Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Saturday, 2015-04-11

00:00 <Cepheid> Indeed.

00:01 <Cepheid> There are still incidents in Canada of cops killing with intent.  But that's far less frequent.  More often than not, they use less lethal force first.  Tazers, beanbags, etc.

00:03 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

00:03 <Seoson> Don't get that question wrong, but are guns in your country really such a thing like in the U.S.?

00:03 <Cepheid> Nope.

00:03 <Cepheid> We have stricter laws.

00:03 <Seoson> It is represented that way in the media sometimes

00:03 <Cepheid> You can't conceal carry, for example.

00:03 <Cepheid> And handguns are prohibited weapons.  As are a number of other weapons.

00:04 <Cepheid> Including brass knuckles, butterfly knives, spring-loaded knives, etc.

00:04 <Seoson> All forbidden in Germany

00:04 <KooK> http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=476255545

00:04 <KooK> America, Pistol

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00:04 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

00:04 <Cepheid> Any heavy guns are also prohibited.  Weapons that are allowed are generally those that are used for hunting, usually.

00:04 <Cepheid> So bows, crossbows, shotguns, etc.

00:05 <KooK> Took them like, 17 years to ban the Tec-9 completely from production

00:05 <Cepheid> Tazers are actually illegal for civvies to own as well.  Same for Mace.

00:05 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

00:06 *** Joins: JoneZ (JoneZ@lugburz)

00:06 <Seoson> Hunting with bow and crossbows is illegal here as well

00:06 <Cepheid> Surprisingly those are allowed here.

00:06 <Seoson> You can have them for sports however (not so sure about regulations on crossbows)

00:07 <Cepheid> BUt in general yeah, a lot of weapons are prohibited in Canada.

00:07 <Cepheid> It... causes a bit of trouble at the border to the US.

00:07 <Seoson> You will need a license for hunting and sport stuff. You will have to pass a check however (exam and medical)

00:08 <Cepheid> If you've ever watched Border Security: Canada's Front Line, you'll see a few cases of incidents with people bringing weapons across the border and being turned back.

00:08 <Cepheid> Or even being served court papers

00:08 <KooK> !link guns

00:08 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/257399

00:09 <Seoson> Pistols are fine for sports and high risk individuals (very high standard - impossible to reach for normal people)

00:09 <Seoson> However you cannot carry them in public

00:10 <Seoson> Only in locked containers, which need to take a certain time to open

00:11 <Cepheid> Yeah, the main issue with pistols, butterfly knives and spring-loaded knives is mostly that they're easy to conceal and quick to pull out and make dangerous.

00:11 <Cepheid> And brass knuckles.

00:11 <Cepheid> That's why they're on the prohibited items list.

00:12 <KooK> So a sheathed knife around my ankle is less dangerous than a butterfly knife?

00:12 <Seoson> Weapon laws here are very strict - I would bet among the strictest on earth

00:12 <KooK> Have you seen Japan and their laws?

00:12 <EtherNet> Butterfly knives carry an image about them.

00:13 <Cepheid> KooK:  That's also a problem, yes.

00:13 <Cepheid> KooK:  I forgot to mention knives like that, that's all.

00:13 <Seoson> We have even regulations for the length of knifes

00:13 <Cepheid> There's actually a list of prohibited items somewhere on one of the Government of Canada websites.

00:13 <Cepheid> I'm just listing the most common items I've seen confiscated.

00:14 <KooK> Honestly, I think the butterfly knife is one of those things that shouldn't be illegal.

00:14 * Cepheid shrugs.

00:14 <Cepheid> I'd rather not get into a debate about this.

00:14 <Cepheid> The short of it is that it's prohibited because the blade can be swung out quickly.

00:14 <KooK> Given that it's only a certain length or below that length, it would be nice to use for utility

00:14 <Cepheid> That's all there is to it.

00:14 <Cepheid> That's why there's concern over it.

00:15 <Cepheid> If you want to complain about border security stuff, complain about the invasion of privacy in Canadian border control.

00:15 <KooK> Like I said, a sheathed knife is faster than a butterfly knife

00:15 <Cepheid> KooK:  Indeed.

00:15 <Cepheid> But not everyone wants to carry a sheathed knife.

00:15 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Cups: Pony CCG - New Absolute Discord Card Reveals Incoming! [ http://tinyurl.com/ofkyjwv ]

00:15 <KooK> Not everyone wants to carry a butterfly knife

00:15 <Cepheid> Everyone has their taste in what they want to carry.

00:16 <Cepheid> And again, like I said.  A sheathed knife is likely on the list, I haven't looked it up.

00:16 <Cepheid> It's out there somewhere, that list.

00:16 <Cepheid> If you were smart, you'd look it up and just remove the items from your personal belongings before visiting.

00:17 <KooK> Here's the issue with the butterfly knife, people claim in early reports that when it was first developed, it was made for self defense and combat.  If it was made for use as a utility, there are countries that wouldn't have banned it.

00:17 <Cepheid> Heck, I know if I go to Germany or Japan, I'd look up the forbidden items list and make sure I bring nothing of the sort.  Hell, I'd likely just bring a bag of clothing and nothing more.

00:17 <Cepheid> Yeah, I know, KooK.

00:17 <Seoson> I guess even potato guns are illegal here (those powered by explosions)

00:17 <Cepheid> But whether it's for utility or not, that doesn't change the fact that people WILL use it for other things.

00:18 <Cepheid> And don't bring up the car as a weapon argument, please.

00:18 <Seoson> Yeah I need to visit Canada some day ;-)

00:19 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:19 <KooK> I'm wondering if box cutters are illegal in your country too, because we have some that retract out to 3-4 inches

00:19 <Seoson> (and void everything speaking french)

00:19 <Cepheid> KooK.

00:19 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

00:19 <Cepheid> It's about the speed at which the blade comes out.

00:19 <Seoson> Box cutters are fine here.

00:19 <Cepheid> At a flick, the butterfly knife can have it's blade out.

00:20 * EtherNet ponders about spring-loading a boxcutter.

00:20 <KooK> Uh, I can get a box cutter blade out faster than a butterfly knife blade

00:20 <Cepheid> What part of this do you not get?

00:20 <Cepheid> Not the box cutters I've seen.

00:20 <Cepheid> They all require force to push the blade out, and a lot of it.

00:20 <Seoson> The ones I use are slow as well :P

00:20 <KooK> Here's a small one for example

00:20 <KooK> http://www.labelmaster.com/store/scripts/view-product.cfm?product=KBLADE11145&utm_campaign=google_shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_keyword=%7Bkeyword%7D&utm_matchtype=%7Bmatchtype%7D&utm_device=%7Bdevice%7D&utm_creative=%7Bcreative%7D&gclid=CjwKEAjw6Z2pBRCmvaXq6d7FjUoSJAAc5LripApYDCdeWOUQfTQwOSQ8c614a6DuVpza4cMNREerSRoCkhHw_wcB

00:20 <KooK> Sorry, huge link

00:20 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-0kgb4e.range86-167.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

00:21 <Cepheid> I've never seen a box cutter like that.

00:21 <KooK> But you push the button and flick it, it's out, the butterfly knife takes a little twirling

00:21 <KooK> Dude, I have 2 of that style, it's very common when you're a mechanic or you work on housing

00:21 <Cepheid> All the ones I've seen and used require pushing down a button and then applying a bit of force to get the blade out.

00:21 <Cepheid> It requires a bit of force.

00:22 <EtherNet> Butterfly knives also have the stigma of being associated with criminal elements for the longest time.

00:22 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP)

00:22 <TheHolyOdst> Herro

00:22 <Cepheid> Then perhaps those types of box cutters are illegal in Canada, KooK?  And a different kind was designed for sale and use here?

00:23 <KooK> I'd be shocked if they were illegal in canada

00:23 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

00:23 * Cepheid goes to find out.

00:23 <EtherNet> http://www.labelmaster.com/shop/shipping/box-cutters/steeltrack-snap-knives

00:23 <EtherNet> Most people think of this when they hear boxcutter.

00:23 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

00:24 <KooK> Because you need a strong, strudy blade in order to cut carpet, and most people don't want a blade that you can't retract

00:24 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

00:24 <KooK> EtherNet - yeah, those things are junk.

00:24 <Princess-Luna> What a sharp bunch we have in here tonight. :3

00:24 <Princess-Luna> with cutting topics!

00:25 * wobniaR pokes Princess-Luna with a spork

00:25 <Princess-Luna> >:

00:25 <KooK> Somebody ban Princess-Luna, these are dull puns

00:25 <KooK> :P

00:25 <Princess-Luna> :P

00:25 <EtherNet> http://www.amazon.com/Morakniv-Bushcraft-Tactical-4-3-Inch-Plastic/dp/B009O01H0Y

00:25 <EtherNet> Now this is a knife.

00:26 <Cepheid> Hum.

00:26 <Cepheid> Okay, that blade won't be illegal, KooK.

00:26 <Cepheid> And here's why.

00:26 <KooK> Because it's non-lethal?

00:26 <KooK> :D

00:26 <Cepheid> Nah.  Because it's not innocuous looking.

00:26 <Cepheid> It's not designed to conceal a blade.

00:27 <Cepheid> The blade is apparent in that case.

00:27 <Seoson> These are the ones we use(well they're from the same type): http://www.fronttool.de/images/produkte/cache/mi93/932560991-0-10-481-2.jpg even have one here

00:27 <KooK> wut?

00:27 <KooK> When you fold it up, the blade is 100% hidden on mine

00:27 <Cepheid> Then it'd be illegal.

00:27 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

00:28 <Cepheid> All box cutters I've seen in Canada, the blade is clearly visible.

00:28 <KooK> http://tinyurl.com/owgl3xe

00:28 <KooK> You're telling me that my blade, that blade, is illegal?

00:28 <Cepheid> Yep.

00:28 <KooK> I doubt that

00:28 <EtherNet> Convoluted laws are convoluted.

00:28 <Cepheid> "Any device having a length of less than 30 cm and resembling an innocuous object but designed to conceal a knife or blade, including the device commonly known as the “knife-comb”, being a comb with the handle of the comb forming a handle for the knife, and any similar device."

00:29 <KooK> You know why it's not illegal?

00:29 <KooK> Because they're going to call it a razor :D

00:29 <KooK> :P

00:29 <Cepheid> Regardless..

00:29 <Cepheid> I wouldn't bring it, just to be on the safe side. :P

00:29 <KooK> Wait, wait...

00:29 <Cepheid> Leave it at home.

00:29 <KooK> wait...

00:30 <Seoson> Ah btw. walking canes with hidde knife are also forbidden in DE

00:30 <KooK> Many of these things have razor blades hidden inside them as spares

00:30 <Cepheid> Yeah, I know.

00:30 <Seoson> hidden knifes*

00:30 <KooK> so if you ding it, bend it, rough it up, you can replace it on the fly

00:30 <Cepheid> That creates a problem.

00:30 <KooK> those are consealed

00:30 <Cepheid> My point.  Just leave the danged thing at home.

00:30 <EtherNet> What about carrying an axe while out in the woods?

00:30 <Cepheid> If you really need one, just buy one.  It's not like the bloody things are expensive.

00:31 <KooK> Cepheid, if I'm a contractor and I'm driving my truck up to Cananda and I lost my lucky Irwin and it fell between the seats.

00:31 <KooK> It's hard to leave it at home in that case, I would think, well dang, no big deal though because it's just a box cutter

00:32 <Seoson> In Germany EtherNet that would be considered a culturally accepted use and is therefore allowed

00:32 <Cepheid> KooK.

00:32 <KooK> If I lost my lucky KG-99 Tec-9 Semi automatic assault pistol between the seats, I can understand that there would be an issue

00:32 <Cepheid> Just leave.  The knife.  At home.

00:32 <Cepheid> Why risk causing a scene?

00:32 <Cepheid> It's a simple.  Bloody.  Box cutter.

00:33 <KooK> Look, I understand that a single American with a box cutter could basically take control of the Mounties, but whose fault is that? :P

00:33 <Seoson> If Canada handles this the same as my country you would just have to give away the cutter and be fine.

00:33 <Cepheid> ...

00:33 <Cepheid> KooK, seriously.

00:33 <Cepheid> Why are you making such a big deal over keeping your bloody box cutter in Canada?

00:33 <Cepheid> For crying out loud, it's a box cutter.

00:34 <Cepheid> Leave it at home, it's not needed.

00:34 <KooK> Exactly my point

00:34 <Cepheid> Oh for gods sake.

00:34 * Princess-Luna blinks

00:34 <KooK> This is a good conversation, I am having fun

00:34 <Cepheid> I'm done with this topic, it's starting to annoy me because you're being stubborn.

00:34 <KooK> :P

00:34 <Princess-Luna> Don't wind him up, kook

00:34 <Princess-Luna> come on

00:34 <Seoson> Unless it's length exceeds the limit of knifes considered as weapons - than you've got som serious trouble

00:35 <KooK> I'm sorry, I just don't know how else I'd cut my gravy covered french fries or my mayo covered burgers up.

00:35 <Seoson> some* oh dear my spelling. It late here

00:35 <Cepheid> I knew this conversation would lead to this with you, so I don't even know why I started discussing it with you.

00:35 <KooK> Alright done

00:35 <KooK> :P

00:35 <Seoson> It's* -.-

00:35 *** Quits: IronMustang (uhxsshsfeqz@Pony-uurbom.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:36 <EtherNet> Seoson: Nice, I've gotten complaints from others in the backcountry before for carrying hatchets and axes, though they're just considered tools legally here in the USA.

00:36 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)

00:37 <EtherNet> Apparently, proper axe form and efficiently chopping and splitting wood scares people.

00:37 *** Cepheid is now known as Cephy-LIVE

00:38 <Seoson> Yeah the U.S. culture is still a mystery for me in some cases. No nudity for kids, but let's have Hello Kitty weapons :D

00:38 <Cephy-LIVE> http://www.twitch.tv/cepheidvar Playing Dark Souls, the original one.  Gonna play a stupid build, to boot, so come watch me die.

00:38 <KooK> I think I might take a shower

00:39 <Cephy-LIVE> Bah, this is gonna take a bit of setting up..

00:39 <EtherNet> So, this is what usually follows me out for a weekend backcountry excursion http://s5.postimg.org/5sfp0zrjb/Hatchet_and_axe.jpg

00:41 *** Quits: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

00:41 <Seoson> (just assumed that an axe is equal to a hatchet; I'm not in the wood business obviously)

00:42 <Seoson> Isn't that great how we learn new things in here every day?

00:42 *** Quits: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:43 <EtherNet> Yep.

00:43 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP)

00:43 <EtherNet> Imma ditch the axe soon though, 2KG that's not really that much more useful than the .75KG hatchet there.

00:45 <EtherNet> Pick up a nice folding saw, and put the saved weight towards other things, like more snacks.

00:45 <Pi> Morning

00:45 <EtherNet> Ahoy Pi.

00:46 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )

00:46 *** Joins: DragonCrystal (DragonCrys@Pony-k0igek.md.comcast.net)

00:46 <DragonCrystal> hello

00:46 <Princess-Luna> Aloha

00:47 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7gecvg.fl.comcast.net)

00:47 <DragonCrystal> pleasure to meet you luna

00:47 <CleverDerpy> quick question, there is a new episode tomorrow, right?

00:48 <DragonCrystal> right

00:48 <DragonCrystal> just dont say anything about it please

00:48 <CleverDerpy> I was asking a simple question, if you don't know the answer, don't answer

00:48 <init3> Mods destroy people with a vengeance if they do. Though I suppose it is too late by then.

00:49 <init3> Yes.

00:49 <init3> !s5

00:49 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:16h:12m:03s

00:49 <CleverDerpy> ok then

00:49 <DragonCrystal> its cool its cool Clever

00:49 <CleverDerpy> ok

00:49 <init3> I am pretty happy.

00:49 <init3> I don't even know the episode title.

00:49 * CleverDerpy rolls around cutely

00:49 <init3> I love it when I have zero idea.

00:50 <init3> I kind of knew what was coming in the premiere because I couldn't help myself.

00:50 <DragonCrystal> I think a few of us are on that same boat

00:51 <init3> Yep. I'm going to avoid EQD tonight too. Usually I do find the name of the episode from the stream links but this time I just have a stream link saved.

00:51 <Dusky> I like knowing just the synopsis so i know what to expect

00:51 <DragonCrystal> speaking of ponies (as always) I just scored something good at walmart today

00:52 <Cephy-LIVE> Ah, nothing like starting a Deprived character.

00:52 <Princess-Luna> I personally go for spoilers on occasion myself, since for me it doesn't spoil watching it play out.

00:52 <Princess-Luna> but that's really just my perspective

00:53 <init3> Naw. I mean, I love I have no idea. Could be a Flutters ep, could be another adventure mabob, could even be the fabled one which I know is #100 but I have no idea which that is.

00:53 <DragonCrystal> I agree with you LUna

00:53 <DragonCrystal> *luna

00:53 <init3> I refuse to do the calculation on that.

00:53 <init3> I mean, it just makes the pre-intro thing interesting where it usually isn't

00:54 <init3> imo

00:54 <DragonCrystal> btw wernt we still promised a fluttershy being a dragon episode like...what 3 or 4 seasons back?

00:54 <Dusky> Fair enough

00:54 <init3> I think that was a staff troll for S3

00:54 <DragonCrystal> *growls* it better not

00:55 <init3> No, I know it totally was a troll moment. Not sure who did it. It might have been Larson.

00:55 *** Joins: Mike_Coltfield (textual@colt.in.the.rain)

00:55 <DragonCrystal> merf...Im still hoping in some future it becomes a reality

00:55 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mike_Coltfield

00:55 <init3> Could.

00:56 <DragonCrystal> so yeah apparently walmart now sells funko pop figurines

00:56 <init3> Ooooh

00:56 *** Nelly is now known as Black

00:56 <Princess-Luna> <DragonCrystal> btw wernt we still promised a fluttershy being a dragon episode like...what 3 or 4 seasons back? - that was tabitha being silly.

00:56 <Princess-Luna> fairly sure.

00:56 <Princess-Luna> She offhandedly made the comment, and it seems to have stuck around

00:56 <DragonCrystal> still holding onto my statement about it

00:57 <Princess-Luna> Well, nobody else has said anything about it, far as I've seen. xD

00:57 <Princess-Luna> never know, I guess

00:57 <DragonCrystal> we still got like...what 3 or 4 more years of pony?

00:57 <Princess-Luna> and da movie

00:57 <Cephy-LIVE> Heh.

00:57 <Cephy-LIVE> I tried to kill the Asylum Demon at... 2 damage per hit.

00:57 <DragonCrystal> oh yeah the movie with just pony

00:58 <DragonCrystal> btw luna do you have an iphone?

00:59 <Princess-Luna> Galaxy S5

00:59 * Princess-Luna is a samsung mare

00:59 <DragonCrystal> hmm *looks at everypony* anypony got an iphone and ibooks?

01:00 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (dsrsuwmwdbc@Pony-oep34u.cable.rcn.com)

01:00 <Sketchy_Sounds> Android user here, too.

01:01 <DragonCrystal> *sighs* darnit I wanna know if anyone else is having an issue downloading Tireks comic off of iTunes

01:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: We Love Fine Seeking Ideas for Next Figurine  [ http://tinyurl.com/ptzz72b ]

01:02 *** Joins: dobel (dobel@Pony-5b064b.ewe-ip-backbone.de)

01:02 *** Joins: IronMustang (uhxsshsfeqz@Pony-uurbom.wa.comcast.net)

01:02 <DragonCrystal> hehe next idea for a figurine? just have rainbowdash do a sonic rainboom, done

01:03 *** IronMustang is now known as Aetreeis

01:03 <Cephy-LIVE> Bah that was no fun..

01:04 <Cephy-LIVE> I wanted to kill the Asylum Demon on the first encounter, but..

01:04 <Cephy-LIVE> With such a pidly weapon I couldn't do it.

01:04 *** Joins: User_1542 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

01:04 <DragonCrystal> huh fancy seeing you here Bigcheese

01:04 <Princess-Luna> Next statue? Vinyl at the decks.

01:04 *** Parts: User_1542 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) ()

01:04 <Princess-Luna> that would be pretty neat

01:04 <DragonCrystal> they already did vinyl

01:05 <DragonCrystal> doubt they would use her again

01:05 <Princess-Luna> Vinyl alone, yes

01:05 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-si6v0v.res.rr.com)

01:05 <Cephy-LIVE> Princess-Luna:  How is the S5 anyways?  Getting one next week.

01:05 <Bigcheese> hi DragonCrystal

01:05 <Princess-Luna> I love it so far, only had it a few days now

01:05 <Bigcheese> Not that I know who you are.

01:05 <Cephy-LIVE> Yeah, I plan to do dev work for it, to boot.

01:05 <DragonCrystal> hi Bigcheese, Ive seen you in the mlp ccg group chat a few times

01:05 <Bigcheese> facebook?

01:05 <Cephy-LIVE> Now, what kind of mage do I want to be?

01:05 <DragonCrystal> *taps chin* or reddit

01:05 <Bigcheese> Ah

01:06 <KooK> the cat has come to me

01:06 <Bigcheese> We have a channel on this server.

01:06 *** Joins: Toothie (uid63062@Pony-tbaiid.charlton.irccloud.com)

01:06 <Cephy-LIVE> Miracles?  Sorceries?  Hexes?  ....  Flame Magic?

01:06 <DragonCrystal> probably have a channel for everything on here hehe

01:07 <Cephy-LIVE> I think I'll do Miracles, this time.

01:07 <Cephy-LIVE> Since that way I'll have healing magic, which I may need a lot of.

01:07 <Princess-Luna> it's probably true, DragonCrystal. :P

01:08 <DragonCrystal> hey Princess-Luna do you have any figurines?

01:08 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Shower

01:08 <Princess-Luna> The WLF ones?

01:09 <DragonCrystal> That and funko, or Hottopic

01:09 <Princess-Luna> I'm a brit, that stuffs expensive to get over here. XD

01:09 <DragonCrystal> oh

01:09 <Princess-Luna> so not really

01:09 *** Joins: DataByteBrony (DataByte@Pony-emt4ui.sub-70-194-100.myvzw.com)

01:09 <Princess-Luna> and frankly, I'm more interested in acquiring the 4DE Luna plush on release than I am in the figure stuffs

01:09 *** Quits: DataByteBrony (DataByte@Pony-emt4ui.sub-70-194-100.myvzw.com) (Connection closed)

01:10 <Dusky> You Americans and your cool stuff

01:10 <DragonCrystal> heheh *shows off my Discord 6' funko pop figurine* just came into the walmart store today and it was the only one

01:10 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:10 <Princess-Luna> I DO have sunset shimmer and vinyl scratch plushes tho'. xD

01:11 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

01:11 <DragonCrystal> I have NMM and Princess Twilight chibi plushies from bronycon in baltimore for the past 2 years

01:11 <Princess-Luna> nice.

01:11 <DragonCrystal> wish they wernt 75 bucks a pop

01:12 <Princess-Luna> mine were only £20 each, free shipping. :P

01:12 <Princess-Luna> thankyou ebay

01:12 <DragonCrystal> grr...

01:12 <Princess-Luna> lol

01:12 <DragonCrystal> only time I use ebay is to buy old console games

01:12 <DragonCrystal> aaaand golden mario amiibos

01:12 <Princess-Luna> I've used ebay bunches myself

01:13 <Princess-Luna> only had about, what, 3 out of around 20 items no-show

01:13 <Princess-Luna> pretty good

01:13 <Cephy-LIVE> So, the primary rule of this game?  No shields.  Magic and melee/ranged. :P

01:13 <DragonCrystal> why did 3 of them not show?

01:13 <Princess-Luna> I'm not sure, and honestly they were so cheap it wasn't worth the hassle chasing it

01:13 <Princess-Luna> chocolate bars, and such

01:13 <DragonCrystal> hm hope you didnt get scammed

01:14 <Princess-Luna> eh, for $3...

01:14 <DragonCrystal> ah

01:14 <Princess-Luna> it's a whatever

01:14 <DragonCrystal> dont forget to get your sis chocolate covered strawberries

01:14 <Princess-Luna> I AM, however, waiting for a special thing arriving next weds

01:14 <DragonCrystal> and that is?

01:14 <Dusky> oooooh

01:14 <Princess-Luna> lemme fetch a pic. :3

01:14 <DragonCrystal> oh boy

01:15 <Seoson> It's so sad that most Rainbow plushes look that bad.

01:15 <DragonCrystal> most plushies from toy makers do, only use professional bronies make good quality plushies

01:15 <DragonCrystal> *only us

01:15 <Princess-Luna> https://mb-brandstores-2.r.worldssl.net/images/articles/4c608c4c525ec1eabf3e49d0a6001786_12.png - adam jensens jacket~

01:15 *** Quits: Aetreeis (uhxsshsfeqz@Pony-uurbom.wa.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

01:16 <DragonCrystal> remember that one brony that got C&D cause her plushies were so good?

01:16 <DragonCrystal> its.....a jacket

01:16 <Princess-Luna> :P It's a cool jacket, lol

01:16 <DragonCrystal> seto kiba's jacket looks cooler but thats just me

01:16 * Princess-Luna rolls around, is a silly pony

01:17 <Dusky> for cosplay? or just general purposes?

01:17 <DragonCrystal> silly Luna you're not applejack

01:17 <Princess-Luna> general wear...'cause I'm a derp

01:17 <Princess-Luna> and because I can.

01:17 <DragonCrystal> *sighs counting down the days* I just hope this year's bronycon wont be so expensive

01:17 <Princess-Luna> Way I see it, I've made questionable enough choices in life for this one not to matter a bit. XD

01:18 <Seoson> That's a good way to look at things :P

01:19 <Princess-Luna> marching to the beat of thy own drum

01:19 *** Quits: SmallSkippeZ (androirc@Pony-db4pke.range86-162.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:19 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna: you know, every city builder imagines you as the princess celestia/luna of the city

01:19 <Dusky> I stay away from ebay cause i don't have enough money as it is :P

01:19 <ryaxnb> god-king, completely autocratic ruler of the city-state with weather control

01:19 <ryaxnb> and disaster spawning abilities

01:19 <ryaxnb> and terraforming

01:20 <ryaxnb> sounds like Equestria.

01:20 <Princess-Luna> Pffft, disasters everyday...without fail.

01:20 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:20 <Princess-Luna> not even an undo button!

01:20 <Seoson> There is no statistic regarding where Bronies come from, is there? It should be an acceptable time in the U.S. and the chat activity is not at it's peak really.

01:20 <ryaxnb> the fandom came from 4chan

01:20 <Princess-Luna> not that 'where come from'

01:21 <ryaxnb> and relates to a cartoon brew posting on the failure of creator driven animation

01:21 <ryaxnb> oh

01:21 <ryaxnb> oh

01:21 <ryaxnb> im dumb

01:21 <Princess-Luna> I think he's trying to discern time zones

01:21 <ryaxnb> i have no idea

01:21 <ryaxnb> i wonder if equestria daily has done a poll on this before.

01:21 <ryaxnb> the website, that is

01:21 <ryaxnb> they have those daily polls...

01:21 <Princess-Luna> No idea

01:21 <Seoson> I came in here expecting most are from the U.S.

01:22 <Princess-Luna> we have a fair amount of canadians, lol

01:22 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP)

01:23 <Seoson> Canada, U.S. ahh all those North Americans (Hehe take that Microsoft for calling europa a country)

01:23 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

01:23 *** Toothie is now known as Rhenn

01:23 <DragonCrystal> I actually asked the ppl of EQD if they would like to make a poll about should the MLP CCG be online or not

01:24 <Princess-Luna> The fandom probably will take care of that if they don't

01:24 <Seoson> Europe*

01:25 <Sketchy_Sounds> Microsoft called Europe a country?

01:25 <Sketchy_Sounds> How silly.

01:25 <Seoson> The xbox team did somepony told me

01:25 <Seoson> (Don't have one myself)

01:26 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn__@Pony-ohn.v9u.150.95.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:26 <DragonCrystal> hey Princess-Luna this is what I made up in my imagination http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16247361/

01:27 <KooK> My cat has me pinned down

01:28 *** Quits: Raid (Raid@Pony-58p.l83.51.84.IP) (Connection closed)

01:28 <DragonCrystal> I kinda like how I used twilights crown for the D

01:29 <Sol> Following s5 while playing catch-up on, well, s1-4, is gonna be interesting

01:31 <init3> You on Mars Sol? (hue)

01:31 <init3> Also, new to the show?

01:31 <Seoson> I will call it a day now. Have a good night everypony around. See you soon.

01:31 <Dusky> I still need to catch up on most of s4, i dropped out of the fandom for a while

01:31 <Sol> Maybe and yes

01:31 <Sol> Have watched almost all of s1, and s5e1/2. Haha

01:32 <Sol> Yay not having context

01:32 <init3> Tsk tsk Dusky.

01:32 <init3> Herm... you aren't missing all that much /context/ I guess.

01:32 <ZeroParadox> Going from s1 to s5 directly?

01:32 <ZeroParadox> You're going to have two or three questions on your mind at least...

01:33 <init3> Well in ep 1 and 2 specifically. any time /after/ the intro.

01:33 <init3> Before it, sure.

01:33 <Sol> I was like 16 episodes into s1 when I watched the 5 premiere

01:33 <init3> Oh wait.

01:33 <init3> That whole thing

01:33 <init3> with the things on the back and the jello pudding.

01:34 <init3> And the Larson.

01:34 <DragonCrystal> dont forget about gak

01:34 <init3> Hue

01:34 <Dusky> oh god gak *shudders*

01:35 <init3> I think it is funny but in light of the hub dying it is a sad testament to their inability to attract advertisers.

01:35 <init3> Even to their (I believe) highest rated ongoing show.

01:36 <Muffin_Spectacles> I sitll feel that S2 was what really cemented the fanbase.

01:37 <init3> Hmm. I found the fandom in the middle of S2.

01:37 *** Joins: Evil_Spike (EvilSpike@Pony-93mbhe.e-wire.net.au)

01:37 <init3> I think the first new episode I saw was HWE.

01:37 <Evil_Spike> Hey everypony

01:37 <init3> Hola

01:37 <Dusky> I started watching mid s2 as well, the Luna episode was my first

01:38 <Dusky> new one

01:38 <DragonCrystal> *shivers* lesson zero still creeps me out

01:38 <init3> Well that's right at the beginning isn't it?

01:38 <init3> That's like 3 right?

01:38 <Evil_Spike> Lesson Zero was my first live episode

01:38 <Muffin_Spectacles> Though the first image I saw that showed the fanbase was everywhere, was on TFW2005's boards, and one guy had a picture of Twilight on her balcony reading a book.

01:38 <Dusky> was it?, my memory is terrible...

01:38 <Sol> I'm someone who usually has to start from the beginning, even if it's not necessarily the best intro to it

01:38 <DragonCrystal> lesson zero is when twilight goes insane and creepy

01:39 <Sol> (though to be fair, it's certainly not a bad one for this)

01:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> When someone recommended the series to me, I started from the beginning. I want to know the start.

01:39 <init3> Oh sure.

01:39 <Dusky> I caught up from the beginning before watching one live

01:39 <init3> I just mean I watched all the new ones and then when I was done doing that the next one was HWE. So I suppose I started a bit before that aired.

01:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> Though at te time I started, I eventually merged into S2 3/4 of the way through it.

01:40 <init3> But like, I am not totally sure, but I think I seriously binged on S1 in one sitting.

01:40 <init3> Like screw sleep what am I watching?

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01:41 <Muffin_Spectacles> I think I figured out why I am not as into the series as alot of people out there are. Some build these elaborate fan theories, while I just have a few.

01:41 <init3> Headcanon is what makes the fandom go 'round.

01:41 *** Black is now known as Nully

01:41 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (androirc@Pony-nrk38p.d7pa.tmh2.1006.2600.IP) (Quit: Nossy was on her phone.)

01:41 <Dusky> I watched the first 4 episodes one night, then the rest of s1 in a sitting

01:41 <DragonCrystal> *yawns* well sadly gtg now, see you everypony

01:41 <Muffin_Spectacles> i think for me, it stems from being older, and in my day before the internet, there wasn't a whole lot of major world-building...where as nowadays, there's all these outlets.

01:41 *** Quits: DragonCrystal (DragonCrys@Pony-k0igek.md.comcast.net) (Quit: )

01:42 <Dusky> I love fanfic's because of the headcanon

01:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> Like, I'[d watch Ducktales and other Disney Afternoon shows, but I never felt like lookin for deep clues into how Darkwing Duck started out or where his parents came from.

01:42 <init3> I like crazy fics sometimes too.

01:43 * Muffin_Spectacles once again waves a hand in the air, and claims once again, that he doesn't read fanfictions..just like to say that..

01:43 <Sol> Fanfic isn't of much interest to me for any fandom tbh

01:44 <init3> The last one I read cannot be described on this channel in extreme detail but there were werewolves and vampires and Twilight was... awesome.

01:44 <Muffin_Spectacles> It's funny, we were tlaking about fanfiction and fan-canon when watching  Labyrinth a week ago, and theories.

01:44 <Cephy-LIVE> ... I killed a black knight with no shield.  XD

01:44 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sol: ...reallly? I thought in order to be a true Brony, you had to believe in fanfiction, and hold it dear despite what Ma Larson does to betray the true fandom.

01:44 <Dusky> this is the only fandom where i've read fanfic's barring one blood bowl one

01:45 *** Quits: Mike_Coltfield (textual@colt.in.the.rain) (Quit: Poni.)

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01:46 <Sol> Muffin_Spectacles, if that's the case, I guess I'm not. But again, new to all this anyways

01:46 *** Mongoosie|Shower is now known as Mongoosie|S

01:46 *** Mongoosie|S is now known as Mongoosie|Away

01:47 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sol: Well, I've never subscribed to fanfiction. To me, it's more of what-if speculation, where as the show is largely the canon.

01:48 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sol: Plus, it keeps me from reading fanfictions that turn simple misunderstandings into cold-blooded intent fueld by psychopathic tendencies.

01:48 <Sol> Lol

01:48 <init3> Those are the best fics

01:48 <init3> !link decadence

01:48 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/89725

01:49 <Muffin_Spectacles> init3: But then people build them as canon, so Twilight can't just freak out...she has to be one step away from slicing her friend's hooves off and grinding them into gelatin powder.

01:49 <init3> Bah, that's wrong DerpyBot.

01:50 <init3> Eh, right I guess I don't like fics that contain gore for gore's sake.

01:50 <Dusky> My favourites either involve Scootaloo or Changelings

01:50 <init3> But there are some that can do it well.

01:51 <Muffin_Spectacles> init3: Well, I was implying mainly about a certain fanfic that gained notoriety, and that seems to come up every other time in blind commentaries when a certain pony gets upset.

01:51 <init3> I know.

01:51 <init3> And you know what? I kind of liked that.

01:51 <ryaxnb> hi

01:51 <init3> In a very specific way.

01:51 <Dusky> hey there

01:51 <init3> As satire. Even if it wasn't meant to be.

01:52 * Muffin_Spectacles is going old school- watching The Abyss.

01:52 <init3> A satire of the fandom and people taking things way too far.

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01:52 <init3> I don't think it is a well-written fic. Nor does it have many redeeming qualities in itself, but I think it is /funny/.

01:53 <init3> If you take it at face value it certainly isn't

01:53 <Muffin_Spectacles> init3: so it's like a Michael Bay movie: empty calories, but people can't look away.

01:53 <init3> You have to go deeper

01:53 <init3> DUUUNNNNN

01:54 <Sol> I've avoided the creepypasta-level stuff, and intend to keep doing so. haha

01:54 *** Joins: Lycan (Lycan@wibbly.wobbly.timey.wimey)

01:54 *** Joins: Cloudrunner (Sentoki@Sentoki.publicBNC.canternet.org)

01:55 <CleverDerpy> hiya

01:55 <Muffin_Spectacles> Sol: I didn't know flying spaghetti monsters created ponies.

01:55 <Sol> :o

01:55 <init3> All it was really was someone wanting to sink a ship. Which is hilarious because I think the fic itself is sorta a commentary about people taking things too seriously.

01:56 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:56 <init3> And the reaction to it added to it.

01:56 <Muffin_Spectacles> init3: I think I'm definitely moreso a fan on the edge of the crazies. I watch the show, read a few of the comics, and have some of the Funko figures, but I haven't gotten as 'into' the series as some people do.

01:56 <init3> And made it a positive feedback loop of funny.

01:57 <init3> I have way too much time on my hands after getting laid off so I do.

01:57 <init3> Actually, I can't claim that's because I got laid off now that I think about it. I was reading fics on slow days at work.

01:58 <init3> I even had a spitfire wallpaper on my workstation at work lol.

01:58 <init3> It said something like "You better work ['brony']!"

01:58 <init3> Ifyaknowwhatimsayin

01:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> I listen to blind commentaries at my workplace. Shanmul works pretty good as background noise.

01:59 <Muffin_Spectacles> Though there is one of the blind commentaries, the guy drinks like a sierra mist, and if the phone rings or someone interrupts him, he just flies off the handle.

01:59 <init3> Huh.

02:00 <init3> I worked at a datacenter so things are pretty lax since there are almost never any customers physically there.

02:00 <init3> Then I started working thirds and was alone.

02:01 <ryaxnb> The weirdest thing is the videos that are like

02:01 <init3> Was sorta cool at first but got old quick I will say. Little to nothing to do really. Just needed someone there to babysit the servers overnight and I always got projects assigned to me done way quicker than they could be piled on.

02:01 <Sol> I watched some of shanmul's commentaries...is kinda neat to see others' reactions to things I found particularly funny

02:01 <ryaxnb> "blind commentary: Bronies React"

02:01 <ryaxnb> i'm ike

02:01 <ryaxnb> a bronies react is a MST3k style scripted commentary

02:02 <ryaxnb> this is a commentary on a commentary

02:02 <ryaxnb> that i am watching

02:02 <ZeroParadox> Wait

02:02 <ryaxnb> commentary-ception

02:02 <ZeroParadox> ...someone did... a react video... to a react video?

02:02 <ryaxnb> that is the stupiest/weirdest thing.

02:02 <ryaxnb> ZeroParadox: a BLIND reaction to bronies react, which are scripted

02:02 * ZeroParadox takes of glasses slowly. "This can't be."

02:02 <Muffin_Spectacles> The only Bronies React I really love is the one for Equestria Girls. Just love Gryphon making all the Spike jokes.

02:02 <ryaxnb> that makes it okay in their mind

02:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Spotlight Music: Unlimited / Shiny Happy Ponies  [ http://tinyurl.com/jvpusgp ]

02:02 <ryaxnb> (hint: it's not)

02:02 <ZeroParadox> Why would you do... any reaction... to a reaction video...

02:02 <ryaxnb> i've also seen let's rewatch of the first let's watch

02:03 <init3> ♪Horse fandom♪

02:03 <ryaxnb> like, let's re-watch: my let's watch: the pilot

02:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> Though I do agree with ACRaceBest's yelling of how RD can't stop saying 'awesome' in EqG

02:03 <ZeroParadox> I'm not ok with this

02:03 <ryaxnb> yeah, it's stupid.

