Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Sunday, 2020-04-05

00:25 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Discussion: How Would Celestia Handle a Pandemic?  [ http://tinyurl.com/rhbkhdl ]

00:31 <Cepheid> Won't lie though, it's new for me.  Normally, with treatments, I'm usually a steady 98.6.  Lately it has constantly been above 90.

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00:56 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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01:03 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)

01:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Pony Plushie Compilation #394 [ http://tinyurl.com/ve9vskp ]

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01:14 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)

01:25 *** Quits: Bubbles (EvaSh@Pony-1t0s0g.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)

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01:40 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)

01:44 <Cepheid> I am getting extremely stressed out.  And not because of isolation or the Coronavirus.  But because every day for the last week or so, I have had to spend several hours laying down because my immune system tells me to.  There is only so much I can do laying down.

01:45 <Ali> Heh, does seem annoying

01:48 <Ali> I wish I'd stop cyling my friends lists every five minutes, it makes me sad every time I do it.

01:53 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

01:53 <PinkieShy> Help.. Me...

01:54 <PinkieShy> My Dog more than likely ate a part of a used dryer sheet earlier today and i just noticed after getting home..

01:54 <PinkieShy> He isn't puking or anything else.. :/ the Emergency Pet hospitals aren't being much help over the phone.. :/

01:54 <PinkieShy> I'm so worried to the point I'm handling it with anger :/

01:59 * Ali brushies PinkieShy and hugs

02:01 *** Quits: Amrauz (Amrauz@Pony-o64ev3.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

02:02 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:02 <Cepheid> Dog will likely be fine.  Might have to carefully pull the sheet out of it's ass when it starts peeking out.  Those sheets aren't toxic as far as I know.

02:03 <Cepheid> Now, if it were a cat, then yeah I'd be worried.  Smaller stomach, intestines.  Won't pass.  You'd have to induce vomiting.

02:04 <Cepheid> I'm not sure what the safe dose is for a dog, but you could potentially try ipecac.  I wouldn't risk it without asking the vet first though.

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02:05 <Cepheid> Ipecac is a common medicine used to induce vomiting in people, so presumably it has the same effect on animals.  Again, though, dose concerns.

02:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #2121 [ http://tinyurl.com/vpgfvbt ]

02:07 <Cepheid> So not use ipecac.  According to research it is not good for dogs.

02:07 <Cepheid> Do*

02:08 <PinkieShy> Ok :(

02:08 <Cepheid> Hydrogen peroxide seems to be the common suggestion for dogs.

02:08 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:10 <Cepheid> 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide 3% per pound of weight.  No more than 45ml, even if the dog's weight suggest otherwise for the recommendation.

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02:11 <Cepheid> A teaspoon is 5ml, a tablespoon 15ml.  You can either use a plastic syringe, or a spoon.  Obviously the syringe is easier.

02:12 <Cepheid> Wait at least 15 minutes after administering the liquid.  If the dog has not vomited by then, try at most one more time using the same ratio and rules.

02:12 <Cepheid> That said, how large a portion of the sheet did the dog eat?

02:13 <PinkieShy> From the pieces i put back together of the ripped apart used one.. It looks like a rather large part

02:13 <Cepheid> Sounds like the dog ate small chunks at a time.  More than likely the dog will just pass them normally.

02:15 <Cepheid> Honestly, just keep an eye on their eating habits.  If they stop eating for a period that is far longer than the norm, then yeah, see a vet ASAP.

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02:23 *** Joins: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony)

02:25 <Cepheid> That said, if you are the type of pet parent that feeds their dogs at set times, then you should notice almost immediately at feeding time.  My understanding of dogs is that they go crazy when it's time to eat.

02:26 <Cepheid> !link https://youtu.be/CrynMBrJI5I

02:26 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:26 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Dog Waiting for Food Frantically Chases Own Tail - 987426

02:27 <Cepheid> !link https://youtu.be/HGzx-4jSkQM

02:27 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

02:27 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Dinner time for Page the spinning dog

02:28 <PrincessRainbows> Eh, I don't care anymore. If I live I'm trash figuratively anyway

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02:30 <PinkieShy> If my dog dies.. A serious part of me will too.. :(

02:31 <PinkieShy> Like that'll probably be the point that shoots me into Depression.. I've been there already this year and it took me a week to get back to myself and that was from a ugly arguement between family

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02:47 *** Quits: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony) (Connection closed)

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02:51 *** Joins: DataByte (DataByteBro@Pony-4feqji.e8tt.q24m.0242.2601.IP)

02:52 <PrincessRainbows> I used to draw mostly ponies, Ali, but I don't know anymore

02:52 <Ali> You can still draw ponies PrincessRainbows

02:52 <Ali> The show ending doesn't stop that.

