Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Sunday, 2018-12-30

00:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Discussion: Chrysalis Is Reformed! What Was the Episode Like?  [ http://tinyurl.com/y8h3aqfz ]

00:07 *** Quits: RyuImperator (RyuImperato@Pony-cf7hg4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving.)

00:08 <Cepheid> Hum, I know where all these points are, except one.  But I can't find anything there.

00:08 <Cepheid> Do the mantras have to be obtained in order..?

00:37 <PinkieShy> I had to get my sim to live in an apartment.. >.>

00:37 <PinkieShy> I just put my sim to bed and neighbors in the game started to fight and woke him up.

00:51 *** Joins: Reia_Hope (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony)

00:57 * Schism hears someone skateboarding outside, right up until they're no longer on a skateboard.

00:58 <Cepheid> Heh.

00:58 <Cepheid> Have you figured anything out regarding the mantras, Schism?

01:00 <Schism> Not really been playing tonight.

01:01 <Cepheid> Ah.

01:01 <Cepheid> I've made differing progress on the ending and the hell temple.

01:01 <Cepheid> But the mantras elude understanding.  I've only managed to get one to appear, and I don't entirely know *HOW* or *WHY*.

01:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Pony Plushie Compilation #302 [ http://tinyurl.com/y8jrgh55 ]

01:12 <PinkieShy> My Sim is about to kill himself >.>

01:12 <PinkieShy> I'm telling him to go to fridge but he keeps refusing when the hunger bar is almost empty..

01:14 <OctaveSymphony> Hail Satan

01:14 <OctaveSymphony> Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Hell!

01:14 <Cepheid> You okay?

01:14 <OctaveSymphony> Mostly

01:24 <Cepheid> My American friends, I have a question.  Today was the second day in my life that I had Krispy Kreme donuts.  The first time was years ago back in California.  I have to ask..

01:24 <Cepheid> Why do so many Americans make a big deal out of these donuts?

01:24 <Cepheid> They're nothing special.

01:27 <Stormspark> well, they put a light on when they have them coming fresh out of the fryer, and sell the fresh out of the fryer ones, and fresh out of the fryer donuts are good

01:27 <Stormspark> but yeah other than that...your'e right, they're just donuts

01:28 * Filly_Nightmares nommifies Stormspark!

01:28 * Filly_Nightmares eeeeeeeeeees

01:29 <Stormspark> eeeeeeeee

01:29 <Cepheid> Schism, do you remember where we obtain the Twin Statues?

01:31 <Schism> Yeah, a chest on the 'race' section of the Endless Corridor.

01:31 <Cepheid> Right.

01:33 <Cepheid> Well so much for that theory.

01:34 <Cepheid> The second mantra is at the foot of the twins.  At the tip of the feet that connect the two.  I don't know of any such symbolism.

01:34 <Cepheid> Or at least, can't remember.

01:38 <Cepheid> I already used the magatama in the one place where I knew it can be used.  It did *SOMETHING* but I can't see what. o3o

01:39 *** Joins: JonTheVGNerd (JonTheVGNer@Pony-48j.p7d.45.70.IP)

01:40 <Cepheid> Malbruk asked me to do something, which I did, which gave me a clue to head somewhere in the dead of night, a statue with no relevance to anything.

01:40 <Cepheid> But I can't find that either.

01:46 * Thelema5 just woke up from a nap thinking 100% that it was 8:45 AM tomorrow

01:46 <Thelema5> I hate that

01:48 <Thelema5> I only learned the truth while trying to set an alarm for 9:30 AM, to which  was told "That time hasd already passed"

01:48 <Thelema5> 'doh!

01:49 <ADragonDreaming> I've done that once.

01:50 <ADragonDreaming> only figured out it was PM when I went to the fast food place and asked why they didn't have the breakfast menu up.

01:50 *** Quits: danwellby (Daniel_well@when.hell.freezes.over) (Connection closed)

01:51 <Thelema5> Heh, yeah

01:57 <PinkieShy> O_O

01:57 <PinkieShy> Went to visit another Sim.. one of my neighbors and their house was on fire.. Saw the grim reaper show up for them.

01:58 <Thelema5> Oh my

01:59 <PinkieShy> How are you doing Thelema5 :)

02:00 <PinkieShy> 2018 ends Monday!

02:00 * PinkieShy gets the party cannons ready.

02:04 <Thelema5> I'm okay, PinkieShy. Drove into the nearest small city today to meet with my father and sister for Xmas.  That was a major accomplishment in the fight against my agoraphobia

02:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #1664 [ http://tinyurl.com/y9vyx5jw ]

02:07 * Thelema5 is listening to "rum and coca cola" from the Andrew Sisters.... makes me think of Snapai

02:09 <Thelema5> !lnk snapai

02:09 <Thelema5> ...

02:09 <Thelema5> !link snapai

02:09 <DerpyBot> http://derpibooru.org/403203

02:10 <Thelema5> Heh

02:10 <Thelema5> !link snapai cola

02:10 <DerpyBot> https://derpibooru.org/359622

02:35 *** Quits: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-vdcche.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Connection closed)

02:46 *** Reia_Hope is now known as Reia_Away

02:46 *** Joins: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony)

02:52 *** Joins: unico (uni@Pony-pr2b0b.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

02:54 *** Joins: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-obvko9.wa.comcast.net)

02:55 *** Quits: uni (uni@Pony-gdpq29.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:05 *** unico is now known as uni

03:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: MrMehster - Holi [Psytrance] [ http://tinyurl.com/ycpkvxva ]

03:05 *** Quits: uni (uni@Pony-pr2b0b.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Connection closed)

03:05 *** Joins: uni (uni@Pony-pr2b0b.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

03:32 <Cepheid> Time for me to get some sleep methinks.  Didn't sleep well at all last night.

03:32 *** Quits: uni (uni@Pony-pr2b0b.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:32 <Schism> Yeah.  @_@

03:32 <Schism> Sleep well, then!

03:38 * Starlight_Glimmer licks Schism

03:38 <Starlight_Glimmer> Another year went by ...

03:38 <Starlight_Glimmer> I'm getting old

03:42 *** Joins: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony)

03:43 * DashedRainbows licks Thelema5 til he's dripping

03:52 *** Joins: Pinmane (Pinmane@Pony-vdcche.elisa-laajakaista.fi)

03:54 *** Quits: FruitNibbler (Eogan@Pony-2nknbf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:04 *** Quits: init3 (quassel@lyra.init3.tech) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)

04:06 *** Joins: init3 (quassel@lyra.init3.tech)

04:10 *** Quits: HyperDash (HyperDash@Pony-obvko9.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:19 *** Quits: Arkomeda (Arkomeda@Pony-99fpvl.ti9c.n0qi.0587.2a02.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

04:52 *** Quits: Stormspark (stormspark@Pony-25m.dcd.98.172.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

04:58 <Thelema5> Hiccups are realy the stupiesrt evotionary trait/How does hippuing 30 a minte an ervolutionaly step forward?

04:59 *** Joins: Pony|33789 (Pony33789@Pony-i3nkgv.oc.cox.net)

05:04 *** Parts: Pony|33789 (Pony33789@Pony-i3nkgv.oc.cox.net) ()

05:06 * PinkieShy licks Thelema5

05:08 <Thelema5> OMG I can't stop hiccuping.  It's been more than an hour now and I've tried all the usual tricka

05:10 <PinkieShy> Hiccups for me go pretty fast :P

05:11 <PinkieShy> Cause every time i get hiccups.. I always end up burping after i hiccup and i guess that helps.. idk

05:32 *** Joins: [AFK]_ (Bat@Squeaky.Cuddly.Batpony)

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05:40 <Thelema5> 03.

05:48 *** Quits: Moongoodgirl{K} (LunarToyK@sugar-belle.blackl.net) (Connection closed)

05:49 *** Quits: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

05:59 *** Joins: Moongoodgirl{K} (LunarToyK@sugar-belle.blackl.net)

06:11 *** Quits: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

06:13 *** Joins: Tempo (SamShmuck@Pony-0854uq.fios.verizon.net)

06:17 *** Joins: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony)

06:28 *** Joins: uni (uni@Pony-pr2b0b.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

06:51 *** Joins: unico (uni@Pony-leb07v.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

06:51 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-nf551c.res.spectrum.com)

06:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

06:52 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

06:53 *** Quits: uni (uni@Pony-pr2b0b.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

06:59 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift.

06:59 <Finwe> o7

07:00 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

07:01 <Finwe> Messrs Schism and Thelema5.

07:01 * Finwe doffs his hat.

07:03 *** Quits: unico (uni@Pony-leb07v.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:15 * PinkieShy yawns and turns in for the night.

07:15 <PinkieShy> Good Night every pony!

07:16 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: Leaving)

07:28 *** Joins: aqualycool22 (aqualycool2@Pony-gs7.uj2.16.184.IP)

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07:29 *** Joins: R0adkill (R0adkill@Pony-gs7.uj2.16.184.IP)

07:29 <R0adkill> Woah...

07:29 <R0adkill> I thought I lost you guys.

07:29 <R0adkill> The chat hasn't been listed on the community tab... I thought the chat got shut down.

07:30 <ConfusionRift> Nope, still here. :P

07:30 <R0adkill> Darn.

07:30 <R0adkill> No, just kidding!

07:30 <R0adkill> I love you all!

07:30 <ConfusionRift> Liiiieeeeessss. :P

07:30 <R0adkill> I'm so glad to see you all again! I'm glad I found you!

07:30 <Ali> You mean Seth finally got bored of us?

07:31 <ConfusionRift> I suppose it's because of Discord.

07:31 <R0adkill> Who's Seth?

07:31 * Ali hates Discord

07:31 <Ali> Owner of the website EqD

07:31 <ConfusionRift> ^

07:31 <R0adkill> Aaah.

07:31 <ConfusionRift> I have never seen it here, so... pffft.

