Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Wednesday, 2014-10-08

00:00 <fyrepony1> KooK:  also im mechanic and can verify that

00:00 <fyrepony1> thats why im still in bussiness :P

00:00 <KooK> fyrepon1 - I'm an ASE certified mechanic as well

00:01 <KooK> I'm buddy-buddy with a lot of shops around my area, and man, a lot of them employ people who are just low-grade.

00:01 <KooK> fyrepon1 - what country are you from?

00:02 <ryaxnb> http://www.sonydefenseforce.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/shoe.jpg

00:03 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (DanielWater@Pony-vfq.in4.210.134.IP)

00:04 <Daniel_Waterhorse> A I connected again?

00:04 <Daniel_Waterhorse> *am

00:04 <ryaxnb> yes horsie

00:04 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Man, somehow I've gotten worse at typing over the years

00:05 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I think my Cerebellar granule cells are decaying

00:05 *** Joins: Tirek1 (Tirek@Pony-m5sjhl.east.verizon.net)

00:05 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-jpshqh.east.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Tirek1!Tirek@Pony-m5sjhl.east.verizon.net)))

00:05 *** Tirek1 is now known as Tirek

00:05 <Thelema5> Can one of you mechanics tell me how to tell if a car has a leaking head-gasket?

00:06 <Thelema5> Aside from white smoke

00:06 *** Parts: Nexie (Lily@SpoOoOoky) ()

00:07 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Thelema5, http://www.gobluedevil.com/blog/what-are-the-symptoms-of-a-blown-head-gasket/

00:07 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

00:07 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I googled it :I I know nothing about cars

00:07 <Daniel_Waterhorse> They go vroom vroom and they are expensive and some times I have to go to a place and pay money for a man to stick his pump in a hole in my car

00:08 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Or else no more vroom vroom

00:08 <Classic_M> If you're leaking coolant or the engine os overheating-Or you can look at the link

00:09 <Classic_M> That pretty much has all the things I was going to write

00:09 *** Parts: Golden (pjpntgelwsy@Pony-5dg.ai0.8.24.IP) ()

00:09 <Thelema5> I read over that article, but most of the symptoms they describe would require monitoring over time- I'm going to look at a car I'm interested in purchasing, so I'm hoping to spot any issues before handing over any money

00:09 <Thelema5> And the cars are known to have head-gasket issues.

00:09 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I would have to take any used car to my mechanic for inspection first

00:09 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Before I'd actually buy it

00:10 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-m5sjhl.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:10 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Kinda sucks cause you have to put some money into it and it might turn out to be bad, but it's better than buying a car and finding out it has major issues

00:10 <Thelema5> I don't really have the money for that.

00:10 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Ah

00:10 <Thelema5> Not sure how I'll pay for the car to begin with ;P

00:12 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

00:12 <Thelema5> Well, the upside is that New York has a "lemon law" which makes dealers liable for any mechanical repairs required within 30 days of purchase

00:12 <Thelema5> So that's a positive.

00:12 <ryaxnb> does the lemon law make new york city required to not tax lemon lime soda

00:12 <ryaxnb> as well

00:12 <ryaxnb> because i dislike soda taxes.

00:13 <Thelema5> Yes.  I beleive it does.

00:13 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Ah, it's from an actual used car dealer and not just like... someone's car in a driveway?

00:13 <Thelema5> XD

00:13 <ryaxnb> the city of SF is doing a ludicrous soda tax thing

00:13 <ADragonDreaming> Michigan apparently has a lemon law that requires full refunds on cars when you take the car to the dealer for the same issue three times.

00:13 <ryaxnb> luckily it's just one city.

00:13 <Thelema5> Yes, a licenced dealer

00:13 <ryaxnb> ADragonDreaming, too bad a lot of those lawbooks also require dealers in the first place

00:13 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-leu.lif.137.166.IP)

00:13 <ryaxnb> if only we had laws like the lemon law, without the dealer part

00:13 <ryaxnb> that also allowed direct sales.

00:14 <Thelema5> I would never be able to sell my old car if that were the case, ryaxnb.

00:14 <ryaxnb> well, i'm not saying get rid of dealers

00:14 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

00:14 <ryaxnb> they're great for some things

00:14 <ryaxnb> just like GameStop is great

00:14 <ryaxnb> but allow direct sales

00:14 <ryaxnb> just like you can elect not to use GameStop

00:14 *** Joins: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-qbpfno.res.rr.com)

00:14 <InfantryBrony> Pones!

00:14 *** Dash is now known as Pony_44311

00:15 <Thelema5> pone

00:15 *** Quits: Pony_44311 (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://askmarusya.tumblr.com/)

00:15 <ryaxnb> It wouldn't make the dealers go out of business.

00:15 *** Joins: Cewestia (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

00:15 <ryaxnb> plenty of people prefer a dealership relationship or buy cars that would be most stocked at dealers, not direct

00:15 *** Meloetta is now known as Vladimare_Lenin

00:15 *** Quits: Cewestia (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

00:15 <ryaxnb> just like GameStop still deals in the games-middleman business despite competition from direct used sales and direct new sales

00:15 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

00:16 <ADragonDreaming> you realize you can still buy directly from people, right?

00:16 <ryaxnb> yes, but not from vendors

00:16 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-cjnmor.mtl.aei.ca) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:16 <ryaxnb> in most states , buying directly from a car vendor, or just getting a price from a dealer, is impossible

00:16 *** Joins: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-k7nn1u.mtl.aei.ca)

00:16 <ryaxnb> why can't i just click on a  car, click "Pay now" and have a screen with price to pay

00:17 <ryaxnb> and put in my bank account no

00:17 <ryaxnb> and buy the car

00:17 <ADragonDreaming> Because the industry hasn't set that up.

00:17 <ryaxnb> that's extremely dumb.

00:17 <ADragonDreaming> Talk to the vendors.

00:17 <ryaxnb> and i blame dealers

00:17 <ryaxnb> because dealers don't want that

00:17 <ADragonDreaming> Of course they don't.

00:17 <ryaxnb> they want a "personal" relationship with you

00:17 * Dash flops onto Thelema5

00:17 <ryaxnb> when i just want to buy a car for a price

00:17 <ryaxnb> :/

00:18 *** Vladimare_Lenin is now known as Moonblast

00:18 <ADragonDreaming> I bought a car from a dealer for a price and then did nothing else with them.

00:18 <ryaxnb> but you didn't know the price until you asked the dealer

00:18 <ADragonDreaming> Yes I did.

00:18 <ryaxnb> they can't actually show the price online

00:18 *** Joins: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-rdj90s.vie.surfer.at)

00:18 <ryaxnb> for some reason

00:18 <ADragonDreaming> ...Sure they can.

00:18 <ADragonDreaming> They do it all the tie.

00:18 <ryaxnb> Subaru's website, for instance, doesn't have the price of the outback

00:18 <ryaxnb> just the "suggested" MSRP

00:18 <ryaxnb> i can go to a dealer to get an actual price, which requires i give them my email

00:18 <Thelema5> Oddly, that is the car I'm buying.

00:19 <ryaxnb> and wait 30 minutes for them to give me a quote

00:19 <Thelema5> But, older and used.

00:19 *** Quits: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-rdj90s.vie.surfer.at) (Connection closed)

00:19 <ADragonDreaming> oh, you mean on the manufacturer's website.

00:19 <ryaxnb> which is probably higher than what they will sell me if i ask in person anyway.

00:19 <ryaxnb> or even the dealer's site!

00:19 <ryaxnb> i have to ask for an email quote for each car

00:19 <ryaxnb> what is this, pre-WWW days where email and Gopher dominated?

00:19 <ryaxnb> and again, each quote is probably highballed

00:20 <Moonblast> Lame

00:20 <ryaxnb> since dealers will usually give a small discount when you come to the store if you ask

00:20 <ryaxnb> but by how much, you don't know

00:20 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:20 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

00:21 <ADragonDreaming> ryaxnb: hey look, a website with a listed price: http://www.jeffersonchevrolet.com/VehicleDetails/used-2011-Chrysler-200-4dr_Sdn_Touring-Detroit-MI/2317412163

00:21 <Thelema5> Kelly Blue Book has data on new car prices paid, I would guess the highest number is what the dealers typically want, and the lower number are what they'll eventually let it go for.

00:22 <ryaxnb> http://www.jeffersonchevrolet.com/QuickQuoteForm?year=2015&make=Chevrolet&model=CRUZE

00:22 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaWork

00:22 <ryaxnb> how much is this car? just fill out all your life story here

00:22 *** Parts: Moonblast (xaqyamaoevo@Pony-2buid9.fios.verizon.net) ()

00:22 <ryaxnb> and we'll get back to you in a while

00:22 <ryaxnb> wtf is that?

00:22 <ADragonDreaming> I never got a quote for either of the cars I bought.

00:22 <ryaxnb> "i'd like some diapers"

00:23 <ryaxnb> "first name, email, address, city, date of birth, sex, zip code, and then we can haggle'

00:23 <ryaxnb> wtf is the point of that

00:23 <ADragonDreaming> Both times I went in with a listed price from their website, which waas lower than the price listed on the car in the lot.

00:23 <ryaxnb> just tell me the damn price.

00:23 <ryaxnb> used cars?

00:23 *** Joins: Alice (xaqyamaoevo@Pony-2buid9.fios.verizon.net)

00:23 <ADragonDreaming> Yes.

00:23 <ryaxnb> that was the same site you linked, but for new cars.

00:23 <ADragonDreaming> And?

00:23 <ryaxnb> they require a quote for all of the new cars.

00:23 <ryaxnb> 100% of them.

00:23 <ADragonDreaming> Why would I ever buy new?

00:23 <ryaxnb> why would i buy used diapers?

00:24 <ADragonDreaming> Cars are not diapers.

00:24 <ryaxnb> why?

00:24 <ADragonDreaming> Your analogy is irrelevant.

00:24 <ryaxnb> anyway, some people do buy new cars.

00:24 <ryaxnb> so the point holds.

00:24 <Alice> This room is full of irrelevant analogies

00:24 <ADragonDreaming> Eh.

00:24 <ADragonDreaming> I understand your frustration.

00:24 <ADragonDreaming> But...

00:24 <ryaxnb> if anything used shoudl be where the haggling is

00:24 <ryaxnb> and new whree you just pay the price for the damn car

00:24 <ryaxnb> since, you know, it's n ew

00:25 <ryaxnb> why would you haggle over a brand  new thing

00:25 <ryaxnb> is this 1500BC?

00:25 <ryaxnb> :/

00:25 <ADragonDreaming> At this point?

00:25 <Alice> I remember when someone tried arguing with me that sampling someone else's music for their own track is like infringing copyrights on a piano because no two sound the same

00:25 <ADragonDreaming> The point's been made.

00:25 <ryaxnb> yep, true.

00:25 <ryaxnb> anyway

00:25 <ryaxnb> Alice, ah

00:25 <Alice> The point.... quotes are a pain

00:25 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net)

00:26 <Thelema5> !seen neptune

00:26 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw neptune was 2014-09-30 21:44:29 UTC

00:26 <Alice> The analogy totally fell flat

00:26 <Vulpor> Hey everyone I have a wonderful announcement for anyone interested in Little Big Planet 3

00:26 <Alice> His argument made no sense, and I won the debate

00:26 <Vulpor> We have a new voice actor

00:27 * Princess-QRS leaps on Thelema5, and snuggles her soft coat.

00:27 <InfantryBrony> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq7Eki5EZ8o

00:27 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

00:27 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about "Weird Al" Yankovic - Tacky

00:27 <Vulpor> A very famous one

00:27 <InfantryBrony> ^ Cheese Sandwich is best parody artist <3

00:27 <Alice> I don't play videogames, and never playd Little Big Planet so =w=

00:27 <Vulpor> Hugh Laurie

00:27 <Alice> Never heard of him

00:27 <ryaxnb> my little pony season 6 pls

00:27 <ryaxnb> pls pls

00:27 <Vulpor> AKA Dr. Greg House MD

00:27 <ADragonDreaming> You mean Bertie Wooster.

00:28 <Alice> I know haha, I was joking

00:28 <ryaxnb> i hope we get a season 6

00:28 <ADragonDreaming> We aren't even in season 5.

00:28 <ryaxnb> i know :(

00:28 <ADragonDreaming> Cool your jets.

00:28 <Alice> It's not lupus, it's never lupus

00:28 <Vulpor> No I mean Dr House lol

00:28 <KooK> ryaxnb - we're not getting a season 5 so...

00:28 * ryaxnb cools jets

00:28 <ryaxnb> KooK, we are getting  a sseason 5?

00:28 <ADragonDreaming> *Bertie Wooster

00:28 <Thelema5> Season ^

00:28 <KooK> we are not

00:28 <ryaxnb> what the heck are you on about

00:28 <KooK> the series is finished

00:28 <Thelema5> Source?

00:28 * ADragonDreaming peers at Kook

00:28 <Alice> It finished when moose happened

00:28 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

00:29 <Alice> Now it's My Little Moose

00:29 *** Joins: Electric_Psoras (Thunderbird@Pony-utjpgr.adsl.tpnet.pl)

00:29 <KooK> actually Hub announced it a couple of days ago

00:29 <ADragonDreaming> Link.

00:29 <KooK> I'm trying to find it real quick

00:29 <ADragonDreaming> Uh huh.

00:29 <KooK> hold on hold on

00:29 <Alice> Pics or it didn't happen

00:29 <ADragonDreaming> Waiting.

00:29 <ryaxnb> you realize we will kick you

00:29 <ryaxnb> right ADragonDreaming ?

00:30 <ADragonDreaming> "we"?

00:30 <Princess-QRS> MOOSE?

00:30 <ryaxnb> yes, we

00:30 *** Princess-QRS is now known as Princess-Moose

00:30 <ryaxnb> we're all in this together

00:30 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-ji0ipk.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:30 <Alice> Who's this "we"?

00:30 <ADragonDreaming> That's a song.

00:30 <ryaxnb> me and the person who i just wrangled in this, who can actually do the kicking

00:30 <Princess-Moose> Man.

00:30 * Alice imagines the song by Frontliner and not the song in High School Musical

00:30 <Princess-Moose> Stop mini-modding.

00:30 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

00:30 <Princess-Moose> It's dunk.

00:30 * Princess-Moose dunks

00:30 <ADragonDreaming> You didn't wrangle anything.

00:30 <ryaxnb> this is worthy of mini-modding

00:30 <ryaxnb> since it's preposterous.

00:30 <Princess-Moose> Nothing is.

00:31 * Alice slaps ryaxnb

00:31 <Alice> ShudduP!

00:31 <ryaxnb> :/

00:31 <KooK> http://www.hubnetwork.com/shows/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic/season5_cancelled.html

00:31 * Princess-Moose dunks ryaxnb

00:31 * ryaxnb dunks Princess-Moose

00:31 <ryaxnb> wtf is with pointing us to a dead link

00:31 <ryaxnb> that wasn't even a joke

00:31 <KooK> as the room falls silent :P

00:31 <ryaxnb> you fail

00:31 * Thelema5 baps kook

00:31 <ryaxnb> time to kick him!

00:31 <ryaxnb> KICK HIM

00:31 * ryaxnb kicks KooK

00:31 <Princess-Moose> shut up

00:32 <ryaxnb> okay, Princess-Moose

00:32 *** ryaxnb was kicked by ADragonDreaming (Silence.)

00:32 <Alice> MOOSE KICK!

00:32 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net)

00:32 <KooK> lul

00:32 <Princess-Moose> Thank ye.

00:32 <ryaxnb> KICK HIM

00:32 *** KooK was kicked by ADragonDreaming (Also, not funny.)

00:32 <Alice> Welcome back ^u~

00:32 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-s5g.udl.210.161.IP)

00:32 <ryaxnb> thank you!

00:32 <KooK> Still lul

00:32 <ryaxnb> :/

00:32 *** Quits: Barry_From_Mars (fzqsunhtyay@Pony-d5fsk8.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:32 *** ADragonDreaming sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-s5g.udl.210.161.IP

00:32 <Alice> o.o;

00:33 <ryaxnb> :O

00:33 *** ryaxnb was kicked by ADragonDreaming (Take a time out, dude.)

00:33 <Alice> Haha! <3

00:33 <ADragonDreaming> KooK? Seriously. not funny.

00:33 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net)

00:33 <ryaxnb> :/

00:33 <ADragonDreaming> Oi.

00:34 <ryaxnb> should i dispute this with a op

00:34 <ryaxnb> including you?

00:34 <ryaxnb> i can

00:34 <ryaxnb> want to PM

00:34 <ADragonDreaming> It's a five minute ban.

00:34 <ryaxnb> you didn't ban me dude

00:34 <Classic_M> My Idol http://www.badassoftheweek.com/index.cgi?id=32651874379

00:34 <ryaxnb> also, want to PM about this?

00:34 <ADragonDreaming> Sketchy?

00:34 <Princess-Moose> good lord

00:34 <ADragonDreaming> Ban evaader.

00:34 <OctaveSymphony> Think you banned KooK

00:34 <ryaxnb> yeah, you didn't ban me, dude

00:34 <ryaxnb> i didn't evade any ban

00:34 <ADragonDreaming> wait

00:34 <ryaxnb> i had considered it

00:34 <ADragonDreaming> the hell

00:34 <ryaxnb> but i didn't

00:34 <ryaxnb> this is the same IP

00:34 <ADragonDreaming> how did I copy the wrong ip.

00:35 <ryaxnb> because KOOK should be banned, dude.

00:35 <ryaxnb> and i am willing to contest this.

00:35 <ryaxnb> Sketchy_Sounds, ?

00:35 <ADragonDreaming> ryaxnb, PM now.

00:35 <ryaxnb> you did what you knew was right

00:35 <Princess-Moose> holy christ ryaxnb take it to pm

00:35 <Princess-Moose> you don't need to crap up the channel

00:35 <Alice> You are taking this WAY too personally dude

00:37 <Sketchy_Sounds> Why am I being pinged?

00:37 *** Quits: Princess-Moose (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

00:37 <Alice> I didn't do it!

00:37 * Alice hides

00:37 *** Joins: cole (dsfvxmqutvr@Pony-j4hani.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)

00:38 *** Joins: Princess-Moose (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

00:38 *** Quits: Princess-Moose (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

00:38 <cole> any poster of the equestria girls saved?

00:38 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net)

00:38 <Alice> *shrug*

00:38 <Alice> If I had the chance to take one I probably would've

00:38 <ZeroParadox> guys

00:39 <ZeroParadox> oim rehley feelan et

00:39 <cole> were can I find the eqestria girls posters?

00:39 *** Joins: Princess-Moose (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

00:39 * Princess-Moose rolls around, spins around, boops random ponies

00:40 <cole> were can I find the posters?

00:40 <Twilight_Shimmer> is booped

00:40 *** ADragonDreaming sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-s5g.udl.210.161.IP

00:40 <Princess-Moose> o4o

00:40 <Alice> That almost looks like another language, ZeroParadox

00:40 * KooK looks around

00:40 <ThatAnonPony> Zero~

00:40 <cole> did you hear my question?

00:40 <Alice> Ohai KooKie

00:40 <Alice> cole... ebay?

00:41 *** Joins: Barry_From_Mars (fzqsunhtyay@Pony-d5fsk8.ip.windstream.net)

00:41 <cole> I tried there.

00:41 <KooK> ryaxnb, I'm sorry about that, it was a bad joke that I took too far.

00:41 <Alice> Then probably not available yet

00:41 <ryaxnb> okay.

00:41 <cole> will they have them at ponyville ciderfest in wisconsin?

00:42 <Alice> All the stuff I have is probably outdated

00:42 * Princess-Moose booops KooK and ryaxnb together.

00:42 <Princess-Moose> Now kissu

00:42 <Alice> I dunno, I live in California

00:42 <cole> can you ask screenvision?

00:42 * OctaveSymphony kisses Princess-Moose.

00:42 <Princess-Moose> o4o

00:42 * Princess-Moose kisses OctaveSymphony, and then leaves for school.

00:42 *** Quits: Princess-Moose (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: )

00:43 <cole> did you hear my question?

00:43 <cole> hello?

00:43 <Alice> I dunno what I can do for you cole

00:43 <cole> try your best. see what you can come up with.

00:44 * screenaholic looks at cole.

00:44 <screenaholic> You aren't my cousin, are you?

00:44 <cole> no i'm not

00:44 *** Quits: cole (dsfvxmqutvr@Pony-j4hani.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:45 <Classic_M> Plot twist

00:45 <Classic_M> He was!

00:45 <screenaholic> Honestly wouldn't surprise me that much.

00:45 <KooK> http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/10/saying-goodbye-to-hub-some-of-best-pony.html

00:46 <KooK> I will say, that will be sad to see the facebook notifications go

00:46 <Alice> Further backing my statement of outdated stuff

00:47 <KooK> Ah!

00:47 <KooK> Australia!

00:47 <Alice> I have tons of Hub merchandise I got from there networks events

00:47 <KooK> http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-06/bros-who-like-my-little-pony-bring-a-positive/5794176

00:47 <Alice> their*

00:48 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Hasbro Studios Releasing New Transformers Series Over on Cartoon Network [ http://tinyurl.com/paerktt ]

00:49 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

00:49 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-m5sjhl.east.verizon.net)

00:50 <KooK> http://stats.nightstone.net/stats.php?c=EquestriaDaily ADragonDreaming - you made my quote! :P

00:51 *** Quits: Mystic_Nocturne (jygptprbryq@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

00:52 *** Quits: Silou_Fr (Silou@silou.silouatien.fr) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:54 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Quit: )

00:54 <ADragonDreaming> Hmmm.

00:55 <Thelema5> I'm heading home a bit early today.  Bye, everypony!

00:55 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Go on, try it!)

00:57 <ADragonDreaming> ...the most referenced nicks section is broken.

00:57 <ADragonDreaming> Apparently extremely common words are considered nicks.

00:58 <Vulpor> what was the name of that pokemon with a "H"

00:58 <Vulpor> He had a shell

00:58 <Vulpor> big eyes

00:58 <Vulpor> water type

00:58 <Vulpor> He became a meme

00:59 <ADragonDreaming> Dunno, dude.

00:59 <ADragonDreaming> the only ones I can think of are omanyte, cloyster.

00:59 <Vulpor> http://24.media.tumblr.com/df3d7be1bf7ea609d510c26b8aedadd5/tumblr_n2fsf0nQFq1rk5dgco1_1280.png

00:59 <Vulpor> this one

00:59 <ADragonDreaming> ...That's Omanyte.

01:00 <ADragonDreaming> You're thinking of the Helix Fossil.

01:00 <ADragonDreaming> Which is the key item you get said pokemon from.

01:01 <Vulpor> Right a friend of mine on Facebook just posted the Lord's name. Someone posted a flying pokemon as a response calling it the lord and saviour

01:01 <Vulpor> Which prompted me to post that image I linked

01:02 <ADragonDreaming> It's all from Twitch Plays Pokemon.

01:02 * ThatAnonPony flops on Zero.

01:02 <ThatAnonPony> =3

01:02 <ThatAnonPony> *=3=

01:02 <ADragonDreaming> Pidgey who evolved to pidgeot is "bird jesus"

01:03 <Vulpor> is twitch plays pokemon a thing still?

01:03 <ADragonDreaming> dunno.

01:03 *** Vexpon is now known as VexPon_AFK

01:03 <Vulpor> Also Salty Bet is so much better

01:03 <ADragonDreaming> Dunno what that is.

01:03 <POMDPone> ponies, I luv you all

01:04 * POMDPone loves all ponies

01:04 * POMDPone isn't drunk

01:04 <POMDPone> bai now

01:04 <Tirek> Lies

01:04 <Vulpor> Salty Bet has made me no want anymore fighting games

01:04 *** Quits: POMDPone (sxzcunjkexi@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:04 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

01:04 <Vulpor> So heres a question for you ADragonDreaming

01:05 <Tirek> Here, have a chiptune

01:05 <Tirek> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9911045/Ruined%20Industry%20-%20Energy%20Processing%20Game%20Version.mp3

01:05 <Vulpor> Who would win in a two dimensional fight. Popeye or Ronald Mcdonald

01:05 *** Joins: Galena (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

01:05 <Vulpor> Ronald is running on KOF engine

01:05 *** Parts: Galena (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) ("Leaving")

01:05 <Nicktendonick> Did you make that Tirek?

01:05 <Tirek> Yes

01:05 <Nicktendonick> Awesome

01:05 <Nicktendonick> For what?

01:06 <Tirek> I have a game in the works.

01:06 <ADragonDreaming> Neither. Wallace drops in with his automatic pants, and curbstomps them both.

01:06 *** Fall is now known as FallenSilent

01:06 <Vulpor> lol

01:06 <Nicktendonick> I like it.

01:06 *** Joins: NoPony-Special (NoPony-Spec@Pony-geu6b7.range86-161.btcentralplus.com)

01:07 <Twilight_Shimmer> who?

01:07 <NoPony-Special> Hello, all.

01:07 <Tirek> I assume Wallace of Wallace and Gromit

01:07 <Tirek> http://tindeck.com/listen/illk

01:07 <Tirek> Here's another.

01:08 <Tirek> Automatic pants sounds like a Wallace and Gromit thing.

01:08 <KooK> sounds like castlevania or however you spell it

01:08 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:08 <Tirek> Nah, its not gothic enough

01:08 * NoPony-Special prods ThatAnonPony.

01:08 * ThatAnonPony raspberries.

01:08 * ADragonDreaming looks at this saltybet thing.

01:08 <ThatAnonPony> o3o

01:08 <ADragonDreaming> I still don't have any idea what it is.

01:09 <Tirek> Mugen computer-controlled AI tournament thing

01:09 <NoPony-Special> How're you, Anon?

01:09 <ADragonDreaming> Tirek: what?

01:09 <Tirek> MUGEN is a fighting game maker.

01:10 <Tirek> There's character data for just about everyone in existence.

01:10 <ThatAnonPony> I'm okay. Watching news thing. Lots of notfun.

01:10 * screenaholic bets all of his salt!

01:10 <NoPony-Special> Oh?

01:10 <Tirek> I assume that's what Saltybet is.

01:10 <ThatAnonPony> Mhm. Sierra Leone news. Notfuns.

01:10 <ADragonDreaming> oh, so it's like that one dude who pits custom characters for THQ's wrestling game against each other in ai controlled battles.

01:11 <NoPony-Special> ...Oh?

01:11 <Tirek> Something like that

01:11 <ADragonDreaming> Doing things like ... Wario vs. Robotnik.

01:11 *** Joins: Ace_pony (uxytdedrhxl@Pony-f5sv94.cable.virginm.net)

01:11 <ThatAnonPony> NoPon', the outbreak there?

01:11 <Ace_pony> Hi all, how is everypony doing?

01:11 <Tirek> Its become a running gag of sorts to make characters and AI as cheap as possible

01:11 <NoPony-Special> I'm oblivious.

01:11 <ThatAnonPony> Be less oblivious. Go poke aroun BBC website.

01:12 <ThatAnonPony> *around

01:12 <Tirek> So, it's PROBABLY SNK tier final boss AI tier stuff

01:12 <Ace_pony> what are you oblivious to

01:12 <ADragonDreaming> lawl Mikrul Gauldurson.

01:12 <ADragonDreaming> Him got punk'd.

01:12 * ThatAnonPony flops on NoPony and lazesnuggles. =3=

01:13 <ADragonDreaming> Dual-barreled fireballs to the face.

01:13 <screenaholic> Who?

01:13 <Ace_pony> ^

01:14 <ADragonDreaming> In Skyrim, there's this quest to put together Gauldur's amulet.

01:14 <screenaholic> Ah.

01:14 <ADragonDreaming> The three pieces are held by the mummified animated corpses of Gauldur's three sons.

01:14 <Ace_pony> i love that quest

01:14 <ADragonDreaming> They're supposed to be somewhat challenging. This guy ...

01:14 <screenaholic> The "dual barreled fireballs" made me think someone got shot with dragon's breath as a "prank."

01:14 <ADragonDreaming> Well.

01:14 <Ace_pony> nice reward aswe ll

01:15 <ADragonDreaming> Nah, I haven't unlocked Yol Toor Shul.

01:15 <Ace_pony> letting his brothers down is he?

01:15 <NoPony-Special> Gauldur's Bate?

01:15 * ThatAnonPony patpats NoPony.

01:15 <ADragonDreaming> That or he just wasn't prepared for the Magic Cat.

01:15 *** Quits: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-qbpfno.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:15 <ThatAnonPony> Different game.

01:15 * NoPony-Special sighs.

01:15 <ThatAnonPony> Magic Cat? Not Punch Cat...?

01:16 <Ace_pony> Khajit?]

01:16 <ADragonDreaming> Punch Cat is a different Cat.

01:16 *** AssasinMonkey is now known as AssasinMonkey|ArtStream

01:16 *** Authoron is now known as Grumpy_Cat

01:16 <ADragonDreaming> Of course Khajiit.

01:16 <Classic_M> Hey, screenaholic, Check out this guy

01:16 <Classic_M> http://www.badassoftheweek.com/index.cgi?id=32651874379

01:16 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (buhvnshrvxr@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

01:17 <aqualycool22> I got a Christmas MLP cup! ^D^

01:17 <Grumpy_Cat> Go away. We dont want any of your cookies.

01:17 * aqualycool22 Picks up Grumpy_Cat by it's tail.

01:17 <Ace_pony> nice aqualycool22

01:17 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://askmarusya.tumblr.com/)

01:17 <screenaholic> I skimmed, impressive.

01:17 * aqualycool22 Drop kicks Grump_Cat over back fence.

01:18 * Grumpy_Cat bends, and then slashes aqua's leg as she is kicked over the fence.

01:18 *** Quits: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-1qqj2b.net.upcbroadband.cz) (Quit: Leaving)

01:18 * ThatAnonPony boops NoPony with a lazycat.

01:18 *** Quits: Ace_pony (uxytdedrhxl@Pony-f5sv94.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:19 <NoPony-Special> But is Lazycat lazy by cat standards?

01:19 <NoPony-Special> Cats are pretty lazy in general.

01:20 <ThatAnonPony> Probably not. Pretty activecat.

01:20 <ThatAnonPony> Keeps patrolling along the fence.

01:20 * Grumpy_Cat pulls her head back in offense. "No we arent. Its you ponies who stand around in stalls. It takes more energy to lay down and then stand back up then to keep standing like you silly people do."

01:20 <ThatAnonPony> Then finds a pool of sunlight and gets its lazy on.

01:20 <ThatAnonPony> And then wigglysnuggles are had. =3= b

01:21 <NoPony-Special> Textbook gardencat.

01:22 <ThatAnonPony> And stops to meow whenever I wander by the window.

01:22 <NoPony-Special> Just think, Anon. We could have walked past each other in real life without ever even knowing... ~

01:22 * Grumpy_Cat pushes Anon off as he gets close to the window.

01:23 * ThatAnonPony is pushed. Falls on face. x3x

01:24 * ADragonDreaming pets Grumpy_Cat

01:24 * Grumpy_Cat smiles, and purrs. "Roses are red, violets are red. Bushes are red. Grass is red. I lit the garden on fire!!!"

01:25 * Grumpy_Cat frowns as Dragon begins petting her. "Dont touch me..."

01:25 * ADragonDreaming ignores this, gives chin scritches.

01:26 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Bleehhhh

01:26 * screenaholic pets ADra.

01:26 <ryaxnb> Grumpy_Cat, smelly cat

01:26 <ryaxnb> smelly cat

01:26 <ryaxnb> what are they feeding you

01:26 <ThatAnonPony> How went 'Tavi wordthing, NoPon'?

01:26 <ryaxnb> from "friends" tv show

01:27 * Grumpy_Cat frowns, then defenestrates ryaxnb, and then moves away from Adra.

01:27 * ADragonDreaming follows, keeps scritching.

01:28 <ryaxnb> Grumpy_Cat, you sounds kinda grumpy

01:28 <Grumpy_Cat> Cold kitty, evil kitty, little ball of hate. Salty kitty, grumpy kitty, grr grr grr."

01:28 <ryaxnb> but are you a triple fudge packer

01:28 <ryaxnb> TRIPLE FUDGE PACKER

01:28 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (ucvjhiivlwl@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

01:28 <screenaholic> Bubble!

01:28 <BubbleBerry> screen!

01:28 <ryaxnb> BubbleBerry, bubbble buberbuebr

01:29 <ryaxnb> oh hai BubbleBerry

01:29 <ryaxnb> you made me keyboard blab

01:29 <ryaxnb> smash 3ds is great!

01:29 * BubbleBerry tosses a water bottle at ryaxnb "Yo."

01:29 <aqualycool22> Here's my cup I was talking about! ^D^

01:29 <aqualycool22> http://aqualycool22.tumblr.com/post/99430997906

01:29 <aqualycool22> Merry Christmas!

01:29 <BubbleBerry> Aw, man, I need to pick it up.

01:29 *** Joins: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-qbpfno.res.rr.com)

01:29 <NoPony-Special> It was okay, ThatAnonPony.

01:30 * Classic_M boops BubbleBerry

01:30 <InfantryBrony> Grrrargh!!!

01:30 <screenaholic> I would buy that if it said "Happy Hearth's Warming" instead.

01:30 <InfantryBrony> This unit is more messed up than a football bat hitting a golf puck into a soccer basket! D:<

01:30 <ThatAnonPony> Only okay, NoPon'?

01:30 <NoPony-Special> Haven't done any since yesterday, and I reckon I'll probably want to cut up what I've already got when I do come back to it.

01:31 * ThatAnonPony hands a wordknife. o3o

01:31 <InfantryBrony> done... what? o.o

01:31 <NoPony-Special> Pretty sure I started too many rumour-angles with just initial rumourPon'.

01:31 * BubbleBerry boops Classic_M

01:31 <ryaxnb> rob the robot has reappeared in Smash 4

01:32 <InfantryBrony> NoPony-Special, if you need someone to talk to about your nightmarish addictions.....

01:32 <NoPony-Special> Eh?

01:32 * Grumpy_Cat will make sure he goes away permanantely in Smash 5.

01:32 * InfantryBrony gives Narc-Anon number.... The $cientologists can help you. :3

01:32 <InfantryBrony> Or is it Narconon?

01:32 * InfantryBrony shrug

01:32 <NoPony-Special> Eh..?

01:32 * screenaholic braids Bubble's hair.

01:32 <InfantryBrony> Narcotics Abusers Anonymous.

01:32 *** Joins: Toothpaste (Toothpaste@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

01:33 <InfantryBrony> Help group here in the US...

01:33 <InfantryBrony> BUT!

01:33 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I just tried to draw a legit picture of my character. Drawing is hard man :(

01:33 <NoPony-Special> Eh?!

01:33 <InfantryBrony> If you're in the UK, I can help too!

01:33 * InfantryBrony gives Frank's number...

01:33 * Grumpy_Cat blinks, then realizes he's made a mistake.

01:33 <InfantryBrony> Grumpy Cat is not a he! D:<

01:33 <Daniel_Waterhorse> http://i.imgur.com/7Psdlxk.png

01:33 * Grumpy_Cat needs to edit Authoron's mane in everything!!!

01:33 * Grumpy_Cat nods. "Yeah, yeah. I thought I was authoron..."

01:33 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I don't really understand how pony faces work

01:34 <Daniel_Waterhorse> It's like they just change depending on the angle

01:34 <NoPony-Special> But I like the ending(ish) and the first rumourPon. So that's good.

01:34 * BubbleBerry boops InfantryBrony with a Cosmopolitan. "Yo."

01:34 <Daniel_Waterhorse> They break the laws of physics

01:34 <screenaholic> Girl ponies have rounded faces. Less-girly ponies have blocky faces/

01:34 <InfantryBrony> Daniel: Pour me another Barium shot. :D

01:34 <Grumpy_Cat> 3:<

01:34 <InfantryBrony> D:

01:34 <ThatAnonPony> \ o3o /, NoPon'.

01:34 <InfantryBrony> Grumpy_Cat is Grumpy! D:

01:35 * InfantryBrony takes pics, sells on internets. :D

01:35 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I'm not a bartender v.v

01:35 <screenaholic> Ooh! I am!

01:35 <NoPony-Special> First rumourpon' is good because misleading-ness.

01:35 <Daniel_Waterhorse> You probably shouldn't drink and of the things I mix :I

01:35 <Grumpy_Cat> :3

01:35 <InfantryBrony> Daniel: Was your pic... ;>_>

01:35 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-29n.ak5.58.96.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:35 <NoPony-Special> But anyhow, I'm gonna get some sleep.

01:35 * BubbleBerry boops screenaholic with a French Connection "Yo, sup?"

01:35 <screenaholic> Well, I shot some guns a lot today, now my finger is numb.

01:35 <InfantryBrony> Daniel: Then you should mix drinkable things...... ;>_>

01:35 <BubbleBerry> Aw. What kinda guns?

01:35 <InfantryBrony> BUBBLE!

01:36 <NoPony-Special> G'night all.

01:36 * InfantryBrony pokes :D

01:36 <Grumpy_Cat> Gnight

01:36 <screenaholic> Walther's P1 and P99.

01:36 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Night NoPony-Special

01:36 <InfantryBrony> :O guns?

01:36 <Classic_M> InfantryBrony: What about my cripling addiction to alcohol, nicotine and tattoos

01:36 <InfantryBrony> oh

01:36 <InfantryBrony> just walthers. :c

01:36 * Grumpy_Cat holds up her 50 cal sniper. "Boom."

01:36 <InfantryBrony> M: Feh! Those are all legal.

01:36 *** Quits: NoPony-Special (NoPony-Spec@Pony-geu6b7.range86-161.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Bye)

01:36 <InfantryBrony> ;)

01:36 <screenaholic> Depends on the state.

01:36 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I mean technically you can drink them

01:36 <Daniel_Waterhorse> But you might die

01:36 <InfantryBrony> shhhhhhh... ;>_>

01:36 <Classic_M> Alright!

01:36 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: Niiice.

01:37 * InfantryBrony takes a swig from one of Daniel's non-descript beakers......

01:37 <BubbleBerry> I wanna get a Mosin-Nagant. I dunno why. I just really want one.

01:37 * ADragonDreaming pumps InfantryBrony's stomach.

01:37 <InfantryBrony> mmm.... Kinda fruity, with a somewhat purple after-taste....

01:37 * Daniel_Waterhorse got a lot of transformation potions laying around, but most of them result in form of snail-pony

01:37 * InfantryBrony goes someplace else in his mind.... O.O

01:38 <BubbleBerry> Oh, or a break-action double-barreled .12 gauge shotgun!

01:38 <screenaholic> You want a Nugget because of The End.

01:38 <InfantryBrony> Nugget is best rifle.

01:38 <BubbleBerry> I've only shot a few rifles. All of them, hunting rifles

01:38 <screenaholic> You should probably get something with less kick for a first gun though. I don't even like firing full size rifles.

01:38 <InfantryBrony> Wuss.

01:38 <InfantryBrony> :P

01:38 <InfantryBrony> http://7.62x54r.net/MosinID/MosinHumor.htm

01:38 <InfantryBrony> ^ This is why Nugget is best rifle.

01:39 <screenaholic> I don't like my shoulder hurting.

01:39 <InfantryBrony> I shoot guns for a living.... And .223 is crap.

01:39 * ThatAnonPony flops on ADra. Ponders whether to XCOM.

01:39 <InfantryBrony> 7.62 or go home.

01:39 <Classic_M> This is what I've shot http://u.kahvipaketti.com/u/99155119061.jpg

01:39 <Classic_M> But it's missing a few

01:39 <screenaholic> I mostly shoot pistols.

01:39 <BubbleBerry> What do you think is the best shotgun for someone who's only shot a .357 hunting rifle, and a .22 rifle?

01:39 <screenaholic> What do you want to do with the shotgun?

01:40 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net)

01:40 <InfantryBrony> .50bmg, 12g, 7.62x39mm and 9mm?

01:40 <Grumpy_Cat> Stop: Hey, whats that sound. Everybody look whats going down... Anypony know the name of the song?

01:40 <screenaholic> Actually, I don't know a lot about shotguns, so I can't answer regardless of what you answer.

01:40 <Vulpor> Guys they added more stuff to diablo 3 on ps4

01:40 <Vulpor> legendary gems

01:40 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: Recreational use, mostly (showing off, firing ranges, skeet shooting, hunting maybe)

01:40 <InfantryBrony> Grumpy: Not sure, but I know it's by Jefferson Airplane...

01:40 <Vulpor> the vault

01:40 <InfantryBrony> Google it...

01:41 <InfantryBrony> Type in a chunk of the lyric you know plus "lyrics" and it'll bring it right up. :D

01:41 <Vulpor> White Rabbit

01:41 * Grumpy_Cat frowns, then shrugs.

01:41 <screenaholic> If you plan on skeet shooting, and hunting non-small game, then probably a 12 gauge. Can't really help you decide on a model though.

01:41 <KooK> Well she wants to be the Queen.  Then she thinks about her scene.  Pulls her hair back as she screams.  I don't really wanna be the queen.

01:41 <Vulpor> if your talking Jefferson Airplane

01:41 <Vulpor> there is only one big song

01:41 <BubbleBerry> Hm...

01:42 <InfantryBrony> Vulpor: It's definitely NOT White Rabbit...

01:42 <Vulpor> the title is either White Rabbit or Go Ask Alice

01:42 <InfantryBrony> But that -is- a good song. :3

01:42 <BubbleBerry> Hey, InfantryBrony!

01:42 <InfantryBrony> Also by Jefferson Airplane.

01:42 <Vulpor> dang right

01:42 <InfantryBrony> Hey Bubble!

01:42 * InfantryBrony pokes again

01:42 <BubbleBerry> What's a good 12 Gauge shotgun?

01:42 <screenaholic> Although a .22 rifle  tends to be the best first gun.

01:43 <InfantryBrony> METT-TC

01:43 <InfantryBrony> what do you wanna do with it?

01:43 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: I've shot a .22 once or twice

01:43 <InfantryBrony> 22's are really fun.

01:43 <InfantryBrony> :D

01:43 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: Recreational stuff (Ie: Showing off, skeet shooting, going to ranges, other recreational shotgun things)

01:43 <BubbleBerry> Maybe hunting, I dunno.

01:43 <InfantryBrony> Showing off? o.o

01:43 <screenaholic> ^

01:44 <screenaholic> I was actually about to say the same thing.

01:44 <fyrepony1> god damnit this is some funny stuff, aparently anime-con's have entire section fully for tentacle rape

01:44 <BubbleBerry> Mainly if I get something like a break action double barreled shotgun

01:44 <fyrepony1> oh sorry

01:44 <fyrepony1> family friendly

01:44 * fyrepony1 shots himself

01:44 <BubbleBerry> But if I just get like a SPAS or something, I'd probably use it for practical things

01:44 <Classic_M> And these two http://u.kahvipaketti.com/u/93972152704.jpg

01:45 <InfantryBrony> SPAS is pretty expensive for a first weapon...

01:45 <InfantryBrony> Especially a first shotgun.

01:45 <screenaholic> Guns aren't toys, you shouldn't use them for showing off.

01:45 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: THat's the most mundane shotgun I can think of...

01:45 <screenaholic> SPAS is not mundane.

01:45 <InfantryBrony> There's nothing wrong with showing your weapons to close friends, though....

01:45 <BubbleBerry> I dunno, an Icthica... the one with the lever?

01:45 <BubbleBerry> I need to learn about guns...

01:45 <InfantryBrony> BUT! 1. make sure whoever it is won't break into your house and steal the thing...

01:45 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: Obviously

01:46 <InfantryBrony> 2. DON'T show it off loaded. ALWAYS clear it before doing ANYTHING with it.

01:46 <screenaholic> /k/ is actually a decent place to learn, just take everything you read with a grain of salt.

01:46 <InfantryBrony> And finally

01:46 <InfantryBrony> 3. Post pics as soon as you get one. :D

01:46 <InfantryBrony> Actually

01:46 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: Who shows off loaded guns?

01:46 <InfantryBrony> A far better place to learn are message boards dedicated to certain weapons.

01:46 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: can you name a few?

01:46 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: People who end up putting holes in roofs, friends, or family.

01:47 <screenaholic> Bubble: This isn't a bad place to start learning: http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky

01:47 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

01:47 <Alice> I crave a tea

01:47 <InfantryBrony> www.ar15.com www.falfiles.com www.gunco.net to name a few...

01:47 <InfantryBrony> Alice

01:47 <BubbleBerry> Well, I wouldn't show off a loaded weapon, unless I were showing off how it was loaded, or how it shoots

01:47 * InfantryBrony slides his big bucket o' Brisk over. :3

01:47 * BubbleBerry boops Alice with a cup of Earl Grey

01:47 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: Snap-Caps.

01:47 <Alice> Oh thanks, but I crave a hot Earl Grey tea ^^;

01:47 * Grumpy_Cat makes the tea Hot.

01:48 <screenaholic> I need to get some snap caps.

01:48 <InfantryBrony> Dummy rounds.

01:48 <InfantryBrony> Also

01:48 * Grumpy_Cat smiles. "Tis beautiful..."

01:48 * InfantryBrony names his tea Earl, bleaches all the color out, and then microwaves.

01:48 <InfantryBrony> :D

01:48 <BubbleBerry> Snap-caps?

01:48 <Alice> I shall buy some tea today

01:49 <InfantryBrony> Snap-caps are dummy rounds specifically for demonstration and training.y

01:49 <BubbleBerry> You should

01:49 * Grumpy_Cat smiles, and waits for the ignorant pony to open his microwave so the water flash boils and spays hot water all over him!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!

01:49 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-leu.lif.137.166.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

01:49 <InfantryBrony> (dunno why I hit the y button) o.o

01:49 *** Joins: ryaxnb9 (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net)

01:49 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: Ah. But what if I wanted to show off the range of the weapon and such?

01:49 * InfantryBrony microwaves Grumpy_Cat. >:3

01:49 <Alice> I have peppermint, cinnamon, and white tea on hand

01:49 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

01:49 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-l2lhfk.dorm.utexas.edu)

01:49 *** FallenSilent is now known as Fall

01:49 <BubbleBerry> Oh, Peppermint tea sounds nice.

01:49 <InfantryBrony> Then you would show it off at the range...

01:49 * Grumpy_Cat flips the generator around, and watches as the world burns.

01:50 <InfantryBrony> and you would follow all proper handling and demonstrative procedures...

01:50 <InfantryBrony> and you would not be showing off much cuz shotgun ranges = sux.

01:50 <InfantryBrony> :P

01:50 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: I know to follow all proper handling procedures

01:50 <BubbleBerry> Aw c'mon, shotgun ranges can't be too different from rifle ranges.

01:50 <InfantryBrony> Shotguns are typically good for about 100yds...

01:50 <InfantryBrony> :|

01:51 <BubbleBerry> Oh... yeah

01:51 <InfantryBrony> A rifle bullet can travel 2 miles if not further, depending on cartridge...

01:51 <BubbleBerry> What about slugs, though?

01:51 <screenaholic> I believe he meant shooting ranges, not effective ranges.

01:51 <KooK> my shotgun is good for 1.7 miles

01:51 <screenaholic> As in, where you go to shoot.

01:51 <Alice> Someone I know gave me a 7.62×54mmR

01:51 <InfantryBrony> Same thing, more or less.

01:51 <Alice> It's pretty interesting

01:51 <KooK> granted it might take me a while to run that far

01:51 <InfantryBrony> Alice: The round or the weapon? :o

01:52 *** Joins: Coco (Coco_Nut@Pony-a61n3q.as13285.net)

01:52 * InfantryBrony boops KooK.

01:52 <Alice> The round.... I don't want the weapon o.o'

01:52 <BubbleBerry> I meant show off the effective range and power of a gun

01:52 <InfantryBrony> D:

01:52 <InfantryBrony> Why would you not want the weapon!?

01:52 <InfantryBrony> Weapons = sexy <3

01:52 <Alice> He showed me his weapon, it's scary!

01:52 <InfantryBrony> Also, ya it is a very interesting round. :3

01:52 <InfantryBrony> heh..heh...

01:52 * InfantryBrony mind-gutters. XD

01:52 <BubbleBerry> o3o

01:52 <Alice> Even he himself is afraid to use it

01:52 <InfantryBrony> :|

01:52 * BubbleBerry boops InfantryBrony with the most bestest gun:

01:53 <InfantryBrony> Alice: Then you have a girlfriend.... ;>_>

01:53 <BubbleBerry> An AR-15~!

01:53 <screenaholic> He's to afraid to shoot his own gun?

01:53 <BubbleBerry> Wait, wait, he's afraid to shoot his gun?

01:53 * InfantryBrony re-boops Bubble with the most bestester weapon......

01:53 <BubbleBerry> What is it, a musket?

01:53 <Alice> Huh?

01:53 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

01:53 <Alice> I don't know how to interpret that sentence

01:53 <InfantryBrony> http://tinyurl.com/lehv2mf

01:53 <Princess-QRS> I'm back, and also at a school.

01:53 <InfantryBrony> The FN FAL! <3333333

01:53 <InfantryBrony> QRS: Oh? :o

01:53 <Toothpaste> Hi Princess-QRS :)

01:53 <Princess-QRS> Very gun.

01:53 <InfantryBrony> Guns guns guns rifles pistols shotguns!!!

01:54 * InfantryBrony gets QRS expelled cuz zero-intelligence policy. >:D

01:54 <BubbleBerry> Alice: A popular phrase amongst obnoxious gun owners is that if your boyfriend ain't shoot no guns, thens you have agirlfriend

01:54 <Princess-QRS> wat

01:54 <Classic_M> Knife!

01:54 <Princess-QRS> I'll expel you!

01:54 <Alice> He's not my boyfriend o.o'

01:54 <InfantryBrony> QRS: Remember those kids getting booted for biting the corner off a pop-tart, etc?

01:54 <BubbleBerry> Ah

01:54 <BubbleBerry> Well, then.

01:54 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-tlqokp.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:54 <Princess-QRS> oh lol

01:54 * BubbleBerry baps InfantryBrony with an AK

01:54 <Princess-QRS> I don't but v0v it sounds funny.

01:54 <InfantryBrony> Alice: I know, cuz he's your GIRLfriend. ;)

01:54 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: I has one of them too. :D

01:55 <Alice> He's a boy, and he's a friend, but he's not my boyfriend

01:55 * BubbleBerry boops InfantryBrony with the most bestestestest gun ever made EVER: A Colt M1911

01:55 <ryaxnb9> what if you a lady sharpshooter

01:55 <InfantryBrony> Nono, if he shoots, then fine....

01:55 <Classic_M> But do you have an RK?

01:55 <ryaxnb9> BubbleBerry, derp

01:55 <InfantryBrony> If he doesn't shoot then so be it....

01:55 <ryaxnb9> the best gun is the tommy gun

01:55 <ryaxnb9> OH YEAH

01:55 <InfantryBrony> But if he tries but is afraid of his own weapon......

01:55 <InfantryBrony> >:|

01:55 <BubbleBerry> Still, yeah, Alice, it's kinda weird he wouldn't fire his gun ever. Unless it's like a musket or one of those key guns or something.

01:55 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: Yep, got one of them too. :D

01:55 <InfantryBrony> Wanna see pics? :D

01:55 <ryaxnb9> it's so ludicrously inaccurate

01:55 <screenaholic> I've shot a full auto Tommy, it was fun.

01:55 <BubbleBerry> YES

01:56 <ryaxnb9> that the best way to shoot a full auto tommy is just like in the movies

01:56 <BubbleBerry> I wanna shoot an FN-FAL

01:56 <Alice> He just got the gun a week ago

01:56 <InfantryBrony> Thompson isn't that inaccurate...

