Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Saturday, 2018-05-05

00:01 <Cepheid> There was a chunk of precipitation heading at us, but it dissipated before it hit.

00:01 <Cepheid> We're just seeing high winds.  We might lose power.

00:03 <ADragonDreaming> Schism: where to find seablock

00:03 <Schism> https://mods.factorio.com/mod/SeaBlock - and add Factorissimo into it, trust me, it'll help greatly.

00:04 <ADragonDreaming> what build of factorio are you using?

00:04 <Schism> Latest experimental.

00:05 <Schism> Er, 16.36, perhaps not experimental.

00:05 <ADragonDreaming> what's your recommended version, Cepheid, to avoid things that break things?

00:06 <ADragonDreaming> oh, 16.36 is 16 stable, gotcha

00:06 <Cepheid> Yeah.

00:06 <ADragonDreaming> ...what was my account for factorio mods...

00:06 <Schism> Heh, because I know that .40 broke train signals.

00:08 <Cepheid> Yeah.

00:08 <Cepheid> It broke signals bad apparently.

00:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Ponies Around the World 2018 Submissions Now Open!  [ http://tinyurl.com/ydy69n4b ]

00:08 <Schism> "I felt a great disturbance in the Factory...as if millions of trains suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."

00:09 <PinkieShy> Schism would it hurt to put a case fan on top of the case as a 2nd exhaust like would that help cool things down better or could that make things hotter?

00:09 <Schism> I... honestly am unsure.  Might not be a bad idea to add another fan.

00:09 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Brony@Pony-7elts9.159-117-185-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

00:11 <ADragonDreaming> ...there's a modpack for seablock, Schism.

00:11 <Schism> Yea?

00:11 <Schism> That's what I thought you'd be using.  o.o

00:12 <Schism> This thing, that is.  https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?t=43759

00:12 <ADragonDreaming> just wondering why you linked the mod and not the pack

00:12 <Schism> Oh, sorry.  But yeah, use that instead.  And go and get the latest version of Factorissimo to add to it.

00:13 <Schism> (This thing.  https://mods.factorio.com/mods/MagmaMcFry/Factorissimo2)  While it /seems/ like cheating, it's not.  The space granted by the factories might be helpful, but it's about as expensive as creating a 30x30 area yourself.

00:13 <ADragonDreaming> yeh, I've played around with it before

00:20 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

00:25 <ADragonDreaming> There's really no need to set anything is there, I can't imagine seablock has aliens.

00:26 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Brony@Pony-7elts9.159-117-185-net.sccoast.net)

00:28 <Cepheid> Spitfire's full of piss and vinegar.

00:32 <Cepheid> Truth told, both of them are.

00:32 <Cepheid> They're spazzing because of the weather.

00:33 *** Joins: Pi (saxopi@Pony-h8p.p34.200.112.IP)

00:34 <Cepheid> ... It's 8:30 PM already?

00:34 <ADragonDreaming> yeh

00:35 <Cepheid> No wonder it's so dark.  Thought that was the weather.

00:39 <ADragonDreaming> hm. I have just enough for a liquifier. So I suppose I should build a liquifier.

00:49 <Cepheid> That frustrating feeling when you are temporarily self-employed, and never feel like you've done enough work to warrant relaxation.

00:53 <ADragonDreaming> Yep.

00:57 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Brony@Pony-7elts9.159-117-185-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

01:01 <ADragonDreaming> Ah.

01:01 <ADragonDreaming> wood pellets for the burner ore crusher, to crush stone.

01:06 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Brony@Pony-7elts9.159-117-185-net.sccoast.net)

01:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Serious / Blood / Reignited / Pone Wars 5:22 / AoS 2:11 / Empty 16-Bonus [ http://tinyurl.com/y7wf94ez ]

01:12 *** Quits: fluffd (fluffd@Pony-rpi.er5.117.185.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

01:13 *** FreezeFrame is now known as SleepFrame

01:15 <ADragonDreaming> I see you also just burn off the oxygen and hydrogen from the electrolysers to start.

01:15 <PinkieShy> So..

01:15 <PinkieShy> Today i held my brother's baby :)

01:15 <PinkieShy> He smiled at me.

01:16 <ADragonDreaming> congrats and the nephew smile!

01:16 <ADragonDreaming> *on the

01:16 <ADragonDreaming> or niece.

01:17 <Cepheid> Keep them away from me.  I am a terrible person for children to be around.

01:19 <Cepheid> Case in point:  At my sister's wedding, I got drunk.  My nieces thought it was funny.  I went on a lecture about how drinking isn't always fun and games, and explained that when they get to the age they can drink, that they should preferably drink at home.  IF they're out and about and drinking, they should always keep their drink on hand, and never accept any drinks from anyone other than a bartender.

01:23 <Schism> That sounds like a responsible statement all in all.

01:24 <Cepheid> Probably.  Especially since one is in the rebellious late teens now.

01:24 <Schism> Adra: Yes, one initially burns up the hydrogen and oxygen.  Later on, oxygen becomes _very_ important.

01:24 <ADragonDreaming> yes.

01:25 <ADragonDreaming> saline water...

01:25 <Cepheid> Well, gee, you don't say Schism.

01:25 <Schism> Not too useful at the start.  Sodium chloride is kinda beneficial.

01:25 <ADragonDreaming> hydro plant.

01:25 <Schism> Cepheid: Pure oxygen, in the concentrations that would burn you up.

01:25 <Cepheid> Ah.