07:31 <Ali> He came here only in like Season 2

07:31 <R0adkill> So, get this:

07:31 <R0adkill> My basement got flooded.

07:32 <ConfusionRift> That sucks.

07:32 <R0adkill> And thousands of dollars of money that I spent on my collection could have gotten wiped, but everything is safe.

07:32 * Ali swims in basement pool

07:32 <R0adkill> PlayStations 1-4, my Nintendo NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, my Gameboys, my DS's...

07:32 <R0adkill> None of it.

07:33 <R0adkill> Is destroyed.

07:33 <R0adkill> Everything survived.

07:33 <R0adkill> Everything!

07:33 <Finwe> Miss Ali, Mr R0adkill.

07:33 <R0adkill> It's all still here!

07:33 * Finwe doffs his hat.

07:33 * R0adkill politely tightens his tie towards Finwe

07:33 <ConfusionRift> Oh good. Woooh, I know how I would feel if I lost any of them.

07:34 <R0adkill> I tested each and every single one of my games, the only thing that got destroyed in my copy of Rad Racer for the NES. Which hurts, but I can get another copy.

07:35 <R0adkill> A lot of the covers, the little papers, you know? The covers for my games got wet and are now messed up.

07:35 <Ali> Rad Racer is cheap to replace anyway

07:35 * Finwe noms on chamomile yoghurt.

07:35 <ConfusionRift> About $10 for a reasonable copy. Unless you go local, which might be cheaper.

07:35 <R0adkill> I'm specially upset about the case for Super Mario Sunshine getting ruined. But the game is okay.

07:36 <R0adkill> Considering the GC was where my collection started, it would hurt to see that go most.

07:36 <ConfusionRift> I would go bananas if I lose my Genesis.

07:37 * Finwe noms on ConfusionRift's Genesis.

07:37 * ConfusionRift screeches like a monkey, and baps Finwe repeatedly.

07:37 * Finwe indifferently watches ConfusionRift go bananas.

07:38 <R0adkill> I have a lot of really rare games for it. All the bad Sonic games, "bad" because everyone else thinks they're bad, but I don't. (Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Adventure). I have the Mario Party games... I have Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion, which are pretty pricey on a bad day. Animal Crossing, the original. God, original AC w

07:38 <R0adkill> as so much fun.

07:38 * Ali snuffles on her original NES she got in 87 *ish old fart pony*

07:38 * ConfusionRift is too. :P

07:38 <ConfusionRift> Oh, a year apart.

07:38 <Finwe> I have a C64 and A500 from 1980's. o3o

07:39 <SunsetShimmer> Sonic adventure is more considered dated than it is bad, most of the time

07:39 <ConfusionRift> And we lost. -_-

07:39 <R0adkill> Here's something you might find cute. From hunting around different pawn shops, I've found that Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt is a VERY abundant game, that you can find about anywhere very easily.

07:39 <SunsetShimmer> its very much one of the games of the Dreamcast era that defined the franchise for a good period of time

07:39 <R0adkill> So I have a sub-collection of Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt in my video game collection.

07:39 <ConfusionRift> SA and SA2... yeah, I'll admit to that. I do get my fun's worth thought.

07:40 <R0adkill> I currently own 17 copies of Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt, like the original cart that came with the NES. I just... Collect them.

07:40 <ConfusionRift> Hehehe!

07:40 <SunsetShimmer> You're not a gamer if you haven't bought mario bros at least 10 times by now. xD

07:40 <SunsetShimmer> J/k

07:40 <R0adkill> Some day I really wanna go crazy and treat myself and get a boxed copy of EarthBound for my Super Nintendo.

07:40 <R0adkill> I'm a pretty big collector.

07:41 <ConfusionRift> Oooooh, good luck.

07:41 <R0adkill> I know. Thank you. I'll need it.

07:41 <ConfusionRift> Especially with the guide.

07:41 <Finwe> I've never bought a single Mario Bros game.

07:41 <ConfusionRift> 0_0

07:41 <R0adkill> I like the roleplaying ones most.

07:41 <Finwe> But I've bought Two Giana Sisters games. o3o

07:42 <ConfusionRift> I did see a full box copy, with the guide, at a retro game store around here.

07:42 <ConfusionRift> Finwe: That.. that's actually really close. Alas, IT'S NO MARIO! :P.

07:43 <ConfusionRift> I think the guy was charging $65.

07:43 <Finwe> No, Mario is just a cheap plastic imitation of Giana. o3o!

07:44 <Finwe> (I might actually just have been vice versa.)

07:44 <ConfusionRift> According to the 'net, The Great Giana Sisters was released 2 years after SMB. :P

07:45 <R0adkill> For EarthBound?

07:45 <R0adkill> The complete full box?

07:45 <ConfusionRift> Yes, $65 for a mint boxed copy of Earthbound.

07:45 <R0adkill> Don't joke about that. That's not funny.

07:46 <ConfusionRift> It isn't. I regret not buying it.

07:46 <R0adkill> Oh my God, I would to...

07:46 <R0adkill> Jesus, man.

07:46 <R0adkill> That's like 1/4 of what it's worth.

07:47 <Finwe> "Nintendo urged the makers of The Great Giana Sisters to withdraw the game from sale, arguing that it was obvious copyright infringement. Time Warp Productions and Rainbow Arts immediately stopped the production and, at the same time, the game began vanishing from the stores."

07:47 <ConfusionRift> I was broke at the time, and when I realized the massive value difference, the moved from their spot just as I was about to drop the biggies. I did found the new location, but they had already sold it.

07:48 <ConfusionRift> As for Shantae... my cousin had it, in its original box. He refused to sell it to me, and later lost it.

07:48 *** Quits: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:49 <ConfusionRift> Finwe: Yep, hence why not many know about the Giana Sisters' beginnings.

07:50 <R0adkill> I've been trying to get ahold of a copy of Super Mario 64 because

07:50 <R0adkill> 1) My boyfriend loves playing it.

07:50 <R0adkill> 2) My N64 collection is seriously lacking! I have like under 10 games for it!

07:51 <ConfusionRift> They are not easy finds now.

07:51 <ConfusionRift> At least the good games that is. :P

07:52 <ConfusionRift> Let's seeeee...

07:52 <R0adkill> The best price I found was about $30.

07:53 <R0adkill> I'm willing to pay for it! Again, I am a collector.

07:53 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: Well, Twisted Dreams is out now, and it comes with Giana Sisters 2D, which is quite close to the original game.

07:53 * ConfusionRift opens the box of older games.

07:55 * Finwe boops ConfusionRift with C64 version of Miami Vice.

07:55 <R0adkill> Oh yeah.

07:56 <R0adkill> So speaking of like, modern gaming.

07:56 <R0adkill> Persona 5 is freaking amazing.

07:56 <R0adkill> I love it.

07:56 <R0adkill> I got it for Christmas.

07:56 <Finwe> o3o

07:56 <Finwe> You can still get free Soma from gog.com.

07:58 <ConfusionRift> Off Road Challange, Banjo-Kazooie (and Tooie), DK64, Paper Mario, LoZ: Ocarina of Time (and Majora's Mask), Kirby 64, Buck Bumble, Bomberman Hero, Conker's, Yoshi's Story, Goldeneye, Pokemon Stadium, Mario Party 2, Mario Kart, and Super Smash Bros.

07:58 <R0adkill> It's got really classy and jazzy music and the whole game has a really emo and goth vibe. It's rather intoxicating. It just makes you want to buy a leather coat and get into a fist fight. It's a really great game and I wanna play past games in the series I didn't know about until now after playing it.

07:58 <R0adkill> Is that your collection?

07:58 <R0adkill> For N64?

07:58 <ConfusionRift> Yarp.

07:58 <R0adkill> Hang on.

07:59 * Filly_Nightmares kneads ConfusionRift!

07:59 * Filly_Nightmares eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

07:59 <Finwe> Miss Filly_Nightmares.

07:59 * Finwe doffs his hat.

07:59 * Filly_Nightmares eees at Finwe for food!

07:59 * Finwe offers some chamomile yoghurt to Filly_Nightmares.

07:59 <R0adkill> Pokemon Stadium, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, South Park: Chef's Luv Shack (Please don't ask. It was from a friend who knew I just got an N64,) Lego Racers (Which is actually surprisingly very fun to play, and Pokemon Snap.

07:59 <Finwe> Served in a glass bowl with pictures of anthropomorphic bunnies on it.

07:59 <R0adkill> There's my N64 games.

08:00 <ConfusionRift> :P

08:01 <R0adkill> I have a handful of staples.

08:01 <R0adkill> My GameCube collection is a lot more respectable. I'll go get it.

08:01 <ConfusionRift> Most of the games I got are more modern.. and are difficult to even count at the moment.

08:01 <R0adkill> Ew. They still smell like mildew...

08:01 * Finwe boops R0adkill with Lemmings for Commodore Amiga.

08:01 <R0adkill> Sorry, they're wet.

08:02 * R0adkill looks at Finwe.

08:02 <Finwe> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnXD6FRZtn0

08:02 <R0adkill> ...

08:02 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

08:02 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Skyrim - The Dragonborn Comes - Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra \/ Sabina Zweiacker

08:02 * R0adkill boops Finwe with Lemmings for the Super Nintendo.

08:02 <ConfusionRift> I know you're more in the collecting side, but this is not a bad get. (shows Ultra Everdrive 64)

08:02 <R0adkill> I want a Commodore 64 some day.

08:03 * Filly_Nightmares rolls onto her back and sprawls out

08:03 <Filly_Nightmares> I have one!

08:03 <Filly_Nightmares> It's in the original box!

08:03 <ConfusionRift> Nice!

08:03 <Finwe> I also had an Amiga 4000, but I left it in my storage closet in an earlier apartment.

08:03 <Finwe> :/

08:03 * Filly_Nightmares eees!

