Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Wednesday, 2015-04-29

00:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Hot Topic Spike Now Appearing in Store  [ http://tinyurl.com/p45vsnq ]

00:02 *** Quits: SmallSkippeZ (jesus@Pony-ohf.e3t.162.86.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:05 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: The Nightmares will collide. And become a dream. <3)

00:06 *** Joins: OctaveSymphony (OctaveSymph@Pony-k2k.4vh.227.90.IP)

00:08 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

00:10 *** Joins: Pinkie_Pie (Reia@TheCowPony)

00:10 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Pinkie_Pie)))

00:10 *** Pinkie_Pie is now known as Reia

00:12 * Schism offers Princess-QRS a fishcake served with plenty of tartar sauce and fresh lemon and tartar sauce.

00:12 *** Nicholas_ is now known as NNick|Away

00:12 <Schism> (Tartar sauce is important with fishcakes.)

00:13 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn__@Pony-94j.7m4.29.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:14 <Princess-QRS> o3o

00:14 * Princess-QRS noms it happily

00:14 <Proton> so AKR is leaving

00:14 * Ethera drags out the tartar sauce hose.

00:14 <Proton> I, for one, am saddened by this news but wish her luck at Disney

00:15 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-pu1.0l3.208.118.IP)

00:19 *** Joins: Idikos (noebclgvvqw@Pony-auq.u97.134.216.IP)

00:20 *** Parts: Idikos (noebclgvvqw@Pony-auq.u97.134.216.IP) ()

00:22 *** Schism is now known as Schismatism|Streaming

00:25 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-05a.305.97.2.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

00:26 <ArcherSlamBam> Proton: Saddened about Amy Keating Rogers jumping ship for Disney?

00:27 <ArcherSlamBam> Honestly, depending on the show she's going to, I await it. :)

00:27 * Cephy-Factorio sits on Schism.

00:32 *** CocoSwimming is now known as CocoPommel

00:35 *** BlueReso is now known as Corset_Rosewhip

00:36 *** Schismatism|Streaming is now known as Schism

00:38 <Cephy-Factorio> What were you streaming Schism?

00:40 <Proton> Yeah, I liked her episodes

00:40 <ryaxnb21> i liked most of her episodes but none of them except S1E26 would be top tier for me

00:40 <ryaxnb21> the only one that might be bottom tier though is owls well

00:40 <Schism> oh, for a short moment I was streaming The Secret World...

00:41 <ryaxnb21> every other one was either good or was Ticket Master, which was the first episode written and thus was OK but a little rough

00:41 <ryaxnb21> standard early-episode jitters

00:41 <Schism> One tick, I'll be able to do so again shortly.

00:41 <ArcherSlamBam> I preferred Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3.

00:41 <ryaxnb21> TT123 was good but S1E26 was better.

00:42 <ArcherSlamBam> The Best Night Ever?

00:42 <ryaxnb21> yeah

00:42 <ryaxnb21> a very cool episode and one of the better ones in s1.

00:44 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-vk9.tef.131.72.IP)

00:44 <Schism> Cepheid: Streaming again now.

00:45 *** CocoPommel is now known as CocoCooking

00:45 <ArcherSlamBam> Schism: Streaming what and where?

00:46 *** Joins: wallower (blfndiurdfu@Pony-lfj.d8s.69.87.IP)

00:46 <Schism> http://twitch.tv/schismatism - I'm streaming The Secret World.

00:50 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

00:50 <Cephy-Factorio> Huzzah, I completed my first automated system.

00:50 <Cephy-Factorio> Research system.

00:51 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (dsrsuwmwdbc@Pony-tt1.nd5.181.207.IP)

00:54 *** Joins: User_7467 (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-4pg.stl.153.66.IP)

00:54 <ryaxnb21> i like dash's song btw

00:54 <ryaxnb21> Was it a villain song or a hero song?

00:54 <ryaxnb21> nopony knows!

00:54 <ryaxnb21> it has the beat of a rainbooms song

00:54 <ryaxnb21> and it's dash singing -- but the lyrics say villain song

00:55 <Proton> mane six villainy at its onliest

00:55 *** User_7467 is now known as Vulpor

00:59 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Bluepon@Pony-cdc.v68.128.73.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:59 <ryaxnb21> also like right after the game of thrones reference is a nuclear shaped bomb that brings in winter

01:00 <ryaxnb21> nuclear winter... this episode and references man...

01:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Ratings for Tanks for the Memories Arrive!  [ http://tinyurl.com/nx3hcbc ]

01:02 *** Corset_Rosewhip is now known as BlueRose

01:02 *** Joins: User_5209 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-boe.9oe.45.82.IP)

01:02 *** Parts: User_5209 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-boe.9oe.45.82.IP) ()

01:03 <Muffin_Spectacles> So, have we gotten the usual 'it's the end of the fandom' given Amy is leaving?

01:03 *** Quits: Gilda (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

01:04 <ryaxnb21> no

01:04 <ryaxnb21> keep in mind amy wrote filli vanilli

01:04 <ArcherSlamBam> Nupe!

01:04 <ryaxnb21> that awesome episode fans hated for stupid reasons

01:04 <ryaxnb21> (IMO)

01:04 <ryaxnb21> so i'm not sure she's super well loved amongst the type of fans prone to over-dramatic reactions

01:05 <ArcherSlamBam> People hated Pinkie in that episode. XP

01:05 <ryaxnb21> ArcherSlamBam: pinkie was having an over-dramatic reaction that scared fluttershy

01:05 <ryaxnb21> they hated it so much they had an over-dramatic reaction that scared AKR

01:05 <ryaxnb21> and threatened her

01:05 <ryaxnb21> people can be stupid sometimes.

01:06 <ryaxnb21> i think pinkie was just silly pone that ep

01:06 <ArcherSlamBam> That, I can honestly say, I never did. Thankfully.

01:06 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Bluepon@Pony-cdc.v68.128.73.IP)

01:06 <ryaxnb21> yeah most people didn't

01:06 <ryaxnb21> but the sort of people who would throw a huge pissy fit over AKR leaving already decided they didn't like her

01:07 <ArcherSlamBam> The only time I criticized a writer like that was when I reviewed Yin Yang Yo.

01:07 <ryaxnb21> since normal fans don't have an "OH NOES FANDOM DEAD" moment when a writer leaves.

01:07 <ryaxnb21> :P

01:07 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb21: Yeah. Every other thing makes them panic.

01:08 <ryaxnb21> eh

01:08 <ryaxnb21> i like to think the panicking is a vocal miniority of fans that worries over each thing and gradually leaves the fandom beacuse they dislike Thing

01:08 <ArcherSlamBam> At least MLP doesn't have our lead heroes stabbing the heads of robotic babies.

01:08 <ryaxnb21> the majority of the fandom is not as crazy, imo, but also isn't as talkative

01:08 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb21: wish it worked that way with Star Wars. I hear constant whining on a daily basis from that fandom. I watch that stuff from afar.

01:09 <ryaxnb21> i hear a lot of whining too with ponies, but i hear a lot of not-whining it's just the whining people get a lot of hits

01:09 <ryaxnb21> and also if you post in like a episode discussion thread, you're by nature looking to criticize the episode, and of that group maybe 4/10 are nitpickers

01:10 <ryaxnb21> and 6/10 are legit critics who aren't

01:10 <ryaxnb21> but lots of pony fans aren't interested in posting their long-form criticism (or praise) per episode at all

01:10 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb21: I will admit, an episode largely has to impress me overall. Just because Derpy shows up for 2-3 minutes, does not mean it's a great episode.

01:10 <ryaxnb21> well yeah

01:10 <ryaxnb21> however... i can easily remember a few memorable moments from even the worst episodes

01:11 <ryaxnb21> however, those moments are usually not fan pandering because i don't count that as very memorable

01:11 <ArcherSlamBam> I like to think I'm one of the 6/10. Yeah, I do nitpick at some things, like how the chairs seemed to work in Rainbow Rocks and the season premiere, but not in the season finale.

01:11 <ryaxnb21> instead, it's something like the climax or the "pathetic little high school line" from equestria girls

01:11 <ryaxnb21> i really like the climax and all of sunset in EqG and the song

01:12 <ryaxnb21> the rest of the movie is mostly meh including the blatant fan pandering

01:12 <ryaxnb21> which is far too forced

01:12 <ryaxnb21> RR fan pandering, despite being just as blatant, felt less forced.

01:12 <Muffin_Spectacles> ArcherSlamBam: I actually felt S4's finale was good, but it fet like a smoke and mirrors cheering during that big battle. To me, the story was ok, but just because they do Dragonball Z style fighting, doesn't impress me.

01:12 <ryaxnb21> it felt more natural.

01:12 <ryaxnb21> i was crying at the end with the shine like rainbows song, as sunset was singing and playing lead guitar, and the fanart was rolling

01:12 <ZeroParadox> I'd prefer a DBZ battle then

01:12 <ryaxnb21> :)

01:12 <ZeroParadox> a game of chess over some tea o3o

01:12 <ZeroParadox> Just sayin'

01:13 <Muffin_Spectacles> S5's 2-part opening I liked for its subtlety - plus, we didn't have Celestia and Luna involved.

01:13 <ArcherSlamBam> EqG was...fine, to be honest. Rainbow Rocks was definitely better, though. And though I have questions about Sonata, they're good questions that invoke theories. :D

01:13 <ryaxnb21> i said meh not terrible

01:14 <Muffin_Spectacles> ArcherSlamBam: Like if she was a pony and then converted to Siren?

01:14 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-bg8.nu9.238.82.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

01:15 <ArcherSlamBam> Muffin_Spectacles: More like she's forced or tricked into being evil. She does a few things in the movie that shows she's not completely evil.

01:15 <ryaxnb21> i think she's evil but largely because of her biology

01:16 <ryaxnb21> now that she's not a siren

01:16 <ryaxnb21> she's the one i see as most likely to not try to take revenge or anything , and if her siblings do , maybe even tell on them and align with the heroes

01:17 *** Joins: Firestar (.@Element)

01:17 *** Firestar is now known as Ace

01:17 <Muffin_Spectacles> So there's hope for Sonata...but Twist is still the devil in disguise.

01:17 <ryaxnb21> because now that she's not a siren who feeds on the adoration of others she has no reason to be evil

01:18 <ryaxnb21> also i wonder if guns don't exist in EqG world or if twilight is really just that naive to think a teenage girl without magic is "harmless"

01:18 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-t9k.cii.242.89.IP)

01:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

01:18 <ryaxnb21> (since guns don't exist in her world)

01:19 <ryaxnb21> :P

01:19 *** Quits: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-4pg.stl.153.66.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

01:19 * VinylScratch shambles in wearing a traffic cone. @w@

01:19 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb21: I'm sure guns don't exist...because after all, Hasbro knows that  *flips shades* 'Fighting...isn't, Magic.' (Yeeaaahhhh!!!)

01:20 <ryaxnb21> hehe

01:20 <ZeroParadox> Muffin

01:20 <ZeroParadox> Too soon ;-;

01:20 *** CocoCooking is now known as CocoPommel

01:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> ZeroParadox: I thought it had been more than a year or two.

01:21 <ryaxnb21> i think they don't exist since school security is nonexistant which suggests the world is as trusting as pony world is because crime is very low, outside of the yearly supervillain appearance

01:21 <ZeroParadox> It's always too soon for me ;-;

01:21 * ZeroParadox is dragged away crying. "Nooo ;-;"

01:21 *** Joins: Knight_Dash (hwfmkgehobc@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP)

01:21 <Knight_Dash> Hey, guys. :)

01:21 <ZeroParadox> Heeey ;-;

01:21 <ryaxnb21> so there's no need to be obsessive over hall passes or whatever

01:21 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb21: Or transfer papers for new students.

01:22 <ryaxnb21> yep

01:22 * Bubble-Berry rolls into the room

01:22 <ryaxnb21> very trusting school.

01:22 * ZeroParadox eats Bubble-Berry

01:22 * Bubble-Berry tactically boops ZeroParadox, tactically rolls away

01:22 <ArcherSlamBam> But, I will also say that Sunset was part of my main problem in RR.

01:23 <ryaxnb21> maybe your problem -- i loved sunset

01:23 <ArcherSlamBam> Oh, so did I. :D

01:23 <ryaxnb21> best character :P

01:23 <Muffin_Spectacles> ArcherSlamBam: Well, of all the characters, Sunset was one of the mostr intriguing to me, trying to go from people just saying, 'she's evil,' to wondering what could have pushed her to take on that attitude.

01:23 <Muffin_Spectacles> ArcherSlamBam: After all, Celestia wouldn't take on a student that just seemed so negative and power-hungry.

01:23 <VinylScratch> She probably started out well enough, but then let ideas get to her head

01:24 <ArcherSlamBam> My problem with Sunset wasn't Sunset, herself. It was how the rest of the characters treated her. Yes, some spite was to be expected, but how many times did we hear "No offence/None taken..."?

01:24 <Muffin_Spectacles> VinylScratch: I feel that when she got to the human world, she did research into high school...but watched and read some bad material.

01:24 <ryaxnb21> i think it's a dual thing

01:24 <VinylScratch> It was a running joke, not much worth taking it too seriously ArchPegasusMichael

01:25 <ryaxnb21> the mane 5 haven't fully accepted into her group, but they also forget how much the past hurts sunset

01:25 <Muffin_Spectacles> VinylScratch: I could see her reading and watching material like 'Cruel Intentions' or something to that intent, that seemed to show that 'power was in making yourself seem better than others.'

01:25 <ryaxnb21> for them, the past was great.

01:25 <VinylScratch> and perhaps to put a seed of doubt into the viewer that she mayhaps might turn on them later

01:25 *** CocoPommel is now known as CocoMeditation

01:25 <VinylScratch> especially when the dazzlings goaded her in the dark and gloomy hall

01:25 <ryaxnb21> they forget how much it hurts her to think about her past, and they haven't fully accepted her yet.

01:26 <ArcherSlamBam> VinylScratch: I know, but if you look at it another way, it can be seen as a cheap ploy to garner sympathy for her. Which isn't needed - we already sympathise with her.

01:26 <Muffin_Spectacles> I felt that Sunset won the first Fall Formal on 'pity.' Her expression in the first picture is of surprise.

01:26 <VinylScratch> Yup

01:26 <VinylScratch> the first picture looked innocent enough for what it was

01:26 <Muffin_Spectacles> I still feel that at the end of the first EqG film, she's like an addict, who has finally admitted, 'I have a problem.'

01:27 <Muffin_Spectacles> She's hit the bottom, and needs to figure out, 'what am I going to do now?'

01:27 <CocoMeditation> !link https://youtu.be/pbvBHJi7KnU

01:27 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

01:27 <ryaxnb21> as for making the viewer sympathize with sunset -- A) i think you sympathize with her sooner than someponies do, i too was quick to love her because i love a good villain just for the villainy bit

01:27 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Anugama - Healing Earth

01:28 <Muffin_Spectacles> I could put a link to my Sunset theories here, but I doubt anyone would read it...though I have gotten a few hits over the last few weeks for some bizarre reason.

01:28 <ryaxnb21> others actually remembered the fact that she committed various crimes up to and including firing a laser beam at twilight

01:28 <Muffin_Spectacles> ryaxnb21: I still feel that was an example of her being turned inside-out.  The crown brought forth her power-hungry nature, which she claimed she didn't have.

01:29 <ryaxnb21> yeah of course

01:29 <ryaxnb21> Muffin_Spectacles: though she never claimed not to have a power hungry nature

01:29 <ryaxnb21> but the crown bought out the worst in her.

01:29 *** Joins: Idikos (noebclgvvqw@Pony-auq.u97.134.216.IP)

01:29 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@Pony-lvs.lv2.99.68.IP)

01:29 *** Parts: Idikos (noebclgvvqw@Pony-auq.u97.134.216.IP) ()

01:30 <ryaxnb21> the other thing, though, is that it was also intended to make you think the mane 6 were being a bit harsh (but justifiably, as they forget how bad the past is for sunset, since that period of time was great for them)

01:30 <Muffin_Spectacles> I just feel some say it's too easy to judge Sunset, but I  refuse to believe that unless I could talk to McCarthy.

01:30 <ryaxnb21> in order to make you think sunset might turn, and surprise you when she is confronted, says nothing, but refuses to turn.

01:30 <ArcherSlamBam> ryaxnb21: You know, a while back, Robert Downey Jr. was in an interview in regards to Avengers 2. But, somehow, the topic changed to his dark past of drug abuse and prison. The interviewer just kept at it until Robert, fighting back tears, left the interview.

01:30 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Illustrious Q: FIENDship is Magic #5—Interview with IDW Artist Andy Price [ http://tinyurl.com/mxaa6m8 ]

01:31 <ryaxnb21> ArcherSlamBam: reminds me of the interview with molyneux

01:31 <VinylScratch> Fighting back tears? XD

01:31 <ryaxnb21> the interview had a stone cold stunner for a start

01:31 <VinylScratch> that's not what I saw...

01:31 <ryaxnb21> "do you think you're a pathological liar, Molyneux?"

01:31 <VinylScratch> He got up and left with a cheery 'bye', and a few words.

01:31 <ryaxnb21> ArcherSlamBam: it was a really amazing, really stunning interview.

01:31 <ryaxnb21> and molyneux never left the interview.

01:31 <Muffin_Spectacles> The news loves to blow things out of proportion.

01:32 <Muffin_Spectacles> "Disruptive interview causes Iron Man to storm out!"

01:32 *** Joins: ArcherSlamBam1 (pssvckbslcf@Pony-reu.5lt.134.216.IP)

01:32 <VinylScratch> yeah

01:32 <ryaxnb21> Muffin_Spectacles: this interview was noticable because the games media does the exact opposite

01:32 <ryaxnb21> ArcherSlamBam1: did you see my posts?

01:32 <ArcherSlamBam1> What happened?

01:32 <ryaxnb21> ArcherSlamBam1: i was saying that RPS did a molyneux interview you reminded me of

01:32 <Muffin_Spectacles> I'm sure one could make each of the plots to a FiM episode seem like a horrifying news article.

01:32 <ryaxnb21> first question: ryaxnb21"do you think you're a pathological liar, Molyneux?"

01:32 <VinylScratch> Archer: regarding the RDJ thing, he was definitely not storming out fighting tears. :P

01:32 <Muffin_Spectacles> "Pinkie Pie traumatizes Fluttershy to tears!"

01:32 <VinylScratch> watch it yourself, lol

01:33 <ryaxnb21> http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/02/13/peter-molyneux-interview-godus-reputation-kickstarter/

01:33 <ryaxnb21> it's a really amazing interview, and molyneux never wallked out

01:33 <Muffin_Spectacles> "Rainbow Dash destroys Pegasi hard work with sabotage!"

01:33 <ryaxnb21> i highly recommend reading it.

01:34 <ryaxnb21> games media is not normally allowed to be this hard hitting; normally the lawyer accompanying the interviewee would order a walk-out on the first question

01:34 <ryaxnb21> but molyneux didn't have any PR rep around to do so, and he didn't do so himself.

01:34 <Muffin_Spectacles> Usually in some interviews as well, there are ground rules regarding what you can talk about.

01:34 <ryaxnb21> Muffin_Spectacles: yeah

01:34 <ArcherSlamBam1> !link https://youtu.be/ALBwaO-rAsE

01:34 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

01:34 *** Quits: ArcherSlamBam (pssvckbslcf@Pony-reu.5lt.134.216.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:34 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Robert Downey Jr full interview: star walks out when asked about past

01:34 <ArcherSlamBam1> That's the one I'm talking about.

01:36 *** ArcherSlamBam1 is now known as ArcherSlamBam

01:37 <ryaxnb21> Jon Stewart: "RD, is it true you have a history of petty theft and high treason"

01:37 <ryaxnb21> Dashie: "Look at my adorable rainbow hair? how can you hate this face? Brushie my hair and ask the question again!"

01:38 <Knight_Dash> "high treason"

01:38 <Knight_Dash> "I'll always be loyal to the princess!" - Rainbow Dash

01:38 <ryaxnb21> Knight_Dash: sabotaging weather equipment belonging to the crown

01:38 <Knight_Dash> Ah.

01:38 <ryaxnb21> and ordering the weather patrol to do the wrong thing

01:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> Knight_Dash: I'm waiting for a couple episodes in and the Wonderbolts have decided to kick her out of the reserves. :P

01:40 <VinylScratch> <ArcherSlamBam1> That's the one I'm talking about. - He got up and left with a cheery 'bye', and a few words.

01:40 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-27f.27n.53.73.IP)

01:40 <VinylScratch> Thats hardly 'fighting back tears' as far as I see

01:41 <VinylScratch> He didn't wanna talk about it, but he wasn't about to break down either...

01:41 <ArcherSlamBam> And you didn't see him hyperventillating, his eyes really watering up, anything??

01:41 <VinylScratch> I didn't see the watering up, no

01:42 <VinylScratch> Anyway, not really something I care to hammer at, lol.

01:42 *** Quits: Raid (Raid@Pony-38p.r05.0.134.IP) (Connection closed)

01:42 <ArcherSlamBam> Yeah, me neither. :P

01:43 <ryaxnb21> .... so you were trolling the whole time?

01:43 *** Quits: NNick|Away (Nicktendoni@Pony-jo3.6ep.169.173.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

01:43 <ryaxnb21> um.... that's really something.

01:43 <ArcherSlamBam> No, I was trying to make a point~

01:43 <ryaxnb21> oh

01:45 <ArcherSlamBam> Yeah, so what else is in the news?

01:46 *** Joins: `RoseLuck (DesertRose@Pony-f5m.7ne.137.86.IP)

01:46 <ArcherSlamBam> `RoseLuck: Morning. :)

01:47 *** Quits: DesertRose (DesertRose@hiding.in.your.chimney) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:49 * ArcherSlamBam is playing Alpha Sapphire. :P

01:50 *** Quits: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-ohu.qnc.108.80.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)

01:50 * Muffin_Spectacles is preoccupied for a bit: watching 'This is Spinal Tap' for the first time.

01:50 *** Joins: Pinkie_Pie (Reia@TheCowPony)

01:52 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-ca4.71l.81.50.IP)

01:53 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:58 *** Quits: MaverickVox (ali.r.adamj@Pony-5eq.suq.64.173.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:58 <KooK> You know what makes a real man?  A big truck, a beer, and a smokin' hot wife.

01:59 <KooK> As I sit here alone in my Honda Civic with a chicken salad and a sprite

01:59 <Knight_Dash> What is a man?

01:59 <Knight_Dash> A miserable pile of secrets.

02:00 <Ethera> But a*

02:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Spotlight Music: Quell / Colours [ http://tinyurl.com/pl7xcol ]

02:01 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Jon_the_VGN@Element.Of.Gaming)

02:02 *** Quits: Ace (.@Element) (Quit: Leaving)

02:03 *** Quits: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-kjo7di.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

02:06 *** Cephy-Factorio is now known as Cepheid

02:08 *** The_Nostalgia_Mare is now known as Vampire_Nostalgia

02:15 <KooK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L8UQaAJmYs

02:15 <KooK> Some language...

02:16 <KooK> Ahhhhhhhhhhh I should watch these before I link them :P

02:20 *** Joins: Ron (ktsehtilhqm@Pony-m2q.r44.65.71.IP)

02:20 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-ja8.kbt.254.142.IP)

02:20 <Ron> Hey again everyone

02:21 <KooK> sup

02:21 *** CocoMeditation is now known as Cocokungfu

02:21 <Knight_Dash> Hey, Ron.

02:21 <Ron> I think my teacher will either love or hate me XD

02:21 *** Quits: Pinkie_Pie (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

02:22 *** Reia_Away is now known as Reia_Hope

02:22 <Knight_Dash> This about the interview project?

02:22 <Ron> yeah... remember how I said I was only at 8 pages?  Roughly...ohhh... 4 hours ago?

02:23 <Knight_Dash> I wasn't here then.

02:23 <Ron> Well I am officialy on page 17 1/2 now

02:23 <Knight_Dash> Not much progress, then?

02:24 <KooK> Just give it some time, you'll come up with something to say.

02:24 <Ron> dude I am already 300% OVER the minimum number of pages for my class

02:24 <KooK> What's the maximum?

02:24 <Ron> *troll face* she never said

02:24 *** Nilak|Away is now known as Nilak

02:24 <KooK> Well then you better teach her a lesson

02:25 <VinylScratch> a FRIENDSHIP lesson

02:25 <Ron> Give me an hour I will be into the 20s

02:26 <Ron> Also I had to go to a college class so the time I worked on it was closer to 2 hours or 1 1/2

02:29 *** Quits: Gaming_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Bed!)

02:30 *** Joins: Firestar (.@Element)

02:30 <Ron> Wish I had the comics though but I am just stuck with the show lol

02:30 *** Quits: Firestar (.@Element) (Connection closed)

02:31 <Knight_Dash> comiXology.com, my friend. Good place to buy digital comics. Or is money the problem?

02:31 <Ron> Money

02:32 <Knight_Dash> Oh, that's a pity. Maybe if you buy just a few comics every month, though, you can slowly but surely catch up without hitting your wallet too hard all at once?

02:32 <Ron> maybe.  Woot page 18

02:32 <Knight_Dash> In fact, there's currently a 50% off sale on comiXology.

02:32 <Knight_Dash> On MLP comics.

02:32 <Knight_Dash> Would be a good time for it.

02:33 <Knight_Dash> There was also the humble bundle back in December or so that had all the comics for like $15, but I didn't know about it at the time.

02:33 <Ron> Damn missed something awesome than.

02:33 <KooK> Bronies are gross

02:34 *** Joins: Halcyon_Starlight (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful)

02:34 <KooK> Just a reminder

02:34 <Ron> Btw the like last 5-8 pages is just discussing episodes

02:34 <Knight_Dash> Noted; Thanks for the heads-up, KooK.

02:36 *** Halcyon_Starlight is now known as Corset_Rosewhip

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02:37 *** BerryPunch is now known as Starlight[EoH]

02:38 <KooK> no problem

02:38 <KooK> Coco_Pommel!

02:39 <KooK> You're the math Coco_Pommel right?

02:39 <Coco_Pommel> yes

02:39 <Coco_Pommel> uh oh

02:39 * Coco_Pommel runs and hides

02:39 <KooK> I got my last math test back and rocked it!

02:39 <Coco_Pommel> :P

02:39 <Coco_Pommel> yay!

02:39 <Coco_Pommel> i told you you'd do well

02:40 <KooK> in an entire year, this is I think the second test I passed from this teacher.

02:41 <ADragonDreaming> Get in the ultra ball, Cobalion!

02:41 <KooK> about 80-90% of class normally fails his exams :P

02:41 <Coco_Pommel> oh i used to have a teacher like that for calc 2, only i got all the dirty looks for screwing up the curve

02:41 <KooK> I wouldn't give you a dirty look, I'd beat ya down!

02:42 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:42 <Coco_Pommel> yea, i used to get like 95 on a test where the class average was a 40

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02:43 <KooK> Oh dude...

02:43 <KooK> dude...

02:43 <Coco_Pommel> on the plus side it made getting a tutoring position easy

02:43 <KooK> That's brutal

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02:45 <Coco_Pommel> that teacher was a brutal grader, but she was also one of the best teachers in the school in my opinion

02:46 <KooK> You want to know a brutal grader?

02:47 <Coco_Pommel> i had a prof that made negative curves if people did too well

02:47 <Coco_Pommel> beat that

02:47 <KooK> Our questions are worth 20 points each, if you show all your work, get the answer right, but do something like put an = where it shouldn't go in the work, you get the question wrong

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02:48 <KooK> My Girlfriend got an A on a test and it was marked down to a B+ because of exactly that

02:48 <Ron> That is retarded

02:48 <Ron> That isn't teaching that is just being a prick...

02:48 <KooK> That college life

02:49 <Ron> glad none of mine been that bad

02:49 <KooK> Ron, you're going for an arts degree, aren't you? :P

02:49 <Ron> Computer Science and Computer Engineering.  An Associats in the first and a Bach in the second.

02:50 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Idention@Pony-27f.27n.53.73.IP)

02:50 <KooK> Computer Engineering, so Calc 1, Calc 2, Diff EQ

02:50 <Ron> lol yeah

02:50 <KooK> Have you done those?

02:51 <Coco_Pommel> probably my worst class experiance was mechanics fresman year

02:51 <Ron> will next semester

02:51 <KooK> mechanics?

02:52 <Coco_Pommel> sorry, mechanics

02:52 <Coco_Pommel> did i spell it wrong?

02:53 * Coco_Pommel is seeing things

02:53 <KooK> WHat kind of mechanics?

02:54 <Coco_Pommel> engineering, it was an intro class, the class was fine, the class's population not so much

02:54 <KooK> I'm in Mechanical engineering and I've never heard of a class simply called Mechanics :P

02:55 <Ron> well damn....page 20

02:55 <KooK> Pff, double spaced

02:56 <Ron> single

02:56 <KooK> better be size 2 font

02:56 <Coco_Pommel> its what they used as an intro into dynamics & vibrations

02:56 <Ron> 12 XD

02:57 <KooK> Never heard of dynamics and vibrations

02:59 <Coco_Pommel> you probably have done whats in the class, just under a different name

03:00 *** Joins: Firestar (.@Element)

03:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #334 [ http://tinyurl.com/kmpyd4p ]

03:03 <Knight_Dash> Going now. Bye, people.

03:03 <KooK> What was your major again coco?

03:03 *** Parts: Knight_Dash (hwfmkgehobc@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP) ()

03:03 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-7et.gbu.238.96.IP)

03:03 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony.

03:04 <Ron> syp Thelema5

03:04 *** Quits: Cocokungfu (CocoPommel@Pony-mhb.008.169.76.IP) (Quit: Be right back ^v^)

03:04 <Thelema5> Nothing of much personal consequence.

03:05 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Quit: The Nightmares will collide. And become a dream. <3)

03:05 <Ron> lol

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03:12 <Cepheid> Would a fictional autobiography be considered "real-life" fan fiction? :P  </stupid question>

03:12 <ADragonDreaming> Yes.

03:12 <Cepheid> Also, I'm so unbelievably warm right now it hurts and I have a headache.

03:12 <ADragonDreaming> Sounds like fever.

03:13 <Cepheid> Great.

03:13 <KooK> The DustyKatt had surgery

03:14 <Thelema5> Oh?

03:16 * Corset_Rosewhip icebucket challenges Cepheid.

03:16 <Thelema5> Surgery of what sort?

03:16 *** Corset_Rosewhip is now known as Poison_Ivy

03:18 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@Pony-lvs.lv2.99.68.IP)

03:19 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-4pg.stl.153.66.IP)

03:19 <Vulpor> Hey everyone

03:19 <KooK> Hernia

03:20 <Thelema5> Hey, Vulpor.

03:20 <Vulpor> So, our President is a confirmed anime fan

03:20 *** Joins: Jmygamers (vjtbqzkmdva@Pony-doj.1s1.44.108.IP)

03:20 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, how is Jason?

03:20 <Thelema5> Source?

03:20 <Jmygamers> Hello...

03:20 <Jmygamers> ...

03:20 <KooK> They found out he had 2 hernias!  One so big they needed two things of mesh to put it back together and they had to sew up some other stuff to fix him

03:20 <KooK> he's hanging out right now just watching netflix all day

03:20 <Thelema5> Sucks.

03:20 <Jmygamers> I have the sadest yet happiest news ive ever had so far.

03:20 <Thelema5> Hanging out, is that a pun?

03:20 <KooK> I guess the pain killers aren't doing as well as he hoped :P

03:21 <KooK> ...

03:21 <Vulpor> Thelema: http://kotaku.com/obama-thanks-japan-for-giving-us-anime-1700811269?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow

03:21 <Jmygamers> I am moving...

03:21 <Thelema5> Oh?  Neaby, or far away?

03:21 <Jmygamers> To a place called Flordia.

03:21 <Vulpor> He publicly thanked Japan for anime

03:21 *** Quits: Pony_90964 (DJMidli@Pony-g1l.f4p.229.64.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ...

03:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> What?

03:21 <Jmygamers> Away from my freinds...

03:22 *** Quits: Proton (Dashie@Pony-2hb.u30.104.208.IP) (Quit: -a- Connection Timed Out)

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03:22 <Vulpor> Nossy I do not know about Jasapn

03:22 <Jmygamers> Its happy becuase i will be able to have fun at flordia, Play sports and dont have to worry about be attacked by a stanger..

03:22 <Vulpor> Is he availble now?

03:22 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> For early acessers yes.

03:22 <Vulpor> i got the pass

03:22 <Thelema5> Jmygamers, it's easy to keep in touch with old friends at long distances these days.

03:22 <Vulpor> does that count?

03:23 <Jmygamers> But the sad this is that when i move down i will leave my freinds behind, My best freinds that ive had for 12 years now.

03:24 <Thelema5> Yeah, that's rought Jmygamers.

03:24 <Thelema5> *rough

03:24 <Vulpor> I have moved three times in my life

03:24 <Thelema5> Not that it really helps now, but your childhood friends usually fade from view after high-school anyway.

03:25 <Jmygamers> I know, But one freind is band from my only contact Xbox (banned by his mom) another freind is already having problems before i leave. And my other freind wants me to stay to costurct robotics...

03:25 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, in may I think.

03:25 <Thelema5> So it was probably an inevitable loss.

03:25 <Jmygamers> *baned

03:25 <Vulpor> I can tell you Jmygamers that moving is cool sometimes

03:25 <Vulpor> New expirences and people to meet

03:25 <Vulpor> Also get your friends on facebook

03:25 <Jmygamers> Yeah right now, Its really cool.

03:26 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Jmygamers, what part of Florida?

03:26 <Jmygamers> XD I dont have facebook. But i might try that.

03:26 <Vulpor> it may not be the same but you got options to keep them'

03:26 <Jmygamers> Uhm. I forgot the name... Give me a second.

03:27 <Thelema5> Could be worse.  You could be moving to Baltimore.

03:27 <ryaxnb21> also Muffin_Spectacles hi

03:27 <ryaxnb21> Ron: what the heck is this 18 page project

03:27 <ryaxnb21> just tried out the new macbook at the apple store

03:27 <ryaxnb21> the keyboard on it is weird

03:28 <Ron> 22 pages now btw

03:28 <ryaxnb21> the machine doesn't feel as light as it should, because it's so thin there is zero air

03:28 <ryaxnb21> so it's the lightest macbook yet except the 11"

03:28 <ryaxnb21> but it feels so dense

03:28 <ryaxnb21> which it is

03:28 <ryaxnb21> Ron: well what is ur project

03:28 <Jmygamers> I dont know where,where but its south from orlando i can tell you that.

