Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Saturday, 2016-06-04

00:04 <Cepheid> Basically, FOEs are a case of "why do they exist?  Why do they hurt so much?"

00:04 *** Joins: Gladiolus (uid110916@hugbat.is.hugging.you)

00:05 <LunaticHell> I see them as "Big bags of EXP and money and loot"

00:06 <Cepheid> When you can kill em, sure.

00:06 <Cepheid> But some of them are just crazy.  Blasted Depth Dancers.

00:06 <LunaticHell> "What doesn't kill you, gives you exp." ;)

00:07 <Cepheid> What does kill you, chases you relentlessly.

00:07 *** Joins: SkyHigh (Tom@Pony-bc38ne.threembb.co.uk)

00:08 <LunaticHell> Oh dear.

00:08 <Cepheid> !link https://youtu.be/k2kT9ATWMQg Depth Dancers on floor B30F

00:08 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about What is this?

00:08 *** SkyHigh is now known as Pony_66361

00:09 *** Quits: Sombra (Iceman@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

00:10 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-j932ub.range86-137.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)

00:13 <Schism> At the highest levels it's an F! O! E!

00:13 *** Quits: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-pj34tp.if3i.319l.1006.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:14 * Cepheid murders the ant queen.

00:15 *** Joins: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-pj34tp.if3i.319l.1006.2600.IP)

00:15 *** Quits: PinMane (PinMane@Pony-3q0pbm.ip5.netikka.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:16 *** Joins: ChaosMageX (CMXHTPC@Pony-pasg5q.tx.comcast.net)

00:17 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:17 <Cepheid> "Wow, what a letdown."

00:17 *** Joins: PinMane (PinMane@Pony-3q0pbm.ip5.netikka.fi)

00:19 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP)

00:24 <LunaticHell> Ohkay, what is a "Middleman"? *watches first episode* Oh.

00:25 <LunaticHell> Well, I'm done with "Dead like me", so on with "The Middleman".

00:27 <LunaticHell> Hey Schism, I might have a new show to watch.

00:30 *** Joins: Azure_namelocked (Azure@Pony-glksru.client.mchsi.com)

00:30 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story Update - June 3rd  [ http://tinyurl.com/hd59cgr ]

00:32 <Cepheid> Hai there Creeping Death.  *Freezes*

00:32 *** Quits: Mind_Eye (Mind_Eye@Pony-ls6.i74.0.108.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

00:33 *** Quits: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-pj34tp.if3i.319l.1006.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:33 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: Did you just call him Nyarlathotep?

00:34 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-77jca1.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Bye)

00:34 *** Quits: Azure_namelocked (Azure@Pony-glksru.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:39 <LunaticHell> Schism: Ok, seriously, go and watch "The Middleman".

00:39 *** Quits: Gladiolus (uid110916@hugbat.is.hugging.you) (Quit: )

00:40 <Cepheid> Next up, Corotrangle.

00:42 <LunaticHell> Oh fiddlesticks, this is gunna be gud.

00:43 <LunaticHell> brb

00:43 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming_ (BigPapa@Pony-m8lg0k.mi.comcast.net)

00:45 <Cepheid> Whelp, it's dead.  Onto the next stratum.

00:46 *** Quits: Twilight`Sparkle (BigPapa@Pony-8r8.e7q.56.172.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:46 <OctoInk20> I'm pretty excited 'bout tomorrow. :>

00:48 <Princess-Luna> Yeah, I like saturdays!

00:48 <OctoInk20> I get to go with family to a pasta restaurant!

00:48 <OctoInk20> That's my dinner tomorrow~

00:48 <Princess-Luna> Niiice

01:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Cosplay Compilation #66 [ http://tinyurl.com/j5g4qja ]

01:01 <Cepheid> "That monster looks tough and is in our way, maybe we should trick it and lead it away."  *Promptly kills it.*

01:02 *** Quits: klaxa (klaxa@Pony-ail.8pm.0.134.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:12 <LunaticHell> Heeeey Luna, sup?

01:13 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:14 <Cepheid> Well, that's the first team wipe I have seen.

01:16 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

01:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Fall Fall

01:16 <LunaticHell> Well someone paid the debt and the slate was wiped clean, Cepheid. :P

01:16 <Fn> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU7GFl5mn2U

01:16 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Rider almost falls off cliff

01:17 <Cepheid> Easy solution though.  Put topaz on everyone.

01:18 <LunaticHell> The slate being your team. o. o

01:18 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-lhs471.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

01:19 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

01:22 *** Quits: Spit_Fire (Spit_Fire_@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: WEEEE!!!)

01:24 *** Quits: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: The only things I need are books, friends and IRC. And books.)

01:25 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

01:25 *** Joins: Reia_Sleep (chatzilla@Pony-omt3pc.ipv6.telus.net)

01:25 *** Joins: klaxa (klaxa@Pony-ail.8pm.0.134.IP)

01:27 <LunaticHell> Ok I will keep watching this tv-show.

01:27 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

01:27 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

01:28 <Fn> I am so slim and I retain a small fat patch on the belly

01:28 <Fn> Body Y U NO eat that?

01:28 <LunaticHell> I know the feel, Fny.

01:28 <Fn> I am literally underweight now

01:28 <Fn> And that fat bit remains

01:28 <LunaticHell> My arms look like noodles and my belly looks like the blob.

01:28 <LunaticHell> At least it feels like that.

01:29 <LunaticHell> Can't the stuff go to the arms and be more buff?

01:29 <Fn> Granted it is not something anyone would complain because according to others it is "insignificant"

01:29 <Fn> But it bugs me

01:30 <LunaticHell> Of course it bugs you.

01:30 <Fn> I have an idea about buffness

01:30 <LunaticHell> It's your body, so the "according to others" part doesn't apply, because they don't life with your body.

01:30 *** Quits: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Restarting computer again.)

01:30 <LunaticHell> live*

01:31 <Fn> I want to try and devise an exosuit that i can wear which would apply a constant resistance to all muscles

01:31 <Fn> Thus they will be forced to stay in shape without any specific exercise

01:31 <LunaticHell> The dream of building mass in the sleep

01:31 <Fn> Not in the sleep, rather in daily activities

01:31 <LunaticHell> The USA are still developing drugs for that task, Finny.

01:32 <Fn> I have found the perfect method to make said resistance, but I haven't solved the opposing muscle problem

01:32 *** Joins: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-0pq.9ji.75.138.IP)

01:32 <LunaticHell> Last time I checked they were working on SUPER steroids, double the upsides with zero of the downsides.

01:32 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Bed

01:33 <LunaticHell> Also: this is not how muscles work, Fn.

01:33 <Fn> You see: most muscles are pairs that oppose each other so if you have two loads on both - they will cancel out

01:33 <LunaticHell> Yup.

01:33 <Fn> So I need the thing that would resist both ways

01:34 <LunaticHell> But putting permanent pressure to your muscles will not have them grow...

01:34 <Fn> Also the back and torso are very tricky to model

01:34 <Fn> So many muscles in so many directions

01:34 *** Quits: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Connection closed)

01:34 <LunaticHell> Hey I got it.

01:34 <LunaticHell> Build a gravity chamber.

01:34 <Fn> LunaticHell, not pressure, just resistance

01:35 <LunaticHell> Muscles grow when you rest.

01:35 <Fn> I first wanted to wear a chainmale under my clothes, but that will only train certain leg muscles and wear out the joints

01:35 <Fn> no bueno

01:35 <Fn> What does build them is use

01:36 <Fn> aka daily exercise

01:36 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:36 <Fn> So if you will increase the usual load by ever so slightly, the muscles will respond to that

01:36 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-u7i.76l.200.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:36 <Fn> And I figured: why waste specific time on it when you can do it while you chore?

01:37 <LunaticHell> Actually exercise sends the signal to build up muscles, but it's when you rest in between your exercise that they actually do grow.

01:37 <Fn> I know

01:37 <Fn> I wouldn't sleep in it obviously

01:37 <Fn> Imagine gradually upping the resistance with time

01:37 <LunaticHell> Also: you can practice while you do chores without a suit, too.

01:38 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

01:38 <LunaticHell> Have you ever done the dishes while hopping on spot?

01:38 <Fn> And then when you need superpowers you just press the release on the suit and you suddenly feel lighe and stronk!

01:38 <LunaticHell> Or while standing on one leg?

01:38 <Fn> light*

01:39 <Fn> Das ist boring

01:39 <Fn> I want ze technical solution!

01:39 <LunaticHell> It was fun to me.

01:39 <LunaticHell> Build a gravity chamber.

01:40 <Fn> Well the restricting suit is a gravity chamber in a way

01:41 <Fn> It would make you feel an increased gravity perception

01:41 <LunaticHell> resistance, right.

01:44 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

01:45 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

01:46 *** Joins: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Pony-u3dtr9.165q.pqmb.0194.2601.IP)

01:47 <LunaticHell> Fn: Do you know "The Middleman"?

01:48 <Fn> Nope

01:48 <LunaticHell> Go watch it now.

01:49 <LunaticHell> It's funny.

01:49 <LunaticHell> And really really cheesy.

01:53 <Cepheid> Man, I really want to start Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold, but I can't until all the things in Untold 1 are dead.

01:53 <Schism> Ohboy.

01:54 <Schism> Couple officers at my aunt's apartment (right downstairs) working with her to resolve the harassment she's been receiving from our landlord.

01:54 <Schism> I expect the screams should start in about a minute.

01:55 <LunaticHell> Oooooh sounds bad.

01:56 <Schism> He has been causing considerable distress to anyone who arrives at her apartment as a guest - and has furthermore assaulted many others.

01:56 <Cepheid> What the heck?

01:56 <Schism> Assault being, in the legal sense, the /threat/ of harm.

01:57 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-0e66ue.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:57 <LunaticHell> Oh god this tv show is priceless.

01:57 <Cepheid> Still, what is his problem?

01:57 <Kali_Graphia> D:

01:57 <LunaticHell> Schism!

01:57 <LunaticHell> Go watch "The Middleman".

01:57 *** Joins: Creeper101 (Creeper101@Pony-qe8gc7.sc.charter.com)

01:58 <Schism> Cepheid: He's about 80 years old, he drinks a lot, I'm thinking he's starting to have mental issues... perhaps I shall, LunaticHell!  Perhaps I shall.

01:58 <Creeper101> helo

01:58 <LunaticHell> I'm watching it right now.

01:58 <LunaticHell> Oh hi creepy, ya new?

01:58 <Creeper101> yes

01:59 <Creeper101> any1 here lik mincraft

01:59 <LunaticHell> Welcome in equestria daily, have fun, make friends, obey the rules and drive a benz.

01:59 <Creeper101> i will

01:59 <Kali_Graphia> I never got my benz >:

01:59 <Creeper101> i lik ponys aNd mincraft

02:00 <Schism> Also, grrrr.  Blah!  Brother mine, why is it you cannae make more ice cubes?

02:00 <LunaticHell> Kali: Well do you have fun and friends?

02:00 <Creeper101> ponycraft lel

02:00 <Kali_Graphia> Schism: I know that feeling all too well :|

02:00 <Kali_Graphia> Sometimes!

02:00 * Schism grumps at the ice cube dispenser being empty - and seeing five cubes missing from the trays.

02:00 <LunaticHell> Well Kali?

02:00 <Creeper101> pon

02:00 <Cepheid> You know what?  To heck with the Yggdrasil Core and extra data.  I want to play EO2U, so I will.

02:01 <Kali_Graphia> Sometimes, Loony.

02:01 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: My mom's gf got EO2U borrowed from the lib.

02:01 <Schism> That's the ticket.  Cepheid: If it takes you THAT long to take down the true core, might as well just start the second game anyway.

02:01 <Kali_Graphia> eo2u?

02:01 <Schism> Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold.

02:01 <Cepheid> With that in mind, I need volunteers.

02:01 <LunaticHell> kali: So 2 out of 3? That's good, too.

02:01 <Schism> I'm totally a binder, you know this, Cepheid.

02:02 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Spotlight Music: Castle of Time / Ex Machina / Echoes of the Abyss [ http://tinyurl.com/jeo5bwq ]

02:02 <Creeper101> ho got mincraft on Xbox

02:02 <Cepheid> Gunner then.  :P

02:02 <Creeper101> anywone??

02:02 <LunaticHell> Hey, I wanted to be the gunner. o. o

02:02 <Cepheid> I'm joking of course.

02:03 <LunaticHell> And I'm playing along.

02:03 <Creeper101> hey my mum wants too know how old r u peple

02:03 <Creeper101> cuz im 9

02:03 <Schism> Dark Hunter...

02:04 <Schism> Oh, Creeper101, a point of order.  We are an assorted range of ages, but this channel is strictly rated /PG/.

02:04 <LunaticHell> Creeper101: Oh that's alright, this room is PG for all ages, our moderators will make sure that people will keep it clean.

02:04 <Creeper101> ok

02:05 <Schism> We do not, and will not ever, support adult material in this channel, as we want to keep it a fair and friendly place for whoever wants to join.  However, because this /is/ the internet, please be advised that we sometimes do get what are called 'trolls', drive-by people who like to spike aggravation and cause grief.

02:05 <Cepheid> Guild name...

02:05 <Creeper101> oh

02:05 <LunaticHell> Wait!

02:05 <Schism> Please don't let that keep you from staying here, though.

02:05 <Cepheid> 9 characters in length.

02:06 <LunaticHell> I got one.

02:06 <Creeper101> wat r trolls???

02:06 <LunaticHell> eqoul

02:06 <Schism> Creeper101, large and hulking creatures which dwell in damp caverns and like to cause nothing but trouble.

02:06 <Creeper101> oh

02:06 <LunaticHell> Equestrian Oddesy, untold ledgends.

02:06 <Creeper101> ok

02:07 <Cepheid> I'm just gonna go with "Misfits" again.

02:07 <LunaticHell> Nah

02:07 <LunaticHell> I'll get a better one.

02:07 <Cepheid> Too late

02:07 <LunaticHell> Damn, why'd you even ask?

02:07 <Schism> That's only partly a joke.  The /real/ definition of a troll, in regards to this channel, is a person who comes into the chat to do nothing but cause grief and mischief, usually of an improper nature.

02:08 <wobniaR> Aka me

02:08 <LunaticHell> Oh you.

02:08 * LunaticHell ruffles wobniaR

02:08 <Schism> No, you're decent enough, even if you'll deny it if I tell anyone else that.

02:08 <Cepheid> Thanks Microsoft for forcing an update to my OS, and in doing so, screwing up the video drivers so badly I can't reinstall them.

02:08 <LunaticHell> No I, I'm plain evil.

02:08 <wobniaR> Woo I've been approved as decent enough

02:08 <wobniaR> Works for me

02:08 <LunaticHell> Now*

02:09 <wobniaR> Pls

02:09 <Schism> Cepheid: I hate Microsoft, I hate everyone involved in this stupid, STUPID Windows 10 nonsense or pretty much anything even associated with it.

02:09 <LunaticHell> I'm the overlord, I need to be evil.

02:09 <Cepheid> Ine lunatic, what other names you got?

02:09 * Schism grumbles, makes more ice cubes.

02:10 <Cepheid> My drivers are forcibly stuck in red/blue 3D display mode.

02:10 <Creeper101> minecraft

02:10 <LunaticHell> Nimrod, Deadpool, Pinkiepool Deadpie, Cloud_1987, Gilgamesh, Marduk, something I forgot o. o

02:10 * Princess-Luna blinks

02:10 <Cepheid> For the guild name, Lunatic.

02:11 <LunaticHell> OH. derp

02:11 *** Quits: Creeper101 (Creeper101@Pony-qe8gc7.sc.charter.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

02:11 <LunaticHell> Ponywatch?

02:11 <LunaticHell> Underhorse?

02:11 <LunaticHell> Underdogs?

02:12 <wobniaR> No

02:12 <Cepheid> Underdogs sounds good.

02:12 *** Quits: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

02:12 <Schism> Cepheid: Wait, what?  Anaglyph mode?  I think you should be able to actually disable that from the nVidia manager, if you're using nVidia that is.

02:12 <Cepheid> Hey guess what?  I can't access the control panel to disable it.

02:12 <Schism> Totally messed up the GeForce Experience thing?  Bleh.

02:13 <Cepheid> Everything I valving the drivers is screwed up.  Can't even remove em.

02:13 <Schism> Did it throw Windows 10 on there, or what?

02:13 <Cepheid> Yeah, same stories as the others.  Woke up, for dinner windows 10 on my system.

02:14 <Schism> Options, Update and Security, Backup/Restore, REVERT TO PREVIOUS WINDOWS.

02:14 <Cepheid> ... how was found corrected to for dinner?

02:14 <Princess-Luna> lol

02:14 <LunaticHell> Wait how did we get to dinner?

02:14 <LunaticHell> From Nvidia?

02:14 <LunaticHell> And what IS for dinner?

02:15 <Kali_Graphia> D:

02:15 <wobniaR> I like dinner

02:15 <wobniaR> I had a bacon cheeseburger and fries

02:15 <Kali_Graphia> Boxed mac and cheese.

02:15 <Schism> Kali_Graphia, with hot dogs and ketchup?

02:16 <wobniaR> Ew

02:16 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

02:16 <Schism> Hey, ketchup with mac 'n cheese is a standard.

02:16 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

02:16 <Kali_Graphia> With powdered milk and tea

02:16 <wobniaR> Ketchup in macaroni & cheese is pure unfiltered heresy

02:16 *** Joins: Nede (Nede@Pony-6bp.gvt.143.24.IP)

02:16 <Schism> Bah!  Bah, I say!  It's delicious.  :(

02:16 <LunaticHell> more like

02:16 <LunaticHell> gresey

02:16 <Schism> Also, Cepheid: The one thing, the ONE THING that Microsoft is doing right with this charlie foxtrot is allowing customers to revert to a previous Windows version within a month.

02:17 <Cepheid> Nice.

02:17 <Schism> At which point you disable automatic updates and uninstall the files.

02:17 <Cepheid> Anyways, I need names for your characters.  9 l

02:17 <Cepheid> 9 characters.

02:17 <LunaticHell> Lunatic or Nimrod.

02:18 <Schism> Until, that is, July rolls around... hm.  o3o  Divide!  Female Dark Hunter, Bind-focused.

02:18 <Kali_Graphia> Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.

02:18 <LunaticHell> Nimrod IS the great hunter, after all.

02:18 <Schism> Kali, I will find a way to punish you for that one.

02:18 <Kali_Graphia> D:

02:18 <Schism> Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.  And for the rest of your life!  *gah*

02:18 <Kali_Graphia> I just wanted to be the very best

02:19 <LunaticHell> Like noone ever was?

02:19 *** Quits: Nedemai (Nede@fluttershy.is.best.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:19 <Schism> Freaking My Immortal.  There are Mary Sues, and then there's THAT.

02:19 <Kali_Graphia> I love her okay.

02:19 <Cepheid> I need an alchemist.  No its ands or buts.  Hmm....  Thelema.  For good luck.

02:20 <wobniaR> Are we talking the Evanescence song or something else?

02:20 <LunaticHell> Etrian Oddesy

02:20 <Schism> wobniaR: There is a certain self-insert Harry Potter fanfic which is perhaps the purest example of evil ever penned.

02:20 <LunaticHell> Oh that, yeah.

02:21 <wobniaR> I don't know, there are some pretty bad pony ones

02:21 <LunaticHell> Actually it started with a star trek fanfiction about a girl named...

02:21 <LunaticHell> ....Mary Sue.

02:21 <wobniaR> And that one with obama getting the chaos emeralds

02:21 <Schism> That was actually a parody of the really, really, /really/ terribad fanfics involving Kirk/OC.

02:21 <Kali_Graphia> wobniaR: My Immortal the fanfic isn't bad, it's amazing.

02:22 <Schism> Kali: Amazingly bad.

02:22 <Kali_Graphia> Shush, you. It's beautiful and I love it.

02:22 <Schism> I'll admit that it has some comedy value in the sense of 'dramatic reading'.

02:23 <Schism> But seriously, Enoby is just that bad a character.

02:23 <Kali_Graphia> It makes me very happy and always cheers me up, ergo it's wonderful.

02:23 <LunaticHell> Oh yeah, Superman is not a mary sue.

02:23 <Kali_Graphia> No she's not she's perfect yet flawed.

02:23 <Schism> Because you know that there's no way you could ever, in a million years, create something that bad?

02:24 <Kali_Graphia> Because I enjoy reading it and seeing what she's wearing.

02:25 <LunaticHell> Only evil people like me can.

02:25 <Schism> I'm growing ever closer, Kali, to hunting you right down and noogieing you.

02:25 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:25 <LunaticHell> Yeah okay 3:25, time to go to bed.

02:25 <Schism> RIGHT into oblivion!

02:25 <Schism> Yeah, I should get some slumber too.

02:25 <LunaticHell> There needs to be SOME rest for this wicked, if you know what I mean.

02:25 <Kali_Graphia> You shan't! I'll put my middle finger up at you!

02:25 <wobniaR> You can virtually noogie Kali_Graphia right now

02:26 <LunaticHell> cool

02:26 * LunaticHell virtually noogies Kali_Graphia as last act of the day.

02:26 <LunaticHell> Well, I'm done, see you on the other side of the night.

02:26 * Kali_Graphia plays some MCR

02:27 *** Quits: LunaticHell (LunaticHell@Pony-ppf.lbe.130.88.IP) (Quit: [And don't get eaten by Eldrich Aborminations that aren't me.])

02:27 *** Sketchy_Sounds|AFK is now known as Sketchy_Sounds

02:28 <Schism> Cepheid: Once again, the option to revert from 10 is under Start Menu > Settings > Update and Security > Backup > Restore to Windows 7 or whatever.

02:29 <Cepheid> Already done

02:29 <Cepheid> Into the Ancient Forest to die!

02:29 <Schism> Ah, great.  Hopefully that'll get you going...

02:30 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

02:30 *** Quits: Nede (Nede@Pony-6bp.gvt.143.24.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

02:30 *** Joins: Nedemai (Nede@fluttershy.is.best.pony)

02:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Nedemai

02:31 <Schism> Oh, and remember, Cephy, disable Windows Updates after you go back.

02:33 <Cepheid> I love how the first gunner usable skill isn't even offensive.