08:03 <R0adkill> Okay, ConfusionRift! Ready? This is my GameCube collection. Everything that's in it. Even stupid games that I got for gifts when I was a kid. There are some pretty rare games in here.

08:04 <Ali> Pokemon Box Ruby And Saphire

08:04 * Ali shot

08:04 <ConfusionRift> If it's too long, maybe a pastebin would work. :P

08:04 * Finwe boops R0adkill with Bubble Bobble for C64.

08:04 <ConfusionRift> Bubble Bobble!

08:05 * Filly_Nightmares gnaws on Ali

08:05 * Ali sneezes

08:05 * Filly_Nightmares purrrrrrr

08:05 * Filly_Nightmares kneads Ali nosie

08:05 * Finwe also boops ConfusionRift with Wizard of Wor for C64.

08:05 <Finwe> The original WoW. o3o

08:05 * Ali poofs Filly_Nightmares away from her muzzle, unicorn in a sneezing fit

08:07 * ConfusionRift stumbles on TF5, then sniffles a bit.

08:08 * Finwe would have hundreds of other games to boop with, but finally chooses Loom for Amiga and boops R0adkill with it.

08:09 <R0adkill> Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Super Monkey Ball 2, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, Mario Party 6, Mario Party 7, Pokemon Channel. Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, Mario Gold: Toadstool Tour, Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix (Literally the best game for GameCube, fight me,) Animal Crossing, Ed, Edd, n Eddy: The Mis Edventures, Jimmy Neutron: Boy

08:09 <R0adkill> Genius: Jet Fusion, Beyblade V-Force: Super Tournament Battle, Mega Man: Network Transmission (I miss that particular series of Mega Man, wish they made more games for the Battle Network series...), Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, Tak and the Power of Juju, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Naruto: Clash of Ninja, Mega Man: Anniversary Coll

08:09 <R0adkill> ection, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, Wario Ware, Inc. Mega Party Games, Sonic: Mega Collection, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic Heroes.

08:09 <R0adkill> Jesus! That's a lot of game

08:09 <R0adkill> s.*

08:09 <R0adkill> Mario Gold? How about Mario Golf? Stupid keyboard...

08:10 <Finwe> o3o

08:11 <ConfusionRift> I keep Oh geez.

08:11 * Finwe patpats R0adkill.

08:11 <ConfusionRift> I mean, that be a lot of games. :P

08:11 *** Quits: JonTheVGNerd (JonTheVGNer@Pony-48j.p7d.45.70.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

08:11 <R0adkill> Shadow the Hedgehog, one of my favorites, is wet right now because of the flood.

08:12 <R0adkill> This is my baby. I know that it's a bad game deep down, but let me live in my own little world.

08:12 <ConfusionRift> For what it was, it's one of the few games that I considered getting a bit of a headache, and yet finish fully.

08:13 <R0adkill> Oh, no, like really: this game will piss you off. The gameplay is awkward, the controls are weird...

08:13 <ConfusionRift> To me, a really bad game is one I start and just never finish or leave incomplete.

08:13 * Finwe hats on Ali.

08:13 <R0adkill> I wasn't impressed with Pokemon: Sun and Moon...

08:14 <ConfusionRift> It was weird, I got used to the controls afterwards. It's just how it derailed that got me.

08:14 <R0adkill> I preordered it like I do with all the games since Fire Red.

08:14 *** Joins: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony)

08:14 <Ali> Sun and Moon is horrid

08:14 <R0adkill> It's been about 3-4 years I think?

08:14 <R0adkill> I still have not beat it.

08:14 <Ali> I've yet to be a G7 game

08:14 <R0adkill> I just beat Guzma last time I played (I think in June was last when I played it.)

08:14 <Ali> Barely beat ORAS

08:14 <R0adkill> Oh, the new Switch one is just horrid.

08:14 <R0adkill> Nintendo wants to milk the original series as much as they can.

08:14 <Ali> That's just Pokemon GO PLUS

08:15 <ConfusionRift> It stopped in Silver/Gold, then jumped to Black/White 1, and just stopped bothering on the second. I fully stopped there.

08:15 <R0adkill> "Hey, look at this thing in Kanto. Look at me, I'm in Kanto. Don't you love Kanto? You're not sick of being in Kanto yet, are you? Look at Red, he's from Kanto. Look, it's all the Pokemon from Kanto. This game is set in the Kanto region."

08:15 <R0adkill> And then in Ultra Sun.

08:16 <R0adkill> "Look, it's Team Rocket. Do you remember them? They're from Kanto. They're from the original games. This is gonna wanna make older members of the fanbase wanna play our games, but it's actually just not special anymore because we've done it for so long. Look at all these new versions of Pokemon from Kanto, everyone."

08:16 <ConfusionRift> Fun Fact: In Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, there's a multiplayer feature. What's that? Increase the chances of capturing a Pokemon. That's it.

08:17 <ConfusionRift> So. Much. Fuuuuuun.

08:17 <ConfusionRift> What the heck happened?!

08:17 <R0adkill> I wish that we could go back to Black/White. I enjoyed Black/White because I liked a lot of Pokemon from that region. I don't care what people said! I liked the ice cream cone, I liked the living garbage. Unova was cool!

08:17 <R0adkill> But now, it's just crap.

08:18 <ConfusionRift> HEY! ...I liked Unova as well. :P

08:18 <ConfusionRift> It got me hooked, right back on, like it was for me in Gold back in the days.

08:19 <ConfusionRift> Played the sequel, and all started to stink of the old Pokemon junk I didn't like.

08:19 <R0adkill> Ah, Gold and Silver...

08:19 <R0adkill> I still listen to the Lavender Town theme from those games.

08:19 <R0adkill> It's so peaceful and soothing.

08:20 <ConfusionRift> It's a full 180, that's for sure. :P

08:20 <R0adkill> Fun Fact: The Ghost-type is my personal favorite type of Pokemon and if I were a gym leader, that would be my type.

08:20 <R0adkill> Also another Fun Fact: Gengar is my favorite and the best Pokemon there is. You can't argue with me about it, or you aren't invited to my birthday party.

08:20 * ConfusionRift doesn't remember his old party.

08:23 <ConfusionRift> Things happened during the adventuring that all just became a fog.

08:23 <R0adkill> Oh wow.

08:23 <R0adkill> Hello, 3 AM.

08:23 <R0adkill> It's so nice that you came to visit me.

08:24 <R0adkill> We don't talk much anymore, now that I'm grown and have a life.

08:24 * ConfusionRift gets bricked. "3am alarm!"

08:24 <ConfusionRift> I work late, so... hello 3am.........goodbye 3am. :P

08:25 *** Joins: FruitNibbler (Eogan@Pony-32vgvs.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

08:26 <R0adkill> Goin' to bed, then?

08:27 <ConfusionRift> Nope! Got used to the owl hours. :P

08:28 <R0adkill> Oh. Same.

08:29 <R0adkill> As a young scientist, I decided to get some inspiration of the minds that came before me. College and stuff is stressful, and sometimes I just like to read about scientists that I admire.

08:29 * Finwe checks his clock. It says 10:30 a.m.

08:29 <Finwe> Almost time for some badminton with a friend.

08:29 <R0adkill> As a tribute to one the world's finest engineers, Nikola Tesla, I've decided to make my new bedtime 5 AM sharp.

08:30 <ConfusionRift> I do too. :P

08:30 <R0adkill> And I wake up around 6-7 AM.

08:30 * Finwe starts packing his badminton equipment.

08:30 <ConfusionRift> ...never mind.

08:30 <Finwe> See you later, everypony!

08:30 <R0adkill> Tesla often was known to get about 1-2 hours of sleep.

08:30 <R0adkill> See you, Finwe! Have fun!

08:30 <ConfusionRift> Laters, and have a good one.

08:30 * Finwe boops Ali with a badminton racket.

08:31 * Ali sneezes repeatedly

08:31 * R0adkill blesses Ali each time.

08:31 * Finwe places a shuttlecock on Ali's horn.

08:31 * Ali poofs that blasted thing away, she hates that game

08:31 <Finwe> :D

08:32 <ConfusionRift> I cannot operate under 1-2 hours of sleep. I can barely get away with 6 hours. I dunno. My sleeping schedule is a mess. It doesn't help that work likes to throw curveballs at times.

08:32 * Ali can't serve in that game to save her life

08:32 <R0adkill> Apparently if you want to grow up to do great things in science and engineering fields, you have to run on 1-2 hours of sleep. Every physicist who is a somebody had done so, so I have to do it, too.

08:33 <Finwe> Ali: It's infinitely easier than serving in tennis.

08:33 * Ali does better with a tennis ball....

08:34 <R0adkill> Also, eugh.

08:34 <R0adkill> That :D emoji

08:34 <R0adkill> It looks like one of those creepy smiley fries that you buy at the store.

08:34 <Finwe> In tennis, you need a mind-boggling amount of force combined with accuracy for successful service.

08:35 <Finwe> In badminton you just aim wherever you want to and everything works out like magic.

08:35 <Finwe> Then there's squash, of course.

08:36 <Finwe> That game is the manifestation of evil in its purest form.

08:36 <R0adkill> This is true, but the air resistance causes a shuttlecock to be much harder to return than a tennis ball. A shuttlecock is very small, it falls to the ground quickly, it does not bounce, it has very little momentum.

08:36 <R0adkill> A tennis ball, however...

08:37 * Filly_Nightmares eees at Finwe for warms

08:37 <R0adkill> A tennis ball has much more mass, it's THERE. You can actually hit it without much problem.

08:37 *** Quits: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

08:38 *** Quits: Reia_Away (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony) (Quit: Nini ponies. Love you all.)

08:38 * R0adkill gives Ali a tennis ball to play with.

08:38 * Ali is a pony, not a dog

08:38 <R0adkill> Tennis balls are fun for all species, Ali.

08:38 <R0adkill> Even hooman.

08:38 <R0adkill> Hooman like the tennis ball.