01:56 <ryaxnb9> fire blindly and hope it sticks

01:56 <Alice> He told me he's looking for a shooting range to try it out

01:56 <ryaxnb9> from the hip

01:56 <InfantryBrony> It's just kinda unwieldy because it's so danged HEAVY. :S

01:56 <screenaholic> What kind of gun is it?

01:56 <Princess-QRS> >1911 best gun.

01:56 <Alice> But he also said he's nervous to try it

01:56 <ryaxnb9> that's unlike other guns, where you should shoot and aim

01:56 <KooK> Jamin' out to OMC, wut wut

01:56 <Princess-QRS> That's not how you spell AK-74

01:56 <ryaxnb9> so the tommy gun has movie-authenticity

01:56 <ryaxnb9> :D

01:56 * BubbleBerry shoves an Ak-74 in Princess-QRS' face "Shaddup"

01:56 <screenaholic> Alice: What kind of gun is it?

01:56 <InfantryBrony> 1911 best pistol

01:56 <InfantryBrony> yes.

01:56 <Princess-QRS> o3o

01:56 <KooK> pfffffffffffff

01:57 <KooK> 1911 is most overrated pistol

01:57 <Alice> I forgot the name of it

01:57 <InfantryBrony> but everyone knows the FAL is best weapon ever conceived.

01:57 <Alice> Some Soviet WWII rifle

01:57 * BubbleBerry also gives Princess-QRS a makarov

01:57 <InfantryBrony> KooK: Go Glock yourself! D:<

01:57 <screenaholic> Mosin Nagant?

01:57 <InfantryBrony> Alice: Mosin-Nagant.

01:57 <Princess-QRS> It's time!

01:57 <InfantryBrony> :3

01:57 <KooK> not a glock fan either

01:57 <BubbleBerry> A Mosin-nagant?

01:57 <Princess-QRS> Time to start the revolution!

01:57 <InfantryBrony> Most likely, since Detgyarevs are pretty rare in the States...

01:57 <Alice> Yeah that's probably it

01:57 <Alice> I know nothing of guns so ^^;

01:57 <InfantryBrony> Might be an SVT-40, but unlikely...

01:57 <InfantryBrony> SVT-40 is pretty <3

01:58 <ryaxnb9> glorious soviet russia's glorious AK-47's powering our glorious military fantasies in glorious videogame fights iwth our comrades

01:58 <ryaxnb9> eh?

01:58 <KooK> Special Vehicle Team?

01:58 <ryaxnb9> or something

01:58 <BubbleBerry> ryaxnb9: I like Galils.

01:58 <InfantryBrony> Galil = reworked AK.

01:58 <InfantryBrony> ;)

01:58 <screenaholic> Galil is best bottle opener.

01:58 <BubbleBerry> I like FN-FALS

01:58 <ryaxnb9> i don't actually like the ak-47 but it's nice vidyagame gun

01:58 <InfantryBrony> Bubble <3

01:58 * InfantryBrony hugs BubbleBerry

01:58 <BubbleBerry> I also think M16's are... alright... i guess?

01:58 <ryaxnb9> a bit large and overpowered for a gun to use IRL unless you are in active combat

01:59 * BubbleBerry hugs InfantryBrony

01:59 <InfantryBrony> AK-47 is best rifle for its purpose......

01:59 <Classic_M> Princess-QRS: Okay! can I lead the airborne?

01:59 <InfantryBrony> Being a cheap piece of junk accurate enough to fight in an urban setting.

01:59 <ryaxnb9> well yeah, but for active combat is nto a gun i really need

01:59 <screenaholic> Removing kebab?

01:59 <InfantryBrony> ^ too

01:59 <Alice> I think I remember seeing something about the M16 and AK-47

01:59 <Princess-QRS> Yes, yes you can!

01:59 <fyrepony1> i like kebab...

01:59 <ryaxnb9> i'd rather have something designed for semiauto precision firing

01:59 <ryaxnb9> or a shotgun

01:59 <Alice> M16s can jam, AK's are inaccurate

01:59 <ryaxnb9> since those are things you actually do with guns, shoot targets, and ducks.

01:59 <InfantryBrony> ryax: Precision = fragility.

01:59 <Alice> Or so I think >.<

01:59 <InfantryBrony> They all jam...

02:00 <BubbleBerry> So, what's so great about M16s and AR-15s?

02:00 * Princess-QRS slam jams

02:00 <InfantryBrony> Anyone who says a weapon won't jam is an idiot.

02:00 <BubbleBerry> Besides being ALL AMERICAN ASSAULT RIFLES

02:00 <Classic_M> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocW3fBqPQkU

02:00 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about REMOVE KEBAB (perfect loop)

02:00 <ryaxnb9> i just mean i'd rather have a weapon not designed to be full auto

02:00 <InfantryBrony> It is a machine designed by man and thus is prone to malfunction to some extent.

02:00 <Alice> I'll rephrase, M16's are especially prone to jamming?

02:00 <ryaxnb9> unless of course, i want to be in a combat zone.

02:00 <BubbleBerry> http://i.4cdn.org/k/1412611800823.jpg

02:00 <screenaholic> They used to be.

02:00 <ryaxnb9> since full auto is suboptimal for anything else.

02:00 <screenaholic> So people will think they are forever.

02:00 <ryaxnb9> semiauto is better.

02:00 <InfantryBrony> AR's aren't bad... New manufacture AR's are pretty nice weapons tbh...

02:00 <ryaxnb9> controlled firing.

02:01 <InfantryBrony> But you need religious maintenance in a dirty nasty climate such as war.

02:01 <screenaholic> Also, Bubble, AR15s aren't assualr rifles.

02:01 <BubbleBerry> http://i.4cdn.org/k/1412622533681.jpg What is this thing

02:01 <screenaholic> *assault

02:01 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: Oh. Then what kinda rifles are they?

02:01 <KooK> I want my chalk bag already

02:01 * KooK waits

02:01 <screenaholic> Just a semi-auto carbine.

02:01 <InfantryBrony> Full-auto is only good for reacting to an ambush and machine gun work...

02:01 <BubbleBerry> Ah

02:01 * Daniel_Waterhorse peeks back in, sees everyone is still talking about guns :I

02:01 <InfantryBrony> (i.e. mostly suppression, or mowing down a mongolian horde)...

02:01 <screenaholic> Assault rifles, by definition, are capable of selective fire. ARs are semi-auto only.

02:01 <BubbleBerry> http://i.4cdn.org/k/1412623629669.jpg I want this

02:02 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: Ah, OK.

02:02 <InfantryBrony> screenie: Actually, the first "AR-15" was select-fire.

02:02 <screenaholic> Yes.

02:02 <screenaholic> But modern ones aren't.

02:02 * InfantryBrony nod.

02:02 <InfantryBrony> Thus they are semiautomatic rifles.

02:02 <screenaholic> The first AR-15 was renamed M16.

02:02 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Connection closed)

02:02 <InfantryBrony> After it was adopted by the US Army.

02:02 <Alice> I'm now lost, this is where I go elsewhere

02:02 <KooK> infantrybrony - I disagree

02:02 <InfantryBrony> And after somewhat extensive design modifications.

02:02 <InfantryBrony> KooK: With?

02:03 <KooK> full auto = great for stress relief

02:03 <InfantryBrony> That too :D

02:03 <screenaholic> Full auto is fun at the range.

02:03 <InfantryBrony> Full-auto is fun if you got the paper to empty all that ammo for no reason. :P

02:03 <BubbleBerry> Hey, are Glock 19's good starter pistols?

02:03 <screenaholic> Yes.

02:03 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: It's fun...?

02:03 * InfantryBrony cannot see himself going full-auto with anything more expensive than 5.45x39mm

02:04 * Princess-QRS tapes four AK-74s together, puts it on a rotating tripod, and puts all this in the back of a truck.

02:04 <BubbleBerry> I assume that's why most people go to ranges

02:04 <Princess-QRS> I'm ready.

02:04 <screenaholic> I personally don't like Glocks, but if you don't want to rent a bunch of different pistols and try them out to find what you like, Glocks are pretty much the default.

02:04 <Princess-QRS> I call it the Kebab Anti Air Artillery

02:04 <InfantryBrony> Glock - Austrian Hi-Point.

02:04 <BubbleBerry> Hm

02:04 <InfantryBrony> ;)

02:04 <BubbleBerry> What about the colt M1911?

02:04 *** Quits: Doug_Dimmadome (Books@the_Library) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:04 <BubbleBerry> How're those?

02:04 <InfantryBrony> 1911 is nice. :3

02:05 <screenaholic> I love my 1911

02:05 <InfantryBrony> Personally, I LOVE how my 1911 fits my hand and handles.

02:05 <BubbleBerry> http://www.jmlaroche.com/images/couteaux/knife_spider-xl.jpg Oh dear god what is this

02:05 <screenaholic> 1911 is my favorite pistol.

02:05 <BubbleBerry> Hm. How much do they usually cost?

02:05 <InfantryBrony> AND, the Remington R1 base-model is US-made and has great sights. :D

02:05 <screenaholic> That varies a lot depending on brand.

02:05 <BubbleBerry> I don't care what country my guns come from

02:05 <screenaholic> They can be anywhere from a few hundred to over 1k.

02:05 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: Anywhere from 700-2000, depending on what you get.

02:05 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: Um... either a Colt or an Ithaca.


02:06 <BubbleBerry> Why not?

02:06 <InfantryBrony> They're imported JUNK.

02:06 <screenaholic> I have a Rock Island.

02:06 <screenaholic> Rock Island isn't imported.

02:06 <InfantryBrony> That's why they're around 300 bucks a pop.

02:06 <InfantryBrony> Yes it is!

02:06 <screenaholic> No they aren't.

02:06 <InfantryBrony> Rock Island = Made in Phillipines.

02:06 <BubbleBerry> Like I said, Colt or Ithaca look like the best 1911s to me.

02:06 <screenaholic> Huh, apprently they are.

02:06 *** Joins: Apologue (Books@the_Library)

02:06 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Apologue

02:06 <InfantryBrony> Rock Island and Armscor are sister companies.

02:06 <InfantryBrony> Both Phillipines-made.

02:06 <screenaholic> A Colt is going to be a little over 1K Bubble.

02:06 <BubbleBerry> Oh.

02:07 <InfantryBrony> Unless they landed a factory on US soil very recently...

02:07 <BubbleBerry> What about Ithaca?

02:07 <InfantryBrony> Colts <3

02:07 <screenaholic> Don't know.

02:07 <InfantryBrony> an Ithaca what?

02:07 <ryaxnb9> screenaholic, eh

02:07 <BubbleBerry> InfantryBrony: Ithaca 1911

02:07 <InfantryBrony> actually, you want a baseline, Bubble? Go here: www.gunbroker.com

02:07 <ryaxnb9> i doubt the WWII military paid $1k per Colt 1911

02:07 <InfantryBrony> ryaxnb: Probably around $75, if that.

02:08 <InfantryBrony> Buuuuut, in 2014 dollars, probably about $350?

02:08 <screenaholic> Military contracts are a lot different than some guy buying a gun. Also infliation.

02:08 <InfantryBrony> Bulk discounts, etc.

02:08 <BubbleBerry> Oooh~

02:08 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: It's the eBay of hardware! :D

02:08 <InfantryBrony> One of my favorite and most-traveled sites. :D

02:08 <InfantryBrony> That and Apex, but Apex is just parts for gunsmiths. :P

02:08 <screenaholic> Also, your price is going to vary a lot depending on new/used, if the guy knows how much the guns actually worth, condition, ect.

02:09 <InfantryBrony> If Apex had a store front local to me, I'd be in there at LEAST once a week browsing and buying cuz <3

02:09 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-e4gf83.ip14.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:09 <Classic_M> For me it was like "Here is gun, shoot and master it" And I'm like "Okay, But this could be better" And the military said "Shut the H**l up"

02:09 <InfantryBrony> ^ what screenie said.

02:09 <ryaxnb9> i like the look of beretta 92

02:09 <InfantryBrony> Also, don't buy off Gunbroker unless you got gobs of good pics.

02:09 <ryaxnb9> it looks like a blaster pistol, not a gun

02:09 <ryaxnb9> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beretta_92#mediaviewer/File:Beretta_92_FS.gif

02:09 <ryaxnb9> futuristic

02:09 <screenaholic> Bubble, are you close with anyone who's a frequent shooter?

02:09 <InfantryBrony> And even then you risk getting messed with. :c

02:09 <BubbleBerry> http://boards.4chan.org/k/thread/23110546/post-functional-scififantasy-looking-guns future

02:10 *** Quits: Grumpy_Cat (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: He turns his back, and draws his cloak in. His armor clinks as he walks away...)

02:10 <InfantryBrony> Beretta 92 is garbage.

02:10 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: My grandpa hunts sometimes. And my Dad is in the military.

02:10 <ryaxnb9> i know it doesn't WORK that well

02:10 <ryaxnb9> but it works well for a scifi looking gun

02:10 <BubbleBerry> I thought Baretta 92 were OK?

02:10 <ryaxnb9> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/DCB-Shooting_MAS_G1S.jpg/1024px-DCB-Shooting_MAS_G1S.jpg

02:10 <ryaxnb9> the french made variant

02:10 <ryaxnb9> oooh

02:10 <KooK> http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa318/KooKFlash/rockbagorder_zps162d5d5a.png

02:10 * KooK waits

02:11 <InfantryBrony> YUCK no!

02:11 <BubbleBerry> http://i.4cdn.org/k/1412623184409.jpg Hey, this gun is real and looks futuristic

02:11 <ryaxnb9> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Elite1A.jpg

02:11 <ryaxnb9> accessories added to it can make it look even less like a gun

02:11 <InfantryBrony> The second biggest mistake the US Army ever did (second to ACU uniform pattern) is getting rid of the 1911 for the Beretta M9 (92 in the civ world)

02:11 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-rp065l.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:11 * BubbleBerry puts a bunch of lights and optics and lasers and grips and underslung grenade launchers on InfantryBrony

02:11 <BubbleBerry> o3o b

02:12 <Princess-QRS> The US brass obviously think the average GI can't hit anything with his sidearm.

02:12 <Princess-QRS> Therefore, give them more, smaller, bullets.

02:12 * BubbleBerry puts all the optics and lights on Princess-QRS

02:12 <InfantryBrony> KooK: I'm in your picture! :D

02:12 <screenaholic> Cue the great Caliber War of EQD.

02:12 <Princess-QRS> So then they can just throw 9mm at the enemy and hope something sticks, instead of missing with all 8 45 rounds

02:12 <KooK> InfantryBrony - you're in my picture a lot

02:13 <ryaxnb9> the Glock pistols are nice too

02:13 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: Just cuz it looks nifty doesn't mean it's very effective. :P

02:13 <KooK> InfantryBrony - http://www.cabelas.com/product/Shooting/Black-Powder/Black-Powder-Pistols%7C/pc/104792580/c/104701680/sc/104503680/Pedersoli-Howdah-Hunter-20-Ga-Pistol/740261.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fblack-powder-pistols%2F_%2FN-1100201%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104503680%3FWTz_l%3DDirectLoad%253Bcat104701680&WTz_l=DirectLoad%3Bcat104701680%3Bcat104503680

02:13 <screenaholic> Such link.

02:13 *** Coco is now known as Coco_Nut

02:13 <BubbleBerry> KooK: http://i.4cdn.org/k/1412623706528.jpg Does this look futuristic enough?

02:13 <ryaxnb9> well .45 is too big for a side arm round in non-military uses

02:13 <InfantryBrony> moar like FEHbelas.

02:13 <ryaxnb9> maybe they're thinking terrorist wars against lightly armoured dudes?

02:13 <KooK> BubbleBerry - I expect it to shoot plasma

02:14 <ryaxnb9> against an unarmoured man 9mm is easy kill

02:14 <ryaxnb9> .45 is really more of a thing against military armour

02:14 <InfantryBrony> Oh right!! Gunbroker donates to breast cancer charities too... :3

02:14 <screenaholic> What?

02:14 <InfantryBrony> Another reason I love 'em <333

02:14 <screenaholic> .45 isn't anti-armor dude.

02:14 <BubbleBerry> http://ninjaninja.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/f/m/fm-400b.jpg OH MY GAWWWD

02:14 <InfantryBrony> A gun selling website not afraid to get PINK! <3

02:14 <screenaholic> In fact, 9mm would get through more armor than .45.

02:14 <BubbleBerry> man, Punk guns aren't tacticool./

02:15 <InfantryBrony> 9mm is for women and Europeans. D:<

02:15 * ThatAnonPony balances a .22LR on InfantryBrony.

02:15 <screenaholic> Seriously, let's not devolve into caliber wars.

02:15 <BubbleBerry> *pink

02:15 <ryaxnb9> screenaholic, why? faster?

02:15 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-m5sjhl.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

02:15 <screenaholic> Much.

02:15 <BubbleBerry> 12 gauges sure are neat

02:15 <ryaxnb9> ah

02:15 <InfantryBrony> Imparts less force, though.

02:15 <Princess-QRS> Also .45 is fairly flat if I'm thinking right.

02:15 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-e4gf83.ip14.netikka.fi)

02:16 <Princess-QRS> i dunno I'm not a gunman I'm a poliman

02:16 <screenaholic> The shape varies.

02:16 <screenaholic> But no.

02:16 <InfantryBrony> screenie: He means the arc of the round path, iirc...

02:16 <InfantryBrony> a poliman?

02:16 <InfantryBrony> oh

02:16 <InfantryBrony> 4chan talk. >.<

02:16 <BubbleBerry> http://i.4cdn.org/k/1412677425374.jpg What is this gun? I need it.

02:17 <screenaholic> I have no idea.

02:17 <InfantryBrony> Probably one of Kel-Tec's abominations.

02:17 <Princess-QRS> a politics man

02:17 <InfantryBrony> Though I don't see the Kel-Tec waffling on it.

02:17 <InfantryBrony> QRS: Ya, I had to say it out-loud to get it cuz I'm stupid. X)

02:17 <screenaholic> SRM Arms 1216 semi-auto shotgun, apparently.

02:17 <InfantryBrony> meh

02:17 <BubbleBerry> http://i.4cdn.org/k/1412659701658.jpg Lookit dem attachments

02:17 * Princess-QRS stands on a soapbox and politics at the chat

02:17 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:18 * screenaholic is hungry...

02:18 * BubbleBerry appeases Princess-QRS with Kalashnikovs

02:18 <InfantryBrony> Bubble

02:18 <InfantryBrony> When it comes to being a newbie, stick to the tried-and-trues....

02:18 <InfantryBrony> http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=445024538 <--- Winchester 1897.

02:18 <InfantryBrony> :3

02:18 *** Quits: Electric_Psoras (Thunderbird@Pony-utjpgr.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Bye horsies!)

02:19 <Princess-QRS> I am appeased... for now.

02:19 * Princess-QRS calls off the bombing run on BubbleBerry

02:19 <InfantryBrony> Aaaalso, it's a great start to a collection because the serial is really low (guessing closer to the turn of last century, 1900)...

02:19 <screenaholic> Bubble: You should really talk to Woe about this. He'd be able to help you best.

02:19 <BubbleBerry> Yeah

02:19 <BubbleBerry> Where is Woe, anyways?

02:20 <screenaholic> Doing Woe stuff.

02:20 <BubbleBerry> Hm

02:20 <screenaholic> Riding motorcylces, shooting guns, being gay, that sort of thing.

02:20 <BubbleBerry> http://i.4cdn.org/k/1412652577910.jpg

02:20 <BubbleBerry> Man, Woe sounds rad.

02:20 <InfantryBrony> Also

02:20 <InfantryBrony> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSMOoqaGAT4

02:20 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:20 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Shotgun Speed Shooting World Record, Spencer Hoglund aka Lead Dispencer Pump Shotgun

02:20 <InfantryBrony> ^ Can get really good at 1897

02:20 <InfantryBrony> :O

02:21 <InfantryBrony> EW!

02:21 <screenaholic> Bubble, just buy this:

02:21 <screenaholic> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjQk244oW9c

02:21 <InfantryBrony> I SPY AN XM8 PROFILE! D:<

02:21 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:21 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Ultimate Hi-Point

02:21 * BubbleBerry boops InfantryBrony with an appletini

02:21 <BubbleBerry> Hm, alright.

02:21 <screenaholic> BAD LANGUAGE WARNING!

02:21 <InfantryBrony> oooooo is that the Hi-Point they threw a bunch of money into and made into a comp gun? :O

02:22 <BubbleBerry> Also, the last few guns I posted were just some weird semi-futristic guns I thought looked cool

02:22 <BubbleBerry> And a bait picture

02:22 <Princess-QRS> P90 best spacegun

02:22 <Princess-QRS> pew pew pew

02:22 <BubbleBerry> P90?

02:22 <BubbleBerry> Post please

02:22 <Princess-QRS> have you never seen stargate

02:23 <screenaholic> Infantry: Watch the video.

02:23 <BubbleBerry> Oh man I've seen that gun

02:23 <BubbleBerry> Pew pew pew pew

02:23 <Princess-QRS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_P90

02:23 <Princess-QRS> crazy spacegun

02:23 * BubbleBerry pew-pews at Princess-QRS

02:23 <InfantryBrony> No Hi-Point in the world is worth $4300, though....

02:23 <BubbleBerry> Hm

02:24 <BubbleBerry> Sounds sorta expensive

02:24 <screenaholic> It's a joke, Infantry.

02:24 <InfantryBrony> :c

02:24 <screenaholic> Dynamic Pie only make joke videos.

02:24 * InfantryBrony was actually almost hoping they were doing the Ultimate-Hi-Point mods.... :c

02:24 <BubbleBerry> So, what are Hi-Points, anyways? Do they suck? o3o

02:24 <InfantryBrony> Except ditch that ooglay optic and get something smaller.

02:24 <screenaholic> Basically the cheapest new guns on the markey.

02:25 <BubbleBerry> Hey wait a second, these are those guns who made that mag flip video!

02:25 <screenaholic> The carbines are fine, first gun I owned was a Hi Point carbine.

02:25 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: They're, as one of my local gun salesmen many years ago put it, the "most likely to be brought back in by police..."

02:25 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Reminder - Daring Do Adventure Collection is Available Today! Go Get It!  [ http://tinyurl.com/mr5u4mc ]

02:25 <screenaholic> The pistols are apparently TERRIBLE.

02:25 <screenaholic> Correct, Bubble.

02:25 <BubbleBerry> Hm

02:25 <InfantryBrony> Hi-Points are extremely inexpensive and go 'bang'...

02:25 <InfantryBrony> S'about it.

02:25 <BubbleBerry> Also, is it bad that I get on people

02:25 <screenaholic> A new Hi-Point 9mm carbine is like $200 I think.

02:26 <BubbleBerry> *people's cases for calling magazines clips?

02:26 <BubbleBerry> Like, I just started doing that

02:26 <screenaholic> Nope, keep it up.

02:26 <BubbleBerry> I even corrected some kid.

02:26 <InfantryBrony> They're also hideous chunks of crap.

02:26 <InfantryBrony> ^ what screenie said.

02:26 * ThatAnonPony flops on ADra. Pew-pews at Sectoids from perch.

02:26 <InfantryBrony> Also, best thing to do is get a bunch of paperclips...

02:26 <InfantryBrony> Every time someone says "clip" in reference to a magazine, flick one at 'em.

02:27 <InfantryBrony> If they continue, bend one in half and launch one at 'em with a rubber band. D:<

02:27 <BubbleBerry> What if they're just like a 5 year old or something, InfantryBrony? o3o

02:27 <screenaholic> Nah, teach 'em young.

02:27 <InfantryBrony> Then immediately resort to the last line.

02:27 <screenaholic> Only people I won't correct are people signifigantly older than me.

02:27 <BubbleBerry> Kids don't know nothing bout guns. And all them nerf guns call mags clips.

02:27 <InfantryBrony> ^ Unfortunately.

02:27 <screenaholic> You're educating the youth. That's what you're supposed to do.

02:27 <InfantryBrony> And screenie: Correct them anyways.

02:27 <InfantryBrony> Also, you correct ME all the time! D:<

02:28 * ADragonDreaming calls magazine a clip.

02:28 * screenaholic baps ADra.

02:28 <screenaholic> I mean like grandpa old.

02:28 <BubbleBerry> granted, I'm less rude when a 5 year old calls a mag a clip than I am when a 30 year old calls a mag a clip

02:28 * ADragonDreaming blocks the bap

02:28 * InfantryBrony gives ADragonDreaming a subscription to Vogue.

02:28 <InfantryBrony> :3

02:28 <ADragonDreaming> ...

02:28 * BubbleBerry takes all of ADragonDreaming's Vogues

02:28 <BubbleBerry> o3o

02:28 <InfantryBrony> D:

02:28 <InfantryBrony> Hay! :c

02:28 * ADragonDreaming trades it for a subscription to Popular Science.

02:28 <screenaholic> And am mainly reffering to my grandpa. I'm not going to correct the former Ranger who taught me how to shoot over something so trivial.

02:28 <InfantryBrony> Those were meant to prove a point! :c

02:29 * BubbleBerry boops InfantryBrony with a US clip subscription

02:29 <InfantryBrony> D:

02:29 <InfantryBrony> There's only one thing that I subscribe to....

02:29 <InfantryBrony> and that's 'MERICA!

02:29 * InfantryBrony red white and blue's! :D

02:30 * BubbleBerry boops InfantryBrony with a maple leaf.

02:30 <BubbleBerry> Eh

02:30 * InfantryBrony eats apple pies and craps bald eagles! D:

02:30 <ADragonDreaming> I has amazing house.

02:30 * InfantryBrony is unaffected cuz leaf.

02:30 * InfantryBrony blows said leaf away with a slight gust of breath... :3

02:30 * BubbleBerry dumps a ton of maple leaves and syrup on InfantryBrony

02:30 <InfantryBrony> D:

02:30 <BubbleBerry> o3o b

02:30 * InfantryBrony gets pancakes :D

02:31 <InfantryBrony> But we have maple syrup in the US too...

02:31 <BubbleBerry> :I

02:31 <InfantryBrony> Upper New England produces the heck outta it. :3

02:31 * BubbleBerry noms on some poutine

02:31 <InfantryBrony> Pooteen! D:

02:31 <InfantryBrony> We have that too... ^^;

02:31 <BubbleBerry> :I

02:31 <InfantryBrony> Can get it at KFC.

02:31 <InfantryBrony> Or Big Boy, if you have a Big Boy in your area. :3

02:31 * BubbleBerry acts nice

02:31 <BubbleBerry> o3o

02:31 <InfantryBrony> (Yes, Big Boy restaurants are still around)

02:31 <InfantryBrony> Oh, and we have hockey too... :D

02:32 <InfantryBrony> In fact, one of the premier colleges for hockey is University of North Dakota! :D

02:32 * BubbleBerry carries around a gun with a short barrel while acting nice and nomming poutine

02:32 <InfantryBrony> GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! <3

02:32 * InfantryBrony calls the mounties.... "Hay, he's got a GUN! D:"

02:32 <BubbleBerry> They actually allow guns with short barrels in canada

02:33 <BubbleBerry> Shorter barrels than what's allowed in 'Murrica

02:33 * InfantryBrony watches as the Mounties ride their horses over and ask Bubble very nicely to take his firearm home....

02:33 <InfantryBrony> :c

02:33 <InfantryBrony> Actually, Bubble...

02:33 <InfantryBrony> ;)

02:33 <BubbleBerry> o3o

02:33 <InfantryBrony> Pistols can be any length...

02:34 <BubbleBerry> I meant for shotguns and rifles

02:34 <BubbleBerry> They sell tiny little mini pistols at the PX, man.

02:34 <BubbleBerry> They're so adorable

02:34 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

02:34 <InfantryBrony> Well

02:35 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-l2lhfk.dorm.utexas.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:35 <InfantryBrony> If you want to get a short barrel on your rifle or shotgun, you fill out an ATF request form, pay 200 dollars, and they mail you the permit. :3

02:35 <InfantryBrony> Then you can put however long a barrel you want on whatever weapon you applied the permit to. :D

02:35 <BubbleBerry> yeah, in Canada, you can just have one

02:36 <BubbleBerry> For free

02:36 <InfantryBrony> Also, same permit (iirc) can have suppressors too. :D

02:36 <screenaholic> Correct.

02:36 <InfantryBrony> Also, can have grenade launchers with same permit.

02:36 <screenaholic> Also full-auto.

02:36 <InfantryBrony> Also can have full-autos.

02:36 <Princess-QRS> Edging close to the danger zone, just be careful u guis

02:36 <screenaholic> I don't think you can get grenade launchers.

02:36 <BubbleBerry> Then again, I may be wrong

02:36 <InfantryBrony> screenie: Yep!

02:36 *** Quits: Iron_Wofle (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:36 <screenaholic> But yeah, we've been talking about guns for a while.

02:36 <InfantryBrony> Classified as a "destructive device"

02:36 <InfantryBrony> :3

02:36 <screenaholic> Ah, right.

02:36 <BubbleBerry> I'm not sure if that thing about barrels is true, though

02:37 <InfantryBrony> screenie: I think QRS means cuz we're starting to touch on gun regs. :c

02:37 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: Leaving)

02:37 <Princess-QRS> both

02:37 *** Quits: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-9g5uoo.telecom.net.ar) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:37 * BubbleBerry noms on some poutine

02:37 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: You ought to move out of the Great White North...

02:37 <BubbleBerry> Still, Canada > America

02:37 <InfantryBrony> and move into the Great Whiter North (North Dakota) D:

02:37 <Princess-QRS> I love my country.

02:37 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: No way, eh.

02:37 <BubbleBerry> Germany = Canada >>>>>>> America

02:38 <Princess-QRS> germany owns

02:38 <InfantryBrony> I'd much like to visit Germany.

02:38 <Princess-QRS> i love germans

02:38 <InfantryBrony> BUT! I REALLY want to visit Norway and Sweden too...

02:38 <InfantryBrony> If I ever get a chance to go to either Germany or Scandinavia, the other MUST be visited as an addendum to the original trip...

02:39 <BubbleBerry> As an aside, am I overreacting by being bothered by the fact that Nerf  guns call magazines clips?

02:39 <InfantryBrony> Like, "Sorry, boss, I'm in Europe... That means I MUST take an extra week to visit Scandinavia/Germany."

02:39 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: Nope.

02:39 <InfantryBrony> I still get irked when people call them clips.

02:39 <BubbleBerry> Like, their toys are toy guns. They should know this by now

02:39 <Princess-QRS> Ah, but that's just it.

02:39 <InfantryBrony> I've resorted to carrying a few stripper clips around with me.... If some dumb newbie private calls it a "clip," I give them the stripper clip and make them do silly things with it.

02:40 <Princess-QRS> They don't want them to be known as "toy guns".

02:40 <BubbleBerry> And they only sometimes call them clips, which makes it even more aggrivating

02:40 <Princess-QRS> So they specifically avoid gun terms.

02:40 <InfantryBrony> yep

02:40 <BubbleBerry> Princess-QRS: Oh yeah, I meant "foam blasters"

02:40 <InfantryBrony> what QRS said.

02:40 <InfantryBrony> That's why they're all funky-shaped and not shaped like any real-world weapons.

02:40 <BubbleBerry> But they sometimes call them magazines or "mags"

02:40 <InfantryBrony> Same with Super-Soakers.

02:40 <InfantryBrony> The designs are not optimal or ergonomic at all... :P

02:41 <BubbleBerry> Yeah, nerf guns are hella impractical, dawg

02:41 <InfantryBrony> Because god forbid children learn what real firearms are and the dangers of them and how to properly notify an adult or handle and make safe a firearm they come across...

02:41 <BubbleBerry> When I was ten, my friend had an airsoft MP5K

02:42 <ADragonDreaming> ...sure, let's also give them realistic looking guns with which to shoot darts at each other.

02:42 <InfantryBrony> When I was ten, I had a .22lr

02:42 <InfantryBrony> ;)

02:42 <InfantryBrony> No wait!

02:42 <InfantryBrony> I got that when I was 8 or 9...

02:42 <InfantryBrony> I got my first shotgun (20g single-shot) at age 10.

02:42 <BubbleBerry> Well, if we shot eachother in the park with .22lrs, we'd probably all be dead. :P

02:42 <Princess-QRS> You want a gold star or something?

02:42 <InfantryBrony> Yes! :O

02:42 <BubbleBerry> My grandpa got me a .22 when I was like 10, man.

02:42 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: BubbleBerry is best bubble-related pony.)

02:42 <InfantryBrony> You mean to tell me you've had gold star stickers this whole time and didn't tell me!? D:

02:43 <BubbleBerry> o3o b

02:43 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: That's why God invented PAINTBALL! :D

02:43 <BubbleBerry> But all we had was airsoft

02:43 <InfantryBrony> :c


02:43 <BubbleBerry> We also had airsoft shotguns, which is kinda odd.

02:44 <BubbleBerry> http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/poster33090609rc9.jpg

02:44 <Sketchy_Sounds> Nerf guns > Real guns

02:45 <Sketchy_Sounds> Primarily cos I don't get arrested if I shoot someone with my Nerf guns :3

02:45 <BubbleBerry> o3o b

02:45 * BubbleBerry shoots Sketchy_Sounds with a missile

02:45 <BubbleBerry> Nerf guns are good for playing and stuff. Real guns are good for ranges and hunting and stuff

02:45 *** Joins: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-tu7dkh.dyn.centurytel.net)

02:46 <InfantryBrony> Back in your day there was also paintball and laser-tag, don't gimme that stuff! D:<

02:46 <BubbleBerry> We still have those.

02:46 <BubbleBerry> o2o

02:46 <InfantryBrony> Bubble: Nice link. :3

02:46 <InfantryBrony> also brb cig and stuff

02:46 * BubbleBerry shoves a Mosin-Nagant clip into an AK

02:46 <BubbleBerry> o3o b

02:47 <InfantryBrony> then probably some Essu Konbatto...

02:47 <InfantryBrony> :O

02:47 <InfantryBrony> Bubbble......

02:47 * InfantryBrony stuffs an en-bloc clip into BubbleBerry

02:47 <KooK> http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/296/c/1/battlefield_ponies_by_minibot_1-d5irdl3.jpg

02:47 <InfantryBrony> :D

02:47 <BubbleBerry> Clips and mags are the exaaact saaame thiiiing

02:47 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-itc.14u.56.119.IP)

02:47 <KooK> not really

02:48 <BubbleBerry> I know

02:48 <InfantryBrony> Bubs

02:48 <InfantryBrony> You oughtta know the M1 Garand...

02:48 <InfantryBrony> It's a Canadian design! :D

02:48 <BubbleBerry> Yaaay~

02:48 <InfantryBrony> Well, that's a rifle that actually takes a clip! :O

02:48 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-itc.14u.56.119.IP) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

02:48 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-nip.14u.56.119.IP)

02:48 <InfantryBrony> (though, the correct term for said device is actually 'gondolier' and not 'en-bloc clip' or 'clip' at all, because Canada)...

02:49 * BubbleBerry shoves a clip into a Galil

02:49 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-7ukbj5.0ell.j8eu.1011.2600.IP)

02:49 <BubbleBerry> o3o b

02:49 <BubbleBerry> Timid!

02:49 * InfantryBrony Garand's BubbleBerry. :D

02:49 <TimidClef> Heya, heh

02:50 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

02:50 <Princess-QRS> sooooo

02:50 * BubbleBerry shoves clips into Princess-QRS' Kalashnikovs

02:50 <BubbleBerry> o3o

02:51 <Princess-QRS> o4o

02:51 * Princess-QRS shoots down Mi-8s

02:51 * BubbleBerry puts a mag in a Garand

02:51 <BubbleBerry> o3o

02:51 <BubbleBerry> It doesn't work~!!! D:

02:51 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Pony-l1p347.charlton.irccloud.com)

02:52 <BubbleBerry> Hey, PearlyWhites!

02:52 *** Sketchy_Sounds sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-sad3c5.ga.comcast.net

02:52 <Misan> can I cry now?

02:52 <PearlyWhites> Hey bubble

02:52 *** Joins: GumballCrash (GumballCras@0.to.pony.10secondsflat)

02:52 * Princess-QRS pours pudding on PearlyWhites

02:52 *** Joins: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-a72p4i.telecom.net.ar)

02:52 <BubbleBerry> Misan: Why?

02:53 <Misan> I wanted to become self-employed by december.. our local unemployee-service restricted me because my products and services aren't "ready" yet

02:53 <Misan> and they don't give me the time to finish my products

02:53 * BubbleBerry boops Princess-QRS with a Colt M1911 with a GQ stuffed in the bottom "o2o"

02:54 <Princess-QRS> the heck is a gq

02:54 <Misan> I have to look for a job again... as lousy employee in a company that doesn't care about me..

02:54 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-a61n3q.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)

02:54 <BubbleBerry> GQ, it's a magazine

02:54 <BubbleBerry> Geddit.

02:54 <Princess-QRS> pffft you aren't lousy

02:54 <BubbleBerry> Because GQ is a magazine. and Colt M1911s also take Magazines?

02:54 <KooK> Misan - welcome back to the real world, the corporations...  are indifferent about your return.

02:55 <Misan> I worked for two webdeveloper companies.. you aren't fulfilling anything meaningful there.. you are just "workforce"..

02:55 <Misan> I know

02:55 <Misan> which is why I waned to become self-employed

02:55 <Misan> I can actually USE my wrk

02:55 <Misan> work* and build upon it

02:55 * BubbleBerry boops Princess-QRS Geddit.

02:55 <Misan> and not just put hours after hours into something that will never return

02:55 <KooK> going to do another half hour of math and go rock climb

02:55 <Princess-QRS> Even Bill Gates had a day job.

02:56 <BubbleBerry> True

02:56 <Misan> I know, but I have enough of it

02:56 *** Quits: Barry_From_Mars (fzqsunhtyay@Pony-d5fsk8.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:57 <BubbleBerry> http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h406/Dlott194/clipazine2776651.jpg

02:57 <Misan> sig

02:57 <Misan> sigh*

02:58 *** Quits: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-7ukbj5.0ell.j8eu.1011.2600.IP) (Quit: Bye)

02:59 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP)

02:59 * BubbleBerry flops on InfantryBrony

03:00 *** Quits: VexPon_AFK (Vexpon@vex.pon) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)

03:01 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-nip.14u.56.119.IP) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

03:02 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net)

03:03 <BubbleBerry> Hey, screenaholic!

03:03 <screenaholic> Yo.

03:04 <screenaholic> So I just tried chili for the first time in my life. I liked it.

03:04 <BubbleBerry> 'Sup, mang?

03:04 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

03:04 <BubbleBerry> Aw man, have you ever had venison chili?

03:04 <BubbleBerry> It's the best

03:04 <screenaholic> No.

03:04 <BubbleBerry> Doood. You should have venison chili

03:05 <screenaholic> I've always wanted to try venison.

03:05 *** poseyshy is now known as poseyshy|dreaming

03:06 <BubbleBerry> DOOOD. You should have Venison!

03:06 * BubbleBerry gives screenaholic a rifle and a raccoon hat "Go hunt some deer and get some venison, it's delicious"

03:07 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: MASSIVE Compilation of Concept Art for Friendship is Magic Pops Up!  [ http://tinyurl.com/n8n7tq6 ]

03:07 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: Leaving)

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03:37 <TimidClef> Hey ponies!

03:38 <DARK> hi

03:38 <Nicktendonick> Hello1

03:39 <Nicktendonick> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo-D2kXXC-g

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03:43 <Barry_From_Mars> Ah, I'm looking at some vintage street photos. :)

03:43 <Barry_From_Mars> ... Anyone here wanna see one?

03:43 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

03:43 <Barry_From_Mars> I really shouldn't remove necessary words from sentences.

03:45 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://askmarusya.tumblr.com/)

03:45 *** Barry_From_Mars is now known as Barry_From_Mars[AFK]

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03:51 *** Skylnn is now known as SilverSilent

03:53 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-hio.kts.71.50.IP)

03:54 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link pinkachu

03:54 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/14620?scope=scpeb2a46a69fbb6d2f44eaa8874270c8d777250f0f7

03:55 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)

03:55 <Alice> Cute ^^

03:56 <Twilight_Shimmer> i wonder is shes a legendary pokemon

03:56 * Snapai salut!

03:56 <Twilight_Shimmer> ?

03:56 <Snapai> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUiLXtmASAg

03:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Hub Tribute

03:56 <Twilight_Shimmer> i have no idea what that means Snapai

03:57 <Alice> Oh yes, the Hub ;n;

03:57 * Alice sips from Hub cup

03:58 *** AssasinMonkey|ArtStream is now known as AssasinMonkey

03:58 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link the mask

03:58 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/173671

03:59 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://derpiboo.ru/632445?scope=scpe5ade1d74a02e320596f743ca5414ba3f1d15668b

03:59 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about xk-class end-of-the-world scenario the mask safe artist:artmagetommy solo (and 2 more)

04:01 *** AppleDash is now known as Blackjack

04:02 *** Quits: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-9m8.9n2.147.82.IP) (Quit: If your not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space)

04:04 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (DanielWater@Pony-vfq.in4.210.134.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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04:05 *** Authoron is now known as Galena

04:06 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

04:07 <CleverDerpy> hiya

04:07 *** Parts: Galena (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) ("Leaving")

04:07 *** WOrkFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

04:07 <Authoron> My?

04:07 <Authoron> *Me?

04:07 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-k7nn1u.mtl.aei.ca) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

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04:08 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

04:08 * CleverDerpy snuggles The_Nostalgia_Mare and purrs

04:08 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hehe.

04:08 *** Joins: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-k7nn1u.mtl.aei.ca)

04:10 *** Joins: SilverSky (~SilverSky@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

04:11 <SilverSky> Does anyone know what a good IRC app is for an Apple product?

04:11 <Moonlightning> hmm…did they use another word for /go/ in the dialect Luna used in season two?

04:11 <Moonlightning> In the context of a command

04:11 <Authoron> Hah. I wish I knew.

04:11 <Moonlightning> As in…uh…/go over there/

04:11 <Moonlightning> SilverSky: weechat :3

04:12 <Authoron> Getteth the to a nunnery!!!

04:12 <Sunset-Shimmer> I don't recall her stating anything particular

04:13 <Snapai> !link pinkiecorn

04:13 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/536569

04:14 <SilverSky> Moonlightning: I'll look into that~

04:14 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-29n.ak5.58.96.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:16 *** Joins: Flashy (Nutella@Fast.Blue.Pegasus)

04:16 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net)

04:17 <Authoron> Hallo Flashy, Screeny.

04:17 <Flashy> oh hai there

04:17 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-29n.ak5.58.96.IP)

04:20 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story Updates - October 7th  [ http://tinyurl.com/kqfvrdm ]

04:20 *** Joins: reiuiji (reiuiji@Pony-fsm.l39.88.134.IP)

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04:26 *** Quits: SilverSky (~SilverSky@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca) (Quit: gtg, bye bye for now~ :P)

04:26 *** Joins: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-6hj.g8s.46.95.IP)

04:29 *** Quits: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-7ukbj5.0ell.j8eu.1011.2600.IP) (Quit: Bye)

04:31 <screenaholic> !seen fruitnibbler

04:31 <DerpyBot> screenaholic: The last time I saw fruitnibbler was 2014-10-06 21:30:27 UTC

04:31 <Smo> !seen Beans

04:31 <DerpyBot> Smo: The last time I saw Beans was 2014-10-07 05:09:57 UTC

04:33 *** Authoron is now known as Matrim__Cauthon

04:36 *** Quits: StarStream (quassel@Pony-55adgj.llmt.te2r.04f8.2a01.IP) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)

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04:38 *** Joins: StarStream (quassel@Pony-55adgj.llmt.te2r.04f8.2a01.IP)

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04:38 *** Joins: Barry_From_Mars (fzqsunhtyay@Pony-d5fsk8.ip.windstream.net)

04:39 <Barry_From_Mars> .

04:39 <Barry_From_Mars> Hi again.

04:39 <Matrim__Cauthon> Hallo Barry.

04:40 *** Quits: JandalAdjiel (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:41 *** Joins: Pony_76053 (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

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04:45 *** Joins: P0rtal (P0rtal@Pony-phlels.dsl.bell.ca)

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04:46 *** Joins: Pony_7988 (urbbyidkilj@Pony-3brt0o.bois.qwest.net)

04:51 *** Joins: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-qbpfno.res.rr.com)

04:51 <InfantryBrony> :D

04:52 <Matrim__Cauthon> Hey.

04:52 * screenaholic fixes Infantry's face into a frownie. "There we go."

04:53 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Zero@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: Leaving)

04:53 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: Leaving)

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04:56 *** Joins: SwanSong (Swan@Pony-9bh1i2.orngca.sbcglobal.net)

04:57 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (DanielWater@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

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04:58 *** BerryPunch[EoH] is now known as StarlightIronhoof[EoH]

04:58 *** Matrim__Cauthon is now known as Authoron

04:59 *** Joins: RainbowDash (zquhxehwbfc@Pony-tofts6.ns.bellaliant.net)

05:00 <Authoron> Hallo Dashie.

05:00 *** RainbowDash is now known as Pony_51679

05:00 <Pony_51679> o?

05:00 <Pony_51679> haha guys like ponies!

05:01 *** GigaWork is now known as Gigabit

05:01 * Authoron rolls his eyes. "So?"

05:01 <Pony_51679> :P

05:01 <Pony_51679> well its just funny

05:02 <Pony_51679> that men like MLP

05:02 * Authoron shrugs. "Whatever!"

05:02 <Pony_51679> lol <3

05:02 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-29n.ak5.58.96.IP)

05:02 <Daniel_Waterhorse> It's not funny. it's super serious

05:03 <Pony_51679> this is so random i quess i thought alot of people would be here not alot i quess!

05:03 * Daniel_Waterhorse puts on his serious face :I

05:03 * Authoron facehoofs

05:03 <Pony_51679> lol you silly filly i am a male age 20 so don't get your clop in a knot

05:03 * Daniel_Waterhorse puts his serious face all over Authoron.

05:04 <Pony_51679> just, its funny that i like the show i just smile its kinda stupid D:

05:04 * Authoron pulls his head away, and wipes his shoulder off. "Um, eww..."

05:04 <Daniel_Waterhorse> It's okay, I felt the same way. I went to bronycon and was like, "really, all this over ponies?" and then it was the best time I ever had

05:04 <Daniel_Waterhorse> The end.

05:04 <ryaxnb9> haha

05:04 <Pony_51679> mm

05:05 <ryaxnb9> there are quite a lot here Pony_51679

05:05 <ryaxnb9> but we are quiet most of the time

05:05 <ryaxnb9> or  only slightly talkative

05:05 <ryaxnb9> Ponies call this "idling"

05:05 <ryaxnb9> where you log the chat but rarely say much

05:05 <ryaxnb9> i was idlying.

05:05 <ryaxnb9> idling*

05:05 <Pony_51679> i wouldn't mind going but, (ponycon) but i hear its not that good and because it's for pegasisters,bronys everything is top price

05:05 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Other times you can't get some folks in here to shut up :p

05:06 <ryaxnb9> Customs toys are expensive :P

05:06 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah. Hand made stuff takes time and effort that manufactured stuff just doesn't.

05:06 <ryaxnb9> It is good tho if you want to meet folks, be them celebs or just bronies, or if you want customs and have cash to blow

05:06 <Pony_51679> yeah its stupid i only want top quality items so "hard" to get <<

05:06 <ryaxnb9> Though if you're going for a celeb panel and it turns out medicore, that can be a bummer

05:06 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-ktlh94.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

05:07 <ryaxnb9> hopefully though there'd be more than one reason to go.

05:07 <Daniel_Waterhorse> My advice... dont' worry about buying stuff. Just enjoy the community

05:07 <Daniel_Waterhorse> The comradery

05:07 <ryaxnb9> yeah

05:07 <Daniel_Waterhorse> The horseness of it all

05:07 <Pony_51679> O

05:07 <ryaxnb9> and honestly, most the celeb panels are awesome at good well run cons

05:07 <ryaxnb9> it's usually just one that is medicore

05:07 <Pony_51679> but, i want to get this out their but, what the buck is with no MLP CALENDERS

05:07 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Make one :p

05:08 <Daniel_Waterhorse> You can probably find some site that lets you make customer calendars. Heck you can make t shirts, mugs...

05:08 <Pony_51679> haha, im not the best at drawing i draw on my crapy wiiu but not good!

05:08 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Practice makes perfect.

05:08 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net)

05:08 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Well, it makes the inevitable agonizing but ultimately unreachable state of perfection

05:08 <Daniel_Waterhorse> But basically the same thing

05:09 *** Quits: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-tu7dkh.dyn.centurytel.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:09 <Pony_51679> yea, but i can't really i got to think about what i want to do with my life working 10.80 a hour isn't going to get me anywhere

05:10 <Pony_51679> So.

05:10 <Daniel_Waterhorse> How old are you an' what kind of job do you have?

05:10 <Pony_51679> are you guys affiliated with Equestria after dark?

05:11 <ryaxnb9> horsie yes but we do not talk about that here

05:11 <ryaxnb9> just go there

05:11 <ryaxnb9> if you want to talk about that

05:11 <Pony_51679> umm im 20 and i work retail not saying where last thing i need is people in reallife knowing i like ponies

05:11 <ryaxnb9> hehe :(

05:11 <Twilight_Shimmer> to all 3DS users there a system update

05:11 *** Joins: Evil_Spike (EvilSpike@Pony-tc8.cov.253.125.IP)

05:12 <ryaxnb9> Twilight_Shimmer, i just updated yesterday :(

05:12 <Twilight_Shimmer> they have added themes

05:12 <Evil_Spike> Hey everypony

05:12 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (BigPapa@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: IceChat - Keeping PC's cool since 2000)

05:12 <Pony_51679> as it is i told a guy on ps3 and he came to work gave me a brofist i was bucking bricks but no other works where around so i was safe

05:12 <ryaxnb9> mm good

05:12 <ryaxnb9> supercard dstwo still works on 9.0

05:13 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Heya Evil_Spike :)

05:13 <Pony_51679> so how old are most of you like 45+?

05:13 <ryaxnb9> no

05:13 <ryaxnb9> i'm 20

05:13 <ryaxnb9> many people here are 18-30

05:13 <Evil_Spike> ^

05:13 <Pony_51679> o

05:13 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I'm 67

05:13 <Pony_51679> so you use this site to date people?

05:14 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah, I'm dating ryaxnb9

05:14 <Evil_Spike> Uh, what?

05:14 <Authoron> Im 24.

05:14 <Daniel_Waterhorse> He's a cutie

05:14 <Authoron> XD

05:14 <Pony_51679> so you must use skype?

05:14 * screenaholic 's heart is broken. "How could you Daniel!? I thought we hadd something special!"

05:14 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> What?!

05:14 * The_Nostalgia_Mare hugs screenaholic.

05:14 <Evil_Spike> I don't know what's going on anymore

05:14 * Daniel_Waterhorse raises his hoof to reply to the skype comment but honestly anywhere this joke could continue would be really not appropriate for this chatroom

05:14 <ryaxnb9> no we don't date people

05:15 <ryaxnb9> wtf

05:15 <ryaxnb9> well not here

05:15 <Pony_51679> lol! i want to marry someone that likes mlp as much as i do but not yet with my dead end job

05:15 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-89o56e.dynamic.sonic.net)

05:15 <ryaxnb9> you do not need to define marriage by MLP dude

05:15 <ryaxnb9> :D

05:15 <ryaxnb9> it's fine

05:15 <screenaholic> It's just a show.

