Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Wednesday, 2018-12-05

00:03 <Schism> MFW I try to post a comment and the server returns a 502.  BLAH!

00:06 * PinkieShy offers a slice of pizza to Schism

00:12 * Schism noms the lasagna pizza, with extra sauce and extra chicken.

00:20 * Sleeping_Nightmares skrees

00:22 *** Sleeping_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

00:22 * Filly_Nightmares mewls at PinkieShy

00:23 * PinkieShy meows

00:30 * Schism rolls over and boops Filly_Nightmares wif a slice of mushroom and eggplant parmigiana, with extra tomato and bacon.

00:30 *** Joins: Persona (Tilde@Pony-loni7h.res.rr.com)

00:30 <LibrarianofHope> they did a react with poppy live

00:30 <LibrarianofHope> it was fun

00:36 *** Joins: Golden (uid250033@Pony-sd90bk.tooting.irccloud.com)

00:37 *** Quits: LibrarianofHope (Librarianof@Pony-8jk.p1l.147.189.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

00:38 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

00:52 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

00:53 <Thelema5> Hello everypony

00:57 <Schism> This is how a dungeon reacts when you don't play by its rules.  https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/15935/there-is-no-epic-loot-here-only-puns/chapter/312375/71-truth-seeker?comment=1958363#comment-1958363

00:58 <Schism> Erm, sorry.  The chapter is the point, not the comment.

01:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Higurashi Moratorium MLP Style [ http://tinyurl.com/yabe6w5d ]

01:06 <Schism> "oh my god this is the BEST THING EVER, I'm in a dungeon I can HUG!"

01:14 * Filly_Nightmares mewls at Schism for warms!

01:17 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: ¡Apagando las luces!)

01:27 <Cepheid> https://twitter.com/MeetAnimals/status/1070113158440853504?s=19

01:46 <Cepheid> "Posing as safety inspectors, Foundation agents were able to procure SCP-1042 using "foundation maintenance" as a cover story."

01:49 *** Quits: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

01:53 <Schism> mlem

01:53 * Schism returns from a walk, and mlems.

01:54 * Cepheid mlems cause drug.

01:55 <Schism> i ahve lonoies. 3oo

01:55 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

01:55 <Schism> Laundry moneeeeeeeey.

01:56 * Thelema5 claps

01:56 * Schism is freakin' COLD.

01:56 <Cepheid> Now I know how my cats feel when they are sedated.  No wonder they look silly.

01:58 <Schism> mlem.  I think I might just take a quick nap.

02:03 <Thelema5> Naps are nice

02:03 <Thelema5> I can never manage them, myself. I just lay there blinking

02:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #1639 [ http://tinyurl.com/y79bdurq ]

02:07 *** Quits: Stormspark (stormspark@Pony-25m.dcd.98.172.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

03:00 * Filly_Nightmares kneads Schism for warms

03:01 <PinkieShy> So looks like I will hae to change my dog's food

03:01 <PinkieShy> He is a picky eater and is now refusing to eat the purina dog chow..

03:01 <PinkieShy> Hopefully the no corn food he will like..

03:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: ILLUMNATION - Passing Time [Folk] [ http://tinyurl.com/ybuttt3o ]

03:05 <Thelema5> PinkieShy, eventually he'll get hungry enough to eat it... but there's really no reason to put him through that I guess

03:08 *** Quits: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-obvko9.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:11 <PinkieShy> Thelema5 I'm not one to do that..

03:11 <PinkieShy> I wouldn't want to bear the thought of my dog going hungry at all.

03:11 <PinkieShy> It would shatter my heart :(

03:33 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-om662r.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP)

03:33 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

03:49 *** Joins: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony)

03:49 * DashedRainbows licks Thelema5 and PinkieShy

03:50 <PinkieShy> Next Monday is 1yr that the famous youtuber AGP died.

03:52 <Ali> Who? *shot*

03:54 <PinkieShy> Angry Grandpa.

