00:00 <Cepheid> Ah, wait, no.
00:00 <Cepheid> That darkness that we see infecting her, it was supposed to part itself from Rumi, and we'd fight that.
00:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff #1887 [ http://tinyurl.com/gkqgtlt ]
00:00 <Cepheid> Also, the creator doesn't know why he created Irisu.
00:01 <Bubs> urgh. time to go to bed
00:01 <Bubs> 1 AM
00:01 *** Joins: Pony|90103 (Pony90103@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net)
00:01 <Bubs> 'night all!
00:01 <Cepheid> She was in fact based after the rabbit of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, though. Her original name was Alice, but they opted to go with Iris, and then added a "u" to the end following that.
00:02 *** Pony|90103 is now known as ThatAnonPony
00:02 <Cepheid> Partly to fit a rabbit theme, and partly to reference another rabbit from another game that I can't mention here.
00:02 <Cepheid> Due to it's extremely dark story and creepiness factor.
00:02 <Caldean> :(
00:02 <Schism> Irisu has actually been a localization of 'Alice' in a few other games, though I have a sneaking suspicion that I know which one you refer to.
00:03 <Schism> Without actually naming it, you refer to the puzzle game which puts .txt files in a folder to explain the story, yes?
00:03 <Cepheid> Yes.
00:04 <Schism> I love that one. Creepypasta with a twist of lime.
00:04 <Cepheid> "I had a no-pants policy on the entire cast. That's how Cicini ended up walking around without pants."
00:04 * Schism spits out coffee.
00:04 <Cepheid> Also, Cicini is not her real name.
00:06 <Twilight`Sparkle> tactical charging tesla rifle + vats = Synth's nightmare
00:06 <Cepheid> "Concerning the attack with the black screen, it deals three hits with 69 points of damage each. B-But it was always like this! We've removed nothing!" - Lilith
00:06 *** Caldean is now known as Spit_Fire
00:06 <Schism> Hehehehe. I want to see that developer interview.
00:07 <Schism> Also, randomly, but very, very interesting...
00:07 <Schism> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVvfY_lFUZ8
00:07 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.
00:07 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about The Last Digit of Prime Numbers - Numberphile
00:08 <Cepheid> Also, Noah's initial form that we see her in, that blue-ish form? Made up of mana that gives her a sort of slime-girl like appearance.
00:09 <Spit_Fire> So what is the rule about talking about the new ep? umm how much time needs to pass?
00:09 <Schism> Cepheid: Well, yeah, I figured she was just made of magic.
00:09 <Schism> Spit_Fire, it's open season.
00:09 <Twilight`Sparkle> The rule is 6 pm est on the day it airs.
00:10 <Schism> By the by, Cepheid. You like Rubik's Cubes?
00:10 <Heartbreak> It's open season on Spit Fire?
00:10 * Schism noms on Heartbreak's mane.
00:10 <Spit_Fire> Twilight`Sparkle: Schism ok thanks :)
00:10 <Heartbreak> Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
00:10 <Heartbreak> Nuuuu, Staaaaaaaap!
00:10 * Heartbreak bap bap bap bap baps Schism!
00:11 * Schism om nom bugpone nom. :3 Though he's beaten off by a flyswatter (e.g. Heartbreak's hoof).
00:11 <Schism> Cepheid, this is possibly the /deftest/ handling of a Rubik's Cube I've yet seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ03AQRqhFg
00:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> it's reversed footage!
00:12 <Schism> Wait what?
00:12 <Twilight`Sparkle> it is to joke.
00:12 <Lumindia> wait what
00:12 <Twilight`Sparkle> but I have seen someone do that once.
00:12 <Lumindia> oh yeah, the Mythbusters did that once
00:12 <Spit_Fire> !link http://www.geforce.com/hardware/10series/geforce-gtx-1080
00:12 <DerpyBot> Twilight says the library only has pictures from e621 and derpibooru, videos from youtube and books from google docs.
00:12 <Lumindia> where Adam 'solved' a Rubik's Cube with his feet
00:12 <Schism> Hehe.
00:13 <Spit_Fire> aw.. but that's a link to the new Geforce
00:14 <Twilight`Sparkle> wait.
00:15 <Twilight`Sparkle> he solved the cube in his hand while he was pointing everyone at the one in Teller's hands.
00:15 <KooK> After spending hours and hours rebuilding my carbs, put them back on the car, driving it to a car show and I lost an idle circuit again.
00:15 <KooK> Done
00:15 *** Joins: littlebylittle (littlebylit@Pony-r5ti06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
00:16 <hawthornbunny> I love the way you can see Penn watching that guy's hands very closely XD
00:16 * Cepheid keels over. "That pizza from yesterday has returned with a vengeance..."
00:17 <wobniaR> I warned you about that spicy pizza
00:17 <Lumindia> It keeps happening
00:17 *** Joins: FlameSniper (FlameSniper@Pony-nq75se.fios.verizon.net)
00:17 <Schism> Twilight`Sparkle, of course, but it's a spectacular bit of misdirection.
00:18 <Saerydoth> I don't mind spicy food at all, except...when said spice comes out the other end the next day
00:18 <Twilight`Sparkle> What I find amazing about that bit?
00:18 <Twilight`Sparkle> Nobody noticed.
00:19 <Schism> And that, right there, is magic.
00:19 <Cepheid> That's one fast hand for solving it.
00:19 <Lumindia> stage magic is the art of misdirection
00:19 <Lumindia> = 3=
00:19 <wobniaR> Except Trixie's stage magic, she cheats
00:20 <Lumindia> with REAL magic
00:20 <Lumindia> o 3o
00:20 *** CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
00:20 <wobniaR> Exactly
00:21 * Cepheid needs a tileset. Preferably with easy to recognize tiles, in a consistent size. Square tiles at that.
00:22 <Cepheid> Guess I could use a Dwarf Fortress "tileset".
00:24 *** Joins: texasboykc09 (texasboykc0@vampire.bat.nest)
00:25 <Twilight`Sparkle> chessboard
00:28 <Cepheid> Too simple.
00:28 <Cepheid> I need something more complicated, with at least sixteen distinct tiles.
00:31 <hawthornbunny> Wow. I would have liked to see Penn and Teller say a bit more about that trick. I mean, it's clear that this guy is absurdly, ridiculously good with Rubik's cubes, but some of the things he did could only have been done with trickery
00:31 *** Joins: Vladiolus (uid110916@Pony-khu2mg.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP)
00:32 <Twilight`Sparkle> I don't think they're Cubers.
00:32 *** Parts: Vladiolus (uid110916@Pony-khu2mg.hqe2.tdoh.8300.2604.IP) ("")
00:32 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-eb9gkh.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
00:33 <hawthornbunny> Like, solving the cube in the paper bag, I believe he did that. But the millisecond solve had to have been a switcheroo
00:33 <Twilight`Sparkle> oooor...
00:33 <Twilight`Sparkle> the sides that were hidden prior were solved.
00:34 <hawthornbunny> I don't think there's actually anything there that can't be explained. He's just that damn good with Rubik's cubes :)
00:34 <Twilight`Sparkle> and that's all that matters.
00:34 <Twilight`Sparkle> It literally falls out of his hand.
00:34 <Twilight`Sparkle> And it rotates while doing so.
00:34 <Twilight`Sparkle> All he did there was switch which sides we're looking at.
00:35 <hawthornbunny> But you can't solve three sides of a Rubik's without the other three also being solved :)
00:35 <hawthornbunny> Actually wait. That can't be true
00:36 <hawthornbunny> Or can it
00:36 <hawthornbunny> Now I'm confused
00:36 <Twilight`Sparkle> That is actually true, provided no switching of tabs before hand has been done.
00:37 <Twilight`Sparkle> well, the corner pieces are odd.
00:37 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)
00:39 <Twilight`Sparkle> actually that's probably not true, I think you can three sides done but three not done.
00:40 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/1148497 This shot
00:40 <LunaticHell> right there
00:41 <LunaticHell> Twilight is a very huggy pony.
00:41 <Cepheid> Right, I've had enough coding, so..
00:41 * Cepheid will be right back.
00:41 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Leaving)
00:41 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)
00:42 * Spit_Fire hugs Twilight`Sparkle ^_^
00:44 * Cepheid goes punching things in Fallout 4.
00:44 * Cepheid punches a rodent covered in explosive. "..." *Cough*
00:45 <Spit_Fire> O.O
00:48 <Lumindia> hehehe
00:51 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)
00:52 <Twilight`Sparkle> this is why you need at least one gun.
00:52 <Spit_Fire> ???
00:54 <LunaticHell> "ClipperCrash is the new name for SoarinDash." This.
00:57 *** Joins: Spit_Fire_ (chatzilla@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com)
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00:58 *** Spit_Fire_ is now known as Spit_Fire
00:58 <Cepheid> What kind of sane man writes a song about cannibalism?
01:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Destroyer of Worlds / Rainboo-hoo / A Typical Day / Cherry / Epilogue 2 / Age (In)Appropriate 11 / Star Mares 2.1.13 / Crush 91 / Neighborhood 10 / Weak and Small 6 [ http://tinyurl.com/huhzbxw ]
01:05 <wobniaR> Sanity is relative
01:06 <CleverDerpy> snowdin is sansity
01:07 <Lumindia> hey Derpy... If you have a good knowledge of clams, do you have a good mussel memory?
01:07 <Lumindia> :>
01:07 <CleverDerpy> my brain is sad, it needs more tissue
01:08 *** Quits: Spit_Fire (chatzilla@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
01:11 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
01:11 *** Quits: littlebylittle (littlebylit@Pony-r5ti06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
01:11 <LunaticHell> yo Cepheid
01:11 <LunaticHell> Talking about insanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypGWEXFpxyA
01:13 <Cepheid> My punches are a bit much, it seems.
01:13 <Cepheid> Things explode when I punch them.
01:14 <LunaticHell> So...where is the line?
01:14 <CleverDerpy> are you one punch man?
01:14 <Cepheid> Quickly approaching that, at the moment.
01:14 <LunaticHell> No, he is...
01:14 <Cepheid> Most everything explodes into horrible gibs when I punch them. Or at least a lib does.
01:14 <LunaticHell> ...one punch line.
01:17 <CleverDerpy> vader opened a hardware store,
01:17 <CleverDerpy> it's called starwares
01:17 <LunaticHell> hehe
01:17 <LunaticHell> Is late, so gud night
01:17 <CleverDerpy> nini
01:17 <LunaticHell> nini
01:17 <Cepheid> Huh, what do ye know. He was a synth.
01:17 *** Quits: LunaticHell (LunaticHell@Pony-42n1sf.versanet.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
01:20 <Twilight`Sparkle> Who was?
01:21 <CleverDerpy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP_nMhli3CQ
01:21 <Twilight`Sparkle> I don't know if you know this, but Nick's a synth, Cepheid.
01:21 *** Joins: Spit_Fire (chatzilla@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com)
01:21 <Cepheid> Ran into a group that was holding some guy up, thinking he was a synth. I saved the guy by killing the people who was holding him up..
01:21 <Cepheid> And then killed the guy they were holding up.
01:21 <Cepheid> Turns out the guy was a synth. Also, I didn't know that.
01:22 <Spit_Fire> power went off in my neighbor hood for a min...
01:22 <Twilight`Sparkle> Have you /met/ Nick?
01:22 *** Quits: Nedemai (Nede@fluttershy.is.best.pony) (Connection closed)
01:22 <Cepheid> I don't tnhink so.
01:22 <Cepheid> I literally just started again after having lot played for a long time, so..
01:23 <Twilight`Sparkle> Ah. Just keep going through the main quest, he's crucial to it.
01:23 <Cepheid> I can't, at the moment.
01:23 <Cepheid> Deathclaw is preventing me from continuing.
01:23 <Twilight`Sparkle> the one in Concord?
01:23 *** Quits: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-ooh049.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
01:24 <Cepheid> Yeah.
01:24 <Cepheid> I know, I'm supposed to kill it with the chaingun.
01:24 <Cepheid> But I want to punch everything to death.
01:24 <Twilight`Sparkle> Why?
01:24 <Spit_Fire> Cepheid: http://wadusher0.deviantart.com/art/Never-be-a-Tree-607003448
01:25 <Cepheid> Twilight`Sparkle: I've this thing for punching stuff in general. This is my way of venting that desire to punch stuff.
01:25 <Twilight`Sparkle> Did you at least start with 10 strength then?
01:26 <Cepheid> Yes.
01:26 <Twilight`Sparkle> You also know that you can probably unload most of the minigun into the deathclaw, and THEN punch it?
01:26 <Cepheid> 10 Strength, equipped with bladed knuckles. Probably why I'm gibbing people.
01:26 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-1p8du0.discworld.eu) (Connection closed)
01:26 <Twilight`Sparkle> While wearing the power armor, preferably.
01:27 <Cepheid> Alternatively, I loot everywhere, and build up my power armour.
01:28 <CleverDerpy> by punching things?
01:28 <Cepheid> Nah.
01:28 <Cepheid> I can upgrade it with Hydraulic Bracers/Rusty Knuckles.
01:28 <Cepheid> Increases damage output from unarmed melee.
01:28 <Cepheid> I can also upgrade it's defensive capabilities.
01:30 <Cepheid> I need Blacksmith 2 for Rusty Knuckles, though.
01:31 <Twilight`Sparkle> that means you need level 16.
01:31 <Cepheid> Yeah.
01:31 <Cepheid> I might be better off just upgrading everything to Model C.
01:32 *** Quits: FlameSniper (FlameSniper@Pony-nq75se.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)
01:32 <Twilight`Sparkle> probably.
01:33 *** Joins: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-ooh049.dynamic.surfer.at)
01:34 <Fn> http://i.imgur.com/sRqLSbt.gifv
01:35 * Cepheid returns to ArcJet Systems.
01:37 <Schism> Hah.
01:37 <Schism> Here I am, practicing my shuffle, and I randomly deal three cards, and they turn up the nine of hearts, the nine of clubs, and the nine of spades.
01:38 <Schism> Stupid deck.
01:38 <Twilight`Sparkle> why are you going back?
01:38 *** Joins: Summer_ (Summer_@Pony-8f4601.ga.comcast.net)
01:38 <Summer_> Hi
01:38 <Fn> I can do trick-shuffles
01:38 <Cepheid> I ran out of inventory space.
01:39 <Twilight`Sparkle> Why arcjet?
01:39 <Cepheid> Also I need to return to home again to make some armor piercing knuckles.
01:39 *** Joins: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net)
01:39 <Cepheid> I just found it. Hadn't looted it yet?
01:39 <Fn> They are not hard to do
01:39 <Twilight`Sparkle> ah.
01:39 <Twilight`Sparkle> I was gonna say, red rocket is a good spot.
01:39 * Schism places a plate of habanero poppers on Cepheid's head.
01:39 * Schism ALSO noms on Heartbreak's ear.
01:40 <Schism> Darnit, HB, give me something to stick yellow post-it notes on.
01:40 *** Quits: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net) (Connection closed)
01:40 * Cepheid places a bunny on Schism's head.
01:40 * Schism pats the bunny.
01:40 *** Joins: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net)
01:44 *** Quits: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net) (Connection closed)
01:44 *** Joins: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net)
01:44 <KooK> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-iF8uj2xkeCE/Vy5hZXB5b1I/AAAAAAAAFIE/AwnyVcjdpXE/s2000/SmallishhorsesEFNWprintbyCelebiYoshi1462657370011.png
01:45 *** Joins: Azure_namelocked (Azure@Pony-rie66q.8bv1.f134.1006.2600.IP)
01:47 <Cepheid> Dangit. Leveled up, but couldn't take Science. Not quite smart enough. One point of Intelligence short.
01:47 *** Joins: Pony|77506 (Pony77506@Pony-suq7pq.hstntx.sbcglobal.net)
01:48 <Pony|77506> Hello all my bronies and bronettes
01:48 <Twilight`Sparkle> did you pick up the "You're SPECIAL" book in Sancturary?
01:48 <Twilight`Sparkle> also, hello newcomer!
01:48 *** Quits: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
01:48 <Cepheid> I don't think so, no.
01:49 <Twilight`Sparkle> gives you a point in your choice of stat.
01:49 <Cepheid> I did not know this. *Reloads earlier save and goes to grab it.*
01:50 <Twilight`Sparkle> it's under Shaun's crib.
01:50 <Pony|77506> What did everyone think about todays episode?
01:51 <Princess-Luna> It was fine.
01:51 <Pony|77506> 2/10
01:51 <Princess-Luna> a little wonky but...eh
01:51 * Princess-Luna shrugs
01:52 <Spit_Fire> it was ok ^_^
01:52 <Heartbreak> It was a bit wonky but... eh, Rainbow got her wish.
01:53 <Pony|77506> I want more fan pandering :-p
01:53 <Princess-Luna> I've seen all manner of opinions on the ep today, I'm really all cared out about that
01:53 * Schism hats on Heartbreak, and noms on a bang.
01:53 <Heartbreak> What the fet are you eating?
01:53 <Princess-Luna> Pony|77506: If you're trying to create controversy response, it's not going to happen.
01:53 <Schism> The hair above your eyelid. o3o
01:54 <Schism> Hair, bangs - one of those.
01:54 <Pony|77506> @Princess-Luna...No just a normal chat
01:54 * Spit_Fire puts a cupcake in Schism mouth
01:54 * Schism sputters. "Blech, red velvet."
01:54 <Princess-Luna> Well, most of us are all kinda buzzed out. :P We discussed it all about 3 hours ago
01:55 *** Quits: Pony|77506 (Pony77506@Pony-suq7pq.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
01:56 <Heartbreak> That has a different name as an equine.
01:56 *** Quits: DashAnime (DashAnime@Pony-2962l1.dsl.bell.ca) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
01:56 <Heartbreak> Polelock?
01:57 * Schism places a corn muffin in Heartbreak's mouth. With butter and marionberry jam.
01:58 * Heartbreak noms.
01:58 <Heartbreak> forelock.
01:59 <Schism> Waaaaait. Heartbreak. HB, HB, HB. You'll never guess what I found just down the street.
01:59 <Heartbreak> It's my fetting forelock.
01:59 <Heartbreak> What?
01:59 <Twilight`Sparkle> ...nick.
01:59 <Twilight`Sparkle> nick wat r ud oin'
01:59 <Twilight`Sparkle> nick stop fall-posin'
01:59 <Schism> H.B.: THIS! http://www.adventurersguildcafe.com/
02:00 *** Joins: Gladiolus (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)
02:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: PMV: It's Unbelievable / Our Story [ http://tinyurl.com/hr5kcnl ]
02:01 * Schism flutters over and rests on SRQ's head.
02:02 <Princess-Luna> Twilight`Sparkle: Watchin' dem anime attorneys?
02:02 *** Electron^DiabloIII is now known as Electron
02:03 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )
02:05 * Gladiolus hugs Electron, and then leaves 'cause spoilers!
02:05 *** Parts: Gladiolus (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) ("Leaving")
02:05 * Electron is abashed by the speed of actions
02:08 <texasboykc09> hello Electron
02:09 <Electron> Howdy, texasboykc09.
02:09 <texasboykc09> how are you?
02:09 <Cepheid> Freakign ghouls. Coming out of the woodworks they are.
02:10 <Electron> I'm so so.
02:11 * Electron has spotted Ace Attorney ep7
02:11 <Electron> Now the ponies and the lawyer.
02:11 <Electron> Very nice.
02:15 <Princess-Luna> It's a pretty gud series
02:18 *** Quits: Spit_Fire (chatzilla@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 46.0.1/20160502172042])
02:21 <Cepheid> So, essentially, what happens when I punch is the following: I remove a limb. The enemy starts bleeding to death. Usually anywhere from 2-3 seconds later, they die.
02:21 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-77jca1.res.bhn.net)
02:26 <Nicktendonick> what game?
02:26 <Cepheid> Fallout 4.
02:27 <Nicktendonick> ahhhhhhh
02:30 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)
02:30 <Cepheid> Nothing like getting shot in the face point-blank by a gods-cursed mini-nuke.
02:39 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)
02:39 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I'm the Nostalgia Mare. I remember it, so you don't have to.)
02:42 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)
02:42 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I'm the Nostalgia Mare. I remember it, so you don't have to.)
02:43 <Schism> Cepheid: Apropos of nothing, give me three random aspects.