02:53 <PrincessRainbows> I've never been any good and never will because of physical limitations

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03:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Makenshi: EQG Song Remix: Flash Sentry - Cheer You On (Ice Angel Remix) [Dubstep/Psytrance] [ http://tinyurl.com/u57hqub ]

03:27 *** Joins: RazorSharpFang (RazorSharpF@Pony-3au6hd.tpgi.com.au)

04:02 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

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05:05 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

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05:47 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-kio.irn.56.193.IP)

05:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

05:47 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

05:49 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift.

05:49 <Finwe> o7

05:49 * Ali licks ConfusionRift

05:49 <Finwe> Miss Ali.

05:49 * Finwe doffs his hat.

05:49 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

05:49 * ConfusionRift boops Ali. :P

05:50 <Cepheid> Hullo.

05:51 <ConfusionRift> Hallo.

05:51 <Finwe> Mr Cepheid.

05:51 * Finwe doffs his hat.

06:03 * Ali toot toots by ConfusionRift and Cepheid

06:05 * ConfusionRift vroom vrooms by Ali. :P

06:05 <ConfusionRift> I haven't played a racer in a while.

06:06 <Ali> I wish I could, but the racing game I have on PC the controls are terrible for a controller and impossible to keep steady in the corners.

06:06 <ConfusionRift> Which game?

06:07 <Ali> Old Nascar game

06:08 <ConfusionRift> Oh right, you mentioned it before.

06:08 <Ali> Other than that ConfusionRift, this PC can't really run much

06:08 <Ali> I'm surprised it can run Factorio

06:09 <ConfusionRift> I know. You told me of the "great performance" with even low graphics games.

06:09 <Ali> Yeah if I didn't have such performance drops ConfusionRift on those larger bug bases

06:09 <Ali> It wouldn't be such a problem

06:10 <Ali> But I think Nukes is the only answer

06:13 * Ali nuzzles into ConfusionRift and Cepheid

06:14 <ConfusionRift> I could help if anything. But the issue is gonna be with a more complex setup. I have a feeling your PC is gonna have issues, even with the destroyed bases.

06:15 * Cepheid wanders off to shower.

06:15 <Ali> The main thing we're gonna have to do is I feel either relocate or expand our production somehow someway

06:15 <Ali> Cause I know a nuke can deal a ton of damage to those bases

06:16 <Ali> And arty is butt*yay* useless

06:16 <Ali> One shell to destory one base/worm but sends a massive army at you?  Nah I don't think that's worth the trouble.

06:16 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-8q0glj.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

06:18 * ConfusionRift remembers that mess that was the massive artillery train.

06:18 <Ali> And the fact that one shell per slot

06:19 <Ali> They just don't feel like they're worth the cost for the amount of bugs it sends at you

06:19 <ConfusionRift> I remember it doing more damage.

06:20 <Ali> It does damage, but it doesn't splash

06:20 <Ali> So only one building gets hit per shell

06:29 <ConfusionRift> I can still see some use for it. But yeah, not good for defense.

06:29 <ConfusionRift> Especially with the massive base concentrations we're having.

06:31 <ConfusionRift> Hmm, they haven't being worked on since 0.16.

06:31 <Cepheid> Ali, http://download.cpuid.com/cpu-z/cpu-z_1.91-en.zip Grab this, extract it.  Run cpuz_x64.exe in admin mode.  Once it's loaded, click the arrow next to "Tools", save the report as text, send the report to andrewrdionne@gmail.com.  Humor me, please.  I just want to verify that your system is, in fact, running at it's intended spec.  I'm heavily inclined to think it's not.

06:32 <ConfusionRift> Feel there's something gnawing at her system?

06:34 <ConfusionRift> I still feel they should add a turret wagon.

06:37 <Cepheid> I have a BIOS that configures my RAM to run at 1033MHz by default despite being rated for 3000MHz.

06:37 <Cepheid> So it's not unheard of for a BIOS to... misconfigure components.

06:37 <ConfusionRift> Can someone explain how you can build an artillery wagon, a tank, and a train by hand, but you can't build an engine?

06:38 <ConfusionRift> Wait... isn't that the DDR3 safe standard?

06:39 <Cepheid> It's the lowest-rated JEDEC profile on the RAM.

06:39 <Cepheid> And there are higher profiles.

06:40 <Cepheid> ....

06:40 <Cepheid> Oooookay.

06:40 <Cepheid> Ali?

06:40 <Ali> Yeeees~?

06:40 <Cepheid> Your CPU isn't even remotely close to it's intended frequency configuration.

06:40 * Ali headtilts

06:40 <Cepheid> It's got a core speed of 800MHz.  Stock speed is 3,400MHz.

06:40 <Ali> oook?

06:40 <ConfusionRift> ...the hell?!

06:40 <Cepheid> For whatever reason, your system's bus speed is considerably lower than it should be.

06:41 <Cepheid> Let me put it this way Ali..

06:41 <Ali> There's a bottleneck somewhere

06:41 <Cepheid> No, no bottleneck.

06:41 <ConfusionRift> No it's... why? Why would it be configured as such? Hmmm.

