Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Saturday, 2014-11-15

00:01 *** Quits: FN_away (FruitNi@Pony-2jv84r.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Adventures in Equica: Unicorn Training Released! [ http://tinyurl.com/mdbm5rm ]

00:02 *** Unikitty is now known as Callofkitty

00:03 * Princess-QRS rolls over RazorSharpFang in a T-80BV

00:03 * RazorSharpFang eats the T-80BV

00:03 <Thelema5> !stats

00:03 <Callofkitty> http://stats.nightstone.net/EquestriaDaily.html

00:03 * Princess-QRS shrugs

00:03 <RazorSharpFang> High in iron.

00:04 <Princess-QRS> hahahah my quote

00:04 <Princess-QRS> haahahahahha


00:04 <Princess-QRS> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl_OxgbYcm0

00:04 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Connie Francis - I will wait Forever (Futurama Tribute #3)

00:04 <ZeroParadox> I went up to 16? How disappointing.

00:04 <ZeroParadox> KooK! Step your game up.

00:05 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving...)

00:06 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net)

00:06 <Thelema5> Your quote is pretty good, Princess-QRS, but I think TimidClef|Work wins this one.

00:08 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

00:09 <TimidClef|Work> :D

00:09 <Classic_M> That Futurama episode....

00:10 <KooK> ZeroParadox - Ima tryin!

00:11 * Finwe hats on Princess-QRS.

00:11 * Princess-QRS has a crown!

00:11 <Finwe> Finwe coronat opus.

00:11 <Finwe> o3o

00:11 <Finwe> Umm, "Finis coronat opus".

00:13 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

00:15 *** Quits: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:16 <Classic_M> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUzxYDvvWEk

00:16 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Sabaton - Soldier of 3 Armies (Lyrics)

00:16 <Classic_M> Yeah!

00:16 *** Joins: Nexie (Mibbit@Spooky)

00:17 <Finwe> Nexuuuuu!

00:17 * Finwe boops Nexie.

00:17 <Nexie> Finuu!

00:17 <Thelema5> Now I need to figure out how to move my car stereo system into to a tiny hyundai accent

00:17 * Nexie boops Finwe.

00:17 * Finwe scrunchymuzzles.

00:17 <OctaveSymphony> Thelema5, sledgehammer.

00:18 *** Quits: Nexie (Mibbit@Spooky) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

00:18 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Animation: A Day in Ponyville  [ http://tinyurl.com/po4g5wg ]

00:18 <Thelema5> I'd prefer to not damage either the car, or the stereo, OctaveSymphony.  XD

00:19 <OctaveSymphony> Ahhh you're no fun Thelema5

00:19 * Finwe devours Thelema5's car stereo system.

00:19 *** Joins: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net)

00:20 <Thelema5> :(

00:20 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaWork

00:20 <RazorSharpFang> Is there a car enthusiast here?

00:20 <Thelema5> I think kook is.

00:21 * RazorSharpFang checks for KooK

00:21 <FruitNibbler> Wow InfantryBrony haven't been here in 33 days according to stats

00:22 *** Joins: Evil_Spike (Velvet_Reme@Pony-5e304r.aapt.com.au)

00:22 <Evil_Spike> Hey everypony.

00:23 <Finwe> Mr Evil_Spike.

00:23 * Finwe doffs his hat.

00:23 * Evil_Spike nods back.

00:23 <Evil_Spike> So, how we all doing?

00:25 *** Joins: Smo (Smo@Pony-cn77gp.dyn.centurytel.net)

00:25 *** Quits: wallower (waiogdvvogw@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:25 *** Smo is now known as Pony_81809

00:26 <RazorSharpFang> Eh, alright

00:27 <Finwe> Mr RazorSharpFang.

00:27 * Finwe doffs his hat.

00:27 <RazorSharpFang> Hey Finwe

00:27 <RazorSharpFang> Trying to get car physics to behave itself.

00:29 <RazorSharpFang> Car physics is complicated.

00:29 *** Joins: ScarletSmile (iybtqtcbvfd@Pony-jovc8k.cable.virginm.net)

00:29 <Evil_Spike> Yes. Yes it is.

00:29 <RazorSharpFang> The amount of torque present on a car depends not only on the steering wheel, but the speed of the car itself.

00:29 <RazorSharpFang> This is annoying.

00:29 *** Quits: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:30 *** Joins: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl)

00:30 <Evil_Spike> Finally getting the chance to meet a few bronies I have known from internet IRL today.

00:30 <Finwe> Yay!

00:30 <Finwe> There's only 30 minutes left of today here.

00:31 <Finwe> You hopefully have more.

00:31 <RazorSharpFang> I started today 5:30 ago.

00:31 <Evil_Spike> We're meeting in about 3.5 hours to see Rainbow Rocks at the cinema.

00:31 <Finwe> o3o!!

00:31 <Evil_Spike> It only just came out in cinemas here.

00:31 <Snapai> !link http://e926.net/post/show/340678/

00:31 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

00:31 * Finwe snuggles Evil_Spike.

00:32 <Snapai> But....Derpy 926 is the SFW version of 621 D:

00:32 * Evil_Spike feels awkward.

00:32 *** Callofkitty is now known as Unikitty|Away

00:32 <ScarletSmile> wish I could meet fellow Bronies IRL

00:32 <Snapai> Fine fine-

00:32 <Snapai> !link https://e621.net/post/show/340678/

00:32 <DerpyBot> Twilight says Discord stole all her pictures

00:32 <Evil_Spike> Could you perhaps stop snuggling me?

00:32 <Snapai> ....wat

00:33 <Finwe> o3o?

00:33 <Evil_Spike> At Finwe.

00:33 <Finwe> No snuggling?

00:33 <Finwe> Are you absolutely sure?

00:33 <Evil_Spike> No.

00:33 <Evil_Spike> Yes.

00:33 <Finwe> Try and make up your mind.

00:33 <Finwe> o3o

00:33 <Evil_Spike> I don't mind short hugs, but not extended periods of snuggling.

00:34 * Finwe listens to The Birks of Aberfeldy.

00:34 <ScarletSmile> well back to watching the show again for me~

00:34 * ScarletSmile pony dives into Equestria

00:35 <Snezz> :3

00:36 <Evil_Spike> I have recently learnt that I am not fond of carbonated water.

00:36 <Snezz> Club soda?

00:36 <Snezz> Yeah that stuff is not too tasty :P

00:36 *** Quits: Melony_Dreams (jygptprbryq@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

00:36 <Evil_Spike> Carbonated, Sparkling, whatever you freaking call it.'

00:36 <Snezz> :3

00:37 *** Joins: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-ub3.qel.46.95.IP)

00:37 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

00:37 <Snezz> I used to know someone who drank it plain all the time, I could never understand why.

00:37 <Snezz> So gross :p

00:38 <Evil_Spike> Honestly, why wouldn't you just drink soda or plain water instead? Trying to combine the two tastes freaking horrible.

00:38 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: I have to focus on... homework.)

00:38 <Thelema5> I just had to fire a coworker that I am friends with, and mediate a screaming match between him and his boss....

00:39 <Snezz> Ah geeze

00:39 <Thelema5> I'm shaking.  I really, really hate conflict.

00:39 <Snezz> D: sowwy

00:39 <Snezz> Hope you get to unwind soon :3

00:39 <TimidClef|Work> Aww, Thelema :(

00:39 * Evil_Spike hugs Thelema

00:39 * TimidClef|Work hugs Thelema5 tightly

00:40 <Thelema5> I'm going to go for a short walk.

00:40 * Snezz smiles at Thelema

00:40 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

00:41 <Snezz> I'm going to play some Peggle2 if anyone cares to join... Just thought I'd share 8]

00:41 <Evil_Spike> Peggle 2 is multiplayer?

00:41 <Snezz> Yes

00:42 *** Snezz is now known as Snezzie|PeggleHooves

00:42 <Snezzie|PeggleHooves> They have 4 player peg party and 1v1 duel

00:43 <Evil_Spike> Huh, ok...

00:43 <ArchPegasusMichael> !link socks

00:43 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/365429

00:45 <Evil_Spike> Awkward thing about today's screening of RR. The cinema also has a Pokemon movie and Planes showing at around the same time.

00:45 <Evil_Spike> Meaning there's going to be a lot of kids running around.

00:46 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

00:46 <Snezzie|PeggleHooves> That could be a bummer :P Hopefully no screaming and crying haha

00:46 <Evil_Spike> Hey Princess.

00:47 *** Quits: thelema5|away (Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Chicks dig it)

00:47 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

00:47 <Evil_Spike> I hope so. We're probably going to be looking slightly out of place and parents may be wary of us sitting nearby.

00:49 <Princess-QRS> hello Evil_Spike

00:49 * Princess-QRS rolls past in a T-64B

00:49 <Evil_Spike> Mind you, I have been to a similar event. A few years ago, the cinemas were showing random episodes of ponies and parents didn't really mind us.

00:50 <Snapai> !link https://derpiboo.ru/764722

00:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about honk amputee duckroll roller derby artist:snapai (and 6 more)

00:51 * Finwe hugs the ArchPegasusMichael.

00:51 <Finwe> o3o

00:51 *** Joins: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP)

00:51 <Snezzie|PeggleHooves> http://www.twitch.tv/malt_dismal33

00:52 * ArchPegasusMichael hugs Finwe back o3o

00:52 <Evil_Spike> What to do in Sydney for an hour before heading out...

00:54 * Dash flops into the room

00:54 <Evil_Spike> Hey Dash.

00:54 <ElectricPsoras> Ride some subway.

00:54 <ElectricPsoras> That's what I'd do.

00:54 <RazorSharpFang> You know you've done something horribly wrong when the compiler segfaults on you.

00:55 <Evil_Spike> It also has to involve spending as little as possible.

00:57 <bubblemuffin> walk around?

00:57 <bubblemuffin> smell some flowers?

00:57 <Evil_Spike> I guess I could check out the markets down the street. Walk past all the stalls selling bootlegged dvds...

00:58 *** Joins: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net)

00:59 <Evil_Spike> Yeah, I may as well do that. Later everypony.

00:59 *** Quits: Wicked_Wings (chatzilla@Pony-46to5i.sub-75-201-193.myvzw.com) (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 33.1/20141106120505])

00:59 *** Parts: Evil_Spike (Velvet_Reme@Pony-5e304r.aapt.com.au) ()

01:00 <bubblemuffin> bootleg dvds? :D

01:00 *** TimidClef|Work is now known as TimidClef|AFK

01:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Adventures in Equica: Unicorn Training Released! [ http://tinyurl.com/mdbm5rm ]

01:05 <bubblemuffin> !s6

01:05 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

01:05 <bubblemuffin> was wondering if something was going to pop up

01:05 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

01:06 <bubblemuffin> !s2

01:06 <DerpyBot> Season 2 is over :(

01:06 <Snapai> !s1

01:06 <DerpyBot> Seasons come and go... say, do you have muffins? :3

01:06 <Snapai> yes!

01:07 * Princess-QRS hugs Snapai!

01:07 <Snapai> >.>

01:07 <bubblemuffin> thats the one i wanted!

01:07 * Snapai eeps at Princess-QRS

01:07 <Snapai> Hay QRS, see the pic I finished? :D

01:07 *** Joins: Socktavia (FlutterSock@Pony-aacofo.tn.comcast.net)

01:08 <Socktavia> You roll me up, but I won't match, I am socktaaaaaviiiiiiaaaa

01:08 * Socktavia lands on VinylScratch

01:08 <Kalastraer> woah wtf

01:08 <Kalastraer> how did someone take my name?

01:08 <Socktavia> nani yo?

01:08 <Princess-QRS> I did not Snapai!

01:09 <Kalastraer> i registered Socktavia how is someone else on it?

01:09 <Socktavia> maybe you registered SockTavia

01:09 <bubblemuffin> uh oh

01:09 <Socktavia> I registered this a while ago

01:09 <Kalastraer> no i registered socktavia

01:09 <Kalastraer> like 2 months ago

01:09 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

01:09 <Socktavia> maybe it was a case diffeence, lesse

01:09 *** Socktavia is now known as socktavia

01:09 <Princess-QRS> If you don't use it for a long time it de-groups

01:09 *** socktavia is now known as Socktavia

01:09 <Princess-QRS> case difference wont matter

01:09 <Socktavia> oh.

01:09 <Snapai> Princess-QRS, https://derpiboo.ru/764722 | http://snapai.tumblr.com/post/102637144271

01:09 <Kalastraer> i wish i would hav eknown that

01:09 <Kalastraer> ugh

01:09 <Kalastraer> >:(

01:10 <Princess-QRS> Oh, I did see that!

01:10 <Princess-QRS> I had no idea it was you!

01:10 <Princess-QRS> I love it!

01:10 <Princess-QRS> !

01:10 <Snapai> XD

01:10 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-1dr4i7.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Connection closed)

01:10 <Socktavia> I was kinda surprised Socktavia was open. It works too well for sockpones

01:10 <Kalastraer> yea i have socksies, and i used to have socktavia

01:10 *** Joins: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-1dr4i7.bb.dnainternet.fi)

01:10 <Kalastraer> but aparently you took it

01:11 * Socktavia plays a cello?

01:11 <Classic_M> And then everything crashed!

01:11 *** Nully is now known as Null|Art

01:12 <Snapai> My Baymax pic has passed 550 notes on Tumblr o3o http://snapai.tumblr.com/post/102493832906

01:12 <Princess-QRS> !link https://derpiboo.ru/764716

01:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about toilet paper roll seems legit safe oc changeling (and 4 more)

01:13 <Kalastraer> is anyone here in college

01:13 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr[NLR]

01:13 <bubblemuffin> about toilet paper?

01:13 <Princess-QRS> I'm in uni.

01:13 <Finwe> Me too.

01:13 <Finwe> o3o

01:13 * Finwe brohoofs Princess-QRS.

01:13 <Finwe> /)

01:13 * Dash raises a hoof

01:13 <Dash> i am Kalastraer , why

01:13 * Socktavia eats Dash

01:13 <Dash> o.o

01:13 <Socktavia> on nom

01:13 * Dash tastes like rainbows

01:13 <Socktavia> mmm skittles

01:13 <Finwe> My university consists of faculties, not colleges.

01:14 <Kalastraer> i wanted to go to a specific college that might be weird for me to go to for most people

01:14 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-1dr4i7.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Connection closed)

01:14 <Princess-QRS> Same.

01:14 <Princess-QRS> wrt faculties.

01:14 <Finwe> Kalastraer: I've heard that St. John's College at the University of Cambridge is okay.

01:14 * Dash blinks at Socktavia "um... do i look like food o.o?"

01:14 <bubblemuffin> goodnight everypony!

01:14 *** Quits: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:14 <Socktavia> yus

01:14 <Dash> nu uh!

01:15 <Kalastraer> yea Finwe i wanted to go to college of beauty

01:15 <Socktavia> why don't the pones on the show frequently form cuddlepiles

01:15 <Socktavia> they're so fluffy and soft

01:15 * Princess-QRS flops on Socktavia

01:15 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

01:15 <Dash> who knows 6.9

01:15 * Socktavia lays out for her snugglin'

01:15 *** Joins: Idikos (fncqqkeklao@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

01:15 * Dash waves at Idikos

01:16 * Idikos tentaports away, "Sorry, I don't do stuff on this channel."

01:16 *** Parts: Idikos (fncqqkeklao@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

01:16 <Gilda> Too good for us.

01:16 <Socktavia> My favorite kind of snuggle is you lay face to face on a bed and take hold of the blanket and roll. I call this the bundle burrito

01:16 <Socktavia> (((:3E:)))

01:17 <Princess-QRS> lol @ the passive line

01:18 *** TimidClef|AFK is now known as TimidClef|Work

01:18 *** Lycan is now known as Doge

01:18 <Socktavia> so meme. such old.

01:18 <Doge> Such awesome, much doge, very cool, wow

01:19 *** Pony_81809 is now known as Smo

01:19 *** Joins: Ginrummy (PBB@Pony-qfiuil.mssnks.sbcglobal.net)

01:19 <Ginrummy> so do we have any battletech players out there for a project?

01:19 * Kalastraer hugs QRS

01:19 *** Smo is now known as Pony_76491

01:20 <Socktavia> i think hooves are cute because no fingers is somehow d'aw.

01:20 *** Pony_76491 is now known as Smo__

01:21 <Ginrummy> so was rainbow rocks ANY better than EQG?

01:21 <Socktavia> hey, EQG had that song

01:22 <Socktavia> jump up make a sound *whee* stomp your hooves, turn around!

01:22 <Ginrummy> I just wish they would quit EQG already

01:22 <Ginrummy> it was a bad idea to start with..let it go

01:22 <Socktavia> first it has to stop making munie

01:23 <Gilda> It was a fantastic idea to start with.

01:23 <Ginrummy> it's sales...are unimpressive really

01:23 <bicyclerepairman> RR was pretty good

01:23 * Dash boops Ginrummy "i happened to love EQG 2"

01:23 <Socktavia> well if its sales are bad maybe it will go

01:23 <Ginrummy> the MLP movie should blow it out of the water

01:23 *** Gilda is now known as Gilda_AFK

01:24 <Socktavia> They should make RD admit her love for Flutters in the movie.

01:24 *** Joins: Firestar (Firestar@Element)

01:24 * Cepheid wishes it was snowing so they could go outside, grab a chunk of snow, and apply it to their neck.

01:25 <Ginrummy> shippers destory lives

01:25 <Socktavia> D:

01:25 * Kalastraer is sad

01:26 <Socktavia> Shipping is how i beat insomnia!!!

01:26 * Firestar has not been here so long....well on this channel presay

01:26 <bicyclerepairman> you do realize the movie is made by Dreamworks, so it's very much hit or miss with that

01:26 *** Joins: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-1dr4i7.bb.dnainternet.fi)

01:26 <OctaveSymphony> !link https://derpiboo.ru/253736

01:26 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about train artist:rublegun winter lesbian scratchtavia (and 10 more)

01:26 <Socktavia> every night i close my eyes and imagine some pairing and im out with a smile :3

01:26 <Classic_M> Damnit

01:27 *** Joins: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

01:27 <Ginrummy> Vinyl scratch and fluttershy..there's polar oppisites for ya

01:27 <Socktavia> haha

01:28 <Ginrummy> I can see all of flutters critters running from her cottage when vinyl kicks up to 111

01:28 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-uaqsun.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Bye horsies!)

01:28 <Ginrummy> 11

01:28 <Socktavia> 111 is more accurate

01:28 <TimidClef|Work> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dYlvdLdK9w - So much love

01:28 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

01:28 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-7qpmeh.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

01:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about [Official Video] Say Something - Pentatonix (A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera Cover)

01:28 <Socktavia> I like flutters x luna -u-

01:29 <Ginrummy> meh I like Luna sistersect better

01:29 <Socktavia> what luna x celestia? XD i'm down.

01:30 <Socktavia> also pentatonix is great. i like how half of them are totally gay

01:30 <Snapai> Pinkie x Nightmare Moon

01:30 <Snapai> ....because Moon Pie is tastiest sounding ship

01:30 <Socktavia> lol

01:30 <Ginrummy> bad pun..even SOUNDS like a clop fic title

01:31 *** Joins: Tirek1 (Tirek@Pony-3deb1t.east.verizon.net)

01:31 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-ke0572.east.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Tirek1!Tirek@Pony-3deb1t.east.verizon.net)))

01:31 *** Tirek1 is now known as Tirek

01:31 *** Quits: Firestar (Firestar@Element) (Quit: Leaving)

01:31 <Ginrummy> of course Tirek using the princesses as his person harem isn't a bad idea

01:31 <Socktavia> ... what are we discussing now?

01:32 <TimidClef|Work> Erm.

01:32 <TimidClef|Work> Keep the channel rating in mind please :)

01:32 <Ginrummy> dunno this train switches tracks without warning

01:33 *** Joins: OctaveFone (androirc@Pony-qohspg.tbcn.telia.com)

01:34 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-gsb7vb.east.verizon.net)

01:37 *** Doge is now known as Lycan

01:38 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-3deb1t.east.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Tirek1!Tirek@Pony-7bmbl8.east.verizon.net)))

01:38 *** Joins: Tirek1 (Tirek@Pony-7bmbl8.east.verizon.net)

01:38 *** Tirek1 is now known as Tirek

01:40 *** Joins: WonderWEEE (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP)

01:40 *** Quits: Socktavia (FlutterSock@Pony-aacofo.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

01:41 <WonderWEEE> !s1

01:41 <DerpyBot> Seasons come and go... say, do you have muffins? :3

01:41 <Data> !s5

01:41 <DerpyBot> I wish I had more muffins...

01:42 *** Gilda_AFK is now known as Gilda

01:42 *** Parts: Ginrummy (PBB@Pony-qfiuil.mssnks.sbcglobal.net) ()

01:42 <Dash> !s4

01:42 <DerpyBot> Season 4 is over :(

01:42 <DerpyBot> Muffins? :3

01:42 <Dash> yes

01:43 * Data sneaks into the room behind the giant clock at work and moves it forward 20 minutes

01:43 *** Dash is now known as DoodlingDash

01:44 <Gilda> So I've started playing Sonic 06.

01:44 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-79lk6b.bigpond.net.au)

01:44 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-6ts.rjh.170.166.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

01:44 <WonderWEEE> whats tanking sounds?

01:45 <Gilda> That's a weird moderator.

01:45 <WonderWEEE> oh was wondering cus has the & symble in front of name

01:45 <Cepheid> So I learned of a new data structure today.

01:45 <WonderWEEE> like derpybot

01:45 <Gilda> Yeah all those things mean moderators od different levels.

01:46 <Cepheid> Too bad I can't make use of it in my current state.

01:46 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as jamis

01:46 <WonderWEEE> whats wronge cepheid?

01:46 <Raid> how bout Interstellar?

01:46 <jamis> This is going to go down as one of the best headers on Eqd ever.

01:46 <Cepheid> I've been confined to laying in bed or standing up straight for the last week now due to a persistent headache brought on by a lumbar puncture.

01:46 <Raid> i think it's awesomeness film ever

01:47 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/764642

01:47 <WonderWEEE> oh i remember you! hope you feel beter!

01:47 <Cepheid> Thanks.  I'm slowly getting better.

01:47 <Cepheid> Took a few hours before the pain got unbearable at least.

01:48 <Cepheid> As for the new data structure... Doubly Connected Edge Lists.

01:48 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

01:49 * Data structures are awesome

01:49 <Cepheid> :P

01:49 <WonderWEEE> i never relized how many brony websites there are. wonder if anyone has made a list on them

01:50 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (snvsvveybty@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

01:51 *** Quits: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:51 *** Joins: Idiikos (fncqqkeklao@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

01:51 *** Thelema5 is now known as thelema5|away

01:51 <Data> hm

01:51 *** Parts: Idiikos (fncqqkeklao@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

01:52 *** Joins: Raid|2 (Raid@Pony-d2b.78q.123.91.IP)

01:52 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net)

01:53 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story Updates - November 14th  [ http://tinyurl.com/n2xugmt ]

01:53 *** Quits: Raid (Raid@Pony-d2b.78q.123.91.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:53 <Kalastraer> i got myname for my birthday but i wish i could return it and choose a different one

01:53 <KooK> I fell asleep

01:54 <KooK> !seen woegryphon

01:54 <DerpyBot> KooK: The last time I saw woegryphon was 2014-11-14 12:24:09 UTC

01:55 <aqualycool22> Going to an FNM Standard in half an hour. So pumped! ^D^

01:55 <ADragonDreaming> To a what now/

01:55 <aqualycool22> Friday Night Magic.

01:56 <aqualycool22> An event every week where nerds like me gather about to play MTG.

01:56 <WonderWEEE> not all people why play magic are nerds thou

01:56 <LUNA_HG2> I finished translate it!!  (but i have yet 1 page but will be translte her tomorrow)

01:56 <TimidClef|Work> I'm a nerd. And proud of it

01:56 <LUNA_HG2> Goodnight!

01:57 *** Joins: Idiikos (fncqqkeklao@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

01:57 <aqualycool22> I didn't get to tell Timid my combo.

01:57 <aqualycool22> :P

01:57 <WonderWEEE> ??? was just saing

01:58 *** Joins: Jandal|ZZZZ (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

01:58 *** Idiikos is now known as Idikos

01:58 * Schism hums, "Lyrical Tokarev, Kill Them All~"

01:58 *** Parts: Idikos (fncqqkeklao@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

01:59 *** Joins: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-s1s.9n2.147.82.IP)

01:59 <Schism> (Dai Mahou Touge is funny in a very sick way.)

01:59 <aqualycool22> Timid, check your PM!

02:00 <LUNA_HG2> In my post came the chief administrator of All Everypony and Tabun! *dashie-face*

02:00 <LUNA_HG2> wow wow wow

02:00 <WonderWEEE> any way have fun with mtg games

02:01 *** Joins: Tirek1 (Tirek@Pony-s2djs1.east.verizon.net)

02:01 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-7bmbl8.east.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Tirek1!Tirek@Pony-s2djs1.east.verizon.net)))

02:01 *** Tirek1 is now known as Tirek

02:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Hot Coffee / The Secret Life of Fleur Dis Lee 7 / Crazy Future 37 / Discord Annoys Cadance / Parchment 2 / Magic of the Sirens 2 [ http://tinyurl.com/k4qw56t ]

02:02 <hawthornbunny> Just remember the golden rule of Magic: don't eat your cards!

02:02 <hawthornbunny> Eat your opponent's cards.

02:02 <aqualycool22> Hawthornbunny.

02:02 <aqualycool22> Is Gatecrash still standard legal?

02:03 *** Joins: NateDaBrony (bimmvtgvejw@Pony-53ubel.client.mchsi.com)

02:03 <Gilda> Nope.

02:03 <aqualycool22> ^ Do you even play Magic?

02:03 <Gilda> Yep. Standard is Theros on now, dude.

02:03 <aqualycool22> Goddamn it! D:<

02:03 <hawthornbunny> What Gilda said. ^^

02:04 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Quit: Quitte)

02:04 <WonderWEEE> thought it was clans of kakir?

02:04 <aqualycool22> Well, I guess I'll play my Shivan Dragon deck... :/

02:04 <Gilda> Why, what do you have from Gatecrash?

02:04 <aqualycool22> Guttersnipe + Goblin Electromancer + Shock.

02:04 <NateDaBrony> e.o

02:04 <hawthornbunny> Gilda knows Magic. She's in it.

02:05 <aqualycool22> Cool, I can get advice from her/him.

02:06 <hawthornbunny> I'm in Magic too! http://oi61.tinypic.com/2ywx3k4.jpg

02:06 *** Quits: NateDaBrony (bimmvtgvejw@Pony-53ubel.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:07 *** Quits: LUNA_HG2 (dqmohnthqwp@Pony-t63ncg.obrazovanie.omsknet.ru) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:07 *** Quits: WonderWEEE (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:09 *** Null|Art is now known as Nully|Meh

02:09 *** Quits: KooK (Mac2@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:09 <FruitNibbler> yay

02:09 * FruitNibbler huggles hawthornbunny

02:09 <jamis> Neat, kill flash and cyberfox speeds up.

02:10 <Gilda> I'm not that big into Standard, though. Dunno what's good.

02:10 *** Quits: Pony_66840 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:12 <aqualycool22> I've been in 2 FNMs.

02:12 <aqualycool22> I haven't won 1 round, but it's still nice to make freinds. ^_^

02:12 *** Quits: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

02:12 * hawthornbunny squeek

02:12 <hawthornbunny> Yeah, I suck at it XD

02:13 <Gilda> I mostly collect these days. Draft a lot. Flirt with Commander.

02:14 * jamis just wants a challenger.

02:17 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (BigPapa@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:18 <jamis> http://data.primeportal.net/tanks/david_hale/challenger2/Challenger%202.JPG

02:18 <aqualycool22> I've played 1 Modern, 2 Standard.

02:18 <aqualycool22> I think I like Modern more.

02:19 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

02:19 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Mystic_Nocturne

02:19 <hawthornbunny> I like Pauper

02:20 <aqualycool22> I like Tortas.

02:20 <aqualycool22> Any Spanish speakers out there? o3o

02:20 <aqualycool22> I speak a little bit.

02:21 <aqualycool22> But mainly bad words. o3o

02:21 *** Quits: Jandal|ZZZZ (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)

02:21 *** Parts: TimidClef|Work (~TimidClef|W@Pony-kou3df.static.qwest.net) ("")

02:22 <FruitNibbler> jamis, is that your car?

02:22 <jamis> A 1999 doge ram 5 speed.

02:23 <aqualycool22> doge... XD

02:23 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (snvsvveybty@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:23 <jamis> Is it wrong to smile every time you see a car you on the road?

02:23 <FruitNibbler> I'd rather doge than dodge

02:23 <FruitNibbler> dodges are stupid compared to dogges

02:23 <jamis> Stick stupid.

02:24 <Princess-QRS> http://sploid.gizmodo.com/first-comet-drilling-in-history-confirmed-1658998591?utm_campaign=socialflow_gizmodo_facebook&utm_source=gizmodo_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

02:25 *** Joins: wallower (nlinhhidnlr@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

02:25 <jamis> My truck, but blue. http://gomotors.net/pics/Dodge/dodge-ram-1500-v6-05.jpg

02:25 *** Joins: Nosfera (xbghdcsbdfk@Pony-r77.1ob.52.73.IP)

02:26 <Nosfera> Hi

02:26 <jamis> Hey

02:28 *** Joins: Cumadrin (owner@Pony-ruvmt7.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)

02:28 <Nosfera> so... favorite pony?

02:29 <jamis> Best pony. Luna.

02:29 <RazorSharpFang> Grrr, this physics is annoying me

02:30 <Nosfera> naw Lyra. though luna is second.

02:30 <RazorSharpFang> How do I maintain the magnitude of a vector(x,y) but change the direction?

02:30 <Nosfera> nani?

02:30 *** Joins: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

02:30 <jamis> !link luna cute

02:30 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/601279

02:31 <Nosfera> lol thats luna cat

02:31 *** Joins: JandalAdjiel (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

02:31 <Nosfera> anyone going to bronycon?

02:32 <Nosfera> i know its far away but im exited it will be my first time.

02:32 <jamis> !link lyra hands

02:32 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/407267

02:32 <jamis> First time?

02:32 <jamis> It's a thing.

02:33 <Nosfera> what do you mean?

02:33 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Quit: )

02:34 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (BigPapa@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net)

02:34 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

02:35 <Nosfera> anyone?

02:35 <jamis> You said you were excited.

02:35 <jamis> That it would be your first time?

02:35 <Nosfera> ya, and?

02:35 <FruitNibbler> oh Celestia, that lyra

02:36 * FruitNibbler is ceeped the heck out

02:36 <Nosfera> lol

02:36 <jamis> It was an indirect question on what you were referring to.

02:36 *** AppleDash is now known as Blackjack

02:37 <Nosfera> bronycon...

02:37 * Princess-QRS boops ADragonDreaming violently!

02:38 <jamis> Oh!

02:38 * Nosfera also boops ADragonDreaming violently.

02:39 <ADragonDreaming> muh?

02:39 <Nosfera> Hi!

02:40 <Finwe> Muh?

02:40 <Finwe> Mr Nosfera.

02:40 * Finwe doffs his hat.

02:40 <Nosfera> its Ms.

02:40 <Finwe> Oh, Ms Nosfera.

02:40 * Finwe re-doffs his hat.

02:40 <Nosfera> :)

02:41 * Nosfera slighty bows head

02:43 *** Quits: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:43 <Nosfera> Anyone going to Bronycon?

02:43 <Tirek> Nope.

02:44 * Schism boops Finwe with a cappuccino and dark chocolate biscotti.

02:44 * ADragonDreaming finishes the opening sequence to Enslaved.

02:45 * ADragonDreaming can only wonder how the HELL Monkey is still alive.

02:45 <Nosfera> nani?

02:45 <ADragonDreaming> Enslaved is a computer game.

02:45 *** ArchPegasusMichael is now known as ArchPegasus_zZz

02:45 <Nosfera> k

02:45 <jamis> Originally a console game.

02:45 <jamis> But good none the less.

02:46 *** Joins: Nexie (Lily@Spooky)

02:46 <Nosfera> so... anyone going to bronycon? only one person answered.

02:47 *** DoodlingDash is now known as AFKDash

02:48 <ADragonDreaming> I answered last night.

02:48 <Nosfera> ik your afk, but hi Dash!

02:48 <Nosfera> ya i know.

02:49 <Nosfera> hey, how do i make this permenant?

02:50 <ADragonDreaming> Make what permanent?

02:50 <Nosfera> my nickname thingy.

02:51 *** Parts: Nexie (Lily@Spooky) ()

02:51 <wobniaR> Register your nick with nickserv and login with it

02:51 <Nosfera> how?

02:51 <ADragonDreaming> type /ns help register

02:51 <ADragonDreaming> That'll access the help file on registering.

02:52 <wobniaR> Switch to a non-channel tab and do /ns register pass email

02:52 <Nosfera> um... how do i switch to a non-channel tab?

02:53 <Nosfera> wow i sound like sunch an idiot right now

02:53 <wobniaR> You're using the flash client, so it should be named canternet or something, just click on the tab

02:54 <Nosfera> kk thanks

02:55 <Nosfera> now that i know how to, ill do that later tonight.

02:56 <Nosfera> sorry i gtg for now. ill be on later tomight around usual time. will you be on ADreamingDragon?

02:57 <Nosfera> ugh i even messed that up!!!!

02:57 <Nosfera> i meant ADragonDreaming

02:57 <ADragonDreaming> I make no promises.

02:58 <Nosfera> kk. hopefully see you tonight! bye!

02:58 *** Quits: Nosfera (xbghdcsbdfk@Pony-r77.1ob.52.73.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:00 *** Joins: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-osm8m3.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

03:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1349 [ http://tinyurl.com/kwged8j ]

03:03 <Finwe> o3o

03:03 * Finwe boops Schism with a pancake.

03:04 *** Quits: Madness (DARK@Pony-30qepe.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

03:06 *** Joins: SugarRush (isainmdom@Pony-rrd.fb6.97.79.IP)

03:06 *** Quits: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Connection closed)

03:06 * Cepheid randomly steals a toaster.

03:06 *** Joins: RainbDed (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

03:09 *** Joins: Schism|Alt (NA@Pony-vf5hfh.cable.rogers.com)

03:10 <Cepheid> Hoi Schism|Alt.

03:10 *** Quits: Schism (NA@blutwr.cntrlt.equ) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:11 <Classic_M> I'm just going to make some toas- Hey! who stole my toaster!?

03:11 * Cepheid disassembles the toaster.

03:12 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Gone

03:12 *** OctaveFone is now known as OctaveSymphony

03:15 <Classic_M> Whoever you are I'm going to tell you this: I'n my years I've gathered a very pecurial skill, a skill to hunt down people like you. Now if you let my toaster go, no harm will come upon you. But, if you don't....I will look for you, I will find you, and ...I will make you return my toaster.

03:17 *** Quits: RainbDed (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:20 <VinylScratch> toasters toast toast!

03:21 <OctaveSymphony> Once I figure out how to tap into the main reactor, I will burn the world!

03:21 * Cepheid rests upon VinylScratch.

03:22 <Schism|Alt> Classic_M: Sorry, it's already gone, in Machine Heaven.

03:22 <Cepheid> I can no longer sit for the moment.

03:22 <Cepheid> Any attempt to sit hurts like a- ...  Well, you know.

03:22 *** Joins: RainbDed (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

03:23 <Classic_M> G-gone?

03:24 <OctaveSymphony> Silicone heaven you mean? Where all the calculators go

03:24 *** Quits: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-s1s.9n2.147.82.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:24 *** Joins: Solo_Act (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

03:25 * Solo_Act waveyhooves to ADRA.

03:26 * Solo_Act looks around, surprised no one is chatting.

03:26 <OctaveSymphony> Guess that's a reference only Heartbreak would get

03:26 <Solo_Act> nvm

03:26 <VinylScratch> We're here, lol

03:26 <Heartbreak> What?

03:26 <Heartbreak> Heeee!

03:26 <OctaveSymphony> Silicone heaven.

03:26 <Heartbreak> Where do the calculators go!

03:27 <Solo_Act> hi, Vinyl! Hiya, HB!

03:27 <Heartbreak> Because it's cold out side.

03:27 <Heartbreak> And there's no type of autmosphere.

03:27 <Heartbreak> OctaveSymphony, are you all alone?

03:27 <VinylScratch> more or less

03:27 * Heartbreak leans on VinylScratch to keep her company.

03:27 <Classic_M> Where's my toaster!?

03:28 * VinylScratch yawns and leans back.

03:28 <OctaveSymphony> Oh yes, I haven't quite memorized the song though

03:28 *** JandalAdjiel is now known as Jandal|CHEF

03:28 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:29 <OctaveSymphony> Best song is: He's Arnold Arnold Rimmer.

03:29 <Cepheid> Man I hope this clears soon.  I'm going stir crazy.

03:29 <ADragonDreaming> ngahhhhh

03:30 <Cepheid> I want to get back to coding, especially now that I've discovered a new data structure I want to work with.

03:30 <ADragonDreaming> why mines why

03:30 <Cepheid> Doubly Connected Edge Lists!

03:31 *** Quits: PinkiePieInsane1 (PinkiePieIn@Pony-7l54ov.bb.monsternett.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

03:31 <ADragonDreaming> Ah, the old DCEL.

03:31 *** Joins: PinkiePieInsane (PinkiePieIn@Pony-7l54ov.bb.monsternett.net)

03:31 <Cepheid> You're familiar with it?

03:31 <ADragonDreaming> Nope.

03:31 <Cepheid> XD

03:32 * Finwe tail-noms on ThatAnonPony.

03:32 <Finwe> o3o

03:33 <ThatAnonPony> o3

03:33 <ThatAnonPony> ... D.

03:33 * Solo_Act glomps Finwe!

03:33 <ThatAnonPony> \ D. /!

03:34 *** Snezzie|PeggleHooves is now known as EzzieMcSnezzie

03:34 <ADragonDreaming> That jtuxyan/GaPJaxie fellow who runs Golden Lash might be, though.

03:34 <ThatAnonPony> Oh, hey, a Heartbreak!