03:28 <Ron> It is a report for my ENG 215 class on just one simple question : Is MLP just a kids show or for everyone?

03:28 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh.

03:29 <Thelema5> Vulpor, this clip of Obama doesn't seem to mention anime at all.

03:29 * Firestar smooches him a The_Nostalgia_Mare

03:29 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hehe.

03:31 *** Joins: LightDash (qywulflmigy@Pony-qj6.na8.221.216.IP)

03:31 <Ron> I think it is now taking on a different life...considering the fact that while I am satisfied with it fro the class I am not...well... done with it and want to add a hell of a lot more

03:31 <Thelema5> Ron, are you conducting it as an impartial survey?  Because sampling a highly concentrated study group such as "grown men who watch a show targeted at young girls" is hardly going to yield balanced results...

03:32 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-fup.75m.181.76.IP)

03:32 <Ron> it is a mix of things actually, mostly examples from the show till I get more time to flush that part out

03:32 <Ron> Those examples covered 11 pages though which I wasn't expecting at all so may have to trim it down some for the class presentation

03:33 <Vulpor> Thelema5 he says "manga anime and emoji"

03:34 *** The_Nostalgia_Mare is now known as Vampire_Nostalgia

03:34 <Ron> I downloaded the full version from google drive to my PC and plan to keep working on it and go past that original topic question.

03:35 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-5od.n1s.95.119.IP)

03:35 <Thelema5> How am I missing that, Vulpor?  It's only a short clip.  What's the timestamp on the comment?

03:35 <init3> I do love papers you just can't stop writing.

03:35 <Ron> I kind of am now hell bent on adding character bios, location bios, and item bios to it in some way, which I can't do for my class.

03:36 <Ron> Literally dividng it into chapters now with Chapter 1 covering the original question and the rest are up to me...damn I am writing a freaking book...

03:36 <init3> Now you've got me in the mood to write.

03:36 <Vulpor> Thelema5

03:36 <Vulpor> 27 seconds

03:37 <Vulpor> "young people"

03:37 <Vulpor> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-8zQC-9Iok

03:37 <Thelema5> I'm not so sure you can write a bio on places and items... seeing as it's a shortened form of "biography", literally "Life Writing"

03:37 <Thelema5> Thanks, Vulpor.

03:38 <KooK> I need a new shower...

03:38 <Vulpor> My only comment


03:38 <Vulpor> I wanna pilot a damn gundam

03:39 <Thelema5> I need an outdoor shower.

03:40 <Thelema5> That would be great.  Maybe I'll add that to my list of home improvements.

03:41 <KooK> Hmmmmmm, an outdoor shower

03:41 <KooK> interesting idea

03:41 <Ron> Well, got it organized and made some changes to fit into chapter format

03:41 <init3> I just need to take a shower... well not need but I gotta say showering is seriously one of my favorite things in the world. I wish I had a shower-compliant computer.

03:41 <Thelema5> They're very common in beach communities, KooK.

03:41 *** Quits: Jmygamers (vjtbqzkmdva@Pony-doj.1s1.44.108.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

03:41 <Thelema5> I live nowhere near the beach, but did spend a week in Cape Cod in a house with one...

03:41 *** TimidClef|AFK is now known as TimidClef

03:42 <Thelema5> I loved the experience, and see no reason why outdoor showers should be limited to sandy areas.

03:42 <init3> They are normally used for washing yourself off after you get out of the lake/ocean.

03:42 <init3> But yeah, there really is no reason.

03:42 <Thelema5> True!  But why not for everyday use in good weather?

03:42 <init3> I like this idea.

03:43 <Thelema5> So do I!  Let's start a movement.

03:43 <init3> I mean, up here i'd get like 3 months use out of it a year.

03:43 <Thelema5> I'd probably get 4-5.

03:43 <Thelema5> Totally worth it.

03:43 <init3> But I love Michigan in the summer.

03:43 <init3> Well global warming and whatnot.

03:43 <KooK> you need to take a shower?

03:43 <Vulpor> you people are crazy

03:43 <KooK> I normally take 1-2 showers a day...

03:43 <Thelema5> XD

03:43 * TimidClef watches his dog wallow on one of his plushies

03:43 <init3> Maybe we'll get longer.

03:44 <Vulpor> nobody sees my strudle and cuocakes

03:44 <KooK> I think the most I've ever taken was about 5 showers in one day.

03:44 <Vulpor> So for some reason let it go came on my playlist just now

03:45 <Thelema5> I think I've taken 3-4 at most.

03:45 <init3> I have taken probably about that many, maybe more. It is probably one of the only things that helps someone kick opiates without being an opiate.

03:45 <Vulpor> and I for whatever reason thought of RainbowDash

03:45 <Thelema5> I can't imagine why, Vulpor!  :p

03:45 <KooK> My last roommate might have showered twice the entire time I knew him

03:45 <init3> I'd spend 15 hours out of the day in there.

03:45 <Thelema5> Eww.

03:45 <init3> EWWWW

03:45 <KooK> and did laundry once

03:45 <init3> Geez

03:45 <KooK> There was a reason he never took off his beanie

03:46 <Thelema5> Was he jewish?

03:46 <init3> I am getting a mental image.

03:46 <KooK> I had to light candles

03:46 <init3> And a mental smell.

03:46 <Thelema5> Eww.

03:46 <init3> I know people like that.

03:47 <init3> But most of them are homeless so they have a legitamite excuse.

03:47 *** Quits: RainbowGurl44 (Gunthler@T.money) (Connection closed)

03:48 <init3> Some aren't though. PLus you can always go to a truck stop and get a nice shower for like $4-5

03:48 <init3> I had to do that once when my water was out for a week.

03:48 <init3> Could not take it any longer.

03:48 *** Joins: RainbowGurl44 (Gunthler@Pony-6ii.cv6.74.108.IP)

03:48 <KooK> I just go to a friends house

03:48 <init3> This was two winters ago.

03:48 <KooK> "Hey, I need to take a shower and poop.  I am just using you today."

03:48 <init3> So all of my friends pretty much were in the same boat.

03:48 <Thelema5> I'm lucky to work for a resort; my water was out for a week once and my life got an upgrade to a jacuzzi and sauna.

03:49 <Thelema5> :p

03:49 <init3> Heh

03:49 <Thelema5> Hey boss, my water's out.  Can I get a room?  Yeah?  SWEEET

03:49 <Thelema5> Maybe I should try that again.

03:49 <init3> But I think over half of the state was without power. Cold as hell too.

03:50 <Thelema5> Oh, that's not fun.

03:50 <Ron> still tripping over the fact I made this 23 pages for my class and plan to make it dozens or hundreds more for something else XD

03:50 <init3> Yeah, ours was only out for a week though. There were some people who had to wait a month.

03:50 <Ron> never wrote anything that came close to that size ever

03:50 <Thelema5> It helps to write about something you're passionate about, Ron.

03:51 <init3> It was like an end of the world snow.

03:51 <Ron> guess so

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03:55 <Thelema5> init3, sounds awful.

03:56 <init3> Yeah. I am surprised being as rural as I am to get it back so fast. Some of the people that had to wait like a month were in LANSING.

03:56 <init3> Now, Lansing isn't a bug city/

03:56 <init3> *big

03:56 <init3> But for srs?

03:56 <init3> The state capitol?

03:57 <Thelema5> Larger cities have more complex infrastructures...

03:57 <init3> I know someone lost his job over that. I guess the power started dying and he was like "nope" and went to New York to visit his brother.

03:58 *** Quits: Rainbow14 (chat@Pony-ss0.osa.44.82.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:58 <init3> He was the head of the power company for the city.

03:58 <init3> Lansing is really a fairly small city.

03:58 <Thelema5> For a rural area, it might take 2 or 3 repairs to restore power... for a larger city, it might take 2 or 3 hundred, or even 2 or 3 thousand repairs.

03:58 <init3> I suppose, but at least in the urban areas the roads are plowed.

03:59 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

03:59 <init3> But I get your point.

04:00 <Thelema5> Anypony have $40k to loan me?

04:00 <Thelema5> Interest free, 30 year terms?

04:00 <init3> Lansing is only 36 square miles with a population of about 100,000. Barely a city even.

04:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Button Rekt / Deleted Scenes: S5E5 / Heartstrings 6:3 / Changeling Scout 12 / Improving Skills 29 [ http://tinyurl.com/qevho9l ]

04:01 <Thelema5> Heh, nearest "city" to me is a half hour drive- population 23K.

04:01 <init3> Umm, I know how we can /get/ that amount of money, but it'd require some blatant disregard for ethics or the law.

04:01 <init3> *and

04:02 <Thelema5> Next largest is nearly an hour... population 31K.

04:02 <Ron> gonna head to bed now it is late

04:02 <Thelema5> So lansing seems pretty large to me.

04:02 <Thelema5> Goodnight, Ron!

04:02 <Ron> cya guys

04:02 *** Quits: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Connection closed)

04:02 *** Quits: Ron (ktsehtilhqm@Pony-m2q.r44.65.71.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

04:02 <init3> I mean, yeah I live right outside a city of about 5k I think. I dunno. I lived in Austin and assuming alll goes well I'll be moving to metro Detroit so that is pretty danged tiny.

04:03 <Thelema5> I loathe cities.

04:03 * Thelema5 is a country pony to the core

04:04 <Tirek> I'll take the city

04:04 <init3> I'm sick of living in the country.

04:04 <Tirek> ^

04:04 <Thelema5> I lived in a city for about 5 years.  Was definately long enough.

04:04 *** ThunderStorm is now known as Cloudchaser

04:04 * Saerydoth wouldn't mind living way out in the middle of nowhere

04:04 <Saerydoth> but

04:04 *** Cloudchaser is now known as Cloud_Kicker

04:04 <init3> I mean, being 15 minutes by car (the way I drive even) from the nearest store is getting old.

04:04 <Tirek> I lived in the middle of nowhere o 25

04:05 <Saerydoth> have to have a job, and I do not want to drive for 45 minutes to get to work

04:05 <Tirek> for 25, rather

04:05 *** Quits: LightningCrash (lightning@property.of.moonlightning) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:05 <init3> Oh geez, here a 45 minute drive to work is considered decent.

04:05 <Saerydoth> anything in excess of 10-15 to get to work is unreasonable

04:05 <init3> I had a 25 minute drive once and was ecstatic.

04:06 <Saerydoth> wasting hours a day in the car is not fun

04:06 <init3> That is the shortest I've ever had.

04:06 <Thelema5> I'm happy now to tend a garden and grown my food, have an apple orchard, 3 horse farms, 2 sweet corn farms, a beef ranch, an alpaca ranch, and a farmers market within a 5 minute walk.

04:06 <Saerydoth> right now I"m 10 minutes away and wish it was closer

04:06 <Saerydoth> job I"m applying for is about the same distance, just the other direction

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04:06 <init3> Well the funny thing was when I lived in Austin my drive to work took about an hour in traffic.

04:06 <Thelema5> I had a 7 hour daily communte a few years ago.  From Stone Ridge, NY to Drums, PA and back again, every day.

04:07 <Saerydoth> wtf

04:07 <Saerydoth> how is that even possible?

04:07 <Thelema5> I did that for 10 months.

04:07 <Saerydoth> there aren't enough hours in the day unless you stay in a hotel near work

04:07 <Thelema5> It was very difficult.

04:07 <Saerydoth> it's not even possible

04:07 <Thelema5> No, I was sleeping about 3-4 hours.

04:07 <Thelema5> It's possible, just hard.

04:07 <Pony_90964> Why

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04:07 <Saerydoth> I physically cannot function for more than 1 day on less than 8 hours

04:07 <Pony_90964> Why would you do that?

04:07 <Pony_90964> fahhhh

04:07 *** Pony_90964 is now known as DJMidli

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04:08 <DJMidli> I am going to be so glad when I am out of this rural internet

04:08 <Saerydoth> 1 day I can *barely* do less than 8, but I have to make up for it within a day or I fall asleep while walking

04:08 <Thelema5> Pony, I made the difficult descision to relocate the company I was running out of state for tax reasons...

04:08 <init3> I've done a two hour drive every day for a year. Nowhere that bad but.

04:08 <Thelema5> I initially planned to relocate aw well, but decided that I didn't want to move to PA.

04:08 <init3> Wait, that was your own doing?

04:08 <init3> Huh.

04:08 <Saerydoth> I generally won't drive if the destination is further than 3 hours away, not worth it

04:08 <Thelema5> It was the right thing to do for the company and it's investors.

04:09 <Saerydoth> and I won't do daily trips of more than 30 minutes each way

04:09 <init3> I mean, it makes sense.

04:09 <Thelema5> I continued to do that insane commute until the company was established in it's new home, I had a capable successor in place, and a new job lined up...

04:09 <init3> Just sucks you decided not to move I guess.

04:09 <Thelema5> which took 10 months.

04:10 <Saerydoth> if I don't have 8-10 hours of sleep it's not safe for me to drive

04:10 <Saerydoth> there's no "hard" about it, it's simply not possible

04:10 <Thelema5> So, now I work 10 minutes from home, and live where I love to live.

04:10 <init3> What? 8-10 hours?

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04:10 <init3> How can you even sleep that long?

04:10 <Saerydoth> one time when I was 18 I stayed up for 32 hours, basically worked 2 days without sleeping in between

04:10 <Saerydoth> when I got home I slept for 17 hours straight without waking up once

04:10 <Thelema5> Saerydoth, it wasn't safe for me either.  It was damned foolish to drive on so little sleep.

04:10 <Saerydoth> my roommate wondered what happened to me

04:11 <init3> Man, I wish that the longest I went without sleep was 32 hours.

04:11 <Thelema5> But, I did what I needed to do.  It wasn't as bad as the 11 months I spent working two full time jobs back to back.

04:11 <Thelema5> THAT was rough.  85-90 hour weeks take their toll very quickly.

04:11 <Saerydoth> right now at my current job I to go bed around 1am, and wake up around 11am.  Work 12-10.  Come home, repeat.  Do that 4 days a week.  On my days off I sleep a little less, usually 8

04:11 <Saerydoth> I'm not physically capable of doing more than 50 hours/week, unless I can work from home

04:12 <Saerydoth> I did 50 hours for 2 weeks straight once and I had to take a vacation afterward to recover

04:12 <Thelema5> But, I've been homeless in the past, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure I never am again.

04:12 <Thelema5> I'm sure those 11 months aged me 10 years... it was really, really hard.  Like losing a part of my life.

04:12 <init3> Geez, the other week I went about 100 hours (~4 days) without sleeping, fell asleep and slept for an HOUR.

04:12 <Saerydoth> under normal circumstances I won't work more than 40

04:13 <Saerydoth> if it's for a very short period I can do more but only if the money makes it worth it

04:13 <Thelema5> Under normal circumstances, I would prefer to not work at all.

04:13 <init3> Still, after four days that hour made me feel like I slept for a month.

04:13 <Thelema5> People can learn to live under very difficult circumstances when they have to.

04:13 <Saerydoth> after 28 hours or so of being up I started hallucinating and falling asleep while I was walking.  Even caffeine had no effect, I had to have a friend follow me around the store I worked at to make sure I didn't fall asleep and walk into something

04:14 <Saerydoth> after 32, I went home, took a shower, got in bed, passed out within 10 seconds, and slept for 17 hours

04:14 <Saerydoth> I absolutely have to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and if I don't get 8 hours I have to make up for it on subsequent days or I won't feel right until I do

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04:15 <Saerydoth> the 32 hours thing I did when I was 18, I seriously doubt I could do that now

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04:16 <init3> I dunno, pain and insomnia can surely kill the urge to sleep in me.

04:16 <Saerydoth> although I will say that caffeine doesn't really affect me.  It makes me hyper/Cornholio-ish for about 5-10 minutes, but it doens't "wake me up" at all

04:17 <init3> I used to be that way. Then I started almost never drinking it.

04:17 <Saerydoth> and after that 5-10 minutes I'd just crash

04:17 <init3> So when I do. Oh boy.

04:17 <Saerydoth> I rarely have caffeine honestly'

04:17 <Saerydoth> and it still either doesn't affect me or has the opposite effet

04:17 <Saerydoth> I've used caffeine to help me get to sleep before

04:17 <init3> It does make me tired sometimes too.

04:17 <Saerydoth> but yeah I guess if you have chronic insomnia you don't really have a choice but to not sleep

04:17 <Saerydoth> I fortunately don't have that

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04:18 <init3> I don't know if i'd call it chronic. Just something that rears its head from time to time.

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04:18 <Saerydoth> if I fall asleep right now I doubt I'll be up before 10am, heh

04:19 <init3> I mean I very rarely sleep more than 5 hours, but some people just don't need as much sleep as others.

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04:19 <Saerydoth> I still need to start laundry and take a shower but I'm feeling lazy

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04:19 <init3> I need to clean up a few things myself. I really don't feel like it.

04:19 <init3> Got a showing of the house tomorrow.

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04:20 <Thelema5> I know that the only way I was able to maintain my 85-90 hour work schedule for so long is because I had weekends of from both jobs... I typically slept 16-18 hours on Saturday and Sunday throughout that period.

04:20 <init3> Gave myself a horrible Pine-Sol headache several hours ago and can't get rid of it.

04:20 <Thelema5> *off

04:20 <init3> Ahh

04:21 <Thelema5> So it was a matter of grinding through the week on faith of being able to crash over the weekend.

04:21 *** Joins: Tulip (chbfgioaqoz@Pony-okh.2sj.14.72.IP)

04:22 <Tulip> Hey

04:22 <Thelema5> Hi, Tulip.

04:22 * Saerydoth does have 2 job interviews tomorrow though

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04:22 <Saerydoth> got 2.5 months left to find something

04:22 <Thelema5> I like your name.  Our tulips aren't blooming here just yet.  Maybe in another week or so.

04:23 <Saerydoth> sadly I'm probably going to lose my 4 day weeks, but I hope to at least keep my weekend shift

04:23 <Tulip> Mine haven't either but their flower stalks are growing.

04:23 <Saerydoth> you never know, maybe I'll find another place htat will let me work 4 10hr days

04:23 <Tulip> And thanks Thelema5

04:23 <Thelema5> Saerydoth, good luck!  I hope you find something which you find personally rewarding, and financially stable.

04:23 <Saerydoth> yeah

04:23 <Saerydoth> this job was

04:23 <init3> Four tens are nice.

04:23 <Saerydoth> but they are completely shutting down IT throughout the company

04:24 <Saerydoth> everything, even server admins

04:24 <init3> Outsourcing?

04:24 <Saerydoth> and they are paying some company in the Phillipines to manage it

04:24 <init3> Yep

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04:24 <Saerydoth> which won't happen actually

04:24 <Saerydoth> nothing will get done

04:24 <init3> Yep.

04:24 <Saerydoth> but they are providing the appearance of support

04:24 <Saerydoth> for 6 months

04:24 <ThunderPie> Thunder Is in the house!! :D

04:24 <Saerydoth> while the company is broken up and sold

04:24 <init3> They'll learn their lesson eventually.

04:24 <Saerydoth> the SEC is investigating insider trading now, the execs all dumped their stock right before the sale/breakup notice

04:25 <Saerydoth> so the company is gone

04:25 <init3> ooooh

04:25 <init3> Dayum

04:25 <Saerydoth> I just want to get the hell out before they stop being able to pay me

04:25 <Saerydoth> technically if I stay until 7/17 I'll get severence

04:25 <Thelema5> I've done all kinds of work, everything from unskilled labor (running a jackhammer in demo work) to upper management (general manager of a mid-sized e-commerce company).  The most personally rewarding work I've had was simple warehouse work, picking orders for shipment.

04:25 <Saerydoth> but I'm looking NOW

04:25 <init3> Not a bad plan.

04:25 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (byhjyevjvnc@Pony-ihd.nn3.134.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:26 <Thelema5> Saerydoth, probably a good plan.

04:26 <Saerydoth> the "outsourcing" is just another way to manipulate the stock to keep it high for the breakup/sale

04:26 <Saerydoth> the company is probably going to get broken up into pieces and sold.  I give it 6 months, a year tops, but probably closer to 6 months

04:26 <Tulip> Thelema5 I did that an an Amazon distribution center. It was fun, almost like shopping.

04:26 <init3> I am really, really, hoping I get a Sr. System Engineer gig in Detroit. We shall see though. The interview went well.

04:26 <Saerydoth> the "execs" are from some company in India, and they specialize in coming in, getting stock high, "outsourcing", and selling everything off.  They've done it to 4 other companies so far, and each one has lasted about 6 months afterward

04:27 <Thelema5> I liked it, Tulip, because the work was straightfoward, my expectations were clearly defined, and I didn't have to deal with people.

04:27 <Saerydoth> some dude in my department got stuck with a bunch of stock.  We told him 3 weeks ago.  SELL NOW, for the love of all that is holy

04:27 <Saerydoth> but he didn't

04:27 <Saerydoth> and now the SEC has suspended trading and he's stuck with it

04:27 <Thelema5> Ugh.

04:28 <Ethera> Pump and dump?

04:28 <Saerydoth> yep

04:28 *** Quits: RainbowGurl44 (Gunthler@Pony-6ii.cv6.74.108.IP) (Connection closed)

04:28 <KooK> http://amarillo.craigslist.org/cto/4995008018.html

04:29 <Thelema5> Thanks for reminding me of my septic system woes, Ethera.

04:29 <Saerydoth> the "outsourcing" also violated a contract with the state of Ohio for creating jobs.  They were given free rent in a Cincinnati office and greatly reduced taxes for 11 years.  The contract has 6 years left, and they were told "don't bother appealing"

04:29 <Thelema5> :p

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04:29 <init3> Wut

04:29 <Saerydoth> but yeah, what's happening there is textbook pump and dump

04:29 <Ethera> No prob, Thelema5, :P

04:29 <Saerydoth> we recognized it a couple months ago

04:29 <Saerydoth> and told everyone we know, if you have any stock, SELL

04:30 <init3> KooK: That's... something.

04:30 <KooK> Dude, $300

04:30 <init3> It is a thing that happened.

04:30 <KooK> granted, it probably has a blown headgasket or a cracked head, or whatever

04:30 <KooK> but a new head would be like, $50

04:30 <Thelema5> Kook?

04:30 <init3> And way more work than I am willing to put in.

04:30 <KooK> Thelema5?

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04:30 <KooK> init3 - But it's a Pony Pony

04:31 <Thelema5> Buy it!

04:31 <KooK> It's actually a pony edition escort, so you can tell your friends "We can take my little pony!"

04:31 <init3> It'd be a Pony Pony Pony if it was a Mustang.

04:31 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha

04:31 <init3> Hue

04:32 <KooK> How is this even a bad thing?

04:32 <KooK> Who here lives in Texas?

04:32 <init3> Or if you trailerd that car with a Mustang for whatever reason. THen it is a Little pony pony pulled by a pony pony pony.

04:32 <Saerydoth> anyway, the company is going to be broken up and sold within 6 months, I want to get the hell out while I can still get my saved up PTO and such, before they're unable to pay anyone

04:32 <init3> Yrah

04:33 <init3> I used to live not far from there actually.

04:33 <KooK> init3, I'll paypal him $250, you get down there and get it, next time I'm in Texas I'll swing by and grab it from you :P

04:34 <Thelema5> ERMERGERD.... SPIIIIIDER

04:34 <init3> Thing only has 57k miles on it and the head blew? Ford what r u doin?

04:34 <KooK> probably 257k

04:34 <KooK> those odometers stop at 99,999

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04:35 * Thelema5 beats the living heck out of the arachnid with a large book

04:35 <init3> I meant yeah to Saerydoth. I did live in Texas before but Now I'm back in my not firey inferno of a state.

04:36 <init3> May be cold as balls in the winter but I grew up here. I can handle cold. Heat, not so much.

04:37 <init3> But I mean KooK, Just commission an artist to paint that on a real car lol.

04:37 <KooK> But it's a pony edition car

04:37 <KooK> :P

04:37 <init3> Oooh

04:37 <Thelema5> That would likely cost more than $300 though

04:37 <KooK> Pony edition Ford Escort = most basic you could get in the day

04:38 <KooK> no power anything, no A/C, no Radio

04:38 <Thelema5> Woah, some idiot just drove past my house at 100+ mph

04:38 <KooK> Residential or boonies?

04:38 <Thelema5> Boonies.

04:38 <Thelema5> But still.

04:38 <KooK> dirt road or paved?

04:38 <init3> I didn't do it.

04:39 <Thelema5> State road.

04:39 *** Quits: Vampire_Nostalgia (Idention@Pony-27f.27n.53.73.IP) (Quit: Remember or I will have to do it for you.)

04:39 <init3> Though it is probably the type of thing I would do.

04:39 <KooK> That's not terrible-terrible then

04:39 <KooK> although it's a bit late to be doing that, it's kinda dark

04:39 <Thelema5> No, but still not acceptable.

04:39 <Thelema5> Speed limit is 45.

04:39 <init3> Ahh

04:40 <KooK> eh, depends on how far away your house is from the road

04:40 <KooK> Like, can they hit a tree before they go through your house?

04:40 <init3> I feel there is a big difference between roads where the speed limit is 45 and 55. Because 55 is kind of just the max and a lot of those 55 roads can be safley be driven going 70

04:41 <Thelema5> my house is about 100 feet from the road.

04:41 <init3> Not not super unsafely at 100, mostly provided it is empty and daylight.

04:41 <init3> But if it is 45mph there there must be curves or a good number of houses.

04:41 <Thelema5> Well, most folks seem to stick to 45-55 here.

04:42 <KooK> Thelema5 - I'm sorry, I've done much, much worse :P

04:42 <KooK> But yeah, I understand how annoying that can be

04:42 * init3 hides his head in shame

04:42 <Thelema5> Init, no... it's straight and not many houses, but it does lead IN to a main town street.

04:42 <init3> Hmm

04:43 <init3> Weel I can't comment on what I'd do if I felt like getting a bit of a rush on a road like that.

04:43 <Thelema5> Although granted, that town street is tiny and rural too.

04:43 <init3> But generally I save my 100+ for the highway.

04:44 <init3> And honestly, I very rarely go that fast.

04:44 * Thelema5 is here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/4037+US-209,+Stone+Ridge,+NY+12484/@41.836726,-74.157464,580m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89dd1e9d6148a8dd:0x2c9a12f57fa64ccd

04:44 <init3> Well, on purpose.

04:44 <KooK> I have to push my car harder than I'm comfortable with to get it above 90

04:45 <KooK> It's 'eh' stable, but the engine is so low on power that you end up keeping the RPMs up too long

04:45 <init3> I went from a 3100 buick to a 4 liter V8 bimmer. I hit over 100 accidentally all the time when I first got it. I figured I was doing like 80, 85.

04:46 <KooK> It's not a great idea to maintain 5000+ rpm on ~4 quarts of oil

04:46 <init3> Thelema5: So was the car on the 209?

04:46 <init3> Or the other road?

04:47 <Thelema5> 209.

04:48 <Thelema5> It looks bigger than it is, though... it's really just a 2 lane country through-road.

04:48 <init3> Yeah, I /know/ I'd be doing about 60 on that just crusing.

04:48 <KooK> I want to say that my old Saab, and my buddies Buick Roadmaster are the two easiest cars to speed in without realizing it

04:48 <init3> Unless I was scared of there being cops.

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04:49 <Thelema5> Nah, no cops in my town.  Just state police, stationed about 20 minutes away.

04:49 <init3> Do they hide along the road often?

04:49 <init3> Because if they don't I'd probably be that asshole.

04:49 <init3> Not gonna lie.

04:49 <Thelema5> No.  I got away with driving with an expired saftey inspection for nearly a year.

04:50 <Thelema5> Well slow down.

04:50 <Thelema5> :p

04:50 <init3> Can they really tell if you are driving along?

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04:50 <init3> Michigan doesn't believe in your silly inspections.

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04:50 <Thelema5> Yes... the inspection sticker is color coded by year.

04:51 <init3> But it is on the windshield right?

04:51 <Thelema5> Bright RED one year, dark GREEN the next... right on the windshield.

04:51 <Thelema5> Very easy to spot.

04:51 <init3> Must be a large sticker than.

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04:52 <init3> Also, you can do what I did with tags on my car when I couldn't afford registration.

04:52 <Thelema5> about 6 inches x 4 inches.

04:52 <init3> Gross

04:52 <init3> I noticed they rotate them every four years.

04:52 <init3> And the plate had like10 years of stickers piled on top of each other.

04:52 <init3> Soo

04:53 <init3> Problem solved lol

04:53 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha ha

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04:54 <init3> I mean, I'm all fully legal now but man I was so poor and needed to be able to drive at one point I had a suspended licence, no insurance and expired registration.

04:55 <Thelema5> Been there.

04:55 <init3> Cars are too friggin expensive to even own.

04:55 <Thelema5> Yes.

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04:55 <Thelema5> but you know the expression- it takes money to make money.

04:55 <init3> Yeah

04:56 <init3> When you live somewhere with literally zero public transit, for the state to say driving is a 'privilege' is insane.

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04:57 <init3> Hell, I'm not working right now, I'd take a bus for as little as I have to leave the house to be able to cancel my insurance.

04:57 <init3> Not an option though.

04:58 *** Pony_90964 is now known as DJMidli

04:59 <Thelema5> I guess I'm lucky- I could access a bus to the nearst small "city" with only a 15 minute walk, even though it only runs twice a day.

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05:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #483 [ http://tinyurl.com/ltwexht ]

05:01 *** Parts: DJMidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) ()

05:02 <Thelema5> This would be a 35 minute trip- from there, I could transfer to another bus, running to the only area with any jobs... which would be another hour trip.  So back and forth, 3 hours and 40 minutes commute to a workplace via public transport.

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05:02 <init3> Right

05:02 <Tulip> Dang

05:03 <Thelema5> So, if the alternative is driving unregistered / unlicensed cars...?  It sometimes makes sense.

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05:03 <init3> Right.

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05:06 <Thelema5> init3, I think you and I are on the same page on this.

05:06 <Thelema5> :p

05:06 <Thelema5> Hello, TheOnlyWolf100.

05:06 <init3> Aye.

05:06 <Thelema5> Welcome to a chat!

05:07 <Thelema5> Are you a fan of the show, or just bro-curious?

05:07 <Tulip> bro-curious. hehe

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05:07 <Tulip> love it.

05:08 <init3> Well he is an op on three channels so there's that.

05:08 <Thelema5> Heh

05:08 <init3> Lrn2 /whois Thelema5.

05:08 <init3> ;p

05:08 *** Joins: Disembodied (Disembodied@Pony-bvdfui.05m2.lh8u.fb90.2607.IP)

05:08 <ArcherSlamBam> Cadenza is in the new Beauty and the Beast!

05:09 <init3> I seriously do it to everyone practically. If you don't have a hidden vhost, I'll figure out your rough geographic area. Just cuz

05:09 <ArcherSlamBam> Well...kinda~ XD

05:09 <Tulip> Like the live action version with Emma Watson as Belle?

05:09 <Thelema5> I don't bother with that stuff, init3.  I just chat with pones.

05:09 <init3> I can be borderline creepy.

05:09 <ArcherSlamBam> Tulip: Yep. There is a piano named Cadenza (voiced by Stanley Tucci, the blue-haired guy from Hunger Games.)

05:09 <Thelema5> :p

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05:10 <Tulip> I love Stanley Tucci.

05:10 <init3> Like I know where ArcherSlamBam is now (at least where he goes to school). I decided to be creepy.

05:10 *** Quits: Stonehawk (Disembodied@Pony-agd.mon.33.96.IP) (Connection closed)

05:10 <ArcherSlamBam> He was great...and I mean, GREAT...in The Lovely Bones.

05:10 <init3> I know too much about the internet to be not creepy.

05:10 <init3> Sorry

05:11 <ArcherSlamBam> init3: Ok, where do I go to school?~

05:11 <init3> Texas State Technical College Sweetwater (TSTC)

05:11 <Tulip> I always found him kinda hot.

05:11 <ArcherSlamBam> Nupe~

05:11 <Thelema5> init3, I search out pones too... but silly things like channels they mod are really kinda superficial.

05:11 <init3> Well that's your netblock, unless i typed it wrong.

05:12 <init3> Oh wait

05:12 *** Quits: Cyclone_Dusk (Disembodied@Pony-agd.mon.33.96.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:12 <ArcherSlamBam> Never been to TSTC. :)

05:12 <init3> No, perhaps not. it isn't a /16.

05:12 <Thelema5> Could be self created channels, could be easy mod-bait, could be nearly anything.

05:12 <init3> I could do a process of elimination though.

05:12 <Thelema5> :p

05:13 <Tulip> If ya do init3, you're not longer just kinda a creep.

05:13 <init3> True, I'm just really trying to avoid cleaning my house.

05:14 <Thelema5> Tulip, nothing you do online is private; the web is a public space.

05:14 <Sol> Especially with stalkers like init3 around

05:14 <Tulip> That's true too.

05:14 <init3> hue

05:14 <Thelema5> LOL sol

05:15 <Tulip> I google everyone I go on a date with first.

05:15 <Thelema5> I google everyone I talk with first.

05:15 <Tulip> Finding out one wrote a few episodes of Star Trek Voyager and trying to bring it up casually in conversation and then failing...Kinda gives it away that you did it.

05:15 <Thelema5> Their nick, their IP, their hostmask, their avatar

05:15 <Thelema5> and more.

05:16 <Sol> Impress the ladies by knowing their IP address

05:16 <init3> Hmm, ArcherSlamBam your class B has a ton of different allocations. I by far the biggest was that uni I mentioned earlier.

05:17 <init3> Usually the entire class B wil lgive you an ISP. (the first two numbers of your ip, which IRC will broadcast)

05:17 <Thelema5> I, however, offer no personal identity boundaries.  I'll freely give any general personal info online upon request.

05:18 <Thelema5> It

05:18 <init3> Yeah, I am pretty open too.

05:18 <Tulip> Yeah, I'm pretty open. I wouldn't know how to look someone's IP up if I wanted to. My brother is the one that does the computer thing.

05:19 <Thelema5> It's no different than traveling to the local grocery store.  People see my car, my face, my purchases... they can follow me home if they're so inclined.

05:19 <init3> Ok, so you either got Molalla Communications Systems Inc. Maimonidies Medical Center (doubt it, if so get better ArcherSlamBam) Springboard Telecom, or  YELCOT TELEPHONE COMPANY .