08:38 * ConfusionRift grabs the ball, and nibbles it.

08:38 <Finwe> D:

08:39 * R0adkill gives Finwe and Ali a ball to play with, since ConfusionRift is a ball thief.

08:39 <Finwe> Hmm, obviously I'm in no hurry, I'm going to get a lift from my friend.

08:39 <R0adkill> Ah, neato.

08:39 <R0adkill> Both sports are rather interesting, though.

08:39 <Finwe> ConfusionRift: Is that a tennis ball in your pocket or are you just glad to see us?

08:40 <R0adkill> I don't particularly enjoy participating in sportball, though.

08:40 * Finwe boops R0adkill with The Secret of Monkey Island for Amiga 500.

08:40 *** Quits: Tempo (SamShmuck@Pony-0854uq.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)

08:40 <R0adkill> Are you just booping me with random games from your collection?

08:40 <Finwe> Yup.

08:40 * R0adkill boops Finwe with Star Fox for the Super Nintendo.

08:41 * Finwe boops R0adkill with Space Taxi for C64.

08:42 <R0adkill> The reason why I have Star Fox is sad. It's one of the few games that have a special meaning to me.

08:42 <SunsetShimmer> Ace attorney 3 is a special game for me, personally

08:42 <Finwe> SunsetShimmer: Objection!

08:42 <R0adkill> My mom's sister and I were really close. She got really sick one time and she overdosed on medicine and died and she wanted me to have it, and I gladly took it. And I take extremely good care of it. I was really glad it didn't get ruined by the flood.

08:42 <SunsetShimmer> Denied! >[

08:42 <R0adkill> Hold it!

08:43 * Ali boops R0adkill to listen to mods

08:43 <Finwe> SunsetShimmer: I think that you overrule an objection, not deny it.

08:43 <R0adkill> Listen to mods? Huh?

08:44 <SunsetShimmer> ?

08:44 <R0adkill> ^ This is true.

08:44 <R0adkill> An objection is either:

08:44 <R0adkill> a) sustained.

08:44 <R0adkill> b) overruled.

08:44 <SunsetShimmer> I know, but I was denying because I has no time for his petty attempt xD

08:45 <Finwe> :D

08:45 <R0adkill> You can't deny it. And the judge must respond to it before the trial continues. It's kind of just there. The judge has to answer to it before anything else can happen.

08:45 <SunsetShimmer> I studied teh law enough for a few years!

08:45 * Finwe snuggles SunsetShimmer.

08:45 <R0adkill> I had considered being an attorney at one point. A patent attorney, because I do science and stuff.

08:45 <SunsetShimmer> Also Ace attorney is kinda oddball and thus our objection wars are full of silly here

08:45 *** Quits: Quill-Swirl (Nyah@Pony-jaks4r.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:46 <R0adkill> Dude, 4 AM.

08:46 <R0adkill> This is gonna be sick.

08:47 * Finwe incorporates R0adkill in the Bar.

08:49 <Finwe> *calls to the bar, more properly.

08:49 <SunsetShimmer> An englishman, an irishman and a scotsman walk into a bar one evening.....they all fail.

08:50 <Finwe> Fianna fail?

08:50 <R0adkill> Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you guys. It's been a while since I've been here, yeah?

08:50 * ConfusionRift nods.

08:51 <R0adkill> Since the last time I was around, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. We had originally thought it was terminal, like it was stage 4 and it had spread and she was gonna die. But then another doctor basically said: "Oh. Yeah, no. I can fix this." And then he did and it wasn't as bad as the original doctor said it was and so my mom is okay but n

08:51 <R0adkill> ow she has no hair and she wears hat so yeah. That's life.

08:52 * Ali is used to that, had to deal with that information 18 years ago with their mother

08:52 <ConfusionRift> It least she's alright. I hope she's alright.

08:52 <R0adkill> Oh yeah. She still works and everything.

08:52 <R0adkill> My mom is a badass.

08:52 <ConfusionRift> *At least, not it.

08:53 <R0adkill> She's kinda sick from the chemotherapy, though.

08:53 <Finwe> Uh, sounds like cancer.

08:53 <R0adkill> Well, the thing about it is:

08:53 <Finwe> Ah, as you stated.

08:54 <R0adkill> She doesn't have it anymore. It's gone.

08:54 <R0adkill> But the thing is:

08:54 <R0adkill> She IS at a considerate risk of it returning in the future.

08:54 <R0adkill> So they want her to do chemotherapy to make sure it doesn't come back.

08:54 <R0adkill> Or at least it's less likely to.

08:54 <R0adkill> That's why she's doing chemotherapy.

08:55 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: <unspecified> [ http://tinyurl.com/yc4mv7j2 ]

08:56 <R0adkill> I still haven't come out to my parents yet. I should probably do that before I head over to college.

08:56 <R0adkill> 4 AM is almost here. 4 more minutes.

09:03 <R0adkill> Well, that's enough internet for me tonight!

09:03 <R0adkill> Goodnight, everypony!

09:03 * R0adkill smooches everyone.

09:03 *** Quits: R0adkill (R0adkill@Pony-gs7.uj2.16.184.IP) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

09:03 <Finwe> Good night.

09:03 <ConfusionRift> Aaah, Laters.

09:10 * Finwe finds Ali's tail a jolly good target to nom on.

09:10 * Ali sneezes, sickpony not a good nom target

09:10 * ConfusionRift patpats Ali.

09:11 <Finwe> I had fever the day before yesterday, but whatever it was, it was gone yesterday.

09:13 * Ali has bad head congestion and a migraine earlier, so bad she took meds for it, and she hates meds

09:16 * Finwe patpathugs poor Ali.

09:24 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-5moaf8.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Connection closed)

09:31 *** Quits: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@DJ.Wub.Wub) (Quit: ¡Apagando las luces!)

09:32 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, a good song for a swamp.

10:01 *** Quits: Filly_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Connection closed)

10:14 <ConfusionRift> !link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYgfMSUQNQs I do not regret doing some searching.

10:14 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:18 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about [OJV] Banjo-Kazooie - Live Orchestra

10:32 *** Joins: unico (uni@Pony-jq8t1k.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

10:56 *** Joins: unicodingunicorn (uni@Pony-a4mflf.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

10:58 *** Quits: unico (uni@Pony-jq8t1k.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #1440 [ http://tinyurl.com/y84f64p3 ]

11:29 * Surreal_Nightmares snugglies into Butter unicodingunicorn and goes sleepies

11:29 * Surreal_Nightmares lays her head on him and snugglies and sleepies

11:29 <Surreal_Nightmares> Nini!

11:29 *** Surreal_Nightmares is now known as Sleeping_Nightmares

11:30 *** unicodingunicorn is now known as uni

11:30 <uni> sweet sreams!

11:30 <uni> *dreams

11:30 <uni> bleh

11:34 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:48 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-nf551c.res.spectrum.com) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

11:52 <Cepheid> o/' Sweet dreams are made of floof, who am I to disagreeeeeeeeeeeeee~ o/' o3o

11:53 <Finwe> o3o

11:54 <Finwe> I'm getting better at badminton after ten years' break.

11:55 <Finwe> I won one set of four this time.

11:55 * Finwe boops Ali with his racket

11:56 * Ali sneezes

11:56 *** Quits: uni (uni@Pony-a4mflf.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:56 <Finwe> Gesundheit!

11:57 <Cepheid> It is cold today.

11:57 <Finwe> 0°C here.

11:59 <Cepheid> -13.

12:01 <Finwe> :0

12:05 <Cepheid> Inside, I'm not sure.  But it is sitting on the edge of making me shiver.  I think I will put on a sweater and some socks today.

12:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Poll Results: Spike Vs. Starlight! Who should the 7th Element Be? [ http://tinyurl.com/y7tq3bg5 ]

12:05 <Ali> You and your silly Celcius

12:05 * Ali flops over Cepheid and Finwe and sniffles

12:12 <Cepheid> Not my fault the self-proclaimed "Most powerful country on the planet" can't or won't learn an internationally recognized and utilized systemic measurements. :P

12:12 * Finwe gives a pack of handkerchieves to Ali.

12:13 * Ali imperials all over Cepheid

12:14 <Cepheid> I am actually kind of surprised the US still uses imperial measurements, given their past relationships with the British Empire.

12:15 * Ali ponyshrugs, wasn't alive 200 years ago

12:15 <Finwe> Ali: His name was Anders Celsius, with one c and two s's.

12:15 <Finwe> o3o

12:16 <Cepheid> I would have imagined that as part of their declaration of Independence, they would have created their own system of measurements.  I mean, at one point they were so anal about being associated with the English that they dumped tea into a river.

12:16 <Finwe> Ah, the Boston tea party.

12:19 <Cepheid> Spitfire you are hurting me again.

12:21 * Finwe shoots the Spitfire down with his He 111.

12:22 <Cepheid> Heh.

12:23 * Ali kneads on Cepheid and Finwe, then sneezes

12:27 <Cepheid> Sick?

12:29 <Ali> Head is stopped up something fierce

12:30 <Cepheid> https://youtu.be/64q1ptml0Bo seriously what is this cat doing?  I have small puncture holes all over my arm because of it.

12:31 <Ali> Probably kneading

12:31 <Cepheid> It isn't kneading.

12:31 * Ali kneads all over Cepheid

12:31 <Cepheid> I've seen kneading from him.

12:31 <Cepheid> This is...  He looks like he is watching my arm carefully while trying to balance on it or hold it down.

12:40 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (RazorSharpF@Pony-09e.dcq.221.203.IP)

12:41 <Cepheid> He does it every morning at the same spot.  Kitchen table, right arm.  He usually starts with just two paws.  The class irregularly come out when he does it.  Over time he starts biting at my wrist, and then the hind legs step in.  He tries to balance himself on my arm while staring intently at my wrist and hand.