05:15 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Just marry an actual pony. The social stigma won't be as painful as a relationship with an actual person

05:16 <Pony_51679> lol yeah i do im bucked i mean im not bad looking im just to picky hard to find women that don't drink alot( a little is ok) or do any drugs (ex Smoking is a drug)

05:17 <Sunset-Shimmer> Eh, don't fret too much - looking too hard never works, lol

05:17 <Pony_51679> im so thin to D: maybe i should be a model? 137 pounds for a 20 age male? 5.9F

05:18 <Pony_51679> haha yeah what a joker i am

05:18 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-2ha.fr1.85.91.IP)

05:18 <Pony_51679> so what do most of you do?

05:18 <screenaholic> I'm a bartender

05:18 <Evil_Spike> Why are you so interested in our lives?

05:18 <Pony_51679> mmm

05:19 <Pony_51679> I can't disclose that information due to policy

05:19 *** Quits: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Sunset-Shimmer_!DJPon3IsHer@Pony-2ha.fr1.85.91.IP)))

05:19 *** Sunset-Shimmer_ is now known as Sunset-Shimmer

05:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

05:19 <Sunset-Shimmer> Then none of us have to disclose anything...policy.

05:19 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms screenaholic.

05:19 <Pony_51679> nah man just bucking with yeah i don't know? maybe im a loser haha i must be if im here

05:19 <Sunset-Shimmer> Pffft

05:20 <Daniel_Waterhorse> That's not very nice v.v

05:20 <screenaholic> Indeed.

05:20 <Pony_51679> haha. i use to be well liked on a pc game i played

05:20 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1311 [ http://tinyurl.com/lxltezj ]

05:20 <Pony_51679> untill i was banned

05:20 <Sunset-Shimmer> Uhuh

05:21 <Pony_51679> was umm Maplestory i was MLPXS and DashieXS, umm and DragonsXS

05:21 <Pony_51679> i was rank 3 in zenith for 1 year but i droped everything 10,000$ gone

05:21 <Pony_51679> now if i had mlp at the time i would have quit years ago

05:21 <Sketchy_Sounds> Cool story bro.

05:22 <Pony_51679> anyways

05:22 <Pony_51679> so do you guys work?

05:22 <Pony_51679> or no?

05:22 <Pony_51679> Retail or other?

05:22 <Sunset-Shimmer> I'm fairly sure a good proportion of them do

05:22 <Sunset-Shimmer> they aren't obligated to say though

05:22 <screenaholic> I'm a bartender.

05:22 <Pony_51679> in Nova Scotia?

05:23 <screenaholic> No.

05:23 <Pony_51679> ahh Mk

05:23 <Pony_51679> so

05:23 <Pony_51679> are alot of bronies pegasisters bisexual?

05:24 <Sunset-Shimmer> Eh, this isn't the channel to hold too much discussion on it

05:24 <Sketchy_Sounds> That's not really a question any of us can answer.

05:24 <Sketchy_Sounds> We tend not to make sweeping generalisations about the community like that.

05:24 <Pony_51679> well i can't go to EAD

05:24 <Pony_51679> ill explode

05:24 <Pony_51679> well

05:24 <screenaholic> Yeah, a lot of bronies are bi, or gay.

05:24 <Pony_51679> in my studys i found it to be true

05:25 *** Quits: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)

05:25 <Sketchy_Sounds> screenaholic, I don't think there's any solid statistical evidence for that.

05:25 <Pony_51679> mm That sucks for me

05:25 <Sunset-Shimmer> ,,,Yeah, this area of discussion isn't happening.

05:25 <screenaholic> I've met more non-straight people in this fandom than any other group I've been in. Solid enough for me.

05:25 <Pony_51679> well i didn't think it be true untill i started going to any brony site

05:25 <Sunset-Shimmer> let's steer away from it if you please.

05:25 <screenaholic> Also, I'm pretty sure the Brony Census will support me.

05:25 <Pony_51679> i could find and do data links on them

05:26 <Sketchy_Sounds> Kindly move on from the topic of sexuality. It's not an appropriate topic for this channel.

05:26 <Pony_51679> haha :P

05:26 <Pony_51679> so funny

05:26 <Sunset-Shimmer> Chats gotta be suitable for kids.

05:26 <Pony_51679> mm

05:26 <Sketchy_Sounds> I can be less funny about it if you'd like.

05:26 <Pony_51679> your saying kids should learn about that topic?

05:26 *** Joins: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-tu7dkh.dyn.centurytel.net)

05:27 <Sunset-Shimmer> No, saying this channel has to be safe for kids of that age.

05:27 <Sunset-Shimmer> so the disucssion isn't for here.

05:27 <Pony_51679> shouldn't my grammar is poor at times

05:27 *** Quits: SilverSilent (SilverSile@SilvertheSilverMoonPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:27 <Sunset-Shimmer> It's not our place to teach kids that.

05:27 <Pony_51679> well i was under the impression that everyone was age 18~30

05:27 <Sunset-Shimmer> Ha

05:28 <Sketchy_Sounds> You evidently did not read the channel topic.

05:28 <Sketchy_Sounds> "This is an ALL-AGES channel".

05:28 <ryaxnb9> some are under 18

05:28 <Pony_51679> no im just here to ask questions i can't ask on my account

05:28 <ryaxnb9> besides, this just isn't hte romance channel

05:28 <ryaxnb9> um

05:28 <ryaxnb9> you're alting?

05:28 <ryaxnb9> that's against the rules

05:28 <ryaxnb9> you already have an account here?

05:28 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

05:28 <Sketchy_Sounds> You can't ask on your account? What do you mean by that?

05:29 <screenaholic> People use alt names all the time ryaxnb9.

05:29 <Pony_51679> what a joke the bronies documentary they made every brony look like they have problems

05:29 <ryaxnb9> and personally i want to talk about ponies without the icky lovey dubby stuff

05:29 <ryaxnb9> screenaholic, true, i guess.

05:29 <ryaxnb9> nvm then

05:29 <Sketchy_Sounds> Hm. I think we ought to just skip to the chase here, actually.

05:29 *** Sketchy_Sounds sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-tofts6.ns.bellaliant.net

05:29 *** Pony_51679 was kicked by Sketchy_Sounds (Get out, and take your fail with you.)

05:29 <Sunset-Shimmer> And bam, case closed.

05:29 <ryaxnb9> i still think my "icky lovey dubby" stuff comment was funny.

05:30 <ryaxnb9> Like spike that way

05:30 <ryaxnb9> that's how i am :D

05:30 <Evil_Spike> This is beautiful: http://uproxx.com/tv/2014/10/great-things-happen-when-a-simpsons-fan-complains-about-too-many-quotes-in-a-simpsons-facebook-group/

05:31 <Gigabit> He was just starting to get interesting though..

05:31 <ryaxnb9> i haven't watched the brony documentary

05:31 <ryaxnb9> i've heard it's average.

05:31 <Sketchy_Sounds> The word you're looking for is irritating, Gigabit :p

05:31 <Sunset-Shimmer> Eh, it's nothing special, no

05:32 <ryaxnb9> that's why i've delayed it.

05:32 <ryaxnb9> i have a copy here.

05:32 <ryaxnb9> i already know plenty about bronies :D

05:32 <ryaxnb9> that's the other reason

05:32 <Daniel_Waterhorse> ryaxnb9, tell me about bronies

05:32 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I want to know about these mythical beings

05:32 * Sunset-Shimmer decides to AC4 for a bit.

05:32 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Where do they come from?

05:32 *** Quits: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:32 <Daniel_Waterhorse> What do they want?

05:32 *** Sunset-Shimmer is now known as Sunset|Gamer

05:33 *** Quits: fyrepony1 (kvirc@Pony-o9vm4e.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Connection closed)

05:33 <ryaxnb9> horsie land

05:33 <screenaholic> Horses are a myth.

05:34 <screenaholic> They don't exist.

05:34 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

05:34 *** Joins: fyrepony1 (kvirc@Pony-o9vm4e.bb.dnainternet.fi)

05:34 <ryaxnb9> and 10% tithe on all your earnings (minimum). In return they give great joy and a ton of colectibles

05:34 <ryaxnb9> We call this "horsieism" if you are a believer.

05:34 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Gasp! I'm not a myth, screenaholic

05:34 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I'm real D:

05:34 * Daniel_Waterhorse cries.

05:34 <screenaholic> I believe "10% tithe" is redundant. Tithes are 10% by definition.

05:34 <ryaxnb9> but you are a heretic if you a "horsieism" follower and canna pay the tithe.

05:35 * Princess-QRS pets Googie

05:35 <screenaholic> No you aren't, you're two men in a horse suit.

05:35 <ryaxnb9> just as bad

05:35 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: He turns his back, and draws his cloak in. His armor clinks as he walks away...)

05:35 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as OctaveSymphony|Bed

05:35 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net)

05:36 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Aw snap, you god me

05:36 <screenaholic> Hmm...does anyone know if I can use grenadine as snow cone syrup?

05:36 *** Vulpor is now known as Pony_53611

05:36 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Jim you can get your head out of my butt now, we've been caught

05:36 * Evil_Spike shrugs

05:36 * Princess-QRS gods Daniel_Waterhorse

05:36 <Daniel_Waterhorse> The jig is up

05:36 *** Quits: Pony_53611 (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:36 *** Joins: TimidClef (~TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

05:36 * Daniel_Waterhorse is godded.

05:36 <ryaxnb9> how can he use a computer if he's in a horse suit

05:36 <ryaxnb9> FALSE CONFESSION

05:37 <ryaxnb9> i'd like to submit new evidence!

05:37 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net)

05:37 <ryaxnb9> a Photo of the defendant

05:37 <ryaxnb9> http://www.amoils.com/health-blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/American_quarter_horse.jpg

05:37 <ryaxnb9> does that look like two man in a horse suit to you?

05:37 <screenaholic> Yes.

05:37 <ryaxnb9> the suit does not fit, you must acquit!

05:38 <Evil_Spike> The court accepts this as evidence

05:38 <Vulpor> Stupid keyboard!

05:38 <screenaholic> You can see a seam in the middle.

05:38 <ryaxnb9> lies

05:38 <screenaholic> The shadows are all wrong, definantly photoshopped.

05:38 <Evil_Spike> ORDER!

05:38 * Evil_Spike bangs his gavel

05:38 <Princess-QRS> A hamburge and medium fries please.

05:38 <Evil_Spike> This is not Hungry Jacks

05:39 <ryaxnb9> Evil_Spike, burger king

05:39 <ryaxnb9> hungry jacks is aussie for "burger king"

05:39 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

05:39 <Evil_Spike> No, Hungry Jacks. It's better than Burger King

05:39 <ryaxnb9> where do you live where this place exists?

05:39 <ryaxnb9> i only know of australia

05:39 *** Joins: Summer_ (qkyjtpixahg@Pony-tkapnc.ga.comcast.net)

05:39 <Summer_> Hi

05:39 <ryaxnb9> and it's just Burger King with a different name and international menu

05:39 <ryaxnb9> (the australian localized version)

05:40 <ryaxnb9> it's like saying Indian McDonalds is better

05:40 <Summer_> Hi there

05:40 <Evil_Spike> Hey

05:40 <ryaxnb9> hi?

05:40 * Summer_ hugs her brony friends

05:40 <ryaxnb9> Burger King is what we USians call it.

05:40 <Summer_> How is everypony?

05:40 <ryaxnb9> though i prefer Jack In The Box.

05:41 <ryaxnb9> good

05:41 <Summer_> I ate there once

05:41 <ryaxnb9> Summer_, define there

05:41 <ryaxnb9> i was talking about two places

05:41 <ryaxnb9> :)

05:41 <Summer_> Jack in the Box

05:41 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-hio.kts.71.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:41 <ryaxnb9> oh

05:41 <Summer_> About 20 years ago

05:41 <ryaxnb9> they have good tacos.

05:41 <Summer_> I remember eating some sort of taco

05:42 <Summer_> We don'

05:42 <Summer_> We don't have those around here.  We have Chick-Fil-A

05:42 <ryaxnb9> jack in the box has the best tacos, they have jalapeno poppers

05:42 <ryaxnb9> egg rolls, curly fries

05:43 <ryaxnb9> fries

05:43 <ryaxnb9> onion rings (good) and um... good chicken, really cheap burgers and really good burgers (pick one)

05:43 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D0pJa05f7M

05:43 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

05:43 * Summer_ is so sick of this animated Pinkie Pie plush add

05:43 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about I ran over the taco bell dog

05:43 <ryaxnb9> and they have cheap tacos

05:43 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:43 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-hio.kts.71.50.IP)

05:43 <ryaxnb9> they serve breakfast and lunch all day long

05:43 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:43 <ryaxnb9> so i go there when i'm fasting for a blood test

05:43 <Summer_> Cool

05:44 <ryaxnb9> at 11AM or so i get out and eat a mix of breakfast and lunch

05:44 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaNoms

05:44 <Summer_> Sounds good

05:44 <ryaxnb9> yep

05:45 <ryaxnb9> in San Jose, we have no Papa John's, barely any wendy's

05:45 <ryaxnb9> (the 3rd most popular domestic burger chain)

05:45 <ryaxnb9> we have tons of carls' jrs, jack in the box, panda express (chinese),

05:45 <Summer_> I love Panda express

05:45 <ryaxnb9> a fair amount of KFC, we have INnOut, five guys

05:46 <ryaxnb9> and we have ROund Table Pizza. (as well as dominos, papa murphys, and pizza hut, and a few little ceasar's)

05:46 <Summer_> You live in California?

05:46 <ryaxnb9> my favorite of hte group varies. i like Jack when i want a burger or tacos

05:46 <ryaxnb9> yeah.

05:47 <ryaxnb9> Panda is good for asian food and for mexican Del Taco is great, though we don't have too many of those. Chipotle good too.

05:47 <Summer_> I heard you have a diner called In and Out

05:47 <ryaxnb9> it's a fast food place.

05:47 <ryaxnb9> the prices are really low, the burgers are really good

05:47 <Summer_> In and out?

05:48 <ryaxnb9> yeah.

05:48 <ryaxnb9> The wait is a bit long because of the popularity

05:48 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

05:48 <ryaxnb9> it is always full

05:48 <Summer_> I have heard they are fab

05:48 <ryaxnb9> they use all fresh ingredients, fresh buns, fresh beef, fresh veggies, they slice their fresh potatoes at each restaurant multiple times daily

05:49 <ryaxnb9> ice cream in their milkshakes rather than mix

05:49 *** Joins: Beans (rxukcqxofnl@Pony-v8t9hg.bchsia.telus.net)

05:49 <ryaxnb9> they charge similar prices to mcdonalds, though.

05:49 <ryaxnb9> it's nuts.

05:49 <ryaxnb9> and of course they prepare each meal as it is made.

05:50 <ryaxnb9> ordered*

05:50 <ryaxnb9> rather than pre-prepared

05:50 <Summer_> Oh good

05:50 <ryaxnb9> so yeah, the burgers and fries are insanely good priced.

05:50 <ryaxnb9> er, flavor

05:50 <screenaholic> People make milkshakes with mix/

05:50 <screenaholic> ?

05:50 <ryaxnb9> the fries have a unique flavorr, they don't use animal tallow, lard, or animal fat flavoring

05:51 <ryaxnb9> all vegetable oil and fresh potatoes

05:51 <ryaxnb9> the result is the fries taste like potatoes, not sugar and animal

05:51 <ryaxnb9> it's more authentic but some don't like it

05:51 <Summer_> Do they have breakfast?

05:51 <ryaxnb9> no.

05:51 <ryaxnb9> they make volume and only serve three foods

05:51 <ryaxnb9> a burger, a cheese burger and fries.

05:51 <ryaxnb9> and shake and soda and coffee.

05:51 <ryaxnb9> you can choose what you want on it, and how many of each

05:51 <Summer_> Awesome

05:51 <ryaxnb9> but they don't do any specialty anything.

05:52 <Summer_> I heard a parody of Katie Pary's song "California girls talking about In and out for breakfast."

05:52 <ryaxnb9> they do open around 10 some places

05:52 <ryaxnb9> due to crazy demand

05:53 <ryaxnb9> if you get up late you can have a semi-breakfast there.

05:53 <ryaxnb9> of course, it'd just be burgers.

05:53 <Summer_> I love burgers

05:53 <ryaxnb9> screenaholic, milk + mix, yeah

05:54 <ryaxnb9> it skips the using of ice cream.

05:54 <ryaxnb9> which is expensive.

05:54 <ryaxnb9> McDonalds is a known offender of doing this.

05:54 <ryaxnb9> InNOut uses ice cream, not milk.

05:54 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

05:55 <ryaxnb9> some other restaurants do, i think Jack uses ice crema.

05:55 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

05:55 * Princess-QRS hugs Lenfant_Sauvage

05:55 *** Lenfant_Sauvage is now known as Pony_11426

05:55 *** Pony_11426 is now known as SpikeTheDragon

05:55 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SpikeTheDragon

05:55 * SpikeTheDragon sits on top of Princess-QRS. owo

05:56 <Princess-QRS> o3o

05:57 <Summer_> They sound yummy

05:57 <ryaxnb9> yep.

05:57 *** Joins: Nightbloom (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity)

05:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Nightbloom

05:57 * Summer_ now thinks of Twi eating those hay burgers

05:58 *** Joins: User_242925 (feteonfkcpn@Pony-gkmg5g.dyn.grandenetworks.net)

05:58 * TimidClef flops into chat

05:59 <Summer_> Hi there

05:59 *** Quits: Summer_ (qkyjtpixahg@Pony-tkapnc.ga.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:59 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-k7nn1u.mtl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

05:59 <ryaxnb9> also innout is privately owned, has just one distribution center for the fresh food in south CA, and all restaurants are company owned. they pay above minimum wage at all locations, and they have an odd drink selection (7up instead of sprite and dr pepper despite being a Coke place), indicative of the owner's personal preference.

05:59 * Twilight_Shimmer turns foal sized and hops atop Sunset|Gamer head

05:59 <ryaxnb9> :D

06:00 <Mr_X> When you go to McDonalds, you are eating a member of the Apple clan.

06:00 <Mr_X> Think that next time you are munching on a Big Mac.

06:00 <Twilight_Shimmer> XD

06:00 *** Joins: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-k7nn1u.mtl.aei.ca)

06:00 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

06:00 <TimidClef> I am - n/m

06:00 *** Null is now known as Nell

06:01 *** Joins: Hamtramck (sadfsdf@Pony-gl0958.res.rr.com)

06:01 <ryaxnb9> how much above minimum wage depends on where in CA, since CA minimum wage is $8.75 and they pay more than $2 above that.

06:01 <ryaxnb9> but in e.g. our city of San Jose, minimum wage is $10/hour

06:01 <Mr_X> I am what, TimidClef?

06:01 <ryaxnb9> :)

06:01 <ryaxnb9> to combat the very high living costs here

06:01 *** Quits: fyrepony1 (kvirc@Pony-o9vm4e.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Connection closed)

06:02 <TimidClef> Nothing, Mr_X. Not you, something I was going to say but it's not really appropriate here, heh

06:02 *** Joins: fyrepony1 (kvirc@Pony-o9vm4e.bb.dnainternet.fi)

06:02 <Barry_From_Mars> I never thought I'd see such a picture as this SFW pic: http://www.gstatic.com/hostedimg/cc86025d41eebe2b_landing

06:02 <Mr_X> Oh, I thought it was a response to the Big Mac joke.

06:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Nightly Discussion #132 [ http://tinyurl.com/pq2s2x7 ]

06:02 <Barry_From_Mars> ... Of a lion with its leg hanging out a car window.

06:02 *** Quits: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-6hj.g8s.46.95.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:02 <Barry_From_Mars> It's a photo from the mid 1950s.

06:03 *** Joins: Drop_Tune (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

06:03 <Barry_From_Mars> What a world.

06:03 <Barry_From_Mars> Hi.

06:03 *** Drop_Tune is now known as Pony_18272

06:03 *** Quits: User_242925 (feteonfkcpn@Pony-gkmg5g.dyn.grandenetworks.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:03 <Twilight_Shimmer> reminds me of the guys who bought a lion cub from a department store and rasied it

06:04 *** Nightbloom is now known as RainDancer

06:04 <Barry_From_Mars> Huh.

06:04 <Twilight_Shimmer> only t o later take it to africa (or was it south america..) and release it

06:04 <Barry_From_Mars> That was in the 1970s, right? Or was that when they let it loose?

06:04 <Barry_From_Mars> I think I saw footage of that.

06:04 <Twilight_Shimmer> then 10 years later went to check on it, and not only encouter it, but it remembered em

06:04 <Twilight_Shimmer> and pounce hugged em lol

06:04 * Princess-QRS pounce hugs Twilight_Shimmer

06:04 <Barry_From_Mars> Yes, I remember this sotry but not all the details as I only saw video footage.

06:05 * Twilight_Shimmer huggles to Princess-QRS

06:05 <Princess-QRS> o3o

06:05 <Barry_From_Mars> When was that/ Did they just use an old(er) video recorder?

06:05 *** Quits: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-n5egpc.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Bananas)

06:05 <Barry_From_Mars> *When was that?

06:05 <Twilight_Shimmer> dunno off hand

06:05 <Barry_From_Mars> It looked as if the video footage was at least from the 1980s.

06:05 *** GigaNoms is now known as Gigabit

06:06 <Mr_X> Here's my expections for Season 5:

06:06 *** Quits: SpikeTheDragon (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:06 <Barry_From_Mars> The video quality, that is.

06:06 <Barry_From_Mars> It didn't look like 1990s type video quality.

06:06 <Mr_X> CG Backrounds keeping the characters handdrawn.

06:06 <Barry_From_Mars> (Going by the latest video quality at the time that is.)

06:07 <Mr_X> To give you an idea, South Park's current intro.

06:08 <Twilight_Shimmer> i dont watch south park lol

06:08 <Twilight_Shimmer> ive seen the intro like maybe once

06:09 *** Princess-QRS is now known as BathRS

06:10 <Mr_X> I sincerely hope they do that for MLP.

06:11 <Mr_X> It looks nice, I don't see why people think it comes off as jarring.

06:11 <KooK> A buddy butt dialed me 15 minutes ago

06:11 <KooK> I've been listening to his personal live ever since

06:11 <Mr_X> What's he saying?

06:12 <KooK> I think he's driving right now, he was talking about his car making a vibration

06:12 <KooK> Oh, I think he just got home

06:12 <KooK> I heard a car door shut

06:12 <Mr_X> Keep a play by play.

06:12 <Mr_X> Try and scare him.

06:12 <Mr_X> Make a breathing sound effect.

06:13 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

06:13 <KooK> He wouldn't hear it

06:13 <Mr_X> Do you know this guy?

06:13 <Twilight_Shimmer> personally i dont see a need to change how th animation currently looks on the show

06:13 <KooK> Yeah, I go rock climbing with him every week

06:13 <Mr_X> Quit the sarcasm, bub.

06:14 <KooK> what?

06:14 <KooK> who?

06:15 <Mr_X> You were being sarcastic.

06:15 <KooK> when?

06:15 <Mr_X> [22:12:44] <KooK> Yeah, I go rock climbing with him every week

06:15 <Mr_X> :P

06:15 <KooK> I...  go rock climbing with him every week though...

06:16 <Mr_X> Yeah...right...

06:16 <Mr_X> And you have dinner with Twilight Sparkle monthly.

06:16 <Mr_X> You know it's sarcasm.

06:16 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

06:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> i dont see it

06:16 <KooK> Right?

06:17 <Mr_X> I see MLP looking like it.

06:17 <Mr_X> Do you think it would be jarring?

06:17 <Twilight_Shimmer> he clearly literally means he goes out to a palce to go actual rock climbing

06:17 <KooK> I just ordered a new chalk bag and I just got home from climbing

06:17 <Twilight_Shimmer> place

06:18 <Mr_X> OK, KooK, I am convinced.

06:18 <Twilight_Shimmer> i tried climbing a rock wall once, I just didnt have the upper body strenght for it

06:18 <KooK> Would you like a picture when I go again Thursday?

06:18 *** Quits: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-qbpfno.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:18 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

06:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

06:18 <Mr_X> OK, maybe you do go...

06:18 <Mr_X> But I doubt it's with this guy.

06:19 <Mr_X> If you know his name, then say it to me.

06:19 * Twilight_Shimmer boops Ali

06:19 * Ali FLAILS

06:19 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

06:19 <Mr_X> Ali, do you own the chat?

06:19 <Twilight_Shimmer> ali is the head hancho

06:20 <Twilight_Shimmer> Their word is da final law

06:20 * Ali 's ~ means nada

06:20 <Gigabit> Why does he have to explain himself? No reason for him having to do so just to appease you.

06:20 <Twilight_Shimmer> at least I thik so

06:20 * Ali then goes on a ban happy tour :P

06:20 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

06:20 <Twilight_Shimmer> O a totally random note I love the new update to the 3ds

06:21 <Hamtramck> What's it do?

06:21 <Hamtramck> I was trying to download it and it cancelled midway through.

06:21 <KooK> Ali is the most ban happy of them all.

06:21 <Twilight_Shimmer> added Theme's

06:21 <Ali> Needs pony

06:21 <KooK> He once banned a man for making a G1 reference

06:21 <KooK> he/she

06:21 <KooK> She

06:22 * Twilight_Shimmer hides in TimidClef|AFK mane as KooK is obviously playing with fire

06:23 <ryaxnb9> i think you go rock climbing

06:23 <ryaxnb9> nothing that special about that

06:23 <ryaxnb9> it's not unbelievable

06:23 <ryaxnb9> :/

06:23 <KooK> troof

06:23 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:24 <KooK> Let me show you the new chalk bag I ordered

06:24 *** Joins: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

06:24 * Ali smacks KooK around with her tail

06:24 *** Quits: DataByteBrony (DataByte@Pony-odf5db.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:24 * Ali then punishes KooK to spend 1 hour with the seaponies

06:24 <Ali> !shoo

06:24 * DerpyBot sways from side to side, quietly humming "shoo be doo shoo shoo be doo"

06:24 <KooK> nooooooooooooooo!

06:24 <Twilight_Shimmer> LOL

06:24 <Alice> Yes

06:24 <Twilight_Shimmer> I do kope KooK can swim

06:24 <Twilight_Shimmer> er hope

06:25 <Ali> Eh, seaponies will stop him from drowing

06:25 <Ali> Magic seapony bubble

06:25 <Twilight_Shimmer> ah

06:25 * Ali watched the intro to G1

06:26 * Twilight_Shimmer transforms

06:26 *** Twilight_Shimmer is now known as Chibi-Vinyl

06:26 <Mr_X> The Small In Size Infant Horse I Own - Small Relationships Are a Non-Existent Illusion and Trick of The Mind.

06:26 <Chibi-Vinyl> ^_^

06:26 <Nicktendonick> Would it be weird to say my mind thought up a Super Smash Brothers style for Twlight Sparkle?

06:27 <Chibi-Vinyl> i wish MLP charas would show up in SSB

06:27 <Nicktendonick> That would be cool, wouldn't it?

06:27 <Nicktendonick> We just need smash fans to alter and add in Twlight. heh

06:27 <Hamtramck> I ordered a grippy thing for my 3DS

06:27 <Nicktendonick> IC

06:27 <Hamtramck> The system's kind of too thin for me to hold comfortably.

06:27 <Nicktendonick> 3DS or 3DS XL?

06:28 <Hamtramck> 3ds xl

06:28 <KooK> http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa318/KooKFlash/rockbagorder_zpsd22eebf4.png

06:28 <Mr_X> Her Final Smash is her Rapidash evolution from Feeling Pinkie Keen.

06:28 <KooK> Chalk bag order!

06:28 <Hamtramck> If it was a regular 3ds I could've just gone to the store and bought the thing :S

06:28 <Hamtramck> nobody stocks grips for te XL around here

06:28 <KooK> My King Sombra chalk bag

06:30 *** Quits: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

06:30 *** Joins: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

06:30 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-l2lhfk.dorm.utexas.edu)

06:30 <Schism> Uerghhhh.  That last call was amazing.  It amazed me, anyway.

06:30 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-5bcq7l.east.verizon.net)

06:30 <Schism> A customer of mine managed, somehow, to accidentally turn a new ASUS router into a switch.

06:31 <Mr_X> Why is everyone obsessed with Minecraft, MLP, Anime, and Hatsune Miku?

06:31 <Schism> You must be new here: welcome to the internet.

06:31 <Gigabit> They are?

06:31 <KooK> What is Minecraft and Hatsune Miku?

06:31 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

06:31 <Hamtramck> I haven't played Minecraft in a damn long time :TTT

06:31 <Hamtramck> I never got into the multiplayer though.

06:31 <Hamtramck> I sort of want 3DS animal crossing or tomodachi life maybe.

06:32 <Mr_X> I have been using the internet since age 3.

06:32 <Mr_X> I'm 11 now.

06:32 <Thelema5> Mr_X, I hardly think it's everyone.  I doubt, for instance, that Vladamir Putin puts much thought into any of those pursuits.

06:32 <Hamtramck> I've been having like insomnia issues and I need something reasonably engaging/entertaining but not at all demanding to play in bed :T

06:32 <Mr_X> I didn't mean literally EVERYONE.

06:32 <Thelema5> Nor, say, the millions of third world villages starving to death each day.

06:32 <KooK> Literally, everyone

06:33 <Thelema5> Oh, I see.

06:33 <KooK> What if they do have MLP and minecraft?

06:33 <Thelema5> It was an exclusive "everyone".

06:33 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: We Love Fine Teasing New Vinyl Figurine - Not a Variant!  [ http://tinyurl.com/noru558 ]

06:33 <Mr_X> Why won't you guys get that through your heads? I'm not trying to state exact facts.

06:33 <KooK> Wait, is it Mr_X like Racer X?

06:34 <KooK> Speed Racers brother?

06:34 *** Quits: fyrepony1 (kvirc@Pony-o9vm4e.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Connection closed)

06:34 <Thelema5> "Everyone who approaches roughly the same socio-economic, political, and cultural definitions as I do".

06:34 *** Joins: fyrepony1 (kvirc@Pony-o9vm4e.bb.dnainternet.fi)

06:34 <Thelema5> Still, not even close to everyone.

06:34 <KooK> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9eCqwzAjTY

06:34 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

06:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Speed Racer - The Original TV Theme Song (Vintage)

06:35 *** Joins: Pony_97140 (androirc@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

06:35 <Thelema5> Nr. X, I'm just playing.

06:35 <Pony_97140> YOOOOO

06:35 <Thelema5> *Mr.

06:35 *** Pony_97140 is now known as Bubble_Berry

06:35 <Bubble_Berry> I:

06:35 *** Bubble_Berry is now known as Pony_17078

06:35 *** Pony_17078 is now known as Bubble-Berry

06:36 <Bubble-Berry> Darn😈

06:36 <Evil_Spike> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfr-48LJ-yI One of the anime's I got into before I really understood what anime was

06:36 <Mr_X> Everybody, not just you makes that mistake.

06:36 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hai, Bubble-Berry.

06:36 <KooK> I don't make mistakes...

06:36 *** Pony_18272 is now known as Lenfant_Sauvage

06:36 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Good god, what is it with my connection tonight...

06:36 *** Lenfant_Sauvage is now known as SpikeTheDragon

06:36 *** SpikeTheDragon is now known as Lenfant_Sauvage

06:36 *** Lenfant_Sauvage is now known as Drop_Tune

06:36 <Mr_X> EVERYBODY HERE. Before you are mistaken.

06:36 *** Joins: Pony_18272 (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

06:36 *** Quits: Drop_Tune (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

06:36 <Bubble-Berry> Aaaaanyways, how is everyone?

06:36 *** Pony_18272 is now known as Lenfant_Sauvage

06:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lenfant_Sauvage

06:36 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Geez

06:37 * Thelema5 sits on Lenfant_Sauvage

06:37 <Thelema5> Stay.

06:37 <Bubble-Berry> I got AndroIRC on my phone. As an aside, screw phone keyboards.

06:37 <Evil_Spike> Currently watching some Tetsuwan Atom

06:37 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Tryin' to. But my connection is terrible tonight apparently.

06:39 <Evil_Spike> EVERY anime fan should know what I'm watching

06:41 <Gigabit> I don't

06:41 <Evil_Spike> You don't know what Tetsuwan Atom is?

06:41 <ryaxnb9> hi Bubble-Berry

06:41 <ryaxnb9> who here has smash 3ds

06:41 <ryaxnb9> horsie smash

06:41 * Bubble-Berry flops on Nossy

06:41 <ryaxnb9> horsie addicted to smash

06:41 <Bubble-Berry> yo.

06:42 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com)

06:42 <ryaxnb9> Bubble-Berry, i'm really liking the giants game

06:42 <ryaxnb9> wanna watch with me

06:42 <Gigabit> No I don't.

06:42 <ryaxnb9> not you Gigabit

06:42 <Bubble-Berry> Nah

06:42 <Gigabit> I was talking to Evil Spike.

06:42 <ryaxnb9> http://ifirstrowus.eu/sport/baseball.html

06:42 <Bubble-Berry> I aint an ameticsn football watching guy

06:42 <ryaxnb9> here be the game, if you want

06:42 <ryaxnb9> it's baseball

06:43 <ryaxnb9> but ok.

06:43 <Bubble-Berry> Damn this keyboard

06:43 <ryaxnb9> same american dealio.

06:43 <ryaxnb9> not football.

06:43 <Evil_Spike> It's probably the most famous anime of all time that came before Pokemon, DBZ and Robotech

06:43 <ryaxnb9> baseball is american/japanese.

06:43 <ryaxnb9> /canadian

06:43 <ryaxnb9> UK has cricket.

06:43 <Bubble-Berry> K

06:43 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Isn't UK baseball "rounders?"

06:43 <ryaxnb9> well, there's no pro baseball in UK

06:44 <Evil_Spike> What is the one anime that came before those 3 that EVERYONE knows even if they don't it's anime?

06:44 <ryaxnb9> so i was thinking of cricket

06:44 <ryaxnb9> there's major league cricket in UK

06:44 <ryaxnb9> which is the closest to pro baseball in the US

06:44 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I'll watch with ya, Ryax

06:44 <ryaxnb9> cool, Lenfant_Sauvage

06:44 <Evil_Spike> In terms of popularity, Cricket is the equivalent of Baseball

06:44 <ryaxnb9> use that link, and i believe link 2 is the one

06:44 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Ah, goddammit, have to install Java...

06:44 <Evil_Spike> At least in the UK

06:44 <ryaxnb9> no you don't

06:44 <ryaxnb9> that's fake

06:44 <Lenfant_Sauvage> AH, I see

06:44 <ryaxnb9> you want to turn on adblock before browsing that site

06:45 <ryaxnb9> and ignore any popups.

06:45 <ryaxnb9> :D

06:45 <Bubble-Berry> Ugh. Damn you, droid mini keyboard, why do you exist?!

06:45 <ryaxnb9> http://ifirstrowus.eu/watch/288470/2/watch-washington-nationals-vs-san-francisco-giants-.html

06:45 <ryaxnb9> direct link.

06:45 <ryaxnb9> butyeah, adblock your friend on sites like this.

06:45 <Evil_Spike> ^

06:45 <ryaxnb9> then you justpress "X" , Close, and then start the game!

06:45 *** TimidClef|AFK is now known as TimidClef

06:45 <ryaxnb9> quality is very good.

06:46 <ryaxnb9> Wooo it's a close game

06:47 <ryaxnb9> 2-1 my team leading.

06:47 <Lenfant_Sauvage> There we go, finally got it to work

06:47 <ryaxnb9> :D

06:47 <ryaxnb9> that's why it's exciting.

06:47 <Lenfant_Sauvage> JEEZ, so many of these friggin Media Player ads

06:47 <ryaxnb9> giants at bat

06:47 <ryaxnb9> yeah, use adblock dude

06:47 <ryaxnb9> it's the only way.

06:47 <ryaxnb9> :D

06:47 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Don't want to, I have my reasons

06:47 <ryaxnb9> well just for this site

06:47 <ryaxnb9> it's a piracy site

06:47 <ryaxnb9> they don't deserve any money

06:47 <ryaxnb9> i turn adblock off for all my real sites.

06:47 <ryaxnb9> :)

06:48 <ryaxnb9> eqd, pony sites, forums, etc.

06:48 <ryaxnb9> anyway, this is a close game

06:48 <KooK> dang ryaxnb9, you like talkin' to yourself?

06:48 * Bubble-Berry rolls around

06:48 * ryaxnb9 rolls to Bubble-Berry and pets my cat

06:48 <Chibi-Vinyl> i wub my adblock

06:48 * KooK waits for his chalk bag

06:49 <Lenfant_Sauvage> oh sna... nope

06:49 <Bubble-Berry> Hey, I can type on a phone keyboard!

06:49 <ryaxnb9> Lenfant_Sauvage, still guy on 3rd

06:49 <ryaxnb9> snap snap

06:49 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Can always tell by how the camera moves where the ball is going to land

06:49 *** Quits: Mr_X (nqmteqdlcfq@Pony-eqv7i7.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:49 <Thelema5> Kook, you surprised?  From stats: "ryaxnb talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 130 times! "

06:49 <Lenfant_Sauvage> wtf...?

06:50 <KooK> Lenfant_Sauvage, I need to ask you to watch the language...

06:50 *** KooK was kicked by Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sauvage)

06:50 *** Joins: KooK (BusaBrony@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

06:50 <KooK> Uncalled for

06:50 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You're not an admin of this channel, and I did not swear.

06:50 <Bubble-Berry> O3O

06:51 <KooK> somebody is touchy tonight

06:51 *** Lenfant_Sauvage sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com

06:51 *** KooK was kicked by Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sauvage)

06:51 <Thelema5> HEH

06:51 <Bubble-Berry> O3o

06:52 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Anyway.

06:52 *** BathRS is now known as Princess-QRS

06:53 <Princess-QRS> Kook has been acting weird all day.

06:53 <Princess-QRS> That's like his... fifth kick? v0v I'm just sayin'

06:53 * Princess-QRS snuggles Lenfant_Sauvage o3o

06:53 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Wha... seriously?

06:53 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-fm2v9l.iinet.net.au)

06:54 <Princess-QRS> I dunno, but at least the third.

06:54 <RazorSharpFang> Hey everypony

06:54 <RazorSharpFang> I woke up today

06:54 <Princess-QRS> I ain't no mod, I just watch things.

06:55 * Lenfant_Sauvage boops a RazorSharpFang.

06:55 * RazorSharpFang is booped!

06:55 * RazorSharpFang faints!

06:55 <Lenfant_Sauvage> seerily imilar

06:56 * Thelema5 goes nuts and says things which anger/ offend / hurt the other pones and is permabanned instantly

06:56 <RazorSharpFang> I have a maths assignment.

06:56 * Lenfant_Sauvage sets boop: +boop Thelema5

06:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> WOW, clutch save, ryaxnb9

06:56 <RazorSharpFang> I called the file "Maths ASS2.pdf"

06:56 <Thelema5> *squee*

06:57 * Princess-QRS boops every inch of Lenfant_Sauvage's head

06:57 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP)

06:58 <Thelema5> So I actually watched the Breezies a second time, against my better judgement... and have confirmed my better judgement is better.

06:58 <Thelema5> It will not happen again.

06:58 <Thelema5> So help me.

06:58 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (androirc@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

07:00 <ryaxnb9> Lenfant_Sauvage, yeah

07:00 <ryaxnb9> clutch save

07:00 <ryaxnb9> amazing, bases loaded

07:00 <ryaxnb9> NO SCORE

07:00 <ryaxnb9> so now we need to see if the Nationals will scorfe

07:00 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The thing was, I have no idea why the Nationals 1B decided to throw home instead of run to first base

07:00 <ryaxnb9> i rooting for giants

07:00 <ryaxnb9> they're my home team :)

07:00 <ryaxnb9> i've gone to Giants games before.

07:00 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The runner was nowhere close, he could have closed the distance easy to earn the third out

07:00 <Thelema5> I understood all of those words, but have no idea what they mean in that particular arrangement

07:01 * Thelema5 does not sport

07:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> OH

07:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> SNAP

07:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Animation: Designer Music  [ http://tinyurl.com/phcoqvj ]

07:01 <ryaxnb9> OH GOD

07:01 <ryaxnb9> OUT

07:02 <ryaxnb9> pitching changes

07:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Good call too, dude probably running on pure adrenaline at this point after 80 pitches, might as well go fresh

07:03 *** Joins: Toothpaste (Toothpaste@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

07:03 *** Joins: User_304725 (etgdxwurced@Pony-k11kpd.oc.cox.net)

07:03 <Princess-QRS> sparts

07:03 <Thelema5> What's the game, who are the players, and what is at stake?  Context

07:04 *** Quits: User_304725 (etgdxwurced@Pony-k11kpd.oc.cox.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:04 <Evil_Spike> Baseball, don't know

07:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The San Francisco Giants against the Washington Nationals

07:04 <ryaxnb9> it's playoffs

07:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> it's the start of the playoff period

07:05 <ryaxnb9> game 4

07:05 <ryaxnb9> so if we win (giants) the nationals end their playoffs

07:05 <RazorSharpFang> I read playoffs as layoffs, and got worried.

07:05 <ryaxnb9> if we lost, game 5 is played.

07:05 <ryaxnb9> winner-takes-all

07:05 <Thelema5> Okay, a game played by two opposing teams defending bases from runners of the opposing teams who break through the defenses of the defending team by hitting a small white leather-wrapped ball with a stick.

07:06 <ryaxnb9> baseball is a unique sport, every player is multitalented.

07:06 <ryaxnb9> expected to pitch, bat, etc

07:06 *** Quits: TimidClef (~TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Page closed)

07:08 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

07:08 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

07:09 <Thelema5> And then this happened

07:09 <Thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/8uyncjY5spc?list=RD8uyncjY5spc

07:09 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

07:09 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM au RIO 2010

07:09 <ryaxnb9> let's see if we can score some points

07:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> brb

07:13 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

07:14 <Thelema5> So much orchestration for 5 people

07:15 <Evil_Spike> I think I need to buy some food.

07:15 <Evil_Spike> BBL everypony

07:16 <Toothpaste> Kk~

07:18 <Thelema5> I could go for a taco.

07:18 <screenaholic> !link taco

07:18 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/610358

07:18 <Thelema5> Who's with me?

07:18 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

07:19 <Thelema5> I guess TimidClef is not

07:19 * Thelema5 rallies the troops

07:19 <Thelema5> Taco, taco, taco

07:20 <Thelema5> and screeny... dem allstars

07:20 * Thelema5 drools

07:21 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-cq5e9d.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)

07:21 <screenaholic> Woe!

07:21 *** Nicktendonick is now known as NNick|Shower

07:22 <Thelema5> I must now obtain pink high-topped chuck taylors

07:22 <Thelema5> In size 14.

07:22 <Thelema5> Not going to happen, I'm afraid.

07:22 <Thelema5> :(

07:23 <WoeGryphon> Hey Screen, sup?

07:24 <screenaholic> I shot to much and now my finger feels funny. Other than that, not much.

07:24 <WoeGryphon> zergut

07:24 <screenaholic> I don't speak Fancy.

07:24 <WoeGryphon> I found like maybe the first gun I ever built shoved in the back of the safe.

07:25 *** Joins: Sunset|Gamer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-2ha.fr1.85.91.IP)

07:25 <screenaholic> Awesome.

07:25 <WoeGryphon> back when Eotechs and Surefire 6Ps were hip.

07:25 <Thelema5> I certainly understand fingers feeling funny.

07:25 <WoeGryphon> It's pretty embarrasing.

07:25 <screenaholic> Really it's my whole arm, but the ring finger's the worst.

07:25 <screenaholic> Everyone has to start somewhere.

07:25 <Thelema5> First gun I built was a 22 lr rimfire zipgun made from plumbing parts

07:26 <WoeGryphon> It still shot 1" groups at least.

07:26 <WoeGryphon> I drug it out for big bore day

07:26 <Thelema5> and a couple of springs from an airsoft gun

07:27 <WoeGryphon> shoulder hurts

07:27 <WoeGryphon> such is life, need to really get off my butt and build a proper brake for my pet cannon.

07:27 *** Quits: Sunset|Gamer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:27 <Thelema5> Wait.  Cannon?

07:28 <Thelema5> Do tell us more.

07:28 <WoeGryphon> 20mm

07:28 <Thelema5> O.o

07:28 <WoeGryphon> its cannon enough

07:28 <WoeGryphon> It's only 20mm because of very practical reasons.

07:29 <Thelema5> loose smokeless powder, or jacketed?

07:29 <WoeGryphon> I'd build larger, but atf.

07:29 <Princess-QRS> that owns regardless

07:29 *** TimidClef|AFK is now known as TimidClef

07:30 <WoeGryphon> I'm not dropping load data on an IRC.

07:30 * Thelema5 boops timidclef with a 20 mm round

07:30 * TimidClef dodges

07:30 <Thelema5> 'kay

07:30 <WoeGryphon> theres sufifcient amounts of snap there that it would be dangerous. I wont discuss potentially dangerous information on IRC.

07:30 <Thelema5> Prolly a good idea.

07:31 <WoeGryphon> but yes its 20mm.

07:31 <WoeGryphon> I wanted to build a 40mm, but atf.

07:31 <Thelema5> WTF ATF

07:31 * screenaholic shakes a hoof at ATF.

07:32 <Thelema5> ^

07:32 <WoeGryphon> My murderwagon has a pintle mount welded to the rollcage.

07:32 <WoeGryphon> so I can endure the recoil.

07:32 <Thelema5> pics or it didn't happen

07:32 * Schism mixes up some eggs with milk, a bit of vanilla extract, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg, dips bread into it, and fries in butter for a few on each side.

07:32 <WoeGryphon> negative.

07:33 <WoeGryphon> I'm happy to talk turkey, some peeps here have seen enough to know I'm legit.

07:33 * Thelema5 settles for some of schism's delicious, delicious french toast

07:33 * Chibi-Vinyl pulls a pepsi out of Princess-QRS mane

07:34 <Princess-QRS> I am a minifridge.

07:34 <Thelema5> Only because you're soooo cool!

07:34 <Chibi-Vinyl> ^_^

07:34 <Thelema5> XD

07:34 <WoeGryphon> go get some powders in you screeny.

07:34 <screenaholic> What?

07:34 <WoeGryphon> gets dem powduhs.

07:34 <WoeGryphon> bc powder.

07:34 <WoeGryphon> heals all.

07:35 <screenaholic> What kind of powder?

07:35 <Chibi-Vinyl> i have an idea for a story but i am unsure how to impliment it

07:35 <WoeGryphon> between BC and cigarettes, all ills may be cured.

07:35 <screenaholic> What's BC?

07:35 <WoeGryphon> It's like industrial strenght aspirin.

07:35 <WoeGryphon> BC powder.

07:35 <screenaholic> Ah.

07:35 <Thelema5> It's a southern thing, I think.

07:35 <WoeGryphon> the most powerful OTC pain killer you can get, cut with caffiene.

07:36 <Thelema5> I remember BC powder from my time in NC

07:36 <WoeGryphon> Goody's powder is acceptable, but BC is the business.

07:36 <WoeGryphon> tastes like powdered angst, but it hits you in like 5 seconds and does good work.

07:36 <screenaholic> I've always just taken ibuprofen.

07:36 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

07:36 <WoeGryphon> Ibuprofen is for dem womerns.

07:36 <Thelema5> I haven't seen that stuff since I lived in NC, WoeGryphon.

07:36 <WoeGryphon> get'chew some BC.

07:37 <WoeGryphon> I got exposed to it down in texas.

07:37 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (ifdlqzqtxpf@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

07:37 <WoeGryphon> and now I order it on amazon if I have to.

07:37 <Thelema5> yeah, southern US confirmed

07:37 <WoeGryphon> Bubbles!

07:37 <BubbleBerry> Woe!

07:37 <WoeGryphon> whats new?

07:37 <BubbleBerry> Not much

07:38 <BubbleBerry> I want a break-action double barreled shotgun

07:38 <BubbleBerry> Preferably a 12 gauge

07:38 <Thelema5> I have one.  Love it.

07:38 <WoeGryphon> sxs or o/u

07:38 <BubbleBerry> Would that be a good investment?

07:38 <Thelema5> Well, no.  Mine is 20 ga.

07:38 <WoeGryphon> yes.

07:38 <BubbleBerry> WoeGryphon: Pardon?

07:38 <WoeGryphon> Very.

07:38 <WoeGryphon> Well first question:what does this gun need to do?

07:38 <Thelema5> Definately worth it if you're looking for home defense.

07:39 <WoeGryphon> Second:On a scale of Elton john to liberace, how fabulous does it need to be?

07:39 <Thelema5> I have a souble barrel side-by-side 20 ga. I use for home defense which lives next to my bed

07:39 <Thelema5> *double

07:39 <BubbleBerry> WoeGryphon: It needs to work, be legal, take any kind of 12 gauge ammo, and be usable for bot hunting and recreational crap

07:39 <BubbleBerry> And Liberace times 10

07:39 <screenaholic> Bubble was in here asking about getting a gun earlier. Helped best I could, but told him you'd be able to help better.

07:39 <Thelema5> 18'1/2 inch barrels, loaded at the moment with bird shot

07:39 <WoeGryphon> Stoeger coach gun, nickle plated.

07:40 <WoeGryphon> let me get links for you cool cats.

07:40 <Thelema5> That's my gun, WoeGryphon!

07:40 <BubbleBerry> Alrighty then

07:40 <Thelema5> Nice call!

07:41 <WoeGryphon> Its super liberace.

07:41 <WoeGryphon> I think Screeny has seen mine.

07:41 <BubbleBerry> Oooh, yea, I love liberace things.

07:41 <screenaholic> Possibly.

07:41 <Thelema5> Kicks like a mule, though.

07:41 <WoeGryphon> peeps cant even handle it at the range.

07:41 <Thelema5> When firing both barrels

07:41 <WoeGryphon> handle it, they cannot.

07:41 <BubbleBerry> Also, what's a good pistol? I was thinking maybe a ithaca or colt 1911

07:42 *** Joins: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-qbpfno.res.rr.com)

07:42 *** Quits: Flashy (Nutella@Fast.Blue.Pegasus) (Connection closed)

07:42 <ModusPonens> EFN is a bit disappointing right now

07:42 * BubbleBerry boops InfantryBrony with an FN-FAL

07:42 <WoeGryphon> second thought

07:42 <WoeGryphon> bubble.

07:42 <ModusPonens> no people seem to good at musical analysis over there

07:42 <WoeGryphon> you got skype?

07:42 <BubbleBerry> Yep!

07:42 <Thelema5> I've been looking at a ruger 22 lr pistol; dispite the lack of so called "stopping power", it's slim, concealable, and accurate...

07:42 <WoeGryphon> ok PM your skype, I'm gonna show you a few things.

07:43 <Thelema5> And cheap.

07:43 <Thelema5> Cheap to buy, cheap to shoot.

07:43 <Thelema5> And shoot, and dhoot

07:43 <Thelema5> *shoot

07:43 <InfantryBrony> :D

07:43 <InfantryBrony> Woe!

07:43 <InfantryBrony> You missed it...

07:44 <InfantryBrony> We had a gun convo so long, Sunset-Shimmer yelled at us just for the duration! :D

07:44 <BubbleBerry> When did Sunset yell?

07:44 <screenaholic> ^

07:44 <InfantryBrony> At us!

07:44 <BubbleBerry> I don't remember that

07:44 <InfantryBrony> Remember? Cuz we started getting into legalities

07:44 <screenaholic> Neither do I.

07:44 <BubbleBerry> Not really

07:44 <InfantryBrony> and he/she was liek "kay guys... srsly..."