02:34 <Cepheid> Medic Bullet.  Shoot a party member to heal them and remove an ailment.

02:36 <Cepheid> Man, the interface changes for weaknesses and strengths is so much better in this game.  Shows weaknesses to even ailments.

02:39 <Cepheid> And everything wants to kill Schism.

02:43 <Cepheid> ... guh.  Crawler killed Schism.

02:43 <Schism> Whoop.

02:44 <Schism> I'd say I'm surprised, but I'm honestly more surprised that the character didn't die even /earlier./

02:45 <Cepheid> Admittedly, so am I.  Everything keeps targeting you.

02:49 <Cepheid> Are you bloody kidding me?  Grabbing the OPENING MISSION ITEM spawned a bunch of FOEs.

02:53 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-mbeoo9.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

02:53 <Cepheid> I shall be right back.

02:53 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-u50.24j.207.112.IP)

02:53 *** Quits: Cepheid (androirc@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))

02:54 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

02:58 *** Quits: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink) (Quit: Sleep!)

02:59 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-0pq.9ji.75.138.IP) (Quit: Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?)

03:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #733 [ http://tinyurl.com/hm4sf85 ]

03:05 *** Reia_Sleep is now known as Reia_Hope

03:05 *** Quits: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners) (Quit: I will return to the shadows)

03:06 *** Braixen is now known as Game_and_Watch

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03:10 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-dgch09.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)

03:11 <Librarian> im so excited yay

03:11 <Thelema5> Why?

03:12 <Thelema5> Is your concert tomorrow?

03:12 <Librarian> yes

03:12 <Librarian> owo

03:12 <Thelema5> Nice

03:12 <Thelema5> I really hope you have a great time.

03:12 <Librarian> thx

03:12 <Librarian> i had forgotten how nice was having miku as support

03:13 <Librarian> it feels good man

03:16 <Thelema5> :)

03:17 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-dgch09.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Connection closed)

03:18 <Librarian> time to go

03:18 <Librarian> ill be around a while in the morning

03:18 <Librarian> see ya

03:18 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-kd8.kl5.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

03:19 *** Joins: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol)

03:21 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-dgch09.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)

03:25 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-u4ne5h.162-221-109-net.sccoast.net)

03:25 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia-Mare (Nossy@Pony-dgch09.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)

03:25 * PinkieShy sighs

03:26 <Cepheid> Tonight, I have to try and get to sleep without drugs.  Fuuuun.

03:29 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-dgch09.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:31 * Cepheid wanders around a dungeon with Schism in the front row.

03:31 <Thelema5> Good luck

03:31 <Cepheid> You're in the back row.

03:31 *** Joins: Inferno_Flame (Inferno_Fla@Pony-j97.36h.255.104.IP)

03:32 *** Parts: Inferno_Flame (Inferno_Fla@Pony-j97.36h.255.104.IP) ()

03:34 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 I was just victim of bullying online and others on the chat just let the mod get away with it and says the bully was right.. Ugh..

03:34 <PinkieShy> There is no reason at all or rightness to bully!!

03:34 <Cepheid> What did they bully you over?

03:34 <Thelema5> Where was this?

03:34 <Schism> Cepheid, why do you have the Dark Hunter in the front row?

03:35 <Schism> Also, bleh... that's cruel, PinkieShy.  :(

03:35 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 its from a online website that is a flash player based chat

03:35 <PinkieShy> I'm so done with it..

03:35 <wobniaR> Ew flash

03:36 <Cepheid> Schism:  Because the back row is full.

03:36 <wobniaR> Kill flash, it is the bane of all IT workers worldwide

03:36 <Cepheid> I have Lunatic the Gunner there, Dreamer the Medic, and Thelema the Alchemist in it as well.

03:37 <Thelema5> Unfortunately differences of opinion sometimes result in people revealing their inner jerks, and in a forum like that the Moderator is there to keep the peace and rule on disputes which may violate the rules.  Sad to say it, but if you don't care for the moderator's position than you may want to find a forum where people have a similar mindset as you.

03:38 <Thelema5> Right or wrong would depend on the established rules of dispute within the forum, so the Mod was probably bound by them.

03:38 <wobniaR> Moderators can do whatever they want, ethically they should adhere to fairness but there's no restrictions other than that

03:39 <Cepheid> I still haven't heard what the topic was.

03:39 <wobniaR> Or whatever their moderation policy is

03:39 <Thelema5> Well, a good moderator will adhere to a ruleset

03:39 <Cepheid> For all I know, the mod could actually be in the right.

03:40 <Thelema5> It can be very subjective.

03:41 *** Joins: Romleon112 (Romleon112@Pony-ac5hgu.res.rr.com)

03:41 <Romleon112> anypony want to collab on a song?

03:42 <Thelema5> I'm not much of a musician, Romleon112.

03:42 <Cepheid> Let's see what the second floor has in stock for me.

03:42 <Thelema5> I could brew you a killer song-themed cider, I guess.  :P

03:42 <Schism> Cepheid: Suddenly, a deer appears!  F! O! E!

03:42 <Cepheid> Already has.

03:42 <Cepheid> FOEs appear on floor 1.

03:43 <Schism> Oh right.

03:43 <Cepheid> In fact, they appear during the initial mission after you grab the macguffin.

03:43 <Schism> Isn't that mission an unwinnable fight?

03:43 <Cepheid> Not the one you're thinking of.

03:43 <Schism> Ah, okay.

03:44 <Cepheid> I know which one you refer to, but it's not in this game apparently.

03:44 *** Quits: Kali_Graphia (Kali_Graphi@Pony-u3dtr9.165q.pqmb.0194.2601.IP) (Quit: )

03:44 <Romleon112> i wish somepony wanted to collab

03:46 <Princess-Luna> Romleon112: At some point, you might just have to accept that you're not going to find them.

03:46 <Schism> Hmmmm.

03:46 <Romleon112> ok

03:48 <Cepheid> And then I get almost everyone killed by walking into a FOE by mistake.

03:49 <Cepheid> Right, so I just gained access to a cafe.  Schism, Lunatic.  Names for the cafe?

03:50 <Cepheid> 9 character limit.  A-Z, 0-9, -, ~, ;, :, ,, ., ', ?, !, [ and ] are available.

03:50 <Schism> PonyJoe's.

03:51 <Thelema5> Romleon112, have you tried local networking at pony meetups?

03:51 <Thelema5> You may find someone to collaborate one-on-one.

03:51 <Cepheid> Very well, Schism.  PonyJoe's it is.

03:52 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia-Mare (Nossy@Pony-dgch09.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Connection closed)

03:52 <Cepheid> Huzzah, Hi Lagaar Coffee made.

03:52 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-dgch09.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)

03:56 <Schism> And next: donuts.

03:56 <Cepheid> Oh hey, the system even shows me if a monster is resistant to binds or not.

03:57 <Schism> Oh, neat.  Of course, the monsters which are /resistant/ to binds use skills which binds will stop all the time.

03:57 <Romleon112> there aren't any pony meetups near where i live.

03:57 <Cepheid> Schism:  Indeed.  Or, you know, make sense.

03:58 <Cepheid> Floating sunflower is gonna be resistant to leg bindings and all.

03:59 <Thelema5> Romleon112, have you tried contacting musicians whose work you enjoy?  They may be open to working with you.  Especially relatively unknown musician with a dozen unknown songs posted on youtube

03:59 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-dgch09.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I'm the Nostalgia Mare. I remember it, so you don't have to.)

04:00 <Thelema5> That would be my approach- find 20 or so people on youtube you like and ask them if they're interested.  You certain have better chances asking musicians directly than just shooting in the dark.

04:00 <Romleon112> i could try that.

04:00 * wobniaR shoots a jar of pudding at Thelema5 in the dark

04:00 <Thelema5> It's worth a shot

04:01 <Thelema5> Pudding!  YUS!

04:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Excellent Lip Synching - Schuyler Sisters PMV  [ http://tinyurl.com/zk96a4w ]

04:01 *** Joins: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony)

04:01 <Cepheid> Atlus, you-

04:01 <Starflurry> What sort of music do you make Romleon112?

04:01 * Cepheid fist shakes in the perceived general direction of Atlus' HQ.

04:02 <Romleon112> https://soundcloud.com/romleon112  starflurry , Different Genres

04:02 <Fn> LOL the most disliked video on youtube is "Bieber - Baby"

04:03 <Fn> Kinda understandable, but I thought there is a more disliked video than that

04:03 <Schism> Cepheid: You know that Atlus /subsists/ off your bitter, bitter teras.

04:03 <Schism> tears.*

04:04 <Schism> From Disgaea to EO to Shin Megami Tensei, they /live/ by causing their players grief and pain and sorrow.

04:04 <Romleon112> mostly instrumentals, with some edm i did at first

04:05 *** Quits: Pony_66361 (Tom@Pony-bc38ne.threembb.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:06 <Starflurry> I don't think I'd be a good match for a collaboration but I think your stuff sounds neat!

04:07 <Romleon112> ok

04:11 <Cepheid> Hmm.

04:12 <Cepheid> It's now apparent that Etrian Odyssey 1 and Etrian Odyssey 2 are connected in some way.

04:12 <Cepheid> In EO2U, the "Midgard Library" exists.  The same library existed in EO1U.

04:12 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: bedtiem)

04:13 *** Joins: Blackstar (Blackstar@Pony-v1s.6ao.242.172.IP)

04:13 *** Joins: kat (kat@Pony-0l3n0s.ph.cox.net)

04:13 <Blackstar> hey everyone

04:13 <kat> hi guys

04:14 <Thelema5> Hello!

04:14 <Blackstar> oh no not thinking nothing but that lel

04:14 <Blackstar> sorry had a thought they scare me lol

04:15 *** Quits: Blackstar (Blackstar@Pony-v1s.6ao.242.172.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

04:16 *** Joins: Blackstar (Blackstar@Pony-v1s.6ao.242.172.IP)

04:16 <Blackstar> hey can i get you guys input on something

04:16 <Cepheid> <Puppy somewhere in the house>  *Yelp!*

04:17 <kat> wuy is cepheid toking abot a spes odssey1&2?

04:17 <Cepheid> That's what you get for bothering the cat, dog.

04:17 <Thelema5> Sure, Blackstar

04:18 <Blackstar> i need idea's for my cosplay i want to do i want to do luna's royal guard outfit but i can't find a design that fits i guess you could say

04:18 <Thelema5> Hmm, my cosplay knowledge is approximately zero, so I'll not be much help.

04:19 <kat> me to

04:19 <Blackstar> i see okay im limited on designs due to the fact the design have to category their made in but cost is the big issue

04:20 <Cepheid> Gunners, curing ailments and healing people one bullet at a time.

04:25 *** Quits: Blackstar (Blackstar@Pony-v1s.6ao.242.172.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

04:29 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-e3bleu.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

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04:31 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-dpvb0n.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:32 <Cepheid> Pet the suspicious squirrel or not..?

04:33 <Surreal_Nightmares> Yus.

04:33 <Surreal_Nightmares> Do eeet.

04:33 <Schism> I'm sure it TOTALLY won't attack you!  Do it.  o3o

04:33 <Cepheid> It stole an ariadne thread.

04:33 <Thelema5> <admiral akbar> It's a trap!</admiral akbar>

04:34 <Cepheid> Fortunately I keep multiple threads on hand.

04:34 <Schism> Well, could have been worse.

04:37 <Cepheid> Made it to floor 3.  The traditional "Here's the real murderous FOE" introductory floor.

04:41 <Cepheid> Hmm.  Leave the shy kid to run the inn by herself, and go help the guard find his citizenship card, or just tell him off and perform the duty of watching over the kid like I am supposed to do?

04:41 <Cepheid> I'll stick to my duty and watch over her. >.>

04:41 <Schism> Oh gods, Floor 3.

04:42 <Schism> I remember that one full well.

04:42 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-e3bleu.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:42 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-e3bleu.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

04:43 <Cepheid> I just accused the guy of planning to rob the Inn.

04:44 <kat> hi Not-Renny

04:44 <Not-Renny> Yello

04:45 <Thelema5> pink

04:45 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Sleepytimes!)

04:47 <Cepheid> 1500 EXP for helping a drunk guard find out that he can just get his card reissued.

04:47 <Cepheid> ... And his butt whipped in the process, because his boss was peeved at him losing his card.

04:51 <Not-Renny> !hug

04:51 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-e3bleu.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Quit: Bye)

04:51 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

04:51 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around Not-Renny in a tight embrace

04:52 <Cepheid> Floor 3.  "Field of Mortal Peril"  How... nice.

04:52 *** Joins: nightowl (nightowl@Pony-g64es0.pa.comcast.net)

04:52 <Thelema5> !seen Finwe

04:52 <DerpyBot> Thelema5: Silly filly, your eyes are all derpy. Finwe is in the channel.

04:52 <nightowl> hoot-hoot!!

04:53 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-e3bleu.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

04:53 <nightowl> .....

04:54 * Cepheid has Dreamer rescue a hedgehog tangled in vines, then ceremoniously toss it away as the last two times it attacked and got it's spines in Dreamer's face. The description of the hedgehog squealing as it's thrown away is too much.

04:55 <Thelema5> Finwe, I'm planning to do a dry hopped cider with either citra or cascade hops tossed in secondary about a week before bottling.  Which do you think would work better with a dry, tart cider?

04:55 *** Joins: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@Pony-fs30hf.n4ri.ljqb.e800.2404.IP)

04:56 <kat> hi unicodingunicorn

04:56 <unicodingunicorn> hello

04:58 <nightowl> hate adventures in ponyville

05:00 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-t7n0sc.41m0.c54a.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

05:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Low Effect PMV Compilation #159 [ http://tinyurl.com/zmbumhb ]

05:02 <kat> y do you hate adventures in ponyville?

05:06 *** Joins: Wiz_Biz (Wiz_Biz@Pony-gm1mpo.ph.cox.net)

05:06 <kat> hi Wiz_Biz

05:07 <Wiz_Biz> guys! did you know a 10 ft asteroid flew over my area Pheonix Az yesterday morning and exsploded lighting up the sky like day!? but I was asleep at 4:00am when it happened! I hate myself for that!

05:07 <Wiz_Biz> hi kat

05:07 <Cepheid> Hookay, I need to get Dreamer and Thelema to pick up Scavenge ASAP.  I'm hemmoraging money as it is.

05:08 <kat> wutt i live az!

05:09 <Wiz_Biz> I know kat! I even told myself yesterday night that I was going to pull an all nighter and didn't!! son of a sea biscuit!!!

05:10 <kat> to the news siet

05:10 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-tb0ng3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)

05:12 *** Eventide is now known as Eventide|Sleepies

05:12 <Thelema5> Wiz_Biz, it's too bad you missed it.

05:12 <kat> hi The_Nostalgia_Mare

05:12 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi.

05:13 <Thelema5> I have seen two close-range meteor strikes in my life.  They were cool.

05:14 <kat> rly cool!

05:14 <Thelema5> Both moved a lot slower than one might expect, taking maybe a full second to cross the sky... and both burned green

05:14 <kat> cool

05:17 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-tb0ng3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I'm the Nostalgia Mare. I remember it, so you don't have to.)

05:20 *** Quits: Wiz_Biz (Wiz_Biz@Pony-gm1mpo.ph.cox.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

05:20 *** Joins: Wiz_Biz (Wiz_Biz@Pony-gm1mpo.ph.cox.net)

05:25 <nightowl> well kat the reason is I didn't hate it at first but the reason I hate it now is because everytime I get all the friendship sparkles the screen goes grey for some reason

05:27 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-e3bleu.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:27 *** Joins: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-glksru.client.mchsi.com)

05:27 *** Sleepai is now known as Snapai

05:28 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-e3bleu.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

05:31 *** Joins: Azure_namelocked (Azure@Pony-glksru.client.mchsi.com)

05:32 <kat> hi Azure_mobile & Azure_namelocked

05:32 *** Quits: Azure_namelocked (Azure@Pony-glksru.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: *spreads wings, flies off*)

05:32 *** Quits: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

05:32 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-cvibue.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

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05:33 <kat> hi Ali

05:33 *** Quits: Azure_mobile (Azure@Pony-glksru.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:37 <Cepheid> Dreamer, that is not how you heal people.  *Watches Dreamer, under confused state, smack Lunatic and kill him.*

05:38 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-6vc3k7.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP)

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05:41 *** Joins: Radiarc (Radiarc@Pony-s1qs5e.tn.charter.com)

05:41 <Radiarc> I keep forgetting this chat has changed

05:41 <Ali> Changed from what?

05:42 <Radiarc> How it used to be, all not polished and fancy and whatnot

05:42 <Ali> I've been here for plenty of years

05:43 <Cepheid> Different client.

05:43 <Radiarc> Mhm

05:43 <Cepheid> The channel and IRC server itself stuck around, the client changed.

05:45 *** Eventide|Sleepies is now known as Eventide

05:47 *** Quits: Radiarc (Radiarc@Pony-s1qs5e.tn.charter.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

05:54 *** Quits: nightowl (nightowl@Pony-g64es0.pa.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

05:56 <Thelema5> Things improve with age

05:56 <Wiz_Biz> shoot I was in the wrong room

05:57 <Wiz_Biz> ok does anypony use discord app?

05:57 <Wiz_Biz> im trying to learn how to use it

05:57 <StormDashNLR> i do

05:57 <Wiz_Biz> cool I want to start adding brony and pony friends

05:58 *** Joins: MarsToSirius (Slatefield@Pony-4iuora.res.rr.com)

05:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o MarsToSirius

05:58 <kat> wut is the discord app?

05:58 <Wiz_Biz> but how do I find names?

05:58 <Wiz_Biz> its a gamer app I guess but I would use it to chat and rp

05:58 <kat> cool

05:58 <Wiz_Biz> or at least my Skype friends say you can rp and chat on it

05:58 *** MarsToSirius changes topic to 'Welcome to #EquestriaDaily! This channel is rated All Ages. | Guide and rules: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Episode 11: I Didn't See The Ponies Until I Was Already a Brony, By Then It Was Nothing To Me (Discussion CLOSED Until 6PM Eastern)'

06:00 *** Quits: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-u50.24j.207.112.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

06:00 <StormDashNLR> if you want ot add my Wiz_Biz its the same name on here

06:00 <Wiz_Biz> how do you do that?

06:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Roundup #1334 [ http://tinyurl.com/hlnmfzf ]

06:02 <Wiz_Biz> Ok StormDash NLR I guess I just sent you a friends request

06:02 <StormDashNLR> create a server and invite people to it Wiz_Biz

06:02 <Wiz_Biz> oh ok

06:02 <kat> yay

06:10 *** Quits: Wiz_Biz (Wiz_Biz@Pony-gm1mpo.ph.cox.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

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06:19 *** Joins: Mongoosie (Goosie@thanks.gun.god)

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06:20 <kat> hi Mongoosie

06:20 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: Scientia sit potentia)

06:21 <kat> hi Surreal_Nightmares

06:21 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

06:22 <kat> hi KooK

06:22 <KooK> Kat, you've been here for like, 48 hours straight :P

06:23 <kat> wow

06:23 <kat> no

06:23 <KooK> Wow yes

06:24 <kat> lol

06:24 <KooK> I was supposed to get my car aligned tomorrow but fixing a few things up, I found out my wheel bearings are shot on the back.  This makes me a sad panda

06:25 <KooK> $83 down the toilet

06:25 <Thelema5> Gah, bad bearings are never a fun time

06:25 <Wiz_Biz2> sorry to hear that KooK

06:25 <KooK> You don't know the half of it with this car

06:25 <Thelema5> I'm sure.

06:26 <kat> wut car is it?

06:26 <Romleon112> http://vgboxart.com/view/74969/grand-theft-auto-v-n64-cover/ i made a nintendo 64 gta v cartridge

06:26 <KooK> It's a VW bus transmission with Porsche 930 axles run through VW Beetle swing arms and custom disc brakes turning a custom CV shaft.  Parts are odd.

06:27 <Wiz_Biz2> I recently spent a lot of money getting my moter trike working again and have been working the last month on repainting it to red and fiberglass repairing broken pieces

06:27 <Thelema5> Are you describing Waffle?

06:27 <KooK> Yes

06:27 <Thelema5> HEH

06:28 <Thelema5> Wait, I thought the carbs were shot?

06:28 <kat> (lafs)

06:28 <KooK> I've been slowly fixing them

06:28 <Thelema5> Awesome

06:28 <KooK> I have to keep cleaning them and running fuel through them and cleaning them and running fuel through them

06:29 <KooK> I basically just keep a kit with me so I can pull over where ever I am and clean carb ports

06:29 <Thelema5> What a Pain in the flank

06:29 <KooK> It's been getting better though

06:29 <Thelema5> Cool beans

06:29 <Romleon112> did anyone click on my game cartridge i made

06:29 <kat> good

06:29 <kat> i did

06:29 *** Joins: Your_breakfast (Your_breakf@Pony-vdcrc6.bchsia.telus.net)

06:30 <Thelema5> Romleon112, I didn't.  Sorry, but I have zero interest in games.

06:30 <Your_breakfast> i havent been here in like 2 years

06:30 <Wiz_Biz2> same here Thelema5

06:30 <Thelema5> Holy crap, it's Your_breakfast!

06:30 * Wiz_Biz2 brohoofs Thelema5

06:30 <Thelema5> Welcome back!

06:30 <Your_breakfast> waddup!

06:30 <kat> hi Your_breakfast

06:30 <Thelema5> Where've you been,man?

06:31 <Your_breakfast> i for got about this wonderful place lmao

06:31 * Thelema5 sad face

06:31 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on Your_breakfast.

06:31 <Thelema5> Well, I'm happy to see you, Your_breakfast

06:31 <Thelema5> It's been a while, for sure.

06:31 <Your_breakfast> happy to see u too

06:31 <Your_breakfast> i used to go here every day

06:32 * Thelema5 nodnods

06:32 <Your_breakfast> hmmm

06:32 <Your_breakfast> sooooo

06:33 <Thelema5> Have you been keeping up with MLP??

06:33 <Your_breakfast> i actually gave up on being a brony for a while

06:33 <kat> wut

06:34 <Your_breakfast> i came back a couple of days ago and cried after listening to discord by living tombstone

06:34 <Thelema5> Understandable.