02:03 <ryaxnb> it's ludicrously meta

02:04 <ryaxnb> "look at how nervous i was to commentate on a girls show" he says, commentating on himself commenting on a girls show

02:04 <ryaxnb> this is a thing that happens

02:04 <init3> See this is why I love this fandom. It is almost a parody of itself.

02:04 <ryaxnb> yep.

02:05 <Muffin_Spectacles> I can't just blind commentate. To me, I have to watch it silently the first time. I can offer commentary after a few viewings.

02:05 <init3> I mean, like I mean no disrespect to anyone but you sometimes need to take a step back and realize how odd we all are.

02:05 <ryaxnb> the later pony thread simulators are weird too

02:05 <init3> Me too Muffin_Spectacles.

02:05 <ryaxnb> with people posting a really long tangential baity 4chan post and then at the end being all "am i on pony thread simulator yet"

02:05 <ryaxnb> blatant youtube-bait

02:05 <Evil_Spike> They weren't already weird?

02:06 <ryaxnb> Evil_Spike: well, later on, most of the posts on them are bait for them

02:06 <ryaxnb> and some are bait for REACT VIDEOS TO THEM

02:06 <Dusky> oh god pony thread simulator, those were so bad

02:06 <ryaxnb> (wtf lol)

02:06 *** Quits: dobel (dobel@Pony-5b064b.ewe-ip-backbone.de) (Quit: Disconnected)

02:06 <ryaxnb> like there's a pony thread simulator with a 4chan post about a jack reacts to pony thread simulator

02:06 <init3> Actually, I have a procedure I follow for almost every new episode. 1. watch stream 2. watch in HD 3. watch in HD again, while doing a lot of pausing and rewinding to see subtleties. I am so far gone.

02:07 <ryaxnb> what do you expect with 4chan

02:07 <Cephy-LIVE> Whoo, Taurus Demon down!

02:07 <init3> I don't think I could do a commentary until my 4th viewing.


02:07 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

02:07 <Muffin_Spectacles> init3: Yeah, like watching the latest 2-parter, I didn't get the first time what had happened to Sugar Belle.

02:08 <Evil_Spike> A weird question; why is it that I loved GTA 3 and Vice City, but not San Andreas?

02:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> Evil_Spike: ...you don't want me to answer that.

02:08 <Evil_Spike> Answer anyway.

02:08 <init3> Vice city was my personal favorite.

02:08 <Dusky> ^

02:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> init3: I had it on my PC - and added a DeLorean time machine mod to mine.

02:08 * Muffin_Spectacles is a huge Back to the Future fan.

02:08 <init3> Haha

02:09 <init3> I haven't played 5 yet though.

02:09 <init3> I hear it is really good.

02:09 <ryaxnb> my spacebar on my keyboard is such garbage

02:09 <Dusky> I haven't played one since 3

02:09 <Evil_Spike> I'm waiting for it to debut on PC.

02:09 <ryaxnb> it really does make using this computer less pleasant

02:09 <Muffin_Spectacles> i never got an xbox one or PS4, so I haven't really delved into the latest GTA's. San Andreas was the last one I got back in the day.

02:09 <Muffin_Spectacles> I did have to stop, because Istarted eyeing cabs in a not-so-good way.

02:10 <KooK> yawnage

02:10 <Princess-Luna> lol

02:10 <init3> Yeah, I don't think my laptop will do 5. We'll see. It could barely do 4.

02:10 <ryaxnb> you know what's really annoying the spacebar is like the most common key on your keyboard and it's the one that breaks the most

02:10 <init3> At least it wasn't your caps lock.

02:10 <init3> That happened to me the other day during a LoL match.

02:10 <Dusky> the N key always break on mine

02:11 <init3> So I couldn't just stop typing.

02:11 <Sol> My 4 and ` keys are hit or miss for some reason

02:11 <ryaxnb> all my keys work

02:11 <init3> So to not look like a 10 year old idiot I just held down the shift key.

02:11 <init3> Yeah, my keyboard is really quite old and works fine.

02:11 <init3> And is very heavily used.

02:12 <Muffin_Spectacles> I worked a typwriter a year ago- it was so odd how quickly I remembered how to type on one.

02:12 <ryaxnb> init3: i like google's approach to caps lock

02:12 <ryaxnb> where it doesn't exist

02:12 <ryaxnb> because lol caps lock

02:12 <init3> Yeah

02:12 <Sol> It doesn't need to exist

02:12 <init3> I remember reading the press release.

02:12 <ryaxnb> yep, Sol, that's why the chromebook doesn't have caps lock.

02:12 <Princess-Luna> I kinda love my keyboard a bunch...

02:12 <ryaxnb> on the latest chrome os, alt+search does do caps lock

02:13 <ryaxnb> dont' know if that was in the launch chrome os

02:13 <Sol> Usually if you hit it, it was a mistake anyways :D

02:13 <Princess-Luna> http://genesis-zone.com/keyboards/rx66/ - it's just too funky. xD

02:13 <init3> Google said something like you can still enable caps lock in such and such a way to LEAVE INSIGHTFUL YOUTUBE COMMENTS

02:13 <ryaxnb> usually when i hit it on the chromebook it's still accident

02:14 <init3> Ok, I will never understand what a "gaming keyboard" is.

02:14 <ryaxnb> i meant to hit just Search .

02:14 <init3> Or a "gaming monitor"

02:14 <ryaxnb> but i hit alt+search

02:14 <init3> Or a "gaming headset"

02:14 <ryaxnb> init3: 120hz monitor?

02:14 <ryaxnb> would also count as a "good monitor"

02:14 <init3> That's a monitor with a high refresh rate

02:14 <init3> Not specific to gaming

02:14 <Sol> The "gaming" prefix is silly but it's slapped on everything

02:14 <Princess-Luna> Devices optimised for gaming via features you generally don't see on regular equipment

02:14 <ryaxnb> the practical applications are limited to mainly gaming amongst consumers.

02:14 <KooK> 120hz is crud

02:14 <init3> It irritates me.

02:14 <KooK> 30hz is where it's at

02:15 <ryaxnb> for 120hz, that is

02:15 <Dusky> Gaming headsets are usually pretty bad

02:15 <Evil_Spike> Why would you want to play at 30fps?

02:15 <ryaxnb> there's more uses for it if you're a pro

02:15 <Sol> > Make it some neon color > Add "Gaming" in front of the name > Raise price

02:15 <init3> I just mean either hardware is good or it's not.

02:15 <KooK> Because, 30hz is more than 120hz

02:15 <ryaxnb> but for a consumer sales model, you'd probably sell a 120hz monitor by aiming at gamers.

02:15 <Evil_Spike> My Gamecom headset is fine...

02:15 <init3> EXACTLY Sol.

02:15 <ryaxnb> init3: i disagree with monitors to a degree

02:15 <ryaxnb> presuming the feature you're selling is 120hz.

02:15 <ryaxnb> that really only sells to gamers and enterprise.

02:16 * Evil_Spike has a 60hz monitor.

02:16 <init3> Ok

02:16 <ryaxnb> enterprise obviously won't buy retail

02:16 <Princess-Luna> x3

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02:16 <init3> But I don't understand how that isn't just called a "high speed monitor" or somesuch.

02:16 <ryaxnb> targeting gamers makes sense i guess

02:16 <init3> I just think it is stupid they box these things under the flag of gaming.

02:16 <Sol> My headset is "gaming" but I got it cheap (razer carcharias)

02:16 <init3> Sure, some of my hardware is "gaming" too.

02:17 <ryaxnb> for keyboards, the main selling point would be customizable software and dedicated keys to map to that

02:17 <Princess-Luna> Yeah, marketing is about convincing an entire audience or demographic they need something they really don't. :P

02:17 <ryaxnb> as well as changable key indicators

02:17 <Princess-Luna> which is what this is all about.

02:17 <ryaxnb> however, all fo this is useful to non-gamers

02:17 <init3> I get the marketing genius of it sure.

02:17 <ryaxnb> but there's a secret

02:17 <ryaxnb> this is why gaming products work

02:17 <ryaxnb> there are two classes of expensive product buyers

02:17 <ryaxnb> actually three: Enterprise,  Apple, and Gamers.

02:17 <Sol> The rich and the uninformed?

02:18 <Evil_Spike> I actually like my "gaming" mouse.

02:18 <ryaxnb> no one who is not an Enterprise Buys an expensive computer product unless it's Apple or they're gaming.

02:18 <ryaxnb> this is the general rule.

02:18 <Evil_Spike> Because it's bigger.

02:18 <Evil_Spike> Feels more comfortable for TF2.

02:18 <ryaxnb> thus the marketing, because people who aren't gaming have "accepted" the race to the bottom, or bought a mac

02:18 <Dusky> do you have like 20 buttons on it Evil_Spike?

02:18 <init3> But I bought all my "gaming" products based on the specs. My "gaming" headset had a good frequency response, decently low impedance and a decent mic boom. If it said it was a headset for watching Justin Beiber I would have bought it.

02:18 <Pi> screeny sketch is done

02:19 <Evil_Spike> Er no. It has 5, including the mouse wheel.

02:19 <ryaxnb> init3: the reason for the marketing is because it's logical since sadly the spec-based high-end "i would like a good product please" market today amongst consumers is SOLELY gamers and apple mac buyers

02:19 <Vulpor> Hey everypne

02:19 <Evil_Spike> Hey Vulpor.

02:19 <init3> Okay, I got a 5 button not gaming mouse with my dell in 2002.

02:19 <ryaxnb> there's really no other segment.

02:19 <Evil_Spike> It's a Razer Deathadder.

02:19 <ryaxnb> there's a reason like 85% of retail NPD computers over $1000 are macs

02:20 <Princess-Luna> You don't agree with it, init3, because realistically it's daft - it's obvious to all of us that it is, really.

02:20 *** Joins: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP)

02:20 <Sol> I have a fairly cheap logitech mouse, nothing special but works

02:20 <Princess-Luna> it works, however

02:20 <ryaxnb> no one buys "good, high quality" products anymore unless theyr'e gamers or mac users.

02:20 <init3> No argument to that Princess-Luna. It sure does.

02:20 <ryaxnb> Princess-Luna: it would work a lot less well if you could market a good,  high quality computer to non-gamers

02:20 <ryaxnb> but that doesn't really work unless you're apple.

02:20 <SgtPinkie> Yo fellow brownies

02:20 <init3> I disagree ryaxnb. There are informed customers too.

02:21 <init3> Or at least ones who know how to read cnet reviews.

02:21 <ryaxnb> init3: the market says that those are unfortunately a very small segment next to gamers and mac users.

02:21 <ryaxnb> i mean, aside from "informed users' who buy cheap stuff

02:21 <ryaxnb> but the BEST cheap stuff,

02:21 <Princess-Luna> I bought my keyboard 'cause it was interesting and chunky...the gaming tag isn't something I care about as far as it's overall marketing went.

02:21 <init3> Oh... now i got ya. That's where I'm at.

02:21 <Princess-Luna> it was really just the design

02:21 <Evil_Spike> As far as I'm concerned, I have two main things I worry about.

02:22 <init3> I buy whatever is cheapest that has the specs I want.

02:22 <ryaxnb> init3: yeah, the high-end computing market has kinda dissipated outside of gaming and macs

02:22 <ryaxnb> that's what i was saying

02:22 <ryaxnb> that's not healthy.

02:22 <Evil_Spike> "Is it wired" and "Is it a decent size"?

02:22 <ryaxnb> high end is where the innovation and the profits happen.

02:22 <ryaxnb> but there really isn't a succesful PC high end market, except for gaming.

02:22 <SgtPinkie> Fun fact: The people who created the horrifying monstrosity known as Mr. Meaty also created the horrifying monstrosity known as Nanalan'

02:23 <Evil_Spike> I refuse to go wireless for my peripherals.

02:23 * init3 looks at Beats headphones.

02:23 <ryaxnb> beats aren't PC products, though.

02:23 <init3> Preeety sure there are enough people to buy stupidly overprices stuff.

02:23 <Princess-Luna> http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img905/889/LbBBsQ.jpg - just to demonstrate what it looks like in actual form, here's a picture of the wubcave. :P

02:23 <ryaxnb> init3: i said "high end" not "stupidly overpriced"

02:23 <Princess-Luna> so you can see the keyboard itself

02:23 <Evil_Spike> And this is why you also check reviews.

02:23 <init3> Beats are good headphones.

02:23 <init3> Admittedly

02:24 <ryaxnb> like, there's a reason to pay over $1000 for a computer -- but you won't find anyone doing it, aside from mac buyers.

02:24 <ryaxnb> or gamers.

02:24 <SgtPinkie> Are any of you people good at finding torrents?

02:24 <ryaxnb> If you pay $1000+ you WILL get a decidedly better computer.

02:24 <init3> You can just get as good sound from pair of Bose at half the price.

02:24 <Sol> And macbooks are good laptops. But the value:price ratio is crap.

02:25 <Evil_Spike> If you want quality, why buy a prebuilt when you can build one yourself?

02:25 <ryaxnb> Evil_Spike: thinking mainly notebooks.

02:25 <ryaxnb> Sol: the value:power ratio is crap

02:25 <Evil_Spike> Oh, right.

02:25 <ryaxnb> macbooks have outstanding keyboards, trackpads, screen.

02:26 <ryaxnb> except the MBA's screen, which is ass

02:26 <ryaxnb> and good speakers and I/O ports too (thunderbolt)

02:26 <ryaxnb> plus the OS

02:26 <Evil_Spike> Except for the fact that there is no RMB.

02:26 <ryaxnb> they have a clickpad

02:26 <ryaxnb> you do a two finger tap for rmb, like other clickpads.

02:26 <Sol> I don't think I could deal with OSX tbh

02:26 <ryaxnb> (many windows machines have clickpads now, but they don't work as good as the mac ones)

02:27 <init3> Yeah, the mac trackpads are great at picking up each finger and the pressure.

02:27 <ryaxnb> macbooks also have really fast SSDs built in and they are really light and look good

02:27 <ryaxnb> so that's what i mean by "better" not more raw power.

02:27 <Evil_Spike> They're also stupidly expensive.

02:27 <Sol> At the same price point, other offerings are just as good if not way better though

02:27 <init3> But like you said, you can get a PC with twice or 3 times the power for the same price.

02:27 <Evil_Spike> ^

02:28 <ryaxnb> Sol, ultrabooks are -- ehh--- sometimes better, but only because they took from the MBA

02:28 <Evil_Spike> Being honest, I would rather have a Netbook than a Macbook.

02:28 <Sol> At that price point I'd get one of those MSI gaming ultrabooks

02:28 <Sol> :P

02:28 <ryaxnb> the downside is that as i said, high end pc sales are pretty garbage

02:28 <init3> I'd choose based on how I would use it.

02:28 <AppleDash> I have spent quite a bit over 1000$ on my PC and plan to spend more

02:28 <Evil_Spike> Which is why you build...

02:28 <AppleDash> There is not "nobody" who does so

02:28 <init3> The other thing is be it a Mac or a PC it will have Linux on it.

02:29 <init3> So the OS point is moot for me.

02:29 <ryaxnb> they may be better, but somehow only apple has cracked how to actually get people to buy a $1000+  laptop

02:29 <ryaxnb> AppleDash: i'm thinking notebooks.

02:29 <ryaxnb> also are you a gamer?

02:29 <AppleDash> I'm typing this on a 3000$ notebook

02:29 <ryaxnb> if so you fall into the "gamer" category

02:29 <Sol> I still use Windows day-to-day but that's mostly due to laziness

02:29 <AppleDash> and yes, I am

02:29 <AppleDash> But not very heavily

02:29 <AppleDash> (For the record, said notebook is not a mac)

02:29 <ryaxnb> which is what i mentioned as the other category that does spend money on computers.

02:29 <init3> I use Linux due to laziness.

02:29 <ryaxnb> gamers and mac users.

02:30 <ryaxnb> and workstation users/enterprise (the thinkpad market)

02:30 <Sol> I've got too much stuff I'd have to set up again if I moved, init3

02:30 <AppleDash> But I barely game

02:30 <AppleDash> I need a powerful PC because I develop and run a lot of intensive things

02:30 <Evil_Spike> If Linux had more support for games I would use it over Windows.

02:30 <ryaxnb> unfortunately developers who actually buy fast machines are a very small market niche

02:30 <ryaxnb> they do not matter too much

02:30 <init3> Well if the first thing you do when you get a new computer is wipe windows and throw on Linux you'd have the opposite problem right?

02:31 <AppleDash> I don't like you either :(

02:31 <Evil_Spike> I think about half the games in my Steam Library still isn't officially supported on Linux.

02:31 <ryaxnb> AppleDash: i like you

02:31 <AppleDash> yay

02:31 <AppleDash> init3, that's what I do

02:31 <ryaxnb> i never said it was  a bad niche

02:31 <ryaxnb> just that it's not that common


02:31 <init3> THat's what WINE is for Evil_Spike. Or you can dual-boot.

02:31 <ryaxnb> gamers and mac buyers are a larger market by far.

02:31 <AppleDash> except this laptop because linux support on it is pretty terrible

02:31 <Evil_Spike> Actually, sorry to go off topic, but which should I upgrade first? My RAM or HDD?

02:31 <init3> Some games do not play nice with WINE for sure.

02:32 <AppleDash> Depends how much RAM you have and how big your HDD is

02:32 <Sketchy_Sounds> How much RAM you have?

02:32 <Evil_Spike> I've only got one 1TB HDD and 8GB of DDR3.

02:32 <init3> pfft

02:32 <ryaxnb> get a ssd

02:32 <ryaxnb> 256GB

02:32 <init3> are you running out of HDD space?

02:32 <ryaxnb> get a ssd, whether or not you are

02:32 <Sol> I could definitely switch to Linux for day-to-day stuff, there's nothing I really need that's windows only. And most games I play run on Linux fine.

02:32 <Evil_Spike> Not currently.

02:32 <ryaxnb> it's a very important upgrade.

02:32 <AppleDash> I don't really see the need for an SSD

02:32 <init3> 8G is plenty imo

02:32 <ryaxnb> i would value it over more ram for sure.

02:33 <ryaxnb> AppleDash: it makes everything much faster.

02:33 <init3> I do agree an SSD is a good idea.

02:33 <ryaxnb> if you don't like faster, don't get one

02:33 <AppleDash> source: I use 2 laptops with SSDs and a desktop with only spinning disk

02:33 <AppleDash> I don't reallllly notice the difference except during boot

02:33 <init3> SSDs make things INSANLEY fast.

02:33 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

02:33 <init3> Well, not all things.

02:33 <ryaxnb> i've upgraded my laptop to an SSD and it was notably faster.

02:33 <ryaxnb> then the ssd died (it was an early ssd)

02:33 <AppleDash> I'd rather quadruple my RAM and just load my system into a ramdisk

02:33 <ryaxnb> and it was noticably slower again.

02:33 <AppleDash> (16GB -> 64)

02:34 <Evil_Spike> I'm also thinking of possibly upgrading my Graphics from a 760 up to a 960...

02:34 <ryaxnb> i'd wait a bit

02:34 <KooK> Chama Chama Chama Chama Chama Chameleoooooooooooooon

02:34 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

02:34 <ryaxnb> both those cards use the same core process size

02:34 <ryaxnb> it would be a good upgrade, but wait for a 28nm > something else die shrink

02:34 <Princess-Luna> I can't upgrade the PC, since it's a pre-built Acer job I got second hand...and I don't really need to explain laptops and updating, lol

02:34 <ryaxnb> otherwise it's like... meh

02:34 <ryaxnb> ssd is more relevant

02:35 <Sol> I need to build a PC lol. But can't justify it with the only real reason being games. :P

02:35 <ryaxnb> there will be a die shrink eventually to like 14nm

02:35 <Princess-Luna> My brother got a hex core today, lol

02:35 <ryaxnb> which may mean a much bigger leap than just iterating 28nm like the 960

02:35 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (cvqfbnfevfu@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP)

02:35 <Evil_Spike> Sol what is your current rig?

02:35 <ryaxnb> Intel has 14nm running already.

02:35 <Sol> I'm on a laptop lol

02:36 <AppleDash> I need to upgrade just about everything I have because all my hardware keeps dying .-.

02:36 <Evil_Spike> Oh.

02:36 *** Joins: Apologue (Books@the_Library)

02:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Apologue

02:36 * Twilight_Shimmer teleports in and lands atop Princess-Luna hea

02:36 <Twilight_Shimmer> d

02:36 <Sol> Not a bad laptop, but not modern-gaming quality.

02:36 <Evil_Spike> Remember all the functions of a good PC.

02:37 <AppleDash> I'll definitely take a good desktop PC over even the best laptop any day

02:37 <Evil_Spike> ^

02:37 <Princess-Luna> well, my primary gaming thing is my HP Envy laptop right now, lol

02:37 <Sol> Even if it's for development first, gaming as an on-the-side thing?

02:37 <ryaxnb> anyway, Evil_Spike, an ssd sounds like the best upgrade

02:37 <AppleDash> Even if; that's my use case at the moment

02:38 <Evil_Spike> First thing I should actually do proper is reapply my Thermal paste.

02:39 <AppleDash> Thing is, most of the stuff I do is GPGPU compute stuff, so just about any machine I build will be a great gaming machine in the GPU department on accident

02:39 <Dusky> it's easier for me to just get a new PC, rather than upgrade the one i have :P, especially seeing as i don't have a brilliant technical knowledge of PC's

02:39 <AppleDash> Ugh, I literally thought to myself "don't type 'on accident', that sounds dumb" but I typed it by accident anyways

02:40 <Evil_Spike> I know it's still running at around 40C idle, but still...

02:40 <AppleDash> You don't need brilliant technical knowledge to perform most PC upgrades

02:40 *** CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob

02:40 <ryaxnb> the hardest are CPU upgrades

02:40 <AppleDash> Even that is simple

02:40 <ryaxnb> GPU upgrades are only a pain if the GPU is very large (i.e.a  gamer gpu)

02:41 <ryaxnb> but those are really easy

02:41 *** Octave|PS2 is now known as OctaveSymphony

02:41 <ryaxnb> they're just slightly harder than ram and ssd

02:41 <Dusky> well i need to replace literally everything for it to be considered "modern" the motherboard is so old

02:41 <Evil_Spike> Building is simple, if a little finicky.

02:41 <AppleDash> I do not look forward to modding my case to fit quad GPUs when it was only meant for 3.

02:42 <Evil_Spike> AppleDash, you should probably look at getting a new Case.

02:42 <AppleDash> Nah

02:42 <AppleDash> I like my case quite a bit

02:43 <init3> Is there really good airflow?

02:43 <AppleDash> I'd say so

02:43 <init3> Within reason if so.

02:43 <AppleDash> 3 large intake fans and 4 exhaust

02:43 <init3> Eh, just monitor that is all. 4 graphics cards is like having a space heater in your case.

02:44 <AppleDash> Well, my plan is to water cool

02:44 <init3> Oh, well airflow is irrelevant.

02:44 <AppleDash> :P

02:44 <init3> :)

02:46 <EtherNet> You can't watercool everything on that mobo, still needs a bit of airflow.

02:46 <EtherNet> Not to mention all the power assemblies that run hot.

02:47 <Night_Blitz> just dump the thing in mineral oil and circulate that through a cooler

02:47 <init3> Well I am assuming airflow would still exist within reason.

02:47 <init3> Or that.

02:47 <init3> I really do want to try that.

02:47 <Evil_Spike> I should probably have some breakfast...

02:49 <Schism> Mmmmmm.  Melted, thin-sliced beef; green peppers, mushrooms and onions, fried up; cheddar cheese that practically melts before it hits the toasted whole-wheat bun...

02:49 <Schism> There's nothing like a Philly Cheesesteak for a late dinner.

02:49 <Dusky> Dammit Schism now i'm hungry

02:50 <Schism> It's what I do.

02:50 <Evil_Spike> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3LDp-EC-hE

02:50 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Mark Henry - That's What I DO

02:50 <ryaxnb> isn't the number of gpus a system can hold defined by # of slots and power

02:51 <ryaxnb> rather than "# gpus"

02:51 <ryaxnb> since a gpu can be single-slot, dual-slot, or triple-slot

02:51 <Dusky> Exactly what i was thinking Evil_Spike

02:51 <ryaxnb> and there's one GPU that requires a liquid cooling system

02:51 <init3> Wow

02:52 <ryaxnb> a system designed for two GPU could probably fit three single-slot GPUs.

02:52 * Schism also offers Dusky a slice of orange cream pie, topped with dark chocolate shavings and whipped cream.

02:52 <init3> Graphics cards are getting so ludicrously fast...

02:52 <ryaxnb> init3: the radeon R9 290X X2.

02:52 <init3> They are practically going PLAD.

02:52 <ryaxnb> it competes with the Geforce Titan 3

02:52 <Dusky> ooooooh

02:52 <init3> huehuehuehue

02:52 <ryaxnb> er, titan ii

02:53 <init3> Even though I honestly have one. I don't think I'll ever buy another AMD graphics card. Support in Linux is such crap.

02:53 <init3> Well, it is alright.

02:53 <ryaxnb> er, r9 295x2

02:53 * Dusky Greatfully accepts the slice and immediately scarfs it down

02:53 <ryaxnb> well, NVIDIA's support is worse

02:53 <ryaxnb> granted, it's better but it's closed source

02:54 <init3> So are the AMD drivers.

02:54 <init3> And parts of the nvidia drivers are released by them as OSS.

02:54 <init3> parts

02:54 <ryaxnb> init3: no, they stopped doing that.

02:54 <init3> Oh. Balls.

02:54 <ryaxnb> the AMD  drivers are cloed, but AMD contributes documentation and developers to the OSS drivers

02:55 <ryaxnb> with the eventual intention of deprecating catalyst

02:55 <init3> Oh?

02:55 <init3> In favor of what then?

02:55 <ryaxnb> as such, the radeon open source drivers work pretty well.

02:55 <init3> Not really.

02:55 <ryaxnb> the open source drivers?

02:55 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP)

02:55 <ryaxnb> well, it depends on the card.

02:55 <init3> Not for 3D acceleration.

02:55 <init3> 2D sure.

02:55 <ryaxnb> on my 7750, support is 100% but speed is somewhat slower than the catalyst drivers.

02:55 <ryaxnb> it does support 3d and supports all teh 3d features of the card though

02:55 <ryaxnb> it's just a bit slower.

02:56 <init3> Well

02:56 <init3> That's a problem to me.

02:56 <ryaxnb> well yeah, but it gets faster with each kernel rev

02:56 <ryaxnb> whereas NVIDIA/AMD drivers often don't work at all with beta kernels

02:56 <init3> I guess if you have an insanely fast GPU already it isn't so bad.

02:56 <ryaxnb> beta kernels work really good with AMD cards because their open source drivers tend to be better

02:56 <init3> All I have is a lappy with a...

02:57 <init3> 6800M... I think?

02:57 <init3> Not sure tbh

02:57 <init3> It is dead atm.

02:57 <Evil_Spike> Go into System Info.

02:57 <init3> Dead

02:57 <ryaxnb> nearly every kernel rev has major enhancements to the driver speed, and now i think it's ike 80-95% the speed of the catalyst drivers

02:57 <ryaxnb> on most cards...

02:57 <init3> the laptop is no more

02:57 <ryaxnb> (catalyst remains available if you need it)

02:57 <init3> it has ceased to be

02:57 <Evil_Spike> I should probably update my Graphics Driver.

02:58 <ryaxnb> but i really like the open source drivers, because they work with new kernels much faster than NVIDIA drivers.

02:58 <ryaxnb> :D

02:58 <Evil_Spike> It literally hasn't been updated for 2 months.

02:58 <init3> Luckily my brother has the same laptop and is going to lend it to me.

02:58 <init3> and Evil_Spike, it'd be "lspci |grep VGA"

02:58 <init3> ;p

02:59 <ryaxnb> init3: and with wayland and mir coming out i trust OSS drivers way more to keep up with changes to the linux graphics stack

02:59 <ryaxnb> rather than pulling them back

02:59 <init3> Wh

02:59 <init3> *eh

03:00 <init3> I dunno

03:00 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

03:00 <init3> I hope Wayland goes places (screw canonical, I don't care)

03:00 <ryaxnb> neither nvidia nor amd has officially declared support for mir, and NVIDIA has declared support for wayland.

03:00 <init3> But I really don't see X getting usurped for a long, long time.

03:00 <ryaxnb> i think x will be replaced quickly

03:00 <ryaxnb> compatibility isn't a huge issue

03:00 <init3> Time will tell.

03:01 <ryaxnb> running x11 servers alongside wayland isn't a big deal anymore

03:01 <ryaxnb> x11 has a lower footprint than gtk3

03:01 <ryaxnb> running it when you need to spawn a dependent app is easy

03:01 <ryaxnb> and then stopping it when you don't

03:01 <ryaxnb> it'll be seamless.

03:01 <init3> Sure, but I mean to be replaced completely, thus no longer needing crappy X drivers.

03:02 <init3> When that day comes, I will be euphoric.

03:02 <ryaxnb> i think that kind of approach will have wayland as the main server

03:02 <ryaxnb> with x11 running through wayland

03:02 <ryaxnb> like how X11 runs through quartz on os x.

03:02 <ryaxnb> the driver just forwards X11 to the Wayland/Quartz lower-level system

03:02 <init3> I'll take you at your word for OSX

03:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Bonnie Zacherle, Creator MLP, to Attend Everfree Northwest! [ http://tinyurl.com/py59tho ]

03:02 <ryaxnb> not sure how Xwayland actually works.

03:03 <init3> So the stack goes kernel > Driver > Wayland > X?

03:03 <ryaxnb> yeah

03:03 <ryaxnb> that's what it says on this representation

03:03 <ryaxnb> http://wayland.freedesktop.org/x-on-wayland.png

03:03 <ryaxnb> x goes atop wayland

03:03 <init3> Hmm, I assumed wayland and X both had driver level access.

03:03 <ryaxnb> nope

03:03 *** Joins: Seapony_Lyra (Books@Pony-oviqup.biz.rr.com)

03:03 <ryaxnb> that would be kludgy

03:03 <ryaxnb> this does make x11 slightly slower, but not drastically so

03:03 <ryaxnb> it's not noticable on modern systems except for 3d games.

03:04 <ryaxnb> and then it'd be like the speed loss wine incurs -- not massive.

03:04 <init3> Right.

03:05 <SgtPinkie> Bonnie Zacherle appears at a decent number of brony conventions

03:05 <init3> Stuff still needs to be ported to be native on wayland for it to become mainstream.

03:05 <init3> That is what I think will take a long time.

03:05 *** Quits: Apologue (Books@the_Library) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:05 <ryaxnb> the toolkits, though

03:06 <ryaxnb> anything that is app level rather than DE-level and uses GTK3, Qt4/5 or SDL2 can be ported to wayland with a recompile

03:06 <ryaxnb> barring weird X11 hooks

03:06 <init3> I unno. Then again OSS can move like lightning.

03:06 <ryaxnb> which mostly DEs have.

03:06 <ryaxnb> so the holdup has been DEs

03:06 <ryaxnb> if you use a beta DE for wayland, most GTK3/Qt4/5 apps already build for wayland.

03:06 <init3> No small hangup though for most people.

03:07 <ryaxnb> well yeah, but once they're done, and GNOME and KDE both have betas that support wayland with more work needed

03:07 <ryaxnb> most other day-to-day apps aside from chrome should also support wayland

03:07 <init3> We shall see is all. I feel we are bogarting the channel though.

03:07 <ryaxnb> and chrome will probably add support at some point.

03:07 <ryaxnb> okay, init3

03:07 <init3> I mean, I do hope you are right.

03:08 * Cephy-LIVE flails around Drake Sword! Cepheid runs around with it!

03:08 <init3> But all in time I suppose.

03:08 <init3> Geez my dogs can be annoying. There is one set of stairs that is hardwood and they refuse to go down them and just sit and whine for hours if someone is downstairs.

03:09 * Schism offers Cepheid a small philly cheesesteak.

03:09 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gk7te9.bigpond.net.au)

03:09 * Cephy-LIVE noms it.

03:09 <Cephy-LIVE> http://www.twitch.tv/cepheidvar For those who want to watch me play Dark Souls with no shield and using miracles.  I never used miracles before, so.. :P

03:10 <ryaxnb> init3: os x is the best

03:10 <Princess-Luna> No shield? XD

03:10 <ryaxnb> i'm running it here.

03:10 <Princess-Luna> that sounds terrible, lol

03:11 <ryaxnb> init3: have you ever used kde 5?

03:11 <Cephy-LIVE> It's doable, Luna.

03:11 <init3> Not sure. I think 4 is what my laptop has.

03:11 <init3> Could be 5

03:11 <Cephy-LIVE> Surprisingly I find it... easier.

03:12 * init3 looks at screenshots of KDE 5

03:12 <init3> nope

03:12 <init3> Not running THAT.

03:12 <init3> (currently I mean)

03:12 * Twilight_Shimmer teleports back in from the land of AFK and hops back atop Princess-Luna head

03:12 <Schism> The best offense is a good sword-sword.

03:13 <Cephy-LIVE> The reason is that I dodge a lot, and because I'm not defending..

03:13 <Cephy-LIVE> I can move around more easily.

03:13 <init3> I was really stand off on KDE for a while due to resource hogging but I rather like it as of late. Though I'm just on my server for the moment so I'm using a barebones XFCE install.

03:13 <Cephy-LIVE> Shield usage slows movement down.

03:13 <Cephy-LIVE> So I can back off more easily.

03:13 <Schism> All about motion.

03:13 <init3> I do like XFCE a lot too.

03:15 *** Joins: KooK_ (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

03:15 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

03:15 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

03:15 <init3> Well, I'mma go hop on a decent computer so I can play some League.

03:16 *** init3 is now known as init3-away

03:16 <Cephy-LIVE> Hum..

03:16 <Cephy-LIVE> Do I solo the boss of the cathedral or call upon other players?

03:16 <init3-away> LEEEROY JENKINS?

03:16 <init3-away> Do eeet

03:16 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (ChaoticRift@Pony-jf7icb.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:17 <Cephy-LIVE> There's usually no benefit to soloing.

03:17 <Cephy-LIVE> Other than "kudos"

03:17 <Schism> My, those enemies sure are dropping a lot of shields.

03:17 <init3-away> For the love of chicken?

03:17 <Schism> Not using your souls to level, Cephy?

03:18 <Cephy-LIVE> I will in a moment.

03:19 <init3-away> Bah, this old server can't handle a twitch stream.

03:19 <init3-away> Poor derpy. I purposefully stuck the crappiest graphics card I had in her.

03:19 <init3-away> It is a SERVEr

03:19 <init3-away> crai

03:20 <Evil_Spike> You named your server Derpy?

03:20 <init3-away> Yes

03:20 <init3-away> My web server is sweetiebot

03:20 <init3-away> Used to have a windows server. Guess what I called it?

03:20 <init3-away> Discord

03:21 <init3-away> Because windows

03:21 <ryaxnb> i prefer sweetiebot

03:21 <Ali> Does it run on Vista or 8?

03:21 <ryaxnb> the serving levels will be at maximum efficency!

03:21 *** Nully is now known as Nelly

03:21 <init3-away> There was also a server named dash and a VM on it named tank at one point. Don't remember what they did.

03:21 <Ali> Cause if its 7, then its not discord

03:21 <init3-away> Ali it was server 2008.

03:21 <ryaxnb> Ali yeah, server, remember?

03:22 <Ali> THAT"S NOT VISTA

03:22 <ryaxnb> that's based on vista.

03:22 <Ali> :P

03:22 <ryaxnb> server 2008 = vista.

03:22 <init3-away> I think 08 is based on 7

03:22 <init3-away> iirc

03:22 <ryaxnb> that's Server 08 R2

03:22 <ryaxnb> which you may have been running

03:22 <init3-away> Oh, well that's what I mean I guess.

03:22 *** init3-away is now known as init3

03:22 <init3> I am getting to ADD to actually go play League.

03:22 <init3> *too

03:23 <Schism> Yeah, Cepheid, you're coming through fine.

03:23 *** Joins: LightDash (qywulflmigy@Pony-s7k2gh.mtl.aei.ca)

03:23 <Schism> Bit of lag on the stream, but that may be on my end.

03:23 <init3> I have been strictly a Linux admin for almost all of my career.

03:23 <SgtPinkie> I find it weird that semi-prominent brony artist Veggie55 has watched me on DeviantArt since 2012

03:24 <init3> I love his comics.

03:24 <init3> Feel gud.

03:24 <SgtPinkie> As do I

03:24 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

03:24 <init3> So I tend to forget the little nuances of Windows Server offerings.

03:25 <init3> But yeah, 08 R2 I am pretty sure. I think I went straight to R2 from 03.

03:25 <init3> Not that I ever trusted my windows servers to do anything important.

03:25 *** Quits: F4celess (Norse@Pony-i5jn56.bb.online.no) (Quit: Some folks are wise, and some otherwise.)

03:25 *** Joins: Toothpaste (uid63062@Pony-tbaiid.charlton.irccloud.com)

03:26 <Schism> I fear I'm going to start playing Skyrim for a little while.  I have Smithing to level...

03:26 <Sol> No such thing as playing Skyrim "for a little while"

03:26 <Schism> Sure there is.  Jump in, clear dungeon, collect iron, smith, jump out.

03:26 <Sol> Until you get distracted and don't jump out :)

03:26 <Nelly> lool

03:27 <Nelly> ^ sounds about normal

03:27 <Cephy-LIVE> Besides the lag..

03:27 <Cephy-LIVE> How was the quality though?

03:27 <Schism> Fairly good!

03:27 <Cephy-LIVE> And I can do better.

03:27 <Cephy-LIVE> That's just at 6mbps upload.

03:27 *** Joins: LiquidSunshine4 (qlfcsffrvsr@Pony-pgr.kk7.254.132.IP)

03:28 <LiquidSunshine4> KooK!

03:28 *** Quits: Seapony_Lyra (Books@Pony-oviqup.biz.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:28 <LiquidSunshine4> Are you there??

03:29 *** Nelly is now known as Black

03:30 <Cephy-LIVE> Bloody PvPers..

03:30 <SgtPinkie> OH JC

03:30 <LiquidSunshine4> Live stream Ceph??

03:30 <Cephy-LIVE> Yeah.

03:30 <Cephy-LIVE> http://www.twitch.tv/cepheidvar

03:30 <Cephy-LIVE> Dark Souls.

03:31 <LiquidSunshine4> uuuh nice

03:31 <SgtPinkie> You know how people say how if you type in any name and "the hedgehog", there will be a Sonic OC within the first several results?

03:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: DrWolf Reviews The Cutie Map [ http://tinyurl.com/pgcf9yx ]

03:32 <SgtPinkie> I just found one completely by accident

03:32 <SgtPinkie> Except it wasn't a hedgehog, it was a raccoon

03:33 <LiquidSunshine4> same with pones SgtPinkie

03:33 *** Joins: Seapony_Lyra (Books@Pony-oviqup.biz.rr.com)

03:33 <LiquidSunshine4> Typeanything and then "mlp"

03:33 <SgtPinkie> A raccoon named Rocky

03:33 <LiquidSunshine4> type anything*

03:33 <SgtPinkie> As in

03:33 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k8W4LE2xts

03:33 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

03:33 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Beatles - Rocky Raccoon - Lyrics

03:35 *** Princess-Luna is now known as Adam-Jensen

03:37 <SgtPinkie> Still trying to figure out why Paul Blart 2 exists

03:37 <init3> Oh I know

03:37 <init3> ALL of my why

03:37 <init3> All of it.

03:37 <Adam-Jensen> Money.

03:37 <Adam-Jensen> It's always about money...

03:37 <init3> Did the first one make money? I thought it flopped.

03:38 <Adam-Jensen> Somebody clearly got something from it

03:38 <init3> I suppose the fact that there is a sequel answers that.

03:38 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-45d29l.dynamic.sonic.net)

03:40 <SgtPinkie> I will admit that despite the negative reviews as it's getting, I still kind of want to see Home

03:40 <SgtPinkie> If only for the fact that the book it's loosely inspired by is really good

03:40 *** Joins: Knight_Dash (mgvffpbtxpk@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP)

03:41 <Knight_Dash> Hey, guys.

03:41 <Adam-Jensen> Hello. o.o

03:41 <Knight_Dash> o.o?

03:41 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-582t41.east.verizon.net)

03:41 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

03:41 <Adam-Jensen> it's an emote...I'm emoting, or something. *Stoic face intensifies*

03:42 * Thelema5 doesn't even bother whoising Adam-Jensen

03:42 <Adam-Jensen> xD

03:42 <Thelema5> :p

03:42 * LiquidSunshine4 hugs Knight_Dash

03:42 <LiquidSunshine4> Howdy Thelema!!!!!

03:42 <Thelema5> Hey hey.

03:43 <Knight_Dash> Just need to throw a third hey in there.

03:43 <Knight_Dash> Hello, Liquidsunshine and Thelema. :)

03:44 <Thelema5> !link https://youtu.be/GDT7GP9l1-I

03:44 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

03:44 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Fat Albert Hey Hey Hey

03:44 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

03:44 *** Reia_Work is now known as Reia_Hope

03:45 <Thelema5> Was Fat Albert the first major network cartoon with mostly black characters?

03:46 *** Parts: Black (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful) ("*Poof*")

03:47 <Thelema5> Pings are magic!

03:48 <Vulpor> Thelema5 I think so

03:48 <Vulpor> about Fat Albert

03:48 <Thelema5> :p

03:49 <Thelema5> Kind of sad then that it featured a bunch of kids just wasting time hanging out in a junyard.

03:49 <Thelema5> It could have been black superheros, or scientists... or anything more respectful, really.

03:50 <LiquidSunshine4> hey hey hey

03:51 <LiquidSunshine4> Stay out of my shed

03:52 *** Joins: ponyQuill (lu@Pony-pm62gl.fbx.proxad.net)

03:52 *** Quits: ponyQuill (lu@Pony-pm62gl.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: leaving)

03:52 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP) (Connection closed)

03:52 * Schism offers Thelema5 some garlic toast.

03:53 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP)

03:53 <Schism> Baked until crusty, with tons of garlic and tons of cheese atop.

03:53 *** Quits: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:54 <Thelema5> Thanks, but no thanks.  I just came back from an all you can eat buffet... and I'm sure I ate more than my money's worth.

03:55 *** Joins: ponyQuill (lulune@Pony-pm62gl.fbx.proxad.net)

03:55 <EtherNet> Sounds like a good time, what kinda buffet, Thelema5?

03:55 <Schism> Heehee.  We're the sort of people who are dangerous at buffets.

03:56 <Thelema5> Mostly chinese american, but they had a mongolian grill and an American food section.

03:56 <Thelema5> I sampled more then 20 items.  O.o

03:57 *** Joins: Dunky (sdcrhoyvohp@Pony-0pcbds.cc.gettysburg.edu)

03:57 *** Quits: Toothpaste (uid63062@Pony-tbaiid.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: "Friendship ain't magic; it's a miracle." -ClaviSound)

03:57 <Thelema5> Small samples, sure... but it adds up.

03:57 *** Joins: SgtPinkie_ (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP)

03:57 <LiquidSunshine4> Damn, Schism is always offering some delicious food :P

03:58 *** Quits: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

03:58 <Thelema5> Schism is thoughtful foodpone

03:58 <LiquidSunshine4> Im also a danger at buffets :P

03:58 *** Stradi|Resting is now known as Stradiverra

03:59 <Thelema5> Ooh, that's fun- Larson is letting the fandom name Starlight Glimmer's town.

04:00 <Thelema5> We need to come up with the winning entry!

04:00 <LiquidSunshine4> Yes!!

04:00 <Thelema5> Ideas?

04:00 <EtherNet> We shall call it 'This Town'.

04:00 <Sol> "Our Town" was a fine name

04:00 <LiquidSunshine4> Hmmmm

04:00 <Sol> :P

04:00 <Thelema5> Ourtown is a good name, for sure.

04:00 <LiquidSunshine4> Ponyngrad

04:01 <LiquidSunshine4> As in Stalingrad

04:01 <Thelema5> Stalliongrad has been suggested

04:01 <LiquidSunshine4> Or smth like that

04:01 <Knight_Dash> From the looks of the tweet pictured, it's not like they're actually going to assign what the fandom chooses. it looks more like "we're not naming it, but the fandom can call it what they want"

04:01 <LiquidSunshine4> Stallion, silly LiquidSunshine4

04:01 <EtherNet> 'Nondescript Town'

04:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Story: Something Magical [ http://tinyurl.com/pwa7boy ]

04:02 <Adam-Jensen> Yup

04:02 <Adam-Jensen> they probably never had a name, so it's really a 'eh, this ones for you.' thing

04:03 <Sol> I mean a pun is pretty much required, so..

04:03 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst_ (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP)

04:03 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

04:04 *** Joins: init3 (Jason@Pony-hj80u5.dyn.centurytel.net)

04:04 *** Joins: ShadySound (Zerky@Pony-bl1eo3.client.mchsi.com)

04:04 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

04:05 <Knight_Dash> Went and found the tweet.

04:05 <Knight_Dash> This is the rest of it:

04:05 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

04:05 <Knight_Dash> https://twitter.com/M_A_Larson/status/585868333691576321

04:05 <ShadySound> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKqijKt1W9A

04:05 *** Quits: ponyQuill (lulune@Pony-pm62gl.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: Quitte)

04:05 <SgtPinkie_> I still vote Mareminus

04:06 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha

04:06 <Evil_Spike> I vote Merasmus!

04:06 <Evil_Spike> Always vote Merasmus.

04:06 *** Joins: Fillyfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gk7te9.bigpond.net.au)

04:06 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:07 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

04:09 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gk7te9.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:09 <Thelema5> M.A. Larson is a good guy.

04:10 <Adam-Jensen> Larson is a pretty great type, can't fault him there

04:12 <TheHolyOdst_> Herro

04:12 <Knight_Dash> Welcome.

04:13 <LiquidSunshine4> hi!

04:13 <TheHolyOdst_> Its been a while since ive been on here.

04:13 <Thelema5> Hello, TheHolyOdst_.  It has indeed.

04:13 <Thelema5> Welcome back!

04:14 <LiquidSunshine4> Then glad you are here!

04:14 <Dusky> Same with me, today was the first time i've been on in over a year!

04:14 <Thelema5> Welcome back, Dusky.

04:14 <Thelema5> Have ya'll returned because Season 5 has started?

04:14 <Knight_Dash> Over a year! No wonder I don't know you.

04:15 <Evil_Spike> I've been here for a while.

04:15 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

04:15 <Vulpor> Has anyone bought Larson's book?

04:15 <TheHolyOdst_> I think its been like 4-6 months since ive been on.

04:15 <LiquidSunshine4> Dangit, a year is  long time

04:15 <Vulpor> M.A. Larson

04:15 <Knight_Dash> Nah, TheHolyOdst.

04:15 <Thelema5> Feels longer, TheHolyOdst_.

04:15 <Knight_Dash> I think I remember you - Or at least remember someone who used "Herro".

04:15 <TheHolyOdst_> I always use Herro.

04:16 <Dusky> Partly also, i stopped watching early season 4 and have only just got back into MLP

04:16 <LiquidSunshine4> I started being here around the final days of january

04:16 <TheHolyOdst_> One sec imma try and fix this it has a uderscoreafter my name.

04:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> !seen screenaholic

04:16 <DerpyBot> The_Nostalgia_Mare: The last time I saw screenaholic was 2015-04-09 20:38:28 UTC

04:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Darn it.

04:16 <LiquidSunshine4> but feels longer XD

04:16 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst_ (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

04:17 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> !mail screenaholic Ray is leaving Roosterteeth...

04:17 <DerpyBot> Thank you for using the Derpy Mail Service 6_9

04:17 <Vulpor> Dusky then welcome back to the room and the Herd

04:17 <Dusky> Thanks Vulpor!

04:17 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-829p59.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:17 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hai, Dusky.

04:17 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP)

04:18 <Vulpor> You know of the big change at the end of Season 4 right Dusky?

04:18 <Dusky> Hey The_Nostalgia_Mare, i remember you at least

04:18 <TheHolyOdst> Ok im back.

04:18 *** Cephy-LIVE is now known as Cepheid

04:18 <Dusky> Yeah i watched the finale

04:18 <init3> AH GOT MAH LOANER LAPPY!

04:19 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> You guys ready for the new episode tomorrow?

04:19 <LiquidSunshine4> YEEEES

04:19 <init3> No longer on a server being dragged unwillingly into being a workstation and a server.

04:19 <Dusky> Oh yes i am

04:19 <TheHolyOdst> Totaly forgot it friday/

04:19 <Evil_Spike> I'm off to get some food. BBL.

04:19 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> The 5 steps of grief episode.

04:19 <Knight_Dash> AGH SPOILER

04:20 <TheHolyOdst> So hard to type with one hand.

04:20 *** Quits: Evil_Spike (EvilSpike@Pony-93mbhe.e-wire.net.au) (Quit: Off to plan for world domination.)

04:20 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Sorry.

04:20 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Wait who's Adam-Jensen?

04:20 <Adam-Jensen>

04:20 <Adam-Jensen> my only clue

04:20 <Knight_Dash> I already knew the title of the episode, so what you just said actually tells me a lot.

04:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Heh.

04:21 <LiquidSunshine4> What Knight_Dash ?

04:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Adam-Jensen, cause of the new Deus Ex?

04:21 <Adam-Jensen> Maybe a tad. >.>

04:22 <Adam-Jensen> But I AM getting the jacket next wednsday

04:22 <Knight_Dash> Never mind, LiquidSunshine.

04:22 <init3> I know woo et iz!

04:22 <Dusky> ^

04:22 <LiquidSunshine4> alright then

04:23 <init3> Thankfully, I do not know the name of the episode. So I think I for the most part remain unspoiled.

04:23 <TheHolyOdst> So what everybody doing.

04:23 <Adam-Jensen> uploading a file for a friend, then probably heading to bed. XD

04:23 <LiquidSunshine4> chemistry school proyect :'(

04:23 <init3> Actually, the comment just makes me curious and anxious for it.

04:23 <TheHolyOdst> Im modding terraria.

04:24 <init3> Ooh, what specifically LiquidSunshine4?

04:24 <LiquidSunshine4> ITs 10:21 pm, been here at school since 7am

04:24 <Thelema5> I'm just browsing youtube, TheHolyOdst.

04:24 <Vulpor> Int3..............

04:24 <init3> Wat

04:24 <Vulpor> I know the name of the episode

04:24 <Dusky> Listening to a podcast myself

04:24 <LiquidSunshine4> biodiesel

04:24 <LiquidSunshine4> not actually producing it

04:24 <init3> I know. I didn't say anything other than "that comment"

04:25 <LiquidSunshine4> But doing aaaaaall the necesary formulas and calculus to theoretically produce it

04:25 <init3> I literally have zero way to post spoilers as I know zero about the ep.

04:25 <init3> Oh.

04:25 <LiquidSunshine4> And how it can help the society and that silly stuff

04:25 <init3> So not really interesting chemistry, just tedious chemistry.

04:25 <LiquidSunshine4> You know a thing init3, its gonna air tomorrow :P

04:25 <init3> Truf

04:26 <LiquidSunshine4> Eeyup, not the fun one

04:26 <init3> MODSMODS LiquidSunshine4 posted SPOILERZ. Me too.

04:26 <Thelema5> I'm excited for new pone

04:26 * Adam-Jensen tsks

04:26 <init3> Right?

04:26 *** Parts: Knight_Dash (mgvffpbtxpk@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP) ()

04:26 *** Joins: Knight_Dash (mgvffpbtxpk@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP)

04:26 <Thelema5> I think this is the first episode I've managed to avoid ALL spoilers.

04:26 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-829p59.east.verizon.net)

04:26 <TheHolyOdst> Cant wait for tomorrow.

04:26 <Thelema5> I've no idea what to expect.

04:27 <Knight_Dash> Retreated because you said LiquidSunshine posted spoilers. Even though I don't know if he actually did.

04:27 <Knight_Dash> Lucky you, Thelema.

04:27 <Adam-Jensen> I do, saying zilch

04:27 <Thelema5> He did not spoil, Knight_Dash.

04:27 <LiquidSunshine4> not really Knight_Dash :D

04:27 <Knight_Dash> Well, better safe than sorry.

04:27 <init3> LiquidSunshine4 said that it airs tomorrow. I was being stupid.

04:27 <Dusky> I know a little and i shall say none

04:27 <Knight_Dash> Right, I figured it could be a joke, but I didn't want to risk it.

04:27 <init3> Got ya

04:28 <init3> I didn't realize the consequences of my joke.

04:28 <Thelema5> Knight_Dash, spoiler: There may be pones

04:28 <LiquidSunshine4> I wast just messing with init3 , saying that in fact he knew that the ep is going to air tomorrow :D

04:28 <LiquidSunshine4> And he said before he knew 0 things about the ep :P

04:29 <init3> Right

04:29 <Knight_Dash> I see, I see.

04:29 * init3 is stupid pone

04:29 * LiquidSunshine4 is stupid too

04:29 <Thelema5> Don't say silly things

04:29 <Thelema5> Unless you're Pinkie Pie.

04:29 *** Joins: Nilak (sid66366@Pony-nhk1rm.charlton.irccloud.com)

04:30 <Thelema5> Hello, Nilak.

04:30 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Thelema5, who is the real pink pony?

04:30 * LiquidSunshine4 and init3 are silly togather

04:30 <Thelema5> Diamond Tiara?

04:31 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Whoever is the real pinkie pie, please sit down.

04:31 <Adam-Jensen> That'd never work

04:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Midwest Brony Fest Seeking Volunteers  [ http://tinyurl.com/qcuwxgq ]

04:32 <Vulpor> OHHHHHHHHHHH MY

04:32 <Vulpor> I found The Excorcist audiobook

04:32 *** Joins: Toothpaste (uid63062@Pony-tbaiid.charlton.irccloud.com)

04:32 <LiquidSunshine4> The_Nostalgia_Mare: GREAT parody song, one of my favorites

04:32 <Thelema5> I was unaware that there was a Midwest Brony Feast

04:32 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor is George Taekai.

04:32 <Thelema5> LOLOLOL

04:32 <Thelema5> It could be.

04:32 <Vulpor> I wish

04:32 <LiquidSunshine4> You are doomed Vulpor

04:33 <Vulpor> Ive never read the book

04:33 <Vulpor> seen the movie

04:33 <Knight_Dash> The movie was based on a book? Or is it just a novelization?

04:34 <TheHolyOdst> Anyone know a good irc for android.

04:34 <Sol> TheHolyOdst, AndChat

04:34 <TheHolyOdst> Alright ill get AndChat

04:34 <LiquidSunshine4> HoloIRC

04:34 <LiquidSunshine4> ^is the best one

04:35 <Sol> Preference

04:35 <Vulpor> based on a novel Knight_Dash

04:35 <Knight_Dash> Interesting.

04:35 <LiquidSunshine4> If the audiobook is narrated nicely, I bet it will scare a lot more then the movie :P

04:36 <Vulpor> Most great movies are based on books

04:36 *** Quits: Cloud_Zephyr|Away (Cloud_Zephy@all.the.booty) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:37 <LiquidSunshine4> True, its preference. I personally like HoloIRC very much, it works perfectly for me :D TheHolyOdst

04:37 <Knight_Dash> I think I'm decent at narrating stuff, personally. Decent by the standards of regular people, anyway; I may not be *that* good. And apart from narrating, I think I'm also reasonably skilled at writing (again, by the standards of regular people). Maybe my special talent is storytelling!

04:37 <TheHolyOdst> Ill try both.

04:37 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

04:37 <TheHolyOdst> My special talent is making people laugh and pwning scrubs.

04:37 <Sol> AndChat has "This app is no longer being updated" at the start of the description now, so...hm

04:37 <Sol> Not that Android apps generally break or anything

04:37 <Knight_Dash> But that's two.

04:38 <LiquidSunshine4> I also consider myself good at narrating, I have a good narrator voice. But I dont quite have a skill in writing

04:38 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (ChaoticRift@Pony-jf7icb.md.comcast.net)

04:38 <Dusky> I'm okay at acting i guess

04:38 *** Crimson_Tail is now known as Pony_81394

04:39 <TheHolyOdst> So where can i find the server url for Canternet

04:39 <Sol> It's irc.canternet.org

04:39 <Knight_Dash> I'm probably better at writing than at narrating, though.

04:40 <LiquidSunshine4> Knight_Dash: helped me with that, If i remember well

04:40 <Vulpor> Why would you want that HolyOdst

04:40 <TheHolyOdst> Thanks Sol.

04:40 <Knight_Dash> I think I might have... Or maybe I offered to but never got around to it. Refresh my memory on which fic?

04:41 <LiquidSunshine4> No silly, with the stuff when logging in mobile IRC

04:41 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr|Away (Cloud_Zephy@Pony-ikjvin.range86-186.btcentralplus.com)

04:43 <Knight_Dash> Logging into mobile IRC? Oh, I don't think I helped. I think I was there, though, but I didn't know anything.

04:43 <Knight_Dash> Other people helped you out, if I recall.

04:43 *** Quits: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:43 <TheHolyOdst> Cant connect.

04:44 <LiquidSunshine4> Oh dangit, sorry for bothering you Knight :P

04:44 <LiquidSunshine4> Let me see if I can help you HolyOdst

04:44 <LiquidSunshine4> Which app are you using?

04:44 <TheHolyOdst> HoloIrc

04:44 *** Quits: Fillyfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gk7te9.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:45 *** Joins: LiquidSunshine41 (holoirc@Pony-pgr.kk7.254.132.IP)

04:45 <SgtPinkie_> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YapK9O2sygE

04:45 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

04:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about 33 Simpsons Impressions

04:45 <LiquidSunshine4> ^ me in IRC

04:45 <TheHolyOdst> ok

04:46 <LiquidSunshine4> wait a sec

04:46 <Sol> There was something odd with the ssl cert when I connected, had to tell hexchat to ignore that and connect anyways

04:48 <Sol> But that's the right IP and the port is default

04:48 <TheHolyOdst> lemme try again

04:49 <TheHolyOdst> Still wont work ill try the other irc client

04:49 <LiquidSunshine4> what are you being asked TheHolyOdst ?

04:49 <Knight_Dash> Oh, it's no bother. :)

04:49 *** Joins: TheBeans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

04:51 *** Joins: Beans3 (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

04:51 *** Quits: SgtPinkie_ (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP) (Quit: Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.)

04:52 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:52 <Pi> https://soundcloud.com/kidnap_kid/thin-lines?in=kidnap_kid/sets/thin-lines

04:52 <Pi> grooovy

04:54 *** Quits: TheBeans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:55 <TheHolyOdst> the url is irc.canternet.org right still wont work

04:56 <LiquidSunshine4> canternet.org      SSL:6660-6665

04:56 <EtherNet> So smooth, Pi.

04:57 *** Quits: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

04:57 <Thelema5> I'm still looking for a free iOS IRC app

04:57 <Thelema5> Anyone have a suggestion?

04:57 * Adam-Jensen looks at his android phone. " ...nope. "

04:57 *** Gigaway is now known as Gigabit

04:57 <EtherNet> What browser do you use, Thelema5 ?

04:57 <Pi> EtherNet: Look through the rest of the artist. His work is so "silky" o3o

04:57 <Cepheid> I should not have had that energy drink earlier today.

04:57 <Cepheid> I do not feel well.

04:58 <LiquidSunshine4> Left you the data above TheHolyOdst

04:58 <Dusky> What energy drink was it Cepheid ?

04:58 <LiquidSunshine4> Pi: SWEET CELESTIA!! That song is amazing

04:58 <Thelema5> Chrome, Ether

04:59 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-1s1.mmr.33.75.IP)

04:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> o3o

04:59 <TheHolyOdst> still no go

04:59 <Lenfant_Sauvage> [stare intensifies] ( ( o3o ) )

04:59 <LiquidSunshine4> You want it for iPhone Thelema?

05:00 *** ProncessKurs is now known as Gladiolus

05:00 <LiquidSunshine41> Yay im on mobile

05:00 *** Joins: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-44jet1.cable.virginm.net)

05:01 *** Quits: CheGuevara (Homer@is.best.sea.poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:01 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #474 [ http://tinyurl.com/qez9r6a ]

05:00 <LiquidSunshine4> Server title: Canternet         Server url: canternet.org       Server port: 6667   TheHolyOdst

05:00 <TheHolyOdst> kk

05:01 *** Quits: LiquidSunshine41 (holoirc@Pony-pgr.kk7.254.132.IP) (Connection closed)

05:01 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

05:01 *** Joins: LiquidSunshine41 (holoirc@Pony-pgr.kk7.254.132.IP)

05:01 *** Quits: LiquidSunshine41 (holoirc@Pony-pgr.kk7.254.132.IP) (Connection closed)

05:01 <EtherNet> Ah, if you were using Firefox, I would have recommended Chatzilla, Thelema5.

05:02 <TheHolyOdst> DI realy need to get it to work

05:02 <LiquidSunshine4> Still no?

05:02 <TheHolyOdst> Nope

05:02 <LiquidSunshine4> Try in url: daring.canternet.org

05:03 <TheHolyOdst> No go hmmm

05:03 <LiquidSunshine4> DANGIT

05:03 <TheHolyOdst> ikr

05:03 <Pi> https://soundcloud.com/chill/oh-wonder-the-rain-futurefox

05:03 <Pi> more

05:03 *** Joins: SketchySounds (Sketchy@Pony-51qpip.cable.virginm.net)

05:04 *** Joins: User_5552 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

05:04 *** Parts: User_5552 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) ()

05:04 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

05:04 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SketchySounds!Sketchy@Pony-51qpip.cable.virginm.net)))

05:04 *** SketchySounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

05:04 *** Quits: Beans3 (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving)

05:04 <LiquidSunshine4> Sketchy_Sounds: Help TheHolyOdst get on mobile IRC

05:04 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

05:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

05:05 <Sol> irc.canternet.org is what you want to connect with :P

05:05 <LiquidSunshine4> Pi: Also great song! So chilly

05:05 <LiquidSunshine4> maybe, try that one too

05:06 <TheHolyOdst> ill try it

05:06 <Sol> If your client has an SSL setting try turning it off and trying

05:06 <LiquidSunshine4> It has

05:06 <TheHolyOdst> ok

05:06 <LiquidSunshine4> By default it comes off, when joining click "allow SSL"

05:07 <TheHolyOdst> so use ssl on holo irc

05:07 <Cepheid> Dusky:  Red Bull.  But in general, energy drinks and caffiene have a bad effect in me.

05:09 *** Quits: Adam-Jensen (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Night all!)

05:09 <TheHolyOdst> no go

05:09 <LiquidSunshine4> what does it says?

05:09 *** Quits: Seapony_Lyra (Books@Pony-oviqup.biz.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:09 <LiquidSunshine4> Send a print screen. screencap, then uploadit to imagur (no account requiered), then send the link

05:10 <TheHolyOdst> failed to connect

05:10 <TheHolyOdst> ok

05:10 *** Joins: LiquidSunshine41 (holoirc@Pony-pgr.kk7.254.132.IP)

05:12 *** Joins: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni)

05:12 *** Joins: HomerMobile (HomerB@Pony-nfm.igr.157.192.IP)

05:13 *** Quits: HomerBouvier (HomerB@is.best.sea.poni) (Quit: I quit the fandom. Bye!)

05:13 <Cepheid> If something happens to me in the next 5 or so hours, it was likely food poisoning.

05:13 <LiquidSunshine4> maybe port: 6660

05:13 <Cepheid> Port 6660 is for SSL-based connections.

05:13 <LiquidSunshine4> CEPH

05:13 *** HomerMobile is now known as HomerBouvier

05:13 <LiquidSunshine4> HELP

05:13 <DerpyBot> Anything I can do to heeeelp?

05:13 <Cepheid> And if you use that, you're advised to ignore the SSL certificate.

05:14 <LiquidSunshine4> Help TheHolyOdst join mobile IRC, he is using HoloIRC for android

05:14 <LiquidSunshine4> pleaseeeeee

05:14 <Cepheid> I know nothing of HoloIRC.

05:14 <LiquidSunshine4> At least the ports and server name and server url

05:14 *** Quits: Dunky (sdcrhoyvohp@Pony-0pcbds.cc.gettysburg.edu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:15 *** Joins: screen|mobile (u931732@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com)

05:15 <screen|mobile> yo!

05:15 <Dusky> Hai!

05:15 *** LiquidSunshine41 is now known as LiquidSunshine4|Mobile

05:15 <screen|mobile> any womanfolk in the chat?

05:15 <Cepheid> irc.canternet.org, port 6667 for standard connections.

05:15 <Cepheid> irc.canternet.org, port 6660 for SSL connections.  Ignore the SSL certificate in this case.

05:16 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

05:16 <LiquidSunshine4> Thats what I told him, but he says it wont work

05:16 <LiquidSunshine4> I remember you helped me fo the first time and it worked just fine

05:16 <Cepheid> Then either holoIRC doesn't work, or he's not setting up the connection properly.

05:16 *** Toothpaste is now known as Bananapaste

05:16 <TheHolyOdst> no go for both

05:16 <Thelema5> womanfolk?

05:16 <Sol> Sure the phone's interwebs connection is good? lol

05:16 <TheHolyOdst> using my internet

05:17 <screen|mobile> indeed, i need to poll a few  womenfolk with a couple questions.

05:17 <Thelema5> I doubt I qualify

05:17 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

05:17 <Thelema5> Perhaps somepone?

05:18 <LiquidSunshine4> Ok, TheHolyOdst . Which steps have you followed in order to try connecting

05:18 <TheHolyOdst> My cousin is watchig lepracaun hoe i spelled it right and it making me feels sick.

05:18 <TheHolyOdst> Um idk

05:18 <Thelema5> In our town, in our town... we work as a team.  You can't have a nightmare.... if you never dream!

05:18 *** Parts: screen|mobile (u931732@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com) ()

05:18 <LiquidSunshine4> clicked in the "+" sign on the top right?

05:19 <Thelema5> Pinkie really was written perfectly in Cutie Map

05:19 *** CocoPommel is now known as CocoBed

05:19 <TheHolyOdst> ok then Thelma5

05:20 <TheHolyOdst> ok

05:20 *** Joins: iandroid (iandalton@Pony-clc3b9.dynamic.tds.net)

05:21 <iandroid> Hello everypony

05:21 <Thelema5> Hello, iandroid.

05:21 <iandroid> Hi Thelema5

05:21 <Thelema5> What's new?

05:21 <LiquidSunshine4> Ian!

05:22 <LiquidSunshine4> Just type what Ceph wrote above in the spaces provided, should work

05:22 <iandroid> I sure am tired. I was up all night finishing a book I have on interlibrary loan, and then I had to get up early for a job interview from a sketchy company on yahoo messenger that never came

05:23 <TheHolyOdst> ok sun

05:23 <Thelema5> Awww, sorry to hear about your interview.

05:24 <iandroid> It's for the best, I shouldn't be doing data entry for am Israeli pharma company

05:24 <Thelema5> I actually just went to my local library for the first time in years last Friday.

05:25 <iandroid> What prompted you?

05:25 <Thelema5> I went because a) it's housed in a historically significant colonial stone structure, and b) I wanted books on historically significant local stone structures

05:25 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: tfw your jam is playing http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-77hrZE_VdtQ/Ucs34adoNCI/AAAAAAAANgM/ssxdnTLK-q0/s1600/kid-nightclub.gif)

05:26 <Thelema5> So it was kind of inevitable.

05:26 <Knight_Dash> Why historically significant local stone structures?

05:26 <LiquidSunshine4> Never gonna get tired of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjMyKQPUrnI

05:26 <iandroid> Circles within circles...

05:26 <Thelema5> I find them fascinating.

05:26 <iandroid> Any gambrel roofs?

05:27 <Thelema5> Yes, one of particular interest; the owners of which I emailed asking for a private tour.

05:27 <Thelema5> They politely declined my request.  Jerks.

05:28 <Thelema5> "Why no check with us when we're in the area in July"... they don't even take up residence there!

05:28 <iandroid> This wasn't the impolite jerk?

05:29 <CocoBed> http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/5007/

05:29 <Thelema5> They are renting the place out for special events, like weddings.  An investment property!  How sad.

05:29 <Thelema5> http://www.wynkoophouse.com/

05:29 <Thelema5> This is the home.  Check out that Gambrel Roof! :p

05:29 <Knight_Dash> That roof

05:30 <Sol> LiquidSunshine4, all the neat guitar and mandolin parts (that show up in like all the songs) get me

05:30 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha ha

05:31 *** Bananapaste is now known as Toothie

05:31 <Knight_Dash> Anyway, I'm going to go now.

05:31 <iandroid> Thelema5: I once read that for Lovecraft, the 18th century was the architecture of chaos, and the 19th century that of reason

05:31 <TheHolyOdst> yay its a go

05:31 <Knight_Dash> Bye, guys! See you after tomorrow's episode, maybe.

05:31 <Thelema5> Bye!

05:31 *** Parts: Knight_Dash (mgvffpbtxpk@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP) ()

05:31 <TheHolyOdst> Bye

05:32 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst_ (holoirc@Pony-u3v5js.jcsnms.sbcglobal.net)

05:32 <CocoBed> !link Fluttershy

05:32 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/115381

05:32 *** Joins: Alice (izggqrguffl@Pony-dg56bn.res.rr.com)

05:33 *** Quits: LiquidSunshine4|Mobile (holoirc@Pony-pgr.kk7.254.132.IP) (Connection closed)

05:33 <Thelema5> iandroid, the late 19th century was the age of the 2nd century building with mansard roof...

05:33 <CocoBed> !link Fluttershy

05:33 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/685965

05:33 <Thelema5> my favorite type of structure.

05:34 <LiquidSunshine4> They get me too Sol

05:34 <LiquidSunshine4> I want to make a cover of it sooo bad

05:34 <CocoBed> !link Coco

05:34 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/781024?scope=scpe3784b64f39b53338c707addffc9e0a568aaa1250

05:34 <LiquidSunshine4> ^D'aww

05:34 <iandroid> 2nd century?

05:34 <Thelema5> Here's a typical example: http://historicbuildingsct.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/736-Plisado.jpg

05:34 <LiquidSunshine4> TheHolyOdst: ?!?!?!!!

05:35 <TheHolyOdst> Huh no messages show up on my phone or what i send dosnt shoe on the pc

05:35 <Thelema5> Sorry, second empire

05:35 <LiquidSunshine4> At least you could join!!

05:35 * LiquidSunshine4 victory hugs TheHolyOdst

05:35 <TheHolyOdst> :D

05:35 <Sol> LiquidSunshine4, I get distracted by a song and it keeps me from moving on to more episodes until I've got the guitar part down on it :D

05:36 <iandroid> What empire is that?

05:36 <LiquidSunshine4> nice Sol, very nice!

05:36 <LiquidSunshine4> I just need some tablatures

05:36 <LiquidSunshine4> Know anywhere where I can find MLP ones?

05:36 <Thelema5> It's the American interpretation of archetecture popular in france under Napoleon

05:37 <CocoBed> Nice one, New wallpaper

05:37 <CocoBed> !link Fluttershy birds

05:37 <Thelema5> It's also creepy as all get-out, ian

05:37 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/350943

05:38 <TheHolyOdst> So my pc is about to die.

05:38 <Thelema5> Like, every haunted house ever has been second empire with a mansard roof.

05:38 *** Parts: Nilak (sid66366@Pony-nhk1rm.charlton.irccloud.com) ("")

05:38 <Thelema5> :p

05:38 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst_ (holoirc@Pony-u3v5js.jcsnms.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)

05:39 <CocoBed> !muffins

05:39 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

05:39 <CocoBed> Yep

05:39 <EtherNet> Huh, I've never noticed that before, now I do, Thelema5.

05:39 <LiquidSunshine4> geeesh, finished my proyect init3

05:39 <CocoBed> ...pokes Derpy..

05:39 <CocoBed> !muffins

05:39 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

05:39 <CocoBed> Eyup

05:39 * DerpyBot glomps CocoBed

05:40 <LiquidSunshine4> Gonna get some sleep in order to be full of hype for tomorrows episode!!!!

05:40 <LiquidSunshine4> :D

05:40 *** Quits: Toothie (uid63062@Pony-tbaiid.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: "Friendship ain't magic; it's a miracle." -ClaviSound)

05:40 <Thelema5> Goodnight!

05:40 <LiquidSunshine4> Have a great night everypony!!

05:40 * CocoBed waves

05:40 <CocoBed> G'night

05:40 <LiquidSunshine4> Nice talk with y'all, as always :P

05:40 <Thelema5> Oh boy!  I'm gonna bottle my latest batch of Cider tomorrow!

05:40 * LiquidSunshine4 hears that

05:40 <Thelema5> I can't wait to see how it came out.

05:41 * LiquidSunshine4 stays a little longer

05:41 <EtherNet> How's the cider fared so far?

05:41 <CocoBed> !link Fluttershy birds

05:41 <Schism> "Congratulations!  You've lynched the Seer, you idiots."  Heehee.

05:41 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/335985

05:41 <LiquidSunshine4> Ugh, I want one soooo bad Thelema

05:41 *** Joins: Dawn (Cloudtail@Pony-o9jc1j.fios.verizon.net)

05:41 <Thelema5> Last time I sampled it was about 3 weeks ago, when racking it into it's secondary fermentation carboys...

05:41 * Schism kinda wonders if folks here have ever played Werewolf.

05:42 <CocoBed> Lol :D

05:42 <Schism> Thelema5: Ooh.

05:42 <Dawn> I saw Werewolf

05:42 <Dawn> "I dunno you had him last!"

05:42 <Thelema5> At that time, it was BOLD and strong, and appley... as intended....

05:42 <Schism> Dawn: No, no, it's a party game.

05:42 <CocoBed> !link http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/5007/

05:42 <Thelema5> So we'll see how it's finished tonmorrow.

05:42 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

05:42 <Schism> It also goes by 'Mafia'.

05:42 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

05:43 <Dawn> The first game of the Mafia series?

05:43 * Schism gives Dawn a level look.

05:43 <LiquidSunshine4> welp

05:43 <Thelema5> Schism, I played werewolf as a tabletop RPG about 20 years ago....

05:43 <LiquidSunshine4> See ya!

05:43 <Dawn> Bye LiquidSunshine4

05:43 <Thelema5> I'm sure things have changed.

05:43 *** Quits: LiquidSunshine4 (qlfcsffrvsr@Pony-pgr.kk7.254.132.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:43 * Dawn looks back at Schism

05:44 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

05:44 <Schism> Thelema5: Eh, rules are still pretty straightforward, really.  You get about a quarter to a third of the villagers who are actually werewolves, werewolves decide who to eat at night, villagers decide who to lynch at day.  Roles, you've got the Seer, the Guardian, the Mayor, et cetera.

05:44 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-si6v0v.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

05:45 *** Quits: iandroid (iandalton@Pony-clc3b9.dynamic.tds.net) (Quit: Bye)

05:45 <Thelema5> So, if my calculations are correct then this batch of cider will be respectably strong at 8.5 ABV....

05:45 <TheHolyOdst> im finna throw up

05:45 <Thelema5> We'll see.  It's a robust dark cinnamon brew.

05:45 <Dawn> What's wrong TheHolyOrbitalDropShockTrooper?

05:46 <Thelema5> That nick can't be right...

05:46 <Dawn> It's totally the same thing

05:46 * Thelema5 tab autocompletes and discovers that no, it's not.

05:47 <Thelema5> That nick is entirely too long for this channel.

05:47 <TheHolyOdst> My cousin is watching Leprecaun and i hate horrer movies. To answer your question Dawn.

05:47 <Dawn> Told ya Thelema5

05:47 <Dawn> He responded

05:47 <Tirek> I am here now.

05:47 <Thelema5> Hello, Tirek.

05:47 <Schism> So, supposedly there's going to be a Five Nights at Freddy's movie.


05:48 <Thelema5> Pizza will be served at every showing.

05:48 <Dawn> but Mr. Trooper, Leprachaun isnt that scary of a movie

05:48 *** Joins: ian (user@Pony-clc3b9.dynamic.tds.net)

05:48 <TheHolyOdst> To me it is.

05:48 <Tirek> I'm with this guy, I have the constitution of grape jelly.

05:48 <ian> Never mind, I'm up for a while probably

05:48 <Dawn> Schism would you go see it?

05:48 <Schism> Nah.

05:49 <Dawn> Then just keep looking at pictures of Pinkie Pie Holy, that'll help you :P

05:49 <TheHolyOdst> Ok Mister Foward Unto Dawn

05:49 <ian> Thelema5: Providence must not have had mansard roofs

05:49 <Dawn> HAH

05:49 <Dawn> I love it!

05:50 <Thelema5> I think Mansard rooves were in vogue when Lovecraft was writing.

05:50 <TheHolyOdst> Halo 4 Life

05:50 <Dawn> Schism would you go if I said the security guard is Mark Walhberg

05:50 <Schism> Ehhhh, maybe.

05:50 <Schism> It's just that it doesn't seem like the sort of thing that could really fit for a film.

05:50 <Dawn> Holy, did you get the MCC?

05:50 <Thelema5> Gambrel rooves were the old, crumbling style- mansard would have been hip.

05:50 <Dawn> You know what I wanna see?

05:50 <Tirek> Any linux persons in here?

05:50 <Schism> Thelema5: Here in Arkham, there's a shoggoth on every rooftop.

05:50 <ian> Neither were gambrel roofs. They were a sign of older parts of town where dark things lurked

05:51 <Dawn> Bethesda films

05:51 <Dawn> And Bioware films

05:51 <Tirek> I need a bit of help

05:51 <Dawn> That shiz right there would be epic

05:51 <CocoBed> http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/7716/

05:51 *** Joins: EtherNet_ (Ether@Pony-s7r46u.dyn.optonline.net)

05:51 <Thelema5> Tenticles!

