Log archive of EquestriaDaily for Tuesday, 2020-03-17

00:00 <Jackie> Death penalty should be abolished in Texas

00:00 <Jackie> It's old fashioned punishment

00:00 <Schism> Those last two words are redundant.

00:00 <Schism> 'In Texas', that is.

00:01 <Jackie> Not necessary if it just has petty crimes there

00:02 <Schism> I think you have a very different understanding of Texas than I do.

00:02 <Cepheid> I dunno.  There are some particular individuals who would be better off dead.  After excruciating torture for what they did.

00:03 <Jackie> It's a mediocre state for government

00:03 * Lumindia steals Jackie

00:03 <Lumindia> This pony is now mine

00:03 <Schism> Well.  Mostly people who take the time to perpetrate evil for profit alone.

00:03 <Jackie> idk why Texas is a hated state

00:04 <Schism> Oh, I rather liked being in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

00:04 <Schism> I hear Austin and Houston are also quite reasonable.

00:04 <Schism> Corpus Christi -- not so much.

00:04 <Jackie> Is there actually a decent state to live in?

00:05 <Jackie> With good governance?

00:05 <Schism> I've heard good things about Washington state.

00:05 <Jackie> Because it's near Canada

00:05 <Cepheid> Schism, I was thinking more people who commit heinous, unmentionable crimes against defenseless children.

00:06 <Schism> Ah.  Yes.

00:06 <Jackie> There are countries that are way worse than US: North Korea

00:06 <Schism> That... I shall agree with.

00:07 <Jackie> Because a lot of people of coronavirus in NK die

00:07 <Jackie> Would this make NK collapse if it continues?

00:10 <Schism> Urg.  I'm not sure if that would be a good outcome or the worst one.  That kind of vacuum causes issues.

00:12 <Jackie> Wouldn't it be time to sign a treaty

00:12 <Jackie> It's like 70~ years

00:12 <Schism> You're funny tonight.

00:13 <Jackie> Even Germany couldn't wait that long

00:13 <Jackie> So they unified after 30~ years

00:14 <Schism> Oh.  Good.  Jackie, I have an answer for you over why people hate Texas.

00:15 <Schism> Gohmert is holding up the Coronavirus relief bill, in order to make sure the Democrats didn't insert any traps.

00:17 <Cepheid> https://twitter.com/shedd_aquarium/status/1239661654629023747?s=19

00:18 <Schism> Thank you for that, Cepheid.

00:20 <Cepheid> For me, everything is business as usual.  So I don't fall to the panic or hysteria.  That allows me the ability to find cute/silly things to share.

00:21 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/gimbvuffe3n41

00:21 <Schism> For now I'm in the same boat.  We'll see what happens after.

00:21 <Cepheid> Which to be honest is also part of "business as usual"

00:22 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/w7fg6wc4j2n41

00:23 <Cepheid> https://gfycat.com/absolutecalculatingbluebird

00:25 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/mvwja0q9k2n41 what

00:27 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/kyge9m2uz3n41

00:30 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/cu7a0z3oa2n41

00:31 <Golden> ???

00:33 <Cepheid> Just sharing cute stuff.

00:33 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/enceg7ued2n41

00:38 * Schism carefully washes his new tea scoop.

00:39 <Schism> Went to David's Tea earlier, just because I felt like having some of the good stuff.

00:40 <Schism> A good assam/ceylon mix, and a caramel chai.

00:41 * Ali blehs and boreds. "Rimworld got boring faster than expected.

00:45 <Schism> Ali, would you like a copy of CrossCode?  It's SNES-era combat, puzzles, etc.  And there's a demo if you're unsure if it'd be your thing.

00:45 <Ali> I look more to builders and stuff

00:45 <Ali> I was looking at Stardew Valley but it still out of my price range.

00:46 <Ali> Shante games I was looking at as well but still, over my current budget

00:46 <Cepheid> Sell a roll of toilet paper or three?

00:47 <Schism> Psh.

00:47 <Schism> Ali, have you GOG?

00:48 <Ali> No, and if I do I don't remember jack

00:48 * Cepheid puts glasses away for sleeps.

00:48 <Schism> 'kay.  What's your e-mail?

00:50 <Schism> Ni ni, Cephy.

00:50 <Schism> Ah right, this is a public chat.  /msg it to me?

00:51 <Ali> Schism, I have no idea

00:51 <Ali> And what's on GOG?

00:52 <Schism> Nothing in particular~  But really, you don't have an e-mail address?  I promise not to use it for anything nefarious.

00:55 * Ali wunts to know though

00:55 <Schism> It might be a valley full of stardew.

00:56 <Schism> But in this case, I'm looking at another source, which has it on sale.

00:56 <Schism> Cepheid: Before you sleep: https://twitter.com/iqraanabi/status/1239294114094632961

00:59 <Cepheid> Heh.

01:00 <Ali> Cat is sore loser

01:00 * Schism grumblycakes at Ali. "This is because Adra sent me a gift a while ago and while I may not be able to pay it completely back, I can pay it forward. Besides, you have modded this channel for a long time, and deserve something nice."

01:01 <Ali> I'm lookin to see if I have GOG

01:01 <Schism> A Humble link will work just fine.

01:01 * Ali headtilts

01:02 <Schism> Humble Bundle.  You've heard of them, I'm sure.

01:04 <Schism> There y'are.  o3o

01:05 <Schism> Keeping the Ali sane is a good investment anyway.

01:06 <Schism> Happy however-many-birthdays.

01:06 <Ali> But that's not until next month

01:06 <Schism> Early present then.

01:07 <Schism> Beats the heck out of socks.

01:07 <ADragonDreaming> A very merry un-birthday

01:07 <Ali> Its gots Multiplayers as well

01:07 <Schism> It does, yush.

01:07 <Schism> Adra, don't think I've forgotten about you.

01:07 <Ali> Just have to have people to play it with

01:07 * Ali flails gently

01:08 <Schism> Tirek is a pretty big fan.

01:08 * Filly_Nightmares nomfs Schism

01:08 * Filly_Nightmares yawnskrees and sneezies!

01:08 * Schism plants Filly_Nightmares on Ali's head.

01:09 * Ali puts little mask over Filly_Nightmares mouf, no spreading the COVID

01:09 <Cepheid> What game?

01:09 <ADragonDreaming> Stardew Valley

01:09 <Cepheid> I have it myself.

01:09 <Schism> As do I.

01:09 *** Filly_Nightmares is now known as Surreal_Nightmares

01:09 <Ali> Farming sim mixed with combats

01:09 <ADragonDreaming> As do I.

01:09 <Schism> Harvest Moon, really.

01:09 <Schism> Just with the serial numbers filed off.

01:09 <Cepheid> Yep.

01:09 <ADragonDreaming> Slightly more Rune Factory.

01:09 <Ali> Yeah I remember Harvest Moon

01:09 *** Joins: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

01:10 <Ali> Used to love that on DS

01:10 <Ali> Err GBA

01:10 <Ali> Ever since the GC version its gone downhill pretty badly

01:10 <Schism> Well, this goes back to the original.

01:10 <Ali> Kinda close to Friends of Mineral Town

01:11 <ADragonDreaming> I've yet to do a multiplayer Stardew.

01:11 <Schism> I've got a couple hours to waste.  Wanna try?

01:11 <Ali> I would be open to a MP stardew

01:11 <ADragonDreaming> Sure.

01:11 <Ali> Let me get the game finished installed here, its working on starting up right now

01:12 <Schism> Kaykay.  I have the GOG version, not the Steam version, but that shouldn't be a big deal.