01:25 * Cepheid loads up EO5. "Let's see, wher- Ah, right, the teleporter maze of confusion."

01:25 <ADragonDreaming> Schism: saline is used for brown algae though

01:26 <Schism> True!  So you do want to have those washers.

01:26 <Cepheid> The sixth stratum is a tad annoying.

01:26 <Schism> Beyond, you know, just using them for mud.

01:26 <Cepheid> I mean, besides the usual reasons of deadly monsters.

01:27 <Cepheid> Basically, alongside teleporters everywhere, FOEs that seem to reproduce(Seems like this could be abused...), the "connections" between floors are inconsistent.

01:27 <Cepheid> Plus they look like any other teleporter on the maps.

01:27 <ADragonDreaming> attempting to be super economical with starting sand.

01:27 <Cepheid> So one moment you could be teleporting 9 tiles ahead.  The next, you're moved down one floor and put in the far corner.

01:31 <ADragonDreaming> and voiding the purified water for now...

01:32 <Cepheid> ... Of course a single monster is responsible for an entire party death.

01:33 <Schism> Adra: Once you get a few stonecrushers set up, you'll be able to really start expanding.

01:34 <ADragonDreaming> I'm just looking forward to basic inserters.

01:34 <Cepheid> Those enemies resist all elemental damage.  Dreamer with Focus Chant can still do 800+ damage to them.

01:35 <Schism> Adra: Ahh... yeah, those are definitely a huge benefit.  You'll also want to set things up so you get a LOT of wood plates.

01:35 * Schism should set up a factory just for those. Right now, though, power stations are a huge focus.

01:37 <Cepheid> Green teleporters move 20 spots... Orange 10 spots.  Blue 5 spots.

01:37 <Cepheid> Though some move you up or down a floor instead.

01:38 <Schism> Coming soon, to Etrian Odyssey 6: Sokoban levels!

01:38 <Schism> Hey, won't the next EO have facets from virtually every game?

01:39 *** Filly_Nightmares is now known as Surreal_Nightmares

01:39 <Cepheid> More or less.

01:39 <Schism> More teleport mazes and antigravity zones for you, then.

01:39 <Cepheid> ... That same group wiped me out again.. =.=;

01:40 *** Joins: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

01:40 *** Changeling_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

01:43 <ADragonDreaming> okay, note to self.

01:43 <ADragonDreaming> windmill animation running at slow is not a bad thing.

01:44 <Schism> Nah, just means it's not being used for power.

01:45 <Schism> Turbines, like solar panels, will also be tapped first for power.

01:45 <ADragonDreaming> it does mean my electrolysers are full of slag.

01:47 <PinkieShy> I had a good stupid laugh earlier

01:47 <Cepheid> Shortcut reached.  Getting outta here.

01:47 <PinkieShy> Looked at my e-mail, i had a P&G e-mail about mothers day.. and a chewy.com e-mail above that.

01:47 <PinkieShy> I thought the chewy e-mail was the mother's day one... lol

01:47 <PinkieShy> I thought chewy was sending me a e-mail "Last minute mother's day ideas" lool

01:49 <Schism> Adra: Oh good, you get 40 sand per full electrolyser.

01:50 <Cepheid> Purple, Green, Blue, Orange.  Pick any one colour.

01:50 <Schism> Citizen, you are not authorized to touch any of those colours.

01:51 <Cepheid> Just pick one.  I have four teleporters of different colours.  Only colour I haven't seen yet is purple.  They all point to the north, so they lead *SOMEWHERE* but not on this map.

01:51 <Schism> Migh tas well be purple, then.

01:51 <Schism> might as well*

01:52 <Cepheid> Leads to floor 28.

01:52 <Cepheid> A request to go to floor 12, worth 250,000 Ental.

01:52 <Cepheid> Hmm.

01:52 <Cepheid> Ah, I finally open that area, do I?

01:53 <ADragonDreaming> huzzah!

01:53 <ADragonDreaming> basic circuit board.

01:53 <Schism> Yay!

01:53 <ADragonDreaming> ...no assemblers yet. bollocks.

01:53 <Cepheid> Calling it now.  This new path that opens leads to a dragon.  I'm gonna guess... Ice.

01:55 <Cepheid> Huh.  I was partly right.

01:55 <Cepheid> Zombie Dragon.

01:59 <Schism> CO2 levels are stable, so I'm going to let the game idle for a period, let the stone build up.

02:03 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-h8p.p34.200.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:06 <ADragonDreaming> I shut it down for a bit since I'm not at a point where things don't need baby-sitting and I have a GURPs game to play.

02:07 <Schism> Ah, better to focus on that, yeah.  4th edition?

02:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #1430 [ http://tinyurl.com/y8r63gv8 ]

02:10 <Cepheid> Cats are still freaking out.

02:11 <ADragonDreaming> Yeh.

02:11 <Schism> Cool.  Infinite Worlds remains pretty awesome as a sourcebook, if you don't have it yet.

02:14 * Schism makes up a bunch more filter frames. They're useful enough.

02:18 <ADragonDreaming> I'm not the GM and probably never will be.

02:19 <Cepheid> Meanwhile, I am headed off to bed early to try and restore my sleep cycle a bit.

02:22 <Schism> Adra: Infinite Worlds isn't just for GMs.  I suggest reading it!

02:22 <Schism> It's the book that gave the "Weirdness Magnet" 'flaw'.

02:23 <ADragonDreaming> GM has specific sourcebooks allowed and campaign-specific things.

02:23 <Schism> Oh, I just meant in general.