05:51 *** Quits: EtherNet (Ether@Pony-s7r46u.dyn.optonline.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by EtherNet_)))

05:51 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

05:51 *** EtherNet_ is now known as EtherNet

05:52 <Dawn> Hello -!

05:52 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

05:52 <KooK> BOMBAY!

05:52 <EtherNet> Tentacles*

05:52 * Thelema5 boops KooK, EtherNet, and Dash

05:52 <Dawn> TOUCHÉ

05:52 <KooK> yo

05:52 <ian> I'm reading The Moon Pool by Abraham A. Merritt, one of Lovecraft's favorite authors. Heard of him?

05:53 <Thelema5> I've heard the name, haven't read his work.

05:53 <ian> http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/Hum-Food-449465659

05:53 <Thelema5> I know that Stephin Merritt is my favorite musician

05:53 <ian> I can see why it appealed to Lovecraft, it's up his alley and well-written.

05:54 <ian> Takes place on some pacific island with barbaric natives, the protagonists are some anthropologists and other scientists and their wives

05:54 *** Quits: KooK_ (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

05:54 <KooK> Nooooooooo!

05:54 <KooK> Comeback KooK_

05:54 <Thelema5> ian, I was expecting a story from Merritt with that link

05:54 * Dash boops Thelema5 back ~Boop war~!!!

05:55 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-7ql10a.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:55 * Thelema5 counterboops!

05:55 <ian> Even if it isn't, Alasou does such adorable art

05:55 * KooK throws a hammer

05:55 <ian> that means art that is capable of being adored

05:55 <Dawn> Maaan I just wanna play video games all day

05:56 <Dawn> I don wanna go to school no more

05:56 <CocoBed> !link rocks

05:56 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/749200

05:56 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-sbvcg8.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

05:56 <CocoBed> !link tacos

05:56 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/431382?scope=scpe1d7e62cd4e96dc9ac162accc6834ee247b0958b3

05:57 *** Joins: Cloudtail (Cloudtail@Pony-o9jc1j.fios.verizon.net)

05:57 *** Quits: Dawn (Cloudtail@Pony-o9jc1j.fios.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

05:57 <Thelema5> Yum!  Tacos are my favorite food.

05:57 <CocoBed> Mmmmm

05:57 <Thelema5> I could eat Tacos every day and be happy.

05:58 <ian> http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/Scootapix-488739735

05:58 <Thelema5> Waaaaa?

05:58 <Thelema5> Is that Scoots in a fox outfit?

05:58 <ian> A Vulpix outfit

05:58 <Thelema5> HEH

05:58 *** Joins: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP)

05:59 <KooK> I am downloading that one

05:59 <SgtPinkie> The only limit is yourself.... http://www.zombo.com/

06:00 <ian> Welcome to Zombocom. This is Zombocom.

06:01 *** Cloudtail is now known as Theta

06:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #316 [ http://tinyurl.com/kos7anu ]

06:02 <ian> http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/Scootabelle-468822129

06:02 *** Theta is now known as Rogue

06:02 <ian> Guess who my favorite CMC is on Fridays

06:02 <Rogue> Scoots I'm guessing

06:03 <Thelema5> Sweetie Belle is my favorite CMC

06:03 <Thelema5> I can't guess yours.

06:03 <Rogue> Apple Bloom is mine

06:03 <ian> Sweetie Belle is my favorite on Saturdays

06:03 <Dusky> Scootaloo is my favourite pony <3

06:04 <Thelema5> Sweetie Belle is a good pone- she always wants to do the right thing.  And she SQUEAKS.

06:04 *** Joins: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony)

06:04 <Thelema5> Squeaky-belle is best pone

06:04 <ian> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLTdueVxwk4

06:04 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about My Little Pony - Voice cracks are magic - Sweetie Belle

06:04 <Rogue> Claire does such a great job with her

06:04 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-km07ed.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP)

06:04 <Thelema5> She really does.

06:04 <ian> I can't have just one favorite CMC

06:04 <Rogue> Well all of them do

06:04 <Rogue> Her and Michelle

06:05 <Rogue> But who's the voice of scoots?

06:05 <Thelema5> But, Claire is getting older now... so Squeaks are kinda a thing of the past

06:05 <TheHolyOdst> The pinkie pie pictures helped dawn.

06:05 <ian> Hmm, I'll have to pay attention the next CMC episode, I didn't realize they had flown

06:05 <Thelema5> Grown?

06:05 <ian> http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/DJ-Pink-469684278

06:05 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-krr.gdt.156.175.IP)

06:06 <Rogue> Its Rogue now Holy :P but I'm glad it helped! Who's your favorite mane 6?

06:06 <KooK> That's more cat-like than anything

06:06 <Thelema5> I expect that the CMC will get their marks this season.

06:06 <KooK> I like the hands though

06:06 <SgtPinkie> Madeleine Peters does Scootaloo Rogue

06:06 <ian> Thelema5: to fly, to leave, to go away

06:06 <Rogue> Madeline!

06:07 <Rogue> I forgot if she does fandom stuff or not

06:07 <Thelema5> CMC aren't going anywhere, ian.

06:07 <Rogue> Thelema5 theres still a season 6 :p

06:07 <ian> KooK: cat-like? http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/Kitty-Twilight-462802538

06:07 <TheHolyOdst> and a season 7 8 9 and so on

06:07 <Thelema5> They're going to grow, and love, and join ponyville society

06:07 <Rogue> Wait how many seasons did My Little Dashie say there was going to be?

06:07 <ian> Thelema5: you said the squeaks are no more

06:08 <TheHolyOdst> idk

06:08 <Rogue> Say said

06:08 <Rogue> Watevs

06:08 <Thelema5> Yes, ian... just my conjecture on basic human phisiology.

06:08 <Rogue> Lol

06:08 <ian> I thought you meant already

06:09 <Thelema5> Nope.  My prediction for season 5.

06:09 <Rogue> Woo ep tomorrow

06:09 <Thelema5> *physiology

06:10 <Thelema5> Rogue, yep!  I'm super excited.

06:10 *** Quits: locodashie11 (locodash11@Taco.eating.Anthro.Batpony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:10 *** Quits: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:10 <Rogue> Too bad i wont be here to watch :c

06:10 *** Ali changes topic to 'Welcome to EquestriaDaily! | This is an ALL-AGES channel. | GUIDE: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Type !list to download episodes | SPOILERS are still a no-no, including speculation. | Are you ready to continue? Abort/Retry/Fail'

06:10 <TheHolyOdst> Cant wait

06:10 <Thelema5> In fact, I'm up way past my bedtime because I'm too hyped...

06:11 <ian> Thelema5: only Sweetie Belle I can find so far http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/The-Playful-Miko-445168345

06:11 <TheHolyOdst> Bedtime?

06:11 <Rogue> I knoooow Thelema5 I have to go to sleep cause I gotta wake up early but I cant >.>

06:11 <ian> though in this case I prefer http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/The-Fearless-Monk-445012573

06:11 <Thelema5> Same, Rogue.

06:12 <Dusky> Thelema5: it's 6am here what is this sleep you speak of?

06:12 <Thelema5> I should have been asleep an hour ago.

06:12 <Rogue> Uuughh responsibilitiiiesss

06:12 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48jt_lWA7W0&feature=youtube_gdata_player

06:12 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

06:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Steven Universe - Stronger Than You (Song) (Clip) Jail Break

06:12 <Rogue> I shouldve been asleep two hours ago

06:12 <ian> Dusky: wow, you wake up early

06:12 <Dusky> No just pull fairly regular all-nighters

06:13 <ian> figured, I was joking :-)

06:13 <Thelema5> I can't do that anymore, Dusky... too old.

06:13 <ian> all three CMCs! http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/CMC-Airline-424464413

06:13 <KooK> !link beer

06:13 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/681320

06:13 <Thelema5> After a certain point, all nighters are just a fable.

06:13 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsdLFZ0gbUc

06:13 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

06:13 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Little Bear - Original Theme Song (HD, No Sound Effects)

06:14 <Rogue> I can pull off all nighters till 6

06:14 <Rogue> But by then I just want to sleeeep

06:14 <Rogue> Also can I just like

06:14 <Rogue> Marry Mat Pat?

06:14 <Thelema5> I am usually in bed by 2:00 AM local time.

06:14 <TheHolyOdst> so good morning to people where it is morning so im a tme traveler people ho its technechly night (i suck at spelling)

06:14 <Rogue> Like I just want to spend my life with that dork <3

06:14 <Thelema5> It's 1:13 Am right now... so this is a late night for me.

06:15 <TheHolyOdst> 12:13 for me

06:15 <Dusky> I've just hit my second wind i'll probably stay awake till after the episode then sleep until food is ready :P

06:16 <Rogue> I always go to sleep at this hour

06:16 <Rogue> Its unhealthy

06:16 <ian> Cute overdose! http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Dangerous-rainbow-Dash-392561618

06:16 <Rogue> Hey peeps if its early morning right now

06:16 <Rogue> Just go to bed

06:16 <ian> Rogue: but that would be doing the rational thing

06:17 <ian> who's rational when they're sleep deprived?

06:17 <Thelema5> I'm falling asleep right now, at the computer talking to ya'll...

06:17 <TheHolyOdst> Bed is for people who arent hyped.

06:17 <Thelema5> I do it every night.

06:17 *** Quits: Rogue (Cloudtail@Pony-o9jc1j.fios.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

06:17 <Thelema5> I'll wake up in 2-3 hours and drag me sorry ass to bed

06:18 <Thelema5> without any awareness.

06:18 <TheHolyOdst> Well i must be tired i just said bed instead of sleep

06:18 <ian> http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/Costume-Swap-party-381670764

06:18 <ian> works either way, TheHolyOdst

06:18 <TheHolyOdst> I guess.

06:19 <Thelema5> Ponies!

06:19 <TheHolyOdst> The bad thing is i have training with my clan so i kinda need sleep but not really.

06:19 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

06:19 <ian> http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/Fun-time-with-Princess-and-CMC-366270169

06:20 *** Quits: Coco_Pommel (coco@Pony-l3n1m0.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: sleep)

06:20 <ian> Do you guys follow any artists with a really cute style?

06:20 <TheHolyOdst> Nope

06:20 *** Joins: TheBeans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

06:20 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Beddies

06:21 <ian> http://alasou.deviantart.com/art/Stuck-359138780

06:21 <Dusky> i follow the guy who did the art for warioware and some of his stuff is adorable

06:21 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Bed!)

06:21 <Thelema5> TheHolyOdst, I hope it's the red lotus clan, because Pei Mei was a badass!

06:21 <ian> any pony, Dusky?

06:21 *** Quits: Pony_81394 (ChaoticRift@Pony-jf7icb.md.comcast.net) (Quit: Oops, a kernel panic)

06:22 <TheHolyOdst> Nope its the Fleet Of Dying Light

06:22 <Dusky> No, still adorable though

06:23 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:23 <Thelema5> I'm going to quit soon, too.

06:24 <TheHolyOdst> Ill just stay up untill like 2 or 3 then ill just sleep.

06:24 <Thelema5> The night grows late, and the chat grows quiet.

06:24 <TheHolyOdst> Yes indeed

06:25 <Dusky> Though the sun is rising here

06:25 <TheHolyOdst> The dead of night here.

06:25 <Thelema5> Here too, TheHolyOdst.

06:26 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:26 <TheHolyOdst> My god my first yawn of the night.

06:27 <Thelema5> "My God"... are you a religious pone?

06:28 <TheHolyOdst> The exact opisite unless you count discord as a god

06:28 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-tq7co9.dlh.ptd.net) (Connection closed)

06:29 <Thelema5> I don't.  But thanks!

06:29 <Thelema5> I'm going to bed now.

06:29 <TheHolyOdst> Thanks for what.

06:29 <Thelema5> goodnight everypony!

06:29 <Dusky> Night night!

06:29 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-582t41.east.verizon.net) (Quit: Want to be different? Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)

06:30 <TheHolyOdst> OMFG Build a bear has a pinkie plushie.

06:30 <Dusky> Yeah they have them for all the mane 6 don't they?

06:30 <ian> And thus we lose our finest brony, beyond the wall of sleep

06:31 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-tq7co9.dlh.ptd.net)

06:31 <TheHolyOdst> Um guys i need like 200 bucks i will buy all the plushies.

06:32 *** Quits: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:32 *** Joins: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony)

06:32 <Dusky> If i had the money i'd have spent it on them already

06:32 <TheHolyOdst> Wait they have a 53 dollar one for a golden Princess Cadence

06:33 <ian> golden?

06:33 <ian> not pink?

06:33 <TheHolyOdst> it what is says but it has golden crown and necklace and stuff like that

06:34 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Sleep

06:35 * Schism giggles helplessly at this Werewolf game. "Oh man. So much custard."

06:35 * Cepheid works on code. Somehow.

06:35 <TheHolyOdst> Wow 65 dollar Rodeo AppleJack

06:35 <Cepheid> My vision is... weird.

06:35 * ian works on a chair, but to each his own

06:36 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-krr.gdt.156.175.IP) (Quit: OH MOST WONDERFUL OF... I mean... Oh, most wonderful of nights.)

06:36 <Cepheid> I work wherever.

06:37 <Cepheid> Personally I'd prefer to have a proper computer chair, but I can't find one.

06:37 <Cepheid> Well, I can.

06:37 <Cepheid> But taking it would be stealing.

06:37 *** TheBeans is now known as Beans

06:37 <TheHolyOdst> So you code Cepheid.

06:37 <Cepheid> My dad's workplace has all these really comfortable computer chairs.  Turns out one of them suits me perfectly.  Back of it's short for me, but the arm rests more than make up for it.  They suit me perfectly.

06:37 <Cepheid> TheHolyOdst:  Indeed I do.

06:38 <TheHolyOdst> What language.

06:41 <Cepheid> Depends.  I know C, C++, C#, Java, and a number of others.

06:41 <ian> Today my school opened a Chinese Studies Center and had representatives from Hunan Normal University, which is four times as big as my university, and who will be visiting the US and participating at the Center. It was pretty neat.

06:41 <TheHolyOdst> Cool i know a little of java.

06:42 *** Stradiverra is now known as Stradi|Away

06:44 <ian> Everyone from professors to the university president was there, and just three of us students: me and one other guy from the 1010 class, and one girl from the 1020 class.

06:44 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

06:44 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Fall Fall

06:44 <ian> She's like, let's go greet the visiting professor from HNU in Chinese! So we go over, all say ni hao, and she says some other things while I just press myself against the wall. I'm so bad with people sometimes :S

06:44 *** Joins: Im (gdnjrgfuowv@Pony-u3v5js.jcsnms.sbcglobal.net)

06:45 <Im> :P

06:45 *** Quits: Im (gdnjrgfuowv@Pony-u3v5js.jcsnms.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:45 <ian> http://www.deviantart.com/art/Equal-Punishment-525426182

06:46 *** Joins: User_1197 (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net)

06:46 <ian> Snapai: I just saw your Unikitty commission http://www.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Unixkitty-525432961

06:46 <ian> nice

06:47 *** Dash is now known as S3KDash

06:48 *** Quits: Stradi|Away (Stradiverra@TheMochaPony) (Quit: "I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless. And they don't want anybody else to feel like that.")

06:49 <TheHolyOdst> So i have the stupidest of songs stuck in my head.

06:49 <ian> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJAT26jfQl4 Lyra is the saddest pony

06:49 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about How could this happen to Lyra?

06:49 *** Joins: Stradiverra (Stradiverra@TheMochaPony)

06:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Stradiverra

06:50 <Cepheid> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-a6JAd-CjnRQ/VSacoE2nf6I/AAAAAAACM7Y/CFtBhK0oCKM/s1600/869671__safe_solo_spoiler-colon-s05e01_starlight%2Bglimmer_the%2Bcutie%2Bmap%2B-dash-%2Bpart%2B1_staff%2Bof%2Bsameness_artist-colon-asai-dash-g_foreshortening_cutie%2Bmark%2Bvault_obari%2Bpose.png

06:50 <Cepheid> ....

06:50 <Cepheid> That staff...

06:50 <Cepheid> It looks familiar from somewhere.

06:50 <TheHolyOdst> Yea your right it does look familiar.

06:51 <Cepheid> http://darksouls.wdfiles.com/local--files/spears/moonlight-butterfly-horn-onhand-large.jpg

06:51 <Cepheid> There we go.

06:51 <Cepheid> That's what it reminds me of.

06:51 <TheHolyOdst> Bloody Friggin Ballsacks thats huge

06:52 *** Parts: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony) ()

06:52 <Cepheid> Man that's nothing.

06:52 <ian> That's a good pic http://asai-g.deviantart.com/art/Obari-as-F-525696025

06:52 * Ali wonders if that's...a bit borederline chatter there.

06:52 <Cepheid> Yeah, I'm wondering about that too.

06:53 <TheHolyOdst> Well tried my hardest to make it pg

06:53 <ian> http://asai-g.deviantart.com/art/Cloud-Kicker-remake-521136411

06:53 <ian> It's PG-13, which is good enough

06:53 <TheHolyOdst> ok

06:55 <ian> I'm not sure what scene this is about, did something happen in the episode to prompt this? http://www.deviantart.com/art/It-s-Not-Nice-To-Shout-525784889

06:56 *** Quits: init3 (Jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (Connection closed)

06:57 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-km07ed.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:58 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst_ (TheHolyOdst@Pony-61lif0.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP)

06:58 <TheHolyOdst_> Im back

07:00 <ian> http://0bluse.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Starlight-Glimmer-518740528

07:01 *** Joins: iandroid (iandalton@Pony-clc3b9.dynamic.tds.net)

07:01 *** Quits: iandroid (iandalton@Pony-clc3b9.dynamic.tds.net) (Connection closed)

07:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Roundup #1171 [ http://tinyurl.com/om5j2zk ]

07:03 <TheHolyOdst_> Talk to you guys later.

07:03 <TheHolyOdst_> Bye :P

07:04 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst_ (TheHolyOdst@Pony-61lif0.i6dh.g8a9.030a.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

07:08 *** Quits: S3KDash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Quit: Leaving)

07:08 *** Joins: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni)

07:10 <Cepheid> Hum.  Mad Max on Shomi(Think Netflix, but provided through local cable provider).  Thinking of putting it on.

07:12 <ian> The first one?

07:12 <Cepheid> Yeah.

07:12 <ian> It's my least favorite, the beginning is not great

07:12 <ian> But it's still enjoyable

07:12 <Cepheid> I've never seen 'em, so..

07:13 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: *poof*)

07:13 <ian> Oh, then watch it.

07:13 <ian> Then watch the next two.

07:13 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-tq7co9.dlh.ptd.net) (Connection closed)

07:15 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-tq7co9.dlh.ptd.net)

07:17 * Schism reads a 3-turn Villager win in Werewolf. "Wow. That was... impressively lucky."

07:19 <ian> http://www.deviantart.com/art/High-Society-525965866

07:19 <ian> Woo, Schism. Fun party game.

07:21 <Schism> Yah, or a good play-by-post forum game.

07:21 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

07:21 <ian> That sounds good too.

07:22 <ian> I've never done pbp actually

07:24 <ian> I keep getting emails from people who are trying to contact someone whose email address is one character different from mine, and now I got a newsletter they signed up for. They must be horrible at typing their own email address.

07:25 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

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07:27 *** Joins: derpingaimlessly (muwjcpcpfqn@Pony-hrknb6.iinet.net.au)

07:27 <ian> Hi derpingaimlessly

07:27 <derpingaimlessly> hi

07:27 <init3> I have gotten 4 paypal transactions sent to me because of people derping the address.

07:28 <derpingaimlessly> lol

07:28 <init3> And of course they realize their mistake a few minutes or hours later, file a dispute then paypal hounds me to respond to the disputes of money I never accepted.

07:28 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

07:28 <Schism> Splorf.  A night-opening game where the Weres decide... /not/ to nom on a villager to start.

07:29 <derpingaimlessly> must take a while to sort out

07:29 <init3> The first time it happened, i tried to click "refund the money" and it said, oh do you want to deduct $60 from your checking account?

07:29 <init3> I'm like WHAAA?

07:29 <init3> So I just ignore them now.

07:30 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

07:30 <ian> I ended up looking the guy up on Facebook somehow, sent him a message asking for his email address so I could redirect people to him, which message he saw and responded to over a year later, because Facebook makes it hard to find messages from people not on your friend list.

07:30 <init3> Since I don't respond paypal just gives them their money back... eventually and I don't have to do anything. Everybody wins.

07:30 <derpingaimlessly> i reaallly want to watch season 5 live

07:31 <init3> What's the problem? Work?

07:31 <ian> I really want to not be tired right now, but I also don't feel like sleeping.

07:31 <derpingaimlessly> but it is on at 11:30ish at night where i am

07:32 <init3> I wish it was on that late for me. It'd be perfect.

07:32 <ian> Yeah, it's 12:30 AM right now for me.

07:32 <init3> Bummer that time doesn't work for me.

07:32 <init3> Err I mean you.

07:32 *** Joins: ThePhobiaPony (Phobe-Sucks@Pony-fv4ksf.pa.comcast.net)

07:32 <init3> For whatever reason.

07:32 <derpingaimlessly> time zones

07:34 <init3> Aw no. I almost opened EQD.

07:34 <derpingaimlessly> wow

07:34 <init3> Bet the episode title is plastered across it already. Nope.com

07:34 <derpingaimlessly> just sitting here collecting cookies

07:35 *** Quits: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-1s1.mmr.33.75.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:36 <init3> Hmm... try to sleep before episode or stay up all night reading fanfiction. Choice can be a cruel mistress.

07:37 <ThePhobiaPony> Has anyone ever gotten their stuff onto EqD through a bribe?

07:37 <init3> Probably.

07:38 <ThePhobiaPony> I'm thinking of going that way. Only way I'll ever get my stuff promoted sadly...

07:38 <derpingaimlessly> maybe because they were real tight with an admin/s?

07:38 <ian> init3: whatcha reading?

07:39 *** Quits: User_1197 (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:39 <init3> I don't even know. Too many tabs.

07:39 <ian> Any recs?

07:39 <derpingaimlessly> ?

07:40 <init3> You cool with really dark? I'll PM you if so.

07:40 <init3> Not like gory for the sake of gore but ya know.

07:41 <derpingaimlessly> o.k then

07:41 <ian> Are we talking Backrgound Pony, Fallout: Equestria type stuff?

07:41 <init3> ian asked if I had any recommendations derpingaimlessly.

07:41 <init3> FoE type.

07:42 <ian> FoE was good. If it's good, I will read pretty much anything.

07:42 *** Joins: ArcherSlamBam (pssvckbslcf@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net)

07:42 <ThePhobiaPony> I've heard bad things about FoE...like, worse than gore and grimdark stuff...:S

07:43 <init3> I can't see that. Not in my opinion.

07:43 *** Joins: Evil_Spike (EvilSpike@Pony-93mbhe.e-wire.net.au)

07:43 <Evil_Spike> Man, it's been a long time since I had a Mars Bar.

07:43 <ArcherSlamBam> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmxPYlvIm7M

07:43 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

07:43 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Archer Vs. Bones - Aliens in a Spaceship

07:43 <ThePhobiaPony> Wait...I might have this mixed up...

07:43 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-eepan2.myshelter.net)

07:44 <ian> ThePhobiaPony: Littlepip has a foul mouth, and there's grimdark, but it's not tasteless

07:44 <Evil_Spike> Chewy caramel goodness.

07:44 <Evil_Spike> What's this about FoE?

07:45 <ThePhobiaPony> I don't know. Which FoE are we talking about? That abbreviation has 2 different meanings with ponies...

07:45 <Evil_Spike> Fallout Equestria

07:45 <ian> That's the only FoE I know

07:45 <Evil_Spike> ^

07:46 <ThePhobiaPony> Ok. *relieved* Carry on. I know of something worse...probably shouldn't mention it in here. One thing said, I will sadly NEVER forget what I saw...

07:46 <Evil_Spike> ?

07:49 <Evil_Spike> Is it worse than Sweet Apple Massacre?

07:49 <init3> Aww man now I'm curious.

07:49 * Evil_Spike now expects to be kicked for even mentioning that fic.

07:49 <ian> That doesn't sound good, Evil_Spike

07:49 <ThePhobiaPony> I wouldn't know

07:50 <Evil_Spike> Not describing it here.

07:52 *** Joins: Pony_9796 (DJMidli@Pony-a80e42.dsl.bell.ca)

07:54 * init3 politely requests a pm or /notice

07:56 *** Quits: DJMidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:56 <derpingaimlessly> for the best

07:57 <Cepheid> Interesting movie thus far.

07:57 *** Quits: derpingaimlessly (muwjcpcpfqn@Pony-hrknb6.iinet.net.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

07:58 <ian> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoM530Mu7s4

07:58 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Haymaker & Tsyolin ft. EileMonty - Honesty

07:58 <ian> have some country blues

07:58 <ThePhobiaPony> Sigh. No one ever shares my crap...lol

07:59 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:59 <Cepheid> Gonna trot off to finish washing it though.  Be back laters.

07:59 <Evil_Spike> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gNrM8dXRw8

07:59 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Dramatic Reading - Hardon Lewdad

07:59 <Evil_Spike> That is one of the most amazing fics I have ever read though.

08:01 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-45d29l.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

08:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Well Then, Look Who we Have Here...  [ http://tinyurl.com/m38x9t7 ]

08:03 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@is.too.lazy.to.request.a.new.vhost) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:03 <init3> This is amazing Evil_Spike.

08:04 *** Quits: ThePhobiaPony (Phobe-Sucks@Pony-fv4ksf.pa.comcast.net) (Quit: Always try to be modest, and be proud about it!)

08:05 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-tq7co9.dlh.ptd.net) (Connection closed)

08:05 *** Joins: Flashy (IceChat9@Pony-vhkq4e.vc.shawcable.net)

08:11 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:19 <ian> Evil_Spike: that is as nuts as Cuil Theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdEdE96En0

08:20 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

08:21 <init3> This is amazing ian.

08:24 <EtherNet> This is some amazing stuff, ian.

08:24 <ian> It is.

08:25 <EtherNet> 'John Lennon hands me an apple, but it slips through my fingers.'

08:26 <ian> Speaking of hamburgers and stuff, I feel like having a smoked sausage.

08:26 <ian> It may or may not be 1:25 AM, but that's just the kind of night it is being.

08:27 <init3> You've made me hungry and its almost 4 here.

08:27 <init3> Bah

08:27 *** Joins: TheBeans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

08:28 <Dusky> dammit i really need to get out of bed and get something to eat but i'm so comfy

08:28 <ian> I give you a hamburger.

08:28 <init3> Uh oh.

08:28 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-k90oir.res.rr.com)

08:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

08:28 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

08:29 <Dusky> Hullo!

08:29 <init3> Hey ConfusionRift. Don't let ian give you a hamburger.

08:30 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:31 *** TheBeans is now known as Beans

08:31 <ian> Hello, ConfusionRift.

08:31 <ian> Do you know Cuil Theory?

08:31 <ian> No, it isn't Linkin Park's new album

08:31 <ConfusionRift> Cuil Theory? Have not heard of it.

08:32 <ian> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdEdE96En0

08:32 <ian> Alright, I've put the frozen smoked sausage and half a cup of water in the skillet. Soon I can eat.

08:34 <EtherNet> !link https://youtu.be/-kVsxVBz1Mg

08:34 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Experience of Falling Into a Black Hole

08:34 <Reia_Hope> What time is the episode tomorrow?

08:35 <ConfusionRift> Huh, I get it and am still confused. Maybe this is how I should measure situations and answers/

08:37 <init3> !s5

08:37 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:08h:23m:35s

08:38 <Reia_Hope> Wait... At 9 am?!

08:38 <Reia_Hope> That doesn't sound right at all...

08:38 <init3> That is a countdown

08:38 <init3> err

08:38 <init3> yeah, that does seem off.

08:38 <init3> I dunno

08:38 <ian> 10 AM MDT

08:38 <init3> It is not the hub anymore

08:39 <EtherNet> 11am EST

08:39 <init3> Okay. That's what I thought before.

08:40 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Sleep

08:40 <init3> So DerpyBot is failing to account for DST it seems.

08:40 <init3> Time zone stuff sucks.

08:41 <init3> Welp, imma read some fics or somefin.

08:42 <ArcherSlamBam> I've got my latest video up if anyone's interested.

08:42 <ArcherSlamBam> (Granted, it's got a glaring editing problem near the middle.

08:43 <ian> Project smoked sausage is a go. I repeat, project smoked sausage is a go. Prepare the mustard and ketchup.

08:44 *** Quits: Evil_Spike (EvilSpike@Pony-93mbhe.e-wire.net.au) (Quit: Off to plan for world domination.)

08:45 *** Quits: Alice (izggqrguffl@Pony-dg56bn.res.rr.com) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

08:46 *** Quits: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:47 *** Quits: Sol (Sol@Pony-nc8b4c.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

08:54 <ian> Somehow, my midnight sausage run only became an excuse, while I was in the kitchen, to grab a bunch of junk food for stuffing in my food hole. Spicy funyuns? Didn't even know we had such a thing.

08:54 *** Joins: Taoki[mobile] (androirc@Pony-0a6.89e.233.213.IP)

08:54 <ian> Hi Taoki[mobile]

08:55 <ConfusionRift> Man, got no bite things. Hmmmmmm... maybe tomorrow, or int he evening.

08:55 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift, Mr ian.

08:55 <Finwe> o7

08:56 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

08:56 <ian> Sir Finwe.

08:56 * Finwe is waiting for the sauna to get warm.

08:56 * ian raises a hand. "Yo."

08:57 <Finwe> 's ball tonight, so I want to be physically and psychically clean.

08:57 <Finwe> o3o

08:58 <ian> Mens sana in corpore sano

08:58 <ian> Mens sauna

08:59 <ConfusionRift> Mens' sauna make for healthy body?

09:00 <ian> A sound mind in a sound body

09:00 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: Indeed. :3

09:01 <ConfusionRift> Huh, I see.

09:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Castle Sweet Castle - Discussion and Streams [ http://tinyurl.com/mqd8nwz ]

09:02 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP)

09:05 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving)

09:05 *** Joins: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net)

09:06 <ian> Finwe: would Finnish, with its richer case system, reduce the statement to only four words, lacking the need for a preposition like 'in'?

09:06 <Finwe> Yup.

09:07 <Finwe> "Terve sielu terveessä ruumiissa."

09:07 <ian> Do doubled vowels represent long vowels?

09:07 *** Joins: FN_away (FruitNi@Pony-09gga7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

09:08 <Finwe> Eeeyup.

09:09 <ian> And are doubled consonants geminated?

09:10 <Finwe> Written Finnish is almost one-to-one to spoken.

09:10 <Finwe> And yes, a double consonant is geminated.

09:11 *** Quits: FN (FruitNi@Pony-8kil7g.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:15 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

09:16 *** Quits: ArcherSlamBam (pssvckbslcf@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:20 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gk7te9.bigpond.net.au)

09:23 <Heartbreak> Fallfeathers.

09:23 <Fallfeathers> Heartbreak.

09:23 <Heartbreak> HB!

09:23 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn__@Pony-ohn.v9u.150.95.IP)

09:23 <Heartbreak> hawthornbunny.

09:23 <Fallfeathers> Hardbrick

09:23 <Heartbreak> ...

09:24 <ian> Oh, that's a new one

09:24 <hawthornbunny> Hi Heartbreak!

09:24 <Heartbreak> You have a slight speach impediment Fallfeathers.

09:24 * Heartbreak boops hawthornbunny.

09:24 <Fallfeathers> Herdbrake.

09:24 <ian> What's a slight impediment between friends?

09:24 * hawthornbunny beeps!

09:24 <Fallfeathers> Handshake

09:24 <Fallfeathers> :D

09:25 <ian> Changing from a name HB doesn't want to say to one she can't

09:25 <Fallfeathers> Hurtmake

09:25 <Fallfeathers> Burt Lake

09:27 *** Quits: EtherNet (Ether@Pony-s7r46u.dyn.optonline.net) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 37.0.1/20150402191859])

09:28 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-auvcth.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving)

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09:32 <Heartbreak> Fallfeathers, What?

09:32 <Heartbreak> Fallfeathers, There are better alternate versions of me with better names.

09:32 <Heartbreak> Like Heartbrake.

09:32 <Heartbreak> She's a racecar driver.

09:33 <ian> Earthrake, she makes Zen gardens.

09:33 <Heartbreak> Ian, that can't be one of mine.

09:33 <Heartbreak> She's neither a heart or a break.

09:34 <Fallfeathers> I like my versions better.

09:34 <ian> She could be an alternate version of an alternate version.

09:34 <Heartbreak> We reject your versions and replace them with our own.

09:34 <Heartbreak> Ian, think about that for a second.

09:34 <Heartbreak> That means if we go far enough out.

09:34 <Heartbreak> You're an alternate of me.

09:35 <ian> OK, Mr. Savage

09:35 <Heartbreak> We are ooooooooooooooone.

09:35 <ian> No, we are at most many-times-removed alternates of each other.

09:36 <ian> Change enough things about me, and I become you, or Fallfeathers, or anypony else.

09:36 <Fallfeathers> Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt.

09:36 <ian> Unless there's more to it than that.

09:37 <ian> No comprendo

09:37 *** Quits: Twilight_Shimmer (cvqfbnfevfu@Pony-1f2.pmh.252.216.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

09:37 * Heartbreak noogies Fallfeathers.

09:38 * Fallfeathers wedgies Heartbreak

09:38 *** Quits: Flashy (IceChat9@Fast.Blue.Pegasus) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:38 <Heartbreak> ...

09:38 <Heartbreak> I'm lucky that I can't feel overwear.

09:39 * Heartbreak draws Fallfeathers.

09:39 *** Quits: Taoki[mobile] (androirc@Pony-0a6.89e.233.213.IP) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

09:39 * Fallfeathers is drawn?

09:39 <Heartbreak> Yes. In a picture you may never see...

09:40 <Heartbreak> And I'm a good artist! Or so I have been told...

09:40 <Fallfeathers> If I never see it, how will I know it exists?

09:40 <Heartbreak> Well, first I need to draw it.

09:40 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

09:40 <Heartbreak> But I also need a reference.

09:41 <Heartbreak> And an idea of how you want to be drawn.

09:41 * Fallfeathers rubs chin

09:41 <Heartbreak> And of course, everything that I draw is pg.

09:42 <Fallfeathers> http://fallfeatherspony.tumblr.com/post/114729599940/centch-is-a-sweetheart-and-drew-dis

09:42 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

09:42 <ian> Nice ponytail

09:43 <Fallfeathers> Thanks, I made it myself

09:43 <Heartbreak> Iiiiiiiinteresting.

09:44 <ian> You must have nimble hooves

09:44 <Fallfeathers> I just use an eggbeater.

09:44 <Heartbreak> Now I have to imagine what you would look like as a mare.

09:44 <Heartbreak> It's what I Dooooooooo

09:45 <Fallfeathers> No need to imagine, I have it somewhere.

09:45 <Heartbreak> Show me!

09:45 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:45 * Heartbreak draws things ON Fallfeathers!

09:46 <Fallfeathers> I'm trying to find it!

09:49 *** Joins: MrMooMoo (Moo@Pony-v18skk.customer.broadstripe.net)

09:50 <ian> Ohio, MrMooMoo

09:50 <Fallfeathers> Heartbreak, http://puu.sh/gRrps/325b2595d2.jpg

09:50 <Fallfeathers> Found it

09:51 <Heartbreak> Neat!

09:51 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

09:51 * Heartbreak pies Fallfeathers. "Do you draw things?"

09:51 <Fallfeathers> Once in a blue moon.

09:51 <Fallfeathers> These days I do more 3D design.

09:51 <Heartbreak> Let's see it.

09:52 <Fallfeathers> Can't. NDA under BronyCon. :v

09:52 <Fallfeathers> Ask me in a month or so

09:52 <MrMooMoo> Yo

09:52 <Heartbreak> V: Darn it.

09:52 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

09:53 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

09:54 <Fallfeathers> Though I can show you something I made for a game

09:55 *** zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob

09:55 *** Gladiolus is now known as WargameRS

09:55 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

09:55 <Fallfeathers> http://fallfeatherspony.tumblr.com/post/95609413625/mts-255-commission-completed-collaborated-with-my

09:58 <ian> signs a fanfic is written by a brit: mum, fringe rather than bangs

09:59 <ConfusionRift> ...heh?

09:59 * ian mutters into a device concealed in his palm, "prepare the torpedoes."

10:00 * ConfusionRift whispers to himself. "Prepare for torpedoes."

10:00 <Heartbreak> Fallfeathers, I have a tumblr too!

10:00 <Fallfeathers> Woo!

10:01 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-829p59.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:01 *** Joins: Raid (Raid@Pony-58p.l83.51.84.IP)

10:01 <Heartbreak> Fallfeathers, http://jetblack1980.tumblr.com/

10:01 <ian> Hi Raid

10:02 <Fallfeathers> Neat. ;o

10:03 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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10:10 *** Joins: Gilda (Fall@silently)

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10:11 *** Joins: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@Pony-s8m10m.ph.cox.net)

10:11 *** Mike_Coltfield is now known as Pony_65028

10:12 <ian> MrMooMoo: do you know of Cuil Theory?

10:12 *** Pony_65028 is now known as Eigenstate

10:12 <ian> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdEdE96En0

10:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Cuil Theory

10:12 *** Quits: Eigenstate (Larscis@Pony-s8m10m.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Well, that was unexpected...)

10:13 *** Joins: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain)

10:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mike_Coltfield

10:14 <MrMooMoo> Wow I haven't even heard of that search engine

10:16 <ian> It was around a while ago

10:17 <ian> 2008, in fact.

10:17 <ian> I never tried it.

10:19 <ian> But listen to the video, it is well done.

10:23 *** Joins: Taoki[laptop] (Mircea@Pony-liq.s8h.233.213.IP)

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10:25 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

10:26 <MrMooMoo> Time for sleep though

10:27 *** Quits: MrMooMoo (Moo@MOOOOOOOOOO) (Quit: This means I went to sleep or something)

10:27 *** Unikitty|Away is now known as Unixkitty

10:32 <ian> Same for me

10:32 *** Quits: ian (user@Pony-clc3b9.dynamic.tds.net) (Quit: sleep)

10:33 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@is.too.lazy.to.request.a.new.vhost)

10:33 <Cepheid> こんにちはー!

10:34 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-nigrht.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP)

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10:34 *** Quits: Muffin_Spectacles (dsrsuwmwdbc@Pony-oep34u.cable.rcn.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:35 *** Quits: CloverTheClever (clovertc@Pony-akai2c.gigaclear.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:35 <DARK> hello

10:35 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

10:35 <Cepheid> How goes it?

10:36 *** Joins: CloverTheClever (clovertc@Pony-akai2c.gigaclear.net)

10:37 * Unixkitty hugs Cepheid

10:37 * Cepheid hugs back.

10:38 * ConfusionRift rolls around, and waves.

10:39 *** WargameRS is now known as ProncessKurs

10:39 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

10:39 <Cepheid> Hey Rifty.  How goes it?