01:12 <Cepheid> I'm half-asleep myself.

01:12 <Schism> Get some rest, we'll be here tomorrow.

01:12 <Ali> Yeah get rest Cepheid

01:12 <Cepheid> Exactly.

01:13 <Schism> Who wants to be the host?  I can get that started.

01:13 <Ali> I'll pass, my PC is garbage

01:14 <Ali> That and you guys would know what farm would be the more interesting to start with as well

01:14 <Schism> I was going to go with "Four Corners".

01:14 <Ali> I'm fine with whatever Schism

01:14 <ADragonDreaming> mine is modded.

01:15 <ADragonDreaming> hm.

01:15 <Schism> Maybe turn that off for the first go.

01:15 <ADragonDreaming> I forget how Stardew mods work.

01:15 <Ali> Don't ask me~

01:15 <Ali> Got some nice music at least while waiting to figure things out

01:16 <Schism> You might need to copy and paste the directory elsewhere, Adra, and reinstall from Steam.

01:17 <Schism> Farm names, everyone?

01:17 * Ali shrugs

01:17 *** Joins: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-8q0glj.dynamic.sonic.net)

01:18 <Ali> Grr, having a silly issue

01:18 <Ali> Ok dats gone

01:19 <Schism> Fine.  Due to lack of communication, I'll call it Adrali Farm.

01:19 <ADragonDreaming> Ha

01:19 <Ali> Snerk

01:20 <Ali> Just need the host info it seems

01:20 <Ali> Or invite code

01:21 <Schism> Invite code is: EJH18F53M8S

01:22 * ADragonDreaming taps fingers and waits.

01:23 <Ali> Connection Failed

01:23 <Schism> One moment please.

01:23 <ADragonDreaming> samesies

01:23 <Schism> I can see I'll need to set up port forwarding momentarily.

01:24 <ADragonDreaming> did you add cabins

01:25 <Schism> Yes.

01:26 <Schism> There, try now.

01:27 <Schism> Wait.

01:27 <Schism> Different code.

01:27 * ADragonDreaming taps foot like Sonic

01:27 <Schism> The code is as follows: EJH1D7XXP17

01:28 * ADragonDreaming stares at "connecting..."

01:29 <ADragonDreaming> invite code seems like it should work. hm.

01:29 <Ali> Connection Failed, framerate reduced to 1

01:29 <ADragonDreaming> it does say gog and steam should be crossplay ready

01:29 <Schism> Okay.  Let's try this again.  What ports do I need...

01:30 <ADragonDreaming> shall I try to host?

01:30 <Schism> That might be a better bet, to be honest.

01:31 <Schism> Four corners, three buildings (to start), unique purses, and no lack of profit.

01:31 * Ali headtilts as she doesn't understand those settings

01:31 <Ali> No lack of profit?

01:31 <Schism> Ali: Mostly, means we get our own house and our own wallets.  And profit isn't cut in half for advanced players.

01:31 <ADragonDreaming> the game lets you change the profit margin, aka, reduce how much money you get for selling things

01:31 <Ali> Ah

01:32 <ADragonDreaming> it's an optional way to balance the increased productivity of having more people.

01:32 <Schism> And since Ali is new, that wouldn't be fair.  o3o

01:32 <ADragonDreaming> cabins together or separte?

01:32 <Ali> I have general ides of how to play but its been a long time since I've played a Harvest Moon like game

01:33 <ADragonDreaming> I'm gonna be on this character creation screen for a bit. Apologies.

01:34 <Schism> Separate, please.

01:34 <Schism> And you might want to go with the basic layout instead of 4-corner, now I think about it.

01:34 <ADragonDreaming> whyfour

01:35 <Schism> If memory serves, the other three corners are blocked off for the first part of the game, until you manage to mine big stones or hardwood.

01:35 <Schism> I don't know if that applies in multiplayer, though.  I may be just thinking of shortcuts.

01:36 <ADragonDreaming> I'm not seeing any indication of this.

01:36 <Schism> Nope, it is just shortcuts.  Nevermind!

01:36 <ADragonDreaming> Also, it has some features of the other types.

01:36 <Schism> Yeah, let's do four corner.

01:36 <Schism> Less farming space overall, but that's okay.

01:37 <Schism> The hardwood and boulders are on the shortcuts between each zone -- players have to cut through the middle beforehand.

01:37 <Ali> How hard can it be to just upgrade stuff anyway?  Other than the 2k gold?

01:37 <Schism> Eh, you need a bunch of mats too.

01:37 <ADragonDreaming> You gots to get the ores.

01:38 <Ali> Yeah the mine

01:38 <Ali> THough I'm not as used to having a mine open so early

01:38 <Schism> Also, Ali, this one is mildly important.  Do not, repeat, NOT buy a JojaMart membership.

01:38 <Ali> Harvest Moon usually didn't allow you to go into a mine till much later in the game

01:38 <Schism> Not that I expect you'd want to, but yes.

01:38 <Ali> Like Winter late

01:38 <Ali> Also dunt like Jojamart?

01:38 <Schism> You'll see.

01:39 <Ali> I know you have the spirits or the corperation to side with

01:39 <Schism> There are two paths to take.  One is storyline driven.  The other one is finance-driven.

01:39 <Schism> Right.  Jojamart is the finance one.

01:39 <Ali> And let me guess, if one person buys it, it forces everyone down that path

01:39 <Ali> Then again

01:40 <Ali> I have no idea where Jojamart is so you're safe

01:40 <Schism> Dunno.  Haven't done the multiplayer thing before.

01:40 <ADragonDreaming> you'll find it easy.

01:40 <ADragonDreaming> town is the same.

01:40 <Schism> The town is a twisted little bundle of NPC paths, Adra.  Good luck finding any NPC unless they're drinking sarsaparilla in the bar.

01:41 * Ali rustles thru trash, gets caught

01:41 <Schism> Ali: So, in that sense, it's very Harvest Moon.  :P

01:41 <Ali> I wunt my trash cookies

01:41 <Schism> Also, limited inventory space until you buy a bag.

01:41 <Ali> So do we all take similar paths or all focus on things?

01:41 <Ali> Yes I know dear, I've seen lets plays of the game a little bit

01:42 <Ali> You only have 12 slots to start

01:42 <Schism> Depends on the objective.  I suspect we might do some mining together.

01:42 <ADragonDreaming> Harrumph.

01:42 <Schism> Eh, it's slightly better than that, but yes.

01:42 <Schism> Harrumph?

01:42 <ADragonDreaming> I apparently, somehow, mised the cabin setting.

01:42 <Schism> Whurp.

01:42 <Schism> It's okay, we can probably go with that anyway.

01:42 <ADragonDreaming> I would need to build cabins.

01:42 <Ali> I know the first thing we want is a scarecrow

01:42 <Schism> Oh, I see.

01:43 <Schism> Ali: Ah, yes.  Though those are more a Summer thing.

01:43 <ADragonDreaming> right. there it is. right up top.

01:43 <Ali> Sure

01:43 <Ali> I've seen people have crow problems in spring

01:44 <Schism> Surely not the first spring...?  Oh, well.  Scarecrows it is.

01:44 <ADragonDreaming> scarecrows aren't hard to make.

01:44 <Ali> They unlock pretty early

01:44 <Ali> I'm just saying, crows do show up in spring from what I've seen

01:45 * Ali rolls around waiting to see if the game is even gonna let the group play

01:45 <ADragonDreaming> code:

01:45 <ADragonDreaming> OH.

01:46 <Ali> blanks

01:46 <ADragonDreaming> Caps lock thing.