02:45 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)
02:45 <Schism> Others, too. :3 Aspects: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind; Thought, Emotion, Light, Dark; Order, Chaos, Form, Void.
02:45 *** Joins: Vulpor (Vulpor@Pony-n626au.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net)
02:46 * Schism noms on Vulpor's wing.
02:46 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi Vulpor.
02:46 <Cepheid> Fire and Earth, Thought, Form.
02:46 <Vulpor> Rainbow Dash! YES
02:46 *** Quits: Gaming_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Sleep!)
02:46 <Vulpor> all the dreams have come true lol
02:47 <Schism> Burning Libram: Create a lava golem based upon a lesson you've once learned. Its shape is inconsequential. At the spell's termination, you forget the lesson you learned and need to be taught it again.
02:48 <Vulpor> Also Nossy glad your here
02:48 *** FaythWork is now known as Fayth
02:48 <Vulpor> Did you see the release date for Persona 5?
02:49 <Vulpor> In Japan?
02:49 <Vulpor> One week after Final Fantasy XV
02:50 <Schism> Nossy, you want to create a spell too? >.>
02:50 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Um.
02:51 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Nah.
02:51 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-sb5d91.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)
02:51 <Schism> Aw. I want people to throw more dice at the rolls...
02:51 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, you tried out Overwatch?
02:51 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)
02:52 <Vulpor> downloading the beta now
02:52 *** Joins: Sombra (Iceman@Pony-8aa94d.mn.charter.com)
02:53 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> How long is the download, Vulpor?
02:53 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I want you to join me in the fight.
02:55 <Vulpor> i donno gonna play it tommarrow one day before its shutdown
02:57 <Princess-Luna> You shoulda done this days ago. XD
02:58 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Vulpor, message me so I can join you.
02:58 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-tkp.qfa.120.2.IP) (Quit: Leaving)
02:59 *** Joins: jimmt (horse@Pony-fr7.dqo.55.45.IP)
02:59 <Lirodon> 6 GB
03:00 *** Joins: Drifted_Away (uid149300@I.Started.Falling.Up)
03:01 <Schism> For some reason, my tarsals are cracking like a bag of popcorn.
03:01 <Schism> Sorry, my rear phlanges, I should say.
03:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #706 [ http://tinyurl.com/jkewr85 ]
03:02 *** Quits: jimm (horse@Pony-fr7.dqo.55.45.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03:02 <Vulpor> Princess-Luna I have no reference for overwatch and was ummmm
03:03 <Vulpor> drinking cider
03:03 <Vulpor> at the time
03:03 <Princess-Luna> for 2 days straight?
03:03 <Princess-Luna> :P
03:03 <Vulpor> no 2 days ago I did not know this game had a beta
03:04 <Vulpor> I have played battleborn
03:04 <Vulpor> the beta
03:04 <Vulpor> not my cup of tea lol
03:05 * Cepheid flops.
03:06 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I'm the Nostalgia Mare. I remember it, so you don't have to.)
03:07 <Sombra> Now I just gotta wait for got
03:09 <Cepheid> http://i810.photobucket.com/albums/zz27/Chaosvolt/fun.png
03:10 <Drifted_Away> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ddvp0Z00/IMG_0810.PNG
03:11 *** Joins: sketchypalette20 (sketchypale@Pony-6pe.4vf.198.112.IP)
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03:17 *** Quits: FedoraMane (Ponies@Nopony.Important) (Quit: Welp... My Little Pony FTW... WeeChat 1.4)
03:20 <Finwe> Good morning, everypony.
03:20 <Drifted_Away> !kill
03:20 * DerpyBot grabs Drifted_Away and flies off in the general direction of Sugarcube Corner
03:20 * DerpyBot returns with a cupcake with Drifted_Away's name etched into the frosting
03:21 *** Quits: Vulpor (Vulpor@Pony-n626au.139-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
03:22 <Finwe> My mother bought a puppy, who now decided that my feet needed to be licked at 5 a.m.
03:23 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)
03:23 <MarsToSirius> You're saying it DIDN'T need to be? I think the puppy's on to something
03:23 <Finwe> After ensuring that I was fully awake, she went back to her basket and fell asleep. o3o
03:24 <MarsToSirius> d'aww o3o
03:25 <Drifted_Away> Sounds like my cat
03:25 <Finwe> So here I am, wide awake at 5:30.
03:25 <Drifted_Away> Ignores me all day! I pull out my computer and suddenly is laying up against my Shoulder purring
03:25 <Finwe> Lts MarsToSirius and The_Nostalgia_Mare.
03:25 <Finwe> o7
03:26 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Radm. Finwe. (Salutes.)
03:27 * MarsToSirius salutesnuggles the Finwepone.
03:27 <Finwe> This one is an English springer spaniel, I think.
03:28 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-aur.m95.147.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03:28 <Finwe> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/EnglishSpringerSpan2_wb.jpg
03:29 *** Quits: WildSoft (WildSoft@Pony-lsh1c8.bredband.comhem.se) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03:29 <Finwe> A lot smaller, though. She's just a couple of months old.
03:31 <Finwe> She also tried to nom on me, but I put an end to her endeavours on that front.
03:37 <Schism> rAdm. Finwe.
03:37 * Schism doffs his mouse.
03:38 <Schism> That is also adorbs.
03:38 <Finwe> Mr Schism.
03:38 * Finwe doffs his nightcap.
03:41 *** Joins: WildSoft (WildSoft@Pony-lsh1c8.bredband.comhem.se)
03:42 * Finwe also boops Schism with a sleeping springer spaniel puppy.
03:43 * Snapai https://twitter.com/Snapai/status/729139030647001088 :D :D :D
03:43 *** Braixen is now known as Aqua
03:48 *** Quits: Summer_ (Summer_@Pony-8f4601.ga.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
03:48 <Schism> "That beauty hides the face of a card shark, and the bite came directly out of my flank." -Luna, on Fluttershy
03:49 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03:53 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms MarsToSirius
03:53 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Dem RD episode?
03:54 * MarsToSirius shakes his head.
03:54 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I...eh
03:54 <MarsToSirius> Five years of episodes about the Wonderbolts
03:54 <MarsToSirius> And Dash just kind of trips and falls into the group x3x
03:55 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> My heart kinda broke in this episode.
03:55 <Twilight`Sparkle> Exactly as it should be.
03:55 * MarsToSirius patpats The_Nostalgia_Mare.
03:55 <MarsToSirius> ... lol, yeah, maybe
03:55 * The_Nostalgia_Mare cries. "Soarin..."
03:55 <MarsToSirius> Wouldn't have minded it so much, if the Wonderbolts weren't revealed to be incredibly lame
03:56 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> The first 5-10 minutes got to me....
03:57 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> RD crashing into the Wonderbolts, Soarin saying, "Are you ok?" I knew my Soarin would do that..then I saw...things...
03:58 * The_Nostalgia_Mare sadnoms on MarsToSirius..
03:58 <Princess-Luna> The_Nostalgia_Mare: Accept it. Soarin...is...a...chump!
03:59 * Princess-Luna drops the mic'...or something.
03:59 <Twilight`Sparkle> you didn'nt realize this when he snarfed down a pie in full view of the public?
03:59 <Sombra> He fell to peer pressure.
03:59 <wobniaR> All of the Wonderbolts are derps
04:00 <wobniaR> That's why they never get anything done and just do fly shows
04:00 <MarsToSirius> Yep
04:00 <Sombra> Na
04:00 <Sombra> Soarin is gonna get with rainbow dash.
04:00 <MarsToSirius> ... cuz we fly a lot
04:00 <Sombra> I saw the way he looked at her when she saved him. And his pie.
04:00 <Princess-Luna> Soarins getting with a pie. And that's it
04:00 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yus.
04:00 <Twilight`Sparkle> there are fics about this already
04:00 <wobniaR> You people and your out of control shipping
04:00 <Sombra> Save a man's pie and he'll purr like walrus
04:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: VA of Ember, Mike Fox, and The Lady Writers (Joanna and Kristine) on Twitter! [ http://tinyurl.com/h83jfs3 ]
04:00 <Princess-Luna> wobniaR: It's practically canon. :P
04:01 <wobniaR> So is ur faic!
04:01 <Twilight`Sparkle> Also, question
04:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok, Dwight.
04:01 <Twilight`Sparkle> what ponies aren't derps?
04:01 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ...
04:01 <wobniaR> None
04:01 <wobniaR> Even Celestia has her derps
04:01 * The_Nostalgia_Mare points at Mars.
04:01 * Princess-Luna bursts out laughing
04:01 <wobniaR> Luna is an even bigger derp
04:01 <Princess-Luna> Truth
04:02 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Still, My heart was almost broken..
04:02 *** Joins: ChubbySheepLady (GreekOwl@Pony-lshouu.apht.inm5.0587.2a02.IP)
04:02 *** Joins: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-lshouu.apht.inm5.0587.2a02.IP)
04:03 <Twilight`Sparkle> Why?
04:03 <wobniaR> The 6 season trip was trivialized into a comedy
04:03 *** Quits: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-lshouu.apht.inm5.0587.2a02.IP) (Connection closed)
04:03 <wobniaR> Instead of being an emotional moment
04:03 * wobniaR patpats The_Nostalgia_Mare, there there
04:03 * Twilight`Sparkle pokes nossy
04:03 <MarsToSirius> So far we've got Trixie needing fwends and Dash getting into the Wonderbolts via nepotism
04:03 <Twilight`Sparkle> why for heartbreak.
04:04 <Heartbreak> What?
04:04 <wobniaR> Yes why Heartbreak
04:04 <Heartbreak> What?!
04:04 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> XD
04:04 <Heartbreak> Hey Nossy.
04:04 * Finwe noms on Heartbreak.
04:04 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi, Heartbreak.
04:04 <MarsToSirius> Aside from Spike, our character development episodes keep ending in the dumbest of ways
04:04 <Heartbreak> Twilight`Sparkle: What did I do>
04:04 <Twilight`Sparkle> shared a name with an actual thing.
04:04 <Heartbreak> ...
04:04 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-acd.o2e.207.187.IP)
04:04 <Heartbreak> You like reading, Right?
04:04 <Twilight`Sparkle> Provisionally.
04:05 <Librarian> i like turtles
04:05 <Heartbreak> Twilight`Sparkle: Do you like reading?
04:05 <Twilight`Sparkle> Provisionally.
04:05 <Finwe> Reading is not among my favourite townships.
04:05 * Schism leans over to Heartbreak. And then noms upon a stray hair. "Mm. Hair."
04:05 <wobniaR> I guess we're expecting too much feels from something that's essentially a sitcom
04:05 * The_Nostalgia_Mare lurks in the shadows...and drags Princess-Luna away also.
04:05 <Librarian> i found an addicting game
04:06 <wobniaR> Season 1 was simpler times, people weren't expecting more than "Horses go on adventures and friendship and be silly"
04:06 <Librarian> it has funny horses and solitaire
04:06 <MarsToSirius> Sitcoms can have emotional arcs too! It's not just dumb silliness
04:06 <Finwe> The Lurker on the Treshold.
04:06 <MarsToSirius> You just... you know, gotta curate your stories a little bit
04:06 <wobniaR> It's not, the previous few seasons have shown they have emotional arcs
04:06 <wobniaR> Which is why people's expectations are so high
04:06 * Finwe lurks on the treshold.
04:06 <Librarian> horsecom
04:06 <Librarian> horse sitcom
04:06 <MarsToSirius> Then Season 6 happens and everything keeps falling flat on its face
04:06 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-acd.o2e.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
04:06 *** Joins: Rosie_Alicorn (Rosie_Alico@Pony-nb1t84.pa.comcast.net)
04:06 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-acd.o2e.207.187.IP)
04:07 <Heartbreak> Twilight`Sparkle isn't answering me.
04:07 <wobniaR> Some people are just nuts and harrass the show staff on social media if anything doesn't fit with their headcanon tho
04:07 <Twilight`Sparkle> I did answer you.
04:07 <MarsToSirius> Yeah... :/
04:07 <Librarian> the twill you are trying to reach does not exists
04:07 <Librarian> its all in your mind
04:07 * Rosie_Alicorn waves
04:07 <Twilight`Sparkle> You asked if I liked reading. I answered, "Provisionally"
04:07 <Finwe> Mr Librarian.
04:07 <Librarian> mista finwe
04:07 * wobniaR applies a mini fridge to Rosie_Alicorn
04:08 * Finwe doffs his hat.
04:08 <Rosie_Alicorn> :P
04:08 <Heartbreak> Twilight`Sparkle: Then read my story.
04:08 * Rosie_Alicorn smiles :P
04:08 <Heartbreak> I am a story.
04:08 * MarsToSirius is me.
04:08 <Librarian> i am a book
04:09 <Librarian> a book is me
04:09 <Heartbreak> We are a book.
04:09 <Heartbreak> Are you a sword?
04:09 <Rosie_Alicorn> true
04:09 <Rosie_Alicorn> :P
04:09 <Librarian> lemme check
04:09 <Twilight`Sparkle> Your story is about a gender-flipped transplanted human with a hatred of males.
04:09 <Heartbreak> ...
04:10 <Heartbreak> Gee. That's not a logical fallacy at _all_.
04:10 <Librarian> my history is about of a couple of most likely demented spirits breaking into a horror movie
04:10 <Twilight`Sparkle> I'm not saying that makes it bad.
04:10 <Librarian> and everyone lives
04:10 <Twilight`Sparkle> I'm just saying it doesn't fall within the scope of stories that I personally am interested in.
04:10 <Heartbreak> That's not what I mean Twilight`Sparkle.
04:10 <Rosie_Alicorn> @Twilight Sparkle
04:10 <Heartbreak> Then why are you asking why I have a name that is also an actual thing?
04:11 <Princess-Luna> the @ doesn't matter, Rosie
04:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> I didn't ask.
04:11 <Rosie_Alicorn> oopsi XD
04:11 <Heartbreak> Who did?!
04:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> No one asked.
04:11 <Rosie_Alicorn> ah ok
04:11 <Rosie_Alicorn> thankies :P
04:11 <Heartbreak> Noooo, Somep-pony did.
04:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> Nossy said the recent episode almost broke their heart.
04:11 <MarsToSirius> ... is this STILL going
04:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> I asked "why for heartbreak" in response to that.
04:11 * Finwe noms on Rosie_Alicorn.
04:11 <Heartbreak> Oh.
04:11 <Princess-Luna> MarsToSirius: It never eeeends
04:11 <Heartbreak> Well.
04:11 <Heartbreak> Never mind then.
04:11 <wobniaR> The ride NEVER ends
04:11 <Librarian> its eternal
04:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> AKA you got pinged because you share a name with an actual thing.
04:12 <Librarian> miss luna wild ride
04:12 * Heartbreak rolls her eyes then.
04:12 <Sombra> Heartbreak ridge, 1963
04:12 <Finwe> o3o
04:12 <Librarian> sombra yay
04:12 <Heartbreak> Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, understood, everything is clear now.
04:12 * Twilight`Sparkle boops Heartbreak.
04:12 <Heartbreak> It was -my- mistake.
04:12 * Rosie_Alicorn noms on Finwe
04:12 * Heartbreak glowers at Twilight`Sparkle.
04:12 <Librarian> nothing is true everything is jam
04:12 <Heartbreak> You got me hopeful.
04:12 * Finwe is delicious.
04:12 <Heartbreak> And then you shattered my hopes.
04:13 <Twilight`Sparkle> also I just found a power armor fream with some x-01 parts on it.
04:13 * Rosie_Alicorn Finwe is :P
04:13 <Heartbreak> So I rebuke your boop!
04:13 * Librarian noms hopes
04:13 *** MarsToSirius changes topic to 'Welcome to #EquestriaDaily! This channel is rated All Ages. | Guide and rules: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Episode 7: Important Link - http://derpy.me/JqiFt (Discussion Open!)'
04:13 * Twilight`Sparkle boops anyway
04:13 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)
04:13 * Rosie_Alicorn boops Finwe's nose :P
04:13 <Librarian> hoi thelema
04:13 <Thelema5> Hello, everypony!
04:13 <Twilight`Sparkle> ...words that rhyme with flash?
04:13 <Rosie_Alicorn> hello
04:13 <Rosie_Alicorn> dash
04:13 <wobniaR> Very important link
04:14 <Rosie_Alicorn> sash
04:14 <Rosie_Alicorn> SH
04:14 <Rosie_Alicorn> ash
04:14 <Rosie_Alicorn> :P
04:14 <Twilight`Sparkle> Rash Gentry.
04:14 <MarsToSirius> I wasn't aware that this site existed so I tried to search for a word that would most likely get me that list
04:14 <MarsToSirius> I might fix it later to have it say "rhymes with flash" but for now
04:14 <Librarian> crash
04:14 <Librarian> wash
04:14 <Librarian> splash
04:14 <Rosie_Alicorn> splash
04:14 <Rosie_Alicorn> aww lol you took mine
04:14 <Rosie_Alicorn> XD
04:14 *** MarsToSirius changes topic to 'Welcome to #EquestriaDaily! This channel is rated All Ages. | Guide and rules: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Episode 7: Important Link - http://derpy.me/2tqLi (Discussion Open!)'
04:14 <MarsToSirius> there, fixed, meanies
04:15 <Librarian> give this alicorn a cookie
04:15 * Rosie_Alicorn noms the cookie
04:15 <Rosie_Alicorn> :P
04:15 <Twilight`Sparkle> ...rhymes with dash?
04:15 <Sombra> What was I talking about?
04:15 *** Joins: Snapai_ (Snapai@Pony-alnp7f.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net)
04:15 <Rosie_Alicorn> clash
04:15 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Connection closed)
04:15 <Librarian> i found a bunch of writingg contests yay
04:15 <Librarian> they pay good cash
04:15 <Rosie_Alicorn> lol
04:15 <Sombra> Cash is king
04:15 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-3rci8v.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)
04:15 <Rosie_Alicorn> bash
04:16 <Librarian> aren't you a king
04:16 <Rosie_Alicorn> stash
04:16 <Sombra> I wash.
04:16 <Sombra> *was
04:16 <Sombra> But I do also wash.
04:16 *** Quits: Snapai_ (Snapai@Pony-alnp7f.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net) (Connection closed)
04:16 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Connection closed)
04:17 <Librarian> but you took a cadence to the face
04:17 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)
04:17 *** Joins: Snapai_ (Snapai@Pony-alnp7f.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net)
04:17 * Rosie_Alicorn smiles <3
04:17 <Librarian> we could work out a solution sombra
04:17 <MarsToSirius> Rainbow Hash
04:17 <MarsToSirius> *snrk*
04:17 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-kmofel.f402.tdpm.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
04:17 <Rosie_Alicorn> ooo hashbrowns XD
04:17 <Librarian> tired might know how to fix you
04:17 <Librarian> tirek
04:18 <MarsToSirius> Rainbow Common European Ash
04:18 <Librarian> then we can make dank memes
04:18 <Sombra> What's the solution?
04:18 <Heartbreak> And I don't hate males! I just don't want to be flirted with!
04:18 <Librarian> crazy glue
04:18 <Librarian> fixes ecrything
04:19 * Heartbreak grumble grumbles.
04:19 <Librarian> except my grammar
04:19 <Rosie_Alicorn> depends what you use it for
04:19 <Sombra> errrrthang
04:19 <Rosie_Alicorn> :P
04:20 * Librarian fixes sombras horn
04:20 * Rosie_Alicorn noms on pizza
04:20 <Librarian> go forth opress something
04:20 <Sombra> I opress everything with my coltsplaining
04:21 <Librarian> and gak
04:21 <Sombra> and coltspreading. That doesn't sound right
04:21 <Sombra> Lets just call it hoofspreading instead.
04:21 <Sombra> Actually I don't know if that's any better.
04:21 * MarsToSirius launches this conversation into orbit.
04:21 <MarsToSirius> So anyway uh memes
04:21 <wobniaR> Someone say memes?
04:21 <Librarian> nun mars
04:21 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
04:22 <Librarian> nuuuuu
04:22 <MarsToSirius> I can't tell if that's a word you're using or a very weird emoticon
04:22 * Rosie_Alicorn walks on mars :P
04:22 * MarsToSirius np: DANCE WITH THE DEAD - Spacewalk
04:22 <MarsToSirius> how appropriate
04:22 <Librarian> my plan was to get sombra away and steal the gak
04:22 <Sombra> I don't talk about gak
04:22 * MarsToSirius feels Rosie_Alicorn's hooves on his back. Feels his bones crack and crick into place. Settles down, relaxed. -3-
04:22 * Rosie_Alicorn does the moonwalk
04:23 <Librarian> gak is key to my plans
04:23 * Rosie_Alicorn is glad to have helped relax MarsToSirius XD
04:24 <Librarian> is gak still a thing?