02:30 <Schism> Hmmm.  Going to have to create another algae-farm power station.  That, or start working my way up to another gigantic fleet of turbines.  (Or both.  The former is probably less expensive.)

02:33 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Connection closed)

02:33 *** Joins: Pinkie_Pie (Reia@TheCowPony)

02:35 <Cepheid> http://www.threepanelsoul.com either this, or cowering behind my feet.  This is how I expect Spitfire to react to being outside in a harness.

02:37 *** Quits: Pinkie_Pie (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:38 <Schism> Heh.  :S

02:38 <Schism> Seems about right.  Your cat is weird.

02:40 <Cepheid> Cowering because my personal experiences with building him while outside is that he starts shivering.  Or shaking.  Either or.  Like he is afraid of the outdoors.

02:40 <Schism> Or so very, very excited.

02:43 <Cepheid> Hard to say.  In any case he is spazzing out due to all the noise right now.  High winds and trees crunching.

02:43 <Schism> Well, once it clears up, it'll be beautiful.

02:44 * Schism creates a carbon dioxide storage tank.

02:49 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

02:50 <Schism> It's very tempting to go off and create and Island of Arbitrary Size and say, "Okay.  Here, here, here and here are where I'm going to generate the crushed stone required for this project.  8 all around will be enough.  And then..."

02:50 <Schism> create an*

02:53 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:53 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

02:54 <Schism> Cepheid: http://www.threepanelsoul.com/comic/wonders > Also this.

02:56 <Schism> Why do I keep pausing Factorio?  The game is self-sufficient right now.

02:58 <Schism> Of course, what I should do is burn a stack of iron on basic science packs...

02:59 *** Joins: Pi (Mibbit@Pony-4jm.4ne.151.49.IP)

03:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Pony: The Movie | In the Style of Avengers: Infinity War [ http://tinyurl.com/y87h396h ]

03:10 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:11 *** Tempo-Work is now known as Tempo

03:14 <PinkieShy> schism msg ok with you?

03:17 <Schism> Eh?

03:21 <Cepheid> Schism.  Do the island idea.  I would.

03:22 <Schism> The initial outlay is a bit daunting.

03:22 * DashedRainbows licks PinkieShy

03:22 <Schism> Still, I could definitely pull off a rather spectacular power plant there.

03:23 <Schism> My current algae plant is, due to size constraints, somewhat lacking.  https://imgur.com/a/3V99Lvc

03:23 <Cepheid> I plan to turn my uranium mine into a processing plant when I deplete it.  IF I deplete it.  4.4 million ore.

03:25 <Cepheid> I'm actually processing it slightly more slowly than I am mining it too.

03:28 <Schism> Wondering how best to make use of this sulfur I've got saved up.  And the oxygen I'm not using.

03:28 <Schism> Sulfur dioxide, of course, which with water turns into sulfuric acid, which wonk wonk wonk.

03:29 <Schism> Or, to save on shipping costs, I could-- wait, wrong skit.

03:30 *** Joins: The_Greener (The_Greene@Pony-k8l.idj.246.46.IP)

03:30 *** Lord_Greener is now known as Pony_84507

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03:31 *** The_Greener is now known as Lord_Greener

03:33 <Cepheid> Heh.  Man I wish Spitfire could speak a language I could understand.  I want to know what he is thinking about or trying to tell me.

03:33 <Schism> "Stop shirking your duties and lavish me with attention."

03:36 <Cepheid> That is one interpretation.  I expect one-word phrases.  Or statements about going to bed.

03:39 <Schism> Hmm... might as well make another brown algae farm.

03:39 <PinkieShy> Schism my question is in the message to you. If you know.. that's ok..

03:39 <PinkieShy> CPU cooling help is the basic question averaged out

03:39 <Schism> Beyond my limitations, I fear.

03:46 *** Quits: Saerydoth (akai@Pony-2i7.fvo.126.65.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

03:48 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

03:49 <Cepheid> Guh.  My sinuses.  o3o

03:52 *** Quits: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-obvko9.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:54 *** Joins: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony)

04:02 <Schism> Fluid handling.  That oughta be barrels of fun.

04:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Bonus Music #131 [ http://tinyurl.com/y8amq55n ]

04:09 <Schism> Lead and tin, solder.  Lead and tin.

04:12 *** Ali|FNM is now known as Ali

04:15 * Ali snugs on the Cepheid

04:15 * Schism rolls over to the Ali, and provides some lemon shortbread cookies!

04:19 * Ali noms on Schism cookies

04:22 *** Tempo is now known as Tempo-Sleep

04:24 <Cepheid> I should try to bake some bread tomorrow.  Try, but probably won't.

04:24 * Ali nests on Cepheid!

04:24 * Cepheid steals warmth.

04:25 <Schism> Cepheid: You should hit up the LCBO, get a nice ale or a dark yeasty beer, and do some beer bread.

04:25 <Schism> As a quickbread, it doesn't require you to knead it, and ultimately it's pretty dead simple.  Also tasty as heck.

04:26 <Cepheid> Heh.

04:29 * Schism fills up the reservoirs in his power station, then leaves things be for a while.

04:35 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

04:39 <Cepheid> Last I touched the base, I just got nuclear started.  May move it though to a location with water a bit more close by.

04:43 <Schism> Interior space of a factory is 30x30, so 100 turbines.  That's ... hrhm.  Closer to 2,500 iron all in all.  Free energy and all that, but there are much more effective means.