05:19 <Thelema5> No biggie.

05:20 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

05:20 <init3> But honestly knowing someone's ISP means nothing really.

05:20 <init3> Knowing their full IP means nothing.

05:20 <Thelema5> Truf!

05:20 <Thelema5> at best, it reveals a general area.

05:21 <init3> I used to drop my IP on 4chan for fun all the time. Goading the "hackers" to do something.

05:21 <Thelema5> People are too paranoid.

05:21 <init3> Got DDoSed a few times. That doesn't even count as hacking.

05:21 <Sol> Counts as some little kid pressing a button thinking he's cool

05:22 <init3> But nobody ever even tried anything more sophisticated as a port scan.

05:22 <FruitNibbler> My IP is

05:22 <FruitNibbler> Hack me!

05:22 <init3> Mine is

05:22 * Thelema5 kills FruitNibbler via distance

05:22 <FruitNibbler> ;)

05:22 <Thelema5> :p

05:23 <Tulip> I'm gonna go on a little rant because I'm frustrated on a stupid matter so just ignore it.

05:23 <Sol> Has to be at least one person out there who would fall for launching an attack on that, init3

05:23 <Sol> Haha

05:23 <init3> Oh there is.

05:23 *** Quits: Firestar (.@Element) (Quit: Leaving)

05:23 <init3> THere's IRC records of this.

05:23 <Sol> Lol

05:23 <init3> I mean, could be fake

05:24 <init3> But something like "What's your IP I'll hack you blah blah"

05:24 <ryaxnb21> FruitNibbler: hehe LAN IPs

05:24 <Thelema5> Tulip, I'm all ears.

05:24 <init3> Then "***user timed out

05:24 <ryaxnb21> would be useful if you had a local area hack

05:24 <ryaxnb21> have you changed your router's admin password?

05:24 <Tulip> I'm wanting another dog. My old one died a couple months ago...Anyway, I want to get one from a shelter but all I can find are pit bull mixes. Not that I hate pit bulls, just don't like the look of 'em. So....I guess I'll have to find a respectful breeder.

05:25 <ryaxnb21> most people don't

05:25 <FruitNibbler> Sure did

05:25 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (scrjfaolwtn@Pony-ihd.nn3.134.50.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:25 <init3> Me?

05:25 <ryaxnb21> FruitNibbler.

05:25 <init3> Oh

05:25 <Thelema5> I know another pone looking for a breeder.

05:25 <ryaxnb21> Thelema5: pone?

05:25 <ryaxnb21> at this point i lost you

05:25 <FruitNibbler> Once I had a person who gained access to my router, and I could see his shared folders...

05:25 <ryaxnb21> because you're talking breeders and i assume you mean pit bull breeders.

05:25 <Thelema5> Seems to be a common problem, Tulip

05:26 <ryaxnb21> but "pone" somehow makes me think you know a pony that is looking to breed

05:26 <Tulip> I'd really rather get one from a shelter but there seriously isn't anything within a reasonable distance that isn't a pit bull mix or the size that I want.

05:26 <ryaxnb21> like, a literal pony

05:26 <FruitNibbler> Like a person is savvy enough to find and use WiFi cracking app, but doesn't know how to hide files

05:26 <ryaxnb21> that wants to mate and have baby ponies

05:26 <ryaxnb21> :P

05:26 <ryaxnb21> because that's a thing

05:26 <Thelema5> ryaxnb21, pone = pony / one ei, I know another one (who is a fan of mlp)

05:26 <ryaxnb21> i know

05:26 <ryaxnb21> but the problem with replacing "one" with "pony" in sentences about breeding

05:27 <ryaxnb21> is that ponies actually breed irl

05:27 <Thelema5> So do people

05:27 <ryaxnb21> so i thought you meant a PONY was looking to breed, or some owner was looking to breed their pony

05:27 <ryaxnb21> with another pony

05:27 <Tulip> well...ponies do breed irl. I have two along with several horses. The ponies usually make a baby once a year.

05:27 <ryaxnb21> we don't usually call it breeding

05:27 <FruitNibbler> The funniest thing that this person who gained illegal access to my wifi had his "my documents" shared with all of his stuff up for my viewing

05:27 <Thelema5> Oh. No, this is a pony fan looking to hook up with a dog breeder.

05:27 <ryaxnb21> but for ponies it works much like dogs, people seek out a breeding mate that has good genetics

05:27 <init3> Anyhow ryaxnb21 my router is derpy. http://imgur.com/OakRZni

05:28 * Sol doesn't get why pone is used instead of pony

05:28 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (pndaquleoeq@Pony-ihd.nn3.134.50.IP)

05:28 <Sol> It's not like you're saving letters :P

05:28 <ryaxnb21> Sol: pone flows off tounge better

05:28 <ryaxnb21> it's a sound thing

05:28 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I've always just interpreted "pone" as a funny way to say "pony". Dunno what y'all are babblin' about. :p

05:28 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Sillypones.

05:28 <init3> I have a public hotspot so nobody has any reason to bother getting on to my network

05:28 <ryaxnb21> Lenfant_Sauvage: i do too, but when i see "breeding" and "pony" together i don't think dog breeding

05:28 <ryaxnb21> i think pony breeding

05:28 *** Quits: Muffin_Spectacles (dsrsuwmwdbc@Pony-tt1.nd5.181.207.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

05:29 <ryaxnb21> like irl pony breeding

05:29 <ryaxnb21> :)

05:29 <Tulip> Finding a good dog breeder is hard. You want to find one that focuses on one breed and doesn't have huge massive litters of puppies.

05:29 * Lenfant_Sauvage ear-perks at Bubble-Berry.

05:29 <Thelema5> Tulip, you may want to speak with KooK, who is having similar problems finding a good breeder.

05:29 <ryaxnb21> irl pony breeding is like making shipfics, in a way

05:29 <Bubble-Berry> o3o

05:29 <init3> I need to change the MOTD on derpy to ASCII art of derpy.

05:29 <ryaxnb21> you decide two ponies are compatible with each other based on nothing

05:29 <Bubble-Berry> Hullo.

05:29 <ryaxnb21> put them near each other

05:30 <ryaxnb21> and for no reason at all they mate

05:30 <ryaxnb21> :P

05:30 <init3> I am pretty sure there is a reason.

05:30 <init3> Huehuehue

05:30 <ryaxnb21> it's a joke, dude

05:30 <Tulip> You also want to know the parents have been tested for genetic disorders and the line they come from is varied. With purebreeds the genetic pool isn't so large and really...it's a massive headache.

05:30 <init3> So was mine.

05:30 <ryaxnb21> a poke at the lame writing/compatibility process for shipfics

05:31 <init3> Oh, I bounded off your joke in a different manner than.

05:31 <Bubble-Berry> http://www.deviantart.com/art/Candle-Stick-and-Calavera-413046934

05:31 <init3> But yes.

05:31 <Tulip> Well ryaxnb21, it isn't like ponies go on a date first. The mare needs to be in heat if she is...she does her thing and then the stallion does his but this conversation probably isn't appropiate for this chat.

05:31 <ryaxnb21> "vinyl and octavia both musicpone, ergo best mates 4everever, ergo they sit next to each other in class, the next week they have amazing mating and get married!

05:31 <ryaxnb21> Tulip: yeah i know

05:31 <init3> That's just how it works.

05:31 <ryaxnb21> the joke is that shippers often treat MLP ponies like IRL ponies

05:32 <init3> But don't be hatin on my TaviScratch.

05:32 <init3> lol

05:32 <ryaxnb21> yeah i like that ship too, when done well

05:32 <Tulip> Ohhhh...gotcha. Yeah...MLP Ponies are basically just people that look sorta like ponies, the head is all wrong tbh

05:32 <Thelema5> I don't know why IRL ponies mating would be inappropriate... I mean, it's a basic biological process for the continuation of a species.

05:32 <init3> I mean, I'm not huge into shipping but I evaluate ships within the context of the story itseld, not canon.

05:32 <ryaxnb21> it's not neccesary to talk about though

05:33 <ryaxnb21> i evaluate ships for "canon-heavy" characters within canon

05:33 <ryaxnb21> i.e. if twilight loves dashie, why?

05:33 <init3> I suppose that's true. I really don't read many fics with mane 6 shipping.

05:33 <ryaxnb21> but for fanon characters you can do whatever as they have no real canon personality.

05:34 <init3> But I think I have read some intresting ones for most of them.

05:34 <ryaxnb21> i also think the best stories explain why they like each other, because them falling in love is often way more fun then the later stuff

05:34 <ryaxnb21> once they get married i prefer a "happier ever after" ending to detailed marriage problems

05:35 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie

05:35 <Tulip> True Thelema5 but still...IRL pony mating can be a bit more graphic than PG. My parents just told us when we was kids the horses were just taking piggy back rides.

05:35 <Thelema5> It's kinda a necessary thing, no?

05:35 <init3> I get AppleDash and Flutterdash for instance.

05:35 <ryaxnb21> so the whole falling in love, or declaring love to each other is the fun part.

05:36 <Thelema5> I mean, otherwise there are no horses, no ponies.

05:36 <init3> For some reason I don't know that there are many others I can get behind. Dunno why Dash is in both of them.

05:36 <init3> Rainbow power apparently.

05:36 <ryaxnb21> init3: i don't support twilight ships other than flash (and that only because it's canon, not because i think it's interesting)

05:36 <ryaxnb21> because twilight is too studious to have a mate

05:37 <ryaxnb21> and she's bad at romance.

05:37 <Thelema5> Do I really live in a world where the basic requirements for sustaining a species is a censored thing?

05:37 <ryaxnb21> also i don't think twilight's a lesbian.

05:37 <ryaxnb21> which eliminates most of the choices.

05:37 <init3> There's my big issue.

05:37 <Tulip> Yeah, for sure. I mean, there is artifical insemination(sp?). Which is kinda gross. We've done it when we've found another stud to breed a mare without actually transporting him.

05:38 <Tulip> ryaxnb21: If any of the mane six is a lesbian Dash would be it. Cartoons play to stereotypes.

05:38 <ryaxnb21> well, i don't have problems declaring most ponies a lesbian but A) twilight has been shown liking boys B) twilight is a studious pony, and socially awkward a bit

05:38 <ryaxnb21> i just don't think lesbianness fits  her character type at all

05:38 <ryaxnb21> it's fits like, all the rest better, obviously dash the ebst

05:38 <init3> Agreed.

05:38 <Thelema5> I mean, this stuff should be common knowledge, for the good of the species.

05:39 <ryaxnb21> init3: i found the UFP thing funny

05:39 <init3> But it is all stupid shipping nonsense.

05:39 <ryaxnb21> where in Cutie Mark Chronicles UFP Twilight explains they just use magic to make babies

05:39 <ryaxnb21> "we used to use sex, but it was kind of messy, and there aren't many stallions around anymore"

05:39 <ryaxnb21> LOL

05:39 <init3> Haha

05:40 <Thelema5> O.o

05:40 <init3> World not worth living in.

05:40 <init3> Haha

05:40 <ryaxnb21> truefax, there are not many stallions in MLP s1.

05:40 <init3> Yeah.

05:40 <ryaxnb21> everypony in ponyville in s1 is genetically linked to big mac.

05:41 <ryaxnb21> inbreds...

05:41 <ryaxnb21> :(

05:41 <Thelema5> Look, we need genetic diversity to ensure strong stock, and the best way to achieve this is through managed mating plans...

05:41 <ryaxnb21> iirc in s5 there's roughly half half stallions/mare

05:42 <ryaxnb21> iirc in s5 there's roughly half half stallions/mares*

05:42 <init3> I mean, it seems in general there are more mares, but whateves. Target demo and all.

05:42 <ryaxnb21> i've noticed this in the s4 finale and s5 from the premiere on

05:42 <Thelema5> Nopony needs to panic.

05:42 <Saerydoth> there is no target demographic, other than "everyone"

05:42 <ryaxnb21> like the hockey team in s5 was all stallions.

05:42 <ryaxnb21> er, S5e5

05:42 <init3> Oh?

05:42 <Saerydoth> that was the whole point of the series, "everyone"

05:43 <init3> Well, not /exactly/. Core demo I should have said perhaps.

05:43 <Saerydoth> Lauren Faust thought the idea of "target" or "core" demographics was stupid

05:43 <ryaxnb21> of course all the mane 6 and most other major characters are still mares, but in S5 a huge amount of the side characters are not

05:43 <Saerydoth> and that there's no reason that shows have to be "for boys" or "for girls"

05:43 <init3> Well network execs do not.

05:43 <ryaxnb21> wasn't party favor a guy?

05:43 <Saerydoth> so she decided to just make it for veeryone

05:43 <Saerydoth> and hope it worked, and it did

05:43 <Saerydoth> network execs don't make the show, so you can ignore anything that they say about it

05:43 <ryaxnb21> yeah, Party Favor is a stallion.

05:43 <Tulip> ryaxnb21: I've noticed that. That there are more dude ponies in the background as the series progressed.

05:44 <ryaxnb21> Tulip: yeah that's alway been true, as far back as s1e26

05:44 <ryaxnb21> where every gala pony in the song was a duo of mare and stallion

05:44 <init3> I mean you can't argue the show does not have certain tropes that pertain mostly to young girls.

05:44 <Saerydoth> actually the greater variety of ponies has nothing to do with demographics, just advances in both the budget and software they use for the animations

05:44 * Thelema5 is a "guy" who consumes "girl" content nearly exclusively

05:44 <ryaxnb21> whereas in the s1 pilot it's almost all girls and same with the first episodes

05:45 <ryaxnb21> S2 more guys, S3 & S4 more, by S5 anytime the character introduces new characters or new towns, it's half guys

05:45 <Saerydoth> S1 was pretty limited because it was still an experiment, and they were hesitant to put any money in it because they didn't know if it would work or not

05:45 <ryaxnb21> only the "legacy" characters are still 90% girls

05:45 <ryaxnb21> the original s1 era background ponies

05:45 <Saerydoth> the female model was more detailed then because it was used for the main characters

05:45 <ryaxnb21> which they are increasingly using less now

05:45 <init3> I've noticed an increase sure. More time for new models.

05:45 <Saerydoth> the male model was further developed later when they got the budget for it

05:45 <ryaxnb21> init3: well, yeah, and less use of generic background filler ponies

05:45 <Saerydoth> it has nothing to do with demographics, it has everything to do with 1) art budget, and 2) advances in animation software

05:45 <ryaxnb21> which are the s1 girl set

05:45 <Tulip> I think the boy ponies are kinda cuter.

05:46 <ryaxnb21> s4 finale for instance filled the background in the ending scene with actual characters

05:46 <ryaxnb21> and only used background ponies if they were fan faves

05:46 <Saerydoth> as the series goes on, they will have more and more character templates, so there can be more variety, because they can keep building on what they ahve

05:46 <Saerydoth> whereas S1 was starting from scratch and had less budget

05:46 <ryaxnb21> S5, starlight glimmer's village is ALL new models.

05:46 <init3> Not really, the budget only allowed for a certain model, it was chosen to use mostly female even though there was a male model present.

05:47 <Saerydoth> I still think that S1 is pretty damn impressive compared to any other animated show I've seen that wasn't made in Japan

05:47 <init3> I argue this is because of the 'target'.

05:47 <init3> If the budget had been there it wouldn't be the case, I fully agree.

05:47 <ryaxnb21> init3: and in s2 , s3, and early s4 they had the money but they kept using those legacy s1 background ponies because they didn't have the money or the character numbers to fill a scene with new OCs

05:47 <init3> Right.

05:47 <Saerydoth> I argue it's because they spent more time on the female model because there were more female characters, and the male ones weren't developed until tehy had the budget/time to do so

05:47 <ryaxnb21> even scene in say canterlot often had Ponyville background ponies

05:48 <ryaxnb21> or in appleloosa

05:48 <Saerydoth> S1 was limited because the show was still considered an experiment then, and people are hesitant to put budget into experiments that might not pan out

05:48 <ryaxnb21> which has led to accusations of changelings

05:48 <init3> I know.

05:48 <ryaxnb21> :P

05:48 <ryaxnb21> what is the S1 background pony doing in every city ?

05:48 <init3> I just think it is unfair to not say that the show was in any way geared towards young girls.

05:48 <AndChat4016> Walking

05:48 <Tulip> Ya know...I've seen a few cartoons that were pretty good that didn't get picked up for a S2.

05:48 <Saerydoth> Lauren was in charge then, and she wouldn't allow it to be "geared toward young girls" or she would've walked away

05:49 <init3> Wut

05:49 <Saerydoth> she basically said "if you want me to do this, I'm goign to do it my way"

05:49 <init3> Not.. no.

05:49 <Tulip> well....she kinda did walk away after the first season.

05:49 <Saerydoth> and said that if they wouldn't let her do it her way, she wouldn't do it

05:49 <ryaxnb21> the show was geared towards young girls but friendly for the whole audience

05:49 <init3> There were a ton of changes she had to make.

05:49 <init3> That's what I am arguing ryaxnb21.

05:49 <Saerydoth> it was still deliberately geared toward everyone, because she thought gearing a show toward "girls" was stupid

05:50 <Saerydoth> if people would listen to what she said :P

05:50 <Tulip> Rough Collie or Newfoundland?

05:50 <init3> Well I'm talking the reality of the situation, not the theory.

05:50 <Saerydoth> and the reason Lauren walked away is because she didn't want to babysit and run the show forever, she just wanted to get the ball rolling, because she had other projects she wanted to work on

05:50 <Saerydoth> so she got the ball rolling, and made sure there was a team that would preserve her vision

05:51 <Sol> I took it as geared towards young girls, but still made at least bearable for other demographics to watch without jumping off something :P

05:51 <Pi> Sure, sure...

05:51 <init3> In a show like this there are a ton of people who have some amount of influence.

05:51 <Saerydoth> it's not geared toward young girls, it's geared toward "everyone", there is a huge difference

05:51 <Saerydoth> it's friendly to young girls

05:51 <Saerydoth> because shows that are for everyone are by definition watchable by everyone

05:51 <init3> Heh, I don't think we'll agree on this point Saerydoth.

05:51 <Saerydoth> that said, there is a LOT of stuff that young kids won't get, but at the same time it's done in such a way that it doesn't exclude them

05:51 <Tulip> I think you guys are arguing the same point. Just wording it differently.

05:52 <init3> We aren't.

05:52 <Pi> ^

05:52 <init3> I don't think.

05:52 <AndChat4016> Didn't she post a twitter post saying it is a "family" show

05:52 <Saerydoth> yep

05:52 <init3> I see what you are saying.

05:52 <Saerydoth> family meaning, it's geared toward everyone

05:52 <Tulip> Yeah ya are. One side is saying it is geared towards girls with everyone in mind. The other side is saying its geared towards everyone but with young girls in mind.

05:52 <Tulip> Same thing.

05:52 <AndChat4016> Okay if she did then there is the answer

05:52 <Saerydoth> there is no "target audience" except in the minds of the executives who have nothing to do with it

05:53 <init3> They don't have nothing to do with it though.

05:53 <Tulip> It's for everyone but young girls are in the forefront.

05:53 <init3> ^^^^^^^

05:53 <init3> THAT"S what I am saying

05:53 <Saerydoth> nah, my way is saying it's geared toward everyone, without excluding anyone, meaning sure young girls can watch it and get as much enjoyment as anyone else

05:53 <AndChat4016> I think you all are beating a dead horse.

05:53 <Saerydoth> noone is in the forefront

05:53 <init3> Probably

05:53 <Saerydoth> there is no target audience other than "people"

05:53 <Tulip> There should be a pone named Dead Horse and his cutie mark is a beat stick.

05:53 <Saerydoth> lol, that would be funny

05:54 <Sol> So basically you're arguing that demographics aren't a thing? :P

05:54 <init3> Hehe, I'll respectfully disagree is all.

05:54 <Saerydoth> Lauren was hoping to make a show that didn't have demographics

05:55 <Saerydoth> she had doubts as to whether it would succeed, but she was pleasantly surprised when it did

05:55 <Saerydoth> end of story

05:55 <Pi> pfft cite your s**t

05:55 <Pi> no one's listening to you cuz you keep saying "Lauran said this " and "lauren said that"

05:55 <Saerydoth> citation?  Any interview with or twitter post from Lauren ever

05:55 <Sol> What she was hoping to make isn't really all that relevant now...

05:55 <Pi> without and reliable citation

05:55 <Pi> *any

05:56 <Saerydoth> all you have to do is listen to any one of dozens of interviews with her, or any twitter post she made about it

05:56 <Pi> booo

05:56 <Pi> the burden of proof rests on those who made tha claim

05:56 <Pi> *the

05:56 <Saerydoth> because she's said exactly what I'm saying about 10000000 times

05:56 <Pi> whatever

05:56 <init3> And I'm arguing even if these are actually things she said, when you sell a cartoon to a network they are going to make changes and you have to deal. MLP was no different. It didn't get produced 100% as she wanted.

05:57 <init3> Nothing ever does.

05:57 <Pi> She probably even consulted writers of the past generation of MLP

05:57 <ADragonDreaming> Possible but unknown.

05:57 <Saerydoth> actually

05:57 <Saerydoth> the ORIGINAL creator of MLP

05:57 <ADragonDreaming> What is known is she pulled from her own, old play time.

05:57 <Saerydoth> can't remember her name

05:58 <Saerydoth> had hoped that both girls and boys would like the toys and the show

05:58 <Sol> $$

05:58 <Saerydoth> of course it didn't happen, but I read an interview that she was grateful to Lauren for finally accomplishing what she tried to do years before

05:58 <init3> That's cool.

05:58 <ADragonDreaming> Sort of worked. Thing is that, especially at the time of the toy line's inception, there was a more definite divide between girl and boy toys.

05:58 <Saerydoth> the original creator of MLP wanted both girls and boys to like it

05:59 *** Joins: AndChat|4016 (AndChat4016@Pony-j2d.b1p.245.216.IP)

05:59 <Saerydoth> the funny thing is I heard one interview with Lauren where she was basically saying the same thing I am, and thick headed people weren't getting it :P

05:59 <ADragonDreaming> In other news, caught Cobalion, only took three dusk balls and a buttload of preparation.

06:00 <init3> Since we are on the subject. It reminded me of this: http://cdn.themetapicture.com/media/funny-toy-cars-doll-bed.jpg

06:00 <init3> Probably a lot of you have already seen it but it made me smile.

06:00 <Saerydoth> Direct quote from Lauren btw: "I didn't create this show for little girls" bam

06:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Roundup #1180 [ http://tinyurl.com/lpnmtmw ]

06:01 <init3> She also didn't create it alone.

06:01 <ADragonDreaming> Okay - not disagreeing with you, Saerydoth

06:01 <Tulip> Saerydoth, sweetie, just let it go. It's all gonna be okay.

06:01 <Saerydoth> and this

06:01 <Saerydoth> "The belief that boys shouldn't be interested in girl things is the main reason there's hardly anything decent for girls in animation--- or almost any media, for that matter. It's a backwards, sexist, outdated attitude. "

06:01 <Tulip> init3: You let it go too. Now you to hug and make-up.

06:01 <Sol> "Cool story" - Hasbro/executives/etc

06:01 <ADragonDreaming> But you don't "bam" unless you provide the source.

06:01 *** Quits: AndChat4016 (AndChat4016@Pony-j2d.b1p.245.216.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:01 <Pi> ye cite your stuff

06:02 <Saerydoth> it's all on http://fyre-flye.deviantart.com/

06:02 <Saerydoth> you'll have to scroll down quite a long ways

06:02 <Pi> too broad

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06:02 <ADragonDreaming> Good citation practice is to link to the post in specific.

06:02 <Pi> If you want to win an arguement link it specifically

06:02 <init3> Yeah, I need to give up here I think. You aren't at all getting what I am saying. Even if Lauren says that's what she 'wanted' to do you are assuming she Wrote every episode, animated every one, directed every one, produced avery one blah blah balh

06:02 <init3> Oh an most importantly

06:03 <init3> FINANCED it herself.

06:03 <Saerydoth> well considering the main person in charge of the show now is male...

06:03 <ADragonDreaming> Of course, good debate practice is also to not be belligerent/aggressive in requesting citations.

06:03 * ADragonDreaming baps Saerydoth

06:03 <init3> If you don't think money pulls the strings...

06:03 <ADragonDreaming> Don't go down that road, that is a bad road.

06:04 <Saerydoth> money does pull the strings, and so far that has resulted in one blatantly bad episode that was only designed to sell toys and was really forced in, but it hasn't doomed the show as a whole

06:04 * ADragonDreaming tilts head.

06:04 <ADragonDreaming> Which episode was that?

06:04 <Saerydoth> the breezies one

06:04 <ADragonDreaming> ...Well then.

06:04 <init3> >implying the show's original purpose isn't to sell toys.

06:04 <Saerydoth> everything in that episode was a cardboard stereotype and all the actors sounded like they didn't want to be there

06:04 <ADragonDreaming> I'm just going to emphatically disagree with you.

06:05 <ADragonDreaming> And not actually engage on the topic, because that one seems to ultimately come down to preference.

06:05 <Saerydoth> actually the original G1-G3 show's were intended to sell toys

06:05 <init3> Also, I heard the same thing about "A Canterlot Wedding"

06:05 <Saerydoth> G4 was not

06:05 <init3> MMM

06:05 <init3> S4 finale

06:05 <ADragonDreaming> wat.

06:05 <init3> Err MMC

06:05 <ADragonDreaming> Saerydoth, MLP shows get the greenlight from Hasbro because they perform the function of advertising.

06:05 <init3> I mean, come on. Just realize in a way they all are.

06:05 <ADragonDreaming> Merchandising is where all the money is for the producers.

06:06 <Saerydoth> or the execs look at it and say "ok we think this will be good advertising"

06:06 <Saerydoth> they've actually been pretty hands off, compared to most shows of this tyep

06:06 <Saerydoth> they haven't been 100% hands off but executive meddling is fairly low considering

06:06 <init3> How do you know?

06:07 <ryaxnb21> g4 was intended to sell toys

06:07 <ryaxnb21> but it was intended to sell toys by being good

06:07 <init3> I mean, the who twilicorn thing was not something the writers came up with on their own. That's fairly significant.

06:07 <ryaxnb21> nad brand association

06:07 <init3> Right

06:07 <ryaxnb21> it wasn't?

06:07 <ryaxnb21> i know it wasn't but was that ever outright confirmed?

06:07 <ryaxnb21> i thought it was just a universal assumption

06:08 <ryaxnb21> whereas some things WERE confirmed, like fluttershy's instrument being the tambourine was hasbro

06:08 <Saerydoth> actually they had their own plans for Twilight since before Lauren left

06:08 <init3> No. Some con panel overlord Larson said something to the effect of "When Hasbro approached us about twilicorn"

06:08 <ryaxnb21> (though i think it fits her shy personality)

06:08 <init3> Though I could not source that at all.

06:08 <Saerydoth> Lauren actually disagreed there and didn't want to make Twilight or Candence alicorns, but she still agrees with the direction the show is taking even if it's not what she would have odne

06:08 <init3> But she doesn't watch it so...

06:08 <ADragonDreaming> According to Wikipedia, Faust approached Hasbro about getting funding for Galaxy Girls.

06:08 <Saerydoth> she basically said "it's not what I would have done, but it's still good"

06:08 <ADragonDreaming> And then was asked to work on MLP.

06:09 <Pi> Dude.

06:09 <Pi> Cite your stuff.

06:09 <Pi> It's not that hard.

06:09 <Saerydoth> this is common knowledge

06:09 <Saerydoth> all you have to do is pick any 2 interviews with her and watch them

06:09 <ryaxnb21> also if twilicorn was hasbro, this i actually respect, as a huge fan of twilicorn.

06:09 <Pi> You're quoting a person

06:09 <ADragonDreaming> Pi. Request respectfully.

06:09 <Saerydoth> she's said all this about 5000 times

06:09 <ADragonDreaming> As opposed to implying the other dude is an idiot.

06:09 <init3> Hey, I just did a cite-less one. But I am not claiming "common knowledge"

06:09 <Saerydoth> pick an interview with Lauren about MLP

06:09 <Saerydoth> watch it

06:09 <Saerydoth> then you have all the sources

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06:10 <Saerydoth> it's not like she's only done one or two

06:10 <Pi> I actually don't care, I just watch the show.

06:10 <ADragonDreaming> Okay, but where do I find said interviews?

06:10 <ryaxnb21> i know cadance being a princess was hasbro

06:10 <Pi> My gripe is that you have no references

06:10 <ADragonDreaming> Can you perhaps provide a link for the edification of the intrigued?

06:10 <ryaxnb21> i'm neutral on that as she seems fine as a princess

06:10 <Saerydoth> youtube for live ones...her deviantart page for written ones

06:10 <Pi> but keep spitting out citations and quotations

06:10 <ryaxnb21> i don't care either way and she's a nice character.

06:10 <ryaxnb21> it seems like most of hasbro's changes have been neutral or positive.

06:10 <ADragonDreaming> Y'all fighting over trivial crap.

06:10 <Saerydoth> to be fair I'm not quoting, I'm paraphrasing, ebcasue she's said all this a ton of times a ton of different ways

06:10 <ryaxnb21> the breezies being a notable exception

06:11 <ADragonDreaming> Like, debates find, but fighting is what I'm seeing.

06:11 <ADragonDreaming> *fine

06:11 <Tulip> The breezies were cute, at least.

06:11 <Tulip> Could've been introduced better though.

06:11 <ryaxnb21> which was also confirmed by the writers that the ending was a hasbro thing, and they sounded like they weren't happy with the ending either

06:11 <ryaxnb21> though, i thought the episode itself was fun

06:11 <ADragonDreaming> I had no issues with the breezies.

06:11 <ryaxnb21> i liked the species but not the ending.

06:11 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I didn't either, except for the ending... the ending throws the whole story out of whack

06:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> But yeah, marketing push, bla bla

06:12 <ADragonDreaming> I honestly don't remember the ending.

06:12 <ryaxnb21> i think the part the writers had issue with was the ending.

06:12 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The girls all become breezies too to escort the actual breezies even though there were about thirty-seven other solutions

06:12 <ryaxnb21> the whole thing was a hasbro mandate, but i dont' think they minded bringing back the breezies in some form

06:12 <ryaxnb21> that's a pretty vague and fun mandate

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06:12 <ADragonDreaming> Oh, right, the form-copy spell.

06:12 <ADragonDreaming> Eh, it wasn't terrible.

06:12 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-itk.tfd.33.75.IP)

06:12 <ADragonDreaming> It was mediocre.

06:13 <ryaxnb21> the part leading up to the ending, was amazing

06:13 <ryaxnb21> with fluttershy learning to be assertive to be kind

06:13 <ryaxnb21> so i consider that the real ending

06:13 <Ingwaz> would a mod be able to answer a quick question for me?

06:13 <ryaxnb21> and the rest just padding

06:13 <ryaxnb21> especially with flutters using this lesson in S5E5.

06:13 <ADragonDreaming> The one thing that the breezie-form did was let the girls see Breezie-home, so I could consider that as a plus for it.

06:13 <ryaxnb21> :P

06:13 <Tulip> ryaxnb21: I was just about to mention that.

06:13 <ADragonDreaming> Ingwaz: depends on the question.

06:13 <Tulip> I love me some Fluttershy.

06:13 <Ingwaz> it's nothing inappropriate

06:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Ingwaz, what's up?

06:14 <ADragonDreaming> It may also be outside our knowledge! Point is, ask away.

06:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Seems like the whole fandom at this point is like "o snap... Fluttershy's pretty darn cool now"

06:14 <ADragonDreaming> ...She wasn't before?

06:14 <Tulip> Well....it makes her a better character really.

06:14 <Lenfant_Sauvage> ofc she was.

06:14 <Ingwaz> So, is it alright to advertise that a group of friends of mine have a room block with a reduced hotel rate for EFNW that we need to fill?  

06:14 <Saerydoth> I did not like the breezies episode, it felt really forced

06:15 <Ingwaz> not like aggressively advertise, just see if anyone is interested

06:15 <init3> Flutters was my favorite at first.

06:15 <Lenfant_Sauvage> I don't imagine you'll get a /lot/ of traction at this late at night, but if you're not spammy about it I have absolutely no problem with it.

06:15 <Ingwaz> I assume it would be alright more towards the day time as well?

06:15 <ADragonDreaming> Saerydoth: sure, but it wasn't actually bad.

06:16 <Ingwaz> just dont want to step on toes and do something I shouldnt

06:16 <Saerydoth> I may re-watch it sometime and see if it seems any better

06:16 <Tulip> It's good up until the point they turn to breezies to escort them home.

06:16 <init3> I might suggest a forum though. I mean, I think you'd get more eyes on ponychan or something.

06:16 <ADragonDreaming> Just remember to do so with as few pre-conceptions as possible.

06:16 <ADragonDreaming> I don't really mind that part. It could have been done better, but again, it's not actually bad.

06:17 <init3> I haven't watched it in a while and I need to clean my house. I'm gonna watch it and report my findings.

06:17 <ADragonDreaming> And there are two pluses to it: A) breezie-form mane 6 are adorable, and, B) they get to see breezie-home, which is cool.

06:17 <Ingwaz> init3: assuming you're talking to me.  We're looking into forums as well, just we've exhausted some resources already it seems.  Either that or they're just not responding

06:17 <init3> I don't think I liked it a ton but I dunno.

06:17 <init3> Ahh. Well good luck Ingwaz.

06:18 <Tulip> As far as Fluttershy temed episodes it isn't my fav but it's pretty good.

06:18 <Tulip> themed*

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06:19 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Ingwaz, that's kind of what i'm suggesting honestly, to sort of wait until the day or the early evening when the channel is probably more active

06:19 <Ingwaz> gotcha.  Thanks for answering my question.

06:19 <Tulip> I kinda wish there was another Fluttershy/Discord episode. I like those two together.

06:19 <init3> Oh I forgot about the cheering joke. That was amusing.

06:19 *** Quits: Ingwaz (miccdkyalta@Pony-lu4.6fd.131.74.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:20 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Keep Calm and Flutter On was too stronk

06:20 <init3> Which one was that? The Discord one?

06:21 <init3> Oh, right

06:21 <ADragonDreaming> such strenth. so feels.

06:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> The one where Yellow Quiet backs down a centuries-old dragonequus by hitting his weak spot for massive damage.

06:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> draconequus*

06:22 <Lenfant_Sauvage> dra... chimerathingy

06:22 <ADragonDreaming> Chaos Spirit.