04:24 <jimmt> will the 2017 movie likely be canceled if ratings stay low
04:24 <Rosie_Alicorn> i hope not :(
04:24 *** Quits: Rosie_Alicorn (Rosie_Alico@Pony-nb1t84.pa.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
04:24 <MarsToSirius> psh, no
04:24 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)
04:24 <Princess-Luna> Did you not HEAR the statement, jimmt
04:24 <Princess-Luna> Ratings are not key here
04:24 <MarsToSirius> No one in the company or in the studio has given two craps about the ratings for the show for a long time now, DF's ratings have always been terrible
04:25 <Princess-Luna> THIS is about toy sales. that is the single important figure
04:25 <MarsToSirius> MLP is consistently its best performer... LPS does like 70k/wknd and it's finishing its fourth seasons
04:25 <Librarian> its a cult classic
04:25 <Princess-Luna> Hasbro will continue this because they know what it is and what it gets.
04:25 <MarsToSirius> And toy sales are YUGE
04:25 <Princess-Luna> it's their brand.
04:25 <Librarian> yuge
04:25 <wobniaR> I want to ride the swan boats
04:25 <Librarian> huge with powah
04:25 <Princess-Luna> ANYONE worrying about ratings hasn't realised yet that Nielson ratings are basically garbage now anyway
04:26 <MarsToSirius> Considering they don't take into account iTunes and Amazon views, or Netflix streams after the fact
04:26 <Princess-Luna> So yeah - there is 0 danger.
04:26 <wobniaR> All this reassurance is falling on deaf ears
04:26 *** Quits: Snapai_ (Snapai@Pony-alnp7f.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
04:26 * MarsToSirius read that as zero dongers.
04:26 <Princess-Luna> GG, mars
04:27 <wobniaR> Fandom people are finnicky and will panic at the next unimportant sign of nothing
04:27 <Princess-Luna> just like the rose trio
04:27 <Princess-Luna> I love those mares
04:27 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal_Nig@Pony-ttgk39.ca.charter.com)
04:27 <wobniaR> A horrible, terrible disaster!
04:27 * wobniaR faints
04:27 <Princess-Luna> MarsToSirius: OH GOD YES.
04:27 <Librarian> discord should be everywhere]
04:27 * Princess-Luna lols
04:27 <Princess-Luna> That tweet...god.
04:27 <MarsToSirius> good lord
04:27 *** Joins: Snapai__ (Snapai@Pony-alnp7f.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net)
04:27 <Heartbreak> Discord is in my tea.
04:27 <Librarian> i should be in the show
04:28 <Librarian> me and my afro would steal the limelight
04:28 <Librarian> ya me vi
04:28 <Renny> You should appear in like, one of Twilight's dreams
04:28 <Librarian> twilightttt
04:28 <Librarian> im you conscience
04:28 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
04:28 <Heartbreak> Hear that Twilight`Sparkle?
04:28 <wobniaR> What tweet
04:28 <wobniaR> I'm missing something here
04:29 <Heartbreak> Your conscience has a fro'.
04:29 <MarsToSirius> Someone posted a still pic from the next episode and tweeted it to Nick Confalone and someone else
04:29 <Princess-Luna> moaning that discord WASN'T THERE
04:29 <MarsToSirius> It's hard to explain wihtout spoiling it, but... yeah
04:29 <Princess-Luna> and saying it was ruining their love of the show.
04:29 <wobniaR> What
04:29 <Princess-Luna> because waaah waaah waaah
04:29 <MarsToSirius> It was apparently very important that Discord be in that shot, because otherwise *friendships don't mean anything*
04:29 <Princess-Luna> { Future ep spoiler photo. }
04:29 <Librarian> i like discord
04:29 <Librarian> and turtles
04:30 <Princess-Luna> we can't go into details, but needless to say...this whole affair was ridiculous and just basically sniping at an MLP writer
04:30 <Princess-Luna> and the things Big Jim has dealt with this week? I pity him
04:30 <wobniaR> I already know what next episode is, but what that's just silly
04:30 <MarsToSirius> This episode isn't going to help matters
04:30 <MarsToSirius> It's another conclusion to an arc that people aren't coloquially on board with
04:31 <MarsToSirius> And it's another fandom waifu too, so...
04:31 <Princess-Luna> Already seen somebody 'angry that MLP supports and condones hazing'
04:31 <Princess-Luna> so that's fun
04:31 <Heartbreak> Ugh... 'waifu'...
04:31 <wobniaR> No waifus no senpais
04:31 <MarsToSirius> Why can't we go back to just that one guy that complained that there was a butch pony in the Fluttershy/Twi valley neighbors episode
04:31 <MarsToSirius> At least we could laugh at it a bit knowing that the writers weren't feeling discouraged and frustrated
04:32 <Princess-Luna> And let's not forget how much collective fanwhining seems to happen whenever starlights involved
04:32 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Connection closed)
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04:32 *** Joins: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)
04:32 <Heartbreak> Nossy!
04:32 * Schism eats Heartbreak's tail. o3o
04:33 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi.
04:33 <Heartbreak> Fetting fet fet fet fet Schism. Stop eating chocolate molds of me. It's creepy.\
04:33 <Librarian> nossy wossy wowochi
04:33 * Renny puts the rest of Heartbreak into a box and ships it to Finland
04:33 <Librarian> banana fana bobochi nossy
04:33 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-h897fc.qaqv.r2ue.030a.2602.IP)
04:33 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali
04:33 <Schism> Darnit... I want more cigarettes...
04:34 <Librarian> this message was brought to you by the librarian washing board
04:34 * Renny puts 65 nicotine patches up and down Schism's arms
04:35 <Librarian> that would kill him
04:35 <Librarian> in a very mellow sorta way
04:35 * Renny never stated his intentions
04:36 <Librarian> ok
04:36 <MarsToSirius> You know what arc of the show I *am* enjoying, and I barely realized it's an arc
04:36 <MarsToSirius> (and I swear it's not just for the reason you think)
04:36 <MarsToSirius> Rarity and Manehattan.
04:36 <wobniaR> Same
04:36 <Renny> Heh
04:36 <Librarian> rarity for mayot
04:36 <Librarian> mayor
04:37 <MarsToSirius> I'm thinking back on it, and each episode about Manehattan has been *really* nice and flows together well
04:37 <Librarian> i visited manhattan once
04:37 <MarsToSirius> That first Coco Pommel episode was rock solid, we had Rarity scout out the place with Pinkie and Maud and that was a really great episode
04:37 <Librarian> nice place
04:37 <Librarian> really cold
04:37 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-k4i.8pr.200.112.IP)
04:37 <MarsToSirius> The Rarity/AJ episode was also super good
04:37 <MarsToSirius> And it still has room to grow o3o
04:37 <Princess-Luna> Maud is just a really good reccurring character
04:37 <MarsToSirius> yus
04:37 <Librarian> what i do wonder its how much can the show actually endure
04:38 *** Joins: Magnus (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)
04:38 <Princess-Luna> As much as it needs to, I guess
04:38 <wobniaR> Eternity
04:38 <Princess-Luna> I mean it's not like anyones obligated to stay all the way through
04:38 <Librarian> i did not jump of the bandwagon
04:38 <MarsToSirius> I am
04:38 <Princess-Luna> Me, I'm having a good time.
04:38 <Princess-Luna> Why would I get off now? :P
04:38 <Librarian> im kinda hanging on the rim
04:38 <MarsToSirius> I'm teleported into my chair every Saturday morning, forced to watch colorful equines
04:38 <wobniaR> I'm here until the end, but I'm jumping off if SunLight becomes canon
04:39 <Princess-Luna> Good riddence then!~
04:39 <wobniaR> It'll never happen tho
04:39 <Princess-Luna> Because SunLight is gud ship
04:39 <MarsToSirius> There will be the Great War between Princess-Luna and wobniaR, and we'll all have to pick sides
04:39 <wobniaR> Civil war*
04:39 <Librarian> i pick luna
04:39 <Princess-Luna> The SunLight wars
04:39 <Librarian> bcuase mod
04:39 <wobniaR> Pffff
04:39 <Renny> Woona is best pon o3o
04:39 <Librarian> and she is britsh
04:39 <Librarian> i like them brits
04:39 <wobniaR> A cinnabon won't win you anything
04:39 <Princess-Luna> <3
04:39 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I'm team UnderRoos.
04:40 <Librarian> if this civil war imma be black panther
04:40 <Librarian> rawr
04:40 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I'll be spiderman.
04:41 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
04:41 <Princess-Luna> Cool, you work well in that role
04:41 <MarsToSirius> I'll be Sparticus
04:41 <Librarian> we need a proper mexican heroe on marvel
04:42 <Librarian> capitan taco
04:42 <Librarian> yay
04:42 <Magnus> Racist
04:42 <Mike_Coltfield> My new roommates convinced me to watch "Dale and Tucker versus Evil."
04:42 <MarsToSirius> did u kno
04:42 <Mike_Coltfield> For once, I'm glad for peer pressure
04:42 <MarsToSirius> que Librarian es de mexico
04:42 <Renny> I am renny o3o
04:43 <Librarian> its a weird funny movie
04:43 <Magnus> Racist
04:43 <Librarian> i liked it
04:43 * MarsToSirius puts a small Mexican flag behind Magnus' ear.
04:43 <Librarian> we do have heroes, sort of
04:43 <Librarian> there is this guy called kaliman
04:44 <Librarian> then there is el santo and the wrestlers
04:44 <MarsToSirius> Was having a small convo about the episode with a friend of mine on Twitter
04:44 <Librarian> el santo could give captain america a run for his money
04:44 <MarsToSirius> Then he drew this. You get no context https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ch56LRzVEAAKxcn.jpg:large
04:45 <Librarian> my interception is, dad im going to go to space
04:45 <Librarian> nuuuu
04:45 <Librarian> yass
04:45 <Librarian> imma go to bed now
04:46 <Librarian> see ya
04:46 *** Quits: Sombra (Iceman@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)
04:46 <Librarian> !lunarmood
04:46 <Thelema5> G'night!
04:46 <Librarian> never works
04:46 <Librarian> !moon
04:46 <DerpyBot> Grab my tail, Librarian!
04:46 <MarsToSirius> That's neve rbeen a command
04:46 *** Librarian was kicked by DerpyBot (To the moon!)
04:48 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on MarsToSirius.
04:49 <Schism> [Order] [Form] [Earth] - Hoof of Destiny. Your next buck will apply with 100 times normal force.
04:49 *** Magnus is now known as KooK
04:49 <KooK> I got my grade back in my Mat_E class, got a B+
04:50 <Heartbreak> And once again, the day wasn't saved... by the Pewder Poof Gerbs.
04:50 <Surreal_Nightmares> Is that bad or good to you?
04:50 <KooK> Messed up the 2nd test a bit, got a 90 on the first, an 89.2 on the final, and 95% on the quiz grades. But a 70% on the 2nd exam :/
04:51 <Surreal_Nightmares> :I
04:51 <Thelema5> Isn't 70 still a passing grade?
04:51 <KooK> Yup
04:51 <Thelema5> Yus!
04:51 <KooK> Ended up with an 87 out of the class though
04:51 <Thelema5> That's awesome, congrats!
04:52 <KooK> Thanks :P
04:52 <KooK> I'm trying to decide if I should take a summer class or have the first summer off in 4 years
04:52 <Heartbreak> I like math.
04:52 <KooK> Then you would love what I'm doing, Heartbreak
04:53 <Heartbreak> I like math games.
04:53 <KooK> Hold on
04:53 <Heartbreak> Like how to test for the Divisibility of a number.
04:53 <Heartbreak> There's this weird little equation that you can use to do it.
04:53 <KooK> Heartbreak - This was my equation sheet for my final exam https://www.dropbox.com/s/pug5cjqaghkgri9/Exam%20Sheet%203%20ver2.pdf?dl=0
04:54 <Thelema5> I'm confused... why is this kimchee base made in Japan? https://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/asian-food/sauces-seasoning/condiments-seeds-spices/momoya-kimchee-base-7-oz
04:54 <Thelema5> Kimchee is a signature Korean staple
04:55 *** Pi is now known as Pi_Away
04:55 <KooK> Yeah but there are Japanese that like Kimchee, however they like it with their own twist.
04:55 <Thelema5> I've had Kimchee a handful of times, I don't like it one bit.
04:55 <Heartbreak> If z[a]+10[b] is another multiple of [ab], where [ab] is a number that is also a multiple of our test number, then the number itself is divisible by our test number.
04:56 <Heartbreak> Case in point 2[a]+10[b] is the test used for 7.
04:56 <Heartbreak> So let's say that we use a number like 28.
04:56 <Heartbreak> 2 is a and 8 is b.
04:57 <KooK> I'm passing out pretty quick here
04:57 <KooK> goodnight
04:57 <Heartbreak> 2 times 2 is 4, and 10 times 8 is 80.
04:57 <Heartbreak> this gives us a sum of 84 which is a multiple of 7.
04:58 * Princess-Luna just nopes at all the math
04:58 <Princess-Luna> !link nope
04:58 <DerpyBot> https://derpiboo.ru/518623
04:58 <Heartbreak> We can test this again by plugging in the numbers 8 and 4.
04:58 <Princess-Luna> I....don't know what to say there
04:58 <Heartbreak> 8 times 2 is 16 and 4 times 10 is 40.
04:58 <Heartbreak> 16 plus 40 is 56.
04:59 <Heartbreak> It's just a math trick.
04:59 <Thelema5> two plus two equals five
04:59 <Heartbreak> Noooo
04:59 <Heartbreak> Two plus Two equals Fish.
04:59 <Heartbreak> Duh.
04:59 <Thelema5> Trust us. two plus two equals five
05:00 <Heartbreak> Fish!
05:00 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on Thelema5
05:01 * Thelema5 thinks of the place where there is no darkness
05:01 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
05:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Music of the Day #656 [ http://tinyurl.com/h4btvhg ]
05:03 *** Joins: Gladiolus (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)
05:04 <wobniaR> Nope.avi
05:05 <Surreal_Nightmares> This is TF2.
05:06 <Princess-Luna> I know its TF2, well done
05:06 <Gladiolus> Sour_Sweet, what did I do last monday?
05:06 <Gladiolus> I missed your note >.<
05:06 <Princess-Luna> just saying the picture itself is....well, weird
05:07 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
05:08 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on Princess-Luna.
05:09 <Schism> Heartbreak: And 7 * 13 = 28.
05:11 <Schism> ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkbQDEXJy2k )
05:13 <Twilight`Sparkle> Fallout 4. Gunner corporal and two privates are doing the classic "pay the toll to pass" thing.
05:14 <Twilight`Sparkle> So I bargain them down to half-price, pay, and pass...
05:14 <Surreal_Nightmares> :O
05:14 <Twilight`Sparkle> And when I'm far enough away, I pull out my rifle and snipe them to death, and go get their stuff.
05:17 <Twilight`Sparkle> The moral of the story is, don't extort the heavily armed and armored traveler.
05:17 * Heartbreak _hurts_ Schism.
05:17 *** Quits: F4celess (Norse@Pony-4iv.s1r.95.88.IP) (Quit: Don't push the red button!)
05:18 <Thelema5> I'm happy to have gotten my garden planted today. This year I'm growing a romaine lettuce, a bib lettuce, jalapenos, habaneros, zucchini, slicing cucumbers, picking cucumbers, grape tomatoes, salad tomatoes,
05:18 <Thelema5> roma tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, sugar snap peas, and green beans.
05:18 <Surreal_Nightmares> Dang.
05:18 <Thelema5> The berry and herb garden is growing strawberries, raspberries, comfrey, catnip, chamomile, sweet Italian basil, Thai basil, rosemary, oregano, marjoram, sweet woodruff, spearmint, mojito mint, dill, and chives. Yay!
05:18 <Thelema5> It was a lot of work!
05:18 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on Thelema5.
05:19 * Surreal_Nightmares pats Thelema5's ears.
05:19 <Schism> That right there is one helluva garden.
05:19 <Thelema5> I don't buy much produce in the summer or fall.
05:19 <Thelema5> :P
05:20 *** Joins: Pony|4505 (Pony4505@Pony-kkarhd.sc.comcast.net)
05:20 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-3rci8v.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
05:20 <Thelema5> I only buy super cheap stuff that's not efficient to grow like root vegetables.
05:20 <Pony|4505> Cool
05:20 <Thelema5> Onions, carrots, potatoes, etc.
05:20 <Pony|4505> You a farmer?
05:21 <Schism> And of course you have plenty of forage.
05:21 *** Quits: Pony|4505 (Pony4505@Pony-kkarhd.sc.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
05:22 <Thelema5> Well, that's much less reliable than gardening. I've not found a single morel all season.
05:22 <Princess-Luna> Well that was brief
05:22 <Thelema5> The weather has been too strange.
05:22 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lel.
05:23 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-3rci8v.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)
05:24 * Surreal_Nightmares ear flopsies Not-Renny's ears.
05:24 <Not-Renny> .-.
05:27 * Surreal_Nightmares noms Not-Renny's nose.
05:27 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-es37k3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I'm the Nostalgia Mare. I remember it, so you don't have to.)
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05:33 *** Joins: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@Pony-6vus37.n4ri.ljqb.e800.2404.IP)
05:33 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on unicodingunicorn.
05:33 <unicodingunicorn> good afternoon everyone!
05:34 * unicodingunicorn collapses under the weight
05:34 * Surreal_Nightmares shakes unicodingunicorn with purrs.
05:34 <Thelema5> Hello!
05:35 <unicodingunicorn> heya!
05:35 * Surreal_Nightmares ruffles unicodingunicorn's mane.
05:35 * unicodingunicorn eeps
05:37 * Surreal_Nightmares noms unicodingunicorn's mane.
05:37 * unicodingunicorn ear flopsies
05:37 * Surreal_Nightmares gasps and ear flopsies unicodingunicorn's ears with the nose.
05:38 * unicodingunicorn eeps and retreats under a blanket
05:39 * Surreal_Nightmares peeks under the blanket and pblbpblblbplb.
05:40 *** Joins: Thy (uid63062@Pony-tnlo2b.richmond.irccloud.com)
05:41 <Finwe> Mr unicodingunicorn.
05:41 * Finwe doffs his hat.
05:41 <unicodingunicorn> salutations, RAdm. Finwe
05:41 <Finwe> _o7
05:41 * unicodingunicorn hats on Finwe
05:42 * Surreal_Nightmares wears Finwe as a hat
05:42 * Finwe takes off unicodingunicorn and lets the puppy nom on him.
05:42 * unicodingunicorn eeps and gives Finwe a look, as though he has betrayed him
05:42 * Surreal_Nightmares doffs Finwe at no one.
05:42 <Finwe> o3o
05:42 * Not-Renny takes Finwe
05:43 * Surreal_Nightmares wears Not-Renny as a hat.
05:43 <Surreal_Nightmares> I am ultimate hatter
05:43 <Thelema5> This data is very useful in planning a productive garden: https://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/fvwretail.pdf
05:44 <Finwe> Mr Thelema5.
05:44 * Finwe doffs his hat.
05:44 <Schism> "Dear Princess Celestia: You've thought I was a threat for all the wrong reasons. THIS is why I'm a threat. Sincerely yours, and with much aplomb..."
05:44 <Surreal_Nightmares> So you di
05:44 <Surreal_Nightmares> Dang it.
05:44 <Thelema5> Generally, anything with a average retail price of less than a dollar per pound (US) is not worth growing yourself
05:45 <Thelema5> Hello, Finwe!
05:45 <Surreal_Nightmares> So you doff unicodingunicorn?
05:45 <Finwe> Thelema5: We have one of these now; my mother bought her a couple of weeks ago: http://www.puppyoung.com/wp-content/uploads/no/norfolk-english-springer-spaniel-puppies-due-th-may-norwich-breed.jpg
05:45 <Surreal_Nightmares> I doff you.
05:45 <Finwe> She's very fond of nomming on things.
