Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Thursday, 2017-09-07

00:00 *** Quits: DashedRainbows (uid13850@Happy.Pone) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

00:00 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-i9tcns.as43234.net)

00:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SunsetShimmer

00:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Kill Rock 'N Pone [ http://tinyurl.com/y6wjromd ]

00:00 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer_ (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-i9tcns.as43234.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

00:00 *** Filly_Nightmares is now known as Surreal_Nightmares

00:01 *** Joins: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

00:01 *** Changeling_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

00:02 <Cepheid> That headache today drained me.  Left me feeling stiff and sore all over, and exhausted.  Like I had just fought off an entire week-long case of a cold in a day, or a miniature version of the flu.

00:02 <Jahnesta> Ouch

00:03 <Cepheid> So now that I've got my OSAP funding, tomorrow I'll be plopping over to the local pharmacy to grab a bottle of tylenol.  Doesn't work to prevent headaches, but once they start, tylenol sure cuts the time down.

00:04 <Jahnesta> Nice

00:06 *** coco`bath is now known as CocoPommel

00:06 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Pony87188@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

00:07 *** Quits: Scarlet_Harmony (Scarlet_Har@Pony-25l203.dsl.gulftelephone.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

00:09 <Cepheid> Now is the time for relaxing, and laying in bed, and laying in bed while relaxing!

00:11 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

00:13 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Connection closed)

00:29 <Cepheid> I shall be back momentarily.

00:29 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Leaving)

00:30 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

00:41 <Cepheid> Right, I think it's bedtime for me now.

00:42 <Cepheid> I got to sleep a little late last night, would like to try for earlier tonight.  And see about sleeping through the night.

00:42 <Cepheid> So I'll see ye all tomorrow, either during or after class.  Not sure which.  Depends on how boring the material is.

00:42 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Leaving)

00:57 *** Joins: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net)

01:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: PMV: Reality  [ http://tinyurl.com/ycbbvnz5 ]

01:06 *** Tempo is now known as Tempo-AFK

01:35 *** Joins: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-2i7.fvo.126.65.IP)

01:43 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-39r1jq.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

01:43 <PinkieShy> There is no batteries in store now, no water what-so-ever and all out of flashlights.

01:48 *** Tempo-AFK is now known as Tempo

01:48 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

01:48 <Thelema5> Hello everypony

01:49 <Thelema5> Hi PinkieShy.  Are you safe?

01:49 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 I dunno if it showed up in the chat to you but PinkieShy> There is no batteries in store now, no water what-so-ever and all out of flashlights.

01:50 <PinkieShy> but yea I'm safe

01:50 <Thelema5> Did you manage to stockpile any water?

01:50 <PinkieShy> picked up a charcoal grill liek everybody else was so we'd have something to use for cooking when there's no power

01:50 <PinkieShy> Yes Thelema5 we have 2 packs of 35 bottles of water

01:50 <Thelema5> Good thinking

01:50 <PinkieShy> and we have 4 gallons empty containers

01:51 <PinkieShy> I've been keeping these empty gallon tea containers for about 4 months now..

01:51 <PinkieShy> Thinking i might need them in the future

01:51 <Thelema5> Smart

01:54 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 well Recycling is a good idea anyways.

01:55 <Thelema5> Very true

01:56 * Ali boops PinkieShy to not use said grill indoors though.

01:56 <PinkieShy> Ali i know xD

01:56 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-8vk.ca9.94.119.IP)

01:56 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-19c.p2e.207.187.IP)

01:56 <PinkieShy> They had propane lamp thingys..

01:56 <PinkieShy> but my dad is scared of propane and said don't get it

01:58 * Ali tries to get PinkieShy out of the way of Irma

01:59 <PinkieShy> Ali and Thelema5 my mum called crying and begging for me to get all my dogs and go to northern Georgia with her until storm is over

01:59 <PinkieShy> Saying that this is going to be like hugo and I don't know how bad hugo was and so on

01:59 <Thelema5> Is that something you can manage?  It might not be a terrible idea

01:59 <PinkieShy> Its a long trip and i don't drive so my dad would have to

02:00 <PinkieShy> But my dad told me he's keeping that as a option now for if we get the worse of the worse

02:01 <PinkieShy> so once wmbf/abc14 wpde says something we might.

02:01 <Ali> Is there a maditory evac?

02:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Rarity Day on Friday! [ http://tinyurl.com/y8z73kz5 ]

02:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #1191 [ http://tinyurl.com/ybsvodr9 ]

02:02 <PinkieShy> Ali not yet but i did hear the gov on TV say that the Maditory Evacs might be soon.

02:02 <Ali> Then you better get ready to get out of Dodge if that comes about

02:03 <Ali> 185MPH winds are nothing to laugh at.

02:03 <Librarian> and i thought i had a bad night owo

02:03 <Ali> What I don't understand is this

02:03 <Ali> people have gone thru tornados before

02:04 <PinkieShy> Ali and Thelema5 y'all think I'm dumb but last year hurricane matthew me my dad and brother went outside walking after the rain stopped

02:04 <Ali> which are like 60 seconds of high winds

02:04 <PinkieShy> we was walking looking around when the wind started howling

02:04 <PinkieShy> it was almost strong enough winds to push me down..

02:04 <Ali> Hurricanes are hours of EF0-2

02:04 <PinkieShy> Ali & Thelema5 plus I'm worried very much tbh

02:04 <Ali> I would be too

02:04 <PinkieShy> there's a tree in backyard that was about to fall last year..

02:05 <Ali> Hours upon hours of winds howling

02:05 <PinkieShy> it was just say a little more wind and we'd have a fallen tree maybe on the mobile home

02:05 <Librarian> do consider leaving

02:05 <Ali> Wait, mobile home

02:05 <Ali> GET OUT

02:05 <PinkieShy> Should we try to bug our landlord to cut it down or don't worry about that?

02:05 * Ali puffycheeks and packs PinkieShy's stuff up

02:09 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

02:12 <Librarian> the us is probably going to have to get used to hurricanes

02:12 <Librarian> we are used to this happening every single year

02:13 <Ali> Been happening for years now

02:13 <Ali> But more and more people want to live on the coast, and forget about Hurricanes.

02:15 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-tadf6a.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

02:17 <Thelema5> It's always struck me as odd that people "rebuild" cities and towns which are decimated by hurricanes- as if it'll not happen again

02:18 <Thelema5> "Oh, our whole city flooded.  Maybe we should move inland?"  "NO way, let's stay put and just build on top of the wreckage"

02:19 <PinkieShy> My mum was crying and saying I'm to young to die from a hurricane but she is ready to go..

02:20 <Librarian> we mean it, leave this hurricane is too severe

02:20 <Ali> Getting out of the way seems to be the best I think

02:21 <Thelema5> That seems a bit dramatic- I'm sure you'll be fine if you just exercise some caution.  Mobile homes, however, are known for becoming mobile during hurricanes though.  If you'll not head inland to stay with your mum you may at least want to head to a municiple shelter

02:21 <Thelema5> At least during the storm

02:21 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

02:22 *** Quits: Sombra (Jive@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

02:23 <Thelema5> The problem is that it can be hard traveling during an evacuation- the roads become snarled with traffic and gas stations run out of fuel... you don't want to be stuck in your car on a highway when the storm hits

02:23 <Thelema5> You want to get where you're going as soon as possible

02:36 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-19c.p2e.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

02:36 *** Pony_2165 is now known as locodashie11

02:38 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-d6m32j.nhc3.ssum.0701.2601.IP)

02:38 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h CleverDerpy

02:39 <CleverDerpy> derpderp!

02:43 * Ali also tries to get CleverDerpy out of Irma's path..

02:43 <CleverDerpy> derp?

02:43 * CleverDerpy eeps and whimpers

02:44 * Ali whimpers with CleverDerpy

02:44 <CleverDerpy> derpy will be oki

02:45 *** Pony_53341 is now known as martyrboy

02:45 *** martyrboy is now known as Pony_55072

02:46 *** Pony_55072 is now known as martyrboy

02:48 * CleverDerpy climbs onto Ali's back and sleeps

02:48 <CleverDerpy> derp!

02:48 * Ali awws as CleverDerpy sleeps and she's wanting to hug the derp

02:48 * CleverDerpy purrs

02:57 *** Joins: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-0j48m3.7p74.s55o.6000.2605.IP)

02:58 * CleverDerpy boops the ali

02:59 * Ali squeaks at CleverDerpy

03:00 <CleverDerpy> Ali, derpy needs some juicy

03:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Poll Results: Which Character Do You Want to See The Parents of Next? [ http://tinyurl.com/y8q9pjyn ]

03:00 * Ali gets CleverDerpy some juice, though she doesn't know which kind so she brings something random.

03:00 * CleverDerpy laps up the orange juice

03:01 <CleverDerpy> tangy~

03:01 * CleverDerpy has her muzzle in the cup, licking the last of the juice

03:03 * CleverDerpy whimpers, the cup is stick

03:03 <CleverDerpy> *stuck

03:04 * Ali magically and carefully tugs the cup off CleverDerpy's muzzle

03:04 * CleverDerpy shakes and her face returns to normal

03:05 * Ali cuddles up to CleverDerpy and nuzzles her side.

03:05 *** Joins: Thelema5_ (Thelema5@Pony-u6999h.east.verizon.net)

03:06 * Thelema5_ wonders... Do antibiotics and probiotics cancel each other out?

03:13 *** Quits: Thelema5_ (Thelema5@Pony-u6999h.east.verizon.net) (Connection closed)

03:14 *** Quits: The_Nostalgia_Mare (Nossy@Pony-o73sar.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: I do talk but I nom. o3o)

03:16 <PinkieShy> thelema5_ they are now saying it'll probably be a Cat2 by the time it hits here

03:17 <Thelema5> That's a relief, but still nothing to sneeze at

03:19 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 ikr

03:20 <PinkieShy> There is still some trees leaning that they wouldn't cut down from Matthew a year ago

03:20 <Thelema5> Hmm. One of my favorite food vloggers is also in the path of the storm

03:20 <PinkieShy> This time.. They'd more than likely.. Fall

03:20 <Thelema5> PinkieShy, I hope not!

