Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Saturday, 2016-09-24

00:01 * Gladiolus floofs up Changeling_Nightmares

00:01 * Changeling_Nightmares is super floof.

00:01 * Gladiolus floofs up Changeling_Nightmares moar.

00:01 * Changeling_Nightmares ultrabatfloofs.

00:02 <Gladiolus> yusss

00:02 * Gladiolus cuddles

00:04 <Finwe> Bedtiem? :3

00:04 <Finwe> !lullaby

00:04 <Finwe> o3o??

00:04 * Finwe noms on a vaguely DerpyBot-shaped patch of thin air.

00:05 <Gladiolus> what

00:05 <Gladiolus> no derpy!?

00:05 <Gladiolus> johnsey!!!!!

00:06 <Gladiolus> fixc!

00:06 <Finwe> Anyhoof, good night, everypony!

00:07 <Finwe> I'm going to hit the proverbial hay. o3o

00:07 * Gladiolus tucks Finwe in.

00:07 * Gladiolus sings them a bat-lullaby and smooches

00:07 <Gladiolus> sleep gud

00:07 * Gladiolus also gives Finwe a SunsetShimmer plushie. .3.

00:13 * Changeling_Nightmares blankets on Finwe.

00:13 * Changeling_Nightmares wears Gladiolus as a blanket.

00:15 * Gladiolus is super soft and warm for Changeling_Nightmares

00:15 * Changeling_Nightmares purrpurrs.

00:17 * BubbleMuffin_ boops SunsetShimmer

00:17 <SunsetShimmer> o.o

00:18 * Changeling_Nightmares wears SunsetShimmer as a second blanket.

00:18 <Changeling_Nightmares> Shhh....

00:18 * SunsetShimmer squeaks

00:22 * BubbleMuffin_ pings SunsetShimmer becaus eping

00:22 <SunsetShimmer> can you not? XD

00:22 * BubbleMuffin_ pets SunsetShimmer in goodbye "ping!"

00:23 *** Quits: BubbleMuffin_ (~WebChat@Pony-2lth3l.public.wayport.net) (Quit: Page closed)

00:23 <wobniaR> That solves that

00:24 *** Joins: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

00:24 *** RedHelper is now known as Derpy_Whooves

00:25 <wobniaR> I'm so hype for tomorrow's episode it needs tp be tomorrow noe

00:25 * Gladiolus eats wobniaR

00:26 <SunsetShimmer> Ace attorney AND pony

00:26 <SunsetShimmer> both shall be epic

00:28 <wobniaR> Yes last case of justice for all too

00:28 <wobniaR> I wonder if they'll go into trials and tribulations or skip to apollo justice

00:29 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:30 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (Pony930@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

00:31 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-n10514.aq1i.6erg.fb90.2607.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:37 *** Joins: BubbleMuffin (uid149300@Rough.Edge.Black.edge)

00:39 <SunsetShimmer> They should do trials and tribs

00:39 <SunsetShimmer> doesn't really need the magatama, specifically

00:39 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7mu3qe.ggf2.k74f.0701.2601.IP)

00:40 *** Quits: WuBzY (wubzy@wubz.that.is.all) (Connection closed)

00:41 *** Joins: WuBzY (wubzy@wubz.that.is.all)

00:47 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-62er9m.044o.qq38.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

00:58 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Quit: goodbye)

01:00 *** TimidTanuki|Work is now known as TimidTanuki

01:05 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)

01:09 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:10 *** Joins: Pony_5 (WebChat@Pony-2lth3l.public.wayport.net)

01:11 *** Joins: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-pveddk.wa.comcast.net)

01:12 *** Quits: Duck (sid3009@non.stop.nyan.cat) (Quit: )

01:12 *** Joins: QuantumPocket (uid71401@Just.A.Quiet.Pony)

01:14 <Pony_5> !s6

01:18 *** Quits: Pony_5 (WebChat@Pony-2lth3l.public.wayport.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:19 *** Joins: CocoPommel (Coco@kind.hearted.earth.pone)

01:25 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com)

01:26 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-lhs471.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

01:36 *** Joins: Duck (sid3009@non.stop.nyan.cat)

01:36 <Divide> Well.

01:37 *** Quits: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)

01:37 <Divide> It's kind of terrifying how a few Gysahl Greens can spark a tired chocobo like me into life.

01:38 * Divide warks.

01:38 *** Joins: Starwatcher (patrick@off)

01:39 <wobniaR> Are all of you some kind of animal or vicious beast behind those monitors and nicknames?

01:41 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Connection closed)

01:43 <Starwatcher> I am.

01:44 <Starwatcher> the honest truth is, I've looked inside myself for a long time now, and I see a monster there.

01:44 *** Joins: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash)

01:44 <Sour_Sweet> wobniaR: Horses count as animals, right?

01:45 <Sour_Sweet> xD

01:46 *** Joins: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

01:53 <Divide> I'm very glad that my desk is made of particle board.

01:54 <Divide> Otherwise, I might hurt myself when I slam my face into it six times a day.

02:01 *** Parts: CocoPommel (Coco@kind.hearted.earth.pone) ("back later")

02:24 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:27 *** Joins: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

02:29 <Twilight`Sparkle> what idiocy abound, sundered one?

02:29 <Twilight`Sparkle> *abounds

02:35 *** Quits: Starwatcher (patrick@off) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:37 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-mbeoo9.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

02:38 *** Quits: BubbleMuffin (uid149300@Rough.Edge.Black.edge) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

02:39 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

02:40 <Cepheid> Hey Divide, what tech support department do you work in now?

02:44 *** Quits: LunaticHell (LunaticHell@Pony-h1c.2ee.130.88.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

02:51 *** Joins: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony)

02:54 *** Joins: Sombra (Iceman@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

02:54 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-tva63k.ut.comcast.net)

02:55 <Sombra> tech support deportment

02:56 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-tie.gdr.53.122.IP)

02:57 <Divide> I... I don't.

02:57 <Divide> I think I out-Britted someone.  Somehow.  I don't even.

02:58 <Twilight`Sparkle> But you're Canadian.

02:59 <SunsetShimmer> This statement clearly contradicts reality

03:00 <Not-Renny> Your FACE clearly contradicts reality

03:00 <SunsetShimmer> >:

03:00 <Cepheid> Arguably, as Canada is a melting pot, it is technically incorrect to state that a Canadian is "not British"

03:01 <Cepheid> We're pretty much an amorphous blob of everything.

03:01 <Twilight`Sparkle> Sure, but then you could argue that of a Texan.

03:01 *** Joins: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP)

03:01 <Cepheid> We're the hydra, to contrast the US being a little snake.

03:01 <Not-Renny> :v

03:01 <Twilight`Sparkle> o.O

03:01 <Snapai> US is snek :}~~<

03:02 <Twilight`Sparkle> Don't tread on me.

03:02 * Not-Renny puts a snek on Snapai

03:02 <Snapai> Nu tred on mee's! ;A;

03:03 * Snapai streaming random art crap: https://picarto.tv/Snapai \:V/

03:04 * Cepheid gets his snake whackin' stick and whacks the US.

03:05 * Twilight`Sparkle dragons up and whacks back.

03:05 <Not-Renny> Nuhh ;-;

03:05 * Cepheid hydras up and bites back.

03:05 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-7mu3qe.ggf2.k74f.0701.2601.IP)

03:05 <Not-Renny> Whai Cepheid :'L

03:05 <Twilight`Sparkle> Huzzah!

03:05 <Twilight`Sparkle> Infinite heads to eat!

03:06 * Twilight`Sparkle opens a Hydraburger, makes a fortune.

03:06 <Cepheid> :P

03:06 <CleverDerpy> I made some art, wanna see?

03:07 <Cepheid> Anyhow, time for bed.

03:07 * Cepheid flails off to bed.

03:07 <CleverDerpy> !link https://derpibooru.org/1256707

03:08 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Tick-tock-tick-tock goes the clock, and down the rabbit hole we go.)

03:10 <CleverDerpy> it's yuki as a sailor scout, isn't she adorable~?

03:10 <FruitNibbler> Sailor pon

03:11 <Twilight`Sparkle> Why for is named Yuki?

03:12 <FruitNibbler> That doesn't make sense, Twilight`Sparkle

03:12 <FruitNibbler> What is your native language?

03:13 <Twilight`Sparkle> The very one I twist at will.

03:13 *** Joins: The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings (Scherza@Pony-fhe08m.mycingular.net)

03:14 *** The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings is now known as Scherza_

03:14 *** Scherza_ is now known as Scherza

03:17 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

03:19 * Not-Renny turns Thelema5 around by his shoulders, gently walks him outside so he can take a walk

03:19 <Not-Renny> Go take a midnight walk

03:20 <Moonlightning> Heh...I used to take midnight walks.

03:21 <Moonlightning> Ending at midnight, not starting at midnight

03:21 <Not-Renny> Hm

03:23 *** Quits: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony) (Quit: Leaving.)

03:25 <Thelema5> I went downhill sledding at midnight one time- the track lead down into the woods.  I went farther than I expected and found myself in pitch darkness- then I realized I had scattered a pack of coyote who were still in the woods all around me.

03:25 <Moonlightning> Oh mai o.o;

03:25 *** Joins: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain)

03:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mike_Coltfield

03:25 <Thelema5> Not a good place to be

03:27 *** Quits: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain) (Connection closed)

03:27 *** Joins: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain)

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03:28 *** Joins: philckkd (philckkd@Pony-9uf1lq.tn.charter.com)

03:28 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-0rnf46.9i7b.81d3.100e.2600.IP)

03:28 * Thelema5 glues everypony down

03:31 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-tva63k.ut.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:31 *** Quits: QuantumPocket (uid71401@Just.A.Quiet.Pony) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

03:33 *** Quits: Mike_Coltfield (Larscis@colt.in.the.rain) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:34 <Thelema5> I'll be hiking 6 miles or so along a long-abandoned forest path to try and locate the ruins of a century old mountain estate

03:35 <Thelema5> I've been unable to find any photos online of the ruins, but this is what the place looked like 100 years ago http://imgur.com/a/xRTuh

03:35 <philckkd> hi guys

03:36 <philckkd> anypony here

03:36 <Thelema5> Hi philckkd

03:36 <philckkd> i hope to get my running shoes soon

03:36 <Thelema5> I don't imagine there's much left of the building- maybe some rubble and a foundation

03:36 <philckkd> oops i messed up the name

03:37 <Thelema5> No worries

03:38 *** Joins: Vulpor (pgrocncyein@Pony-e589dd.64-138-194-net.sccoast.net)

03:38 <FruitNibbler> I would love to get shoes to waste on skating

03:39 <Vulpor> hey all

03:39 <Thelema5> Hiya, Vulpor!

03:39 <FruitNibbler> I have 12 pairs of shoes, all too good to skate

03:39 <Moonlightning> Messed up whose name?

03:39 <FruitNibbler> (you wear a hole on the nose of the shoe doing skating tricks)

03:40 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:40 <Vulpor> hey Thelema5!

03:40 <Thelema5> I have two pairs of shoes: a super comfy pair of sketchers sneakers, and a sturdy pair of leather hiking boots the ankle support and steel sole

03:40 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)

03:40 <Thelema5> *with

03:41 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

03:41 <Thelema5> What's new, Vulpor?

03:41 <wobniaR> New horse episode tomorrow!

03:41 <Thelema5> Yes!  Unfortunately, I will miss the live airing

03:42 <wobniaR> Nooooo sadface

03:42 <Thelema5> It's fine- I'll catch it later

03:42 <FruitNibbler> I need to catch on many episodes

03:42 <wobniaR> You'll miss all the memes if you don't watch it live

03:42 <FruitNibbler> I missed an early one and it kinda piled up as I want to watch them in order

03:43 <Vulpor> I gotta DVR

03:43 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

03:43 <Vulpor> I never miss pony

03:43 <Vulpor> lol

03:43 <wobniaR> Anyway i need the sleep night

03:43 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Quit: ๐Ÿ†’๐Ÿ†’๐Ÿ†’)

03:45 <Thelema5> I'm going to find and explore ancient ruins, pony can wait

03:45 <Thelema5> Well, not "ancient" per se, but old

03:45 <Thelema5> :p

03:45 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-cvibue.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

03:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

03:46 <Gladiolus> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ66zNayJaU

03:47 <Vulpor> lol going to Detroit Thelema5?

03:47 <Thelema5> Ha!

03:48 <FruitNibbler> http://muffinshire.deviantart.com/art/Comic-Twilight-s-First-Day-2-335221312

03:49 * Gladiolus gives Thelema5 a crate of guns.

03:49 <Thelema5> No, I'm going here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rochester+Hollow/@42.141251,-74.4469409,145m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x89dc5880cfa61695:0x48a42d8afd1f582e!8m2!3d42.1150897!4d-74.4545959

03:49 <Gladiolus> well

03:49 <Thelema5> Somewhere under those trees lies something.  lol

03:49 <Gladiolus> keep the guns anyway

03:49 <Gladiolus> found your own militia

03:50 <Thelema5> Thanksie!

03:56 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-fa29sa.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP)

03:56 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles)

03:57 <Thelema5> Tomorrow's episode does seem good, though.

03:58 *** Quits: Vulpor (pgrocncyein@Pony-e589dd.64-138-194-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

04:00 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Hi

04:02 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-fa29sa.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

04:14 <Thelema5> !link starlight

04:14 <Thelema5> ...derpybot?

04:14 <SunsetShimmer> Derpys still out cold

04:14 <Thelema5> :(

04:15 <SunsetShimmer> IKR?