04:45 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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04:47 <Schism> On the other hand, it'd be nice to just say, "Here's 1300kJ."

05:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Silver Quill: Comic: Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight – Color Blinded [ http://tinyurl.com/yc2ckynt ]

05:24 *** Quits: Reia (Reia@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:29 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (DefinitelyN@Pony-rdp.l40.63.203.IP)

05:42 * Ali beeps Cepheid

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06:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #1203 [ http://tinyurl.com/yc7ns2o3 ]

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07:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Pony Season 8 Episode 8 - The Parent Trap - Stream / Discussion [ http://tinyurl.com/ybyghq9j ]

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08:37 *** Surreal_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

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08:39 <Golden> Yo

08:51 *** Filly_Nightmares is now known as Sleeping_Nightmares

08:51 * Sleeping_Nightmares curls up wif Golden and goes sleepies

08:51 <Sleeping_Nightmares> Nini

08:52 <Golden> Nini Nightmares

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10:22 <Finwe> o3o

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14:44 <Finwe> Good afternoon, everypony.

14:46 *** Joins: Chaosweaver (Chaos@Evil.Lives.Here)

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15:20 <DashedRainbows> Good morning all

15:23 *** Joins: Chaosweaver (Chaos@Evil.Lives.Here)

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15:44 <Schism> ... I am now bemused.

15:46 *** Joins: Beetdabrat (IceChat9@Pony-srm.n7a.115.75.IP)

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16:14 <Finwe> Mr Schism.

16:14 * Finwe doffs his hat and offers some stroganoff to Schism.

16:14 <Schism> rAdm. Finwe.

16:14 * Schism accepts the stroganoff, and doffs his cookies, which he offers in turn.

16:14 * Finwe saves the cookies for dessert.

16:39 *** Quits: Schism|Adagio (NA@Pony-vf5hfh.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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16:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

17:10 *** Quits: Bubs (crap@Pony-b0hqft.nl) (Quit: If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.)

17:36 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Brony@Pony-7elts9.159-117-185-net.sccoast.net)

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18:07 * Schism|Nocturne boops the ADragonDreaming with some charcoal filters.

18:07 *** Quits: Chaosweaver (Chaos@Evil.Lives.Here) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:09 *** Joins: Chaosweaver (Chaos@Evil.Lives.Here)

18:28 * Cepheid flops in.

18:29 * PinkieShy hands cepheid some twizzlers.

18:30 <Cepheid> Thanks but no thanks.

18:30 * Schism|Nocturne crystalizes some slurry, hands Cepheid the resultant lead and tin ore.

18:32 <Cepheid> o3o

18:32 <Cepheid> What do I do with this?

18:32 <Schism|Nocturne> Electronics?  You can make solder out of it, for example.  o3o

18:35 <ADragonDreaming> hey look. I have belts.

18:35 <ADragonDreaming> And inserters.

18:35 <Schism|Nocturne> It begins.  o3o

18:36 <Cepheid> I'm not using mods that use tin and lead. :P

18:36 <Schism|Nocturne> Harrumph.  You probably don't use lithium, either.

18:41 <ADragonDreaming> green algae is just used to make cellulose fiber?

18:43 <Schism|Nocturne> For the most part, yeah.

18:43 <Schism|Nocturne> You'll be using a lot of it, too - wood pellets et al.

18:43 * Cepheid is currently playing vanilla. :P

18:43 * Ali vanilla's on Cepheid

18:43 <ADragonDreaming> but you can also just get cellulose for free.

18:43 * Cepheid upgrades steam generation.

18:43 <ADragonDreaming> just with time+electricity, once assemblers.

18:43 <Cepheid> 15 heat exchangers stuffing steam into 120 fluid tanks. o3o

18:44 <Cepheid> Which holds enough energy to run the base for...

18:44 <Schism|Nocturne> Adra: Indeed.

18:45 <Schism|Nocturne> Well, it's ex nihilo; you get everything for free.

18:47 <Cepheid> 55 minutes, 33 seconds.

18:47 <Cepheid> ...

18:47 <ADragonDreaming> hm.

18:48 <Cepheid> If I were smart, I'd set up the steam turbines to run only when the accumulators drop below a certain percentage.  And have a speaker emit a warning, because it means I'm now drawing too much power.

18:51 <ADragonDreaming> One nice thing about Factorio

18:51 <ADragonDreaming> Tearing everything up to restructure is pretty easy.

18:52 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: Sparks only last so long)

18:52 <Cepheid> Decon planner with bots, yes.

18:52 <ADragonDreaming> well even before that

18:52 <Cepheid> Even then..

18:52 <Cepheid> It's pretty fast, unlike Minecraft.

18:52 <ADragonDreaming> yes

18:53 <Cepheid> Hum, I know Rifty started up production of cliff explosives *SOMEWHERE*..

18:55 <PinkieShy> that moment when the local weather gets the low for Wednesday night so wrong.. Its laughable. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DcdGto0VMAAA6LN.jpg

18:58 <Cepheid> Heh.

19:00 <Cepheid> I guess it's time I got around to replacing all the main turrets around the server base with laser turrets.  We got the power and accumulators to handle it.

19:00 <Ali> Wow a low of 95, that must suck PinkieShy

19:00 <Cepheid> Also see about deconning all the extraneous walls we have everywhere.  o3o

19:01 <Ali> Or the massive bug infestation :P

19:01 <Cepheid> That's trivial now.

19:01 <PinkieShy> I'm going to go play CoD..

