Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Thursday, 2015-01-01

00:03 <LiroXIV> Happy New Year, Britain!

00:03 <Unikitty> Meow pls

00:03 <Unikitty> Are the rest of us not good enough for this

00:05 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-quf5gv.ip.windstream.net)

00:06 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-03tpq6.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net)

00:06 <Vulpor> Hello everyone!

00:07 *** HomerBouvier is now known as CleverBox

00:07 <Vulpor> Five hours remain for me this year

00:08 *** CleverBox is now known as Princess-Most-Unoriginal-Name

00:09 *** Quits: DaringPon3 (Daring@Pony-ehprb6.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: )

00:13 *** Joins: Wobbles (lqkjnpybuns@Pony-b2mkp6.cicril.sbcglobal.net)

00:14 <Wobbles> I'm in good need for a sandwhich right now...

00:15 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

00:16 *** Joins: User_217525 (ovupuvnlbij@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

00:16 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

00:17 <Wobbles> Or Pizza Hut's cheese supreme pizza...hm delicious!

00:18 <User_217525> androirc isnt working right, what do i do?

00:19 <Unikitty> I don't know, google your problems?

00:20 <User_217525> its open, but all i see is the details on the canternet screen

00:21 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

00:21 <User_217525> how do i get into the actual eqd chatroom

00:21 <Unikitty> You are currently in #EquestriaDaily channel on Canternet network

00:21 <Unikitty> Just need to set your nickname somehow

00:22 *** Joins: Ashley` (me@Pony-g8ie5p.pl)

00:22 <Ashley`> mew

00:22 <Unikitty> pls

00:22 *** Joins: DaringPon3 (Daring@Pony-ehprb6.bredband.comhem.se)

00:22 * Unikitty meows at Ashley`

00:22 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1396 [ http://tinyurl.com/ku8p7ue ]

00:22 <Ashley`> Unikitty: looks like you need algebra

00:22 *** Quits: User_217525 (ovupuvnlbij@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:23 <Ashley`> Unikitty: you need to find x, because you lost it from the nickname xD

00:23 <Ashley`> Unikitty: unless you aren't Unixkitty

00:24 <Ashley`> Unikitty: ok, you are. (grepped the logs xd)

00:24 <Ashley`> *xD

00:25 <Unikitty> wat

00:25 *** Joins: User_672925 (ovupuvnlbij@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

00:25 <Unikitty> Let me play videogames and drink

00:25 <User_672925> i swear, i cant get this to work

00:26 <Unikitty> Sorry, never used AndroIRC before

00:26 <User_672925> i dont see the #EquestriaDaily room

00:26 <Unikitty> You are in it

00:26 *** Joins: Mobile_Carthage (androirc@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

00:27 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (AndChat3693@Pony-1eh208.skybroadband.com)

00:27 <Mobile_Carthage> I Think i figured it out, can you guys see this?

00:27 *** Quits: User_672925 (ovupuvnlbij@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:27 <Ashley`> Yes, we can!

00:27 <hawthornbunny> Happy new deer everyone

00:28 <Ashley`> obama.png

00:28 *** Joins: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-10ggu3.threembb.co.uk)

00:28 <Ashley`> hawthornbunny: happy new deer to you too

00:28 <SkyHigh> Hello!

00:28 <Unikitty> Mobile_Carthage, yus

00:28 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-03tpq6.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:29 <Mobile_Carthage> Yeah' didnt know i had to manually join the channel

00:29 *** Quits: Wobbles (lqkjnpybuns@Pony-b2mkp6.cicril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:29 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-vl7l7u.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving)

00:30 <Mobile_Carthage> !list

00:30 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:30 <SkyHigh> ? What does that do?

00:34 *** Quits: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off) (Client exited)

00:34 *** Princess-QRS is now known as CatteRS

00:34 *** Joins: DanTheBrony (jawgavncqrt@Pony-vht.d8h.218.173.IP)

00:35 <DanTheBrony> im sad my favorite roblox mlp server is having probelms :(

00:35 *** Quits: DanTheBrony (jawgavncqrt@Pony-vht.d8h.218.173.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:36 *** Joins: Dreamsweet (ebcbwqmzrun@Pony-ntt.679.48.68.IP)

00:37 *** Parts: Dreamsweet (ebcbwqmzrun@cute.lil.pony) ()

00:37 <SkyHigh> ...

00:39 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

00:39 <DaringPon3> !seen ProjectCarthage

00:39 <DerpyBot> DaringPon3: The last time I saw ProjectCarthage was 2014-12-31 21:31:02 UTC

00:40 <SkyHigh> !seen Frost_bite

00:40 <DerpyBot> SkyHigh: The last time I saw Frost_bite was 2014-12-27 11:03:26 UTC

00:40 *** Cloud_Kicker is now known as LightningCrash

00:42 *** CatteRS is now known as Wette-CatteRS

00:43 * Unikitty applies pg to Wette-CatteRS

00:43 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

00:43 <Wette-CatteRS> o3o

00:43 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

00:45 * SkyHigh wonders how to apply PG "that's one for twilight."

00:49 *** Quits: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off) (Client exited)

00:50 *** Gigabit is now known as GigaWork

00:52 *** Joins: pony (gzjpfidfrqx@Pony-5ihlqa.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net)

00:53 <pony> does anyone know when season 5 is coming

00:53 *** pony is now known as Pony_21929

00:53 <Unikitty> Spring. I'm pretty sure that's all they told us.

00:53 *** Stradi|Away is now known as Stradiverra

00:53 <Pony_21929> too bad, i wish we knew the actually day

00:53 <SkyHigh> April as far as we can tell

00:54 <Pony_21929> i wonder if Derpy will talk more in season 5

00:54 *** Joins: Shadow_dash (fixbkdwteiu@Pony-jv7.j2p.209.181.IP)

00:54 <SkyHigh> Most of the background ponies will.

00:55 <SkyHigh> (From interviews and collected info.)

00:55 <Pony_21929> i heard that was a main focus in one of the episodes, i just dont want all of the episodes to have Twilight in it. no offense Twilight fans

00:55 *** Parts: Shadow_dash (fixbkdwteiu@Pony-jv7.j2p.209.181.IP) ()

00:56 *** Quits: Pony_21929 (gzjpfidfrqx@Pony-5ihlqa.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

00:56 <Unikitty> Well obviously we don't want every single one of them to be Twilight oriented now do we? :P

00:56 <Unikitty> Oh well.

00:56 <SkyHigh> Twilight will not have so much involvement.

00:57 <SkyHigh> Unless Lauren Faust is a liar.

00:57 * Wette-CatteRS farts

00:57 *** Wette-CatteRS is now known as Princess-QRS

00:57 <SkyHigh> ...

00:58 * Unikitty applies wet fish to Princess-QRS

00:59 <Princess-QRS> o3o

00:59 * SkyHigh noms on Uni kitty ' tail.

00:59 *** RedHelper is now known as Creeps|AFK

01:00 <Unikitty> Don't you dare touch my tail.

01:01 * SkyHigh noms on Unikitty's ear.

01:02 <Unikitty> ...

01:02 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com)

01:02 <Unikitty> Am I food now.

01:02 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

01:02 <screenaholic> No,  not until the hot sauce gets here.

01:03 * SkyHigh delivers hot sauce to screenaholic

01:03 <screenaholic> Now you're food.

01:04 <Unikitty> I think... I'm just going to go to bed instead.

01:04 *** Joins: sahugani (irishcaffin@Pony-m0t.id5.34.174.IP)

01:05 <screenaholic> Night kitty.

01:10 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Connection closed)

01:11 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Live

01:14 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-quf5gv.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:16 * SkyHigh plays the FYIV battle won theme.

01:17 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (AndChat3693@Pony-1eh208.skybroadband.com) (Quit: Bye)

01:19 *** SkyHigh is now known as SkyHighAway

01:27 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

01:27 <ProjectCarthage> Ugh, it's nice to be back on my computer

01:28 *** Quits: Sin (Sin@is.hustlin.everyday) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

01:29 * Schism orders Chinese food for New Years'. "Family tradition."

01:29 * Unikitty throws clonings at Mobile_Carthage

01:29 * Schism offers Unikitty some sweet and sour chicken.

01:29 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto:  If I Were A Pony : Chrysalis Another Story  [ http://tinyurl.com/puzb9ub ]

01:30 * Unikitty offers Schism some sleep

01:30 *** Joins: Sin (Sin@is.hustlin.everyday)

01:30 <Schism> Unikitty: It's New Years' Eve.

01:31 <Schism> Sleep isn't in the cards.

01:31 <Unikitty> 4:30 here :P

01:33 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:34 *** SkyHighAway is now known as SkyHigh

01:35 <SkyHigh> Schism ear a lemon.

01:35 <SkyHigh> Eat*

01:38 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (npbqynugeho@Pony-gul3ra.res.rr.com)

01:38 <Cobalt_Blitz> hello

01:39 <SkyHigh> Hi.

01:40 <Cobalt_Blitz> How are things?

01:41 *** Joins: Nuclear (Nuclear@Pony-76h979.lv.cox.net)

01:42 <Schism> Unikitty: 8:45 here.  Or thereabouts, anyway.

01:43 <SkyHigh> Cobalt_Blitz good, you?

01:44 *** Unikitty is now known as Unikitty|Away

01:45 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-9anh9l.cgn.dg-w.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)

01:47 *** Joins: Nauth (yrenafawszd@Pony-cjboop.gvt.net.br)

01:47 *** Quits: nineteen (nineteen@Pony-p4vhih.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:49 *** Joins: nineteen (nineteen@Pony-p4vhih.res.rr.com)

01:50 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

01:51 *** GigaWork is now known as GigabitPony

01:51 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:52 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

01:53 <Schism> Mmm, Chinese food on new years.  Curried beef, hot and sour soup, pad thai, and sweet 'n' sour chicken.

01:53 <Schism> Asian food anyway.

01:55 <Schism> Well, /localized/ Asian food.

01:55 <SkyHigh> Ok..

01:56 <Cobalt_Blitz> now I want crab rangoon

01:56 <SkyHigh> ....

01:56 <Cobalt_Blitz> hey I didn't start talking about food

01:57 <Schism> Yeah, actually, I think I should've ordered a bit of that too.  Darnit.

01:57 * SkyHigh rolls eyes

01:57 <Schism> And maybe some spring rolls.

01:58 <Cobalt_Blitz> Stop tempting me

01:58 <SkyHigh> :P

01:58 <DaringPon3> Schism: Stop talking about food!

01:58 <Schism> Perhaps some lo mein noodles, too.

01:58 <DaringPon3> Always the same thing :(

01:58 * Schism is a changeling that talks about food. Foodling.

01:59 *** Joins: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-osm8m3.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

02:00 <SkyHigh> The track of the week this week is Calvin Harris - Blame ft. John Newman

02:00 <SkyHigh> I love that song.

02:02 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Bed

02:04 <Princess-QRS> http://steamcommunity.com/id/SRQ/

02:04 <Princess-QRS> watch me video jame

02:05 * SkyHigh nope.

02:05 <Princess-QRS> boooo

02:05 <Princess-QRS> oh it's turned off anyway lol

02:07 *** Joins: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP)

02:07 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #217 [ http://tinyurl.com/o4qsbfq ]

02:07 <SkyHigh> When i am with you there's no place I'd rather be. No no no no. No place I'd rather be!

02:09 * CleverDerpy dances silly

02:10 <CleverDerpy> woo~ it's almost new years eve

02:10 <Schism> Because I am evil...

02:11 <Schism> My dinner.  http://imgur.com/fI0ef6U

02:11 <SkyHigh> Gtg

02:12 *** Quits: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-10ggu3.threembb.co.uk) (Quit: if n is 1, what is the value of m?)

02:14 *** Quits: Rainb (Radashinbow@Pony-t4t.0sj.60.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:14 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Live is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

02:15 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)

02:16 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP)

02:16 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-t7n0sc.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP)

02:18 <DARK> bonne année 2015 les gens =)

02:20 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

02:21 *** Stradiverra is now known as Stra

02:22 *** Stra is now known as Stradiverra

02:24 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

02:27 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:27 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-hgqbg7.east.verizon.net)

02:28 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

02:28 <Cobalt_Blitz> Hello

02:29 *** Princess-Most-Unoriginal-Name is now known as HomerBouvier

02:29 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-1ggppa.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

02:29 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigabit

02:30 * Schism passes Thelema5 an egg roll.

02:30 <Thelema5> Thanks!

02:31 <Schism> Chinese food on New Years'.  A great tradition.  :3

02:32 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-snukae.ip.windstream.net)

02:33 <Thelema5> Thank you for making me a part of your New Year's tradition.  :p

02:33 *** Quits: Nauth (yrenafawszd@Pony-cjboop.gvt.net.br) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

02:34 * Schism grins. "Egg rolls are the most minute part. Here's what my plate looked like." http://imgur.com/fI0ef6U

02:35 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

02:35 <Thelema5> Yum!

02:36 <Schism> Just so.  :3

02:36 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story Updates - December 31 [ http://tinyurl.com/krctguw ]

02:39 *** Joins: Frames (Frames@Pony-i42dak.pa.comcast.net)

02:40 *** Quits: artisticMink (quassel@Pony-d0m.9j3.37.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:41 * Princess-QRS noms Thelema5's tail

02:42 *** Quits: nineteen (nineteen@Pony-p4vhih.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:45 *** Quits: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:46 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-03tpq6.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net)

02:47 <Thelema5> Hey ouch!  My tail!

02:47 * Schism noms on QRS' ears. And offers some sweet 'n' sour chicken.

02:48 *** Joins: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com)

02:48 <Vulpor> Hey all two hours to go!

02:48 * Schism passes Vulpor some curried beef.

02:49 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

02:49 <Vulpor> yum

02:49 <Vulpor> thank you Schism

02:49 * Schism then passes Nossy some veggie pad thai.

02:49 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> No thanks, I got myself a treat.

02:49 * Schism bows. "Chinese food on New Years'. A wonderful tradition."

02:49 <Schism> Nossy: Oh?

02:50 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms her ice cream and Ooba.

02:50 * Princess-QRS noms nossy

02:50 <Vulpor> You know what is odd

02:50 <Schism> That is a bit of an odd combination, but okay.  You keep your green tea ice cream and ooba.  I'll nom on my chicken.  :3

02:50 <Vulpor> I am watching episode 13 of Lucky Star

02:50 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hehe.

02:51 <Vulpor> and its about new years stuff

02:51 <Schism> Not that odd.  You might as well watch the Hearths'-Warming Eve episode of MLP: FiM.

02:51 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I played Metal Gear Solid 1.

02:52 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> And KH2 all week.

02:53 <Vulpor> Has anyone watched Lucky Star?

02:53 <Vulpor> It is such a awesome series

02:53 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, what are gonna miss from 2014?

02:53 *** Quits: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP) (Quit: Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do the day after tomorrow)

02:54 *** SilverSilent is now known as ShadowVeil

02:54 <Vulpor> Absolutly nothing

02:54 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> What was the best moment from 2014?

02:54 <Vulpor> I look forward baby not backward

02:54 *** ShadowVeil is now known as Felix

02:54 <Schism> Vulpor: While you're at it, have you watched Azumanga Daioh and Nichijou?

02:54 <Vulpor> They are on my list

02:54 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ooooo!!!

02:55 <Vulpor> I gotta finish lucky star though

02:55 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:55 * The_Nostalgia_Mare flails at Vulpor. "Waugh!!!"

02:55 <Vulpor> I wish this had no ending though

02:56 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Do Azumanga Daioh after you are done with Lucky Star!!!

02:56 <Schism> I suggest choosing Nichijou before you watch Azumanga Daioh, as a palate cleanser.  (Such as it is.)

02:56 <Vulpor> Okie dokie

02:57 <Vulpor> Okie dokie to both

02:57 <Schism> Nichijou is a good bit more wacky and has a lot more fantastic elements.

02:57 <Vulpor> I heard Nichijou is by the same people as lucky star

02:58 <DaringPon3> Azumanga Daoih ftw ^^

02:58 <Vulpor> I really want to know how they got away with doing the karoke segments in lucky star

02:58 <Vulpor> they must pay out the butt for licenses

02:58 <Princess-QRS> I wanna by a new monitor, a really nice one.

02:58 <Princess-QRS> help me out chat

02:59 <Vulpor> ummmm

02:59 <DaringPon3> Tsukurimashou, tsukurimashou, Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na. Hai, dekimashita!

02:59 *** Joins: nineteen (nineteen@Pony-p4vhih.res.rr.com)

02:59 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, what are you looking forward for in 2015?

02:59 <Vulpor> plus ive found the perfect waifu hybred

02:59 <Thelema5> I didn't care for azumanga Daioh.

02:59 *** Joins: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au)

03:00 <Thelema5> I LOVE the soundtrack, and listen to it all the time.  The show, not so much.

03:00 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> You hush Thelema5!

03:00 <Vulpor> Revi from Black Lagoon + Kona-chun from Lucky Star

03:00 <Thelema5> Nevah!

03:00 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Read the Manga!!!

03:00 <Vulpor> thats my perfect girl

03:00 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I read the crap out of the manga!

03:00 <Thelema5> But it's kinda dumb.

03:00 *** Quits: Hat (zoopraxisco@Pony-qba4dh.exetel.com.au) (Quit: http://derpy.me/4v7Si#)

03:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I like it.

03:01 <Thelema5> Just not my cup of tea, I guess.

03:01 <Vulpor> Nossy to answer that question I gotta say No Mans Sky

03:01 <Vulpor> IF it comes out

03:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> True.

03:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> That and Hotline Miami 2.

03:01 <Thelema5> Still, one of the best soundtracks ever.

03:02 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, predictions about 2015?

03:02 <Thelema5> I predict that MLP will be dropped by Discovery Family before season 5 releases.

03:03 <Thelema5> There will be a last minute scramble, and the show will eventually be carried by another network, but not until the fall season.

03:03 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Dammit, Thelema5!

03:03 *** Quits: nineteen (nineteen@Pony-p4vhih.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:04 <Thelema5> Well, I /hope/ I'm wrong.

03:04 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com)

03:04 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> You better or I will kill you.

03:04 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic!

03:04 <Thelema5> O.o  It woudn't be /my/ fault!

03:05 <Thelema5> I can't help if my pronosticative ability bears fruit.

03:05 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic!

03:05 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I played some metal gear solid.

03:05 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

03:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Short Animation: A Derpy New Year  [ http://tinyurl.com/kmst2kd ]

03:07 *** Felix is now known as SilverSilent

03:07 * The_Nostalgia_Mare puts a cone on screenaholic.

03:09 *** SilverSilent is now known as Felix

03:09 *** Stradiverra is now known as Cecil_Eclipse

03:09 *** Felix is now known as Felix_Night

03:09 <screenaholic> What?

03:09 *** Felix_Night is now known as Felix

03:09 <screenaholic> I was in the bathroom.

03:10 *** Felix is now known as Felix_Night

03:10 * The_Nostalgia_Mare puts on her lampshade.

03:10 * Princess-QRS puts on her Nossy

03:10 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> You what it is, screenaholic!

03:10 <screenaholic> What? I don't think that was a sentence.

03:10 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP) (Client exited)

03:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> You know what it is!

03:11 * The_Nostalgia_Mare sits on screenaholic and puts a bottle of vodka in screenaholic's mouth.

03:13 *** Joins: Dreamsweet (ebcbwqmzrun@Pony-ntt.679.48.68.IP)

03:13 <Vulpor> Sorry was afk

03:13 <Vulpor> Did I miss anything?

03:14 *** Parts: Dreamsweet (ebcbwqmzrun@cute.lil.pony) ()

03:14 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic is being a nark!

03:14 <Vulpor> screeny! stop narcing on us!

03:14 <Vulpor> Our love of all things cute and colorful is perfectly natural

03:15 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, Game of the Year?

03:15 <Vulpor> and what I do in my fun cave is no ones business but the NSA's

03:15 <Vulpor> I think I gotta give it to Mordor

03:15 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh.

03:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Mine is Smash Bros 4.

03:16 * Schism rolls back in, and boops screenaholic. He boops screenaholic with an eggroll.

03:16 <Vulpor> However, I am loving Entwind

03:17 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, Kenpachi Ramasama up in the club!!!

03:17 <Vulpor> You know what is amazing about anime too?

03:17 *** Felix_Night is now known as Skittles

03:18 <Vulpor> I recently got into Hikaru No Go..............

03:18 <Vulpor> and within a few episodes I wanted to play the board game of Go!

03:18 <Vulpor> I actually played a few teaching games

03:19 <Vulpor> All thanks to a anime

03:19 <Thelema5> I used to play go.

03:20 <Thelema5> Got pretty good at it, too.  Well, for a beginner.

03:20 * The_Nostalgia_Mare shakes screenaholic!

03:20 <Thelema5> But, that was a long time ago, barely remember how to play now.

03:21 <LiroXIV> We MIGHT be releasing something TrotMania related tonight

03:22 <Vulpor> Thelma5 you should try Hikaru No Go

03:22 <Thelema5> trotmania?

03:22 <Vulpor> Trotmania? is that like Trackmania but with ponies?

03:22 <LiroXIV> MLP-related stepmania (DDR) pack

03:22 <Vulpor> Ahh

03:22 <DaringPon3> Hikaru No Go <3

03:22 <Vulpor> Cool stuff

03:22 <Thelema5> Is there an anime of it?

03:22 <Vulpor> yep

03:23 <Thelema5> I will certainly give it a watch!

03:23 <Vulpor> Also I got into boxing due to................

03:23 <Vulpor> Hajime No Ippo

03:23 <DaringPon3> Was heavily into online GO tournaments for a while.

03:23 <Vulpor> aka Punch out the anime lol

03:24 * The_Nostalgia_Mare shakes screenaholic. "Wake up!!!"

03:24 <DaringPon3> Hajime No Ippo was so good, haven't seen the 3rd season though.

03:24 <Vulpor> holy crap

03:25 <Vulpor> Lucky Star is 8 years old

03:25 <DaringPon3> Dempsey Roll ftw :3

03:25 <Vulpor> They just showed a calender that said 2007

03:26 <Vulpor> Also everyone here should worship the gospal of Haruhi Suzumiya

03:26 <Vulpor> That show was so awesome

03:26 <Vulpor> except the summer episodes

03:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> screenaholic, what are you doing?

03:28 <screenaholic> Just playing flash gamse.

03:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh.

03:30 <CleverDerpy> nossy~

03:30 <CleverDerpy> it's almost new year

03:30 <CleverDerpy> want a hug?

03:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yeah.

03:30 * The_Nostalgia_Mare hugs CleverDerpy.

03:31 <Vulpor> huh this is why I love Lucky Star they just referenced celeberating a 7 5 3

03:31 <Vulpor> So I looked it up

03:32 *** Quits: Frames (Frames@Pony-i42dak.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:32 <Vulpor> In Japan boys celeberate 3 and 5

03:33 <Vulpor> Girls celeberate 7 and 3

03:33 * CleverDerpy hugs back and purrs

03:33 <CleverDerpy> thanks nossy~

03:33 *** Joins: FramesMobile (Frames@Pony-22r.c1i.56.172.IP)

03:34 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)

03:36 *** Joins: FramesMobile_ (Frames@Pony-22r.c1i.56.172.IP)

03:36 *** Quits: FramesMobile (Frames@Pony-22r.c1i.56.172.IP) (Connection closed)

03:38 <Schism> Oh, Vulpor.

03:38 <Schism> Vulpor, this is why you need to watch Nichijou.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApKE01R9DyY  

03:38 <Vulpor> Yes Schism?

03:40 *** Quits: FramesMobile_ (Frames@Pony-22r.c1i.56.172.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:40 <Vulpor> O_O

03:40 <Vulpor> That deer is badass

03:40 *** Joins: TheRedPony5 (rykqlhdmopg@Pony-miipc7.ne.charter.com)

03:40 *** Quits: TheRedPony5 (rykqlhdmopg@Pony-miipc7.ne.charter.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:41 <Schism> And so is that principal.

03:42 <Vulpor> Was that all a dream?

03:43 <Schism> No, that school's /just that weird./

03:43 <Vulpor> lol

03:43 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Bwaaaaaaaaaa-aw...party pooper.

03:44 *** Skittles is now known as SilverSilent

03:45 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, any movies of the year?

03:45 <Schism> Guardians of the Galaxy.

03:46 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Guardians of the Galaxy.

03:46 <Schism> I think that's everyone's MotY.

03:46 *** Joins: Solo_Act (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

03:47 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yeah.

03:47 <Schism> Vulpor: Also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8xNmUNlJZtE#t=157

03:47 <Cobalt_Blitz> I still have not seen it

03:51 *** Joins: mxdde (androirc@Pony-m7la4k.res.rr.com)

03:52 <Thelema5> I've not seen the film, either.

03:52 <Thelema5> I did just watch the newest installment of The Hobbit.

03:52 <Thelema5> It was about a half hour too long, like the others.

03:53 <DaringPon3> Isnt that a straight copy of Sakaki getting bitten by cats in Azumanga Daoih? :s

03:53 *** Joins: FramesMobile (Frames@Pony-22r.c1i.56.172.IP)

03:54 <Cobalt_Blitz> I don't really like theaters so I tend to miss out on films to they get dvds

03:55 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-jn2ipp.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:55 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

03:56 <Thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/RM6lIE0fD9A

03:56 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

03:56 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Ichigo Mashimaro - Nya scene

03:56 <Thelema5> Konichi-nya!

03:58 <Solo_Act> you shall not pass!!!

03:58 * Solo_Act slams a staff on a bridge and falls to his doom!

03:58 *** Parts: Solo_Act (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) ()

04:00 <Thelema5> Hmm.  That was unexpected.

04:00 <Cobalt_Blitz> an interesting exit to be sure

04:01 <Thelema5> I thought for sure the bridge could withstand more than that.

04:01 <Thelema5> I mean, we just installed it last week!

04:01 *** Quits: DaringPon3 (Daring@Pony-ehprb6.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: Blargh!)

