00:14 <NitroTheFurry> Why do you deserve it
00:15 <Librarian> made a really dumb choice
00:15 <Librarian> dont worry its not bad
00:16 <Librarian> but ended up with a cold and swollen back
00:17 <NitroTheFurry> What was the choice :>
00:18 <Librarian> a massage
00:18 <Librarian> lousy one
00:50 <NitroTheFurry> What how does a massage lead to that
00:50 <Librarian> if its realllly bad
00:50 <uni> swollen I understand, but cold?
00:51 * uni also noms Librarian
00:51 <Librarian> my muscles are damaged, so cold hurts them
00:51 <Librarian> plus swollen, hurts
01:09 *** Quits: Librarian (Librarian@Pony-3ot.di3.137.201.IP) (Quit: Connection closed)
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02:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #2744 [ https://tinyurl.com/ybsy4cug ]
03:27 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)
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05:21 <PinkieShy> hihi
05:26 <Schism> Hurmf. Wordle today: 5/6. Well, that's not that bad.
05:28 <PinkieShy> Didn't really sleep last night.
05:29 <PinkieShy> Had alot on my mind on top of that.. The room just felt like it was hard to breathe at certain points
05:29 <PinkieShy> Maybe i should just turn the air purifier on high tonight and see if it still happens
05:54 * Finwe noms on Schism's Wordle.
05:54 * Schism squeaks.
05:54 * Schism also passes around some eggrolls. >.>
05:54 <Finwe> Schism: Was today the 18th or 17th of January?
05:55 <Schism> Today's is Wordle #213. It is the one for the 18th.
06:03 * Finwe bro/sishoofs Schism.
06:03 <Finwe> /)
06:03 <Finwe> Took me five tries as well.
06:04 <Schism> (\ It's a tricky one, no question.
06:04 <Finwe> I play in the hard mode, though.
06:06 <Schism> That doesn't make it harder per se.
06:07 <Finwe> It limits your chance to collect information in case you guess something right.
06:07 <Schism> There is that.
06:22 <Finwe> I played beats -> groin -> proof -> proud -> proxy.
06:30 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)
06:33 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-q511pb.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)
06:33 <AppleDash> I played PENIS -> PORKS -> PURER -> PROLL -> PROXY and I am now writing these useless words to bypass the caps filter
06:35 <Schism> Mine were Ghost, Alone, Crowd, Broom, Proxy.
06:39 * Finwe noms on AppleDash's caps.
06:39 <AppleDash> eeee
06:41 <Finwe> Messrs AppleDash, Lumindia, Cepheid, and uni; Mlles Ali and Schism.
06:41 * Finwe doffs his cap.
06:42 <AppleDash> Soon it will be time for me Mr Finwe
06:42 <Schism> rAdm. Finwe.
06:42 <AppleDash> ...
06:42 * Schism doffs her eggroll, and bows to all the tiny friends in her computer.
06:42 <AppleDash> Bed time*
06:43 <Finwe> Hmm, you don't seem to have CTCP BEDTIME response configured. o3o
06:43 <AppleDash> It varies :P
06:44 <AppleDash> Wildly in fact
06:48 * Ali baps AppleDash
06:51 <Schism> It's an odd starting word, but it is legitimate!
06:57 <Finwe> Almost tricked me.
06:58 <Finwe> I was very close to writing "/me noms on AppleDash's PENIS."
06:58 * Schism facepaws.
06:58 * Schism also noms upon Finwe's proxy.
06:59 <Finwe> But I connect directly to the Internet without a proxy!
07:02 *** Quits: somininin (mift@Pony-e24keb.pool.telefonica.de) (Quit: Leaving)
07:04 <AppleDash> lol
07:07 <Schism> aaaaaaaaaaaaa
07:07 <Schism> Cepheid: https://twitter.com/SchizoDuckie/status/1474087696247279626
07:07 <Schism> Also: https://twitter.com/daveshackleford/status/1483152378878693378
08:15 <NitroTheFurry> https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/s682gj/when_you_know_you_know/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
09:22 * Finwe hunts Schism with the pretext of bringing corrupt citizens to justice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fox_Hunt
09:25 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-bk79ph.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP) (Quit: Leaving)
11:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #2539 [ https://tinyurl.com/y9rc7753 ]
11:52 *** Joins: Golden (uid250033@Pony-lhph9k.lymington.irccloud.com)
11:52 <Golden> So....Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster has confused me...
11:53 <Finwe> Confuse the cat^WGolden.
11:55 <Golden> So there is an option boss known as the Gil Turtle. I had 3 black Mages, and a Knight. This boss has 32768 hp, and I could only get off three blizzagas, and an attack from the knight with a blood sword on it. Then the Gil turtle just died. Didn't even do it's earthquake it's supposed to cast on death.
11:56 <Golden> The blizzagas only dealt around 2k a hit.
12:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Fanfiction: The Hug [ https://tinyurl.com/y7ka5m42 ]
12:52 *** Quits: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-u7oomq.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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13:14 * Cepheid flops in awake.