12:41 <Cepheid> Class - claws

12:42 * Ali flumps over RazorSharpFang

12:42 <RazorSharpFang> How strange!

12:42 <RazorSharpFang> Hey Ali. I mowed my parent's lawn today.

12:42 <Cepheid> Problem is, because the claws come out, and due to the squishy nature of the part of the arm he tries to balance on, he ends up scratching me and putting more holes in my arm than a typical heroin or crack addict.

12:43 * Ali nods and snugs on RazorSharpFang and Cepheid with the sniffles

12:43 <RazorSharpFang> Ah, you have a cold?

12:43 * Ali nod nods and whimpers

12:43 <RazorSharpFang> I'm up for some light factorio if you are.

12:44 <Ali> Dear we haven't been on for how long now?

12:44 <Ali> I don't remember anything

12:44 * Ali should be sleeping but its insomnia time it seems

12:44 <RazorSharpFang> I've been joining for half an hour ever few days or so. Mostly looking around.

12:44 <RazorSharpFang> It's definitely biter-smashing time.

12:45 <Ali> Are they overrunning everything now?

12:45 <RazorSharpFang> They're hugging the walls, but because science-research stopped a while ago, there's no pollution aggro anymore.

12:50 <Finwe> Mr RazorSharpFang.

12:50 * Finwe doffs his hat.

12:53 *** Joins: uni (uni@Pony-tje0ln.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

12:54 * Cepheid applies rubbing alcohol to his right arm. Spends several seconds screaming in agony.

12:57 *** Quits: uni (uni@Pony-tje0ln.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Connection closed)

12:57 *** Joins: uni (uni@Pony-tje0ln.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

13:01 *** Joins: unico (uni@Pony-6se0d8.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP)

13:04 *** Quits: uni (uni@Pony-tje0ln.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:23 <Cepheid> Time to wreck my brain once more.

13:26 <Finwe> o3o

13:26 <Finwe> How is this going to happen?

13:26 <Cepheid> Same way it's been happening since last Saturday.

13:26 <Cepheid> La-Mulana puzzle solving.

13:27 <Cepheid> "To the one who dares challenge Tiamat.  If thou survives, I shall grant thee an opportunity.  An opportunity to obtain the secret treasure that slipt through thy fingers.  I shall await thee, beyond the boundaries of time."

13:28 <Cepheid> I can't tell if that's referencing the final boss, or something else.  I highly doubt it's the final boss, though.

13:34 <Schism> I believe that it's in reference to the puzzles you can only solve once.

13:34 <Cepheid> Ah, yes.

13:34 <Cepheid> The Gate of Time and the hidden fairy.

13:34 <Schism> Yea.

13:34 <Cepheid> Except I can't get her anymore.

13:35 <Cepheid> Since I solved the puzzle with the balancing of the spirits, I have the most powerful whip possible.

13:35 <Cepheid> She no longer appears because that unsolved puzzle is now moot.

13:37 <Schism> Ah, yup.

13:39 <Cepheid> I wonder how that'd be treated in a 100% run.

13:39 <Cepheid> Since you effectively skipped over an item and obtained a more powerful version first.

13:40 *** Joins: danwellby (Daniel_well@when.hell.freezes.over)

13:40 *** Quits: unico (uni@Pony-6se0d8.vak2.eqmb.e800.2404.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:42 *** Joins: coppertiger5 (coppertiger@Pony-cnr.dlk.244.207.IP)

13:42 <Cepheid> What mantras do you have, Schism?  I know you have Birth and Death.  I'm gonna go on a limb and say you also have Marduk.

13:43 <Schism> I'll take a quick look...

13:43 <Schism> Birth and Death, yes.

13:43 *** Joins: Arkomeda (Arkomeda@Pony-99fpvl.ti9c.n0qi.0587.2a02.IP)

13:43 <Schism> Yeah, those are the three I have.

13:43 <Cepheid> Yeah, Marduk just spontaneously pops into existence, I find.

13:44 <Cepheid> Enter the Eternal Corridor, at the front, like the riddle says, and *boop* it pops into existence.

13:44 <Cepheid> One would assume that the same happens with all the others, but I haven't seen or found anything yet.

13:45 *** Quits: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-ju2.32v.206.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:45 * Cepheid pets the bats as he wanders around. They no longer hurt. o3o

13:46 <Schism> Hrmm, where were Ox-Head and Horse-Face again...

13:47 <Cepheid> Need directions?  I assume you found them already.

13:47 <Schism> Temple of the Mother... oh.  Tentacles.

13:47 <Schism> Er, Shrine of the Mother, whatever.

13:48 <Schism> And yeah, I already beat them, just need to remember how to get there to use the Magatama Jewel.

13:48 <Cepheid> Tower of Goddess warp point.  Right, down, left, left, down, down, down, enter gate, right, right.

13:49 <Cepheid> Can you tell me what happens when you use the magatama?  I kind of rushed all of that and I think I might have missed something.

13:49 * Finwe hats on Schism.

13:50 <Cepheid> Heh, Schism.  The riddles to figure out the Eden fruit puzzle are actually spread around.

13:50 <Cepheid> I just realized each tablet that mentions Eden has a location to check out.

13:50 *** Joins: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-cnr.dlk.244.207.IP)

13:51 *** Quits: coppertiger5 (coppertiger@Pony-cnr.dlk.244.207.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

13:51 *** Quits: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-cnr.dlk.244.207.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

13:52 <Schism> Okay, got the Vessel.

13:53 <Schism> Huh, am I missing something...?

13:53 <Cepheid> Hmm?

13:54 <Schism> Used the Magatama Jewel in the room with Ox-Head and Horse-Face, to no effect?  Possibly.

13:54 <Cepheid> Have you used it before?

13:55 <Schism> I... oh right.  That got me Mantra.exe.  Heh.

13:55 <Cepheid> So *THAT* is what it did, then.

13:56 <Cepheid> I wasn't sure.  I did the magatama jewel thing ASAP, then wandered.

13:56 <Cepheid> And came across the changed Extinction area.

13:58 <Cepheid> Also, Lameza(Main character) has a weight of 61.

14:00 * Cepheid uses the hot spring in the Graveyard. o3o

14:02 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-cvibue.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

14:04 <Schism> ... GAME, YOU SONOFA!  ... got to the pyramid in the Tower of Ruin.  Then a projectile... came and hit me... into the room below.

14:04 <Cepheid> Hum, the Goddess of the Mountain changes her form.  Into the goddess that loves blood and war.  I'm assuming this refers to the Pavarti->Kali thing.

14:05 <Cepheid> Meanwhile, the only clue I have regarding all the crosses is in the Tower of Ruin.

14:05 <Cepheid> "The glowing red crucifix is a beacon that connects the seen and the unseen."

14:05 <Cepheid> And it shows the cross.

14:05 <Cepheid> And yeah, those little things.

14:05 <Cepheid> It's not a projectile.

14:06 <Cepheid> It's the same danged things you face in the Serdab of Time.

14:07 <Schism> ... Sky fish.

14:07 <Cepheid> Yep.

14:07 <Cepheid> Gotta love 'em.

14:08 <Schism> Well, I'm glad I recharged the Lamp.

14:10 <Cepheid> "Art thou all-knowing" ... Given my track record with this game, I'd say no, I'm not.

14:11 <Schism> Step 2: Forget to save before fighting Nuwa, and have to do the whole path YET AGAIN.

14:11 <Cepheid> Heh.  I was debating warning you.

14:12 <Cepheid> Sorry.

14:12 <Schism> S'fine, it's my own fault for not actually, you know, warping out.

14:12 <Cepheid> At least there's a "shortcut" back when you open that ladder.

14:13 <Cepheid> Ah, yeah, the magatama jewel is the key to Mantra.exe

14:13 <Cepheid> I found the clue here again as I was wandering around.

14:13 <Cepheid> Hold the jewel aloft before the palace guarded by Hell's gatekeeper.  Glowing letters will shine through the darkness.

14:14 <Cepheid> I'm rigging a button or something to take a picture and store it in a directory for LM2.

14:14 <Cepheid> Every time I come across a note, I plan to hit that button and snapshot all the details.

14:15 <Schism> Saved, accursed game, /saved./

14:15 <Cepheid> Alas, the tricky part is finding a button that'll do what I want.  I guess I could use a combo, like say, both R and L down at the same time.

14:17 <Schism> Okay, phew.  Nuwa was much simpler now.

14:17 <Cepheid> I'm not sure that is Nuwa.

14:19 <Cepheid> Hell is consistently described involving Nuwa's pyramid.  That's the pyramid at the top of the tower.

14:20 <Schism> hmm.  Statue pouring liquid now.

14:21 <Cepheid> What colour?

14:21 <Schism> Red.  That'll probably be important later.

14:21 <Cepheid> Yeah, mine's yellow.

14:21 <Schism> This is in the Tower of Ruin, FWIW.

14:21 <Cepheid> I know.

14:23 <Cepheid> What do you suppose this wedge is that various tablets refer to?  I know that the murals of the bosses in the Shrine of the Mother all call themselves wedges, but it sounds like we're supposed to DO something to these wedges.

14:24 <Schism> Something to be driven into the Mother... hrm.

14:25 <Cepheid> I tried attacking the wedges in the Shrine of the Mother backside, but nothing happens.  I tried with all weapons and subweapons.

14:25 <Cepheid> I tried using items on all of them, nothing occurred.  I assume the wedges are created by doing something.

14:25 <Cepheid> Or rather, something is driven into them by doing something.

14:26 <Cepheid> And yes, I tried the mantra.

14:26 <Cepheid> Nothing happened.

14:26 <Schism> Hmm, the first Mantra is in the corridor, the entrance to the never-ending corridor... bleh.

14:27 <Cepheid> That's Marduk.  You should already have it as far as I know.

14:27 <Cepheid> The rest are relatively clear, except for the second mantra.