04:02 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-onou30.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP) (Quit: Signal 9 happened)

04:02 <Thelema5> I'm just going to keep watching this for the rest of the year:

04:02 <Thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/qnIAaprIkj0

04:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Derpy - Nyan Nyan Dance

04:03 <Cobalt_Blitz> Hehe I've actually seen this one before, its still cute

04:03 *** Quits: LiroXIV (lirodon@Pony-49752s.sasknet.sk.ca) (Connection closed)

04:04 <Thelema5> Yeah, it's a classic.

04:05 *** LightningCrash is now known as ThunderStorm

04:05 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-4m3a6d.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

04:05 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Party.

04:05 *** Joins: Junebug (mndgtdzdwhg@Pony-v2ejlu.wi.charter.com)

04:06 * The_Nostalgia_Mare boops Thelema5.

04:06 * Cyan_Spark baps Junebug

04:06 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

04:06 * Junebug nuzzles Cyan_Spark

04:07 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

04:08 * Princess-QRS pokes Starwatcher

04:09 * Thelema5 pokes Princess-QRS (with a stick)

04:09 * Princess-QRS explodes

04:09 * Thelema5 counterboops The_Nostalgia_Mare

04:09 * Starwatcher turns with a start, but perks his ears forward and smiles at Princess-QRS

04:09 <Starwatcher> hello ^_^

04:09 * Starwatcher hugs Princess-QRS warmly

04:09 <Starwatcher> how are ya

04:09 * Thelema5 hastily tapes Princess-QRS back together

04:09 * Princess-QRS hugs Starwatcher

04:09 <Princess-QRS> I am good!

04:10 * Princess-QRS unplodes and hugs Thelema5

04:10 <Starwatcher> good =]

04:10 <Thelema5> ... unplodes.  Awesome.

04:10 <Thelema5> Trademark that now.

04:10 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: BONUS DUCKS! (Pony version)  [ http://tinyurl.com/pmyya83 ]

04:11 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

04:11 <Thelema5> Donus Bucks!

04:12 <Thelema5> Hmm.  Apparently Donus Bucks is an active user on steam.

04:13 *** Quits: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:14 *** Joins: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com)

04:16 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-5r8mr5.67-212-32-net.sccoast.net)

04:17 <Shorttail_imposter> Donus Bucks

04:17 *** Quits: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off) (Client exited)

04:19 *** Quits: JandalAdjiel (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:19 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

04:21 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-t7n0sc.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

04:24 <Thelema5> I feel so accomplished!  I jaust played a video game!

04:24 <Thelema5> *just

04:25 <Starwatcher> mrr?

04:25 <Starwatcher> which one

04:25 <Starwatcher> ?

04:25 <Thelema5> (I don't really ever play games)

04:25 <Thelema5> Super Smash Bros

04:25 <Thelema5> I think.

04:25 <Starwatcher> heheh cool

04:25 <Starwatcher> I hear that one is good.

04:25 <Thelema5> I can't say I enjoyed it.

04:26 <Thelema5> Or even that I have any idea what happened.  LOL

04:26 *** Joins: Sketchy0017 (btihlymdwoo@Pony-4q6.md0.205.223.IP)

04:27 <Thelema5> I can say with relative certainly though, that I lost.

04:27 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Maybe I shouldn't disconnect my headphone cable while playing very fast symphonic death metal.

04:27 <Cobalt_Blitz> sounds like me trying to be a pirate in eve

04:27 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Plugged it back in and heard the same measure or so repeated over and over and over again

04:27 <Starwatcher> heh

04:27 <Cobalt_Blitz> things exploded, yes my things :(

04:28 <Sketchy0017> Hi guys

04:28 <Cobalt_Blitz> Hello

04:28 <Thelema5> Shouldn't, or should?

04:28 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

04:29 <Thelema5> Sketchy0017, are you related to Sketchy_Sounds|AFK?

04:29 <Sketchy0017> Nope

04:29 *** Quits: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-77blko.cust.bluewin.ch) (Quit: Leaving)

04:29 <Thelema5> Oh!  Well, good to meet you!

04:29 <Sketchy0017> Who is he/she?

04:30 <Sketchy0017> Thelema5 Good to meet you too!

04:30 <Thelema5> He's a great musicpone, and an admin of this channel.

04:30 <Vulpor> Get ready all my East Coasters

04:30 <Sketchy0017> Oh

04:30 <Thelema5> Just a half-hour to go, Vulpor!

04:30 <Vulpor> We got 30 minutes

04:30 <Sketchy0017> Are you guys ready for the next year?!

04:30 *** HomerBouvier is now known as South

04:30 <Thelema5> No.

04:30 *** Cyril is now known as Penis

04:30 *** Penis is now known as Cyril

04:30 <Thelema5> Every year just seems to bring more trouble.

04:31 <FramesMobile> ...

04:31 <Cobalt_Blitz> awrr

04:31 <Vulpor> Heck yeah

04:31 <Cobalt_Blitz> but a new year can bring more hugs

04:31 <Vulpor> We all saw that right?

04:31 <Thelema5> Yeah, not going to comment.

04:31 <Vulpor> nevermond

04:31 <Vulpor> lol

04:31 <Thelema5> Mine does that from time to time.

04:32 <Cobalt_Blitz> saw what the naughty name?

04:32 <Vulpor> yep

04:32 *** South is now known as SouthJ

04:33 <Thelema5> How do you each count down to the new year?  Living in New York (state) we watch the Times Square ball drop, complete with cheesy commentary.

04:33 <Thelema5> (on TV, of course)

04:34 *** reiuiji is now known as reiuiji|Away

04:34 <Thelema5> I would never, ever go to Times Square on NYE.  It's insane.

04:34 <Thelema5> More than a million people, packed into a two block radius?  No thanks.

04:35 <Thelema5> Would you want to be here? http://www.bemorecreative.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/times-square-new-years-eve-2013.jpg

04:36 <Cobalt_Blitz> nope

04:36 *** Sketchy_Sounds|AFK is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

04:37 <Thelema5> They don't even have bathroom facilities.  A million people drinking and partying must create an awful lot of pee.  Where does it all go?

04:38 *** Parts: FramesMobile (Frames@Pony-22r.c1i.56.172.IP) ("Leaving")

04:38 <Starwatcher> 0-0

04:38 <Starwatcher> I am here, just nested at home in a blanket heap

04:39 <Starwatcher> I did go see some fireworks

04:42 <Princess-QRS> who here knows things about monitors

04:43 * Junebug Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle

04:43 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net)

04:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

04:43 * Princess-QRS boops Junebug

04:43 *** Joins: DJMidli (otxmoslbbwn@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony)

04:43 * Princess-QRS boops djazz

04:44 * Junebug boops Princess

04:44 * Princess-QRS boops DJMidli

04:44 <Princess-QRS> That's what I meant to do!

04:44 * Princess-QRS wiggle-noses

04:44 * Starwatcher looks shyly

04:44 * Junebug prances in a circle around her

04:45 *** Quits: DJMidli (otxmoslbbwn@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) (Connection closed)

04:45 * Princess-QRS prances in a counter circle, making a figure eight!

04:45 *** Joins: User_230425 (srpjnirxpva@Pony-4no4b0.iinet.net.au)

04:45 *** Parts: User_230425 (srpjnirxpva@Pony-4no4b0.iinet.net.au) ()

04:45 * Junebug "Weee!"

04:45 * Starwatcher nudges Princess-QRS with his nose, and looks up at her, beaming

04:46 * Princess-QRS looks down at Starwatcher, and then glomps!

04:46 * Starwatcher hugs warmly

04:46 <Starwatcher> =]

04:46 <Starwatcher> hullo

04:46 <Princess-QRS> i am pone

04:46 <Princess-QRS> u r pone

04:47 * Cobalt_Blitz squees

04:49 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-snukae.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:49 <Starwatcher> hi Cobalt

04:49 <Cobalt_Blitz> Hellos

04:50 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-hov61i.ip.windstream.net)

04:50 * Starwatcher fluffs his coat up somewhat

04:50 * Junebug hugs Cobalt "Hi, I dont know you."

04:51 * Princess-QRS sits on Starwatcher

04:51 * Cobalt_Blitz is fluffy and returns the hugs "I don't know many people either nice to meet you though."

04:51 <Princess-QRS> Cobalt_Blitz is goodpone, can confirm.

04:51 * Starwatcher wraps his hooves around Princess-QRS and hugs warmly

04:51 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces)

04:51 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:52 *** Quits: mxdde (androirc@Pony-m7la4k.res.rr.com) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

04:52 <Thelema5> 8 minutes to 2015 for me....

04:52 * Junebug wiggles "Okie Dokie. Hi then."

04:52 <Thelema5> Prepares some fairecrackers

04:52 <Thelema5> *firecrackers

04:53 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-ls9ihc.res.bhn.net)

04:53 <Cobalt_Blitz> still an hour and 8 for me

04:53 <Starwatcher> I've been setting fireworks off randomly ^_^

04:53 <Cobalt_Blitz> I can hear some going off in the city now and then I expect more once its midnight

04:53 <Thelema5> Do fireworks go bad?  I've had these in storage for more than a year.

04:53 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net)

04:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

04:54 <Starwatcher> not unless they get wet

04:54 <Starwatcher> they should still be ok.

04:54 <Thelema5> Because they're illegal in my home state.

04:54 <Thelema5> Okay, great!

04:54 <Nicktendonick> Almost time

04:54 * Princess-QRS boops ADragonDreaming's nose

04:54 * Thelema5 scrambles to find a lighter

04:54 * Princess-QRS magically lights Thelema5's mane on fire

04:56 * Cobalt_Blitz stretches and looks around

04:56 <Cobalt_Blitz> I need some caffine to make it till 12

04:58 <Vulpor> Two minutes

04:58 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg)

04:59 <Vulpor> 60 seconds

04:59 <Vulpor> 10

04:59 <Vulpor> 9


05:00 <Starwatcher> =3

05:00 <Starwatcher> and to you ^_^


05:01 <Cobalt_Blitz> Happy new year to you all

05:01 <Sketchy0017> Happy new year y'all

05:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yeah!

05:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Happy New years mother bucker!!!

05:02 *** Joins: AcerP (zjsjouleikv@Pony-5as.4dn.224.119.IP)

05:02 <Vulpor> Heres to another great year of pony and awesome!

05:02 <AcerP> second that

05:02 <AcerP> hi everypony

05:02 <AcerP> o/'

05:03 <Vulpor> AcerP!

05:03 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (npbqynugeho@Pony-gul3ra.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

05:03 <AcerP> !

05:03 <Vulpor> Happy new year!

05:03 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (npbqynugeho@Pony-gul3ra.res.rr.com)

05:03 <AcerP> Happy new year to you too!

05:04 <ZeroParadox> Another year.

05:04 <Vulpor> and now.................back to twilight zone!

05:04 <ZeroParadox> Here's to me destroying you al-

05:04 <ZeroParadox> I mean

05:04 <Vulpor> God I love the marathon

05:04 <ZeroParadox> H-Happy New Years

05:04 <Thelema5> Happy new year!

05:04 <Vulpor> lol

05:04 *** Quits: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:04 <Thelema5> Yaaaaaaaaay!

05:04 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> GG 2014!!!!

05:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Roundup #1118 [ http://tinyurl.com/oe5tqgk ]

05:05 <AcerP> GG WP

05:05 *** SouthJ is now known as HomerBouvier

05:05 <ZeroParadox> In order to make up for 2014

05:05 <Vulpor> Fireworks outside

05:05 <ZeroParadox> I really hope nothing happens 2015. - 3 -

05:05 <ZeroParadox> Declaring it now - nothing is getting done!

05:05 <ZeroParadox> Year of Procrastination D<

05:06 <Vulpor> Oh year I guess I should make good on my own resolution

05:06 <Vulpor> No more soda

05:06 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> My resolution is.

05:06 <Vulpor> for one year

05:06 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Play the whole MGS series.

05:06 <AcerP> Metal Gear?

05:06 <Vulpor> O_O even Acid?

05:06 <PinkieShy> happy new years!! :D

05:06 <ZeroParadox> hey

05:06 <ZeroParadox> Acid is coolio

05:07 <ZeroParadox> But he said MGS so no

05:07 <Vulpor> do you gotta PSP?

05:07 <Vulpor> Ohhh yeah

05:07 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

05:07 <ZeroParadox> Nostalgia Mare now D:

05:08 <ZeroParadox> no*

05:08 * AcerP hand ZeroParadox a silly hat

05:08 * ZeroParadox eats it.

05:08 * AcerP hands ZeroParadox two more

05:08 * ZeroParadox quick scopes both of them

05:08 <ZeroParadox> git rekt

05:08 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-rod7it.ph.cox.net)

05:09 <AcerP> 2pro4me

05:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> cp_chatroom

05:10 <Vulpor> cp_chatroom?

05:11 <Vulpor> whats that?

05:11 *** Joins: Spellweave (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

05:12 * Spellweave is your god now! bring him your muffins! \o3o/

05:12 <Starwatcher> 0-0

05:12 <Starwatcher> woa

05:12 * Starwatcher presents a basket of muffins to the new god

05:12 * Spellweave noms muffins; didn't think that'd work. :3

05:12 <Starwatcher> =p

05:13 * Cobalt_Blitz offers moonpies instead

05:13 * Spellweave oro's at the moonpies; perhaps one wouldn't hurt. He reaches into the plate to grab one and a mousetrap snaps on his hoof! D:<

05:14 <Starwatcher> 0-0

05:16 *** Joins: DoubleAnarchy_ (jamis@Pony-6ck.3va.4.216.IP)

05:17 <Spellweave> DO NOT read this sentence. absolutely not.

05:17 <AcerP> nooooooooooo

05:17 <AcerP> to late

05:18 <Spellweave> weird thought.

05:18 <Spellweave> !moon DerpyBot

05:18 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Spellweave!

05:18 *** Spellweave was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)

05:18 *** Joins: Spellweave (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

05:18 <Spellweave> 0.o?

05:18 <AcerP> ?

05:18 <Spellweave> o.0

05:19 *** Quits: DoubleAnarchy (jamis@jamis) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:19 *** DoubleAnarchy_ is now known as DoubleAnarchy

05:19 *** DoubleAnarchy is now known as Pony_76033

05:19 <Thelema5> Happy new year, to everypony who's recently joinced!

05:20 <Thelema5> *joined

05:20 <AcerP> HNY!

05:21 *** Joins: User_390725 (frnmutgmgjl@Pony-g28umd.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)

05:21 <User_390725> mlp sucks

05:21 *** Quits: User_390725 (frnmutgmgjl@Pony-g28umd.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:22 <Thelema5> !link http://youtu.be/7eFd91CXfc0

05:22 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

05:22 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - "A Hymn to the Morning Star"

05:22 <Spellweave> !link derp

05:22 * Thelema5 hails the crowned and conquering child

05:22 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/586277

05:22 *** Quits: SilverSilent (Silvy@SilvertheSilverMoonPony) (Quit: )

05:23 * TimidClef hugs Thelema5

05:23 <TimidClef> I still have an hour and a half to 2015, hehe. You're talking to me across tiiiiiiime~

05:24 <Lenfant_Sauvage> And as we move on to the Year of the Sheep, we must leave behind... the Year of the Horse.

05:24 <Spellweave> D:

05:25 *** Joins: Loving_heart (gvmdlpxlpiq@Pony-ct5e4f.wa.comcast.net)

05:25 *** Parts: Loving_heart (gvmdlpxlpiq@Pony-ct5e4f.wa.comcast.net) ()

05:26 * Thelema5 hugs TimidClef

05:26 <Thelema5> Timey wimey

05:26 <Spellweave> wibbly-wobbly

05:26 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

05:26 <Thelema5> I hope this new year brings everypony joy and love, health and happiness, peace and prosperity.

05:27 <Spellweave> i hope it brings the opportunity to see my friends. I really need to go visit; 2 of my 3 don't contact much online.

05:27 <Thelema5> I truely, truely do.

05:27 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I did something stupid.

05:28 <AcerP> you forgot something?

05:28 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

05:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> No.

05:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I put gasoline on fireworks.

05:28 <AcerP> I.. er.....

05:28 <Spellweave> 0.o was it awesome?

05:29 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Not really.

05:29 <Princess-QRS> lol

05:29 <AcerP> did they set somthing on fire when they landed?

05:29 <Starwatcher> I've put fireworks in a campfire once

05:29 <Starwatcher> it was pretty cool

05:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> It was old fireworks.

05:30 <Starwatcher> how'd it work?

05:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Two worked.

05:30 <Cobalt_Blitz> awr out of how many?

05:31 <AcerP> I they gunpowder got wet it would probably not burn properly

05:31 <AcerP> *if the

05:31 <Sketchy_Sounds> I think it's about time I got myself some rest.

05:31 <Sketchy_Sounds> G'night everyone, and here's to a brand new year :)

05:32 <Cobalt_Blitz> ni ni, take care

05:32 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Happy New Year, y'all! Be sure to catch me later today on Canterlot Hill for the first Songcast of the New Year!)

05:32 *** Joins: BrightRacer (gjwwxcsdkop@Pony-8v0f32.tn.comcast.net)

05:33 * Spellweave runs nude through the chat! WOOOO~

05:33 <Spellweave> ponies don't wear clothes anyway, so :P

05:33 *** poseyshy is now known as poseyshy|dreaming

05:33 <AcerP> :$

05:33 <AcerP> oh right

05:35 <Cobalt_Blitz> people draw them in socks a lot

05:35 <Cobalt_Blitz> it's pretty cute but I'm not sure I understand

05:36 <AcerP> I think cuteness is the point

05:36 *** Quits: Cecil_Eclipse (Stradiverra@TheMochaPony) (Connection closed)

05:37 <Spellweave> maybe some whackjob complained that they were constantly nude? or perhaps needed additional warmth during "Winter Wrap-Up" and "Hearth's Warming Eve"?

05:38 <Cobalt_Blitz> No idea, but the cuteness is enough in my opinion

05:38 <Sketchy0017> In socks?

05:38 <Cobalt_Blitz> yea it's adorable, I'm not sure it would really be functional but why opverthink it

05:38 *** Joins: SkunkStripe (mmkivhwabsa@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net)

05:38 *** Joins: AndroUser (androirc@Pony-nlpv95.phnx.qwest.net)

05:39 <Sketchy0017> Hmm... makes sense, yeah! they're cute so why not?

05:39 <Sketchy0017> right?

05:40 <Cobalt_Blitz> right

05:40 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-03tpq6.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

05:40 <Schism> OH MY GOD.

05:40 <Schism> That was the best New Years' Party EVER.

05:41 <Schism> My first instinct when I heard them playing Bon Jovi outside was to turn and flee.  But it turned out to be a set of 80s music.

05:42 <Schism> Then I wandered into City Hall.  They set it up as a 1980s arcade.

05:42 <Schism> With quarter-per-play machines.

05:42 *** Joins: Cecil_Eclipse (Stradiverra@TheMochaPony)

05:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Cecil_Eclipse

05:42 <Starwatcher> heh,

05:42 <Starwatcher> the days before steam

05:43 <AndroUser> Sounds like a good new year's party.

05:43 <Schism> Oh yes.

05:44 <Schism> Oh yes oh my oh yes.

05:44 <Schism> I wish I'd gotten there hours before.

05:44 <AcerP> btw what does this

05:44 <AcerP> .-.

05:44 <AcerP> emote mean?

05:45 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

05:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

05:45 <Spellweave> ._.

05:45 <AndroUser> I'm chillin at home for new year's eve.

05:45 <Spellweave> pretty much the same as that.

05:46 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

05:46 *** Quits: Sketchy0017 (btihlymdwoo@Pony-4q6.md0.205.223.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:46 <KooK> I have arrived

05:46 <AcerP> hi kook

05:46 * Cobalt_Blitz yays

05:46 *** Quits: AndroUser (androirc@Pony-nlpv95.phnx.qwest.net) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

05:46 <KooK> Hey AcerP

05:46 <AcerP> HNY

05:46 *** Joins: AndroUser (androirc@Pony-nlpv95.phnx.qwest.net)

05:46 <KooK> Happy New Years!

05:47 <AcerP> :)

05:47 <AndroUser> Happy New year's indeed

05:47 * AcerP offers kook a silly hat

05:47 * Spellweave hugs Ali, making one last attempt to befriend her.

05:48 * KooK modifies silly hat and turns it into pant leggings

05:48 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

05:48 *** Quits: AndroUser (androirc@Pony-nlpv95.phnx.qwest.net) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

05:48 * Ali hugs Spellweave and then sets them off to somepony else

05:49 * AcerP transforms into a tree

05:49 *** Joins: KooK_ (hjuegszcrlw@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

05:49 *** AcerP is now known as AcerP|treeform

05:49 <KooK_> For the love of Pete

05:50 *** KooK_ is now known as KooK

05:50 <KooK> Thar we go

05:50 * Spellweave inspects AcerP|treeform for termites and finds a rather disastrous infestation!

05:50 <KooK> I need to find yet another IRC client

05:52 <KooK> Weird Science!

05:52 *** Quits: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off) (Client exited)

05:52 *** Quits: BrightRacer (gjwwxcsdkop@Pony-8v0f32.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:53 *** Quits: Saerydoth_ (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

05:54 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

05:55 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Connection closed)

05:55 *** Quits: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-rod7it.ph.cox.net) (Quit: )

05:55 *** Quits: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off) (Client exited)

05:57 *** Joins: Solo_Act (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

05:57 *** Quits: Spellweave (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Solo_Act)))

05:57 *** Solo_Act is now known as Spellweave

05:57 <KooK> 3 minutes until new years

05:58 *** Joins: Solo_Act (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

05:58 <KooK> 2 minutes!

05:59 <KooK> 45 Seconds

06:00 <KooK> 10 seconds

06:00 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-5r8mr5.67-212-32-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: Leaving)

06:00 <KooK> Happy New Years!

06:00 <Cobalt_Blitz> yay finally new years here too

06:00 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:00 *** Joins: Deadbane (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

06:01 <KooK> Huzzah!

06:01 <KooK> 2015, I am now an old man

06:01 *** Quits: Spellweave (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Deadbane)))

06:01 *** Quits: Solo_Act (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Deadbane)))

06:01 <Deadbane> for christ's sake.

06:01 *** Deadbane is now known as Spellweave

06:01 <Spellweave> ?

06:01 <Spellweave> good.

06:03 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

06:04 <Starwatcher> making science, making science

06:04 <Starwatcher> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDAFivGsKX4 [making science]

06:05 *** Joins: DJMidli (otxmoslbbwn@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony)

06:06 *** Parts: DJMidli (otxmoslbbwn@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) ()

06:07 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

06:08 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net)

06:08 *** Spellweave is now known as Solo_Act

06:09 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (kvvxhrmqbav@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

06:10 <aqualycool22> 2015!

06:10 <aqualycool22> Woo!

06:10 *** Joins: BerryPunch (StarlightIr@Element.of.Alcohol)

06:10 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-hov61i.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:14 *** Joins: CocoPommel (Coco@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

06:14 * Solo_Act just hit his lonely streak.

06:15 * Schism offers Solo_Act a quarter and a Ms. Pac Man machine.

06:15 * Solo_Act politely declines; has Dissidia Duodecim and KHBBS:FM English patch by KeytoTruth.

06:16 * Cobalt_Blitz yawns and curls up

06:16 <Cobalt_Blitz> well I made it past midnight think I'm gona go nap now though

06:16 <Starwatcher> hello Coco

06:17 <Cobalt_Blitz> take care everypony

06:17 <Starwatcher> oh -

06:17 <Starwatcher> nighty night Cobalt_Blitz

06:17 <Starwatcher> see ya laters

06:17 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (npbqynugeho@Pony-gul3ra.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:20 <CocoPommel> Heya :3

06:21 <ZeroParadox> Alright

06:21 <ZeroParadox> Who's ready for a New Year's death hug

06:22 <aqualycool22> Ooh!

06:22 <aqualycool22> Me first!

06:22 * aqualycool22 Glomps Zero.

06:23 * Schism offers ZeroParadox a bowl of hot and sour soup.

06:23 <Schism> ZeroParadox: It's a pity you don't live in this town.  The new years' party was /sublime./

06:23 *** Joins: User_518225 (lqkjnpybuns@Pony-b2mkp6.cicril.sbcglobal.net)

06:23 <ZeroParadox> Nah, I'm not big on parties...

06:23 <Schism> They turned City Hall into a 1980s arcade.

06:23 *** Quits: User_518225 (lqkjnpybuns@Pony-b2mkp6.cicril.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:23 <ZeroParadox> Bunch of loud people that I'm not talking to.

06:24 <aqualycool22> That seems...

06:24 <aqualycool22> AWESOME!

06:24 <aqualycool22> Let's play Pac-man!

06:24 <Schism> Both Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, a quarter a play.

06:24 <fyrepony> ok thats clever....http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2qzbh9/some_of_the_fake_money_that_sparked_a_stampeed_in/

06:24 <ZeroParadox> Yeah, those lines would be pretty sick.

06:24 <aqualycool22> Did they have Galaga? I love that game.

06:24 <ZeroParadox> :P

06:24 <Schism> They did indeed have Galaga, as well as Galaxion and Centipede/Millipede.

06:24 <fyrepony> trowing fake monopoly money off the roof and just watching peasants to figth for death

06:25 <fyrepony> what entertaiment

06:25 <Schism> They even had Spy Hunter, the original machine, including the seat.

06:25 <ZeroParadox> But no Street Fighter

06:25 * ZeroParadox cries everytime

06:25 <Schism> No, this was 1980s, not 1990s.

06:25 <ZeroParadox> Exactly, so you lost me at "1980s arcade"

06:25 <ZeroParadox> Pass. - 3 - /

06:26 <Schism> They had Tetris, though.

06:26 *** Gigabit is now known as GigabitPony

06:26 <ZeroParadox> Sounds like you had a good time tho'-


06:26 <Schism> I defeated all comers, muhahaha.

06:26 * ZeroParadox travels back in time to Schism

06:26 <ZeroParadox> (Now pretend like you remember me being there)

06:26 * Schism boops ZeroParadox with a bowl of hot and sour soup.

06:26 <ZeroParadox> - 3 -

06:27 <ZeroParadox> What if I spazzed out and just spilled the soup everywhere

06:27 <Schism> Bah.  :(  Chinese food on New Years' is a /thing/.