03:34 *** Quits: EzzieMcSnezzie (Love@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com) (Quit: EzzieMcSnezzie - Be Back Later <3)

03:34 * ThatAnonPony wave!

03:34 <ThatAnonPony> Grats on the frontpage, HB.

03:35 <Solo_Act> front page? 0.o

03:35 *** Joins: NoPony-Special (NoPony-Spec@Pony-2dojgt.range86-183.btcentralplus.com)

03:35 <ThatAnonPony> HB's newest story made FiMfic's frontpage today.

03:35 <NoPony-Special> My word.

03:35 <Solo_Act> is it still on?

03:35 <ThatAnonPony> Which probably means the old ones have a few new readers too.

03:36 <ThatAnonPony> Should be, Solo_Act.

03:36 * ThatAnonPony frowns at NoPony.

03:36 <NoPony-Special> Hmm?

03:36 <ThatAnonPony> "My word"...? I thought we covered this already?

03:36 * Princess-QRS rolls faster and faster!

03:37 <NoPony-Special> Oh but it's changed!

03:37 * ThatAnonPony raises an eyebrow.

03:37 <NoPony-Special> It's now 'Spurious'.

03:37 <Princess-QRS> Heartbreak, congrats on the frontpage!

03:37 <NoPony-Special> Efficacious was yesterday's word.

03:37 <ThatAnonPony> ...

03:37 <ThatAnonPony> Well, I suppose it is a new day.

03:37 *** Quits: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:37 <ThatAnonPony> If only by half an hour...

03:38 <NoPony-Special> Mhm!

03:38 <ThatAnonPony> I think I preferred yesterday's word though.

03:38 <NoPony-Special> That so?

03:38 <ThatAnonPony> Mhm.

03:38 <ThatAnonPony> It is so

03:38 *** Joins: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl)

03:38 <NoPony-Special> Feedback is welcome, can you narrow down what makes you feel that way for me?

03:38 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

03:38 <ThatAnonPony> =3=

03:39 * ThatAnonPony rolls distractionary VinylScratch at NoPony.

03:39 * Princess-QRS intercepts VinylScratch, and snuggles!

03:39 <Cepheid> What's more stable?  A chair with three legs or a chair with four legs?

03:39 <ThatAnonPony> It seems my distraction has been intercepted. Hm.

03:39 * NoPony-Special is left cold and alone, without snuggles.

03:39 <Princess-QRS> three because triangle

03:39 <NoPony-Special> At least I'm not distracted.

03:39 <Cepheid> Correct. :P

03:40 <Princess-QRS> the legs would form a sort of tripod thing

03:40 <ThatAnonPony> Doesn't that depend...?

03:40 <Princess-QRS> instead of being at the edges

03:40 * Princess-QRS rolls

03:41 *** Joins: User_135125 (ylocdxdytqu@Pony-4j8emu.va.comcast.net)

03:41 <ThatAnonPony> Would also mean a smaller surface area of balance. Or something...

03:41 <User_135125> hello?

03:41 <ADragonDreaming> jfweoaifjiwharguiaehrga;jiorg

03:41 <ThatAnonPony> ADra, I agree completely.

03:41 <NoPony-Special> I concur, ADra.

03:41 <ThatAnonPony> ...

03:41 <Classic_M> atgiermann: Bro!

03:41 <Cepheid> ThatAnonPony:  Depends.  If the legs are splayed out properly, a three legged chair is more stable.

03:42 <Cepheid> On the grounds that the three legs are touching the flat surface in exactly three spots.

03:42 <NoPony-Special> Then it's settled. We are all in agreement.

03:42 * ThatAnonPony flails at NoPony. "Get out of my head! \ D: /

03:42 <ADragonDreaming> This section. Of Enslaved. Is poorly designed.

03:42 <atgiermann> Classic_M, Bro!

03:42 <Classic_M> Broseph!

03:42 <atgiermann> Broderino!

03:42 <NoPony-Special> But Anon, I /am/ your head.

03:42 <ThatAnonPony> Wouldn't a four-legged chair with splayed out legs also be better balanced though, Cepheid?

03:42 <Cepheid> No.

03:42 <User_135125> Are we talking about chairs for ponies?

03:43 *** Joins: Idikos (fncqqkeklao@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

03:43 <Cepheid> Because the fourth point may not lie on the same plane as the other 3, ThatAnonPony.

03:43 <Cepheid> And thus introduce a wobble.

03:43 <ThatAnonPony> Oh.

03:43 *** Parts: Idikos (fncqqkeklao@Pony-rggti5.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

03:43 <ThatAnonPony> ... What if it's a well-made chair?

03:43 <Classic_M> atgiermann: Hug it out?

03:44 <Cepheid> Then yeah it'd be more stable, but I'd still prefer 3 legs.

03:44 <atgiermann> sure? lol

03:44 *** AFKDash is now known as Dash

03:44 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

03:44 *** Dash is now known as SweetieBelle

03:44 <CleverDerpy> hiya

03:44 <Cepheid> Though for say, something higher like a ladder, I'd prefer four legs.

03:44 <User_135125> Would Rainbow Dash use a cloud recliner?

03:44 * Classic_M gives atgiermann a bro hug

03:44 <Cepheid> It's only stable up to a certain height after all.

03:44 <ThatAnonPony> I see the logic, but it's more like a three-legged chair retains more stability over its lifetime than a four-legged chair.

03:44 * atgiermann returns the bro hug

03:44 <atgiermann> lol

03:44 <atgiermann> so wassup mang?

03:45 <NoPony-Special> Pssh. One-legged chair master race.

03:45 *** Quits: User_135125 (ylocdxdytqu@Pony-4j8emu.va.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:45 <Cepheid> ThatAnonPony:  Perhaps.

03:45 <Classic_M> I'm living out my last 34 days of training

03:45 <NoPony-Special> Also known as a block.

03:45 *** VinylScratch is now known as Princess-Luna

03:45 <ThatAnonPony> Or a stick.

03:45 <ThatAnonPony> Or a tree! Trees are pretty stable.

03:46 <Classic_M> I have one last big ass war game left

03:46 <Cepheid> The only reason triangles are taking my interest right now is 'cause I'm working on studying polygon triangulation.

03:46 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-pf09gb.ip.windstream.net)

03:47 <Cepheid> In particular, triangulation of simple polygons.

03:47 <atgiermann> and then you get legit cred?

03:47 <Classic_M> Then it's returning all of my like...close to 100,000€ worth of equiment back

03:47 <Classic_M> Well not that much

03:47 * ThatAnonPony noms on NoPony.

03:47 <Classic_M> Like 80 grand

03:47 <Classic_M> Then I hope I get a job there

03:48 <Classic_M> as a trainer

03:48 * Solo_Act stands 'pon Cepheid and looks off into the distance!

03:48 <Classic_M> Cause I'm not gettin shipped out..yet atleast

03:48 <NoPony-Special> So how's things, Anon?

03:49 <ThatAnonPony> They's okay.

03:49 <ThatAnonPony> Star Wars-y. =3=

03:50 <Classic_M> atgiermann: And if not then it just" Thanks for your service, now gtfo"

03:50 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP)

03:50 *** Quits: SugarRush (isainmdom@Pony-rrd.fb6.97.79.IP) (Quit: )

03:50 * Twilight_Shimmer steps out of a moon beam and lands on Princess-Luna head

03:50 * Princess-Luna approves

03:51 <NoPony-Special> Star Wars? Oho?

03:51 <Twilight_Shimmer> I just found an AWESOME mlp fic crossed with LoZ Ocarina of Time

03:51 *** Nully|Meh is now known as Nill

03:51 *** Nill is now known as Nil

03:51 <ThatAnonPony> Had a phase. Think it's passed now though. =3=

03:51 <ThatAnonPony> Twilight_Shimmer, oh? Epona fic?

03:51 <Twilight_Shimmer> nope

03:51 <Twilight_Shimmer> Sunset as Lina

03:51 <ThatAnonPony> Link-is-a-wolf fic?

03:51 <NoPony-Special> Just you wait for Battlefront III.

03:51 <Twilight_Shimmer> er Link

03:51 <atgiermann> Classic_M, you looking to train something specific? or be like a drill sergeant?

03:51 <NoPony-Special> Ohoo. My hype train has already departed for that game.

03:52 <Twilight_Shimmer> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/227999/the-legend-of-sunset-shimmer-ocarina-of-time

03:52 <ThatAnonPony> That's new... Got a (A-ha...) link, Twilight_Shimmer?

03:52 <Twilight_Shimmer> lol

03:52 <ThatAnonPony> Danke!

03:52 <Twilight_Shimmer> quite welcome

03:52 *** Joins: FlutterSocks (FlutterSock@Pony-aacofo.tn.comcast.net)

03:52 <CleverDerpy> meh, i'll wait for the sequel

03:52 <FlutterSocks> This is the greatest thing

03:52 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/764806

03:53 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about humanized lyra heartstrings levitation safe barefoot (and 18 more)

03:53 <CleverDerpy> the legend of sunset shimmer, discord's mask

03:53 <Classic_M> atgiermann: Train people in what I do, jumpoing out of planes, first recon and sabotage

03:53 <Classic_M> Basically

03:54 <Classic_M> pardon my type o's, I've had few

03:54 <atgiermann> noice

03:54 <Classic_M> and by few I mean...yeah

03:56 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/764771

03:56 <FlutterSocks> so cute!

03:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about artist:bio-999 scratchtavia octavia vinyl scratch safe (and 2 more)

03:56 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-kvm7hn.orcon.net.nz)

03:56 <Finwe> !twilight time

03:56 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight_Shimmer

03:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

03:57 <Finwe> o3o!!

03:57 <Finwe> *bouncebounce*

03:57 * Twilight_Shimmer hugs Finwe

03:57 * Finwe snuggles a Twilight_Shimmer.

03:57 * ThatAnonPony rolls a NoPony-Special over to Finwe.

03:57 <Classic_M> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtyYcn0iApw

03:57 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

03:57 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Manian - Ravers in the UK (Official Video HD Version)

03:58 <Finwe> RAdm NoPony-Special!

03:58 <Finwe> _o7

03:58 <ThatAnonPony> This one challenges thee, oh great Finwe, to a game of chess!

03:58 <ThatAnonPony> o3o!

03:58 <Finwe> o3o

03:58 <Finwe> NoPony-Special: http://lichess.org/02PBp7ac

03:58 <CleverDerpy> I can beat twilight sparkle in chess

03:59 <CleverDerpy> 6 u 9

03:59 <Finwe> Mid CleverDerpy.

03:59 <Finwe> _o7

03:59 <CleverDerpy> Gen. Finwe

03:59 <FlutterSocks> everypony, if your baloon was purple, what kind of spider would you toss your nostril at?

03:59 * CleverDerpy salutes

04:00 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Zero@Element.Of.Gaming)

04:00 <NoPony-Special> Wut?

04:00 <Finwe> FlutterSocks: o3o?

04:00 <FlutterSocks> Personally, i'd go with milk and cookies.

04:00 <atgiermann> !link u wot m8

04:00 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/495198

04:00 * Finwe reboops NoPony-Special with the chess URL: http://lichess.org/02PBp7ac

04:00 <FruitNibbler> http://www.gwoltal.myfastmail.com/files/Worry%20Graph.jpg

04:00 *** Quits: Smo__ (Smo@Pony-cn77gp.dyn.centurytel.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:01 <NoPony-Special> o3o

04:01 <NoPony-Special> But I don't chess!

04:01 <Finwe> Lt ThatAnonPony seems to think otherwise.

04:01 <Finwe> o3o

04:01 <ThatAnonPony> o3o

04:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Play-Doh My Little Pony Make N Style Ponies - Images Added on Amazon UK  [ http://tinyurl.com/mexqpq9 ]

04:01 * ThatAnonPony whistles innocently.

04:01 <NoPony-Special> Anon pls.

04:02 <ThatAnonPony> Hadouken!

04:02 <Finwe> 02:56:41  * ThatAnonPony rolls a NoPony-Special over to Finwe.

04:02 <Finwe> 02:56:56 < ThatAnonPony> This one challenges thee, oh great Finwe, to a game of  chess!

04:02 <NoPony-Special> Falsehoods and lies.

04:02 <Finwe> Also, he seems to think that it's alright to use two spaces betwixt of and chess.

04:03 <ThatAnonPony> o3o

04:03 <Finwe> ThatAnonPony: It shall be you who plays, then.

04:03 <ThatAnonPony> S'extra emphasis.

04:03 <Finwe> o3o!

04:03 <ThatAnonPony> D:

04:03 * ThatAnonPony runs away.

04:03 <Finwe> @.@

04:04 * Finwe uses his dread stare.

04:04 <FruitNibbler> Nuu not the dread stare

04:04 <FlutterSocks> Whats going to happen in dash academy thing -_- i get depressed when lesbian romances end bad. Like when I saw dazed and confused it ruined my month

04:05 * ThatAnonPony has already run away!

04:05 <OctaveSymphony> Judge Dredd. "I am the law!! "

04:05 <FlutterSocks> then again that movie was the biggest downer ever

04:05 <NoPony-Special> You can run from the stare, but you can't hide.

04:06 <FruitNibbler> https://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDIvMjYvMTlfMDlfNTdfNDQ4XzI1NjIyM19fVU5PUFRfX3NhZmVfZmx1dHRlcnNoeV9hbmltYXRlZF9kaXNjb3JkX2tlZXBfY2FsbV9hbmRfZmx1dHRlcl9vbl90aGVfc3RhcmVfc3dlZXRfYnJvX2FuZF9oZWxsYV9qZWZmX2FydGlzdF9lbG5hY2hhdG8uZ2lmLmdpZiJdXQ/256223__safe_rainbow-dash_fluttershy_animated_discord_wat_homestuck_keep-calm-and-flutter-on_comic-sans_stylistic-suck_not-salmon_element-of-loyalty_the-stare_spinning_sweet-bro-a

04:06 <FruitNibbler> nd-hella-.gif

04:06 * Finwe tans ThatAnonPony's hide.

04:06 *** Joins: Parsifal (wrtiittnrnl@Pony-or2rlk.res.rr.com)

04:06 <FlutterSocks> wait... thats not the film i meant

04:06 * FruitNibbler facehooves

04:06 * ThatAnonPony is tanned. e3e

04:06 <FlutterSocks> what was it, with the lesbians in the school and she jumps off the building in the end

04:06 <Finwe> How much is a hide? 120 acres?

04:07 *** RainDancer is now known as Rainy|Questing

04:07 *** Joins: Smo__ (Smo@Pony-cn77gp.dyn.centurytel.net)

04:07 <NoPony-Special> Hang about, what colour is an Anon without tanning?

04:08 <Finwe> The basic sofa colour.

04:08 <NoPony-Special> ...Which happens to be?

04:09 *** Tanking_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

04:09 <FlutterSocks> Someone write a crossover fic where Issun from Okami meets Pinkie Pie and winds up accompanying her on an adventure to save amaterasu from tirek.

04:09 <ThatAnonPony> Amaterasu is best wolf. I think.

04:09 <FlutterSocks> correct

04:09 <FruitNibbler> http://www.quickmeme.com/img/dc/dcbbd5dabd0383057832aa8a1bf1089f8a48bf7367e2f7e8491adb56bbc76ac0.jpg

04:10 <Finwe> ThatAnonPony: Amaterasu is the sun goddess, isn't she?

04:10 *** Joins: News_Flash (ubjeuccjemc@Pony-47rd9v.spkn.qwest.net)

04:10 <Princess-Luna> Yush

04:11 * Princess-Luna squeaks and snugs on FlutterSocks! xD

04:11 *** poseyshy is now known as poseyshy|dreaming

04:11 <Finwe> NoPony-Special: http://p-fst1.pixstatic.com/5302c360dbfa3f059d00015b._w.540_s.fit_.jpg

04:11 <ThatAnonPony> Yep, Finwe.

04:11 * FlutterSocks flails! <3 in a happy sort of way!

04:12 <FlutterSocks> look everypony, its OCT-avia https://derpiboo.ru/764519

04:12 <NoPony-Special> I see.

04:12 <FlutterSocks> Vinyl would like to be

04:12 <FlutterSocks> under the sea

04:12 <FlutterSocks> in an octo-via's garden... in the shade

04:12 * Princess-Luna lols

04:13 <hawthornbunny> Octaviafest

04:13 *** Quits: Gilda (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

04:13 <NoPony-Special> Octo-Octavia, please.

04:13 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhokFOP8IH0

04:13 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:13 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Ringo Writes A Song

04:14 *** Parts: News_Flash (ubjeuccjemc@Pony-47rd9v.spkn.qwest.net) ()

04:14 <NoPony-Special> I've yet to comfortably reconcile the concept with the majority of my typically held expectations of a 'Tavi.

04:14 <NoPony-Special> A most disturbing notion.

04:15 * Finwe boops NoPony-Special with a magic wand: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/110/b/a/cute_octavia____by_mi0724go-d5s6eum.png

04:15 *** Quits: Apologue (Books@the_Library) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:15 *** Joins: Foxie (Books@the_Library)

04:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Foxie

04:16 <FruitNibbler> http://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=octave

04:16 <FruitNibbler> That is more badass Octavia

04:17 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpDRl2uD3_c

04:17 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:17 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Pinky and the brain meets the beatles

04:17 <FlutterSocks> WOW the animaniacs summed it up nicely

04:17 <Princess-Luna> Aaaah, a classic moment

04:17 <FlutterSocks> "run off to marry performance artist and really bad singer, yoyo nono" hahaha

04:18 <FlutterSocks> cruel and accurate.

04:18 <Finwe> http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/362/c/3/vinyl_scratch_x_octavia_part_2_by_jaelachan-d4kgnmh.png

04:19 <Classic_M> A Me moment?

04:19 <Finwe> o3o

04:19 * FlutterSocks curls up in a ball with Princess-Luna

04:19 <FlutterSocks> -3-

04:20 <FruitNibbler> LOL silly DJ-pon3: you are grinding the wrong spot on XD

04:20 * NoPony-Special rolls onto ThatAnonPony.

04:20 * Princess-Luna snuggles FlutterSocks receptively!

04:20 <FruitNibbler> Thic surely happened next

04:20 <FruitNibbler> https://public.dm2302.livefilestore.com/y2pnyM-nkTNhSZFYoYA5QD_ZJLTdVogMs4cyA8w3OApheG6KKSDh2mYF1lZM56BTCQnXprxV6viUrNFopr6_cXJlrn2fXpPo8ITJYhxtdf6VPo/DJ%20Pon3%20y%20octavia%20%2814%29.png?psid=1&rdrts=88973624

04:21 * NoPony-Special lobs assorted plushies at Princess-Luna.

04:21 * FlutterSocks is one happy pony, for she is being snuggled by a pretty princess pone.

04:21 <Princess-Luna> <3~

04:22 * ThatAnonPony ferries NoPony around the chat, always in range of Princess-Luna.

04:22 * Solo_Act offers the snuggling ponies a plate of delicious bacon.

04:22 <Princess-Luna> xD

04:22 * Princess-Luna excuses self from FlutterSocks briefly before pouncesnuggling the NoPony-Special!

04:22 *** WorkFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

04:22 * FlutterSocks gives Princess-Luna this expression https://derpiboo.ru/764497 *ouo*

04:22 <NoPony-Special> Guh!

04:22 <FlutterSocks> xD

04:22 <NoPony-Special> Protect me, Anon!

04:22 <NoPony-Special> D:

04:23 * NoPony-Special is brutally snugglefest'd.

04:24 <FlutterSocks> !link https://derpiboo.ru/650764

04:24 <FlutterSocks> <3

04:24 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about lesbian smile side glowing mane artist:burnedpigeon (and 18 more)

04:24 * ThatAnonPony watches the snugglefest idly. o3o

04:24 <FlutterSocks> i love these

04:24 <Princess-Luna> x3

04:25 <Classic_M> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbw1pGUhG7Q

04:25 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Sabaton - The Price of a Mile

04:25 <FruitNibbler> Pffff

04:25 <FruitNibbler> http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/235/5/8/bat_pony_by_aginpro-d6jdizm.png

04:25 <Classic_M> Yeah!

04:25 <NoPony-Special> Et tu, SofaPon'?

04:25 <NoPony-Special> Then fall NoPon'!

04:25 <FlutterSocks> xD

04:25 <NoPony-Special> x3x

04:25 <NoPony-Special> ded

04:26 <ThatAnonPony> \ o3o /

04:26 * FlutterSocks is wearing yellow socks today. Its almost like she's not wearing socks

04:27 * ThatAnonPony highhooves Princess-Luna the Victorious!

04:27 <Classic_M> What's the price of a mile?

04:27 <OctaveSymphony> Depends on the land price.

04:28 <OctaveSymphony> I know where that's from though

04:28 <NoPony-Special> FlutterSocks, how scandalous!

04:28 * FlutterSocks knows. and then blushes profusely

04:29 *** SweetieBelle is now known as Dash

04:29 * NoPony-Special nibbles a FlutterSocks.

04:29 * FlutterSocks tastes much like a pony

04:29 *** Parts: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) ("Leaving")

04:29 * Princess-Luna nibbles a NoPony-Special...tastes classy

04:30 <Classic_M> OctaveSymphony: thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army on the march!

04:30 <NoPony-Special> Such flattery, and from a princess?

04:30 <NoPony-Special> My my.

04:30 *** Quits: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:30 <OctaveSymphony> Sjung Carolus sång.

04:32 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Ferret: Desert Bus Pony Giveaways [ http://tinyurl.com/nmugw3s ]

04:32 <NoPony-Special> So how's the things, Princess-Luna?

04:33 <NoPony-Special> Not sure I asked earlier...

04:33 <Classic_M> OctaveSymphony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUzxYDvvWEk

04:33 <Classic_M> The most badass of them all

04:34 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-0hdkna.ga.charter.com)

04:34 <FruitNibbler> Worst job in the world: fisherman

04:34 <Classic_M> Hey screeny

04:34 <screenaholic> Yo;

04:35 *** Joins: User_863525 (oopciwpdspz@Pony-lfd.7qp.180.12.IP)

04:35 <OctaveSymphony> Hmm nah. Best Sabaton songs are on the Swedish version of Carolus Rex

04:35 <Princess-Luna> <NoPony-Special> So how's the things, Princess-Luna? - Things are fine...notably chilly at times, but fine~

04:36 <Classic_M> What about to hell and Back?

04:36 *** Quits: DataByteBrony (DataByte@Pony-odf5db.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:36 <FlutterSocks> and i would do aaaanythiiing for looove

04:37 *** GigaWork is now known as GigabitPony

04:37 <FlutterSocks> incidently, bat out of hell > everything else in meatloaf's career

04:37 *** Foxie is now known as Apologue

04:38 <Classic_M> But I won't do that~

04:38 <Classic_M> Gigaa!

04:39 <Princess-Luna> <FlutterSocks> and i would do aaaanythiiing for looove - You don't have to do anything to get mine~ x3

04:39 <Classic_M> You hussy

04:39 * FlutterSocks pounces Princess-Luna with heart-shaped eyes

04:39 <Princess-Luna> <3~ xD

04:40 <Solo_Act> they seem to be having fun.

04:40 <FlutterSocks> <3 lunashy is best

04:40 <Princess-Luna> ^ totally so

04:40 <NoPony-Special> You know what phrase I dislike, Anon?

04:41 <Solo_Act> yes, mittsies seems to think so, too.

04:41 * FlutterSocks nuzzles into some dark chest-fluff and feels all safe and secure in the night <3

04:41 *** Quits: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:41 * Princess-Luna keeps FlutterSocks's dreams cuddly and full of cute things! :3

04:42 * FlutterSocks hopes there's a little bit of Luna in them as well!

04:42 <Solo_Act> a swarm of Woonas to keep her company. x3

04:42 <FlutterSocks> omg >.<

04:42 <Princess-Luna> xD

04:42 * hawthornbunny gives Princess-Luna a list of increasingly bizarre requests for things to include in his dreams.

04:43 * Solo_Act hands her a note saying "i want to dream a better dream"

04:43 <Princess-Luna> Just no dreams within dreams within dreams within dreams... <goes on for a while>

04:43 *** Quits: User_863525 (oopciwpdspz@Pony-lfd.7qp.180.12.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:43 <Solo_Act> no inception. brainsplosion.

04:43 *** Smo__ is now known as Smo

04:43 <FlutterSocks> Too many inceptions... we're going to have to make a total recall!

04:44 <hawthornbunny> More like a LAMEception!

04:44 <Solo_Act> lamekin. lol

04:44 <hawthornbunny> XD

04:44 <FlutterSocks> for those of you who have seen the latest southpark

04:44 <hawthornbunny> Best Diamond Tiara line

04:44 <Classic_M> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlUKcNNmywk

04:44 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:44 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication [Official Music Video]

04:44 <Classic_M> HA!

04:45 <hawthornbunny> !link alicornication

04:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

04:45 <hawthornbunny> booo

04:45 <Solo_Act> !link alicoronation

04:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

04:45 * Solo_Act is surprised.

04:45 * ThatAnonPony rolls NoPony-Special idly.

04:45 <NoPony-Special> o3o

04:46 <NoPony-Special> To what end?

04:46 <FlutterSocks> then like a sinnah, befoh, the gates of heaven ah'll come crawlin' on back to you~~~

04:47 * ThatAnonPony rolls NoPony-Special over next to Princess-Luna. Flops on both and lazes. =3=

04:47 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QGMCSCFoKA

04:47 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:47 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell

04:47 <FlutterSocks> his name was robert paulson

04:47 *** Quits: Parsifal (wrtiittnrnl@Pony-or2rlk.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:47 <NoPony-Special> Hmm. I think I shall depart once more!

04:47 <Solo_Act> but no one has a name in project mayhem!

04:48 <NoPony-Special> Ta-ta, all!

04:48 <NoPony-Special> Have a nice time with whatever it is you're all up to between now and when I next make your company.

04:48 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-vel624.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:48 <NoPony-Special> Or... Else.

04:48 <FlutterSocks> you know that movie's all about men feeling their manhood being taken away by consumerism.


04:48 *** Quits: NoPony-Special (NoPony-Spec@Pony-2dojgt.range86-183.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Bye)

04:48 <ThatAnonPony> G'night, NoPon'!

04:48 <Princess-Luna> xD

04:48 * ThatAnonPony wav- Dammit.

04:48 <Princess-Luna> Too l8 m8

04:48 <ThatAnonPony> :<

04:50 *** Joins: dj (ieryksninln@Pony-sgfppc.wi.frontiernet.net)

04:50 <Classic_M> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFAnn2j4iB0

04:50 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Pixies - Where is my Mind (Fight Club Soundtrack) HQ

04:50 <dj> hello

04:50 *** Joins: Knewred (zpcwpzgujrg@Pony-o88m63.optusnet.com.au)

04:51 <Knewred> Can anyone here think of a good name for an international mailcolt?

04:51 <FlutterSocks> fun fact: meatloaf's a vegetarian

04:51 <dj> wat?

04:52 <FlutterSocks> apparently he got the name from his dad who insulted his weight a lot

04:52 <Knewred> Guys?

04:52 <dj> ...?

04:53 <Classic_M> Dream delivery, Knewred

04:53 <Classic_M> There

04:53 *** Quits: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: I'll be back)

04:53 *** Googie|Sleepling is now known as Googie

04:53 <Knewred> Dream Delivery sounds good, though I'm not sure if it'll fit in the story

04:53 <Knewred> I dunno, I'll think about it

04:53 <Classic_M> Care package?

04:53 <Classic_M> Or how ever it's spelled

04:53 <Knewred> I prefer Dream Delivery

04:54 <Knewred> This is a colt, remember

04:55 <dj> ok dud

04:56 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-vel624.east.verizon.net)

04:56 <FlutterSocks> My greatest creation yet!!!

04:56 <FlutterSocks> A squirrel, spliced with provolone cheese.

04:56 <dj> ok is it good

04:57 <FlutterSocks> Well, now we don't have to search in different places for squirrels or provolone cheese.

04:57 <dj> lol

04:57 <hawthornbunny> FlutterSocks: you cannot be sciurus

04:57 <dj> \wat?

04:57 <Finwe> Sciurus vulgaris.

04:57 * FlutterSocks is totally sciurus

04:57 <Finwe> The common squirrel.

04:57 <Finwe> o3o

04:57 <dj> fluttersocks wana date?

04:57 <FlutterSocks> My heart belongs to Luna tho o.o

04:58 <dj> :'( ok

04:58 * Finwe noms on ThatAnonPony's tail.

04:58 <FlutterSocks> she stole my socks. i mean my heart.

04:58 <dj> plz

04:59 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

04:59 * Finwe boops ThatAnonPony.

04:59 <Finwe> o3o

04:59 <dj> fluttersocks <3

04:59 * ThatAnonPony nose-wiggle.

04:59 <FlutterSocks> <3?

05:00 <dj> its a heart

05:00 <FlutterSocks> <3E> hearts touching

05:00 <dj> no

05:00 <FlutterSocks> <8> merged hearts

05:00 <dj> wat??????

05:01 <dj> 3-----------

05:01 <dj> oh

05:01 <hawthornbunny> <3£>

05:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Merger Talks Between Dreamworks Animation and Hasbro End [ http://tinyurl.com/qzklabg ]

05:02 <dj> so plz date me:'(

05:02 <FlutterSocks> i cannae~

05:02 <dj> flutter

05:03 <FlutterSocks> :<

05:03 <dj> dose that mean i can?

05:04 <FlutterSocks> You're silly. How about a hug?

05:04 <dj> ok

05:04 *** Joins: Tirek1 (Tirek@Pony-21rtcu.east.verizon.net)

05:04 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-s2djs1.east.verizon.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Tirek1!Tirek@Pony-21rtcu.east.verizon.net)))

05:04 * FlutterSocks hugs muchly :3

05:04 *** Tirek1 is now known as Tirek

05:05 *** Quits: Apologue (Books@the_Library) (Connection closed)

05:05 <dj> i w

05:05 *** Joins: Apologue (Books@the_Library)

05:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Apologue

05:05 <FlutterSocks> o.o

05:05 <Classic_M> Modern teens at the gym http://u.kahvipaketti.com/u/40267226658.jpg

05:06 <dj> MY COUSIN DID  THAT

05:06 <dj> HE TRIN TO MESS ME UP

05:07 <dj> FLUTTER

05:08 <Princess-Luna> Rather a lot of caps there

05:08 <Princess-Luna> simply disengage thy caps lock, and all is well! ;3

05:08 <dj> soory

05:08 * Princess-Luna patpats the silly pony

05:08 * FlutterSocks collects the caps "YES! Now I can afford a sniper rifle upgrade"

05:09 <dj> snper rifle can i have it

05:09 <FlutterSocks> noe. you take this cowboy repeater, i dont want it no more

05:09 <dj> deal

05:10 <dj> kiss?

05:10 <FlutterSocks> also this cup, this pencil, and i think i have a few cigarette packs

05:10 * FlutterSocks gives a chuu-chuu on the kiss

05:10 <dj> deal

05:10 *** Princess-QRS is now known as BathRS

05:10 <dj> to the cgs

05:10 <FlutterSocks> *on the cheek

05:10 <dj> cgs

05:10 <dj> cigs

05:11 <dj> stop cusin

05:11 <FlutterSocks> yknow in fallout, how good could the cigarettes possibly be sitting out in the weather like that for years after a nuclear winter

05:11 *** Joins: init3 (jason@Pony-lcmpub.dyn.centurytel.net)

05:11 <dj> I love fallout

05:11 <FlutterSocks> i get booze, its in a bottle and aged already, but cigarette cartons?

05:12 <wobniaR> Magic

05:12 <dj> lets play spin the bottle

05:12 <FlutterSocks> thats fun to play with a full bottle of soda

05:13 <FlutterSocks> last person unkissed has to open it

05:13 <dj> have a vending machine at my place

05:13 <FlutterSocks> See i play my party games hardcore

05:13 *** wallower is now known as wallower|ded

05:13 <FlutterSocks> beer pong? scotch whisky pong.

05:14 <dj> yes

05:14 <dj> and idk sex

05:14 <FlutterSocks> ahem

05:14 <dj> wat?

05:14 <dj> plz

05:14 * Sketchy_Sounds clears his throat loudly

05:15 <dj> what?

05:15 <Sketchy_Sounds> dj, I strongly suggest that you turn your sentience knob up several notches if you wish to remain here. I mean, I am willing to believe that you are an intelligent human being, however my disbelief will not brook further suspension.

05:16 <dj> what i know how to party bro

05:16 * FlutterSocks drapes over Sketchy_Sounds' neck like a scarf. or an albatross.

05:16 <Sketchy_Sounds> I am not your "bro".

05:16 <dj> ?

05:17 <Sketchy_Sounds> I am the administrator of this channel, and I will not tolerate idiocy.

05:17 <dj> my bro said plz not me

05:17 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-6g2d5p.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

05:17 <Sketchy_Sounds> I have a question for you.

05:17 <FlutterSocks> or idiosyncrasies or discussions about the movie Idiocracy

05:17 <dj> idk that movie

05:18 <Sketchy_Sounds> Have you more or less completed high-school level education, dj?

05:18 <dj> yes

05:18 <Sketchy_Sounds> And are you, at this current moment, utilising a PC with a full keyboard?

05:18 <dj> yes i am

05:18 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-1dr4i7.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:19 <Sketchy_Sounds> Then enlighten me, if you will, as to what malignancy is causing you to mangle your English so horrendously.

05:19 <dj> i felt like it

05:19 * FlutterSocks chomps popcorn

05:19 *** Mystic_Nocturne is now known as ThunderStrike

05:20 *** Quits: Raid|2 (Raid@Pony-d2b.78q.123.91.IP) (Connection closed)

05:20 <dj> so to my place? OR WHAT?

05:20 <Sketchy_Sounds> Hmm, so your rationale is that if someone "feels like it", that is a valid excuse?

05:20 <dj> no

05:20 * Solo_Act offers FlutterSocks salt for the popcorn; has popcorn of his own. this is gold.

05:20 <dj> possibly

05:20 <Sketchy_Sounds> Because you see, right now I feel like ejecting you.

05:20 * FlutterSocks accepts ^_^ also butter.

05:20 <dj> no plz!

05:21 <Sketchy_Sounds> It is a feeling that is growing with every line that come from you.

05:21 <Sketchy_Sounds> **comes from

05:21 *** BathRS is now known as Princess-QRS

05:21 * Solo_Act shakes Princess-QRS until they're dry!

05:21 <dj> ok, and?

05:22 * FlutterSocks detects troll.

05:22 * Princess-QRS is shaken dry!

05:22 *** Quits: RainbDed (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:22 <Sketchy_Sounds> What I'm trying to convey is that if you want to remain here, you should act in a manner more befitting someone of your age.

05:22 * Princess-QRS rolls

05:22 <dj> princess qrs its me your student

05:22 <Sketchy_Sounds> It would help a lot if you would make the effort to communicate properly.

05:22 <Princess-QRS> What are you talking aboot dj

05:23 <Sketchy_Sounds> There is no need to abbreviate your words or to neglect your punctuation when you have a full keyboard and an educated mind at your disposal.

05:23 <dj> y dont remember me?

05:23 <Sketchy_Sounds> And I see that my words are going unheeded. So be it.

05:23 <dj> im to lzy to write out the whole wrd

05:23 *** Sketchy_Sounds sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-sgfppc.wi.frontiernet.net

05:23 <Princess-QRS> Well then g...

05:23 *** Joins: Deadbane (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

05:23 * Princess-QRS spins the ChatCON to 2!

05:24 *** Quits: Solo_Act (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Deadbane)))

05:24 *** dj was kicked by Sketchy_Sounds (Take some time to develop some sapence, please.)

05:24 *** Deadbane is now known as Solo_Act

05:24 <Sketchy_Sounds> Ha, missed out the i. Oh well.

05:24 <Solo_Act> what'd i miss? did sketchy win?

05:24 <Solo_Act> yeah, he won.

05:24 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Better than nothing, mister Sketchy_Sounds

05:24 <Princess-QRS> Sketchy can't lose.

05:24 <Princess-QRS> It

05:24 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> As for me? Big day tomorrow

05:25 <Princess-QRS> It's like an ant picking a fight with an elephant, what'ya think is gonna happen?

05:25 * Solo_Act hugs sketchy; "It was thoroughly enjoyable to watch someone wax verbose in irritated fury. Most enjoyable."

05:25 * Solo_Act failed; redundancy. :/

05:26 <Sketchy_Sounds> Eh, I do that occasionally.

05:26 <Sketchy_Sounds> I'd hardly go so far as to term it fury. More like irritation.

05:26 <Finwe> Messrs Solo_Act, Jon-The_Bronynerd and Sketchy_Sounds.

05:26 * Finwe doffs his hat.

05:27 *** Joins: RainbDed (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

05:27 * Solo_Act glomps Finwe

05:27 * Finwe snuggles Solo_Act.

05:27 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Mr. Finwe.

05:27 * Jon-The_Bronynerd doffs his muffin hat.

05:27 <Finwe> I've stayed awake well past my ordinary bedtiem.

05:27 <Finwe> Might be a good idea to try and get some sleep now.

05:28 <Solo_Act> oh yeah, me too. I worked from 6pm to 6am this morning. I'm not used to being up past 2.

05:28 <FlutterSocks> welp, off to play games

05:28 *** Quits: FlutterSocks (FlutterSock@Pony-aacofo.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

05:28 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-0hdkna.ga.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)

05:28 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-kvm7hn.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:29 * Jon-The_Bronynerd isn't going to sleep yet, since his time is on AST

05:31 <Finwe> !lullaby

05:31 * DerpyBot carries Finwe off to bed

05:31 * DerpyBot tucks Finwe in and hums a lullaby

05:31 <Finwe> It's 04:30 EET.

05:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Donate Doubly with Nicole Oliver and Ingrid Nilson [ http://tinyurl.com/m7ym88m ]

05:33 <Solo_Act> 8:32pm where I am.

05:36 *** Quits: RainbDed (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:37 *** Joins: OwDash (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

05:38 <Sketchy_Sounds> Time I got some rest

05:38 <Sketchy_Sounds> G'night folks

05:39 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Bed!)

05:39 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Connection closed)

05:40 *** Joins: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-p0t.26u.85.91.IP)

05:40 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

05:41 * Princess-QRS boops Princess-Luna's nose!