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06:26 <ryaxnb21> ADragonDreaming: i agree with you on all of that

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06:26 <ryaxnb21> but (and i DO NOT have a source) the writer of the ep said it was hasbro that mandated the ending, and the way he said it sounded like he was trying to deflect blame to hasbro in the kindest way possible.. i.e. he also wasn't happy with the ep

06:26 <ryaxnb21> with the ending, rather

06:27 <ryaxnb21> he was basically implying he would've written a different ending

06:27 <ryaxnb21> whereas for the tambourine being flutters instruments, the reply was just "hasbro chose the instruments" not any subtext that the choice was wrong-headed

06:27 <ryaxnb21> just that he couldn't tell you why they were chosen because he didn't make the choice.

06:28 <ryaxnb21> er, meghan, in that case.

06:28 <ryaxnb21> so a she.

06:29 <ryaxnb21> ergo, since the writer sounded like he/she was not aiming for that ending, i tend to consider it dumb. None of the hasbro mandated decisions have the writers said that

06:29 <ryaxnb21> like MMC they always said it was a "challenge" but they always mentioned how it was fun and how they liked the end result

06:29 <ADragonDreaming> Yeah. I'm just pointing out that regardless, it wasn't actually terrible.

06:30 <ADragonDreaming> Also apparently there's been an official manga adaptation.

06:30 <ADragonDreaming> I did not know this.

06:31 <Tulip> Fluttershy with a tamborine makes sense to me.

06:31 <Lenfant_Sauvage> What's this guff about Flutters and tambourines?

06:31 <ryaxnb21> Lenfant_Sauvage: nothing guffy

06:31 <Tulip> I dunno. But it makes sense that she would play one.

06:31 <ryaxnb21> just that meghan was asked why flutters has a tambourine and said she doesn't know and that hasbro chose it

06:31 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Oooh, in EQD?

06:32 <Lenfant_Sauvage> EQG*

06:32 <ryaxnb21> EqG :RR.

06:32 <ryaxnb21> yeah.

06:32 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Yeah, that always confused the hell out of me

06:32 <ryaxnb21> it makes sense she'd choose a instrument that kept her out of the spotlight

06:32 <ryaxnb21> but let her get a nominal position in the group

06:32 <Tulip> Sweet voiced hippie singer slapping a tambourine on her hip. I can get behind that.

06:32 <ryaxnb21> and she's also backup vocals

06:32 <ryaxnb21> so that's her more important job anyway

06:33 <ADragonDreaming> Rarity on keytar was more confusing to me.

06:33 <ryaxnb21> it's like ringo, shy pone / member gets the least important instrument

06:33 <ADragonDreaming> Though it makes more sense after seeing the short.

06:33 <ryaxnb21> stays out of spotlight but helps the band

06:33 <ADragonDreaming> ...

06:34 <ADragonDreaming> ryaxnb21, drums are not the least important instrument.

06:34 <ADragonDreaming> They are arguably the most important.

06:34 <Scherza> I'd have put Rarity at the bass. But that's me. I believe bassists should always either be fabulous or uber-chill.

06:34 <Tulip> I think it's more like....look at back-up singers, I bet several are slapping a tambourine.

06:34 <ryaxnb21> the fact that ringo was replaced by Best on one beatles song

06:34 <ryaxnb21> and it sounds similar

06:34 <ryaxnb21> does not support the idea that ringo is irreplacable

06:34 <ADragonDreaming> I'm not talking about Ringo

06:35 <ryaxnb21> (the Best version of love me do, avaialble on bootleg CDs)

06:35 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Not all drummers are Ringo

06:35 <ryaxnb21> okay well i am

06:35 <ADragonDreaming> (Though the Beatles basically begged him back)

06:35 <ryaxnb21> and yes, ringo was great

06:35 <ADragonDreaming> I'm talking about DRUMS

06:35 <Lenfant_Sauvage> And in fact the Beatles are almost the wrongest band to point to when ascertaining the importance of drummers

06:35 <ryaxnb21> his personality was the calmest of the four, and he was a capable, if fungible drums player

06:35 <ADragonDreaming> Yes, the tambourine can be lost or etc. but drums are not disposable.

06:35 <ryaxnb21> and also, i was speaking of least important WITHIN THAT band

06:35 <ryaxnb21> beatles don't have a tambourine member.

06:35 <ADragonDreaming> That was incredibly not obvious.

06:35 <ryaxnb21> okay.

06:36 <ryaxnb21> well it's what i meant.

06:36 <ryaxnb21> i've listened to the Best version of love me do, which iirc was recorded BEFORE ringo came into the group

06:36 <ryaxnb21> and it's fine.

06:36 <ADragonDreaming> On which I neither agree nor disagree because I don't really pay much attention to the Beatles.

06:37 <ryaxnb21> i have paid sufficent attention that i own a 5 disc boot leg collection and the anthology collections of "licensed bootlegs" and live at the bbc

06:37 <ryaxnb21> so i have a good feel for their live performances

06:37 <ADragonDreaming> They exist and have fun music and were formative for rock, pop, and music in general, but I do not research them.

06:37 <ryaxnb21> :)

06:37 <ADragonDreaming> So.

06:37 <ryaxnb21> (their live performances were nothing like the released albums after about Rubber Soul)

06:37 <ADragonDreaming> But no, dude, you can't consider drums an unimportant instrument.

06:37 <ryaxnb21> they're important in some bands.

06:38 <ryaxnb21> and i didn't say unimportant, i said least

06:38 <ryaxnb21> and i also meant "most fungible"

06:38 <ADragonDreaming> It does depend on the band, but the bands that /have them/ rely on them.

06:38 <ryaxnb21> as in ringo, can not be eliminated, but he can be substituted

06:38 <ADragonDreaming> The drums are the foundation on which the song rests.

06:38 <Sol> Who's playing the drums has nothing to do with it, stop talking about Ringo

06:38 <Sol> :P

06:38 <ryaxnb21> ADragonDreaming: weird al yankovic, playing ... his first song.

06:39 <ryaxnb21> he was doing i think... my bologna

06:39 <ryaxnb21> he had like his buddy (not a musician just a friend) provide a backing beat by banging on the accordion case

06:39 <ADragonDreaming> I don't comprehend the relevance.

06:39 <ryaxnb21> this is the released version of the song; the backing beat is a random friend banging on the accordion case

06:39 <ryaxnb21> it's very important, but incredibly fungible in that case

06:39 <ADragonDreaming> Which is still a form of drum.

06:40 <ryaxnb21> yes, but it's indicative of how fungible the drummer can be in some cases

06:40 <ADragonDreaming> Also, Yankovic is a fringe case.

06:40 <ryaxnb21> and fame generally comes when you're NOT fungible.

06:40 <ADragonDreaming> Fame is not relevant.

06:40 <ryaxnb21> given fluttershy's shy and seeks to AVOID fame

06:41 <ryaxnb21> fame is kind of the whole point of my analogy

06:41 <ADragonDreaming> I'm not talking about the character!

06:41 <Sol> ...

06:41 <ADragonDreaming> I was taking issue with you saying that drums are the least important instrument!

06:41 <ryaxnb21> that by playing a fungible piece, she avoids fame and blends into the background

06:41 <ryaxnb21> I NEVER SAID THAT

06:41 <ryaxnb21> you are taking issue with something i never sasid

06:41 <ADragonDreaming> You did not intend to say it, but you did.

06:41 <ryaxnb21> i said ringo was the least important member of his band.

06:41 <init3> Ok so Breezies episode was pretty darn good except for the "Breezie form" thing. The lesson is good, Pacing decent and story within reason. I can pardon that minor sin. Also the whole "He has a family" thing at the end made it 2real4me.

06:42 <ADragonDreaming> [01:33.27] <ryaxnb21> it's like ringo, shy pone / member gets the least important instrument

06:42 <ryaxnb21> and that, but i meant that the instrument is ... important but unimportant

06:42 <ryaxnb21> the beatles would be fine with an accordion case being banged on too

06:42 <ADragonDreaming> pfffft

06:42 <ADragonDreaming> PFFFFFFFFFFT

06:42 <ryaxnb21> the other members are good enough that it would make do

06:42 <ryaxnb21> they just need SOME backing beat

06:42 <ADragonDreaming> Pfft.

06:43 <init3> Whuuu

06:43 <ADragonDreaming> Your claim, and any claim to the contrary, cannot be actually substantiated.

06:43 <init3> Got some drummer hate goin on up in the heezy?

06:43 <ADragonDreaming> So I'm just gonna pfft and move on.

06:44 <ADragonDreaming> Because at this point it's getting into superman vs. hulk territory.

06:44 <Tulip> least fav episode so far in season 5?

06:44 *** Joins: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-4pg.stl.153.66.IP)

06:44 <ADragonDreaming> The one that doesn't exist.

06:44 <Tulip> oh...ben affleck's batman voice is nice.

06:45 <Sol> I didn't care much for B&G :P

06:46 <init3> I thought it was trippy and loved how well it paralleled actual dreams I've had.

06:46 <init3> Some trips I've had too.

06:46 <init3> I mean, that is always a plus for me.

06:46 <Vulpor> Hey all I have something to ask

06:46 <init3> I can't say I didn't like any of them really.

06:46 <Tulip> I wish the CMC's would get their cutie marks. Anymore most of their episodes annoy me.

06:46 <ADragonDreaming> And by trips, you of course mean physical journeys.

06:46 <init3> Totes

06:47 <ryaxnb21> i think the CMC should get their marks, but they are fun without their marks too.

06:47 <Vulpor> Has anyone seen the Discord Typography on youtube by MrDeLoop

06:47 <Scherza> No, first we need the CMC to become an elite strike force to take out Starlight Glimmer.

06:47 <init3> I am intentionally vague for a reason.

06:47 <Tulip> It's just their talents have been hinted at. Just give them their marks already.

06:47 <ryaxnb21> and i can overlook the voices getting older becuase it's a cartoon and i've never been one to pay too much attention to voice actors that are obviously wrong

06:48 <Vulpor> He has done others but its pretty cool

06:48 <ryaxnb21> like i can easily enjoy fandubs where the VA is terribly synced and matched or abridged series where the characters are the wrong gender

06:48 <init3> Err, I wasn't though. Oops.

06:48 <ryaxnb21> so i'm not picky that they sound rather old

06:48 <ryaxnb21> :/

06:48 <ADragonDreaming> They sound old?

06:48 <ryaxnb21> i mean for pre-"puberty" characters

06:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> Let's also be fair here too, it's been a year and a half chronologically since Season 1. They can age a bit.

06:48 <ryaxnb21> (assuming cutie mark = puberty)

06:48 <ADragonDreaming> They sound old?

06:48 <ryaxnb21> for pre-puberty? yeah

06:48 <Lenfant_Sauvage> No, they just sound more refined.

06:48 <ryaxnb21> they sound like high schoolers

06:48 <ryaxnb21> which they are.

06:48 *** Quits: Vulpor (upstmhpmgqr@Pony-4pg.stl.153.66.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

06:49 <ryaxnb21> which would mean that they should've hit puberty and gotten their marks.

06:49 <ADragonDreaming> I'm basically implying that they don't sound that old.

06:49 <ryaxnb21> i meant old relative to their implied age

06:49 <ryaxnb21> not actually like 50

06:49 <ryaxnb21> it's relative.

06:49 <ADragonDreaming> Yes. I know.

06:49 <ryaxnb21> they sound like they're 16

06:49 <ADragonDreaming> They do?

06:50 <ryaxnb21> to me, yeag

06:50 <Lenfant_Sauvage> If that's the case, what do the Mane 6 sound like? 30?

06:50 <ryaxnb21> keep in mind that's still like two years younger than AB's actual age

06:50 <ADragonDreaming> She has an actual age?

06:50 <Tulip> I think you can tell the VA of the CMC's are older than when they started.

06:50 <ryaxnb21> er, the VAs

06:50 <ADragonDreaming> Ah.

06:50 <ryaxnb21> and to be fair, the VAs for the adults are more experienced pros

06:50 <ryaxnb21> they're better at faking ages and genders

06:51 <ryaxnb21> most of the kid VAs have limited experience.

06:51 <ryaxnb21> they don't do it fulltime.

06:51 <ADragonDreaming> Whoa, wait. Michelle is an adult now?

06:51 <ryaxnb21> she's like 17

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06:51 <ADragonDreaming> Oh okay.

06:51 <ryaxnb21> oh no, she's 15.

06:51 <ryaxnb21> wow, i was way off

06:51 <ryaxnb21> huh

06:51 <ADragonDreaming> Dang, boy, yeah you were.

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06:51 <ryaxnb21> hmm

06:52 <ryaxnb21> madeline peters is 19.

06:52 <ADragonDreaming> Cutie Marks are less about puberty and more about finding life direction, anyway.

06:52 <ryaxnb21> claire is 15.

06:53 <ryaxnb21> scootaloo is the oldest VA. and the only one of legal age.

06:54 <ryaxnb21> madeline peters, who rarely seems to show up

06:54 <ADragonDreaming> I have never liked it phrased that way.

06:54 * init3 snickers

06:54 <ryaxnb21> yeah, 'tis why i added her full name afterwards to clarify

06:54 <ryaxnb21> when i realized i screwed it up

06:54 <ADragonDreaming> Nah, I just mean in general.

06:54 <ryaxnb21> i can see why you don't , as i said, the first time it was just instinctual

06:55 <ADragonDreaming> "s/he's legal" is just inherently creepy.

06:55 <ryaxnb21> oh, the legal thing

06:55 <ADragonDreaming> Yes.

06:55 * init3 is not a mature pone

06:55 <ryaxnb21> well for me the main thing i care about is it means she's out of high school :P

06:55 <init3> Well my mind goes right to the gutter.

06:55 <ryaxnb21> because i wonder what being a VA of a series "for 7 year olds" gets you at a public high school

06:55 <ryaxnb21> :P

06:56 <ryaxnb21> and also it means she no longer has school as a responsibility

06:56 <ryaxnb21> which is conveinent for working and for attending things.

06:56 <ADragonDreaming> Not automatically! She could be taking college courses.

06:56 <ryaxnb21> true.

06:56 <ryaxnb21> generally more flexible scheduling , though.

06:56 <ryaxnb21> not legally mandated.

06:56 <ADragonDreaming> True.

06:57 <init3> I get what you mean. Able to make one's own decisions.

06:57 <init3> Man that sucked.

06:57 <init3> Being under 18 I mean.

06:57 <ADragonDreaming> There was that part of it, but getting meals and stuff provided for you was pretty rad.

06:57 *** Starlight[EoH] is now known as BerryPunch

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06:59 <init3> True but I'd say it isn't worth it.

06:59 <ADragonDreaming> Well, no, not once you've achieved independence already.

06:59 <ADragonDreaming> It's kind of necessary during the earliest formative years, though.

06:59 <init3> Oh sure.

07:00 <init3> I just mean, err. I don't think I phrased it properly and am not sure how to convey my meaning.

07:00 <ryaxnb21> i loathe high school

07:00 <ryaxnb21> i never went to regular high school for more than a month

07:00 <ryaxnb21> same with regular school

07:00 <ryaxnb21> ergo all school based movies and tv shows make a big fat load of nonsense/dumbness to me

07:00 <ryaxnb21> exception being Rainbow Rocks, the one little high school movie that could make me actually like it.

07:01 <ryaxnb21> despite not having any real familiarity with the tropes IRL.

07:01 <init3> RR is an anomaly in a lot of ways imo.

07:01 <ryaxnb21> yep

07:01 <ADragonDreaming> The school where nobody ever actually goes to class?

07:01 <ryaxnb21> well, as a high school movie i actually like, it's gotta be

07:01 <ADragonDreaming> Or appears to go home?

07:01 <ryaxnb21> no, they go home

07:01 <init3> Hmm

07:01 <ryaxnb21> in RR

07:02 <ryaxnb21> in EqG 1, there's a class shown , but just once and it's just through a window.

07:02 <ryaxnb21> the school bell also rings a couple times.

07:02 <ADragonDreaming> Do they? Do we ever actually see them *leave school*?

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07:02 <ryaxnb21> though twilight seems to skip class all these times

07:02 <ryaxnb21> and nopony notices or cares

07:02 <ADragonDreaming> Twilight's not actually on the roster!

07:02 <ryaxnb21> but she's on the list for the prom queen

07:02 <ryaxnb21> even though she's not on the roster

07:02 <ADragonDreaming> Yeah, that's a straight-up plot hole.

07:03 <ryaxnb21> no, it's just that celestia added her to the roster when she added her to the prom queen list.

07:03 <ADragonDreaming> And then completely ignored the necessity of asking questions about where she lives and etc. etc. etc.

07:03 <init3> Transcripts

07:03 <ADragonDreaming> Making it still a plot hole.

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07:04 <ADragonDreaming> It's completely understandable why it wasn't addressed because the movie had very limited time, but it's still a plot hole.

07:04 <init3> Yeah, that does bother me about it

07:05 <init3> I think with those movies personally I just pick things I like and focus on them.

07:05 <ADragonDreaming> Yeah, MST3K mantra.

07:05 <init3> There are enough to make me generally enjoy it.

07:05 <init3> Lol pretty much

07:05 <ryaxnb21> ADragonDreaming: it's as trusting a school as equestria is a nation

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07:05 <ryaxnb21> do you seriously think cheerilee would question that sort of thing?

07:06 <ryaxnb21> to me that's just how this world, and equestria roles

07:06 <ryaxnb21> rolls*

07:06 <Knight_Dash> Hey, guys.

07:06 <Knight_Dash> What are we talking about?

07:06 <ryaxnb21> if you're a kid you show up at school, no questions asked

07:06 <init3> Eg

07:06 <ryaxnb21> and you're in school until you decide not to be

07:06 <ryaxnb21> it is what it is.

07:06 <ADragonDreaming> Well, okay

07:06 *** Quits: Pony_56272 (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:07 <ADragonDreaming> I'm not arguing that she wouldn't be allowed in, it's more that with any insitution there's a certain level of documentation that occurs, even if for no other reason than for the school to get funding.

07:07 <Knight_Dash> So what are we talking about specifically? Twilight's sudden appearance?

07:07 <init3> Yeah

07:07 <ryaxnb21> the thing is you're thinking of this like earth

07:07 <ADragonDreaming> It's close enough!

07:07 <Knight_Dash> Did Twilight actually attend any classes while there? Maybe all the teachers assumed she was in someone else's class.

07:07 <ryaxnb21> i'm assuming this runs like equestria and i've never seen anyone ask for ID on equestria

07:07 <init3> And how she had no documents or anything and basically wasn't enrolled.

07:07 <ADragonDreaming> But also she'd have been assigned a course of study.

07:07 <ryaxnb21> i mean, not exactly like equestria, but somewhere in the middle

07:07 <ADragonDreaming> Even if everything else is ignored, she apparently was never actually assigned any classes.

07:08 <ryaxnb21> for one, i think there's no guns, and thus less crime

07:08 <init3> Uh oh

07:08 <ryaxnb21> because otherewise, three teenage girls who hate the school witha  vengenance are anything but "harmles"

07:08 <ryaxnb21> "harmless"

07:08 <init3> Sliding right by that one

07:08 <ADragonDreaming> Schools required student documentation well before guns got on the scene, that's not really relevant.

07:08 <ryaxnb21> and letting them go is stupid

07:08 <ryaxnb21> they did so mostly for funding and stuff though

07:08 <ryaxnb21> and order

07:08 <ADragonDreaming> exactly my point!

07:08 <ADragonDreaming> The Sirens are actually less of a plot hole

07:09 <ryaxnb21> But it's already canon that EqG school has a relatively nurtured ordered chaos

07:09 <ADragonDreaming> because they are shown to have explicitly influence Celestia and Luna.

07:09 <ryaxnb21> there's no hall passes, no lunch money

07:09 <ryaxnb21> it just all works

07:09 <ADragonDreaming> The plot hole isn't that it couldn't happen

07:09 <ryaxnb21> this means this is a semi-utopian high school

07:09 <ADragonDreaming> The plot hole is that there is never an explanation given.

07:09 <ryaxnb21> everything "just works"

07:09 <init3> Actually schools don't have lunch money any more.

07:09 <init3> As an aside

07:09 <ADragonDreaming> Depends on the school.

07:09 <ryaxnb21> they have lunch card, sometimes

07:09 <ryaxnb21> but still

07:09 <init3> Usually a PIN or a fingerprint.

07:10 <init3> You have NO IDEA how many of these systems I had to install.

07:10 <init3> I digress though

07:10 <ryaxnb21> yeah, and EqG has none of this

07:10 <ADragonDreaming> ryaxnb21, again, I'm not arguing that it /can't/ work

07:10 <ADragonDreaming> But it remains a plot hole

07:11 <ryaxnb21> instead of a plot hole i just view it as the school being utopian ordered chaos like equestria itself

07:11 <ADragonDreaming> It remains so specifically because it is never actually addressed in the movie.

07:11 <init3> I think what he is saying is you have to do extra world building and speculation to make it not a plot hole.

07:11 <ryaxnb21> with everyone being absurdly trusting, just like equestria

07:11 <init3> Which makes it more headcanon territory than anything.

07:11 <ADragonDreaming> Everything you've stated is speculation after the fact, which unless actually confirmed in-story does not actually fill the plot hole.

07:12 <ryaxnb21> i don't see why they need to confirm it.

07:12 <init3> We are just saying it is headcanon otherwise, which is fine but not good enough for everyone.

07:12 <ADragonDreaming> I'm not saying they need to in order for the movie to be good

07:12 <ADragonDreaming> I'm saying they need to in order for it to not be a plot hole.

07:12 <ryaxnb21> the fact that celestia directly addresses that twilight is a new student , and adds her to the prom list without questioning anything, shows that she knows she's a new student and that she has no id

07:12 <ryaxnb21> and she doesn't care

07:12 <ryaxnb21> it's only a plothole if you make that a PROBLEM

07:13 <ryaxnb21> i'm willing to trust celestia that it's not.

07:14 <ryaxnb21> your case would be better if celestia was never directly told that twilight was new, and thus we have to wonder why celestia allowed this

07:14 <ADragonDreaming> It's not a /problem/

07:14 <ADragonDreaming> It's a glaring inconsistency.

07:14 <ryaxnb21> with the real world but not with Equestria.

07:15 <ryaxnb21> so it depends on how close to either dougworld is.

07:15 <ADragonDreaming> Which is an assertion you can /make/ but can't actually back up.

07:15 <ryaxnb21> here's the thing: is it inconsistent with anything we've seen IN THE SHOW?

07:15 <ADragonDreaming> So it doesn't really hold much water in removing it as being a glaring inconsistency.

07:15 <ryaxnb21> not in other shows or IRL?

07:15 <ryaxnb21> i don't think so.

07:15 <ryaxnb21> it's only an inconsistency relative to the real world and other movies.

07:16 <ryaxnb21> that's not really an inconsistency.

07:16 <ADragonDreaming> But Canterlot High isn't in Equestria either

07:16 <ryaxnb21> true.

07:16 <ryaxnb21> but if it's not inconsistent with the show, or with the movie.

07:16 <init3> Don't you think the who premise of making a humanized movie is to make it more similar to here?

07:16 <ryaxnb21> it's not an inconsistency until the movie states that it's not just SIMILAR to here, it literally IS here.

07:17 <init3> I get that

07:17 <ADragonDreaming> what.

07:17 <ADragonDreaming> no.

07:17 <ryaxnb21> otherwise, im willing to tolerate some differences, like high school not being a hellhole, for one

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07:17 <ADragonDreaming> It can be an inconsistency without it actually being on earth.

07:17 <ryaxnb21> no , not unless it's inconsistent with the show or the movie.

07:18 <init3> True. A school cannot function as a school without records though.

07:18 <init3> LEcture hall, sure.

07:18 <init3> Not a /school/

07:18 <ADragonDreaming> And the fact remains that Twilight's never assigned classes.

07:18 <init3> Ergo not a /school/

07:18 *** Quits: Halcyon_Starlight (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful) (Quit: Meh)

07:19 <ryaxnb21> i presume that celestia added twilight to the roster at the time, and there's a few possibilities with regards to classes, such as that twilight does have assigned classes but never went to them

07:19 <ADragonDreaming> regardless of whether a background check or place of residence would have been required, /that/ remains inconsistent with the actual purpose and function of a school.

07:19 <ADragonDreaming> Yes, but that is your presumption.

07:19 <ADragonDreaming> It is not fact.

07:19 <ryaxnb21> and there's nothing in the movie that suggests otherwise

07:19 <ADragonDreaming> There is nothing that suggests it happens, either.

07:19 <ryaxnb21> in fact, the fact that twilight skips all the classes means that it doesn't matter whether she has them or not

07:20 <ryaxnb21> it's not like she would've checked, since she never intended to go

07:20 <init3> I think twilight skipping classes is kind of out of character...

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07:20 <ADragonDreaming> It does not actually fill the hole.

07:20 <init3> Also true

07:20 <ADragonDreaming> I'm not saying your suggestion is impossible, implausible, or wrong. I'm saying that it was NEVER ADDRESSED

07:20 <ADragonDreaming> And that makes it an inconsistency.

07:21 <ryaxnb21> do you want a scene where twilight looks at the board, sees her name and a schedule for her, says "i'll skip all of that" , and the rest of the movie is the exact same?

07:21 <ryaxnb21> because that scene would be a waste of my time.

07:21 <ADragonDreaming> True.

07:21 <ADragonDreaming> But that just means you're allowing the inconsistency to stand in favor of fitting the movie into the allotted time.

07:21 <ADragonDreaming> It's a valid decision, but the inconsistency remains.

07:21 <ryaxnb21> people do that!

07:21 <ADragonDreaming> Yes.

07:21 <ADragonDreaming> I know.

07:21 <ryaxnb21> and also because the scene is pointless!

07:22 <ADragonDreaming> I know!

07:22 <ryaxnb21> even if the time was made longer, the scene wouldn't add anything

07:22 <init3> Plot holes don't necessarily make a movie bad.

07:22 <ryaxnb21> there's a million other things i'd rather they expand on.

07:22 <ADragonDreaming> That's fine.

07:22 <ryaxnb21> like sunset's character.

07:22 <init3> I think that is what ADD is saying.

07:22 <ADragonDreaming> The point simply remains that the inconsistency /exists/

07:22 <ryaxnb21> well, taht was the most non-obvious message then

07:22 <ryaxnb21> you were saying it like it was a BAD inconsistency

07:22 <init3> It is still a plot hole even if leaving it a plot hole makes more sense story-wise.

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07:23 <ryaxnb21> i don't really consider it a plot hole if you can fill it without having any of the characters do anything normal

07:23 <ADragonDreaming> [02:04.15] <ADragonDreaming> It's completely understandable why it wasn't addressed because the movie had very limited time, but it's still a plot hole

07:23 <ryaxnb21> unnormal*

07:23 <ryaxnb21> since timeskips are a natural part of movies

07:23 <ADragonDreaming> I said this thing 20 minutes ago.

07:23 <ryaxnb21> but i can see your definition also

07:23 <ADragonDreaming> I said that at the very beginning.

07:23 <ryaxnb21> basically i only consider things plotholes when there is no reason for characters to act this way and there are way better things they should do, and EqG is FULL of those.

07:24 <ryaxnb21> for instance, sunset not just stealing the crown from celestia's office is a plot hole

07:24 <ADragonDreaming> Also, I stopped calling it a plot hole when I looked up the official definition of plot hole.

07:24 <ryaxnb21> there's no reason she shouldn't do that

07:24 <ryaxnb21> other than that the movie says she won't

07:24 <ADragonDreaming> You aren't actually reading what I say.

07:24 <ADragonDreaming> Are you?

07:24 <ryaxnb21> i know you're calling it not a plot hole now

07:24 <ryaxnb21> that's good

07:24 <ADragonDreaming> Ryan.

07:24 <ADragonDreaming> Dude.

07:25 <ryaxnb21> but i guess i just can't get worked up over an "inconsistency" that imo improves the movie

07:25 <ADragonDreaming> I'm telling you I said from the /start/ that I understood why it was passed over.

07:25 <ryaxnb21> okay.

07:25 <ryaxnb21> then... why talk about it at all?

07:25 <ryaxnb21> the movie has so many legitmate flaws

07:25 *** Parts: BlueRose (Carrot_Top@Anon.Theroleplaypony.Starlight) ("Don't hit me with the door on my way out")

07:25 <ryaxnb21> why talk about minor inconsistencies that don't harm nor help it?

07:25 <ADragonDreaming> Because I pointed it out as an example of how Canterlot High has no real world analogue

07:25 <ryaxnb21> oh okay.

07:25 <ryaxnb21> i see.

07:26 <ryaxnb21> well that flew over my head, sorry.

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07:26 <ryaxnb21> i completely agree that canterlot high is not a real world analogue

07:26 <ryaxnb21> and i would argue that's the point.

07:26 <ryaxnb21> it's way better than the real world but much closer to it than equestria

07:26 <ADragonDreaming> Sure, but that's not why I even brought it up.

07:26 <ryaxnb21> okay.

07:26 <ADragonDreaming> We were just talking about high school

07:26 <ryaxnb21> welp

07:27 <ADragonDreaming> [02:00.48] <ryaxnb21> exception being Rainbow Rocks, the one little high school movie that could make me actually like it.

07:27 <ADragonDreaming> I was responding to this.

07:28 <ryaxnb21> i said that because it's a high school movie, regardless of whether or not it's very much like the others. i mean, to make me like it , it's a given that it's going to have be different than the others, and i like what they did with it to make it so

07:28 <ryaxnb21> by completely deemphasizing and idealizing the high school

07:28 * ADragonDreaming shrugs

07:28 <ryaxnb21> and making the bully (sunset) a legitmate villain who recognizes high school sucks and wants to take over teh world

07:28 <ADragonDreaming> ...

07:29 <ADragonDreaming> The latter is clear enough, but "recognizes high school sucks" what?

07:29 <ADragonDreaming> That's part of her motivation?

07:29 <ADragonDreaming> How?

07:29 <ryaxnb21> ADragonDreaming: she says "pathetic high school" at one point

07:29 <ryaxnb21> in the first movie.

07:29 <ryaxnb21> she changes her mind in the second

07:29 <ADragonDreaming> Yes, but that's like Trixie in her first appearance.

07:29 <ryaxnb21> as she does about literally everything

07:29 <ryaxnb21> well yeah, i'm referring to villain sunset, not hero sunset

07:29 <ADragonDreaming> That's her villaining it up and looking down on /everything/ around her.

07:30 <ryaxnb21> but it's much more ambitious than a bully.

07:30 <ADragonDreaming> I'm not seeing that as being part of her primary motivation.

07:30 <ryaxnb21> it's a true super villain

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07:30 <ryaxnb21> and i never said it was her motivation just that it's nice to see

07:30 <ryaxnb21> she views the school as solely a tool for a greater plan

07:30 <ryaxnb21> and i like that.

07:30 <ADragonDreaming> Right, but that's not recognizing that high school sucks...

07:31 <ryaxnb21> ... no, the word choice is.

07:31 <ADragonDreaming> That's considering the school beneath her and a tool for her ascension.

07:31 <ryaxnb21> she considers the school beneath her, but it's implied she also considers it beneath equestria, her true target.

07:31 <ADragonDreaming> But the high school apparently doesn't suck...

07:31 <ryaxnb21> since it lacks magic.

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07:31 <ryaxnb21> ADragonDreaming: as a magic-obsessed villain, it does to her because it lacks natural magic

07:31 <ryaxnb21> it's only use is to conquer a world that has plenty of it.

07:32 <ADragonDreaming> So what's the bit about recognizing that high school sucks? That makes sense in something like Degrassi High or any other idiotic high school based show

07:32 <ADragonDreaming> Not so much here.

07:32 <ryaxnb21> not so much "ucks"

07:32 <ryaxnb21> as that it's beneath her and beneath equestria

07:32 <ryaxnb21> and beneath celestia

07:32 <ryaxnb21> and beneath like, everything i care about in this show.

07:32 <ryaxnb21> she cares about all of that > high school

07:32 <ryaxnb21> which is also my order!

07:32 <ryaxnb21> :D

07:32 * ADragonDreaming blinks.

07:33 <ADragonDreaming> I think you're projecting, and I'm going to go back to my game and my youtubes.

07:33 <ryaxnb21> okay.

07:33 *** Joins: Skippez_Shadow (jesus@Pony-ohf.e3t.162.86.IP)

07:34 <Skippez_Shadow> i just turned on this tab and it just said, "ÿoutube has stopped"

07:34 <ADragonDreaming> Yeah, didn't you hear? Google's shutting it all down.

07:35 <Skippez_Shadow> Then after it said: mikey boltz has just uploaded a video

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07:35 <ADragonDreaming> Whozat?

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07:41 <ryaxnb21> ADragonDreaming: and recognizing that high school sucks is not what i meant, i mean that she recognizes that success in high school is not important to her actual goal, and she doesnt want the crown for popularity, nor does she want it to force high school students to like her

07:42 <ryaxnb21> she wants it solely to invade the world more important and closer to her heart, Equestria.

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07:42 <ADragonDreaming> K.

07:42 <ryaxnb21> High School and prom queen are a means to that end.

07:50 <Knight_Dash> Question: If you're a king, and your first cousin is monarch of another country where you've never set foot in your life... Then your cousin dies without any immediate family... Who has a greater claim to their vacant throne: You, or a more distant relative who actually lives in and has a title in said country?

07:51 <Knight_Dash> (You also don't have any kind of noble or royal titles in your cousin's kingdom)

07:52 <Seoson> Since it's based on bloog always the closests relative.

07:52 <firestream> wow im having feels right now from a song ;(

07:52 <Seoson> blood*

07:52 <Scherza> It's by blood.

07:53 <Scherza> Unless the statutes say otherwise, or the new king does.

07:53 <Scherza> Or, in some cases, an even more distant noble who makes contact with a troupe of actors.

07:54 <Scherza> Problem with the last one is that it inevitably results in the death of the entire royal family, thus nullifying anyone's claim to the throne.

07:54 *** Quits: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-h69.ldt.190.65.IP) (Connection closed)

07:54 <Knight_Dash> So... Even though you're the monarch of a foreign country that has a distinct culture, may place your country's interests over your late cousin's and have never even seen your cousin's country, you get their throne?

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07:55 <Scherza> No, the correct answer is that an unrelated nearby king inherits the throne because the fall of the first monarch marks the death of the entire royal family.