06:29 <Starwatcher> seems so

06:30 <fyrepony> http://www.thehindu.com/entertainment/south-korean-to-drop-sony-film-in-north-by-balloon/article6741193.ece?homepage=true&theme=true

06:30 <fyrepony> now thats genious

06:31 <Schism> ... "Mr. Park says the ballooning will be done clandestinely."  Yeah, uh... I don't think that word means what you think it means...

06:33 <Starwatcher> I'm afraid that doing so will likely cause innnocent people to perish

06:33 <Starwatcher> but that is a topic for another channel

06:33 * Starwatcher shuffles on his hooves and noses through the grass, looking for flowers to eat

06:35 *** Joins: Music_Mane (ykzwshodkpy@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

06:35 * Thelema5 offers Starwatcher daisies, and black eyed susans

06:35 * Schism heats up some soup to boiling, and pours some beaten eggs into it through a fork, making 'egg flowers'. He serves that to Starwatcher.

06:36 *** Parts: Music_Mane (ykzwshodkpy@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) ()

06:36 *** Parts: Solo_Act (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) ()

06:36 <Starwatcher> oh my

06:36 * Starwatcher accepts both gratefully

06:36 <Starwatcher> thanks you guys ^_^

06:36 <Schism> (It's just egg drop soup, but it's tasty anyway.)

06:36 <Starwatcher> oh yes

06:37 <Starwatcher> [some of the best things are as such]

06:37 * Thelema5 realizes that he's given away nearly half of his fisrt batch of cider, and hasn't really had much for hmself

06:37 <Thelema5> *first

06:37 <Thelema5> *himself

06:37 *** Lenfant_Sauvage changes topic to 'Welcome to #EquestriaDaily! This is an ALL-AGES channel. GUIDE: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Type !list to download episodes | Once More 'Round The Sun!'

06:38 * Lenfant_Sauvage boops Thelema5 AND Schism with cider each enough for both!

06:38 <Starwatcher> well - pour yourself a glass!

06:38 *** Joins: Solo_Act (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

06:38 * Starwatcher brings some foodstuffs of his own to the group - a basket of freshly baked cinnamon buns

06:38 * Starwatcher nudges it forward

06:39 * Schism boops Lenfant with a Ms. Pac-Man.

06:39 * Lenfant_Sauvage accep-...?

06:39 <Thelema5> I can't... just re-sanitized my syphon after bottling a couple for my daughter's bf's parents.

06:39 * Lenfant_Sauvage is QUITE LITERALLY nommed. Dies. x3x

06:39 <Starwatcher> ohhh

06:40 <Thelema5> Thanks, Lenfant_Sauvage!

06:40 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Thanks for dying?! :<

06:40 <Thelema5> no, for the cider!

06:41 <Lenfant_Sauvage> uh huh sure...

06:41 * Lenfant_Sauvage knows what everyone is thinking.

06:41 <Lenfant_Sauvage> EVERYONE.

06:41 *** Joins: null_Array (null_Array@Pony-e62.f5g.243.189.IP)

06:42 <Solo_Act> you don't know what I'M thinking. >:I

06:42 <Thelema5> I need to get good with this corker.  Didn't quite work out this time.

06:44 <Schism> Lenfant: I just attended the best New Years' party ever.  :3

06:45 <Lenfant_Sauvage> <-- jealous

06:46 <Schism> They turned City Hall into an arcade.  With real arcade machines.

06:47 <Schism> No Street Fighter, though.

06:50 * AcerP|treeform transforms back into a pony

06:51 *** AcerP|treeform is now known as AcerP

06:51 <AcerP> whats happening?

06:51 *** Quits: Solar_Haze (yotrvusckvv@Pony-knp2ul.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:52 *** Joins: Ponyfluff (Kittenfluff@Pony-dq9ec3.bvv0.2jsg.000e.2601.IP)

06:52 <AcerP> Ponies playing streetfighter?

06:52 * Ponyfluff is listening to best pony music

06:52 <AcerP> I prefer tekken

06:52 <AcerP> what is best pony music?

06:52 <Ponyfluff> well just all the show songs haha

06:53 * AcerP is listening to Discord - eurobeat brony

06:53 <Ponyfluff> but my favorite right not is 'at the gala'

06:53 *** Parts: null_Array (null_Array@Pony-e62.f5g.243.189.IP) ("(Byrd IRC Client // haxed.net)")

06:53 <Ponyfluff> oooh is that good?

06:53 <Ponyfluff> now*

06:53 <AcerP> I prefer his luna -dreammode but I think so yeah

06:54 <Ponyfluff> but i basically just have a playlist of all the songs that were in the shows and movies

06:54 <Thelema5> If anypony is curious, and I know some pones have been... here's by progress with my first batch of cider.

06:54 <Thelema5> http://i.imgur.com/ItNHnYe.jpg

06:54 <AcerP> I think my fave from the show is 'Smile'

06:54 <AcerP> followed by winter wrapup of course

06:54 <Ponyfluff> thats a pretty good one, one my favorite to sing to

06:54 <Ponyfluff> ooh yes that one is just recently got

06:55 <AcerP> next track:

06:55 <AcerP> winterwrapup 8bit

06:55 <Thelema5> Following secondary fermentation, I've gone ahead and bottled the spoils.  It's ready to drink, but could benefit from a few weeks on the rack to age.

06:55 <AcerP> apple cider?

06:55 <Schism> Smile's a great one, but I think my favourite is 'Pinkie the Party Planner'.

06:55 <Thelema5> Of course!

06:56 <AcerP> only just heard that one

06:56 <Starwatcher> oh my

06:56 <Starwatcher> cider - awesome

06:56 <AcerP> do you press the apples yourself?

06:56 <Thelema5> Well, my local orchard (1/4 mile away) pressed the apples.

06:56 *** Joins: LunaticHell (wgcdxtrumiu@Pony-o98i34.tubit.tu-berlin.de)

06:56 <AcerP> nice

06:57 <Thelema5> I worked with the must they produced.

06:57 <Ponyfluff> rainbow rocks has the bestest soundtrack though...

06:57 <LunaticHell> Goooooooood morning, equestria and happy new year's steve

06:57 <AcerP> so garunteed frsh juice

06:57 <Thelema5> Turned out pretty well, I think.

06:57 <AcerP> haven't watched rainbow rocks yet

06:57 <Ponyfluff> thats pretty cool thelema5

06:57 <LunaticHell> I meant "happy new year's, steve" forgot the , thingy

06:57 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)



06:58 <Ponyfluff> *squee*

06:58 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Guys.

06:58 <AcerP> hmm?

06:58 * LunaticHell points at Ponyfluff "what's his deal?"

06:58 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I found the first Meme of 2015.

06:58 <LunaticHell> The_Nostalgia_Mare: Sharing is caring. ;)

06:58 <Ponyfluff> oh crap it break not take

06:59 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cd-o33K8UNU

06:59 <Ponyfluff> it's*

06:59 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Has some callow things.

06:59 <Thelema5> Ponyfluff, it took more than a month of work to arrive at my final product.

06:59 <Ponyfluff> wow Thelema5

06:59 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> !link http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cd-o33K8UNU

06:59 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The First Meme of 2015

06:59 <AcerP> Thelema5: ever pickled your own olives?

06:59 <Thelema5> Not a quick process.

06:59 <Thelema5> Ever, AcerP.

07:00 <Thelema5> *Never

07:00 <LunaticHell> Thelema5: reminds me...

07:00 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

07:00 <LunaticHell> there once was a greek guy

07:00 <LunaticHell> a philosopher of a kind

07:00 <Thelema5> I've picked green beans, and jalepenos... but never olives.

07:00 <Thelema5> *pickled

07:00 <KooK> Happy New Years!

07:00 <Thelema5> Yay!

07:01 *** Joins: Eigenstate (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain)

07:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Eigenstate

07:01 *** Cecil_Eclipse is now known as Stradiverra

07:01 <LunaticHell> One fine spring he forsaw a rich olive harvest, so he bought off a lot of olive thingies and when the time was at hoof, he made tons of olive oil and got rich. ~fin

07:01 *** Parts: Solo_Act (oqnvazqksks@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) ()

07:01 <Thelema5> That's it?

07:02 *** Quits: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain) (Connection closed)

07:02 <AcerP> I've pickled olives before. They came out really tasty

07:02 <Ponyfluff> bwahahaha okaaay then?

07:02 <LunaticHell> And he bought a nice mansion in Theben and lived there with his two wives, 5 kids and 2 dogs.

07:02 <Ponyfluff> (at the meme)

07:02 * Ponyfluff delivers pizza btw

07:02 <LunaticHell> Or was it 5 wives, 2 kids and 2 dogs?

07:02 * Schism offers LunaticHell some olives stuffed with bleu cheese and garlic.

07:02 <Thelema5> AcerP, I would love to do the same... but olives don't thrive near me.

07:02 <LunaticHell> ooooh fancy

07:03 * LunaticHell hugs Schism

07:03 <AcerP> What else have you made?

07:03 <KooK> It was 0 wives, 5 dogs and a child you don't know you have.

07:03 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:03 <LunaticHell> Reminds me, I once dreamed I had a daughter. ;(

07:03 <AcerP> green beans? how to pickle?

07:03 <Thelema5> Me?  A bunch of stuff.  I garden, and scavange.... so if you can grow it near me or find it near me... I've worked with it.

07:04 <AcerP> vinagar and saltwater?

07:04 <Ponyfluff> tonight was crazy busy

07:04 <Thelema5> pretty much.  A couple of bay leaves and some salt, AcerP.

07:04 <AcerP> Whenever I grow beans I always end up with way more than my family can eat fresh

07:04 <Thelema5> Maybe a bit of red pepper flakes.

07:04 <Thelema5> Me too.

07:05 <LunaticHell> She was so awesome ;-;

07:05 <Thelema5> Hence, the pickled beans.  They also freeze well, and dry well.

07:05 <ZeroParadox> LunaticHell: - 3 -

07:05 <AcerP> hmm. I used to make green 'fish' preserve

07:05 * ZeroParadox throws a Happy New Year speech bubble at LunaticHell

07:05 <AcerP> (fish = fig)

07:05 <AcerP> my grandmothers recipe had a typo in it

07:06 <Thelema5> Fish?  Blech.  I can't stand fish.

07:06 * Princess-QRS noms Thelema5's tail

07:06 <Thelema5> Hey ouch, my tail!

07:06 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:06 <AcerP> it's actually green fig preserve

07:06 * The_Nostalgia_Mare throws Muscular Achievement Hunters at ZeroParadox.

07:06 * Thelema5 preens

07:06 <LunaticHell> ZeroParadox: Imagine, for one day I actually could picture me having a baby daughter to care for. :/

07:06 <ZeroParadox> D:

07:06 * AcerP ducks under table

07:06 <Ponyfluff> aaaand smile is on!!! hooray shuffle!

07:06 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

07:06 <AcerP> My name is pinkie pie!

07:07 <AcerP> and I am here to say

07:07 <LunaticHell> Ponyfluff: But I don't feel like smiling T_T

07:07 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP)

07:07 <Ponyfluff> my favorite is at the end when she goes 'cmon everypony smile smile smile, fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine'

07:07 <Starwatcher> http://mysticalpha.deviantart.com/art/Flitter-and-Cloudchaser-2-338985140 [snuggle, flitter]

07:07 <LunaticHell> Even if my name is Pinkie P- *ahem* I forgot how to incognito, again.

07:07 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ZeroParadox, I started MGS.

07:07 <ZeroParadox> Cor

07:08 <Princess-QRS> i ended mgs

07:08 <LunaticHell> METAL GEAR!

07:08 * Princess-QRS deletes all copies of MGS

07:08 <AcerP> i eated msg

07:08 <Thelema5> MSG is fine.

07:08 <LunaticHell> Metal Solid Gear?

07:08 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I suck at it.

07:08 *** Joins: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

07:08 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yes.

07:08 <AcerP> mushrooms apparently have natural msg in them

07:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> No.

07:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> MGD.

07:09 <LunaticHell> AcerP: Hey, HEEEEY, hey!

07:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> MGS

07:09 *** Quits: CocoPommel (Coco@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

07:09 <LunaticHell> AcerP: Have you heard of the shroom that lives on radiation?

07:09 <AcerP> yep

07:09 <Thelema5> As does cheese, tomotoes... and many other delicious things, AcerP.

07:09 *** Joins: CocoPommel (Coco@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

07:09 <LunaticHell> AcerP: It'll make you shine.

07:09 <AcerP> using a verion of melanin to absorb energy from gamma radiation?

07:10 <LunaticHell> Your smile will be radiating.

07:10 <Cyan_Spark> Is... Equestria Daily down?

07:10 <Ponyfluff> although the part where she goes 'i love to make you smile smile smile, yes i do, it fills my heart with sunshine all the while, yes it does' bothers me, because i feel like she should say 'yes it's TRUE' so it rhymes

07:10 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ZeroParadox, AH has the best New year special.

07:10 <ZeroParadox> Really o3o

07:10 <LunaticHell> Ponyfluff: you know there is an alternate original version of the song, right?

07:10 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yes.

07:10 <Ponyfluff> is there?

07:10 * Princess-QRS boops po

07:10 <LunaticHell> Ponyfluff: Well there is. xD

07:11 <AcerP> which song is this?

07:11 <Thelema5> Works for me, Cyan_Spark.

07:11 * Princess-QRS boops Ponyfluff

07:11 <LunaticHell> lemme do the lookie

07:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> It ends with Gavin and Micheal arguing about water, ZeroParadox.

07:11 * Ponyfluff has been booped?

07:11 <ZeroParadox> What video

07:11 <Cyan_Spark> Hm, must be a problem on my side then

07:11 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> The New Years minecraft Special.

07:11 <ZeroParadox> ah

07:11 * AcerP boops Princess-QRS with a mushrrom

07:11 <Thelema5> Or a problem with a local node, Cyan_Spark.

07:12 <Thelema5> Give it a few minutes,'

07:12 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a27WMGcqJl0

07:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Amy Keating Rogers - Smile Song (original)

07:13 <LunaticHell> Ponyfluff: In the original Derpy Doo is part of the song!!!

07:13 <LunaticHell> Daring Don't wat Derpy can Doo.

07:14 <Ponyfluff> this is awful

07:14 <LunaticHell> My puns are better past high noon.

07:15 <LunaticHell> What? It's 8 am and I'm awake since 4 in da morning, hadn't had coffee, either. Cut me some slag...

07:15 <AcerP> LunaticHell: Have you heard of the bacterium that can live and reproduce inside a working autoclave?

07:15 <AcerP> strain 121?

07:15 <Thelema5> 2015.  Wow.  Sounds wrong.  I'm pretty sure we were supposed to be traveling across the solar system on a routine basis by now.

07:16 * Princess-QRS travels around Thelema5 in a low orbit

07:16 <AcerP> ^

07:16 <AcerP> lol

07:16 <LunaticHell> AcerP: I dunno what an autoclave is...something like the Conclave?

07:16 <Thelema5> Sci-fi told me that we'd have broken the light-barrier by now.

07:16 <KooK> I love to see you grin *Awesome*

07:16 *** Joins: Music_Mane (ykzwshodkpy@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP)

07:17 <AcerP> Its a device for sterilizing medical and biological equipment at high heat

07:17 <Thelema5> 2015, you are disappoint.

07:17 *** Joins: Llybel (gpcmodoupsr@Pony-4im.0g1.246.210.IP)

07:17 <LunaticHell> I don't feel awesome. >.>

07:17 <AcerP> Well here in NZ we have working jetpacks already

07:17 <AcerP> no flying cars yet tho

07:17 <LunaticHell> DANG

07:18 *** Quits: Llybel (gpcmodoupsr@Pony-4im.0g1.246.210.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:18 <LunaticHell> AcerP: Actually a flying car was already invented

07:18 <LunaticHell> AcerP: the inventor died in it

07:18 <AcerP> Martin Jetpacks are in the process of getting their latest models approved for rescue work

07:18 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (androirc@Pony-6mh818.co.comcast.net)

07:18 <AcerP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtRUtJlacBI

07:19 *** Joins: Llybel (lpvorewoyex@Pony-4im.0g1.246.210.IP)

07:19 <LunaticHell> OOOoooh I got a sciency quiz question for the smart brains of the chat, are you ready?

07:19 <Bubble-Berry> Hello?

07:19 <AcerP> hello Bubble-Berry

07:19 <ZeroParadox> The_Nostalgia_Mare: Where is this special :c


07:19 * ZeroParadox shoots Ponyfluff

07:19 <ZeroParadox> No o3o

07:19 <AcerP> give quiz!

07:19 <Ponyfluff> T_T

07:19 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ZeroParadox, On the Rooster Teeth Channel.

07:20 <LunaticHell> Where are your chances to survive a freefall from one kilometer higher: earth or moon?

07:20 <CocoPommel> Will people finally stop saying '2 thousand' yet, as opposed to 'twenty?' That would be nice

07:20 <AcerP> earth

07:20 <CocoPommel> That always bugs me

07:20 <AcerP> yoiu would die of asphicsiation on the moon

07:20 <LunaticHell> CocoPommel: I wouldn't say twenty for two...

07:21 <AcerP> (spellingso gud)

07:21 <Ponyfluff> yay?

07:21 <LunaticHell> AcerP: besides that?

07:21 <CocoPommel> Wait, what?

07:21 <AcerP> hmm.

07:22 <SkunkStripe> I thought it was only asphicsiation if you are being strangled

07:22 <ZeroParadox> Nah

07:22 <Thelema5> I don't get the 20,000 vs. 20 conversation.

07:22 <AcerP> no it just means lack of air

07:22 <SkunkStripe> Ah

07:22 <ZeroParadox> Asphyxiating is not-breathe-iating

07:22 <Llybel> moon has lower gravity so less acelleration however without an atmosphere you would probably also have a higher terminal speed

07:22 <CocoPommel> o..o

07:22 <AcerP> yeah. its an interesing question

07:23 *** Quits: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off) (Client exited)

07:23 <LunaticHell> Good awnser, without air there is no limiting force to stop you accelerating.

07:23 <AcerP> gotta go and look up 'G' on the moon

07:23 <CocoPommel> I'm just saying, when folks say two thousand fourteen, I find it annoying, personally.

07:23 <SkunkStripe> ....

07:23 <SkunkStripe> Thats the number

07:24 <SkunkStripe> that is the exact number

07:24 <Thelema5> !seen Timidclef

07:24 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw Timidclef was 2015-01-01 05:55:27 UTC

07:24 <Thelema5> dang.

07:24 <CocoPommel> K but no one ever said one thousand nine hundred ninety nine....

07:24 <LunaticHell> CocoPommel: OH...gotcha, so it's twenty fivteen, eh?

07:24 <Lenfant_Sauvage> My roommate's sister's cat is just sittin' on my windowsill now.

07:25 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Most content cat evar.

07:25 <LunaticHell> CocoPommel: How about Ninteeneightyfour?

07:25 <AcerP> Cats tend to do that

07:25 <CocoPommel> They said nineteen ninety nine, thus why not twenty fourteen? o..o

07:25 <AcerP> It's a part of 'cat chess'

07:25 <LunaticHell> Welcome, Welcome! Into ninteen eighty four! Yeah three two one~ Lights, camara, transaction!

07:25 <Ponyfluff> we're the toughest little ponies in town...?

07:25 <CocoPommel> :3

07:25 <Llybel> because saying one thousand nine hundred and whatever was a big mouthfull. 2000 isnt

07:26 <SkunkStripe> It flows nicely

07:26 <Princess-QRS> pfft

07:26 <Princess-QRS> '92

07:26 <Princess-QRS> '98

07:26 <Thelema5> We've got the mojo

07:26 <CocoPommel> But twenty sounds so much cooler and futuristic

07:26 <Ponyfluff> we've got hearts... as strong as horses

07:26 <SkunkStripe> when theres a number in hundreds place then people will start

07:26 <LunaticHell> I wonder about the year 2999...

07:26 <AcerP> :D

07:26 <CocoPommel> That's my point

07:26 <LunaticHell> Am I going to call it 2 '99?

07:26 <CocoPommel> It's like, come on...

07:27 <SkunkStripe> No its not

07:27 <Princess-QRS> no just '99 lol

07:27 <CocoPommel> :3

07:27 <LunaticHell> What? I can live that long...

07:27 * CocoPommel shrugs

07:27 <Thelema5> LunaticHell, 2999 is so far removed from our own narrative that it's really folly to wonder about it.

07:27 <LunaticHell> Thelema5: I have the next 10,000 years planned out so far.

07:28 <Schism> Live forever, or die trying?

07:28 <SkunkStripe> the new tekken character looks a lot like that dude that was "too attractive" https://38.media.tumblr.com/ea491490bc84d4997b0dbcddd8d9ed1e/tumblr_nhh7i23XOj1qfx8mjo1_1280.jpg

07:28 <AcerP> Schism: so far it's working

07:29 <LunaticHell> Schism: My plans involve "not dying", "alcohol", "nothing" and "playing cards"

07:29 <Thelema5> Imagine some random person in 1099 trying to imagine what we would have in 1999.

07:29 <LunaticHell> Schism: Three of which I took from a russian folk song.

07:30 <LunaticHell> Thelema5: CARTS WITH SIX WHEELS!!!!!

07:30 <CocoPommel> Lunatic I would just say twenty nine ninety nine...

07:30 <Schism> I certainly know that dying's the last thing I mean to do.

07:30 <CocoPommel> But anyway

07:31 <AcerP> bu. dum tish

07:31 <KooK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0e7V2hzqI0

07:31 <AcerP> someone told me the other day that whiteboards were remarkable

07:31 <LunaticHell> Thelema5: actually according to old tes. they already imagined wheels that can drive in all 4 directions, intresting thought.

07:32 <LunaticHell> AcerP: Are they not?

07:32 <AcerP> bu dum. tish

07:32 <KooK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0e7V2hzqI0

07:32 <LunaticHell> slowpoke.jpg

07:33 <SkunkStripe> https://31.media.tumblr.com/66e436826e4add4983e2b0d237d5c2cf/tumblr_ndqgidpi7V1tspb46o2_r2_400.gif

07:33 <KooK> fastpoke.gif

07:33 <LunaticHell> What does Star Wars has in common with the independence war?

07:34 <AcerP> hmm?

07:34 <LunaticHell> Star Wars had Vader in, the war had inVader.

07:35 * AcerP boops LunaticHell with a rolled up paper

07:35 * LunaticHell derps

07:35 *** Parts: Music_Mane (ykzwshodkpy@Pony-2r9.sdi.67.97.IP) ()

07:35 <Bubble-Berry> Hahahsdsdjfsd chart hfdhjdd

07:35 <LunaticHell> I just imagined the line spoken by Maud.

07:35 <AcerP> Someone left some plasticine in my house the other day

07:35 <Bubble-Berry> That was hilarious.

07:35 <AcerP> I didn't know what to make of it

07:36 <LunaticHell> AcerP: burn it?

07:36 <LunaticHell> Bubble-Berry: Makes me happy that somepony enjoyed it.

07:37 <Bubble-Berry> -3o b

07:37 <LunaticHell> I really need coffee to get motivated for today.

07:37 <LunaticHell> Or else Maud Pie's voice will keep on thinking my thoughts...

07:38 <LunaticHell> I'm  not even kiding, this is how tired/bored I actually am.

07:38 <ZeroParadox> The_Nostalgia_Mare: Muscular AH is too strong

07:38 <LunaticHell> After a 355ml can of redbull and 3 cigaretts...4, because I'll have a cig break now. o3o

07:39 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hehe.

07:41 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (androirc@Pony-6mh818.co.comcast.net) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

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07:43 <LunaticHell> I just realized something funny.

07:44 <LunaticHell> Who else played Borderlands the pre sequal here?

07:44 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> No.

07:44 <LunaticHell> Anypony where the awnser isn't "no"

07:45 *** Quits: Llybel (lpvorewoyex@Pony-4im.0g1.246.210.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:46 *** Joins: Llybel (lpvorewoyex@Pony-4im.0g1.246.210.IP)

07:49 <AcerP> bye everypony o/'

07:49 <ZeroParadox> No

07:49 <ZeroParadox> Bye o3o /

07:49 <AcerP> off to eat dinner

07:49 *** Quits: AcerP (zjsjouleikv@Pony-5as.4dn.224.119.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

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08:05 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-3bj9k8.res.rr.com)

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08:06 <ConfusionRift> Hello, everypony. Happy new year!

08:06 * Princess-QRS hails Lord Robot

08:08 <Llybel> hope you have a good year ConfusionRift

08:09 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

08:10 <ConfusionRift> You too, broh. :P

08:12 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Lt. Cdr. ConfusionRift. (salutes.)

08:12 <KooK> I thank Jim Carrey for my ability to spell B-e-a-utiful

08:12 <KooK> otherwise, I'd be spell checking it all the time

08:13 <ConfusionRift> Lt. The_Nostalgia_Mare. (salutes)

08:13 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: Leaving)

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08:26 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Connection closed)

08:27 <camopony> hey i got a question for you guys about the card game

08:27 <Torchlight> Hello POnies

08:27 <ZeroParadox> o3o

08:27 <KooK> Sup yo

08:27 *** Quits: Llybel (lpvorewoyex@Pony-4im.0g1.246.210.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:27 <Torchlight> Finally got my PC working

08:28 <ConfusionRift> Oh, hello there.

08:28 <KooK> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu3j3Qh7sTE

08:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The life of Pinkie Pie in 6 seconds

08:28 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there)

08:29 <LunaticHell> Oh dang, I cannot keep myself from laughing like an idiot.

08:29 <LunaticHell> I found a redit thread of asking MISTER TORGUE stuff, mostly explosions are involved.

08:30 <LunaticHell> Also appearently the guy behind it is the lead writer for Borderlands 2.

08:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Anthony Burch?

08:31 <Nicktendonick> linky?

08:31 *** Joins: Llybel (lpvorewoyex@Pony-4im.0g1.246.210.IP)

08:31 *** Quits: AssasinMonkey (AssasinMonk@Pony-osm8m3.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Bananas)

08:33 <Torchlight> Gah now I can either draw of play diablo....

08:34 <ConfusionRift> You need to do both! :P

08:34 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:35 *** GigabitPony is now known as Gigabit

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08:38 <LunaticHell> http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/13gsxi/iama_mister_torgue_and_will_answer/ here is the link [warning: may EXPLODE]

08:39 <LunaticHell> Eample Q: "What's you're favorite thing to explode?" A: "YOUR MIND!"