13:19 * Lumindia snugs ont he Ceph
13:21 <Finwe> And he snugged on't he-Cephs and she-Cephs, and there was wailing and gnashing of teeth.
13:52 <Cepheid> How is everyone this morning?
13:56 <Finwe> I'm rather indifferent this afternoon.
14:02 <Golden> Figured out that I beat Gil Turtle because of bug/exploit I didn't even know existed on FF5 Pixel Remaster.
14:02 <Cepheid> Heh.
14:03 <Cepheid> I think the exploit existed in the original, based on what you're describing.
14:06 <Golden> The one with the blood sword
14:06 <Cepheid> Mmhmm.
14:06 <Cepheid> I know there's an easy way to kill it in the original game.
14:07 <Golden> I was honestly pulling my hair out against that boss for it wiped me 40 times before I accidentally did the exploit.
14:07 <Golden> Since I am trying to 100% FFV that means that it was required.
14:09 <Cepheid> Microsoft has acquired Activision Blizzard.
14:10 <Golden> Hopefully they make it respectable again.
14:10 <Cepheid> There is the hope, yes.
14:10 <Cepheid> Though people are noting that this is two-faced.
14:10 <Golden> I doubt they will with all that baggage.
14:10 <Cepheid> As Microsoft expressed concerns over what was going on in Activision Blizzard a while back.
14:11 <Golden> What they may do is fully gut the teams, and hire new people on.
14:11 <Golden> Basically scorch earth it.
14:11 <Cepheid> That is the hope. Remove Kotick as well.
14:11 <Cepheid> As he's been making things worse.
14:12 <Golden> He is part of the Acti Bliz team so I did include him with hopefully being fired.
14:12 <Cepheid> We shall see soon enough I guess.
14:13 <Golden> I will refuse to touch any of their games until he is gone.
14:13 <Golden> Even if I already own some I still will not touch them.
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17:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Poll Results: Are Kirin Omnivores? [ https://tinyurl.com/ychaokul ]
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17:56 <Schism> My. Nine hours of sleep...
18:00 * Schism would boop the Golden, but they're not here.
18:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: Terrible Puns / Blink / Lullaby 186 / Quest 177 [ https://tinyurl.com/y8pg2nj9 ]
18:05 * Ali boops the Schism then
18:06 * Schism nods at earlier conversation... "Microsoft, ironically, has a far superior corporate structure to ActiBlizz, so hopefully this will get the worst of the worst OUT."
18:06 * Schism also squeaks atta boop, then takes her girlpills.
18:06 <Ali> IF they let them merge
18:06 <Schism> I'm not counting my zerglings before they hatch, but yeah.
18:07 <Ali> I'm a bit worried this will let Microsoft get a bit too big
18:07 <Schism> ...
18:07 * Schism headtilts.
18:07 <Ali> They already have bethesda
18:07 <Ali> now Actblizz
18:08 <Schism> Fair.
18:08 <Ali> They could, not saying they will. Just make everything Xbox only
18:09 <Schism> MS aren't playing up the exclusivity game the same way they used to in the past, though. They've figured out that having a bigger slice of the pie relative to everyone else is not quite as good as keeping your slice relative, but embiggening the pie.
18:10 * Ali nods, is from the 80s and 90s so always gets a bit worried about a monopoly forming
18:10 <Ali> Anyway, stafftime so I'll be gone for a few hours
18:11 <Schism> Enjoy...!
18:29 *** Quits: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-l42sv5.mi.comcast.net) (Connection closed)
18:41 * Cepheid sighs. "I can't figure this out, and it's running me up a wall and back."
18:41 <Cepheid> I'm just not good enough to make a game.
18:52 *** Joins: NitroTheFurryWerewolf (Nitro@Pony-8cd55j.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
18:56 <Cepheid> I can make the character walk along the ground, up and down slopes, but I can't make them slip if the slope is too steep. I also can't figure out slippery surfaces.
18:57 *** Quits: somininin (mift@Pony-38j8s2.pool.telefonica.de) (Quit: Leaving)
18:59 <Cepheid> Or, at the least, I'm no good at making platformer games.
19:14 <NitroTheFurryWerewolf> Have you tried having an invisible Stat of the characters "angle" on a slope and when it gets to high they slip?
19:15 <Cepheid> That's not the problem I face.
19:15 <NitroTheFurryWerewolf> Whats the problem, slipping?
19:15 <Cepheid> It's more how to move the character when they stand on a slope that's too steep.
19:16 <NitroTheFurryWerewolf> Well idk about animations, but just take the angle, whichever way it should slide, then force like a set move speed down it
19:54 <Cepheid> I need to do something else, because I'm just stuck with this and I've been staring at the screen for about 6 hours now.
20:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #3935 [ https://tinyurl.com/y7pbyfya ]
20:10 <ember> Cepheid: when you feel like talking about it again I'm curious what you mean about "how to move"; do you mean animation wise or how to accomplish it in the engine you are using or other?