03:26 <Thelema5> Fun fact: I bought my first firearm in response to the 2012 end-of-the-world panic to protect my home and supplies from potential looters

03:27 <Thelema5> The world didn't end, and I still have 100 lbs of dried rice & beans, a few thousand multi-vitamins, and a water-purification system

03:27 <Thelema5> XD

03:31 <Snapai> Streaming more work on the cow for an hour or two: https://picarto.tv/snapai

03:37 <Thelema5> ... watching accidental collision videos on youtube, I am convinced that driving in Russia is a suicide mission

03:39 *** Tempo is now known as Tempo-Sleep

03:40 * Snapai moos at Thelema5

03:40 <Snapai> Thelemoo

03:40 <Thelema5> Mooo

03:46 <PinkieShy> !moo

03:46 <DerpyBot> Who are you calling a cow?!

03:46 <PinkieShy> Not you

03:46 *** PinkieShy was kicked by DerpyBot (To the MOO!)

03:47 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-39r1jq.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

03:50 <Thelema5> :p

03:51 <Thelema5> PinkieShy, please promise us that you're gonna stay safe through this storm, whatever it takes

03:51 <Thelema5> It seems pretty serious, and I'm really worried about your welfare

03:51 <PinkieShy> I will Thelema5 :3

03:52 <Thelema5> OKay

03:52 <Thelema5> I believe that you will be fine.

03:53 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:54 * PinkieShy hugs Thelema5

03:54 <PinkieShy> !hug

03:54 <DerpyBot> Hugtiem? :3

03:54 * DerpyBot wraps her front hooves around PinkieShy in a tight embrace

03:54 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

03:57 * Thelema5 is drinking a perry. He has decided that he doesn't care for perry

03:58 <Thelema5> Pear butter not withstanding.  Cider is better

03:59 <PinkieShy> good night

03:59 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-39r1jq.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

04:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Comic Dub: Applelie / Long Speech / Never Fear / Unisex Bathroom / Pyrophobia [ http://tinyurl.com/y9vjnazy ]

04:12 *** Joins: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-1haq45.wa.comcast.net)

04:13 *** Quits: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-1haq45.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)

04:21 * Thelema5 sheds more tears upon rewatching "like a catchy song" again

04:23 <Braixen> eh

04:24 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

04:26 <Thelema5> I REALLLY wish I knew what happened to Bright Mac and Pear Butter to leave the apple family orphans

04:26 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-36r4a3.tpgi.com.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:27 <Thelema5> They seemed so vibrant, so alive.  What could have stopped them?

04:27 <Braixen> those cliff hanger

04:28 *** Joins: [1]Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-u6999h.east.verizon.net)

04:29 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-36r4a3.tpgi.com.au)

04:30 *** Quits: [1]Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-u6999h.east.verizon.net) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The alternative IRC client)

04:31 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:53 *** Joins: Reia_Sleep (chatzilla@Pony-e7243n.ipv6.telus.net)

04:59 *** Quits: Lord_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-ngg.963.76.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:59 *** Joins: Lord_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-1tn.963.76.185.IP)

05:16 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-2i7.fvo.126.65.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

05:20 *** Joins: Sombra (Jive@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

05:20 *** Quits: Filly_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Quit: The only things I need are books, friends and IRC. And books.)

05:21 * CocoPommel hangs Braixen from a cliff

05:22 <CocoPommel> Hold on tight, don't lose your grip!

05:22 * CocoPommel puts a muffin on the edge of the cliff in front of them

05:23 <Braixen> -eep

05:23 <CocoPommel> XD

05:23 *** Surreal_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

05:23 <CocoPommel> Don't you have a magic broomstick in your tail? Maybe you can use it to fly away safely

05:25 <Sombra> Knock knock neo

05:28 *** Quits: Personifire (Tilde@Pony-0j48m3.7p74.s55o.6000.2605.IP) (Quit: Goodbye!)

05:36 <Finwe> o3o

05:36 <Finwe> Good morning, my small perissodactyls.

05:36 <Bubs> Mr. Finwe

05:36 <Finwe> Mijnheer Bubs.

05:36 * Finwe doffs his hat.

05:37 * Finwe hats on Filly_Nightmares.

05:39 * CleverDerpy sonic derpbooms over Finwe

05:39 <CleverDerpy> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

05:39 <CleverDerpy> tooo faaaaaaaaasssst!

05:41 *** Quits: Sombra (Jive@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

05:41 * CleverDerpy crashes into a tree

05:41 <CleverDerpy> owwww... derpy's stuck!

05:42 * CleverDerpy whimpers and flailyhooves

05:42 *** Quits: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@batpones.are.for.snuggles) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:42 <Finwe> Lt Cdr CleverDerpy.

05:42 <Finwe> o7

05:43 <CleverDerpy> RAdm. Finwe

05:43 * Finwe releases CleverDerpy from the tree.

05:43 * CleverDerpy salutes and makes cracking sound

05:43 <CleverDerpy> ow...

05:43 *** Joins: Crimson_Tail (Zeta@Pony-ov6ncj.3j2s.k4gu.0151.2601.IP)

05:44 <CleverDerpy> derpy needs a hug...

05:44 * Finwe snuggles a CleverDerpy.

05:44 * CleverDerpy purrs

05:44 * Filly_Nightmares lays on CleverDerpy's face

05:45 <Finwe> The weather forecast for seems to have been about right, we have had strong winds around the Northern Caribbean.

05:45 <CleverDerpy> hello muffin...

05:45 <CleverDerpy> it's heading out to derpy's way

05:45 <Finwe> 95% of buildings destroyed on Saint Martin.

05:45 <CleverDerpy> eep!

05:46 * CleverDerpy is a scared derpy...

05:46 <Finwe> Florida Keys evacuated.

05:46 * CleverDerpy hides under her box

05:46 * Finwe patpats CleverDerpy.

05:46 * CleverDerpy wags her tail

05:46 <CleverDerpy> welcome to my box, sir~

05:47 <CleverDerpy> make yourself at home

05:47 * Finwe does so.

05:48 <Finwe> It does feel safer here, with the rest of the world shut away.

05:48 <CleverDerpy> it's derpy's happy place... most people have their minds, derpy... has this box~

05:49 <Braixen>   jmm?

05:49 <Braixen> a box

05:49 <CleverDerpy> derpy's box was actually from when yuki was a little, it was a big gift for a tv from... someone i used to know.

05:49 <Braixen> oh

05:49 <CleverDerpy> it's a memory and a safe place, so derpy keeps it homey but sturdy

05:50 * CleverDerpy pats the box

05:50 <CleverDerpy> it saved derpy from many scary things

05:50 <CleverDerpy> it's a big box too

05:53 <Finwe> Well then, I have to get to work.

05:54 <Finwe> Today we're going to learn everything about spreadsheets, word processing and file transfer.

05:54 <Braixen> heh

05:54 <Finwe> Mindbogglingly boring, but I get paid €30 per hour for this.

05:55 <Finwe> See you later, everypony!

05:55 * Finwe zooms off.

05:55 <CleverDerpy> derpy may need muns too for a replacement computer, she cannot take this one and it won't survive if my house goes down...

05:55 <Braixen> oh

06:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Stephen Colbery Makes Pony Reference on The Late Show [ http://tinyurl.com/yaha5o94 ]

06:35 *** Quits: ThatAnonPony (Pony9123@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

07:01 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-h897fc.qaqv.r2ue.030a.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

07:08 *** Joins: AVBO (androirc@Pony-ve9efs.threembb.co.uk)

07:13 *** Quits: Reia_Sleep (chatzilla@Pony-e7243n.ipv6.telus.net) (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 55.0.3/20170824053622])

07:26 *** Quits: AVBO (androirc@Pony-ve9efs.threembb.co.uk) (Connection closed)

07:49 *** Quits: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Clever.Girl.Silly.Filly) (Connection closed)

08:01 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-rj8nh4.direct-adsl.nl)

08:01 <Jahnesta> Hellooo

08:02 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-rj8nh4.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

08:03 *** Filly_Nightmares is now known as Sleeping_Nightmares

08:06 *** Quits: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

08:22 <Schism> Hum~

08:22 <Schism> Another full night's sleep.

08:22 <Finwe> o3o

08:23 <Finwe> Mr Schism.

08:23 * Finwe doffs his hat.

08:25 <Schism> rAdm. Finwe.

08:25 * Schism doffs his roast beef. o3o

08:25 <Finwe> Boast reef.

08:29 <Finwe> o3o!

08:30 * Schism offers Finwe some, with horseradish. o3o

08:30 * Finwe noms on the said delicacy.

08:36 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-36r4a3.tpgi.com.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:37 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-ojf.urf.92.202.IP)

08:38 <Schism> Pff.  Of course, a certain theoretical physicist, upon meeting Lord Havelock Vetinari, dismisses his work in the social sciences as 'the inhumanities'.  This is a pune, or play on words, which works on several levels.

08:40 <Finwe> Mr RazorSharpFang.

08:40 * Finwe doffs his hat.

08:40 <RazorSharpFang> Hmm

08:47 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-tadf6a.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

09:00 *** Quits: Lord_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-1tn.963.76.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:00 *** Joins: Lord_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-c2h.963.76.185.IP)

09:05 * Schism snrks at this familiar tale. http://tabletitans.com/tales/post/cheaters-never-prosper

09:15 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-rj8nh4.direct-adsl.nl)

09:19 * Jahnesta Sniffs around for food..

09:20 * Schism provides Jahnesta with a slice or two of oven-warm chocolate espresso coffee cake.

09:20 * Jahnesta Looks at Shism, and noms his ear instead

09:20 <Jahnesta> >:3

09:21 <Jahnesta> I’m getting that pc pretty soon now i think bdw

09:21 <Jahnesta> Already got an big desk in my room

09:23 <Finwe> Dag, mijnheer Jahnesta.

09:23 * Finwe doffs his hat.

09:24 <Jahnesta> Hoi daar Finwe! Hoe gaat het?

09:25 <Finwe> Het gaat goed.

09:25 <Jahnesta> :3

09:25 <Finwe> Ik zie je graag.

09:25 * Finwe snuggles Jahnesta.

09:26 * Jahnesta Nuzzles Finwe! :3

09:27 <Jahnesta> What are you up to?

09:28 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Quit: Nini ponies. Love you all.)