06:41 <Cepheid> I mean that your system in the BIOS is configured to run the CPU at 800Mhz.

06:41 <Cepheid> Instead of 3400MHz.

06:42 <Cepheid> The multiplier is all wrong, and the bus speed is all wrong.

06:42 <Cepheid> Meanwhile, your memory..

06:42 <Colgate> sure that it isn't just downclocking due to idle time?

06:42 * Finwe noms on Ali's tail.

06:42 * Ali squeaks

06:43 <Cepheid> The RAM is rated at 2133MHz, and is running at 800MHz.

06:44 <Colgate> if you mean DDR3-2133, 800 MHz would be equivalent to DDR3-1600

06:44 <Colgate> which a bit slower, shouldn't be the end of the world

06:45 <Ali> The question is, WHY is everything running so low?

06:45 <Cepheid> Yeah, the actual XMP timing is 1067Mhz, so 800MHz isn't that big of a difference.

06:45 <Colgate> my first assumption would be power saving things in the OS downclocking the system

06:45 <ConfusionRift> ^

06:46 <Cepheid> I'm starting to think that too.

06:46 <Colgate> might be worthwhile to turn all that off, and see if anything changes

06:46 <Cepheid> Because it looks like the turboboost is set up right.

06:46 <Ali> Yeah but that doesn't sound like it can fix any of the problems

06:46 <Ali> And I went to look at PC parts today online

06:47 <Ali> And my GOD my head hurts.

06:47 <Colgate> according to Cepheid, the cpu was running at 800 MHz instead of 3.4GHz, if that's the case, that's a major performance issue

06:47 <ConfusionRift> Cepheid: Do you mind me asking about the CPU? Just CPU series is all.

06:47 <Cepheid> It might just be the idle speed, as that number is in fact the speed the CPU is running at when the report is taken, after considering power saving.

06:47 <Cepheid> AMD Phenom II X4 965

06:47 <Colgate> ah

06:48 <ConfusionRift> Ooooh. Hmm. Let me check something.

06:48 * Finwe noms on Ali's PC parts.

06:48 <Ali> Yeahhhh its pretty old..

06:48 <Cepheid> Which OS?

06:49 <Cepheid> Windows 10 Pro, looks like.

06:49 <Cepheid> Start Menu->Settings->Power & sleep.  Look for "Additional Power Settings" and click on it.

06:49 <Cepheid> What power plan is the system on?

06:50 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, everything locking to 800MHz sounds like a powersaving lock, or... no, not gonna mention it.

06:50 <Cepheid> The turbo boost multiplier seems set up correctly.  200MHz * 17 = 3400MHz.  But at the time of recording, it's multiplier was 4, so 200Mhz * 4.

06:51 <Ali> I have no start menu to settings, this is Win 10 not 7 and younger.

06:51 <Cepheid> Settings is the Gear icon.

06:52 <Finwe> Eeeyup.

06:52 <Ali> Power Saver

06:53 <ConfusionRift> ...

06:53 <ConfusionRift> There should be a Balance and a High Performance option.

06:53 <Cepheid> Yeah.

06:54 <Cepheid> Set it to High Performance.

06:54 <Ali> There isn't

06:54 <Cepheid> There's no reason to use any lower on a PC.

06:54 <Cepheid> Is there a "Show Additional Plans" option?

06:54 <Ali> There's high performance

06:54 <Cepheid> Use that.

06:54 <Cepheid> Try a game after that.

06:54 <Cepheid> Hell, send me another report just to verify that it's working right after that.

06:55 <Ali> Eh, we'll see

06:55 <Cepheid> Power Saver forces the system to basically run in low-power mode.

06:56 <Ali> I'm not sure how it got set into that mode

06:56 <Cepheid> Hell if I know.

06:56 <Cepheid> But if you ever find your system being sluggish, give that a check.

06:57 <ConfusionRift> I'm pretty sure there was something with the Windows updates.

06:57 <Cepheid> Actually there's an easy way for me to verify what it does, really.

06:57 <Cepheid> Yep.

06:58 <Cepheid> My CPU drops to 20x multiplier when I enable powersave.

06:59 <ConfusionRift> It locks the processor and RAM to lower speeds and frequencies, to save on power. I see this more useful for laptops and mobile, but not so much on a desktop.

06:59 <Cepheid> Yeah, why the options are even there on a desktop is... questionable.

06:59 *** Quits: Reia (Reia_Hope@TheCowPony) (Quit: Bye)

07:00 <Colgate> because it still saves power on a desktop, lowering electricity bills, etc.

07:00 * Cepheid tests a game on powersave mode to see the impact.

07:00 <ConfusionRift> Because... okay, I don't think we should go into Windows this and MS that. It's very obvious. :P

07:00 <ConfusionRift> Have fun with that.

07:00 <Cepheid> That may be true Colgate, but I did some testing of my server machine running 24/7.  It wouldn't cost me more than ~$140 CAD a year.