06:34 <Your_breakfast> i miss this fandom

06:34 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lul.

06:34 * Surreal_Nightmares snuzzles Your_breakfast.

06:34 <Your_breakfast> small colorful horses mean alot to me

06:34 <Thelema5> The show has had some ups and downs, as has the fandom.

06:35 <Your_breakfast> last thing I saw was equestria girls two

06:35 <Thelema5> Honestly, I'm not even that psyched over new episodes these days

06:35 <Your_breakfast> that movie was 11/10

06:35 *** Joins: iandalton (ian@Pony-otnsk6.dynamic.tds.net)

06:35 <iandalton> Hello everypony

06:35 <Thelema5> Hol crap, it's iandalton!

06:35 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

06:35 <kat> hi iandalton

06:36 <Thelema5> This is like... blast from the past night

06:36 <iandalton> Holy crap, it's Thelema5!

06:36 <Thelema5> Ah ha ha ha

06:36 <iandalton> Hey, I've only been gone a couple months

06:36 <Your_breakfast> this fandom is slowly dying DX

06:36 <Thelema5> Time flies, dude.

06:36 <iandalton> It is shrinking, but not dead

06:36 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:36 <Romleon112> your_breakfast, you are back to being a brony? can you pm me

06:36 <Thelema5> I've missed you.

06:37 <iandalton> Likewise

06:37 <Your_breakfast> sorry whats pm mean?

06:37 <iandalton> privmsg

06:37 <Romleon112> private message

06:37 <Your_breakfast> how does that work lmao?

06:37 <iandalton> /msg Romleon112 sup

06:37 <iandalton> that's how

06:38 <Your_breakfast> okie

06:38 <Your_breakfast> i sent a message

06:39 * unicodingunicorn hides under Surreal_Nightmares from all the new oldpones

06:40 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pr9ef6.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

06:42 <kat> hi Not-Renny

06:42 *** Not-Renny is now known as RENSleep

06:42 <iandalton> Thelema5, what's happened to you these past couple months?

06:43 * Surreal_Nightmares snuzzles unicodingunicorn.

06:43 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-6vc3k7.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:44 <RENSleep> Things

06:44 <RENSleep> Things have happened to Thelema5

06:45 <RENSleep> Cider flavoured things

06:45 <iandalton> I don't believe it

06:45 <iandalton> Things don't happen to Thelema5

06:45 *** Parts: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony) ()

06:45 <Thelema5> How do you mean, iandalton?

06:45 <iandalton> Thelema5 happens to things

06:45 <RENSleep> ._.

06:45 <Thelema5> I have a new work situation, so I've been a bit preoccupied.

06:45 <iandalton> He is the protagonist of his life

06:45 <iandalton> Not some background pony

06:46 <RENSleep> Is he? >_>

06:46 *** Parts: Your_breakfast (Your_breakf@Pony-vdcrc6.bchsia.telus.net) ()

06:46 * RENSleep is background pon of Renny's life

06:46 <Thelema5> I've also been brewing ciders like a mofo, and started a exploration channel on youtube

06:46 <iandalton> Exploration?

06:46 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-too21e.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP)

06:46 <Romleon112> anypony want to chat about brony music or ponies in general in pm

06:47 <Thelema5> !link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ymIQgbL-F_3OIGe1mF3YQ iandalton

06:47 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Exploring with Jaye

06:47 <Not-Renny> And good night, Thelema5

06:47 *** Quits: RENSleep (AndChat7084@Pony-pr9ef6.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Not-Renny!AndChat7084@Pony-too21e.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP)))

06:47 *** Not-Renny is now known as RENSleep

06:47 <RENSleep> Needs more hair

06:48 <Thelema5> G'night, RENSleep!

06:48 <RENSleep> Thelema5 grow out your scalp hair, become wizard

06:48 <Thelema5> I've done it, it takes too much work to maintain.

06:48 <RENSleep> D:

06:49 <RENSleep> Do not become a woman, then

06:49 * RENSleep cannot handle hair past 4cm

06:50 <iandalton> Thelema5, do you know "Fishing with John"?

06:50 <RENSleep> Heck, 3cm

06:50 <Thelema5> Nuh hu

06:50 <RENSleep> Anyway, good night for real

06:50 <Thelema5> *Nuh uh

06:50 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t16tkgtJ7Ok

06:50 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

06:50 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Fishing with John Lurie 1 Jim Jarmusch

06:50 <iandalton> I think it might please you

06:51 <Thelema5> I'll check it out!

06:53 <Thelema5> My exploring channel is mostly to force me beyond my anxiety disorder to go to new places and do new things, which is very hard for me.  You may notice that I look very pained in some of the shots- I assure you that the discomfort is real.

06:54 <iandalton> Well, all the more kudos to you then

06:54 <Thelema5> Left to my own devices, I would prefer to stay at home, in bed

06:54 <Thelema5> XD

06:54 <iandalton> I hear that

06:55 * iandalton has spent the last month in his room

06:55 <Romleon112> somepony pm me.

06:56 *** Joins: Flashy (IceChat9@Pony-4qsg6e.vc.shawcable.net)

06:56 <Wiz_Biz2> ok Rbmleon112

06:57 * Thelema5 snugs under the covers in iandalton's room

06:57 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-ipa9up.res.rr.com)

06:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

06:57 * Flashy flops tiredly

06:58 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

06:58 <Thelema5> Hiya

06:58 <iandalton> Thelema5, so I've been learning Chinese and my friend Dutch since about January 2015. We both like languages, but we only had plain old English to talk to each other in. So we decided to both learn Esperanto.

06:58 <Flashy> screw airlines

06:58 <Flashy> screw the compan

06:58 <Thelema5> Wow

06:58 <Flashy> screw the airport

06:58 <Flashy> >.<

06:59 <Thelema5> I thought Esperanto was basically dead.

06:59 <iandalton> Thelema5, no, it's got a decent community

06:59 <Thelema5> That's so cool.

06:59 <iandalton> There's a site where you can find people all over the world who know Esperanto and are willing to host couch surfers

06:59 * Flashy is burning all over

06:59 <Thelema5> Awesome!

07:00 <iandalton> And there's been lessons on Duolingo for a year, and it's pretty popular, I hear

07:01 <Thelema5> Huh.  And to think that I can barely speak english.

07:01 <kat> The Mysterious Mare Do Well +Darkwing Duck

07:03 <iandalton> Esperanto was created to be easy to learn. Speakers of a European language have a slight advantage, because the vocab and grammar is mostly taken from them, but the main thing that makes it so easy is that there are no exceptions to any rules in the language. An English speaker can get to a decent level in as little as 3 months, and a Chinese speaker in 6 months. Compare that to English being studied for 10 years in school and them

07:03 <iandalton> still not being very good at it.

07:05 *** Quits: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Phone time.)

07:07 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal_Nig@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

07:07 <kat> (strs sing Darkwing Duck Theme)

07:08 <unicodingunicorn> ooh iandalton you know Chinese?

07:08 *** Snapai is now known as Sleepai

07:09 <iandalton>

07:09 <Romleon112> Rainbow Dash is best pony

07:10 <kat> no luna

07:10 <Romleon112> let the flame war start now. Lmao

07:10 <Flashy> rainbow dash is ok

07:10 <Thelema5> Little Red is best pony for real

07:10 <iandalton> Who's that?

07:11 <Surreal_Nightmares> Let's all agree that Megaman is best.

07:11 <Thelema5> http://i.imgur.com/WBxc9ip.png filly on the right

07:11 <kat> no sonic

07:12 <Surreal_Nightmares> Memes.

07:12 <unicodingunicorn> and nice traditional somemore

07:12 <iandalton> Thelema5, she's better than the fillly on the left?!?!

07:12 <Thelema5> It's close.

07:12 <kat> yes!

07:12 <Romleon112> if anything, applejack and rainbow dash are the two best ponies.

07:13 <Romleon112> the equestria girls version of them both are the most attractive as well

07:13 <iandalton> I'd vote Diamond Tiara for student pony president

07:13 <Thelema5> DT is going to be mayor of Ponyville, but Little Red will become an Alicorn Princess!

07:13 <ConfusionRift> Oookaaaaay...

07:13 <kat> i vote tiw

07:14 <Surreal_Nightmares> Mayor of Ponyville is better than Alicorn Princess.

07:14 <Flashy> i vote tom

07:14 <Surreal_Nightmares> Yus.

07:15 <Surreal_Nightmares> Tom for world leader.

07:15 <Flashy> i feel awful

07:15 <kat> tiw is Princess of ponyville

07:16 <Surreal_Nightmares> Who's that?

07:18 <kat> Princess twilight sparkle

07:18 <ConfusionRift> ...

07:18 <Surreal_Nightmares> That's...

07:18 <Surreal_Nightmares> Wat.

07:18 <ConfusionRift> PTS...where does TIW come from?

07:18 <Surreal_Nightmares> ^

07:18 <iandalton> I think they mean Twi

07:19 <ConfusionRift> Ooooh.

07:19 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lol.

07:19 <ConfusionRift> That makes perfect sense.

07:19 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lel.

07:19 <iandalton> I've seen many a typo in my time, I know what I'm about

07:20 <Surreal_Nightmares> It's been a while since I've seen someone do it twice though.

07:20 *** Quits: Flashy (IceChat9@Fast.Blue.Pegasus) (Quit: Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.)

07:20 *** Quits: Wiz_Biz2 (Wiz_Biz@Pony-gm1mpo.ph.cox.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

07:20 <Romleon112> Lmao. i saw a comment on youtube, saying applebloom x big mac was best ship. Lmao

07:20 <Surreal_Nightmares> Oh God.

07:20 <Surreal_Nightmares> XD

07:20 <kat> fashuof

07:21 <iandalton> Whatever floats their boat

07:21 * ConfusionRift sinks it.

07:21 <iandalton> or their ship, in this case

07:21 <Surreal_Nightmares> I don't even know where you get that from.

07:21 <iandalton> The recesses of their mind

07:22 <ConfusionRift> YouTube. That's kinda self defined.

07:22 <Surreal_Nightmares> Or how you decipher that. Lol.

07:22 <Romleon112> it was on some youtube poop pony vid

07:22 <Surreal_Nightmares> I was talking about what kat said.

07:22 <kat> o

07:22 <kat> wut!

07:24 <Romleon112> will mlp ever end?

07:24 <Romleon112> let's hope not

07:24 <iandalton> Let's hope so! Otherwise it will run past its "good by" date

07:24 <kat> no dring

07:25 <Romleon112> lol

07:25 <Surreal_Nightmares> Well, it is still successful so I don't expect it to end for a while.

07:25 <Romleon112> i keep hearing people say the fandom is dying out

07:25 <ConfusionRift> They always say that.

07:26 <ConfusionRift> They have said that since season 2.

07:26 <iandalton> The fandom was more lively in the season 2 days than now

07:26 <iandalton> But I'm sticking around

07:26 <ConfusionRift> Well, there is such a thing as a burnout.

07:26 <Surreal_Nightmares> ^

07:26 <ConfusionRift> 6 seasons is quite a long trip.

07:27 <Surreal_Nightmares> I kinda burned out during Season 4.

07:27 <iandalton> Yeah but people who leave can be balanced by people coming in

07:27 <iandalton> But the balance has not been maintained

07:27 <ConfusionRift> Hopefully it doesn't fall under the Simpsons livelihood.

07:27 <kat> omg! no

07:27 <iandalton> Exactly, I don't want ti to go until it gets like that

07:27 <Surreal_Nightmares> I don't follow Simpsons. What happened to the fan base?

07:28 <ConfusionRift> It's a show that basically is running on borrowed space.

07:28 <kat> it died

07:28 <ConfusionRift> It's still alive, just really dried out from what it used to be.

07:29 <Surreal_Nightmares> I've only seen one episode of Simpsons. Hue.

07:29 <kat> no fan base it died

07:29 <ConfusionRift> I just hope that doesn't happen to the show.

07:29 <iandalton> It's not the fans' fault the show sucks now

07:29 <Surreal_Nightmares> ^

07:30 <Romleon112> the more well known brony musicians have quit making pony music. Mandopony, alex s, archie, omnipony, ibringdalulz, mic the microphone, koroshi-ya, jeff burgess, wooden toaster, f3nning, yelling at cats, slyphstorm, etc

07:31 <ConfusionRift> It ran out of gas, and was running fumes. I really don't want this to happen to MLP. Otherwise, it would just be another show in some kid's channel.

07:31 <kat> living tomston?

07:31 <Romleon112> and the living tombstone. i forgot to type his name.

07:31 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-p04lkv.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

07:31 <Surreal_Nightmares> Huh.

07:31 <ConfusionRift> Oh well. (shrugs)

07:33 <iandalton> Woodlore's still active at least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLC8Lc3iu-k

07:33 <iandalton> Not a big name but I like him

07:34 <Romleon112> yeah. woodlore is good

07:35 <kat> im liveing

07:35 <unicodingunicorn> yep Woodlore is nice

07:35 *** Quits: kat (kat@Pony-0l3n0s.ph.cox.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

07:37 <iandalton> Well the brony fandom dying down a bit is OK, when I first got into pony, I spent so much time on it I had less time for other hobbies. Now I'm watching more anime again.

07:39 <ConfusionRift> I still have to get back to... who am I kidding? Drawing is done for.

07:39 <iandalton> BTW, this year's anime to look out for is probably "Boku dake ga inai machi," aka "Erased"

07:39 <iandalton> It feels like a Stephen King story

07:40 * ConfusionRift shrugs. "Animineme."

07:41 <ConfusionRift> I think I should just shorten my gaming list.

07:42 *** Joins: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-0pq.9ji.75.138.IP)

07:42 <Romleon112> mlp could definitely run well over 10 seasons and be fine

07:42 <iandalton> I figure it will run at least 10

07:42 <ConfusionRift> 10 is a bit steep, I think.

07:43 <iandalton> We're on 6 and they're making a movie

07:43 <ConfusionRift> Another one? Guh.

07:43 <iandalton> I mean, an MLP movie. With ponies.

07:43 <ConfusionRift> Funny, this season is starting to feel like season 3.

07:44 <Romleon112> they are making two. the 2017 mlp movie, and equestria girls 4, legends of the everfree

07:45 *** Game_and_Watch is now known as Braixen

07:45 *** Joins: Misan (Misan@Pony-c1tfvt.pools.vodafone-ip.de)

07:47 <ConfusionRift> Blarg.

07:47 <Misan> Oh hey, long time no see

07:47 <ConfusionRift> I can smell the burned injectors from here.

07:47 <ConfusionRift> Hello there. Indeed, long has been.

07:49 <Misan> It is nice to know that people remember you. haha

07:50 <ConfusionRift> Sure is. :P

07:51 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

07:52 <Double> Heya

07:53 <Surreal_Nightmares> Me and my team surrendered to bots on League of Legends by accident.

07:53 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-1p8du0.discworld.eu)

07:53 * Double hats Surreal_Nightmares

07:54 * Surreal_Nightmares nibbles on Double's tail.

07:55 * Double wiggles

07:56 * Surreal_Nightmares tugs on Double's tail.

07:56 * Double falls off Surreal_Nightmares' head

07:57 * Surreal_Nightmares rolls over onto her back, picks up Double by the neck scruff and places him on her belly.

07:57 <iandalton> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-OenLWAprU

07:57 <Double> So how are you then?

07:57 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

07:57 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about GalaCon '16: Canni's Surprise Party

07:59 <Surreal_Nightmares> I though that said a banana surprise party.

07:59 <iandalton> Surreal_Nightmares, do you like ummmm bananas?

08:00 <Surreal_Nightmares> Yas.

08:00 <Surreal_Nightmares> How can I not?

08:00 <Surreal_Nightmares> Radioactive bananas.

08:00 <iandalton> https://www.google.com/search?q=do+you+like+bananas+mlp

08:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Season 6 Episode 11 - Flutter Brutter - Stream / Discussion [ http://tinyurl.com/hhj2at5 ]

08:01 <iandalton> Don't watch if you're a kid

08:01 <iandalton> has language

08:01 <Surreal_Nightmares> Kids.

08:01 <Surreal_Nightmares> Kidney.

08:02 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Quit: lessons)

08:05 <ConfusionRift> Then why... ugh. Never mind.

08:05 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lol.

08:05 <Surreal_Nightmares> Don't worry.

08:05 <Surreal_Nightmares> I got this.

08:05 * Surreal_Nightmares wears ConfusionRift as a hat.

08:06 * ConfusionRift will forever be bothered.

08:07 <Surreal_Nightmares> D:

08:07 * Surreal_Nightmares sets ConfusionRift down.

08:08 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Sleep

08:13 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles) (Quit: Ping timeout: -1 second)

08:13 * MarsToSirius puts Surreal_Nightmares on HIS head!

08:14 * Surreal_Nightmares squees!

08:17 * Surreal_Nightmares snuzzles MarsToSirius' head.

08:17 * MarsToSirius earwiggles contentedly.

08:17 * Surreal_Nightmares purrs and noms on his ears.

08:19 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-mbeoo9.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

08:21 * MarsToSirius has become drowsy due to this attention (and the late hour). Falls asleep. -3- z z z

08:21 *** Quits: MarsToSirius (Slatefield@Pony-4iuora.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

08:25 * ConfusionRift pokes Misan. "How's it going?"

08:27 <Misan> Oh, I'm doing great, just the usual stuff, a bit of mental hospital, a bit of life crisis, a bit of contemplating whether or not I am in great need of a therapist.

08:27 <Surreal_Nightmares> Uh...

08:28 <Surreal_Nightmares> I was gonna ask something.

08:28 <Surreal_Nightmares> I forgot.

08:28 <Surreal_Nightmares> Rip.

08:28 <OctoInk20> ...

08:28 <OctoInk20> Oh.

08:28 *** Quits: Reia_Sleep (chatzilla@TheCowPony) (Quit: Nini ponies. Love you all)

08:29 <Misan> I moved to another country because of a friend, which abandoned me a year later. But I got a cool job that pays more than my bills, so, I'm kinda fine, at least on paper

08:30 <Misan> How are you ConfusionRift

08:30 <OctoInk20> That said, good... Morning? It's 12am, so I guess that counts.

08:30 <ConfusionRift> It's been pretty meh, really.

08:30 <Misan> 9 am here in central europe

08:31 <Surreal_Nightmares> It's 12:31 AM.

08:31 <OctoInk20> I'd never traveled out to Europe.

08:31 <Surreal_Nightmares> Same.

08:31 <Surreal_Nightmares> I planned to draw something..

08:31 <Misan> Sometimes I wonder if I just need a good friend to talk about my issues, or a therapist is required. Meh, whatever

08:31 <Surreal_Nightmares> Wait...

08:31 <OctoInk20> From what I hear, some parts of it are rather beautiful.

08:31 <Surreal_Nightmares> !s6

08:31 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:07h:58m:12s

08:31 <ConfusionRift> Got a job, so that's good. It's been a pain in the butt, which is not great. At least I'm getting moolah.

08:32 * Surreal_Nightmares pats ConfusionRift on the head.

08:32 <Surreal_Nightmares> Oh and random question, what should my IRC bot be called?

08:33 <Surreal_Nightmares> I'm gonna be testing it in a separate room.

08:33 <ConfusionRift> IRC bot? Hmm. Anything, but me. :P

08:33 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lel.

08:33 <Misan> Maybe call him Misan, maybe he does a better job being me than me

08:33 <Surreal_Nightmares> I'm tempted to name it Banana Man.

08:33 <ConfusionRift> Misan: It's good to at least to to someone for a while.

08:34 <OctoInk20> So I decided to acquire Overwatch, seeing all the talk and praise about it.

08:34 <Surreal_Nightmares> Did it live up to your expectations?

08:34 <ConfusionRift> Unwind and such.

08:34 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@thanks.gun.god) (Connection closed)

08:35 *** Joins: Mongoosie (Goosie@thanks.gun.god)

08:35 <ConfusionRift> I'm just playing a game, since I feel that lately I've being getting trapped in some rather bad thoughts lately. Rather keep my sanity in check somehow.

08:35 <OctoInk20> I only played about 20 minutes of training mode, lol.

08:36 <Surreal_Nightmares> Huh. I'd usually play an RTS game where you can't afford to be distracted by something else.

08:36 <Surreal_Nightmares> And have some music on. Good music.

08:37 <OctoInk20> But I must say, I love the graphics. ovo

08:37 <Surreal_Nightmares> They're good.

08:37 <Surreal_Nightmares> Feels like TF2 for me though.

08:37 <Surreal_Nightmares> Or reminds me of it.

08:38 <OctoInk20> I remember a friend tried to get me into TF2.

08:38 <Surreal_Nightmares> I still play it, just not as much. I started out 3 years ago.

08:38 <Surreal_Nightmares> Still have less than 800 hours in it though.

08:40 <Surreal_Nightmares> What should I name my IRC bot though? My phone isn't gonna stay up for forever.

08:40 <Surreal_Nightmares> Oh, and I forgot to mention I'm using VNC from my phone to my Raspberry Pi.

08:42 *** Quits: iandalton (ian@Pony-otnsk6.dynamic.tds.net) (Quit: Leaving)

08:47 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-dif3jc.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

09:02 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-j932ub.range86-137.btcentralplus.com)

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09:06 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

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09:07 *** Quits: Nedemai (Nede@fluttershy.is.best.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:16 *** Joins: NialloftheNine (NialloftheN@Pony-i8uapq.ok.cox.net)

09:16 <NialloftheNine> Hello everypony

09:16 <ConfusionRift> Hallooo.

09:17 <OctoInk20> I'm calling it a night.

09:17 <NialloftheNine> Have a good one OctoInk20

09:18 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-u4ne5h.162-221-109-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

09:25 *** Quits: Heartbreak (Heartbreak@Pony-vo1600.mn.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

09:27 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

09:27 *** Joins: Heartbreak (Heartbreak@Pony-vo1600.mn.comcast.net)

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09:30 *** Joins: Beetdabrat (IceChat9@Pony-pd2dpa.res.bhn.net)

09:31 *** Octave|Bed is now known as OctaveSymphony

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09:58 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

09:58 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: Want to be different? Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)

10:05 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

10:12 *** Joins: NewNickName (NewNickName@Pony-h4v.0oi.178.62.IP)

10:14 <Heartbreak> Monkeys.