01:46 <ADragonDreaming> I must extend the message so as not to run into it: EJH1UTGKOGI

01:46 <Schism> Connecting...

01:46 <Ali> Lording...

01:47 <Ali> I'm gonna guess its not going to go thru again

01:47 <Schism> Connection failed, again.  I'm going to set myself to DMZ (yes, I know) and see if that does the trick for us.

01:47 <Ali> DMZ?

01:48 <Schism> Something you're really not supposed to do.

01:48 <Ali> Are you guys making sure to start in co op mode?

01:48 <Schism> If we weren't, we wouldn't have gotten a key.

01:49 <ADragonDreaming> apparently restarts of game may fix?

01:49 *** Joins: Jackie2 (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

01:49 *** Quits: Jackie (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Connection closed)

01:50 <Schism> Invite code is as follows: EJH1YJ364CF

01:50 <ADragonDreaming> well. that worked.

01:51 *** Quits: Jackie2 (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Connection closed)

01:51 *** Joins: Jackie (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

01:51 <Ali> Now I see two farms

01:51 <ADragonDreaming> You see cabin spots.

01:51 <ADragonDreaming> Grab one.

01:59 *** Joins: Jackie2 (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

01:59 *** Quits: Jackie (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Connection closed)

02:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Nightly Discussion #2059 [ http://tinyurl.com/txs6lfr ]

02:13 <Golden> Lord I feel like I have a fever

02:14 *** Changeling_Nightmares is now known as Filly_Nightmares

02:40 * PinkieShy screams Noooo..

02:40 <PinkieShy> A person from the church me and my dad goes to just called...

02:40 <PinkieShy> Telling us Church is not having nothing out there for a while after Trump said about no gathers of 10 or more people cause of the virus.. :(

02:41 <PinkieShy> So.. Church is cancelled from the sounds of it until further notice... :(

02:43 <ADragonDreaming> that's less Trump and more the CDC

02:44 <ADragonDreaming> my church did similar earlier when the governor followed CDC recommendation of no groups over 250.

02:44 <ADragonDreaming> There's going to be streamed sermons and such.

02:45 <PinkieShy> No streams at my church though..

02:45 <PinkieShy> We usually have about 30 at our church each Sunday.. So.. :(

02:45 <PinkieShy> I'm legit tearing up right now over this news.. I always look forward to it on Sunday.

03:04 *** Jackie2 is now known as Jackie

03:04 * Jackie gives Filly_Nightmares an egg

03:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Makenshi: Flutterbat Music: Tw3Lv3 - Dat Spooky Bats [Dubstep/Psytrance] [ http://tinyurl.com/ujge6w9 ]

03:14 <Schism> That was fun.  I don't know if I'll be available to do much more of it, though if things go horribly wrong I will.

03:15 <ADragonDreaming> well, you host

03:15 <ADragonDreaming> so we can't do that farm unless you is do

03:15 <Schism> That just opens up opportunities for other farms.

03:16 <Jackie> Is there any free games that you guys play?

03:16 <Jackie> Like in the current?

03:23 <Schism> Path of Exile is one.  It's an aRPG like Diablo 2.

03:26 <Ali> Schism, I just found 30 spring onions on day 1

03:29 <Jackie> We need a male bat pony to reproduce the population here.

03:30 <Schism> Ali: ... *grmbl*

03:30 <Schism> I rolled a bad seed, then.

03:30 <Ali> Its only 312G so not that much

03:30 <Schism> At the start, that's a huge wellspring.

03:31 <Schism> Okay, I need to sleep, so that I can wake up, so that I can get told that I have to work from home.

03:32 <Schism> Tho, all things considered... that might not happen.

03:33 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

03:33 <Schism> Either way, sleep is necessary.  G'night!

03:36 * Jackie boops Lumindia

04:06 *** Quits: Jackie (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Connection closed)

04:06 *** Joins: Jackie2 (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

04:40 *** Quits: Jackie2 (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Connection closed)

04:40 *** Joins: Jackie (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

04:47 * PrincessRainbows looks up at Jackie with tears in her eyes and clutches her plushie

05:01 *** Quits: cabbage (cabbage@Pony-8q0glj.dynamic.sonic.net) (Connection closed)

05:17 <Golden> Hm

05:24 * Jackie pets PrincessRainbows

05:39 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@Pony-qgab3a.utnq.s4c9.1700.2600.IP)

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05:56 *** Quits: Jackie (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Connection closed)

06:12 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

06:25 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Connection closed)

06:49 *** Joins: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-pl1.irn.56.193.IP)

06:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift

06:49 <ConfusionRift> Hello everypony.

06:49 <Golden> Yay!!! I beat the green dragon in DQ1!!

06:49 * ConfusionRift claps. :P

06:51 <Golden> I had to grind until level 13 to do it.

06:55 <Golden> I was getting beat as level 11...thank god for the quick save function

06:58 * ConfusionRift nods. "Quick save is always a gooden."

07:01 <Golden> Thank god it's the switch version too

07:11 <ConfusionRift> Cool, connectivity is real shaky right now.

07:12 <Golden> Speaking of I am no longer laggy

07:12 <ConfusionRift> Gree e eee ee eaa at tttt.

07:13 <Golden> ._.

07:17 * ConfusionRift for the first time in some time changes the resolution to 360p, because it's too much for 720 or 1080.

07:37 <ConfusionRift> Alright. Seems conne ctivi ty has been rest ored. So rta.

07:39 <Golden> Oh dear

07:49 *** Quits: RedHelper (PinkieP@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

07:54 *** Joins: RedHelper (PinkieP@Pony-ijm3lo.ca.comcast.net)

08:01 *** Quits: RedHelper (PinkieP@The.Pony.That.Makes.You.Smile) (Connection closed)

08:03 *** Joins: RedHelper (PinkieP@Pony-81aak4.vnfu.e4hd.0201.2601.IP)

08:39 *** Joins: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone)

08:40 * Ali flops over the ConfusionRift

08:40 * ConfusionRift huggles Ali.

08:41 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift, Capt Koopz, Mlles Ali, Filly_Nightmares and PrincessRainbows; Messrs Golden, Cepheid, Schism and Lumindia.

08:41 <Finwe> o7

08:41 <Finwe> Good forenoon.

08:41 * Ali licks the Finwe nosie

08:41 <ConfusionRift> RAdm. Finwe. (salutes)

08:41 <Koopz> RAdm. Finwe o7

08:41 <Finwe> The university is more or less closed, so I'm going to spend the next two weeks home.

08:42 * Finwe pest doctor masks on Ali.

08:42 *** Quits: Filly_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

08:44 * Golden flops tiredly.

08:44 *** Joins: Nuclear (Nuclear@Pony-1r8duu.7u7p.mqqp.0001.2600.IP)

09:26 *** Joins: Jackie (Jarva@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

09:35 <Jackie> Is the bat pony population decreasing?

09:39 <Finwe> SARS-CoV-2 natively infects bats, hence obviously bat ponies, too.

09:44 *** Quits: Ali (Ali@Pony-gc0pf7.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP) (Quit: Leaving)

09:53 * Cepheid awakens.

09:54 * Cepheid noms cheese, genoa salami, and triscuit crackers for breakfast.

09:54 <Finwe> Cepheid - The Awakening

09:55 <Finwe> Available in Steam store in April.

09:55 * Jackie pets Surreal_Nightmares

09:55 <Cepheid> I much preferred the followup:  Cepheid - The Nommening.

09:55 *** Joins: Floof (Surreal@Pony-djq.ug8.129.209.IP)

09:55 <Jackie> So is Surreal_Nightmares gonna die?