03:59 <PinkieShy> what server am i on O.o

03:59 <PinkieShy> discord :P

04:02 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-5moaf8.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

04:04 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (RazorSharpF@Pony-8v4h90.tpgi.com.au)

04:05 <Colgate> the only way to connect to that server is via kiwiirc/mibbit

04:05 <Colgate> so yeah, not many people on it :P

04:06 *** Quits: Twilight_Sparkle (BigPapa@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:09 <RazorSharpFang> Colgate, ever since Flash in Browser became massively deprecated.

04:09 <PinkieShy> Colgate what about direct connect xD

04:10 <Colgate> nah, that isn't able to connect to chrysalis

04:10 <PinkieShy> Like if someone say open new tab in hexchat and typed /server chrysalis.canternet.org

04:10 <Colgate> only connections from IPs owned by mibbit/kiwiirc can connect, everything else is upstream firewalled

04:10 <Colgate> PinkieShy: wouldn't work

04:10 <PinkieShy> Okay :P

04:11 <RazorSharpFang> "chysalis.canternet.org: Cannot connect, no response"

04:11 <DashedRainbows> it must die!

04:21 <Colgate> yup, packets are dropped upstream, never reach that box :P

04:30 <Cyan_Spark> hors?

04:30 * Cyan_Spark touches a hoof on Colgate's side

04:32 <Colgate> :P

04:34 * ADragonDreaming wonders why only kiwiirc and mibbit can access it

04:39 <Colgate> because that's the way it was configured to be

04:40 <Colgate> there were reasons at the time

04:42 <ADragonDreaming> ah

04:49 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:02 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

05:12 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@Pony-vr7u3m.east.verizon.net)

05:23 *** Joins: FruitNibbler (Eogan@Pony-vhj2nm.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

05:24 *** Quits: Fn (Eogan@Pony-0q2so4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:44 * DashedRainbows ponies around

05:45 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:57 <Schism> Adra: https://twitter.com/Youukah/status/1069809744205045760

06:00 <Schism> Actually, this one is almost certainly better.  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtnH2TjW0AAtqxs.jpg:large

06:01 <ADragonDreaming> hee, to both

06:02 <Schism> Catra, do up your bowtie, you're drunk.

06:04 <PinkieShy> sweet apple acres this sweet iced tea that was made hot in the percolator and chilled in the fridge.. Its the best tea i have had in a while.

06:04 <PinkieShy> Its extremely good compared to tea made in a sweet tea maker :P

06:06 *** Joins: RusskiPoni (RusskiPoni@Pony-vbf64l.ed.shawcable.net)

06:06 <DashedRainbows> I don't drink if tea I feel unsouthern

06:06 <DashedRainbows> Iced*

06:06 <RusskiPoni> Helo

06:07 <RusskiPoni> Helo

06:08 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

06:08 * DashedRainbows is suspicious

06:08 *** Quits: RusskiPoni (RusskiPoni@Pony-vbf64l.ed.shawcable.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

06:11 <Schism> Cepheid: https://twitter.com/CART00NM00N/status/1070084122129911809

06:15 * DashedRainbows licks Schism before falling asleep

06:18 <Schism> Harvard professor says that the number of French fries which make up a full serving of food is... six.

06:20 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-7elts9.159-117-185-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

06:21 <RazorSharpFang> Must be really big fries.

06:22 <Schism> https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2009-11-27

06:28 *** Joins: Reia_Hope (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony)

06:47 <RazorSharpFang> Also, what constitutes a "full serving of food" ?

06:47 <Schism> I imagine some quantity of calories.

06:47 <RazorSharpFang> I'm definitely not going to be satisfied with a few fries. I'm going to need a full double-burger before I go for my run.

06:48 <RazorSharpFang> I also really wish I could afford a gym membership

06:49 * Schism takes the occasional power walk, and has a PB&J sandwich or two beforehand. "While we're at it, what maniac decided that 1 tablespoon was a reasonable serving of peanut butter?"

06:49 <RazorSharpFang> A chipmunk.

06:49 <Schism> Clearly.

06:50 * Schism offers RSF a toasted English muffin with mustard, egg, cheese and sausage.

06:53 * Schism alternately offers RSF a beef and rabbit pie in pea soup with tomato sauce.