04:15 * Thelema5 sadface

04:18 <Thelema5> Guh, why do handgun laws have to be so strict in New York?  I stand to inherit +/- 100 vintage and collectable guns from my (crazy ex-marine ultra-conservative trump-supporting) father, which I would likely sell to other collecters for $$$$

04:19 <Thelema5> But as it stands, I cannot take posession of them because I don't have a license.

04:19 <Thelema5> This collection is worth about $0K

04:19 <Thelema5> $20K

04:21 <Thelema5> One of the stipulations for getting a license in my area is getting character witness signatures from three other licensed gun owners in my county.  I don't /know/ any people in my county.  Certainly not any gun owners.

04:22 <Thelema5> It's really asinine

04:23 *** Joins: Scherza_ (Scherza@Pony-36c.fs5.223.66.IP)

04:23 <Thelema5> I could really use that money, but without a license the guns will become property of the (thieving) state

04:24 *** Scherza_ is now known as The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings

04:25 *** Quits: Scherza (Scherza@Pony-fhe08m.mycingular.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings!Scherza@Pony-36c.fs5.223.66.IP)))

04:25 *** The_Dread_Pirate_Heartstrings is now known as Scherza

04:26 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-n10514.aq1i.6erg.fb90.2607.IP)

04:27 * DashedRainbows trots in

04:27 <DashedRainbows> Howdy y'all

04:27 *** Snoarin is now known as Fayth

04:34 <Thelema5> Hiya

04:36 *** Quits: Nicktendonick (Nicktendoni@Pony-77jca1.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Bye)

04:39 * DashedRainbows boops Thelema5

04:43 <Thelema5> Hiya!

04:43 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP) (Quit: Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?)

04:44 * Thelema5 is focused elsewhere, drunkenly watching steven universe

04:47 * Renny looks at Thelema5

04:48 <DashedRainbows> Hey Renny, you're back

04:49 <Thelema5> Pls.  I've been alive for 40+ years and have reviewed about a century of content.  Steven Universe is the best

04:49 <DashedRainbows> I have yet to watch it so I'll just nod

04:50 * DashedRainbows nods

04:54 <Thelema5> Don't get me rong- I still love pony and watch and follow religiously.  I just think SU is better

04:54 <Thelema5> *wrong

04:55 <Thelema5> At least as seasons are concerned

04:55 <FreezeFrame> I mean, yeah.

04:55 *** Joins: Starwatcher (patrick@off)

04:56 <Thelema5> Starwatcher, what are you watching for?

04:56 <Thelema5> I'm waiting for a class M planet within a 30 lightyear distance

05:01 * Gladiolus hugs Starwatcher

05:05 *** Joins: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony)

05:05 *** Quits: luckyspirit (luckyspirit@pony.poni.pony) (Connection closed)

05:05 <philckkd> i need somepony to talk to

05:06 *** Quits: Gladiolus (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you) (Quit: Leaving)

05:08 <Thelema5> philckkd, I am here... but I'm also an antisocial jerk with no restraint or filters

05:08 <philckkd> oh//

05:09 <Thelema5> Ie. Talking to me is like talking to a big jerk

05:10 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:10 <philckkd> *gulp*

05:10 *** Quits: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-pveddk.wa.comcast.net) (Connection closed)

05:12 <Electron> โ€ข

05:13 <Verandure> Lol

05:14 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: Bedtiem!)

05:14 <DashedRainbows> And people say I'm hard on myself

05:16 <philckkd> i do too

05:19 * Electron pats Thelema5's shoulder

05:19 * Scherza puts a comicify filter of Thelema5. "!3## no more!"

05:23 *** Quits: Arteshin (Arteshi@Pony-ljg.ucs.73.192.IP) (Quit: )

05:24 *** Quits: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Connection closed)

05:25 *** Joins: Arteshin (Arteshi@Pony-ljg.ucs.73.192.IP)

05:25 <Sour_Sweet> Good morning most negative of all particles.

05:26 <Scherza> But "Good morning, here is your coffee" is the most positive combination.

05:30 * Electron waves to Sour_Sweet

05:32 *** Joins: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

05:34 *** Joins: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@Pony-atm4vh.range86-158.btcentralplus.com)

05:37 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-fa29sa.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP)

05:40 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-bslcoi.range86-165.btcentralplus.com)

05:40 *** Joins: pony_123 (texasboykc0@vampire.bat.nest)

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05:51 *** Quits: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-tie.gdr.53.122.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

05:52 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles) (Quit: Ping timeout: -1 second)

05:53 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-tie.gdr.53.122.IP)

05:59 <philckkd> anypony here?

06:00 <Banoffee> Nuhuh

06:03 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-mbeoo9.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

06:03 *** Quits: Sombra (Iceman@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

06:05 <DashedRainbows> 102 users...

06:05 <FreezeFrame> Finally working on Season 5

06:05 <FreezeFrame> Lots of people idle

06:05 <Schism> "EVA, what are you doing?" "I'm sending out a ping on a NODENet channel." "But this is an entirely different GAH!  I'm an idiot!  I'm a moron!" "You're finally grasping the obvious." "If something happens ONCE..."

06:05 <DashedRainbows> That's a horrible ratio then

06:06 <Schism> Heh heh.  Someone fill in the phrase.  If something happens once...

06:08 <FreezeFrame> I built all the bridges in town. But no one calls me Dani the bridge builder.

06:09 <Schism> Don't you dare finish that joke, I know the punchline and it's not appropriate.

06:09 <FreezeFrame> I do as well.

06:09 <FreezeFrame> I was thinking of something to replace it that was.

06:09 <Schism> I was going to say, "It happens once, and... it's certain to happen again..."

06:09 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-bc75a7.res.rr.com)

06:09 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

06:10 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

06:10 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-fa29sa.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

06:11 <DashedRainbows> Hey ConfusionRift

06:11 <FreezeFrame> Yo

06:11 * ConfusionRift waves.

06:11 <DashedRainbows> Schism: if only that were true in C++

06:11 <Schism> "Strengthen your darned empathic shields, if we try to carry on a conversation like this my skull's going to crack open and my brain's going to run for Griffonia."

06:12 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-0rnf46.9i7b.81d3.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:12 <ConfusionRift> Changed my keyboard. Not sure it was a good idea.

06:13 <Schism> DashedRainbows, well, you create a situation where everything is exactly the same, YES, C++ will behave exactly the same way.  It's those stray bits that cause the grief....

06:14 * Schism mutters, "Them and their pesky nodes, too."

06:14 <DashedRainbows> Schism: it's difficult to have the user have a certain state lol

06:14 <Schism> That's why you need a handler, to keep the barking dogs at bay.

06:15 <Schism> Or at least to explain when things go very, very wrong.

06:16 * Electron waves to ConfusionRift in greetings

06:17 * ConfusionRift back at Electron.

06:17 * Schism listens to The Pink Side of the Moon.

06:20 * Changeling_Nightmares floofles.

06:21 * Schism hats on Changeling_Nightmares!

06:22 * ConfusionRift grabs a hat, and puts it on. He's now hatted.

06:33 *** Joins: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-lpg6n7.dab.02.net)

06:33 <Schism> Mmm...hehehehee.  I love it. "A single voice cannot sing in harmony."

06:34 <FruitNibbler> It can

06:34 <ConfusionRift> It can! It can!

06:34 <FruitNibbler> With magic of editing

06:34 <ConfusionRift> With... that. That works. :P

06:34 <Schism> Harrumph, you pones.  :P

06:34 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-bslcoi.range86-165.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:40 <ConfusionRift> "The Milk Killer. Worse than the Cardiac Murder."

06:40 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life)

06:41 * Changeling_Nightmares doffs Schism.

06:44 *** Fayth is now known as Snoarin

06:48 <Schism> "As you were, you may take three minor boons from me.  An they hurt none, three boons are yours, minor benefits to suit you and yours.  That, you've earned, to suit you and yours."

06:49 <Schism> "Thrice I say again, three boons to benefit you and yours, an ye harm none."

06:52 *** Quits: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Connection closed)

06:54 <Schism> "Should you look no wider than a helping hoof on your farm, I suggest you look somewhat wider.  There are two here who will soon leave the spark of life.  I could assist them.  Simply ask."

06:57 *** Quits: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-lpg6n7.dab.02.net) (Quit: Bye)

06:57 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

07:09 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Sleep

07:09 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

07:12 * Surreal_Nightmares doffs Schism a second time.

07:16 *** Joins: rela_ (x@Pony-h8urmp.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

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07:19 *** Quits: Schism (Schismatism@thehive.canterlot.equ) (Quit: Leaving)

07:19 *** Joins: Schism (Schismatism@thehive.canterlot.equ)

07:19 <Schism> Skype, I hate you.

07:20 *** Joins: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-5qp7nf.res.rr.com)

07:20 <ConfusionRift> I hate it too.

07:20 *** Joins: DerpyBot (DerpyBot@is.in.your.pants.eating.your.muffins)

07:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao DerpyBot DerpyBot

07:21 <ConfusionRift> Derpeh!

07:21 <DerpyBot> *derp*

07:22 <LogicMatrix> Hello

07:23 *** Quits: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

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07:24 *** Joins: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP)

07:26 <LogicMatrix> Hey does anybody know how to set up a new modem?

07:29 <LogicMatrix> Well how are people doing?

07:31 <ConfusionRift> Tired, but hanging there.

07:32 <LogicMatrix> Understandable.

07:36 *** Joins: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-8oubkc.dab.02.net)

07:36 <Divide> Hmm...

07:37 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-m4vfkt.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

07:38 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:40 *** Quits: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-8oubkc.dab.02.net) (Quit: Bye)

07:40 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Nini ponies. Love you all)

07:40 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

07:41 *** Quits: rela_ (x@Pony-h8urmp.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)

07:42 *** Joins: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-8oubkc.dab.02.net)

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07:45 *** Quits: Beetdabrat (IceChat9@Pony-pd2dpa.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Hello, 911? Yeah, it's caught in the window this time.)

07:45 *** Joins: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

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07:45 * Schism takes a break after murdering a boss. o3o

07:46 <Schism> Shiny guy, dropped a few oranges, let's take a pause.

07:47 <Schism> Low-level stuff, though.

07:48 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-v2pud9.dab.02.net)

07:48 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-v2pud9.dab.02.net) (Connection closed)

07:48 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

07:48 <Schism> I'm also bringing up Applejack as a melee character.  She recovers HP like she's nommin' on fruit.

07:48 *** Quits: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

07:50 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

07:50 <Double> Huh

07:50 <Double> You mean like

07:50 <Double> Apples?

07:50 *** Quits: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-tie.gdr.53.122.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

07:50 <Golden> }Night everyone

07:51 <DashedRainbows> Good night Golden

07:51 <Schism> I'd poke Cepheid, but he's currently away.

07:52 <Finwe> Greetings, everypony!

07:53 <Finwe> Mr Schism.

07:53 * Finwe doffs his helmet.

07:53 <Verandure> Morning.

07:54 <Electron> G'night, Golden.

07:54 <Double> Heyo DashedRainbows, Verandure

07:54 * Electron waves to Finwe

07:54 <Double> Nini Golden

07:54 <DashedRainbows> Howdy Double

07:55 * DashedRainbows hats on Finwe

07:56 <Double> How are you folks?

07:56 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

07:56 <Finwe> Goeiemorgen, mijnheer Double.

07:56 <Verandure> Hiya, Double.

07:56 * Finwe doffs his DashedRainbows.

07:57 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

07:57 * Double waves at Finwe

07:57 <Finwe> Double: Carrying out measurements on my Yule Ale.

07:57 <DashedRainbows> Debating whether to sleep, Double

07:58 <Double> Hehehe

07:58 <Finwe> The specific gravity has dropped quite a lot, taking into account that the fermentation only began three days ago.

07:58 <DashedRainbows> Probably not, very low ROI for me

07:58 <Double> So, you a regular brewer now, Finwe?

07:59 *** Joins: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-bmq4bk.dab.02.net)

07:59 <Finwe> Double: Yup, I'm membrt in a club that has a very small brewery.

07:59 *** Joins: Iks (Deggl@Pony-pm2.q4n.211.95.IP)

07:59 <Finwe> I was elected to be the brewery manager this year.

07:59 *** Quits: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-bmq4bk.dab.02.net) (Connection closed)

07:59 * Surreal_Nightmares doffs Finwe

07:59 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

07:59 *** Joins: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

07:59 <Double> Thats actually really cool Finwe

07:59 <Finwe> Braumeister. o3o

08:00 <Surreal_Nightmares> Finwe is still my hat.

08:00 <Finwe> The correct English title seems to be head brewer.

08:00 <Starwatcher> guys, do you know what your cutie marks would be, if life were another version of my little pony?

08:01 <Starwatcher> I've wondered this

08:01 <DashedRainbows> Whatever pain looks like

08:02 <Schism> Hm...

08:02 <Schism> Tempted to play Wings of Vi and fail miserably.

08:02 <Finwe> https://www.niksula.hut.fi/~vhalkola/Finwe_pony.png

08:02 *** Quits: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

08:02 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

08:02 <Finwe> Starwatcher: I seem to have the Petersen graph.

08:02 <Finwe> o3o

08:02 <Verandure> I think we've all wondered it, at least a small amount. For me, I have a lot of talents, but nothing that I'd call a purpose -- nothing I particularly enjoy.

08:04 <DashedRainbows> A more positive one, I enjoy music a lot

08:05 <Starwatcher> hmm

08:05 * Finwe hats on Starwatcher.

08:06 <Finwe> How many skill points did you invest in stargazing again?