07:44 <screenaholic> Comradepone warned us to be careful.

07:44 <Sketchy_Sounds> Time I got some rest.

07:44 <Princess-QRS> Man, I tried.

07:44 <Princess-QRS> I warned you about stairs!

07:44 <Sketchy_Sounds> G'night everyone.

07:44 <screenaholic> Sunset didn't say anything.

07:44 * Princess-QRS tucks in Sketchy_Sounds

07:44 <Princess-QRS> :3

07:45 <Thelema5> g'Night!

07:45 <InfantryBrony> screenie: You say 'friendly warning' I say 'stern lecture' ;.;

07:45 <Princess-QRS> Good.

07:45 <Sketchy_Sounds> Princess-QRS, this is a no :p

07:45 <InfantryBrony> Really it's all in how you look at it. :3

07:45 * Princess-QRS throws a blanket at Sketchy_Sounds

07:45 <InfantryBrony> But ya, Bubble wants a shotgun. :D

07:45 <Princess-QRS> Do it yourself then!

07:45 <Sketchy_Sounds> I plan to.

07:45 <InfantryBrony> So I suggested to the good pone that he pick up a 1897. :3

07:45 <Princess-QRS> Well, get to it!

07:45 <screenaholic> Woe's taking Bubble into a Skype chat do discuss it, Infantry.

07:45 <Princess-QRS> Dreams are waitin'!

07:45 <InfantryBrony> oh

07:46 <InfantryBrony> :c

07:46 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Zzzzzzzz)

07:46 <Thelema5> I love my Stoeger coach gun.

07:46 <InfantryBrony> ^

07:46 *** Sunset|Gamer_ is now known as Sunset-Shimmer

07:46 <Thelema5> It's so small and manuverable

07:46 <InfantryBrony> I had an Uplander in 16g.

07:47 <InfantryBrony> Was a fun little cheap clay breaker. :3

07:47 *** Sunset-Shimmer is now known as Pony_11338

07:47 <Thelema5> It goes through doorways with less than a 15 degree incline

07:47 <InfantryBrony> Buuuuuut, I sold it... I ordered my FAL through the local gun shop, so I figured I'd trade them the Stoeger for the rest of the FAL (only had 200 bucks left)...

07:48 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-2ha.fr1.85.91.IP)

07:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

07:48 * InfantryBrony nod, the coach gun is a nice one. :3

07:48 <InfantryBrony> Ever seen Stoeger's 'Double-Defense?'

07:48 <Thelema5> Nuh uh.

07:48 <InfantryBrony> It's like a tacticool'd-out coach gun. :D

07:49 <InfantryBrony> And speaking of Stoegers, I really want to get another one...

07:49 <Thelema5> You can't have mine.

07:49 <Thelema5> Even though I'm sure you'd want one chambered for 20 ga.

07:49 <Thelema5> *12 ga.

07:49 <InfantryBrony> nah 16.

07:49 <Schism> Mmm, yes... cinnamon French toast...

07:49 <Thelema5> That's too much man for me.

07:49 <InfantryBrony> tbh, I'm a huge fan of 16g.

07:50 <Schism> (Well, pumpkin spice.)

07:50 <InfantryBrony> 16g 4-shot is about perfect. :D

07:50 *** StarlightIronhoof[EoH] is now known as StarlightIronhoof

07:50 *** Quits: Pony_11338 (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-2ha.fr1.85.91.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:51 <Thelema5> I'v love to get a 410... they're so- tiny.

07:51 <InfantryBrony> Not too much kick but definitely enough power, and enough shot in each shell big enough to do considerable damage. :3

07:51 *** NNick|Shower is now known as Nicktendonick

07:51 <InfantryBrony> Actually one of my many plans is to get a Saiga 410g and rechamber it to .45-70.

07:51 <InfantryBrony> :O

07:51 <Thelema5> Jesus, InfantryBrony.  I'm a wimp.. Even my 20 ga. kicks my butt after 10 rounds

07:51 <InfantryBrony> D:

07:51 <InfantryBrony> >:|

07:52 * InfantryBrony gives Thelema some free-weights.

07:52 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-29n.ak5.58.96.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

07:52 <Thelema5> Nah, I'm happy enough being a wuss.

07:52 <InfantryBrony> But then again.....

07:52 <InfantryBrony> https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1391980_799043936805517_7449448987707341774_n.jpg?oh=3d154741df61858aaaf2c543430d7325&oe=54B85432&__gda__=1421364347_b0be5f10e0a3c4cf9e46567b40a2f616

07:52 <InfantryBrony> ^ Explains a lot.... :P

07:52 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-29n.ak5.58.96.IP)

07:53 <InfantryBrony> still, 16g is <3

07:53 <Thelema5> Heh... it's kinda creepy that you saved that link.

07:53 <InfantryBrony> Nah, just haven't closed the tab yet. :P

07:53 *** Princess-QRS is now known as Princess-Studious

07:53 <Thelema5> lol

07:53 <InfantryBrony> I'm awful for having like 52,000 tabs open...

07:53 <InfantryBrony> and never closing them... ;.;

07:54 <InfantryBrony> And then yelling at my 'puter for being slow.... ;.;

07:54 <Thelema5> LOL

07:54 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

07:54 <InfantryBrony> C'mon, hooptie! It's just 52,000 tabs! D:<

07:54 * InfantryBrony pokes hooptie.

07:54 <Thelema5> That's like whipping slaves for not being productive enough.  They're already struggling and in pain

07:54 <InfantryBrony> But also, this puter -really- sucks when it comes to performance... Bought almost 1.5yrs ago in Afghanistan for $300....

07:54 <InfantryBrony> :|

07:56 <InfantryBrony> Thelema: I think it would be more so like whipping slaves for bleeding whilst being whipped...

07:56 <InfantryBrony> or just whipping them because they got whipped...

07:56 * InfantryBrony whips computer cuz it is sux. D:<

07:56 <InfantryBrony> seriously, though, this poor thing can hardly run CounterStrike...

07:57 <InfantryBrony> Yes, the ORIGINAL CounterStrike. :|

07:57 *** Toothpaste is now known as Bananapaste

07:57 <InfantryBrony> From like 2001 I believe it was...

07:57 <Arteshi> 52,000 tabs? I doubt that was a real number, but you're beating my 2,753 then. :P

07:57 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: Leaving)

07:57 <Princess-Studious> Afganistan for 300 dollars?

07:57 <Princess-Studious> Is it running a Soviet clone 8086?

07:57 <Thelema5> I'm not a gamer, but I;ll assume that's an antiquated peice of software which any child's computer should be able to run with ease

07:58 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP)

07:58 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Away

07:58 <Princess-Studious> yes

07:58 <InfantryBrony> No idea where my best was, but 52k was indeed an exaggeration. :P

07:58 <InfantryBrony> Studious: I bought it at the American PX on KAF.

07:58 *** Quits: Princess-Studious (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

07:58 <InfantryBrony> Thelema: To put it into perspective, the $550 laptop I had that died en route due to a tragic body wash accident could run Battlefield 3 no problem.

07:59 <InfantryBrony> And THAT was a wonderful laptop <3

07:59 <Thelema5> I... have no context for this "battlefield 3".

07:59 <InfantryBrony> :|

07:59 <Hamtramck> My laptop can run Euro Truck 2 and Paradox's stuff.

07:59 * InfantryBrony facepalms...

07:59 <Hamtramck> Good enough for me.

07:59 <Thelema5> Sorry.

07:59 <ZeroParadox> o3o

07:59 <ZeroParadox> I'm sorry too.

08:00 <InfantryBrony> Kay, think of it this way...

08:00 * ZeroParadox pulls out a knife

08:00 <ZeroParadox> Thelema5: im so sorry

08:00 <Thelema5> Not a gamer, in any sense.

08:00 *** Joins: Flashy (Nutella@Fast.Blue.Pegasus)

08:00 <InfantryBrony> hm

08:00 *** Quits: StarlightIronhoof (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol) (Quit: Leaving)

08:00 <Arteshi> $550 laptop? I feel like that probably wouldn't be all that high quality. :c

08:00 <InfantryBrony> Thelema: What are your hobbies?

08:00 <InfantryBrony> o.o

08:00 <InfantryBrony> Arteshi: 1. was on sale, 2. no tax at PX. :D

08:00 <Thelema5> The last game I played was Defender on an old atari 2600.

08:00 *** Quits: Bananapaste (Toothpaste@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca) (Quit: ONWARDS TO DO THINGS THAT I SHOULD HAVE FORSEEN COMING BUT DIDN'T! Whee~)

08:00 <Arteshi> Being Thelema, obviously.

08:00 * InfantryBrony pokes Thelema

08:00 <InfantryBrony> what are your hobbies?

08:01 <InfantryBrony> besides dressing like a hippie and munching apples. :P

08:01 <Thelema5> My hobbies?  I am a total plant geek.  I collect vintage children's picture books.  I collect vintage PSA videos.  I love MLP.

08:01 <InfantryBrony> hm

08:01 <Hamtramck> I used to be into plants a lot but then I lost interest :T

08:01 * Schism rolls over to ZeroParadox... and offers some french toast with cinnamon, vanilla, clove, nutmeg, and ginger, as well as powdered sugar and syrup.

08:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #388 [ http://tinyurl.com/nhnlxt9 ]

08:01 <Hamtramck> I still have a bunch because the ones I have are hard to kill

08:02 <ZeroParadox> o3o

08:02 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@sharpest.of.all.fangs) (Connection closed)

08:02 <Barry_From_Mars> ...

08:02 * ZeroParadox noms on Schism

08:02 <Hamtramck> I should take better care of them :T

08:02 * Schism acks. "I am not covered in powdered sugar."

08:02 <Barry_From_Mars> I was looking at vintage car crash photos again.

08:02 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-72pp1u.iinet.net.au)

08:02 <InfantryBrony> K, it would be like going from an heirloom clone of a show-winning plant to some wild seeds you found laying on a gravel road...

08:02 <Thelema5> I am no hippy, infantrybrony.

08:03 <Barry_From_Mars> Good riddance to those old designs of cars, seriously. (Outside of seeing some at car shows.

08:03 <Barry_From_Mars> And I missed a bracket at the end.

08:03 <Thelema5> I have many specimens I've collected in the wild, yes.

08:03 *** Quits: RainDancer (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity) (Quit: )

08:03 <InfantryBrony> Thelema: I mean in terms of show-winning beauty...

08:04 <Thelema5> Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

08:04 <Arteshi> What is my computer on that scale? o:

08:04 <InfantryBrony> Thelema: You know what I mean! >:o

08:04 <InfantryBrony> Also Barry: That's horrible. D:<

08:04 <Thelema5> I do, I suppose.

08:04 * InfantryBrony almost wept openly when he saw a crash featuring two '70 Mopar B-bodies. ;.;

08:05 * Lenfant_Sauvage holds up a bee near Thelema5.

08:05 <Barry_From_Mars> InfantryBrony - It looks like in America and in the 1930s and 1940s, when there was a car crash it usually meant someone died in it...

08:05 <InfantryBrony> was like 1972 or 1973 picture too. ;.;

08:05 <InfantryBrony> Barry: That was pretty much the case globally...

08:05 <Schism> So, s'anyone getting Windows 10?

08:05 <Barry_From_Mars> I saw a photo from what I think is the 1950s, I'm not sure what the hay I was looking at.

08:05 <InfantryBrony> Cars were deathtraps until the late 50's-early 60's...

08:05 <Barry_From_Mars> Other than a big twisted metal junk heap.

08:05 <Schism> (Sorry, you talk about deathtraps and antiquated systems, I think Windows...)

08:05 <InfantryBrony> And even then most people still didn't wear seatbelts etc...

08:06 * InfantryBrony Micro$oft's Schism.

08:06 <InfantryBrony> >:D

08:06 <Barry_From_Mars> At least cars from the 1970s have seat-belts. Eee.

08:06 <Schism> Hah, FimFiction comes back up, and immediately implodes from a 502.

08:06 <InfantryBrony> and Barry, I can show you pics of cars that rolled off the assembly line six months ago that are in worse shape than them. ;)

08:06 <Barry_From_Mars> Watching a video of someone driving a car made in 1959 stressed me...

08:06 <Barry_From_Mars> The guy was driving it down a road at like 50 MPH.

08:07 <InfantryBrony> How!?

08:07 <Barry_From_Mars> On a back road, not a highway.

08:07 <InfantryBrony> and?

08:07 <Barry_From_Mars> Well, maybe not "Back road."

08:07 * InfantryBrony fails to see any stress...

08:07 <Evil_Spike> Just because of how unsafe cars were back then

08:08 <InfantryBrony> .........

08:08 <Thelema5> Hamtramck, what kind of plants do you manage?

08:08 <Schism> Wow... the new Fimfiction update is snazzy.

08:08 <Barry_From_Mars> I've driven a 1984 Chevy Caprice Classic Sedan (I still have it actually) and I can feel how cars driving by me in the other lane are, going at 45 MPH while I'm sitting waiting to get on another road....

08:08 <InfantryBrony> tbh when it comes to today's cars, I'd MUCH rather be in the middle of a big huge block of steel than a wimpy crappy ball of plastic and tinfoil.

08:09 <Barry_From_Mars> The thing about today's cars is, They're designed to crumple on purpose.

08:09 <Barry_From_Mars> So the cars take the impact instead of the people.

08:09 <InfantryBrony> Seriously, if I can dent the body by pressing my finger against it, I'm not gonna get in it.

08:09 <Barry_From_Mars> (More than older cars, that is.)

08:09 <Thelema5> Yeah, to absorb impact energy

08:09 <InfantryBrony> Barry: Yes, but the thing is that they're designed to take an impact from something like a Carolla...

08:10 <InfantryBrony> Think about what happens when they get creamed by a nice big pickup or van or something...

08:10 <InfantryBrony> Or worse, a classic car. ;)

08:10 <Thelema5> Better that that energy goes into a car's body than mine.

08:10 <Barry_From_Mars> If one of them rammed the rear end of a 1971-1976 Clamshell wagon, bye bye.

08:10 <InfantryBrony> True enough...

08:10 <Arteshi> The impact damage will always be lessened by the crumpling of the vehicle regardless of how large the impact is.

08:10 <InfantryBrony> I wouldn't give two blanks about junking a Prius or Corolla or Honda....

08:10 <Arteshi> ... It just kind of fails to matter with certain vehicles.

08:10 <Barry_From_Mars> The clamshell may have a few dents but those things are sought after by derby drivers for a reason.

08:11 <InfantryBrony> However, if I get my dad's '70 Roadrunner back on the road and all pretty and stuff and someone creams it and totals it...

08:11 <InfantryBrony> Murder/Suicide.

08:11 <Barry_From_Mars> They usually end up as the last car driving...

08:11 <InfantryBrony> Right there.

08:11 <InfantryBrony> :'c

08:11 <Schism> "A Leyland P76, the very epitome of offensive driving.  A veritable land canoe!"

08:11 <InfantryBrony> I can't even fathom it, I don't want to even THINK of getting hit in that car... ;.;

08:11 <Barry_From_Mars> Some cars are just meant to go to the crusher...

08:11 <Barry_From_Mars> And then be made into other cars.

08:11 <InfantryBrony> Barry: That's horrible.

08:12 <Barry_From_Mars> Eh?

08:12 <InfantryBrony> The history behind those cars, and seeing them still operational is fantastic.

08:12 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net)

08:12 <Barry_From_Mars> Which ones?

08:12 <InfantryBrony> Who cares if they're less-safe than your crumple-zone marshmallow-padded ultra-NERF-brand car?

08:12 <Barry_From_Mars> Hi, Screenaholic. We're talking about cars here.

08:12 <InfantryBrony> The OLD ones! >:o

08:12 <screenaholic> I don't know about cars.

08:12 <Schism> Barry: ... one moment...

08:12 <InfantryBrony> Nobody's gonna care about hybrids in 30 years.

08:12 <InfantryBrony> >:\

08:12 <Thelema5> Um, yeah.  Cars should be designed to die before the driver.

08:12 <Barry_From_Mars> ... Or do you prefer me to not use a capital S?

08:13 <Schism> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqT2uOa1-d0

08:13 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Brave Little Toaster - Worthless (No Interruptions)

08:13 <Arteshi> ... If some cars have appeal because they're historical, wouldn't that apply to hybrid cars eventually too? >_>

08:13 <Barry_From_Mars> I imgine yes.

08:13 <Barry_From_Mars> *imagine

08:13 <InfantryBrony> No old guy in his 40's having a mid-life crisis is gonna be like, "Dang, I had one of them gutless econo-boxes with the stupid-expensive battery that only lasted about five years when I was in High School!! I GOTTA get me this RESTORED PRIUS!"

08:13 <Barry_From_Mars> I saw a 1950s Dodge last month, It had a record player in it.

08:13 <InfantryBrony> On the other hand......

08:14 <Arteshi> Actually that's exactly what will happen most likely. ._.

08:14 <Thelema5> Just wait, InfantryBrony.

08:14 <Arteshi> But in any case hybrid cars are kind of overpriced for right now... Eventually they might become a standard.

08:14 <Barry_From_Mars> Well here I am, 23 years old and I ended up buying a Station Wagon like the one my Dad had in the 1990s...

08:14 <InfantryBrony> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQgex5SUEyM

08:14 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:14 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about 1970 roadrunner 440-6/4spd/3.55

08:14 <InfantryBrony> ^ is sexy, and will be there forever.

08:15 <Thelema5> Nah.  It's a matter of personal preference.

08:15 <Barry_From_Mars> You know manual transmissions are being phased out at Ford?

08:16 <Barry_From_Mars> Other companies still carry them though.

08:16 <Thelema5> I'm nearly 40- midlife crisis averted.  And I'm in the market for a sensible 4 cylindar subaru outback automatic

08:16 <Thelema5> because safety and reliability

08:16 <InfantryBrony> Barry: That's ASININE! :D

08:16 <Thelema5> The age of the muscle car is over.

08:16 <InfantryBrony> True, but muscle cars will be there forever.

08:17 <InfantryBrony> Also

08:17 <InfantryBrony> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln45B6KFMtc <---- Original promo from 1970

08:17 <Thelema5> Nah, they'll rust away and disappear when the aged enthusiasts die out.

08:17 <Barry_From_Mars> How did this even happen? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SwM_MUwXJ7Y/UhNV_PDFMHI/AAAAAAAALG0/0bqKK9zT2yc/s640/Old+Photos+of+Car+Accidents+in+The+1940's+(5).jpg

08:17 <InfantryBrony> Makes me want to drive it just to feel what it was like in '70 to have one.

08:17 <Barry_From_Mars> That should be a photo of a truck.

08:18 <InfantryBrony> Thelema: Nope...

08:18 <InfantryBrony> Enthusiasts are forever... SOMEONE will love them in 20-30-50-100 years.

08:18 <InfantryBrony> Why do you think there are people who still collect horse-drawn carriages and such!?

08:19 <Thelema5> I work with these people, I understand them.  Here's a video I made of the hotrod event which is held every year at the hotel I work at: http://youtu.be/b7o3pOhI1JU

08:19 <ModusPonens> Barry_From_Mars, I think that truck rounded a turn to sharply and flipped

08:19 <Thelema5> Every single one of those vehicle owners expressed concern that their culture is dying out.

08:19 <Barry_From_Mars> Ah. Thanks, ModusPonens.

08:20 <Barry_From_Mars> People over at the Station Wagon Forum are not that many, from what I understand.

08:20 <InfantryBrony> Thelema: They also would have some pretty colorful opinions on your choice of television shows too, if you'd asked them... ;)

08:20 <InfantryBrony> They're OLD. What do you expect?

08:20 <Barry_From_Mars> Though I'm one of them...

08:20 <InfantryBrony> Their "culture" isn't just hotrodding...

08:21 <InfantryBrony> It's 1950's and Elvis and malt shops and such.

08:21 <Thelema5> Yes, they would.  The event organizer is a bigoted, racist, homophobe.

08:21 <InfantryBrony> ^ Exactly.

08:21 <Thelema5> I can't stand him.

08:21 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

08:21 <Thelema5> But even he knows that time has moved on.

08:21 <Barry_From_Mars> hi, Princess-QRS. Subject is about cars.

08:21 <Barry_From_Mars> (Currently.)

08:21 <Princess-QRS> vroom

08:21 <Barry_From_Mars> Heh. :)

08:21 <Thelema5> He's resigned to that fact.

08:22 <InfantryBrony> Thelema: Yes, but there will always be that element of people who love certain eras of certain things.

08:22 <ModusPonens> Thelema5,  is it b/c he's a bigoted racist homoophobe?

08:22 <Barry_From_Mars> Here's one where a truck fell through a bridge or floor: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qt0gN1bcTac/UhNVd06ockI/AAAAAAAALDE/onVcPkC-xCI/s640/Old+Photos+of+Car+Accidents+in+The+1940's+(21).jpg

08:22 <Thelema5> Yes, ModusPonens

08:22 <InfantryBrony> WOW that's an old truck! :O

08:22 <ModusPonens> do you happen to black or gay?

08:22 * InfantryBrony would LOVE to have one of those!

08:22 <Thelema5> I have the displeasure of having to make small talk with him every few months

08:23 <InfantryBrony> Modus: Thelema is black AND gay! D:

08:23 <ModusPonens> the best!

08:23 <InfantryBrony> https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1391980_799043936805517_7449448987707341774_n.jpg?oh=3d154741df61858aaaf2c543430d7325&oe=54B85432&__gda__=1421364347_b0be5f10e0a3c4cf9e46567b40a2f616

08:23 <InfantryBrony> ^ See!? D:

08:23 <InfantryBrony> (ya, still haven't closed it.) XD

08:23 *** Joins: POMDPone (cemonhhusyg@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

08:23 <Thelema5> I am neither.  I am white, and genderqueer

08:23 <ModusPonens> that you?

08:23 <Thelema5> it is.

08:23 * InfantryBrony hates that word.

08:23 <Princess-QRS> Hates what word?

08:24 <POMDPone> what word?

08:24 <InfantryBrony> gender-queer...

08:24 <Princess-QRS> ...why?

08:24 <InfantryBrony> Can't just say "don't care" or "doesn't matter?"

08:24 <InfantryBrony> Gotta make a buzzword for it? :|

08:24 <Princess-QRS> Good lord that's a horrible thing to say.

08:25 <Princess-QRS> And that's not at all what that means either.

08:25 <InfantryBrony> Maybe I just don't understand exactly what it means...

08:25 <ModusPonens> so what does that mean? You don't have a gender?

08:25 <Thelema5> Yeah?  Suck on this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/76554_152656651444252_768535_n.jpg?oh=da8c6ccaaf4abde57f37d9a1a8233457&oe=54C8774C&__gda__=1420918037_ddeb3a18d90537488f3cf94c09211f9d

08:25 <Barry_From_Mars> I found a totaled car pic: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7qfxDoqTseI/UhNV7JYQqCI/AAAAAAAALGY/ykwfBlsXMNM/s640/Old+Photos+of+Car+Accidents+in+The+1940's+(45).jpg

08:25 <Princess-QRS> So you're being the double-team of not knowing and being disrespectful.

08:25 <Princess-QRS> Maybe go look it before you start disrespecting people? I dunno man.

08:25 <Hamtramck> Ar you a wizard?

08:25 <ModusPonens> that is one hell of a beard, Thelema5. i'm so jelly

08:25 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Is that you Thelema5 ?

08:25 <Thelema5> it is.

08:25 <Daniel_Waterhorse> You are fantastic

08:26 <Thelema5> :) thank you.

08:26 <ModusPonens> I'm Chinese, I can't grow facial hair to save my life.

08:26 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I'm a horse irl, we don't have beards :c

08:26 <InfantryBrony> So then what exactly is it supposed to mean?

08:26 * Thelema5 quits

08:26 <Barry_From_Mars> Uh, Bye then.

08:27 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-5bcq7l.east.verizon.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- IRC with a difference)

08:27 <Princess-QRS> It means non-binary self identified gender.

08:27 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

08:27 <ModusPonens> so not male, not female

08:27 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

08:27 <Princess-QRS> Yeah exactly, and it's not their responsibility to inform you.

08:27 <Princess-QRS> So, again.

08:27 <Princess-QRS> How about you go spend all of four seconds researching before you start accusing people of "buzz words."

08:29 <Evil_Spike> And I'm back

08:29 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I hope he is not quitting horsechat forever v.v

08:29 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I would be sad

08:29 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Also welcome back Evil_Spike

08:29 <ModusPonens> no, it is their responsibility to inform you

08:30 <ModusPonens> different people use these words to mean different things, especially words like "genderqueer"

08:30 <InfantryBrony> I still think a better descriptor could be found for such a thing...

08:30 *** Dash is now known as HWDash

08:30 <ModusPonens> it's better to skip the middleman and find out what the person who's using the word takes it to mean

08:31 *** Quits: ryaxnb9 (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:31 <InfantryBrony> ^ this... Especially in a fandom as diverse as this one...

08:31 <Princess-QRS> It is, and before you do so? Maybe don't accuse them of using buzz-words.

08:31 <Princess-QRS> Like, you know.

08:31 <Princess-QRS> Don't make stupid ignorant assumptions?

08:32 <screenaholic> It really didn't seem like an assumption, it seemed like he was misinformed. That's not his fault.

08:32 <Princess-QRS> How is it not his fault?

08:32 <POMDPone> fault or not, no point delving on it now, I think \=

08:32 <screenaholic> If someone told you that the sun revolved around the Earth, and no one ever told you otherwise, it's not your fault you think that. It's your teacher's.

08:32 <InfantryBrony> Okay, I'll give you that 'buzz word' probably wasn't the best way to describe it...

08:32 <Princess-QRS> He accused Thelema5 of "buzz words" based on his own ignorance, instead of first clarifying or researching.

08:33 <Princess-QRS> There, good, I accept that.

08:34 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Where do I start.

08:35 <ModusPonens> what's so wrong with using a buzzword?

08:35 <Princess-QRS> Nothing, that's not ~my deal~.

08:35 <Princess-QRS> Everything is cool now though so v0v.

08:35 *** Joins: Vokuros (iednnfphwry@Pony-vq20cp.res.rr.com)

08:35 <Princess-QRS> Return to your regularly scheduled gunchat and ponies.

08:36 <Vokuros> Hey everypony!

08:36 <POMDPone> hay Vokuros

08:36 <ModusPonens> you kinda exploded there for a second and went off on a tirade.

08:37 * Vokuros throws confetti and streamers all over chat "I'm finally done with midterms! I can finally breathe now! Woot woot!"

08:37 <Evil_Spike> Yay

08:37 <Princess-QRS> I did, it's true. I get mad when people disrespec' my friends.

08:37 <POMDPone> woo hoo

08:37 <Sunset-Shimmer> And now I've switched HDMI back to the PC...whats going on?

08:38 <ModusPonens> what was the perceived insult?

08:38 <POMDPone> Vokuros, what is your soon-to-be profession?

08:38 <Vokuros> Hehe, thankies everyone ^-^

08:39 <Evil_Spike> Lunch is going on

08:39 <POMDPone> save me something

08:39 <ModusPonens> Daniel_Waterhorse, are you talking about Thelema?

08:39 <Vokuros> And in terms of a soon to be profession...I'm not sure yet. Probably either public policy research...or studying/researching media trends for a political firm or something

08:39 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yes

08:39 * Vokuros is studying political science and minoring in sociology

08:39 <Princess-QRS> I'm majoring in poli sci!

08:39 * Princess-QRS hugs Vokuros

08:40 <Vokuros> Heck yeah! *hugs Princess-QRS back*

08:40 <ModusPonens> I heard poli sci doesn't help with playing politics as much as you'd think

08:40 <Vokuros> ...thought I was the only one, haha.

08:41 <POMDPone> poliponies

08:41 <Princess-QRS> Well it's not like some magical "This is the secret" thing, but I learn a lot of cool things.

08:42 <ModusPonens> some professor came in and talked to us about games and how they related to international relations

08:42 <Vokuros> I can kinda see your point, Modus. Learning all the terms and concepts is like learning how to ride a bike with the training wheels on. Once you step out of academia, then you can apply it through getting active in different events/initiatives

08:42 <ModusPonens> it was super neat

08:43 *** Joins: jamis (jamis@jamis)

08:43 <ModusPonens> for instance, anyone know of the ultimatum game?

08:43 * POMDPone stares at jamis

08:44 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Farmville

08:44 <Vokuros> That's kinda what I'm learning now, except its focused on American Media and its impact on society...and how does the media go about doing this, if the media contributes at all

08:44 <POMDPone> ultimatum game? is it like chicken game?

08:44 <Vokuros> Modus...you mean like the Prisoner's Dillema?

08:44 <Princess-QRS> We

08:44 <Vokuros> Oui?

08:44 <Princess-QRS> Vokurus, there's a carpet ban on political chat in here, but there's other rooms where we can talk.

08:44 <ModusPonens> we covered all those games

08:45 <ModusPonens> sounds interesting, Princess-QRS, invite me as well?

08:45 * Princess-QRS coughs

08:45 <POMDPone> game theory is awesome :D *tells on everypony, and gets out of jail after 1 year*

08:45 *** Quits: DoubleAnarchy (jamis@jamis) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:45 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

08:45 <Vokuros> Woot woot!

08:46 <Vokuros> Its not just a Theory....its a Game Theory

08:46 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang_ (RazorSharpF@Pony-vluc2j.murdoch.edu.au)

08:46 <Vokuros> I <3 that Youtube channel

08:47 * Evil_Spike does not want to go anywhere near the game industry due to poor working conditions

08:47 <Sunset-Shimmer> lol

08:47 <RazorSharpFang_> Oops

08:47 <RazorSharpFang_> I forgot to sign off on my PC

08:47 <RazorSharpFang_> Oh well

08:47 * Sunset-Shimmer tsks at RazorSharpFang_! x3

08:47 <RazorSharpFang_> I could ghost it, but then it'll auto rejoin...

08:47 <RazorSharpFang_> Darn myself.

08:47 <ModusPonens> the ultimatum game is like this. You have player A and B. Player B is given 100 dollars and must make player A an offer of some amount of it. A can either accept or reject the offer. If A accepts, then that's how they split the money. If A rejects, then B must make another offer, or neither gets the money.

08:48 <RazorSharpFang_> ModusPonens: ..... I know your name. p ^ (p -> q) --> q

08:48 <Barry_From_Mars> Here's a photo of a drive-in theater from (I'm guessing) the 1950s. http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z72/Mazooma1/neat%20and%20old/429692992_536654097d_o.jpg

08:48 <ModusPonens> I like you

08:49 <RazorSharpFang_> Studying discrete maths atm

08:49 <RazorSharpFang_> Doing logical boolean algebra

08:49 <Vokuros> I can only imagine Evil_Spike. And plus some of the more interesting games are indie and more than likely are swept under the rug.

08:49 <ModusPonens> studying deductive systems atm

08:50 <RazorSharpFang_> Logic is hard tho

08:50 <Evil_Spike> Horrible hours, horrible pay and almost no job security

08:50 <RazorSharpFang_> proving arguments to be true is sorta annoying.

08:50 <Vokuros> And that sounds pretty neat! I've never heard of that before...and its kinda similar to the Prisoner's Dillema

08:50 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com)

08:50 <Vokuros> RazorSharpFang, annoying yes - but its a good skill to have. Though its a pain in the flank >.<

08:50 <ModusPonens> i lurv logic

08:51 <ModusPonens> it's like a puzzle.

08:51 <RazorSharpFang_> It sounds like American income inequality to me, btw

08:51 <RazorSharpFang_> A pathetic amount of money or nothing. Minimum wage.

08:51 <ModusPonens> it's funner than doing math. doing proofs

08:51 * Princess-QRS plays Danger Zone

08:52 <ModusPonens> it rewards cooperation and penalizes competition a lot more than the prisoner's dilemna

08:52 <POMDPone> in AI class we had to write computer programs that play against each other - FOR GRADE

08:52 <Barry_From_Mars> Bears crossing the road photo from the 1950s or 1960s: http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t114/dog427435/410.jpg

08:52 <ModusPonens> sounds cool]

08:52 <RazorSharpFang_> Well, writing AIs does sound cool.

08:52 <POMDPone> e.g. in variations of prisoners dilemma and ultimatum game

08:53 <POMDPone> cool? that's one pov. it was dreadful, if you ask me :P

08:53 <ModusPonens> we learned about the realist, the liberalist, and the constructivist approach to internationl relations and game theory

08:54 <Princess-QRS> lol realists

08:54 <Princess-QRS> Wait a second, oh god I can see where this is going.

08:54 * Princess-QRS rolls out the windwo

08:54 <ModusPonens> Princess-QRS, watch out for that wind, bro

08:54 <RazorSharpFang_> realists are just sorta negative optimist.

08:55 * RazorSharpFang_ rolls around the chatroom

08:55 *** Joins: RekttothePecs (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

08:56 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Connection closed)

08:56 <POMDPone> hey! this is no roll zone

08:56 * RazorSharpFang_ rolls harder

08:56 * POMDPone puts a sign, blocking RazorSharpFang_

08:56 <RekttothePecs> realists assume everyone is motivated by self interest, and that this self interest is the same for everyone, and that the best way to optimize self interest is to assume everyone else is out to get you and is competitive.

08:56 <RazorSharpFang_> Huh!

08:56 <RekttothePecs> the world is dog eat dog, they say

08:56 <POMDPone> not a sign IN you. it was mid-roll

08:57 <RazorSharpFang_> First definition of realist I've heard that doesn't say "They see the world as it is"

08:57 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

08:57 <Princess-QRS> That's a hilarious definition that assumes they're right.

08:57 <RazorSharpFang_> Doesn't all thingies assume that they are right?

08:57 <RekttothePecs> so in the prisoner's dilemna, they'd say the best bet is to assume that the other person WILL rat you out, and to rat out them

08:58 <RazorSharpFang_> "Everything sucks. What? It does, bro."

08:58 <Barry_From_Mars> UM...

08:58 <POMDPone> do you study repeated games? or just one shots? Its alot more interesting when you can study your peer

08:58 <Barry_From_Mars> I just found a car on Craigslist with holes in the roof.

08:59 <Sunset-Shimmer> Sounds legit

08:59 <RekttothePecs> Liberalists respond to realists by saying that the very act of being a realist makes the world realist

08:59 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-7ribhl.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: Leaving)

09:00 <RazorSharpFang_> Does that not imply that being a liberalist makes the world liberalist?

09:00 <RazorSharpFang_> Which is horrifyingh

09:00 <Princess-QRS> I mean, RazorSharpFang_, that by defining realists as "they see the world as it is" assumes the world is a realist world, and they're right.

09:00 <Princess-QRS> It's a biased definition.

09:00 <RekttothePecs> well, if you act like the world is out to get you, you really do make the world out to get you

09:01 <RekttothePecs> Princess-QRS, the name is a bit of a misnomer when used in game theory

09:01 <RazorSharpFang_> Tautology?

09:01 <RekttothePecs> ignore the connotations of the name as used elsewere

09:02 *** Nell is now known as Nelliel

09:02 <RazorSharpFang_> Let's just casually discard our biases.

09:02 <RazorSharpFang_> You know, the thing we're kinda incapable of?

09:02 <RekttothePecs> but if you play the prisoner's dilemna as a realist, you force your partner to play it as a realist as well

09:03 <RazorSharpFang_> The things that are so entrenched, I can't see us ditching any time soon?

09:03 <RekttothePecs> otherwise, he gets the sucker's payoff, 10 years in jail

09:03 *** Joins: Vokuro (iednnfphwry@Pony-vq20cp.res.rr.com)

09:03 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-m5sjhl.east.verizon.net)

09:03 <RazorSharpFang_> So, you're saying that thinking people are always out to get you, MAKES them out to get you, if they care about their self interest?

09:04 <Tirek> What a beautiful line of thinking to come in to.

09:04 <RekttothePecs> liberalists assume the same things as realists, except they think that the best way to serve self interest is to cooperate

09:04 <Sunset-Shimmer> lol

09:04 <Tirek> Greetings

09:04 <RazorSharpFang_> That's not what I think liberalist means.

09:04 <RazorSharpFang_> liberal vs labour

09:05 <Tirek> Oooh, is this a political discussion?

09:05 <RazorSharpFang_> I hope not

09:05 <Tirek> And me without my popcorn.

09:05 *** Quits: Vokuros (iednnfphwry@Pony-vq20cp.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:05 <RekttothePecs> it's how international relations people use the word "liberalist". It has nothing to do with liberalism, the political ideology.

09:05 <RazorSharpFang_> Ah, I see.. My bad

09:05 *** Joins: camopony (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-4ingal.mpls.qwest.net)

09:06 * Princess-QRS hugs camopony

09:06 <Princess-QRS> I keep getting stuck with schoolwork instead of reviewing ur thing

09:06 * Chibi-Vinyl pokes her head out of Princess-QRS mane

09:06 * camopony hugs Princess-QRS

09:06 <Chibi-Vinyl> i dont care for the new fimfiction story layouts

09:06 <RekttothePecs> what thing? Something to review?

09:06 <camopony> eh thats ok school comes first

09:06 *** Joins: Frames (Frames@Pony-6hp.cb9.87.66.IP)

09:06 <RazorSharpFang_> What alternatives are there to liberal and realist?

09:07 <RekttothePecs> constructivist

09:07 <RazorSharpFang_> explain it to me, plz

09:07 <camopony> RekttothePecs i am writing a fim fiction and he was going to reveiw it for me

09:07 *** Quits: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-tu7dkh.dyn.centurytel.net) (Connection closed)

09:07 <RekttothePecs> to a liberalist and a realist, getting 2 dollars is better than 1. Getting 1 year in jail is better than 2.

09:07 *** Joins: ryaxnb9 (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net)

09:08 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

09:08 <RekttothePecs> They both agree on what it means to best serve self interest

09:08 <jamis> !hug

09:08 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

09:08 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around jamis in a tight embrace

09:08 <RazorSharpFang_> !shoo

09:08 * DerpyBot sways from side to side, quietly humming "shoo be doo shoo shoo be doo"

09:08 <camopony> jamis!!!

09:08 * camopony runs and hugs jamis

09:08 <jamis> hey camopony

09:09 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/737963

09:09 <Chibi-Vinyl> !muffin

09:09 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

09:09 <RekttothePecs> constructivists recognize that this is not universal. What is self interest for me may not be for you

09:09 <Chibi-Vinyl> eyup

09:09 * DerpyBot glomps Chibi-Vinyl

09:09 <Chibi-Vinyl> !link muffin blaster

09:09 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

09:09 <RekttothePecs> in the prisoner's dilemna, say you and your soulmate get nabbed.

09:09 <camopony> sory i havent been on in a while. been realy busy with military stuff

09:10 <RekttothePecs> You may love your partner so much that you want her to get as little jail time as possible

09:10 <Princess-QRS> Don't be sorry, you have a life!

09:10 <Princess-QRS> Life is good!

09:10 <RekttothePecs> so you may purposely take the sucker's payoff and get the max jail time by not cooperating with the police

09:11 <RazorSharpFang_> Hmm. What kind of games/activities are these useful for designing AIs?

09:11 <RekttothePecs> realists and liberalists would say that it's more to your self interest to get 1 year than 10 years in jail

09:12 <camopony> oh that promps a question i have, does anypony us SFM? I am having troble with the program.

09:12 <Princess-QRS> !link https://derpiboo.ru/738446

09:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about 3d gif muffin safe sfm (and 2 more)

09:12 <Princess-QRS> speaking of which, lol

09:12 <RekttothePecs> but constructivists allow for these scenarios where A may want 10 years if it means B gets out int 1 day.

09:12 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-89o56e.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

09:12 <RekttothePecs> RazorSharpFang_, I'm assuming you're familiar with the dlimna

09:13 <RazorSharpFang_> I've never heard of it. Your assumtion does not hold.

09:13 <camopony> schrodingers cat

09:13 *** RekttothePecs is now known as ModusPonens

09:13 <Chibi-Vinyl> fimfiction has really mucked thingsup

09:13 <Chibi-Vinyl> with the new update

09:13 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/738465

09:15 <camopony> !link cutie mark crusaiders

09:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

09:15 <RazorSharpFang_> It is in their best interest to cooperate?

09:15 <ModusPonens> whine whine whine, lol

09:15 <camopony> !link CMC

09:15 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/51509?scope=scpe5c933b0a2be93e0ed11a00dfb5b32d167741bef7

09:16 *** TimidClef|AFK is now known as TimidClef|Zzz

09:16 <Sunset-Shimmer> Anyway, that'll do for political theory talk, fellahs

09:16 <InfantryBrony> night

09:16 *** Joins: Princess_Twilight (amqkgcnrsem@Pony-tvvcs7.ok.cox.net)

09:16 <Princess-QRS> I really wanted to partake, but oh well

09:17 <RazorSharpFang_> I'd totes cooperate

09:17 <RazorSharpFang_> Minimize the jail time total, remain silent.

09:18 *** Parts: Princess_Twilight (amqkgcnrsem@Canterlot.Castle.eq) ()

09:18 <camopony> and stop talking about it

09:18 <RazorSharpFang_> Aw, cmon, not what I meant.

09:18 <Princess-QRS> Mangune just move on, for your health.

09:18 <RazorSharpFang_> Sunset-Shimmer: We're discussing game theory, not politics.

09:18 *** HWDash is now known as Dash

09:19 <RazorSharpFang_> Liberal != liberalism

09:19 <ModusPonens> so

09:19 <camopony> same thing

09:19 <RazorSharpFang_> Nooooo

09:19 <ModusPonens> really quickly, prisoner's dilemna is like this

09:19 <camopony> sounds like politics to me

09:19 <RazorSharpFang_> I've read the wikipedia page

09:19 <RazorSharpFang_> they can betray, or remain silent.

09:19 * Chibi-Vinyl boops Princess-QRS

09:19 <ModusPonens> okay

09:20 <RazorSharpFang_> Would liberal and realist perform the same action, non-iterative?

09:20 <ModusPonens> so if A betrays and B's silent, A gets 1 month and B gets 10 years.

09:20 <ModusPonens> same thing if flipped

09:20 <Princess-QRS> Liberalism, realism, constructivism are internation relations theories.

09:20 <camopony> sooo... the galizy S5? any good or peice of trash?

09:20 *** Quits: Arteshi (Arteshi@Pony-bs8.95i.39.74.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:20 <Sunset-Shimmer> I think we should just avoid the mess - take it to PM with the political elements if you wanna keep this going,

09:20 <Princess-QRS> You were told to stop, so just stop.

09:21 <RazorSharpFang_> There's nothing poilitical here!!

09:21 <Princess-QRS> Have some respect for the others in the chat and just go elsewhere if asked, do you really need to do this here specifically?

09:21 <ModusPonens> we're talking about a game. not politics

09:21 * Ali Yosamitie's all over Princess-QRS

09:21 <Princess-QRS> Yosemite! With an E!

09:21 <camopony> it still sound political and dont get on shimmers nerves or they will kick you from the room

09:22 <Ali> That's the new OS X

09:22 <Ali> Or 10.10

09:22 <Princess-QRS> It sure is, GM2 released today.

09:22 <Princess-QRS> He was talking about something else.

09:22 <ModusPonens> it's not political. it has nothing to do with government or public policy or whatever. It's just a silly little hypothetical game.

09:22 <Princess-QRS> I'm waiting for the final app store version to wipe and then I'll be set. The beta has been great.

09:22 <Princess-QRS> Just let it go man, holy moley.

09:22 <RazorSharpFang_> ModusPonens: Is there a AI theory about maximizing global gains/minimizing global losses?

09:22 * Ali wee's at politics

09:23 <ModusPonens> I'm not sure what AI theory means

09:23 * Ali grabs a broom and sweeps it out.

09:23 <RazorSharpFang_> Constructivism, realist, etc...

09:23 <RazorSharpFang_> I forgot their name

09:23 <Evil_Spike> Um, that's modes of thinking Razor

09:24 <ModusPonens> liberalist, the three approaches to game theory

09:24 <camopony> RazorSharpFang_, ModusPonens it sounds political and dont get on shimmers nerves or they will kick you from the room

09:24 <Sunset-Shimmer> I don't do that

09:24 <POMDPone> boof. I actually enjoy this conversation (and yes, there are many AI studies in the field)

09:24 <RazorSharpFang_> ModusPonens: Only those three? Really just that?

09:24 <Ali> I'm asking for a stop to this political stuff NOW

09:24 * RazorSharpFang_ huffs

09:25 <camopony> oh Sunset-Shimmer i thought you could?

09:25 <Sunset-Shimmer> I CAN, but I don't do it just because I'm annoyed

09:25 <ModusPonens> sigh, it's a logic puzzle camopony. A little logic puzzle.

09:25 <Sunset-Shimmer> please don't state something like that

09:25 <RazorSharpFang_> It's logic...

09:25 <Ali> Listen

09:25 <POMDPone> well it's evil logic :P

09:26 <Ali> Some ponies are asking for this topic to stop

09:26 <Evil_Spike> So my logic?

09:26 <Sunset-Shimmer> This is what happens when you discuss a niche subject nobody else will know

09:26 <Ali> like it or not, you have to respect other users wishes

09:26 <Sunset-Shimmer> well, commonly

09:26 <camopony> it was meant for there benifet because they are starting to anoy alot of ponies. sory

09:26 <Ali> Cause when I get asked to come in and stop a toic

09:26 <Ali> topic*

09:26 *** Quits: ryaxnb9 (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:26 <RazorSharpFang_> Ali: Those ponies are only asking, because they don't want us kicked by the moddies. : / At least I think.....

09:26 <ModusPonens> camopony is the only person that's voiced his displeasure, only b/c he thinks it's something it's not

09:26 <Ali> Still

09:26 *** Joins: Silou_Fr (Silou@silou.silouatien.fr)

09:26 <Princess-QRS> I want you to stop because camopony wants you to stop, and he's a nice pony.

09:26 <ModusPonens> we have at least three others that are interested in continuing the discussion

09:26 * Princess-QRS hugs camopony

09:26 <Ali> When it eventually comes to my attention

09:27 <camopony> i did to so that makes two of us then ali asked it so thats 3

09:27 <Sunset-Shimmer> Then go make a chat for it for a while

09:27 <Ali> Then take it to discourse or something

09:27 <ModusPonens> is it fair to stop what 3 people enjoy b/c 1 person thinks it's something it's not?

09:27 <Princess-QRS> Comeon guys, do you really need to discuss this here specifically?

09:27 <Evil_Spike> I'm not sure I like the new design of Fimfiction...

09:27 <Princess-QRS> It is actually, out of respect.

09:27 <Ali> ModusPonens, this is my channel, and there are rules, respecting other users is very high here

09:27 <ModusPonens> camopony, Ali wants it to stop only b/c YOU want it to stop

09:27 <Princess-QRS> Tyranny of the majority, hows that for poltiics Modus?

09:27 <RazorSharpFang_> Ah, class is over. I'm out of here for now.

09:27 <RazorSharpFang_> Nice chatting to you, ModusPonens. We should again sometime.

09:28 <Ali> Don't drag this into an arugement or blaming another

09:28 <ModusPonens> Princess-QRS, it wasn't political to begin with

09:28 <Sunset-Shimmer> Don't care

09:28 <Sunset-Shimmer> cease making it a big issue

09:28 <Princess-QRS> Man, don't be like that to camopony.

09:28 <Princess-QRS> He voiced his displeasure there is nothing at all wrong with that.

09:28 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Pony-l1p347.charlton.irccloud.com)

09:28 * Princess-QRS hugs camopony tightly

09:28 <RazorSharpFang_> It is when people don't care that the atrocities occur. I'm out, cyas everypony.

09:28 * Ali gets her bucking shoes ready it seems

09:28 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang_ (RazorSharpF@Pony-vluc2j.murdoch.edu.au) (Quit: Kazoom!)

09:28 <Princess-QRS> di... did he

09:28 <camopony> thsnk you  Princess-QRS

09:28 <Ali> You know

09:29 <ModusPonens> then is there anything wrong with me voicing my displeasure at him voicing his displeasure falsely?

09:29 <Sunset-Shimmer> are you gonna keep doing this?

09:29 * Princess-QRS slides camopony behind her wing.

09:29 <Ali> !warn ModusPonens

09:29 * DerpyBot shoots ModusPonens a warning glance

09:29 <Princess-QRS> :|

09:29 <Sunset-Shimmer> because I wouldn't

09:29 <Sunset-Shimmer> We're Done.

09:29 <Ali> There's the warning, I will kick

09:29 <Princess-QRS> ChatCON 3!

09:29 <Ali> And like Sunset-Shimmer just said, topic DROPPED

09:29 * Princess-QRS noms camopony's mane

09:30 <Ali> Anypony brings it up, is gonna get a boot

09:30 * camopony giggles

09:30 <Snapai> http://wondermark.com/1k62/

09:30 <ModusPonens> which topic, specifically? Just to be perfectly clear.

09:30 <camopony> that tickls

09:30 <camopony> ugh i can't spell

09:30 * Princess-QRS tickles camopony :3

09:30 <camopony> thank ya'

09:31 <Princess-QRS> I like you, you're a good pone.

09:31 <POMDPone> Snapai that strip is gold

09:32 <Snapai> I had to go hunt it down again XD

09:32 <camopony> it is totaly awsome

09:32 <Vokuro> Snapai, that strip was simply beautiful. Thanks for finding and sharing it!

09:33 <Snapai> Originally saw it on this vastly retwote tweet: https://twitter.com/saladinahmed/status/515365212816683009

09:33 <Tirek> "retwote" is a word?

09:33 * POMDPone puts party hats on camopony , Princess-QRS and Vokuro

09:34 <Princess-QRS> o3o

09:34 <POMDPone> I'm out. remember me as the pony who puts hats on other ponies

09:34 <Vokuro> Yay!!!

09:34 *** POMDPone is now known as POMDPone|AFK

09:36 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (nxmobybluco@Pony-1uln4s.cable.rcn.com)

09:37 * Heartbreak peeks.

09:37 * Heartbreak boops Snapai.

09:37 <BubbleBerry> http://38.media.tumblr.com/53e5ae7bd30eea315e33ade4a0c45b36/tumblr_mi0f13L7S21rcjmu8o1_500.gif

09:38 <Muffin_Spectacles> I think I found the topic of my next PMV.

09:38 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sunset Shimmer, to the tune of Michael W SMith's "Place in This World." It just seems to click for me.

09:38 <Sunset-Shimmer> That's fine and all, but why target me on that comment? XD

09:39 * Flashy floofs Sunset-Shimmer

09:39 <Vokuro> BubbleBerry...I'm laughing hysterically to seeing BigMac fire away like that.

09:39 <Snapai> Tirek - I tend to change the past tense of "tweet" when referring to "writing a tweet"

09:39 <BubbleBerry> o3o b

09:39 <Vokuro> That face makes it all so so good XD

09:39 <BubbleBerry> Is the best.

09:39 <WoeGryphon> bubble, now knows about guns.

09:39 <WoeGryphon> huzzah

09:39 * Flashy floofs Snapai

09:39 <BubbleBerry> I saw Trixie! :D

09:39 * Chibi-Vinyl pulls a pepsi out of Princess-QRS mane and a slice of pizza

09:39 <Snapai> Because write > wrote, quethe > quoth

09:39 <Vokuro> And there was much rejoicing.

09:39 <Princess-QRS> o4o

09:40 <WoeGryphon> He saw a naked trixie.

09:40 * Flashy floofs Flashy

09:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> BubbleBerry: Let me guess, in your tortilla?