20:11 <ember> slipping is an interesting problem especially if you are trying for decent physics
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20:28 <Librarian> hoi
20:28 <Librarian> im sick
20:28 <Librarian> and i brok the other pc
20:28 <Librarian> this one seems nice owo
20:34 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest9@Pony-k3k.1vs.137.201.IP) (Quit: Connection closed)
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21:23 *** Guest9 is now known as Librarian
21:23 <Librarian> umm
21:23 <Librarian> this thing is more stable
21:23 <Librarian> than a windows 10 running pc
21:24 <Librarian> this strikes me as dumb, but meh
21:25 * Librarian does a test glomp on ali
21:25 * Ali splats
21:25 <Librarian> its a bit slow, but for my needs its great
21:28 <Librarian> saves to drive
21:28 <Librarian> question
21:28 <Librarian> can anyone tell me if chromebooks are any good?
21:29 <Schism> They're alright if you're not doing anything spectacularly intensive on them. They're really just a Chrome tablet with a few addons.
21:29 <Schism> Decent for word processing, etc.
21:29 <AppleDash> The hardware is generally OK if you go for more than the absolute cheapest, but I cannot recommend to anyone to sell their soul to Google
21:29 <AppleDash> They make decent little Linux machines though
21:29 <Librarian> would irc run on one?
21:29 <AppleDash> Absolutely
21:29 <Schism> Please, you can run IRC on even more things than can run DOOM.
21:29 <AppleDash> Indeed :p
21:30 <Librarian> neat
21:30 <AppleDash> I have IRCed from the oldest computer I own!
21:30 <AppleDash> Which is from the 80s
21:30 <Librarian> im a man with simple tech needs
21:30 <Librarian> neat
21:30 <Schism> I've legitimately run IRC on a Nintendo DS before.
21:30 <Schism> Which, okay, not that impressive, but it's got wireless, that's why.
21:30 <Librarian> this old pc they gave me seems to run fine
21:31 <Librarian> has a battery issue at most
21:31 <Librarian> umm
21:31 <Schism> You should also install Nethack on that.
21:31 <Librarian> weel laptop
21:31 <Librarian> owo
21:31 <AppleDash> I've had much fun in Zork on my 80s IBM :p
21:32 <Librarian> there is a 2500 pesos chromebook i saw just now
21:32 <Schism> There are 69,105 leaves in this channel.
21:32 <AppleDash> Excuse me?
21:32 <AppleDash> I am not a leaf! I am a horse!
21:32 <Librarian> im a librarian
21:33 * AppleDash gasps
21:33 <AppleDash> I could not have guessed
21:33 * Librarian bonks appledash with overdue fees
21:33 <AppleDash> Eeep
21:33 <AppleDash> I once had books about 8 years overdue at the library
21:33 <AppleDash> When I went there to finally returned them the librarian audibly gasped, and I asked "how much is it...?" and she said "I think you'd rather not hear"
21:34 <AppleDash> The manager ended up letting me off the hook since it was so long ago
21:34 <Librarian> they didnt, they sent me
21:34 <AppleDash> Oh no
21:34 <AppleDash> They found me
21:34 * AppleDash runs
21:34 <Librarian> the librarins team currently is seizing your toilet
21:35 <Librarian> the monetary value is low but the comedy value is inmense
21:37 <Librarian> leeme test something
21:37 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest9@Pony-3ot.di3.137.201.IP) (Quit: Connection closed)
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21:46 <Guest9> umm
21:46 *** Guest9 is now known as Librarian
21:48 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest9@Pony-3ot.di3.137.201.IP) (Quit: Connection closed)
21:48 <Schism> Well, this oughta be interesting. So every couple battles that'll replenish my Flower Points...
21:48 * Schism can now grind her Jump up a bit more.
21:50 * uni flops
21:52 *** Joins: Guest9 (Guest9@Pony-3ot.di3.137.201.IP)
21:52 *** Guest9 is now known as Librarian
21:53 <Ali> Which Paper Mario?
21:54 <Librarian> i got sick bleh
21:54 <Librarian> feels like a cold
21:55 <Schism> Ali: What do you mean, Paper Mario?
21:56 <Ali> ITs the only game I know that used FP
21:56 <Schism> This one came before them all! Super Mario RPG.
21:56 * Ali never played that one
21:56 * Schism dangles a ROM before Ali, because it's currently not available anywhere legitimately.
21:57 <Ali> Of course its not
21:57 * Schism keeps dangling.
21:57 * Librarian plops
21:57 <Librarian> im tired
21:58 <Librarian> well, achey
21:59 * Librarian plops on ali
21:59 <Librarian> halp nurgle got to me
22:01 <Librarian> set up is complete, going to rest
22:01 <Librarian> see ya tommorow
22:01 *** Quits: Librarian (Guest9@Pony-3ot.di3.137.201.IP) (Quit: Connection closed)
22:03 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Drawfriend - Equestria Girls / Anthro MLP Art Gallery #360 [ https://tinyurl.com/y9wevz4q ]
23:39 <Schism> Now...
23:39 <Schism> Gotta get 100 Super Jumps. <.<
23:52 <Lumindia> eeeeeee
23:52 * Lumindia flops
23:52 <Lumindia> Ring Fit Adventure obtianed... my legs already hate me
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