06:55 * RazorSharpFang eats both

06:55 <RazorSharpFang> Into the black-hole they go.

06:55 <Schism> Ah, you've got one of those too.

06:56 <Schism> Hm, correction.  2 tbsp. of peanut butter is a serving.  This is still an absurdly low quantity.

06:58 <RazorSharpFang> Satisfies the Chipmunk though

07:03 *** Quits: Persona (Tilde@Pony-loni7h.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:07 *** Quits: Tempo (SamShmuck@Pony-3f3scn.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:09 * Schism flips a quarter that has a poppy embossed upon it.

07:10 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-5moaf8.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

07:11 <RazorSharpFang> One of these days it would be neat to produce a wax seal for making those old-style sealed letters.

07:11 <Schism> A signet?

07:13 <RazorSharpFang> Something like that.

07:13 <Schism> Having your own personal seal would be fantastic, true.  o3o  Though you might have to speak to the College of Arms.  

07:13 <RazorSharpFang> Where you have hot wax, and then you press a circle with a symbol embossed into it.

07:13 <Schism> Signet rings are a thing.  o3o

07:15 <Schism> Hmmmm, a fine cartouche is this.  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Egypte_louvre_148.jpg

07:24 <RazorSharpFang> I would like to craft my own of that yes.

07:52 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-gam7lf.aooo.89ac.6000.2605.IP)

07:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

07:52 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

07:53 <Schism> Hihi.

07:53 <Schism> "I have been witness to the infinite tapestry of the cosmos, but I have never met anyone dumber than you guys."

07:58 * ConfusionRift sighs at those moments he could just walk to a spot, instead of doing hard jumps to get to it.

08:01 *** Quits: JonTheVGNerd (JonTheVGNer@Pony-48j.p7d.45.70.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

08:25 <ADragonDreaming> I am still awake

08:25 <ADragonDreaming> this is not good

08:25 <ConfusionRift> 0_0

08:25 <ConfusionRift> Not normal! Not normaaaaal!

08:25 <Schism> ConfusionRift, jumping all around the freakin' desert...

08:26 <Schism> Adra: Whyyyyy.

08:26 <ADragonDreaming> I don't know

08:28 *** Quits: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

08:28 *** Quits: Reia_Hope (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony) (Connection closed)

08:30 *** Quits: Quill-Swirl (Nyah@Pony-jaks4r.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:32 *** Joins: Tempo (SamShmuck@Pony-0854uq.fios.verizon.net)

08:40 *** Tempo is now known as Tempo-Sleep

08:44 * ConfusionRift is getting of the tired of them sharks.

08:45 <Schism> Yeah, I usually just skip by them.  The whole desert is not a good place for level grinding.

08:46 <ConfusionRift> There's a side quest involving NOTHING but them.

08:46 <Schism> Oh yeah.  And then there's the miniboss variant.

08:47 <Schism> Autumn's Rise has a Hillkat miniboss; Bergen Trail has the Penguin King; Maroon Valley has a shark.

08:48 <ConfusionRift> 10 seconds left.... this sucks.

08:49 <Schism> Oh.  You're on that quest.

08:50 <Schism> If you haven't got any other party members, I suggest waiting until you do.  Hold off on that one until you're about to hit up the dungeon, and when you have both Emelie and C'thon, that one becomes MUCH simpler.

08:51 <Schism> Also, survival is the name of the game, and getting in between the sharks and the crate and just blocking them precludes it from getting hit.

08:51 <ConfusionRift> Not when you have two sharks trying to hit it at almost the same time.

08:51 <ConfusionRift> And one of them is way back, off screen.

08:52 <Schism> Yeah, having three party members is a must there.  I couldn't beat it on my lonesome.

08:54 <Schism> On the plus side, that quest, once you get it down, leads to one of the more enjoyable minigames.

08:55 <ConfusionRift> Oh yeah, and got that straw hat.

08:55 <Schism> Ah, great.  As you clear all the other botanics, it gets upgraded to new varieties.

08:57 <Schism> Though note that the straw hat's bonus only applies when you have a chain going.