09:55 * Finwe ruffles Floof.

09:55 <Cepheid> No.

09:56 <Finwe> Yes.

09:56 <Cepheid> Maybe.

09:56 <Finwe> Not just now, hopefully, but eventually.

09:56 * Floof floofs up and curls up wif Finwe

09:56 <Cepheid> ...

09:56 * Floof lickies Cepheid tummy

09:56 <Cepheid> Finwe, you are twisted.

09:57 <Finwe> Most, if not all, people die.

09:57 <Finwe> It's the single most certain thing in life.

09:57 <ConfusionRift> o_0

09:58 * ConfusionRift just came back from a wash.

09:58 <Cepheid> Yes, this is a universal truth for humans.  But the way you added a massive pause between "Yes" and your explanation is what makes you twisted.

09:59 *** Quits: Changeling_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

09:59 <Jackie> Did you just implied that Floof is gonna die

09:59 <Finwe> Fictive bat ponies might avoid death, though.

09:59 * ConfusionRift grabs Floof, stares for a bit, then pets and lets her be. "She's gonna be fiiiiine."

09:59 <Finwe> Given that the fiction is passed on to future generations.

09:59 * Finwe snuggles a Floof.

10:00 <Cepheid> It's like a doctor being asked by a family if their loved one is going to die, saying "Yes", waiting for them to mourn and cry, then follow up with "Not anytime soon, but sometime in the far future."

10:00 <ConfusionRift> The worst doctor ever. :P

10:01 <Cepheid> Long story short, your bedside manner needs improving Finwe.

10:03 <Jackie> Floof's young as heck

10:03 <Cepheid> Fortunately you're not going to be a medical doctor, so it isn't a high-priority item.

10:04 *** Floof is now known as Filly_Nightmares

10:04 * Filly_Nightmares meows

10:04 <ConfusionRift> "Is... is she... going to..." | "Yes." | (starts crying) "How long does she have?" | (shrugs) | "Wait... you don't know when she might pass away?" | "Of course not. She will, just not now. Probably years from now." | "..." | "Oh... and she's in good health too."

10:05 * Jackie pets Filly_Nightmares

10:05 <Cepheid> But your personality still leads to scenarios where I go "....  What the [REDACTED] is wrong with you?"

10:06 <Cepheid> !link https://youtu.be/IqnZgCSwOsw Rifty

10:06 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Dootdoot Band E2m1 Doot Anomaly

10:06 <ConfusionRift> Oh goodness, my connection is garbage today.

10:08 <Cepheid> Right, I can no longer visit my doctor.  Clinic has ordered anyone with any symptoms to stay away.

10:13 <Cepheid> I like how iD is basically following along with social media and internet memes.  They have a Doot Revenant skin for DOOM Eternal.  They are aware of the Animal Crossing thing, etc etc etc.

10:14 <Cepheid> Wouldn't shock me if there was a room somewhere in DOOM Eternal that recreates one of the Dootdoot Band videos.

10:14 <Cepheid> That is, Cacodemon/Lost Soul on drums, Baron on jug, ands Revenant dooting away.

10:15 <ConfusionRift> There might be a doot room. :P

10:16 <Cepheid> There'd have to be.

10:17 <Cepheid> Knowing iD, it'd likely also be done in DOOM Classic style.

10:17 <Cepheid> Be hilarious if they added in the Cyberdemon sitting nearby enjoying the music.

10:20 <Schism> [6 hours later.]  Morning.

10:21 <Cepheid> Morning.  I see you had troubles last night.

10:23 <Schism> Yerp.  It turns out that quite a few ports need to be open in order to play Stardew across GOG and Steam versions.

10:23 * ConfusionRift flops hard.

10:23 <Schism> We got it working eventually.

10:27 *** Quits: Filly_Nightmares (Surreal@Cutest.Floofy.Changeling.Batpone) (Connection closed)

10:32 <Schism> Also: "Failure is not an option.  Failure is mandatory.  But you can decide if you want to let failure be the last thing you do."

10:34 <Schism> ... *looks at weather*  Friday will be a high of +14 and a low of -7, with rain and thunderstorms throughout.

10:34 <Schism> I'm having a hard time trusting that analysis.

10:36 <Cepheid> Heh.

10:37 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/zlk8b5g295n41

10:37 <Schism> Huh.  Quinine, the well-known antimalarial, has positive effects against coronavirus.

10:38 <ConfusionRift> "Do not get (bzzt) near that entrance (bzzt) high radiation levels (bzzt) 1000 rads (bzzt) thermonuclear annihilation (bzzt) God bless (bzzt) Daisyyyy Daisyyyy (bzzzzzzzt)" | Okay... yeah, this is not exactly accurate- | (sparks) | Oooor functional.

10:40 <Schism> You can certainly try to get to Fault 87, but you're not going to be able to do much.

10:40 <Schism> Vault*

10:41 <ConfusionRift> Yeah... can't browse anything. Something's eating bandwidth like crazy.

10:44 <Cepheid> My sister's job has been canceled for the rest of the year.

10:44 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/ztb6e33hk5n41

10:45 <Schism> While understandable, I sincerely hope that means that doesn't mean she's going to be at your home for the rest of the meanwhile.

10:46 *** Joins: Jackie2 (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

10:46 <Jackie> Tbh

10:46 <Jackie> When I die, I hope I still can interact afterlife

10:48 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/prndpgszz3n41

10:50 <Jackie> I mean, I don't want to be obliterated

10:51 *** Joins: ConfusionRift2 (ConfusionRi@Pony-pl1.irn.56.193.IP)

10:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift2

10:52 *** Quits: Golden (uid250033@Pony-sd90bk.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

10:52 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-pl1.irn.56.193.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ConfusionRift2)))

10:52 *** ConfusionRift2 is now known as ConfusionRift

10:57 <ConfusionRift> I still don't like how Steam has multiple web helpers running, eating memory doing nothing at all.

10:58 <Cepheid> No different from modern browsers.

10:59 <ConfusionRift> True, but still.

11:00 <Finwe> Lt Cdr /ConfusionRift\d?/

11:00 <Finwe> o7

11:00 * ConfusionRift looks at Noita. "Not today."

11:00 <Finwe> Oh, I know that one. It's a Finnish game. o3o

11:01 <Cepheid> I follow its creator on Twitter.  Sane guy.

11:02 <Finwe> Arvi Teikari, was it?

11:02 <Finwe> Also responsible for Baba Is You.

11:03 <ConfusionRift> I just get that old Binding of Isaac luck with these games. One moment I'm destroying and making good progress, and then all starts caving in fast on the next.

11:03 <ConfusionRift> I'm still yet to finish Baba is You.

11:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Morning Discussion #1874 [ http://tinyurl.com/tfornw8 ]

11:04 <Cepheid> !link https://youtu.be/qsjHbxVI3EI This is the Dootband variant I'd prefer to see.  Out in the open, easily findable, if not right in your way.  You're raging through hell, and you come across this.  And you just stand there with a "wut" expression.

11:04 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about dootdoot Band E1M1 DOOT

11:06 <Schism> Noita is all luck.  And a goodly dose of skill, admittedly, but come freaking on how hard is it to get a weapon that ISN'T FIRE?!

11:06 <ConfusionRift> Or self-destructive.

11:07 <ConfusionRift> Love how allies go from helpful to "eating you insides" in a split second.

11:08 <Cepheid> Heh.

11:08 <ConfusionRift> Or... OR... I can try to finish the game I have been trying to complete for a while.

11:09 <Jackie> I just hope there is an afterlife

11:11 <Cepheid> !link https://youtu.be/y30WRG1nPao

11:11 <DerpyBot> I need to ask Twilight about that one.