07:00 <Colgate> 100$/year can be a lot to some people ;)

07:01 <ConfusionRift> Truuueeee.

07:01 <ConfusionRift> You know what? I wanna see this.

07:02 <Cepheid> Not to my family, given that comes out to far less than what our water and gas come out to in a MONTH.

07:04 <Cepheid> That game does not require much in the way of CPU power *AT ALL*.

07:04 <Cepheid> No difference between powersave and high performance.

07:05 * Ali blinks

07:05 <Cepheid> DOOM 2016.

07:05 <Cepheid> Even at half capacity, it still run at a blazing 80 FPS at 4k.

07:05 <Cepheid> At full capacity?  80 FPS.

07:05 <Cepheid> That game is GPU bound.

07:05 <Cepheid> No, what *I* need is a CPU bound game..

07:05 <ConfusionRift> And it's been pretty heavily optimized.

07:05 * Cepheid loads up X4.

07:06 <PinkieShy> Sigh..

07:06 <Cepheid> This game is heavily CPU bound.

07:06 <PinkieShy> Looking at Gaming systems to play my old Gamecube games

07:06 <PinkieShy> I'll find one.. :)

07:06 <ConfusionRift> Like... looking for a gamecube?

07:07 <Ali> Or an original Wii

07:07 <PinkieShy> Yes :)

07:07 <ConfusionRift> Also, mostly sims and strategy games tend to use more the CPU than GPU.

07:07 <Ali> First Generation Wii's are backwards compatable

07:07 * ConfusionRift nods.

07:08 <ConfusionRift> And I think they run better on the Wii. And you can still use old controllers and memcards.

07:08 <PinkieShy> Gamestop website has the first gen wii.. But one problem.

07:08 <PinkieShy> Not available online.

07:09 <ConfusionRift> Ooooohhhh, yeeeaaaah. Might wanna wait on that.

07:09 <Ali> Pft

07:09 <Ali> I would be surprised that GS would even still carry either the GC or WIi

07:10 <ConfusionRift> They still have the "collectors" market on sight.

07:10 <Cepheid> Ooookay yeah.  Significant performance hit in powersaver mode.

07:10 <Ali> Does X4 run only at 30FPS?

07:10 <ConfusionRift> So you can still get old cartridges and consoles.

07:10 <Cepheid> Any game that was CPU bound should run significantly better now, Ali.  Factorio is one such a game.

07:10 <Cepheid> Ali:  Not that X4.  Egosoft's X space flight simulators.

07:11 <Ali> Sorry when I think X4 I go right to Megaman

07:11 <ConfusionRift> :P

07:11 <Cepheid> Factorio is significantly CPU bound, as it uses only one thread for logic, while the rest are all used for rendering.

07:11 <ConfusionRift> The "before it all went downhill"?

07:12 <Ali> X4 is the WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR meme ConfusionRift

07:13 <ConfusionRift> Huh, Noita is a 32 bit game... why?

07:13 * Cepheid grabs a factorio save that's used for benchmarking.

07:13 <ConfusionRift> Ali: Oh I know. I know. :P

07:14 <ConfusionRift> Thing is, X4 was pretty good... or at least for me it was. X5 being kinda meh. And X6... (ahem) Anyways!

07:14 * Cepheid waits for save to load. Smells something burning.

07:14 <Ali> But ConfusionRift, you can't forget about X7 and its best thing

07:15 <Ali> BURN BURN BURN

07:15 <ConfusionRift> BURN TO THE GROUND! EEEGH!

07:15 <Ali> And remember

07:15 <Ali> X7: The game where you can't play as X

07:15 * ConfusionRift bounces around Ali.

07:16 <Ali> And I know you can, but you have to unlock him

07:16 <Cepheid> Right... Save UPS/FPS = ~15 FPS at "High Performance"

07:16 <Cepheid> Drops to ~8-9 at Power Saving

07:16 <ConfusionRift> Eeerm, not really. But X was weeeaaaaaak.

07:19 <ConfusionRift> I remember you could choose between X and Zero. Axel took a while, despite you starting the game with him.

07:19 <ConfusionRift> Then again, it's been years. Most of it is a fart... I mean, fog.

07:20 <Ali> Huh and guess what

07:20 <Ali> X Collection is running at a constant 60FPS

07:20 <ConfusionRift> So it was that, huh.

07:21 <ConfusionRift> Despite those games not being considered too taxing, they still require some decent hardware to run.

07:24 <Cepheid> Well to be fair, running a CPU at 800MHz is pretty bad.

07:24 <Cepheid> That's like, what, late 90s?

07:25 * ConfusionRift points at his Pentium III. "THAT runs at 800MHz."

07:25 * Finwe hats on Ali.

07:28 <Ali> Now lets look at another game that was having FPS issues.

07:28 <Cepheid> Factorio should see improvement.

07:29 <Cepheid> Unlike my system which only dropped to about half capacity at powersaving, yours pretty much dropped to nearly 1/4th capacity.

