdaf6a7441

23:07 <Tirek> Nah

23:07 <Tirek> Stick to schedule

23:07 <BubbleBerry> Yeah

23:07 *** Quits: Silver_83 (Silver@Pony-0jl4bm.sub-174-228-195.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:07 <BubbleBerry> Upload it today

23:08 <Tirek> You can upload it today, and publish it Friday.

23:08 <BubbleBerry> https://derpiboo.ru/677142?scope=scpe31cd6220b830dbdf937a737684fd3122cdb6cf3b

23:09 <DiscordsDestiny> Yeah...I think I'll upload today, and make it public on Friday. :)

23:09 <TimidClef|Work> I need to watch all your videos, DiscordsDestiny. I keep getting distracted by other stuff when I'm at home. :<

23:10 <DiscordsDestiny> Plus, I need to keep checking over it to make sure it doesn't have visual issues (like my Top 10 list) or audio issues (like my Watch_Dogs review. XD)

23:10 <FruitNibbler> Tomorrow, tomorrow, cooomes todaaay... na nana na nanaaa

23:10 <DiscordsDestiny> TimidClef|Work: They're stupid, just the way I wanted 'em~ :D

23:11 <FruitNibbler> I love Gorillazz

23:11 <FruitNibbler> Partially because main lead voice is exactly like my own

23:11 <TimidClef|Work> Where did I run across a Poniezz drawing?

23:11 <FruitNibbler> Like the same pitch, depth and tembre

23:11 <TimidClef|Work> http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/136/6/3/may_12th__gorillaz__pony_daze__demon_days__by_intrepidlycontrived-d4zy2k3.jpg

23:11 <FruitNibbler> (timbre? not sure how it spells)

23:12 <BubbleBerry> TimidClef|Work: That was a good album. Do they still make musics?

23:12 <TimidClef|Work> timbre

23:12 <TimidClef|Work> I don't know, actually. I didn't listen to them as much as I probably should have.

23:12 <FruitNibbler> I don't know either

23:13 *** Joins: Frames_ (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net)

23:15 <ryaxnb> hi hi

23:15 <LightDash> link https://derpiboo.ru/613228

23:15 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:15 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-2ao.8aq.246.180.IP) (Client exited)

23:15 <TimidClef|Work> According to the Wiki page on their article, they plan to release future albums but have no specific plans

23:15 <LightDash> like the pic ^

23:16 *** Joins: cam121 (cam121@Pony-bgu.ckr.166.207.IP)

23:16 <TimidClef|Work> Awesome, LightDash :D

23:16 <LightDash> :3

23:17 <cam121> hey everybody

23:17 <DiscordsDestiny> I didn't do it!

23:18 <cam121> so anyone here like super smash brother brawl?

23:19 <TimidClef|Work> Yes you did, DiscordsDestiny!

23:19 * TimidClef|Work smooshes DiscordsDestiny's face!

23:19 <DiscordsDestiny> Mmph! Mah phais...! XD

23:20 <FruitNibbler> https://soundcloud.com/daladubz/gorillaz-tomorrow-comes-today

23:20 <FruitNibbler> (Daladubz Bootleg remix)*

23:21 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (gdfcyhdkmnn@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:21 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (gdfcyhdkmnn@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

23:21 <Bubble-Berry> UUUUGGH

23:21 <Bubble-Berry> I disconnected

23:22 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

23:22 *** Quits: Vokuros (kpridhpkmum@Pony-9c3qm8.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:25 * TimidClef|Work ties a bungie cord around Bubble-Berry's ankle and fastens it to the chat room

23:25 <hawthornbunny> Ehehehe I forgot how neat the Metroid roguelike was ^^

23:26 * cam121 sit in a chair in corner and leans back " so what going on "

23:26 *** Quits: Frames_ (Frames@Pony-lsf6i5.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:27 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (gdfcyhdkmnn@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:27 <jamis> ...

23:28 <jamis> Poor BubbleBerry

23:28 <cam121> yah

23:28 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-9rc.9hp.153.82.IP)

23:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

23:28 <jamis> Hey VinylScratch

23:28 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (gdfcyhdkmnn@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

23:29 <jamis> wb

23:29 <Bubble-Berry> Danke

23:29 *** Quits: cam121 (cam121@Pony-bgu.ckr.166.207.IP) (Quit: Page closed)

23:29 <VinylScratch> Suuuuuuuuuuup?