09:31 <Schism> Ermagerd.  So awesome.  <3  https://twitter.com/Thomashornall/status/904331252853088256

09:32 <Jahnesta> :P

09:33 <Schism> Just reading a thread or two.  And honestly, the staff of Bletchley Park, absolutely astounding.

09:34 <Finwe> Jahnesta: I'm directing a workshop at the moment.

09:34 <Finwe> The freshmen are acquainting themselves with our IT services.

09:35 <Jahnesta> An workshop?

09:35 <Finwe> Yush.

09:35 <Jahnesta> Sounds like fun, but i’ll brb, gonna check if anyone needs me

09:36 <Finwe> I don't know why it's called such, because this is essentially a normal excercise session.

09:38 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-rj8nh4.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

09:38 <Schism> Note to Great Britain: You may have found your next queen, after a schoolgirl named Matilda managed to pull a 4ft. sword out of a certain Cornish lake.

09:39 <Finwe> Schism: You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!

09:40 <Schism> Supreme executive power derives from the masses!

09:40 <Finwe> Well, the Queen is no longer the supreme executive power, to be exact.

09:52 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-rj8nh4.direct-adsl.nl)

09:53 <Jahnesta> Finwe What is IT anyway?

09:53 <Jahnesta> What is IT? What does IT do?

09:55 * Jahnesta Pokes Finwe, you’re IT!

09:58 * Jahnesta Pokes Finwe again

09:59 <Finwe> Jahnesta: Information Technology.

10:00 <Schism> Information Technology in the Middle Ages.  "Hello, book support." "My book won't open." "Have you tried turning it around?" "Yes!" "Okay, try flipping it upside down." "Oh, there we go.  Thank you!" "You're welcome, have a great day.  Hello, Book Support." "My book caught fire!" "What were you doing with it at the time?" "Nothing!  I just put my candle on it to hold my place, and the next thing you know it's a mass of flames!" "One

10:00 <Schism> moment, please..." *LART*

10:00 <Finwe> Computers, Internet and such.

10:00 *** Joins: The_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-c2h.963.76.185.IP)

10:00 <Jahnesta> Ahh, the nerdy stuff!

10:00 *** Lord_Greener is now known as Pony_86355

10:01 <Schism> "Hello, Book Support." "I just bought a scroll wheel from you, and was wondering how it works..."

10:01 <Jahnesta> Schsim x3

10:01 <Jahnesta> Schism

10:01 *** The_Greener is now known as Lord_Greener

10:02 *** Quits: Pony_86355 (The_Greene@Pony-c2h.963.76.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:02 <Finwe> Schism: I think that they had vellum books rather than scrolls back then.

10:03 <Schism> Oh, I know, but you've gotta keep that antiquated equipment selling somehow.

10:03 <Finwe> Ah, roight.

10:04 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-rj8nh4.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit: I must go! My planet needs me!)

10:04 <Schism> Jahnesta: For reference purposes, a LART, or Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool, is not a single item but a collection of precision tools meant for the re-education of certain individuals.  One highly-preferred tool is a lead pipe, weighted with sand and capped at both ends.

10:04 <Finwe> o3o

10:09 <Schism> Properly used, a fine LART will last you many years, and ensure that the individuals in question never have cause to darken your doorstep again.

10:15 <Schism> Shame that they left when I wasn't looking.  Oh well, it's still useful information.

10:21 <Golden> Good night everyone

10:22 *** Quits: Golden (Golden@Pony-na3lhc.co.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

10:36 <Asoka> so with month are election and i can still not choose which party i should elect

10:37 <Asoka> i mean in the moment standing about 32 partys to be ellected

10:47 *** Tempo-Sleep is now known as Tempo-Work

10:48 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-ojf.urf.92.202.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

10:48 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang_ (chatzilla@Pony-akq.e40.5.139.IP)

10:48 *** RazorSharpFang_ is now known as RazorSharpFang

10:52 *** Joins: Pony|31216 (Pony31216@Pony-dt1.chh.93.85.IP)

10:53 <Pony|31216> Hiya

10:53 <Pony|31216> can i ask. Do you think this is insult or compliment to the brony fandom. I mean he does seem kind of smart, a nerd but smart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R0iDsLmjKA

11:01 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #970 [ http://tinyurl.com/ybbzs6v6 ]

11:09 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-akq.e40.5.139.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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11:09 *** RazorSharpFang_ is now known as RazorSharpFang

11:17 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-rj8nh4.direct-adsl.nl)

11:18 <Jahnesta> Hoii

11:38 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

11:38 * Cepheid flops.

11:41 * Jahnesta Glomps Cepheid

11:41 * Jahnesta Nibbles Cepheid ’s ear while holding him tight

11:45 <Jahnesta> >:D

11:47 *** Quits: Pony|31216 (Pony31216@Pony-dt1.chh.93.85.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

11:49 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Leaving)

11:49 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

11:50 <Jahnesta> Hi again! :3

11:50 <Cepheid> Hoi.  Trying to fix a tool on my laptop that I use now and then.

11:51 <Jahnesta> Fixed now?

11:51 <Jahnesta> What tool bdw?

11:52 * Jahnesta Burries Cepheid with questions..! >:D

11:52 <Jahnesta> What laptop? And why is it broken? And why are you typing so slow and...

11:53 <Cepheid> No, and it's just a japanese language input tool.

11:53 <Jahnesta> So you can type japanese stuff?

11:54 <Cepheid> Yes.

11:54 <Jahnesta> :P

12:02 <Finwe> o3o

12:02 *** Joins: The_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-jv1.963.76.185.IP)

12:02 *** Lord_Greener is now known as Pony_79033

12:03 <Cepheid> Right, I gotta run over to my first class of the day.  Be back in 15-20.

12:03 * Jahnesta Offers Finwe some mini pizzas he had by the lunch today!

12:03 <Cepheid> Or later.  I'm probably gonna pay attention.

12:03 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Leaving)

12:03 *** The_Greener is now known as Lord_Greener

12:03 <Jahnesta> Good luck Cepheid!

12:03 <Jahnesta> Darn it, too late! :P

12:03 *** Quits: Pony_79033 (The_Greene@Pony-c2h.963.76.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:04 <Finwe> I had pease soup soup for lunch today.

12:04 <Jahnesta> Pea soup?

12:04 <Jahnesta> oWo

12:04 <Finwe> Pease soup.

12:05 * Finwe insist on using the Middle English name.

12:05 <Jahnesta> OwO

12:06 * Jahnesta Trows some pea’s at Finwe

12:06 <Finwe> The ME plural is peases.

12:06 <Jahnesta> I don’t even really speak English that well, so you could tell me everything, and i’d beleve it :P

12:09 * Schism dips some bread into his pease porridge hot.

12:10 <Jahnesta> Oh pease!

12:11 * Schism alternately offers Jahnesta some soup in a bread bowl, straight from the soup mines.

12:12 <Jahnesta> That way you know it’s fresh!

12:12 * Jahnesta Sips, ’’Ouch! Hot!’’

12:12 <Schism> Yes, you kinda need some hot resistance for that.  o3o

12:13 *** Quits: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-8vk.ca9.94.119.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

12:14 * Jahnesta

12:14 <Jahnesta> Oops

12:14 <Jahnesta> :3

12:14 * Jahnesta Flops on top of Schism

12:17 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

12:18 <Cepheid> I arrived too early.

12:18 <Cepheid> !log

12:18 <Unixkitty> https://unixkitty.com/logs/EquestriaDaily/latest.log.html

12:18 <Jahnesta> Welcome back!

12:18 <Cepheid> Thanks.

12:18 <Cepheid> I'll be off in about ten or so minutes.

12:19 <Jahnesta> You’re really way too early then! :P

12:21 <Cepheid> Went to buy a textbook along the way.  Turns out all the debit machines are mysteriously offline.

12:21 <Jahnesta> :/

12:22 <Finwe> o3o

12:22 <Braixen> shutdown

12:22 <Braixen> Thats what Happen Cepheid

12:22 * Finwe noms on Cepheid's debit card.

12:22 <Finwe> Card accepted! Thank you!

12:22 <Jahnesta> x3

12:24 <Cepheid> I can overhear so many conversations.  The loudest one being to my left, and consisting of "I'll only write down what the professor puts on the chalkboard." and similar such statements.

12:24 <Cepheid> And "I won't study the textbook."

12:25 <Jahnesta> :/

12:26 *** Quits: ChaosMageX-HTPC (CMXHTPC@Pony-fsu.75o.201.98.IP) (Quit: )

12:26 <Cepheid> I am in a irritable mood today.  THe conversations around me are aggravating me.

12:27 <Jahnesta> Don’t you have headpones?

12:27 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

12:27 <Cepheid> Not on hand, and even if I did, they'd magnify the noise.

12:28 *** Joins: ChaosMageX-HTPC (CMXHTPC@Pony-fsu.75o.201.98.IP)

12:28 <Jahnesta> Or can’t you go to a quiter place or something?

12:28 <Cepheid> I have no idea what the guys next to me are going into.

12:29 <Cepheid> It somehow wandered into a conversation about beer, children and children drinking beer.

12:29 <Cepheid> And no, Jahnesta.

12:29 <Cepheid> A quiet environment on this campus is impossible.

12:29 <Jahnesta> :(

12:29 <Jahnesta> And how did they get from textobbks, to beer drinking kids??

12:29 <Jahnesta> Textbooks

12:30 <Jahnesta> :0

12:30 <Jahnesta> XD

12:31 <Cepheid> It's a bunch of young students.  Simple answer is "they're stupid, but think they're smart" and the more complex answer would take an entire thesis to explain.

12:31 <Jahnesta> I have a LOT of those types at my school too

12:31 <Cepheid> Anyways, prof's here, lecture is starting.

12:32 <Cepheid> Be back later.

12:32 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Quit: Leaving)

12:32 <Jahnesta> Okay ,later

12:32 <Jahnesta> Darn!

12:32 <Jahnesta> Too late again! :P

12:40 <Finwe> o3o

12:42 * Jahnesta Boops Finwe’s nose

12:42 * Finwe scrunchymuzzles.

12:44 * Jahnesta Giggles

12:44 <Jahnesta> :3

12:44 <Jahnesta> What are you doing?

12:44 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Gameloft Releases MLP Movie Update [ http://tinyurl.com/ycprlj9u ]

12:44 * Jahnesta Is NOT clicking that!