11:11 <DerpyBot> Twilight told me this video is about Super Smash Bros.  Ultimate - Doom Slayer Reveal Trailer (Fan Animation)

11:12 <Cepheid> I should play DOOM2016 today.

11:16 <Cepheid> I would, were it not for a fat, black cat.

11:21 <Cepheid> https://twitter.com/MimiMoonCosplay/status/1238455388682493958?s=19

11:22 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

11:25 <Schism> If Hideo Kojima's premonitions keep coming true, then I guess Centralia, Pennsylvania will become a ghost town before too long.

11:29 <Cepheid> Heh.

11:32 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Connection closed)

11:33 * Schism puts a plush Chibiterasu on Surry's head.

11:33 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

11:34 * Cepheid does some mathematics to determine something.

11:35 <Cepheid> Actually this should have been obvious to me from the start.  This isn't a power of two.

11:35 <Cepheid> However..

11:36 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Connection closed)

11:36 <Cepheid> Multiplication by 5 is a shift left by 2, followed by an addition, so...  The question is, is that faster than a multiply?

11:40 <Cepheid> Testing suggests both are about the same.

11:40 <Cepheid> So that's not a worthwhile optimization.

11:43 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

11:43 *** Quits: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher) (Connection closed)

11:45 * Cepheid shrugs. One multiplication and one division isn't the end of the world, especially since the rest of the math is all integer mathematics.

11:46 <Finwe> How does the processor handle the multiplication?

11:47 *** Joins: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long)

11:48 <Cepheid> Depends on the processor.

11:49 <Finwe> Yes, and the right question seems to be how the compiler handles multiplication.

11:49 <Finwe> Unless you write in assembler, of course.

11:49 <Cepheid> There are different implementations, on top of that, processors implement varying speeds of multiplication by implementing more or less hardware.

11:49 <Cepheid> For example, one CPU might handle 8 bits per cycle, while another might handle 17.

11:50 *** Joins: Jackie_ (Jarva@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

11:50 <Cepheid> They can both use the same approach.  What changes is how many bits are handled per cycle.

11:50 <Cepheid> The reason for this difference has to do with the fact that base 2 multiplication takes a lot of space.  Same for division.

11:51 *** Quits: Jackie (Jarva@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:51 *** Quits: Jackie2 (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

11:52 <Cepheid> Also, this setup isn't... foolproof.  There seems to be edge cases I'm hitting.

11:53 <Finwe> The assembler instructions involved are imul, add, shl and lea.

11:54 <Finwe> What the processor does is probably known by the manufacturer alone.

11:54 <Finwe> Intel in this case. 68k assembler, for instance, looks a bit different.

11:55 <Cepheid> Yep.

12:02 *** Joins: Lumindia_ (quassel@Pony-45lvcs.pbg.ptd.net)

12:03 * Finwe hats on Lumindia_.

12:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Comic: The Hero of All / Digital Life / The Darkness 1-2 / Moderation / What About The Future? 7 [ http://tinyurl.com/vyt2u4t ]

12:08 <Cepheid> ... Not a bug I'm seeing, just a side effect of using exact integer positioning.

12:12 <Cepheid> There is however a bug, that I am aware of only because I programmed it in, technically.  The only other way to become aware of it is to do a frame-by-frame analysis and some mathematics.

12:16 <Cepheid> Hilariously, I would have to fix this, because people would actually do just that, notice it, and complain.  Speedrunners, in particular.

12:24 <Cepheid> La-Mulana uses a 640x480 screen.  Each tile on the screen is 10x10 pixels, meaning 64x48 tiles per secreen.

12:25 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-tpdjag.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

12:36 *** Joins: Dranae (Scootaloo@I.Will.Fly.Higher)

12:42 * Jackie_ pets Lumindia_

12:42 <Cepheid> Looks like our professor, Lameza, moves 1 pixel per frame at default speed.

12:43 <Cepheid> ... Which doesn't seem right, since a full screen is 640 pixels, which means he'd take 10.66 seconds to cross the screen.

12:43 *** Quits: Lumindia_ (quassel@Pony-45lvcs.pbg.ptd.net) (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)

12:43 <Cepheid> I don't think VLC is co-operating with me here.

12:43 <Lumindia> wwait why did I have TWO of them active?

12:43 <Lumindia> h e c k

12:44 * Jackie_ still pets Lumindia

12:44 * Lumindia licks

12:45 * Finwe noms on Lumindia's tail.

12:47 <Cepheid> Schism, you know what the most difficult part of making a La-Mulana-like is?

12:47 <Cepheid> Figuring out how to implement both the ingame map, and the physical world structure itself.

12:49 <ConfusionRift> Yeah, once the corridor is sealed, that's that. There's a bit of a workaround for Ancient Chaos, but it's useless if you didn't know prior to it.

12:50 <Cepheid> Access it through the aligned corridor, yeah.

12:50 <Cepheid> But the problem is after all corridors are aligned, it's closed off completely.

12:50 <Cepheid> Which means the only way to get that special chest is in a new game.

12:51 <ConfusionRift> There's a prayer point there. If you activate it, it will remain as a porting spot, till you over write it.

12:51 <Cepheid> There's that, too.

12:51 <ConfusionRift> SUPPOSEDLY, there's a way to it somewhere. But I can't find it for the life of me.

12:52 <Cepheid> As for my above mentioned problem, the issue is straightforward.  La-Mulana is non-Euclidean in nature.  In more ways than one.

12:52 * ConfusionRift wonders... "I doubt this is a thing, but let's see."

12:53 <Cepheid> The simplest implementation of what LM and LM2 do is to assign each edge a connecting "room"

12:53 <Cepheid> Or rather, ID to a connecting room.

12:53 <Cepheid> Such that, when you touch that edge, it transitions to that room.  What happens if you assign it the same room that the connection is it?  You appear in the same room, on the opposite side.

12:53 <Cepheid> This would implement the infinite pit in the Chamber of Birth.

12:54 <Cepheid> It'd also be usable for the looping in the Gate of Guidance for the Grail.

12:54 <Cepheid> And it'd also work for the connection between the stopper in the Spring in the Sky and the floodgate for the Tower of the Goddess.

12:54 <Cepheid> At the same time though, how are in-game maps constructed?

12:55 <Cepheid> One would assume that it's arbitrary, or that the map is constructed from the LOGICAL, visual connections that you can see.

12:55 <Cepheid> Which seems to be the most logical approach.

12:57 <Cepheid> Connections between fields are different.  They aren't treated as transitions between rooms.  They're basically physical objects that the player interacts with.

12:58 <Cepheid> In theory, it's possible for each such connection to lead to arbitrary zones.  And in fact, the randomizer does this.  Each connection leads to an arbitrary field.  This leads to weirdness like the two entrances to the Chamber of Extinction in the Temple of the Sun leading to different fields.

12:59 <ConfusionRift> Well, that resolves the ladder of mystery. Sorry to spoil this for you, Cepheid. but the ladder that leads up in the Gate of Guidance is useless. Apparently, if you manage to climb it, there will be a transition... and then the game will crash.

12:59 <Cepheid> Huh.

12:59 <Cepheid> So that map bit is probably just a result of their being a transition object.

13:00 <Cepheid> It's only there because the game automatically places it for each field transition object.  It the object has no connecting field, it'll still be shown as a transition object anyways.

13:01 <ConfusionRift> I think they grabbed the old maps to save time, and just cropped them and blocked sections. Something tells me that was gonna be used for something, and then got scrapped. Instead of removing the transition object, they just blocked it off. :P

13:02 <Cepheid> Probably.