10:15 <ConfusionRift> Where?!

10:15 *** Quits: PinMane (PinMane@Pony-3q0pbm.ip5.netikka.fi) (Connection closed)

10:15 * ConfusionRift wants to see them monkeys.

10:16 <NewNickName> i wish you guys a very pretty morning and i welcome you to this channel

10:17 <Surreal_Nightmares> Wait wat. XD

10:19 *** Joins: PinMane (PinMane@Pony-3q0pbm.ip5.netikka.fi)

10:31 <ConfusionRift> Late welcome party. :P

10:31 * ConfusionRift accompanied that with a late response.

10:34 * unicodingunicorn opens up ConfusionRift and steals his clock!

10:34 *** Joins: Sketchy_Sounds (Sketchy@strings.and.ink)

10:34 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sketchy_Sounds Sketchy_Sounds

10:37 <ConfusionRift> Heeeeeeey!

10:37 *** Joins: vi[NLR]1 (vi[NLR]@Pony-ooh049.dynamic.surfer.at)

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10:39 *** Mongoosie is now known as Mongoosie|Sleep

10:48 *** Joins: DoubleDouble (Double@Pony-2un.eqk.241.84.IP)

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11:10 *** Quits: Starflurry (starflurry@Pony-asi.d3u.144.98.IP) (Quit: )

11:11 *** Surreal_Nightmares is now known as Sleeping_Nightmares

11:11 <Sleeping_Nightmares> !s6

11:11 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:05h:18m:25s

11:11 *** Joins: Starflurry (starflurry@Pony-asi.d3u.144.98.IP)

11:12 <unicodingunicorn> oh my

11:12 <unicodingunicorn> no episode tonight?

11:13 *** Quits: WuBzY (WuBzY@Pony-bl21me.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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11:20 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP)

11:22 <ConfusionRift> I know there was a point of hiatus. Just don't remember when.

11:25 *** Joins: WuBzY (WuBzY@Pony-8mkcj3.rev.dnainternet.fi)

11:29 <unicodingunicorn> ah well it's only one week

11:31 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

11:32 <NewNickName> mid season hiatus incoming

11:32 <NewNickName> pls no

11:32 <NewNickName> thankfully there is EQD

11:33 *** AwayFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

11:34 *** Quits: DoubleDouble (Double@Pony-2un.eqk.241.84.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:34 *** Joins: Spit_Fire (Spit_Fire_@Pony-5s4k2n.cable.rogers.com)

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12:01 *** Quits: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-1vf4fo.0plp.bjtf.0587.2a02.IP) (Connection closed)

12:02 *** Double2 is now known as Double

12:04 * ConfusionRift rolls around.

12:06 *** Joins: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-1vf4fo.0plp.bjtf.0587.2a02.IP)

12:10 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

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12:46 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-u7i.76l.200.112.IP)

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13:04 <ConfusionRift> Sleep time fer me. See ya laters.

13:04 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-ipa9up.res.rr.com) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

13:05 *** Joins: Lumindia_ (IceChat9@Pony-r2pskt.qjpc.ts4r.1001.2600.IP)

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13:40 *** Joins: LunaticHell (LunaticHell@Pony-n99ms6.versanet.de)

13:40 <LunaticHell> goooooood morning, equestria

13:41 <LunaticHell> What is up?

13:42 <Tirek> Sun.

13:42 <LunaticHell> Praise it.

13:43 <Tirek> No.

13:43 *** Joins: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-fq5b00.as43234.net)

13:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

13:43 <LunaticHell> Well then praise her?

13:43 * LunaticHell hugs Princess-Luna

13:43 <Tirek> Ha, timing.

13:43 * Princess-Luna wingspreads gloriously

13:43 <Tirek> Quickly, ketchup cannon!

13:44 * LunaticHell praises the Lun.

13:44 * Sour_Sweet bounces around LunaticHell

13:44 <LunaticHell> Oh hi sweeite, how ya doing?

13:45 <Sour_Sweet> Sitting here being tired. Still working on my new place. An awful lot of work. The landlord that previously lived here personally has left it in a mes

13:46 <Sour_Sweet> On the plus side I can enjoy reasonable broadband speeds here

13:46 <Sour_Sweet> mess*

13:46 <LunaticHell> Oh I know all about people leaving a big mess behind them, our flat was left without electricity for a week.

13:52 *** Quits: Duck (sid3009@non.stop.nyan.cat) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:53 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly)

13:54 <CleverDerpy> good morning~

13:54 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

13:54 *** Joins: Duck (sid3009@Pony-5uqlt4.richmond.irccloud.com)

13:55 <CleverDerpy> hiya Duck, Cyan_Spark

13:55 <Cyan_Spark> Hey there

13:56 <CleverDerpy> Cyan_Spark, do you like muffins~?

13:57 <Cyan_Spark> Well, the ones I've tried were nice

13:57 <CleverDerpy> would you like one?

13:57 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: lost signal: underground )

13:57 <CleverDerpy> aw, oki

13:58 * Princess-Luna is glad to see that the Ace attorney anime is doing DL6 well without rushing it.

13:58 <CleverDerpy> hiya Princess-Luna

13:58 <CleverDerpy> I missed you

13:58 <Princess-Luna> Heyo, C-Derp! ^-^

13:58 *** Joins: unicodingunicorn_ (unicodingun@Pony-9j15d9.n4ri.ljqb.e800.2404.IP)

13:58 * Princess-Luna gives cuddles

13:58 * CleverDerpy purrs and cuddles back

13:58 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by unicodingunicorn_!unicodingun@Pony-9j15d9.n4ri.ljqb.e800.2404.IP)))

13:58 *** unicodingunicorn_ is now known as unicodingunicorn

13:59 * unicodingunicorn glomps CleverDerpy

14:00 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

14:00 <Cyan_Spark> I... suppose?

14:03 * Princess-Luna snugglies on Cyan_Spark also

14:03 <Cyan_Spark> Hihi Princess-Luna

14:03 <Princess-Luna> ^-^

14:05 *** Joins: Jon-The_Bronynerd (Br0nyN34D@Element.Of.Gaming)

14:06 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

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14:12 *** Joins: PinMane (PinMane@Pony-3q0pbm.ip5.netikka.fi)

14:12 <CleverDerpy> hiya uni~

14:12 * CleverDerpy cuddles him and purrs loudly

14:13 *** Joins: F4celess (Norse@Pony-4iv.s1r.95.88.IP)

14:15 * Lumindia_ pets Derp

14:15 <Lumindia_> I have no good internet for a few days

14:16 <CleverDerpy> awww...

14:16 * CleverDerpy boops Lumindia_

14:16 <Lumindia_> Internet died a day ago

14:16 <Lumindia_> and they can't get out here until monday

14:16 <CleverDerpy> why?

14:16 <Lumindia_> weekend

14:17 <CleverDerpy> no no

14:17 <CleverDerpy> why did it die?

14:17 <Lumindia_> if I knew that I wouldn't need them to come out and fix it

14:17 <CleverDerpy> oh...

14:17 <Lumindia_> x3

14:17 * Lumindia_ boops Derpy

14:17 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

14:17 * CleverDerpy scrunchymuzzles

14:17 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-0pq.9ji.75.138.IP) (Quit: Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?)

14:18 * Lumindia_ licks your snout cutely

14:18 <Lumindia_> x3

14:18 *** Joins: SugarWing (SugarWing@Pony-h7ipi1.pool.digikabel.hu)

14:18 <SugarWing> hello

14:18 <LunaticHell> hahahahah Oh wow this tv-show just made a reference joke to a creepy pasta.

14:19 <LunaticHell> This is the fringest of fringe. xD

14:20 <LunaticHell> It's like "You can have Ben's PSP, you can play with it, you can play underwater." > "I don't want to drown Ben's PSP." > "You can drown Ben..." > "Methaphorically."

14:20 <LunaticHell> And then Ben drowned, right?

14:21 * CleverDerpy squeaks and wags her tail

14:21 <Fn> Sooo i just witnessed a stupid

14:22 *** Quits: Misan (Misan@Pony-c1tfvt.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Client exited)

14:22 <CleverDerpy> been awhile since I heard that

14:22 <Fn> A guy joins the 7days_to_die chat, admits to pirating the game and complains that he cannot register on the official game site because it needs steam with the game on it

14:22 <LunaticHell> Fn: You are sitting in stupid. You are sourrounded by stupid. I am stupid. You are stupid. We are stupid. Nice.

14:23 <Fn> "Hello I have stolen your card and it is getting rejected, pls fix"

14:23 <LunaticHell> That's bold, not stupid.

14:24 <CleverDerpy> bold might not be thr right choice of words...

14:24 <Fn> That's more like overentitled

14:24 <CleverDerpy> or underappreciateive

14:24 <Fn> The game costs pennies btw

14:24 <Fn> No more than one dinner price

14:25 <CleverDerpy> yeah, imma go with stupid there

14:25 <LunaticHell> The only titles I am intrest in are Kings, Queens and Barons.

14:25 <SugarWing> unicodingunicorn ;)

14:25 * unicodingunicorn squees and glomps SugarWing

14:26 <SugarWing> :P

14:26 <SugarWing> hii

14:26 <LunaticHell> I used to want to have a "Sir" as title.

14:27 <SugarWing> how are you?

14:27 <CleverDerpy> !hat

14:27 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat, sir?

14:27 <DerpyBot> May I take your hat?

14:29 <unicodingunicorn> heya!

14:29 <unicodingunicorn> doing fine~

14:29 <unicodingunicorn> you?

14:30 <SugarWing> could be better

14:30 <unicodingunicorn> aww...

14:30 <SugarWing> i caught a cold plus i have to watch for my toenail

14:30 <unicodingunicorn> what´s the matter?

14:30 <unicodingunicorn> oh

14:30 <SugarWing> it broke pretty badly a week ago

14:30 <SugarWing> almost to the end

14:30 * unicodingunicorn offers (virtual) snuggles

14:30 <unicodingunicorn> ouch

14:31 * SugarWing snuggles unicodingunicorn

14:31 <SugarWing> and playing with the most addictive game for me by far

14:31 <unicodingunicorn> what is it?

14:33 <SugarWing> well its only entertaining enough if you played undertale

14:33 <SugarWing> someone created an endless loop of on of the main battlers

14:33 <SugarWing> *battles

14:33 <unicodingunicorn> pfft

14:34 <SugarWing> hm?

14:35 <SugarWing> o yea and one thing

14:35 <SugarWing> should we drop the collab or should i start doing it?

14:35 <unicodingunicorn> hmm?

14:35 <unicodingunicorn> waaaaait

14:35 <unicodingunicorn> this sounds distinctly familiar...

14:35 <SugarWing> i actually practiced the facial expressions for 2 days now

14:35 <SugarWing> familiar? XD

14:35 <SugarWing> i couldnt even forgot

14:36 <SugarWing> i dared not to

14:36 <unicodingunicorn> s-sorry...

14:36 <SugarWing> no probs

14:36 <SugarWing> my memory is like yours i guess

14:36 <SugarWing> i just didnt want to forget this

14:38 <SugarWing> do you even remember what we were supposed to draw?

14:38 *** Quits: Braixen (lmgknkpjqqs@Hoofy.is.cutest.mare) (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)

14:39 *** Joins: Braixen (mofegeoygul@Hoofy.is.cutest.mare)

14:40 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:40 <SugarWing> unicodingunicorn ?

14:40 <unicodingunicorn> huh?

14:40 <unicodingunicorn> oopsies sorry

14:40 <unicodingunicorn> was in another window

14:41 <SugarWing> sorry then

14:41 <SugarWing> ,,do you even remember what we were supposed to draw?"

14:41 <unicodingunicorn> erm...oopsies?

14:42 <SugarWing> oh my god

14:42 <SugarWing> :D

14:42 <SugarWing> im callin' it

14:42 <unicodingunicorn> huh?

14:42 <SugarWing> your memory is worse than mine

14:42 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Away

14:42 <SugarWing> :D

14:42 <unicodingunicorn> yeah it kinda is

14:43 <SugarWing> then should we drop it?

14:44 *** Joins: Fall (Fall@silently)

14:44 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Fall Fall

14:44 <LunaticHell> SugarWing: Memory? Who are you, again? o. o

14:44 <SugarWing> the hungarian girl

14:46 <LunaticHell> I actually didn't know. But the other thing, "memory"?

14:46 <LunaticHell> Is that some kind of game? o .o

14:46 <SugarWing> what?

14:48 <unicodingunicorn> I'm pretty sure it's a type of eel

14:48 <unicodingunicorn> y'know, like "murray"?

14:50 <SugarWing> im lost

14:50 <LunaticHell> Memory? Tree? I most have forgotten.

14:52 <SugarWing> .-.

14:52 <SugarWing> please tell me this is a joke

14:53 *** Joins: Pony|72607 (Pony72607@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net)

14:53 *** Pony|72607 is now known as ThatAnonPony

14:54 <SugarWing> aaanyways

14:54 <SugarWing> uni,you once told me we should talk on skypw

14:54 <SugarWing> *skype

14:55 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

14:56 <LunaticHell> I'd love to hear the uni voice. meow o. o

14:56 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

14:56 * unicodingunicorn squeaks and nods

14:57 <SugarWing> me too

14:57 <SugarWing> actually summer could be the perfect time

14:57 <SugarWing> when my parents arent home

14:57 <unicodingunicorn> mhmm

14:58 <SugarWing> it would might even decrease my stage fright

14:58 <SugarWing> LunaticHell you can join too

14:58 <SugarWing> it would be fun

14:58 <LunaticHell> yay

14:58 <SugarWing> wait am i correct that you're male?

14:59 <LunaticHell> Last time I checked I was.

14:59 <SugarWing> XD

14:59 <SugarWing> i will be the only female and the one with the worst and weirdest english

15:00 <LunaticHell> My english sounds plety weird, so you will not feel alone there. xD

15:00 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-j932ub.range86-137.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:00 <LunaticHell> plenty, even. o. o

15:00 <SugarWing> :d didnt even notice

15:01 <LunaticHell> I'm german, obviously I am into grammar. o. o

15:02 <SugarWing> we live close then

15:02 <Pi> https://soundcloud.com/mrmagoffin/never-gonna-slam-your-jam

15:02 <Pi> Come on and Slam!

15:03 <LunaticHell> And welcome to the jam. o .o

15:03 <wobniaR> Where are the new horses

15:05 <SugarWing> unicodingunicorn we still hadnt discussed what would be with the art

15:05 <unicodingunicorn> good point

15:05 <unicodingunicorn> what do you suggest?

15:06 <SugarWing> i dunno its up to you

15:06 <unicodingunicorn> I have no idea

15:06 <SugarWing> .-.

15:06 <SugarWing> do you want to?

15:06 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles)

15:08 <unicodingunicorn> want to?

15:09 <LunaticHell> oh yeah, sweetie?

15:09 <LunaticHell> My handle is Marduk1822

15:09 * Pi licks unicodingunicorn

15:10 * unicodingunicorn eeps and boops Pi back!

15:10 <LunaticHell> Only 6 years till my 200th.

15:11 * Electron is drinking coffee with milk

15:13 <Pi> 200th what

15:13 * LunaticHell points to his handle.

15:14 <Pi> Because I thought for a second there you are 194

15:14 <Pi> years old

15:14 <LunaticHell> What? This is only the time I've been using the handle. Gotta spice things up.

15:15 *** Quits: Nedemai (Nede@fluttershy.is.best.pony) (Connection closed)

15:16 <LunaticHell> I mean this is when I started using it.

15:17 <SugarWing> unicodingunicorn yea i mean i have the sketches for it

15:17 <SugarWing> i wont push it though if you dont want to

15:17 <unicodingunicorn> nah I want to!

15:17 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-tb0ng3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)

15:18 <SugarWing> so the concept is:

15:18 * Electron "Never gonna give you SLAM, Never gonna let you SLAM, Never gonna tell you SLAM and hurt you. Come on and SLAM."

15:18 <SugarWing> remember how we usually tell us everything and calm each other down neverthless how sad the other is?

15:19 <unicodingunicorn> how could I forget?

15:19 <SugarWing> we wanted to picture this

15:20 <LunaticHell> SO, sugarcube, ya gonna add me or what?

15:20 <SugarWing> your part is to make my OC crying and one when im supporting you but there cant be any interaction like here just a plain wall

15:20 <LunaticHell> So* o. o

15:20 <SugarWing> on skype?

15:20 <SugarWing> whats your name?

15:20 <LunaticHell> Like I said, my handle is marduk1822

15:21 <LunaticHell> I've been usin' it for a while.

15:21 <SugarWing> oh sorry

15:21 <SugarWing> i was playing i guess

15:21 <unicodingunicorn> as for me, I'm the same everywhere

15:22 <LunaticHell> No biggie, I still know how to write my handle a couple of times, I recon.

15:22 <SugarWing> cool pic

15:22 <SugarWing> :Dű

15:23 <wobniaR> I post soundclowns all the time and someone posts a slam jam and now you go nuts?

15:24 <LunaticHell> So, I got the Unicorn-fish and the Sugarcube.

15:24 *** Joins: SugarWing_ (SugarWing@Pony-h7ipi1.pool.digikabel.hu)

15:24 <SugarWing_> omg i found my chara pony sketch

15:25 *** Quits: SugarWing (SugarWing@Pony-h7ipi1.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:25 <SugarWing_> and i still love it :D

15:25 <SugarWing_> which is strange

15:25 <unicodingunicorn> wait I'm a fish now?

15:25 * unicodingunicorn flops around on dry land!

15:25 <LunaticHell> Yes, you're uni-cod

15:25 <SugarWing_> wat?

15:25 <LunaticHell> the unicorn fish

15:25 <SugarWing_> :D

15:26 <SugarWing_> sans,get out of LunaticHell

15:26 <unicodingunicorn> I'm a narwhal?

15:26 <LunaticHell> Nah, you're more coddling and less narly.

15:26 *** Joins: Twilight`Sparkle (BigPapa@Pony-m8lg0k.mi.comcast.net)

15:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Twilight`Sparkle

15:26 * LunaticHell coddles the fish.

15:26 <SugarWing_> uni does you oc have a cutie mark?

15:27 <unicodingunicorn> >_

15:27 <unicodingunicorn> t-that's what I use mostly anyway

15:27 <Pi> guh

15:27 <unicodingunicorn> other than that it could be three swirls

15:27 <Pi> keep getting dced from wargame

15:27 <SugarWing_> whats the meaning?

15:29 <LunaticHell> Oh yeah I named you "SugarCube" on skype

15:30 <SugarWing_> awww thank you <3

15:30 <Pi> o3o

15:31 <Pi> well, I just finished making a cutie mark for an oc of mein

15:31 <LunaticHell> You're welcome. ^^

15:31 <unicodingunicorn> if it is not pi, Pi, I shall be disappointed

15:31 <Pi> nah, is not a ponysona

15:31 <LunaticHell> Ohky this is the weirest zombie attack ever. o. o

15:32 <LunaticHell> Trout eating zombies.

15:34 * unicodingunicorn aggresively boops Pi with mathematical constants

15:44 <SugarWing_> *silence*

15:44 <SugarWing_> :D

15:48 *** Joins: MDP (mark@Pony-geh4o1.cable.rogers.com)

15:48 <MDP> morning

15:49 <wobniaR> B

15:50 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:51 <LunaticHell> http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/347 pft, I say

15:52 <unicodingunicorn> pfft

15:52 <Lumindia_> hahaha

15:52 <Lumindia_> I remember that

15:53 *** Quits: Mongoosie|Sleep (Goosie@thanks.gun.god) (Quit: Leaving)

15:55 <Sleeping_Nightmares> !s6

15:55 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:00h:34m:23s

15:56 <LunaticHell> Oh, I almost (actually "totally") forgot.

15:56 * Princess-Luna returns!

15:58 * Sleeping_Nightmares snuzzles Princess-Luna

15:58 * Princess-Luna cuddles on

15:59 * LunaticHell jumps on the cuddle pile.

15:59 * Sleeping_Nightmares purrs.

15:59 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-kd8.kl5.207.187.IP)

16:00 * Librarian crashes into a wall

16:00 <Librarian> oh yeah!

16:00 * unicodingunicorn glomps Sleeping_Nightmares

16:01 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

16:02 * Sleeping_Nightmares noms unicodingunicorn's mane.

16:02 *** Sleeping_Nightmares is now known as Surreal_Nightmares

16:02 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP)

16:05 * Librarian does the happy dance

16:05 * unicodingunicorn eeps and boops CleverDerpy

16:05 <Librarian> derpy!

16:05 <Librarian> today is the concert owo

16:05 * Surreal_Nightmares noms CleverDerpy!

16:08 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:11 *** Joins: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-77jca1.res.bhn.net)

16:11 <wobniaR> Yep new horses in 19 minutes for the important starting tiem

16:12 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-dif3jc.brockwell.irccloud.com)

16:12 * wobniaR pre-duct tapes Spit_Fire's mouth shut

16:13 * Librarian puts wobniar in a box

16:15 <Librarian> cannot contain excitement

16:15 <Librarian> i must sing!

16:15 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

16:15 * Librarian sings like he-man

16:16 <Princess-Luna> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkHZiHAUoAIzN8R.jpg - ALL THINGS...shall be assimilaten'd!

16:17 * wobniaR presses B to do it

16:17 * Spit_Fire blinks O.O

16:18 * Spit_Fire takes the tap off ^_^

16:18 * Spit_Fire puts a cupcake in wobniaR mouth ^_^

16:18 * Librarian bothers wobniaR a bunch

16:21 <Spit_Fire> New ep is starting ^_^

16:22 <unicodingunicorn> !s5

16:22 <DerpyBot> Season 5 is over :(

16:22 <DerpyBot> Muffins? :3

16:22 <unicodingunicorn> !s6

16:22 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:00h:07m:14s

16:23 <Spit_Fire> it's on ^_^

16:23 <wobniaR> I'm going to triple duct tape you next

16:23 * unicodingunicorn eeps

16:24 <Spit_Fire> ?

16:24 * Spit_Fire glomps unicodingunicorn ^_^

16:24 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-mbeoo9.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

16:25 * Spit_Fire is munching on popcorn now ^_^

16:26 <Librarian> unleash my fist hero!