08:58 <Schism> It scales /fast/ - much more than the drill's "Lucky Lucky" bonus - but can be tricky to use.

09:00 *** Joins: Twilight_Sparkle (BigPapa@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)

09:03 <Schism> I will say, though, that the shark miniboss (you may have encountered the part where the game asks you to bring a coin) is one of the more enjoyable fights.

09:21 <ConfusionRift> Game... (sighs) What was the point on putting a barrier, if all I had to do was walk around it?

09:24 <Schism> I think that one was an effort at trolling.  Many players would have sought out a ridiculous jumping path.

09:25 <ConfusionRift> It was most literally "walk around the barrier". But yeah, I can see the terrain looking more complex than it actually is.

09:25 <ConfusionRift> Depth perception is put to the test in this game.

09:27 <Schism> For many of the more obtuse paths, it's particularly evil.

09:28 <Schism> I like how Emelie responds to some of the longer chest runs.  "That had BETTER be worth it!"

09:32 <ConfusionRift> And sometimes... not really. :P

09:33 <Schism> Hitting up those Omega plants sometimes requires a bit of invention.

09:33 * ConfusionRift nods.

09:50 *** Joins: Dekko (none@Pony-e3i.hb6.212.185.IP)

09:50 *** Quits: Dekko (none@Pony-e3i.hb6.212.185.IP) (Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - www.nbs-irc.net -)

09:50 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-om662r.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

09:56 <Schism> ConfusionRift: So, did you get the Penguin miniboss in Bergen Trail yet?

10:01 <ConfusionRift> Not really... I should get to that. I basically got a bit tired of the area and jumped straight to the story stuff... till I got flooded again by side quests.

10:02 <Schism> Oh, remember to check earlier areas for more sidequests.  You're probably missing a few in Rookie Harbour.

10:02 * ConfusionRift flops.

10:02 <ConfusionRift> I forget this is an RPG.

10:02 <Schism> But yeah, Bergen Trail is kind of... bleh.

10:02 <Schism> OH!

10:03 <ConfusionRift> A lot of unnecessary jumping.

10:03 <ConfusionRift> Oh?

10:03 <Schism> Have you gotten through those specialized monastery paths?  o3o

10:03 <ConfusionRift> Heeeeeeh?

10:03 <Schism> Bergen Village has two of them, special training exercises you can play through.

10:04 <ConfusionRift> Oh. Like the trials in... I forget the snow place.

10:04 <Schism> I think those are the ones, yes.

10:05 <ConfusionRift> I have done only one so far.

10:05 <Schism> Second one is very icy.  And the skates don't work in it.

10:12 <Schism> Also, the second one still has those turrets firing at you from all four directions, and the fun thing is that shielding doesn't work because the knockback hits hard.

10:14 <ConfusionRift> I did do those two.

10:15 <ConfusionRift> I REMEMBER the turrets...

10:15 <Schism> Oh, nice then.  o3o

10:16 <ConfusionRift> The bumping was kinda... irritating.

10:16 <ConfusionRift> I also remember shielding worked.

10:17 <Schism> Slightly so, yes.  I still haven't done the challenge runs for those.

10:17 <Schism> And in the ice run, a /perfect/ shield works, but a regular one just knocks you back a ways.

10:21 <Schism> "I pay attention.  I ask the right questions of the right folks.  And yes -- I read a lot.  Your dossier was very interesting.  I look forward to reading more of it."

10:39 <Schism> "Just what was that little bit of political theater in service to?" "Ha-ha-bloody-ha.  I can't keep doing this, Sunny.  I felt like throwing up after that little performance." "I thought you pulled it off quite well." "I hated myself every second of it."

10:45 <ConfusionRift> Urgh, have to get ready for work later in the evening. Laters!

10:45 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-gam7lf.aooo.89ac.6000.2605.IP) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

10:57 <Schism> "The heck are you doing?" "Basic telekinesis spell, unicorn horn nonsense." "Yes, but that's..." "I don't have a mana pool as large as a unicorn, and if I tried to cast an overlarge spell I'd wind up committing suicide.  So I get to focus on efficiency."

11:00 <Schism> Sorry if these snippets are a bit distracting.  I'm kinda coming up with weird story ideas on the fly.

11:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #1415 [ http://tinyurl.com/y8bzuted ]

11:14 *** Quits: ryaxnb21 (ryaxnb@Pony-hj0ath.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:26 *** Joins: ryaxnb21 (ryaxnb@Pony-hj0ath.ca.comcast.net)

11:35 * Filly_Nightmares curls up on Schism and uses him as a bed! She snugglies into him and goes sleepies on!

11:35 <Filly_Nightmares> Nini!

11:35 *** Filly_Nightmares is now known as Sleeping_Nightmares

11:56 *** Quits: Golden (uid250033@Pony-sd90bk.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

12:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: All the Pony Calls in One Playlist!  [ http://tinyurl.com/yafv6wsy ]

13:30 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:25 *** Joins: ADragonHoarding (Mibbit@Pony-krk.qod.41.69.IP)

14:28 *** Quits: ADragonHoarding (Mibbit@Pony-krk.qod.41.69.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

14:29 *** Joins: ADragonHoarding (ADragonHoar@Pony-krk.qod.41.69.IP)

14:29 <ADragonHoarding> Fnaaaaar

15:01 *** Joins: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony)

15:03 * DashedRainbows licks all the horses

15:13 <ADragonHoarding> nuuuuu

15:14 <Koopz> hmmm... the back of my mouse hand kinda hurts lately

15:28 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (RazorSharpF@Pony-8v4h90.tpgi.com.au) (Connection closed)

15:30 <Koopz> got a new mouse... Logitech MX Master S2... the place where you can rest your thumb on is really... new for me

15:31 <Koopz> i've been dragging my thumb along the mousepad for years which gave me additional precision and grip...

15:32 <Koopz> with my thumb no longer touching the mousepad i actually find myself missing my click target by a few pixels

15:32 *** Joins: LibrarianofHope (Librarianof@Pony-kkc.seo.207.187.IP)

15:33 <ADragonHoarding> so why does your thumb no longer touch mousepad?

15:34 <Koopz> https://souqcms.s3.amazonaws.com/spring/images/2018/logitech/mx-master-2s-wireless-mouse-graphite/1-mx-master-2s-wireless-mouse-graphite.jpg because i hold it like that

15:40 <LibrarianofHope> hoi

15:41 <ADragonHoarding> ah

15:41 <LibrarianofHope> oh

15:43 * Schism flops into the channel again, and boops ADragonHoarding with a peanut butter sandwich!

15:44 <LibrarianofHope> its peanut butter jelly time!

15:47 *** Joins: Quill-Swirl (Nyah@Pony-jaks4r.res.rr.com)

15:49 * DashedRainbows licks LibrarianofHope

15:53 <LibrarianofHope> my neck thing is moving along

15:53 <LibrarianofHope> i need to cleanse my system beore i go to vegas

15:57 * DashedRainbows ponies hard

16:02 *** Quits: ADragonHoarding (ADragonHoar@Pony-krk.qod.41.69.IP) (Connection closed)

16:03 <Schism> I hate this freakin' year.

16:03 <Schism> My maternal grandfather - the last of the four - is now in the hospital after a heart attack.

16:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: 174UDSI - The Summer Isle (feat. Angel Love) [House] [ http://tinyurl.com/ya9yz64b ]

16:09 <Schism> Cepheid.  Cepheid Cepheid Cepheid.

16:11 <Schism> Katamari Damacy has been rereleased for Switch.

16:17 <LibrarianofHope> im just having a blat with c and c mobile

16:18 <LibrarianofHope> reminds me of halo wars

17:00 *** Joins: Felix (Felix@Pony-mtbb9h.static.versatel.nl)

17:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Pony: IDW 20/20 Now Listed on Amazon - Mane 6 20 Years Ago!  [ http://tinyurl.com/ycdfxgdm ]

17:11 *** Joins: RyuImperator (RyuImperato@Pony-4uj12f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

17:13 *** Joins: Guest3695 (Guest3695@Pony-c6q9uc.2sok.ibhv.0018.2804.IP)

17:13 *** Quits: Guest3695 (Guest3695@Pony-c6q9uc.2sok.ibhv.0018.2804.IP) (G-Lined: Spam83)

17:26 <Cepheid> I know.