08:39 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP)

08:39 <LunaticHell> example

08:40 <LunaticHell> brb

08:41 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok, time for me to sleep.

08:41 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Night.

08:41 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Happy new year!

08:41 * The_Nostalgia_Mare sleeps on her bed. "2015!"

08:42 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

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08:49 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

08:49 <camopony> how many cards can you have in a deck?

08:51 <ConfusionRift> I'm not sure. Should be in the rule book.

08:51 <LunaticHell> Cards? What game?

08:52 <ConfusionRift> I'm guessing the official trading card game.

08:52 <LunaticHell> Of?

08:52 <ConfusionRift> The MLP one.

08:52 <LunaticHell> Oh huh that...

08:53 <LunaticHell> I thought you meant YGO, it's 60 there, but most use 40er decks.

08:53 <LunaticHell> ...I used to play that...and magic...and...other stuff.

08:54 <ConfusionRift> I used to play the Pokemon one, but mostly collecting.

08:54 <Lenfant_Sauvage> MLP you must use 65.

08:54 <ZeroParadox> Cards o3o

08:54 *** Joins: Dark_Saiko (rhrrrbvsvfr@Pony-m8l.9rc.102.199.IP)

08:54 <Lenfant_Sauvage> No. Decks.

08:54 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yes cards. :p

08:54 * Princess-QRS o3os at Lenfant_Sauvage

08:54 <ZeroParadox> o3o

08:54 *** Quits: Ponyfluff (Kittenfluff@Pony-dq9ec3.bvv0.2jsg.000e.2601.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

08:54 <Dark_Saiko> hello

08:54 * ZeroParadox bites Lenfant_Sauvage

08:54 * Lenfant_Sauvage ded

08:55 <ConfusionRift> Wowzers, 65 decks? That's a lot of cards to manage in one game. :P

08:55 * Princess-QRS buries Lenfant_Sauvage

08:55 <Dark_Saiko> ......

08:55 <ConfusionRift> And hello there.

08:55 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Only true masters can wield such powar

08:55 <ModusPonens> is there any possible interpretation of the show that has the mane 6 and others as the truly evil ones and the villains as the good?

08:55 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Hey Saiko. :3

08:55 <Dark_Saiko> hey... im new here

08:55 <ZeroParadox> Saiko?

08:55 * ZeroParadox turns into Dan, even if that's not the same word

08:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> If you can actually make it very convincing with evidence that what the Mane 6 are doing is BAD overall and the villains were only trying to stop an inevitable chaos then yeah

08:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Otherwise you're gonna get a bucket of bad OOC moments and "it's dark because dark" stuff

08:56 <ConfusionRift> ModusPonens: A comic alternate universe, methinks. Alliances inverted.

08:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> i.e. 95% of those kinds of fanfics.

08:56 <ModusPonens> the assumptions being that the everything the show depicts actually happens in that universe

08:57 <ModusPonens> which is a really strange assumption if you think about it. How do you explain the music for one?

08:57 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-4m3a6d.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP) (Quit: Signal 9 happened)

08:57 <wobniaR> This thread with the writer for BL2 as torgue is amazing LunaticHell

08:57 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Only thing I can think of is if you found out some weird-ass thing about the changelings

08:57 <Llybel> well a lot of people see the forcing of Discord to become good as brainwashing / blackmail

08:57 <Lenfant_Sauvage> LIke they need love to power the anti-deathray machine hidden behind Canterlot or something

08:57 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-05tf3d.as13285.net)

08:58 <Llybel> I cant think of the correct word for it currently

08:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That's... not what brainwashing is

08:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Coercion?

08:58 <Llybel> thats it

08:58 *** Parts: Dark_Saiko (rhrrrbvsvfr@Pony-m8l.9rc.102.199.IP) ()

08:58 <ZeroParadox> Yes.

08:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But even then it was made quite plain that Discord went good because it was just convenient for him

08:58 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm... (thoughts running through his head)

08:58 <ZeroParadox> "Be good or you go back in the garden."

08:58 <ModusPonens> ^

08:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It gets the ponies off his back, he can still toy with the girls but in a manner that helps them out instead of hinders them

08:58 <ModusPonens> do thing x otherwise I shoot you

08:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Discord just wants to have fun. Oooh he just wants to have fun

08:59 <ModusPonens> and he doesn't get turned into stone

08:59 <ZeroParadox> ModusPonens: Yeah, too bad he tried to, you know, bring chaos to the world. o3o

08:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yeah that

08:59 <ModusPonens> that too. That's probably a big part of it

08:59 <ZeroParadox> Sorry if we're not cool with that bruh o3o

08:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> kind of bears repeating

08:59 <Llybel> I was thinking more of twilight wanting to cast a spell to force him

08:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> For all we know that may have been a bluff

08:59 <ModusPonens> Llybel, what do you mean, brainwashing?

08:59 <ZeroParadox> Cleaning the brain, of course.

09:00 <ConfusionRift> Doesn't everyone do it? (washes brain)

09:00 <ConfusionRift> I mean, it's hygienic. :P

09:00 <LunaticHell> Time for breakfast...NOODLES!

09:01 <LunaticHell> ...still too hot.

09:01 <ModusPonens> how about this interpretation. Everything that the mane 6 and the princesses do is part of their twisted game where they force Sombra, Chrysalis, and Tirek into pretending to be evil lest the entire population of the world gets slaughtered or something

09:01 <LunaticHell> oh hi Lenfant_Sauvage *hugging happens* happy new year.

09:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That sounds

09:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> insane

09:02 <ZeroParadox> ridiculously asanine

09:02 <LunaticHell> Yeah, like something I would come up with.

09:02 <ModusPonens> it's got quite heavy does of omphalicness

09:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It's also got heavy doses of assumption-making

09:02 <Llybel> in the episode twilight goes to her library to look for a spell to "reform" Discord before giving him / fluttershy a chance. I have heard it argued that that plan was a form of brainwashing and therefore evil

09:02 <ModusPonens> it's like that idea that the world is actually 5 minutes old, but only SEEMS to be billions of years old

09:02 <ZeroParadox> Why do you need 4 people with different agendas to pretend to destroy the world before they destroy the world

09:02 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

09:03 <LunaticHell> What if there is a seal in the world that needs the magic of four Alicorns to be released?

09:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Llybel, because that's Twilight's first option as her dynamic - she's a magician, she'll solve it with magic.

09:03 <ModusPonens> likewise, this interpretation assumes that the good and bad guys actually appear to be completely different

09:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But she's gotta learn that you gotta get through to people with.. like... actual emotions.

09:03 <LunaticHell> Lenfant_Sauvage: Well, what cha think about my idea?

09:03 <ZeroParadox> Yeah, Twilight had a hammer, and Discord was a very out of place nail.

09:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Is it evil? Perhaps, you could argue that.

09:03 <ModusPonens> Lenfant_Sauvage, I will point out that any interpretation is all assumptions anyways

09:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But it's never presented as "the right thing".

09:03 <ZeroParadox> Discord spent a whole episode ACTUALLY brainwashing people.

09:04 <LunaticHell> Evil is a matter of how you look at it.

09:04 <ZeroParadox> I think Twilight was in the clear if she wanted to do it. >_>

09:04 * ConfusionRift notices discrepancies.

09:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> LunaticHell, that'd be a super specific seal...

09:04 <ModusPonens> so the charge of "heavy in assumption making " is pointless b/c ALL interpretations are just assumptions

09:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Evil is evil.

09:04 <ModusPonens> idk

09:04 <ZeroParadox> ModusPonens: Exactly

09:04 <LunaticHell> If you could use brainwashing to stop an insane criminal like the Joker from doing crime, would it be evil?

09:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yes.

09:04 <ModusPonens> moral relativism is REALLy hard to argue against

09:04 <Llybel> I understand that. but ModusPonens was asking if it was possible to paint the main 6 as bad and that is one episode when you could do so

09:04 <ZeroParadox> You can get to the point where your assumptions are based on nothing

09:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Let me put it this way.

09:04 <ZeroParadox> And that's when it gets silly

09:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You knowhow, in D&D, you can roll your character up as "evil?"

09:04 <ZeroParadox> Interpertations have a base.

09:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> neutral evil, lawful evil, etc etc

09:05 <LunaticHell> I am chaotic neutral...

09:05 <ModusPonens> no they don't. You're dealing with a completely different universe

09:05 <ConfusionRift> Hmm... (walks out of it)

09:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> They don't do it because they anticipate you're GOING to be playing the villains. You have your own goals and methods towards the party's common goal.

09:05 <ModusPonens> what basis do you have for any assumption that you make about it?

09:06 <ZeroParadox> Actual canon, established patterns, and common sense.

09:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Llybel, the girls are not prim perfect goddesses. They have flaws.

09:06 <ZeroParadox> As opposed to my wild imagination.

09:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ^

09:06 <ModusPonens> common sense in a completely different universe?

09:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yes.

09:06 <LunaticHell> Lenfant_Sauvage: I love to play with alignments, bit of thought expermimenting...

09:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You must follow the logic the universe provides.

09:06 <ModusPonens> the definition of common sense is "what I observe to be commonly the case in my world"

09:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> A fantasy environment gives very little leeway to "TURNS OUT EVERYONE WAS EVIL ALL ALONG WHOA"

09:06 <ZeroParadox> Exactly, so switch it to what you observe in their world.

09:06 <LunaticHell> Mister Torgue is Lawful EXPLOSIVE!

09:06 <ModusPonens> but we're not in our world any more when we move into a fictional universe

09:06 <ZeroParadox> I wrote "established patterns" for a reason.

09:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Modus, you're missing the point.

09:06 <ConfusionRift> You guys are headed to a minefield... just saying.

09:07 <ZeroParadox> Please, we're fin-

09:07 <ZeroParadox> *click*

09:07 <ZeroParadox> ...

09:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You can't just SAY that, oh, now Discord is a good guy because he was "forced to become good" by the "evils" of the mane 6

09:07 <LunaticHell> I am chaotic neutral THE BEST ALIGNMENT

09:07 <ModusPonens> ZeroParadox, but you only observe, what, 24 hours worth of their world? Is that enough to establish a fictional universe common sense?

09:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Try over a year.

09:07 <ZeroParadox> ModusPonens: Which is why it's silly to look deep into things.

09:07 <ZeroParadox> Otherwise you're just spouting whatever.

09:08 <ModusPonens> Lenfant_Sauvage, what?

09:08 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The show's canon stretches over a year and then change.

09:08 <ModusPonens> sure

09:08 <ZeroParadox> That too, it's not like we've got nothing to work with.

09:08 <Lenfant_Sauvage> We just don't see the mundane events that happens in between.

09:08 <ModusPonens> but the amount of time we as observers actually see? 24 hours

09:08 <ZeroParadox> Uh, what?

09:08 <ModusPonens> I think, I haven't done the arithmetic

09:08 <ZeroParadox> What rule says I can only see 24 hours worth of anything?

09:08 <LunaticHell> They experience two "longest night" events aka one year in the show.

09:08 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

09:08 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-ls9ihc.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:08 *** Joins: KooK (hjuegszcrlw@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

09:08 <ModusPonens> as in, based on 22 minute episodes, 24 episodes per season, we've only seen 24 hours of their world

09:09 <KooK> sups

09:09 <ZeroParadox> That is not in real time!

09:09 <ZeroParadox> Are you serious?

09:09 <Princess-QRS> hahahahha what

09:09 <ModusPonens> if you watched the entire show up to date, you've only experience 24 hours of their world, that's the point I'm making

09:09 <LunaticHell> ahahaha I almost made an argument.

09:09 <ZeroParadox> Haven't we seen at least two instances of time passing?!

09:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> So the girls spent the other 1400 hours being horrendously evil?

09:09 <Llybel> all I am saying is that if you wanted to you could try and use that episode to argue that they were evil in it... not that they actually or that you should see it that way

09:09 <Princess-QRS> ohhh modus

09:09 <Princess-QRS> silly silly modus

09:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Llybel, you and Modus aren't speaking of the same thing.

09:09 <ModusPonens> I don't think so

09:10 <KooK> Somebody recommend me a new IRC client that isn't Hexchat pleaaaaaaase

09:10 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You're speaking of one specific instance where Twilight did something that could be argued as evil. Modus wants to postulate an interpretation where the mane 6 are bad because... the villains were defeated

09:10 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Or something

09:10 <ZeroParadox> Hexchat

09:10 <ZeroParadox> c:

09:10 <KooK> I love Hexchat, I used it but I can't get it to load anymore for some rason.

09:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Bottom line, you need evidence.

09:11 <Llybel> oh... it takes me so long to type a message on my tablet I keep missing posts:D

09:11 <KooK> reason*

09:11 <Princess-QRS> modus making dumb arguments? 2015 is truly the future

09:11 <Princess-QRS> the future past

09:11 <ModusPonens> Lenfant_Sauvage, I'm just saying that making a few assumptions can completely change the character of the show and its events

09:11 <KooK> I uninstalled it, reinstalled it, still no worky

09:11 <Princess-QRS> We've gone back.... to the future.

09:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> BASELESS assumptions.

09:11 <ModusPonens> saying that you can use common sense to judge what is and isn't in a world you've only experienced 24 hours. That's a silly argument

09:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I could assume Applejack's parents are actually ninjas.

09:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But what does that prove?

09:11 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: Pizza)

09:11 <ModusPonens> you indeed could

09:11 <Princess-QRS> oh good lord lol modus

09:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> What /use/ is that assumption?

09:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> How does it affect the ACTUAL story?

09:11 <ModusPonens> and there'd be nothing i could say about it

09:11 *** Quits: camopony (cefbhjpyylk@Pony-61eic1.mpls.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:11 <ModusPonens> explains why we never see them. Ninjas

09:12 <LunaticHell> To bring this debate to a closure: Some things Twilight did could be argued to be evil from a certain point of view, BUT there is no indication that she actually wanted to do evil things, she did what she did with the best intnetions.

09:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You're saying it in regards to changing the entire outlook on the mane 6's life in a canon-changing manner

09:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Mine's just silly.

09:12 <ZeroParadox> LunaticHell: You tried.

09:12 <LunaticHell> ZeroParadox: A for Afford?

09:12 <ZeroParadox> F, because it's spelled "effort" c:

09:12 <ModusPonens> I'm questioning the very idea of a canon

09:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ...

09:12 <LunaticHell> ZeroParadox: that's the joke

09:12 <ZeroParadox> Which is silly and we shouldn't listen to you. Thanks for the heads up. o3o

09:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Canon is not something WE can change.

09:12 <ZeroParadox> LunaticHell: I smiled didn't I o3o

09:12 <Princess-QRS> lol

09:13 * Princess-QRS puts an arm over ZeroParadox

09:13 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That's the POINT of having a canon.

09:13 <ZeroParadox> ow

09:13 <Princess-QRS> look at dis sillypone

09:13 <ModusPonens> basically, canon is what actually happens in a fictional world, right?

09:13 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

09:13 <ZeroParadox> Sure, I'm not tired yet, I will play along

09:13 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Canon is "Yes, this is what happened. Yes, this is how it works."

09:13 <ZeroParadox> ModusPonens: yes m8

09:13 <ModusPonens> how do we know what's canon and what's not?

09:13 <Lenfant_Sauvage> *headdesk*

09:13 <ZeroParadox> And there it is.

09:14 <ZeroParadox> See, you fail to understand what "canon" means.

09:14 <ZeroParadox> That's not up for debate, it exists because it was created to BE that way.

09:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> %

09:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ^

09:14 <Princess-QRS> guys

09:14 <Princess-QRS> don't argue with modus

09:14 <ModusPonens> so the creator sets the canon?

09:14 <Princess-QRS> only insanity will follow

09:14 <ZeroParadox> Unless the writers come out and say "Yeah, they're evil" then your speculation-

09:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> YES.

09:14 <ZeroParadox> ModusPonens: M8

09:14 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

09:14 <ZeroParadox> Are you serious?

09:14 <KooK> I stopped even looking

09:14 <LunaticHell> Canon is a thing which the authors agree upon to be what's the reality for their story. It's derived from the canon books of the bible, the set of books officially agreed upon to be part of it. End of explaination.

09:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The creator, and any writers he or she hires, can set the canon.

09:14 <ZeroParadox> Did you really just ask that question?

09:14 <ZeroParadox> L. M. A. O.

09:14 <Princess-QRS> modus are you trolling

09:14 <Princess-QRS> i prefer to imagine you are

09:15 <Princess-QRS> i cannot fathom somebody being this dense irl

09:15 <ZeroParadox> QRS - 3 -

09:15 <ZeroParadox> Tone it down a bit - 3 - /

09:15 <LunaticHell> Lenfant_Sauvage: wow my explaination did have a nice timing, didn't it?

09:15 <ModusPonens> why do we hold canon interpretation to be any higher than any other interpretation when all it is is just the creator's interpretation?

09:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Because

09:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ge

09:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I dunno

09:15 <ModusPonens> there you go

09:15 <ZeroParadox> It's true that the creator's interpertation is no better than ours.

09:15 <LunaticHell> SARCASM

09:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> THEY FREAKING CREATED IT

09:15 <ZeroParadox> What I'm saying is

09:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> BIRTHED IT INTO BEING

09:15 <ZeroParadox> nothing YOU interpert means anything

09:16 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ^

09:16 <ModusPonens> so?

09:16 <ZeroParadox> And it's baseless, so it's not interesting enough for me to care about.

09:16 <ZeroParadox> There's no coversation here.

09:16 <ZeroParadox> ModusPonens: You are boring me.

09:16 <ModusPonens> all it is is just there interpretation

09:16 <ConfusionRift> Well, this conversation ends here.

09:16 <LunaticHell> I. Am. Eating. Noodles.

09:16 <ZeroParadox> gg

09:16 <Princess-QRS> Cool good.

09:16 <ModusPonens> what about the artist's who drew the stff?

09:16 <Princess-QRS> So ZeroParado....

09:16 <LunaticHell> Let's talk about it!

09:16 <ZeroParadox> Parado

09:16 <ZeroParadox> What's up QR

09:16 <ConfusionRift> It got way too intense, and goign on a circle.

09:16 * Princess-QRS boops ZeroParadox, and then picks him up and throws him at ConfusionRift!

09:16 <LunaticHell> What is your favorite kind of noodles?

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Baked ziti.

09:17 <Princess-QRS> Are you confused now?

09:17 * ZeroParadox flies at ConfusionRift

09:17 <LunaticHell> What is a ziti?

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> tube noodles.

09:17 <ZeroParadox> Yeah what is a ziti

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> You

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> guys don't...

09:17 <ZeroParadox> I knew it was pasta related. - 3 -

09:17 <ModusPonens> they more or less make the show. doing all the heavy lifting. If they have a different interpretation than Faust or Polsky or whatever, what then?

09:17 <LunaticHell> Oooh I like them.

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> know... oh mah god

09:17 <ZeroParadox> ModusPonens: If you wanna PM someone about this go ahead

09:17 <ModusPonens> heck what about Faust's original interptation?

09:17 <LunaticHell> I love to use ziti for noodles in milk, I use them as straw.

09:17 <Lenfant_Sauvage> PM me about it because holy crap my man

09:17 <ZeroParadox> but I think Rifty kinda layed down the law


09:18 * Princess-QRS leaps on ConfusionRift

09:18 <ConfusionRift> Seriously, take it to PM.

09:18 <Princess-QRS> Onward, noble robot!

09:18 <ModusPonens> indeed he did

09:18 <LunaticHell> Hey I got a joke for ya all.

09:18 <Princess-QRS> is it... actually no

09:20 <ZeroParadox> Well, bored now.

09:20 <KooK> ZeroParadox...

09:20 <ZeroParadox> Hnnn?

09:20 <KooK> https://www.bronymate.com/

09:20 <KooK> Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now you're not bored

09:20 <ZeroParadox> oh yeah this thing

09:21 <ZeroParadox> And no, I'm still pretty bored

09:21 * ConfusionRift looks at it. "Huh..."

09:21 *** ModusPonens is now known as Kuviradidnowrong

09:21 <ZeroParadox> w0t

09:21 <FloppyChiptunes> Happy new year everypony ;D

09:21 <ZeroParadox> o3o

09:22 <ConfusionRift> happy new year, bud!

09:22 <ZeroParadox> What's so happy about this new year o3o

09:22 <ZeroParadox> Now I gotta buy a new calendar

09:22 <ConfusionRift> That we're finally done with the previous one? Hehehe.

09:22 <Kuviradidnowrong> Suyin is such a dirty hypocrite. Goes to Batarr Jr. "You poor baby!". Goes to Kuvira "You're going to answer for ALL your crimes."

09:22 <ZeroParadox> Pffft, years.

09:22 <ZeroParadox> They're all the same.

09:23 <ZeroParadox> Except for that damn leap year... he's a willy one.

09:23 <Princess-QRS> 2014 was like


09:23 <ZeroParadox> Oh yeah, so much coverage on, uh, stuff. o3o

09:23 <ZeroParadox> Looooots of stuff...

09:24 * ConfusionRift flops, and sighs.

09:24 <FloppyChiptunes> 2015 the year of poni (every year)

09:24 <ConfusionRift> I'm just trying to be optimistic for this year.

09:24 <ZeroParadox> I'm thinking of a name change for this new year.

09:24 <ZeroParadox> Hey I'm plenty optimistic.

09:24 <ZeroParadox> But you gotta stare the bad in the face before you can think about all the good.

09:25 <ConfusionRift> I did that through the whole year. Don't need it.

09:25 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (ElectricPso@Pony-06l7n8.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Narazicho!)

09:25 <ZeroParadox> I do. :c

09:26 * ZeroParadox hugs ConfusionRift

09:27 * Princess-QRS also hugs ConfusionRift

09:27 * ConfusionRift hugs back.

09:27 <Princess-QRS> :3

09:30 <ConfusionRift> Yeah... glad that year is gone.

09:30 <ZeroParadox> To a new year, ya? - 3 -

09:30 * ZeroParadox throws confetti everywhere - 3 -

09:30 * ConfusionRift cheers. "Yeeeeaaaah!!!"

09:31 * CocoPommel bites confetti

09:32 <Finwe> 2015 must be a good year.

09:33 <ConfusionRift> Actually, here's the very important question we should be asking. Where are the hover cars and frictionless skateboards?!

09:33 * Finwe is totally gay wasted and quite 2015.

09:33 <ZeroParadox> wut o3o

09:34 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-vl7l7u.bchsia.telus.net)

09:34 <CocoPommel> I was obsessed with hover boards in 7th grade

09:35 <CocoPommel> A friend and I used to try to figure out how to build some home made

09:35 <CocoPommel> Without the hovering of course :P

09:35 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net) (Quit: My people need me!)

09:35 <ConfusionRift> It is possible, but rather clunky and not as easy to use.

09:36 <CocoPommel> Until one day we met some kid who beat us to it xD

09:36 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-vl7l7u.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving)

09:36 <CocoPommel> This kid did a pretty good job

09:36 <ConfusionRift> There's always that one guy. :P

09:36 <CocoPommel> Lol

09:39 <ConfusionRift> It's like that one time when me and my dad came up with the idea of making a vehicle integrated Breathalyzer system for civilians whom have been charged of drunk driving. A month later, this was implemented on some vehicles for civilians.

09:40 *** Quits: KooK (hjuegszcrlw@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

09:41 <ConfusionRift> It happens. :P

09:44 *** Joins: wallower (dnvluiorecc@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

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09:45 <CocoPommel> Yep that kind of thing happens all the time :3 I've thought of a few things that other people ended up inventing ;P

09:46 *** Joins: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni)

09:46 <init3> Mornin'

09:47 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

09:47 <ConfusionRift> And happy new year.

09:47 <init3> You too

09:53 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, rather calm.

09:54 <init3> Yeah. Maybe everyone got tanked and passed out. I played the DD for my buddy so he could get drunk at a party and drove his car back to my house. He's passed out on my couch at least.

09:55 <init3> Wasn't in the mood to drink tonight anyway.

09:55 *** wallower is now known as wallower|afk

09:55 *** Quits: Llybel (lpvorewoyex@Pony-4im.0g1.246.210.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:56 <ConfusionRift> Heh, I just had one cider, and that's about it.

09:56 <init3> Ahh

09:57 <ConfusionRift> I was more on alert for idiocy out on the streets.

09:57 <init3> I usually get into the hard stuff when I do so i'm rarely in the mood, I made sure to leave the party before bar close here. Wasn't going to seal with that. Especially considering I was driving my friends car that's only a year old.

09:58 <init3> *deal

09:58 <init3> For perhaps the first time, mind you.

09:58 *** Staremastermidnight is now known as staremastershy

09:58 <init3> Even though the first time I let him drive my car he crashed it into my garage. He still needs to pay me to get that fixed.

09:59 <ConfusionRift> I don't drink much in general.

09:59 <LunaticHell> Why is this so familiar? "Now, you may notice that the gun isn't – how to put this – yellow. The reason for this is simple: the Hyperion designer who designed the weapon was violently colorblind. Worry not, though – after Hyperion management noticed this mistake, the designer was fired. Out of a cannon. Into a moon."

09:59 <LunaticHell> ...do you like bananas?

10:00 <init3> Yeah, me neither. When I do, I usually do it right.

10:00 <LunaticHell> [Celestia working for Hyperion - confirmed]

10:00 <ConfusionRift> The most, two 12 oz. bottles of 5% alc./vol. hard cider.

10:01 <init3> Ahh. The first time I came on here I was pretty plastered on Crown Royal. That's my (reasonably priced) fav.

10:01 <init3> But I don't like drinking more than a few times a month.

10:02 <ConfusionRift> then again, for soem reason, drinking puts me in a very bad mood.

10:04 *** Joins: MrMooMoo (Moo@Pony-b73.a8j.14.76.IP)

10:04 <LunaticHell> I forgot to watch Doctor Who crismas special xD

10:05 <MrMooMoo> Happy new years bros

10:05 <ConfusionRift> Happy new years!

10:05 <ConfusionRift> *year's

10:06 <MrMooMoo> Hope for another nice year of chill midnight chats with y'all

10:07 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-frq01k.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:07 <ConfusionRift> Well, rather calm... at the moment.