07:29 <Ali> White Screen, White FPS counter, GG

07:29 <Cepheid> What game?

07:29 <Ali> Cities Skylines

07:29 <Cepheid> Let it load.

07:29 <Ali> Last time I tried Skylines it was capping at 15 and stuttering badly.

07:30 <Ali> Framerate didn't change much, but it did the one thing I was hoping would get fixed

07:30 <Ali> It jumped up to the 30s at times, but the stuttering is gone.

07:32 <Cepheid> Framerate can be improved by reducing graphical settings or resolution.  But, remembering what I know of that game, it wasn't very performant even on my system with a 970.

07:32 <Ali> It tends to hover around the 20-40 FPS as its not optimised for high framerate

07:32 <Ali> But it was the stuttering of the traffic that was killing it for me.

07:34 * Schism groans, Hello, sinus infection.

07:34 * Ali licks Schism nosie

07:37 <Golden> I had a massive good idea for a DnD character

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07:38 <Golden> A chaotic neutral artificer that only speaks in the alien language from Lilo and Stitch

07:40 <Finwe> Mr Schism.

07:40 * Finwe doffs his fez.

07:40 <Cepheid> Hum, nice to have that one problem resolved.

07:41 *** Quits: DBB (DataByteBro@Pony-4feqji.e8tt.q24m.0242.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:42 *** Quits: RedHelper (PinkieP@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:43 * PrincessRainbows hugs Ali really tightly again

07:44 * Ali squeaks and gives PrincessRainbows treats

07:45 <ConfusionRift> "I'm still building nukes. Mutually Assured Destructiooooon!"

07:46 * PrincessRainbows sadly noms and flops

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07:49 * PrincessRainbows flops onto ConfusionRift and tears up

07:49 <PrincessRainbows> Maybe tomorrow will suck less. I doubt it but it is possible

07:50 * Cepheid goes to make 4 AM dinner.

07:50 * ConfusionRift huggles PrincessRainbows.

07:51 * PrincessRainbows grabs her pacifier and goes to curl up in the corner

07:51 <PrincessRainbows> Night

07:52 * Cepheid also starts dishwasher, because parents had it set up to wash, but forgot to turn it on.

07:54 <ConfusionRift> Pfffttt.

07:54 * ConfusionRift lightly pats PrincessRainbows. "Have a good one."

07:55 <Cepheid> While these cases of COVID-19 will eventually peak, because of people not listening to orders to stay home, I get the strong impression that in a few week's time following the peak and decline, we'll see another resurgence.

07:57 <Cepheid> Hum.  Temp's dropped.  99.3

07:59 <Ali> Cepheid, its cause people aren't listening is why this is spreading so much

07:59 <Ali> Or refuse to stay home if sick

07:59 <Ali> Or even worse

07:59 <Ali> just coughing everywhere and not covering your mouth

08:00 <Cepheid> Pretty much.  In other related news, it's not as bad as I thought for my dad and his work

08:00 <Cepheid> All in-home calls have been diverted to depot calls.  That is, the end-user has to send their hardware in to get it fixed, rather than have a tech go out to their home.

08:01 <Cepheid> So my dad's job mostly entails businesses.  Many of which have since closed down over the last few days.  My dad has had a grand total of 3 calls in the last two days.

08:01 <ConfusionRift> What just... huh?

08:02 <PinkieShy> I keep checking my temperature everyday to make sure i don't have the COVID.

08:02 <PinkieShy> Always keeps being like 96.7 - 98.2 F

08:02 * ConfusionRift watches as his system freezes, and has a fit.

08:02 <Cepheid> Mine ranges from 99.0 to 100.0 constantly.

08:02 <ConfusionRift> No... I recognize that. Come on.

08:03 <Cepheid> https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/fuwv38/smol_criminal_listed_on_fbis_most_wanted_is_seen/

08:05 <Cepheid> Don't you just love PCs, ConfusionRift?

08:05 <ConfusionRift> Last I had this oddity I had to replace the motherboard. Alas, it probably was just me switching between power modes... I hope.

08:06 <Cepheid> Eh, don't freak out about it too much.

08:07 * ConfusionRift looks at his now $1500+ system. "I think I have reasons to freak out."

08:07 <Cepheid> Fair enough.

08:08 <ConfusionRift> As I said, it probably was the jolt between modes. I have a lot running.

08:09 <Cepheid> That or just being bogged down in general.  More stuff running, if any one of those processes or threads does something wrong, it can potentially hang the system up.

08:10 * Cepheid makes his laptop explode.

08:11 <ConfusionRift> I also had Task Manager up. Completely forgot to close it during the messing around. Saw this "System Interrupts" function pop up and all froze for like 5 seconds. Then it rescinded and the function slowly disappeared to the lowest resource use.

08:12 <ConfusionRift> Even with all things of usual active, I barely use a fraction of all resources, so... hmmm.