07:55 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-7et.gbu.238.96.IP) (Quit: Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)

07:55 <Knight_Dash> Ah, but see, in this case there would still be other relatives in your cousin's country - Just things like "first cousin once removed"

07:55 <Knight_Dash> while you're the actual offspring of your cousin's aunt.

07:56 <Knight_Dash> Or uncle. Or whatever.

07:56 * Scherza throws a script at Knight_Dash.

07:57 <ADragonDreaming> The answer is that there is a war of succession.

07:57 <Scherza> All country inheritance laws are described thoroughly in Hamlet. (Or was it Macbeth?)

07:57 <Seoson> What does that "once removed" mean btw.? Heard it before but never red any explanation so far.

07:57 <Knight_Dash> Number of generations apart.

07:57 <ADragonDreaming> And lots of people die and the answer is never actually given satisfactorily.

07:57 <Pi> holy crap it's Scherza

07:57 <Seoson> Ahh I see

07:58 *** Joins: ArchPegasusMichael (Michael89pl@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place)

07:58 <Scherza> Aye. I am me.

07:58 <ADragonDreaming> Seoson: your first cousin's child is your first cousin once removed.

07:58 <Pi> Haven't seen you in a long time

07:58 <Seoson> Confusing english is confusing

07:58 <Knight_Dash> And your first cousin's grandchild is your first cousin twice removed, and so on.

07:58 <Scherza> I haven't been around in a while. Just came back a couple weeks ago.

07:58 <ADragonDreaming> Meanwhile, your child and your cousin's child are second cousins.

07:59 <Scherza> BRB doing T12 in XIV.

08:01 <Seoson> I know how those things work, however we don't have that exactly in our language. We refer to generations as degrees , however this is not used commonly

08:02 *** Quits: Beans (Beans@Pony-tcs.qje.16.23.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

08:05 *** Quits: locodashie11 (locodash11@Taco.eating.Anthro.Batpony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:06 <Knight_Dash> By the way, guys.

08:07 <Knight_Dash> Who here has seen Futurama?

08:07 *** Quits: Starthunder (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:07 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn__@Pony-94j.7m4.29.2.IP)

08:07 <ADragonDreaming> Dang, Gigalith is a beast.

08:08 <ADragonDreaming> Level 37 rock beast taking on level 42 dragons and not afraiding of anything.

08:09 <init3> I have. Perhaps not every episode though Knight_Dash.

08:09 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

08:09 <Knight_Dash> Well. Princess Luna was away for 1000 years and now has a great-great-great (etc) nephew (Prince Blueblood).

08:09 <Knight_Dash> Therefore

08:10 <Knight_Dash> Princess Luna is Fry.

08:10 <CleverDerpy> guess who showed up in my stream

08:10 <init3> Huh

08:10 <CleverDerpy> I was stream out of nowhere, flufflepuff showed up

08:10 <init3> Barak Obama.

08:10 <init3> Aww. Close.

08:10 <CleverDerpy> i couldn't breathe i was so starstruck

08:11 <init3> Heh that

08:11 <init3> that's pretty cool

08:12 <Skippez_Shadow> Bleugh

08:12 <CleverDerpy> they were nice

08:12 <Ali> Flufflepuff?

08:12 <Ali> pffffffffttt

08:12 * Ali is just mimicing fluffle, not mocking CleverDerpy

08:13 <CleverDerpy> hehe~

08:13 * Skippez_Shadow blows raspberry

08:13 <CleverDerpy> i got proof too

08:13 <init3> Yeah? What were you streaming? I know not what you generally stream.

08:13 <Ali> proof you say?

08:13 <Ali> what did they do?  come in pffft and something?

08:13 <init3> Lots of streams up in this channel

08:14 <Finwe> o3o

08:14 <Finwe> Good morning, my little ponies!

08:14 *** Quits: DJMidli (DJMidli@Crazy.Dancing.Canadian.DJ.Pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:14 <Finwe> Mid CleverDerpy.

08:14 <Finwe> o7

08:14 <Knight_Dash> Hello, Finwe.

08:14 <CleverDerpy> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ootkpow4bp7in65/Screenshot%202015-04-29%2003.04.48.png?dl=0

08:15 <CleverDerpy> pink text with a star next to it, it's registered

08:15 <Skippez_Shadow> Imma wear orange posted note on meh arm

08:15 <Finwe> Mr Knight_Dash.

08:15 <Finwe> and Mr Skippez_Shadow.

08:15 * Finwe doffs his hat.

08:15 <CleverDerpy> opretty cool?

08:15 <CleverDerpy> i met fluffepuff~

08:15 <init3> Fo sho.

08:15 <Finwe> Looks like we're having quite a rainy day here.

08:15 * Finwe snuggles the CleverDerpy.

08:16 <Ali> So

08:16 * CleverDerpy purrs and wiggles

08:16 <Ali> Win 7 or Win 8?

08:16 <Knight_Dash> Rain is good.

08:16 <Ali> And a GBA emu I see

08:16 <Knight_Dash> I enjoy rain. In fact, I like water in general.

08:17 * Finwe noms on Ali's Windoze.

08:17 * CleverDerpy gives Knight_Dash a bath

08:17 <Saerydoth> Win8 is actually decent if you mod it and give it a Win7 style start menu

08:17 <Saerydoth> http://www.saerydoth.net:8080/~akai/outgoing/desktop.jpg

08:17 <Ali> Eh, as long as I don't see the tiles, Win 8 is windows

08:17 <Saerydoth> but yeah, the default UI for Win8 is absolutely hideous

08:18 * Knight_Dash 's armor rusts

08:18 <Ali> Well Win 10 can't be worse

08:18 <Saerydoth> I did keep a "start screeN" button in classic shell JUST IN CASE I someday need to go there for something, but other than that all the Win8 stuff is disabled

08:18 <Saerydoth> I'm sure I'll mod 10 with classic shell too

08:18 <Saerydoth> because the "new" start menu will probably suck

08:19 <Ali> Well supposedly 10 is gonna be more 7ish

08:19 <init3> I've heard 10 is going to be less stupid'

08:19 <Saerydoth> so they say

08:19 <init3> True.

08:19 <Saerydoth> I'll believe it when I see it though

08:19 <Saerydoth> This is Microsoft we're talking about

08:19 <ArchPegasusMichael> Ali: Win 7, the last Windows that doesn't look and work like it's not your pc but one of those terminals in shopping malls or something

08:19 <init3> I have a win 10 tech preview on my server.

08:19 <Saerydoth> actually, 8 can work just like 7 if you mod it a bit

08:19 <init3> I need to fire that up at some point.... maybe.

08:19 <Saerydoth> and to be fair, 8 has a lot of "under the hood" improvements for things like multicore CPU's

08:20 <Saerydoth> so it is a bit better for gaming, if you can get rid of the god awful excuse for an interface

08:20 <init3> I've heard that.

08:20 <Ali> Too bad they turned win 8 into a wannabe tablet OS

08:20 <Saerydoth> I forcibly uninstalled all of the "metro" apps, so they don't work either

08:20 <init3> I don't know windows workstations but server '12 (8-ish) is decently more stable than 08R2

08:20 <Saerydoth> and used classic shell to return the regular start menu

08:21 * Ali boops the CleverDerpy

08:21 <init3> I just have a copy of 7 and see zero reason to go through the hassle of 8.

08:21 * CleverDerpy scrunchymuzzles and derps

08:21 <Saerydoth> well I pirated it

08:21 <init3> Especially since I almost never use it.

08:21 <Saerydoth> just like I pirated all the versions of Windows except for the original Win95

08:21 * Ali had Vista prior to 8

08:21 <ryaxnb21> ew vista

08:21 <CleverDerpy> Ali, me too

08:22 <init3> I don't really pirate software anymore.

08:22 <Saerydoth> Vista was basically Win7 beta

08:22 <Saerydoth> but it was an obvious beta

08:22 <init3> I just get the open source stuff.

08:22 <Saerydoth> I use a lot of open source stuff

08:22 <Ali> Better than mac OS

08:22 <Ali> They have like

08:22 <Saerydoth> but I pirate Windows because I won't give Microsoft any money

08:22 <Ali> 6 or 7 versions of their OS still running right now

08:22 <Saerydoth> MacOS is awful, they managed to make BSD full of security holes somehow

08:22 <ryaxnb21> i pirate windows because it's so much easier than using OEM versions

08:22 <ArchPegasusMichael> Saerydoth: I'll stay with win 7 until the end of security updates support

08:22 <Saerydoth> and you have to pay for incremental updates

08:22 <ryaxnb21> ArchPegasusMichael: what about windows 10 or 10.1

08:23 <init3> If you hate Microsoft so much why use windows?

08:23 <Saerydoth> games

08:23 <Ali> Why not linux :P

08:23 <ryaxnb21> btw, windows thin pc is supported till 2021.

08:23 <ryaxnb21> that's based on the Win 7 kernel

08:23 <Saerydoth> I do use Linux for things I can

08:23 <Saerydoth> but sadly there are a lot of games that just don't work properly on wine

08:23 <ryaxnb21> so i imagine that windows 7 will "technically" have updates until 2021 instead of 2020

08:23 <init3> games is becoming a flimsier and flimsier excuse nowadays.

08:23 * Ali jellies on CleverDerpy due to the flufflepuff thing

08:23 <ryaxnb21> Saerydoth: there's also official linux games

08:23 <init3> A lot are going native

08:24 <init3> Steam and whatnot.

08:24 * CleverDerpy eats the jelly and rolls around cutely

08:24 <Saerydoth> yes there are, but not all games have Linux versions

08:24 <ryaxnb21> like the XP POSReady

08:24 <ryaxnb21> yep

08:24 <Saerydoth> Valve is making a huge push and in a few years most games will probably have Linux versions

08:24 <Saerydoth> but for right now a lot don't

08:24 <ryaxnb21> Linux is the best

08:24 <ArchPegasusMichael> ryaxnb21: so far I can't see the reason to move to os higher than 7

08:24 *** Joins: CocoPommel (CocoPommel@Pony-mhb.008.169.76.IP)

08:24 <ryaxnb21> more modern kernel, better hardware support

08:24 <Saerydoth> Linux is decades ahead of MS technologically

08:24 <ryaxnb21> better software support

08:24 <ryaxnb21> new features like File History

08:24 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezu@Pony-2ie.jrq.21.77.IP)

08:24 <Saerydoth> Microsoft is still using early 70's tech OS-wise

08:25 <ryaxnb21> and Refresh My PC

08:25 <init3> But I am not a huge gamer tbh. I only have one game that doesn't either run native or under WINE. Naturally, the one I play the most but that's life.

08:25 <ryaxnb21> better multicore and GPU support

08:25 <init3> What is the sorcery you are speaking of ryaxnb21?

08:25 <Saerydoth> Ori and the Blind Forest doesn't work on Wine yet, no Linux version yet, and it's easily the best game to come out this year so far

08:25 <ArchPegasusMichael> Saerydoth: I'm using Win7 Ultimate and Linux Mint, they make a great couple

08:25 <init3> Like automatic incremental history on files?

08:25 <init3> IS that a FS feature?

08:26 <Saerydoth> filesytem-wise Linux is also decades ahead of Windows

08:26 <Saerydoth> Windows has VERY VERY primitive files systems still based on FAT

08:26 <init3> Oh god yes

08:26 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as ShowerSymphony

08:26 <init3> XFS is bae

08:26 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-ca4.71l.81.50.IP) (Connection closed)

08:26 <Saerydoth> my server is still using ext3, but that's more out of laziness than anything

08:26 <Saerydoth> I just don't feel like fixing what isn't broke

08:26 <init3> XFS s great if you use LVM.

08:27 <init3> Because it allows on the fly resize

08:27 <init3> It is ever so slightly quicker but barely.

08:27 <Saerydoth> Microsoft hasn't even caught up to ext2 yet, they're still 5-10 years behind it

08:27 <ryaxnb21> init3: yeah automatic file versioning and the ability to backup those versions to external drives

08:27 <ryaxnb21> it's a FS feature of Win8

08:27 <ryaxnb21> like Time Machine on Macs

08:27 <Saerydoth> so Microsoft is still way behind 1993

08:27 <ryaxnb21> but with a more solid tech behind it

08:28 <ryaxnb21> Saerydoth: windows filesystem is based on NTFS, not fat.

08:28 <ryaxnb21> NTFS shares like nothing in common with FAT.

08:28 <Saerydoth> NTFS is a FAT based filesystem

08:28 <ryaxnb21> no, it is not

08:28 <Saerydoth> it has a centralized file allocation table

08:28 <Ali> And remember kids

08:28 <init3> Oh, I thought you were talking about linux systems.

08:28 <Saerydoth> it might not be the same one that FAT32 uses

08:28 <Ali> Don't delete the system 32 folder

08:28 <Saerydoth> but it has one

08:28 <ryaxnb21> that's true but it is not FAT based

08:28 <ryaxnb21> it is not at all related to the format of the FAT table

08:28 <ryaxnb21> in any way

08:29 <Saerydoth> it's not related to the FAT32 table

08:29 <ryaxnb21> and the specifications and capabilities are not related

08:29 * Ali SCSI's on these ponies

08:29 *** Quits: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (Quit: init 0)

08:29 <Saerydoth> but it still shares all of the problems of FAT based filesystem

08:29 <Saerydoth> s

08:29 <ryaxnb21> it's not related to the table of the FAT family.

08:29 <ryaxnb21> no, it doesn't

08:29 *** Joins: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni)

08:29 <Saerydoth> NTFS is at least a decade behind ext2

08:29 <ryaxnb21> shares the problems of HAVING a table in the first place

08:29 <ryaxnb21> but a lot of filesystems have a table

08:29 <Saerydoth> yep, that's what I mean

08:29 *** SkyHigh is now known as SkyHighWork

08:29 <ryaxnb21> it shares none of the problems of FAT.

08:29 <ryaxnb21> like , say file size, file name limitations, no unicode

08:29 <Saerydoth> it shares the problems of having a centralized table

08:29 <ryaxnb21> no permissions

08:29 <Saerydoth> which is the point I'm trying to make

08:30 <init3> Fragmentation for one.

08:30 * ArchPegasusMichael deletes Ali's HKLM registry part

08:30 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn__@Pony-94j.7m4.29.2.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:30 <ryaxnb21> but FAT has a bililion far far more pressing issues.

08:30 <Saerydoth> FAT is early 1970'

08:30 <Saerydoth> 's tech

08:30 <ryaxnb21> yes, and that's why NT doesn't use it.

08:30 <Saerydoth> NTFS is like 80's

08:30 <ryaxnb21> 93.

08:30 <ryaxnb21> it's the first unicode-based filesystem.

08:30 <ryaxnb21> as NT was the first unicode based OS.

08:30 <Saerydoth> ext2 is far superior technologically to anything Microsoft has

08:30 <Saerydoth> let alone ext3

08:30 <Saerydoth> or ext4

08:30 <Saerydoth> or any of the multitude of even more advanced ones

08:31 <ryaxnb21> ext2 lacks journaling or ACLs.

08:31 <ryaxnb21> that would be ext3 with ACL extension

08:31 <Saerydoth> ntfs fakes journaling

08:31 * Ali deletes all of ArchPegasusMichael's hive clusters

08:31 <Saerydoth> it's not a full journal

08:31 <ryaxnb21> it's pretty legit.

08:31 <init3> I dunno, if there is anything I've learned in my career, it is it is never worth arguing about overly technical stuff like file system features.

08:31 <init3> Or text editors

08:31 * Finwe corrupts Ali's dynamically linked libraries.

08:31 <ryaxnb21> ext2's filesystem check thing is really annoying

08:31 <init3> although vim is the best.

08:31 <Saerydoth> the funny thing is, Microsoft didnt' even make NTFS, lol

08:31 <ryaxnb21> it takes forever and required to run

08:31 <ryaxnb21> yeah they did

08:32 <Saerydoth> vim is the best for editing config files and source code, not so much for composing say emails

08:32 <init3> No, you can change that.

08:32 <init3> it is in your fstab

08:32 * SkyHighWork puts a muffin on DerpyBot's head

08:32 <ryaxnb21> and they made the HPFS, too, the one that it resembles (the OS/2 filesystem)

08:32 <Finwe> Emacs for the triumph!

08:32 *** Joins: Rainb (rainb@Pony-cn5.akh.50.181.IP)

08:32 <Finwe> o3o

08:32 <init3> Saw that coming

08:32 * Ali haha's, she HAS no linked libraries

08:32 <ryaxnb21> if you're implying NTFS is based on HPFS.

08:32 <ryaxnb21> MS also made HPFS.

08:32 <Saerydoth> nah, not HPFS

08:32 <ryaxnb21> oh

08:33 <Saerydoth> but the underlying tech was made by IBM

08:33 * SkyHighWork flies off to work.

08:33 <Saerydoth> int he 80's

08:33 *** Quits: SkyHighWork (Tom@Pony-mnp.qti.29.188.IP) (Quit: work.)

08:33 <Saerydoth> Microsoft doesn't make stuff, they buy (or steal in some cases) stuff from others and use the code equivalent of chewing gum and duct tape to put it together

08:33 <Saerydoth> they didn't make directx or direct3d either

08:34 * ArchPegasusMichael replaces Ali's graphics driver with newest one. Causes BSOD.

08:34 <Saerydoth> is Derpy the result of a BSOD?

08:34 <ArchPegasusMichael> MSOD

08:34 <init3> You mean on an animator's workstation?

08:34 <ArchPegasusMichael> Muffin Screen Of Derp

08:34 <Saerydoth> no

08:34 <init3> I could almost see that.

08:34 <Saerydoth> I mean, is Derpy what happens when a pony BSOD's :P

08:35 <Ali> And no Rifty to test it out.

08:35 <Saerydoth> I think Derpy was originally put in as a gag, I don't think it was an animation mistake

08:35 *** Joins: Double2 (Double@Pony-3j2.16g.241.84.IP)

08:35 <init3> Someone gets frustrated after getting a BSOD and puts in the derp eyes.

08:35 <Saerydoth> just an easter egg

08:35 <init3> I would do that probably.

08:35 <Saerydoth> they just didn't expect anyone to notice it

08:35 *** Quits: Storm_Dash (quassel@Pony-279.s6e.223.72.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:35 *** Joins: AndChat-375681 (Double@Pony-tf6.tf9.149.31.IP)

08:36 <Saerydoth> and if someone did notice, they didn't expect her to become a popular character

08:36 <ArchPegasusMichael> !muffin

08:36 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

08:36 <ArchPegasusMichael> Yes!

08:36 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

08:36 * DerpyBot glomps ArchPegasusMichael

08:36 <Saerydoth> they underestimated how observant an army of nerds going through things frame by frame can be

08:36 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Sleep

08:36 *** Joins: Storm_Dash (quassel@Pony-279.s6e.223.72.IP)

08:36 <ArchPegasusMichael> xD

08:36 <init3> Especiallly the poor sod that put in slenderpone.

08:37 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-u55.tf9.149.31.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:37 <init3> Guess he got fired. Not confirmed that it was over that but strongly implied.

08:37 <Saerydoth> I didn't see that

08:38 <init3> The slender thing or the panel I am referring to?

08:38 <Saerydoth> the slender thing

08:39 <init3> It is in Apple Family Reunion somewhere.

08:39 <init3> REALLY hard to spot.

08:39 <init3> imo

08:39 <init3> LEt me see

08:39 *** Quits: Double2 (Double@Pony-3j2.16g.241.84.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:40 * Electron sneaks around

08:40 * Saerydoth tosses a positron at Electron

08:40 * Saerydoth ducks behind something

08:40 <ArchPegasusMichael> Why does my Andchat eat about 25% CPU all the time...

08:40 * Electron holds a cookie jar

08:41 * Saerydoth dunno

08:41 <Saerydoth> every Android IRC program I've used has drained battery like crazy

08:41 <ArchPegasusMichael> I have Galaxy Tab S 8.4 wifi-only

08:41 * Electron catches the positron and explodes causing black hole to absord every substance around

08:42 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-ja8.kbt.254.142.IP) (Connection closed)

08:42 <Electron> what have you done, Saerydoth?

08:42 <Saerydoth> it doesn't make a black hole, an electron and a positron annihilate to produce a gamma ray and a neutrino

08:42 <Saerydoth> ;P

08:42 <Electron> you are saying that as if I was alone

08:42 <init3> Oh you might want to turn down your volume due to stupid jumpscare type thing

08:42 <init3> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFoJ_rGTIE0

08:42 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Slenderman in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Pinkie Apple Pie (Slenderpony / Slendermane)

08:43 <Saerydoth> oh my bad, 2 gamma rays in opposing directions to conserve momentum

08:43 <init3> Looks like it is literally three frames.

08:43 *** Joins: Starthunder (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash)

08:43 <Saerydoth> only hadrons produce neutrinos with matter/antimatter annihilations

08:43 <init3> And it got caught quick

08:44 <Saerydoth> yeah that's impossible to see unless you freeze frame it

08:44 <Saerydoth> matter/antimatter reactions do not produce black holes though :P

08:44 <init3> I could be mistaken, but I am almost positive some people caught it in the stream.

08:44 <init3> SOMEHOW

08:44 <Saerydoth> well you could subconsciously notice something and rewind/pause/look

08:45 <Scherza> Black holes are a gravitational phenomenon. There's no possibility for such small things to ever make them.

08:45 <init3> I remember being all confused

08:45 <init3> Probably

08:45 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)

08:45 * Scherza hmmms, and wonders if it's possible to get Windows to work with ext4.

08:45 <Saerydoth> actually, black holes themselves don't create singularities either (there's no such thing as a singularity, a singularity means "this theory is incomplete and can't be described by current physics)

08:46 <Saerydoth> probably not, due to primitive Windows kernel not being able to handle everything properly

08:46 <init3> Probably not Scherza. At the very least the kernel and drivers would have to be on an NTFS part

08:46 <Saerydoth> a black hole is actually a solid object with a definite volume, the "surface" of the object is the schwartzchild radius

08:46 <Scherza> It's getting better. Unfortunately, the whole 'we need backwards compatibility' thing kinda stops them from doing any major improvements like that.

08:46 * Finwe briefly hats on Scherza.

08:46 <Scherza> And people in generally.

08:46 <Finwe> Mr Scherza.

08:47 * Finwe doffs himself.

08:47 * Scherza hides guns in hat.

08:47 <init3> If you could do loop mounts on stock windows I'd bet you could.

08:47 <Saerydoth> Windows can't even do pipes properly, it has to fake them...and that's something that's been around for a LONG time

08:47 *** Joins: Halcyon_Starlight (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful)

08:47 <init3> I mean, with the kernel on NTFS

08:47 * ADragonDreaming whistles to himself as he annihilates the dragon gym.

08:47 <init3> I don't think you could get around having the kernel on an NTFS or FAT partition.

08:48 <Scherza> I should work on getting support in my system for it. It'd be pretty pointless, though.

08:48 <Saerydoth> M theory has been able to describe the interior of a black hole.  It's not complete yet, but what is there works

08:48 *** ShowerSymphony is now known as OctaveSymphony

08:49 * Electron puts event horizon on Saerydoth

08:49 <Scherza> Bleh. Stupid driver support forcing me to even use Windows on my recording rig.

08:50 <Finwe> init3: Ext4 would be my choice.

08:50 <Scherza> Which is probably the worst place to use Windows, since I can't baby it.

08:50 * Saerydoth isn't massive enough to create an event horizon

08:50 <Saerydoth> are you calling me fat?  ;p

08:50 <Finwe> With Winblows, of course, you have to content with what you get.

08:50 * Scherza casts Demi on Saerydoth, increasing their mass by a factor of eleven.

08:50 <init3> Yep

08:51 <init3> XFS is nice too though.

08:51 <Saerydoth> lol

08:51 <Saerydoth> for some reason that reminds me of

08:51 <Saerydoth> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9NIwHKBqy0

08:51 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:51 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Nutty Professor (6/12) Movie CLIP - He's Gonna Blow! (1996) HD

08:51 <init3> THough I use ext of my workstations I think.

08:51 <init3> ext4

08:51 <Scherza> You're also reminding me that I want a linux craptop.

08:52 <Finwe> I have a memory stick Xubuntu on a FAT32 filesystem, though.

08:52 <Scherza> So I can play with it without having to give up my main machine.

08:52 <init3> cmd: /dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)

08:52 <init3> Yeah, ext4 on here.

08:52 <Scherza> IIRC, we put those on FAT32 just so Windows and OSX can write to it.

08:53 <Finwe> Scherza: You can run Linux in a virtual machine in Windows.

08:53 <Scherza> Yes, but I can't take a VM to a coffee shop with me. Or downstairs.

08:53 <Finwe> The other way round is not advisable, as Windows often freaks out if you try and run it in a virtual machine.

08:53 <Scherza> Or throw it.

08:53 <Finwe> o3o

08:53 <Finwe> Then dual-boot.

08:54 <Scherza> But then I couldn't grumble at you.

08:54 <Finwe> And remember, first Windows, then operating system.

08:54 <Seoson> I always have a windows VM around for questionable software

08:54 <Scherza> Yeah, I've tried messing with the Windows bootloader.

08:54 <Scherza> Just wtf.

08:54 <Finwe> because Windows screws everything up when you install it

08:54 <Saerydoth> I should convert mine to ext4

08:54 <Saerydoth> but I'm lazy

08:54 * Saerydoth flops

08:54 * Electron runs Win3.1 in virtual machine of WinXP in virtual machine of Win7 in virtual machine of Win8

08:55 <AndChat|4016> Some people.. Argued about which is proper, staff or stave. Stave being less common in north America and more common in Europe.

08:55 <Seoson> I've a Debian and Android Image as well. First being a mostly one to one copy of my server

08:55 <init3> Ok anyone know of a way to force an ipad to turn off? Something wrid is going on and it is basically frozen and blinking at me.

08:55 <Saerydoth> staff is singular.  stave is generally plural

08:55 <Scherza> init3, throw it. Then buy an android tablet.

08:55 <AndChat|4016> Staffs is also plural and is acceptable, staves is also plural and acceptable.

08:55 <init3> My android got stolen :(

08:55 <Saerydoth> I've never seen staffs being acceptable

08:56 <Saerydoth> always seen the plural spelled staves

08:56 <Finwe> Saerydoth: Stave is also singular.

08:56 <Scherza> Stave is a verb.

08:56 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-1g9.u5j.30.92.IP)

08:56 <init3> Got this Ipad free in its stead. I shall deal

08:56 <Seoson> *cough* Gramma Nazis *cough*

08:56 <Scherza> I just...

08:56 <Scherza> We're complaining about Windows.

08:57 <Scherza> iOS. that is all.

08:57 <Finwe> Seoson: Kilogram Nazis are at least thousand times worse.

08:57 <Seoson> That one was a good :D

08:57 <Scherza> Finwe, how about exactly?

08:58 * Finwe o3o's at Scherza.

08:58 <Seoson> One day the metric system will capture the U.S.

08:58 * Scherza staves off hunger by nomming on a staff marked with staffs on a pile of staves.

08:58 <Saerydoth> the US will be dragged kicking and screaming into metric eventually

08:58 <Scherza> The US is already half metric.

08:59 <Saerydoth> but I hope it's sooner rather than later

08:59 <Finwe> I'd say staff in singular and staves in plural.

08:59 * Seoson is preparing evil plans

08:59 <Scherza> It's just the three main measurements what aren't: Distance, Volume, and mass (weight).

08:59 <Knight_Dash> Don't be silly; We'd see you coming a mile away.

08:59 <Scherza> When's the last time you've heard of someone using slugs?

08:59 <Saerydoth> and temperature

09:00 <Knight_Dash> (you see what I did there?)

09:00 <Scherza> Even Celcius isn't truly metric. That doesn't count, therefore.

09:00 <Saerydoth> The F scale is just stupid, the guy that made it must've been stoned because the 0/100 points make NO sense whatsoever

09:00 *** Quits: AndChat|4016 (AndChat4016@Pony-j2d.b1p.245.216.IP) (Quit: Quit)

09:00 <Seoson> Knight_Dash: Even a blind would

09:00 <init3> Ohey it just stopped having its seizure. It was blinking back and forth between a bright backlight and a dim one and it looked like a dying florescent light.

09:00 <Finwe> Scherza: It's Celsius.

09:00 <Scherza> He made it wrong. But he made it first. And sometimes that is what counts.

09:00 <Saerydoth> well, the freezing point of water is 0 and the boiling point is 100, so each degree is 1/100

09:00 <Saerydoth> the 0 and 100 make sense

09:00 <Scherza> Plebian Centigrade.

09:00 <Scherza> Kelvin, please.

09:01 <init3> Kelvin really does make the most sense.

09:01 <Finwe> Eeeyup.

09:01 <init3> You can't have negative heat

09:01 <Saerydoth> kelvin is based on celsius

09:01 *** Joins: Proton (Dashie@Pony-2hb.u30.104.208.IP)

09:01 <Scherza> But kelvin is the most difficult to grasp.

09:01 <Saerydoth> just adjusted for absolute 0

09:01 <Scherza> Since we never see 0.

09:01 <Saerydoth> it's great for science, not so much for every day use

09:01 <init3> It is just a numbers thing.

09:02 <init3> I mean it is no harder really to say 20C than what like 260K?

09:02 <init3> I can't remember the conversion.

09:02 <Scherza> 260?

09:02 <Finwe> 293.15 K, you mean.

09:02 <Seoson> As I've metioned already in this channel: The only thing we should adopt from the U.S. is making angles based on Pi

09:02 <Scherza> That lacks heat.

09:03 <Scherza> Eh?

09:03 <init3> Oh right

09:03 <Scherza> But almost no americans use that except in math.

09:03 <Saerydoth> I run every temperature thing I can in celsius

09:03 <Saerydoth> sadly the thermostat in my apartment doesn't have a C option

09:04 <Saerydoth> but the rest do

09:04 <init3> My big pet peeve is 12 hour time.

09:04 <Seoson> What do americans use all day than?

09:04 <init3> Ugh.

09:04 <Saerydoth> the stupidest scale ever - fahrenheit

09:04 <Finwe> Saerydoth: How about Reaumur scale?

09:04 * Seoson meant in relation with angles

09:04 <Saerydoth> that's one I haven't heard of lol

09:05 <Scherza> Americans mostly use 'quarter circle', or 'degrees', all depending.

09:05 <Finwe> Umm, Réaumur

09:05 <Scherza> Or they use the vague term 'about that much'.

09:05 * Finwe stares at his diacritical mark key.

09:05 <Saerydoth> I still haven't heard about it

09:05 <worthless> If american schools would have taught centigrade better then it would be more common

09:05 <Scherza> If I ever have a large temperature display, it will always be set to Rankine.

09:05 <Scherza> For one simple reason:

09:05 <Scherza> Nobody uses Rankine.

09:05 <init3> It was taught

09:05 <Finwe> Saerydoth: It's the same as the Celsius scale, but with the temperature of boiling water set to 80°Re.

09:06 <Saerydoth> weird

09:06 <worthless> I said if it was taught "better"

09:06 <init3> It's just when you turn on the radio or TV they tell you it is going to be 70 out

09:06 <Scherza> But american schools don't teach. That's why we invented the Television.

09:06 <Finwe> :D

09:06 * Finwe patpats Scherza.

09:06 <Seoson> At least MLP does a good at that :P

09:07 <Saerydoth> American schools don't teach

09:07 <Saerydoth> they indoctrinate

09:07 <init3> Haha

09:07 <Saerydoth> big difference

09:07 <Scherza> Indoctrination is just another word for teaching that makes everyone involved seem like a villain.

09:07 <init3> An MLP episode to teach temperature scales? THANKS MA LARSON!

09:07 *** Quits: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:07 <Electron> I'd watch that

09:08 <FloppyChiptunes> https://40.media.tumblr.com/51e85d7c652a9d79240500422c03634d/tumblr_nnjljiyLDP1rpiqygo1_1280.jpg :3

09:08 <Scherza> >inb4 Cloudsdale uses Rankine almost exclusively.

09:08 <Seoson> Do Ponies ever use scales? Never looked closely

09:08 <Scherza> Triple beam balances?

09:08 *** Joins: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol)

09:08 <Finwe> Scherza: Rankine scale?

09:08 <Scherza> Actually, it'd make sense for Cloudsdale.

09:09 <init3> I was just wikiing it Finwe.

09:09 *** Quits: Nick (nobody@Pony-o1k.cjc.74.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:09 <Electron> they do use scales, Spike is covered with them *ba-dum tss*

09:09 <ADragonDreaming> American schools indoctrinate? Really?

09:09 *** Joins: Nick (nobody@Pony-o1k.cjc.74.71.IP)

09:09 <init3> It is like what Kelvin is to Centigrade to Farenheit.

09:09 <Finwe> It's absolute thermodynamical scale with the same unit as Fahrenheit.

09:09 * ADragonDreaming sits on Saerydoth

09:09 <Scherza> Especially with the development of Farenheit and Celcius, they'd adopt it, but then adjust it for fluctuations in air volume/pressure.

09:09 * Saerydoth squishes

09:10 <Scherza> Thus coming out with Rankine, which would be more useful to them.

09:10 <Saerydoth> Rankine is just the F version of Kelvin

09:10 <Finwe> Scherza: Did you live in former Russia?

09:10 <Scherza> But then there's that sect of neighsayers that says to use Kelvin, because it makes more sense.

09:10 <Saerydoth> I've never heard of anyone using it

09:10 <Scherza> I live in Unrussia.

09:10 <Saerydoth> all the scientists in the US use C or Kelvin

09:10 <Seoson> Electron: That joke barely works for none native speakers -.-

09:10 * Finwe doth not recall.

09:10 <Finwe> Scherza: Unrussia?

09:11 <Scherza> The land of fish, oil, and drunk miners who think they can turn a profit.

09:11 *** Quits: Proton (Dashie@Pony-2hb.u30.104.208.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:11 <Scherza> Araska.

09:11 <worthless> It's about 521 rankine in this room right now (IRL)

09:11 <Finwe> Scherza: Alaska was sold to USA by Russia in the late 19th century.

09:11 <Finwe> Prior to that, it was part of Russia.

09:11 <Scherza> I know. It's former russia.

09:11 * Finwe transforms into a dunce cap and hats on Scherza.

09:11 <Scherza> But now it's Unrussia, since it was Derussified.

09:12 <Electron> well, I tried, Seoson

09:12 <Finwe> oo

09:12 <Finwe> o3o, even.

09:12 <Scherza> Geez. The show has gained, like, +100 points in animation quality.