17:27 <Cepheid> Also I had a weird, but normalish dream last night.  It struck me as a good base for a story.

17:34 * Schism nomfs an English muffin with cream cheese. "Do tell."

17:35 <Cepheid> I'm still writing it down, actually.  Before I forget details.

17:36 <LibrarianofHope> my dreams suck

17:37 <LibrarianofHope> i never get the good stuff

17:40 <Cepheid> This one was actually kind of plain, to be honest.  It felt more like I was living someone else' life.

17:41 <Cepheid> But I get the impression it wasn't on this planet, 'cause of the oddity that made it stand out.

17:48 <Cepheid> Essentially, I was a female vampire, with two friends who were werewolves.  One large, bulky and strong.  The other lithe in body structure.  Both capable of changing between human and werewolf forms at any time of the day.  We kept getting run out of our houses in various cities, because something always gave off our strange nature to folks.  Anyways...

17:49 <Cepheid> We finally give up, and during rummaging around another city in the shadows, we decide we'll try to do things the long and boring way.  We go about buying a parcel of land, getting contractors to build a house, etc.  And voila, it worked.  We have a house, and apparently no one was suspicious.

17:50 <Cepheid> Apparently I was still the only visible anomaly, what with my fangs.  We just passed it off as bad dental work. >.>

17:50 <Cepheid> Apparently I was able to walk around out in the sun, too.  I was also one of the "cuter" types of vampires.  >.>

17:51 <LibrarianofHope> you dreamt an anime

17:52 <Cepheid> A start of one, more or less, yes.

17:52 <Cepheid> But it was too realistic for me.

17:52 <Cepheid> Like I said, felt like I was living someone else' life.

17:52 <DashedRainbows> I never got good dreams on prozac

17:53 <Cepheid> It was likely influenced by Touhou, as the style of vampire I was, was akin to the Scarlet sisters.

17:53 <DashedRainbows> not that I do know

17:53 <DashedRainbows> now*

17:55 <LibrarianofHope> un cepheid was here

17:55 <Cepheid> What?

17:56 <LibrarianofHope> the flandre song

17:56 <Cepheid> Heh.

17:56 <Cepheid> I didn't catch onto that.

17:56 <Cepheid> U.N. Owen Was Her.

17:56 <LibrarianofHope> who is owen ?

17:57 <Cepheid> No idea.

17:57 <Cepheid> Alas, my memory of the dream is fragmentary at this point.  The only remaining fragment I seem to remember that I haven't mentioned yet was that the vampire was apparently a witch or magician of some sort.

17:58 *** Quits: Felix (Felix@Pony-mtbb9h.static.versatel.nl) (Quit: *woosh*)

17:59 <Cepheid> Other than that, it was mostly normal.

18:00 <Cepheid> We were just trying to live our lives in a city.

18:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Story: Mistmane and the Torii of Time [ http://tinyurl.com/y7xpx9zw ]

18:14 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-sgbm3c.as43234.net)

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18:19 <LibrarianofHope> hello bacon haired one

18:20 <SunsetShimmer> Heyo hopeful bookreader

18:22 <LibrarianofHope> with the weird algoritm, would you think tumblr will fall?

18:22 <SunsetShimmer> Hahahah, tumblr will have no purpose beyond its deluded attempts at marketing

18:23 <SunsetShimmer> considering about 80% of its userbase will be wiped shortly

18:23 <LibrarianofHope> i should move to deviant

18:23 <SunsetShimmer> Only if you have NSFW stuffs

18:23 <SunsetShimmer> otherwise no point

18:24 <LibrarianofHope> its just writer stuff

18:24 <SunsetShimmer> yeah, you should theoretically be okay

18:24 <LibrarianofHope> im more worried bout audience

18:25 <Cepheid> SunsetShimmer:  Their bot apparently is picking up content of all type as NSFW.  Including pictures of kittens, pictures of scenery, pictures of puppies, completely SFW pictures of all types..