16:26 * Librarian bothers wobniar with much determination

16:26 <Sour_Sweet> Pony, pony pony!

16:27 <Librarian> muhhamed ali died

16:27 <Librarian> owo

16:27 <Librarian> the roar you now

16:27 <Librarian> moar

16:27 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

16:27 *** Joins: Lumindia (IceChat9@Pony-lcup4h.pbg.ptd.net)

16:28 *** Joins: Tahlorz (rattle@Pony-04f8is.ph.cox.net)

16:28 *** Quits: Lumindia_ (IceChat9@Pony-r2pskt.qjpc.ts4r.1001.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:28 <Librarian> i must go

16:29 <Nicktendonick> your people need you?

16:29 <Librarian> yes

16:29 * Librarian flies away

16:29 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-kd8.kl5.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:32 * unicodingunicorn gently nuzzles SugarWing_

16:32 <SugarWing_> hmm?

16:32 <SugarWing_> sorry started vectoring

16:32 <SugarWing_> :P

16:33 * Spit_Fire hugs SugarWing_

16:33 <unicodingunicorn> it's fine

16:33 <unicodingunicorn> just wanted to say goodnight...

16:33 <SugarWing_> oh

16:33 <SugarWing_> so soon?

16:33 <SugarWing_> goodnight then dear

16:33 * SugarWing_ hugs back

16:34 * unicodingunicorn snuggles under SugarWing_'s wing

16:34 <SugarWing_> ^^

16:34 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Quit: goodnight~)

16:34 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:36 <LunaticHell> Oh god, cat pirates. D:

16:36 <SugarWing_> oh no!

16:36 <SugarWing_> they're invading us

16:37 <SugarWing_> nooo im flooding in cats

16:37 <SugarWing_> D:

16:37 <LunaticHell> They got a giant flying cat as a pirate ship.

16:40 <Spit_Fire> everyone enjoy the new ep? ^_^

16:40 *** Joins: Thy (uid63062@Pony-tnlo2b.richmond.irccloud.com)

16:41 *** Joins: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

16:41 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Help me pls

16:42 <Spit_Fire> SkippeZ_ShadoW, ?

16:42 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I think my black ops just got hacked by accident

16:43 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> And... I don't know how to deal with these things

16:43 *** Quits: SugarWing_ (SugarWing@Pony-h7ipi1.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:43 <Spit_Fire> ep just ended ^_^

16:43 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Either that or it just - oh

16:43 *** Joins: SugarWing (SugarWing@Pony-h7ipi1.pool.digikabel.hu)

16:43 <SugarWing> shhot

16:43 <Sour_Sweet> Those ad sound effetcs xD

16:43 <Sour_Sweet> effects*

16:43 <SugarWing> i missed the stream cause the timer froze

16:43 <Spit_Fire> SkippeZ_ShadoW, umm not sure what to do there...

16:43 <SugarWing> D:

16:43 <Spit_Fire> SugarWing, aww...

16:43 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> OK I got rid of it nvm

16:44 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> It showed a debug menu

16:49 *** Joins: Technia (Technia@Pony-94ccf1.ut.comcast.net)

16:49 <Technia> Hi all

16:50 <Technia> Anyone seen the new MLP episode yet?

16:51 <LunaticHell> D:

16:51 *** Quits: Technia (Technia@Pony-94ccf1.ut.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:51 <Fn> !S6

16:51 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 6d:23h:38m:28s

16:51 <Fn> Too laet

16:51 <LunaticHell> I'm being attacked by seven supersized evil chicken.

16:52 *** Quits: SugarWing (SugarWing@Pony-h7ipi1.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:52 <Spit_Fire> was that link?

17:00 *** Joins: MarsToSirius (Slatefield@Pony-4iuora.res.rr.com)

17:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o MarsToSirius

17:01 <wobniaR> Well that episode was the highlight of my day, time to suffer an entire weekend without pc gaming

17:01 <Surreal_Nightmares> Ded.

17:01 <Pi> http://saxopi.deviantart.com/art/snowday-613180004 done o3o

17:02 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on Pi. :3

17:02 <Surreal_Nightmares> Gud.

17:02 <RENSleep> Yay, arts

17:03 <LunaticHell> Arts is lifes.

17:03 * Surreal_Nightmares wears LunaticHell as a hat

17:04 * LunaticHell hats.

17:04 * Surreal_Nightmares noms on LunaticHell's tail

17:04 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-tb0ng3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I'm the Nostalgia Mare. I remember it, so you don't have to.)

17:10 *** Quits: Fall (Fall@silently) (Quit: )

17:13 * LunaticHell mes

17:13 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-u7i.76l.200.112.IP) (Quit: rip)

17:13 * MarsToSirius ... kinda grumbles a bit.

17:14 * wobniaR patpats MarsToSirius

17:14 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

17:14 <KooK> Shh

17:15 *** Joins: Gladiolus (uid110916@hugbat.is.hugging.you)

17:15 <MarsToSirius> Waitin' until 5 of course. But this was just rough.

17:17 <wobniaR> Got some ace attorney to watch now

17:18 *** Joins: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net)

17:18 <LunaticHell> Do it.

17:18 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

17:18 <LunaticHell> Wob: No objection from me. :P

17:20 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

17:21 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-77jca1.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:22 <LunaticHell> pffft

17:23 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

17:24 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

17:24 *** Quits: RENSleep (AndChat7084@Pony-too21e.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:25 <Spit_Fire> LunaticHell, https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/13327562_1586225618073552_683215767384625863_n.jpg?oh=d9f9d1ff984e1bf23ae5b13aecacb1d0&oe=580DC810

17:25 <LunaticHell> hehe yeah

17:29 <Fn> https://imgur.com/gallery/P2LQT

17:29 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pr9ef6.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

17:30 <LunaticHell> Go watch "the middleman", it's funny. :3

17:30 *** Quits: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:31 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

17:32 *** Quits: Tahlorz (rattle@Pony-04f8is.ph.cox.net) (Quit: )

17:33 <Cepheid> Morning.

17:33 *** Joins: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

17:34 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pr9ef6.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:35 *** Quits: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:36 *** Joins: Princess-Luna (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-f1p3l9.as43234.net)

17:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Princess-Luna

17:38 *** Quits: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:39 *** Joins: BreezeBolt (BreezeBolt@Pony-8tdnjo.freedome-vpn.net)

17:43 <Cepheid> I am terrified of the idea of looking in my bathroom right now.

17:44 <Spit_Fire> >

17:44 * Spit_Fire pokes Cepheid

17:44 <Spit_Fire> umm what did you do to it Cepheid ?

17:44 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pr9ef6.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

17:44 <Cepheid> Not me.

17:45 <Cepheid> My sister and her husband visited, and used my bathroom to get ready for a wedding they're attending.

17:45 <Spit_Fire> :(

17:45 <Cepheid> And the two of them like to leave my bathroom a living wreck.

17:45 <Spit_Fire> how long were they in there?

17:45 <Not-Renny> Yay :l

17:46 <Cepheid> Three hours, from what I was told.

17:47 <Not-Renny> Well

17:47 <Spit_Fire> umm fire and lots of it?

17:48 <Cepheid> That's a pretty average time for them.  They spend a lot of time getting ready.

17:48 <LunaticHell> Well you are spit fire, so ...?

17:50 <wobniaR> They're going to cross-examine the parrot aren't they

17:51 <LunaticHell> This isn't going to be a...

17:51 <LunaticHell> ...parroty?

17:51 <Princess-Luna> wobniaR: Not this ep.

17:51 <Fn> Black tea cured my headache

17:51 <Princess-Luna> saaaaaaaadly

17:51 <wobniaR> :(

17:52 <Fn> I wonder if I have some irreversible black tea dependance

17:52 <Princess-Luna> Perhaps!

17:52 *** Quits: Thy (uid63062@Pony-tnlo2b.richmond.irccloud.com) (Quit: lel, I'm still camping)

17:53 <Cepheid> Fn:  Caffiene, perhaps?

17:54 *** Joins: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

17:55 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-9r3027.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP)

17:56 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-pr9ef6.be25.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:57 <LunaticHell> Caffine!

17:57 * LunaticHell drinks all the coffee, then hugs Princess-Luna, offers her a cup and drinks another cup.

17:58 *** Quits: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net) (Connection closed)

17:58 <LunaticHell> Yes, I have more than ALL the coffee.

17:58 *** Joins: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net)

17:58 *** Quits: OctoInk20 (Keenan@Pony-b3ig6p.bchsia.telus.net) (Connection closed)

17:58 <Fn> Aaand headach is back

17:58 <Fn> I guess the heat of the tea made a temporarily difference

17:59 <LunaticHell> Maybe. o. o

17:59 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/dpaOpkI

18:00 <Cepheid> LunaticHell sounds like the type of person who would go "A cup of coffee would go well with this cup of coffee."

18:00 <LunaticHell> :3

18:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: "I'll Keep Trying" (Scootaloo Sings Animation)  [ http://tinyurl.com/z5wubob ]

18:01 <Cepheid> http://www.sheldoncomics.com/archive/070131.html LunaticHell

18:01 *** Joins: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

18:02 <LunaticHell> The picture with luna on the mount de coffè?

18:02 <LunaticHell> Or not.

18:03 <LunaticHell> I'm not quite yet there at the caffine headache stage.

18:04 <Cepheid> How close are you?

18:04 <LunaticHell> In terms of days or cups of coffee? :P

18:05 <LunaticHell> Spoiler: I've no idea either way.

18:05 *** Fayth is now known as sinvalor

18:07 <Cepheid> I can't drink more than one cup of coffee a day.

18:07 <Cepheid> If I try, I start getting irritable.

18:08 <Cepheid> And I can even prove it, if you don't believe me.

18:10 *** Quits: KooK (KooK@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:11 <Cepheid> http://i.imgur.com/ChpJhMw.jpg ... How did I figure this out in less than 3 seconds?

18:12 *** Quits: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net) (Connection closed)

18:12 <LunaticHell> You're smrt.

18:12 *** Joins: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net)

18:12 <Cepheid> I don't know about that.

18:13 <LunaticHell> The stupid anwser would be "33", would obviously wrong since son and father can't be the same age.

18:13 *** Quits: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net) (Connection closed)

18:13 *** Joins: Proton_ (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net)

18:14 <Cepheid> 42

18:14 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

18:14 <Cepheid> Father is 42, son is 24.

18:15 <LunaticHell> Explaination?

18:15 <Cepheid> 51 also works.  51 + 15 = 66

18:16 <Electron> Aye.

18:16 <Cepheid> There's likely a few other answers.

18:16 * LunaticHell nods. "Yup."

18:16 <LunaticHell> I have a stupid riddle.

18:17 <LunaticHell> Man goes to hospital. Doctor says "I can't operate on this man, he's my son, but I'm not his father. Who am I?"

18:17 <Cepheid> Step-father.

18:17 <LunaticHell> Nope.

18:17 <MarsToSirius> godfather

18:17 <Cepheid> It is a valid answer, though.

18:18 <hawthornbunny> His mother ^_^

18:18 <MarsToSirius> It is

18:18 <MarsToSirius> oh derp

18:18 <CleverDerpy> grandfather

18:18 <LunaticHell> Yes. Bunny got it right.

18:18 <Cepheid> hawthornbunny got it right, yeah.

18:18 <LunaticHell> It's his mother.

18:18 <CleverDerpy> awww

18:18 <LunaticHell> Step-father is wrong, because he's not the step-son. :P

18:18 <Cepheid> I limited my choices.

18:19 <Cepheid> LunaticHell:  Legally one can be considered the father of a step-son.

18:19 <Cepheid> It's the case with my dad and my sister.

18:19 *** Quits: Proton_ (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:19 <Cepheid> Even though my sister is from another father, from a legal perspective, my dad is her father, not step-father.

18:19 <LunaticHell> Yes, but it still is funny how most people always forget the mother.

18:19 <hawthornbunny> Sadly I too was trapped by that question once. I'm not sure if it's an innate sexism thing, or if the sentence primes you by only including masculine terms

18:20 <Electron> Ha, nerds.

18:20 <Cepheid> LunaticHell:  In my case, I limited my choices when I read "father"

18:20 <Cepheid> It didn't occur to me.

18:20 <CleverDerpy> Electron, and...?

18:20 <LunaticHell> Kay.

18:20 <Cepheid> hawthornbunny:  Latter case.  Sentence primes you with the masculine term.

18:20 <Electron> And nothing.

18:20 <Electron>

18:20 <LunaticHell> I wouldn't know about innate sexism, but people tend to think there's always a trick to a trick question.

18:20 <Cepheid> If the riddle specified mother, I'd have stated step-mother.

18:21 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-kpq27k.arcadia-srv-216-83-132.fiber.net)

18:21 *** Joins: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net)

18:22 <LunaticHell> I got a riddle that forces you to think outside the box, you game?

18:22 <CleverDerpy> no, i'm Derpy...

18:22 <LunaticHell> 6. 9

18:22 <CleverDerpy> 6 u 9

18:23 <Cepheid> Draw four dots on a piece of paper in a square formation.  I want you to connect all the dots using only three lines.

18:23 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-9r3027.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:24 <CleverDerpy> ....

18:24 <Cepheid> And they're straight lines.

18:24 <CleverDerpy> how are we supposed to show that?

18:24 <LunaticHell> You got two ropes, hanging from the cieling. Barely long enough so you can connect them and tie them togehter, but too long to just take one end and walk over to the other rope. You objective is to connect them. Your tool: A scissor. [hint: no cutting]

18:25 <Cepheid> Good point, CleverDerpy.

18:25 <CleverDerpy> you tie the handles of the scisors to each side?

18:25 <Cepheid> But can you still do it?

18:25 <LunaticHell> How, derpy?

18:25 *** Quits: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:26 <Cepheid> LunaticHell:  Use the scissors to cut one rope down, then attach the rope to the other rope.

18:26 <LunaticHell> Nope.

18:26 <Cepheid> But it works.

18:26 <LunaticHell> Did you read what I wrote?

18:26 <CleverDerpy> no cutting

18:26 *** Quits: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net) (Connection closed)

18:26 <Cepheid> Oh, I missed the hint.

18:27 <CleverDerpy> this is a visual example joke

18:27 <CleverDerpy> or riddle

18:27 *** Joins: Proton (Dashie@Pony-16o6it.dyn.comporium.net)

18:27 <CleverDerpy> I would need to see it

18:27 <Cepheid> Something about the riddle is contradictory.

18:27 <LunaticHell> It would be more obvious if I said "cable", since noone would cut those.

18:27 <Cepheid> Not long enough to connect them and tie them together, but too long to just take one end and walk over to the other rope?

18:27 <LunaticHell> Barely long enough.

18:28 <Cepheid> Okay, barely.

18:28 <CleverDerpy> wait, ropes are in braids

18:28 <CleverDerpy> right?

18:28 <LunaticHell> They can connect and that's what you are supposed to do.

18:28 <Cepheid> But still.  The statements are relatively contradictory.  The ropes should be able to reach each other based on the second statement.

18:28 <LunaticHell> At the end, yes.

18:28 <CleverDerpy> Derpy isn't good at these....

18:29 <LunaticHell> Wanna hear my personal solution?

18:29 <CleverDerpy> I got it

18:29 <CleverDerpy> you throw the scissors into the ceiling and tie them to it

18:30 <CleverDerpy> 6 u 9

18:30 <LunaticHell> That's kinda creative, even if a little bit violent.

18:30 <CleverDerpy> Derpy learned crude creation methods at flight academy~

18:31 <LunaticHell> My solution is more *ahem* swinging. You tie one end to the scissor and you start swinging it. Grab the other rope's end and wait for the scissor to swing back.

18:31 <CleverDerpy> I don't get it...

18:31 <Fn> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOgK0j_ru4M

18:31 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

18:31 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Горцы на крутой иномарке обосрались.

18:31 <Fn> Sweet karma

18:32 <Electron> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ5qRHQHItk

18:32 <LunaticHell> You use the scissor as pendulum.

18:32 <Electron> So cool.

18:33 *** Joins: Pony|15624 (Pony15624@Pony-77h.bom.159.169.IP)

18:33 <Cepheid> http://www.sheldoncomics.com/archive/160218.html This is LunaticHell.

18:33 <LunaticHell> Myaah!

18:34 <Electron> You like coffee that much?

18:35 <Princess-Luna> No, that's me

18:35 *** Joins: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

18:35 <CleverDerpy> i like this one: http://www.sheldoncomics.com/archive/160219.html

18:36 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Wait...

18:36 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I just watched like a ponydub of a song, and it showed the episode where two is ecstatic and doing just all sorts of stuff

18:37 <LunaticHell> I forgot the episode, again.

18:37 <Princess-Luna> lol

18:37 <Fn> Of course I'd pick a lifetime supply of coffee

18:37 <Princess-Luna> Silly LunaticHell

18:37 <Fn> Duuh

18:37 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> And she teleost at least three times across some lillies

18:37 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Teleports

18:37 <Fn> You can sell the excess and whiten your teeth

18:38 * LunaticHell comediacly shrugs.

18:38 <Pony|15624> vous parlz francais

18:38 <LunaticHell> English.

18:38 <CleverDerpy> this one is just funny

18:38 <CleverDerpy> http://www.sheldoncomics.com/archive/160307.html

18:38 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> How much power does she have.? Like I know she's a princess but I thought teleports were even difficu- oh wait she reverses gravity

18:39 <CleverDerpy> if you don't get it, think about it...

18:39 <Cepheid> Anglais.

18:39 <Fn> Je comprende, je parlais seulement un peu Francais

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18:39 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> NEIN

18:39 <Fn> parle* dammit

18:40 <Fn> Spelling french is not my strongest ability

18:40 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> put ZA cookie daun

18:40 <Fn> I blame their weird language

18:40 <Cepheid> 英語

18:40 * Princess-Luna smacks that japanese down to the ground

18:40 <Fn> Nanda kore wa!

18:40 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> English is like the third language

18:41 <Fn> English is my third

18:41 * Cepheid smacks Princess-Luna.

18:41 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Third hardest

18:41 <wobniaR> Moonspeak!

18:41 <Princess-Luna> >:

18:41 <Cepheid> Primary language here.

18:41 <Fn> But I am still fluent in 4 languages

18:41 <Cepheid> Also the only language I'm fluent in.

18:41 <Cepheid> I should know French, but I got pulled out of all the French language classes.

18:41 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I'm fluent in anxiety

18:42 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Social, it's actually surprisingly

18:42 <Fn> I am fluent in remaining silent in any language!

18:42 <LunaticHell> I speak german, english, bad english and understand corkney. o. o

18:42 <Fn> I can be silent even in alien langage I don't know!

18:42 <Cepheid> Bad English, LunaticHell?

18:43 <LunaticHell> Yes.

18:43 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I wanna be in like a pony world for a week, only to come out after a second in real time

18:43 <Cepheid> Got an example?

18:43 <LunaticHell> Aka "american". :P

18:43 <Cepheid> Oh.

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18:43 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Aaaaaah

18:45 <Fn> Russian, Lithuanian, English, German (fluent);  French, Italian, Polish, Japanese (can understand a lot and speak a little); Swedish, Greek, Spanish, Turkish, lojban, Esperanto (a little)

18:45 *** Quits: MDP (mark@Pony-geh4o1.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: Leaving)

18:45 <Cepheid> I wonder if I have an accent of any sort.

18:45 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Esperanto?

18:45 <Cepheid> At least, one that's distinct to the American accent.

18:45 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I'm not gonna assume that's spanish

18:45 <Fn> Esperanto and lojban - two artificial languages

18:45 <Fn> I am interested in those

18:46 <Fn> Esperanto is not Spanish

18:46 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I know, said I assume it's not

18:46 <Fn> Esperanto is an experiment meant to be a language that is easy to learn for any european because it uses the most common words from most

18:47 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh

18:47 <Fn> Didn't catch on

18:47 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> So sad

18:47 <Fn> But it was a worthy attempt, especially given that the author worked with books and needed to travel for his samples

18:47 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Like the ak-12

18:48 <Fn> Ak-12 is like a bandaid for the corpse

18:48 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> No.?

18:48 <Lumindia> https://twitter.com/Kaiserdude/status/739137641099235329

18:48 <Fn> Nothing can help the outdated technology that is AK

18:48 <Cepheid> Oooh, family is gone.

18:48 <Fn> It is last century

18:48 <Cepheid> I can blast music freely now.

18:49 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Ak 12 actually works better, but it was rejected as it has more parts

18:49 <LunaticHell> Ceph: turn it up to 11.

18:49 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Now only like spec ops use it

18:49 * Cepheid has done so.

18:49 <Cepheid> As for where the family has gone?  Wedding.  Why didn't I go?  Uhm...  Last-minute rescinding of invitation.

18:50 <Cepheid> For my benefit, according to them.  They know I'm not a social person, and would be more or less quiet/bored at the wedding, so...  Yeah.

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18:50 <Fn> AK-107 is something that is still modern

18:50 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> YES

18:50 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Someone else who knows the ak-100 fam

18:50 <Fn> But it is as overengineered as An94

18:51 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Or aek

18:51 <Fn> Which means it is less abuseable than the original AK

18:51 <LunaticHell> AKMmmmm

18:51 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Actually it was aek vs ak12

18:51 <Fn> AK-107 is the concept copied from AEK

18:51 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> They went with ak 12 and made an ak74m3

18:52 <Fn> Kalashnikov company doesn't have much shame in "borrowing" design solutions

18:52 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> *ahemememahem* stg44 *ahemememahemhemahema*

18:52 <Fn> AK-107 would make for a great new RPK

18:52 <Fn> stg44 has no relation to AK family

18:53 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> The ak system was based on the stg,  or mp44

18:53 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Well, borrowed

18:54 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Plus the ak 100 to 108 or 9 is just the same with different calibres I thought

18:54 <Fn> SkippeZ_ShadoW, nope

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18:54 <Fn> AK was based on Lewis machinegun

18:54 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Well it seems everyone says that apart from you and m-

18:54 <Fn> And a few more

18:54 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Eh?