08:06 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

08:06 *** Joins: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

08:07 <Electron> Blue alicorn with weird cutie mark.

08:07 * Finwe eyes Electron suspiciously.

08:07 <Finwe> >.>

08:08 <Electron> ...what?

08:08 * Verandure grabs the pitchfork.

08:08 <DashedRainbows> Are you, by chance, charged?

08:09 <Schism> I want to die in front of you all, but this game refuses to play.  :<

08:09 * Electron spins moderately

08:09 * DashedRainbows grabs the rubber pitchfork

08:11 *** Quits: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

08:11 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

08:11 <Finwe> Verandure: Rather illogically, the fork used to give pitch is called tuning fork and not pitchfork. :/

08:12 <Verandure> But the pitch fork moves pitch.

08:12 *** Quits: Starwatcher (patrick@off) (Quit: sleeping)

08:12 <ConfusionRift> While the tuning fork tunes.

08:12 <Verandure> The tuning fork won't change pitch (unless you damage it).

08:12 <Electron> Illogical, you say? If fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?

08:13 <Finwe> Oppressors?

08:13 <Verandure> If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? =P

08:13 * Electron ugh's

08:13 <ConfusionRift> Why do we have to wait for the night to call it a day?

08:14 <Schism> Okay... one moment, please.

08:14 <Verandure> Why does day break when night just falls?

08:15 <Schism> http://twitch.tv/schismatism - Now you can see me fail at Wings of Vi.

08:15 <Finwe> o3o!

08:15 <ConfusionRift> What would a singular pant look like?

08:15 <Electron> Heh. That's a good one.

08:15 <Finwe> No, it's not.

08:15 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

08:15 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

08:15 <Electron> Yes, it is.

08:16 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: The original form of the piece of clothing in question was indeed two separate pants.

08:16 <Finwe> A pair of trouses.

08:16 <ConfusionRift> Finwe, you're taking this too seriously. :P

08:16 <Finwe> So we actually know what a single pant looks like.

08:16 * Electron pants

08:17 <ConfusionRift> And that makes sense.

08:18 <ConfusionRift> Man, I had another, but it slipped away.

08:19 <Electron> Come on, Schism, concentrate.

08:19 <Electron> Jump without haste.

08:20 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

08:20 *** Joins: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

08:20 <ConfusionRift> What?! A platformer... on a keyboard?!

08:20 <Electron> Oh, you're using a gamepad, Schism?

08:21 <ConfusionRift> Aaaaah hahahaaa!

08:21 <Electron> Fun? You call it a "fun"? :D :D

08:21 <ConfusionRift> I think there's a double jump.

08:21 <ConfusionRift> If not, try jumping after falling.

08:21 <Electron> That ceiling really gets you, Schism.

08:21 <Ali> DID SOMEONE SAY FUN!?!

08:21 * Electron D:

08:22 <ConfusionRift> No! No one did! 0_0;

08:22 * Electron ducks

08:22 * Ali snickers and unleashes the Pinkie horde!

08:23 <ConfusionRift> Schism, try fall jumping.

08:23 <Electron> Oh Luna's stars! Gosh, no!

08:23 * Verandure for one welcomes this Pinkie Pie avalanche.

08:23 <ConfusionRift> I meant to fall, then jump.

08:24 * Electron pats Schism's head :D :D

08:24 <DashedRainbows> What can go wrong with a hoard of pink ponies?

08:24 <Electron> Do you see that, ConfusionRift?

08:24 <ConfusionRift> Huh?

08:25 <Electron> That "fun" Schism is talking about, ConfusionRift?

08:25 <ConfusionRift> Oh yeees. :P

08:25 <ConfusionRift> Race! Race! Race!

08:26 *** Quits: Coco|Mobile (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:26 <ConfusionRift> Schism, follow the leader.

08:26 <Electron> That pushing thingy.

08:26 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Wibbly Wobbly IRC)

08:27 <Electron> Life is HARD.

08:27 <ConfusionRift> Huuuuh.

08:27 <ConfusionRift> That's cheap.

08:28 <Electron> There is a spider walking over my screen.

08:28 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, the fall-jumping is hard to get used to.

08:28 * Electron :I

08:28 *** Joins: Gladiolus (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you)

08:29 <ConfusionRift> I can only think of falling towards the opening, and air jumping before hitting the circle.

08:29 *** Joins: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com)

08:30 <ConfusionRift> Schism, remember that by falling without jumping, you can jump while in the air.

08:31 *** Quits: Derpy_Whooves (RedHelper@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:32 *** Quits: Lycan (Lycan@wibbly.wobbly.timey.wimey) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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08:33 *** Mongoose is now known as Pony_48160

08:33 *** Joins: Lycan (Lycan@wibbly.wobbly.timey.wimey)

08:33 *** Joins: RedHelper (RedHelper@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile)

08:34 <ConfusionRift> The... computer shows you...

08:34 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-o0hpne.9i7b.81d3.100e.2600.IP)

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08:35 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-m4vfkt.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:35 <ConfusionRift> Hmmmmm.

08:35 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:36 <Finwe> o3o

08:36 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

08:37 <ConfusionRift> Again. If you don't jump, you can jump in mid-air. So, by falling towards the opening, and jumping in the air, you should clear it.

08:39 <Finwe> Yup.

08:39 <Finwe> Schism: You're supposed to follow the other winged thing's example. o3o

08:40 <ConfusionRift> Think about it this way. If you don't jump, that jump is stored. So by simply falling, that jump can be used in the air.

08:40 *** Joins: rela (x@Pony-h8urmp.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

08:40 <Electron> Wow-wow! Take it easy!

08:41 <ConfusionRift> I'm sorry if I seemed to pressure a bit.

08:41 <ConfusionRift> Sheesh. I was sorry.

08:41 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP) (Quit: Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?)

08:41 *** Quits: WuBzY (wubzy@wubz.that.is.all) (Connection closed)

08:42 *** Joins: WuBzY (wubzy@wubz.that.is.all)

08:42 <ConfusionRift> What?!

08:42 <ConfusionRift> I am, so sorry. But that... that was... excuse me. (holds his laugh, hard)

08:43 * Electron feels bad for Schism

08:45 <ConfusionRift> Yay! New mechanic!

08:46 <Finwe> Use the force, Schism!

08:46 <Electron> Bloody heavens.

08:47 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:47 <Finwe> Hoody bleavens.

08:47 <Finwe> o3o

08:49 * ConfusionRift notices Schism's determination slowly dropping.

08:50 <ConfusionRift> You can do it, Schism! You caaaan do eeeeeeet!

08:51 * Electron noms on Finwe's fun

08:52 *** Joins: Bastion_1800 (Bastion_180@Pony-rnko0o.dynamic.surfer.at)

08:53 <ConfusionRift> Darn Metroid wannabe!

08:53 <Electron> You're doomed.

08:54 <ConfusionRift> Oh, this is not gonna be good.

08:54 <Gladiolus> I got a 486 and an Apple IIGS today o3o

08:54 <Bastion_1800> you cant do it

08:54 <Gladiolus> the 1980s have arrived

08:54 <Bastion_1800> give up all hope

08:55 * Gladiolus licks ConfusionRift

08:55 * ConfusionRift boops Gladiolus.

08:55 <Electron> That game isn't worth it.

08:56 <ConfusionRift> It's official. This system is no longer an Asus. Everything, including keyboard and mouse has been replaced.

08:56 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: Motherboard? Case?

08:56 * Gladiolus wiggles.

08:56 <ConfusionRift> Yes.

08:56 <Finwe> Wiring?

08:56 <ConfusionRift> Yes.

08:56 <Gladiolus> don't tell microsoft that :p

08:56 <Gladiolus> "It was just an upgrade!"

08:56 <Finwe> But it started its existence as an Asus?

08:57 <ConfusionRift> Yes, Finwe. And it's now a pile of parts on the side.

08:57 <Electron> All hopes are gone.

08:58 <Electron> That angel is a walking steak.

08:58 <ConfusionRift> Gladiolus: OEM license. I tried the "it's just an upgrade route", but that didn't work.

09:00 <ConfusionRift> Actually, I told them I have to replace the motherboard, since the previous one burned out. Which was true. But no. I got the "oh well, it's kinda a you problem, sorry" response.

09:01 <ConfusionRift> Whatever. A cousin, who is still studying, got the license for me for $20.

09:01 <FreezeFrame> Catching up through season 5. Episode 7's alternate title is definitely "The Return of Trollestia"

09:02 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-cvibue.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

09:03 <FreezeFrame> Also, "Discord acts like that drunken ex-boyfriend"

09:03 <ConfusionRift> Schism: This game can be classified as classic difficult.

09:03 <ConfusionRift> So... have fuuuuuuun.

09:05 <ConfusionRift> Also, we have to do something at some point.

09:06 <Schism> Aaaaaaaaaa!  What the hell did I just play?

09:07 <ConfusionRift> One of the reasons why I'm not really thinking on trying this game is because they have a lot of mechanics that you have to use and get used to as you progress. Many of them are second nature.

09:07 <ConfusionRift> Others don't make much sense.

09:08 <Schism> That's reasonable.

09:08 <ConfusionRift> Like that air-hopping.

09:08 <Schism> I will also be quiet and cannot stream from here, because evidently while my brother has little regard for my sleep schedule, his own is sacrosanct.

09:08 <ConfusionRift> I know. I KNOW, you will forget about that air-hop.

09:08 <Schism> Oh, you can guarantee it.

09:09 *** Quits: Finwe (vhalkola@Pony-bs4ovt.org.aalto.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:09 <ConfusionRift> Also, I'm sorta on that boat as well.

09:09 <Schism> That damned thing is practically counterintuitive.

09:09 <Schism> Actually.

09:09 <Schism> ConfusionRift, we need to buy this game for Cepheid.

09:09 <ConfusionRift> It doesn't help the new keyboard is super noisy.

09:10 <Schism> We absolutely and utterly need to get this game for Cephy.

09:10 <ConfusionRift> I had to make a $400 payment not long ago, and paid another $100 for a new keyboard and mouse.

09:10 <Schism> Nice...!

09:10 <ConfusionRift> Oh no. he will lose it at some point.

09:10 <Schism> <.<

09:10 <Schism> And?

09:10 <ConfusionRift> So we should then. :P

09:11 <Schism> Utterly.  I think he'll actually appreciate it, too.

09:11 *** Joins: Finwe (vhalkola@Pony-bs4ovt.org.aalto.fi)

09:11 <Schism> Finwe, we need to buy Wings of Vi for Cepheid.

09:11 <ConfusionRift> Then again, I think he beat the MH games. Something I have only dreamed of doing, especially solo.

09:12 <Schism> No, you can't BEAT the Monster Hunter games, but he certainly beat the final monsters in each.

09:12 <ConfusionRift> Well, me and my cous beat Portable 2. But it was downhill from there.

09:12 <Schism> He did, however, beat Rabi-Ribi on Hard and got through that damned Library.

09:13 <Schism> Which is the equivalent of self-flagellation.

09:16 <ConfusionRift> Well, will have to hold for now.

09:17 <ConfusionRift> And there's Shantae on my list.

09:17 <Schism> If Cepheid pops up in the next few hours, I'll poke him with this game.  And oh, that's a nice option.

09:17 * ConfusionRift checks the release date... oh no.

09:17 <FreezeFrame> I need to get around to those.

09:17 <Schism> You can also enjoy The Great Gianna Sisters.

09:17 <ConfusionRift> Well then!

09:18 <ConfusionRift> It got moved to "6 weeks" after the release date.

09:18 <Schism> Tch.  Honest, look up The Great Gianna Sisters.

09:19 <ConfusionRift> This... this is what kept me running this month of horror.

09:19 <ConfusionRift> Guuuuuuh. (flops)

09:19 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Connection closed)

09:19 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

09:19 <Schism> Well, it's pain.

09:19 * Gladiolus releases ConfusionRift

09:19 * Schism deadpans, "Life is pain."

09:20 <ConfusionRift> And pain... is living...

09:20 * ConfusionRift sees the "Facts of Life" banner over his head.

09:21 * Schism changelings into Maud Pie.

09:21 <ConfusionRift> Schism: The Amiga game?

09:21 *** Quits: RedHelper (RedHelper@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:22 *** Quits: Lycan (Lycan@wibbly.wobbly.timey.wimey) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:22 * Schism looks at ConfusionRift. "M.U.L.E. is a reasonable metaphor for life."

09:22 *** Joins: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-hd9ncd.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)

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09:23 *** Joins: Azzie (Azure@Pony-gcjcbu.publicBNC.canternet.org)

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09:24 *** Joins: RedHelper (RedHelper@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile)

09:24 <ConfusionRift> I actually feel kinda depressed. Anyways, sleep time. Laters. (sighs at his long week of work)

09:24 <ConfusionRift> At least I get three days off.

09:24 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-bc75a7.res.rr.com) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

09:25 <Schism> Gnrffff... I get my days off after today.  :<

09:26 <Schism> Oh, don't tell me...

09:27 <Schism> If my damned USB is at fault and it's bluescreening due to THAT I'm going to just throw up my hands and shriek.

09:28 * Gladiolus skrees at Schism

09:29 * Schism sticks an apple in Gladiolus' mouth.

09:29 * Gladiolus noms

09:30 * Schism also applies peanut butter.

09:32 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP) (Connection closed)

09:34 *** Joins: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP)

09:36 *** Quits: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:37 <FreezeFrame> And Slice of Life is basically "look at all the background pones".

09:37 *** Joins: DoubleDouble (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

09:37 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Connection closed)

09:38 <Electron> This is madness!

09:38 <Schism> I see you're playing Wings of Vi now.