19:01 <PinkieShy> try to get xbox to save my progress this time

19:02 <PinkieShy> Its making me do the same mission again for the 3rd time..

19:02 <Cepheid> I haven't hooked the train up yet, but we've got uranium galore for creating uranium ammo.

19:02 <PinkieShy> maybe 3rd time is the charm and it saves this time.

19:03 <Cepheid> If you're having problems, report it to the devs.  They might be able to help resolve the issue.

19:03 <Cepheid> You may think we devs hate bug reports, problem reports and the like, but we hate people who don't report problems even more. :P\

19:04 <RazorSharpFang> "Game doesn't work 0/10"

19:05 <Cepheid> Factorio devs did something controversial because of the problem, and it's working in their favour.

19:05 <Cepheid> They default-enabled crash reports for the game, so when the game crashes, a dump is produced and sent to the devs.

19:06 *** Quits: PinkieShy (Brony@Pony-7elts9.159-117-185-net.sccoast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:06 <RazorSharpFang> All of the memory? All of it?

19:06 <RazorSharpFang> All 1.4 GB?

19:06 <Cepheid> I'm not sure how much was sent.

19:07 <Cepheid> But presumably it was instruction memory around where the crash occurred, along with the chunk of data memory that was being accessed at the time.

19:07 <Cepheid> A small dump, basically.

19:07 <RazorSharpFang> That won't tell you how that data got that way though.

19:07 <RazorSharpFang> In fact, a stack-trace won't tell you that really either.

19:07 <Cepheid> It won't, but it gives you an idea on where to start looking.

19:08 <Cepheid> Many times, a hint is all you need.  Not a full image of what's going on.

19:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Animation: Library Pass [ http://tinyurl.com/yb4x63bx ]

19:09 <Cepheid> It's getting that hint that's the problem.  People prefer to moan and complain rather than co-operate.

19:09 <Cepheid> Can't even get proper bug reports out of them despite stickies everywhere on forums detailing how to report problems.

19:10 <Cepheid> The average user is useless for bug reports, basically.

19:11 <Cepheid> There's no way to be more polite about that statement, either.

19:11 <RazorSharpFang> Sounds about right - there's a level of formality deliberation and precision that's needed for bug-reports.

19:12 <Ali> Bug: Normal users are buggy, please fix

19:12 <RazorSharpFang> That's a feature not a bug.

19:12 <RazorSharpFang> *Bethesda*

19:15 <ADragonDreaming> huzzah, lab

19:15 <Cepheid> The problem people have with memory dumps/stack traces is primarily issues of information security.

19:15 <ADragonDreaming> now to research automartion

19:15 <Schism|Nocturne> Automation will make things so much better... though you'll use a surprisingly small number of them to start.

19:16 <Cepheid> Factorio got away with it because they covered both what data was being collected, plus showed off the effectiveness of the technique.

19:16 <ADragonDreaming> well, for one, it'll let me stop manually creating wood pellets.

19:16 <Schism|Nocturne> True.  o5o

19:17 <Cepheid> Of course, then comes along a major corporation like Facebook who friggen ruins trust in information security.

19:17 <RazorSharpFang> What information security? :3

19:17 <Schism|Nocturne> 3 inserters from algae farm to liquifier; 2 from liquifier to assembler; 1 from assembler to belt/chest/whatever.

19:18 <Cepheid> RazorSharpFang:  Absolutely none, according to Facebook.

19:18 <Cepheid> The problem is pretty straightforward.

19:18 <RazorSharpFang> Twitter had people's passwords logged in plain-text. :3

19:19 <Cepheid> Private information of any type is extremely valuable.

19:19 <Cepheid> And people are greedy.

19:19 <Cepheid> Doesn't take a rocket science to put 2 and 2 together.

19:19 <Cepheid> RazorSharpFang:  That was just plain stupidity.

19:19 <Cepheid> I hope the dev responsible for that one was reprimanded, or fired.

19:20 <RazorSharpFang> One can hope.

19:20 <Cepheid> At the least, keep him off of any security-specific stuff.

19:20 <Tempest-Shadow> Sony did that once too

19:20 * ADragonDreaming sets up basic sand prod

19:20 <Tempest-Shadow> for the PSN

19:20 <ADragonDreaming> I need more spaaaaaaace

19:20 <Tempest-Shadow> It's like these companies have no concept of actual security

19:21 <Cepheid> Eh, it's closer to bad programming practices.

19:21 <Cepheid> A common thing developers like to do for debugging is print statements all over the place.

19:21 <RazorSharpFang> I'd say it's non-compliance with industry standards myself but yeah.

19:21 <Cepheid> Show information before and after processing, etc.

19:22 <Cepheid> Problem is, forget to remove one or more of those statements and you're boned.

19:22 <Cepheid> Ideally in security situations, such debugging techniques should be a huge no-no.

19:22 <RazorSharpFang> Well, those should be encapsulated in an if(DEBUG_MODE) {...}

19:22 <Schism|Nocturne> Adra: Mud to sand, or stone to sand?

19:23 <Cepheid> Even then, RazorSharpFang.

19:23 <Cepheid> I would not use debug statements like that for debugging security-related code.

19:23 <Cepheid> Too much risk that I'll forget it, or that I'll be lazy.

19:23 <Cepheid> Fortunately I'm not a security dev, so... *Shrugs*

19:24 <RazorSharpFang> Interestingly enough, it appears that assembling machines can hold up to 1000 units of fluid.

19:26 <Cepheid> Yep.

19:27 <RazorSharpFang> Assembling machine 3s go really fast with speed modules...