13:02 <Cepheid> Which means then that the game's Hell Temple is elsewhere.

13:02 <Cepheid> Likely involves dev rooms like last time.

13:03 * Cepheid hums. Wonders if he should add an extra byte to the tile definitions to select a given tileset.

13:04 <Cepheid> In this way, I can select any field tileset(or arbitrary tileset, rather), for any area, for any tile.

13:04 <Cepheid> Given tilesets are stored in 1024x1024 textures, are 10x10 pixels in size(resulting in 10404 tiles possible per image), keeping a large number of them loaded into system and GPU memory isn't a problem.

13:06 <Cepheid> Absolute worst case, that is, 255 such images, would be like, 1 GiB of data maximum.

13:06 <Cepheid> And 255 * 10404 is 2,653,020 tiles.  A little excessive.

13:06 <Cepheid> Actually that should be 256.

13:06 <Cepheid> 2,663,424.

13:09 <Cepheid> 2,663,424 is more tiles than anyone will ever need in a game. *Channels fake Bill Gates quote*

13:14 <ConfusionRift> Well... this guy ain't fun.

13:17 * PrincessRainbows flops on ConfusionRift and whimpers

13:19 * ConfusionRift lightly pets PrincessRainbows.

13:19 * Jackie_ pets PrincessRainbows

13:19 <Cepheid> Which one?

13:20 <ConfusionRift> Hmmmmmm. (looks at the pistol) No. We basically skipped two bosses doing that. Just... (sighs) ...one more go!

13:20 <ConfusionRift> Heindall.

13:20 * PrincessRainbows whinnies

13:21 <Cepheid> Ah, that.

13:21 <Cepheid> He's actually got a sort of pattern and set behaviour to him.

13:21 <Cepheid> A fairy helps, too.

13:24 * Jackie_ gives PrincessRainbows a popsicle

13:25 * PrincessRainbows yays and lickies

13:31 <ConfusionRift> I find it FUNNY that when I found something out it becomes useless due to some garbage.

13:34 <ConfusionRift> Done.

13:34 <ConfusionRift> That wasn't fun, but whatever.

13:35 <ConfusionRift> Mjolnir absorbs the hits from the barriers

13:41 <Lumindia> \/n

13:41 <Lumindia> *licks Jackie*

13:52 <Cepheid> Character is... 22 pixels high.  Official metric height is 1.85m.  That makes 1 meter approximately 11.891 pixels.  Gravity is 9.8 m/s.  That's approximately 116.5318 pixels/s.  There are 60 ticks in a second for the logic.  That makes gravity per tick approximately equal to... 1.9422 pixels/tick.

13:54 <Cepheid> In integer units, that's... 1,9422 units.

13:54 <ConfusionRift> Interesting. There's a glossary entry you find early on in reference to an enemy that signifies the true end. They're just showing up.

13:56 *** Joins: ConfusionRift2 (ConfusionRi@Pony-pl1.irn.56.193.IP)

13:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift2

13:56 <Cepheid> Which entry?

13:57 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-pl1.irn.56.193.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ConfusionRift2)))

13:57 *** ConfusionRift2 is now known as ConfusionRift

13:58 <ConfusionRift> Jotun.

13:59 <Cepheid> Well, arguably, the End is pretty obviously going to come in the game.  Norse Mythology has a defined beginning and end, effectively.

13:59 <Cepheid> Anyone familiar with it knows where this game will go.

13:59 <Cepheid> It'll end in Ragnarok.

14:00 <Cepheid> That said, the game's version of Ragnarok is entirely different.

14:01 <Cepheid> Ah, those monsters.  Yeah.

14:01 <Cepheid> I gather then, you've induced Ragnarok.

14:01 <Cepheid> You only see those *YAY*s when Ragnarok is in effect.

14:03 * ConfusionRift nods and shows Cepheid this amber like crystal thing.

14:03 <Cepheid> Heh.

14:03 <Cepheid> So you;'re almost there.

14:04 * Cepheid plays Tearless Challenger.

14:04 * Cepheid hums to the opening of Tearless Challenger. "DUN DUN, DUN, DUN DUN! DUN DUN, DUN, DUN DUN!"

14:06 * ConfusionRift IMMEDIATELY recognizes the layout of the first two rooms. "Noooooo! WHY THIS?!"

14:06 <ConfusionRift> Yep, time for a breaaak!

14:07 <Cepheid> I called it.

14:07 <Cepheid> You went **** this.

14:08 <Cepheid> Trust me, I did it myself.

14:08 <Cepheid> I saw that and went "... Nope."

14:08 <Cepheid> If it's any consolation, it's only a subset, and doesn't involve most of the puzzles.  There's still a lot of bull**** though.

14:09 <ConfusionRift> It's too late to be dealing with that madness right now.

14:09 <Cepheid> I don't blame you.

14:09 <ConfusionRift> Well... got a new garb? (shrugs)

14:09 <Cepheid> Seriously though. a majority of it is easy.  Only two rooms gave me trouble.

14:09 <Cepheid> There's a room where you have to drop, then climb back up.  It's got two annoying enemies in it that makes it difficult.

14:09 <ConfusionRift> Cool thing you keep those regardless of the save file.

14:10 <Cepheid> The other room is the Claw room.

14:10 <Cepheid> For whatever damned reason, Naramura included the Claw room.

14:10 <Cepheid> There are, in fact, shortcuts too.

14:10 <ConfusionRift> There's always a badly placed enemy. (sighs) There's a reason why it's called Spiral Hell.

14:10 <Cepheid> And unlike LM1, thank the gods, there's no Fairy Stone, and on top of that?

14:11 <Cepheid> The grail point(Yes, one exists in it) is right before the boss room.

14:11 <Cepheid> So if you make it to the grail point, voila, you're done.

14:11 <ConfusionRift> Right. Before. The boss room.

14:11 <Cepheid> You never have to go through it all again.

14:11 <Cepheid> Like I said, there's shortcuts.

14:12 <Cepheid> As in, you open the shortcut, and you can just enter the Spiral Hell, and use that shortcut IMMEDIATELY to get to the halfway point.

14:12 <Cepheid> So, in all, it's not as bad as it looks.

14:12 <Cepheid> It's still annoying with the large number of enemies, those two rooms, and one other aspect, but overall, it's relatively tame compared to the original.

14:13 <Cepheid> Like, there's no floors to fall through, no weight puzzles, no floors opening up beneath you causing you to fall into a room that you have to clear *EACH AND EVERY TIME YOU FALL INTO IT*.

14:14 <Cepheid> It's just the appearance meant to instill rage and fear in people, and a couple of gimmicks retained from the original.

14:14 <Cepheid> What I like most about it though?

14:14 <Cepheid> It makes LM1's Hell Temple CANON.

14:14 <Cepheid> That means the Treasure that Must Not Be Seen is REAL, a CANON item in the world of La-Mulana.

14:15 <ConfusionRift> You know what? You should make a hell room too. :P Get on everyone's nerves.

14:15 <Cepheid> Oh, I plan to.

14:15 <Cepheid> It's going to be where the Naramura puzzle is, probably.  On top of that..

14:15 *** Joins: Jackie (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies)

14:15 <Cepheid> I'm adding a reference to Deceased Crab in it.  I even got his permission to do so.

14:16 <Cepheid> It'll be a tablet/tombstone that reads "Here lies Deceased Crab's sanity.  He went into hell laughing."

14:16 <ConfusionRift> And yeah, it kinda makes sense, considering there are links to both Mulana and Eg-Lana.