10:40 * Unixkitty steals the rolling around ConfusionRift and pulls him into the hug as well.

10:41 <ConfusionRift> :P

10:41 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: Not much, just testing some MC mods.

10:44 <Cepheid> Ah.

10:44 * Cepheid is exhausted, himself.

10:45 <Finwe> Miss Unixkitty, Mr Cepheid.

10:45 <ConfusionRift> Heh, kinda am too. Terrible sleep.

10:45 * Finwe doffs his top hat.

10:45 <Unixkitty> Hello Finwe

10:46 * Finwe snuggles Unixkitty.

10:46 * Schism takes an hour's nap. @_@

10:46 <Finwe> o3o

10:46 <Schism> ;v;

10:46 <Finwe> Mr Schism.

10:47 <Schism> RAdm. Finwe.

10:47 * Schism doffs his head.

10:47 * Unixkitty pulls Finwe into the hug too! Now it's Cepheid, ConfusionRift, Finwe and.... even Schism!

10:47 * Finwe Zzzz's at Schism.

10:47 * Schism naps on everybody.

10:48 <Finwe> You start to feel drowsy, you want to sleep, sweep, swZzzz...

10:48 <Unixkitty> Imagine this as an actual thing... a rather quiet cozy room we all normally "hang out" in... a quiet Saturday morning and everyone in a snuggle pile on a giant couch or something.

10:49 <Finwe> o3o!!

10:50 <Unixkitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LqN-yAxaIU

10:50 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about MDK - The Great Gastly (Free Download)

10:51 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

10:52 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

10:59 *** Octave|Beddies is now known as OctaveSymphony

11:02 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Connection closed)

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11:02 *** Double is now known as Pony_69516

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11:05 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-nigrht.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

11:06 *** Quits: Pony_69516 (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:07 * Cepheid consumes antibiotic.

11:09 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

11:09 *** Double is now known as Pony_13516

11:10 * Cepheid keels over sick.

11:12 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

11:12 *** Joins: EwoudCP (EwoudCP@Pony-tje.9ks.109.92.IP)

11:13 *** Quits: Pony_13516 (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:13 * ConfusionRift looks over Cepheid. "What's wrong?"

11:13 *** Quits: ProncessKurs (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

11:14 <Cepheid> Feverish.

11:14 <ConfusionRift> I'm guessing the antibiotics?

11:14 <Cepheid> Very feverish.

11:14 * Cepheid bursts into flames. *FOOMF*

11:15 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

11:16 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

11:17 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

11:17 *** Joins: PixelPup (jcxyoqjryev@Pony-g3tcur.rev.sefiber.dk)

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11:19 *** Joins: PixelPup (jcxyoqjryev@Pony-g3tcur.rev.sefiber.dk)

11:19 <PixelPup> Hi :)

11:19 <EwoudCP> Hello

11:20 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

11:22 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:22 <EwoudCP> So I'm working on this animation of Fluttershy. I never thought she'd be this tricky to animate :P

11:22 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

11:23 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

11:23 <EwoudCP> hello

11:23 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Connection closed)

11:23 * CleverDerpy stretches her legs to get to sleepies out

11:23 <CleverDerpy> good morning

11:23 <Dusky> Mornin'

11:24 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

11:25 * Unixkitty boops CleverDerpy

11:25 <PixelPup> What time in the morning is it for everyone? (It's 12:30pm for me)

11:25 * CleverDerpy scrunchymuzzles and derps, booping Unixkitty back

11:25 <EwoudCP> 12:24pm here

11:25 <Gilda> Hour behind yah.

11:25 * Unixkitty squeaks

11:25 <CleverDerpy> so how are you?

11:26 *** Joins: Double32 (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

11:26 <PixelPup> Cool. :) Glad to hear that I'm not the only one on this side of the pond. :)

11:26 <CleverDerpy> you Europeans and your afternoons

11:26 <PixelPup> ;)

11:26 <CleverDerpy> :3

11:26 *** Gilda sets mode: +b *!*@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl

11:27 <CleverDerpy> nnuuuuuu, double

11:27 <EwoudCP> Yes. Only we, the Europeans, have afternoons c:

11:27 <CleverDerpy> and descent internet, from what I heardf

11:28 * Unixkitty puffycheeks

11:28 * CleverDerpy pets Unixkitty

11:28 <Dusky> I wish i could get Swedish internet

11:28 <CleverDerpy> who's a pretty kitty?

11:28 <EwoudCP> "descent internet"?

11:28 * Unixkitty keeps puffycheeking... but starts purring now as well.

11:28 <PixelPup> I'm not sure how the internet is more decent...? It seems pretty normal to me

11:28 * Unixkitty tries so hard not to talk about internet speeds.

11:28 <CleverDerpy> well, i'm just going on rumors

11:29 <EwoudCP> Oh wait, decent internet. My bad.

11:29 <CleverDerpy> I know the us throttles speeds

11:29 <CleverDerpy> because I live there

11:29 <EwoudCP> Yeh, Amsterdam speeds <3

11:29 * Unixkitty brushes against CleverDerpy

11:29 <PixelPup> I'd say it's about the same as RCN in Pennsylvania though.

11:29 <mniip> well amsterdam is one of the "cores" of the internet

11:29 * CleverDerpy giggles and snuggles Unixkitty

11:29 <EwoudCP> And because of pre-existing infrastructure.

11:30 <Unixkitty> Oh CleverDerpy, did you see the art?

11:30 <CleverDerpy> having fun there, mrs puff?

11:30 <CleverDerpy> no,,,?

11:30 <CleverDerpy> what art?

11:30 *** Quits: Double32 (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:30 <Unixkitty> I feel like I can keep relinking this forever http://unixkitty.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Unixkitty-525432961

11:31 <Gilda> That would be spam and I would be forced to ban you.

11:31 <EwoudCP> There was some technical reason we couldn't have televisions hooked up to sattelite dishes, so they just laid cables to each house.

11:31 * Unixkitty tells Ali on Gilda.

11:31 <CleverDerpy> awwwww

11:31 * Cepheid feeds Gilda some spam.

11:31 <CleverDerpy> you look so cute~

11:31 <EwoudCP> And later that became basic broadband for us c:

11:31 * Cepheid feeds her forcefully.

11:31 <EwoudCP> Also yes, quite cute

11:31 * Gilda says Unixkitty started it

11:32 <CleverDerpy> you kind of remind me of duchess fro mthe aristocats

11:32 <Unixkitty> Who...?

11:32 <CleverDerpy> the mother kitty

11:32 * Ali headtilts

11:32 <CleverDerpy> nvm

11:32 <ConfusionRift> Aaaah.

11:32 <ConfusionRift> Wow, it's been so long.

11:33 * Cepheid doesn't care who started it. Likes kitties. Supports kitties. Would trust kitties even if they committed the murder.

11:33 <Unixkitty> PixelPup, it does show right under the picture who did...

11:33 <CleverDerpy> Unixkitty, get aristocats

11:33 <CleverDerpy> it's a Disney film,

11:33 <Gilda> It's not that great.

11:33 <Unixkitty> I don't think I've ever watched it, at least not conciously

11:34 <CleverDerpy> I know, but she ould really see the resemblence

11:34 <CleverDerpy> which was my point

11:34 *** Joins: Furril (wat1@Pony-qc2be4.wi.charter.com)

11:34 <ConfusionRift> It ain't that great, but it ain't bad either. It was... alright.

11:34 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP)

11:34 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:35 <CleverDerpy> https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/kn.qTt4tmpVnSwYB5UuJGw--/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2g9NDgwO3E9OTU7dz02NDA-/http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~flynnj/tv/Aristocats/duchess-marie2.jpg

11:35 <CleverDerpy> this is her

11:35 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com)

11:35 <CleverDerpy> compare the eyes and pose and such

11:35 <Unixkitty> That's... quite a link.

11:35 *** Joins: Disembodied (Disembodied@Pony-aog6i3.ma.charter.com)

11:35 <CleverDerpy> as long as it ends in an image, it's good

11:36 <Unixkitty> Except something that long doesn't even fit into my screen window for example, thus rendering me unable to simply click on it

11:36 <ConfusionRift> Heh, even the blue eyes. Too bad that they're more apparent in other scenes.

11:37 *** Quits: iFurril (wat1@Pony-k5a3n2.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:37 <ConfusionRift> This might help. http://tinyurl.com/nrhboqe

11:37 <CleverDerpy> wooo, incredibles sequel on the way~

11:37 <PixelPup> Did anyone here participate in the Friendship is Wild art book submissions?

11:38 <CleverDerpy> I loved that movie

11:38 <ConfusionRift> Be right back.

11:39 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

11:39 <CleverDerpy> also ,anyone get xenoblade chornicles 3d?

11:39 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

11:39 <CleverDerpy> i'm playing it for the first time

11:39 <CleverDerpy> the series as a whole

11:40 <CleverDerpy> and I actually do have the shulk amiibo

11:40 <Gilda> Any good?

11:40 <Gilda> I'm kinda tempted by it too.

11:40 <CleverDerpy> well, I never played the original

11:40 <CleverDerpy> but I like it

11:40 <Gilda> Me neither.

11:40 <CleverDerpy> it's a bit of a steep learning curve

11:40 <CleverDerpy> but it has it's charm

11:40 <Pi> Evening

11:41 <EwoudCP> Ohai

11:41 <CleverDerpy> Gilda, it's a huge world, i'm surprised they fit in on there

11:41 <CleverDerpy> the first place is gigantic

11:41 <Gilda> What does the amiibo do in it?

11:41 <CleverDerpy> shulk is supposed to unlock something via a special method, like skins or something to that degree

11:42 <CleverDerpy> but I think you can get tokens as well by using other ones

11:42 <CleverDerpy> tokens can be traded for extra things

11:42 <CleverDerpy> like models and soundtracks

11:42 <CleverDerpy> I don't think i'm far enough to use the fomer

11:43 <CleverDerpy> the only thing I do not understand is the graphics

11:43 <CleverDerpy> the models don't look good upclose, but they move and intereact pretty well

11:44 <CleverDerpy> smooth gameplay

11:44 <Cepheid> Xenoblade Chronicles is effin' huge.

11:44 <CleverDerpy> i'm learning that

11:44 <CleverDerpy> I wonder, is guar plains gonna be like hyrule feild

11:44 <Cepheid> I think it took me close to 70 hours to finish it just due to the world size alone.

11:44 <Cepheid> Man.  Every field area is that large.

11:44 <CleverDerpy> dang

11:45 <Cepheid> Even the interior areas are freakishly huge.

11:45 <CleverDerpy> then they chose a good way to demo the new 3ds's power

11:45 <CleverDerpy> I found out something cool

11:45 <Cepheid> It's kind of like an MMO without the online capability.

11:45 <CleverDerpy> the company that made dkcr 3d also helped develop this game

11:46 <CleverDerpy> the name escapes me

11:46 <Cepheid> Heh.

11:47 <CleverDerpy> Gilda, I would get it, it's your call, but it's good if you like rpgs, if you want a bigger playing field, and lots of things to do

11:47 <Cepheid> It'll be interesting to see how Xenoblade Chronicles X is like.

11:47 * ConfusionRift returns.

11:47 <Gilda> Yeah, sounds decent.

11:47 <Cepheid> Given what they've shown, it's already freakishly huge there as well.

11:47 <CleverDerpy> it's even 3d

11:47 <Cepheid> In fact, apparently rumors are going around that it's already so large it's going to poke the limits of the Wii U.

11:47 <CleverDerpy> the world looks pretty descent in 3d

11:48 <Cepheid> As in, hard drive capacity.

11:48 <CleverDerpy> Cepheid, wow, that's hug

11:48 <Cepheid> So you'll probably need an external drive.

11:48 <CleverDerpy> if I ever get it, it'll be on disk

11:48 <Cepheid> I'm fine with that, as I already have one.

11:49 <CleverDerpy> Cepheid, I need a drive myself, got any recommendations?

11:50 <CleverDerpy> also, pokemon rumble world came out

11:50 <Cepheid> I can't really make any recommendations.  I tend to stick to western digital drives, myself.

11:50 <Cepheid> SSDs aren't bad for performance, but I haven't tested them with consoles for their viability.

11:50 <CleverDerpy> I am enrages and excited

11:50 <CleverDerpy> i have one, but i need one with a powercable

11:50 <Cepheid> Consoles are technically a tad limited in how fast they can read, and may actually intentionally limit the read speed.

11:51 <CleverDerpy> the one i got kept shorting out or something

11:51 *** Unixkitty is now known as Unikitty|Away

11:51 <Cepheid> It's likely not shorting out but rather not receiving enough power.

11:51 <CleverDerpy> probably

11:51 <CleverDerpy> and hotfixes?

11:51 <CleverDerpy> *any

11:51 <Cepheid> Hard drives running on USB 2.0 require at least two USB ports to supply power.

11:51 <CleverDerpy> this was 3.0

11:51 <Cepheid> At least, on the Wii U and other consoles anyways.

11:51 <Cepheid> Ah.

11:51 <ConfusionRift> 1 power, 1 data.

11:52 <Cepheid> Hum.

11:52 <Cepheid> In the case of USB3, then that's a different question altogether.

11:52 <CleverDerpy> i dunno, that's why i'm asking

11:52 <Seoson> Hello everypwny

11:52 <Cepheid> It could be the hard drive enclosure, or the hard drive itself actually is defective.

11:52 <CleverDerpy> weird

11:52 <Cepheid> Because USB3 is supposed to provide enough power.

11:52 <CleverDerpy> dang

11:52 <ConfusionRift> Also, I believe SSDs do work well on consoles. Have not tested myself though.

11:52 <Cepheid> Mind you..

11:53 <CleverDerpy> i'll have a look

11:53 <Cepheid> Do keep in mind that just because an enclosure is USB3, doesn't mean that plugging it into any computer will make it work like it was USB3.

11:53 <CleverDerpy> i think the wii u can't power it

11:54 <Cepheid> The computer itself needs to have a USB3 host port on it that provides the power spec and such for the device to run at USB3 speeds, and get proper power.

11:54 <Cepheid> Yeah.

11:54 <Cepheid> Wii U is a USB 2.0 device.

11:54 <CleverDerpy> so i need a plug by wall

11:54 <Cepheid> It won't power a USB3 device.

11:54 <CleverDerpy> i know

11:54 <Cepheid> Or a USB2 device with one port.

11:54 <CleverDerpy> at least, now i do

11:55 <Cepheid> Wii U needs to use 2 ports for a USB hard drive.

11:56 <Cepheid> There's cables out there you can find that attach to USB hard drive enclosures that have two USB connectors on 'em.  One of 'em comes out of the other connector.

11:56 <Cepheid> You plug both of them into the Wii U, and then connect the cable to the drive.

11:58 <Cepheid> http://oyendigital.com/images/USB3-y-cable.jpg This is an example of one.

11:59 <Cepheid> ConfusionRift:  I do know SSDs work well with some consoles.  But others, not so much.

11:59 <ConfusionRift> True.

11:59 <Finwe> Mid CleverDerpy.

11:59 <Finwe> _o7

12:00 <Cepheid> Given consoles are ver finicky about minute differences in certain details, it's usually safer for the system to simply emulate the disc drive read speed.

12:00 <Finwe> Eeeyup.

12:01 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

12:01 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

12:03 <EwoudCP> Brains? I mean ponies?

12:04 * Seoson needs a 2nd SSD, because GTA V left only 25 GiB on his primary drive.

12:05 <Cepheid> I wouldn't mind an SSD for my PC.  Mostly to use as the boot drive.

12:05 <Seoson> Ah and hype btw. 4 hours left

12:06 * Finwe noms on Seoson's tail.

12:06 <ConfusionRift> Got a hybrid one. Seems to do well. The only thing is that it was not of the capacity wanted.

12:06 <Seoson> Cepheid: I'm using it as a boot drive, but there was some space left for programs I love :D

12:06 <PixelPup> Thanks for the reminder. :) Saturday's are much more fun now that the show is back on.

12:08 *** solarstorm is now known as Solarstorm

12:11 * Googie has two SSDs, woo!

12:11 <Googie> Mainly because the old one got just a little bit too small for my boot drive. (Windows bloat)

12:12 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

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12:14 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

12:15 <Cepheid> Yeah, the only functioning SSD I have these days is in the laptop I use.

12:15 <Cepheid> And at the moment, it's blazing fast.

12:16 <Cepheid> My laptop boots in about mmm...

12:16 <Cepheid> 3 seconds?

12:16 <Cepheid> From power on to login screen.

12:16 <Seoson> cold start, windows? Stop kidding

12:16 <Cepheid> Cold start to Linux login screen.

12:16 <Seoson> Yeah that explains it :P

12:16 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net)

12:17 <Cepheid> Even with Windows 8.1, it still booted pretty fast to the login screen.

12:17 <Cepheid> Only about a second slower.

12:17 <Vulpor> 3 hrs till Muffins

12:17 <Cepheid> This thing has an amazingly fast boot time.

12:17 *** Parts: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) ()

12:18 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:19 <EwoudCP> WIP Fluttershy animation http://imgur.com/RUajc9F (eyes are in outline mode)

12:19 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

12:19 <EwoudCP> Well, it's not the animation, it's a still from my Flash thingy

12:19 <Seoson> I'm waiting for Windows 10. 8 didn't meet any of my expectations (thinking about it, it hit my expectations perfectly :P)

12:20 * Seoson wants Linux gaming to finally become a thing

12:20 *** Quits: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:21 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

12:21 *** Joins: Skippez_Shadow (androirc@Pony-ugh41v.range86-162.btcentralplus.com)

12:21 <Skippez_Shadow> Hai

12:21 <Skippez_Shadow> Imma just gonna watch it

12:26 <SkyHigh> !s5

12:26 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:04h:34m:35s

12:27 <Seoson> DERPY! Adjust your clock! He's still 1 hour off.

12:27 <Pi> Hey where do you stream eps?

12:27 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Connection closed)

12:28 <Seoson> http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/04/castle-sweet-castle-discussion-and.html Jaxmega worked very well last time

12:28 <Seoson> Haxmega*

12:28 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: Bye)

12:29 <RightHoofGone> Hello ponies!

12:29 <ConfusionRift> Hello there.

12:30 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-fo9eog.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

12:30 <RightHoofGone> Normally I'd say it's too early, but ponies

12:32 <Skippez_Shadow> Ok theres still four hours

12:34 <Skippez_Shadow> I can't wait, I'll see an episode live for the first time

12:35 <ConfusionRift> I could... but rather not. Wanna get as much sleep as I can this time.

12:35 <RightHoofGone> Accidently set my alarm wrong last week, so today I am watching the clock

12:36 * Cepheid would also like to sleep, but is coding for some reason.

12:37 *** Unikitty|Away is now known as Unixkitty

12:37 <RightHoofGone> Sleep is elusive

12:37 <Unixkitty> Sleep is for the weak.

12:37 <RightHoofGone> And overrated

12:38 <Dusky> I'm just waiting for the new episode then i'll just sleep for like 12 hours

12:38 * RightHoofGone then passes out midday

12:38 * ConfusionRift shrugs.

12:38 *** Quits: PixelPup (jcxyoqjryev@Pony-g3tcur.rev.sefiber.dk) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:39 <Skippez_Shadow> 3:53 hours remain

12:39 <Skippez_Shadow> The hype is real

12:39 *** Disembodied is now known as Cyclone|Laptop

12:40 <RightHoofGone> So nervouscited

12:40 <ConfusionRift> I'll probably watch it in the evening.

12:40 <RightHoofGone> Or however spelled

12:42 <Skippez_Shadow> Nervously excited?

12:42 *** Joins: locodashie11 (locodash11@Pony-osmcfg.co.comcast.net)

12:43 <RightHoofGone> Or excited nervously

12:43 <Skippez_Shadow> K

12:46 <RightHoofGone> 3:15

12:47 <DerpyBot> 3.14159

12:48 <RightHoofGone> Ok...

12:48 * ConfusionRift pats Derpy Bot's head.

12:48 <fyrepony> i want my ponies 1080p

12:48 <fyrepony> ill wait

12:48 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, I'm going to sleep. Laters.

12:49 <RightHoofGone> Later

12:49 <Skippez_Shadow> Goobye

12:49 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-k90oir.res.rr.com) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

12:49 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

12:50 <RightHoofGone> Better get the sugar and caffeine ready

12:50 <Skippez_Shadow> Um

12:50 <Skippez_Shadow> A'ight

12:51 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Quit: Leaving)

12:51 <RightHoofGone> So close yet so far

12:51 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-gk7te9.bigpond.net.au) (Connection closed)

12:52 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

12:58 *** Gilda sets mode: -b *!*@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl

12:59 <Skippez_Shadow> How much tiem now?

12:59 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

12:59 <Double> And We're back in business. Without Double Nr. 38 floppin' in.

13:00 <RightHoofGone> 3h

13:00 <Double> Hm?

13:01 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-05tf3d.as13285.net)

13:01 <ryaxnb> hi horsies

13:01 <RightHoofGone> Hi

13:01 <ryaxnb> RightHoofGone: left hooves only?

13:01 <ryaxnb> :(

13:01 <ryaxnb> injured horsie :(

13:02 <RightHoofGone> I still have 3

13:02 <ryaxnb> oh

13:02 <RightHoofGone> That's 75%

13:03 <Double> Ohoo

13:03 <RightHoofGone> Hmm I wonder

13:04 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@is.too.lazy.to.request.a.new.vhost) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:04 <ryaxnb> i'm a person so i have 2 hands and 2 legs

13:04 <ryaxnb> no hoofsies

13:04 <ryaxnb> i think twilight's hooves are cute tho

13:05 <RightHoofGone> They're nice

13:05 *** Quits: Taoki[laptop] (Mircea@Pony-liq.s8h.233.213.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

13:05 <ryaxnb> ponies coming in hot

13:05 <ryaxnb> very very soon

13:05 <ryaxnb> wooo

13:05 <ryaxnb> i look forward to horse show

13:05 <RightHoofGone> 3h more

13:06 *** Joins: Classic_M (ehekwmpqwdz@Pony-jukpgo.bb.dnainternet.fi)

13:06 *** Joins: Taoki[laptop] (Mircea@Pony-liq.s8h.233.213.IP)

13:07 <Classic_M> Eyo

13:07 <Skippez_Shadow> Sup

13:08 <RightHoofGone> I'm gonna go kill these hours bbl

13:08 <Skippez_Shadow> How

13:08 <ryaxnb> travel through time

13:08 <ryaxnb> he invented time travel and used it to watch ponies

13:08 <ryaxnb> truly the most practical use

13:08 <RightHoofGone> Video games are meant for this

13:09 <Skippez_Shadow> Ikr

13:10 <ryaxnb> Cities Skylines looks amazing

13:10 <ryaxnb> like, super amazing

13:10 <ryaxnb> the best

13:11 <Unixkitty> Or cleaning your apartment and sorting things for example, RightHoofGone

13:11 <Classic_M> Or changing your car tires to the summer ones

13:12 <Unixkitty> haha

13:12 <Unixkitty> Indeed I suppose

13:12 <RightHoofGone> I guess but there is a reason why I don't excluding too lazy,  Unixkitty

13:13 <Unixkitty> Oh, but I didn't say this was particularly meant to be as a chore, at least not to me personally

13:13 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|PS2

13:16 <RightHoofGone> I suppose I should get up, but it's so hard to be quiet, it makes too much noise

13:16 *** Quits: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain) (Quit: Well, that was unexpected...)

13:20 * Pi yawns

13:23 *** Quits: locodashie11 (locodash11@Taco.eating.Anthro.Batpony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:23 <EwoudCP> Moar shy http://imgur.com/4fVvram

13:24 <FloppyChiptunes> D'awww :p

13:24 <Skippez_Shadow> How much time now? (I wanna be updated frequently if thats ok whit you guys)

13:24 *** Joins: icelesstea (berry@Pony-obvbah.lahem.in)

13:24 <mniip> o/

13:24 <icelesstea> \o

13:25 <Unixkitty> There is a timer on the right sidebar of http://www.equestriadaily.com/ Skippez_Shadow.

13:25 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

13:28 <Skippez_Shadow> Aight

13:30 <Skippez_Shadow> Hey the chinese quallys on so

13:32 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-v3bk41.internode.on.net)

13:33 <Fallfeathers> Heartbreak, boo

13:38 *** Joins: iFurril (wat1@Pony-k5a3n2.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net)

13:40 <Skippez_Shadow> AH, the timer isn't loading

13:41 *** Joins: SkyHighAway (Tom@Pony-po4t28.threembb.co.uk)

13:41 <Seoson> Also !s5 minus one hour

13:41 *** Quits: Furril (wat1@Pony-qc2be4.wi.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:42 * Schism mumble grumble work.

13:42 *** Quits: SkyHigh (Tom@Pony-po4t28.threembb.co.uk) (Connection closed)

13:43 <Skippez_Shadow> ! S5

13:43 <Schism> !s5

13:43 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:03h:17m:50s

13:43 <Skippez_Shadow> Ah, keyboard

13:44 <Unixkitty> I think DerpyBot's timer may be an hour off from what I heard

13:45 <Skippez_Shadow> We cummin up to this moment like a friggin... idk

13:46 <Skippez_Shadow> What would get this much hype?

13:49 <Corsair> From the DF page, new episode will be on 11:30 eastern time.

13:51 <Schism> I didn't know that ponies played Dwarf Fortress.

13:53 <Skippez_Shadow> When does jhonsey actually come on? I know he's on the chat but when does he use it?

13:53 <Unixkitty> Just because you don't see someone chat in this particular room, does not necessarily mean they aren't active on the network at all.

13:54 <mniip> [15:53:40] * [johnsey] idle 01:11:12

13:55 <Skippez_Shadow> Ah

13:55 <mniip> (that's not a long idletime)

13:56 <johnsey> just because I don't speak doesn't mean I'm not around

13:56 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@Pony-51qpip.cable.virginm.net)

13:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

13:56 <mniip> ^

13:56 <Skippez_Shadow> Oh hey

13:56 <mniip> also memoserv does wonders

13:56 <Skippez_Shadow> Well, I've made this situation awkward

13:57 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-krr.gdt.156.175.IP)

13:57 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

13:58 *** Quits: Classic_M (ehekwmpqwdz@Pony-jukpgo.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:58 <Skippez_Shadow> I was just gonna ask about DerpyBot's timing to johnsey but, now I feel a bit too much like ive created the wrong situation so... nevermind

13:58 <johnsey> it's all good. when does it air?

13:59 <Skippez_Shadow> !S5

13:59 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:03h:01m:51s

13:59 <Skippez_Shadow> Minus an hour

14:00 <johnsey> !s5

14:00 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:02h:01m:12s

14:00 <Skippez_Shadow> Yay

14:00 <johnsey> so at 10 am EST then

14:00 <Skippez_Shadow> So 3pm here

14:01 <Skippez_Shadow> Sorry, im really nitpicky so...

14:03 <mniip> johnsey, 1428159600 + 1 week

14:03 <johnsey> all good, i just wasn't aware since i usually wait for the recording instead of watching the stream

14:03 <Skippez_Shadow> Ok, heheh

14:03 *** Joins: `Fluttershy (Reelix@Pony-3ck.evg.210.105.IP)

14:04 <mniip> hi

14:04 <johnsey> mniip: looks about right

14:04 <`Fluttershy> mniip: Second ep had half an audio channel :/ I won't be here for a few hours starting shortly, so will miss the episode - Should be back in about 6 or so hours though

14:05 <mniip> damn

14:05 <`Fluttershy> :<

14:05 <Skippez_Shadow> What is that other timing? The 1428159600?

14:06 *** FN_away is now known as FN

14:06 <mniip> Skippez_Shadow, 1428159600 is the premier

14:06 <mniip> `Fluttershy, the audio channels seem fine from here

14:06 <mniip> oh

14:06 <mniip> ohhh

14:06 <`Fluttershy> ?

14:06 <mniip> ಠ_ಠ

14:06 <mniip> now I hear it

14:06 <`Fluttershy> Yup

14:07 <Skippez_Shadow> What, the premier for s6 or time since the s5 ond?

14:07 <`Fluttershy> Had to re-dl from yayponies - And their eps are freaking massive

14:07 <Skippez_Shadow> One*

14:07 <mniip> Skippez_Shadow, 1428159600 is the S5 premier

14:07 <Skippez_Shadow> Ah

14:09 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

14:10 <mniip> damn I need a newer ffmpeg ._.

14:12 <Skippez_Shadow> There was a spoiler image for this ep that spike and twi will go back to the old library, but I thought the tree castle thing was the replacement in the same place

14:13 *** Joins: Mongoose (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare)

14:14 <mniip> Skippez_Shadow, the topic

14:14 <Unixkitty> Just this once...

14:14 <Skippez_Shadow> Mm? Was that to much of a spoiler?

14:15 *** Joins: SmallSkippeZ (androirc@Pony-ugh41v.range86-162.btcentralplus.com)

14:15 <Unixkitty> There can't be "too much" of a spoiler I'm afraid.

14:15 <mniip> speculations are no-no too

14:15 <SmallSkippeZ> Oops

14:16 <Unixkitty> What I'm saying is, I'm not banning you just because it's your first time ever.

14:16 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Sleep (Goosie@ClosetGirlyMare) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:18 *** Quits: Skippez_Shadow (androirc@Pony-ugh41v.range86-162.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:19 * mniip copies the right channel into the left

14:26 <SmallSkippeZ> Uni: I actually dont think its my first time uncovering a spoiler by accident, but I dont remember the first one

14:28 <Sketchy_Sounds> Well either way she's saying she's gonna be lenient on this occasion :p

14:28 <KooK> yawnage

14:28 <SkunkStripe> I once posted a spoiler because I just thought it was a comercial thing

14:28 <SmallSkippeZ> BLASPHEMY! someones already using my nickname on the chat of bronytv

14:29 <SkunkStripe> I think it runs through the same servers, it might be yourself

14:30 <SmallSkippeZ> Oh right bronytvs on this network *facehooves*

14:31 <FloppyChiptunes> When does the new episode premiere?

14:31 <KooK> For anybody around my age group - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWo-02Hsab4

14:31 <SmallSkippeZ> ! S5

14:31 <FloppyChiptunes> In 2 hours or in 2.5 hours? I have different information

14:31 <SmallSkippeZ> !s5

14:31 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:01h:29m:36s

14:31 <FloppyChiptunes> wat

14:31 <FloppyChiptunes> Now I'm even more confused

14:31 *** Joins: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP)

14:32 <FloppyChiptunes> A bot on PonyChat says 2.5 hours, Bronystate and Cinemaquestria says 2 hours, this bot says 1.5 hours

14:32 <FloppyChiptunes> O_O

14:32 <SgtPinkie> I'm not a bot

14:32 <SgtPinkie> But it's 1.5

14:32 <SmallSkippeZ> Go on bronytv stream then connect to the chat on here, although on that stream its 1:58

14:32 <SmallSkippeZ> 1:58:30

14:33 <SgtPinkie> No, yeah, they're right

14:33 <SgtPinkie> Weird

14:33 <mniip> http://ilikeponi.es/season-5 also says 1.5

14:33 <SmallSkippeZ> Im not gonna ask johns

14:34 <SgtPinkie> It would be 2, according to my channel guide, as Cutie Markless pt 2 airs at 11

14:35 <SmallSkippeZ> Pt2? What happened to pt1

14:35 <SgtPinkie> 10:30

14:35 <SgtPinkie> And Power Ponies at 10

14:35 <SmallSkippeZ> Ok Im confusing

14:36 <SmallSkippeZ> Confused*

14:36 <SgtPinkie> How so?

14:36 <SmallSkippeZ> Sgtpinkie, what are you on?

14:37 <SgtPinkie> ........What do you mean?

14:37 *** Joins: F4celess (Norse@Pony-i5jn56.bb.online.no)

14:37 <SmallSkippeZ> Like, what you watchin, to see all those ep's

14:37 <SmallSkippeZ> Not like that

14:38 <SgtPinkie> Oh

14:38 <SgtPinkie> I'm not on a stream or anything

14:38 <SmallSkippeZ> I figured

14:38 <SgtPinkie> This is the official Hub schedule

14:38 <SgtPinkie> *Discovery Family

14:39 <SmallSkippeZ> Hees theres alot of activity on bronytv

14:43 <KooK> I wonder how much a lightning is these days

14:44 *** SmallSkippeZ is now known as Skippez_Shadow

14:45 <Skippez_Shadow> A what, KooK?

14:46 <KooK> Skippez_Shadow: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-F-150-Lightning-in-Sonic-Blue-/291425751932?forcerrptr=true&hash=item43da54137c&item=291425751932

14:46 *** Quits: ShadySound (Zerky@Pony-bl1eo3.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:46 <Skippez_Shadow> Well right now its $21,991

14:47 <KooK> which is way too much

14:47 <Skippez_Shadow> K

14:47 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-v3bk41.internode.on.net) (Connection closed)

14:48 <Skippez_Shadow> Using my proper keyboard

14:48 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-v3bk41.internode.on.net)

14:51 <KooK> There we go, I'm finding them for $15k and less

14:51 <Skippez_Shadow> Got an alarm on my tab for the tiime the ep comes on

14:55 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:55 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

14:55 *** Quits: dobel (dobel@Pony-vc7iad.ewe-ip-backbone.de) (Quit: Disconnected)

15:08 *** Joins: Black (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful)

15:08 <hawthornbunny> Oh horseapples has it already started

15:08 <hawthornbunny> Everyone's shut up, they must be watching ponies x.x

15:09 <mniip> no it hasn't?

15:10 <Unixkitty> Still slightly over an hour left.

15:10 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:10 <Black> 50 minutes

15:11 <Unixkitty> And how did you figure it was 50 minutes I wonder

15:11 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

15:11 *** Quits: EwoudCP (EwoudCP@Pony-tje.9ks.109.92.IP) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))

15:11 *** Black is now known as Nelly

15:11 <KooK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLdaj8n_zto

15:12 <Corsair> They are playing Power Ponies, then both parts of the S5 premeire, Then the new ep

15:12 <Unixkitty> ^

15:12 <Corsair> So more like 80 minutes

15:12 <hawthornbunny> yay!

15:12 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-krr.gdt.156.175.IP) (Quit: OH MOST WONDERFUL OF... I mean... Oh, most wonderful of nights.)

15:12 <Unixkitty> Which is what I said, is it not?

15:12 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-a6vmtg.static.as13285.net)

15:12 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch



15:14 <KooK> IT'S JUST SO SICK NASTY!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vPeE4w_9LQ

15:14 <Unixkitty> Would you like a sock?

15:14 <KooK> Alright, finished with links this morning :P

15:15 * VinylScratch ambles in, a bucket adorned on her head. @w@

15:15 <Corsair> Long night, Vinyl?

15:15 <VinylScratch> Braaaaaaaaaaains~ ;3

15:15 <VinylScratch> xD

15:16 <Nelly> zombie scratch is bak

15:16 * wobniaR applies pancakes to VinylScratch's head

15:16 * Unixkitty points a levitating shotgun at VinylScratch, her expression deadpanning.

15:16 <VinylScratch> playing PVZ2. xD

15:16 <VinylScratch> Just kinda derpin' with vasebreaker

15:16 <Unixkitty> Sounds like you must be having fun

15:17 <VinylScratch> It's just a funny l'il series, what can I say?

15:18 <Unixkitty> I did play the first one on someone's phone when I was bored, I suppose it can be

15:19 <Unixkitty> Don't really know about the second though.

15:19 <Skippez_Shadow> So bored, 16:25, why u no come quicker!?

15:19 <Unixkitty> Don't you have anything at all to occupy yourself with while waiting, Skippez_Shadow?

15:19 <KooK> yawnage

15:20 <KooK> Can somebody else take a shower and clean the house for me today?

15:20 <VinylScratch> Games, books, fics...past episodes with commentary even?

15:20 <Skippez_Shadow> I have rfactor, but i'm configuring settings and mods and stuff

15:20 <Unixkitty> That actually sounds like fun

15:20 <Unixkitty> Says the nerd in me.

15:21 <Skippez_Shadow> Wait, to who?

15:21 <VinylScratch> you

15:21 <Skippez_Shadow> Oh

15:21 <VinylScratch> because that's actually the nerdier of the two things mentioned, lol

15:22 <Skippez_Shadow> (FallenSock) Get #Tirekt  haha bronytv chat

15:22 * Unixkitty boops wobniaR

15:22 <Unixkitty> Sorry I just really felt like touching a nerd for a second.

15:23 <Sketchy_Sounds> Coulda touched yourself for that, Unixkitty :p

15:23 <VinylScratch> Oh my

15:23 <Sketchy_Sounds> And no, not like that, before anyone makes any lewd remarks :p

15:23 <Skippez_Shadow> Um

15:23 <Unixkitty> Oh I'm sure wobniaR wouldn't mind, in fact, I know he would not.

15:24 * VinylScratch smooches sketchy! XD

15:24 <Skippez_Shadow> Imma be back here, just ah... doin'.. nuín

15:24 <Sketchy_Sounds> Ew, tastes like cheap alcohol and wubs

15:24 <Unixkitty> Sketchy_Sounds, confirmed for having taste buds on his cheek?

15:25 <Skippez_Shadow> Idk the difference between cheap and expensive alcohol, i hate them both

15:25 <mniip> tfw you get to taste every pillow you lie on

15:26 <VinylScratch> Pffft, I'm not THAT cheap. XD

15:26 <Skippez_Shadow> What's the "cut" command (ctrl/cmd+?)

15:26 <Sketchy_Sounds> X

15:26 <Sketchy_Sounds> X, C, V. Cut, Copy, Paste.

15:26 <mniip> shift+del

15:26 <Sketchy_Sounds> Shift+Del works too, Shift+Insert for paste.

15:26 <Skippez_Shadow> No mniiip

15:26 <Skippez_Shadow> Oh

15:27 <VinylScratch> when in doubt, Alt-F4. :3

15:27 * VinylScratch ducks

15:27 * Sketchy_Sounds smacks VinylScratch

15:27 <mniip> when in doubt, C-4

15:27 <VinylScratch> xD

15:27 <Skippez_Shadow> For some reason i can't cut these files so copy paste, delete

15:27 <Unixkitty> Woo explosions!

15:27 <Unixkitty> Should I call Michael Bay?

15:27 <Sketchy_Sounds> In the immortal words of Nabeshin, "Explosions fix everything!".

15:28 <mniip> I wonder how many people have never heard of ctrl+ins/shift-ins/shift-del

15:28 <VinylScratch> in MLP, he'd be Michael Bray ...'cause donkey.

15:28 <Sketchy_Sounds> oh lawd

15:28 <Unixkitty> haha

15:28 <Skippez_Shadow> What's good about the mac is that it has a merge as well as replace, stop or keep both

15:28 <VinylScratch> You lost me at Mac... *hugs her PC.* XD

15:28 <Unixkitty> ^

15:29 <mniip> merge as in what?