14:27 <Cepheid> But again, nothing appears at those locations.  So I'm assuming the mantras have to be obtained in order, or..

14:27 <Schism> Hm.  Tablet: "Chant these words."

14:27 <Schism> But where.

14:28 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:29 <Cepheid> If finding them in order is required, I'd assume that each previous mantra has to be chanted in the room where the next mantra is.

14:29 <Cepheid> The second mantra is at the foot of the twins.  At the tip of the feet that connect the two.

14:30 <Cepheid> Sorry if I'm being annoying.  It's just the more I talk, the more some clues become apparent to me.

14:30 <Schism> No prob.

14:31 <Cepheid> What was the full clue regarding "Chant these words"?

14:31 <Schism> T'was the Marduk tablet: "the name of the child of the god that doth defy Tiamat, the name of the root of all suffering, the one who brought the eleven demons upon us."

14:32 <Cepheid> Right, right.

14:32 <Cepheid> And so you don't waste time, I've already tried chanting Marduk at the glowing cross in the Eternal Corridor *AND* the Dimensional Corridor, again, nothing.

14:32 <Schism> Huh.  Okay, so that...

14:33 <Schism> I'm going to have to scour the entire Labyrinth, aren't I?

14:33 <Schism> Ruins, that is.

14:34 <Cepheid> Far as I can tell, yes.

14:34 <Cepheid> I haven't found anything yet.

14:34 <Cepheid> I'm gonna see about setting up that screenshot combo so I can record all the tablets as I come across them.

14:35 <Schism> I've found where to chant Marduk.  Bleh.

14:37 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

14:38 <Cepheid> It's not that obvious, is it?

14:38 <Schism> Not that first one, no.

14:38 <Cepheid> Is it related to the second mantra clue?

14:39 <Schism> It is not.

14:39 <Cepheid> Okay good, because I was getting annoyed at that.

14:39 <Schism> AFAICT, anyway.

14:40 *** Joins: unico (uni@Pony-8k4.sjj.166.202.IP)

14:40 <Cepheid> The one that brought the eleven demons upon us... That's Tiamat, isn't it?  That's her children.

14:41 <Schism> Thing is, I don't know how these things equate to one another.  Do you have to find the appropriate room on... hrmm.

14:43 <Schism> No, that doesn't work.

14:43 <Cepheid> If I could see where it was used myself, I'd probably be able to link the two.

14:46 <Cepheid> Worst case scenario, I just go to every room and chant it.

14:46 <Cepheid> o3o

14:47 <Cepheid> Or will that not work?

14:47 <Schism> It'll work.

14:51 <Cepheid> By the way, where's the software in the Gate of Time?  The riddle says to ask someone who's played the original, but I don't know of any such person.

14:51 <Cepheid> And I don't want to look at a guide out of fear of spoilering something.

14:52 <Schism> Lemme get back to where I found it...

14:52 <Cepheid> Actually a better question.

14:53 <Cepheid> Which section is it in?

14:53 <Cepheid> Mausoleum, Guidance or Village?

14:54 <Schism> Village.

14:54 <Cepheid> So small area to explore then.

15:01 <Schism> I'm just going to write down all these mantra tablets.  Third one is at least obvious.

15:01 <Cepheid> Found it.

15:02 <Cepheid> Seems to combine with move.

15:03 <Schism> Oh, duh.  Spring in the Sky / Tower of the Goddess.

15:09 *** Joins: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-cnr.dlk.244.207.IP)

15:15 <Cepheid> By the by, you manage to reach that secret room at the top of the Dimensional Corridor yet?

15:17 <Schism> Oh, you mean that one?  Yes... remember how I was griping about a jumping puzzle with spikes?

15:17 <Cepheid> Yeah.

15:18 <Cepheid> If you can get up to it, then I must be missing a puzzle then.

15:18 <Cepheid> 'Cause I can't get up to.

15:19 *** Joins: coppertiger5 (coppertiger@Pony-k5e.imf.234.173.IP)

15:19 <Schism> Sorry, what's its location on the map again?

15:20 <Cepheid> Two rooms up from the room where you fight Tiamat.

15:20 *** Quits: unico (uni@Pony-8k4.sjj.166.202.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:21 <Schism> Oh.  This one.

15:21 <Cepheid> Non-obvious problem?

15:21 <Schism> It involves knockback.

15:21 <Cepheid> ... Geezus cripes why didn't I think about that?

15:21 <Schism> Because you never, ever have to use knockback to your advantage?

15:22 <Cepheid> This is true.

15:22 *** Quits: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-cnr.dlk.244.207.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:22 <Schism> There is another way up, but it's closed to you.

15:26 *** Joins: RyuImperator (RyuImperato@Pony-besbee.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

15:28 *** Quits: Cobalt_Blitz (Cobalt@Pony-39pn3u.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)

15:38 <Cepheid> "Chant these words. The name of the child of god who doth defy Tiamat. The name of the root of all suffering. The one that brought the eleven demons upon us." ...

15:42 <RazorSharpFang> It's okay, Marduk will save us. :3

15:47 <Cepheid> Honestly, there's only one room where these chants make any sense to use.

15:47 <Cepheid> But use it there, and nothing happens.

15:51 <Schism> Brute-forcing is ... I think the way to go.  I'm sure there's a solution, but gah.

15:52 <Cepheid> Indeed.

15:52 <Cepheid> But I suspect I'm also overthinking this.

15:52 <Cepheid> And I just have to use the mantra?  Nothing special?

15:53 <Schism> Yeah, it'll be incredibly obvious when you use it in the right place.

15:53 <Schism> With the Djed Pillar, of course.

15:54 <Cepheid> You figure out what that block change was all about in Guidance Gate?

15:54 <Schism> I haven't even found that room.

15:55 <Cepheid> We each seem to find different things.  Wonder if it's the way our powers of observation(Or, in my case, the complete lack of it) works.

15:58 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:58 <Cepheid> I hate navigating the Twin Labyrinths.

15:59 <Schism> Yeah, no kidding.  You're progressing now, then?

15:59 <Cepheid> Nah.

15:59 <Cepheid> Just wandering through every area, using Marduk in every room.

15:59 <Cepheid> Brute-forcing.

15:59 <Cepheid> Son of a-

16:00 <Schism> ?

16:00 <Cepheid> Found where to use it.

16:00 <Schism> Heh.  I know that feeling.

16:00 <Cepheid> Yeah, brute-forcing it is the only way.

16:01 <Cepheid> I can't see how you'd notice anything special about this.

16:01 <Schism> I look forward to learning the logic behind it.

16:01 <Cepheid> Scanning with Snapshot doesn't reveal anything..

16:01 <Cepheid> Handscanner doesn't reveal anything.

16:03 <Cepheid> Of all the rooms in the Eternal Corridor, it was the one I never checked.

16:03 <Schism> Augh.

16:03 <Cepheid> Yeah.

16:03 <Cepheid> When I brute-forced it, I figured "Eh, might as well."

16:03 *** Joins: Quill-Swirl (Nyah@Pony-jaks4r.res.rr.com)

16:03 *** Quits: RazorSharpFang (RazorSharpF@Pony-09e.dcq.221.203.IP) (Connection closed)

16:05 <Cepheid> Still, that is... what.

16:07 <Cepheid> Right then... At the foot of the twins.  At the tip of the feet that connect the two.

16:18 <Cepheid> These are literally in random places.

16:19 <Cepheid> The mantras are where the riddles say they are, but those symbols?

16:19 <Cepheid> Randomly placed.

16:33 <Cepheid> Onto #4..

16:42 <Cepheid> Inside the Giant in the land of inferno, and a clue in the Sun Temple says I must wait for them to reveal themselves..

16:57 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

16:58 <Cepheid> In the extremely rare off-chance I'm right about this riddle, I'm gonna go take a shower to pass some time.

16:58 <Cepheid> Back in a bit.

17:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Electronic Music: eksoka - Oneiromancy [Progressive Trance] / TCB - Atelophobia (Nevermourn Remix) [Drum & Bass] [ http://tinyurl.com/yc9vxoh4 ]

17:12 <Cepheid> And I was not correct about the riddle, so I must explore.

17:22 <Cepheid> I see.

17:24 <Schism> Hm?

17:24 <Cepheid> The riddle for the fourth mantra.

17:25 *** Joins: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony)

17:27 <Cepheid> Kind of a [REDACTED] move, that one.

17:28 <Cepheid> I tried busting that a while back in my endless search, and it was invulnerable at the time.

17:28 <Schism> Ahh.  Yeah, that one.

17:28 <Schism> Notice the pattern of areas it's sending you to?

17:28 <Cepheid> Not really.

17:29 <Cepheid> Well, no.

17:29 <Cepheid> I do notice something.

17:29 <Cepheid> Reverse order.

17:29 <Schism> Yup.

17:30 * DashedRainbows licks a horsey

17:34 <Cepheid> Right, done every room on the front side for this one, so the sigil must be on the back side.

17:40 <Schism> Oh, the Inferno Cavern one?

17:40 <Cepheid> Yeah.

17:40 <Cepheid> Er, no, I meant the tower one.

17:40 <Schism> Eh, tomato tomato.  Inferno Cavern's backside is the Tower of Ruin, after all.

17:40 <Cepheid> Water tower.

17:40 <Cepheid> Anyways, that's #3 down.

17:40 <Schism> Oh, Spring/Goddess.

17:41 <Schism> Heh.  If the location of the Sun/Moon mantra tablet isn't obvious to you, I'm going to give you such a poke.

17:41 <Cepheid> Already got it.

17:46 <Schism> Oh right, Sun/Moon is 3, followed by Giants at 2, and then Guidance/Illusion at 1.

17:46 <Cepheid> Yeah.

17:47 *** Joins: mattshadowman (mattthesha@Pony-o257hg.range86-155.btcentralplus.com)

17:47 <Schism> My mental thought process, "Wait, I only have 9 subweapons, did I miss one?"  And then I smack myself upside the head and remember what #10 is.