12:45 <Jahnesta> I’m staying spoiler free!

12:45 * Jahnesta Holds a big NO SPOILERS sign up

12:46 <Jahnesta> Bad DerpyBot!

12:46 <Jahnesta> !spoilers

12:46 <Jahnesta> Thought that might work :P

12:51 <Jahnesta> Well i gtg anyway

12:51 <Jahnesta> See you soon

12:51 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-rj8nh4.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

12:57 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (chatzilla@Pony-qq9.884.68.61.IP) (Connection closed)

13:09 *** Quits: Apple_Bloom (uid52418@the.canon.pony) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

13:20 *** WorkFrame is now known as SleepFrame

13:40 *** Quits: Chaosweaver (Chaos@Evil.Lives.Here) (Connection closed)

13:42 *** Joins: Chaosweaver (Chaos@Evil.Lives.Here)

13:45 * Schism peers at dwarf bread, a delicacy which one carries in one's pack for the express purpose of making one look ever harder for something, anything else to eat. It can also be used as a weapon, of course.

13:45 *** Joins: Bubble-Berry (uid109338@Pony-91i8qf.hathersage.irccloud.com)

13:52 *** Joins: SeaFloofi (octaviavonc@Pony-fdn6vh.res.rr.com)

13:55 *** Joins: DashedRainbows (uid13850@Happy.Pone)

13:55 <SeaFloofi> Ohai

13:55 <DashedRainbows> Good morning equestria!

13:55 <SeaFloofi> How're you today? ^^

13:56 <DashedRainbows> Aside from it being too early, not bad

13:56 <SeaFloofi> Heh, almost 10am here. Been up since about 3.

13:57 <DashedRainbows> I'm too old for that anymore

13:58 <SeaFloofi> Enjoying my day off via pony radio and chatting. x3

13:59 <DashedRainbows> Better way than mine, by far

13:59 <SeaFloofi> Ahh, Her Darker Side is playing now. That's an oldie.

14:00 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-hq7.msp.200.112.IP)

14:06 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

14:06 * Cepheid flops in.

14:06 <SeaFloofi> Ohai. o:

14:07 <Cepheid> ... I was not aware people actually wore flowers as a headpiece.

14:07 <SeaFloofi> Mhm, it's more common than you might think.

14:07 <Cepheid> One of the students in the CCSS room is wearing some rose-type flower in her hair.

14:08 <SeaFloofi> Also aaa my local Walmart that I work at recently got in the MLP Movie poster! ^3^

14:09 <Cepheid> Next class is at... 1 PM.  Then I can go home at 2:30 PM.

14:09 <SeaFloofi> Fun.

14:09 <SeaFloofi> I'm enjoying a day off here.

14:10 *** Quits: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:12 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

14:13 <SeaFloofi> Welcome back.

14:13 * Finwe ruffles SeaFloofi.

14:13 * SeaFloofi blinks in response.

14:27 <Cepheid> Oh gods it starts.  One of my colleagues is poking fun at me and I'm poking back.

14:27 <SeaFloofi> Ohboi.

14:27 <Cepheid> It's like I have my own personal Schism right next to me.  Only he's German.

14:29 * Sleeping_Nightmares floofsplodes

14:29 <SeaFloofi> Uhm..Oki.

14:29 *** Joins: AVBO (androirc@Pony-ve9efs.threembb.co.uk)

14:35 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

14:35 <Thelema5> Hello everypony

14:35 <SeaFloofi> Hai!

14:35 *** Thelema5 is now known as Pony_47596

14:36 <Finwe> Mr Pony_47596.

14:36 * Finwe doffs his hat.

14:36 <SeaFloofi> Guud.

14:36 *** Pony_47596 is now known as Thelema5

14:37 <Finwe> I mean, Mr Until-recently-known-as-Pony_47596.

14:37 <SeaFloofi> You guys are giving my speech thing a mouthful. x3

14:38 <Finwe> What is this speech thing of which you are speaking?

14:39 <SeaFloofi> There's an option in on my mIRC client to turn on text-to-speech.

14:39 <Finwe> I see. Did it have hard time pronouncing something we wrote?

14:39 <Tirek> aeiou aeiou aeiou

14:39 <Tirek> Sorry, couldn't resist.

14:39 <SeaFloofi> It's funny.

14:40 <SeaFloofi> He says Tirek as Tie-REK.

14:40 <Finwe> Tie rack.

14:40 <Finwe> He's actually tie rack.

14:40 <Tirek> No different than these nerds.

14:40 * Finwe unties his tie and places it hanging on Tirek.

14:40 <SeaFloofi> Wow.

14:40 <SeaFloofi> That, actually sounded like Tie-rack there. xD

14:41 <Finwe> o3o

14:41 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

14:41 <SeaFloofi> Ohai dere.

14:41 <Finwe> Dag, mijnheer Jahnesta.

14:41 * Finwe doffs his hat.

14:42 <Jahnesta> Heyy

14:43 <Jahnesta> There's a carnival right in front of my house this week, so we put up a fence in our front yard, but it kinda looks like we are expecting a zombie horde XD

14:44 <Jahnesta> SeaFloofi Are you new here?

14:44 <SeaFloofi> Kinda.

14:44 <Schism> Jahnesta: Don't scrimp on planting those peashooters and wall-nuts.

14:44 <Jahnesta> https://imgur.com/a/rYwjU

14:45 <Jahnesta> I should probably start planting some plants x3

14:45 <Finwe> Schism: And don't skimp on the pâté.

14:46 <Jahnesta> It does kinda look like we are trying to keep zombies out I think :P

14:46 * Jahnesta Snuggles SeaFloofi :3

14:47 * SeaFloofi happily snuggles back.

14:47 * Schism provides Jahnesta with a drink made of white rum, dark rum, golden rum, apricot brandy, 151 rum, lime juice, and pineapple juice.

14:47 <Jahnesta> I'm not 18 yet

14:47 <Jahnesta> :P

14:47 <Schism> Ah, alas.

14:47 <Jahnesta> Thats a lotta rum

14:47 <Jahnesta> And I don't think I wanna start drinking when I am to be honest

14:47 <Schism> The drink is called a 'zombie', most certainly for what it does to your head.

14:48 <Jahnesta> Like to keep the ol brain cells intact

14:50 <Finwe> Alcohol doesn't actually destroy your brain cells, unless consumed in excessive amounts.

14:50 <Jahnesta> I thought by just drinking it, you'll lose a few too!

14:51 <Finwe> According to up-to-date reseach, this is not the case.

14:52 <Jahnesta> 🍻🍺

14:53 <Jahnesta> But we do have that fence against drunk people

14:53 <Jahnesta> Who are kinda like zombies I guess xD

14:53 <Finwe> At least some of them.

14:54 * Jahnesta moans "Beer... Beeer..." >:0

14:54 <Jahnesta> xD

14:54 <Jahnesta> I can already imagine it

14:55 <DashedRainbows> Alas, the dear liver

14:55 <Finwe> Jahnesta: That sounds like Homer Simpson.

14:55 <Jahnesta> Oh my gosh it does!

14:55 <Jahnesta> H

14:55 <Finwe> I have a barbecue to catch, see you later, everypony!

14:55 <Jahnesta> A hole horde of Homer Simpson's trying to get in...

14:56 <Jahnesta> Yave fun!

14:56 <Jahnesta> Have

14:56 <Finwe> o3o

14:56 <Jahnesta> oWo

14:56 * Finwe hugs a Jahnesta.

14:56 * Jahnesta Purrs

14:56 <Jahnesta> :3

14:58 <Thelema5> Enjoy the barbecue, Finwe

14:59 <Jahnesta> I believe Thelema5 also likes beer...! :P

14:59 *** Sleeping_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

15:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: Ponysphere - Heat Of Fire [80s Metal] [ http://tinyurl.com/y8b3zb2q ]

15:02 <SeaFloofi> Now listening to one of my fave albums, the mlp christmas album. cx

15:02 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:03 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

15:03 <Jahnesta> Brb

15:03 <SeaFloofi> Wb

15:03 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:05 <Schism> "The underground levels include libraries, labs, power systems, storage, and a half-mile layer of rich chocolate ganache."

15:05 <SeaFloofi> Wat?

15:08 <Schism> Random quote from Narbonic.  X3

15:12 *** Quits: AVBO (androirc@Pony-ve9efs.threembb.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:18 *** Quits: SeaFloofi (octaviavonc@Pony-fdn6vh.res.rr.com) (Quit: )

15:20 *** Quits: LadyMelody (Ponies@Nopony.Important) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:20 *** Joins: LadyMelody (Ponies@Nopony.Important)

15:23 <Schism> "This is madness!  MADNESS!" "No, it's not.  Our plan is a pragmatic response to problems we've observed; it's carefully organized, and we project an excellent chance of success." "... this is sanity!  SANITY!!"

15:23 <Braixen> thiss is Sparta ^

15:25 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:29 <Schism> "Sometimes, madness is the better coping mechanism."

15:31 *** Joins: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-1haq45.wa.comcast.net)

15:32 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

15:32 <Jahnesta> Hey

15:33 <Schism> Also a good line: "Okay, I have to get off this island before it gets any stupider."

15:33 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-19c.p2e.207.187.IP)

15:34 <Jahnesta> Hai Librarian

15:34 <Librarian> hoi

15:34 <Librarian> schism im at leve 9 owo

15:34 <Schism> Nice!  o3o

15:34 <Librarian> my catgirl looks like a proper mage now

15:35 <Schism> Once you hit level 15, there'll be some very, very useful training missions you can do.

15:35 <Librarian> pointy hat and everything

15:35 * Schism nodnods, "Gotta have that pointy hat."

15:36 <Librarian> then i can do the yo kai missions and get da noko

15:36 <Schism> This too!

15:36 <Schism> You don't even need to do much in order to get the Noko - the first one is free!  Afterwards, you'll be tasked with doing those FATEs (those blue fields and purple icons on the map) to get them.

15:37 <Schism> I do mean it about the level 15 quests from The Smith, by the way.  One of them provides the Brand New Ring, which gives you +30% experience when fighting monsters, up to level 30.

15:38 <Librarian> i did found a fate, but got overwhelmed by beakthings

15:39 <Schism> Ah, yeah.  Those Hammer Beaks are a pain.