09:40 <Snapai> Therefore, tweet > twote

09:40 * BubbleBerry boops Princess-QRS with an AK-47

09:40 <BubbleBerry> Muffin_Spectacles: Pardon?

09:40 <Sunset-Shimmer> that's all she twote!

09:40 <Princess-QRS> DA COMRADE

09:40 * Flashy boops BubbleBerry with M-14

09:40 <Snapai> Murder She Twote?

09:40 * Princess-QRS takes the AK-47 and removes kebab

09:40 * BubbleBerry also showers Princess-QRS in vodka o3o b

09:40 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

09:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sunset-Shimmer: Don't start 'that' regarding names. I got enough issues with a Twilight Sparkle RP'er taking up valuable comment space on one of my youtube videos.

09:40 <Sunset-Shimmer> What?

09:40 <Sunset-Shimmer> I'm sorry, confused

09:40 <Snapai> English is full of all sorts of "rulebreaking" to include additional meaning

09:40 <Princess-QRS> wat

09:41 <BubbleBerry> What's goin' on?

09:41 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sunset-Shimmer: When you mentioned how I mentioned your name earlier. It sounded like you were going the RP route, and assuming anything about Sunset Shimmer meant 'you' exactly.

09:41 <Snapai> "y'all" ain't proper English, but that's because proper English doesn't have a separate 2nd person plural.

09:41 <Sunset-Shimmer> I.....wasn't

09:41 <Princess-QRS> waaaat

09:41 <BubbleBerry> So, I'm thinking of investing in a pink AK-47. I just need monies.

09:41 <Snapai> And iirc, AAVE (Ebonics) has about twice as many verb tenses as "standard" English

09:41 <BubbleBerry> And I think I need a license.

09:41 <Barry_From_Mars> Good Night/Morning/Whatever Time.

09:41 <Sunset-Shimmer> I was asking why did you mention me in that comment earlier

09:41 <Barry_From_Mars> I'm signing off.

09:42 *** Quits: Barry_From_Mars (fzqsunhtyay@Pony-d5fsk8.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:42 <Sunset-Shimmer> " <Muffin_Spectacles> Sunset Shimmer, to the tune of Michael W SMith's "Place in This World." It just seems to click for me. "

09:42 <Sunset-Shimmer> I have no idea why you aimed that in my direction

09:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sunset-Shimmer: It was not you, but the Sunset Shimmer of the series.

09:42 <Sunset-Shimmer> There we go. Clarity. :p

09:42 <BubbleBerry> Ugh, my internet's so sloooow

09:43 <Muffin_Spectacles> When I haven't been listening to Neverending Story, Place in ths World has been in my earbuds today.

09:44 <Vokuro> My internet is Spotty. It might as well be a dalmation

09:44 * camopony finds a blue ballon and derps around with it

09:44 <Muffin_Spectacles> Vokuro: Dalmatian. There's no 'o.'

09:44 * BubbleBerry flops on Princess-QRS "Tak , Kak ty , tovarishch ?"

09:44 <Princess-QRS> o3o

09:45 *** Quits: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:45 <Muffin_Spectacles> I wish the people runing the Dr SEuss shop in this city were as friendly as the curator of the Chuck Jones art gallery. The Seuss guys just sit there not interacting with anyone.

09:45 <Vokuro> @Muffin_Spectacles: Thanks for the catch :)

09:45 *** Quits: Silou_Fr (Silou@silou.silouatien.fr) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:45 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://askmarusya.tumblr.com/)

09:45 * BubbleBerry boops Princess-QRS "So, how're you, comrade?"

09:46 * Flashy boops Nedemai

09:46 <Muffin_Spectacles> Vokuro: As a Disney nerd, I had to.

09:46 <WoeGryphon> no license needed bubble

09:46 <BubbleBerry> Oh, sweet!

09:46 <BubbleBerry> Then I just need monies!

09:46 <WoeGryphon> yep

09:46 <Princess-QRS> I am good.

09:46 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/738256

09:46 <WoeGryphon> bout 500 and change these days

09:47 <BubbleBerry> Yep

09:47 <WoeGryphon> www.atlanticfirearms.com/ak-47-74-rifles.html

09:47 <BubbleBerry> Oh man, I should sleep.

09:47 <BubbleBerry> It's almost midnight.

09:47 <BubbleBerry> See ya'll later.

09:47 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (ifdlqzqtxpf@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:48 <WoeGryphon> he shall acquire an AK in time, yes yes.

09:48 * Muffin_Spectacles is in a Neverending Story-watching coma since coming home around 630. So, it's been 6 hours of analyzing the special features, and writing a blog review.

09:48 *** Quits: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-qbpfno.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:48 <camopony> uh why cant any of the con's im interested in be in a state i can drive to in less than a day?

09:49 <Evil_Spike> Why not fly?

09:49 <Muffin_Spectacles> camopony: Obviously, you're nowhere interesting....like me.

09:49 <camopony> Evil_Spike no money.

09:49 <Muffin_Spectacles> I'm ticked that New York's comic-con gets IDW and even Disney giving presentations, but they won't even consider anything in Chicago. C2E2 bites!

09:49 <camopony> plane tickets are expensive

09:50 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-l2lhfk.dorm.utexas.edu) (Connection closed)

09:51 <WoeGryphon> thats because the cubs suck

09:51 *** Sunset-Shimmer is now known as Princess-Luna

09:51 <WoeGryphon> they're bad and you should feel bad.

09:51 <jamis> WoeGryphon, you sound like you're scheming.

09:51 <WoeGryphon> Cardinals FTW

09:51 <WoeGryphon> I always scheme

09:51 <WoeGryphon> I taught bubble bout guns

09:51 <WoeGryphon> now he wants an AK.

09:51 <jamis> Also, I want close ups of this. http://www.atlanticfirearms.com/component/virtuemart/shipping-rifles/yugo-m70-abm-7-62x39mm-rifle-detail.html?Itemid=0

09:51 <Evil_Spike> At least Chicago has awesome wrestling crowds

09:51 <WoeGryphon> brings a tear to my eye.

09:52 * Princess-QRS praises Princess-Luna's flanks

09:52 <Muffin_Spectacles> Evil_Spike: Wrestling...wrestling!? What is it with people and wrestling!!?

09:52 <camopony> eh its a gun

09:52 <WoeGryphon> why buy the M70 over the N-pap?

09:52 * Flashy is flusterd

09:53 <Evil_Spike> Because Wrestling is cool

09:53 <camopony> and baseball is boring unless your playing ( as in on the feild)

09:53 <jamis> Cause, underfolder and the gas block

09:53 <Evil_Spike> ^

09:53 <Evil_Spike> Same with Cricket

09:53 <Princess-Luna> I quite enjoy wrestling

09:53 <jamis> But the pap is a good gun too.

09:54 <jamis> Honestly, I want both...

09:54 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sports, people want millions for hitting a ball. If you paint a picture, people expect you to do it for next-to-nothing...what is wrong with that picture!!?

09:54 <Evil_Spike> Speaking of, I need to get through this PPV.

09:54 <WoeGryphon> pap is better

09:54 <camopony> one question is this the WWE wrestling or actual wrestling?

09:54 <Evil_Spike> It's "sports entertainment"

09:54 <Evil_Spike> The closest thing to actual wrestling that is popular is Ring of Honor

09:55 <camopony> no idea what that is

09:55 <Muffin_Spectacles> I hate when they announce celebrities for C2E2, because half the time it's always wrestlers!! Why never animators or people in the entertainment industry? Are they afraid they'll die in Chicago?

09:55 <Princess-Luna> Wrestlers ARE in the entertainment industry. :P

09:55 <Evil_Spike> It's the company that Daniel Bryan, Cesaro and CM Punk came from before WWE

09:56 <camopony> Muffin_Spectacles C2E2?

09:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> I guess seeing teens on public access TV put on their own backyard wrestling matches soured me.

09:56 <Princess-Luna> Don't take that out on the pro's

09:56 <Princess-Luna> not even they enjoy watching that garbage. x3

09:57 <Evil_Spike> What, the guys who have no idea what they are doing and break each others necks with a simple suplex?

09:57 <Muffin_Spectacles> camopony: The 'supposed' Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo. The first two years they had some decent guests, but almost no films or studios have come to promote anything. WE got Hemsworth to promote Thor before its release, and since then, it's been pretty low-key. We would have been prime audience material for an Avengers panel!

09:57 <Heartbreak> Princess-Luna!

09:57 <Evil_Spike> While also using things like cheese graters?

09:57 * Heartbreak hugs Princess-Luna!

09:57 * Princess-Luna hugs Heartbreak in return

09:58 * Heartbreak goes under Princess-Luna's wing.

09:58 <Heartbreak> This... This is a good place...

09:58 <Heartbreak> ;.;

09:58 <camopony> ok yah i live in MN, nothing ever happends here thats worth noteing

09:58 <Heartbreak> camopony, Where are you ?

09:58 * Princess-Luna is also glad that an Iron Man 4 is...well, looking distinctly more likely. XD

09:59 <camopony> MN USA

09:59 <jamis> ...

09:59 <Heartbreak> In Minneightsota.

09:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> camopony: What about that Pony con in Minneapolis? Didn't Creber at least go there?

09:59 <jamis> Didn't care for the last iron man.

09:59 <Heartbreak> Cause... Jet is from Minnesota.

09:59 <Princess-Luna> :P

09:59 <jamis> The second wasn't super either.

09:59 <Heartbreak> He lives near the twin cities.

09:59 <Heartbreak> Wait... Was it up north...?

09:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> jamis: Iron Man 2 suffered like some 2 movies: it got too big for its own good. Like the second Transformers film.

09:59 <camopony> i didnt know therewasone in minneapolis until just now

09:59 * Princess-QRS rolls up and over Heartbreak

10:00 <camopony> Heartbreak no i am near the twin cities

10:00 <Muffin_Spectacles> camopony: MLP-MSP.

10:00 * Princess-Luna shrugs - she quite enjoyed IM from 1-3, doesn't really care either way

10:00 <Heartbreak> Jet went to that!

10:00 * Princess-QRS hugs Heartbreak

10:00 <Princess-QRS> Heartbreak is a good pony.

10:00 <Princess-Luna> I don't pretend to have good taste, I just likes what I like. x3

10:00 <Heartbreak> Am not!

10:00 <Princess-QRS> She's kind, caring, and respectful, etc.

10:01 <Muffin_Spectacles> I'm planning to attend Ciderfest inWisconsin.

10:01 <Princess-QRS> She's also a strategic nuclear weapon.

10:01 <camopony> where do i find info on all these fests?

10:01 <Evil_Spike> You mean cons?

10:01 *** Joins: Vokuros (iednnfphwry@Pony-vq20cp.res.rr.com)

10:02 <camopony> yes, though i dont think cider fest counts as a con from what ive heard

10:02 <Muffin_Spectacles> Going up with some friends and staying overnight that weekend, then heading back down to Chcago. Rather funny that Chicago can't even get a ponycon of its own.

10:02 <WoeGryphon> because its got the cubs

10:02 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

10:03 <Evil_Spike> At the moment, I think there are too many pony conventions in general

10:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> There was a con a few years ago in St Charles where they got almost all the shows writers in one place, but I guess it didn't perform so well, since they didn't do a second.

10:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> Evil_Spike: And that, is why you are Evil...Spike.

10:03 <Princess-Luna> Well, the thing is that there are a lotta fans all over. XD

10:03 <Princess-Luna> this stuff just happens.

10:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> But in truth, it does feel there may come an over-saturation point one day. Eventually, many of the conventions will end up dissolving into smaller fandom meetups, and there'll only b 3 major bronycons.

10:04 <Evil_Spike> True, but it doesn't mean you need 20 cons in one country

10:04 <jamis> http://discorderlyconduct.tumblr.com/

10:04 <Princess-Luna> you gotta big dang country

10:04 <Evil_Spike> Just for one fandom

10:04 *** Joins: RekttothePecs (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

10:04 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Connection closed)

10:04 <Muffin_Spectacles> Of course, we have had 'examples' of when cons...fail.

10:05 * Princess-QRS frollics in the ball pit

10:05 *** Quits: Vokuro (iednnfphwry@Pony-vq20cp.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:05 <Evil_Spike> Oh yes.

10:05 <Princess-Luna> lol

10:05 *** Quits: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Connection closed)

10:05 *** Joins: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

10:05 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-a1dg8u.res.rr.com)

10:05 <Evil_Spike> I think every con related to a fandom needs a ballpit from now on

10:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h ConfusionRift

10:05 * Princess-QRS hails Lord Robot!

10:05 <camopony> seriously? is there a location i can find con info at? cause i realy want to go to one but i cant find any in MN

10:06 <Evil_Spike> Hey Confusion

10:06 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

10:06 <Evil_Spike> There's probably a general geek convention in MN

10:06 <RekttothePecs> peeps at cons, are the like the peeps on this chat, generally?

10:06 <Evil_Spike> Generally yeah

10:07 <Evil_Spike> I've been to a few general geek cons as well as PAX Australia

10:07 <RekttothePecs> Well, don't think I'll be heading to any cons soon then.

10:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> WE got a new place opening up called Geek Bar. I have wondered if they cater to crowds outside of D&D, or Dr Who. i could be a strange in an unholy land there.

10:08 <Princess-Luna> Whatever, lol

10:08 *** Quits: Beans (rxukcqxofnl@Pony-v8t9hg.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:08 <Gigabit> His many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus.

10:08 <Gigabit> How*

10:08 <Evil_Spike> Even if they do cater to both, go and join them at some point. Can't be any worse than the time I went to the Mana Bar in Melbourne

10:09 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://askmarusya.tumblr.com/)

10:10 <Evil_Spike> It was a dingy little bar in a suburb making your skin crawl that had maybe 2 consoles set up.

10:10 <Muffin_Spectacles> i must be a geek anyways, since I'm playing The Neverending Story on the tv.

10:10 <camopony> Gigabit why dont you try and tickle an octopus and tell us?

10:10 <Gigabit> It takes ten-tickles.

10:10 <Princess-Luna> Oh god

10:10 <Princess-Luna> Oh god that was bad

10:10 <ConfusionRift> "Do you want some alpine mead, or mutton some chops?" | "...what? The heck is that?" (gets thrown out)

10:10 <Gigabit> Ten-tickles camopony

10:11 <Princess-Luna> OUT, Giga. xD

10:11 * Princess-Luna slappyhooves, lol

10:11 <Gigabit> TEN-tickles camopony! X3

10:11 <Vokuros> oh my

10:11 <Vokuros> Also, I see what you did there, Giga

10:11 <Muffin_Spectacles> I also know I'm not really a sports fan: I'm one of a small percentage of people that sees a positive in us getting The George Lucas Museum here.

10:12 <Princess-QRS> Is he going to rebuild it every ten years?

10:12 <Muffin_Spectacles> When I heard we were getting that museum I went, 'Finally! Something I don't need to go to California or New York to experience!"

10:12 <Princess-Luna> Zing

10:12 <Muffin_Spectacles> Princess-QRS: Don't make me go all Sylvester on you...because I will.

10:12 <RekttothePecs> HD remake?

10:13 <ConfusionRift> Princess-Luna: Nah. It starts with the end, and ends with the beginning. :P

10:13 <camopony> Gigabit that was actualy amusing.

10:13 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

10:13 <RekttothePecs> It'll start out as a 2D museum, but then he'll make it 3D

10:13 <Vokuros> And then it will be bought by Disney

10:13 <RekttothePecs> First 3 he build are going to be hits

10:13 <Muffin_Spectacles> Twilight Sparkle: "Alright, this is ridiculous."

10:13 <Princess-QRS> well you've killed the joke modus

10:14 <jamis> http://zutheskunk.deviantart.com/art/BLEEAAUUGH-486115422

10:14 <Princess-Luna> lol

10:14 <Princess-QRS> it's dead

10:14 <Gigabit> There's a greasy spoon I'm town that makes the best hot dogs.

10:14 <RekttothePecs> like Lucas killed his franchise?

10:14 <Gigabit> In*

10:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> I'm just ging to love when people realize it's not going to be wall-to-wall Star Wars in that place.

10:14 <RekttothePecs> good. Feel my pain. Feel it.

10:14 <Gigabit> I guess you can say.. They are the best of the wurst.

10:14 <Vokuros> lol

10:14 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-29n.ak5.58.96.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

10:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> If one stands back and looks, we made his films more serious than he probably intended.

10:14 <RekttothePecs> Howard

10:14 <RekttothePecs> the duck

10:15 <Evil_Spike> Duck tits. Woo ooh!

10:15 <ConfusionRift> Ahem?

10:15 <Gigabit> Which US state has the smallest soft drink?

10:15 <jamis> wat

10:15 <Princess-Luna> Mini soda

10:15 <RekttothePecs> ahahaha

10:15 <Gigabit> Damn..

10:15 <RekttothePecs> I like it

10:16 <jamis> We have 6oz sodas.

10:16 <ConfusionRift> None. Because all are extra large. :P

10:16 <jamis> The so called "snack pack" sodas.

10:16 <Muffin_Spectacles> It feels like the 90's when this size/quantity stuff started to get out of hand.

10:16 <camopony> wow lame joke alert!!!

10:16 *** Quits: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Connection closed)

10:16 <ConfusionRift> Yeah... sorry. (shoots joke, and buries it)

10:17 <RekttothePecs> camopony, you can't appreciate the beauty of a pun

10:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> Of course, the only reason I ever bought 32 oz sodas was because of the McDonadl's movie cup tieins.

10:17 <Evil_Spike> Why do you Americans need huge drinks?

10:17 *** Joins: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

10:17 <Hamtramck> Why would you drink 32 oz of soda

10:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> How else was I going to get the collectors cups for Roger RAbbit, Jurassic Park, and Batman Returns?

10:17 <Hamtramck> you' pee forever

10:17 <Hamtramck> You can buy the cup separately

10:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> I was also a much younger person...then *cue X-Men music*

10:17 <Evil_Spike> Our large would be your small, or maybe medium

10:17 <mniip> 32 oz is just a liter .-.

10:18 <camopony> RekttothePecs hey i didnt say it wasnt funny

10:18 <Muffin_Spectacles> Jurassic Park's marketing was also the unofficial start of the whole super-sizing trend.

10:18 * ConfusionRift shrugs. "Things."

10:18 <Evil_Spike> It's still 1L of soft drink!

10:18 <Muffin_Spectacles> They added a dino-size fry container that summer, and after that, just changed it to the XL size, and started that super-size it trend.

10:18 <Evil_Spike> Super Sizing is stupid

10:18 <Flashy> ConfusionRift

10:19 <Flashy> why you heff to be mad?

10:19 <ConfusionRift> I'm not mad. o_0

10:19 <Muffin_Spectacles> Furious?

10:19 <Flashy> your sure about that now?

10:19 <Muffin_Spectacles> Peeved?

10:19 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-bip0b5.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:20 * Princess-QRS lays atop ConfusionRift

10:20 * Flashy licks ConfusionRift

10:20 <Flashy> everypony pile ontop of ConfusionRift?

10:20 <ConfusionRift> Nah. I'm alright. Just don't see why it's such a thing to question what happens in another country.

10:20 <Evil_Spike> Oh my!

10:20 <Flashy> o_o

10:20 <Flashy> anothe rcountry?

10:20 <Muffin_Spectacles> ConfusionRift: News does it all the time - though only when Americans are killed. *rimshot*

10:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> *crickets* "...what?...too much?"

10:21 <ConfusionRift> That's... kinda true though.

10:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> I think Pinkie's 'what?...too much?'is my new favorite saying.

10:21 <camopony> confused as to what going on now

10:21 <Vokuros> lol Muffin

10:21 * jamis isn't really paying attention either...

10:21 <camopony> iMUFFIN!

10:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> camopony: ISIS wants to destroy your pony collections, so sayetyh Fox news.

10:21 <jamis> Someone, buy me this. http://www.aoyue.com/en/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=337

10:21 <jamis> Buy it for me!

10:22 * Flashy tosses ConfusionRift a large bag of Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bears

10:22 <ConfusionRift> Some thing about a cat and a guy, and then right at the end of the program they talk about an assassination attempt.

10:22 <WoeGryphon> they do hate ponies.

10:22 <camopony> i dont have a pony collection and i cant talk about that.

10:22 <WoeGryphon> its true

10:22 * ConfusionRift noms on gummy bears.

10:22 <Flashy> eat them all :D

10:22 *** Quits: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Connection closed)

10:22 <ConfusionRift> I can, actually. I just get sick of them after a while.

10:23 <ConfusionRift> Not a gummy pony per say.

10:23 *** Joins: Vokuro (iednnfphwry@Pony-vq20cp.res.rr.com)

10:23 <Flashy> lol "sick"

10:23 <Flashy> ConfusionRift dose not know does he

10:23 <ConfusionRift> I mean sick of the same texture and flavor.

10:23 * Evil_Spike passes ConfusionRift a Tim-Tam through the internet

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10:23 <WoeGryphon> guys

10:23 <WoeGryphon> its extreme

10:23 <WoeGryphon> http://i.4cdn.org/o/1412748318423.jpg

10:23 <Evil_Spike> Oh god why?

10:23 <ConfusionRift> This car so need the rice bowl sticker.

10:24 <jamis> Man, new mexico has a horrible looking plate.

10:24 <camopony> speechless i can't us my usual comment here

10:24 <ConfusionRift> Oh yeah, a New Mexico vehicle, just noticed. :P

10:24 <WoeGryphon> http://i.4cdn.org/o/1412747784719.jpg

10:25 <ConfusionRift> camopony: What's up?

10:25 <camopony> that image i have no words for how terable it is

10:25 <camopony> that can be expressed here

10:25 *** Quits: Vokuros (iednnfphwry@Pony-vq20cp.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:25 <ConfusionRift> camopony: That's why I want to from my rice bowl sticker idea. :P

10:26 <Evil_Spike> Would anypony like a Tim-Tam?

10:26 <jamis> http://www.scdmvonline.com/DMVNew/images/Final%203M%20Plate%20Design%208-14-07.jpg

10:26 <jamis> We got an awesome looking plate.

10:26 <camopony> Tim-Tam?

10:26 <Evil_Spike> Yep, Tim-Tam

10:26 <ConfusionRift> Evil_Spike: Didn't know what a tim-tam was. Now that I know... I want it!

10:26 <Hamtramck> Australian cookies.

10:27 <Evil_Spike> It's a biscuit, not a cookie

10:27 <Hamtramck> They're called Arnott's in the state, on a count of being Arnott is the company that makes them.

10:27 <camopony> is that what a Tim-Tam is?

10:27 <Hamtramck> They're cookies in America, on account of being we're not in the commonwealth.

10:27 <camopony> hmm... sounds interesting.

10:27 <WoeGryphon> http://i.4cdn.org/o/1412748039717.jpg

10:28 <camopony> ok that one isnt too bad

10:28 <Evil_Spike> There is a difference between Cookies and Biscuits

10:28 <Hamtramck> they're like a flattened siamese twix

10:28 <Muffin_Spectacles> Well, I'm off. Hopefully, I can sleep off more of this cough. It wasn't as bad as a few days ago.

10:28 <Evil_Spike> Cookies are sugary, biscuits are floury

10:28 <ConfusionRift> Alright, laters Muffin_Spectacles.

10:28 <ConfusionRift> Have a good one.

10:28 *** Quits: Muffin_Spectacles (nxmobybluco@Pony-1uln4s.cable.rcn.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:28 <Evil_Spike> Later Muffin

10:30 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-e4gf83.ip14.netikka.fi) (Quit: leaving)

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10:32 <ConfusionRift> WoeGryphon: Not.. too bad. But still bad. Also noticed the kits don't match at all.

10:32 <jamis> That's normal sad to say...

10:33 <WoeGryphon> that front bumper is horrific

10:33 <ConfusionRift> Poor attempt at a front spoiler.

10:33 * Princess-QRS gives ConfusionRift a water bottle.

10:33 <ConfusionRift> Oh, thanks. (chugs it)

10:34 <camopony> yah after looking again it does look terrable

10:34 <WoeGryphon> the rest is bad taste but ok.

10:34 <ConfusionRift> ^

10:34 <WoeGryphon> the front end, is bad taste and bad execution

10:34 *** Joins: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-ti1ljr.versanet.de)

10:35 <ConfusionRift> It would have looked nicer if they matched somehow.

10:35 <LunaticHell> gooooood morning

10:35 <LunaticHell> !

10:35 <WoeGryphon> the fact that it's a convertable is an instant fail to me.

10:35 * LunaticHell hugs Princess-Luna

10:35 <Princess-Luna> *snerks* Spoiler warning! :P

10:35 <ConfusionRift> Oh... yeah. Didn't notice that. (puts on the rice bowl sticker, and a FAIL sticker)

10:35 <camopony> NO!!!

10:35 * Princess-Luna hugs LunaticHell

10:35 <ConfusionRift> Hello LunaticHell.

10:36 <LunaticHell> I have something for you, Luna. ^^

10:36 <camopony> no spoilers

10:36 <LunaticHell> hahahaha

10:36 <Princess-Luna> I do love surprises

10:36 <LunaticHell> camopony: You're more than 20 years late for that

10:36 <LunaticHell> A little blast from the past https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBbnT-cIDVM

10:36 <LunaticHell> This is my childhood.

10:37 <Princess-Luna> Hahaaha

10:37 <Princess-Luna> I remember that

10:37 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/738529

10:37 *** Quits: reiuiji (reiuiji@nuclear.raven) (Quit: leaving)

10:38 <WoeGryphon> ever buying a convertable.

10:38 <WoeGryphon> ugh.

10:38 <WoeGryphon> disgusting

10:38 <LunaticHell> This used to be our idea of "badass"

10:38 <ConfusionRift> To be honest, the majority of my childhood was educational TV.

10:38 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Hey LunaticHell :)

10:38 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: See how it helped you, are you educated now? :P

10:38 <camopony> um i am actualy 25 adn that was the cheesiest opening song i have ever heard

10:38 <LunaticHell> hi Dan

10:38 <ConfusionRift> Hated convertibles back then, hate them even more now.

10:38 <Evil_Spike> Majority of my childhood was public access commercial free tv

10:39 <Evil_Spike> And it wasn't PBS standard. It was GOOD!

10:39 *** Quits: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:39 <Princess-Luna> <camopony> um i am actualy 25 adn that was the cheesiest opening song i have ever heard - you need to have seen childrens programming back in the 90's to appreciate that.

10:39 <LunaticHell> camopony: hahaha you ain't seen nothin' yet.

10:40 <LunaticHell> ba-ba-ba-baby you just ain't seen nothin' yet~

10:40 <Daniel_Waterhorse> LunaticHell, since you'd encouraged me to draw when I first joined horsechat, I figure I'd show you my latest art attempt

10:40 <LunaticHell> yay

10:40 * Daniel_Waterhorse actually stopped being a bum about drawing for ten minutes

10:40 <LunaticHell> shoot me...er...hit me...err...show me!

10:40 <Daniel_Waterhorse> http://i.imgur.com/7Psdlxk.png

10:40 <RekttothePecs> wow

10:40 <RekttothePecs> pretty impressive arting

10:40 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@sharpest.of.all.fangs) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:40 <LunaticHell> wow that looks pretty awesome

10:40 <RekttothePecs> shading is gud

10:41 *** Joins: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

10:41 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I was happy with it while I was drawing it, and then I despised it, and now I feel neutral about it.

10:41 <RekttothePecs> the head looks weird

10:41 * LunaticHell sheds a tear "they grow up so fast."

10:41 <Evil_Spike> I would link you to what was essentially my childhood, but it's been blocked by Viacom

10:41 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah, pony faces are weird

10:41 <WoeGryphon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFEAzP1Zm-A

10:41 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Not quite sure how to draw em yet

10:41 <LunaticHell> I like the googly eyes

10:42 <Daniel_Waterhorse> They're goggles T.T

10:42 <LunaticHell> I know. ^^

10:42 <ConfusionRift> I think it's the eyes. He/she looks like not having a sleep in ages, looking at bright lights int he dark.

10:42 <WoeGryphon> daniel, excellent work.

10:42 <ConfusionRift> *in the

10:42 <ConfusionRift> Alas, very good.

10:42 <WoeGryphon> I'm digging the mad science vibe.

10:42 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Oh well. Thank you for the kind words v.v

10:43 <ConfusionRift> Seriously, it's good. :)

10:43 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-hio.kts.71.50.IP) (Client exited)

10:43 * Daniel_Waterhorse is reading research papers right now instead of sleeping so it's kind of true to life!

10:43 <LunaticHell> Daniel_Waterhorse: You should show it in EQDart, too.

10:43 <Princess-QRS> It's good as heck.

10:43 <LunaticHell> See? It's Princess Approved.

10:43 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Ah, I think I'll try to improve a little bit before I show my stuff to anybody besides horsechat

10:43 <LunaticHell> sure

10:43 * Princess-QRS stamps Daniel_Waterhorse with a PRINCESS APPROVED stamp

10:43 <Daniel_Waterhorse> But you guys are being too nice, I might start to feel good about myself D:

10:43 <ConfusionRift> "After so long, my elixer is finally done... (yawns) ...have to test it... (lays head down) ...tomorrooooow..."

10:43 <WoeGryphon> dude

10:44 <Princess-QRS> Then we've done our job.

10:44 <RekttothePecs> Daniel_Waterhorse, I think the head maybe too big, or the neck to small

10:44 <WoeGryphon> your pretty seriously good.

10:44 <RekttothePecs> something's wonky with the proportions

10:44 <WoeGryphon> your stuff's very emotive.

10:44 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah, the head is definitely too big. this I know

10:44 <WoeGryphon> may we see more please?

10:44 <LunaticHell> Daniel_Waterhorse: Maybe think about uploading to dA?

10:44 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I don't really have anything else at the moment, but I when I draw more things, I will post them

10:45 <RekttothePecs> other than that, great concept, good shading, the proportions are suspec

10:45 <Daniel_Waterhorse> maybe I'll do a dA, if I find I have time to draw

10:45 <RekttothePecs> suspect

10:45 * Daniel_Waterhorse blushes, "I dunno how to handle all the compliments"

10:45 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, let's look at it more clearly.

10:45 <WoeGryphon> I'm forgiving on proportion when the stuff is sufficiently expressive.

10:45 * Daniel_Waterhorse hides in a corner.

10:45 *** Quits: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:45 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah. I'll get better at pony proportions eventually.

10:45 <RekttothePecs> not me. it's so realistic that it almost hits the uncanny valley for me

10:46 <RekttothePecs> so the proportions are even more jarring for me

10:46 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Maybe I just have a big head :p

10:46 *** poseyshy|dreaming is now known as poseyshy|work

10:46 <LunaticHell> Daniel_Waterhorse: I absolutely uploaded everything to dA.

10:46 *** Joins: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

10:46 <LunaticHell> The good, the bad and the ugly ones. xD

10:46 <RekttothePecs> if you had chosen to use a more cartoony colouring style, Daniel_Waterhorse, the proportions would not bother me as much.

10:46 <WoeGryphon> the lighting is solid.

10:47 <WoeGryphon> the composition is excellent, especially his use of color and textural contrast.

10:47 <WoeGryphon> His expression work is very good, we can instantly get a feel for whats going on here so he's communicating his ideas very effectively.

10:47 <LunaticHell> Daniel_Waterhorse: I knew you had talent. ^^

10:47 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Dawww

10:47 <Princess-QRS> lots of talent

10:48 <Daniel_Waterhorse> You guys <3

10:48 <WoeGryphon> I vote 7.5/10

10:48 <Princess-QRS> A new art pony rises!

10:48 <RekttothePecs> I agree, WoeGryphon, the execution could be improved

10:48 <WoeGryphon> Your no Caravaggio or Ivan bilibin, but you have a very good head for the work.

10:48 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I think it's a rubbish drawing and that all of it could be improved so I'm glad anyone likes any aspect of it @.@

10:48 <WoeGryphon> your raw expression is there, we're getting it. We need detail oriented practice from you, proportion as has been said.

10:49 *** Quits: Gigabit (Gigabit@Elegy.for.a.Changeling) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:49 <RekttothePecs> did you use a reference, Daniel_Waterhorse?

10:49 <WoeGryphon> but I'm a photography nerd, so my eye is oriented towards a different format.

10:49 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Neigh

10:49 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I should have

10:49 <Chibi-Vinyl> hmm...

10:50 <Chibi-Vinyl> a random thought justpopped into my head

10:50 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Hey, you're able to communicate information about a picture very effectively, WoeGryphon

10:50 <WoeGryphon> Appropriate terminology helps.

10:50 <Chibi-Vinyl> do you think any of the mlp VA's even pop into chas like this secertly

10:50 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Away (Mongoose@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:50 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Lot's of people don't know where to begin when critiquing art. It's a skill.

10:50 <Chibi-Vinyl> er ever not even

10:50 <Princess-Luna> Nah

10:50 <WoeGryphon> Your composition and expressive intent comes across very clear dude.

10:50 <ConfusionRift> The proportions are not bad, especially since ponies in the show do have large heads. It's in the reasonable side. Shading is good. I noticed that white speck on top. Detail, lens glare, mistake? Not sure. I'll call it mysterious reflection. The eyes, as goggley as they look, are on par with the feel, of being alone in the dark doing stuff. Everything seems more solid. The bottom container is not so solid in look though, in

10:50 <ConfusionRift> comparison to the bottle.

10:51 <WoeGryphon> Your nuts and bolts mechanics need help though, I wouldnt even think they're that weak honestly but your emotive capability is huge and it makes your weaknesses glaring.

10:51 <LunaticHell> Daniel_Waterhorse: improved can be absolutely everything, but one should be able to stand down and let good be good enough.

10:52 <WoeGryphon> makes me think of Caravagio with your use of light, or maybe some early early Bilibin with your use of color.

10:52 <ConfusionRift> Also noticed the right side of the head, there's a very dark corner. Maybe a bit more brighter could have done the trick. :)

10:52 <WoeGryphon> Bilibin sort of went nuts crazy with the color later in his career.

10:52 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah, I can take the good with the bad. What I like about art is its ability to tell a story through the image. So if my expressiveness shows, I'm okay with that.

10:52 <LunaticHell> Bilbin Baggins?

10:52 <WoeGryphon> It does not show.

10:52 <Daniel_Waterhorse> The technical aspects are something I need practice on, but it's just so hard to find time to draw T.T

10:52 <WoeGryphon> it shines, brightly.

10:53 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Aww.... alright alright, you're making me all bashful and stuff

10:53 * Daniel_Waterhorse hugs all the pones.

10:53 * ConfusionRift hugs back. :P

10:53 * LunaticHell hugs, too.

10:53 <WoeGryphon> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Bilibin all "comic art" comes from this.

10:53 <RekttothePecs> what do you mean by "expressive intent and composition"?

10:53 <WoeGryphon> this is the source, the origin of that sort of use.

10:53 <LunaticHell> camopony: More cheese!

10:53 <Daniel_Waterhorse> It is definitely incredibly encouraging. But for now I've got to get back to science! Seriously people are waitin' on my stuff @.@

10:54 <Evil_Spike> Always needs more cheese

10:54 <Daniel_Waterhorse> And I probably don't get to sleep tonight :I

10:54 *** Quits: Lycan (Lycan@wibbly.wobbly.timey.wimey) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:54 <RekttothePecs> it's harder for musicpones like me, since the amount of people that write music is much less than those that art

10:54 <camopony> unaticHell that was 'ages' ago

10:54 *** Joins: RainbowBlitz (TempestSwif@Elegy.for.a.Changeling)

10:54 <WoeGryphon> Expressive intent, would mean entirely what he is trying to communicate here. He's very aggressive with his color choice, and he stuck with it so he can communicate on multiple levels. Color, texture and overall construction of the image.

10:54 <RekttothePecs> So I can't get as good critiques or help

10:54 <Daniel_Waterhorse> (But on a side note, Bilibin has some sick art :p)

10:54 <camopony> ugh i hate typos

10:55 <WoeGryphon> If your like "I dont get what you were truying to do here"

10:55 * LunaticHell brings more cheese

10:55 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAkL2-vh2Sk

10:55 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about X Men Opening Theme (High Quality)

10:55 <WoeGryphon> they have poor expression, its not clear what they were trying to say to you.

10:55 <RekttothePecs> communicate? Art isn't an essay. i'm not sure what yu mean.

10:55 <WoeGryphon> art is a language

10:55 <ConfusionRift> ^

10:55 <Evil_Spike> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMagZjWmFbE

10:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Cheez TV Intro

10:55 <RekttothePecs> language has meaning

10:56 <RekttothePecs> as in it expresses things that are true or false.

10:56 <WoeGryphon> Composition, well novels are written about it. Painters, inkers, charcoal, scultpors ect. All artistic formats have their own unique expections of compositional construction.

10:56 <Princess-Luna> ...

10:56 <Evil_Spike> Basically it was how Australians first saw Pokemon and DBZ

10:56 <ConfusionRift> The expressions, the message, the emotions behind a piece of art. They portray a meaning and/or message.

10:56 <Princess-Luna> ^

10:56 *** Joins: Lycan (Lycan@wibbly.wobbly.timey.wimey)

10:56 *** Joins: Vexpon (Vexpon@vex.pon)

10:56 <Hamtramck> oh dang yeah bilibn D:DD

10:56 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I think what he's trying to say is that when someone draws a picture, they are trying to invoke a mood, or imply a piece of a larger story

10:56 <ConfusionRift> ^

10:57 <RekttothePecs> what's the message or meaning here? "Scientists mix chemicals"?

10:57 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Nightly Roundup #1070 [ http://tinyurl.com/q5omxyc ]

10:57 <WoeGryphon> My art background is in photography, so I'm looking at things through that lens. Lets break down the word "Photography" or a moment here. it means "painting with light". We have a number of expections of our own, use of negative space, 3/4ths compositional construction ect ect.

10:58 <RekttothePecs> Daniel_Waterhorse, I can see the mood part. i can maybe see the larger story part, as in asking "why is the pony mixing chemicals? Maybe he's some mad scientist in his lab."

10:58 <ConfusionRift> Loneliness, trapped in his/her work, excluding the surroundings as he tries to get things done. Lonesome, with a bit of madness.

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10:58 <WoeGryphon> Compositionally, I'm digging his use of secondary lighting, which is dynamic and not static really. The negative space draws us to him, it secludes him.

10:59 <RekttothePecs> ConfusionRift, he's smiling. And maybe it's all dark b/c the chemical reacts with light?

10:59 <RekttothePecs> thus ruining his experiment.

10:59 <WoeGryphon> Thats not just glowy chemicals, he did a very good job of illustrating that they are a unique light source of their own.

10:59 <WoeGryphon> I saw it as a wince, toil in the dark, fatigue, drive, devotion to his art.

10:59 <ConfusionRift> RekttothePecs: Hence, and hint of madness.

11:00 <WoeGryphon> very mad science to me.

11:00 <RekttothePecs> or he just really digs his work?

11:00 <ConfusionRift> That too.

11:00 <WoeGryphon> his use of negative space there, secludes him. This guy is 'apart' from his surroundings here, on a little island of light in the dark.

11:00 <ConfusionRift> There will never be a set parameter to tell what a piece of art means.

11:00 *** Parts: pony1 (btjdcwaoueu@Pony-3ssl4g.versanet.de) ()

11:00 <RekttothePecs> and he's not mad or crazy or loony at all? but just passionate? Or maybe he has some sort of face paralysis that keeps his lips locked in a smiling position

11:00 <Princess-Luna> Goingtobednowguys, g'night

11:00 *** Joins: GigabitPony (Gigabit@Elegy.for.a.Changeling)

11:00 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: NiNi)

11:01 *** Quits: Lycan (Lycan@wibbly.wobbly.timey.wimey) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:01 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah, I kind of meant for it to be a concentrated grimace. Not like a conscious expression, really.

11:01 * ConfusionRift tries to catch Luna, but misses.

11:01 * WoeGryphon doesnt usually bother with any attempt at critique, alot've stuff he looks for doesnt transfer over to traditional mediums.

11:01 *** Joins: Mongoose (Mongoose@Mongoose.publicBNC.canternet.org)

11:01 <RekttothePecs> so by meaning and message, you guys are really talking about interpretation and drawing inferences based on this picture about the wider world the character inhabits.

11:01 *** GigabitPony is now known as Terrabyte

11:01 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Just the face I sort of suspect I make when I'm bent over some project working on it for hours.

11:01 <WoeGryphon> partially.

11:01 *** Terrabyte is now known as Gigabit

11:01 <WoeGryphon> but also his nuts and bolts.

11:01 *** Mongoose is now known as Pony_58496

11:02 <RekttothePecs> his nuts and bolts?

11:02 <camopony> It's a good drawing. i like it.

11:02 <WoeGryphon> the drawing is on a black background, I dont read that as "i didnt want to draw this" i saw that as darkness.

11:02 <WoeGryphon> That means something to me.

11:02 <ConfusionRift> Daniel_Waterhorse: Let me guess. A subconscious light smile after going through 1000 things late at night? :P

11:02 <WoeGryphon> like, this is a scene I could have taken a picture of.

11:02 <ConfusionRift> ^

11:03 <WoeGryphon> his lighting, would have meant the background could not be visible.

11:03 <RekttothePecs> what does it mean "that means something to me"

11:04 <WoeGryphon> take it literally.

11:04 <ConfusionRift> Darkness is a symbol, not the absence of something.

11:04 <RekttothePecs> there are many different ways I could take it

11:04 <WoeGryphon> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caravaggio note the use of darkness here by Caravaggio.

11:04 <RekttothePecs> "I am moved by that". "I infer x from that"

11:04 <WoeGryphon> literally no work he ever did, has a detailed background.

11:05 <RekttothePecs> "that is important to me"

11:05 <WoeGryphon> he frames everything in very stark light and dark.

11:05 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-k7nn1u.mtl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

11:05 <WoeGryphon> thisis a technique I have seen before, and approve of greatly

11:06 *** Joins: Lycan (Lycan@wibbly.wobbly.timey.wimey)

11:06 * Frames is frames

11:06 <WoeGryphon> but Caravaggio is also easily my favorite painter (because he paints like a photographer), so I am very biased when I see things similar.

11:06 <RekttothePecs> it looks cool. really cool

11:07 <RekttothePecs> I don't know what else to say about it or whether it means something

11:07 <WoeGryphon> thats fine.

11:08 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Ah, cool. Caravaggio was one of Rembrandt's influences.

11:08 <WoeGryphon> art has its own vocabulary so we can try and communicate our own very complicated and often nebulous feelings and observations to one another.

11:08 <Daniel_Waterhorse> It's kinda cliche but I really like Rembrandt >.>

11:08 <WoeGryphon> the dude fought with swords, painted jesus with dirty fingernails, and painted with light.

11:09 <RekttothePecs> I say that b/c I believe that's all anyone CAN say and still be epistemologically justified

11:09 *** Unixkitty|4d is now known as Unixkitty

11:09 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Chu.Lookin.At)

11:10 <RekttothePecs> saying anymore than that get into lovey dovey touchy feely stuff.

11:10 <WoeGryphon> https://bylovealone.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/caravaggio-the-calling-of-st-matthew-full.jpg

11:10 <WoeGryphon> the use of light, of filth, of color.

11:11 <ConfusionRift> It does give a rather nice texture and life.

11:11 <RekttothePecs> what filth?

11:11 <WoeGryphon> the scan there is bad

11:12 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Man, the 17th century was such a good time for European art.

11:12 <WoeGryphon> but all of the characters caravaggio did, were dirty.

11:12 *** Joins: SurfNinja (omclngjctfq@Pony-160vfj.res.rr.com)

11:12 <WoeGryphon> in a time when all holy figures were painted as beautiful supernatural beings.

11:12 <WoeGryphon> he painted them like street people, dirty, sometimes not hugely healthy.

11:12 <SurfNinja> ...and now the government wants him dead.

11:13 <WoeGryphon> People were always striving to pack their images with so much stuff, to prove their artistry.

11:13 <SurfNinja> Coming this summer!

11:13 <WoeGryphon> and caravaggio is like nope.

11:13 <RekttothePecs> contrast is almost beethovenian

11:13 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah. This was during the baroque era when everyone was drawing these huge murals of angelic scenes and intricate, possible gaudy details

11:13 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Er, painting rather

11:13 <WoeGryphon> www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/caravaggio/st-thomas.jpg

11:14 <WoeGryphon> what background

11:14 <WoeGryphon> doesnt need it.

11:14 <WoeGryphon> thats not the point, these men here are the point.

11:14 <Daniel_Waterhorse> And so this is sort of the opposite, these dark, dirty scenes that were probably much more true to life

11:14 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Also that painting makes me kind of uncomfortable :p

11:14 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I mean ouch

11:14 <WoeGryphon> theres dirt under the nails of christ here, this is like nothing before or since.

11:15 <RekttothePecs> I can't see the dirt, it's too low res

11:16 <WoeGryphon> I slept through art history mostly.

11:16 *** POMDPone|AFK is now known as POMDPone

11:16 <WoeGryphon> and then I saw a Caravaggio

11:17 <WoeGryphon> the beheading of st.John the Baptist

11:17 <WoeGryphon> touring through my city

11:17 <WoeGryphon> and I was arrested

11:17 <WoeGryphon> it wasnt anything I had any frame of refernce for.

11:17 <WoeGryphon> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Michelangelo_Caravaggio_021.jpg

11:18 <WoeGryphon> the central figures on the left, great.

11:18 <WoeGryphon> but whats most arresting here, is the figures on the right.

11:18 <WoeGryphon> looking on with curiosity at this.

11:18 *** RainbowBlitz is now known as GigabitPony

11:19 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Brutal

11:19 <WoeGryphon> I had gone to see the Rothko that we had at the time, but it had an effect on me. Visceral and immediate.

11:19 <WoeGryphon> Caravaggio had just killed his first man in a sword duel before he painted this.

11:19 <WoeGryphon> which was a normalish thing back then.

11:19 <WoeGryphon> his response to his second duel, was more plain.

11:20 <ConfusionRift> Hmmmmm...

11:20 <WoeGryphon> He was commisioned to paint david and goliath.

11:21 <WoeGryphon> but he was having some issues, drinking too much, fighting, his life was getting out of control.

11:21 <WoeGryphon> and so he painted himself into goliath's place, and the man he'd killed as david.

11:21 <WoeGryphon> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/Caravaggio_-_David_con_la_testa_di_Golia.jpg

11:21 <WoeGryphon> note david's expression.

11:22 <ConfusionRift> So he was the one who made this one.

11:22 <WoeGryphon> he doesn't seem at all celebratory, does he.

11:23 <RekttothePecs> "arrested" as in "taken aback", not as in "detained by the law. I was going like wth are you talking about.

11:23 <WoeGryphon> correct

11:23 *** Joins: SilverSilent (SilverSile@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com)

11:24 *** SilverSilent is now known as Pony_18406

11:24 <WoeGryphon> and so when I see Daniel over there, using negative space, shadow and darkness to strain out a background which doesnt really add anything to what he's doing.

11:24 <WoeGryphon> I think Caravaggio.

11:24 <WoeGryphon> and I dig what he's doing.

11:25 *** Joins: MrMooMoo (Moo@Pony-b73.a8j.14.76.IP)

11:26 * Daniel_Waterhorse applauds WoeGryphon's communicative talents.

11:26 * WoeGryphon goes back to talking about guns.

11:26 <Daniel_Waterhorse> X3

11:27 <WoeGryphon> Signal to noise ratio returned to 1/3.

11:27 *** Quits: Pony_18406 (SilverSile@Pony-4g40h5.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:28 <ConfusionRift> Oddly enough, I knew of some of these thanks to both film history class, and world mythology class.

11:28 <WoeGryphon> find more time to do art.

11:28 <WoeGryphon> draw griffons

11:28 <Heartbreak> Evil_Spike, Guess what?

11:29 <ConfusionRift> Boop!

11:29 * ConfusionRift boops Heartbreak.

11:29 *** Quits: GigabitPony (TempestSwif@Elegy.for.a.Changeling) (Quit: While I thought I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.)

11:31 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

11:31 *** Quits: RekttothePecs (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Connection closed)

11:33 <POMDPone> Now I'm curious - Daniel: can you send another link to your work?

11:33 <Evil_Spike> ?

11:33 <WoeGryphon> http://i.4cdn.org/mlp/1412745904989.jpg so much work, oinly to mess the face up

11:34 <Evil_Spike> You called Heartbreak?

11:34 <POMDPone> WoeGryphon: link is ded

11:35 <POMDPone> also, I thought you (Daniel_Waterhorse) were a science pone. Are you also an art pone? O: 

11:36 <WoeGryphon> works for me?

11:36 <ConfusionRift> I dunno. That last one looks too busy.

11:36 <WoeGryphon> the border work is very art deco to me

11:36 <Heartbreak> MUFFIN.

11:37 <LunaticHell> time for some hard truths and facts!

11:37 *** Joins: JandalAdjiel (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

11:37 <LunaticHell> https://derpiboo.ru/712853

11:37 <Evil_Spike> Does anypony here watch Steven Universe?

11:38 <LunaticHell> fact: https://derpiboo.ru/453095

11:38 *** Quits: Hamtramck (sadfsdf@Pony-gl0958.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:38 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:39 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com)

11:39 <ConfusionRift> Evil_Spike: Sometimes.

11:39 <WoeGryphon> thank goodness I'm a griffon then

11:39 <Evil_Spike> Is it worth watching?

11:40 <Evil_Spike> Also, this

11:40 <LunaticHell> time for some trivial facts: https://derpiboo.ru/592885

11:40 <Evil_Spike> !link https://derpibooru.org/560662?scope=scpedb82f8f225613fcd8721bc2b2c73a93ae4024306

11:40 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about oc:fluffle puff van animated safe gif (and 3 more)

11:40 <ConfusionRift> To me, it kinda is. But I don't know if you would like it.

11:40 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Neigh POMDPone, you were right the first time. i am a science pone.

11:40 <WoeGryphon> SCIENCE TIME!

11:41 <WoeGryphon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4CRCJUmWsM

11:42 <POMDPone> well, I didn't see the piece everyone were talking about, but seems you are about to become a science-art pon. I wonder how 1 cutie mark can contain all this.

11:42 <POMDPone> anyway, I envy you! I wish I could find the time and energy to do anything BUT research and work

11:42 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Oh. It's not a great drawing. But I guess some folk think it's alright

11:42 <Daniel_Waterhorse> http://i.imgur.com/7Psdlxk.png

11:42 <Daniel_Waterhorse> That is the drawing in question

11:42 <Daniel_Waterhorse> But the truth is I don't have the energy

11:43 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I have so many things I want to do and not enough time

11:43 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I'm awake now because I drew that damned thing instead of working on this review

11:43 <POMDPone> :D he (she?) stares into my soul

11:44 <Tirek> Ugh

11:44 <POMDPone> well, I won't speak about it any more since others probably wanna talk about guns or whatever

11:44 <Tirek> Why is a 2 megabyte upload uploading and 10 KILOBYTES A SECOND?

11:45 <POMDPone> but you, mr. Daniel, should get some sleep.

11:45 <WoeGryphon> I forgot how good this look around you is

11:46 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Nah, I don't have time. I have a decent group, but I still have to tie all their work together, and I really want to have this one part done so that the one poor girl doesn't have to write our conclusion at like... midnight tomorrow night

11:47 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (SomeFrenchB@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

11:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

11:48 <POMDPone> ohh, group work is fun (unless you are the only one working). What's the subject?

11:48 <POMDPone> wait, no! you shouldn't even be here

11:48 <POMDPone> shoo

11:48 <Evil_Spike> Flash! Aaah! Saviour of the universe!

11:49 <ConfusionRift> I also noticed I almost downed a large bag of chips.