18:55 <LunaticHell> AK was based on STGW

18:55 <Fn> That's what Kalashnikov studied the most

18:55 <Fn> He said so himself

18:55 <Fn> You see, he had to work with the things soviets had in store

18:55 <Cepheid> o/~ Well I used to be a farmer and I made a living fine. o/~

18:56 *** Quits: MarsToSirius (Slatefield@Pony-4iuora.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:56 <Fn> And they had a lot of Lewis guns, Mauser rifles, Schwarzlose guns, Walther guns and many russian experimental things

18:56 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> You ok ceph?

18:56 <Fn> Stg44 was a capture gun that engineers almost never saw

18:56 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I thought Walter was german

18:56 <Fn> And it is nothing like AK inside

18:57 <LunaticHell> The basic idea.

18:57 <Fn> Walther is based in Germany, but he sold internationally

18:57 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh...

18:57 <Fn> A lot of Walther guns were manufactured on license by FN and others

18:57 <LunaticHell> Shortened carabine ammunition in a MP-esq gun.

18:58 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Fn best

18:58 <LunaticHell> Originally the STGW was supposed to be a MP, but renamed to "assault rifle" for reasons.

18:58 <LunaticHell> [Sturmgewehr 44]

18:58 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I had the worst auto prompt there

18:58 <Fn> LunaticHell, other than principle: intermediate caliber + form-factor ; Ak and Stg44 share no other common things

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18:59 <Fn> Stg44 is tilt-lock design, swivel upper-lower composition with long spring in the buttstock

18:59 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> FnHerstal scar, fal, 57 mk 2

18:59 <Fn> Ak is rotating lug design with a folding stock and monoblock composition

18:59 <LunaticHell> This is the very basic principle the assault rifle is based upon. o. o

19:00 <Fn> Stg44 started a trend

19:00 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I thought the ak didn't have a folding stock at first?

19:00 <LunaticHell> Agreed.

19:00 <Fn> But AK is no more copy of Stg44 in that sense than M1 Garand is

19:00 <LunaticHell> What Fnny said.

19:00 <Fn> Actually M1 and AK are more similar than Stg44

19:01 <Fn> Also AR15 is strongly influenced by the Stg44 and HK designs

19:01 <LunaticHell> I'm no gunsmith. o. o

19:01 <LunaticHell> I like the AR15-Beowulf.

19:01 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Wait, how is the ak 100 series over engineered?

19:02 * Cepheid sings along to music.

19:02 <Fn> SkippeZ_ShadoW, counter-balanced parts

19:02 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> ... If you say so

19:02 <Fn> For every moving part you have another part moving in the opposite direction, connected via cog

19:02 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh fright newtons third law

19:03 <Fn> So you have much more parts in it and less reliability because cogs and sand/mud don't mix well

19:03 <Divide|Tech> Phew...

19:03 <Divide|Tech> If nothing else, I am very good at what I do.

19:03 <Fn> It sure works

19:03 <Fn> But it is not a mud gun

19:03 <Fn> https://www.full30.com/video/5e0bacf4fc7df8d372fd46c54db4fdb1

19:03 <Fn> In case you want to see it in action

19:04 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> How do you feel about this gem? http://www.dsarms.com/p-12585-fal-sa58-osw-para-rifle-11-barrel.aspx

19:05 <Fn> FAL is fine, but tilting block is not the best design

19:05 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Tilting block means nothing to me xD

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19:06 <Fn> It is a block that locks the breech for each shot, taking all the force in itself each time. So over time you will batter the metal down and you'll need to repair that damage or adjust the headspacing

19:06 <Fn> In this regard the rotating lug systems are far superior

19:06 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Plus now they have full auto so

19:07 <Fn> http://www.waffeninfo.net/verschluss/bild/tiltblockani.gif

19:07 <Fn> That is a tilting block

19:07 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh

19:07 <Fn> As you see it is hammered by recoil each time, and thus it gets damaged each time

19:07 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Another thing I'd like to catch on military wise would've been the 1911 hi capacity

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19:08 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> But they already had the 92 well in by then

19:08 <LunaticHell> ooooh 1911 high cap? nice

19:08 <LunaticHell> I'd love to take a look at the double 1911.

19:08 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Yeah, they made it wider to fit double stack mags

19:08 <Fn> So you want a CZ75 then?

19:08 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> No

19:09 <LunaticHell> It's like a double barrel shotgun made sweet sweet love with a 1911.

19:09 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Coz that's not a 1911 split slide 7.1 dragon

19:09 <LunaticHell> huh

19:09 <Fn> CZ 75 has a double stack magazine, but otherwise it is a 1911 (slightly redesigned, because it's CZ, they can't just copy things, pride gets in the way)

19:09 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-ho4co5.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:10 <Fn> The double 1911 is a gimmick

19:10 <Cepheid> By the by, LunaticHell?  You're the gunner on my team in EO2U.  And doing a good job of it.

19:10 <LunaticHell> Yay.

19:10 <Cepheid> You can also shoot people to heal them of ailments, and heal their HP.

19:10 <Cepheid> Just so you know.  You learned how to shoot people to heal them.

19:10 <Fn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cz75.jpg

19:10 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> http://www.sgairsoft.biz/dublin/images/stories/virtuemart/product/we-hi-capa-dragon-7-gbb.jpg

19:10 <LunaticHell> Yes, I've played the game a little, it's one of the first skills.

19:11 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> This was an ott airsoft hi capa, I mean the hi capa is real, but it's more of a sport

19:11 <Fn> Cringe

19:12 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Fn: you want a more tapered one?

19:12 <Fn> Sporting pistols are a thing, but they are like special delicate flowers

19:12 <Fn> Much like racecars they are made to do one thing well and only one thing

19:12 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> *ahem* cz75 *ahem*

19:13 <Fn> Did you know that the bushings on sporting pistols last only one competition?

19:13 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> K, but do you want a more tapered m2011?

19:13 <Fn> They are made out of soft copper and wear out in just a few magazines

19:14 <Fn> I have my Makarov, I am happy with that

19:14 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I wanna scar if I was to get a gun

19:15 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Scar h cqc to pull my arms off

19:15 <Fn> It was originally a licensed copy of Walther MP-PP gun, but then Makarov redseigned it a lot

19:15 <Fn> http://jamesdjulia.com/wp-content/uploads/images/auctions/369/images/lrg/53053x1.jpg

19:15 <Fn> That's the MP-PP

19:16 <Fn> Compared to Makarov it has more than twice the count of internal parts and is harder to machine

19:16 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> What about the 300.blk aac honeybadger?

19:16 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I know it fell to like sig or something

19:16 <Fn> The ingenious thing Makarov made is that he reduced the number of parts and made them easier to machine

19:16 <Fn> He simplified the design and made it much cheaper to make

19:16 <Fn> That takes smarts

19:17 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Ok, what about the honey badger

19:17 <Fn> Don't have a particular opinion on it

19:18 <Fn> It is a gun with integral muzzle device

19:18 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Alright, the ar-15 platform?

19:18 <Fn> Something made to take advantage of legal loopholes

19:19 <Fn> Stoner's design is very ingenious

19:20 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> 19...54?

19:20 <Fn> The gun has its own problems (with water in particular), but otherwise it is truly something new and innovetive

19:20 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I know ama lite made the ori-1959

19:20 <Fn> innovative*

19:20 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> The ar 10 is 1954

19:21 <Fn> They are all the same thing inside

19:21 <Fn> Except AR18: that one was a short stroke rifle, designed to be as cheap as AK in production

19:22 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Yeah, but the ar 15 was lighter...probs material and calibre

19:22 <Fn> It was designed to be light

19:22 <Fn> Aluminium and lack of big moving parts

19:23 <Fn> The most weight there is the barrel itself and the bolt

19:23 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Damn

19:23 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Then acr and scar derived from that

19:23 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Maybe arx idk

19:23 <Fn> It has flaws in form of very small parts in the system and rather clunky charging handle/forward assist

19:24 <Fn> No. ACR and SCAR are separate developments

19:24 <Fn> SCAR is based on AK/AR18

19:24 <Fn> But frankly it is its own thing

19:24 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Yeah, but they were derived from the- alright you always know

19:24 <Cepheid> I need a sword-weilding landsknecht for my EO2U party.  Anyone want to be part of the team?

19:25 <Fn> SCAR-H for example is a very "smart" gun that works as closed bolt when cool and starts to operate in open bolt as it overheats

19:25 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> That sounds... cool, even if I don't know what it is ceph

19:25 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> XD

19:25 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Fn, what?

19:26 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I knew you get open bolt scars sometimes but wow

19:26 <Fn> Guns can start firing in two positions: open bolt or closed

19:26 <Cepheid> SkippeZ_ShadoW:  Game.  I name characters after people in the channel.  Anyways, you're the warrior now.

19:27 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Um...k, thanks

19:27 <Fn> Most LMGs are open bolt: you release the bolt it takes a cartridge from the belt, sticks it into the barrel, locks, fires, unlocks, ejects, repeats

19:27 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I know

19:27 <Fn> But most semi-auto or other assault rifles fire from closed bolt

19:27 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Closed bolts keeps it locked until the hammer fires

19:28 <Fn> Closed bolt + overheating = runaway gun

19:28 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> The explosion blows it back, I do know some stuff

19:28 <Fn> That is when the gun shoots all the magazine and you can't stop it

19:28 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Ooooh

19:28 <Fn> Because as soon as the round enters the hot chamber it "cooks off" and fires

19:28 <Fn> This is why most LMGs are open bolt

19:29 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> By the way, I found a rare variant of the fal I've never seen before at overlord last weekend

19:31 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Fn?

19:32 <Fn> Yes

19:33 *** Quits: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

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19:34 <AndChat|650601> open wait,  did that send

19:34 <AndChat|650601> With the open chamber fal

19:35 <AndChat|650601> I mean it wasn't something super but instead of the ejection bolt being on one side it was all the way round the top of the bolt

19:35 *** AndChat|650601 is now known as SkippeZ_ShadoW

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19:56 <LunaticHell> http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/occupy_204.jpg hah

19:56 *** Octave|Away is now known as OctaveSymphony

19:56 *** Quits: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:00 <Cepheid> http://www.sheldoncomics.com/archive/151005.html Hey Sketchy_Sounds.

20:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Animation: Muffin Story - Be Liked Again  [ http://tinyurl.com/zmfrjvv ]

20:02 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com)

20:04 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

20:07 <Cepheid> Ooh, nice.  Source of poison damage.  Got Poison Powder off of the Venomflies.

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20:22 <Cepheid> http://www.sheldoncomics.com/archive/150715.html

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20:28 <DARK> hello =)

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20:29 <AndChat|650601> Yo

20:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Animation: Guys of Equestria [ http://tinyurl.com/gqjw2r9 ]

20:39 <LunaticHell> Ok this is getting silly.

20:40 <LunaticHell> Te title card in this episode reads "The hallway to the illegal sublet Wendy shares with her equally adorable artist roommate Lacey. 3 :27 PM"

20:40 <Surreal_Nightmares> Wait what.

20:41 <LunaticHell> Sometimes they replace time time with stuff like "Nap time" or "God I'm not paid enough for this".

20:41 <LunaticHell> I gather they had a lot of fun doing those.

20:42 <LunaticHell> Surreal_Nightmares: you know how in some tv shows they tell the name (and time) of the location after a jump cut?

20:42 <LunaticHell> In this example it's a bit silly. [to say the least]

20:43 <Surreal_Nightmares> Oh.

20:43 * Surreal_Nightmares blankets on LunaticHell

20:44 <LunaticHell> Go watch "The Middleman".

20:44 <LunaticHell> Also one dude does ALL the song references and makes a game out of it.

20:47 <Cepheid> I'm not entirely sure that quest reward was worth the trouble I went through to get it.

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20:50 <AndChat|650601> They didnt

20:50 <AndChat|650601> They did it

20:56 <LunaticHell> Oh I forgot the best thing about the show.

20:56 <AndChat|650601> I know right

20:56 * LunaticHell tips Princess-Luna on her shoulder.

20:56 <AndChat|650601> I am seeing the episode

20:56 <LunaticHell> The protagonist's nickname is "Dub Dub".

20:56 <AndChat|650601> Heehee

20:57 *** AndChat|650601 is now known as SkippeZ_ShadoW

20:57 <LunaticHell> Like "Wub Wub".

20:57 <Cepheid> Oh gods, I got another severed antler.  Finally.

20:57 <LunaticHell> That's what I keep hearing.

20:57 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> They used things, no spoilers yet right?

20:57 <LunaticHell> Spoiler about the middleman?

20:57 <LunaticHell> A show that is not MLP?

20:57 <Cepheid> ... And it results in a COMPLETELY USELESS ITEM.  *Sad face.*

20:57 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Lunatic he'll have you seen the episode yet?

20:58 <LunaticHell> Nope.

20:59 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh, do you mind spoilers

21:00 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I'm guessing you do but there's a tiny non crucial thing that happened

21:00 <Cepheid> You know what's a good idea?

21:00 <Cepheid> Not spoiling something for others.

21:00 <Cepheid> In other words:  Even if he doesn't mind, I'd advise against it.

21:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend [ http://tinyurl.com/jkcrbwa ]

21:01 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Ok....

21:01 <Princess-Luna> Spoiler rules are in place.

21:01 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Have you seen it ceph?

21:01 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I was going to pms

21:02 *** SleepFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

21:03 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Ok, sorry, but I get excited so I'm a wait

21:03 *** Quits: F4celess (Norse@Pony-4iv.s1r.95.88.IP) (Quit: We be chillin - IceChat style)

21:03 <Cepheid> I've had a few cases where people PMed me spoilers without even asking, or assuming I didn't mind spoilers.

21:03 <Cepheid> That's why I'm so hard against the idea.

21:05 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Ok,  have you seen the episode

21:05 <MarsToSirius> We've all pretty much seen the episode, but you've got two hours to wait

21:05 <Cepheid> No.

21:05 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Wait, is the spoiler channel awake?

21:05 <Surreal_Nightmares> Butts.

21:05 <MarsToSirius> it's awake when you talk in it

21:05 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Or is it dead?

21:06 <MarsToSirius> I'm always in it on Saturdays

21:07 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh

21:08 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Isn't it equestriaspoilers?

21:10 <Twilight`Sparkle> I think it's #EquestrianSpoilers

21:10 <Twilight`Sparkle> nope, it's #EquestriaSpoilers

21:11 <LunaticHell> It's #Twilight`Sparkle! *hugs*

21:11 <Not-Renny> Ohey Twilight`Sparkle.

21:11 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh

21:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> hi.

21:12 <LunaticHell> Hello purple smart.

21:12 <LunaticHell> How is your evening/morning/time of day

21:12 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on Twilight`Sparkle!

21:13 <Twilight`Sparkle> it is a time of day.

21:13 <LunaticHell> Indeed it is.

21:14 <Cepheid> I love, how of all the resist items I get access to first, I gain access to Poison Resist.  Confuse Resist would have been far better.

21:14 <LunaticHell> Classic murphy.

21:15 <Cepheid> I mean, poison resist is nice, as poison is devestating in this game.  It does fixed damage as opposed to percentile damage like other games.

21:15 <Cepheid> So it's entirely possible for poison to just outright kill you in one turn.

21:16 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (ProjectCart@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

21:16 <ProjectCarthage> !join #EquestriaSpoilers

21:17 <LunaticHell> That's some poison running throught your teamie's vains.

21:17 <LunaticHell> I hope you can eventually break these chains.

21:17 <Twilight`Sparkle> it's /join silly.

21:18 <Electron> Who d'ya call silleyh?

21:18 <Cepheid> LunaticHell:  You ever see what some poisons do to blood?

21:19 <LunaticHell> Yes. Yucky.

21:19 <LunaticHell> Heck even the blood of another person can work like poison for your blood.

21:19 <LunaticHell> I no jelly.

21:20 <Cepheid> Aye, if it's the wrong type.

21:21 <LunaticHell> And don't forget the lil + or - at the end, first found in a lil monkey.

21:21 <Lumindia> depends on what type it is...

21:21 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-rem24a.q8g8.opim.100e.2600.IP)

21:21 <LunaticHell> The "Rhesus Macaque", which in term gave the name "Rhesus factor".

21:22 <LunaticHell> A monkey. ^^

21:22 <Cepheid> I need to decide what I am going thave for dinner.

21:23 <LunaticHell> Hopefully not monkey.

21:24 <Cepheid> I actually have no idea what my blood type is.

21:24 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-7eipq6.ut.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:24 <LunaticHell> Mine should be AB+...just a second

21:24 <Cepheid> Watch me be one of those rare people whose blood can be used for everyone.

21:24 *** Thy is now known as Toothie|Distracted

21:25 <Cepheid> If that were the case, I'd quickly run off to the nearest blood donation place.

21:25 <Twilight`Sparkle> universal donor! O+.

21:25 <Twilight`Sparkle> I think.

21:25 <LunaticHell> I'm A+

21:25 <LunaticHell> Best mark. ;)

21:25 <Cepheid> I'd also do it if I were that rare type that can only accept blood of the exact same type.

21:25 <Twilight`Sparkle> I think AB+ is universal recipient? To googl!

21:25 <Cepheid> Hell I'd do it in general if I knew what my blood type was.

21:26 <Twilight`Sparkle> oh, it's O- is universal donor.

21:26 <LunaticHell> Rhesus factor is not as common as it seems.

21:27 <LunaticHell> Also it is [obviously] easier to get blood without it than with it.

21:27 <LunaticHell> [not as in "find" but as in "in your vains"]

21:27 <Cepheid> So, no Rhesus Monkey for dinner.  What about Reeses Pieces?

21:27 <Twilight`Sparkle> I'm not certain if I'd be allowed to donate yet.

21:28 <LunaticHell> But where would you find a Kenau at this time?

21:28 <Twilight`Sparkle> I think it's been long enough since I've been in Africa.

21:28 <LunaticHell> You been to afrika?

21:29 <LunaticHell> My father wants to move there. o. o

21:29 <Cepheid> Grew up in it, I believe.

21:29 <Twilight`Sparkle> Yes, born and mostly raised there. What part does he want to move to?

21:29 <LunaticHell> Cool.

21:30 <LunaticHell> Well I only have little intrest in my father's life, since he decided to turn my mother into his ex-wife.

21:30 <Twilight`Sparkle> Ah.

21:31 <LunaticHell> After which my mother turned her attention from men entirely.

21:31 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Extended Preview for MLP Comic Friends Forever #29  [ http://tinyurl.com/j5tv825 ]

21:31 <LunaticHell> On better news, her girlfriend is nice.

21:32 <LunaticHell> *ahem* yeah afrika is a big place, ain't it?

21:33 <Twilight`Sparkle> Why for you spell with k?

21:34 <Twilight`Sparkle> Spelled that way in German or something?

21:34 <LunaticHell> Because I'm German and sometimes I get words confused when they are so...similar...

21:34 *** Joins: AndChat|650601 (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

21:34 *** Quits: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

21:34 <LunaticHell> Yes, that.

21:35 <LunaticHell> One letter of difference. o. o

21:36 *** AndChat|650601 is now known as SkippeZ_ShadoW

21:36 *** Quits: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

21:36 *** Joins: AndChat|650601 (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

21:37 <Fn> German k is always k

21:37 <LunaticHell> Oh...k.

21:37 <Fn> None of that c duality

21:37 <Surreal_Nightmares> Lul.

21:37 * Surreal_Nightmares noms LunaticHell's mane.

21:38 * LunaticHell gasps "My mane."

21:39 <LunaticHell> There's already a blind commentary on todays episode out? Talk about eye can- *ahem* quick response. Yeah that was what I was going for. o. o

21:39 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

21:39 <LunaticHell> Time to actually watch it.

21:41 <Twilight`Sparkle> You're talking absolutely nonsense! You can't get a sheep dog, for prawns! You need a prawn dog!

21:41 * Cepheid flops about and throws Dreamer at the Ragelope.

21:42 *** Joins: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-oh4hhl.range86-137.btcentralplus.com)

21:42 <Twilight`Sparkle> We're having mythical hare for dinner tonight, then.

21:42 <Cepheid> Ragelope = peeved off deer.

21:43 <Surreal_Nightmares> XD

21:43 <Twilight`Sparkle> Yes, exactly.

21:44 <LunaticHell> Cepheid: Oh deer. D:

21:44 * wobniaR gives Cepheid a nasty look

21:44 <LunaticHell> I hope you have enough anti-lope for that costumer.

21:44 <wobniaR> Such language, think of the kids!

21:45 *** Quits: AndChat|650601 (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

21:45 *** Joins: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

21:45 <Cepheid> I brought enough volt magic.

21:45 <LunaticHell> So you are not kept out of the lope, good on you, sir.

21:45 <Cepheid> I've actually killed seven of the things thus far.  There's a few other FOEs out there that I haven't killed though.

21:45 <Cepheid> Like the dinosaur.  Or the vampire bat.

21:45 <LunaticHell> You'll manage, Cepheid, I have high lope for your success.

21:46 <LunaticHell> hope*

21:46 <Cepheid> Vampire bats seem to be the best choice for next target.

21:47 <Cepheid> Curses.  It has a rare drop.  No idea what the condition is.

21:47 <LunaticHell> Hopefully no vampire fruit bats. o. o

21:48 <LunaticHell> They're spooky.

21:48 <Surreal_Nightmares> Spooky!

21:48 * Surreal_Nightmares blankets on LunaticHell as a spooky blanket!

21:49 <Cepheid> Ah, I see.

21:49 <Cepheid> I'm guessing either...  Kill it while it's asleep, or kill it with piercing stab attacks.

21:50 <Surreal_Nightmares> Hey, my dog has his own fan.

21:50 <Cepheid> Next up, dinosaur killin'

21:50 <CleverDerpy> doggies needs fans

21:50 <CleverDerpy> it must be a luxury for them

21:51 <Cepheid> ...

21:51 <CleverDerpy> nopony likes a poor overheated doggie

21:51 <Cepheid> Oh gods, are you serious game?  I can do that?

21:51 <Cepheid> See, on the second floor up, there's FOEs called Raptors, and there are traps around them.  If they step on the traps, they fall and get caught in the trap and can't do anything.

21:51 <Cepheid> You can attack them in this state, and they're TRAPPED IN BATTLE.

21:52 * Surreal_Nightmares becomes CleverDerpy's fan by flapping their wings at them.

21:52 <Surreal_Nightmares> :D

21:52 <Surreal_Nightmares> I am now fan pone too.