18:25 <Cepheid> And yet it won't actually pick up NSFW content.

18:27 <SunsetShimmer> I figure thats just an issue they'll fix

18:27 <Cepheid> Before everyone loses their blogs from all the broken banning?  Or after?

18:28 <SunsetShimmer> Oh whilst its burning for sure

18:28 <SunsetShimmer> but they'll be forced to

18:29 <LibrarianofHope> tumblr it guys most be having such a good day

18:31 <Cepheid> A glorious day.

18:31 <Cepheid> Most of them are probably without jobs, now.

18:33 <Cepheid> I want to expand that vampire character.  Turn it into a full character, with proper clothing and behaviour description, based on what little details I can recall. o3o

18:34 <LibrarianofHope> want a template?

18:34 <Cepheid> Nah, I'm good.

18:35 <LibrarianofHope> i have all sorts of creation tools

18:35 <Cepheid> I just know I want to go with modern day clothing, so nothing weird and fancy.

18:35 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: September Blue, Thy sorrows be forgotten...)

18:38 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-h4t.eoa.56.172.IP)

18:43 <Cepheid> I gotta say..

18:43 <ADragonDreaming> Innovay!

18:43 <Cepheid> What is wrong with the salespeople of women's clothing?  I just did a quick search for women's clothing on Google, and the various stores advertised to me..

18:44 <Cepheid> They have models that are pantsless for shirts, models showing off lingerie under advertised shirts, and other weird modeling setups.

18:44 <Cepheid> It seems more like this stuff is advertised more to men than women.

18:46 <ADragonDreaming> in those cases I conjecture that it is both advertised to men as "get this for your girl!" and advertised to women as "get this to be attractive!"

18:46 <Cepheid> Right, I'm gonna just go with a pair of decent jeans, and a spaghetti-top or t-shirt.

18:46 <Cepheid> Sweater of some sort for the colder seasons.

18:47 <ADragonDreaming> Jackets are awesome.

18:47 <Schism> Hmm, depending, a spaghetti-top might work better with a pair of capris.

18:47 <ADragonDreaming> like black denim jacket, or classy black jacket, etc.

18:47 <Cepheid> Mmhmm.

18:48 <ADragonDreaming> black jeans are cool looking too

18:48 <Cepheid> Schism:  Mmm...

18:48 <Cepheid> What goes best with jeans, top-wise?

18:49 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:49 <Cepheid> But yeah, jackets look good.

18:50 <Schism> Jeans are kind of a neutral sort of attire.  I was kinda joking about the capris, but you can pair nearly anything with denim; for a vampire character, I might even suggest a hoodie.

18:50 <Cepheid> She can survive in the sunlight as is.  Slightly different from typical vampires.

18:50 <LibrarianofHope> depends on the vibe

18:50 <Cepheid> But yeah, a hoodie could work too.

18:50 <Schism> Hopefully she doesn't sparkle.

18:50 <Schism> An oversized hoodie, which covers her hands too.  >_>

18:50 <Cepheid> And yeah, I have to consider that.  And no, fortunately she does NOT sparkle.

18:52 <Cepheid> Given the past history of the character though, I'd imagine she would not want to draw attention to herself, so neutral clothing would be best.  Clothing that doesn't stand out or appear flashy.

18:52 <LibrarianofHope> hot topic

18:52 <LibrarianofHope> hide in plain sight

18:53 <Cepheid> Hmm.

18:53 <Cepheid> That could work, yes.

18:53 <Schism> I reread a book a bit ago which says that the best way to not be seen is to make people not want to see you.  So, yes, Hot Topic.  </burn>

18:54 <Cepheid> Heh.

18:54 <Cepheid> In general, women's t-shirts look good with jeans, I find.

18:56 <LibrarianofHope> we need a girl for data delivery

18:56 <LibrarianofHope> im working on supossition

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19:24 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Silver Quill: Let's Review: MLP #24 [ http://tinyurl.com/y9ztuenx ]

19:24 <Cepheid> Hum, what do I need to unlock 9* offline..?

19:25 <Cepheid> Zamtrios and Uragaan.

