Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Saturday, 2021-10-02

00:25 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

00:40 <Finwe> Mr PinkieShy.

00:40 * Finwe hugs a PinkieShy.

00:51 * Finwe boops Schism with a certain William Door, Esq.

00:54 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Two Artists For My Little Pony: A New Generation Have Uploaded Storyboards, Including Cut Scenes!  [ https://tinyurl.com/yk5ypndr ]

01:01 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net)

01:37 * Schism unlocks the Misty Mire, one of those odd locations so named because the developers couldn't think of anything more evocative.

01:43 * PinkieShy boops Schism

02:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #2663 [ https://tinyurl.com/yfczgvf7 ]

02:27 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

02:50 *** Joins: Arion (Arion@Pony-uj7ahl.res.spectrum.com)

03:00 *** Joins: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-5v21oq.unar.qk3h.0381.2600.IP)

03:05 *** Quits: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-5v21oq.unar.qk3h.0381.2600.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:06 *** Quits: somininin (mift@Pony-n0kaus.dyn.telefonica.de) (Quit: Leaving)

03:22 * Ali flops over Schism and boops

05:05 *** Joins: Arkomeda (MarredHen@Pony-r7qmeg.l909.h2rt.0587.2a02.IP)

05:39 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

06:06 *** Quits: Pony|21906 (Pony21906@Pony-taj8dp.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

06:21 <Schism> Hmm, howl, strikertooth.  This one, I go with the Voltaic Blade.

06:45 <Finwe> Good morning, my little ponies.

06:52 * Finwe noms on Ali.

06:52 * Ali whines

06:55 <Finwe> Mlles Ali, Schism and Tiffany; Messrs AppleDash, Cepheid, PinkieShy and Lumindia.

06:55 * Finwe doffs his hat and snuggles the whining Ali.

07:06 <Schism> Welp, I'm ded...

07:15 <Tiffany> Morning for you finwe ^^

07:15 * Tiffany snuggles finwe

07:17 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

07:48 * Schism considers her options. "Okay, Reload Roll / Burrow Bolts / Priming Bolts / Agitator Dart is a really obnoxious set of abilities, but also really fun to play with, because you have to be VERY careful about how you break scales and it feels hard-fought every time.".

07:48 * Finwe nonchalantly noms on Schism's options.

07:49 * Finwe hugs a Tiffany back.

07:50 <Schism> Finwe: It's a set of abilities which basically relies upon the monster regrowing scales.  Next to no direct damage.

07:53 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-lj7.g9o.6.154.IP)

07:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

07:54 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

07:56 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift, Capt Koopz.

07:56 <Finwe> o7

07:56 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

08:19 * ConfusionRift flops. Dead.

08:21 * Finwe puts the remains of ConfusionRift in a body bag and sends them to morgue.

08:22 * ConfusionRift guesses they forgot he was a bot. Got replaced like the last gen iPhone.

08:26 * ConfusionRift returns from the morgue. Gave them a good spook. Just needed to charge the ol' batteries.

08:27 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-n3j093.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)

08:27 <Finwe> We'll just call you ConfusionRift SE to obfuscate the fact that you're outdated technology.

08:28 *** Quits: Arkomeda (MarredHen@Pony-r7qmeg.l909.h2rt.0587.2a02.IP) (Quit: I must go, my eggs need me.)

10:25 * Shadowed flops over too. Has now both entered and exited the gungeon. Victory for me!

10:31 * Lumindia noms on Shadowed

10:31 * Shadowed hugs Lumindia. This is a friend pony. Good morning.

10:33 * Lumindia is tired and dead inside, hugs back

10:33 * Lumindia offers a breakfast of srambled ecsec wefjwejf 390fj

10:33 <Lumindia> ........

10:33 * Lumindia offers a breakfast of scrambled eggs and cheese

10:34 * Shadowed om nom noms.

11:03 * ConfusionRift crashes for the sleeps.

11:03 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-lj7.g9o.6.154.IP) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

11:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #2432 [ https://tinyurl.com/yfhmdyc2 ]

11:18 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-sme.fv9.240.188.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

11:48 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-sme.fv9.240.188.IP)

12:05 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

12:50 * Finwe noms on Dranae.

13:01 *** Quits: Shadowed (IceChat9@Pony-9gn4gl.ok.cox.net) (Quit: Hello, 911? Yeah, it's caught in the window this time.)

13:07 * Schism flops in. "I need to sleep more." In the interim, she offers Lumindia an omelet wrapped around chili and rice.

13:13 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net)

13:17 *** Joins: somininin (mift@Pony-4fp7ce.dyn.telefonica.de)

13:34 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: PonyFest Online 5.0 Is This Weekend [ https://tinyurl.com/ydkho5jg ]

14:20 *** Quits: somininin (mift@Pony-4fp7ce.dyn.telefonica.de) (Quit: Leaving)

15:54 * Schism manages - somehow - to snap her pill into quarters without qualm or concern. Equal quarters, even.

16:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Makenshi: SUPER EMOTIONAL Pony Vocal Chops Meaningful Music: char - Any Fuss [Alternative Electronic] [ https://tinyurl.com/ye7r9ljh ]

16:09 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-n3j093.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)

16:09 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

16:12 * Schism has chili. This time, however, she adds spice. Therefore, Ali would be best advised not to nom on her tails.

16:12 * Ali huffs, tails don't transfer chili taste! Noms them cause of that.

16:31 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

16:44 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Lots of Concept Images Released by Imalou for Generation 5 Ponies! (Currently Updating)  [ https://tinyurl.com/yhskprn6 ]

17:02 *** Joins: jimmt (horse@Pony-p4jkk3.res6.spectrum.com)

17:06 *** Quits: _jimm (horse@Pony-oudpht.res6.spectrum.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

17:42 *** Joins: Pony|59320 (Pony59320@Pony-taj8dp.cable.virginm.net)

17:54 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Is The Spoilery Thing That Happens at The End of My Little Pony: A New Generation Permanent? New Concept Image Inside!  [ https://tinyurl.com/ye8sraah ]

19:14 *** Joins: somininin (mift@Pony-oi1214.pool.telefonica.de)

19:56 *** Quits: somininin (mift@Pony-oi1214.pool.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

20:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Full Imalou Panel Now on Youtube [ https://tinyurl.com/yz7xfnzy ]

20:46 *** Joins: Dappled (IceChat9@Pony-9gn4gl.ok.cox.net)

21:06 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Connection closed)

21:06 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

21:09 * Ali flops on Dappled

21:10 * Dappled hugs Ali. Morning.

21:11 * Ali finds it to be afternoon to early evening but still huggles the Dappled more

21:11 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Connection closed)

21:11 * Dappled woke up a couple hours ago. Morning.

21:11 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

21:38 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Connection closed)

21:38 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

21:58 <Tiffany> Good morning, ponies

21:58 * Schism passes Dappled a skirt.

22:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #3829 [ https://tinyurl.com/yg5o932n ]

22:04 * Dappled goes spinny.

22:04 * Dappled also waits for id and new glasses.

22:12 * Dappled obtains new id. Can now buy all the tasty drinks he wants.

22:22 * Schism huzzahs. o3o

22:23 <Schism> Buy Caesars.  They're the best.  <.<

22:25 * Ali noms on Schism tails

22:25 * Schism squeaks.

22:31 <Ali> Tastes like cute fox :P

22:32 * Schism isn't cute right now! She is a mess. But she is at least a fox.

22:34 * Dappled puts ribbons on Schism and Ali. Cuties.

22:34 * Ali isn't cute!

22:35 <Dappled> .0

22:35 * Schism still disbelieves Ali.

22:36 <Ali> And so does everyone else but I'm still not cute

22:45 * Lumindia has accepted that Ali isn't cute

22:45 * Lumindia will still call them super loveable and soft as heck

23:02 * Schism is meanwhile soft foxxo.

23:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Ambient.White Releases a Story Demo  [ https://tinyurl.com/yz3fs576 ]

23:07 * Lumindia gives both some Mac & Cheese

23:07 * Schism adds some chili to the mac'n'cheese.

23:07 * Schism just pours it atop, that is.

23:07 <Lumindia> :eyes:

23:09 <Finwe> Good evening, everypony.

23:09 * Finwe returns from a spaghetti + spaghetti western occasion.

23:09 <Finwe> Spaghetti carbonara and They Call Me Trinity.

23:10 * Schism eyes Lumindia back. <.< "What? Chili on noodles is perfectly reasonable."

23:10 <Finwe> Lots of chilli!

23:10 * Schism also noms upon some of Finwe's bacon.

23:10 <Finwe> Schism: There was no bacon.

23:10 <Schism> Pork, at least?

23:11 <Finwe> Pancetta and guanciale.

23:11 <Schism> Oh, that's fine then.  o3o

23:11 <Finwe> We got the recipe from an Italian gentleman.

23:12 <Finwe> Spaghetti, eggs, parmigiano reggiano (or pecorino romano if you want to do it Lazio style), pancetta or guanciale and black pepper.

23:12 <Lumindia> no, that :eyes: is a "Go on"

23:12 <Lumindia> I like chili on Mac & cheese

23:12 <Lumindia> it's good

23:13 * Schism nods, "A simple recipe!" She also offers Finwe some steamed broccoli as a side dish there.

23:13 * Lumindia noms on Schism

23:13 <Schism> Lumindia, aha.  o3o

23:13 <Finwe> Also, Bud Spencer and Terence Hill were hilarious.

23:14 * Schism reads A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale. Issa good book.

23:16 <Schism> Poor MC keeps setting forest fires.  There's not going to be a forest left in the world by the time she's done.

23:43 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

23:44 <Finwe> Mr PinkieShy.

23:44 * Finwe doffs his hat.

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