05:42 *** Quits: wallower|ded (nlinhhidnlr@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:44 *** Quits: OwDash (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:44 * Princess-Luna scrunchymuzzles!

05:45 *** Joins: SweetieBelle (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

05:54 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

05:56 *** Quits: Solo_Act (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:56 *** Quits: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:57 *** Joins: Deadbane (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

05:57 *** Deadbane is now known as Solo_Act

05:59 <Solo_Act> is there a command to play so many lines of text before i entered a channel?

05:59 *** LightningCrash is now known as Cloud_Kicker

06:00 <SweetieBelle> Solo_Act: that's a channel mode that only the ops can enable or disable. Its on for some channels and not for others

06:00 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-0hdkna.ga.charter.com)

06:01 <Solo_Act> dang. worth the asking, though. thanks, SB.

06:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Cups: MLP: CCG The Crystal Games New Theme Decks - Part 1! [ http://tinyurl.com/kjac4pw ]

06:02 <SweetieBelle> ^.^

06:03 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-4of.7m4.29.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:04 *** Joins: Changeling24 (lqcrfpcfsaj@Pony-tj7.ess.177.128.IP)

06:05 *** Cloud_Kicker is now known as LightningCrash

06:06 *** Quits: Changeling24 (lqcrfpcfsaj@Pony-tj7.ess.177.128.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:10 <Solo_Act> it is far too quiet.

06:10 * Solo_Act bangs some drums!

06:13 *** Quits: ScarletSmile (iybtqtcbvfd@Pony-jovc8k.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: gnight everypony, Don't forget to Smile! sorry I didn't communicate much, been thinking bout stuff)

06:14 *** Rainy|Questing is now known as Rain|DancingWithAngels

06:17 *** Joins: OwDash (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

06:18 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (ytoxwphlbrf@Pony-1uln4s.cable.rcn.com)

06:19 *** Joins: MarcusGarciaWulfric (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net)

06:19 *** GigabitPony is now known as Thorin

06:19 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Hello everypony

06:20 <Muffin_Spectacles> MarcusGarciaWulfric: Ello

06:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> Anyone else do the 30% off dealie on Hot Topic's site today? Ended up ordering Luna and Celestia, for around 13.75 apiece, with store pickup when they come in in a few weeks.

06:23 <Thorin> I would have but they didn't have what I wanted

06:26 *** Joins: CTRLee (nhljraojxtk@Pony-a9c3n8.svil.netcampus.ca)

06:26 <Muffin_Spectacles> Thorin: I just pre-ordered Celestia and Luna. Hopefully I'll get them right before Thanksgiving, but most likely, the week after. :(

06:26 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:26 <CTRLee> Hey fellas

06:27 *** Quits: CTRLee (nhljraojxtk@Pony-a9c3n8.svil.netcampus.ca) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:27 *** Joins: CTRLee (nhljraojxtk@Pony-a9c3n8.svil.netcampus.ca)

06:27 *** Joins: Nosfera (xbghdcsbdfk@Pony-r77.1ob.52.73.IP)

06:27 <CTRLee> Hey fellas

06:28 <Thorin> yeah, I been wanting a RD wallet I seen on Etscy Muffin_Spectacles

06:28 <Nosfera> Hi!

06:28 <Thorin> Was hoping they would have it on HT but nope v.v

06:28 <CTRLee> I just went to my local comic shop today and they've sold out MLP Friends Forever 11...

06:28 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-gt1nmg.236-net.sccoast.net)

06:29 <Vulpor> Hey everyone

06:29 <CTRLee> Hey mann

06:29 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Hola Vulpor

06:29 <CTRLee> Anyways, I wanna ask all of you a question...

06:30 <CTRLee> More of a "Give me some advice" type...

06:30 <Vulpor> Hey CTRLee and MarcusGarciaWulfric

06:30 <Nosfera> ya?

06:30 <Vulpor> Shoot on the question

06:31 <CTRLee> I wanna go to the Ponycon NYC next year, but my mom is not trusting the idea of me going to a faraway convention solo...(I'm from Toronto, Canada)

06:31 <Muffin_Spectacles> Ah, I've seen dilemmas like this one before.

06:32 *** Quits: SweetieBelle (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Quit: Bye)

06:32 <Nosfera> do you have any brony friends who would go with you?

06:32 <CTRLee> I can't figure out the tickets and the hotels, and something like that...

06:32 <Vulpor> How old are you CTRLee

06:32 <CTRLee> Hmmm...From what it looks like I don't think so

06:32 <CTRLee> Vulpor: I'm 20.

06:32 <Nosfera> thats not really my erea. my brother is setting all that up.

06:33 <CTRLee> Because I have never been to any faraway convention solo, let alone dealing with the air tickets and hotels...

06:33 <Vulpor> Does your mom know your a brony

06:33 <Nosfera> how about anyone on facebook or social media who could go?

06:34 <CTRLee> Sort of...You see, I actually came from Hong Kong, and back there Ponies are not really a thing...

06:34 <CTRLee> So that makes me a "Hong Kong student studying in Toronto"

06:34 <CTRLee> My university is having a term break at Feb 16-20, but the con is at 14-16...

06:35 <CTRLee> Plus I don't know how many bronies are on campus...

06:35 <Muffin_Spectacles> I'd also look into what is involved if you're crossing the border as well.

06:35 <ADragonDreaming> Especially if you're in Toronto on a student visa.

06:36 <CTRLee> I have the US VISA, that's one thing I know.

06:36 <CTRLee> Plus Hong Kong students don't need a student VISA to stay, just a study permit

06:36 <Muffin_Spectacles> CTRLee: Still, best to know just in case. They may ask you to bring extra proof for inspections.

06:36 <ADragonDreaming> Cool.

06:36 <CTRLee> *Valid US Visa

06:36 <Nosfera> do you have anything like brony club in your collage?

06:37 <CTRLee> We have a brony group in Oshawa, and that includes my college, but the group is inactive...

06:37 <CTRLee> The closest one is in Toronto...

06:38 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

06:40 *** Joins: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

06:40 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-kvm7hn.orcon.net.nz)

06:41 <CTRLee> I have to explain to my mom first...

06:41 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP)

06:41 <CTRLee> I'm not sure if going to a faraway con solo is a good idea...

06:42 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> What could possibly go wrong

06:42 <CTRLee> I have never been to NYC before

06:42 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

06:43 <CTRLee> Plus, I still have to figure out the air tickets and hotel...

06:43 <CTRLee> So I am now in a tough situation...

06:44 <CTRLee> My mom also dismisses this as "not academical"...

06:44 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Well of course it isn't

06:44 <Princess-Luna> Honestly, it sounds like it's just not gonna happen

06:44 <ADragonDreaming> Well, strictly speking, it isn't.

06:44 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> But why should it have to be?

06:44 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> We don't even have to be strict, it's wide of the mark

06:45 <CTRLee> I am trying to convince my mom to let me go...

06:45 <CTRLee> She told me to ask my dad, who is more neutral towards that and he's the one who makes the ultimate decision...

06:46 <CTRLee> But it's hard to explain the fandom to my parents since MLP is not very popular in mainstream Hong Kongers...

06:46 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Tell them it's kind of like an anime convention, but for an American show

06:46 <CTRLee> Thanks

06:47 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-u7c.m5s.46.75.IP)

06:47 *** Quits: Solo_Act (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) (Quit: catch you guys later.)

06:48 <CTRLee> That shouldn't be a problem

06:48 * Princess-Luna dons security cap and dives into FNAF2 for a moment or two.

06:48 <CTRLee> Next barrier: going to a faraway con solo, in a unfamiliar environment.

06:49 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> CTRLee: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/678/203/4ef.jpg

06:50 <CTRLee> Hmmm...so that's for the "explaining to parents" part

06:50 <CTRLee> ?

06:50 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yeah, it's just somehing funny.

06:51 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> How would your dad react to you going to a convention for a cartoon for little girls?

06:51 <CTRLee> Surprisingly, he's fine.

06:51 * Muffin_Spectacles is somewhat being reminded of his 4-days at Comic-Con in 2000, followed by a bus trip cross-country back to Iowa...I saw, things.

06:51 <CTRLee> *with that.

06:51 *** thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

06:51 <CTRLee> (for me watching MLP)

06:52 <CTRLee> Otherwise if I'm in the deep south I would've got my skull bashed sooo hard.

06:52 *** Quits: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:52 <Vulpor> CTRLee first off let me just say welcome to our room. May your time here be as awesome as mine has. As for your folks explain to them how the fandom makes you feel that there are good people who just want to have fun with eachother

06:52 <Thelema5> Hi, everypony.  Hello, CTRLee.  Sorry to interupt.  Do carry one.

06:52 <Muffin_Spectacles> CTRLee: the reuptation of the South is prevalent even up there?

06:52 <Thelema5> *on

06:52 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:52 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

06:52 <CTRLee> Well, at least from the Bronies documentary

06:53 <CTRLee> *what I know

06:53 <Vulpor> The reputation of the South is very well deserved

06:53 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> CTRLee: have you seen the documentary called Bronies? There's a southern kid who has to tell his dad he wants to go to a con. It's pretty funny, John De Lancie meets the kid's dad and the kid ends up going.

06:53 <Vulpor> I live there

06:53 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Oh, hah

06:53 <Vulpor> It is Squidbillies in real life

06:53 <CTRLee> Fortunately for me it's kinda easy for me to explain the whole situation to them in Hong Kong as most people don't know about MLP there

06:54 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Is it Gone with the Wind in real life?

06:54 <Vulpor> Just one line

06:54 <Vulpor> They don't give a damn

06:54 <Kalastraer> hai

06:54 <CTRLee> Or in the other words, he basically don't give a crap about what I like as long as it's harmless.

06:55 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Cool

06:55 <CTRLee> I know this is a lengthy discussion

06:55 <CTRLee> I will probably get off now while I'm waiting for my parents to get back to me

06:56 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-gt1nmg.236-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:56 <CTRLee> I will get back as soon as I get a response from my parents.

06:56 *** Quits: CTRLee (nhljraojxtk@Pony-a9c3n8.svil.netcampus.ca) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:59 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-vel624.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:01 <ADragonDreaming> Alright. Let's see if I can get through this frustration of a section.

07:01 *** Quits: Rain|DancingWithAngels (raindancer1@theelementofgenerosity) (Quit: )

07:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #408 [ http://tinyurl.com/nyxznz7 ]

07:04 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (snqhwmmdqun@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

07:03 <BubbleBerry> Yo, yo, yo.

07:05 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

07:05 <WoeGryphon> from now on

07:05 * screenaholic tackles Bubble for cuddles.

07:06 <WoeGryphon> trixie shall be nicknamed, THE trixster http://i.4cdn.org/mlp/1415843547214.png

07:06 * BubbleBerry cuddles screen

07:06 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yo, BubbleBerry

07:06 <BubbleBerry> So, I started playing the CoD Blops II

07:06 <screenaholic> ...I have eaten to much chocolate...

07:06 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> WoeGryphon: you better believe she's got tricks up her sleeve

07:06 <BubbleBerry> And I also got to get my grubby little hands on the Advanced Warfares

07:06 *** Quits: Jandal|CHEF (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:06 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWF2JBb1bvM

07:06 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

07:06 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Sainsbury's OFFICIAL Christmas 2014 Ad

07:07 <screenaholic> My stomach does not feel fantastic.

07:07 <BubbleBerry> I got more than one kill in Advanced Warfare's MP. It was freaking great

07:07 <BubbleBerry> Way better than that stupid retarded terrible Ghosts game

07:07 <BubbleBerry> Also, there's less stupid snipers and I've got more mobility and stuff

07:08 <WoeGryphon> bub.

07:08 <WoeGryphon> Wait for the game.

07:08 <WoeGryphon> wait for it.

07:08 <BubbleBerry> Also, there's lasers~<3

07:08 <WoeGryphon> The Division.

07:09 <BubbleBerry> Oh, yeah, that new Tom Clancy(tm) game

07:09 <WoeGryphon> the last Tom Clancy game.

07:09 <WoeGryphon> as the man died.

07:09 <BubbleBerry> Oh, man.

07:09 *** Cloud_Zephyr[NLR] is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

07:09 <WoeGryphon> only game that the CDC tried to sink.

07:09 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Ian Fleming is dead but there are still Bond films; think it's really the end of Tom Clancy games?

07:09 <BubbleBerry> Still, I'm totally gonna get The Division

07:10 <screenaholic> I bet you there will still be more Tom Clancy games.

07:10 <screenaholic> Or at least, games with "Tom Clancy" in the title.

07:10 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-pf09gb.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:10 <BubbleBerry> moar ghost recons

07:10 <BubbleBerry> We can't let the ghost recons die

07:11 <WoeGryphon> this is the last one he will have written.

07:11 <BubbleBerry> Yeah

07:11 <BubbleBerry> Still, I really liked Advanced Warfare's multiplayer

07:11 <BubbleBerry> I think I might even buy the game for myself

07:12 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RujvfS7g0P4

07:12 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

07:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Ayreon - "Forever" of the stars

07:13 <screenaholic> Yo Woe, thinking about applying at a couple gun stores/ranges. Any thing in particular I should do, other than what I would do applying anywhere else?

07:13 <BubbleBerry> Unfortunately, when I played on a level with a fish tank in it, the fish had no AI. 5/10

07:16 <BubbleBerry> Still, I really, really, really liked Advanced Warfare, and I can't wait to play it some more.

07:16 <BubbleBerry> inb4 IGN

07:16 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I have a question for you active folk. What are you reading lately? Of both fanfic and regular books.

07:17 <screenaholic> The original Sherlock Holmes stories, A Song of Ice and Fire, and Don Quixote de La Mancha if you're including audio books.

07:17 <screenaholic> Also recently read Accidental Harmony, decent OctaScratch fic.

07:18 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Ooh. I've only read Sherlock Holmes of those.

07:18 <BubbleBerry> MarcusGarciaWulfric: I'm currently working my way through an Edgar Allen Poe omnibus, and A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess

07:18 <screenaholic> I just finished The Sign of Four, will probably start on The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in the next couple days.

07:18 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Poe is good. After reading Lovecraft with my 10-year-old sister, I pulled out some Poe, but his language was much more advanced so she didn't really like it.

07:19 <screenaholic> Ugh, brb.

07:19 <BubbleBerry> You wanna see advanced language? Read A Clockwork orange... goddamned Nasdat...

07:20 <jamis> !link clockwork

07:20 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/410664

07:20 <jamis> You disappoint me derpy.

07:21 <Knewred> Can you guys think of a horse pun for America?

07:21 <Knewred> or the U.S. or anything

07:21 <BubbleBerry> Manehatten

07:21 <Knewred> It has to be original- it's not part of Equestria

07:22 <Knewred> If I really can't do better I could go with New Manehattan, but I'd rather not unless I was really stuck :/

07:22 <WoeGryphon> screen, stress that your reliable, honest and like hard work.

07:22 <WoeGryphon> Be a good employee first and foremost.

07:22 <Knewred> No one?

07:22 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:23 <jamis> WoeGryphon!

07:23 <Princess-Luna> Amareica! :P

07:23 <jamis> ^

07:23 <Knewred> Thank you!

07:23 * jamis is not a mare.

07:23 <Knewred> Thats great actually

07:23 * jamis checks to makes sure.

07:23 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

07:23 <Knewred> Thanks :)

07:23 <Knewred> "Amareican" doesn't sound quite as good, but oh well *shrugs*

07:24 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

07:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

07:24 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> BubbleBerry: I've heard that his slang sounds really convincing and it's one of the things people like most about the book. How do you like it?

07:24 <Knewred> Works in the context I need it

07:24 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: Americolt

07:24 <jamis> Why you looking for america puns?

07:24 * jamis spots an Ali

07:24 <BubbleBerry> It's convincing, and it helps build the world burgess tries to create, but I'll be damned if it isn't confusing as hell on the first read.

07:24 <WoeGryphon> Hello Jamis.

07:24 * MarcusGarciaWulfric sings the Team America song

07:25 <Knewred> I prefer Amareica, sorry

07:25 <Knewred> They're both good tho

07:25 <WoeGryphon> incidentally, I just finished "The balkans" by Misha Glenny, highly reccomend it.

07:25 <WoeGryphon> very insightful.

07:25 <Knewred> I'm planning out a fic I was going to write

07:25 <Knewred> And jotting down the main notes for my main characters and the time loop thing which is a little hard to explain

07:25 <Nosfera> hi again!

07:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Hey Nosfera

07:26 <Knewred> But yeah

07:26 <Knewred> Hi

07:26 <jamis> !seen kook

07:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: a little hard? I still don't understand Primer.

07:26 <DerpyBot> jamis: The last time I saw kook was 2014-11-14 23:08:05 UTC

07:26 <Knewred> ?

07:27 <Knewred> What do you mean?

07:27 <screenaholic> !hug

07:27 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

07:27 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around screenaholic in a tight embrace

07:27 <Knewred> Oh

07:27 <Knewred> Um... yeah. It's a little hard :/

07:27 <Knewred> It makes sense in the story

07:27 <Nosfera> i might be on a little, but im going to watch "the boy in the stripped pajamas", so i probably wont be on for about two hours. though you can boop me or whatever if you want to.

07:27 <Knewred> Well, I hope it does when I get to writing...

07:27 <Knewred> The stripped pajamas?

07:27 <Knewred> Hoping you mean striped

07:28 <Nosfera> yes i do

07:28 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Nosfera: spoiler: it's a sad movie

07:28 <Nosfera> lol i know

07:29 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> WoeGryphon: that sounds like an interesting book

07:29 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Nationalism is an interesting thing

07:30 *** Thorin is now known as GigabitPony

07:31 * screenaholic looks at Nosfera. "So is that supposed to be a r63 name for Nosferatu? Because that's what it looks like."

07:32 *** Joins: Pony_66840 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

07:33 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-vel624.east.verizon.net)

07:33 <Nosfera> no, people keep asking that kind of thing. Nosfera is my OC's name.

07:34 <WoeGryphon> Its very in depth.

07:34 <WoeGryphon> which I like

07:34 <WoeGryphon> because the Balkans, are nuts and complicated.

07:34 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-s2v.2oh.156.175.IP)

07:34 <screenaholic> http://www.thsh.co.uk/files/images/applicationfiles/5343.6865.31OctHalloweenNosferatuandEllen/630x44.fitwithoffset.jpg Does she look like this?

07:35 <screenaholic> Also, funny enough, about 50% of the Google image results for "nosferatu r63" are pony pictures.

07:35 <Nosfera> idk the link didnt work

07:36 <screenaholic> http://www.nosferatuscoffin.com/portal/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/nosferatularge.jpg How about this one?

07:36 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> From what I'm seeing, Nosferatu must be a kind of fighter jet

07:36 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (snvsvveybty@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

07:36 <aqualycool22> Back from FNM!

07:36 <Nosfera> lol no

07:36 <screenaholic> Nosfertu is a vampire.

07:37 <screenaholic> The movie is a black and white classic.

07:37 <Nosfera> shes a vampire, and Nasfera is taken from the latin word 'Nosferato", witch means vampire.

07:37 <jamis> !link vampire

07:37 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/599735

07:37 <screenaholic> So it pretty much is a 63 name for Nosferatu.

07:37 <screenaholic> Or close enough to it.

07:38 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Bram Stoker is the first person to use the word Nosferatu

07:38 <screenaholic> http://content9.flixster.com/movie/28/92/289207_det.jpg I should watch Nosferatu.

07:38 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> It's suspected he got it from Romanian folk stories

07:38 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> So I should say first to use it in print

07:39 <screenaholic> You guys remember that episode of Spongebob when Nosferatu kept flicking the lights on and off, and Spongebob was like "Oh you Nosferatu."

07:39 <BubbleBerry> I need to watch Citizen Kane.

07:39 <screenaholic> Was anyone else super confused by that when they were a kid?

07:39 <BubbleBerry> How the hell have I not seen Citizen kane?

07:39 <screenaholic> I haven't either.

07:39 <BubbleBerry> screenaholic: I totally understood that

07:39 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I haven't seen Citizen Kane either

07:40 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I also find this quite baffling

07:40 <BubbleBerry> I mean, granted, by the time I understood that, I was, like, 9, but still.

07:40 <screenaholic> I was just a babby, I didn't know who Nosferatu was.

07:40 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> What's this cutie mark? http://www.deviantart.com/art/DustyKatt-Autograph-Pic-494292865

07:40 <screenaholic> I believe those are pistons.

07:40 * Twilight_Shimmer booops Finwe

07:40 <screenaholic> They're the thing that make engines go vroom.

07:40 <Thelema5> I agree... how have I never seen Citizen Kane?

07:40 *** Joins: TuxRug (TuxRug@TuxRug)

07:41 <screenaholic> Or cylinders, rather. Not pistons.

07:41 <jamis> https://derpiboo.ru/764891

07:42 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP)

07:42 <Thelema5> No, those would be pistons.  The cylinders would be what the pistons sit in.

07:42 <screenaholic> Ah.

07:42 <screenaholic> I don't engines.

07:42 * Twilight_Shimmer boops Princess-Luna and then Princess-QRS

07:42 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

07:42 <BubbleBerry> Thems is the things that am makes the engines go.

07:42 * BubbleBerry derps

07:42 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> If you're not careful, you'll learn something new everyday!

07:43 *** Joins: sahugani (irishcaffin@Pony-m0t.id5.34.174.IP)

07:43 <Thelema5> Me either, really.  But, I did have a ford with a blown piston.

07:43 <Thelema5> Which means, I know a piston when I see one.  :p

07:43 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Now that you say piston, I can see it. I've seen a cutaway of an engine before

07:43 <screenaholic> My uncle actually owns and runs his own auto shop.

07:44 <Thelema5> Nice.  Can he fix my car on the cheap?

07:44 <screenaholic> Which results in free engine work whenever I need it.

07:44 * Princess-QRS is booped!

07:44 <screenaholic> Sure, just drive down to GA from NY.

07:45 <Thelema5> I doubt my car would make it... but otherwise, I would love to!

07:45 <Thelema5> screenaholic, do you have Live Oaks around you?  With spanish moss?

07:46 <screenaholic> I can't really identify trees.

07:46 <Thelema5> Because, being a plant geek, that's what I think of when I think of GA.

07:46 <Princess-QRS> guys it's time for a video game funny.

07:46 <Princess-QRS> There's this unit in Wargame America has called the ATACMS that is a 2-shot missile system. Each missile can kill any unit, you just have to know where to put it.

07:47 <Thelema5> screeny: this- https://artfuss.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/live-oaks-4.jpg

07:47 <Princess-QRS> So I spent all round harassing a single enemy player on a 10v10 server, spotting and destroying all of his supply units.

07:47 <Princess-QRS> His tanks then ran out of fuel, and he called me a noob and quit.

07:47 <Princess-QRS> sooooo gooood

07:47 <screenaholic> I think I see those around rivers a lot, don't see moss like that anywhere else though.

07:48 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Thelema5: that's gorgeous. Where do these grow?

07:50 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

07:50 *** Joins: Nicktendonick_ (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP)

07:51 <Knewred> Hey, can you guys tell me what you think of my bio for my character for this thing I'm writing (and potentially come up with a better name?)

07:51 <Knewred> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1owu87cfj5VEmeOY_xBpyblB4oCfgSjITFdUYiPgKb8s/edit?usp=sharing

07:51 *** Quits: OwDash (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:51 *** Parts: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) ("Leaving")

07:51 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

07:51 <Princess-QRS> http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-better-ways-to-swallow-pills-20141110-story.html

07:52 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:53 *** Joins: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

07:53 <BubbleBerry> You know what always confuses me?

07:53 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ConfusionRift?

07:54 <BubbleBerry> When FPS characters who don't have glasses or goggles or a helmet with a visor can see lens flares

07:54 <BubbleBerry> It doesn't bother me, but I always find that weird after I stop playingh

07:55 <Princess-QRS> well it's because you, the player, are seeing what they see as if through a camera

07:55 <Princess-QRS> or something

07:55 <Knewred> Speaking of which, the presence of lens flares in MLP suggests Hasbro tails the ponies with cameras

07:55 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> BubbleBerry: they're actually cyborgs

07:55 <Knewred> Which is only a little creepy

07:55 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> wake up sheeple!

07:55 <BubbleBerry> MarcusGarciaWulfric: Well, Halo 4 has lens flares

07:55 <BubbleBerry> And Master Chief is a cyborg...

07:56 <BubbleBerry> Illuminati confirmed (2014) [wake up sheeple]

07:56 <Knewred> Anyway, so, whoever was "anonymous penguin" and was looking at the bio for the protagonist in the thing I'll be writing, what do you think?

07:57 <BubbleBerry> Anyways, I just find it weird when a soldier in the 1960's or WWII or the 1880s or whatever can see lens flares, and they don't even have glasses

07:57 <BubbleBerry> Unless... *gasp* Their eyes are cameras!

07:57 <Knewred> ...

07:58 <Knewred> *draws that as fast as possible*

07:58 <Knewred> Wouldn't that make you look like someone from FNAF?

07:58 * MarcusGarciaWulfric speaks into his label: "He knows too much. Request authorization for neutralization."

07:58 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> lapel*

07:58 <BubbleBerry> Nah, the guy from FNAF is probably just a 2 year old who has to compulsively shove his face into his iPad every 5 seconds.

07:59 <Knewred> I meant the toys

07:59 <BubbleBerry> Toys?

07:59 <Knewred> with their weird eyes

07:59 <Knewred> not toys sorry

07:59 <Thelema5> MarcusGarciaWulfric, sorry I was afk.  Live oaks with spanish moss grow mostly in the deep US south, especially in Georgia and Alabama

07:59 <BubbleBerry> Those aren't cameras. They're just weird fake eyes

07:59 <Knewred> I know, but you'd look like them

07:59 <Knewred> probably

07:59 <Knewred> Cuz cameras aren't exactly real eyes

08:00 <Knewred> and stuffs... it made sense in my head

08:00 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Thelema5: well now I want to live there. Never mind that I have http://www.utah.com/images/lf/panoCedarBreaks.jpg

08:00 * Princess-QRS leaps on Thelema5, and massages his back!

08:00 <Thelema5> Ooh, that's pretty.

08:00 <Thelema5> Not much plant life, though.  :)

08:00 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: read William Gibson. In the future, all the cool kids will have camera eyes, made by Zeiss-Ikon

08:01 <Thelema5> Oopf!

08:01 <Thelema5> and Oooh

08:01 <Princess-QRS> goodpone

08:01 <BubbleBerry> Knewred: Maybe in FNAF 2, because they have crime databases or some crap, but in FNAF, they're just weird glass eyes or some crap.

08:01 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Thelema5: it's there, although when I first moved here I thought the place was dead and lifeless

08:01 <Knewred> mhm

08:01 <Thelema5> Yeah, life has a way of finding niches, MarcusGarciaWulfric.

08:03 <Knewred> I'm tempted to either make this or the google docs planning sheet for my fic smaller so I can work on both at once

08:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #170 [ http://tinyurl.com/menmlz2 ]

08:03 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> But because it's comparatively hard for humans to live in the desert, its natural beauty remains unspoiled

08:04 * BubbleBerry gives Knewred a fake-ass looking rainbow dash doll

08:04 <Knewred> Yay?

08:05 * BubbleBerry rolls away, as the doll barely tracks to Knewred's hands

08:05 <Knewred> I'm trying to arrange this so I can see both this and my charachter bio at the same time :P

08:05 <Knewred> Not really wroking out

08:06 <Knewred> working*

08:06 <Knewred> Alright, I guess that's a bit better

08:06 <Knewred> I can't see much chat history but me

08:06 <Knewred> meh*

08:06 <BubbleBerry> I'mma go play the Calls of Duties. See ya'll

08:06 <Knewred> Cya

08:06 <BubbleBerry> How do I do an exit message again?

08:07 <BubbleBerry> Argh, whatever.

08:07 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (snqhwmmdqun@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:07 <RazorSharpFang> /quit (MESSAG HERE)

08:07 <RazorSharpFang> Aw

08:07 <RazorSharpFang> Couldn't wait 5 sec

08:07 <Knewred> XD

08:07 <Knewred> Hey, does any1 want to look over my character bio for this fic I'm writing and help me come up with a better name?

08:08 <Knewred> The current one is kind of very ****.

08:08 <Knewred> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1owu87cfj5VEmeOY_xBpyblB4oCfgSjITFdUYiPgKb8s/edit?usp=sharing

08:09 <RazorSharpFang> I'm going to compete in a game jam! Whoo!

08:09 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I'll look at it Knewred

08:09 <Knewred> Thanks

08:09 <Knewred> The top page is the bio, the rest is other stuff

08:10 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Amareicans don't say mum

08:10 <screenaholic> Indeed we do not.

08:10 <aqualycool22> I call my mom "Dude" all the time... XD

08:10 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yeah, that's what we call our mothers here

08:10 <screenaholic> If an American says "mum", they're saying it with a bad British accent.

08:11 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> You should replace 'mum' with 'dude'

08:11 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yeah there you go

08:11 <Knewred> There, fixed it XD

08:12 <Knewred> That's mostly unrelated to the plot but unfortunately I still need it :P

08:12 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Other than that the bio is good

08:12 <Knewred> That smiley is so annoying!

08:12 <Knewred> Thanks

08:12 <screenaholic> "Oi govena! After I go to the 'loo um gonna go have tea and cumpets with me mum in 'er flat!"

08:12 <Knewred> Got any better names tho?

08:12 *** Joins: Nexie (Lily@Spooky)

08:13 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yeah, Ian

08:13 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> or Marcus

08:13 <aqualycool22> When I do my brit accent I say "Crickey!" to pay respects to the one who hunts aligators... o3o

08:13 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> aqualycool22: because that guy is british

08:13 <screenaholic> That's not Brit, that's Australlian.

08:13 <aqualycool22> They sound the same, Sorry.

08:14 <screenaholic> Close enough.

08:14 *** Quits: Nexie (Lily@Spooky) (Connection closed)

08:14 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/181/367/closeenough.png

08:14 <Knewred> I love how Americans know more about Australian accents than Australians XD

08:15 <screenaholic> Did you know that Australia is just a giant prison?

08:15 <Knewred> How so?

08:15 <Knewred> Oh, you mean in the 1800s

08:15 <screenaholic> It's still a prison.

08:16 <Knewred> How so?

08:16 <RazorSharpFang> I have no idea what an accent is.

08:16 <screenaholic> Nevermind.

08:16 <RazorSharpFang> Like, people talk differently.

08:16 <RazorSharpFang> And apparently people have a name for that.

08:16 <Knewred> Pretty much, yeah

08:16 <screenaholic> Is it really that complicated a concept?

08:16 <RazorSharpFang> And apparently, it just so happens that quite a lot of people from the same region speak in a certain way.

08:16 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> RazorSharpFang: if it's different enough, it's a dialect

08:17 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> And a language is a dialect with an army

08:17 <Thelema5> MarcusGarciaWulfric, that's brilliant!

08:17 <RazorSharpFang> And apparently, I have a Scottish/English accent.

08:17 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> "A language is a dialect with an army and navy" -- Max Weinreich

08:17 <screenaholic> It's not a coincedence. You learn how to talk from people around you. If two people with identical genes were raised in different places they would sound very differently.

08:17 <RazorSharpFang> Despite me being Australian, and never going there.

08:18 <Princess-QRS> https://derpibooru.org/764945

08:18 <Kalastraer> hey QRS guess what

08:18 * Kalastraer mega hugs Princess-QRS

08:18 <Kalastraer> i hugge dyou

08:18 <Knewred> Apparently, I have this wild mish-mash of accents varying all the way from French to Russian

08:18 <RazorSharpFang> Like, people from the same SUBURB as me are surprised at how I talk.

08:18 * Princess-QRS is hugged! Boops Kalastraer!

08:18 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

08:18 * Kalastraer is booped! noms QRS!

08:18 * Princess-QRS tastes good!

08:19 <screenaholic> There are, of course, the occasional out liers who don't quite fit in their region's accent.

08:19 <Knewred> how did you do the action thing again? Temporarily forgot.

08:19 <Knewred> In Australia, if you meet someone with an Australian accent it's this major "WTF" thing.

08:19 <screenaholic> I, for example, have had EVERY person I have EVER met ask me where I'm from because of how I sound.

08:20 <RazorSharpFang> Knewred: Except I'm an Australian without an Australian accent.

08:20 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-s2v.2oh.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:20 <Knewred> No one in Australia has an australian accent :/

08:20 <RazorSharpFang> Mine is a mixture of Scottish, or English.

08:20 <Knewred> it's not just you

08:20 <RazorSharpFang> Also, American.

08:20 *** Quits: Apologue (Books@the_Library) (Connection closed)

08:20 <screenaholic> What are you taking this from, Knew?

08:20 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> screenaholic: if I meet you I won't ask

08:20 <Knewred> Personal experience

08:21 *** Joins: Apologue (Books@the_Library)

08:21 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Apologue

08:21 <Knewred> Though I realise in less densely populated areas it might be different

08:21 <screenaholic> Because the "Australian accent" is, by definition, how the majority of Australians sound.

08:21 <Knewred> In Sydney and Canberra though...

08:21 <Knewred> Nah. It's a historic accent, but it's kind of died out now

08:21 <Knewred> We've got people from all around the world, and it's rubbed off on everyone

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08:22 <screenaholic> You're not thinking of an Austraulian accent, you're thinking of the comically exxagerated accent that people do when imitating Australians.

08:22 <RazorSharpFang> Austraulian?!

08:22 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POJtaO2xB_o

08:22 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:22 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Crocodile Dundee - That's not a knife

08:22 <Knewred> Well, yeah. But even if I wasn't talking about that, there's no real one accent in the AUS

08:22 <RazorSharpFang> Neither is there in America either.

08:23 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Also, the gangster in this scene talks in a way I associate with the 80s. Dunno if people still sound like him.

08:23 <Knewred> Well, America does have a lot of visitors and stuff

08:23 <RazorSharpFang> North, south, east west, there are variants.

08:23 <Knewred> and immigration

08:23 <Knewred> True, kind of

08:23 <screenaholic> Well it's a large, spread out country. Different areas of their own accent, but they all have something in common and are collectively the Australian accent.

08:23 <screenaholic> *areas have

08:23 <RazorSharpFang> Apparently, not mine, people do a double-take on my voice.

08:24 <RazorSharpFang> "Wait, say that again?"

08:24 *** Quits: Apologue (Books@the_Library) (Connection closed)

08:24 <Knewred> For western and southern areas they often do, but there's too much immigration in Sydney and Canberra for people to really make up their minds.

08:24 *** Joins: Apologue (Books@the_Library)

08:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Apologue

08:24 <RazorSharpFang> "Whoa, you're voice dude!"

08:24 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://aschmann.net/AmEng/

08:24 <Knewred> People think you are a voice?

08:24 <Knewred> Sorry, couldn't help myself

08:24 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> No, they think he's voice dude

08:24 <RazorSharpFang> No, they just say it weirdly.

08:24 <Knewred> Should be your*

08:24 <RazorSharpFang> So I spelled it weirdly.

08:24 <atgiermann> but who was fone?

08:24 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> But that would be Dan LeFontaine

08:24 <screenaholic> I suddenly have a very sore throat.

08:24 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-7qpmeh.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP) (Quit: Signal 9 happened)

08:25 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QPMvj_xejg

08:25 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:25 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Don LaFontaine: The Voice

08:25 <Knewred> There's a phonetic difference between your and you're?

08:25 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Americans who lived in the 90s will remember this guy's voice in everything

08:25 <RazorSharpFang> Knewred: There can be, if you want there to be.

08:26 <Knewred> ?

08:26 <Knewred> I... don't think it works like that

08:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: depends on your accent

08:26 <Knewred> Eeeugh, Ok?

08:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> My accent doesn't distinguish between cot and caught, but most outside of America do I think

08:26 <Knewred> Never heard of an accent like that but I guess I'll take your word for it.

08:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Although I don't actually know how they're said differently

08:27 <Knewred> the "o" in cot should be short, while it's a deeper sound for augh

08:27 <RazorSharpFang> cot != caught == court

08:27 <screenaholic> I say them the same too.

08:27 <screenaholic> Not court though.

08:27 <RazorSharpFang> For me it is.

08:28 <RazorSharpFang> I say caught and court the same.

08:28 <RazorSharpFang> Homophone.

08:28 <Knewred> There's a very minor difference between court and caught for me, and a pretty major one between cot and the other two

08:28 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Most American dialects are rhotic, that is, they sound the r in all positions of the word

08:28 <screenaholic> Indeed we do.

08:28 <screenaholic> We also don't pronounce the "h" in "herb."

08:29 <Knewred> I sometimes do

08:29 <screenaholic> Unless it's a guy's name.

08:29 <Knewred> Depends on how I feel at the time

08:29 <RazorSharpFang> screenaholic: That's so weird!

08:29 <RazorSharpFang> /h/erb!

08:29 <Knewred> Wait, really? I don't pronounce the h if it IS a name, but if it isn't I'll use either

08:29 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net)

08:29 <Knewred> What about then and than?

08:30 <screenaholic> We also still use the original name for aluminum, instead of "aluminium."

08:30 <screenaholic> Those are different.

08:30 <RazorSharpFang> I say them differently, Knewred

08:30 <Knewred> k

08:30 <RazorSharpFang> I say al-u-min-ium

08:30 <Knewred> Same for me, but a lot of my friends have them the same

08:30 <Knewred> I'm same as Razor

08:30 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I was reading The Secret Garden this week, and the characters often speak Yorkshire. I looked up the dialect on YouTube and found that Patrick Stewart is from there. Couldn't understand it very well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNfcoda8yKM

08:30 <screenaholic> American's only have one "i" in it, aluminum.

08:31 <RazorSharpFang> My spellchecker say it's wrong, screenaholic

08:31 <screenaholic> You're spell checker is foriegn, it has different spellings.

08:31 <RazorSharpFang> Do you mean 'aluminium'?

08:31 <Knewred> Yeah, well, my spellchecker says "colour" is wrong

08:31 <screenaholic> No.

08:31 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> RazorSharpFang: your spell checker is lacking the American spellings probably

08:31 <Knewred> It depends on the spellcheck

08:31 <screenaholic> We call it aluminum.

08:31 <RazorSharpFang> colour ftw

08:31 <Knewred> Eeyup

08:31 <screenaholic> Aluminum is the original name, until scientist changed it to better fit the other elements.