15:29 * Unixkitty masterraces VinylScratch

15:29 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:29 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:29 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

15:29 <Skippez_Shadow> Merge files instead of replacing them

15:29 <`Fluttershy> mniip: Change of plans - I'll be able to Stream :D

15:29 * VinylScratch boops Unixkitty

15:29 * Unixkitty squeaks

15:29 <Skippez_Shadow> Real time saver

15:29 <mniip> `Fluttershy, what about p2p

15:29 <`Fluttershy> ?

15:29 <mniip> torrent

15:30 <`Fluttershy> Same story as last time - I'll tell you as soon as I know

15:30 <mniip> Skippez_Shadow, oh, something like 'git merge-file'?

15:30 <`Fluttershy> Hopefully non-broken audio streams this time ;D

15:30 <Skippez_Shadow> But the only thing i do on mac's is piggyback windows programs on crossover

15:31 <Skippez_Shadow> Mniip, idk what dat is

15:32 <mniip> a git command obviously

15:32 <Skippez_Shadow> 59 minutes left

15:32 <Skippez_Shadow> Just turned 58

15:32 <mniip> more like 28

15:32 <mniip> no?

15:33 <Skippez_Shadow> No

15:34 <Skippez_Shadow> The bronytv stream starts for me at 16:25, it's 15:28 now

15:34 <`Fluttershy> mniip: Who're you streaming off?

15:34 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:34 <KooK> !s5

15:34 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:00h:26m:29s

15:34 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP)

15:34 <KooK> yawnage

15:35 <`Fluttershy> Bot shows 26m, site shows 26m, sites shows 58

15:35 <Skippez_Shadow> It's 30mins off, i was gonna ask jhons again but that might annoy

15:35 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com)

15:36 * mniip checks

15:36 <KooK> your face is 30 minutes off

15:36 <Skippez_Shadow> As i already asked for the hour change

15:36 <mniip> what

15:36 <mniip> 11:30?

15:36 <mniip> what how why

15:36 <KooK> sickburnyoloswag

15:36 <Unixkitty> Still about 50 minutes left.

15:36 <mniip> ಠ_ಠ

15:36 <Unixkitty> 53 minutes and 3 seconds

15:37 <VinylScratch> Derpy derpin' the time?

15:37 <Unixkitty> Honestly, who sets all those timers and then doesn't watch them themselves?

15:37 <KooK> Only you can prevent forest fires

15:37 <mniip> Unixkitty, I assumed the episode starts at the same moment every week

15:38 <Unixkitty> In case anyone would be wondering, I personally watch the official Discovery Family schedule, even though I do not particularly care about the air times myself.

15:38 <`Fluttershy> Is the BronyState stream lagging, or just me?

15:38 <mniip> Unixkitty, link?

15:38 <Unixkitty> http://www.locatetv.com/listings/discovery-kids

15:38 *** Nelly is now known as Nully

15:38 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (ChaoticRift@Pony-jf7icb.md.comcast.net)

15:38 *** Crimson_Tail is now known as Pony_45490

15:39 <mniip> hmm

15:39 <mniip> so 11:30 every week then?

15:39 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

15:39 <Skippez_Shadow> Yeah

15:39 <Unixkitty> You know, if episodes normally air on 11:00 am, I'm assuming today must be different because they're showing the two parter premiere right now.

15:39 <Skippez_Shadow> For me eh?

15:39 <Unixkitty> We'll see next week I suppose

15:39 <Skippez_Shadow> Eh?*

15:39 *** Pony_45490 is now known as Crimson_Tail

15:39 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Those smiles.

15:39 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com)

15:40 * The_Nostalgia_Mare shudders.

15:40 <mniip> ಠ3ಠ

15:40 <Unixkitty> Truly creepy indeed.

15:40 <VinylScratch> Yeah, that was an ep and a half

15:40 *** Gilda is now known as Gilda_AFK

15:40 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

15:41 <mniip> `Fluttershy, I guess I'll wait for downloads

15:41 <Skippez_Shadow> What the premier?

15:41 <mniip> (i.e not stream it)

15:41 <`Fluttershy> Ok

15:41 <hawthornbunny> It's quite a delightfully creepy episode actually. :)

15:41 <Corsair> Oh, is your friendship ending?

15:41 <VinylScratch> Yesh, the premiere

15:41 <Skippez_Shadow> K

15:41 <mniip> so that I can inspect any problems with the video too

15:41 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:42 <Skippez_Shadow> So, rfactor  ctdp 2005, mmg2007, and wcp2009 all installed, time for ctdp 2006, wcp1999, rvr 2000, & rh junior 2004

15:43 * Skippez_Shadow sighs

15:43 <mniip> the hay are all those acronyms

15:43 <Skippez_Shadow> Then the tracks and plugins

15:43 <hawthornbunny> The creepiest thing about the opener is that none of the members of the Equal Mark Cult (save for Starlight Glimmer) are actually evil. They all genuinely believed in the idea of nopony being more special than anypony else.

15:44 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> They were brainwashed.

15:45 <hawthornbunny> Well, we don't know that. Starlight Glimmer was obviously very persuasive, but I think there had to be some underlying sympathy with the idea.

15:45 <hawthornbunny> At least, that's what my fanfiction will conclude if I ever finish it which I won't. ^^

15:45 <Skippez_Shadow> Ctdp= Cars&TracksDevelopmentProject, the rest idk

15:46 <mniip> what's that

15:46 <Skippez_Shadow> http://www.ctdp.net/

15:47 <Unixkitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs9nNWMCOWY

15:47 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim OST - A Winter's Tale

15:47 <Skippez_Shadow> Go down to projects, then you'll see 2005 & 6

15:49 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

15:49 <Skippez_Shadow> Then you have the apotter plugin, then bahrain circuit by ctdp, wcp extra hockenheim and indianapolis, then the mmg2007 trackpack

15:49 <Skippez_Shadow> Spotter*

15:51 <Skippez_Shadow> Ehhh

15:51 *** Joins: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni)

15:53 <SkunkStripe> Is the timer screwed up or is the episode actually at 11:30?

15:53 <Skippez_Shadow> 11:30 fo' you

15:53 <Corsair> The episode is really at 11:30 eastern today

15:53 <Skippez_Shadow> Fo' me it 16:25

15:54 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

15:54 <Corsair> They are currently re-playing the premeire

15:55 <Unixkitty> Did you people somehow miss my link?

15:55 *** Nully is now known as Nelly

15:55 <Skippez_Shadow> Eh?

15:55 <Unixkitty> The Discovery Family schedule.

15:55 <Skippez_Shadow> Oh i saw dat

15:56 <Skippez_Shadow> Premier= equal cm's= communism= kim jong un= illuminati confirmed

15:57 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com)

15:57 *** Quits: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:57 <Skippez_Shadow> KooK is back

15:57 <KooK> I am back

15:57 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> That basement scene that is creepy.

15:57 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-rgmjhl.res.rr.com)

15:57 <Skippez_Shadow> T_N_M ikr

15:58 <KooK> Your basement scene is creepy

15:58 <Skippez_Shadow> OH HELL NAW!

15:58 <Skippez_Shadow> ~

15:58 <Skippez_Shadow> #irekt

15:58 *** Joins: BlackCat (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful)

15:58 <Skippez_Shadow> Tirekt*

15:58 *** Joins: Tahlorz (rattle@Pony-f1emhe.ph.cox.net)

15:59 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-orq1tr.singnet.com.sg)

15:59 *** Joins: Knight_Dash (mgvffpbtxpk@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP)

15:59 <Knight_Dash> Guys, is Equestria Daily's episode timer wrong?

16:00 <Knight_Dash> Is the episode actually in half an hour?

16:00 <init3> Appears so.

16:00 * init3 yawns

16:00 <Knight_Dash> I see, thanks.

16:00 <init3> Guess I got up a half hour early

16:00 <init3> Bah.

16:00 <Skippez_Shadow> Oh well

16:00 <Skippez_Shadow> It's only half an hour

16:00 *** Quits: Nelly (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by BlackCat)))

16:00 *** BlackCat is now known as Nelly

16:01 <Skippez_Shadow> Init3, the time you spoke was exactly half an hour earlier, and so's this

16:01 <init3> Truf. I just fell asleep two hours ago so I could have used it,

16:02 <Sketchy_Sounds> !s5

16:02 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 6d:23h:59m:08s

16:02 <Sketchy_Sounds> ...Derpy.

16:02 *** WorkFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

16:02 <VinylScratch> lol

16:03 * Seoson facehooves

16:03 <Corsair> Maybe Derpy had a preview of the episode.

16:03 *** Reia_Sleep is now known as Reia_Hope

16:06 <SkunkStripe> Has fluttershy's tail always dragged as far behind her as it does in cutimap

16:06 <KooK> I've been sitting at my computer for a week just watching for an email back from this dog breeder

16:06 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-45d29l.dynamic.sonic.net)

16:06 <SkunkStripe> I know they made a joke about it during the newspaper thing, but I havn't noticed it actualyl dragging on the floor about 1/4 character length behind her before

16:07 *** Gilda_AFK is now known as Fall

16:07 <Knight_Dash> Is that so? I hear they've apparently improved animation and stuff this season? Maybe this lets them give more character to specific ponies?

16:08 <Knight_Dash> Though I don't remember if her tail-dragging really is new or not. In fact, I don't actually remember the tail-dragging at all. :P

16:08 *** CocoBed is now known as CocoPommel

16:08 <Skippez_Shadow> Yush

16:08 *** Joins: Rufus (rtjksgvijxy@Pony-tl0.aru.15.50.IP)

16:09 * Pi yawns

16:09 <Pi> welp

16:09 <Pi> gonna set this project aside to watch the new episode

16:09 <Pi> Which I can't find because I'm not sure if it's out yet.

16:10 <SkunkStripe> "Why arn't you bitter and miserable?" asked in the sweetest voice possible

16:10 * Schism hefts a mallet. "Dear customers. Correlation is not causation!" Wham, repeat as necessary.

16:10 <Corsair> It has not aired yet, Pi

16:10 *** Joins: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-ikp.log.136.40.IP)

16:11 <SgtPinkie> Yo, folks

16:11 <`Fluttershy> I find it interesting that - Like AJ's strength - Fluttershy's Cutie Mark is what allows her to speak to animals. This would show that whilst the Cutie Mark shows what a specific ponys special talent is, it also significantly exeplifies their ability in said talent

16:11 <SgtPinkie> T minus 20 minutes

16:11 * Skippez_Shadow just yawned like a wookie and tarzan's baby

16:12 *** Quits: Rufus (rtjksgvijxy@Pony-tl0.aru.15.50.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:12 <Skippez_Shadow> Best description ever

16:13 <Skippez_Shadow> Only 18 minutes

16:13 <SkunkStripe> I don't think thats exactly how it works

16:13 <Skippez_Shadow> What?

16:14 <SkunkStripe> The spell seems to force people onto a baseline. And that it does so  by sucking their talents and other traits that make them different into their mark.

16:14 <SkunkStripe> Like having your blood drawn into a tube and then replaced with someone elses

16:14 <SgtPinkie> I still find it interesting how Walter and Jesus made it into the Gameloft game without name changes

16:15 *** Joins: User_6921 (hfnpuptdrum@Pony-vdifij.optusnet.com.au)

16:16 <PinkiePieInsane> you know

16:16 <PinkiePieInsane> if the cutie marks embodies the magical talent of a pony

16:16 <PinkiePieInsane> i wonder if there will be a stealing cutie mark villain that gains AWEINSPIRING powers from stealing cutie marks

16:17 *** Quits: User_6921 (hfnpuptdrum@Pony-vdifij.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:17 <KooK> You know what the cat does when he's hungry?  He head butts you and purrs, which is really confusing because you wonder "Do you just want attention?"  Oh, wait, you're probably hungry...

16:17 *** Joins: Firestar (.@Element)

16:18 <Skippez_Shadow> KooK, yu have some wierd stuff in your life

16:19 <RightHoofGone> in the s4 we saw that they're tied to the magic within them so

16:19 <`Fluttershy> Wow - #bronytv IRC really needs some mods - Last time I tell people to watch their Stream - Their chat is toxic as hell

16:19 <RightHoofGone> in a way it's beenpi done

16:19 *** Joins: PixelPup (jcxyoqjryev@Pony-g3tcur.rev.sefiber.dk)

16:20 <RightHoofGone> s4 finale*

16:20 <Skippez_Shadow> `Fluttershy, jesus christ i know right?

16:20 <`Fluttershy> Skippez_Shadow: Indeed... At least the mods have stopped people spamming "whale cum" every second

16:20 <`Fluttershy> But that's about it...

16:21 <Skippez_Shadow> I might have said something along those lines earlier

16:21 <Unixkitty> In case anyone may not be aware, that is perfectly "normal" for popular stream chats.

16:21 *** Joins: User_6746 (vneyducscbh@Pony-35apme.net-htp.de)

16:21 <Unixkitty> Any kind pretty much unfortunately.

16:22 * Skippez_Shadow sighs

16:22 <`Fluttershy> Unixkitty: Although a user repeatedly spouting liens along "Please cum on my face" and not being banned... ?

16:22 <Skippez_Shadow> HOH MY GAWD

16:22 *** Quits: PixelPup (jcxyoqjryev@Pony-g3tcur.rev.sefiber.dk) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:22 <Unixkitty> Do you have to bring that up in here though? Specifically mentioning those sentences?

16:22 * Fall facepalms

16:23 <Unixkitty> Otherwise you may experience exactly what you're wondering upon yourself.

16:23 <`Fluttershy> Unixkitty: My apologies - I'm simply trying to point out that the severity of profanity in the channel is far above your average generic trolling

16:23 <Unixkitty> But do you have to copy paste those lines? Please do not.

16:23 <Skippez_Shadow> Ok now i'm actually on the stream as there's eight minutes left

16:23 <Fall> Whenever I watch a stream I just shrink the window so that the stream is all I see. I don't care about the chat. I chat in here.

16:23 <Unixkitty> ^

16:24 <Skippez_Shadow> Fall, the chat is on this network XD

16:24 <Fall> I'm aware. My point still stands.

16:24 <Unixkitty> Doesn't mean you HAVE to read it, does it Skippez_Shadow?

16:24 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-fo9eog.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:25 *** Nelly is now known as Nelly|Stream

16:25 *** mniip is now known as \m

16:25 <Knight_Dash> Nearly time. This will be the very first episode I'm actually watching live.

16:25 <Skippez_Shadow> I know, i just wanna state the fact

16:25 <Knight_Dash> I wasn't able to make it for the last one.

16:25 <VinylScratch> I use bronystates spike theatre, no chat.

16:26 <Skippez_Shadow> Knight_Dash: me too

16:26 <Fall> I actually suspect I've lost interest in the show.... not gonna be watching this one, didn't see the last one, never finished S4....

16:26 <`Fluttershy> VinylScratch: Checked out BronyState - Their compression makes everything appear in 360p :<

16:26 <VinylScratch> I'm less picky, lol

16:27 <`Fluttershy> Aaah, ok

16:27 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-9drof8.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

16:27 <VinylScratch> Fall, maybe you just need to check out the latest eps and see for better or worse if that's true. :p

16:27 <Knight_Dash> Okay, guys. See you after the episode!

16:28 *** Parts: Knight_Dash (mgvffpbtxpk@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP) ()

16:28 <Fall> Not really in the mood for watching ponies. Never am.

16:28 *** Quits: SkyHighAway (Tom@Pony-po4t28.threembb.co.uk) (Connection closed)

16:28 <VinylScratch> gotcha. :P

16:28 *** Quits: User_6746 (vneyducscbh@Pony-35apme.net-htp.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

16:29 <Skippez_Shadow> Have you noticed, if it's obvious then sorry, but twi doesn't write in her book to celestia anymore

16:29 <Skippez_Shadow> 2:10

16:29 <Seoson> Livestream everypony

16:29 <RightHoofGone> yay

16:29 <Skippez_Shadow> I KNOW

16:29 <Skippez_Shadow> SO EXCITING

16:29 <hawthornbunny> Okay, got my tea. I'm READY

16:29 <VinylScratch> <Skippez_Shadow> Have you noticed, if it's obvious then sorry, but twi doesn't write in her book to celestia anymore - She's moved on from that.

16:29 <VinylScratch> they already more or less lampshaded that point

16:30 <SkunkStripe> they havn't written to celestia since the end of season3

16:30 <Skippez_Shadow> She's now playing her part "refences are referencing"

16:30 <SkunkStripe> they spent season 4 occasionally writing in their own gernal

16:30 *** Unixkitty changes topic to 'Welcome to EquestriaDaily! | This is an ALL-AGES channel. | GUIDE: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Type !list to download episodes | SPOILERS are still a no-no until 10pm UTC'

16:30 <SkunkStripe> *journal

16:30 <VinylScratch> journal

16:30 <VinylScratch> There ya go

16:30 <SkunkStripe> I'm not sure how I came to "Gernal"

16:31 <KooK> https://www.dropbox.com/s/xfz3875c38hck00/11127816_1081941798493497_3953302688658275466_o.jpg?dl=0

16:31 *** Joins: DaringPon3 (Daring@Pony-c65bgg.bredband.comhem.se)

16:31 <RightHoofGone> ok

16:32 <Skippez_Shadow> Yay streams

16:32 <Fall> Eh. Feck it.

16:32 * Fall joins stream.

16:32 <Fall> Oh wow.

16:32 <Fall> Talking ponies!!

16:32 <Unixkitty> A show about cartoon horses? Oh my! No way!

16:32 <Skippez_Shadow> XDXDXD

16:33 <Skippez_Shadow> The brontttttv chat is exploding

16:33 <Skippez_Shadow> Oh yay adverts

16:33 <Fall> Oh yes. It's all coming back to me now. American telivision manages to cram three ad breaks into a 23-minute show.

16:34 <KooK> AND NOW I MUST LEALVE, For I do not want the spoil

16:34 <Fall> There are no the spoil for six hours.

16:34 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-1l6p8p.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

16:34 <Skippez_Shadow> Finally

16:35 <Skippez_Shadow> Twi, being herself

16:35 <Unixkitty> Make sure not to tell us how was the episode afterwards!

16:36 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Pinkie_Pie

16:36 *** Joins: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net)

16:36 <Skippez_Shadow> I GOT A RANDOM ASS AD

16:37 <Unixkitty> Are you okay Skippez_Shadow? I'm pretty sure everyone else is busy watching the stream right now.

16:37 <Skippez_Shadow> I knowowowow

16:37 <Fall> I didn't know they advertised asses on The Hub. Or whatever this channel is called now.

16:38 <Unixkitty> Haha Fall

16:38 <Skippez_Shadow> The stream is mugging me off and beuffering, and starting random ads

16:39 *** Pinkie_Pie is now known as Reia_Hope

16:39 <Skippez_Shadow> Ok there we go

16:40 <Skippez_Shadow> Song time, i don't like songs in cartoons,

16:40 <Fall> Oi. No talking about the episode.

16:40 <Skippez_Shadow> Ok

16:41 <Skippez_Shadow> But i'm not talking specifically about the new ep but meh

16:41 <Fall> Just zero mentioning it!

16:42 <SgtPinkie> Fine

16:43 <Skippez_Shadow> Tey're advertising the premier a week after it happened to go again the next week

16:43 <Fall> Snuggle Scent Boosters.

16:43 <Fall> Dear lord what was that.

16:43 <Seoson> The ads might have missed the target audience :P

16:44 <SgtPinkie> Education Connection.... I like the old song better

16:44 <Skippez_Shadow> Wow, those comepletely not sarcastically reaistic dubs

16:44 *** Joins: User_1258 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

16:44 *** Parts: User_1258 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) ()

16:44 <SgtPinkie> I don't know any of those characters

16:44 <SgtPinkie> How are they my favorites?

16:45 <Fall> Rapping in ads is ALWAYS embarassing. Basic rule guys.


16:45 <endoriazel> ads are always embarassing


16:45 <Skippez_Shadow> Especially next to my famoily

16:46 <SgtPinkie> Know who we haven't seen in a while?

16:47 <SgtPinkie> Gummy

16:47 <endoriazel> Owloysious?

16:47 <SgtPinkie> No, he was in a S4 episode, wasn't he?

16:48 <SgtPinkie> But, then again, so was Gummy, in Pinkie Pride

16:48 <Seoson> lol

16:48 <Unixkitty> endoriazel, spoiler warning.

16:49 <endoriazel> who what why

16:49 <Unixkitty> You wouldn't want me to mute the entire chat for six hours, would you?

16:49 <SgtPinkie> ...........Was he? I only remember Spongebob-style cutaway Gummy

16:49 <endoriazel> i didnt spoil anything though? i think youre overreacting Unixkitty

16:49 <SgtPinkie> What did he say that was a spoiler?

16:50 <Unixkitty> Did I say he did? I only warned about spoilers.

16:50 *** Octave|PS2 is now known as OctaveSymphony

16:50 <Skippez_Shadow> No, im buffering so much

16:50 <Unixkitty> One of the reasons why I prefer not to watch streams.

16:50 <SgtPinkie> Yeah, you said "endorriazel, spoiler warning"

16:51 <Unixkitty> Perhaps I meant possible spoiler, how would you know I didn't, SgtPinkie?

16:51 <SgtPinkie> Implying that you are talking to him

16:51 <Fall> Ooh! Ooh! That reminds me! I haven't pressed this button in over a year!!!

16:51 <Fall> 3This channel is SPOILER-FREE until 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 9pm GMT. Please take all discussion of today's episode to #EquestriaSpoilers or be banned for a week!

16:51 <Fall> YAY!

16:51 <Fall> Ignore the times, they're wrong.

16:51 <Fall> BUT YAY!

16:51 <endoriazel> then why would you pick me out by name, Unixkitty

16:51 <SgtPinkie> That would be 5PM EST


16:52 <Unixkitty> Oh would you simply do your thing already, I didn't mean to impose on anyone.

16:52 <SgtPinkie> .....No, 5:30 EST

16:52 <SgtPinkie> 1:30 PST

16:52 <Fall> Spoiler ban ends six hours after the episode does. Thatever that makes it for you.

16:52 <SgtPinkie> 10:30 GMT

16:52 <Unixkitty> It's in the topic, you sillies...

16:53 <SgtPinkie> Oh, I thought it was 6 hours after it began

16:53 <endoriazel> i think i just remembered why i usually only read in here

16:53 <Skippez_Shadow> I missed the rest, now i have to go through the ads, again

16:53 <Fall> Well no, 23.00 GMT

16:53 <SkunkStripe> Bedazz;e

16:53 <Fall> Six hours after it ENDS, not begins.

16:53 <Seoson> Bosley, what the hay?

16:53 *** Quits: CmdrYippy (CmdrYippy@Pony-dncago.tn.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)

16:53 <Skippez_Shadow> Ikr

16:53 <SgtPinkie> They...... know their audience?

16:53 *** Unixkitty changes topic to 'Welcome to EquestriaDaily! | This is an ALL-AGES channel. | GUIDE: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Type !list to download episodes | SPOILERS are still a no-no until 11pm UTC'

16:54 <SkunkStripe> It makes sense. Figure theres a dad watching with his kid.

16:54 <Skippez_Shadow> Selfie evaluation set XD

16:54 <SkunkStripe> And that dad is like "....can bosly regrow my hair?"

16:54 <ShivalPonyWolf> trump should try that hair thing

16:54 <Fall> Note how Bosley never actually said he can grow your hair back.

16:54 <Seoson> Hint: No it doesn't :P

16:54 <Seoson> Yeah clever ads

16:55 <Skippez_Shadow> Yeah, pop-up toys love me soooo much...

16:55 <SkunkStripe> Yeah it probably doesn't but people tend to forget the idea of parents wathcing with their kids. A lot of the ads make more sense when you think about that

16:55 <Fall> Somebody better goddamn explain the purpose of Hideaway Friends right now or so help me god I'll burn this channel to the ground

16:55 *** Joins: GreasyBluegrass (John@Pony-k3h41s.upc-a.chello.nl)

16:55 <Skippez_Shadow> Fall, yeah

16:55 <SgtPinkie> It's been almost a year and a half since Frozen came out

16:55 <SkunkStripe> They're for stealth missions

16:56 <Skippez_Shadow> These ads seem to last forever

16:56 <SkunkStripe> yeah thats what tv is like

16:56 <Skippez_Shadow> Books

16:57 <Seoson> Rainbow Dash <3

16:57 *** Joins: dobel (dobel@Pony-vc7iad.ewe-ip-backbone.de)

16:57 * Unixkitty gives Fall an incredibly soft and fluffy pillow.

16:57 <Fall> Guys, don't make me press f8 again....

16:58 <Skippez_Shadow> What will that do again?

16:58 <Fall> 3This channel is SPOILER-FREE until 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 9pm GMT. Please take all discussion of today's episode to #EquestriaSpoilers or be banned for a week!

16:58 <Skippez_Shadow> Oh right]

16:58 <Fall> Again, ignore the times

16:58 <Unixkitty> Why won't you edit them?

16:58 *** Quits: LightDash (qywulflmigy@Pony-s7k2gh.mtl.aei.ca) (Connection closed)

16:59 <Fall> Because then I wouldn't be lazy!

16:59 <Unixkitty> haha

16:59 *** Quits: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-826nem.res.rr.com) (Quit: Follow meh: @Slatefield, @Lenfant_MLP)

16:59 <Unixkitty> I'm afraid I couldn't argue with that

16:59 *** Joins: LightDash (qywulflmigy@Pony-s7k2gh.mtl.aei.ca)

17:00 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (pfrlrexydqn@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP)

17:00 <Skippez_Shadow> I cry every time

17:01 <Skippez_Shadow> Is there another ep or just the one?

17:01 *** Nelly|Stream is now known as Nelly

17:01 <SgtPinkie> Just the one

17:02 <hawthornbunny> and straight to Derpibooru. XD

17:02 <RightHoofGone> something

17:02 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

17:02 *** Quits: Reia_Hope (chatzilla@TheCowPony) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 36.0.4/20150320202338])

17:02 *** Joins: Knight_Dash (mgvffpbtxpk@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP)

17:02 <Knight_Dash> It is done.

17:02 <Skippez_Shadow> XD

17:02 <Fall> The heck? Samurai Jack? Where's my Littlest Petshop fix!?

17:02 <Knight_Dash> To EquestriaSpoilers!

17:03 <SgtPinkie> Can't tell if serious or joking

17:03 <Knight_Dash> And... Left it because someone asked the title for next week's episode.

17:03 <SkunkStripe> Yeah I was about to watch that

17:03 <SkunkStripe> I still haven't watched the second half of season 3 yet

17:03 <Seoson> that episode felt so short *cry*

17:04 <SkunkStripe> 22 minutes is shorter than it used to be

17:04 <SgtPinkie> 22 minutes has always been 22 minutes

17:04 <Unixkitty> 22 minutes is shorter than 22 minutes? Is that what you're saying?

17:04 <Skippez_Shadow> Seoson, that last bit made me cry a little

17:04 <Knight_Dash> Yes, I think he's speaking metaphorically.

17:05 <Knight_Dash> As in, it doesn't feel as long as it used to.

17:05 <SkunkStripe> That would be the joke, yes

17:05 *** Skippez_Shadow was kicked by Unixkitty (No Spoilers. At all.)

17:05 *** Joins: Skippez_Shadow (androirc@Pony-ugh41v.range86-162.btcentralplus.com)

17:05 <Skippez_Shadow> DAMNIT I JUST REALISED

17:06 <Seoson> We should use rot13 like in the good old days

17:06 <Skippez_Shadow> Wha dat?

17:06 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

17:06 *** Joins: TinyLuna (vosptderbbl@Pony-pqteds.co.comcast.net)

17:06 <Seoson> Shift every character by 13, so the text is unreadable without shifting back

17:07 <Seoson> It was used in the Usenet to hide spoilers

17:07 <Skippez_Shadow> Eh?

17:07 * aqualycool22 Rubs noses with TinyLuna.

17:07 <aqualycool22> ^_^

17:08 <TinyLuna> I overslept and missed the episode http://tinyurl.com/ockgtqf

17:08 <TinyLuna> oh well

17:08 <Seoson> Guvf grkg vf rapelcgrq ivn ebg13 - not a spoiler

17:08 <Knight_Dash> Don't worry, they'll have it up on DailyMotion and YouTube really soon.

17:09 *** Quits: SkunkStripe (mrfddzbkibq@Pony-6abajp.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:09 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-v3bk41.internode.on.net) (Connection closed)

17:09 *** Joins: SkyHighAway (Tom@Pony-po4t28.threembb.co.uk)

17:09 <SgtPinkie> SkunkStripe: Second half contains a Groundhog Day episode, a Hitchcock episode, and other things that don't reference anything

17:09 *** SkyHighAway is now known as SkyHigh

17:10 *** \m is now known as mniip

17:10 *** Joins: luckyspirit|mobile (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony)

17:10 <aqualycool22> And they'll usually have it tomorrow. :/

17:10 <TinyLuna> meh I'll just do my normal thing today then, i'm in no rush to watch it

17:11 <TinyLuna> I need to burn some calories off from yesterday =/

17:11 <SgtPinkie> L suhihu wklv nlqg ri flskhu. Wklv hslvrgh frqwdlqhg srqlhv. Wkdw'v d vsrlohu, uljkw?

17:11 <VinylScratch> Guys, come on

17:11 <Unixkitty> What in the world is that gibberish?

17:11 <VinylScratch> It's rot13 or somesuch

17:11 <VinylScratch> I can't be bothered to decipher code, so let's not do this

17:12 <Unixkitty> If it's not English in this channel, it's equal to Moonspeak.

17:12 <Skippez_Shadow> Sorry kitty i done doof

17:12 * TinyLuna jumps on VinylScratch's turn table.

17:12 <Firestar> hey Fall can you still get ep by using the command or something?

17:12 <TinyLuna> Spin me!

17:12 <SgtPinkie> !list

17:12 <aqualycool22> I've set it to record. Yes. The 3rd episode is next aired 1:30 PM EST tomorrow, April 11th, 2015.

17:12 * VinylScratch spins you right round?

17:12 <init3> Caesar cipher I think.

17:12 * TinyLuna cheers

17:13 <Fall> Yes, Firestar. Not todays, though. Give poor johnsey some time to get it up

17:13 <VinylScratch> lol

17:13 *** Quits: luckyspirit|mobile (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony) (Quit: Pony should pony pony)

17:13 * Firestar hugs Fall and VinylScratch this news made his day

17:13 * Firestar he hugs VinylScratch why because hugs go all around

17:14 <aqualycool22> Season 5 Finale: My name is Twilight Sparkle.

17:14 <aqualycool22> You killed my books.

17:14 *** Quits: Tahlorz (rattle@Pony-f1emhe.ph.cox.net) (Quit: )

17:14 <aqualycool22> Prepare to die.

17:14 <Skippez_Shadow> XD

17:15 <Cyan_Spark> Isn't Tirek already in Tartarus?

17:15 <Skippez_Shadow> Best. FINALE. EVER

17:15 <Unixkitty> Tartartartartartarususususus?

17:15 <Skippez_Shadow> Wait, tartarus?

17:15 <TinyLuna> Tarty!

17:16 *** Joins: PixelPup (jcxyoqjryev@Pony-g3tcur.rev.sefiber.dk)

17:16 <Knight_Dash> The princess of hearts, she baked some tarts...

17:17 <TinyLuna> Beware the Tarty http://tinyurl.com/nkdlnhp

17:17 *** Joins: User_8084 (vneyducscbh@Pony-35apme.net-htp.de)

17:17 <Skippez_Shadow> I know that name from somewhere, tartarus

17:18 <VinylScratch> ...Tartarus was in the Season 4 finale. :P

17:18 *** Quits: User_8084 (vneyducscbh@Pony-35apme.net-htp.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:18 <Skippez_Shadow> I know

17:18 <VinylScratch> Good, lol

17:18 <Seoson> Season 10 Final: Discord becomes an Alicorn Princess :D

17:18 <Skippez_Shadow> But somewhere else

17:18 <Seoson> well Prince

17:19 <Unixkitty> Seoson, http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140512113212/mlp/images/2/24/Discord_dressed_as_an_Alicorn_S4E25.png

17:19 <TinyLuna> It was also in the episode where Cerberus the 3 headed dog was tamed by fluttershy.

17:19 <Unixkitty> Isn't he simply glorious

17:19 <Seoson> Yeah but that wasn't real ^^

17:19 <Unixkitty> Are you saying Discord does not have the power?

17:19 <Unixkitty> Chaos reigns!

17:19 <TinyLuna> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfFj4erKjXA

17:20 <TinyLuna> totally real

17:20 <Seoson> I looks like he has a decent amount of power *looks around his apartment*

17:20 <Knight_Dash> Yeah, S4 finale actually says tha TIrek escaped while Cerberus was away in that episode.

17:20 <Seoson> It*

17:21 <init3> *Continuity*

17:21 <TinyLuna> Yeah, silly doggy

17:22 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:23 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

17:23 * Firestar puts TinyLuna on his head and flies off

17:23 *** Quits: Firestar (.@Element) (Quit: Leaving)

17:24 <TinyLuna> ahhh!

17:24 *** Quits: dobel (dobel@Pony-vc7iad.ewe-ip-backbone.de) (Quit: Disconnected)

17:26 <CocoPommel> !link Coco

17:26 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/747868

17:26 <CocoPommel> Lol

17:29 <TinyLuna> !link cookies

17:29 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/335424

17:29 <TinyLuna> ^.^

17:30 *** Quits: PixelPup (jcxyoqjryev@Pony-g3tcur.rev.sefiber.dk) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:30 <TinyLuna> well time to go running to burn all those cookie calories

17:30 <TinyLuna> bye bye everypony!

17:30 *** Quits: TinyLuna (vosptderbbl@Pony-pqteds.co.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:35 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:41 *** Quits: CocoPommel (CocoPommel@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com) (Quit: Be right back ^v^)

17:42 <init3> Hmm... I haven't slept yet, but it is nice and sunny out for the first time in months. Cannot decide whether to sleep or go for a walk.

17:43 <Skippez_Shadow> When in doubt, sleep

17:43 <Skippez_Shadow> Unless your me and play video games all day

17:44 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

17:45 <init3> Hehe. I do that sometimes too. It is supposed to be even nicer tomorrow but after you go though a winter like this one you can really sympathize with those who worshiped the sun.

17:45 <SgtPinkie> ......How do the pets not know how Blythe can communicate with them

17:45 <SgtPinkie> They were there when it happened

17:46 <init3> According to the NWS it is a really pleasant NA out with a NA wind at NA mph...

17:47 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

17:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SomeFrenchBrony

17:48 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhkmsvEys-A

17:48 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

17:48 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Steven Universe Like A Comet

17:54 *** Joins: Lenfant_Sauvage (Lenfant_Sau@Pony-826nem.res.rr.com)

17:54 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Lenfant_Sauvage

17:54 *** Joins: CmdrYippy (CmdrYippy@Pony-kog.4si.55.45.IP)

17:54 *** Fall is now known as FallenSilent

17:55 *** Joins: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-8ut.pa2.49.86.IP)

17:55 <CmdrYippy> Hi

17:56 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-orq1tr.singnet.com.sg) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

17:57 * mniip pokes `Fluttershy

18:02 *** Solarstorm is now known as solarstorm

18:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Wait, 11PM UTC?

18:03 <Unixkitty> Mmhm

18:03 *** Joins: EtherNet (Ether@Pony-s7r46u.dyn.optonline.net)

18:08 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (androirc@Pony-0b0.lrs.172.5.IP)

18:09 <`Fluttershy> mniip: Was lagging - Skipped the streams - Let me check

18:09 *** Quits: CmdrYippy (CmdrYippy@Pony-kog.4si.55.45.IP) (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)

18:10 *** Joins: CmdrYippy (CmdrYippy@Pony-kog.4si.55.45.IP)

18:10 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD9FspQ4XIY

18:10 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

18:10 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Oswald (The Theme Song)

18:11 *** Joins: IronMustang (uhxsshsfeqz@Pony-uurbom.wa.comcast.net)

18:11 <`Fluttershy> mniip: There are some possible alternates - Still waiting for a specific

18:12 <IronMustang> trying to connect to canternet through hexchat

18:13 *** Joins: Reelix_ (Reelix@Pony-3ck.evg.210.105.IP)

18:13 *** Quits: `Fluttershy (Reelix@Pony-3ck.evg.210.105.IP) (Connection closed)

18:13 *** Reelix_ is now known as `Fluttershy

18:13 <mniip> huh

18:13 <mniip> elaborate?

18:13 <IronMustang> oh nevermind, I got it

18:13 *** Quits: IronMustang (uhxsshsfeqz@Pony-uurbom.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:13 *** `Fluttershy is now known as Pony_39845

18:13 * Pony_39845 pokes nickserv

18:14 *** Joins: IronMustang (Ryan@Pony-uurbom.wa.comcast.net)

18:14 *** Pony_39845 is now known as `Fluttershy

18:15 *** Sketchy_Sounds is now known as Gaming_Sounds

18:16 <`Fluttershy> mniip: Another source - But they leave commercials in -_-

18:16 <mniip> is it 1080p?

18:17 <`Fluttershy> Apparently

18:17 <mniip> then I could cut it up

18:17 <mniip> with ffmpeg magic

18:17 *** Stradiverra is now known as Stradi|Resting

18:18 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

18:19 *** solarstorm is now known as Solarstorm

18:20 *** Quits: Cyclone|Laptop (Disembodied@Pony-aog6i3.ma.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:22 *** Quits: F4celess (Norse@Pony-i5jn56.bb.online.no) (Quit: Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS!)

18:27 *** init3 is now known as Init3-away

18:27 <Skippez_Shadow> Peek-a-boo

18:27 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

18:28 *** FallenSilent is now known as Fall

18:30 <mniip> boo!

18:30 * mniip has the episode

18:35 <PinkiePieInsane> so i began playing the mlp game on android

18:35 <PinkiePieInsane> it's amusing

18:35 * Lenfant_Sauvage will not spoil anything. But is a super-happy pone. o3o

18:35 <CmdrYippy> I've played it off and on on my iPad

18:35 <VinylScratch> lol

18:36 <Lenfant_Sauvage> My ship sails proudly across the seas _o/

18:36 <VinylScratch> Which ship? :P

18:36 <CmdrYippy> Are you waving the black flag with symbol on it?

18:36 <Unixkitty> http://underpable.deviantart.com/art/Ships-507446560

18:37 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The... uh... Junebug/Big Mac ship! ya

18:37 <VinylScratch> lol

18:37 <Knight_Dash> BlossomforthxKing Sombra best ship

18:37 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

18:38 <Knight_Dash> Yes, I did just make that up.

18:38 <Lenfant_Sauvage> more like Sombra/Screwball

18:38 <Lenfant_Sauvage> amirite

18:38 <Lenfant_Sauvage> #twitterjoke

18:38 *** Quits: mniip (mniip@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:39 <VinylScratch> ur a twitterjoke.

18:39 * VinylScratch z-snaps

18:39 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

18:40 <FN> VinylScratch be rude

18:40 <VinylScratch> rudest

18:45 *** Joins: mniip (mniip@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP)

18:45 <mniip> ಠ_ಠ

18:47 <Knight_Dash> Hello, mneyeyep.