09:12 <Scherza> I see those tiny effects.

09:12 <Seoson> And know we've (well had) ppl like Sarah Palin as candidates for them - thanks again Russia :D

09:12 <worthless> Old Cloudsdale was better

09:13 <Scherza> We don't talk about Palin.

09:13 *** Quits: AndChat-375681 (Double@Pony-tf6.tf9.149.31.IP) (Quit: Bye)

09:13 <init3> Haha

09:13 <init3> Poor Alaska.

09:13 <init3> I cringed for you guys.

09:13 <Scherza> IIRC, the guy that replaced her did the job better.

09:13 <Finwe> Rich, I think, if they've got oil.

09:13 <Scherza> Alaska has a higher median and minimum income than most of the rest of the US.

09:14 <Saerydoth> one of my alaskan friends said their politicans alternate between corrupt sellouts and caricatures

09:14 <Scherza> It also has a higher violent crime rate.

09:14 <Seoson> Sadly the show keeps messing with logic and time

09:14 <Scherza> *american

09:14 <Scherza> One rule about politicians:

09:14 <Scherza> If they're running, you probably shouldn't vote for them.

09:15 <Saerydoth> yep

09:15 <Saerydoth> all politicans are corrupt

09:15 <Saerydoth> because if they aren't corrupt, they won't ever be able to get to the point of running

09:15 <Electron> ↑ this

09:15 <Saerydoth> because the status quo won't let them in

09:15 <worthless> Hey um..careful where this is going

09:15 <Scherza> Mutual hatred of both parties.

09:16 *** Joins: MrMooMoo (AndChat500@MOOOOOOOOOO)

09:16 <Scherza> Why?

09:16 <Saerydoth> Tastycrats and Fingerlickens ftw

09:16 <Seoson> Not voting is no solution as well. I've to admit however that the situation in the U.S. is difficult, due to their strange political system.

09:16 <Scherza> Well, on one side, you have people who want more power.

09:16 <Saerydoth> it's not strange.  It's just rigged so that if the status quo doesn't like you, you lose

09:17 <Scherza> And on the other side, you have people who want more power. So you vote for the person who will use said power to further your own ends.

09:17 <Saerydoth> it works exactly how it's designed to work

09:18 <Finwe> Scherza: Our previous prime minister was running, marathons and such, but people still voted for him.

09:18 *** CocoPommel is now known as cocobed

09:18 <Finwe> o3o

09:18 <Scherza> Finwe, that's exactly the hero this town needs. ;p

09:18 <Seoson> I like that we've more variation in partys in Germany. Sadly in the past few years it didn't have a great impact.

09:18 <Finwe> Which town?

09:18 <Scherza> But not the one it deserves.

09:18 <Scherza> America is just one big town, right?

09:19 <Finwe> Well, Alaska is mostly un-town.

09:19 <Finwe> All the town-like environs have been concentrated to Anchorage.

09:19 <Scherza> Alaska has a number of towns. But more people go to the minicities.

09:19 <Scherza> Eww. I hate Anchorage.

09:21 <Scherza> I guess the weird part is that the cities are lined out more like towns would be.

09:21 <Scherza> Smallish shops most everywhere.

09:21 <Finwe> A township can be called city if it has a cathedral.

09:22 <Scherza> Wait. what?

09:22 * Scherza tries to count the number of churches in town.

09:22 <Finwe> Like London (with St. Paul's) and Westminster (with Westminster Cathedral) are cities, but Kensington & Chelsea is just a Royal Borough.

09:22 * Scherza lose track of her abacus.

09:23 <Finwe> And Camden is just a Borough with no royalty.

09:23 <Scherza> Oh. I don't know if there would be any cities by that definition.

09:23 <Scherza> /maybe/ ANC and Fairbanks.

09:23 *** Sleepykitty is now known as Unixkitty

09:23 <Finwe> Miss Unixkitty.

09:23 * Scherza pat-pats Unixkitty.

09:23 <Finwe> Waking up at 12:23, are we?

09:24 <Scherza> Well, I'm gonna go to sleep. Night all.

09:24 * Unixkitty walks up to Finwe and boops his nose, proceeding to sit on the nearby couch with a cup of coffee levitating next to her.

09:24 <Finwe> Good night, Scherza!

09:24 *** Quits: Scherza (Scherza@Pony-j4f.pru.176.166.IP) (Quit: Off to loot! I think. If I were to be logical, it'd most definitely be a trap.)

09:24 <Unixkitty> Just because I had a "sleepy" nickname doesn't necessarily mean I've just gotten out of bed, does it?

09:25 <Knight_Dash> Isn't coffee bad for cats?

09:25 <Unixkitty> Regular ones? Possibly.

09:28 <Finwe> Oh my, it's lunchtiem already.

09:28 <Finwe> Spaghetti alla funghi seems to be my favourite alternative today.

09:28 <Finwe> Spaghetti with mushroom sauce. o3o

09:28 * Electron hoofs a cookie to Finwe

09:29 <Finwe> Only that it's served on the other side of the at the moment rather rainy university park.

09:29 <Finwe> Well, I have a raincoat.

09:29 <Finwe> See you later, everypony and -kitty.

09:30 <Knight_Dash> See you, Finwe.

09:30 <Knight_Dash> I like mushrooms, and spaghetti. Enjoy.

09:31 <Electron> Finwe is funny

09:31 <Unixkitty> Byee Finwe

09:37 *** init3 is now known as Init3-away

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09:57 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

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10:24 *** Quits: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

10:25 <Knight_Dash> Just found this on National Geographic's YouTube channel:

10:26 <Knight_Dash> "Explorer Interrupts Mating Tortoises, Slowest Chase Ever Ensues"

10:26 <Knight_Dash> "In this video from a Pristine Seas expedition to the Seychelles, under way now, expedition leader Paul Rose stumbles upon mating giant tortoises on Assumption Island. The angry male pursues Rose and a cameraman ... very slowly."

10:30 *** Joins: nethesem_buck (nethesem@Pony-8f2.kse.97.2.IP)

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10:34 <Electron> great mate, 8 out of 8 *ba-dum tss*

10:34 *** init3 is now known as Init3-away

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10:54 *** Quits: Flashy (IceChat9@Fast.Blue.Pegasus) (Quit: It's a dud! It's a dud! It's a du...)

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11:03 * Princess-QRS boops every single nose

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11:13 * ArchPegasusMichael boops Princess-QRS with chocolate

11:14 * Princess-QRS noms it

11:14 * Princess-QRS kisses ArchPegasusMichael

11:14 <ArchPegasusMichael> o///o

11:15 <ArchPegasusMichael> ^///^

11:15 *** Joins: Proton_ (Dashie@Pony-2hb.u30.104.208.IP)

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11:26 <ArchPegasusMichael> !link kiss

11:26 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/40897

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12:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Early Morning Discussion #181 [ http://tinyurl.com/oq6hnvf ]

12:02 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

12:03 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-bg8.nu9.238.82.IP)

12:03 <DARK> hello =)

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12:20 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-h7t.prj.219.98.IP)

12:22 <CleverDerpy> hiya

12:22 * CleverDerpy rolls around cutely

12:22 <Nedemai> hi

12:23 <CleverDerpy> Nedemai,

12:23 <CleverDerpy> hiya

12:24 <Nedemai> how goes?

12:25 <CleverDerpy> good

12:25 * CleverDerpy hugs Nedemai and pets them

12:25 <Nedemai> uhh

12:26 <CleverDerpy> sorry, forcive habit

12:26 * CleverDerpy lets go and blushes

12:27 *** Unixkitty is now known as Awaykitty

12:28 <CleverDerpy> i'll return to rolling around

12:28 * CleverDerpy rolls away

12:32 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-ca4.71l.81.50.IP)

12:35 <Knight_Dash> http://www.bronibooru.com/posts/87762?tags=comic

12:36 *** FN_away is now known as FN

12:37 <CleverDerpy> Knight_Dash~

12:37 *** Quits: aqualycool22 (pfrlrexydqn@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

12:37 * CleverDerpy hugs them

12:37 <Knight_Dash> Hello.

12:38 <CleverDerpy> Knight_Dash,

12:39 <CleverDerpy> flufflepuff showed up on my stream last night

12:39 <CleverDerpy> I was so excited

12:40 <Knight_Dash> I was here when you were talking about that. :P

12:40 <CleverDerpy> oh, ok

12:41 <FN> Should have been "Sen" instead

12:41 <Knight_Dash> But I don't know much about Flufflepuff; Do you mean the actual creator of that character showed up on your stream, or...?

12:42 <CleverDerpy> I think the creator

12:42 <CleverDerpy> the name was registered as FlufflePuff on Picarto

12:42 <Knight_Dash> What's Picarto?

12:42 <CleverDerpy> that's a pretty good sign, considering I know they stream there

12:42 <CleverDerpy> streaming site for creators

12:43 <Knight_Dash> Ahh.

12:43 <KooK> yawnage

12:45 <FN> Yes that's the one

12:47 <KooK> I got a song stuck in my head that I can't type out here

12:47 <FN> Remember any words from it?

12:47 <CleverDerpy> I would share the link to my stream, but that wouldn't be a good idea considering rating

12:48 <KooK> I know the words

12:48 <KooK> but it's by NWA

12:48 *** Quits: Proton (Dashie@Pony-2hb.u30.104.208.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:49 <KooK> uhg, I ate so much for dinner yesterday I still feel like crud

12:49 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-631.28d.66.115.IP)

12:50 <CleverDerpy> also, I got my first patreon

12:50 <KooK> back later

12:52 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-ca4.71l.81.50.IP) (Connection closed)

12:59 *** Joins: LunaticHell (gustyvdiynu@Pony-mka.veq.134.94.IP)

12:59 <CleverDerpy> luni~

12:59 * CleverDerpy glomps him and gives him derpykisses

12:59 <LunaticHell> gooooooood morning, Californeigha~

12:59 *** Joins: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol)

12:59 * LunaticHell hugs CleverDerpy

13:00 <LunaticHell> I've been lurking around derpibooru, again, and found some quite cute things~

13:01 <CleverDerpy> oh?

13:02 *** Joins: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-45p.07g.194.83.IP)

13:03 <ArchPegasusMichael> LunaticHell: we need cute things!

13:03 <LunaticHell> Can you say "BadflankAdorable"? https://derpiboo.ru/885310

13:04 <ArchPegasusMichael> Eeyup

13:04 <ArchPegasusMichael> But why she has EOTech red dot sight on that gun?

13:05 <LunaticHell> To make it look cool?

13:05 <ArchPegasusMichael> um, maybe~

13:07 <LunaticHell> https://derpiboo.ru/885095 Learn me a siren~

13:08 <LunaticHell> Also she's left handed <3

13:08 <fyrepony> damn rain

13:08 <fyrepony> gotta get those pegasus ponies clear the sky

13:09 *** Joins: Raspbeguy_ (Raspbeguy@Pony-uu3.pdi.67.80.IP)

13:09 <LunaticHell> Rarity really needs to cut on ice cream https://derpiboo.ru/813928

13:10 *** Quits: Raspbeguy (Raspbeguy@Pony-45p.07g.194.83.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:11 <ArchPegasusMichael> https://derpibooru.org/883851

13:12 *** Raspbeguy_ is now known as Raspbeguy

13:13 *** Raspbeguy is now known as Pony_63121

13:13 *** Pony_63121 is now known as Raspbeguy

13:14 <LunaticHell> Sontata is love.

13:14 *** Raspbeguy is now known as Pony_62648

13:14 <LunaticHell> brb

13:14 *** Joins: Ron (ktsehtilhqm@Pony-m2q.r44.65.71.IP)

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13:16 <Ron> yo

13:19 *** Quits: Skippez_Shadow (jesus@Pony-ohf.e3t.162.86.IP) (Connection closed)

13:21 *** Joins: Skippez_Shadow (jesus@Pony-ohf.e3t.162.86.IP)

13:21 *** Joins: TheHolyOdst (holoirc@Pony-co0gn0.1tkm.753e.fb90.2607.IP)

13:21 <Ron> sup

13:22 <TheHolyOdst> Herro

13:23 <TheHolyOdst> Just popped but its school time so bye.

13:23 <TheHolyOdst> In

13:23 <Ron> lol cya

13:24 *** Awaykitty is now known as Unixkitty

13:25 <LunaticHell> Oh yeah, by the by, I had a scary scary nightmare *ghost sounds*

13:26 <Ron> interesting

13:27 <LunaticHell> I was standing in an empty room with windows on all 4 walls and a pillar in the middle of the cubic room.

13:27 *** Quits: TheHolyOdst (holoirc@Pony-co0gn0.1tkm.753e.fb90.2607.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:27 *** Quits: `RoseLuck (DesertRose@Pony-f5m.7ne.137.86.IP) (Quit: )

13:27 *** Joins: DesertRose (DesertRose@Pony-f5m.7ne.137.86.IP)

13:27 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DesertRose

13:27 <LunaticHell> It was stormy and lighning-y and dark outside, I was staring at an old mirror.

13:28 *** Quits: Skippez_Shadow (jesus@Pony-ohf.e3t.162.86.IP) (Connection closed)

13:28 <LunaticHell> The light was flickering and one afer another the crew of freddy's fezbears appeared behind me...

13:28 * Pi downs an almost empty bottle of wine

13:28 <Pi> Gonna get a game going before I get back to work

13:28 *** Joins: Skippez_Shadow (jesus@Pony-ohf.e3t.162.86.IP)

13:29 <LunaticHell> ...when blood was dripping from the floor onto the cealing in a gravity defying way (in which other could it?) the final abormination, the thing from fnaf4, stood behind me. >.<

13:30 <LunaticHell> After that I was presumed dead. ...Oh yeah did I mention that in-dream I was playing a game?

13:30 <Pi> There's a fourth?

13:30 <LunaticHell> There will be.

13:30 <Pi> Celestia, just end it...

13:30 *** Joins: Raspbeguy_ (Raspbeguy_@Pony-uu3.pdi.67.80.IP)

13:30 <LunaticHell> It will be the final one, from what I heared.

13:31 <Ron> lol

13:31 <LunaticHell> I really literally dreamed of playing a scary game.

13:31 <Pi> Almost sure people only bought the last two for the story

13:32 <LunaticHell> Whaaaat? They didn't buy them for the original gameplay?

13:32 <LunaticHell> /sarcasm

13:32 <Pi> But it's kind of sad to see it play through with the SAME GAMEPLAY

13:32 <Pi> on all three titles

13:32 <Pi> The same

13:33 <Pi> all three

13:33 <Pi> Very little difference

13:34 <Pi> I just think it's lazy game design.

13:35 <LunaticHell> Peek-a-boo

13:36 <LunaticHell> I can't see how people are scared by this. [while I still literally am having nightmares from watching let's plays]

13:42 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-n57.90f.32.178.IP)

13:44 *** Quits: DesertRose (DesertRose@hiding.in.your.chimney) (Quit: )

13:46 *** Joins: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-kjo7di.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP)

13:46 *** Quits: Raspbeguy_ (Raspbeguy_@Pony-uu3.pdi.67.80.IP) (Connection closed)

13:46 *** Joins: Raspbeguy_ (Raspbeguy@Pony-uu3.pdi.67.80.IP)

13:47 *** Octave|Away is now known as OctaveSymphony

13:48 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/632096 "Don't worry, safety is on."

13:49 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

13:51 <ArchPegasusMichael> Lunatic: dat toothpick

13:52 <fyrepony> installing sims 4

13:52 <fyrepony> :3

13:52 <fyrepony> http://raidengekkou.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Catbird-Kigurumi-529732569

13:53 <fyrepony> also kirugumi ponies need to be a thing

13:54 *** Parts: Knight_Dash (hwfmkgehobc@Pony-3ld.3gm.127.115.IP) ()

13:55 <FN> It is a thing in Japan

13:55 *** Quits: Ron (ktsehtilhqm@Pony-m2q.r44.65.71.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

13:56 *** Joins: Ron (ktsehtilhqm@Pony-m2q.r44.65.71.IP)

13:56 <Ron> weird how my browser kept loading something on this page for an hour

13:56 <Ron> fixed it

13:57 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

13:58 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

13:58 *** Quits: Halcyon_Starlight (BlackCat@Anonlight.Starsarebeautiful) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:59 <Raspbeguy_> hello, why can't I login with the nick I registered?

14:00 <Unixkitty> Try channel #help, Raspbeguy_

14:00 <Raspbeguy_> oky

14:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Illustrious Q: MLP: FIENDship is Magic #5 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, and Discussion! [ http://tinyurl.com/oy2rxtr ]

14:02 *** Joins: SmallSkippeZ (jesus@Pony-ohf.e3t.162.86.IP)

14:02 <Ron> lol today is slow

14:02 *** Joins: DataByteBrony (DataByte@Pony-nf6.hp8.15.173.IP)

14:04 *** Quits: Skippez_Shadow (jesus@Pony-ohf.e3t.162.86.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:05 *** Raspbeguy_ is now known as Raspbeguy

14:10 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-mok.udl.210.161.IP)

14:12 * Ron whistles

14:21 *** Quits: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:31 *** Joins: init3 (jason@init3.Is.Not.A.Clever.Poni)

14:33 <Ron> so how is everypony's day going?

14:38 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-mok.udl.210.161.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:40 <Ron> hmmm....I wonder

14:44 <ArchPegasusMichael> Lazy.

14:45 <Ron> what?

14:45 <Ron> oh... lazy day lol

14:46 *** Joins: Pony_90964 (DJMidli@Pony-1ef.ei5.29.70.IP)

14:47 <Ron> soooo anyone got big tests in school coming up?

14:50 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-bg8.nu9.238.82.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

14:52 *** Quits: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-pu1.0l3.208.118.IP) (Connection closed)

14:53 <fyrepony> its snowing here

14:53 <fyrepony> in middle of summeer

14:54 <Ron> .....wtf?

14:57 <Ron> sooooo....anypony got something less WTF to mention?

15:00 <Pi> I once tried to wash my hands by setting them on fire

15:01 <Ron> my fandom is weird

15:01 <Ron> XD

15:02 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-sus.stn.97.24.IP)

15:02 <Thelema5> Good morning, everypony.

15:02 <Ron> sup dude

15:04 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@Pony-631.28d.66.115.IP) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

15:06 <LunaticHell> I was bored, so I gather more british money from my catch of random coins.

15:06 <Ron> huh? lol

15:06 <LunaticHell> Yes, I do own a box of coins from random, different countries, for the lulz.

15:07 <fyrepony> they can also be valuable

15:07 <fyrepony> you got any finnish ones? :P

15:07 <LunaticHell> Amongst them I now discovered a 50th aniversery 50 pence coin, so that is that.

15:07 <LunaticHell> Finish? I dunno, maybe?

15:08 <fyrepony> LunaticHell:  our old currency was called markka :P

15:08 <LunaticHell> Markka...let's have a look

15:08 *** Joins: ShadyLightz (uid71401@Pony-5700md.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP)

15:08 <LunaticHell> what is a Sheqel?

15:09 <fyrepony> its indian one i believe

15:09 <LunaticHell> huh

15:09 <fyrepony> unless you spelled it wrong

15:09 <fyrepony> did you mean "seteli?"

15:10 <LunaticHell> no

15:10 <fyrepony> but yeah i got no idea then

15:10 <fyrepony> its not even word

15:10 <fyrepony> 1 Israeli shekel =

15:10 <fyrepony> 0.258275 U.S. dollars

15:10 <fyrepony> thanks google

15:11 <LunaticHell> ah yeah right, israel

15:11 <LunaticHell> they have 1/2 coins

15:11 <LunaticHell> this is so silly

15:11 <LunaticHell> Grosze

15:11 <LunaticHell> huh

15:12 <ArchPegasusMichael> Polish, 1/100 PLN

15:12 <Ron> sorry I been ignoring everything what we talking about?

15:13 <ArchPegasusMichael> About Lunatic's coins collection

15:13 <Ron> ah, well I am on my fourth character bio now lol

15:14 <Thelema5> Do you have any spanish pieces of eight?

15:14 *** Quits: Pony_90964 (DJMidli@Pony-1ef.ei5.29.70.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:14 <LunaticHell> spanish i do have some

15:15 <Thelema5> Pirate gold

15:15 <fyrepony> lol

15:15 <Thelema5> YAAAAR

15:15 <fyrepony> im off to play some sims 4 pirated version

15:15 <fyrepony> wish me luck

15:15 <Thelema5> Good luck!

15:15 <LunaticHell> Found a 25 etas coin, got a hole in it

15:21 <ArchPegasusMichael> !link https://derpibooru.org/884770

15:21 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about diapinkes safe artist:ushiro no kukan adorable cute (and 2 more)

15:24 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink)

15:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

15:26 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-5od.n1s.95.119.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

15:29 *** Joins: Electron (quassel@Pony-ma9.9dh.9.5.IP)

15:29 <Ron> back

15:33 *** Quits: Electron (quassel@Pony-ma9.9dh.9.5.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:40 <Thelema5> My workplace is about to get interesting.  We're hosting a 3 day long jam-band / edm music festival which attracts al sorts of... er, interesting people.

15:41 <Thelema5> Last time we held this event, the whole place smelled of marijuana and patchuli.

15:41 <Ron> Read the "Bible of Pony" to them.

15:41 <Ron> XD

15:42 <Thelema5> What's that?

15:42 <Ron> idk but considering what i am writing I be willing to bet it be something like that lol

15:43 <Thelema5> Hmm.

15:44 <Thelema5> I'm pretty sure mlp.wikia.com comes closer.

15:44 <Ron> oh definatly

15:45 <Ron> less interesting, but lets go with that XD

15:46 <Thelema5> :p

15:47 <Ron> sooo how slife?

15:47 *** Joins: SkyHighWork (Tom@Pony-18a.l7l.29.188.IP)

15:48 <Thelema5> 20 Stalks?  Bean, or celery?

15:49 <Ron> both damn it!

15:49 <Ron> XD

15:50 *** Joins: SkyHighAway (Tom@Pony-e17.l7l.29.188.IP)

15:50 *** Quits: SkyHighWork (Tom@Pony-18a.l7l.29.188.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SkyHighAway!Tom@Pony-e17.l7l.29.188.IP)))

15:50 *** SkyHighAway is now known as SkyHighWork

15:51 <Thelema5> Work it, Skyhigh!

15:51 <Ron> XD

15:52 <SkyHighWork> ...

15:52 <Thelema5> Gosh, the weather today is absolutely gorgeous.

15:52 * SkyHighWork slaps Thelema5 around a bit with a large trout

15:53 <Thelema5> I wish I could get outside and enjoy it.

15:53 <SkyHighWork> XD

15:53 <SkyHighWork> Thelema5: the weather here has been everything but good

15:53 <SkyHighWork> It was hailing earlier, it's a thunderstorm now.

15:53 <Thelema5> Yuck.

15:54 <Thelema5> What's wrong with your pegasi?

15:54 <Ron> weather here is just clody/sunny idk

15:54 <SkyHighWork> Oh we don't have pegasi

15:54 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-1d4.9n3.5.83.IP)

15:54 *** Joins: Cudle (Cudle@Pony-h69.ldt.190.65.IP)

15:54 <Thelema5> Well there's your problem.

15:54 <Thelema5> :p

15:54 <SkyHighWork> :P

15:55 <SkyHighWork> Well actually I'm a pegasus but I can't deal with those clouds alone

15:55 <SkyHighWork> The rest are above the clouds.

15:57 <Ron> lol

15:59 <Thelema5> !seen vinylscratch

15:59 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw vinylscratch was 2015-04-29 03:02:45 UTC

16:00 <Thelema5> !seen knight_dash

16:00 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: The last time I saw knight_dash was 2015-04-29 12:54:36 UTC

16:02 <SkyHighWork> Oh. Well great.

16:03 *** Quits: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-kjo7di.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

16:03 <init3> I wish you could trade weather. I could go for a thunderstorm about now. They help me sleep.

16:03 <SkyHighWork> THANKS RAIN! Thanks for flooding my driveway! Now I've had to park it ages away because I can't park on the curbs near my house... probably because there are none. And the fact that it's double yellow lines anyway.

16:03 <SkyHighWork> Lul

16:04 * TimidClef prepares to wiggle in 3... 2... 1...

16:04 <TimidClef> !plot

16:04 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

16:04 <TimidClef> *wigglewiggle*

16:04 <SkyHighWork> init3: you're like me, I can sleep better in thunderstorms

16:04 <SkyHighWork> Shoot.

16:04 <SkyHighWork> !plot

16:04 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

16:04 <SkyHighWork> *wigglewiggle*

16:05 <init3> Something about the sound of the rain and thunder is like a lullaby to me. I guess a lot of folks actually.

16:06 <init3> I could see there being an evolutionary purpose behind that. Not sure if it is possible it is.

16:08 * ArchPegasusMichael thinks of opening Rainymood in browser

16:08 <Snapai> http://www.weanimatethings.com/stream/ - I'm workin' on 3D model stuff :p

16:08 <Snapai> Totally not pony related but whatever :p

16:09 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-jkt.udl.210.161.IP)

16:10 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-20c.bks.84.84.IP)

16:10 *** SkyHighWork is now known as SkyHigh

16:11 <Thelema5> init3, I think that makes sense.  The instinct in rainstorms is to find shelter, hunker down, and wait it out.

16:12 <init3> True

16:13 <Thelema5> Snapai, that looks great!

16:13 <Snapai> yay!

16:13 <Thelema5> Also, the chat on your live stream says that someone is logged in with my nick?

16:13 <Snapai> You are.

16:13 <Thelema5> Totally not me.

16:14 <Snapai> The chat points at #Snapimation on this server

16:14 *** Quits: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

16:14 <Thelema5> Thanks!

16:15 * TimidClef boops Thelema5 with a warm Danish topped with apricot preserve and fresh raspberries

16:15 <Thelema5> Yum!

16:15 * Thelema5 noms

16:16 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@is.too.lazy.to.request.a.new.vhost)

16:17 <Ron> I'm pancake damn it!

16:18 <Thelema5> I made pancakes last night.

16:18 <Thelema5> They were yummy.

16:18 <Ron> well back to finishing Rarity's bio I guess

16:24 <Ron> and done for her for now onto the last of the mane six lol

16:37 *** Joins: Starthunder (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash)

16:38 <Thelema5> Hi, Starthunder.

16:38 <Thelema5> Welcome to a chat.

16:40 <Ron> a chat? lol

16:41 <SmallSkippeZ> Hi ponies, i just had kfc

16:41 <SkyHigh> Lul

16:43 *** Quits: Cyclone_Dusk (Disembodied@Pony-agd.mon.33.96.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:45 *** Joins: The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings (Scherza@Pony-nhd.9qa.176.166.IP)

16:45 *** The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings is now known as Scherza

16:45 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-jkt.udl.210.161.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:45 * Scherza waves to the chatponies.

16:46 <Cepheid> http://i.imgur.com/9tnZreB.jpg I don't know if this was the actual sequence of events, but if it was.. XD

16:46 <Thelema5> Hi, SmallSkippeZ.

16:46 <SmallSkippeZ> Hey

16:46 * Thelema5 waves to Scherza

16:46 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-8ah.j8a.44.70.IP)

16:46 <SmallSkippeZ> Cepheid, that face

16:47 <Thelema5> ^

16:47 <Cepheid> "DId you see that too?"

16:47 <SmallSkippeZ> Don't annoy cats, they sometimes scare themselves

16:48 * SkyHigh squeaks

16:48 * SkyHigh boops Unixkitty

16:48 * Unixkitty squeaks at SkyHigh and blinks

16:48 *** Joins: Tirek1 (Tirek@Pony-8ah.j8a.44.70.IP)

16:48 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-8ah.j8a.44.70.IP) (Connection closed)

16:48 *** Tirek1 is now known as Tirek

16:48 * Cepheid rests near Unixkitty, curling up.

16:48 * Unixkitty puffycheeks

16:49 * SkyHigh points Unixkitty at http://i.imgur.con/9tnZreB.jpg

16:49 <SkyHigh> Com*

16:49 * SkyHigh points Unixkitty at http://i.imgur.com/9tnZreB.jpg

16:49 <Cepheid> SkyHigh is reposting and taking credit.

16:50 <Unixkitty> Cepheid kind of linked that just earlier, SkyHigh

16:50 <SkyHigh> I know :P

16:50 <SkyHigh> XD

16:50 <SkyHigh> [16:45] (Cepheid) http://i.imgur.com/9tnZreB.jpg I don't know if this was the actual sequence of events, but if it was.. XD

16:51 <Cepheid> You're reposting, yo. :P

16:51 <Unixkitty> And now you're reposting Cepheid's... post?

16:52 <ArchPegasusMichael> Yo dawg, I just reposted your reposted post about reposting of the post, so you can post repost while you repost post

16:53 <Cepheid> By the way, Ms. Kitty, where in the world do you live? :P  US?  Germany?  Australia?  ...  New Zealand?

16:53 * Unixkitty posts SkyHigh on top of ArchPegasusMichael

16:53 <Unixkitty> I mean... puts

16:53 <ArchPegasusMichael> xD

16:53 <SmallSkippeZ> ArchPegasusMichael, YES

16:54 <Unixkitty> Why are you asking Cepheid? Certainly not to not-so-creepily visit without me knowing, hm?

16:54 *** Joins: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr)

16:54 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SomeFrenchBrony

16:54 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-jkt.udl.210.161.IP)

16:54 <Cepheid> Nah.

16:54 <Cepheid> Just I noticed you going to sleep mid-day for me. :P

16:54 <SmallSkippeZ> He asked country, not adress

16:54 <SmallSkippeZ> XD

16:55 <Unixkitty> Only just, Cepheid?

16:55 <Cepheid> I always thought you were in the US.

16:55 <Cepheid> But it seems like you're elsewhere.

16:55 <Unixkitty> Quite 'elsewhere' indeed.

16:55 <Solarstorm> ¡ƃuoɹʍ ʇuǝʍ ʇɐɥʍ ʍouʞ ʇ,uop ʇsnɾ ı

16:55 <Unixkitty> And apparently Solarstorm is in Australia

16:55 <Solarstorm> nein

16:56 <Unixkitty> I'm only joking :P

16:56 <Cepheid> Fine, what timezone are you in.  Is that a bit less creepy? :P

16:56 <Solarstorm> ^^

16:56 *** Quits: TheOnlyWolf100 (TheOnlyWolf@Pony-mks.6rv.161.98.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:56 <Unixkitty> UTC +3

16:56 *** Quits: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-8ah.j8a.44.70.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:56 <Solarstorm> cest

16:57 <Cepheid> So you're at least on another continent.

16:57 <Cepheid> That certainly explains it then.

16:57 *** init3 is now known as Init3-away

16:58 * Unixkitty purrs at the curled up next to her Cepheid.

17:00 *** Joins: Cyclone_Dusk (Disembodied@Pony-agd.mon.33.96.IP)

17:00 <Cepheid> I'm thinking of just making a bed on the couch and staying curled up today.

17:00 <Ron> Well I somehow made Spike sound a lot more awesome....

17:01 <Ron> "Royal messanger of the crown"....meh why not it is true lol

17:02 <Unixkitty> Still not feeling very well, Cepheid?

17:03 <Ron> ohh...Cepheid hasn't been feeling well lately?  Dude hope you feel better it sucks to be sick

17:04 <Cepheid> Yeah.  Mild dizziness, headaches, and exhaustion.

17:04 <Finwe> o3o

17:04 <Unixkitty> Considering how his sinuses can act up sometimes, Ron, I would certainly say so.

17:05 <Ron> never new he had sinus problems, that sucks so bad dude.

17:05 <Cepheid> I think the latest set of antibiotics weren't as effective as the previous set.

17:05 <Cepheid> Given that they were a different type of antibiotic, that may explain why.

17:07 <Cepheid> Ron:  I'll be fine in another two or three days.

17:08 <Ron> good to know man, suck if you had to go a week like some people have.

17:09 <SmallSkippeZ> http://imgur.com/t9y3DzR http://imgur.com/1gF4FiZ my two pics of my lego m4a1 who hasn't seen it yet, I just got imgur

17:09 <Ron> fancy

17:10 <Thelema5> Lands sake, SmallSkippeZ.  That must have taken a very long time.

17:10 <SmallSkippeZ> 4 day

17:10 <SmallSkippeZ> Days*

17:11 <SmallSkippeZ> The red bits took just the last day but the middle with all the functions it took 3

17:13 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/kXoCn

17:14 <LunaticHell> oh hi ceph

17:14 <LunaticHell> Ceraphim.

17:14 <SmallSkippeZ> Is that a elder scrolls type name?

17:15 <LunaticHell> K Cera~cera~ whatever will be~ will be~

17:15 <LunaticHell> Nah, it's a pun between "Searaphim" and Cepheid.

17:16 <LunaticHell> I love giving nicknames and puns.

17:16 <SmallSkippeZ> Oh, i just was playing song of storms and now it's like, hailing

17:16 <SmallSkippeZ> Perfecyt timing

17:16 <LunaticHell> yay

17:16 <Thelema5> You're the second person to report hail today.

17:17 <LunaticHell> Hydra!

17:17 <Thelema5> I'm glad it's beautiful, perfect sunny spring weather here.

17:17 <Unixkitty> Hail Hydra!

17:17 <Cepheid> Hello to you too Spitfire.

17:17 <Thelema5> Hail Eris!

17:17 * Cepheid has cat headbutt him.

17:17 * LunaticHell hugs Unixkitty

17:17 * Unixkitty squeaks at LunaticHell

17:17 <Cepheid> Speakin' o' cats.

17:18 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAgmYYi9ImI

17:18 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Playing with the cats.

17:18 <Cepheid> Well, just one.

17:18 <LunaticHell> Unixkitty: cat time! https://derpibooru.org/792594

17:18 <Cepheid> Tizzy.  I take a look at Spitfire though. :P

17:18 <LunaticHell> I have no idea who that is, but she's pretty.

17:19 <Thelema5> Tizzy is adorable.

17:19 <SmallSkippeZ> Jesus christ it's raining!

17:19 <LunaticHell> Raining men?

17:20 <Thelema5> hallelujah!

17:21 <Cepheid> If it was raining me, I'd be hiding under the table, cowering in fear as I hear the corpses hit the ground, and not going "Hallelujah!"

17:21 <Ron> XD

17:21 <Cepheid> Er, men*

17:21 <Cepheid> I mean seriously.

17:22 <Cepheid> Why would I want it to be raining men?

17:22 *** Joins: AJ (ymliwxuuxps@Pony-o8f.s7j.45.174.IP)

17:22 <Cepheid> All those people DYING.