08:14 <Cepheid> Interrupt storms.  Always fun.

08:16 * Ali flops over Cepheid and ConfusionRift

08:16 * ConfusionRift squeaks.

08:19 * Cepheid does a Doomguy "Oof"

08:20 <Ali> Really would be nice to have all of us in Factorio at some time.  Not today of course.

08:21 <ConfusionRift> I wouldn't mind. Doing not much. Won't be able to stay up for too long though.

08:22 <ConfusionRift> 3 days off starting Tuesday though.

08:23 <Cepheid> I'm getting ready for bed, myself.  However, given my sleep cycle is more aligned with the two of you, I could definitely do a run starting tomorrow or Tuesday when we're all free and available.

08:25 <Cepheid> I personally want to flood the world with bots just to see how Ali's PC now handles it.

08:25 <Ali> Pft

08:25 <Ali> Would be nice to have you to help maybe balance some things

08:25 <Ali> Cause I feel like this blueprint book is either not perfected for 18

08:26 <Ali> Then agian it IS a .17 book but it works

08:26 <Cepheid> Decide whether you want to start a new save, and if so, what settings you guys want.  Pick something out, send me the exchange code via e-mail or something/

08:26 <Cepheid> ...

08:26 <Cepheid> The hell is that person's problem?

08:26 <Cepheid> Honking their horn at this time of day?

08:27 <Cepheid> ...

08:27 <Finwe> Good forenoon.

08:27 <Cepheid> Drive in, honk their horn, do a 3-point turn, then leave.

08:27 <Cepheid> Didn't even pick anyone up.

08:27 <Finwe> i estimate that it's night in Canada.

08:27 <Cepheid> Geezus cripes.

08:27 <Cepheid> 4:27 AM.

08:27 <Cepheid> So yes, it's night time.

08:28 *** Joins: RyuImperator (RyuImperato@Pony-o527to.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

08:34 <ConfusionRift> 61F?! My butt. It still feels like 80s.

08:35 <Cepheid> Don't forget your PC and monitor giving off hjeat.

08:37 <ConfusionRift> I got a fan right next to me. I think it's just the house. It tends to absorb heat and it remains for most of the night. Especially when it's hot during the day and chilly during the night.

08:37 <ConfusionRift> But ain't wrong, especially the 144hz one.

08:40 * ConfusionRift starts Timespinner. "Now more so." :P

08:43 *** Quits: RedHelper (PinkieP@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:44 *** Joins: RedHelper (PinkieP@Pony-ijm3lo.ca.comcast.net)

08:47 <ConfusionRift> Oh... there's that damage spike.

08:48 * Finwe counter-pffts at Ali.

08:51 <Cepheid> Damage spike?

08:53 <ConfusionRift> Every Igavania has a point where enemy damage increases more than expected or substantially. For example, the strongest enemy by the tower in the past did about 8 damage. In the current time tower, ALL enemies are doing 30-40 damage a hit.

08:54 <ConfusionRift> That includes contact damage.

08:55 * Golden yawns a bit

08:55 <Cepheid> Ah, that.

08:57 * Finwe places an apple in Golden's gaping muzzle.

08:57 <Golden> ???

09:00 *** Joins: DBB (DataByteBro@Pony-4feqji.e8tt.q24m.0242.2601.IP)

09:01 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Quit: Leaving)

09:02 * Cepheid stands near ConfusionRift, idle, making Imp noises.

09:03 <ConfusionRift> Why would you... (sighs) Hidden lore. Nic- (eeks)

09:03 *** Quits: DataByte (DataByteBro@Pony-4feqji.e8tt.q24m.0242.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:03 * ConfusionRift shoots with his gun orb. It misses... it misses every time. "Come on!"

09:03 <ConfusionRift> Getting those ol' Castlevania flashbacks. :P

09:05 <Cepheid> Just for the sake of appeasing Schism some day, I really should play Smug Girl Simulator 2019.

09:24 <ConfusionRift> I knew it. There's the dash. :P

09:29 * Ali nibbles on ConfusionRift ear

09:29 * ConfusionRift booples Ali. :P

09:35 * Ali squeakies at ConfusionRift

09:38 * Finwe oils the squeaky unicorn.

09:38 <Finwe> Squeaky but cute. o3o

09:39 * Ali whines at Finwe as he should know by now that oil doesn't work on her.

09:40 <Finwe> Indeed, there is experimental evidence thereof.

09:47 <Cepheid> !link https://youtu.be/V-kJaClvCoI

09:47 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

09:47 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Abort - Doom Mod Madness

09:53 <ConfusionRift> Oh, this one. :P

09:53 <ConfusionRift> The perfect balance of chaos and destruction.

09:55 <ConfusionRift> With a pinch of silly.

09:57 <ConfusionRift> The monstrosity will always be my favorite thing on this.

10:03 <Cepheid> I actually know the author of that mod.  They are crazy.

10:07 *** Quits: RyuImperator (RyuImperato@Pony-o527to.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving.)