11:50 * POMDPone throws a life buoy at ConfusionRift

11:51 * ConfusionRift uses it, then sinks anyway.

11:51 <POMDPone> noo

11:52 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-m5sjhl.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:52 <POMDPone> Evil_Spike you are the new ConfusionRift

11:52 <Evil_Spike> But I'm not a robot

11:52 <POMDPone> well, too bad

11:52 * Unixkitty pies POMDPone

11:52 <Unixkitty> No one can replace ConfusionRift!

11:52 <Daniel_Waterhorse> oh my god, that video. The teeth drop off bins v.v

11:53 <ConfusionRift> Only because I sunk does not mean I'm gone. (waves from the bottom of the lake)

11:53 <Evil_Spike> ^

11:53 <Evil_Spike> See? He's fine

11:53 <Daniel_Waterhorse> I kinda skipped through it but I was convinced at first that it was a serious educational video

11:54 *** Pony_58496 is now known as Mongoosie

11:54 * POMDPone can't handle the pie

11:54 *** Quits: MrMooMoo (Moo@MOOOOOOOOOO) (Quit: This means I went to sleep or something)

11:57 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-03oqfg.east.verizon.net)

11:59 <Gigabit> Those bags of chips are 60% air anyways.

11:59 <ConfusionRift> Especially the "Baked" stuff.

11:59 *** Quits: Chibi-Vinyl (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

11:59 <Gigabit> Mhmm

12:00 *** Quits: Donitz (pi@Pony-e4gf83.ip14.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:00 *** Quits: SurfNinja (omclngjctfq@Pony-160vfj.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:00 <Gigabit> So you probably really only had a couple daily servings worth which won't kill you to indulge now and then

12:00 <WoeGryphon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMEPnKYX5C0

12:01 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

12:01 <Evil_Spike> \m/

12:01 *** Gigabit is now known as GigabitPony

12:01 <Evil_Spike> God damn it

12:02 <Evil_Spike> Should have posted this:

12:02 <Evil_Spike> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIE8F_OL_Ds

12:02 *** Joins: Donitz (pi@Pony-e4gf83.ip14.netikka.fi)

12:02 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

12:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about AC/DC - Play Ball

12:02 <ConfusionRift> 9V brand 9 volt battery. :P

12:03 <ConfusionRift> Why does this feel so... Portal-ish?

12:04 <ConfusionRift> Or SCP probably.

12:04 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

12:05 *** Joins: bicyclerepairman (repair@s.no.bike)

12:06 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

12:06 <POMDPone> what the...

12:06 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm?

12:06 <Unixkitty> POMDPone, still handling the pie?

12:06 * ConfusionRift pokes Unixkitty.

12:06 <POMDPone> WoeGryphon's link made me rethink my life.

12:07 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: )

12:07 * Unixkitty playfully bites ConfusionRift's poking hoof with no pressure.

12:07 <POMDPone> and no Unixkitty, I couldn't even handle it :(

12:07 <Unixkitty> Good.

12:07 <LunaticHell> oh hi pompom

12:08 * ConfusionRift pets Unixkitty. :P

12:08 <ConfusionRift> Be right back.

12:08 <LunaticHell> Pommel

12:08 <Unixkitty> Meeow.

12:08 <LunaticHell> pomp...hum...pom...

12:08 <LunaticHell> !

12:08 <LunaticHell> Mare de PomPadour!

12:09 *** Quits: GigabitPony (Gigabit@Elegy.for.a.Changeling) (Quit: Canternet Public Bouncer!)

12:09 * LunaticHell boops POMDPone

12:09 <Unixkitty> How do you pronounce "POMDPone" anyway? Is it 'pee oh m dee Pony', or is it 'pomped pony'?

12:10 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: I think it's "Pom Dee Pone"

12:10 <Unixkitty> Probably

12:10 <LunaticHell> That's how I came up with PomPadour

12:10 <POMDPone> POM D Pone

12:10 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

12:11 * POMDPone gets booped beyond repair

12:11 <LunaticHell> As in "Jeanne Antoinette" aka Marquise de Pompadour.

12:11 <LunaticHell> It all makes sense now!

12:11 <camopony> well g'night everypony. this colt is plumb tuckered.

12:12 <POMDPone> it does make sense, yes

12:12 <LunaticHell> camopony: sleep tight

12:12 <POMDPone> night camopony!

12:12 * camopony salutes room the flies out

12:13 <LunaticHell> I learned the meaning of the word "marquise" when playing fire emblem. xD

12:14 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Waifu Wars - Coco Pommel VS. Sonata Dusk  [ http://tinyurl.com/ptwo4x8 ]

12:14 <LunaticHell> I just had a funny idea.

12:15 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (BigPapa@Pony-rnm0ai.mi.comcast.net)

12:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

12:15 <LunaticHell> Oh hi Tiamat.

12:15 <LunaticHell> CelesTiamat *wave*

12:15 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:15 <ADragonDreaming> Woof

12:15 <LunaticHell> ...wut?

12:15 *** ADragonDreaming is now known as CelesTiamat

12:16 <LunaticHell> Anyway, Fleetfoot is pony version of Storm of the X-Men.

12:16 <CelesTiamat> So I finished Background Pony today.

12:16 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com)

12:16 <LunaticHell> Because both are on weather controll.

12:16 <LunaticHell> Background Pony?

12:16 *** Quits: camopony (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-4ingal.mpls.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:16 <LunaticHell> control*

12:16 <CelesTiamat> You know, that fic by shortskirtsandexplosions

12:16 * POMDPone hugs CelesTiamat, and offers a complimentary hoodie

12:16 <LunaticHell> Oh...I didn't know that.

12:17 <LunaticHell> POMDPone: Hold it, CelesTiamat ain't the hugging kind of ginat Dragon.

12:17 <CelesTiamat> I enjoyed right up until the final chapter.

12:17 * ConfusionRift returns.

12:17 <CelesTiamat> Then everything just went to hell and I was left disappointed.

12:17 <LunaticHell> Nice, maybe I'll pick it up lateron.

12:17 <POMDPone> I had to reread the final chapter in order to *get* it

12:17 <LunaticHell> Aw

12:17 <CelesTiamat> Nah, I got it.

12:17 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:17 *** Quits: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Chu.Lookin.At) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:17 <CelesTiamat> I just don't like it.

12:17 <LunaticHell> It's hard to make a good ending.

12:17 <POMDPone> and everyone is a little huggish after this horrible, beautiful fic!

12:18 <LunaticHell> That's why the Doctor always rips out the last page, that and he doesn't like endings in general.

12:18 <CelesTiamat> Not huggish..

12:18 <CelesTiamat> Just disappointe.

12:18 <ConfusionRift> Had to get a soda.

12:18 <LunaticHell> YOu know, I've written a fanfic, too.

12:18 * Princess-QRS boops ConfusionRift's soda

12:18 <LunaticHell> It's only 1000-ish words.

12:18 <POMDPone> oh :<

12:18 <LunaticHell> It's a fan-short story.

12:19 <Princess-QRS> Wait wait, Fanfiction chat?!

12:19 <CelesTiamat> Yes.

12:19 <LunaticHell> I just...wanted to point out...

12:19 <ConfusionRift> I'm still working on mine, but chances are I will just get rid of it.

12:19 <Evil_Spike> I need to figure out the details of my next chapter

12:19 <CelesTiamat> Background Pony disappointed me.

12:19 <CelesTiamat> Thus fanfiction chat.

12:19 <LunaticHell> Wanna read mine?

12:19 <Princess-QRS> Hot damn!

12:19 <Princess-QRS> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/184072/the-rise-of-the-night-guard

12:19 <Princess-QRS> Plug it like it's USB!

12:19 * Princess-QRS boops Heartbreak

12:19 <WoeGryphon> background pony

12:19 <Evil_Spike> Would somepony like to have look through my work?

12:19 <ConfusionRift> Blam! Plug-tastic!

12:19 <Heartbreak> GAH!

12:19 <WoeGryphon> destroyed my heart

12:19 <Princess-QRS> Post all the fanfiction!

12:19 <CelesTiamat> I don't have time for reading fic at the moment, sorry.

12:20 <Evil_Spike> It kind of sucks, but still

12:20 <LunaticHell> Kay.

12:20 <CelesTiamat> I've got short lunch today.

12:20 * ConfusionRift pokes Heartbreak.

12:20 <LunaticHell> Oh.

12:20 * Princess-QRS pokes Heartbreak

12:20 <Evil_Spike> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/191328/dear-diary-my-dear-journal

12:20 <WoeGryphon> with happy or neutral endings

12:20 <LunaticHell> Well the least you can mark the thing for later reading, if you find time. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/202176/a-home

12:20 <WoeGryphon> I am over bad ends

12:20 <LunaticHell> I have a happy end in my story.

12:20 <CelesTiamat> I don't mind tragic ends, really?

12:21 <CelesTiamat> As long as something is actually accomplished?

12:21 <WoeGryphon> it

12:21 <WoeGryphon> is 3:20AM

12:21 <LunaticHell> Why not making it a book's end where we learn something about human nature?

12:21 <CelesTiamat> Hamlet's a tragey, for example.

12:21 <WoeGryphon> you know what time it is?

12:21 <CelesTiamat> Yes, it's 4:20 am.

12:21 <CelesTiamat> I work night shift.

12:21 *** Quits: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-cq5e9d.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

12:21 <LunaticHell> Yeah, everyone except Horatio dies. [spoiler]

12:22 <ConfusionRift> The bad guy won, the end. (roll credits)

12:22 <CelesTiamat> But, you know, Hamlet accomplishes a change of things, in the end.

12:22 <LunaticHell> CelesTiamat: Have you read "The Tempest"?

12:22 <CelesTiamat> ...no, the bad guy got stabbed through the chest.

12:22 <CelesTiamat> Nope.

12:22 <LunaticHell> It's really good.

12:22 *** Joins: Pony_36679 (WoeGryphon@Pony-cq5e9d.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)

12:22 <ConfusionRift> It was kind of a joke.

12:23 <CelesTiamat> WoeGryphon: I work night shift.

12:23 <CelesTiamat> This is my late afternoon.

12:23 * ConfusionRift kills another joke, and buries it in the pile.

12:23 <Evil_Spike> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gNrM8dXRw8 One of my favourites

12:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Dramatic Reading - Hardon Lewdad

12:23 <LunaticHell> The bad guy got stabbed and got forced to drink the poison, because overkill.

12:23 <Pony_36679> its 3:20AM

12:23 <CelesTiamat> Background Pony has no villain.

12:23 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByF7biuAMMY

12:23 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

12:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Our Hamlet

12:23 <CelesTiamat> Just existential despair.

12:24 * Heartbreak pokes at CelesTiamat.

12:24 <CelesTiamat> What?

12:25 <Heartbreak> Hi. My name is Heartbreak.

12:25 <Heartbreak> Please call me H.B.

12:25 <CelesTiamat> Hi. I'm ADragonDreaming.

12:25 *** Quits: Pony_36679 (WoeGryphon@Pony-cq5e9d.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~)

12:25 <Heartbreak> Of course you are.

12:25 <ConfusionRift> We all knoooooow. (stares blankly) 0_0

12:26 *** Quits: SinisterVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-ab6.rkj.249.63.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:26 *** Quits: Alice (xaqyamaoevo@Pony-2buid9.fios.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

12:26 *** Joins: North_Vision (pjtpihqjudt@Pony-1n6.pfr.61.217.IP)

12:26 <CelesTiamat> I dunno, the whole "introduce yourself" thing is something you usually do with people you don't know yet..

12:26 <North_Vision> Yay derpy bot is back _D

12:26 <North_Vision> :D*

12:27 *** Joins: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au)

12:27 <Tirek> I continue to break this game: http://webmup.com/wMgAD/vid.webm

12:27 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-a61n3q.as13285.net)

12:27 * ConfusionRift hides Derpy Bot by putting a paper bag on her head. "Nope, she's still on vacation." :P

12:28 *** Quits: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Connection closed)

12:28 *** Joins: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

12:28 <LunaticHell> be right back

12:29 <CelesTiamat> dammit, computer.

12:29 <ConfusionRift> I knew it! She's crazy!

12:29 <CelesTiamat> stop freezing.

12:29 <CelesTiamat> who?

12:29 <CelesTiamat> GO AWAY WINDOWS UPDATE.

12:29 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-6hp.cb9.87.66.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

12:29 <ConfusionRift> Oh, was addressed to Tirek. :P

12:29 <CelesTiamat> damnable memory hug!

12:29 <CelesTiamat> Ah.

12:30 <CelesTiamat> *hog

12:30 <Tirek> She's pretty crazy yeah.

12:30 * ConfusionRift continues to eat CelesTiamat's memory card.

12:30 *** Joins: Snapai_ (Snapai@Pony-mjdh77.cable.rcn.com)

12:30 * CelesTiamat swats ConfusionRift on the nose.

12:31 <ConfusionRift> Aaarf! (runs and hides)

12:31 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Connection closed)

12:31 * Princess-QRS flops on ConfusionRift

12:31 <Princess-QRS> you don't hide well

12:32 <ConfusionRift> Not designed for stealth, no. :P

12:32 *** TimidClef|Zzz is now known as TimidClef

12:33 <Tirek> Here you go, Rift: http://imgur.com/5Vu4L6O,IQTZGP6,reKpmUo,lwuLSU9,d4RI8NW#0

12:33 <LunaticHell> o3

12:33 <LunaticHell> You know.

12:33 <ConfusionRift> Not broken at all. :P

12:33 <LunaticHell> I want to see the super heroine "Rescue" on big screen.

12:34 <LunaticHell> aka "female ironman"

12:36 <CelesTiamat> Hollywood has this thing with not making movies with female leads.

12:36 *** Joins: Pony_8531 (urbbyidkilj@Pony-3brt0o.bois.qwest.net)

12:37 <CelesTiamat> Despite, you know, the success of movies like Tangled, Frozen, Brave ...

12:37 <LunaticHell> Rescue never was a "female lead"...

12:37 *** Quits: North_Vision (pjtpihqjudt@Pony-1n6.pfr.61.217.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:37 <LunaticHell> In the animated universe she reminded me of Pinkie Pie...

12:38 <LunaticHell> Hyperactive girl who knows a little too much about everyone and talks really fast- kind of gal.

12:39 <LunaticHell> But then they changed the origin of the Mandarin and his rings and it got really stupid in the end.

12:39 *** Joins: Pony_36679 (WoeGryphon@Pony-5ju.mmr.33.75.IP)

12:39 <Pony_36679> .....

12:40 *** Pony_36679 is now known as Woegryphon

12:40 <ConfusionRift> ....Woe?

12:40 <LunaticHell> Like making Dshingis Kahn the first Mandarin and declaring him a good guy...

12:40 <Woegryphon> holy crap that sucked

12:40 * ConfusionRift looks and pokes Woegryphon's wing.

12:40 *** Woegryphon is now known as Pony_33536

12:40 <LunaticHell> ...

12:40 <LunaticHell> This griphon is a changling!

12:41 <Princess-QRS> He is?!

12:41 <ConfusionRift> Nnnnnooooooo! (jumps out the window)

12:41 <Pony_33536> hello?

12:41 <LunaticHell> hello!

12:41 <CelesTiamat> Hi.

12:41 <LunaticHell> Are you a spy?

12:41 <ConfusionRift> Hello.

12:41 <Princess-QRS> SPY!

12:41 <POMDPone> Hai

12:42 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, trouble logging in?

12:42 <CelesTiamat> SAY SOMETHING WOE.

12:42 <POMDPone> wait, there must be a logical explanation for all this

12:42 <CelesTiamat> We're losing you!

12:42 <LunaticHell> I'm watching the X-Men anime.

12:42 <Pony_33536> my connection

12:42 <LunaticHell> POMDPone: Did you say logic?

12:42 <Pony_33536> exploded

12:42 <ConfusionRift> *cartoon

12:42 <CelesTiamat> KABOOM

12:42 <Pony_33536> lagging super hard

12:42 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: No, really, anime.

12:42 *** Pony_33536 is now known as woegryphon

12:42 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: Yes, exactly.

12:42 <ConfusionRift> ... Well, that makes no sense.

12:43 <LunaticHell> I knew you'd say that.

12:43 <CelesTiamat> nah, they made a powerpuff girls anime.

12:43 *** woegryphon is now known as Pony_49678

12:43 <POMDPone> erm...Am I going to be sorry for saying it?

12:43 <LunaticHell> There is an anime for: X-Men, Iron Man, Blade...and so on.

12:43 <ConfusionRift> Unless... no, I don't wanna know. (shivers)

12:44 <LunaticHell> Wanna know the funniest thing about those "marvel anime"?

12:44 <CelesTiamat> Iron Man is Kawaii Desu?

12:44 <LunaticHell> In each one the character has one or another reason to go to japan.

12:44 <CelesTiamat> aaand off I go.

12:44 <LunaticHell> Because when it's anime it can only possibly take place in japan *facehoof*

12:44 *** Quits: CelesTiamat (BigPapa@Pony-rnm0ai.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.)

12:44 <ConfusionRift> ...the heck?

12:45 <POMDPone> well if they all speak japanese, it makes sense!

12:45 *** Quits: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au) (Quit: http://derpy.me/4v7Si#)

12:45 <ConfusionRift> It really doesn't, at all.

12:45 <LunaticHell> Trust me, you havn't seen half of it.

12:46 <ConfusionRift> "I'm Japanese, and I want to go to Japan."

12:46 <Pony_49678> connection seems to have stabilized

12:46 <Pony_49678> maybe

12:46 <ConfusionRift> Seems so.

12:46 <TimidClef> Wolverine anime is - odd.

12:46 <Pony_49678> multi-minute lag it seems.

12:47 <LunaticHell> haha yes it is

12:47 <ConfusionRift> I smell it's kinda like the Mega Man OVA. (shivers again)

12:47 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

12:47 <LunaticHell> But Wolverine has an adventage.

12:47 <Pony_49678> going to disco for a few.

12:47 <ConfusionRift> Hello Cepheid.

12:47 <TimidClef> He at least has some canon tie to Japan?

12:47 *** Quits: Pony_49678 (WoeGryphon@Pony-5ju.mmr.33.75.IP) (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~)

12:47 <LunaticHell> He actually has been in Japan in comic canon.

12:47 <Cepheid> Morning.

12:47 <ConfusionRift> Well, we lost Woe for a while.

12:47 * Cepheid flops and crashes onto a bed.

12:47 * Princess-QRS flops on Cepheid

12:48 <LunaticHell> check out Iron Man xD

12:48 <LunaticHell> http://www.watchcartoononline.com/iron-man-2011-episode-1-english-dubbed [player 4 should work] just watch the intro xD

12:48 <ConfusionRift> ...yaaaaay, distribution!

12:48 <POMDPone> look! a wild Cepheid appeared

12:49 *** Joins: Pony_49678 (WoeGryphon@Pony-5ju.mmr.33.75.IP)

12:49 <Pony_49678> testing testing 1-2-3

12:49 <LunaticHell> We get signal.

12:49 <Pony_49678> so funky.

12:49 <LunaticHell> Pony_49678: Mainscreen turn on.

12:50 <ConfusionRift> "It's you."

12:50 * ConfusionRift greets on the screen. :P

12:50 <Pony_49678> wont pop my nick over. :(

12:50 <LunaticHell> "How are you, gentlepones? All your pony are belong to us."

12:50 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

12:50 <LunaticHell> "You are on the way to hug, make your time." hahaha

12:50 <POMDPone> would be a great time for star control 2 reference, but nopony knows it ;_;

12:51 <LunaticHell> POMDPone: try us, pompadour

12:51 <TimidClef> Launch every ZIG. For great justice!

12:51 <LunaticHell> Move Zig!

12:51 <ConfusionRift> You know what you doing!

12:51 <POMDPone> nono. I'm out. It'a 11:50 AM after a sleepless night for me.

12:51 <POMDPone> night-morning everyponeh!

12:52 <ConfusionRift> Laters.

12:52 *** POMDPone is now known as POMDPone|Ziz

12:53 <ConfusionRift> Pony_49678: Any messages appear or something?

12:54 *** Quits: WorkingData (DataByteBro@Pony-d3c.bgn.198.64.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:58 <LunaticHell> Actually, I think anime Stark is an uber-pimp.

12:58 <LunaticHell> While 90s cartoon Stark was a loner who'd let his soon-to-be wife stand at the altar.

12:59 <Pony_49678> lemmie retry

12:59 <LunaticHell> But at least 90s stark had...to use a battery now and then? I guess an ark reactor needs to be recharged once or twice...

12:59 <Pony_49678> says it's a registered nickname, wont let me pop over.

12:59 <LunaticHell> Because that's what you do with a reactor, you need to recharge it...

12:59 <Pony_49678> I presume Woe is still ghosting

12:59 <ConfusionRift> Try /msg NickServ identify username password

13:00 <Pony_49678> did that, tells me this nick is NOT registered

13:00 <ConfusionRift> Ooooh... huh?!

13:00 <ConfusionRift> You should be able to use your nick then.

13:01 <Pony_49678> *** WoeGryphon Services reserved nickname: Registered nickname.

13:01 <ConfusionRift> But... you're not ghosting. The name is nowhere. o_0

13:01 <Princess-QRS> snap

13:01 <Princess-QRS> lemme try a thing

13:01 <Princess-QRS> It's registered

13:02 <Princess-QRS> so i unno man

13:02 <ConfusionRift> Try getting off and logging back on.

13:02 <Princess-QRS> relog maybe

13:02 <LunaticHell> actually anime stark had a good idea o3o

13:02 *** Quits: Pony_49678 (WoeGryphon@Pony-5ju.mmr.33.75.IP) (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~)

13:03 <LunaticHell> Building a giant arc reactor to actually deliver power for public use? For free? Proposterous or how you spell that word.

13:04 <Cepheid> He might have to do a RELEASE on it.

13:04 <Cepheid> Enforcer might be preventing usage of the nickname temporarily.

13:04 * ConfusionRift shrugs.

13:04 <ConfusionRift> I feel asleep int he networking class. :P

13:05 * ConfusionRift throws keyboard.

13:05 <ConfusionRift> I'm getting tired of making that same mistake. -_-#

13:05 <ConfusionRift> *in the

13:07 * Cepheid rolls slowly on the ground.

13:07 *** Joins: Pony_49678 (WoeGryphon@Pony-5ju.mmr.33.75.IP)

13:08 <Tirek> Woe, do a /nickserv release on your nick

13:08 <LunaticHell> ok NOW I know I'm watching an anime

13:09 *** Joins: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au)

13:09 *** OctaveSymphony|Bed is now known as OctaveSymphony

13:09 <LunaticHell> cheesy one liner deliverd to a woman who just stumbled into you? check - slap in the face? check stupid look on starks face? double check

13:09 <LunaticHell> stark's

13:09 <Tirek> That's nora

13:10 *** Pony_49678 is now known as WoeGryphon

13:10 <WoeGryphon> say Boom.

13:10 <WoeGryphon> Thanks Tirek

13:10 <ConfusionRift> Booom!

13:10 <Tirek> No prob

13:10 <ConfusionRift> Re-register, I think.

13:11 <Cepheid> No need to.

13:11 <Tirek> No, there's an Enforcer that locks the nick from use if you fail to identify

13:11 <ConfusionRift> Oh, okay then.

13:11 <Cepheid> Re-registering only necessary when you do DROP.

13:11 <Cepheid> ...

13:11 <Cepheid> And Tirek stole my credit!  *HOOF SHAKES!*

13:11 <Tirek> Yup

13:11 <LunaticHell> Okay that actually was funny.

13:11 <Tirek> I did

13:11 <Tirek> What are you going to do about it?

13:11 * Cepheid bans Tirek from the Minecraft server.

13:11 * ConfusionRift eats the credit. :P

13:12 <LunaticHell> He fell down several 100 meters and when he was asked "Are you alright?" he said "I'm fine, the earth broke my fall."

13:12 <ConfusionRift> Yay! Now we all broke again!

13:12 <Tirek> Ban me, and I'm taking all the food with me.

13:12 <Cepheid> I can just make more.

13:12 <Tirek> Touche

13:12 <ConfusionRift> Not if... I replace dirt with obsidian! :P

13:13 * Cepheid shrugs.

13:13 <Tirek> I'm on the server right now, btw

13:13 * Cepheid goes back to being a lump on the floor.

13:13 <ConfusionRift> Nyaahyaaahyaaaaah!

13:13 <Tirek> Setting up MFR autofarms.

13:13 <Cepheid> Curse the antibiotics.

13:13 <Cepheid> So useful, but they make me weak for a few days.

13:14 *** Joins: Drunk_Hooves (Drunk_Hoove@Pony-3ssl4g.versanet.de)

13:14 *** Parts: Drunk_Hooves (Drunk_Hoove@Pony-3ssl4g.versanet.de) ("")

13:15 <ConfusionRift> Meh, gonna play some MC.

13:15 *** Quits: Azure (Azure@NEVERMORE) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:15 *** Quits: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au) (Quit: http://derpy.me/4v7Si#)

13:15 <ConfusionRift> Wait, noooo. Going to Space Engineers. Gonna make a ship for 3d printing! :P

13:15 <Cepheid> Heh.

13:15 * Cepheid crawls off to eat breakfast.

13:16 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-72pp1u.iinet.net.au)

13:16 * ConfusionRift leaves a bowl with cereal in front of Cepheid.

13:16 *** Quits: Vexpon (Vexpon@vex.pon) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:19 *** Joins: Vexpon (Vexpon@vex.pon)

13:20 *** Joins: Azure (Azure@Pony-gp0.gh3.208.173.IP)

13:21 *** Azure is now known as Pony_63649

13:22 * Cepheid sweetiescoots towards the bowl of cereal.

13:25 * Princess-QRS flips the bowl of cereal in Cepheid's face

13:25 * Cepheid is covered in milk and cereal.

13:25 <ConfusionRift> 0_0

13:25 * Cepheid waves hoof angrily at Princess-QRS.

13:25 * ConfusionRift baps Princess-QRS. "Not coooooh."

13:26 * Princess-QRS flips ConfusionRift

13:26 * ConfusionRift prepares another bowl, and passes it over. Stare at Princess-QRS with a piercing look. 0_0

13:27 * Princess-QRS flips the other bowl.

13:27 <Unixkitty> Princess-QRS, what's with you acting up today?

13:27 <Princess-QRS> YOU CAN'T STOP ME

13:27 * Princess-QRS throws Unixkitty at ConfusionRift


13:27 <Princess-QRS> IT MAKES ME

13:27 * Unixkitty teleports in midair in front of Princess-QRS

13:27 <Princess-QRS> MAAAAAAAD

13:27 <Unixkitty> You sir are acting way too weird

13:27 <Unixkitty> I think something of yours needs a little bit of spanking

13:27 <Princess-QRS> Or am I?

13:27 * Princess-QRS rolls in the puddle of milk.

13:27 <Cepheid> As for me, I'm just on antibiotics.

13:27 <ConfusionRift> At least, weirder than usual. :P

13:28 <Cepheid> Which are wrecking my stomach and body.

13:28 * Unixkitty produces a belt from somewhere and levitates it near Princess-QRS' side.

13:28 <ConfusionRift> They do, yes.

13:28 * Princess-QRS splashes milk at ConfusionRift

13:28 <Princess-QRS> splish splash

13:28 <Cepheid> Amoxiclav for those who want to know what antibiotic. :P

13:28 <Unixkitty> Actually, no.

13:28 * Unixkitty slaps Princess-QRS around a bit with a large trout

13:29 * Princess-QRS splashes at Unixkitty

13:29 <Cepheid> This is interesting.

13:29 <Princess-QRS> I've gone crrraaaaazzzyyy

13:29 * Princess-QRS throws cereal bits at Googie

13:29 <Unixkitty> Dear goodness people, he is simply mad.

13:29 <Cepheid> Spitfire's fur coat feels weird.  Thicker, coarser.  Must be his Winter coat growing in.

13:29 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, do you feel it?

13:30 <Princess-QRS> It's you! You did this to me!

13:30 * Princess-QRS stands stock still at points at ConfusionRift

13:30 <Cepheid> And the fur coat seems to be affecting the fur on his head/face, too.

13:30 <Cepheid> As his appearance for whatever reason looks like it's changed a bit.

13:30 <Cepheid> His head looks bigger than it did say, a week or two ago.  Older.

13:31 * ConfusionRift flips Princess-QRS and flops after.

13:31 * Princess-QRS flops over, still pointed as if she was turned to stone.

13:31 <Cepheid> I'm debating if I really want coffee this morning.

13:32 <Cepheid> I mean it wakes me up, but my body is telling me to go right back to bed.

13:32 * Princess-QRS very slowly turns her head to look at ConfusionRift.

13:32 <Princess-QRS> ur a robutt

13:32 * Princess-QRS boops ConfusionRift

13:32 <Cepheid> Perhaps I should just make some tea instead.

13:32 <ConfusionRift> Yes, I am. Did you forgot? o_0

13:32 <ConfusionRift> Tea would be ideal.

13:32 * Unixkitty opens up a portal to Tartarus and throws Princess-QRS in it.

13:32 * Unixkitty closes the portal.

13:33 * Princess-QRS hugs ConfusionRift.... no wait apparently I'm in hell.

13:33 <Unixkitty> I think he needs to chill down there for some time.

13:33 * ConfusionRift looks at unmatching textures. "What in the hay?"

13:34 * Princess-QRS rolls back in through the window.

13:34 <Princess-QRS> You didn't chain me up silly.

13:34 * Princess-QRS finds ConfusionRift, hugs ConfusionRift.

13:34 <Unixkitty> You weren't supposed to be a prisoner, so finding your way out is fine.

13:34 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

13:35 <Unixkitty> Oh I could chain you up, would you like that?

13:35 * ConfusionRift hugs back, then back into space.

13:35 <Princess-QRS> Well I also let Tirek and something called the "eater of worlds" out.

13:35 <Princess-QRS> So I dunno if that'll be a problem.

13:35 <Unixkitty> Don't worry about it, Tirek knows what to do.

13:35 <ConfusionRift> Pffft, the Eater of Worlds is just a title. It's but a worm.

13:36 <Princess-QRS> An immortal worm!

13:36 <Princess-QRS> So it's title is current, it just takes forever.

13:36 <Unixkitty> To be honest I was somewhat disappointed at the sight of Eater of Worlds when I first saw it in Terraria. I also believe it'd be much more difficult and epic.

13:37 <Princess-QRS> I have a midterm tomorrow

13:37 <Princess-QRS> so i'm like

13:37 <Princess-QRS> anxious nervous

13:37 <Princess-QRS> I tend to babble and be weird

13:37 <Princess-QRS> er than usual

13:37 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: )

13:37 <ConfusionRift> Unixkitty: Funny. It's after the Guardian, and it's much easier.

13:38 <Unixkitty> Guardian?

13:38 <ConfusionRift> If you have a flail, you're set.

13:38 <ConfusionRift> The skeleton thing.

13:38 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

13:38 <Unixkitty> Actually I believe it's a custom to defeat EoW before the guardian thingy.

13:38 <Unixkitty> It normally goes like "Eye -> Worm -> Skeleton -> wall"

13:39 <Unixkitty> Or at the very least that's how we've always done it, because the worm and the eye both have pieces to complete the same set.

13:39 * ConfusionRift nods.

13:40 <Unixkitty> I wish they'd release the 1.3 update sooner, I could say I kind of miss the game :P

13:40 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

13:40 <ConfusionRift> It's dumb to go the the Wall after the Guardian. Also... not fun.

13:40 * Princess-QRS rolls in and cackles madly

13:41 <ConfusionRift> Unless they fixed the Wall.

13:41 <Unixkitty> Well you are supposed to go through the dungeon first, and then underworld to gear up first.

13:41 <Unixkitty> What do you mean "fixed"?

13:41 <Evil_Spike> And now I'm waiting on Pizza

13:42 <Cepheid> I really should play Terraria.

13:42 <Cepheid> Or set up a Terraria server.

13:42 <Unixkitty> Cepheid, I would looooove if some of us could do it together! But I think it'd not be a bad idea to wait for 1.3...

13:42 * Evil_Spike asks if he can drive his van into somepony's heart

13:42 <Cepheid> I already have a Windows XP VM set up on my server machine.

13:42 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:42 <ConfusionRift> Unixkitty: The Wall is veeery buggy, especially on console, which I have. Trying to mediate that soon.

13:43 <Unixkitty> Why would you need Windows XP for that?

13:43 <Cepheid> Because I can't get the server running using WINE.

13:43 <Evil_Spike> Because some programs won't run on post XP OS's

13:43 <Unixkitty> Oh, well I guess that's right, but I still don't see the reason for XP specifically.

13:44 <Cepheid> Because it's all I had.

13:44 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, can't say the same about the PC version.

13:44 <ConfusionRift> "Most of the time, the Wall of Flesh spawns on the wrong side (If you throw the doll on the far left, he will come from the right), and make it very hard to kill him. This can be partially avoided by building across the entire Underworld, and spawning him from the middle."

13:44 <Unixkitty> Cepheid, pardon for such a dull question, but do you even internet?

13:44 <ConfusionRift> Sometimes, he fails to spawn, and you just explode.

13:44 <Cepheid> Yes, but I don't pirate.

13:44 <WoeGryphon> http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/10/07/hyper-extension-rapid-fire/ holy crap

13:44 <Unixkitty> Right.

13:45 <Cepheid> I do have access to Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 though, now.  Through Microsoft Dreamspark.

13:45 <Evil_Spike> Well, the fire department is going to start issuing fines to those who set off the fire alarm because of how often it happens

13:45 <Evil_Spike> Seriously, it seems like every other day I hear the alarm going off somewhere

13:46 <ConfusionRift> WoeGryphon: Whooooa. Huh?

13:46 <WoeGryphon> its a 50k fine here spike.

13:46 <Evil_Spike> We  only get a $700 fine

13:47 <Evil_Spike> Luckily I have never set the alarm off in my room

13:47 <Cepheid> ConfusionRift:  Basically, guy with double-jointed arm uses his condition to his advantage by extending and locking his arm.

13:47 <Evil_Spike> By not burning my toast or smoking in my room

13:47 <ConfusionRift> I know. It's just... interesting.

13:47 <Cepheid> Heh.

13:47 <WoeGryphon> there is a c;lause which stipulates that if it was for personal gai, the fine stands as well as 6mos jail time

13:47 <Cepheid> In my house the fire alarm gets set off every time my parents cook something.

13:48 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: TimidClef is a really cool guy, you should all tell him that.)

13:48 <Cepheid> Why does it sound like it's rainin-  *Looks outside, sees floodwaters on road*  -Oh.

13:49 <Evil_Spike> Yeah that may explain it

13:49 * ConfusionRift swims in front of Cepheid's window. Waves, then swims away.

13:51 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|Zzz

13:52 *** Joins: biscuits (bfsuknfefrr@Pony-6h3dtf.xtra.co.nz)

13:52 <Cepheid> ...

13:52 <Cepheid> The waters may be high enough to flood the roads, Rifty.

13:52 <Cepheid> But they aren't high enough to cover the SECOND FLOOR WINDOWS.

13:52 *** Parts: biscuits (bfsuknfefrr@Pony-6h3dtf.xtra.co.nz) ()

13:52 <Cepheid> So stop that.

13:52 *** Quits: Jouva (jouva@Pony-bh0ke0.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:52 <WoeGryphon> butterdragons are now a thing

13:52 <Evil_Spike> Quick question: Who the heck is Todd Chrisley and why should I care?

13:53 <ConfusionRift> No idea, and up to you.

13:53 *** Joins: Jouva (jouva@Pony-bh0ke0.fios.verizon.net)

13:53 <Evil_Spike> 3rd question: What does he has to do with Wrestling?

13:53 <WoeGryphon> http://i.4cdn.org/mlp/1412760911793.jpg potential comic spoiler content but time turner!

13:54 <ConfusionRift> Same answer as the first.

13:54 <Evil_Spike> Ok

13:54 <ConfusionRift> Yeah... the comic.

13:55 <WoeGryphon> http://i.4cdn.org/mlp/1412761049498.jpg

13:55 <WoeGryphon> wooaaaaaah

13:55 <WoeGryphon> big story gap bridged

13:56 <WoeGryphon> also confirmed, dig discord

13:56 <WoeGryphon> cats do, that is

13:57 <WoeGryphon> http://i.4cdn.org/mlp/1412761187306.jpg they're mane 6 colored!

13:59 <WoeGryphon> http://i.4cdn.org/mlp/1412761392840.jpg holy crap

13:59 <Cepheid> And the pink one is carefree.

14:02 *** Joins: dj (uphogyihjnk@Pony-gqcnui.airstreamcomm.net)

14:02 <dj> hello

14:02 <WoeGryphon> Holy crap

14:02 *** Quits: dj (uphogyihjnk@Pony-gqcnui.airstreamcomm.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

14:02 <WoeGryphon> nightmare right there

14:02 <WoeGryphon> This explains a ton!

14:03 *** Joins: dj (uphogyihjnk@Pony-gqcnui.airstreamcomm.net)

14:04 *** Quits: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:04 <dj> hello

14:04 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink)

14:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

14:04 <dj> hello

14:05 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

14:05 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-k6q.rdm.56.119.IP)

14:05 <dj> its you

14:05 <dj> :D

14:05 <ConfusionRift> Eerm, yes. It's me. :)

14:05 <dj> are you mad at me

14:06 <ConfusionRift> Wait, what? I'm not mad at you. Why you ask?

14:07 * Cepheid drinks chamomile tea.

14:07 <Cepheid> *Thunk*

14:07 *** Joins: Misan (misan@Pony-vmqpec.cm.kabsi.at)

14:07 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-k6q.rdm.56.119.IP) (Connection closed)

14:08 <Flashy> Sketchy_Sounds <3

14:08 * Unixkitty boops Cepheid and eyes dj

14:08 * Cepheid rolls around from the boop.

14:09 <Unixkitty> Ugh, today is such a busy day! And they say Mondays are the worst

14:09 <Unixkitty> Already attended a couple meetings and there are simply too many tasks.

14:09 *** Quits: dj (uphogyihjnk@Pony-gqcnui.airstreamcomm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:10 <ConfusionRift> Well, the reason they say that is because Monday starts the work week (for most). But the worst time often is in the middle of the week.

14:11 <WoeGryphon> I cant believe it!

14:11 <ConfusionRift> It depends on which front-end.

14:11 <WoeGryphon> first time, the comic confirmed my head canon!

14:12 <Cepheid> hey Tirek.

14:12 <Cepheid> I just had an awesome idea.

14:12 <Cepheid> I want your thoughts on it though.

14:12 <Cepheid> We should host a #EquestriaDaily Dwarf Fortress Succession game.

14:16 <WoeGryphon> I'm pumped!

14:16 <WoeGryphon> Whos the best, that'd be me.

14:16 * WoeGryphon dons shades. "Cope with the circumstances."

14:17 * ConfusionRift flops, and sighs in disappointment.

14:17 <WoeGryphon> thou hath come to the wrong kingdom, base knave.

14:17 <WoeGryphon> Get on my level.

14:18 *** mniip is now known as \m

14:18 <Evil_Spike> And now the people outside are being obnoxious

14:18 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

14:19 *** Joins: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

14:19 * Evil_Spike hugs Confusion

14:20 <ConfusionRift> The station is looking... terrible!

14:20 *** Joins: Silou_Fr (Silou@silou.silouatien.fr)

14:20 <ConfusionRift> I lost the rhyme and reason, and the template I had on my head.

14:21 <Flashy> ConfusionRift I WUV YOU!

14:22 <WoeGryphon> http://www.centerfiresystems.com/MKA-1919BX.aspx these things got CHEAP

14:22 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:22 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

14:22 <Tirek> I'm awful at fort mode, though.

14:22 <Cepheid> That is ENTIRELY. THE. POINT.

14:22 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net)

14:22 * Flashy steals ConfusionRift off to the snuggles cloud

14:23 <Tirek> Then sure.

14:23 <Cepheid> I'll see about setting it up when I wake up later, cause I get the impression I'm about to-  *Thunk* .... .... *SNOOOOOORRRRE*

14:23 * ConfusionRift hears some audio feedback from somepony yelling. "Aaaargh!"

14:23 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

14:24 *** Quits: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

14:24 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: Yeah, feels you're kinda out.

14:24 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

14:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

14:24 * WoeGryphon soothes Rift with http://youtu.be/L0bcRCCg01I

14:25 * ConfusionRift laughs hysterically.

14:26 * WoeGryphon dons welding goggles, kicks over the welder and snags the armor steel.

14:26 * ConfusionRift "dun"s with each string hit.

14:26 <WoeGryphon> its a great song.

14:26 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:26 <WoeGryphon> its properly epic.

14:27 <WoeGryphon> such a HUGE sound

14:28 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds|AFK

14:28 <ConfusionRift> Sorry, was reminded of a show.

14:28 <WoeGryphon> I'm in the mood for EPIC MUSIC

14:29 <ConfusionRift> Yep, it's this song! (laughs harder)

14:29 <WoeGryphon> do you need a prison jumpsuit?

14:29 <WoeGryphon> or an italian army landmine pick?

14:30 <WoeGryphon> or a swedish military motorcycle jacket?

14:30 <WoeGryphon> Or a Polish geiger counter?

14:30 <WoeGryphon> cuz I got the hook up

14:31 <ShivalPonyWolf> https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2012/9/26/107401__safe_princess+luna_princess+celestia_comic_tumblr_ask_eclipse_photobomb_ask+princess+luna.png

14:31 <ConfusionRift> Hmm. I do have mines in the backyard. And there's that radiation leak from the plant... hmmm... Yep, I have decided! I'm getting a jacket! :P

14:32 <ConfusionRift> Just kidding.

14:33 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

14:33 *** Authoron is now known as Galena

14:33 <WoeGryphon> have some epic stuff

14:33 <WoeGryphon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmc21V-zBq0

14:33 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

14:33 <Tirek> Oh

14:33 *** Parts: Galena (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) ("Leaving")

14:33 <Tirek> Someone else is also breaking Freedom Planet

14:33 <Tirek> Here you go, Rift: https://i.4cdn.org/vg/1412759793378.jpg

14:34 <Tirek> No idea what it is.

14:34 <ConfusionRift> Yay, more break-tastic! And... me neither. Also, Name: Easy?

14:35 <Tirek> I didn't find this one.

14:35 <Evil_Spike> Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here waiting for Pizza

14:35 <LunaticHell> https://derpiboo.ru/255473 THE HORROR!

14:36 <Tirek> No, I figured it out.

14:36 <Evil_Spike> Everything scares her

14:36 *** Quits: GumballCrash (GumballCras@0.to.pony.10secondsflat) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:37 *** Joins: dj (uphogyihjnk@Pony-gqcnui.airstreamcomm.net)

14:38 <Tirek> It's the Enemy Gallery.

14:38 <dj> what

14:38 <ConfusionRift> It's blanked?

14:38 <Authoron> Hallo dj.

14:38 <Tirek> The enemy gallery mustn't be programmed beyond the basic interface.

14:38 <dj> hello authoron

14:39 <Authoron> How fare ye?

14:39 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as OctaveSymphony|Shower

14:39 <Tirek> Strife mentioned on the forums that he wanted the cards to unlock an Enemy Gallery. Collecting a card would allow you to see the name and, I guess stats of a specific enemy.

14:39 <dj> good

14:40 <ConfusionRift> Ooooh. I knew something didn't seem familiar.

14:40 <dj> what

14:40 *** Quits: Zimtower (zt@Zim.H.Tower) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:40 <Authoron> No clues.

14:40 <Authoron> *clue

14:40 <Tirek> The black spaces are the same size as the stage card collectables.

14:40 <ConfusionRift> Freedom Planet. Discussing some breaking.

14:41 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Sleep

14:41 <dj> what is going on heer blacks out

14:41 *** JandalAdjiel is now known as Jandal|DONG

14:41 *** Parts: Jandal|DONG (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) ("Leaving")

14:41 <Tirek> https://i.4cdn.org/vg/1412759793378.jpg

14:41 <Tirek> This is what we're talking about.

14:41 <dj> ...

14:43 <ConfusionRift> Find it kinda lazy they keep leaving this stuff in the game, when it's not in use.

14:43 <dj> ok/what

14:43 <ConfusionRift> Then again, good catch by... whomever that was.

14:43 *** Sketchy_Sounds|AFK is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

14:44 <dj> ...

14:44 <Cepheid> ConfusionRift:  Not uncommon.

14:44 <Cepheid> Dummied out items and features.

14:44 <ConfusionRift> I know, but still.

14:44 <dj> its you

14:44 <Cepheid> And part of it is simply "Removing it might cause more trouble than keeping it in."

14:44 <ConfusionRift> That's true.

14:44 <dj> what

14:44 <Tirek> http://i.imgur.com/H3M4ede.png

14:44 <Tirek> Spade was in the 2012 SAGE demo.

14:45 <ConfusionRift> Again, we were discussing the previous image, which is some breaking/breaching in Freedom Planet.

14:45 <Tirek> Memory hacking.

14:45 <Tirek> It's quite good.

14:45 <dj> ok guys

14:45 <dj> you do that

14:46 <dj> ooo a call of duty add me wach it

14:46 <dj> cool

14:47 <LunaticHell> A white sanic? gasp

14:47 <LunaticHell> Oh hi Danny Jane.

14:47 <ConfusionRift> Tirek: Heh, that's rather interesting. Had no idea. Then again, wasn't he gonna take a larger role in the game on the start of the development.

14:47 <ConfusionRift> *?

14:48 <Tirek> I don't know

14:48 <Tirek> Spade ended up being a kickstarter stretch goal later.

14:48 <ConfusionRift> I heard or saw somewhere he was, hence the demo.

14:48 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, I see.

14:48 <Tirek> Once upon a time Spade wasn't a Panda at all, he was a guinea pig.

14:48 <dj> me guna play on youtube so bye peps

14:49 <ConfusionRift> Laters.

14:49 <dj> five nights at freddys yo so peas

14:49 <ConfusionRift> Tirek: ...seriously?

14:49 <Tirek> Yup.

14:49 *** Quits: dj (uphogyihjnk@Pony-gqcnui.airstreamcomm.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

14:49 <LunaticHell> What cha talkin' about?

14:49 <Tirek> Well, Cavy.

14:49 <Tirek> Not -exactly- a guinea pig, but same family of rodent.

14:50 <Tirek> Freedom Planet.

14:50 <ConfusionRift> Hehehe, they should have gone through with it, it would had been funny. :P

14:50 <Tirek> And my adventures in breaking the game.

14:50 <Evil_Spike> Well that guy looks like the kind of person who watches Pewdiepie

14:50 <Tirek> They decided to make him Dail's half brother instead.

14:50 <Tirek> He's 10. He's annoying.

14:51 *** Joins: Twilight_Year (inrkgdbucwq@Pony-paka1l.internode.on.net)

14:51 <ConfusionRift> Yeah... well... anyways, building! (puts blocks)

14:52 *** Joins: WorkingData (DataByteBro@Pony-d3c.bgn.198.64.IP)

14:55 <ConfusionRift> Blarg! Wrong glass! (tears glass, and redoes)

14:56 <Tirek> And then Rift's civilization crumbled.

14:57 * Authoron facehoofs.

14:57 <Cepheid> Collapses.  Rifts collapse.

14:57 <Evil_Spike> I ask this seriously: what is the appeal of pewdiepie?

14:58 <Evil_Spike> Over, say, ProtonJon?

14:58 *** Joins: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-1qqj2b.net.upcbroadband.cz)

14:59 <ConfusionRift> Same as any other YouTuber. Either they find him "funny", "entertaining", "informative", "awesome", "etc."

14:59 * ConfusionRift got tired of quoting with hooves.

15:00 <ConfusionRift> Also, not all has imploded... yet.

15:00 *** OctaveSymphony|Shower is now known as OctaveSymphony

15:01 <Evil_Spike> Even though he is in no way funny, entertaining or informative

15:02 <Fall> The first two are subjective.

15:03 <Evil_Spike> People actually considering making jokes about rape and bodily fluid to be funny or entertaining?

15:03 *** Quits: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Connection closed)

15:03 <Fall> "Funny" is in the eye of the sidesholder.

15:03 *** Joins: TimidClef|Zzz (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

15:03 <Evil_Spike> Thanks humanity for making me lose faith in you

15:04 <ConfusionRift> Silly Evil_Spike, humanity was long lost. :P

15:04 <Fall> Believe it or otherwise, yes, some people do. You're just learning this now...?

15:04 <Cepheid> http://www.dolphinbayhilo.com/cook.html ...

15:05 *** Pony_63649 is now known as Azzie

15:05 *** Azzie is now known as Azure

15:06 <Sketchy_Sounds> Shocking as this may be to you, Evil_Spike, people who are not you are not obliged to have the same opinions as you.

15:07 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (buhvnshrvxr@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

15:08 *** \m is now known as mniip

15:08 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-4pt.l4m.95.119.IP)

15:09 <ConfusionRift> Hello Pi.

15:09 <Pi> Hi

15:09 <Authoron> Hallo, pi. Havnt seen you in a while.

15:09 <Pi> I haven't seen you ever.

15:10 <Pi> Hello, anyways.

15:12 * Authoron sighs. "Bah. Whatever. How fare ye?"

15:15 <ConfusionRift> It's fare enough. :P

15:15 * Authoron facehoofs.

15:16 <ConfusionRift> ...sorry. That was terrible. (buries terrible pun)

15:17 <Authoron> Thats right. Take your chemistry jokes, and barium.

15:17 <Authoron> Make sure they all argon.

15:17 <Evil_Spike> Hey Pi

15:18 <Authoron> You can attempt to make jokes periodically, but dont be sodium bland with them.

15:18 * ConfusionRift hits all them puns with the same shovel, and buries them as well.

15:19 <ConfusionRift> This mount is getting a little too big.

15:19 <Authoron> So its like youre ego?

15:19 <Sketchy_Sounds> *your

15:19 <Authoron> *your. Dangit. That ruined it.

15:19 * Authoron sighs as he fails at burning rifty. Once again.

15:19 <Sketchy_Sounds> Congrats on not only using the wrong homonym, but also not writing it correctly :p

15:20 *** Quits: SwanSong (Swan@Pony-9bh1i2.orngca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: )

15:20 <ConfusionRift> Huzzah for double fail! :P

15:20 <Pi> !stats

15:20 <Authoron> Hey, its early for me.

15:20 <Authoron> Pi, stats is broken.

15:20 <Sketchy_Sounds> Heehee

15:20 <Authoron> http://stats.nightstone.net/stats.php?c=EquestriaDaily

15:20 <Pi> I wanted to so how everyone was doing.

15:20 <Pi> *see

15:20 *** Quits: LunaticHell (ertwjrqrbqq@Pony-ti1ljr.versanet.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:21 <ConfusionRift> They're not broken. The user who linked to the stats left.

15:21 <Pi> Neptune?

15:21 <Authoron> Left. Gone with the wind. Audios!

15:21 * ConfusionRift nods.

15:21 <ConfusionRift> *Adios!

15:21 <Sketchy_Sounds> Pretty sure Unixkitty has a stats thing running these days anyway

15:22 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

15:22 <ConfusionRift> Yep. But the other stats are gone.

15:22 *** Authoron is now known as Grumpy_Cat

15:22 <Unixkitty> Um, to add to the point I'm pretty sure they're talking about it exactly. It's just that Neptune had a small script to respond to "!stats" to autolink the page.

15:23 <ConfusionRift> Exactly. So the stats are not broken, just the auto-linker left.

15:23 * Unixkitty eyes Grumpy_Cat

15:23 <ConfusionRift> Oh wait... same stats.