05:45 *** Joins: MDP (mark@Pony-geh4o1.cable.rogers.com)
05:45 * Surreal_Nightmares noms Finwe.
05:45 <Thelema5> Onions, potatoes, carrots, these take up a lof of land for low yields, it's cheaper to buy them
05:46 <MDP> meow
05:46 <Thelema5> That's adorable, Finwe
05:46 <Thelema5> What is it's name?
05:46 <Schism> Hail, yet another Canadian.
05:46 * Finwe boops MDP.
05:46 <Schism> At this rate, our channel's going to be 50% Canadian by weight.
05:46 <Thelema5> Isn't it already?
05:46 <MDP> yo canadian right here
05:46 <Finwe> Is Rogers a Canadian ISP?
05:46 <Thelema5> I think so
05:46 <Schism> It is!
05:47 <MDP> yes it is
05:47 <Thelema5> Considering how much QRS complains about it.
05:47 <Finwe> Schism: So, how much for 1/1 Gbit/s?
05:47 <Schism> It is to laugh.
05:48 <Schism> I want them to provide said speeds, but that ain't happening, anytime soon, no way, nohow, here in the US/Canada.
05:48 <Finwe> So, if I could lease my Internet connection to, say, 100 Canadians, I would be a rich man?
05:48 <Schism> So if you see someone from Rogers, Bell.ca, Shaw, or the like, you know they're Canadian.
05:48 <Schism> Finwe: Good luck doing that.
05:49 <Schism> But yes, that'd likely make you wealthy. ._.;
05:49 * MDP spreads poutine around the table
05:49 <Lirodon> I use SaskTel
05:49 <Finwe> 100 times the price of 10/10 Mbit/s per month.
05:49 * Schism sets some hummus on the poutine.
05:49 <Lirodon> they, however, are not AS crappy as other Canadian ISPs
05:50 <Schism> I am rather thankful that the higher-ups have finally crafted a version of our antivirus which works on Windows 10. It only took them, oh, MOST OF A YEAR.
05:51 *** Joins: Pi_Away (saxopi@Pony-k4i.8pr.200.112.IP)
05:51 <Thelema5> My download speed is generally less than 3 Mbps.
05:51 <MDP> ewww
05:51 <MDP> plebian internet
05:51 <Surreal_Nightmares> Mine is like 15-16.
05:51 <Surreal_Nightmares> Upload is like 3.
05:52 <Schism> I'm looking at about 100Mbps/10Mbps.
05:52 *** Joins: Muffin_Spectacles (Muffin_Spec@Pony-14vpoi.cable.rcn.com)
05:52 <Thelema5> DSL is still very much alive in rural America.
05:52 <Surreal_Nightmares> Yep
05:52 <Schism> MDP: What package are you on, by the way?
05:53 <MDP> .... i have a 350mb fibre optic connection, unlimited bandwith, i average a download speed around 20 to 25mb
05:53 <Schism> 350? I could have sworn we didn't offer that one in Ontario. Just 250 or gigabit.
05:54 <Schism> You on a wireless connection?
05:54 <MDP> nah its the 250 connection on paper, but when i check the speed it appears to sit around 350.
05:55 <MDP> i asked the tech dude about it and he said enjoy it.
05:55 <Schism> Yeah, 250 is just the guaranteed speed. That's fine. Looks like you're using the CGN3ACSMR, too.
05:55 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lol.
05:55 <MDP> i was like... okay i dont understand but sure.
05:55 <Surreal_Nightmares> Don't question it. :P
05:55 <MDP> i have no idea what that is schism
05:55 <Schism> The modem.
05:55 <MDP> and how'd you know that?
05:56 <Schism> Guesswork. And... I might also work for Rogers.
05:56 <MDP> whats muh name
05:56 <Schism> Mark. But I knew that without looking THAT bit up.
05:56 <MDP> lol
05:56 <MDP> cool
05:56 *** Quits: Drifted_Away (uid149300@I.Started.Falling.Up) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
05:56 <MDP> so... do they take trade ins for the s7?
05:56 <Schism> I don't do wireless, sorry.
05:57 <MDP> dang
05:57 <Schism> Yeah, check your wifi signals. Note that the 5G network is faster but has lower signal range so you'd get a packet loss if you're far from your modem.
05:57 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-3rci8v.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
05:57 <Schism> You might also want to bridge your modem and use a third-party one.
05:57 <Schism> Third-party router, that is.
05:57 <MDP> yeah, my room mates use the wifi, i always plug in to the modem itself. its right on the desk anyway
05:58 <Schism> Wait, and even over Ethernet you're getting 30Mbps?
05:58 <MDP> yeah
05:58 <MDP> that weird?
05:58 <Schism> Tell your roommates to stop running friggin' torrents.
05:58 <MDP> lol
05:58 <Schism> I ain't even kidding.
05:58 <MDP> we all use netflix
05:58 *** Snapai__ is now known as Snapai
05:59 <MDP> ive got 4 room mates so yeah
05:59 *** Joins: Ded (Surreal_Nig@Pony-sabkdq.sub-70-197-75.myvzw.com)
05:59 <Schism> Netflix is fine. But I swear someone's running torrents. Even if you're on 250u, that explains the download speed being broken.
05:59 *** Quits: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal_Nig@Pony-ttgk39.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
05:59 *** Ded is now known as Surreal_Nightmares
05:59 <MDP> what should it be at?
05:59 <Schism> You should be at 250up, 20 down.
05:59 <Schism> ... reverse that.
06:00 <Schism> 250Mbps down, 20 up.
06:00 *** Aqua is now known as Braixen
06:00 *** Pi_Away is now known as Pi
06:00 *** Joins: Twilight_Shimmer (Twilight_Sh@Pony-c17.mvv.100.24.IP)
06:00 *** Surreal_Nightmares is now known as Ded
06:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Roundup #1326 [ http://tinyurl.com/hnyr3ou ]
06:00 <MDP> running a speed test now.... seems im getting 313.38mbps download and 11.36 mbpsd according to speedtest.net
06:00 <Twilight`Sparkle> coworker of mine has mentioned vamping.
06:01 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal_Nig@Pony-ttgk39.ca.charter.com)
06:01 <Schism> That sounds all right. Hmm.
06:01 <Twilight`Sparkle> speed test will show a download speed alright, but the router winds up limiting every device to match whichever one has the lowest performance.
06:01 <Schism> Wait, is that 25MBps or 25Mbps you say you're getting?
06:02 <MDP> when just downloading files? or on the speed test
06:02 <Schism> Twilight`Sparkle, that sounds problematic when you have a PS4 or XBone, which have hardware limiters.
06:02 <Schism> MDP: When downloading files or the like.
06:02 <MDP> yeah when downloading it sits around 30 to 40 mb
06:02 <Schism> I don't think we have such vamping limits on the ACSMR.
06:02 <Twilight`Sparkle> Schism: yep.
06:03 <Twilight`Sparkle> but it does depend on the router.
06:03 <Schism> But I might be incorrect...
06:03 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: 999)
06:03 <Schism> MDP: Again, downloading in a client usually shows it as megaBYTES/sec.
06:03 <Twilight`Sparkle> the reason it came up is because I got annoyed with my old router which kept dropping the connection
06:03 <Twilight`Sparkle> so I upgrade to a nighthawk router.
06:03 <MDP> yeah
06:03 <Schism> Ah, the good old Linksys type...
06:04 <Twilight`Sparkle> And was talking about it. "Side benefit! You'll no longer need to worry about vamping."
06:04 <Schism> MDP: In regards to the clients, multiply by 8 for your actual speed. So you're good.
06:04 *** Quits: Ded (Surreal_Nig@Pony-sabkdq.sub-70-197-75.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
06:04 <Schism> Not an issue, you're actually downloading properly.
06:05 <Schism> By the way, if I ever get you on my line, I don't know you, you don't know me, and best pony is absolutely not Princess Luna.
06:06 <Twilight`Sparkle> how would he even know it's you, you haven't shared the name you introduce yourself with on the line.
06:06 <Schism> And I'm happy to keep it that way.
06:07 *** Quits: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal_Nig@Pony-ttgk39.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
06:07 <Schism> Joking aside, I have... evidently, a distinctive voice. So it's possible that I might be recognized.
06:08 <Twilight`Sparkle> we've heard you?
06:08 <Thelema5> I feel like I've hear Schism's voice on occastion
06:08 <Schism> I do run a gaming stream from time to time.
06:08 <Thelema5> *occasion
06:09 <Schism> I've also partaken in Cepheid's streams.
06:09 * Princess-Luna tugs on the strings...dance, puppets, dance
06:10 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-bc75a7.res.rr.com)
06:10 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift
06:10 <Schism> (I think I've sung 'Daisy, Daisy' on mic before.)
06:10 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-7eipq6.ut.comcast.net)
06:10 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.
06:10 <Schism> Hihi!
06:11 * Schism latches onto Rifty. Also offers pumpernickel and spinach dip.
06:11 * ConfusionRift has a burg, but still appreciates the offering. :P
06:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> as far as I'm aware I sound super different between phone and computer mic.
06:12 *** Parts: Thy (uid63062@Pony-tnlo2b.richmond.irccloud.com) ("")
06:12 * MarsToSirius snatches the pumpernickel. Leaves the dip. Noms happily.
06:12 <Thelema5> Hello, ConfusionRift
06:12 * Schism passes Thelema5 a pressed panini sandwich. It contains peach and habanero jam, muenster cheese, spinach, and thick-sliced deli chicken, as well as some green peppers for crunch.
06:13 <ConfusionRift> How dare you leave the dip!
06:13 * Thelema5 smiles slowly
06:13 * ConfusionRift eats the dip as is.
06:13 <Thelema5> Spinach dip is a lovely companion to many breads and crackers
06:13 <Schism> Especially rye breads.
06:15 <MarsToSirius> I loooove pumpernickel. I can't imagine adding anything other than butter or honey French or Thousand Island to it.
06:16 <Schism> Mars: Spinach and asparagus dip, try it at some point.
06:16 <Twilight`Sparkle> HAH!
06:17 <Twilight`Sparkle> eat that, deathclaw!
06:17 <Schism> Especially - and I point this out - after slicing the bread, then toasting them in the oven and making medallions thereof.
06:17 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-7eipq6.ut.comcast.net) (Connection closed)
06:17 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-7eipq6.ut.comcast.net)
06:17 <Schism> Twilight`Sparkle, really, deathclaws aren't hard. Hit 'em in the leg, that pretty much eliminates their capacity to erase you.
06:18 <Schism> Same way you slice off an ant's antennae, then step back and watch them beat the crap out of each other, while you take potshots at targets of opportunity.
06:21 *** Joins: irish_creme (irish_crem@Pony-qsltkh.click-network.com)
06:24 <Twilight`Sparkle> Schism: sure, but this particular one was a bit of a surprise.
06:24 <Twilight`Sparkle> You see, I'm looking for the Winter tapes.
06:24 <Twilight`Sparkle> So this usually involves waltzing into an enemy infested area.
06:25 <Twilight`Sparkle> In this particular case, I waltzed into rogue mechanist robots. AKA a Sentry Ripper bot and a SEntry Lament bot.
06:25 <Schism> Ahh, funfun.
06:25 <Twilight`Sparkle> So, two mininuke explosions later, I hear a roar behind me...
06:26 <ConfusionRift> Death + Death = Super Death^10.
06:26 <Schism> And then you turn around, and your throat is filled with teeth.
06:26 <Twilight`Sparkle> "SHITAKE MUSHROOMS!" So I ran.
06:26 <Twilight`Sparkle> And then played ring around the building, and then turned around and cracked off combat rifle shots into it.
06:27 <Twilight`Sparkle> I am glad I have many guns for many situations.
06:27 <ConfusionRift> It's like that stupid trapped chest near one of the settlements.
06:27 <Schism> Again, for deathclaws, /always/ go for the legs first.
06:27 <Twilight`Sparkle> that's all fine and good but I was out of AP from sprinting.
06:27 <Schism> Take out their mobility and their pounce... ahh.
06:27 <ConfusionRift> Uuuh, a chest. (checks the chest, nothing of interest. Turns around, Deathclaw)
06:28 <Schism> ConfusionRift, you only found /one/ of those? I swear that happened to me ALL THE TIME.
06:28 *** Quits: Twilight_Shimmer (Twilight_Sh@Pony-c17.mvv.100.24.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
06:29 <Schism> Same again in Skyrim. "Ohey, leveled chest. Pick trap, unlock, open, nice stuff, oh there's a Giant behind me, off I go into the stratosphere."
06:29 <Twilight`Sparkle> I found a servomech tankbot and a second deathclaw shortly after.
06:29 <Schism> That's more me not paying attention, though.
06:29 <Twilight`Sparkle> They were not so problematic.
06:30 <Schism> Twilight`Sparkle, Eesh.
06:30 <Twilight`Sparkle> Because a Brotherhood Vertibird and ground team had decided to drop in.
06:30 *** Parts: Gladiolus (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there) ("Leaving")
06:30 <Twilight`Sparkle> Also the deathclaw couldn't figure out the fence.
06:31 <Schism> That's almost cute.
06:32 <Twilight`Sparkle> hmm... what even /is/ my build...
06:32 <Twilight`Sparkle> Tinkerer, I suppose.
06:34 <ConfusionRift> "What's my build?" | Gunsmith, I suppose.
06:34 <Twilight`Sparkle> 4 str, 5 per, 2 end, 8 cha, 9 int, 6 agi, 1 luck.
06:36 <Twilight`Sparkle> oh. wait. now I get the the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. thing.
06:36 <ConfusionRift> ...
06:36 <ConfusionRift> Sir, this is oooooooold.
06:37 <Schism> Hey, it took me a while to get it too. X3
06:37 <Twilight`Sparkle> Yeah, but I only picked this game up about two weeks ago, and I never played 3 or NV.
06:37 <Twilight`Sparkle> I played 2 like 10 years ago or something?
06:37 <Schism> You might want to check out, oh, all of them. Except Fallout: Tactics, that's noncanon.
06:37 <Twilight`Sparkle> Nah, I don't care about 3 or NV.
06:38 <Schism> Eh, fair enough.
06:38 <Twilight`Sparkle> I tried out 1, but it has a 500 day time limit staring you in the face the entire time.
06:38 * ConfusionRift patpats Schism and Twilight`Sparkle.
06:39 <Schism> So does the Ur-Quan Masters. And X-Com, or close enough really.
06:39 <Twilight`Sparkle> Ur-Quan masters doesn't have it as a UI feature.
06:39 <Twilight`Sparkle> X-Com isn't a hard time limit, it's a "manage the damage" limit.
06:40 <Schism> Sure it does. It's called the galactic map.
06:40 <Twilight`Sparkle> It is not a countdown, Schism.
06:40 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (Pony90103@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
06:40 <Schism> Okay, okay.
06:40 <Twilight`Sparkle> Fallout 1 is.
06:40 <Twilight`Sparkle> Also I used a guide for Ur-Quan beause of the time limit.
06:40 <Schism> By the way, the canonical end for Dogmeat the First is 'death by red laser'.
06:41 <ConfusionRift> I just wish there was a bit... more in Fallout 4.
06:42 <Twilight`Sparkle> I've also been not really using Power Armor. Which means I have over 40 fusion cores on me, and I'm one level away from doubling their life span.
06:42 <Schism> Damnit. I open my deck of cards, I cut it thrice, I shuffle - and I drop the nine of clubs.
06:44 <Schism> Something is playing with me. (Earlier, I cut the nine of spades, the nine of hearts, and the nine of diamonds.)
06:44 <Twilight`Sparkle> Someone is playing with you! And it's you!
06:44 <ConfusionRift> Twilight`Sparkle: I finished the game without it, till the part where you have to go through the sewers. Since you're underwater and RADs go up like crazy, the suit is preferable. Aside from that, you don't need it.
06:44 <Twilight`Sparkle> There's the Glowing Sea.
06:44 <ConfusionRift> Oh yeah, and when you have to go to ground zero.
06:45 <Schism> If I start playing cribbage solitaire, and I pull aces and eights, I am blaming YOU, Twilight`Sparkle.
06:45 <ConfusionRift> There.
06:45 *** Eventide is now known as Eventide|Sleepies
06:46 <ConfusionRift> But you can do most of it without the suit. And I think there are some endurance skills that bypass or increase RAD resistance substantially.
06:46 <Twilight`Sparkle> Yes.
06:46 <Twilight`Sparkle> But I have 2 end.
06:46 <Twilight`Sparkle> They are not available to me.
06:46 <Twilight`Sparkle> I could probably be just fine wearing the hazmat suit.
06:51 * ConfusionRift shrugs.
06:52 * ConfusionRift is thinking on playing something, but is not sure.
06:52 <ConfusionRift> This talk of Fallout... maybe.
06:54 <Twilight`Sparkle> ...well hello mirelurk king.
06:56 <Twilight`Sparkle> what the hell was that
06:56 <Twilight`Sparkle> how did it kill me instantly. plasma mine?
06:56 <Twilight`Sparkle> alright, how far back am I
06:56 <Twilight`Sparkle> oh yay
06:57 <Twilight`Sparkle> it's before the deathclaws.
07:00 *** Quits: irish_creme (irish_crem@Pony-qsltkh.click-network.com) (Quit: )
07:11 <Renny> Deathclaws didn't seem that bad >_>
07:12 <ConfusionRift> The problem is when unprepared. Later on, they become as difficult as plush toys.
07:13 <ConfusionRift> I wish the space monkey plush was a melee weapon.
07:17 <Twilight`Sparkle> it's more the time investment at this point, and the sentry bots that preceded them.
07:18 <Thelema5> I tried a recreation of an ale recipe from nearly 3000 years go. A brewer worked with a chemical analysis and archeology team to recreate beverage commonly consumed by the ancient Etruscans from residue found in relics. It was... pretty gross.
07:18 <Thelema5> I had high hopes, but it really just tasted like dirty mop water.
07:18 <Starflurry> What did it taste like?
07:18 <Starflurry> Oh.
07:19 <Thelema5> :P
07:19 <Starflurry> That sounds awful!
07:19 <Thelema5> It was.
07:19 <Thelema5> I hope the team just got it wrong, and the ancient Etruscans had better beverages.
07:19 <ConfusionRift> You know what I also found pretty gross? People who try to make alcoholic drinks out of natural fermentation.
07:19 <ConfusionRift> I don't know what to think of it.
07:20 <Thelema5> Yeah, "sour" beers and wine are just nasty.
07:20 <Starflurry> What does that mean? Sour beer/wine?
07:21 <Thelema5> There's a reason why brewers and vinters work hard to control what micro-organisms get into their fermentors.
07:21 <ConfusionRift> Well, my aunt was working in a rehabilitation center. And found on several occasions, people making iced tea... and leaving pieces of fruit on the drink for a very long time.
07:21 <Starflurry> Oh, well that makes sense.
07:22 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, they were alcoholics. So you putting two and two together will determine that was a nono.
07:22 <Thelema5> Starflurry, "sour" fermentation is usually the result of allowing any old airborn yeast/bacteria to ferment something. It usually results in foul, sour, rotten flavors.
07:22 <Thelema5> Some people like it. I think it's gross.
07:22 <Fn> ConfusionRift, that has a higher chance of producing mold actually
07:23 <Starflurry> Yeah, when I was in rehab there were a lot of people who would try to do that kinda of stuff, "prison wine".
07:23 <ConfusionRift> But when the only thing your body wants is alcohol, you kinda stop caring about flavor.
07:23 <Fn> Which won't get you drunk, but may make you hallucinate
07:23 <ConfusionRift> Fn: Either way, it's a reason why they revise rooms every day, at certain hours.
07:24 <Thelema5> Contrary to popular thought, most mold is okay to consume, as well as spoilage bacteria.
07:24 <ConfusionRift> Anything that remotely looks like brewing or "just a smoke" has to go.
07:24 <Thelema5> There are about a dozen common species, though, which will kill you or make you sick if present.
07:25 <Starflurry> I never understood how other patients got caught with cigarettes, they're really easy to hide.
07:25 <Fn> Thelema5, molds are mostly dangerous to inhale
07:25 <Fn> That's the biggest danger
07:26 <ConfusionRift> Starflurry: The smell of smoke doesn't go away easily.