19:27 <Cepheid> You have no idea.

19:28 <Cepheid> I've gotten an assemblind machine 3 to above crafting speed 6.

19:29 <Cepheid> You need a metric ton of beacons and Speed Module 3s to do it though.

19:29 <Cepheid> But it's worth it for some slow items.

19:32 <RazorSharpFang> I'm just watching the green bar flicker back and forth for filling/emptying barrels.

19:32 <Cepheid> Heh.

19:33 <Cepheid> Yeah, it's hilarious with items that have a craft speed of 0.5

19:33 <Cepheid> Er, time*

19:34 <ADragonDreaming> Schism|Nocturne: right now, crushed stone to sand.

19:36 * Schism|Nocturne noddles.

19:36 *** Schism|Nocturne is now known as Schism

19:36 <ADragonDreaming> most of my real estate is occupied by windmills.

19:38 <Schism> Yeah, 120 of 'em.

19:38 <ADragonDreaming> more crushers

19:39 * Sleeping_Nightmares kneads Schism

19:45 * Schism provides Sleeping_Nightmares with some banana bread, oven warm, with raisins and warm butter.

20:03 *** Quits: ChubbySheepLady (Arkomeda@Pony-stec5c.1aop.756f.0587.2a02.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Season Finale Character "Cozy Glow" Revealed in MLP UK Magazine [ http://tinyurl.com/ycxdnn8k ]


20:11 <Schism> Rain~

20:12 <Cepheid> Is it raining down there Schism?

20:13 <Schism> It is, yes.

20:14 <Cepheid> Ali:  Our base is pretty much protected against all threats now.

20:14 <Ali> Heh

20:14 <Ali> What's Evo at?

20:14 <Cepheid> 80%

20:15 <Cepheid> Basically all the defenses came just in time.

20:16 <Cepheid> Currently defenses are draining 33MW of power on standby.

20:16 <RazorSharpFang> Do you got flamethrower turrets set up? Those are great for the higher HP enemies.

20:17 <Cepheid> Nah, just a thick wall of laser turrets.

20:17 <Cepheid> They'll handle everything.

20:17 <Cepheid> Here, I'll give you a small screenshot to give you an idea.

20:18 <Cepheid> https://i.imgur.com/BVQznrQ.png

20:18 <RazorSharpFang> Is this with rampant on?

20:19 <Cepheid> No.

20:19 <Cepheid> That's why this is sufficient.

20:19 <Cepheid> With Rampant, that won't last.

20:20 <RazorSharpFang> Yeah, I found rampant to be brutal.

20:22 <ADragonDreaming> Ah. I see why green algae is necessary.

20:23 <ADragonDreaming> you can't do the "forage for fiber" thing in an assembler.

20:26 *** Quits: Chaosweaver (Chaos@Evil.Lives.Here) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:27 *** Joins: Chaosweaver (Chaos@Evil.Lives.Here)

20:28 <RazorSharpFang> Anyway I'm off to sleep; good night.

20:28 <Cepheid> Time to decommission the old defenses.  And g'night.

20:28 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (DefinitelyN@Pony-rdp.l40.63.203.IP) (Connection closed)

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20:31 *** Joins: LogicalOverflow (user@Pony-1aq.l5p.16.94.IP)

20:31 <Cepheid> Thank the devs for construction bots.

20:33 * Sleeping_Nightmares kneads Schism and feeds him food!

20:34 *** Quits: LogicalOverflow (user@Pony-1aq.l5p.16.94.IP) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

20:34 * Schism just ate! Provides the filly with some bow-tie pasta wif tomato soup and parmesan cheese.

20:36 *** Quits: Pi (saxopi@Pony-h8p.p34.200.112.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:37 *** Joins: LogicalOverflow (user@Pony-1aq.l5p.16.94.IP)

20:39 <Cepheid> Removing all this old stuff would have costed me an hour of time.

20:39 <Cepheid> I made it 30 minutes or so.

20:45 <Cepheid> I have 259 U-235 just from centrifuging.

20:46 <Cepheid> Enough to kickstart a massive Kovarex process plant.

20:46 <Cepheid> But no, not yet.

20:46 <Cepheid> Meanwhile, I have over 48,000 U-238.

20:51 *** Quits: LogicalOverflow (user@Pony-1aq.l5p.16.94.IP) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

20:51 *** Joins: LogicalOverflow (user@Pony-1aq.l5p.16.94.IP)

20:55 <Cepheid> https://i.imgur.com/1KuVRIn.png So much glowing.

20:55 <Cepheid> Pretty sure standing that close to it is probably not safe.

20:57 <ADragonDreaming> You're in a full environment suit.

20:57 <ADragonDreaming> I imagine it has radiation shielding.

21:02 <Cepheid> You raise a valid point.

21:03 <Cepheid> Interesting question, but wouldn't radiation slowly erode the protective layers?

21:05 <ADragonDreaming> I don't know and haven't been able to find anything

21:06 <ADragonDreaming> it makes sense that it would but I have a feeling the length of time required for radiation to erode through radiation shielding materials is so long as to be effectively not a concern.

21:07 <Cepheid> Probably, yeah.

21:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Pony Community Soapbox #95 - Zebra Lives Matter, Spike SNAPPING, Pony Potential, and More!  [ http://tinyurl.com/y6vkcf69 ]

21:09 * Cepheid tries to see how far he can speed up a single assembler with beacons, etc.