17:47 <Cepheid> Jewel. :P

17:47 <Schism> Yeah.  :P

17:48 *** Quits: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:57 <Cepheid> And here I was, hoping the last one would be on the front side.  I hate the gate of illusion.

17:57 <Cepheid> More it's music than anything else.

18:00 <Cepheid> ... Fer gods sake, I forgot to change the chant.

18:01 <Cepheid> Schism, where's the LAMULANA one?  I'm not going through the entire areas again.

18:03 <Cepheid> Nevermind, found it.

18:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Pony Speedpaint Compilation #60 [ http://tinyurl.com/yb747ch7 ]

18:05 <Schism> Yeah, that one is thankfully not too difficult to run into.

18:06 <Cepheid> Now for the most infamous phrase I am familiar with:  Now what?  *Heads to the Shrine to see if anything changed.*

18:06 <Cepheid> ...

18:06 <Cepheid> Yep, that's a change.

18:07 <Cepheid> 61 hours in, and I appear to be in end-game.

18:08 <Schism> Since we're at that point, I'm going to take a moment to look up the reasoning behind all that.  There has to be some reason for all the wedges' locations.

18:08 <Schism> I initially thought that, because the wedge was on the backside of Tiamat's room, that meant that all the others would be the same.

18:09 <Cepheid> Tiamat's on the front.

18:09 <Schism> The flipside then, right.

18:12 *** Joins: Pony|22219 (Pony22219@Pony-3b493t.tn.comcast.net)

18:12 <Cepheid> The last jewel lies within [blank].  The jewel glows red from within the key to the [blank].  Real helpful, game.

18:13 <Pony|22219> Hello

18:13 <Pony|22219> Hello

18:13 <Cepheid> Hoi.

18:14 <Schism> ... OH.  So that's what the manual means.

18:14 <Cepheid> Hmm?

18:14 <Schism> "Shape of each fields is complicated."

18:15 <Cepheid> Yeah.

18:15 <Cepheid> It's a 4x5 square.

18:15 <Schism> Yeah, and wraps around like that.

18:15 <Cepheid> Yep, seems pretty easy to me.

18:15 <Cepheid> It's figuring out where 1,1 is.

18:15 <Schism> Yup, and 1,1 is... at the glowing compass symbol.

18:16 <Cepheid> ...

18:16 <Schism> Yeah.

18:16 <Schism> NOW it makes sense.

18:17 <Cepheid> Little more clarification?

18:17 *** Quits: Pony|22219 (Pony22219@Pony-3b493t.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

18:17 <Schism> Okay, so once you've arranged the fields into those 4x5 blocks, there'll be a room on each side which has the compass symbol.

18:18 <Schism> The La*Mulana icon, that is.

18:18 <Cepheid> If they're treated as 1,1 though, they'll always be in the upper-left corner.

18:18 <Schism> Except it wraps around anyway.

18:19 <Schism> So you find the point of the compass on each map, and overlay them so that they're at the same spot.  Flip the backside map (or the frontside), and then find where the boss room is.  Then, head to that room on the other side, and read the mantra.

18:19 <Cepheid> ...

18:19 <Schism> Flip horizontally, that is.

18:19 <Cepheid> That is obscure as hell.

18:20 <Schism> Yeah.  It makes sense after the fact, but figuring that out from the start... no way.

18:20 <Cepheid> The glowing red crucifix links the seen and the unseen.

18:20 <Cepheid> That's literally all you get.

18:20 <Schism> Yup.

18:20 <Schism> I thought it meant that there was a puzzle in that room.

18:22 <Schism> Wait, I'm wrong about the mirror flipping.

18:22 <Schism> So, if you look at a map of the Temple of the Sun and find the boss room there, which is three down and one to the right of the compass...

18:22 <Schism> Then you look at the one in the Temple of Moonlight, and again, the room in question is three down and one to the right.  Anubis' chamber.

18:31 <Cepheid> Heh.

18:31 <Cepheid> I... am gonna need a lot of ammo.

18:32 *** Joins: Stormspark (stormspark@Pony-25m.dcd.98.172.IP)

18:35 <Schism> Yeah, I decided to stock up on pretty much all the subweapon ammo.  What else am I gonna use those coins for?

18:37 <Cepheid> Meanwhile, I assume we're at the point where we can access the hell temple.

18:38 <Cepheid> Unless that's a literal post-game thing.

18:40 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-5moaf8.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com)

18:43 <Cepheid> I wonder what using the wrong elixer does.

18:45 <Schism> Probably kills you instantly?

18:45 <Cepheid> Probably.  Speaking from experience?

18:46 <Schism> Not personally, but my brother warned me that I needed the right type.

18:47 *** Quits: mattshadowman (mattthesha@Pony-o257hg.range86-155.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: I will return to the shadows)

18:47 <Schism> Huge pot of chili currently simmering for the next few hours, heh.

18:47 *** Joins: matttheshadowman (mattthesha@the.shadowy.corners)

18:51 <Thelema5> Mmmmm Chili

18:51 <Thelema5> Oh, and hi

18:53 <Thelema5> I made chili two weeks after my So left home, portioned it out to single servings and froze it. It's been nearly 3 months, and I just finished the last portion a week ago

18:53 <Schism> Nice... guess that means it's time to make more!

18:53 <Thelema5> I was just about to say that!

18:53 <Thelema5> XD

18:55 <Thelema5> So Black Mirror: Bandersnatch was pretty interesting

18:57 <Thelema5> And Bird Box is super tense

18:57 <Schism> How many times did you go through Bandersnatch?

18:58 <Thelema5> 3? It likes to re-route you if you make a poor decision

18:58 <Cepheid> Schism, you're sure that one room in the Dimensional Corridor is accessed using knockback?

18:58 <Schism> Yeah, but it's painfully precise.

18:58 * Thelema5 doesn't know what to do with himself with this vacation time

18:58 <Schism> The other way to access it was to, when the miniboss set a geyser under Lemeza, swim up the geyser and jump over at the top.

18:58 <Cepheid> Painfully precise isn't the phrase.

18:59 <Cepheid> Yeah, that's what I figured.

18:59 <Thelema5> Oh, niiiice... Children of Men s finally on netflix

19:00 <Thelema5> Great freaking movie

19:00 <Schism> Really frightening freakin' movie.

19:01 * Thelema5 nods

19:03 <Schism> "Bit hard to take Black Mirror seriously when you're a creepypasta."

19:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Pony In Real Life - Pony Alone [ http://tinyurl.com/yc76fqeh ]

19:06 <Cepheid> Gah, made it!

19:06 *** Joins: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-k5e.imf.234.173.IP)

19:07 <Cepheid> And I immediately mess it up.

19:07 <Schism> Yeah.  ._.

19:09 *** Quits: coppertiger5 (coppertiger@Pony-k5e.imf.234.173.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

19:11 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-lgella.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP)

19:11 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

19:11 <Cepheid> Okay, this isn't worth the trouble.

19:12 <Schism> Probably not, no.

19:12 <Cepheid> It's a sacred orb.

19:14 * Ali flops into Cepheid and Schism, sneezes

19:14 * Schism offers Ali a bowl of non-spicy chili?

19:15 * Ali noms chili, tries to feelbettermare

19:15 *** Joins: Tempo (SamShmuck@Pony-0854uq.fios.verizon.net)

19:16 *** Joins: SunsetShimmer (DJPon3IsHer@Pony-rahnh1.as43234.net)

19:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SunsetShimmer

19:21 * Schism also offers Ali lots of tea... with honey and lemon!

19:22 <Cepheid> randc and mekuri..

19:23 * Ali sips tea, puts tophat and monocle on and sits on SunsetShimmer. "I say old chap, fancy some tea?"

19:23 <Schism> DeathV and Move are somewhat helpful.  "Yay, though I move through the valley of death..."

19:23 <Cepheid> I am aware.

19:23 <Cepheid> But that's situational.  I can pause and switch it on later.

19:23 <Schism> True.

19:26 <Cepheid> Sides, you want to end the phases ASAP.

19:29 <Cepheid> Well, let

19:29 <Cepheid> 's see what ending I get.

19:29 <Schism> Ah, you beat Mother before me.

19:34 <Cepheid> Nigoro!  You son of -!

19:36 <Cepheid> What.

19:36 <Cepheid> ....

19:36 <Cepheid> Now I have to kill the final boss again.

19:38 <Ali> Of course

19:38 <Ali> What final boss doesn't have multiple phases

19:38 <Cepheid> Oh, nah.

19:38 <Cepheid> That's not what got me.

19:38 <Schism> Eh?

19:38 <Cepheid> You'll see.

19:38 * Ali sneezes, deals 9999 damage to everyone

19:39 <Schism> First form complete, switching to chakram...

19:44 <Schism> ... Right, that's a Viy laser.

19:46 * Schism sighs, will try again in a bit.

19:48 <OctaveSymphony> Diggy diggy hole!

19:48 * SunsetShimmer uses 'Tissue' on Ali, nullifies all Sneezing attack status!

19:49 <Cepheid> Huzzah, credit roll!

19:53 <Cepheid> 62 hours, 7 minutes.

19:53 * OctaveSymphony fires a plague spitter at SunsetShimmer

19:55 <Cepheid> Holy HELL.  I have never had a game tax and trouble me this much.  Not even MGS3 no-kill was this hard.

19:55 <Cepheid> But I am not done.

19:58 <Ali> For you have a little over 24 hours to lauch a rocket in Factorio! *shot and not really asking to play*

19:59 <Cepheid> I'll get that sooner or later.

20:00 <Cepheid> I gotta say though..

20:00 <Cepheid> I feel bloody vindicated now.  I struggled with this game, but I refused to look at a guide.

20:01 <SunsetShimmer> Wooo, Returning to raccoon City in just under a month!~ xD

20:01 <SunsetShimmer> gun be a gud time

20:05 *** Quits: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

20:10 <Ali> So Cepheid, looks like science is changing for .17 Factorio

20:11 <Cepheid> So I saw.