23:29 <jamis> Thunderstorm nearby. Dog about to have a cow.

23:29 <Bubble-Berry> Yaaaay

23:29 <Bubble-Berry> Hey, VinylScratch

23:30 <VinylScratch> aloha! :P

23:30 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> !mail VinylScratch Wubs!

23:30 <DerpyBot> Mail delivered! Thank you for using the Derpy Mail Service 6_9

23:30 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

23:31 <jamis> Now she's sitting on my foot shaking.

23:31 <Bubble-Berry> www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxziFMyRwDg

23:31 <jamis> I like thunderstorms, She does not.

23:33 <TimidClef|Work> Yeah, my older dog Stitch barks and growls at thunder

23:33 <TimidClef|Work> His older sister? She doesn't give a crap.

23:33 <jamis> I wish she was like her.

23:34 <TimidClef|Work> Dear Häagen-Dazs: Please bring back Sticky Toffee Pudding ice cream. It was amazing. Thanks - a pony called Timid

23:35 *** Quits: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:35 <jamis> There's this ice cream flavor, I forget who makes it, called bunny tracks. That's some good stuff.

23:36 <EightyHD> Looks like Blue Bunny

23:37 <jamis> That sounds right.

23:37 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (gdfcyhdkmnn@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:39 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (opcgxcudcld@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

23:39 <BubbleBerry> Yo

23:40 <FrankkieNL> DataByteBrony

23:40 <FrankkieNL> I changed the StylusKeyboard app

23:41 <FrankkieNL> Download APK here: https://github.com/frankkienl/StylusKeyboard

23:41 *** Quits: jamis (jamis@jamis) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:43 *** Joins: Vokuros (kpridhpkmum@Pony-9c3qm8.pa.comcast.net)

23:45 *** Quits: SugarRush (isainmdom@Pony-rrd.fb6.97.79.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:46 *** Iron_Wofle is now known as Spider_Wofle

23:47 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-6ff2l2.ca.charter.com) (Quit: Oops, a fegmentation fault)

23:47 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (Zeta@Pony-6ff2l2.ca.charter.com)

23:48 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (dnoqejpwvuc@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

23:50 <BubbleBerry> Is anyone here?

23:51 <TimidClef|Work> No. Not... even... you...

23:51 <EightyHD> Nevar

23:51 <BubbleBerry> Oh nooo

23:51 <BubbleBerry> I'm not here?

23:52 * BubbleBerry has some deep existential crisis

23:53 * TimidClef|Work slowly fades from existence

23:53 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:53 <BubbleBerry> What is life? is reality really reality?

23:53 <Tirek> OR IS IT FANTASY

23:53 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

23:53 * BubbleBerry decides to say "screw it" and become a soliphsist

23:54 <BubbleBerry> *Solpsist

23:55 * TimidClef|Work solipspits

23:57 * thelema5|work becomes a lps fan

23:57 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

23:57 <TimidClef|Work> Latter Pony Saints?

23:57 *** thelema5|work is now known as Thelema5

23:57 <Thelema5> Littlest Pet Shop

23:57 <Princess-QRS> Thelema5 is a fantastic pony.

23:57 <Princess-QRS> Truly, one of the best.

23:58 <TimidClef|Work> :D I know, just bein' silly

23:58 <hawthornbunny> My Littlest Pet Shop of Horrors

23:58 <Thelema5> Aww

23:58 <Thelema5> QRS is best IRC princess pony

23:58 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

23:58 <hawthornbunny> Nuh uh. Vinyl Scratch is best princess

23:58 <Thelema5> now 20% cooler because income

23:59 * LightDash hugs Princess-QRS

23:59 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-0dq.7m4.29.2.IP) (Connection closed)

23:59 *** Joins: jamis (jamis@jamis)

23:59 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-0dq.7m4.29.2.IP)

23:59 <jamis> I should invest in a ups.

23:59 *** Joins: zompi (zompi@Pony-3455d5.adsl.tpnet.pl)

23:59 *** [PE|OFFLINE] is now known as [PrinceEclipse]

23:59 * Princess-QRS hugs LightDash, and Thelema5.

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