08:31 <RazorSharpFang> MarcusGarciaWulfric: It's on Aus, so that's why.

08:31 <Knewred> Do you guys use gray or grey?

08:32 <screenaholic> Some countries adopted the new name, some didnt'.

08:32 <Thelema5> Here is an interesting heat map of dialect differences in the US: http://spark.rstudio.com/jkatz/SurveyMaps/

08:32 <screenaholic> Half and half, knew.

08:32 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: both, but more commonly gray

08:32 <RazorSharpFang> Knewred: I use both, AT THE SAME TIME! (Not really...)

08:32 <RazorSharpFang> I use whichever I feel like at the time.

08:32 <Knewred> RazorSharpFang: "Graey"

08:32 <Knewred> XD

08:32 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Alright, when you guys say both, do you say boath, or bolth?

08:32 <screenaholic> Boath.

08:32 <RazorSharpFang> Boath, I guess.

08:32 <Knewred> bowth...

08:32 <RazorSharpFang> Where would the l come from?

08:32 <Knewred> Neither of the above

08:33 <screenaholic> Some people say bolth.

08:33 <RazorSharpFang> As in, boulth?

08:33 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEIp87zajwU

08:33 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:33 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Bolth!

08:33 <Knewred> What about offence and offense?

08:33 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> c

08:33 <screenaholic> Offense.

08:33 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> hmm

08:33 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I dunno

08:34 <Knewred> Those two words should really work like practice and practise, but they don't. So annoying.

08:34 <RazorSharpFang> Homophone, Knewred

08:34 <Knewred> Razor practice and practise are, offence and offense aren;t

08:34 <Knewred> aren't*

08:35 <RazorSharpFang> They are for me.

08:35 <Knewred> Really?

08:35 <Knewred> Lucky

08:35 <RazorSharpFang> Eeyup

08:35 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Do they mean different things Knewred?

08:35 <Knewred> Practise and practice? Yes

08:35 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> What?

08:35 <Knewred> Practise is the verb, and practice is the noun

08:35 <screenaholic> I've never seen "practise."

08:35 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Oh, we don't do that. Practice is bolth

08:35 <Knewred> So "I'm going to tennis practiCe" and "I'm going to practiSe my tennis"

08:36 <Knewred> Really?

08:36 <screenaholic> Indeed.

08:36 <Princess-Luna> It's a thing, lol

08:36 <Knewred> Usually people just ignore that rule

08:36 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

08:36 <Knewred> But it does exist

08:36 <RazorSharpFang> I had no idea.

08:36 <screenaholic> It's not a rule in America.

08:36 <RazorSharpFang> I never bothered with that.

08:36 <screenaholic> "Practise" isn't a word here.

08:36 <Knewred> I'm pretty sure it is, just no one follows it

08:36 <Knewred> Idrk tho

08:36 <screenaholic> No, it isn't.

08:36 <screenaholic> Maybe in England.

08:36 <Knewred> Ah k

08:36 <RazorSharpFang> It's probably not necessary, context will do the work.

08:36 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Language is what people make it, so if no one does it, it's no rule

08:37 <Knewred> *shrugs* I guess

08:37 <screenaholic> I before E except after C, or when sounding like A as in neighbor or weigh, and weekends and holidays and all through May, and you'll always be wrong no matter WHAT you say!

08:37 <screenaholic> BRB

08:38 <RazorSharpFang> What about weird?

08:38 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I remember some of those school mnemonics

08:38 <Knewred> When sounding like A?

08:38 <Knewred> Isn't it when it sounds like E?

08:38 <RazorSharpFang> Yes

08:38 <Knewred> not eh, but E

08:38 <RazorSharpFang> My bad

08:38 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> 30 days hath Septumber, April, June and no wonder. All the rest eat peanut butter, except Grandma, and she rides a bicycle!

08:38 <RazorSharpFang> Hath?!

08:38 <RazorSharpFang> HATH?!

08:38 <Knewred> ??

08:38 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I didn't make it up.

08:38 <Knewred> Oh

08:38 <RazorSharpFang> What are you, 160 years of age?!

08:39 <Knewred> XD

08:39 <Princess-Luna> It's part of the poem

08:39 <Knewred> I say hath too in that thing

08:39 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> The mnemonic might be.

08:39 <RazorSharpFang> But Hath?!

08:39 <Knewred> Hey, do you say zee or zed?

08:39 <Princess-Luna> It's an old poem. :P

08:39 <RazorSharpFang> Zeed

08:39 <Knewred> Hath is a fun word to say. Also, Princess Luna is offended XD

08:39 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Zee or the song wouldn't rhyme :-)

08:39 <Knewred> Zeed?

08:39 <RazorSharpFang> I figure if half of the population is going to look at me weird, it might as well be all of them.

08:39 <Knewred> Never heard that one before

08:40 <Knewred> XD

08:40 <Knewred> You know what I find annoying?

08:40 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Canadians say Zed even though they otherwise sound more like Americans than Brits to my ears

08:40 <Knewred> People's insistence that "thrice" is too old a word to use in a sentence.

08:40 <RazorSharpFang> Thrice?

08:40 <RazorSharpFang> Never heard that one

08:40 <Knewred> thrice, yes

08:40 <jamis> I slapped him thrice?

08:40 <RazorSharpFang> What's it mean?

08:40 <Knewred> Three times. Like twice.

08:40 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: 'sblood! if it's good enough for Shakespere, it's goon enough for me!

08:41 <RazorSharpFang> Oh. Makes sense.

08:41 <Thelema5> Goodnight, everypony.

08:41 <Princess-Luna> You know what really annoys me?

08:41 <Knewred> XD

08:41 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> good*

08:41 <RazorSharpFang> Never heard that one before though!

08:41 <Knewred> Goodnight

08:41 <jamis> Night Thelema5

08:41 <Knewred> Yeah?

08:41 <Princess-Luna> when people say ecscape

08:41 <Knewred> Ikr!

08:41 * Thelema5 quit

08:41 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:41 <RazorSharpFang> Princess-Luna: Ecscape? That's... an odd one.

08:41 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Princess-Luna: or ec setera?

08:41 <Princess-Luna> Yeah

08:41 <Thelema5> ... Hrm

08:41 <Princess-Luna> xD

08:41 <Knewred> Also, people using too, two and to incorrectly

08:41 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-gsb7vb.east.verizon.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Nine out of ten l33t h4x0rz prefer it)

08:41 <jamis> Etc!

08:41 <RazorSharpFang> Et-cetera

08:42 * MarcusGarciaWulfric pats Princess-Luna on the head reassuringly. "There, their, they're."

08:42 <Knewred> I can look past then and than, even loose and lose on occasion, but by the gods I swear if I see another person misuse to, two and too...

08:42 <Princess-Luna> He's saying it the way it irritates him, RazorSharpFang.

08:42 <jamis> Loose.

08:42 <RazorSharpFang> lolzies

08:42 <Knewred> Don't ask me how people get loose and lose mixed up

08:42 <Knewred> it's a thing

08:42 <RazorSharpFang> People keep using affect and effect wrong.

08:42 <Knewred> That too

08:42 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> My tablet's swipe typing gives me to when I want too. I hope someone comes up with an input method that lets you more easily disambiguate.

08:43 <jamis> Same way their and they're I guess.

08:43 <Princess-Luna> people are just wrong. :P

08:43 <RazorSharpFang> Tho, this is the best.

08:43 <RazorSharpFang> !s3

08:43 <DerpyBot> Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

08:43 <Knewred> Effect is the noun, affect the verb

08:43 <jamis> The human mind is weird.

08:43 <Knewred> it's the opposite of what makes sense but meh

08:43 <Knewred> Also, incorrect punctuation in fics (consistently)

08:43 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> RazorSharpFang: I haven't seen !s3 in so long. Didn't know/remember DerpyBot did that

08:43 <RazorSharpFang> The effects have been affected!

08:43 <Knewred> I actually read to the punctuation, so if someone misplaces a comma it throws me way off

08:44 <RazorSharpFang> And then the nouns were verbed!

08:44 <Knewred> XD

08:44 <Knewred> I wish people knew how to use semicolons tho

08:44 <Knewred> They're so darn useful

08:45 <Knewred> #semicolonforbestpunctuationmark

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08:45 *** chrysalis.canternet.org sets mode: +oaoo johnsey DerpyBot DerpyBot Googie

08:45 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

08:45 <RazorSharpFang> Whoa! Netslpit!

08:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lenfant_Sauvage

08:46 <Knewred> wth just happened?

08:46 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Except where it would create ambiguity, like "I talked to my brother, the doctor and the priest."

08:46 <RazorSharpFang> Netslpit.

08:46 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Colgate mentioned there'd be some netsplits for a little while

08:46 <Colgate> that wasn't them

08:46 <Lenfant_Sauvage> oh

08:46 <Knewred> Marcus what?

08:46 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Well then fooey

08:46 <Knewred> You mean semicolons?

08:46 <jamis> Oh hey!

08:46 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> If you say "I talked to my brother, the doctor, and the priest," it sounds like I could be saying my brother is the doctor.

08:46 <screenaholic> Aww, I missed netsplits.

08:46 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> What a netsplit

08:47 <Knewred> yeah

08:47 *** Joins: Golden (pjpntgelwsy@Pony-5dg.ai0.8.24.IP)

08:47 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Jon-The_Bronynerd: unfortunately no one can be told what a netsplit is. They have to see it for themself.

08:47 <RazorSharpFang> MarcusGarciaWulfric: Really, the speaker should speak in an unambiguous fashion.

08:47 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> I know what it is

08:47 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> It was just sudden

08:47 <Knewred> So you say "I talked to my brother; the doctor, and the priest" if you want to say your brother was the doctor

08:47 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Oh, I thought you were asking

08:47 <RazorSharpFang> I believe in the English language, the duty of communication is on the speaker.

08:47 <Jon-The_Bronynerd> Pfft no

08:48 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

08:48 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: no, semicolons don't work that way.

08:48 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

08:48 <Knewred> They can be

08:48 * Kalastraer stealth-hugs RazorSharpFang

08:48 <Knewred> There are, I think, three uses for semicolons

08:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> No.

08:48 * RazorSharpFang has been stealth-hugged.

08:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Both sides of a semicolon must be complete thoughts.

08:48 <jamis> !link colon

08:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> i.e. "I talked to my brother; the next day, he talked to the doctor and the priest"

08:48 * RazorSharpFang has been stealth-hugged; He is unsure of how to act.

08:49 <jamis> !hug

08:49 <Knewred> Like I said, multiple uses of semicolons

08:49 <screenaholic> I always learned that semi colons can also be used to indicate lists.

08:49 <Knewred> You can also use them as mega commas

08:49 <Knewred> And to show a connection between objects

08:49 <screenaholic> IE: My favorite vegetables are; broccoli, carrots, and Vegeta.

08:49 <jamis> That makes cents.

08:49 <Knewred> Vegeta? XD

08:49 <Lenfant_Sauvage> There's also "I talked to my brother, the doctor; my sister, the chef; and my mother, from human resources."

08:49 <jamis> Super commas.

08:49 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Lenfant_Sauvage: you can also use semicolons as a list separator if the items being listed have commas in theme

08:49 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yep.

08:50 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But you can't use a semicolon to just randomly replace commas.

08:50 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> screenaholic: that semicolon doesn't belong

08:50 <Knewred> That's what I meant by mega commas

08:50 <screenaholic> I think Leafant's right.

08:50 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Lenfant_Sauvage: I agree

08:50 <Lenfant_Sauvage> screenaholic: no punctuation is necessary there, and if you must absolutely have one, only the colon works.

08:50 *** Joins: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

08:50 <RazorSharpFang> This conversation about grammar has gone on for a while; I somewhat tire from it.

08:50 <Knewred> screens wasn't right, but you can use them to demonstrate a connection between objects

08:50 <RazorSharpFang> Mostly because I am tired.

08:50 <screenaholic> Yeah, I was wrong.

08:50 <Princess-Luna> lol

08:50 <Knewred> XD

08:51 <RazorSharpFang> Did I use it wrong?

08:51 * Lenfant_Sauvage boops? Razorsharpfang!!!!!! with unnecessARY PUNCTUATION AND CAPITAL Letters..

08:51 * RazorSharpFang DIES

08:51 <Lenfant_Sauvage> OH no what.? ever shall we do

08:51 *** DerpyBot sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com

08:51 *** Lenfant_Sauvage was kicked by DerpyBot (I only like spam when it comes with my muffins.)

08:51 *** DerpyBot sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-o88m63.optusnet.com.au

08:51 *** Knewred was kicked by DerpyBot (I only like spam when it comes with my muffins.)

08:51 <jamis> lol

08:51 <RazorSharpFang> Wait, what?

08:51 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> What did Knewred do?

08:51 <RazorSharpFang> I think Derpy malfunctioned.

08:51 <jamis> Derpy's lagging.

08:52 <Princess-QRS> we're all going to die

08:52 <Princess-QRS> Space Station 13 is a heck of a thing.

08:52 <Lycan> what happened

08:52 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Princess-QRS: soon? or just in general?

08:52 <screenaholic> Everyone will die.

08:52 <Princess-QRS> It's a game where 40 or so people try and run a futuristic space station, and 3-4 try and kill them all.

08:52 <screenaholic> You, me, them, everybody, everybody.

08:52 <Lycan> DerpyBot.exe has stopped responding

08:53 <Princess-QRS> This round I was the station AI, and managed to trap a shapeshifter.

08:53 <Princess-QRS> I told the crew, and ten guys with random tools showed up to beat him down.

08:53 <Princess-QRS> Then they cooked and ate him.

08:53 <Princess-QRS> game of the year

08:53 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Sounds fun

08:53 <Princess-QRS> yeah and now somebody just blew up the bridge with the captain inside

08:53 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://snapai.tumblr.com/post/75709233484

08:54 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/276040

08:54 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

08:54 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around jamis in a tight embrace

08:54 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> DerpyBot: lag!

08:54 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> laaaaaaag!

08:54 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-vel624.east.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)

08:54 <Lycan> !hug

08:54 <jamis> Future hugs!

08:54 <DerpyBot> I don't like you.

08:54 <RazorSharpFang> Gah, I have to be awake for 5 more hours...

08:54 <jamis> lol

08:54 <RazorSharpFang> I don't think I'll make it.

08:54 <RazorSharpFang> What can I do to keep myself awake and alert?

08:54 <jamis> .mlfw go to bed

08:54 <Princess-QRS> Snapai is so good.

08:54 <aqualycool22> A problem has been detected, And Muffins has shut down your Bot to make season 5.

08:54 <RazorSharpFang> jamis: I can't sleep, I have commitments to keep.

08:55 <jamis> You're going to keep them? Cool.

08:55 *** Quits: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-kvm7hn.orcon.net.nz) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:55 <aqualycool22> XD

08:55 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred did not return :-|

08:55 <RazorSharpFang> He's banned.

08:55 <RazorSharpFang> +b

08:55 <aqualycool22> What did he do?

08:56 <RazorSharpFang> Nothing

08:56 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Oh right, +b

08:56 <aqualycool22> ... Why is he banned for nothing? o_o

08:56 <jamis> Those bans are really short, but DerpyBot's lagging.

08:56 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> 5 min ban probably

08:56 <RazorSharpFang> Colgate: There's been 2 accidental bans. Do you think you can reverse them? I think 5 mins has already passed, and I'm nervous.

08:56 <Snapai> MarcusGarciaWulfric, wat? o.o

08:56 <aqualycool22> !seen Galena

08:56 <DerpyBot> aqualycool22: The last time I saw Galena was 2014-11-09 21:18:32 UTC

08:57 <Princess-Luna> 5 mins hasn't really passed

08:57 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Snapai: I didn't say anything

08:57 <jamis> Just ask ali or ADragonDreaming.

08:57 <Princess-Luna> it's been 2 at most

08:57 <aqualycool22> I wanna try something...

08:57 <RazorSharpFang> Oh.

08:57 <aqualycool22> !seen Knewred

08:57 <DerpyBot> aqualycool22: The last time I saw Knewred was 2014-11-15 05:48:55 UTC

08:57 <RazorSharpFang> My sense of time is whacked!

08:57 <aqualycool22> Aha!

08:57 <wobniaR> 5 minute mark just passed

08:57 * Ali has no control over the netsplits

08:57 <wobniaR> Derpy's not unbanning

08:57 <aqualycool22> So there's a possibility Galena was banned!

08:57 <jamis> She's lagging.

08:57 * Ali looks up

08:57 <jamis> Lenfant was banned too.

08:57 <Ali> Oh she's been banhappy again.

08:57 *** Ali sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-o88m63.optusnet.com.au

08:57 *** Ali sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com

08:58 <FruitNibbler> Oh Derpy

08:58 <Princess-Luna> xD

08:58 <FruitNibbler> So 6_9

08:58 *** Joins: Knewred (zpcwpzgujrg@Pony-o88m63.optusnet.com.au)

08:58 <jamis> !mail Ali Muffins

08:58 <Snapai> MarcusGarciaWulfric, you linked my tumblr :v

08:58 <DerpyBot> Mail delivered! Thank you for using the Derpy Mail Service 6_9

08:58 <RazorSharpFang> Knewred: Huzzah!

08:58 <Knewred> Ah, I'm back

08:58 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Snapai: oh, that I did

08:58 <jamis> Oh, she's working again?

08:58 <RazorSharpFang> Knewred: The bot did an oopsies.

08:58 <Knewred> I noticed XD

08:58 <aqualycool22> ...

08:58 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> because Lycan said DerpyBot.exe has stopped responding

08:58 <aqualycool22> POOTIS

08:58 * Lycan .exe has stopped responding

08:59 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

08:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lenfant_Sauvage

08:59 <screenaholic> http://macromeme.com/cat/fsadhj.jpg

08:59 * Lenfant_Sauvage patpats Derpybot.

08:59 <Knewred> Btw how do you do the bold names again? *mindblank*

08:59 *** Quits: Muffin_Spectacles (ytoxwphlbrf@Pony-1uln4s.cable.rcn.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:59 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: you probably mean /me

08:59 * Knewred test

08:59 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> It's only bold on some clients

08:59 <Knewred> No, I mean the reply thing

09:00 <Lycan> ummm... huh?

09:00 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Oh, if someone says your name your client might make the line bold for you

09:00 <Knewred> "Knewred: You probably mean /me" with the Knewred bolded

09:00 <Knewred> Ah

09:00 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I don't know why people have a hard time figuring this out, but

09:00 <Lenfant_Sauvage> When someone says your name, it highlights that line for yuou.

09:00 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Everything is plain text, if you see formatting it's your client

09:00 <Knewred> Lenfant probably since it doesn't highlight your own when you say it

09:01 <Knewred> So it seems inconsistent

09:01 <Lycan> My client makes the whole line BRIGHT YELLOW and pings me

09:01 <Knewred> After all, all we can test is with ourselves

09:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Well, no... because you wouldn't need a notification when you type your own name...

09:01 <Knewred> Ik, but it still makes it harder to test

09:01 *** Joins: EzzieMcSnezzie (Love@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

09:02 <Knewred> ... I have the Smile HD tune stuck in my head again :P

09:02 <Knewred> That smiley!

09:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That's nice, but be aware we don't really take kindly to that kind of content in this channel

09:02 <Knewred> Oh yeah

09:02 <Knewred> Derp

09:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> No probs.

09:03 <Knewred> Um... so... 'sup?

09:03 *** Quits: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-ub3.qel.46.95.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:03 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: one thing I always notice when watching a british show like Doctor Who is when someone asks, "why not do x?" and they reply "I could do." In AmE we'd say "I could," or "I could do that," or "I could do x."

09:04 <Knewred> I've never really noticed that, probably since I don't watch Dr.Who

09:04 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I am not saying it's a Doctor Who thing, I hear it other times when brits talk

09:04 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Sherlock would be another show I've heard it from

09:04 <RazorSharpFang> I can't do X

09:04 <Knewred> Yeah, but really, that and Rarity is about as far as I usually get to British stuff :P

09:04 <Knewred> That... smiley

09:05 <Princess-Luna> Rarity's not even british. :p

09:05 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Zero@Element.Of.Gaming) (Connection closed)

09:05 <Knewred> I should get used to using :/

09:05 <Knewred> She uses some British pronounciation tho

09:05 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Zero@Pony-ctq.686.41.24.IP)

09:05 <aqualycool22> Who's Knewred?

09:05 <aqualycool22> Yay! I new freind! .D.

09:05 <FruitNibbler> Rarity is composed of what a vintage american movie actrsses would be like on the screen

09:05 * Knewred points to a guy three miles away

09:05 * aqualycool22 Bats Knewred's tail.

09:06 <FruitNibbler> Pseudo-high society so to speak

09:06 <Knewred> Still has some British pronounciation though, either way

09:06 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Rarity speaks an old Hollywood style called Midatlantic

09:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Audrey Hepburne, to be specific

09:06 <FruitNibbler> Some, but it is still like saying bread is made out of eggs

09:06 *** Joins: Solo_Act (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

09:06 * EzzieMcSnezzie waves.

09:06 <Knewred> It litererally says in the script of the EQG RR to say it in the british fashion

09:07 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Hi everypony.

09:07 * Lenfant_Sauvage finds it too easy to sneeze on EzzieMcSnezzie.

09:07 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> The script is out?

09:07 <EzzieMcSnezzie> D:

09:07 <Knewred> I was just saying that was about as close as I get to British culture. A show I don't watch and someone who isn't British

09:07 * EzzieMcSnezzie wipes snot off his shoulder...

09:07 <Knewred> Yeah

09:07 <Solo_Act> Lenfant_Sauvage, Finwe, Princess-QRS.

09:07 <Knewred> it came out a while ago

09:07 * Solo_Act waveyhooves. ^_^/

09:07 * Princess-QRS boops Solo_Act

09:07 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Knewred: where is this script?

09:07 <EzzieMcSnezzie> So this is how you treat new ponies round here? hmph!

09:07 * Solo_Act explodes into confetti

09:07 * EzzieMcSnezzie gets cozy

09:08 <Knewred> It'll try and grab the link

09:08 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Hey Solo_Act

09:08 * EzzieMcSnezzie scoops up some confetti

09:08 <Knewred> Poor Solo... he died so young

09:08 <Solo_Act> bonjour, Marcus.

09:08 * EzzieMcSnezzie blows confettie into the air~

09:08 <EzzieMcSnezzie> *confetti

09:08 * Solo_Act eeps!

09:08 <Solo_Act> wrong channel for that.

09:08 * EzzieMcSnezzie tries to re-assemble some confetti and fails D:

09:08 * Solo_Act wags his finger scoldingly

09:08 <EzzieMcSnezzie> oh yeah

09:09 <EzzieMcSnezzie> :3

09:09 <Knewred> Ah, here it is!

09:09 <Knewred> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E2GdYttM5NRdP9R5hqmv_cBCAKdcJP8yWA7YsPYS7cE/edit

09:09 <Knewred> 71 pages. Because life.

09:11 <Knewred> Hello?

09:11 <Knewred> Welp, I think I may have just killed the chat.

09:11 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Did this guy Alan Back make this himself or did he steal it from Hasbro?

09:11 <FruitNibbler> Chat gets silent and slow at times

09:11 <EzzieMcSnezzie> *Watching Garfield and Friends

09:11 * jamis slow claps.

09:12 <Knewred> Ah, there it is

09:12 * Solo_Act wiggles.

09:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> May have just transcribed it as he watched.

09:12 <Knewred> idrk

09:12 *** Quits: Solo_Act (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) (Connection closed)

09:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Because that's DEFINITELY not what scripts look like. At least they're not normally typed in Times New Roman...

09:12 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> It has "stage directions" etc., not just lines, so...

09:12 <Knewred> Ah k. Oh well.

09:13 <Nosfera> ok. that was... unexpected.

09:13 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Well, reading some others of his, it seems like he did them himself

09:13 *** Joins: Solo_Act (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

09:13 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Welp, some people are just that dedicated. :p

09:13 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> In a season 1 transcript, he talks about why he doesn't call the princesses alicorns.

09:14 <Knewred> Mhm

09:14 <TuxRug> Anyone here been watching the Sonic Boom cartoon that's been on Cartoon Network...?

09:14 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> It's because of dedicated people like him that I got into anime. My start was reading text-only transcripts of the Inuyasha manga, including descriptions of what was going on in each panel.

09:14 <TuxRug> I'm watching it now and I have no kind words.

09:14 <Solo_Act> well, that document didn't kill the chat, but it did kill my cpu. had to reload this tab after everything stopped responding.

09:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I asked my friend if she was, since she's (was?) a Sonic fan

09:14 <Knewred> XD

09:14 <EzzieMcSnezzie> In a good way or bad?

09:15 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Tux?

09:15 <Knewred> It is 71 pages

09:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Said no. Probably because of the 7am airtime but still...

09:15 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> https://web.archive.org/web/20070422105324/http://www.wot-club.org.uk/trans/iv01/v01p01.html (some swearing)

09:15 <Nosfera> so... hi.

09:15 <Knewred> Hi

09:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> d-don't s-say sweahs...

09:15 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Heya Nosfera

09:15 * MarcusGarciaWulfric boops Lenfant_Sauvage with Wizard Swears

09:16 <TuxRug> EzzieMcSnezzie: Let me preface this by saying that the only Sonic cartoon I ever liked was the dark one with the Freedom Fighters, even in the height of my "gotta have everything that is even remotely related to Sonic, I even have to eat at Sonic" phase as a kid.

09:16 <Princess-Luna> Well, the episodes are on youtube

09:16 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Oh god, they are?

09:16 <Princess-Luna> Of course

09:16 <TuxRug> I'm having to pause Sonic Boom ever few lines of dialog and say "WTF REALLY?"

09:16 <Princess-Luna> why wouldn't the internet do that? XD

09:16 <Knewred> XD

09:16 <Lenfant_Sauvage> If I didn't have to pack so much this weekend...

09:16 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ... so tempted

09:17 <Princess-Luna> only 12 mins per ep

09:17 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (snvsvveybty@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You dont' understand, Luna

09:17 <TuxRug> The episodes are 12 minutes and there's only two released so that's something.

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I have to immerse myself into something like this

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ... oh.

09:17 <TuxRug> More coming though!

09:17 <Princess-Luna> Oh, Sonic Boom isn't an immersable cartoon that way

09:17 <Princess-Luna> think of it like a modern AOSTH

09:17 <ADragonDreaming> AOSTH?

09:18 <Knewred> I gtg now

09:18 <Princess-Luna> The old sonic cartoon, which was crazy and had a very thin line of plot overlayed into a series of comic events

09:18 <Knewred> Cya all

09:18 *** Quits: Knewred (zpcwpzgujrg@Pony-o88m63.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:18 <TuxRug> The first episode, Eggman knocks on Sonic's door, tells him his lab of contraptions designed to end Sonic blew away in a storm, and ASKS TO SLEEP OVER.

09:18 <TuxRug> AND SONIC SAYS YES>

09:18 <Princess-Luna> ^

09:18 <Princess-Luna> Stuff like that

09:18 <ADragonDreaming> Sonic Boom is what?

09:18 <Princess-Luna> Comedy.

09:18 <Princess-Luna> not even sonic x levels, lol

09:18 <ADragonDreaming> No, but, who made it?

09:19 <TuxRug> And Amy sets back female characters in TV by about two generations.

09:19 <Princess-Luna> Big Red button or something

09:19 * Princess-Luna shrugs

09:19 <Lenfant_Sauvage> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTLb18BmYHE

09:19 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

09:19 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Sonic Boom Episode 1 HD

09:19 <Lenfant_Sauvage> welp

09:19 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-rod7it.ph.cox.net)

09:19 <TuxRug> It's a SEGA/OuiDO!! production, as you will see in subtitle font during the first few seconds of a rediculously half-baked intro.

09:19 <Solo_Act> 0.o

09:20 <TuxRug> HD link? I'm watching it on the Cartoon Network site in SD. I'm switching.

09:20 <Princess-Luna> Sonic fandom is in outrage that this is still being a thing, lol

09:20 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Is that seriously the intro?

09:20 <TuxRug> OuiDO is a pun, since it's a French animation studio and all.

09:20 <Princess-Luna> yep

09:20 <TuxRug> Yes.

09:20 <Princess-Luna> the show pretty much follows that kinda style

09:20 <wobniaR> I miss gotta go fast

09:21 <TuxRug> That's episode 2 according to Cartoon Network's website. I'll watch the youtube one next.

09:21 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://drawponies.deviantart.com/art/Trixie-and-Derpy-Colored-494004777

09:21 <TuxRug> Episode 2 on that same Youtube channel is the one listed as first on Cartoon Network's site.

09:21 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Eggman sounds like the TF2 Soldier

09:21 <TuxRug> I don't think there's continuity to worry about.

09:21 <Lenfant_Sauvage> And it's really distracting

09:21 <Princess-Luna> It's mike pollock, still

09:22 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Lol "I have to eat at Sonic" that was classic :D

09:22 <Solo_Act> hang on, is this the new show with knuckles' chest dimensions messed up for no reason?

09:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> yus

09:22 <Princess-Luna> Yesh

09:22 <TuxRug> I'm still trying to figure out why Sonic and Tails wear bandages on their shoes.

09:22 <Princess-Luna> Sports tape

09:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Sounds kind of obvious for Sonic

09:22 <Solo_Act> gotcha. something sonic-related is expected to suck. business as usual.

09:22 <Princess-Luna> don't bother figuring that out, lol

09:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> TAYULS

09:23 <Lenfant_Sauvage> NOH

09:23 <Kalastraer> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7B18crIoso

09:23 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbBPDR2weuE Solo_Act

09:23 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

09:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Twilight Sparkle - It's Traditional

09:24 *** Joins: KooK (Mac2@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

09:24 <Lenfant_Sauvage> "but I don't have any grandkids!" "Well, now it's time for you to get some!"

09:24 <TuxRug> I really shouldn't complain. I'm good at dumb jokes and love the reactions I get from people with them. I'm just on the other side of it and having fun with it.

09:24 <TuxRug> Let me rephrase that. I'm not complaining, I'm roasting uncreatively by just stating what is.

09:24 <TuxRug> *what it is

09:26 <Princess-Luna> You should see this one facebook page where 80% of the folks there are whining at how not serious and edgy sonic boom is.

09:26 <KooK> !seen Woegryphon

09:26 <DerpyBot> KooK: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. Woegryphon is in the channel.

09:26 <KooK> suuuuuuuuuuuup

09:26 <TuxRug> This new character for Sonic Boom... Sticks is her name?  SHe sounds stoned right now.

09:26 <TuxRug> "It's stage two of his evil plot, man!"

09:26 <Princess-Luna> she's the comic relief not named amy or knuckles

09:26 <Princess-Luna> :P

09:27 * Princess-QRS shakes her evil plot

09:27 <KooK> I think WoeGryphon joins to just walk away from the computer :P

09:28 <EzzieMcSnezzie> !seen Evil_Spike

09:28 <DerpyBot> EzzieMcSnezzie: The last time I saw Evil_Spike was 2014-11-14 21:58:35 UTC

09:28 <TuxRug> "It's not like I'm paranoid!" *turns to her shadow* "STOP FOLLOWING ME!"

09:28 <TuxRug> That's not comic relief. That's marijuana.

09:28 <Princess-Luna> xD

09:28 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I'll have what she's having.

09:28 <TuxRug> I live in Colorado. I've seen people acting just like her.

09:28 * EzzieMcSnezzie sips a mug of hot chocolate.

09:29 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Lol *looks for link o.o

09:29 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I know a guy with chronic insomnia, it will also have you jumping at shadows after not sleeping for 3 or 4 days straight.

09:29 <TuxRug> The only thing that doesn't fit is she talks too fast.

09:30 <TuxRug> MarcusGarciaWulfric: but Sticks wasn't being kept up for two days straight by Eggman. Sonic and Tails were.

09:30 <TuxRug> Unless you're on a different topic.

09:30 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> It was about her jumping at shadows

09:31 <TuxRug> Okay. The character detail is decent but the outdoor backgrounds look like Beast Wars. Anyone remember that show?

09:31 *** Dash is now known as DoodlingDash

09:31 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Heck yeah, it's why I never watched Sailor Moon. Same time slot.

09:31 *** Joins: FlutterSocks (FlutterSock@Pony-aacofo.tn.comcast.net)

09:32 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG0qmHi4SDY

09:32 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Eat It Up [Animation]

09:32 <FlutterSocks> Dead i tell you. dead.

09:32 <TuxRug> Okay. My phone's speech recognition isn't ever as bad as Oblitteratorbot.

09:32 <KooK> Tacos and Unicorns

09:32 <Lenfant_Sauvage> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMp_i-zewQk

09:32 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

09:32 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Sonic Boom Episode 2 HD

09:32 <FlutterSocks> I love this animator

09:33 * FlutterSocks cuddles Princess-Luna

09:33 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Thanks

09:33 * Princess-Luna snuggles FlutterSocks

09:33 <FlutterSocks> <3

09:33 <KooK> http://www.teefury.com/tacos-and-unicorns?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=display&utm_content=tacosandunicorns&utm_campaign=galleryfbad&c3ch=social&c3nid=Facebookgalleryad

09:33 <Princess-Luna> <3

09:33 <FlutterSocks> TIL Lyra has the same voice as Rainbow Dash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrkhMwtKYKE

09:34 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqAkq8v6LuQ

09:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about [Animation] Ponies With Hats

09:35 <FlutterSocks> Lyyyyyyyra

09:35 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Sticks is literally Numbah 5 from Kids Next Door.

09:35 <FlutterSocks> thats probably not G rated tho

09:35 <TuxRug> THat voice is familiar!

09:35 <FlutterSocks> but its violence, not you-know-what, so its more okay

09:35 *** Joins: Jandal|CHEF (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

09:35 <TuxRug> So, can a character be considered comic relief if none of the characters are ever serious?

09:36 *** Joins: User_892425 (rbkynrnnlrf@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net)

09:36 <Princess-Luna> She's just moreso.

09:36 *** Parts: User_892425 (rbkynrnnlrf@Pony-q00fmb.ma.comcast.net) ()

09:36 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXM-sk3qizE

09:36 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about I Have To Find My Spray (Parody Animation)

09:37 <FlutterSocks> I love this person

09:37 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

09:37 <TuxRug> I have a feeling that Eggman's base blowing up is to Sonic Boom as "You killed Kenny!" is to South Park.

09:37 <FlutterSocks> Oh this is the brony that did the 'itll be okay' song

09:37 *** Joins: Toothpaste (Toothpaste@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca)

09:38 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

09:38 <FlutterSocks> "once you go gak you never go back" i cant.

09:41 <Nosfera> hi

09:41 *** Joins: Waffles (Reed@Pony-6gacgf.cpe.cableone.net)

09:43 <Waffles> Hi. I'm new here. I like the pony show.

09:43 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUJD5U40Qgo

09:43 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

09:43 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about All Apart Of The Act

09:43 <FlutterSocks> I like how Vinyl an Octy are just staring at each other

09:44 * FlutterSocks pets Waffles.

09:44 <Princess-Luna> x3

09:44 <Nosfera> then youll fit right in, Waffles!

09:44 <FlutterSocks> also derpy is evil

09:44 *** Joins: The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings (Scherza@orchestrapony.eternally.evading.mezzopiano)

09:44 *** The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings is now known as Scherza

09:45 <Waffles> I'm happy to hear that! I'm kind of a grump though, so we'll see. :)

09:45 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Well, thatw as kind of boring...

09:45 <ADragonDreaming> YOU'RE BORINNG!

09:45 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> WTB, FlutterSocks

09:45 *** Quits: KooK (Mac2@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

09:45 <FlutterSocks> WTB?

09:46 <FlutterSocks> im not for sale?

09:46 <Scherza> Such interjection.

09:46 <Waffles> Way to be?

09:46 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> what the buck

09:46 <Waffles> ah

09:46 <FlutterSocks> *explains* derpy likes that they're on fire

09:47 * MarcusGarciaWulfric looks at FlutterSocks

09:47 <Nosfera> so, Waffles, who is your favorite pony?

09:47 * FlutterSocks looks back

09:47 <Waffles> Oh, it's so hard to pick favorites!

09:47 <Waffles> Spike might be best pony.

09:47 <Nosfera> same:) though i like lyra.

09:47 <Nosfera> lol

09:47 <Waffles> Who's Lyra?

09:48 <FlutterSocks> the cyan one

09:48 <Princess-Luna> background pony

09:48 <Waffles> I keep seeing her come up

09:48 <Waffles> But I do not remember her....ah

09:48 <TimidClef> She's a background pony

09:48 <Princess-Luna> !link Lyra

09:48 <Princess-Luna> there. :P

09:48 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/668415

09:48 * Solo_Act noms the crap out of Waffles

09:48 <FlutterSocks> i like how the link is of rarity

09:48 <TimidClef> Best known for sitting like a human in the first episode. :)

09:48 <Princess-Luna> WHAT? XD

09:48 <TimidClef> Err, not first episode

09:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That's Lyra alright!

09:48 <TimidClef> Dragonshy

09:48 * Princess-Luna bites DerpyBot

09:48 <Nosfera> shes a backround pony. you can google "my little pony friendship is magic lyra".

09:48 <FlutterSocks> !link lyra socks

09:48 <FlutterSocks> lets be specific

09:48 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/143956

09:49 <Princess-Luna> That works

09:49 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRLJRE_Aqp4

09:49 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Derpy Eats a Muffin

09:49 <FlutterSocks> Derpy is so evil

09:49 <Lenfant_Sauvage> https://derpicdn.net/img/2014/11/10/761740/large.png <-- Lyra.

09:50 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> TimidClef: Lyra is in the first episode though

09:50 <TimidClef> She is yes

09:50 <TimidClef> Lyra is best human-obsessed pony

09:50 <Nosfera> lol

09:50 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Lyra is best Background Pony http://www.fimfiction.net/story/19198/background-pony

09:51 <FlutterSocks> i like the derpster

09:51 <ADragonDreaming> human-obsession is entirely fandom created ,mind.

09:51 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Sunset Shimmer’s thought process: Getting so angry at your teacher that you travel through a mirror to an alternate universe and take classes at a human highschool out of shear spite.

09:52 <TuxRug> I believe the dialog from this episode of Sonic Boom has given me an upset stomach.