15:41 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

15:43 *** Joins: Pony|78980 (Pony78980@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

15:45 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-i9tcns.as43234.net)

15:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SunsetShimmer

15:46 <Braixen> im level 67 in final fantasy  15

15:56 <Pony|78980> Brb again

15:56 *** Quits: Pony|78980 (Pony78980@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

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15:58 *** Joins: BlackSentinel (BlackSentin@behind.you)

16:10 *** Quits: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-1haq45.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:15 <Librarian> for all my faults they tell me i have a pleasant voice and great client management

16:16 <Librarian> least im doing something right

16:26 <Asoka> soory i can't i know you not enough

16:26 <Asoka> and about client mangment it is different in the us as in europe

16:36 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

16:37 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-19c.p2e.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:37 *** Quits: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners) (Quit: I will return to the shadows)

16:37 <Jahnesta> Helloo

16:38 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:41 *** Joins: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl)

16:43 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

16:46 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-39r1jq.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

16:47 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:50 *** Joins: Lumindia (Lumindia@is.a.miner.pony)

16:50 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

16:51 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

16:51 * Cepheid flops about waiting for lecture.

16:51 *** Quits: Pony_7085 (Lumindia@Pony-lcup4h.pbg.ptd.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:51 * Schism rolls over, and offers Cepheid a slice of marionberry cheesecake.

16:52 *** Joins: Lecture (Lecture@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com)

16:52 <Lecture> I have arrived

16:52 * Cepheid noms. Also pokes Lecture.

16:52 <Thelema5> :P

16:52 *** Quits: Lecture (Lecture@Pony-n7ip6v.biz.rr.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:53 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

16:53 <Cepheid> Today's been interesting so far.  Got an idea as to what expect, making friends, and...

16:53 <Cepheid> I got led around the school campus by a blind man.  He showed me a better route to the building I'm in.

16:53 <Schism> Huh, neat.  o.o

16:53 <Jahnesta> That's interesting

16:54 <Thelema5> The blind leading the not-so-blind?

16:54 <Schism> It does sound like a very interesting way to start off the semester.

16:54 <Cepheid> More or less, yeah, Thelema5.

16:54 *** Quits: Lumindia (Lumindia@is.a.miner.pony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:55 <Jahnesta> Brb gonna take a shower

16:55 <Cepheid> He wasn't blind earlier.  REally bad vision, but apparently things got worse, so he likely memorized all the paths around from before his current state.

16:55 <Thelema5> Glad it's going well so far

16:55 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

16:56 <Cepheid> So far, the most distracting thing I've seen is this one girl who's in my program of study.  She's only distracting me because she's wearing some sort of flower in her hair.  I've never seen anyone do that before, so it stands out to me.  Also the flower itself looks nice.

16:59 <Cepheid> ... Oh my gods.

16:59 <Cepheid> This course, I'm looking at the slides.

16:59 <Cepheid> I'm going to learn what BITS are, man!  BITS!  And bytes!  And nibbles!

16:59 * Cepheid screams dramatically. "SO COMPLEX MAN! I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!"

17:00 * Cepheid falls asleep at desk.

17:00 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

17:00 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

17:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Story: Winter Wisdom [ http://tinyurl.com/y88nu2eq ]

17:01 <Schism> Cepheid: C'mon, man, spread the good Word.

17:01 *** Joins: ADragonHoarding (Mibbit@Pony-krk.qod.41.69.IP)

17:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ADragonHoarding

17:02 <Schism> Then again, there are so many different types of word.

17:02 <Schism> ... I did not mean that second pun.

17:02 * Schism forces Cepheid to code everything with nothing but 36-bit integers.

17:03 * Filly_Nightmares chews on Schism

17:03 * Schism boops the Filly_Nightmares with a small bag of cola-flavoured gummies.

17:05 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

17:05 * Schism then provides ADragonDreaming and Jahnesta with some raspberry tarts with vanilla ice cream.

17:06 <Jahnesta> :D

17:06 <Jahnesta> But don't mind me, I'm still afk

17:06 <Jahnesta> Long story :P

17:06 <ADragonHoarding> delish

17:09 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:10 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

17:10 * Filly_Nightmares noms her gummies and rolls around with one in her mouf

17:10 * Filly_Nightmares is only one foot tall floof!

17:11 * Schism notes the gummies are only a centimeter large! So they are mouf-sized.

17:11 <Schism> Gummies also stick to fangs to keep batlings from biting others.

17:21 * Schism still chortles at this pun. "The Discworld is a logical place, where everything has its opposite. Goodbye Vera is the total opposite of Aloe Vera."

17:23 *** Joins: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

17:23 <DashedRainbows> I'm either very honest, an idiot, or both. Sigh

17:23 <Schism> Might as well be both.  Most of us are idiots anyway.

17:24 <DashedRainbows> I'm dubious

17:24 <Schism> But let us share our understanding of one another, as only true fools might!

17:25 <Jahnesta> 🤓

17:25 <DashedRainbows> Anyway, cheers to self-induced misery

17:26 <Schism> Tis a human thing.

17:26 <DashedRainbows> Sadly

17:27 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Jahnesta@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

17:32 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-19c.p2e.207.187.IP)

17:32 <Librarian> back

17:32 *** Joins: Pony|36484 (Pony36484@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

17:32 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-hq7.msp.200.112.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

17:32 <Librarian> tech guy was working on my computer

17:34 *** Quits: Pony|36484 (Pony36484@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

17:35 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-hq7.msp.200.112.IP)

17:35 * Filly_Nightmares chews on Schism through the gummies in her fangs!

17:36 * Schism is protected by gummies!

17:37 *** Joins: Scarlet_Harmony (Scarlet_Har@Pony-25l203.dsl.gulftelephone.net)

17:37 * Filly_Nightmares eees and nomfs harder! Her fangs go through the gummies!

17:38 * Schism grumps, and provides more gummies.

17:38 <Scarlet_Harmony> Ugh, Jahnesta isn't on...

17:39 * Filly_Nightmares bites through them too!

17:39 <PinkieShy> O_O

17:39 <PinkieShy> P.T silent hills thing is creepy..

17:40 <Librarian> pinkie!

17:40 <Librarian> how are you?

17:40 <Schism> PinkieShy: Were you able to find yourself a copy of PT?

17:40 <Scarlet_Harmony> Filly_Nightmares is probably my favorite person on here cause they're kinda funny..

17:41 <PinkieShy> Schism I'm playing the minecraft map version.. just as creepy

17:41 <PinkieShy> Librarian I'm doing good :3 how are you

17:41 <Schism> Huh.  Must be well-made!  Sadly, the Silent Hills game that it was created to announce... will never be.

17:41 <Librarian> great, my meds are finally working

17:41 <Librarian> i feel so happy

17:41 * Schism also hugs the Librarian.

17:42 <Librarian> i hate scary games, im anxious enogh as it is

17:43 *** Joins: Pony|36484 (Pony36484@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

17:44 *** Pony|36484 is now known as Jahnesta

17:45 * Filly_Nightmares licks Scarlet_Harmony

17:46 * Schism is contemplating making up some garlic toast.

17:47 *** Joins: Reia_Sleep (chatzilla@Pony-e7243n.ipv6.telus.net)

17:48 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Pony36484@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

17:48 * DashedRainbows pets Filly_Nightmares and hugs Librarian.

17:48 *** Joins: Pony|87605 (Pony87605@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

17:49 *** Pony|87605 is now known as Jahnesta

17:51 *** Joins: CleverDerpy (CleverDerpy@Pony-d6m32j.nhc3.ssum.0701.2601.IP)

17:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +h CleverDerpy

17:51 * Filly_Nightmares rolls

17:51 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Pony87605@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

17:51 * CleverDerpy rolls into Filly_Nightmares

17:51 <CleverDerpy> hiya~

17:52 <Librarian> derrrpy!

17:52 * CleverDerpy picks her up and does tummy rasperries

17:52 <Librarian> how are you

17:52 <CleverDerpy> pffffffft ah pffffffft!

17:52 *** Joins: Pony|57433 (Pony57433@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

17:52 <CleverDerpy> i am goodles

17:52 *** Pony|57433 is now known as Jahnesta

17:52 * Filly_Nightmares squishes

17:53 <Librarian> thtas awesome

17:54 <CleverDerpy> oh nuuuu! i flattened da Filly_Nightmares

17:55 <CleverDerpy> what do now?

17:55 * Jahnesta Gives CleverDerpy a air pump

17:55 <CleverDerpy> thanks

17:56 * CleverDerpy uses it and fills Filly_Nightmares with air

17:56 <Jahnesta> I must go, my planet needs me!

17:56 * Jahnesta Flies off

17:57 *** Quits: CocoPommel (androirc@Pony-ap8dnm.res.rr.com) (Quit: AndroID - Android IRC Client)

18:00 *** Joins: Apple_Bloom (uid52418@the.canon.pony)

18:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Off-Field / Chores / Yourself 226 / Pone Wars 2:4 / Cherry 2:15 / Lonely 2:80 / Sable 61 / Isolation 143 / Reflection 3 / BoE 5:22 [ http://tinyurl.com/ybuxpvug ]

18:03 * Filly_Nightmares chews on CleverDerpy

18:03 <DashedRainbows> Heyo CleverDerpy

18:07 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Pony57433@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

18:14 *** Joins: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@Pony-schohf.range86-137.btcentralplus.com)

18:21 *** Joins: hawthornbunny (hawthorn@Pony-her.q0r.147.195.IP)

18:26 *** Joins: Pony|7524 (Pony7524@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

18:26 *** Pony|7524 is now known as Jahnesta

18:40 <CleverDerpy> hiya DashedRainbows

18:40 * CleverDerpy boops Filly_Nightmares

18:44 * Thelema5 tapdances across the screen

18:45 * Librarian applauds

18:46 * DashedRainbows holds up a sign with a 8

18:46 * Librarian holds one with a banana

18:47 * Schism provides Thelema5 with some rotini, topped with lots of mozzarella and tomato sauce, parmesan cheese, a bit of basil and some assorted meats in the form of uncased Italian sausage.