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10:23 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-cvibue.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

10:24 <Cepheid> !link https://youtu.be/U1__VGCe96Y

10:24 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

10:24 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about RUSSIAN OVERKILL - DOOM MOD MADNESS

10:34 * PrincessRainbows looks up at ConfusionRift with teary eyes and makes grabby hooves

10:37 * ConfusionRift grabbies PrincessRainbows, then pets slightly. His turn to go sleepies.

10:37 <ConfusionRift> Laters!

10:37 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-kio.irn.56.193.IP) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

11:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #1893 [ http://tinyurl.com/sedpv3c ]

11:09 *** Quits: Golden (uid250033@Pony-mioavt.c2vi.m095.067c.2001.IP) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

12:13 <Heartbreak> Monkeys.

12:15 <Finwe> Mr Heartbreak.

12:15 * Finwe doffs his hat.

12:15 <Heartbreak> ...

12:15 <Heartbreak> HB. Call me. HB.

12:17 <Finwe> Like a pencil?

12:23 * Finwe hats on Heartbreak.

12:24 * Heartbreak shakes Finwe off!

12:24 <Heartbreak> Are you a mothpony? Or a breezie? Or a micro pony?!

12:24 <Heartbreak> If not, then you can't hat!

12:24 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:25 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Comics: Book 8-6 / Time of Fusion #53 / Save the Harmony #25 / ATN Wolves #7 / Sisterly Love #27  [ http://tinyurl.com/wkaxt8r ]

12:27 <Finwe> It's magic. o3o

12:28 <Finwe> You polymorph into a hat and place yourself on somepony's head.

12:32 <Finwe> The statue I photographed earlier made it into NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/05/world/europe/finland-stockpile-coronavirus.html

12:59 <Heartbreak> That's -horrible-.

13:00 <Heartbreak> Stop doing that.

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15:06 * PrincessRainbows licks Heartbreak so much and sits on

15:07 <Heartbreak> That was actually a doppelganger and not the real me.

15:09 <Lumindia> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/502170215082098718/696375711493259344/image0.jpg

15:23 <Starlight_Glimmer> How's the social distancing going Heartbreak? :3

15:23 <Finwe> Mr Starlight_Glimmer.

15:23 * Finwe doffs his hat.

15:23 <Finwe> !twilight time

15:23 <DerpyBot> It's not Twilight time right now, silly!

15:23 <Finwe> !starlight time

15:23 <Finwe> Starlight time! Starlight time!

15:23 <Heartbreak> Not good enough, PrincessRainbows Thinks that social distancing involves licking...

15:23 * Finwe bounces around in front of Starlight_Glimmer.

15:23 <Heartbreak> !muffins

15:23 <DerpyBot> Muffins!! You have any? :3

15:23 <Heartbreak> yes.

15:23 <DerpyBot> Thank you!!

15:23 * DerpyBot glomps Heartbreak

15:23 <Heartbreak> Gaaaaah...

15:24 <Heartbreak> Only you Derpy.

15:24 * Finwe noms on Heartbreak's tail.

15:24 <Heartbreak> NO!

15:24 * Heartbreak baps Finwe!

15:24 * Finwe nimbly evades Heartbreak's clumsy bap.

15:24 <Finwe> o3o

15:24 <Heartbreak> I smashed your amulet.

15:25 <Finwe> One does not simply smash an amulet of unchanging. They tend to remain unchanged.

15:26 * PrincessRainbows still licks Heartbreak more also is horse :P

15:27 * Heartbreak keeps away and remains unlicked.

15:27 <Heartbreak> No licking.

15:31 * Finwe clandestinely attaches a "Lick Me" sticker to Heartbreak's flank.

15:36 <Starlight_Glimmer> Let me know when you guys start family planning :3

15:40 <Finwe> 'Family planning services are defined as "educational, comprehensive medical or social activities which enable individuals, including minors, to determine freely the number and spacing of their children and to select the means by which this may be achieved".'

15:43 * Finwe hats on Starlight_Glimmer.

15:45 * Heartbreak watches the 'lickme' sticker burn off her flanks.

15:45 <Heartbreak> GAaAaAaAaaaaaah!

16:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Makenshi: Moondancer Music: Quicksilver - Not The Same [Ska Punk] [ http://tinyurl.com/vsvpjpv ]

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17:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Mid-Way Warning for Kirin Day! Get Your Kirin In!  [ http://tinyurl.com/uvafrjq ]

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17:18 * PrincessRainbows decides to just flop on Heartbreak. Is tired pony

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19:25 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Penny Wrights: Top Ten Most Memorable Looks [ http://tinyurl.com/tluu4sg ]

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19:59 * PrincessRainbows licks Ali and anticipatedly boops her with a drawing of a pony

20:00 * Ali squeaks at PrincessRainbows and gives her treats for drawing ponies

20:01 * PrincessRainbows noms and make happy little horse noises

20:01 * Ali brushies the PrincessRainbows so much

20:02 * PrincessRainbows yays

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20:55 * Starlight_Glimmer pulls Ali in while preparing to sleep on the sofa.