17:22 <AJ> hello my fellow bronies

17:22 <SmallSkippeZ> Liquified as they hit the ground

17:22 <Ron> hi AJ

17:22 <SmallSkippeZ> Hi aj

17:22 <SmallSkippeZ> Bit oif an awkward moment to enter but ah well

17:22 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: can't connect >. >

17:22 <Ron> XD

17:23 <SmallSkippeZ> And it's stopped

17:23 <AJ> well i can't tell if its an akward moment. what are you talking about?

17:23 *** Joins: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol)

17:24 <Cepheid> Right, sorry Lunatic, give me a moment.

17:24 <Cepheid> ...

17:24 <Cepheid> Sorry Spitfire, but I gotta move.

17:24 <Cepheid> Lunatic's at fault for this, so you can blame him, little guy.

17:25 <SmallSkippeZ> Where's spitfire!!?

17:25 <Ron> in Cloudsdale

17:25 <SmallSkippeZ> AW

17:25 <Cepheid> ...  Seriously I don't want to move.  He has one paw wrapped around my right arm, pulling it towards him, and his head is up against it.

17:25 <SmallSkippeZ> Damnit

17:25 <Cepheid> It's too adorable.

17:25 <SmallSkippeZ> XD X3

17:26 <SmallSkippeZ> Ah, the smell of electricly burnt skin smells horriblue

17:26 <AJ> can i ask a question? oops just did

17:26 <SmallSkippeZ> Yeah, go ahead

17:26 <Thelema5> Go ahead and ask another one.

17:26 <Thelema5> You might actually get a response which makes sense!

17:26 <Thelema5> Not likely, though.

17:27 <SmallSkippeZ> Heheh

17:27 <SmallSkippeZ> Thelema5, you know me and lunatic too well

17:27 <AJ> what are you (talking to everybody) going to when the show ends. what do you think the community will do?

17:28 <Thelema5> Most likely, it will continue on for some time, and lose members and momentum over time.

17:28 <SmallSkippeZ> They will spam random pics on derpibooru, i can say that much

17:28 <Ron> wow....I think that was one of my interview questions for some fans just worded differently XD

17:28 <SmallSkippeZ> I noticed they got pinkie back to her funny slef again this season

17:28 <SmallSkippeZ> Or self

17:29 <Ron> I'd wait till generation 5

17:29 <SmallSkippeZ> Eh?

17:29 <SmallSkippeZ> Why?

17:29 <Ron> I mean Hasbro knows what to do now so Generation 5 shouldn't be as bad as the others before 4 right?

17:29 <SmallSkippeZ> Aaaaaah

17:30 <SmallSkippeZ> I wouldn't count on it specifically

17:30 <Thelema5> AJ, I also think it depends greatly on how the show ends.  If it jumps the shark and Hasbro drags it out beyond it's useful life, the fandom will likely peter out very quickly.

17:31 <SmallSkippeZ> I just think they should do the series and gen's like the tmnt cartoons,  where the next gen will follow through with just improved visuals and stuff

17:31 <Thelema5> No one wants to vocally support a show which is actively producing crap.

17:31 <SmallSkippeZ> Tell that to nickolodian

17:31 <AJ> well it could end with another show starting. it could end and come back. but what if they end it and it's never remade

17:31 * SmallSkippeZ pew pew

17:32 <Ron> Fanmade generation 5 than

17:32 <Thelema5> Not likely.  MLP is hasbro's most successful franchise.

17:32 <SmallSkippeZ> Out of all the franchises

17:32 <SmallSkippeZ> Wow

17:32 <Scherza> Currently, yes.

17:32 <Ron> not to mention some of us are pretty extreme fans too, they wouldn't leave us hanging.

17:32 <AJ> it's a "what if" question just answer it. im not saying its going to happen

17:33 <SmallSkippeZ> Who was it that asked me questions for that school report?

17:33 <Thelema5> Hasbro doesn't care about us.

17:33 <Ron> me SmallSkippeZ

17:33 <SmallSkippeZ> They don't care what we do anyway

17:33 <Ron> pretty sure the staff on MLP does though

17:33 <SmallSkippeZ> Ron, how did it go

17:33 <Thelema5> Ron, they're just hired by hasbro.

17:34 <Ron> SmallSkippeZ the finale version is due in two weeks and I ended with 40 pages worth that I need to trim down.

17:34 <AJ> if they don't care then why are they makeing so much MLP music. because we love music

17:34 *** Joins: Vibrance (nbhokposxwp@Pony-g23.68a.102.207.IP)

17:34 *** Vibrance is now known as Blink

17:34 <Thelema5> Because music makes money through soundtrack sales.

17:34 *** Parts: Blink (nbhokposxwp@AnActualChangeling) ()

17:34 <Ron> I plan to keep those 40 pages as chapter one of something else I am doing though

17:35 <SmallSkippeZ> Jesus

17:35 <SmallSkippeZ> I blspheme way too much to be a christian properly XD

17:35 <Ron> XD

17:35 <AJ> also have you noticed how much music is in season 5 already? theres like one song every episode

17:35 <SmallSkippeZ> Yeah, although i think they're trying too hard

17:35 <Thelema5> You'll notice they've gotten smarter this season by incorporating the start and end of the songs into the background music with no segue... that means folks will have to buy studio version soundtracks if they want clean copies.

17:36 <SmallSkippeZ> Oohoohoohoo

17:36 <SmallSkippeZ> Clever hasbro

17:36 <Ron> well money is needed to keep everything going *shrugs*

17:37 <Thelema5> No complaints here.  I'm happy to support the show finacially.

17:38 <Cepheid> LunaticHell:  Good to go.

17:38 <LunaticHell> thankies

17:38 <SmallSkippeZ> That's still the point where like, fighting is magic got it wrong

17:38 <SmallSkippeZ> And that other game... Legends of equestria or something?

17:39 <SmallSkippeZ> It's because they required you to pay to buy the game, not for like optional donation for development but they didn't give the money to hasbro

17:39 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

17:40 <SmallSkippeZ> So it was killed for copyright infringement or... what is it called... plagerism

17:40 <Ron> makes sense

17:41 <AJ> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jDeX9TdxU0 this is a video you should watch. i don't know why but you should

17:42 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

17:43 <Ron> oh hey he has a new one after that one BRB!!!

17:43 <Cepheid> As for why the server was down, it was down because I needed to sleep last night, but the combination of a fever, the noise and the heat was too much.

17:43 <Cepheid> I needed to freaking sleep.  knowing you weren't on, I shut the server down. :P

17:43 <SmallSkippeZ> Already seen

17:45 *** Joins: September (nytjkctmyvi@Pony-dlb.agu.193.46.IP)

17:45 <September> hi there !!

17:45 *** Unixkitty is now known as Awaykitty

17:46 <September> ok, goodbye guys ;-) !!

17:46 <SmallSkippeZ> Is came arrives?

17:46 *** Quits: September (nytjkctmyvi@Pony-dlb.agu.193.46.IP) (Quit: Quitte)

17:49 <AJ> welp i got to bounce

17:50 <AJ> looking forward to more of season 5

17:50 *** Quits: AJ (ymliwxuuxps@Pony-o8f.s7j.45.174.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

17:50 * Thelema5 bounces a pony

17:50 <ArchPegasusMichael> !link bounce

17:50 <DerpyBot> http://derpiboo.ru/125144

17:53 *** Joins: Tirek (Tirek@Pony-8ah.j8a.44.70.IP)

17:53 <SmallSkippeZ> Pinkie pronks

17:53 <SmallSkippeZ> E'rewhere

17:55 * TimidClef whees as he's bounced

17:56 <Ron> wow that was interesting....

17:56 <SmallSkippeZ> XD

17:57 <Ron> Just saw RLYoshi's video about how Pinkie may be adopted...and it makes sense

17:59 *** Quits: nethesem_buck (nethesem@Pony-8f2.kse.97.2.IP) (Client exited)

17:59 <SmallSkippeZ> Well, unless you count her  psycosis

17:59 <Ron> also...she may be directly related to Golden Delicious

18:00 <SmallSkippeZ> Who dat?

18:00 <Ron> that grandmother in "Pinkie Apple Pie" that acts like Pinkie and has the same mane style

18:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Illustrious Q: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #32 or #33—Andy Price Cover Revealed!!! [ http://tinyurl.com/ml4e935 ]

18:01 *** Joins: User_9946 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-boe.9oe.45.82.IP)

18:01 *** Parts: User_9946 (zyxiepiegsr@Pony-boe.9oe.45.82.IP) ()

18:01 <SmallSkippeZ> I just found a new way to make fire

18:02 *** Quits: Scherza (Scherza@Pony-nhd.9qa.176.166.IP) (Quit: Off to loot! I think. If I were to be logical, it'd most definitely be a trap.)

18:02 *** Joins: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-kjo7di.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP)

18:03 <Ron> how?

18:04 <SmallSkippeZ> Plasma ball, metal, paper

18:04 <Ron> XD

18:05 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Quit: Leaving)

18:19 <SmallSkippeZ> How's the chant now

18:19 <SmallSkippeZ> Chat* now?*

18:22 <Ron> slow

18:22 <SmallSkippeZ> Yeah

18:23 <SmallSkippeZ> XD

18:25 <DinkyDoo> 0.0

18:26 <Thelema5> Yeah, I'm very busy with work.

18:26 <SmallSkippeZ> Wha's happenin'?

18:26 <SmallSkippeZ> Thelema5

18:29 <Thelema5> Nothing in particular.

18:30 <SmallSkippeZ> Oh

18:36 * Cepheid flops about.

18:36 <SmallSkippeZ> Stop!

18:36 <SmallSkippeZ> Wait a minute

18:40 <DinkyDoo> !link http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popcorn

18:41 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.

18:41 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-1d4.9n3.5.83.IP) (Quit: Bye horsies!)

18:42 *** Joins: lightIRC_1556 (xkwqfyhclqo@Pony-u97.jfp.183.182.IP)

18:42 * LunaticHell boops DinkyDoo "I fried stuff!"

18:42 *** lightIRC_1556 is now known as BOSS

18:42 *** BOSS is now known as BOSSs

18:43 <LunaticHell> Noodles, Eggs, Corn, Salt, happy food. ^^

18:43 *** Joins: did-you-say-that (didyousayth@Pony-a73.jio.195.199.IP)

18:43 *** Quits: BOSSs (xkwqfyhclqo@Pony-u97.jfp.183.182.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

18:44 <LunaticHell> You put it all in a pan, fry the flying feather out of it and you have a serving of happy food, for celestia's sake.

18:44 *** Quits: did-you-say-that (didyousayth@Pony-a73.jio.195.199.IP) (Connection closed)

18:44 <DinkyDoo> :(

18:44 <LunaticHell> Or something that rhymes on Orange.

18:45 <LunaticHell> Anyhoof, why the look on your face, Dinky?

18:45 <Thelema5> Why the looooooong face?

18:49 *** Joins: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-1d4.9n3.5.83.IP)

18:49 * LunaticHell hugs DinkyDoo

18:50 <Ron> ....I just found DRUNK half blind MLP commentaries....

18:51 * Ron claps slowly with a manly tear

18:53 * Cepheid falls asleep sitting up.

18:58 <Ron> I should be studying, but I somehow got a 24/20 on the last quiz and did study yesterday....

18:59 <DinkyDoo> It's boing today

18:59 <DinkyDoo> Boring*

19:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: See? Even Official Merchandise Has Typos! I'm Not Alone! - "BONY" Socks  [ http://tinyurl.com/nv9pqza ]

19:02 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

19:05 *** Joins: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-8ut.pa2.49.86.IP)

19:05 *** TimidClef is now known as TimidClef|AFK

19:06 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

19:08 *** Quits: Ron (ktsehtilhqm@Pony-m2q.r44.65.71.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

19:08 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn__@Pony-94j.7m4.29.2.IP)

19:09 *** Quits: ArchPegasusMichael (Michael89pl@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:11 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: oi, you should really see what I found.

19:12 * Schism boops LunaticHell with a walking chest.

19:12 <Schism> Chester is best NPC.

19:12 <Cepheid> What is it?

19:12 <LunaticHell> It's a thing I found in the game. xD

19:12 * LunaticHell gasps at the walking chest.

19:12 <SmallSkippeZ> Wat game?

19:12 <Cepheid> Well I figured.

19:13 <Cepheid> Could you describe it?

19:14 <LunaticHell> Well err...it looks like a piece of the world doesn't load.

19:14 <LunaticHell> Schism: https://derpiboo.ru/3727 don't eat me. D:

19:14 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: You know, the thing that happens when you move too fast in a direction.

19:14 <LunaticHell> ...nope, just a rather silly cliff.

19:15 <Cepheid> Heh.

19:15 <Cepheid> I was gonna say, probably a cliff 'cause the server isn't reporting any errors.

19:15 <SmallSkippeZ> I remember when i played minecraft there would be walking chests

19:16 <Schism> LunaticHell: Hehe.  Yes, the Luggage is great.  

19:16 *** Joins: Pony_7600 (wofje@Pony-e4r.8e5.138.164.IP)

19:16 <LunaticHell> Unless it ate you :P

19:16 *** Pony_7600 is now known as FrankkieNL

19:17 <SmallSkippeZ> It eats you

19:18 *** Joins: Ethera (Ether@Pony-116.p0h.20.47.IP)

19:18 <Schism> In Equestria, the Luggage is made of sapient Zap Applewood.

19:18 *** TimidClef|AFK is now known as DMinor

19:18 <RightHoofGone> good morning everypony!

19:19 <FrankkieNL> its a good day for me

19:19 <ADragonDreaming> Moaw.

19:20 <Schism> Moai?

19:20 <ADragonDreaming> Moar.

19:24 *** Joins: ArchPegasusMichael (Michael89pl@Keep.In.A.Friendly.And.Pony.Place)

19:24 *** Awaykitty is now known as Unixkitty

19:25 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: .)

19:26 *** Joins: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-itk.tfd.33.75.IP)

19:29 <Cepheid> Mraoi.

19:30 * Unixkitty headtilts at Cepheid

19:30 <RightHoofGone> english ppl!

19:30 <RightHoofGone> pones*

19:30 <ArchPegasusMichael> Meow

19:30 <ArchPegasusMichael> Miau. - Polish cat

19:30 * Unixkitty turns towards ArchPegasusMichael and raises her eyebrow

19:31 <Cepheid> I have a cat next to me.

19:31 <ADragonDreaming> Miauen

19:32 <ArchPegasusMichael> Мяу.

19:32 <Unixkitty> You people are weird.

19:33 <ADragonDreaming> Says the programmer cat.

19:33 <Unixkitty> Says a repeadetly meowing dragon

19:33 <ArchPegasusMichael> :D

19:33 <ADragonDreaming> Nya.

19:34 <mniip> ニャー

19:35 * Unixkitty picks ArchPegasusMichael up in her field and levitates them all the way up to ADragonDreaming's nose, proceeding to rather nonchalantly boop it with the pony. She then gently puts ArchPegasusMichael back on the ground and walks off.

19:35 <ArchPegasusMichael> o.o

19:36 <ArchPegasusMichael> *touches his muzzle*

19:36 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

19:36 <Cepheid> ニュー

19:41 *** DMinor is now known as TimidClef|Meh

19:45 <Schism> Part dragon, part cat?

19:46 <Schism> Manticore, mayhaps?

19:46 *** Quits: WoeGryphon (WoeGryphon@Pony-itk.tfd.33.75.IP) (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~)

19:47 *** Joins: SabSparrow (SabSparrow@Pony-9cm.6eq.235.62.IP)

19:47 <Cepheid> Possibly.

19:47 <DataByteBrony> hey, RightHoofGone! howdy! ;)

19:47 <Cepheid> Just missing the scorpion tail.  I have the right mythological creature, right?

19:48 <RightHoofGone> hey DataByteBrony

19:48 <DataByteBrony> i improved the user interface a bit, and added styling for mobile clients.. plus a bunch of work re-generating the epubs xD

19:49 <RightHoofGone> sounds nice, the backend doesn't give you epubs?

19:49 <DataByteBrony> it does, but i made it better

19:49 <FrankkieNL> !hug

19:49 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

19:49 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around FrankkieNL in a tight embrace

19:49 <RightHoofGone> oh ok

19:50 <DataByteBrony> the ones on fimfiction work sometimes, sometimes don't

19:50 *** Joins: F4celess (Norse@Pony-74q.ac6.167.85.IP)

19:50 <DataByteBrony> i added xml fixes, styling, and even linked images :)

19:51 *** Joins: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-p8v.mfl.77.173.IP)

19:52 <RightHoofGone> that's quite nice

19:52 * Unixkitty hacks DataByteBrony's server's root and adds a permanent redirect for *:* to http://unixkitty.net/rules

19:52 <DataByteBrony> made bubble (DinkyDoo) very happy

19:55 <RightHoofGone> how exactly do you query this stuff from the frontend? http query over ajax i presume.

19:55 <DataByteBrony> what do you mean? from fimfiction?

19:56 <RightHoofGone> yeah since i think you're not allowed to do cross-domain on js

19:58 <DataByteBrony> i don't query fimfiction for the story content but once - i have an archive of everything saved away

19:58 <DataByteBrony> 70+GB of it

20:00 *** Joins: nethesem_buck (nethesem@Pony-0bt.ntb.159.212.IP)

20:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Alexstrazsa: What the Hell is Pony World 3?  [ http://tinyurl.com/mttuyla ]

20:01 *** mniip is now known as \m

20:02 <RightHoofGone> that's quite big

20:03 <LunaticHell> I'm missing somepone here. o3o

20:04 * DataByteBrony boops LunaticHell attentively

20:04 <LunaticHell> oh hi, data *hugs*

20:05 <Finwe> o3o

20:05 <LunaticHell> !

20:05 * LunaticHell hugs a Finwe

20:05 * Finwe snuggles a LunaticHell.

20:06 <LunaticHell> I've just build a tiny tower made of 1 pound/ 50 pence/ 20 pence and 10 pence coins.

20:07 * Finwe devours the tower.

20:07 <ADragonDreaming> ...why would you eat money?

20:08 <Finwe> Why not?

20:08 <Unixkitty> Does devouring necessarily mean eating?

20:08 <LunaticHell> Are british people present? I do have a rather silly question.

20:08 <LunaticHell> Also: yes it does.

20:08 *** TimidClef|Meh is now known as TimidClef

20:09 <LunaticHell> Well, in that context, yes.

20:09 <ADragonDreaming> Since one does not read coinage, yes.

20:09 <Unixkitty> Which apparently means Finwe has a liking to... metal?

20:09 <LunaticHell> My CDO made me sort the coins by size.

20:09 <LunaticHell> [It's CDO, not OCD]

20:09 <Finwe> LunaticHell: Using the British coins, in how many ways can you form the sum of £5?

20:10 <Cepheid> If Finwe eats 50 1 pound coins, does he get heavy metal poisoning?

20:10 <LunaticHell> Finwe: Many.

20:11 <LunaticHell> 1 pounds coins are the thickest coins I've seen.

20:11 <LunaticHell> Also 5 pence coins are tiny

20:12 *** Joins: PearlyWhites_ (uid69133@Aponywithbraces)

20:13 *** Quits: PearlyWhites_ (uid69133@Aponywithbraces) (Quit: )

20:13 <ADragonDreaming> Finwe: coins in circulation are the penny, two pence, five pence, ten pence, twenty pence, fifty pence, one pound, and two pound coins.

20:13 <Finwe> LunaticHell:  The Swedish 10 crown coin is almost as thick.

20:13 <Finwe> ADragonDreaming: Yup.

20:13 <LunaticHell> huh

20:13 <ADragonDreaming> Since pounds sterling has been decimalized, there are 100 pennies to a pound.

20:14 <ADragonDreaming> You now have all the information you need to answer your own question, which given you asked how many combinations, is likely going to wind up in exponential notation.

20:14 <LunaticHell> Nope.

20:15 <LunaticHell> Question would be "what the hell are 'New Pence'?"

20:15 <Finwe> LunaticHell: The ones 100 of which make a pound.

20:16 <Finwe> Before, it was 96 pence to one pound.

20:16 <Cepheid> I swear, Canada is the only country that adapts to changing currency without issue.

20:16 <ADragonDreaming> It changed currency?

20:17 <Cepheid> Two dollar coin is one change I recall.

20:17 <ADragonDreaming> The toonie?

20:17 <Cepheid> Yeah.

20:17 <Cepheid> It hasn't always been around.

20:17 <LunaticHell> I have here two 2 pence coins.

20:17 <Cepheid> Plus we recently got rid of the penny.

20:17 <LunaticHell> One has written "two pence" the other "new pence" on it.

20:17 <Cepheid> All of these changes went through with relatively little fanfare or complaint.

20:17 <Cepheid> We even recognize our own money.  *Coughs*

20:18 *** Quits: Jamaic (Jamaic@Pony-8ut.pa2.49.86.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

20:18 * Finwe boops Cepheid with a 'murrican $50 coin.

20:18 <ADragonDreaming> Well, sure, but over on this side of the border, if business can't price things to $X.99, they'll be super mad.

20:18 <Cepheid> What's this piece of trash?

20:18 <LunaticHell> The new pence are older than the two pence?

20:18 <LunaticHell> hah

20:18 <LunaticHell> That's a laugh.

20:18 <Finwe> LunaticHell: Yup.

20:19 <ADragonDreaming> Thing is that, yes, the penny costs more than a penny to make, but the nickel also costs more than a nickel to make.

20:19 <Finwe> It's a reminder that they're a bit less valuable than the old pence.

20:19 *** Unixkitty is now known as Awaykitty

20:19 <LunaticHell> We had the same problem with German money, appearently.

20:19 <Cepheid> ADragonDreaming:  They still price things to $X.99 up here.

20:19 <Cepheid> Just because we abandoned the penny doesn't mean the prices change.

20:20 <LunaticHell> There's old dollar coins made of almost pure silver.

20:20 <ADragonDreaming> Sure, but if the penny is no longer in existence, how do you get exact change?

20:20 <Cepheid> The software used for transactions do an automated rounding.

20:20 <Ethera> Simple, plastic.

20:20 <ADragonDreaming> Mmm, rounding.

20:20 <Cepheid> It'll round to the nearest nickle.  And secondly..

20:20 <ADragonDreaming> That wouldn't work - people get super pissy about not getting exact change.

20:20 <Cepheid> We generally tend to avoid using cash and change up here.

20:21 <Cepheid> We do use it from time to time, but we mostly avoid it.

20:21 <ADragonDreaming> It would just wind up as more fodder to abuse cashiers with.

20:21 <Cepheid> So in the end it has little to no impact.

20:21 <Ethera> Usually much quicker to swipe or tap the cards.

20:21 <Cepheid> Fortunately for the rounding thing..

20:21 <Cepheid> It doesn't affect debit.

20:21 <Cepheid> So if you use debit, what you see on the register is what you pay.

20:21 <Cepheid> No rounding.

20:22 <Cepheid> See, up here, stores actually don't try to screw over their customers. :P

20:22 <ADragonDreaming> They generally don't around here, either.

20:22 <Cepheid> And if they do, they usually get fined for not following practices laid out by the government.

20:23 <ADragonDreaming> It's just that there's a significant portion of customers who are super-suspicious, annoying entitled, and view people behind the counters as sub-human.

20:23 <Cepheid> Right.

20:23 <Cepheid> I forgot about that.

20:23 <Cepheid> Again, not the same up here.  I don't understand why all it takes is a single line to make a difference.

20:23 <Cepheid> That line being the border.

20:24 <ADragonDreaming> The line is the border between different cultures.

20:24 *** cocobed is now known as CocoPommel

20:24 <Cepheid> I mean we do have the occasional rude customer here and there, but it seems a lot less frequent.

20:24 <ADragonDreaming> Cultural upbringing.

20:24 <DataByteBrony> there is a town near where i live - a 10 mile drive - and that's all it takes for the differences to be noticeable.

20:25 <DataByteBrony> people over there are so much more considerate to people on bicycles

20:25 <Cepheid> Perhaps that's why Toronto felt so different to me then.

20:25 <Cepheid> Even though it's only 4 hours away and in the same country, it's still a different city.

20:25 <ADragonDreaming> A 25 minute drive within Michigan results in different cultures.

20:26 <Cepheid> In Canada it takes a bit more time I think.

20:27 <Cepheid> Smaller population.  More spread out, so it takes a bit longer to get to a different culture.

20:35 <KooK> HAR


20:35 * Cepheid yawns. Flops.

20:36 <KooK> I wore a brony shirt to school today, covered up by a button-up shirt.

20:36 <KooK> Nobody will ever know

20:37 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

20:39 <Cepheid> We know.\

20:39 <KooK> What's my first name?

20:41 <Cepheid> Kookkamunga.

20:42 <KooK> oooooo so close

20:42 <Cepheid> And by "so close" you mean "so far off it's not even funny."

20:43 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Bluepon@Pony-cdc.v68.128.73.IP)

20:44 <Tirek> His name is obviously Kooky Scary Skeletons.

20:44 <Cepheid> Could also be Kooky Inflatable Wild Wavy Arm Man.

20:45 <KooK> You see, the people around me who can effect my quality of life, don't know :P

20:45 <ADragonDreaming> OW

20:46 <Cepheid> What's wrong ADragonDreaming?

20:46 <ADragonDreaming> I think I almost accidentally dislocated my shoulder.

20:47 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

20:47 <Cepheid> Sounds painful.

20:47 <ADragonDreaming> Yes.

20:48 *** Reia_Sleep is now known as Reia_Hope

20:48 <ADragonDreaming> I've dislocated this shoulder before. That was horrible.

20:52 <Cepheid> Can't say I've ever dislocated a bone.

20:52 <Cepheid> Worst I've done is break a bone.

20:52 <Cepheid> Which required setting the bone.  That wasn't too bad.

20:53 *** Joins: Vibrance (nbhokposxwp@Pony-g23.68a.102.207.IP)

20:53 *** Parts: Vibrance (nbhokposxwp@AnActualChangeling) ()

20:54 <ryaxnb21> DataByteBrony: hi

20:55 <DataByteBrony> hello :)

20:56 <KooK> cows

20:56 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-t9k.cii.242.89.IP)

20:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

20:57 <SmallSkippeZ> So not only have i found out that pinkie is closer related to aj than thought, and rd has a wierd way of showing her *ahem* preference, but rd even shows signes of autism

20:57 <SmallSkippeZ> RLYoshi figures things out really well

20:57 <ADragonDreaming> ...

20:58 <SmallSkippeZ> It's theories gdmit

20:58 <ADragonDreaming> ...

20:58 *** FrankkieNL is now known as FrankkieNL|AFK

20:58 <ADragonDreaming> The latter two are sketch.

20:58 <ADragonDreaming> Super super sketch.

20:58 <SmallSkippeZ> Eh, yeeaaah

20:58 <ADragonDreaming> Pinkie being adopted is kinda... I doubt it.

20:58 <SmallSkippeZ> You'd be right

20:59 <SmallSkippeZ> Adopted, idk, related to aj, yes

20:59 <ADragonDreaming> Well, yeah, there was a whole episode about it.

21:00 <SmallSkippeZ> And the fact of her saying about a granny in like, the first episodes

21:00 <KooK> ADragonDreaming is crying on the inside

21:00 <ADragonDreaming> ...no?

21:00 <KooK> Let it out

21:00 * ADragonDreaming puts a pickle hat on KooK

21:00 * SmallSkippeZ could imagine ADragonDreaming going " eeyup" or " i's true"

21:00 <VinylScratch> It's a stupid headcanon basis

21:01 * KooK cries

21:01 <VinylScratch> And do we really need to keep railing on the RD Preference angle? XD

21:01 <SmallSkippeZ> I find this stuff intersting c'mon....

21:01 <SmallSkippeZ> I like nittpicking

21:01 <VinylScratch> Couldn't it be the one you LEAST expect though? :p

21:02 *** Awaykitty is now known as Unixkitty

21:02 <SmallSkippeZ> What?

21:02 * VinylScratch just stops and sighs. " Neeever mind. "

21:02 <KooK> VinylScratch is also crying on the inside

21:02 <ADragonDreaming> The least common interpretation? Rainbow Dash is asexual!

21:02 <VinylScratch> Wonderboltsexual

21:02 <ADragonDreaming> Heh.

21:02 <SmallSkippeZ> I wouldn't least expect that, no

21:02 <VinylScratch> if you don't have the stripes, you ain't nothin'

21:03 <KooK> Or a fictional character from a childrens cartoon

21:03 <VinylScratch> x3

21:03 <init3> Everypony is Spitfire-sexual.

21:03 <SmallSkippeZ> Well, they have delved and explained rather adult themes sometimes, but hey

21:03 <Cepheid> Yes, everyone is a feline-o-phile.

21:03 <init3> Pfft

21:03 <SmallSkippeZ> Um, no

21:04 <KooK> LUNCH MEAT

21:04 * Cepheid is making a joke about how their cat is named Spitfire.

21:04 <ADragonDreaming> I highly doubt that such things are going to be explored in more detail than Simple Ways.

21:04 <init3> That's your fault for naming your cat that

21:04 <VinylScratch> I think we're seriously derailing the derailment....topic change. :P

21:04 * SmallSkippeZ meh's, on the verge of crying

21:05 <SmallSkippeZ> SCHMEH!?

21:05 *** Joins: EtherNet (Ether@Pony-116.p0h.20.47.IP)

21:05 <init3> Ok, how do you say "I'll be freaking awesome at this job" without sounding like Dashie?

21:05 * SmallSkippeZ head spazzes out, then he goes back to yt

21:05 <ADragonDreaming> By using the flutterguy voice.

21:05 <init3> Hue

21:06 *** Joins: Renard (Renard@Pony-m61.th8.194.83.IP)

21:06 *** Quits: Ethera (Ether@Pony-116.p0h.20.47.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by EtherNet)))

21:06 *** EtherNet is now known as Ethera

21:07 <init3> "I have no doubt I'd be excellent at this job"? Too Trixie?

21:07 <VinylScratch> " You know that thing you want? I'm pretty okay at it...jus' sayin'. "

21:07 <ryaxnb21> woo trixie

21:08 <init3> Hue

21:08 <ADragonDreaming> "I am fully confident in my ability to excel at this profession."

21:08 <VinylScratch> lol

21:08 <init3> I like it.

21:08 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Jon_the_VGN@Element.Of.Gaming)

21:08 <KooK> In about 24 hours I will be taking my Calculus final

21:08 <KooK> wooooooooooooooo

21:08 <init3> It's just bizzare how well I fit what they want me to do. If I could carve out a position for myself this'd b it.

21:11 <ryaxnb21> it's cool that faust still gets the only credit that's part of the intro sequence on the show.

21:11 <ryaxnb21> i believe they changed the wording of the credit

21:11 <ADragonDreaming> She's credited as developer?

21:11 <ryaxnb21> Developed for television

21:11 <ryaxnb21> also on the movies she's the first credit.

21:11 <ryaxnb21> and then the screen scrollls and then the other credits.


21:12 <init3> ( I had to, not sorry)

21:12 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)

21:12 <ryaxnb21> i believe the movies credit her for the "FIM concept" but not equestria girls, or something

21:12 <ryaxnb21> but she's still the first credit

21:13 * Snapai rehowdy

21:13 *** Quits: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-kjo7di.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

21:13 <ADragonDreaming> init3, you summoned Snapai

21:13 <init3> Haha, yes

21:13 <init3> My call upon the black magic of Steve Ballmer is a shining success.

21:14 <ryaxnb21> what does Snapai have to do with ballmer

21:14 <Snapai> wat

21:15 <ryaxnb21> i dunno

21:15 <ryaxnb21> but init3 is taking credit for "summoning" you by saying


21:15 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: I got a mirophone(male) and a microphone(female) we can now totally do a duo. :D

21:15 <LunaticHell> Duette*

21:15 <Cepheid> Heh.

21:15 <init3> Sec

21:15 <ADragonDreaming> Duet

21:16 <VinylScratch> *Disaster

21:16 * Cepheid flops onto ADragonDreaming.

21:16 * Cepheid grabs Unixkitty and cuddles with her.

21:16 <init3> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zEQhhaJsU4

21:16 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

21:16 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Steve Ballmer - developers musicvideo

21:16 * Unixkitty sleepily squeaks at Cepheid

21:17 *** Unixkitty is now known as Sleepykitty

21:17 *** Joins: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com)

21:17 <screenaholic> Yo!

21:18 <screenaholic> What are you pones up to?

21:18 <ryaxnb21> not much

21:18 <init3> If y'all don't know how insane Steve Ballmer was when he was CEO you are missing out.

21:18 <ryaxnb21> petting a sleepy non-unicorn kitty

21:18 <ryaxnb21> yeah i do

21:18 <ryaxnb21> but i don't get what that has to do with Snapai

21:19 <ryaxnb21> his developers thing is famous

21:19 <ryaxnb21> one of those internet video memes that predates youtube

21:19 <Cepheid> AAAHHH!  Biters are attacking me in Factorio!

21:19 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (pfrlrexydqn@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP)

21:19 <Cepheid> Aaand they killed me.

21:20 <init3> Well that's why I said it is all. Someone said I summoned Snapai doing it. I just said the developers thing is the ballmer black arts.

21:20 <screenaholic> That's because you were telling us instead of dealing wit them.

21:20 <screenaholic> Amature mistake.

21:20 <Cepheid> screenaholic:  I killed 'em.

21:20 <Cepheid> But then more attacked.

21:20 <Cepheid> And I ran out of ammo.

21:21 <screenaholic> That's why you carry more ammo.

21:21 <init3> I am not one to not take credit when someone randomly gives it to me.

21:21 <fyrepony> Cepheid:  make turrets and start preparing ammo

21:21 <screenaholic> So has anyone seen Jormungand?

21:21 <ryaxnb21> i remember downloading a quicktime 3 video of ballmer hibernating

21:21 <ryaxnb21> er, ballmer chanting

21:21 <ryaxnb21> in the BYT era

21:21 <ryaxnb21> Before YouTube

21:21 <ryaxnb21> ;)

21:21 <init3> Haha

21:22 <init3> He is an interesting fellow.

21:22 <ryaxnb21> yep

21:22 <ryaxnb21> i remember the olden days, too, finding a huge torrent of like 25GB of apple keynotes

21:22 <ryaxnb21> i called it the sacred cow torrent because it wasn't on the trackers

21:23 <ryaxnb21> it was on a mac forum

21:23 <ryaxnb21> nowadays, all the keynotes are on youtube, but youtube had a time limit at the tiem

21:23 <ryaxnb21> :(

21:23 <init3> 25G? I would have not even attempted that.