18:49 <CleverDerpy> wow,

18:49 <CleverDerpy> derpy likes tapdancing performances~

18:49 * CleverDerpy claps her wings

18:49 <Thelema5> Thanksie, thanksie

18:50 * CleverDerpy holds a blue shell

18:50 <CleverDerpy> i win~

18:50 * CleverDerpy throws the blue shell comically before it starts chasing Librarian

18:51 <CleverDerpy> oops...

18:51 <CleverDerpy> aim for second Librarian, ain for second!

18:51 <Schism> Stupid chocobo racers are mean when you get up to the higher levels.  They launch weaponry which saps the stamina of all chocoboes within their range -- in unison, and on narrow straightaways.

18:52 * Librarian runs like crazy

18:52 <Schism> Librarian: Oh yeah, you'll also get to chocobo racing.  <3

18:52 <CleverDerpy> ooooh, i can't watch

18:52 * Librarian dodges

18:52 * CleverDerpy closes her eyes and slowly pulls up a camera

18:52 * Librarian eats the shell

18:53 <Librarian> i learned that from a yoshi

18:53 * CleverDerpy boom! it exploded in your tummy

18:53 <Librarian> spicy

18:53 <CleverDerpy> good thinking, sorry muffin

18:53 <CleverDerpy> derpy forgot it does that

18:54 <CleverDerpy> hey, could've been a pie explosion

18:54 <CleverDerpy> that would kill you, and I've seen it 11 times

18:56 <Schism> "Has anyone actually... died from terminal embarrassment?" "There's a bit of case law, there, actually, sir.  Several centuries ago - it's said that's why the Fools' Guild and the Assassins' Guild are side-by-side."

18:58 *** Quits: Jahnesta (Pony7524@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

18:59 <Librarian> back hurts owo

18:59 <Librarian> too much sitting time

18:59 <PinkieShy> They are gonna evacuate hospitals here

18:59 <Schism> Ow... well, hopefully it feels better!  And where are you, PinkieShy?

18:59 <PinkieShy> Plus saturday I-26 lane reversals as early as 10am

19:00 <Librarian> have recieved mandatory evacution?

19:00 <Thelema5> PinkieShy, sounds serious

19:00 <PinkieShy> Librarian not yet.

19:00 <Schism> Charleston, SC...

19:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Ferret: Pony Themed Frozen Yogurt - A Review!  [ http://tinyurl.com/yam6abb9 ]

19:00 <Thelema5> I can't even imagine how much trouble it is to evacuate a hospital.  Many patients can't really be moved, are of life support, etc

19:01 <PinkieShy> Well if Charleston is doing it then Myrtle beach is more likely to follow its footprints.. after all Myrtle is only 94.8 miles away

19:01 <Schism> Yeah, needs to get done...

19:01 <PinkieShy> I'm in Conway which is only 22miles from myrtle

19:01 *** Joins: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock)

19:01 <Cepheid> 'Afternoon.

19:02 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 I'm worried about this that by the time i hit my dad's age i'll see a cat5 hit south carolina.

19:02 <Schism> Heya.

19:02 <Cepheid> I'm sticking around on campus for a bit.  Gonna try out this "socializing" thing that I hear so much about.

19:02 <Schism> I'm sorry, but I do want to know.  WHO, at this point, is still in denial about climate change?  Beyond the obvious suspects.

19:02 <Thelema5> It's possible, PinkieShy.

19:02 <Schism> Cepheid: Careful about that, if you do too much of it you'll be going out drinking and then it's all downhill into a normal life for you.

19:03 <Cepheid> I don't think I could have a normal life, even if I was drinking.

19:03 <Cepheid> I'm in Computer Science, we're all insane.

19:03 <Thelema5> Schism, I'm not sure there are many people who seriously doubt climate change- I think the biggest rift in people's approach to the subject is how much of an influence on climate change human activity has

19:03 *** Joins: The_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-jv1.963.76.185.IP)

19:03 *** Lord_Greener is now known as Pony_23381

19:04 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 https://twitter.com/coolmario88cp/status/905866895085187072 One of the roads in neighborhood already has puddles on it from just the much rain we had recently here..

19:04 <Schism> Thelema5: Granted.  But at this point it's very difficult to deny, for anyone who looks at the data, that this rise in global temperatures can be tied to the industrial revolution and the severe pollution ever since.

19:04 *** Tempo-Work is now known as Tempo

19:04 <PinkieShy> Dirt road. >.>

19:04 <Schism> Cepheid: Congratulations, you've been cast as a part of the spinoff of The Big Bang Theory.

19:04 *** The_Greener is now known as Lord_Greener

19:04 *** Quits: Pony_23381 (The_Greene@Pony-jv1.963.76.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:05 * Filly_Nightmares yawnskrees

19:05 <Schism> PinkieShy: I dunno if you get fire ants there, but keep watch.

19:05 <Cepheid> I'd rather garrote myself than be associated with that show.

19:05 <Cepheid> Especially since my family jokes that I'm like... SHELDON... of all people.

19:05 <PinkieShy> Schism i don't know about fire ants, my front yard has like 7 ant beds..

19:05 <Schism> ... No, you are not Sheldon freakin' Cooper.

19:06 <Schism> You might be Leonard.

19:06 <Schism> PinkieShy: Fire ants are the ones which, when they sting, makes you feel like your whole damned leg is being immolated.

19:06 <Cepheid> Not as patient as him.

19:06 <Cepheid> I'd likely punch someone like Sheldon.

19:06 <Schism> Well, I did say might.  Heh.

19:07 <Schism> There are very many people who want to punch Sheldon.

19:07 <Cepheid> I mean sure, me and my sister are both a tad neurotic about our marks, to the point that we eventually drive ourselves insane at some point each semester, but yeah.

19:08 <Schism> There are, of course, various stages of neuroses.

19:09 <Cepheid> Me and my sister have this neurotic belief that we must do as best as we possibly can, which leads to a severe burnout.

19:09 <Cepheid> Friggen hells this place is a tad warm.

19:09 <Cepheid> Though they seemed to have noticed that.  Some A/C has started up.

19:09 <Thelema5> Sadly, the world rewards mediocrity more often than not

19:10 <Cepheid> Also...

19:10 <Cepheid> Discrete Structures II.  I may be at a bit of an advantage

19:10 <Cepheid> Normally it's taken at the same time as other 2000-level courses, like statistics.

19:11 <Thelema5> Much of the time doing your very best won't get you much farther than doing the bare minimum.  All it really gets you is more work and responsibility with little incentive

19:11 <Cepheid> Discrete Structures II will apparently focus a lot around statistics-related stuff.

19:12 <Cepheid> As for systems programming.

19:13 <Cepheid> Geezus hells.  I learned what a BIT was.  And how a byte is comprised of 8 of them!

19:13 <Cepheid> What is this?  Don't students learn this stuff in the first semester?

19:13 <Cepheid> And this class is a mid-2nd-year-difficulty class.

19:14 <Schism> Cepheid: Especially since many of your fellow students seem to just study on and off as they see fit.

19:14 <Cepheid> I've seen it all because of college.  I'm still shocked it happens.

19:14 <Cepheid> Also, I'm lucky by the by.

19:14 <Cepheid> The 4th years are torturing the 1st years.

19:15 <Cepheid> I'm technically a first-year student at Carleton University, but listed as second year.  And if you combine the 4.5 years of college with it, that makes me something like..  fifth year?

19:15 <Cepheid> I'm a friggen senior to everyone in the CCSS room, including the 4th years. :P

19:15 <Librarian> cepheid senpai owo

19:16 <Cepheid> I wonder if that is how I'd be seen to other Japanese college/university students starting their first year.

19:16 <Librarian> probably

19:17 *** Joins: Pony|9335 (Pony9335@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

19:17 <Cepheid> Also, I got carded at the bar.

19:17 <Cepheid> But only because it's the first week of classes.

19:17 <Schism> Ah, us travelers and our eternally youthful looks.

19:17 *** Pony|9335 is now known as Jahnesta

19:17 <Thelema5> "Grandpas Cepheid, can you tell us again what it was like programming on punch cards?"

19:17 <Librarian> bars are boring here

19:17 <Librarian> filled with drunk teens

19:18 <Thelema5> I've never been to a bar

19:18 <Librarian> i just went once, albeit it was more of a club

19:18 <Thelema5> The closest I've come are restaurant taverns

19:18 <Librarian> never going again

19:18 <Cepheid> This is closer to a pub, really.

19:18 <Thelema5> Probably a sound choice

19:19 <Librarian> i dont even like booze, cant drink it anyway

19:19 <Cepheid> Schism:  Not that I was youthful, but more there's an influx of young brats trying to drink.

19:19 <Cepheid> So they card everyone to be safe.

19:19 <Schism> Ehg.  University.

19:19 <Schism> Hey, Cepheid: When you return from the classes, there is a game you might enjoy for the weirdness -- but are you subseptible to negatives from flashing lights?

19:20 *** Parts: Jahnesta (Pony9335@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) ()

19:20 <Librarian> im a fairly tolerant person, but i detest drunk teens

19:20 <Librarian> they annoy me a lot

19:20 <Cepheid> I'm surprisingly tolerant of teenagers and people my age provided that they're not in a lecture or lab doing work or learning.

19:20 <Cepheid> Since I can't stand chatting people in lecture halls, or the loud chatty groups in the lab periods.

19:21 <Cepheid> You're here to learn.  Act like it.

19:21 <Cepheid> Outside of that, do whatever ye want so long as it's not constant, non-stop high-pitch screaming.

19:21 *** Quits: Pi (pi@Pony-hq7.msp.200.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:21 <Librarian> i dont know if this happens eveywhere, but as my college was reallly small i had to deal with party groups and their nonsense

19:21 <Cepheid> Yeah, that is an issue, especially if you're living on campus.

19:21 <Cepheid> I don't, so I don't have to deal with it.

19:21 <Librarian> they drank to blackout every single week

19:22 <Librarian> also highschool, that i have nightmares about

19:22 <Cepheid> Instead, I ahve to deal with high-pitched screaming 5-10 year-olds who come dangerously close to damaging everyone's cars and such on a regular basis.

19:22 <Cepheid> The parents don't watch this group of kids.  They expect the neighbourhood to do that job.

19:22 <Cepheid> Can't count the number of times I've heard someone in the neighbourhood yell "HEY!  Play away from my car!" or something of the sort.