09:39 <Schism> My head is a fine pink mist.

09:42 *** Joins: Double (Double@Pony-ua9.uq2.241.84.IP)

09:42 *** Quits: Double (Double@Pony-ua9.uq2.241.84.IP) (Connection closed)

09:43 *** Joins: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-609lvm.moqi.jndg.0587.2a02.IP)

09:44 *** Quits: DoubleDouble (Double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:47 *** Quits: Gladiolus (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you) (Connection closed)

09:49 *** Joins: Gladiolus (gladiolus@hugbat.is.hugging.you)

09:50 <Divide> I hate this game.

09:51 <Electron> Go figure!

09:51 <Divide> Haaaaaate :<

09:53 *** Joins: LunaticHell (LunaticHell@Pony-ef5kll.versanet.de)

09:53 <Divide> I'm going to gift this to Cepheid, I swear it.

09:53 <LunaticHell> gooooood morning, equestria

09:54 <Divide> LunaticHell: Wings of Vi, a game which you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

09:54 <LunaticHell> MILB https://derpibooru.org/1236567 Mothers I'd like to befriend.

09:54 <LunaticHell> Divide: Can't be worse than FATAL.

09:54 <Schism> It's not.

09:54 <LunaticHell> K

09:54 <Schism> Wings of Vi is evil.  EVIL.

09:55 <Schism> The damned game is winnable, but it'd take a sick mind to enjoy it.  Hence, a gift for Cepheid.

09:56 <FreezeFrame> Most of these platformers are ridiculous

09:57 <Schism> Damnit, Cepheid, you'd better show up in the next few minutes.

09:58 <Schism> Also, there's 20xx.

10:05 <Schism> Sigh.  No Cepheid.

10:06 <Schism> It has been only 7 hours.  He's prob'ly still asleep, with a Spitfire atop his head.

10:12 * Gladiolus hats on Schism

10:15 *** Quits: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-5qp7nf.res.rr.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

10:33 *** Joins: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@Pony-s7gnom.range86-170.btcentralplus.com)

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10:50 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP)

10:56 *** Quits: hiig (hiigaran@Pony-cv8.dga.215.31.IP) (Quit: Daddy, what does 'Formatting drive C' mean?)

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10:58 *** Joins: hiig (hiigaran@Pony-cv8.dga.215.31.IP)

10:59 *** Quits: Gladiolus (gladiolus@hugbat.is.hugging.you) (Quit: )

11:00 *** Quits: hiig (hiigaran@Pony-cv8.dga.215.31.IP) (Quit: Daddy, what does 'Formatting drive C' mean?)

11:00 *** Quits: SleepingShyBat (Nightshine@Squeaky.Cuddly.Batpony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:02 *** Joins: hiig (hiigaran@Pony-cv8.dga.215.31.IP)

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11:38 *** Joins: hiig (hiigaran@Pony-cv8.dga.215.31.IP)

11:43 <Bastion_1800> i want to get sting by a bullet ant

11:45 <hiig> you probably dont...

11:46 <hiig> worst ive been stung by was a jellyfish, and that felt like a mosquito bite set on fire

11:46 <hiig> somehow i doubt that even compares to a bullet ant

11:47 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-r69.n87.200.112.IP)

11:48 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-88n.eoa.56.172.IP)

11:51 *** Quits: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:53 <Bastion_1800> but it sounds like a lot of fun

11:54 *** Joins: BerryPunch (uid40706@Element.of.Alcohol)

11:58 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

11:59 *** Quits: Cloud_Zephyr (sid114963@all.the.booty) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:02 *** Joins: Cloud_Zephyr (sid114963@all.the.booty)

12:02 *** Quits: hiig (hiigaran@Pony-cv8.dga.215.31.IP) (Client exited)

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12:18 * Electron emits negativity

12:19 * Sour_Sweet wraps Electron in the most positive cotton candy.

12:19 * hiig is a boson and is not affected

12:20 <Verandure> W begs to differ.

12:20 <hiig> touche

12:21 <Electron> But it is sweet, Sour_Sweet.

12:34 *** Quits: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP) (Quit: )

12:34 *** Joins: Pony|94989 (Pony94989@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net)

12:35 *** Pony|94989 is now known as ThatAnonPony

12:49 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP) (Quit: Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?)

12:50 *** Joins: ChaosMageX (ChaosMageX@Pony-r9l.lqh.138.47.IP)

12:55 *** Quits: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners) (Quit: I will return to the shadows)

13:02 <Heartbreak> asdf

13:03 <Verandure> Yes.

13:05 <Verandure> How was work?

13:08 <Bastion_1800> Heartbreal

13:08 <Bastion_1800> k

13:08 <Bastion_1800> how is it going

13:10 <Electron> Herbrake.

13:11 * Electron hue hue hue's

13:12 * Bastion_1800 hue hue hueยดs

13:14 <Verandure> Hue 256 saturation 100

13:18 * Verandure is Verandure, Killer of Jokes, Devourer of Humor, Ender of Conversation, Hoarse Horse of Coarse Force

13:20 *** Joins: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP)

13:27 * ThatAnonPony asdf's at Heartbreak.

13:28 <Bastion_1800> hue hue hue

13:32 * Electron covers Verandure with his negativity field

13:33 * Verandure is driving.

13:34 *** Quits: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-609lvm.moqi.jndg.0587.2a02.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:39 *** Quits: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:43 <LunaticHell> I'm back, fillies.

13:43 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-n10514.aq1i.6erg.fb90.2607.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:43 <LunaticHell> One day Fluttershy decided to NOT go on an adventure, here are her tales. https://derpibooru.org/1201290

13:44 <Bastion_1800> http://www.playbuzz.com/thisguyinc10/what-color-lightsaber-would-you-have this is very interessting

13:58 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-0bbtn5.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

13:59 *** Joins: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-n10514.aq1i.6erg.fb90.2607.IP)

13:59 *** Joins: Cloud_Chamber (Verandure@Pony-2e6ket.tx.charter.com)

14:03 *** Quits: Verandure (Verandure@Pony-n10514.aq1i.6erg.fb90.2607.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:04 *** Quits: Cloud_Chamber (Verandure@Pony-2e6ket.tx.charter.com) (Client exited)

14:10 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

14:14 *** Quits: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:16 *** Joins: Scootaloo (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

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14:21 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles)

14:46 *** Joins: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com)

14:47 *** Quits: ChaosMageX (ChaosMageX@Pony-r9l.lqh.138.47.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:48 <Sour_Sweet> LunaticHell: BORING!

14:48 *** Joins: ChaosMageX (ChaosMageX@Pony-r9l.lqh.138.47.IP)

14:53 <hiig> Sour_Sweet: shy's doctor has expressed major concerns over her blood pressure.

14:53 *** Joins: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@Pony-0k30cu.threembb.co.uk)

14:53 <wobniaR> You're boring

14:57 <Bastion_1800> wobniaR how is it going

14:57 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

14:57 * Sour_Sweet aggressively snuggles wobniaR

14:59 *** Joins: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-pveddk.wa.comcast.net)

15:00 *** Joins: LisaSquarePants (LisaSquareP@Pony-uqoufl.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

15:00 <LisaSquarePants> hello

15:01 <Sour_Sweet> Hello LisaSquarePants

15:01 <LisaSquarePants> how are you?

15:02 <Sour_Sweet> Fine, thanks. And you?

15:02 <LisaSquarePants> mehh

15:05 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-rtp5qo.as43234.net)

15:05 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SunsetShimmer

15:06 <wobniaR> !s6

15:06 <DerpyBot> The next episode airs in 0d:00h:23m:55s

15:06 <Finwe> o3o

15:06 <LisaSquarePants> oh cool!

15:06 <Finwe> Miss LisaSquarePants.

15:06 <LisaSquarePants> hi

15:06 * Finwe straightens his bowtie and doffs his hat.

15:07 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-cjuaat.5vvu.qa1d.1006.2600.IP)

15:07 <LisaSquarePants> why are you Always so facny?

15:08 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Radm. Finwe. (Salutes)

15:08 <Finwe> Lt The_Nostalgia_Mare.

15:08 <Finwe> o7

15:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> So..one of my Applications got rejected...

15:09 <SunsetShimmer> The_Nostalgia_Mare: You'll get that, it's life

15:09 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> I know.

15:13 <wobniaR> ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ

15:15 *** Quits: LisaSquarePants (LisaSquareP@Pony-uqoufl.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:15 *** Joins: LisaSquarePants (LisaSquareP@Pony-uqoufl.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

15:15 <SunsetShimmer> Small horses in 15 minutes, come party in equestriaspoilers! :P

15:15 <LisaSquarePants> Wobniar how did you do that?

15:16 <wobniaR> Simple emojis

15:17 *** Quits: LisaSquarePants (LisaSquareP@Pony-uqoufl.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:17 *** Joins: LisaSquarePants (LisaSquareP@Pony-uqoufl.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

15:18 <LisaSquarePants> but how?

15:18 <wobniaR> My keyboard has the option for them

15:18 <LisaSquarePants> i want that too!

15:18 <Sour_Sweet> Did you know that emojis are racist? There is no pegasus emoji!

15:19 <wobniaR> Unicorn master race

15:19 <LisaSquarePants> i think it isint a unicorn either

15:19 <LisaSquarePants> just a horse

15:19 <Sour_Sweet> But there is a unicorn one

15:19 <wobniaR> ๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„

15:20 <LisaSquarePants> ๐Ÿฆ„

15:20 <LisaSquarePants> hey that works!

15:20 <LisaSquarePants> awesome!

15:21 *** EndenDragon is now known as EndenDragon|StreamingNewPone

15:23 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-mbeoo9.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

15:23 * hiig doesnt see them

15:24 <hiig> seriously, i see six tiny hexadeximal digits between two pipe symbols

15:24 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-9n4esv.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP)

15:25 *** Quits: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:25 <wobniaR> Emojis use some silly unicode characters or something, not all irc clients can read then

15:25 <Sour_Sweet> Inferior clients cannot render symbols that cute.

15:26 <Sour_Sweet> (The main problem is that emojis are generally drawn with multi color vector fonts and support for those is still quite lacking outside of the mobile world.)

15:28 <wobniaR> Yeah AndroIRC renders them quite well at least

15:29 <wobniaR> Also new horses beginning!

15:29 <Sour_Sweet> YES

15:34 <Sour_Sweet> Yay Sing-along Sunday!

15:34 <LisaSquarePants> sorry i gtg :)

15:34 *** Quits: LisaSquarePants (LisaSquareP@Pony-uqoufl.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:37 *** Joins: ChaosAlchemistX (ChaosMageX@Pony-r9l.lqh.138.47.IP)

15:38 *** Quits: jimmt (horse@Pony-fr7.dqo.55.45.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:38 * Sour_Sweet holds Electron tightly

15:38 * Electron got startled

15:38 *** Quits: ChaosMageX (ChaosMageX@Pony-r9l.lqh.138.47.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:39 <Electron> *Sigh* I'll never get used to it...

15:41 * Sour_Sweet evil giggles

15:43 *** Joins: Pony|94587 (Pony94587@Pony-mfe.4ii.58.172.IP)

15:44 <Pony|94587> Hi

15:44 * Sour_Sweet waves at Pony|94587

15:46 *** Quits: Pony|94587 (Pony94587@Pony-mfe.4ii.58.172.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:49 *** Joins: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@Pony-mcqr3n.n4ri.ljqb.e800.2404.IP)

15:50 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Connection closed)

15:51 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

15:53 <Sour_Sweet> But I want a pony ZippySack ;-/

15:59 *** Quits: unicodingunicorn (unicodingun@small.floofy.uni.pone) (Quit: goodnight)

16:00 <wobniaR> 11/11 i want more

16:00 <Surreal_Nightmares> Floof

16:01 <Sour_Sweet> โˆž/10

16:01 * Sour_Sweet cuddles Electron.

16:01 * Surreal_Nightmares glomps Electron's face

16:02 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-cjuaat.5vvu.qa1d.1006.2600.IP) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

16:02 * Electron is overwhelmed by fluffy ponies

16:02 <wobniaR> Now it's time for last episode of ace sttorney, sadface

16:02 *** EndenDragon|StreamingNewPone is now known as EndenDragon

16:03 * Electron tickles Sour_Sweet's frog by Surreal_Nightmares' floof

16:03 <Electron> What do you "last", wobniaR?

16:05 <wobniaR> It's the last episode of justice for all

16:05 <wobniaR> And maybe for this season of the anime

16:07 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Connection closed)

16:13 *** Joins: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64)

16:14 *** Quits: ChaosAlchemistX (ChaosMageX@Pony-r9l.lqh.138.47.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:28 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

16:28 <Cepheid> !mbox list

16:29 * Cepheid flails in.

16:30 *** Quits: eXAKR (eXAKR@Pony-k3t.abl.197.124.IP) (Quit: Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?)

16:37 <Lumindia> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CdKaeGEWAAAtvUE.jpg:large Who turned down the draw distance?

16:37 <Cepheid> Lumindia, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but we call that fog.

16:42 <Renny> Noh Cepheid

16:42 <Renny> It is /render/ distance

16:42 <Cepheid> Fog.

16:43 <Renny> :v

16:43 *** Quits: WuBzY (wubzy@wubz.that.is.all) (Connection closed)

16:43 <SunsetShimmer> Render Fog!

16:43 *** Joins: WuBzY (wubzy@wubz.that.is.all)

16:44 <Lumindia> "The Hot Pocket item was poorly programmed, as it will always appear to have the Cold status until you attempt to consume it."