07:27 <Thelema5> True; I once inhaled a mold which was present in a bundle of decorative grass which I had cut down and transported. I was reduced to gasping and choking on the ground, salivating like a beast
07:27 <Starflurry> Well yeah but if they can't find what it's coming from then all they can really do is scold you. Not that I'd encourage the behavior, I just always found it odd that people can't figure out a way around it.
07:27 <Thelema5> I seriously thought I might die that day.
07:27 <Thelema5> I could not "for the life of me" catch a lungful of air.
07:27 <Fn> Fun fact: as a prevaling theory "haunted houses" are haunted because they are populated by a certain family of molds which are hallucinogenic
07:28 <ConfusionRift> Bronchitis. That is all.
07:28 <Fn> And not the nice kind of hallucinogenic - panic and anxiety inducing kind of hallucinations
07:29 <ConfusionRift> Starflurry: These are homes to people who have nowhere to be, and have to go under rehabilitation to get back on their feet. Any clash of rules can lead to expulsion.
07:29 <Fn> Starflurry, I have seen a shocking sight at a german hospital: people with lung cancer and a removed portion of the lung because of the said cancer standing in the smoking cubicle with oxygen apparatus and smoking
07:30 <Fn> Some people put craving above all reason
07:30 <Starflurry> ConfusionRift oh, you mean like a halfway home or something?
07:32 <ConfusionRift> It's basically a facility of people who either have to go under rehabilitation because of felony, addiction, disturbance, or have nowhere to go and have problems.
07:33 <Starflurry> Oh, yeah that's the kind of thing I had to do. They never kicked me out though, just got mad at me.
07:33 <ConfusionRift> Repeated offenses could have led you getting kicked and barred from the facility, or sent back to a cell if it's for a felony.
07:34 <ConfusionRift> And by barred I mean banned. You can't come back to that facility, and that expulsion is on record.
07:36 <Starflurry> I didn't stay too long, all I had to do was to get to the point that my doctor declared I was no longer a danger to myself. Maybe that's why I didn't really get very strict treatment.
07:36 *** Renny is now known as RENSleep
07:36 <ConfusionRift> Oh, that's a special case.
07:37 <ConfusionRift> You were probably somewhat away from the problematic ones.
07:38 <Starflurry> Yeah I was mostly with people who had attempted suicide and that sort of thing. There was another part of the facility that had like, bars and stuff and was for people with violent tendencies.
07:39 <ConfusionRift> Those... yeah.
07:40 <Starflurry> They thought I tried to kill myself and wouldn't believe me when I told them that wasn't the case.
07:42 <ConfusionRift> That's rather common situation with those facilities. They just expect the worse from the get-go.
07:43 <Finwe> o3o
07:43 <Finwe> The puppy seems to prefer my bed to her own basket.
07:44 <Starflurry> Yeah, it wasn't a very fun experience that's for sure.
07:46 * ConfusionRift patpats Starflurry.
07:46 <Thelema5> Well, now it's behind you and every path forward is yours to explore
07:46 <Starflurry> Yeah that was almost 7 years ago now!
07:46 <Thelema5> A long time!
07:46 <Starflurry> and I've been clean for 4 of those years!
07:47 <Thelema5> Awesome! You're better off than me, then. I still struggle with alcohol.
07:48 <Thelema5> Doesn't help that I produce alcoholic beverages, of course
07:48 <Starflurry> Habits are hard to break, that's for sure.
07:48 <Thelema5> No doubt.
07:49 <Thelema5> Starflurry, sounds like you're in a better place now. That's really great and encouraging. More power to you!
07:50 <Starflurry> Thank you! I certainly am, I'm still figuring things out but I'm doing a lot better, I have a few friends who really care about me and are helping me move forward.
07:50 *** Fayth is now known as Snoarin
07:51 <Thelema5> Good, good. I hope to have that some day.
07:51 *** Quits: Lirodon (liroxiv@Pony-49752s.sasknet.sk.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
07:52 <Starflurry> I hope the same for you, everyone deserves support and opportunities to better themselves. Of course in case you'd ever like to talk I'll let it be known that I'm a good listener!
07:53 <Thelema5> Thanks!
07:53 <Thelema5> I do a lot of talking here
07:54 <unicodingunicorn> as the stats evidence
07:54 <Thelema5> It's usually just rubbbish though
07:54 <Starflurry> Sometimes rambling can do a lot to help!
07:54 <ConfusionRift> Hey man. From trash comes ideas and success.
07:54 <Thelema5> Do they, unicodingunicorn? I've been prett quiet recently
07:54 <Thelema5> !stats
07:54 <Unixkitty> https://unixkitty.com/stats/EquestriaDaily/
07:54 * Ali rambles!
07:54 *** Quits: MDP (mark@Pony-geh4o1.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: Leaving)
07:54 <unicodingunicorn> ooh
07:55 <Thelema5> YUS! I am not top pone anymore!
07:55 * unicodingunicorn boops Schism with a trophy
07:55 <Thelema5> (Just don't check the longer stats)
07:55 <ConfusionRift> Man, I remember those days, on top of the podium.
07:56 <Thelema5> I am glad to be rid if it, ConfusionRift
07:56 <Ali> Back in theday
07:56 <Thelema5> It's dogged me for 2 years
07:56 <ConfusionRift> I still got the picture of it. :P
07:56 * ConfusionRift patpats Thelema5. "It was a great responsibility."
07:57 <Thelema5> heh
07:58 <ConfusionRift> What's crazy is I'm not talking as much either, and I'm still on the list.
07:58 <ConfusionRift> I don't wan'eet!
07:58 <unicodingunicorn> pfft
07:58 <Thelema5> I feel ya.
07:58 <unicodingunicorn> I am surprised I am in the list
07:58 <unicodingunicorn> don´t even talk much here
07:59 <Thelema5> I haven't been active at all lately since I started working for a new company.
07:59 <Princess-Luna> I LOVE How I'm listed under Falls 'nickname' list
07:59 <Thelema5> I do miss my friends, though.
08:00 <Thelema5> Gah, but now it's 3:00 AM and I have to go to bed.
08:00 <Thelema5> Goodnight!
08:00 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more?)
08:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Happy Mother's Day! [ http://tinyurl.com/hszuq42 ]
08:03 *** Quits: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Br0nyN34D@Element.Of.Gaming) (Quit: Leaving)
08:10 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-77jca1.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
08:14 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-7eipq6.ut.comcast.net)
08:14 *** Quits: RENSleep (AndChat7084@Pony-7eipq6.ut.comcast.net) (Connection closed)
08:15 *** Joins: iandalton (Ian@Pony-otnsk6.dynamic.tds.net)
08:16 <iandalton> Hello everypony
08:16 <unicodingunicorn> heya!
08:17 * MarsToSirius waves at, and ultimately noms on, iandalton.
08:17 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWgvGjAhvIw
08:17 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about OutKast - Hey Ya!
08:17 <iandalton> back atcha
08:18 <ConfusionRift> Hello there. It's been a while.
08:19 <iandalton> It has.
08:25 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Gone for sleepsies)
08:25 <iandalton> I just caught up on the last two episodes
08:26 <iandalton> I guess I missed all the hype, but, epsiode 6, wow!
08:28 <ConfusionRift> Well, I have not been very hyped, but it's been entertaining so far. I do like it.
08:29 <Muffin_Spectacles> Just saw ep 7 a few minutes ago...so far, it's continuing this very middle of the road SEason 6 trend.
08:29 <iandalton> That's how I feel about season 6 so far, but I was happy with ep 6
08:30 <Muffin_Spectacles> So far, Gift of the Maud Pie is the only ep I've given the best grade so far for the season - B-average.
08:30 <Muffin_Spectacles> I'm feeling that Newbie Dash is in the B- range like almost all the others (though Crystalling was a c+ to me)
08:30 <iandalton> Oh? so you liked it better than No Second Prances?
08:31 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Prances just didn't hold together as a whole overall. The writer did well in small scenarios, but in bringing it together for an overall product, it didn't feel satisfying.
08:31 <iandalton> yeah, but was Maud Pie's episode so much butter?
08:31 <Muffin_Spectacles> The bits with Trixie and Starlight talking were the big points, but other areas just really felt like the writer was 'reaching' in order to pull stuff together.
08:31 <iandalton> better*
08:32 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-1p8du0.discworld.eu)
08:32 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: I felt it was stronger regarding relationships, let alone continuing some character development of Rarity getting over her feelings about being around Maud. Maud made her seem rather awkward in the firstMaud ep. Here, one could see some learning from everyone all-around.
08:33 <Muffin_Spectacles> Plus, Rarity really seemed to show that she seems to be turning into the comedy relief for this season.
08:34 <iandalton> has anypony consistently held that role before?
08:34 <MarsToSirius> I have a big problem with this episode
08:35 <MarsToSirius> It's been five years, and I hope to goodness gracious this ain't how the Wonderbolts arc ends
08:35 <iandalton> Ends? doesn't look like it
08:35 <MarsToSirius> And even if it isn't, it's like rushing to complete a book report
08:35 <iandalton> Rainbow Dash could get her own spinoff show of being in the Wonderbolts if Hasbro wanted
08:35 <Muffin_Spectacles> So, did Faust ever say what Pinkie and Fluttershy's end goals were? So far it seems Rarity and Dash have achieved major goals.
08:36 <MarsToSirius> Ya got five weeks to write it, and you write a paragraph or two each week... then the day of the report you have to scramble to finish it and you're throwing things against the wall
08:36 <iandalton> Fluttershy seems to already live the good life, except needing to work on her people skills
08:36 <MarsToSirius> iandalton, honestly, she couldn't. The Wonderbolts are so much less interesting than they appeared to be at first
08:36 <iandalton> MarsToSirius, who writes a paragraph or two each week? Night before or go home.
08:36 <Muffin_Spectacles> MAybe Pinkie's end goal is to inherit Sugar Cube Corner when the Cake Family meets with a tragic demise.
08:36 <MarsToSirius> o3o
08:37 <MarsToSirius> It's just a bunch of pegasi that take flying SUPER SRS, they don't actually do anything else
08:38 <MarsToSirius> So all this military hoopla and calling Spitfire "ma'am" and having lockers and offices with fancy medals and hats and uniforms and this big elaborate history
08:38 <iandalton> Have you not been paying attention to the Wonderbolts episode? Corruptions scandals galore, lots of stuff to wrangle with
08:38 <MarsToSirius> And Dash WANTS to be a part of that?
08:38 <Muffin_Spectacles> MarsToSirius: Hey, no place is perfect. :P
08:38 <MarsToSirius> After aaaaaall the dumb nonsense they've done, that they've put her through, especially in Academy and Rainbow Falls?
08:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> WEll, we can't have an R Lee Ermey hard-R character through it all.
08:39 <iandalton> Well, I don't see MLP being the kind of show to do a "RD discovers that her life goal isn't what she thought, and has to find something else to do with her life" episode
08:39 <Muffin_Spectacles> Though by the sounds of it, Dash's sabotaging of Cloudsdale has been cleared from her records.
08:39 * MarsToSirius supergrumbles at that but leaves it be.
08:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> MarsToSirius: Diplomatic Immunity. All the Mane 6 has to have it.
08:40 <MarsToSirius> That's... kind of exactly what I would've liked to see tbh
08:40 <iandalton> I'd like to see a lot of things, but I have to go to fanfics for the things that the show is not going to do
08:40 <MarsToSirius> Dash joins the Wonderbolts because she admires how kewl they are... then she finds them for real and it turns out they're just really upstuck nimrods that take everything seriously and backstab each other
08:40 <StormDashNLR> in my opinion RD is better off going with the ShadowBolts
08:40 <Muffin_Spectacles> "Yeah, we understand you disrupted winter, and you know what?...it looked AWESOME!!
08:41 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles, maybe RD was writing the script on that one
08:41 <MarsToSirius> The show can't keep simplifying these character moments all the time, it's a problem this season
08:41 <MarsToSirius> Trixie was reduced to "She just needed fwends ;-;", and now "Dash really really really wanted to be a Wonderbolt now she is hooray"
08:41 <Muffin_Spectacles> MarsToSirius: My issue was that only in the last 5 minutes, did we really seem to get a strong feel that Trixie really meant to be friends.
08:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> MarsToSirius: As well as her dropping into low-level depression so quickly.
08:42 <MarsToSirius> tru
08:42 <Muffin_Spectacles> Plus, one thing that bugged me in Prances, was STarlight blowing off the dinner!
08:43 <iandalton> I didn't think Trixie was "reduced" to just needing friends. She already reformed in a previous episode, and those instant reforms have always been kind of BS, and now they finally showed a character not being trusted even by Twilight after reform
08:43 <Muffin_Spectacles> That's like blowing off major work-related stuff. It's like saying, 'yeah, I have the second part of an important job interview, but I don't need to show!"
08:43 <iandalton> I don't count Discord because he's not really reformed
08:44 <iandalton> Muffin_Spectacles, I've been in situations where I kind of blew off bigger things for personal reasons that seemed bigger at the time (and arguably were), so it sits fine with me
08:44 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: But still, the Princess of Equestria is attending! That's like major stuff, and your mentor is going to be there!
08:44 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: It doesn't look good if you, the mentee, just blow it off. It has to look almost like your mentor isn't doing their job.
08:45 *** Octave|Bed is now known as OctaveSymphony
08:45 <iandalton> I don't have a good sense for the relationship between Twilight and Starlight, because she had one of those instant reformations only 6 episodes ago
08:46 <MarsToSirius> Also Twilight sort of abandoned Celestia as well to tend to Trixie and Starlight. I'm sure she'd understand in the end but still... coulda said somethin'. You had Spike right there iirc
08:46 <MarsToSirius> ah well
08:46 <MarsToSirius> Just seems like some rather odd writing choices as of late
08:46 <MarsToSirius> Also a very interesting pattern of storylines being completed or things being explored that weren't before for the sake of tying loose ends, which makes me wonder
08:47 <Muffin_Spectacles> There just hasn't really felt like anything yet has seemed satisfying.
08:48 <MarsToSirius> I found Gauntlet to be good. But everything else has felt off.
08:48 <MarsToSirius> Like, right now... Gauntlet and Maud are great. The CMC episode was solid if not amazing. The other four episodes have been very mediocre
08:49 <MarsToSirius> No one seems to know what exactly the writers are working towards, besides Starlight, and Starlight's popularity is slowly slipping
08:49 <iandalton> gauntlet was...a Spike episode that wasn't bad, which is something in itself
08:49 <Muffin_Spectacles> Out of all of them Gauntlet is the only one that had interesting new characters.
08:50 <iandalton> I never liked Starlight, tbh
08:50 <Muffin_Spectacles> I loved the fact that unlike Merida, Ember actually is willing to listen to others.
08:50 <iandalton> Merida?
08:50 <iandalton> Is that Spanish?
08:50 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: From Brave. I just couldn't get into her character.
08:51 <iandalton> oh, haven't seen it, heard it was ehh
08:51 <Muffin_Spectacles> iandalton: Yeah, I've seen Cars 2 20 times more than I've seen Brave.
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08:54 <MarsToSirius> Oh god I just thought of the dumbest analogy for the Wonderbolts
08:55 <MarsToSirius> Imagine growing up with a dad that played D&D, and you heard all these stories of him having a blast with his friends, and when they play it's like witnessing another world
08:56 <MarsToSirius> Then you get old enough to join them for a game, and then it turns out when they're not playing D&D they don't talk about anything else other than min-maxing and being grognards about older editions
08:56 <iandalton> haha
08:56 <Bubs> :D
08:56 <MarsToSirius> Sure, the magic is there for about 4 hours a Saturday, but every other hour they just won't shut up
08:57 <iandalton> Hmm, now that classes are over I'm excited to run a game for my 12 year old sister and her friends again
08:58 <ConfusionRift> And there you are. Sitting on your chair, looking at the ceiling, and staring almost literally into space, holding a die... and you're just waiting for them to stop arguing about decision points.
08:58 <iandalton> What's a decision point, I haven't run into that term yet
08:59 <ConfusionRift> Forks in the road, basically.
08:59 <MarsToSirius> it's not a special term, it's just "OK, what do we do now that we've [killed the king/looted the treasure/told the shaman she was fat]?"
09:00 <iandalton> oh, well I get plenty of that from my 12-year-old squad of adventurers/murderhobos
09:01 <MarsToSirius> "Hey, bud, did I ever tell you about the Locate City bomb?" "Yeah, Mr. Jones... you told me three times already"
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09:03 <ConfusionRift> Funny thing. Could play Monopoly (or monotony) for hours, and just couldn't stand 30 minutes of tabletop RPGs.
09:03 <MarsToSirius> People actually take their turns in Monopoly, that's the difference
09:03 <lisasquarepants> hello
09:03 <iandalton> Monopoly, aka the game that ruins friendships?
09:03 *** Quits: Bubs (crap@Pony-b0hqft.nl) (Quit: [20:43] <LeiFang> hoe kan je nou in godsnaam ooit nog iemand serieus nemen die met pompoms waggelt?)
09:04 * unicodingunicorn boops lisasquarepants
09:04 <lisasquarepants> :)
09:04 <ConfusionRift> And was just reminded of James May's best line for a Monopoly game.
09:04 <MarsToSirius> welp, I think I've expounded all my thoughts on this episode to last a week. It's also three in the morning
09:05 * MarsToSirius ambles over to iandalton. Flops. Naps. -3- z z z
09:05 *** Quits: MarsToSirius (Slatefield@Pony-4iuora.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
09:06 <iandalton> ConfusionRift, I like playing with certain people more than others.
09:07 <iandalton> When I play with strangers I often find it unpleasant, but the people I call my friends are pretty good to play with
09:07 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Nini ponies. Love you all.)
09:08 <ConfusionRift> Jeremy: "You can't even play a game of Monopoly without cheating." Richard: (agrees) "We played for four hours, and you cheated!" James: "No I didn't." Richard: "You robbed the bank!" James: "Thought would be more authentic."
09:09 <ConfusionRift> iandalton: Chemistry.
09:09 <iandalton> ConfusionRift, I prefer "the magic of friendship"
09:09 <ConfusionRift> The laws of acquaintanceship!
09:11 <ConfusionRift> I mean... yeah... friendshiiiip.
09:11 * ConfusionRift has no friends. Woohooooo.
09:12 <iandalton> don't let Twilight's writing this season fool you, it's not about laws
09:13 <iandalton> it surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together
09:15 * ConfusionRift sees a planet slowly moving towards Earth.
09:15 <ConfusionRift> Can it like... let go for a bit?!
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09:21 *** Cyan_Spark is now known as Cyan|Desktop
09:21 <ConfusionRift> No? ....ok. Good game, guys. Good ga- (gets destroyed)
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09:36 <ConfusionRift> I guess I'll do a roulette thing for a game to play.
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09:37 <iandalton> Oh! I know! play roulette!
09:37 <iandalton> (I'm such a genius!)
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09:39 <ConfusionRift> 0_0;
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09:40 * ConfusionRift since he couldn't decide, he decided to use a roulette wheel.
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09:46 <ConfusionRift> Fallout it is.
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09:52 <Finwe> Mr iandalton!
09:52 * Finwe happily doffs his hat.
09:52 <Finwe> Long-time nose.
09:53 <Finwe> No, that does not sound right.
09:53 <Finwe> "Long time, no see."
09:56 <iandalton> Quid agis?
09:56 <ConfusionRift> I think you meant "long-time nosey". :P
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10:18 <LunaticHell> gooooood morning, equestria
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10:19 <Arrow> Goooooooood morning!
10:19 <Arrow> It's 2AM lol
10:20 <Fall> Bueeeenos Dias
10:20 <iandalton> muy bueno
10:20 * unicodingunicorn boops LunaticHell
10:21 <LunaticHell> Arrow: Straight.
10:21 * LunaticHell hugs unicodingunicorn
10:21 * unicodingunicorn eeps
10:21 <Arrow> LunaticHell: Slightly bent.
10:21 <LunaticHell> Aye.
10:21 <Arrow> lol, 'Straight'?
10:22 <LunaticHell> Thanks you added "slightly".
10:22 <LunaticHell> [I actually am physically slightly bent]
10:22 <unicodingunicorn> straight?
10:22 <Arrow> Oh, well that's factual
10:22 <Arrow> :P
10:22 <LunaticHell> As in "yes" and as a word association with "arrow".
10:23 <LunaticHell> And I? My spine is slightly bent in a wrong way, so...yes.