09:52 *** Ali sets mode: -b *!*khxzrsqldov@Pony-cqlsgm.bigpond.net.au

09:52 <Lenfant_Sauvage> How could it? It has such a bland flavor

09:52 <TuxRug> I'm burping and salivating and I'm blaming Sonic Boom.

09:52 <Princess-Luna> lol

09:52 <Nosfera> so, Waffles, i know its pretty eirly, but are you planning on going to bronycon?

09:52 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But yeah, Amy was written by space aliens

09:52 <Nosfera> ugh i spelled early wrong

09:53 <TuxRug> "I'll build an accurately named robot! And it'll have super laser eyes! And it'll feed me ham! EVIL HAM!"

09:53 <TuxRug> REALLY EGGMAN?

09:53 <FlutterSocks> i got final fantasy 12 working on pcsx2 :3 it looks great

09:53 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> TuxRug: is that actual dialog?

09:53 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yes

09:54 *** Parts: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-rod7it.ph.cox.net) ()

09:54 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Because there was a joke at the beginningof the episode that the attack bot he used wasn't accurately named.

09:54 <Waffles> Oh, probably not. I'm an anime guy, so I go to the odd anime con

09:54 <TuxRug> I thought this episode was going to be a stark contrast to the other one when they almost killed Tails in a fiery plane crash... Nope. Exactly the same.

09:54 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-0hdkna.ga.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)

09:54 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Waffles: my brother!

09:54 <Princess-Luna> Thats the tone of the series entirety

09:54 <Scherza> Must... build... fairy team!

09:54 <TuxRug> I can't make this up, but apparently the Sonic Boom writers can.

09:54 * FlutterSocks waves her delightfully besocked little hoofsies in the air for attention

09:54 * Princess-Luna tackles FlutterSocks

09:54 * Lenfant_Sauvage flops onto FlutterSocks.

09:54 <Princess-Luna> <3~

09:55 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> TuxRug: barf!

09:55 * FlutterSocks forgets everything except highly attractive dark-furred princesses <3

09:55 <Princess-Luna> Merrow~ x3

09:55 <FlutterSocks> >u<

09:55 <Waffles> Lyra does have a cute color scheme! But I think Cheerliee has prettier colors

09:55 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> FlutterSocks: http://media.tumblr.com/49ea88e47c549097125b342207e32e23/tumblr_inline_nf1x17dQO21sgolgp.png

09:55 <TuxRug> I give Sonic Boom a "2-for-1 coupon to the Chinese restaurant down the street that has changed owners ten times this week" out of ten.

09:55 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Cheerilee needs more fans

09:55 <FlutterSocks> ouo

09:56 <TuxRug> Lenfant_Sauvage: Cheerilee has a fan here!

09:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> There we go!

09:56 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> DustyKatt is a Cheerilee fan

09:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> grantedroseluckisabetterearthponybut

09:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yeah, I know, but he can't be the only one!

09:56 <FlutterSocks> I should draw another Flutters x Luna

09:56 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I've always liked Cheerilee in fanfics I've seen her in

09:57 <Waffles> See, I'm a grump because I'm not much for fanon and shipping

09:57 <FlutterSocks> Hmmm, what to draw of those two

09:57 <Waffles> Never have been

09:57 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I wasn't talking about shipfics

09:57 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Zero@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: Leaving)

09:57 <TuxRug> "Knucklina!" YEah, that's a great name for Amy when she decides to be Knuckles's sidekick at the end of the episode.

09:57 <Waffles> Oh, I know

09:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> To be fair Waffles yuo're not exactly alone

09:58 <Princess-Luna> Fanon is a great distraction for hiatuses at the very least. :P

09:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I like fanon and can appreciate shipping, but it's not a universal topic

09:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Least not here

09:58 <Waffles> That's good to know

09:58 <FlutterSocks> Some do, some don't. It's all pretend stuff anyway. No pastel pones sadly :<

09:58 <TuxRug> Excuse me. Now that I've had my fill of McDonalds and Sonic Boom, I need an antacid. I think the Sonic Boom did it for me.

09:58 <FlutterSocks> if there were id be hunting down pinkie pie for hugs

09:58 <TuxRug> I'm sure there's a Cheerilight ship, right?

09:59 <Tirek> The game'll do that to you.

09:59 <Princess-Luna> He means the show, lol

09:59 <FlutterSocks> 99% of pony configurations exist somewhere.

09:59 <Tirek> I hear it's got an average rating LOWER than 06.

09:59 <Waffles> I don't want to poop on the other channel I was following for a while, but they're big on shipping characters and RPing and I just don't think that works for me. I'm really a pretty "canon" kinda guy, always have been.

09:59 <TuxRug> I haven't even played the game. I've been watching the Game Grumps play it (warning if you haven't watched Game Grumps... Language among other things)

09:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Then you'll be fine here. The most RP we ever really do is

09:59 * Lenfant_Sauvage noms on Princess-Luna.

09:59 <FlutterSocks> I just like cute things snugglin'

09:59 * Princess-Luna squeaks.

09:59 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

09:59 <Waffles> lol

09:59 <FlutterSocks> yes, you must nom Luna

10:00 <Waffles> Also, I like the all-ages thing

10:00 <FlutterSocks> This is strictly not an RP channel. There are play-poses, but thats all

10:00 <TuxRug> I'm sure I can think of a ship nobody's done.

10:00 <Waffles> Works for me

10:00 * TuxRug lies.

10:00 <FlutterSocks> besides, most RPing I do is in private chat. And the RP channel on here takes commitment lol

10:00 *** Joins: Raid (Raid@Pony-d2b.78q.123.91.IP)

10:00 <FlutterSocks> you have to register a character and stuff

10:00 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Playposes... is that what it's called?

10:00 <Waffles> I drew a character up

10:00 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Was that you who posted those pics of Flutter and Luna the other night?

10:00 <FlutterSocks> i make words up

10:01 <FlutterSocks> yus, i drew them

10:01 <Waffles> That's probably as far as I can take it

10:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ... that's actually kind of a convenient word to use, thanks

10:01 <FlutterSocks> I think its technically called tinyRP from muck days

10:01 <FlutterSocks> but nobody defines this crap

10:01 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Ah I thought so :3 I'm trying to remember the rest of that name as well, all I can remember is Garland.?

10:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> "tinyRP" soundslike the name of a chatroom thuogh

10:02 <Nosfera> language please. remember, PG.

10:02 <ADragonDreaming> ...

10:02 <Waffles> What's everyone's favorite pony song?

10:02 * FlutterSocks bounces like pinkie pie and is Garland Gala, and will glomp you down

10:02 <ADragonDreaming> Crap is a pg word.

10:02 <FlutterSocks> o_o;

10:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> From the show? This Day Aria.

10:02 <Waffles> I think that is indeed a pretty tame word. Used in a lot of TV-Y7 kids shows, even

10:02 <FruitNibbler> That beauty

10:02 <jamis> !link crap

10:02 <FlutterSocks> its a... whats that called? a stand-in for vulgarity. it has a name.

10:02 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/339857?scope=scpe780b84ebee6a6a6cd718dbfbddfdd36e94f795cd

10:02 <FruitNibbler> http://kyleandtheclassics.deviantart.com/art/Sleepwalking-463050643

10:03 <EzzieMcSnezzie> :D That's right, Garland Gala! She's was so pretty :3

10:03 <Waffles> euphemism

10:03 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Maybe tinyRP is what it's called in a muck, but on IRC I've heard pose or action.

10:03 <ADragonDreaming> Crap isn't a euphemis though.

10:03 <FlutterSocks> nono....

10:03 <ADragonDreaming> *m

10:03 <Waffles> Nope, it isn't. Just a tamer version of another word, and only slightly harsher than poop

10:03 <ADragonDreaming> A euphemism is something like ... "see a man about a horse."

10:03 <Tirek> I advocate the use of carp as an expletive.

10:03 <FlutterSocks> ah

10:03 <FlutterSocks> minced oath

10:04 <FlutterSocks> thats the term

10:04 <Waffles> A stand-in curse is also appropriate

10:04 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> "A minced oath is a euphemistic expression..."

10:04 <FlutterSocks> "minced oath" is when you say something to avoid saying something vulgar, like "oh fiddlesticks"

10:04 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Eat spit and cry you fudger! >.>

10:04 <Nosfera> whatever. i personally dont believe it is.

10:04 <Waffles> Like, "Jehoshephat" would be considered a euphemism for saying the Lord's name

10:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> GASHDURNIT

10:04 <Waffles> Exactly.

10:04 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Errrr nevermind :3

10:04 <FlutterSocks> i learned this term reading about butters from south park

10:05 <ADragonDreaming> Con-sarned cotton-pickin' low-down no-good picklemunchers!

10:05 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Which term? Aww hamburgers?!

10:05 <FlutterSocks> yeah he uses that one lol

10:05 <FlutterSocks> Butters is one of my favorite characters.

10:06 <Waffles> So everyone loves "This Day" Aria.... I dunno. It's pretty good, I guess.

10:06 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-8hdomt.dorm.utexas.edu) (Connection closed)

10:06 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Butters is so great did you see the new episode there was alive action Butters :3

10:06 <Tirek> It

10:06 <FlutterSocks> yes hahaha

10:06 <Nosfera> thats my favorite song.

10:06 <Tirek> er It's alright.

10:06 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Reminded me of Flapjack lol

10:06 <FlutterSocks> that episode was fantastic

10:06 <Waffles> I think my fave ATM is Hearts Strong as Horses

10:06 <Waffles> I drew a picture about it

10:06 <FlutterSocks> i still dont know exactly what happened

10:06 <EzzieMcSnezzie> haha inorite

10:06 *** Quits: Pearlywhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

10:07 <Tirek> I honestly can't say I have a favorite MLP song. Most are good, but none really stick out to me.

10:07 <FlutterSocks> like... they were in the virtual reality and they knew it because they found cartman in his room, hooked to virtual reality trying to convince butters he was in virtual reality... but they all were and it was actually stan?

10:07 <FlutterSocks> i dont even know

10:08 <Waffles> I haven't been too impressed by a lot of pony songs, but a few really stuck out at me

10:08 <Nosfera> lik?

10:08 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Hmmm as far as mlp songs Smile Song gets stuck in my head somtimes

10:08 <Nosfera> like?

10:08 <FlutterSocks> <3

10:08 <Waffles> Not trying to ruffle any manes, just saying.

10:08 <EzzieMcSnezzie> *sometimes

10:08 <Waffles> Oh, well Hearts Strong as Horses

10:08 <FlutterSocks> all you needs a smile smile smile ^u^

10:08 <Waffles> for one

10:08 <Tirek> Oh, right.

10:08 <EzzieMcSnezzie> :3

10:08 * Princess-Luna decides now is good to hit the hay...nini all! XD

10:08 <Tirek> CMC songs tend to be super catchy.

10:08 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Sleeps)

10:09 <FlutterSocks> without me? D:

10:09 <Nosfera> night!

10:09 * EzzieMcSnezzie chuckles

10:09 <FlutterSocks> ah well

10:09 <Waffles> oh and yeah, Babs Seed.

10:09 <Tirek> That's really the only thing I like about their episodes.

10:09 <FlutterSocks> she's mah waifu

10:09 <FlutterSocks> not babs

10:09 <FlutterSocks> Luna I mean c.c

10:09 <Tirek> I have a hard time watching them most of the time, because kids.

10:09 <EzzieMcSnezzie> I see that makes sense :]

10:09 <Waffles> The black cat with a moon forehead?

10:09 <FlutterSocks> xD

10:10 <Tirek> She's taken by Artemis. You're out of luck.

10:10 <FlutterSocks> Best episode of SM was when Luna got rescued by the big fat cat who threw a fishbone like a rose

10:10 <Nosfera> are we talking about sailor moon?

10:10 <Waffles> heh

10:10 <Waffles> Yes

10:11 <Waffles> The fun show that just got a botched Blu-ray release here

10:11 <Tirek> Only other song I can think of that's catchy is the Smooze song.

10:11 <FlutterSocks> oh god

10:11 <Waffles> Smooze?

10:11 <Tirek> G1 villain.

10:11 <FlutterSocks> no one can stop...... the smooze!

10:11 <Nosfera> no spoilers please im only on episode 23

10:11 <FlutterSocks> dont worry

10:11 <Waffles> Havem

10:11 <FlutterSocks> the smooze isn't from this version of pone.

10:11 <Tirek> This is the 80s cartoon, Nosfera, you're not missing much.

10:11 <Waffles> Haven't seen G1 since it was first on TV on Sat. mornings

10:12 <Tirek> Smooze was in the movie.

10:12 <FlutterSocks> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CnOysetlQw

10:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Nothing Can Stop the Smooze!

10:12 <Tirek> And I think it'll be showing up S5.

10:12 <Nosfera> um... im talking about sailor moon.. wow conversation really changes fast here.

10:12 <FlutterSocks> they should rename it The Gak

10:12 <Waffles> I watched MLP G1 while waiting for Real Ghostbusters to come on. lol

10:12 <Tirek> Ha

10:12 <Tirek> G1 villains were great.

10:13 <FlutterSocks> god that animation

10:13 <Waffles> Tirek says "G1 villains are great"

10:13 <Tirek> They are.

10:13 <Waffles> Who'd have guessed?!

10:13 <Nosfera> they look like its a bunch of cookie monsters stuck together.

10:14 <Nosfera> you know whats really creepy?

10:14 <Nosfera> G 3.5

10:14 <Waffles> Everyone says this. Was G3.5 only like one movie?

10:14 <FlutterSocks> What should the pose be for my lunaxflutters piece

10:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> G3.5 was a series of shorts and a couple movies, iirc

10:15 <Nosfera> trust me, you dont want to see it.

10:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Tirek and I have our disagreements, but I won't disagree with him on that. The villains in G1 were surprisingly kind of kickass.

10:15 <jamis> !link g3.5

10:15 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/12970

10:15 <EzzieMcSnezzie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFJ-3Mg_7PU

10:15 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:15 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about My Little Pony The Movie 1/09

10:15 <Waffles> I watched a video that showed all the MLP OPs in order. And it was weird that G3 and G3.5 were almost identical

10:15 <Waffles> But completely reanimated

10:16 * FlutterSocks poofz

10:16 <EzzieMcSnezzie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZXNxHRp5g0

10:16 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about My Little Pony Battle For Midnight Castle

10:16 *** Quits: FlutterSocks (FlutterSock@Pony-aacofo.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

10:17 <Tirek> I came here about a year and a half ago, and people thought Tirek was my OC.

10:17 <Waffles> haha

10:17 <Nosfera> bye!

10:17 <FruitNibbler> Wrong MLP gen

10:19 <EzzieMcSnezzie> :3

10:20 <Solo_Act> wow...

10:20 <EzzieMcSnezzie> I killed the chat :P

10:20 * EzzieMcSnezzie blinks

10:20 * Lenfant_Sauvage waves at Nosfera.

10:20 * Toothpaste claps

10:20 * EzzieMcSnezzie bows

10:20 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Gotta say, seeing so many new faces in chat tonight's pretty darn awesome

10:21 <EzzieMcSnezzie> I've been here for a week now :]

10:21 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Nobody kills the chat, it just has its lulls

10:21 *** Quits: DoodlingDash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Quit: Leaving)

10:21 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Pleased to meet you.

10:21 <EzzieMcSnezzie> I just joking ;P

10:21 * Nosfera waves back at Lenfant_sauvage

10:21 <Waffles> Is it usually more dead?

10:21 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Consider the obvious here

10:21 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It's 1:20 in the morning

10:21 <Lenfant_Sauvage> *braces*

10:21 <EzzieMcSnezzie> 11:20pm

10:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> EVERY TIME

10:22 <Waffles> Oh, it's only 12:20 for me

10:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> EVERY SINGLE TIME

10:22 <EzzieMcSnezzie> ?

10:22 <Waffles> Every time, people post their time zones?

10:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> YES.

10:22 <Waffles> haha

10:22 <Waffles> Can't help it!

10:22 <EzzieMcSnezzie> :P you trickster you

10:22 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Waffles: where are you?

10:22 * EzzieMcSnezzie shakes hoof

10:22 <Waffles> Idaho

10:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It's a personal pet peeve, so I can't exactly blame anyone for doing it. ;p

10:22 <Nosfera> its 2:21 AM here

10:22 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Oh, Utah here :-)

10:23 <Waffles> Swell!

10:23 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Southern though

10:23 <Waffles> Oh yeah? I lived in Provo for a brief time

10:23 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Well to be fair, if you posted a GMT time I wouldn't have bothered

10:23 <Waffles> And I saw BYU radio interviewed a couple bronies recently

10:23 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> The culture of the Happy Valley doesn't agree with me

10:24 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> But yeah I heard about that, that was cool

10:24 <Waffles> Lenfant_Sauvage: If you hate the time thing, why not just post "please don't post what time it is where you are"

10:24 <ADragonDreaming> Because that's silly.

10:24 <Solo_Act> ADRA!! I beat the Ebony Warrior... i was disappoint.

10:24 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Because *braces* is both shorter to type and funnier when the result comes out.

10:24 <Waffles> heh

10:24 <EzzieMcSnezzie> :3

10:24 <ADragonDreaming> Solo_Act what difficulty were you on?

10:25 <Waffles> Marcus: it's all good. To each their own

10:25 <Solo_Act> Adept. I'm gonna go back for Legendary. I saved right before the fight.

10:25 <Waffles> You'll notice I don't live there anymore either. :)

10:25 <ADragonDreaming> Man, adept?

10:25 <ADragonDreaming> No wonder you were disappoint.

10:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Recently someone posted on the BYU Bronies FB page that they were convinced Isaac Newton would have been a brony. Newton was a jerk, but I enjoyed the discussion that followed :-)

10:26 <Solo_Act> eh. damage is 1:1

10:26 <Waffles> hahah

10:26 <Waffles> Well, you can be a jerk and a brony, tbf

10:27 <ADragonDreaming> Yeah, you'll occasionally see that acted out in here.

10:27 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I was including a lot in "jerk"

10:27 <Waffles> Bummer! But people are people

10:27 <Waffles> Let's just try to avoid being that Florida guy

10:27 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Who?

10:27 <Waffles> I will PM it to you, not appropriate for all-ages chat

10:28 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-k90oir.res.rr.com)

10:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

10:28 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Well, of COURSE Newton would have been a brony.

10:28 <Lenfant_Sauvage> He loved apples.

10:29 *** Quits: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-osm8m3.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Bananas)

10:29 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

10:29 * Lenfant_Sauvage drops the mic. Bats ConfusionRift's tail.

10:29 <jamis> Lenfant_Sauvage, AJ would've been his favorite pony?

10:29 <Nosfera> hi ConfushionRift!!!!!

10:29 <jamis> Hey ConfusionRift

10:30 <Lenfant_Sauvage> yus jamis, that was da joke

10:30 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Please do not drop the microphones.

10:30 <Nosfera> they are expensive.

10:30 * ConfusionRift swings his tail from side to side.

10:31 * ConfusionRift then wavies.

10:31 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-6g2d5p.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

10:32 *** Quits: Jandal|CHEF (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:32 <ConfusionRift> Mics have feelings. ;_;

10:36 <Waffles> I enjoyed that Rainbow Rocks review

10:37 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> What review?

10:37 <ConfusionRift> I keep forgetting to check.

10:37 *** Joins: Knewred (zpcwpzgujrg@Pony-o88m63.optusnet.com.au)

10:37 <Tirek> Hey Rift.

10:38 <Tirek> I made a thing http://i.imgur.com/lGRYsgx.gif

10:38 <Waffles> That I-Really-Like-Kim-Possible-A-Lot-Guys-For-Real girl's video review

10:38 <ConfusionRift> Tirek: Uuuuh. Sprite for the game?

10:38 <Tirek> Very rough, but yeah.

10:39 *** Quits: Smo (Smo@Pony-cn77gp.dyn.centurytel.net) (Quit: Leaving)

10:40 <ConfusionRift> It's a start, at least. It is indeed very rough, but it at least has some detail as to how it will look later.

10:40 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Oh, I've heard of her. She has a cute OC. But I don't really watch pony commentaries.

10:40 <Tirek> It was mostly me testing Spriter.

10:40 <Tirek> Someone I know gave me a free key for the pro version.

10:41 <Tirek> This makes it easier to make the base animations - which I was really struggling with.

10:41 <ConfusionRift> To be honest, was not expecting it to look like this. Unless it's a placeholder.

10:41 <Tirek> Well, its unrefined. Given Spriter is made to deal with more high-res sprites, I figured it would distort the hell out of whatever I already did.

10:42 <Tirek> So I have to clean that up, which I don't actually mind.

10:42 <ConfusionRift> Huh, I see.

10:42 <Waffles> I like video games.

10:42 <Waffles> Keep making video game stuff plz

10:42 <Tirek> The pain would have been making the animation from scratch. Not fun.

10:42 * Cepheid flops.

10:42 * jamis yawns

10:42 <ConfusionRift> Oh yeah. That would had been manic.

10:43 * ConfusionRift boops Cepheid. "Hello there."

10:43 <Cepheid> Hoi.

10:43 <Cepheid> How goes it?

10:43 *** Quits: Nicktendonick_ (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:43 <FruitNibbler> It goes

10:44 <Tirek> Needless to say, my previous attempt at doing it from scratch... didn't go anywhere. I made four frames in three colors.

10:44 <FruitNibbler> Have wird digestion system problems, and that one orange I just ate made it just worse

10:44 <Tirek> The refinement process is going to be much simpler than actually making each frame by hand.

10:44 *** Quits: Knewred (zpcwpzgujrg@Pony-o88m63.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

10:45 <ConfusionRift> Spriting frame by frame is madness. I have tried it before, and I just couldn't.

10:45 <Tirek> I used to do it.

10:45 <Tirek> I was still in High School.

10:46 *** Quits: Solo_Act (fbywokcxkbg@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) (Quit: later, pones.)

10:46 <Tirek> I haven't sprited in years though prior to starting to work on this game, so my patience and eye for it has diminished quite a bit.

10:46 <ConfusionRift> It happens.

10:46 <ConfusionRift> Just gotta give it some practice again. :)

10:46 <Tirek> Also, Waffles: http://tindeck.com/listen/anbw

10:47 <Tirek> Game music I wrote.

10:47 *** Quits: TuxRug (TuxRug@TuxRug) (Quit: Leaving)

10:47 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: Congestion, and some odd temperature changes. Aside from that, all is alright.

10:47 <Cepheid> That's good.

10:48 <Waffles> Ooooh moody

10:48 <Cepheid> Myself, I'm doing alright for the most part.  Though I *AM* confined to "not doing anything strenuous, not doing any work and in general staying in bed."

10:48 <FruitNibbler> Hey Waffles

10:48 <Tirek> Spriter streamlines the animation process a lot for me, even if it makes a jagged mess for me to work over after it's done. Cleaning up the jaggies is much less stressful.

10:48 <FruitNibbler> New here?

10:48 <Waffles> I am!

10:48 <Waffles> What gave me away?

10:49 <ConfusionRift> How does the spriter work? I'm curious.

10:49 <Tirek> It's bone-based animation.

10:49 <Waffles> Also, hi!

10:49 <Tirek> I drew individual body parts, hook them up to bones, and keyed frames to make a fluid animation.

10:50 <Tirek> Or, well, as fluid as I could get with 16 frames.

10:50 <Cepheid> Ah, that form of sprite animation.  I like that form.

10:50 <Cepheid> Pain in the butt to implement though.

10:50 <Waffles> Okay, question that's been on my mind

10:50 <FruitNibbler> Welp, those who are regulars here know the ponies that ususally hang out in here, Waffles

10:51 <Waffles> Why do people abbreviate Equestria Daily as "EqD" instead of "ED"? Is it an Encyclopedia Dramatica thing?

10:51 <jamis> Faster.

10:51 <Waffles> How is EqD faster than ED?

10:51 <ADragonDreaming> ED is a little more ambiguosu.

10:51 <jamis> ^

10:51 <Tirek> It feels natural to say EqD rather than just ED.

10:51 <ConfusionRift> Tirek: I see. So it's a structural thing. It sure makes everything much easier.

10:51 <jamis> ED is a cartoon character.

10:51 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I do it because everyone else does.

10:51 <ADragonDreaming> It's also the abbreviation for a particular medical condition, too.

10:51 <ConfusionRift> ED sounds like an educational thing.

10:51 <Tirek> jamis, I was about to make that joke, dammit.

10:52 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> It's like how Firefox is Fx, not FF

10:52 <jamis> lol

10:52 <Waffles> It sounds like people have a lot of reasons for avoiding ED

10:52 *** Joins: Skywave (Skywave__@Pony-b4k.o8h.229.80.IP)

10:52 <ConfusionRift> If it's a medical condition, I would avoid it too.

10:52 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I said ED when I first came here before I discovered that everyone said EQD

10:52 <ADragonDreaming> Put simply, if you say EQD, everyone knows what you mean.

10:52 <Tirek> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9911045/RI/edcellent.png

10:52 <jamis> Pretty much.

10:53 <ADragonDreaming> If you say ED, most will get it ... but some might not.

10:53 <ADragonDreaming> And then you have to explin.

10:53 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-v8t9hg.bchsia.telus.net)

10:53 <Tirek> Here's another song, btw: http://tindeck.com/listen/illk

10:53 <Waffles> Ah, I get ya. Well, thanks for the answers, all

10:54 <Cepheid> For the first time in a loooooong time, tinnitus actually sounds "loud" to me.

10:54 *** Quits: Pony_66840 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:54 <Waffles> Has anyone tried to remake Fighting is Magic from scratch instead of just hacking into the old code?

10:54 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You mean, do what took six people years to do from scratch as one person on a project that no one from Hasbro will support?

10:54 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Probably not? :p

10:54 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-brk.912.95.119.IP)

10:55 <ConfusionRift> I think someone's making their own version. Not sure if the project died.

10:55 <Waffles> Yes, that!

10:55 <jamis> It's a shame what happened to fighting is magic.

10:55 <Waffles> :(

10:55 * Waffles didn't follow it that closely

10:55 <Tirek> I dunno, I like Pinkie Alpaca.

10:55 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (wknuviswabj@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

10:55 <Tirek> Or was it Apple Alpaca?

10:55 <ConfusionRift> Hahaha!

10:55 <BubbleBerry> Yo

10:55 <Waffles> This tune is bouncy, Tirek

10:55 <ConfusionRift> I wonder how the old team is doing.

10:55 <Waffles> good work

10:55 <Waffles> Well, they're making new-animal-version I guess?

10:56 <Waffles> Man, if I was a billionaire, I would buy the MLP franchise from Hasbro

10:56 <Tirek> For the record, I have close to 200 songs uploaded on my tindeck.

10:56 <Tirek> http://tindeck.com/listen/ahzz

10:56 <Tirek> Here's another bouncy one.

10:56 <jamis> That's what I hear. With help from faust for the art.

10:56 <Waffles> Yeah Faust did char. design, IIRC

10:57 <Tirek> I don't think she's helping so much as that she handed the team a couple of characters.

10:57 <Waffles> Which is why people are still interested, I asssume

10:57 <Waffles> assume*

10:57 <Tirek> I wasn't really interested, I don't particularly enjoy fighting games.

10:57 <ConfusionRift> ^

10:57 <ConfusionRift> I'm with ye.

10:57 <Waffles> Oh. Well, I like Street Fighter so it's kinda up my alley

10:57 <jamis> I can't think of any other game the fandom was more anticipating that fighting is magic.

10:57 <Tirek> Only fighting game I really ever got behind was Smash Bros.

10:58 <ConfusionRift> I did too, but that was back then. Now it's so... I dunno.

10:58 <Waffles> Why is there no real MLP:FiM game, not counting the farmville thing?

10:58 <Waffles> Surely they've been approached

10:58 <jamis> Hasbro.

10:58 <Tirek> ^

10:58 <Tirek> We're not Hasbro's audience.

10:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Exactly.

10:58 <Tirek> That's that.

10:58 <BubbleBerry> ?

10:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The mobile game is a simple enough concept to appeal to everyone.

10:59 <Cepheid> ConfusionRift:  So, progress on my game:  It's basically halted for the time being until my current condition alleviates itself.

10:59 <jamis> And cheap too!

10:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> There is no way you could make a console or handheld MLPFIM game that would guarantee high sales.

10:59 <Waffles> Well, they did a DS game

10:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Out of the blue for Gen... 3 I think?

10:59 <Tirek> Wasn't that G3?

10:59 <Waffles> Yes!

10:59 <Waffles> Pinkie Pies Party!

10:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> They made Kim Possible GBA games, let's be frank

10:59 <Tirek> Which was a shot in the foot, honestly.

10:59 <Tirek> Since no one likes G3.

10:59 <jamis> Wow, walmart's going to have a $100 lcd tv. Glade I won't be getting up that early.

11:00 <jamis> Or any generation between 1 and 4.

11:00 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Lots of GBA games were minimum effort affairs. That's how I remember the Love Hina game.

11:00 <BubbleBerry> What even happened in G2?

11:00 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: It's fine. Your well-being is much more important. Don't stress over it, and take it easy. :) One step at a time.

11:00 <Tirek> There was no G2.

11:00 <BubbleBerry> Did G2 anything really exist?

11:00 <Cepheid> Indeed.

11:00 <Lenfant_Sauvage> G2 was purely a toy line I think

11:00 <Tirek> There were two G1 cartoons.

11:00 <jamis> Two season?

11:01 <jamis> seasons*

11:01 <Tirek> No.

11:01 <BubbleBerry> I don't remember G2 MLP, I don't remember G2 Transformers, I don't remember there ever being a G2 G.I. Joe....

11:01 <Tirek> The second G1 cartoon was a slice of life thing.

11:01 <Cepheid> Though, I did learn how to solve one of the most annoying problems I've had to deal with.

11:01 <BubbleBerry> And I don't think Jem could exist in any time that wasn't the 80's.

11:01 <Tirek> Ha

11:01 <Cepheid> Though annoyingly, I have to wait until I've recovered to touch/work with it.

11:01 <jamis> Funny you should mention gem.

11:01 <BubbleBerry> Um... what other Hasbro things existed in the 80's?

11:01 <Tirek> G.I. Joe

11:01 <jamis> I can't think of anything else but that show when I see rainbow rocks.

11:01 <Tirek> Transformers.

11:02 <Waffles> I bet WayForward would make a kick-tail MLP:FiM game

11:02 <jamis> Ghostbusters, TMNT.

11:02 <Tirek> There was a Mr. Potato Head cartoon.

11:02 <Waffles> Ghostbusters was Mattel toys

11:02 <jamis> I still loved them.

11:02 <Waffles> Unless you mean not-Real-GB

11:02 <BubbleBerry> Well, I think there was, like, a new series for TMNT in the 90's.

11:02 <jamis> And still do.

11:03 <Waffles> The live-action series?

11:03 <Waffles> That's the only 90s TMNT, besides late 80s series seasons

11:03 <Waffles> And that cartoon did really change in the last season or two

11:04 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: It's for the best, to be fair. Don't worry. It will get done at some point. :P

11:04 <Waffles> I had a Real Ghostbusters proton pack and ghost trap. Was pretty fun for a kid

11:05 <Waffles> But the trap broke too soon, and I hated how the gun tip was like open and had this foam tube that went in it

11:05 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://drawponies.deviantart.com/art/It-Looked-Good-On-Paper-492740960?q=gallery%3Adrawponies%2F37555727&qo=11

11:05 <BubbleBerry> Wait, I forgot, is the Real Ghostbusters the old one that I think i saw a VHS for at the Blockbuster in like 2008, or the Ghostbusters everyone cares about?

11:05 <Waffles> Real GB is the cartoon based on the good movies

11:05 <Cepheid> Good gods, body.

11:05 <Cepheid> All I did was lean over to turn off the PSU of my PC.

11:05 <BubbleBerry> Ah

11:05 <Cepheid> Did you really have to cause that much freakin' pain in my head?

11:05 <Waffles> Filmation's Ghostbusters is the one with the two guys and the gorilla

11:06 <BubbleBerry> Yeah, that one

11:06 <BubbleBerry> A.K.A. The one no one remembers and/or cares about. At least not as much as the one with Dan Ackeroid

11:06 <Waffles> Right.

11:06 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I wonder which ghostbusters cartoon I saw in the 2000s

11:06 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: It could happen, since blood is flowing again all around of a sudden.

11:07 <Waffles> Probably Extreme Ghostbusters.

11:07 <Cepheid> It's not blood causing this, I don't think.

11:07 <Waffles> Which was a direct sequel to the Real GB cartoon

11:07 <BubbleBerry> MarcusGarciaWulfric: There was a Ghostbusters cartoon in the 2000's?

11:07 <ConfusionRift> Probably the spinal thing?

11:07 <jamis> I remember extreme ghostbusters. It was pretty good.

11:07 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I don't know when it was from, BubbleBerry, but it was on The WB (I think) at that time.

11:07 <Waffles> Yeah, I keep hearing that but I haven't seen enough to be convinced it was. lol

11:07 <Cepheid> Though I could be wrong.  I dunno WHAT exactly causes it.  I just know it's an after effect from the lumbar puncture.

11:08 <jamis> Haven't seen it in a long time though.

11:08 <BubbleBerry> I don't remember anything from The WB

11:08 *** Quits: Skywave (Skywave__@Pony-b4k.o8h.229.80.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

11:08 <Cepheid> Point is, it seems to be pressure-based.

11:08 <BubbleBerry> Except for Batman: TAS

11:08 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, odd.

11:08 <BubbleBerry> And... um.. Static Shoc- No, wait, that was disney, I think.

11:09 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I remember MIB, Batman: Beyond, The Zeta Project, Static Shock, Batman, Superman, and a bunch of others

11:09 <jamis> Beast wars and reboot.

11:09 <jamis> I watched the heck out of those two.

11:09 <Waffles> Batman:TAS was originally Fox I think. That or syndicated. It wasn't WB until sometime later (New Adv. of Batman/Robin or w/e).

11:09 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Wasn't Reboot on cable? I don't think I saw that one.

11:10 <BubbleBerry> I don't remember anything before, like, '03, '04, to be perfectly honest.

11:10 <Waffles> I remember The WB for Earthworm Jim

11:10 * Waffles is so olllld

11:10 <ConfusionRift> Hahaha! Same here. :P

11:10 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Waffles: you are. I remember that as a Genesis game when I was quite young.

11:10 * BubbleBerry runs around, filled with youthful energy 'n stuff

11:10 <Waffles> EWJ or old?

11:11 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

11:11 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> old

11:11 <Waffles> >30 here

11:11 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> 26

11:12 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> here's your cane, grandpa!

11:12 <Waffles> So yeah, I was old enough to watch My Little Pony on TV

11:12 <Waffles> when it first aired

11:12 <Waffles> And I DID

11:12 <BubbleBerry> 15.

11:12 <Waffles> But mostly Ghostbusters. lol

11:12 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> My first cartoon I remember watching was Gargoyles

11:12 <Waffles> Jem was on around then too, IIRC

11:13 <Waffles> So weird

11:13 <jamis> !link gem

11:13 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/576592

11:13 <jamis> Gargoyles was pretty good.

11:13 <BubbleBerry> Jem? Like, new episodes or reruns?

11:13 <ConfusionRift> I watched an assortment of cartoons, because school and constant changing local programming.

11:13 <ConfusionRift> Cable was veeery expensive back then.

11:13 <jamis> Caught with his claws in the gem jar...

11:13 <Waffles> New episodes. As they debuted

11:14 <jamis> ConfusionRift, and I would wager limited to just in the city as well.

11:14 <Waffles> My first TV cartoon series was probably Thundercats.

11:14 <jamis> Cable was a big thing back then.

11:14 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

11:15 <Waffles> But Ponies! I am SO glad they are on Netflix

11:15 <ConfusionRift> jamis: Yarp. Lived in a valley surrounded by mountain lines, so satellite was both new and terrible. And running cable service was still expensive.

11:16 <Waffles> mountain lines?

11:16 <jamis> Buck netflix. Internet!

11:16 <FruitNibbler> http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/175/3/0/comic__derpy_s_extermination_by_drawponies-d7nk3ol.png

11:16 *** Quits: Scherza (Scherza@orchestrapony.eternally.evading.mezzopiano) (Quit: Off to loot! I think. If I were to be logical, it'd most definitely be a trap.)

11:16 <Waffles> Eh, I like the creators to get their cut by watching them on Netflix

11:17 <jamis> You could buy them out right as well.

11:17 <Waffles> Will consider it when they're on BD

11:17 <FruitNibbler> I usually buy merch from the creator's own web sites and stuff when I like what they created

11:17 <ConfusionRift> Waffles: Sorry, a large mountain line.

11:17 <jamis> You could use the internet for that too.

11:17 *** Joins: Llybel (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-kvm7hn.orcon.net.nz)

11:18 <FruitNibbler> I will watch shows for free if the opportunity exists, but I still feel the need to reward those who made an excelling job

11:18 <ConfusionRift> And the ISPs back then were terrible as well.

11:18 <Waffles> Aight. Just saying, I don't have to pay anything more to continue supporting ponies, and it's convenient to just queue it up on Netflix. That's all

11:18 <ryaxnb> do you like linux horsies

11:19 <ConfusionRift> Pffft! Linux. :P (Just kidding)

11:19 <Waffles> My wife and kids watch enough other stuff on there that it's totally worth keeping.

11:19 <ryaxnb> ConfusionRift, i am using fedora 21 now

11:19 <Waffles> I'm really the only pony-watcher

11:19 <Waffles> I have an Ubuntu Studio install on my SSD but I never load it anymore

11:19 <ryaxnb> i haven't even installed windows on this box yet

11:19 <ryaxnb> i have it in a VM though

11:20 <ryaxnb> i have Ubuntu 14.04, the workhorse

11:20 <ryaxnb> and fedora 21

11:20 *** Llybel is now known as SolarQuill

11:21 *** Joins: Taoki[mobile] (androirc@Pony-anf.89e.233.213.IP)

11:22 <ConfusionRift> I'll just say this. I'm not gonna venture through Linux. I'm gonna continue with Windows, AND... and I already know all of the issues behind this OS. I do have a respect for those who use Linux, and have no trifles with them.