10:10 *** Quits: ArchPegasusMichael (ArchPegasus@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:11 * ConfusionRift rolls around.

10:14 * ConfusionRift rolls in a possible disconnection.

10:16 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-9anh9l.cgn.dg-w.de)

10:16 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP) (Client exited)

10:25 *** Joins: User_568725 (srpjnirxpva@Pony-4no4b0.iinet.net.au)

10:25 *** Joins: Care_Package (Courier@Pony-d7eln6.res.rr.com)

10:25 *** Quits: Care_Package (Courier@Pony-d7eln6.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

10:26 *** User_568725 is now known as Morly

10:26 *** Parts: Morly (srpjnirxpva@Pony-4no4b0.iinet.net.au) ()

10:27 <CocoPommel> !link fluttershy

10:27 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/242586

10:28 <fyrepony> !link weed

10:29 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/544418

10:29 *** Joins: JandalAdjiel (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

10:29 * ConfusionRift shakes his head.

10:29 * fyrepony laugths

10:29 <ConfusionRift> The previous post was sweet... and then gone.

10:30 * CocoPommel giggles

10:30 <CocoPommel> !link Coco Pommel

10:30 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/527422

10:33 *** FN_zZz is now known as FruitNibbler

10:34 <CocoPommel> !link http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/007/c/4/i_m_cuckoo_for_coco_pommel_puffs_by_clamstacker-d71cibq.png

10:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

10:34 <CocoPommel> Ah :p

10:35 *** Quits: ryaxnb (quassel@Pony-8ho0nc.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:36 *** Joins: ryaxnb (quassel@Pony-8ho0nc.ca.comcast.net)

10:36 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

10:38 <ConfusionRift> She does seem to like her cereal... maybe a bit too much... okay, that cereal has something in it.

10:39 <CocoPommel> Cuckoo inducing ingredients apparently xD

10:40 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:40 <ConfusionRift> The the mad horse decease!

10:43 *** Eigenstate is now known as Mike_Coltfield

10:44 <FruitNibbler> ea is truly tge worst company

10:45 <FruitNibbler> I requested ea account deletion MONTHS ago, they reply on 24th, give me 3 days to reply and declare the case dead

10:45 <Princess-QRS> excuse me no that's bp

10:45 <Princess-QRS> >3 days to reply

10:45 <Princess-QRS> >christmas eve

10:45 <Princess-QRS> lol that was totally on purpose

10:45 <FruitNibbler> Asshats

10:46 <ConfusionRift> Aheam...

10:46 <FruitNibbler> Deserves every bit of flak they get and then some more

10:46 <ConfusionRift> Nothing new, really.

10:46 <FruitNibbler> ConfusionRift doesn't like donkey hats?

10:47 <ConfusionRift> Hahaha, nice safe, but still a demerit. :P

10:48 <ConfusionRift> Anyways, nothing new for them to mess up some more. People still buy their stuff, and that's what they care for.

10:51 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:51 *** Joins: Raid (Raid@Pony-km1.6tt.51.84.IP)

10:51 <FloppyChiptunes> Well, it's the company which makes the easiest money in the video game business, right

10:52 <FloppyChiptunes> If you take the annual sports games.. especially FIFA

10:52 <ConfusionRift> Correction. It's ONE of the companies. :P

10:52 <FruitNibbler> Not willing to have "deleted accounts" stat rise with such underhanded methods is like a new low for them

10:52 <FloppyChiptunes> Where basically 0 effort goes into.. pretty much really selling the same game over and over again for the full price.. instead of a feature upgrade for like 10 bucks or something :P

10:53 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

10:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SomeFrenchBrony

10:53 <ConfusionRift> As mentioned, one of the companies that goes for the easy money.

10:53 <FloppyChiptunes> And they still sell millions over millions of these games - and always looking forward to the european cup / world cup so they can throw out a ripped down FIFA with only the teams which are taking part in that cup.. still for like 40 or 50 bucks

10:53 <FloppyChiptunes> And then there is FIFA Ultimate Team

10:53 *** Lenfant_Sauvage is now known as Lenfant|nap

10:53 <FloppyChiptunes> Where people keep spending even more money

10:54 <FloppyChiptunes> Well sure, one of some companies.. but still the worst

10:54 * ConfusionRift chuckles.

10:54 <FloppyChiptunes> Because you can say what you want, but Assassin's Creed / Call of Duty have a bazillion more new things every year than FIFA :P (compared to just FIFA)

10:54 <ConfusionRift> I put them all on the same copper tray.

10:55 *** wallower|afk is now known as wallower

10:55 <FloppyChiptunes> I enjoy playing a little round of FIFA every now and then.. usually me and my friend were already happy with the free demo because all we wanted was playing a few little matches and we didn't care about the teams we could pick

10:56 <FloppyChiptunes> It's like 4 weeks ago where I actually bought FIFA 14, for 2,50 bucks (because everyone buys FIFA 15 by now)

10:56 <ConfusionRift> It's called a low turn in game.

10:56 <FloppyChiptunes> So we kept playing that for some time but when we played PES, we realized how dull FIFA feels compared to it :O

10:57 <FloppyChiptunes> So I got PES 2015 on PSN sale and we keep comparing the tiniest things to FIFA just to realize it's better in PES.. which is funny, because even though I'm not a huge fan of soccer games, I still can see that PES is probably much better, but fails to sell the same number of copies because EA grabs all the licenses

10:58 <FloppyChiptunes> Someone should do something about that, it's almost like a monopoly ;P

10:58 * ConfusionRift shrugs.

10:59 <ConfusionRift> Till the cash stops flowing, it will continue.

10:59 <FloppyChiptunes> So yeah, I really loved to see EA being bashed over NBA Live 14 when NBA2k14 came out.. man, that was good.. to see that reviewers actually noticed that sports games which don't come from EA are often much better :P

11:00 <FloppyChiptunes> Yeah, so it'll continue for the next 30 years probably, because FIFA will always sell enough numbers, compared to the money they probably put into (which I dunno anything about)

11:00 <ConfusionRift> Sports games are terrible, that's pretty much it.

11:00 <ConfusionRift> Well, at least the new ones.

11:01 <ConfusionRift> I loooved to play the very old baseball and soccer games.

11:01 <FloppyChiptunes> They can be fun, I actually really like the Tiger Woods PGA Tour series (funnily enough, it's also from EA)

11:01 <FloppyChiptunes> But even Tiger Woods had way more effort put into it than FIFA

11:01 <FloppyChiptunes> I loved to play NBA JAM on my SNES

11:01 <FloppyChiptunes> :D

11:01 <FloppyChiptunes> Or Nintendo World Cup on the NES lul

11:02 <ConfusionRift> Hold on... let me see if I can find the game.

11:04 <ConfusionRift> Here we go...

11:04 *** Joins: Blastradiuss (sbwekdpnkzn@Pony-5bg75c.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)

11:04 <ConfusionRift> Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball.

11:04 <ConfusionRift> I played that sucker for a very long time.

11:05 <ConfusionRift> Well, mostly co-op.

11:05 <ConfusionRift> Sucks the plastic is oxidizing so badly.

11:05 *** Unikitty|Away is now known as Unikitty

11:06 <fyrepony> ill be playing some battlefield 4

11:06 <FloppyChiptunes> Never heard of it, dunno if that even came out in germany ^^ but then again, I pretty much only played the NES / SNES games my parents somehow got their hands on, I was too young back then. My first real own console was the N64

11:07 <FloppyChiptunes> Have fun fyrepony :P

11:08 <ConfusionRift> This one. http://img.gamefaqs.net/box/1/3/6/24136_front.jpg

11:08 <FloppyChiptunes> hehe ^^

11:08 <FloppyChiptunes> I remember playing some baseball games on arcades though (MAME)

11:08 <FloppyChiptunes> I loved them

11:09 *** Quits: Kuviradidnowrong (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:09 *** Quits: CocoPommel (Coco@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:09 <ConfusionRift> Ouh, them arcade ones are fun. :P

11:11 <ConfusionRift> I did thought about getting an arcade cabinet. Alas, they are... expensive.

11:12 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

11:12 *** Princess-QRS is now known as Wildcard

11:13 *** Quits: sahugani (irishcaffin@Pony-m0t.id5.34.174.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:16 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

11:18 <FloppyChiptunes> Yeah, same here :D Always wanted one but as you've said, expensive

11:18 *** Joins: CocoPommel (Coco@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

11:19 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:19 <ConfusionRift> The cheapest was $500. And the guy actually had it separated for a friend.

11:20 <FloppyChiptunes> :3

11:21 <FloppyChiptunes> I always looked for an... arcade x one? I guess.. with a PC running MAME and a nice arcade stick thingy for two players and stuff

11:21 <FloppyChiptunes> X-Arcade, that was it

11:21 <ConfusionRift> You can do that. Just get a regular cheap PC, and you're golden.

11:22 <FloppyChiptunes> Yeah I know, but it's a nice package with a brand new cabinet incl. some highest quality arcade sticks

11:22 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Early Morning Discussion #80 [ http://tinyurl.com/q8ofah2 ]

11:23 *** Parts: Blastradiuss (sbwekdpnkzn@Pony-5bg75c.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) ()

11:23 <FruitNibbler> Well good games can be published through ea, after all ea doesn't create games, they merely sell them to you

11:23 <ConfusionRift> What I mean is that some sell unlabeled empty cabinets. Just need something to fill it.

11:23 <FruitNibbler> And rip off the real devs in between

11:24 <ConfusionRift> The reason why some of these are so expensive is due to hardware.

11:24 <FruitNibbler> Many games turn out crappy just because of ea rushes a release

11:25 <ConfusionRift> Heck, if you get an old, common, well used cabinet for a reasonable price, you are pretty much set.

11:25 *** Quits: MrMooMoo (Moo@MOOOOOOOOOO) (Quit: This means I went to sleep or something)

11:26 <FruitNibbler> They owned die hard battlefield fans good, so good almost nopony preordered hardline

11:27 <Unikitty> I'm not sure you two are having the same conversation, haha

11:27 *** Quits: wallower (dnvluiorecc@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:28 <FruitNibbler> Bf3 was a fail, but it looked promising, so Bf4 still sold, but bf4 failed so damn hard and all the requests from gamers were ignored, misrepresented and even scoffed at from ea reps, that this franchise essentially dies

11:28 <FloppyChiptunes> :3 yeah ConfusionRift

11:28 <ConfusionRift> Well, was talking to FloppyChiptunes. I'm out of this EA conversation. Not to be rude, but it's the same of always.

11:29 <Gigabit> They require a web browser for the game to function.. That is a fail in itself.

11:29 * Wildcard explodes

11:29 <FruitNibbler> BF2 and BFbc2 (ans arguibly BF2142 or whatever the number) are still the best BF titles to date

11:29 <Wildcard> BF2 is unplayable thanks to radio spam

11:29 <Wildcard> which you can't turn off or down because all 2D sound is connected lol

11:29 <Wildcard> a bug since 2002

11:29 <Wildcard> never fixed

11:30 <FruitNibbler> That is a minor issue for me

11:30 <Wildcard> pfft man it's horrible


11:31 <FruitNibbler> Doesn't interfer with getting 40/1 in a heli and a nice dubstep

11:31 <Wildcard> yes it does if you wanna hear the helicopter lol

11:31 <Gigabit> They fix BF4 to not require using a web browser, then it would be A okay on my list.

11:31 <FruitNibbler> Why would you need to hear a damn heli?

11:32 <FruitNibbler> It will take aeons till bf4 is fixed

11:32 <Wildcard> it wont be

11:32 <Wildcard> why would they fix the product for free instead of putting the fixes in the sequel?

11:32 <Wildcard> $$$

11:32 *** Joins: wallower (dnvluiorecc@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

11:32 <Wildcard> wallower!!!!!!!!!!

11:33 * Wildcard wallow-hugs wallower

11:33 <Wildcard> give me a second

11:33 *** Quits: Wildcard (SRQ@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving...)

11:34 <ConfusionRift> Again, just redundancy.

11:35 <ConfusionRift> Yes, EA sucks, we get it.

11:35 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

11:35 <Gigabit> I am really sore about spending 3 days to download BF4 and play it for 20 minutes before uninstalling the crap due to the browser thing.

11:35 * Princess-QRS hugs wallower

11:35 <Gigabit> Sorry, will shut up.

11:35 <Princess-QRS> If your internet is that bad, BF4 aint' for you regardless of the browser thing

11:35 <ConfusionRift> You don't have to. (sighs) My problem is the redundancy.

11:35 <Princess-QRS> Having an ingame browser isn't gonna make it not have 5000 ms pings

11:36 <FruitNibbler> I wish I could buy Dice out from ea and publish their games through steam with dedixated su

11:36 <Gigabit> I don't have that high of ping, but the download for the game was 35gb

11:36 <Princess-QRS> lol

11:36 <FruitNibbler> pport*

11:37 <ConfusionRift> I got it for the singleplayer. But then, after 5 hours of total gameplay, I threw it in the stack, and let it there.

11:37 *** Princess-QRS is now known as Wildcard

11:37 <Wildcard> >battlefield

11:37 <Wildcard> >singleplayer

11:37 * ConfusionRift sighs.

11:37 <Wildcard> I'm sorry son, you made a mistake somewhere here.

11:37 <FruitNibbler> Oh mang ping... ea was too stupid to restrict 500+ pingers from joining the server, which lagged EVERYPONY

11:38 <ConfusionRift> Yes, there's the multiplayer. But after seeing the bugs, I didn't bother.

11:38 <ConfusionRift> Also, I have a terrible connection.

11:38 <Wildcard> Well then don't bother with the game at all, it's craptrash.

11:38 <Wildcard> I enjoy it but my internet connection is best described as "a series of dropped packets"

11:39 *** Joins: SmallParadox (p0tat03s@Pony-og8flk.range86-149.btcentralplus.com)

11:39 <FruitNibbler> Those chinese/taiwanese/israel kids on german server, who ruin the game for everyone with a humongous ping and don't english at all to understand howthey are wrong...

11:39 <SmallParadox> Happy new year every pon3!!!

11:40 *** Joins: ArchPegasusMichael (ArchPegasus@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place)

11:40 <ConfusionRift> "Well then, don't bother with games at all, since you're looking for single player." Peh...

11:40 <Wildcard> Waht no, that specific game.

11:40 <Wildcard> Silly.

11:40 <FruitNibbler> Enough about stupidity though, that does no good to anypony

11:41 <FruitNibbler> Hue, silly drm

11:41 <SmallParadox> Notice me senpai's ;(

11:41 * Wildcard notices SmallParadox

11:41 <SmallParadox> Yoy

11:42 <Wildcard> Hello!

11:42 <ConfusionRift> To me, both single player and multiplayer make the whole package that is the game. If the game fails at one, to me, that's like half the package dead.

11:42 * FruitNibbler tugs SmallParadox on the cheeks "so cute this face"

11:42 <ConfusionRift> Hello there, and happy new year.

11:42 <Wildcard> v0v depends on the game man, some games are more multiplayer based.

11:42 * Unikitty throws call of duty at Wildcard

11:42 <Wildcard> Now you can point out, correctly, that BF4 /did/ have SP, and it /did/ suck.

11:42 <Wildcard> So that's fair I suppose.

11:43 <FruitNibbler> They shot themselves in the foot with making bf3/4 single players a demo

11:43 <Wildcard> But like, TF2? Can't judge that on SP lol.

11:43 <ConfusionRift> Nah, unacceptable. If they wanted to make a game multiplayer only, then do that. Otherwise, it's stupid to add singleplayer.

11:43 <Wildcard> Yeah exactly I was conceding the poiiiint.

11:43 <SmallParadox> Tf2 on xbawx has only two servers XD

11:43 <Gigabit> World of Warcraft, best single player game

11:44 <ConfusionRift> TF2 is multiplayer only, so that's the whole package. I understand that.

11:44 <Wildcard> yes yess I get that and understand that and concede that idea

11:44 <FruitNibbler> I am a bf multiplayer with good pingzies, but mang with a nice story and multitude of outcomes based on your decisions that could be just golden

11:44 <Wildcard> so basically arma, lol

11:45 <Wildcard> Arma 2 has multiple "Bomb this village to make your life easier? y/n" options

11:45 <Wildcard> protip if you pick yes you'll probably get the Bad End

11:45 <Wildcard> 'cause war crimes lol

11:45 <ConfusionRift> Oh, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed BF:BC2. That was a lot of fun overall. But when they start to put more effort on one thing than the other, well... it declines.

11:46 * Gigabit personally wants a game that is like real life but you can do anything.

11:46 * Unikitty applies virtual reality to Gigabit.

11:46 * Wildcard apples Unikitty to Gigabit

11:46 <Gigabit> Basically

11:46 <Wildcard> applies

11:46 <Wildcard> v0v

11:46 <ConfusionRift> So many apples!

11:46 * Wildcard dumps a bushel of apples on ConfusionRift

11:47 <ConfusionRift> Aaargh! Apples! My weaknesssssss!

11:47 <FruitNibbler> I like how Hitman went with choices: you can play however you want, now if this would steer the story as well, it would give me a nirvana

11:47 * Wildcard plugs a USB drive with Apple OSX loaded on it into ConfusionRift

11:47 * ConfusionRift shocks the USB drive as a countermeasure.

11:48 * Wildcard dies of shock

11:48 <FruitNibbler> Like if you make a mission SA, then the next mission becomes less complicated, if you screw up, next mission is harder

11:49 *** LunaticHell is now known as Groot

11:49 <Wildcard> so uh

11:49 <Wildcard> homeworld

11:49 <FruitNibbler> Or if you screw up, enemy relocates on another map that is way harder

11:49 *** Groot is now known as LunaticHell

11:50 <FruitNibbler> But still they went with a hillbilly hunt simulator instead... -.-*

11:51 <Wildcard> oh oh

11:51 <Wildcard> European Escalation has that.

11:51 <Wildcard> In SP you get units slowly over the campaign, and if you blow them all to finish a mission... good luck with the next one

11:51 <Wildcard> because it's an RTS without an economy so the tanks you have at the start... that's it

11:52 <FruitNibbler> Heh

11:52 <FruitNibbler> Harsh, I like it

11:53 <Wildcard> I had to restart the entire campaign once because I blew my tank reserves to complete a middle mission.

11:53 <FruitNibbler> I like Richard Burns Rally and liked the first CMR for that: car damage carries on into the next race in stages

11:53 <Wildcard> From "yay" to "goddamnit" in no time flat.

11:54 <FruitNibbler> And you pay "repairs" of your  car with your stage time

11:54 <FruitNibbler> So if you don't crash, you don't lose time

11:54 <Wildcard> There's XCOM too. Lose badly enough and even if you complete the mission, the war is lost.

11:55 <LunaticHell> WHY?

11:55 * Wildcard points at ConfusionRift, and then flops over and falls asleeep

11:55 <LunaticHell> Why is John Barrowman so handsome?

11:56 <Unikitty> o3o

11:56 * ConfusionRift puts a blanket over Wildcard.

11:56 <Unikitty> Because he is glorious.

11:56 <Wildcard> -3-

11:56 * Wildcard sleep-boops robopone

11:56 <LunaticHell> You might as well call him...

11:56 <LunaticHell> ...Handsome Jack...

11:56 * Unikitty boops LunaticHell

11:56 * LunaticHell giggles and pets the Unikitty

11:56 <SmallParadox> Mur

11:57 *** Quits: Wildcard (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: ConfusionRift is best robot. TimidClef is best human being. Gigabit is adorable. Unikitty is best Catte. Luna is best pone. Any questions?)

11:57 <FruitNibbler> I have no Idea who that John B. is

11:58 * Unikitty throws torchwood at FruitNibbler

11:58 <LunaticHell> FruitNibbler: You're missing out, big time.

11:58 <Unikitty> ^

11:58 <LunaticHell> http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0057882/

11:58 <FruitNibbler> I am bad with names, I still don't know most VAs for pones

11:59 <Unikitty> Him and David Tennant are cutie pies.

11:59 <LunaticHell> Oh yes. This kitten here. Listen to her, she knows it..

11:59 <FruitNibbler> Saw none of those, don musicals either

12:00 <FruitNibbler> Don't*

12:00 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net)

12:00 <Gigabit> Looking at that link, still no clue who the guy is

12:00 <LunaticHell> I got a fun fact here "star in the musical production of "Anything Goes,"" keep this in the back of your heads

12:00 <FruitNibbler> Still no clue

12:01 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7Q3zBLgqsI

12:01 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Torchwood: Anything goes

12:01 <Unikitty> http://i.imgur.com/RBpxCaD.jpg

12:01 <LunaticHell> FruitNibbler: He played Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who

12:01 <Gigabit> Who?

12:01 <LunaticHell> *rolls eyes*

12:01 <Gigabit> Serious

12:02 <Gigabit> I may be a smartflank but 9/10 if I say who I mean it

12:02 <FruitNibbler> I haven't seen a single dr.Who ep either

12:02 <LunaticHell> A character from the 2005 run of doctor who, he appears in the first few seasons.

12:03 * ConfusionRift looks, and is still just as clueless.

12:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Further Proof that Aria is Best Dazzling  [ http://tinyurl.com/lxgposk ]

12:04 <FruitNibbler> So he can sing, so I assume musicles, hence no sherlock why I am not familiar with his work

12:04 <LunaticHell> ConfusionRift: just watch the episode "Doctor Who - The Doctor Dances

12:04 <Unikitty> What's there to be clueless about? There's a guy. An actor. We think he's very cute. That's all.

12:04 <LunaticHell> ^

12:06 <ConfusionRift> Okay-dokey. :P

12:06 *** Joins: SkyHigh (androirc@Pony-10ggu3.threembb.co.uk)

12:07 *** Quits: CocoPommel (Coco@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:09 <SkyHigh> Hallo

12:10 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

12:10 <FruitNibbler> I like bourne, and I don't remember the actor's name, so any actor actorsen name is a blank slate for me except a few that were so often in memes and other media that I remembered them (like Nicholas Cage)

12:10 <LunaticHell> time for a cigarett break

12:10 <Unikitty> LunaticHell, oh my.

12:11 <SmallParadox> Oh

12:11 <SkyHigh> Awww

12:11 <SkyHigh> I came and LunaticHell leaves

12:11 <SkyHigh> He's like: "I'm outta here!"

12:11 <FruitNibbler> I picture LunaticHell just breaking a cigarette in half: cigarette break

12:12 <SkyHigh> I thought someone would.

12:14 * SmallParadox facehoof

12:14 <Unikitty> Oh my gosh! I just found a telnet client called KiTTY which seems to have exactly the features I need xD

12:15 <Unikitty> This is too perfect

12:15 <SkyHigh> Oh god.

12:15 <LunaticHell> hurhur I once did that actually

12:16 <LunaticHell> Something made me this angry that I snapped a cigar in half and threw it on the ground...anrgily!

12:16 <Gigabit> Unikitty: its a tarp!

12:16 * SkyHigh gives LunaticHell the remains of a 100 year old cigar.

12:16 <Unikitty> How so?

12:17 <FruitNibbler> A plot to catch your kityness!

12:17 <Gigabit> It said its a 10x20' vinyl tarp on the package?

12:17 <LunaticHell> Well I help it between trigger and middle finger and applied pressure with my thumb until it snapped.

12:17 <LunaticHell> held*

12:18 <SkyHigh> The geometry of breaking points... on a cigarette.

12:18 <LunaticHell> In this case it was a cigarillo

12:18 <Gigabit> Cheapo one?

12:18 <LunaticHell> Similar, but kinda different all the same. Also: yup.

12:18 <LunaticHell> 1 euro.

12:18 <SkyHigh> I don't use trigger fingersm

12:18 <ConfusionRift> Be right back.

12:19 *** Joins: gloryDawn_666 (uvcxqrgpcnz@Pony-nacq4s.res.rr.com)

12:19 <ConfusionRift> Actually, hold on.

12:20 * SkyHigh has a thumb, an index finger, a middle finger, a ring finger and a little finger (often referred to as pinkie)

12:20 <ConfusionRift> Okay? (looks) I think many dooo.

12:22 <Gigabit> You have fingers? O.o

12:22 <gloryDawn_666> anybody out there

12:22 <LunaticHell> Magic

12:22 <LunaticHell> gloryDawn_666: oh hi

12:24 <gloryDawn_666> sup guy i was on eqd and i always notice that in the morning they say like to chat n stuff

12:24 <gloryDawn_666> so i was checking it out lol

12:25 *** Stradiverra is now known as Tempo

12:25 <LunaticHell> cool, wecome in equestria daily, have fun, make friends, obey the rules and drive a benz.

12:27 <gloryDawn_666> lol

12:27 <ConfusionRift> Okay, be right back.

12:27 <gloryDawn_666> sick time

12:27 <LunaticHell> well yeah, super duper mega hyper fun, that's eqd

12:30 * ConfusionRift returns.

12:39 *** FreeBSoD[a] is now known as FreeBSoD

12:39 *** FreeBSoD is now known as FreeBSoD[a]

12:44 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

12:45 *** JandalAdjiel is now known as Jandal|ZZZZ

12:46 *** Octave|Bed is now known as OctaveSympony

12:46 *** OctaveSympony is now known as OctaveSymphony

12:47 *** Quits: radioid (ivi@Pony-8nd.7a3.229.109.IP) (Connection closed)

12:52 *** Joins: Torchlight (nwbexmzrxru@Pony-991k34.bigpond.net.au)

12:53 <Torchlight> Hello Everypony

12:54 <SkyHigh> Hi.

12:54 <Torchlight> How are you SkyHigh?

12:54 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gq25r1.internode.on.net) (Connection closed)

12:55 <SkyHigh> Good, you?

12:55 <Torchlight> Pretty good. Just thinking about what I can draw

12:56 <SkyHigh> Draw Lyra

12:56 * LunaticHell boops Unikitty

12:56 <LunaticHell> Who's Maud's favorite Scientist? Einstein.

12:57 * SkyHigh boops LunaticHell, "Boop chain!"

12:57 * Unikitty throws Torchlight at LunaticHell

12:57 * LunaticHell derps

12:57 <LunaticHell> http://cheezburger.com/7568921088 her beer

12:57 * Torchlight is thrown. "Ahhhh!"

12:58 <ConfusionRift> Well, time for sleep. Rather late.