10:23 <Arrow> If your spine isn't bent, then I'd be worried
10:24 <Arrow> Well... Curved
10:24 <ConfusionRift> Well, this objective is near Ticonderoga. Darn it...
10:25 <LunaticHell> Guess why I am worried.
10:25 <Electron> Curved spine is fine spine.
10:26 <Arrow> Because Fort McMurray is on fire?
10:26 * Electron cracks his joints
10:26 <LunaticHell> Also I'm slightly out of shape, but that's not here nor there, probably because I can't there in time due to me being out of shape.
10:26 <iandalton> round is a shape
10:27 <iandalton> as they say ;-)
10:27 <Arrow> 10pts for classic Garfield
10:27 * ConfusionRift exhales and jumps right in. Hopes for no crashes.
10:28 *** Cyan|Desktop is now known as Cyan_Spark
10:29 <ConfusionRift> Uh, not a crash. Good.
10:29 * Arrow crashes into ConfusionRift
10:29 * Electron snickers
10:30 * Arrow makes Electron crash into ConfusionRift for good measure
10:30 <Electron> Hey! :|
10:31 <Arrow> c:
10:32 <Arrow> I regret nothing
10:33 <LunaticHell> I will actually rather call you Archer.
10:33 <Arrow> But... But... Arrow ;3;
10:34 * LunaticHell raises a hoof while finishing her first cup of coffee.
10:34 <Arrow> Really. Why Archer tho?
10:35 * LunaticHell finishes coffee "Because."
10:35 <Arrow> "Because..."?
10:36 <LunaticHell> Yes.
10:36 <Arrow> .____.
10:36 <Arrow> Seems legit
10:37 <Arrow> But if anyone makes mention of that dumb tv show, I'll stab them
10:38 *** Quits: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Connection closed)
10:40 <LunaticHell> I just did.
10:40 <LunaticHell> Deal with it.
10:41 <Arrow> Gladly
10:41 * Arrow stabs LunaticHell with a toothpick
10:41 <LunaticHell> >. o
10:42 <Arrow> Haha! Now you only have one eye! >:D
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10:46 * unicodingunicorn takes Arrow´s toothpicks and noms it, before bapping him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper
10:46 <unicodingunicorn> bad pony! stabbing people is bad!
10:47 <Arrow> But I'm Arrow! Stabbing is what I do! .3.
10:47 <LunaticHell> I learned something this time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_Cpv1AL0Jg
10:50 <iandalton> Arrow, I thought piercing was what you did
10:50 <iandalton> There's a difference, you know
10:51 * Arrow rolls around iandalton "But what if I'm not an actual arrow, but a pony named after an arrow?"
10:51 <LunaticHell> Or a pony named after a DC superhero?
10:51 <iandalton> Then what are you doing stabbing ponies?!?! Great Celestia, pony!
10:51 <LunaticHell> Because he's secretly either Archer or Macky the knife.
10:52 <LunaticHell> brb shower teim
10:53 * Arrow is being further insulted by the mention of superheroes
10:54 * unicodingunicorn stuff Arrow into a superhero costume
10:54 <unicodingunicorn> *stuffs
10:55 <Arrow> ;n;
10:55 <Arrow> How much more must I suffer?
10:58 * unicodingunicorn gives Arrow a toy bow and suction cup arrow
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10:59 * Arrow glares at them, then at Unico.
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10:59 * Arrow fires the plunger arrow between unicodingunicorn's eyes
11:00 * unicodingunicorn gazes up at the arrow dangling from his horn
11:00 <unicodingunicorn> nice shot, my cute widdle superhero-wannabe~
11:00 * unicodingunicorn pinches Arrow´s cheeks
11:00 <iandalton> After several weeks of nursing a cold and not selling plasma, I did Thursday and again today. I've been feeling kind of lightheaded and giddy and have gone on a YouTube spree. Didn't know that could happen.
11:01 <Arrow> I can feel my pride packing up and leaving me all at once ;-;
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11:04 <Arrow> iandalton: YouTube binge sprees; a little known side effect of certain types of colds.
11:05 <iandalton> Oh, I've recovered from my cold. That's why I felt like I could go back to selling my plasma.
11:05 <unicodingunicorn> has the future arrived already?
11:06 <unicodingunicorn> are we now growing plasma at home and selling it to be used in weapons and energy?
11:06 <iandalton> blood plasma
11:06 <unicodingunicorn> oh
11:06 <Arrow> YouTube is part of the healing
11:06 <unicodingunicorn> way to kill the fun
11:06 <Arrow> Blood is good c:
11:06 <iandalton> oh, we're still in the future, but instead of Star Trek, it's Neuromancer
11:07 <LunaticHell> Back.
11:08 <LunaticHell> I dreamed that I had all the swords.
11:08 <iandalton> the low-lifes getting by dubious means that they would never consider were they not in such a low economic position
11:08 <LunaticHell> I was walkin' around with a buster sword on my back, excalibur in one hand and a pistol in the other. And some other weapons either of the pointy of shooty kind.
11:09 * Arrow swords at LunaticHell
11:09 <iandalton> What about a gunblade?
11:09 <LunaticHell> Ew.
11:10 <LunaticHell> The only sword that needs a trigger is currently wielded by some Cyborg Ninja dude who got it from some Samurai dude with his cyborg dog.
11:10 <iandalton> sounds pretty Shadowrun-ish
11:11 <LunaticHell> ...
11:12 <Arrow> what happened to good old fashioned swords?
11:12 <LunaticHell> Raiden from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
11:12 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-af2ten.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
11:12 <LunaticHell> They still exist, Arrow.
11:13 <iandalton> I never thought MGS was Shadowrun-ish, but it is Japanese, which SR almost fetishizes
11:14 <Arrow> Gud
11:15 <LunaticHell> iandalton: Cyborg ninjas and nanomachines, son.
11:15 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/1149060 this is cute
11:16 <Arrow> Best S6 episode
11:17 <Arrow> Top 10 of all time, probs
11:17 <iandalton> wow
11:17 <Arrow> That's saying a lot, cuz up until now, Dashie has been my mortal enemy lol
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11:19 <Bubs> I still don't like dash all that much
11:19 <iandalton> I only like Trixie
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11:26 <Arrow> I'm beginning to think I actually like Dash. I mean, I always have to an extent, but now things might change ;u;
11:26 <Tirek> Last day of work complete. Weekend commence.
11:27 <Arrow> Here's to hoping!~
11:27 <iandalton> Dash is cute, but her personality is the pits
11:27 <Tirek> Dash will always be low tier, and so will her fans.
11:27 <Arrow> kek
11:28 <Tirek> The most exquisite and excellent choice of pony will always be Quick Draw MacGraw.
11:28 <Tirek> And/or his alter ego El Kabong.
11:28 <Arrow> I fully agree, but I'm also quick to forgive
11:29 <Lumindia> Fluttershy is top tier
11:31 <Arrow> Flutter is one character that I just am not a fan of
11:31 <Arrow> Spike is more well rounded of a character
11:32 <Lumindia> well I also have a thing for the shy ones
11:32 <Lumindia> also I would love nothing more than to just pull her onto my lap and brush her mane
11:33 <Arrow> I'm more excited for a Spike episode than a Fluttershy one. But of course, like with RD, all that has the potential to change
11:33 <iandalton> Both Fluttershy and Spike have gotten some pretty bad eps, but I think Flutters's have been worse
11:35 <Arrow> Even though I like the more recent Spike episodes decently enough... I dislike Ember as a character entirely.
11:35 <Arrow> Fite me.
11:36 <Arrow> jk, I just don't like how the fandom went all gaga over her
11:36 <iandalton> Did they? I wasn't tuned in to the fandom from the hiatus until today, so I missed that
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11:37 <iandalton> It was another mostly dud episode, although at least it put Spike in a decent light
11:37 <iandalton> Ember is a pretty throwaway character
11:38 <Lumindia> I like Ember
11:39 <Arrow> I think the After Dark side of the fandom were mostly to blame for that. Ich. I dream of a day when people will like characters for who they are-- not because they're cute or whatever
11:39 <Tirek> Finally, someone who realizes that Fluttershy is the worst pony!
11:40 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
11:40 <Arrow> Tirek is best villain
11:42 <Arrow> Anyways, I'm up waaaaay too late/early. Church is in 6 hours too
11:42 <Tirek> Depends on which Tirek.
11:42 <Tirek> As G4 Tirek is rather awful.
11:43 <iandalton> Arrow, well I don't like RD for who she is, but the animators do a great job making her cute
11:43 <Arrow> both lol
11:43 <Arrow> RD just needs to learn not to be so arrogant
11:44 <Arrow> Then she won't have to make up dumb lies to cover her mistakes
11:45 <Tirek> She needs to grow up, basically.
11:45 <Arrow> Aye
11:45 <Tirek> She's too concerned with an idealized image of herself, like a high school teen.,
11:45 <iandalton> it's not like Twilight doesn't have huge flaws but they don't make me look down on her
11:45 <Arrow> The new episode gives me a ton of hope
11:46 <Arrow> And that hope makes me like RD a lot more already <3
11:46 <Arrow> But yeah... 4AM soon. G'night, guys! Thanks for being awesome! ^.^
11:46 <iandalton> gnight
11:46 <iandalton> west coast detected
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11:47 * Arrow Bananaimo's at iandalton
11:48 <iandalton> ?
11:48 <LunaticHell> Twilight has huge, alright.
11:48 <LunaticHell> Huge books.
11:48 <NewNickName> she sure has
11:48 <Arrow> Bananaimo = fun way of saying Nanaimo. Canadian city. Vancouver Island.
11:49 <iandalton> ohh
11:49 <iandalton> nanaimo sounds like a Japanese vegetable
11:49 <Arrow> xD
11:50 <iandalton> actually that would be nagaimo
11:50 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-sb5d91.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)
11:50 * Arrow laughs hard then just diesssssszzzzzzzzzzzzz...
11:50 *** Quits: Arrow (uid63062@Pony-tnlo2b.richmond.irccloud.com) (Quit: ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...)
11:50 <Tirek> If it has an excellent flavor, it must be nagainomyte.
11:50 <Tirek> :v
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11:55 <Finwe> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/rampage/wp/2016/05/07/ivy-league-economist-interrogated-for-doing-math-on-american-airlines-flight/
11:55 <Finwe> :3
11:55 <iandalton> oh yeah I heard about that
11:56 <iandalton> www.satirev.org/harvard/math-department-releases-classification-safe-spaces
11:56 <Finwe> In 'murrica, it's terrorism to solve differential equations if you look like a southener.
11:57 *** unicodingunicorn_ is now known as unicodingunicorn
11:57 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31FSj7RuqGU don't tell the govamint I watched this today
11:57 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.
11:57 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about 《东方红》中国人民解放军进行曲 The East is Red: March of the People's Liberation Army
11:59 <Finwe> o3o
12:00 <ConfusionRift> Just did.
12:00 <iandalton> Oh no, now Trump is going to kick me out of the country
12:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #495 [ http://tinyurl.com/hyfcu6c ]
12:04 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Quit: dinner!)
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12:30 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Animatic: Moonbow [ http://tinyurl.com/gqdd9tj ]
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12:36 <hawthornbunny> Hey uu
12:36 * unicodingunicorn waves
12:47 *** Joins: Coco (Coco_Nut@Pony-tkp.qfa.120.2.IP)
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12:55 <Finwe> Messrs hawthornbunny and unicodingunicorn.
12:55 * Finwe doffs his hat.
12:55 <unicodingunicorn> salutations, RAdm. Finwe
12:55 * unicodingunicorn hats on Finwe
12:55 * Finwe counter-hats on unicodingunicorn.
12:56 <Finwe> Hilarious comic strip in today's newspaper.
12:56 <unicodingunicorn> hmm?
12:56 <Finwe> "The postal service has user support chat."
12:57 <Finwe> And in the next square a cat sitting by a computer, saying "Merde! Une imbécile..."
12:59 <Lumindia> HAH
12:59 <Lumindia> that's awesome
13:01 <Divide> ...
13:01 *** Divide is now known as Divide|Tech
13:01 <unicodingunicorn> I don´t get it...
13:01 <Divide|Tech> You're going to laugh, cry, or curse at this. I just got a customer running Windows 7 on a laptop: that part is fine. ... it had Internet Explorer 8...
13:02 <Finwe> Divide|Tech: Do you have a user support chat?
13:02 <Finwe> unicodingunicorn: "Chat" is cat in French.
13:02 <unicodingunicorn> pfft I see
13:02 <Divide|Tech> Finwe: Yes, we use LogMeIn Rescue for our support.
13:03 <Finwe> Divide|Tech: No, I meant a French-speaking cat like in the comic strip. :3
13:03 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)
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13:04 <Finwe> http://hs13.snstatic.fi/webkuva/sarjis/560/1306039709809?ts=220
13:05 <Finwe> There's the strip.
13:05 *** Joins: Saerydoth_ (akai@Pony-b6o.c1i.56.172.IP)
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13:06 <Finwe> The first bubble in English is about, "It appears that the postal service has a user support chat."
13:09 <ConfusionRift> Hmmm, I think I get what the other bubble says.
13:10 <Finwe> "Oh shit... an imbecile!"
13:11 * ConfusionRift sighs.
13:11 <ConfusionRift> There was a reason why I didn't mention it.
13:11 *** Joins: Spit_Fire (chatzilla@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com)
13:11 <Finwe> Divide|Tech can probably confirm whether this is a common feeling in user support.
13:12 <ConfusionRift> I'm in retail. We have some common ground.
13:12 <Spit_Fire> Hi Hi ^_^
13:12 <Finwe> Hello, Spit_Fire.
13:12 <Finwe> Based on what I learnt today, I'd say that you're Canadian, Spit_Fire.
13:13 <Spit_Fire> Finwe: yep :)
13:13 <Spit_Fire> Finwe: are you?
13:14 <Finwe> No, I live about one Atlantic Ocean east of Canada.
13:15 <Spit_Fire> Finwe: ah, UK?
13:19 <Finwe> No, a bit more east.
13:19 <Finwe> I live in Finland.
13:19 *** Quits: Spit_Fire (chatzilla@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com) (Connection closed)
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13:27 <Spit_Fire> computer crashed :(
13:28 *** Spit_Fire is now known as Caldean
13:29 <Caldean> Finwe: what did I miss?
13:32 <unicodingunicorn> not much
13:32 <unicodingunicorn> nothing was said after you left
13:34 *** Quits: Caldean (chatzilla@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com) (Connection closed)
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13:38 <Caldean> computer crashed again :(
13:39 <hawthornbunny> Rainbow Craaaaaash
13:40 <ConfusionRift> Sleep time. Laters.
13:40 *** Joins: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)
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13:51 <Divide|Tech> ...
13:51 <Divide|Tech> Doctor concerned about patient confidentiality. That's an admirable and sensible thing to be concerned about.
13:51 <KooK> nuh uh
13:54 <Divide|Tech> Absolutely it is. Do no harm, and so on. ... which makes me enraged when they're using WINDOWS VISTA!
13:54 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)
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14:44 <Fn> Wooo biker parade
14:44 <Fn> I would appreciate though if they would move faster
14:44 <Fn> Not everyone is enjoying the engine revs
14:44 *** Quits: Nuclear (Nuclear@Pony-gne.9t6.87.66.IP) (Connection closed)
14:49 <PostNinja> they just want to sing you the song of their people
14:49 *** Mongoosie|Away is now known as Mongoosie
15:04 *** Eventide|Sleepies is now known as Eventide
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15:19 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)
15:20 <CleverDerpy> awww
15:20 <CleverDerpy> Happy mother's derp~
15:21 * Lumindia smooches Derpy, "A Pony~!"
15:22 <Fn> CleverDerpy, I am afraid you are about a month late
15:22 <CleverDerpy> I got a special guest~
15:22 <CleverDerpy> no, I am not
15:22 *** Joins: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-9eb.hsm.197.124.IP)
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15:23 <Fn> Oh wait, woman's day is on the 8th of March
15:23 <Fn> Nevermind
15:25 *** Joins: CleverYuki (CleverYuki@Pony-7gecvg.fl.comcast.net)
15:26 <CleverYuki> Happy Mother's Derp, mom~
15:26 * Divide|Tech noms down upon some all-dressed potato chips. Offers some to Derpy.
15:26 <CleverDerpy> oooh, thankies~
15:26 * CleverDerpy noms a few
15:26 <CleverDerpy> Everypony, this is my ddaughter, Yuki
15:28 *** Snoarin is now known as Fayth
15:28 <CleverYuki> Hello, um... I think my mom can be a little overzealous with introductions, sorry about that.
15:28 <CleverDerpy> What now?
15:29 <CleverYuki> You know, overly excited.
15:30 <Double> Heya CleverDerpy~
15:31 <CleverDerpy> Hiya double~
15:31 <CleverYuki> Oh, so this is that gentlecolt you said you liked, Hello.
15:32 <CleverDerpy> We're good friends, yep~
15:32 * unicodingunicorn hats on CleverDerpy, gazing down upon CleverYuki
15:32 <unicodingunicorn> heya~
15:32 * Double hugs CleverDerpy And waves at CleverYuki
15:32 <CleverYuki> Ah yes, The hat pony you mentioned...
15:32 * CleverYuki waves back softly.
15:33 <CleverDerpy> Hiya unicodingunicorn~
15:33 * unicodingunicorn nibbles on CleverDerpy´s ear
15:34 <CleverYuki> That's kind of strange, doesn't that hurt?
15:34 <CleverDerpy> Not really...
15:34 * unicodingunicorn reaches down and boops CleverYuki
15:35 * CleverYuki squeaks and blushes "oh... my."
15:37 <Fayth> Hey hey, how does Goku keep his food cold?
15:37 <CleverDerpy> Hehe, how?
15:37 <Fayth> He puts it in the Freeza
15:38 <Fayth> Why didn't Vegeta go swimming?
15:38 * CleverYuki blinks "Buu, that was terrible!"
15:38 <CleverDerpy> Yuki...
15:38 <Fayth> Because he forgot his Trunks!
15:39 <CleverDerpy> WahWah...
15:39 <CleverYuki> Oh mom, you always make me smile.
15:39 * unicodingunicorn tilts his head in confusion
15:39 <Fayth> Ah, love jokes like this. They Krillen me, don't think I can Gohan like this. XD
15:40 * unicodingunicorn baps Fayth on the nose with a rolled up newspaper
15:41 <CleverYuki> Those jokes are just bad, I'm only Saiyan...
15:41 <Fayth> Hey, don't Cell me short! I could go on all night!
15:42 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-af2ten.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
15:42 <Fayth> I know, ain't they Korny as heck?
15:42 *** Joins: unicodingunicorn_ (unicodingun@Pony-ksdnjb.n4ri.ljqb.e800.2404.IP)
15:44 <Fayth> Guess what the admins say about my joke level? It's over 9000!xD
15:45 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by unicodingunicorn_!unicodingun@Pony-ksdnjb.n4ri.ljqb.e800.2404.IP)))
15:45 *** unicodingunicorn_ is now known as unicodingunicorn
15:45 <CleverYuki> Is this pony for real...?
15:46 <CleverDerpy> Sometimes I wish i know...
15:46 * Bubs boops CleverDerpy
15:46 <Fayth> Woah Woah Woah, who you calling a pony? :p
15:46 <CleverYuki> Right from the horse's mouth... Frankly.
15:47 <CleverDerpy> Ok muffin, that's enough...
15:47 <CleverYuki> Sorry mom...
15:47 * Fayth is a foooooox and I say.. Yip
15:48 * unicodingunicorn jumps down from CleverDerpy´s head and snugs CleverYuki, giggling, ¨hehe, not everyday there is a pony smaller than me~¨
15:49 <CleverYuki> Um... ooook. *She pets unicodingunicorn*
15:49 <Fayth> johnsey rate my mad joke skills for me! :3
15:50 <CleverDerpy> unicodingunicorn, Yuki is a very small mare, she's an adult.
15:51 <CleverYuki> I have this condition that prevented me from growing larger than a filly...
15:51 * unicodingunicorn is smallpone too, just around half a head shorter than a regular mare
15:51 <Fayth> My sister believed that shorting would prevent you from growing >~>
15:52 <CleverYuki> I am still a little bit larger than a tween, but not by much
15:53 * unicodingunicorn snugs CleverYuki more, ¨so adorable~¨
15:53 * CleverYuki smiles
15:54 <CleverYuki> Hey, unicodingunicorn... *Boops them*
15:54 * unicodingunicorn eeps and scrunchie-muzzles
15:55 <CleverYuki> I enjoy your company, it's nice to talk to someone like you.