21:23 <ryaxnb21> i just picked the files i wanted

21:23 <init3> Truf.

21:23 <ryaxnb21> but each one was like 700MB

21:23 <ryaxnb21> :P

21:23 <init3> I remember downloading GTA3 on dial up.

21:23 <fyrepony> init3:  you sadist

21:23 <screenaholic> You pones are old.

21:24 <ryaxnb21> i'm 21

21:24 <init3> It took three attempts and several days

21:24 <screenaholic> Old man!

21:24 <init3> I thought I was 28 but recently realized I am only 26 so I'll feel extra young for the next two years.

21:24 <init3> :p

21:24 <Snapai> :/

21:24 <Snapai> I've been 26 for 8 years.

21:25 <init3> Although with all the crap I've put my body through I might as well be 40

21:25 * screenaholic flops on old man init. "I'm sleepy man, I'm not sure I'm going to have the energy to go to MMA."

21:25 <init3> MMA sounds like physical activity.

21:25 <screenaholic> It is, mixed martial arts.

21:25 <init3> I know

21:26 <ryaxnb21> see, those type of things make me hard to get angry at what youtube does

21:26 <ryaxnb21> youtube has a time limit of like 10 hours

21:26 <ryaxnb21> do you know how much space 10 hours of 720p video is?

21:26 <screenaholic> I wanted to go to a second class today before I went to sleep, but I'm not sure I can do it.

21:26 <init3> You can just follow the init health regimen.

21:26 <ryaxnb21> do you know how much bandwidth serving it is?

21:26 <ryaxnb21> it's AMAZING that youtube does it for free.

21:26 <ryaxnb21> with no costs for massive use or large amounts of videos

21:26 <ryaxnb21> would be unheard of in the olden days

21:26 <init3> Basically, 'don't move, drink liquor and smoke'.

21:27 <screenaholic> Something tells me I'm healthier than you.

21:27 <init3> Get cancer when you are 40 and die

21:27 <ryaxnb21> so that's why i can't care too much

21:27 <ryaxnb21> init3: i won't get cancer :(

21:27 <init3> I mean, a doctor would call me healthy /now/

21:28 <init3> How's that? And why is that sad?

21:28 <ryaxnb21> wait, i probably will get cancer :(

21:28 <ryaxnb21> great, now i'm actually sad

21:28 <screenaholic> Nah, if I die when I'm 40 I want it to be doing something cool, like saving a bunch of orphans from a fire, or being gunned down while taking down the world's largest crime syndicate.,

21:28 <ryaxnb21> i'm more likely to go diabetes though

21:29 <init3> That sort of thing is a possibility. My life outside of this chat room can be... interesting though I try to stay out of the situations now.

21:29 <init3> More times that I can count someone wanted to kill me (and was actually likely to do so)

21:30 <init3> Only the once I got a gun pulled on me though.

21:30 <ryaxnb21> youll probably die of the mafia

21:30 <init3> Oh, and there is how I drive.

21:30 <init3> ssssh

21:31 <init3> No mafia talk, only plushies now.

21:32 <ryaxnb21> i'd say diabetes or some sort of injury relating to weight is the most likely for me

21:32 <ryaxnb21> my weight is in large part due to my medications

21:32 <ryaxnb21> that and not eating right

21:32 <ryaxnb21> but when i wasn't on medications i didn't gain weight even when i ate like crap

21:32 <ryaxnb21> the medications make me considerably more hungry and such

21:32 <init3> Heh, I have the opposite problem. I have been been shedding weight for 4 years now and just don't stop.

21:33 <init3> I mean, I'm not underweight.

21:33 <VinylScratch> I just never gain weight and look like I'm still mid-20....come to think of it, that's a killer combo platter. :P

21:33 <init3> But I've lost 60 lbs I suppose in the last 6 years.

21:33 <ryaxnb21> so you're like the real VinylScratch

21:33 <VinylScratch> xD I wouldn't say thaaaaat....

21:33 <ryaxnb21> you look thin and young and stylin all the time

21:34 <ryaxnb21> :P

21:34 <VinylScratch> x3

21:34 <init3> Of vampire headcanon?

21:34 <init3> So I'm in the mafia, VinylScratch is a vampire. We need more friendcanons.

21:34 <VinylScratch> xD I actually kinda fell in with the internet vamp' crowd for a while.

21:35 <init3> Aaaaand confirmed

21:35 <VinylScratch> xD

21:35 <ryaxnb21> i like the FiW logic

21:35 <ryaxnb21> "i don't see how these scary teeth will make me look cooler"

21:35 <ryaxnb21> "because... vampires"

21:35 <ADragonDreaming> Vampires were always kind of punks to me.

21:35 <VinylScratch> ....and there just happens to be red colored drink in my glass. Dagnabbit. :p

21:36 <ryaxnb21> you drink ze blood

21:36 <init3> HA!

21:36 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-1g9.u5j.30.92.IP) (Connection closed)

21:36 <VinylScratch> it's energy drink, I sweeeear

21:36 <Sleepykitty> We drink your blood...

21:36 <VinylScratch> well, a combo of energy drinks

21:36 <ryaxnb21> um that's not much less creepy

21:36 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-1g9.u5j.30.92.IP)

21:36 <VinylScratch> xD

21:36 <ryaxnb21> ... than pig's blood

21:36 <init3> Wut

21:36 <init3> lol

21:36 <hawthornbunny> Does it contain sugar

21:36 <ADragonDreaming> But I think that's because my initial significant interaction with vampires was Baldur's Gate II.

21:36 <ryaxnb21> well, eating pig's blood isn't creepy

21:36 <ryaxnb21> it's human food, e.g. in sausage

21:36 <hawthornbunny> Because you know what else contains sugar? Blood

21:37 <ADragonDreaming> And I just blew them up with sunbursts.

21:37 <ryaxnb21> it's human blood that is really creepy because cannibal

21:37 <ryaxnb21> but eating animal blood is normal, it's very edible

21:37 <VinylScratch> Gah, this'll make me wanna play nosgoth at some point tonight. XD

21:37 <ryaxnb21> :P

21:37 <screenaholic> I only drink the blood of my enemies...and the occasional strawberry Yoo-Hoo.

21:39 <ryaxnb21> what the heck is a yoohoo

21:39 <VinylScratch> Milkshake

21:39 <ryaxnb21> really?

21:39 <ryaxnb21> but those are white

21:39 <ryaxnb21> or black

21:40 <VinylScratch> ,,,,Wut? XD

21:40 <ryaxnb21> milkshakes? never had a red milkshake.

21:40 <screenaholic> It's not a milkshake.

21:40 <ryaxnb21> then, i've never had a strawberry one

21:40 <ryaxnb21> oh, well VinylScratch lied then

21:40 <VinylScratch> iunno, yoohoo here is a milkshake, far as I know

21:40 <screenaholic> It's just a drink here in America. It's like strawberry/chocolate milk (depending on flavor) but I don't think there's any milk in it.

21:41 <screenaholic> http://www.drpeppersnapplegroup.com/smedia/www/2011/05/25/img-yoo-hoo-hero_144536743012.jpg

21:41 <init3> Well I'l lbe back later. I nned to do some totally not mafia related things.

21:41 *** init3 is now known as Init3-away

21:41 <ryaxnb21> seems very legit

21:42 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-1g9.u5j.30.92.IP) (Connection closed)

21:42 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (qiwaghggtbm@Pony-9tf.omm.60.67.IP)

21:42 <ryaxnb21> hi ProjectCarthage

21:43 <ProjectCarthage> We've run into our first Copyright thing on the Bren-Trac Reacts channel, luckily it's just Hasbro wanting to put Ads on Episode 2 and 3

21:43 <ryaxnb21> mmm

21:43 <ProjectCarthage> No strikes yet.

21:43 <VinylScratch> I've had lime milkshake before - don't even ask how that worked, it was good though

21:43 <ryaxnb21> well also

21:43 <ryaxnb21> i see you liked "my past is not today"

21:43 <Cepheid> I can understand how it works.

21:43 <ProjectCarthage> Who, me?

21:43 <VinylScratch> To be fair, most did. :P

21:44 <Cepheid> Given sorbet.

21:44 <ryaxnb21> yes

21:44 <ryaxnb21> i mean you liked it on youtube

21:44 * Thelema5 glances over at the chat

21:44 <Cepheid> It was likely a lime sorbet was used, VinylScratch.

21:44 <ryaxnb21> it's in your activity feed

21:44 <VinylScratch> No

21:44 <ProjectCarthage> Yeah, it's easily the best of the Encore shorts

21:44 <ryaxnb21> yep

21:44 <VinylScratch> it was an instant mix liquid

21:44 <ryaxnb21> i liked all of them though, but that one is the best.

21:44 <VinylScratch> Easily

21:44 <VinylScratch> it was the song sunset deserved.

21:44 <ryaxnb21> absolutely, but i still liked all the songs

21:45 * VinylScratch clearly also loves Music to my ears. :p

21:45 <ryaxnb21> and the rarity one confirmed that rarity in the human world is still a designer and runs a dress shop

21:45 <ryaxnb21> like pony rarity

21:45 <ryaxnb21> not just part-time for her friends, but it seems to be her entire thing, like pony rarity

21:45 <ryaxnb21> :P

21:45 <VinylScratch> Season 5 - so far, no terrible hats from Rarity...

21:45 <VinylScratch> that's good.

21:46 <ryaxnb21> also that rarity walk

21:46 <ryaxnb21> so sexy :P

21:46 <VinylScratch> Rarity knows whassup. XD

21:46 <ryaxnb21> cartoon hip movements FTW

21:46 <ProjectCarthage> Actually, I don't think it said that I liked the video, I have a stored playlist of the shorts in the best watching order

21:46 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

21:46 <ryaxnb21> oh okay

21:46 <ryaxnb21> that was it then

21:46 <ryaxnb21> i didn't see the other videos in your activity feed

21:46 <VinylScratch> She's been my #1 pony since, what, season 2? She was a strong #2 from the end of season 1, but season 2 was her season.

21:47 <ryaxnb21> yeah

21:47 <ryaxnb21> for me twilight was #1

21:47 <ryaxnb21> er, is #1

21:47 <ryaxnb21> but rarity has the best episodes and is #2.

21:47 <ryaxnb21> sunset would also be in the top 3, but of course she's only got the movies to her

21:47 <VinylScratch> Tabitha is the master of silly vocal moments for rarity, lol

21:47 <VinylScratch> whines, nomnomnom, etc

21:47 <ryaxnb21> yeah

21:47 <ryaxnb21> and rarity's animation is really good... just like in teh EqG short

21:48 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Away

21:48 * Cepheid goes to VinylScratch's yard.

21:48 <ryaxnb21> they always have fun with her over-dramatized animation

21:48 <LunaticHell> !!!

21:48 * Cepheid finds no milkshake.

21:48 <ryaxnb21> like her disgust at plunging her head in the garbage in "party of one"

21:48 <VinylScratch> I'm looking forward to seeing raritys first real ep of the season

21:48 * LunaticHell does the long awaited activity that is the hugging of VinylScratch.

21:48 <VinylScratch> xD

21:49 <LunaticHell> I found a really cool thing, Vinyl.

21:49 <VinylScratch> Chu did?

21:49 <LunaticHell> A 50th anniversary 50 pence coin

21:49 <LunaticHell> What is "NHS"?

21:49 <VinylScratch> It's a health service. :P

21:50 <LunaticHell> Huh so it got 50 years old in...1998?

21:50 <VinylScratch> It's an old, old thing

21:51 <LunaticHell> Nice to see that the UK cares for health and did so for a long long time.

21:51 <LunaticHell> Also I got an anniversary coin from the olympic games in russia

21:51 <LunaticHell> ...I mean the CCCP...it's old, okayß

21:51 <LunaticHell> ?

21:51 <Cepheid> I have a number of American coins.

21:51 <Cepheid> Plus some euros.

21:52 <screenaholic> To tired to continue existing, time to go not-exist in my bed for several hours. Later pones.

21:52 <LunaticHell> Olympic games 1977.

21:52 *** Quits: screenaholic (screenaholi@Pony-ij8lmb.ga.charter.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

21:52 <LunaticHell> Is basically the coin is 10 years older than me. :P

21:52 <ryaxnb21> you know what i find both funny and indicative of the difference between google and Apple?

21:53 <LunaticHell> Do tell us.

21:53 <ryaxnb21> There's an extension for Google Chrome on the Google Chrome Webstore called "Adblock for youtube" that does what it says on the tin -- removesa all ads from youtube only.

21:53 <ryaxnb21> Google owns youtube

21:53 <ryaxnb21> this service/extensions is solely used to violate youtube's TOS and break their income

21:53 <ryaxnb21> yet it's still on the store :P

21:53 <LunaticHell> Huh? Neat.

21:54 <LunaticHell> Well you also can google how to break google, so that is that.

21:54 <ryaxnb21> yeah

21:54 <LunaticHell> I wanna be Siren school'd https://derpiboo.ru/885095

21:55 <ryaxnb21> LunaticHell: google must really hate youtube downloaders, though, because those are explicitly banned from the chrome store, though you can still sideload them.

21:55 <LunaticHell> hehe

21:55 <ryaxnb21> and since chrome allows for userscript extensions, you can also load userscripts that download youtube videos.

21:55 <VinylScratch> Doesn't stop anyone using Firefox to grab them if needed

21:55 <LunaticHell> Wanna know what's funny about the Sirens?

21:55 <ryaxnb21> VinylScratch: there's other ways, since Chrome doesn't block sideloading unless you're using the stable channel on windows

21:56 <ryaxnb21> On chrome os, in particular, where chrome is the only browser, sideloading is allowed.

21:56 <VinylScratch> I have no idea what that means

21:56 <ryaxnb21> so that's the easiest way to download youtube videos there.

21:56 <ryaxnb21> Sideloading == loading an extension from a third party source.

21:56 <ryaxnb21> like an EXE file on the web only for chrome.

21:56 <VinylScratch> Eh, using an alternate browser for stuff like that is quicker. :P

21:56 <ryaxnb21> Only the windows stable channel (because of virus reasons ) can't do that (windows dev channel can)

21:57 <VinylScratch> and less hassle looking for legit source downloaders

21:57 <LunaticHell> According to the movie, they cannot sing without their magical macguffins, but according to the comics their magic music did NOT lure in the people and they had to actually invent new music i.e. practice to manage that.

21:57 <ryaxnb21> well, once you've loaded the extensions, it's permanent, and i use it because i'm on chrome OS so alternate browsers or any CLI program at all is a PITA

21:57 <LunaticHell> the ponies in canterlot*

21:57 <VinylScratch> Eh, comics tend to take liberties with canons, LunaticHell

21:57 <LunaticHell> I know, I just found it funny.

21:57 <VinylScratch> :P

21:58 <LunaticHell> They invented pop music. :D

21:58 <ryaxnb21> Though... there is a really good python script to do it called youtube-dl that can even download dash, download audio-only , convert to MP3, and do other conversions (using ffmpeg) and the killer feature is it can download whole playlists or even parts of a playlist

21:58 <LunaticHell> brb

21:58 <ryaxnb21> i use youtube-dl for any serious downloading because it's so awesome, though it's command line, since it can do batch downloading.

21:58 <ryaxnb21> and batch converting...

21:59 <ArchPegasusMichael> ryaxnb21: I can't believe it still doesn't have good gui

22:00 *** Joins: DinkyDoo (uid68367@Pony-kjo7di.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP)

22:00 <ryaxnb21> i love commmand lines so it doesn't bother me

22:00 <LunaticHell> VinylScratch: you know what REALLY grind my gears?

22:00 <LunaticHell> ...cutting nails...

22:00 <ryaxnb21> i love the concise CLI interface of the tool.

22:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1515 - Not So Dry Mane [ http://tinyurl.com/nkrjbhp ]

22:01 <LunaticHell> when it comes to my nails, I'm like rainbow and her hooves...

22:01 <LunaticHell> It feels weird. >. <

22:03 <Thelema5> Bye everypony!

22:03 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-sus.stn.97.24.IP) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Nine out of ten l33t h4x0rz prefer it)

22:03 <VinylScratch> I just kinda bite mine

22:04 * DinkyDoo uses clippers... Or a pocketknife

22:04 *** VinylScratch is now known as Princess-Luna

22:04 <ryaxnb21> ArchPegasusMichael: there's another python script mpsyt that is nice for e.g. netbooks

22:04 <ryaxnb21> it's not just a downloader, it's a player and search tool

22:04 <ryaxnb21> (using MPV as the playback engine)

22:05 *** Joins: Fallfeathers (Fallfeather@Pony-pu1.0l3.208.118.IP)

22:05 <ryaxnb21> i find it's way faster at playing youtube on a atom netbook than a browser -- it plays 360p without a problem and can attempt 720p whereas browsers fail

22:05 <ryaxnb21> and can't even get 240p without dropping frames in youtube's new layout on a atom netbook

22:05 *** Joins: LightningCrash (lightning@Pony-lvs.lv2.99.68.IP)

22:06 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-n57.90f.32.178.IP) (Quit: )

22:06 <ryaxnb21> netbooks are so slow :(

22:07 *** Quits: F4celess (Norse@Pony-74q.ac6.167.85.IP) (Quit: Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now)

22:08 <Princess-Luna> ur 2 slow

22:09 <DinkyDoo> What she said!

22:09 <Princess-QRS> hey

22:10 <Princess-QRS> who knows stuff about speakers

22:10 <Princess-QRS> i need an audiodork

22:10 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-20c.bks.84.84.IP) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)

22:11 <Princess-Luna> Do we even have any on right now?

22:11 <Princess-QRS> i have no idea

22:12 <LunaticHell> So you're a nail-chewer?

22:12 <Princess-Luna> Totes

22:12 <LunaticHell> I only chew my nails when...oh yeah I totally had a scary nightmare.

22:12 <LunaticHell> About fnaf, no less. >. <

22:13 <Princess-Luna> Roll on halloween. :}

22:13 * Princess-Luna giggles maniacally

22:13 <LunaticHell> It will be my end. D:

22:13 <Raspbeguy> I just watched the censored version of s2e14 for the first time. What a joke.

22:13 <Princess-Luna> Everything that has a beginning has an end.

22:13 <LunaticHell> Oh you.

22:14 <Princess-Luna> and I'm sure Scott has other games in the pot he'd love to start working on

22:14 <LunaticHell> Matrix 3.

22:14 <Princess-Luna> :3

22:14 <LunaticHell> xP

22:14 <Princess-Luna> I love busting that line out when appropriate. XD

22:14 <LunaticHell> Bonus points if you knew that they build in a code in that message.

22:15 <Princess-Luna> I wouldn't, I don't know code

22:15 <LunaticHell> the wrote it on the posters with random small and BIG letters.

22:15 * Princess-Luna is more the type that sees the bigger picture than the little details. XD

22:15 <LunaticHell> The big letters spelling out "Leviathan"

22:15 *** Raspbeguy is now known as Raspbeguy_zzz

22:16 *** FN is now known as FN_zZz

22:16 <LunaticHell> My bad, the small ones do

22:16 <Princess-Luna> lol

22:17 <LunaticHell> Leviathan is the "King of the proud children" which is, hooves down, one weird title, alright.

22:17 <Princess-Luna> Thought I'd picked up smoky Chilli con Carne earlier...turns out I picked up Cajun Chicken

22:18 <LunaticHell> Or more literal "king of the children of pride"

22:18 <LunaticHell> Cajun sounds yummy

22:18 <Princess-Luna> I don't really do that level of trivia, lol

22:18 <LunaticHell> I am Lunatic. ;)

22:18 <Princess-Luna> Or just looking at wiki's. :p

22:18 <LunaticHell> I only know because I read an article about it YEARS AND YEARS ago.

22:18 <LunaticHell> In an actual magazine.

22:19 *** Quits: no_connection (no_connecti@Pony-svc.ucg.69.78.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:19 <LunaticHell> I just had to google so I was sure if it was the big or the small letters, I cannot memorized every detail, can I? xP

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22:20 *** SomeFrenchBrony is now known as SomeFrenchAFK

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22:21 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

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22:22 *** Quits: Cyclone_Dusk (Disembodied@Pony-agd.mon.33.96.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:23 <LunaticHell> Time for some old school anime, right?

22:23 *** Quits: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) (Quit: Leaving)

22:24 <LunaticHell> There is a reason for me re-watching one of my older-ish anime.

22:24 <LunaticHell> Last time I watched it, I did not smoke. xD

22:25 <LunaticHell> So, now that I quit smoking [cause this is a thing I did] I should rewatch it for the irony and lulz, good idea? Good idea.

22:25 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

22:26 *** Quits: ElectricPsoras (Thunderbird@Pony-1d4.9n3.5.83.IP) (Quit: Bye horsies!)

22:27 <LunaticHell> This anime [I love that opening song] https://vimeo.com/77139120

22:28 <Schism> Teehee.  I still love this comic... http://tinyurl.com/ltscldz

22:29 <Cepheid> XD

22:30 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-1g9.u5j.30.92.IP)

22:32 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (ymfsmwskked@Pony-ihd.nn3.134.50.IP)

22:37 *** SomeFrenchAFK is now known as SomeFrenchBrony

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22:43 *** Cloud_Zephyr|Away is now known as Cloud_Zephyr

22:44 *** Cloud_Zephyr is now known as Cloud_Zephyr|Away

22:46 <ryaxnb21> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCa75JGEyck

22:47 <ryaxnb21> always a major problem with kids shows for me is that the  "chart says" kids like rebel characters, so we make rebel characters, but their lives are failures because all their rebel plans don't work because moral guardians, but they never realize this because status quo is god.

22:47 <ryaxnb21> so they live lives doing something that mightt work in real life, but doesn't work in kids shows because guardians, so why do they keep doing it?

22:47 <ryaxnb21> their personality is so incompatible with the setting it creates a disconnect

22:48 * Cepheid bursts into flames.

22:48 <ryaxnb21> i prefer the pony alternative.

22:48 <ryaxnb21> :P

22:51 <Princess-Luna> <ryaxnb21> so they live lives doing something that mightt work in real life, but doesn't work in kids shows because guardians, so why do they keep doing it? - you pretty much answered this yourself: status quo is god.

22:51 <Princess-Luna> They never know, they never learn, nothing changes

22:51 <ryaxnb21> of course, but it means the show is at fault for defining a character that has a character archetype that CANNOT and WILL NOT work in the show

22:52 <ryaxnb21> and will always fail

22:52 <Princess-Luna> Depends on how you view it

22:52 <ryaxnb21> especially since this type of kid would be way more succesful at being a douche in real life

22:52 <ryaxnb21> it's just the moral guardians mean that weirdly, he is not in teh show

22:52 <Princess-Luna> if the show is getting watched and the character is enjoyed, that's not really  a fail

22:52 <Cepheid> So yeah, yesterday I saw an x-ray of someone's mouth regarding their wisdom teeth.

22:52 <Cepheid> How the hell do teeth grow in that way?

22:52 <ryaxnb21> it is to me, if the douchiness is done in such a way , like skipping school...

22:53 <ryaxnb21> a good rebel knows how to be good at skipping school

22:53 <ryaxnb21> if your rebel can't skip school, he fails as a rebel

22:53 *** Joins: locodashie11 (locodash11@Taco.eating.Anthro.Batpony)

22:53 <Princess-Luna> :P Well, too bad I guess

22:53 <ryaxnb21> because skipping school is like lesson a for a rebel and is actually really easy IRL

22:53 <ryaxnb21> but in the show, the moral guardians say you can't actually even do that

22:53 <ryaxnb21> :P

22:54 <Princess-Luna> Well, you don't want copycat kids getting into it for reals. :p

22:54 <Princess-Luna> so you have to, by default, have that attempt fail in an effort to entertain the idea that its wrong to do

22:54 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Quit: Leaving)

22:55 *** Joins: Princess-QRS (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)

22:55 <ryaxnb21> Princess-Luna: then you shouldn't write a show with this as the concept and give it a y rating

22:56 <Princess-Luna> I think you're really overthinking it though

22:56 <ryaxnb21> if you write it like animaniacs, the main characters can be assholes... somehow. I think it's because they're not humans.

22:56 <ryaxnb21> it you write it like ponies, it never occurs to the ponies to be this jerky usually

22:56 <ryaxnb21> and when they do they usually go insane simultaenously

22:56 <ryaxnb21> like their mind just snaps at the concept of being bad

22:57 <ryaxnb21> animaniacs is somewhat famous for the karma houdini the main characters, the warners, constantly pulled.

22:57 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@is.too.lazy.to.request.a.new.vhost) (Quit: BRB.)

22:57 <ryaxnb21> that was why they were likable to me, because they got away with being huge jerks for basically no reason, unlike other kids tv (but like the looney tunes)

22:58 <ryaxnb21> not sure why that was allowed, but it was.

22:58 <Princess-Luna> Well, kids TV is handled differently now....you could never introduce a show quite like animaniacs now

22:58 <ryaxnb21> true but rocket power was the same era as animaniacs

22:58 <ryaxnb21> also, you totally could, but it might to be tv-pg.

22:58 <Princess-Luna> No idea what that is

22:58 <ryaxnb21> like adventure time is

22:58 <Princess-Luna> I don't watch that either. XD

22:59 <ryaxnb21> that's a Cartoon network show that goes very into dark humor and stuff

22:59 <ryaxnb21> it'd never pass in the 90s, but it doesn't technically pass today either since it's rated PG, not Y

22:59 <ryaxnb21> which means they can get away with a lot more

22:59 <ryaxnb21> about the same amount as a PG movie.

22:59 <Schism> Y, you say?  You're in Canada.

22:59 <ryaxnb21> no, USA.

23:00 <Schism> Huh.  Thought the US TV rating systems were a bit different.

23:00 <ryaxnb21> iirc, the advertisers also know that the market is a mix od older kids and adults

23:00 <ryaxnb21> kind of a semi-adult-swim semi-regular-cartoon-network show

23:00 <ryaxnb21> so there's no pressure to make it super-kid-friendly

23:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Tumblr Spotlight: Ask Student Luna / Ask Pandora / Princess Horny Luna / Ask The Duskbat's Crew [ http://tinyurl.com/qcb6h42 ]

23:01 <Schism> Considering that a number of twentysomethings grew up on it, it's not surprising.

23:02 <ryaxnb21> also, im not sure kids tv cant' allow animaniacs now, animaniacs occured because the moral guardians stopped following kids tv so tightly after the 80s, and then cable replaced broadcast, further loosening the grip moral guardians and advertisers have

23:02 <ryaxnb21> and widening the choices for animation, making it harder to block a show from airing

23:03 <ryaxnb21> that last thing happneed AFTER animaniacs

23:03 <ryaxnb21> and it's further reduced the animation age ghetto.

23:03 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-bg8.nu9.238.82.IP)

23:03 <DARK> hello =)

23:03 <ryaxnb21> animaniacs was still a broadcast network show, which meant that it got nearly all its money from ads and not from carriage fees like cable kids networks can do.

23:04 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

23:06 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@is.too.lazy.to.request.a.new.vhost)

23:06 <Cepheid> Heh.  I like the MOTD for daring.canternet.org

23:07 <Cepheid> It's an ASCII image of Daring Do glaring.  "You can flap too, you know."

23:08 <Cepheid> !link https://derpibooru.org/253495

23:08 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this picture is about daring do i'm watching you unsure artist:rankwinner solo (and 2 more)

23:08 *** Joins: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you)

23:09 * ZeroParadox slowly latches to Cepheid

23:09 <ZeroParadox> - 3 -

23:10 *** Joins: SgtPinkie (IceChat7@Pony-flm.fdg.136.40.IP)

23:12 *** Quits: LunaticHell (gustyvdiynu@Pony-mka.veq.134.94.IP) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

23:12 *** Quits: KooK (quassel@Pony-jkt.udl.210.161.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:14 <Cepheid> What's up Paradox?

23:14 <ZeroParadox> Nothin'

23:15 * Bubble-Berry tactical rolls up to ZeroParadox

23:15 <ZeroParadox> !

23:16 * Bubble-Berry CQCs at ZeroParadox

23:16 <Cepheid> https://www.facebook.com/mkennelly94/videos/vb.1518453524/10203443394515052/?type=2&theater Have some cute puppy.

23:16 * ZeroParadox makes grunting noises

23:16 * Bubble-Berry rolls into a bush

23:22 *** Quits: SomeFrenchBrony (Antoine@Im.Frenchy.And.I.Know.It.fr) (Connection closed)

23:25 *** Joins: TheOnlyWolf100 (TheOnlyWolf@Pony-mks.6rv.161.98.IP)

23:27 <SgtPinkie> ......How has nobody noticed in 10-15 years that the wall at their local drive in is a hologram?

23:27 <Princess-QRS> yo

23:27 <Princess-QRS> audio dudes

23:27 <Princess-QRS> http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121121

23:27 <Princess-QRS> is dis worth 60 bucks

23:28 <Ethera> Is it new?

23:30 <Princess-QRS> used

23:30 <Schism> "Have you been reading wikis again?  You KNOW the government has an entire team whose whole job is to fill those with gibberish."

23:31 <fyrepony> Princess-Luna:  id go for it, i mean its not quality brand but you safe with that deal

23:32 <Ethera> Princess-QRS, still a good deal if it's in good shape.

23:32 <Princess-QRS> i'm doin' it

23:32 <Princess-QRS> doin the deal

23:32 <SgtPinkie> are you seriously holding an orphan hostage, just so the band you own has a chance at winning?

23:32 <SgtPinkie> yeah, that's totally sound logic

23:32 <Princess-QRS> wat

23:32 * Schism rolls over to ZeroParadox. o3o

23:33 <ZeroParadox> !

23:33 <ZeroParadox> SONIC BOOM

23:33 * Schism watches Zero flee. "Aww."

23:33 <ZeroParadox> What

23:33 <ZeroParadox> I mean the attack ;-;

23:33 <Schism> Oh.

23:33 <fyrepony> you know what we need ?

23:33 <ZeroParadox> FLASH KICK \ ;-; /

23:33 * Schism is now Confused! He shook off his confusion.

23:33 <fyrepony> we need bloody headphonewire that does not go all wonky

23:33 <Schism> I suppose someone else will have to have this bowl of chocolate-chip cookie dough ice cream.

23:34 * ZeroParadox tackles Schism and makes lion noises

23:34 * Schism boops Zero with it, then?

23:34 <fyrepony> we need corded damn wires like those high quality mouses!

23:34 * ZeroParadox chomps on the bowl

23:34 <ZeroParadox> :E

23:35 *** Joins: StarStream (Star@Pony-ma9.9dh.9.5.IP)

23:35 *** Quits: Dash (Dash@may.the.ponies.be.with.you) (Connection closed)

23:37 <ryaxnb21> you know i just realized that the horses in the confinement cell are given hay and water

23:37 <ryaxnb21> however given no one in the village can cook worth a crap that is probably not a bad thing

23:37 <ryaxnb21> hay is hard to screw up :P

23:37 <Schism> "I suspect the true meaning of the word will eventually be lost to me and there will come an awkward moment when I see a pony and say, 'Hey, look, a friendship.'" -Dan Shive

23:38 <ryaxnb21> apparently ponies that can't cook are so bad at it they make inedible muffins

23:38 <ryaxnb21> so i'd rather have the hay, if i were a horse.

23:38 <Princess-Luna> Well, the only reason the Baker Silver Belle couldn't cook was 'cause equalised

23:38 <ryaxnb21> exactly

23:39 <ryaxnb21> but that means that the rest of the town eats either crap or hay all the time too

23:39 <ryaxnb21> since it's not like they have a super sekrit actually good baker

23:39 <ryaxnb21> :P

23:40 <ryaxnb21> also it's sugar belle

23:41 *** Quits: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain) (Quit: Well, that was unexpected...)

23:41 <fyrepony> no no no, being equal means they all must be as bad as worst baker

23:42 <fyrepony> yeah thats sweetie belle level cooking

23:42 <Princess-Luna> You realise I said that, right?

23:42 <Princess-Luna> Oh right

23:42 <Princess-Luna> I meant sugar

23:44 <fyrepony> http://bakki.deviantart.com/art/scoot-comin-to-rescue-529650286

23:46 <LightningCrash> That is a fantastic drawing.

23:47 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (pfrlrexydqn@Pony-tt4.91l.127.50.IP)

23:48 <SgtPinkie> ..........Netflix

23:48 <SgtPinkie> Am I watching something?

23:48 <aqualycool22> What'd you guys think of a new poll? It gave me an idea. We should make pets for our OCs.

23:48 <SgtPinkie> Of course I am

23:48 <aqualycool22> I personally think that Gummy's the best. (Like people with some intellect.)

23:48 <SgtPinkie> So why ask if I am still there

23:49 <fyrepony> SgtPinkie:  you were seeing new dragon riders

23:49 <SgtPinkie> .....which reminds me

23:50 <Schism> fyrepony: Tortoise.


23:51 <fyrepony> pets?

23:51 <fyrepony> hmmm

23:52 <Princess-QRS> http://a.pomf.se/lzyati.mp4

23:52 *** Init3-away is now known as init3

23:52 <fyrepony> yeah i got few ideas for my pet :)

23:52 <Princess-QRS> the end of the world will be played to Beat It

23:53 <fyrepony> init3:  wanna asist me here?

23:53 <fyrepony> :3

23:53 <init3> Sure. About what now?

23:54 <fyrepony> basically we need to come up with ideas of pets for our oc's

23:54 <init3> Hmm

23:54 <fyrepony> and i was thinking of another pony :P

23:55 <init3> I was almost thinking of a Scootaloo type

23:55 * fyrepony flips collar at init3's hooves

23:55 <init3> Uh oh, this is the wrong channel for that.

23:55 <init3> ;p

23:55 *** Joins: KooK (quassel@Pony-ca4.71l.81.50.IP)

23:55 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:56 <fyrepony> :P

23:56 <Schism> I bet QRS' pet would be a chameleon.  <.<

23:56 <fyrepony> XD

23:56 * Princess-QRS boops Schism

23:57 * Schism boops QRS with a delicious roasted fruit bat.

23:58 *** Joins: VinylScratch (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-t9k.cii.242.89.IP)

23:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VinylScratch

23:58 <Schism> Fresh from the trees of Sweet Apple Acres.

23:59 *** Joins: Proton (Dashie@Pony-of3.m8h.197.67.IP)

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