16:45 *** Joins: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-dsqr25.moqi.jndg.0587.2a02.IP)

16:45 *** Quits: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-dsqr25.moqi.jndg.0587.2a02.IP) (Quit: I must go, my planet needs me.)

16:46 *** Joins: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-dsqr25.moqi.jndg.0587.2a02.IP)

16:52 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

16:53 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-r69.n87.200.112.IP) (Quit: rip)

16:53 <wobniaR> Oh man that part with Franziska in the end made me cry too

16:54 <Schism> Darn you and darn your hot pockets.

16:54 <Schism> Now I need to head off and pick up some things.

16:56 * Schism boops wobniaR with a Manfred Von Karma plush doll.

17:00 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP)

17:03 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-r69.n87.200.112.IP)

17:06 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-ctl0km.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

17:06 <Bastion_1800> is friendship madic ?

17:06 <Bastion_1800> magic

17:06 <hiig> friendship is manic

17:07 * Not-Renny throws friendship at hiig

17:07 * hiig is set on fire

17:08 <Not-Renny> So much friendship c:

17:08 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

17:08 <Electron> I believe in friendship, but I don't believe in magic. What do?

17:08 * Not-Renny is reminded of the Meet the Pyro video

17:09 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-o0hpne.9i7b.81d3.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:10 * Not-Renny also exposes Electron to the power of friendship

17:12 <Lumindia> I don't get iot... I bought this loaf of bread less than a week ago and already parts of it are stale

17:12 <hiig> how are you storing it?

17:12 <Lumindia> in a fridge

17:12 <hiig> wait, stale stale, or mouldy?

17:13 <Lumindia> 'not soft' stale

17:13 <hiig> http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2011/08/bread-goes-stale-about-six-times-faster-in-the-refrigerator-than-at-room-temperature/

17:14 <Lumindia> hmm

17:14 <Not-Renny> Does this article have credible sources?

17:14 * hiig shrugs

17:14 <hiig> first result on google

17:14 <Not-Renny> Lol

17:15 <hiig> though a lot of the results say similar things

17:16 <SunsetShimmer> Never store bread in a fridge. o.o

17:16 <wobniaR> ^

17:17 * hiig doesnt even have any ingredients to store in a fridge in the first place

17:17 <Lumindia> hmmm

17:17 <wobniaR> Put it in a sealed bag or wrap in plastic/aluminum if you want to keep it fresh longer

17:17 <SunsetShimmer> Fridges literally ruin the bread in a day or two

17:17 <Lumindia> yeah, I tried leaving it out of the fridge once. four days later, mold

17:18 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-plfcq4.f82t.6p92.100e.2600.IP)

17:18 <Lumindia> threw it right the heck out

17:18 <hiig> seriously, all my ingredients are stored in large sealed containers. 20 kilos of rice, 5 kilos of beans, 10 kilos of lentils, and 5 kilos of peas, all dry stuff

17:18 <SunsetShimmer> Get a storage container

17:18 <SunsetShimmer> and do that.

17:18 <hiig> makes shopping so much easier and less frequent

17:18 <SunsetShimmer> bread is fickle and doesn't really like being stored badly

17:18 <SunsetShimmer> bananas are worse, lol

17:18 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-ctl0km.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:18 <wobniaR> You can leave unripe bananas out for a while

17:19 <SunsetShimmer> Yeah

17:19 <wobniaR> Food storage with #EquestriaDaily

17:19 <Lumindia> :P

17:19 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-ctl0km.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

17:20 <Lumindia> I've heard that freezing the bread can also help

17:20 <Lumindia> I do that with hamburger buns

17:20 <wobniaR> Madness

17:20 <Lumindia> ?

17:20 <hiig> wobniaR: gotta be prepared for the nuclear holocaust

17:22 * Electron takes notes on how to store food and keep it fresh

17:22 * Not-Renny takes notes on Electron's note taking

17:23 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-plfcq4.f82t.6p92.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:23 *** Quits: rela (x@Pony-h8urmp.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)

17:24 *** Joins: rela (x@Pony-h8urmp.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:25 <Electron> "Keep your foot in a 20 kilos container."

17:25 <Electron> Shucks. Wrong.

17:25 <Cepheid> The foam pattern on my coffee could be used as a compass.

17:26 <Cepheid> As I turn, the foam counter-rotates, keeping it's original orientation relative to the world.

17:26 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/4q8UC

17:26 <hiig> would it be closer to a compass, or a gyro?

17:28 <Cepheid> Probably a gyro.

17:28 <Cepheid> A compass points to North, this is closer to a gyroscope.  I just used "compass" as it was the closest word I could think of at the time that fit the description.

17:29 *** Joins: ChaosMageX (ChaosMageX@Pony-r9l.lqh.138.47.IP)

17:30 <Schism> Cepheid: Have you played 'Wings of Vi' yet?  <.< >.>

17:30 <Sour_Sweet> SunsetShimmer: You have weird bread

17:30 <Lumindia> ":We recommend choosing "White," "Middle-Class," and "Male" settings when starting your run for lowest difficulty."

17:31 <SunsetShimmer> <Sour_Sweet> SunsetShimmer: You have weird bread - Store bought white. :P

17:32 <Sour_Sweet> For the classical European style darker bread sure that's not supposed to be in the fridge. Toast on the other hoof actually lasts a lot longer in the fridge.

17:32 *** Joins: Jmygamers (Jmygamers@Pony-eln.vls.59.96.IP)

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17:32 <Cepheid> Schism, no, but I am familiar with it.  Likewise, have you played 20XX yet?

17:32 <Schism> I haven't picked that one up, but it's on my list.

17:33 *** Quits: Jmygamers (Jmygamers@Pony-eln.vls.59.96.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

17:33 <Schism> Cephy: Wings of Vi has a demo.  <.<  I want to see how often you die while trying it.

17:33 <Cepheid> No, you just want to see how I respond to the over-endowed angels.

17:33 <Schism> Actually, the difficulty is blasphemy-inducing.

17:34 <Schism> Though, granted, the angels are back-pain-inducingly-endowed.

17:35 <Cepheid> Heh.  Seriously though, check out 20XX.  It's a randomly-generated Megaman game.

17:35 <Cepheid> Megaman X-series in particular.

17:35 <Schism> I saw!  NicktendoNick did a play of it, and it looks very enticing.

17:36 *** Joins: rela_ (x@Pony-h8urmp.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

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17:39 <Cepheid> And it has smart-aleck doctors.

17:40 <Cepheid> Who should be called Dr. Dark(If we assume "Dr. Light" as the original.  Dr. Wrong if "Dr. Right".), and Dr. Guileless.

17:41 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-ctl0km.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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17:46 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-a1u48h.h6fv.hs27.100e.2600.IP)

17:46 * Cepheid sits atop Twilight`Sparkle, pickling.

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17:49 *** Joins: PostNinja (Mibbit@Pony-mat4vn.koas.jyu.fi)

17:54 <LunaticHell> Hey ponies~

17:54 * LunaticHell boops Cepheid and hugs SunsetShimmer.

17:54 <Renny> Hey, LunaticHell

17:54 * Schism boops LunaticHell with some pumpernickel and spinach dip.

17:54 * Renny is definitely a pony

17:54 <LunaticHell> I dunno about you, but I'm pump'd for egypt. :3

17:55 <LunaticHell> hey Rem-my.

17:56 <Renny> :v

17:56 * Schism hats on LunaticHell, nommin' away at his Greek-styled salad.

17:58 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/984919 o. o

17:58 <Cepheid> Not right now, LunaticHell.  I got other stuff I need to do.

17:58 <LunaticHell> K

17:59 <LunaticHell> Wait on a *checks date* saturday?

17:59 <LunaticHell> Hold on...today is saturday?

18:00 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/1212555

18:00 *** Quits: ChaosMageX (ChaosMageX@Pony-r9l.lqh.138.47.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:00 <Cepheid> While I have a job I do three days a week, on my free time, I work on stuff that's meant to try and help me get a better job. :P

18:01 <LunaticHell> huh cool

18:01 *** Quits: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k) (Connection closed)

18:03 *** Joins: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k)

18:03 <Cepheid> LunaticHell:  Sure you don't mean "neat"? :P

18:03 <LunaticHell> Huh right

18:03 <Cepheid> ...

18:03 <LunaticHell> *ahem*

18:04 <LunaticHell> huh neat

18:04 * Cepheid is just poking fun at you, don't worry about it. :P

18:04 <LunaticHell> I just play along, now it's time to find the thing I missed watching today

18:04 <LunaticHell> aaaaaaand I found nothing

18:06 <Cepheid> http://imgur.com/gallery/jyOVH Stingrays are water puppies.  Deadly water puppies that spear people through the heart.

18:09 *** Quits: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k) (Connection closed)

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18:12 <wobniaR> Wow i was playing a game and it crashed so hard my screen just went black and made a ton of brrrrrrrrr noise

18:13 <Cepheid> Today's programming-related tasks:  1)  Create CMake project file to generate various IDE project files from.  2)  Debate the pros and cons of bitmap fonts, and implementing them.  3)  Implement the player character.

18:14 <Schism> Cepheid: It really was sad that Steve Irwin got stabbed through the heart.  I mean, seriously, what an ignominious way to go for the man who brought nature to people.

18:15 <Schism> Well, one of them.  Attenborough's still alive.

18:15 <Cepheid> Heh.

18:17 <Cepheid> I think I'ma just implement bitmap fonts.  Not that vector fonts are too much trouble, they just don't seem to work as I expect them to.

18:17 <Schism> Wings of Vi's first boss is perfectly sane and reasonable.  At that point, things... escalate.

18:17 * Schism nods.

18:18 <Cepheid> That said, there's no standardized font format for bitmap fonts.  Aside from using a bitmap/PNG image.  Which I'd *RATHER* not use for certain reasons.

18:18 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (Hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP)

18:19 <LunaticHell> Can't find todays episode anywhere. o. o

18:19 <LunaticHell> and I think I found it

18:19 *** Parts: CocoPommel (Coco@kind.hearted.earth.pone) ("back later")

18:20 <Cepheid> Hmm..

18:22 * Cepheid blehs. "Simplest solution is the best."

18:22 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-r69.n87.200.112.IP) (Connection closed)

18:23 <wobniaR> Today's episode was great but i can't say more yet

18:26 <Bastion_1800> what does that title mean PPOV ?

18:30 *** Joins: Classic_M (Classic_M@Pony-ginum9.dhcp.inet.fi)

18:37 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Super Short Animation: Luna's Gift  [ http://tinyurl.com/h49swhw ]

18:39 <Divide> Mmm...

18:39 <Divide> Soup, salad, and sandwich.

18:39 *** Divide is now known as Divide|Tech

18:39 <Divide|Tech> A good lunch.

18:40 *** Quits: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k) (Connection closed)

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18:40 *** Quits: Classic_M (Classic_M@Pony-ginum9.dhcp.inet.fi) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

18:41 <LunaticHell> K, done watching.

18:41 <LunaticHell> Now to speak about - pause for dramatic effect -

18:42 <LunaticHell> Rick and Morty, I'm rewatching the first season.

18:43 <hiig> whens the next season coming?

18:44 <LunaticHell> Not soon enough, I'm afraid.

18:46 <Divide|Tech> "You're the only friendly changeling of which we know in Canterlot.  This is for the benefit of medical science." "And you two are amidst the only alicorns in Canterlot.  Get back to me once you've had a spinal tap and a bone marrow scraping."

18:50 * Cepheid shudders. Spinal taps.

18:50 <Cepheid> Still can't believe I managed three of them in one month.

18:52 <hiig> those are the ridiculously painful ones, right?

18:53 *** Joins: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-ooh049.dynamic.surfer.at)

18:53 <LunaticHell> So you want to say, Cepheid, you have been into...

18:53 <LunaticHell> Spinal tap dance?

18:54 <hiig> Cepheid: do i have permission to smack LunaticHell around?

18:54 *** Joins: Moonlightning (blackl@property.of.lightningcrash)

18:55 <LunaticHell> It's fun to laugh about ridiculous painful things, I once laughed about a horrible skin desease that made me scream in pain, in the hospital, while waiting on the doctor and not recieving any kind of painkiller.

18:56 <LunaticHell> Fun thing about this desease was: it wasn't anything difficult or even lethal, it was just a specific one that causes horrible amounts of pain.

18:57 <Moonlightning> I join, and the first thing in the repost...

18:57 <Moonlightning> [11:55:00] < Cepheid> Still can't believe I managed three of them in one month.

18:57 <Moonlightning> ...oh, I misread that as /mouth/. >.>

18:58 <LunaticHell> hey Moonlightning, he was spinal tap dancing.

18:58 *** Joins: Fall (FallSilent@silently)

18:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +ao Fall Fall

19:00 <Cepheid> Hiig:  Go nuts.

19:00 <Cepheid> LunaticHell, a spinal tap is so ridiculously painful the first time I had it done I nearly fainted.

19:01 * hiig slaps LunaticHell around a bit with a large trout

19:01 <LunaticHell> I know.

19:01 <LunaticHell> I deserved that.

19:01 <hiig> would spinal be more painful than marrow?

19:01 <hiig> ive heard marrow is horrendous

19:01 <LunaticHell> Oh yes.

19:02 <LunaticHell> If you don't like needles, you gonna hate it when they need to take bone marrow from you.

19:02 <LunaticHell> Or the bone marrow liquid.

19:02 <Moonlightning> Wait, what o.o;

19:03 <hiig> what wat?

19:03 <SunsetShimmer> What is even going on? XD

19:03 <hiig> medical stuffs!