11:22 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ryaxnb: I ditched Windows 8 years ago

11:23 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

11:23 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Which you should read as "I ditched Windows, 8 years ago"

11:23 *** poseyshy|dreaming is now known as poseyshy|horsies

11:23 <ADragonDreaming> I was gonna say ... Win 8's not old enough for "years ago" to apply...

11:23 <ConfusionRift> In my point of view, a user has the freedom to choose what tool to use.

11:24 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

11:24 <ConfusionRift> Just, you know, a CD tray is not a cup holder. :P

11:24 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I used Linux a lot since 14 years ago, but I waffled between it and Windows for a while.

11:24 <BubbleBerry> I'm still confused as to why they decided to just go from windows 8 to windows 10

11:24 <BubbleBerry> What, did 10 just sound more future-y?

11:24 <jamis> Cause 7 8 9.

11:24 <Waffles> badum pssh

11:25 * ConfusionRift engages laugh track.

11:25 <Princess-QRS> I am convinced it's because MSFT marketing decided that "single digit numbers" are out

11:25 <Princess-QRS> It's the dumbest and most likely explanation.

11:25 <Waffles> I think QRS is onto something.

11:25 <BubbleBerry> But XBOX one

11:25 <Princess-QRS> That's not a digit that's a word.

11:25 <BubbleBerry> one is just one digit

11:25 <Princess-QRS> See how they brand it as one, not 1?

11:25 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://www.osnews.com/story/27969/Why_did_Microsoft_skip_Windows_9_

11:25 <BubbleBerry> Fine, XBOX 1

11:25 <ADragonDreaming> That's not the brand, though.

11:25 <Princess-QRS> also there's that thing lol

11:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> BubbleBerry: I think you mean numeral

11:26 <BubbleBerry> o3o

11:26 <Waffles> I think they wanted "Xbox One," and "Windows One" but like they said, there already was Windows 1.0, so they went with the next closest thing, Windows ONE ZERO!

11:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> or something

11:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> glyph?

11:26 <Princess-QRS> Also I'm dual booting OSX 10.10 and Windows 10

11:26 <Princess-QRS> so lol

11:26 <Princess-QRS> the tens are taking over

11:26 <FruitNibbler> http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/111/9/a/comic__discord_x_maud_pie_by_drawponies-d7evw7t.png

11:26 <Waffles> lol QRS

11:26 <FruitNibbler> LOL why this didn't occur to me earlier

11:27 <jamis> lol

11:27 <BubbleBerry> Well. XBOX 10 would have sounded better than XBOX one

11:27 <FruitNibbler> xbone

11:27 <Princess-QRS> bonex

11:27 <Waffles> Xbox 10 would've even been more loopy

11:27 <Waffles> One feels less arbitrary

11:27 <ADragonDreaming> 360 wasn't the best of choices, either.

11:27 <Princess-QRS> See, look at Windows release names to get a feel for why I think it was marketing.

11:27 <BubbleBerry> As an aside, will XBOX one ever have any games, ever?

11:27 <Waffles> 10 is like, "where did THAT come from?"

11:27 <FruitNibbler> bonex sound like some kind of uhm... drug... uhm

11:28 <Waffles> QRS: Good call. "ME"? "Vista"?

11:28 <ADragonDreaming> "lol we went in a circle"

11:28 <ADragonDreaming> Nah, Vista makes a certain amount of sense.

11:28 <BubbleBerry> Is that what the 360 means?

11:28 <Princess-QRS> 95, 98, ME (ME broke the line, was bad) XP, Vista (Vista broke the line, was bad) 7, 8 (8 broke the line, was bad.) 10/

11:28 <Princess-QRS> They can't name the next one like the last bad one, since the bad rep follows.

11:28 <Waffles> The 360 means "it revolves around you" but they never really went with that

11:28 <Waffles> for its marketing

11:28 <ADragonDreaming> If they wanted THAT...

11:28 <ADragonDreaming> They should hve called it Orbit

11:29 <Waffles> Xbox Sun!

11:29 <BubbleBerry> I just thought they were all like "H-he... y-dude... like.. wha-dude, what if we-we-we, like.. call the next XBOX... the XBOX 360... th-hehe-that'd be so rad..."

11:29 <Waffles> PS4 was code-named Orbis, coincidentally

11:29 <Princess-QRS> Eventually they're gonna just call it Windows and go for version numbers, willing to bet.

11:29 <BubbleBerry> Well, at least they kind of justified the name "XBOX One"

11:29 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Ooh, Octy and Scratch http://inuhoshi-to-darkpen.deviantart.com/art/Stroll-in-the-Snow-494443834

11:29 *** Parts: SolarQuill (emhkpnbmqbt@Pony-kvm7hn.orcon.net.nz) ()

11:29 <Princess-QRS> Since otherwise they're gonna be doing "Windows 10.X" which is stupidly close to OSX 10.X

11:29 <BubbleBerry> It's intended to be an all-in-one entertainment system

11:29 <BubbleBerry> Hence the name, "XBOX one"

11:30 <BubbleBerry> And PS4 is called PS4 because it;s the 4th Playstation

11:30 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Waffles: why is the xbox 360 called the xbox 360? because when you see it, you turn 360 degrees around and walk away.

11:30 <BubbleBerry> And Wii U is called Wii U because...

11:30 <BubbleBerry> hm.

11:30 <Waffles> Um

11:30 <Princess-QRS> you duh

11:30 <Waffles> 360 means you stay facing the same direction

11:30 <Waffles> "Xbox 180" tells your joke

11:31 <Princess-QRS> It's called the 360 because you see it, and do a 360 and get out!!111

11:31 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080205163645/humorpedia/images/c/c5/120px-360_moonwalk.gif

11:31 <EzzieMcSnezzie> I always assunmed they named it '360' because it was supposed to be 'revolutionary' or something along those lines

11:31 <Princess-QRS> http://i.scm.im/tech_games/360_moonwalk.png

11:31 <Waffles> If you do a 360 and ran you'd run into the 360! lol

11:31 <Princess-QRS> DAMNTI

11:31 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It's obviously called 360 because you can use a lot of theg ames on the system to 360noscope emeny gamerz

11:31 <EzzieMcSnezzie> lol ^

11:31 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Mine is superior!

11:31 * Princess-QRS leaps on Lenfant_Sauvage and massages his back!

11:31 <Nosfera> randome, but why is batman better than superman?

11:31 <Waffles> O.O

11:31 <BubbleBerry> But what if I wanna play tetsunokuxcapcom 2 on my XBX?

11:31 <BubbleBerry> *XBOX

11:31 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Nosfera: you asked that yesterday

11:31 <BubbleBerry> Or Mahvel

11:32 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I told you bro!

11:32 <Nosfera> i know

11:32 <Nosfera> i need another reason

11:32 *** Joins: ConfusionRift2 (ConfusionRi@Pony-3bj9k8.res.rr.com)

11:32 <BubbleBerry> What if I play Mahvel on my XBOX? I CAN'T NOSCOPE ON MAHVEL

11:32 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift2

11:32 <Waffles> .....I like ponies

11:32 <Waffles> I want a pony game

11:32 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-k90oir.res.rr.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ConfusionRift2!ConfusionRi@Pony-3bj9k8.res.rr.com)))

11:32 <Waffles> And I played the GBA one

11:32 *** ConfusionRift2 is now known as ConfusionRift

11:32 <BubbleBerry> Yo did ya'll see the new Avengers trailer?

11:32 <BubbleBerry> It looks mad hype, dawg

11:33 <Waffles> Is there another new one?

11:33 <BubbleBerry> The one that came out like a day ago

11:33 <BubbleBerry> o3o;

11:33 <Waffles> Ah, missed it

11:33 <BubbleBerry> Go watch it

11:33 *** jamis is now known as DoubleAnarchy

11:33 <Waffles> I generally don't follow the movies too closely, to avoid too much spoiling

11:34 <Waffles> I'll watch one trailer, see if I'm hyped, then go off of that later

11:34 <ADragonDreaming> See.

11:34 <ADragonDreaming> Trailers always either Spoil...

11:34 <ADragonDreaming> or Lie.

11:34 <BubbleBerry> What about things like the Godzilla trailer?

11:34 <Waffles> I watched the TMNT trailer and knew it was not of special interest to me

11:34 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com) (Quit: Follow meh: @Slatefield, @Lenfant_MLP)

11:34 <ConfusionRift> Unlike new games, where trailer show little to nothing.

11:34 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> The trailer for The Book Thief got me all excited, but I hear it isn't a great movie

11:34 <BubbleBerry> Or that trailer for RON. Or he trailer for Pacific Rim

11:34 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:34 <BubbleBerry> *TRON

11:34 <Princess-QRS> I can't wait for Star Wars to get its first trailer and then the internet immediately knee-jerk and scream bloody murder.

11:34 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com)

11:35 <BubbleBerry> I'm personally mad hype

11:35 <Waffles> I am interested in SW

11:35 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I'm cautiously optimistic about Star Wars

11:35 <BubbleBerry> But there's gonna be a ton of lens flares on the Lightsabres

11:35 <ConfusionRift> I'm generally skeptical nowadays.

11:35 <BubbleBerry> I usually read up on the director and writer and producer, and see who's acting

11:36 *** Quits: Kalastraer (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:36 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Best thing about the new Star Wars will probably be John Williams

11:36 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as OctaveFone

11:36 <BubbleBerry> Unless it's Transformers, then I just go to the theatre in a bi-annual masochistic event, in the vain hope that maybe this time he didn't mess it up.

11:37 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> None of that Hans Zimmer for this series, plox

11:37 <BubbleBerry> Hans Zimmer is alright

11:37 <BubbleBerry> He just isn't Star Wars

11:37 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> He wouldn't feel right to me

11:37 *** Octave|Gone is now known as OctaveSymphony

11:37 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yeah

11:37 *** Quits: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:37 <BubbleBerry> Yeah, it'd be like if Hans Zimmer did the OST to a whacky Adam Sandler comedy

11:38 <ConfusionRift> Makes sense... pfffttt!

11:38 <BubbleBerry> ...

11:38 <BubbleBerry> I wanna see Hans Zimmer do the OST to a whacky comedy now

11:38 <Princess-QRS> I would be happy with Zimmer honestly, give it a different feel.

11:38 <Princess-QRS> I would love to have a non-star wars movie set in that universe

11:39 <ConfusionRift> Sorry, I pictured it in my head and it's pretty funny. :P

11:39 <Princess-QRS> just have it focus on a single world and be hard-sci fi

11:39 <ConfusionRift> It's like playing the Indiana Jones theme song when going to the restroom.

11:40 <Waffles> You could do a non-mainline SW with Zimmer OST

11:40 <Waffles> Like a Han Solo flick or whatever

11:40 <BubbleBerry> It's like playing Funeral for a Son by the Protomen  during a whacky slapstick comedy theme

11:40 <Princess-QRS> Oh man, idea.

11:40 <BubbleBerry> Waffles: Maybe not a Han Solo movie

11:40 <BubbleBerry> Maybe, like, I dunno, Republic Commandos

11:40 <BubbleBerry> BythewaydoyouguysrememberRepublicCommando?

11:40 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Princess-QRS: they did that, it was the Ewok movie

11:40 <Princess-QRS> Have it focus on a single Jedi during the late clone wars, all alone on a planet. The plot is he simply tries to escape the clones chasing him and befriends the natives

11:40 <Princess-QRS> shut up

11:41 <Princess-QRS> See Star Wars plots are easy, how they messed up the prequels i have no idea

11:41 <BubbleBerry> Because George had full control of the project

11:41 <ConfusionRift> That's much easier than you think. Misa thinks so. :P

11:41 <Waffles> BubbleBerry, you mean the still-valuable Xbox game? Yes, never played it though

11:42 <BubbleBerry> And he tried overcomplicating crap, and he also added Jar-Jar, made good actors bad, made bad actors worse, and made Darth Vader Space Jesus


11:43 *** Joins: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

11:43 <ADragonDreaming> ....

11:43 <ADragonDreaming> wat

11:43 <Waffles> That's all I got

11:43 <ADragonDreaming> He did not make Darth Vader Space Jesus.

11:43 <ADragonDreaming> Vader is not a Messianic figure.

11:43 <BubbleBerry> Or, Anakin, you know what I mean

11:44 <Princess-QRS> He's still a sort of crazy Space Prophecy guy and stuff.

11:44 <ADragonDreaming> Still not a Messianic figure.

11:44 <Princess-QRS> thinking too hard about this

11:44 <ADragonDreaming> he doesn't save anything.

11:44 <ADragonDreaming> He doesn't die FOR anything.

11:44 <ConfusionRift> Eeeerm... ahem.

11:44 <Princess-QRS> He throws the emperor down a thing eventually.

11:44 <Princess-QRS> and dies to stop him

11:44 <ADragonDreaming> That's not the prequels.

11:44 <Princess-QRS> thus ending the sith

11:44 <BubbleBerry> This really vague prophecy paints him as basically space Jesus despite the fact that he just.. I dunno, complained throught the prequels?

11:44 <Princess-QRS> YES WELL

11:44 * Princess-QRS spins right out of this vonco

11:44 <ADragonDreaming> Still, he doesn't fit the archetype.

11:44 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I assume you guys have seen Mr Plinkett's review?

11:44 <ADragonDreaming> I don't do reviews, so no.

11:44 <Princess-QRS> I'm going to watch them again right now!

11:45 <Princess-QRS> so funni

11:45 <ConfusionRift> I suppose.

11:45 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> As for the prophecy, that's even in the originals, right? They hope Luke will fulfill the prophecy that his father failed to or something? I dunno, I admit it's been a while.

11:45 <BubbleBerry> He's supposed to fit in the archetype, despite doing nothing to fit into said archetype. We're just told he's a cool guy who's supposed to bring balance to the force by killing all the jedi, then throwing the emporer down a shaft like 20 years later.

11:46 <Princess-QRS> yeah basically some crazy crap not actual thought through.

11:46 <Princess-QRS> The prequels sorta try and retcon it all to be about the rise, fall, and redemption of vader

11:46 <Princess-QRS> yet clearly 4,5,6 are about luke

11:46 <Princess-QRS> luuuuucaaasssss

11:47 <Waffles> All this sounds familiar. Have you guys been watching Red Letter Media reviews again

11:47 <Princess-QRS> Actually, I've found some backing to the argument it's actually about R2D2 lol.

11:47 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (wknuviswabj@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

11:47 <Princess-QRS> Who's the first character we see in Episode 4?

11:47 <Princess-QRS> Who's mission is what brings Luke off world?

11:47 <ADragonDreaming> Actually, the prequel plot could make sense, it's just...

11:47 <Princess-QRS> It's the robot

11:47 <Princess-QRS> it's all about the robot

11:47 <ADragonDreaming> they were badly done.

11:47 <Princess-QRS> Yes that's the thing.

11:47 <Princess-QRS> So much potential.

11:47 <Princess-QRS> So much failure.

11:48 <ADragonDreaming> The prequel plot was written when Episodes 4 5 and 6 came out.

11:48 <Princess-QRS> I'm sure he changed it in those 20 years

11:48 <ADragonDreaming> There's REASON they are Episodes 4, 5, and 6.

11:48 <ADragonDreaming> Oh, the details, Im sure.

11:48 <ADragonDreaming> But the basic gist of it was the same.

11:48 <Waffles> I doubt Lucas had the whole movies written. The DVD for Ep 1 even shows him sitting down to write Ep 1

11:48 <ADragonDreaming> There's a prophecy, Anakin Skywalker is supposedly the focus of it, but he falls to the dark side.

11:48 <Princess-QRS> There's no way he didn't, it was probably original about Dark Startamer and his sidekick Jar Jar Banks leading the Clone War against the Utabongo Galaxy

11:49 <ADragonDreaming> Thus Luke has to fulfill it instead.

11:49 <Princess-QRS> Then Dark Startamer switches sides, kills Jar Jar, and helps Imperator Palpatanius take the Universal Throne

11:49 <ADragonDreaming> Waffles: Probably not the whole thing, but there's synopses and outlines.

11:50 <Princess-QRS> Oh!

11:50 <ADragonDreaming> Although, honestly?

11:50 <Princess-QRS> No wait nevermind.

11:50 <ADragonDreaming> I remember reading about the making of the original trilogy back in the day, and the article or whatever it was I was reading made mention of Lucas having something of a screenplay written for the stuff that comes before Episode IV, even back then.

11:51 <Princess-QRS> Of course, but it definitely changed a lot.

11:51 <ADragonDreaming> Well, yes.

11:51 <ADragonDreaming> Any first draft does.

11:51 <Princess-QRS> There is /no way/ the huge collisium scene wasn't made as an attempt to out-do Gladiator.

11:51 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Anyone read the original scripts for what became Star Wars? It sucked :P

11:51 <Princess-QRS> They made a comic of it lol

11:51 <Princess-QRS> so bad

11:52 <Princess-QRS> it's b-sci fi at it's utter worst

11:52 <Princess-QRS> There's an alt-universe where Space Mutiny is one of the best movies of all time, and Star Wars IV is an MST3K episode.

11:52 <Tirek> There's an alternate universe where The Room got an animated series.

11:53 <Princess-QRS> One where G4 came out in 1993, and due to lack of internet and computer tools for making it, was cancelled 3 episodes in to low ratings.

11:54 <Princess-QRS> Instead G3 as /we/ know it came out in 2011

11:54 <Princess-QRS> freeeaaaaaky

11:54 <Tirek> There's an alternate universe where there's a skeleton inside you

11:54 <Princess-QRS> !

11:54 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Tirek: the plot synopsis on WP looks interesting, too bad the IMDB rating is 2/10

11:54 <Waffles> ! creepy

11:54 * Princess-QRS is scurred

11:54 <Tirek> WP?

11:54 <ryaxnb> MarcusGarciaWulfric, i have too much of an interest in using every single appa round to ditch windows or OS X entirely

11:54 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> wikipedia

11:54 <ryaxnb> i even use OS X in VM

11:54 <Tirek> Oh, The Room.

11:54 <ryaxnb> i must maintain a knowledge of all computing

11:55 <ryaxnb> to the best of my ability

11:55 <Tirek> I was confused for a moment.

11:55 <Tirek> The Room is bad.

11:55 <ryaxnb> :)

11:55 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ryaxnb: yeah, it interferes with gaming. I now have a Windows 98 virtualbox so I can play Fallout.

11:56 *** Joins: BubbleBerry (flscckpekmq@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net)

11:56 <Waffles> wb BubbleBerry

11:56 <BubbleBerry> Danke.

11:56 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)

11:57 <Waffles> You're welcome! :)

11:57 <Princess-QRS> I dual windows and OSX. OSX for schoolwork since Pages is great and improved battery life using it, windows for james

11:57 *** Joins: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-594.ut3.46.95.IP)

11:58 <ConfusionRift> Mine's is sorta getting into the obsolete side soon.

11:58 <ConfusionRift> But I'm sure I can run a few more miles with it.

11:58 <ADragonDreaming> James is a jerk, he doesn't get an OS..

11:58 <Tirek> Welp, I'm off to bed. Later persons.

11:58 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> If I did word processing in any important amount I'd probably use MS Word. Although I know nothing about pages, just that LibreOffice blows.

11:58 <ryaxnb> it's not gaming

11:58 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-v8t9hg.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving)

11:58 <ryaxnb> well, part of it is

11:59 <ryaxnb> i also like knowing about every new major software release

11:59 <ryaxnb> including MS ones

11:59 <ADragonDreaming> Word's taken a major step up ever since 2007.

11:59 <ryaxnb> i want to be able to support them and stuff

11:59 <ADragonDreaming> Well, with 2007 and onward.

11:59 <ryaxnb> so i use VMs a lot

11:59 <ConfusionRift> Laters Tirek.

11:59 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-21rtcu.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

12:00 *** Quits: BubbleBerry (flscckpekmq@Pony-btdok3.co.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

12:00 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ADragonDreaming: I like 2007, I don't know what differences have been introduced since it

12:00 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, I guess they made it look more like 8.

12:01 <ADragonDreaming> Just improvements.

12:01 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Last I checked the school computers had upgraded to 2010, but they might have upgraded again if there's a newer one

12:02 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> All my classes that ask for printouts are math classes so I use LaTeX, so I haven't used Word recently.

12:03 <ConfusionRift> I have been using more OpenOffice, since I think that paying for MS Suite is a little steep.

12:04 <Waffles> I use LibreOffice

12:04 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I use LibreOffice, but I hate it

12:04 <Waffles> It's basically OpenOffice: Fork Edition

12:04 <Waffles> Yeah it's got its share of probs.

12:05 <Waffles> Like, the last version I have can't even insert a horizontal line. Like, really?

12:05 <Waffles> Kind of an important feature, guys

12:05 *** Joins: wallower (lflxzpbwmvt@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

12:06 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGs4jb1pCf8&index=1&list=PLZ2lamdAZ20A5AW-fEz2-Nk4K_a0fCxSw]

12:06 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Waffles: what? I'm sure I've don that

12:07 <Waffles> It's probably fixed in a version newer than mine

12:07 <Waffles> But still

12:07 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGs4jb1pCf8&index=1&list=PLZ2lamdAZ20A5AW-fEz2-Nk4K_a0fCxSw]

12:07 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about 1/6 A STORY TOLD (animatic) + lyrics

12:08 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> No, I think I did it years ago

12:09 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> And yet, I don't see the option either

12:11 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yeah, looking online, they've taken it out. Insanity.

12:11 <Nosfera> well im going to go to bed now. and tonight im happy! first time for everything, right? night!

12:11 <Waffles> Absolutely.

12:11 <Waffles> Good night, good sir! Rest well

12:11 <Waffles> Yes, absolute insanity. Makes no sense

12:11 <Nosfera> you too:) night!

12:12 *** Quits: Nosfera (xbghdcsbdfk@Pony-r77.1ob.52.73.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:12 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I thought you were happy yesterday no_connection

12:12 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> tabcomplete, seconds too late :P

12:12 <ConfusionRift> Eeerm, wrong user. :P

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12:13 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, I dunno. I think she needs friends. Like real friends.

12:13 <LameBoY743> !seen Luna_HG

12:13 <DerpyBot> LameBoY743: The last time I saw Luna_HG was 2014-11-14 20:32:08 UTC

12:13 <ConfusionRift> Not monkeys in front of a terminal... wait, I meant, pony on a computer.

12:13 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://ssalbug.deviantart.com/art/I-m-Awesome-494231240

12:14 *** Joins: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

12:15 *** Parts: LameBoY743 (mdeorbhlsuu@Pony-gk6.fn4.94.119.IP) ()

12:18 <Waffles> She is as awesome as she wishes to be.

12:20 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> a less cartoony SS http://ssalbug.deviantart.com/art/Sunset-Shimmer-463764280

12:21 <Waffles> ""Sunset Shimmer for President!"

12:21 <Waffles> Was all I was thinking seeing this color scheme."

12:21 <Waffles> Interesting seeing her as evil here; I don't think of her as an antagonist anymore

12:22 <Waffles> But obv, she was

12:22 * ConfusionRift shrugs.

12:22 <Waffles> Great drawing

12:22 <ConfusionRift> The hind legs of the pony version look odd.

12:23 <Waffles> Guess it depends how she's being held there

12:23 <Waffles> Can't see much of em

12:23 <ADragonDreaming> Ahem.

12:23 <ADragonDreaming> http://dennybutt.deviantart.com/art/Friendship-is-Magic-489281371

12:23 <ConfusionRift> If they're bent the way they look, they're broken.

12:24 <Waffles> Ah okay I get it

12:25 <Waffles> The person who draws those horsey-cow-looking ponies sure is popular

12:25 *** Parts: Toothpaste (Toothpaste@Pony-hmr7d7.sasknet.sk.ca) ("")

12:25 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yeah, DennyButt is great

12:26 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> And they redid one of her pics because people said they looked like cows. But the old one looked better.

12:27 <Waffles> I mean, they're cute drawings, but yeah they look pretty cow-y

12:27 <ConfusionRift> Cow-y? Hmm... (looks t up)

12:28 *** BerryPunch is now known as Berry|Zzz

12:28 <Waffles> Speaking of Zzz

12:28 <Waffles> I should catch some myself

12:28 <ConfusionRift> Oh, alright buddy. Laters, and have a good one.

12:28 <FruitNibbler> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5P6O0pDyMU

12:28 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

12:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Why Isn't The Sky Purple?

12:29 *** Joins: Jandal|CHEF (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

12:29 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ConfusionRift: https://derpiboo.ru/497854

12:29 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> this is the one that she took down

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12:31 *** ConfusionRift2 is now known as ConfusionRift

12:31 * ConfusionRift sighs.

12:31 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ConfusionRift: https://derpiboo.ru/497854 this is the one that she took down. Dunno if you received this message before whatever just happened.

12:32 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, I see. And yes, I received it. :P

12:32 <ConfusionRift> I think it's on the ISP end.

12:33 <FruitNibbler> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbSm6v2IrPY

12:33 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

12:33 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Spooky Skeleton Joke

12:34 <ConfusionRift> MarcusGarciaWulfric: Wasn't that one remade a few times?

12:34 *** Waffles is now known as Wafflesleep

12:35 *** Quits: Wafflesleep (Reed@Pony-6gacgf.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: )

12:35 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ConfusionRift: just once

12:35 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net)

12:36 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://dennybutt.deviantart.com/art/We-ain-t-ever-leaving-you-behind-419966701

12:36 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, I see that.

12:37 <ConfusionRift> The other one looks weird. Like, a heavy style change.

12:37 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> "Comments are disabled to avoid any "lol they still look like cows" "i liked the old version better" comments."

12:37 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> If you go to derpiboo.ru that's exactly what you find

12:37 <FruitNibbler> Foals do look a little bit like cows

12:37 <FruitNibbler> Like RL foals

12:37 <OctaveSymphony> dennybutt usually has comments off

12:38 <ConfusionRift> Exactly. So the whole "looks like cows" didn't down to me. They just look a bit more realistic, while still looking cartoony.

12:39 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> OctaveSymphony: my memory disagrees, I watch her on devART and I see comments

12:39 <OctaveSymphony> I said usually.

12:39 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I always see comments, IIRC

12:39 <FruitNibbler> I like denybutt's artstyle, no need to change anything

12:39 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> But it seems I'm wrong, checking it

12:39 <OctaveSymphony> The owner of this deviation has disabled comments. On the items in my deviantwatch right now

12:40 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving...)

12:40 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Yeah, I just checked it too

12:40 <ConfusionRift> And I agree. The style is nice and really doesn't need that much changing at all.

12:41 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://dennybutt.deviantart.com/art/promarkers-Spitfire-480249789

12:42 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Did she disable comments somewhat recently? I'm sure I've seen comments before.

12:42 <ryaxnb> MarcusGarciaWulfric, why is KDE so hideous

12:42 <ryaxnb> i said "OK i'll try SuSE and KDE"

12:42 <ryaxnb> cue half an hour of installing everything and changing every single setting cause KDE is fugly

12:42 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I wouldn't know, haven't used KDE in a decade

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12:42 <ConfusionRift> Every single work I see so far has them disabled. I dunno.

12:42 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I'm none too happy with GNOME either

12:43 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Although it's what I use

12:43 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ConfusionRift: which is why I'm so confused, because I remember reading comments in the past.

12:43 * ConfusionRift shrugs.

12:43 <ryaxnb> i use Xfce, usually

12:43 <ryaxnb> trying everything

12:44 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Every now and then, I go back to Blackbox

12:44 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Or Fluxbox, rather

12:45 <ryaxnb> xfce :(

12:45 <ryaxnb> it uses GTK 2 and is sane

12:47 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Basically I've become cynical about software. It all sucks. So I find what's the last hassle, and that's GNOME for me right now. DE doesn't matter too much anyway, I do almost everything from three windows: Firefox, Emacs, urxvt

12:47 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> The last one running screen

12:48 <ryaxnb> xfce just gets out of your way

12:48 <ryaxnb> if you want that type of DE, that's definetely Xfc

12:48 <ryaxnb> if you want that type of DE, that's definetely Xfce

12:48 <ConfusionRift> I still have to fix HexChat.

12:49 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> GNOME shell is alright.

12:49 *** Quits: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-594.ut3.46.95.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:49 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I hardly ever do anything more than alt-tab, any DE can do that.

12:49 <ryaxnb> here's a weird thing

12:49 <ryaxnb> there's one search term, that if you type in the address bar, Firefox suggests going to the URL instead of the search page

12:49 <ryaxnb> which is by default google

12:50 <ryaxnb> that URL/search term is "chrome"

12:50 <ryaxnb> It doesn't do this for any other search term

12:50 <ryaxnb> and if you say Yes, typing "chrome" in the address bar no longer redirects to the google search for Chrome

12:50 <ryaxnb> the frack is that?

12:50 <ryaxnb> anti-google-chrome shenanigans?

12:51 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> ryaxnb: Firefox does that for a lot of terms

12:52 *** Jandal|CHEF is now known as Jandal|ZZZZ

12:52 <ryaxnb> but not all terms

12:52 <ryaxnb> not a bunch of terms

12:52 <ryaxnb> i tried a few

12:52 *** FruitNibbler is now known as FN_shopping

12:52 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> I didn't say all terms

12:52 <ryaxnb> it doesn't seem to be all that many terms

12:52 <ryaxnb> and why is one of them chrome

12:53 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> http://kb.mozillazine.org/Keyword.enabled

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13:01 <ConfusionRift> Be right back. Food.

13:01 <MarcusGarciaWulfric> Time to sleep

13:01 *** Quits: MarcusGarciaWulfric (user@Pony-jmh2fo.client.bresnan.net) (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs

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13:05 <Nosfera> so much for "happy" and "sleep"

13:05 <ADragonDreaming> Blue blue

13:05 <Nosfera> what?

13:07 <Nosfera> ugh im laying in bed i want to sleep but i cant im to stinking sad :[

13:08 <ryaxnb> rainbow's eyes in awesome as i wanna be

13:09 <Nosfera> i sooo want to sleep! ugh stupid saddness!!!!!!

13:09 <ryaxnb> they are perhaps the most smug face i have ever seen on any animated face ever

13:09 <ADragonDreaming> wht?

13:09 <ryaxnb> here, lemme take a screenshot

13:09 *** Joins: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-uug.4lr.15.185.IP)

13:10 <Nosfera> any advice to sleep?

13:11 <ADragonDreaming> Close down all screens.

13:11 <ADragonDreaming> Disguise all light sources.

13:12 <ADragonDreaming> Lay motionless in bed, close eyes.

13:12 <ADragonDreaming> Ignore urges to get out (Save for, you know, bathroom use)

13:12 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: Apples)

13:13 <Nosfera> i did. for like an hour and a half. ive been in this position plenty of times, believe me, i wont sleep for hours.

13:13 <ADragonDreaming> Well, aside from "take melatonin" that's about the extent of what I got.

13:13 <Nosfera> sometimes i hate people. like, a lot of times.

13:13 <ryaxnb> http://i.imgur.com/S1oCLKC.png

13:14 <ryaxnb> http://i.imgur.com/AqwKah3.png

13:14 <ryaxnb> dash is SO smug during that song

13:14 <ryaxnb> the ego is out of this world

13:14 <ryaxnb> those are two relevant screengrabs

13:15 <ADragonDreaming> H.

13:15 <ryaxnb> H?

13:15 <Nosfera> what?

13:15 *** Quits: Twilight_Shimmer (syeoctyjsma@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

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13:16 * ConfusionRift returns.

13:17 <Nosfera> i really hate my "friend" right now.

13:17 <ADragonDreaming> *Ah

13:17 * Princess-QRS hails Lord Robot, really belatedly!

13:18 *** Quits: WubzyWubbles (WubzyWubble@Pony-d52ea0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:18 * ConfusionRift patpats Princess-QRS.

13:20 *** Quits: Shorttail (quassel@Pony-vsjg1s.rev.dansknet.dk) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:20 <Nosfera> i want to either punch about a thousand holes in the wall or eat 10 gallons of icecream right now. like, now.

13:21 *** Joins: Shorttail (quassel@Pony-vsjg1s.rev.dansknet.dk)

13:23 <Nosfera> ugh.

13:25 <Nosfera> idk what to do anymore. ugh.

13:27 <ConfusionRift> Sorry, was kinda occupied.

13:27 <ryaxnb> ADragonDreaming, what is H mean

13:27 <ConfusionRift> He corrected. It was *Ah.

13:27 <ryaxnb> ah i see

13:27 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:28 <ConfusionRift> He sorta derped. :P

13:28 <ryaxnb> megan mccarthy has a thing for epic finales\

13:28 <ryaxnb> y'know

13:28 <ryaxnb> making pony epic

13:28 <ryaxnb> (so does M.A. Larson)

13:29 <ryaxnb> she mentioned in the Rainbow Rocks commentary (mccarthy) that she was fan of epic finales

13:29 *** Quits: ArchPegasus_zZz (ArchPegasus@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:29 <ryaxnb> it's weird for a show that doesn't focus on action in many episodes

13:29 <ryaxnb> and in most of the scenes

13:30 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-bs9.gcf.209.90.IP)

13:30 <ConfusionRift> Which does show up at the later seasons.

13:30 <ryaxnb> well yeah

13:30 <ryaxnb> starting with S2

13:30 <Nosfera> i want to get away from the world for a while. i wish we hade like a dreamland that we could telaport to for a few days or weeks.

13:30 <ryaxnb> which was M.A Larson on the premiere and Finale was Megan

13:30 <ryaxnb> S3 was directed by Megan, and the premiere was Megan, finale M.A. Larson

13:31 <ryaxnb> post-Faust-Depature

13:31 <ryaxnb> i consider the Lennon-McCartney of pony to be Megan and M.A. Larson

13:31 <Nosfera> i want to punch something  or eat something.

13:31 <Nosfera> but i can do neither.

13:31 <ryaxnb> with i guess Polsky as George and AKR as Ringo

13:31 <Nosfera> ugh.

13:31 <ryaxnb> those are my four favorite writers and the ones with the most staying power.

13:31 <ryaxnb> Haber's good but he's only written like three eps

13:32 <ryaxnb> That's why i'm hyped for Season 5 having M.A. Larson again

13:32 <Nosfera> i need a forever hug of happyness.

13:33 * ConfusionRift hugs Nosfera.

13:33 <ryaxnb> Season 3 was saved in large part because M.A. Larson wrote two stupendous best-of-the-series eps

13:33 * Nosfera hugs back

13:33 <ryaxnb> probably his best work

13:33 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

13:33 <ConfusionRift> Epicness is fine on my book. But you know, if it makes both sense and works in the overall theme.

13:33 <ryaxnb> with only 13 episode and one being a two parter, 1/6 of the season is M.A. Larson

13:34 <ryaxnb> of course, and for ponies, it's usually reserved for finales, premieres, and the odd occasional ep

13:34 <ryaxnb> even those "occasional" eps usually have high comedy too like "it's about time" a M.A. Larson classic

13:34 <Nosfera> i want a reset button on life.

13:34 *** Quits: Cumadrin (owner@Pony-ruvmt7.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

13:34 <ryaxnb> which is epic to a degree, but is also a very character/comedy focused ep

13:34 <ryaxnb> or Luna Eclipsed -- full of worldbuilding, but not epic.

13:34 *** Joins: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

13:34 <ryaxnb> Character/Comedy/Drama focused

13:35 <Nosfera> ugh.......

13:35 <ryaxnb> basically i tie the two together more on their love of episodes that contribute to continuity in a major way

13:35 <ryaxnb> then their shared passion for "epicness"

13:36 <ryaxnb> m.a. larson only occasionally writes a truly epic massive-monster episode, like S02E01/S02E02 or the like

13:36 * ConfusionRift shrugs.

13:36 <ryaxnb> but he and McCarthy in latter-half-of-s1/S2/S3 were the go-to-people for worldbuilding eps and major arcs

13:36 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

13:37 <ConfusionRift> I don't know them or follow, so I'm not very precise as to who does what.

13:37 <ryaxnb> eps like Sonic Rainboom, Cutie Mark Chronicles in S1.

13:37 <Nosfera> i want to kill something.

13:37 <ryaxnb> which were two of the more continuity-focused eps in S1.

13:37 <ryaxnb> i do

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13:38 *** Joins: kickass (sarkijbsuem@Pony-cqlsgm.bigpond.net.au)

13:38 <ryaxnb> Dave Polsky historically was the go-to for comedy because of his Spongebob past, but they've tried other types of ep with him in S4 and he was surprisingly good at it

13:38 <ConfusionRift> What I do know is that I'm keeping my cool till it airs. Then peer some judgment if needed be. Issue is, I have been rifting a lot.

13:38 <ConfusionRift> Really? Again?

13:38 <kickass> what

13:39 *** kickass is now known as man

13:39 <ryaxnb> that's why i like polsky -- he's really grown into this show

13:39 <ConfusionRift> Thank you.

13:39 *** Quits: Cozmyx (tpjeruuqyha@Pony-7sfgbp.tpgi.com.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

13:39 <ryaxnb> S4 Polsky is way better than S1 polsky though both are OK

13:39 <ryaxnb> S4 polsky is actually excellent

13:39 <Nosfera> we really are a LONG way from equestria.

13:40 <ryaxnb> S3 polsky was still only doing comedy episodes (that was still his niche) but he was also very good

13:40 <ConfusionRift> We really are. We're not even equines. :P

13:40 <man> hello other people

13:40 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

13:40 <man> windows xp is the best

13:41 <ryaxnb> no

13:41 * ADragonDreaming head tilts.

13:41 <ADragonDreaming> pssst. ryaxnb.

13:41 <ryaxnb> yes, ADragonDreaming

13:41 <ADragonDreaming> I'm pretty sure this is one of those things.

13:41 <ryaxnb> i agree

13:41 <ryaxnb>   but no response, so who cares

13:41 <ADragonDreaming> Like, where the guy says a thing to spark a thing.

13:41 <man> windows 7 is good too

13:41 <Nosfera> i wish i never made any "friends".

13:41 <ryaxnb> okay well now you're just ignoring us dude

13:42 <ryaxnb> we will kick you soon. :(

13:42 <ADragonDreaming> ...

13:42 <man> why

13:42 <ryaxnb> :(

13:42 <ADragonDreaming> ryaxnb, dude, stop speaking for the mods?

13:42 <ryaxnb> oh yeah

13:42 <ryaxnb> right

13:42 <ryaxnb> well . then the mods may.