14:18 <Cepheid> Now then...  While realistic gravity is nice and all, it presents a problem.

14:18 <Cepheid> The player character falls *WAY* too quickly.

14:18 <Cepheid> I also need to do something about handling hitting ceilings.

14:19 <ConfusionRift> "The Architect, once sought after for what he could do for the gods. Enraged and furious of them, he created twists and turns that will drain anyone's sanity. Suffer what he suffered, and claim your price. You're ****ed."

14:21 <ConfusionRift> Good thing I got no skills when it comes to this, hence why I'm using the RPG Maker thing. But if I knew, yeah, I would leave a few "moments of not-so-happiness".

14:21 <Cepheid> Heh.

14:22 <ConfusionRift> ...actually, I could. Hmmmm. Nah, foundations first, and then the rest.

14:22 <ConfusionRift> Also, seriously, is Google down?

14:23 <ConfusionRift> Oh... never mind.

14:24 <Cepheid> A lot of services as of late have been funky, I found.

14:24 <Cepheid> Steam, for example, is having problems with download speeds.  Normally I get 15MiB/sec, I'm seeing anywhere from 4 to 10 right now.

14:25 <Cepheid> My guess is, one or more DDoS attacks are ongoing, or the quarantine is revealing just how fragile the infrastructure really is.

14:26 <ConfusionRift> I wonder that's why connections are a tad flaky here. Hmmm.

14:26 <Cepheid> The former seems probable, because I read a tweet indicating that the eShop is down.

14:26 <Cepheid> And given the quarantine causing people to stay home and game, I can totally see a few ****heads being ****s and interfering with Internet services in general.

14:27 <Cepheid> Apparently, at maximum graphics settings in DOOM 2016, at 1920x1080..

14:27 <Cepheid> The game straight up maxes out at 200 FPS.

14:31 <Lumindia> yep

14:31 <Cepheid> Goes to show how optimized their engine is.

14:36 *** Joins: ConfusionRift2 (ConfusionRi@Pony-pl1.irn.56.193.IP)

14:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ConfusionRift2

14:37 * ConfusionRift2 hears the temple calling. "No! Shut it! Will deal with you later."

14:37 *** Quits: ConfusionRift (ConfusionRi@Pony-pl1.irn.56.193.IP) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ConfusionRift2)))

14:37 <Cepheid> Heh.

14:37 <Cepheid> Go play something else.

14:37 <Finwe> Lt Cdr ConfusionRift2.

14:37 <Finwe> o7

14:37 <ConfusionRift2> Yeah... good time for sleep. Laters!

14:38 *** Quits: ConfusionRift2 (ConfusionRi@Pony-pl1.irn.56.193.IP) (Quit: Recharging the batteries. Laters! *shutdown*)

14:38 <Finwe> Sweet dreams.

14:41 *** Quits: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP) (Quit: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mircea/)

14:45 *** Quits: Jackie (Jackie@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

14:49 * Cepheid continues cleanup.

15:14 * Cepheid moves onto new classes he needs before he can continue cleanup.

15:39 *** Quits: Jackie_ (Jarva@demon.maid.pone.offers.cookies) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

15:50 <Cepheid> Okay, I need to take a break and play something.

15:50 <Cepheid> Been working on this since around 6:30 AM.

16:10 *** Quits: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-u7oomq.md.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

16:18 *** Joins: coppertiger (coppertiger@Pony-u7oomq.md.comcast.net)

16:40 *** Joins: RyuImperator (RyuImperato@Pony-mlc3gf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

16:46 *** Joins: Taoki (MirceaKitsu@Pony-7ul.gjo.113.93.IP)

17:01 *** Joins: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-jbv.ckj.58.172.IP)

17:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Fanfiction: Dreams' Horizon [ http://tinyurl.com/szttth8 ]

17:18 *** Joins: Pony|32780 (Pony32780@Pony-i454b4.cable.virginm.net)

17:26 *** Quits: Cyan_Spark (Cyan_Spark@sparks.only.last.so.long) (Quit: sparks only last so long)

17:32 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

17:32 <PinkieShy> Doctor's appointment was not kept..

17:32 <PinkieShy> I walked into the building and omg.. o_o

17:32 <PinkieShy> There was like everybody wearing masks and coughing badly..

17:33 <PinkieShy> I just went to nearest Urgent care where nobody was at and i was pretty much seen instantly :)

17:33 <PinkieShy> I hope i didn't get exposed at the regular doctor though.. omg no

17:38 <Cepheid> Yep.

17:38 <Cepheid> My clinic won't let me go in to see the doctor, now.

17:38 <Cepheid> Anyone showing even the slightest of symptoms is being told to stay the hell away.

17:39 <PinkieShy> I really scared now though.. The few seconds or minute i was in the office and heard all that before walking out..

17:40 <PinkieShy> I hope i didn't get exposed really worried more than ever.. But Urgent care was nice and everything :)

17:40 <PinkieShy> Told me stuff like if it doesn't heal come back and such.

17:40 <PinkieShy> But being on like 3 different medications is weird to me..

17:40 <Cepheid> Wash your hands, don't touch your face.

17:40 <Cepheid> You'll be fine.

17:41 <PinkieShy> I had a bottle of hand sanitizer with me :P

17:41 <PinkieShy> I probably used it like 20 times while being out

17:41 <PinkieShy> Even put a bit on my face cheeks when I was scared lol

17:42 <PinkieShy> Probably the most paranoid person there honestly..

17:59 <Cepheid> Oh my gods my eyes.

18:00 *** Quits: ADragonDreaming (IceChat9@Pony-jbv.ckj.58.172.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)

18:37 *** Joins: Ali (Ali@Pony-u2tfnr.4nua.5fca.1702.2600.IP)

18:37 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo Ali Ali

18:37 <Finwe> Good evening, my pastel-coloured equines of considerably limited dimensions.

18:37 * Ali flops over Finwe

18:37 <Finwe> Mlles Ali, Surreal_Nightmares and PrincessRainbows; Messrs Cepheid, PinkieShy and Schism.

18:38 * Finwe doffs his hat.

18:44 <Ali> Wee, 2nd death in the state

18:44 * Ali has zero worries, sad the person died but really this is getting out of hand.

18:45 <Ali> Though the other fact they haven't been telling too much if you don't read into the story

18:45 <Ali> Person was over 60 so probably had an already comprimised immune system.

18:46 * Ali nibbles on the Finwe tail.

18:46 * Finwe tail-wiggles!

18:46 <Finwe> !plot

18:46 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

18:46 <Finwe> *wigglewiggle*

18:48 <Finwe> Comprimised? That's not a valid word, I daresay.

18:48 * Finwe boops Ali with "compromised".

18:49 * Ali was never good at spelling. Noms Finwe ear now.

18:49 * Finwe ear-wiggles.

18:49 <Finwe> !plot

18:49 <DerpyBot> *wigglewiggle*

18:49 <Finwe> *wigglewiggle*

18:53 * Finwe patpathugs an Ali.

18:54 * Ali mews and leans into the pets

19:01 * PinkieShy jumps to Ali and hugs her

19:02 * Ali squeaks softly and nuzzles the PinkieShy

19:09 *** Ali changes topic to 'Welcome to #EquestriaDaily! This channel is rated All Ages | Guide and rules: http://derpy.me/EqDRules All seasons are allowed for discussion. | Stay safe everyone.'

19:13 <PinkieShy> Somebody at Doctor's Care when i was there mentioned the word coronavirus and everybody in there said 'Don't say it! XD Bite your tongue!"

19:13 <PinkieShy> They aren't even wanting people with it to go in there.