21:53 *** Joins: Zaylem (Zaylem@Pony-qgpm2l.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

21:53 * CleverDerpy purrs

21:53 <Lumindia> Derpy!~

21:54 * Lumindia hugs the derph

21:54 *** Joins: AndChat|650601 (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

21:54 *** Quits: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

21:54 * Surreal_Nightmares hats on CleverDerpy!

21:55 <Cepheid> Good.  Raptors don't have a conditional.  So one kill is sufficient.

21:56 <CleverDerpy> yay~

21:56 <CleverDerpy> lots of luv~

21:56 <Cepheid> Ooh, I didn't notice that.  This game tells me how long I've been working at it.

21:56 <Cepheid> So far, 7 hours.

21:59 <Cepheid> Aaaand I got the rare drop for the vampire bat.

21:59 <LunaticHell> Nice.

22:00 <Cepheid> Lunatic was responsible for that.  I used his Force attack when the bat was weak.  Strong piercing stab attack.  300 damage from it.

22:00 <Cepheid> There's actually one more FOE I need to kill, but uh, it probably won't happen anytime soon.

22:00 * Electron is watching ep11 now

22:00 <Cepheid> I mean, I can TRY but it requires special consideration.

22:01 * Electron lols harder than he thought

22:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Know Your Role / Eating / Sopping / Quality Time / Star Mares 2.2.1 / Weak and Small 7 / Chaos Future 16 / Without Magic 104 / Epilogue 6 [ http://tinyurl.com/hzmsln2 ]

22:01 <Cepheid> Like that.

22:02 *** Quits: Lumindia (IceChat9@is.a.miner.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:02 <Cepheid> Yep.  I am not killing that.

22:04 <LunaticHell> More like "getting killed"?

22:06 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

22:06 *** Joins: Lumindia (IceChat9@Pony-lcup4h.pbg.ptd.net)

22:06 <LunaticHell> oh hey Lum Lum.

22:07 <CleverDerpy> lumi~

22:07 * CleverDerpy cuddles him

22:07 <Cepheid> ... You know what I'm hungry for in regards to dinner?  Ramen.  Good ramen.

22:07 <CleverDerpy> Egyptians make good ramen

22:07 <LunaticHell> Noodles! Yum.

22:08 <CleverDerpy> think about it...

22:08 <LunaticHell> As long as I don't have to walk like an egyptian. o. o

22:08 <CleverDerpy> "ra" meh

22:08 <CleverDerpy> *men

22:08 <LunaticHell> Oh, clever.

22:08 <CleverDerpy> they worship to ra, and are men

22:08 <Cepheid> ...

22:08 * Electron LOLS even harder now :D :D

22:08 <LunaticHell> Not funny, but clever.

22:09 <Surreal_Nightmares> Oh God.

22:09 <Cepheid> But anyways, yeah.  I know of a ramen place in the city.  Debating if I really want to travel downtown and walk 30 minutes just for that, though.

22:09 * Surreal_Nightmares snuzzles CleverDerpy.

22:09 * CleverDerpy purrs and snuzzles back

22:10 * Surreal_Nightmares squees!

22:11 <LunaticHell> CleverDerpy: Maybe a pastafarian pun next time?

22:11 <LunaticHell> Praise be the flying spagetti monster. Ramen.

22:11 <CleverDerpy> that's an Italian joke... right?

22:11 <CleverDerpy> whatsa matter fa you?

22:11 <LunaticHell> No, it's a thing that actually exists.

22:12 <LunaticHell> Noodle matter. And meat balls.

22:12 <Cepheid> Pastafarianism is a real religion at this point.

22:12 <CleverDerpy> i know

22:12 <CleverDerpy> my borther told me about it

22:12 <LunaticHell> Not an italian job.

22:12 <CleverDerpy> the shorter you are, he more he loves you

22:12 <CleverDerpy> Derpy is kinda tall, so...

22:14 <LunaticHell> But derpy is derp and derp is love.

22:14 <LunaticHell> Derp is life.

22:17 <Cepheid> Hmm, when does the bus stop running in this city on a saturday...?

22:17 * Surreal_Nightmares scarfs on CleverDerpy and purrs.

22:19 <Cepheid> 1:14 AM is about the latest I can stay out.

22:20 <Lumindia> <3

22:20 * Lumindia smooches Derpy affectionately

22:20 <Lumindia> CuteDerp

22:20 *** Joins: RainShadow (RainShadow@Pony-da7.sq4.199.173.IP)

22:20 * Surreal_Nightmares brings Lumindia in the snuzzling.

22:20 * Lumindia squeaks

22:20 * Lumindia snuggles Surreal as well

22:20 <Lumindia> <3

22:20 <Surreal_Nightmares> :D

22:25 <Cepheid> Eh.. I don't really feel like going downtown for food tonight.

22:26 <Cepheid> Oooh, I know.  I'll go for Italian at the local East Side Marios.

22:27 * Electron liked ep11

22:27 <Electron> Good stuff.

22:34 <Twilight`Sparkle> Turn to page-

22:34 <Electron> Good night, folks.

22:36 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:41 *** Joins: fedoramaniac (AndChat3916@Pony-nodg77.ka3e.dj1h.fb90.2607.IP)

22:43 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-p04lkv.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

22:43 *** Quits: ProjectCarthage (ProjectCart@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

22:43 *** Joins: ProjectCarthage (ProjectCart@Pony-6ukmvg.cpe.cableone.net)

22:44 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-0j0.c1i.56.172.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

22:51 *** Quits: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal_Nig@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: The only things I need are books, friends, and IRC. And books.)

22:51 *** Joins: Surreal_Nightmares (Surreal@Pony-fja4k0.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)

22:51 * CleverDerpy climbs on Surreal_Nightmares' back and purrs

22:52 <CleverDerpy> i am a busy derp today

22:53 <CleverDerpy> kinda tired

22:54 * Surreal_Nightmares purrs and noses CleverDerpy.

22:54 *** Quits: AndChat|650601 (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:55 <Surreal_Nightmares> Playing Halo: Custom Edition on Legendary with modded maps is hard. :3

22:56 <Surreal_Nightmares> Thanks, CMT.

22:56 * CleverDerpy licks Surreal_Nightmares' nose

22:57 * Surreal_Nightmares licks CleverDerpy's nose in return.

22:57 <CleverDerpy> i wub you~

22:57 * CleverDerpy nuzzles him cutely

22:57 * Lumindia smooches Derpeh

22:57 <Lumindia> <3

22:57 <Lumindia> She's a qt, isn't she?

22:57 * CleverDerpy lickies back

22:57 <CleverDerpy> i am so lucky~

22:58 <CleverDerpy> to have friends as sweet as you guys~

22:58 <MarsToSirius> o3o

22:58 *** Joins: SkippeZ_ShadoW (SmallSkippe@Pony-5o990j.range81-129.btcentralplus.com)

22:59 * CleverDerpy cuddles them both and invites MarsToSirius

22:59 * MarsToSirius joins the pone pile.

23:00 *** MarsToSirius changes topic to 'Welcome to #EquestriaDaily! This channel is rated All Ages. | Guide and rules: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Episode 11: Mind If I Crash In This Chatroom For A Bit? (Discussion OPEN! Let's Talk!)'

23:00 <CleverDerpy> yay~

23:00 *** Quits: Gladiolus (uid110916@hugbat.is.hugging.you) (Quit: )

23:00 <wobniaR> No

23:00 <MarsToSirius> So I'm just going to outright say it

23:00 <MarsToSirius> Zephyr Breeze is the worst character in the show.

23:00 <wobniaR> Peeved

23:00 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> WobniaR, He is PEEVED

23:00 <Lumindia> ahaha

23:00 <CleverDerpy> MarsToSirius, i know someone exactly like him

23:00 <CleverDerpy> it was actually pretty funny

23:00 <Lumindia> Zephyr is a MASSIVE tool

23:00 <Lumindia> the moment he spoke I'm like "Oh god I know what he's going to be like

23:00 <MarsToSirius> No, you don't. And if you do I'm very sorry for you.

23:01 <wobniaR> Worst character fundamentally or worst cause you don't like him?

23:01 <LunaticHell> Ohkay, Hercules is the middleman from 1969...freaky.

23:01 <MarsToSirius> Fundamentally.

23:01 <wobniaR> Do explain

23:01 * wobniaR brings out a sofa couch

23:01 <MarsToSirius> Not only is he lazy, but he has major problems with personal space, respect of property, commitment, and even anger

23:02 <MarsToSirius> The episode addresses "lazy" and kind of "commitment" and ignores everything else.

23:02 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I just dislike how the way he and the rest of the fal il

23:02 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Fam were introduced

23:03 <MarsToSirius> There's also an underlying creepiness with him and Rainbow Dash that irked me, made worse by an apparent wandering rumor that Dash struck him with a bolt because he wasn't respecting her personal space.

23:03 <wobniaR> Ok so he's a jerk who needs to learn some lessons on respect

23:03 <MarsToSirius> A lot

23:03 <MarsToSirius> of lessons

23:03 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Why no more episodes

23:03 <MarsToSirius> but don't worry he graduated mane therapy academy(?) so it's all good

23:03 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> It just ugh

23:04 <MarsToSirius> We have one more before the hiatus hits, but it really needs to be a home run at this point

23:04 <wobniaR> So it's a bad a character with these traits exists?

23:04 <MarsToSirius> Yes

23:04 <MarsToSirius> Because it's done to the point of irredeemability

23:04 <wobniaR> What's wrong with an irredeemable character?

23:04 <MarsToSirius> Because why the hell should we care that he passed some dumb test?

23:05 <wobniaR> We don't have to

23:05 <MarsToSirius> Mistreating his parents, taking advantage of his sister, her friends

23:05 <MarsToSirius> The show wants us to

23:05 <wobniaR> He did something to improve upon his terribleness

23:06 <MarsToSirius> And then goes right back into his old ways with the final line

23:06 <Lumindia> like I said, Zephyr is a massive tool

23:06 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Fillllllllerrrrr

23:06 <wobniaR> He still needed a place to stay

23:06 <MarsToSirius> All he's managed to do is channel his energies into something constructive, but now that that's over and done with he'll most likely regress into being terrible again, and their parents don't deserve that burden

23:06 <wobniaR> It was implied he'd be less abusive to his parents

23:07 <MarsToSirius> He could have gotten a job that tailored to his talents, he could have found a place with an academy friend of his

23:07 <MarsToSirius> He moved forward an inch when he needed a mile

23:07 <wobniaR> He does still need improvement

23:07 <MarsToSirius> He's an awful, awful character that took all the attention away from Fluttershy, who could have used so much background character development

23:07 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> What the he'll happened in the time gap

23:08 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I know this wouldn't achieve much but at least a couple of fading in an out of cuts to progress would've been bearable

23:08 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> The same with the parent greeting

23:09 <wobniaR> What's so bad about moving forward an inch? He does need the mile to be likeable but it's improvement

23:10 <MarsToSirius> Because it makes the entire ending feel undeserving

23:10 <MarsToSirius> There is nothing likeable about him

23:10 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> It showed no progression

23:10 <wobniaR> It did show progression

23:10 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Like at least show one or two scenes of him at the collage

23:10 <MarsToSirius> That's not the problem with the episode

23:11 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Yeah, but to me it would've helped

23:11 <MarsToSirius> Show him being lazy, that's fine - but build on *that*. Show him actually failing at something and being afraid and reluctant *because* of that

23:11 <MarsToSirius> You don't start with "lazy", then pile on trait after trait after trait and expect us to be invested

23:11 <wobniaR> That's what the song was for, though they didn't show him do much before that

23:11 <wobniaR> He was too afraid to try

23:12 <MarsToSirius> Why?

23:12 <wobniaR> Fear of failure

23:12 <MarsToSirius> Why?

23:12 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> It just,  he's lazy, he didn't care, then he can, and feels he does everyting

23:12 *** Joins: kat (kat@Pony-0l3n0s.ph.cox.net)

23:12 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> The fear wasn't explainex

23:12 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> And there was signs

23:12 <kat> hi guys

23:13 <wobniaR> Yeah they never do say why he has a fear of failure

23:13 <MarsToSirius> I know a lot of people, myself included, with that fear, but I know personally why I have that fear of failure and I try to work myself out of that hole

23:13 <MarsToSirius> The show gives us nothing

23:13 <Princess-Luna> `<wobniaR> Yeah they never do say why he has a fear of failure - AND THIS is the issue

23:14 <MarsToSirius> Zephyr Breeze could easily be built off of the base of "He's lazy with a fear of failure". You stop there, then build vertically.

23:14 <Princess-Luna> there's a lack of committal to that idea, it's just tossed at the wall

23:14 <Princess-Luna> and we're expected to believe it was a thing

23:14 <Princess-Luna> when there was just...nothing

23:14 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> The creators are doing the same thing as he is, leaving it up to us

23:14 <MarsToSirius> You don't go "He's lazy with a fear of failure. Also he has no respect for property. Also he mooches from his parents. Also he disrespects his sister's friends. Also..."

23:14 <wobniaR> At least they have Starlight that 1 minute childhood scene in the s5 finale

23:15 <wobniaR> Gave*

23:15 <MarsToSirius> The episode loses focus entirely and you're left wondering why we need to follow this guy at all beyond "Yeah we know he's gonna get better"

23:15 <MarsToSirius> And they gave us a good set of flashback scenes in Amending Fences to explain why Moondancer was so distraught

23:15 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-tb0ng3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP)

23:15 <wobniaR> Yeah that's a pretty big why they're missing

23:15 <kat> hi The_Nostalgia_Mare

23:16 <wobniaR> I really did enjoy the episode anyway but that's a whole in the story

23:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Mmm. Food Hi.

23:16 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Plus I always am getting annoyed at the parents intro but no one finds my point

23:16 <wobniaR> Hole*

23:16 <MarsToSirius> OK, SkippeZ_ShadoW - did you want the pilot episode to go "here's all six characters and their entire families"?

23:16 <MarsToSirius> I'm trying to get an idea of what you would have preferred

23:16 <MarsToSirius> Because there simply, isn't, time

23:17 <wobniaR> You could say MarsToSirius is peeved about Zephyr

23:17 <MarsToSirius> o     3o

23:17 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms MarsToSirius. "I don't know about Zephyr..."

23:17 * Surreal_Nightmares noms on MarsToSirius' leg.

23:17 <Princess-Luna> The parents JUST don't matter much

23:17 <MarsToSirius> \D:/

23:17 <Princess-Luna> That's all there is to it

23:17 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> No

23:17 <wobniaR> I'm gonna go with the win here at least Flutters has a Canon family now

23:17 <MarsToSirius> She does

23:17 <MarsToSirius> And Fluttershy was great.

23:18 <MarsToSirius> So there's that I guess.

23:18 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I wanted at least an intro if them

23:18 <Chaosweaver> Maybe the point is that there sometimes appears to be no redeeming qualities in certain people, when they're actually buried so deep behind huge walls of doubt, fear, insecurity, pain, etc. that they only seem non-existent.

23:18 <wobniaR> Now we need Scoots family

23:18 <wobniaR> So people stop the orphan stuff

23:18 <MarsToSirius> That's fine, Chaosweaver.

23:18 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I have to say, I really like Fluttershy in this one.

23:18 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Like a knock on the door face reveal, boom, fade into first scene

23:18 <MarsToSirius> I accept that. But we need *reasons* for such insecurity.

23:18 <MarsToSirius> And the episode fails on that account.

23:18 <Chaosweaver> Perhaps you're expecting too much from a 22 minute episode.

23:19 <MarsToSirius> No I'm not. Because I've *seen* it done from a 22 minute episode of this very show.

23:19 * The_Nostalgia_Mare pokes Amending Fences?

23:19 <wobniaR> Nah it's just a logical flaw

23:19 * MarsToSirius nodnods.

23:19 <kat> i like the song!

23:19 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok.

23:19 <wobniaR> Sometimes these things happen

23:19 <Chaosweaver> Maybe there isn't just one sole reason, and showing those reasons would take too long.

23:20 <MarsToSirius> Then here's an idea

23:20 <LunaticHell> Another familiar actor, I love that.

23:20 <MarsToSirius> Take out 90% of the scenes with Zephyr and rewrite thm.

23:20 <Chaosweaver> People aren't wholly defined by one single moment in their lives, usually. It's more often than not a combination of a bunch of smaller moments.

23:20 <LunaticHell> What's going on here?

23:20 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Just the tiny things that make huge plot holes

23:20 *** Toothie|Distracted is now known as Toothpaste

23:20 <Lumindia> hating on Fluttershy's brother

23:20 <Lumindia> who's a massive tool, I might add

23:20 <LunaticHell> Oh you're talking about huge plots.

23:20 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Spoilers LunaticHell...

23:20 <wobniaR> Flashbacks are good for explaining things with little time

23:20 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Run.

23:21 <Princess-Luna> He saw it

23:21 <MarsToSirius> Chaosweaver, I'm not 100% sold on Glimmer's motivations, but at least they GAVE her motivations. Sunburst got into Celestia's school, she didn't, so that's why she eventually spiraled into villainy.

23:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok.

23:21 <Princess-Luna> no need to worry, The_Nostalgia_Mare

23:21 <MarsToSirius> It's a little weak, but it's a reason. That's all I'm looking for.

23:21 <MarsToSirius> I'm just looking for *something* to go off of besides "He's afraid of failure."

23:21 <wobniaR> GlimGlam*

23:21 <LunaticHell> Flutter's brother is not a villian. o. o

23:21 <Princess-Luna> He's a moron

23:21 <Princess-Luna> ;3

23:21 <MarsToSirius> I never said he was.

23:21 <LunaticHell> =)

23:21 <MarsToSirius> He pretty much is, though.

23:21 <Lumindia> we're all afraid of failure

23:21 <wobniaR> He's worse than a nerd

23:21 <kat> zephyz devan is nes butt the voes no

23:21 <Lumindia> he was just unable to bring himself to overcome it

23:21 <MarsToSirius> ?

23:22 <Sour_Sweet> Flutterbutter and Sprinkle Pie <3

23:22 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Mmm...

23:22 *** Quits: BreezeBolt (BreezeBolt@Pony-3jmpem.freedome-vpn.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

23:22 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Sounds so good...

23:22 <wobniaR> Yes

23:22 <wobniaR> Dem nicknames

23:22 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Yeah but what experience or more did he have to not want to

23:23 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms MarsToSirius. "You are a Nutter Butter.."

23:23 <Chaosweaver> Again, I think you're expecting too much. Perfection, in this case.

23:23 <Lumindia> Sprinkle Pie

23:23 <Lumindia> that's her new name

23:23 <Princess-Luna> Asking for a simple reason isn't asking for perfection

23:23 <MarsToSirius> You literally are not reading anything I'm saying.

23:23 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Well, that's what he's expecting

23:23 <MarsToSirius> SkippeZ_ShadoW, don't talk for me.

23:23 <Chaosweaver> You're expecting perfection from the writers.

23:23 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I aint

23:23 <Princess-Luna> Chaosweaver: He's not

23:23 <Chaosweaver> lol

23:23 <PostNinja> to be fair, character motivation is not perfection, it is basics of writing lmao

23:23 <LunaticHell> Zephyr is an entitled piece of work who expects things are done for him and to go his way. Or something like that.

23:23 <MarsToSirius> +PostNinja

23:23 <Princess-Luna> asking for A SIMPLE reason is not expecting perfection, that's not what this is about

23:23 *** Quits: Coco_Nut (Coco_Nut@Pony-oh4hhl.range86-137.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)

23:24 <Chaosweaver> 22 minutes lmao

23:24 <wobniaR> Yeah guys i just did a whole logical argument with that nerd to determine the root cause

23:24 <LunaticHell> Also: simple reasons usually are simple.

23:24 <LunaticHell> Root cause?

23:24 <MarsToSirius> I just gave you two characters that fit the bill of what I'm looking for. If they can't do it for another one then that's the writer's problem, not mine.

23:24 <Lumindia> I still can't wait for the shipfics that arise from ZephyrDash

23:24 <LunaticHell> What is your conclusion, wubnaiR?

23:24 <wobniaR> Problem

23:24 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-lhs471.res.rr.com)

23:24 <MarsToSirius> Oh please don't bring up ZephyrDash, that makes my spine chill

23:24 <Princess-Luna> lawl

23:24 * Lumindia cackles

23:24 <kat> hi Saerydoth

23:24 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok...time to step in.

23:24 <Sour_Sweet> Also: How are her parents Mr. and Mrs. Shy if her _firstname_ is Fluttershy? :P

23:24 * Lumindia ships it so hard

23:24 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

23:24 <Lumindia> <3

23:25 * Saerydoth wingwaves

23:25 <LunaticHell> It certainly did make Dashie's spine chill, MarsToSirius.

23:25 <wobniaR> Zephyr has a fear of failure, which does not have a source that can be drawn upon

23:25 * The_Nostalgia_Mare takes out her ShippoMeter.

23:25 * The_Nostalgia_Mare points to ZephyrDash..

23:25 <LunaticHell> Source?

23:25 <LunaticHell> He's a failure.

23:25 <MarsToSirius> Of?

23:25 <MarsToSirius> Just because he's "entitled" doesn't make him a failure.

23:25 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ....um -1% strength.

23:25 <LunaticHell> If your usual state in life is failure, you're used to fail.

23:25 <Surreal_Nightmares> XD

23:26 <Lumindia> https://derpicdn.net/img/2016/6/4/1170388/large.png

23:26 <Princess-Luna> LunaticHell: JUST calling him a failure doesn't really justify his being a failure

23:26 <Chaosweaver> And the circular argument circles around yet again to "you are expecting perfection from the writers". They made a mistake, oh well.

23:26 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> LunaticHell: I aint

23:26 <LunaticHell> SkippeZ_ShadoW: Neither am I, but don't tell. *whisper*

23:26 <Lumindia> http://puu.sh/pgVms/9619c97b32.jpg Half of this chat now

23:26 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hmm.

23:26 <Surreal_Nightmares> Murr.

23:26 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> !link Shippo

23:27 <kat> yes

23:27 <wobniaR> Hair stylist, he's skilled but has difficulty committing due to his fear of failure

23:27 <DerpyBot> Twilight says she doesn't have anything in the library about that

23:27 <LunaticHell> I guess he's been hopping from job to job getting fired for being...well himself.