19:03 *** Joins: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-ef2qrr.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP)

19:05 <SunsetShimmer> https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HkqEhW1L93U/V-bFmhPnlqI/AAAAAAACqkI/hUDu9ovKWeAo3Y_5CoqXnZvnd6DYG0hqQCLcB/s400/05.jpg - This is a glorious blind bag

19:05 <SunsetShimmer> all of the scrunchymuzzle

19:05 <CleverDerpy> Derpy just finished a new art, may I share?

19:06 *** Joins: DataByteBrony (DataByte@databyte.fimfetch.net)

19:06 <LunaticHell> Sure.

19:07 <SunsetShimmer> Go for it!

19:07 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-9n4esv.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:07 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Images of All Wave 18 Blingbag Ponies Appear!  [ http://tinyurl.com/hxf9v9q ]

19:08 <CleverDerpy> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23909525/stuff/FA%20Stuff%203/Amethyst_SU%20Base_00001.png

19:08 <CleverDerpy> it was a request from pony square

19:08 <SunsetShimmer> xD Amathyst - good stuff

19:08 <CleverDerpy> also last night, I did Sailor yuki

19:08 <CleverDerpy> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23909525/stuff/FA%20Stuff%203/Sailor%20Yuki%20Base_00001.png

19:10 <Cepheid> I have not had bone marrow done.  Don't want to.  Spinal tap is enough.  *Shudders*

19:11 <Cepheid> Three spinal taps, two MRIs(MRI, fMRI), an X-ray, and several blood tests in one month.

19:11 <Cepheid> This is why I argue that in the US, I'd be bankrupt right now. :P

19:11 <Cepheid> No health insurance company would ever willingly cover me, either.

19:12 <hiig> shit dude, mind if i ask what youre constantly in for?

19:14 <Cepheid> If I'm not treated using copious amounts of aleve or tylenol on a daily basis, I suffer headaches.  It's caused by a sinus infection that won't go away.  But at the pestering of my mother, I've also had my spinal fluids checked, my skull checked, and my brain checked .

19:14 *** Joins: ChaosMageX (ChaosMageX@Pony-f4f.a1f.138.47.IP)

19:14 *** Joins: DARK (DARK@Pony-g3ig0n.044o.qq38.0e35.2a01.IP)

19:14 <SunsetShimmer> Cephs a pretty unfortunate individual for his health matters, yus

19:15 <Cepheid> Because her brother passed away from an aneurysm, and even though I was checked way in the past for such a problem, my mother wanted to doubly make sure.

19:15 <CleverDerpy> i really wanted to get an app

19:15 <DARK> hello =)

19:15 *** Joins: PKid (androirc@Pony-7b4pe0.client.mchsi.com)

19:15 <CleverDerpy> but it costs 7 dollars i dun have, i'm not sure what to do

19:15 <PKid> question

19:15 <PKid> is legend of everfree that is airing in Brazil in English or Portuguese

19:17 <hiig> that sucks big time.

19:17 <hiig> are your sinuses affected by pressure changes?

19:17 <SunsetShimmer> PKid: Not sure yet

19:17 <Cepheid> Pressure changes make it worse, yes.  As does dust.  But it's something that persists regardless of conditions.

19:18 <PKid> ok thanks

19:19 <Cepheid> That said, the changes between seasons right now is hitting me hard.

19:19 <LunaticHell> Hey ceph, is your leg doing any better?

19:20 *** Joins: Pinkie_Pie (Reia@TheCowPony)

19:20 <LunaticHell> foot*

19:21 <Cepheid> Yeah, I can walk again.

19:21 <LunaticHell> That's good to hear.

19:21 <Cepheid> Still a little sore.  Another day or two should fix it up completely.

19:22 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:22 <LunaticHell> Well, try to lightly massage the underside of your food a bit, this should help increasing the blood flow and making it feel a little less sore.

19:22 <LunaticHell> A massage ball can work wonders.

19:23 <LunaticHell> Well brb haning out the cloths to dry.

19:23 *** Joins: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

19:23 *** Quits: PKid (androirc@Pony-7b4pe0.client.mchsi.com) (Connection closed)

19:23 * Changeling_Nightmares nibbles on Cepheid's leg.

19:24 * hiig massages the underside of his sandwich

19:24 <hiig> its not doing anything!

19:25 * Cepheid has a full list of instructions on what to do for his foot.

19:25 * Changeling_Nightmares climbs up Cepheid and hats.

19:28 * Divide|Tech noms happily upon Ian Anderson's 2014 album.

19:28 <Divide|Tech> o/` Pax Brittanica, Pax Brittanica...

19:32 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-a1u48h.h6fv.hs27.100e.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:37 *** Joins: Iks2nd (Deggl@Pony-2hmasc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

19:37 * Divide|Tech beats their head against a wall. "Make. Freaking. BACKUPS!"

19:37 *** Joins: Golden (Golden@Pony-0bbtn5.co.comcast.net)

19:38 *** Quits: Iks (Deggl@Pony-pm2.q4n.211.95.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:40 <Divide|Tech> CX formatted their computer, now they want to know why their mail after 30 days has disappeared.

19:43 *** Joins: Pony|84592 (Pony84592@Pony-nkm1ic.tx.comcast.net)

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19:44 *** Pinkie_Pie is now known as Reia

19:45 <LunaticHell> OH mail....derp.

19:46 <LunaticHell> Divide|Tech: I read that their mall disappeard.

19:46 <LunaticHell> I could have helped with that, but disappearing mail is beyond me to fix.

19:46 <LunaticHell> be right back

19:49 <Divide|Tech> LunaticHell: It's not on our servers, it's beyond our ability to fix, I pointed them at their old PST and ran for the hills.

19:55 *** Joins: Snapai (Snapai@weanimatethings.com)

19:55 <Lumindia> http://puu.sh/rmtsw/9257bee5cf.jpg well then

19:56 <Divide|Tech> Ohai, a wild Snapai appears.

19:56 * Divide|Tech hats on Snapai. Chibiling, buzz.

19:56 <SunsetShimmer> May the great Steam-lord Sterling smile favourably upon you, Rolly!~

19:57 <Divide|Tech> Listening to Ian Anderson today, while I work.  Is much good.

19:57 <SunsetShimmer> Wrong chat, derp

19:59 *** Joins: Person (Tilde@Pony-j6jmp3.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP)

20:02 <wobniaR> Sterling? The only steam lord i know is Gaben

20:03 *** Quits: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-ef2qrr.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:03 <SunsetShimmer> Jim Sterling, son! :P

20:03 * SunsetShimmer patpats wobniaR

20:03 <wobniaR> Who dat? Some nerd?

20:04 <wobniaR> Oh he's some YouTube dude

20:04 <SunsetShimmer> He's pretty a'ight

20:04 <wobniaR> Sureeee

20:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend [ http://tinyurl.com/jjkdwr9 ]

20:04 <wobniaR> You say that about Markiplier and probably pewdiepie too

20:05 <SunsetShimmer> Not in the same way. o.o

20:05 <wobniaR> Sterling seems more like a troll jerk rather than an entertainer

20:05 <SunsetShimmer> Jim is more of a games journalist type...not quite conventional in his methods

20:06 <SunsetShimmer> His trolly behaviour is certainly a thing, but he's also good at what he does outside of that. :P

20:08 *** Joins: gruym7 (gruym7@Pony-79a0sq.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)

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20:16 * wobniaR patpats SunsetShimmer

20:16 <wobniaR> Yes yes you and your reviewers

20:17 <Twilight`Sparkle> markimoo doesn't review games, he plays them and lets us watch him do it.

20:18 <wobniaR> Same thing to me and my ignorance on famous internet stars

20:18 <wobniaR> Luckily i have google to educate myself

20:18 <wobniaR> And pizza

20:19 <Twilight`Sparkle> Well it's the difference between someone who watches a movie with you and someone who tells you if the movie is good or not without you watching it.

20:19 *** Quits: Iks2nd (Deggl@Pony-2hmasc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Connection closed)

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20:19 <Bastion_1800> what does PPOV mean

20:20 <Twilight`Sparkle> what's the context?

20:20 <SunsetShimmer> you can't just ask us what that means and not remind us where you saw it.

20:20 <Bastion_1800> S06E22 - PPOV ^^

20:20 <Sour_Sweet> "Jim Sterling, son! :P" Not listing his complete title is heresy. 6_9

20:20 <hiig> you mean the episode? pony point of view?

20:20 <Bastion_1800> pony point of view thanks

20:20 <Twilight`Sparkle> His complete title is not appropriate for this channel.

20:21 <SunsetShimmer> x3

20:21 <Bastion_1800> huh why not

20:21 <Sour_Sweet> Twilight`Sparkle: I knuuu! That's the joke ;-)

20:21 <SunsetShimmer> Bastion_1800: Go...look it up?

20:21 <SunsetShimmer> it's a ratings issue

20:21 *** Quits: Lumindia (IceChat9@is.a.miner.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:21 <Twilight`Sparkle> Jim Sterling vs. ... what was the developer anyway?

20:22 <SunsetShimmer> Digital Homicide

20:22 * SunsetShimmer just laughs, what silliness

20:22 <Twilight`Sparkle> right, them.

20:22 <Sour_Sweet> More like Digital Suicide ...

20:22 <Bastion_1800> its just an episode title

20:23 <SunsetShimmer> We're not talking about THAT anymore.

20:23 <SunsetShimmer> the title we meant was related to our discussion, not your question. :P

20:24 <Bastion_1800> oh

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20:29 *** Quits: Fall (FallSilent@silently) (Quit: )

20:30 <Bastion_1800> Has anypony ever been at rome befor?

20:32 <Sour_Sweet> Yes

20:32 <Bastion_1800> How is it

20:32 <Bastion_1800> Gonna fly in 2 days

20:32 <Bastion_1800> And i dont know what to watch first

20:33 <Sour_Sweet> It was great but then again it was many years ago.

20:34 <Sour_Sweet> So for tips just look at a tour guide :P

20:34 <Bastion_1800> Will do ^^

20:34 <Sour_Sweet> I remember ice cream being insanely expensive

20:35 <Bastion_1800> From what i heared is that the pizzas are aful

20:35 <Bastion_1800> Awful

20:35 *** Joins: Lumindia (IceChat9@Pony-lcup4h.pbg.ptd.net)

20:35 <hiig> im guessing only in the touristy areas

20:36 <Sour_Sweet> I actually had one of my best pizzas in Italy. :P

20:36 *** SleepFrame is now known as FreezeFrame

20:36 <hiig> youd expect it to be!

20:36 <Bastion_1800> Lol guess i have to find out by myself

20:36 <hiig> you probably have to find the proper local places that arent swarmed by tourists

20:37 *** Joins: Arkomeda (GreekOwl@Pony-dsqr25.moqi.jndg.0587.2a02.IP)

20:37 *** Joins: Sombra (Iceman@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

20:38 *** Joins: Cream_Pie (CreamPie@Pony-l9bc7r.nh.comcast.net)

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20:39 <Bastion_1800> Cream_Pie

20:39 * Bastion_1800 laughs childish

20:40 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

20:40 *** Reia_Sleep is now known as Reia_Hope

20:41 * Cream_Pie grins

20:45 <Cepheid> >.>

20:45 <Bastion_1800> Hue hue hue

20:47 <Cream_Pie> Chat rooms just aren't as active as the old days *sigh*

20:48 <Bastion_1800> You have a specific topic in your mind you want to talk about

20:49 * Bastion_1800 still grins because of your name

20:49 <Sombra> And you know why.

20:49 <Cream_Pie> Not exactly, read any good dark fics lately?

20:50 <Sombra> We don't talk about those here

20:51 * Cream_Pie chuckles ands flicks her tail over her cutie mark, glancing from side to side

20:51 * Cepheid sighs.

20:51 <Bastion_1800> Now we riot

20:51 *** Quits: LogicMatrix (LogicMatrix@Pony-5qp7nf.res.rr.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:52 <Sombra> Please see above status

20:52 <Cream_Pie> I am in the second channel as well

20:52 *** Parts: Cream_Pie (CreamPie@Pony-l9bc7r.nh.comcast.net) ()

20:53 <SunsetShimmer> Sombra: ...yes we do. o.o

20:53 <Lumindia> well props to them for not making a big fuss about it at least

20:53 <Sombra> Do we?

20:53 <Sombra> I thought this channel was sfw

20:53 <SunsetShimmer> not grimdarks, specifically, but fics are fine to talk about

20:53 <Lumindia> just a simple "oh, okay *leave*"

20:53 <Sombra> And pg

20:53 <Lumindia> I read a rather interesting fic about Pinkie Pie watching paint dry

20:53 <SunsetShimmer> well, I meant fics generally, not the darker stuffs. :P

20:54 <Lumindia> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjuurjC8ajPAhWG24MKHQYXBrMQFggeMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fimfiction.net%2Fstory%2F22329%2Fpinkie-watches-paint-dry&usg=AFQjCNGJL1ud62F4uwtkDIcLG6PYGfABdw&sig2=a4fflrkDU90SgGYSqr_yzw

20:54 <Lumindia> oh, wait

20:54 <Sombra> They asked specifically about dark fics

20:54 <Lumindia> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/22329/pinkie-watches-paint-dry

20:54 <Bastion_1800> Dark humor is best humor

20:54 <Lumindia> there we go, sorry

20:54 <Lumindia> "Pinkie Pie has an existential crisis while painting her room. "

20:55 <Cepheid> Bastion_1800:  No rioting.  North America could use less of it.

20:55 <wobniaR> Glimglam best pony or we riot

20:56 <Divide|Tech> ... yes, customer, your wifi signal can reach every corner of your house if it's placed in the center.  You have it in the CORNER OF YOUR HOUSE.