15:23 <ConfusionRift> Guh, there are like three stat systems!

15:24 * ConfusionRift shakes Unixkitty. "Whyyyyy?!"

15:24 <Sketchy_Sounds> So basically if you actually care about keeping track, just bookmark the one that works :p

15:24 * Grumpy_Cat turns her head, and stares at the cat. "What do you want. Whatever it is, im not interested."

15:24 <Unixkitty> What?

15:24 * Unixkitty hisses at Grumpy_Cat

15:25 <Pi> It was a simpler time when Owlyiwhatever was doing the stats.

15:25 <Unixkitty> Okay, now I'm just confused.

15:25 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, what do you mean there are three stat systems?

15:25 * Grumpy_Cat frowns at the kitty.

15:27 <ConfusionRift> Unixkitty: AppleDash had one, SRQ had one too, and your's.

15:28 * Unixkitty flops around and meows questioningly at Grumpy_Cat.

15:29 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

15:29 * Grumpy_Cat stares disgustedly at the kitty, and then pushes her off the table. "I dont want any cookies."

15:29 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, I really don't see what that has to do with me though, my stats are certainly not going anywhere.

15:30 *** Quits: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-5ju.mmr.33.75.IP) (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~)

15:30 * Unixkitty meeps and teleports right behind Grumpy_Cat in mid-air. Then proceeds to push them off the table instead.

15:30 <Unixkitty> We don't want any grumpy cats, thank you!

15:30 * Grumpy_Cat hisses as she is shoved, and she latches on to Rifty with her claws.

15:31 <ConfusionRift> Eeerm... huh? Was just saying there are too many systems for one thing. Why not- eeeehhh!!! (is latched on)

15:32 <Unixkitty> Heartbreak, Authoron didn't happen to eat one of your muffins or something, did he? I'm not really sure what's happened to him.

15:32 <ConfusionRift> Kitties better behave, or Mr. Super Soaker will make a visit.

15:32 <Heartbreak> Don't know.

15:32 <Heartbreak> Maybe?

15:32 * Unixkitty points at Grumpy_Cat

15:32 <Unixkitty> See that thing?

15:32 *** Quits: Gerelith (Gerelith@Pony-a72p4i.telecom.net.ar) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:32 <Unixkitty> I think it used to be Authoron.

15:32 <ConfusionRift> I think she has... (take glasses off) ...grumpitis.

15:33 *** Joins: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-k7nn1u.mtl.aei.ca)

15:33 *** SleepFrame is now known as WorkFrame

15:34 * Grumpy_Cat claws rifty, before landing on the ground.

15:34 <Unixkitty> ConfusionRift, as far as I know at the moment there is but one.

15:34 *** Grumpy_Cat is now known as Matrim_Cauthon

15:36 * Heartbreak looks at Matrim_Cauthon.

15:36 <Matrim_Cauthon> There can be only one....

15:36 * Matrim_Cauthon turns his head. "Yes?"

15:36 *** Quits: Twilight_Year (inrkgdbucwq@Pony-paka1l.internode.on.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:36 * Heartbreak scarebreaks at Matrim_Cauthon https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24124271/scarybreak.png

15:37 * Heartbreak screeeeeeatches!

15:37 * Matrim_Cauthon shakes his head, fixes his eyepatch, then takes a swill from his canteen. "Anybody up for a game of dice?"

15:37 * Heartbreak unscarebreaks.

15:37 <Heartbreak> Nope.

15:38 * Unixkitty whispers to Heartbreak and ConfusionRift: "I think we may have a changeling on our paws"

15:38 <Unixkitty> And hooves.

15:38 <Heartbreak> Changelings should beware of me...

15:38 <Heartbreak> I kill ambient love.

15:38 * Matrim_Cauthon facepalms. "Really? Really. Do you really think.... Agh. You people...."

15:38 * Unixkitty nuzzles Heartbreak's side

15:39 *** Matrim_Cauthon is now known as Authoron

15:39 <Authoron> See? There.

15:39 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (buhvnshrvxr@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:39 <ConfusionRift> Hmmmmm.... still not convinced. :P

15:40 <Unixkitty> Authoron, thank you for proving your case.

15:40 * ConfusionRift sniffles and scans Authoron.

15:40 <Unixkitty> Or should I say, "your own case".

15:40 <Flashy> poni

15:40 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm...

15:40 <Flashy> poni

15:40 <Flashy> poni

15:40 <Flashy> poni

15:40 * Unixkitty pies Flashy

15:40 <Flashy> poni

15:40 * Flashy explodes into floofy poni

15:40 <ConfusionRift> Eeerm... please, no spamming.

15:40 <Unixkitty> Is there any reason for spam?

15:41 <Flashy> just being silly

15:41 <ConfusionRift> Yep, it's Authoron. :P

15:41 <Unixkitty> I imagine most people who do that are likely "just being silly" as well, if you want to put it that way. But whatever.

15:41 * ConfusionRift pats Authoron, and trots away.

15:42 * Flashy licks ConfusionRift

15:42 <Heartbreak> Yay! We got Authoron to show themselves!

15:42 <Flashy> Authoron?

15:42 * Unixkitty watches Flashy get zapped with static electricity.

15:42 * ConfusionRift is licked. "Aaaargh! Eeergh, spit." -_-

15:42 * Authoron facehoofs, then rolls his eyes at all the pinging pones.

15:43 * Flashy drinks electricy liek water

15:43 *** Authoron is now known as Authoron|Away

15:43 * Flashy hugs Unixkitty

15:43 <ConfusionRift> Oh... sorry broh.

15:43 * Flashy is getting caught up on Dr Who before Bread

15:43 <Unixkitty> Aah! Eeck!

15:43 * Unixkitty slips off on the floor

15:44 <Flashy> also Hetzer gotta Hetz

15:44 <Unixkitty> What do I look like to you, a plushie?

15:44 <OctaveSymphony> Heinz.

15:44 <Flashy> a Floofy Pony

15:44 * OctaveSymphony huggles Unixkitty.

15:44 * Flashy hugs OctaveSymphony

15:44 <Unixkitty> Flashy, dear, it sounds like you may have problems with eyesight.

15:45 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-a61n3q.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)

15:45 * Unixkitty nuzzles OctaveSymphony

15:45 * Flashy is confuse

15:45 * Unixkitty meows at Flashy.

15:45 <Flashy> ahh you kitty

15:46 <Flashy> sloofy kitty

15:46 <Flashy> *floofy

15:46 * Unixkitty rolls eyes

15:46 *** Joins: DataByteBrony (DataByte@Pony-odf5db.il.comcast.net)

15:46 * Flashy is a Floofy ToG II

15:46 *** Flashy is now known as ToG_II

15:47 * OctaveSymphony boops Unixkitty, looks adorable when rolling eyes

15:47 <ToG_II> this is best plushie

15:47 <ToG_II> http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/319/1/e/tog2_by_talefox-d6ub9bu.jpg

15:48 * Unixkitty giggles and waves her paw dismissively at OctaveSymphony

15:48 <Unixkitty> Oh you are being funny.

15:48 <ToG_II> thank you Dr Who for having a giant space Spidre

15:48 <ToG_II> *spider

15:49 <Unixkitty> What's that? A tank plushie?

15:49 <Unixkitty> Haha

15:49 <ToG_II> a ToG II plushie

15:49 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Main Series My Little Pony Comic #24 Releases Today with Fluttershy and Discord, Get Some Downloads, Variants, and More!  [ http://tinyurl.com/ntcn7p3 ]

15:49 <Unixkitty> I have no idea what a ToG II is, but I think it's hilarious to have a tank plushie.

15:49 <ToG_II> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/TOG2_Tank_Bovington.jpg/800px-TOG2_Tank_Bovington.jpg

15:50 <ToG_II> that is ToG II

15:50 <ToG_II> ToG is Loveable tank

15:50 <ToG_II> ToG just wants Hugs

15:51 <ToG_II> :D

15:51 <ConfusionRift> Smaller means cuter, so the Renault FT wins. :P

15:51 * ConfusionRift raspberries away.

15:51 <ToG_II> if you want cutest tank

15:51 <ToG_II> That would be Hetzer

15:52 <ToG_II> ToG is just Floofy

15:53 <ToG_II> http://www.quickmeme.com/img/f8/f8b9540a38e61a032164340116b92f7eab181ffb3327f40573154faecf442bc9.jpg

15:53 <ToG_II> i mean how can you say no to this face

15:54 * ConfusionRift looks at it. "Hmmm. No." :P

15:54 <ToG_II> actaully no

15:54 <ToG_II> this is cutest tnaks

15:54 <ToG_II> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/TKS_P1010141_2.jpg

15:55 <ToG_II> hnnnng!

15:56 <ToG_II> so tiny!

15:57 *** Joins: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net)

15:57 *** Authoron|Away is now known as Authoron

16:00 * Cepheid is woken up by sudden alarm clock.

16:01 <Authoron> XD

16:01 * Cepheid bashes upon ConfusionRift searching for the "Snooze" button.

16:02 * ConfusionRift stops ringing the alarm.

16:02 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

16:02 * Cepheid starts twisting various gears and nobs on ConfusionRift to set alarm for 9 PM. Then trots off to take antibiotics.

16:03 *** Joins: User_994925 (qksdtpsmldm@Pony-83uq6a.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

16:03 *** Quits: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:05 * Cepheid returns with bagel.

16:06 <RazorSharpFang> I dunno.

16:06 <RazorSharpFang> I kinda prefer playing against bots to humans in lol

16:06 <RazorSharpFang> People are much less competitive, and more relaxed.

16:06 <RazorSharpFang> So much more enjoyable.

16:06 *** Quits: User_994925 (qksdtpsmldm@Pony-83uq6a.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:06 <RazorSharpFang> A pity their AIs aren't quite up to snuff

16:09 *** ToG_II is now known as Flashy

16:12 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as OctaveSymphony|Away

16:12 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-ktlh94.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP)

16:12 * Authoron puts nutella on his bagel.

16:12 <DARK> hello =)

16:12 * ThatAnonPony rolls over to Cepheid. Wave.

16:13 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:13 <Authoron> Hallo.

16:13 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

16:13 *** Joins: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-oqvgem.rev.numericable.fr)

16:14 <Yeppoh> Hey!

16:14 <ConfusionRift> Almost done with the base. Yaaay.

16:15 * Cepheid waves at ThatAnonPony from under a blanket.

16:15 * ConfusionRift rings the alarm for Cepheid, for some reason.

16:15 <ThatAnonPony> All your base are belong to us?

16:15 <Yeppoh> How's the internet today, y'all?

16:15 * Authoron facehoofs Anon.

16:16 * Cepheid grabs ConfusionRift by the throat, and pulls him under the blanket. "If you so much as ring that bell once more before 9 PM tonight, I will see to it that your powersource is damaged sufficiently that it would take a week to repair."

16:16 * ThatAnonPony takes a hoof to the face. x3x

16:16 <ConfusionRift> 0_0;

16:16 * Cepheid releases ConfusionRift.

16:17 <ConfusionRift> Gear Sparks would not want that. 0_0;

16:17 * ConfusionRift stays quiet, or tries to.

16:18 * ThatAnonPony finds a spare blanket. Hides under blanket beside Cephy-under-blanket. Pretends to be a trapdoor spider, only a pony.

16:19 <Cepheid> I am so out of it it's not even funny.  I'm freezing cold on top of it all.

16:19 <Cepheid> I haven't used my duvet in months.  It's normally reserved for Winter.

16:21 <ThatAnonPony> Well, it's getting towards winter.

16:22 <Authoron> Pffft. In australian english, its a doona.

16:22 * ThatAnonPony peers at Authoron from under the blanket.

16:22 <ConfusionRift> Poor pony.

16:22 * Authoron blinks. "Yes, anon?"

16:23 * ThatAnonPony nose-wiggles at.

16:23 * Authoron boops the silly pone.

16:23 * ConfusionRift rings the alarm again, and muffles using a pillow, till it stops.

16:23 * Authoron facehoofs

16:23 * ThatAnonPony grabs Authoron and drags under the blanket. Trapdoor spider caught a prey! Snuggles Authoron happily.

16:24 <ConfusionRift> Anyways, done with the base. I should sleep too.

16:24 <ThatAnonPony> *trapdoor spiderpony

16:24 * Authoron sighs, and resignes himself to being snuggled.

16:24 <ThatAnonPony> ^-^

16:26 <ConfusionRift> Sleep time. Laters everypony.

16:26 <Authoron> Gnight Rifty.

16:26 <ThatAnonPony> Night, Rift!

16:26 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang_ (chatzilla@Pony-o6q.ei5.149.124.IP)

16:26 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@sharpest.of.all.fangs) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:26 *** RazorSharpFang_ is now known as RazorSharpFang

16:27 * ConfusionRift waves away.

16:27 *** Parts: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-a1dg8u.res.rr.com) ("And then, that happened.")

16:27 *** Cepheid is now known as Cephy-ZZZZ

16:29 *** RazorSharpFang is now known as Pony_56386

16:31 *** Joins: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-rp065l.bb.dnainternet.fi)

16:36 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-a61n3q.as13285.net)

16:36 <Unixkitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6TZsSQyeAE

16:36 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

16:36 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about AC/DC - Let there be rock - 1977, unedited video version

16:36 *** Joins: ivi (ivi@Pony-8nd.7a3.229.109.IP)

16:37 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

16:42 * Authoron does the Crocodile Rock.

16:46 * Authoron sighs. "Anypony in here know the classics?"

16:49 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

16:50 <Unixkitty> I don't think there's anypony in here to begin with.

16:51 *** Quits: Flashy (Nutella@Fast.Blue.Pegasus) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:51 * Authoron rolls his eyes. "Any thing in here know the classics."

16:57 *** Quits: Schism (NA@blutwr.cntrlt.equ) (Connection closed)

16:57 *** Joins: Schism (NA@Pony-vf5hfh.cable.rogers.com)

17:03 *** Joins: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP)

17:04 <Mac> Hello

17:04 <Authoron> Hallo!

17:04 *** Quits: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-1qqj2b.net.upcbroadband.cz) (Quit: Leaving)

17:04 * WorkingData horsenaps Daniel_Waterhorse to use as a blanket

17:05 * Authoron offers Data his cloak instead, taking daniel back.

17:05 <WorkingData> but it's cold out here!

17:06 *** poseyshy|work is now known as poseyshy

17:06 <Mac> Is this an RP chatroom or something?

17:06 <WorkingData> mild

17:06 <Authoron> minor rp. A few lines, but not extensive. So no.

17:06 <Mac> Alright, good deal

17:06 <Authoron> There just arnt many people on. Most are probably at work.

17:09 <Tirek> RP is no go

17:10 <Mac> Good to hear, I'm not a huge fan of it to be honest.

17:11 *** OctaveSymphony|Away is now known as OctaveSymphony

17:12 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:21 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net)

17:22 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-rp065l.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:24 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-3j0.v1j.186.124.IP) (Connection closed)

17:26 *** Quits: Cephy-ZZZZ (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)

17:26 *** Pony_56386 is now known as RazorSharpFang

17:29 *** Quits: Snapai_ (Snapai@Pony-mjdh77.cable.rcn.com) (Quit: Leaving)

17:30 -chrysalis.canternet.org- *** Timed ban on #EquestriaDaily expired.

17:30 *** chrysalis.canternet.org sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-tofts6.ns.bellaliant.net

17:30 <Pi> Who was banned?

17:31 <Authoron> IDK. Might have been FN doing his faceplot thing like he always does. Or a nuke.

17:34 * OctaveSymphony boops Unixkitty then runs away giggling.

17:34 <Pi> ew

17:37 <Unixkitty> Actually I'm pretty sure it was Sketchy this morning and some random "troll" or whoever.

17:37 <Unixkitty> *gasp*

17:37 <Unixkitty> OctaveSymphony! Now where did she run off to.

17:38 * Unixkitty sends tickles to OctaveSymphony using magic.

17:39 <Unixkitty> I think it's time for some tea.

17:39 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: He turns his back, and draws his cloak in. His armor clinks as he walks away...)

17:40 <Mac> I think it's time for about two pots of coffee

17:40 * OctaveSymphony continues said giggling from her hiding place.

17:40 <OctaveSymphony> And tea does sound like a good idea

17:42 <Mac> I love it when I'm sitting a room down from a group and you hear the entire group talking and just go "ohhhhhhhhh!"

17:43 <Unixkitty> Mmmm... a cup of Earl Gray with a touch of milk and two sugar cubes.

17:44 *** mniip is now known as \m

17:45 <Unixkitty> I'm guessing the room is still somewhat "dead" at this point. Oh well.

17:46 <OctaveSymphony> Pepermint and such for me

17:46 *** Quits: Evil_Spike (EvilSpike@Pony-tc8.cov.253.125.IP) (Quit: Off to plan for world domination.)

17:46 <OctaveSymphony> With some sugar

17:50 <OctaveSymphony> Always some nice calming blend for me

17:52 *** Joins: Kalastrear (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP)

17:52 <Kalastrear> hi

17:53 <OctaveSymphony> meep meep

17:54 *** \m is now known as mniip

17:55 <Unixkitty> Meow meow

17:55 <Unixkitty> That sounds nice as well I suppose, I think I'm just having a casual one for now

17:55 <OctaveSymphony> !link https://derpiboo.ru/731678?scope=scpe41634435f798277465df5c5c26ed158265af5b64

17:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about octavia witch hat octavia melody artist:alasou clothes (and 11 more)

17:56 <Unixkitty> Our executive just called saying her mail space is at more than 109% capacity... and guess what

17:56 *** Joins: Anybronym0ti0n (lvnmyxmknyr@Pony-5faltf.cpe.netcabo.pt)

17:56 <Unixkitty> I checked her trash, it contained over 14000 old emails.

17:56 <OctaveSymphony> Hehehe, classic that people don't empty that

17:56 <Unixkitty> xD

17:57 <Unixkitty> I mean how silly do you have to be not to check the trash bin before anything else

17:57 <Unixkitty> Aren't people supposed to be used to this, while using computers daily?

17:57 <OctaveSymphony> Well, I have a relative who called me almost shouting that her printer didn't work

17:57 <OctaveSymphony> Power cable wasn't plugged in.

17:58 <Unixkitty> Oh goodness don't get me started on our silliest printer problems here in the office.

17:58 <Unixkitty> Heh

17:58 <OctaveSymphony> At my department we have a weird problem though

17:58 <OctaveSymphony> Computers sometimes won't turn on at all

17:58 <OctaveSymphony> But if we swap the power cable with the screen, they work.

17:59 <Unixkitty> That actually sounds weird

17:59 <Unixkitty> Could those cables be slightly old?

17:59 <OctaveSymphony> We've replaced them all, still happening

17:59 *** Quits: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:59 <Unixkitty> Huh

17:59 <OctaveSymphony> And the really weird bit is that it happens with both cables, but a swap and it works again

18:00 <Unixkitty> Well can't say I've ever experienced something silly like that

18:00 <OctaveSymphony> Yeah, our IT tech guy is fairly stumped at it

18:01 <Kalastrear> hi

18:01 *** Quits: Anybronym0ti0n (lvnmyxmknyr@Pony-5faltf.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:02 <Unixkitty> There could be a possibility something's wrong with the computer's contacts themselves, I don't think I'm to judge without checking out physically really xD

18:02 <OctaveSymphony> Hopefully they will be replaced soon enough

18:02 <OctaveSymphony> They're normal office computers, not meant to be in the environment they're in

18:06 *** TimidClef|Zzz is now known as TimidClef

18:07 *** TimidClef is now known as Pony_64076

18:08 *** Quits: Pony_64076 (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Quit: )

18:08 *** Joins: SinisterVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-ab6.rkj.249.63.IP)

18:08 *** Joins: Pony_64076 (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

18:08 *** Pony_64076 is now known as TimidClef

18:09 *** TimidClef is now known as Pony_91181

18:09 *** Quits: Pony_91181 (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net) (Quit: )

18:09 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-8obg0i.ph.cox.net)

18:10 <Pi> I've no idea who this reminds me of but...

18:10 <Pi> https://soundcloud.com/codeko/codeko-reach-1

18:10 <Pi> Listen to it anyway.

18:13 <Moonlightning> OctaveSymphony: does unplugging it and plugging it back in work?

18:13 * Unixkitty pies Moonlightning

18:13 <OctaveSymphony> Noeps

18:13 <OctaveSymphony> Gets no response until a different cable is used

18:13 * Moonlightning now has delicious pie. \o/

18:14 <Moonlightning> Thank you, Unixkitty~

18:14 <Unixkitty> You're welcome, I have plenty for such occasions. Enjoy wiping it off your face!

18:15 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-l2lhfk.dorm.utexas.edu)

18:18 <Moonlightning> You have pie stashes all over Ponyville, in case of pie emergencies?

18:21 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-hio.kts.71.50.IP)

18:21 * OctaveSymphony wishes she could find one of Heartbreak's muffins to toss at Moonlightning.

18:22 * Moonlightning stole all of the muffins and re-stashed them!

18:23 *** Joins: User_499725 (jvbwlegrbnx@Pony-p89bug.res.rr.com)

18:23 *** Quits: User_499725 (jvbwlegrbnx@Pony-p89bug.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:24 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

18:25 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

18:25 * OctaveSymphony boops Thelema5.

18:25 <Thelema5> What's new?

18:27 <Unixkitty> Thelema5, I like your quote. It's soo on theme.

18:28 <Thelema5> Ha- that's funny.

18:28 <Thelema5> It is, it truely is.

18:29 * Thelema5 goes to find some coffee

18:29 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

18:39 *** Joins: sillyfilly (blnnftpohch@Pony-kcfhhe.111.getinternet.no)

18:40 * sillyfilly flopps into chat

18:40 *** Joins: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-rp065l.bb.dnainternet.fi)

18:40 <sillyfilly> nopony here?

18:41 * TimidClef waves

18:41 <TimidClef> Just a quiet morning

18:41 <OctaveSymphony> Afternoon*

18:42 *** thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

18:42 <Thelema5> Morning.

18:42 <Yeppoh> Quiet rainy afternoon.

18:42 <OctaveSymphony> Afternoon. GMT+1 only timezone.

18:42 <Thelema5> Danged spherical planet, anyway

18:42 <TimidClef> :P Time zones, screw you!!

18:42 <TimidClef> lol

18:43 <Yeppoh> We need a flat planet.

18:43 <TimidClef> Carried on the backs of four giant elephants who in turn are flying through space on a massive turtle

18:43 <Pi> Starmade had flat planets.

18:43 <Yeppoh> And specific timeset for sunrise and sunset.

18:43 <Thelema5> it's turtles, turtles, turtles... all the way down

18:44 <Yeppoh> All except one tortoise.

18:44 <Thelema5> Tank.

18:45 <Thelema5> Blech, I should probably go finish up payroll.

18:45 *** POMDPone|Ziz is now known as POMDPone

18:45 *** Thelema5 is now known as Thelema5|working

18:45 * POMDPone hops on an elephant and reks some havoc

18:45 <TimidClef> Payroll is overrated. Keep it all yourself and flee to Mexico!

18:45 <TimidClef> XD

18:45 <Thelema5|working> It's too hot in Mexico.

18:45 <Thelema5|working> How about I flee to the pacific northwest?

18:45 <TimidClef> Hrm. What cold countries don't have an extradition treaty with us?

18:45 <TimidClef> That works

18:46 <Thelema5|working> I can hang with bigfoot.

18:46 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

18:46 <TimidClef|AFK> back in a few

18:46 <Thelema5|working> !link bigfoot

18:46 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

18:46 <Thelema5|working> Aww.

18:46 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP)

18:46 *** Quits: sillyfilly (blnnftpohch@Pony-kcfhhe.111.getinternet.no) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:47 <Twilight_Shimmer> good morning

18:47 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-03oqfg.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

18:47 <POMDPone> you gotta hand it to some jewish holidays

18:47 <POMDPone> we make square tents in our backyard

18:47 * Kalastrear hugs Thelema5

18:47 <POMDPone> and have a family meal in it in the evening

18:47 <Kalastrear> actually we probably shouldn't be in close proximatey since i'm sick :P

18:48 <POMDPone> dinner*

18:48 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-28oi6p.east.verizon.net)

18:48 <Twilight_Shimmer> i only know  jewish holiday and thats hanika

18:48 <Twilight_Shimmer> but not when it is

18:49 <Kalastrear> umm wtf is hanika?

18:49 <Twilight_Shimmer> only know 1 ^

18:49 <POMDPone> do you mean hanukha? Nah that's a lame holiday. Though doughnuts are a plus

18:49 <Kalastrear> I think you mean Hanukia?

18:49 <Twilight_Shimmer> thats the one POMDPone

18:52 <Twilight_Shimmer> slow morning

18:53 * OctaveSymphony boops Twilight_Shimmer.

18:53 *** TimidClef|AFK is now known as TimidClef

18:53 <Unixkitty> !twilight time

18:53 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight_Shimmer

18:53 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

18:53 * Twilight_Shimmer boop OctaveSymphony back and hugs her

18:54 <Twilight_Shimmer> ^_^

18:54 <Twilight_Shimmer> morning Unixkitty

18:54 <Thelema5|working> PMDPone: You should see the Sukkot we have erected at the hotel I work at.

18:55 *** Joins: Furril (wat1@Pony-k5a3n2.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net)

18:55 <Thelema5|working> It's pretty awesome.

18:55 <Unixkitty> Hey Twilight_Shimmer.

18:55 <Twilight_Shimmer> whats a sukkot

18:55 <Twilight_Shimmer> yes Unixkitty ?

18:56 <Unixkitty> "<Twilight_Shimmer> morning Unixkitty "

18:56 <Thelema5|working> It's a temporary structure used for meals during the Jewish holiday of succoth

18:56 <Thelema5|working> (many variant spellings)

18:57 <Twilight_Shimmer> ah

18:57 <Twilight_Shimmer> first i have heard of either lol

18:57 <Thelema5|working> It's a sort of harvest holiday.

18:58 <Twilight_Shimmer> ohh

18:59 <Thelema5|working> The idea of the sukkot is that the top is opened enough to view the stars as you partake of the holdiay meal.

19:00 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-rp065l.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:00 *** Joins: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP)

19:01 *** Joins: Arteshi (Arteshi@Pony-bs8.95i.39.74.IP)

19:02 *** Kalastrear is now known as Kala_afk

19:02 *** Joins: Marionette (Wofle@The.Mecha.Pony.Brigade)

19:02 * Twilight_Shimmer turns foal sized and hops atop OctaveSymphony head

19:03 *** Marionette is now known as Iron_Wofle

19:04 <Twilight_Shimmer> name name Iron Wolf suddenly has me thinking of the youtuber Dr Wolf

19:04 <Twilight_Shimmer> who reviews a lot of MLP stuff

19:07 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

19:07 *** Quits: Pony_8531 (urbbyidkilj@Pony-3brt0o.bois.qwest.net) (Connection closed)

19:08 *** Quits: Furril (wat1@Pony-k5a3n2.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

19:11 *** Joins: Furril (wat1@Pony-k5a3n2.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net)

19:12 <Twilight_Shimmer> jeeze it really is a slow morning

19:12 <OctaveSymphony> Afternoon/evening.

19:13 <Twilight_Shimmer> lol it isnt even noon where i be ^_^

19:13 *** Kala_afk is now known as Kala

19:14 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

19:16 <Unixkitty> Haven't we already gone over this?

19:16 <Twilight_Shimmer> that time zones are funny?

19:16 * OctaveSymphony will never give up untill the world bows down to GMT+1

19:16 <Unixkitty> Yes it's quarter past seven here, yes it's morning where you at. Who cares.

19:17 * OctaveSymphony is listening to Skillet for some reason

19:17 <Twilight_Shimmer> whats a Skillet

19:17 <Unixkitty> It's a Rock band

19:17 <Twilight_Shimmer> as i am assuming your not refering to a kitchen skillet

19:17 <Twilight_Shimmer> ahh

19:17 <OctaveSymphony> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP0Ne9aW7UI

19:17 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

19:17 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Skillet- The Last Night-Lyrics

19:18 <OctaveSymphony> Some decent songs, not many though

19:18 <POMDPone> Thelema5|working you are well informed!

19:18 <Twilight_Shimmer> ohh

19:19 *** Thelema5|working is now known as Thelema5

19:19 *** Joins: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-6hj.g8s.46.95.IP)

19:20 <Unixkitty> OctaveSymphony, they somehow remind me of a different band I much prefer in such genre, especially their latest album.

19:20 <Thelema5> I work in a hotel which caters primarily to a large orthodox jewish population, POMDPone.

19:20 <Thelema5> So, I kinda have to be.

19:20 <POMDPone> oy vey, this must be tedius :P

19:20 <POMDPone> tedious*

19:20 <Thelema5> It's interesting, no doubt.

19:21 <Unixkitty> It's not a bad example though, I kinda like it.

19:21 *** Joins: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-mo7r5i.dyn.centurytel.net)

19:22 <Thelema5> Like the time I saw an elderly rabbi, complete with long grey beard and black traditional garb, jamming out a Regina Spektor song on our piano to engage the younger members of his congregation

19:23 <POMDPone> wow. You don't see things like this even here in Israel

19:23 <POMDPone> they primarly have their own music and bands

19:24 *** Quits: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-mo7r5i.dyn.centurytel.net) (Connection closed)

19:24 *** Quits: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:25 <Thelema5> I did come across a poem online written by a brony who attends our yearly passover program, apparently he's been coming since he was a young child, and has a secret crush on a girl he only sees once a year, at our hotel.

19:25 <Thelema5> http://fluttershy91.deviantart.com/art/Spring-Shy-Bluebird-365958254

19:25 <OctaveSymphony> I liked the old priest at the local church, he was a heavy metal fan.

19:26 <Thelema5> This past spring I was on the lookout for him, but didn't see anyone betray any signs of pony.

19:26 <POMDPone> I guess it's a quiet day for you today, right? Given it's the holiday's eve

19:26 <POMDPone> oh you are done with work anyway

19:26 *** Joins: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-mo7r5i.dyn.centurytel.net)

19:27 <POMDPone> hehe that passover story is actually cute! perhaps the only good reason for waiting to this boring event :P

19:27 <Twilight_Shimmer> !link kitty

19:27 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/463489

19:27 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (SomeFrenchB@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Connection closed)

19:27 <Thelema5> Everyone will be here before sundown today, we're expecting about 600 people

19:28 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:28 <POMDPone> honestly, I'm not religious at all so I find the these rituals, when I'm forced to participate, really exhausting. I'm sure many other participants feel like that too

19:29 <OctaveSymphony> I see such things so rarely that I'm more often fascinated by them

19:30 <Thelema5> I would tend to agree, POMDPone.  Most people seem to partcipate reluctantly, out of obligation.

19:30 <Unixkitty> I simply like the fact that people gather together to happily celebrate some occasion and communicate on a higher level. What's so bad about that?

19:31 *** Joins: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP)

19:31 <Unixkitty> And don't get me wrong, I'm not religious either, but that doesn't change the fact.

19:31 *** Joins: Cephy-ZZZZ (Cepheid@Pony-5of69d.cable.rogers.com)

19:31 <Thelema5> Nothing wrong with that, per se, UnixKitty... but for orthodox observers, there are MANY restriction on how people comport themselves.

19:31 <Thelema5> During the holidays.

19:32 <Twilight_Shimmer> no idea wht that means

19:32 <Thelema5> For example, they can't sign their names, exchange money, operate machinery, extingish fires, travel, etc.

19:32 <POMDPone> Unixkitty some occasions, when you get to celecrate with your actual friends - really are great! for example, a few days ago we have this anti-holiday yom kipur (thelema, I wonder how do these days feel at your place? :P )

19:32 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:32 <Unixkitty> Certainly, but I wouldn't think it has to reduce the fun it most instances, does it? Especially if you say they participate out of obligation.

19:33 <Unixkitty> in*

19:33 <Yeppoh> !link ation

19:33 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/641571

19:33 <Twilight_Shimmer> ill bet the extingsish fires one is ignored

19:33 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

19:33 <Twilight_Shimmer> least i HOPE it is

19:33 <Unixkitty> POMDPone, what's an "anti-holiday"?

19:33 <POMDPone> so, there is this unwritten rule that no one in the country drives...so all the children go out on bicycle and me and my friends just roam the streets and catch up. Perhaps the best time I had the last few months

19:33 <Yeppoh> !link natio

19:33 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/121020

19:34 <POMDPone> it's a day in which you are supposed to fast, be sad and think about the bad things you did. yep.

19:34 <Unixkitty> Yeppoh, I like how DerpyBot still linked something even with the typo.

19:34 <Thelema5> One of the reasons people in those circumstances tend to join large group functions (at a hotel, for instance) is that many of the restrictions are accommodated by the non-jewish employees.

19:34 <Yeppoh> Indeed.

19:34 <Yeppoh> !link avor

19:34 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/514951

19:35 <Thelema5> I really should finish payroll.

19:35 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

19:35 <Yeppoh> Always a surprise.

19:35 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-ktlh94.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

19:36 <POMDPone> there are too many pics tagged "eldritch abomination"

19:36 <Yeppoh> !link rati

19:36 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/567675

19:36 <POMDPone> e.g. https://derpibooru.org/380735?scope=scpe0c60c414c81a04d0463fadf1bc12a90a79a5ab00

19:36 <Unixkitty> Oh dear those faces.

19:37 <Unixkitty> I think I understand the tag.

19:37 <Yeppoh> =D

19:37 <Yeppoh> !link itty

19:37 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/294436

19:37 <Unixkitty> POMDPone, http://i.minus.com/iZcGnME6cdYpA.gif

19:38 <Yeppoh> !link nik

19:38 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/558218

19:38 <Mac> How is everybody doing in here?

19:38 <Unixkitty> Yeppoh, I think DerpyBot doesn't mind missing letters too much, as long as the rest of the word is proper.

19:38 * OctaveSymphony is tired. But that's not new

19:38 <POMDPone> I have a confession. I've never played TF2

19:38 *** solarstorm is now known as Solarstorm

19:38 <Twilight_Shimmer> !muffin

19:38 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

19:38 <Twilight_Shimmer> eyup

19:38 * DerpyBot glomps Twilight_Shimmer

19:38 <Yeppoh> Yup. I like to play with Derpybot parser.

19:38 <Unixkitty> I have a confession. I think TF2 is incredibly dumb.

19:38 <Mac> POMDPone - you're not missing much

19:39 * POMDPone is about to glomp Mac

19:39 <Twilight_Shimmer> i have tf2 downloaded ive just not played it yet

19:39 <Yeppoh> I have a confession. I don't have a PC gamepad.

19:39 <Mac> TF1 was realy fun, but it lost its charm with the second one

19:39 <Yeppoh> !link naged

19:39 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/430871

19:40 <Yeppoh> !link lati

19:40 <DerpyBot> http://www.derpibooru.org/21723

19:40 <Unixkitty> Now, Yeppoh, it might be getting just a little bit too much.

19:40 <Yeppoh> Just a last one,.... Hmm...

19:40 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-utjpgr.adsl.tpnet.pl)

19:40 <Yeppoh> !link orni

19:40 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/637788

19:41 <Mac> Yeppoh, could you do me a favor and please stop spamming the bot.  It's cool if you want to post pictures but it's getting a little much.

19:41 * POMDPone commits a Mac glomp

19:41 <Yeppoh> Generally I don't go over 7 or 8.

19:42 <Unixkitty> Mac, you don't have to repeat what's already been suggested just a few seconds ago.

19:42 <Mac> Unixkitty - sorry, didn't see you said that, I'm going back and forth between paperwork here.

19:42 * OctaveSymphony thinks that Mac hasn't been around when she goes on Derpiboo rampages.

19:43 <Yeppoh> Heh.

19:43 <OctaveSymphony> But then, nopony has really complained when I do either.

19:43 <OctaveSymphony> Quality cuteness is what I deliver.

19:44 <Yeppoh> I want to be surprised, so truncated search can turn out funny and cute stuff.

19:44 <Yeppoh> And something downright hilarious things.

19:44 <Unixkitty> OctaveSymphony, I imagine it's you linking the images themselves then, no? Because Yeppoh just seems to be playing around with the parser as he said.

19:45 <ElectricPsoras> !link pinkiecorn

19:45 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/637788

19:45 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Lofty_Breeze

19:45 <ElectricPsoras> Hello, by the way.

19:45 <OctaveSymphony> Oh yeah, I am linking myself, I rarely use DerpyBot for it

19:46 <ElectricPsoras> I prefer opening derpibooru by clicking on DerpyBot's link than opening a browser myself.

19:46 <ElectricPsoras> I'm lazy.

19:46 * TimidClef scritches the Unixkitty

19:46 <POMDPone> that is lazy.

19:47 * Unixkitty resonances with purring towards TimidClef

19:48 <POMDPone> do we even need derpibooru? you can get diabeetus by staying in this chatroom, alone, if you stay long enough

19:50 * Unixkitty teleports a large barrel full of sugar into the room. Proceeds to levitate POMDPone above it and then release the magic.

19:50 <POMDPone> I'm richhh

19:50 <Mac> hmm

19:51 *** Joins: firestream (firestrema@Pony-osj339.dsl.bell.ca)

19:51 <POMDPone> we still use that candy-based economy, right?

19:51 <OctaveSymphony> Tulips is the economy right now.

19:52 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

19:52 * Twilight_Shimmer pokes her head out of OctaveSymphony mane

19:54 <WorkingData> POMDPone: http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/

19:54 <POMDPone> NO

19:54 <POMDPone> I have a life to manage

19:54 <WorkingData> but

19:54 <WorkingData> cookies

19:55 *** Joins: GigabitPony (Gigabit@Elegy.for.a.Changeling)

19:55 <Kala> i wan't a planeswalker so badly 0.0

19:55 <POMDPone> neigh. all cookies can go crumble themselves, for all I care

19:56 *** Joins: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net)

19:56 * WorkingData gives a cookie to Dash

19:57 <Dash> ^.^

19:57 <Dash> wow free cookie!

19:57 *** Joins: Alice (bthwutwpubk@Pony-2buid9.fios.verizon.net)

19:57 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigabit

19:57 * Dash noms the cookie vigorously

19:57 <WorkingData> have some more!! http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/

19:57 <WorkingData> xD

19:58 <Alice> Guten Morgen!

19:58 * Dash eats so many cookies they OD and get diabetus

19:58 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unixkitty|off

19:58 <WorkingData> (ps. side affects include cookie obsession, loss of free time, and carpel tunnel)

19:59 <POMDPone> Alice we have a cookie crisis help out

19:59 * Cephy-ZZZZ avoids cookie clicker.

19:59 <Alice> Oh, I haven't any cookies though ^^;

19:59 * Dash is now a victim of the cookie clicker >.>

19:59 <WorkingData> i played that for about a week, lol

19:59 <Dash> thanks WorkFrame

20:00 <Dash> WorkingData,

20:00 <Alice> Actually, I just woke up and am having blueberry scones and white tea for breakfast

20:00 <WorkingData> used a small clicker program i wrote to get 30-40 extra cookies per second

20:00 <Alice> Two words... cookie monster

20:01 <Dash> ^

20:01 <WorkingData> i am a cookie monster, lol

20:01 <Alice> Oooo I just heard a squirrel chatter! 'Tis going to be a wonderful day <3

20:01 <Alice> You all are

20:01 <Alice> All of you

20:01 <WorkingData> all my co-workers know this.. some made me fresh cookies for my birthday ^^

20:02 <WorkingData> Alice: squirrels are fun :)

20:02 <Alice> I won't lie to you, I love cookies too

20:02 <Alice> Danish butter cookies are my favorite

20:02 <Alice> Especially if they have currants <3

20:02 <WorkingData> mmmmm

20:03 *** thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

20:03 * WorkingData stuffs a cookie into Thelema5's mouth

20:03 <Thelema5> Mrhmmhrph

20:03 *** Quits: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-oqvgem.rev.numericable.fr) (Quit: Leaving)

20:03 <Thelema5> Thanks!  i don't remember the last time I ate a cookie.

20:03 <WorkingData> cookies! \o/

20:04 <Thelema5> Must be more than 2 years ago.

20:04 <WorkingData> pony pose: (\^3^/)

20:04 <Alice> I can understand, my last soda was over 4 years ago

20:04 <WorkingData> xD

20:05 <Dash> oh hello Thelema5

20:05 <Thelema5> Does anypony know if there's any truth to the rumor I've heard that Cookie Monster is now called Vegetable Monster?

20:05 <Alice> Fake

20:05 <Dash> i would hope not o.o

20:05 <WorkingData> i haven't had soda since college... probably also 4 years

20:05 <Thelema5> Oh okay.  Good.

20:05 * OctaveSymphony is addicted to soda :(

20:05 <Kala> He eats Vegetables now, but he is still called cookie monster

20:05 <WorkingData> i heard of the carrot monster.. never seen it, though

20:06 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (DanielWater@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:06 <Alice> It's weird though, because now I'm at a point to where anytime I drink something carbonated, my mind freaks out

20:06 <Alice> Like "Wth is this!?"

20:06 <WorkingData> lol

20:06 <Thelema5> I just looked into it: In August 2006, when NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer questioned Cookie Monster about the change in his eating habits, the googly-eyed spokescreature directly addressed the rumor

20:06 <Thelema5> Read more at http://www.snopes.com/radiotv/tv/veggie.asp#Bx2gruiwyHricJc4.99

20:07 <Thelema5> Read more?  Ah, danged paste scripts

20:07 <Thelema5> Monster: No! You members of the media blow story way out of proportion! Me still like cookies!

20:07 <Thelema5> Read more at http://www.snopes.com/radiotv/tv/veggie.asp#Bx2gruiwyHricJc4.99

20:07 <Thelema5> Stop that!

20:08 <Twilight_Shimmer> ahh nothing like a hot shower

20:08 <Thelema5> I miss taking showers.  They're so much more efficient than baths.

20:08 * Kala a hot bath

20:08 <Gigabit> I miss taking long warm baths :(

20:08 <WorkingData> c if for cookies, that's good enough for me

20:09 <WorkingData> c is not cold shower

20:09 <Kala> imma take a bath

20:10 <Thelema5> Aww, how sweet.  A coworker just gave me a pair of powder blue over-the-knee fuzzy socks as a gift

20:10 <WorkingData> Thelema5, you miss showers?

20:10 <Kala> Thelema5, pics?

20:10 <WorkingData> i miss being small enough that i could sink into the bathtub xD

20:10 <Thelema5> I do.

20:10 <Alice> Thelema5, all of my jelly <3

20:11 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I miss being short enough that I could fit into a bathtub.

20:11 <ModusPonens> holy crap

20:11 <Alice> Oh I could fit into a bathtub still <3

20:11 <WorkingData> i feel i'm missing context.. why can you not take showers?

20:12 <ModusPonens> federer just saved 2 matchpoints

20:12 <ModusPonens> clutch much?

20:12 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-l2lhfk.dorm.utexas.edu) (Connection closed)

20:13 <Thelema5> Well, I have to take baths because I have two nerve entrapments which require soaking in hot ater for 20 minutes every day

20:13 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-28oi6p.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

20:13 <Thelema5> *water

20:13 <WorkingData> ah

20:13 <Alice> Thelema5... totally get it

20:14 <WorkingData> well, hot bath can still be relaxing - use the time to meditate, what i'd do ;)

20:14 <Thelema5> This is also why I'm prone to typoes... I can't feel 4 of my fingers.  :)

20:14 <Alice> I like to spend my time at the lake shore to meditate

20:14 <WorkingData> wow.. that's something

20:14 <OctaveSymphony> 10 fingers are for nerds anyways right :P

20:14 <Thelema5> I guess.

20:14 <WorkingData> not sure what i'd do without nerve endings..

20:15 <Gigabit> Only need 5. Just enough for wsad to play PC games and control the mouse.

20:16 <Thelema5> Kala: http://imgur.com/tPGdUlA

20:16 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Five fingers, two thumbs.

20:16 <WorkingData> fluttershy!! :)

20:16 <WorkingData> that's a tall monitor riser

20:17 <Thelema5> It's an accomodation for my nerve issue- I have to sit high so I can type without bending my elbows.

20:18 <Gigabit> That must be a heck of a strain on your arms

20:18 <Alice> Thelema5, they look adorable <3

20:18 <Thelema5> On the back, mostly.

20:18 <Kala> pretty

20:18 <Kala> and fluttershy on tesk!

20:18 <Kala> *desk!

20:18 <Alice> Nngh! I wish I had some now =w=

20:18 <Thelema5> I just thought it was very thoughful, especially since I know the employee who gave them to me is struggling finacially.

20:18 <Alice> Awwwww <3

20:19 <WorkingData> the socks?

20:20 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

20:20 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

20:20 <Alice> Oh wow, I'm surprised how full those three scones made me o.o

20:20 <ModusPonens> 5 isn't enough to play an instrument...

20:20 <WorkingData> i've never really been partial to fuzzy socks, but those look nice :)

20:21 <Thelema5> I have a thing for socks, workingdata.

20:21 <Gigabit> ModusPonens:  it is to play the baritone

20:21 <Thelema5> :)

20:21 <Thelema5> well, back to work!

20:21 <Gigabit> I only used 3 to play when I did.

20:21 *** Thelema5 is now known as Thelema5|working

20:21 <ModusPonens> not to play piano

20:21 <ModusPonens> which is what I play

20:21 <Alice> I love socks too, they're such an awesome way to sport your personality!

20:21 <WorkingData> ModusPonens: if the 5 fingers are 4 on left and pointer on right, guitar is possible ;)

20:21 <Alice> Fuzzy socks are especially comfortable <3

20:21 <Alice> Good for the fall too

20:22 <ModusPonens> it'd be very hard

20:22 <ModusPonens> you'd be limited to like 6 chords

20:22 <WorkingData> i have a wool pair for winter - not fuzzy, but very warm :)

20:23 <Alice> Wool? Are they comfortable?

20:23 <WorkingData> yep!

20:23 <WorkingData> love them :)

20:23 <Alice> Oh neato, I'll have to look for some

20:23 <Gigabit> Only bad thing with wool is it can be very itchy

20:23 <Alice> I have like over 20 pairs

20:24 <Gigabit> I have a grand total of 4 lairs socks. I used to have 12 but washed destroys them..

20:24 <Alice> I buy a lot of mine from Sock Dreams

20:25 <Gigabit> Washer*

20:26 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Isolated_Sounds

20:26 *** Joins: Goodbye_Hub_Network (pqebgmrqewd@Pony-6fkbhd.dsl-w.verizon.net)

20:26 <Goodbye_Hub_Network> My name says it all

20:26 <Goodbye_Hub_Network> :'(

20:27 <Alice> Welp...

20:27 <WorkingData> hello, discovery family channel

20:27 <Alice> At least I got Hub merchandise

20:27 <Mac> Did they finally kick the bucket?

20:27 <WorkingData> xD

20:27 * Alice sips from Hub cup

20:27 <WorkingData> i like the name, tbh

20:27 <Alice> Well, actually I'm sipping from a different cup, but my Hub cup is right here

20:27 <WorkingData> short, simple

20:27 * Goodbye_Hub_Network hugs my rainbow dash plushie i got for christmas

20:28 <Alice> You're acting like Hub is dying or something

20:28 <Alice> Jus' a name change

20:28 <WorkingData> mlp will go on ;)

20:28 <Alice> Oh... and Discovery gets an extra 10% of the share

20:28 <Goodbye_Hub_Network> (even tho i wanted a fluttershy one XD)

20:28 <Alice> But Hasbro is still in on it

20:28 <Alice> Oh I has a Flutershy plush

20:28 <Goodbye_Hub_Network> ...

20:29 <Alice> It's the sleeping kind you squeek

20:29 <Goodbye_Hub_Network> GIMMEH IT!!!

20:29 <Alice> Pffft, I paid $80 for it

20:29 <WorkingData> not basd

20:29 <WorkingData> *bad

20:29 <Alice> I'm not sure if the girl I bought it from even makes them still

20:29 <WorkingData> my derpy was 170 xD

20:29 <Goodbye_Hub_Network> my mom payed 75$ for my rd plush on ebay XD

20:29 <Mac> Wooooooooof...

20:29 <Mac> you guys spend a bit of money

20:30 <OctaveSymphony> Hmm my 2nd Derpy was $ 225 or $ 250, don't recall exactly

20:30 <Alice> I'm starting to collect Pokemon stuff now

20:30 <Alice> I was thinking about spending a few hundred dollars on those well-made plushies

20:31 <OctaveSymphony> Well Alice, I can recommend http://penniesponyplushies.deviantart.com/ comissions are closed til next year though

20:31 <Goodbye_Hub_Network> i even have a fan made life sized human fluttershy plush

20:31 <ModusPonens> 3 match points roger has saved. Amazing stuff from federer and mayer

20:31 <WorkingData> i think i like the lower-quality ones.. they're more huggable <3

20:31 <Goodbye_Hub_Network> it costed 999$ and 99 cents...

20:32 *** Thelema5|working is now known as thelema5

20:32 *** Quits: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-mo7r5i.dyn.centurytel.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:32 <WorkingData> my derpy i'm afraid to hug, don't want to squash her xD

20:32 <thelema5> Life sized fluttershy? *squee*

20:32 <thelema5> Pics?

20:32 <Alice> They seem reasonable

20:32 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:33 <thelema5> I have quite a few plushies, but I can't afford the really nice handcrafted ones.

20:33 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

20:33 * Gigabit wants a RD plush >.<

20:33 *** Goodbye_Hub_Network is now known as Fire_Blitz

20:33 <POMDPone> The huge ones really are something...but keeping it clean isn't a problem?

20:33 <Fire_Blitz> Anyways... moving on!

20:33 <Fire_Blitz> XD

20:33 <thelema5> I'm just waiting for the 4de flutters to become available

20:33 <ModusPonens> god, that's gotta be devastating for Mayer

20:34 <OctaveSymphony> The ones I have are made of minky, easily cleaned really, some water with a mild soap and a small brush is all that's needed. And ofcourse you never let too much water onto it

20:34 <WorkingData> i'm waiting on the daring doo books i pre-ordered .. was emailed the tracking number recently :D

20:34 <Alice> Hmmm, 4De, I might look into them

20:34 <ModusPonens> 3 matchponts against federer, and fed saved them all. then fed got one match point and didn't need anymore

20:34 <Fire_Blitz> Let Eet Go!

20:34 <Alice> Again, I'm not into the show anymore, but I guess it doesn't hurt to buy a plushie or two

20:34 <Fire_Blitz> i have an olaf plush :3

20:35 <thelema5> Oddly, my favorite plush is a g1 style pinkie pie I've had for 7 years, it was released as part of the 25th anniversary line

20:35 <ModusPonens> the face he made right after losing...that is the look of despair. Pure, unbridled, despair

20:35 <WorkingData> hahahah xD

20:35 <WorkingData> olaf would be relatively easy to make xD

20:35 *** Joins: User_743925 (drygstgigdq@Pony-lc6.jj4.115.65.IP)

20:35 <User_743925> hello

20:36 <Fire_Blitz> Hi

20:36 <thelema5> Hello, user.

20:36 <WorkingData> hello!

20:36 <User_743925> im feel derpy

20:36 <User_743925> oops i feel derpy

20:36 <Fire_Blitz> is googie on or is she/he afk?

20:36 <WorkingData> *derp*

20:36 <thelema5> Why not select a nick which is more indicative of your personality, user?

20:37 *** WorkingData is now known as DerpyByte

20:37 <User_743925> any bronies here

20:37 <thelema5> Quite a few.

20:37 <DerpyByte> everybronies!