19:22 <Librarian> on the contrary, i like kids

19:23 <Cepheid> Hate 'em.

19:23 <Cepheid> Scour the world of 'em.

19:23 <Librarian> and most kids like me

19:23 *** Joins: Pi (pi@Pony-hq7.msp.200.112.IP)

19:23 <Librarian> its a mystery to me how you tolerate teens

19:24 <Librarian> i didnt even like being one

19:24 <Cepheid> https://www.facebook.com/Purrtacular/videos/1299121890216747/

19:24 <Cepheid> Librarian:  The only real thing I need is for them to be relatively quiet.

19:24 <Cepheid> As it is, kids younger than about 10-11 or so don't have any real concept of volume.

19:25 <Cepheid> When you sound like you're being murdered, you're probably a tad loud.

19:25 <Cepheid> I can't count the number of times I had to look out just to make sure someone wasn't attacking a kid because of the way they scream.

19:25 <Librarian> kids are loud yes, but at least are honest and straightforward

19:25 <Cepheid> You realize you're talking about children, right?

19:25 <Cepheid> Most lie through their teeth if they think they'll get in trouble otherwise.

19:25 <Cepheid> Hell even I did it as a kid.

19:26 <Librarian> thats true, but its sooo easy to see

19:27 <Librarian> i have a kid niece, so im used to playing with loud kids

19:27 <Librarian> she even hits me a lot owo

19:27 <Librarian> doesnt really hurt

19:27 <Cepheid> In any case, I don't like kids.  I'd be a terrible father by the standards of today(Punishments I employed, which wouldn't even involve anything physical, would probably be considered cruelty or child abuse.), and I just can't stand the noise.  It's disruptive, sometimes even painful.

19:27 <Librarian> fathering is hard

19:27 <Librarian> just ask thelema

19:27 <Thelema5> Depends on the kid

19:28 <Cepheid> My idea of a punishment these days would be taking away any electronics the kid has.  Problem is, doing this is supposedly child abuse now?

19:30 * Cepheid noms cider.

19:33 *** Quits: Scarlet_Harmony (Scarlet_Har@Pony-25l203.dsl.gulftelephone.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

19:33 *** Joins: Scarlet_Harmony (Scarlet_Har@Pony-25l203.dsl.gulftelephone.net)

19:34 <Cepheid> ... I get the impression that if one of these bartenders asked me to buy a drink or food or something, I wouldn't be able to say "no".

19:35 <Schism> Cepheid: Have you ever seen one of those games where you get a word on the page reading blue, but it's in fact red?

19:35 *** Joins: Pony|4060 (Pony4060@Pony-0km94i.64-150-142-net.sccoast.net)

19:35 <Schism> And yeah, people like us shouldn't parent.

19:36 <Cepheid> Schism:  I've seen stuff like that all the time, and it was discussed in my Psych class.

19:36 <Cepheid> What about it?

19:36 <Schism> There's a game based around it.  Wanna link?

19:36 <Cepheid> Sure.

19:37 <Schism> Here you are.  https://gamejolt.com/games/v/122286

19:37 <Cepheid> The human brain is fun.  Lot of tricks you can play on it.

19:37 <Schism> It does a lot of those tricks.  Kinda neat, really.  And it's short, just a few minutes if that.

19:38 <Cepheid> My favourite tricks are the ones with word associations.

19:38 *** Quits: Pony|4060 (Pony4060@Pony-0km94i.64-150-142-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

19:39 <Schism> It is a rather bold tactic.

19:40 <Cepheid> ...

19:40 * Cepheid pokes Schism in the eye.

19:41 * Schism accepts it with grace, aplomb, and much flailing.

19:42 *** Joins: Vulpor (Vulpor@Pony-0km94i.64-150-142-net.sccoast.net)

19:44 <Schism> Cepheid: You might even want to forward a link to that game to your psych prof.

19:44 <Cepheid> Okay, I need to move.  I'll BRB in a bit.

19:44 <Schism> Kaykay.

19:47 <Cepheid> Much better.

19:47 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Connection closed)

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19:48 <Cepheid> Too bloody warm where I was.  Downside is, no power source.

19:48 <Cepheid> But my battery's at 61%, so I got a few hours.

19:51 <Schism> Yeah, you'll be back home soon anyway.

19:52 <Schism> "Back home, we didn't have weather management.  The clouds moved on their own.  We smiled every time we saw a summer shower, because it meant we could play outside and get wet and muddy and it'd be so much fun and we'd have an excuse."

19:54 <Schism> "It makes me wonder.  When did you guys stop letting things happen?"

19:55 <Librarian> i wanna go to an in game wedding

19:55 <Librarian> seems fun

19:56 <Schism> Once you reach level 15, hit up The Smith at various parts of the game.  Joining the Novice Network, sometimes you'll wind up with other players asking for guests to a wedding.

19:56 <Librarian> yay

19:57 <Schism> You WILL need to unlock airship travel, so get that main story going.

19:57 <Schism> You might need an escort to the area located north of the Bramble Patch in the South Shroud too, but that shouldn't be too hard.

19:57 <Librarian> ok

19:57 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Michael@Pony-39r1jq.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

19:58 <Schism> Just note, weddings /are/ relatively rare events, and need to be reserved several days ahead of time.

19:58 *** Joins: Pony|12695 (Pony12695@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl)

19:58 <Librarian> yeah i just read the whole brochure for the heck of it

19:59 * Schism nodnods.

19:59 *** Parts: Pony|12695 (Pony12695@Pony-5o0k53.dynamic.ziggo.nl) ()

19:59 <Librarian> our guildmasters had one?

19:59 <Schism> Ezio and Elena Salvatore?  Yes.

20:00 <Librarian> you went?

20:00 <Schism> No, that was before I joined.

20:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by We Are Borg: Discussion: Giving Up - Ever thrown in the towel too soon? [ http://tinyurl.com/yaro9ztq ]

20:01 <Schism> I attended the one between Talon Joebenski and his iRL GF, and one other, but the latter was just a roundabout event.  Either way, it's worth witnessing at least once.

20:02 <Librarian> the guys are square are genius, they found a way to charge for fake weedings

20:02 <Librarian> least its cheaper than a real one

20:03 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-h897fc.qaqv.r2ue.030a.2602.IP)

20:03 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

20:03 <Schism> Even better, they found a way to charge for higher-class in-game weddings.

20:03 * Ali noses CleverDerpy to evac

20:03 * Librarian gives a cookie to ali

20:03 <Schism> Wherein the participants could choose to adjust their wedding parure.

20:03 * Ali noms cookie

20:03 <Schism> Amongst other things.

20:03 <Librarian> are there same sex weedings?

20:04 <Schism> Yes.  And weddings, too.

20:04 <Librarian> i could marry my phonica owo, like marrying a daughter

20:06 *** Joins: The_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-jv1.963.76.185.IP)

20:06 *** Lord_Greener is now known as Pony_99302

20:06 <Schism> Properly-held in-game weddings are a tearful occasion.  Talon Joebenski and his GF made it a solemn affair - which was followed immediately by them and their guildmates stripping nude and posing ridiculously.  We all have our ceremonies, right?

20:07 *** The_Greener is now known as Lord_Greener

20:07 <Librarian> sounds like a lot of real events

20:07 <Librarian> i even saw a movie of the sort

20:07 *** Quits: Pony_99302 (The_Greene@Pony-jv1.963.76.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:08 <Schism> Hehe.  But be advised, that's what you might be in for.  Also, I dressed up in finest wedding attire for that, Sunday Bestest, and was surprised when that happened.

20:08 <Schism> I'll show you the look when I next log in alongside.  I like to think it was halfway acceptable!

20:09 <Schism> Oh, and Librarian: Most 'fashionable' clothing is level 1 gear, so that anyone can wear it.

20:09 <Schism> This includes swimsuits, normal 'Earth' gear, and the occasional dress, pantsuit, et al.

20:10 <Cepheid> Meanwhile, I'd show up in a bikini.

20:10 <Schism> We all know of your aversion to heat.

20:10 *** Joins: Sombra (Jive@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

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20:12 <Librarian> it seems a girl found excalibur

20:12 <Librarian> god blees the mini queen

20:12 <Sombra> I don't think I have friends

20:12 <Librarian> you have us

20:12 <Librarian> that counts

20:13 <Schism> Librarian: In exactly the same pond it was supposed to come from!  And she's even named Matilda!

20:13 <Cepheid> ...

20:13 <Schism> But it's a stage prop.

20:13 * Cepheid tries to avoid looking to his left. >_>

20:13 <Schism> What?

20:14 <Schism> What did you get yourself into, Cepheid?

20:14 <Cepheid> Nursing student, but she looks more like the type of person who might be in a different profession. >_>;

20:14 <Schism> Ah, the hormonal concern.

20:14 <Sombra> .Are you my friends?

20:14 <Cepheid> Me?  Depends on the definition of friend.

20:15 <Schism> Cepheid: If it helps, just imagine how much she must suffer through muscle pains and the fact that the whole damned world sees her as that.

20:16 <Cepheid> Heh.

20:17 <Schism> Not exactly a joke...

20:17 <Cepheid> I am aware.

20:17 <Sombra> Friends, socialization.

20:17 <Schism> Nah, sorry.  Cripes.

20:18 <Librarian> i dont socialize correctly but my brain chemestry is wrong

20:18 <Sombra> I think mine might be too

20:18 <Schism> Show to me a single instance of humanity whose brain chemistry is right.

20:18 <Sombra> Are there a lot of people here who's brain chemestry is stupid?

20:18 <Sombra> My dad

20:18 <Sombra> My step mom, my sisters, my roomate.

20:18 <Cepheid> I don't socialize correctly because I grew up in a weird set of situations.

20:18 <Sombra> My landlord.

20:19 <Schism> And what do your dad, stepmom, sisters, roommate do for fun?

20:19 <Sombra> Whatever they want I imagine.

20:19 <Schism> You don't know for sure?

20:19 <Sombra> Play video games, read books, watch movies.

20:19 <Librarian> if you think you have something check it

20:19 <Sombra> I do have something.

20:19 <Schism> Then if you don't know, what makes you think that they're any more right than us?

20:19 <Librarian> i feel better now becuase of properly executed medicine

20:20 <Sombra> Mine is... well it used to be good.