20:57 <Cepheid> I'm pretty sure riots would break out if we discontinued some staple product that everyone likes.  Like Wagon WHeels.

20:57 <Bastion_1800> Riot.

20:57 <Cepheid> Divide|Tech:  Not exactly.

20:57 <Bastion_1800> Where are the hatches

20:57 <Divide|Tech> Cepheid: Yes, I know the CGN3 is junk, but still.

20:57 <Cepheid> Wireless signals bounce off of walls, objects, obstructions, etc.

20:57 <Cepheid> And if the person has a faraday cage in their house, the signal won't reach inside that cage.

20:57 <Divide|Tech> I'm telling them all of this.  And telling them to get a freakin' extender.

20:58 <Cepheid> Or better yet, their house is constructed with metal studs instead of wooden studs.

20:58 <Divide|Tech> Oh hush, who wraps their walls in tinfoil.

20:58 <Cepheid> There are blind spots in my house that no wireless signal can reach, Divide|Tech.

20:58 <Divide|Tech> Oh, did you ever get around to printing out that optical illusion for Tizzy and Spitfire?

20:58 <Cepheid> Not yet.  Thanks for reminding me.

20:58 <Divide|Tech> I know, I know.

21:00 <LunaticHell> Mh...it has been a long time for me, but here I am.

21:00 <LunaticHell> Eating toffee.

21:01 <Bastion_1800> Luantic is this real life

21:01 <LunaticHell> Hehe

21:01 <Bastion_1800> Is this just fantasy

21:01 <Lumindia> Caught in a landslide

21:01 <Lumindia> no escape from reality

21:02 <LunaticHell> you messed up the first line, that's why I didn't notice it earlier.

21:02 <LunaticHell> "Is this >the< real life?"

21:02 <Lumindia> DIvide: What if the router  is IN the faraday cage?

21:02 <Lumindia> My father's office is entirely made of metal

21:02 <Lumindia> we get no cell phone reception on the inside

21:02 <LunaticHell> That's so metal/That's brutal.

21:02 <Bastion_1800> Dang it

21:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Legend of Everfree Airing Brazil Today - Livestream! [ http://tinyurl.com/gnvvbwr ]

21:03 <SunsetShimmer> I'll be too busy watching an Ace attorney 6 stream. o3o

21:04 <SunsetShimmer> Shock horror, my priorities!

21:04 <Bastion_1800> I bet the transformer ironhide loves metal musix

21:04 <Bastion_1800> *music

21:05 <LunaticHell> Well...all different kinds of sentient lifeforms/AI/and some non-sentient life forms like music.

21:06 <Bastion_1800> Cause he is a living being made of metal wich name is IRONhide and he listens to METAL all day

21:06 *** Joins: Nightshine (Nightshine@Squeaky.Cuddly.Batpony)

21:06 <LunaticHell> Question is: what kind of music?

21:06 <wobniaR> Why is it airing in brazil today

21:06 <wobniaR> Why

21:06 <LunaticHell> Damn I was late.

21:07 <Bastion_1800> My puns suck

21:07 <wobniaR> Now spoilers are gonna be all over the place

21:07 <SunsetShimmer> IKR?

21:07 <Bastion_1800> Tries to make a tripple pun but didnt work apperiantly

21:08 <LunaticHell> Well don't think it over to hard, Bastion_1800, or your gears will be the one to crack the joke.

21:09 * Bastion_1800 giggles

21:09 *** Joins: CMX|HTPC (CMXHTPC@Pony-pasg5q.tx.comcast.net)

21:11 *** Joins: Solis (BookOfKenzi@Fire.Is.Love.Fire.Is.Life)

21:11 <Cepheid> Unfortunately the optical illusion, when printed out for some reason, loses it's effect.

21:13 *** Joins: FN_away (Eogan@Pony-p6bknf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

21:13 <Bastion_1800> Why are you printing an optical illusion

21:14 <Cepheid> To try and screw with my cat.

21:14 <Bastion_1800> I dont think spitfite will fall for that ^^

21:15 <Cepheid> There are videos of optical illusions that induce "movement effects" messing with cats.

21:15 <Cepheid> The issue is just printing up this particular illusion removes the effect for some reason, even when I look at it.

21:16 *** Quits: FruitNibbler (Eogan@Pony-1g7a6l.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

21:16 <Bastion_1800> Its the paper

21:16 <Cepheid> Probably.

21:17 <Bastion_1800> Well gotta pack for my trip to rome

21:17 <Bastion_1800> Auf Wiedersehen

21:18 <Divide|Tech> Sub in oven... with extra garlic.

21:18 <Divide|Tech> Because garlic is of the win.

21:18 * Cepheid wonders if there are editors out there for bitmap fonts stored in PNG/BMP files in a 16x16 grid.

21:18 <Cepheid> Alternatively, if there isn't, I'll just make one.

21:19 * Divide|Tech asks innocently, "Paintbrush?"

21:19 <Cepheid> Yeah, but I'm talking with specific tools and features that make it easier.

21:19 *** Quits: Bastion_1800 (Bastion_180@Pony-rnko0o.dynamic.surfer.at) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

21:19 <Cepheid> At the moment, it looks like generators are far more commonplace.

21:19 <Divide|Tech> Ah, fair enough.

21:21 <Cepheid> The problem I have with GIMP or MSPaint and such is that I have to zoom out to take a look at how the glyph itself looks.

21:21 <Cepheid> It'd be nice if I had a realtime view of the glyph as I'm filling in the spots.

21:22 *** Joins: Gladiolus (Corey@hugbat.is.hugging.you)

21:26 <LunaticHell> Ceraphim: Welp, tell me when you wanna go to egypt. :3

21:28 * Divide|Tech boops the Gladiolus with a slice of sourdough bread, roasted after being painted with garlic and olive oil.

21:28 * Divide|Tech also offers the LunaticHell some bruschetta. o3o

21:28 <LunaticHell> Thanks.

21:28 * Gladiolus nims happily.

21:29 <Divide|Tech> Is that like a tiny nom?

21:29 * LunaticHell happily nibbles.

21:29 <Gladiolus> mebbe

21:29 *** Quits: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k) (Connection closed)

21:31 *** Joins: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k)

21:31 * DashedRainbows is back

21:32 <hiig> oh crap! everyone look busy!

21:32 * hiig taps randomly on his keyboard

21:32 <LunaticHell> I'm not.

21:32 <LunaticHell> My life is not buzy, at all.

21:32 <DashedRainbows> I'm always busy

21:33 * DashedRainbows is in denial

21:34 <DashedRainbows> freenode is having a fit again

21:34 * DashedRainbows sighs

21:37 *** Quits: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k) (Connection closed)

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21:38 *** Quits: vi[NLR] (vi[NLR]@Pony-ooh049.dynamic.surfer.at) (Connection closed)

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21:54 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-fa29sa.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP)

22:00 <wobniaR> So that new horse episode

22:00 <wobniaR> 10/10 would horse again?

22:00 <LunaticHell> Definatly.

22:01 <LunaticHell> So the spoiler ban is off?

22:01 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms SunsetShimmer.

22:01 * wobniaR points at the clock

22:01 <hawthornbunny> I liked the new episode very much

22:01 <LunaticHell> Is it or is it not?

22:01 <wobniaR> Yes

22:02 <hawthornbunny> !twilighttime

22:02 * DerpyBot bounces around in front of Twilight`Sparkle

22:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight time, Twilight time!

22:02 <wobniaR> Combining spells tho

22:02 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Its lesson Zero inside out.

22:03 <wobniaR> Well you're sorts right

22:03 <wobniaR> Same concept different circimstances

22:04 <wobniaR> Still, lots of fun in that episode

22:04 <wobniaR> I want to watch it a few more times once netflix updates

22:05 *** Quits: wobniaR (wobniaR@Monoshy.Hydra.Fighter.64) (Connection closed)

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22:10 *** Quits: PostNinja (Mibbit@Pony-mat4vn.koas.jyu.fi) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

22:10 *** Quits: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k) (Connection closed)

22:10 <Divide|Tech> I do so very much love the customers who are actually clued, just need a little nudge.  "What's my wifi password?" "Here you go." "Thanks!"

22:11 *** SunsetShimmer changes topic to 'Welcome to #EquestriaDaily! This channel is rated All Ages | Guide and rules: http://derpy.me/EqDRules | Lesson divide by zero and multiply by GlimGlam - Episode 'Every little thing she does' is now open for discussion!'

22:11 <SunsetShimmer> :3

22:11 <wobniaR> Yay

22:11 <wobniaR> Glimglam da bes

22:11 <SunsetShimmer> That ep tho'

22:11 <wobniaR> I know rigjt

22:11 *** Joins: R29k (R29k@tor.sasl.R29k)

22:12 <wobniaR> If you don't like glimglam after that you're a monster

22:12 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms SunsetShimmer.

22:12 <SunsetShimmer> I saw people outright hate the episode for mind control

22:12 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> ...

22:12 <SunsetShimmer> yes, thats a thing. xD

22:12 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> K.

22:12 <wobniaR> Unfun nerds

22:13 <SunsetShimmer> lol

22:13 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yep.

22:13 <wobniaR> Wow she reverted back to her old ways 0/10 preorder cancelled

22:14 <LunaticHell> Hey, so the spoiler ban IS off, alright.

22:14 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yep.

22:14 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Lesson Zero.

22:14 <LunaticHell> I think ...

22:14 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Cept, Its GlimGlam.

22:14 <LunaticHell> DAMN IT The_Nostalgia_Mare, I was about to say that.

22:14 <hiig> she probably got inspiration for that spell from a Harry Trotter book with the unforgivable curses

22:15 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> And She makes a solution instead of a Problem.

22:15 <LunaticHell> Thing is: she didn't neccecarily used a mind control spell.

22:15 <wobniaR> Just need to combine a little persuasion with some speed spell

22:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Yep.

22:16 <wobniaR> Now you have people who will respond to your every command at 2x the speed

22:16 <hiig> she just didnt know how to make specific instructions

22:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> And AJ's Stories.

22:16 <LunaticHell> Yes, a persuation spell mix with a spell that makes ponies more acceptable to suggestion, also commonly known as?

22:16 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Jim Sterling Rips Into a Steam Greenlight Pony Game  [ http://tinyurl.com/j99u6r7 ]

22:16 <hiig> remember kids: always speak in programming language when addressing your mind controlled ponies!

22:16 <wobniaR> Instructions unclear, baked ALL the cakes

22:16 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Oh Hi Jim Sterling.

22:16 <LunaticHell> The classic "hypnosis".

22:17 <wobniaR> Oh that's what you were watching SunsetShimmer

22:17 <SunsetShimmer> xD

22:17 <SunsetShimmer> I watch his stuff a lot

22:17 <wobniaR> Good i hope he ripped on it so hard it gets canceled even if i don't know what game it is

22:17 <SunsetShimmer> it was a bad fangame

22:17 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> You watched that thing with Sonic?

22:17 <SunsetShimmer> like so bad.

22:17 <wobniaR> What was the name?

22:17 <SunsetShimmer> I Watched that stream of segas

22:17 <SunsetShimmer> it was bad

22:17 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> It was something something PonyLand.

22:18 <LunaticHell> I can safely assume that she couldn't use the spells to command them to, for example, kill somepony.

22:18 <SunsetShimmer> Adventures in ponyland, wobniaR

22:18 <wobniaR> LunaticHell this is a y show

22:18 <wobniaR> Why do you always gotta go there

22:18 <LunaticHell> Ok erm

22:18 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Y

22:18 <LunaticHell> Lemme rephrase that.

22:18 <wobniaR> Y for young kids get off my lawn

22:18 <LunaticHell> She couldn't use the spell to make Pinkie Pie bake a bad cake.

22:19 <LunaticHell> Intentionally.

22:19 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Still Pinkie and the can of Whipped Cream.

22:19 <LunaticHell> wobniaR: But...Y?

22:19 *** Joins: Person (Tilde@Pony-32u677.78km.c1tq.6000.2605.IP)

22:20 <LunaticHell> Underlying thing with hypnosis and spells based in hypnosis is that the hypnotized still percieves reality on an uncouncious level.

22:20 <LunaticHell> As normal.

22:20 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Mm.

22:21 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)

22:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> What number episode was the new episode?

22:21 <hiig> 21 i think

22:21 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Ok.

22:21 <LunaticHell> If you'd command someone under hypnosis something that goes against his fundamental principels, his unconcious mind will prevent him from following the command.

22:21 <Fn> nuber new

22:21 <Fn> number*

22:21 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (Pony94989@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

22:22 <wobniaR> Just looked up adventures in ponyland...what

22:22 <LunaticHell> Like for example asking Rarity to burn down her shop.

22:22 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> XD

22:22 <LunaticHell> Or applejack to eat a pear.

22:22 <wobniaR> He's gonna get shot down by hasbro before that even reaches the steam store

22:22 <wobniaR> The game is obviously using their intellectual property

22:22 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-u6ailo.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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22:23 <wobniaR> You can't just swap colors on a pony and call it your original character

22:23 <LunaticHell> ...wait...Jim Sterling made a review of that?

22:23 <wobniaR> ....oh wait

22:23 <LunaticHell> SunsetShimmer: That's how you cam over it, didn't you?

22:24 *** Joins: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-u6ailo.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP)

22:24 <LunaticHell> came*

22:24 <SunsetShimmer> ....No?