15:55 <CleverDerpy> How sweet~
15:55 * unicodingunicorn blushes, ¨aww really?¨
15:55 <Lumindia> So mnany clever ponies
15:55 <Lumindia> o 3o
15:55 * Lumindia snuggles CleverDerpy and CleverYuki
15:55 <CleverYuki> Ah, so this is Lumindia?
15:55 * Lumindia is a bit taller than Derpy, so... they could be like those ruissian stacking dolls
15:56 *** Quits: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
15:56 * Lumindia nods, taking out two brushes and brushing them both at the same time
15:57 <CleverDerpy> Well, i gotta go get my mane done, thanks for the spa pass, muffin~
15:57 <CleverYuki> My pleasure mom, have fun.
15:57 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Quit: )
15:58 <CleverYuki> So she wanted me to hang out here to get to know all of you...
15:59 * unicodingunicorn salutes, ¨any questions, ma´am?¨
15:59 <CleverYuki> Well, uh... um..
16:01 *** Fall is now known as FallenSilent
16:01 * unicodingunicorn applies socks to CleverYuki
16:01 <CleverYuki> These are nice, but why, may I ask?
16:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: SFM Short: A Horrible Ending for Newbie Dash [ http://tinyurl.com/hmoraj6 ]
16:03 * Lumindia patpats Yuki, "Your mom is nice," he says, smiling
16:03 * unicodingunicorn giggles, ¨just cos~¨
16:04 <CleverYuki> Thank you, mom is very sweet to me, but this is the first time I was invited here...
16:04 <CleverYuki> I am curious as to why.
16:07 <unicodingunicorn> hmm?
16:09 *** Joins: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-0h4ed4.as43234.net)
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16:09 * CleverYuki Princess-Luna visits here?!
16:10 <Princess-Luna> xD
16:10 * Princess-Luna nods
16:10 <CleverYuki> M-my grace, What do we owe this pleasure to...?
16:10 * CleverYuki nervously bows to her, trembling
16:11 <Princess-Luna> Oh, may I first highlight the point that as much as I enjoy the interactions, this isn't for RP particularly...there are other chats for such things.
16:11 <Princess-Luna> but it is nice to see a new face here among us! ^-^
16:12 * Lumindia chuckles, "Luna is quite a nice pony once you get to know her... Pretty relaxed as well..."
16:12 <Bubs> as you would expect of best pony
16:12 <Bubs> :P
16:12 <Lumindia> she's best princess
16:12 <CleverYuki> O-oh...
16:12 <Lumindia> instead of just declaring overall best pony, I have categories
16:12 <Bubs> nope, that's celestia.
16:13 * Bubs is weird
16:13 <Lumindia> "Best Filly(Scootaloo)", "Best Mane 6(Fluttershy)" "Best Background Pony(Vinyl Scratch)"
16:13 <Princess-Luna> I do occasionally indulge in parts, but it is first to ensure that the rule is made aware. ;3
16:13 <Princess-Luna> *first best...
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16:14 <CleverYuki> Ok, well um... It is an honor.
16:14 *** Fayth is now known as FaythWork
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16:14 <Bubs> Lumindia: I also use different categories
16:15 * Princess-Luna gives CleverYuki a welcome hug - mayhaps you shall be seen more around these parts!
16:15 * CleverYuki squeaks and blushes crimson
16:15 <CleverYuki> A hug from royalty? I am bless on this day!"
16:16 *** Joins: Azure_namelocked (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net)
16:16 <CleverYuki> My mother, CleverDerpy... Did you she know you, my grace?
16:17 *** FallenSilent is now known as Fall
16:17 <Princess-Luna> She knows me by being here. :P
16:18 <CleverYuki> Sorry, I am a little nervous... ahahaha...
16:18 * unicodingunicorn slowly pats CleverYuki´s back
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16:47 *** Reia_Sleep is now known as Reia_Hope
16:51 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/R5P72oc
16:55 *** Princess-Luna is now known as SunsetShimmer
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17:00 <hawthornbunny> Hi Shimmers ^^
17:00 <hawthornbunny> !shimmertime
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17:03 * unicodingunicorn slowly boops CleverYuki
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17:18 * Caldean passes DerpyBot a muffin
17:20 <LunaticHell> I've made a horrible discovery when I got my hair cut. D:
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17:21 <LunaticHell> I haven't grown a single gray hair...because they are heading straight for white.
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17:22 * LunaticHell hugs SunsetShimmer and sobs for the whitening of his hair.
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17:27 <Librarian> hoi
17:29 <Cepheid> White hair is fine, LunaticHell.
17:30 <Librarian> its a sign you are growing up
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17:31 * Caldean flops on Cepheid :P
17:31 * Cepheid rolls Caldean off onto a bed.
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17:31 <Librarian> no flopping!
17:31 <Caldean> heh
17:31 <Caldean> aww...
17:31 <Librarian> 10 minutes dungeon
17:31 <LunaticHell> Growing into an ice berg o3o
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17:36 <Librarian> thumb hurts
17:36 <Librarian> probably from waling my dogs
17:36 *** Quits: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net) (Connection closed)
17:36 <Librarian> walking
17:36 *** Joins: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net)
17:37 <SunsetShimmer> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ch7CyH0W0AIZCfn.jpg
17:37 *** Gaming_Sounds is now known as Sketchy_Sounds
17:37 <LunaticHell> What did you do, walk on your hands?
17:37 *** Quits: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-17s8pu.subnet.mpinet.net) (Connection closed)
17:38 <Librarian> nope, they are just strongg
17:38 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
17:43 <Caldean> Anyone know how the charity drive went last night?
17:44 <Divide|Tech> aaaaaaa...
17:44 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Work
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17:47 <Librarian> what drive?
17:47 <Librarian> who made it?
17:48 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-77jca1.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Bye)
17:49 <Caldean> Librarian: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2016/05/alberta-fires-charity-event-tonight.html
17:49 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Quit: goodnight!)
17:49 <Librarian> ohh
17:51 * Cepheid fixes up his code, tests it. IT WORKS!
17:52 <Librarian> its alive!
17:55 * Not-Renny congratulates Cepheid
18:00 *** Joins: MDP (mark@Pony-geh4o1.cable.rogers.com)
18:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Story: Displacement [ http://tinyurl.com/j8p2oon ]
18:01 <MDP> yo
18:01 <Librarian> hoi mdp
18:01 <MDP> how goes
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18:03 <Librarian> working on a submission for a contest
18:04 <Librarian> fantastic tale, right up my alley
18:06 * Cepheid further revises code. Tests. IT WORKS!
18:19 <Cepheid> Hmm.
18:20 <Not-Renny> What is this code for, Cepheid?
18:20 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming_ (BigPapa@Pony-m8lg0k.mi.comcast.net)
18:20 <Cepheid> Tile-graphics renderer.
18:20 <Not-Renny> .?
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18:20 <Cepheid> 2D graphics engine.
18:20 <Cepheid> That uses individual tiles for drawing out a map.
18:21 <Not-Renny> Ohhhh
18:21 <Not-Renny> This is actually super cool. Pics or it didn't happen Cepheid :U
18:23 <Cepheid> I'm working towards that. I don't like this approach, though. Too performance costing. Gotta be a better way to do it.
18:29 <Librarian> i got an idea for a history owo
18:29 <Librarian> video game funny stuff
18:29 *** Octave|Out is now known as OctaveSymphony
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18:30 * MarsToSirius waves at Princess-Luna.
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18:31 * Princess-Luna boops MarsToSirius!
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18:32 * Lumindia boops Luna
18:32 <Lumindia> o 3o
18:32 <Librarian> fos instance i always wanted to make a joke related to the skimpy outfits heroines use
18:32 <Librarian> something about the guild master being silly or something
18:35 <Librarian> i heard a funny song about glasses, but i can't use that owo
18:37 * Not-Renny glomps Princess-Luna
18:38 <Cepheid> Well, so much for that idea to improve performance. OpenGL, at the version I'm using, doesn't support integer attributes.
18:38 <Not-Renny> ._.
18:39 <Librarian> fancy talk is fancy
18:40 <Cepheid> The idea was to pass the tile index in as a vertex attribute, which would allow me to buffer up say, 16 to 32 tiles at once, and send all the required data to the GPU in one shot, rather than doing N individual calls, where N numbers in the hundreds or thousands.
18:41 <Not-Renny> ._.
18:41 <Librarian> you understand any of this not rent?
18:41 <Librarian> renny
18:42 <Not-Renny> Noop~
18:42 <Librarian> cepheid is smart
18:43 <Cepheid> Hmm..
18:43 <Cepheid> I could just pass in the texture coordinates of the specified tile instead. But I don't know what kind of performance impact I'd get if I regularly updated the array buffer.
18:49 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-acd.o2e.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
18:51 <Saerydoth> what version of opengl?
18:53 <Cepheid> 2.1
18:53 <Cepheid> Technically I could probably get away with OpenGL 3.3
18:54 <Saerydoth> why not the newer ones?
18:54 <Cepheid> Linux support issues.
18:54 <Cepheid> People like their open source drivers.
18:54 <Cepheid> Which have varying levels of support for newer OpenGL versions.
18:54 <Saerydoth> up to 4.5 now
18:54 <Cepheid> At best, I could do OpenGL 3.3.
18:54 <Cepheid> As Intel maxes out at 3.3
18:54 <Saerydoth> yeah if a driver doesn't support that it's useless, it might as well not be a driver
18:55 <Saerydoth> ah, well Intel doesn't have real GPU's anyway
18:55 <Cepheid> Though last I heard, they were working on higher.
18:55 <Cepheid> And 3.3 seems to provide the GLSL functionality I need.
18:57 *** Joins: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)
19:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: All Well That Pays Well / Nyx's Surprise / Epilogue 3 [ http://tinyurl.com/hujg2gp ]
19:06 *** Quits: MarsToSirius (Slatefield@Pony-4iuora.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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19:09 <Caldean> So what is everyone working on today?
19:11 <Finwe> Greetings, my little ponies!
19:11 *** Joins: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-pveddk.wa.comcast.net)
19:11 <Caldean> Hi Finwe
19:12 <Finwe> Hello, Caldean.
19:12 <MDP> im colouring in a drawing and trying to figure out my finances for a convention next month in my town
19:12 <Caldean> MDP: NIce, how is that looking?
19:12 <MDP> the drawing?
19:13 <Finwe> MDP: Is it a pony convention?
19:13 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-87n733.ik01.nq4p.100e.2600.IP)
19:13 <Finwe> o3o?
19:14 <Finwe> Messrs Renny and Not-Renny.
19:14 * Finwe doffs his hat.
19:14 <Caldean> MDP: yes
19:15 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-7eipq6.ut.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
19:16 <MDP> http://artponymdp.deviantart.com/art/Picnic-s-and-lessons-B-W-607203725 colouring this in by hand atm
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19:19 <Finwe> MDP: Is that Pinkie Pie upside down?
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19:20 <MDP> nah its dash
19:20 <Finwe> Oh, true, I missed the wings.
19:22 <Caldean> MDP: Neat :)
19:22 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-87n733.ik01.nq4p.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
19:30 <Cepheid> Hum. There we go.
19:31 <Cepheid> Performs much better, too.
19:31 <Finwe> Hum to you too, Mr Cepheid.
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19:31 <Cepheid> Hullo, Finwe.
19:32 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame
19:32 *** Joins: Gladiolus (Corey@the.truth.is.out.there)
19:32 <NewNickName> hi
19:34 * Cepheid dances about and sings along to "Stamp On The Ground"
19:36 * Gladiolus dances with Cepheid
19:38 <Gladiolus> guys
19:38 <Gladiolus> I have a new vhost c:
19:38 <Cepheid> Heh. 14,000 FPS.
19:38 * Gladiolus hugbats ce
19:38 * Gladiolus hugbats Cepheid
19:38 <Cepheid> Heh.
19:38 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-af2ten.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )
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19:42 <Cepheid> For comparison, the method I employed using OpenGL 2.1 was getting about 3000 FPS. Whoops.
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19:47 * Cepheid grabs another keyboard, and ala-Akiba's Trip, proceeds to smash the code with the keyboard. This is how coding works, dangit! >.>
19:48 <Gladiolus> Stellaris happens tomorrow o3o
19:49 * MarsToSirius ambles up to Gladiolus. Stares. o3o
19:49 * Gladiolus stares back .3.
19:49 <Cepheid> Hum. I was concerned with the cost of re-initializing an array buffer frequently during rendering. The cost is minimal.
19:49 <Cepheid> So minimal in fact, that I could have just used this approach and stuck with OpenGL 2.1.
19:51 <Gladiolus> make it in DX12, Vulcan, and whatever the new OpenGL is
19:51 <Cepheid> Vulkan's the new OpenGL.
19:51 <Cepheid> And while I do plan to do that, it's still too early for those APIs.
19:52 *** ADragonDreaming_ is now known as Twilight`Sparkle
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19:53 <Twilight`Sparkle> rawroijfeers
19:54 <Saerydoth> gesundheit
19:59 *** Joins: Foxhound (Foxhound@Pony-sfbvqk.cable.virginm.net)
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20:06 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by CouchCrusader: "Newbie Dash": Episode Followup [ http://tinyurl.com/jex264g ]
20:06 <gamingdude15> i made a oc yesterday :D
20:07 <gamingdude15> bye
20:07 *** Quits: gamingdude15 (gamingdude1@Pony-uqoufl.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
20:23 <LunaticHell> And so I return.
20:24 * Caldean is eating extra cheesy cheese pizza
20:24 * Caldean passes LunaticHell a slice
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20:27 <Finwe> o3o
20:27 * Finwe noms on Caldean's pizza.
20:28 <Caldean> ^_^
20:28 <Caldean> Finwe: it's hot :D
20:28 * Finwe procrastinates upon MarsToSirius.
20:28 <MarsToSirius> o3o
20:28 <Finwe> o3o
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20:33 * Arrow invades!
20:34 * Scootaloo sends Arrow home
20:35 <Princess-Luna> No bowing here!
20:35 <Finwe> Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
20:35 <Scootaloo> Honor Souls is for nerds
20:36 * Cepheid bows to every player in Dark Souls.
20:36 * Cepheid also does Praise the Sun, if possible.
20:36 <Scootaloo> Bowing is a quick way to get a mace applied to your face
20:36 <Cepheid> I don't do it to invaders, of course.
20:37 * Arrow sends Scootaloo to her room!
20:38 <Scootaloo> You can't do that, you're not my real dad!
20:38 <Cepheid> Who grounds Princess-Luna when they get into trouble?
20:38 <Scootaloo> Me
20:38 <Scootaloo> Go to your room Princess-Luna
20:41 * Arrow is your real mom!
20:41 <Arrow> kekekekeke *dies*
20:42 <Scootaloo> Obviously lies
20:42 * HyperDash drawed a thing yesterday for the stream :P http://hyperdashpony.deviantart.com/art/Rules-You-Might-not-Know-About-607731447
20:43 <Scootaloo> Yay a thing
20:43 <HyperDash> woo~
20:43 <HyperDash> things ftw
20:44 <HyperDash> I really improved my style with that drawing ^^
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21:01 * Princess-Luna defies all!
21:07 * Cepheid blares Nepgear's theme around LunaticHell.
21:08 <Chaosweaver> Invaders are the worst scum on the planet.
21:08 <Princess-Luna> Pffft
21:10 *** Joins: DavidParks (DavidParks@Pony-v1n2d9.nh.comcast.net)
21:10 <DavidParks> hi all
21:11 <Chaosweaver> Don't expect me to act all nice to some ganking jerkwad.
21:11 * MarsToSirius waves at DavidParks.
21:12 <DavidParks> I was wondering, Now that dash is a Wonder Bolt does this mean the show is nearing it's end? Hi MarsToSirius
21:13 <Princess-Luna> Not at all
21:13 <DavidParks> ok
21:13 <Princess-Luna> You know Dashie could essentially shoot to replace spitfire, right?
21:13 <MDP> no, it just means they are progresing story arks
21:14 <MDP> in the same way the cmc moved forward with life so too wil the rest of the cast, rarity is stil a mane 6 despite now having 3 boutiques
21:14 <Princess-Luna> Fluttershy really needs a life though. :P
21:14 <MDP> they'll just have new goals
21:14 <DavidParks> Good, That calms me down a bunch. I'd hate to see it end so soon.
21:14 <Princess-Luna> We have a movie next year, season 7 will probably tie in around that time
21:14 <Princess-Luna> it's all good for at least another year and a half
21:14 <MDP> dont worry, theres a movie coming out next year, so season 7 will most likely be a go
21:15 <MarsToSirius> I'm going to be very honest
21:15 <MarsToSirius> I think it does.
21:15 <Princess-Luna> Eh, I doubt hasbro will do that
21:15 <MarsToSirius> Iw as thinking a bit about it... they're wrapping up and tying a lot of loose ends this season...
21:15 <Princess-Luna> But that doesn't mean new ones can't be made
21:15 <Princess-Luna> thinking a little too short term goal-wise
21:15 <DavidParks> also did you know they spoiled the end of season 5. It was at the end of friendship games.
21:16 <Princess-Luna> DavidParks: Yes? :P
21:16 <Princess-Luna> we all know
21:16 <MDP> they are tying up a lot yes, but that doesnt mean the end of the show, the fact that im seeing more and more merchandis popping up lately
21:16 <Princess-Luna> and a tease isn't really a spoil
21:16 <MDP> its everywhere
21:16 <MarsToSirius> Princess-Luna - I prefer to think about it like this:
21:16 <MDP> pony is still selling well whichs means they'll keep the show going
21:17 <Princess-Luna> I know you want things to have a rational conclusion, mars...but Hasbro aren't that company. I don't expect them to get into a new generation for a while, and G4 is very much still selling well.
21:17 <MarsToSirius> Season 1: Twilight has to learn friendship! Season 2: Now everyone has to, to help her out! Season 3: TIme to level up! Season 4: Time to understand what your new role means! Season 5: Time to defend your new role! Season 6: Now the student has become the teacher
21:17 <MarsToSirius> lemme speak ;-;
21:17 <MarsToSirius> I'm more asking where you go from here.
21:17 <Princess-Luna> You find a way.
21:17 <MarsToSirius> ._ .
21:17 <Princess-Luna> Dashie, for example, can become the Spitfire.
21:17 <Princess-Luna> she has plenty of time to advance there
21:17 <DavidParks> Ok, thanks all. Have a great time.
21:18 *** Quits: DavidParks (DavidParks@Pony-v1n2d9.nh.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
21:18 <Princess-Luna> Plus what about pinkie and fluttershy? No goals set - plenty of time to establish things for them
21:18 <MDP> theres places they can go, starlight is basicalyl filling in for twilights shoes now, rarity can have bussiness issues goign corperate, pinkie could do somethign with cheese sandwhich, dash can advance int he wonder bolts, spiek can grow up, apple jack i dunno..
21:19 <Princess-Luna> the series sure ain't gonna end with a selective few meeting their goals...
21:19 <MDP> yeah, just because you reach a goal doesnt mean the journey is over.
21:20 * Cepheid goes to take a break from coding. Loads up Punchcast in Fallout 4.
21:20 *** Joins: Gophman (Gophman@Pony-tsg.0dm.87.213.IP)
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21:21 <Cepheid> I need 3 more pieces of adhesive..
21:21 *** Quits: MDP (mark@Pony-geh4o1.cable.rogers.com) (Connection closed)
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21:23 * Cepheid punches Raider Scum. <Raider Scum> "Agh, my ar-" Cepheid punches Raider Scum again. <Raider Scum> "Aaaggh~!" *Dies*
21:23 <Cepheid> Did I say you could talk, Raider?
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21:25 <Cepheid> Hmm. Meat bags in here. Probably a wandering Super Mutant somewhere..