19:14 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Calpain: Fanfiction: Empty Horizons - Sea of Stars (Update Part Complete!)  [ http://tinyurl.com/y4wcnd89 ]

19:20 *** Quits: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net) (Connection closed)

20:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Fanfiction Update - March 14th  [ http://tinyurl.com/rg6n5wh ]

20:34 <Schism> All the pubs in Ireland are closed.  o3o;

20:37 <Schism> Lotsa businesses really are impacted.  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ETPXc0dXYAErihL?format=jpg&name=900x900

20:39 <Schism> And truly, tis an ill wind that never blows any good.  https://twitter.com/ikaveri/status/1239660248207589383

20:43 * Ali pounces Schism

20:44 <Finwe> Hullo, Schism.

20:44 * Finwe doffs his hat.

20:47 * Cepheid itches.

20:47 * Schism wurps.

20:51 * Ali rolls.

20:52 * Finwe royces.

20:52 <Ali> Hmmm, takes a long time to smelt iron

20:54 *** Joins: Golden (uid250033@Pony-sd90bk.tooting.irccloud.com)

20:56 <Golden> They postponed the new digimon movie...

20:58 <Cepheid> I got two servers running.  Same address and passwords as the previous one.  One is on port 27025, that's the vanilla server and the other is on port 27026.  That's the Krastorio 2 server, with a few QoL mods.

20:59 <Ali> Gonna be playing on one?

21:00 <Ali> I just need to finish up this day in SV to move over.

21:00 <Cepheid> Not today.  Need to lay down.  Boiling.

21:06 <Ali> ALso Schism, why does the fishing rod have to bounce so much when it hits top or bottom, its annoying with a fish just hangs at the very bottom and trying to get the area to stay there feels next to impossible unless its at the start.

21:07 <Schism> Because it hates you!  And it is kinda annoying, you have to slowly nudge it down.

21:09 <Schism> Hah!  https://twitter.com/JOtteWHIO/status/1239930462887346177

21:12 <Cepheid> So, I was right about where DC had to go.

21:19 * Cepheid lays in bed. Pets Spitfire while trying to keep calm after some agitating tweets.

21:24 <Schism> Siiiigh, coin chest.  X3

21:28 <Schism> Aha, Skanda.

21:30 <Golden> I got a physical copy of Dragon Quest Builders for switch

21:31 * Ali flops over Schism, she doesn't know how crazy she should get for summer in SV

21:33 * Schism forgets. "I know that hops are good!"

21:34 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto:  Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #3282 [ http://tinyurl.com/vjsussq ]

21:37 <Schism> Poor DC.  No hand scanner for him.

21:40 <Cepheid> He's going slightly crazy now.

21:42 <Schism> But just listen to how happy his laughter is whenever he gets a chest!

21:42 <Schism> A coin chest, that is.

21:42 <Finwe> o3o

21:42 *** Quits: RyuImperator (RyuImperato@Pony-mlc3gf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Connection closed)

21:45 * Schism downloads the newest version of the randomizer.

21:45 <Golden> Hm??

21:45 <Schism> La-Mulana Randomizer.

21:46 <Golden> Ah

21:47 * Ali boops Schism. "Whut do Earthquakes do in SV? Just create more litter on your farm?"

21:47 <Schism> It's not so much an earthquake as a meteor strike.

21:48 * Ali guesses further info would be spoilery so nods.

21:55 <Cepheid> Whats new with it Schism?

21:56 <Schism> Eh, nothing since you downloaded it, I think.

22:00 * Cepheid checks his temp. Then bursts into flames.

22:01 <Cepheid> 99.9

22:02 <Schism> Oh dear lord.

22:02 * Schism looks at these shops.

22:02 <Schism> Dragon bone (80), plane model (135), djed pillar (135).

22:02 <Cepheid> Heh.  That bad?

22:03 <Cepheid> Wow.

22:03 <Lumindia> I'm making mac & cheese and nopony can stop me!

22:03 <Schism> Glyph reader (110), Mekuri Master (100)...

22:05 * Ali wonders how one gets cloth

22:05 <Schism> Marnie, just to the south of you, will sell farm animals if you've built a barn or coop.

22:07 * Ali also wonders if there will ever be a way to raise your max energy level

22:07 <Schism> Without spoiling too much: yes!

22:11 * Ali nods and snugs on the Schism

22:12 <Cepheid> https://v.redd.it/a7ogkcm9t6n41

22:12 <Ali> Also Marnie isn't selling cloth Schism

22:13 <Cepheid> You presumably buy animals from her, then get materials from animals, and make cloth from them.

22:14 <Schism> Oh, praise Eris, a Sacred Orb.

22:15 <Schism> Little Brother and Big Brother have... nothing of value.

22:15 <Ali> I'm sure its a sheep and then sheer it and then process

22:15 <Ali> Which is a bit bad cause I went with wheat

22:16 <Ali> And its no good without the mill, which needs cloth

22:20 <Schism> Ahahahaha.  Ankh Jewel chest in the Gate gave me the Feather.  So I have feather and boots.

22:20 <Ali> Purple star feesh Schism

22:20 <Schism> Iridium quality!  o3o

22:22 <Ali> All I'd know is that's better than gold

22:23 <Cepheid> https://twitter.com/LuminousOcean/status/1240041094303420417?s=19

22:24 <Cepheid> What is wrong with me?

22:24 <Schism> Auuuugh.  move.exe, 170.

22:28 <Schism> Hm, Origin Seal.  This may make things simpler.

22:29 <Schism> I can pretty much clear the Spring with this.

22:34 <Schism> Oh right.  No helmet.

22:41 <Schism> F. Whip.  This game just became trivial.

22:43 <Schism> Pendant.  o3o

22:44 <Schism> For 110 gold, of course.

22:50 <Lumindia> H e c k

22:51 <Schism> Fairy clothes, eh?  170 gold.

22:53 * Schism hecks a bit less now with the Scripture. o3o

22:54 <Ali> ... I got a garbage can hat

22:54 <Schism> Pff.  X3

22:57 <Schism> Mekuri Master was... the Birth Seal!  ... heck.

23:04 <DerpyBot> New post on Equestria Daily by Sethisto: Poll Results: Now That The Dust Has Settled, Did You Prefer Unicorn Normal Twilight or Princess Alicorn Twilight? [ http://tinyurl.com/vwajs6x ]

23:21 <Schism> Jeez.  I think I'm just about ready to kill most of the bosses... the Gauntlet!

23:33 *** Joins: PinkieShy (coolm@Pony-ck81je.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net)

23:33 <PinkieShy> Cray Cray day so far.. Hopefully now all can come to a rest..

23:39 <Schism> Death seal... shop in the Temple of the Sun has... flare gun!

23:39 <Schism> Money is no longer an object.

23:41 <PinkieShy> Walmart had more toilet paper apparently earlier..

23:42 <PinkieShy> A employee told me they had like 10 pallets of them and they sold out already..

23:42 <PinkieShy> Dog food was almost sold out again even though they just restocked.. I got my doggos a bag :)

23:42 <PinkieShy> The Laundry detergent is back in stock so :)

23:49 * Ali flops over the PinkieShy and Schism

23:53 <PinkieShy> I'm being a forget horsey today..

23:54 <PinkieShy> I had to go back to the store after forgetting to buy something the doctor told me to get myself >__>

23:54 *** Joins: Pony|28479 (Pony28479@Pony-me5fjv.tn.comcast.net)

23:54 <PinkieShy> Forgetfulness and remembering at the last minute sucks

23:57 *** Joins: FruitNibbler (Eogan@Pony-lvgllm.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)

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