21:11 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-12dq4p.dhcp.inet.fi) (Connection closed)

21:11 <Cepheid> With speed module 1s, the best I can manage is 4.25

21:11 <Cepheid> Make that 4.5  Forgot to power one beacon.

21:11 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-12dq4p.dhcp.inet.fi)

21:15 <Cepheid> Up to 6.125 with speed module 2s, now.

21:15 <Cepheid> Just need enough for 22 speed module 3s.

21:16 <Cepheid> I feel like this thing should, at this point, have a fluid intake for coolant.

21:19 <Cepheid> I need to re-arrange this room.  Having my PC connected wirelessly, and sitting over a microwave is a problem.

21:21 * Schism starts Aviary Attorney. "So many puns."

21:26 * Schism represents Caterline Demiaou.

21:26 <Cepheid> Up to 7.125 crafting speed... >.>

21:27 <Cepheid> Were this the real world, this thing would be on fire right now.

21:28 <Cepheid> 8.625 crafting speed.

21:29 <Schism> "A tiny bug in a tiny box..."  Yes, that's an explanation of a camera."

21:29 <Cepheid> Final speed with this current setup:  9.375.

21:29 <Cepheid> It's nearly crafting a speed module 3 in six seconds.

21:30 <Cepheid> The sole reason for this madness?  Uranium ammo production.  I wanted a compact design for it.

21:30 <Schism> "The food might be important!" "Well, we had poached red herring."

21:32 *** Joins: Mudwise (Mudwise@Pony-ast6vi.ip.veracitynetworks.com)

21:33 <Cepheid> Final crafting speed I could eke out... 10.625.

21:35 <Schism> "A painting of a ladder." "It looks more like a step-ladder to me." "Oh, no.  We're not getting into that old argument."

21:35 <Cepheid> 11..

21:35 <Cepheid> At this point the machine's animating so fast it's skipping frames.

21:38 <Cepheid> A staggering 12 beacons, each with Speed Module 3 x2, and 4 Speed Module 3 in an Assembler 3.  Max crafting speed I can manage currently?  11.25.

21:38 <Cepheid> I'm crafting one uranium clip in less than a second.

21:39 <Cepheid> 8.322MW of power being consumed by this setup.

21:41 *** Quits: LogicalOverflow (user@Pony-1aq.l5p.16.94.IP) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

21:43 <Cepheid> 100 repair packs, enough uranium ammo to induce doomsday for the bugs, and fuel.

21:45 *** Joins: LogicalOverflow (user@Pony-1aq.l5p.16.94.IP)

21:46 * Cepheid drives around and pisses of Ali's little ankle biters.

21:47 * Ali noms on Cepheid ankles

21:47 * Mudwise sips some cider

21:47 * Schism snerks. https://twitter.com/christinaroto/status/992501036219846656

21:47 * Cepheid drives into a base. A whole bunch of lasers start firing from the tank. Uranium rounds take out the rest. He has 8 laser defense turrets equipped.

21:50 <Cepheid> This setup is ridiculous.  Even a large base doesn't stand a chance.

21:51 * Mudwise yawns

21:59 <ADragonDreaming> This is an organically grown mess of a base.

21:59 *** Joins: PinkieShy (Brony@Pony-7elts9.159-117-185-net.sccoast.net)

22:01 <ADragonDreaming> let's unlock charcoal

22:02 <Schism> I forgot that charcoal even needed to be unlocked.  Wood blocks + furnace = charcoal...

22:03 <ADragonDreaming> yes, but requires wood processing 2

22:03 <PinkieShy> schism i found a answer my question last night finally.

22:03 <PinkieShy> looks like i need a new heatsink no doubt.

22:04 *** Quits: Mudwise (Mudwise@Pony-ast6vi.ip.veracitynetworks.com) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

22:04 <Cepheid> Stock coolers/heatsinks generally aren't the greatest.  They keep the CPU or GPU in thermal range, but just barely.

22:05 <PinkieShy> Cepheid I'm hitting 79C now.

22:05 <Cepheid> CPU model?

22:05 <PinkieShy> amd fx 6300

22:06 <PinkieShy> I'm getting this to replace the stock cooler.. going to order it soon https://www.amazon.com/DEEPCOOL-Ice-Blade-Mini-CPU/dp/B071ZB7QN6/ref=sr_1_11

22:06 <Cepheid> And that's when it's doing nothing at all?

22:06 <PinkieShy> No that's when it is on heavy heavy load.

22:06 <PinkieShy> and heavy heavy load for me could be like 4 hours or more lol

22:06 <PinkieShy> VRChat puts it on heavy load it seems.

22:06 <Cepheid> What the hell are you doing with it to get it to run at that kind of load?

22:06 <PinkieShy> Minimum requirements for vrchat is the fx 8350

22:06 <Cepheid> Oh, you're using it for graphics as well?

22:07 <PinkieShy> I got amd rx 460 2gb msi for gpu

22:07 <Cepheid> o.O

22:07 <Cepheid> Seems like that's an excessive load just for VRChat.

22:08 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #2611 [ http://tinyurl.com/y7n2gx3g ]

22:09 <Schism> Well, that went dark very quickly.

22:09 * Schism finishes the first act of Aviary Attorney.

22:10 <Cepheid> Like, even under load, my system isn't even pushing 60C on the CPU.

22:10 <Cepheid> You sure VRChat is using the GPU and not the on-chip GPU of the CPU?

22:11 <PinkieShy> Cepheid this board i got don't support onboard graphics lol

22:11 <PinkieShy> its the 990fx mobo

22:12 <PinkieShy> Should i upgrade the cpu to the 8350 or just get a better heat sink?