18:49 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

18:49 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: On the ferry. Losing service soon.)

18:50 <Lenfant_Sauvage> And now Jim's getting a bunch of people getting mad that MLPFIM isn't Adventure Time

18:50 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Because we can't go one freaking season without everyone being surprised that studios hold standards

18:50 *** Quits: mniip (mniip@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:50 <Knight_Dash> Hmm? Could you clarify, Lenfant?

18:51 <Lenfant_Sauvage> "Why can't MLP be TV-PG/TVY7 like Adventure Time or Gumball?"

18:51 <Lenfant_Sauvage> And that the slice-of-life episodes are too "simple" and "predictable"

18:52 <Knight_Dash> Ah.

18:52 <init3> Haha: "I'm sorry it's not as sophisticated as 'Breaking Bad'."

18:52 <init3> People need to lighten up. Damn.

18:53 <Lenfant_Sauvage> We get one episode about cultism and Orwellian societies and suddenly now the show is ONLY for older audiences because they misinterpret something Lauren said five years ago

18:55 <ElectricPsoras> And now please repeat after me, kids: "It's just a children's cartoon".

18:55 *** Lycan is now known as Lycan[LDB]prep

18:55 * init3 sings like a woman in the background of a southern baptist church. "Aw lawdy yeah"

18:55 <VinylScratch> Poor jim, man

18:56 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Guy gets so much shazbot so often

18:56 <init3> "Y'all know it's true"

18:56 <VinylScratch> Seriously, wouldn't be surprised if he quit after this season, lol

18:56 <VinylScratch> 'Nope....you guys are crazy.'

18:56 <init3> It is true. He seems to get harrased a lot on his twitter.

18:57 <VinylScratch> I feel sorry for faust, too

18:57 <VinylScratch> she's always having to remind folks she's not in charge.

18:57 <init3> I remember him saying something like "Sorry, I can't post spoilers" and people blowing up about it.

18:57 <init3> Yeah.

18:57 <init3> Lenfant_Sauvage: What was the thing Lauren said you were referring to?

18:58 <init3> Though the over interpretation of the premier was absurd.

18:58 <Lenfant_Sauvage> http://www.thegeekprofessor.com//graphics/other/mlp/faust_defends_bronies.jpg

18:58 *** Joins: Nuclear (Nuclear@Pony-sqq.hd0.26.96.IP)

18:58 <init3> I am all for letting people take what they want out of media.

18:59 <VinylScratch> this is part of the cons about a fanbase that overanalyses every detail.

18:59 <VinylScratch> sometimes, a spade is meant to be a spade...

18:59 *** Quits: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-8ut.pa2.49.86.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

18:59 *** Lycan[LDB]prep is now known as Lycan[LDB]live

18:59 <init3> Oh I've seen that. I cannot believe people take that to mean it has to have super mature plot lines.

19:00 *** Joins: Wander (bwpsbonrgou@Pony-4ce1ga.dsl-w.verizon.net)

19:00 <init3> Well, I mean I have no problem with people over analyzing it and developing absurd headcanons if you want. That's half the fun.

19:00 <Wander> durr dee vibe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0BrArXzPYd0

19:00 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-hhl9ej.east.verizon.net)

19:01 <init3> Just so long as you don't conflate your interpretations or headcanons as intent by the show runners.

19:01 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:01 <init3> In particular, I am thinking of that right-wing news site that claimed the premier was a commentary on SJWs.

19:01 <init3> What am I watching Wander?

19:01 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ...

19:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Animation: PONY 5.0 - You Shall (Not) Ascend [ http://tinyurl.com/mbgcjs2 ]

19:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> "Well what I mean is cater where it's enough to be on the level at the same as adventure, young justice, batman, etc. BTW I enjoyed the episode today. I just don't see why it has to be one extreme"

19:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> WHY ISN'T MLP BATMAN

19:02 <Wander> init3 probably the most awesome pony video ever made

19:02 <Lenfant_Sauvage> *head plant into desk*

19:02 <ZeroParadox> I thought MLP was Batman

19:02 <Knight_Dash> Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

19:03 <Unixkitty> You don't really have to care about what all those ignorant dumbs think, Lenfant_Sauvage, you know that, right?

19:03 <Nuclear> Siemens NX/UG (Unigraphics) has such a steep learning curve...

19:03 <Wander> Anyway, I think we shouldn't start talking about the politics of S5 E1&2. We don't want MLP to become a political issue, it would be horrible for the show

19:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The problem is that they're a reinforcement of the biggest stereotype of the brony fandom

19:03 <init3> Yeah

19:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That we're all just older men trying to take over shows meant for someone else

19:04 <VinylScratch> and Jim deals with it daily.

19:04 <Nuclear> I really wish I could do more than just design a basic pipe inside of it.

19:04 <VinylScratch> Patience of a saint

19:04 <ZeroParadox> Lenfant_Sauvage: Hah, preposterous.

19:04 * ZeroParadox deletes the episode ideas he was going to send to the writers.

19:04 <Unixkitty> "Meant for someone else", I wonder why they care who some who may or may not be meant for and not simply watch it.

19:04 <aqualycool22> Older men? Lel, I'm 13. Get rekt, haters. B3

19:05 <Unixkitty> Extra "who", woops

19:05 <init3> I still think he deserves some nice feedback. I'mma send him another nice tweet like I did when people were complaining about how he wasn't posting spoilers. I noted that some of us really appreciate that.

19:05 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

19:05 <init3> Got a thanks and a smiley.

19:05 <init3> Y'all know hoe much I love smiley faces.

19:05 <init3> *how

19:05 <ZeroParadox> :) ?

19:05 <VinylScratch> Jims awesome - he tries to do what he can, answers wise, but he has all dat hasbro-tape.

19:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> o3o

19:06 <ZeroParadox> Who is Jims o3o

19:06 <hawthornbunny> Daniel Ingram retweeted my tweet about how one of his songs was giving me insomnia. I squeed

19:07 <init3> Hehe.

19:07 <init3> I was pretty pleased to get a response gotta say.

19:07 <VinylScratch> I've had ingrid nielson retweet a few of mine to her, lol...

19:07 <VinylScratch> she's cool pon'

19:07 <hawthornbunny> Ingrid Nilson is so freakin' awesome. XD

19:07 <VinylScratch> She gets it.

19:07 <init3> She definitley is.

19:07 <Knight_Dash> Who's Nilson? I've heard that name before. One of the writers?

19:07 <VinylScratch> Maud]

19:07 <init3> Maud VA

19:07 <Knight_Dash> Ah.

19:08 <VinylScratch> She's about as interactive with the fandom as the rest, and is a keen yoga type...she's fun

19:08 <hawthornbunny> I'm still in love with Maud. I think Maud might actually be best pony.

19:08 <init3> She sorta seems to me like a big fan of the show that happened to do VO work for it too.

19:08 <VinylScratch> Tabithas tweets are always hilariously silly

19:08 <VinylScratch> I love her use of language

19:09 <init3> Yeah

19:09 <VinylScratch> aaand Larson just comes across as the guy who'd be great fun to hang with

19:10 <init3> Haha yeah

19:10 <SgtPinkie> No one pony prominent has RT'd any of my stuff

19:10 <init3> "Aaand she's dead, THE END"

19:11 <SgtPinkie> Cree Summer favorited one of my tweets

19:11 <init3> Top lel Larson

19:11 <SgtPinkie> And Yvette Nicole Brown responded to another one

19:11 * Nuclear wishes he had a 1 W microwave transmitter that could send and receive 1 Tbps of bandwidth simultaneously over a 400 km line-of-sight distance.

19:11 <Knight_Dash> Who are Cree Summer and Yvette Nicole Brown?

19:11 <Schism> A tablespoon of bandwidth is a great addition to any recipe.

19:12 *** Joins: User_9581 (pssvckbslcf@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net)

19:12 <init3> Why is "ke.k" filtered? Haha someone must have been getting on an ops nerves.

19:12 <ZeroParadox> Schism: w0t

19:12 <VinylScratch> It was flooded once.

19:12 <Nuclear> That sounds about right!

19:12 <VinylScratch> well, several times actually

19:12 <VinylScratch> and so it got 'gnored

19:12 <init3> Figures.

19:13 <VinylScratch> eh, this is why you can't have nice things. :p

19:13 <init3> I just like to say "top k.ek" :( crai.

19:13 <init3> Yeah

19:13 <init3> It's whatevs.

19:13 <SgtPinkie> Cree Summer is a prominent voice actress whose many roles include Penny from the original Inspector Gadget, Elmyra from Tiny Toon Adventures, and Numbuh Five from Codename Kids Next Door

19:13 <SgtPinkie> She was also on a sitcom

19:13 *** Quits: Wander (bwpsbonrgou@Pony-4ce1ga.dsl-w.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:13 <aqualycool22> Inspector Gadget!

19:13 * aqualycool22 Woo Hoo! o3o

19:14 <SgtPinkie> Yvette Nicole Brown was Helen on Drake and Josh, and Shirley on Community

19:14 <Knight_Dash> Ah.

19:14 * Knight_Dash knows almost nothing about Drake and Josh.

19:15 <Knight_Dash> Also. Hang on. Cree was numbuh five... and numbuh five's big sister in the show was named Cree, right?

19:15 <Schism> ZeroParadox: What?  Nuclear said he wanted to send and receive one tablespoon of bandwidth.

19:15 <ZeroParadox> Ah.

19:15 <VinylScratch> http://cheezburger.com/8476283392 - Pffffft. XD

19:15 <SgtPinkie> eeyup

19:15 <Storm_Dash> yes Knight_Dash

19:16 <Nuclear> I meant to say terabit per second, not tablespoon. Sorry for not clarifying that earlier. I didn't realize it was taken that way at first.

19:16 <ZeroParadox> VinylScratch: The gif lagged for me, so the reveal was twice as good

19:16 <Nuclear> LOL

19:16 <VinylScratch> xD

19:16 <SgtPinkie> Speaking of KND, did we all see the G:KND promo clip?

19:16 <init3> How much bandwidth can a tablespoon hold though?

19:16 <ZeroParadox> I heard about it. Should watch it now if I can...

19:16 <ZeroParadox> Oh wait, yeah I saw that.

19:16 <init3> Well, I supppose we are talking data.

19:17 <init3> Actually, it just depends on what the tablespoon is made out of.

19:17 <SgtPinkie> ZeroParadox: The second part too?

19:17 <ZeroParadox> No idea.

19:17 <Nuclear> That make sense.

19:17 <init3> A copper tablespoon could transmit decently. You'd need at the very least one more tablespoon.

19:18 <Nuclear> Oh, yes, copper is a very good conductor. Pure silver would probably be even better.

19:18 <init3> Unless It was synchronous.

19:18 <init3> You could do it with one that way.

19:18 <init3> But you'd probably want at least two tablespoons of bandwidth.

19:18 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPni6B2d9QM

19:19 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

19:19 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Stop the g:KND

19:19 <Nuclear> I'd like to think of it as being a truly full-duplex connection, that can simultaneously send/receive over the same frequency channel.

19:19 <Nuclear> It could probably be done with one tablespoon then, I'd hope.

19:19 <init3> If you had 8 tablespoons of bandwidth there is a *chace* you could get the gigabit you seek.

19:20 *** Joins: Sol (Sol@Pony-nc8b4c.res.rr.com)

19:20 <init3> Probably need to have very short handles to not incur horrid packet loss though.

19:20 <init3> Since the tablespoon part has to be standard.

19:20 <Nuclear> I'm guessing signal-to-noise is a huge limiting factor, and that it also determines my spectral efficiency, right?

19:20 <init3> Certainly.

19:21 <init3> I am not too big into the layer 1 stuff though myself.

19:21 <FN> I've read it a s "snail-to-nose"

19:21 <FN> ...

19:21 <init3> I just make cables and plug in fiber lines.

19:21 <Nuclear> If I transmit at 100 GHz, and can achieve a spectral efficiency of 10 bits per Hertz per second (10 bits/Hz/s), wouldn't that work out to around 1 terabit per second?

19:21 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-b7u3cq.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

19:21 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

19:21 <Nuclear> Ah, I see. It's a nice dream, though, if it's not actually possible.

19:22 <FN> Are you talking optics?

19:22 <init3> Beyond my area of expertise to say on that.

19:22 <Nuclear> I'm talking about line-of-sight microwave wireless backhaul.

19:22 <init3> No we are talking about trying to transmit data using a tablespoon.

19:22 <Nuclear> Yeah, using a tablespoon, haha.

19:22 <FN> XD

19:23 <FN> Ponychats a usual

19:23 <init3> Yep

19:23 <init3> I dunno if you can ever get a terabit over copper though.

19:23 <init3> AFAIK that's optical land only.

19:24 <Nuclear> Indeed.

19:24 <init3> Though there is a high end copper thing. Gotta remember the name. Infiniband?

19:24 <FN> You could get it maybe with clever compression coding

19:24 <User_9581> Ok, not gonna spoil anything...but this episode's kinda hard to write a review for. :P

19:25 <init3> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InfiniBand

19:25 <User_9581> Oh, damn it. XP

19:25 *** User_9581 is now known as ArcherSlamBam

19:25 <ArcherSlamBam> There we go. :P

19:25 <init3> So that is 100Gbps over copper.

19:25 <init3> As far as I know that's as good at it gets for commercially available data transfer.

19:25 <init3> I almost got to buy one... Almost ;'(

19:26 <SgtPinkie> ArcherSlamBam: Hard in a good way or bad way?

19:26 <Nuclear> That'd be quite amazing to have installed.

19:26 <ArcherSlamBam> SgtPinkie: Both. It's a challenge~!

19:26 <FN> Useless though for most people's internet needs

19:27 <Nuclear> Unfortunately, yes it would.

19:27 <FN> Yeah sure 300mph car is awesome, but do you really need that car in everyday life?

19:27 <init3> I was designing a private cloud server backend. Think AWS.

19:27 <init3> So that transfer was going to be between compute nodes and storage nodes.

19:28 <FN> Germany had a neat proposal at one point though

19:28 <init3> So that speed was actually not stupid for the use I wanted it for.

19:28 <FN> To have 2 intenetz: one crazy fast for biznis and then one slow for free

19:29 *** Joins: Somniis (taylorda@Pony-qg1dcp.slkc.qwest.net)

19:29 <FN> But it was scrapped as there was no middle ground

19:29 <init3> Since it is sort of like having an internet connection to the hard drive on your computer. But 20 other people are also trying to use that same hard drive on that computer.

19:29 <init3> If you have a high-end storage array, it makes sense to go for high end data transfer.

19:29 <init3> I do like that FN.

19:29 <Nuclear> That can get crowded, so its use would be justified with so many clients.

19:29 *** Parts: Somniis (taylorda@Pony-qg1dcp.slkc.qwest.net) ()

19:30 <init3> Some municipalities were going to do that here in the US. So Verizon or Comcast or whoever it was just sued them and blocked it.

19:31 <init3> Pretty much every time. There are even states where it is specifically illegal for any government agency to attempt to provide internet.

19:31 <FN> init3, it was a nice idea to have a "socialist" and "capitalist" sort of internets together, but the way it was presented you'd have it either exremely expensive or extremely slow, and most people want it decently priced for a decent speed

19:31 <init3> Campaign contributions.

19:31 <init3> Yeah.

19:31 <Nuclear> Wow, that's dastardly.

19:32 <FN> Merkel herself was pushing that dual innenet thing

19:33 <init3> What they are doing in Australia is pretty neat.

19:33 <FN> I hope they will come up with triple internet next time: 1.free-slow  2.cheap-decent  3.expensive-fiberoptic

19:33 <FN> Then everypony will be truly happy

19:33 <init3> Where the government provides the infrastructure and leases bandwidth to corporate providers.

19:34 <ArcherSlamBam> Everypony will be truly happy... Everypony will be truly... equal...

19:34 <init3> So the government owns the data lines, but the consumer still essentally pays for bandwidth.

19:34 <init3> Yes

19:34 <init3> What could possibly go wrong?

19:34 <FN> In Germany lines belong to the company, but the pole placement is ruled by state

19:35 <FN> So even if a company wants to monopoly, state can like "nuh-uh you didn't" and deny them internet poles to hang wires

19:35 <Nuclear> I want a more egalitarian Internet, very similar to the original Teledisc plan that Bill Gates backed during the '90s before it was given up.

19:35 <ArcherSlamBam> init3: Well, you could have the PS1 game Bubsy 3D sent to you. :P

19:35 <init3> In the US both are privately owned AFAIK

19:35 <init3> Wat

19:36 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

19:36 <Dusky> Bleh

19:36 <init3> That went right over my head, Must be forgetting something.

19:36 <Nuclear> Access from anywhere in the world, for low prices on decent bandwidth and lower latency than typical terrestrial networks with low-Earth-orbiting satellites.

19:36 <Nuclear> Would love to see that become a reality someday.

19:36 <ArcherSlamBam> Bubsy was a bobcat video game mascot who's catchphrase was "What could possibly go wrong?" And, for him, everything went wrong, culminating in what is known as one of the worst games of all time.

19:37 <FN> In russia you can get a super fast internet (over copper though) by hacking an internet TV router

19:37 *** Joins: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-krr.gdt.156.175.IP)

19:37 <init3> Oh. I was unaware.

19:37 <ArcherSlamBam> The more you know~

19:37 <FN> ANd nopony does anything about it

19:37 <init3> Haha awesome.

19:37 <Dusky> I've had the displeasure of playing Bubsy 3D *shudders*

19:38 <Nuclear> I remember playing it via a SNES emulator--the first two versions.

19:38 <Nuclear> Never played Bubsy 3D: The Furbitten Planet for the PS1. The name already suggests how bad it is.

19:38 <init3> Well imma attempt to relax and maybe sleep.

19:38 *** init3 is now known as Init3-away

19:39 <ZeroParadox> Never. Play. Bubsy.

19:39 <Init3-away> Though I might be kept up by thoughts of the engineering challenges of tablespoon based data transit.

19:39 <ArcherSlamBam> Played the first one, witnessed two of the remaining three through JonTron.

19:39 <ZeroParadox> Yes, let JonTron save you by playing it for you.

19:39 <Nuclear> Init3-away: I think it would be a worthy endeavour.

19:39 <Nuclear> lol

19:40 <ArcherSlamBam> See, he only reviewed three of the games. There's a fourth one.

19:40 <Dusky> I was like 4 when i played Bubsy 3D so i had no idea how bad it was

19:40 <Unixkitty> And then I screamed at the top of my lungs: Best Friends from now on!

19:40 <Nuclear> Bubsy should get a remake, or a new modern game. I wonder what would happen then.

19:40 <Unixkitty> And I say: Hey! Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

19:40 <Unixkitty> Hey Yeah Yeah

19:40 <Unixkitty> I said hey... let's get this cooking on.

19:41 *** Quits: eXAKR (akr.colours@Pony-krr.gdt.156.175.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:41 <Dusky> Like the remake of Shaq Fu thats happening

19:41 <ArcherSlamBam> That was a fluke. XD

19:41 <Nuclear> Wow, that can't be real. I guess I can't be surprised if it is, though.

19:42 <ArcherSlamBam> Nuclear: Not only is it real, it was crowdfunded and met its goal in a matter of days.

19:42 <Unixkitty> Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah... eating friends is so wrong.

19:42 <ArcherSlamBam> Unixkitty: Yes it is. :P

19:43 <Unixkitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D67jM8nO7Ag

19:43 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about HONEYDEWYEAYEA

19:43 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

19:43 <Nuclear> ArcherSlamBam: Well, if people will fund tens of thousands of dollars for someone to make his first-ever potato salad, then I can't be surprised that Shaq Fu would be crowdfunded, too.

19:44 <ArcherSlamBam> Nuclear: I think I'm in the wrong profession. :D

19:44 <Nuclear> I need to jump in on this lucrative source of income.

19:44 *** Joins: mniip (mniip@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP)

19:44 <Nuclear> Hahaha, I know what you mean!

19:44 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

19:44 <mniip> why did it have to break /now/

19:45 <ArcherSlamBam> Oh, well. I can stick to doing reviews and getting into college. :)

19:45 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-u3v5js.jcsnms.sbcglobal.net)

19:45 <TheHolyOdst> Herro

19:45 <Dusky> Hullo!

19:45 <ArcherSlamBam> Hey!

19:45 <Knight_Dash> Pigs are actually highly intelligent, which makes eating them morally questionable.

19:46 *** Joins: Sylveon (AndChat5817@Pony-t3l.t2f.56.172.IP)

19:47 <TheHolyOdst> But But Bacon Knight_Dash

19:47 <Sylveon> Sylve? :3

19:48 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

19:49 <TheHolyOdst> So whats everybody up to.

19:50 * Schism looks at ZeroParadox. o3o

19:50 <Dusky> Just watching a stream

19:50 <ZeroParadox> o3o

19:50 <Sylveon> Meowing.

19:50 * Schism offers ZeroParadox a cinnamon raisin bagel with butter and cream cheese.

19:50 <Sylveon> You? TheHolyOdst?

19:50 * ZeroParadox chews

19:51 <TheHolyOdst> Finna mod Terraria. Im such a hacker.

19:51 <Sylveon> Terraria is best sandbox.

19:51 <TheHolyOdst> Well more of a cheater than hacker.

19:52 <Schism> Really, Starbound > Terraria IMO.

19:52 *** Quits: Skippez_Shadow (androirc@Pony-ugh41v.range86-162.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:52 <Sylveon> 15 bucks cheaper than minecraft and 2000% more content.

19:52 <Unixkitty> Terraria. Oh yes.

19:52 <TheHolyOdst> I got it for free.

19:52 <Dusky> I wonder how good the new Terraria they're making is gonna be

19:52 <Unixkitty> Goodness I haven't realized how much I've been missing playing that game until earlier today.

19:53 <Unixkitty> There is still another update upcoming for this one, Dusky

19:53 <Sylveon> Same, and I also bought like 4 copies on steam cause why not.

19:53 <TheHolyOdst> I got it on 360

19:53 <ArcherSlamBam> What's Terraria? ...What's Starbound? What's Steam?! XD

19:54 * Unixkitty defenestrates ArcherSlamBam while nobody else is looking.

19:54 * Ali shoves ArcherSlamBam back under their rock

19:54 <Schism> The reason you buy games like Terraria, Minecraft, and Skyrim on PC can be summed up in one word.  All together now...

19:54 <TheHolyOdst> Open World

19:54 <Sylveon> Our lord and savior Gabe Newell?

19:54 <Ali> NES best system?

19:54 <ArcherSlamBam> Ok, truth be told, I know what Steam is, but the others...:P

19:54 *** Quits: mniip (mniip@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:54 <TheHolyOdst> Ohh Yea Gabeth Newell

19:54 <Sylveon> Cheaper?

19:55 <Schism> No, 'Mods'.

19:55 <Sylveon> X3

19:55 <Unixkitty> Surely you can use the search function if you know th program, ArcherSlamBam

19:55 <Sylveon> You can mod Xbox and stuff.

19:55 <Unixkitty> the*

19:55 <Sylveon> For 300 dollars more.

19:55 <Unixkitty> Xbox? What's that?

19:55 <TheHolyOdst> If you have RGH or J-tag

19:55 <Ali> XBONE

19:55 <Sylveon> That's what I mean.

19:56 <Sylveon> They cost like 300 bucks x3

19:56 <Dusky> I just like playing vidjya games, don't care what i play them on :3

19:56 <Unixkitty> Brothers of the mine rejoice!

19:57 <Unixkitty> Swing swing swing with me

19:57 <TheHolyOdst> You know i found a Limited edition of halo reach at walmart.

19:57 <Unixkitty> Raise your picks and raise your voice!

19:57 <Sylveon> I have surround sound. :3 so pc is better.

19:57 <Sylveon> I dunno what that has anything to do with anything.

19:58 <Schism> Sylveon: Ah, I did not refer to modding the XBoxen.  No, quite the contrary, I referred to /game/ mods.

19:58 <Schism> Skyrim, while an excellent game in general, is a tad lackluster without modifications.  :3

19:59 *** Stradi|Resting is now known as Stradiverra

19:59 <Sylveon> Mrow.

19:59 <Sylveon> Who here likes kitties?

19:59 * Unixkitty headtilts at Sylveon

20:00 <Dusky> I do!

20:00 <EtherNet> Mods make Skyrim playable.

20:00 * Sylveon hugs Dusky :3

20:00 <Unixkitty> Indeed, Schism.

20:00 * Dusky huggles Sylveon back

20:00 <Unixkitty> Otherwise I wouldn't have an instance of over 170 mods haha

20:00 <Sylveon> Cats are da best.

20:01 <Sylveon> Sometimes

20:02 <Knight_Dash> I own a cat myself.

20:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Castle Clean Castle / Pointless Pony Tips / Sunset's Ultimatum / Cutie Sense / Cutie Map Pt 1 / Can't Readsist [ http://tinyurl.com/og65lgm ]

20:02 <Dusky> The reason i still play the original Rome Total War regularly is because of the excellent mods (and the recent games being lackluster)

20:02 <Knight_Dash> And so yeah, I like cats.

20:03 <Unixkitty> Mods... is it not simply wonderful when developers support them in at least a somewhat convenient way, and communities thus make beautifully wonderful addition themselves because they love the game itself so much...

20:03 <Unixkitty> additions*

20:05 <Schism> Indeed!

20:05 <EtherNet> Ponies! In skyrim!

20:05 <Dusky> I think that part of the reason Paradox is doing so well is because they are big supporters of modders

20:08 *** Joins: mniip (mniip@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP)

20:08 *** mniip is now known as Pony_63417

20:09 *** Pony_63417 is now known as mniip

20:09 *** Gigabit is now known as Gigaway

20:11 <Knight_Dash> I want Crusader Kings II.

20:11 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:12 *** Joins: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-nag9nl.tbcn.telia.com)

20:12 <Dusky> And you really should get it the first chance you get

20:15 <Knight_Dash> Inquisition is probably going to be the next game I get, though.

20:15 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-tq7co9.dlh.ptd.net)

20:16 <johnsey[fserve]> (FServe Online) Trigger:(/ctcp johnsey[fserve] ponies ponies ponies) Sends:(0/4) Queues:(0/10) Min CPS:(9.5 kB/s) Record CPS:(14.48 MB/s by Night_Blitz) On FServe:(MLP FiM Season 2 - 5 episodes in 720p and 1080p) [FServe.pl 2.0.0]

20:17 <Schism> !s6

20:17 <DerpyBot> I need 1.21 gigamuffins to find that out for you.

20:18 <Knight_Dash> !s4

20:18 <DerpyBot> Season 4 is over :(

20:18 <DerpyBot> Muffins? :3

20:18 <Knight_Dash> !s3

20:18 <DerpyBot> Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

20:18 <Knight_Dash> !s2

20:18 <DerpyBot> Season 2 is over :(

20:18 <Knight_Dash> !s1

20:18 <DerpyBot> Seasons come and go... say, do you have muffins? :3

20:18 <Knight_Dash> !s7

20:18 * DerpyBot 's eyes begin to glow in a strange light..

20:18 <Knight_Dash> !s8

20:19 <Knight_Dash> !s0

20:19 <ElectricPsoras> !link pantograph

20:19 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/525719

20:19 <ElectricPsoras> Thanks.

20:19 *** Joins: Tirek1 (Tirek@Pony-tq7co9.dlh.ptd.net)

20:19 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-tq7co9.dlh.ptd.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Tirek1)))

20:19 <Unixkitty> Are you up to nerdery, Knight_Dash?

20:19 *** Tirek1 is now known as Tirek

20:20 <Knight_Dash> Define "nerdery".

20:20 <Unixkitty> Oh please.

20:20 <Unixkitty> Just ask RandomNinja in #CanterlotHill

20:22 *** Joins: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-ro674f.charlton.irccloud.com)

20:22 <ElectricPsoras> Nerdery is like folk music. There are many completely different kinds of it.

20:23 <Knight_Dash> Anyway, I'm going to be going now. Bye, guys.

20:23 <DinkyDoo> !s5

20:23 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 6d:20h:08m:10s

20:23 *** Parts: Knight_Dash (mgvffpbtxpk@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP) ()

20:24 <Unixkitty> And the one I mentioned would be one of the experts on it.

20:24 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

20:25 <Unixkitty> This one too of a sort I suppose ^

20:25 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Connection closed)

20:27 <Init3-away> Hey! I want to be on the nerdery short list,

20:27 <Init3-away> Why do I never go away when I pretend I am going to?

20:27 <Unixkitty> haha

20:27 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (androirc@Pony-0b0.lrs.172.5.IP) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

20:27 <Unixkitty> You're not the only one, Init3-away.

20:28 <Init3-away> Haha

20:31 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

20:31 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:33 <Seoson> Are all future episode premiers of s5 single episodes?

20:34 <Tirek> Until the finale.

20:34 <Seoson> Ohh dear ...

20:34 <Tirek> Unless someone shakes the formula.

20:34 <Seoson> They make me suffer

20:34 <Tirek> Welcome to MLP:FiM

20:35 <Lenfant_Sauvage> wwat

20:35 <Tirek> Enjoy your week-long hell, followed by a half an hour of enjoyable pony cartoon.

20:35 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That's a pretty standard formula - the first two and last two episodes are more epic 2-parters, and the rest are sort of shoujo slice-of-life episodes, though sometimes said episodes pertain to the main story at hand as well

20:35 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Like what we had in Season 4 with the Keys

20:37 <VinylScratch> I'm not sure what else you expected

20:37 <Seoson> Still better than the German times, where season 4 beginns just now :P

20:37 <VinylScratch> lol, not enough pony for ya, eh?

20:38 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

20:38 <Seoson> Not watching a single of the German episodes

20:38 <Unixkitty> Pony? Where?

20:38 * Lenfant_Sauvage looks at himself.

20:38 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Here!

20:39 <Tirek> I'm having pony for breakfast.

20:39 * Lenfant_Sauvage has a sad. ;-;

20:39 <Tirek> Horse meat is surprisingly savory and tender.

20:40 * Unixkitty glomps the Lenfant_Sauvage pony, jumping onto us back and applying neck cuddles due to her own rather tiny size.

20:40 <Unixkitty> his*

20:41 * Lenfant_Sauvage trots around with his new snuggly companion.

20:41 <Seoson> Could start watching that Petshop thing but ... nahh. I guess I would only watch it because of Daniel Ingram

20:41 * Seoson just wants more Pony.

20:41 <Unixkitty> Pony! There can never be enough!

20:42 <Unixkitty> Solution: apply maximum pony to your entire existence.

20:43 <Seoson> I will just kidnap Luna and force her to change my dreams <3

20:43 <Dusky> That's not creepy at all!

20:44 <Unixkitty> Seoson, for pony? I simply can't disapprove.

20:45 <Seoson> It would break my heart though, since she is my favorite pony ....

20:45 *** Nelly is now known as BlackCat

20:45 <Tirek> You do that and you'd be in the deepest of the Canterlot dungeons.

20:45 <Unixkitty> Um... then perhaps it would be a better idea to ask her kindly instead of kidnapping?

20:45 <Tirek> No one would see you again, and all your dreams would be empty.

20:46 <Init3-away> That special level of dungeon?

20:46 <Init3-away> Reserved for [REDACTED] and people who talk in the movie theater?

20:46 *** Joins: Skippez_Shadow (androirc@Pony-kqc7v4.range86-162.btcentralplus.com)

20:47 <Init3-away> Err ponies I suppose.

20:47 * Init3-away looks around excitedly hoping somepony gets the reference.

20:47 <Seoson> If that brings me to ponyland I take that chance :D They have shown that they forgive people right? Waiting a thousand years for that is O.K. I guess if they allow you to stay :D

20:47 <Tirek> The one that's rumored to be the home of Hippalectryon.

20:48 <Unixkitty> You haven't read Heartbreak's story, have you Seoson?

20:48 <Seoson> Nope

20:48 <Tirek> Equestria is hardly a nice place to visit, let alone live there.

20:49 <Unixkitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHjpOzsQ9YI

20:49 <Tirek> And there's one thing you aren't - immortal. You'll die before the end of your punishment.

20:49 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Crystallize - Lindsey Stirling (Dubstep Violin Original Song)

20:49 <Seoson> I can show you the door of this room :P

20:49 <Unixkitty> I think you should, it's a lovely one actually, and may perhaps be slightly related to... getting to equestria

20:50 <Tirek> Speaking of greek monsters, though

20:50 <Tirek> I want an episode devoted to Taraxippi

20:51 <Unixkitty> What is a Taraxippi?

20:51 <Tirek> Ghosts that specifically frighten horses.

20:51 <Seoson> At least it's a friendly place for the most part. Living near and working in Frankfurt, Germany, you have yelling people every morning.

20:52 <Unixkitty> By that vague description, it honestly sounds at least a little bit exciting already.

20:52 <Seoson> Got to the point where I wont take out my in-ears till I arrive at the security check at work.

20:55 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

20:55 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net)

20:56 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Are going to talk about the episode at 4 pm EST or 5 pm EST?

20:56 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> *we.

20:56 <Tirek> Equestria is barely habitable. If you consider it fun, exciting, and an improvemet to be threatened by monsters of various magical proficiencies, and terrible evils from beyond the veil, then by all means, keep fantasizing.

20:57 <Tirek> But Equestria is not a paradise.

20:57 <Tirek> Equestria sits in the middle of Hell, and the fact the ponies have survived as long as they have is a miracle.

20:57 <Seoson> Well nopony died from that, right?

20:57 <Unixkitty> The_Nostalgia_Mare, the topic has the time

20:57 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh right.

20:58 <Tirek> It's a kids show, no one is going to die.

20:58 <Tirek> But you will.

20:58 <Unixkitty> I made sure to put it up there this time

20:58 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:58 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

20:58 <Seoson> I will try to stay in focus of the camera :P Worked for Derpy Hooves

20:58 <Unixkitty> You know the most likely answer to that though, Tirek?

20:58 <Unixkitty> Magic.

20:58 <Tirek> You don't have magic at all. No especially special talents or skills that could make you useful.

20:59 <Tirek> And ponies have been shown to be xenophobic at many points.

20:59 <SgtPinkie> ........I don't think that time is right

20:59 <SgtPinkie> 11PM UTC is 7PM EST

20:59 *** Lycan[LDB]live is now known as Lycan

20:59 <EtherNet> Well, would it really be a good idea to remain human in Equestria?

20:59 <Tirek> If you make a terrible first impression - which I know you will - you'll be out of Equestria faster than you can say "Hail Luna."

21:00 <SgtPinkie> If the episode was finished at 12PM EST, 6 hours after would be 6PM EST

21:00 <SgtPinkie> Or 10PM EST

21:00 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)

21:00 <SgtPinkie> *UTC

21:00 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

21:00 <Unixkitty> SgtPinkie, we know what we're doing.

21:00 <Tirek> If I had to go to Equestria - as in I had no choice on the matter, it was go or die - I'd demand my human form regardless of what I said.

21:00 <Tirek> I cannot part with my current physical form.

21:00 <Seoson> you have some very dark thoughts Tirek. You should spent more time watching /listening to Pinkie.

21:01 <Tirek> I -watch- the show, dammit.

21:01 <EtherNet> Remaining human in Equestria will only bring misery.

21:01 * Snapai howdy

21:01 <Tirek> It's not a good place to live.

21:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok.

21:01 <Unixkitty> Actually, he has some rather rational and logically interesting thoughts

21:01 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-ja80fn.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

21:02 <Snapai> Spoiler ban is later today? :o

21:02 <Unixkitty> I personally would not feel welcome in Equestria. Likely very scared of Princesses even finding out about my existence.

21:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend [ http://tinyurl.com/q5uleom ]

21:02 <Seoson> Yah, but comparing it with our world really? Do you know how many humans starve to death every year? It's heaven compared to our world

21:02 <Unixkitty> I mean honestly, an alien being of unknown magical potential? Surely they'd be at least curious.

21:03 <Tirek> Yes, humans die here.

21:03 <Tirek> Ponies die in Equestria too.

21:03 <Tirek> We won't hear about that in a kid's show

21:03 <Seoson> We have already

21:03 <Snapai> The CMC interrupted a funeral

21:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Except for, you know, the funeral that the CMCs busted into

21:03 <Seoson> There was what looked like a funeral in one

21:03 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But even with all said and done, considering everything that's happened in Equestria... it's still gotta be a pretty swank place to live in

21:04 <Tirek> Yeah.

21:04 <Seoson> Lenfant_Sauvage: too fast :P

21:04 <Tirek> But with the kinds of monsters that exist in Equestria, how many ponies do you think die from a Cockatrice attack, yearly?

21:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> That's the exact reason why ponies don't go into the Everfre

21:04 <Tirek> There's a giant worm in the Bad Lands.

21:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ...e

21:04 <Seoson> But how often does this happen and how large is the area of impact

21:04 <Lenfant_Sauvage> It's not like ponies just wander all over the place unheeding of dangers they already know about

21:05 <Tirek> Children od.

21:05 <Tirek> er Do.

21:05 <EtherNet> Honestly, I would consider wild creatures to be less of a threat than other humans.

21:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Um, I sincerely doubt we have a plague of foals just wandering into the Everfree

21:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Otherwise no one would live in Ponyville

21:05 <Tirek> Applebloom did it.

21:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Applebloom is one filly.

21:05 <Lenfant_Sauvage> She doesn't represent the entire town of Ponyville

21:05 <Tirek> True.

21:05 <SgtPinkie> this is a.... strange conversation

21:06 <Tirek> I'm still sticking to my guns here.

21:06 <Seoson> Also the everfree forest is not soo dangerous

21:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I never liked "PONIES DIE" conversations. It's a really insipid overanalyzation of the show that has little merit.

21:06 <Snapai> Considering my willingness or lack thereof to explore what this reality has to offer me, I'm not sure whether I would be much different in pony reality

21:06 <Tirek> Equestria is far too dangerous a place, and Seosons is being blissfully ignorant of those dangers. Especially to want to go there.

21:06 <Seoson> Tirek: Guns don't make it any safer. And no let's better not go deeper into that topic.

21:06 <Lenfant_Sauvage> People looking for "dark elements" for no reason other than "DARKNESS"

21:07 <Unixkitty> I'm sure there exists fanfiction for darker elements.

21:07 <Tirek> I'm not looking for dark elements for the sake of "DARKNESS".

21:07 <SgtPinkie> Besides, there's not much of a conversation to be had

21:07 *** Joins: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP)

21:07 <Tirek> I'm not that kind of guy.

21:07 <Snapai> Elements of Darkness?

21:07 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Still... there's just some things that don't have to be belabored out

21:07 <Tirek> I'm merely stating that everyone who has a desire to go to Equestria is blissfully ignorant of all of it's dangers.

21:08 <Lenfant_Sauvage> EVERY fantasy world has its dangers

21:08 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst (TheHolyOdst@Pony-u3v5js.jcsnms.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

21:08 <Tirek> Yes, and many people are blissfully ignorant of those too.

21:08 <Lenfant_Sauvage> How many kids reading Tolkien growing up wanted to be a part of the world of Middle-earth? BUT THERE'S VOLCANOES AND SAURON

21:08 <Snapai> Or perhaps they want to go since the dangers seem to be constructed in such a way as to be educational and surviveable

21:08 <EtherNet> I think there are quite a few of us that are aware of how dangerous it could be.

21:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Like, yes, there's dangers, but there's something to be said for recognizing exactly how grand of a scale some of these things are

21:09 <Seoson> Including me

21:09 <Snapai> Not to mention, if you wound up horse in horse world, you'd have to get used to walking around in public nekkid

21:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> As far as we know, cockatrices don't rampage through towns turning everything in a hundred-mile radius to stone

21:09 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

21:09 <Lenfant_Sauvage> So don't treat the world like that's a common possiblity :p

21:09 <EtherNet> However, I would happily choose to face the new world of Equestria than stay here in this world to be preyed upon by my fellow man and a cold, uncaring world.

21:09 <Unixkitty> !link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf6LD2B_kDQ

21:09 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Elements- Dubstep Violin- Lindsey Stirling

21:10 <Snapai> Blaaaaaah. You need better people to know, Ether.

21:10 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

21:11 <Seoson> What's charming about that world is that people seems to care for each other - even if they don't know you. That's something our society has lost

21:11 <EtherNet> I'm past that, Snapai, I'll live out the rest of my days as best as I can, but I won't go out of my way to deal with others.

21:11 <Snapai> EtherNet, Seoson - there are people and communities out there that treat each other better than that.

21:12 <VinylScratch> The exhaggeration is strong in this discussion!

21:12 <Seoson> I was at the train station with almost all of my tech. equipment and it started raining. Try to convince somebody to give you a ride - even paid. (Keeping in mind calling a cab didn't work)

21:12 <Snapai> That would be easy here.

21:13 <Seoson> It wasn't here

21:13 <Snapai> In fact, it would be unsurprising if someone volunteered that.

21:13 <Seoson> Spent 2 hours

21:13 <Seoson> until I finally found someone

21:13 <Unixkitty> Which means that it is not quite the same everywhere, does it not?

21:14 <Snapai> 'Course, right now, I practically live in Ponyville XD

21:14 <Seoson> Yeah that's the problem with culturel differences Unixkitty

21:14 <Snapai> Back in my hometown of Asheville. Everything about Ponyville (except the magical princess in a shiny crystal palace) kinda reminds me of here X3

21:14 <SgtPinkie> Asheville, NC?

21:14 <Snapai> Uh-huh.

21:15 <ArcherSlamBam> Gots a question for you guys~

21:15 <Unixkitty> Oh yes. There is still that episode I have yet to watch.

21:15 *** Joins: DJmidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony)

21:16 <Seoson> Probably the best thing I could to is say hay that (nah did you get it?) and move somewhere else. But guess what you can't because almost every nation makes it difficult unless you have the money to buy in.

21:16 <Seoson> to =do*

21:16 <ArcherSlamBam> As many of you guys may already know, I'm on YouTube doing reviews. Does anyone have any requests or suggestions?

21:16 *** Joins: Pony_8536 (averagejoey@Pony-m81a8n.lv.cox.net)

21:16 <Snapai> Well, I have a plan sort of to revolutionize the world and make it a better place to live.

21:17 <Seoson> For what sort of thing ArcherSlamBam ?

21:17 <Snapai> By making an animation studio X3

21:17 <Unixkitty> Snapai confirmed for Hydra

21:17 <Unixkitty> Hail Hydra!


21:17 <Unixkitty> Indeed!

21:17 <ArcherSlamBam> Seoson: Well, is there a show you'd like to see analyzed/reviewed?

21:17 * Snapai gets his catchphrases mixed up

21:17 * Unixkitty boops Snapai

21:17 *** Quits: DaringPon3 (Daring@Pony-c65bgg.bredband.comhem.se) (Quit: )

21:18 *** Gigaway is now known as Gigabit

21:18 <ArcherSlamBam> The month of May is occupied for a themed month (save for the weekends where I review the newest MLP,) so earliest I'd be able to get it done is June.

21:18 *** Quits: mniip (mniip@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)

21:19 <Snapai> The industry is actually irrelevant, but everyone likes cartoons and it's what I do for a living, so it's a good place to start. :p

21:19 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@is.too.lazy.to.request.a.new.vhost)

21:19 <Cepheid> おはよう!

21:19 <Seoson> I haven't seen a single video of you ArcherSlamBam I think. Going to do so now ...  ^^

21:19 * Unixkitty applies nerdy horsery to Cepheid!

21:19 *** Joins: CocoPommel (CocoPommel@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

21:20 <ArcherSlamBam> Seoson: Go right ahead. :) My latest one, sadly, has a rookie mistake, but I'm still growing. :P

21:20 <Snapai> Apparently the US is on its 3rd form of democracy, and the 4th and improved form is participatory democracy. >.>

21:20 <Snapai> Once the apathy the 3rd form relies on is overcome. How many people do YOU know who say "why bother?" when asked if they vote? :p

21:21 <Seoson> Because it feels like it doesn't matter. I can understand them - not that I would support this.

21:21 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Quiiiite a few...

21:21 <Cepheid> Thinking of going downtown today.

21:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Even had an argument with one of my friends about that when it was found out that only ~25% of Texans even bothered to vote last November

21:22 *** Joins: mniip (mniip@Pony-o9q.v2g.219.178.IP)

21:22 <Cepheid> Er, tonight.

21:22 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

21:22 *** mniip is now known as Pony_47260

21:23 <Seoson> In Germany we've the SPD which SHOULD go for civil rights and is still trying to enforce bothTTIP and communication history saving. Almost their whole base is against that, but they don't care.

21:24 *** Pony_47260 is now known as mniip

21:24 <Snapai> Lenfant_Sauvage, I saw a video recently, called "Market Maketh Man" that describes the lesser-recognized forms of class discrimination in the US, and how the current system absolutely relies on people to NOT care what the government is doing

21:24 <Snapai> And that may actually be the best argument to vote to people who think it's pointless.

21:25 <Snapai> Because usually they think they're being counterculture and rebellious by ignoring voting, but it turns out they're playing right into what our current system relies on - for the people to not really care what the gov't is up to.

21:25 <Seoson> I used to believe that the U.S. system consists of BS, but seeing our own makes me question my attitude.

21:25 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

21:26 <Snapai> Seoson, anyways, my idea to change the world is actually very simple: build a worker cooperative aimed towards growth.

21:26 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

21:26 *** Unixkitty is now known as Sleepykitty

21:26 <Snapai> Actually if you have an industry you can do that in, the more the merrier. :D

21:27 <Seoson> Think of that our federal chancellor is voted because she refuses to make any statement that one could make her accountable for. (I will stop on politics now in the respect for this channels policy)

21:28 <Lenfant_Sauvage> o3o

21:28 <Snapai> Worker cooperatives, everyone who works at one is a member-owner. The workforce democratically owns the company (and sets up whatever internal structure works for them as to how involved they are in the day to day operations. Some are flat with daily votes, some elect a management structure)

21:29 <Snapai> And.....the result is better EVERYTHING. The 50-yr-old one in Basque Spain is 83000 people in 256 subcompanies now.

21:29 <Snapai> Valve's internal operating structure is similar to that of a worker-co-op. WL Gore (makers of Gore-Tex) operates the same way.

21:30 * Snapai ramble ramble ramble

21:30 <Seoson> We should have something lile #CanterlotCastle for politics and controversial topics :D

21:30 <Snapai> We do, it's #EquestrianDiscourse - but people generally are only shoved there for heated debates that start to disrupt the peace. :p

21:31 <Snapai> Anyways. When people are spending their daily lives in a democracy that requires their participation, they start to behave better towards their community and government too.

21:31 <Seoson> and also Teamspeak <3

21:31 <fyrepony> i really dislike diffrent rooms for several subjects

21:31 * Cepheid shoves Snapai in a box.

21:31 *** Quits: CocoPommel (CocoPommel@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:31 * Snapai squeak

21:31 <Snapai> nyah!

21:31 <Seoson> I agree but I know why they do it

21:31 * Cepheid shoves Lenfant_Sauvage and Seoson into the box as well.

21:31 * Lenfant_Sauvage is a boxpone. o3o;

21:32 <Snapai> Seoson - there is a mumble server hosted by Canternet, I don't think anyone uses it.

21:32 * Cepheid seals the box and puts a shipping label onto it.

21:32 <Seoson> Oh dear mumble -.-

21:32 <Snapai> Mumble <3

21:32 * Cepheid writes the destination of "Abu Dhabi" on it.

21:32 * Cepheid hands it off to UPS.

21:32 * Cepheid watches it get delivered to Hawaii.

21:33 <Seoson> Teamspeak is far away from perfect (and their responses to bug reports is a joke), but still my favorite

21:33 <Snapai> !mail Cepheid a box of ponies

21:33 <DerpyBot> Mail delivered! Thank you for using the Derpy Mail Service 6_9

21:33 <Cepheid> *The package is also missing one pony, and damaged beyond recognition.8

21:33 <Snapai> Seoson - I prefer Mumble because, F/LOSS

21:33 *** Quits: Pi (Pi@Pony-eac.9qc.208.112.IP) (Quit: Lend us 10p for a cuppa tea?)

21:33 <Cepheid> </UPS shots fired>

21:34 <Snapai> Anyways. My point is, worker co-ops behave very well, and encourage participatory democracy, rather than our current form.

21:34 <Snapai> They also tend to be more financially stable and powerful than corporations of equivalent size.

21:34 <Snapai> And, using my dunbar number plan, can take over the world! MWAHAHAHA. Mwahahaha!~ Mwahahaa!

21:35 <Seoson> The problems come with the size. As soon as there is power there is abuse.

21:36 *** Quits: DJmidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:36 <Seoson> I wont - I promise. Make me the head of the entire world already :P

21:36 *** Joins: DJmidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony)

21:37 *** Joins: SweetieBelle (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

21:37 <Snapai> Seoson - well, co-ops fall apart when their number passes 150-250 members. The middle dunbar number.

21:37 <Nuclear> I would rather start a bunch of companies and use the profits to build a base on the Moon and potentially beyond.

21:37 <Nuclear> Much better way to get away from the government entirely.

21:37 <Snapai> WL Gore splits off a new factory every time one of theirs passes 150 members.

21:38 <Snapai> Mondragon discovered that people fell apart into "us vs them" bias when one of their subcompanies passed 250 members, so now they keep them to fewer numbers, and split them if they get to big.

21:38 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net)

21:38 <Snapai> This is the Dunbar plan I'm talking about.

21:39 <Seoson> I've never heard of that - U.S. thing I guess?

21:39 <Vulpor> Aww shppt

21:39 <Snapai> Nope.

21:39 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

21:39 <EtherNet> Snapai: Do you have a contingency plan for when powers-that-be come a knocking and crushing?

21:39 <Snapai> Gore is US-based, Mondragon is Basque/Spain.

21:39 <Vulpor> No spoilers eh?

21:39 <Snapai> Once you reach 30 people (maximum effective class size in high school, btw!) you need to start splitting into logical teams.

21:39 <Nuclear> Invest in military weaponry... No more, no less.

21:39 <ArcherSlamBam> Vulpor: Nopenopenope.

21:39 <Nuclear> You're going to need it.

21:39 <Snapai> That gives you divisions you can split the company along when you pass 150 people

21:39 <Vulpor> Whats 11PM UTC in EST

21:40 <Snapai> Vulpor, just type "time in UTC" into Google :p

21:40 <Snapai> You got a little over 2 hours.

21:41 <Seoson> Can Americans please use proper units from now on :D

21:41 <ArcherSlamBam> Like feet and metres?

21:41 <Vulpor> 6pm est

21:41 <Vulpor> great

21:41 <Snapai> You still keep the companies associated under a common banner, and an "overgovernment" between them (at two companies that's just simple cooperation on major issues, but Mondragon's 256 companies requires its own representative governing body)

21:41 <Vulpor> and I wrote a poem about today's episode

21:42 <Vulpor> sigh

21:42 <Snapai> Vulpor, it might actually be 7pm, notsure

21:42 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Roses are red, violets are blue / Fluttershy's cute, Dashie is ... blue

21:42 * Seoson is wondering what Ponies use.

21:42 <`Fluttershy> <3

21:43 <Snapai> Seoson - but the result of using logical divisions and natural splitting points to grow and diversify the company(s), is you have a company that gradually invades all related industries, and continues to perform really well.

21:43 <Vulpor> today's episode went right in my feels sorry

21:43 <Vulpor> but I shall wait

21:45 <Seoson> The only thing where american are superior when it comes to units are circles. Making angles based on Pi makes sense.

21:45 <Snapai> At the same time, the member-owners of the company enjoy self-direction, mastery, purpose, and a higher-than-normal pay to take money concerns out of their mind. And daily democracy.

21:45 <Seoson> Americans*

21:45 <Snapai> Result: culture change. :D

21:46 <Seoson> If it works. I like the idea, but I still haven't seen anybody do something like that on a scale that matters.

21:46 <Snapai> Viral (or at least metastatic) change for the better! ^^;

21:47 <Snapai> Mondragon did it.

21:47 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

21:47 <Seoson> The fact that I don't know him makes me question the relevance

21:48 *** Joins: butter (xsjvzhtqqqd@Pony-okh.2sj.14.72.IP)

21:48 <Sol> > Video for a song has a random break in the audio > Almost every video has the same audio with the same break in it

21:49 <Snapai> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/07/mondragon-spains-giant-cooperative

21:49 <Nuclear> I don't know about you, but it seems like you'd practically have to leave the planet to get away with anything nowadays.

21:49 <Nuclear> That's probably just me, though.

21:49 <Snapai> Seoson, it's one of the larger companies in Europe.

21:49 *** Quits: butter (xsjvzhtqqqd@Pony-okh.2sj.14.72.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

21:50 *** Joins: PonyGuy (spaetymqkue@Pony-bl3gp5.hsi.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)

21:50 <PonyGuy> Why hello there!

21:50 <Seoson> Welcome, PonyGuy, welcome to our town! Where everypony is not equal - just the opposite.

21:50 * Lenfant_Sauvage waves at the PonyGuy!

21:51 *** Joins: butter (xsjvzhtqqqd@Pony-okh.2sj.14.72.IP)

21:51 <Seoson> Snapai: I guess I don't know it because it's not active in Germany

21:51 <Seoson> Nor does my company has business relations with them

21:51 <Snapai> Yeah, and many many many of its sub-brands do not put "Mondragon" on their labels.

21:52 <Snapai> Like, Orbea bicycles.

21:52 *** Joins: CocoPommel (CocoPommel@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

21:53 *** CocoPommel is now known as CocoCooking

21:54 <Snapai> or Fagor home appliances

21:55 <EtherNet> Orbea's are nice bikes.

21:55 *** Joins: Librarian (jyhhdooycil@Pony-gcs.avf.168.187.IP)

21:56 <EtherNet> Was looking at a few of them before I got my current Cannondale.

21:57 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

21:57 <Snapai> Their retail wing is led by Eroski, but they have a ton of other store names: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mondragon_Corporation#Retail

21:57 <Seoson> Bronies (and Pegasisters) should just form their own country <3

21:58 <Snapai> And they worked with Les Mousquetaires and Edeka to make some sort of international partnership.

21:58 <Snapai> (I don't really see ANY of these brands in the US that much buuuut still)

21:59 <Snapai> Orbeas are definitely NOT cheap bikes. XD They really should consider making a budget bike line. :x

22:00 <Seoson> Just checked: They have two sub companys in Germany - sadly both don't have a huge relevance

22:01 *** Gigabit is now known as Worthless

22:01 <EtherNet> Yea, the other issue I ran into with the Orbeas is the lack of dealers in my area, I eventually got another brand at a local shop I'm friendly with.

22:01 *** Worthless is now known as worthless

22:01 *** Quits: Librarian (jyhhdooycil@Pony-gcs.avf.168.187.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1497 - Celebrate SPARKLE w/ Socks  [ http://tinyurl.com/owtsqjg ]

22:04 <Seoson> So many good artists in the fandom

22:06 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:07 *** Quits: patachu (patachu_kay@Pony-o95k5r.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: Leaving.)

22:07 *** Joins: Doctor_Whooves (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

22:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Doctor_Whooves

22:09 <fyrepony> yes 1080p is out

22:09 <fyrepony> love it

22:10 <Seoson> Wait they don't even broadcast in 1080p?

22:10 <fyrepony> no

22:10 <fyrepony> its 480p broadcast

22:10 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

22:10 <Seoson> itunes rip than?

22:11 <fyrepony> Seoson:  yes, thats how they get those :3

22:11 <Seoson> or just upscaled (which makes it pointless)

22:11 <fyrepony> itunes rip

22:11 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:11 <Seoson> Ahh I see

22:11 <fyrepony> also google play has ponies too

22:11 *** VinylScratch is now known as VinylIShops

22:12 *** Joins: Flashy (IceChat9@Pony-vhkq4e.vc.shawcable.net)

22:13 <Cepheid> They only have Season 4 up to episode 13 for Canada on Google Play.

22:13 <fyrepony> oh

22:13 <fyrepony> hmm

22:13 <Cepheid> Which I don't really understand.

22:14 <Cepheid> iTunes is probably the same, ironically.

22:14 <fyrepony> i tunes pays more i guess

22:14 <fyrepony> they know they have us  >:F

22:16 <Cepheid> Canada usually gets the shaft, even though the show is actually produced in Canada.

22:16 <Seoson> If they don't want our money :P

22:17 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-9drof8.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

22:17 *** Joins: Firestar (.@Element)

22:18 <Cepheid> Anyways, I'ma run off and take a shower, then head out.

22:18 <Cepheid> Be back later tonight.

22:18 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@is.too.lazy.to.request.a.new.vhost) (Quit: Leaving)

22:20 *** Joins: Rainb (rainb@Pony-cn5.akh.50.181.IP)

22:22 <mniip> 1.5 hours until spoilers right?

22:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yep. o3o

22:23 * Firestar noses Lenfant_Sauvage "Hey is the ep up yet?"

22:23 <Lenfant_Sauvage> On Youtube? Maybe, I dunno. I watch them on TV.

22:23 <Firestar> No on here

22:23 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I wouldn't have any way of knowing without using the command myself and I don't use the command.

22:24 <Seoson> ppl on GTA force me to kill on sight - I hate that

22:24 <Firestar> Oh wait its on youtube

22:24 <Firestar> nevermind

22:25 * Firestar then brings Lenfant_Sauvage to watch ponies with him

22:25 * Lenfant_Sauvage rolls.

22:25 <Sol> A little google goes a long way :P

22:25 <ZeroParadox> Oh yeah new ep

22:25 * ZeroParadox rolls with Lenfant_Sauvage

22:25 <ZeroParadox> Sol can I ask you a question

22:25 <Sol> Maybe

22:26 <ZeroParadox> The reason you call yourself Sol is ____

22:26 *** Doctor_Whooves is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

22:27 <Sol> Have used some variation on it for a long time...originally referencing Golden Sun

22:27 <ZeroParadox> Ah, okay

22:27 <Sol> Why?

22:27 <ZeroParadox> I was thinking Guilty Gear is all

22:28 <ZeroParadox> But I had to make sure.

22:28 *** Quits: CocoCooking (CocoPommel@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)

22:28 <Sol> Ah

22:29 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

22:29 *** Quits: Pony_8536 (averagejoey@Pony-m81a8n.lv.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:29 *** Firestar is now known as Fireshow

22:31 *** Quits: DJmidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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22:33 *** Joins: CocoPommel (CocoPommel@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

22:33 *** SweetieBelle is now known as MathDash

22:34 *** Quits: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-ro674f.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

22:37 *** Joins: KandiGhostcat (pwwxmqibidq@Pony-cia.6n8.18.184.IP)

22:37 <KandiGhostcat> hi

22:38 *** Joins: DragonCrystal (DragonCrys@Pony-k0igek.md.comcast.net)

22:38 <DragonCrystal> hey all

22:39 <SgtPinkie> Hello

22:39 <KandiGhostcat> hi dragon

22:39 <DragonCrystal> hi ^^

22:39 <SgtPinkie> How was your school thing?

22:39 <DragonCrystal> *blinks* school thing?

22:39 <KandiGhostcat> good. it was really fun.

22:39 *** Quits: CocoPommel (CocoPommel@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:39 <DragonCrystal> oh

22:40 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (pfrlrexydqn@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:40 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-o6c041.fbx.proxad.net)

22:41 <KandiGhostcat> but my friend wanted to keep watching movies. so we watched movies most of the time. and played games in the library.

22:42 <KandiGhostcat> she didnt want to go on the blow up courses.

22:42 <DARK> hello =)

22:42 <KandiGhostcat> so the gym was a no for sure.

22:42 *** Quits: PonyGuy (spaetymqkue@Pony-bl3gp5.hsi.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:44 * Lenfant_Sauvage rolls around DARK.

22:44 * Lenfant_Sauvage reaches behind DARK's ear, flicks a pullstring he didn't know was there. A light turns on.

22:44 *** Quits: ArchPegasusMichael (Michael89pl@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

22:46 <DragonCrystal> hey Bigcheese, you said you all had a channel in here, what's it called?

22:46 <KandiGhostcat> oh my gosh. i'm so hungry. yet i cant eat anything really.

22:46 <Bigcheese> DragonCrystal: #mlpccg

22:46 <DragonCrystal> thank you

22:48 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-05tf3d.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)

22:49 *** Quits: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

22:49 *** VinylIShops is now known as VinylScratch

22:49 <Nuclear> I wish I had liquid pentaborane-11 and liquid ozone.

22:49 *** Joins: LunaticHell (gustyvdiynu@Pony-h8sh7h.versanet.de)

22:49 <Nuclear> I'd have so much fun with those chemicals.

22:49 <LunaticHell> I have arrived.

22:50 * Schism rereads 'The Best Night Ever'.

22:50 <mniip> Nuclear, oxygen difluoride

22:50 <LunaticHell> oh hi VinylScratch *hugging after the first day of the convention*

22:50 <Nuclear> Monoxygen difluoride contains fluorine in it, so the EPA won't allow me to use it, sorry.

22:50 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Speaking of the CCG, that's something that's been burning in my mind for awhile

22:51 <mniip> Nuclear, but...

22:51 <DragonCrystal> whats that Lenfant?

22:51 <Nuclear> Liquid ozone is great, though, since it's purely oxygen. Too bad it's not as stable as monoxygen difluoride. It's a shame, really.

22:51 <LunaticHell> The Collective Card Game? What about it?

22:51 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Is the game still selling? My "local" (next county over, 45 minute drive) shop that hosts (hosted?) tournaments apparently couldn't get stock of the next set because they didn't meet a minimum attendance requirement for their events

22:51 <DragonCrystal> well yeah, Im just waiting for the next set to come out

22:52 <mniip> Nuclear, how about H-CO-H ?

22:52 <LunaticHell> It's mostly sold over conventions and internet trade.

22:52 <Lenfant_Sauvage> And they've been trying to push it for aaaages now, advertising on a semi-big Texas meetup site

22:52 <Nuclear> I've never heard of that chemical before.

22:52 <LunaticHell> Lenfant: I got a limited print card. *squee*

22:52 <VinylScratch> it won't take, methinks

22:52 <Schism> Say, how about dioxygen difluoride?  >.>

22:52 <Schism> Appropriately known by the evocative name of 'FOOF'.

22:52 <mniip> Nuclear, methanal

22:52 <VinylScratch> it'll always have the pony fan audience, but I don't know if enough of even the demo audience would choose it over an established game. o3o

22:53 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Their national qualifier tournament, the last one I haerd about, only got 7 people and two of them dropped before the final round

22:53 <Nuclear> Too unstable. It's the highest oxygen-fluoride that can exist normally without being required to be in a metastable state.

22:53 <Lenfant_Sauvage> My friend collects the cards and tried to go to a set premiere but there were only four people

22:53 <LunaticHell> I've come back from the convention to tell you how awesome it was. =D

22:54 <mniip> Nuclear, also known as methyl aldehyde

22:54 <Nuclear> It needs to be kept at a temperature of 90 K or below in order to keep it stable, at which point it's a solid; it's great for when you're trying to create high yields of plutonium-hexaflouride on a mass scale, though.

22:54 <LunaticHell> I've met the guy who makes Bronies react to...I forgot his name, ok?

22:54 <Lenfant_Sauvage> AC Racebest?

22:54 <LunaticHell> Yeah, this one.

22:54 <Nuclear> mniip, sounds interesting. It seems similar to methanol.

22:54 <LunaticHell> He was fun. :3

22:55 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn__@Pony-ohn.v9u.150.95.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:55 *** IronMustang is now known as Aetreeis

22:56 <LunaticHell> Also I met a guy called "Any Pony" and GM Berrow and Perry and some others I forgot.

22:56 <KandiGhostcat> wait...why am i here? i have nothing that i'm wanting to talk about.

22:56 <LunaticHell> oh hi Candy

22:57 <LunaticHell> GM Berrow is not awe-some, she's awe-a lot more than just- some.

22:58 <LunaticHell> And Perry, she draw a supercute sketch for me. <3

22:58 <VinylScratch> Awwww. xD

22:58 <SgtPinkie> Awe-all

22:58 <LunaticHell> *drew

22:58 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn__@Pony-ohn.v9u.150.95.IP)

22:59 <LunaticHell> I got a signed copy of "Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party"

22:59 <LunaticHell> She put 14 (14 sponsor tickets went out) of the books on the table and was like: pick one~

23:00 *** Quits: EtherNet (Ether@Pony-s7r46u.dyn.optonline.net) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 37.0.1/20150402191859])

23:00 <LunaticHell> And everypony got a really cute "GM Berrow" MLP collecting card.

23:01 *** Quits: MathDash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Quit: Leaving)

23:01 <Aetreeis> wark

23:01 <LunaticHell> VinylScratch: wanna know something really funny?

23:01 <VinylScratch> Whaaaaaaat? x3

23:01 <LunaticHell> In one book her own OC made a cameo, she's called "Plot Twist".

23:02 <VinylScratch> well, she writes the books, right? :P

23:02 <LunaticHell> Yup. ;)

23:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Power Ponies Brushables Found in Their Packaging  [ http://tinyurl.com/otkvxzk ]

23:02 <VinylScratch> So technically, outside the characters of the show, most of the characters would be her OC's! :p

23:02 <LunaticHell> When she told us, I was like "WHAT A TWIST!"

23:02 <LunaticHell> Except Maud Pie. :P

23:03 <LunaticHell> (Maud Pie appeared in the book first)

23:03 <VinylScratch> I said that.

23:03 <VinylScratch> Maud was probably already planned at that point

23:03 <VinylScratch> so she doesn't really count

23:03 *** Joins: ArchPegasusMichael (Michael89pl@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place)

23:04 <LunaticHell> Also her other sisters and her parents.

23:04 <Aetreeis> Should I read the comics?

23:04 <LunaticHell> You know, they got their official names there.

23:04 <Aetreeis> I hear they're pretty good

23:04 <LunaticHell> Aetreeis: YES!

23:04 <LunaticHell> *ahem* Yes, they are. Yes you should.

23:04 <hawthornbunny> The comics are fun. ^^

23:04 <LunaticHell> Fun

23:05 <hawthornbunny> Fun!

23:05 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

23:05 <LunaticHell> Also the book got extra pages of extra fun *gasp*

23:08 *** Quits: butter (xsjvzhtqqqd@Pony-okh.2sj.14.72.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:08 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning)

23:09 *** Quits: Fireshow (.@Element) (Quit: Leaving)

23:09 <LunaticHell> And tomorrow will be more fun. =D

23:12 <fyrepony> i had really bad day, basically sister stole money from parents

23:12 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

23:13 *** BlackCat is now known as Nelly

23:15 *** Quits: Rainb (rainb@Pony-cn5.akh.50.181.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:18 <LunaticHell> well this bites

23:18 *** Quits: Nelly (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:20 *** Joins: CocoPommel (CocoPommel@Pony-1ej7ok.res.rr.com)

23:21 <LunaticHell> hey VinylScratch, hey...do you like Octavia?

23:21 <LunaticHell> http://warriordan.deviantart.com/art/Octavia-Cap-526299454 So do I. :P

23:23 <fyrepony> this is vinyl scratch coming live from ponyville equestria

23:24 <fyrepony> that reminds me, there is gonna be so much upset people if vinyl ever talks

23:25 <LunaticHell> I havn't yet seen the episode. :P

23:25 <fyrepony> cos everyone are used for dovahkiin's voice

23:25 <LunaticHell> I'll do it tomorrow.

23:25 *** Joins: Nelly (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful)

23:25 <LunaticHell> Some people actually watched the new episodes ON THE CONVENTION on smart phones and tablets.

23:26 <fyrepony> gasp

23:26 <LunaticHell> I faceplam'd hard.

23:26 <mniip> I don't see anything wrong with that

23:26 <LunaticHell> You can watch the episode a day later, but you will NEVER relive the moments you missed.

23:26 *** Nelly is now known as Black

23:27 * fyrepony wants fursuit pony

23:27 <mniip> that's an interesting approach to life

23:27 <mniip> deep

23:28 *** Joins: User_2772 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net)

23:28 <LunaticHell> Thanks. ^^

23:28 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Considering that's only thirty minutes out of their day...

23:28 *** Parts: User_2772 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-s68vsd.cable.virginm.net) ()

23:29 <LunaticHell> 30 minutes can make a difference in your life.

23:30 <LunaticHell> If you have to decide between 30 minutes that you can delay and 30 minutes you cannot delay, what would you choose?

23:30 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

23:30 <mniip> https://derpiboo.ru/111720

23:31 <VinylScratch> thirty minutes.

23:31 <VinylScratch> :p

23:31 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Speaking of thirty minutes... o3o

23:31 <LunaticHell> 30 minutes are worth one of the really pleasant talks I had with GM Berrow.

23:32 <VinylScratch> Not everyone is going to stand in line for things like that

23:32 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net)

23:32 <LunaticHell> There was a lot of more people I talked with, many pleasant conversations, nice people I met. So much.

23:33 <VinylScratch> That doesn't mean you can't take a breather for 30 minutes and enjoy the reason people came together in the first place. :p

23:33 <VinylScratch> It's really 22 minutes, but who's counting

23:33 <Vulpor> Still no talking on the new episode

23:33 <KandiGhostcat> i'm going to make myself dinner. i'll be back.

23:34 <Vulpor> damn it

23:34 <LunaticHell> Or I could do it later and enjoy the anticipation. :3

23:34 <Vulpor> I already ate dinner and had my ice cream

23:34 *** Joins: Havok_Maelstrom (heinrich@Pony-akg.6g7.57.41.IP)

23:34 <Havok_Maelstrom> Heyooo

23:34 <Havok_Maelstrom> Guys, I need some help

23:34 <VinylScratch> I'm not even sure what the time IS in UTC currently

23:34 <VinylScratch> whattup?


23:35 <Havok_Maelstrom> Where can I get a pinkie pie plushy in the states?

23:35 <LunaticHell> VinylScratch: Just as much as I enjoy the anticipation for the moment when I make Sketchy jelly of my Octavia hat.

23:35 <SgtPinkie> ......or are they?

23:35 <ArchPegasusMichael> VinylScratch: 11:30 pm UTC

23:35 <Vulpor> DAMN YOU SGT PINKIE

23:35 <Vulpor> Hold on Havok

23:35 *** Joins: Jmygamers (seepcpdmmrn@Pony-9raceu.east.verizon.net)

23:35 <mniip> SgtPinkie, now I wonder if there can be a whole episode devoted to non-pony characters

23:35 <Jmygamers> Hello

23:36 <Jmygamers> So how was the episode good?

23:36 <Havok_Maelstrom> I got a friend visiting the states, and he might be able to bring me one \o/

23:36 <LunaticHell> Anyhoof, I go bed.

23:36 <mniip> Jmygamers, no one knows yet

23:36 <SgtPinkie> Episode 200, maybe

23:36 * LunaticHell hugs VinylScratch goodnight.

23:36 <mniip> still 25 minutes left

23:36 <ArchPegasusMichael> VinylScratch: sorry, 10:35

23:36 <Vulpor> Havok_Maelstrom http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=pinkie+pie+plushie&tag=mh0b-20&index=aps&hvadid=3527259683&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_6lxipobdpf_e

23:36 <Jmygamers> Really? Diddnt it air this mornign?

23:36 <VinylScratch> xD Be careful

23:37 <Jmygamers> *morning?

23:37 <LunaticHell> Will be. ^^

23:37 *** Quits: LunaticHell (gustyvdiynu@Pony-h8sh7h.versanet.de) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:37 <SgtPinkie> Maybe it did

23:37 <SgtPinkie> Maybe it didn't

23:37 <ArchPegasusMichael> 25 minutes of spoi

23:37 *** Quits: Jmygamers (seepcpdmmrn@Pony-9raceu.east.verizon.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:37 <VinylScratch> it was this morning somewhere when it aired

23:37 <ArchPegasusMichael> *spoiler ban left

23:38 <Vulpor> It aired 11:30 AM EST

23:38 <Vulpor> damn their late morning time slot

23:38 <SgtPinkie> SPOILER:

23:38 <ArchPegasusMichael> I missed it.


23:39 <Vulpor> Spoiler Winter Wrap Up is one of the best songs on that season

23:40 <mniip> spoiler http://i.imgur.com/5VGoWep.jpg

23:41 *** Quits: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

23:41 <SgtPinkie> Spoiler: Cheese Sandwich was voiced by Weird Al

23:43 <ArchPegasusMichael> Spoiler: the new episode didn't have Hub logo

23:44 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-g8m5an.234-net.sccoast.net)

23:44 *** Joins: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net)

23:44 <SgtPinkie> SPOILER: The Hub may not be fully gone

23:45 <SgtPinkie> Forrealztho

23:45 <Vulpor> how?

23:45 <Vulpor> The Hub mabe back?

23:45 <SgtPinkie> I've heard rumors so

23:46 *** Quits: DragonCrystal (DragonCrys@Pony-k0igek.md.comcast.net) (Quit: )

23:46 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-si6v0v.res.rr.com)

23:46 <VinylScratch> What rumors? XD

23:46 <Lenfant_Sauvage> "Heard rumors"

23:46 <VinylScratch> there's been nothing of a sort publically

23:46 <Lenfant_Sauvage> "I knew this Chinese guy that told me..."

23:46 *** Joins: EtherNet (Ether@Pony-s7r46u.dyn.optonline.net)

23:47 <VinylScratch> Somebody is having you folks on, I think

23:47 <SgtPinkie> Or at the very least the people who were involved with The Hub's promotional team may return

23:47 <VinylScratch> So you just mean the spirit of the hub. :p

23:47 <VinylScratch> but in any case, this isn't really a surprise

23:47 <Vulpor> Hey guys?

23:47 <VinylScratch> Mm?

23:48 <Vulpor> A guy at gamestop told me the hub is back

23:48 <Vulpor> but you gotta pre order it for ponies

23:48 <VinylScratch> Wut?

23:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> lul

23:48 <VinylScratch> Oh, right

23:48 * VinylScratch only has Game, sadfaces

23:48 <SgtPinkie> Well, my story is this

23:49 <Vulpor> but if you do you get the censored Wings edition

23:49 <Vulpor> Whenever Twilight appears

23:49 <SgtPinkie> Y'see, I was walking in the wholesale flower district that day

23:49 <Vulpor> they blur the wings

23:49 <SgtPinkie> And I passed by this place where this old Chinese man

23:50 <VinylScratch> <Vulpor> they blur the wings - and superimpose fausts head over them

23:50 <VinylScratch> :P

23:50 <SgtPinkie> He sometimes tells me weird and exotic television news

23:50 <Vulpor> 10 minutes people

23:50 * Vulpor is bulking up for spoiler talk

23:50 <VinylScratch> 10 people minutes

23:50 <SgtPinkie> 'Cause he knows, y'see, well, that television news is always interesting

23:50 <ArchPegasusMichael> Minutes people 10

23:51 <SgtPinkie> He didn't have anything unusual to tell me that day

23:51 <SgtPinkie> So I was just about to, y'know, walk on by

23:51 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-eepan2.myshelter.net) (Quit: )

23:51 *** Joins: DesertRose (DesertRose@Pony-0plmc2.range86-137.btcentralplus.com)

23:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DesertRose

23:51 <VinylScratch> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U27RcL5ukCM - *Spoiler 10 minutes preperation alarm*

23:51 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:51 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about FNAF 2 Soundtrack: Danger/Alert Music

23:51 <SgtPinkie> When, suddenly, and without warning, there was this

23:51 <SgtPinkie> TO

23:51 <SgtPinkie> TAL

23:52 <SgtPinkie> ECLIPSE OF THE SUN

23:52 <DesertRose> Rawr

23:52 * VinylScratch boops DesertRose

23:53 <SgtPinkie> It got very dark and there was this strange humming noise, like something from another world

23:53 <Vulpor> Oh for the love of all that is cute and girly

23:53 <Vulpor> IGN has a anime podcast

23:53 <Vulpor> and....................

23:53 <SgtPinkie> They cover FIM on it

23:53 <Vulpor> they got three girls to talk on it

23:53 <Snapai> 8 minutes. :v

23:53 <SgtPinkie> OH SWEET JESUS

23:54 <Vulpor> incoming fanboy inappropiate comments

23:54 <ArchPegasusMichael> !link http://youtu.be/gjKsUdRf3Fs

23:54 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:54 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Metal Gear Solid Soundtrack - 17 Escape

23:54 <VinylScratch> x3

23:54 <Vulpor> look I am not saying girls cannot do podcasts

23:54 <Vulpor> but IGN is white bread heaven

23:54 <VinylScratch> This sounds like it could be a messy subject, lol

23:54 <Vulpor> sorry

23:55 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZDlztUAS3c

23:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Animaniacs Launch (Promo) - The Hub

23:55 <Vulpor> I just..................

23:55 <Vulpor> I see what they are trying to do

23:55 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXyOSV-Kdas

23:55 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:55 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Animaniacs Promo: Let the Anvils Ring

23:55 <Vulpor> you cant fill 24/7 news on games alone

23:55 <Vulpor> so you gotta fill them hours with something

23:56 <Vulpor> like a minute on taco belle maybe doing delivery

23:56 *** Quits: ArcherSlamBam (pssvckbslcf@Pony-itd3j4.dsl-dhcp.ytc.net) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:56 <Vulpor> in the states

23:56 <SgtPinkie> Why does Taco Bell need to do delivery anyway

23:57 <SgtPinkie> They're fast food, there's one just about everywhere, it's pointless

23:57 *** Quits: Dusky (Dusky@Pony-gj0b98.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

23:57 <Vulpor> If the do I am never leaving the house again

23:58 <SgtPinkie> And my personal favorite Hub promo ever

23:58 <Vulpor> 99 cent menue

23:58 <SgtPinkie> Wait, no

23:58 <SgtPinkie> This one'

23:58 <SgtPinkie> *one's up there though

23:58 <SgtPinkie> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5sDdEvLGVk

23:58 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

23:58 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Are You Ready For The Summer? - The Hub Promo

23:59 *** Quits: Raid (Raid@Pony-58p.l83.51.84.IP) (Connection closed)

23:59 <Vulpor> 1hr anime podcast

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