23:27 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Darn it.

23:27 *** Joins: Sombra (Iceman@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

23:27 <MarsToSirius> They made a fundamental mistake with a character that they have proven they do not do with other characters.

23:27 <LunaticHell> Also there's another theme to it. It's not ONLY the fear of failure.

23:27 <kat> hi Sombra

23:27 <MarsToSirius> Moondancer had motivation for her issues. So did Sunset Glimmer. So did Diamond Tiara.

23:27 <LunaticHell> It's also the inability to finish a job.

23:27 <wobniaR> I

23:27 <MarsToSirius> They don't have to be amazing motivations. They just have to exist.

23:27 <Chaosweaver> "The writers are not supposed to make mistakes, ever, because they haven't in the past." is what I'm getting, here.

23:27 <wobniaR> Sunset Glimmer

23:27 <LunaticHell> I know that problem, it is mine.

23:27 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> So Laziness?

23:27 <MarsToSirius> You literally are not reading a single word I'm typing Chaos.

23:27 <Princess-Luna> Chaosweaver: ...are you even trying to read?

23:28 <MarsToSirius> I'm not expecting they never make mistakes ever. I'm expecting them to actually use basic fundamentals of writing to make characters.

23:28 <wobniaR> Someone ships Sunset x Glim

23:28 <Chaosweaver> Nope, I can't read at all which is why I'm not responding in any way, shape, or form, to what he's saying.

23:28 <Chaosweaver> Oh, wait, I am.

23:28 <Lumindia> ALSO, MARSTOSIRUIS~! https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2016/6/4/1170045__safe_rainbow+dash_fluttershy_shipping_screencap_edit_pony_edited+screencap_spoiler-colon-s06e11_flutter+brutter.png

23:28 <Chaosweaver> Maybe it's /you/ who cannot read?

23:28 <MarsToSirius> Then reply like you have.

23:28 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> LunaticHell, I expect perfection of myself because I was back stabbed and now I beat myself up

23:28 <Lumindia> Shipping

23:28 <LunaticHell> Lulu: the failure part is the part where he fails at his job and gets fired just to mess up the next job, I'm certain he's been doing that for a while.

23:28 *** Lumindia was kicked by MarsToSirius (MarsToSirius)

23:28 *** Joins: Lumindia (IceChat9@is.a.miner.pony)

23:28 <Lumindia> ahahaha

23:29 <Lumindia> worth it

23:29 *** Joins: Idikos (noebclgvvqw@Pony-c53j7s.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net)

23:29 <LunaticHell> SkippeZ_ShadoW: Yeah, I certainly know that feeling.

23:29 *** Parts: Idikos (noebclgvvqw@Pony-c53j7s.dsl-dhcp.mvtel.net) ()

23:29 <wobniaR> Pls that inverted mouth fools no one

23:29 <Lumindia> oh I didn't even notice that

23:29 <Sombra> Okay so I beat doom.

23:29 <MarsToSirius> Starlight Glimmer's motivation is kinda weak but it exists. Diamond Tiara's motivation is kinda cliche but it exists.

23:29 <Lumindia> Sombra: It's fun, right?

23:29 <LunaticHell> SkippeZ_ShadoW: I once worked on a job and got back (1 year) with a resume that calls me a mental case.

23:29 <MarsToSirius> Zephyr... has no motivation for his behavior. It doesn't exist.

23:29 <MarsToSirius> That's what I'm saying.

23:30 <Princess-Luna> it's not perfection to ask for a simple globule of backstory

23:30 <LunaticHell> SkippeZ_ShadoW: And a liar and a lazy bum and...not nice words.

23:30 <Princess-Luna> a little exposition, a throwaway line.

23:30 <Princess-Luna> something

23:30 <PostNinja> indeed

23:30 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Yeah, but I was like 8

23:30 <LunaticHell> Princess-Luna: There's something weird in this episode, something specific...

23:30 <Sombra> Please don't spoil flutter for me.

23:30 <wobniaR> Too late

23:30 <Sombra> Haven't watched it yet.

23:31 <Princess-Luna> its spoiler hour

23:31 <Sombra> In fact I'd better go do that.

23:31 <MarsToSirius> You're half an hour late.

23:31 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Wait..Is Zephyr have a place?

23:31 <LunaticHell> Princess-Luna: Did they make Fluttershy out to be an animal-colector?

23:31 <Princess-Luna> They've never officially declared what she does. :P

23:31 <Sour_Sweet> I really liked that episode continuity flaws aside

23:31 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Nothing like having your best friends leave you because someone else doesn't like you

23:31 <wobniaR> Animal caretaker

23:31 <LunaticHell> I mean, the father said "I collect clouds, your mother has flowers and you got animals."

23:31 <Lumindia> I think that he just meant "I like clouds, your mother likes flowers, and you like animals

23:32 <MarsToSirius> She lives with a menagerie of animals 24/7, so yeah, he's kinda right :p

23:32 <Sour_Sweet> Also Angel Bunny remains the very best pet ;-)

23:32 <LunaticHell> Maybe, the collecting animals would still be an intresting thing.

23:32 <Lumindia> It is a thing

23:32 <Lumindia> they call it POKEMON

23:32 <Sour_Sweet> Technically she doesn't own them I guess

23:32 <Lumindia> 8D

23:33 <MarsToSirius> She doesn't, but as she has animal empathy they basiclaly constitute her friends

23:33 <LunaticHell> Fluttershy, the kind hunter! She'll hunt them animals with kindness and brings them back to. Care. For. Them! *dun dun duuuuun*

23:33 <MarsToSirius> They're very, very easygoing roommates.

23:33 <Lumindia> I wish I had an easygoing roomate like that

23:33 <Lumindia> roommate*

23:33 <Lumindia> '-'

23:33 <Chaosweaver> Meh, I'm done anyway. Got my little bit of amusement out of this.

23:33 * Lumindia abducts CleverDerpy to be his roommate

23:33 <LunaticHell> I wish I had a mate.

23:33 <LunaticHell> o. o

23:33 <MarsToSirius> Glad I could entertain, at any rate

23:34 <Chaosweaver> I haven't seen any new episodes for the past 4 weeks or so, honestly.

23:34 * LunaticHell steals CleverDerpy and makes her Princess-Luna's roommate "This. This has to be. It is the natural order."

23:34 <MarsToSirius> You actually are kinda missing some good ones, this and the past haven't been terribly good tho

23:34 <Sour_Sweet> LunaticHell: I've been living with room mates for 4 years. Some of the greatest moments of my life, however also a few of the worst

23:34 <LunaticHell> I call this ship "Lunatic"

23:34 <MarsToSirius> The Christmas episode and Rarity episode are pretty good though, so hit 'em up

23:34 <PostNinja> well, the whole taking care of animals seems to be her actual job, she goes to seminars and research trips and everything

23:35 <Sour_Sweet> 2 years in a house with 10 people, 2 more in an apartment with two

23:35 <LunaticHell> Sour_Sweet: I've never lived with a room mate, none of the greatest moments of my life nor any of the worst, I only had "moments". o. o

23:35 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Then there's me being angry at a simple thing that everyone dismisses

23:35 <LunaticHell> Nothing good nor bad, just moments.

23:35 <Sour_Sweet> ;-/

23:35 <LunaticHell> SkippeZ_ShadoW: Shoot.

23:36 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> What

23:36 <LunaticHell> Do tell.

23:36 <Chaosweaver> I just don't think I'm as interested in the show as I once was. A lot has changed over the past 4 years since I started watching it and so have I, as a person, mostly due to certain events.

23:36 <MarsToSirius> np

23:37 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> The into of the parents

23:37 <MarsToSirius> I keep up with it because I've always enjoyed the characters and the community. But I won't lie, there've been other things on my radar for awhile.

23:37 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> It was just gimmicky to intro zeph

23:37 <LunaticHell> Her mother had a funny voice.

23:37 <Chaosweaver> I'm enjoying many things a lot less than I used to.

23:37 <LunaticHell> I enjoy the faces.

23:37 <MarsToSirius> SkippeZ_ShadoW - did you have a similar problem with Rarity's parents? They were kind of there just to set up the story between Sweetie and Rarity for that one episode

23:37 <LunaticHell> Dear god, the faces.

23:37 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> With others it workked

23:37 <Princess-Luna> SkippeZ_ShadoW: It stems back to what I said earlier...unless they have something to do with parents, they're pretty unimportant.

23:37 <Sour_Sweet> I don't particularly like the frequency we're shot at with memes recently, however the last season was great and so are a few episodes of s6.

23:38 <MarsToSirius> I would like to see more of them, but they don't honestly seem like very compelling charactrs, there's not much lost by not seeing them again

23:38 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> MarsToSirius: but I forgot they even existed

23:38 <MarsToSirius> heh

23:38 <Sour_Sweet> The start of s6 wasn't great imho which lowered my expectations a bit, but it's getting A LOT better

23:38 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> That's the problem

23:39 <MarsToSirius> I'd argue Season 6 is constantly in a state of ups and downs, but the ups aren't making up for the downs like it did last season

23:39 <LunaticHell> This is so bullhorn.

23:39 *** Quits: fedoramaniac (AndChat3916@Pony-nodg77.ka3e.dj1h.fb90.2607.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:39 <wobniaR> Not yet

23:39 <Sour_Sweet> I think they will in the end

23:39 <MarsToSirius> Hopefully

23:39 <Sour_Sweet> Royal monster is about to take over Equestria!

23:39 <wobniaR> We got one more episode before hiatus and the last half of the season coming up later this year

23:39 <MarsToSirius> what

23:39 <Sour_Sweet> Hehe

23:40 <wobniaR> A lot can change in half a season

23:40 <MarsToSirius> I kinda want a checkup on the babeh, she's much more interesting than Glimmer is right now

23:40 <kat> ;s

23:40 <Sour_Sweet> #MakeFlurryHeartsEvil

23:40 <wobniaR> She is evil

23:40 <Princess-Luna> She's not

23:40 <kat> yay

23:40 <Princess-Luna> she's just a babbeh

23:40 <MarsToSirius> #GiveFlurryHeartARattle

23:40 <wobniaR> Babby are evul

23:40 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I just wish parents were at least given a hello

23:40 <Divide|Tech> I'm going to murder something.

23:40 <Princess-Luna> ur ebul

23:40 <kat> y

23:40 <wobniaR> Tru

23:40 <Divide|Tech> I want I REALLY WANT to murder something.

23:41 <Princess-Luna> Windows 10?

23:41 <kat> lol

23:41 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> But no, people are like "nah they don't need them" that's the thing I'm try a get at

23:41 <LunaticHell> Kill win 10

23:41 <MarsToSirius> Sorry guys, this chat is going to go offline, we have to upgrade to IRC10

23:41 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I like windows 10

23:41 <MarsToSirius> :V

23:41 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh

23:41 <LunaticHell> D:

23:41 <kat> i have windows 7!

23:41 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> How long.?

23:41 <MarsToSirius> It's a joke

23:41 <Sombra> SkippeZ_ShadoW

23:41 <Sombra> I don't like you.,

23:41 <Chaosweaver> Windows 10 is pure garbage.

23:41 <MarsToSirius> !muffin

23:41 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

23:41 <MarsToSirius> Yes

23:41 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

23:41 * DerpyBot glomps MarsToSirius

23:41 <Princess-Luna> "nah they don't need them" - that's not our opinion, it's just how the show treats them.

23:41 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> What?

23:41 *** OctaveSymphony is now known as Octave|Bed

23:42 <Sour_Sweet> And I thought IRC 3 wasn't even going along all that well #TrueStory

23:42 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Why is it garbage?

23:42 <Princess-Luna> It's barely working for many

23:42 <Princess-Luna> and being forced on folks

23:42 <wobniaR> Irc 3.0 hype

23:42 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> It works fine for us

23:42 <Sour_Sweet> Reminds me I need to listen to a HQ version of today's song because the streams audio was crap

23:42 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Even tho my parents are like, no the font isn't bigger

23:42 <kat> nenx  Windows11

23:42 <MarsToSirius> What I would have liked, though

23:43 <MarsToSirius> Is if the parents got some development in this episode

23:43 <LunaticHell> Now, better idea

23:43 <MarsToSirius> Becuase they don't seem to be any better off regarding their son

23:43 <LunaticHell> next thing is windows1

23:43 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> MarsToSirius: I hate you so much right now

23:43 <Chaosweaver> Spying, ads, forced updates, forced upgrading from previous versions, uninstalling people's programs without permission, crappy interface that should've died with 8, etc.

23:43 <MarsToSirius> ?

23:43 <MarsToSirius> Dude, I felt the parents were underutilized too

23:43 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> That's the one thing I've been trying to say

23:43 <MarsToSirius> ... oh

23:44 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> And it was like "no they don't have a reason to" yeah but that's the problem

23:44 <LunaticHell> Maybe they wanted to show "hey, they exist, stop asking"

23:44 <Chaosweaver> That overwhelming feeling that Microsoft thinks it knows better than us and wants to control our computers, too.

23:44 <MarsToSirius> Sometimes parents are just boring, I'unno

23:44 <MarsToSirius> Rarity's parents basically could be replaced by cardboard cutouts

23:44 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> They didnt have any reason to be there

23:45 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I wanted back story to them

23:45 <Princess-Luna> Why would they need a reason?

23:45 <MarsToSirius> That's a lot of backstory to give away  :p

23:45 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> But it doesn't sit well

23:45 <Princess-Luna> the idea was that the brother was mooching off them, not that there was any big period of them being gone

23:45 <wobniaR> Now we're running into the demanding territory

23:45 <MarsToSirius> It's hard to give the parents backstory because their only investment in the story is Zephyr's behavior at their expense

23:45 <Sour_Sweet> Maybe it's just the beginning? I see them as the mane's backstory, so I'm glad we're getting something in that regard

23:46 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Idk it's not like  twilights

23:46 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> They just show up

23:46 <MarsToSirius> Zephyr is the spotlight character... whatever "backstory" you'd be giving to the parents would be Zephyr's backstory as it would relate to him

23:46 *** Quits: Sombra (Iceman@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

23:46 <kat> twilights ?

23:46 <Princess-Luna> Twilights family

23:46 <kat> o

23:46 <MarsToSirius> Like, I'm trying to come up with things and they all would just point back to Zephyr or Fluttershy

23:46 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Yeah, twilights family were introduced out of nowhere but it made sense

23:47 <Princess-Luna> the focus of the episode wasn't on the parents anyway, they were there as the catalyst for the problem later

23:47 <MarsToSirius> They're, again, just a normal pair of parents. They're passive because that's just how they are. Fluttershy took after them... Zephyr clearly didn't and used all three to his personal advantage.

23:47 <kat> wut aot rd's family?

23:47 <Princess-Luna> ^

23:47 <Sour_Sweet> kat: dead

23:47 <Sour_Sweet> 6_9

23:47 <kat> no

23:47 <MarsToSirius> Rainbow Dash's dad shows up in the Christmas episode and no one bats an eye in the episode.

23:47 <Sour_Sweet> Along with AJs

23:47 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> They had a reason to be there, as it shows they tried at least somewhat helpful to twilights advance

23:47 <MarsToSirius> So she might as well have socks for family.

23:47 <Princess-Luna> Nobody KNOWS if he's the dad

23:47 <Princess-Luna> he could be an older bro

23:48 <MarsToSirius> *shrug*

23:48 <MarsToSirius> maybeh

23:48 <Sour_Sweet> We saw a rainbow colored pone recently

23:48 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> No, it's the- well we do know his name anyway

23:48 <Sour_Sweet> Oh yeha just read that :P

23:48 <Princess-Luna> " well we do know his name anyway " - no we don't. :P

23:48 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I thought it was rainbow blaze

23:48 <MarsToSirius> Spectrum Flash or something? I forget what the fans named him

23:49 <Princess-Luna> thats the fandom name for him

23:49 <Sour_Sweet> Multitasking doesn't work that well with the amount of lines that popup here sometimes

23:49 <Princess-Luna> there's no official name yet

23:49 <kat> it's in plid thte aj's family is dead

23:49 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Rainbow_Blaze

23:49 <Sour_Sweet> We don't really know that either, but based on the wording AJ chose it'd make sense

23:50 <Sour_Sweet> Since we're getting an awful lot of parents recently who knows: It RD could be up next

23:50 *** Joins: ponies (AndChat3916@Pony-hc1jct.4csk.ph72.6000.2604.IP)

23:50 <Sour_Sweet> s/It//

23:50 <kat> hi ponies

23:50 <MarsToSirius> s/it// happens

23:50 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> But with the others it made sense

23:50 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Idk, flutters it just doesn't sit right

23:50 <Sour_Sweet> MarsToSirius: ?

23:50 <MarsToSirius> nvm

23:51 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Mars you cheek

23:51 <Sour_Sweet> That was a search and replace thing for vim :P

23:51 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> With twi,  and dash it worked

23:51 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> They showed up, but it shows they were there

23:52 <LunaticHell> SkippeZ_ShadoW: Flutters not sitting right? I thought that was Lyra's job.

23:52 <Princess-Luna> You probably shouldn't get so mad about it, the show does what works and sometimes it'll infuriate without intent. :P Just let it go

23:52 <LunaticHell> Let it go~

23:52 <Princess-Luna> lawl

23:52 <LunaticHell> ;3

23:52 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Get out

23:53 <Princess-Luna> this is probably the most involved any of the mane 6 parents have ever BEEN in an episode, anyway

23:53 <LunaticHell> What, did my joke...

23:53 <CleverDerpy> get out.avi

23:53 <LunaticHell> ...not sit right?

23:53 <CleverDerpy> sorry,

23:53 <CleverDerpy> Get out DK64.avi

23:53 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I am trying so hard to get that little point across that nobodies understanding

23:54 <Princess-Luna> Difference of opinion, SkippeZ_ShadoW.

23:54 <Princess-Luna> it is what it is

23:54 <LunaticHell> Actually yes, it was fun to see Fluttershy's parents being even more of a doormap than she is.

23:54 <LunaticHell> I wonder how they met.

23:54 <Sour_Sweet> Well Flutter was worse originally

23:54 *** Joins: Sombra (Iceman@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

23:54 <CleverDerpy> LunaticHell, when a mommy shy and a daddy shy love eachother very much...

23:54 <LunaticHell> Well Flutter still is young...

23:54 <kat> no!

23:54 <Sour_Sweet> I really liked her in the role of a big sister

23:55 <MarsToSirius> Ironically Zephyr looks older, what with the stubble he has

23:55 <Sour_Sweet> Yeah

23:55 <MarsToSirius> Which brings into question just how old Fluttershy could be if her younger brother already has stubble

23:55 <Sombra> Oh man I totally get it now!

23:55 <Fall> Yeah, way more stubble than Fluttershy has

23:55 <Princess-Luna> lol

23:55 <Sour_Sweet> Well RD is somewhat confirmed for 21

23:56 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-tb0ng3.781n.1nmm.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I'm the Nostalgia Mare. I remember it, so you don't have to.)

23:56 <LunaticHell> Mars: One year older than Pinkie Pie.

23:56 <MarsToSirius> Fall: oh u

23:56 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> 1. In the early ep I presumed that shy was without much parental contact, then they're just casually hey we have dinner 2. Why is shy disciplined and zeph not

23:56 <MarsToSirius> Sour_Sweet, they already made it clear that was complete coincidnece

23:56 <Sour_Sweet> The rest should be similar

23:56 <Sombra> Man I'm stupid

23:56 <CleverDerpy> we already know fluttershy is a year older than pinkie

23:56 <Fall> My younger brother has stubble! Granted I'm 35.

23:56 <MarsToSirius> "Why is shy disciplined" wait what?

23:56 <Sombra> It hit me in like the first five seconds

23:56 <Sour_Sweet> I don't know about that. It'd make sense

23:56 <LunaticHell> SkippeZ_ShadoW: Flutters is shy.

23:56 <Sombra> Zephyr is gay!

23:56 <Princess-Luna> " Why is shy disciplined and zeph not " - Siblings can be different to each other wildly.

23:56 <Princess-Luna> this isn't unusual

23:56 <MarsToSirius> Yep, that's correct, which is why he's constantly hitting on Dash

23:56 <MarsToSirius> wait

23:57 <LunaticHell> Not all hair dressers are gay, Sombra.

23:57 <Sombra> I wouldn't say he's hitting on her, I think he's just full of himself.

23:57 <Sombra> Hold on, only 50% loaded.

23:57 <CleverDerpy> maybe he means "gay" as in "happy"

23:57 <MarsToSirius> Oh god, now I'm imagining they wrote that in to make sure we didn't think he was gay

23:57 <MarsToSirius> Which kinda disturbs me a bit

23:57 <CleverDerpy> but that's not ture either

23:57 <Princess-Luna> lol

23:57 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Why?

23:57 <MarsToSirius> Well, two reasons

23:57 <CleverDerpy> not until the end

23:57 <LunaticHell> Well, MarsToSirius, he kinda IS a hair dresser...

23:57 <Sour_Sweet> How dare you! Thinking that poor guy is gay xD

23:57 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I thought they were trying to make hay less of a huge thing

23:57 <LunaticHell> Ponies will assume.

23:58 <MarsToSirius> 1) "We can't have gay characters in this show! Make sure he's reeeeeally into one of the female characters!"

23:58 <Sombra> He is gay.

23:58 <Princess-Luna> O.o

23:58 * Surreal_Nightmares snuzzles CleverDerpy.

23:58 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> There goes my points

23:58 <Princess-Luna> he was hitting on Dash, Sombra

23:58 <LunaticHell> Who wouldn't hit on Rainbow Dash?

23:58 <LunaticHell> I'd hit on Rainbow Dash and she's not even my favorite.

23:58 <MarsToSirius> 2) The Opalescence scene.

23:58 <MarsToSirius> Well, we know what Lunatic's into

23:58 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> I'd hit her

23:58 <Sour_Sweet> <Inset inappropriate meme>

23:59 <kat> -_-

23:59 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Just straight up bap her

23:59 <LunaticHell> Well yes, I like athletic mares with a healthy sense of humor and a healthy-ish ego.

23:59 <Sombra> Gay guy's hit on girls all the time, they hit on everyone.  Well, ones with zephyr's personality.

23:59 <SkippeZ_ShadoW> Oh I'd get annoyed

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