22:24 <SunsetShimmer> Came UPON it

22:24 <wobniaR> I'm surprised jim sterling even bothered with this

22:24 <SunsetShimmer> as in found

22:24 <SunsetShimmer> happened is a better word, lol

22:24 <SunsetShimmer> Oh yeah that game was awful

22:25 <SunsetShimmer> Jim deals in a lot worse though

22:25 <wobniaR> He seems he has a big enough audience he could trash other stuff that would get him more attention

22:25 <SunsetShimmer> Aaand he does.

22:25 <wobniaR> So why pick the pony sim? For giggles m8?

22:25 <LunaticHell> OH......right.

22:25 <LunaticHell> Jim is british, he does a lot of things for giggle, m8.

22:25 <wobniaR> I'm asking a question i should be asking Jim and not you guys lol

22:25 <The_Nostalgia_Mare> Wow.

22:25 <LunaticHell> And talking about giggles.

22:26 <LunaticHell> SunsetShimmer: I found a nice video that could be of intrest for you.

22:26 * The_Nostalgia_Mare noms SunsetShimmer. "...Wow. 30 seconds in...Wow..."

22:26 <SunsetShimmer> <wobniaR> So why pick the pony sim? For giggles m8? - Because people threw it at him

22:26 <SunsetShimmer> and he decided why not.

22:27 <wobniaR> So for giggles

22:27 <wobniaR> Got it

22:27 <LunaticHell> Sunsetter: You ever heard the phrase "British Officers Don't Duck"?

22:27 <SunsetShimmer> For the sake of 'this is a bad game on steam!'

22:27 <SunsetShimmer> No?

22:27 <wobniaR> There's plenty of other bad games on steam lol

22:27 <LunaticHell> Well do I have something for you in store, then.

22:27 <wobniaR> Steam greenlight has 0 quality control

22:27 <wobniaR> It's a joke

22:27 <CleverDerpy> maybe i should make a game for it

22:27 <LunaticHell> It makes the british army actually look pretty cool, or at leat their officers.

22:27 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

22:27 <LunaticHell> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrauBQf7FpI

22:27 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

22:27 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about British Officers Don't Duck!

22:28 <CleverDerpy> if it's so bad anypony can get in, i wanna test that

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22:28 <wobniaR> Do eet CleverDerpy

22:28 <CleverDerpy> oki, but first...

22:28 <CleverDerpy> i gotta make a game

22:29 <CleverDerpy> luckily, i gots tools, brb

22:30 <wobniaR> SunsetShimmer http://kazzysplushemporium.deviantart.com/art/Sunset-Shimmer-WIP-636345939

22:30 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-fa29sa.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

22:30 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-k8vi6h.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Connection closed)

22:32 <wobniaR> Anyway yes enough of bashing the bad game, more on that new episode!

22:33 <LunaticHell> Yes, the episode.

22:33 <LunaticHell> I think Twilight's madness is contagious.

22:33 <wobniaR> She's not mad

22:33 <wobniaR> She's delightlyfully eccentric

22:34 * LunaticHell raises an eyesbrow

22:34 <LunaticHell> o. รณ

22:35 <wobniaR> You gonna sit here and let Lunatic call your waifu mad?

22:35 <LunaticHell> How many moons is she gonna stay in Canterlot for a thing that might have only taken one afternoon?

22:36 <wobniaR> She only went there for the afternoon

22:36 <LunaticHell> I go with Spike here.

22:36 <LunaticHell> Might take up to 8 moons.

22:37 <LunaticHell> And saying that proves my poor memory.

22:39 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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22:47 <Divide|Tech> Still gotta shake my head at Apple.  I mean, honestly.  The iBag?

22:47 <hiig> เฒ _เฒ 

22:47 <hiig> seriously?

22:47 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-88n.eoa.56.172.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

22:48 <Not-Renny> Uh

22:48 *** Quits: DataByteBrony (DataByte@databyte.fimfetch.net) (Connection closed)

22:48 <Not-Renny> Well, you know what this means, hiig.

22:49 <Not-Renny> Apple has peaked, and if they try to continue to grow, they will die horribly ;-;

22:49 <hiig> oh, if only!

22:49 <Not-Renny> And so will, you know, every Apple owner's music and stored media.

22:50 * hiig will prepare the popcorn

22:50 <Gladiolus> Apple won't die, they have enough cash to last at least 10 years.

22:50 <Gladiolus> If anything they'll just become a sort of consumer-oriented IBM or something.

22:50 <Gladiolus> I dunno but they aren't gonna just ~poof~

22:51 *** Quits: Fishcake (vbsrwmolfph@Pony-rr3.crp.184.177.IP) (Connection closed)

22:51 *** Quits: Mongoosie (Goosie@thanks.gun.god) (Quit: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? You can't get fooled again" - George Bush - Goosie )

22:51 <Not-Renny> The stock withdrawals and such would cause a lot of other companies to go poof, though.

22:51 <Gladiolus> Not a company with as much cash reserves as Apple.

22:51 <Gladiolus> They could probably buy back close to 50%

22:52 <Gladiolus> and still be fine

22:52 <Not-Renny> They would be fine, Gladiolus, but imagine the ripple effect.

22:53 <hiig> im still laughing over the whole no jack thing

22:53 <hiig> good luck with those wireless buds

22:53 <Gladiolus> It's dumb, but it does come with an adapter.

22:53 <Gladiolus> Stockholders/consumers demand it be thinner year over year and they were pushed into a corner.

22:54 <Gladiolus> It's really stupid bit it's basically just a microcosm of the tech industry: Make it smaller, regardless of if that matters.

22:54 <hiig> WHY do you want an already thin phone to be even thinner?

22:54 *** Quits: KooK (Magnus_@Pony-b30g75.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:54 <hiig> did they not learn anything from the 6's early days?

22:55 <Gladiolus> No, they didn't, because that doesn't matter.

22:56 <hiig> hell, ive got one of those clip on battery packs that you slide your phone in and even with the whole thing being a little more than double the thickness, it still fits perfectly into my jean pockets without any discomfort of hassle

22:56 <Gladiolus> They just need a way to make it "better year over year, and a faster cpu isn't enough.

22:56 <Gladiolus> This idiotic push to release stuff without question is why the S7 explodes and the I7 has no jack

22:56 *** Joins: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-tva63k.ut.comcast.net)

22:57 <hiig> i have to make a specific safety announcement on planes for passengers to not charge or turn on S7s during flight

22:57 <hiig> its hilarious

22:58 *** Quits: Not-Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-u6ailo.msvn.94pq.0681.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

22:58 *** Quits: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Quit: The only things I need are books, friends and IRC. And books.)

23:01 *** Quits: Renny (AndChat7084@Pony-tva63k.ut.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:01 <Divide|Tech> hiig: SPECIFICALLY the S7?  That is that particular phone?

23:01 <hiig> yep

23:02 <Divide|Tech> Fun fun.

23:02 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-fa29sa.brpm.oqg9.0342.2601.IP)

23:04 *** Joins: DataByteBrony (DataByte@databyte.fimfetch.net)

23:04 <wobniaR> And a customer can choose to ignore that announcement and do it anyway

23:04 <hiig> Divide|Tech: "For safety reasons all Samsung Galaxy Note 7s must remain switched off and not used or charged on board. Thank you."

23:05 <hiig> wobniaR: well personally, i dont give a shit. ill be more than happy to use a fire extinguisher on board. makes the flight veeeeeery interesting

23:05 <DataByteBrony> what airline is this?

23:05 <hawthornbunny> Argh why can I never figure out steam engines in Factorio

23:06 <hiig> heres the thing. if the seatbelt sign is on, ill ask people to sit down once. if they dont, the risk is on them. im legally covered, and so is the airline. after that, if we hit an air pocket and your head goes through the ceiling...well, we warned you

23:06 <hiig> so safety wise, i do my job, but im not going to waste my energy on people who dont want to follow those instructions

23:06 <Lumindia> hah

23:06 <Lumindia> I like the way you think, hiig

23:06 * Lumindia highfive

23:06 *** Joins: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-ov1ib7.dab.02.net)

23:07 <hiig> hell, you want to have five miniature bottles of whiskey all in one go? fine by me. ive got a restraining kit and two axes on the aircraft

23:09 <Cepheid> You won't need those with me.

23:09 <Cepheid> I'm a boring, talkative drunk.

23:09 <Cepheid> The type that's more suited for bar hopping to converse with people.

23:10 <Cepheid> Seriously, every time I've gotten drunk at a bar, I get into some interesting conversations with people.  Last time I did it, we discussed art.

23:10 <hiig> you should see the russian flights. holy crap

23:11 * Electron hovers nearby

23:11 <hiig> first hour, we run out of hennessey. second hour, the tomato juice. by the third hour, the vodka is gone

23:11 <hiig> why is the vodka always gone?

23:11 <LunaticHell> Whiskey? Where?

23:11 * LunaticHell looks at hiig

23:12 <LunaticHell> But why is the rum gone?

23:12 <Twilight`Sparkle> Because the Enog mur.

23:12 <LunaticHell> o. o

23:13 <Divide|Tech> hiig: That sounds very similar to my job as technical support.

23:13 <hiig> oh, no wait, if the russians were bad, the polish consume much more. we ran out of almost everything last time i went to warsaw

23:13 <hiig> the booze no one ever touches, such as the martini and campari, were also cleaned out

23:13 *** Quits: FloppyChiptunes (maxmontezum@Pony-hd9ncd.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: )

23:14 <Divide|Tech> "I'm afraid that I don't know if your Yahoo! e-mail was compromised with everyone else's.  But I suggest changing your password anyway.  Don't want to change it?  No skin off my nose."

23:14 <hiig> because it was basically, 'sorry, we dont have that. or that. ooooor that. what do i have left? umm...this stuff thats covered in dust'

23:14 *** Joins: SemperFiTanker (SemperFiTan@Pony-94s.c1v.192.47.IP)

23:14 <Divide|Tech> hiig: Impressive.  Yeah, I've got family from, ohhhh, Ireland, Poland, Scotland...

23:14 <SemperFiTanker> Yo, wassup

23:15 <Divide|Tech> You name a country, if they drink, I've got family there.

23:15 <hiig> hungary?

23:15 <SemperFiTanker> What?

23:15 <Divide|Tech> Yup.

23:15 <SemperFiTanker> ???

23:15 <hiig> so i guess theyll be sining paaaaalinka!

23:15 <hiig> sup SemperFiTanker

23:15 <SemperFiTanker> Hey

23:15 <Divide|Tech> I might even have a great-uncle in the Vatican, I haven't checked.

23:16 <hiig> sorry, just ranting about alcoholics in my job

23:16 *** Parts: SemperFiTanker (SemperFiTan@Pony-94s.c1v.192.47.IP) ()

23:16 <hiig> i think i scared him away

23:16 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: Pony Music - Perception (NeverLastStanding Remix) [Future Bass] [ http://tinyurl.com/hboqyn5 ]

23:16 <Divide|Tech> Or I did.  Either way.

23:16 *** Joins: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

23:16 * Divide|Tech basks in the scent of garlic, sea salt and olive oil.

23:17 <Divide|Tech> And smoked meats.

23:29 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-lhs471.res.rr.com)

23:34 <LunaticHell> ~.~

23:34 * Divide|Tech mixes a bit of dark chocolate with chili peppers into his coffee.

23:35 * Cepheid spins in place. "kuru kuru, kuru kuru~!"

23:35 <LunaticHell> Are you from south america from some 1000ish years ago?

23:36 <LunaticHell> Why not add vanilla?

23:40 <Divide|Tech> Don't have any vanilla beans.

23:41 *** Quits: Banoffee (Banoffee@Pony-ov1ib7.dab.02.net) (Quit: Bye)

23:41 <Electron> Gumtree, you have a steak. Phoenix, you have pickles.

23:41 * Electron LOLs

23:42 <Divide|Tech> Gumshoe.

23:43 <LunaticHell> You know what's irony?

23:43 *** Joins: Nedemai (Nede@fluttershy.is.best.pony)

23:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h Nedemai

23:43 <LunaticHell> Real real and undisturbed irony?

23:45 <LunaticHell> It's when you rewatch all of Rick and Morty, then go back to watch your random pony parody you found today just to see that they made use of a Rick and Morty character that appeared for who 10-ish minutes in one episode.

23:45 <LunaticHell> I wouldn't even have regocnized him if I hadn't rewatched Rick and Morty today.

23:47 <LunaticHell> hey Cepheid, ya still buzy?

23:49 * wobniaR superbaps Electron with the latest horse episode!

23:50 <LunaticHell> SunsetShimmer: What says you about this coincidence?

23:50 <SunsetShimmer> ?

23:50 <LunaticHell> The one I just laid bare?

23:50 <SunsetShimmer> I dont watch Rick and Morty

23:50 <SunsetShimmer> so I dont care

23:50 <LunaticHell> Well that's no the point.

23:50 * SunsetShimmer shrugs

23:51 <wobniaR> Also been playing dual destinies, i have a feeling that Fulbright is not a good guy

23:51 <LunaticHell> This happening was a one in a [high number] chance to happen.

23:51 <wobniaR> And Blackquill isn't as bad as he seems

23:51 <LunaticHell> That's what funny here.

23:53 *** Quits: DARK (DARK@Pony-g3ig0n.044o.qq38.0e35.2a01.IP) (Quit: You're so zetta slow!)

23:55 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

23:55 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Away

23:56 <Divide|Tech> Man this is one heckuva mocha.

23:56 <Divide|Tech> Just enough sugar to taste, but not enough to overpower the other flavours.

23:57 <LunaticHell> Sounds like you're drinking some bomb as- *ahem* flank te- *ahem* coffee.

23:59 <LunaticHell> https://derpibooru.org/1233986

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