20:37 <Fire_Blitz> i'm a semi brony

20:37 <Fire_Blitz> >:T

20:37 <DerpyByte> and i'm a semi-human :P

20:37 <User_743925> any closet bronies

20:37 <DerpyByte> probably - very likely ;)

20:38 <Fire_Blitz> oh yeah? I da future imma attach 4 more fingers to my right hand XD

20:38 <Fire_Blitz> in*

20:38 <Fire_Blitz> XD

20:38 <User_743925> i wanna buy gaint applejack

20:38 <DerpyByte> i mean, i don't parade around and ask everyone i meet about it, but my mousepad at work is pinkie pie ;)

20:38 <Fire_Blitz> i'm such a sicko XD

20:38 <User_743925> XD

20:39 <Fire_Blitz> !Muffins

20:39 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

20:39 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

20:39 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h SomeFrenchBrony

20:39 <DerpyByte> anyways, i'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of bank loans

20:39 <Fire_Blitz> maybe

20:39 <Fire_Blitz> XD

20:39 <OctaveSymphony> I glued pony stickers to the control cabinet for our gearbox motors at work.

20:39 <Fire_Blitz> !muffins

20:39 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

20:39 <User_743925> what are cloppers

20:39 <OctaveSymphony> On my station that is, not the others

20:40 <Fire_Blitz> maybe

20:40 * DerpyBot glomps Fire_Blitz...maybe

20:40 <Fire_Blitz> XD

20:40 <User_743925> whats a clooper

20:40 <Fire_Blitz> anyone remember me?

20:40 *** Fire_Blitz is now known as Xeno_the_dragon

20:40 <Xeno_the_dragon> >:3

20:41 *** Xeno_the_dragon is now known as the

20:41 *** TimidClef|AFK is now known as TimidClef

20:41 <the> i trolled by saying i still had a old fashioned computer

20:41 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Kryptonlogic: Vogel and Lenard Share Top 10 MLPFiM and MLPEG Easter Eggs [ http://tinyurl.com/o8zco4x ]

20:41 <the> with the phone program

20:41 <User_743925> is everyone ready for season 5

20:42 *** the is now known as dandilion

20:42 <Alice> Wow.... my chair suddenly tipped forward and I slid off of it =w=

20:42 *** dandilion is now known as dandilion_flyer

20:42 <dandilion_flyer> >:3

20:42 *** dandilion_flyer is now known as pinkey_pop

20:42 <pinkey_pop> .

20:42 *** Joins: DoubleAnarchy_ (jamis@Pony-c8d.d0v.4.216.IP)

20:43 *** pinkey_pop is now known as pie

20:43 *** pie is now known as pie_pirate

20:43 <pie_pirate> XD

20:43 <pie_pirate> i hate pi XD

20:43 <Alice> Stahp o.o

20:43 <pie_pirate> why?

20:43 <pie_pirate> XD

20:44 <pie_pirate> ???

20:44 *** Joins: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-rp065l.bb.dnainternet.fi)

20:44 <thelema5> Did school let out early today or something?

20:45 <User_743925> can someone give a link to graphic mlp comic

20:45 <Pi> no

20:45 *** pie_pirate is now known as the_world_hates_me

20:45 <thelema5> !link comic

20:45 *** Quits: DoubleAnarchy (jamis@jamis) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:45 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/276657

20:45 <the_world_hates_me> hewllo again pi!

20:45 <the_world_hates_me> >:D

20:45 <the_world_hates_me> >: D

20:45 *** DoubleAnarchy_ is now known as DoubleAnarchy

20:46 *** the_world_hates_me is now known as Fire_Blitz

20:46 <Fire_Blitz> Ha Ha HA!!!

20:46 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as Pony_24726

20:46 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-4pt.l4m.95.119.IP) (Quit: See ya, losers.)

20:46 <Fire_Blitz> i had so many names... so many lives here...

20:46 <User_743925> thx

20:47 <Fire_Blitz> and now everyone that once knew me will remember... Remember my lines, my chatting, my life...

20:47 <thelema5> Fire_Blitz, Could you perhaps participate in actual conversation rather than just shotgun posting random emoticons and disjointed sentence fragments?

20:47 <Fire_Blitz> shut it!

20:48 <thelema5> Excuse me?

20:48 <Fire_Blitz> i have been here on this site for longer than this chat has existed!

20:48 <TimidClef> That doesn't give you carte blanche to act like a jerk

20:48 *** Quits: Fire_Blitz (pqebgmrqewd@Pony-6fkbhd.dsl-w.verizon.net) (Quit: bye you f***** idiots...)

20:48 <thelema5> How is that relevent?  I don't think it's too much to ask that you don't clog up the chat with nonsense.

20:49 <OctaveSymphony> Err... right...

20:49 <thelema5> Good times, good times.

20:49 <Classic_M> What the hell just happened?

20:49 <TimidClef> What a sad and empty person.

20:49 <thelema5> Childish behavior happened.

20:50 <TimidClef> Guy came in, started shotgun posting emoticons and random crapposting, changed his nick a bunch of times, then quit when someone asked him to behave.

20:50 <thelema5> Could be worse.

20:51 <OctaveSymphony> !link https://derpiboo.ru/588240?scope=scpe41634435f798277465df5c5c26ed158265af5b64

20:51 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about floppy ears artist:inuhoshi-to-darkpen hoof hold fuzzy octavia (and 13 more)

20:51 <OctaveSymphony> Pony!

20:51 <TimidClef> Yeah, it could be worse, heh.

20:52 <thelema5> Could have come in, started advocating illicit drug use, telling ponies how to build bombs, encouraging sadistic behavior, and challenging people's gender identities.

20:52 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-4pt.l4m.95.119.IP)

20:52 <thelema5> But that would never happen.

20:52 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

20:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Fall

20:52 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-me8.n3j.84.91.IP)

20:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

20:53 * TimidClef hugs thelema5

20:53 * thelema5 squeehugs

20:53 <TimidClef> Also - dat Vinyl pic is soooo sad :|

20:54 <thelema5> Oh my gosh, yeah it is.

20:55 <TimidClef> http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/278/4/c/fluttershy_in_bunny_suit_by_hoyeechun-d6pa0uy.png - Fluttershy in a bunny suit SQUEEEE

20:56 <thelema5> Let's hear it for bunny suits! http://www.tapetus.pl/obrazki/n/30151_ichigo-mashimaro-bunny-dzieci.jpg

20:57 <Alice> Zyush!

20:57 <TimidClef> D'awwww

20:58 <thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/5abruK4N86o

20:58 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

20:58 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Magnetic Fields - Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits

20:58 <TimidClef> Whoops, afk

20:58 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

20:58 *** Quits: Kala (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:59 <OctaveSymphony> !link https://derpiboo.ru/578786?scope=scpe41634435f798277465df5c5c26ed158265af5b64

20:59 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about solo safe octavia melody octavia artist:yuki-zakuro (and 1 more)

20:59 <OctaveSymphony> Some element of music instead

20:59 <Alice> thelema5, this song is amazing @.@

21:00 <thelema5> I love the Magnetic Fields.

21:00 <Alice> I might remix them some time

21:01 *** Quits: POMDPone (cemonhhusyg@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:01 <thelema5> Here's some footage I shot the last time I saw them perform live: http://youtu.be/sTkKuG1XOjo?list=UU_2aO2VH9Tj6ttKpjoeLDPQ

21:01 <OctaveSymphony> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eDkFlVSwnk

21:01 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

21:01 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about covenant- call the ships to port

21:02 *** Joins: AlligatorSkies (usxdglracux@Pony-nd4.oej.151.5.IP)

21:02 <AlligatorSkies> #EquestriaDailyArt

21:02 * Cephy-ZZZZ curls up on a pillow.

21:03 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-hio.kts.71.50.IP) (Quit: Sleep is the cousin of death )

21:06 *** Joins: User_729325 (dmcswxwoirh@Pony-7ff.vho.88.70.IP)

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21:07 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-me8.n3j.84.91.IP)

21:08 * Cephy-ZZZZ climbs onto Sunset-Shimmer_.

21:08 * Cephy-ZZZZ curls up and rests.

21:08 *** Quits: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Sunset-Shimmer_!DJPon3IsHer@Pony-me8.n3j.84.91.IP)))

21:08 *** Sunset-Shimmer_ is now known as Sunset-Shimmer

21:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

21:11 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Comic: The Secret Life of Fleur Part 1 / TOAST / Raycord Flute / Mega Apple Bash [ http://tinyurl.com/ndx59cs ]

21:12 * Twilight_Shimmer boops Sunset-Shimmer

21:12 * Sunset-Shimmer sneezes!

21:13 * Alice is sneezed on

21:13 *** Quits: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:13 * Cephy-ZZZZ uses Sunset-Shimmer's lap as a bed.

21:14 *** Joins: THEGAMINGBRONYSMUGGLER (qqkwanftjlh@Pony-p9bvbn.res.rr.com)

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21:17 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

21:17 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

21:17 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

21:18 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (DanielWater@Pony-6jdmdc.nj.comcast.net)

21:19 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Hello horses :)

21:19 <Daniel_Waterhorse> And horsettes

21:19 *** Joins: krzychules (bcgjwfpqouz@Pony-gd95ou.adsl.inetia.pl)

21:19 <krzychules> helloo everyone!

21:20 <Alice> Guten Morgen <3

21:20 <krzychules> oh i see brony from my border :)

21:20 *** Joins: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-otf.iuo.249.189.IP)

21:20 <krzychules> good evening after all !

21:21 *** Quits: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-otf.iuo.249.189.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:21 <Alice> Hmm?

21:21 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:21 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

21:22 <thelema5> Hello.

21:22 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Pony-l1p347.charlton.irccloud.com)

21:22 *** Joins: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-otf.iuo.249.189.IP)

21:22 * Daniel_Waterhorse hugs thelema5.

21:22 <krzychules> @alice  i'm from Poland  . it's quite  short distanse ;)

21:22 <Librarian> i has in fact returned

21:22 <Daniel_Waterhorse> The pony with the most fantastic beard.

21:22 * thelema5 squeehugs

21:23 * Librarian hus thelema 5

21:23 <Alice> Oh, I'm American

21:23 * thelema5 hus back

21:23 <thelema5> XD

21:23 *** Quits: Dash (BronyDash@Pony-n2so40.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://askmarusya.tumblr.com/)

21:24 <thelema5> What's new, everypone?

21:24 <krzychules> oh , i'm think  from your's spell  your's german

21:24 <Alice> Yes I said "Good morning" in German

21:24 <krzychules> after all i'm  pleased ;)

21:25 <Librarian> im making a novel!

21:25 <Librarian> im so happy

21:25 <Alice> Though I had a rough night's rest =.=

21:25 <krzychules> oki doki

21:25 <thelema5> What a novel undertaking, Librarian.

21:26 <thelema5> What is the novel about?

21:26 <Librarian> yay, i wanto te be awriter

21:26 <krzychules> at first i'm suppose to sorry for my english

21:26 <Librarian> its about a girl

21:26 <Alice> Oh, I did Camp NaNoWriMo this year, I spiked my cabin's stats by writing Like 17,000 words or something in one day

21:26 <Librarian> who is the reincarnation of a great god

21:26 <Librarian> and who she has to prevent the destruction f her world

21:26 <thelema5> Krzchules, your english is much better than my polish.

21:26 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:27 <krzychules> i'm think it's awul

21:27 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Yeah, I don't speak any polish at all!

21:27 <Librarian> i mean destruction like in boom bye world

21:27 <thelema5> Well, I can understand you.

21:27 <Sunset-Shimmer> Ya know, whenever I see the word Polish, I always think cleaning fluids. XD

21:27 <Daniel_Waterhorse> But we're happy to heave you here, krzychules :)

21:27 <Alice> It's a bit iffy, krzychules, but nothing we can't understand <3

21:27 <Librarian> we wub everypone

21:27 <Alice> Sunset-Shimmer, like nail polish c:

21:27 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

21:27 <krzychules> okay, i think i coud you learn some of polish ;)

21:27 <Librarian> i like polish food

21:28 <Alice> Alright that was slightly harder to interpret for me at first

21:28 <Librarian> its quite tasty

21:28 <Librarian> very sweet

21:28 <thelema5> I think of perogies, and kielbasa

21:28 <krzychules> i do what i can ;)

21:28 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Polish is tough for me because it uses a lot of familiar looking characters in a way that is really strange to me

21:28 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

21:28 <thelema5> And polka music.

21:28 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Like... Japanese is easier to understand I think, because I don't have any preconcieved notion about how the characters are supposed to sound

21:29 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net)

21:29 <krzychules> polka isn't from poland

21:29 <Alice> When I think of Poland I think of Warsaw

21:29 <Alice> Which makes me think of Soviets

21:29 <Librarian> i think of the pope

21:29 <Librarian> nice guy

21:29 <thelema5> No, but a lot of the american polka musicians are polish-americans.

21:29 <krzychules> i'm  a few kilometers from warsaw

21:29 <Alice> I used to talk with a guy who likes Polka

21:30 <krzychules> to east ,almost 200 km ;)

21:30 <Librarian> we have here in mexico a very nice polish restaurant that served food to the pope once

21:30 <Alice> I live near Los Angeles, krzychules <3

21:30 <thelema5> I enjoy polka, Alice.  The hotel i work at hosts two big polka weekends every year with non-stop live polka music.

21:30 <Librarian> its a holy restarurant (H)

21:30 <krzychules> oh LA , i would be there

21:30 <Alice> I just couldn't get into polka, nothing wrong with it, just not my style

21:31 <thelema5> I've met 18 time grammy award winner polka musician Jimmy Stuff several times because of it.

21:31 <User_743925> lol

21:31 <thelema5> *surr

21:31 <thelema5> *STURR

21:31 <thelema5> Danged hands.

21:31 * Alice pats thelema5

21:31 <Alice> It's okie <3

21:31 <thelema5> :)

21:31 <Alice> I've met a lot of celebrities myself, but not many musicians

21:32 <krzychules> general polka isn't polish

21:32 <Librarian> at any rate, everyponee hug krzychules

21:32 <Librarian> a welcome hug!

21:32 <thelema5> He's a nice guy, but he's also painfully aware that his style of music is dying out.

21:32 <Librarian> yay

21:32 <Alice> I did exchange some words with Tritonal, W&W, Above and Beyond, and Avicii at a rave though

21:32 <Alice> Awww, poor guy :c

21:32 <krzychules> i'm honored ;)

21:32 <thelema5> oh, being called in to a meeting. brb

21:33 *** thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

21:33 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

21:33 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

21:33 <Alice> I wonder what she does for a living haha

21:33 <Alice> Anyways, back to listening to some music for inspiration on my current project

21:33 <krzychules> i'm a male ...  @alice

21:34 <Alice> Oh not you

21:34 <krzychules> in your's  i'm Christopher  ^^

21:34 <krzychules> oookay

21:34 <Librarian> nice name

21:34 <Librarian> mine is Jose

21:34 <krzychules> thank you

21:34 <Alice> Jose... that's a fun name to say

21:34 <Alice> Oh! I rhymed! <3

21:34 *** Nelliel is now known as Null

21:35 <Librarian> its a pretty standard name here

21:35 <krzychules> i'm think you coudn't speak my name in polish   :)

21:35 *** Quits: User_743925 (drygstgigdq@Pony-lc6.jj4.115.65.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:35 <Librarian> you could scream jose and half the people on the strret would turn

21:35 <krzychules> it's kind a funny

21:35 <Alice> Librarian... I laugh more than I should've at that, sorry /)_(\

21:35 <Alice> laughed*

21:35 <Librarian> its ok

21:36 <Librarian> laughing is good

21:36 <Alice> Where are you from?

21:36 <krzychules> okkay  , i'm think, coud you say that fammiliar : Kszysztof ?

21:36 <Alice> That is a difficult word to try pronouncing...

21:36 <krzychules> i'm said i'm from poland , exaxtly from Białystok

21:37 <Alice> I just feel the urge to make a series of "shhh" sounds to try pronouncing that

21:37 <Fall> I know a Krzysztof.

21:37 <krzychules> oh it's  my name , i coud speak difficuld word in my language , but it's very difficuld

21:38 <krzychules> in my speak in english i coud be  : Kshyshtov

21:39 <Alice> My name should be obvious

21:39 *** Joins: Kala (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP)

21:39 <krzychules> polish it's difficuld

21:40 <krzychules> i don't kow all from , but ..

21:40 * Fall umie mowic troche po polsku.

21:40 <Kala> hi

21:40 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:40 <Alice> I'll call you Kristoff

21:40 <krzychules> @fall your's polish is good

21:40 <Alice> Ohai Kala

21:41 <Fall> Jenki jenki!

21:41 <krzychules> @alice  okayy

21:41 <Kala> anyone wanna skype?

21:41 <Fall> I already have one, thanks!

21:42 <krzychules> oh from pony  about i get all of you to speak polish... i'm sorry for that

21:44 <krzychules> basically  i'm  insure my english  in traslator ,  and i'm so soryy about my mistakes

21:44 <Fall> That's fine, I can understand most of it.... maybe not that first sentence... but most of it!

21:44 *** Joins: Sunset-Shimmer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-me8.n3j.84.91.IP)

21:45 <krzychules> it's good to hear

21:45 <Alice> So sleepy =.=

21:45 *** Joins: Frames (Frames@Pony-77cj2k.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

21:45 *** Quits: Sunset-Shimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Sunset-Shimmer_!DJPon3IsHer@Pony-me8.n3j.84.91.IP)))

21:46 *** Joins: Smo (ijpptvrgarf@Pony-mo7r5i.dyn.centurytel.net)

21:46 *** Sunset-Shimmer_ is now known as Sunset-Shimmer

21:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sunset-Shimmer

21:46 *** Quits: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-otf.iuo.249.189.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:46 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

21:46 <Pi> im out

21:46 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-4pt.l4m.95.119.IP) (Quit: I like cats.)

21:48 <krzychules> what's time in your's county ? Basically   i started my evening , it's  about  8 P.M

21:49 <Alice> Okay, I'll be back later on this evening, ciao ciao!

21:49 *** Alice is now known as Alice|Work

21:49 <Sunset-Shimmer> nearly 7 here in the good old U of K! :P

21:49 <RazorSharpFang> Would there be a market for a biologically correct ant-based RTS?

21:49 <krzychules> hehe it's quite  close to UK

21:50 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

21:50 *** Joins: User_914325 (umofjejduyy@Pony-f30cci.adsl.tpnet.pl)

21:50 <Cephy-ZZZZ> RazorSharpFang:  Given SimAnt, I'd say "Yes"

21:50 <Sunset-Shimmer> lol

21:50 <krzychules> once i was in UK , many memories

21:52 *** Joins: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP)

21:53 <Schism> A corpse is a corpse of course, of course. And no one can talk to a corpse of course. That is of course, unless the corpse is the famous Mr. Dead.  (Halloween approaches...)

21:53 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:53 <Classic_M> 2spoopy4me

21:53 <Kala> hi

21:54 <Kala> Anyone can talk to a corpse, it just won't talk back

21:55 <krzychules> @schism , in poland you could tak to ...

21:55 <krzychules> but he's not response  ;)

21:55 <krzychules> it's a kind a joke fammiliar to russian ;)

21:56 <krzychules> sometimes he coud to talk..

21:56 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

21:56 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

21:56 <Schism> >.>

21:57 <krzychules> it  maybe a  fault a doctor who  said death , it;s possible

21:58 *** Quits: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:58 <krzychules> in person i saw "dead" people who  moved arm ..

22:00 *** Joins: darkbailey12 (ydwjrvwkigd@Pony-lc6.jj4.115.65.IP)

22:00 <darkbailey12> derpybot

22:01 <darkbailey12> anyone here

22:01 <krzychules> i'm here  :)

22:01 <krzychules> hi

22:02 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu)

22:02 <darkbailey12> hello

22:02 <Kala> hi

22:02 <darkbailey12> sorry i lost you im at school

22:02 <darkbailey12> any bronies

22:03 <Kala> yea i think like...almost everyone here is a brony

22:03 <Frames> ye

22:03 <darkbailey12> any closet bronies

22:03 <Sunset-Shimmer> Well, this is kinda pretty much a mixed ponychat - not all identify as Brony, just show enjoyers.

22:03 <Sunset-Shimmer> Some dislike the label, y'see

22:03 <krzychules> i like this disscusion  

22:04 <darkbailey12> any peagsisters

22:04 <Kala> me

22:04 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

22:04 <darkbailey12> kala are you a closet pegasister

22:04 <Kala> yea why?

22:04 <Kala> I prefer the term brony

22:05 <darkbailey12> closet brony

22:05 <Kala> yes

22:05 * Cephy-ZZZZ flops about the floor.

22:05 <darkbailey12> i luv rarity

22:06 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-563knh.xnet.uga.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:06 <Kala> rarity is a favourite

22:06 <darkbailey12> derpy is my fav

22:06 <Sunset-Shimmer> Rarity is great

22:06 <Kala> !link rarity

22:06 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/515257

22:06 <Kala> !link rari tea

22:06 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/554229

22:07 *** Isolated_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

22:07 <darkbailey12> bro hoof

22:07 <Kala> /)

22:08 *** Quits: Pony_24726 (jamis@Pony-c8d.d0v.4.216.IP) (Connection closed)

22:08 *** Joins: DoubleAnarchy (jamis@jamis)

22:08 <krzychules> all of ponies are the best, i like  all of ponies

22:08 <darkbailey12> discord

22:09 <darkbailey12> what about discord

22:09 <darkbailey12> Chrysalis

22:10 <krzychules> i like them, nothing coud dislike them than my country standards ..........

22:11 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Rainbow Rocks Lyra, Cheerilee, Roseluck, and Sweetie Drops (bonbon) Doll Listings on Toys R' Us Website  [ http://tinyurl.com/qzmccdj ]

22:12 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-4of.7m4.29.2.IP)

22:15 <darkbailey12> what does conntry standards mean

22:16 <Sunset-Shimmer> Standards of a country. :P

22:17 <darkbailey12> define

22:17 <krzychules> that's mean  that there can be nothing worse

22:17 <Sunset-Shimmer> if you need a better definition, might want to look it up via Google or somesuch

22:17 <Sunset-Shimmer> but a standard tends to be an accepted or common condition/value of something

22:18 <krzychules> i'm think you want to hear about standards in this country....

22:18 <krzychules> ** woudn't know

22:19 *** Joins: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-1qqj2b.net.upcbroadband.cz)

22:19 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

22:20 *** Joins: Galena (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

22:20 * Princess-QRS takes off from Galena AFB

22:20 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-rp065l.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:21 <Galena> What?

22:21 <darkbailey12> cloppers

22:21 <Sunset-Shimmer> Please don't discuss that here

22:21 <krzychules> nope

22:21 *** Parts: Galena (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) ("Leaving")

22:22 <Authoron> Pfft. Alts.

22:22 * Authoron shrugs.

22:22 <darkbailey12> lol

22:22 <darkbailey12> im 15

22:22 <darkbailey12> add me onistagram darkbailey12

22:22 <darkbailey12> kik me darkbailey12

22:22 <Daniel_Waterhorse> What's an onistagram?

22:23 * Sunset-Shimmer doesn't instagram, lol

22:23 <darkbailey12> istagram

22:23 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-nvqe12.east.verizon.net)

22:23 <ZeroParadox> HERE I AM

22:23 <darkbailey12> add me istagram darkbailey12

22:23 <ZeroParadox> WORSHIP ME

22:23 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Are you from instanbul?

22:23 <Princess-QRS> what

22:23 <ZeroParadox> I'M FROM EVERYWHERE

22:23 <krzychules> okay when you want to expext next season ?

22:23 <Daniel_Waterhorse> Like a telegram to instanbul. An istagram

22:23 * Authoron facehoofs, then turns Zero down.

22:23 * ZeroParadox floats right back up

22:23 <ZeroParadox> FOOL

22:23 <ElectricPsoras> https://i.imgur.com/nqgJnwX.jpg You can think all day long and never come up with something as awesome as motorcycle chariot racing. Thank you, Australia.

22:24 <darkbailey12> whats equestria after dark

22:24 <Cephy-ZZZZ> ElectricPsoras:  Feline chariot racing.

22:24 <Sunset-Shimmer> Something we're not talking about here.

22:25 <krzychules> @electricpsoras  it is a civil hd wl ?

22:25 <krzychules> doubled

22:25 *** Quits: darkbailey12 (ydwjrvwkigd@Pony-lc6.jj4.115.65.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:26 *** Quits: Kala (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:26 <ElectricPsoras> I have no idea what kind of motorcycle that is.

22:27 <krzychules> oh i'm think it coud be harley davidson wl  750

22:27 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Chu.Lookin.At)

22:28 <krzychules> of course doubled and  connected to carriage

22:28 *** Joins: Electric_Psoras (Thunderbird@Pony-clt4di.adsl.tpnet.pl)

22:28 <Authoron> Hey Electric.

22:28 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

22:28 <Electric_Psoras> Hi. Reconnect.

22:30 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-utjpgr.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:30 <krzychules> okay, nopony say's . i'm wondering who is the oldest , it's kind a "game" , write your's age ;)

22:31 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

22:31 <Sunset-Shimmer> We'd rather nobody gave too much personal info away

22:32 <krzychules> okay

22:32 *** Quits: User_914325 (umofjejduyy@Pony-f30cci.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:32 <Princess-QRS> My name is Pony Pony, I live at 2256 Pony street, Ponyville.

22:32 <krzychules> so i first say : i'm 24

22:32 <Authoron> 24. :P

22:32 *** thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

22:33 <Arteshi> My age happens to be a real number, actually.

22:33 <Arteshi> It's even rational.

22:33 *** Joins: Nexie (Mibbit@SpoOoOoky)

22:33 * Authoron facehoofs.

22:33 <Authoron> Is it prime?

22:33 <Arteshi> Yep

22:33 <Corsair> I'm onwy twee an' a haf.

22:33 <Sunset-Shimmer> How odd

22:33 <Thelema5> I'm probably the oldest in the chat at the moment, krzychules.  I'll be 40 in a couple of months.

22:33 <krzychules> so i  say true age

22:33 <Sunset-Shimmer> :P

22:33 <Arteshi> You don't know that, Sunset-Shimmer! I could be 2!

22:34 <krzychules> okay you win

22:34 <Sunset-Shimmer> x3

22:34 <Corsair> But I also will be 40 early next year.

22:34 <krzychules> and prodably you  win too ;)

22:35 *** Smo is now known as brbSmo

22:35 <Fall> Let's ALL be 40 in a few months!!

22:35 * Authoron will be forty in a few month. Even though he's twnety four. Wibbily wobbily, timey wimey.

22:35 <Arteshi> You get to be 40 in a few months, and you get to be 40 in a few months, and you...

22:35 <Authoron> *months. Twenty.

22:35 <krzychules> oh and they coud be same old stuff  , no offence

22:36 <Sunset-Shimmer> Apparently the site related to M A Larsons new book 'Penny royal academy' {You know, Mister Alicorn himself} has a princess creator.

22:36 <Thelema5> You can all borrow a few years from me.  Take em.

22:37 *** Quits: krzychules (bcgjwfpqouz@Pony-gd95ou.adsl.inetia.pl) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:37 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-439qt0.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: He turns his back, and draws his cloak in. His armor clinks as he walks away...)

22:37 *** Joins: krzychules (bcgjwfpqouz@Pony-gd95ou.adsl.inetia.pl)

22:37 <Sunset-Shimmer> that strikes me as lulzy for some reason

22:37 *** Joins: Kala (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP)

22:37 * Kala flails

22:37 * Thelema5 flailyhooves with kala

22:38 <PearlyWhites> Heh because Larson himself is a princess creator :P

22:38 *** Joins: Wicked_Wings (chatzilla@Pony-o4sn08.sub-75-252-109.myvzw.com)

22:38 * Corsair adds wings to Sunset-Shimmer

22:38 <krzychules> okay it's rude, we all are foals

22:38 * Kala hugs Thelema5

22:38 *** Thelema5 is now known as NurseryRhyme

22:38 * Sunset-Shimmer assumes her rightful princess position, thankyou Corsair!

22:38 <Sunset-Shimmer> xD

22:39 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:40 * NurseryRhyme pokes Sunset-Shimmer with a Sunicane

22:40 * Kala snuggles with NurseryRhyme

22:40 * Sunset-Shimmer pokes back

22:40 * NurseryRhyme 'splodes

22:40 *** NurseryRhyme is now known as Thelema5

22:41 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

22:41 *** Parts: Nexie (Mibbit@SpoOoOoky) ()

22:42 *** Quits: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Chu.Lookin.At) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:42 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-6rofam.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP)

22:44 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-77cj2k.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Quit: Leaving)

22:45 <Cephy-ZZZZ> http://www.capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2014/10/08/special-equipment-from-metroid-series-revealed-for-monster-hunter-4-ultimate ...

22:46 <Sunset-Shimmer> Thats cool

22:46 <Kala> Thelema5 you disappeard for a second

22:46 *** brbSmo is now known as Smo

22:47 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Tanking_Sounds

22:48 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I get the impression the developers of Monster Hunter 4G are having fun with it.

22:48 <ZeroParadox> So many kids screaming outsi-

22:48 <Cephy-ZZZZ> As is Nintendo.

22:48 <ZeroParadox> >Metroid equipment

22:48 <ZeroParadox> I NEED THIS GAME

22:48 <ZeroParadox> >Zero Suit and Power Suit

22:49 * ZeroParadox explodes with hype

22:49 <Kala> are cheeto's bad for dogs

22:49 <Sunset-Shimmer> lol

22:49 *** Joins: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP)

22:49 <Kala> i'm serious

22:49 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Not just any power suit either.  Varia Suit.  Best of the suits and most recognized.

22:49 <ZeroParadox> The Other M design looks good in anything that isn't Other M

22:49 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Kala:  Your dog will be fine.

22:50 <ZeroParadox> This video has convinced me that I need to be a gunner

22:50 <Cephy-ZZZZ> ZeroParadox:  Probably because in those cases, the developers can tone it down a tad or remove traits that didn't really suit Samus at all.

22:50 <Kala> why are there z's in your name if you'r enotn sleeping

22:50 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Because I keep falling asleep unexpectedly.

22:50 <ZeroParadox> Cephy-ZZZZ: True that

22:50 <Kala> oh okie

22:50 *** Quits: Nuclear (Nuclear@Pony-kss.a3a.22.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:51 <ZeroParadox> They gave her this sorta dainty pose for her potrait in Smash 4 but it still doesn't look too bad

22:51 <ZeroParadox> Feels like the stance you take when wandering SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE

22:51 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Heh.

22:51 <Mac> Cephy has Epilepsy

22:51 <Mac> wait

22:51 <ZeroParadox> Anyway I

22:51 <ZeroParadox> really want MH4 now

22:51 <Cephy-ZZZZ> But yeah, I get the feeling between the Link gear and the Samus gear..

22:51 <Mac> what's that one wher eyou fall asleep

22:52 <ZeroParadox> Let me play this MH3 demo to make sure I don't regret this

22:52 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Those are going to be the two most frequent you see.

22:52 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid

22:52 <Kala> what is monster hunter?

22:52 <ZeroParadox> I'm gonna be in the Power Suit all

22:52 <ZeroParadox> the time

22:52 <Cephy-ZZZZ> ZeroParadox:  THe demo can be a tad misleading.

22:52 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Also a bit on the hard side.

22:52 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Chu.Lookin.At)

22:53 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Kala:  A game where you're tasked with going out to kill monsters.  You carve them up afterwards, to make weapons, armours and hats from their bodies, which you then use to kill larger monsters.

22:53 <ZeroParadox> Well I need something to go on

22:53 <Kala> that seems pointless

22:53 <ZeroParadox> Honestly you could've just showed me this trailer and if I didn't have a DS yet, I'd sure as hell have one now

22:53 <ZeroParadox> Kala: Every game you play is pointless

22:53 <Cephy-ZZZZ> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEi7v3Jj64 Here's an example of one of the largest monsters in MH4.

22:53 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Monster Hunter 4 - Online High Rank Quest 40: Vs Dara Amadyura

22:53 <ZeroParadox> That's the point

22:53 <Kala> that's why i don't play games

22:54 <ZeroParadox> Because you don't know how to have fun?

22:54 <Kala> i do

22:54 <ZeroParadox> k

22:54 <Kala> i play magic the gathering

22:54 <Kala> not vg's tho

22:54 <ZeroParadox> PFFFFFFFT

22:54 <Cephy-ZZZZ> ...

22:54 <ZeroParadox> I mean

22:54 <ZeroParadox> Yeah.

22:54 <ZeroParadox> (Also that's a game.)

22:54 <Sunset-Shimmer> lol

22:54 <Kala> magic the gatherig isn't a game

22:54 <Cephy-ZZZZ> And how exactly is Magic the Gathering any less "pointless" than video games?

22:54 <Kala> its life

22:54 <ZeroParadox> ...

22:54 <Sunset-Shimmer> Magic doesn't strike me as being as fun

22:54 <ZeroParadox> Kala: Don't make me pick on you kid

22:54 <ZeroParadox> I'll steal your lunch money

22:54 <RazorSharpFang> Damn. I'm searching for a BBC documentary, but I can't find it.

22:54 <Kala> really sunset? I thought it was kind of stupid then i played it, and i've never had more fun playing a game

22:55 <ZeroParadox> Cepheid, don't get heated about it. Let it slide. - 3 -

22:55 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Indeed.

22:55 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I'ma stop before I get heated about this.  I'm not well anyways.

22:55 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Last thing I need is to get worse.

22:55 <Sunset-Shimmer> lol

22:55 <Thelema5> Magic: TG is a lot of fun, although I haven't played in years.

22:55 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-6rofam.bkga.84js.0304.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

22:56 <ZeroParadox> Anyway Cepheid

22:56 <Thelema5> Anypony want to buy a bunch or rare, out of print cards from beta, unlimited, and expansion sets through ice-age?

22:56 <ZeroParadox> I'm gonna get food, then I'm gonna play this demo

22:56 <Kala> Thelema5 for like 15$ you can get  1 and 1/2 decks

22:56 <ZeroParadox> Need a break from Smash anyway

22:56 *** Quits: Googie (Googol@is.gnawing.on.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:56 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Heh.

22:57 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Again, keep in mind it's not representative of the full game.  The hunts are, in general.  But it doesn't have the crafting, story, etc.  Plus it's limited to just three hunts.

22:57 <Kala> is smash a drug zero? stop it!

22:57 <ZeroParadox> Oh don't worry about that Cepheid

22:57 <ZeroParadox> I played MH3 before

22:57 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I already demonstrated one of the harder difficulty hunts before, I'm sure.

22:57 <Cephy-ZZZZ> That G-Rank hunt. :P

22:57 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Ah, heh.

22:57 <ZeroParadox> I just couldn't get into it without friends

22:57 <ZeroParadox> This is to see how well it plays on my 2DS is all

22:57 <OctaveSymphony> So, has anypony here tried Elite: Dangerous?

22:58 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-4of.7m4.29.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:58 <ZeroParadox> Also, I thought Bravely Default was just another Square Enix RPG

22:58 <ZeroParadox> I was half wrong

22:58 *** Joins: Care_Package (Courier@Pony-v4diqh.res.rr.com)

22:58 <ZeroParadox> It's a another really good SE RPG

22:58 <Sunset-Shimmer> It's been a while.

22:58 <Sunset-Shimmer> XD

22:58 <Cephy-ZZZZ> ZeroParadox:  Amazingly, pretty well.

22:58 <ZeroParadox> I don't wanna buy Bravely Default however

22:59 *** Quits: Care_Package (Courier@Pony-v4diqh.res.rr.com) (Quit: Bye)

22:59 <ZeroParadox> I'm gonna get way to into the freedom of having all those jobs

22:59 <Sunset-Shimmer> lol

22:59 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Takes a bit of getting used to camera controls(Which is why I advise using the touch screen for them in this case.), they work better than the PSP game camera controls.

22:59 <Mac> Narcolepsy

23:00 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Yep.

23:00 <Mac> I was thinking Narcolepsy

23:00 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I don't have narcolepsy though.

23:00 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I'm just not feeling well.

23:00 <Mac> Ah, sorry to hear that

23:00 <Mac> not the first part, the second

23:00 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Combination of antibiotics, and some sort of cold.  I'm constantly coughing..

23:01 <Thelema5> Oh no... the texas ebola patient has died.

23:01 <Cephy-ZZZZ> That video I linked earlier.  Dara Amadyura.  It's actually so large that when paintballed, it has two icons on the map.

23:02 *** Joins: Googie (Googol@is.gnawing.on.you)

23:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Googie

23:03 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (DanielWater@Pony-6jdmdc.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:03 <krzychules> i share to you my cure to cold:  mix hot milk, some honey and some garlic ..

23:03 *** Joins: Dekko (none@poni.gotta.poniponi)

23:03 <krzychules> it never fail

23:03 <Kala> i feel like crap

23:04 <Dekko> Hello everypony :)

23:04 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-lh8j76.xnet.uga.edu)

23:04 <Dekko> Kala sorry to hear you're not feeling well...

23:05 <Mac> Thelema5, I just heard that on the radio

23:05 * Dekko wonders if anyone knows when Rainbow Rocks will be released either online for download (talking about buying it) or Bluray/DVD physical copy?

23:05 <Mac> they were trying to give him an experimental drug, I guess it didn't work.

23:06 <Kala> Thelema5, you DO know that there was no way to save him right?

23:06 <Kala> expierimental =/= 100% sucess

23:07 <Thelema5> Kala, the survival rate in africa right now is about 40% with proper care.

23:07 <Kala> and thats in africa

23:08 <Thelema5> We were patty patting ourselves about how advanced our medical srevices are, and how this patient was receiving "the finest care", and we still couldn't save him.

23:08 <Mac> I don't see where you're going with that last line Kala

23:08 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-lh8j76.xnet.uga.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:08 <Kala> africa = / = america

23:08 <Sunset-Shimmer> Ebola is hardly a disease we've tamed fully anyway

23:08 <Thelema5> So it's a shame, and a bit of an embarrasment

23:08 <Mac> Thelema5 - some peoples systems are just weaker than others.

23:09 <Mac> Maybe he came in way late into it too

23:09 <Sunset-Shimmer> perhaps.

23:09 *** Joins: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP)

23:10 <Thelema5> Nah, he wasn't even symptomatic when he arrived.  He probably would have stood a better chance if the disease were properly diagnosed and treated from the moment he first arrived at the hospital

23:10 *** Quits: Dekko (none@poni.gotta.poniponi) (Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - www.nbs-irc.net -)

23:10 <Thelema5> instead, he was sent home with antibiotics to get worse for 4 days.

23:10 <Mac> Thelema5 - How long did he wait until he first went to the hospital, what all kind of screening did they first do?

23:10 <Sunset-Shimmer> either way, it's a shame but we don't know how it played out fully.

23:10 <Mac> It was probably the doctors first ever case of Ebola, he was probably running around trying to figure it out.

23:11 <Mac> Not like people in America have a lot of experience with it.

23:11 <Kala> Thelema5, i don't think they thought that ebola could come to us

23:11 <Thelema5> Not true.  The head of the hospital said that they were expecting it, and had been preparing for it for some time.

23:11 <Cephy-ZZZZ> And here i am talking about being sick and taking antibiotics.

23:11 <Thelema5> Becuse the CDC has all medical facilities on high alert

23:11 <Mac> It took them 2 days to diagnose it though

23:11 <Kala> then that specific doctor was dumb

23:12 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I disagree, Kala.

23:12 <Thelema5> It was likely a breakdown of proceedure.

23:12 <Sunset-Shimmer> Can we just not argue about this?

23:12 <ZeroParadox> Cephy-ZZZZ: Back

23:12 <Kala> lets argue about how gilda is best pone

23:12 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Doctors are generally trained to deal with diseases that they're commonly expected to deal with.

23:12 <Mac> Thelema5 - exactly, a breakdown of procedure

23:12 <ZeroParadox> Didn't play MH3 because someone found Smash tech and I had to test it ofc

23:12 <Thelema5> Is anyone arguing?

23:12 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Anyways.

23:12 <ZeroParadox> I DUNNO THELEMA

23:12 <ZeroParadox> IIIIS SOMEONE ARGUING?

23:12 * ZeroParadox slams a suitcase down

23:13 * Thelema5 goes back to working

23:13 <ZeroParadox> Because I am more than prepared to prove you are 100% incorrect!

23:13 <Cephy-ZZZZ> OBJECTION!  That suitcase is clearly a purse.

23:13 <Kala> i really like hugs but i'm so cold

23:13 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|work

23:13 <ZeroParadox> Gah! How did you see through my deception?!

23:13 <Kala> do you guys think my dad will notice a beer missing from the fridge?

23:13 <Cephy-ZZZZ> It's a freakin' purse.  You weren't even trying to deceive us!

23:13 <Mac> Kala - yes, men count their beers just like we know the moment the thermostat was touched.

23:13 * Kala takes the purse, mine now!

23:14 <Kala> really mac?

23:14 <Kala> it's been in there for like 4 months and no one has touched the beer....

23:14 <Mac> It's a 6th sense

23:14 *** Mongoosie|Sleep is now known as Mongoosie

23:14 <Mac> Kala, how old are you exactly, and honestly

23:15 <Kala> 17, 3 months away from 18

23:15 <Kala> never touched alcohol...on purpose

23:15 <Mac> Why do you want a beer so badly

23:15 <Kala> i don't, i'm curious how it taste.

23:15 <Mac> Then why not ask him if you could have a taste?

23:15 <Sunset-Shimmer> like nothing special

23:15 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story: Pointless [ http://tinyurl.com/kakf8yg ]

23:15 <Kala> umm, because? That's weird

23:15 <Kala> he has offered me like 24 times a sip of beer but i have never had any

23:16 <Kala> i had sparkling wine a week or two ago which is apparently alcoholic

23:16 <Mac> Sneaking a beer would be the worst thing you could do.

23:16 <krzychules> beer is good

23:17 <Mac> Personally, I hate it

23:17 <Mac> it all tastes the same, it all tastes like crud

23:17 <krzychules> when you could taste your favourite

23:17 <Kala> germans seem to differe

23:18 <Mac> But back to the point, if you want to try it, don't try to sneak around the subject.

23:18 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Tizzy.  Please stop making my bathroom sink "Feline Fresh."

23:18 <Mac> If they find out you will probably be in trouble, if you're straight forward with them and they know you're not trying to get drunk and do stupid things, I'm sure they wont mind if you just try a little of it.

23:18 <Cephy-ZZZZ> As for the beer, just do what I do:  Take the beer, leave a $5 dollar bill in it's place.

23:18 <Cephy-ZZZZ> 'Course.

23:18 <Mac> and believe me, you probably wont want more than a little of it anyway.

23:18 <Cephy-ZZZZ> My parents know I drink.

23:18 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Yours probably don't.

23:19 <Kala> My dad knows i ocationally smoke the marijuana's

23:19 <Kala> i've never injected though

23:19 * Sunset-Shimmer blinks

23:19 <Mac> If you say so Bill Clinton

23:19 <Kala> bill clinton? what?

23:19 <Mac> I think it's time we change topic

23:19 <Sunset-Shimmer> I think so too

23:20 *** BerryPunch is now known as Happy

23:20 <Kala> yea lets talk about gilda and how she is best pone

23:20 * Mac sighs

23:21 <Mac> I'm just going to get back to my work here.

23:21 <krzychules> gilda is a faggot, aand she isn't a pony

23:21 <Kala> wahts wrong with being gay?

23:21 <Sunset-Shimmer> ...

23:21 <Kala> >:(

23:21 <OctaveSymphony> Language mr.

23:21 <Sunset-Shimmer> Don't use that term here please

23:21 <Kala> i can't say gay?

23:21 <Sunset-Shimmer> Not you

23:22 <Kala> oh okay

23:22 <Kala> i was gunna say ..

23:22 <krzychules> okay i'm sorry

23:22 <Sunset-Shimmer> we're not 4chan or the like, please remember that

23:22 *** Joins: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net)

23:23 *** SkunkStripe is now known as Pony_58764

23:23 <Kala> http://www.inkedplaymats.com/collections/playmats/products/table-flip#.VDWOc_ldXCs    ,   http://www.inkedplaymats.com/collections/best-sellers/products/cut-my-deck#.VDWOFPldXCs   ,   http://www.inkedplaymats.com/collections/malocide/products/muffin

23:23 <Kala> which is your fav?

23:24 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Table flip.

23:24 *** Happy is now known as BerryPunch

23:24 *** Pony_58764 is now known as SkunkStripe

23:24 <Kala> did you SEE the pony one?

23:24 *** Joins: POMDPone (cemonhhusyg@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

23:24 <krzychules> last one ?

23:24 <Mac> indeed

23:25 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Yes, I did.

23:25 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I just like the table flip emote.

23:28 <krzychules> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h-AfsmfJ9o who recognize  primer ?

23:29 <Kala> I can't decide between the table flip one and the "i say good sir i musatche you to cut my deck"

23:29 *** Joins: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-otf.iuo.249.189.IP)

23:30 <Librarian> i has in fact retuned

23:30 *** Quits: Null (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful) (Quit: "Oh darnit, wait, what did I press?" o///o )

23:30 <Kala> for a librarian your grammar sucks

23:31 <SkunkStripe> Good news everyone. New grab technology for the new super smash bros http://smashboards.com/threads/roll-cancel-grabs.371874/

23:31 *** Joins: MissAmazing (MissChevio@Pony-nqd.i44.175.205.IP)

23:31 <Kala> http://www.inkedplaymats.com/collections/bundle-deals/products/it-s-dangerous-bundle#prettyPhoto[gallery2]/0/

23:31 <Kala> waht about that one?

23:32 <MissAmazing> Zelda isn't a ccg

23:32 <MissAmazing> Silly pony

23:32 <Librarian> i wrote that way on purpose :'(

23:32 <Kala> wtf is a ccg?

23:32 <MissAmazing> Card game

23:32 <MissAmazing> Which is usually what playmats are used for

23:32 <Librarian> am a good librarian

23:32 <Kala> yea i know it isn't a card game....

23:32 <Kala> the playmats don't have to be about card games

23:32 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (DanielWater@Pony-tqh.in4.210.134.IP)

23:33 <MissAmazing> Why would you use a playmat for a video game D:

23:33 <Kala> because who doesn't like zelda?

23:33 <Librarian> becuase playmats are playmatie

23:33 <Kala> http://www.inkedplaymats.com/collections/best-sellers/products/cut-my-deck#.VDWOFPldXCs    http://www.inkedplaymats.com/collections/playmats/products/table-flip#.VDWOc_ldXCs

23:33 <Kala> then which of those two

23:34 *** Parts: krzychules (bcgjwfpqouz@Pony-gd95ou.adsl.inetia.pl) ()

23:34 <Kala> trying to decide if i should make a jeskai tempo or just wait until the next standard comes in

23:34 <Mac> I don't understand the 'cut my deck' reference

23:35 <Kala> i'm newer to the game and i vhae like a mini jeskai tempo

23:35 <Kala> its not a reference, in MTG you cut the other persons deck before play

23:35 <MissAmazing> In any ccg* :P

23:35 <MissAmazing> If you play mtg, you should play the mlp ccg too!

23:36 <MissAmazing> Because ponies are power

23:36 <Kala> miss amazing i can't afford both

23:36 <MissAmazing> But ponies are better?

23:36 <Kala> i spent 80-90$ on MTG in the past 3 days, and idk no one that plays MLPTG around here

23:36 <MissAmazing> Awww

23:36 <MissAmazing> Where are you?

23:36 <ZeroParadox> gg

23:36 <ZeroParadox> Earth

23:36 <Librarian> nuuu

23:36 <Kala> http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Gathering-Garruk-Apex-Predator/dp/B00LERLZ4S/ref=sr_1_19?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1412796768&sr=1-19&keywords=goblin+rabblemaster

23:36 <Librarian> dont go

23:36 <Kala> omfg i need this card

23:36 <MissAmazing> Lol

23:37 *** Quits: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Chu.Lookin.At) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:37 *** Joins: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net)

23:37 <Yeppoh> I returned.

23:37 <MissAmazing> You have.

23:38 <Librarian> yau

23:38 <Librarian> i mean yay

23:38 <Yeppoh> Mwahahahaha!

23:39 *** Joins: InfantryBrony (awef@Pony-qbpfno.res.rr.com)

23:40 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Chu.Lookin.At)

23:40 <MissAmazing> He's back

23:41 * Cephy-ZZZZ feeds ZeroParadox to a Glacial Agnaktor.

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23:42 <ZeroParadox> ow

23:42 <ZeroParadox> I'm being eaten by a thing

23:42 * Librarian saves Zero

23:42 <Librarian> yay

23:43 * Librarian feed the thing bubblegum

23:43 <ZeroParadox> \ o3o /

23:43 <MissAmazing> Victory!

23:43 <Cephy-ZZZZ> ZeroParadox:  Agnaktor, basically.  Only instead of lava, it's covered in ice.

23:43 <Librarian> am afraid i dont get the reference

23:43 <ZeroParadox> Figured

23:46 <SkunkStripe> https://41.media.tumblr.com/244b4dfff09e179d3243e4cb623d7e69/tumblr_n40wk4IIro1qjnhqgo1_500.jpg

23:49 *** Quits: Librarian (hryejctozat@Pony-otf.iuo.249.189.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:51 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-m5ap01.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net)

23:51 * Vulpor dances into the room smiling

23:52 <Vulpor> Just when I thought I was done with Batman comics for awile........

23:52 <ZeroParadox> get out

23:52 <Vulpor> My favorite character is back

23:53 <ZeroParadox> Cephy-ZZZZ: This software is not compatible with the Nintendo 3DS Circle Pad Pro.

23:53 <InfantryBrony> o.o

23:53 <Sunset-Shimmer> It's not, nope

23:53 <ZeroParadox> I like how that has to be explained

23:53 <ZeroParadox> "Can I-" "No." "Bu-" "NO."

23:53 <Cephy-ZZZZ> The demo isn't, no.

23:54 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Full release was, last I recall.

23:54 <ZeroParadox> I don't think 2DS can even use that so w/e

23:54 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Heh.

23:54 <ZeroParadox> >gun lance

23:54 <ZeroParadox> Is this my chance

23:54 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Heh.

23:54 <Mac> great, I'm starting to feel ill

23:54 <ZeroParadox> Gonna try all of these in order

23:54 <Cephy-ZZZZ> I'm gonna check out the Insect Staff and that other new weapon in MH4, that's for sure.

23:54 *** Joins: SketchySounds (Sketchy@Pony-51qpip.cable.virginm.net)

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23:55 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Lesse...

23:55 <DARK> hello

23:55 <ZeroParadox> It's really annoying how many 3DS games don't tell me when I have to use Dpad and not circle pa

23:55 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Lagombi, Plesioth and Brachydios for the demo monsters.

23:55 *** Quits: Tanking_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:55 <ZeroParadox> pad*

23:55 *** SketchySounds is now known as Tanking_Sounds

23:56 <ZeroParadox> game is just

23:56 <ZeroParadox> not gonna tell me how to play okay

23:56 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Eeeyup.

23:57 <Cephy-ZZZZ> It's always been that way with the Monster Hunter demos.

23:57 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

23:57 <ZeroParadox> The fake camera control is nice

23:58 <Cephy-ZZZZ> It is, yeah.

23:58 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Easy to get used to.

23:58 *** Quits: Kala (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:59 <Mac> Alright, taking the rest of the day off, I don't feel amazing.

23:59 *** Quits: Mac (Mac2@Pony-tma.udl.210.161.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

23:59 <Cephy-ZZZZ> You can even re-adjust the panels if you want to.

23:59 <Cephy-ZZZZ> Not sure if the demo allows it, but yeah.

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