19:34 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-h4t.eoa.56.172.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:41 <LibrarianofHope> i cant write owo neck movess to much

19:45 <Cepheid> Balloon Shark be dead yo.

19:45 <LibrarianofHope> ?

19:46 <Cepheid> Monster Hunta.

19:46 <Cepheid> Zamtrios.

19:46 <Cepheid> He likes to balloon up into a large blob shark.

19:50 * Sleeping_Nightmares yawnskrees and uses Cepheid as a bed

20:00 <Cepheid> My mother just told me of another condition she had that I may or may not have based on symptoms I am describing.

20:02 <Cepheid> Apparently, her lymph nodes liked to move around, swell up and at one point, surgery was needed to remove one.

20:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic:Outfield 13-14 / Pone Wars 7:19 / Twisted Sunset 28 / Love 34 / AoS 3:6 [ http://tinyurl.com/y8t7rt9e ]

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20:39 *** Tempo-Sleep is now known as Tempo

20:44 <Cepheid> I am violently twitching.  I am pissed off and annoyed as hell.  Time for more drugs!  See you in a few hours.

20:45 *** Joins: Jackie (Jarva@Pony-2ga.tl5.105.130.IP)

21:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: School Raze - Gameloft Trailer Released  [ http://tinyurl.com/y9uwtsl6 ]

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21:36 <Schism> "Oh, that's cute." "What is it?" "It's an antidemic." "To what?" "...well, everything, as far as I can tell." "What." "It stops reproduction.  Means total cellular death in anything living within a very short time frame."

21:43 <Jackie> What's the use of \b, \r, \a, and \v?

21:45 <Schism> Escape sequences?  \b is backspace, that I know.

21:45 <Starlight_Glimmer> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_sequences_in_C

21:45 <Schism> A backslash followed by a character is usually an escape sequence which results in the client performing a certain action.

21:45 <Starlight_Glimmer> The single letter ones are valid for most languages

21:46 <Starlight_Glimmer> Schism: That's only kind of true

21:46 <Schism> Okay, not usually, but often.

21:47 <Starlight_Glimmer> In reality it's just a way to express a character not found on your keyboard

21:47 <Starlight_Glimmer> Those characters can be control characters that then do special things

21:48 <Schism> Printing a metacharacter is a certain action clients can do.  o3o

21:48 <Starlight_Glimmer> Like in case of the belle character making a noise using the pc speaker

21:50 <Jackie> \b and \v is rarely used

21:51 <Schism> How often do you need to make use of a backspace in code?

22:01 <Starlight_Glimmer> It does happen though. Think of SSH for example where the server performs the action, not the client.

22:01 <Starlight_Glimmer> The client could send a backspace character and the server then adjust the your input written up to that point

22:02 * LibrarianofHope grows shrooms in a corner

22:02 <Starlight_Glimmer> (To be fair: I don't actually know if SSH uses a backspace for that, but it could and similar software most certainly does)

22:05 <Schism> Escape characters are sometimes fun^H^H^Hinteresting to pretend to use.

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22:35 <DashedRainbows> I want shrooms

22:36 <LibrarianofHope> they ran away

22:36 <DashedRainbows> Aww

22:36 <LibrarianofHope> i used alive fertilizer

22:36 <LibrarianofHope> last i heard thry run a small island nation

22:43 * Sleeping_Nightmares nomfs LibrarianofHope

22:48 *** Sleeping_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

22:54 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Why is the Tree of Harmony Suddenly Sentient? [ http://tinyurl.com/y9rj9ot6 ]

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23:09 * LibrarianofHope gives the eeeeee to ali

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23:10 <LibrarianofHope> give her a bath, she is smeeeeely

23:10 * Ali squeaks

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23:30 * DashedRainbows licks PinkieShy

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23:48 <Schism> Ah, "Baby, It's Cold Outside" has been removed from Canadian airwaves.  Good, I hate that song.

23:54 <ADragonDreaming> Eh... it gets misinterpreted a lot.

23:55 <ADragonDreaming> It's overplayed in my opinion, yes, but it's not the horrific thing most people assume it to be.

23:55 <Mudwise> indeed

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