20:55 * Ali eeps and brushies the Starlight_Glimmer and puts her into a proper bed.

21:00 <Starlight_Glimmer> Sometimes I just feel like sleeping on the sofa. My bed is in the next room. Nothing stopping me from going there. It's odd. Not like I'm watching TV or anything either.

21:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Maestros / Joy 15 / Shadows 60 / New Beginnings 12 [ http://tinyurl.com/vwemyo2 ]

21:33 <Cepheid> If you have the new Cooking Mama game on your switch, remove it now.  It has been confirmed that blockchain code has been left in by mistake, and it can brick your Switch.

21:38 <Ali> You know the one thing I hated about Megaman X

21:38 <Ali> Is that some of the items/secrets are really really annoying.

21:40 * Lumindia lays on Ali

21:40 * Lumindia nibbles her ear gently

21:41 * Ali leans into ear nibbles

22:05 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Saucy SFM: Destination Calabria [ http://tinyurl.com/we4j7zx ]

22:37 <Cepheid> Morning.

22:38 <Cepheid> Ali, at least unlike the Zero series, getting items doesn't affect your rating for the rest of the game, which, in later games(2 onwards), can affect if you get access to certain things.

22:44 <Finwe> o3o

22:44 <Finwe> Miss Ali, Messrs Cepheid, Lumindia, Starlight_Glimmer and Schism.

22:44 * Finwe doffs his hat.

22:44 <Finwe> Bedtiem, is it?

22:44 <Finwe> !lullaby

22:44 * DerpyBot carries Finwe off to bed

22:44 * DerpyBot tucks Finwe in and hums a lullaby

22:44 <Finwe> !shoo

22:44 * DerpyBot sways from side to side, quietly humming "shoo be doo shoo shoo be doo"

22:45 <Finwe> Good night, everypony!

22:45 * Finwe falls asleep.

22:46 <PinkieShy> My doggo is still acting normal and its getting close to the 24hr mark

22:47 <PinkieShy> Hopefully he'll remain okay.. After that dryer sheet issue last night.. I'm still worried about him like badly even though he is eating normal, being his very hyper self, and everything is completely normal from looks of it all :)

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23:08 <Cepheid> Pinkie, outta curiosity, where did you find the dryer sheet originally?

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23:14 <PinkieShy> Cepheid, It was in his blanket around his bed. When i found out it, it was ripped to little shreds with some big shreds here and there.

23:16 <Cepheid> Is there a bed, couch, table or anything of the sort nearby?  Did you check under everything for the missing pieces?

23:17 *** Quits: matttheshadowman (matthewhowa@the.shadowy.corners) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

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23:19 <PinkieShy> There is a carpet under his bed and everything you mentioned. I checked nearby and found nothing like hte other pieces at all.

23:25 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #3301 [ http://tinyurl.com/qtbzhst ]

23:41 *** Joins: DBB (DataByteBro@Pony-mgufp2.e8tt.q24m.0242.2601.IP)

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23:46 * Ali flops over Cepheid. "One thing I hate about X series as well

23:46 <Ali> Is the dash wall jump

23:46 <Cepheid> Oh?

23:46 <Ali> Yes cause dashing its its own button

23:46 <Ali> And I'm a jerk that likes the charged buster too much

23:47 <Ali> So its annoying to try and press and hold three butons at a time, along with directional input

23:47 <Cepheid> I have never had that issue.

23:48 <Cepheid> Usually because I use my thumb for two buttons on the standard 4-button cross.

23:49 <Cepheid> Tip for the left-most, joint for the bottom-most.  So I can press one, the other, or both at the same time.

23:52 <Cepheid> If anything, the fact that I can place so many fingers and thumbs and joints on so many inputs is why I prefer controllers in some cases for games.

23:54 <Cepheid> Keyboards are wide.  They have a lot of buttons to use, sure.  But you usually have at least three fingers used for movement, and the remaining two digits are limited in where they can go and reach.  And if you play a game with hot keys, to reach them you have to remove your fingers from movement keys to hit the hot keys.

23:54 <Ali> I've never gotten acustomed to the four button layout

23:55 <Cepheid> The solution for PCs is...  I have an idea, but it isn't the greatest.  And requires effort because no such controller exists.

23:55 <Cepheid> Though I can probably set it up.

23:56 <Cepheid> It would involve using a joycon in one hand, and a mouse in the other.

23:57 <Cepheid> Joycon controls movement, with two shoulder buttons for extra inputs.  Mouse for aiming in the other hand.

23:58 <Cepheid> This only works for FPS games though, and games that only have like, two hot keys for use.

23:59 <Cepheid> You can't use the lower four buttons on a switch joycon because again, it removes your thumb from the movement.  And given how constantly moving is a big deal in action games..

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