22:14 <Cepheid> Better heatsink/CPU fan would be a good start first.

22:14 <Cepheid> But it's still reasonably suspicious that it's hitting such high temperatures under load.

22:15 * Schism gnaws on Tempest-Shadow's ears.

22:16 <Cepheid> PinkieShy:  Open up your task manager at the moment.  What's the general CPU utilization when you're not running your usual games?

22:16 <PinkieShy> When i click the cpu tab

22:16 <PinkieShy> it shows VRChat is using like 70% on average.

22:16 <PinkieShy> wait..

22:17 <Cepheid> My CPU utilization jumps up to about 70% when I run Factorio, and it still only hits 60C.

22:17 <PinkieShy> pcpartpicker shows AMD Rzyen 5 with new mobo, and ram.. would be like $300

22:17 <PinkieShy> Would a Ryzen 5 1600 be a fast upgrade from 6300?

22:18 <PinkieShy> It would take me about 4 months roughly to do it.. but i could get the parts and reuse the hdd, psu, gpu and other parts other than the mobo and ram and cpu in the current.

22:18 <Cepheid> Definitely a modernization, at least.

22:19 <Cepheid> AMD FX 6300 seems to be an old model CPU. 2011 or so.

22:19 <Cepheid> Anyways, I'm gonna go do some exercise.

22:20 <Schism> Enjoy!

22:20 * Schism feels a bit weird playing more of Aviary Attorney after the first case. Yeesh.

22:22 <PinkieShy> o.o

22:22 <PinkieShy> I could even go intel i7 if i could hold off until maybe.. Christmas..

22:22 <Schism> PinkieShy, it's a fun little visual novel.  What if Phoenix was a type of bird?

22:22 *** Quits: LogicalOverflow (user@Pony-1aq.l5p.16.94.IP) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

22:22 <PinkieShy> and then slowly upgrade gpu, and other things shortly after.

22:22 <PinkieShy> Yeah.. i think i need to do that lol

22:23 <PinkieShy> get a new cpu, mobo, and ram.. that would be technically a new pc by then wouldn't it?

22:23 <Schism> I still have files on my hard drive from 1995.  In accordance, this is the same computer I had since then.

22:24 <PinkieShy> Schism its probably worth waiting a fwe months and go intel wouldn't it?

22:24 <ADragonDreaming> okay.

22:24 <PinkieShy> I can assume this GPU can hold up on that build :P

22:24 <Schism> Adra: Yerf?

22:25 <ADragonDreaming> Time to research Architecture 1. I have a very minimalistic red pack setup

22:25 <ADragonDreaming> so this will take a while.

22:25 * Schism nods, "And it takes 500 iron plates to create a house, but ever so worth it."

22:25 <ADragonDreaming> oh right, charcoal was researched.

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23:22 * Schism happily listens to the rather bombastic tune of the fox, the Prince of Spain.

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23:25 <Cepheid> Hooooo!

23:25 <Cepheid> 30 minutes straight of exercise, at increased settings.

23:25 <Cepheid> My legs feel like rubber, I'm covered in sweat, but I feel good.

23:26 <Cepheid> I need to get this to be routine.  Once every second day.  Force myself to do it.

23:26 * Schism nodnods! "Getting exercise definitely helps a ton."

23:26 <Cepheid> https://twitter.com/tommgran/status/947851556917006336 Schism, have you seen this yet?

23:27 <Schism> I have not.  o.o

23:27 <Cepheid> Ran into it a month ago.

23:27 <Cepheid> He's up to day 127 or so.

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23:36 <Schism> Hmmm.  Pricked his finger on a rose, turned blue and immediately collapsed?  That's quite the hypothetical poison.

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23:44 <Cepheid> Sounds more like an extreme allergy.

23:45 <Cepheid> Some allergies are in fact that quick to hindering a person.

23:45 * Schism nodnods, "That's why epi-pens are so vital."

23:45 <Cepheid> Shellfish is pretty close, for example.

23:45 <Schism> I'd be surprised, though, if someone would be allergic to a rose.  So something in this case doesn't add up.

23:45 <Cepheid> For my dad, it's shellfish.  My mother has an unknown allergy which has a similar effect.

23:45 <Schism> Or that the rose would be treated in such a manner.

23:46 <Cepheid> I say unknown because neither parent wants to get tested.

23:46 <Cepheid> My dad assumes he has a shellfish allergy, he avoids eating it and appears to be fine, but..

23:46 <Cepheid> He's never actually been tested.  The hospital in question just went "Yeah, we see this all the time here.  It's a shellfish allergy." and sent him home with an epipen.

23:46 <Cepheid> My mother, she seems to think it's raspberry bushes.  Not the berries themselves, but the bush they grow on.

23:47 <Schism> Well, that's reasonable enough.  Testing isn't a bad idea, but eh.

23:47 <Cepheid> It'd be a good idea because it could be something else that was on the shellfish, for example.

23:47 <Cepheid> Or perhaps something mixed in with the bush in my mother's case.

23:51 <Cepheid> I wonder if my blood pressure has changed at all in the last few days with exercising.

23:51 <Cepheid> Might as well take a look.

23:51 <Cepheid> Supposed to be taking readings anyways.

23:53 <Cepheid> 147/100.  Little high.

23:56 <Schism> Judge has gone on leave due to an... accident with a flight of stairs?  Yes, this is obviously the entire truth of the situation.

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