13:42 <ryaxnb> depending on their mood

13:42 <man> why would you kick me anyway

13:42 <ryaxnb> hey -- heard any news about Sports lately?

13:43 *** Blackjack is now known as AppleDash\

13:43 <ryaxnb> :/

13:43 *** AppleDash\ is now known as AppleDash

13:43 <Nosfera> ugh.

13:43 <ryaxnb> i haven't because my team , the 49ers, is doing very poorly

13:43 * ConfusionRift sits back and observes.

13:43 <ryaxnb> so i lost interest

13:44 *** man is now known as ToiletMan

13:44 <ToiletMan> ha

13:44 *** Quits: Taoki[mobile] (androirc@Pony-anf.89e.233.213.IP) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

13:44 <ToiletMan> ha

13:44 <ToiletMan> ha

13:44 <Nosfera> i was so stupid thinking he was my friend.

13:44 <ryaxnb> this channel is quiet

13:45 <ryaxnb> i like chinese food

13:45 <ryaxnb> i think i'll have some tommorow

13:45 <ryaxnb> or thai, mayhaps

13:45 <ryaxnb> meh

13:45 <ryaxnb> now i'm' hungry :(

13:45 <Nosfera> "meh", is right.

13:45 <ADragonDreaming> Hey ToiletMan. You want to pick a name that isn't trollish?

13:46 <ToiletMan> why

13:46 <ADragonDreaming> Out of respect for the channel and the other users.

13:46 <Nosfera> i thought he was my friend, but friends arent supposed to judge, so idk.

13:47 *** ToiletMan is now known as a

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13:47 *** a is now known as man

13:47 <man> hello

13:48 <ADragonDreaming> Hello.

13:49 <Nosfera> ugh.

13:49 <man> what is it

13:51 <man> ...

13:54 *** Quits: Nosfera (xbghdcsbdfk@Pony-r77.1ob.52.73.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

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13:56 <man> anyone home?

13:57 *** Quits: man (sarkijbsuem@Pony-cqlsgm.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

14:01 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigabit

14:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Early Morning Discussion #37  [ http://tinyurl.com/kcn9989 ]

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14:07 * ConfusionRift boops Princess-QRS.

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14:08 *** ArchPegasus_zZz is now known as ArchPegasusMichael

14:09 * ryaxnb boops Princess-QRS

14:09 <ryaxnb> new computer boop!

14:10 <ADragonDreaming> ...

14:10 <ADragonDreaming> hmm.

14:10 <ADragonDreaming> boop swiveled 180 degrees... is dooq

14:11 * ADragonDreaming dooqs Princess-QRS

14:11 * Gigabit boops Princess-QRS too cause 3 boops the magically number

14:11 <Gigabit> Magical*

14:11 <ADragonDreaming> *is

14:12 <Gigabit> Bkah, sorry bad tying on mobile.

14:12 <Princess-QRS> wat

14:12 <Gigabit> Yah that. -.-

14:12 * Princess-QRS is booped several times!

14:12 <Gigabit> Bad typing*

14:12 * Princess-QRS boops ADragonDreaming and Gigabit and ryaxnb and ConfusionRift back!

14:13 <ADragonDreaming> dooq

14:15 <ryaxnb> Princess-QRS, well i got a "new " laptop

14:15 <ConfusionRift> So much dooq'ing! 0_0

14:15 <ryaxnb> a 14" 1280x800 core 2 2ghz 120GB 2GB RAM laptop

14:15 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-4b9.o1n.95.119.IP)

14:15 <ryaxnb> from like 2007

14:15 <ryaxnb> new as in, it's new to me and it was freeee

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14:16 <ryaxnb> i have a newer laptop (a 15" Core i5 Sandy 3ghz 1366x768 3GB 500GB)

14:16 <ryaxnb> but this is nice to have too

14:18 <ADragonDreaming> How you get it free?

14:18 <ryaxnb> my mom's friend had me help fix it, and i did

14:18 <ADragonDreaming> Ah.

14:18 <ryaxnb> i'm not sure if he was expecting an easy fix -- he's an fellow

14:18 <ryaxnb> it was just the AC adapter

14:18 <ADragonDreaming> ...he's an fellow?

14:18 <ryaxnb> so he got a new laptop instead... and then gave me the old one

14:19 <ryaxnb> a old fellow*

14:19 <ADragonDreaming> ah

14:19 <ryaxnb> not very good with computers

14:19 <ryaxnb> he writes novels. that's what he does with his computer...

14:20 <ryaxnb> the most important thing to  him was getting the novels off the old laptop, i guess, before he junked it

14:21 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, some people do that. Heck, my cousin got a free desktop, and it just needed some TLC inside.

14:21 <ryaxnb> to be fair it's old enough the resale value is very low since it was low end to begin with

14:21 <ryaxnb> works great though

14:21 <ryaxnb> if it were a thinkpad or something it'd be worth money, but it's an acer so resale value is probably ~$&5

14:21 <ryaxnb> 75*

14:22 <ryaxnb> maybe $100

14:22 <ryaxnb> that's if you took the time to use ebay to sell it

14:24 <ConfusionRift> Meh, it was not worth reselling. So it was good he gave it away to a good home.

14:24 *** Quits: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-uug.4lr.15.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:24 <ryaxnb> yep

14:25 <ConfusionRift> There are users who would rather just toss them in the dumps.

14:25 <ryaxnb> it makes a good linux box

14:25 <ryaxnb> came with Windows XP norwegian

14:25 <ryaxnb> the friend is a world traveler and picked up the computer in Norway

14:25 <ryaxnb> he learned enough norwegian to use the OS

14:25 <ConfusionRift> Huh, I see.

14:25 <ryaxnb> :)

14:25 <ryaxnb> he already knew some similar language

14:25 <ConfusionRift> That's cool. Hehehe. :P

14:26 <ryaxnb> Yep

14:26 <ConfusionRift> It sure would serve well as a project system. Not that wow, but it's not bad at all.

14:27 <ryaxnb> i use it for my linux OS because right now my main laptop is dual booting windows 8.1 and windows 7

14:27 *** Quits: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:27 <ryaxnb> rebooting into linux is a pain

14:27 <ryaxnb> with this, i have a secondary laptop that can be all-linux

14:27 <ConfusionRift> Not a bad idea.

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14:32 <ConfusionRift> I have never tried a dual boot, to be honest. At least, not a permanent one. Last I did was to fix a system, but got rid of it because it did occupy some space.

14:33 <ConfusionRift> Used to be rather precarious with drive space. It had drives of smaller capacity.

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14:35 <ryaxnb> i might make my main lappie dual boot win 7  OS X 10.9

14:35 <ryaxnb> i think it can support that

14:36 <ConfusionRift> Maybe.

14:37 <ConfusionRift> I have seen it done in universities.

14:37 <ConfusionRift> So it should be.

14:38 <ConfusionRift> Then again, I have no idea of the madness they had to go through to do it.

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14:49 <ConfusionRift> Also, I think they were Mac systems with dual boot.

14:49 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-034.878.125.2.IP) (Connection closed)

14:50 <ryaxnb> hackintosh isn't htat hard

14:50 <ryaxnb> macs can dual boot

14:50 <ryaxnb> i once dual booted a power mac

14:50 <ryaxnb> Linux/OS X/OS 9

14:50 <ryaxnb> tri-booted*

14:51 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, alright. It's just I haven't done it in so long.

14:52 *** Joins: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-2qkc25.jinr.ru)

14:52 <ryaxnb> intel macs can dual boot windows/mac/linux

14:53 <Apophis> yep

14:53 <ryaxnb> then there's the CHRP

14:53 <ryaxnb> mac os 8.0 betas had support for CHRP

14:53 <ryaxnb> or parts of it

14:53 <ryaxnb> stuff like RS232 serial and PS/2 mice that was expected on a CHRP box

14:53 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-456.0i3.120.2.IP)

14:54 <ryaxnb> CHRP was a PC-like standard for PowerPC machine that eliminated propietary Apple parts

14:54 <Apophis> but mac haven't windows-style keyboard with win key =\

14:54 <ryaxnb> Command Key = Win Key

14:54 <ConfusionRift> ^

14:54 <ryaxnb> = Meta Key.

14:54 <ryaxnb> A true PC keyboard doens't have a win key anyway

14:54 <Apophis> what about "ctrl" key?

14:54 <ryaxnb> macs have a ctrl key.

14:54 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

14:54 <ryaxnb> i'm very anti-winkey since it's windows-specific in name

14:54 <ryaxnb> i prefer the generic "meta" key

14:55 <ryaxnb> Command is also acceptable.

14:55 <ryaxnb> CHRP would have allowed many OSes such as OS/2, AIX, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS

14:55 <ryaxnb> and WinNT

14:56 <ryaxnb> but CHRP never came to fruitition, though there are some PPC OS/2, AIX, Linux, WinNT, BSD versions and boxes that can run them

14:56 <ryaxnb> they tend to be rare (unless they're macs or IBM server hardware)

14:57 <Apophis> at this moment i'm using asus eeepc 1201n with debian 7.0 =)

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14:59 *** Unikitty|Away is now known as Unikitty

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15:00 <Vokuros> Morning everypony

15:00 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-456.0i3.120.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:00 * Vokuros slurps ConfusionRift

15:00 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

15:00 <Apophis> hi ConfusionRift

15:00 <Vokuros> How's it going?

15:01 <ConfusionRift> Just dealing with weather change. Aside from that, some congestion and about it.

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15:02 <Vokuros> Ahzies, gotcha. Hope you feel better soon :9

15:02 <Apophis> i'm sitting  on a pair of professional ethics

15:02 <Vokuros> * :(

15:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: AWESOME PMV: All This Time [ http://tinyurl.com/l88hbm3 ]

15:02 * Princess-QRS grabs a blanket and flops on ConfusionRift

15:03 * ConfusionRift patpats Princess-QRS.

15:03 <ConfusionRift> Laters and have a good one.

15:03 <Princess-QRS> -3-

15:03 <Princess-QRS> I will!

15:03 * Princess-QRS sleeps

15:05 * Unikitty baps Vokuros

15:06 * Vokuros chuckles and baps Unikitty back "Hiya!'

15:06 *** Quits: VoxelFyre (uojnlfqhlnd@Pony-riju4t.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:06 <Unikitty> Well hi there, but would you mind not "slurping" Rifty? He's made of metal after all :P

15:06 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: I like to sleep. Also, ConfusionRift is best robot.)

15:07 <ryaxnb> with the older 68k macs much of the OS was in ROM

15:07 <ryaxnb> but it was possible to bootstrap BSD on a 68K mac using a BSD floppy and the ROM code of the mac

15:07 <Unikitty> So what goes on today?

15:08 <ConfusionRift> In here? Just getting tired a bit at the time.

15:08 * Vokuros chuckles "Haha, gotcha. I'll keep that in mind unless I want metal in my mouth"

15:09 * Unikitty gently nuzzles at ConfusionRift's side

15:09 <ConfusionRift> Silicon compound outer, with metal frame.

15:10 <Starthunder> ryaxnb: you mean super.

15:10 <Starthunder> winkey is a special case of super

15:10 * ConfusionRift pets Unikitty.

15:10 <Starthunder> alt is analogous to meta

15:10 *** Quits: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:10 * Unikitty purrs and rolls around.

15:12 <Unikitty> Looks like most people are either busy or away.. I guess I should find myself something to play to relax after this morning's shenanigans

15:12 <ADragonDreaming> SHENANIGANS?!

15:12 <ConfusionRift> Sorry, as mentioned, a bit tired and managing something in between.

15:12 <ConfusionRift> I'm still here though.

15:13 <ADragonDreaming> What shenanigans?

15:13 <OctaveSymphony> Are you certain you're here

15:13 * Unikitty teleports up in the air to boop the mighty ADragonDreaming, coming down to the ground afterwards.

15:13 <OctaveSymphony> What is here

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15:13 <Unikitty> Oh, you know, casual saturday morning stuff :P

15:13 * ConfusionRift points at the ground he's sitting on. "Here."

15:13 <ADragonDreaming> Shenanigans are casual?

15:13 * Unikitty boops OctaveSymphony!

15:13 * OctaveSymphony falls over in confusion.

15:14 <Unikitty> Yeah, gone to the store with a friend this morning, came together home afterwards and she helped me around to cook some stuff

15:14 <Unikitty> Nothing too important

15:14 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Leaving...)

15:15 *** Joins: MarbleStarry (marblestarr@Pony-opu.fil.123.94.IP)

15:15 * Unikitty nuzzles OctaveSymphony

15:15 <ConfusionRift> If ti was over there, I would have to say there, not here. But since it's here, not there, then it's here. You know, here, which is opposed to there, which is also not here. :P

15:15 * Unikitty giggles

15:16 * Unikitty hums "The Bannered Mare" from Skyrim OST

15:17 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

15:17 * ConfusionRift grabs a banner, and wraps Unikitty with it. "Eeerm... close enough."

15:18 * Unikitty is now apparently a bannered kitty

15:19 <Unikitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdpQnjfP-7g

15:19 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

15:19 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim OST - Around the Fire

15:20 <OctaveSymphony> Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!

15:20 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-e4i.7f3.120.2.IP)

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15:26 <ConfusionRift> Now, the theme of epic kitty, with Unikitty barely slithering with very heavy kitty clad armor. :P

15:26 *** Quits: `Pi (pi@Pony-4b9.o1n.95.119.IP) (Quit: See ya, losers.)

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15:26 * Unikitty tries to imagine herself in a set of heavy armor, gets slightly confused

15:26 * Unikitty thinks she'll continue to prefer light armor

15:28 * ArchPegasusMichael shows Unikitty http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/MJOLNIR_GEN2

15:29 <OctaveSymphony> Dragonbone Ebonsteel armor!

15:29 * Unikitty looks at the link

15:29 <Unikitty> Oookay?

15:30 <OctaveSymphony> Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!

15:30 <ArchPegasusMichael> o3o

15:31 <OctaveSymphony> Okay, gonna stop with the dragon language now :P

15:31 <ConfusionRift> Gonna have to take my leave. I feel very very tired.

15:31 <ConfusionRift> See ya laters everypony.

15:32 <Unikitty> xD

15:32 <Unikitty> And Good Night Rifty, have a good rest.

15:32 <ConfusionRift> All have a good one.

15:32 * OctaveSymphony wavies bye to ConfusionRift

15:33 <Unikitty> Weird, somebody just called the doorbell, but I didn't see anyone outside

15:33 <Unikitty> Kids playing around?

15:33 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-k90oir.res.rr.com) (Quit: Beep. Boop. Bep!)

15:33 <OctaveSymphony> Mayhaps

15:33 <OctaveSymphony> Or spoooky ghosts

15:33 <Unikitty> Because normally I know if somebody's actually coming

15:33 <Unikitty> Oh well.

15:34 <OctaveSymphony> Your home is haunted

15:34 *** Joins: Coco (Coco_Nut@Pony-ktc.ue7.209.90.IP)

15:34 <Unikitty> Nu!

15:34 * Unikitty haunts her own home

15:34 <OctaveSymphony> I have a spoopy ghost in the basement.

15:35 *** Joins: Georgisaur (George@Pony-edgueh.range109-150.btcentralplus.com)

15:35 <Unikitty> You do? What does it do?

15:35 <OctaveSymphony> Makes weird noises and opens the doors.

15:35 <Unikitty> Really?

15:35 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-e4i.7f3.120.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:35 <OctaveSymphony> Has been going on since I moved in,can't figure out what it is

15:35 <OctaveSymphony> So calling it a ghost.

15:35 <Unikitty> Oh MY

15:35 <Unikitty> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxBO6KX9qTA

15:35 <Unikitty> Ehh

15:36 <Unikitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxBO6KX9qTA

15:36 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about 2spooky4me

15:36 <Unikitty> On a more serious note though, I love spooky stuff, would be a delight for me to investigate

15:36 <OctaveSymphony> Also have a cabinet upstairs that somehow opens despite being locked

15:36 <CleverDerpy> good morning~

15:36 * CleverDerpy does a silly dance

15:37 * OctaveSymphony grabs CleverDerpy's hooves and dances along

15:37 <Unikitty> Was it of any significance or perhaps stored something of sorts?

15:37 <CleverDerpy> wee~

15:37 <Unikitty> Heya CleverDerpy

15:37 * CleverDerpy dances with OctaveSymphony

15:37 <CleverDerpy> hiya Unikitty

15:37 <OctaveSymphony> I have no idea truly, all I know is that it's an old piece of furniture

15:38 <Unikitty> Spooopy.

15:38 <OctaveSymphony> Weird thing is, 3 of the 4 people who have lived in this house are all alive.

15:38 <OctaveSymphony> So who is haunting it

15:38 * Schism randomly boops Unikitty with a LEGO ice cream cone.

15:39 * Unikitty stares in confusion at the incredibly tiny ice cream cone Schism is holding

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15:39 * Unikitty baps Schism

15:39 <Schism> No, a full-sized ice cream cone made of LEGO.

15:39 <Unikitty> Oh my

15:39 <Unikitty> Can I?

15:39 <Schism> It was an offer!

15:40 *** Quits: Vibrance (ezpkmchszkn@AnActualChangeling) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:40 *** Quits: MarbleStarry (marblestarr@Pony-opu.fil.123.94.IP) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)

15:40 * Unikitty grabs the ice cream cone in her magic, proceeding to disassemble it into LEGO pieces, building a rainbow-coloured toy butterfly with them

15:40 * Schism blinks, "And here I thought you'd just eat it."

15:41 <Unikitty> Eat.. lego?

15:41 * Unikitty blinks

15:41 <Schism> Eat ice cream.  And you're a LEGO kitty.

15:42 <Unikitty> uh

15:42 <Unikitty> I beg your pardon?

15:42 <Schism> http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/Unikitty

15:42 <Unikitty> Are you saying the only known visual representation of myself is supposed to make it real?

15:43 * Unikitty hmphs

15:43 <Schism> As real as an ice cream cone made of LEGO.  By the way, your butterfly's starting to melt vanilla on the floor.

15:43 <OctaveSymphony> http://mcphee.com/shop/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1200x1200/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/n/inflatable_unicorn_horn_for_cats.jpg

15:43 *** Joins: Foxie (Books@the_Library)

15:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Foxie

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15:43 *** Unikitty is now known as Skykitty

15:44 * Schism is very silly this morning, already.

15:45 *** Joins: MarbleStarry (marblestarr@Pony-opu.fil.123.94.IP)

15:47 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink)

15:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

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15:49 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

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15:55 *** Joins: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-grfq86.cable.virginm.net)

15:57 <hawthornbunny> Hi MarbleStarry!

15:59 <MarbleStarry> Oh Hi!

16:00 *** Quits: Apophis (Apophis@Pony-2qkc25.jinr.ru) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:03 *** Parts: MarbleStarry (marblestarr@Pony-opu.fil.123.94.IP) ()

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16:16 *** Joins: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-0geif2.fbx.proxad.net)

16:16 <Yeppoh> Hey!

16:16 *** LightningCrash is now known as Cloud_Kicker

16:20 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7gecvg.fl.comcast.net)

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16:30 *** Berry|Zzz is now known as BerryPunch

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16:34 *** Coco is now known as Coco_Nut

16:35 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Tanking_Sounds

16:36 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

16:37 * Coin-Trip39 yawns

16:38 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

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16:41 *** Quits: Pony_23938 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:44 <ArchPegasusMichael> Струйкой дым понесла тишина / Запечалилась в небе луна / Ну и пусть мне печаль не страшна / Главное что есть IRC у меня https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0-F8o12p7w

16:44 <Tanking_Sounds> ArchPegasusMichael, do you mind?

16:45 <ArchPegasusMichael> Just trying to break the silence, Sketchy :I

16:46 *** Joins: DataByte (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

16:46 <Tanking_Sounds> I don't see how speaking in a language 99% of the channel population don't understand is going to do that.

16:47 *** Quits: WorkingData (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:49 <ArchPegasusMichael> You responded, so I guess it works sometimes :d

16:51 *** Joins: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

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16:51 *** RaincloudRunner is now known as Cloudrunner

16:51 <Coin-Trip39> what's that even suppose to say?

16:53 <ArchPegasusMichael> Coin-Trip39: just song lyrics

16:54 <Coin-Trip39> okay then

16:55 *** Quits: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-grfq86.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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17:00 <Coin-Trip39> so. whats everyone up to?

17:02 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-79lk6b.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: My people need me!)

17:03 *** Skykitty is now known as Unikitty

17:05 *** LightDash|Gamer is now known as LightDash

17:07 *** Joins: Coco (Coco_Nut@Pony-4f06ro.skybroadband.com)

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17:15 *** Joins: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP)

17:17 <bubblemuffin> !s1

17:17 <DerpyBot> Seasons come and go... say, do you have muffins? :3

17:17 * ArchPegasusMichael sits in corner, defeated by his social anxiety after another act of randomness

17:17 <Cloud_Kicker> 99% of the channel not understanding is being generous.

17:17 <bubblemuffin> O.o what did i miss?

17:18 *** Fall is now known as FallenSilent

17:19 <Coin-Trip39> nothing

17:19 <bubblemuffin> okay!

17:20 *** Quits: rela (x@Pony-08j5nr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:25 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-e5j.nh8.126.2.IP)

17:26 <bubblemuffin> its so quite here today

17:26 *** Quits: Coco (Coco_Nut@Pony-4f06ro.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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17:27 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

17:28 <DanielWaterhorse> Hello everypony :)

17:28 *** Quits: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

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17:29 <bubblemuffin> hello!

17:30 *** Googie is now known as Googie|Sleepling

17:30 <DanielWaterhorse> How are you?

17:30 <bubblemuffin> little bord but otherwise im good

17:31 <bubblemuffin> how are you?

17:33 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-e5j.nh8.126.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:36 *** Joins: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP)

17:37 *** Joins: User_562425 (ecwhmqmyjet@Pony-60o.3j6.106.200.IP)

17:38 <bubblemuffin> hello overcast_

17:38 <User_562425> hi

17:38 *** Cloudrunner is now known as Misty

17:39 <bubblemuffin> hello user_562425

17:41 <bubblemuffin> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER bubblemuffin qhpprhswdfjb

17:41 <bubblemuffin> um that didnt work did it?

17:41 *** SleepFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

17:43 <User_562425> im doing a project and it will have brony's. is this image still valid

17:43 <User_562425> http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/309/c/4/bronie_sociological_analysis_flowchart_by_broniepologist-d4f95jq.jpg

17:43 <User_562425> (please let me know if im violating a rule here)

17:43 <ArchPegasusMichael> bubblemuffin: you added the space before /

17:43 <ArchPegasusMichael> so the command didn't wrk

17:44 <ArchPegasusMichael> *work

17:44 <bubblemuffin> thx!

17:45 <ArchPegasusMichael> and it's best to type services commands into server tab, not any chat tabs

17:45 <bubblemuffin> server tabs? whats that?

17:46 <ArchPegasusMichael> or you can pm NickServ like a regular user, by /query NickServ

17:46 *** FallenSilent is now known as Gilda

17:47 <bubblemuffin> ah ok so thats also how i pm?

17:47 *** Joins: Pony_631725 (xfbfcdkrgvn@Pony-461ga3.mmpnet238.tnp.pl)

17:47 <ArchPegasusMichael> yes

17:48 <bubblemuffin> thx again?

17:48 <User_562425> "pony" instead of "user" sounds funny

17:49 *** Joins: rela (x@Pony-08j5nr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:50 <bubblemuffin> lol user whell you can pick anyname

17:51 <bubblemuffin> that was a very interesting flow chat you found you found user

17:51 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-4b9.o1n.95.119.IP) (Quit: See ya, losers.)

17:51 *** Quits: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:52 *** Joins: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP)

17:52 <ArchPegasusMichael> bubblemuffin: http://iv.pl/images/42690953468450541609.png

17:53 *** Quits: rela (x@Pony-08j5nr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:53 *** Quits: Pony_631725 (xfbfcdkrgvn@Pony-461ga3.mmpnet238.tnp.pl) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:53 <bubblemuffin> ah ok

17:54 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (snvsvveybty@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

17:55 * CleverDerpy rolls around and purrs

17:55 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-30qepe.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP)

17:55 <DARK> hello =)

17:56 <Coin-Trip39> Hi

17:56 <bubblemuffin> hello

17:57 <bubblemuffin> what was the episode with iron will in it?

17:59 *** Quits: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:00 <LightDash> season 2, episode 19 putting your hoof down.

18:00 <LightDash> * the episode name ^

18:00 <bubblemuffin> thx lightdash

18:02 *** Joins: eduart (nlalubnltni@Pony-qfl.npm.75.201.IP)

18:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Comic: Dirty Little Secret / Thievery / Rainbow Tales: Bitter Sweet  [ http://tinyurl.com/pbvysxq ]

18:04 <LightDash> no problem

18:06 *** Quits: Cloud_Kicker (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

18:08 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-ouq1if.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

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18:11 *** Parts: Pony_91125 (wvupibdigux@Pony-593qq8.versanet.de) ()

18:11 <eduart> Someone has a link of a good song please

18:12 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-4of.7m4.29.2.IP)

18:15 * hawthornbunny looks for a science person.

18:16 <Coin-Trip39> I've just been listening to songs i forgot I had on itunes

18:16 <Coin-Trip39> mostly anime music

18:17 <bubblemuffin> always fun lol

18:17 <Coin-Trip39> and a video for the hare hare yukai dance

18:17 <bubblemuffin> what kinda anime do you watch?

18:17 <Coin-Trip39> what i find interesting

18:17 <bubblemuffin> hare hare yukai dance?

18:17 <Coin-Trip39> or funny

18:18 <Coin-Trip39> it's from an anime called the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumoya

18:18 <Coin-Trip39> suzumiya*

18:19 <Coin-Trip39> came out like back in 2008 i think

18:20 <bubblemuffin> im watching it now

18:20 <bubblemuffin> was interesting

18:21 <Coin-Trip39> I nearly stopped wwatching it after the first episode

18:21 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP)

18:21 <Coin-Trip39> just confused me

18:23 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-civt4g.dsl.aei.ca) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:23 <bubblemuffin> wow what a plot on that anime

18:23 <Nicktendonick> (what anime?)

18:23 <Coin-Trip39> Haruhi

18:23 *** Joins: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-civt4g.dsl.aei.ca)

18:23 <bubblemuffin> melancholy of Haruhi Suzumoya

18:24 <LightDash> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haruhi_Suzumiya

18:24 <Coin-Trip39> season 2 had 8 episodes that were essentially the same episode

18:25 <Coin-Trip39> which pissed off people

18:26 <bubblemuffin> yeah cant say i would havr been to happy about that

18:27 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-kpm.rtf.222.2.IP)

18:28 <bubblemuffin> personaly i prefer animes like tower of duragia

18:28 <Coin-Trip39> now that I think about it, I never did finish watching season 2

18:29 <bubblemuffin> !link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tower_of_Druaga_(anime)

18:29 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

18:29 <bubblemuffin> why does all my links say that?

18:30 <aqualycool22> !seen muffin

18:30 <DerpyBot> aqualycool22: The last time I saw muffin was 2014-11-12 01:50:06 UTC

18:30 <aqualycool22> !seen muffins

18:30 <DerpyBot> aqualycool22: The last time I saw muffins was 2014-09-07 04:18:29 UTC

18:30 <aqualycool22> !muffin

18:30 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

18:30 <aqualycool22> maybe

18:30 * DerpyBot glomps aqualycool22...maybe

18:30 <bubblemuffin> dont look at me!

18:35 <bubblemuffin> oh found a brony group near me! been looking for ages!

18:38 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-s2v.2oh.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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18:43 *** Coco is now known as Coco_Nut

18:45 *** Parts: Golden (pjpntgelwsy@Pony-5dg.ai0.8.24.IP) ()

18:52 *** Joins: Waffles (Reed@Pony-6gacgf.cpe.cableone.net)

18:55 *** Quits: eduart (nlalubnltni@Pony-qfl.npm.75.201.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:55 <Waffles> Good morning, everypony!

18:57 <bubblemuffin> good morning

18:57 <Waffles> BubbleMuffin! I get it, it's a cutie mark reference

18:58 <Waffles> and thank you :)

18:58 <bubblemuffin> :D

18:59 * fyrepony enjoys his lonetime

19:00 *** Joins: User_337025 (ijrpxqidryl@Pony-3h3dco.ca.charter.com)

19:00 <Waffles> Lonetime?

19:00 *** Quits: User_337025 (ijrpxqidryl@Pony-3h3dco.ca.charter.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:01 <bubblemuffin> chat has been..... spotty

19:02 <Coin-Trip39> spotty?

19:03 <Waffles> Like, Glitchy you mean?

19:03 <bubblemuffin> nope

19:03 <bubblemuffin> just very quite

19:04 <Waffles> Last night it was kinda hoppin'. Was hoping it would be the same this morning, but....apparently not?

19:04 <bubblemuffin> haha got it in one!

19:06 <Waffles> Bummer

19:06 <bubblemuffin> i better go back to lurking. have a good day!

19:06 <Waffles> Oh, I was gonna talk but aight. Enjoy! :)

19:06 *** Quits: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-grfq86.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:07 <bubblemuffin> oh talking! (like a moth to the flame)

19:07 <Waffles> haha

19:08 <bubblemuffin> sorry. im a talkaholic gotta work on that

19:08 <Waffles> I was just thinking... I'm a fairly new fan

19:08 <Waffles> So I only just finished watching the whole series a few weeks ago

19:08 <Waffles> What do the fans talk about or do in the "off season"?

19:08 <Waffles> Like, what are you into right now?

19:08 *** Joins: KooK (Mac2@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

19:09 <Waffles> And nothing wrong with being a talkaholic, IMO

19:10 <bubblemuffin> i dont really know what other bronys like

19:11 <Waffles> That's fine.

19:11 <Waffles> What about you?

19:11 <bubblemuffin> whell im catching up on all the animes i missed at the min

19:11 <Coin-Trip39> I'm studying for final exams

19:12 <Waffles> Which anime serieseseses?

19:12 <Waffles> Oh yeah, I'm doing homework ATM myself

19:13 *** Joins: Kalastraer (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP)

19:13 <Coin-Trip39> might do a bit drawing

19:14 <Waffles> I love drawing. Do you do digital work?

19:15 *** Quits: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:16 *** Joins: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP)

19:16 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (jygptprbryq@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net)

19:16 <Waffles> wb bubblemuffin

19:16 *** Joins: Nicktendonick_ (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP)

19:16 <bubblemuffin> aww thx!

19:16 <Waffles> and hellow ThunderStrike

19:17 <Coin-Trip39> Yeah

19:17 <Waffles> hello* lol

19:17 <Waffles> Cool, I use a tablet. Cost me a bit but it was worth it, I think

19:17 *** Gilda is now known as FallSilently

19:18 <bubblemuffin> tablet?

19:18 <Coin-Trip39> What tablet do you use?

19:18 <Waffles> Wacom Intuos 4?

19:18 <Waffles> Medium, I think?

19:18 <Waffles> Got it pretty cheap 2nd-hand

19:18 <Waffles> Still over $100 though

19:19 <Coin-Trip39> I've got a bamboo pen and touch

19:19 <KooK> I need to go buy a new shovel

19:19 <Coin-Trip39> I got it on sale

19:19 <KooK> Somebody carry me to the car please

19:19 <Waffles> Cool. Not as expensive and does the job

19:19 <Waffles> Sure thing, KooK

19:19 <Coin-Trip39> fairly small compared to other tablets I've seen

19:19 <KooK> yay

19:19 * Waffles carries KooK to the car.

19:19 <Coin-Trip39> but works good

19:19 <Waffles> Problem solved

19:20 * KooK prepares for winter hell

19:20 <bubblemuffin> lol i allways used a kindle fire but got tired of fixing it

19:20 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:20 <Waffles> Yeah the bamboos are p. tiny

19:20 <Waffles> I used to have an old Wacom tablet comparable to them myself

19:20 <Waffles> But for some reason I never used it

19:20 <Waffles> It was my mouse pad. lol

19:20 <Coin-Trip39> heh

19:23 *** Nicktendonick_ is now known as Nicktendonick

19:24 <bubblemuffin> im still looking at wacom company

19:26 <Coin-Trip39> so what do you draw Waffles?

19:29 <Waffles> Well...

19:29 <Waffles> Not much

19:29 <Waffles> Ponies!

19:30 <Waffles> I drew this the other day

19:30 <Waffles> http://asclearascrystal.deviantart.com/art/Hearts-Strong-As-Horses-492875658

19:30 <Coin-Trip39> fair enough

19:31 <Coin-Trip39> not bad

19:31 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-6g2d5p.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

19:31 <Waffles> Thanks, it's actually my first pony drawing.

19:31 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:32 <Coin-Trip39> better than my first attempt at drawing ponies

19:33 *** Joins: Vibrance (ezpkmchszkn@Pony-9gfnuo.bchsia.telus.net)

19:33 *** Quits: KooK (Mac2@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

19:34 <bubblemuffin> still beter then i can draw :P

19:34 *** Joins: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

19:35 <Coin-Trip39> I mostly just draw stuff for the anime club at uni

19:36 *** Joins: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net)

19:39 <hawthornbunny> Waffles: awesome!

19:42 <Waffles> Thanks, hawthornbunny :)

19:42 *** Joins: Barry_From_Mars (fzqsunhtyay@Pony-oimdbo.ip.windstream.net)

19:43 <Barry_From_Mars> Are there Pony images similar to this? For reference. http://www.last.fm/music/Flipron/+images/56117165

19:43 <bubblemuffin> !hug

19:43 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

19:43 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around bubblemuffin in a tight embrace

19:43 <bubblemuffin> lol i love this derpy!

19:43 <Waffles> D'aww

19:45 *** Quits: Vibrance (ezpkmchszkn@AnActualChangeling) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:45 <bubblemuffin> never seen a pony image simalar to that myself

19:45 <Waffles> Likewise, but I'm pretty new to ponies, so

19:46 <Barry_From_Mars> I just need a fan art or something like that with a stallion that has his nose up.

19:46 <Barry_From_Mars> Generally speaking, facing the sky or ceiling.

19:46 <Waffles> Someone could make a Cheese Sandwich imitation of that picture. lol

19:46 <Barry_From_Mars> (not quite but similar.)

19:46 <Barry_From_Mars> Yeah.

19:46 <bubblemuffin> haha chease sandwich would be perfict for that

19:46 <bubblemuffin> one min

19:47 <Waffles> Yeah, I don't think the show itself usually gets quite that 3-dimensional with its art

19:47 <Waffles> ButI'm sure fanart has. mostly with mares

19:48 <bubblemuffin> !link http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140125171116/mlp/images/archive/8/8d/20140131180921!Cheese_Sandwich_ID_S4E12.png

19:48 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

19:48 <bubblemuffin> again really?

19:48 <Barry_From_Mars> 404 Not Found, bubblemuffin.

19:48 <bubblemuffin> sowing up on my screen when i click on it?

19:49 <Barry_From_Mars> I tried three times now...

19:49 <ArchPegasusMichael> I can see it

19:49 <bubblemuffin> http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/050/e/4/cheese_and_accordion_by_masemj-d777wl0.png

19:49 <bubblemuffin> try that one

19:50 <bubblemuffin> does it work?

19:50 <Barry_From_Mars> That worked.

19:50 <Barry_From_Mars> Thanks...

19:50 <bubblemuffin> :D

19:51 <Waffles> Good work bubblemuffin. And it was Cheese Sandwich in the end

19:51 <Waffles> !

19:51 <bubblemuffin> hehe i just remember he did play one in his episode

19:53 *** Joins: LUNA-HG (dqmohnthqwp@Pony-t63ncg.obrazovanie.omsknet.ru)

19:53 <LUNA-HG> Szia!

19:53 <LUNA-HG> What's new?

19:54 <bubblemuffin> hy luna

19:54 <Waffles> Szia to you...too?

19:54 <LUNA-HG> too))

19:54 <Waffles> And hi!

19:54 <LUNA-HG> Szia - Hello

19:54 <Waffles> ahh

19:54 <Waffles> In what language?

19:54 <LUNA-HG> MAgyar

19:55 *** Quits: User_562425 (ecwhmqmyjet@Pony-60o.3j6.106.200.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:55 <Waffles> Good to know. Had never heard of it before now but I see it's a Hungarian thing

19:55 <bubblemuffin> szia   as in szia! how many points do i recieve?

19:56 *** Joins: Data (DataByteBro@Pony-n3en0j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)

19:56 <LUNA-HG> i translated 1 chapters fics  in russian  yesterday and now i must trannslare 2 parth

19:56 <LUNA-HG> part*

19:56 <bubblemuffin> what fan fic was that by the way>

19:57 <LUNA-HG> no, in english   Szia  as Seea

19:57 <bubblemuffin> ah ok lol i tried :p

19:58 <LUNA-HG> https://www.fimfiction.net/story/228992/1/my-little-heartbreak-more-with-a-kind-word-and-a-hard-hoof/beware-the-white-hare  it fic

19:59 <bubblemuffin> a story and i find a new website thx luna!

20:00 <LUNA-HG> please)

20:01 <bubblemuffin> ??

20:01 <Waffles> I'm lost too

20:01 <SomeFrenchBrony> Don't worry, it's normal

20:01 <LUNA-HG> what? i don't know  what answer  at "thanks" in english

20:01 <SomeFrenchBrony> "You're welcome"

20:01 <LUNA-HG> ok)

20:01 <SomeFrenchBrony> Or "No problem"

20:02 <bubblemuffin> your welcom

20:02 <LUNA-HG> yes this better

20:02 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-p0t.26u.85.91.IP)

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20:03 <LUNA-HG> in magyar  it is "Sziveshen"

20:03 <bubblemuffin> hy vinyl

20:03 <VinylScratch> Yo

20:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Ponified Slayers Next Opening in SFM  [ http://tinyurl.com/pnorop6 ]

20:03 <LUNA-HG> in rus - "Pojalusta"

20:05 *** Quits: FallSilently (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

20:06 <fyrepony> best russian word= omoh

20:07 <LUNA-HG> what

20:07 <fyrepony> it means police

20:07 <LUNA-HG> lol no - it's  Omon

20:07 <fyrepony> oh rigth....

20:07 <Waffles> I feel like we're being visited by the real Luna

20:08 <fyrepony> so.... all those cops in russia you see in pictures.....why they have "homo" written on their backs?