20:13 <Ali> Oh wow, Military packs are hugely different

20:14 <Ali> Huh, solid fuel for Blue science now

20:15 <Ali> And you get two of them

20:15 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by ExplodingPonyToast: Music: Notion - A New Pair Of Wings (feat. Vylet Pony) [The Dark Side Remix] [Melodic Dubstep] [ http://tinyurl.com/y7ccau2o ]

20:33 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

20:38 <Schism> Aaaand... three takedowns of Mother later, I see that A. you need to jump down the hole that opens in the Endless Corridor, and B. you should probably remember Malbruk's plea to come save her.

20:39 <Cepheid> Heh.

20:39 <Cepheid> The Mother's not too bad once you understand the entirety of the fight.

20:41 <Schism> That last section can pretty much be summed up as 'stay behind her'.

20:41 <Schism> Though that water section, ugh.

20:41 <Cepheid> Mostly annoying, really.

20:41 <Cepheid> Short and annoying.

20:43 <Schism> And now, the bonus area.

20:44 <Cepheid> Yeah, I'm still working on it.

20:44 <Cepheid> I'm a bit ahead of you in that regard, I think.

20:44 <Schism> Well, I mean unlocking it.  And yup.

20:44 <Cepheid> Want a hint?

20:44 <Schism> Mostly as I'm taking a pause having defeated Mother, heh.

20:44 <Schism> I got the first part down - making it night.

20:44 <Cepheid> I'm assuming the celestial whatever thing, yeah.

20:45 <Cepheid> Which one represents night though?  I mean, the moon represents it, but so does the star.

20:45 <Schism> Oh, ah... it's a bit simpler than that.

20:46 *** Tempo is now known as Tempo-AFK

20:46 <Cepheid> I'm overthinking it, aren't I?

20:47 <Schism> It's what to do /after/ that which causes concerns.  And I've heard it's possible to completely break getting into Hell Temple, so /save./

20:47 <Cepheid> I may have already broken it.

20:47 <Schism> I don't think so?  You've talked to that one guy in Guidance, right?

20:47 <Cepheid> Yes, the tombstone.

20:47 <Schism> And that's /all/ you've done so far?

20:47 <Cepheid> I talked to Mulbruk, who mentions there's statues all over the place.

20:48 <Schism> Ah.  Then I don't think you've broken it.

20:48 <Cepheid> How does one make nightfall occur, though?

20:48 <Ali> Cepheid, thoughts on the sci changes?

20:49 <Cepheid> Meh.  Not much I can say about it until I've toyed with it.

20:49 <Ali> I mean more of just the up front stuff

20:49 <Ali> Like turrets are gone from military packs

20:50 <Ali> Solid Fuel instead of Electric drills

20:50 <Cepheid> Eh, it works.

20:50 <Schism> Electric drills were annoying.

20:51 <Ali> Not as much as the turrets were for military

20:52 <Schism> AP Rounds, grenades and walls... not a bad choice.

20:52 <Ali> It forces the use of stone early

20:52 <Ali> But you have to make sure to have some stone around for the rails

20:52 <Ali> Cause they're now a requirement for one of the packs

20:54 <Schism> "You launched the rocket, but there was no satellite inside."

20:55 <Ali> <TAB>

20:55 <Schism> Tch.  Brad Wardell has bitten off more than he can chew: Stardock's preliminary injunction against Toys for Bob was denied.

20:56 * Ali nibbles on Schism and Cepheid

20:56 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:57 <Schism> Well, the whole thing is kind of a ... cluster, really.  https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.320268/gov.uscourts.cand.320268.102.0.pdf

20:58 <PinkieShy> Can i get your opinions please..

20:59 <PinkieShy> Its not about this IRC network but another i commonly go on :(

20:59 <Cepheid> Wait for nightfall in front of the statue that is unrelated to any of the puzzles.  The only statue I know of that's not used is the one in the village, but what is this about nightfall?

21:00 <PinkieShy> People a few of them have ignored me there and are making fun of me.. :/ Should i 'disappear' from there for a while and make everything i had for 10 years there be gone/deleted for inactive and come back and just be different to the point they don't know its me?

21:00 <Cepheid> Just deal with it.

21:00 <Cepheid> They want to ignore you, they're within their rights to do so.

21:00 <Cepheid> It's not nice, and it's not appreciated, but that's how things work.

21:04 <Cepheid> Great, Schism, you got me worried. :P

21:04 <Schism> Hm?  :P

21:04 <Cepheid> Worried I'll mess this up.

21:04 <Cepheid> Assuming I can figure out what it is I need to do.

21:05 <Schism> I don't think there's a way to mess it up before that first trigger.

21:05 <Cepheid> Even so.

21:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: My Little Pony in the Sims - Hearth's Warming Season [ http://tinyurl.com/ycffnaac ]

21:07 <Cepheid> Though, that you insist that it's simpler than what I'm thinking is a bit annoyiong.

21:08 <Schism> Sorry, this is like the only part of the puzzle I know for myself.

21:10 <Cepheid> Is there any indicator that I've done it?

21:10 <Schism> Yes - it will become night-time.

21:11 <Cepheid> I know I have not yet triggered it, then.

21:16 <Cepheid> Hmm.  Move.exe combines with Lamulana.exe..

21:16 <Cepheid> But I'm guessing that's unrelated.

21:24 <Cepheid> Schism, does it involve that extra Ankh along the pathway to Nuwa's pyramid?

21:24 <Schism> Not that step.

21:24 <Cepheid> Okay, because I triggered the trap regarding that ankh.

21:25 <Schism> Yeah, so did I.  I don't think it should have any effect.

21:26 <Cepheid> Is it performed on the surface?

21:26 <Schism> Yes, you were on the right track.

21:35 <Cepheid> ...

21:41 <Cepheid> Son of a-

21:41 * PinkieShy sighs in deep sadness

21:43 <Cepheid> Hmm..

21:43 <Cepheid> Seek the fairy..

21:50 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)

22:05 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

22:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #2846 [ http://tinyurl.com/y7nn9u23 ]

22:09 *** Quits: RyuImperator (RyuImperato@Pony-besbee.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving.)

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22:12 <Cepheid> Hmm.

22:16 <Cepheid> Lots of ways to interpret the second step.

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23:06 *** Joins: DashedRainbows (uid13850@is.a.pretty.pony)

23:07 * DashedRainbows licks Ali

23:07 * Ali hugs danwellby

23:07 <Ali> err

23:07 <Ali> DashedRainbows, curse my tabbing

23:07 * PinkieShy hugs DashedRainbows

23:09 * DashedRainbows licks PinkieShy til he's dripping

23:09 *** Quits: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:10 * DashedRainbows barks

23:14 *** Joins: Thelema5 (Thelema5@is.a.curious.pone)

23:14 <Thelema5> Hello everypony

23:15 <ADragonDreaming> hoi

23:15 <Thelema5> DashedRainbows!

23:15 <Thelema5> ADragonDreaming!

23:15 <Thelema5> DashedRainbows, how are you doing?

23:17 *** Quits: Quill-Swirl (Nyah@Pony-jaks4r.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

23:18 <Cepheid> Schism:  I presume the fairy we have to find is an NPC, not one of the typical fairies we can get.  Thoughts?

23:20 *** Quits: Moongoodgirl{K} (LunarToyK@sugar-belle.blackl.net) (Connection closed)

23:23 <Thelema5> Just a reminder for anyone interested- The Orville season 2 premiers tonight @ 9:00 EST

23:31 *** Joins: Moongoodgirl{K} (LunarToyK@sugar-belle.blackl.net)

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23:32 * Thelema5 is planning a burger dinner... should he go with mushroom swiss burger, or a traditional LTO?

23:34 <Cepheid> Mushroom Swiss.

23:35 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Fanfiction Updates - December 30th  [ http://tinyurl.com/y7nxqf9h ]

23:36 <Thelema5> Thanksie

23:36 *** coppertiger5 is now known as coppertiger

23:41 <Schism> Cepheid: I'm no longer a source, I'm afraid; I fear that for Hell Temple, I looked up the rest of the solution.

23:41 <Cepheid> Heh.

23:41 <Cepheid> Just how bad is it?

23:42 *** Joins: GalaxyNights (GalaxyNight@Pony-k4hsr8.res.rr.com)

23:44 <Schism> It's... pretty bad.  The BIGGEST one is finding the fairy there.  I forget what the actual clue was...

23:45 <Cepheid> "Seek the fairy at the depths of the bones that gaze upon birth."

23:46 <Schism> That one makes no sense to me even /after/ I've done it.

23:46 <Cepheid> Hum.

23:46 <Cepheid> It doesn't involve the floating fairies we can get, does it?

23:47 <Schism> It does not.

23:49 <Cepheid> Cryptic hint?

23:49 <Schism> I don't even know if I'd call it cryptic.

23:49 <Cepheid> I meant do you have one?

23:49 <Schism> Oh.  The thing that breaks the chain is talking to any non-path NPC.

23:49 <Schism> Or loading the game.

23:50 <Cepheid> So I have to do it in one motion, from the nighttime thing to the end?

23:50 <Schism> Yes.

23:51 <Schism> Warping between areas /inside/ the ruins is safe.  I don't know about warping to the surface.

23:55 <Schism> So here's the codicil.  NONE of the doors you're entering along these path are ones you've entered before.

23:55 <Schism> Except that one with Xelpud.

23:56 <Cepheid> And it can only be disrupted between the nighttime event and entrance to the temple?

23:58 * Sleeping_Nightmares gnaws on Schism for warms

23:59 <Schism> Basically, if it gets disrupted (by talking to an NPC you've already spoken to, or doing the wrong thing), then you USUALLY just have to start the whole thing over by sleeping in front of the statue again.

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