20:21 <Cepheid> This place plays good music.  Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams.

20:21 <Schism> I'm seriously socially screwed six shades from Sunday, but ... I like to think that I'm weird in a socially reasonable way.  

20:22 <Schism> And if someone takes exception - well, who am I to disagree?

20:22 <Librarian> we are birds of a feather, we are buddies

20:22 <Sombra> My biggest problem is that I'm all panic, all the time.  But even without that, I cannot socialize properly.

20:22 <Schism> I've traveled the world and the seven seas - everybody's looking for something...

20:22 <Librarian> might be an actual issue

20:23 <Librarian> if you can see a proffesional

20:23 <Librarian> if only to remove such a possibilty

20:23 <Schism> Sombra: Even at family reunions, I take the time to play cards instead of 'mingling'.

20:23 <Sombra> Well, I can usually mingle well with family members, sometimes with friends too, but I cannot make the jump from acquiantences to friends.

20:23 <Sombra> Or even, meeting new people at all.

20:24 <Librarian> you could simply be shy

20:24 <Schism> Better to work with a small group of folks instead of the larger combination of augh.

20:24 <Sombra> I had friends in highschool, but they have all moved away

20:24 <Schism> Sombra, I promise, you're amongst friends here.  If only because many of us have the same issue.

20:24 <Sombra> .That seems to be the case.

20:25 <Schism> It's not in any way your fault, just how folks like us are.

20:25 <Sombra> But it is my problem, and mine alone

20:25 <Schism> Doesn't help that I was dragged to several family reunions, in my youth, where I was introduced to several older people who I have absolutely no idea whatsoever who they are, and so got into a corner and just played games with the nieces and nephews.

20:26 <Thelema5> I don't have a friend in the world except for online friends.  Some folks just don't get along with other meatpuppets

20:26 <Sombra> .I wish I did though.

20:26 <Schism> We don't.  Without a point of similarity, we just can't get along.

20:26 <Sombra> I feel like if I did, I would get much further in life.

20:27 <Schism> Sombra: It might not be socially acceptable under many cases, but in cases where you're invited to a party, look for folks like you, and invite them to a card game.  Doesn't have to be anything more involved than Liar's Cards.

20:28 <Sombra> I am in no situations to be invited to anything by anyone

20:28 <Schism> Invited to a party - you said you were, sometimes.

20:28 <Schism> Or at least, social situations where you can mingle.

20:29 <Thelema5> You could try the usual outlets like book clubs, gaming groups, any sort of niche gathering... to find people who are probably also socially awkward but trying to meet others

20:29 <Sombra> In the distant past.

20:29 <Schism> Sombra: I also want to wonder -- are you always on edge when you don't do something with your hands?

20:29 <Thelema5> I don't know if you have an active meetup.com base in your region, but there are lots of people looking to get to know others with similar interests on there

20:30 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-19c.p2e.207.187.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

20:30 * CleverDerpy laps up milk from a bowl

20:30 <Sombra> Yes, sometimes even when I do do somethin with my hands

20:30 <CleverDerpy> i am a thirsty derp!

20:31 <Thelema5> Is that bovine milk?

20:31 <CleverDerpy> mhm

20:31 <Schism> Sombra: So you have to remain active, but there are very few folks with whom you can remain intellectually active.

20:31 <Sombra> I've tried meetup

20:31 <CleverDerpy> fresh from the cows that go moo!

20:31 <Sombra> Nothing really there

20:31 * Thelema5 offers some almond milk instead- it has 100% less mucus and blood

20:31 <Schism> Sombra: Know ye of a games store within your area?

20:31 * CleverDerpy laps up the almond milk

20:32 <CleverDerpy> this is pretty different.. but good~

20:32 <Thelema5> I love the stuff

20:32 * CleverDerpy finishes the bowl

20:32 <CleverDerpy> thankies~

20:35 * Ali evacs CleverDerpy

20:35 <CleverDerpy> Ali... derpy cannot leave

20:35 <CleverDerpy> if family won't go, derpy won't either

20:35 * Ali flailyhooves

20:35 <CleverDerpy> even yuki is staying

20:35 * Ali flails harder

20:36 <Sombra> I don't like card games or anything like that

20:36 <CleverDerpy> she doesn't want to, but she wants to keep me and others safe

20:36 <Sombra> Plus I don't know anyone there

20:36 <CleverDerpy> Ali, come with me, missy, to the PM!

20:37 <Thelema5> Meh.  Most people are dreadfully dull anyway.  They're quite content to prattle on about themselves trying to sound superior

20:38 <Thelema5> That, or they will look down upon the world with such distain that they can't possibly be approached with anything less than disgust

20:44 *** Quits: Cepheid (cepheid@tick.tock.tick.tock.goes.the.clock) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:44 <Thelema5> CleverDerpy, how far are you from the coast?

20:47 <Schism> Randomly: I should head down this way tomorrow.  http://www.adventurersguildcafe.com/menu/

20:47 <Schism> Menu aside, it looks like a fun place.

20:50 <Thelema5> Looks fun.  Beer floats, though?  ( ._.)

20:51 <Thelema5> They do offer a drink called a unicorn hug, so I guess that makes up for it

20:51 <Schism> Well, it could work, for the beer shakes.  I don't know, but it'd work, I guess?

20:51 * Filly_Nightmares chews on Schism

20:51 <Schism> After all, the Brits have a combination of a lager and cider.

20:51 <Scarlet_Harmony> That site seems cool, but I'm still wondering if it's a real thing or just for rp and stuff...

20:51 <Sombra> Being anti-social tends to make one poor suited for success.

20:52 <Schism> Scarlet_Harmony, it's real.

20:52 * Filly_Nightmares stuffs gummies into Schism's mouf!

20:52 <Schism> It's about 30 minutes' walk away from my place.

20:52 <Sombra> Game

20:52 *** Quits: Sombra (Jive@Darkhorse21) (Quit: quit)

20:52 * Filly_Nightmares berps

20:52 * Schism pats the Filly_Nightmares and has sugary blood.

20:52 * Filly_Nightmares licks Schism's hoof

20:52 *** Joins: AVBO (androirc@Pony-6p6jne.range86-144.btcentralplus.com)

20:53 <Scarlet_Harmony> Like real as in you can buy the stuff? Or real as in it's a real site with fake things? I'm so confused!!!

20:53 <Schism> Scarlet_Harmony, like real as in it is actually a combination of games (some of which you can buy) combined with an actual pub.

20:54 <Schism> All held in an actual physical location.

20:54 <Scarlet_Harmony> Oooooooooooooh. Yeah, I'll be checking it out for a few more minutes then..

20:55 * Thelema5 goes to make a caff� mocha

20:58 <Schism> "I'm not sure what's going to make me lose more points of sanity here.  The eldritch abominations searing through reality, or my teammate weaponizing the candy known as cherry bombs." "The shrapnel is what really gets 'em."

21:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Random MLP Merch: MLP Movie Song Karaoke Box, Crayola Pony, Back to School MLP Movie Stuff, and More!  [ http://tinyurl.com/ycbffr2t ]

21:01 <Tirek> That sounds like fun.

21:01 <Tirek> I wish there were places like that where I'm from.

21:01 <Tirek> I'd love a dnd themed pub where we can go and hang out and play tabletop games with beer and food.

21:02 <Schism> Tirek: It's one of those few benefits to living in the middle of the city.  You get spoiled for choice in cases like this.

21:02 <Schism> Oh, I should link you to this too.

21:02 <Schism> Here you are, Tirek.  https://rpg.rem.uz/

21:04 <Thelema5> I can relate, Tirek.  There is /nothing/ that niche around me within an hour and a half drive

21:05 <Thelema5> My town has two restaurants- one is asian / sushi and the other is only open 2 days a week

21:05 <Thelema5> XD

21:08 <Thelema5> I couldn't deal with living in a city, though.  Too much noise, too many people, not enough trees or stars at night

21:09 <Vulpor> Hey all

21:09 *** Quits: Lord_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-jv1.963.76.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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21:09 <Vulpor> Who is ready for some football

21:10 <Thelema5> HI Vulpor.

21:10 <Thelema5> Not my thing, sorry

21:10 <Vulpor> Also hope everyone in Texas and Florida are safe

21:11 <Vulpor> and those in South Carolina are prepping

21:11 <Thelema5> The nearest interesting place to me is a Doctor Who themed restaurant, which is about an hour south of me

21:11 <Thelema5> CleverDerpy is in Florida and Pinkieshy is in SC on the coast

21:12 <Thelema5> As of now they are both accounted for but not evacuating

21:13 <Thelema5> Aren't you in SC too, Vulpor?

21:23 *** Quits: Double (double@Pony-40o5q9.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)

21:26 * Thelema5 goes home

21:26 <Thelema5> Bye!

21:26 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more?)

21:34 <Schism> "So, Mr. Crescent, you have managed to ensure through the policies of an otherwise very respectable financial organization that a very large number of bits have vanished into the aether.  When I have been, night and day, under the eyes of several vaunted members of the Wild Guard.  And you seek to claim that this is my own fault."

21:37 *** Joins: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-t4e.t0m.114.201.IP)

21:42 <Tirek> Ooh, what's this?

21:44 <Schism> Hmm?

21:44 <Tirek> Thanks for the link.

21:44 <Schism> Ahh.  Yes, I thought you might enjoy that.  :3

21:52 *** Joins: Lumindia (Lumindia@Pony-iog.fov.15.70.IP)

22:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: SFM Shorts: Whiskey or Perfume? / Take it All Back  [ http://tinyurl.com/y849pl48 ]

22:04 *** Joins: CocoPommel (androirc@Pony-ap8dnm.res.rr.com)

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22:21 * Filly_Nightmares shows Schism her sharp babby teef

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22:30 <Librarian> im a bit sleepy, brains been going into overdrive today

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22:47 *** Joins: Sombra (Jive@Pony-6eg.3uv.42.96.IP)

22:50 <Sombra> nointy noin

22:51 *** Joins: Uityyy (yaaic@Pony-m93jk5.3h3n.8qba.fb90.2607.IP)

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23:00 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by The Illustrious Q: Equestria Daily to Cover Hascon! [ http://tinyurl.com/y8u5aky5 ]

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23:03 <CleverDerpy> derp?

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23:22 <Braixen> hi

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