12:58 <ConfusionRift> See ya laters everypony.

12:58 <LunaticHell> My favorite pun still is

12:58 <SmallParadox> What engine does a Ferrari LaFarrari have?

12:59 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

12:59 *** FreeBSoD[a] is now known as FreeBSoD

12:59 <LunaticHell> RD:" You made me a wing pony?" SF:"We call it 'pagasus'..."

12:59 <Torchlight> Bye Confusion

13:00 * ConfusionRift waves away.

13:00 <LunaticHell> wait

13:00 *** Parts: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-3bj9k8.res.rr.com) ("And then that happened.")

13:00 <LunaticHell> There's ACTUALLY somepony called Torchlight?!?

13:00 <Torchlight> Yes I am Torchlight.

13:00 <LunaticHell> I ...thought you meant a literal Torchlight...like a Flashlight...

13:01 <LunaticHell> Torchlight: So you have been thrown at me, eh?

13:01 <Torchlight> Most make normal make reference to a game I have never played. And yes I was.

13:02 <LunaticHell> huh

13:02 <Torchlight> Gah that sentence just proves I'm tired

13:02 <LunaticHell> I'm up since 4am in the morning, is now 2pm...

13:03 * SkyHigh throws a LunaticHell plushie at LunaticHell

13:03 <LunaticHell> Go ahead, ask me if I'm tired and I'll smother you with...

13:03 <LunaticHell> ...A PILLOW! *thunder and lightning in background*

13:03 *** FreeBSoD is now known as FreeBSoD[a]

13:03 * Unikitty pillows LunaticHell

13:04 <Torchlight> Anyway I am still thinking about what I should draw..

13:04 * SkyHigh pillows a pillow.

13:04 <LunaticHell> Torchlight: I have many ideas.

13:04 *** Joins: ShadyLightz (ShadyLightz@Pony-pln.u2t.138.175.IP)

13:04 <Torchlight> The eeehhh I am not that good so your ideas are probably out of my range

13:05 * SkyHigh gives Torchlight a guide to everything

13:05 <LunaticHell> 42!

13:05 <Torchlight> Thanks SkyHigh buts guides allow don't improve my skills

13:05 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

13:06 * SkyHigh pouts.

13:06 <Torchlight> .... And isn't that the answer to life?

13:06 * ArchPegasusMichael glomps ThatAnonPony

13:06 <Torchlight> http://annetskyrim.deviantart.com/gallery/

13:07 * SkyHigh flops.

13:07 *** FreeBSoD[a] is now known as FreeBSoD

13:08 <Pokota> Glub glub

13:08 <Pokota> Hi everyone

13:08 <Pokota> happy new year

13:09 * SkyHigh flufflefluffles

13:09 <SkyHigh> No not the never hi.

13:09 <LunaticHell> Torchlight: "To life, the universe and the rest"

13:10 <Torchlight> I see

13:10 * SkyHigh noms on LunaticHell's tail.

13:10 <LunaticHell> gasp

13:11 <LunaticHell> My tail is short enough o3o

13:11 <Pokota> LunaticHell: That pun, when is that from? I know I've heard it

13:11 <Torchlight> Hmmmmmmmmmmm Maybe I should draw my Daiblo person...

13:11 *** FreeBSoD is now known as FreeBSoD[a]

13:12 <LunaticHell> I dunno, but this time it was sincere, my tail IS pretty short.

13:12 <Pokota> Not that one, the pegasus one

13:12 *** Joins: pwnsrv (pwnsrv@Pony-icn.j5f.177.94.IP)

13:12 <LunaticHell> Oh that, yeah it's a bit of an oldie but goodie.

13:12 <SkyHigh> Like a cookie?

13:12 <LunaticHell> My ex mare-friend cut half my tail off.

13:13 <LunaticHell> SkyHigh: Old cookies arn't that much on the goodie side.

13:13 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as ShowerSymphony

13:13 <SkyHigh> oo oo oo what about biscuits?

13:13 <Pokota> biscuits in which sense?

13:13 <LunaticHell> I like Total Biscuits...

13:14 <SkyHigh> Pokota biscuits!

13:14 <SkyHigh> Biscuit biscuits.

13:14 <Unikitty> Too many biscuits.

13:14 <Torchlight> Hmmm but her outfit isnt that good right now

13:15 * SkyHigh covers Unikitty in biscuits.

13:15 * Unikitty throws all the biscuits at SkyHigh

13:15 * SkyHigh covers LunaticHell in... books!

13:16 * SkyHigh noms on all the biscuits.

13:17 *** Quits: gloryDawn_666 (uvcxqrgpcnz@Pony-nacq4s.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:17 <LunaticHell> o3o

13:19 <SkyHigh> Self ie!

13:19 *** Joins: gloryDawn_666 (uvcxqrgpcnz@Pony-nacq4s.res.rr.com)

13:20 * SkyHigh takes a selfie with Unikitty, LunaticHell, Torchlight and Pokota.

13:20 <Pokota> Eurobuiscits or Ameribiscuits?

13:20 *** Quits: Jandal|ZZZZ (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:20 <Pokota> *Eurobiscuits

13:20 <SkyHigh> Biscuit biscuits.

13:20 * Torchlight smiles

13:21 <LunaticHell> we need more pun

13:22 <LunaticHell> http://cheezburger.com/4791584000

13:23 *** Quits: gloryDawn_666 (uvcxqrgpcnz@Pony-nacq4s.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

13:23 <LunaticHell> http://cheezburger.com/3644768000 Dat pun is superold but goodie =D

13:24 *** FreeBSoD[a] is now known as FreeBSoD

13:24 <Pokota> http://youtu.be/dLuZfwVIMgs?t=7m30s <-- in Italian, but hopefully it gets the point across

13:25 <LunaticHell> No sound here

13:26 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-hgqbg7.east.verizon.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- *I* use it, so it must be good!)

13:26 <Pokota> glub?

13:26 <Pokota> long story short, hime-chan's cookies make little girls cry

13:26 <Pokota> (relevant because Pokota cookies)

13:27 <SkyHigh> Dance.

13:29 *** Quits: Torchlight (nwbexmzrxru@Pony-991k34.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

13:29 * Heartbreak pies Pokota.

13:29 <Unikitty> They are still drilling. For goodness' sake. Even loud music doesn't help very much.

13:29 *** Quits: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-rdj90s.vie.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:30 <Unikitty> First of January people, what the heck is wrong with you

13:30 * Pokota eats the pie off of his face

13:30 <Unikitty> Whole day of non-stop drilling and hammering

13:30 <Pokota> Maybe they're being paid extra

13:32 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-05tf3d.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:32 *** ShowerSymphony is now known as OctaveSymphony

13:32 *** FreeBSoD is now known as FreeBSoD[a]

13:32 <ThatAnonPony> Heartbreak!

13:32 * ThatAnonPony wave!

13:34 <Heartbreak> Hey ThatAnonPony, happy-ish new year everyp-p-pony.

13:34 <SkyHigh> ...

13:34 <Unikitty> You too H.B.

13:34 * ThatAnonPony balances party hat on Heartbreak. Throws confetti!

13:35 *** Unikitty is now known as Unikitty|foods

13:40 *** Joins: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-rdj90s.vie.surfer.at)

13:40 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Away

13:40 <SmallParadox> Yey

13:43 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Quit: OH MOST WONDERFUL OF... I mean... Oh, most wonderful of nights.)

13:43 *** Joins: eXAKR|Alt (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

13:43 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

13:48 *** FreeBSoD[a] is now known as FreeBSoD

13:49 *** FreeBSoD is now known as FreeBSoD[a]

13:59 *** FreeBSoD[a] is now known as FreeBSoD

14:00 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (ElectricPso@Pony-nst2jf.adsl.tpnet.pl)

14:00 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (ElectricPso@Pony-nst2jf.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Narazicho!)

14:03 *** FreeBSoD is now known as FreeBSoD[a]

14:04 *** Unikitty|foods is now known as Unikitty

14:12 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

14:14 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

14:24 *** Quits: ShadyLightz (ShadyLightz@Pony-pln.u2t.138.175.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

14:24 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

14:26 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (cwcnynhqvlg@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

14:31 *** Joins: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net)

14:34 *** Quits: Schism (NA@blutwr.cntrlt.equ) (Connection closed)

14:34 *** Joins: Schism (NA@Pony-vf5hfh.cable.rogers.com)

14:36 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

14:36 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

14:37 <Thelema5> Good morning, everypony.

14:37 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

14:37 <Thelema5> Happy New Year.

14:38 <Unikitty> Hey Thelema

14:38 <Unikitty> Happy New Year to you as well.

14:41 <Thelema5> So far, the new year has been pretty blech.  I'm still sick, woke up late, and I'm now stuck at work feeling like crud.

14:41 <Unikitty> You have.. work on first of january? Oh my.

14:41 <Thelema5> Yeah.

14:41 <Thelema5> Lame.

14:41 * Thelema5 goes to find some coffee

14:41 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

14:42 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:42 <Unikitty> This game requires Uplay? You have got to be kidding me.

14:43 <Unikitty> At least it was a gift.

14:45 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

14:47 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:47 *** Quits: eXAKR|Alt (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:54 <SmallParadox> I have fwends on xbawx live noo ;)

14:54 *** solarstorm is now known as Solarstorm

14:55 *** Joins: DanTheBrony (bclfmggkxfk@Pony-vht.d8h.218.173.IP)

14:56 <DanTheBrony> hi everyone!

14:56 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-03tpq6.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net)

14:56 <Thelema5> SmallParadox: You may want to check your grammar, spelling, syntax, usage, and context.

14:56 <Thelema5> Hello, DanTheBrony.

14:56 <DanTheBrony> who is excited about 2015?

14:56 <SmallParadox> That was just a thing that i just did nvm

14:57 <SmallParadox> It is 2015

14:57 <Thelema5> I'd be more excited if I wasn't sick, and at work.

14:57 * Vulpor runs around the room with a sash that says Baby New Year 2015

14:57 <Vulpor> Woooooooooooooooooooo

14:57 <Thelema5> *wasn't at work, rather

14:57 <DanTheBrony> new technology,new things,and good things to come!

14:57 <DanTheBrony> :D

14:57 <Vulpor> You know.............

14:58 <DanTheBrony> And i have an announcment about my youtube channel....'

14:58 <DanTheBrony> i have 98 views!!

14:58 <Thelema5> Wars, scandal, crime, subjugation and exploitation of the poor, the weak, the downtrodden...

14:58 <DanTheBrony> :(

14:58 <Vulpor> According to my gaming history this is supposed to be the best year for the ps4/xbone

14:58 *** Joins: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP)

14:58 <DanTheBrony> vulpor is a time traveler !:O

14:58 <SmallParadox> Thelema got it down to a t

14:59 <DanTheBrony> :P

14:59 <Vulpor> Nope it takes 2 years before the good stuff comes to the new consoles

14:59 <Thelema5> T to the H to the E-L-E-M-A

14:59 <Vulpor> He's depressionlicous

15:00 <DanTheBrony> what about real star trek replicators?Or they real yet :(  

15:00 <Thelema5> Well, we have 3D printers.

15:00 *** Quits: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-03tpq6.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

15:00 <Thelema5> That's pretty close.

15:01 *** Quits: LunaticHell (wgcdxtrumiu@Pony-o98i34.tubit.tu-berlin.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:01 <DanTheBrony> :P

15:01 <DanTheBrony> yep

15:01 *** Joins: Vulpor (yczqhpnihuv@Pony-03tpq6.198-29-59-net.sccoast.net)

15:01 *** Joins: F4celess_ (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP)

15:02 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-t7n0sc.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP)

15:02 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-302kmn.res.rr.com)

15:02 <Vulpor> I should kick firefox right in the foxhole for that last crash

15:02 <DARK> hellloooo Bonne année / Happy new year o/

15:03 <Unikitty> Gaben stahp http://s.nightstone.net/01001180334.jpg

15:04 <Vulpor> Also..............

15:04 * Vulpor rides in on his hoverboard powered by love

15:04 <Unikitty> lol

15:04 *** Quits: F4celess_ (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP) (Quit: ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!)

15:05 <Unikitty> Does that mean you only have to love your hoverboard for it to work?

15:05 * ArchPegasusMichael nuzzles Thelema5

15:05 <Vulpor> There's your first Back to the Future ref of 2015

15:05 <Vulpor> one of many

15:06 *** Joins: Yeppoh (Stefano@Pony-77blko.cust.bluewin.ch)

15:06 <Yeppoh> Hoi!

15:07 <Unikitty> ioH

15:07 * DanTheBrony uses dleorean he stole from Doc to go to 1972

15:07 <Yeppoh> Happy New Year!

15:07 <Yeppoh> How's 2015 so far?

15:08 <Unikitty> Pretty boring and rather annoying.

15:08 *** Joins: Odyssey (lbhxgwfqghp@Pony-4f7uq0.bigpond.net.au)

15:08 <bicyclerepairman> happy new year!

15:08 <Odyssey> Hello, everybody. o3o

15:10 <ArchPegasusMichael> Yeppoh: Foggy and a few Celsius degrees warmer

15:10 <Yeppoh> Same here.

15:10 * Yeppoh wants a snowstorm.

15:10 <ArchPegasusMichael> Feels like March

15:10 <Unikitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D67jM8nO7Ag

15:11 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about HONEYDEWYEAYEA

15:14 *** Quits: DanTheBrony (bclfmggkxfk@Pony-vht.d8h.218.173.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:15 *** Joins: Dreamsweet (ebcbwqmzrun@Pony-ntt.679.48.68.IP)

15:15 *** Tempo is now known as Stradiverra

15:15 *** Parts: Dreamsweet (ebcbwqmzrun@cute.lil.pony) ()

15:16 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink)

15:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

15:16 <Thelema5> Yeppoh, so far 2015 has been much like 2014, except that I'm sick and stuck at work on a holiday.

15:17 <fyrepony> http://www.thelocal.se/20150101/refugees-protest-rural-sweden-re-location   poor immigrands get taken out of warzone and they demand luxury?

15:17 <Yeppoh> That blows.

15:17 <fyrepony> they should be deported

15:19 <Thelema5> I'd like to go back to bed, please.

15:20 * Unikitty snuggles Thelema5 and tucks him in.

15:20 <fyrepony> im sorry dave, we cant allow that

15:20 <Unikitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOmMZBZGBps

15:20 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Hammerfall - Last Man Standing

15:20 <Odyssey> Sooo, how have you all been during this New Year's Day?

15:20 <fyrepony> bored

15:20 <Yeppoh> Ready to bork.

15:20 <Odyssey> Ahaha, so have I. x)

15:21 *** SleepFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

15:22 <Thelema5> !link Dalek

15:22 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/721947

15:22 <Thelema5> :/

15:22 <Unikitty> That's not a dalek, DerpyBot.

15:23 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

15:23 <Yeppoh> Silly DerpyBot.

15:23 <Thelema5> I'

15:23 <Unikitty> !link https://derpibooru.org/712741

15:23 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about dalek monochrome artist needed safe doctor who (and 2 more)

15:24 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net)

15:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

15:25 <Yeppoh> Hum, I cant find a separate clip of Rarity Dalek from the Anthology 3 series.

15:25 <Thelema5> I guess you'll have to make one.

15:26 <Yeppoh> Nah. It's lazy day.

15:27 <SkyHigh> Banana:-)

15:27 <Thelema5> !link ood

15:27 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/168545

15:28 * Unikitty slaps DerpyBot with a wet trout

15:28 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:28 <Unikitty> !link https://derpiboo.ru/16709

15:28 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about derpy hooves tentacles ood applejack rainbow dash (and 7 more)

15:28 <Thelema5> Uh, um... just... deprybot.  No!

15:28 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-05tf3d.as13285.net)

15:29 <Thelema5> Unikitty, you'll have to assume all of Derpybot's duties.

15:29 <Unikitty> :P

15:29 <Odyssey> You cannot have enough pony fanart. xP I recall seeing one of my peices on Derpybooru, actually.

15:29 * Schism wakes up, and yawnles.

15:30 <Thelema5> Which one, Odyssey?

15:30 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-m8g57n.mi.comcast.net)

15:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

15:30 <Odyssey> It's a Rainbow Dash piece. I dunno how Derpybooru works here, but try typing octavla or something.

15:30 <Unikitty> It's supposed to search by tags.

15:31 <Odyssey> Oh, I see.

15:31 <Unikitty> Probably works by multiple with spaces? I'm not really sure actually

15:31 <FreezeFrame> I don't think it searches by whole-word

15:31 <Unikitty> !link silly pony

15:31 <DerpyBot> http://www.derpibooru.org/169789

15:32 <Unikitty> Ahahahaa

15:32 <FreezeFrame> Because one of the tags in that is the artist, "blood-asp0123", which triggered "ood"

15:32 <Odyssey> Here we go. :3 https://derpiboo.ru/744044?scope=scpec221d27f2d34a282d8e4409fd989fd07a264a612

15:32 <Unikitty> "silly pony" is one of the tags in that picture

15:32 *** poseyshy|dreaming is now known as poseyshy

15:32 <Unikitty> !link https://derpiboo.ru/744044

15:32 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about safe solo artist:octavla rainbow dash

15:32 <Unikitty> Odyssey, ^

15:33 <Odyssey> Ahaha... Silly me. :P

15:33 *** Joins: LunaticHell (wgcdxtrumiu@Pony-o98i34.tubit.tu-berlin.de)

15:34 <LunaticHell> I am the ultimate slowpoke, folks.

15:34 <Unikitty> Okay?

15:34 <LunaticHell> I just noticed why NC choose Fluttershy for his Ghost Rider review pun.

15:34 <LunaticHell> Both their abilities are...

15:34 <LunaticHell> ...stare based.

15:35 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (yotrvusckvv@Pony-knp2ul.fl.comcast.net)

15:35 *** Quits: ThunderStrike (yotrvusckvv@Pony-knp2ul.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:35 <Yeppoh> If you think with the Sisyphean paradox, it might become the slowest slow poke in the universe.

15:36 *** Joins: ThunderStrike (yotrvusckvv@Pony-knp2ul.fl.comcast.net)

15:36 <LunaticHell> the what?

15:37 <LunaticHell> anyway...Might be coincidence, since he might have choosen a random mane six, same chances as the game with the six chambers...

15:37 <LunaticHell> ...filled with vodka, one with water instead.

15:38 <LunaticHell> Who get's the water, has to drive the rest home.

15:38 <Yeppoh> It might be true they chose Fluttershy for the stare thing...

15:38 <LunaticHell> NC is known for taking puns serious enough.

15:38 <Schism> How to cheat at that game: Liquors are oily.

15:39 <Yeppoh> But I guess they took her because of the dycotomy between her little flower personality and the rough Ghost Rider.

15:39 <Yeppoh> Though Pinkie Pie would have made more sense, if we base on the Nicolas Cage version of the Ghost Rider.

15:40 <LunaticHell> Pinkie Pie already was a war horse, she had her time in the spotlight.

15:40 *** Joins: Oatmeal (Oatmeal@Pony-3rmjtr.nworla.sbcglobal.net)

15:40 <LunaticHell> so, I need to pack my 7 things.

15:41 <LunaticHell> gotta head home

15:41 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

15:41 *** Quits: LunaticHell (wgcdxtrumiu@Pony-o98i34.tubit.tu-berlin.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

15:42 * Schism noms upon some leftover Chinese. "Mmm, cold curried beef and pad thai..."

15:42 <Yeppoh> OH! Erratum: I meant the Zeno's Paradox, not the Sisyphean.

15:43 * Finwe tail-noms on Schism.

15:43 <Thelema5> It reeks of marijuana in here.

15:45 <Yeppoh> It's actually Oregano.

15:45 <SkyHigh> Lol.

15:45 * Schism walks halfway over to Yeppoh. Then another quarter of the way. Then an eighth of the way.

15:45 * Finwe boops Thelema5.

15:45 <Finwe> o3o

15:46 <Thelema5> It's not.  The hotel I work at hosts a large EDM / Jam band music event for New Years Eve, and we have about 700 hippie people lounging around this morning...

15:46 <Finwe> Oregon-o.

15:46 <Thelema5> the pot smell is nauseating.

15:46 * Yeppoh watches Schism walks asymptotically slow towards him.

15:47 * Schism takes half as long to cross each individual boundary, however, so he just walks normally.

15:47 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

15:48 * Finwe plants Schism's tail in his muzzle and chews on it.

15:48 * Schism tailwiggles. And offers Finwe an eggroll.

15:48 <Finwe> o3o

15:49 * Finwe ponders on ordering a pizza, though.

15:49 <Unikitty> Finwe, make a custom pizza if possible on their website, and call it o3o.

15:50 <Finwe> o3o

15:50 <Unikitty> o4o

15:51 * Finwe has no option but to snuggle the Unikitty.

15:51 * Unikitty meowies!

15:53 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-ekftf9.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: sleepiness...?)

15:54 <Unikitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NVvLVu0hFk

15:54 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

15:54 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about 12 Stones - For The Night (lyrics)

15:55 <Schism> o5o

15:56 *** solarstorm is now known as Solarstorm

15:56 *** Joins: Scamper_Fr (Scamper_Fr@Pony-bpmj8i.rev.sfr.net)

15:56 *** Parts: Scamper_Fr (Scamper_Fr@Pony-bpmj8i.rev.sfr.net) ()

15:58 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

16:00 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-nst2jf.adsl.tpnet.pl)

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16:06 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:15 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Leelah's Law Charity Event Going on Today - Con Founders, Artists, and More Attending  [ http://tinyurl.com/pxupzoc ]

16:21 * Finwe hats on ThatAnonPony.

16:21 <aqualycool22> Cool! There's gonna be a charity?

16:22 * aqualycool22 Nuzzles Finwe.

16:22 * ThatAnonPony has Finwe hat.

16:22 * Finwe counter-snuggles aqualycool22.

16:22 * aqualycool22 Licks Finwe's nose.

16:22 <Finwe> ThatAnonPony: How hath youe 2015 been?

16:22 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:23 *** Quits: eXAKR|Alt (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:23 * Finwe nose-wiggleth.

16:25 *** Joins: Phantasma_Eeria (zjmugjtvmqh@Pony-3ao19p.karoo.KCOM.COM)

16:25 <Finwe> Mr öh

16:25 <Finwe> I mean:

16:25 <Finwe> Mr Phantasma_Eeria.

16:25 * Phantasma_Eeria noms on Finwe's hat

16:26 * Finwe doffs his hat.

16:26 <Finwe> D:

16:26 <ArchPegasusMichael> :D

16:26 * Finwe flails at the nomming Phantasma_Eeria.

16:26 * aqualycool22 Sniffs Finwe's hat.

16:26 <aqualycool22> Smells like bacon.

16:26 <Finwe> o3o

16:26 <SkyHigh> No it diesnt

16:26 <Phantasma_Eeria> 'sup Finwe

16:26 <ArchPegasusMichael> It's Sunset-Shimmer's hat.

16:27 * SkyHigh books!

16:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> speaking of Sunset Shimmer -> http://phantasma-eeria.deviantart.com/art/Sunset-Satan-504115193

16:27 <Phantasma_Eeria> casual self-plug

16:29 <SkyHigh> Lemon?

16:29 <Finwe> Phantasma_Eeria: New Year's sauna.

16:29 <Finwe> o3o

16:29 <Phantasma_Eeria> ?

16:31 <FruitNibbler> I need to git my changeling into my DA gallery as well

16:31 <Finwe> In Finland we have this thing called a heap of stones with fire underneath whereupon we throw water to produce steam.

16:31 <FruitNibbler> So far it is only in dropbox

16:32 *** Joins: PaintSplash (fjwknjexzvy@Pony-2chbce.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)

16:33 <Phantasma_Eeria> I drew a changeling at one point, Princess-QRS prceeded to comment and i quote "FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE"

16:33 <Phantasma_Eeria> *proceeded

16:33 *** ThunderStorm is now known as LightningCrash

16:34 <FruitNibbler> https://db.tt/bJ0X7K6D

16:34 *** Quits: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:34 <FruitNibbler> This is my changelingeding

16:34 <Unikitty> FruitNibbler, 10/10

16:34 *** Quits: PaintSplash (fjwknjexzvy@Pony-2chbce.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:34 <Unikitty> Glorious

16:35 <FruitNibbler> O///O

16:35 *** Joins: rela (x@Pony-70h4r1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

16:36 * Phantasma_Eeria points a gun at FruitNibbler

16:37 * SkyHigh disarms Phantasma_Eeria.

16:37 <FruitNibbler> ?

16:37 <Phantasma_Eeria> aww my gun

16:37 * Unikitty patpats SkyHigh

16:37 * SkyHigh and noms on the gun.

16:38 * Finwe puts Unikitty into bastu and noms on her.

16:38 <Unikitty> ...what?

16:38 <SkyHigh> Bastu is like a kebab.

16:38 <SkyHigh> I think

16:38 <Finwe> Badestuga, it has just been contracted a bit.

16:39 <Finwe> Banya in zeee Unikitty language, I think.

16:39 * Unikitty blinks

16:39 <SkyHigh> It's a kebab

16:39 <SkyHigh> Isn't it.

16:39 * Finwe o3o's at Unikitty.

16:39 <FruitNibbler> Banya in russian is like a sauna with steam thing XD

16:39 <Finwe> o3o

16:40 *** Joins: Scamper_Fr (Scamper_Fr@Pony-bpmj8i.rev.sfr.net)

16:40 <Unikitty> Uh... huh.

16:40 * Phantasma_Eeria eats Finwe

16:40 <SkyHigh> ....

16:40 *** Parts: Scamper_Fr (Scamper_Fr@Pony-bpmj8i.rev.sfr.net) ()

16:40 * Finwe refuses to be eaten by a Phantasma_Eeria.

16:40 <FruitNibbler> Kebap in the n east goes by the names: shawerma, shaourma, doener

16:40 * SkyHigh says, "Speak no Russian, hear no Russian..."

16:41 <Phantasma_Eeria> Finwe: you cannot not be eaten by me if i am eating you

16:41 <Finwe> FruitNibbler: Döner is actually something invented in Germany.