21:25 *** Quits: Gladiolus (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
21:25 <Scootaloo> Little horse show is over, everyone go home
21:26 <Arrow> kek
21:26 <Arrow> but
21:26 <Arrow> nu
21:26 *** Quits: Valiant (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you) (Quit: Leaving)
21:26 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Bed
21:28 <Scootaloo> Yep all the characters accomplished most if not all of their goals set up since the beginning, show is over
21:28 * Princess-Luna ends Scootaloo
21:28 <Scootaloo> Your contract will run out soon too
21:29 <Gophman> lol
21:29 <Arrow> Heh
21:29 * Scootaloo patpats Princess-Luna
21:29 <Arrow> I'm glad they're accomplishing their goals
21:30 <Arrow> It's super-satisfying
21:30 *** Quits: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-lshouu.apht.inm5.0587.2a02.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
21:30 <Arrow> Also, it'll make room for newer stories and such
21:30 <Arrow> Or just make for a good finale
21:31 *** Quits: ZeroParadox (ZeroParadox@Pony-dbigmo.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
21:32 <Scootaloo> Dashie became a Wonderbolt, game over man game over
21:33 <Cepheid> Truth told, it's more like "Why didn't this happen sooner?"
21:34 <Scootaloo> Wonderbolts have a member cap and put ponies on reserve
21:34 <Scootaloo> They could've totally made an exception
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21:36 <MarsToSirius> They have a member cap of 6?
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21:40 <MarsToSirius> Also, there's a quote from Wonderbolts Academy that someone threw in the comments in the writeup that I thought was poignant
21:41 <MarsToSirius> "No disrespect ma'am, but there's a big difference between pushing
21:41 <MarsToSirius> yourself as hard as you can, and just being reckless. And if being
21:41 <MarsToSirius> reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that's what it means to
21:41 <MarsToSirius> be a Wonderbolt, then I don't want any part of it."
21:41 *** Quits: Gophman (Gophman@Pony-tsg.0dm.87.213.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
21:41 <MarsToSirius> (woops, dang carriage returns)
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21:54 *** Fall is now known as FallenSilent
21:54 <Scootaloo> Pretty sure they mentioned their member cap is 20?
21:54 <Scootaloo> Or I was hallucinating again
21:54 <Scootaloo> Dash is the epitome of recklessness
21:55 <Scootaloo> She just found a horse that episode that was even more reckless
21:55 <Princess-Luna> that was at spitfire.
21:55 <Princess-Luna> about the team she's in NOW. :P
21:55 <Scootaloo> Exactly my point
21:56 <Scootaloo> Spitfire rewards recklessness, Dash criticizes, Dash gets in Wonderbolts, acts reckless, Spitfire criticizes her
21:56 <Cepheid> Do as I say not as I do.
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21:58 <Cepheid> .... Really, enemy?
21:58 *** Quits: Pony_88007 (Gophman@Pony-tsg.0dm.87.213.IP) (Quit: )
21:58 <Cepheid> You waited until I was in melee range to blow me up with a rocket launcher?
21:58 <Scootaloo> I wish this week's episode wasn't under so much fire, it was funny but so flawed
21:59 <Princess-Luna> I saw somebody literally call it the worst episode since mare do well.
21:59 <Scootaloo> See now that's uncalled for
21:59 <Princess-Luna> also stating that last weeks was right behind it.
21:59 <Scootaloo> Ok now they're definitely a heretic
21:59 <Princess-Luna> x3 Yus
22:00 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-fbflpg.ik01.nq4p.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
22:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Animation: Starlight Glimer vs. Mane 6 [ http://tinyurl.com/z8wlet3 ]
22:01 <Scootaloo> No
22:01 <Princess-Luna> Ooooh boy
22:01 <Princess-Luna> that is going to get so much anti-starlight
22:01 <Scootaloo> Not going to even watch it
22:02 <MarsToSirius> If the member cap is still 20, and the original routine needed 6... could they not call one of the other 14 ponies to fill in for Mr. "I'm Retiring Two Days Before My Routine"?
22:02 <Scootaloo> That's not friendship
22:02 <Scootaloo> I want friendship
22:02 <Scootaloo> No they're not important enough
22:02 <Scootaloo> And/or doing other stuff
22:02 <MarsToSirius> ALL fourteen?
22:02 <Scootaloo> Yes
22:02 <MarsToSirius> ._o
22:02 * MarsToSirius asplode
22:02 <Princess-Luna> And apparently they were waiting to be able to enlist dash for a while
22:02 <Princess-Luna> so whatever
22:03 <Arrow> This world needs another F-Zero game
22:03 <Scootaloo> Agreed Arrow
22:03 <Princess-Luna> To quote captain falcon: YESSS
22:03 <Scootaloo> It's not like they didn't recognize all that Dashie has done for them and the world
22:03 <MarsToSirius> But that's nepotism
22:04 <Scootaloo> You and your big words
22:04 <MarsToSirius> "We have other members, but we'll bring *you* in instead because you're da bes flower"
22:04 <Scootaloo> Nepotism would've been "We're capped but we're making a special exception for you"
22:04 <Scootaloo> Instead they waited until a legit spot opened up and she's on the top of the list anyways
22:05 <Scootaloo> "That's an academy record!"
22:05 <MarsToSirius> Arguably she's not, if there are still X others in the group, especially if they had practiced the routine alongside the main group in case a situation exactly like this happened
22:05 <MarsToSirius> We just simply don't know enough about the Wonderbolts for it to really make sense
22:05 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)
22:05 <Scootaloo> Yes but we can headcanon they just wanted an excuse to bring her in
22:05 <MarsToSirius> if the show gives us one more episode and dives a bit deeper into the actual, real, Wonderbolts, I'll be kewl with it.
22:05 <MarsToSirius> ... which, again, is nepotism. :x
22:06 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-ajoeac.arcadia-srv-216-83-132.fiber.net)
22:06 <Scootaloo> Ok so let's go with that
22:06 *** Joins: Pony|75731 (Pony75731@Pony-gleps0.dynamic.megapath.net)
22:06 <Scootaloo> Spot has opened up, they should wait until after the show to bring her in and just grab another Wonderbolt?
22:07 <Scootaloo> Or use this opportunity to give her some real experience?
22:07 <MarsToSirius> It was clearly a bad idea to do the latter, considering her bumbling and nervousness. She only had two days to learn an important routine.
22:07 <Pony|75731> Anypony know where to find that list of commissions?
22:07 <Scootaloo> They had high expectations of her and she wasn't bumbling and nervous at first
22:08 <Scootaloo> It only became apparent she was a liability until training started
22:08 <MarsToSirius> Realistically, they should have waited until they could have started practicing another routine before bringing her in. Of course tehre wouldn't be an episode at that point, I understand that
22:08 * Cepheid puts on Tsunami Bomb - Invasion From Within
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22:09 *** FallenSilent is now known as Fall
22:11 <Scootaloo> I can't refute your logic so I'll distract you with a cookie
22:11 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: BRB. Switching to PC.)
22:12 <Scootaloo> If this show was logical that episode should've never happened
22:12 *** Joins: Cepheid (Cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)
22:12 <Princess-Luna> if this show was logical, MANY episodes wouldn't have happened
22:13 <Scootaloo> Like Luna ones amirite
22:13 <Princess-Luna> Maredowell would have had her friends bapping her on the nose and telling her outright to stop being such a gloryhog. :P
22:13 <Princess-Luna> *Would have had Dashes
22:16 * MarsToSirius would refute every single point that the pones are making. But cookie. Noms.
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22:25 <dashiechad> hello
22:25 <dashiechad> anyone here
22:25 <Cepheid> Many people.
22:25 <Cepheid> It has it's ups and downs in terms of activity though.
22:26 <dashiechad> ah
22:26 <dashiechad> i was going to see if there was anyone here going to everfree nw
22:27 * Princess-Luna is too in the UK for such things
22:27 <Cepheid> Technically at this point, I think I could afford to do so.
22:27 <Cepheid> But I'm not going there.
22:27 <Cepheid> My plans are to go to Japan.
22:27 <dashiechad> ah
22:28 <dashiechad> im tryingt ofind someone to go with that lives near fort lewis
22:29 <Caldean> would love to go there, but I'm on the wrong side of North America and broke
22:29 <dashiechad> lol
22:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Livestream Sundays and Drawfriend [ http://tinyurl.com/jmwq2pv ]
22:31 <dashiechad> so what do you like to do for fun
22:32 <Princess-Luna> Many things!
22:32 *** Quits: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Connection closed)
22:32 <MarsToSirius> be a total NERD
22:32 <dashiechad> lol
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22:36 * Cepheid implements more stuff.
22:38 <Cepheid> ... My gods, I may actually do this for a change.
22:38 <dashiechad> do what
22:39 <Princess-Luna> he's playing games
22:39 *** Quits: PostNinja (Mibbit@Pony-mat4vn.koas.jyu.fi) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
22:39 <Princess-Luna> or coding...might be coding
22:39 <dashiechad> ah
22:39 <Cepheid> Coding.
22:40 <dashiechad> may i ask what youre coding
22:41 <Cepheid> Basic 2D engine for a game.
22:41 <dashiechad> awesome
22:41 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
22:42 <Surreal_Nightmares> !hug
22:42 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3
22:42 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Surreal_Nightmares in a tight embrace
22:42 <dashiechad> lol
22:42 <Arrow> Watching too many F-Zero GX videos is gonna ruin my mood to play my Need for Speed game
22:43 *** Quits: F4celess (Norse@Pony-4iv.s1r.95.88.IP) (Quit: I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet!!!)
22:45 * Cepheid dances to Manian - Ravers in the UK.
22:45 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K5IpCsoimg Arrow
22:45 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Need For Speed - Yellow Line (Gameplay Remix)
22:45 <dashiechad> im hungry
22:46 <Cepheid> Someone needs to make a racing game that takes advantage of 120+ Hz monitors.
22:47 <Arrow> Man, he driving smooth
22:47 <Surreal_Nightmares> That isn't a thing already?
22:47 <Cepheid> You can have a game render at high framerates, sure.
22:47 <Cepheid> But any game worth it's salt ticks the game at a constant, steady rate to avoid tying game physics and gameplay to the refresh rate.
22:47 <Arrow> Cepheid: I've been playing NFS Most Wanted '05 lately
22:47 <Surreal_Nightmares> That GTX 1080 announcement though...
22:48 <Cepheid> Games are designed in two manners.
22:48 <Cepheid> They either tick at a constant, steady rate. Which is the more sane approach..
22:48 <Cepheid> Or they tick the world ahead N seconds, where N is dependant on the performance of the computer. This approach is somewhat trickier and less sane.
22:49 <Cepheid> Since physics can utterly break in that case.
22:49 <Cepheid> What I'm speaking of is a game that is designed to tick at rates faster than 30 or 60 ticks per second, and not tied to the framerate.
22:49 *** Quits: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: When you lose everything, begin again.)
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22:50 <Cepheid> For an example of what happens when you tie game logic and physics to the framerate, go play Skyrim(Physics breaks above 60 FPS), or go play Fallout 4(Some UIs become impossible to use above 60 FPS. Or the physics breaks above 60 FPS.)
22:51 <Cepheid> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P20NNSPoZ-o Case in point.
22:51 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.
22:51 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Skyrim at 120HZ.
22:51 <Cepheid> The physics literally throw a fit and begin tweaking out.
22:52 <Cepheid> As for why 120Hz or faster ticking is better? Less tunneling effect when it comes to physics, motion of objects, etc.
22:53 <Surreal_Nightmares> Huh.
22:53 <Surreal_Nightmares> Is Skyrim limited to 60 FPS?
22:53 <Cepheid> Yeah.
22:53 <Surreal_Nightmares> Cause it's limited to 90 when I play.
22:53 <Cepheid> Attempting to go above it causes the physics to tweak.
22:53 <Cepheid> You might be able to get away with a higher framerate if something, like SKSE, limits the tick rate.
22:53 <Cepheid> But then you're just re-rendering the same frame more than once.
22:53 <Surreal_Nightmares> This is vanilla Skyrim.
22:54 <Cepheid> Hmm.
22:54 <Cepheid> You'll likely encounter problems then.
22:54 <Cepheid> I just know that anything above 60 FPS introduces bugs and glitches. The engine Skyrim and Fallout 4 run on don't like it.
22:54 <Surreal_Nightmares> I've never had any physics problems when I play.
22:54 <Cepheid> Fallout 4, it's somewhat less troublesome. But there are *OTHER* issues.
22:55 <Cepheid> For example, I can't for the life of me do lockpicking in Fallout 4 above 60 FPS.
22:55 <Surreal_Nightmares> The 90 FPS limit was already there, and that was when I just installed Skyrim on a new computer.
22:55 <Cepheid> The torque rotates way too fast to be controllable.
22:56 <Cepheid> Truth told, any problems the engines have physics-wise could be solved by using a new physics engine altogether. Regarding the UI stuff in Fallout 4, that's just bad programming.
22:57 <Surreal_Nightmares> I'm pretty sure that F4 uses the same engine as Skyrim, right?
22:57 <Cepheid> It does, yes.
22:57 <Cepheid> Or at least, a modified version of it.
23:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: BGM for Newbie Dash Released! [ http://tinyurl.com/hw7yw7t ]
23:01 <Surreal_Nightmares> It makes modding Fallout 4 similar to Skyrim, right?
23:02 <Cepheid> Similar, yes. It's how mods came out so quickly for the game.
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23:05 <Surreal_Nightmares> I want to install graphics mods for Skyrim but I'm too lazy.
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23:10 <LunaticHell> I am still awake, because I'm lazy.
23:13 * Divide|Tech naps on LunaticHell's head, because he's lazy.
23:13 *** Divide|Tech is now known as Divide
23:15 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on Divide.
23:16 * Schism switches over this way. And also prints off a recipe for ice cubes.
23:19 <Schism> Recipe printed, and now laying atop the ice cube trays. Also, I has an Oreo milkshake.
23:19 * Surreal_Nightmares stares at the Oreo milkshake.
23:20 * Schism mwa? Siiiiiip.
23:20 *** Quits: dashiechad (dashiechad@Pony-9vv08o.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
23:22 <Schism> Printing off a recipe for ice cubes like that, by the way, is taking passive-aggression to an art form.
23:23 * Cepheid exports a basic tileset. Uses Tiled to create a CSV map. Gets to writing code to load the CSV map.
23:23 <Twilight`Sparkle> CSV?
23:23 <Cepheid> Comma Separated Value.
23:24 <Cepheid> It's a plain textfile where each value is separated by commas. Common format.
23:24 <Cepheid> Plain and simple. I'll likely implement something better at a later date.
23:24 <Twilight`Sparkle> also, why do you need more than 60 fps in those games?
23:25 <Schism> I twitch whenever I see CSV, because that is /also/ the most common way to import and export contact lists to and from mail.
23:26 <Cepheid> Framerate-wise, you don't. Logic-ticking wise, it increases the accuracy of successive physics steps, and reduces the occurrence of a side effect of large movements called "tunneling."
23:26 <LunaticHell> Twi: At least you're not saying "30 fps is cinematic", so it's not a sin.
23:26 <LunaticHell> [reference jokes away~]
23:26 <Cepheid> For fast-paced games, higher tick rates may be more desirable.
23:26 <Cepheid> In typical games, less so.
23:27 <Schism> LunaticHell: Of course not. 24p is cinematic, not 30.
23:27 <Schism> (25 over in .de.)
23:27 <Twilight`Sparkle> which doesn't answer why anyone needs more than 60 in Skyrim anyway.
23:27 <Cepheid> Aye.
23:27 <Cepheid> In the case of Skyrim, it's not necessary.
23:28 <LunaticHell> I'd rather watch in 720p.
23:28 <Schism> Seriously, it's really not.
23:28 <Cepheid> But the problem is that with monitors that have higher framerates by default..
23:28 <Cepheid> Plus, improving hardware at that..
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23:28 <Schism> Fiiiiine, I suppose that 50i is your bread and butter there, LunaticHell.
23:28 <Cepheid> The issue is pretty straightforward: Games with vsync default to the monitor frequency, which can exceed 60 FPS, causing trouble for some games.
23:28 <Cepheid> Or, if you disable vsync..
23:28 <Twilight`Sparkle> As far as I'm aware, 60 fps remains the benchmark for framerate that games should be able to hit.
23:29 <Cepheid> Well, your framerate then skyrockets past the limit.
23:29 <LunaticHell> Schism: I read "breed"
23:29 <Cepheid> Regardless of monitor frequency.
23:29 <Twilight`Sparkle> And that many still fail to hit
23:29 * Cepheid looks as his PC exceeds 120 FPS with Skyrim.
23:29 <Cepheid> Which is a problem.
23:29 <LunaticHell> My breed is butter, then? I always knew I was part of a Pie.
23:29 <Twilight`Sparkle> So as far as I'm concerned, figure out how to make your game lock to 60 if that's what it needs to do
23:29 <Twilight`Sparkle> (in terms of developers)
23:30 <Cepheid> I have to either reduce the monitor frequency, or lock the game to 60 FPS using external tools.
23:30 <LunaticHell> [Don't make pie without butter]
23:30 <Cepheid> Yes.
23:30 <Cepheid> Unfortunately, developers are lazy.
23:30 <Cepheid> Or terrible.
23:30 <Cepheid> Or both.
23:30 <Schism> LunaticHell, of course, you need to have a lot of butter (or lard, lard is good) to make a good crust.
23:31 <Schism> Grrf. Do I want fish fillets, or do I want meat pies? Choices, choices.
23:31 <LunaticHell> Fish fillets, with fries.
23:31 <Cepheid> Personally, I just want to avoid all the monitor frequency changes.
23:31 *** Quits: Heartbreak (Heartbreak@Pony-vo1600.mn.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
23:31 <Cepheid> And you shouldn't have to use an external tool to limit the framerate these days to run a game.
23:31 <Schism> ITYM 'chips'.
23:32 <Schism> Cepheid: How about the MECC DOS version of the Oregon Trail? >.> <.<
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23:32 <Cepheid> Different era. These days we know better.
23:32 <Schism> Really?
23:32 <Cepheid> We should know better.
23:32 <Schism> Thank you.
23:33 *** Quits: LadyMelody (Ponies@Nopony.Important) (Quit: Welp... My Little Pony FTW... WeeChat 1.4)
23:33 <Cepheid> There's no excuse for not implementing an artificial "tick the world forward" limit.
23:33 <Cepheid> It's easy to do.
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23:33 * Schism sets some thick-sliced chips on LunaticHell's head. He does include a plate, though. And ketchup, if desired.
23:34 <Schism> (Or malt vinegar and kosher salt.)
23:34 <LunaticHell> Hey Schism, I'm watching music done...
23:35 <LunaticHell> ...In. Space.
23:35 *** Quits: MarsToSirius (Slatefield@Pony-4iuora.res.rr.com) (Connection closed)
23:35 <LunaticHell> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOC9danxNo SPAAAAAACE!
23:35 <Cepheid> Bleh... I don't feel up to coding anymore.
23:36 * Cepheid shall brb. Switching back to laptop.
23:36 <Schism> RIP Bowie. ;-;
23:36 *** Quits: Cepheid (Cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Leaving)
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23:36 <LunaticHell> (;-;)7
23:37 * Cepheid goes Witchering.
23:37 <fyrepony> that was one of hardest matches ever in heroes of the storm
23:37 <fyrepony> but we dominaded it
23:37 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-9eb.hsm.197.124.IP) (Quit: Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?)
23:37 <fyrepony> every damn teamfigth even when we were losing
23:38 <Schism> "If you're ever sad, just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie."
23:39 <Cepheid> Man oh man having a working mouse is nice.
23:42 <Schism> Noooo kidding. Having a mouse which randomly doubleclicks, or does other nonsense...
23:42 <Saerydoth> that is pretty amazing in the grand scheme of things
23:44 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Gotta go, power low! :P)
23:46 <Surreal_Nightmares> XD
23:49 <fyrepony> https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/4iaq7v/s06e07_now_thats_talent_by_dm29/
23:50 * Surreal_Nightmares explodes.
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23:51 *** Quits: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: This IPV6 stuff needs medical attention.)
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23:51 <Schism> D'awwwwwwww... http://dm29.deviantart.com/art/Cadance-the-Mother-s-Day-606804755
23:51 <Schism> (Those pancakes do look delicious, yes they do.)
23:52 <fyrepony> i wanna know how wonderbolt suits work
23:52 <fyrepony> for....science purposes
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23:57 * Surreal_Nightmares curls up on Not-Renny's back and whimpers.
23:58 *** Ali is now known as Ali|Nap
23:58 * Not-Renny licks Surreal_Nightmares
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