20:08 <LUNA-HG> what is "being"?

20:08 <bubblemuffin> lol around my area iv heard police call pOleassse

20:08 <bubblemuffin> or we call them the po po

20:09 <Waffles> "being" is a difficult word to define

20:09 <LUNA-HG> in rus,please)  or i can try gogole

20:09 * DanielWaterhorse wiggles.

20:09 <bubblemuffin> being? a entity?

20:10 <SomeFrenchBrony> Bein is the act te be

20:10 <SomeFrenchBrony> being*

20:10 <Waffles> Right, "to be"

20:10 <SomeFrenchBrony> I can't type correctly today..

20:10 <bubblemuffin> happen to the best of us frenchbrony

20:10 <fyrepony> my assassin's creed is almost ready

20:10 <fyrepony> time to play

20:10 <Waffles> So, when LUNA-HG has joined us and she is having trouble communicating due to language barrier, it reminds me of the real Princess Luna from the Nightmare Night episode

20:11 <bubblemuffin> i mean i cant even spell very good on a good day myself

20:11 * LUNA-HG Ну бывает.. :S

20:12 <bubblemuffin> lol waffles luna eclipsed

20:12 <Waffles> That's the one.

20:12 <bubblemuffin> lol my favorite episode after castle-mania

20:13 <Waffles> I haven't seen that one for a long time

20:14 <bubblemuffin> why?

20:14 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

20:14 <bubblemuffin> welcom back dash

20:14 <fyrepony> anyone remember what episode ponies found that old castle first time?

20:14 <Dash> thank you bubblemuffin , how goes your day?

20:15 <bubblemuffin> ok im about to go thou

20:15 <bubblemuffin> and that was in the second episode fyrepony

20:15 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

20:15 <Dash> me? tired... sleep lacking...

20:16 <fyrepony> who needs sleep when there are ponies?

20:16 <VinylScratch> <fyrepony> anyone remember what episode ponies found that old castle first time? - <bubblemuffin> lol my favorite episode after castle-mania - Question was answered before it was even asked, lol

20:16 <LUNA-HG> where?

20:16 <fyrepony> VinylScratch:  derp :P

20:16 <VinylScratch> xD

20:16 *** Quits: Barry_From_Mars (fzqsunhtyay@Pony-oimdbo.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:17 <bubblemuffin> vinyl it was in friendship is magic part 2!

20:17 <VinylScratch> Didn't think that one was what you meant, lol

20:17 <bubblemuffin> :D

20:18 <bubblemuffin> well i got to go cya everypony!

20:18 <fyrepony> still no good cracks for assassin's creed unity :(, i hope my computer can run this without problems before ill get it

20:18 *** Quits: bubblemuffin (kpyvwjucxvq@Pony-ora.kec.19.107.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:18 <fyrepony> bb

20:19 *** Joins: Cyclone_Dusk (Draegur@Pony-aog6i3.ma.charter.com)

20:20 <Cyclone_Dusk> Hi ponies!

20:20 <Waffles> The old castle was really in the 2nd episode? I don't remember that

20:20 <Cyclone_Dusk> I just wanted to remind you all

20:20 <Cyclone_Dusk> that you're wonderful and awesome and make the world a brighter place ^_^

20:20 <Waffles> Awwww

20:20 <Waffles> I feel special

20:21 <Cyclone_Dusk> ...also waffles is an adorable name oh my gosh :D

20:21 <Waffles> Thanks for being positive :D

20:21 <Cyclone_Dusk> I was thinking about creating an askblog about a family of earth ponies who run a maple grove

20:21 <Waffles> Thank you! :)

20:21 <Waffles> And?

20:21 *** Joins: TrixieMoon (chatzilla@Pony-s5mbvm.cable.virginm.net)

20:21 <Waffles> Their output would be good on waffles!

20:21 <Cyclone_Dusk> The dad's name was going to be Sugarshack and he was going to have two foals, waffles and flapjack XD

20:22 <Waffles> heh sugarshack

20:22 <TrixieMoon> Boop

20:22 <Cyclone_Dusk> yep, that's where the maple sap gets refined

20:22 <Waffles> Boop back atcha

20:22 <Cyclone_Dusk> I sadly forgot what the mother's name was going to be.

20:22 <Waffles> Sap-sparilla?

20:22 <TrixieMoon> Waffles <3

20:22 <Cyclone_Dusk> hehe ^^

20:23 <Cyclone_Dusk> hm... I wonder. I actually want to figure this out again now x.x;

20:23 *** Quits: Overcast_ (Overcast@Pony-8hr.k7g.102.208.IP) (Quit: http://youtu.be/oLQX2XQfYQs)

20:23 <Waffles> I would guess something syrupy

20:24 <Waffles> What is boop from exactly?

20:24 <TrixieMoon> Boop!

20:24 *** Joins: SkunkStripe (mlpkkzkhsvr@Pony-omo.hjn.172.73.IP)

20:24 * Waffles boops TrixieMoon

20:24 <TrixieMoon> Nyeh!

20:24 *** Joins: linkboss (linkboss@Pony-kmdr5k.fbx.proxad.net)

20:24 <Waffles> lol

20:25 <TrixieMoon> ><

20:25 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

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20:25 <TrixieMoon> Played Five Nights At Freddy's 2 yet?!

20:25 <Cyclone_Dusk> A disembodied guest in my brain wants to stretch her hooves and try out being a pony, so I'll be unresponsive while she takes the wheel. Nice briefly chatting with the both of you :3

20:25 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:26 *** Cyclone_Dusk is now known as Wildflour

20:26 <Waffles> Haven't even played the original, and no interest in it at the moment

20:26 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

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20:26 <TrixieMoon> It answers a lot

20:27 <Waffles> Pleasure's been mine Dusk

20:27 <TrixieMoon> But also makes more questions which is... strange

20:27 <fyrepony> they allready released 2 TrixieMoon...that was fast....

20:27 <Waffles> Just gonna pump them out

20:27 <TrixieMoon> Go buy it, right now!

20:27 <Waffles> Yes, fyrepony, go for it!

20:28 <Waffles> I mean, if you found any enjoyment in the first

20:28 <fyrepony> not really into it :F

20:28 <TrixieMoon> xD

20:28 <Waffles> I know there are some 3D pony videos about it

20:28 <Waffles> And it's freaky

20:28 <Waffles> That's all I got

20:28 <Waffles> Also, internet meme fodder

20:28 <hawthornbunny> !link impossibly large ears

20:28 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/595082?scope=scpeb643a70807b6ca56490f2825685e44216fffe09b

20:29 <TrixieMoon> Thingy made a song about it I guess

20:29 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-ng5ltp.east.verizon.net)

20:29 <fyrepony> hnnng

20:29 <fyrepony> *dies*

20:29 *** Quits: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:29 <Waffles> Trixie pic is adorabibble

20:30 <TrixieMoon> Trixie is the most cute

20:30 <hawthornbunny> Waffles! Who is your favorite pony?

20:30 * ZeroParadox hands pizza out for everyone

20:30 *** Nil is now known as Nully

20:30 <Waffles> Probably Spike

20:30 * VinylScratch does like pizza

20:30 <hawthornbunny> Spike is an awesome pony.

20:30 <VinylScratch> I own both games, great stuff

20:30 <ZeroParadox> What game?

20:30 <Waffles> Hey the DJ's here

20:30 <VinylScratch> FNAF

20:31 <Waffles> Are people finally waking up?

20:31 <TrixieMoon> Do you understand the story more nows?

20:31 <VinylScratch> Nah

20:31 <ZeroParadox> Didn't even realize FNaF2 came out

20:31 <SkunkStripe> Faf Naf as we call it at school

20:31 <VinylScratch> xD

20:31 <ZeroParadox> Saw all this stuff about "Toy" characters and was like "wut"

20:31 <fyrepony> http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/110/c/6/wet_mane_trixie_with_glasses_and_scarf_by_epicrainbowcrafts-d62937k.jpg

20:31 <VinylScratch> Oh, those are what the second version of the originals is called

20:31 <TrixieMoon> Yeah, the toy ones don't have like... stuff in them.

20:31 <VinylScratch> toy chica/bonnie/freddie

20:31 <Waffles> Hmmm....that Trixie plush has something of a come-hither look

20:31 * SkunkStripe couldn't really tell the difference between freddies

20:32 <VinylScratch> Hat stripe and old freddy is taller

20:32 <VinylScratch> and more beat up

20:32 <VinylScratch> It's gettin' some good reviews on G Play, which is good to see

20:33 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-6g2d5p.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

20:33 <Waffles> And then everyone stopped talking again

20:34 <ZeroParadox> Too busy

20:34 <LightDash> you actually talking ^

20:34 <ZeroParadox> breathing pizza

20:34 <TrixieMoon> It's a prequel though, riight?

20:34 <ZeroParadox> Nah

20:34 <Waffles> lol breathing pizza

20:35 <VinylScratch> Kinda sorta, TrixieMoon

20:35 <TrixieMoon> It is though

20:35 <LightDash> [ breathing pizza intensif]

20:35 <VinylScratch> :P

20:35 <TrixieMoon> Trixie makes it so =P

20:36 * VinylScratch got each game for both PC and mobile - clearly a little nuts, lol

20:36 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

20:36 <fyrepony> food time

20:36 <fyrepony> im making great and powerfull spagetti+meat sauce

20:37 <LightningCrash> Good morning everyone.

20:37 <TrixieMoon> Food time here too... soooon

20:37 *** LightningCrash is now known as Cloud_Kicker

20:37 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-tqasaa.res.rr.com)

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20:39 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_76458

20:40 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

20:43 <Waffles> hey Trixie

20:43 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (snvsvveybty@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:43 <VinylScratch> Trixie's gone for food quickly

20:44 <Dash> welp, time to post all da arts~

20:44 *** Joins: SandyFortune (SandyFortu@Pony-taoo90.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

20:45 <Waffles> lol

20:45 <hawthornbunny> !link mauxie

20:45 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/695665

20:46 <Dash> ooo i do love mauxie hawthornbunny XP

20:46 <Waffles> Trixie-Maud is so popular why?

20:46 <Dash> because its so adorbs ^.^

20:46 <hawthornbunny> I have no idea XD

20:46 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (skcnllwecex@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

20:46 *** Quits: Panclogs (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Quit: Either I quit, phone rang or I am in a IRC-free zone.)

20:46 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

20:47 <VinylScratch> It's popular because Trixie worked on a rock farm, so they probably worked together...and the personality clash would be funny to think of

20:47 <EzzieMcSnezzie> Morning everypony

20:47 <VinylScratch> *the rock farm, even

20:47 <Waffles> Wait, did Trixie say in the show that she worked on a rock farm?

20:47 <VinylScratch> Yep, season 3.

20:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Wasn't she also employed by the Pies?

20:48 <VinylScratch> Thats kinda what was implied

20:48 <hawthornbunny> TRIXIE: "I had to take a job on a rock farm! A ROCK FARM!"

20:48 <VinylScratch> So folks kinda picture her working with maud, and the result is silly. xD

20:48 <Waffles> So

20:48 <Waffles> Why ARE they farming rocks

20:48 <SkunkStripe> money

20:48 <Waffles> Who's buying rocks?

20:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> "Farming" is kind of a silly term for it but it is an actual legit thing

20:48 <SkunkStripe> do you think they do all this work for fun

20:49 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Mainly for mineral hunting

20:49 <SkunkStripe> "We have to rotate the rock feilds"

20:49 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

20:49 <hawthornbunny> Waffles: funnily enough, Twilight wondered the exact same thing. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/14298/petriculture

20:49 <hawthornbunny> (Everyone should read this story.)

20:50 <Dash> ahh ive read it hawthornbunny , good stuff XP

20:50 <Waffles> Will check it out soon, thanks for the link!

20:51 <SkunkStripe> nice segue you got there

20:52 <hawthornbunny> More like a LAME-gue

20:52 <Lenfant_Sauvage> *cricket*

20:55 * aqualycool22 Dashes around Trixie.

20:55 <aqualycool22> She's here! She's here! She's here!

20:55 <aqualycool22> Oh my gosh! Play it cool! Play it cool!

20:55 <Dash> o.O

20:58 *** Quits: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-civt4g.dsl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

20:58 <Coin-Trip39> sleep time

20:58 *** Quits: Coin-Trip39 (CTrip39@Pony-li240i.iinet.net.au) (Quit: I must go now, my planet needs me...)

20:59 * aqualycool22 Police siren noises with mouth.

20:59 * aqualycool22 Runs past Trixie.

21:00 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-gsb7vb.east.verizon.net)

21:00 *** Joins: LightDash (ahigvrdrgbr@Pony-civt4g.dsl.aei.ca)

21:01 *** Joins: patachu1 (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net)

21:01 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony!

21:01 *** Quits: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:02 <LightDash> hello

21:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ohi

21:04 <Thelema5> What's new?

21:04 * VinylScratch hums the 'grandfather clock' song as she leans against a random pony. o3o

21:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: The Pony and the Pebble / Magic of the Sirens 3 / End of a Generation 4 / Sky Diving / Thievery [ http://tinyurl.com/qf7f93f ]

21:05 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

21:06 <TrixieMoon> But they were four Sirens D:

21:08 <hawthornbunny> SIRENS WILL FALL

21:09 <Fall> No they won't.

21:09 <LightDash> pinkie: NOT the Sirens...actually i dont know what that is.

21:10 <TrixieMoon> Is music magic a thing now?

21:10 <VinylScratch> Probably

21:11 <TrixieMoon> So maybe like Octavia and junk have powers oooooh

21:11 <hawthornbunny> Cadanceverse is canon!

21:12 <TrixieMoon> Well miltiple dimensions is dego confirmed, and mirrors are the way to travel between them.

21:12 <TrixieMoon> defo*

21:12 *** Joins: LUNA-HG2 (dqmohnthqwp@Pony-t63ncg.obrazovanie.omsknet.ru)

21:12 <LUNA-HG2> Hello again

21:12 <LUNA-HG2> And I have a question - Do any of you know your ancestry?That's in my family tree approximately 2,100 people, but I know that there will be more, just have not all recorded.

21:12 *** Quits: LUNA-HG (dqmohnthqwp@Pony-t63ncg.obrazovanie.omsknet.ru) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:13 <TrixieMoon> And star swril confirmed as most powerful pony

21:15 *** Joins: LUNA-HG (dqmohnthqwp@Pony-t63ncg.obrazovanie.omsknet.ru)

21:16 <Dash> welp, time to see how this rom flash went >.>

21:16 *** Quits: LUNA-HG2 (dqmohnthqwp@Pony-t63ncg.obrazovanie.omsknet.ru) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:17 <hawthornbunny> If Star Swirl ever shows up in the show, they're gonna have to get in someone famous to play him.

21:18 <hawthornbunny> Robert Picardo already asked if he could.

21:18 <hawthornbunny> Personally I'm thinking more of a James Earl Jones kinda voice.

21:18 <VinylScratch> When did Picardo ever do that?

21:18 * VinylScratch blinks

21:19 <TrixieMoon> I was thinking more like Christopher Lee.

21:19 <hawthornbunny> Ooooh, he'd be awesome too.

21:19 <VinylScratch> Pfffft....the only thing my ears are desiring is Morgan Freeman

21:19 <hawthornbunny> VinylScratch: EFN reported it at a con once. And they've interviewed him :)

21:20 <TrixieMoon> Star swirl will defo be in season 5 at some point, even if it's for a moment, to like save the day in the end or something.

21:20 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-8hdomt.dorm.utexas.edu)

21:21 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

21:21 <hawthornbunny> So we've all settled on the deep, profound voice for Star Swirl then. I guess that rules out Picardo. ^^

21:21 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

21:21 <TrixieMoon> Well he's like old... and has done like so many great stuff

21:21 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_19584

21:24 <TrixieMoon> Like time spells, and banishing sirens to other dimensions, becoming friends with Scorpan, nearly finishing a spell to swap cutie marks.

21:24 *** Quits: Pony_76458 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:24 <TrixieMoon> His power level is over 9000

21:24 <hawthornbunny> And if Star Swirl is Equestria's Merlin, he could well still be around. Just in disguise.

21:25 <TrixieMoon> Star Swirl wanted to be an alicorn but couldn't quite understand friendship enough to get them.

21:27 *** Joins: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

21:27 <TrixieMoon> It's weird that Star Swirl is like, way more powerful than Twilight yet she's suppost to be all about magic and friendship

21:28 <VinylScratch> Twilights still learning

21:28 <VinylScratch> she's not all powerful

21:28 <TrixieMoon> Though I suppose the turning point was Twilight creating new magic.

21:28 *** Joins: lotsofjam (james@Pony-8dv9m9.plus.com)

21:28 <TrixieMoon> I know but, if she's still learning, why make Twilight a princess, it's like, a bit soon

21:29 <TrixieMoon> Celestia thought she was ready, then all Twilight did was spend all of season 4 like, being unsure and unready as can be xD

21:29 <hawthornbunny> Do not question the plan!

21:29 <ThatAnonPony> TrixieMoon, because Hasbro.

21:29 <hawthornbunny> Celestia's plans are great. It is a great plan. Celestia's plans never fail.

21:29 <TrixieMoon> Who nose

21:30 <hawthornbunny> If Celestia's plans fail then the failure is part of the plan so the plans do not fail.

21:30 *** Joins: Sky_Chaser (jygptprbryq@Pony-3q70l7.nh.comcast.net)

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21:30 <TrixieMoon> Twilight is like, the decoy princess xD

21:31 <TrixieMoon> But if Twilight and Star Swirl had a fight, Star Swirl would sooo win

21:32 * ThatAnonPony rolls. Still does not really understand why Twilight ended up an alicorn.

21:32 <hawthornbunny> Twilight was just there to teach Sunset Shimmer the magic of friendship. She's done it now. XD

21:32 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

21:32 <SkunkStripe> I'd agree with that, but I'd say because StarSwirl based on how he is shown in the comics, is probably better at thinking outside the box.

21:32 <ThatAnonPony> Besides because Hasbro, of course.

21:32 <VinylScratch> Eh, I wouldn't worry about it.

21:32 * TrixieMoon worries so much!

21:33 <TrixieMoon> lol

21:33 * ThatAnonPony worries at VinylScratch.

21:33 <TrixieMoon> Every single detail must be explained, ahhhh

21:33 * TrixieMoon OCD

21:33 *** Quits: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:33 <VinylScratch> x3

21:34 <SkunkStripe> If there are magical duels with actual goals instead of the one that Trixie had with Twilight. I'd imagine its more a battle of creativity and witty thinking than power.

21:34 <hawthornbunny> The pink stripe in Twilight's mane and tail is because her parents ran out of toner

21:35 <fyrepony> :3 https://static.ylilauta.org/files/zh/orig/p0e283n2/c09.jpg

21:35 *** Joins: SugarRush (isainmdom@Pony-rrd.fb6.97.79.IP)

21:35 <SkunkStripe> Though you'd still have to be an above average unicorn to have the spell repitoir required for one

21:35 *** Joins: Schism|Alt (NA@Pony-vf5hfh.cable.rogers.com)

21:35 <TrixieMoon> I was a werewolf for halloween.

21:36 <TrixieMoon> Werewolf mask, furry hands and slippers, ripped jeans, looked ace

21:36 <fyrepony> :P

21:36 <TrixieMoon> Then I went around and scared 80-year olds

21:36 *** Quits: Schism (NA@blutwr.cntrlt.equ) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:37 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:38 <fyrepony> TrixieMoon:  thats not how you do halloween....   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0eWwWzNcNI

21:38 *** FN_shopping is now known as FruitNibbler

21:38 *** poseyshy|horsies is now known as poseyshy

21:38 <TrixieMoon> Seen it

21:38 <TrixieMoon> We watched that and many slender videos online =P

21:39 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

21:40 *** Quits: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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21:43 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Berry_Sherbert

21:43 *** EzzieMcSnezzie is now known as Snezzie|Pegglehooves

21:43 <Snezzie|Pegglehooves> I caused a lot of rage quits last night :3

21:44 <Schism|Alt> 'netsh int ip reset' is my very favorite command.

21:44 <Snezzie|Pegglehooves> I mean on a game not here lol nvm

21:44 <TrixieMoon> lol

21:44 * Snezzie|Pegglehooves is waiting for other players

21:45 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-p0t.26u.85.91.IP)

21:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

21:45 <TrixieMoon> Here come the Apocaplyse ponies.

21:46 <TrixieMoon> Oh, oh, lets make one a batpony

21:46 *** Joins: The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings (Scherza@orchestrapony.eternally.evading.mezzopiano)

21:46 *** The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings is now known as Scherza

21:48 <TrixieMoon> pew pew

21:48 * Scherza points her hoof at TrixieMoon, and says "BANG!"

21:49 <LUNA-HG> https://pp.vk.me/c623919/v623919965/a33e/C85rkL68NXw.jpg

21:52 <Fall> I doubt anyone else here speaks Russian.

21:52 <SkunkStripe> She looks intimidating

21:53 <hawthornbunny> I can speak Russian... in French.

21:53 <LightDash> cool

21:53 <Scherza> Yes, but can you speak Russian in Backstreet Boys songs?

21:53 <SkunkStripe> Well anyone can sing in another language if they try hard enough

21:54 <LightDash> i speak english and french

21:54 <Snezzie|Pegglehooves> Little Big Planet 3 this Tuesday... Hmmm.

21:55 <Scherza> Pokemon and Smash next friday.

21:55 <Scherza> Also, *4 and *monday

21:56 <LUNA-HG> Russian<    not russian.   Very Old Russian -  letters, which was in use  until 1917 years

21:56 <Snezzie|Pegglehooves> Nice.

21:56 <LUNA-HG> yes

21:56 <FruitNibbler> sv. twerleit sperkel

21:56 <FruitNibbler> I lol so hard

21:57 <LUNA-HG> lol

21:58 <Snezzie|Pegglehooves> I could picture Twi wearing one of those furry round hats :3

21:58 <ArchPegasusMichael> Fall: you forgot about me ;p

21:58 <Fall> Nope. I just didn't know you understand Russian.

21:58 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

21:58 *** Joins: Pearlywhites_ (uid19942@Aponywithbraces)

21:59 <Cloud_Kicker> DId someone link something in Russian again? Why does that keep happening?

21:59 <Snezzie|Pegglehooves> :D

21:59 * ArchPegasusMichael boops Fall "well, it's hard to be one and not understand it o3o "

22:00 <Fall> I thought you were Polish.

22:00 <Cloud_Kicker> I tried learning Polish one time. I gave up after about 45 minutes.

22:01 <LUNA-HG> "Sv.  Twailait  SparklЪ  - Pokrъovitel'nitsa Putъeshestъvujushihъ  torgovtsevъ da uchъnъhъ mujeъy"  - yes, really hard

22:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Story: Twilight Socks [ http://tinyurl.com/klkzt3b ]

22:02 <ArchPegasusMichael> Fall: I live in Poland for 18 years by now

22:02 <FruitNibbler> He was polish once... shoe polish!

22:02 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

22:03 * FruitNibbler commits a pole dance

22:03 <FruitNibbler> Bad puns are bad, I know...

22:03 * ArchPegasusMichael calls Finwe an points at FruitNibbler. "Finnish him"

22:04 * FruitNibbler is russian out

22:05 <ArchPegasusMichael> Coward!

22:05 *** Quits: Pony_19584 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:05 <Cloud_Kicker> LUNA-HG, do you live in Russia?

22:05 <FruitNibbler> He does

22:06 <Dash> woah Cloud_Kicker

22:06 <FruitNibbler> I don't, but I am still russian o3o

22:06 *** Dash is now known as Flitter

22:06 <Snezzie|Pegglehooves> lol

22:06 <fyrepony> how to get rich in russia= sell iphones in ebay

22:06 <fyrepony> electronic price in russia is taking hit

22:06 <LUNA-HG> Yes

22:06 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

22:07 <LUNA-HG> Siberia - Omsk

22:07 <FruitNibbler> Well I can sell just anything that did get cut off from russia with the sanctions really

22:08 <fyrepony> but only russian could sell you games really cheap

22:08 <Cloud_Kicker> Omsk? Sounds cold.

22:08 <LUNA-HG> sell iphone<      or to be a Deputat

22:08 <FruitNibbler> People aren't getting blood sugar tester strips for their testers that are made in Germany or EU for example

22:08 <LUNA-HG> Cold no,   -10

22:09 <FruitNibbler> I just bought 200 such strips for somepony I know with diabetes

22:09 <fyrepony> i wonder if one could sell ps4 games in other regions from russia LUNA-HG, i would buy 10 instantly! :P

22:09 <LUNA-HG> in  winter  -20-35

22:09 *** Flitter is now known as Dash

22:10 * hawthornbunny chases Dash's clouds

22:10 <Dash> o3o

22:10 * Dash sonic rainbooms the crap outa hawthornbunny

22:11 *** Pearlywhites_ is now known as Pearlywhites

22:11 * hawthornbunny is pulverised to a fine bunny paste

22:11 <LUNA-HG> 10 what? What games sell?Better to just say the price of games))

22:12 <fyrepony> LUNA-HG:  yes, but i don't know what they usually ask from ps4 games in russia :(

22:12 <fyrepony> around 40euros or so i guess?

22:13 *** Joins: Smo (Smo@Pony-cn77gp.dyn.centurytel.net)

22:13 *** Smo is now known as Pony_38054

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22:14 <hawthornbunny> !link https://derpibooru.org/765175 - I love that people keep making art of this moment. ^^

22:14 <fyrepony> lets say 1 game would cost LUNA-HG around 35€, ill get 10 of those and sell each off them at 40€= easy 50€ profit

22:14 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about scene interpretation rainbow dash fluttershy sleepover controller (and 7 more)

22:14 <LUNA-HG> http://lozman-games.ru/catalog/igry/platforma_playstation_4/  prises  at games PS4 in rus

22:14 *** Pony_38054 is now known as Smo_

22:15 <fyrepony> LUNA-HG:  and russians use ruplas no?

22:16 <LUNA-HG> ruplas?

22:17 <LUNA-HG> so - 1 game is 35-50 euro?

22:18 <fyrepony> LUNA-HG:  around 2 789 means its 47.14€, new game usually is 60€ here :P

22:18 <LUNA-HG> ok)

22:18 <LUNA-HG> well i found  game   around 10000 oO

22:18 <fyrepony> D:

22:19 <LUNA-HG> http://gzonline.ru/catalog/ps4_software/?value=CATALOG_PRICE_1&sort=ASC#start_list

22:20 <fyrepony> collector editions...

22:21 <LUNA-HG> yes

22:21 <LUNA-HG> "Дата выхода:24.02.2015"    need wait)

22:22 <fyrepony> :P

22:23 *** Quits: JandalAdjiel (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:23 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

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22:26 *** Joins: KooK (Mac2@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

22:26 *** KooK is now known as Pony_24299

22:27 *** Pony_24299 is now known as KooK

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22:30 *** Nully is now known as Halcyon

22:30 <fyrepony> unpacking assassin's creed :) 20minutes and ill be out gaming'

22:31 <FruitNibbler> Have a mediocrely nice time... maybe

22:32 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:39 <fyrepony> posibbly

22:40 <Fall> I don't care what all y'all think.

22:40 <Fall> I love the Speed Racer movie.

22:40 <Waffles> It's a fun movie!

22:40 <Fall> It is.

22:41 <hawthornbunny> God that movie was dull. XD

22:42 <Fall> Were you facing the right way?

22:42 <hawthornbunny> It just went on and on.

22:43 <Waffles> lol Fall

22:43 <Waffles> So much gun

22:43 <Waffles> well, fun

22:43 <Waffles> not gun

22:43 <SugarRush> Some gun.

22:43 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-pf09gb.ip.windstream.net)

22:43 *** Joins: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-osm8m3.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

22:44 <Fall> The mobsters had gune....

22:44 <Fall> guns....

22:45 <Waffles> That's true!

22:45 <Waffles> So yes, some gun, but even more fun

22:46 *** Quits: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net) (Client exited)

22:48 *** Unikitty is now known as Skykitty

22:48 *** TrixieMoon is now known as TrixieMoon|Away

22:50 *** Joins: Rand (dqqvrmxhgzv@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

22:54 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Quit: Leaving)

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22:55 *** Joins: artsit (vaccnihfqwv@Pony-7ct.87g.9.179.IP)

22:55 <artsit> hello?

22:55 *** Quits: artsit (vaccnihfqwv@Pony-7ct.87g.9.179.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:57 *** Joins: Rand (dqqvrmxhgzv@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

22:58 *** Quits: LUNA-HG (dqmohnthqwp@Pony-t63ncg.obrazovanie.omsknet.ru) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:58 <KooK> narf

22:59 *** Joins: feddox (kozctpvovxh@Pony-0o2i3m.customer.bnet.at)

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23:00 <feddox> anyone knows the s5 release?

23:00 *** Quits: feddox (kozctpvovxh@Pony-0o2i3m.customer.bnet.at) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:00 *** Quits: Ghernouille (dijqpdsjkui@Pony-ba9jmj.isp.belgacom.be) (Quit: Quitte)

23:02 <OctaveSymphony> It's interesting when they stay a minute or less

23:03 <KooK> s5 is a myth, like HL3

23:03 *** Quits: Rand (dqqvrmxhgzv@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:04 *** Quits: Classic_M (bjshpicbnzw@Pony-1dr4i7.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:04 <fyrepony> s5?

23:05 *** Parts: Scriblink (Scriblink@Pony-0gjr4i.speed.planet.nl) ("")

23:05 <KooK> exactly

23:05 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Gone

23:05 *** Joins: DaringPon3 (Daring@Pony-ehprb6.bredband.comhem.se)

23:06 <Cloud_Kicker> It's never going to actually happen.

23:06 <Cloud_Kicker> That's the secret.

23:06 <DaringPon3> Greetings everyone! Hope you are having a great day :3

23:06 <VinylScratch> more like a calm evening! x3

23:07 <KooK> A sub-par noon

23:07 <DaringPon3> Sounds splendid :>

23:07 <Waffles> So TrixieMoon stapped away it seems

23:07 <Waffles> Season 5 will come.....I believe

23:08 <Waffles> Just like I believe in MA Larson!

23:08 <KooK> There are people she hasn't put on ignore?

23:09 <DaringPon3> But when -_- It's finished already, since like feb this year. Let it be Q1 plox!

23:09 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:09 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Plushie Compilation #175 [ http://tinyurl.com/mx9x8e5 ]

23:09 <KooK> I'm getting a free engine today or tomorrow, huzzah!

23:10 <FruitNibbler> Chat with majority of the active pones on ignore must look odd an hella incoherent

23:10 *** Joins: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl)

23:11 <KooK> FruitNibbler - I disagree with your statement

23:11 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-h1v.3e4.115.75.IP)

23:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ... who the heck do you have on ignore?

23:14 <KooK> Lenfant_Sauvage - he's talking about  

23:14 <KooK> Trixie Moon

23:14 <FruitNibbler> I have only one pone on ignore so far

23:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ah

23:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Sorry, wee bit distracted with something atm, can only glance at the chat

23:14 <FruitNibbler> And it isn't even from this room

23:15 <Waffles> So I guess Trixie Moon likes ignoring people? I'm new so I guess I'm immune?

23:15 <Waffles> Thus far, anyhow

23:16 <VinylScratch> Can we cease discussing that kinda thing?

23:16 <FruitNibbler> Don't be so sure, she put one chatpon on ignore just because she disliked the nick

23:16 <Waffles> heh

23:16 <Waffles> Aight, Vinyl

23:16 * FruitNibbler drops the topic

23:17 <VinylScratch> Thanks. :P Be civil, s'all I ask

23:18 <FruitNibbler> Speaking of dropping things: I have now this http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Home/Audio-Components/Hi-Fi+Audio/A-20

23:18 <Waffles> And you dropped it?!

23:18 <Waffles> Or are you "dropping it like it is hot" sorta thing?

23:18 <FruitNibbler> I will drop the bass with it!

23:19 <FruitNibbler> Have two tower speakers just collecting dust in the corner

23:20 <bicyclerepairman> ew, solid state amp

23:20 <bicyclerepairman> (<3)

23:20 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-l1vf7k.adsl.tpnet.pl)

23:20 *** Joins: Perrin (dqqvrmxhgzv@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

23:20 <FruitNibbler> Classic

23:20 *** Joins: Your_Breakfast (ytcsqnrycug@Pony-11se3a.bchsia.telus.net)

23:21 <Perrin> Hallo all.

23:21 <FruitNibbler> My towers both have bass speakers 30cm (12in)

23:21 <Perrin> What's with the socks?

23:21 <Your_Breakfast> hello

23:21 <FruitNibbler> Neighbours be notified of my music taste o3o

23:21 <Waffles> lol

23:21 *** Joins: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP)

23:22 <ElectricPsoras> Perrin: there are drawers with socks.

23:22 <Perrin> in the top of the EQD page...

23:22 <Perrin> Socks.

23:22 <VinylScratch> Socks are a thing for the fandom.

23:22 * VinylScratch shrugs

23:23 <ElectricPsoras> Well, I don't get the whole "ponies in socks" thing.

23:23 <Waffles> Sockuestria Daily

23:23 <VinylScratch> they look cute with socks, that's all

23:23 <VinylScratch> there's not really anything to get. XD

23:23 <Perrin> Its cute

23:23 <Perrin> :|

23:23 <VinylScratch> it's just the whole aesthetic thing

23:24 <ElectricPsoras> Like replacing full pantographs with half-pantographs? Okay, now I get it.

23:25 *** Joins: rela (x@Pony-08j5nr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

23:25 <Waffles> I like socks. They're comfy and easy to wear!

23:26 <SugarRush> No they're not

23:26 <SugarRush> They're a pain to put on with hooves

23:26 <Waffles> Unicorns can maange it

23:26 <Your_Breakfast> http://wubstepponylover.deviantart.com/art/breakfast-pony-princess-494512155 <---- i tried to draw my oc :)

23:26 * VinylScratch decides to record Night one of FNAF2. o3o Back, uh.....later. >.>;

23:26 <SugarRush> Well unicorns can just do anything, can't they

23:27 <Waffles> "Bacon hair"? Sunset Shimmer already did that :)

23:27 <SkunkStripe> There are no clearly stated limits on what magic can do

23:27 *** Quits: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: *Time to make a bad career choice! (recording FNAF2)*)

23:27 <SkunkStripe> Though I think most people keep forgetting the average unicorn can only do a few things

23:27 *** Quits: Perrin (dqqvrmxhgzv@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:27 <Your_Breakfast> bacon hair is why sunset shimmer is best pony

23:27 <Waffles> lol darned tootin'!

23:28 <SkunkStripe> though theres also enough above average unicorns to make a school (and possibly more than one)

23:28 *** Quits: Your_Breakfast (ytcsqnrycug@Pony-11se3a.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:28 *** Joins: BluNoseReindeer (bb2988@Pony-8k74lf.il.comcast.net)

23:28 *** Quits: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)

23:28 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

23:28 <SkunkStripe> Plus also the possibility of some who have the potential or the power but never got the opertunity to go to a magic school

23:28 *** Joins: ryaxnb (ryaxnb@Pony-apjh98.ca.comcast.net)

23:31 <Waffles> Hi ryaxnb

23:31 <Waffles> and Floppy and BluNose

23:31 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (skcnllwecex@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:36 <Waffles> Ponies.

23:37 *** Octave|Gone is now known as OctaveSymphony

23:38 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (usliddoyyob@Pony-1uln4s.cable.rcn.com)

23:39 <Waffles> Aww Muffin with Spectacles sounds adorable

23:39 * Lenfant_Sauvage puts spectacles on Waffles.

23:42 *** TrixieMoon|Away is now known as TrixieMoon

23:43 <TrixieMoon> Boop

23:45 <Muffin_Spectacles> I've encountered strange making machines at hotel breakfasts. LAst December it was a pancake/printer, a few weeks ago it was a do-it-yourself wafflmaker.

23:45 *** Quits: Georgisaur (George@Pony-edgueh.range109-150.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:46 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@is.a.giant.muffin)

23:47 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (snvsvveybty@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

23:48 <TrixieMoon> More please

23:48 <Waffles> Trixie's back, and I can see more clearly than ever with these spectacles on!

23:49 <TrixieMoon> spectacles <3

23:49 <Waffles> A wafflemaker for people to use themselves at hotels?!  Weird

23:49 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

23:49 *** ArchPegasusMichael is now known as ArchPegasus_zZz

23:51 * ThatAnonPony boops Lenfant_Sauvage.

23:51 <Waffles> So much booping!

23:51 <Waffles> I love it

23:51 <TrixieMoon> lol

23:52 * ThatAnonPony boops Lenfant_Sauvage with Waffles.

23:52 <Waffles> Wait, so you used me to boop, or are we booping together?

23:54 *** Quits: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:54 *** Quits: rela (x@Pony-08j5nr.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)

23:54 <Waffles> It's a mystery I guess!

23:54 *** Joins: niebieskiVampir (niebieskiVa@Pony-2oopud.dynamic.chello.pl)

23:55 <TrixieMoon> Let's boop

23:56 * Waffles boops TrixieMoon again

23:57 <Waffles> Okay

23:58 *** Joins: FN_away (FruitNi@Pony-2sp8lh.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

23:58 *** FN_away is now known as FN

23:58 *** Joins: LUNA-HG (dqmohnthqwp@Pony-t63ncg.obrazovanie.omsknet.ru)

23:58 *** Quits: FruitNibbler (FruitNi@Pony-p4fnki.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by FN!FruitNi@Pony-2sp8lh.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))

23:58 <ryaxnb> http://i.minus.com/iHFrBPfSv87ZE.jpg

23:59 *** FN is now known as FruitNibbler

23:59 <ryaxnb> Come back when you're a little... richer

23:59 <ryaxnb> in real life terms

23:59 *** Berry_Sherbert is now known as ThunderStrike

23:59 <ryaxnb> apparently there's $99 "microtransactions" in a singleplayer one-and-done AC:Unity game

23:59 <Waffles> Yeah

23:59 <ryaxnb> you can pay $60+$100

23:59 <Waffles> You can!

23:59 <ryaxnb> Fun stuff

23:59 <Waffles> Nope

23:59 <ryaxnb> imagine how much actual game you could get for $20

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