16:41 <FruitNibbler> NĂ¼

16:41 <FruitNibbler> Doener kebap is something turks introduced to germans

16:41 * Phantasma_Eeria speaks no russian, sees no russian and hears no russian

16:42 <FruitNibbler> Doener (döner) is a turkish word

16:42 * Finwe nöms ön FrĂ¼Ă¯tNĂ¯bblĂ«r.

16:42 *** Joins: eXAKR|Alt (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

16:42 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

16:43 * FruitNibbler noms on Phantasma_Eeria

16:43 <FruitNibbler> Yay circle of noms

16:43 <Finwe> FruitNibbler: Nevertheless, döner kebab was invented in Germany.

16:43 <FruitNibbler> Nu

16:43 * Phantasma_Eeria noms on FruitNibbler

16:43 <FruitNibbler> It existed way before it appeared in Germany under slightly different pronunciation

16:44 <Finwe> Your mother existed way before she appeared in Germany under slightly different pronunciation.

16:44 <FruitNibbler> Where it originated it is hard to tell as all the middle east has something of sorts

16:45 <FruitNibbler> Shawerma/shaourma is in fact the same thing, but named so in hebrew

16:45 <Phantasma_Eeria> Finwe: that was the least original comeback in history

16:46 * Finwe originally o3o's at Phantasma_Eeria.

16:46 <Finwe> o3o

16:46 * Unikitty throws pillows at the chat

16:47 * Phantasma_Eeria lays on Unikitty

16:48 *** Quits: Phantasma_Eeria (zjmugjtvmqh@Pony-3ao19p.karoo.KCOM.COM) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:49 * Unikitty snerks

16:51 * Finwe tail-noms on Unikitty.

16:51 <Finwe> o3o

16:51 *** Quits: Odyssey (lbhxgwfqghp@Pony-4f7uq0.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:52 * Unikitty thwaps Finwe with her tail

16:52 *** Octave|Away is now known as OctaveSymphony

16:53 <FruitNibbler> http://b6.icdn.ru/b/big_warm_cat/2/28134922NLY.jpg

16:53 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:54 *** Joins: DJMidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony)

16:54 *** Ashley` is now known as Ashley[coding]

16:54 <FruitNibbler> I have no Idea what he is trying to do with this drum fed silenced AK and an underbarrel silenced grenade launcher

16:55 <FruitNibbler> Yes /silenced/ grenade launcher...

16:55 <FruitNibbler> Because vodka

16:56 * SkyHigh noms on Unikitty's ear.

16:56 <Unikitty> Stop it.

16:57 <Finwe> Alas, my love, you do me wrong to cast me off discourteously...

16:57 * Finwe boops Unikitty.

16:57 <Unikitty> I'm sorry.. what?

16:58 * SkyHigh stops nomming and let's out a sad face.

16:58 <Finwe> http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/ballads/handful.html#green

16:58 <Finwe> o3o

16:58 * FruitNibbler launches a russian bear towards Finwe

16:58 <FruitNibbler> http://www.goodmeme.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/desktop-1412626505.png

16:59 <Finwe> *Russian

16:59 <Finwe> Medved

17:00 <Finwe> Or is it Myedvyed? Who can fathom zee Russian language?

17:00 <FruitNibbler> The tree piercing variety!

17:01 * SkyHigh noms on Finwe's tail

17:01 *** Joins: LunaticHell (wgcdxtrumiu@Pony-npcl99.versanet.de)

17:01 * Finwe tail-wiggles with style.

17:01 <LunaticHell> good god D:

17:01 <SkyHigh> Hello LunaticHell

17:01 <Finwe> Mr Hell.

17:01 <LunaticHell> I don't want to watch Avengers Disc Wars...

17:02 <LunaticHell> ...but now Deadpool showed up and I cannot help myself D:

17:02 * SkyHigh doffs Finwe's hat for him

17:02 * Finwe snuggles LunaticHell.

17:02 * LunaticHell snuggles Finwe

17:02 * SkyHigh is lonely.

17:03 <LunaticHell> SkyHigh: D:

17:03 * LunaticHell hugs the lonly pony

17:03 * SkyHigh is hugged.

17:03 <LunaticHell> Right now my thoughts are with SUPER COOKIE!

17:04 * Unikitty fills the chat with plastic balls effectively making it a ball pit.

17:04 <LunaticHell> Super Cookie is fighting the cancer as we speak and is on chemo therapy.

17:04 <ArchPegasusMichael> !link ball pit

17:04 * SkyHigh "Cookie!" SkyHigh smiles

17:05 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/540351

17:05 <LunaticHell> He is a super cool guy and I don't want to miss him just yet. :I

17:05 <Unikitty> ArchPegasusMichael, yus

17:05 <LunaticHell> I raise my energy can to super cookie and that he will beat the cancer like the boss of a video game. AHWOO!

17:08 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

17:08 <SkyHigh> LunaticHell or just donate to research like mad.

17:09 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:09 *** Quits: eXAKR|Alt (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:09 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Pony Website Switches from "Rainbow Power" To "Cutie Mark Magic" - Possible Season 5 Theme?  [ http://tinyurl.com/ntfad75 ]

17:09 <LunaticHell> SkyHigh: RESEARCH IS THE BEST MEDICINE!

17:10 <LunaticHell> I hope everypony is aware who I meant by "super cookie"...

17:10 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-pj4.i5c.156.175.IP)

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17:10 <LunaticHell> eXAKR|Alt: OMG you're like the ALTER EGO of eXAKR!!

17:11 <LunaticHell> ...wait, why ARE there two of you, at all?

17:11 <LunaticHell> oh hey Unikitty, do I see double?

17:12 <Double> Yes

17:12 <Double> You are.

17:12 <Unikitty> Haha

17:12 <LunaticHell> Oh hi double.

17:12 <Unikitty> Well there are two of them, why?

17:12 <Double> Oh hey LunaticHell~

17:12 <Unikitty> No idea what's that all about

17:12 <LunaticHell> This is material for a sketch.

17:12 <LunaticHell> COMEDY GOLD!

17:12 <Double> In which Double is played by John Cleese.

17:13 <LunaticHell> Sounds Cheesy

17:13 <LunaticHell> The Cl does look like a bowler hat to me...

17:14 *** Quits: Pokota (Pokota@Pony-sg6mm3.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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17:15 <Thelema5> I just watched a hippie lady pee on the carpet in the lobby of the building that I work in.  Lovely way to start the new year.

17:16 *** Stradiverra is now known as Stradi|Away

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17:18 <SmallParadox> Im here noo

17:18 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7gecvg.fl.comcast.net)

17:19 <SmallParadox> I was having a XD-able time exploiting glitches in forza horizon 2

17:20 *** Joins: TimidClef (TimidClef@Pony-rod7it.ph.cox.net)

17:21 *** FreeBSoD[a] is now known as FreeBSoD

17:21 <Finwe> Mid CleverDerpy, Mr TimidClef.

17:21 <CleverDerpy> Gen. Finwe

17:21 <Finwe> o7

17:21 * CleverDerpy salutes

17:21 <TimidClef> Mr. Finwe

17:21 * TimidClef doffs a monkey

17:21 <CleverDerpy> Finwe

17:21 <Finwe> o3o

17:21 <CleverDerpy> i got something for you

17:22 <Finwe> For... for me?

17:22 <Finwe> o3o!!

17:22 * CleverDerpy gives Finwe some muffin cider

17:22 <CleverDerpy> happy new year~

17:22 * aqualycool22 Nuzzles Derpy.

17:22 * aqualycool22 Waits for HIS gift.

17:22 * CleverDerpy nuzzles aqualycool22

17:23 <aqualycool22> What'd you get me?

17:23 * CleverDerpy gives aqualycool22 a pretty firework with a muffin design on it

17:23 * aqualycool22 Lights it.

17:23 * aqualycool22 Watches it.

17:23 <aqualycool22> ^D^

17:23 * CleverDerpy a muffin explosion occurs, leaving a fire trail that looks like muffin

17:24 <Unikitty> Don't get too roleplayie guys.

17:24 <CleverDerpy> oopsie, my bad

17:24 * Finwe sippeth some beer.

17:24 <CleverDerpy> Unikitty, i got you a sparkler

17:25 <ArchPegasusMichael> !link sparkler

17:25 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/209883

17:25 *** FreeBSoD is now known as FreeBSoD[a]

17:25 <Unikitty> Um.. thanks?

17:26 <SmallParadox> Finwe

17:27 * Thelema5 offers Finwe some cider, too

17:28 <ProjectCarthage> How's everyone doin' today?

17:28 <Thelema5> I made labels for my first bottled batch: http://imgur.com/AMjYwj5

17:29 <Thelema5> Based on the story of Eris and the apple of Discord

17:30 <Thelema5> It'll look better when it's actually on the bottles.  :p

17:31 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-05tf3d.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)

17:31 *** Thelema5 is now known as Thelema5|away

17:32 * TimidClef squeaks and noms Thelema5|away

17:32 *** Joins: Aidan92957 (ybcchclxvsq@Pony-vll4kt.ca.comcast.net)

17:32 <Aidan92957> Hello

17:33 * Finwe briefly noms on TimidClef.

17:33 *** Quits: Aidan92957 (ybcchclxvsq@Pony-vll4kt.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:33 *** Quits: SmallParadox (p0tat03s@Pony-og8flk.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

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17:37 * SkyHigh noms on Finwe's ear.

17:37 * Finwe ear-wiggles.

17:38 *** Quits: Pokosleep (Pokota@Pony-sg6mm3.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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17:47 *** Thelema5|away is now known as Thelema5

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18:00 *** Joins: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net)

18:01 <Thelema5> What exactly might one mean if refering to a flavor note in a cider as a "lake-house funk"?  I would think it's a bad thing, but the reviewer is reccommending the blend as "a complex yet approachable cider" which sells for $16 per bottle.

18:02 <Thelema5> It makes me think of mildew, and fish, and other unpleasant things.

18:04 *** Joins: Octave2 (androirc@Pony-qohspg.tbcn.telia.com)

18:04 *** Octave2 is now known as OctaveFone

18:05 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

18:06 <ArchPegasusMichael> https://derpibooru.org/797372

18:09 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

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18:12 *** Discord is now known as Rarity

18:12 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

18:13 <FruitNibbler> Dat book in the background "Mustaches, treble clefs and other things"

18:15 <SmallParadox> There was a book about anthro

18:16 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

18:17 <FruitNibbler> Anthroponies

18:22 *** Joins: KooK (hjuegszcrlw@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

18:22 <KooK> What is love?  Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me... no more.

18:26 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Bad Timing / Samurai Twi 1 / The Best of Intentions 3 / Ruffled Feathers 1:12 / Timey Wimey 16 / New Moon 58 [ http://tinyurl.com/ogsly57 ]

18:27 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-nst2jf.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Connection closed)

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18:29 *** Quits: KooK (hjuegszcrlw@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:29 <SkunkStripe> Fluttershy leaves in the begining of season six, during which she lives in Los Pegasus.

18:30 <SkunkStripe> She returns to save the day in the middle of season 7

18:30 <SkunkStripe> and then retakes her part in the cast

18:30 <SmallParadox> OBJECTION!!!

18:30 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Ferret: EQD Stream Posted [ http://tinyurl.com/ks6sjv2 ]

18:31 <ryaxnb> SkunkStripe: wat

18:31 <Thelema5> And then assumes her rightful place on the throne of equestia as supreme alicorn leader/

18:31 <SmallParadox> Is season 6 even written

18:31 <TimidClef> \ o /

18:31 <SmallParadox> Bruh

18:31 <TimidClef> All hail Queen Fluttershy!

18:31 <SkunkStripe> Dood

18:31 <Thelema5> Hail!

18:31 <SkunkStripe> Fluttershy, Vampire princess

18:31 <ryaxnb> Queen fluts

18:32 <Thelema5> Just imagine the diplomatic advantage she's bring to equestria by employing The Stare

18:32 <Thelema5> *she'd

18:33 <SkunkStripe> well honestly the whole queen part is kinda lame

18:33 <SkunkStripe> but having just the title of vampire princess would be nice

18:33 <SkunkStripe> I'm gonna go back to watching Angel now

18:33 <SmallParadox> Plus, are you from the future Skunk?

18:34 <TimidClef> I don't know where my bottle opener went

18:34 <TimidClef> This makes it very hard to enjoy either of the bottles of cider sitting on my desk D:

18:34 <SmallParadox> Noooo

18:34 * Princess-QRS boops Thelema5's nose

18:34 <Thelema5> Do you have a flathead screwdriver?

18:34 <Princess-QRS> smash it

18:35 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

18:35 <Dash> happy new year Equestria!!!

18:35 <ryaxnb> Happy new year dashie

18:36 <SmallParadox> Hny

18:36 <ryaxnb> And Princess-QRS

18:36 <ryaxnb> Whny

18:36 <ryaxnb> Whinny

18:36 * SmallParadox facehoof

18:36 <ryaxnb> (Horse noises)... :-D

18:36 <SmallParadox> H.N.Y acronyms

18:37 <ryaxnb> I know but its a dumb acronym so I prefer to think of it as the way ponies say happy new year in equine

18:38 <Thelema5> Question, regarding social mores: If a person has been invited to a social occasion but then gets a colds, is it preferable that he stay home, or is he still expected to make an appearance?

18:38 <Thelema5> *cold

18:38 <SmallParadox> Tell them then ask

18:38 <Thelema5> Well, I doubt anyone would be honest if asked.

18:39 <Princess-QRS> I would say no, very much no.

18:39 <Princess-QRS> UR sick, stay home.

18:39 <Thelema5> That's what I would think... but my partner seems to feel otherwise.

18:40 <SmallParadox> Well, an invite is a choice, not a command

18:41 <Thelema5> Yes, SmallParadox, but it could be perceived as rude to miss the engagement.  Some people might assume the cold was just a ruse to get out of the committment.

18:41 <Thelema5> Plus, there's the consideration that the people who offered the invite have already made preparations, bought supplies, ect.

18:42 <SmallParadox> Hmm...

18:42 <Thelema5> So, there's more the these things that one might initially consider.

18:42 <Thelema5> *to these

18:43 <Thelema5> I know I certainly don't like it when sick people visit my home.

18:43 <Thelema5> That's how I got sick in the first place!

18:43 <Thelema5> Danged snotty nosed children touching my plushies, anyway.

18:44 <SmallParadox> Well if you're that concerned, just go with tissues

18:45 *** Quits: Junebug (mndgtdzdwhg@Pony-v2ejlu.wi.charter.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:46 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (cyyyaqdorpl@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:48 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

18:49 <SmallParadox> Just be yourself, and if you're that bad, just excuse yourself

18:53 <Thelema5> !link Etiquette

18:53 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

18:53 <Thelema5> Really?

18:54 <SmallParadox> !link potato

18:54 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/670587

18:55 <Thelema5> !link zippoorwhill

18:55 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/554036

18:55 <SmallParadox> What does that have to do with potaties?

18:55 *** Joins: SandyFortune (SandyFortu@Pony-taoo90.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

18:55 <SmallParadox> Potatoes even

18:56 <SmallParadox> !link swim

18:56 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/676395

18:56 <SmallParadox> Ok

18:57 <Thelema5> Everything wrong with that image in 3 minutes or less:

18:57 <Thelema5> Everything.

18:58 <SmallParadox> Which one XD

18:58 *** Quits: Pony_76033 (jamis@Pony-6ck.3va.4.216.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:59 <Thelema5> The last one which shows Dash as a buttoned down, studious type and Twi as a carefree slacker.

18:59 *** Joins: Jandal|ZZZZ (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

19:00 <SmallParadox> Logic

19:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: BABSCon Wishes You a Happy Peter New Year! [ http://tinyurl.com/oqx5n7h ]

19:02 <Thelema5> Happy Peter New Year?  Eeyup, they really just did that.

19:02 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (JonTheBrony@Element.Of.Gaming)

19:03 *** Joins: Scamper_Fr (Scamper_Fr@Pony-bpmj8i.rev.sfr.net)

19:03 *** Parts: Scamper_Fr (Scamper_Fr@Pony-bpmj8i.rev.sfr.net) ()

19:03 <SmallParadox> There was an image i saw of rd just out of a pool in her swimwear

19:03 <SmallParadox> Yea

19:04 <LunaticHell> To hell with the doctor, he made me have feels! xD

19:04 <LunaticHell> And headache...

19:04 <SmallParadox> I don't wanna go...

19:04 <LunaticHell> Shush

19:05 <LunaticHell> damn this made me more hyper then 5 liters of the strongest energydrink

19:05 <SmallParadox> What did?

19:05 <LunaticHell> Doctor Who's chrismas special

19:05 <LunaticHell> and, oh boy, was THAT special.

19:06 <SmallParadox> I don't watch dw anymore

19:06 *** Joins: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com)

19:06 <LunaticHell> You should, this time Moffat outdid himself.

19:06 <LunaticHell> I almost cried happy tears in the end.

19:07 <LunaticHell> Wait lemme check that...

19:07 *** Jon-The_Bronynerd is now known as Jon-The_Bronynerd|Steam

19:07 <LunaticHell> ...yeah I did.

19:07 <LunaticHell> definatly shrdghesukghse out of ten

19:07 <LunaticHell> And I rarely give that rating, you know?

19:08 <SmallParadox> I tried to find that same image... On... Google images *facehoof* (i be like holy-!)

19:09 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-4m3a6d.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

19:09 <LunaticHell> Any discription of the episode would be a major spoiler, so why don't cha hush and watch it yourself? You'll like it, I'm sure of it.

19:10 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

19:10 <SmallParadox> I should not have done that

19:10 <LunaticHell> Just the right amount of horror that makes you afraid of going to bed, but also that warm and fuzzy feeling when you know it's gonna be a happy end and YOU STILL BE SURPRISED.

19:11 <SmallParadox> I tried to look again, just no

19:11 <LunaticHell> Like a screamer image that you know is coming and you are prepared for it and you know exactly the second of the video an- AHHHHHHHH

19:12 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

19:13 <SmallParadox> Which Christmas special?

19:13 <Princess-QRS> http://macromeme.com/cat/1402092943356.jpg

19:14 <SmallParadox> -_- -_- -_- -_- -_-

19:15 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-f5f.7m4.29.2.IP)

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19:17 *** Joins: wat (wat1@Pony-k5a3n2.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net)

19:18 * Princess-QRS hugs SmallParadox

19:18 <Princess-QRS> youz goodpone, newpone

19:18 <SmallParadox> Not new

19:18 <Princess-QRS> dis for you: http://tinyurl.com/ptocqbj

19:18 <Princess-QRS> WELL HAVE IT ANYWAY

19:19 * Princess-QRS hugs SmallParadox tighter

19:19 *** SmallParadox is now known as Smallskippez_Mobile

19:19 *** Joins: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP)

19:19 <Thelema5> I just ran into (literally) a middle aged woman with dreadlocks wearing an adorable kangaroo kigurumi.

19:20 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Quit: Leaving)

19:20 *** Quits: iFurril (wat1@Pony-qc2be4.wi.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:20 <hawthornbunny> Thelema5: no way! My horoscope said that would happen to me today!

19:20 <ArchPegasusMichael> xD

19:20 <Thelema5> She smelled strongly of patchouli and marijuana, and could not recall where she bought the outfit.

19:21 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Princess

19:21 <Thelema5> We must have the same sign, hawthornbunny.

19:21 <Smallskippez_Mobile> That image is where you see the ponies with thumbs

19:23 * Princess-QRS leaps upon Thelema5!

19:23 <Princess-QRS> Onward, noble steed!

19:23 * Thelema5 rears and faillyhooves

19:23 * Thelema5 run around

19:23 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Am i the only one who sees the thumbs?

19:25 <Thelema5> I don't think those are thumbs, Smallskippez_Mobile... it appears that they just shoved their hooves into the mug handles so tighly that the meat is bulging behind it.

19:26 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Oooooook, i think that sounds bet-

19:26 <Smallskippez_Mobile> No

19:26 <hawthornbunny> !link cancer horoscope pony

19:26 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

19:26 <hawthornbunny> boooooo

19:27 <Smallskippez_Mobile> The meat is bulging behind it huh?

19:27 <ryaxnb> Thelema5: g3 ponies have folding hooves

19:27 <ryaxnb> Looks creepy

19:27 *** Joins: Malice (mndgtdzdwhg@Pony-v2ejlu.wi.charter.com)

19:27 <ryaxnb> They hold pencils in these hooves

19:27 <Malice> Hello

19:27 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Thats all im gonna say

19:28 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Hi Malice

19:28 <ryaxnb> It looks freaky super freak

19:28 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:28 <ryaxnb> The hooves food in on themselves

19:28 <ryaxnb> Hoofhands :(

19:28 * Malice waves

19:29 <ryaxnb> Wait wait why does google keyboard know that hoofhands is a word?

19:29 <ryaxnb> Huh?

19:29 <ryaxnb> Hoofhands

19:29 <ryaxnb> Urban

19:29 * Princess-QRS waves at Malice

19:29 * Princess-QRS gallops towards and then glomps Malice

19:30 <ryaxnb> It even recognized it for swyping

19:30 * Malice falls down as he is glomped by the friendly pony

19:30 * Smallskippez_Mobile slowly backs off

19:31 <Thelema5> In issue 3 of the IDW My Little Pony Micro-Series, rarity directly referenced the fact that ponies do not have thumbs.

19:31 *** Quits: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:31 *** Joins: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net)

19:31 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Never google image hoof hands

19:31 <Malice> Diamond dogs could rule the world.

19:32 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

19:32 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I still cant get over thelem's last remark

19:32 <ryaxnb> Google Voice Recognition also knows the names of ponies and capitalization  Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Applejack and  Fluttershy

19:32 *** Quits: Malice (mndgtdzdwhg@Pony-v2ejlu.wi.charter.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:32 *** Quits: Jandal|ZZZZ (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:33 <ryaxnb> Twilight Sparkle

19:33 <Thelema5> Wait, what can't you get over?

19:33 <ryaxnb> Smart pone.

19:34 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Im not sure you wanna know

19:35 *** Quits: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-kb9.9n2.147.82.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:36 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I just kneed the side of a door... Owee

19:40 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (cwcnynhqvlg@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net)

19:41 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:42 *** Joins: KooK (hjuegszcrlw@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

19:42 <KooK> You know...

19:42 <KooK> I remember 2014 like it was yesterday

19:43 <Smallskippez_Mobile> U dont say!

19:43 <Smallskippez_Mobile> http://audrarius.deviantart.com/art/Apple-496111244 love this XD

19:43 *** Lenfant|nap is now known as Lenfant_Sauvage

19:45 <Thelema5> Where've you been, KooK?  We haven't seen you since last year!

19:46 <KooK> Oh you know, a little of this and a little of that.

19:46 *** Joins: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off)

19:48 *** Joins: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

19:48 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-10fres.east.verizon.net)

19:48 <KooK> Still looking for a dang IRC client

19:49 <Smallskippez_Mobile> *@h3m* androirc

19:49 <KooK> That I can use on my computer

19:50 <Smallskippez_Mobile> There were some on the rules or the bits below

19:51 <Starwatcher> hmm

19:51 <Starwatcher> KooK - which OS? Windows?

19:52 <KooK> A combination of Linux, Windows, and something else I threw together...  I don't know.  Doesn't matter as long as it's not programmed for a Mac.

19:52 <KooK> Yes, yes let's pretend I use Windows

19:52 <Starwatcher> I like irssi myself.

19:53 <Starwatcher> very slick command line interface.

19:53 <Unikitty> irssi ftw.

19:53 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:54 <roflin> I "recently" switched from irssi to weechat

19:54 <roflin> it has a neat android relay client so you don't need to ssh into your server to access chat.

19:54 <Unikitty> I don't either, I just have it all on ZNC.

19:55 <roflin> ah cool, didn't know it exited.

19:56 <roflin> existed*

19:56 <KooK> "You shouldn't really trust this key without verifying its fingerprint."

19:56 <KooK> What the heck are irssi users doing?

19:57 <KooK> Some Goverment, CIA, FBI, NSA, crazy work around spy crud?

19:57 *** Jon-The_Bronynerd|Steam is now known as Jon-The_Bronynerd

19:57 *** Joins: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com)

19:57 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Illuminati?


19:58 *** Quits: Authoron (Authoron@Pony-g1bfl3.bltnin.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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19:58 <Smallskippez_Mobile> O_o

19:59 * Starwatcher knows not the "truth" - irssi has a snappy feeling interface

19:59 <Starwatcher> is mostly the draw for me.

19:59 <KooK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAAlDoAtV7Y

19:59 *** ThunderStrike is now known as Mystic_Nocturne

20:00 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Can play on piano XD

20:01 <ryaxnb> Kook quassel

20:01 <KooK> Who the heck recommended this irssi again?

20:02 <ryaxnb> Irssi is CLI...

20:02 <KooK> Define CLI

20:02 <ryaxnb> Starwatcher:  and Unikitty  liked irssi

20:02 <ryaxnb> Command line.

20:02 *** Quits: ArchPegasusMichael (ArchPegasus@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:02 <roflin> irssi is light weight and has that extra hacker feel to it :+

20:02 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Starwatcher and uni (ok Uni just said ftw)

20:02 <KooK> Dude, I'm finding myself compiling a program together here

20:03 <Unikitty> I like it because I'm a regular Linux user. Does not mean you have to recommend it to regular users.

20:03 <Starwatcher> likewise.

20:03 <FruitNibbler> I don't linux

20:03 <roflin> yeah that's true, maybe quassel is a good solution for you.

20:04 <KooK> I was looking at quassel but thinking Hydra

20:04 <FruitNibbler> Mainly for reasons of being more comfortable with win/mac

20:05 <FruitNibbler> Just the power of habit

20:05 <FruitNibbler> Though linux/unix is an appealing thing to me too

20:05 <Thelema5> I use Hydra, it's very stable and has more features than I need.  It's also free.

20:06 <roflin> It's free, it's FOSS

20:07 <roflin> or maybe not :+

20:07 <Thelema5> I'm still looking for a free IRC client app for iOS

20:07 <Unikitty> I do not believe there is one, actually. At least not a good one.

20:07 <Smallskippez_Mobile> (^=^)

20:08 <Thelema5> Not that's I've found, no.

20:08 <KooK> BRB

20:08 <Unikitty> Limechat and colloquy are both paid, but quite good.

20:08 *** Quits: KooK (hjuegszcrlw@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

20:09 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

20:09 <KooK> ker-blaow

20:09 <KooK> IRC client achieved

20:09 <KooK> Why do I need two names lists?

20:10 <Unikitty> Never used HydraIRC before.

20:10 <KooK> What the heck keeps beeping

20:10 <KooK> Let me explain HydraIRC real quick...

20:11 <KooK> Everything is doubled

20:11 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-f5f.7m4.29.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:11 <SkunkStripe> Hey this may be really dumb, but I'm trying to use a gift card online. So if I remove the sticker thing where it says "PIN#" does the care become invalidated

20:11 <KooK> I have two chat windows saying the same thing, I have two user lists saying the same thing

20:11 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-f5f.7m4.29.2.IP)

20:11 <SkunkStripe> Becuase if thats true I might have just cheated myself out of $100

20:11 <Smallskippez_Mobile> KooK

20:11 <KooK> I do have an event log over here too, letting me know the Unikitty is trying to hack my computer

20:11 <KooK> It does not notifity me when my name is said

20:11 <KooK> Whats up Smallskippez

20:12 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I have that glitch sometimes too

20:12 <Smallskippez_Mobile> XD

20:13 <Unikitty> pls

20:13 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Uni be like: (°o°) how did he know!?

20:14 <Unikitty> Every client has either an accessible raw log window, or relayed server messages/notices.

20:14 <Thelema5> Kook, you can toggle which monitors and logs are displayed, and how, under "options"

20:14 *** Joins: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-5g0219.ip.windstream.net)

20:14 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I have a glitch doe that it wants to open a new canternet window every time i open the app when I'm connected

20:15 <Thelema5> http://www.hydrairc.com/wiki/

20:15 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-icbg59.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:17 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

20:18 <Smallskippez_Mobile> So at the top there's Canternet, #EquestriaDaily, then sometimes Canternet again XD

20:18 <KooK> Thelema5 - is there a way to enable this client to ping you when your name is said?

20:19 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-f5f.7m4.29.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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20:20 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

20:22 *** Joins: Zgodan (itgznunlcrh@Pony-mhe569.net.t-com.hr)

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20:23 *** Joins: SmallParadox (p0tat03s@Pony-og8flk.range86-149.btcentralplus.com)

20:23 *** Quits: Smallskippez_Mobile (p0tat03s@Pony-og8flk.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

20:23 <KooK> This client is not impressing me, it's trying to be too user friendly

20:23 <KooK> I can't even figure out how to insert a simple if then statement

20:23 *** SmallParadox is now known as Pony_1081

20:24 <Unikitty> That's why I still think hexchat is the best for casual use.

20:24 *** Parts: Zgodan (itgznunlcrh@Pony-mhe569.net.t-com.hr) ()

20:24 *** Quits: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:24 <KooK> I would love to use hexchat again but it's catching an error somewhere and I don't feel like tracing it down.

20:25 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Twilight and Trixie Snowball Magic Duel - Friendship is Battle  [ http://tinyurl.com/o7vqurl ]

20:25 <Pony_1081> betterW hat i want to say right now http://www.slideshare.net/crisburgos10/m-better-than-yours-possessive-pronouns-elementary-english

20:25 <Pony_1081> Dayum it didnt work

20:25 *** Quits: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:25 <Unikitty> Pony_1081, perhaps get your nickname back first?

20:25 <Pony_1081> Hang on, what happened?

20:26 <KooK> uhg...

20:26 *** Pony_1081 is now known as Smallskippez_Mobile

20:26 * KooK is going to have to fix this hexchat client...

20:26 *** Joins: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

20:27 <Smallskippez_Mobile> So i tried to remove the /mobile/ but that didnt work

20:27 <SkyHigh> ...

20:28 <Smallskippez_Mobile> KooK do you make programs?

20:29 <Thelema5> Sorry I recommended a client you don't care for, Kook.

20:29 <KooK> Smallskippez, only if I have to

20:29 <KooK> Thelema5 - it's a good client, but it's just too user friendly for me.

20:30 <Smallskippez_Mobile> How's-?

20:30 <Unikitty> I think the world you're looking for is "casual".

20:30 <KooK> Nah, user friendly, sounds nicer :)

20:31 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I don't get it

20:31 *** Quits: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:31 *** Quits: Daniel_Waterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:32 *** Joins: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

20:32 <ryaxnb> KooK: irssi has binaries

20:33 <ryaxnb> KooK: I like Quassel a lot. You have android 2?

20:33 <ryaxnb> Unikitty: colloquy is open source. So its not paid.

20:33 <ryaxnb> Just sideload a compiled version -- oh wait.

20:34 <ryaxnb> KooK: which client.

20:34 <Unikitty> ryaxnb, https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/colloquy-irc-client/id302000478?mt=8

20:35 <Unikitty> Also a little shotgunny with your posts.

20:35 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Ryaxnb i android

20:35 <ryaxnb> Unikitty: its open source... But paid. But because you can't sideload on iOS unless you had a developer account you can't sideload it.

20:36 <ryaxnb> Normally an open source program with binaries paid you can compile yourself, like xchat for windows.

20:36 <ryaxnb> Tracking iOS

20:36 *** Quits: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:36 <Smallskippez_Mobile> What is open sauc- i mean source?

20:37 <ryaxnb> Ducking iOS

20:37 <ryaxnb> :-(

20:37 <Unikitty> Yup.

20:37 <ryaxnb> Basically I was just saying "iOS sucks and don't use it."

20:37 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Ey

20:38 <Unikitty> Not the easiest thing to do when you have an iDevice, is it? :P

20:38 <roflin> open source, means that the program code is available for anybody to download.

20:39 <Unikitty> I mean, jailbreak exists, but not everybody likes it.

20:39 *** Quits: Corsair (IceChat7@Pony-1h7488.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:39 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Oh XD as i'm retarded i thought it was a plugin

20:39 <roflin> ah right

20:40 *** Quits: Starwatcher (Starwatcher@off) (Client exited)

20:40 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Coz there was a alot of talk about it on spv3

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20:46 *** Joins: CocoPommel (User_88371@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

20:46 <Princess-QRS> I like iOS

20:46 *** Joins: Cyril (Cyril@Pony-ae6s5t.cable.rcn.com)

20:46 <Princess-QRS> works 4 me

20:47 *** CocoPommel is now known as CocoPommel|away

20:48 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Live

20:48 *** Joins: DanielWaterhorse (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net)

20:48 *** DanielWaterhorse is now known as Pony_52763

20:49 *** Joins: Brooke (ngbnpntqzin@Pony-bm6nvg.plcsfl.sbcglobal.net)

20:49 <Brooke> Hey :D

20:50 *** wobniaR is now known as Rainbow

20:50 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Hi

20:52 *** Rainbow is now known as wobniaR

20:52 <ADragonDreaming> Sketchy_Sounds, was it you who was gonna pick up Valkyria Chronicles because it was on sale this holiday season?

20:52 <Sketchy_Sounds> I already did

20:53 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (cwcnynhqvlg@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

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20:55 *** Quits: rela (x@Pony-70h4r1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:56 <ADragonDreaming> I've been enjoying it.

20:56 <ADragonDreaming> I just got the Shamrock, too.

20:56 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com)

20:56 <ADragonDreaming> Light Tank mobility FTW.

20:57 *** Joins: SmallParadox (p0tat03s@Pony-og8flk.range86-149.btcentralplus.com)

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20:57 *** SmallParadox is now known as Pony_26195

21:00 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Live is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

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21:00 <Thelema5> So, I decided to change the name of my first bottled batch of cider, and updated the label design accordingly: http://imgur.com/cxxzC3N

21:00 *** Joins: DesertRose (DesertRose@Pony-hn908e.cable.virginm.net)

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21:01 *** Doctor_Whooves is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

21:01 *** Quits: Brooke (ngbnpntqzin@Pony-bm6nvg.plcsfl.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:01 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds|LIVE

21:02 <Pony_26195> XD

21:03 *** Quits: LunaticHell (wgcdxtrumiu@Pony-npcl99.versanet.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Story: Hearth Swarming Eve [ http://tinyurl.com/mmdtq4z ]

21:06 *** Joins: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

21:07 *** Joins: rela (x@Pony-70h4r1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

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21:12 <ryaxnb> http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=962086

21:12 *** Joins: ThatAnonPony (jcffyyzngjm@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

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21:17 *** Joins: HoofSounds_393 (~HoofSounds_@Pony-r54.po8.253.162.IP)

21:17 *** HoofSounds_393 is now known as Derpyhut

21:17 <Derpyhut> hello?

21:17 <aqualycool22> Hi!

21:17 <Derpyhut> wazzup happy new yeat

21:17 <Derpyhut> *year

21:18 <SkyHigh> But late.

21:18 * Schism holds up a fruit. "Banana fight!"

21:18 <SkyHigh> But*

21:18 <Derpyhut> nooooo

21:18 * Derpyhut trows a banana

21:18 <FruitNibbler> Happy New Yacht would be nice

21:18 <Derpyhut> lol

21:18 *** Quits: wallower (dnvluiorecc@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:18 <Derpyhut> i will be back later guys

21:18 *** Quits: Derpyhut (~HoofSounds_@Pony-r54.po8.253.162.IP) (Quit: Page closed)

21:18 * SkyHigh throws 100 bananas at Schism, she is a professional.

21:19 *** Joins: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-kjtrbm.ip.windstream.net)

21:21 <hawthornbunny> Dost thou likest the fruit of the banana tree?

21:21 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-vl7l7u.bchsia.telus.net)

21:23 <Thelema5> I'm heading home everypony.  Good bye, and happy New Year!

21:23 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- In tests, 0x09 out of 0x0A l33t h4x0rz prefer it :))

21:23 <Nedemai> that joke :P

21:25 <ADragonDreaming> What joke?

21:25 <Nedemai> that quit message, look at it

21:26 *** Joins: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-n7s.9n2.147.82.IP)

21:26 <ADragonDreaming> 9 out of 10 l33t h4x0rz?

21:26 <Nedemai> oh hey F4celess  XD

21:26 <F4celess> heya Nedi

21:27 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

21:27 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

21:27 * F4celess hopes his net wont cut out while he uploads stuff

21:28 * Lenfant_Sauvage immediately nuzzles the Alipone.

21:30 * Schism offers Lenfant a pie.

21:30 * Lenfant_Sauvage looks at the pie. o3o

21:30 * Schism nods.

21:30 <roflin> it's a trap

21:30 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-l1bhe5.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

21:30 * Lenfant_Sauvage noms happily.

21:33 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:36 <ZeroParadox> o3o

21:36 * ZeroParadox chews Lenfant_Sauvage

21:38 * OctaveSymphony points at Sunset-Shimmer. "Call out Hector's Hymn!"

21:39 <Sunset-Shimmer> eh? XD

21:39 <OctaveSymphony> Bah.

21:39 <OctaveSymphony> Go listen to some swedish power metal.

21:39 <Sunset-Shimmer> Not really into power metal much. xD;

21:39 <Unikitty> Hammer high! to the Sky!

21:39 <OctaveSymphony> Yeah!

21:40 * OctaveSymphony headbangs.

21:40 * Unikitty as well

21:40 <Sunset-Shimmer> then again, I'm pretty selective about metal anyway, I don't really care for it usually. X3;

21:40 <Unikitty> I can't wait to get a dusbstep gun

21:41 <Unikitty> Can't really remember how far into the story that is...

21:41 <OctaveSymphony> Not very :3

21:41 *** Joins: Corsair (IceChat7@Pony-1h7488.res.rr.com)

21:41 <Sunset-Shimmer> It's fairly easy to obtain

21:41 * Sunset-Shimmer shoves Corsair! :P

21:41 <OctaveSymphony> Think it's after the first story mission or close to it at least

21:41 <ADragonDreaming> Hmmm... When you get Kinzie.

21:42 <Sunset-Shimmer> Aaaah, Kinzie

21:42 <ADragonDreaming> Poodle Skirt.

21:42 <OctaveSymphony> Yeah, quest is made available after Back to Earth or whatever it's called

21:42 <Unikitty> Death Metal Dubstep gun!

21:42 <Unikitty> Apparently I have the DLCs

21:42 <OctaveSymphony> DLC one without even doing the sidequest :3

21:42 <Unikitty> o3o

21:42 <OctaveSymphony> Because DLC dubstep gun and standard one aren't the same.

21:42 <OctaveSymphony> Upgraded sperately

21:43 *** Joins: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-ca97ac.ip.windstream.net)

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21:43 <ADragonDreaming> Getting Kinzie isn't a sidequest.

21:43 <OctaveSymphony> Getting the dubstep gun (standard one) is a sidequest.

21:43 <Sunset-Shimmer> ^

21:43 <ADragonDreaming> ...It is?

21:43 *** Quits: StrykerVylon (StrykerVylo@Pony-kjtrbm.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:43 <Sunset-Shimmer> Yep

21:43 <Unikitty> I'm annoying someone with my constant minimizing xD

21:44 *** Joins: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces)

21:44 <Unikitty> coop ftw

21:44 <OctaveSymphony> Annoy away!

21:44 <ADragonDreaming> Could've sworn it featured in pulling Kinzie out of the sim...

21:44 <SkyHigh> What game is this?

21:44 <ADragonDreaming> Saints Row 4.

21:45 <OctaveSymphony> The game of insanity

21:45 <SkyHigh> I know what Saints Row is

21:45 <OctaveSymphony> It's insanity, so yeah.

21:45 <ZeroParadox> Did someone say annoy o3o

21:45 <ADragonDreaming> Meanwhile I'm sitting here looking at Scout Elites and wondering why the devs made them so OP.

21:46 <OctaveSymphony> I be trying to decide what to play, PlanetSide 2 or Warframe

21:46 <SkyHigh> ZeroParadox OctaveSymphony did

21:46 <Sunset-Shimmer> I love Zinyaks dialogue so much

21:46 <ZeroParadox> Aaaaw yeh

21:47 <OctaveSymphony> PlanetSide 2 with the constant zerg attacks, or Warframe with the constant grinding

21:49 *** Quits: NightmareFluttershy (StrykerVylo@Pony-ca97ac.ip.windstream.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:49 *** Joins: wallower (dnvluiorecc@Pony-apmj40.012.net.il)

21:50 *** wallower is now known as Pony_89290

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22:00 *** Joins: Kalastrear (kalastrear@Pony-i7h.6ll.80.69.IP)

22:01 *** Joins: Casered (xkguyicxqkf@Pony-gmu6ut.dynamic.mm.pl)

22:01 <Pony_26195> http://youtube.com/watch?v=lSoWxG30rb0 METAL MUFFINS!!!

22:02 * Unikitty applies a nickname to Pony_26195

22:02 <aqualycool22> Saints Row 4?

22:02 <aqualycool22> I heard TimidClef was playing that.

22:03 <aqualycool22> He said it was humorous.

22:03 <Unikitty> Pfffft

22:03 <Unikitty> I've been playing it for 5 hours non-stop with a friend now

22:03 <Unikitty> It's too much fun

22:04 *** Quits: Mewn (Mewn@Pony-pc9d6f.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:06 *** Joins: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

22:06 *** Joins: Nauth (yrenafawszd@Pony-cjboop.gvt.net.br)

22:07 <Casered> Guyz! Do ya know any good power metal brony musicians?

22:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Animation: Happy New Year! [ http://tinyurl.com/ow7q5hn ]

22:10 *** Stradi|Away is now known as Stradiverra

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22:13 *** Quits: Casered (xkguyicxqkf@Pony-gmu6ut.dynamic.mm.pl) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:14 *** Creeps|AFK is now known as RedHelper

22:22 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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22:25 <SkyHigh> I hate it when this channel dies.

22:25 <ZeroParadox> Revive it then. o.o

22:25 * SkyHigh was talking metaphorically.

22:25 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

22:25 <ZeroParadox> So am I. o.o

22:25 <SkyHigh> So are we.

22:26 <ZeroParadox> Good job.

22:26 * ZeroParadox goes back to lurking.

22:26 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-fqmn8i.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

22:26 <Pony_26195> Have i lost my nick again?

22:26 <Pony_26195> Yea

22:26 *** Pony_26195 is now known as Smallskippez_Mobile

22:26 * SkyHigh aims her sidearm at ZeroParadox

22:26 <ZeroParadox> - 3 -

22:27 * SkyHigh but...obviously doesn't shoot.

22:27 * ZeroParadox shoots SkyHigh

22:27 *** HomerBouvier is now known as Sachiel

22:29 * SkyHigh is bulletproof

22:29 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Quick note for anyone who don't know: on computers you can press tab partway through typing a nickname, pressing it several times will cycle through the the different nick's with those letters, good for really long nick's like mine (the more you know ;))

22:30 <Smallskippez_Mobile> + what sidearm is it?

22:30 <SkyHigh> I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose; fire away , fire away; ricochet I fade away...

22:30 <SkyHigh> A magnum.

22:30 <SkyHigh> And no not the ice cream make.

22:30 * ZeroParadox ties a cinder block to SkyHigh and pushes them into the ocean.

22:31 <ZeroParadox> o3o

22:31 * SkyHigh turns into a ghost who haunts ZeroParadox

22:31 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Which one hehehehee *@h3m* sry

22:31 <ZeroParadox> Get in line

22:31 * ZeroParadox points to all the vengeful ghosts

22:31 <SkyHigh> Smallskippez_Mobile a natural?

22:32 <Smallskippez_Mobile> ..?

22:32 * SkyHigh all of a sudden reforms and tackles ZeroParadox, taking the gun!

22:32 <ZeroParadox> Ow.

22:32 <SkyHigh> Hang on small

22:33 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Personally i like 1911's

22:33 <ZeroParadox> Personally, I prefer the air.

22:33 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Although never fired

22:33 *** Dash is now known as LunchDasah

22:33 *** LunchDasah is now known as LunchDash

22:33 <ZeroParadox> Dasah!

22:33 <Smallskippez_Mobile> WoooooooooW -_-

22:35 <SkyHigh> Smallskippez_Mobile a natural is a .22 to me.

22:35 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I fired a .22 rifle before

22:35 *** Joins: Subterrene (fgvmsihqtuw@Pony-6misa4.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)

22:35 <Subterrene> Happy 2015, everypony.

22:36 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Yey

22:37 <SkyHigh> Smallskippez_Mobile what like the colt .1911?

22:37 *** Quits: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-fqmn8i.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP) (Quit: Signal 9 happened)

22:37 *** CocoPommel|away is now known as CocoCleaning

22:38 *** Joins: ChaoticRift (ChaoticRift@Pony-fqmn8i.7h3b.037j.000a.2601.IP)

22:38 *** Pony_89290 is now known as wallower

22:38 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Any coz' i aint fired em' (i've held a spanish version, the same one in two different military shows)

22:39 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (cwcnynhqvlg@Pony-4hdh6q.in.frontiernet.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:41 <SkyHigh> Smallskippez_Mobile you ever play Cod?

22:42 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Yeah, its alright

22:43 <SkyHigh> The colt 1911 is featured in all but the first CoD and ghosts.

22:43 *** reiuiji|Away is now known as reiuiji

22:43 <Smallskippez_Mobile> And advanced warfare

22:44 <SkyHigh> Yes.

22:44 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Although that pistol, nit the grach i wanna build outta lego

22:44 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Not*

22:44 *** Joins: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

22:45 <SkyHigh> So we won't last without the proper care, we all get fooled with inanimate spells; we won't have long to prete-e-e-end!

22:46 *** Quits: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

22:46 *** Joins: Pony_58390 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

22:46 *** Pony_58390 is now known as ModusPonens

22:46 <CocoCleaning> https://mlpforums.com/uploads/monthly_05_2014/post-26996-0-71381800-1400659914.jpg

22:46 <hawthornbunny> I recognise that song but the lyrics are wrong. XD

22:46 <CocoCleaning> 'doh

22:46 *** ModusPonens is now known as Pony_94198

22:47 <SkyHigh> (Mic The Microphone & WoodenToaster - Nightmare Night) and those were given to me I know they're wrong.

22:48 <Smallskippez_Mobile> *you wont last without the proper care, the rules that well, in inanimate spell, you wont have long to prepare-e-e-e-ere

22:48 <hawthornbunny> I've never quite been able to make out those lyrics either. Presumably My Little Karaoke has them correct.

22:49 * F4celess buys Wolfenstein: New Order

22:49 *** Joins: PKid (psychickid@Pony-hru.4ro.44.50.IP)

22:49 <PKid> Is anyone here adequate in Japanese

22:50 *** LunchDash is now known as Dash]

22:50 *** Dash] is now known as Dash

22:50 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I-i-ive stoked the fire, senn more pain than you can knooooow... The tears of the broken, have washed away my soul! Pushed by desire, to change the way my stream will flow, now im awoken, and im taking back control!!

22:50 <SkyHigh> Let's try to make it right; don't wanna start a fight. And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright; were not so scary if you see us in the daylight. You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night! (Mandopony - Survive The Night)

22:51 *** Joins: Jandal|ZZZZ (SousChef@Pony-a5521t.ph.cox.net)

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22:52 *** Quits: Pony_94198 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:52 <Sunset-Shimmer> Lyric singing isn't something to do just to fill dead space, lol

22:52 <SkyHigh> Aw.

22:53 <Sunset-Shimmer> Sure, once or twice is okay, but...it can get old/spammy fast

22:53 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I go strolling nightly. hug your fillies tightly. because at the end of the day, baby. I'll be out stalking prey and if you see my fearful shadow, don't wait for it to get bad, no. I'll gladly turn you to stony with my... Eyes that chill the bone.

22:53 <Sunset-Shimmer> And that goes for you, Smallskippez_Mobile

22:53 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Oooh heehee *backs away*

22:53 * CocoCleaning plays the bongos

22:53 *** Gigabit is now known as GigabitPony

22:53 <CocoCleaning> eeep!

22:54 <Smallskippez_Mobile> I cant see the text when im wrighting mine so...

22:54 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Yes "wrighting" -_-

22:55 <SkyHigh> Then use eyes?

22:55 <SkyHigh> Or are you?

22:55 <Smallskippez_Mobile> ..?

22:55 *** Quits: SpikeDragon (Spike@sorting.those.books) (Connection closed)

22:55 *** Joins: SpikeDragon (Spike@sorting.those.books)

22:56 <F4celess> Ohey GTA V's store page is on Steam now

22:57 *** Quits: Smallskippez_Mobile (p0tat03s@Pony-og8flk.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

22:57 *** Joins: Smallskippez_Mobile (p0tat03s@Pony-og8flk.range86-149.btcentralplus.com)

22:57 <Smallskippez_Mobile> If i didnt use my eyes then how do i do this?

22:57 *** Smallskippez_Mobile is now known as Pony_48866

22:57 <Pony_48866> Dang

22:58 <Sunset-Shimmer> badly.

23:00 *** Jandal|ZZZZ is now known as JandalAdjiel

23:02 *** Sketchy_Sounds|LIVE is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

23:03 *** Joins: Cloudtail (qineprscjwq@Pony-vdblps.fios.verizon.net)

23:03 *** Parts: Cloudtail (qineprscjwq@Pony-vdblps.fios.verizon.net) ()

23:05 <SkunkStripe> Remember a good game soundtrack requires at least 5 versions of the main theme

23:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: TrotMania III: Public Beta Released [ http://tinyurl.com/ppzpk7e ]

23:06 <Sunset-Shimmer> Mmmmm, Motifs!

23:07 <hawthornbunny> Great cars, those motifs

23:08 <SkyHigh> Pony_48866?

23:08 *** Quits: Iks2nd (Deggl@Pony-4vg7sk.myshelter.net) (Quit: )

23:08 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP) (Client exited)

23:08 <SkyHigh> That's a lot of ponies.

23:08 <Pony_48866> Yes

23:08 *** Pony_48866 is now known as Smallskippez_Mobile

23:09 <ryaxnb> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5L_tA2CIAAJMsW.jpg:large jumbo lays down the facts.

23:10 <ryaxnb> Jimbo* aka jimmy wales

23:10 *** Joins: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP)

23:12 *** Quits: Pony_52763 (HorsewaterD@Pony-10fpkh.nj.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:13 *** Dash is now known as AFKDash

23:13 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)

23:14 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Muuururuturururuturirururururur

23:15 *** Quits: Shaico (Shaico@Pony-695.q16.71.50.IP) (Client exited)

23:20 *** GigabitPony is now known as GigaTown

23:24 * Unikitty throws The Silence at Smallskippez_Mobile

23:24 *** Quits: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:24 *** Quits: PearlyWhites (uid19942@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: )

23:24 *** Stradiverra is now known as Stradi|Away

23:24 * Smallskippez_Mobile is silenced

23:24 *** Mystic_Nocturne is now known as Solar_Haze

23:26 *** Quits: F4celess (IceChat77@Pony-n7s.9n2.147.82.IP) (Quit: A day without sunshine is like .... night)

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23:28 *** SkyHigh is now known as SkyHighAway

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23:34 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonDreaming

23:35 <ZeroParadox> ADragonDreaming.

23:35 <ZeroParadox> We meet again.

23:36 * Smallskippez_Mobile *whistle* wah wah wah

23:37 *** Quits: Pony_94198 (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

23:38 *** Joins: ModusPonens (ModusPonens@Pony-del.kfr.59.71.IP)

23:38 *** SkyHighAway is now known as SkyHigh

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23:44 * SkyHigh noms on Smallskippez_Mobile's tail.

23:45 * Smallskippez_Mobile Stares into Skyhigh's eyes

23:45 *** Quits: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:45 * SkyHigh continues to nom.

23:45 <Unikitty> Get a room guys.

23:46 <SkyHigh> XD

23:46 <SkyHigh> 6-9 you wot?

23:46 *** Quits: Electric_Psoras (Thunderbird@Pony-nst2jf.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Bye horsies!)

23:46 * Smallskippez_Mobile eye twitches

23:47 *** SkyHigh is now known as SkyHighAway

23:47 <ADragonDreaming> oh. hi ZeroParadox.

23:47 <Smallskippez_Mobile> Is that my tail!?

23:47 <ADragonDreaming> 'Sup.

23:47 <ZeroParadox> - 3 -

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23:58 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-05tf3d.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)

23:59 <Smallskippez_Mobile> So the dephibulators (idk how to spell XD) on the chat didnt work for long

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